one piece Crossword Puzzles

Vocabulary CrossWord Puzzle 2014-12-02

Vocabulary CrossWord Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a performance by two people
  2. a group of singers
  3. a performance by one person
  4. the person who directs the music
  5. the tune of a piece of music
  6. how loud or soft the music is played
  7. the highest pitched male voice
  8. the lowest pitched female voice
  9. the highest pitched female voice
  10. the lowest pitched male voice
  11. the words to a piece of music
  1. the highness or lowness of sound
  2. the melody of the piece of music
  3. symbols that represent music
  4. a callus on the vocal cords
  5. a performance by three people
  6. the person who writes the music
  7. how fast or slow the music is played

18 Clues: a group of singersa performance by two peoplea callus on the vocal cordsa performance by one personsymbols that represent musicthe tune of a piece of musica performance by three peoplethe lowest pitched male voicethe words to a piece of musicthe highest pitched male voicethe person who writes the musicthe lowest pitched female voice...

Music Crossword 2021-08-22

Music Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. note the value of one quarter of a beat
  2. value of four beats
  3. the musical term for the sections in a piece
  4. note the value of eight beats
  5. note the value of one sixteenth of a beat
  6. the musical term for an amount of time or how long or short a note, phrase, sector, or composition lasts
  7. note the value of two beats
  8. the musical word for loud
  1. the musical word for getting softer
  2. musical term for the different layers of sound within a piece
  3. the musical word for very soft
  4. the musical word for getting louder
  5. note the value of a half beat
  6. the musical word for very loud
  7. the musical word for soft
  8. musical term for high and low
  9. note the value of one eighth of a beat
  10. note the value of one beat

18 Clues: value of four beatsthe musical word for softthe musical word for loudnote the value of one beatnote the value of two beatsnote the value of a half beatnote the value of eight beatsmusical term for high and lowthe musical word for very softthe musical word for very loudthe musical word for getting softerthe musical word for getting louder...

Ag Mech 2015-02-12

Ag Mech crossword puzzle
  1. rubber hammer and dead blow hammer
  2. locking pliers
  3. double-ended tool with one end being like an open-end wrench or open-ended spanner
  4. tool meant to deliver blows to an object
  5. Flare-nut wrench
  6. designed primarily for gripping objects by using leverage
  7. used to clean metal surfaces
  8. Uses oxygen and a fuel source to cut metal
  9. hollow cylinder that fits over one end of a nut or bolt head
  1. one-piece wrench with a U-shaped opening
  2. used to hold work piece in place
  3. Z87 approved
  4. Metal inert Gas welder
  5. used to remove slag from welds
  6. used mainly by electricians
  7. hex head driver
  8. Open ended adjustable end wrench
  9. cuts and removes insulation on electrical wire
  10. type of screwdriver that has more bite on a screw
  11. narrow jaws for gripping in confined spaces

20 Clues: Z87 approvedlocking pliershex head driverFlare-nut wrenchMetal inert Gas welderused mainly by electriciansused to clean metal surfacesused to remove slag from weldsused to hold work piece in placeOpen ended adjustable end wrenchrubber hammer and dead blow hammerone-piece wrench with a U-shaped openingtool meant to deliver blows to an object...


TAREA CROSSOWORD crossword puzzle
  1. (n) a chemical element that is a red-brown metal,It is used especially for making wire or pipes
  2. (n) a thin pointed piece of metal that is used for fastening one thing to another
  3. (v) to rest or move slowly on the Surface or a liquid and not sink
  4. (n) a small container that produces a flame
  5. (v) to make something start to burn
  6. (v) to form a curved or round shape
  7. (v) to make something hot
  8. up (v) to fill something with air or gas
  9. (v) to make, a knot, usually using a piece of string or rope
  10. out (v) to extinguish with a short rush breath
  11. (v) to make a liquid or substance flow out of a container that you are holding
  12. (n) a short pin with a large, round top that you can use to fix a piece of paper to a Surface temporarily
  13. (v) to carry something using your hands or arms
  1. (v) To fasten or join one thing to another
  2. (n) round shape or curve made by a line curling back towards itself
  3. (v) that moves upward or to a higher position
  4. (v) to pull something to make in longer or wider
  5. (adj) not weighing much
  6. tape (n) a long thin band of plastic that is sticky on one side and is used for insulating electrical wires
  7. (n) a long thin piece of metal like a thread
  8. (v) to put a piece of paper or other material on an object to give information about it
  9. (v) to damage or destroy something with fire
  10. (v) to cover something by puting something such as paper or cloth around it
  11. (v) to break open, apart, or into pieces usually from impact or from pressure from within
  12. (v) to remove the wáter from something by wiping ir heating it, or blowing air onto it

25 Clues: (adj) not weighing much(v) to make something hot(v) to make something start to burn(v) to form a curved or round shapeup (v) to fill something with air or gas(v) To fasten or join one thing to another(n) a small container that produces a flame(n) a long thin piece of metal like a thread(v) to damage or destroy something with fire...

Music Weeks 1&2 2025-01-29

Music Weeks 1&2 crossword puzzle
  1. The “metrical pulse” of a piece of music or dance.
  2. A musical note that is held for one beat.
  3. A dynamic marking meaning soft.
  4. A musical note that is held for two beats.
  5. A musical note that is held for half of a beat.
  6. A sign at the beginning of a musical work indicating meter.
  7. A dynamic marking meaning medium loud.
  8. A silence that lasts for two beats.
  9. A unit of notes and rests in a piece or music, marked by a bar line on either side.
  10. A musical note that is held for four beats.
  11. A symbol at the beginning of the staff indicating higher pitches. (It is also called a G clef).
  12. An element of music; the way a particular instrument or voice sounds.
  1. Action by one person that is responded to or echoed by others.
  2. A dynamic marking meaning loud.
  3. How high or low a musical note is.
  4. The loudness or softness of a piece of music.
  5. When people say, sing, or do something at the same time and pitch.
  6. Writing down music using notes and rests.
  7. A silence that lasts for four beats.
  8. An element of music; the structure of a piece of music (such as AB, ABA, Call and Response, Verse/Refrain, and others).
  9. A silence that lasts for half of a beat.
  10. An element of music; the sounding of two or more tones at the same time.
  11. An element of music; the speed of a piece of music.
  12. A silence that lasts for one beat.
  13. A specific type of music or dance (such as Appalachian folk, patriotic, lullabies, work songs, game songs, and others).
  14. A dynamic marking meaning medium soft.
  15. An element of music; the tune of a song.
  16. An element of music; the regular beat in music, poetry or dance.

28 Clues: A dynamic marking meaning loud.A dynamic marking meaning soft.How high or low a musical note is.A silence that lasts for one beat.A silence that lasts for two beats.A silence that lasts for four beats.A dynamic marking meaning medium loud.A dynamic marking meaning medium soft.A silence that lasts for half of a beat....

Hazards in the Workplace 2023-02-09

Hazards in the Workplace crossword puzzle
  1. A common type of PPE you would use to protect you from breathing in a hazardous substance.
  2. What does the D in SDS stand for?
  3. A common type of PPE you would put on your hands.
  4. What is the entry route if you get a chemical on your skin?
  5. A piece of lab equipment used to measure temperature.
  6. A common type of PPE you would use to cover your eyes.
  7. What kind of hazard is non-biological and has the potential to harm life or health?
  8. Used to pour liquids into a container with a small opening.
  1. What is the entry route when an insect stings you?
  2. A piece of lab equipment used to transfer a liquid from one container to another.
  3. What is the entry route if you breathe in fumes?
  4. A piece of lab equipment used to scoop up solid substances.
  5. A common type of PPE that protects your clothes.
  6. A piece of lab equipment used to pick up and transfer solid substances.
  7. A piece of lab equipment used to light a Bunsen burner.
  8. A common type of PPE you would use to cover your whole face.
  9. PPE stands for __________ protective equipment.
  10. What is the entry route when you eat a substance?
  11. What does the M in WHMIS stand for?
  12. The piece of lab equipment you would use to hold water.

20 Clues: What does the D in SDS stand for?What does the M in WHMIS stand for?PPE stands for __________ protective equipment.What is the entry route if you breathe in fumes?A common type of PPE that protects your clothes.A common type of PPE you would put on your hands.What is the entry route when you eat a substance?...

Super Style 2020-06-11

Super Style crossword puzzle
  1. A one piece garment that acts in place of a shirt and bottoms, typically for nicer events or a sunny day
  2. It's a great top for when its hot outside and you don't want sleeves
  3. Also called yoga pants, good for exercising
  4. Thin chain accessory around your neck and the charm lays in the front on your chest
  5. Wrap this helpful accessory around your pant loops if the waist is too big
  6. You wear it on your head and its good at blocking sun
  7. Thick denim pants
  8. A set of clothing, usually made up of trousers and a blazer
  9. A two-piece or one-piece outfit worn when you go swimming
  10. Worn on the feet for style or physical activities
  11. Long sleeve knitted garment
  1. Either worn on the wrist or in the hair, its a fabric covered hair tie, usually coming in many different colors
  2. Nickname for a hooded sweatshirt
  3. Summer bottoms, above the knee!
  4. Two pieces of glass in a frame that one wears on their face to visually see better
  5. Shoes that don't require socks and usually show the toes
  6. Worn around your wrist, usually made with beads or jewels
  7. An accessory worn under the collar of a button up shirt, sometimes in a bow
  8. You should probably wear these under your sneakers
  9. A free hanging outer garment wrapped starting at the waist down
  10. Long piece of fabric worn around the neck to stay warm
  11. Wear this on top when its raining outside so the water doesn't soak through

22 Clues: Thick denim pantsLong sleeve knitted garmentSummer bottoms, above the knee!Nickname for a hooded sweatshirtAlso called yoga pants, good for exercisingWorn on the feet for style or physical activitiesYou should probably wear these under your sneakersYou wear it on your head and its good at blocking sun...

7th Grade GP 1 Vocab Review 2017-09-05

7th Grade GP 1 Vocab Review crossword puzzle
  1. The lines and spaces that music is written on
  2. Multiple voices in a melody and accompaniment style, with similar rhythms
  3. The symbol that shows the range of pitches (treble, bass, etc.)
  4. The system of syllables used to learn singing
  5. French secular song
  6. Another name for a piece of music
  7. A secular dramatic work that tells a story through singing,costumes, sets, and acting
  8. Italian secular song
  9. The person who wrote the music
  10. This family of instruments creates sound by buzzing into a mouthpiece
  11. The speed of the beat
  12. Music written for religious purposes
  13. Note lengths
  14. The basic steady pulse of the music
  1. Note range (high/low)
  2. One musical line
  3. Multiple independent parts
  4. Symbols (flats, sharps, etc.) that alter the pitch of a note
  5. The common language of the region
  6. A different spelling of the same note
  7. Music not written for religious purposes
  8. The category of a piece of music
  9. This family of instruments creates sound by bowing or plucking a string
  10. Smaller divisions in a piece of music, like chapters in a book
  11. The overall structure of a piece of music (ex. ABA)
  12. Small units of measurement in a piece of music, often between 2 and 4 beats long
  13. A single piece of music for voice
  14. Latin (usually) sacred song

28 Clues: Note lengthsOne musical lineFrench secular songItalian secular songNote range (high/low)The speed of the beatMultiple independent partsLatin (usually) sacred songThe person who wrote the musicThe category of a piece of musicThe common language of the regionAnother name for a piece of musicA single piece of music for voice...

Guitar Crossword 2023-06-01

Guitar Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Number of strings on a standard guitar
  2. Section between the body and head.
  3. Mr. _______, The coolest music teacher ever
  4. piece of wood on the face of the guitar's body
  5. A piece of vinyl or plastic used to strum the strings of a guitar.
  6. The piece of plastic or bone that raises the strings on the saddle.
  7. The hole in the Soundboard.
  8. The piece of wood on the face of the guitar that the strings are tied or attached to.
  9. The material for electric guitar strings.
  10. Famous guitar player from the 60s who wrote "Purple Haze"
  11. Electric guitar brand that makes the Stratocaster and Telecaster
  12. The style of guitar that is not amplified electrically
  1. Protects the wood of the soundboard.
  2. The turnable machines that tightens the strings of your guitar.
  3. Pieces of metal inlaid in the neck.
  4. Brand of most guitars in the music room
  5. Number of letters in the musical alphabet
  6. The material for modern classical guitar strings.
  7. Type of guitar with nylon strings, usually played with the fingers.
  8. The piece of equipment that you plug into to play electric guitar.
  9. The piece of plastic or bone on the head that raises and separates strings.
  10. one of Mr. Y's Favorite guitarists, who wrote "Today I'm Gonna Get Myself a Real Job"

22 Clues: The hole in the Soundboard.Section between the body and head.Pieces of metal inlaid in the neck.Protects the wood of the soundboard.Number of strings on a standard guitarBrand of most guitars in the music roomNumber of letters in the musical alphabetThe material for electric guitar strings.Mr. _______, The coolest music teacher ever...

Spanish 2019-09-30

Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. Foot
  2. Pencil
  3. Hand
  4. Pen
  5. Folder
  6. Male Student
  7. LaProfesora
  8. Leg
  9. Head
  10. Eye
  1. Desk
  2. Nose
  3. Two-Twelve
  4. piece of paper
  5. Female Student
  6. One O'lock
  7. Stomach
  8. Arm
  9. Finger

19 Clues: PenArmLegEyeDeskFootHandNoseHeadPencilFolderFingerStomachTwo-TwelveOne O'lockLaProfesoraMale Studentpiece of paperFemale Student

Spanish Classroom and Body Vocab 2019-09-30

Spanish Classroom and Body Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Finger
  2. Folder
  3. Two-Twelve
  4. piece of paper
  5. Pencil
  6. Arm
  7. Female Student
  8. Foot
  9. Eye
  1. Stomach
  2. Nose
  3. Pen
  4. Leg
  5. LaProfesora
  6. One O'lock
  7. Head
  8. Male Student
  9. Desk
  10. Hand

19 Clues: PenLegArmEyeNoseHeadDeskHandFootFingerFolderPencilStomachOne O'lockTwo-TwelveLaProfesoraMale Studentpiece of paperFemale Student

One Team, One Goal 2019-08-14

One Team, One Goal crossword puzzle
  1. Grape Variety used for dessert wine
  2. Most Handsome guy in Nobu AKA "Lebron"
  3. Place where the animals get together "ZOO"
  4. Translated as pleasant savory taste
  5. A leaf used in brick oven
  6. Seafood or vegetable have been dipped in batter and deep fried.
  7. Made from Pinot Nior, Pinot meuniuer, Chardonnay
  8. Sake made exclusively for Nobu Restaurant
  9. Handcrafted teas derived from organic herb, fruits & flowers
  10. Damaging Immune response by the body to a substance, especially a particular food.
  11. Chef and owner of Nobu Restaurant
  12. The Hostess yells out when guest is walked to his or her table.
  13. The combined action of a group, especially when effective and efficient
  14. sweeter than sugar but no calories and no carb.
  15. Related to garlic, onion, shallots, and Scallions.
  16. Broth commonly used in Japanese Cuisine. Consits of Kombu and bonito flakes.
  17. Equal parts espresso, steamed milk and milk froth
  18. Arabic translation for Edamame/ Soy bean
  19. Famous cocktail in Black pearl
  20. Marinated seaweed that usually contain sesame allergy coz of marination
  1. First harvest, finest grade reserve green tea, rich and complex umami flavor
  2. Yeast used in premium sake we carried
  3. Brand of coffee we use."Italy's favorite coffee
  4. Type of cuisine Nobu Restaurant offers
  5. Nobu Restaurant Designer
  6. Ingredients: Seabass, Shrimp, Dashi, Soy Sauce,Egg, Sugar, Salt
  7. South American citrus marinated salad
  8. Chief Operating Officer of Nobu
  9. Unfiltered sake
  10. Bite size ice cream wrapped in sweetened rice dough.
  11. It is two stage method. high heat searing on the stove and lower temp. finishing in oven.
  12. Month of Nobu Doha Opening
  13. Type of rice used in TK 40
  14. "Japanese Cypress" - Where masu cup made out of
  15. Finely milled or fined powder green tea
  16. Japanese Beef we carry
  17. 5% ABV, Clean,Lean flavor referred to as "super dry"

37 Clues: Unfiltered sakeJapanese Beef we carryNobu Restaurant DesignerA leaf used in brick ovenMonth of Nobu Doha OpeningType of rice used in TK 40Famous cocktail in Black pearlChief Operating Officer of NobuChef and owner of Nobu RestaurantGrape Variety used for dessert wineTranslated as pleasant savory tasteYeast used in premium sake we carried...

G8 Theory Revision Crossword 2022-05-14

G8 Theory Revision Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the other name for grand stave
  2. the 1 beat note
  3. the symbol that means to “play the notes legato”
  4. at a moderate speed
  5. play one octave higher (8va)
  6. gradually get louder
  7. the smallest distance from one note to the very next (or “one step on a keyboard”)
  8. numbering the notes in a scale from lowest to highest
  9. the type of bar line that represents the end of a piece of music
  10. 4 crotchet beats per bar
  11. notes that are written above or below the stave
  1. the symbol that lowers the pitch of a note by one semitone
  2. the symbol that raises the pitch of a note by one semitone
  3. not bass clef
  4. a collection of sharps of flats places immediately after the clef
  5. the type of scales we have learnt this term
  6. unison or 5th are examples of these sets of two notes
  7. at an easy walking pace
  8. moderately soft
  9. an incomplete bar at the beginning of a piece of music
  10. the note that goes for 3 beats
  11. short and detached

22 Clues: not bass clefthe 1 beat notemoderately softshort and detachedat a moderate speedgradually get louderat an easy walking pace4 crotchet beats per barplay one octave higher (8va)the other name for grand stavethe note that goes for 3 beatsthe type of scales we have learnt this termnotes that are written above or below the stave...

Peranakan crossword puzzle 2022-02-15

Peranakan crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a blouse
  2. the nickname of Peranakan girls
  3. a flower
  4. A picture
  5. a game
  6. a piece of cloth
  7. fermented prawns
  1. a culture
  2. a light
  3. A root
  4. some one who fashions gold
  5. a three piece button
  6. the nickname for Peranakan boys

13 Clues: A roota gamea lighta blousea flowera cultureA picturea piece of clothfermented prawnsa three piece buttonsome one who fashions goldthe nickname of Peranakan girlsthe nickname for Peranakan boys

Clothing 2024-01-26

Clothing crossword puzzle
  1. A lightweight, feminine top with buttons or ties, suitable for various occasions.
  2. A heavier outerwear piece designed to provide warmth, often worn in colder weather.
  3. Casual and comfortable garments that cover the upper part of the legs.
  4. A one-piece garment that covers both the upper and lower body, often with long pants.
  5. A knitted garment designed to provide warmth, usually worn over other clothing.
  6. A headcovering made of various materials, worn for style or protection from the sun.
  7. Tight-fitting, stretchy pants that cover the legs, often worn for comfort and style.
  1. A casual sweatshirt with a hood, often worn for comfort and warmth.
  2. Shirt A collared, short-sleeved shirt made of breathable fabric, suitable for casual wear.
  3. A knitted, button-up sweater with an open front, worn as a layering piece.
  4. A short-sleeved, casual top often made of comfortable cotton fabric.
  5. A one-piece garment typically worn by women, ranging from casual to formal styles.
  6. A lightweight outerwear piece, often with a zipper or buttons, suitable for various seasons.
  7. Denim pants, known for their durability and versatility, suitable for various occasions.
  8. A garment worn around the waist, typically with a hem that falls above the knees.

15 Clues: A casual sweatshirt with a hood, often worn for comfort and warmth.A short-sleeved, casual top often made of comfortable cotton fabric.Casual and comfortable garments that cover the upper part of the legs.A knitted, button-up sweater with an open front, worn as a layering piece....

Clothing 2024-01-26

Clothing crossword puzzle
  1. A lightweight outerwear piece, often with a zipper or buttons, suitable for various seasons.
  2. A lightweight, feminine top with buttons or ties, suitable for various occasions.
  3. A one-piece garment typically worn by women, ranging from casual to formal styles.
  4. Shirt A collared, short-sleeved shirt made of breathable fabric, suitable for casual wear.
  5. A casual sweatshirt with a hood, often worn for comfort and warmth.
  6. A garment worn around the waist, typically with a hem that falls above the knees.
  7. A knitted garment designed to provide warmth, usually worn over other clothing.
  1. A short-sleeved, casual top often made of comfortable cotton fabric.
  2. A one-piece garment that covers both the upper and lower body, often with long pants.
  3. Tight-fitting, stretchy pants that cover the legs, often worn for comfort and style.
  4. Casual and comfortable garments that cover the upper part of the legs.
  5. A heavier outerwear piece designed to provide warmth, often worn in colder weather.
  6. A headcovering made of various materials, worn for style or protection from the sun.
  7. A knitted, button-up sweater with an open front, worn as a layering piece.
  8. Denim pants, known for their durability and versatility, suitable for various occasions.

15 Clues: A casual sweatshirt with a hood, often worn for comfort and warmth.A short-sleeved, casual top often made of comfortable cotton fabric.Casual and comfortable garments that cover the upper part of the legs.A knitted, button-up sweater with an open front, worn as a layering piece....

Words 2023-05-10

Words crossword puzzle
  1. -kept as pets or trained to guard places, find drugs
  2. -a piece of jewellery that you wear on your ear
  3. - a soft sweet food made by baking a mixture of flour, butter, sugar, and eggs
  4. -holiday, or time spent not working
  5. -
  6. -something that happens or exists in society, science, or nature, especially something that is studied because it is difficult to understand
  7. -a building that someone lives in, especially one that has more than one level and is intended to be used by one family
  8. -kept as pets or trained to guard places, find drugs
  9. -a piece of equipment shaped like a tube, used for making distant objects look larger and closer
  10. -father
  1. -a vehicle with four wheels and an engine, that can carry a small number of passengers
  2. -an activity or sport in which people compete with each other according to agreed rules
  3. - to quickly look at someone or something
  4. -end of your arm, including your fingers and thumb, that you use to hold things
  5. -in many places
  6. - to laugh because you are amused or pleased about something
  7. -something that you wear to cover your feet, made of leather or some other strong material
  8. -a piece of furniture that you sleep on
  9. -a marriage ceremony, especially one with a religious service

19 Clues: --father-in many places-holiday, or time spent not working-a piece of furniture that you sleep on- to quickly look at someone or something-a piece of jewellery that you wear on your ear-kept as pets or trained to guard places, find drugs-kept as pets or trained to guard places, find drugs- to laugh because you are amused or pleased about something...

Clothing 2024-01-26

Clothing crossword puzzle
  1. A lightweight outerwear piece, often with a zipper or buttons, suitable for various seasons.
  2. A headcovering made of various materials, worn for style or protection from the sun.
  3. A one-piece garment typically worn by women, ranging from casual to formal styles.
  4. A lightweight, feminine top with buttons or ties, suitable for various occasions.
  5. A heavier outerwear piece designed to provide warmth, often worn in colder weather.
  6. A garment worn around the waist, typically with a hem that falls above the knees.
  7. A knitted garment designed to provide warmth, usually worn over other clothing.
  8. Tight-fitting, stretchy pants that cover the legs, often worn for comfort and style.
  1. A one-piece garment that covers both the upper and lower body, often with long pants.
  2. A casual sweatshirt with a hood, often worn for comfort and warmth.
  3. Casual and comfortable garments that cover the upper part of the legs.
  4. A knitted, button-up sweater with an open front, worn as a layering piece.
  5. Denim pants, known for their durability and versatility, suitable for various occasions.
  6. Shirt A collared, short-sleeved shirt made of breathable fabric, suitable for casual wear.
  7. A short-sleeved, casual top often made of comfortable cotton fabric.

15 Clues: A casual sweatshirt with a hood, often worn for comfort and warmth.A short-sleeved, casual top often made of comfortable cotton fabric.Casual and comfortable garments that cover the upper part of the legs.A knitted, button-up sweater with an open front, worn as a layering piece....

Clothing 2024-01-26

Clothing crossword puzzle
  1. Denim pants, known for their durability and versatility, suitable for various occasions.
  2. Shirt A collared, short-sleeved shirt made of breathable fabric, suitable for casual wear.
  3. Tight-fitting, stretchy pants that cover the legs, often worn for comfort and style.
  4. A short-sleeved, casual top often made of comfortable cotton fabric.
  5. A knitted, button-up sweater with an open front, worn as a layering piece.
  6. A lightweight outerwear piece, often with a zipper or buttons, suitable for various seasons.
  1. A casual sweatshirt with a hood, often worn for comfort and warmth.
  2. A one-piece garment typically worn by women, ranging from casual to formal styles.
  3. A lightweight, feminine top with buttons or ties, suitable for various occasions.
  4. Casual and comfortable garments that cover the upper part of the legs.
  5. A one-piece garment that covers both the upper and lower body, often with long pants.
  6. A knitted garment designed to provide warmth, usually worn over other clothing.
  7. A garment worn around the waist, typically with a hem that falls above the knees.
  8. A headcovering made of various materials, worn for style or protection from the sun.
  9. A heavier outerwear piece designed to provide warmth, often worn in colder weather.

15 Clues: A casual sweatshirt with a hood, often worn for comfort and warmth.A short-sleeved, casual top often made of comfortable cotton fabric.Casual and comfortable garments that cover the upper part of the legs.A knitted, button-up sweater with an open front, worn as a layering piece....

Words 2023-05-10

Words crossword puzzle
  1. -kept as pets or trained to guard places, find drugs
  2. -a piece of jewellery that you wear on your ear
  3. - a soft sweet food made by baking a mixture of flour, butter, sugar, and eggs
  4. -holiday, or time spent not working
  5. -
  6. -something that happens or exists in society, science, or nature, especially something that is studied because it is difficult to understand
  7. -a building that someone lives in, especially one that has more than one level and is intended to be used by one family
  8. -kept as pets or trained to guard places, find drugs
  9. -a piece of equipment shaped like a tube, used for making distant objects look larger and closer
  10. -father
  1. -a vehicle with four wheels and an engine, that can carry a small number of passengers
  2. -an activity or sport in which people compete with each other according to agreed rules
  3. - to quickly look at someone or something
  4. -end of your arm, including your fingers and thumb, that you use to hold things
  5. -in many places
  6. - to laugh because you are amused or pleased about something
  7. -something that you wear to cover your feet, made of leather or some other strong material
  8. -a piece of furniture that you sleep on
  9. -a marriage ceremony, especially one with a religious service

19 Clues: --father-in many places-holiday, or time spent not working-a piece of furniture that you sleep on- to quickly look at someone or something-a piece of jewellery that you wear on your ear-kept as pets or trained to guard places, find drugs-kept as pets or trained to guard places, find drugs- to laugh because you are amused or pleased about something...

Furniture 2021-12-13

Furniture crossword puzzle
  1. a piece of furniture with doors, and sometimes shelves, used for storing clothes, plates
  2. a comfortable chair
  3. a piece of equipment that you stand under to wash your whole body
  4. a comfortable seat with raised arms and a back, that is wide enough for two or three people to sit on
  5. the large flat piece of wood that you move when you go into
  6. a large bowl that you sit on to get rid of waste liquid or waste matter from your body
  1. a piece of furniture that you sleep on
  2. a large long container that you fill with water
  3. a space of glass in the wall of a building that lets in light in
  4. a piece of furniture for one person to sit on
  5. used for keeping food and drinks cool
  6. a large piece of equipment for cooking food on
  7. a large open container that you fill with water and use for washing dishes
  8. a piece of furniture with a flat top supported by legs

14 Clues: a comfortable chairused for keeping food and drinks coola piece of furniture that you sleep ona piece of furniture for one person to sit ona large piece of equipment for cooking food ona piece of furniture with a flat top supported by legsa large long container that you fill with water...

Music crossword 1 2021-03-29

Music crossword 1 crossword puzzle
  1. A lot of musicians playing a big piece of music
  2. A professional instrument player
  3. Making the melody softer and quieter
  4. The same melody and words each time you sing
  5. clef The opposite of treble clef
  6. Four instruments playing one melody
  7. No built in electrical system
  8. A original piece of music
  9. A tune that represents the piece of music
  1. A famous classical music composer/musician
  2. A lot of energy
  3. The regular pulse of music
  4. Notes being played together
  5. A professional singer
  6. clef The opposite of base clef
  7. Making a song louder when playing
  8. A recording of a song
  9. music A very old and famous type of music
  10. A person who writes and plays different songs
  11. A instrument with keys

20 Clues: A lot of energyA professional singerA recording of a songA instrument with keysA original piece of musicThe regular pulse of musicNotes being played togetherNo built in electrical systemclef The opposite of base clefA professional instrument playerclef The opposite of treble clefMaking a song louder when playingFour instruments playing one melody...

Libbys Crossword 2015-12-10

Libbys Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. noun mild gentle breeze
  2. verb choose by voting
  3. noun short piece of ending literary work
  4. noun a passage from a book, film or speech
  5. adjective cause emotion
  6. adjective doing work well
  7. noun stand for painting
  8. noun visit of magi to Christ
  9. verb captivate, please greatly
  10. adjective in one piece
  11. noun short piece of writing on a subject
  1. noun black tropical wood
  2. noun imaginary line around the earth
  3. verb come to an end
  4. verb establish firmly
  5. noun historical or other period
  6. verb wear away
  7. verb describe in greater detail
  8. noun short poem with witty ending
  9. verb ornament something or add details to it
  10. noun determined attempt
  11. noun discontent aroused by another’s better fortune
  12. flow over a swamp

23 Clues: verb wear awayflow over a swampverb come to an endverb establish firmlyadjective in one pieceadjective cause emotionnoun stand for paintingverb choose by votingnoun determined attemptnoun black tropical woodnoun mild gentle breezeadjective doing work wellnoun visit of magi to Christnoun historical or other period...

The Secret Garden 2024-06-12

The Secret Garden crossword puzzle
  1. a piece of information that is not public
  2. A large lavish house
  3. To have a fit of rage
  4. A slithering long animal with no limbs
  5. Small red forest bird commonly found in north america
  6. A beautiful petaled plant
  7. To be sick, to have sickness
  8. To have a green thumb
  9. A disease common to th Democratic Republic of the Congo
  10. A closable entrance
  1. A place where plants grow in a specific piece of land
  2. A large piece of land with a building/house on it
  3. Lighter, or lightened
  4. Place in southern Asia
  5. To be self centered
  6. The season before summer and after winter when the flowers bloom
  7. Comerades
  8. Small one story house
  9. A room dedicated to small children and infants
  10. What does the ___ say

20 Clues: ComeradesTo be self centeredA closable entranceA large lavish houseLighter, or lightenedTo have a fit of rageSmall one story houseTo have a green thumbWhat does the ___ sayPlace in southern AsiaA beautiful petaled plantTo be sick, to have sicknessA slithering long animal with no limbsa piece of information that is not public...


SURGERY ONE ON ONE crossword puzzle
  1. Guarding the floods of green
  2. Reconstruct the lip
  3. CHANGE-for rectal prolapse
  4. Surgeon,you are nobel
  5. Poke here for inflation
  6. Mothers and daughters coexcyst
  7. Owen and his rhino
  8. The tracheal shield
  9. Tube or thread; a noose around the muscle's neck
  1. Otherwise known as the inguinal ligament
  2. Where ulcers dare
  3. Red,Runs and Heart-break
  4. Mirror of McBurney
  5. He's the verrucous one in the mouth
  6. Textbook Beyond Adoration
  7. The aorta's main squeeze
  8. Electrical pen mightier than the sword
  9. Thou doth not slack
  10. In a gist,its the way to go
  11. He who separates the Upper from the Lower

20 Clues: Where ulcers dareMirror of McBurneyOwen and his rhinoReconstruct the lipThou doth not slackThe tracheal shieldSurgeon,you are nobelPoke here for inflationRed,Runs and Heart-breakThe aorta's main squeezeTextbook Beyond AdorationCHANGE-for rectal prolapseIn a gist,its the way to goGuarding the floods of greenMothers and daughters coexcyst...

Gateway A2 Unit 9 Clothes and Shops 2022-11-30

Gateway A2 Unit 9 Clothes and Shops crossword puzzle
  1. a soft covering for the foot
  2. worn in winter around the neck
  3. a piece of clothing made of soft cotton which covers the top of your body
  4. ___ shop - where they sell electronic items
  5. a place where you can buy meat
  6. a warm piece of clothing covering the whole body, worn outside
  7. ___ shop -a shop where they sell athletic equipment and clothes
  8. a place where you buy magazines and newspapers
  9. a place where you can buy fruit and vegetables
  10. something that keeps trousers from falling down
  11. a place for people to send letters
  12. a piece of clothing worn by women and girls that hangs from the waist down
  13. a piece of clothing for the upper body that has sleeves and usually a collar and buttons down the front
  1. a shop that sells books
  2. a piece of clothing with long sleeves that is usually made from wool, is worn on the upper part of the body
  3. ___ shop - you can buy pens and pencils in this place
  4. for example bracelet, neclace, ring, earrings
  5. a kind of shoes which covers the ankle
  6. one of a pair of coverings for your feet, usually made of a strong material such as leather
  7. a place where bread and other baked goods are made and sold
  8. a short coat
  9. ___ shop - it's a shop in which you can buy T-shirts, trousers and a lot of things
  10. ___ store - housing several different stores under one roof
  11. trousers that end above the knee or reach the knee
  12. a long, thin piece of material that is worn around the neck, especially by men
  13. a large store that sells food, drinks, and products for the home
  14. shirt worn by women
  15. comfortable shoes for sport
  16. a place where you can buy rings, bracelets, earrings
  17. trousers made of denim
  18. a place where you can buy medicine
  19. British word for pants
  20. a piece of women's clothing made of very thin material that covers the legs

33 Clues: a short coatshirt worn by womentrousers made of denimBritish word for pantsa shop that sells bookscomfortable shoes for sporta soft covering for the footworn in winter around the necka place where you can buy meata place where you can buy medicinea place for people to send lettersa kind of shoes which covers the ankle...

Everyday objects 2023-09-24

Everyday objects crossword puzzle
  1. a flat board made of wood, metal or glass fixed to the wall
  2. a piece of clothing worn in winter over other clothes
  3. it can be white or black. Teachers write on it.
  4. children must learn at this piece of furniture. It has got 4 legs.
  5. a piece of furniture that you sit at to read, write or work.
  6. a large piece of paper often with a picture on it, that is put on the wall.
  7. a piece of furniture for one person to sit on, with a back, a seat and four legs.
  8. a small book of plain paper for writing notes
  1. the part of a computer that the sound comes out of
  2. a small computer that can work with a battery and be easily carried
  3. it is an object used for showing time on the wall.
  4. a part of a desk where we keep small things.
  5. it is made of plastic or metal used for writing with ink
  6. a book that gives a list of the words of a language and explains what they mean
  7. a phone that you can carry with you and use everywhere
  8. it is made from cloth, plastic or leather with one or two handles used to carry things.

16 Clues: a part of a desk where we keep small things.a small book of plain paper for writing notesit can be white or black. Teachers write on it.the part of a computer that the sound comes out ofit is an object used for showing time on the wall.a piece of clothing worn in winter over other clothesa phone that you can carry with you and use everywhere...

Clothing 2024-01-26

Clothing crossword puzzle
  1. A knitted, button-up sweater with an open front, worn as a layering piece.
  2. A one-piece garment that covers both the upper and lower body, often with long pants.
  3. A lightweight, feminine top with buttons or ties, suitable for various occasions.
  4. A short-sleeved, casual top often made of comfortable cotton fabric.
  5. A one-piece garment typically worn by women, ranging from casual to formal styles.
  6. A lightweight outerwear piece, often with a zipper or buttons, suitable for various seasons.
  7. A knitted garment designed to provide warmth, usually worn over other clothing.
  1. Tight-fitting, stretchy pants that cover the legs, often worn for comfort and style.
  2. A garment worn around the waist, typically with a hem that falls above the knees.
  3. Shirt A collared, short-sleeved shirt made of breathable fabric, suitable for casual wear.
  4. Casual and comfortable garments that cover the upper part of the legs.
  5. A casual sweatshirt with a hood, often worn for comfort and warmth.
  6. A headcovering made of various materials, worn for style or protection from the sun.
  7. Denim pants, known for their durability and versatility, suitable for various occasions.
  8. A heavier outerwear piece designed to provide warmth, often worn in colder weather.

15 Clues: A casual sweatshirt with a hood, often worn for comfort and warmth.A short-sleeved, casual top often made of comfortable cotton fabric.Casual and comfortable garments that cover the upper part of the legs.A knitted, button-up sweater with an open front, worn as a layering piece....

Piece of the Rock 2023-12-18

Piece of the Rock crossword puzzle
  1. Flying spud
  2. Fish
  3. We will move your house off of this little island
  4. Best whale watching cruises
  5. Lodge it here on this
  6. Early settlers
  7. Newfoundland lager
  8. Ancestry at Cape Broyle
  9. Where Debbie and Heather might get their feet wet.
  1. At Bonavista and Cape Spear for example
  2. Mind the
  3. Instrument of choice in Newfie band
  4. What difference does it make?
  5. Shawnadithit
  6. Humpback’s breakfast
  7. Father of Confederation
  8. Bill’s name for Murres
  9. Cold and great big attraction in June month

18 Clues: FishMind theFlying spudShawnadithitEarly settlersNewfoundland lagerHumpback’s breakfastLodge it here on thisBill’s name for MurresFather of ConfederationAncestry at Cape BroyleBest whale watching cruisesWhat difference does it make?Instrument of choice in Newfie bandAt Bonavista and Cape Spear for exampleCold and great big attraction in June month...

My Favourite Clothes 2014-08-05

My Favourite Clothes crossword puzzle
  1. a short, light coat.
  2. A piece of clothing made of wool or cotton for the upper part of the body.
  3. A piece of clothing with sleeves and buttons men wear on the upper part of the body.
  4. Shoes that you wear for sports or as informal clothing.
  5. A pair of coverings for your feet, usually made by leather or plastic.
  6. A pair of shoes that covers the foot and ankle or a part of the leg.
  7. A set of clothes made for the same clothes, including a jacket and trouser or a skirt.
  1. Trousers/pants made of strong cotton, especially denim.
  2. A piece of clothing that covers the body from the waist divided in two parts to cover each leg separately.
  3. A piece of women's clothing made in one piece and covers the body down to the legs.
  4. A long piece of cloth men wear around the neck.
  5. An informal shirt with sleeves and no buttons.
  6. A piece of clothing girls wear on the torso.
  7. A piece of clothing for a woman or girl that hangs from the waist.

14 Clues: a short, light coat.A piece of clothing girls wear on the torso.An informal shirt with sleeves and no buttons.A long piece of cloth men wear around the neck.Trousers/pants made of strong cotton, especially denim.Shoes that you wear for sports or as informal clothing.A piece of clothing for a woman or girl that hangs from the waist....

2nd Year English Class_201920_Unit 2_Vocabulary_Text 2 2021-04-10

2nd Year English Class_201920_Unit 2_Vocabulary_Text 2 crossword puzzle
  1. alone
  2. warmth or the quality of being hot
  3. a particular part of a country, town etc
  4. happen or be present in a particular situation or place
  5. an area of a town or the countryside, especially one with particular features
  1. a very small piece of something
  2. a short piece of writing, music etc taken from a particular book, piece of music etc
  3. being next to a country, state, or area and sharing a border with it
  4. prepare a book, piece of film etc for printing or broadcasting by removing mistakes or parts that are not acceptable
  5. moving or making something move into a position where one side is higher than the other
  6. very different from what you are used to, especially in a way that is difficult to understand or accept
  7. a small simple building with only one or two rooms

12 Clues: alonea very small piece of somethingwarmth or the quality of being hota particular part of a country, town etca small simple building with only one or two roomshappen or be present in a particular situation or placebeing next to a country, state, or area and sharing a border with it...

Amelia Bedelia 2021-04-30

Amelia Bedelia crossword puzzle
  1. in one piece, full
  2. a long, narrow strip used to tie things together
  3. to cut off small parts
  4. not common
  5. when someone is told to have no job anymore
  6. to loose color
  1. a round glass thing that makes light
  2. see how long something is
  3. to go fast
  4. a thing you used to cook food
  5. a piece of meat cooked by frying
  6. the top of a pan
  7. a piece of material that makes things look nice
  8. to put clothes on

14 Clues: to go fastnot commonto loose colorthe top of a panto put clothes onin one piece, fullto cut off small partssee how long something isa thing you used to cook fooda piece of meat cooked by fryinga round glass thing that makes lightwhen someone is told to have no job anymorea piece of material that makes things look nice...

Personalities and personal style 2024-04-23

Personalities and personal style crossword puzzle
  1. NOUN; A one-piece garment.
  2. NOUN; A broad piece of fabric, worn around the neck.
  3. NOUN; A warmer outer garment worn over your clothes.
  4. ADJECTIVE; Wearied; suffering from ennui.
  5. ADJECTIVE; Arising or proceeding entirely form natural impulse.
  6. NOUN; An ornamental chain or string of jewels, worn around the neck.
  7. NOUN; A one-piece garment extending over the legs into a skirt.
  1. NOUN; Set of clothes selected or designed to be worn together.
  2. NOUN; Garment covering the body from the waist to the ankles.
  3. ADJECTIVE; Exactly observant of the time agreed.
  4. ADJECTIVE; Full of assurance.
  5. NOUN; A covering for the hands; PLURAL.
  6. ADJECTIVE; Done with or expressive of truthfulness, fairness or integrity.
  7. ADJECTIVE; Characterised by having or displaying passion.
  8. ADJECTIVE; Strongly audible.

15 Clues: NOUN; A one-piece garment.ADJECTIVE; Strongly audible.ADJECTIVE; Full of assurance.NOUN; A covering for the hands; PLURAL.ADJECTIVE; Wearied; suffering from ennui.ADJECTIVE; Exactly observant of the time agreed.NOUN; A broad piece of fabric, worn around the neck.NOUN; A warmer outer garment worn over your clothes....

Piece not Pieces 2017-06-13

Piece not Pieces crossword puzzle
  1. defect problem that happens to a baby while they are in their mother’s body
  2. result of two countries disagreeing
  3. basic structure needs and facilities eg hospitals, police stations.
  4. serious disagreement or argument
  5. person who has no parents
  6. person that is forced to flee their country due to war, natural disasters etc.
  1. conflict between different countries
  2. person who uses unlawful violence against the government
  3. extremely cruel act, one involving physical violence or injury.
  4. displaced person that is needed to flee their home but not outside their country. They are like refugees except in their country
  5. never ending or changing all the time
  6. war between citizens of the same country

12 Clues: person who has no parentsserious disagreement or argumentresult of two countries disagreeingconflict between different countriesnever ending or changing all the timewar between citizens of the same countryperson who uses unlawful violence against the governmentextremely cruel act, one involving physical violence or injury....

Prajwal 2022-09-20

Prajwal crossword puzzle
  1. the coloured part of a plant or tree from which seeds or fruit grow
  2. an object that you use for writing in ink
  3. a piece of wood
  4. a long wooden or metal seat for two or more people
  5. Large marsupial
  6. a large cushion that you put under your head when you are in bed
  7. a common bird that lives on or near water
  8. Flying mammal
  9. Has a trunk
  1. a container or machine that cools things or keeps them cool
  2. a tall plant that can live for a long time
  3. coloured liquid that you put onto a surface to decorate or protect it
  4. Man's best friend
  5. one or both sides of a piece of paper in a book, magazine
  6. a piece of furniture for one person to sit on
  7. a child’s toy that looks like a small person or a baby
  8. Likes to chase mice
  9. a written work that is published as printed pages fastened together inside a cover
  10. a line of metal rings that are joined together
  11. gas or oil to produce light

20 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammala piece of woodLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase micegas or oil to produce lightan object that you use for writing in inka common bird that lives on or near watera tall plant that can live for a long timea piece of furniture for one person to sit ona line of metal rings that are joined together...

Prajwal 2022-09-20

Prajwal crossword puzzle
  1. the coloured part of a plant or tree from which seeds or fruit grow
  2. an object that you use for writing in ink
  3. a piece of wood
  4. a long wooden or metal seat for two or more people
  5. Large marsupial
  6. a large cushion that you put under your head when you are in bed
  7. a common bird that lives on or near water
  8. Flying mammal
  9. Has a trunk
  1. a container or machine that cools things or keeps them cool
  2. a tall plant that can live for a long time
  3. coloured liquid that you put onto a surface to decorate or protect it
  4. Man's best friend
  5. one or both sides of a piece of paper in a book, magazine
  6. a piece of furniture for one person to sit on
  7. a child’s toy that looks like a small person or a baby
  8. Likes to chase mice
  9. a written work that is published as printed pages fastened together inside a cover
  10. a line of metal rings that are joined together
  11. gas or oil to produce light

20 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammala piece of woodLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase micegas or oil to produce lightan object that you use for writing in inka common bird that lives on or near watera tall plant that can live for a long timea piece of furniture for one person to sit ona line of metal rings that are joined together...

Prajwal 2022-09-20

Prajwal crossword puzzle
  1. the coloured part of a plant or tree from which seeds or fruit grow
  2. an object that you use for writing in ink
  3. a piece of wood
  4. a long wooden or metal seat for two or more people
  5. Large marsupial
  6. a large cushion that you put under your head when you are in bed
  7. a common bird that lives on or near water
  8. Flying mammal
  9. Has a trunk
  1. a container or machine that cools things or keeps them cool
  2. a tall plant that can live for a long time
  3. coloured liquid that you put onto a surface to decorate or protect it
  4. Man's best friend
  5. one or both sides of a piece of paper in a book, magazine
  6. a piece of furniture for one person to sit on
  7. a child’s toy that looks like a small person or a baby
  8. Likes to chase mice
  9. a written work that is published as printed pages fastened together inside a cover
  10. a line of metal rings that are joined together
  11. gas or oil to produce light

20 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammala piece of woodLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase micegas or oil to produce lightan object that you use for writing in inka common bird that lives on or near watera tall plant that can live for a long timea piece of furniture for one person to sit ona line of metal rings that are joined together...

oadkids 2022-11-03

oadkids crossword puzzle
  1. one piece combination of shorts and a shirt, also known as a playsuit
  2. our last collaborator
  3. Our latest exclusive collection
  4. hair Clip, Headband, etc
  5. the main color of oadkids
  6. used as a bed covering or other covering for warmth
  7. our next exclusive collaborator
  8. Our birth month
  9. a light shoe with either an openwork upper or straps attaching the sole to the foot
  1. one-piece item of baby clothing with long sleeves and legs with feet
  2. close-fitting eyeglasses with side shields, for protecting the eyes from glare, dust, water
  3. our first PR Package
  4. a piece of cloth or plastic fastened around a person's neck to keep their clothes clean while eating
  5. wrap (someone, especially a baby) in garments or cloth
  6. our age this year
  7. an outer covering
  8. a rubber or plastic nipple for a baby to suck on
  9. used to support the head when lying down
  10. our co-founder name
  11. a knitted garment typically with long sleeves, worn over the upper body
  12. the city we made our first offline event
  13. our co-founder name
  14. a covering for the foot

23 Clues: Our birth monthour first PR Packagethe main color of oadkidsour co-founder nameour co-founder nameour age this yearour last collaboratorOur latest exclusive collectionan outer coveringhair Clip, Headband, etca covering for the foot...

Shopping 2022-06-09

Shopping crossword puzzle
  1. giving an employee money so that you can take things from a store home
  2. a person who buys something at a store
  3. the place where you pay for the things that you are buying in a supermarket
  4. a container made of cloth, leather, plastic or paper, used to carry things in, especially when shopping
  5. a person who works at a store
  6. lenses worn in front of the eyes to help you see better
  7. a small shop, often selling clothes
  1. a piece of clothing for the upper part of the body to keep you warm
  2. the things you are wearing
  3. objects you wear on your feet
  4. a formal piece of clothing often worn with a suit
  5. a piece of clothing that covers the legs
  6. a small piece of jewellery that you wear around the neck
  7. a piece of clothing made in one piece which hangs down to cover the body

14 Clues: the things you are wearingobjects you wear on your feeta person who works at a storea small shop, often selling clothesa person who buys something at a storea piece of clothing that covers the legsa formal piece of clothing often worn with a suitlenses worn in front of the eyes to help you see better...

Getting Muddy 2020-07-10

Getting Muddy crossword puzzle
  1. The second step in connecting one piece of clay to another
  2. Where the oldest piece of ceramic pottery came from on the matching page
  3. Type of pot made by rolling out long pieces of clay
  4. Made to appear larger, so we cam more easily see the object
  5. A part of soil that can be found at the beach
  6. The first thing you need to do when connecting one clay piece to another
  7. Another type of handmade pot where the first step is making your clay into a ball
  8. What makes up rocks, clay, sand, and silt
  1. Where the most recently made piece of ceramic pottery on the matching page was made
  2. The featured legless reptile is the shape of one of the pots on the matching sheet
  3. A special oven for ceramics and pottery that gets very hot.
  4. The dirt all around us
  5. A soil material found in nature made of tiny mineral particles
  6. Using clay and other materials (like glazes) to make pots, cups vases, etc., and artistic forms which are baked (or fired) in a kiln to be hardened
  7. Items or materials that are needed to be combined make or build something
  8. Pots, cups, vases, etc. and artistic forms made of clay (only clay) that are baked (or fired) to harden them
  9. Shape of the pot on the first page

17 Clues: The dirt all around usShape of the pot on the first pageWhat makes up rocks, clay, sand, and siltA part of soil that can be found at the beachType of pot made by rolling out long pieces of clayThe second step in connecting one piece of clay to anotherA special oven for ceramics and pottery that gets very hot....

Prajwal 2022-09-20

Prajwal crossword puzzle
  1. the coloured part of a plant or tree from which seeds or fruit grow
  2. an object that you use for writing in ink
  3. a piece of wood
  4. a long wooden or metal seat for two or more people
  5. Large marsupial
  6. a large cushion that you put under your head when you are in bed
  7. a common bird that lives on or near water
  8. Flying mammal
  9. Has a trunk
  1. a container or machine that cools things or keeps them cool
  2. a tall plant that can live for a long time
  3. coloured liquid that you put onto a surface to decorate or protect it
  4. Man's best friend
  5. one or both sides of a piece of paper in a book, magazine
  6. a piece of furniture for one person to sit on
  7. a child’s toy that looks like a small person or a baby
  8. Likes to chase mice
  9. a written work that is published as printed pages fastened together inside a cover
  10. a line of metal rings that are joined together
  11. gas or oil to produce light

20 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammala piece of woodLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase micegas or oil to produce lightan object that you use for writing in inka common bird that lives on or near watera tall plant that can live for a long timea piece of furniture for one person to sit ona line of metal rings that are joined together...

oadkids 2022-11-03

oadkids crossword puzzle
  1. the city we made our first offline event
  2. an outer covering
  3. a light shoe with either an openwork upper or straps attaching the sole to the foot
  4. one-piece item of baby clothing with long sleeves and legs with feet
  5. first PR Package
  6. the main color of oadkids
  7. a knitted garment typically with long sleeves, worn over the upper body
  8. our co-founder name
  9. Our latest exclusive collection
  10. a rubber or plastic nipple for a baby to suck on
  1. hair Clip, Headband, etc
  2. used as a bed covering or other covering for warmth
  3. our age this year
  4. one piece combination of shorts and a shirt, also known as a playsuit
  5. Our birth month
  6. used to support the head when lying down
  7. our co-founder name
  8. our next exclusive collaborator
  9. close-fitting eyeglasses with side shields, for protecting the eyes from glare, dust, water
  10. a covering for the foot
  11. our last collaborator
  12. a piece of cloth or plastic fastened around a person's neck to keep their clothes clean while eating
  13. wrap (someone, especially a baby) in garments or cloth

23 Clues: Our birth monthfirst PR Packagethe main color of oadkidsour co-founder nameour co-founder nameour age this yearan outer coveringour last collaboratorOur latest exclusive collectionhair Clip, Headband, etca covering for the foot...

Crazy Crossword Chaos 2016-08-23

Crazy Crossword Chaos crossword puzzle
  1. Type of saxophone (Do = G)
  2. a piece for two players
  3. Percussion instrument - not a square / not a circle
  4. medium tempo (page 11)
  5. Italian composer (number 45)
  6. Percussion instrument - can roll or crash
  7. one count note
  8. loud dynamic
  9. four count note
  10. Brass instrument with valves (Do = Bb)
  11. a piece for one player
  12. Tuned Percussion made of metal
  13. Brass instrument without valves (Do = Bb)
  14. Percussion instrument - small drum with metal disks around the outside
  15. Austrian composer (number 31)
  16. Type of saxophone (Do = C)
  17. soft dynamic
  1. fast tempo (page 11)
  2. Woodwind instrument (Do = Bb)
  3. Woodwind instrument (Do = C)
  4. Tuned Percussion made of wood
  5. slow tempo (page 11)
  6. Brass instrument with valves (Do = C)
  7. play short and detached
  8. getting louder
  9. German composer (number 57)
  10. a piece for three players
  11. The biggest string instrument
  12. getting softer
  13. Brass instrument (Do = F)
  14. hold the note / watch the conductor
  15. The biggest brass instrument (Do = Bb)
  16. two count note
  17. curved line connecting two of the same notes

34 Clues: loud dynamicsoft dynamicgetting louderone count notegetting softertwo count notefour count notefast tempo (page 11)slow tempo (page 11)medium tempo (page 11)a piece for one playera piece for two playersplay short and detacheda piece for three playersBrass instrument (Do = F)Type of saxophone (Do = G)Type of saxophone (Do = C)...

Crazy Crossword Chaos 2016-08-23

Crazy Crossword Chaos crossword puzzle
  1. Woodwind instrument (Do = Bb)
  2. Type of saxophone (Do = G)
  3. Percussion instrument - not a square / not a circle
  4. Austrian composer (number 31)
  5. fast tempo (page 11)
  6. a piece for two players
  7. medium tempo (page 11)
  8. soft dynamic
  9. Brass instrument with valves (Do = Bb)
  10. four count note
  11. Percussion instrument - can roll or crash
  12. Tuned Percussion made of wood
  13. The biggest string instrument
  14. The biggest brass instrument (Do = Bb)
  15. Type of saxophone (Do = C)
  16. Tuned Percussion made of metal
  17. Brass instrument (Do = F)
  18. slow tempo (page 11)
  1. hold the note / watch the conductor
  2. play short and detached
  3. Brass instrument with valves (Do = C)
  4. Woodwind instrument (Do = C)
  5. loud dynamic
  6. Brass instrument without valves (Do = Bb)
  7. a piece for three players
  8. Italian composer (number 45)
  9. one count note
  10. German composer (number 57)
  11. two count note
  12. getting louder
  13. a piece for one player
  14. Percussion instrument - small drum with metal disks around the outside
  15. getting softer
  16. curved line connecting two of the same notes

34 Clues: loud dynamicsoft dynamicone count notetwo count notegetting loudergetting softerfour count notefast tempo (page 11)slow tempo (page 11)medium tempo (page 11)a piece for one playerplay short and detacheda piece for two playersa piece for three playersBrass instrument (Do = F)Type of saxophone (Do = G)Type of saxophone (Do = C)...

Prajwal 2022-09-20

Prajwal crossword puzzle
  1. the coloured part of a plant or tree from which seeds or fruit grow
  2. an object that you use for writing in ink
  3. a piece of wood
  4. a long wooden or metal seat for two or more people
  5. Large marsupial
  6. a large cushion that you put under your head when you are in bed
  7. a common bird that lives on or near water
  8. Flying mammal
  9. Has a trunk
  1. a container or machine that cools things or keeps them cool
  2. a tall plant that can live for a long time
  3. coloured liquid that you put onto a surface to decorate or protect it
  4. Man's best friend
  5. one or both sides of a piece of paper in a book, magazine
  6. a piece of furniture for one person to sit on
  7. a child’s toy that looks like a small person or a baby
  8. Likes to chase mice
  9. a written work that is published as printed pages fastened together inside a cover
  10. a line of metal rings that are joined together
  11. gas or oil to produce light

20 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammala piece of woodLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase micegas or oil to produce lightan object that you use for writing in inka common bird that lives on or near watera tall plant that can live for a long timea piece of furniture for one person to sit ona line of metal rings that are joined together...

Prajwal 2022-09-20

Prajwal crossword puzzle
  1. a piece of wood
  2. a container or machine that cools things or keeps them cool
  3. one or both sides of a piece of paper in a book, magazine
  4. an object that you use for writing in ink
  5. gas or oil to produce light
  6. Large marsupial
  7. Flying mammal
  8. a line of metal rings that are joined together
  9. a piece of furniture for one person to sit on
  10. a tall plant that can live for a long time
  1. the coloured part of a plant or tree from which seeds or fruit grow
  2. a child’s toy that looks like a small person or a baby
  3. Man's best friend
  4. Has a trunk
  5. a large cushion that you put under your head when you are in bed
  6. a written work that is published as printed pages fastened together inside a cover
  7. coloured liquid that you put onto a surface to decorate or protect it
  8. a common bird that lives on or near water
  9. a long wooden or metal seat for two or more people
  10. Likes to chase mice

20 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammala piece of woodLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase micegas or oil to produce lightan object that you use for writing in inka common bird that lives on or near watera tall plant that can live for a long timea piece of furniture for one person to sit ona line of metal rings that are joined together...

Deutsch 5 Kapitel 4A: Spiele 2021-09-07

Deutsch 5 Kapitel 4A:  Spiele crossword puzzle
  1. queen (cards)
  2. of a kind
  3. explanation
  4. hearts
  5. to throw
  6. figure, game piece
  7. jack
  8. ace
  9. to catch
  10. now
  11. I'm beginning
  12. loser
  13. now
  14. start
  15. to throw the dice
  16. pile of cards
  17. to lay (down)
  18. to pull, draw (a card)
  19. to get, receive
  20. game, play
  21. to mix, shuffle (cards
  22. board game
  23. goal
  24. clubs
  25. How about?
  26. ahead one space
  27. boring
  28. play money
  29. winner, victor
  30. field, space (board game)
  31. It's your turn
  1. card, ticket
  2. to lose
  3. to sit out a round
  4. player
  5. winner
  6. It's my turn
  7. board
  8. stone, game piece
  9. instructions
  10. small piece of paper
  11. checkers
  12. chess
  13. die (dice)
  14. to cheat
  15. to be up next
  16. It's starting!
  17. to be up, to be one's turn
  18. rule of the game
  19. king
  20. player, participant
  21. Do you have a chance?
  22. spades
  23. to win
  24. dumb
  25. to damage
  26. back one space
  27. diamonds
  28. to cover up

59 Clues: acenownowjackkinggoaldumbboardchessloserstartclubsplayerwinnerheartsspadesto winboringto loseto throwcheckersto cheatto catchdiamondsof a kindto damagedie (dice)game, playboard gameHow about?play moneyexplanationto cover upcard, ticketIt's my turninstructionsqueen (cards)to be up nextI'm beginningpile of cardsto lay (down)It's starting!...

ESC Crossword 25012020 2020-01-20

ESC Crossword  25012020 crossword puzzle
  1. a bird that is like a duck but is larger and makes loud noises
  2. a printed piece of paper which shows that you have paid to enter a cinema, travel on a bus, plane
  3. a very small fragment or piece of plastic
  4. toy made of a horse’s head on a stick
  5. related to the process of knowing, understanding, and learning something
  6. a small soft flat piece of frozen water that falls as snow
  7. pleasantly hard or firm when you bite it
  8. to decide not to use something
  1. a man with the highest social rank outside the royal family
  2. a video camera that is worn on clothing
  3. one of the light soft things that cover a bird’s body
  4. the period of time when someone is young
  5. to stop doing something, especially something that is bad or annoying
  6. something that has been organized or agreed on
  7. Many endangered species now face .... (stop existing)
  8. one of the long stiff hairs that grow near the mouth of a cat
  9. one of a group of women who sing or dance in a musical show
  10. to give special attention to something, to concentrate
  11. a quick strong hit made with your fist
  12. to break into pieces violently or noisily

20 Clues: to decide not to use somethingtoy made of a horse’s head on a sticka quick strong hit made with your fista video camera that is worn on clothingthe period of time when someone is youngpleasantly hard or firm when you bite ita very small fragment or piece of plasticto break into pieces violently or noisily...

7th grade 2021-11-30

7th grade crossword puzzle
  1. a type of fiction that might be based on artificial intelligence technology
  2. conventional way to group words and punctuation
  3. the supportive member to the protagonist
  4. requires the element of magic
  5. daily writing or record keeping
  6. unfinished version of a creative writing piece
  7. conversation in literal form
  8. a genre option for writing
  9. one who solves crimes
  10. a person who creates a story, poem or novel
  11. the villain in a short story
  12. a saying utilizing a group of words not be be taken literally
  1. a fundamental element in helping solve a mystery
  2. contents or requirements in a piece
  3. the main character of a story
  4. a set of instructions or rules
  5. a result of using the mind to think
  6. something used as a measure or level of attainment
  7. a group of lines that form a verse
  8. a form of artistic expression
  9. monomyth, a common template for a story with a hero
  10. a group of sentences that focus on one topic within a story
  11. a group of words beginning with the same letter
  12. figure of speech comparing two things with the use of like or as
  13. a piece of prose fiction that typically can be read in one sitting

25 Clues: one who solves crimesa genre option for writingconversation in literal formthe villain in a short storythe main character of a storyrequires the element of magica form of artistic expressiona set of instructions or rulesdaily writing or record keepinga group of lines that form a versecontents or requirements in a piece...

ESC Crossword 25012020 2020-01-20

ESC Crossword  25012020 crossword puzzle
  1. a man with the highest social rank outside the royal family
  2. to decide not to use something
  3. toy made of a horse’s head on a stick
  4. related to the process of knowing, understanding, and learning something
  5. a bird that is like a duck but is larger and makes loud noises
  6. a very small fragment or piece of plastic
  7. a small soft flat piece of frozen water that falls as snow
  8. to stop doing something, especially something that is bad or annoying
  9. to give special attention to something, to concentrate
  10. to break into pieces violently or noisily
  11. one of the light soft things that cover a bird’s body
  1. a quick strong hit made with your fist
  2. one of the long stiff hairs that grow near the mouth of a cat
  3. something that has been organized or agreed on
  4. Many endangered species now face .... (stop existing)
  5. pleasantly hard or firm when you bite it
  6. a printed piece of paper which shows that you have paid to enter a cinema, travel on a bus, plane
  7. a video camera that is worn on clothing
  8. one of a group of women who sing or dance in a musical show
  9. the period of time when someone is young

20 Clues: to decide not to use somethingtoy made of a horse’s head on a sticka quick strong hit made with your fista video camera that is worn on clothingpleasantly hard or firm when you bite itthe period of time when someone is younga very small fragment or piece of plasticto break into pieces violently or noisily...

7th grade 2021-11-30

7th grade crossword puzzle
  1. a saying utilizing a group of words not be be taken literally
  2. one who solves crimes
  3. a person who creates a story, poem or novel
  4. time, daily writing or record keeping
  5. unfinished version of a creative writing piece
  6. requires the element of magic
  7. conversation in literal form
  8. a type of fiction that might be based on artificial intelligence technology
  9. the villain in a short story
  10. contents or requirements in a piece
  11. figure of speech comparing two things with the use of like or as
  12. the main character of a story
  1. a fundamental element in helping solve a mystery
  2. a set of instructions or rules
  3. a group of sentences that focus on one topic within a story
  4. a genre option for writing
  5. journey, monomyth, a common template for a story with a hero
  6. a form of artistic expression
  7. conventional way to group words and punctuation
  8. the supportive member to the protagonist
  9. something used as a measure or level of attainment
  10. a group of words beginning with the same letter
  11. story, a piece of prose fiction that typically can be read in one sitting
  12. a group of lines that form a verse
  13. a result of using the mind to think

25 Clues: one who solves crimesa genre option for writingconversation in literal formthe villain in a short storya form of artistic expressionrequires the element of magicthe main character of a storya set of instructions or rulesa group of lines that form a versea result of using the mind to thinkcontents or requirements in a piece...

accessories 2024-11-18

accessories crossword puzzle
  1. people use this to keep hair in place
  2. people carry books with this one
  3. people use this to wipe tears and sweat
  4. a bag people wear on the shoulder
  5. a thing people use to keep changes or coins
  6. a small accessory people wear on the wrist to tell time
  7. a piece of jewelry people wear on their dresses or jackets
  8. a thing to keep keys together
  9. a piece of jewelry people wear around tghe neck
  1. a thing people wear around their waist to fasten the pants
  2. a piece of jewelry people wear on the fingers before they are getting married
  3. a bag people use to keep makeup in
  4. a piece of jewelry that's made with colorful plastic ball and people wear them on the wrist or around the neck
  5. people wear them to keep their pants up
  6. a thing people use to keep their money and credit cards or other cards
  7. people wear them on the cuff
  8. people keep their love ones pictures in this
  9. a piece of jewelry people wear on the fingers when they are married

18 Clues: people wear them on the cuffa thing to keep keys togetherpeople carry books with this onea bag people wear on the shouldera bag people use to keep makeup inpeople use this to keep hair in placepeople use this to wipe tears and sweatpeople wear them to keep their pants upa thing people use to keep changes or coins...

Musical Terms 2017-04-26

Musical Terms crossword puzzle
  1. the combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce chords and chord progressions having a pleasing effect.
  2. any set of musical notes ordered by fundamental frequency or pitch
  3. the distance between the equilibrium and the crest/trough
  4. a rhythm that makes use of two or more different rhythms simultaneously.
  5. relating to notes that are the same in pitch (in modern tuning) though bearing different names (e.g., F sharp and G flat or B and C flat).
  6. either a song or an instrumental music piece, the structure of a musical piece, or the process of creating or writing a new song or piece of music
  7. a group of (typically three or more) notes sounded together, as a basis of harmony.
  8. the "highness," or "lowness," of a sound
  9. a single tone of definite pitch made by a musical instrument or the human voice.
  1. a particular part of the range of a voice or instrument.
  2. The distance between one crest to another
  3. the rhythm of a piece of poetry, determined by the number and length of feet in a line.
  4. is a compositional device where a melody, theme or motif is presented in longer note-values than were previously used.
  5. how long something lasts, from beginning to end
  6. a contrapuntal composition in which a short melody or phrase (the subject) is introduced by one part and successively taken up by others and developed by interweaving the parts.
  7. a gradual increase in loudness in a piece of music.

16 Clues: the "highness," or "lowness," of a soundThe distance between one crest to anotherhow long something lasts, from beginning to enda gradual increase in loudness in a piece of music.a particular part of the range of a voice or instrument.the distance between the equilibrium and the crest/trough...

Furniture 2023-07-04

Furniture crossword puzzle
  1. A piece of furniture with shelves or drawers, used for storing or displaying items.
  2. A flat horizontal board attached to a wall or standing on supports, used for holding objects.
  3. A comfortable seat with padded arms and a back, typically designed for more than one person.
  4. A piece of furniture designed to hold a television and other entertainment equipment.
  5. A piece of furniture used for sleeping, consisting of a mattress and a frame or base.
  6. A low table placed in front of a sofa or chairs, used for placing drinks, books, or other items.
  7. A shelf or set of shelves used for storing books.
  8. A table or writing surface, often with drawers or compartments, used for studying or working.
  1. A piece of furniture designed for sitting on, typically with a back and four legs.
  2. A table with a mirror and drawers, used for applying makeup and getting ready.
  3. A small table placed beside a chair or bed, used for holding items within easy reach.
  4. A large, upright cabinet used for storing clothes and other personal belongings.
  5. A padded footstool or low upholstered seat, often used for resting feet or as extra seating.
  6. A piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, used for various purposes such as eating, working, or playing games.
  7. A piece of furniture with drawers, used for storing clothes and accessories.

15 Clues: A shelf or set of shelves used for storing books.A piece of furniture with drawers, used for storing clothes and accessories.A table with a mirror and drawers, used for applying makeup and getting ready.A large, upright cabinet used for storing clothes and other personal belongings....

5th year Crossword 2024-11-24

5th year Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Creates an echo effect
  2. Number of beats per bar
  3. One line of melody
  4. A classical feature where two of the same instrument play different melodies at the same time
  5. Major or minor?
  6. Two or more lines of melody
  7. One line of melody with harmony
  8. How loud or soft a piece of music is
  1. A type of broken chord
  2. playing on the off beat
  3. How high or low a sound is
  4. The speed of music
  5. Moving sound from one speaker to another
  6. To describe how happy or sad a piece of music is

14 Clues: Major or minor?One line of melodyThe speed of musicA type of broken chordCreates an echo effectplaying on the off beatNumber of beats per barHow high or low a sound isTwo or more lines of melodyOne line of melody with harmonyHow loud or soft a piece of music isMoving sound from one speaker to anotherTo describe how happy or sad a piece of music is...

Manga & Anime crossword puzzle 2013-02-16

Manga & Anime crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. named after a cleaning product
  2. finish this title (____ in the shell)
  3. what series of manga does Luffy the pirate come from
  4. what series is Pickachu from
  5. last name of Masashi creator of Naruto
  6. full name of Manga
  7. Japanese version on cartoons on TV
  8. main charater off One-Piece
  9. were did Anime originate
  1. creator of Naruto
  2. what colours are manga usually printed in
  3. what is a paperback book called in Japan
  4. main character off Bleach
  5. main character on Naruto
  6. Japanese version of comics

15 Clues: creator of Narutofull name of Mangamain character on Narutowere did Anime originatemain character off BleachJapanese version of comicsmain charater off One-Piecewhat series is Pickachu fromnamed after a cleaning productJapanese version on cartoons on TVfinish this title (____ in the shell)last name of Masashi creator of Naruto...

A Masters Word Search 2021-11-17

A Masters Word Search crossword puzzle
  1. to be stable within an equal piece of matter on 2 sides
  2. an item food comes in
  3. this a is a piece of art
  4. when your buildings power drains all out
  5. you can be born with an _______
  6. mysterious
  1. a 3d shape
  2. a dairy product that makes you taller
  3. you should be in one
  4. locate your location
  5. we all have had one in life
  6. a living organism that feeds on organic matter, that includes YOU!!
  7. to give a result
  8. to change slightly
  9. a slingy toy

15 Clues: a 3d shapemysteriousa slingy toyto give a resultto change slightlyyou should be in onelocate your locationan item food comes inthis a is a piece of artwe all have had one in lifeyou can be born with an _______a dairy product that makes you tallerwhen your buildings power drains all outto be stable within an equal piece of matter on 2 sides...

Prajwal 2022-09-20

Prajwal crossword puzzle
  1. a piece of wood
  2. a container or machine that cools things or keeps them cool
  3. one or both sides of a piece of paper in a book, magazine
  4. an object that you use for writing in ink
  5. gas or oil to produce light
  6. Large marsupial
  7. Flying mammal
  8. a line of metal rings that are joined together
  9. a piece of furniture for one person to sit on
  10. a tall plant that can live for a long time
  1. the coloured part of a plant or tree from which seeds or fruit grow
  2. a child’s toy that looks like a small person or a baby
  3. Man's best friend
  4. Has a trunk
  5. a large cushion that you put under your head when you are in bed
  6. a written work that is published as printed pages fastened together inside a cover
  7. coloured liquid that you put onto a surface to decorate or protect it
  8. a common bird that lives on or near water
  9. a long wooden or metal seat for two or more people
  10. Likes to chase mice

20 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammala piece of woodLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase micegas or oil to produce lightan object that you use for writing in inka common bird that lives on or near watera tall plant that can live for a long timea piece of furniture for one person to sit ona line of metal rings that are joined together...

Prajwal 2022-09-20

Prajwal crossword puzzle
  1. a common bird that lives on or near water
  2. coloured liquid that you put onto a surface to decorate or protect it
  3. Man's best friend
  4. an object that you use for writing in ink
  5. a container or machine that cools things or keeps them cool
  6. Has a trunk
  7. a piece of wood
  8. a written work that is published as printed pages fastened together inside a cover
  9. one or both sides of a piece of paper in a book, magazine
  10. a piece of furniture for one person to sit on
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Flying mammal
  3. a tall plant that can live for a long time
  4. the coloured part of a plant or tree from which seeds or fruit grow
  5. a child’s toy that looks like a small person or a baby
  6. a large cushion that you put under your head when you are in bed
  7. a line of metal rings that are joined together
  8. Likes to chase mice
  9. gas or oil to produce light
  10. a long wooden or metal seat for two or more people

20 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupiala piece of woodMan's best friendLikes to chase micegas or oil to produce lighta common bird that lives on or near wateran object that you use for writing in inka tall plant that can live for a long timea piece of furniture for one person to sit ona line of metal rings that are joined together...

Prajwal 2022-09-20

Prajwal crossword puzzle
  1. Has a trunk
  2. a line of metal rings that are joined together
  3. Likes to chase mice
  4. a tall plant that can live for a long time
  5. a written work that is published as printed pages fastened together inside a cover
  6. coloured liquid that you put onto a surface to decorate or protect it
  7. gas or oil to produce light
  8. Man's best friend
  9. a container or machine that cools things or keeps them cool
  10. the coloured part of a plant or tree from which seeds or fruit grow
  1. Large marsupial
  2. a common bird that lives on or near water
  3. a piece of furniture for one person to sit on
  4. an object that you use for writing in ink
  5. a long wooden or metal seat for two or more people
  6. Flying mammal
  7. one or both sides of a piece of paper in a book, magazine
  8. a large cushion that you put under your head when you are in bed
  9. a piece of wood
  10. a child’s toy that looks like a small person or a baby

20 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupiala piece of woodMan's best friendLikes to chase micegas or oil to produce lighta common bird that lives on or near wateran object that you use for writing in inka tall plant that can live for a long timea piece of furniture for one person to sit ona line of metal rings that are joined together...

Prajwal 2022-09-20

Prajwal crossword puzzle
  1. the coloured part of a plant or tree from which seeds or fruit grow
  2. an object that you use for writing in ink
  3. a piece of wood
  4. a long wooden or metal seat for two or more people
  5. Large marsupial
  6. a large cushion that you put under your head when you are in bed
  7. a common bird that lives on or near water
  8. Flying mammal
  9. Has a trunk
  1. a container or machine that cools things or keeps them cool
  2. a tall plant that can live for a long time
  3. coloured liquid that you put onto a surface to decorate or protect it
  4. Man's best friend
  5. one or both sides of a piece of paper in a book, magazine
  6. a piece of furniture for one person to sit on
  7. a child’s toy that looks like a small person or a baby
  8. Likes to chase mice
  9. a written work that is published as printed pages fastened together inside a cover
  10. a line of metal rings that are joined together
  11. gas or oil to produce light

20 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammala piece of woodLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase micegas or oil to produce lightan object that you use for writing in inka common bird that lives on or near watera tall plant that can live for a long timea piece of furniture for one person to sit ona line of metal rings that are joined together...

QUIZ 2023-10-22

QUIZ crossword puzzle
  1. MOBA jargon for an area commonly associated with killing neutral monsters to earn gold and experience
  2. A piece that can move diagonally in chess
  3. Cup in the "Mario Kart" series which always finishes with "Rainbow Road"
  4. Theme of the blue squares in "Trivial Pursuit"
  5. Multi-colored wild card in "Ticket to Ride"
  6. Island where the activities in "Wii Sports Resort" take place
  7. Subject of a community-made creepypasta and major icon of "Minecraft"
  8. Race in the "Legend of Zelda" series depicted wearing leaves for masks
  9. Plant which generates coins in "Plants vs Zombies"
  1. Pyrokinetic burst used by Geralt in the "Witcher" series
  2. Mario's first ever enemy, encountered at the start of 1-1 in "Super Mario bros." (NES)
  3. Lowest valued (human) piece in "Stratego"
  4. Poker hand where all five cards are of the same suit(symbol)
  5. Government member elected democratically every round in "Secret Hitler"
  6. Currency used in the "Animal Crossing" series
  7. Last name of the red character in the Dutch version of "Clue"
  8. The only type that electric type Pokémon are weak towards
  9. Most expensive street in the US version of "Monopoly"
  10. Continent worth exactly 3 bonus armies in "RISK"
  11. Board piece you can buy and activate with exactly one ore, one sheep and one wheat in "Catan"

20 Clues: A piece that can move diagonally in chessLowest valued (human) piece in "Stratego"Multi-colored wild card in "Ticket to Ride"Currency used in the "Animal Crossing" seriesTheme of the blue squares in "Trivial Pursuit"Continent worth exactly 3 bonus armies in "RISK"Plant which generates coins in "Plants vs Zombies"...

Here We Go! 2023-03-26

Here We Go! crossword puzzle
  1. The prophet that followed Elijah
  2. More than a penny, less than a dime
  3. Isaac's substitute
  4. The person on a half-dollar
  5. Noah had one and so did the Temple
  6. A chess piece that moves only diagonally
  7. The largest planet in our solar system
  8. An Old Testament prophet
  1. A very old garden
  2. Half of a half note
  3. Jesus' right-hand man
  4. A country below Saudi Arabia
  5. A musical piece: soloist vs. orchestra
  6. The sort of puzzle you are doing right now
  7. One of the smallest orchestra instruments
  8. The husband of Sarah
  9. When you sing a song without anyone else

17 Clues: A very old gardenIsaac's substituteHalf of a half noteThe husband of SarahJesus' right-hand manAn Old Testament prophetThe person on a half-dollarA country below Saudi ArabiaThe prophet that followed ElijahNoah had one and so did the TempleMore than a penny, less than a dimeA musical piece: soloist vs. orchestra...

Music Vocabulary 2024-09-23

Music Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The pattern of beats and silences in music.
  2. A sequence of notes arranged in ascending or descending order by pitch.
  3. A symbol indicating a silence lasting one-quarter of a measure.
  4. a segment of time in a piece of music that contains a specific number of beats
  5. A vertical line on the staff that separates measures in a piece of music. It helps to organize the music into sections.
  6. are placed on the lines and in the spaces to indicate their pitch."
  7. A symbol indicating a silence lasting a whole measure.
  8. "A musical note with a duration of one-half of a whole note.In 4/4 time, it gets two beats."
  9. A symbol indicating a silence lasting one-half of a measure.
  1. A notation at the beginning of a piece of music that indicates how many beats are in each measure (the top number) and what note value (the bottom number) gets one beat.
  2. "Two vertical lines placed close together on the staff, signaling the end of a section or the end of the piece of music."
  3. "A symbol placed at the beginning of the staff that indicates the pitch of notes on the staff, specifically for higher-pitched instruments and voices. "
  4. "A set of five horizontal lines and four spaces that each represent a different pitch.
  5. "A musical note with a duration of one-quarter of a whole note.In 4/4 time, it gets one beat."
  6. A musical note with a duration of four beats in 4/4 time.

15 Clues: The pattern of beats and silences in music.A symbol indicating a silence lasting a whole measure.A musical note with a duration of four beats in 4/4 time.A symbol indicating a silence lasting one-half of a measure.A symbol indicating a silence lasting one-quarter of a measure.are placed on the lines and in the spaces to indicate their pitch."...

Prose Performance Vocabulary 2021-02-03

Prose Performance Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. literary form that is mostly written in dialogue and stage directions, it is written with the intention of being performed
  2. variations in the ways people speak, how someone's voice sounds
  3. short literary works written with a distinctive style and rhythm that sometimes rhyme
  4. performing a piece of literature for an audience
  5. Sharing your thoughts on someone’s work so you can help them improve
  6. pieces that are written in plain, simple language or use language in its ordinary form, without any kind of rhythm (*hint: NOT poetry)
  7. the way a word is said by a performer, the act of saying a word in a correct or particular way
  8. when a performer works on their piece to prepare for their performance
  9. when the sounds in words, especially at the ending of words are similar, often seen in poetry
  10. in a prose piece this is what we call anything that isn't dialogue
  11. how high or low a sound is
  1. symbols like commas, periods, and dashes that the actor/performer uses as a map to tell them when to pause and for how long
  2. the way an actor/performer speaks when they are saying the dialogue in a prose piece
  3. how an actor/performer uses their voice to shift from one character to another or from the narration to a character
  4. how loud or soft a sound is
  5. "I could tell that performer felt _____ about performing their piece because they looked up at the audience, spoke in a clear steady voice that was loud enough to be heard, and looked comfortable in front of the audience."
  6. when the pitch of your voice changes from low to high or high to low
  7. speaking loudly enough to be heard well by an audience
  8. pattern of beats in a piece of poetry, the rhythm and tempo
  9. the speed at which some one speaks

20 Clues: how high or low a sound ishow loud or soft a sound isthe speed at which some one speaksperforming a piece of literature for an audiencespeaking loudly enough to be heard well by an audiencepattern of beats in a piece of poetry, the rhythm and tempovariations in the ways people speak, how someone's voice sounds...

90s trends! 2022-06-01

90s trends! crossword puzzle
  1. - chunky boot brand
  2. - easy slap-able accessory
  3. - "As if"
  4. - hair accessory
  5. - skin rings + studs
  6. - "That's hot"
  7. - wannabe
  1. - a piece of clothing/prevents the wind
  2. - sk8ter boi
  3. - plaid/warm piece of clothing
  4. - workout videos
  5. - hit me baby one more time
  6. - colorful head handkerchief

13 Clues: - "As if"- wannabe- sk8ter boi- "That's hot"- workout videos- hair accessory- chunky boot brand- skin rings + studs- easy slap-able accessory- hit me baby one more time- colorful head handkerchief- plaid/warm piece of clothing- a piece of clothing/prevents the wind

Holiday Fun 2023-05-06

Holiday Fun crossword puzzle
  1. What statue is Ballina famous for?
  2. Hardhat
  3. Marquee
  4. Home on wheels
  5. Small Shop
  6. Colourful bird
  7. A water dragon is one of these
  8. Solar
  1. Tropical tree
  2. Bike
  3. Surfers ride these
  4. What makes the water in Lake Ainsworth colourful?
  5. Used for cooking sausages
  6. Large rock
  7. The only chess piece that can jump over any other piece

15 Clues: BikeSolarHardhatMarqueeLarge rockSmall ShopTropical treeHome on wheelsColourful birdSurfers ride theseUsed for cooking sausagesA water dragon is one of theseWhat statue is Ballina famous for?What makes the water in Lake Ainsworth colourful?The only chess piece that can jump over any other piece

Ceramics Vocabulary 2021-10-12

Ceramics Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The technique of applying one piece of clay to another.
  2. Name of the artist we looked at that made woodland inspired mugs.
  3. Involves carving or cutting the surface with a sharp tool.
  4. Finished ceramics that has been fired once.
  5. Finished ceramics that looks like glass.
  6. Clay is ready to be fired for the first time.
  7. Used with slip to apply one piece of clay to another.
  8. Uses an object or stamp to press a design into clay.
  1. Best time for pinch construction.
  2. Best time to do slab construction or carve.
  3. You are hand-building forms by pinching clay between thumb and fingers.
  4. Helps make sure the air bubbles are out of the clay.
  5. The "glue" that is used to attach one piece of clay to another.

13 Clues: Best time for pinch construction.Finished ceramics that looks like glass.Best time to do slab construction or carve.Finished ceramics that has been fired once.Clay is ready to be fired for the first time.Helps make sure the air bubbles are out of the clay.Uses an object or stamp to press a design into clay....

Azmi's Crossword in the Baroque period 2021-03-29

Azmi's Crossword in the Baroque period crossword puzzle
  1. - a low pitch string instrument
  2. - a big violin
  3. - the grandfather of the piano
  4. - important instrument in orchestras
  5. - a bass instrument
  6. - a black woodwind instrument
  7. - one tune playing
  1. - a piece of music with a person playing solo followed by an orchestra
  2. - when two melodies are playing alternatively
  3. - a piece of music from George Frideric Handel
  4. - percussion used in the baroque period
  5. - two or more tunes playing at the same time
  6. - one melody accompanied by chords
  7. - a tube looking instrument

14 Clues: - a big violin- one tune playing- a bass instrument- a tube looking instrument- a black woodwind instrument- the grandfather of the piano- a low pitch string instrument- one melody accompanied by chords- important instrument in orchestras- percussion used in the baroque period- two or more tunes playing at the same time...

MUSIC 2022-05-18

MUSIC crossword puzzle
  1. Several songs or pieces of music sold together.
  2. A single musical sound or the symbol that represents it.
  3. The words of a song.
  4. A regular, repeating pattern of sound.
  5. One of the parts that a song or poem is divided into.
  6. The end part of words that sound the same.
  7. The raised area in a theatre where musicians perform.
  8. A group of musicians who play music together.
  9. A song or piece of music.
  1. A room where music recordings are made.
  2. A pleasant sound in music, made by playing or singing a group of different notes together.
  3. A song or other piece of music sung or played by two people.
  4. The part of a song which is repeated several times.
  5. To practise in order to prepare for a performance.
  6. An object that is used for playing music.
  7. To entertain people by playing music.
  8. A performance of music.
  9. One song or piece of music on a CD.

18 Clues: The words of a song.A performance of music.A song or piece of music.One song or piece of music on a CD.To entertain people by playing music.A regular, repeating pattern of sound.A room where music recordings are made.An object that is used for playing music.The end part of words that sound the same.A group of musicians who play music together....


MUSIC VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. Several songs or pieces of music sold together.
  2. A single musical sound or the symbol that represents it.
  3. The words of a song.
  4. A regular, repeating pattern of sound.
  5. One of the parts that a song or poem is divided into.
  6. The end part of words that sound the same.
  7. The raised area in a theatre where musicians perform.
  8. A group of musicians who play music together.
  9. A song or piece of music.
  1. A room where music recordings are made.
  2. A pleasant sound in music, made by playing or singing a group of different notes together.
  3. A song or other piece of music sung or played by two people.
  4. The part of a song which is repeated several times.
  5. To practise in order to prepare for a performance.
  6. An object that is used for playing music.
  7. To entertain people by playing music.
  8. a performance of music.
  9. One song or piece of music on a CD.

18 Clues: The words of a song.a performance of music.A song or piece of music.One song or piece of music on a CD.To entertain people by playing music.A regular, repeating pattern of sound.A room where music recordings are made.An object that is used for playing music.The end part of words that sound the same.A group of musicians who play music together....

Musical Elements 2015-04-27

Musical Elements crossword puzzle
  1. Overall structure or plan of a piece of music
  2. Workplace Health and _____
  3. The particular instruments used in a piece of music
  4. A stong, regular repeated pattern
  5. A sequence of notes that is musically satisfying
  6. The character or quality of a musical sound
  1. A note worth one beat
  2. The use of simultaneous pitches or chords
  3. A ______ bar line indicates the end of a piece of music
  4. A note worth 4 beats
  5. The speed of a piece of music
  6. Biggest WHS issue for musicians

12 Clues: A note worth 4 beatsA note worth one beatWorkplace Health and _____The speed of a piece of musicBiggest WHS issue for musiciansA stong, regular repeated patternThe use of simultaneous pitches or chordsThe character or quality of a musical soundOverall structure or plan of a piece of musicA sequence of notes that is musically satisfying...

No piece of cake 2023-02-02

No piece of cake crossword puzzle
  1. stekspade
  2. lägga till
  3. lätt som en plätt
  4. bestick, redskap
  5. steka
  6. recept
  7. tyvärr, olyckligtvis
  8. duka bordet
  1. kladdkaka
  2. värma ugnen
  3. mäta upp
  4. bestick
  5. blanda
  6. blanda om
  7. hjärtligt
  8. smet
  9. till punkt och pricka

18 Clues: smetstekablandareceptbestickmäta uppkladdkakastekspadeblanda omhjärtligtlägga tillvärma ugnenduka bordetbestick, redskaplätt som en plätttyvärr, olyckligtvistill punkt och pricka

Music 2020-11-03

Music crossword puzzle
  1. A group of musicians who play music together.
  2. An object that is used for playing music.
  3. The words of a song.
  4. A song or other piece of music sung or played by two people.
  5. The end part of words that sound the same.
  6. The raised area in a theatre where musicians perform.
  7. A pleasant sound in music, made by playing or singing a group of different notes together.
  8. A single musical sound or the symbol that represents it.
  9. A regular, repeating pattern of sound.
  10. The part of a song which is repeated several times.
  1. Several songs or pieces of music sold together.
  2. One of the parts that a song or poem is divided into.
  3. A room where music recordings are made.
  4. A performance of music.
  5. One song or piece of music on a CD.
  6. To entertain people by playing music.
  7. To practise in order to prepare for a performance.
  8. A song or piece of music.

18 Clues: The words of a song.A performance of music.A song or piece of music.One song or piece of music on a CD.To entertain people by playing music.A regular, repeating pattern of sound.A room where music recordings are made.An object that is used for playing music.The end part of words that sound the same.A group of musicians who play music together....

MUSIC 2022-05-18

MUSIC crossword puzzle
  1. Several songs or pieces of music sold together.
  2. A single musical sound or the symbol that represents it.
  3. The words of a song.
  4. A regular, repeating pattern of sound.
  5. One of the parts that a song or poem is divided into.
  6. The end part of words that sound the same.
  7. The raised area in a theatre where musicians perform.
  8. A group of musicians who play music together.
  9. A song or piece of music.
  1. A room where music recordings are made.
  2. A pleasant sound in music, made by playing or singing a group of different notes together.
  3. A song or other piece of music sung or played by two people.
  4. The part of a song which is repeated several times.
  5. To practise in order to prepare for a performance.
  6. An object that is used for playing music.
  7. To entertain people by playing music.
  8. A performance of music.
  9. One song or piece of music on a CD.

18 Clues: The words of a song.A performance of music.A song or piece of music.One song or piece of music on a CD.To entertain people by playing music.A regular, repeating pattern of sound.A room where music recordings are made.An object that is used for playing music.The end part of words that sound the same.A group of musicians who play music together....

Oxford's Vocabulary Crossword 2020-03-21

Oxford's Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Fitting perfectly like puzzle pieces
  2. Weather below freezing
  3. A large or thick piece of something
  4. Extremly important
  5. A person who's job is to paint buildings and walls
  6. Having all its side the same length
  7. A substance that can explode
  8. To cover something with liquid by accident
  9. To say or demand that you must do something
  10. To leave a place usually in the beginning of a trip
  11. To move from side to side, penguins' walk
  12. A single piece of cotton, wool or hair
  13. In large amounts
  14. In plant to become dry and die
  15. A long piece of metal, wood used to support weight
  1. Having lost hope
  2. Small red stones used in parks and running tracks
  3. Light gray volcanic stone used to clean
  4. Black and partily burned by fire
  5. To make noices when you breath
  6. A small piece that has broken from something bigger
  7. A thing that you wear so that no one recognizes you
  8. To become bad
  9. The understanding of beautiful things
  10. To work hard
  11. A plan of thing or work that must be done
  12. To look at something or someone for period of time
  13. Very small
  14. To protect someone or something from danger
  15. The length of something from one end to another

30 Clues: Very smallTo work hardTo become badHaving lost hopeIn large amountsExtremly importantWeather below freezingA substance that can explodeTo make noices when you breathIn plant to become dry and dieBlack and partily burned by fireA large or thick piece of somethingHaving all its side the same lengthFitting perfectly like puzzle pieces...

Ohio State Test Review Words 2022-03-18

Ohio State Test Review Words crossword puzzle
  1. a phrase that is not intended to mean its literal meaning: it's raining cats and dogs
  2. point of view from which a story is told (2 words)
  3. when and where a story takes place
  4. a sound word, for example, BOOM
  5. a piece of writing that develops an author's claim with supporting reasons and evidence
  6. how an author helps achieve or provide something in the text
  7. the way the author organizes a piece of writing
  8. a statement that an author is trying to argue as true
  9. stated very clearly and in detail
  10. a detail that is on topic
  11. to examine a passage and break it down for the purpose of an explanation
  1. how an author elaborates a of the writing
  2. a comparison of two unlike objects stating one is the other
  3. a comparison of two unlike objects using "like" or "as" in the comparison
  4. the moral or life lesson the author wants the reader to get from the text
  5. an over exaggeration
  6. a person's attitude and behavior that make up their personality (2 words)
  7. a piece of writing that provides factual information
  8. to provide evidence from a text that supports a statement
  9. replying to a question in more than one paragraph, with each paragraph having several sentences (3 words)
  10. giving an inanimate object humanlike characteristics
  11. a short section of a longer piece of writing

22 Clues: an over exaggerationa detail that is on topica sound word, for example, BOOMstated very clearly and in detailwhen and where a story takes placehow an author elaborates a of the writinga short section of a longer piece of writingthe way the author organizes a piece of writingpoint of view from which a story is told (2 words)...

Music Vocabulary Crossword Pussle 2025-01-21

Music Vocabulary Crossword Pussle crossword puzzle
  1. 4 performers
  2. the distance between tones
  3. back to the original speed
  4. a group of players or singers
  5. long and short sounds put together
  6. a repeating pulse that can be felt in some music
  7. short and separated
  8. highness and lowness of sound
  9. a line of single tones that move upward, downward, or repeat
  10. the volume of the music
  11. 5 performers
  12. 3 or more different tones played or sung together
  13. 2/or more different tones sounding at the same time
  1. singing without accompaniment or no music at all just singing
  2. 2 notes of the same pitch connected for combined noted value
  3. color the special sound that makes one instrument or voice sound different from another
  4. in a melody, the span from the lowest tone to the highest tone
  5. 7 performers
  6. the overall plan of a piece of music
  7. 8 performers
  8. silence in the music
  9. music that supports the sound of the featured performer
  10. smooth and connected
  11. 6 performers
  12. signature flats/sharps at the beginning of a piece indicating tonality (key around which piece is composed)
  13. the speed of the music
  14. a composition written for 2 performers
  15. 1 performer
  16. signature 2 numbers at the beginning of piece designation how many beats per measure and what type of note gets one beat

29 Clues: 1 performer4 performers7 performers8 performers6 performers5 performersshort and separatedsilence in the musicsmooth and connectedthe speed of the musicthe volume of the musicthe distance between tonesback to the original speeda group of players or singershighness and lowness of soundlong and short sounds put together...

AIR Review 2021-03-09

AIR Review crossword puzzle
  1. a phrase that is not intended to mean its literal meaning, its raining cats and dogs
  2. point of view from which the story is told (2 words)
  3. when and where a story takes place
  4. a sound word, for example boom
  5. a piece of writing that develops an authors claim with supporting reasons and evidence
  6. how an author helps achieve or provide something in the text
  7. the way the author organizes a piece of writing
  8. a statement that the author is trying to argue as true
  9. stated clearly and in detail
  10. a detail that is on topic
  11. to examine a passage and break it down for the purpose of an explanation
  1. how an author elaborates a part of the writing
  2. a comparison of two unlike objects stating one is the other
  3. a comparison of two unlike objects using like or as
  4. a life lesson a reader gets from a text
  5. an over exaggeration
  6. a persons attitude and behavior that makes up their personality (2 words)
  7. a piece of writing that provides factual information
  8. to provide evidence from a text that supports a statement
  9. replying to a question in more than one paragraph, each paragraph having several sentences (3 words)
  10. giving an inanimate object human like characteristics
  11. a short section of a longer piece of writing

22 Clues: an over exaggerationa detail that is on topicstated clearly and in detaila sound word, for example boomwhen and where a story takes placea life lesson a reader gets from a texta short section of a longer piece of writinghow an author elaborates a part of the writingthe way the author organizes a piece of writing...

Elements of Art and Design Crossword Puzzle 2020-09-21

Elements of Art and Design Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. when designs are arranged around a center point
  2. point where your eye goes first when looking at a piece of art
  3. creates the center of interest
  4. distribution of an object
  5. to show action or direction from one part of the art to another
  6. contains lightness and darkness
  7. how the surface of something feels in real life or on paper
  8. when both sides of an object are the same
  9. the relationship between the size of an object and the whole piece of art
  1. the distance and areas around, between and within
  2. marks that go between two points
  3. when both sides of an image are different
  4. is two-dimensional and can be geometric and organic
  5. using different objects, patterns, colors, shapes, or lines to add interest to a work of art
  6. using shapes, lines, or colors again and again in one piece of art
  7. can be described in hue, saturation, and value
  8. joining two or more parts together
  9. is three-dimensional and has height, width, and depth

18 Clues: distribution of an objectcreates the center of interestcontains lightness and darknessmarks that go between two pointsjoining two or more parts togetherwhen both sides of an image are differentwhen both sides of an object are the samecan be described in hue, saturation, and valuewhen designs are arranged around a center point...

Hannah Hickey’s crossword puzzle SURVIVOR 2023-05-13

Hannah Hickey’s crossword puzzle SURVIVOR crossword puzzle
  1. a thing that you need to solve
  2. item that keeps you safe
  3. where people try to win IMMUNITY
  4. name of one of the tribes
  5. adventage in the game
  6. name of one of the tribes
  7. where they find fuel for the fire
  8. a piece of land surrounded by water
  9. hosts name
  10. a thing that is popular in the game
  1. three teams (blank)into one
  2. group of people who vote at the end
  3. thing that creates heat
  4. name of one of the tribes
  5. where people get voted out
  6. a skill that comes in handy
  7. where idols are hidden
  8. a piece of paper usually mailed
  9. where they bathe and fish for food
  10. people who ban together

20 Clues: hosts nameadventage in the gamewhere idols are hiddenthing that creates heatpeople who ban togetheritem that keeps you safename of one of the tribesname of one of the tribesname of one of the tribeswhere people get voted outthree teams (blank)into onea skill that comes in handya thing that you need to solvea piece of paper usually mailed...

Furniture 2023-06-15

Furniture crossword puzzle
  1. A long seat for multiple people
  2. A long, comfortable seat with a back and armrests
  3. A piece of furniture with drawers for storing clothes
  4. A piece of furniture with a seat for one person
  5. A flat board attached to a wall for displaying items
  6. A piece of furniture used for sleeping
  7. A piece of furniture with shelves for storing books
  8. A piece of furniture with doors for storing items
  1. A table used for studying or writing
  2. A low table placed in front of a sofa or chairs
  3. A flat surface with four legs used for eating or working
  4. A small seat without a back or arms
  5. A chair that moves back and forth on curved legs
  6. A large, tall cupboard used for hanging clothes

14 Clues: A long seat for multiple peopleA small seat without a back or armsA table used for studying or writingA piece of furniture used for sleepingA low table placed in front of a sofa or chairsA large, tall cupboard used for hanging clothesA piece of furniture with a seat for one personA chair that moves back and forth on curved legs...

Teeny tiny mouse 2023-03-29

Teeny tiny mouse crossword puzzle
  1. You wear it when you sleep.
  2. A one-piece outfit for women. It can be smart and casual.
  3. A piece of clothing of only one colour.
  4. A piece of cloth of clothing different colours.
  5. Special clothes to swim in the pool/sea.
  6. A long-sleeved T-shirt made of cotton.
  1. A very big piece of cloth.
  2. You wear it in PE lesson. Usually it is joggers and a T-shirt.
  3. You wear it on your body in winter. Usually it is made of wool.
  4. You wear them on your feet when you are near the sea.
  5. Use them to run, jump, do exercises, and go camping.

11 Clues: A very big piece of cloth.You wear it when you sleep.A long-sleeved T-shirt made of cotton.A piece of clothing of only one colour.Special clothes to swim in the pool/sea.A piece of cloth of clothing different colours.Use them to run, jump, do exercises, and go camping.You wear them on your feet when you are near the sea....

Words with Prefixes that start with Uni- or Mono- 2015-09-28

Words with Prefixes that start with Uni- or Mono- crossword puzzle
  1. Of, designed, or suitable for both sexes
  2. A one-piece frame or body structure
  3. A fictional creature resembling a horse with one horn
  4. A large, circulating white blood cell formed in bone marrow and spleen
  5. To make or become a single unit
  6. A psychosis characterized by thoughts limited or restricted to one idea.
  7. To join or combine to form a single whole or unit
  8. To obtain exclusive possessions or to keep entirely to oneself
  9. A musical style using a single melodic line without accompaniment
  10. Having one direction in which double refraction does not occur
  11. Having or consisting one loculus, chamber, or cell.
  12. The market that exists with only one buyer
  13. knowing only one language
  14. A coin or medal having a blank reverse
  15. An eyeglass for one eye.
  1. The act of uniting to or more things
  2. Having a male and female's organs in the same person.
  3. Having or consisting a single lobe
  4. Composed of a single piece
  5. Using only one language
  6. A form of dramatic entertainment, comedic solo, or others like it by a single speaker
  7. Having or involving one thread, wire, or others similar
  8. Having the basic number of chromosomes
  9. An airplane with one sustaining surface or one set of wings
  10. Any substance secreted by a monocyte
  11. A molecule with one molecular weight capable of reacting with different molecules
  12. A poem in which the poet or speaker expresses or regrets another persons death

27 Clues: Using only one languageAn eyeglass for one eye.knowing only one languageComposed of a single pieceTo make or become a single unitHaving or consisting a single lobeA one-piece frame or body structureThe act of uniting to or more thingsAny substance secreted by a monocyteHaving the basic number of chromosomesA coin or medal having a blank reverse...

Bread Winner 2016-11-17

Bread Winner crossword puzzle
  1. a piece of meat on a skewer
  2. a muslim festival
  3. pajama like trousers
  4. one of the main two languages
  5. a piece of cloth worn by woman
  6. a gray or brown woolen blanket shawl worn by Afghan men and boys
  7. name of the union that tried to take over Afghanistan
  8. a republic in central Asia
  9. another one of the main languages
  10. A long tent like garment
  11. The capital of Afghanistan
  1. a person that earns the money
  2. any knot, woven or knotted fabric
  3. a bomb planted in the ground
  4. a cart on wheels pushed by hand
  5. a group of mean men that rule Afghanistan
  6. a long pin or metal sometimes used for kebabs
  7. a narrow mattress
  8. Afghan Bread

19 Clues: Afghan Breada muslim festivala narrow mattresspajama like trousersA long tent like garmenta republic in central AsiaThe capital of Afghanistana piece of meat on a skewera bomb planted in the grounda person that earns the moneyone of the main two languagesa piece of cloth worn by womana cart on wheels pushed by handany knot, woven or knotted fabric...

Bread Winner 2016-11-17

Bread Winner crossword puzzle
  1. a piece of meat on a skewer
  2. a muslim festival
  3. pajama like trousers
  4. one of the main two languages
  5. a piece of cloth worn by woman
  6. a gray or brown woolen blanket shawl worn by Afghan men and boys
  7. name of the union that tried to take over Afghanistan
  8. a republic in central Asia
  9. another one of the main languages
  10. A long tent like garment
  11. The capital of Afghanistan
  1. a person that earns the money
  2. any knot, woven or knotted fabric
  3. a bomb planted in the ground
  4. a cart on wheels pushed by hand
  5. a group of mean men that rule Afghanistan
  6. a long pin or metal sometimes used for kebabs
  7. a narrow mattress
  8. Afghan Bread

19 Clues: Afghan Breada muslim festivala narrow mattresspajama like trousersA long tent like garmenta republic in central AsiaThe capital of Afghanistana piece of meat on a skewera bomb planted in the grounda person that earns the moneyone of the main two languagesa piece of cloth worn by womana cart on wheels pushed by handany knot, woven or knotted fabric...

Mussorgsky Crossword 2023-02-14

Mussorgsky Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. name give to five Russian composers
  2. means loud
  3. a note that is worth one beat
  4. highest make vocal range
  5. country Mussorgsky is from
  6. highest female vocal range
  7. Mussorgsky's middle name
  8. Mussorgsky's first name
  9. type of music "The Five" wrote
  10. music was more structured and oraganized during this time
  1. orchestral piece of music we have discussed, it is a tone poem
  2. German word for songs
  3. lowest female vocal range
  4. today's date
  5. a piece of orchestral music, in one movement that illustrates a story, poem, novel, or painting
  6. lowest male vocal range
  7. lowest male vocal range
  8. period of music Mussorgky lived in
  9. German word for song
  10. German invention of taking a poem and putting it to an orchestra

20 Clues: means loudtoday's dateGerman word for songGerman word for songslowest male vocal rangelowest male vocal rangeMussorgsky's first namehighest make vocal rangeMussorgsky's middle namelowest female vocal rangecountry Mussorgsky is fromhighest female vocal rangea note that is worth one beattype of music "The Five" wroteperiod of music Mussorgky lived in...

20 、21 2024-01-22

20   、21 crossword puzzle
  1. 百万
  2. 十一
  3. 薄片
  1. 片、块
  2. 十亿、
  3. 小片、小块
  4. 十二

19 Clues: 百万十二十一薄片片、块十亿、小片、小块

Clothes 2023-02-02

Clothes crossword puzzle
  1. A piece of fabric worn around your neck
  2. a covering of the head made for warmth
  3. A piece of clothing that keeps you warm and goes on your upper half
  4. Type of pants made from denim
  5. length or square of fabric worn around the neck or head
  6. Commonly worn made for the upper half
  7. tight and stretchable clothing worn on your legs
  8. type of shoe with an angled sole
  9. A pair of pants that stop above your knees or higher
  10. fabric worn over your feet
  11. One piece of fabric that covers the body and extends past the hips
  12. knitted garment worn over the upper body
  1. tight piece of clothing typically worn under a skirt or dress covering legs
  2. A sweater with extra fabric that covers your head
  3. Shoe often worn for sport occasions
  4. An article of clothing that keeps your hands warm
  5. protective eyewear to prevent bright sunlight
  6. A jacket without sleeves
  7. A special outfit worn for special occasions, not a tux

19 Clues: A jacket without sleevesfabric worn over your feetType of pants made from denimtype of shoe with an angled soleShoe often worn for sport occasionsCommonly worn made for the upper halfa covering of the head made for warmthA piece of fabric worn around your neckknitted garment worn over the upper bodyprotective eyewear to prevent bright sunlight...

Splash Crossword 2022-05-17

Splash Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A pebbly or sandy shore by the sea
  2. the end of the journey
  3. Something to take the heat away
  4. Take a holiday
  5. One-piece swim attire
  6. A water sport activity
  1. Two-piece swim attire
  2. Open footwear
  3. A self-contained commercial establishment
  4. Go from one place to another, typically over a distance of some length
  5. The warmest season of the year
  6. A flowy cover up
  7. Let's have fun in the

13 Clues: Open footwearTake a holidayA flowy cover upTwo-piece swim attireLet's have fun in theOne-piece swim attirethe end of the journeyA water sport activityThe warmest season of the yearSomething to take the heat awayA pebbly or sandy shore by the seaA self-contained commercial establishment...

Character Crossword 2022-10-04

Character Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Simpsons - Family
  2. Pokémon #054
  3. One Piece Straw Hat Pirate
  4. Simpsons - Springfield Elementary
  5. One Piece Surgeon of Death
  1. Avatar The Last Airbender
  2. Futurama
  3. Pokémon #129
  4. Futurama
  5. Disney Villain
  6. Disney Villain
  7. Avatar The Last Airbender

12 Clues: FuturamaFuturamaPokémon #129Pokémon #054Disney VillainDisney VillainSimpsons - FamilyAvatar The Last AirbenderAvatar The Last AirbenderOne Piece Straw Hat PirateOne Piece Surgeon of DeathSimpsons - Springfield Elementary

Piece not Pieces 2017-06-13

Piece not Pieces crossword puzzle
  1. defect problem that happens to a baby while they are in their mother’s body
  2. result of two countries disagreeing
  3. basic structure needs and facilities eg hospitals, police stations.
  4. serious disagreement or argument
  5. person who has no parents
  6. person that is forced to flee their country due to war, natural disasters etc.
  1. conflict between different countries
  2. person who uses unlawful violence against the government
  3. extremely cruel act, one involving physical violence or injury.
  4. displaced person that is needed to flee their home but not outside their country. They are like refugees except in their country
  5. never ending or changing all the time
  6. war between citizens of the same country

12 Clues: person who has no parentsserious disagreement or argumentresult of two countries disagreeingconflict between different countriesnever ending or changing all the timewar between citizens of the same countryperson who uses unlawful violence against the governmentextremely cruel act, one involving physical violence or injury....

CLOTHES 2021-05-09

CLOTHES crossword puzzle
  1. a piece of clothing that covers the lower part of the body from the waist to the feet, consisting of two cylinder-shaped parts, one for each leg, that are joined at the top (British)
  2. a small, usually circular object used to fasten something, for example a shirt or coat
  3. a piece of clothing that is worn on the hand and wrist for warmth or protection, with separate parts for each finger
  4. a piece of jewellery worn around the neck, such as a chain or a string of decorative stones, beads, etc.
  5. a piece of clothing for women and girls that hangs from the waist and does not have legs:
  6. a type of underwear, often with no sleeves, that covers the upper part of the body, worn for extra warmth
  7. a piece of clothing made from soft material that covers your foot and the lower part of your leg
  8. shoes usually worn by women that have a very tall piece on the bottom that lifts the back of the foot higher than the front
  9. a long, thin piece of material that is worn under a shirt collar, especially by men, and tied in a knot at the front
  1. trousers made of denim that are worn informally
  2. a small bag for carrying things in, made of cloth and sewn into the inside or onto the outside of a piece of clothing
  3. a circular piece of jewellery worn especially on your finger
  4. clothes worn next to the skin, under other clothes
  5. a thin string or strip of leather used to fasten shoes
  6. a piece of clothing that is usually made of a warm material such as wool, has long sleeves, and is worn over the top part of the body and is put on by pulling it over your head
  7. an outer piece of clothing with sleeves that is worn over other clothes, usually for warmth
  8. a type of shoe that covers the whole foot and the lower part of the leg
  9. a strip, square, or triangle of cloth, worn around the neck, head, or shoulders to keep you warm or to make you look attractive
  10. a piece of clothing worn on the upper part of the body, made of cloth and often having a collar and buttons at the front
  11. a jacket and trousers or a jacket and skirt that are made from the same material

20 Clues: trousers made of denim that are worn informallyclothes worn next to the skin, under other clothesa thin string or strip of leather used to fasten shoesa circular piece of jewellery worn especially on your fingera type of shoe that covers the whole foot and the lower part of the leg...

The Elements of Music 2020-05-18

The Elements of Music crossword puzzle
  1. Major, minor, modal..
  2. The number of beats in a bar of music
  3. The sound produced by more than one note played at the same time
  4. The element that refers to volume, e.g forte
  5. The layers within a piece e.g. Monophonic
  6. The instruments that are used
  7. The way the beats are organised
  1. The individual sound of an instrument
  2. Staccato, detached, legato, smooth etc.
  3. Another word for the tune in a piece of music
  4. The sections that build a piece of music
  5. How high or low a note is
  6. The speed of a piece of music

13 Clues: Major, minor, modal..How high or low a note isThe instruments that are usedThe speed of a piece of musicThe way the beats are organisedThe individual sound of an instrumentThe number of beats in a bar of musicStaccato, detached, legato, smooth etc.The sections that build a piece of musicThe layers within a piece e.g. Monophonic...

We're One Short 2020-09-15

We're One Short crossword puzzle
  1. Reflector
  2. Pollute
  3. Tired
  4. Chess piece
  5. Clark Kent's editor Perry
  6. Drugged?
  1. Glad
  2. Grouchy
  3. Not yours
  4. Evil
  5. Winter precipitation
  6. Like one who's blessed
  7. McIntosh or Empire
  8. One often asked, "What's up?"

14 Clues: GladEvilTiredGrouchyPolluteDrugged?ReflectorNot yoursChess pieceMcIntosh or EmpireWinter precipitationLike one who's blessedClark Kent's editor PerryOne often asked, "What's up?"

The Elements of Music 2020-05-18

The Elements of Music crossword puzzle
  1. Another word for the tune in a piece of music
  2. How high or low a note is
  3. The instruments that are used
  4. The speed of a piece of music
  5. Staccato, detached, legato, smooth etc.
  6. The way the beats are organised
  1. Signature The number of beats in a bar of music
  2. The sections that build a piece of music
  3. The element that refers to volume, e.g forte
  4. The layers within a piece e.g. Monophonic
  5. The sound produced by more than one note played at the same time
  6. Major, minor, modal..
  7. The individual sound of an instrument

13 Clues: Major, minor, modal..How high or low a note isThe instruments that are usedThe speed of a piece of musicThe way the beats are organisedThe individual sound of an instrumentStaccato, detached, legato, smooth etc.The sections that build a piece of musicThe layers within a piece e.g. MonophonicThe element that refers to volume, e.g forte...

Furniture 2023-09-01

Furniture crossword puzzle
  1. A piece of furniture for sleeping or resting.
  2. A comfortable seat that can accommodate multiple people.
  3. Stand A piece of furniture used to support a television.
  4. A piece of furniture with drawers for storing clothes.
  5. A piece of furniture for writing, studying, or working.
  6. A small table placed beside a bed for items like a lamp.
  7. A long seat often placed outdoors or in a hallway.
  8. Table A low table placed in front of a sofa for drinks, books, etc.
  1. A piece of furniture used for storing books and items.
  2. A large cabinet used for storing clothes.
  3. A flat board attached to a wall for storing items.
  4. A padded footstool used for resting your feet.
  5. Table A table used for having meals with chairs around it.
  6. A flat surface used for placing objects or having meals.
  7. A seat for one person, often with a backrest and legs.

15 Clues: A large cabinet used for storing clothes.A piece of furniture for sleeping or resting.A padded footstool used for resting your feet.A flat board attached to a wall for storing items.A long seat often placed outdoors or in a hallway.A piece of furniture used for storing books and items.A piece of furniture with drawers for storing clothes....

Furnitures 2024-02-21

Furnitures crossword puzzle
  1. A seat for one person, typically with a back and four legs.
  2. A piece of furniture with shelves for storing books.
  3. A long upholstered seat with a back and arms.
  4. A tall cabinet or closet used for storing clothes.
  5. A piece of furniture used for sleeping, typically consisting of a mattress on a frame.
  6. A piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs.
  1. A piece of furniture with drawers for storing clothes.
  2. A low table placed in front of a sofa for holding drinks, magazines, etc.
  3. A comfortable chair with side support for the arms.
  4. A piece of furniture with a flat surface for writing or working, often with drawers.
  5. Table A table used for eating meals, typically with chairs around it.

11 Clues: A long upholstered seat with a back and arms.A tall cabinet or closet used for storing clothes.A comfortable chair with side support for the arms.A piece of furniture with shelves for storing books.A piece of furniture with drawers for storing clothes.A piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs....

Homophones 2022-05-27

Homophones crossword puzzle
  1. flower
  2. abel
  3. male
  4. cheep
  5. beech
  6. fair
  7. bye
  8. right
  9. piece
  10. sea
  11. board
  12. aunt
  1. sell
  2. won
  3. tail
  4. bear
  5. koi
  6. except
  7. bee
  8. clime
  9. gid
  10. eyes
  11. here
  12. blew
  13. been

25 Clues: wonkoibeegidbyeseaselltailbearabelmalefaireyeshereblewbeenauntcheepbeechclimerightpieceboardflowerexcept

Music crossword 2022-11-28

Music crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Terminology based on how many instruments in a piece
  2. Repeated
  3. Half of a beat
  4. Classification of instruments e.g drums
  5. Two beats
  6. Three notes played in one beat
  7. A quarter of a beat
  8. The clef our right hand usually plays
  9. Examples of monophonic, homophonic and so on
  10. Used to find how many beats in a bar
  11. Position of a single sound in a complete range of sound
  12. Multiple rhythms played together
  1. Indicates sharps and flats in a piece
  2. A pattern or tempo
  3. The clef our left hand usually plays
  4. Shape of melodic line
  5. Used to find how loud or soft to play
  6. Five notes
  7. Repeated
  8. Rapid alternation of a certain group of notes
  9. One beat
  10. A group of instruments played using your breath

22 Clues: RepeatedRepeatedOne beatTwo beatsFive notesHalf of a beatA pattern or tempoA quarter of a beatShape of melodic lineThree notes played in one beatMultiple rhythms played togetherThe clef our left hand usually playsUsed to find how many beats in a barIndicates sharps and flats in a pieceUsed to find how loud or soft to play...