health Crossword Puzzles

Health 2020-10-03

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Öka
  2. Kost
  3. Förbättra
  4. Motionera
  5. Självförtroende
  6. Fundera över
  1. Rätt, riktig
  2. Uppnå
  3. Förbereda
  4. Beslut
  5. Yta
  6. Undvika
  7. Klämma
  8. Nödvändig
  9. Skydda

15 Clues: ÖkaYtaKostUppnåBeslutKlämmaSkyddaUndvikaFörberedaFörbättraMotioneraNödvändigRätt, riktigFundera överSjälvförtroende

health 2022-01-28

health crossword puzzle
  1. supplies energy is so the body can function
  2. important to the heart function and blood clotting
  3. prevents blood clotting and helps with the formation bones
  4. has unsaturated bond where hydrogen can be added
  5. have all their hydrogen and carbon atoms
  6. helps with red blood cells which help you breathe better
  7. when there’s blood cells don’t have enough hemoglobin
  8. measured units of broken down nutrients
  1. vitamins can not be stored in the body and must be in every day
  2. proteins in the body
  3. this passes through the body without being digested
  4. vitamins can be stored in the body and used for later
  5. The chemical process of the body breaking down food for energy
  6. helps maintain body temperature and protect nerves
  7. made when manufacturers add hydrogen to fat molecules

15 Clues: proteins in the bodymeasured units of broken down nutrientshave all their hydrogen and carbon atomssupplies energy is so the body can functionhas unsaturated bond where hydrogen can be addedimportant to the heart function and blood clottinghelps maintain body temperature and protect nervesthis passes through the body without being digested...

Health 2022-01-31

Health crossword puzzle
  1. A professional who specializes in the diagnosis of and counseling for mental and emotional disorders
  2. A disorder in which a person has persistent, unwelcome thoughts or images and engages in certain rituals
  3. The compelling desire to purchase things
  4. A person that supports the harmful behavior of others
  5. A disease in which brain deterioration affects memory, language, and reasoning
  6. A person binges and then purges
  7. A disorder in which there is a breakdown in logical thought processes
  8. A return to a previous behavior or condition
  1. Compelling desire to work to fill an emptiness
  2. A disorder in which a person’s brain deteriorates in function
  3. A person is overly anxious and self-conscious in everyday social situations
  4. A disorder in which a person is constantly worried about illness
  5. the compelling desire to bet money or other things
  6. A disorder in which real or imagined threats prevent a person from enjoying life
  7. A period of intense fear accompanied by bodily changes

15 Clues: A person binges and then purgesThe compelling desire to purchase thingsA return to a previous behavior or conditionCompelling desire to work to fill an emptinessthe compelling desire to bet money or other thingsA person that supports the harmful behavior of othersA period of intense fear accompanied by bodily changes...

Health 2022-02-03

Health crossword puzzle
  1. How often you do a workout
  2. to be good need to run/jog for period-of-time
  3. How much you are doing a workout
  4. how hard you are doing the workout
  5. An activity requiring physical effort
  6. Looks at how much fat, muscle, or height a person has
  7. How much progress you are making
  1. lighting for a longer period of time
  2. what you do before a workout
  3. how much strength you use for a short period of time
  4. A principle you should follow if working out
  5. to be good at this you need to stretch
  6. Repetitive movements that are done for 20-30 minutes with a consistent hart rate
  7. how often you work out
  8. what you do after a workout

15 Clues: how often you work outHow often you do a workoutwhat you do after a workoutwhat you do before a workoutHow much you are doing a workoutHow much progress you are makinghow hard you are doing the workoutlighting for a longer period of timeAn activity requiring physical effortto be good at this you need to stretch...

Health 2021-08-05

Health crossword puzzle
  1. a biochemical reaction which progress in body
  2. excess of leucocytes or white blood cell in blood plasma
  3. a sudden severe instance of abnormal heart function
  4. depending on free oxygen or air
  5. fear of height
  6. an uncommon disorder that causes an imbalance of fluid in body due to undersecretion of anti-diuretic hormone(ADH)
  7. a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system characterized by impaired muscular coordination
  8. high blood pressure
  9. a genetic abnormality resulting in short stature due to undersecretion of growth hormone(GH)
  1. respiratory disease characterized by inflammation of the lung
  2. sclerosis of the arterial wall
  3. metabolic equilibrium actively or balancing of internal environment in body
  4. living or active in the absence of free oxygen
  5. high blood sugar level
  6. a genetic abnormality resulting in high stature due to oversecretion of growth hormone(GH)

15 Clues: fear of heighthigh blood pressurehigh blood sugar levelsclerosis of the arterial walldepending on free oxygen or aira biochemical reaction which progress in bodyliving or active in the absence of free oxygena sudden severe instance of abnormal heart functionexcess of leucocytes or white blood cell in blood plasma...

Health 2021-08-05

Health crossword puzzle
  1. a biochemical reaction which progress in body
  2. a sudden severe instance of abnormal heart function
  3. high blood pressure
  4. a genetic abnormality resulting in short stature due to undersecretion of growth hormone(GH)
  5. excess of leucocytes or white blood cell in blood plasma
  6. a genetic abnormality resulting in high stature due to oversecretion of growth hormone(GH)
  7. living or active in the absence of free oxygen
  8. high blood sugar level
  1. fear of height
  2. metabolic equilibrium actively or balancing of internal environment in body
  3. a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system characterized by impaired muscular coordination
  4. an uncommon disorder that causes an imbalance of fluid in body due to undersecretion of anti-diuretic hormone(ADH)
  5. sclerosis of the arterial wall
  6. respiratory disease characterized by inflammation of the lung
  7. depending on free oxygen or air

15 Clues: fear of heighthigh blood pressurehigh blood sugar levelsclerosis of the arterial walldepending on free oxygen or aira biochemical reaction which progress in bodyliving or active in the absence of free oxygena sudden severe instance of abnormal heart functionexcess of leucocytes or white blood cell in blood plasma...

Health 2021-08-05

Health crossword puzzle
  1. a biochemical reaction which progress in body
  2. excess of leucocytes or white blood cell in blood plasma
  3. a sudden severe instance of abnormal heart function
  4. depending on free oxygen or air
  5. fear of height
  6. an uncommon disorder that causes an imbalance of fluid in body due to undersecretion of anti-diuretic hormone(ADH)
  7. a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system characterized by impaired muscular coordination
  8. high blood pressure
  9. a genetic abnormality resulting in short stature due to undersecretion of growth hormone(GH)
  1. respiratory disease characterized by inflammation of the lung
  2. sclerosis of the arterial wall
  3. metabolic equilibrium actively or balancing of internal environment in body
  4. living or active in the absence of free oxygen
  5. high blood sugar level
  6. a genetic abnormality resulting in high stature due to oversecretion of growth hormone(GH)

15 Clues: fear of heighthigh blood pressurehigh blood sugar levelsclerosis of the arterial walldepending on free oxygen or aira biochemical reaction which progress in bodyliving or active in the absence of free oxygena sudden severe instance of abnormal heart functionexcess of leucocytes or white blood cell in blood plasma...

Health 2021-12-15

Health crossword puzzle
  1. altistus
  2. sijoittaa
  3. henkilöstö
  4. esiintyä
  5. unettomuus
  6. syöte, panos
  7. iskeä
  8. käydä läpi
  1. ammatillinen
  2. pohjimmiltaan
  3. kumota
  4. tarvikkeet, varusteet
  5. lakata, loppua
  6. ympäröivä, tunnelmallinen
  7. ylistys

15 Clues: iskeäkumotaylistysaltistusesiintyäsijoittaahenkilöstöunettomuuskäydä läpiammatillinensyöte, panospohjimmiltaanlakata, loppuatarvikkeet, varusteetympäröivä, tunnelmallinen

Health 2021-12-15

Health crossword puzzle
  1. altistus
  2. sijoittaa
  3. henkilöstö
  4. esiintyä
  5. unettomuus
  6. syöte, panos
  7. iskeä
  8. käydä läpi
  1. ammatillinen
  2. pohjimmiltaan
  3. kumota
  4. tarvikkeet, varusteet
  5. lakata, loppua
  6. ympäröivä, tunnelmallinen
  7. ylistys

15 Clues: iskeäkumotaylistysaltistusesiintyäsijoittaahenkilöstöunettomuuskäydä läpiammatillinensyöte, panospohjimmiltaanlakata, loppuatarvikkeet, varusteetympäröivä, tunnelmallinen

Health 2017-03-16

Health crossword puzzle
  1. alcohol syndrome birth defects to unborn baby from alcohol
  2. chronic disease of the liver
  3. alcohol concentration percentage of alcohol in blood
  4. nervous system the brain and spinal cord
  5. ability to overlook differences and accept people
  6. disease caused by addiction to alcohol
  7. feeling that makes one self-conscious
  1. beliefs one considers to be of great importance
  2. abuse inability to drink in moderation
  3. process of learning to live without alcohol
  4. illness an illness that lasts 3 months or more
  5. physical and mental changes caused by alcohol
  6. time time from when brain detects stimulus to response
  7. any drug that decreases activity in the body
  8. effects caused by drinking excess of alcohol

15 Clues: chronic disease of the liverfeeling that makes one self-consciousabuse inability to drink in moderationdisease caused by addiction to alcoholnervous system the brain and spinal cordprocess of learning to live without alcoholany drug that decreases activity in the bodyeffects caused by drinking excess of alcohol...

Health 2016-10-28

Health crossword puzzle
  1. acutestress
  2. frustration
  3. yoga
  4. stressfulenviornment
  5. conflict
  6. managingtime
  7. shiftpersist
  8. distress
  1. academicfinancialstress
  2. eathealthy
  3. stress
  4. appraisalstress
  5. biasdisorder
  6. overload
  7. getenoughsleep

15 Clues: yogastressoverloadconflictdistresseathealthyacutestressfrustrationbiasdisordermanagingtimeshiftpersistgetenoughsleepappraisalstressstressfulenviornmentacademicfinancialstress

Health 2013-02-20

Health crossword puzzle
  1. muntah
  2. sakitkepala
  3. sakitpunggung
  4. pilek
  5. flu
  6. sakitperut
  7. demam
  8. sakittelinga
  9. diare
  10. sakitmata
  1. asma
  2. keseleo
  3. rematik
  4. sakittenggorokan
  5. pusing

15 Clues: fluasmapilekdemamdiaremuntahpusingkeseleorematiksakitmatasakitperutsakitkepalasakittelingasakitpunggungsakittenggorokan

Health 2013-04-15

Health crossword puzzle
  1. single celled microorganisims
  2. the ability to adapt effectively and recover from disappointment
  3. substances whoe fumes are sniffed or inhaled to give effects
  4. prolonged feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, and sadness
  5. temp placement of children in homes of adults who are not related
  6. brothers and sisters
  7. condition of feeling uneasy or worried about what may happen
  8. a preparation that prevents a person from contracting a specific disease
  1. facility that offers advice and support
  2. lack of strong feeling, interest, or concern
  3. the act of showing sorrow or grief
  4. a peice of genetic material surrounded by a protein coat
  5. anything that causes stress
  6. failure to provide for a child's basic needs
  7. legal end to a marriage contract

15 Clues: brothers and sistersanything that causes stresssingle celled microorganisimslegal end to a marriage contractthe act of showing sorrow or grieffacility that offers advice and supportlack of strong feeling, interest, or concernfailure to provide for a child's basic needsa peice of genetic material surrounded by a protein coat...

HEALTH 2013-04-22

HEALTH crossword puzzle
  1. A Company for Health Organisation
  2. 4 topics about trying to get active and do activities
  3. Positive and Negative thinking or attitude
  4. A company to get you active
  5. What you do at school or work
  6. What everyone has and spends time with
  7. A negative influence that everyone like to go on
  1. Maintaining your body healthy and fit
  2. Everyone is growing in their own ways
  3. What most people go to school by
  4. What you do everyday at school and home
  5. Mum's always want their children to do
  6. A lot of fruits have different types of it
  7. Something you like to do as a physical activity
  8. Trying to do something regularly

15 Clues: A company to get you activeWhat you do at school or workWhat most people go to school byTrying to do something regularlyA Company for Health OrganisationMaintaining your body healthy and fitEveryone is growing in their own waysMum's always want their children to doWhat everyone has and spends time withWhat you do everyday at school and home...

health 2015-03-11

health crossword puzzle
  1. makes you healthy and stronger.
  2. system
  3. what helps you breathe.
  4. a muscle in your legs
  5. cells
  6. joined to your leg
  1. exercising
  2. joined to your foot
  3. system what protects me from getting bugs
  4. protect you from getting hurt
  5. system helps you breath
  6. what helps me stay fit.
  7. make you stronger
  8. allows you to breathe and smell
  9. joins to your foot

15 Clues: cellssystemexercisingmake you strongerjoins to your footjoined to your legjoined to your foota muscle in your legssystem helps you breathwhat helps me stay fit.what helps you breathe.protect you from getting hurtmakes you healthy and stronger.allows you to breathe and smellsystem what protects me from getting bugs

Health 2015-03-11

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Allows us to think and is the boss of our body
  2. Helps you move you arm
  3. Allows your arm to move up, down and rotate
  4. What holds our body together
  5. Lets you say words clearly
  6. What helps us not get hungry
  7. This part of your body needs to be protected when playing football
  8. A place where we can inhale and exhale oxygen
  1. Protects vital organs at the front of our body
  2. Pumps oxygen around our body and gets rid of Co^2
  3. Smallest muscle in the body
  4. Maximus Biggest muscle in your body
  5. Oxygen is a key part of this system to work
  6. This thing breaks down what we eat
  7. You use these to play the piano

15 Clues: Helps you move you armLets you say words clearlySmallest muscle in the bodyWhat holds our body togetherWhat helps us not get hungryYou use these to play the pianoThis thing breaks down what we eatMaximus Biggest muscle in your bodyAllows your arm to move up, down and rotateOxygen is a key part of this system to work...

Health 2023-10-24

Health crossword puzzle
  1. a fruit
  2. a vegetable
  3. how to stay healthy
  4. a dairy
  5. comes from cows
  1. having friends
  2. savory and healthy
  3. a grain
  4. food groups
  5. sweet and juicy
  6. keeps you full
  7. staying active
  8. a protein
  9. bread
  10. staying calm

15 Clues: breada graina fruita dairya proteinfood groupsa vegetablestaying calmhaving friendskeeps you fullstaying activesweet and juicycomes from cowssavory and healthyhow to stay healthy

Health 2024-01-05

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Being vibrant means having a lively and colorful personality. It's like radiating positive energy and enthusiasm for life.
  2. Having a strong body means your muscles are powerful, and you can carry and lift things easily. It's like feeling confident in your physical abilities.
  3. Eating fresh food means enjoying items that are not processed or overly cooked. It's like savoring the natural flavors of fruits, vegetables, and other wholesome options.
  4. A balanced diet includes a mix of different foods in the right proportions. It's like having a little bit of everything to keep your body well-nourished.
  5. Nutritious food is full of essential nutrients that your body needs to grow and stay healthy. It's like eating a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables.
  6. Staying hydrated means drinking enough water to keep your body and skin healthy. It's like quenching your thirst and feeling refreshed.
  7. Being energetic means having lots of energy to play, run, and do activities without feeling tired. It's like having a lively and active lifestyle.
  8. Being rested means getting enough sleep to let your body and mind recover. It's like feeling recharged and ready for a new day.
  9. Being alert means staying focused and aware. It's like having a sharp mind that helps you learn, solve problems, and make good decisions.
  1. Being nourished means providing your body with the right nutrients for growth and well-being. It's like fueling your body with healthy and delicious foods.
  2. Having a glowing complexion means having healthy and radiant skin. It's like taking care of your skin through good hygiene and skincare practices.
  3. Being resilient means bouncing back from challenges and staying strong. It's like facing difficulties with courage and finding solutions.
  4. Being fit means keeping your body strong and active through exercise. It's like having the energy to play sports or run around without feeling tired too quickly.
  5. Being happy contributes to overall health. It's like having a positive outlook on life, enjoying activities, and sharing smiles with others.
  6. Staying active means moving your body regularly through exercise and activities. It's like having fun while keeping your body in motion.

15 Clues: Being vibrant means having a lively and colorful personality. It's like radiating positive energy and enthusiasm for life.Being rested means getting enough sleep to let your body and mind recover. It's like feeling recharged and ready for a new day....

Health 2023-11-30

Health crossword puzzle
  1. the event of the baby entering the outside world
  2. two babies born at the same time
  3. the amount of time between conception and birth
  4. uterus lining being shed
  5. travels through fallopian tubes
  6. other word for uterus
  7. thing that stops an sti placed internally
  8. the microscopic creature that fertilizes the egg
  1. when the participants begin mating
  2. other abbreviation associated with std
  3. fertilization of an egg
  4. thing that stops an sti placed externally
  5. what the egg goes through to get to the uterus
  6. Dr. Seuss poem
  7. type of disease

15 Clues: Dr. Seuss poemtype of diseaseother word for uterusfertilization of an egguterus lining being shedtravels through fallopian tubestwo babies born at the same timewhen the participants begin matingother abbreviation associated with stdthing that stops an sti placed externallything that stops an sti placed internally...

Health 2022-07-23

Health crossword puzzle
  1. The practice of keeping clean
  2. Set of behaviors by which you live
  3. The way you interact with people
  4. The way you think or feel
  5. Passing down of traits
  6. The state of good health
  7. Everything around you
  1. A way to say no
  2. Influence cause by your friends
  3. The condition of your physical, emotional, mental and socio well-being
  4. Describes the quality of your personality and actions
  5. Result of an action
  6. Beliefs with great importance
  7. A lung disease
  8. Choice

15 Clues: ChoiceA way to say noA lung diseaseResult of an actionEverything around youPassing down of traitsThe state of good healthThe way you think or feelThe practice of keeping cleanBeliefs with great importanceInfluence cause by your friendsThe way you interact with peopleSet of behaviors by which you live...

Health 2023-03-29

Health crossword puzzle
  1. fresh fruits, green vegetables, whole grain bread
  2. calcium, iron, potassium
  3. carbs, proteins, fats
  4. animal fats, dairy products
  5. health condition in which an individual has too much of a specific nutrient
  6. candy, dessert, sugary drinks
  7. A, D, E, K vitamins
  1. omega 9
  2. fish, meat, eggs, other seafood
  3. vitamins, minerals, water
  4. fast food, processed snacks
  5. individual doesn't have enough of a specific nutrient
  6. relatively no nutritional value
  7. rice, grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts
  8. high nutritional value per calorie

15 Clues: omega 9A, D, E, K vitaminscarbs, proteins, fatscalcium, iron, potassiumvitamins, minerals, waterfast food, processed snacksanimal fats, dairy productscandy, dessert, sugary drinksfish, meat, eggs, other seafoodrelatively no nutritional valuehigh nutritional value per calorierice, grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts...

health 2024-02-21

health crossword puzzle
  1. strong fibrous band that holds bones together at the joint
  2. large Tough supportive tissue that is softer and more flexible than bones
  3. muscle that you control to do activities like walking
  4. involuntary muscle that causes movement within the body
  5. involuntary muscle is found only in the heart
  6. uncontrolled nerve impulses
  1. severe traumatic brain injury
  2. severe bump to the head
  3. loss of mobility
  4. curvature of the spine
  5. is what happens to unused muscles that cannot contract
  6. prone to seizures
  7. is what happens when muscles are overworked or stretched too much
  8. The place where two or more bones come together
  9. Tissue that fills the space between bones

15 Clues: loss of mobilityprone to seizurescurvature of the spinesevere bump to the headuncontrolled nerve impulsessevere traumatic brain injuryTissue that fills the space between bonesinvoluntary muscle is found only in the heartThe place where two or more bones come togethermuscle that you control to do activities like walking...

Health 2024-04-10

Health crossword puzzle
  1. No, I_______ the flu.
  2. Get some rest
  3. Use ice pack
  4. Take an aspirin
  5. High temperature
  6. I______ feel well.
  1. No, she_________ have a cut.
  2. Take a cough drops
  3. Take cough syrup
  4. Use a heating pad
  5. What's the_______?
  6. Use tissues
  7. Yes, he ________ a cough.
  8. Does she __________a sprained ankle?
  9. Use a bandage
  10. Do____ have a cold?

16 Clues: Use tissuesUse ice packGet some restUse a bandageTake an aspirinTake cough syrupHigh temperatureUse a heating padTake a cough dropsWhat's the_______?I______ feel well.Do____ have a cold?No, I_______ the flu.Yes, he ________ a cough.No, she_________ have a cut.Does she __________a sprained ankle?

health 2024-03-14

health crossword puzzle
  1. a process of purifying a liquid compound by heating it into a vapor that is then condensed back into a liquid.
  2. the percent of alcohol in a person's blood stream
  3. the act or process of recovering, esp from sickness, a shock, or a setback
  4. the physiological or medicinal removal of toxic substances from a living organism, including the human body, which is mainly carried out by the liver
  5. drunk or under the influence of drugs.
  6. a condition in a child that results from alcohol exposure during the mother's pregnancy.
  7. the state or quality of being sober rather than intoxicated.
  8. a renewable fuel made from corn and other plant materials.
  9. the chemical reactions in the body's cells that change food into energy
  1. reduce arousal and stimulation.
  2. consuming 5 or more drinks on an occasion for men or 4 or more drinks on an occasion for women.
  3. a serious and sometimes deadly result of drinking large amounts of alcohol in a short period of time.
  4. A chronic disease in which a person craves drinks that contain alcohol and is unable to control his or her drinking
  5. a strong, often uncontrollable, desire to drink
  6. the process in which a substance breaks down into a simpler substance.
  7. a pattern of drinking too much alcohol too often.

16 Clues: reduce arousal and stimulation.drunk or under the influence of drugs.a strong, often uncontrollable, desire to drinkthe percent of alcohol in a person's blood streama pattern of drinking too much alcohol too often.a renewable fuel made from corn and other plant materials.the state or quality of being sober rather than intoxicated....

Health 2024-08-11

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Gender Roles
  2. Passive
  3. Communication
  4. Blended Family
  5. Aggressive
  6. Extended Family
  1. Nuclear Family
  2. Neglect
  3. Domestic Abuse
  4. Socialization
  5. Empathy
  6. Body Language
  7. Active Listening
  8. Friendship
  9. Assertive

15 Clues: NeglectPassiveEmpathyAssertiveFriendshipAggressiveGender RolesSocializationBody LanguageCommunicationNuclear FamilyDomestic AbuseBlended FamilyExtended FamilyActive Listening

Health 2024-05-29

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Dependence on nicotine, leading to compulsive use despite harmful consequences.
  2. Plant whose leaves are used for smoking, chewing, or vaping, containing nicotine.
  3. disease: Oral condition associated with smoking, characterized by inflammation and infection of the gums.
  4. Brand of e-cigarettes popular among youth, known for sleek design and high nicotine content.
  5. Sticky residue from tobacco smoke, containing harmful chemicals damaging to lungs.
  6. smoke: Residual nicotine and other chemicals left on surfaces after smoking, posing health risks.
  7. Heating element in vaping devices vaporizing e-liquid for inhalation.
  8. Symptoms experienced when addicted individuals stop using nicotine, including cravings and irritability.
  1. Rolled tobacco product for smoking, containing nicotine and harmful chemicals.
  2. Inhaling and exhaling aerosol produced by e-cigarettes or similar devices.
  3. Addictive substance in tobacco and vaping products, stimulating the nervous system.
  4. Substance capable of causing cancer, found in tobacco smoke and vape aerosols. Secondhand smoke: Inhaled smoke from others' cigarettes, posing health risks to bystanders.
  5. bronchitis: Lung condition characterized by persistent coughing and inflammation, often caused by smoking.
  6. Vapor produced by vaping devices containing nicotine, flavorings, and other chemicals
  7. Battery-powered device simulating smoking, delivering nicotine through aerosol.

15 Clues: Heating element in vaping devices vaporizing e-liquid for inhalation.Inhaling and exhaling aerosol produced by e-cigarettes or similar devices.Rolled tobacco product for smoking, containing nicotine and harmful chemicals.Dependence on nicotine, leading to compulsive use despite harmful consequences....

health 2024-10-21

health crossword puzzle
  1. your body's response to changes around you
  2. type of relationships between two people
  3. wanting to kill yourself
  4. People in your age group
  5. failure to give food or things to your kids
  6. language type a sign you give to another person
  7. feeling of worry
  8. the ability to identify and share another persons feelings
  9. a connection with another person
  1. working together for the common goods
  2. long periods of despair
  3. unit of society
  4. friends who will not allow others to say mean things to you
  5. abuse a mistreatment of a child with sexual activity
  6. dependable

15 Clues: dependableunit of societyfeeling of worrylong periods of despairwanting to kill yourselfPeople in your age groupa connection with another personworking together for the common goodstype of relationships between two peopleyour body's response to changes around youfailure to give food or things to your kids...

Health 2023-06-13

Health crossword puzzle
  1. I'm a word for unwinding and letting go, finding calmness and taking it slow.
  2. I'm a word that describes a body in great shape, making good choices from a variety's cape.
  3. I'm a word for bouncing back from a fall, being strong and standing tall.
  4. I'm a word for nutrients your body needs, like sunshine and fruits for super deeds.
  5. I'm a word for resting and dreaming deep, recharging your body for a brand-new leap.
  6. I'm a word that describes the food you eat, providing energy for every feat.
  7. I'm a word that relates to your mind's health, finding peace and strength within yourself.
  8. I'm a word for overall health and well-being, taking care of yourself and always seeing.
  9. I'm a word for keeping clean and fresh, washing hands and brushing teeth without a mesh.
  1. I'm a word that means finding a middle ground, like juggling activities and being astound.
  2. I'm a word for staying well-watered, ensuring your body is never faltered.
  3. diet I'm a phrase that means eating food that's right, fruits, veggies, and protein day and night.
  4. I'm a word that means getting active and strong, moving your body all day long.
  5. I'm a word that means being physically fit, keeping your body active and never quit.
  6. I'm a word for a drink that quenches thirst, hydrating your body is always the first.

15 Clues: I'm a word for bouncing back from a fall, being strong and standing tall.I'm a word for staying well-watered, ensuring your body is never faltered.I'm a word that describes the food you eat, providing energy for every feat.I'm a word for unwinding and letting go, finding calmness and taking it slow....

HEALTH 2023-06-26

HEALTH crossword puzzle
  1. Taking a holistic approach to your well-being, caring for your body, mind, and emotions.
  2. Taking care of your body by being physically active and strong.
  3. Finding a healthy balance between different aspects of your life, like work and play.
  4. Taking precautions and following rules to keep yourself and others safe from harm.
  5. Practicing good habits like washing hands and keeping clean to prevent illnesses.
  6. Eating a variety of nutritious foods to keep your body healthy and strong.
  7. Developing physical and mental strength to overcome challenges and be resilient.
  1. Bouncing back from difficulties, challenges, and setbacks with strength and determination.
  2. Having a vibrant and lively feeling, being full of enthusiasm and zest for life.
  3. Building endurance and staying power to engage in physical activities for longer periods.
  4. Feeling joyful and content, having a positive outlook on life, and enjoying good moments.
  5. Engaging in activities that help you unwind, reduce stress, and find inner calmness.
  6. Experiencing a deep sense of happiness, delight, and finding joy in simple things.
  7. Feeling alive and energetic, having a vibrant and lively state of being.
  8. Giving your body and mind enough time to relax and recharge through sleep and breaks.

15 Clues: Taking care of your body by being physically active and strong.Feeling alive and energetic, having a vibrant and lively state of being.Eating a variety of nutritious foods to keep your body healthy and strong.Having a vibrant and lively feeling, being full of enthusiasm and zest for life....

Health 2023-06-29

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Resting the body and mind through a period of unconsciousness.
  2. The overall well-being of the body and mind.
  3. Relating to the body and its physical well-being.
  4. A state of overall health and well-being, encompassing physical, mental, and emotional aspects.
  5. The process of providing the body with essential nutrients through food.
  6. Mental or emotional strain or tension caused by demanding or challenging circumstances.
  7. Maintaining a harmonious equilibrium in various aspects of life, including health.
  8. Taking measures to avoid illness or injury through proactive actions and healthy habits.
  1. Eating Making nutritious food choices to maintain good health.
  2. A state of joy, contentment, and satisfaction.
  3. Drinking enough water to keep the body properly hydrated.
  4. Being physically active and in good shape.
  5. Practices that promote cleanliness and personal care, such as bathing and brushing teeth.
  6. Physical activities that promote strength, endurance, and fitness.
  7. Health The state of emotional and psychological well-being.

15 Clues: Being physically active and in good shape.The overall well-being of the body and mind.A state of joy, contentment, and satisfaction.Relating to the body and its physical well-being.Drinking enough water to keep the body properly hydrated.Health The state of emotional and psychological well-being....

Health 2023-05-01

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Pie samaņas
  2. Viduklis
  3. Zarnas
  4. Celis
  5. Apsējs
  6. Augšstilbs
  7. Recepte
  1. To...(vemt)
  2. Pieraksts
  3. Skriemeļi
  4. Pārbaude
  5. Operācija
  6. Niere
  7. Urīnpūslis
  8. Elkonis

15 Clues: NiereCelisZarnasApsējsElkonisRecepteViduklisPārbaudePierakstsSkriemeļiOperācijaUrīnpūslisAugšstilbsTo...(vemt)Pie samaņas

Health 2023-07-05

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Relating to the mind, thoughts, emotions, and overall cognitive well-being.
  2. Practices and habits that promote cleanliness and prevent the spread of germs and diseases.
  3. A feeling of emotional or physical tension caused by demanding or challenging situations.
  4. Engaging in physical activities and exercises regularly to maintain fitness and health.
  5. Relating to the body and its structure, movements, and functions.
  6. The act of rest and rejuvenation, often involving activities that help reduce stress and promote calmness.
  7. The process of providing the body with enough water to maintain proper bodily functions.
  1. The state of having an appropriate distribution or harmony between different aspects of life, such as work and leisure.
  2. A state of overall well-being, including physical, mental, and emotional health.
  3. The types of food and drinks regularly consumed by a person.
  4. The process of providing the body with the necessary nutrients through food and drinks.
  5. Physical activity that helps improve strength, flexibility, and overall fitness.
  6. The natural state of rest in which the body and mind rejuvenate and recover.
  7. The state of being free from illness or injury, both physically and mentally.
  8. air Air that is clean, pure, and free from pollution, often associated with spending time outdoors.

15 Clues: The types of food and drinks regularly consumed by a person.Relating to the body and its structure, movements, and functions.Relating to the mind, thoughts, emotions, and overall cognitive well-being.The natural state of rest in which the body and mind rejuvenate and recover....

Health 2022-12-09

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Long-term stress
  2. A healthy nutrient found in animal-based foods
  3. Unsaturated __ are in healthy foods.
  4. Positive stress
  5. Calcium is found in milk and is a type of ___.
  6. Body's response to change
  7. Negative stress
  1. A type of goal that takes a long time
  2. Either fat-soluble or water-soluble
  3. Sugar is a type of this nutrient
  4. A tasteless substance that we drink every day
  5. Something that causes stress
  6. Short-lived stress
  7. Acing a test can be a _____ type of goal
  8. Managing ___ is important (hint: clock)

15 Clues: Positive stressNegative stressLong-term stressShort-lived stressBody's response to changeSomething that causes stressSugar is a type of this nutrientEither fat-soluble or water-solubleUnsaturated __ are in healthy foods.A type of goal that takes a long timeManaging ___ is important (hint: clock)Acing a test can be a _____ type of goal...

Health 2023-01-30

Health crossword puzzle
  1. important in blood clotting
  2. when you do not consume enough iron
  3. Need 10 ounces per day
  4. Supply energy for your body's functions
  5. regulates many processes in your body
  6. Helps carry oxygen around body from lungs
  7. Need 2.5 ounces per day
  8. Need 7 ounces per day
  9. nutrients naturally occurring in rocks/soil
  1. maintaining a steady state inside your body
  2. essential in heart function/ water balance
  3. When your body uses the nutrients in food
  4. maintains water balance in body
  5. Need 3.5 ounces per day
  6. need 3 cups per day

15 Clues: need 3 cups per dayNeed 7 ounces per dayNeed 10 ounces per dayNeed 3.5 ounces per dayNeed 2.5 ounces per dayimportant in blood clottingmaintains water balance in bodywhen you do not consume enough ironregulates many processes in your bodySupply energy for your body's functionsWhen your body uses the nutrients in food...

Health 2023-09-14

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Moving your body to stay strong and fit.
  2. Drinking enough water to keep your body hydrated and healthy.
  3. Eating healthy foods to keep your body strong and well.
  4. A person who helps when you're sick to make you feel better.
  5. A place where doctors and nurses help people who are very sick.
  6. Special liquids or pills that help you get better when you're sick.
  7. A person who takes care of you and helps the doctor.
  1. Keeping your body and surroundings clean for good health.
  2. Resting your body and mind by sleeping at night.
  3. Getting a special shot to protect you from certain illnesses.
  4. Eating plants like carrots and broccoli to stay healthy.
  5. A strip of material that covers a wound to help it heal.
  6. Eating foods like apples and bananas for vitamins and energy.
  7. A special doctor who takes care of your teeth and gums.
  8. Going to the doctor to make sure you're healthy, even when you're not sick.

15 Clues: Moving your body to stay strong and fit.Resting your body and mind by sleeping at night.A person who takes care of you and helps the doctor.Eating healthy foods to keep your body strong and well.A special doctor who takes care of your teeth and gums.Eating plants like carrots and broccoli to stay healthy....

HEALTH 2023-08-27

HEALTH crossword puzzle
  1. Drugs or remedies used to treat or manage medical conditions.
  2. Identifying a disease or condition through examination and analysis of symptoms.
  3. A hypersensitive reaction to a substance that is normally harmless.
  4. A substance that stimulates the immune system to develop immunity to a specific disease.
  5. A physical or mental indication of an illness or condition.
  6. Having good physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
  1. The invasion and multiplication of harmful microorganisms in the body.
  2. Persistent and long-lasting, often referring to diseases or conditions.
  3. Intense worry or fear about future events.
  4. Excessive body weight due to an accumulation of fat
  5. A state of poor health, often caused by disease or injury.
  6. A mental health disorder characterized by persistent sadness and loss of interest.
  7. The state of being in good health and overall well-being.
  8. Practices that promote cleanliness and prevent illness, like washing hands.
  9. Mental or emotional strain caused by demanding situations.

15 Clues: Intense worry or fear about future events.Excessive body weight due to an accumulation of fatHaving good physical, mental, and emotional well-being.The state of being in good health and overall well-being.A state of poor health, often caused by disease or injury.Mental or emotional strain caused by demanding situations....

Health 2023-09-06

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Nutrients that occur naturally in rocks and soil
  2. Substances that the body needs to regulate bodily functions
  3. Made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen but in different proportions
  4. Vitamins that help protect healthy cells from the damage caused by normal aging process
  5. The amount of energy released when nutrients are broken down
  6. Added hydrogen to the fat molecules in vegetable oils
  7. Acid Small links that are bound together chemically
  8. Process of maintaining a steady state inside your body
  1. Nutrients that contain nitrogen as well as carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
  2. Nutrients made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
  3. Chemical process by which our body breaks down food to release energy
  4. Serious reduction in the body's water content
  5. Substance that is found only in animal products
  6. Condition in which the red blood cells do not contain enough hemoglobin
  7. Nutrients that are made by living things, are required only in small amounts, and assist in many chemical reactions in the body

15 Clues: Serious reduction in the body's water contentNutrients made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygenSubstance that is found only in animal productsNutrients that occur naturally in rocks and soilAcid Small links that are bound together chemicallyAdded hydrogen to the fat molecules in vegetable oilsProcess of maintaining a steady state inside your body...

HEALTH 2022-10-19

HEALTH crossword puzzle
  1. have problems with your skin, hair, nails? Do you have moles, scars, acne, or skin allergies?.
  2. doctors work with people with mental, emotional, or addictive disorders. They can diagnose and treat depression, schizophrenia, substance abuse, anxiety disorders, and sexual and gender identity issues. Some psychiatrists focus on children, adolescents, or the elderly.
  3. use X-rays, ultrasound, and other imaging tests to diagnose diseases. They can also specialize in radiation oncology to treat conditions like cancer.
  4. They treat immune system disorders such as asthma, eczema, food allergies, insect sting allergies, and some autoimmune diseases.
  5. These doctors give you drugs to numb your pain or to put you under during surgery, childbirth, or other procedures. They monitor your vital signs while you’re under anesthesia.
  6. treat and manage conditions that affect the flow of blood to the brain. As well as performing operations, they may be involved in a person's rehabilitation after treatment.
  7. These are surgeons who care for men and women for problems in the urinary tract, like a leaky bladder. They also treat male infertility and do prostate exams.
  8. These are specialists in the nervous system, which includes the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. They treat strokes, brain and spinal tumors, epilepsy, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's.
  9. operates on patients to treat injuries, such as broken bones; diseases, such as cancerous tumors; and deformities, such as cleft palates.
  10. they care for children from birth to young adulthood. Some pediatricians specialize in pre-teens and teens, child abuse, or children's developmental issues.
  1. specialists in physical medicine and rehabilitation treat neck or back pain and sports or spinal cord injuries as well as other disabilities caused by accidents or diseases.
  2. internists are cancer specialists. They do chemotherapy treatments and often work with radiation oncologists and surgeons to care for someone with cancer.
  3. They’re experts on the heart and blood vessels. You might see them for heart failure, a heart attack, high blood pressure, or an irregular heartbeat.
  4. You call them eye doctors. They can prescribe glasses or contact lenses and diagnose and treat diseases like glaucoma. Unlike optometrists, they’re medical doctors who can treat every kind of eye condition as well as operate on the eyes.
  5. care for patients with an immediate medical attention such as acute illnesses or injuries from accidents, and they would undertake acute interventions to stabilize the patient.

15 Clues: have problems with your skin, hair, nails? Do you have moles, scars, acne, or skin allergies?.They treat immune system disorders such as asthma, eczema, food allergies, insect sting allergies, and some autoimmune diseases....

Health 2023-05-09

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Being faithful
  2. Making sense
  3. Someone you can trust and talk to
  4. Being nice
  5. Affectionate
  6. Able to wait
  7. Very happy
  8. Having faith
  9. To give a second chance
  1. Hearing what your partner has to say
  2. Having distance
  3. Communicating
  4. A way to keep safe when you are in relationships
  5. Desease
  6. having conversations

15 Clues: DeseaseBeing niceVery happyMaking senseAffectionateAble to waitHaving faithCommunicatingBeing faithfulHaving distancehaving conversationsTo give a second chanceSomeone you can trust and talk toHearing what your partner has to sayA way to keep safe when you are in relationships

Health 2023-06-01

Health crossword puzzle
  1. :something you wear on your feet
  2. Likes to chase mice
  3. :a class about our heath
  4. :a accessory you wear on your neck.
  5. :Has a trunk
  6. :a place you go for checkups
  7. :a place you go to get education
  8. :something you eat
  9. :Flying mammal
  1. :your birth giver
  2. :Large marsupial
  3. :something to keep you on track
  4. :a place you go to for your teeth
  5. :something you use to plug into a electronic.
  6. :a man’s best friend

15 Clues: :Has a trunk:Flying mammal:Large marsupial:your birth giver:something you eatLikes to chase mice:a man’s best friend:a class about our heath:a place you go for checkups:something to keep you on track:something you wear on your feet:a place you go to get education:a place you go to for your teeth:a accessory you wear on your neck....

health 2024-09-24

health crossword puzzle
  1. Olivia Newton John sang lets get
  2. independence, dependence,
  3. a way of behaviour guided by codes and legislation
  4. islander give and take
  5. type of technology used to promote independence
  6. being like this could lead to abuse
  1. islander model of health
  2. all round type of care
  3. like a bra this type of assistance is beneficial
  4. this can be showed no matter what the loss
  5. a value we all should be given
  6. a way of behaving even when no one is looking
  7. wheke the octopus
  8. speaking on behalf of someone
  9. islander value that the beatles said it was all you need

15 Clues: wheke the octopusall round type of careislander give and takeislander model of healthindependence, dependence,speaking on behalf of someonea value we all should be givenOlivia Newton John sang lets getbeing like this could lead to abusethis can be showed no matter what the lossa way of behaving even when no one is looking...

HEALTH 2024-11-13

HEALTH crossword puzzle
  1. A health issue often caused by cold weather.
  2. A pain you feel in your stomach.
  3. A medical tool used to cover a wound.
  4. When your body temperature goes up, you have a ___.
  5. When your head hurts, you have a ___.
  6. A place where sick people go for treatment.
  1. A sudden sound you make when you’re sick.
  2. When your ear hurts, you have an ___.
  3. A pain you feel in your teeth.
  4. You take this to help you feel better.
  5. A health professional who assists doctors.
  6. You might need to visit this person if you have a toothache.
  7. A place where you can buy medicine.
  8. This health professional helps you when you’re sick.
  9. What you might do if you’re very sad.

15 Clues: A pain you feel in your teeth.A pain you feel in your stomach.A place where you can buy medicine.When your ear hurts, you have an ___.A medical tool used to cover a wound.When your head hurts, you have a ___.What you might do if you’re very sad.You take this to help you feel better.A sudden sound you make when you’re sick....

HIP Week Crossword Puzzle 2024-04-11

HIP Week Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. _________ management
  2. Primary reason for patient visit
  3. The act of teaching a skill or type of behavior
  4. The quality of being honest
  6. American Health Information Management Association
  7. Doctor
  8. Patient Accounts and Support Services
  9. We are all _____!
  10. A group of individuals working together to achieve a common goal
  1. Health ________ Professional Week
  2. A person receiving or registered to receive medical treatment.
  3. The process of sending out or making invoices
  4. Income of an organization
  5. Enterprise Records and Health Information
  6. Enterprise Revenue Cycle
  7. A person's mental or physical condition
  8. Patient Financial Services
  9. Request for of payment for medical services rendered
  10. Patient Financial Access Services

20 Clues: DoctorCPT/HCPCSWe are all _____!_________ managementEnterprise Revenue CycleIncome of an organizationPatient Financial ServicesThe quality of being honestPrimary reason for patient visitHealth ________ Professional WeekPatient Financial Access ServicesPatient Accounts and Support ServicesA person's mental or physical condition...

Emotional Health 2023-04-04

Emotional Health crossword puzzle
  1. A way to reset as an athlete and keep good emotional health
  2. Talking to a counselor, _____, or trusted adult can improve poor emotional health
  3. A_______outlook on life is a key component of emotional health
  4. Strong ____ is a key component of emotional health
  5. good emotional health can lead to better physical healtg and a ____
  6. good emotional health lowers stress and betters ____
  1. the ability to ____ with emotions is part of emotional health
  2. ____ over your emotions is a key component of emotional health
  3. Good emotional health can help improve ____ and lower injury risk
  4. 33% of college _____ suffer from emotional health issues, but only 10% seek help
  5. _____ with your sport is a good way to keep good emotional health
  6. _____ can cause health problems like heart disease

12 Clues: Strong ____ is a key component of emotional health_____ can cause health problems like heart diseasegood emotional health lowers stress and betters ____A way to reset as an athlete and keep good emotional healththe ability to ____ with emotions is part of emotional health____ over your emotions is a key component of emotional health...

Health Insurance Basics 2023-11-15

Health Insurance Basics crossword puzzle
  1. The facilities, providers and suppliers your health insurer or plan has contracted with to provide health care services.
  2. A federal health insurance program for people 65 and older and certain younger people with disabilities.
  3. The percentage of costs of a covered health care service you pay (20%, for example) after you've paid your deductible.
  4. The health care items or services covered under a health insurance plan.
  5. The amount you pay for covered health care services before your insurance plan starts to pay.
  6. A request for payment that you or your health care provider submits to your health insurer when you get items or services you think are covered.
  7. Insurance program that provides free or low-cost health coverage to some low-income people, families and children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with disabilities.
  1. A child or other individual for whom a parent, relative, or other person may claim a personal exemption tax deduction.
  2. Approval from a health plan that may be required before you get a service or fill a prescription in order for the service or prescription to be covered by your plan.
  3. A fixed amount ($20, for example) you pay for a covered health care service.
  4. A request for your health insurance company to review a decision that denies a benefit or payment.
  5. The amount you pay for your health insurance every month.
  6. A physician who focuses on a specific area of medicine.
  7. A federal law that may allow you to temporarily keep health coverage after your employment ends, you lose coverage as a dependent of the covered employee, or another qualifying event.

14 Clues: A physician who focuses on a specific area of medicine.The amount you pay for your health insurance every month.The health care items or services covered under a health insurance plan.A fixed amount ($20, for example) you pay for a covered health care service....

Health - Ch 1 2024-06-10

Health - Ch 1 crossword puzzle
  1. person's overall satisfaction that life's present conditions are good
  2. people who are similar in age to one another
  3. support
  4. aspect of health that involves interacting and getting along with others in positive, healthy ways
  5. beliefs, values, customs, and arts of a group of people
  6. circumstances, objects, or conditions that surround a person in everyday life
  7. active process involves being aware/making choices toward improving aspects of health
  8. segments of DNA that determine structure and function of a person
  1. strategies for resolving disagreements
  2. state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being
  3. set of skills designed to help someone avoid participating in unhealthy behaviors
  4. aspect of health that refers to how well a person's body functions
  5. detailed step by step method to reach an desired outcome
  6. aspects of people's lives that increase the chance of a disease, injury, or decline in heallth
  7. aspect of health that has to do with a person's thoughts and feelings
  8. desired result of something you plan to do

16 Clues: supportstrategies for resolving disagreementsdesired result of something you plan to dopeople who are similar in age to one anotherbeliefs, values, customs, and arts of a group of peopledetailed step by step method to reach an desired outcomestate of complete physical, mental, and social well-being...

Health - Ch 1 2024-06-10

Health - Ch 1 crossword puzzle
  1. person's overall satisfaction that life's present conditions are good
  2. people who are similar in age to one another
  3. support
  4. aspect of health that involves interacting and getting along with others in positive, healthy ways
  5. beliefs, values, customs, and arts of a group of people
  6. circumstances, objects, or conditions that surround a person in everyday life
  7. active process involves being aware/making choices toward improving aspects of health
  8. segments of DNA that determine structure and function of a person
  1. strategies for resolving disagreements
  2. state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being
  3. set of skills designed to help someone avoid participating in unhealthy behaviors
  4. aspect of health that refers to how well a person's body functions
  5. detailed step by step method to reach an desired outcome
  6. aspects of people's lives that increase the chance of a disease, injury, or decline in heallth
  7. aspect of health that has to do with a person's thoughts and feelings
  8. desired result of something you plan to do

16 Clues: supportstrategies for resolving disagreementsdesired result of something you plan to dopeople who are similar in age to one anotherbeliefs, values, customs, and arts of a group of peopledetailed step by step method to reach an desired outcomestate of complete physical, mental, and social well-being...

Public Health Quiz 2022-09-11

Public Health Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. The Shriner's and Lion's Club are examples of this type of health organization
  2. The distribution of unmarried childbearing has shifted with more births to __ unmarried women
  3. The most widely recognized international governmental health organization
  4. Determining the preferred number and spacing of children and choosing the appropriate means to accomplish it
  5. Health agency that is usually the responsibility of city or county governments
  6. Licensing responsibilities fall under this core public health function
  7. This is an important measure of a nation's health because it is associated with a variety of factors (e.g., socioeconomics, quality and access to care, etc.)
  1. The promulgation of health policies and regulations is associated with this core public health function
  2. A distinction given to newborns weighing less than 2500 grams or 5.5 lbs at birth
  3. Preferred feeding method for babies because of its significant health benefits
  4. These pregnancies are more likely to result in serious health consequences for women and their babies compared to those who delay childbearing
  5. Perhaps the most important population characteristic to consider when describing the occurrence of disease, injury, and/or death in a population
  6. One of the most widely recognized quasi-governmental health agencies
  7. The primary national health agency in the United States
  8. Medical care provided to a pregnant woman from the time of conception until the birth process occurs

15 Clues: The primary national health agency in the United StatesOne of the most widely recognized quasi-governmental health agenciesLicensing responsibilities fall under this core public health functionThe most widely recognized international governmental health organizationThe Shriner's and Lion's Club are examples of this type of health organization...

Home Health & Hospice Month 2023-11-06

Home Health & Hospice Month crossword puzzle
  1. number of counties NCHH&H provides services in
  2. can provide hospice patients with non medical care and companionship
  3. chronic disease requiring education to manage
  4. how many hours a day is NCHH&H available
  5. hospice nurses assist patients to manage these at home
  6. spiritual advisor for hospice
  7. care for people with terminal illness
  8. assists home health patients to improve mobility
  9. care in the home provides the patient a level of this
  10. home health nurses travel eight billion of these a year
  1. services provided to a hospice patient's family for 13 months after pt death
  2. home health nurses assist patients to care for these
  3. assists hospice patients with psychosocial needs
  4. home health nurses ensure patient understanding of this
  5. home health nurses can provide this in the home
  6. person that conducts the home health face to face visit as required by Medicare and most other insurances
  7. location where care takes place
  8. the abbreviation for the hospice interdisciplinary group

18 Clues: spiritual advisor for hospicelocation where care takes placecare for people with terminal illnesshow many hours a day is NCHH&H availablechronic disease requiring education to managenumber of counties NCHH&H provides services inhome health nurses can provide this in the homeassists hospice patients with psychosocial needs...

HIP Week 2024 2024-04-16

HIP Week 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. Program used to send records.
  2. Patients complete this to give permission for records to be released.
  3. Transferring PHI from one entity to another.
  4. Type this in the subject line when phi is involved.
  5. communication to a requester/patient that must be approved by a Lead/HIOS
  6. Agency for Health Care Administration
  7. Treatment Payment Operations, does not require HIPAA authorization
  8. Category for a request from a Law Firm
  9. request made to stop the release of PHI
  1. STD, Mental Health, HIV/AIDS are considered __________ information.
  2. Act of releasing information to the wrong person
  3. National organization leading the voice of health information.
  4. Patients request to change information in their records
  5. Type of request made by the patient in first person.
  6. Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health
  7. Patients request to stop the release of their PHI
  8. Continuation of Care
  9. formal written order requiring documents to be produced or an appearance /deposition
  10. Federal regulation governing the release of PHI(Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) INSURANCE, Request type for payment of claims.

19 Clues: Continuation of CareProgram used to send records.Agency for Health Care AdministrationCategory for a request from a Law Firmrequest made to stop the release of PHITransferring PHI from one entity to another.Act of releasing information to the wrong personPatients request to stop the release of their PHI...

Ch. 17 and NA vocab list D-H 2020-07-06

Ch. 17 and NA vocab list D-H crossword puzzle
  1. against medical advice/leaving a health care setting against Doctors orders.
  2. always take the new resident on a _____ of the room.
  3. the official entry into a health care setting.
  4. another term for being discharged.
  5. information about a person's preferences,abilities and disabilities.
  6. document that list and describes residents personal belongings.
  7. process by health care team to prepare patient for leaving health care facility.
  1. standard information about a person, such as, name,address, date of birth, and age.
  2. members of the health care facility may see admitting as a normal ________ in their line of work, but can be stressful for the person being admitted
  3. _________ for the person's arrival into the health care facility will help them feel welcome and less anxious
  4. official release of patient from a health care facility back to their home.
  5. form that gives a facility permission to treat the persons medical condition.
  6. another term for being admitted.
  7. when patient is moved from one health care facility to another.
  8. as a nursing assistant your job after someone is admitted into a health care facility is to help make resident feel _________.

15 Clues: another term for being admitted.another term for being discharged.the official entry into a health care setting.always take the new resident on a _____ of the room.when patient is moved from one health care facility to another.document that list and describes residents personal belongings....

vocabulario del treinta de mayo de dos mil diecisiete 2017-06-01

vocabulario del treinta de mayo de dos mil diecisiete crossword puzzle
  1. time (e.g., What time is it?), hour
  2. they are (location, health, mood, condition)
  3. joke
  4. you are (location, health, mood, condition)
  5. they are (identification, point of origin, description)
  6. I wake up
  7. 15
  8. I arrived
  9. inexpensive
  1. maybe, perhaps
  2. rain
  3. colega
  4. you are (identification, point of origin, description)
  5. we are (location, health, mood, condition)
  6. your (plural, informal)
  7. expensive
  8. 50
  9. sigue, continúa
  10. carro
  11. ahora

20 Clues: 5015rainjokecarroahoracolegaexpensiveI wake upI arrivedinexpensivemaybe, perhapssigue, continúayour (plural, informal)time (e.g., What time is it?), hourwe are (location, health, mood, condition)you are (location, health, mood, condition)they are (location, health, mood, condition)you are (identification, point of origin, description)...

Basic Health 2022-09-18

Basic Health crossword puzzle
  1. A tip for good social health is to have clear...
  2. The sum of your surroundings
  3. Combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being
  4. The way you view situations
  5. Involves having a feeling of purpose and a sense of values
  6. Mentally and emotional healthy people enjoy these
  7. Radio, television, and the internet
  8. All the traits that were biologically passed on to you
  1. This type of disease is an ongoing condition such as cancer
  2. Your health at any moment can be seen as a point along this
  3. You have total control over your own...
  4. This aspect of health involves getting along with others
  5. People of the same age who share similar interests
  6. The collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group
  7. Usually in better health than pessimists
  8. An overall state of well-being or total health
  9. The various methods for communicating information
  10. How many cups of water you should drink each day

18 Clues: The way you view situationsThe sum of your surroundingsRadio, television, and the internetYou have total control over your own...Usually in better health than pessimistsAn overall state of well-being or total healthA tip for good social health is to have clear...How many cups of water you should drink each day...

Health 2016-02-08

Health crossword puzzle
  1. medication for an upset stomach; ex: Pepto Bismol
  2. medicine for fighting bacteria
  3. the feeling that you're going to fall down
  4. Which doctor do you see for a backache?
  5. type of medicine that you can only get from a doctor
  6. liquid medication you put in your ears
  7. puffed up (larger than normal)
  8. when your stomach is upset and you want to vomit
  9. when your temperature is higher than it should be
  10. skin irritation
  11. medical cream that you put on your skin
  1. type of dentist that cleans your teeth
  2. medication for allergies and colds; ex: Benadryl
  3. medicine for aches and pains; ex: Tylenol
  4. Which doctor do you take your children to?

15 Clues: skin irritationmedicine for fighting bacteriapuffed up (larger than normal)type of dentist that cleans your teethliquid medication you put in your earsWhich doctor do you see for a backache?medical cream that you put on your skinmedicine for aches and pains; ex: Tylenolthe feeling that you're going to fall down...

HEALTH 2013-04-22

HEALTH crossword puzzle
  1. WHO


Health 2013-05-28

Health crossword puzzle
  1. same composition throughout
  2. pressing, folding, and stretching by hand
  3. the strawlike covering around a grain
  4. drinking alcoholleaveningagents substances that produce leavening gases
  5. heating to kill disease-causing bacteria
  6. fat often used in making dough
  7. a plant hormone that encourages fruit ripening
  1. an enzyme taken from the lining of a calf's stomach
  2. the process of grinding grains and sifting the material to separate the different parts
  3. make less active
  4. animal that produces milk to nurse their young
  5. fiber made of collagen molecules
  6. the layer of cells below the bran layers, containing the highest-quality protein in a flour grain
  7. tiny living thing visible only under a microscope
  8. a tough, stretchy substance formed when making dough or batter

15 Clues: make less activesame composition throughoutfat often used in making doughfiber made of collagen moleculesthe strawlike covering around a grainheating to kill disease-causing bacteriapressing, folding, and stretching by handanimal that produces milk to nurse their younga plant hormone that encourages fruit ripening...

Health 2021-09-13

Health crossword puzzle
  1. helps create red blood cells
  2. solid
  3. Nutrients that occur in rocks
  4. maintains body temp
  5. helps with bones and teeth
  6. Helps maintain water balance
  7. 45-65% of your diet
  8. helps with nerve functions
  1. Prevent constipation
  2. maintaining a balance in your body
  3. things that help maintain your cells
  4. 10-35% of your diet
  5. help protect cells
  6. A unit of energy
  7. liquid

15 Clues: solidliquidA unit of energyhelp protect cells10-35% of your dietmaintains body temp45-65% of your dietPrevent constipationhelps with bones and teethhelps with nerve functionshelps create red blood cellsHelps maintain water balanceNutrients that occur in rocksmaintaining a balance in your bodythings that help maintain your cells

Health 2021-05-21

Health crossword puzzle
  1. gerincvelő
  2. vakbélgyulladás
  3. kötőhártyagyulladás
  4. TBC
  5. emésztés
  6. seb
  7. mankó
  1. cast gipsz
  2. bába
  3. gyógyszer
  4. varrat
  5. agyrázkódás
  6. tüdőgyulladás
  7. belek
  8. fülgyulladás

15 Clues: TBCsebbábabelekmankóvarratemésztésgyógyszercast gipszgerincvelőagyrázkódásfülgyulladástüdőgyulladásvakbélgyulladáskötőhártyagyulladás

health 2021-12-13

health crossword puzzle
  1. A written order from a doctor for
  2. unable to speak
  3. a length of special thread used to join the
  4. a movable chair mounted on large wheels
  5. when a doctor cuts your body open and repairs or removes something
  6. an acute injury in which blood flow to the brain is interrupted
  1. be dizzy
  2. independence on a drug
  3. unable to hear
  4. bone is out of its normal position
  5. therapy
  6. high body temperature
  7. you put it on the small wound
  8. unable to see
  9. you have it when you broke something

15 Clues: therapybe dizzyunable to seeunable to hearunable to speakhigh body temperatureindependence on a drugyou put it on the small woundA written order from a doctor forbone is out of its normal positionyou have it when you broke somethinga movable chair mounted on large wheelsa length of special thread used to join the...

Health 2022-03-07

Health crossword puzzle
  1. röntgen
  2. kötszer
  3. hőmérő
  4. bensőség
  5. gyógyszer
  6. szemvizsgálat
  7. vérnyomás
  8. kerekesszék
  1. mentős
  2. fejfájás
  3. műtét
  4. ápoló
  5. cukorbetegség
  6. leégés
  7. köhögés

15 Clues: műtétápolómentőshőmérőleégésröntgenkötszerköhögésfejfájásbensőséggyógyszervérnyomáskerekesszékcukorbetegségszemvizsgálat

Health 2022-07-18

Health crossword puzzle
  1. The way you interact with people
  2. Set of behaviors by which you live
  3. The practice of keeping clean
  4. A way to say no
  5. Everything around you
  6. The passing down of traits
  7. Beliefs with great importance
  8. Result of an action
  1. Describes the quality of your personality and actions
  2. Choice
  3. Influence caused by your friends
  4. The state of good health
  5. A lung disease
  6. The way you think, act or feel
  7. The condition of your physical, emotional, mental and social well-being

15 Clues: ChoiceA lung diseaseA way to say noResult of an actionEverything around youThe state of good healthThe passing down of traitsThe practice of keeping cleanBeliefs with great importanceThe way you think, act or feelThe way you interact with peopleInfluence caused by your friendsSet of behaviors by which you live...

Health 2022-08-15

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Cancer causing chemicals are known as...
  2. Smoke that escapes into the air from the burning tip of a cigarette, cigar, pipe...
  3. What does the C stand for in CPR?
  4. Fertilization occurs in the...
  5. The effect on the body and mind to everyday demands
  6. The 5 Areas of Health are: Physical, Social, Mental, Spiritual and...
  7. What percent of high school students vape (2020)?
  1. Who must you get permission from before giving care to a minor (if they are present)?
  2. What must you do before approaching the scene of an emergency?
  3. The only 100% way to prevent the spread of STIs and unplanned pregnancies is...
  4. What percentage of new STIs cases is the age group between 15 and 24 responsible for?
  5. The joining of a sperm cell and a mature egg is known as...
  6. In all states, teens can be arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol if their blood alcohol concentration exceeds...
  7. What is the minimum age of a victim that you would perform Adult CPR skills on?
  8. Poor health is most directly related to...

15 Clues: Fertilization occurs in the...What does the C stand for in CPR?Cancer causing chemicals are known as...Poor health is most directly related to...What percent of high school students vape (2020)?The effect on the body and mind to everyday demandsThe joining of a sperm cell and a mature egg is known as......

Health 2022-05-23

Health crossword puzzle
  1. a disease that inflames the liver
  2. a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time.
  3. fight off some infections
  4. a common contagious infection which affects the nose, throat and sometimes lungs.
  5. disease is spread by ticks
  6. there are 3 types of infections: bacterial, parasitical &_______
  7. a disease-producing agent
  1. an infectious disease caused by mosquitoes
  2. yeast and mushrooms come from this kingdom
  3. single-celled microbes
  4. microtubule-based hair-like organelles
  5. infection that inflames the air sacs in the lungs
  6. a bacterial infection spread through inhaling tiny droplets from the coughs or sneezes of an
  7. exposed to a infection/disease
  8. easily spread

15 Clues: easily spreadsingle-celled microbesfight off some infectionsa disease-producing agentdisease is spread by ticksexposed to a infection/diseasea disease that inflames the livermicrotubule-based hair-like organellesan infectious disease caused by mosquitoesyeast and mushrooms come from this kingdominfection that inflames the air sacs in the lungs...

Health 2022-06-14

Health crossword puzzle
  1. elements on the earth and in foods that our bodies need to develop and function normally.
  2. group of food that is usually found in fruits and vegetables, necessary for the diet
  3. part of nutrition that is carbohydrates that is not able to digest, usually found in bread
  4. type of drugs that reduce the arousal of people
  5. the dependence of a certain substance, drug etc
  6. a desire to eat without actually needing food
  7. the coming back to a substance you are addicted to but you tried to stop consuming
  8. carbohydrates that are harder to break down
  1. when your body is lacking sufficient food
  2. a macronutrient made up of amino acids, builds muscles and is found in food like eggs and etc
  3. types of drugs that stimulate your senses
  4. watching the food that you consume to fit your needs in life
  5. carbs that are easy to break down.
  6. can be found in cigarettes and vaping, it can be very addictive.
  7. a macronutrient that is found in foods like bread and etc and gives energy

15 Clues: carbs that are easy to break down.when your body is lacking sufficient foodtypes of drugs that stimulate your sensescarbohydrates that are harder to break downa desire to eat without actually needing foodtype of drugs that reduce the arousal of peoplethe dependence of a certain substance, drug etc...

Health 2021-12-15

Health crossword puzzle
  1. headache
  2. indigestion
  3. first aid
  4. resepti prescribe
  5. vaccination
  6. depression
  7. x-ray
  1. lääkemääräys prescription
  2. tonsillitis
  3. ill
  4. rash
  5. sneeze
  6. lactose intolerance
  7. bronchitis
  8. nurse

15 Clues: illrashnursex-raysneezeheadachefirst aidbronchitisdepressiontonsillitisindigestionvaccinationresepti prescribelactose intolerancelääkemääräys prescription

HEALTH 2023-01-20

HEALTH crossword puzzle
  1. help you breathe
  2. it makes you digest food
  3. it helps you taste
  4. it makes you see unless your blind
  5. they allow you to chew food unless you do not have them
  6. the biggest organism in your body
  7. the only organism in your body that named itself
  1. 2 bean shaped organs that maintain chemical balance
  2. it makes you smell unless you don't have one
  3. it stores and releases urin
  4. help you see better when the sun is out
  5. it delivers blood to the body
  6. one of the five senses that help you feel things
  7. they make you hear
  8. on top of your head

15 Clues: help you breatheit helps you tastethey make you hearon top of your headit makes you digest foodit stores and releases urinit delivers blood to the bodythe biggest organism in your bodyit makes you see unless your blindhelp you see better when the sun is outit makes you smell unless you don't have oneone of the five senses that help you feel things...

HEALTH 2023-02-13

HEALTH crossword puzzle
  1. A person who prepares drugs and medicine.
  2. Relating to the lungs.
  3. Located inside of something.
  4. A person who prevents patients from feeling pain.
  5. A drug that reduces pain.
  6. A person who cuts open the body in operations.
  7. A person who uses imaging technology.
  8. The body part that connects the hand to the arm.
  1. The body parts extending from the shoulders.
  2. A doctor who treats children.
  3. A tube that carries blood from the heart to the body.
  4. A heart specialist.
  5. The organ used to breathe.
  6. A structure in the heart that opens and closes.
  7. The gas that people breathe in.

15 Clues: A heart specialist.Relating to the lungs.A drug that reduces pain.The organ used to breathe.Located inside of something.A doctor who treats children.The gas that people breathe in.A person who uses imaging technology.A person who prepares drugs and medicine.The body parts extending from the shoulders.A person who cuts open the body in operations....

Health 2023-06-21

Health crossword puzzle
  1. air Clean and unpolluted air that is beneficial for breathing and overall health.
  2. The ability to understand and share the feelings of others.
  3. The feeling of joy, contentment, and satisfaction.
  4. The act of providing the body with enough fluids to stay hydrated.
  5. The body's ability to resist and fight off infections and diseases.
  6. The position and alignment of the body while standing, sitting, or lying down.
  7. The act of reducing stress and finding calmness and tranquility.
  8. The act of reducing stress and finding calmness and tranquility.
  9. The state of being in good physical and mental health.
  10. The natural state of rest in which the body and mind rejuvenate.
  1. The physical power and ability to exert force.
  2. The ability to bounce back and recover from difficult situations or challenges.
  3. The ability to maintain stability and harmony in various aspects of life.
  4. Practices that promote cleanliness and good health, such as washing hands regularly.
  5. The process of providing the body with the necessary food and nutrients.
  6. Physical activity that helps to keep the body fit and healthy.

16 Clues: The physical power and ability to exert force.The feeling of joy, contentment, and satisfaction.The state of being in good physical and mental health.The ability to understand and share the feelings of others.Physical activity that helps to keep the body fit and healthy.The act of reducing stress and finding calmness and tranquility....

Health 2023-06-28

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Tiny, invisible organisms that can make you sick, so it's important to wash your hands to keep them away.
  2. A soft, sticky strip used to cover and protect a wound so it can heal properly.
  3. Physical activity that makes your body stronger and healthier.
  4. Natural and delicious foods that grow on trees or plants and are good for your health.
  5. Special substances that help treat illnesses and make you feel better.
  6. Practices that keep your body and surroundings clean to stay healthy.
  7. A special kind of doctor who takes care of your teeth and keeps your smile healthy.
  1. Edible plants that are packed with vitamins and minerals and are important for a balanced diet.
  2. A person who helps you when you are sick or hurt and knows a lot about the human body.
  3. The food and drinks you consume to give your body the energy it needs.
  4. A clear liquid that you drink to quench your thirst and keep your body hydrated.
  5. The organ inside your chest that pumps blood throughout your body, keeping you alive and healthy.
  6. When your body reacts to something you're allergic to, like pollen, causing sneezing, itching, or rashes.
  7. A shot that protects you from certain diseases by making your body strong against them.
  8. Resting your body and mind by lying down and closing your eyes for a while.

15 Clues: Physical activity that makes your body stronger and healthier.Practices that keep your body and surroundings clean to stay healthy.The food and drinks you consume to give your body the energy it needs.Special substances that help treat illnesses and make you feel better.Resting your body and mind by lying down and closing your eyes for a while....

health 2023-06-19

health crossword puzzle
  1. | Finding a healthy middle ground in various aspects of life, such as work and play, rest and activity, and healthy eating. Balance helps maintain overall well-being.
  2. | The rest that the body needs to recharge and stay healthy. Getting enough sleep helps the body grow, repair itself, and have enough energy.
  3. | The process of providing the body with the right kinds of food to stay healthy. Eating a balanced diet with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is important for good nutrition.
  4. | Practices that help keep the body clean and prevent the spread of germs. This includes activities like washing hands, brushing teeth and taking regular baths or showers.
  5. | The feeling of joy, contentment, and satisfaction. Engaging in activities that bring happiness, such as hobbies, spending time with loved ones, and pursuing interests, is important for overall health.
  6. Well-being | The state of being emotionally healthy and balanced. It involves recognizing and managing emotions, expressing oneself, and seeking support when needed.
  7. | A vital substance that the body needs to stay hydrated and function properly. Drinking enough water helps regulate body temperature and supports various bodily functions.
  8. | Physical activity that helps keep the body strong and healthy. It can include activities like running, biking, and playing sports.
  1. | Positive and supportive relationships with others. Having friends and social connections contributes to emotional and mental well-being.
  2. | Being fully present and aware of the present moment. Mindfulness practices, such as meditation or deep breathing, can help reduce stress and improve mental well-being.
  3. | Taking precautions to prevent accidents and injuries. Following safety rules, wearing protective gear, and being aware of potential dangers is important for staying healthy.
  4. | The light and warmth that comes from the sun. Spending time outside in the sunlight helps the body produce vitamin D, which is important for bone health.
  5. | Activities or practices that help the body and mind unwind and reduce stress. This can include hobbies, reading, listening to music, or practicing deep breathing exercises.
  6. Air | Clean and pure air that is important for breathing and overall health. Spending time outdoors and in nature can provide fresh air.
  7. | The process of receiving a vaccine to protect against specific diseases. Vaccinations help prevent the spread of illnesses and keep individuals healthy.

15 Clues: | Physical activity that helps keep the body strong and healthy. It can include activities like running, biking, and playing sports.Air | Clean and pure air that is important for breathing and overall health. Spending time outdoors and in nature can provide fresh air....

Health 2023-06-30

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Resting and taking time to calm the mind and body.
  2. The state of being physically and mentally strong and healthy.
  3. Diet Eating a variety of foods from different food groups in the right amounts.
  4. Paying attention to the present moment and being aware of one's thoughts and feelings.
  5. The overall state of being healthy and well.
  6. Engaging in physical activities and keeping the body moving.
  1. Keeping the body hydrated by drinking enough water.
  2. The ability of the body and muscles to exert force or power.
  3. Practices that keep the body and surroundings clean and healthy.
  4. Air Clean and unpolluted air that is good for breathing.
  5. Physical activity that keeps the body fit and healthy.
  6. Being in good physical and mental condition.
  7. The ability to bend, stretch, and move the body easily.
  8. The process of providing the body with the right food and nutrients.
  9. Resting the body and mind for proper growth and rejuvenation.

15 Clues: Being in good physical and mental condition.The overall state of being healthy and well.Resting and taking time to calm the mind and body.Keeping the body hydrated by drinking enough water.Physical activity that keeps the body fit and healthy.The ability to bend, stretch, and move the body easily....

Health 2023-09-05

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Chemical process of breaking down food for energy.
  2. provide body with glucose
  3. H2o
  4. when hydrogen is added to the fat molecules by manufacturers
  5. helps repair cells
  1. helps resist infections
  2. prevents constipation, reduces risk of colon cancer
  3. Amount of energy released when nutrients are broken down
  4. Build into proteins.
  5. build strong bones and teeth
  6. simple sugar for energy in the body
  7. Waxy fat like substance found in animal products
  8. the stored form of glucose that's made up of many connected glucose molecule
  9. give energy for cell function
  10. protect your cells

15 Clues: H2oprotect your cellshelps repair cellsBuild into proteins.helps resist infectionsprovide body with glucosebuild strong bones and teethgive energy for cell functionsimple sugar for energy in the bodyWaxy fat like substance found in animal productsChemical process of breaking down food for energy.prevents constipation, reduces risk of colon cancer...

health 2023-09-06

health crossword puzzle
  1. A unit in which energy in your body is measured
  2. When red blud cells dont have enough hemoglobin
  3. Protects cells
  4. The ability to maintain stable conditions
  5. Builds bone strength
  6. Supplies energy to your body
  7. Too much of this can cause a stroke
  1. Stored in your body for energy
  2. Reactions in your body that give energy
  3. Builds proteins
  4. Found in soil and rocks
  5. A drink you need that exists in your body
  6. Build muscle and cells
  7. Good source of protein
  8. Prevents constipation

15 Clues: Protects cellsBuilds proteinsBuilds bone strengthPrevents constipationBuild muscle and cellsGood source of proteinFound in soil and rocksSupplies energy to your bodyStored in your body for energyToo much of this can cause a strokeReactions in your body that give energyA drink you need that exists in your body...

Health 2023-09-06

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Eating healthy foods like fruits and vegetables to nourish your body.
  2. A medical professional who takes care of your health and gives you advice.
  3. Physical activity like running, playing, or dancing to stay fit and strong.
  4. Feeling worried or tense; it's important to find ways to relax.
  5. Keeping yourself clean by bathing, brushing your teeth, and washing your hands.
  1. A shot or medicine to protect you from certain illnesses.
  2. A place where people go for medical care when they are very sick or injured.
  3. Diet Eating a variety of foods to get all the nutrients your body needs.
  4. Special substances that can help you feel better when you're sick.
  5. Taking care of your physical and mental health to feel your best.
  6. The clear liquid that you need to drink to stay hydrated and healthy.
  7. A doctor who looks after your teeth and helps keep your smile healthy.
  8. A visit to the doctor or dentist to make sure you're healthy, even if you feel fine.
  9. Air Clean, outdoor air that you breathe to keep your lungs healthy.
  10. Resting your body and mind by getting enough rest at night.

15 Clues: A shot or medicine to protect you from certain illnesses.Resting your body and mind by getting enough rest at night.Feeling worried or tense; it's important to find ways to relax.Taking care of your physical and mental health to feel your best.Special substances that can help you feel better when you're sick....

Health 2023-08-26

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Practices that help maintain cleanliness and prevent diseases.
  2. A medical professional who diagnoses and treats illnesses.
  3. An adverse reaction of the immune system to a normally harmless substance.
  4. A vital organ that pumps blood throughout the body.
  5. A natural state of rest for the body and mind, essential for good health.
  6. Health The emotional and psychological well-being of a person.
  7. The process of providing the body with the necessary nutrients for growth and health.
  8. Substances or treatments used to prevent or cure illnesses.
  9. Physical activity done to improve fitness and overall health.
  1. The process of providing the body with enough water to function properly.
  2. A tiny infectious agent that can cause various illnesses.
  3. The state of being in good health, both physically and mentally.
  4. A substance that stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies, providing immunity to a disease.
  5. A feeling of mental or emotional strain often triggered by challenging situations.
  6. The food and drinks regularly consumed by a person.

15 Clues: A vital organ that pumps blood throughout the body.The food and drinks regularly consumed by a person.A tiny infectious agent that can cause various illnesses.A medical professional who diagnoses and treats illnesses.Substances or treatments used to prevent or cure illnesses.Physical activity done to improve fitness and overall health....

health 2023-11-20

health crossword puzzle
  1. multiple friends,
  2. daydreaming,
  3. being a good kitten,
  4. every day thing,
  5. can take certain amount of something,
  6. brother and sister.
  7. jerkish,
  1. when you are dating someone,
  2. making self heard,
  3. good person,
  4. ruin
  5. pickme,
  6. being mean to people,
  7. rules,
  8. not there,

15 Clues: ruinrules,pickme,jerkish,not there,good person,daydreaming,every day thing,multiple friends,making self heard,brother and sister.being a good kitten,being mean to people,when you are dating someone,can take certain amount of something,

HEALTH 2024-08-05

HEALTH crossword puzzle
  1. the sending and receiving of information
  2. the process of working together to the same end
  3. accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance.
  4. a way of listening and responding to another person that improves mutual understanding.
  5. has a quality of anger and determination that makes them ready to attack other people.
  6. a family that includes two married parents and their children, everyone living underone roof.
  7. accept standards that are lower than is desirable.
  8. forms when you and your partner make a life together with the children from one or both of your previous relationships.
  1. he process by which a human being beginning at infancy acquires the habits, beliefs, and accumulated knowledge of society through education and training for adult status.
  2. a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner.
  3. showing a confident and forceful personality
  4. a family that extends beyond the nuclear family of parents and their children to include aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins or other relatives, all living nearby or in the same household.
  5. a state of enduring affection, esteem, intimacy, and trust between two people
  6. a form of abuse where the perpetrator, who is responsible for caring for someone who is unable to care for themselves, fails to do so.
  7. is choosing to feel the pain with them

15 Clues: is choosing to feel the pain with themthe sending and receiving of informationshowing a confident and forceful personalitythe process of working together to the same endaccept standards that are lower than is desirable.a state of enduring affection, esteem, intimacy, and trust between two people...

Health 2024-08-19

Health crossword puzzle
  1. something in your body that is red
  2. a kind of medicine
  3. the condition of ones body
  4. an automobile for carrying sick people
  5. a hot feeling in ones body
  6. to make into pieces
  1. not sick, body in good condition
  2. something seen normally, usual
  3. to be sick
  4. to make something feel bad
  5. a hurting feeling
  6. arms, legs, head, eyes are part of this
  7. to look carefully at something
  8. a bad reason for missing school or work
  9. something easy to hurt when carrying heavy things

15 Clues: to be sicka hurting feelinga kind of medicineto make into piecesthe condition of ones bodyto make something feel bada hot feeling in ones bodysomething seen normally, usualto look carefully at somethingnot sick, body in good conditionsomething in your body that is redan automobile for carrying sick peoplearms, legs, head, eyes are part of this...

Health 2024-11-01

Health crossword puzzle
  1. annoying tendency
  2. poisonous, harmful
  3. having parts or elements arranged in harmony
  4. causing a problem
  5. the way people live
  6. fever caused by bacteria spread by fleas,lice
  7. greatly, exceptionally
  8. helps to improve smb`s life
  1. soon after the beginning of a situation
  2. the information which is used in a court or a law
  3. all over the world
  4. develop skills by teaching or schooling
  5. very quickly
  6. forbidden
  7. disease caused by a mosquito bites

15 Clues: forbiddenvery quicklyannoying tendencycausing a problemall over the worldpoisonous, harmfulthe way people livegreatly, exceptionallyhelps to improve smb`s lifedisease caused by a mosquito bitessoon after the beginning of a situationdevelop skills by teaching or schoolinghaving parts or elements arranged in harmony...

HEALTH 2024-11-13

HEALTH crossword puzzle
  1. A health issue often caused by cold weather.
  2. A pain you feel in your stomach.
  3. A medical tool used to cover a wound.
  4. When your body temperature goes up, you have a ___.
  5. When your head hurts, you have a ___.
  6. A place where sick people go for treatment.
  1. A sudden sound you make when you’re sick.
  2. When your ear hurts, you have an ___.
  3. A pain you feel in your teeth.
  4. You take this to help you feel better.
  5. A health professional who assists doctors.
  6. You might need to visit this person if you have a toothache.
  7. A place where you can buy medicine.
  8. This health professional helps you when you’re sick.
  9. What you might do if you’re very sad.

15 Clues: A pain you feel in your teeth.A pain you feel in your stomach.A place where you can buy medicine.When your ear hurts, you have an ___.A medical tool used to cover a wound.When your head hurts, you have a ___.What you might do if you’re very sad.You take this to help you feel better.A sudden sound you make when you’re sick....

Network Health 101 Review 2017-04-14

Network Health 101 Review crossword puzzle
  1. A Point of _______ plan is when your primary care provider can refer you
  2. Name of the faxing software we use
  3. Personality and interpersonal skills that affect your relationships with others are called _____ skills
  4. Windows tip: press ______ + Z to undo your most recent action
  5. Federal health insurance program
  6. A fixed fee for an eligible service
  7. 1570 is the default _______ password
  8. The percentage of a covered health care service the member pays
  9. When an employer funds their own health insurance and assumes the financial risk, it is called _____ funded
  10. Wellness product that employees have as a benefit
  11. In Medicare, this is a written expression of dissatisfaction
  12. SPMO stands for ______ Project Management Office
  13. ______ Sneakers is a supplemental benefit for Medicare members that includes access to fitness facilities
  1. An account where contributions are limited, but the employee (instead of the employer) owns the account is called a Health ______ Account
  2. A ________ Provider Organization doesn't require referrals
  3. On the Medicare side, this is when you make a request that you disagree with our decision to deny
  4. Network Health and the ______ assume the risk in a level-funded plan
  5. A closed ______ means that if the drug is not listed, it will not be covered (applies to HIX plans)
  6. ACA stands for ______ Care Act
  7. A Health ________ Organization is when your primary care physician is the central figure
  8. Self-funded enrollee
  9. On the Group side, this is a verbal expression of any dissatisfaction
  10. The amount of money you must pay before insurance begins paying for services
  11. An _______ Provider Organization doesn't require a primary care physician designation, but cover has to be in network
  12. Network Platinum _____ has the most Network Health Medicare memberships
  13. The button to press when you don't want to be heard on a conference call
  14. A _______ is financial help provided by the government to help people afford health insurance through the marketplace
  15. PHI stands for Protected ______ Information

28 Clues: Self-funded enrolleeACA stands for ______ Care ActFederal health insurance programName of the faxing software we useA fixed fee for an eligible service1570 is the default _______ passwordPHI stands for Protected ______ InformationSPMO stands for ______ Project Management OfficeWellness product that employees have as a benefit...

Mental Health Awareness Crossword 2019-05-03

Mental Health Awareness Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a diagnostic tool to help diagnose mental health disorders
  2. a state of good health, incorporating physical and mental well-being
  3. a broad term with different methods of effectively dealing with a difficult situation
  4. to make easier or less difficult; contribute to
  5. to provide advice and a source of communication
  6. taking care of one’s own wellbeing, especially during times of stress
  7. _______ illness is an umbrella term for wide range of mental health conditions that affect mood, thinking, and behavior
  8. _____ Hall houses R’Pantry, Case Management, and ethnic programs; across the HUB
  9. short-term positive stress that helps motivate
  10. act of causing one’s own death; comes with warning signs
  11. discrimination or ___ surrounding mental health
  12. physical activity that maintains fitness and well-being
  13. facility that “cultivates mental, physical, & social development through recreational services and programs”
  14. to take your mind off a stressful situation
  15. “curing;” restoration of oneself
  1. the _________ is in the HUB that provides resources to benefit your wellness and overall health
  2. Negative stress
  3. a facility that provides tutoring, workshops, and writing support
  4. offering ___in a time of need
  5. a state of mind or specific mindset
  6. ____ Arches is a peer health group that focuses on topics of alcohol, drugs, safe partying, sexual health, and nutrition/fitness
  7. “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being & not merely the absence of disease”
  8. centering one’s awareness to the present moment
  9. a phrase of positive emotional encouragement
  10. provides 8 FREE individual or group counseling/therapy to UCR students
  11. our _____ are affected by moods, situations, and relationships with others
  12. _____ Management in Costo Hall assists students with a range of challenges: academic help, food insecurity, & mental health
  13. when the body is at rest; essential for daily function
  14. Provides emergency food, hygiene, household, and childcare items for children; Costo Hall 110
  15. a time of intense difficulty that may induce distress

30 Clues: Negative stressoffering ___in a time of need“curing;” restoration of oneselfa state of mind or specific mindsetto take your mind off a stressful situationa phrase of positive emotional encouragementshort-term positive stress that helps motivatecentering one’s awareness to the present momentto make easier or less difficult; contribute to...


CONSUMER HEALTH crossword puzzle
  1. Independent providers licensed to practice in specific areas of healthcare.
  2. Provides medical services through a prepaid amount (e.g., SSS).
  3. Medical care offered by a hospital that does not require an individual to stay inside the hospital.
  4. Specific services not covered by a health insurance policy.
  5. A form of alternative medicine that uses magnetic fields or biofields.
  6. One of the eight basic rights of a consumer; the right to compensation for misrepresentation, shoddy goods, or unsatisfactory services.
  7. Institutions where patients undergo medical diagnosis, care, and treatment.
  8. An alternative medicine practice that focuses on treating specific disorders by massaging the soles of the feet.
  9. A factor in evaluating health information and products, including the purpose or caveats of the information.
  10. The belief that diseases are manifestations of alterations in the body, which can naturally heal itself.
  11. Individuals who are licensed to practice medicine and other allied health programs.
  1. Facilities that cater to specific populations with various health needs.
  2. One of the ten herbs proven and approved by the DOH to have medicinal value; used to treat urinary stones.
  3. One of the ten herbs proven to have medicinal value; used to relieve body aches and pain.
  4. An alternative medicine practice similar to acupuncture but uses hands instead of needles to apply pressure to specific points on the body.
  5. Medical care offered by a hospital that requires an individual to stay inside the hospital.
  6. A form of fraud that advertises, promotes, or sells products and services that are not backed by science.
  7. A factor in evaluating health information and products, including the source and recency of the information.
  8. Items used or consumed to improve an individual's well-being.
  9. Advice or data provided to aid an individual’s health.

20 Clues: Advice or data provided to aid an individual’s health.Specific services not covered by a health insurance policy.Items used or consumed to improve an individual's well-being.Provides medical services through a prepaid amount (e.g., SSS).A form of alternative medicine that uses magnetic fields or biofields....

MED112 (Melanie) 2014-07-02

MED112 (Melanie) crossword puzzle
  1. department of justice
  2. provider clinician who treats a patient face to face
  3. nonessential word or phrase that helps define a code in ICD-9
  4. standard of conduct based on moral principals
  5. managed care network of providers under contract to provide services at discount price
  6. medical procedures and treatment that are included as benefits on a health plan
  7. providing and coordination the pt's medical care
  8. rule guidelines that determine which parent is primary insured
  9. holder person who buys an insurance plan
  10. exchange of information with health plan
  1. 9 previous HIPPA mandated diagnosis code set
  2. data such as examination and/or test results
  3. example of patient health information
  4. health plan that offer protection from loss
  5. term word that identifies a disease or condition in the alphabetic index
  6. health information individually identifiable health information transmitted or maintain by electronic
  7. party payer private or government organization that insures or pays for healthcare on behalf of beneficiary
  8. three character code for classifying a disease or condition.
  9. office for civil rights
  10. providers who agree to provide medical services to a payers policyholder according to a contract

20 Clues: department of justiceoffice for civil rightsexample of patient health informationholder person who buys an insurance planexchange of information with health planhealth plan that offer protection from loss9 previous HIPPA mandated diagnosis code setdata such as examination and/or test resultsstandard of conduct based on moral principals...

Module 1-4 Vocabulary 2023-01-22

Module 1-4 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. personal habits related to how a person lives
  2. Steps to take to avoid something happening
  3. Avoid high risk behavior
  4. Accidents, violent assaults, suicides
  5. Reach over extended time
  6. Theory that explains growth & develop
  7. Signals that tell your mind/body how to react
  8. Combo of physical, mental, and social well-being
  9. Related risks that increase the effect
  10. Condition that occurs when pathogens damage body
  11. Negative stress
  12. Various methods for communicating information
  13. How much you value respect & feel confident
  14. Strive to be the best you can
  15. Adapt effectively/recover from crisis
  16. Actions that threaten health
  17. The acceptance of a loss
  18. Established set of national health goals
  1. Can be physical, social, & cultural
  2. Having enough skills to do something
  3. Providing accurate health info
  4. Traits biologically passed down by parents
  5. Specific tools used to upkeep health
  6. Someone whose success serves as an example
  7. Ongoing condition or illness
  8. Reach in short time
  9. Dealing successfully with difficult changes
  10. Gender, race, education, disability
  11. Phones, computers, radio, and television
  12. Deep-seated sense of meaning & purpose
  13. Becoming aware through the senses
  14. Overall state of wellbeing or total health

32 Clues: Negative stressReach in short timeAvoid high risk behaviorReach over extended timeThe acceptance of a lossOngoing condition or illnessActions that threaten healthStrive to be the best you canProviding accurate health infoBecoming aware through the sensesCan be physical, social, & culturalGender, race, education, disability...

Network Health 101 2017-04-14

Network Health 101 crossword puzzle
  1. Federal health insurance program
  2. A closed ______ means that if the drug is not listed, it will not be covered (applies to HIX plans)
  3. An account where contributions are limited, but the employee (instead of the employer) owns the account is called a Health ______ Account
  4. Network Health and the ______ assume the risk in a level-funded plan
  5. Network Platinum _____ has the most Network Health Medicare memberships
  6. A ________ Provider Organization doesn't require referrals
  7. 1570 is the default _______ password
  8. SPMO stands for ______ Project Management Office
  9. The percentage of a covered health care service the member pays
  10. PHI stands for Protected ______ Information
  11. A fixed fee for an eligible service
  12. When an employer funds their own health insurance and assumes the financial risk, it is called _____ funded
  13. Windows tip: press ______ + Z to undo your most recent action
  14. On the Medicare side, this is when you make a request that you disagree with our decision to deny
  1. An _______ Provider Organization doesn't require a primary care physician designation, but cover has to be in network
  2. The button to press when you don't want to be heard on a conference call
  3. Personality and interpersonal skills that affect your relationships with others are called _____ skills
  4. In Medicare, this is a written expression of dissatisfaction
  5. A Point of _______ plan is when your primary care provider can refer you
  6. A _______ is financial help provided by the government to help people afford health insurance through the marketplace
  7. A Health ________ Organization is when your primary care physician is the central figure
  8. Wellness product that employees have as a benefit
  9. Self-funded enrollee
  10. Name of the faxing software we use
  11. ACA stands for ______ Care Act
  12. The amount of money you must pay before insurance begins paying for services
  13. On the Group side, this is a verbal expression of any dissatisfaction
  14. ______ Sneakers is a supplemental benefit for Medicare members that includes access to fitness facilities

28 Clues: Self-funded enrolleeACA stands for ______ Care ActFederal health insurance programName of the faxing software we useA fixed fee for an eligible service1570 is the default _______ passwordPHI stands for Protected ______ InformationSPMO stands for ______ Project Management OfficeWellness product that employees have as a benefit...

Vocab Unit 1 2017-09-14

Vocab Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. When a health professional fails to meet acceptable standards
  2. beliefs and traditions of a group
  3. _____________________is when there is differences in health including gender, race, and disability.
  4. actions that threaten your health as well as others
  5. Shopping When you are___________________you are considering cost, quality, and features
  6. This particular person purchases or uses health products
  7. Having_________is being able to aim for something even if it takes planning and work
  8. When you exchange your thoughts and feelings to more than one person it is called_________________
  9. A goal that can take a period of time to accomplish
  10. An____________is being able to plan a multistep strategy to identify and achieve goals
  11. The 3 things that compose this is Mental/emotional, social, and physical well being
  12. an ongoing condition or illness
  13. Something that refers to a person’s learning capacity and understanding basic health
  14. people of a similar age with similar interest
  15. ________is the reaction of the body and mind with everyday challenges
  1. Your ideas and attitudes towards helping the way you live is called___________
  2. skills helping you to manage stress
  3. related risks that increase with each added risk
  4. ______________is a decision to avoid high risk behaviors
  5. What is it called when you are able say no in urged unhealthy behaviors?
  6. Being able to take action and influence others on health related concerns is____________
  7. Reaching a goal in a smaller period time is called a________________
  8. Being able to end a problem with cooperation and problem solving
  9. An agreement the store makes about their product is called a____________
  10. This process is used to get people to want to use certain health products
  11. taking steps to prevent something from getting worse
  12. Something that relates to the way you live
  13. biologically passed traits from your parents
  14. A__________________is somebody who sells worthless products that claim to cure things but have failed
  15. an overall state of well being and total health

30 Clues: an ongoing condition or illnessbeliefs and traditions of a groupskills helping you to manage stressSomething that relates to the way you livebiologically passed traits from your parentspeople of a similar age with similar interestan overall state of well being and total healthrelated risks that increase with each added risk...


CONSUMER HEALTH crossword puzzle
  1. Facilities that cater to specific populations with various health needs.
  2. Items used or consumed to improve an individual's well-being.
  3. Medical care offered by a hospital that does not require an individual to stay inside the hospital.
  4. Medical care offered by a hospital that requires an individual to stay inside the hospital.
  5. One of the eight basic rights of a consumer; the right to compensation for misrepresentation, shoddy goods, or unsatisfactory services.
  6. Independent providers licensed to practice in specific areas of healthcare.
  7. One of the ten herbs proven and approved by the DOH to have medicinal value; used to treat urinary stones.
  1. An alternative medicine practice that focuses on treating specific disorders by massaging the soles of the feet.
  2. A factor in evaluating health information and products, including the source and recency of the information.
  3. Provides medical services through a prepaid amount (e.g., SSS).
  4. Individuals who are licensed to practice medicine and other allied health programs.
  5. Specific services not covered by a health insurance policy.
  6. Advice or data provided to aid an individual’s health.
  7. A factor in evaluating health information and products, including the purpose or caveats of the information.
  8. The belief that diseases are manifestations of alterations in the body, which can naturally heal itself.
  9. A form of alternative medicine that uses magnetic fields or biofields.
  10. A form of fraud that advertises, promotes, or sells products and services that are not backed by science.
  11. Institutions where patients undergo medical diagnosis, care, and treatment.
  12. An alternative medicine practice similar to acupuncture but uses hands instead of needles to apply pressure to specific points on the body.
  13. One of the ten herbs proven to have medicinal value; used to relieve body aches and pain.

20 Clues: Advice or data provided to aid an individual’s health.Specific services not covered by a health insurance policy.Items used or consumed to improve an individual's well-being.Provides medical services through a prepaid amount (e.g., SSS).A form of alternative medicine that uses magnetic fields or biofields....

Chapter 1 Key Terms 2019-09-02

Chapter 1 Key Terms crossword puzzle
  1. scientific approach to understanding behavior
  2. viruses that cause hemorrhagic fevers
  3. related to brain development that impairs interactions and communication
  4. established seven priorities for preventative services
  5. long individual life
  6. research project to determine the sequence of nucleotide base pairs
  7. disorders caused by organisms like bacteria
  8. type of virus that rarely infects humans
  9. multitude of tech tools used by health professionals
  10. affects a large number of people in a population
  11. disease that persists for a long time
  12. low cost health coverage for children
  13. expected time an organism lives
  14. digital version of patients chart
  15. rapid onset/short duration with distinct symptoms
  16. interaction and integration among people
  1. medical equipment and techniques used by health providers
  2. changes in health that affect quality of life
  3. health care reform law signed by President Obama
  4. agency that is concerned with international public health
  5. the way a person lives
  6. federal agency that investigates diseases
  7. infection caused by staph bacteria
  8. recommendations on screening, counseling, and preventative
  9. death of young children under age 1
  10. the bodys toxic response to an infection
  11. online marketplace where consumers can buy plans
  12. medical coverage for low income individuals

28 Clues: long individual lifethe way a person livesexpected time an organism livesdigital version of patients chartinfection caused by staph bacteriadeath of young children under age 1viruses that cause hemorrhagic feversdisease that persists for a long timelow cost health coverage for childrentype of virus that rarely infects humans...

wow 2024-10-13

wow crossword puzzle
  1. / The science of good health and longevity
  2. / The ability to recover and adapt to adversity and stress.
  3. / The practice of finding calm and balance through meditation and deep breathing.
  4. / A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.
  5. / The ability to cope with life's challenges.
  6. / A practice of focusing one's mind and reducing stress.
  7. / A social activity that promotes mental and emotional wellbeing.
  8. / A form of exercise that combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation.
  9. / The state of being physically and mentally sound.
  10. / The process of caring for your body through healthy eating, exercise, and self-care.
  1. / A balanced leads to better health.
  2. / A state of mental and emotional calmness and balance.
  3. / A state of mental and emotional health.
  4. / A mental state of peace and tranquility
  5. / Physical activity that helps improve overall health and wellbeing.
  6. / A popular form of yoga.
  7. / A feeling of gratitude, contentment, and happiness.
  8. / A form of exercise that involves moving to music
  9. / A practice of keeping track of your thoughts and feelings.
  10. / A lack of this can lead to stress and anxiety.
  11. / A feeling of contentment and satisfaction with life.
  12. / Regular can help maintain physical and mental health.

22 Clues: / A popular form of yoga./ A balanced leads to better health./ The science of good health and longevity/ A state of mental and emotional health./ A mental state of peace and tranquility/ The ability to cope with life's challenges./ A lack of this can lead to stress and anxiety....

Medical Insurance Intro Chapter 2 Vocabulary 2024-09-25

Medical Insurance Intro Chapter 2 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. An individual covered under another individual's insurance policy.
  2. Health Insurance ___ = Allows Americans to purchase health insurance that meets their needs and budget
  3. The percentage of the cost of covered services that a patient must pay.
  4. The services and items that are covered by the health insurance company.
  5. The legal contract between an individual or group and the insurance company.
  6. The fixed amount that the patient pays for each visit.
  7. The individual whose name the policy is in.
  1. Specified amount that the patient must pay before the insurance company begins to pay.
  2. Anything that the insurance company will not cover.
  3. ___ condition = Health conditions that were diagnosed before the individual was covered by the health insurance.
  4. ___ Care = includes the identification of disease and the provision of care and treatment as provided by members of the health care team to persons who are sick, injured, or concerned about their health status.
  5. ___ issue = Policy that is issued to an individual regardless of age, pre-existing conditions, or other factors that might predict the use of health services
  6. Medical ___ underwriting = The insurance company screens applicants to find out about their health status and risk factors to determine whether to insure them.
  7. Individuals not covered by health insurance.
  8. ___ Commission = The nation's oldest and largest standards setting and accrediting body in healthcare
  9. ___ computing = A network of computers that work together to store and process enormous amounts of data

16 Clues: The individual whose name the policy is in.Individuals not covered by health insurance.Anything that the insurance company will not cover.The fixed amount that the patient pays for each visit.An individual covered under another individual's insurance policy.The percentage of the cost of covered services that a patient must pay....

Join 4_H 2017-07-18

Join 4_H crossword puzzle
  2. HEART
  5. HEAD
  8. FUN
  9. TRIPS
  4. CAMP
  5. LEARN
  6. HANDS
  8. FAIR
  9. WORLD
  10. CLUB


Health and Human Development 10 2021-05-03

Health and Human Development 10 crossword puzzle
  1. Measure of death in terms of time
  2. drugs Substances that decrease health
  3. Measure of human life
  4. Authority that examines dietary habits of Australian people
  5. A way of measuring how much energy (carbon) someone uses
  6. First People who suffer higher rates of health problems
  7. World Health Organization
  8. Disability Adjusted Life Year
  1. A component of health that is common to have hick-ups with throughout life
  2. Australia’s biggest killer
  3. Strong immune system
  4. A significant factors to consider when examining positive and negative impacts on young Australians
  5. Sense of belonging
  6. A factor that identifies one’s likelihood of injury/hospitalizations each year
  7. Health A component of health

15 Clues: Sense of belongingStrong immune systemMeasure of human lifeWorld Health OrganizationAustralia’s biggest killerHealth A component of healthDisability Adjusted Life YearMeasure of death in terms of timedrugs Substances that decrease healthFirst People who suffer higher rates of health problemsA way of measuring how much energy (carbon) someone uses...

Religions 2017-03-09

Religions crossword puzzle
  1. creed
  2. conversion
  3. re-birth
  4. health
  5. monotheism
  6. fortune
  7. belief
  8. commitment
  9. prosperity
  10. faith
  11. spirit
  1. god
  2. prayer
  3. connection
  4. sacred
  5. devotion
  6. selflessness
  7. meaning
  8. equality
  9. tradition

20 Clues: godcreedfaithprayersacredhealthbeliefspiritfortunemeaningre-birthdevotionequalitytraditionconnectionconversionmonotheismcommitmentprosperityselflessness

PSYCH 2024-05-07

PSYCH crossword puzzle
  1. Memory
  2. Assessment
  3. Socialization
  4. Mind
  5. Experimentation
  6. Development
  7. Motivation
  8. Stress
  9. Learning
  10. Personality
  1. Cognition
  2. Emotion
  3. Reseach
  4. Consciousness
  5. Intelligence
  6. Behavior
  7. Therapy
  8. health Mental health
  9. Psychopathology
  10. Perception

20 Clues: MindMemoryStressEmotionReseachTherapyBehaviorLearningCognitionAssessmentMotivationPerceptionDevelopmentPersonalityIntelligenceConsciousnessSocializationExperimentationPsychopathologyhealth Mental health

HEALTH CARE 2013-06-18

HEALTH CARE crossword puzzle
  1. Umbrella insurance with a third party in a self-funding plan to cover risk that the plan cannot financially manage (2 words)
  2. Summary of Benefit Coverage (initials)
  3. Applies mathematical and statistical methods to assess risk in the insurance industry
  4. A numerical measure of usage of a single service or type of service
  5. The name of The Health Insurance Exchange established due to the ACA in our state (two words)
  6. An insurance market place organized at the state or federal level starting in 2014 and put into place by the ACA
  7. A health plan providing free choice of physicians (initials)
  8. Expenses incurred by the patient before payment is made by the insurance company
  9. An individual or organization that provides, administers, or finances health services
  1. Federal Poverty Level
  2. Health care plan funded entirely by employers who do not purchase insurance (2 words)
  3. Insurance policies must cover these benefits in order to be certified and offered in The Exchanges under the Affordable Care Act by 2014 (two words)
  4. A person who exercises discretionary control or authority over management of a benefit plan
  5. Continued health insurance coverage in lieu of coverage termination (acronym)
  6. Administrators used to fund health benefits but do not administer the plan (initials)
  7. Provides an explanation of benefits provided by carrier (initials)
  8. Sometimes referred to as “ObamaCare” (initials)
  9. A health plan where the patient must receive care from a defined group of network providers (words)
  10. Manages health insurance with reduced out-of-pocket cost (initials)
  11. A state-licensed person who represents the insurance buyer rather than the insurance company
  12. Agencies contracting together to provide services (initials)

21 Clues: Federal Poverty LevelSummary of Benefit Coverage (initials)Sometimes referred to as “ObamaCare” (initials)A health plan providing free choice of physicians (initials)Agencies contracting together to provide services (initials)Provides an explanation of benefits provided by carrier (initials)...

HEALTH CARE 2013-06-18

HEALTH CARE crossword puzzle
  1. Umbrella insurance with a third party in a self-funding plan to cover risk that the plan cannot financially manage (2 words)
  2. Manages health insurance with reduced out-of-pocket cost (initials)
  3. A health plan where the patient must receive care from a defined group of network providers (words)
  4. Expenses incurred by the patient before payment is made by the insurance company
  5. Provides an explanation of benefits provided by carrier (initials)
  6. Health care plan funded entirely by employers who do not purchase insurance (2 words)
  7. A person who exercises discretionary control or authority over management of a benefit plan
  8. The name of The Health Insurance Exchange established due to the ACA in our state (two words)
  9. Sometimes referred to as “ObamaCare” (initials)
  10. Administrators used to fund health benefits but do not administer the plan (initials)
  1. Federal Poverty Level
  2. Insurance policies must cover these benefits in order to be certified and offered in The Exchanges under the Affordable Care Act by 2014 (two words)
  3. Agencies contracting together to provide services (initials)
  4. A state-licensed person who represents the insurance buyer rather than the insurance company
  5. A numerical measure of usage of a single service or type of service
  6. Continued health insurance coverage in lieu of coverage termination (acronym)
  7. Summary of Benefit Coverage (initials)
  8. Applies mathematical and statistical methods to assess risk in the insurance industry
  9. A health plan providing free choice of physicians (initials)
  10. An insurance market place organized at the state or federal level starting in 2014 and put into place by the ACA
  11. An individual or organization that provides, administers, or finances health services

21 Clues: Federal Poverty LevelSummary of Benefit Coverage (initials)Sometimes referred to as “ObamaCare” (initials)Agencies contracting together to provide services (initials)A health plan providing free choice of physicians (initials)Provides an explanation of benefits provided by carrier (initials)...

HEALTH CARE 2013-06-18

HEALTH CARE crossword puzzle
  1. Health care plan funded entirely by employers who do not purchase insurance (2 words)
  2. Umbrella insurance with a third party in a self-funding plan to cover risk that the plan cannot financially manage (2 words)
  3. Provides an explanation of benefits provided by carrier (initials)
  4. A numerical measure of usage of a single service or type of service
  5. Applies mathematical and statistical methods to assess risk in the insurance industry
  6. The name of The Health Insurance Exchange established due to the ACA in our state (two words)
  7. Expenses incurred by the patient before payment is made by the insurance company
  8. A person who exercises discretionary control or authority over management of a benefit plan
  9. Administrators used to fund health benefits but do not administer the plan (initials)
  10. An insurance market place organized at the state or federal level starting in 2014 and put into place by the ACA
  1. Manages health insurance with reduced out-of-pocket cost (initials)
  2. Federal Poverty Level
  3. Insurance policies must cover these benefits in order to be certified and offered in The Exchanges under the Affordable Care Act by 2014 (two words)
  4. A health plan providing free choice of physicians (initials)
  5. A state-licensed person who represents the insurance buyer rather than the insurance company
  6. Summary of Benefit Coverage (initials)
  7. Agencies contracting together to provide services (initials)
  8. Sometimes referred to as “ObamaCare” (initials)
  9. Continued health insurance coverage in lieu of coverage termination (acronym)
  10. An individual or organization that provides, administers, or finances health services
  11. A health plan where the patient must receive care from a defined group of network providers (words)

21 Clues: Federal Poverty LevelSummary of Benefit Coverage (initials)Sometimes referred to as “ObamaCare” (initials)A health plan providing free choice of physicians (initials)Agencies contracting together to provide services (initials)Provides an explanation of benefits provided by carrier (initials)...

HEALTH CARE 2013-06-18

HEALTH CARE crossword puzzle
  1. Provides an explanation of benefits provided by carrier (initials)
  2. Umbrella insurance with a third party in a self-funding plan to cover risk that the plan cannot financially manage (2 words)
  3. Summary of Benefit Coverage (initials)
  4. Expenses incurred by the patient before payment is made by the insurance company
  5. Applies mathematical and statistical methods to assess risk in the insurance industry
  6. An individual or organization that provides, administers, or finances health services
  7. The name of The Health Insurance Exchange established due to the ACA in our state (two words)
  8. An insurance market place organized at the state or federal level starting in 2014 and put into place by the ACA
  9. A health plan providing free choice of physicians (initials)
  10. A numerical measure of usage of a single service or type of service
  11. Health care plan funded entirely by employers who do not purchase insurance (2 words)
  1. A health plan where the patient must receive care from a defined group of network providers (words)
  2. Insurance policies must cover these benefits in order to be certified and offered in The Exchanges under the Affordable Care Act by 2014 (two words)
  3. Continued health insurance coverage in lieu of coverage termination (acronym)
  4. A state-licensed person who represents the insurance buyer rather than the insurance company
  5. A person who exercises discretionary control or authority over management of a benefit plan
  6. Sometimes referred to as “ObamaCare” (initials)
  7. Administrators used to fund health benefits but do not administer the plan (initials)
  8. Manages health insurance with reduced out-of-pocket cost (initials)
  9. Agencies contracting together to provide services (initials)
  10. Federal Poverty Level

21 Clues: Federal Poverty LevelSummary of Benefit Coverage (initials)Sometimes referred to as “ObamaCare” (initials)Agencies contracting together to provide services (initials)A health plan providing free choice of physicians (initials)Provides an explanation of benefits provided by carrier (initials)...

HEALTH CARE 2013-06-18

HEALTH CARE crossword puzzle
  1. A health plan where the patient must receive care from a defined group of network providers (words)
  2. Umbrella insurance with a third party in a self-funding plan to cover risk that the plan cannot financially manage (2 words)
  3. Manages health insurance with reduced out-of-pocket cost (initials)
  4. Expenses incurred by the patient before payment is made by the insurance company
  5. Applies mathematical and statistical methods to assess risk in the insurance industry
  6. Insurance policies must cover these benefits in order to be certified and offered in The Exchanges under the Affordable Care Act by 2014 (two words)
  7. A state-licensed person who represents the insurance buyer rather than the insurance company
  8. Continued health insurance coverage in lieu of coverage termination (acronym)
  9. Federal Poverty Level
  10. An insurance market place organized at the state or federal level starting in 2014 and put into place by the ACA
  11. A numerical measure of usage of a single service or type of service
  1. A health plan providing free choice of physicians (initials)
  2. An individual or organization that provides, administers, or finances health services
  3. The name of The Health Insurance Exchange established due to the ACA in our state (two words)
  4. Provides an explanation of benefits provided by carrier (initials)
  5. Sometimes referred to as “ObamaCare” (initials)
  6. A person who exercises discretionary control or authority over management of a benefit plan
  7. Agencies contracting together to provide services (initials)
  8. Health care plan funded entirely by employers who do not purchase insurance (2 words)
  9. Summary of Benefit Coverage (initials)
  10. Administrators used to fund health benefits but do not administer the plan (initials)

21 Clues: Federal Poverty LevelSummary of Benefit Coverage (initials)Sometimes referred to as “ObamaCare” (initials)A health plan providing free choice of physicians (initials)Agencies contracting together to provide services (initials)Provides an explanation of benefits provided by carrier (initials)...