economics Crossword Puzzles

satria esa pratama 2022-10-06

satria esa pratama crossword puzzle
  1. What can increase morale at work?
  2. An act or object if the act or object is not justified by an applicable statutory regulation is called?
  3. What is given after doing a job for one month?
  4. What must people do to get paid?
  5. object The difference between microeconomic theory and macroeconomic theory lies in?
  6. The science of economics is concerned with?
  7. all community needs can be met scarcity in economics?
  8. Economics that studies all economic variable in a large of broad economic scope is?
  9. economic events and solving problems the purpose of studying economics?
  1. unrelated to economics?
  2. a condition where are country's economy tends increase the prise of goods and services in the long term is?
  3. That studies human behavior in creating and creating wealth What is economics?
  4. Data in the form of population and production are included in the group of economics?
  5. Our lives night be enjoable if we?
  6. economics The science that discusses the application of economic theory in real life is called?
  7. income Examples of problems discussed in macroeconomics?
  8. Economics that studies parts of economic theory partially?
  9. Who need food, clothes, and shelter?

18 Clues: unrelated to economics?What must people do to get paid?What can increase morale at work?Our lives night be enjoable if we?Who need food, clothes, and shelter?The science of economics is concerned with?What is given after doing a job for one month?all community needs can be met scarcity in economics?...

Economics Crossword Puzzle 2021-02-04

Economics Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. economics concerned with large-scale or general economic factors, such as interest rates and national productivity
  2. unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims
  3. theory or practice of shielding a country's domestic industries from foreign competition by taxing imports
  4. entities, discrete, officially-delineated geographical area within a particular, independent sovereign state
  5. balance of trade, difference between the value of a country's exports and the value of its imports such that imports exceed exports
  6. Economics, refers to the dominant school of thought for economics in the 18th and 19th centuries
  7. surplus, amount by which the value of a country's exports exceeds the cost of its imports
  8. economics, sub-field of economics concerned with environmental issues
  1. general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money
  2. balance of trade, positive situation where a country exports more goods and services than what it imports
  3. economics concerned with single factors and the effects of individual decisions
  4. proliferation, spread of nuclear weapons, fissionable material, and weapons-applicable nuclear technology and information to nations not recognized as "Nuclear Weapon States"
  5. finance, study of the role of the government in the economy
  6. economics, economic study of urban areas; as such, it involves using the tools of economics to analyze urban issues such as crime, education, public transit, housing, and local government finance
  7. relations, study of the interaction of nation-states and non-governmental organizations in fields such as politics, economics, and security
  8. supply, total value of money available in an economy at a point of time
  9. of payments, difference between all money flowing into the country in a particular period of time and the outflow of money to the rest of the world
  10. economic theory that trade generates wealth and is stimulated by the accumulation of profitable balances, which a government should encourage by means of protectionism
  11. business conducted or services offered by a bank
  12. economics, seeks to understand the functioning and dynamics of the markets for wage labor

20 Clues: business conducted or services offered by a bankfinance, study of the role of the government in the economygeneral increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of moneyeconomics, sub-field of economics concerned with environmental issuessupply, total value of money available in an economy at a point of time...

Economics Crossword Puzzle 2023-06-22

Economics Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. economics, the application of economic theory in optimizing the production and distribution of food and fiber
  2. organization, a field that builds on the theory of the firm by examining the structure of firms and markets
  3. proliferation, the spread of nuclear weapons
  4. balance of trade, imports of a country exceed its exports
  5. large-scale economic factors
  6. of payments, the difference in the total value between payments made in and out of a country
  7. trade, the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories
  8. transferable merchandise
  9. finance, the study of the role of the government in economics
  1. a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money
  2. economics, a branch of economics that uses microeconomic techniques to evaluate well-being at the aggregate level
  3. the percentage of people who are out of work and actively seeking new work
  4. of mass destruction, a biological or radioactive weapon that can cause widespread death
  5. economics, type of economics that was popular in the 19th century
  6. an economic theory stating that trade generates wealth
  7. balance of trade, exports of a country exceed its imports
  8. an economic policy in which a country restricts or taxes imports
  9. supply, total amount of money in circulation in a country
  10. economics, the functioning and dynamics of the markets for wage labor
  11. surplus, where a country's exports exceed its imports

20 Clues: transferable merchandiselarge-scale economic factorsproliferation, the spread of nuclear weaponssurplus, where a country's exports exceed its importsan economic theory stating that trade generates wealthbalance of trade, imports of a country exceed its exportsbalance of trade, exports of a country exceed its imports...

Economics Crossword Puzzle 2023-06-22

Economics Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. economics concerned with large-scale or general economic factors, such as interest rates and national productivity
  2. unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims
  3. theory or practice of shielding a country's domestic industries from foreign competition by taxing imports
  4. entities, discrete, officially-delineated geographical area within a particular, independent sovereign state
  5. balance of trade, difference between the value of a country's exports and the value of its imports such that imports exceed exports
  6. Economics, refers to the dominant school of thought for economics in the 18th and 19th centuries
  7. surplus, amount by which the value of a country's exports exceeds the cost of its imports
  8. economics, sub-field of economics concerned with environmental issues
  1. general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money
  2. balance of trade, positive situation where a country exports more goods and services than what it imports
  3. economics concerned with single factors and the effects of individual decisions
  4. proliferation, spread of nuclear weapons, fissionable material, and weapons-applicable nuclear technology and information to nations not recognized as "Nuclear Weapon States"
  5. finance, study of the role of the government in the economy
  6. economics, economic study of urban areas; as such, it involves using the tools of economics to analyze urban issues such as crime, education, public transit, housing, and local government finance
  7. relations, study of the interaction of nation-states and non-governmental organizations in fields such as politics, economics, and security
  8. supply, total value of money available in an economy at a point of time
  9. of payments, difference between all money flowing into the country in a particular period of time and the outflow of money to the rest of the world
  10. economic theory that trade generates wealth and is stimulated by the accumulation of profitable balances, which a government should encourage by means of protectionism
  11. business conducted or services offered by a bank
  12. economics, seeks to understand the functioning and dynamics of the markets for wage labor

20 Clues: business conducted or services offered by a bankfinance, study of the role of the government in the economygeneral increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of moneyeconomics, sub-field of economics concerned with environmental issuessupply, total value of money available in an economy at a point of time...

Economics Crossword Puzzle 2021-02-04

Economics Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. economics, the application of economic theory in optimizing the production and distribution of food and fiber
  2. organization, a field that builds on the theory of the firm by examining the structure of firms and markets
  3. proliferation, the spread of nuclear weapons
  4. balance of trade, imports of a country exceed its exports
  5. large-scale economic factors
  6. of payments, the difference in the total value between payments made in and out of a country
  7. trade, the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories
  8. transferable merchandise
  9. finance, the study of the role of the government in economics
  1. a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money
  2. economics, a branch of economics that uses microeconomic techniques to evaluate well-being at the aggregate level
  3. the percentage of people who are out of work and actively seeking new work
  4. of mass destruction, a biological or radioactive weapon that can cause widespread death
  5. economics, type of economics that was popular in the 19th century
  6. an economic theory stating that trade generates wealth
  7. balance of trade, exports of a country exceed its imports
  8. an economic policy in which a country restricts or taxes imports
  9. supply, total amount of money in circulation in a country
  10. economics, the functioning and dynamics of the markets for wage labor
  11. surplus, where a country's exports exceed its imports

20 Clues: transferable merchandiselarge-scale economic factorsproliferation, the spread of nuclear weaponssurplus, where a country's exports exceed its importsan economic theory stating that trade generates wealthbalance of trade, imports of a country exceed its exportsbalance of trade, exports of a country exceed its imports...

School Fun 2017-02-16

School Fun crossword puzzle
  1. Lunch
  2. Sports
  3. English
  4. Biology
  5. Economics
  6. Algebra
  7. Literature
  8. Earth
  9. Computers
  10. Gym
  11. History
  1. Cooking
  2. Bus
  3. Science
  4. Foods
  5. Walmart
  6. Chemistry
  7. Geometry
  8. Math
  9. Calculus

20 Clues: BusGymMathLunchFoodsEarthSportsCookingEnglishScienceWalmartBiologyAlgebraHistoryGeometryCalculusChemistryEconomicsComputersLiterature

the north 2022-03-25

the north crossword puzzle
  1. lowellsystem
  2. abolitionists
  3. urbanization
  4. samuelslater
  5. senecafallsconvention
  6. mills
  7. susanbanthony
  8. frederickdouglas
  9. rhodeislandsystem
  10. womensrights
  1. elizabethcadystanton
  2. thenorth
  3. williamlloydgarrison
  4. industrialrevolution
  5. sojournertruth
  6. economics
  7. suffrage
  8. reformmovements
  9. society
  10. immigrants

20 Clues: millssocietythenorthsuffrageeconomicsimmigrantslowellsystemurbanizationsamuelslaterwomensrightsabolitionistssusanbanthonysojournertruthreformmovementsfrederickdouglasrhodeislandsystemelizabethcadystantonwilliamlloydgarrisonindustrialrevolutionsenecafallsconvention

School Fun 2023-08-20

School Fun crossword puzzle
  1. Lunch
  2. Sports
  3. English
  4. Biology
  5. Economics
  6. Algebra
  7. Literature
  8. Earth
  9. Computers
  10. Gym
  11. History
  1. Cooking
  2. Bus
  3. Science
  4. Foods
  5. Walmart
  6. Chemistry
  7. Geometry
  8. Math
  9. Calculus

20 Clues: BusGymMathLunchFoodsEarthSportsCookingEnglishScienceWalmartBiologyAlgebraHistoryGeometryCalculusChemistryEconomicsComputersLiterature

Spelling Words for Week 09/25/23 2023-09-22

Spelling Words for Week 09/25/23 crossword puzzle
  1. the fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim
  2. a minor change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation, etc
  3. a person who purchases goods and services for personal use
  4. a quantity of something, especially the total of a thing or things in number, size, value, or extent
  5. a person whose profession is acting on the stage, in movies, or on television; hypocrite
  6. give (someone) permission to do something (past tense of allow)
  7. in economics, the process of an organization concentrating its labor and resources on a certain type of production to be more efficient and create a comparative advantage for an economy
  8. the state or experience of finding something funny
  9. in economics, the consumer's desire and willingness to buy a product or service at a given period or over time
  10. in economics, the status of a debtor who has been declared by judicial process to be unable to pay his debts
  1. in economics, the voluntary exchange of goods or services between economic actors
  2. discussed or negotiated and then accepted by all parties
  3. in economics, a product or service produced in one country but sold to a buyer abroad
  4. as the truth or facts of a situation; really
  5. in economics, an activity involving two or more firms, in which each firm tries to get people to buy its own goods in preference to the other firm's goods
  6. the action or process of adding something to something else
  7. in economics, the total expenditure a firm incurs when utilizing economic resources to produce goods and services
  8. in economics, the system of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services
  9. audibly; not silently or in a whisper
  10. in economics, the exchange of goods and services between two or more parties without the use of money

20 Clues: audibly; not silently or in a whisperas the truth or facts of a situation; reallythe state or experience of finding something funnydiscussed or negotiated and then accepted by all partiesa person who purchases goods and services for personal usethe action or process of adding something to something else...

School, Education 2024-01-09

School, Education crossword puzzle
  1. compulsory
  2. announce
  3. lecturer
  4. term
  5. cooperative
  6. examiner
  7. assessment
  8. independent
  9. gifted
  10. entrance
  11. internal
  1. humanities
  2. certificate
  3. economics
  4. graduate
  5. fee
  6. private
  7. optional
  8. suggest

19 Clues: feetermgiftedprivatesuggestannouncelecturergraduateoptionalexaminerentranceinternaleconomicshumanitiescompulsoryassessmentcertificatecooperativeindependent

Super Mini Quiz 2016-09-12

Super Mini Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. Producer
  2. Scarce
  3. Resource
  4. Economist
  5. Microeconomics
  6. Inflation
  7. Hypothesis
  8. Economics
  9. Subjective
  1. Consumer
  2. Model
  3. Objective
  4. Macroeconomics
  5. Ceterisparibus
  6. Firm
  7. Fluctuation
  8. Unemployment
  9. Household
  10. Science

19 Clues: FirmModelScarceScienceProducerConsumerResourceObjectiveEconomistHouseholdInflationEconomicsHypothesisSubjectiveFluctuationUnemploymentMacroeconomicsCeterisparibusMicroeconomics

Super Mini Quiz 2016-09-12

Super Mini Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. Science
  2. Ceterisparibus
  3. Economics
  4. Unemployment
  5. Hypothesis
  6. Resource
  7. Objective
  8. Consumer
  1. Fluctuation
  2. Model
  3. Macroeconomics
  4. Producer
  5. Firm
  6. Microeconomics
  7. Economist
  8. Subjective
  9. Household
  10. Inflation
  11. Scarce

19 Clues: FirmModelScarceScienceProducerResourceConsumerEconomistEconomicsHouseholdInflationObjectiveSubjectiveHypothesisFluctuationUnemploymentMacroeconomicsMicroeconomicsCeterisparibus

Economics 2021-02-03

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. the proportion of unemployed people
  2. a field of economics that studies the evaluates social wellbeing
  3. economics concerned with large-scale factors
  4. products in demand
  5. limited natural, human, and capital resources
  6. field of economics dealing with wage labor marker
  1. field of economics dealing with the financial impact of environmental policies
  2. exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders
  3. an economic activity
  4. an increase in prices and fall of purchasing value of money
  5. the amount by which the value of a country's exports exceeds the cost of its impacts
  6. economics concerned with individual decisions
  7. field of economics dealing with agricultural production and distribution
  8. an economic service that manages financial transactions
  9. the study of the role of the government in the economy

15 Clues: products in demandan economic activitythe proportion of unemployed peopleeconomics concerned with large-scale factorseconomics concerned with individual decisionslimited natural, human, and capital resourcesfield of economics dealing with wage labor markerthe study of the role of the government in the economy...

Economics 2022-06-09

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. meaning of ends as per Prof robbins
  2. book written by adam smith
  3. Alternative name of Microeconomics
  4. Gave the Scarcity definition of Economics
  5. a man who does all activities for his interest
  1. Father of Economics
  2. Alfred Marshals definition of economics
  3. greek words for economics
  4. Adam smith definition of economics
  5. paterson first american economist to win ____ prize
  6. author of "Principles of Economics"
  7. Economics is the study of ____ as per alfred Marshal

12 Clues: Father of Economicsgreek words for economicsbook written by adam smithAlternative name of MicroeconomicsAdam smith definition of economicsmeaning of ends as per Prof robbinsauthor of "Principles of Economics"Alfred Marshals definition of economicsGave the Scarcity definition of Economicsa man who does all activities for his interest...

EDUCATION 2023-03-04

EDUCATION crossword puzzle
  1. period
  2. skill
  3. campus
  4. feedback
  5. seldf-educated
  6. degree
  7. essay
  8. focus
  9. assessment
  10. timetable
  11. trainee
  12. department
  13. scholarship
  14. postgraduate
  1. kindergarten
  2. mark
  3. college
  4. undergraduate
  5. subject
  6. curriculum
  7. term
  8. economics
  9. break
  10. accounting
  11. support

25 Clues: marktermskillessayfocusbreakperiodcampusdegreecollegesubjecttraineesupportfeedbacktimetableeconomicscurriculumassessmentdepartmentaccountingscholarshipkindergartenpostgraduateundergraduateseldf-educated

Unit 1 Economics Cross Word 2025-01-13

Unit 1 Economics Cross Word crossword puzzle
  1. the amount of a good or service that is available to consume
  2. where supply and demand are balanced
  3. the type of economy where there is sole government control
  4. the maximum something can cost
  5. the people working to produce something
  6. how much something costs
  7. the branch of economics concerned with how the overall economy behaves
  8. how much of a good people are willing to buy
  9. an excess of something
  10. the type of economy where goods are traded for other goods
  11. the ability to identify and capitalize on market opportunities
  1. the father of economics
  2. resources used to produce goods and services and generate income
  3. not enough of something
  4. the study of production, consumption, and distribution
  5. the type of economy where there is a combination of market and planned economics
  6. the branch of economics concerned with how individuals and businesses make decisions
  7. the type of economy where production is determined by supply and demand
  8. the minimum something can cost
  9. the amount there is to sell of a good
  10. the physical area that contains natural resources

21 Clues: an excess of somethingthe father of economicsnot enough of somethinghow much something coststhe maximum something can costthe minimum something can costwhere supply and demand are balancedthe amount there is to sell of a goodthe people working to produce somethinghow much of a good people are willing to buy...

Fundamental Economics Problem 2024-11-12

Fundamental Economics Problem crossword puzzle
  1. study individual firms economy
  2. name for natural resource
  3. latin for "all other things being equal"
  4. second best alternative
  5. economics study human behavior
  6. statement that can't be proven
  7. unlimited
  8. simplified representation economics use
  1. type of economic system when goverment do all decision
  2. fundamental economics problem
  3. study whole economy
  4. statement that can be proven
  5. amount of product available for sale
  6. economics do experiments
  7. human efforts in production called

15 Clues: unlimitedstudy whole economysecond best alternativeeconomics do experimentsname for natural resourcestatement that can be provenfundamental economics problemstudy individual firms economyeconomics study human behaviorstatement that can't be provenhuman efforts in production calledamount of product available for sale...

Economics 2021-02-04

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. something that has grown or is growing
  2. the number or proportion of unemployed people
  3. Relations, study of the interaction of nation-states and non-governmental organizations in fields such as politics, economics, and security
  4. economics, study of how the allocation of resources and goods affects social welfare
  5. national entities, Administrative division, all administrative divisions are under the national level
  6. Supply, total value of money available in an economy at a point of time
  7. merchandise or possessions
  8. economics, study of the labor force as an element in the process of production
  9. economics, the economic study of urban areas
  10. surplus, the amount by which the value of a country's exports exceeds the cost of its imports
  11. the part of economics concerned with single factors and the effects of individual decisions
  1. the part of economics concerned with large-scale or general economic factors, such as interest rates and national productivity
  2. the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims
  3. a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money
  4. proliferation, spread of nuclear weapons, fissionable material, and weapons-applicable nuclear technology and information to nations not recognized as "Nuclear Weapon States" by the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
  5. the theory or practice of shielding a country's domestic industries from foreign competition by taxing imports
  6. belief in the benefits of profitable trading; commercialism
  7. organization, a field of economics dealing with the strategic behavior of firms, regulatory policy, antitrust policy and market competition
  8. conflict, caused or justified by differences in religion.
  9. finance, the study of government activities, which may include spending, deficits and taxation

20 Clues: merchandise or possessionssomething that has grown or is growingeconomics, the economic study of urban areasthe number or proportion of unemployed peopleconflict, caused or justified by differences in religion.belief in the benefits of profitable trading; commercialisma general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money...

Economics 2023-06-22

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. something that has grown or is growing
  2. the number or proportion of unemployed people
  3. Relations, study of the interaction of nation-states and non-governmental organizations in fields such as politics, economics, and security
  4. economics, study of how the allocation of resources and goods affects social welfare
  5. national entities, Administrative division, all administrative divisions are under the national level
  6. Supply, total value of money available in an economy at a point of time
  7. merchandise or possessions
  8. economics, study of the labor force as an element in the process of production
  9. economics, the economic study of urban areas
  10. surplus, the amount by which the value of a country's exports exceeds the cost of its imports
  11. the part of economics concerned with single factors and the effects of individual decisions
  1. the part of economics concerned with large-scale or general economic factors, such as interest rates and national productivity
  2. the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims
  3. a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money
  4. proliferation, spread of nuclear weapons, fissionable material, and weapons-applicable nuclear technology and information to nations not recognized as "Nuclear Weapon States" by the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
  5. the theory or practice of shielding a country's domestic industries from foreign competition by taxing imports
  6. belief in the benefits of profitable trading; commercialism
  7. organization, a field of economics dealing with the strategic behavior of firms, regulatory policy, antitrust policy and market competition
  8. conflict, caused or justified by differences in religion.
  9. finance, the study of government activities, which may include spending, deficits and taxation

20 Clues: merchandise or possessionssomething that has grown or is growingeconomics, the economic study of urban areasthe number or proportion of unemployed peopleconflict, caused or justified by differences in religion.belief in the benefits of profitable trading; commercialisma general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money...

Economics 2023-01-02

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. principal
  2. demand
  3. recession
  4. exports
  5. inflation
  6. disposable income
  7. imports
  8. communism
  9. capital gain
  10. unemployment
  11. money
  12. labor
  13. deficit
  14. economics
  15. asset
  1. wage
  2. bankruptcy
  3. socialism
  4. debt
  5. bondmarket
  6. tax
  7. franchise
  8. entrepreneur
  9. price controls
  10. interestrate
  11. capital
  12. free trade
  13. asset

28 Clues: taxwagedebtmoneylaborassetassetdemandexportsimportscapitaldeficitprincipalsocialismrecessioninflationfranchisecommunismeconomicsbankruptcybondmarketfree tradeentrepreneurinterestratecapital gainunemploymentprice controlsdisposable income

Schulfächer 2019-10-17

Schulfächer crossword puzzle
  1. civics
  2. French
  3. science
  4. chemistry
  5. economics
  6. biology
  7. physics
  1. computer technology
  2. environmental science
  3. wood/workshop
  4. home economics/cooking
  5. German
  6. geography
  7. art
  8. English
  9. history
  10. PE

17 Clues: PEartGermancivicsFrenchEnglishsciencehistorybiologyphysicsgeographychemistryeconomicswood/workshopcomputer technologyenvironmental sciencehome economics/cooking

economics 2018-03-18

economics crossword puzzle
  1. something required for survival
  2. a person that studies economics
  3. raw goods
  4. a study of the way an economy uses its scarce resources
  5. the branch of economics that concerns the description and explanation of economic phenomena
  1. the amount that is wanted
  2. a branch of economics concerning the whole economy
  3. a branch of economics concerned with part of the economy
  4. something not required for survival but comforts the individual
  5. a stock or amount of something supplied or available for use.
  6. the measure of how scarce a humans needs and wants are

11 Clues: raw goodsthe amount that is wantedsomething required for survivala person that studies economicsa branch of economics concerning the whole economythe measure of how scarce a humans needs and wants area study of the way an economy uses its scarce resourcesa branch of economics concerned with part of the economy...

Nature of Economics 2022-10-05

Nature of Economics crossword puzzle
  1. A service
  2. The reward for capital
  3. What you have to give up to choose you first best option
  4. Economics, History, Psychology are.......
  5. Something which motivates economic agents to behave in a different way
  6. The reward for land
  7. Human made resources
  8. Caring about future generations
  9. Synonym for salary
  1. The reward for labor
  2. Economics relies on it
  3. Thanks to it factors of production can be better employed
  4. They are necessary to survive
  5. Producing more and faster
  6. The main problem in Economics
  7. Products which are tangible
  8. The reward for entrepreneurship
  9. Social science which studies how humans transform limited resources to get products in order to satisfy their unlimited needs and wants
  10. It comprises both the fertile soil and natural resources
  11. Wood, animals and water are.............resources
  12. Human resources
  13. The purchase of a capital good
  14. They are unlimited and attached to needs

23 Clues: A serviceHuman resourcesSynonym for salaryThe reward for landThe reward for laborHuman made resourcesEconomics relies on itThe reward for capitalProducing more and fasterProducts which are tangibleThey are necessary to surviveThe main problem in EconomicsThe purchase of a capital goodThe reward for entrepreneurshipCaring about future generations...

2.02 Cro 2023-02-07

2.02 Cro crossword puzzle
  1. fabrication
  2. utilization
  3. naturalmaterials
  4. resources
  5. value
  6. finalgoods
  7. require
  8. craving
  9. tangibleassets
  10. uncompromising
  11. shortage
  12. quantitydemanded
  13. supply
  14. balance
  15. overage
  1. consumption
  2. resources
  3. trade
  4. desire
  5. deal
  6. helpforconsumers
  7. wish
  8. divide
  9. inquire
  10. flexible
  11. commodities
  12. economics
  13. required
  14. budget
  15. undersupply
  16. cost
  17. peopleoperations
  18. request

33 Clues: dealwishcosttradevaluedesiredividebudgetsupplyinquirerequirecravingrequestbalanceoverageflexiblerequiredshortageresourcesresourceseconomicsfinalgoodsconsumptionfabricationutilizationcommoditiesundersupplytangibleassetsuncompromisingnaturalmaterialshelpforconsumerspeopleoperationsquantitydemanded

Economics Crossword Puzzle 2021-02-04

Economics Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the branch of economics that assesses the government revenue and government expenditure of the public authorities and the adjustment of one or the other to achieve desirable effects and avoid undesirable ones
  2. an economic indicator of a positive trade balance in which the exports of a nation outweigh its imports
  3. the decline of purchasing power of a given currency over time
  4. when a person who is actively searching for employment is unable to find work
  5. the policy of protecting domestic industries against foreign competition by means of tariffs, subsidies, import quotas, or other restrictions
  6. the part of economics concerned with single factors and the effects of individual decisions
  7. the study of the relations of states with each other and with international organizations
  8. the economic study of urban areas using the tools of economics to analyze urban issues such as crime, education, public transit, housing, and local government finance
  1. the study of the allocation of scarce resources, including how markets function and how incentives affect people's, businesses' and institutions' behavior
  2. items that satisfy human wants and provide utility
  3. a field of economics dealing with the strategic behavior of firms, regulatory policy, antitrust policy and market competition
  4. a transaction in which no physical goods are transferred from the seller to the buyer
  5. the study of how the allocation of resources and goods affects social welfare
  6. the part of economics concerned with large-scale factors, such as interest rates and national productivity
  7. an field of economics concerned with optimizing the production and distribution of food and fiber
  8. the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth
  9. an industry that handles cash, credit, and other financial transactions
  10. an economic practice by which governments used their economies to augment state power at the expense of other countries
  11. the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government or the population
  12. the total amount of money in circulation

20 Clues: the total amount of money in circulationitems that satisfy human wants and provide utilitythe decline of purchasing power of a given currency over timean industry that handles cash, credit, and other financial transactionsthe study of how the allocation of resources and goods affects social welfare...

Saol na scoile 2024-10-16

Saol na scoile crossword puzzle
  1. business studies
  2. technical graphics
  3. cleaner
  4. school uniform
  5. spanish
  6. handy
  7. primary school
  8. woodwork
  9. accounting
  10. principal
  11. science
  12. home economics
  13. canteen
  14. enjoyable
  15. physics
  1. uncomfortable
  2. complicated
  3. office
  4. french
  5. secretary
  6. challenging
  7. school
  8. teachers
  9. vice-principal
  10. irish
  11. technology
  12. biology
  13. economics
  14. secondary school

29 Clues: handyirishofficefrenchschoolcleanerspanishbiologysciencecanteenphysicsteacherswoodworksecretaryprincipaleconomicsenjoyabletechnologyaccountingcomplicatedchallenginguncomfortableschool uniformvice-principalprimary schoolhome economicsbusiness studiessecondary schooltechnical graphics

Microeconomics 1 2021-06-08

Microeconomics 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Reward for labour
  2. Reward for enterprise
  3. Economics based on facts
  4. Human effort in production
  5. Physical items produced for sale
  6. Entrepreneurial ability
  7. Limited resources vs. unlimited wants
  8. Branch of economics that studies individual units
  9. Consumer willingness to buy
  1. Amount of money exchanged for a good
  2. A place where buyers and sellers meet
  3. A person who buys goods and services
  4. Reward for capital
  5. Branch that studies aggregates
  6. Essential inputs used in the production of goods and services
  7. Producer willingness to sell
  8. Intangible products provided
  9. Economics based on value judgments
  10. Machinery, buildings, and tools
  11. Reward for land

20 Clues: Reward for landReward for labourReward for capitalReward for enterpriseEntrepreneurial abilityEconomics based on factsHuman effort in productionConsumer willingness to buyProducer willingness to sellIntangible products providedBranch that studies aggregatesMachinery, buildings, and toolsPhysical items produced for sale...

subjects 2013-04-21

subjects crossword puzzle
  1. medicine
  2. history
  3. languages
  4. economics
  5. engineering
  6. design
  7. politics
  1. informationtechnology
  2. literature
  3. management
  4. geography
  5. science
  6. maths
  7. law

14 Clues: lawmathsdesignhistorysciencemedicinepoliticslanguageseconomicsgeographyliteraturemanagementengineeringinformationtechnology

History of Industrial Economics 2023-09-08

History of Industrial Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Competition Knight was instrumental in refining the ______ model
  2. _________ wrote Principles of Economics and also wrote Industry and Trade?
  3. In 1926, ___ questioned the Idea of perfect competition and developed the concept of imperfect market competition.
  4. ___'s work examines the structure of certain British industries in the context of their historical development taking into consideration significant industry trends
  5. the work of Robin Marris was extended further by Galbraith in a quite different framework named ____________
  6. this market structure emerged after product diversification was introduced and focused on power dynamics
  7. the objective of the firm is decided by its _________.
  8. Newman and Morgenson Who coined the term industrial economics for the first time?
  1. which development economist who focused on entrepreneurship, innovation and analysis of competition had a profound impact on contemporary industrial economics.
  2. ___ provided a very clear description of manufacturing industries and the historical pattern of growth they followed
  3. MC= MR is the maximisation of __________________.
  4. The impact of ____ 's work on industrial economics was regarded as the single most important antecedent of contemporary industrial economics because of its contribution to concepts of duopoly, oligopoly etc
  5. conduct performance what nexus was provided by Bain as a framework for industrial analysis?
  6. price Adam Smith regarded that a product has a market price and a ______________.
  7. __ developed new theories on consumer demand based on Chamberlin's theory
  8. There were two schools of thought in industrial economics on the basis of methodological divisions. One school, led by ____, followed an abstract and deductive reasoning to test a hypothesis. The other was the historical school with an inductive approach
  9. ___ was a follower of Smith and expanded on his work to establish conditions for equating price and average cost.
  10. Adam Smith's contribution to the field of industrial economics is the analysis of product ____

18 Clues: MC= MR is the maximisation of __________________.the objective of the firm is decided by its _________.__ developed new theories on consumer demand based on Chamberlin's theory_________ wrote Principles of Economics and also wrote Industry and Trade?Competition Knight was instrumental in refining the ______ model...

Blob 2022-11-01

Blob crossword puzzle
  1. Labor
  2. Goods
  3. Butter
  4. Economics
  5. Tradeoffs
  6. Land
  7. Want
  1. OC
  2. Service
  3. Guns
  4. Scarcity
  5. Need
  6. Capital
  7. Shortage

14 Clues: OCGunsNeedLandWantLaborGoodsButterServiceCapitalScarcityShortageEconomicsTradeoffs

The Who's Who in Economics 2024-03-09

The Who's Who in Economics crossword puzzle
  1. This economist is credited for awakening the Sleeping Giant
  2. An ardent follower of Adam Smith and a key figure in classical economics
  3. This economist said 'information is asymmetric'
  4. Died a depressed man, some people say its because no one followed his theory
  5. Proponent of the Austrian School of Economics
  6. A South Asian Economist who's work includes welfare and development economics
  7. Author of 'The Road to Serfdom'
  1. Father of Modern Macroeconomics
  2. Economist who developed the Coase Theorem
  3. Discovered everyones favourite 'Phillips Curve'
  4. This professor would probably tell you that the opportunity cost of you doing this crossword is...let's not talk about it
  5. Founder of Monetarism
  6. Wrote a book titled 'The Wealth of Nations'
  7. Nobel laureate who liked theorising about games
  8. Integrated psychology and economics and came up with 'Behavioural Economics'

15 Clues: Founder of MonetarismFather of Modern MacroeconomicsAuthor of 'The Road to Serfdom'Economist who developed the Coase TheoremWrote a book titled 'The Wealth of Nations'Proponent of the Austrian School of EconomicsDiscovered everyones favourite 'Phillips Curve'This economist said 'information is asymmetric'...

Econ crossword 2022-01-28

Econ crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Microeconomics
  2. Positive Economics
  3. Marginal Benefit
  4. Labor
  5. TradeOff
  6. Goods
  7. Macroeconomics
  8. Statistic
  9. Specialization
  10. consumer
  11. Mixed Economy
  12. Nationalize
  13. Laissez Faire
  14. Cost-Benefit Analysis
  15. want
  16. Profit
  17. Opportunity Cost
  18. Incentive
  19. Communism
  20. Product Market
  21. Factor Market
  22. Global economy
  23. producer
  24. Production Possibilities Curve
  25. Socialism
  26. Underutilization
  27. Centrally Planned Economy
  1. Circular Flow Model
  2. Normative Economics
  3. Factors of Production
  4. need
  5. Utility
  6. Entrepreneurship
  7. econ
  8. Market
  9. Competition
  10. Command Economy
  11. scar
  12. Privatize
  13. Efficiency
  14. Market Economy
  15. Marginal Cost
  16. Traditional Economy
  17. Services
  18. Voluntary Exchange
  19. Consumer Sovereignty
  20. Economic Model
  21. Capital
  22. Capitalism
  23. land

50 Clues: needeconscarwantlandLaborGoodsMarketProfitUtilityCapitalTradeOffconsumerServicesproducerStatisticPrivatizeIncentiveCommunismSocialismEfficiencyCapitalismCompetitionNationalizeMixed EconomyLaissez FaireMarginal CostFactor MarketMicroeconomicsMacroeconomicsSpecializationMarket EconomyEconomic ModelProduct MarketGlobal economyCommand Economy...

Fiscal Policy Options 2013-11-19

Fiscal Policy Options crossword puzzle
  1. Productive ______: maximum output an economy can produce
  2. Government spending creates more in economic activity
  3. inventor of Keynesian economics
  4. three economists who advise the President on economics
  5. ______ Economics: asks government to change demand
  1. ______ Economics: government spending helps economy
  2. economics; Polo
  3. _____ Stabilizer: program that changes GDP and income
  4. A Patrick Weed
  5. ______ Economics: tax cuts can help economy

10 Clues: A Patrick Weedeconomics; Poloinventor of Keynesian economics______ Economics: tax cuts can help economy______ Economics: asks government to change demand______ Economics: government spending helps economy_____ Stabilizer: program that changes GDP and incomeGovernment spending creates more in economic activity...

Economics! 2021-02-04

Economics! crossword puzzle
  1. of payments / the difference in total value between payments into and out of a country over a period.
  2. supply / the total amount of money—cash, coins, and balances in bank accounts—in circulation.
  3. / the part of economics concerned with large-scale or general economic factors
  4. economics / the study of the labor force as an element in the process of production
  5. trade / the exchange of goods and services between countries.
  6. economics / the economic study of urban areas
  7. / government policies that restrict international trade to help domestic industries
  8. and services / tangible items and activities provided by others
  9. history / the academic study of economies or economic events of the past
  10. / the part of economics concerned with single factors and the effects of individual decisions
  1. / a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money.
  2. finance / the study of the role of the government in the economy
  3. growth / an increase in the amount of goods and services produced per head of the population over a period of time.
  4. people who are jobless, actively seeking work, and available to take a job
  5. org / a field of economics dealing with the strategic behavior of firms / regulatory policy, antitrust policy and market competition
  6. / the business conducted or services offered by a bank.
  7. economics / the allocation of goods and resources for promoting social welfare
  8. / economic practice by which governments used their economies to augment state power at the expense of other countries
  9. development / the creation of wealth from which community benefits are realized
  10. surplus / an economic indicator of a positive trade balance in which the exports of a nation outweigh its imports.

20 Clues: economics / the economic study of urban areas/ the business conducted or services offered by a / the exchange of goods and services between / the study of the role of the government in the economyand services / tangible items and activities provided by others...

Midterm 2024-01-16

Midterm crossword puzzle
  1. Focuses on ice cream more than the Presidency
  2. The person in charge that does not act like a leader
  3. The amount of value a person gets from goods and services
  4. A legal structure where the shareholders are separately taxed
  5. The "P" in POLC
  6. The Process of motivating individuals to achieve common goals
  7. The amount of people that want to buy an object
  8. The "O" in POLC
  1. The "C" in POLC
  2. Economics Economics; Less government is better
  3. A business owned by two or more people
  4. The amount of an object someone has
  5. The Study of Money
  6. The dude who survived on an island and taught us economics
  7. The "L" in POLC
  8. Deficit When this happens, the unemployment rate goes down

16 Clues: The "C" in POLCThe "P" in POLCThe "L" in POLCThe "O" in POLCThe Study of MoneyThe amount of an object someone hasA business owned by two or more peopleFocuses on ice cream more than the PresidencyEconomics Economics; Less government is betterThe amount of people that want to buy an objectThe person in charge that does not act like a leader...

title 2022-02-04

title crossword puzzle
  1. micro
  2. command
  3. macro
  4. production
  1. inflation
  2. economics
  3. unemployment
  4. trade
  5. incomedis
  6. consumption
  7. scarcity
  8. marketec
  9. equil

13 Clues: microtrademacroequilcommandscarcitymarketecinflationeconomicsincomedisproductionconsumptionunemployment

Let's guess the name!! 2018-06-09

Let's guess the name!! crossword puzzle
  1. She is the first woman to win the Nobel prize in Economics Sciences.
  2. He gave the relationship between inflation and unemployment
  3. Author of the book "An Essay on the Principle of Population"
  4. His most famous work is Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (1817).
  5. The mathematician who won the Nobel Prize in economics. His contribution helped `Game Theory’ gain popularity.
  6. The first American to win the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. Economic historian Randall E. Parker has called him the "Father of Modern Economics"
  7. Author of The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (1935–36),
  8. Author of the book "Principles of Economics (1890)"
  9. He developed the permanent income hypothesis (PIH) in his 1957 book A Theory of the Consumption Function.
  10. He was famous for his theories about capitalism and communism. He wrote "The Communist Manifesto" in 1848 and "Das Kapital"
  1. He formulated the quantity theory of money in terms of the "equation of exchange"
  2. Author of "Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy"
  3. In 2017, he was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his contributions to behavioural economics.
  4. Indian economist who was awarded the 1998 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his contributions to welfare economics and social choice theory.
  5. He is best known for The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759) and An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776).
  6. Best known for the concept that the allocation of resources is achieved when it is not possible to make anyone better off without making someone else worse off.
  7. He won the 1992 Nobel Prize in Economics for his microeconomic analysis of human behavior and interaction.

17 Clues: Author of the book "Principles of Economics (1890)"He gave the relationship between inflation and unemploymentAuthor of the book "An Essay on the Principle of Population"She is the first woman to win the Nobel prize in Economics Sciences.Author of The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (1935–36),...

Economics 2014-02-03

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. labor
  2. - questions all economies try to answer
  3. one unit change
  4. economic model of how resources are used
  5. economics of large countries
  6. money
  7. kind of OC but going for lesser quality
  1. social science that studies use of limited resources
  2. land
  3. businessman, investor
  4. labor, capital, entrpreneurship, land
  5. either/or choice
  6. limited resources
  7. economics of individuals and business

14 Clues: landlabormoneyone unit changeeither/or choicelimited resourcesbusinessman, investoreconomics of large countrieslabor, capital, entrpreneurship, landeconomics of individuals and business- questions all economies try to answerkind of OC but going for lesser qualityeconomic model of how resources are used...

title 2022-02-04

title crossword puzzle
  1. micro
  2. command
  3. macro
  4. production
  1. inflation
  2. economics
  3. unemployment
  4. trade
  5. incomedis
  6. consumption
  7. scarcity
  8. marketec
  9. equil

13 Clues: microtrademacroequilcommandscarcitymarketecinflationeconomicsincomedisproductionconsumptionunemployment

Economics 2025-03-20

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. More governmental control
  2. Supply and demand affects its quality
  3. The term that was used for the government to stay out of the economy
  4. the position or status of being a citizen of a particular country.
  5. Less governmental control
  6. Unions an organisation of workers that acts to protect workers’ rights and interests
  7. A cessation of work by workers
  8. The buying and selling in the marketplace is what is which economy
  9. In economics, the part of the economy owned and controlled by businesses and individuals
  10. A multiplayer economics-themed board game.
  1. The study of the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services
  2. This system is decided through competition
  3. Negotiating as a group
  4. Producers create products and what
  5. Those who use products and services
  6. When we compete to make money
  7. In economics, the part of the economy owned and controlled by the government and paid for by
  8. Its economy is a mixed economy
  9. The wants and needs of consumers for products and services
  10. This item is paid to the government to pay for all services

20 Clues: Negotiating as a groupMore governmental controlLess governmental controlWhen we compete to make moneyIts economy is a mixed economyA cessation of work by workersProducers create products and whatThose who use products and servicesSupply and demand affects its qualityThis system is decided through competition...

Economics concepts 2013-04-14

Economics concepts crossword puzzle
  1. He termed a certain kind of management as “Oeconomicus”
  2. The condition wherein most things that people want are available only in limited supply
  3. He introduced the economic concept of efficiency
  4. In French, this means “free economics”
  5. This encompassed the activities of money-making as well as some aspects of production
  6. These are finished goods
  7. Economic goods in the form of material goods
  8. This dealt with the production and consumption of goods
  9. He introduced the concept of specialization
  10. Refers to a person’s desires or preferences
  11. His contribution to economics was his theory on population
  1. These are goods that give prestige to the owner
  2. A group of economists who believed that the wealth of a nation was derived from the value of land agriculture or land development
  3. He divided the concerns of economics into two different fields
  4. It is the reason for justification of society
  5. Ratio of outputs to inputs
  6. Father of International Trade
  7. The prosperity of a nation depends upon its supply of capital
  8. Economic goods in the form of services
  9. Father of Economics

20 Clues: Father of EconomicsThese are finished goodsRatio of outputs to inputsFather of International TradeIn French, this means “free economics”Economic goods in the form of servicesHe introduced the concept of specializationRefers to a person’s desires or preferencesEconomic goods in the form of material goodsIt is the reason for justification of society...

chapter 20-21 2023-02-23

chapter 20-21 crossword puzzle
  1. epidemiology
  2. pathogens
  3. dose
  4. environmental statement
  5. host
  6. dose-response
  7. lobbying
  8. vectors
  1. sustainability
  2. particulates
  3. riskassessment
  4. toxicology
  5. economics

13 Clues: dosehostvectorslobbyingpathogenseconomicstoxicologyepidemiologyparticulatesdose-responsesustainabilityriskassessmentenvironmental statement

Economics 2021-02-10

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. finance, the study of the role of the government in the economy
  2. organizations, an organization established by a treaty or other instrument governed by international law and possessing its own international legal by personality
  3. economics, using the tools of economics to analyze urban issues such as crime, education, public transit, housing, and local government finance
  4. a branch of economics that studies the behavior of individuals and firms in making decisions regarding the allocation of scarce resources and the interactions among these individuals and firms.
  5. the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives
  6. the economic policy of restricting imports from other countries through methods such as tariffs on imported goods, import quotas, and a variety of other government regulations
  7. economics, an area of economics that studies the financial impact of environmental policies
  8. an economic policy that is designed to maximize the exports and minimize the imports for an economy
  9. economics, seeks to understand the functioning and dynamics of the markets for wage labor
  10. items that satisfy human wants and provide utility
  1. a branch of economics dealing with the performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of an economy as a whole
  2. a financial institution that accepts deposits from the public and creates a demand deposit while simultaneously making loans
  3. trade, the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories because there is a need or want of goods or service
  4. growth, an increase in the production of goods and services over a specific period
  5. development, he process by which the economic well-being and quality of life of a nation, region, local community, or an individual are improved according to targeted goals and objectives
  6. a transaction in which no physical goods are transferred from the seller to the buyer
  7. conflict, religious violence or intolerance that may lead to war
  8. a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money
  9. surplus, an economic measure of a positive balance of trade, where a country's exports exceed its imports
  10. supply, total value of money available in an economy at a point of time

20 Clues: items that satisfy human wants and provide utilityfinance, the study of the role of the government in the economyconflict, religious violence or intolerance that may lead to wara general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of moneysupply, total value of money available in an economy at a point of time...

Economics 2021-02-10

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. a transaction in which no physical goods are transferred from the seller to the buyer
  2. items that satisfy human wants and provide utility
  3. economics, using the tools of economics to analyze urban issues such as crime, education, public transit, housing, and local government finance
  4. a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money
  5. a financial institution that accepts deposits from the public and creates a demand deposit while simultaneously making loans
  6. economics, seeks to understand the functioning and dynamics of the markets for wage labor
  7. economics, an area of economics that studies the financial impact of environmental policies
  8. conflict, religious violence or intolerance that may lead to war
  9. development, he process by which the economic well-being and quality of life of a nation, region, local community, or an individual are improved according to targeted goals and objectives
  10. an economic policy that is designed to maximize the exports and minimize the imports for an economy
  1. the economic policy of restricting imports from other countries through methods such as tariffs on imported goods, import quotas, and a variety of other government regulations
  2. a branch of economics that studies the behavior of individuals and firms in making decisions regarding the allocation of scarce resources and the interactions among these individuals and firms.
  3. trade, the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories because there is a need or want of goods or service
  4. finance, the study of the role of the government in the economy
  5. a branch of economics dealing with the performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of an economy as a whole
  6. surplus, an economic measure of a positive balance of trade, where a country's exports exceed its imports
  7. organizations, an organization established by a treaty or other instrument governed by international law and possessing its own international legal by personality
  8. supply, total value of money available in an economy at a point of time
  9. growth, an increase in the production of goods and services over a specific period
  10. the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives

20 Clues: items that satisfy human wants and provide utilityfinance, the study of the role of the government in the economyconflict, religious violence or intolerance that may lead to wara general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of moneysupply, total value of money available in an economy at a point of time...

economics 2021-02-11

economics crossword puzzle
  1. A producer who has enough market power to influence prices
  2. a person or thing that eats or uses something.
  3. a for-profit business
  4. a country or state
  5. the activity or condition of striving to gain or win something
  6. an organisation or a person's regular occupation, profession, or trade.
  7. - comp. imperfect competition
  8. a person who makes a purchase.
  9. money received
  10. the state of having paid work.
  11. merchandise or possessions.
  12. a person who sells something.
  1. substance that is manufactured or refined for sale.
  2. ability to avoid wasting materials, energy, efforts, money, and time
  3. the payment of a specified sum before it can be acquired or done.
  4. a part or portion of a larger amount which is divided among a number of people, or to which a number of people contribute.
  5. an exclusive possession or control of a supply/trade
  6. replacement of a use or product
  7. a system supplying a public need
  8. the state of a country or region in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services and the supply of money
  9. he city or town that functions as the seat of government and administrative centre of a country or region
  10. an advantage or profit gained from
  11. a current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes; coins and banknotes collectively.
  12. a situation in which two suppliers dominate the market for a commodity or service.
  13. a market is shared by a small number of producers or sellers.

25 Clues: money receiveda country or statea for-profit businessmerchandise or possessions.a person who sells something.- comp. imperfect competitiona person who makes a purchase.the state of having paid work.replacement of a use or producta system supplying a public needan advantage or profit gained froma person or thing that eats or uses something....

economics 2021-02-11

economics crossword puzzle
  1. a person who sells something.
  2. - comp. imperfect competition
  3. substance that is manufactured or refined for sale.
  4. he city or town that functions as the seat of government and administrative centre of a country or region
  5. a situation in which two suppliers dominate the market for a commodity or service.
  6. the state of having paid work.
  7. A producer who has enough market power to influence prices
  8. ability to avoid wasting materials, energy, efforts, money, and time
  9. a current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes; coins and banknotes collectively.
  10. a market is shared by a small number of producers or sellers.
  11. a person or thing that eats or uses something.
  12. a person who makes a purchase.
  13. money received
  14. a part or portion of a larger amount which is divided among a number of people, or to which a number of people contribute.
  1. replacement of a use or product
  2. relating to the allocating of resources or funds to a particular area or for a particular purpose.
  3. the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university.
  4. the payment of a specified sum before it can be acquired or done.
  5. a country or state
  6. an exclusive possession or control of a supply/trade
  7. the activity or condition of striving to gain or win something
  8. an advantage or profit gained from
  9. a for-profit business
  10. the state of a country or region in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services and the supply of money
  11. merchandise or possessions.
  12. a system supplying a public need
  13. an organisation or a person's regular occupation, profession, or trade.

27 Clues: money receiveda country or statea for-profit businessmerchandise or possessions.a person who sells something.- comp. imperfect competitionthe state of having paid work.a person who makes a purchase.replacement of a use or producta system supplying a public needan advantage or profit gained froma person or thing that eats or uses something....

Economics 2021-02-03

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. study of government activities
  2. value of money available in the economy
  3. not engaged in gainful occupation
  4. increase in prices and fall in the value of money
  5. violence against civilians due to political aims
  6. academic study of economy
  7. study of decision making of individuals and firms
  8. production increase of goods/services overtime
  9. device intended to harm citizens
  10. international exchange of capital, goods, services
  11. using economy to augment state power
  12. accounting of international transactions
  13. exports exceeding cost of imports
  1. behavior of firms, policies, and competition
  2. spread of nuclear weapons to counties w/o
  3. formal international organizations
  4. protection of industries from foreign competition
  5. studies interaction of nation/nonnation states
  6. measures to reduce risk of violence
  7. concerned with largescale economic factors

20 Clues: academic study of economystudy of government activitiesdevice intended to harm citizensnot engaged in gainful occupationexports exceeding cost of importsformal international organizationsmeasures to reduce risk of violenceusing economy to augment state powervalue of money available in the economyaccounting of international transactions...

Economics 2021-03-17

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. A bond represents a loan made by an investor to a borrower.
  2. A fallacy of subjective interpretation and perception of a situation. A mistaken mentality that one person's gain must be another's loss (three words).
  3. A more severe economic decline that lasts for several years.
  4. A sustained increase in the general price level in an economy. Inflation means an increase in the cost of living as the price of goods and services rise. It also means that the monetary value of currency decreases.
  5. The money that people and businesses pay to support the activities of the government.
  6. Paying or trading for goods or services with other goods or services, instead of using money.
  7. the process of a company increasing production of goods or services through acquisition of business (two words)
  8. An economic system in which the central government directs all major economic decisions.
  9. A business that controls so much of an industry that little or no competition exists
  10. A sum of money granted by the government, using public money to assist in payment of an industry or business.
  11. When a few businesses dominate a particular industry, eliminating other competition.
  12. An economic system providing free choice and individual incentive for workers, investors, consumers, and business enterprises.
  13. used to refer to a point at which the level of profits or benefits gained is less than the amount of money or energy invested. Also called law of diminishing returns or principle of diminishing marginal productivity (two words).
  14. An economic system in which the government owns the means of production, distributes the products and wages, and provides social services.
  15. The opposite of market equilibrium, a lack of equilibrium or stability, especially in relation to supply, demand, and prices.
  16. A strategy whereby a company owns or controls its suppliers, distributors and retail locations of the supply chain. The process of a company operating the stages of production that is normally operated by separate businesses (two words).
  1. A measure of a country’s economic performance, it is the sum of all goods and services produced in a nation in a year (three words).
  2. A proportionate saving in costs gained by an increased level of production (three words).
  3. A benefit, profit, or value of something that must be given up to acquire or achieve something else (two words).
  4. A commodity or service that is provided without profit to all members of a society, either by the government or a private individual or organization (two words).
  5. The percentage of money member banks must keep in Federal Reserve Banks as a reserve against their deposits (two words).
  6. A tax placed a particular class of imports or exports to protect domestic markets.
  7. A government’s use of spending and taxation to influence the economy (two words).
  8. Is a measure of a variable's sensitivity to a change in another variable, most commonly this sensitivity is the change in price relative to changes in other factors.
  9. An economic principle that each country should produce those goods it can make more efficiently and trade for other goods (two words).
  10. The process by which a government takes control of industry
  11. Anything that prevents an entrepreneur from instantaneously creating a new firm or business in a market (three words).
  12. A government’s control of the supply of money and credit to influence the economy (two words).
  13. An economy in which the government both supports and regulates private enterprise.
  14. An economic system which allows buyers and sellers to act on their individual interests to determine economic activities
  15. A condition that exists because society does not have all the resources to produce all the goods and services that everyone wants
  16. the combination of economic variables that are in balance. Example: When supply and demand are in balance, at the equilibrium price, the quantity that buyers are willing to buy exactly matches the quantity that sellers are willing to sell. So everybody is satisfied.
  17. The study of human efforts to satisfy seemingly unlimited wants through the use of limited resources.
  18. The policy, or belief that an economy functions best when there is little to no interference by government, and to let markets take their own course. The principle that the less government is involved in the economy, business will be better off, and by extension, society as a whole without government bureaucracy regulations (two words).
  19. Widespread economic decline that lasts for at least six months.
  20. The rate charged by a lender of money or credit to a borrower (two words).

36 Clues: A bond represents a loan made by an investor to a borrower.The process by which a government takes control of industryA more severe economic decline that lasts for several years.Widespread economic decline that lasts for at least six months.The rate charged by a lender of money or credit to a borrower (two words)....

economics 2020-04-30

economics crossword puzzle
  1. of production Raw materials used to make goods and services (land, labour, capital & enterprise)
  2. All human effort, both physical and intellectual
  3. Final users of goods and services to satisfy their needs and wants
  4. Payment per hour for labour
  5. Ability to combine all resources to make something (plan, recipe, system etc)
  6. Institution which handles money for households and firms
  7. National Company A company which operates in several countries with its headquarters in the parent country. (Apple)
  8. An organization that sells goods
  9. Income flows that are removed from the Circular Flow model. (savings, tax, imports)
  10. Income flows which are added to the Circular Flow of Income model (investment, govt. spending, exports)
  11. Organization with authority to make decisions for the population
  12. market Place where factors of production are bought and sold.
  13. Reward for the use of resources
  14. Money paid at a particular rate for the money lent
  15. Basic necessities for life
  16. National Company A company that operates in many countries with independent headquarters in each.(McDonalds)
  17. Situation where demand is greater than supply
  18. A system where all factors of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services are controlled by the government
  19. Goods and services bought from overseas
  20. Physical items used by consumer and services for a profit
  21. A system where factors of production are owned by the government
  1. Where actions by one party have impacts on another, particularly economically.
  2. Organisations that make goods and services
  3. Goods and services which we desire but don’t need
  4. Place where goods and services are bought and sold.
  5. Financial assistance given to people by the Government
  6. Payment for use of land
  7. That part of earnings not spent
  8. The study of how people use scarce resources to satisfy needs and wants
  9. An economy where people produce only enough goods and services for their own family
  10. Payment per year for labour
  11. Used to pay for goods and services
  12. Cost The cost of the next-best alternative opportunity
  13. Purchase of new capital
  14. Action of only doing one part of the process
  15. A system which allows private ownership of the factors of production
  16. market Place where goods and services are bought and sold (Coles,, Fremantle markets) Same as Market
  17. Actions done for consumers by producers
  18. Basic units used to make goods and services
  19. All resources provided by nature
  20. Payment earned by entrepreneurs
  21. Equipment used to make goods and services
  22. Compulsory government levy
  23. Goods and services sold overseas
  24. chain Complex group of firms in many countries each producing a component of a final product.

45 Clues: Payment for use of landPurchase of new capitalBasic necessities for lifeCompulsory government levyPayment per hour for labourPayment per year for labourThat part of earnings not spentReward for the use of resourcesPayment earned by entrepreneursAn organization that sells goodsAll resources provided by natureGoods and services sold overseas...

economics 2020-04-29

economics crossword puzzle
  1. Used to pay for goods and services
  2. Payment earned by entrepreneurs
  3. Reward for the use of resources
  4. An economy where people produce only enough goods and services for their own family
  5. Ability to combine all resources to make something (plan, recipe, system etc)
  6. Payment per hour for labour
  7. Action of only doing one part of the process
  8. Equipment used to make goods and services
  9. Institution which handles money for households and firms
  10. All human effort, both physical and intellectual
  11. Basic necessities for life
  12. A company that operates in many countries with independent headquarters in each.(McDonalds)
  13. Purchase of new capital
  14. A system where factors of production are owned by the government
  15. Place where factors of production are bought and sold
  16. Situation where demand is greater than supply
  17. That part of earnings not spent
  18. All resources provided by nature
  19. Organization with authority to make decisions for the population
  20. A company which operates in several countries with its headquarters in the parent country. (Apple)
  1. Place where goods and services are bought and sold (Coles,, Fremantle markets) Same as Market
  2. Income flows which are added to the Circular Flow of Income model (investment, govt. spending, exports)
  3. Goods and services bought from overseas
  4. Financial assistance given to people by the Government
  5. Physical items used by consumer and services for a profit
  6. An organization that sells goods
  7. Actions done for consumers by producers
  8. Goods and services which we desire but don’t need
  9. Final users of goods and services to satisfy their needs and wants
  10. chain Complex group of firms in many countries each producing a component of a final product.
  11. Money paid at a particular rate for the money lent
  12. A system which allows private ownership of the factors of production
  13. Income flows that are removed from the Circular Flow model. (savings, tax, imports)
  14. Payment for use of land
  15. Cost The cost of the next-best alternative opportunity
  16. Place where goods and services are bought and sold.
  17. Basic units used to make goods and services
  18. Compulsory government levy
  19. Organisations that make goods and services
  20. Payment per year for labour
  21. Where actions by one party have impacts on another, particularly economically.
  22. The study of how people use scarce resources to satisfy needs and wants
  23. A system where all factors of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services are controlled by the government
  24. goods and services sold overseas

44 Clues: Payment for use of landPurchase of new capitalBasic necessities for lifeCompulsory government levyPayment per hour for labourPayment per year for labourPayment earned by entrepreneursReward for the use of resourcesThat part of earnings not spentAn organization that sells goodsAll resources provided by naturegoods and services sold overseas...

Economics 2020-05-16

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. A Circular flow model of the economy is a graphical representation of the movement of money between three sectors.
  2. a stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively.
  3. the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.
  4. Factors of production is an economic term that describes the inputs used in the production of goods or services in order to make an economic profit.
  5. the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service.
  6. a stock of a resource from which a person or place can be provided with the necessary amount of that resource.
  7. free enterprise is a type of economy where products, prices, and services are determined by the market, not the government.
  8. the state of being a partner or partners.
  9. Absolute advantage is the ability of an individual, company, region, or country to produce a greater quantity of ...
  1. the activity of setting up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.
  2. Pure competition is a term that describes a market that has a broad range of competitors who are selling the ...
  3. Monopolistic competition characterizes an industry in which many firms offer products or services that are ...
  4. An economic system, or economic order, is a system of production, resource allocation and ... There is no precise definition of a "mixed economy".
  5. Property rights define the theoretical and legal ownership of resources and how they can be used.
  6. a regular gathering of people for the purchase and sale of provisions, livestock, and other commodities.
  7. a state of limited competition, in which a market is shared by a small number of producers or sellers.
  8. the desire of purchasers, consumers, clients, employers, etc., for a particular commodity, service, or other item.
  9. the process of concentrating on and becoming expert in a particular subject or skill.
  10. a company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as such in law.
  11. the ability of an individual or group to carry out a particular economic activity (such as making a specific product) more efficiently than another activity.
  12. a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced.
  13. A sole proprietorship, also known as the sole trader, individual entrepreneurship or proprietorship, is a type of enterprise that is owned and run by one person and in which there is no legal distinction between the owner and the business entity.
  14. the state of being scarce or in short supply; shortage.
  15. a cycle or series of cycles of economic expansion and contraction.
  16. a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money.

25 Clues: the state of being a partner or partners.the state of being scarce or in short supply; shortage.a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced.a cycle or series of cycles of economic expansion and contraction.a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money....

Economics 2021-05-14

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. : A financial institution that collects deposits from the public and extends credit to businesses and households.
  2. : selling part of the production of goods or services in the other country
  3. : A sharp downturn in general economic activity.
  4. : a person who starts a business
  5. : Rising prices of goods and services.
  6. : a situation in which one supplier has an exclusive position on a product or service offered to a multitude of buyers.
  7. : In economics, this refers to rivalry between several agents for the same market.
  8. : periodic payment, paid by an employer to a salaried employee
  9. : Excess of expenditure over earnings.
  1. : It is a fraction of the capital of a listed company
  2. : the sum of a company's sales of goods or services over an accounting period.
  3. : decrease in the general price level
  4. : Situation of a business owner who cannot pay his debts, keep his commitments.
  5. : Also called a firm, it is an organisation whose purpose is to produce and supply goods or services to a set of customers.
  6. : entry into a country of goods or services from another country
  7. : an immediate expenditure intended to increase the wealth of the person incurring it in the long term
  8. : to be prudent in spending, to set aside money for a particular purpose.
  9. : It is a practice to record all the flows, expenses and revenues of the company.
  10. : means the positive change in the production of goods and services in an economy over a given period.
  11. : the situation of a person who wants to work and has the capacity to do so, but finds himself or herself jobless in spite of searching.

20 Clues: : a person who starts a business: decrease in the general price level: Rising prices of goods and services.: Excess of expenditure over earnings.: A sharp downturn in general economic activity.: It is a fraction of the capital of a listed company: periodic payment, paid by an employer to a salaried employee...

Economics 2021-03-24

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. a short supply of stuff
  2. having a lot of supplies and certain type
  3. The choice of where people work and live
  4. keeping people safe like the cops
  5. the thing of treating people fairly
  6. a person who sells goods and services
  7. goods bought and used by consumers rather then manufactured
  8. a stock or supply of money and materials
  1. a community using more scarce things
  2. a stock exchange
  3. part of the earth with no water covering it
  4. hunting fishing farming and gathering
  5. physical work
  6. of production the building blocks of the economy The wealth and resources in a country
  7. something that is made / grown
  8. a stock market
  9. An expert at something
  10. It minimizes the waste of resources such as physical materials, energy
  11. a person who purchases goods
  12. a public need like transport water electricity

20 Clues: physical worka stock marketa stock exchangeAn expert at somethinga short supply of stuffa person who purchases goodssomething that is made / grownkeeping people safe like the copsthe thing of treating people fairlya community using more scarce thingshunting fishing farming and gatheringa person who sells goods and services...

economics 2021-05-29

economics crossword puzzle
  1. go into debt
  2. a safe place to keep your money
  3. a company or financial institution to borrow money from
  4. the money you are charged when you borrow money
  5. ensures that companies treat investors fairly
  6. the ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment
  7. always keep these when buying a service or good
  8. insures all accounts below $250, 000
  9. your standard of living when you use credit
  10. the action of buying or selling something, a business deal
  11. year mortgage will reduce the amount of interest you pay
  12. the protection or promotion of the interest of consumers
  13. buying or paying for a good or service
  1. a person who buys a good or service
  2. a home will increase in value over time
  3. spend your disposable income on first
  4. are not part of your disposable income
  5. to have a safe product
  6. makes sure that consumer rights are protected
  7. stocks that have the highest risk, but the best potential for rewards
  8. account that offers no/low minimum deposits, low interest
  9. a conclusion or resolution reached after consideration
  10. are less risky than stocks
  11. consumers should always be aware before any large purchase
  12. considered in relation to trade

25 Clues: go into debtto have a safe productare less risky than stocksa safe place to keep your moneyconsidered in relation to tradea person who buys a good or serviceinsures all accounts below $250, 000spend your disposable income on firstare not part of your disposable incomebuying or paying for a good or servicea home will increase in value over time...

ECONOMICS 2021-10-04

ECONOMICS crossword puzzle
  1. bank charges, employee wages and utility costs
  2. shows the combined quantity supplied of goods at different prices
  3. a table that shows the quantity supplied at different prices in the market
  4. the responsiveness to the supply of a product after its price changes
  5. costs of rent, salary and taxes
  6. example is the control over the sale of Tobacco
  7. the amount of a good that sellers are willing to sell and are able to sell
  1. company's increase in total production when one additional unit of labor is added
  2. states that adding an additional factor of production results in smaller increases in output
  3. table that shows the quantity supplied at each price
  4. costs of raw materials, electricity and gas
  5. an example is when a cake shop increases the number of cakes they supply when the price incresed
  6. an example is when a 10 cups of coffee costs $10 and to made another cup it would costs $0.80
  7. sum of fixed cost and variable cost
  8. graphical representation of the quantity of the product that a supplier is willing to offer at any given price
  9. measurements that describe economic units
  10. commonly levied on cigarettes, alcoholic beverages and gasoline
  11. transfer of money from the government to an entity
  12. to provide something that is wanted or needed
  13. level of production in which marginal product of labor increases as the number of workers increases
  14. the additional income generated from the sale of one more unit of good or service

21 Clues: costs of rent, salary and taxessum of fixed cost and variable costmeasurements that describe economic unitscosts of raw materials, electricity and gasto provide something that is wanted or neededbank charges, employee wages and utility costsexample is the control over the sale of Tobaccotransfer of money from the government to an entity...

Economics 2022-01-22

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. human resources available in an economy;
  2. selection; where information failure results in someone who is unsuitable obtaining insurance;
  3. good; one that has adverse side eff ects when consumed;
  4. the creation of capital goods;
  5. economy; one where market forces and government, private and public sectors are involved in resource allocation decisions;
  6. a situation where society knows best and has some right to make a value judgement;
  7. system; the means by which choices are made in an economy;
  8. natural resources in an economy
  9. of resources; where resources are deliberately moved from one product to another;
  10. mobility; the ease by which factors of production can be moved around;
  11. needs that are not always realised;
  12. mechanism; where decisions on price and quantity are made on the basis of demand and supply alone;
  13. the process of creating goods and services in an economy;
  14. debt obligations;
  15. good; goods that have some but not all of the characteristics of public goods;
  16. as more consume, the benefit to those already consuming is not diminished;
  17. a man-made aid to production;
  18. of labour; where a manufacturing process is split into a sequence of individual tasks;
  19. of production; anything that is useful in the production of goods and services;
  20. hazard; the tendency for people who are insured or otherwise protected to take greater risks;
  21. organises production and is willing to take risks;
  22. anything that is generally acceptable as a means of payment;
  23. a situation in which wants and needs are in excess of the resources available;
  24. growth; represented by a shift outwards of the production possibility curve;
  1. inputs available for the production of goods and services;
  2. economy; one that has a low income per head;
  3. possibility curve; a simple representation of the maximum level of output that an economy can achieve when using its existing resources in full;
  4. where buyers and sellers get together to trade
  5. where it is possible to exclude one from consumption;
  6. rider; someone who does not pay to use a public good;
  7. the extent to which there is an adequate supply of assets that can be turned into cash;
  8. consumption; the capital required to replace that which is worn out;
  9. the process by which individuals, firms and economies concentrate on producing those goods and services where they have an advantage over others;
  10. where consumption by one person reduces availability for others;
  11. or planned economy; one where resource allocation decisions are taken by a central body;
  12. statement; one that is based on empirical or actual evidence;
  13. statement; one that is subjective about what should happen;
  14. the process by which consumers satisfy their wants;
  15. where it is not possible to stop all benefiting from consumption;
  16. structure; the way in which an economy is organised in terms of sectors;
  17. economy; one where most decisions are taken through market forces;
  18. good; one that is non-excludable and non-rival and for which it is usually diff icult to charge a direct price;
  19. cost; the cost expressed in terms of the best alternative that is forgone;
  20. failure; where people do not have full or complete information;
  21. money; non-cash assets that can be quickly turned into cash;
  22. goods; consumed by someone and not available to anyone else;
  23. run; time period when all factors of production are variable;
  24. underpins the concept that resources are scare so choices have to be made by consumers, firms and governments;
  25. run; time period when a firm can only change some and not all factor inputs;
  26. long run; time period when all key inputs into production are variable;
  27. good; one that has positive side eff ects when consumed;

51 Clues: debt obligations;a man-made aid to production;the creation of capital goods;natural resources in an economyneeds that are not always realised;human resources available in an economy;economy; one that has a low income per head;where buyers and sellers get together to tradeorganises production and is willing to take risks;...

economics 2022-02-01

economics crossword puzzle
  1. clue7
  2. clue17
  3. clue15
  4. goods
  5. clue5
  6. clue8
  7. clue1
  8. clue9
  1. clue6
  2. clue10
  3. clue13
  4. clue18
  5. clue4
  6. clue14
  7. india
  8. clue20
  9. clue2
  10. clue8
  11. clue12
  12. clue3
  13. clue16

21 Clues: clue6clue4clue7indiaclue2goodsclue8clue3clue5clue8clue1clue9clue10clue13clue18clue14clue17clue20clue15clue12clue16

economics 2022-02-17

economics crossword puzzle
  1. products that increase the use of other products; products related in such a way that an increase in the price of one reduces the demand for both
  2. principle that more will be offered for sale at higher prices than at lower prices
  3. branch of economic theory that deals with behavior and decision making by small units such as individuals and firms
  4. something that motivates
  5. production period long enough to change the amount of variable and fixed inputs used in production
  6. case of demand elasticity where the percentage change in the independent variable (usually price) causes a less than proportionate change in the dependent variable (usually quantity demanded or supplied)
  7. type of elasticity in which a change in the independent variable (usually price) results in a larger change in the dependent variable (usually quantity demanded or supplied)
  8. product total output or production by a firm
  9. combination of quantities that someone would be willing and able to buy over a range of possible prices at a given moment
  10. situation where quantity supplied is greater than quantity demanded at a given price.
  11. broad category of fixed costs that include interest, rent, taxes, and executive salaries
  12. the monetary value of a product
  13. competing products that can be used in place of one another; products related in such a way that an increase in the price of one increases the demand for the other
  1. electronic business or exchange conducted over the Internet
  2. a graph that shows the quantities supplied at each and every possible price in the market
  3. situation where quantity supplied is less than quantity demanded at a given price
  4. production period so short that only variable inputs (usually labor) can be changed
  5. that portion of a change in quantity demanded caused by a change in a consumer’s income when the price of a product changes
  6. fuel made from wood, peat, municipal solid waste, straw, corn, tires, landfill gases, fish oils, and other waste
  7. government payment to encourage or protect a certain economic activity
  8. system of allocating goods and services without prices
  9. extra output due to the addition of one more unit of input
  10. graph showing the quantity demanded at each and every possible price that might prevail in the market at a given time
  11. amount of a product offered for sale at all possible prices in a market at a given point in time
  12. costs of production that do not change when output changes

25 Clues: something that motivatesthe monetary value of a productproduct total output or production by a firmsystem of allocating goods and services without pricesextra output due to the addition of one more unit of inputcosts of production that do not change when output changeselectronic business or exchange conducted over the Internet...

Economics 2022-02-23

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. an economic system in which deprivation occurs (7,4)
  2. Produces a negative externality(7,4)
  3. The reward for Capital (8)
  4. How well an economy is using available resources and technology during production (3)
  5. Everything else remains the same (7,7)
  6. A certain percentage of profits given out to the shareholders of a company (8)
  7. CEO of Shopee (5,4)
  8. finds value only in scarce commodities (9)
  9. Causes a shift in the demand curve (6,2,10)
  10. One of the most common market failures (8,13)
  11. when two firms dominate the market (7)
  12. Excess in supply (8)
  1. The rate of increase in price over time (9)
  2. The PED coefficient is almost always… (8)
  3. the value of the shares which are issued by a company. (6)
  4. The name of a severe worldwide economic depression that happened during the 1930s after a stock market crash(3,5,10)
  5. A period of temporary economic decline where the trade and industrial activity are reduced, this is generally identified by a fall in GDP (9)
  6. When supply outweighs demand (7)
  7. The growing independence of the world’s economies, cultures and populations (12)
  8. value of currency expressed in the number of good/services money can buy (10,5)
  9. - A Term used by the Apple co-founder Steve Jobs to describe an imcompetent employee who could damage a competent company. Jobs recommended hiring “A” players and avoiding “B” players as they would bring in “C” players to make themselves look better, leading to a “explosion”. (4)
  10. A product/service that can only be possessed by a single user (5)

22 Clues: CEO of Shopee (5,4)Excess in supply (8)The reward for Capital (8)When supply outweighs demand (7)Produces a negative externality(7,4)Everything else remains the same (7,7)when two firms dominate the market (7)The PED coefficient is almost always… (8)finds value only in scarce commodities (9)The rate of increase in price over time (9)...

Economics 2022-03-10

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. two quarters of negative economic growth in a row.
  2. the way the decisions made by households and firms interact to decide the allocation of resources.
  3. government actions or policies to restrict international trade.
  4. household income over a period of time including state benefits, less direct taxes.
  5. unemployment caused by long term changes in the pattern of demand and production of an industry.
  6. a fall in the rate of inflation.
  7. when government intervention leads to a net welfare loss compared to the free market solution.
  8. a loan to help buy a house.
  9. where resources are inefficiently allocated due to imperfections in the working of the market mechanism.
  10. people aged below school leaving age and above the retirement age of the country.
  1. a person or organization that receives benefits that others have paid for without making any contributions.
  2. total expenditure by households on goods and services over a period of time.
  3. addition to an existing course of plan.
  4. buying or selling something in the expectation of a future price change and a profit.
  5. efficiency occurring over time as a result of investment and innovations.
  6. the study of economy as a whole.
  7. the cost incurred to or the benefit received to the third party from an economic activity.
  8. large increases in the price level.
  9. when a firm splits into two or more independent businesses.
  10. the process of removing government controls from markets.

20 Clues: a loan to help buy a house.the study of economy as a whole.a fall in the rate of inflation.large increases in the price level.addition to an existing course of plan.two quarters of negative economic growth in a row.the process of removing government controls from markets.when a firm splits into two or more independent businesses....

Economics 2021-08-16

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. person who takes risk for business
  2. factors of production
  3. factor of production
  4. something that is not vital
  5. cost value lost when alt chosen
  6. equipment & factories used to produce goods & services
  7. decision marginal benefits greater than marginal cost
  8. anything that brings value
  9. study of choices
  10. one of the main factors of production
  11. good tool or equipment to produce other goods
  12. using all of productive resources
  13. of labor separating tasks in production
  1. not using all of your recourses
  2. exchange act of buying and selling freely
  3. recourses being limited
  4. cost change in cost of item
  5. Method of Distribution
  6. Benefit additional or extra benefit
  7. of PPR Land, Labor, Capital
  8. something workers are good at doing
  9. anything that takes from something
  10. something vital
  11. financial factor influencing a choice
  12. off related to opportunity cost
  13. diagram showing max & min of goods

26 Clues: something vitalstudy of choicesfactor of productionfactors of productionMethod of Distributionrecourses being limitedanything that brings valuecost change in cost of itemsomething that is not vitalof PPR Land, Labor, Capitalnot using all of your recoursescost value lost when alt chosenoff related to opportunity costusing all of productive resources...

Economics 2021-06-06

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. GDP stands for what?
  2. Largest form of debt most people have?
  3. excessive increases in demand makes?
  4. What is the opposite of scarcity?
  5. Which institution of finance offers great interest rate?
  6. What is the opposite of price equilibrium?
  7. Who protects consumer's rights in transactions?
  8. What is a basic problem in economics.
  9. Inflation and unemployment combined are?
  10. Whose power is it to test whether an economic model can benefit society?
  11. Most common types of credit?
  1. What is something always sought after?
  2. What weakness can fiscal policy fix?
  3. What is the cost of taking on debt?
  4. What factor has the greatest impact on demand?
  5. what is the thing that could benefit you by choosing something else?
  6. Taxes that affect richer people less and poorer people more is what type of taxation?
  7. which type of unemployment happens because of the time of the year.
  8. As prices increase, the quantity sold decreases is what law.
  9. which type of unemployment happens because of wanting a better job?
  10. Taxes that affect everyone the same way?
  11. Goods that help everyone?
  12. what are business people always after?
  13. if a good has many substitutes, the price is more likely to be what?
  14. Taxes that affect richer people more and poorer people less is what type of taxation?

25 Clues: GDP stands for what?Goods that help everyone?Most common types of credit?What is the opposite of scarcity?What is the cost of taking on debt?What weakness can fiscal policy fix?excessive increases in demand makes?What is a basic problem in economics.What is something always sought after?Largest form of debt most people have?...

Economics 2021-06-09

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. The act of a government lowering taxes and lifting restrictions on businesses as a way of jump-starting the economy. Popular during the 1980s.
  2. (Three words): Term for a state that looks after it’s citizens from birth to death. Associated with Social Democracy.
  3. (Three words): The two factors which explain how goods and services are priced.
  4. Economist who explained the economic cycle with inflation and unemployment during booms and busts respectively. Highly influential to FDR during the Great Depression.
  5. (Two words): Type of economic theory built around deficit spending during times of crisis. High taxation and low spending in prosperous times, and low taxation and high spending during recessions.
  6. (Two words): The way interest rates are manipulated by governments during times of prosperity or crisis.
  7. (Two words): Term for a capitalist economy that employs social safety nets and government handouts as a way of making the markets more fair.
  8. British PM who instituted laissez-faire policies and cut taxes on the wealthy in the 1980s.
  9. (Two words): Taxation policy where taxes are raised on amounts of money made above a certain threshold. Used primarily in Social Democratic countries.
  10. (Two words): Economic and political theory used by individuals like Robert Owen. Believed in complete removal of all capital and private property, and that people would work and advance for the good of society. Works in theory, less so in practice.
  1. (Two words): This motivating factor of capitalism was first developed by Adam Smith. This selfish motivation will promote a better society as others will work harder. For example, when the common person notices that the Rich spend money on luxurious yachts, cars, and homes it motivates the common person to work harder to achieve a better lifestyle.
  2. (Three words): The cycle that capitalist economies often go through. A period of prosperity followed by a recession before repeating again.
  3. The amount of money that a government has lost at the end of a year due to being unable to pay back loans.
  4. (Two words): Economic and political system using a mixed economy and high, progressive taxes. Common in Nordic countries.
  5. Foundational communist theorist, credited with inventing the movement with his book, titled “The Communist Manifesto”.
  6. (Two words): Economic crash brought about in 1929 by stock market panic. Only ended by the united effort of World War II.
  7. Economist who believed that government handouts created “easy money”, and disincentivized people from working and caused them to spend wastefully, rather than invest productively.
  8. (Two words): Economic crash brought about in 2008 by investors and bankers bundling loans and selling them to subprime borrowers.
  9. Lack of capital. Systemic problem which communism sought to eliminate.
  10. American President who played a role in lifting America out of the Great Depression by passing progressive policies.
  11. Government handout, using taxpayer money to prop up failing businesses. Especially large, “too big to fail” ones.
  12. (Two words): Type of economic theory built around little government intervention. Belief that wealth in the hands of the rich will “trickle-down” to and benefit the working classes. Synonymous with “Laissez-faire”.
  13. (Two words): The way governments spend their money and raise/lower taxes during crisis.
  14. American President who instituted laissez-faire policies and cut taxes on the wealthy in the 1980s.
  15. (Two words): Nickname for government programs created by Franklin Roosevelt during the Great Depression.

25 Clues: Lack of capital. Systemic problem which communism sought to eliminate.(Three words): The two factors which explain how goods and services are priced.(Two words): The way governments spend their money and raise/lower taxes during crisis.British PM who instituted laissez-faire policies and cut taxes on the wealthy in the 1980s....

ECONOMICS 2022-01-13

ECONOMICS crossword puzzle
  1. Goods and services produced using land, labor, and capital.
  2. A person who organizes, manages, and takes on the risks of a business.
  3. land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship
  4. the skills and knowledge gained by a worker through education and experience
  5. gifts of nature - air, soil, minerals, water, forests, plants, animals, birds, & fish.
  6. Something put into a system, such as resources, in order to achieve a result.
  7. Time and effort people devote to producing goods and services in exchange for wages.
  8. tools, buildings, machines
  9. the process of bringing together the three factors of production - natural resources, labor and capital
  10. a social science that studies how individuals, firms, government, and nations, make choices using scarce resources to satisfy their unlimited resources
  1. Cost of the next best alternative use of money, time, or resources when one choice is made rather than another
  2. the ratio of the quantity and quality of units produced to the labor per unit of time
  3. resource Resources, such as forests, fresh water, and fish that can be replaced as they are used.
  4. money used to buy the tools and equipment used in production
  5. Physical objects such as clothes or shoes
  6. The result of using resources in a way that produces the maximum amount of goods and services.
  7. How economists describe the tradeoff or opportunity cost between a nations mix of producing military and civilian goods
  8. Quality of life based on ownership of necessities and luxuries that make life easier.
  9. work that is performed for someone by someone else
  10. resource a resource that cannot be replaced

20 Clues: tools, buildings, machinesland, labor, capital, entrepreneurshipPhysical objects such as clothes or shoesresource a resource that cannot be replacedwork that is performed for someone by someone elseGoods and services produced using land, labor, and used to buy the tools and equipment used in production...

Economics 2022-04-07

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. With what do you call someone?
  2. sworn in as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board in 2006
  3. when you you are inflating something what have you done?
  4. you can buy this with money
  5. in what did hispanic women have trouble because of their ethnicity and gender?
  6. it makes you more happy, some say no
  7. when people don’t have money, what do they do?
  8. what happens when you invest your money in stocks but haven’t thought it out and invested too much money and now your scared?
  9. going back
  10. he will make you like VR
  1. what happened in zimbabwe?
  2. he is good with money
  3. how do you survive
  4. what did you earn when working in a job?
  5. which country is not kind to mexicans?
  6. who was super smart when he was alive?
  7. They take and give money
  8. person who likes to look at money and what it does
  9. when you are inflating something but it is not inflating what is it called?
  10. in other words the climax
  11. what is a slang for a Federal bureau agent?

21 Clues: going backhow do you survivehe is good with moneyThey take and give moneyhe will make you like VRin other words the climaxwhat happened in zimbabwe?you can buy this with moneyWith what do you call someone?it makes you more happy, some say nowhich country is not kind to mexicans?who was super smart when he was alive?...

Economics 2017-03-21

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. the state of being responsible for something, especially by law.
  2. A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides, in general, a new way of doing something, or offers a new technical solution to a problem.
  3. is an organization whose purpose is something other than making a profit.
  4. an association of manufacturers or suppliers with the purpose of maintaining prices at a high level and restricting competition.
  5. a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee.
  6. is the simplest and most common structure chosen to start a business.
  7. a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality.
  8. is a type of monopoly that exists as a result of the high fixed costs or startup costs of operating a business in a specific industry.
  9. the goods or merchandise kept on the premises of a business or warehouse and available for sale or distribution.
  1. Share of earnings given to a franchise as payment.
  2. the action or process of differentiating.
  3. is to divide a municipality into residential, commercial, and industrial districts (or zones), that are for the most part separate from one another, with the use of property within each district being reasonably uniform.
  4. the situation prevailing in a market in which buyers and sellers are so numerous and well informed that all elements of monopoly are absent and the market price of a commodity is beyond the control of individual buyers and sellers.
  5. secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.
  6. an extra benefit supplementing an employee's salary, for example, a company car, subsidized meals, health insurance, etc.
  7. a sum of money paid regularly (typically quarterly) by a company to its shareholders out of its profits (or reserves).
  8. the maintaining of prices at a certain level by agreement between competing sellers.
  9. an authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities, e.g., providing a broadcasting service or acting as an agent for a company's products.
  10. a thing used to tie something or to fasten things together.
  11. the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.

20 Clues: the action or process of differentiating.a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality.Share of earnings given to a franchise as payment.a thing used to tie something or to fasten things together.the state of being responsible for something, especially by the simplest and most common structure chosen to start a business....

economics 2017-03-21

economics crossword puzzle
  1. result of high fixed costs/startup costs of a operating business in a specific industry
  2. distinguishing a product from others, making it more desirable to target market
  3. portion of corporate profits paid out to stock holders
  4. extra benefit supplementing an employee's salary
  5. responsible for something
  6. state of limited competition, market is shared by small # of producers/sellers
  7. merchandise kept on the premises of a business available for sale/distribution
  8. authorization to a individual/group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities
  9. raw material/primary ag. product that can be bought/sold
  10. govt agency/corp. is the sole provider of a particular good/service
  11. market structure where competition is at its greatest possible level
  12. govt giving business a sole right to design a product
  1. has facilities/other assets in at least one other country
  2. something you own
  3. share od earnings given as a payment
  4. maintaining prices at a certain level by agreement between competing sellers
  5. agreement among firms to divide the market, set prices, or limit productions
  6. formal contract to repay borrowed money
  7. manufacturers/suppliers w/ the purpose of maintaining prices at a high level & restricting competition
  8. law set in a city/town designates separate areas for residency/business

20 Clues: something you ownresponsible for somethingshare od earnings given as a paymentformal contract to repay borrowed moneyextra benefit supplementing an employee's salarygovt giving business a sole right to design a productportion of corporate profits paid out to stock holdersraw material/primary ag. product that can be bought/sold...

Economics 2018-04-12

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. economy - Transactions in the underground economy are illegal either because the good or service being traded is illegal or because an otherwise licit transaction does not comply with government reporting requirements.
  2. resources- It includes patents, copyrights, franchises, goodwill, trademarks, trade names, the general interpretation also includes software
  3. - the effectiveness of productive effort, especially in industry, as measured in terms of the rate of output per unit of input.
  4. is one of the three factors of production. The others are land, and labor.
  5. resources - the resources used to make goods and services (i.e., natural resources, human resources and capital goods.
  6. system- system that relies on customs, history and time-honored beliefs
  7. land- land belonging to the British Crown. Land belonging to the state in some parts of the Commonwealth.
  8. - political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
  9. payments- payment made or income received in which no goods or services are being paid for, such as a benefit payment or subsidy.
  10. for enterprise - The systems used within the organization. Generally refers to the primary architecture
  11. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
  12. sovereignty - the situation in an economy where the desires and needs of consumers control the output of producers.
  13. a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.
  14. economy - an economic system combining private and public enterprise
  15. –A country run by absolute authority in any sphere.
  16. capital- already-produced, durable goods or any non-financial asset that is used in production of goods or services
  17. debt - defined as how much a country owes to lenders outside of itself
  18. recourses- include both fixed assets, such as machinery, buildings and land, and current assets, such as inventory.
  1. enterprise- business or industry that is managed by independent companies or private individuals rather than by the state.
  2. capital- is used simply to purchase goods and services for consumption; capital is more durable and is used to generate wealth through investment.
  3. the activity of setting up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit
  4. - an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
  5. of payment accounts - the record of all economic transactions between the residents of the country and of the world in a particular period
  6. - the general level of prices in an economy going down.
  7. - patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts
  8. of production - is an economic term that describes the inputs that are used in the production of goods or services in order to make an economic profit.
  9. - a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
  10. especially hard physical work.
  11. added- the amount by which the value of an article is increased at each stage of its production, exclusive of initial costs.
  12. materials- the basic material from which a product is made.
  13. economy - economic system in which economic decisions and the pricing of goods and services are guided solely by the aggregate interactions of a country's individual citizens and businesses.
  14. economy - an economy in which production, investment, prices, and incomes are determined centrally by a government.
  15. cashless economic system in which services and goods are traded at negotiated rates.
  16. -a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money.
  17. system- the means by which countries and governments distribute resources and trade goods and services. They are used to control the five factors of production, including: labor, capital, entrepreneurs, physical resources and information resources.
  18. comprises all naturally occurring resources as well as geographic land. Examples include particular geographical locations, mineral deposits and forests

36 Clues: especially hard physical work.- patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts–A country run by absolute authority in any sphere.- the general level of prices in an economy going down.materials- the basic material from which a product is made.economy - an economic system combining private and public enterprise...

Economics 2018-01-29

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. You need food. But, you ___ pizza
  2. Money that is used to buy stuff
  3. Water is more valuable than a diamond. But, diamonds cost more
  4. Work carried out for someone
  5. Physical and mental human effort used to make a product
  6. Everyone relies on eachother
  7. Person who buys goods or services to satisfy needs and wants
  8. Requirements for survival
  9. Anything a business buys that they don't make themselves
  10. Money that you make
  1. Limited resources/Unlimited needs and wants
  2. Four things we need to make stuff
  3. Individual people, families, and businesses
  4. Process of creating goods and services
  5. A good that lasts for three years or more
  6. Physical items that people purchase
  7. Things that come from nature
  8. Study of scarcity
  9. Output of goods and services increase over time
  10. How useful something is
  11. Location or network that allows buyers and sellers to exchange economic products

21 Clues: Study of scarcityMoney that you makeHow useful something isRequirements for survivalWork carried out for someoneThings that come from natureEveryone relies on eachotherMoney that is used to buy stuffYou need food. But, you ___ pizzaFour things we need to make stuffPhysical items that people purchaseProcess of creating goods and services...

Economics 2017-07-28

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. the movement of a business process done at a company in one country to the same or another company in another different country
  2. The aggregate of all human physical and mental effort used in creation of goods and services
  3. materials that satisfy human wants and provide utility
  4. the belief that economies and businesses function best when there is no interference by the government
  5. any business that uses components parts or raw materials to make a finished good
  6. The freedom to prosper within a country without intervention from a government oreconomic authority individuals are free to secure and protect hisher human resources labor and private property
  7. distinguishable from public property which is owned by a state entity and from collective (or cooperative) property which is owned by a group of non-governmental entities
  8. an economy in which production investment prices and incomes are determined centrally by a government
  9. an original economic system in which traditions customs and beliefs help shape the goods and the services the economy produces as well as the rules and manner of their distribution countries that use this type of economic system are often rural and farm-based
  10. an economic system combining private and public enterprise
  11. international movement of people into a destination country of which they are not natives or where they do not possess citizenship in order to settle or reside there
  12. an economic activity where an immaterial exchange of value occurs
  13. an economic measure of a negative balance of trade in which a country's imports exceeds its exports
  1. many excess assets including income profits capital and goods
  2. a practice used by different companies to reduce costs by transferring portions of work to outside suppliers rather than completing it internally
  3. the motivation of firms that operate so as to maximize their profits
  4. the economy of the world considered as the international exchange of goods and services that is expressed in monetary units of account (money)
  5. an economic measure of a positive balance of trade where a country's exports exceed its imports
  6. a system in which the prices for goods and services are determined by the open market and consumers in which the laws and forces of supply and demand are free from any intervention by a government price-setting monopoly or other authority
  7. philosopher and economist famous for his ideas about capitalism and communism
  8. the means by which countries and governments distribute resources and trade goods and services
  9. the capitalist class who own most of society's wealth and means of production
  10. the social class that does not have ownership of the means of production and whose only means of subsistence is to sell their labor power for a wage or salary
  11. one of the world's most famous economists modern capitalism owes its roots to him

24 Clues: materials that satisfy human wants and provide utilityan economic system combining private and public enterprisemany excess assets including income profits capital and goodsan economic activity where an immaterial exchange of value occursthe motivation of firms that operate so as to maximize their profits...

ECONOMICS 2018-11-11

ECONOMICS crossword puzzle
  1. properties
  2. lack of resources
  3. employees
  4. opposite of equilibrium
  5. paribus latin phrase meaning “other things equal”
  6. measure of a variable’s sensitivity to a change in another variable
  7. market that is dominated by only a few large firms
  8. market structure characterized by single seller
  9. second branch of economics
  10. goods that producers are willing to provide
  11. utility consumer gains from consuming one good
  1. desires
  2. consumers willingness to pay a price for a good
  3. state where supply and demand are balanced
  4. first branch of economics
  5. necessities
  6. greek prefix word “mikro”
  7. process of combining various materials
  8. investment
  9. income of employees

20 Clues: desiresemployeespropertiesinvestmentnecessitieslack of resourcesincome of employeesopposite of equilibriumfirst branch of economicsgreek prefix word “mikro”second branch of economicsprocess of combining various materialsstate where supply and demand are balancedgoods that producers are willing to provide...

Economics 2016-05-19

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. financial gain made in a transaction
  2. the point of balance between price and quantity
  3. the effort that a person devotes to a task for which that person is paid
  4. any human-made resource that is used to produce other goods and services
  5. all other things held constant
  6. businesses that specialize in trading stocks
  7. consumers decide what gets produced
  8. one's own personal gain
  9. to sell state-owned firms to individuals
  10. the additional cost of producing one more unit of output
  11. combination of two or more companies into a single firm
  12. sudden shortage of a good
  13. physical objects such as shoes or shirts
  14. tax on the production or sale of a good
  1. a product that is the same no matter who produces it
  2. claims on property or income, securities
  3. high-yield securities, are lower-rated, and potentially higher-paying
  4. any factor that makes it difficult for a new firm to enter a market
  5. something necessary for survival
  6. costs of production such as air and water pollution
  7. price ceiling placed on rents
  8. an investment report
  9. increase in income causes demand for these goods to fall
  10. the right to sell a good or service within an exclusive market

24 Clues: an investment reportone's own personal gainsudden shortage of a goodprice ceiling placed on rentsall other things held constantsomething necessary for survivalconsumers decide what gets producedfinancial gain made in a transactiontax on the production or sale of a goodclaims on property or income, securitiesto sell state-owned firms to individuals...

Economics 2019-03-29

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Store
  2. CPI.
  3. short
  4. recession
  5. Used
  6. Liquidity
  7. Convert
  8. high
  9. money
  10. extra
  11. workers
  12. quantity
  1. deposits
  2. Superior
  3. Cost
  4. shift
  5. Injection
  6. QNHS
  7. everyone
  8. tools
  9. Quality
  10. fluctuates
  11. Income
  12. refinancing
  13. Study
  14. Long-run.
  15. downward
  16. Long
  17. leakage
  18. money
  19. Domestic
  20. shift
  21. worst
  22. stabalisers
  23. Increase

35 Clues: CostCPI.QNHSUsedLonghighStoreshiftshorttoolsStudymoneymoneyshiftworstextraIncomeQualityConvertleakageworkersdepositsSuperioreveryonedownwardDomesticIncreasequantityInjectionrecessionLong-run.Liquidityfluctuatesrefinancingstabalisers

Economics 2012-05-23

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. are the raw materials provided by our environment
  2. electronic funds transfer at point of sale.
  3. scarcity not enough resources to satisfy all needs and wants ie resources are scarce in relation to how much we would like to have them
  4. durable goods goods which don’t last long eg food
  5. using the raw materials from the land
  6. of demand states that producers will want to make a product that can be sold for a high price and a great profit.
  7. converting the raw materials to other products through manufacturing
  8. giving something up in order to receive something else that we want to have
  9. goods goods that cannot be easily replenished
  10. people who buy goods or pay for services
  11. the talents possessed by people
  12. is someone who manufactures goods and services
  13. a business which receives and lends money to the public at a profit and which is guaranteed by the government.
  14. how a nation chooses to generate and distribute wealth
  1. goods and services that people think are the necessities of life eg food, clothing, shelter
  2. the physical resources produced by humans to produce other goods and services eg machinery, buildings
  3. tasks that are performed for other at a cost eg hair cut
  4. transferring the goods to the community
  5. cost is the loss of opportunity to buy the next best thing
  6. tender money used in a country which is legally authorised by the government.
  7. resource something that can be used to generate wealth ie the factors in the production of goods and services-
  8. are the goods and services that assist us to enjoy a good standard of DVD,
  9. goods goods that can be replenished-water
  10. the people in a company who make the major decisions
  11. Price price at which the consumers are willing to buy and the producers are willing to sell
  12. the study of how wealth is created and distributed.
  13. goods goods which last are meant to last a long time eg washing machine
  14. visible/ tangible things that people buy eg TV
  15. money used in a country which is legally authorised by the government.

29 Clues: the talents possessed by peopleusing the raw materials from the landtransferring the goods to the communitypeople who buy goods or pay for servicesgoods goods that can be replenished-waterelectronic funds transfer at point of sale.goods goods that cannot be easily replenishedvisible/ tangible things that people buy eg TV...

Economics 2013-12-12

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. The last factor of production (human skill and effort)
  2. Machinery and technology aspect of production
  3. Involves the process of 'manufacturing', 'processing' and 'refining'
  4. Things that are necessary to survive
  5. Production of goods and services
  6. These people don't have a home like you and me
  7. Involves the process of 'extraction' and 'production of raw materials'
  8. Items that you can see and touch
  9. Activities that blend economic resources to create goods and services
  10. An exchange of a good and service for another
  11. Things done for you by others
  1. Doing the things you want with your own effort
  2. Spending all your time and resources on one task
  3. A token with an agreed value that can be exchanged for goods and services
  4. One big issue in the world
  5. Things that are no essential to live
  6. Where raw materials come from
  7. You are one whenever you go shopping
  8. Any source of supply used for your own benefit
  9. Limited amount of resources
  10. Creates new ideas

21 Clues: Creates new ideasOne big issue in the worldLimited amount of resourcesWhere raw materials come fromThings done for you by othersProduction of goods and servicesItems that you can see and touchThings that are no essential to liveThings that are necessary to surviveYou are one whenever you go shoppingMachinery and technology aspect of production...

Economics 2015-05-21

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. what is the term that refers to the people and firms that use resources to make goods and services?
  2. what is the term that is used when money is transferred into a financial account?
  3. of someone elses funds in exchange for a promise to pay back with interest
  4. price/ What is the term used when both producers and consumers are satisfied with the market price?
  5. that is generally accepted as a medium of exchange in which to buy goods and services.
  6. goods/What is the term that refers to the replacement of a good?
  7. what is the situation where people are willing to work but do not have jobs?
  8. who is the person who organizes, manages a business?
  9. possibility curve/ what does PPC stand for?
  10. what is the condition that refers to unlimited wants and limited resources?
  11. cost/ What is the term that refers to the next best alternative that must be given up when a choice is made?
  12. is the term that involves very small numbers of sellers and high market power?
  13. purchase of security, such as a stock or bond for profit
  14. is the term that involves large number of buyers and small number of sellers?
  15. cost/ total cost divided by output
  16. what is the term that refers to the quantity and quality of human effort available to produce goods and services?
  17. that relies essentially on the growth and nurturing of plants
  18. or services produced in one nation but sold to other nations
  19. what is the term that refers to the goods that are required to assist the production of other goods and services/Capital
  20. of living/Degree of wealth and material comfort available to a person or community
  21. state of having paid work
  22. what is the term used when a country buys production of goods or services from another country?
  23. what is the term that refers to the type of loan that is used to purchase a house?
  24. rate/ What is the term used when the rate of one country's currency is exchanged for the currency of another country?
  25. income/ What is the term that refers to the total income received from all sources?
  26. is the total number of groups the Consumer Price index regime consist of?
  27. type of elasticity is cigarettes?
  28. what is the term that refers to the decrease in prices of goods and services over a period of time?
  29. what is the term that refers to the activities that satisfy people's wants?
  30. tax on an imported good
  31. what is the term that refers to the objects that satisfy people's wants?
  32. inflation/ What is the situation when there is excess demand and widespread shortages?
  33. rates/ Australia's ____ is currently sitting at 2.25%
  1. what is the term that refers to the value of all finally goods and services produced in a year?
  2. is the term that is used when the government assists companies by giving them money?
  3. when a country has a negative GDP the country is likely to be experiencing a_____.
  4. quantity supplied exceeds the quantity demanded
  5. is the term that refers to the rapid increase in prices of goods and services over a period of time. 43 words/
  6. Competition/What is the term that involves a a lot of competition between firms, each producing a similar product?
  7. profit-seeking organizations that use resources to produce goods and services
  8. income/What is the term that refers to the amount of money available after income taxes?
  9. what is the term that refers to the value of a good or service?
  10. spending/Purchase of consumer goods and services
  11. who use resources to make goods and services
  12. Growth/What is the term that refers to the increase in the total output of a nation?
  13. policy/ What is the policy that controls interest rates?
  14. curve/ What is the graphical representation used to measure the distribution of income?
  15. what is the term that refers to the increase in prices of goods and services over a period of time?
  16. GDP/ What type of GDP measures the actual change in volume of goods and services produce?
  17. or services brought from sellers in another nation
  18. goods/ What is the term that is used when goods can be used together?
  19. event/Drought, flood and fires all fall under the category of a
  20. what is the term that is used to describe the price in which determines how much producers are willing to provide?
  21. Tax/Taxes paid by households and businesses on lands and buildings
  22. coefficient/ What is the term that refers to the measure of degree of equality in the distribution of income?
  23. what is the term that is used to describe the price in which determines how much consumers are willing to buy?
  24. what is the main source of government revenue?
  25. policy/What is he term used when the government decides to change the tax rates?
  26. Demand/Total demand for a country’s output
  27. financial gain
  28. Resources/Oceans, air and minerals are all types of______.

61 Clues: financial gaintax on an imported goodstate of having paid worktype of elasticity is cigarettes?Demand/Total demand for a country’s outputpossibility curve/ what does PPC stand for?cost/ total cost divided by outputwho use resources to make goods and serviceswhat is the main source of government revenue?...

Economics 2015-05-13

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. provide information about ability to control expenses and to earn a return on the resources committed to the business
  2. It is a tax on imports or exports
  3. If a certain firm is the only one that can produce a certain goodsor service
  4. Risk to financial or other institutions from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or from external events.
  5. It is an amount of money that is spent on something
  6. the state of being a partner in business
  7. A ... year is a period used for calculating annual financial statements in businesses and other organizations
  8. ... tax is the name given to various taxes which arises on the death of an individual
  9. Revenue minus total cost.
  10. an amount of money that we use to start a business or to put in a bank
  11. In financial accounting, an ... is an economic resource
  12. It is a payment made by a corporation to its shareholders, usually as a distribution of profits
  13. Real-world information recorded as numerical values.
  14. an organisation which keeps money safely for its customers
  15. in modern tax systems tax rate is usually formd as ...
  16. typy of tax in Poland where company pay same amount of money every onth
  17. a person who has or holds something
  1. a person who has or hold something
  2. a large business company
  3. financial charge or other levy imposed upon a payer
  4. The sum of the fixed costs and the variable costs.
  5. Exposure to uncertainty in economic value that cannot be marked-to-market.
  6. a business company selling goods or services
  7. the act of joining two or more companies together
  8. The process of finding relative or absolute extreme points.
  9. study of the economic choices made by individual economic units such as consumers, households and firms etc.
  10. an action when somebody buy something
  11. The actual price that a consumer pays for one unit of goods or services.
  12. the social science that seeks to describe the factors which determine the production, distribution and services
  13. amount of a good or service that a producer is willing and able to offer for sale at each possible price.
  14. It is an individual or institution that legally owns a share of stock in a public or private corporation.
  15. personal income tax
  16. It is monetary compensation paid by an employer to an employee in exchange for work done
  17. ... duty- is a tax that is levied on documents
  18. the amount of money that something is worth
  19. ... tax- taxes intermediate and possibly capital goods

36 Clues: personal income taxa large business companyRevenue minus total cost.It is a tax on imports or exportsa person who has or hold somethinga person who has or holds somethingan action when somebody buy somethingthe state of being a partner in businessthe amount of money that something is wortha business company selling goods or services...

Economics 2015-05-21

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Every 10% of income distributed
  2. A type of market structure that have several firms in the industry and has strong market power
  3. A point on the business cycle where GDP is going up slowly
  4. Unlimited wants and needs but not enough resources
  5. CPI that excludes volatile items
  6. A type of measure for inflation
  7. Events such as cyclones, droughts and floods
  8. Also known as personal income tax
  9. A point on the business cycle where the GDP is high
  10. Goods or services bought from sellers in another country
  11. Natural resources that are used to produce goods and services
  12. A supply factor that affects GDP
  13. One firm in the industry
  14. When prices are generally falling over a period of time
  15. A type of market structure that have a few firms in the industry
  16. All buildings, equipment and human skills used to produce goods and services
  17. Goods or services produced in one country but sold to buyers in another country
  18. A supply factor that can affect the cost of production of the business
  19. Another word for limited
  20. A level of income which people cannot enjoy access to basic needs
  21. A demand factor in which one product can replace another product
  22. Payments received by businesses from selling goods and services
  1. A type of policy that includes taxes
  2. A situation where prices rise very quickly and go out of control
  3. Another word for unlimited
  4. A factor in the AD formula
  5. A point on the business cycle where GDP is falling slowly
  6. A point on the business cycle where the GDP of a country is negative
  7. Part of the lorenz diagram that shows the degree of income or wealth quality or inequality
  8. 80% of a business cost
  9. When consumers and producers are satisfied with the price
  10. A demand factor that can increase GDP
  11. A level of poverty that is experienced when there is a serious deprivation of basic needs
  12. When people are willing and able to work but do not have jobs
  13. Gross domestic product
  14. A number between 0-1 that measures the equality of the distributional income
  15. A type of policy that includes interest rates
  16. A measure of resource efficiency
  17. Every 20% of income distributed
  18. Refers to a rise in the level of prices for goods and services over a period of time

40 Clues: 80% of a business costGross domestic productOne firm in the industryAnother word for limitedAnother word for unlimitedA factor in the AD formulaEvery 10% of income distributedA type of measure for inflationEvery 20% of income distributedCPI that excludes volatile itemsA supply factor that affects GDPA measure of resource efficiency...

Economics 2015-05-07

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. A type of cloth or woven fabric.
  2. To work, especially work hard.
  3. An estimate of expected income and spending over time.
  4. There is not an unlimited supply of resources, so sometimes the things that we want are unavailable.
  5. You depend on other people for other things.
  6. Economy People can freely buy and trade goods and services. The price of each good or service is determined not by the government but by demand.
  7. Increase in prices for goods and services over time.
  8. A system of exchange like money.
  9. Money that is given to someone and expected to be payed back at some point.
  10. A fee for borrowing money.
  11. How much of something people want.
  12. A fee charged by the government on a product, income, or activity.
  1. The ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment.
  2. How much of something is available.
  3. Amount required as payment for good/service.
  4. of Labor Workers perform specific tasks and put it all together to make a product.
  5. To exchange/swap goods or services for other goods or services.
  6. An economic system where how much money people have determines on their income; people make profit on the goods or services they provide.
  7. Synonym for Trading.
  8. An economic system where the government has control what goods and services people can have and how much they can have. Everything is owned by everyone, and there are no “social classes.”
  9. Something you have to have; you can't live without.
  10. Something you would like to have, but it is not necessary for survival.
  11. Management of money.
  12. The money you receive.
  13. The payment that was paid; directly comes out of checking account.
  14. Owing money that is overdue

26 Clues: Synonym for Trading.Management of money.The money you receive.A fee for borrowing money.Owing money that is overdueTo work, especially work hard.A type of cloth or woven fabric.A system of exchange like money.How much of something people want.How much of something is available.Amount required as payment for good/service....

Economics 2014-05-10

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. The change in total cost when one unit of output is produced
  2. If demand is _______ total revenue is constant
  3. Represents the choice making behavior of sellers
  4. The father of modern economics and wrote Wealth of Nations
  5. The opportunity costs of using resources owned by the firm
  6. When the % change in quantity demanded is greater than the % change in price
  7. Payments to nonowners of a firm for their resources
  8. The responsiveness, or sensitivity, to a change in price
  9. A period of time so short that there is at least one fixed input
  10. meaning "all else remains the same"
  11. Something that happens when competition is lacking
  12. Inverse relationship b/w price & quantity means they move in _____ direction
  1. If demand is _____ total revenue decreases
  2. The minimum profit necessary to keep a firm in operation
  3. externality that is detrimental to third parties
  4. Summation of the individual demand schedules in a market
  5. Externality that is beneficial to third parties
  6. Total revenue minus total explicit costs
  7. Price where the quantity demanded and the quantity supplied are equal
  8. If demand is ______ total revenue increases
  9. legally established maximum price a seller can charge
  10. The % change in the quantity demanded is less than the % change in price
  11. represents the choice making behavior of buyers
  12. A legally established minimum price a seller can be paid

24 Clues: meaning "all else remains the same"Total revenue minus total explicit costsIf demand is _____ total revenue decreasesIf demand is ______ total revenue increasesIf demand is _______ total revenue is constantExternality that is beneficial to third partiesrepresents the choice making behavior of buyersexternality that is detrimental to third parties...

Economics 2014-05-10

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. A cost or benefit imposed on people other than the consumers and producers of a good or service
  2. A curve or schedule showing the various quantities of a product sellers are willing to produce and offer for sale at possible prices during a specified period of time, ceteris paribus
  3. Human made goods that are used to produce other goods and services
  4. A mechanism that uses the forces of supple and demand to create an equilibrium through rising and falling prices
  5. The principle that the opportunity cost increases as production of one output expands
  6. Any arrangement in which buyers and sellers interact to determine the price and quality of goods and services exchanged
  7. A market condition existing at any price where the quantity supplied is greater than the quantity demanded
  8. The mental and physical capacity of workers to produce goods and services
  9. A market condition existing at any price at where the quantity supplied is less than the quantity demanded
  10. The condition in which human wants are forever greater than the available supply of time, goods, and resources
  11. The ability of an economy to produce greater levels of output, represented by an outward shift of its production possibilities curve
  12. A legally established maximum price a seller can charge
  1. A movement between points along a stationary supply curve, ceteris paribus
  2. An examination of the effects of additions to or subtractions from a current situation
  3. A curve that shows the maximum combinations of two outputs an economy can produce in a given period of time with its available resources and technology
  4. The branch of economics that studies decision making for the economy as a whole
  5. The body of knowledge applied to how goods are produced
  6. A good or service with two properties (1) users collectively consume benefits and (2) there is no way to bar people who do not pay (free riders) from consuming the good or service
  7. A situation in which market equilibrium results in too few or too many resources used in the production of a good or service. This inefficiency may justify government intervention.
  8. The branch of economics that studies decision making by a single individual, household, firm, industry, or level of government
  9. A legally established minimum price a seller can be paid
  10. The accumulation of capital, such as factories, machines, and inventories, that is used to produce goods and services
  11. A market condition that occurs at any price and quantity at which the quantity demanded and the quantity supplied are equal
  12. Any natural resource provided by nature that is used to produce goods and services

24 Clues: The body of knowledge applied to how goods are producedA legally established maximum price a seller can chargeA legally established minimum price a seller can be paidHuman made goods that are used to produce other goods and servicesThe mental and physical capacity of workers to produce goods and services...

Economics 2016-03-08

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. includes all natural resources
  2. Analysis Aid to decision making.
  3. cost a decision to value the next best alternative
  4. are work that one person performs for another payment.
  5. are desires that can be satisfied by consuming a good or service
  6. Give up and make an economic choice
  7. benefits offered to encourage people to act in certain ways
  8. is all human time, effort, and talent
  9. the study of how people choose to use scarce resources to satisfy their wants.
  10. are things, such as food, clothing, and shelter, that are necessary for survival.
  11. a person who buys goods or services
  12. the situation that exists when there are not enough resources to meet human wants.
  1. the benefits or satisfaction gained from the use of a good or service.
  2. are physical objects that can be purchased.
  3. is all resources made and used by people to produce
  4. is the combination of vision, skill, ingenuity, and willingness to take risk that is needed to create and run new business
  5. of Production the economic resources needed to produce goods and services.
  6. to make decisions according to what you believe is the best combination.
  7. a person who makes goods or provides services.
  8. Benefit refers to the benefit or satisfaction received from using one or more unit of a good or service

20 Clues: includes all natural resourcesAnalysis Aid to decision making.Give up and make an economic choicea person who buys goods or servicesis all human time, effort, and talentare physical objects that can be purchased.a person who makes goods or provides services.cost a decision to value the next best alternative...

Economics 2016-03-08

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. includes all natural resources
  2. the situation that exists when there are not enough resources to meet human wants.
  3. is the combination of vision, skill, ingenuity, and willingness to take risk that is needed to create and run new business
  4. a person who makes goods or provides services.
  5. the study of how people choose to use scarce resources to satisfy their wants.
  6. the benefits or satisfaction gained from the use of a good or service.
  7. are physical objects that can be purchased.
  8. benefits offered to encourage people to act in certain ways
  1. is all resources made and used by people to produce
  2. to make decisions according to what you believe is the best combination.
  3. a person who buys goods or services
  4. is all human time, effort, and talent
  5. are desires that can be satisfied by consuming a good or service
  6. Analysis Aid to decision making.
  7. are things, such as food, clothing, and shelter, that are necessary for survival.
  8. cost a decision to value the next best alternative
  9. are work that one person performs for another payment.
  10. of Production the economic resources needed to produce goods and services.
  11. Benefit refers to the benefit or satisfaction received from using one or more unit of a good or service
  12. Give up and make an economic choice

20 Clues: includes all natural resourcesAnalysis Aid to decision making.a person who buys goods or servicesGive up and make an economic choiceis all human time, effort, and talentare physical objects that can be purchased.a person who makes goods or provides services.cost a decision to value the next best alternative...

Economics 2015-12-13

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. resources are higher than demand
  2. everyone has a job
  3. community owns everything
  4. limited competition, market is shared
  5. exclusive control of all supplies
  6. private business operated with no state control
  7. CPI
  8. hands off government
  9. how much goods are being produced
  10. total satisfaction from a good or service
  11. cash payment or tax reduction given by government
  1. not monetary policy but the other one
  2. total value of goods produced in one year
  3. used to fix shortages
  4. the lowest someone can be paid to work per hour
  5. demand is higher than resources
  6. used to fix a surplus
  7. decision making tool to maximize profits
  8. not fiscal policy but the other one
  9. in short supply
  10. government guaranteed benefits
  11. monetary or fiscal policy changes to help struggling economy
  12. money is being over printed
  13. government controls everything

24 Clues: CPIin short supplyeveryone has a jobhands off governmentused to fix shortagesused to fix a surpluscommunity owns everythingmoney is being over printedgovernment guaranteed benefitsgovernment controls everythingdemand is higher than resourcesresources are higher than demandexclusive control of all supplieshow much goods are being produced...

economics 2023-11-14

economics crossword puzzle
  1. organization of workers that tries to improve working conditions and wages
  2. sells merchandise at reduced prices for their members
  3. companies reach out to other companies to do a specific job
  4. a certificate of ownership in a corporation
  5. movement of company operations to a different country
  6. business organization owned by two or more people
  7. demand for labor
  8. wage rate or price of labor services that is set when demand for workers is met
  9. business owned and managed by a single individual
  1. two or more firms competing in the same market with the same good
  2. all nonmilitary people who are employed or unemployed
  3. an organized work stoppage intended to force an employer to address union demands
  4. theory about the relationship between education and wages
  5. money and other valuables
  6. authorization from local government to run a business
  7. business organization owned by a group of people
  8. legal entity owned by individual stock holders
  9. formal contract issued by a corporation
  10. debts
  11. negotiating labor contracts that keeps unnecessary workers on the company payroll

20 Clues: debtsdemand for labormoney and other valuablesformal contract issued by a corporationa certificate of ownership in a corporationlegal entity owned by individual stock holdersbusiness organization owned by a group of peoplebusiness organization owned by two or more peoplebusiness owned and managed by a single individual...

economics 2023-11-24

economics crossword puzzle
  1. the business of trying to persuade people to buy products or services
  2. the percentage of an amount of money that is charged or paid by a bank or other financial company
  3. a balancing of two opposing situations or qualities, both of which are desired
  4. As opposed to unlimited demand
  5. useful or attractive together
  6. Something happen by nature will slowing down or destroying economic growth
  7. money that is earned from doing work or received from investments
  8. The government provides money to reduce the prices faced by producers and consumers.
  9. all the people living in a particular country, area, or place
  10. the income that a government or company receives regularly
  11. a tax charged on goods and services rather than on the money that people earn
  1. products that can satisfy some of the same customer needs as each other
  2. a business or organization
  3. to provide something that is wanted or needed, often in large quantities and over a long period of time
  4. to ask for something forcefully, in a way that shows that you do not expect to be refused
  5. work, especially the type of work that needs a lot of physical effort
  6. money that is earned in trade or business after paying the costs of producing and selling goods and services
  7. next best alternative given up
  8. the situation in which large numbers of educated and very skilled people leave their own country to live and work in another one where pay and conditions are better
  9. someone who buys or uses goods or services

20 Clues: a business or organizationuseful or attractive togetherAs opposed to unlimited demandnext best alternative given upsomeone who buys or uses goods or servicesthe income that a government or company receives regularlyall the people living in a particular country, area, or placemoney that is earned from doing work or received from investments...

Economics 2023-12-07

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Risk-taking individuals who introduces new products or services in search of profits; one of the four factors of production.
  2. Cost of the next best alternative use of money, time, or resources, when one choice is made rather than another.
  3. Tangible economic product that is useful, transferable, to others, and used to satisfy needs and wants.
  4. Tools, equipment, and factories used in the production of goods and services; one of the four factors of production.
  5. Work or labor performed for someone; economic product that includes haircuts, home repairs, and forms of entertainment.
  6. Good that lasts for at least three years when used regularly.
  7. Productive resources needed to produce goods; the four factors are land, capital, labor, and entrepreneurship.
  8. Item that wears out or lasts fewer than three years when used regularly.
  9. A visual representation showing the relationship between the factor market (where income is obtained) and the product market (where income is used to make purchases).
  1. People with all their abilities and efforts; one of the factors of production; does not include the entrepreneur.
  2. Fundamental economic problem of meeting people’s virtually unlimited needs and wants with scarce resources.
  3. Social science dealing with how people satisfy seemingly unlimited needs and wants with scarce resources.
  4. Basic requirement for survival, including food, clothing, and shelter.
  5. Graph, figure, equation, or diagram used to describe how the economy is expected to perform in the future.
  6. Something we would like to have but is not necessary for survival.
  7. Tool, equipment, or other manufactured good used to produce other goods and services; a factor of production.
  8. Natural resources or “gifts of nature” not created by human effort; one of the four factors of production.
  9. Increase in a nation’s total output of goods and services over time.
  10. Measure of the amount of output produced in a specific time period with a given amount of resources; normally refers to labor, but can apply to all factors of production.
  11. Good intended for final use by consumers other than businesses.

20 Clues: Good that lasts for at least three years when used regularly.Good intended for final use by consumers other than businesses.Something we would like to have but is not necessary for survival.Increase in a nation’s total output of goods and services over time.Basic requirement for survival, including food, clothing, and shelter....

economics 2024-01-21

economics crossword puzzle
  1. offering that encourages
  2. legal entity legal stockholder
  3. right to make
  4. scarcity
  5. ambitious leader
  6. managed by single individual
  7. business
  8. nationalincome
  9. evenly distributed wealth
  10. money
  11. maximize production of goods
  12. opportunity
  1. consumerexpenditures
  2. centrally planned economy
  3. products
  4. advantage of ability
  5. using fewer resources
  6. struggle among producers
  7. own property
  8. private ownership
  9. good or service unavailable
  10. owned by two or more
  11. point of underutilization
  12. given amt of resources
  13. gap between two produts

25 Clues: moneyproductsscarcitybusinessopportunityown propertyright to makenationalincomeambitious leaderprivate ownershipconsumerexpendituresadvantage of abilityowned by two or moreusing fewer resourcesgiven amt of resourcesgap between two produtsoffering that encouragesstruggle among producerscentrally planned economypoint of underutilization...

Economics 2022-10-27

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. health maintenance orginization
  2. amount of money the insurance gives the beneficiary
  3. a package that allows employees to select different benefits
  4. basic type of perminant life insurance which can provide lifetime protection at a level premium
  5. does not build up cash value
  6. set fee payed by the policy holder for medical expenses
  7. a period to sign up for insurance
  8. the amount that the policy holder mst pay within a specified amount before the insurance will pay the rest
  9. in case of terminal illness the proceeds of a life insurance policy are paid to offset medical expenses
  10. cover expenses of bodily damage or death
  1. mathmatical calculation of how long a culture or group of people live
  2. a policy issued to one that is expired
  3. the date which an insurance policy becomes eligible to pay for claims
  4. applicant with pre existent poor health or or is in substandard physical condition
  5. this is who gets your life insurance if you die
  6. federal program to pay the medical needs of the needy
  7. someone who buys something on your behalf
  8. pays for your hospital bill
  9. the cost of the insurance
  10. insurance policy without a deductable

20 Clues: the cost of the insurancepays for your hospital billdoes not build up cash valuehealth maintenance orginizationa period to sign up for insuranceinsurance policy without a deductablea policy issued to one that is expiredcover expenses of bodily damage or deathsomeone who buys something on your behalfthis is who gets your life insurance if you die...

Economics 2024-02-19

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Force The sum of employed plus the unemployed
  2. A system of value that facilities the exchange of goods in an economy
  3. Certificates that entitle the holder of the stock to a proportionate share of ownership in a company
  4. The rate of increase prices over a given period of time
  5. The increase in the production of goods and services
  6. A field of applied economics that studies the finaical organizational, market-related, ad enviromental issues
  7. A form of regulation that is usually set in place by the government to limit the quantity of a good
  8. The of income not spent or count expenditures
  9. The system of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services
  10. Items that satisfy human wants
  1. The total amount of a specific good or service that is available to consumers
  2. The process by which varoius sellers each try to offer better products
  3. A recipt of funds or assets must have been freely given
  4. Intermedies between depositors who lend money to the bank and borrowers
  5. The movement of flow of money through the economy
  6. The income that firms recieves from the sale of a good or service to its consumers
  7. The production of goods that will be used to produce other goods
  8. A medium of exchange for goods and services
  9. A mandatory payment of charge collected by local state
  10. A good or service bought in one country that was prepared in another country

20 Clues: Items that satisfy human wantsA medium of exchange for goods and servicesForce The sum of employed plus the unemployedThe of income not spent or count expendituresThe movement of flow of money through the economyThe increase in the production of goods and servicesA mandatory payment of charge collected by local state...

Economics 2024-03-18

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. all other factors being equal, as the price of a good or service increases, the quantity of goods or services that suppliers offer will increase, and vice versa.
  2. A sole proprietorship is the simplest and most common structure chosen to start a business. It is an unincorporated business owned and run by one individual with no distinction between the business and the owner. You are entitled to all profits and are responsible for all your business's debts, losses and liabilities.
  3. a financial institution licensed to receive deposits and make loans
  4. profit is the excess over the returns to capital, land, and labor (interest, rent, and wages).
  5. the quantity of. money for which one may buy or sell a commodity
  6. Unions: a nonprofit-making money cooperative whose members can borrow from pooled deposits at low-interest rates.
  7. the using up of a resource.
  8. send (goods or services) to another country for sale.
  9. people, especially the personnel employed by a given company, institution, or the like.
  10. the natural wealth of a country, consisting of land, forests, mineral deposits, water, etc.
  11. the science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, or the material welfare of humankind.
  12. bring (goods or services) into a country from abroad for sale.
  13. an economy in which production, investment, prices, and incomes are determined centrally by a government
  14. Tools, machines, and factories used to produce goods.
  15. is a system that relies on customs, history, and time-honored beliefs.
  16. the situation in an economy where the desires and needs of consumers control the output of producers.
  1. A partnership is an arrangement between two or more people to oversee business operations and share its profits and liabilities
  2. The law of demand states that if all other factors remain equal, the higher the price of a good, the fewer people will demand that good. In other words, the higher the price, the lower the quantity demanded.
  3. the action of making or manufacturing from components or raw materials, or the process of being so manufactured.
  4. essentially anyone or anything other than the government. Private property may consist of real estate, buildings, objects, intellectual property (for example, copyrights or patents ).
  5. the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.
  6. the propensity of an individual to behave creatively, act with foresight, use intuition, and be alert to new opportunities.
  7. Competition refers to a situation in a market in which firms or sellers independently strive for the patronage of buyers in order to achieve a particular business objective, e.g., profits, sales and/or market share
  8. an economic system combining private and public enterprise.
  9. a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk.
  10. Free enterprise is an economic system that provides individuals the opportunity to make their own economic decisions, free of go.
  11. an economic system in which prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses.
  12. the state of being scarce or in short supply; shortage.
  13. encompasses a wide variety of economic laws and theories that define or explain how an economy attempts to satisfy the unlimited demand in the marketplace with a finite supply of resources available to do so
  14. A corporation is a legal entity that is separate and distinct from its owners. Under the law, corporations possess many of the same rights and responsibilities as individuals. They can enter contracts, loan and borrow money, sue and be sued, hire employees, own assets, and pay taxes.

30 Clues: the using up of a resource.send (goods or services) to another country for sale.Tools, machines, and factories used to produce goods.the state of being scarce or in short supply; economic system combining private and public enterprise.bring (goods or services) into a country from abroad for sale....

Economics 2024-03-12

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. The expenses incurred when starting a new business or project.
  2. Market structure in which a single seller or producer controls the entire supply of a certain product
  3. The practice of charging different prices to different customers for the same product or service.
  4. Competing on factors other than price, such as quality or customer service.
  5. Group of independent market participants who collude with each other
  6. Large business organization that controls and dominates a particular industry or market
  7. The combining of two or more companies into a single entity.
  8. Market structure in which there are many small firms
  9. The cost advantages that come with large-scale production.
  10. Market structure in which a small number of large firms dominate the market
  11. Perfect competition
  12. The process of removing government regulations from an industry or sector.
  13. A business model in which a company grants the right to use its name and sell its products or services to independent operators in exchange for a fee.
  14. The ability of a company to control the prices and/or quantities of goods or services in a given market.
  15. A raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold.
  1. The process of making a product or service unique in order to distinguish it from competitors.
  2. A set of exclusive rights granted to an inventor or assignee for a limited period of time in exchange for public disclosure of an invention.
  3. A legal agreement that grants permission to use a particular product, service, or technology.
  4. An illegal agreement between companies to restrict competition.
  5. fixing An illegal agreement between companies to set prices for a product or service.
  6. A situation in which a single company is the most efficient provider of a product or service due to factors such as economies of scale or the need for a large infrastructure.
  7. war A situation in which companies repeatedly lower their prices to gain market share.
  8. Any obstacle that makes it difficult for new companies to enter a market.
  9. A situation in which a single company or group owns all or nearly all of the market for a given type of product or service.
  10. A situation in which the government is the sole provider of a particular product or service.
  11. The practice of lowering prices to drive competitors out of business, after which prices are raised again.
  12. Laws that are designed to prevent monopolies, promote competition, and protect consumers from anti-competitive practices.

27 Clues: Perfect competitionMarket structure in which there are many small firmsThe cost advantages that come with large-scale production.The combining of two or more companies into a single entity.The expenses incurred when starting a new business or project.An illegal agreement between companies to restrict competition....

Economics 2024-05-13

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. The act of leaving one's job or ceasing to work, typically occurring at an age when individuals have reached a certain level of financial security and choose to no longer participate in the workforce.
  2. Compulsory financial charges imposed by governments on individuals or businesses to fund public expenditures.
  3. how, what, for whom?
  4. Payments made by a corporation to its shareholders as a distribution of profits, usually on a regular basis.
  5. the type of economy in which the consumer answers the three basic questions
  6. father of modern economics, wrote the wealth of nations
  7. Securities that represent ownership in a corporation and entitle the shareholder to a portion of the company's assets and earnings.
  8. economy in which both consumer and government answer the three basic questions
  9. The value of the next best alternative foregone when a decision is made. It represents the benefits that could have been gained from choosing an alternative course of action.
  10. The activity or profession of producing advertisements for commercial products or services, aimed at attracting and persuading customers to purchase those products or services.
  1. A policy or attitude of letting things take their own course without interfering, particularly used in economics to advocate for minimal government intervention in the economy.
  2. someone starting and operating a business, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.
  3. goods or services that are used together with another good or service. When the price of one complement increases, the demand for its complementary goods may decrease.
  4. British economist whose ideas fundamentally changed the theory and practice of macroeconomics. Keynes advocated for government intervention in the economy to counteract economic downturns and promote stability.
  5. A sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time, resulting in a decrease in the purchasing power of money.
  6. economy in which the government answers the 3 questions
  7. An economic system characterized by private ownership of the means of production, market competition, and profit motive, with minimal government intervention in the economy.
  8. A contract that transfers the risk of financial loss from an individual or business to an insurance company in exchange for payment of a premium.
  9. goods or services that can be used as alternatives to each other. When the price of one good increases, the demand for its substitutes may increase as consumers seek cheaper alternatives
  10. The process of creating a plan to manage income and expenses over a specific period of time, typically aimed at achieving financial goals and priorities.

20 Clues: how, what, for whom?economy in which the government answers the 3 questionsfather of modern economics, wrote the wealth of nationsthe type of economy in which the consumer answers the three basic questionseconomy in which both consumer and government answer the three basic questions...

Economics 2024-08-05

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. refers to the inherently limited nature of society’s resources, given society’s unlimited wants and needs
  2. curve a graph of the relationship between the prices in the demand schedule and the quantity demanded at each of those prices
  3. the limiting of one’s work to a particular area
  4. factors that motivate a person to act or exert effort
  5. capita GDP GDP per person
  6. cycle a short‐run fluctuation in economic activity
  7. the growth in the overall level of prices in an economy
  8. market condition when the quantity supplied of a good is greater than the quantity demanded; also called excess supply
  9. the study of the individual units that make up the economy
  10. rule the rule stating that profit maximization occurs when a firm chooses the quantity of output that equates marginal revenue and marginal cost, or MR = MC
  11. how easily something can be spent
  12. money multiplier the rate at which banks multiply money when all currency is deposited into banks and they hold no excess reserves
  1. a measure of the responsiveness of buyers and sellers to changes in price or income
  2. paribus meaning “other things being equal,” the concept under which economists examine a change in one variable while holding everything else constant
  3. costs costs that do not vary with a firm’s output in the short run; also known as overhead
  4. a payment made by the government to encourage the consumption or production of a good or service
  5. of account the measure in which prices are quoted
  6. the study of the overall aspects and workings of an economy
  7. price the price at which the quantity supplied is equal to the quantity demanded; also known as the market‐clearing price
  8. curve a graph of the relationship between the prices in the supply schedule and the quantity supplied at each of those prices
  9. domestic product (GDP) the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country during a specific period
  10. advantage the situation where an individual, business, or country can produce at a lower opportunity cost than a competitor can
  11. thinking the evaluation of whether the benefit of one more unit of something is greater than its cost
  12. the tools and equipment used in the production of goods and services
  13. of exchange what people trade for goods and services

25 Clues: capita GDP GDP per personhow easily something can be spentthe limiting of one’s work to a particular areaof account the measure in which prices are quotedfactors that motivate a person to act or exert effortcycle a short‐run fluctuation in economic activitythe growth in the overall level of prices in an economy...

Economics 2024-08-24

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. durable goods goods which don’t last long eg food
  2. the talents possessed by people
  3. are the raw materials provided by our environment
  4. are the goods and services that assist us to enjoy a good standard of DVD,
  5. goods and services that people think are the necessities of life eg food, clothing, shelter
  6. study of how wealth is created and distributed.
  7. is someone who manufactures goods and services
  8. tasks that are performed for other at a cost eg hair cut
  9. the physical resources produced by humans to produce other goods and services eg machinery, buildings
  10. converting the raw materials to other products through manufacturing
  11. Price price at which the consumers are willing to buy and the producers are willing to sell
  12. money used in a country which is legally authorised by the government.
  13. a business which receives and lends money to the public at a profit and which is guaranteed by the government.
  14. scarcity not enough resources to satisfy all needs and wants ie resources are scarce in relation to how much we would like to have them
  1. goods goods that cannot be easily replenished
  2. visible/ tangible things that people buy eg TV
  3. goods goods which last are meant to last a long time eg washing machine
  4. the people in a company who make the major decisions
  5. people who buy goods or pay for services
  6. using the raw materials from the land
  7. cost is the loss of opportunity to buy the next best thing
  8. resource something that can be used to generate wealth ie the factors in the production of goods and services-
  9. giving something up in order to receive something else that we want to have
  10. how a nation chooses to generate and distribute wealth
  11. of demand states that producers will want to make a product that can be sold for a high price and a great profit.
  12. transferring the goods to the community
  13. goods goods that can be replenished-water

27 Clues: the talents possessed by peopleusing the raw materials from the landtransferring the goods to the communitypeople who buy goods or pay for servicesgoods goods that can be replenished-watergoods goods that cannot be easily replenishedvisible/ tangible things that people buy eg TVis someone who manufactures goods and services...

Economics 2024-06-13

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Bitcoin is
  2. The ammount a commotity should be available by desire
  3. The lowest wage allowed by law
  4. a market were people can sell and buy with minimal government supervision
  5. A board game were you controll everything
  6. the Soviet union economic system
  7. A system of money in a country
  8. A company or group of people that's acts as an entity
  9. a card that allows you to use your own money
  10. A market to sell illegal items
  1. N ot enough of an item is made
  2. A score that shows you how responsible you are with money
  3. An economic system controlled by a private owner
  4. A low amount remains
  5. an economic that prioritizes collective ownership
  6. Buissness use their price to attract customers
  7. the value of an item
  8. A card that allows you to borrow the banks money
  9. Going against a rival
  10. a small percentage you pay for borrowed money

20 Clues: Bitcoin isA low amount remainsthe value of an itemGoing against a rivalN ot enough of an item is madeThe lowest wage allowed by lawA system of money in a countryA market to sell illegal itemsthe Soviet union economic systemA board game were you controll everythinga card that allows you to use your own money...

Economics 2024-05-20

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. price that equates quantity supplied to the quantity demanded
  2. collection of buyers and sellers
  3. a list with specific quantities of one or more goods
  4. relationship between the quality of a good and price that consumers are willing to buy
  5. situation in which the quantity supplied exceeds the quantity demanded
  6. a condition of preferring a risky income to a guaranteed income
  7. deals with the aggregate economic variables
  8. condition of preferring a guaranteed income to a risky income
  9. all combinations of goods for which the total amount of money is equal to income
  10. a graph showing all possible combinations of labor and capital for a given total cost
  11. the cost of utilizing all economic resources in production
  12. relationship between the quality and price of a good that producers are willing to sell
  13. the actual expenses plus any depreciation charges
  1. a cost that does not vary with the amount of output
  2. expenditure that has been made and can never be recovered
  3. absolute price of a good, unadjusted for inflation
  4. cost that vary as the output produced varies
  5. condition of being indifferent between a guaranteed income and a fixed income
  6. situation in which the quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplied
  7. price of a good relative to an aggregate measure of prices
  8. total cost consisting of fixed and variable costs
  9. change in revenue resulting from a one unit increase in output
  10. policy of treating a one time expenditure as a cost spread out over many years
  11. deals with the behaviors of individual economic units
  12. percentage change in one variable resulting from a one percent increase in another
  13. two goods for which incr price of one leads to decr in quantity
  14. a curve relating the quantity of a good consumed to income
  15. additional output produced as the input is increased by one unit
  16. two goods for which an incr in price of one leads to an incr in quantity
  17. a curve representing all combinations of market baskets associated with the same satisfaction

30 Clues: collection of buyers and sellersdeals with the aggregate economic variablescost that vary as the output produced variestotal cost consisting of fixed and variable coststhe actual expenses plus any depreciation chargesabsolute price of a good, unadjusted for inflationa cost that does not vary with the amount of output...

Economics 2024-10-21

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. - The study of the behavior of individual consumers and firms in making decisions regarding the allocation of resources.
  2. - The satisfaction or benefit derived from consuming a good or service.
  3. - A situation in which the quantity supplied of a good exceeds the quantity demanded at the current price.
  4. - A market structure where a single company or entity controls the entire market for a product or service.
  5. Policy - The use of government spending and taxation to influence the economy.
  6. - A decrease in the general price level of goods and services, the opposite of inflation.
  7. - The total amount of a product or service available for purchase in a market.
  8. Cost - The cost added by producing one additional unit of a product or service.
  9. - Economic policies aimed at reducing government deficits through spending cuts and tax increases.
  10. - The branch of economics that studies the behavior and performance of an economy as a whole.
  11. - The exchange of goods, services, or capital between entities or countries, typically for mutual benefit.
  12. Rate - The value of one currency in terms of another currency.
  13. Cost - The loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen.
  14. - The desire and ability of consumers to purchase goods or services at given prices.
  15. - A period of temporary economic decline typically identified by a fall in GDP for two successive quarters.
  16. - A fundamental economic problem where unlimited human wants exceed the limited resources available.
  1. Policy - The process by which a central bank controls the supply of money, often targeting an inflation rate to ensure stability and growth.
  2. - Financial assistance granted by the government to support a business, reduce the cost of goods, or encourage economic activity.
  3. Rate - The percentage of a loan or investment charged by the lender to the borrower.
  4. - An economic system where the means of production, distribution, and exchange are owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
  5. - The state of being without a job despite actively seeking work.
  6. - A tax imposed on imported goods and services.
  7. - The rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services rises, eroding purchasing power.
  8. - An economic theory advocating minimal government intervention in the economy.
  9. Equilibrium - The state where the supply of goods matches demand, leading to stable prices.
  10. - The unintended side effects (positive or negative) of an economic activity that affect third parties.
  11. - An economic system where trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit rather than by the state.
  12. - Short for "Gross Domestic Product," the total value of goods and services produced within a country in a specific period.
  13. - The amount by which a government's spending exceeds its revenue.
  14. - The payment for labor or services, typically calculated on an hourly, daily, or piecework basis.

30 Clues: - A tax imposed on imported goods and services.Rate - The value of one currency in terms of another currency.- The state of being without a job despite actively seeking work.- The amount by which a government's spending exceeds its revenue.- The satisfaction or benefit derived from consuming a good or service....

economics 2022-12-16

economics crossword puzzle
  1. occurs when buyers and sellers come together
  2. also known as factors of production
  3. type of unemployment due to lack of skills
  4. spending by firms on factories and machines
  5. Gross Domestic Product
  6. an equation used to add up the spending on domestically made goods
  7. the topic of this course
  9. gross domestic product adjusted for inflation
  10. employed and the unemployed together
  11. previously made goods used to help produce another good
  12. the willingness and ability to purchase a good
  13. limited resources for unlimited wants
  14. Germany experienced this between the two world wars
  15. a diagram that shows the exchange of goods and services for money
  16. type of unemployment caused by a recession
  1. gross domestic product using current prices
  2. exports - imports
  3. human effort to produce a good or service
  4. goods used for the production of a final good
  5. a person who doesn't have a job but is actively looking
  6. / percentage of the labor force that is unemployed
  7. this desk payment is $375 each month
  8. natural resources
  9. money given by the government to a citizen
  10. the desire and ability to produce a good
  11. type of unemployment caused by the worker transitioning between jobs.
  12. as price goes up, the quantity demanded goes down
  13. giving up the next best thing
  14. general rise in prices
  15. the currency used in Mr. Wilcox's class

31 Clues: exports - importsnatural resourcesGross Domestic Productgeneral rise in pricesthe topic of this courseGOODS FROM ANOTHER COUNTRYgiving up the next best thingalso known as factors of productionthis desk payment is $375 each monthemployed and the unemployed togetherlimited resources for unlimited wantsthe currency used in Mr. Wilcox's class...

economics 2023-02-03

economics crossword puzzle
  1. Gross Domestic Product-measures the value of the final goods and services produced in the United States
  2. good-Tangible products that can be stored or inventoried and that have an average life of at least three years.
  3. good-
  4. market-resource store
  5. of money
  6. you love
  7. market-things that help you buy
  8. working
  9. of production-4 factors
  10. of good- pious or holy
  11. work
  12. made
  1. you need to survive
  2. of value-something you love
  3. you buy
  4. most important city or town of a country or region, usually its seat of government and administrative center.
  5. growth-money growth
  6. bill
  7. good-goods can be separated into two categories
  8. basic problem in Economics (scarcity)
  9. you dont need but want
  10. good-goods sold to consumers for their use or enjoyment
  11. of scarcity- important for understanding how goods and services are valued

23 Clues: billworkmadegood-you buyworkingof moneyyou loveyou need to survivegrowth-money growthmarket-resource storeyou dont need but wantof good- pious or holyof production-4 factorsof value-something you lovemarket-things that help you buybasic problem in Economics (scarcity)good-goods can be separated into two categories...