holiday Crossword Puzzles

Holiday Crossword 2022-12-12

Holiday Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Please have ____ and mistletoe and presents by the tree
  2. I'm dreaming of a _________ Christmas
  3. Frosty the _____________________
  4. This year, to set me from tears, I'll give it to someone ________________
  5. I saw ______ tickle Santa Claus
  6. All I want for Christmas is ____
  7. I have a little ______________ I made it out of clay
  8. I'm having a ____ Christmas without you
  1. An annual celebration of African-American culture from December 26 to January 1, culminating in a communal feast called Karamu,
  2. We wish you a merry ________________
  3. Dashing through the snow, in a one horse open _______________
  4. Simply having a _______________ Christmas time
  5. You better watch out, you better not ___, you better not pout I'm telling you why...
  6. Come on it's ___________ weather for a sleigh ride together with you
  7. Deck the halls with boughs of _____
  8. Rudolph the Red Nosed _______________

16 Clues: I saw ______ tickle Santa ClausFrosty the _____________________All I want for Christmas is ____Deck the halls with boughs of _____We wish you a merry ________________I'm dreaming of a _________ ChristmasRudolph the Red Nosed _______________I'm having a ____ Christmas without youSimply having a _______________ Christmas time...

Holiday Cookies: 2023-11-29

Holiday Cookies: crossword puzzle
  1. Sugary topping
  2. Special delight
  3. Buttery delight
  4. Flavoring extract
  5. Tasty
  6. Cook in the oven
  7. Round sweet
  8. Add festive touches
  1. Festive treat
  2. Storage container
  3. Consume food
  4. Sweet ingredient
  5. Cinnamon-flavored cookie
  6. Closest relatives
  7. Small sugary decor
  8. Shaped cookie

16 Clues: TastyRound sweetConsume foodFestive treatShaped cookieSugary toppingSpecial delightButtery delightSweet ingredientCook in the ovenStorage containerFlavoring extractClosest relativesSmall sugary decorAdd festive touchesCinnamon-flavored cookie

Holiday Season 2023-11-27

Holiday Season crossword puzzle
  1. A plant to kiss under
  2. Some may leave this snack for Santa-Claus
  3. Annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ
  4. You give and receive these
  5. Annual celebration of African-American culture
  6. Baked goods flavored with ginger, nutmeg, and cinnamon
  7. To travel somewhere else for a short period of time
  8. Four-sided spinning top
  1. Sweet snack made of ground cacao
  2. Chocolate covered coins
  3. A figure of a person made out of packed snow
  4. Ice crystals
  5. Colorful bulbs
  6. A hearth
  7. Jewish festival commemorating the recovery of Jerusalem
  8. Decorative wreath of flowers and leaves

16 Clues: A hearthIce crystalsColorful bulbsA plant to kiss underChocolate covered coinsFour-sided spinning topYou give and receive theseSweet snack made of ground cacaoDecorative wreath of flowers and leavesSome may leave this snack for Santa-ClausA figure of a person made out of packed snowAnnual celebration of African-American culture...

Holiday Science 2023-12-21

Holiday Science crossword puzzle
  1. type of gymosperm that has 2-5 needles per fascicle
  2. slow-growing parasitic plant used as holiday decoration
  3. beautiful dancing waves of light near Earth's poles
  4. brightest star in the sky
  5. a dioecious plant with pricly leaves and berries
  6. english unit of illumination
  7. decorative plant with red leaves, flowers are yellow!
  8. winter asterism with a belt
  9. drinkable emulsion of milk, sugar, and eggs
  1. gas to solid transition often on window panes
  2. friction experienced by a sled going downhill
  3. genus of reindeer
  4. wax that candles are made of
  5. six-sided frozen water
  6. type of bond connecting water molecules
  7. order of evergreen shrubs and trees

16 Clues: genus of reindeersix-sided frozen waterbrightest star in the skywinter asterism with a beltwax that candles are made ofenglish unit of illuminationorder of evergreen shrubs and treestype of bond connecting water moleculesdrinkable emulsion of milk, sugar, and eggsgas to solid transition often on window panes...

Holiday Crossword 2023-12-14

Holiday Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Saturnalia named after this character of Roman myth
  2. “O Come, All Ye Faithful” first attributed to this person (last name)
  3. ______Saturnalia!
  4. where Romans would exchange gifts on Saturnalia
  5. name of third wiseman in Persian tradition of the Magi
  6. Latin word for reindeer
  7. Latin for “Light [the Menorah]”
  8. originally celebrated by Romans on December 17
  1. Kris Kringleʻs name based upon from this
  2. the robe that Saint Nicholas wears is called
  3. Latin word for Santaʻs Sleigh
  4. symbolic candles and clay dolls
  5. Saint Nicholas persecuted by this Emperor
  6. last name of poet who wrote “Night Before Christmas.”
  7. “December used to be a month; now itʻs a whole year.”
  8. Saint Nicholas came from this town

16 Clues: ______Saturnalia!Latin word for reindeerLatin word for Santaʻs Sleighsymbolic candles and clay dollsLatin for “Light [the Menorah]”Saint Nicholas came from this townKris Kringleʻs name based upon from thisSaint Nicholas persecuted by this Emperorthe robe that Saint Nicholas wears is calledoriginally celebrated by Romans on December 17...

Holiday Music 2024-12-18

Holiday Music crossword puzzle
  1. Infamous Christmas Instrument
  2. Song by Michael Jackson from 1957
  3. _________ Monk played the Piano as his main instrument
  4. ___________ The Donkey
  5. Song by the Rizzler
  6. Red sock on Christmas
  7. Mr Schwartz does not like this person who sung a version of Santa Claus coming to town
  8. Louis Armstrong's main instrument
  1. People drive around to see these
  2. Era of Jazz in the Early 1940s
  3. Kiss under the __________
  4. People put one of these up in there houses for christmas
  5. Number 1 Christmas song of all time
  6. Sang All I want for Christmas is you
  7. Mix of Rock and Jazz music in 70s
  8. Sang Rocking around the Christmas tree

16 Clues: Song by the RizzlerRed sock on Christmas___________ The DonkeyKiss under the __________Infamous Christmas InstrumentEra of Jazz in the Early 1940sPeople drive around to see theseSong by Michael Jackson from 1957Mix of Rock and Jazz music in 70sLouis Armstrong's main instrumentNumber 1 Christmas song of all timeSang All I want for Christmas is you...


HOLIDAY CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. What's the name of the horse in the song "Jingle Bells"?
  2. What is traditionally placed on top of a Christmas tree?
  3. What is the highest-grossing Christmas movie of all time?
  4. Where Santa Claus is said to live.
  5. A coin is hidden in this traditional dessert for good luck.
  6. How many days is Hanukkah celebrated?
  7. The day after Christmas, when stores often have sales.
  8. A holiday game played with family, often involving a gift exchange.
  9. What's the Hawaiian phrase for Merry Christmas?
  1. A popular Christmas ballet.
  2. A holiday decoration that's sometimes filled with treats.
  3. A red flower often seen around Christmas.
  4. What is the father's name in the movie Home Alone?
  5. What is given on the fifth day in "The Twelve Days of Christmas"?
  6. What do you build out of snow?
  7. In the song 12 days of Christmas, how many ladies are dancing?

16 Clues: A popular Christmas ballet.What do you build out of snow?Where Santa Claus is said to live.How many days is Hanukkah celebrated?A red flower often seen around Christmas.What's the Hawaiian phrase for Merry Christmas?What is the father's name in the movie Home Alone?The day after Christmas, when stores often have sales....

Esmee crossword 2016-09-29

Esmee crossword crossword puzzle
  1. you go on holiday.
  2. ther can you bring a dog to if you go on holiday.
  3. you have to show your passport at the airport.
  4. if someone comes to you sleep.
  5. a train under the ground.
  6. the work that the municipality.
  7. a place where there a lots of trees.
  8. bumpy road.
  9. a place under a hous.
  10. a place on the water.
  1. late if you miss the train.
  2. do you need when you fly.
  3. a major holiday in summer.
  4. a place where you can hide.
  5. a warm climate.
  6. stuff you take with you on holiday.
  7. we go somewhere.
  8. if you are very strong.
  9. it is always in the water.
  10. but not east.

20 Clues: bumpy road.but not east.a warm climate.we go go on holiday.a place under a hous.a place on the water.if you are very you need when you fly.a train under the ground.a major holiday in is always in the water.late if you miss the train.a place where you can hide.if someone comes to you sleep....

Holiday Around the World 2020-12-07

Holiday Around the World crossword puzzle
  1. A festival celebrated people in Ancient Germany for the wild hunt.
  2. This holiday comes from Israel and is celebrated for eight nights and eight days.
  3. Junkanoo is the name of this country’s holiday to celebrate New Year’s Day.
  4. This holiday is celebrated in November and usually includes a turkey meal.
  5. La Befana is an old woman that delivers gifts to children throughout this country on January 5th.
  6. This country has a New Year’s celebration that may include fireworks, dragons, and lanterns.
  7. This Holiday is celebrated in the United States by wearing costumes and trick or treating.
  8. The holiday celebrated in Scotland to bring in the New Year.
  9. Similar to Christmas in the United States, this holiday is celebrated by the giving of gifts.
  1. This holiday called Dongzhi celebrates the arrival of winter.
  2. This is a holiday celebrated in Ancient Rome to honor the God Saturn with festivities.
  3. Families place a single lit candle on the grave of their loved ones on Christmas Eve.
  4. This holiday is celebrated in the United States to honor African American Culture.
  5. This is the name of man who brings gifts on Christmas Eve to the children in the United States.
  6. The children in this country celebrate 13 Father Christmases that are called Yule Lads.
  7. This place in the Middle East celebrates by decorating trees and lights throughout the region.

16 Clues: The holiday celebrated in Scotland to bring in the New Year.This holiday called Dongzhi celebrates the arrival of winter.A festival celebrated people in Ancient Germany for the wild hunt.This holiday is celebrated in November and usually includes a turkey meal.Junkanoo is the name of this country’s holiday to celebrate New Year’s Day....

Holidays Around the World 2020-12-03

Holidays Around the World crossword puzzle
  1. A festival celebrated people in Ancient Germany for the wild hunt.
  2. This holiday comes from Israel and is celebrated for eight nights and eight days.
  3. Junkanoo is the name of this country’s holiday to celebrate New Year’s Day.
  4. This holiday is celebrated in November and usually includes a turkey meal.
  5. La Befana is an old woman that delivers gifts to children throughout this country on January 5th.
  6. This country has a New Year’s celebration that may include fireworks, dragons, and lanterns.
  7. This Holiday is celebrated in the United States by wearing costumes and trick or treating.
  8. The holiday celebrated in Scotland to bring in the New Year.
  9. Similar to Christmas in the United States, this holiday is celebrated by the giving of gifts.
  1. This holiday called Dongzhi celebrates the arrival of winter.
  2. This is a holiday celebrated in Ancient Rome to honor the God Saturn with festivities.
  3. Families place a single lit candle on the grave of their loved ones on Christmas Eve.
  4. This holiday is celebrated in the United States to honor African American Culture.
  5. This is the name of man who brings gifts on Christmas Eve to the children in the United States.
  6. The children in this country celebrate 13 Father Christmases that are called Yule Lads.
  7. This place in the Middle East celebrates by decorating trees and lights throughout the region.

16 Clues: The holiday celebrated in Scotland to bring in the New Year.This holiday called Dongzhi celebrates the arrival of winter.A festival celebrated people in Ancient Germany for the wild hunt.This holiday is celebrated in November and usually includes a turkey meal.Junkanoo is the name of this country’s holiday to celebrate New Year’s Day....

Holidays 2023-07-20

Holidays crossword puzzle
  1. A holiday observed on October 31st, known for costumes, trick-or-treating, and spooky decorations.
  2. A holiday on March 17th to celebrate Irish culture, often associated with wearing green and parades.
  3. The Chinese lunar new year celebration, marked by family gatherings, feasts, and traditional customs.
  4. The first day of the year, celebrated with parties, fireworks, and resolutions for the upcoming year.
  5. The Friday before Easter Sunday, observed as a day of mourning and reflection in Christian traditions.
  6. A holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, usually celebrated with egg hunts and sweets.
  7. Day A holiday on February 14th to express love and affection to others, often with cards and gifts.
  8. An eight-day Jewish holiday commemorating the miracle of the oil in the temple, often celebrated with candles and gifts.
  1. An Islamic holiday marking the end of Ramadan, a month of fasting, with prayers and festive meals.
  2. A holiday on July 4th to celebrate the independence of the United States, marked with fireworks and parades.
  3. A holiday celebrated on December 25th to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.
  4. A holiday observed on the first Monday in September to honor the contributions of workers.
  5. A holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November to give thanks for blessings and harvest.
  6. A holiday on the last Monday in May to remember and honor those who have died in military service.
  7. Monday The day following Easter Sunday, often observed as a public holiday in many countries.
  8. A Hindu festival of lights, symbolizing the victory of light over darkness and good over evil.

16 Clues: A holiday celebrated on December 25th to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.A holiday observed on the first Monday in September to honor the contributions of workers.Monday The day following Easter Sunday, often observed as a public holiday in many countries....

Christmas Crossword 2021-11-23

Christmas Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Bad
  2. Northpole
  3. snowball
  4. Music
  5. Santa
  6. Jolly
  7. pinecone
  8. Rudolph
  1. Family
  2. Gift
  3. Christmas
  4. holiday
  5. Toys
  6. Happy
  7. Sleigh
  8. Winter
  9. Good
  10. Elf

18 Clues: BadElfGiftToysGoodHappyMusicSantaJollyFamilySleighWinterholidayRudolphsnowballpineconeChristmasNorthpole

English test 2021-12-08

English test crossword puzzle
  1. galley
  2. hostel
  3. aboard
  4. ticket
  5. journey
  6. passenger
  7. password
  8. subway
  9. port
  1. luggage
  2. road
  3. layover
  4. boardingpass
  5. seatbelt
  6. delayes
  7. pilot
  8. railwaystation
  9. holiday

18 Clues: roadportpilotgalleyhostelaboardticketsubwayluggagelayoverdelayesjourneyholidayseatbeltpasswordpassengerboardingpassrailwaystation

Christmas Crossword 2024-12-16

Christmas Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. ffggb
  2. vfv
  3. fvfv
  4. Snowman that comes to life
  5. Place of worship
  6. dsdv
  7. vssv
  8. vsdvs
  9. vsdvsv
  10. svvs
  1. dsvsd
  2. dsvv
  3. dsvsv
  4. Winter Holiday
  5. sdv
  6. fgbg
  7. Warm chocolate drink
  8. bbdb
  9. dvsdvs
  10. vdv

20 Clues: sdvvfvvdvdsvvfgbgfvfvdsdvbbdbvssvsvvsdsvsddsvsvffggbvsdvsdvsdvsvsdvsvWinter HolidayPlace of worshipWarm chocolate drinkSnowman that comes to life

Memorial Day 2024-05-29

Memorial Day crossword puzzle
  1. Logan
  2. Half
  3. Remembrance
  4. Soldiers
  5. Holiday
  6. Parades
  7. Cemetery
  8. Decoration
  9. Flag
  1. Monday
  2. Poppies
  3. Barbecues
  4. Wars
  5. Memorial
  6. May
  7. CivilWar
  8. Respect
  9. Unity
  10. Holiday

19 Clues: MayHalfWarsFlagLoganUnityMondayPoppiesRespectHolidayParadesHolidayMemorialCivilWarSoldiersCemeteryBarbecuesDecorationRemembrance

Happily ever after! 2023-03-26

Happily ever after! crossword puzzle
  1. Maid of Honour
  2. Louis’s fave football team
  3. Our age gap in years
  4. Hannah’s job
  5. Amount of Louis’ siblings
  6. Bridesmaid - Nickname is pops
  7. Hannah’s fave holiday
  8. Hannah’s fave cocktail
  9. Hannah’s eye colour
  10. Our First pets name
  1. Louis’ fave beer
  2. Hannah’s birth month
  3. Location of our first date
  4. Proposal month
  5. Louis’ fave holiday
  6. Our First abroad holiday
  7. Bride’s mum
  8. Hannah’s middle name
  9. Favourite food cuisine
  10. Groom’s Dad
  11. Groomsman - Louis’ gig buddy
  12. Month we met

22 Clues: Bride’s mumGroom’s DadHannah’s jobMonth we metMaid of HonourProposal monthLouis’ fave beerLouis’ fave holidayHannah’s eye colourOur First pets nameHannah’s birth monthOur age gap in yearsHannah’s middle nameHannah’s fave holidayFavourite food cuisineHannah’s fave cocktailOur First abroad holidayAmount of Louis’ siblingsLocation of our first date...

Countdown to Phil's 30th - day two! 2023-07-26

Countdown to Phil's 30th - day two! crossword puzzle
  1. Phil's halls at uni
  2. Phil's sibling nickname
  3. Phil's career
  4. Phil's favourite subject
  5. Surprise date day
  6. Nusa Lembongan
  7. Phil's favourite holiday meal
  8. Phil's favourite Phlembae holiday
  9. Subject of book you read on holiday in Israel 2019
  10. Big birthday
  11. Phil's favourite museum
  1. Phil's favourite hobby
  2. Month Phil met Embae
  3. Norovirus
  4. Kinloss
  5. Phil's favourite food
  6. Phil's profession
  7. First Date Location
  8. Phil's favourite word
  9. Seville boat man
  10. New house
  11. Friday Digital

22 Clues: KinlossNorovirusNew houseBig birthdayPhil's careerNusa LembonganFriday DigitalSeville boat manSurprise date dayPhil's professionPhil's halls at uniFirst Date LocationMonth Phil met EmbaePhil's favourite foodPhil's favourite wordPhil's favourite hobbyPhil's sibling nicknamePhil's favourite museumPhil's favourite subjectPhil's favourite holiday meal...

Alana and Glenn 2024-01-04

Alana and Glenn crossword puzzle
  1. First Date Location
  2. Where Glenn grew up
  3. Next Holiday Destination
  4. Couple's Favourite Netflix Series
  5. First Abroad Holiday Together
  6. Glenn's Favourite Car
  7. Glenn's Middle Name
  8. Where Alana's Wedding Dress was made
  9. Name of the Best Man
  1. Alana's Nickname
  2. Maid of Honour Name
  3. How Many cousins we have combined
  4. Glenn's Favourite Cake
  5. Proposal Location
  6. Town where the couple live
  7. Month the couple first met
  8. Alana's Favourite Cocktail
  9. Couple's Dream Holiday
  10. Glenn's Favourite Food
  11. Alana's Favourite Season

20 Clues: Alana's NicknameProposal LocationMaid of Honour NameFirst Date LocationWhere Glenn grew upGlenn's Middle NameName of the Best ManGlenn's Favourite CarGlenn's Favourite CakeCouple's Dream HolidayGlenn's Favourite FoodNext Holiday DestinationAlana's Favourite SeasonTown where the couple liveMonth the couple first metAlana's Favourite Cocktail...

Christmastime 2023-12-06

Christmastime crossword puzzle
  1. Bright holiday decorations
  2. Seasonal wish
  3. Jolly gift-giver
  4. Snow glider
  5. Holiday present
  6. −459.67 °F
  7. Another term for Christmas
  8. Festive song
  9. Jingle sound maker
  10. Santa's entrance
  11. Gift from a king
  12. Happiness in December
  13. Santa's helpers
  1. Icy coating
  2. Evergreen holiday decoration
  3. Cozy warmth source
  4. Cold feeling
  5. Housing material for a witch
  6. Heavenly tree topper
  7. Adorns the sandrocks in December
  8. Hot chocolate
  9. Winter precipitation
  10. Sweet treat
  11. The reason for the season

24 Clues: −459.67 °FIcy coatingSnow gliderSweet treatCold feelingFestive songSeasonal wishHot chocolateHoliday presentSanta's helpersJolly gift-giverSanta's entranceGift from a kingCozy warmth sourceJingle sound makerHeavenly tree topperWinter precipitationHappiness in DecemberThe reason for the seasonBright holiday decorationsAnother term for Christmas...

March Nicholas Iskandar 2021-03-09

March Nicholas Iskandar crossword puzzle
  1. March meaning
  2. women's holiday in march
  3. college basketball tournament in
  4. snowy,rainy,sunny
  1. season of March
  2. Celebrate in Church during March or April
  3. color of march
  4. March 3 holiday
  5. what the leprechaun does
  6. where the rainbow leads
  7. holiday in March
  8. what leads to the pot of gold
  9. saint in March
  10. third holiday of the year
  11. character on Leprechauns day

15 Clues: March meaningcolor of marchsaint in Marchseason of MarchMarch 3 holidayholiday in Marchsnowy,rainy,sunnywhere the rainbow leadswhat the leprechaun doeswomen's holiday in marchthird holiday of the yearcharacter on Leprechauns daywhat leads to the pot of goldcollege basketball tournament inCelebrate in Church during March or April

revision unit 1 2014-05-07

revision unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. on a plane, ship
  2. many people
  3. calm down
  4. get on a plane, ship
  5. trip by plane
  6. you buy this on a bus
  7. big sea
  8. remember your holidays with it
  9. you buy these on holiday
  10. dark from the sun
  11. light wind
  12. tour
  1. overseas
  2. buy something cheaper than price
  3. sports on a river
  4. you sleep there
  5. red from the sun
  6. not cheap
  7. present
  8. no school
  9. exhibition
  10. you visit these
  11. romantic holiday

23 Clues: tourbig seapresentoverseascalm downnot cheapno schoolexhibitionlight windmany peopletrip by planeyou sleep thereyou visit theseon a plane, shipred from the sunromantic holidaysports on a riverdark from the sunget on a plane, shipyou buy this on a busyou buy these on holidayremember your holidays with itbuy something cheaper than price

November's Crossword 2016-10-05

November's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Recovery Room
  2. Meat
  3. Right before discharge
  4. Airmen
  5. Shopping deals
  6. Going to camp
  7. Holiday
  8. Popular November color
  9. Packers and Badgers
  10. Sailors
  11. Frozen white stuff
  12. Get out and vote
  13. Federal Holiday
  1. Usually the main holiday guest
  2. Semper Fidelis
  3. Gets the ball rolling
  4. Another word for fall
  5. First Colonists
  6. Solders
  7. To scope down there
  8. Association of periOperative Registered Nurses
  9. Minimally invasive image guided
  10. Established eight years before the Navy
  11. Type of scissor
  12. Patients

25 Clues: MeatAirmenSoldersHolidaySailorsPatientsRecovery RoomGoing to campSemper FidelisShopping dealsFirst ColonistsType of scissorFederal HolidayGet out and voteFrozen white stuffTo scope down therePackers and BadgersGets the ball rollingAnother word for fallRight before dischargePopular November colorUsually the main holiday guest...

Saturnalia 2021-12-10

Saturnalia crossword puzzle
  1. Cap of Freedom
  2. Saturn was the god of _________
  3. Holiday greeting
  4. wax candles
  5. bound Saturn's feet
  6. bobbed for these
  7. Planned to murder the Senate
  8. legal for slaves and in public
  9. His was the oldest temple in Rome
  10. One the solstice
  1. clay faces
  2. Served Slaves
  3. Wrote Saturnalia book
  4. feast day for Saturn's wife
  5. Holiday clothes
  6. Catullus' thoughts on the holiday
  7. raced during the holidays
  8. guest at the feast
  9. Served children
  10. shortened Saturnalia

20 Clues: clay faceswax candlesServed SlavesCap of FreedomHoliday clothesServed childrenHoliday greetingbobbed for theseOne the solsticeguest at the feastbound Saturn's feetshortened SaturnaliaWrote Saturnalia bookraced during the holidaysfeast day for Saturn's wifePlanned to murder the Senatelegal for slaves and in publicSaturn was the god of _________...

Holidays 2023-06-29

Holidays crossword puzzle
  1. The first day of the year, often marked with fireworks and celebrations
  2. A holiday celebrated on October 31st with costumes and candy
  3. A Hindu festival of lights, symbolizing the victory of light over darkness and good over evil
  4. A holiday celebrated on February 14th, known for expressing love and affection to others
  5. A fictional character often associated with Easter, who brings eggs and treats to children
  6. The Chinese lunar new year celebration, marked by traditional customs and festivities
  7. A holiday celebrated in the United States and Canada, giving thanks for the blessings of the year, usually accompanied by a festive meal
  1. A holiday commemorating a country's independence or freedom, often celebrated with parades and fireworks
  2. A holiday honoring the patron saint of Ireland, commonly associated with wearing green and parades
  3. A holiday honoring workers and their contributions
  4. A holiday celebrated on October 31st, often characterized by costumes and trick-or-treating
  5. A Jewish holiday commemorating the miracle of the oil, observed for eight nights with the lighting of the menorah
  6. A holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, typically observed with egg hunts and religious services
  7. A holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed on December 25th
  8. An Islamic holiday marking the end of Ramadan

15 Clues: An Islamic holiday marking the end of RamadanA holiday honoring workers and their contributionsA holiday celebrated on October 31st with costumes and candyThe first day of the year, often marked with fireworks and celebrationsA holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed on December 25th...

Holidays 2022-09-08

Holidays crossword puzzle
  1. A holiday about food
  2. day where you see lots of fireworks
  3. a 3 day weekend in January
  4. Also known as Jesus's birthday
  5. The 1st Holiday in November
  6. the day you celebrate your paternal parent
  1. The first holiday in February
  2. 3 day weekend in September
  3. first holiday of the year
  4. The day you celebrate your maternal parent
  5. Bunny that gives baskets of eggs
  6. The day before a snowy holiday
  7. the second holiday in February

13 Clues: A holiday about foodfirst holiday of the year3 day weekend in Septembera 3 day weekend in JanuaryThe 1st Holiday in NovemberThe first holiday in FebruaryThe day before a snowy holidayAlso known as Jesus's birthdaythe second holiday in FebruaryBunny that gives baskets of eggsday where you see lots of fireworks...

Happy New Year 2020-12-12

Happy New Year crossword puzzle
  1. поздравления
  2. празднуется
  3. накрывать
  4. надежды
  5. особенно
  6. одеваться
  7. праздник
  8. традиционные слова
  1. угол
  2. семейный праздник
  3. убирать чистить
  4. украшать
  5. родственники
  6. мечты
  7. счастлив
  8. страна
  9. считается
  10. приятный
  11. среди

19 Clues: уголмечтысредистрананадеждыукрашатьсчастливособенноприятныйпраздникнакрыватьодеватьсясчитаетсяпразднуетсяпоздравленияродственникиубирать чиститьсемейный праздниктрадиционные слова

berlibur ke bali - scarlett 2022-07-19

berlibur ke bali - scarlett crossword puzzle
  1. busy
  2. only
  3. to go to
  4. like
  5. holiday
  6. place
  7. because
  8. exciting
  9. ideal
  1. culture
  2. relaxed
  3. to holiday
  4. great
  5. cool
  6. favorite
  7. unique
  8. friends
  9. luxurious
  10. there is

19 Clues: busyonlycoollikegreatplaceidealuniqueculturerelaxedholidayfriendsbecauseto go tofavoritethere isexcitingluxuriousto holiday

Happy New Year 2024-12-28

Happy New Year crossword puzzle
  1. поздравления
  2. празднуется
  3. накрывать
  4. надежды
  5. особенно
  6. одеваться
  7. праздник
  8. традиционные слова
  1. угол
  2. семейный праздник
  3. убирать чистить
  4. украшать
  5. родственники
  6. мечты
  7. счастлив
  8. страна
  9. считается
  10. приятный
  11. среди

19 Clues: уголмечтысредистрананадеждыукрашатьсчастливособенноприятныйпраздникнакрыватьодеватьсясчитаетсяпразднуетсяпоздравленияродственникиубирать чиститьсемейный праздниктрадиционные слова

berlibur ke bali - scarlett 2022-07-19

berlibur ke bali - scarlett crossword puzzle
  1. busy
  2. only
  3. to go to
  4. like
  5. holiday
  6. place
  7. because
  8. exciting
  9. ideal
  1. culture
  2. relaxed
  3. to holiday
  4. great
  5. cool
  6. favorite
  7. unique
  8. friends
  9. luxurious
  10. there is

19 Clues: busyonlycoollikegreatplaceidealuniqueculturerelaxedholidayfriendsbecauseto go tofavoritethere isexcitingluxuriousto holiday

holiday 2014-10-13

holiday crossword puzzle
  1. The main part of the meal we eat on Christmas day, it’s an ugly bird.
  2. A large sock that we hang above the chimney for Father Christmas to leave small presents in.
  3. A circular Christmas decoration made of leaves, twigs, flowers and fruits that we hang on our front door.
  4. a sledge pulled by horses or reindeers at Christmas, Father Christmas travels to the children’s houses on this.
  5. a small, round, shiny colourful or decorated plastic ball that we hang on our Christmas trees to make it look pretty.
  1. What we eat after Christmas dinner, sweet and sticky.
  2. it’s a branch from a tree that we hang above a door. If two people meet under this branch they have to kiss.
  3. the type of songs we sing at Christmas, for example, Jingle Bells or we wish you a merry Christmas.
  4. He is a big fat man with a white beard, who sneaks down the chimney on Christmas Eve, the night before Christmas day, and leaves presents to children who have been good all year but leaves coal to the naughty kids.

9 Clues: What we eat after Christmas dinner, sweet and sticky.The main part of the meal we eat on Christmas day, it’s an ugly bird.A large sock that we hang above the chimney for Father Christmas to leave small presents in.the type of songs we sing at Christmas, for example, Jingle Bells or we wish you a merry Christmas....

Holiday 2023-02-12

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. Membuat kue
  2. Pantai
  3. Bersepedah
  4. Kebun Binatang
  5. Berkebun
  1. Berenang
  2. Memanjat
  3. Memanjat
  4. Memasak
  5. Berkemah

10 Clues: PantaiMemasakBerenangMemanjatMemanjatBerkemahBerkebunBersepedahMembuat kueKebun Binatang

Holiday 2024-05-05

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. I can see animals here
  2. I can see dinosaur bones here
  3. I can have fun on rides here
  4. throwing things up in a circle
  5. ride a bike with one wheel
  6. I can see many themes here
  1. I can camp with my friends here
  2. I can see paintings here
  3. I can go swimming here

9 Clues: I can see animals hereI can go swimming hereI can see paintings hereride a bike with one wheelI can see many themes hereI can have fun on rides hereI can see dinosaur bones herethrowing things up in a circleI can camp with my friends here

Valentines Day 2025-02-12

Valentines Day crossword puzzle
  1. Mascot of the holiday
  2. Float around as decoration
  3. Enhance the romantic appeal of a person using smell
  4. Type of flower given on the holiday
  5. Common symbol of love in general
  6. Used to wrap gifts or boxes
  7. Expensive gift that is worn
  1. Typical evening during the holiday
  2. Structured text written common as a gesture
  3. Animal that's a symbol of peace and love
  4. Good, soft gift for kids
  5. Sweet that's typically gifted on the holiday
  6. Written gesture given with gifts
  7. Symbolises romance and desire
  8. Used by the mascot of the holiday

15 Clues: Mascot of the holidayGood, soft gift for kidsFloat around as decorationUsed to wrap gifts or boxesExpensive gift that is wornSymbolises romance and desireWritten gesture given with giftsCommon symbol of love in generalUsed by the mascot of the holidayTypical evening during the holidayType of flower given on the holiday...

Holidays in Southampton 2023-11-30

Holidays in Southampton crossword puzzle
  1. best football team
  2. green holiday character
  3. where do we live?
  4. we are the southampton...
  5. who was mr. steckler on green+gold day?
  6. when we celebrate 2024
  7. the guy in red who brings the gifts
  8. school colors
  9. when do we dress fun?
  10. sidekick to the lady in charge
  1. what to wear to a funny holiday party
  2. ten days of no school!
  3. winter sport
  4. town holiday event on 12/1
  5. holiday month
  6. who's in charge around here?

16 Clues: winter sportholiday monthschool colorswhere do we live?best football teamwhen do we dress fun?ten days of no school!when we celebrate 2024green holiday characterwe are the holiday event on 12/1who's in charge around here?sidekick to the lady in chargethe guy in red who brings the giftswhat to wear to a funny holiday party...

Holidays 2024-05-20

Holidays crossword puzzle
  1. Day A day to honor and celebrate mothers with cards and gifts.
  2. Day A day for expressing love and affection, often with cards and gifts.
  3. Patrick's Day A holiday celebrating Irish culture, often with green clothing and parades.
  4. A Hindu festival of lights, celebrating the victory of light over darkness.
  5. Day A holiday celebrating a country's freedom, often with fireworks and parades.
  6. Day A holiday celebrating workers and their contributions.
  7. A holiday for giving thanks, celebrated with a big meal.
  8. A holiday where people dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating.
  1. Day A day to honor and celebrate fathers with cards and gifts.
  2. A holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, often with egg hunts.
  3. A Jewish holiday celebrating the miracle of the oil lasting eight days.
  4. Day A day to honor military veterans for their service.
  5. A holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus, often with gifts and decorations.
  6. Day A day to honor and remember those who died in military service.
  7. Year's Day The first day of the year, celebrated with fireworks and parties.

15 Clues: Day A day to honor military veterans for their service.A holiday for giving thanks, celebrated with a big meal.Day A holiday celebrating workers and their contributions.Day A day to honor and celebrate fathers with cards and gifts.Day A day to honor and celebrate mothers with cards and gifts....

Thanksgiving Crossword 2015-09-28

Thanksgiving Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The holiday bird.
  2. Settlers came on Mayflower.
  3. Turkey's favorite sauce
  4. Indians and Pilgrims gave what they had
  5. The sport enjoyed on this Holiday.
  6. A male turkey
  7. ________ shared feast with the Pilgrims.
  8. Ship settlers came over on the_________.
  9. Vegetable at first Thanksgiving meal.
  1. Thanksgiving month.
  2. Bounties.
  3. Holiday day of week.
  4. Pilgrims landed rock__________?
  5. Three towns take their name after Thanksgiving, Turkey, Texas; Turkey Creek, Louisianna; and Turkey, __________.
  6. The highest turkey producing state in the U.S.
  7. A male turkey is the only turkey that _______.
  8. Thanksgiving meal.
  9. President ___________ made the final Thursday of November the national holiday, Thanksgiving.

18 Clues: Bounties.A male turkeyThe holiday bird.Thanksgiving meal.Thanksgiving month.Holiday day of week.Turkey's favorite sauceSettlers came on Mayflower.Pilgrims landed rock__________?The sport enjoyed on this Holiday.Vegetable at first Thanksgiving meal.Indians and Pilgrims gave what they had________ shared feast with the Pilgrims....

Partout, c'est la fête! 2021-06-09

Partout, c'est la fête! crossword puzzle
  1. Bastille Day (France's national holiday)
  2. to buy
  3. rubbish
  4. family
  5. interesting
  6. float
  7. famous
  8. friend
  1. bank holiday
  2. present
  3. great
  4. Easter
  5. festival, party
  6. meal
  7. tickets
  8. birthday
  9. boring
  10. Christmas
  11. parade
  12. show, performance

20 Clues: mealgreatfloatEasterto buyboringfamilyparadefamousfriendpresentticketsrubbishbirthdayChristmasinterestingbank holidayfestival, partyshow, performanceBastille Day (France's national holiday)

Summer Holiday 2020-12-13

Summer Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. Classic holiday dessert topped with cream and berries or kiwifruit
  2. a public holiday celebrated on the first day (strictly, the first weekday) after Christmas Day.
  3. Which country launched a Mission to Mars this year
  4. First offical day of summer
  5. Kiwi holiday home
  6. Kiwi slang for summer attire
  7. Star formation on New Zealand's flag
  8. New Zealand Christmas tree
  1. Chinese flowering plant Fritillaria delavayi evolved to stay hidden from _____
  2. New vitamin A fruit
  3. Shortest day of the year in New Zealand
  4. Climate event we are entering this summer as part of enso cycle
  5. one consequence of la nina in New Zealand waters
  6. Which two planets will be their closest in the sky this December in 800 years
  7. Festival of lights celebrated in early December

15 Clues: Kiwi holiday homeNew vitamin A fruitNew Zealand Christmas treeFirst offical day of summerKiwi slang for summer attireStar formation on New Zealand's flagShortest day of the year in New ZealandFestival of lights celebrated in early Decemberone consequence of la nina in New Zealand watersWhich country launched a Mission to Mars this year...

Holiday Treats 2021-12-04

Holiday Treats crossword puzzle
  1. have a slice of this with your cup of this
  2. this bark you can bite
  3. cookie fugitive
  4. roll'em, eat'em just dont drive with'em
  5. cake or curtain
  6. aptly named heavy treat
  1. French fuel cake
  2. as American as _______
  3. small powdered treat
  4. this pie gets stuff done
  5. this dish is more punchline than food
  6. not a tall treat
  7. Chocolate cake that you 'esssen'
  8. not to be confused with the "queen-mother"
  9. no suprise, its very sweet

15 Clues: cookie fugitivecake or curtainFrench fuel cakenot a tall treatsmall powdered treatas American as _______this bark you can biteaptly named heavy treatthis pie gets stuff doneno suprise, its very sweetChocolate cake that you 'esssen'this dish is more punchline than foodroll'em, eat'em just dont drive with'emhave a slice of this with your cup of this...

Holiday Crossword 2021-12-09

Holiday Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. green
  2. Santa's friends
  3. Hung with care
  4. Santa's ride
  5. Claus, Santa's wife
  6. christmas decor
  7. Santa's guide
  1. hang out with my ____
  2. Santa, secret gifting
  3. bright
  4. Season
  5. Gifts
  6. santa's helpers
  7. frosty
  8. Break, out of school

15 Clues: greenGiftsbrightSeasonfrostySanta's rideSanta's guideHung with careSanta's friendssanta's helperschristmas decorClaus, Santa's wifeBreak, out of schoolhang out with my ____Santa, secret gifting

Holiday Vocabulary 2021-12-16

Holiday Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. clothes that need to be washed or have recently been washed
  2. customs or beliefs passed from generation to generation
  3. plant used as food
  4. number of people present at a particular event
  5. something regarded as bringing good or bad things
  6. explosion typically used for display or in celebrations
  1. social gathering typically involving eating and entertainment
  2. achieving or producing a significant amount or result
  3. place on the coast where vessels may find shelter
  4. nutritious substance that people or animals eat to live
  5. trust, faith, or confidence in someone or something; religious conviction
  6. country located in the Caribbean Sea
  7. nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory
  8. building used for worship
  9. period after December 31

15 Clues: plant used as foodperiod after December 31building used for worshipcountry located in the Caribbean Seanumber of people present at a particular eventplace on the coast where vessels may find sheltersomething regarded as bringing good or bad thingsachieving or producing a significant amount or result...

Holiday Time 2016-12-21

Holiday Time crossword puzzle
  1. a holiday drink
  2. place where greetings are found
  3. used to open a walnut
  4. striped and sweet
  5. lights in the menorrah
  6. a substance that burns in lamps
  7. winter transportation
  8. glitter for the tree
  1. what carolers do
  2. decorations for a banister
  3. decorative spheres
  4. hang by the chimney with care
  5. used to decorate a door
  6. can be heard tinkling
  7. what is given on a holiday

15 Clues: a holiday drinkwhat carolers dostriped and sweetdecorative spheresglitter for the treeused to open a walnutcan be heard tinklingwinter transportationlights in the menorrahused to decorate a doordecorations for a banisterwhat is given on a holidayhang by the chimney with careplace where greetings are founda substance that burns in lamps

Holiday Destinations 2018-03-02

Holiday Destinations crossword puzzle
  1. London
  2. Ireland
  3. Italy
  4. Wales
  5. Australia
  6. Barcelona
  7. Canada
  8. Japan
  9. France
  1. England
  2. Spain
  3. Portugal
  4. United States
  5. Edinburgh
  6. Germany

15 Clues: SpainItalyWalesJapanLondonCanadaFranceEnglandIrelandGermanyPortugalEdinburghAustraliaBarcelonaUnited States

Holiday Vocabulary 2018-10-22

Holiday Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. / similar to a train but it travels on the street
  2. / the space between two hills or mountains
  3. / a train that moves in tunnels below the street
  4. / a hot, dry place with not many plants
  5. / a place to put up a tent
  6. / a lot of trees in one place
  7. / some water surrounded by land
  1. / when a river goes over the edge of a mountain
  2. / a boat that can take you across a lake or river
  3. / a big pile of rocks and dirt, bigger than a hill
  4. / a large vehicle that drives on the road and takes you around town
  5. / a large body of water. bigger than a lake but smaller than an ocean
  6. / a meal that you have after dinner, usually something sweet
  7. / some land surrounded by water
  8. / a bus that travels to another town or city

15 Clues: / a place to put up a tent/ a lot of trees in one place/ some land surrounded by water/ some water surrounded by land/ a hot, dry place with not many plants/ the space between two hills or mountains/ a bus that travels to another town or city/ when a river goes over the edge of a mountain/ a train that moves in tunnels below the street...

Holiday Crossword 2018-11-29

Holiday Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. day of shopping
  2. the most famous reindeer
  3. retro tree decoration
  4. the snowman
  5. work in Santa's workshop
  6. party with a countdown 10...9...8...
  7. slides down chimneys
  1. decorate your house with
  2. kiss under this
  3. milk and ___ for Santa
  4. peppermint holiday treat
  5. gifts
  6. goes on top of the tree
  7. holiday drink (with rum!)
  8. causes a white Christmas

15 Clues: giftsthe snowmankiss under thisday of shoppingslides down chimneysretro tree decorationmilk and ___ for Santagoes on top of the treedecorate your house withpeppermint holiday treatthe most famous reindeerwork in Santa's workshopcauses a white Christmasholiday drink (with rum!)party with a countdown 10...9...8...

Holiday Vocabulary 2013-04-03

Holiday Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The place you must wait on if you want to catch a train.
  2. A vehicle that goes underwater.
  3. If it is very sunny you should put this on your skin.
  4. The action of coming down to the ground.
  5. The item of clothing you need to wear in the water.
  6. The place where many trains and buses come to drop off and pick up people.
  7. If you want to go camping in the great outdoors, you can pitch and sleep in this.
  1. People traveling in a vehicle but not driving are these.
  2. A boat, a train, a plane or a bike; you use this to travel about.
  3. The thing that you pack your clothes into before you go on holiday.
  4. A journey through the air made by a bird, a plane or even a hot air balloon.
  5. A small bag that you carry on your back.
  6. The place where you wait to catch a bus.
  7. A ship or boat will come to rest here after a journey at sea.
  8. The place where you sit in a car, a plane or a train.

15 Clues: A vehicle that goes underwater.The action of coming down to the ground.A small bag that you carry on your back.The place where you wait to catch a bus.The item of clothing you need to wear in the water.If it is very sunny you should put this on your skin.The place where you sit in a car, a plane or a train....

Holiday Activities 2024-01-10

Holiday Activities crossword puzzle
  1. riding quickly across water
  2. Riding a bike on rocky or hilly terrain
  3. moving from one place to another on animal
  4. using a pole or rod to catch animals in a river, lake or sea
  5. swimming in deep water with special equipment
  6. Moving over snow on a board
  1. Moving over water on a board with a sail
  2. Riding across snow or ice on a piece of metal, wood or plastic
  3. Using a paddle to move across water in a narrow boat
  4. Using rackets to hit a ball back and forth over a net
  5. Climbing up or across steep surfaces
  6. Swimming in shallow water with special equipment
  7. using a club to try and get a small ball into a hole
  8. Driving small cars around a track
  9. Moving across water on a boat with a sail

15 Clues: riding quickly across waterMoving over snow on a boardDriving small cars around a trackClimbing up or across steep surfacesRiding a bike on rocky or hilly terrainMoving over water on a board with a sailMoving across water on a boat with a sailmoving from one place to another on animalswimming in deep water with special equipment...

Holiday time 2024-01-31

Holiday time crossword puzzle
  1. разрешение
  2. пробовать на вкус
  3. жилище
  4. выходные
  5. белка
  6. представление(показ)
  1. достопримечательность
  2. дворец
  3. путешествовать
  4. кормить
  5. роскошный
  6. посещать
  7. убирать
  8. босиком
  9. ходить за покупками go____

15 Clues: белкадворецжилищекормитьубиратьбосикомпосещатьвыходныероскошныйразрешениепутешествоватьпробовать на вкуспредставление(показ)достопримечательностьходить за покупками go____

Holiday Crossword 2023-12-21

Holiday Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. "How the ____ stole Christmas"
  2. Where Santa lives
  3. Famous snowman
  4. Your favorite team that provides interactive events and interesting facts to all of Clinical Operations!
  5. Santa's lead reindeer
  6. Santa's favorite food
  7. "Not a creature was stirring, not even a ____"
  8. Decorate the tree with
  9. An opener or famous ballet
  1. Another word for present
  2. Striped sweet
  3. December 25th
  4. Frozen rain
  5. A mean or miserly person
  6. What you can make out of snow

15 Clues: Frozen rainStriped sweetDecember 25thFamous snowmanWhere Santa livesSanta's lead reindeerSanta's favorite foodDecorate the tree withAnother word for presentA mean or miserly personAn opener or famous balletWhat you can make out of snow"How the ____ stole Christmas""Not a creature was stirring, not even a ____"...

Holiday Celebration 2023-12-05

Holiday Celebration crossword puzzle
  1. What is the main color associated with Halloween?
  2. What monster drinks blood?
  3. What do you sometimes eat on Thanksgiving?
  4. What's another name for the big Thanksgiving meal?
  5. What do you carve on Halloween?
  6. Thanksgiving is always celebrated on what day of the week?
  7. What is the name of the month of Halloween?
  1. In what month is Thanksgiving celebrating?
  2. What creature visits lots of homes on days leading up to Christmas?
  3. What do you dress up in for Halloween?
  4. What do most people put on top of their Christmas tree?
  5. Who so called stole christmas?
  6. Who came to the first Thanksgiving?
  7. In what month is christmas celebrated in?
  8. What is Charlie Crown's famous dog's name?

15 Clues: What monster drinks blood?Who so called stole christmas?What do you carve on Halloween?Who came to the first Thanksgiving?What do you dress up in for Halloween?In what month is christmas celebrated in?In what month is Thanksgiving celebrating?What do you sometimes eat on Thanksgiving?What is Charlie Crown's famous dog's name?...

Holiday Crossword 2023-11-28

Holiday Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. St. Lucia Day: Also known as the ____ of St. Lucy
  2. The seven days of Kwanzaa are dedicated to seven principles: self-determination, collective responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, faith, and ____
  3. Popular Scandinavian treat around Christmas
  4. The St. Paul Winter _____ has been running since 1886.
  5. Dia de los Reyes Mago: Also known as ______
  6. One of Minnesota's top snowplow names from 2022-2023: "Han ____"
  7. ____ Day is primarily celebrated in Great Britain, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand
  1. Kwanzaa is modeled after the first ____ celebrations in Africa
  2. Hockey Day Minnesota will be held in this town in January 2024
  3. Arnold Schwarzenegger holiday movie set in St. Paul: "____ All the Way"
  4. While menorahs commonly used during Hanukkah have nine branches, temple menorahs traditionally only have ____ branches.
  5. This generous saint eventually became the inspiration for Santa Claus
  6. Another name for the Festival of Lights
  7. This ancient Pagan festival begins on Winter Solstice
  8. The number of days during the Las Posadas celebration

15 Clues: Another name for the Festival of LightsPopular Scandinavian treat around ChristmasDia de los Reyes Mago: Also known as ______St. Lucia Day: Also known as the ____ of St. LucyThis ancient Pagan festival begins on Winter SolsticeThe number of days during the Las Posadas celebrationThe St. Paul Winter _____ has been running since 1886....

Holiday Crossword 2023-12-04

Holiday Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. emotion where you are content
  2. day before the popular holiday in december
  3. holiday of love
  4. something you receive on christmas
  5. customs you follow each year that are passed down to generations
  6. circular fruit that can be green or purple
  7. things you put on your christmas tree to decorate it
  1. main decoration for christmas
  2. things you put around your house during holidays
  3. jewish holiday that lasts 8 days
  4. song sung during christmas season
  5. man who gives all the gifts on christmas
  6. popular holiday in december
  7. to___ someone something
  8. block of wax that is lit, and can have a scent

15 Clues: holiday of loveto___ someone somethingpopular holiday in decembermain decoration for christmasemotion where you are contentjewish holiday that lasts 8 dayssong sung during christmas seasonsomething you receive on christmasman who gives all the gifts on christmasday before the popular holiday in decembercircular fruit that can be green or purple...

Holiday homework 2022-06-17

Holiday homework crossword puzzle
  1. with many folds or lines
  2. small pieces of paper clothes etc that are not needed
  3. a way of speaking
  4. not showing much interest
  5. changed direction because it hit something
  6. the future of notebooks
  7. a given space time or position
  1. A place where kids go to study
  2. unable to breathe
  3. a bad dream
  4. starting to fail
  5. without a fault or mistake
  6. a space just below the roof used as storeroom
  7. great importance
  8. up covered up nicely in bed

15 Clues: a bad dreamstarting to failgreat importanceunable to breathea way of speakingthe future of notebookswith many folds or linesnot showing much interestwithout a fault or mistakeup covered up nicely in bedA place where kids go to studya given space time or positionchanged direction because it hit somethinga space just below the roof used as storeroom...

Holiday Words 2023-01-27

Holiday Words crossword puzzle
  1. A cookie shaped like a person
  2. A popular Thanksgiving pie
  3. A bird you eat at Thanksgiving
  4. A monster that hides inside everyone
  5. This Christmas candy is red and white
  6. A scary green woman that rides a broom
  7. A monster that wears white
  1. a pumpkin with a scary face
  2. A colorful egg
  3. People kiss under this plant during Christmas
  4. Small people that help Santa
  5. A holiday where you give candy and hearts
  6. Santa`s original name
  7. A cute rabbit
  8. People from Europe that moved to America

15 Clues: A cute rabbitA colorful eggSanta`s original nameA popular Thanksgiving pieA monster that wears whitea pumpkin with a scary faceSmall people that help SantaA cookie shaped like a personA bird you eat at ThanksgivingA monster that hides inside everyoneThis Christmas candy is red and whiteA scary green woman that rides a broom...

Holiday traditions 2024-11-14

Holiday traditions crossword puzzle
  1. — European folklore figure who visits naughty children.
  2. — A spinning top game played during Hanukkah.
  3. — Potato pancakes, traditionally eaten during Hanukkah.
  4. — Traditional Christmas food in Mexican culture.
  5. — British holiday on December 26.
  6. — Spanish for “happy,” as in “Feliz Navidad.”
  7. — Gift-giving figure for Christmas.
  8. — Candle holder used in Kwanzaa.
  9. — A Christmas gnome in Scandinavian folklore.
  1. — Songs sung during Christmas season.
  2. — Old pagan celebration around the winter solstice.
  3. — A large meal or banquet, often associated with celebrations.
  4. — A festive public procession, common during holidays.
  5. — A candelabrum used during Hanukkah.
  6. — Synonym for “news” or “good news,” often used in holiday greetings.

15 Clues: — Candle holder used in Kwanzaa.— British holiday on December 26.— Gift-giving figure for Christmas.— Songs sung during Christmas season.— A candelabrum used during Hanukkah.— A spinning top game played during Hanukkah.— Spanish for “happy,” as in “Feliz Navidad.”— A Christmas gnome in Scandinavian folklore....

Holiday Crossword 2024-12-12

Holiday Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a popular Christmas plant with red berries
  2. a popular cookie type that people make into houses
  3. a sock hung on the chimney for Santa to put gifts in
  4. "________'s roasting on an open fire"
  5. a plant hung over doorways that people kiss under
  6. a type of weather that happens in winter
  7. a meat commonly eaten on Christmas
  1. a decoration hung on the Christmas tree
  2. a set of figures with a manger
  3. a green creature that try's to steal Christmas
  4. the animal that pulls Santa's sleigh
  5. a man dressed in red that delivers presents
  6. a decoration tied in bows to put on presents
  7. a small creature that builds toys for Santa
  8. "Frosty the ______"

15 Clues: "Frosty the ______"a set of figures with a mangera meat commonly eaten on Christmasthe animal that pulls Santa's sleigh"________'s roasting on an open fire"a decoration hung on the Christmas treea type of weather that happens in wintera popular Christmas plant with red berriesa man dressed in red that delivers presents...

Happy Holidays from Bryden & Jamison 2013-12-16

Happy Holidays from Bryden & Jamison crossword puzzle
  1. Holiday song
  2. How old Bryden is
  3. Ornament placed on top of the tree
  4. Where Mama and Dad work
  5. "_____ the Red Nosed Reindeer"
  6. "____ Bells"
  7. Popular holiday liqueur
  8. Season with snow
  9. Sesame Street's cuddly red monster
  10. Winter motorized activity
  11. Winter activity
  12. Vacation destination in Florida
  13. Santa's helper
  14. Place with slides and swings
  15. Children's amusement park
  16. Disneyland destination
  17. Cottage activity
  18. "___ to the World"
  19. "O _____ Tree"
  20. Traditional stocking stuffer
  21. Our elf on the shelf's name
  22. Hung by the fireplace
  23. Birthplace of Jesus
  24. "Twas the ____ before Christmas"
  25. Snack left out for Santa
  26. "Away in a ____"
  27. Our dad's name
  1. Small toy building blocks
  2. Snowman's nose
  3. Morning beverage
  4. Frankincence & ____
  5. Where we live
  6. Disney World destination
  7. Where the cottage is
  8. One of Santa's reindeer
  9. Popular wishlist item this year
  10. Menu item at Sargent Sundae
  11. What Bryden wants to be when he grows up
  12. Two year old's name
  13. Holiday drink
  14. "_____ McQueen"
  15. Traditional holiday cookie
  16. Hung on the front door
  17. "____ The Snowman"
  18. "A Christmas Story" little boy
  19. Holiday spice
  20. Hide and go ___
  21. ____ Crosby, holiday crooner
  22. Santa's postal code
  23. ____ cane
  24. Shopping website

51 Clues: ____ caneHoliday song"____ Bells"Where we liveHoliday drinkHoliday spiceSnowman's noseSanta's helper"O _____ Tree"Our dad's nameWinter activity"_____ McQueen"Hide and go ___Morning beverageSeason with snowCottage activity"Away in a ____"Shopping websiteHow old Bryden is"___ to the World""____ The Snowman"Frankincence & ____Two year old's name...

Types of Holiday 2021-10-04

Types of Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. Holidays that involve a higher level of risk
  2. Holidays that emphasise seeing wild animals in their natural environments
  3. A holiday which is suitable for parents and children
  4. Holiday where everything, including accommodation and travel, is included in the price
  5. Staying at home and doing day-trips to museums etc.
  6. A break taken by students between finishing e.g. high school and starting university
  7. Short holidays that emphasise relaxation and beauty treatments
  8. Using a GPS or mobile to hide and find containers (geocaches) anywhere in the world.
  9. Holidays that involve snow activities
  10. Travel on business or for work
  11. Holidays emphasising low carbon footprints and being environmentally friendly
  1. A holiday on a ship – really a floating hotel
  2. Holidays where you do your own cooking, cleaning etc.
  3. Holidays that emphasise walks from location to location
  4. Holiday doing the same or something very similar to your normal work.
  5. break A short (usually weekend), low-cost holiday to a famous city or location
  6. Walking and riding holidays
  7. Holidays involving tents
  8. Holidays emphasising sun, sea and sand
  9. The holiday that a newly-married couple have after their wedding
  10. Holidays that include learning – for example learning English!
  11. Holidays that emphasise travelling by train

22 Clues: Holidays involving tentsWalking and riding holidaysTravel on business or for workHolidays that involve snow activitiesHolidays emphasising sun, sea and sandHolidays that emphasise travelling by trainHolidays that involve a higher level of riskA holiday on a ship – really a floating hotelStaying at home and doing day-trips to museums etc....

Unit 4 2022-05-17

Unit 4 crossword puzzle
  1. celebrate
  2. hug
  3. get together
  4. parade
  5. to wrap
  6. receive
  7. smile
  8. cry
  1. holiday break
  2. to give
  3. holiday
  4. to open
  5. gathering
  6. take pictures
  7. share
  8. gifts
  9. congratulate
  10. laugh
  11. change, exchange
  12. to gift

20 Clues: hugcrysharegiftslaughsmileparadeto giveholidayto opento wrapreceiveto giftcelebrategatheringget togethercongratulateholiday breaktake pictureschange, exchange

Leo's spelling words 2024-09-09

Leo's spelling words crossword puzzle
  1. Weight
  2. Away
  3. Eight
  4. Always
  5. Snail
  6. Cupcake
  7. Able
  8. Neighbor
  9. Freight
  10. Explain
  11. Ladle
  12. Sunday
  13. Gravy
  1. Dictate
  2. Decade
  3. Sunday
  4. Label
  5. sleigh
  6. Maintain
  7. Payment
  8. Glare
  9. Flare
  10. Basic
  11. Claim
  12. Holiday

25 Clues: AwayAbleEightLabelSnailGlareFlareBasicClaimLadleGravyDecadeWeightSundayAlwayssleighSundayDictateCupcakePaymentFreightHolidayExplainMaintainNeighbor

- 2022-03-01

- crossword puzzle
  1. Our school's mascot is a ___
  2. The month of February is dedicated to ___ history month.
  3. An acronym used to represent people of the queer community.
  4. A person made of snow
  5. A holiday associated with bunnies and eggs
  6. flavored version of everything
  7. The first month of the year
  1. Commonly around Halloween
  2. A holiday that commonly involves presents
  3. A holiday in which people dress up in costumes.
  4. The season most likely to have snow
  5. A genre of movies dedicated to being scary
  6. A holiday associated with relationships and hearts
  7. The hottest season of the year
  8. Day of the ___ is a Hispanic holiday
  9. The season when there is suddenly a Pumpkin

16 Clues: A person made of snowCommonly around HalloweenThe first month of the yearOur school's mascot is a ___The hottest season of the yearflavored version of everythingThe season most likely to have snowDay of the ___ is a Hispanic holidayA holiday that commonly involves presentsA genre of movies dedicated to being scary...

Types of Holiday 2014-10-12

Types of Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. Holidays that involve a higher level of risk
  2. Holidays that emphasise seeing wild animals in their natural environments
  3. A holiday which is suitable for parents and children
  4. Holiday where everything, including accommodation and travel, is included in the price
  5. Staying at home and doing day-trips to museums etc.
  6. A break taken by students between finishing e.g. high school and starting university
  7. Short holidays that emphasise relaxation and beauty treatments
  8. Using a GPS or mobile to hide and find containers (geocaches) anywhere in the world.
  9. Holidays that involve snow activities
  10. Travel on business or for work
  11. Holidays emphasising low carbon footprints and being environmentally friendly
  1. A holiday on a ship – really a floating hotel
  2. Holidays where you do your own cooking, cleaning etc.
  3. Holidays that emphasise walks from location to location
  4. Holiday doing the same or something very similar to your normal work.
  5. break A short (usually weekend), low-cost holiday to a famous city or location
  6. Walking and riding holidays
  7. Holidays involving tents
  8. Holidays emphasising sun, sea and sand
  9. The holiday that a newly-married couple have after their wedding
  10. Holidays that include learning – for example learning English!
  11. Holidays that emphasise travelling by train

22 Clues: Holidays involving tentsWalking and riding holidaysTravel on business or for workHolidays that involve snow activitiesHolidays emphasising sun, sea and sandHolidays that emphasise travelling by trainHolidays that involve a higher level of riskA holiday on a ship – really a floating hotelStaying at home and doing day-trips to museums etc....

holiday 2021-12-14

holiday crossword puzzle
  1. you put this outfit on for Halloween
  2. in the hat a cat made by dr.seuss
  3. you carve a pumpkin into
  4. a reindeer with a red nose
  1. you launch these on the 4th of July
  2. mascot of thanksgiving
  3. bunny delivers you eggs
  4. you get this treat on Halloween
  5. a very fat man

9 Clues: a very fat manmascot of thanksgivingyou carve a pumpkin intoa reindeer with a red nosebunny delivers you eggsyou get this treat on Halloweenin the hat a cat made by dr.seussyou launch these on the 4th of Julyyou put this outfit on for Halloween

Holiday 2024-12-20

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. Fluffy white stuff that comes down from the sky
  2. The month when we return to school
  3. The popular holiday in December
  4. The name of the large penguin at the zoo in Australia
  5. The game that will be played at the assembly later today
  1. The last day of 2024, December 21st
  2. The glass balls hung on a tree for decoration
  3. The type of tree decorated for Christmas
  4. The name of the pygmy hippo at the zoo in Thailand

9 Clues: The popular holiday in DecemberThe month when we return to schoolThe last day of 2024, December 21stThe type of tree decorated for ChristmasThe glass balls hung on a tree for decorationFluffy white stuff that comes down from the skyThe name of the pygmy hippo at the zoo in ThailandThe name of the large penguin at the zoo in Australia...

Vocabulary Unit 1 2023-09-21

Vocabulary Unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. adjective to describe a place with too many people
  2. place where you can set up your tent when you go on holiday
  3. lane on the road where you can stop in case of emeregency
  4. place where you can take your suitcase back after a trip
  5. it's your identity card when you travel outside of the EU
  6. place where you can see animals from places like Africa
  1. holiday during which you visit your own country
  2. exchanging your house with someone else's for the holiday
  3. type of holiday where everything is included and organised
  4. place where you can go on rides
  5. travelling and staying at people places to sleep in their living room
  6. american version of the word "holiday"
  7. synonym of "friend"
  8. holiday during which you stay on a huge boat
  9. going under the water to see the sealife
  10. adjective to describe tourism which consists in visiting places like Chernobyl
  11. synonym of "boring"

17 Clues: synonym of "friend"synonym of "boring"place where you can go on ridesamerican version of the word "holiday"going under the water to see the sealifeholiday during which you stay on a huge boatholiday during which you visit your own countryadjective to describe a place with too many peopleplace where you can see animals from places like Africa...

Federal Holidays and Some others! Crossword 2021-08-26

Federal Holidays and Some others! Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. It happens every 4 years on January 20th when a new presidential term starts
  2. This holiday used to just celebrate the birth of George Washington, but now it honors several famous ones
  3. Wear a costume and eat too much candy on this day
  4. The second Sunday in May is dedicated to the hardest working women out there
  5. Head to nearby Punxsutawney on February 2nd to participate in this holiday!
  6. November 11th is dedicated to honor their service to the country
  7. This federal holiday is usually celebrated with parties the night before-- many people make "resolutions" as a result
  8. The 4th Thursday in November is marked by a traditional feast followed by frantic holiday shopping the next day
  1. This holiday in October commemorates his arrival in the New World in 1492
  2. Though it is not a federal holiday most schools and businesses in the US are closed on December 25th for this day
  3. The third Sunday in June is when we celebrate these dudes
  4. Celebrated on July 4th to mark the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776
  5. April 22nd is the day that we remember that we should be taking care of our planet
  6. No joke--- this day involves some good-natured pranks and practical jokes
  7. This holiday commemorates the birthday of a civil rights icon from the 1960s-- celebrated on the third Monday in January
  8. The first Monday in September is dedicated to giving workers a day off!
  9. You don't have to be Irish to wear green on March 17th
  10. This day of love is celebrated on February 14th
  11. This holiday is a day for Americans to honor those who gave their lives in the service of the country; it occurs on the last Monday in May

19 Clues: This day of love is celebrated on February 14thWear a costume and eat too much candy on this dayYou don't have to be Irish to wear green on March 17thThe third Sunday in June is when we celebrate these dudesNovember 11th is dedicated to honor their service to the countryThe first Monday in September is dedicated to giving workers a day off!...

Right Side of the Bed: US Holidays Edition 2020-05-07

Right Side of the Bed: US Holidays Edition crossword puzzle
  1. Trick or Treat?
  2. An eight-day Jewish holiday that uses a menorah
  3. In fourteen-hundred, ninety-two, _ sailed the ocean blue
  4. The morning you get to open your gifts from Santa Clause
  5. Appreciation for the adult male figure that raised us
  6. Not an actual holiday, but most celebrate it, either to see who the top NFL team is OR to see great commercials
  7. Fireworks, beer, and the beach; 'Merica
  8. Appreciation for the adult female figure that raised us
  9. The ultimate opportunity to play as many pranks on your loved ones as you want
  10. When you put out cookies and carrots for a visitor bringing presents in the night
  11. Dedicated to the man who gave the famed "I have a dream" speech
  12. In honor of all 45 men who have led the United States
  13. You probably eat tacos and margs on this holiday
  14. A Christian holiday that is known for a bunny and colorful eggs
  15. Let's appreciate the ground we walk on and the sky above our heads
  1. The day your resolutions officially start
  2. You'll get a pinch if you're not wearing green!
  3. A holiday in the political world where fourteen states have their primaries
  4. Honors all military men and women, both alive and deceased
  5. The last day out of 265 that has you hoping for a kiss at midnight
  6. Gives thanks for all of the individuals who have died in military service for the US
  7. The red, white and blue is flying everywhere
  8. Turkey, mashed potatoes, and stuffing; known for the Macy's parade
  9. Depending on if a shadow is seen or not, it could mean six more weeks of winter....
  10. Also not an official holiday, but there's usually deals for everyone who files on time; known as accountants busiest time of the year
  11. Cupid feels all the love on this holiday
  12. If shopping at malls after-hours isn't your thing, you can get all of the pre-holiday sales virtually on this day!
  13. The pre-holiday sales that occur when malls open at midnight...

28 Clues: Trick or Treat?Fireworks, beer, and the beach; 'MericaCupid feels all the love on this holidayThe day your resolutions officially startThe red, white and blue is flying everywhereYou'll get a pinch if you're not wearing green!An eight-day Jewish holiday that uses a menorahYou probably eat tacos and margs on this holiday...

Unit 4 Jobs and Weather 2022-08-22

Unit 4 Jobs and Weather crossword puzzle
  1. teacher
  2. dentist
  3. secretary
  4. wedding
  5. florist
  6. pilot
  7. lawyer
  8. doctor
  9. christmas
  10. present
  11. hot
  12. cop
  13. rain
  14. break
  1. babysitter
  2. waiter
  3. thanksgiving
  4. Work
  5. student
  6. holiday
  7. party
  8. cold
  9. fireman
  10. birthday
  11. custodian

25 Clues: hotcopWorkcoldrainpartypilotbreakwaiterlawyerdoctorteacherdentiststudentholidayweddingfloristfiremanpresentbirthdaysecretarychristmascustodianbabysitterthanksgiving

Happy Holidays 2024-11-26

Happy Holidays crossword puzzle
  1. Month in which many major holidays are celebrated (8 letters).
  2. Islamic holiday marking the end of Ramadan, known for feasts (10 letters).
  3. A U.S. holiday celebrated with turkey and gratitude (11 letters).
  4. Holiday tradition involving daily treats hidden behind small doors (15 letters).
  5. Holiday wreath often associated with the season of Christmas (6 letters).
  6. Holiday celebrating military veterans in the U.S. (9 letters).
  1. Traditional Christmas song about 12 days of giving (10 letters).
  2. Holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus, marked by gift-giving and decorations (9 letters).
  3. What many people light to celebrate Hanukkah (8 letters).
  4. Feast day honoring a saint associated with gift-giving and Christmas (17 letters).
  5. Season that marks the start of Christmas preparations (6 letters).
  6. Jewish festival of lights (8 letters).
  7. African-American holiday celebrating heritage, lasting seven days (7 letters).
  8. Final night of the year, marked by fireworks and resolutions (7 letters).
  9. Hindu festival of lights, symbolizing the victory of light over darkness (6 letters).
  10. Celebrated on December 31, also known as New Year's Eve (3 letters).

16 Clues: Jewish festival of lights (8 letters).What many people light to celebrate Hanukkah (8 letters).Month in which many major holidays are celebrated (8 letters).Holiday celebrating military veterans in the U.S. (9 letters).Traditional Christmas song about 12 days of giving (10 letters).A U.S. holiday celebrated with turkey and gratitude (11 letters)....

Christmas Decorations 2023-11-08

Christmas Decorations crossword puzzle
  1. Delicate, icy decorations.
  2. Hanging tree decorations.
  3. A festive, decorative string.
  4. Small, colorful tree ornaments.
  5. Used to tie bows and adorn.
  6. Red berries and green leaves.
  7. Illuminating the holiday season.
  1. A holiday kissing tradition.
  2. Hung by the chimney with care.
  3. Shiny, metallic strands.
  4. Depicting the birth of Jesus.
  5. Used for holiday ambiance.
  6. Circular door decoration.
  7. Often tops the Christmas tree.
  8. Ringing in the holiday spirit.

15 Clues: Shiny, metallic strands.Hanging tree decorations.Circular door decoration.Delicate, icy decorations.Used for holiday ambiance.Used to tie bows and adorn.A holiday kissing tradition.Depicting the birth of Jesus.A festive, decorative string.Red berries and green leaves.Hung by the chimney with care.Often tops the Christmas tree....

Winter and Christmas 2024-12-16

Winter and Christmas crossword puzzle
  1. You celebrate this holiday by wearing a costume
  2. A season with cold and snowy weather
  3. something people do every time
  4. being good
  5. Parts of the year with different weather
  6. I celebrate Christmas by giving and getting _____
  7. A special day when people celebrate something
  8. happy
  9. I celebrate Christmas by having a Christmas ______
  1. You celebrate this holiday by eating chocolate
  2. You celebrate this holiday by opening presents
  3. I celebrate Christmas by writing a ______ to Santa
  4. being bad
  5. You celebrate this holiday by getting money
  6. I celebrate Christmas by leaving ____ and cookies for Santa

15 Clues: happybeing badbeing goodsomething people do every timeA season with cold and snowy weatherParts of the year with different weatherYou celebrate this holiday by getting moneyA special day when people celebrate somethingYou celebrate this holiday by eating chocolateYou celebrate this holiday by opening presents...

Holidays 2023-06-20

Holidays crossword puzzle
  1. A Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, often with gift-giving
  2. A holiday celebrated on October 31 with costumes, trick-or-treating, and pumpkin carving
  3. Day A holiday in the U.S. for remembering and honoring those who died while serving in the military
  4. A holiday celebrated in the U.S. on the fourth Thursday of November, often with a feast
  5. A Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, often with egg hunts
  6. Day A holiday in the U.S. celebrating the country's independence from Great Britain
  1. The anniversary of the day on which a person was born
  2. Day A holiday in the U.S. honoring workers and their contributions to society
  3. An event or occasion to mark a special day or achievement
  4. A celebration or event, often with music, food, and other activities
  5. A day or period of time when people do not go to work or school, often for a celebration
  6. A longer period of time when people take time off from work or school to relax or travel
  7. The two days of the week (usually Saturday and Sunday) when most people do not work
  8. Day A holiday in the U.S. honoring military veterans
  9. Year's Day The first day of the year, often celebrated with parties or fireworks

15 Clues: Day A holiday in the U.S. honoring military veteransThe anniversary of the day on which a person was bornAn event or occasion to mark a special day or achievementA celebration or event, often with music, food, and other activitiesDay A holiday in the U.S. honoring workers and their contributions to society...

Festival 2024-09-16

Festival crossword puzzle
  1. Major arts festival in Australia
  2. Global music festival celebrating summer solstice
  3. French national day commemorating the revolution
  4. Thai New Year water festival
  5. Annual event for comics, movies, and pop culture
  6. Festivity leading up to Lent in New Orleans
  7. Caribbean festival featuring music and dance
  8. International sports event held every four years
  9. Major arts festival held in Scotland
  10. American holiday giving thanks and feasting
  11. Brazilian festival known for its samba parades
  12. Chinese festival known for large ice sculptures
  13. Japanese event showcasing video games
  14. South African music festival
  15. Nevada desert festival focused on community
  16. Christian holiday celebrating Jesus' birth
  17. Hindu festival of lights
  18. Jewish festival celebrating Queen Esther's bravery
  19. African-American holiday celebrating heritage
  20. Popular music and arts festival in California
  21. Asian celebration marking the start of spring
  22. Irish holiday celebrating the patron saint
  1. Spanish festival known for its running of the bulls
  2. Basque festival known for its tamborrada
  3. Italian festival known for its masks
  4. Japanese festival showcasing ice sculptures
  5. Winter festival in Japan featuring snow and ice
  6. Mexican holiday honoring deceased loved ones
  7. Milwaukee's large music festival
  8. German beer festival
  9. Japanese holiday period in early May
  10. Famous music festival in England
  11. Hindu festival of colors
  12. Annual Caribbean festival in London
  13. Traditional Japanese festival in Kyoto
  14. Islamic holiday marking the end of Ramadan
  15. International art fair held in multiple cities
  16. Spanish tomato-throwing festival
  17. Jewish Festival of Lights
  18. Colorful celebration before Lent

40 Clues: German beer festivalHindu festival of colorsHindu festival of lightsJewish Festival of LightsThai New Year water festivalSouth African music festivalMajor arts festival in AustraliaMilwaukee's large music festivalFamous music festival in EnglandSpanish tomato-throwing festivalColorful celebration before LentAnnual Caribbean festival in London...

Holiday homework 2022-11-07

Holiday homework crossword puzzle
  1. What’s the fifth month?
  2. past participle of drink
  3. This animal lives in the ocean and it’s got eight arms
  4. What’s the third month?
  5. A small and narrow river.
  6. We use this when we can not count nouns, too ...
  7. Dinosaurs are ...
  8. You make this to stay warm.
  1. We use this when we can count nouns, too ...
  2. How is the climate near the equator?
  3. A prize for the winner of a competition.
  4. past participle of swim
  5. past simple of catch
  6. Have we got _______ to eat?
  7. a person that wins is a ...

15 Clues: Dinosaurs are ...past simple of catchWhat’s the fifth month?past participle of swimWhat’s the third month?past participle of drinkA small and narrow river.Have we got _______ to eat?a person that wins is a ...You make this to stay warm.How is the climate near the equator?A prize for the winner of a competition....

Holiday Break 2022-12-21

Holiday Break crossword puzzle
  1. A sleepover with ______
  2. You'll probably get some
  3. A fun cousin
  4. What we'll celebrate
  5. We need a lot of pencils for this
  6. We'll say it on December 31
  7. we'll build one if there's snow
  8. A movie we'll see
  1. We'll spin it
  2. We need a lot of paper for this
  3. You'll need it outside
  4. He says "Ho, ho, ho."
  5. A playdate with ______
  6. A birthday girl
  7. We'll light it

15 Clues: A fun cousinWe'll spin itWe'll light itA birthday girlA movie we'll seeWhat we'll celebrateHe says "Ho, ho, ho."You'll need it outsideA playdate with ______A sleepover with ______You'll probably get someWe'll say it on December 31We need a lot of paper for thiswe'll build one if there's snowWe need a lot of pencils for this

Max's Holiday 2019-01-29

Max's Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. A time.
  2. Something you do on holiday.
  3. Was invented in the early 1950's.
  4. A capital city.
  5. A way to travel long distance.
  6. Most kids do not like doing.
  7. It is the opposite to running.
  8. Can flow into a lake.
  1. A way of moving through water.
  2. You can last approximately 264 hours without it.
  3. The day a King was born.
  4. Is a way of serving food.
  5. A place you can see animals.
  6. Musical interment.
  7. An eco-friendly way of moving.

15 Clues: A time.A capital city.Musical interment.Can flow into a lake.The day a King was born.Is a way of serving food.Something you do on holiday.A place you can see animals.Most kids do not like doing.A way of moving through water.A way to travel long distance.An eco-friendly way of moving.It is the opposite to running.Was invented in the early 1950's....

Holiday KKH 2020-11-11

Holiday KKH crossword puzzle
  1. to sit or lie in the sun in order to make your skin darker
  2. an accessory that you wear to protect your eyes from bright light from the sun
  3. a large, rectangular container with a handle, for carrying clothes and possessions while travelling
  4. to pay to use something for a short period
  5. a shelter made of cloth and supported with poles and ropes used for camping
  6. the activity of going for long walks in the countryside
  1. a two-piece swimsuit for women
  2. the activity of visiting interesting places, especially by people on holiday
  3. a piece of land where people on holiday can use tents to stay in
  4. a journey on a large ship for pleasure, during which you visit several places
  5. something you buy or keep to help you remember a holiday or special event
  6. a liquid that you put on your skin to prevent it from being burned on the beach
  7. a type of open shoe, often made of rubber, with a V-shaped strap that goes between the big toe and the toe next to it
  8. pleasantly brown skin caused by being in hot sun
  9. an area of sand or small stones near the sea or another area of water such as a lake

15 Clues: a two-piece swimsuit for womento pay to use something for a short periodpleasantly brown skin caused by being in hot sunthe activity of going for long walks in the countrysideto sit or lie in the sun in order to make your skin darkera piece of land where people on holiday can use tents to stay in...

Holiday Crossword 2021-11-12

Holiday Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The red-nosed reindeer
  2. Red and white striped candy
  3. Frosty The ____
  4. Commonly hung on front doors during holidays
  5. Where Santa lives
  6. We may use these to have ___ fights in the snow
  7. Placed under the Christmas tree
  8. Popular Song: _____ Bells
  9. A popular winter recreational activity in the snow
  1. A delicious drink that warms you up.
  2. A very famous movie that takes place during the holidays. Hint: being alone
  3. Commonly hung by the fireplace
  4. These are made up of ice and fall in areas with snow
  5. Songs sung at Christmas
  6. A block of wax with a central wick that is lit to produce light as it burns

15 Clues: Frosty The ____Where Santa livesThe red-nosed reindeerSongs sung at ChristmasPopular Song: _____ BellsRed and white striped candyCommonly hung by the fireplacePlaced under the Christmas treeA delicious drink that warms you up.Commonly hung on front doors during holidaysWe may use these to have ___ fights in the snow...

American Holiday 2023-06-22

American Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. Day Celebrates the contributions and achievements of American workers on the first Monday of September
  2. Celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November; a time for family gatherings and expressing gratitude
  3. Day Celebrates the independence of the United States on July 4th; includes fireworks and patriotic festivities
  4. Day Commemorates and honors the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military on the last Monday of May
  5. Day Honors all military veterans on November 11th for their service and sacrifices
  6. Day Honors the past presidents of the United States on the third Monday of February
  7. Patrick's Day Honors the patron saint of Ireland, St. Patrick, on March 17th; celebrated with parades and wearing green
  1. Celebrated on October 31st with costumes, trick-or-treating, and spooky decorations
  2. Day Commemorates Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas on the second Monday of October
  3. An eight-day Jewish festival, also known as the Festival of Lights, commemorating the miracle of the oil
  4. of July Also known as Independence Day, it commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th
  5. Celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ on December 25th; includes gift-giving and festive decorations
  6. Luther King Jr. Day Celebrates the life and achievements of Martin Luther King Jr. on the third Monday of January
  7. Celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ; includes egg hunts and the Easter Bunny
  8. Year's Day January 1st; celebrates the beginning of the new year

15 Clues: Year's Day January 1st; celebrates the beginning of the new yearDay Honors all military veterans on November 11th for their service and sacrificesCelebrated on October 31st with costumes, trick-or-treating, and spooky decorationsDay Honors the past presidents of the United States on the third Monday of February...

Holiday Fun! 2012-11-29

Holiday Fun! crossword puzzle
  1. you can put fun decorations on this
  2. there are 8 nights of this holiday
  3. What comes before Christmas?
  4. a peppermint candy
  5. the holiday when you decorate a tree
  6. cold, white, and what you might describe as a blanket of.....
  7. he comes down your chimney
  1. the month in which all of these holidays and fun things occur
  2. when people sing songs for Christmas
  3. something you drink after a cold time in the snow
  4. you put candles in this to represent a night
  5. a chocolate candy
  6. snowy season
  7. a Jewish toy for Hanukah
  8. the thing you rip open to see what's inside

15 Clues: snowy seasona chocolate candya peppermint candya Jewish toy for Hanukahhe comes down your chimneyWhat comes before Christmas?there are 8 nights of this holidayyou can put fun decorations on thiswhen people sing songs for Christmasthe holiday when you decorate a treethe thing you rip open to see what's inside...

Holiday Crossword 2014-12-07

Holiday Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. If their true love gave them all of the gifts in the Twelve Days of Christmas song, they'd have this many gifts.
  2. At least 17.5 million of these doughnuts are consumed in Israel during Hanukkah.
  3. This charming singer's Christmas album won a Juno Award for Album of the Year.
  4. According to the National Christmas Tree Association, it takes this many years on average to grow a Christmas tree.
  5. These gifts were given for New Years by Ancient Persians; it symbolized productiveness.
  6. This Minneapolis holiday event features a Holiday Market this year.
  7. Hamline's End of Semester Party's theme this year is based on this decade.
  1. In Futurama Santa Claus, in the future, is replaced by this evil guy... or thing?
  2. This is the name of The Simpsons' pet dog.
  3. There are this many principles in the celebration of Kwanzaa.
  4. This President banned Christmas trees from the White House in 1912.
  5. You will be eating this delicious meal on Dec. 11th, late at night, at Hamline.
  6. I mean it's crazy, we finish each other's...
  7. This celebrity sings "Can I Interest You in Hanukkah?" with Colbert in A Colbert Christmas.
  8. In The Christmas Story, Ralphie breaks a secret code telling him to drink more of this.
  9. This comedy starring Will Ferrell is a holiday favorite.

16 Clues: This is the name of The Simpsons' pet dog.I mean it's crazy, we finish each other's...This comedy starring Will Ferrell is a holiday favorite.There are this many principles in the celebration of Kwanzaa.This President banned Christmas trees from the White House in 1912.This Minneapolis holiday event features a Holiday Market this year....

unusual holiday 2015-09-02

unusual holiday crossword puzzle
  1. having a pleasant environment
  2. an entertainer who makes people laugh
  3. positions from which you can watch something
  4. the science of the earth's atmosphere, used in forecasting the weather
  5. a wonderful or surprising thing
  6. a house traditionally made of wood, built in the mountains
  7. an animal that hunts and kills other animals
  1. people who are visiting a place
  2. to have strong desire for something
  3. shines with a soft light that seems to be moving
  4. to gather somewhere in large numbers
  5. a very large number of people or things
  6. jokes or funny stories
  7. the sound of light, dry things moving together
  8. exceed greater than

15 Clues: exceed greater thanjokes or funny storieshaving a pleasant environmentpeople who are visiting a placea wonderful or surprising thingto have strong desire for somethingan entertainer who makes people laughto gather somewhere in large numbersa very large number of people or thingspositions from which you can watch something...

Holiday Activities 2018-03-20

Holiday Activities crossword puzzle
  1. going in a boat that is pushed by the wind
  2. swimming deep under the water
  3. being pushed by the wind on a board
  4. riding a boat with a single ended paddle
  5. going up a mountain using your feet and not your hands
  6. going up a mountain using your hands and feet
  7. riding a boat with a double ended paddle
  1. sleeping outdoors in a tent
  2. traveling to lots of beautiful places
  3. riding a big wave on a board
  4. jumping out of a plane
  5. going on a horse
  6. lying down in the sun
  7. swimming with goggles and looking under water
  8. hitting a small white ball with a long stick

15 Clues: going on a horselying down in the sunjumping out of a planesleeping outdoors in a tentriding a big wave on a boardswimming deep under the waterbeing pushed by the wind on a boardtraveling to lots of beautiful placesriding a boat with a single ended paddleriding a boat with a double ended paddlegoing in a boat that is pushed by the wind...

Holiday stories 2018-12-01

Holiday stories crossword puzzle
  1. boy with crutch in "Carol"
  2. a girl in several of Brett's Christmas stories
  3. his huge tree got cut for the maid's tree, and more
  4. Scrooge's clerk
  5. his epithet: "Humbug!"
  6. color of Seuss' Christmas grouch
  7. train to the north pole
  1. "The Gift of the ____"
  2. "A Child's Christmas In ____"
  3. Russian nesting doll
  4. magic doll in Hoffmann's tale of Christmas
  5. 'twas the ____ before Christmas
  6. wrote "Lord of the Rings", but also Christmas letters
  7. golden dreidel is a gift in her Hanukkah story
  8. mischievous creatures often featured in Brett's stories

15 Clues: Scrooge's clerkRussian nesting doll"The Gift of the ____"his epithet: "Humbug!"train to the north poleboy with crutch in "Carol""A Child's Christmas In ____"'twas the ____ before Christmascolor of Seuss' Christmas grouchmagic doll in Hoffmann's tale of Christmasa girl in several of Brett's Christmas stories...


HOLIDAY CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  3. WHITE
  1. COLOR
  6. PLANT


Holiday Trivia 2021-12-08

Holiday Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. Grinch's dog
  2. Santa's reindeer and a space object
  3. Christmas tree in NYC
  4. food group in Elf
  5. popular American fast food eaten in Japan during Christmas
  6. house
  7. five of them, and they're golden
  1. top of Christmas tree
  2. number of ghosts in A Christmas Carol
  3. Queen of Christmas
  4. vacation spot in Home Alone 2
  5. typically drunken in December
  6. under the mistletoe
  7. Frosty's nose
  8. originally a Thanksgiving song

15 Clues: houseGrinch's dogFrosty's nosefood group in ElfQueen of Christmasunder the mistletoetop of Christmas treeChristmas tree in NYCvacation spot in Home Alone 2typically drunken in Decemberoriginally a Thanksgiving songfive of them, and they're goldenSanta's reindeer and a space objectnumber of ghosts in A Christmas Carol...

Christmas holiday 2021-12-09

Christmas holiday crossword puzzle
  1. something you put in the living room.
  2. something frozzen.
  3. something that's living.
  4. something that's used for music.
  5. something you watch on tv.
  6. something you can make out of snow.
  7. something that falls from the sky.
  8. something you get on christmas day.
  9. something you get in your stocking.
  1. something you can eat and make.
  2. something you cando outside.
  3. long strings of light.
  4. something u drink.
  5. something you watch with your family.
  6. someone who comes on christmas night.

15 Clues: something frozzen.something u drink.long strings of light.something that's living.something you watch on tv.something you cando outside.something you can eat and make.something that's used for music.something that falls from the sky.something you can make out of snow.something you get on christmas day.something you get in your stocking....

Holiday Crossword 2023-11-29

Holiday Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This traditional Christmas decoration is actually a parasitic plant
  2. This Christmas-themed Tchaikovsky ballet accounts for nearly half the annual revenue of many dance companies
  3. Elvis isn't going to have a white Christmas, he's going to have a ________.
  4. Popular Christmas beverage also called "milk punch"
  5. The modern-day country that St. Nicholas was born in
  6. Santa's reindeer that has the same name as another holiday mascot
  7. The number of ghosts that show up in A Christmas Carol
  8. The name of the hot spiced cider that’s a yuletide tradition for many
  1. Another name for Santa Claus
  2. Popular Christmas song that was actually written for Thanksgiving
  3. In Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, _____ is the first name of Scrooge
  4. In Home Alone, the McCallisters are going on vacation to _____ when they leave Kevin behind.
  5. This Hollywood actor played six different roles in The Polar Express
  6. In "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe," ______ is what the White Witch put a spell on so that it is always winter but never Christmas
  7. This country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree

15 Clues: Another name for Santa ClausPopular Christmas beverage also called "milk punch"The modern-day country that St. Nicholas was born inThe number of ghosts that show up in A Christmas CarolPopular Christmas song that was actually written for ThanksgivingThis country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree...

Holiday Spelling 2023-12-13

Holiday Spelling crossword puzzle
  1. Sometimes used as decoration
  2. What we hope to be able to build because we get a lot of winter precipitations
  3. What you are hoping to find lots of on December 25th
  4. Bells make this noise
  5. Hook shaped sweet treat that has stripes on it
  6. What we hope falls in January so we can get out of school
  7. Old Saint Nick's ride
  1. What Ms. Maguigan wishes our classroom would be
  2. Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen are all these
  3. What you use to decorate a tree
  4. This type of house is made with cookies and candy
  5. Decoration used on doors and windows
  6. What lets smoke out of a fireplace
  7. This was hung on the by the chimney with care
  8. The month we are currently in

15 Clues: Bells make this noiseOld Saint Nick's rideSometimes used as decorationThe month we are currently inWhat you use to decorate a treeWhat lets smoke out of a fireplaceDecoration used on doors and windowsThis was hung on the by the chimney with careHook shaped sweet treat that has stripes on itWhat Ms. Maguigan wishes our classroom would be...

Holiday Puzzle 2023-12-12

Holiday Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Another term for running
  2. I want a _____ for Christmas.
  3. ball Fight during winter time
  4. Grandma got run over by a ____.
  5. Log that burns through the night
  6. Holds the candles during Kwanzaa
  1. Hung by the fireplace with care
  2. Holiday drink
  3. Reindeer that was picked on by others
  4. Has a corn cob pipe and a button nose
  5. Bells
  6. Who was kissing Santa Claus?
  7. Holds the candles during Hannukah
  8. Navidad
  9. He hates Christmas

15 Clues: BellsNavidadHoliday drinkHe hates ChristmasAnother term for runningWho was kissing Santa Claus?I want a _____ for Christmas.ball Fight during winter timeHung by the fireplace with careGrandma got run over by a ____.Log that burns through the nightHolds the candles during KwanzaaHolds the candles during HannukahReindeer that was picked on by others...

Summer Holiday 2024-09-16

Summer Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. Goes on the rail from one station to another
  2. Wants to teach
  3. To put ideas in on paper
  4. Helps us fly (plural)
  5. Time of fun in summer or winter
  1. It warms you up
  2. Yellow and sweet
  3. Lives with the cutest dog in the world
  4. Drawing on the skin
  5. Months of the year
  6. Where you learn about mountains
  7. Capital city of the UK
  8. Eleven vs eleven for a cup
  9. Has a language school in Muskiz
  10. Animal in the water

15 Clues: Wants to teachIt warms you upYellow and sweetMonths of the yearDrawing on the skinAnimal in the waterHelps us fly (plural)Capital city of the UKTo put ideas in on paperEleven vs eleven for a cupWhere you learn about mountainsHas a language school in MuskizTime of fun in summer or winterLives with the cutest dog in the world...

Holiday Season 2024-10-30

Holiday Season crossword puzzle
  1. A House You Decorate With Candy
  2. One Of Santa’s Reindeers
  3. Something You Get And You Open One A Day
  4. A Plant People Kiss Under
  5. Another Name For Santa Claus
  6. A Holiday Drink
  1. Something You Decorate Woth Your Family
  2. The Night That Santa Claus Comes
  3. The Month Of The Holiday Season
  4. A Type Of Ballet
  5. Hung By The Chimney With Care
  6. Surprise Under The Tree
  7. A Well Known Christmas Carol
  8. The Child Of Christ
  9. Santa’s Little Helper

15 Clues: A Holiday DrinkA Type Of BalletThe Child Of ChristSanta’s Little HelperSurprise Under The TreeOne Of Santa’s ReindeersA Plant People Kiss UnderA Well Known Christmas CarolAnother Name For Santa ClausHung By The Chimney With CareThe Month Of The Holiday SeasonA House You Decorate With CandyThe Night That Santa Claus Comes...

Holiday Vocabulary 2024-12-05

Holiday Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. to teach someone about something they do not already know or understand
  2. to show/explain how something works or how to do something
  3. a day when most people do not go to work or school, especially because of a religious or national celebration.
  4. the customs and beliefs, art, way of life and social organization of a particular country or group
  5. the belief in the existence of a god or gods, and the activities that are connected with the worship of them, or in the teachings of a spiritual leader.
  6. to make something or somebody ready to be used or to do something
  7. something that represents something else and is easily associated with that thing.
  8. to make something look more attractive by putting things on it.
  9. the way in which two people or things are not like each other.
  10. to come together, or bring people together, in one place to form a group.
  1. connected with a particular nation; shared by a whole nation
  2. connected with or involving two or more countries.
  3. a belief, custom, or way of doing something that has existed for a long time among a particular group of people.
  4. to tell other people about your ideas, experiences, and feelings/to give some of what you have to others.
  5. to show that a day or an event is important by doing something special on it.

15 Clues: connected with or involving two or more show/explain how something works or how to do somethingconnected with a particular nation; shared by a whole nationthe way in which two people or things are not like each make something look more attractive by putting things on it....


HOLIDAY CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. Everyone thinks this dessert can be rather dry
  2. Common Winter accessory usually worn around the neck to keep warm
  3. Known to be the thing you kiss a loved one under. Also where I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus
  4. A traditional holiday drink made from eggs, nutmeg and cream
  5. Colorful Plant used as decoration
  6. Last Month of the Year
  1. Michael Keaton played this character in this 1998 movie that features a snowman coming to life
  2. Catherine O'Hara and Macaulay Culkin star in this movie about a forgetful parent and a child home alone
  3. Songs sung during the Holidays
  4. Popular Winter sport that includes poles and special shoes worn while going down a snowy hill
  5. The place in which Santa enter the home, also the place where smoke leaves the fire place
  6. Symbol of peace often found in Winter
  7. This is usually put on top of the tree
  8. Can be decorated however you'd like. It is either eaten or used as an ornament
  9. Ornament typically hung on the door

15 Clues: Last Month of the YearSongs sung during the HolidaysColorful Plant used as decorationOrnament typically hung on the doorSymbol of peace often found in WinterThis is usually put on top of the treeEveryone thinks this dessert can be rather dryA traditional holiday drink made from eggs, nutmeg and cream...

Holiday Crossword 2024-11-18

Holiday Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A festive ribbon tied atop a present
  2. Unique crystal that falls from the sky in winter
  3. Spiced cookie often shaped like a little person or a house
  4. Wraps around your neck
  5. A warm winter outerwear essential
  6. A plant with red berries and spiky green leaves
  1. Hung by the chimney with care
  2. The people you gather with for the holidays
  3. Candle holder for Hanukkah celebrations
  4. Santa's sleigh-pulling team
  5. A shiny tree topper or celestial holiday symbol
  6. A circular holiday decoration made of greenery or ribbons
  7. Keeps your head warm
  8. Wrapped and placed under the tree
  9. A feeling of holiday cheer

15 Clues: Keeps your head warmWraps around your neckA feeling of holiday cheerSanta's sleigh-pulling teamHung by the chimney with careWrapped and placed under the treeA warm winter outerwear essentialA festive ribbon tied atop a presentCandle holder for Hanukkah celebrationsThe people you gather with for the holidays...

Holiday Edition 2024-11-20

Holiday Edition crossword puzzle
  1. The free version of cocaine and the best decoration
  2. The Morticia Addams of this Christmas
  3. Kids can make this at school and put it up on their evergreen
  4. The cameo actor says, “Down the hall and to the left.”
  5. ​​"You're what the French call, 'les incompétents.’”
  6. Sabrina Carpenter’s Christmas Special is…
  7. Think maple syrup with spaghetti
  8. The only time Jim Carry was ever oppressed
  1. Shelters that are always touched but never eaten
  2. The opposite of a modern-day Robinhood
  3. An activity that is one of the oldest holiday traditions
  4. The new Santa Clause after her father retired
  5. We can wear them on our legs and hang them over our fireplace
  6. “Well, it’s Christmas Eve. Good deeds count for extra tonight.”
  7. A cherry on top of a Christmas tree

15 Clues: Think maple syrup with spaghettiA cherry on top of a Christmas treeThe Morticia Addams of this ChristmasThe opposite of a modern-day RobinhoodSabrina Carpenter’s Christmas Special is…The only time Jim Carry was ever oppressedThe new Santa Clause after her father retiredShelters that are always touched but never eaten...

Holiday Crossword 2025-01-05

Holiday Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Break from school for the winter holidays
  2. Frozen rain
  3. The night before Christmas
  4. Jewish winter holiday
  5. Holiday greeting; ________ Christmas
  6. Famous winter holiday
  7. They pull Santa's sleigh
  8. Works for Santa
  1. Evergreen tree that is decorated using lights and ornaments
  2. Wears red and white and delivers gifts
  3. You get and give these on Christmas
  4. Where Santa lives
  5. Red and white candy
  6. Coldest season of the year
  7. African American winter holiday

15 Clues: Frozen rainWorks for SantaWhere Santa livesRed and white candyJewish winter holidayFamous winter holidayThey pull Santa's sleighColdest season of the yearThe night before ChristmasAfrican American winter holidayYou get and give these on ChristmasHoliday greeting; ________ ChristmasWears red and white and delivers gifts...

Edison Chouest 2022-03-13

Edison Chouest crossword puzzle
  1. c-installer
  2. islandperformer
  3. paradiseisland
  4. kirtchouest
  5. charliecomeaux
  6. guyanhero
  7. robertadams
  8. clarencetriche
  1. russelbouziga
  2. hornisland
  3. rogerwhite
  4. garyrook
  5. sanibelisland
  6. russeladams
  7. jackedwards
  8. tedsmith
  9. c-confidence
  10. holiday

18 Clues: holidaygaryrooktedsmithguyanherohornislandrogerwhitec-installerrusseladamsjackedwardskirtchouestrobertadamsc-confidencerusselbouzigasanibelislandparadiseislandcharliecomeauxclarencetricheislandperformer

Winter Wonderland Crossword 2018-11-27

Winter Wonderland Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A celebration honoring African heritage
  2. Popular holiday dessert
  3. Blowing, white clusters of frozen ice crystals
  4. A group of people performing joyful Christmas or religious songs
  5. Popular holiday drink
  6. Frothy, creamy holiday beverage sometimes served with rum
  7. People kiss under
  8. The frame around a fireplace opening
  9. Santa's fourth Reindeer
  10. Final season of the year
  1. Charles Dickens' miser
  2. A circular band of foliage
  3. The Jewish holiday also known as the Festival of Lights
  4. The shortest day of the year
  5. The northernmost point on the Earth
  6. Baked treats in varieties such as sugar and chocolate chip
  7. Creche, the depiction of the birth of Jesus
  8. decoration made from twisted ribbon
  9. Jolly Old St. Nick
  10. Winter Sport
  11. A decorative bauble

21 Clues: Winter SportPeople kiss underJolly Old St. NickA decorative baublePopular holiday drinkCharles Dickens' miserPopular holiday dessertSanta's fourth ReindeerFinal season of the yearA circular band of foliageThe shortest day of the yearThe northernmost point on the Earthdecoration made from twisted ribbonThe frame around a fireplace opening...

Seasonal Delights Crossword 2023-10-10

Seasonal Delights Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. - Equal daylight and darkness
  2. - Shopping frenzy on the day after Thanksgiving
  3. - January 1st marks the start of a new year
  4. - July 4th celebration of national freedom
  5. - Jewish festival of lights in December
  6. - February 2nd prediction of spring
  7. - Day of pranks on April 1st
  8. - Warmest season with beach vacations and sunshine
  9. - September holiday honoring workers
  10. - Season of blooming flowers and new beginnings
  1. - Longest and shortest days of the year
  2. - February 14th celebration of love
  3. - April 22nd celebration of environmental awareness
  4. - Time of falling leaves and harvest festivals
  5. - September return to classes
  6. - Cold season with snow and holiday celebrations
  7. - October 31st with costumes and candy
  8. - Christian holiday with egg hunts and bunnies
  9. - December holiday with gift-giving and decorations
  10. - November feast of gratitude

20 Clues: - Day of pranks on April 1st- Equal daylight and darkness- September return to classes- November feast of gratitude- February 14th celebration of love- February 2nd prediction of spring- September holiday honoring workers- October 31st with costumes and candy- Longest and shortest days of the year- Jewish festival of lights in December...