lord of the rings Crossword Puzzles

Lord Of The Flies 2021-12-07

Lord Of The Flies crossword puzzle
  1. How many adults are on the island?
  2. This character suffered from hallucinations; he suggested the boys themselves were the "beast."
  3. What did the boys use to create the fire
  4. first chief
  5. What are the twins referred to as?
  6. Who came and saved the boys from the island?
  7. What did the boys use to give permission to speak
  8. This character killed Piggy
  9. this animal, in a hallucination, is referred to as Lord of The Flies
  10. Author of Lord of the Flies
  11. By what form of transportation were the boys stranded on the island
  1. Jack's group is made up of what?
  2. Which Coral Island character does Piggy roughly represent?
  3. Who killed piggy?
  4. Jack's last name
  5. What disease does Piggy suffer from?
  6. Which event is the backdrop for Lord Of The Flies?
  7. second chief
  8. What killed piggy?
  9. Over whom does Jack have chief-dom?
  10. Which book is Lord of The Flies based off of?
  11. What is Ralph's father's occupation?

22 Clues: first chiefsecond chiefJack's last nameWho killed piggy?What killed piggy?This character killed PiggyAuthor of Lord of the FliesJack's group is made up of what?How many adults are on the island?What are the twins referred to as?Over whom does Jack have chief-dom?What disease does Piggy suffer from?What is Ralph's father's occupation?...

Lord of The Flies 2013-08-20

Lord of The Flies crossword puzzle
  1. A young tree
  2. The way someone sees it
  3. A line of coral or rocks near the surface of the sea
  4. Someone you know
  5. To be set against it for support
  6. A point that can never be reached
  7. Shaking in fear
  8. A flat surface of a mountain
  9. Easy to see or understand
  10. Thinking Straight
  1. Eye glasses
  2. An area of water separated by reef from the sea
  3. Suspicion or fear in future trouble
  4. Normal day, no business
  5. Rough texture
  6. Lots of leaves
  7. Having light color hair or pale skin
  8. A general shape
  9. Want to achieve something
  10. To pause and show uncertainty

20 Clues: Eye glassesA young treeRough textureLots of leavesA general shapeShaking in fearSomeone you knowThinking StraightThe way someone sees itNormal day, no businessWant to achieve somethingEasy to see or understandA flat surface of a mountainTo pause and show uncertaintyTo be set against it for supportA point that can never be reached...

Lord of the Flies 2013-09-30

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. Rebellious, revolt against authority
  2. To get rid of what is impure or undesirable
  3. Plant that grows, sends out rootlets from stem
  4. Luminous appearance
  5. What the boys fought over and needed most
  6. Someone who dies for a cause or reason
  7. What kind of character is Jack in LOTF
  8. Spiral shell often used as a horn
  1. Person known to one, usually not a close friend
  2. Free rom bias and dishonesty
  3. Edible berrylike fruit (a littlun has this color birthmark)
  4. Low continuous sound, the wind, trees, or low distinct voices
  5. High spirits, exhilarating; exuberance
  6. Famous book by William Golding
  7. Lack of foresight, intolerance
  8. Early in the history of mankind
  9. The role of chief of a clan or tribe
  10. To howl as a dog or wolf; shrill wordless wail
  11. Ralph's companion, later killed by Roger
  12. What did Jack and Ralph both want to be

20 Clues: Luminous appearanceFree rom bias and dishonestyFamous book by William GoldingLack of foresight, intoleranceEarly in the history of mankindSpiral shell often used as a hornRebellious, revolt against authorityThe role of chief of a clan or tribeHigh spirits, exhilarating; exuberanceSomeone who dies for a cause or reason...

Lord Of The Flies 2013-06-02

Lord Of The Flies crossword puzzle
  1. The Lord of the Flies is a ...'s head.
  2. Who releases the rock that kills Piggy and destroys the conch
  3. Ralph, Piggy and ... do not join Jack's tribe
  4. The tribe burnt the island in order to ... Ralph.
  5. What sort of weapon is Jack using to hunt pigs?
  6. For what purpose does Jack want his choir used for ?
  7. Blown by Piggy, the ... is a symbol of authority, order and civilization
  8. When Simon comes out of the forest to tell the truth about the beast, he gets ...
  9. Who gives Ralph meat from Jack's feast?
  10. The fight with Jack and his hunters results in Piggy's broken ...
  11. How are the young children called?
  12. What nationality does the naval officer have?
  13. When it begins to rain and Ralph asks Jack, "Where are your shelters? What are you going to do about that?", Jack leads the boys to the ..
  1. Finally the boys are rescued because of the huge ... on the island.
  2. At first, what does the island seem to be?
  3. where does the pilot land
  4. Piggy's most common action is to ... his specs.
  5. Who calls the assembly to discuss the beast?
  6. What's the first sign of the adult world?
  7. Ralph's common action throughout the novel is standing on the..
  8. Percival forgets his ...
  9. What did the attackers steal from Piggy?
  10. How are the twins called [common name] ?
  11. the navel officer rescues the boys because he saw the ..

24 Clues: Percival forgets his ...where does the pilot landHow are the young children called?The Lord of the Flies is a ...'s head.Who gives Ralph meat from Jack's feast?What did the attackers steal from Piggy?How are the twins called [common name] ?What's the first sign of the adult world?At first, what does the island seem to be?...

Lord of the Flies 2013-10-03

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. impossible to pass through or enter
  2. to make or use gestures
  3. to show contempt
  4. to remove by cleansing
  5. a ceasing; an end
  6. a synonym for serious
  7. showing varying colors as an opal does
  8. violent and noisy commotion or disturbance of a crowd or mob; uproar
  9. make dirty; pollute
  1. a mathematical term were two lines cross and make a right angle
  2. a charm or garland of flowers, leaves, or ribbons, hung in a curve
  3. filled with anger, like Jack
  4. the act of developing or unfolding
  5. annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand
  6. an outline
  7. it rhymes with aggressive
  8. to express complete disapproval of something
  9. what did jack call is followers?
  10. someone or something that lives a simple life
  11. to or toward that place or paint (there)

20 Clues: an outlineto show contempta ceasing; an endmake dirty; pollutea synonym for seriousto remove by cleansingto make or use gesturesit rhymes with aggressivefilled with anger, like Jackwhat did jack call is followers?the act of developing or unfoldingimpossible to pass through or entershowing varying colors as an opal does...

Lord of the Flies 2013-12-08

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. a large and protruding belly
  2. any of one's ups and downs
  3. to walk with a leisurely guilt
  4. to be or become absorbed
  5. to shake a wave paunch
  6. adequacy
  7. very numerous
  8. implement used to thresh grain by hand
  9. ill will
  10. exhibiting a play of colors
  11. to howl
  12. a profoundly wise person
  1. to settle securely or snugly
  2. cruel
  3. hanging in loops
  4. not able to express oneself very clearly
  5. disposed to
  6. purify
  7. feel or show great sorrow for
  8. scattered among other things
  9. that can not be understood
  10. meddlesome
  11. pale
  12. great number

24 Clues: palecruelpurifyto howladequacyill willmeddlesomedisposed togreat numbervery numeroushanging in loopsto shake a wave paunchto be or become absorbeda profoundly wise personany of one's ups and downsthat can not be understoodexhibiting a play of colorsto settle securely or snuglya large and protruding bellyscattered among other things...

Lord of the Flies 2014-05-02

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. invertebrate animals including jellyfish
  2. with a large, bulky body
  3. waving about in a threatening manner
  4. near-sightedness
  5. proper manners and good taste
  6. a collar frill, resembling that put on baked ham
  7. for the cathedral
  8. something made up of distinct parts
  9. reflecting rainbow-colored light
  10. maddening
  11. blubber;cry
  12. flush
  13. state of being unknown
  14. with a voice that trembled
  15. changing by chance
  1. choir leader
  2. shame; humiliation
  3. shoulder ornaments on a military uniform
  4. morning prayer
  5. insane
  6. mourning out loud
  7. student monitor in a private school
  8. singer in the choir
  9. harsh and loud
  10. a breakthrough into enemy territory

25 Clues: flushinsanemaddeningblubber;crychoir leadermorning prayerharsh and loudnear-sightednessmourning out loudfor the cathedralshame; humiliationchanging by chancesinger in the choirstate of being unknownwith a large, bulky bodywith a voice that trembledproper manners and good tastereflecting rainbow-colored lightsomething made up of distinct parts...

Lord of the Flies 2012-10-16

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. To speak out
  2. a blue-ish color
  3. Shallow area of water
  4. Unable to be investigated
  5. crying sound
  6. Unwilling to admit
  7. The shell used in the story
  8. Parade boldly
  9. Confuse
  10. Drain at the end of a deck
  11. Noisy commotion
  12. Burdensome
  13. Slightly bite
  14. Filled with anger
  15. To climb awkwardly
  16. Image seen but not really there
  1. Absurd
  2. Sing or hum
  3. Light and quick in movement
  4. Reflecting an iridescent
  5. To cry out
  6. Having a harsh sound
  7. Chain of flowers
  8. To place between
  9. Mix up
  10. To bend out of shape

26 Clues: AbsurdMix upConfuseTo cry outBurdensomeSing or humTo speak outcrying soundParade boldlySlightly biteNoisy commotiona blue-ish colorChain of flowersTo place betweenFilled with angerUnwilling to admitTo climb awkwardlyHaving a harsh soundTo bend out of shapeShallow area of waterReflecting an iridescentUnable to be investigated...

Lord of the Flies 2012-09-21

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. apparent
  2. mockery
  3. difficult
  4. insulting
  5. ripple
  6. bounty
  7. spontaneously
  8. forgiveness
  9. indistinct
  10. doubt
  11. declination
  12. chant
  13. enormous
  14. gesture
  15. icon
  16. parental
  17. blurry
  18. dull
  19. strained
  20. dim
  21. break
  1. drape
  2. appeal
  3. purity
  4. fortification
  5. miserably
  6. blindness
  7. disapproval
  8. bitterly
  9. crown
  10. digest
  11. clear
  12. impassive
  13. bitterness
  14. excitement
  15. climax
  16. brutal
  17. alter
  18. unfriendly
  19. firm
  20. faintly
  21. roof
  22. shadow

43 Clues: dimfirmiconroofdulldrapecrowncleardoubtchantalterbreakappealpurityripplebountydigestclimaxbrutalblurryshadowmockerygesturefaintlyapparentbitterlyenormousparentalstraineddifficultmiserablyinsultingblindnessimpassiveindistinctbitternessexcitementunfriendlydisapprovalforgivenessdeclinationfortificationspontaneously

Lord of the Flies 2013-03-06

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. What Jacks tribe call their headquarters
  2. Term they use to call the monster that is supposedly on the island
  3. Boy who kills piggy with a boulder
  4. Author of Lord of the Flies
  5. What the boys use to start fires
  6. What the littluns find to eat
  7. Bloodthirsty choir boy that is the main hunter
  8. The lost boys home country
  9. What Jack finally kills to eat
  10. Biggun who represents Jesus
  1. What the plane crash was called
  2. Where the littlun Maurice thinks the beastie lives
  3. name the big boys give to the younger boys
  4. The Pig the hunters kill and they put it's head on a stake
  5. What the boys think is the beastie
  6. The occupation of the man that rescues the boys
  7. The most important thing to help get the boys rescued
  8. Name that was used for the twin boys
  9. Initial leader of the lost boys
  10. The shell the boys use to determine who is speaking

20 Clues: The lost boys home countryAuthor of Lord of the FliesBiggun who represents JesusWhat the littluns find to eatWhat Jack finally kills to eatWhat the plane crash was calledInitial leader of the lost boysWhat the boys use to start firesBoy who kills piggy with a boulderWhat the boys think is the beastieName that was used for the twin boys...

Lord of the Fkies 2014-12-13

Lord of the Fkies crossword puzzle
  1. thoughtfully agree; concur
  2. offer or proposal
  3. intimidating; causing fear
  4. to mock or taunt
  5. unable to speak clearly
  6. long, angry, or violent speech
  7. uppermost part
  8. anger due to unjust treatment
  9. timidly or shyly
  10. large sea creature
  1. to walk in a slow, relaxed, or leisurely manner
  2. projecting part of a fortification
  3. obese; excessively fat
  4. a shelter or hiding place
  5. unable to be felt by touch
  6. a charge made against an accuser
  7. of dark color or complexion
  8. nearsightedness
  9. fringed shoulder pads on a military uniform
  10. haystack

20 Clues: haystackuppermost partnearsightednessto mock or taunttimidly or shylyoffer or proposallarge sea creatureobese; excessively fatunable to speak clearlya shelter or hiding placethoughtfully agree; concurunable to be felt by touchintimidating; causing fearof dark color or complexionanger due to unjust treatmentlong, angry, or violent speech...

Lord of the Flies 2015-01-28

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. A symbol of order that calls everyone to meeting and silence.
  2. Jack's group's specialty, although not very proficient in this.
  3. Land Simon wanders upon after trying to escape the escalating conflicts of the island.
  4. Nickname for the area of land where the initial plane crashed.
  5. Expression used to describe Ralph and Jack's relationship.
  6. Group at the end of the novel that rescues the remaining boys.
  7. A close friend of Ralph that is later beaten by the group after being mistaken for The Beast. Appears shy and soft-spoken, and represents the kind and helpful parts of society.
  8. First "littlun" that Ralph and Piggy meet.
  9. Group formed by Jack after defecting from Ralph's group.
  10. Nickname Jack uses for Piggy.
  11. - Author of the novel "Lord of the Flies."
  12. Ralph places the conch here when he is done speaking.
  13. Group that follows Jack blindly and votes for him to be leader.
  14. Stolen from Piggy due to their ability to create a fire. Represent science and intellect.
  15. Ralph sees this and feels it could rescue the boys from the island.
  16. Used as an attempt to communicate with civilization, but causes many conflicts between the boys.
  17. First type of animal the boys claim the beast appears to be.
  18. The protagonist of the novel. A fair-haired twelve year old leader of the marooned English boys and represents the civilized aspect of society.
  1. Musical note Jack can sing that he claims should appoint him leader.
  2. A fictional monster that is actually a dead pilot. The idea of this monster scares the boys and leads to the death of Simon.
  3. The antithesis of Ralph and antagonist of the novel. He becomes leader of the hunters and then expands this group when he leaves Ralph's group in search of absolute power. This character emphasizes the barbaric and savage-nature of society.
  4. The nickname given to the sow's head that is used as an offering to a fictional "beast" by Jack's group.
  5. Man responsible for visual manifestations of the Beast.
  6. Second type of animal the boys claim the best appears to be.
  7. Twins that are allies of Ralph, but later join Jack's group following their torture.
  8. Occurrence that signals the group at the end of the novel to rescue the boys.
  9. The "lieutenant" of Ralph. He is described as whiny, yet intellectual. This character seeks innovation and represents the scientific and methodical nature of society.
  10. Used by Jack's group to hunt and attack Ralph's group.
  11. A brutal and sadistic "lieutenant" of Jack who murders Piggy by crushing him with a boulder.
  12. Color of the rock on the island.

30 Clues: Nickname Jack uses for Piggy.Color of the rock on the island.First "littlun" that Ralph and Piggy meet.- Author of the novel "Lord of the Flies."Ralph places the conch here when he is done speaking.Used by Jack's group to hunt and attack Ralph's group.Man responsible for visual manifestations of the Beast....

Lord of the Flies 2015-10-04

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. put in charge of the hunters
  2. pig head that jack's hunters stake into the ground and leave as an offering to the beast.
  3. place where the boys made their signal fire
  4. Roger pushes a _______ from the fort that lands on piggy causing his death.
  5. voted chief; keeping the fire going is his main concern
  6. vines growing throughout the island were called ____ .
  7. the boys' main food source at the beginning of the book
  8. caused by the plane crashing and clearing a path through the jungle.
  9. the boys use piggy's _______ to start the signal fire.
  10. Jack fails to kill this in chapter 1.
  1. type of shell; blown to call assemblies; gave the ability to speak
  2. bigun; started off quiet; jack's savage right hand man
  3. the identical twin littluns
  4. the boys thought Simon was this when he came crawling out of the jungle during their feast.
  5. the littlun who claims the beast comes from the sea.
  6. littlun with a birthmark on his face claimed he saw a snake-thing called a ______ .
  7. smartest of the biguns; obese; asthma
  8. officer askes Ralph if the boys were having a war.
  9. known for feinting; very wise
  10. this passes by as the hunters let the signal Fire go out while killing their first pig.

20 Clues: the identical twin littlunsput in charge of the huntersknown for feinting; very wisesmartest of the biguns; obese; asthmaJack fails to kill this in chapter 1.place where the boys made their signal fireofficer askes Ralph if the boys were having a war.the littlun who claims the beast comes from the sea....

Lord of the Flies 2015-10-07

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. Who is considered leader of the choir?
  2. Who thinks the island is part of a coral reef?
  3. What causes the parachute to look like a beast?
  4. The boys enjoy playing on the _____ rock.
  5. _______ fish light up Simons dead body.
  6. Symbol of authority on the island?
  7. The beast is actually a dead _______.
  8. Simons body ends up in the ______.
  9. The one that speaks to the lord of the flies?
  10. Only one on the island to kill someone by himself ?
  11. What did Ralph think was more important than hunting the pig?
  12. Smoke will help the boys get ________.
  13. Ralphs father is in the English_______.
  14. Ralph is more focused on a ______ fire.
  1. The boys are stranded in the _______ ocean.
  2. Jack is hesitant to follow ralph into the _______.
  3. What country were the boys leaving?
  4. Piggy suffers from _______.
  5. What was needed to make the fires?
  6. Another name for the vines on the island?
  7. Who sees the dead parachutist first?
  8. The weapon that jack missed the first piglet with?
  9. The feast of the________.
  10. Piggy cleans his glasses when he is______.
  11. Ralph is with _______ when the glasses go missing.
  12. Percival cant remember his ______.

26 Clues: The feast of the________.Piggy suffers from _______.What was needed to make the fires?Symbol of authority on the island?Simons body ends up in the ______.Percival cant remember his ______.What country were the boys leaving?Who sees the dead parachutist first?The beast is actually a dead _______.Who is considered leader of the choir?...

Lord of the Flies 2016-04-18

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. presenting a point of view
  2. unwilling or unable to believe something
  3. fill thoroughly
  4. plausible, but actually wrong
  5. unfolding or developing
  6. make alike
  7. carried or transported by
  8. pale or faint
  9. anger provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment
  10. excessively fat
  1. swaggering show of courage
  2. state of being unknown
  3. dark colour
  4. lacking confidence
  5. brought low in spirit
  6. not friendly
  7. cheerful and full of energy
  8. a person who helps facilitate worship
  9. half suppressed laugh
  10. heavy base supporting a statue or vase

20 Clues: make alikedark colournot friendlypale or faintfill thoroughlyexcessively fatlacking confidencebrought low in spirithalf suppressed laughstate of being unknownunfolding or developingcarried or transported byswaggering show of couragepresenting a point of viewcheerful and full of energyplausible, but actually wrong...

Lord of the Flies 2022-12-22

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. without or deprived of the use of speech or words
  2. not producing an intended consequence
  3. implied by or inferred from actions or statements
  4. a stiff hair
  5. continuous contemplation on a subject of a deep nature
  6. a variation in circumstances or fortune
  7. laugh at with contempt and derision
  8. utter or proclaim insistently and noisily
  9. make a harsh, abrupt noise
  10. the lack of a relation of something to the matter at hand
  11. wishing or appearing to wish evil to others
  12. inviting ridicule
  13. characterized by a rebellion against authority
  14. display proudly
  1. without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious
  2. secret and sly
  3. eager enjoyment or approval
  4. the largest or most massive thing of its kind
  5. something that is inferred
  6. never-ceasing
  7. difficult or impossible to understand
  8. not disposed or willing to believe; unbelieving
  9. weighing heavily on the senses or spirit
  10. manage in a makeshift way; do with whatever is at hand
  11. expressing extreme contempt

25 Clues: a stiff hairnever-ceasingsecret and slydisplay proudlyinviting ridiculesomething that is inferredmake a harsh, abrupt noiseeager enjoyment or approvalexpressing extreme contemptlaugh at with contempt and derisionnot producing an intended consequencedifficult or impossible to understanda variation in circumstances or fortune...

Lord of the Flies 2022-12-21

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. Chasing an animal and killing it
  2. A little one, a child.
  3. A society where people are ranked.
  4. An object made to help a creature's vision, which a character in this book uses.
  5. The leader of the choirboys, and hunters
  6. Used to call meetings and let the boys talk.
  7. The exercise of authority or control.
  8. A small building or covered space that protects people from bad weather or danger.
  9. A group that's also known as the hunters, and are led by Jack.
  1. a forest with trees, other plants, and animals.
  2. Smartest on the island has terrible eyesight and asthma.
  3. What the boys started, to try and get help from others.
  4. The act of cruel and violent behavior.
  5. The remaining plane trash on the island.
  6. The place the boys are stuck on.
  7. One of the older boys, and the Chief.
  8. A person that has been rejected by society,
  9. Complete mess and disorder
  10. A person that's fully grown and developed.
  11. An animal, that's usually large and dangerous.

20 Clues: A little one, a child.Complete mess and disorderChasing an animal and killing itThe place the boys are stuck on.A society where people are ranked.One of the older boys, and the Chief.The exercise of authority or control.The act of cruel and violent behavior.The remaining plane trash on the island.The leader of the choirboys, and hunters...

Lord of the Flies 2022-12-19

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. The only way for the kids to make fire
  2. Threw rocks at Henry in Chapter 4
  3. Didn't do much except collecting fruit and entertaining themselves
  4. 2 people who acted like 1, stayed with Ralph for almost the entire book.
  5. Symbolizes savagery, jack's tribe had some at the end of the book
  6. The person who rescued them off the island
  7. The group that Jack leads
  8. Shy, was murdered by all the kids
  9. Jack and his hunters kill multiple of this animal
  1. Scared the kids, symbolized the evil in everybody
  2. A dead pig's head, symbolized the evil that was released on the island.
  3. Creates a signal for them to be rescued
  4. Ralph and Simon built these in Chapter 3
  5. What the kids call the mark in the forest where the plane crashed
  6. Leader of the hunters, broke off from the main group in chapter 8
  7. Where Jack goes when he breaks away from the main group
  8. Original leader of the island, tried to keep order on the island
  9. Helped Ralph keep order on the island
  10. Used to call assemblies, symbolized power
  11. The boys see this on the horizon in Chapter 4

20 Clues: The group that Jack leadsThrew rocks at Henry in Chapter 4Shy, was murdered by all the kidsHelped Ralph keep order on the islandThe only way for the kids to make fireCreates a signal for them to be rescuedRalph and Simon built these in Chapter 3Used to call assemblies, symbolized powerThe person who rescued them off the island...

Lord of the Flies 2023-01-24

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. What sort of weapon is Jack using to hunt pigs?
  2. The island is a [n] _______; it symbolizes the world.
  3. the boys use the ______ to indicate whose turn it is to speak.
  4. What’s the first word the navel officer says to Ralph
  5. At first, what does the island seem to be?
  6. Directly after Piggy’s death Jack orders the ______ of the twins.
  7. The beast is believed to live in a rock formation shaped like a [n]______.
  8. Who says, “I’m not going to play any longer. Not with you.”?
  9. Even Piggy calls Simon’s death a[n]________.
  1. The______ is the “reason it’s no go”.
  2. What’s the first sign of the adult world?
  3. What are the young children called?
  4. Who first says that the beast comes from the sea?
  5. Who gives Ralph meat from Jack’s fester?
  6. Ralph spends most of his time in the______.
  7. The twins nickname.
  8. The naval officer rescued the boys because he saw the smoke.
  9. Roger wants to offer Ralph’s _____ to the beast.
  10. What does Ralph call Jack so that it provokes a feast?
  11. Jack is the _______ and Ralph’s eventual rial.
  12. The “beast from air” is actually the remains of a [n]________.

21 Clues: The twins nickname.What are the young children called?The______ is the “reason it’s no go”.Who gives Ralph meat from Jack’s fester?What’s the first sign of the adult world?At first, what does the island seem to be?Ralph spends most of his time in the______.Even Piggy calls Simon’s death a[n]________.Jack is the _______ and Ralph’s eventual rial....

Lord of the Flies 2023-01-20

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. How many shelters did they build?
  2. The first thing Piggy thinks about the conch is that it’s _______.”
  3. Who is the first boy to appear after Ralph blows the conch?
  4. What do they add to the fire to generate more smoke?
  5. How is the island described when they first climb the mountain?
  6. What are the smaller boys generally called?
  7. Where does Simon’s body end up? In the ______.
  8. Who votes Jack for chief?
  9. Who cries often?
  10. Who does Jack say is “always throwing a faint”?
  11. How is Ralph described before we know his name?
  1. What does Jack decide his choir should be?
  2. “We’ll have to have ________ like at school.”
  3. Who lets the fire go out?
  4. “I used to live with my auntie. She kept a _______.”
  5. “Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could __________!”
  6. What are the older boys generally called?
  7. How old is Ralph
  8. Who is described as “uncommunicative by nature”?
  9. What book is repeatedly referenced in the story?

20 Clues: How old is RalphWho cries often?Who lets the fire go out?Who votes Jack for chief?How many shelters did they build?What are the older boys generally called?What does Jack decide his choir should be?What are the smaller boys generally called?“We’ll have to have ________ like at school.”Where does Simon’s body end up? In the ______....

Lord of the flies 2023-02-14

Lord of the flies crossword puzzle
  1. implied by or inferred from actions or statements
  2. laughable or deserving mockery
  3. preserving or protecting something
  4. an interruption in the intensity or amount of something
  5. to mock
  6. the act of accusing in return
  7. without or deprived of the use of speech or words
  8. an act of expression of criticism
  9. prohibited or restricted by social custom
  10. to offer
  11. a loud and confused noise
  12. a speech of violent denunciation
  1. change in luck for the worst
  2. the largest or massive thing of its kind
  3. a state of commotion
  4. quiver or shake
  5. difficult or impossible to understand
  6. walk leisurely and with no apparent rain
  7. word off (a weapon or attack)
  8. disrespectful
  9. shy or modest
  10. without any attempt at concealment
  11. used as a horn
  12. consisting of tendons
  13. strong or violent change

25 Clues: to mockto offerdisrespectfulshy or modestused as a hornquiver or shakea state of commotionconsisting of tendonsstrong or violent changea loud and confused noisechange in luck for the worstword off (a weapon or attack)the act of accusing in returnlaughable or deserving mockeryan act of expression of criticisma speech of violent denunciation...

Lord Of The Flies 2017-05-23

Lord Of The Flies crossword puzzle
  1. Not spoken; implied by actions or statements.
  2. Blooming of flowers, state of flowering.
  3. Using power unjustly; burdensome.
  4. Deflected or warded off; avoided.
  5. Commotion of a great crowd; disorder.
  6. Downward slopes, as of a hill.
  7. A singer or leader of a choir.
  8. To sniffle; complain or whine tearfully.
  9. A long angry or violent speech; a diatribe.
  1. A gap or interruption in continuity; a break or pause.
  2. Nearsightedness.
  3. A change or variation; unexpected changes in life.
  4. The act of accusing in return; opposing another charge.
  5. Zestful or spirited enthusiasm.
  6. A stronghold or fortification; similar to a stronghold.
  7. Exhibiting appropriate behavior or conduct.
  8. Emitting light; full of light.
  9. Difficult to understand, mysterious.
  10. Trembled, or spoke in a trembling voice.
  11. Deep seated hatred; State of being an enemy.

20 Clues: Nearsightedness.Emitting light; full of light.Downward slopes, as of a hill.A singer or leader of a choir.Zestful or spirited enthusiasm.Using power unjustly; burdensome.Deflected or warded off; avoided.Difficult to understand, mysterious.Commotion of a great crowd; disorder.Blooming of flowers, state of flowering....

Lord of the Flies 2017-05-24

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. A line of people or ships stationed to guard.
  2. Cut small bits or pare shavings.
  3. To criticize.
  4. To abuse vocally.
  5. Gather something into small wrinkles or folds.
  6. Incapable of being penetrated or affected.
  7. Having an ill will or wishing harm to others.
  8. Wrap in swaddling clothes.
  9. Tending to cover a wide range of subjects.
  10. Cause to be submerged.
  1. Nearsightedness.
  2. A fringed sharp worn on military uniforms.
  3. Show, express or direct through movement.
  4. Blooming of flowers, state of flowering.
  5. Looked at or stared angrily or sullenly.
  6. An object with magical power.
  7. Unpleasantly sharp or bitter taste or smell.
  8. Zestful of spirited enthusiasm.
  9. Lock up or confine, in or as in jail.
  10. Deflected or wondered off.

20 Clues: To criticize.Nearsightedness.To abuse vocally.Cause to be submerged.Wrap in swaddling clothes.Deflected or wondered off.An object with magical power.Zestful of spirited enthusiasm.Cut small bits or pare shavings.Lock up or confine, in or as in jail.Blooming of flowers, state of flowering.Looked at or stared angrily or sullenly....

Lord of the Flies 2020-10-21

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. The state or period of flowering, result of growth and development
  2. Using gestures while speaking or to express something
  3. Loud noise and/or persistent demands
  4. A change of circumstances of fortune
  5. Difficult or impossible to understand or comprehend
  6. Someone who would willingly suffer death rather than renounce their religion.
  7. feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment
  8. The visual property of something having a milky brightness and play of colours from the distance
  9. Unwilling to talk or import information
  10. Large, milky white shell
  1. Relating to or characteristics of a secret plot or agreement
  2. Comically or repulsively ugly or distorted
  3. Great embarrassment and shame
  4. Certain degree of unwillingness a reluctance or lack of enthusiosm
  5. A natural disposition to be hostile
  6. Plant that grows along the ground or up a wall
  7. Whispering, murmuring, or rustling
  8. A usual hesitant uncertainty or doubt
  9. Eager enjoyment or approval
  10. Becoming progressively smaller

20 Clues: Large, milky white shellEager enjoyment or approvalGreat embarrassment and shameBecoming progressively smallerWhispering, murmuring, or rustlingA natural disposition to be hostileLoud noise and/or persistent demandsA change of circumstances of fortuneA usual hesitant uncertainty or doubtUnwilling to talk or import information...

"LORD OF THE FLIES" 2021-02-09

"LORD OF THE FLIES" crossword puzzle
  1. the boy who truly knew what the beast was
  2. used to call an assembly; had importance significance to the boys at first
  3. the thing that the boys were afraid of
  4. the method used to choose Ralph as chief; used in assemblies for decisions
  5. the most intelligent of the boys; is bullied often
  6. the thing that was made with Piggy's glasses; used to signal for rescue
  7. what the "beast" actually was
  8. the group that Jack was in charge of; was a negotiation from Ralph
  9. the place where the savages camp
  10. the thing Jack was obsessed to kill
  11. what the smoke fire was meant for; the thing Ralph was desperate for
  12. what the boys referred the younger boys as
  1. the name of the pig's head on the stick
  2. the chief of the island
  3. what Jack's tribe is referred as
  4. the word that "lord of the flies" originated from
  5. the thing that Ralph lost control of over the boys
  6. what the boys used to start the fire
  7. chief of the hunters and savages
  8. what the boys did to Simon and Piggy
  9. Ralph would use the conch to call an ___
  10. Ralph's role on the island
  11. where the boys end up after the plane crash

23 Clues: the chief of the islandRalph's role on the islandwhat the "beast" actually waswhat Jack's tribe is referred aschief of the hunters and savagesthe place where the savages campthe thing Jack was obsessed to killwhat the boys used to start the firewhat the boys did to Simon and Piggythe thing that the boys were afraid of...

lord of the flies 2021-05-21

lord of the flies crossword puzzle
  1. endless in space extent or size
  2. extremely great number
  3. church service of morning prayer
  4. plants that grow on ground
  5. long socks
  6. unable to be felt by touch
  7. dull grey brown color
  8. done without shame
  9. band to keep stocking up
  10. boys who sing the highest part
  1. highest point
  2. clear feelings or image in mind
  3. person the leads a choir
  4. extremely hungry
  5. not open
  6. unable to speak distinct
  7. wrapped in layers of fabric
  8. aggressive or war behavior
  9. long walks
  10. making one extremely angry

20 Clues: not openlong sockslong walkshighest pointextremely hungrydone without shamedull grey brown colorextremely great numberperson the leads a choirunable to speak distinctband to keep stocking upplants that grow on groundunable to be felt by touchaggressive or war behaviormaking one extremely angrywrapped in layers of fabric...

Lord of the Flies 2022-05-24

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. Fat boy who wears glasses
  2. The boys are _________ on an island
  3. Choir is in charge of this
  4. Antagonist of story
  5. Jack finally kills his first
  6. Jack leads this group
  7. Ralph and Piggy find this
  8. Lord of the Flies is a pig's _______ on a stick
  9. Littuns think this lives on the island
  10. Jack and Roger use this to kill Piggy
  1. Jack group represents
  2. Author
  3. Elected leader
  4. Loss of innocence is a major
  5. In the end the boys are
  6. Ralph cries for the loss of _____________
  7. Boys try to create a civilization by building ____
  8. Causes the boys to make bad decisions
  9. Character who is good/voice of reason
  10. Boys ______ Simon while playing make believe game

20 Clues: AuthorElected leaderAntagonist of storyJack group representsJack leads this groupIn the end the boys areFat boy who wears glassesRalph and Piggy find thisChoir is in charge of thisLoss of innocence is a majorJack finally kills his firstThe boys are _________ on an islandCauses the boys to make bad decisionsCharacter who is good/voice of reason...

Lord of the Flies 2022-06-25

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. loud sound
  2. He just __ed down a 7-11 rice ball & went back to work. swallow food or water very quickly
  3. long & disorderly hair or fur
  4. Symbol of authority
  5. Jack’s fortress
  6. Percival Wemys Madison was so ___ from the plane crash & being stuck on the island that he could only mutter his London address & tel. num. A psychological disorder
  7. An uncivilized one
  8. drool,
  9. Jack’s followers
  10. [adj] twisting sb’s words for your personal benefit, such as Jack putting words in this littlun’s mouth
  11. I always have ___ memories of my dreams. I only remember bit & pieces. Not whole, not complete not together
  12. the reputation of sb by false accusations; slander
  13. Walk lightly,
  14. to be stuck somewhere & have no way to get home
  15. Put this in a vampire’s heart to kill him.
  16. Threw these to bully the littluns
  17. When dealing with the government, you have to go through a___ of rules & regulations. A game where you’re trapped among walls & try to find the exit,
  18. When you’ve got explosive diarrhea,
  19. What the boys jokingly call Piggy’s medical problem
  20. the one prize in Jack’s raid,
  21. to cover sth in a messy or careless way with greasy or sticky substance OR
  22. Beast from Water,
  23. what a wolf does under a full moon
  24. Light material for parachutes
  25. Sniffed & touched this to know a boar was nearby
  26. the murder weapon of Piggy’s death
  1. Nearsighted. Medical term
  2. The hunters had in a ___ location behind the bushes. Hidden or not obvious
  3. utopia gone wrong. LOTF is this kind of novel
  4. When your boss gives you more work, you just ___ & beat it. A forced smile
  5. Say nonsense like a baby
  6. Boys’ typical response whenever Piggy complained about his asthma
  7. Jack felt ___ when nobody wanted to join his gang the first time. Tomake sb feel low, embarrassed or inferior
  8. Angrily he __ the paper into a ball & threw it in a trash can
  9. An overthrow of government orig. French
  10. Ralph’s strength as a leader
  11. Jack’s type of leadership style
  12. what a threatened dog does, what your hungry stomach does
  13. Actually, Piggy’s glasses can’t make fire bc it isn’t a ___ lens
  14. What lies beyond the reef
  15. Roger has this. A continuously nasty, unfriendly aspect to sb’s personality.
  16. moving at an angle,
  17. A rack to roast meat,
  18. To make a sharp sound,
  19. The twins
  20. a blob of brightness, sth giving off light but not know the source
  21. The scientific one
  22. Cloud of smoke

48 Clues: drool,The twinsloud soundWalk lightly,Cloud of smokeJack’s fortressJack’s followersBeast from Water,An uncivilized oneThe scientific oneSymbol of authoritymoving at an angle,A rack to roast meat,To make a sharp sound,Say nonsense like a babyNearsighted. Medical termWhat lies beyond the reefRalph’s strength as a leaderlong & disorderly hair or fur...

Lord of the Flies 2022-11-08

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. (of a person) fat or large bulky body
  2. intense and passionate feeling.
  3. a steep or rugged cliff or rock face.
  4. This is what Piggy was doing when talking about Simon's death(156)
  5. a thing that plays a central or essential role in an activity, event, or situation.
  6. relating to the study of God.
  7. Jack used this word when talking about how the blood was when he killed it
  8. dirty; grimy.
  9. Simon grabbed the conch ___.(85)
  10. (of part of the body) swollen with fluid or gas.
  11. ____ to the rules! (91)
  1. a series of words said as a magic spell or charm.
  2. (adverb) in a stormy way
  3. hold out to someone for acceptance; offer.
  4. a place in which a person/thing is located.
  5. a stroke of good luck
  6. very hot and dry(used to describe the sun on page 159
  7. overcome (a difficulty or obstacle)
  8. make dirty; pollute.
  9. a cry(what Jack did when he used the conch)

20 Clues: dirty; grimy.make dirty; pollute.a stroke of good luck____ to the rules! (91)(adverb) in a stormy wayrelating to the study of God.intense and passionate feeling.Simon grabbed the conch ___.(85)overcome (a difficulty or obstacle)(of a person) fat or large bulky bodya steep or rugged cliff or rock face.hold out to someone for acceptance; offer....

Lord of the Flies 2022-11-10

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. expressing extreme contempt
  2. mutual accusations
  3. utter or proclaim insistently and noisily
  4. eager enjoyment or approval
  5. characterized by a rebellion against authority
  6. a stiff hair
  7. difficult or impossible to understand
  8. without or deprived of the use of speech or words
  9. make a harsh, abrupt noise
  10. a state of commotion and noise and confusion
  11. never-ceasing
  1. secret and sly
  2. weighing heavily on the senses or spirit
  3. inviting ridicule
  4. the largest or most massive thing of its kind
  5. not producing an intended consequence
  6. a variation in circumstances or fortune
  7. laugh at with contempt and derision
  8. angered at something unjust or wrong
  9. a speech of violent denunciation

20 Clues: a stiff hairnever-ceasingsecret and slyinviting ridiculemutual accusationsmake a harsh, abrupt noiseexpressing extreme contempteager enjoyment or approvala speech of violent denunciationlaugh at with contempt and derisionangered at something unjust or wrongnot producing an intended consequencedifficult or impossible to understand...

Lord of the Flies 2022-11-22

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. a bold manner
  2. outline of a natural feature
  3. eating a large amount of food
  4. illusion caused by atmospheric conditions
  5. relating to senses
  6. extreme emotion
  7. curious
  8. involuntary movement
  9. attempting to avoid notice
  1. hard to understand
  2. extreme desire
  3. dirty or polluted
  4. disrupting enthusiasm
  5. annoyance
  6. fast, excited talking
  7. extravagant
  8. analyzing information
  9. consisting of many individuals
  10. frustrated
  11. a yell of strong emotion

20 Clues: curiousannoyancefrustratedextravaganta bold mannerextreme desireextreme emotiondirty or pollutedhard to understandrelating to sensesinvoluntary movementdisrupting enthusiasmfast, excited talkinganalyzing informationa yell of strong emotionattempting to avoid noticeoutline of a natural featureeating a large amount of food...

Lord Of The Flies 2022-11-22

Lord Of The Flies crossword puzzle
  1. no willingness to change
  2. works quickly and accurate
  3. leaves
  4. dramatic gestures to emphasize ones words
  5. jewelry worn from the neck
  6. agile, quick and light in movement
  7. long angry speech
  8. drop or set down carelessly
  9. to move or change
  1. defense
  2. cloth spread over a coffin
  3. to develop and unfold
  4. heard and noticed but ignored
  5. great interest of enthusiasm
  6. secretive
  7. a wreath with ribbons and decorations
  8. layers of fabric
  9. dull or lacking liveliness
  10. to offer something to someone
  11. loud, bright or showy

20 Clues: leavesdefensesecretivelayers of fabriclong angry speechto move or changeto develop and unfoldloud, bright or showyno willingness to changecloth spread over a coffinworks quickly and accuratejewelry worn from the neckdull or lacking livelinessdrop or set down carelesslygreat interest of enthusiasmheard and noticed but ignored...

Lord Of The Flies 2022-11-22

Lord Of The Flies crossword puzzle
  1. no willingness to change
  2. works quickly and accurate
  3. leaves
  4. dramatic gestures to emphasize ones words
  5. jewelry worn from the neck
  6. agile, quick and light in movement
  7. long angry speech
  8. drop or set down carelessly
  9. to move or change
  1. defense
  2. cloth spread over a coffin
  3. to develop and unfold
  4. heard and noticed but ignored
  5. great interest of enthusiasm
  6. secretive
  7. a wreath with ribbons and decorations
  8. layers of fabric
  9. dull or lacking liveliness
  10. to offer something to someone
  11. loud, bright or showy

20 Clues: leavesdefensesecretivelayers of fabriclong angry speechto move or changeto develop and unfoldloud, bright or showyno willingness to changecloth spread over a coffinworks quickly and accuratejewelry worn from the neckdull or lacking livelinessdrop or set down carelesslygreat interest of enthusiasmheard and noticed but ignored...

Lord of The Flies 2016-12-02

Lord of The Flies crossword puzzle
  1. volunteering one's services where they are neither asked for nor needed
  2. regrettably; mournfully
  3. a course of stones forming a continuous foundation or base cource
  4. hazardous; dangerous
  5. a rhythm instrument that consists of two small shells of ivory, hardwood, or plastic fastened to the thumb and clicked together by the other fingers
  6. a whispering sound
  7. luminescence that occurs at low temperatures and is produced by physiological processes
  8. dullness; slowness to apprehend or perceive
  9. not allowing entrance or passage
  10. self-assertively aggressive
  11. a bitter retort
  12. a reflection of iridescent light
  13. responsive alteration between two groups
  14. one who is afraid
  15. made gestures
  16. a howl
  17. a sea monster represented as an adversary defeated by Yahweh
  18. of or relating to the study of God and his relation to the world
  19. mad; insane
  20. a substance composed chiefly of the excrement of seafowl and used as a fertilizer
  21. having or exhibiting a play of colors producing rainbow effects
  22. a written or recited formula of words designed to produce a particular effect
  23. an image or representation
  24. rebelliously
  1. banned on the grounds of mortality
  2. the largest city of Ethiopia
  3. something producing magical or miraculous effects
  4. worthy of or causing disgust or hatred
  5. an ornamental fringed shoulder pad formerly worn as a part of a military uniform
  6. a strong persuasion or belief
  7. hatred; ill will
  8. done with the hope of creating favor or goodwill
  9. fluctuations of states or conditions
  10. cleansed of
  11. expanses of open rolling infertile land
  12. including many individuals
  13. a crackling sound
  14. hard to understand or explain
  15. full of juice
  16. having a large, bulky body
  17. something that covers or conceals
  18. a town and porton the Rock
  19. viciously; spitefully
  20. partly suppressed laughs
  21. extreme disgust
  22. reserved; modest
  23. expressing remorse for one's sins or shortcomings

47 Clues: a howlcleansed ofmad; insanerebelliouslyfull of juicemade gesturesa bitter retortextreme disgusthatred; ill willreserved; modesta crackling soundone who is afraida whispering soundhazardous; dangerousviciously; spitefullyregrettably; mournfullypartly suppressed laughsincluding many individualshaving a large, bulky bodya town and porton the Rock...

Lord of the flies 2017-02-18

Lord of the flies crossword puzzle
  1. howling or a wailing sound
  2. A bad change of circumstances.
  3. To do something in a distrustful way.
  4. shout loudly.
  5. light emitted by a substance without combustion or perceptible heat.
  6. tending to obstruct or harm.
  7. to cause dislike of aversion.
  8. uncommon or slightly strange.
  9. To carve into an object.
  10. Attempting to try and not be noticed.
  1. whistling or rustling.
  2. a way of expressing sorrow or regret.
  3. Long socks that men tend to wear.
  4. very numerous times
  5. An opal like display of colours.
  6. a feeling of intense dislike or hatred.
  7. act of punishing someone.
  8. aggresive or warlike behaviour.
  9. Brightly shining white light.
  10. Done by people to make things difficult for others.

20 Clues: shout loudly.very numerous timeswhistling or rustling.To carve into an object.act of punishing someone.howling or a wailing soundtending to obstruct or harm.Brightly shining white light.to cause dislike of aversion.uncommon or slightly strange.A bad change of circumstances.aggresive or warlike behaviour.An opal like display of colours....

Lord of the flies 2018-02-07

Lord of the flies crossword puzzle
  1. There are also no...
  2. A wise, true and loyal boy
  3. The weapons they use
  4. Ralph is later the...of the group
  5. Killing Simon was an...
  6. The bigger boys are called the...
  7. The original...is English
  8. Thinks the beast comes from the sea
  9. On the island, there are no...
  10. Ralph was excited about his...
  11. Piggy who suffers from...
  12. The brave hero figure
  13. Last name of the writer
  14. The small boy, called the...
  15. Boys armed with...
  16. He is philosophical and silent
  17. Later, Simon was...to death
  18. The boys were... when rescued
  19. The sound they hear at night
  20. A lot of the boys are in a...
  21. The name of Simon's counterpart
  22. The 'natural man' and a hunter
  23. The book has...
  1. Sam and Eric are…
  2. In 1963 was the book...
  3. They found out that beastie is a...
  4. The boys were...emotional
  5. Piggy was killed out of...
  6. At night, they have constant...
  7. Jack’s last name
  8. The meet in a tropical…
  9. Heer der...
  10. First name of the writer
  11. Ralph and Jack were...twice
  12. Piggy’s… are used to make a fire
  13. At the end, Ralph sees a marine...
  14. They... a plane crash
  15. The book was first… in 1954
  16. The name of a six-year-old boy
  17. Place of action
  18. Lord of the…
  19. After a walk on the beach they find a
  20. Name of a twin
  21. Ralph’s hair color
  22. The period of action was the 2nd world…
  23. Name of the other twin
  24. Piggy was killed with a big…
  25. Beastie was killed, they threw a...

48 Clues: Heer der...Lord of the…Name of a twinPlace of actionThe book has...Jack’s last nameSam and Eric are…Boys armed with...Ralph’s hair colorThere are also no...The weapons they useThey... a plane crashThe brave hero figureName of the other twinIn 1963 was the book...Killing Simon was an...The meet in a tropical…Last name of the writer...

Lord of the flies 2018-02-08

Lord of the flies crossword puzzle
  1. The brave hero figure
  2. The 'natural man' and a hunter
  3. A wise, true and loyal boy
  4. Piggy was killed with a big…
  5. The weapons they use
  6. The name of Simon's counterpart
  7. Ralph is later the...of the group
  8. The book was first… in 1954
  9. Ralph’s hair color
  10. Heer der...
  11. Last name of the writer
  12. First name of the writer
  13. Ralph was excited about his...
  14. In 1963 was the book...
  15. Beastie was killed, they threw a...
  16. Jack’s last name
  17. They... a plane crash
  18. The smaller boys, are called the...
  19. Lord of the…
  20. The original...is English
  21. The name of a six-year-old boy
  22. The sound they hear at night
  23. After a walk on the beach they find a
  24. The boys are armed with...
  25. Later, Simon was...to death
  1. On the island, there are no...
  2. The book has 272...
  3. A lot of the boys are in a...
  4. The live in a tropical…
  5. The boys were...emotional
  6. Killing Simon was an...
  7. Sam and Eric are…
  8. The boys were... when rescued
  9. The bigger boys are called the...
  10. There are also no...
  11. They found out that beastie is a...
  12. At night, they have constant...
  13. At the end, Ralph sees a marine...
  14. Piggy who suffers from...
  15. Thinks the beast comes from the sea
  16. The period of action was the 2nd world…
  17. Ralph and Jack were...twice
  18. He is philosophical and silent
  19. Piggy’s… are used to make a fire
  20. Name of the other twin
  21. Place of action
  22. Piggy was killed out of...
  23. Name of a twin

48 Clues: Heer der...Lord of the…Name of a twinPlace of actionJack’s last nameSam and Eric are…Ralph’s hair colorThe book has 272...The weapons they useThere are also no...The brave hero figureThey... a plane crashName of the other twinThe live in a tropical…Killing Simon was an...Last name of the writerIn 1963 was the book...First name of the writer...

Lord of the Flies 2018-05-28

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. the choir leader
  2. the nationality of the naval officer is?
  3. the place the boys refer to where the plane crashed
  4. what did the hunters put on their face while hunting?
  5. piggy was killed by a
  6. at first, Ralph spends most of his time at
  7. names of the twins
  8. the island gets set on
  9. what job does jack and the choir have?
  10. symbol for authority/leader
  11. the boy who fainted at the first assembly
  1. who is the chief?
  2. what are the young children called?
  3. the adult like figure of the group
  4. where does the story take place?
  5. Ralph believes his____ will rescue him
  6. who killed piggy?
  7. the author of the book
  8. the transportation to the island
  9. the boys used Piggy's ____to start a fire

20 Clues: the choir leaderwho is the chief?who killed piggy?names of the twinspiggy was killed by athe author of the bookthe island gets set onsymbol for authority/leaderwhere does the story take place?the transportation to the islandthe adult like figure of the groupwhat are the young children called?Ralph believes his____ will rescue him...

Lord of the Flies 2023-05-18

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. (Adj.) (Doubtful) Doubtful promise or outcome
  2. (Adj.) (Synonym - Quarrelsome) Aggressive behavior
  3. (Adj.) (Humid) Unjustly inflicting hardship and constraint, especially on a minority
  4. (Noun) (Exuberance) Eager enjoyment or approval
  5. (Adj.) (Resentful) Angered at something unjust or wrong
  6. (Noun) (Alteration) A change in circumstance or fortune
  7. (Adj.) (Developed) Having just taken on the role specified
  1. (Adj.) (Unreadable) Impossible to understand or interpret
  2. (Adj.) (Contemptuous) Expressing extreme contempt
  3. (Noun) (Correction) A rebuke for making a mistake
  4. (Adj.) (Cowardly) Shaking or quivering slightly
  5. (Noun) (Laisse) A long and angry criticism
  6. (Adj.) (Obese) Excessively large, obese
  7. (Noun) (Retort) An accusation in response to one from someone else
  8. (Noun) (9000 - Big Number) A large indefinite number
  9. (Adj.) (Secretive) Attempting to avoid attention
  10. (Adj.) (Ruckus) Making a loud and confused noise
  11. (Adj.) (Intangible) Unable to be felt by touch
  12. (Adj.) (Rough)Loud and harsh, grating
  13. (Noun) (Colossal) A thing that is very large or powerful

20 Clues: (Adj.) (Rough)Loud and harsh, grating(Adj.) (Obese) Excessively large, obese(Noun) (Laisse) A long and angry criticism(Adj.) (Doubtful) Doubtful promise or outcome(Adj.) (Intangible) Unable to be felt by touch(Adj.) (Cowardly) Shaking or quivering slightly(Noun) (Exuberance) Eager enjoyment or approval...

Lord of the Flies 2023-05-08

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. Blue eyes
  2. Something only Piggy has
  3. What falls from the sky in Chapter 6
  4. Ralph’s priority
  5. Fair hair
  6. Arrived in two parallel lines
  7. Symbolizes inner evil
  8. Finds the conch
  9. The boys’ home country
  10. When the opposite of what is expected occurs
  11. How Jack hunts
  12. “Kill the _________! Cut her throat!”
  13. When a concrete object represents an abstract idea
  14. Thinks the beast is them
  1. Ralph and Jack are “two ____________ of experience and feeling”
  2. Purposely throws rock to miss
  3. A symbol for civilization
  4. Ralph believes this person will rescue them
  5. Used to start the fire
  6. Jack calls Piggy this
  7. Jack is unable to kill this in Chapter 1
  8. This boy forgets his phone number
  9. A reference with which the audience is expected to be familiar
  10. The shape of the island
  11. Something Piggy does not have a lot of
  12. Another term for “theme”
  13. Author
  14. A struggle between opposing forces
  15. Acronym for characterization
  16. Helps the littluns get fruit
  17. The “devil” on our shoulder

31 Clues: AuthorBlue eyesFair hairHow Jack huntsFinds the conchRalph’s priorityJack calls Piggy thisSymbolizes inner evilUsed to start the fireThe boys’ home countryThe shape of the islandSomething only Piggy hasAnother term for “theme”Thinks the beast is themA symbol for civilizationThe “devil” on our shoulderAcronym for characterization...

Lord of The Flies 2023-05-22

Lord of The Flies crossword puzzle
  1. First one dead and seen as figure of faith
  2. The thing Sam and Eric witnessed fall from the sky
  3. Antagonist
  4. Older fellas of the group
  5. Female pig
  6. Tepresent death on the island
  7. At a feast the boys who hunted would dance and shout
  8. Piggy's respiratory condition
  9. Where Simon went to clear his head
  10. Represented hope in being rescued
  11. Jack's right hand man
  1. Shell used by the boys to let them know to meet up
  2. Original crash site of plane
  3. The Younger kids of the group
  4. Used by Jack to blend in while hunting
  5. Smartest in the group and bullied the most
  6. Imaginary monster
  7. Glasses and were used for starting fire
  8. Jack and his original singing crew when they first crashed
  9. The chosen leader (protagonist)

20 Clues: AntagonistFemale pigImaginary monsterJack's right hand manOlder fellas of the groupOriginal crash site of planeThe Younger kids of the groupTepresent death on the islandPiggy's respiratory conditionThe chosen leader (protagonist)Represented hope in being rescuedWhere Simon went to clear his headUsed by Jack to blend in while hunting...

Lord of the Flies 2023-06-15

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. What was going on in the background of the novel?
  2. What killed Simon?
  3. A type of slang word that one of the boys used.
  4. What were the boy's referred to when they joined Jack?
  5. Died in a hunting circle.
  6. What was Jack obsessed with?
  7. What group was Jack the leader of before the Island?
  8. Pulled the level to kill Piggy.
  9. Why happened at the beginning of the novel that opened the eyes of the boys?
  10. The thing that spoke to Simon.
  11. The object that helped the man from the fighter jet to land.
  12. Struck down Piggy.
  13. What was the opposing party that was part of the war called?
  14. What the vines on Island called?
  15. What acted as a form of civility for the boys?
  16. Who yelled at the boys for starting a wildfire?
  17. Who was the leader of the boys for the first half of the novel?
  18. Worn by the savage's on their faces.
  19. Who saved the boys?
  1. Inseparable.
  2. What did Jack give the boys to turn them to his side?
  3. Leader of the Savages.
  4. Had many shapes and forms.
  5. What forced the boys to leave their home?
  6. What brought the boys to the island?
  7. What did the boys do to imitate a hunt?
  8. What did Jack and Ralph call themselves.
  9. Who got tied up and beat by Jack when he was angry?
  10. The thing that conch was used to create.
  11. The animal that was hunted by the hunters.
  12. What did Jack have on him when he landed on the Island.
  13. A group whomst ran around and did not contribute to the boys.
  14. What did the boys make at the top of the mountain.
  15. What did Jack take from Piggy?
  16. Where did Jack set up his base?
  17. Where did the boys come from before the Island?
  18. What did Jack let pass when he went hunting.

37 Clues: Inseparable.What killed Simon?Struck down Piggy.Who saved the boys?Leader of the Savages.Died in a hunting circle.Had many shapes and forms.What was Jack obsessed with?The thing that spoke to Simon.What did Jack take from Piggy?Pulled the level to kill Piggy.Where did Jack set up his base?What the vines on Island called?...

Lord of the Flies 2024-01-17

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. intense enthusiasm
  2. sorry
  3. ridiculous, senseless
  4. secretly plotting
  5. to delay; to stop or prevent from happening
  6. obvious
  7. not believing
  8. expressing contempt or ridicule
  9. quivering
  10. punishment
  1. extreme mental confusion
  2. irritation,frustration
  3. unreasonably burdensome or severe
  4. an idle wanderer
  5. make or become less
  6. freedom
  7. comically or repulsively ugly or distorted
  8. bright; brilliant; glowing
  9. anger as a result of something unjust
  10. quiet and modest; reserved

20 Clues: sorryobviousfreedomquiveringpunishmentnot believingan idle wanderersecretly plottingintense enthusiasmmake or become lessridiculous, senselessirritation,frustrationextreme mental confusionbright; brilliant; glowingquiet and modest; reservedexpressing contempt or ridiculeunreasonably burdensome or severeanger as a result of something unjust...

Lord of the flies 2024-01-04

Lord of the flies crossword puzzle
  1. Who is the leader of the hunters?
  2. Were Ralph and Piggy the first or last characters to show up in the story?
  3. The name of the twins.
  4. The littun who died in the fire had a _____ on his face.
  5. What was Jack obsessed with?
  6. The hunters use these to kill animals and in the end, trying to kill Ralph.
  7. The thing on the island that the boys think is the "beastie" is a dead...
  8. Who gets made fun of the most?
  9. What are the younger kids on the island called?
  10. What are the older kids on the island called?
  11. How many of the boys die throughout the story?
  12. Which littun cried the most?
  1. Who kills Piggy?
  2. Who is William Golding?
  3. Ralph gathered everyone on the island with a...
  4. Who gets beat to death by the other boys?
  5. The boys started fires because they wanted to be...
  6. Simon gets mistaken for a?
  7. The setting of the story is on an...
  8. Who shows the most leadership throughout the story?
  9. How did the boys start fires?
  10. The Naval Officer saw the ____ on the island and that is how the boys were saved.
  11. A _____ crashed and made the scar on the island in the beginning of the story.
  12. Ralph hides from Jack and his tribe in this.
  13. The hunters were a _____ before they ended up on the island.

25 Clues: Who kills Piggy?The name of the twins.Who is William Golding?Simon gets mistaken for a?What was Jack obsessed with?Which littun cried the most?How did the boys start fires?Who gets made fun of the most?Who is the leader of the hunters?The setting of the story is on an...Who gets beat to death by the other boys?...

Lord of the Flies 2023-12-01

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. nearsightedness; lack of foresight
  2. high spirits; exhilaration; exuberance; a boiling over
  3. dejected; dispirited
  4. to shake tremulously; quiver or tremble
  5. any amulet or charm; anything whose presence exercises remarkable powerful influence on human feelings or actions
  6. a bitter counter accusation; or the making thereof
  7. deep hatred; animosity; ill will
  8. a break or interruption; often from work
  9. great warmth or earnestness; ardor; zeal
  10. forceful; causing to yield
  11. to be deprived of or cease to have or retain something
  12. the state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc.
  13. proper; in good taste; orderly
  1. stronghold; fortress; fortified place
  2. (klamb`er-eeng) (v.) climb, move, or get in or out of something in an awkward and laborious way, typically using both hands and feet.
  3. shy; reserved; sedate
  4. to the utmost or most absolute extent or degree; absolutely; completely.
  5. ridiculous; absurd
  6. making little or no noise
  7. producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
  8. not allowing anything to pass through; impenetrable
  9. upheaval; natural change; change in fortune
  10. harshly pungent; bitter
  11. not firmly or tightly fixed in place; detached or able to be detached.
  12. expressing a doubt of choice between alternatives
  13. unpleasantly or offensively noisy; glaring

26 Clues: ridiculous; absurddejected; dispiritedshy; reserved; sedateharshly pungent; bittermaking little or no noiseforceful; causing to yieldproper; in good taste; orderlydeep hatred; animosity; ill willnearsightedness; lack of foresightstronghold; fortress; fortified placeto shake tremulously; quiver or tremblea break or interruption; often from work...

"Lord of the flies" 2024-01-03

"Lord of the flies" crossword puzzle
  1. who's main priority was a fire.
  2. What is the irony of the dead parachutist landing on the mountain'.
  3. who is the author of LOTF.
  4. which character was made fun of the most.
  5. Who become hunters.
  6. What was used as a sign of hope.
  7. Why was ralph elected cheif.
  8. The bodies of simon and the parachutist fall into the__.
  9. Jack plans to ___ ralph down.
  10. Who was murdered first.
  11. names of the twins.
  12. What do the boys think the dead parachutist is.
  13. wilfred was punished for no_____.
  1. The conch gets ___.
  2. Which two different groups are emerging.
  3. Who is always smiling.
  4. Who saves ralph in the end.
  5. What kind of leader is jack.
  6. Who tells ralph that he will make it out alive.
  7. What resembles authority.
  8. What the group of young children were called.
  9. Who is the leader of the hunters.
  10. What does the Painted Faces and Long Hair represent.
  11. What is used to make fire.
  12. who killed piggy

25 Clues: who killed piggyThe conch gets ___.Who become hunters.names of the twins.Who is always smiling.Who was murdered first.What resembles authority.who is the author of LOTF.What is used to make fire.Who saves ralph in the end.What kind of leader is jack.Why was ralph elected cheif.Jack plans to ___ ralph down.who's main priority was a fire....

"Lord of the Flies" 2024-01-03

"Lord of the Flies" crossword puzzle
  1. What animal is "Lord of the Flies"?
  2. What tool does Jack use to kill the pig?
  3. Who kills Piggy?
  4. Who saves Ralph from Jack and his tribe at the end of the Novel? (Two words)
  5. Who is the first character we are introduced to in the novel?
  6. What caused the plane to crash?
  7. What is the job of Jack and the Choir?
  8. Who discovered what the "beast" truly was?
  9. What do the boys use to show that they are speaking during meetings?
  10. What kills Piggy?
  11. Who dies first? (two words)
  12. What do the boys put on their faces to show that they are savage?
  13. Who tries to kill Ralph at the end of the novel?
  14. What does Ralph use to try to get rescued? (Two words)
  1. How did the boys get on the island? (Two words)
  2. Who is the author of Lord of the Fies? (Two words)
  3. Which character was made fun of the most?
  4. What makes the Littluns stomachs upset when they have too much of it?
  5. What helps the boys make the signal fire?
  6. What is Jack's main priority?
  7. What does Ralph think their should be more of on the island?
  8. How did Simon die?
  9. Who kidnaps samneric?
  10. What do the boys call the spot where the plane crashed? (Two words)

24 Clues: Who kills Piggy?What kills Piggy?How did Simon die?Who kidnaps samneric?Who dies first? (two words)What is Jack's main priority?What caused the plane to crash?What animal is "Lord of the Flies"?What is the job of Jack and the Choir?What tool does Jack use to kill the pig?Which character was made fun of the most?...

"Lord of the Flies" 2024-01-03

"Lord of the Flies" crossword puzzle
  1. What was the group of hunters called?
  2. What object killed piggy?
  3. Who were the twins?
  4. What is the first name of the author?
  5. What accent did the boys speak?
  6. What crashed that left a mark on the island?
  7. What was used to make their first fire?
  8. Who was the evil leader?
  9. Who killed piggy?
  10. How did simon die?
  11. What object was used to have the right to speak?
  12. Who was the most evil leader Ralph or Jack?
  1. What were the spears made out of?
  2. What did simon suffer from?
  3. Who was the good leader in the two groups?
  4. Where jack and his followers were staying?
  5. What caused their plane to crash?
  6. What animal was slaughtered?
  7. What was the dead parachutist mistaken for?
  8. Where were they stranded?
  9. The term used for the plane crash?
  10. Which character was made fun of the most?
  11. What took out the forest on the island?
  12. What were the tiny kids called?
  13. Who was running on the beach who was killed by Jacks group?
  14. What were the boys surrounded by?

26 Clues: Who killed piggy?How did simon die?Who were the twins?Who was the evil leader?What object killed piggy?Where were they stranded?What did simon suffer from?What animal was slaughtered?What accent did the boys speak?What were the tiny kids called?What were the spears made out of?What caused their plane to crash?What were the boys surrounded by?...

Lord of the Flies 2024-01-09

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. slim or not wide
  2. a room with little light
  3. room full of smoke
  4. go insane
  5. hiding in trenches waiting to attack
  6. confused expression
  7. a pallid complexion
  8. walk sneakily
  9. stuck in large traffic
  10. uncomfortably sitting
  11. snicker at something
  12. juice oozing out of a fruit
  13. being unconvincing
  14. sniffle while crying
  15. statue of someone on a street
  1. speak gibberish
  2. pulling back from a deal
  3. ruin something
  4. anger had worn down
  5. bees swarming a hive
  6. she flinched from the storm
  7. ordered to go to a place
  8. tomorrow
  9. biting onto something
  10. urgent statement
  11. cast a furtive glance

26 Clues: tomorrowgo insanewalk sneakilyruin somethingspeak gibberishslim or not wideurgent statementroom full of smokebeing unconvincinganger had worn downconfused expressiona pallid complexionbees swarming a hivesnicker at somethingsniffle while cryinguncomfortably sittingbiting onto somethingcast a furtive glancestuck in large traffic...

Lord of the Flies 2024-01-09

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. walk sneakily
  2. ordered to go to a place
  3. statue of someone on a street
  4. biting onto something
  5. anger had worn down
  6. being unconvincing
  7. hiding in trenches waiting to attack
  8. pulling back from a deal
  9. go insane
  10. uncomfortably sitting
  11. speak gibberish
  12. tomorrow
  1. slim or not wide
  2. snicker at something
  3. sniffle while crying
  4. she flinched from the storm
  5. a pallid complexion
  6. urgent statement
  7. cast a furtive glance
  8. confused expression
  9. room full of smoke
  10. stuck in large traffic
  11. ruin something
  12. a room with little light

24 Clues: tomorrowgo insanewalk sneakilyruin somethingspeak gibberishslim or not wideurgent statementbeing unconvincingroom full of smokea pallid complexionanger had worn downconfused expressionsnicker at somethingsniffle while cryingbiting onto somethingcast a furtive glanceuncomfortably sittingstuck in large trafficordered to go to a place...

Lord of the Flies 2024-06-14

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. head on a stick
  2. intellect and reason
  3. The youngest boys
  4. Leader of the hunters
  5. Author of the LOF
  6. color of the birthmark on the first corpse
  7. The first to meet the LOF
  8. Crash land
  9. Donkey meets el sea
  10. The boys homeland
  11. The boys initially try to establish…
  1. Samneric were the first to see the..
  2. first appeared in
  3. Inspiration for the name of the novel
  4. The signal fire symbolizes…
  5. ___ theory
  6. The object used to start fires
  7. “threw to miss”
  8. Assembly caller
  9. Jack’s main antagonist

20 Clues: ___ theoryCrash landhead on a stick“threw to miss”Assembly callerfirst appeared inThe youngest boysAuthor of the LOFThe boys homelandDonkey meets el seaintellect and reasonLeader of the huntersJack’s main antagonistThe first to meet the LOFThe signal fire symbolizes…The object used to start firesSamneric were the first to see the.....

Lord of the Flies 2024-10-29

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. Weapon jack uses to hunt pigs
  2. name the older boys gives to the younger
  3. Furtive Boy whom no one knew
  4. Name that piggy does not want to be called
  5. Aircraft that caused the boys to crash done on an island
  6. Boy who wears specs
  7. What animal is the beast
  8. paint Jack puts this on his face to make him a better hunter
  9. Shells Boys use this to collect drinking water
  10. Twin older boys on the island
  11. Object that Ralph used to call the boys into meetings
  12. Youngest boy in the group
  13. Hunter among the boys
  1. name of the monster that the boys refer to
  2. The Fair hair boy
  3. what did the boys want to find on their expedition
  4. First animal the boys discover on the island
  5. Creeper things that cause the boys discomfort when they move
  6. Object of piggys they use to light the fire
  7. The number of hunts the boys managed to build
  8. Disease that Piggy has
  9. Boy who enjoys the scenery while at the jungle

22 Clues: The Fair hair boyBoy who wears specsHunter among the boysDisease that Piggy hasWhat animal is the beastYoungest boy in the groupFurtive Boy whom no one knewWeapon jack uses to hunt pigsTwin older boys on the islandname the older boys gives to the youngername of the monster that the boys refer toName that piggy does not want to be called...

Lord of the Flies 2024-10-31

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. A little boy that Ralph has to carry after a meeting
  2. The chief of the group
  3. The weapon that is used against Piggy when he is killed
  4. The first twin the boys usually name
  5. The second twin the boys usually name
  6. What the boys hunt on the island
  7. The imaginary monster living on the island
  8. The boy who kills Piggy
  9. What the conch symbolizes
  1. What you must be holding to speak
  2. What the Lord of the Flies symbolizes
  3. The one with the spectacles
  4. The leader of the hunters.
  5. What the dead man was wearing, making him move
  6. What is going on in the world outside of this island
  7. what Jack craves
  8. what the little boy who went missing had on his face
  9. Where the boys are stuck
  10. The boy that faints.
  11. The weapon that is used by the boys when they kill Simon

20 Clues: what Jack cravesThe boy that faints.The chief of the groupThe boy who kills PiggyWhere the boys are stuckWhat the conch symbolizesThe leader of the hunters.The one with the spectaclesWhat the boys hunt on the islandWhat you must be holding to speakThe first twin the boys usually nameWhat the Lord of the Flies symbolizes...

test 2013-02-10

test crossword puzzle
  1. previous owner of ring
  2. Alexs favourite toy
  3. 9 year old boy
  1. brother of Luigi
  2. Music we are listening to
  3. star Lord of the Rings
  4. Star warrior

7 Clues: Star warrior9 year old boybrother of LuigiAlexs favourite toyprevious owner of ringstar Lord of the RingsMusic we are listening to

Cross word 2024-11-17

Cross word crossword puzzle
  1. : What geographical feature is Mount Doom?
  2. : What is the name for the unique way ducks walk?
  3. : What sound does a duck make?
  4. : What Star Wars bounty hunter wears Mandalorian armor?
  5. : Which creature obsesses over the One Ring and calls it 'my precious'?
  6. : Who is the rightful king of Gondor in Lord of the Rings?
  7. : What is Darth Vader’s original name?
  8. : Which animal species is known for waddling and swimming in ponds?
  9. : Which hobbit is tasked with destroying the One Ring?
  10. : What is a flowing body of water, such as the Nile or Amazon, called?
  11. : What is the name for a baby duck?
  12. : Which wise Jedi Master trains Luke Skywalker?
  13. : Who is the wise wizard that aids Frodo and the Fellowship?
  14. : What imaginary line circles the Earth and divides it into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres?
  15. : What is the name of the hobbits' homeland in Middle-earth?
  16. : What are the peacekeepers of the galaxy in Star Wars?
  17. : Who are the sworn enemies of the Jedi?
  1. : What large landmass includes regions like Asia and Europe?
  2. : What powerful object is the central focus of Lord of the Rings?
  3. : What weapon is used by Jedi and Sith in Star Wars?
  4. : Which wizard betrays Gandalf and allies with Sauron?
  5. : What hobbit finds the One Ring before Frodo?
  6. : What is the largest body of water on Earth?
  7. : In which dark land must the One Ring be destroyed?
  8. : What is the name for the broad, flat beak of a duck?
  9. : What is the name of the most common wild duck species?
  10. : What mystical power is used by both Jedi and Sith?
  11. : Ducks are commonly found swimming in what small body of water?
  12. : What is the last name of Anakin, Luke, and Leia from Star Wars?
  13. : What are the nine undead servants of Sauron called?
  14. : What is the name of the immortal race in Middle-earth known for their archery?
  15. : Who is the son of Anakin Skywalker?

32 Clues: : What sound does a duck make?: What is the name for a baby duck?: Who is the son of Anakin Skywalker?: What is Darth Vader’s original name?: Who are the sworn enemies of the Jedi?: What geographical feature is Mount Doom?: What is the largest body of water on Earth?: What hobbit finds the One Ring before Frodo?...

British Historical Figures 2020-12-06

British Historical Figures crossword puzzle
  1. Prime Minister (1979–1990). First woman to have held the office.
  2. Originator of the theory of evolution through natural selection and author of On the Origin of Species.
  3. captain, explorer. Made maps of Newfoundland prior to making three voyages to the Pacific Ocean
  4. Queen of England and Ireland. (1558–1603)
  5. an English writer, poet, philologist, and academic, best known as the author of the high fantasy works The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
  6. Queen of the United Kingdom and 15 other Commonwealth realms.
  7. Pop/rock singer-songwriter, musician, activist and member of music quartet The Beatles.
  8. politician, linguist, soldier, philologist and poet.
  1. Originator of universal gravitation and laws of classical mechanics and laws of motion
  2. Historically ranked as one of the greatest British prime ministers
  3. Princess, admired for her philanthropic deeds.
  4. inventor of the marine chronometer.
  5. Poet and playwright. Creator of Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet
  6. an English singer-songwriter and actor. He was a leading figure in the music industry
  7. 1st Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland (1653–1658).

15 Clues: inventor of the marine chronometer.Queen of England and Ireland. (1558–1603)Princess, admired for her philanthropic deeds.politician, linguist, soldier, philologist and poet.Queen of the United Kingdom and 15 other Commonwealth realms.Prime Minister (1979–1990). First woman to have held the office....

places 2015-08-20

places crossword puzzle
  1. where tutankhamun is laid to rest
  2. what is the capital of France
  3. my stomach is rumbling and its lunch time
  4. famous bridge that is falling down
  5. thats why mums shop here
  6. a massive rock in the middle of nowhere
  7. our currency is in yen
  8. tripoli is the capital of this country
  9. the lord of the rings trilogy was filmed here
  1. speedy gonzales is the fastest mouse in the country
  2. arnold schwarzenegger is from here
  3. frogs legs and snails are on the menu
  4. a famous streaky bacon comes fron here
  5. maple syrup is originated from here
  6. the lions in the masai mara
  7. where are brummies from
  8. what is traditionally served at christmas
  9. the cambridge ward manager may have walked across the berlin wall

18 Clues: our currency is in yenwhere are brummies fromthats why mums shop herethe lions in the masai marawhat is the capital of Francewhere tutankhamun is laid to restarnold schwarzenegger is from herefamous bridge that is falling downmaple syrup is originated from herefrogs legs and snails are on the menua famous streaky bacon comes fron here...

About Mark 2021-05-01

About Mark crossword puzzle
  1. climbing twin
  2. Likes to chase mice
  3. colour of first car
  4. Novel eating
  5. motor bike group
  6. marks first truck
  7. nod to Lord of the rings
  8. bird lover
  9. mumbling singer
  10. Large marsupial
  11. Flying mammal
  12. least favourite politician
  13. preferred beverage
  14. Calluna vulgaris
  15. English teacher's jibber jabber
  1. far from shrinking
  2. first number of family phone number
  3. outstanding feature
  4. first real estate purchase
  5. partners crowning glory
  6. perth dweller
  7. Marks signature fashion statement
  8. heathers birth state
  9. lifes work
  10. common discriptor
  11. little miracles
  12. citizen
  13. Anne's third deck
  14. disgust or reptile
  15. son of first son of first son
  16. Has a trunk
  17. Man's best friend

32 Clues: citizenlifes workbird loverHas a trunkNovel eatingclimbing twinperth dwellerFlying mammallittle miraclesmumbling singerLarge marsupialmotor bike groupCalluna vulgariscommon discriptormarks first truckAnne's third deckMan's best friendfar from shrinkingdisgust or reptilepreferred beverageoutstanding featureLikes to chase micecolour of first car...

Famous Book Authors 2023-05-15

Famous Book Authors crossword puzzle
  1. the author of the lord of the rings
  2. Harry Potter’s book author
  3. the author of Anna Karenina
  4. the author of the great catsby
  1. the book author of Matilda
  2. the author of the oddessey
  3. The author of to kill a mockingbird
  4. the book author of famous five

8 Clues: the book author of Matildathe author of the oddesseyHarry Potter’s book authorthe author of Anna Kareninathe book author of famous fivethe author of the great catsbythe author of the lord of the ringsThe author of to kill a mockingbird

Exodus 25:1-22, 29:44-46 2023-02-11

Exodus 25:1-22, 29:44-46 crossword puzzle
  1. …scarlet thread, fine linen and ___ hair.
  2. make the ___ of one piece with the cover, at the two ends.
  3. The poles are to remain in the rings of this ark; they are not to be ___.
  4. oil for the light and ___ for the anointing oil and for the sweet incense.
  5. speak to the children of Israel, that they may bring me an ___.
  6. I will meet with you and give you all my ___ for the Israelites.
  7. From everyone who gives it ___ with his heart
  8. ...put in the ark the ___ of the covenant law that I will give you.
  9. Make an atonement ___ of pure gold—two and a half cubits long and a cubit and a half wide.
  1. The cherubim are to have their ___ spread upward,
  2. I will also consecrate both ___ and his sons to minister to Me
  3. …ram skin dyed red, badger skins and ___ wood.
  4. Have them make an ___ of acacia wood.
  5. Gold, silver and ___.
  6. Then make poles of acacia wood and ___ them with gold.
  7. …and ___ stones and other gems to be mounted on the ephod and breastpiece.
  8. Then have them make a sanctuary for me, and I will ___ among them.
  9. Overlay it with pure gold, both ___ and out.
  10. I am the ___ their God
  11. Cast ___ gold rings for it and fasten them to its four feet

20 Clues: Gold, silver and ___.I am the ___ their GodHave them make an ___ of acacia wood.…scarlet thread, fine linen and ___ hair.Overlay it with pure gold, both ___ and out.From everyone who gives it ___ with his heart…ram skin dyed red, badger skins and ___ wood.The cherubim are to have their ___ spread upward,...

Mariah's Birthday Crossword 2022-12-12

Mariah's Birthday Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. - rapper Mariah listens to (Lucid Dreams)
  2. - Mariah has two of these as pets
  3. - Mariah can play this stringed instrument
  4. - Mariah's younger brother
  5. - genre of music Mariah enjoys (Carrie Underwood)
  6. - Mariah would bring this electronic device with her to a desert island
  7. - singer Mariah listens to (Used to Love You Sober)
  1. - language Mariah would like to learn
  2. - genre of literature Mariah enjoys (Lord of the Rings)
  3. - genre of literature Mariah enjoys (The Notebook)
  4. - Mariah has one of these as a pet
  5. - Mariah can play this instrument (has keys)
  6. - television genre Mariah enjoys (Japanese)
  7. - Mariah's favorite color
  8. - genre of music Mariah enjoys (The Rolling Stones)

15 Clues: - Mariah's favorite color- Mariah's younger brother- Mariah has two of these as pets- Mariah has one of these as a pet- language Mariah would like to learn- rapper Mariah listens to (Lucid Dreams)- Mariah can play this stringed instrument- television genre Mariah enjoys (Japanese)- Mariah can play this instrument (has keys)...

Movie trivia 2025-01-02

Movie trivia crossword puzzle
  1. Ron Burgundy makes a living doing this.
  2. The holly grail and life of brian.
  3. 1920'sfilm based on one of Bram Stocker novel
  4. The dog dies in this film
  5. Theme song for the film Beverly Hills cop
  6. Steven Spielberg directed this holocaust film
  7. He was "born in the darkness"
  8. Marty Mcfly used this underwear brand
  9. Mufasa's cause of death
  10. Forrest Gump earned his medal of honor in this war.
  1. First survival rule in Zombieland
  2. Female protagonist, part of the MadMax saga
  3. Mickey Mouse first word.
  4. You do not talk about this club
  5. Rival dojo to Miyagi-do
  6. North Korea declared the release of this film an act of war.
  7. Country where the film Mad Max takes place.
  8. The lord of the rings was filmed here
  9. Jeffrey Lebowski
  10. Allan names the baby this name in the hangover
  11. "that will do pig"

21 Clues: Jeffrey Lebowski"that will do pig"Rival dojo to Miyagi-doMufasa's cause of deathMickey Mouse first word.The dog dies in this filmHe was "born in the darkness"You do not talk about this clubFirst survival rule in ZombielandThe holly grail and life of brian.The lord of the rings was filmed hereMarty Mcfly used this underwear brand...

Andrew's Favorites 2022-08-09

Andrew's Favorites crossword puzzle
  1. Fruity Candy
  2. Marvel Movie
  3. Mode of Travel
  4. Childhood Food
  5. Food
  6. Breed of dog
  7. Winnie the Pooh character
  8. Cereal
  9. Holiday
  10. Small mammal
  11. Character from the Lord of the Rings
  12. Color
  13. Dinosaur
  14. Day of the week
  15. Place to go with family
  16. Type of bear
  17. Vegetable
  18. Flower
  19. Childhood Cartoon Character
  20. Football Team
  1. Olympic Sport
  2. String Instrument
  3. Sport
  4. Book
  5. Season
  6. Hobby
  7. cookie Cookie
  8. Video Game
  9. Fruit
  10. Ride at a carnival
  11. Bird
  12. Hockey Team
  13. Basketball Team
  14. Board Game
  15. Toy as a child
  16. Drink
  17. Animal at the zoo
  18. Cake
  19. Winter Sport
  20. Chocolate Candy
  21. Fast Food Restaurant
  22. Thanksgiving Dish
  23. Superhero
  24. Sport to Play
  25. Sea creature
  26. Animal
  27. Baseball Team

47 Clues: BookBirdFoodCakeSportHobbyFruitDrinkColorSeasonCerealFlowerAnimalHolidayDinosaurVegetableSuperheroVideo GameBoard GameHockey TeamFruity CandyMarvel MovieBreed of dogSmall mammalWinter SportType of bearSea creatureOlympic Sportcookie CookieSport to PlayBaseball TeamFootball TeamMode of TravelChildhood FoodToy as a childBasketball TeamDay of the week...

Eli Townsend 2019-09-27

Eli Townsend crossword puzzle
  1. My favourite superhero
  2. My favourite sport
  3. My favourite book
  4. My Favourite brother
  5. My favourite subject in school
  1. My favourite Lord of the rings character
  2. My favourite game
  3. A character I made up

8 Clues: My favourite gameMy favourite bookMy favourite sportMy Favourite brotherA character I made upMy favourite superheroMy favourite subject in schoolMy favourite Lord of the rings character

My Advisory 2022-10-03

My Advisory crossword puzzle
  1. Enjoys eating pizza and pasta
  2. Enjoys baking and playing Roblox
  3. Likes to watch anime and play Monopoly
  4. Missed the first two days of school
  5. Has been in school every day (except for today)
  6. Likes to play fortnite
  1. Likes to play Call of Duty
  2. Is absent right now and also likes to play Roblox
  3. Enjoys playing Monopoly and likes the Sonic movies
  4. Likes to play the board game "Trouble"
  5. Likes the movie Lord of the Rings
  6. Enjoys playing Roblox and Candyland
  7. Your favorite advisor

13 Clues: Your favorite advisorLikes to play fortniteLikes to play Call of DutyEnjoys eating pizza and pastaEnjoys baking and playing RobloxLikes the movie Lord of the RingsEnjoys playing Roblox and CandylandMissed the first two days of schoolLikes to play the board game "Trouble"Likes to watch anime and play Monopoly...

Guess the quote 2015-02-19

Guess the quote crossword puzzle
  1. "He is starting to believe."
  2. "Do not cross the streams, that would be terrible!"
  3. "The chicks can't fly, and it's a long way down."
  4. "You shall not pass!"
  5. "I'm captain Jack Sparrow!"
  6. "Ik heb een duif ingeslikt!"
  7. "Het is een waterkoker."
  1. "What is it Mcfly? You chicken?"
  2. "We are going to reclaim the Lonely Mountain!"
  3. "When people explained the present with stories..."
  4. "And the sun is not going to set for several months."
  5. "Wingardium Leviosa!"
  6. "Smoking!"

13 Clues: "Smoking!""You shall not pass!""Wingardium Leviosa!""Het is een waterkoker.""I'm captain Jack Sparrow!""He is starting to believe.""Ik heb een duif ingeslikt!""What is it Mcfly? You chicken?""We are going to reclaim the Lonely Mountain!""The chicks can't fly, and it's a long way down.""Do not cross the streams, that would be terrible!"...

Lord Of the Flies 2021-01-29

Lord Of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. Who was voted Chief?
  2. What was the crash site called?
  3. How old is Ralph?
  4. What was Jack Sacrificing?
  5. how did they appoint their Chief?
  6. What do the littluns keep having nightmares about?
  7. Who are the best at everything?
  8. Who suffers from asthma?
  9. What was found that symbolizes power?
  10. Which two boys found the parachutist on the mountain?
  1. Who is in charge of the hunters?
  2. Who saved ralph from being Killed?
  3. Who pushes the rock that killed Piggy?
  4. Who is the author?
  5. What is the island Shaped like?
  6. Jack's Last name
  7. What is used to start a fire?
  8. Where Was the conch found?
  9. Who dies from a seizure?
  10. Piggy's Aunite Sells
  11. What was used to signal ships?

21 Clues: Jack's Last nameHow old is Ralph?Who is the author?Who was voted Chief?Piggy's Aunite SellsWho suffers from asthma?Who dies from a seizure?What was Jack Sacrificing?Where Was the conch found?What is used to start a fire?What was used to signal ships?What was the crash site called?What is the island Shaped like?Who are the best at everything?...

Lord of the Flies 2019-12-17

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. One of the boys fell to the act of _____ from the Lord of the Flies
  2. The one signal used to hopefully get the boys home
  3. What the boys used to talk about survival and other deeds
  4. The one thing keeping the boys from returning home
  5. Piggy's item that is important to him
  6. The boy who worked hard at making the island as close to a home as possible and also found a way to get them home
  7. Shell the boys used to call for assemblies
  8. The boy that acted like the rest of them, but with extreme bloodthirst
  9. The force that saves the boys
  1. The event that was happening at the time of the story
  2. What most of the boys go form/join to stay on the island
  3. The act of _____ is what most of the boys commit towards the end of the story
  4. The main source of food for the boys
  5. A special place to Jack that he shows the boys
  6. What most of the boys become; a member of a primitive human society
  7. The place where a plane crashed and left a group of schoolboys to fend for themselves
  8. The place that the fire was stationed on
  9. A factor for Piggy that only appears toward the beginning of the book
  10. The boy who was the only symbol of goodness on the island
  11. The shelters made for the boys

20 Clues: The force that saves the boysThe shelters made for the boysThe main source of food for the boysPiggy's item that is important to himThe place that the fire was stationed onShell the boys used to call for assembliesA special place to Jack that he shows the boysThe one signal used to hopefully get the boys home...

Lord of the flies 2020-11-21

Lord of the flies crossword puzzle
  1. What character lived with his auntie and suffers from asthma?
  2. In the beginning, Jack couldn't kill the____.
  3. What smashes into piggy and kills him?
  4. Piggy said Simon's death was an_________.
  5. What do they call their meetings?
  6. Jack's last name?
  7. Who did Ralph call, "Boys armed with sticks,"?
  8. Kill the pig! Cut her _____! Bash her in!
  9. Piggy's_______light the fire.
  10. whose father was in the Navy?
  11. The signal fire represents?
  12. Piggy can't run because he has_________.
  13. What did the boys see in the horizon in chapter four?
  14. Who found the boys?
  1. The boys start to become_______ the longer they are on the island.
  2. They let the _______fire go out.
  3. What made the scar on the island?
  4. There aren't any________on the island. (two words)
  5. The hunters started calling Jack______.
  6. Jack's is leader of the ______?
  7. The littluns keep having________.
  8. What gift do they give to the beast? (Two words)
  9. Who cries when Piggy dies?
  10. Smaller kids are called?
  11. Sensitive boy who suffers from seizures?
  12. Bigger kids are called?
  13. Ralph began to____because of all that has happened to him.
  14. Ralph slowly started treating Piggy with_______.
  15. Who was acting like the pig?

29 Clues: Jack's last name?Who found the boys?Bigger kids are called?Smaller kids are called?Who cries when Piggy dies?The signal fire represents?Who was acting like the pig?Piggy's_______light the fire.whose father was in the Navy?Jack's is leader of the ______?They let the _______fire go out.What made the scar on the island?...

lord of the files 2020-04-10

lord of the files crossword puzzle
  1. of a dull grayish-brown color.
  2. fat, shy twelve-year-old boy who has asthma;
  3. crowd together; nestle closely
  4. display (something) ostentatiously, especially in order to provoke envy or admiration or to show defiance
  5. of bad behavior) done openly and unashamedly.
  6. the secondary antagonist of Lord of the Flies. He is a sociopathic boy
  7. without purpose or effect; pointless
  8. feeling or causing someone to feel uncomfortably confined or hemmed in by lack of space.
  9. short stiff hair, typically one of those on an animal's skin, a man's face, or a plant
  10. make a loud, harsh noise
  11. is an alcoholic beverage made by fermenting rice that has been polished to remove the bran
  12. having or showing a wish to do evil to others
  13. a loud, confused noise, especially one caused by a large mass of people.
  14. unjustly inflicting hardship and constraint, especially on a minority or other subordinate group.
  15. the quality of being cheerful and full of energy; exuberance the quality of being full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness; ebullience
  16. tool for drawing corks from wine bottles and other household bottles that may be sealed with corks
  17. twin older boys on the island who are often referred to as one entity
  18. the activity of making or doing something not planned beforehand, using whatever can be found
  19. They are demersal fish, found at the bottom of oceans around the world; some species will also enter estuaries
  1. so foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be amusing; ridiculous.
  2. the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence
  3. strike hard and violently.
  4. contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous
  5. the athletic, charismatic protagonist
  6. a change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.
  7. the quality or state of being irrelevant.
  8. the leading advocate of anarchy on the island.
  9. understood or implied without being stated.
  10. a precious shiny grayish-white metal, the chemical element of atomic number 47.
  11. make rude and mocking remarks, typically in a loud voice
  12. piece of land surrounded by water.
  13. feeling or expressing contempt or derision
  14. twin older boys on the island who are often referred to as one entity
  15. feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment.
  16. the most mysterious character in Lord of the Flies.
  17. attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble; secretive.

36 Clues: make a loud, harsh noisestrike hard and violently.of a dull grayish-brown color.crowd together; nestle closelypiece of land surrounded by water.without purpose or effect; pointlessthe athletic, charismatic protagonistthe quality or state of being irrelevant.feeling or expressing contempt or derisionunderstood or implied without being stated....

lord of the flies 2021-04-22

lord of the flies crossword puzzle
  1. what found them
  2. where were the boys from
  3. the first chief
  4. what was the beast
  5. how were they found
  6. what did piggy suffer from
  7. what jack and his tribe terns
  8. the sound of a assembly
  9. jacks fortress
  10. jacks hunters
  11. what jack hunts
  1. who killed piggy
  2. a really fun long word
  3. how they got off the island
  4. a way to start a fire
  5. what was going on bering the book
  6. what did the little one mainly eat
  7. the plane did this
  8. the lord of the flies
  9. the second chief
  10. how they got on the island

21 Clues: jacks huntersjacks fortresswhat found themthe first chiefwhat jack huntswho killed piggythe second chiefthe plane did thiswhat was the beasthow were they founda way to start a firethe lord of the fliesa really fun long wordthe sound of a assemblywhere were the boys fromwhat did piggy suffer fromhow they got on the islandhow they got off the island...

Lord of The Flies 2021-03-31

Lord of The Flies crossword puzzle
  1. the place jack and his hunters stay
  2. the twins
  3. what jack stole after raiding the huts
  4. jacks main priority
  5. the shape of the island
  6. who rescues the boys
  7. on of jacks minions
  8. the beastie from the air
  9. what the boys use for hunting
  1. what the boys think is on the island
  2. the sows head on the spear
  3. Chubby kid with asthma
  4. the beastie from the water
  5. smart kid that is killed
  6. the thing ralph uses to call meetings
  7. The fair haired leader
  8. the hunters leader
  9. the boy who releases the boulder
  10. the thing that knocks piggy off the cliff to his demise
  11. ralphs main priority

20 Clues: the twinsthe hunters leaderjacks main priorityon of jacks minionswho rescues the boysralphs main priorityChubby kid with asthmaThe fair haired leaderthe shape of the islandsmart kid that is killedthe beastie from the airthe sows head on the spearthe beastie from the waterwhat the boys use for huntingthe boy who releases the boulder...

Lord of the Flies 2021-03-30

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. what does roger use to kill piggy
  2. the overweight kid with asthma and glasses
  3. the bigger boys on the island are called this
  4. the chief of the boys on the island
  5. the fruit that the boys eat
  6. what is the shape of the island
  7. the place where jack and his choir are located
  8. the smaller boys on the island are called this
  9. what the boys created to alert people of their whereabouts
  10. a bloodthirsty boy who picked on the littluns
  1. He showed up on the island as it was burning
  2. they use this to call meetings and to speak aloud
  3. they use this to create the signal fire
  4. who the boys mistaken for beastie
  5. what did jack use to paint his face
  6. an thought to be creature on the island
  7. The leader of the choir and hates ralph
  8. the beast from the water was actually this
  9. sided spear, What was Jack and his group going to use to kill Ralph
  10. a bigun who explores the jungle and is killed by the other boys

20 Clues: the fruit that the boys eatwhat is the shape of the islandwhat does roger use to kill piggywho the boys mistaken for beastiethe chief of the boys on the islandwhat did jack use to paint his facethey use this to create the signal firean thought to be creature on the islandThe leader of the choir and hates ralph...

Lord of the Flies 2021-03-30

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. the beast from the water was actually this
  2. the fruit that the boys eat
  3. The leader of the choir and hates ralph
  4. What was Jack and his group going to use to kill Ralph
  5. what the boys created to alert people of their whereabouts
  6. an thought to be creature on the island
  7. the overweight kid with asthma and glasses
  8. the smaller boys on the island are called this
  9. a bloodthirsty boy who picked on the littluns
  10. what did jack use to paint his face
  1. what is the shape of the island
  2. what does roger use to kill piggy
  3. a bigun who explores the jungle and is killed by the other boys
  4. they use this to call meetings and to speak aloud
  5. This is where the boys are from
  6. He showed up on the island as it was burning
  7. the bigger boys on the island are called this
  8. the chief of the boys on the island
  9. they use this to create the signal fire
  10. the place where jack and his choir are located
  11. who the boys mistaken for beastie

21 Clues: the fruit that the boys eatwhat is the shape of the islandThis is where the boys are fromwhat does roger use to kill piggywho the boys mistaken for beastiethe chief of the boys on the islandwhat did jack use to paint his faceThe leader of the choir and hates ralphthey use this to create the signal firean thought to be creature on the island...

Lord Of The Flies 2021-05-21

Lord Of The Flies crossword puzzle
  1. They had to learn to survive and be grown-ups
  2. This became their home away from home
  3. Where they had to learn to survive
  4. When this malfunctioned the boys lives changed
  5. He tried to help but he ended up dead
  6. This protected them from all the weather conditions
  7. Causes arguments and brings a certain group after it
  8. It took away their hunger
  9. They were naive and just wanted to leave
  1. What they lost by being stranded on the island
  2. This is where they set up their rescue signal
  3. By taking the grown-ups away the boys received this
  4. The object that brings power to the island
  5. Their ticket home
  6. He didn't like to follow orders
  7. It was all an illusion
  8. The boy that is overlooked
  9. Brings light and warmth
  10. He brought the boys together only to tear them apart
  11. One half

20 Clues: One halfTheir ticket homeIt was all an illusionBrings light and warmthIt took away their hungerThe boy that is overlookedHe didn't like to follow ordersWhere they had to learn to surviveThis became their home away from homeHe tried to help but he ended up deadThey were naive and just wanted to leaveThe object that brings power to the island...

Lord of the Flies 2021-10-15

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. "The fire's the most important thing. Without the fire we can't be rescued"
  2. Setting
  3. "I wanted—to go to a place...just a place I know"
  4. Jack and Ralph both want to be the __________
  5. Gets knocked down after a hunt
  6. Used to start the fires
  7. Gets sand thrown into his eyes
  8. Author
  9. Descent into __________
  1. From water and from air
  2. Piggy wants to make a ___________
  3. Island shape
  4. "Bollocks to the rules! We're strong-we hunt!"
  5. Tribute to the beast
  6. Shelter
  7. First food source
  8. "Yet there was a space round Henry, perhaps six yards in diameter, into which he dare not throw"
  9. Activity led by choir boys
  10. "I know there isn’t no beast—not with claws and all that"
  11. Talking stick

20 Clues: AuthorShelterSettingIsland shapeTalking stickFirst food sourceTribute to the beastFrom water and from airUsed to start the firesDescent into __________Activity led by choir boysGets knocked down after a huntGets sand thrown into his eyesPiggy wants to make a ___________Jack and Ralph both want to be the __________...

Lord of the Flies 2021-11-22

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. greatly surprised or impressed; amazed
  2. of very great extent or quantity; immense.
  3. anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment
  4. having a pleasant and distinctive smell
  5. is a change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.
  6. able to be heard.
  7. whispering, murmuring, or rustling
  8. attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble; secretive
  9. active hostility or opposition
  10. unjustly inflicting hardship and constraint, especially on a minority or other subordinate group
  1. a sign or piece of information that indicates something
  2. extravagantly bright or showy, typically so as to be tasteless
  3. unwilling or unable to believe something
  4. perplexed and confused; very puzzled.
  5. a downward slope.
  6. impossible to understand or interpret
  7. cause to be under water
  8. an unhealthy pale appearance
  9. an idea, feeling, or opinion about something or someone, especially one formed without conscious thought or on the basis of little evidence
  10. use gestures, especially dramatic ones, instead of speaking or emphasizing one's words

20 Clues: a downward slope.able to be heard.cause to be under wateran unhealthy pale appearanceactive hostility or oppositionwhispering, murmuring, or rustlingperplexed and confused; very puzzled.impossible to understand or interpretgreatly surprised or impressed; amazedhaving a pleasant and distinctive smellunwilling or unable to believe something...

Lord of The Flies 2021-11-23

Lord of The Flies crossword puzzle
  1. shocked, surprised, amazed
  2. whispering, murmuring, rustling
  3. Impossible to understand or interpret, u
  4. Attempting to avoid notice; secretive
  5. Extravagantly bright or showy
  6. Huge, extensive, expansive
  7. Intense, cruel, harsh, restrictive
  8. resentment; anger at unfair treatment
  9. unable to believe something; disbelieving
  10. An idea, feeling, or opinion of something/one
  1. Unhealthy pale appearance; pale
  2. A mark, a signal, or a hint
  3. to cause to be underwater, flood, overwhelm
  4. To use dramatic gestures while speaking
  5. unwelcomed change of fortune or circumstance
  6. Able to be heard
  7. rivalry; expressed hostility
  8. a downward slope in the ground
  9. confused, puzzled
  10. sweet-smelling; fragrant

20 Clues: Able to be heardconfused, puzzledsweet-smelling; fragrantshocked, surprised, amazedHuge, extensive, expansiveA mark, a signal, or a hintrivalry; expressed hostilityExtravagantly bright or showya downward slope in the groundUnhealthy pale appearance; palewhispering, murmuring, rustlingIntense, cruel, harsh, restrictive...

Lord Of The Flies 2021-12-07

Lord Of The Flies crossword puzzle
  1. Jack's last name
  2. Who killed piggy?
  3. What is Ralph's father's occupation?
  4. Who came and saved the boys from the island?
  5. This character killed Piggy
  6. Over whom does Jack have chief-dom?
  7. What did the boys use to create the fire
  8. Author of Lord of the Flies
  9. By what form of transportation were the boys stranded on the island
  10. What are the twins referred to as?
  11. What disease does Piggy suffer from?
  12. this animal, in a hallucination, is referred to as Lord of The Flies
  13. What did the boys use to give permission to speak
  1. Which Coral Island character does Piggy roughly represent?
  2. Which event is the backdrop for Lord Of The Flies?
  3. Jack's group is made up of what?
  4. second chief
  5. Which book is Lord of The Flies based off of?
  6. What killed piggy?
  7. How many adults are on the island?
  8. This character suffered from hallucinations; he suggested the boys themselves were the "beast."
  9. first chief

22 Clues: first chiefsecond chiefJack's last nameWho killed piggy?What killed piggy?This character killed PiggyAuthor of Lord of the FliesJack's group is made up of what?How many adults are on the island?What are the twins referred to as?Over whom does Jack have chief-dom?What is Ralph's father's occupation?What disease does Piggy suffer from?...

Lord of the Flies 2022-01-28

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. the pattern on the shell is ________
  2. leads a group in singing
  3. embarrass
  4. a strong desire to do or to achieve something
  5. an illusion
  6. to bring to a stop
  7. sticking out from something
  8. to or from one side
  9. an outline
  10. extremely impressive
  11. base
  12. certain clothes
  13. anxiety or fear that something will happen
  14. with hair like ___
  15. the white surf _____ed
  16. loud
  17. ________ of fallen trees
  18. to do without any success
  19. flowering or blooming of a plant
  20. the blood ________ from his face
  1. a platform
  2. climb, move, or get in or out of something in an awkward and laborious way
  3. used to keep up stockings
  4. muscles used in breathing
  5. hostile sunlight
  6. a horizontal shelflike formation
  7. to THIS place
  8. the natural characteristics of someone's skin
  9. leverage point
  10. To THAT place
  11. deceiving in appearance
  12. eat a lot
  13. handle clumsily
  14. design or pattern
  15. to free one's self
  16. small round head
  17. several layers
  18. radiance
  19. polite, restrained
  20. loud, confusing noise

40 Clues: baseloudradianceembarrasseat a lota platforman outlinean illusionto THIS placeTo THAT placeleverage pointseveral layershandle clumsilycertain clotheshostile sunlightsmall round headdesign or patternto bring to a stopto free one's selfwith hair like ___polite, restrainedto or from one sideextremely impressiveloud, confusing noise...

Lord of the Crossword 2022-03-08

Lord of the Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a boat or vessel
  2. a condition that makes it difficult to breath
  3. the absence of noise
  4. a warm thing that usually produces smoke
  5. sharp stab stick
  6. human's best friend
  7. a buzzing flying annoyance
  8. a group of people who sing in harmony
  9. ruler of something
  10. a big animal or monster
  1. a kind of shell that can be used to create a very loud noise
  2. a semi permeant wound
  3. a level surface or area where things can stay on
  4. something some people where when they have bad vision
  5. a person that collects food from animals
  6. a flying aircraft
  7. B A C O N
  8. big bomb that destroys lots of small things
  9. someone working as a police person
  10. a large hill or formation of rock
  11. a form of house or area usually used to stay warm or safe

21 Clues: B A C O Na boat or vesselsharp stab sticka flying aircraftruler of somethinghuman's best friendthe absence of noisea semi permeant wounda big animal or monstera buzzing flying annoyancea large hill or formation of rocksomeone working as a police persona group of people who sing in harmonya person that collects food from animals...

Lord of the Flies 2018-01-18

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. Term frequently used to describe the boys as they devolve from civilization
  2. Boy that also tries to maintain order; intellectual that is seen as an outcast; killed by Roger
  3. Theme constantly fought over throughout the novel. Ralph and Jack fought over whether or not to maintain this because Ralph wanted to remain civilized, while Jack wanted to abandon the idea and become savages
  4. Set of identical twins that support civilization; both twins lose their individuality and are called by this collective name
  5. Piggy’s medical condition
  6. Group led by Jack; responsible for providing food
  7. Trait lost by the boys because they were forced to fight for their own survival; “Ralph wept for the end of _________, the darkness of man’s heart,” (page 182)
  8. The vehicle that crashed, leaving the boys stranded on the island
  9. Tool used to make fire
  10. Number of boys killed on the island
  11. Name of the meetings called by Ralph
  12. Object used to summon the boys for assembly
  1. Term for the “thing” that harassed the boys, specifically Samneric while they were keeping the fire lit
  2. Boy who quickly resorts to savagery; leader of the hunters; competes in a constant power struggle with Ralph
  3. Country the boys are from
  4. Name (given by Simon) of the sacrificial pig that tells Simon in a hallucination that it is the beast
  5. The flying device “the beast” is wearing
  6. Ocean in which the desert island was located
  7. Younger group of boys; mainly spent their time playing and building sand castles
  8. Theme represented by Ralph and the fire. Ralph maintains order and motivation in the group by promising this. The fire represents this theme because the fire is their motivation for being rescued and when it goes out, they lose ____.
  9. Chief of the boys; attempts to keep the group civilized
  10. Number of boys that vote to replace Ralph with Jack as chief
  11. “Maybe there is a beast… maybe it’s only __.” (page 68)
  12. Shy, kind, mature boy that supports civilization; tries to help the other boys (helps take care of the littluns and is one of the only characters that shows Piggy kindness); could be described as a Christ-figure

24 Clues: Tool used to make fireCountry the boys are fromPiggy’s medical conditionNumber of boys killed on the islandName of the meetings called by RalphThe flying device “the beast” is wearingObject used to summon the boys for assemblyOcean in which the desert island was locatedGroup led by Jack; responsible for providing food...

Lord Of The Flies 2017-05-23

Lord Of The Flies crossword puzzle
  1. Not spoken; implied by actions or statements.
  2. Nearsightedness.
  3. Blooming of flowers, state of flowering.
  4. Using power unjustly; burdensome.
  5. A gap or interruption in continuity; a break or pause.
  6. Downward slopes, as of a hill.
  7. Emitting light; full of light.
  8. Difficult to understand, mysterious.
  9. Exhibiting appropriate behavior or conduct.
  10. Deflected or warded off; avoided.
  1. Deep seated hatred; State of being an enemy.
  2. A stronghold or fortification; similar to a stronghold.
  3. A long angry or violent speech; a diatribe.
  4. A change or variation; unexpected changes in life.
  5. The act of accusing in return; opposing another charge.
  6. To sniffle; complain or whine tearfully.
  7. A singer or leader of a choir.
  8. Zestful or spirited enthusiasm.
  9. Commotion of a great crowd; disorder.
  10. Trembled, or spoke in a trembling voice.

20 Clues: Nearsightedness.A singer or leader of a choir.Downward slopes, as of a hill.Emitting light; full of light.Zestful or spirited enthusiasm.Using power unjustly; burdensome.Deflected or warded off; avoided.Difficult to understand, mysterious.Commotion of a great crowd; disorder.Blooming of flowers, state of flowering....

Lord of the Flies 2016-11-17

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. which thing emits smoke
  2. a steep area of rock
  3. a vast place with lots of trees
  4. what the hunters do all day
  5. the highest point
  6. the number of children on the island
  7. the lord of the island
  8. someone who is wise fat and wears glasses
  9. a system where the people vote for their leaders
  10. jacks tribe where his people put on face paint
  11. a large shell gleaming pink
  1. the fear in the book
  2. a body of water
  3. the boys ultimate goal
  4. jacks people
  5. the hunters fort
  6. the lowest area
  7. ending someones life in a brutal way
  8. elected leader
  9. the twins
  10. where the story takes place
  11. ralph's assistant

22 Clues: the twinsjacks peopleelected leadera body of waterthe lowest areathe hunters fortthe highest pointralph's assistantthe fear in the booka steep area of rockthe boys ultimate goalthe lord of the islandwhich thing emits smokewhat the hunters do all daywhere the story takes placea large shell gleaming pinka vast place with lots of trees...

Lord of the Flies 2016-11-16

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. a body of water
  2. Jack's people
  3. a highest point
  4. the temptation of the hunters for Ralph to join there side
  5. a system where people vote for there leaders
  6. signal
  7. the lord
  8. the number of children on the island
  9. elected leader
  10. a large shell
  1. a place with lots of trees
  2. ralph's assistant
  3. the twins
  4. the boys ultimate goal
  5. Jack's fort
  6. jack's tribe
  7. ending someone's life
  8. wisest character
  9. the opposite of the conch
  10. a lowest point
  11. where the story takes place
  12. a steep area of rock
  13. the boys ultimate goal

23 Clues: signalthe lordthe twinsJack's fortjack's tribeJack's peoplea large shella lowest pointelected leadera body of watera highest pointwisest characterralph's assistanta steep area of rockending someone's lifethe boys ultimate goalthe boys ultimate goalthe opposite of the concha place with lots of treeswhere the story takes place...

Lord of the Files 2016-11-29

Lord of the Files crossword puzzle
  1. enclosed within; imprisoned
  2. expanses of open rolling infertile land
  3. disgressive; moving from one topic to another
  4. one who is afraid; a coward
  5. hatred; ill will
  6. to fool; to swindle
  7. violently; agitatedly
  8. having a large, bulky body; obese
  9. characterized by harsh, insistent,and discordant sound
  10. the highest peaks; summits
  11. something that covers or conceals; especially an overspreading element that produces an effect of gloom
  12. of or relating to the study of God and his relation to the world, especially by analysis of the origins and teaching of an organized religious community
  13. the side or direction the wind is blowing toward; the side opposite the windward
  14. done with the hope of creating favor or goodwill
  15. regrettably; mournfully
  16. a moaning or sighing sound
  17. worthy of or causing disgust or hatred; quite disagreeable or unpleasent; detestable
  18. a course of stones forming a continuous foundation or base course
  19. expressing or causing scorn or ridicule
  20. belligerently; self-assertively aggressive
  21. dismaying; intimidating
  22. unfriendly; hostile
  23. full of juice; juicy
  1. rebelliously
  2. having or exhibiting a play colors producing rainbow effects; also, glittering
  3. shyly; reservedly; unassertively
  4. straying outside the proper path or bounds
  5. shaking or waving threateningly
  6. disbelieving; skeptical
  7. the quality of lively or enthusiastic expression of thoughts or feelings; exuberance
  8. expressing remorse for one's sins or shortcomings
  9. luminescence (an emmission of light, as in the firefly) that occurs at low temperatures and is produced by physiological processes; an enduring luminescence without sensible heat
  10. with an unnatural manner
  11. a whispering sound; a murmur
  12. a type of defective vision in which distant objects appear blurred
  13. mad; insane
  14. darkness of complection
  15. a leader of the singing or choir of a congregation
  16. a howl; a wail
  17. not ready readily interpreted; mysterious; hard to grasp
  18. cleansed of; freed from moral or ceremonial defilement
  19. for the Latin, meaning peace
  20. extreme disgust; detestation
  21. expressed or carried out without words; silently
  22. reserved; modest
  23. a strong persuasion or belief; the state of being convicted; certainly
  24. the side or direction the wind is blowing from; the side opposite the leeward
  25. banned on grounds of morality or taste

48 Clues: mad; insanerebelliouslya howl; a wailhatred; ill willreserved; modestto fool; to swindleunfriendly; hostilefull of juice; juicyviolently; agitatedlydisbelieving; skepticaldarkness of complectionregrettably; mournfullydismaying; intimidatingwith an unnatural mannerthe highest peaks; summitsa moaning or sighing soundenclosed within; imprisoned...

Lord of the Flies 2016-11-29

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. expansive infertile land
  2. fertilizer
  3. supresssed laughs
  4. unfriendly
  5. a coward
  6. rejoice
  7. skeptical
  8. rebellious
  9. written or recited formula
  10. something magical
  11. largest city in Ethiopia
  12. highest peaks
  13. violently
  14. cleansed of
  15. enthusiastic expression
  16. completely obvious
  17. to fool
  18. Ill will
  1. dreaming
  2. imperatious
  3. full of juice
  4. obese
  5. mad, insane
  6. staying outside the proper path
  7. fluctuations of states or conditions
  8. fearfully
  9. belligerently
  10. not readily interpreted
  11. something that conceals
  12. expression causing scorn
  13. darkness of complexion
  14. having deceptive attraction
  15. a raid
  16. monaning or sighing
  17. modest
  18. peace
  19. expressing remorse for ones sins
  20. disgust
  21. course of stones
  22. line of people or objects
  23. gold

41 Clues: goldobesepeacea raidmodestrejoicedisgustto fooldreaminga cowardIll willfearfullyskepticalviolentlyfertilizerunfriendlyrebelliousimperatiousmad, insanecleansed offull of juicebelligerentlyhighest peakscourse of stonessupresssed laughssomething magicalcompletely obviousmonaning or sighingdarkness of complexionnot readily interpreted...

LORD OF THE FLIES 2016-02-22

LORD OF THE FLIES crossword puzzle


Lord of The Flies 2012-10-30

Lord of The Flies crossword puzzle
  1. To confuse or puzzle completely
  2. Burdensome, unjustly harsh
  3. Full of scorn or contempt
  4. Showing strong displeasure
  5. A faint or unsteady light
  6. In capable of being investigated or analized
  7. To shake or move with a slight trembeling
  8. Expressing strong displeasure at something considerd unjust or offensive
  9. Violent or noisey commotion or disruebance of a crowd or mob
  10. To parade or display oneself conspicuously
  1. Marked by propriety and good taste
  2. Quick in light movement
  3. A sting or chain of flowers
  4. A shallow sound, channel, or pond near a large body of water
  5. Not resistable, incapable of being resisted or withstood
  6. Unusuall or extreme paleness
  7. Taken, done, used, etc.
  8. Objectionably agressive in offering one's unrequested and unwanted sevice
  9. A point or pointed part projecting backward from a mian point
  10. Devoid of worth or significance
  11. Making a loud or harsh sound
  12. to bend or twist out of shape
  13. To climb awkwardly
  14. A thread like, leafless organ of climbing plants
  15. a spril shellof a gastiopod, often used as a horn

25 Clues: To climb awkwardlyQuick in light movementTaken, done, used, etc.Full of scorn or contemptA faint or unsteady lightBurdensome, unjustly harshShowing strong displeasureA sting or chain of flowersUnusuall or extreme palenessMaking a loud or harsh soundto bend or twist out of shapeTo confuse or puzzle completelyDevoid of worth or significance...

Lord Of The Flies 2012-12-04

Lord Of The Flies crossword puzzle
  1. A person without a settled home or regular work who wanders from place to place and lives by begging.
  2. An object, typically an inscribed ring or stone, thought to have magic powers and to bring good luck.
  3. Not transparent.
  4. Force or oblige someone to do something.
  5. A person who has been rejected by society or a social group.
  6. The enclosed water of an atoll.
  7. A person who leads a singing group.
  8. An aggressive entrance into foreign territory.
  9. The depth of a body of water.
  10. Digressing from subject to subject.
  11. The state or quality of being holy, sacred, or saintly.
  12. A series of words said as a magic spell or charm.
  13. Place or insert between one thing and another.
  14. Unruly; disaffected.
  15. Remarkable enough to be famous.
  16. Hostility that results in active resistance, opposition, or contentiousness.
  17. A deep or seemingly bottomless chasm.
  18. The state of being emotionally aroused and worked up.
  1. One who chooses to suffer death rather than renounce religious principles.
  2. Straying from the proper course or standards.
  3. A meal consisting of several dishes from which guests serve themselves.
  4. Gravel, sand, silt, or other material produced by erosion.
  5. A break.
  6. The sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings, esp. when the exchange is on a mental or spiritual level.
  7. Polite and restrained.
  8. A thick hiding place.
  9. Overflowing with eager enjoyment or approval.
  10. A sudden, violent, irregular movement of a limb or of the body.
  11. Guilty nervousness.
  12. Capable of being controlled.
  13. A change of circumstances or fortune.
  14. Answering responsively.
  15. Set down heavily.
  16. A row or line of grass, grain, or other crop as it lies when mown or reaped.
  17. A countless or extremely great number.

35 Clues: A break.Not transparent.Set down heavily.Guilty nervousness.Unruly; disaffected.A thick hiding place.Polite and restrained.Answering responsively.Capable of being controlled.The depth of a body of water.The enclosed water of an atoll.Remarkable enough to be famous.A person who leads a singing group.Digressing from subject to subject....

Lord of the Flies 2013-03-06

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. Where the littlun Maurice thinks the beastie lives
  2. Author of Lord of the Flies
  3. What the littluns find to eat
  4. What Jacks tribe call their headquarters
  5. What the boys think is the beastie
  6. Biggun who represents Jesus
  7. The occupation of the man that rescues the boys
  8. What Jack finally kills to eat
  9. Name that was used for the twin boys
  10. What the boys use to start fires
  11. What the plane crash was called
  1. The most important thing to help get the boys rescued
  2. Boy who kills piggy with a boulder
  3. What genre the book is written in
  4. The Pig the hunters kill and they put it's head on a stake
  5. name the big boys give to the younger boys
  6. Initial leader of the lost boys
  7. Bloodthirsty choir boy that is the main hunter
  8. Term they use to call the monster that is supposedly on the island
  9. The lost boys home country
  10. The shell the boys use to determine who is speaking

21 Clues: The lost boys home countryAuthor of Lord of the FliesBiggun who represents JesusWhat the littluns find to eatWhat Jack finally kills to eatInitial leader of the lost boysWhat the plane crash was calledWhat the boys use to start firesWhat genre the book is written inBoy who kills piggy with a boulderWhat the boys think is the beastie...

Lord of the Flies 2013-09-30

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. Early in the history of mankind
  2. Famous book by William Golding
  3. To get rid of what is impure or undesirable
  4. Edible berrylike fruit (a littlun has this color birthmark)
  5. High spirits, exhilarating; exuberance
  6. The role of chief of a clan or tribe
  7. Spiral shell often used as a horn
  8. Person known to one, usually not a close friend
  9. Plant that grows, sends out rootlets from stem
  1. Free rom bias and dishonesty
  2. Rebellious, revolt against authority
  3. Luminous appearance
  4. What the boys fought over and needed most
  5. Lack of foresight, intolerance
  6. Low continuous sound, the wind, trees, or low distinct voices
  7. What kind of character is Jack in LOTF
  8. Someone who dies for a cause or reason
  9. Ralph's companion, later killed by Roger
  10. To howl as a dog or wolf; shrill wordless wail
  11. What did Jack and Ralph both want to be

20 Clues: Luminous appearanceFree rom bias and dishonestyFamous book by William GoldingLack of foresight, intoleranceEarly in the history of mankindSpiral shell often used as a hornRebellious, revolt against authorityThe role of chief of a clan or tribeHigh spirits, exhilarating; exuberanceWhat kind of character is Jack in LOTF...

Lord of the Flies 2013-11-05

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. Innumerable; describing things so numerable, they can’t be counted.
  2. Fragrant; having a pleasant smell
  3. Irresistible impulse or force
  4. To offer
  5. To put yourself or something between two things, people or groups,
  6. An accusation made in retaliation
  7. Not capable of being felt or understood
  8. Deceptive; seeming to be right or true,
  9. Harsh and loud People are put off by his strident voice.
  10. A single or repeated design
  1. Ill-will; a feeling of hate
  2. Proper and in good taste
  3. Shame; humiliation
  4. Very pale, in a way that looks sickly
  5. To be on top of something tall
  6. Not easily understood; not showing
  7. An aggressive, stubborn attitude
  8. Disobedient; behaving wrongly in something
  9. Unbelieving; skeptical
  10. Loud or harsh noise; a din

20 Clues: To offerShame; humiliationUnbelieving; skepticalProper and in good tasteLoud or harsh noise; a dinIll-will; a feeling of hateA single or repeated designIrresistible impulse or forceTo be on top of something tallAn aggressive, stubborn attitudeFragrant; having a pleasant smellAn accusation made in retaliationNot easily understood; not showing...

Lord of the Flies 2013-10-24

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. Jack's last name
  2. jack's group behavior
  3. type of head pierced on stick
  4. clay and charcoal used by jack
  5. protagonist of the story
  6. the country the boys are from
  7. symbolic of intelligence;fire starter
  8. boys who kept the fire going
  1. Navy rescued boys
  2. Boy who faints in hot sun; Jesus figure
  3. What the beastie actually was
  4. what Sam and Eric thought they saw
  5. crashed and led boys to island
  6. Name given to younger
  7. gets punched by Jack
  8. used to call meeting; symbolic of a "democracy"
  9. Chief of hunting
  10. fire hope for rescue
  11. Killed Piggy
  12. boys Elect jack as their leader

20 Clues: Killed PiggyJack's last nameChief of huntingNavy rescued boysgets punched by Jackfire hope for rescuejack's group behaviorName given to youngerprotagonist of the storyboys who kept the fire goingWhat the beastie actually wastype of head pierced on stickthe country the boys are fromclay and charcoal used by jackcrashed and led boys to island...

Lord of the flies 2014-02-03

Lord of the flies crossword puzzle
  1. a person strongly maintaining principles
  2. avoiding attention generally due to guilt
  3. pork-sprint
  4. active opposition between two
  5. unable to believe something
  6. aware of ones surroundings
  7. copy of something bigger
  8. "the clouds danced today"
  9. a state of confusion
  10. lean and muscular
  11. emphasize ones words
  12. inflicting harsh treatment
  13. impossible to interpret
  14. clicked together by the fingers
  15. a pause or a break
  16. uncertainty or doubtful
  1. whispering quietly
  2. to grasp or understanding a concept
  3. having a wish to do evil to others
  4. overcome a difficulty
  5. polite and restrained
  6. prohibited action against person beliefs
  7. degrade or less a meaning
  8. a change of circumstances due to ones presence
  9. covered in salt or turn to fine powder
  10. downward slope
  11. character preserving of an early stage
  12. quality of being cheerful and energetic
  13. anger provoked by unfair treatment
  14. end of a hook

30 Clues: pork-sprintend of a hookdownward slopelean and muscularwhispering quietlya pause or a breaka state of confusionemphasize ones wordsovercome a difficultypolite and restrainedimpossible to interpretuncertainty or doubtfulcopy of something biggerdegrade or less a meaning"the clouds danced today"aware of ones surroundingsinflicting harsh treatment...

lord of the flies 2015-10-02

lord of the flies crossword puzzle
  1. jacks concern other than making shelter
  2. the boy with the birth marks states he found a ____ in the woods
  3. ____ goes and destroys the littleluns sand castle
  4. what is jacks last name
  5. they Slice the pigs ____ to kill him
  6. the authors last name ____
  7. ____ pretends to be the pig and gets hurt doing so
  8. who was the first major death on the island
  9. the "hunters" that help jack are actually a group of _____ kids
  10. ____ shares his dreams about the beast
  11. ___ was in charge of the littluns the most
  12. part of the body where Ralph is injured when jack hurls the spear at him
  1. the boys home country
  2. ____ was ugly and had freckles
  3. shell/ the item Ralph and piggy find the lagoon
  4. a ____ was the "beastie"
  5. the "fun" they talk about with simon was actually his ____ in the novel
  6. the hunters ____ while in an act of killing
  7. word that was used to describe what happened to piggy
  8. who threw the rocks at Henry but missed on purpose
  9. the place they go is called ___ castle
  10. they use piggy a ___ to start the fire
  11. symbol that the plane made while sliding across the island
  12. the symbol of the signal fire was to attract
  13. who said "what is there else to do?"

25 Clues: the boys home countrywhat is jacks last namea ____ was the "beastie"the authors last name ________ was ugly and had frecklesthey Slice the pigs ____ to kill himwho said "what is there else to do?"the place they go is called ___ castlethey use piggy a ___ to start the fire____ shares his dreams about the beastjacks concern other than making shelter...

Lord of the Flies 2015-10-03

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. part of the body where Ralph is injured when jack hurls the spear at him
  2. ___ was in charge of the littluns the most
  3. they use piggy a ___ to start the fire
  4. the boys home country
  5. the "hunters" that help jack are actually a group of _____ kids
  6. who said "what is there else to do?"
  7. what is jacks last name
  8. word that was used to describe what happened to piggy
  9. who threw the rocks at Henry but missed on purpose
  10. the "fun" they talk about with Simon was actually his ____ in the novel
  11. the hunters ____ while in an act of killing
  12. jacks concern other than making shelter
  1. the place they go is called ___ castle
  2. the symbol of the signal fire was to attract
  3. the item Ralph and piggy find the lagoon
  4. the boy with the birth marks states he found a ____ in the woods
  5. symbol that the plane made while sliding across the island
  6. ____ shares his dreams about the beast
  7. a ____ was the "beastie"
  8. ____ pretends to be the pig and gets hurt doing so
  9. ____ goes and destroys the littluns sand castle
  10. they Slice the pigs ____ to kill him
  11. the authors last name ____

23 Clues: the boys home countrywhat is jacks last namea ____ was the "beastie"the authors last name ____who said "what is there else to do?"they Slice the pigs ____ to kill himthe place they go is called ___ castlethey use piggy a ___ to start the fire____ shares his dreams about the beastjacks concern other than making shelter...

Lord of the Flies 2015-11-05

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. What was the item that if held granted speech?
  2. What is Jack's group called?
  3. What gender are all the people on the island?
  4. Who is the main protagonist?
  5. What is the purpose of the fire?
  6. What animals do they hunt on the island?
  7. How is Simon killed?
  8. How many people die total?
  9. What does the dead man on the hill have attached to him?
  10. What was the main plant that grew on the island?
  11. What part of humans is the beast?
  12. Where does Jack make his camp by?
  13. What is the name of the creature that the kids have nightmares about?
  14. What does Jack do most of the time?
  15. What does Ralph want everyone to be?
  16. What do Jack's choir turn into?
  17. Where did Ralph's dad work?
  18. The author
  19. What do they think the beast is?
  1. Who is the main antagonist?
  2. Who goes with Ralph and Jack to look for the beast?
  3. Who is the first person to die?
  4. Who did Piggy live with back home?
  5. On what does the book take place?
  6. What is the age of the oldest boy?
  7. What are the names of the twins?
  8. Who ends up rescuing the boys?
  9. What is Jack's last name?
  10. What is Ralph's main goal?
  11. What does Ralph do to the conch to gather everyone?
  12. What award was the book given?
  13. What do they use to start the fire?
  14. What was Piggy's medical condition?
  15. What do they call the little kids?
  16. What does Ralph call Jack's group?
  17. What does the lord of the flies represent?
  18. What crashed leaving the boys on the island?

37 Clues: The authorHow is Simon killed?What is Jack's last name?What is Ralph's main goal?How many people die total?Who is the main antagonist?Where did Ralph's dad work?What is Jack's group called?Who is the main protagonist?Who ends up rescuing the boys?What award was the book given?Who is the first person to die?What do Jack's choir turn into?...

lord of the flies 2015-02-03

lord of the flies crossword puzzle
  1. a group of boy that are part of singing group that here the conch when it was blown
  2. The spot Ralph takes
  3. What piggy is crushed and killed by.
  4. Found the kids and saved the all of the kids from dying.
  5. What took these boys to the island. Is shot down over the island.
  6. Many of the little children had these during the night. One boys included a big snake beast that he thought was real.
  7. Had to be done in order to find out if they are on an island.
  8. They are really important to piggy. Only way he can see. Taken by jack before he is killed.
  1. Burns down the woods when they were not watching it.
  2. Made up of only kids. No grown ups are in it.
  3. Power hungry bow. Becomes leader of the hunters.
  4. stops piggy from being able to do many things
  5. All meetings were held here, Is on the sand of the island.
  6. There is a lot of this happening in the book
  7. 12 Year old boy main character in the book.
  8. used to find all the boys on the island
  9. A group that Jack started. The first animal they killed was sow.
  10. one of the main characters finds the conch shell in the beginning of the book
  11. what the marine saw and came to rescue the stranded people.
  12. first animal killed on the island. Known as the lord of the flies

20 Clues: The spot Ralph takesWhat piggy is crushed and killed by.used to find all the boys on the island12 Year old boy main character in the book.There is a lot of this happening in the bookMade up of only kids. No grown ups are in it.stops piggy from being able to do many thingsPower hungry bow. Becomes leader of the hunters....

Lord of the Flies 2015-01-28

Lord of the Flies crossword puzzle
  1. Group formed by Jack after defecting from Ralph's group.
  2. Second type of animal the boys claim the best appears to be.
  3. First "littlun" that Ralph and Piggy meet.
  4. Group at the end of the novel that rescues the remaining boys.
  5. Ralph sees this and feels it could rescue the boys from the island.
  6. The nickname given to the sow's head that is used as an offering to a fictional "beast" by Jack's group.
  7. A fictional monster that is actually a dead pilot. The idea of this monster scares the boys and leads to the death of Simon.
  8. Used as an attempt to communicate with civilization, but causes many conflicts between the boys.
  9. Land Simon wanders upon after trying to escape the escalating conflicts of the island.
  10. Occurrence that signals the group at the end of the novel to rescue the boys.
  11. The antithesis of Ralph and antagonist of the novel. He becomes leader of the hunters and then expands this group when he leaves Ralph's group in search of absolute power. This character emphasizes the barbaric and savage-nature of society.
  12. Color of the rock on the island.
  13. Nickname for the area of land where the initial plane crashed.
  1. A symbol of order that calls everyone to meeting and silence.
  2. Man responsible for visual manifestations of the Beast.
  3. A brutal and sadistic "lieutenant" of Jack who murders Piggy by crushing him with a boulder.
  4. Twins that are allies of Ralph, but later join Jack's group following their torture.
  5. A close friend of Ralph that is later beaten by the group after being mistaken for The Beast. Appears shy and soft-spoken, and represents the kind and helpful parts of society.
  6. Nickname Jack uses for Piggy.
  7. - Author of the novel "Lord of the Flies."
  8. Stolen from Piggy due to their ability to create a fire. Represent science and intellect.
  9. Expression used to describe Ralph and Jack's relationship.
  10. Jack's group's specialty, although not very proficient in this.
  11. Used by Jack's group to hunt and attack Ralph's group.
  12. Ralph places the conch here when he is done speaking.
  13. First type of animal the boys claim the beast appears to be.
  14. The protagonist of the novel. A fair-haired twelve year old leader of the marooned English boys and represents the civilized aspect of society.
  15. The "lieutenant" of Ralph. He is described as whiny, yet intellectual. This character seeks innovation and represents the scientific and methodical nature of society.
  16. Group that follows Jack blindly and votes for him to be leader.
  17. Musical note Jack can sing that he claims should appoint him leader.

30 Clues: Nickname Jack uses for Piggy.Color of the rock on the island.- Author of the novel "Lord of the Flies."First "littlun" that Ralph and Piggy meet.Ralph places the conch here when he is done speaking.Used by Jack's group to hunt and attack Ralph's group.Man responsible for visual manifestations of the Beast....