periodic table Crossword Puzzles

Periodic table 2013-04-14

Periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. Element has an electronic configuration of 2, 8, 8, 8, 8, 2
  2. Number of electrons found in the first electron shell
  3. Another name for group VII
  4. Element has an electronic configuration of 2, 8, 8, 1
  5. Elements found in group VII, period IV
  6. Vertical column in the periodic table
  7. Element has an electronic configuration of 2,8 3
  8. Element is used in plastic surgery
  9. Most reactive non-metal
  10. Element is a yellow/green gas
  11. Element is found in balloons
  1. Charge of +1
  2. Element is found in period III and has 5 valence electrons
  3. Name given to elements with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons
  4. Charge of 0
  5. Element is the least reactive in group VII
  6. Least reactive element
  7. Horizontal column in the periodic table
  8. Most reactive element in the periodic table
  9. Element is found in period VI and has 2 valence electrons
  10. Mass of 0
  11. Element is the least reactive in group I

22 Clues: Mass of 0Charge of 0Charge of +1Least reactive elementMost reactive non-metalAnother name for group VIIElement is found in balloonsElement is a yellow/green gasElement is used in plastic surgeryVertical column in the periodic tableElements found in group VII, period IVHorizontal column in the periodic tableElement is the least reactive in group I...

Periodic Table 2014-10-24

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. Group 18, Period 3
  2. Si
  3. H
  4. Atomic number 12
  5. Group 13, Period 3
  6. Group 2 Period 4
  7. Ne
  8. O
  9. Li
  10. Au
  1. Group 13, Period 2
  2. Atomic number 7
  3. Group 12, Period 4
  4. Atomic number 25
  5. Hg
  6. As
  7. Atomic number 16
  8. Group 14, Period 2
  9. Co
  10. He
  11. Group 8, Period 4

21 Clues: HOSiHgAsNeCoHeLiAuAtomic number 7Atomic number 12Atomic number 25Atomic number 16Group 2 Period 4Group 8, Period 4Group 13, Period 2Group 18, Period 3Group 12, Period 4Group 13, Period 3Group 14, Period 2


PERIODIC TABLE crossword puzzle
  1. Ag
  2. Ca
  3. Cl
  4. K
  5. Cu
  6. I
  7. N
  8. Na
  9. O
  10. Ne
  11. Pb
  1. Hg
  2. H
  3. Pt
  4. Al
  5. Si
  6. Zn
  7. C
  8. S
  9. Fe
  10. Au
  11. Ni

22 Clues: HKCINSOHgAgCaClPtAlSiZnCuNaFeAuNiNePb

Periodic Table 2015-02-16

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. Densest naturally occurring element.
  2. Creator of this puzzle.
  3. The only metallic element that is liquid at room temperature.
  4. Element with the highest melting point.
  5. There are one hundred and ___elements on the Periodic Table.
  6. Element that exhibits an orange-red glow when placed in an electric field.
  7. ___is the symbol for iron.
  8. Mass of an atom or a molecule.
  9. Element with the highest atomic number.
  1. Latin for Gold.
  2. Is used by most living organisms in order to live.
  3. Elements are arranged in___.
  4. Least reactive metal.
  5. Least abundant element on Earth.
  6. Sodium and___make up salt.
  7. First element produced artificially.
  8. The symbol N stands for___.
  9. Element named after Albert Einstein.
  10. Combines with Oxygen to form water.
  11. Heaviest primordial element found in nature.
  12. Most abundant noble gas in Earth's air.

21 Clues: Latin for Gold.Least reactive metal.Creator of this puzzle.Sodium and___make up salt.___is the symbol for iron.The symbol N stands for___.Elements are arranged in___.Mass of an atom or a molecule.Least abundant element on Earth.Combines with Oxygen to form water.Densest naturally occurring element.First element produced artificially....

Periodic table 2020-02-17

Periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. This element is the lightest element on the lightest element on the table and can be used for rocket fuel when combined with other elements.
  2. This element's atomic number is 18 and is a noble gas
  3. This element's atomic number is 6 and is used for fuel.
  4. This element has an electron shell configuration of 2,8,5 and is often used for pyrotechnics and red safety matches
  5. This element's symbol are two letters that are not found in thu=is elements name and it is one of the elements in the compound for salt.
  6. This element is a metal and is used to make foil.
  7. This element has an electron shell configuration of 2,8,7 and is added to drinking water to make it safer.
  8. This element is a non-metal and it is used to create gas-filled lights.
  9. This element is a non-metal and it is what we breathe
  1. This element is the lightest element out of all the meteoroids and is commonly taken by people as medicine.
  2. This element in found in group 16 and is used in black gunpowder and detergent.
  3. This element has an electron shell configuration of 2,8,2 and is a common antacid for heartburn.
  4. This element is found in group 18 and when inhaled can make your voice higher.
  5. This element is fund in period 2 and is used to treat manic episodes for bipolr disorder.
  6. This element can be found in group 2 and is one of the lightest metals
  7. This element's symbol is the first letter of its name and is the favourite element of dentists.
  8. This element's symbol is a letter that is not found in its name and the element is commonly found in bananas
  9. This element's symbol is the first 2 letters off its name and is what helps keep bones strong.
  10. This element is a metalloid found in group 14 and is often labelled as one of the most useful elements of all time.
  11. This element is found in period 1 and is used in explosives.

20 Clues: This element is a metal and is used to make foil.This element's atomic number is 18 and is a noble gasThis element is a non-metal and it is what we breatheThis element's atomic number is 6 and is used for fuel.This element is found in period 1 and is used in explosives.This element can be found in group 2 and is one of the lightest metals...

Periodic Table 2020-04-29

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. element29
  2. element7
  3. element3
  4. element92
  5. element39
  6. element17
  7. element107
  8. element6
  9. element64
  10. element42
  1. element91
  2. element22
  3. element19
  4. element2
  5. element15
  6. element116
  7. element103
  8. element10
  9. element30
  10. element27

20 Clues: element2element7element3element6element91element22element19element29element15element92element39element17element10element30element27element64element42element116element103element107

Periodic Table 2021-03-12

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. k
  2. al
  3. f
  4. n
  5. na
  6. p
  7. h
  8. c
  9. si
  10. be
  1. he
  2. ar
  3. b
  4. mg
  5. li
  6. s
  7. cl
  8. ca
  9. ne
  10. o

20 Clues: bkfnsphcohearmgallinaclcasinebe

Periodic Table 2017-01-20

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. Center of atom
  2. Measurement of matter
  3. The original way the period table was organized
  4. Electrons on the outer shell
  5. Relies solely on valence electrons
  6. The number of protons and neutrons in a atom
  7. Father of the periodic table
  8. The particles look different
  9. Negative Charge
  10. Depicts the Atom as a small positively charged nucleus
  11. form as a result of elements losing or gaining electrons
  1. Pure substance that cannot be broken down
  2. The second way the periodic table was organized
  3. All the particles look the same
  4. composed of two or more compounds physically combined
  5. The basic unit of all matter
  6. The outside part of the atom
  7. No Charge
  8. Positive Charge
  9. A substance made up of two or more elements chemically combined

20 Clues: No ChargeCenter of atomNegative ChargePositive ChargeMeasurement of matterElectrons on the outer shellThe basic unit of all matterThe outside part of the atomFather of the periodic tableThe particles look differentAll the particles look the sameRelies solely on valence electronsPure substance that cannot be broken down...

Periodic table 2019-06-25

Periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. Last metal in group 2
  2. Most reactive alkali metal
  3. Element with 6 protons
  4. Transition metal which rusts
  5. Non-metal with 6 electrons
  6. Element named after a famous Albert with crazy hair!
  7. Gaseous element, makes up 21% of the air around us
  8. Metal with symbol Sn
  9. Metal with 13 electrons and 14 protons
  10. The first alkali metal
  11. The first transition metal
  12. Precious metal with 47 protons
  13. Gas with the symbol He
  1. Number 36
  2. Noble gas in the second period
  3. Poisonous element with 33 electrons
  4. The first element in the periodic table
  5. Metal found in bones and teeth
  6. Found between Technetium and Rhodium in the transition metals
  7. Smelly element with 16 protons
  8. Element with atomic number 35
  9. Element named after the USA
  10. Group 2, period 3
  11. Alkali metal
  12. Metal that is very conductive and used for electrical wiring
  13. First element in group 3
  14. Unreactive gas with 18 protons
  15. Metal with chemical symbol W
  16. Number 53 in the periodic table
  17. Element whose latin name is plumbum, with symbol Pb

30 Clues: Number 36Alkali metalGroup 2, period 3Metal with symbol SnLast metal in group 2Element with 6 protonsThe first alkali metalGas with the symbol HeFirst element in group 3Most reactive alkali metalNon-metal with 6 electronsThe first transition metalElement named after the USATransition metal which rustsMetal with chemical symbol W...

Periodic table 2017-12-15

Periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. the process of corroding metal, stone, or other materials.
  2. the mass of an atom of a chemical element expressed in atomic mass units.
  3. They have some properties of metal and some of nonmetal
  4. is a fundamental property that quantifies how strongly a given material opposes the flow of electric current.
  5. a solid material that is typically hard, shiny
  6. able to be drawn out into a thin wire.
  7. The elements in a column
  8. a table of the chemical elements arranged in order of atomic number
  9. able to be hammered or pressed permanently out of shape without breaking or cracking.
  10. the periodic table is arranged in rows
  1. the elements in groups 3 though 12
  2. the state or power of being reactive or the degree
  3. a group in the periodic table consisting of the chemical elements
  4. they are six chemical elements in group 2 of the periodic table.
  5. it is the property of a material to conduct heat.
  6. are substance that can conduct electric currents
  7. Instead of writing out the name of an element
  8. It is an element that lacks most of the properties of metal
  9. The elements in group 18
  10. a gentle sheen or soft glow, especially that of a partly reflective surface.

20 Clues: The elements in group 18The elements in a columnthe elements in groups 3 though 12able to be drawn out into a thin wire.the periodic table is arranged in rowsInstead of writing out the name of an elementa solid material that is typically hard, shinyare substance that can conduct electric currentsit is the property of a material to conduct heat....

periodic table 2018-01-12

periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. Rn
  2. iron
  3. lead
  4. ni
  5. Sn
  6. carbon
  7. H
  8. bi
  9. Ag
  10. copper
  11. unununium
  12. Ar
  13. Xe
  1. O
  2. Zn
  3. Pt
  4. cobalt
  5. Ba
  6. Na
  7. helium
  8. aluminum
  9. S
  10. b
  11. nitrogen
  12. Ne

25 Clues: OHSbRnZnPtniSnbiBaNaAgArXeNeironleadcarboncobaltheliumcopperaluminumnitrogenunununium

Periodic Table 2020-09-25

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. You can find me in the carbon family in the fifth period
  2. My atomic number is 47 and I am used to make photographic film
  3. I have 2 electrons in the first shell, 8 in the second shell and 6 in the third shell
  4. My atomic mass is 35.453
  5. I am a transition metal with 30 electrons useful in making paint
  6. I am the head of the carbon family known as the "basis of life"
  7. I have 20 neutrons and am found in your teeth and bones
  8. My atomic number is 79
  9. I am not really an alkali metal, but since I have only 1 electron I behave like them
  10. I am a noble gas with 2 electrons
  11. I have 26 protons
  12. I am a silvery white metal used to make salt
  13. I am a member of the halide family with an atomic number of 53
  14. I am a gas with a mass number of 19
  15. I am a transition metal with 25 electrons
  1. I am the first element in the fourth period used in making fertilizer
  2. I am the 2nd most abundant element in the Earth's crust and have 14 neutrons
  3. I am a metal that is liquid at room temperature
  4. I am a gas with 8 protons and 8 neutrons
  5. I am a metal with 28 electrons
  6. I am the only element in the halide family that is a liquid
  7. I am a member of the alkaline earth metals used to make fireworks and medicines
  8. I am a member of the boron family and am the most abundant metal in the Earth's crust
  9. I am a member of the nitrogen family with 16 neutrons
  10. I make up 78% of the air and am found in the 15th group
  11. I am a member of the carbon family often mistaken for the end of your pencil

26 Clues: I have 26 protonsMy atomic number is 79My atomic mass is 35.453I am a metal with 28 electronsI am a noble gas with 2 electronsI am a gas with a mass number of 19I am a gas with 8 protons and 8 neutronsI am a transition metal with 25 electronsI am a silvery white metal used to make saltI am a metal that is liquid at room temperature...

Periodic Table 2019-01-10

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. card to see definition
  2. / an ion with a negative charge
  3. / the horizontal rows on the periodic table
  4. / any atoms having the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons
  5. / a neutral subatomic particle in the nucleus of an atom
  6. electron / an electron in the outermost energy level of an atom
  7. / the process of adding electrons to or removing electrons from an atom or group of atoms
  8. law / the properties of elements tend to repeat in a regular pattern when elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number
  9. level / any of the possible energies an electron may have in an atom
  10. number / the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom
  1. / an atom or a group of atoms that has lost or gained one or more electrons and therefore has a net electric charge
  2. / an ion with a positive charge
  3. process of adding electrons to or removing electrons from an atom or group of atoms
  4. mass unit / a quantity equal to one-twelfth the mass of a carbon-12 atom
  5. / a positively charged subatomic particle in the nucleus of an atom
  6. / a region in an atom where there is a high probability of finding electrons
  7. / the columns on the periodic table
  8. / a negatively charged subatomic particle found in the energy level of an atom
  9. atom or a group of atoms that has lost or gained one or more electrons and therefore has a net electric charge
  10. / the smallest particle that has the properties of an element
  11. / the center of an atom; made up of protons and neutrons
  12. / symbol for atomic mass unit

22 Clues: card to see definition / symbol for atomic mass unit/ an ion with a positive charge/ an ion with a negative charge/ the columns on the periodic table/ the horizontal rows on the periodic table/ a neutral subatomic particle in the nucleus of an atom/ the center of an atom; made up of protons and neutrons...

Periodic Table 2021-05-14

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. a column of elements in table
  2. number 6 in the table
  3. number of protons
  4. number one in the table
  5. number 7 in the table
  6. a element term for metals
  7. the gas inside a balloon
  8. seven elements in group 18
  9. number 93 in the table
  1. number 16 in the table
  2. number 28 in the table
  3. number 11 in the table
  4. number 5 in the table
  5. The periodic _____
  6. horizontal row in table
  7. the basic units of matter
  8. a thing that is not metal
  9. number 13 in the table
  10. A element that we breathe
  11. number 26 in the table

20 Clues: number of protonsThe periodic _____number 6 in the tablenumber 5 in the tablenumber 7 in the tablenumber 16 in the tablenumber 28 in the tablenumber 11 in the tablenumber 13 in the tablenumber 93 in the tablenumber 26 in the tablehorizontal row in tablenumber one in the tablethe gas inside a balloonthe basic units of mattera thing that is not metal...

Periodic table 2021-04-26

Periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. This element has 14 electrons
  2. this element is used in balloons to make them float
  3. this element has 6 neutrons
  4. where the noble gases are Located
  5. symbol is Mg
  6. this element is used in pools
  7. this element has 31 neutrons
  8. Symbol is Ag
  9. Symbol is Na
  10. symbol is N
  11. element with the periodic number 3
  12. Symbol is Au
  1. element with the periodic number 21
  2. where the alkali metals are located
  3. element with the periodic number 1
  4. symbol is k
  5. symbol is Al
  6. symbol is Cu
  7. most of the elements on the periodic table are this
  8. This element has 8 neutrons
  9. symbol is Co
  10. element used in OPEN signs
  11. symbol is As
  12. symbol is Fe

24 Clues: symbol is ksymbol is Nsymbol is Mgsymbol is Alsymbol is Cusymbol is Cosymbol is AsSymbol is AgSymbol is Nasymbol is FeSymbol is Auelement used in OPEN signsthis element has 6 neutronsThis element has 8 neutronsthis element has 31 neutronsThis element has 14 electronsthis element is used in poolswhere the noble gases are Located...

Periodic Table 2021-05-10

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. Atomic number 10
  2. This atom is found in pools
  3. Atomic number 16
  4. This compound can be found in food to be less bland
  5. Bananas contain this atom the most
  6. This atom is found in the air
  7. Atomic 7
  8. This atom is used in high speed air crafts
  9. The liver makes sugar when you need it
  10. This atom is found in rechargeable batteries
  11. Atomic number 13
  1. Element symbol is K
  2. Atomic number 20
  3. This atom can be found in eye drops
  4. We use this compound every single day
  5. This atom's symbol is C
  6. This atom is used in balloons to keep them afloat
  7. Symbol Si
  8. Atomic number 18
  9. This atom is found in toothpaste
  10. This atom is found in water
  11. Naturally found in rich foods such as meats, poultry, fish, nuts, beans and dairy products
  12. We convert this compound from hydrogen
  13. This atom is in a chemical reaction to form salt

24 Clues: Atomic 7Symbol SiAtomic number 10Atomic number 20Atomic number 16Atomic number 18Atomic number 13Element symbol is KThis atom's symbol is CThis atom is found in poolsThis atom is found in waterThis atom is found in the airThis atom is found in toothpasteBananas contain this atom the mostThis atom can be found in eye drops...

Periodic table 2021-03-25

Periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. Nature of oxide of metals.
  2. charge Attractive force by nucleus.
  3. triads Classification of elements with similar properties in group of three elements.
  4. Elements in group 15.
  5. Tendency of atom to attract shared pair of electron toward itself in covalently bonded molecule.
  6. Trend of electronegativity on moving from left to right in periodic table.
  7. They have highly negative value of electron gain enthalpy.
  8. contains elements that have similar physical or chemical properties.
  9. arrangement Elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic weights and represented in cylindrical table.
  10. Mendeleev Inventor of modern periodic table.
  1. Species that contain same number of electrons but different nuclear charge.
  2. Elements in group 16.
  3. metals gases or brittle solids at room temperature and poor conductors of heat and electricity.
  4. element metals in group 3-12.
  5. Positively charged species having smaller size than parent atom.
  6. electronic configruation Property of nitrogen due to which it shows exception behavior with oxygen in regards of first ionization enthalpy.
  7. Trend of Ionization enthalpy down the group.
  8. effect Repulsion by inner core electrons to valence electrons.
  9. transition elements Another name for f-block elements.
  10. a row of elements in the periodic table whose properties change gradually and predictably.

20 Clues: Elements in group 16.Elements in group 15.Nature of oxide of metals.element metals in group 3-12.charge Attractive force by nucleus.Trend of Ionization enthalpy down the group.Mendeleev Inventor of modern periodic table.transition elements Another name for f-block elements.They have highly negative value of electron gain enthalpy....

Periodic table 2021-03-25

Periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. Elements in group 16.
  2. Repulsion by inner core electrons to valence electrons.
  3. Inventor of modern periodic table.
  4. contains elements that have similar physical or chemical properties.
  5. metals in group 3-12.
  6. Positively charged species having smaller size than parent atom.
  7. Species that contain same number of electrons but different nuclear charge.
  8. a row of elements in the periodic table whose properties change gradually and predictably.
  9. Elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic weights and represented in cylindrical table.
  1. Attractive force by nucleus.
  2. Property of nitrogen due to which it shows exception behavior with oxygen in regards of first ionization enthalpy.
  3. Trend of electronegativity on moving from left to right in periodic table.
  4. Another name for f-block elements.
  5. Elements in group 15.
  6. Classification of elements with similar properties in group of three elements.
  7. Trend of Ionization enthalpy down the group.
  8. gases or brittle solids at room temperature and poor conductors of heat and electricity.
  9. They have highly negative value of electron gain enthalpy.
  10. Tendency of atom to attract shared pair of electron toward itself in covalently bonded molecule.
  11. Nature of oxide of metals.

20 Clues: Elements in group 16.Elements in group 15.metals in group 3-12.Nature of oxide of metals.Attractive force by nucleus.Another name for f-block elements.Inventor of modern periodic table.Trend of Ionization enthalpy down the group.Repulsion by inner core electrons to valence electrons.They have highly negative value of electron gain enthalpy....

periodic table 2021-07-08

periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. 6
  2. 2
  3. 13
  4. 9
  5. 18
  6. 7
  7. 15
  8. 10
  9. 20
  10. 8
  11. 11
  12. 1
  1. 16
  2. 4
  3. 12
  4. 19
  5. 5
  6. 17
  7. 14
  8. 3

20 Clues: 6425973811613121917181514102011


PERIODIC TABLE crossword puzzle


Periodic Table 2021-11-01

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. a material that can be pounded into shapes.
  2. Group 2. Reactive, but less than alkali metals.
  3. Group 17. Salt forming elements. Names all end with -ine.
  4. The elements in group 18; these elements do not ordinarily form compounds with other elements thus they are chemically stable and unreactive.
  5. have some of the characteristics of metals and some of the characteristics of nonmetals. The most useful property of metalloids is their ability to conduct electricity. On the Periodic Table they are the zigzag which is the border between the metals and nonmetals.
  6. metals The elements in groups 3-12; they form a bridge between the reactive metals and the non-reactive metals. The transition metals are so similar that their differences are difficult to detect.
  7. The columns (up and down) on the Periodic Table and are also known as families. Typically, the group is given a family name based on the first element in the column.
  8. created to measure the particles of atoms and is used to determine the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.
  9. A tiny negatively charged, high energy particle that moves in the space outside the nucleus of an atom.
  1. Group 1. Includes metals that react explosively with water
  2. a material that can be pulled out or drawn into a long wire
  3. Elements that lack most of the properties of metals. Nonmetals tend to be dull, brittle, and are not malleable or ductile. Nonmetals are located to the right of the zigzag line on the Periodic Table.
  4. One of the bottom rows. Begins with the element Lanthanum. Includes superheavy metals with high atomic mass
  5. a substance made of two or more elements, at least one of which is a metal, that has the properties of metal.
  6. One of the bottom rows. Begins with the element Actinium. Includes many artificially synthesized elements.
  7. an element that is classified based on its physical properties such as hardness, shininess, malleability, and ductility. The metals on the left side of the Periodic Table are very reactive and the metals on the right side of the Periodic Table are not very reactive.
  8. small uncharged particle in the nucleus of an atom.
  9. the electrons in the outermost level of an atom; they are used to form chemical bonds between elements.
  10. gloss, brightness, a shine or sheen especially from reflected light.
  11. 1,2, or 3 letter abbreviation used to identify the element. Comes from Greek or Latin and does not always resemble the name of the element (Fe for Iron).
  12. the number of protons in the nucleus.
  13. small positively charged particle in the nucleus of an atom.
  14. Each horizontal row across the Periodic Table.

23 Clues: the number of protons in the nucleus.a material that can be pounded into shapes.Each horizontal row across the Periodic Table.Group 2. Reactive, but less than alkali metals.small uncharged particle in the nucleus of an atom.Group 17. Salt forming elements. Names all end with -ine.Group 1. Includes metals that react explosively with water...

Periodic Table 2021-10-29

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. this element is used to make jewelry, it is symbol Au
  2. this ion has a -1 charge, mass number 81, and 46 neutrons
  3. nonmetal in period 6
  4. neutral atom contains 51 electrons
  5. element likely to have a -3 charge
  6. halogen with mass closest to 120
  7. all atoms will gain or lose electrons to form an __
  8. gallium is most likely to ____ 3 electrons
  9. atomic number 38
  10. metalloid in group 16
  11. contains 7 protons
  12. this element is required for strong bones and teeth
  13. columns on periodic table
  14. element in group 1 that is not a metal
  1. ______ metals are in group 1
  2. in group 13 and period 3
  3. number of valence electrons in a transition metal
  4. sulfur is most likely to ____ 2 electrons
  5. horizontal lines on periodic table
  6. name of the group of elements that are stable and are not likely to gain or lose electrons
  7. negative ions are called _____
  8. chlorine is a member of the _______ group / family
  9. noble gas with 2 valence electrons
  10. element in period 4 with 1 valence electron
  11. metalloid most likely to form a positive ion
  12. this transition metal in period 6 is a liquid at room temperature
  13. positive ions are called ______

27 Clues: atomic number 38contains 7 protonsnonmetal in period 6metalloid in group 16in group 13 and period 3columns on periodic table______ metals are in group 1negative ions are called _____positive ions are called ______halogen with mass closest to 120horizontal lines on periodic tableneutral atom contains 51 electronselement likely to have a -3 charge...

Periodic Table 2021-04-22

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. I am a member of the nitrogen family with 16 neutrons
  2. I have 26 protons
  3. My atomic number is 79
  4. I am not really an alkali metal, but since I have only 1 electron I behave like them
  5. I am the 2nd most abundant element in the Earth’s crust and have 14 neutrons
  6. I have 20 neutrons and am found in your teeth and bones
  7. I am the only element in the halide family that is a liquid
  8. I am a member of the alkaline earth metals used to make fireworks and medicines
  9. I am a gas with 8 protons and 8 neutrons
  10. I am a gas with a mass number of 19.
  11. I am a member of the boron family and am the most abundant metal in the Earth’s crust
  1. I am the head of my family and I am known as the “basis of life”
  2. My atomic number is 47 and I am used to make photographic film
  3. I am the first element in the fourth period used in making fertilizer.
  4. My atomic mass is 35.453
  5. I have 2 electrons in the first shell, 8 in the second shell, and 6 in the third shell
  6. I am a metal that is liquid at room temperature
  7. I am a transition metal with 25 electrons
  8. I am a noble gas with 2 electrons
  9. I am a transition metal with 30 electrons useful in making paint
  10. I am a metal with 28 electrons
  11. I am a silvery white metal used to make salt
  12. I am a member of the halide family with an atomic number of 53
  13. You can find me in the carbon family in the fifth period
  14. I make up 78% of the air and am found in the 15th group
  15. I am a member of the carbon family often mistaken for the end of your pencil

26 Clues: I have 26 protonsMy atomic number is 79My atomic mass is 35.453I am a metal with 28 electronsI am a noble gas with 2 electronsI am a gas with a mass number of 19.I am a gas with 8 protons and 8 neutronsI am a transition metal with 25 electronsI am a silvery white metal used to make saltI am a metal that is liquid at room temperature...

Periodic Table 2021-05-13

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. Known for arranging the periodic table
  2. Every element has a different _______ number
  3. Nonmetals typically form ______ ions
  4. Group 2 metals
  5. Metals typically form _______ ions
  6. Group found in between metals and nonmetals
  7. Number that is also the atomic number of an atom
  8. Total of protons and electrons
  9. The number of groups on the periodic table
  10. gas Colorless, oder-less gasses with low chemical reactivity
  11. Atomic mass of 35.435
  1. Used to describe objects that conduct electricity well
  2. Outer shell electrons
  3. The vertical columns are called either families or_____
  4. Group 1 metals
  5. basic unit of a chemical element. The building blocks of life
  6. A substance that cannot be broken into other substances
  7. Particle with no charge
  8. 9 on the periodic table
  9. Most active nonmetals

20 Clues: Group 1 metalsGroup 2 metalsOuter shell electronsAtomic mass of 35.435Most active nonmetalsParticle with no charge9 on the periodic tableTotal of protons and electronsMetals typically form _______ ionsNonmetals typically form ______ ionsKnown for arranging the periodic tableThe number of groups on the periodic table...

Periodic Table 2022-02-17

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. element with the smallest atomic radius
  2. negatively charged particle
  3. the state of matter that we breathe
  4. element 23
  5. positively charged particle
  6. soft metal we blew up in class
  7. has no charge
  8. the state of matter water is in
  9. family with traits of both metals and nonmetals
  10. tells how many energy levels there are
  1. model with rings
  2. the family with 7 valence electrons
  3. element at period 5 column 7A
  4. metal that is liquid at room temperature
  5. element with the largest atomic radius
  6. state of matter that means dissolved in water
  7. outermost shell
  8. an atom with more neutrons than usual
  9. the state of matter that ice is in
  10. non-metal that is liquid at room temperature
  11. model with valence electrons only

21 Clues: element 23has no chargeoutermost shellmodel with ringsnegatively charged particlepositively charged particleelement at period 5 column 7Asoft metal we blew up in classthe state of matter water is inmodel with valence electrons onlythe state of matter that ice is inthe family with 7 valence electronsthe state of matter that we breathe...

Periodic Table 2022-05-24

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. anything that has mass/volume
  2. the location of the electrons region surrounding the nucleus
  3. neutrally charged nuclei
  4. the number of protons and neutrons
  5. horizontal row
  6. electrons located on the outermost energy level
  7. the bond formed by the transfer of electrons
  8. a substance that conducts heat and electricity
  9. positively charged nuclei
  10. a simple substance that cannot be simplified further
  11. the number of protons contain in a nucleus
  12. the smallest unit of a compound
  1. Table
  2. the likelihood of an element to bond with another
  3. An atom that has gained or lost one or more
  4. an element that is created in a lab
  5. vertical column on a periodic table
  6. negatively charged nuclei
  7. the letters that represent the element name
  8. A bond of two atoms that share valence electrons
  9. building blocks of matter

21 Clues: Tablehorizontal rowneutrally charged nucleinegatively charged nucleibuilding blocks of matterpositively charged nucleianything that has mass/volumethe smallest unit of a compoundthe number of protons and neutronsan element that is created in a labvertical column on a periodic tablethe number of protons contain in a nucleus...

Periodic table 2021-09-07

Periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. poisonous,used in x-rays
  2. 75% of the air
  3. reacts with oxygen and rusts
  4. used in laundry additive
  5. needed as a vitamin for immune system
  6. component of water
  7. green gas, used in lights
  8. used in medicine
  9. burns with a brilliant scarlet red
  10. metalloid
  1. very flammable
  2. used in toothpaste, highly reactive
  3. lights
  4. wash off area of surgery with it
  5. component of every living thing
  6. pennies, reddish brown
  7. urns bright, used in fireworks
  8. used for plating cheaper metals
  9. found in bananas
  10. needed in diet but too much could be harmful

20 Clues: lightsmetalloidvery flammable75% of the airused in medicinefound in bananascomponent of waterpennies, reddish brownpoisonous,used in x-raysused in laundry additivegreen gas, used in lightsreacts with oxygen and rustsurns bright, used in fireworkscomponent of every living thingused for plating cheaper metalswash off area of surgery with it...

Periodic Table 2022-10-11

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. Naturally occurring elements who bond to themselves
  2. One way the periodic table is organized
  3. From column 3-12
  4. the 92nd element, U
  5. Name of the table
  6. Negatively charged atom
  7. Positively charged atom
  8. Neutrally charged atom
  9. Logo of the element
  10. The stair case of elements
  11. Amount of groups there are
  1. Column 8
  2. Majority of group b
  3. Simple of gold
  4. first element in the periodic table
  5. Symbol is Ag, common element in jewelry
  6. Symbol is C, 6th element
  7. 8th element and what we breath
  8. What the table is made of
  9. Rule, elements are most stable with a full shell

20 Clues: Column 8Simple of goldFrom column 3-12Name of the tableMajority of group bthe 92nd element, ULogo of the elementNeutrally charged atomNegatively charged atomPositively charged atomSymbol is C, 6th elementWhat the table is made ofThe stair case of elementsAmount of groups there are8th element and what we breathfirst element in the periodic table...

Periodic Table 2022-10-26

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. Name of groups 3-12 (all one word)
  2. Two atoms of the same element with different number of neutrons
  3. Family name for group 1
  4. Family with full outer cloud (all one word)
  5. Widely recognized as designing the first periodic table
  6. Smallest atom in the noble gases
  7. The least reactive family
  8. Family sometimes known as 'salt formers'
  9. Number of electrons the p sublevel can hold
  10. Good conductors of electricity, malleable and ductile
  11. Formed when an atom gains two electrons
  12. Common examples are boron, silicon and germanium
  1. A halogen with 18 neutrons
  2. Neutral particle found in the nucleus
  3. Arranged periodic table based on atomic number
  4. Positively charged ion
  5. Positively charged particle in the nucleus
  6. Term for the outer electron cloud
  7. Most massive element in the alkaline earth metals.
  8. Term to describe horizontal rows on the periodic table
  9. Another name for a column in the periodic table
  10. Elements numbers 93 and above
  11. An atom with a net charge
  12. The most reactive family of metals
  13. Name for second family (all one word)
  14. Negatively charged ion
  15. Also known as the oxygen family
  16. Atomic symbol is Hg

28 Clues: Atomic symbol is HgPositively charged ionNegatively charged ionFamily name for group 1An atom with a net chargeThe least reactive familyA halogen with 18 neutronsElements numbers 93 and aboveAlso known as the oxygen familySmallest atom in the noble gasesTerm for the outer electron cloudName of groups 3-12 (all one word)...

periodic table 2023-02-05

periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. i would tell you a chemistry joke... but all the good ones ____.
  2. 9,6
  3. 7,17
  4. noble gases are also considered ______.
  5. the rows on a periodic table
  6. Ag
  7. i have a atomic number of 2
  8. i have 8 electrons
  9. i have 2 neutrons and i'm found in group 18
  10. 5,2
  11. how many liquids are on the periodic table
  1. i have 20 neutrons and am found in group 2
  2. Cu
  3. i have 14 protons
  4. the sixth most abundant element in the universe
  5. these are the lanthanides and actinides name
  6. Au
  7. i have 14 neutrons and am found in group 14
  8. 5,4
  9. i have 32 neutrons and am found in group 9
  10. i have 5 electrons
  11. 15,6
  12. Fe

23 Clues: CuAuAgFe9,65,45,27,1715,6i have 14 protonsi have 8 electronsi have 5 electronsi have a atomic number of 2the rows on a periodic tablenoble gases are also considered ______.i have 20 neutrons and am found in group 2i have 32 neutrons and am found in group 9how many liquids are on the periodic tablei have 14 neutrons and am found in group 14...

Periodic Table 2023-01-30

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. my chemical symbol is AU
  2. has the highest melting point for all metals
  3. Alchemists always thought they'd be able to turn this element into gold
  4. Found in potatoes and bananas, alkali metal group
  5. 10 is the chemical number, it's also a spectrum of color
  6. put in hair and nail vitamins
  7. ______(metal) man!
  8. has a chemical reaction with oxygen that makes it turn greenish
  9. the metal that is most recycled in the world.
  10. present in selenite, a mineral that can be scratched by fingernails.
  1. a transition metal that shares its name with the 5 cent coin
  2. also the name of a certain shade of blue, Co.
  3. we breathe this, ideally
  4. a poison, As
  5. hard to find used in nuclear bombs
  6. chemical symbol Sn
  7. atomic number is 78, Pt.
  8. atomic number is 22, known as the metal that deflects bullets
  9. atomic number is 80, the only metal liquid at room temperature
  10. this element makes your voice high pitched when inhaled, is also used to make balloons float
  11. chemical number 52
  12. used in pools to keep the water cleaner longer
  13. a semi precious metal that needs to be polished regularly or it tarnishes
  14. Has 88 protons, in the alkaline earth section

24 Clues: a poison, Aschemical symbol Snchemical number 52______(metal) man!we breathe this, ideallymy chemical symbol is AUatomic number is 78, Pt.put in hair and nail vitaminshard to find used in nuclear bombshas the highest melting point for all metalsalso the name of a certain shade of blue, Co.the metal that is most recycled in the world....

Periodic Table 2023-01-30

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. My Chemical symbol is Ru
  2. You can find me in a pool
  3. 3,5
  4. you breathe me
  5. My atomic number is 7
  6. I have 8 neutrons and live in group 14
  7. I have 10 neutrons and I live in group 17
  8. I have 15 neutrons and live in group 15
  9. I have 30 protons
  10. 4,7
  11. 1,6
  12. 12,7
  1. I have 2 protons
  2. My Chemical symbol is Mt
  3. My Chemical symbol is Ni
  4. My Chemical symbol is Ti
  5. You can find me in a banana
  6. I have 10 Neutrons and live in group 18
  7. My Chemical symbol is Ta
  8. 18,7
  9. 2,4
  10. I have 41 protons
  11. I am liquid metal
  12. I have 79 electrons

24 Clues: 3,52,44,71,618,712,7you breathe meI have 2 protonsI have 41 protonsI have 30 protonsI am liquid metalI have 79 electronsMy atomic number is 7My Chemical symbol is RuMy Chemical symbol is MtMy Chemical symbol is NiMy Chemical symbol is TiMy Chemical symbol is TaYou can find me in a poolYou can find me in a banana...

Periodic Table 2023-01-30

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. My Chemical symbol is Ru
  2. You can find me in a pool
  3. 3,5
  4. you breathe me
  5. My atomic number is 7
  6. I have 8 neutrons and live in group 14
  7. I have 10 neutrons and I live in group 17
  8. I have 15 neutrons and live in group 15
  9. I have 30 protons
  10. 4,7
  11. 1,6
  12. 12,7
  1. I have 2 protons
  2. My Chemical symbol is Mt
  3. My Chemical symbol is Ni
  4. My Chemical symbol is Ti
  5. You can find me in a banana
  6. I have 10 Neutrons and live in group 18
  7. My Chemical symbol is Ta
  8. 18,7
  9. 2,4
  10. I have 41 protons
  11. I am liquid metal
  12. I have 79 electrons

24 Clues: 3,52,44,71,618,712,7you breathe meI have 2 protonsI have 41 protonsI have 30 protonsI am liquid metalI have 79 electronsMy atomic number is 7My Chemical symbol is RuMy Chemical symbol is MtMy Chemical symbol is NiMy Chemical symbol is TiMy Chemical symbol is TaYou can find me in a poolYou can find me in a banana...

periodic table 2023-02-13

periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. Oxygen
  2. Magnesium
  3. Vanadium
  4. Chromium
  5. Cerium
  6. Copper
  7. Californium
  8. Hydrogen
  1. Germanium
  2. Silver
  3. Bromine
  4. Rubidium
  5. Calcium
  6. Titanium
  7. Carbon-Monoxide
  8. Zinc
  9. Cobalt
  10. Carbon
  11. Iron
  12. Nickle

20 Clues: ZincIronOxygenSilverCobaltCeriumCarbonCopperNickleBromineCalciumRubidiumTitaniumVanadiumChromiumHydrogenGermaniumMagnesiumCaliforniumCarbon-Monoxide

periodic table 2023-02-15

periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. metals
  2. – a scientific law that states that during a chemical reaction, matter cannot be created or destroyed
  3. a stable subatomic particle with a charge of negative electricity,
  4. – an atom that has gained or lost one or more electrons.
  5. -the smallest unit of an element
  6. Symbol –letters that represents the name of the element.
  7. symbol Cs
  8. – located in the outermost energy level of an atom
  1. symbol Lr
  2. stable a stable particle with a positive charge
  3. a vertical column
  4. – an element that has some properties of a metal
  5. symbol C
  6. bomb
  7. – a substance that cannot be broken down
  8. the midel of an atom
  9. symbol Fr
  10. is a subatomic particle
  11. – the smallest unit of a compound
  12. a horizontal row

20 Clues: bombmetalssymbol Csymbol Lrsymbol Frsymbol Csa horizontal rowa vertical columnthe midel of an atomis a subatomic particle-the smallest unit of an element– the smallest unit of a compound– a substance that cannot be broken downstable a stable particle with a positive charge– an element that has some properties of a metal...

Periodic Table 2023-05-03

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. A unique element
  2. Has no charge
  3. Elements that are no metals
  4. A noble gas with an h
  5. Used to make water along with hydrogen
  6. Elements that have some properties of metals and non metals
  7. Has a positive charge
  8. The first group of the periodic table is called
  9. The last group of the table
  10. The horizontal collums
  1. Has 5 protons
  2. Has a negative charge
  3. 2 or more different elements combined in a fixed ratio
  4. Has the initial "K"
  5. The vertical rows
  6. A very reactive element that an "N"
  7. The number that determines the identity of an element
  8. Elements that are generally good conductors of heat and electricity
  9. Used to find the number of neutrons in an atom
  10. 2 or more of the same element

20 Clues: Has 5 protonsHas no chargeA unique elementThe vertical rowsHas the initial "K"Has a negative chargeA noble gas with an hHas a positive chargeThe horizontal collumsElements that are no metalsThe last group of the table2 or more of the same elementA very reactive element that an "N"Used to make water along with hydrogen...

Periodic Table 2023-04-28

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. Model that shows orbitals
  2. All have 1 valence electron - _____ Metals
  3. Atoms with negative charge
  4. Atoms with positive charge
  5. Who first organized the periodic table?
  6. Atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons and thus different masses
  7. Electrons on the outer orbital
  8. When 2 nonmetals form
  9. Need 1 electron to have full outer orbital
  10. Most accurate model
  1. Who found each element's atomic number?
  2. Have 2 valence electrons - _____ Earth Metals
  3. Dull, brittle, poor conductors, and most are gasses
  4. When Nonmetals bond with metals
  5. Shiny, malleable, ductile, and good conductors
  6. Elements on the staircase of the periodic table
  7. Model that shows valence electrons and the symbol of the element
  8. Unreactive group, outer orbital is full
  9. 2 atoms bonded covalently - _____ Molecule
  10. An atom with a charge
  11. Form when halogens bond with alkalis

21 Clues: Most accurate modelWhen 2 nonmetals formAn atom with a chargeModel that shows orbitalsAtoms with negative chargeAtoms with positive chargeElectrons on the outer orbitalWhen Nonmetals bond with metalsForm when halogens bond with alkalisWho found each element's atomic number?Who first organized the periodic table?...

Periodic Table 2023-05-08

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. can bend
  2. helps make your bones strong
  3. you get this from bananas
  4. mass and volume
  5. smallest unit of a compound
  6. smallest unit of an element
  7. N
  8. O
  9. left to right
  10. He
  1. does not conduct heat or electricity
  2. Ba
  3. transfers heat
  4. a metal and nonmetal
  5. positive charge
  6. zero charge
  7. conducts heat and electricity
  8. negative charge
  9. up and down
  10. atom with the same atomic number

20 Clues: NOBaHecan bendzero chargeup and downleft to righttransfers heatpositive chargemass and volumenegative chargea metal and nonmetalyou get this from bananassmallest unit of a compoundsmallest unit of an elementhelps make your bones strongconducts heat and electricityatom with the same atomic numberdoes not conduct heat or electricity

Periodic table 2023-05-09

Periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out
  2. number the sum of the number of neutrons and protons in an atomic nucleus
  3. mass the property of an atom that causes it to have weight
  4. the smallest component of an element
  5. metal not resembling shiny, malleable, conductive elements
  6. table arrangement of chemical elements according to atomic number
  7. an immense cloud of gas and dust in interstellar space
  8. elementary particle with negative charge.
  9. mass of all the isotopes of that element
  10. a subatomic particle with zero charge.
  1. the positively charged dense center of an atom.
  2. a chemical element or alloy that is usually a shiny solid
  3. a mixture containing two or more metallic elements
  4. the property of transmitting heat, electricity, or sound
  5. capable of being shaped or bent
  6. a stable particle with positive charge.
  7. a representation of something, often on a smaller scale
  8. atom with same atomic number, different number of neutrons
  9. ready susceptibility to chemical change
  10. deterioration in metals from oxidation or chemical action

20 Clues: capable of being shaped or bentthe smallest component of an elementa subatomic particle with zero charge.a stable particle with positive charge.ready susceptibility to chemical changemass of all the isotopes of that elementelementary particle with negative charge.capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out...

periodic table 2023-03-22

periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. solid
  2. weight is 58.933
  3. transition metals
  4. reactive nonmetals
  5. weight is 39.098
  6. liquid
  7. weight is 232.04
  8. weight is 233
  9. weight is 4.0026
  10. weight is 22.990
  1. alkali metals
  2. gas
  3. alkaline earth metals
  4. weight is 24.305
  5. weight is 196.97
  6. weight is 137.33
  7. weight 55.845
  8. weight is 126.90
  9. weight is 192.22
  10. weight is 92.906

20 Clues: gassolidliquidalkali metalsweight 55.845weight is 233weight is 58.933weight is 24.305weight is 196.97weight is 137.33weight is 39.098weight is 126.90weight is 232.04weight is 192.22weight is 4.0026weight is 92.906weight is 22.990transition metalsreactive nonmetalsalkaline earth metals

Periodic Table 2023-03-22

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. an immense cloud of gas and dust in interstellar space
  2. Number the sum of the number of neutrons and protons in an atomic nucleus
  3. A nutrient that the body needs to stay healthy
  4. Table arrangement of chemical elements according to atomic number
  5. A chemical element with the symbol CI
  6. not resembling shiny, malleable, conductive elements
  7. A subatomic particle with zero charge
  8. Mass the property of an atom that causes it to have weight
  9. a chemical element or alloy that is usually a shiny solid
  1. Type of medicine that is known as a mood stabilizer
  2. It is a type of electrolyte
  3. a fourth state of matter distinct from solid, liquid or gas
  4. A type of metal and is a shiny silver-white metal
  5. a star that explodes and becomes luminous in the process
  6. A colorless gas that most living things need to survive
  7. A stable particle with positive charge
  8. The positively charged center of an atom
  9. Mineral that is found in many foods
  10. The smallest component of an element
  11. a mixture containing two or more metallic elements

20 Clues: It is a type of electrolyteMineral that is found in many foodsThe smallest component of an elementA chemical element with the symbol CIA subatomic particle with zero chargeA stable particle with positive chargeThe positively charged center of an atomA nutrient that the body needs to stay healthyA type of metal and is a shiny silver-white metal...

Periodic Table 2023-03-28

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. C
  2. Au
  3. Rn
  4. Li
  5. H
  6. As
  7. Ba
  8. Ni
  9. S
  10. Na
  11. Sr
  1. Ar
  2. Ag
  3. Ca
  4. Cl
  5. Si
  6. B
  7. Th
  8. I
  9. Be
  10. He

21 Clues: CBHISArAgCaClAuRnSiLiThAsBeBaHeNiNaSr

Periodic table 2023-05-12

Periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. atomic number 18 chemical symbol ar
  2. atomic number 15 chemical symbol p
  3. atomic number 12 chemical symbol mg
  4. mass number 4.002602 atomic number 2
  5. atomic number 3 mass number 6.941, Li
  6. atomic number 13 chemical symbol ai
  7. ability to combine itself atom to atom to form long chains atomic number 12.011
  8. atomic number 14 chemical symbol si
  9. chemical symbol H, atomic number 1
  10. distinctive property colorless tastless gas atomic number 10
  1. atomic number 20 chemical symbol ca
  2. chemical symbol, O atomic number 8
  3. atomic number 11 chemical symbol na
  4. atomic number 5 Chemical symbol B
  5. atomic number 19 chemical symbol k
  6. atomic number 16 chemical symbol s
  7. atomic number 17 chemical symbol cl
  8. atomic number 9 mass number 18.998403
  9. chemical symbol Be distinctive property,one of the highest melting points of the light metals
  10. atomic number 14.0067 chemical symbol, N

20 Clues: atomic number 5 Chemical symbol Bchemical symbol, O atomic number 8atomic number 15 chemical symbol patomic number 19 chemical symbol katomic number 16 chemical symbol schemical symbol H, atomic number 1atomic number 20 chemical symbol caatomic number 18 chemical symbol aratomic number 11 chemical symbol naatomic number 12 chemical symbol mg...

Periodic Table 2023-05-18

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. Co
  2. Sn
  3. Ag
  4. Pb
  5. Fe
  6. Na
  7. Pt
  8. U
  9. Zn
  10. Cr
  1. K
  2. Cu
  3. Ti
  4. Li
  5. Au
  6. H
  7. Be
  8. Mg
  9. Hg
  10. Ca

20 Clues: KHUCoCuTiSnAgPbLiAuFeBeNaMgPtHgCaZnCr

Periodic Table 2024-04-30

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. Has 76 protons
  2. Chemical formula is H20
  3. Has 2 naturally occurring isotopes
  4. Vertical row of elements
  5. The positively charged center of the atom
  6. The___number is the sum of the protons and neutrons
  7. Nonmetal, lightest and Simplest element
  8. Also known as NaCI
  9. Has 108 protons
  10. Used as a disinfectant
  11. Symbol is O
  1. The ____ number determines the type of element
  2. Atoms of the same element,different#of neutrons
  3. Used for machinery and tools
  4. Electron __ is an area around the nucleus of an atom where electrons are most likely to be found
  5. Has an atomic number of 35
  6. Used in batteries
  7. It's symbol is K
  8. Particles in the nucleus with a positive charge
  9. Horizontal row of elements

20 Clues: Symbol is OHas 76 protonsHas 108 protonsIt's symbol is KUsed in batteriesAlso known as NaCIUsed as a disinfectantChemical formula is H20Vertical row of elementsHas an atomic number of 35Horizontal row of elementsUsed for machinery and toolsHas 2 naturally occurring isotopesNonmetal, lightest and Simplest element...

Periodic Table 2024-04-30

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. Has 76 protons
  2. Chemical formula is H20
  3. Has 2 naturally occurring isotopes
  4. Vertical row of elements
  5. The positively charged center of the atom
  6. The___number is the sum of the protons and neutrons
  7. Nonmetal, lightest and Simplest element
  8. Also known as NaCI
  9. Has 108 protons
  10. Used as a disinfectant
  11. Symbol is O
  1. The ____ number determines the type of element
  2. Atoms of the same element,different#of neutrons
  3. Used for machinery and tools
  4. Electron __ is an area around the nucleus of an atom where electrons are most likely to be found
  5. Has an atomic number of 35
  6. Used in batteries
  7. It's symbol is K
  8. Particles in the nucleus with a positive charge
  9. Horizontal row of elements

20 Clues: Symbol is OHas 76 protonsHas 108 protonsIt's symbol is KUsed in batteriesAlso known as NaCIUsed as a disinfectantChemical formula is H20Vertical row of elementsHas an atomic number of 35Horizontal row of elementsUsed for machinery and toolsHas 2 naturally occurring isotopesNonmetal, lightest and Simplest element...

Periodic Table 2024-04-30

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. Has 76 protons
  2. Chemical formula is H20
  3. Has 2 naturally occurring isotopes
  4. Vertical row of elements
  5. The positively charged center of the atom
  6. The___number is the sum of the protons and neutrons
  7. Nonmetal, lightest and Simplest element
  8. Also known as NaCI
  9. Has 108 protons
  10. Used as a disinfectant
  11. Symbol is O
  1. The ____ number determines the type of element
  2. Atoms of the same element,different#of neutrons
  3. Used for machinery and tools
  4. Electron __ is an area around the nucleus of an atom where electrons are most likely to be found
  5. Has an atomic number of 35
  6. Used in batteries
  7. It's symbol is K
  8. Particles in the nucleus with a positive charge
  9. Horizontal row of elements

20 Clues: Symbol is OHas 76 protonsHas 108 protonsIt's symbol is KUsed in batteriesAlso known as NaCIUsed as a disinfectantChemical formula is H20Vertical row of elementsHas an atomic number of 35Horizontal row of elementsUsed for machinery and toolsHas 2 naturally occurring isotopesNonmetal, lightest and Simplest element...

Periodic Table 2024-04-30

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. Has 76 protons
  2. Chemical formula is H20
  3. Has 2 naturally occurring isotopes
  4. Vertical row of elements
  5. The positively charged center of the atom
  6. The___number is the sum of the protons and neutrons
  7. Nonmetal, lightest and Simplest element
  8. Also known as NaCI
  9. Has 108 protons
  10. Used as a disinfectant
  11. Symbol is O
  1. The ____ number determines the type of element
  2. Atoms of the same element,different#of neutrons
  3. Used for machinery and tools
  4. Electron __ is an area around the nucleus of an atom where electrons are most likely to be found
  5. Has an atomic number of 35
  6. Used in batteries
  7. It's symbol is K
  8. Particles in the nucleus with a positive charge
  9. Horizontal row of elements

20 Clues: Symbol is OHas 76 protonsHas 108 protonsIt's symbol is KUsed in batteriesAlso known as NaCIUsed as a disinfectantChemical formula is H20Vertical row of elementsHas an atomic number of 35Horizontal row of elementsUsed for machinery and toolsHas 2 naturally occurring isotopesNonmetal, lightest and Simplest element...

Periodic Table 2024-05-01

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. One proton
  2. Symbol is C
  3. Symbol is Na
  4. Has five protons
  5. Used in Pennies
  6. Another Word for NaCl
  7. In milk
  8. Used in drilling
  9. Provides nutrients to your body
  10. Used in explosives(aka Hiroshima)
  11. Cleans Pools
  12. Need to breath
  13. Symbol is Na
  1. Another word for H2O
  2. Used in lighting systems
  3. Another word for CO2
  4. Right of the stairs sine
  5. In Bananas
  6. Left of the stairs step line
  7. Only Metal in liquid form at room temp
  8. Treats bipolar disorder
  9. Used in balloons

22 Clues: In milkOne protonIn BananasSymbol is CSymbol is NaCleans PoolsSymbol is NaNeed to breathUsed in PenniesHas five protonsUsed in drillingUsed in balloonsAnother word for H2OAnother word for CO2Another Word for NaClTreats bipolar disorderUsed in lighting systemsRight of the stairs sineLeft of the stairs step lineProvides nutrients to your body...

Periodic Table 2024-05-03

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. = is a chemical element; it has symbol He and atomic number 2
  2. = is a chemical element; it has symbol Ar and atomic number 18
  3. = is a chemical element; it has symbol Cl and atomic number 17
  4. = is a chemical element; it has symbol Si and atomic number 14
  5. = is a chemical element; it has symbol S and atomic number 16
  6. = is a chemical element; it has symbol N and atomic number 7.
  7. = is a chemical element; it has symbol K and atomic number 19.
  8. = is a chemical element; it has symbol He and atomic number 2.
  1. = is a chemical element; it has symbol Ca and atomic number 20
  2. = is a chemical element; it has symbol Xe and atomic number 54
  3. = is a chemical element; it has symbol Li and atomic number 3.
  4. = is a chemical element; it has symbol Be and atomic number 4
  5. = is a chemical element; it has symbol Mg and atomic number 12.
  6. = is a chemical element; it has symbol O and atomic number 8
  7. = is a chemical element; it has symbol Al and atomic number 13
  8. = is a chemical element; it has symbol H and atomic number 1.
  9. = is a chemical element; it has symbol B and atomic number 5.
  10. = is a chemical element; it has symbol F and atomic number 9
  11. = is a chemical element; it has symbol P and atomic number 15
  12. = is a chemical element; it has symbol C and atomic number 6.

20 Clues: = is a chemical element; it has symbol O and atomic number 8= is a chemical element; it has symbol F and atomic number 9= is a chemical element; it has symbol He and atomic number 2= is a chemical element; it has symbol Be and atomic number 4= is a chemical element; it has symbol H and atomic number 1....

Periodic Table 2024-05-03

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. If an atom is neutral, there is _____ amount of protons and electrons
  2. Used to tell the number of protons in a atom of the element and used to identify the element
  3. Mass number of Mn
  4. Columns numbered 1-18 on the Periodic Table
  5. Is not on the periodic table and tells the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom
  6. These have no luster, poor conductor, not ductile, not malleable, low density, low melting point, and less reactive
  7. Atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons
  8. Is the space surrounding the nucleus, broken down into regions of space called shells, negatively charged, and where the volume of the atom is located
  9. Table A table in which it arranges all of the known elements in order of increasing atomic number
  10. These are solid at room temp., shiny luster, ductile, high density, high melting point, and reactivity
  11. Neutral particle in the nucleus with protons
  12. Abbreviation for the name of the element
  13. The sum of the protons and neutrons
  14. Negative particle outside of the nucleus in the electron cloud
  1. Wieghted average of all of the different versions of an element (called isotopes)
  2. Number of neutrons of B
  3. Number of protons of Ag
  4. Electrons in the outermost energy level
  5. Positive particle in the nucleus
  6. Atomic number of Al
  7. Something that has properties of both metals and nonmetals
  8. Has a dense center, made of protons and neutrons, positively charged, and is where the mass of the atom is located
  9. Rows numbered 1-7 on the Periodic Table
  10. The smallest particle of an element that still has the properties of that element

24 Clues: Mass number of MnAtomic number of AlNumber of neutrons of BNumber of protons of AgPositive particle in the nucleusThe sum of the protons and neutronsElectrons in the outermost energy levelRows numbered 1-7 on the Periodic TableAbbreviation for the name of the elementColumns numbered 1-18 on the Periodic Table...

Periodic Table 2023-09-07

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. Silicon
  2. H
  3. Aluminum
  4. B
  5. F
  6. Calcium
  7. Magnesium
  8. Be
  9. Phosphorus
  1. Li
  2. NE
  3. Potassium
  4. Sulfur
  5. N
  6. O
  7. C
  8. He
  9. Argon
  10. Chlorine
  11. Sodium

20 Clues: HNOCBFLiNEHeBeArgonSulfurSodiumSiliconCalciumAluminumChlorinePotassiumMagnesiumPhosphorus

Periodic Table 2023-09-24

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. sodium or lithium
  2. aurum according to Caesar
  3. positive charged part
  4. column
  5. Cellular respiration need
  6. reactivity for example
  7. needed for alloys
  8. in toothpaste and water usually
  9. in most glass
  10. ingredient of table salt
  11. most of the left side of the Table
  12. formally quicksilver
  13. Chemical origin of South American place name
  14. inert gas example
  15. Kennecott ore
  16. outermost electrons
  17. Superman home or Noble Gas
  18. in phone batteries
  19. organic, in chemistry
  1. density for example
  2. bromine for example
  3. used to find isotopes
  4. of Oppenheimer interest
  5. in water
  6. in many illuminated signs
  7. found in bones
  8. gives off hydrogen ions
  9. Xenon for example
  10. determines reactivity
  11. misnamed superhero's moniker ____-man
  12. no longer wolfram
  13. volcanic emissions
  14. row
  15. lightweight metal
  16. in many pools

35 Clues: rowcolumnin waterin most glassKennecott orein many poolsfound in bonessodium or lithiumneeded for alloysXenon for exampleno longer wolframinert gas examplelightweight metalvolcanic emissionsin phone batteriesdensity for examplebromine for exampleoutermost electronsformally quicksilverused to find isotopespositive charged partdetermines reactivity...

Periodic table 2024-07-18

Periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. - Atomic number 19
  2. - Atomic number 29
  3. - Atomic number 47
  4. - Atomic number 92
  5. - Atomic number 11
  6. - Atomic number 8
  7. - Atomic number 4
  8. - Atomic number 79
  9. - Atomic number 6
  10. - Atomic number 30
  11. - Atomic number 28
  12. - Atomic number 2
  13. - Atomic number 1
  1. - Atomic number 15
  2. - Atomic number 3
  3. - Atomic number 26
  4. - Atomic number 94
  5. - Atomic number 7
  6. - Atomic number 22
  7. - Atomic number 12
  8. - Atomic number 16
  9. - Atomic number 20

22 Clues: - Atomic number 3- Atomic number 8- Atomic number 7- Atomic number 4- Atomic number 6- Atomic number 2- Atomic number 1- Atomic number 15- Atomic number 19- Atomic number 26- Atomic number 29- Atomic number 94- Atomic number 47- Atomic number 92- Atomic number 11- Atomic number 22- Atomic number 12- Atomic number 79- Atomic number 16...

Periodic table 2024-07-18

Periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. - Atomic number 20
  2. - Atomic number 79
  3. - Atomic number 7
  4. - Atomic number 94
  5. - Atomic number 4
  6. - Atomic number 1
  7. - Atomic number 26
  8. - Atomic number 15
  9. - Atomic number 47
  1. - Atomic number 28
  2. - Atomic number 30
  3. - Atomic number 8
  4. - Atomic number 29
  5. - Atomic number 12
  6. - Atomic number 19
  7. - Atomic number 2
  8. - Atomic number 6
  9. - Atomic number 16
  10. - Atomic number 3
  11. - Atomic number 22
  12. - Atomic number 92
  13. - Atomic number 11

22 Clues: - Atomic number 8- Atomic number 2- Atomic number 7- Atomic number 6- Atomic number 3- Atomic number 4- Atomic number 1- Atomic number 28- Atomic number 30- Atomic number 20- Atomic number 29- Atomic number 12- Atomic number 19- Atomic number 79- Atomic number 16- Atomic number 22- Atomic number 94- Atomic number 92- Atomic number 26...


PERIODIC TABLE crossword puzzle
  1. Man's best friend
  2. The elements which form negative ions by accepting or gaining electrons.
  3. I am a nonmetal with the symbol "C".
  4. I am a rare earth element with the symbol "Nd".
  5. I am an alkali metal with the symbol "K".
  6. I am a nonmetal with the symbol "N".
  7. Likes to chase mice
  8. I am a noble gas with the symbol "He".
  9. I am a metal with the symbol "Au" and dense.
  10. I am a metal with the symbol "Fe".
  11. I am a halogen with the symbol "Br".
  12. I am a noble gas with the symbol "Ne".
  13. I am a metal with the symbol "Ca".
  14. I am a transition metal with the symbol "Cu".
  1. Large marsupial
  2. A substance that is in gaseous, or vaporous, states of matter.
  3. I am a metalloid with the symbol "Ge".
  4. I am a metalloid with the symbol "Si".
  5. Has a trunk
  6. I am an alkaline earth metal with the symbol "Mg".
  7. Flying mammal
  8. I am a nonmetal with the symbol "O".
  9. I am an alkali metal with the symbol "Na".
  10. I am a noble gas with the symbol "Kr".
  11. I am a halogen with the symbol "Cl".

25 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase miceI am a metal with the symbol "Fe".I am a metal with the symbol "Ca".I am a nonmetal with the symbol "C".I am a nonmetal with the symbol "N".I am a nonmetal with the symbol "O".I am a halogen with the symbol "Br".I am a halogen with the symbol "Cl"....

Periodic Table 2023-11-30

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. metals that are ductile and malleable
  2. alkali metal with an atomic number of 11
  3. group 17 nonmetals
  4. a metalloid in group 3a
  5. electrons in the highest energy level
  6. a russian chemist
  7. transition metal with 27 electrons
  8. Good conductors of heat and electricity
  9. most reactive metals
  10. Lanthanide with 65 protons
  11. the horizontal rows of the periodic table
  1. all these are radioactive
  2. metal that oxidizes in air
  3. a nonmetal with an average atomic mass of 4.0026
  4. Are brittle and break easily
  5. halogen metal in row 17
  6. a metal with 28 protons
  7. have full valence electrons shells
  8. alkaline earth metal with an average atomic mass of 40.074
  9. noble gas with a symbol of Ne
  10. A.K.A."rare earth metals"
  11. developed a periodic table by increasing atomic mass
  12. Shape can be easy or hard to change

23 Clues: a russian chemistgroup 17 nonmetalsmost reactive metalshalogen metal in row 17a metalloid in group 3aa metal with 28 protonsall these are radioactiveA.K.A."rare earth metals"metal that oxidizes in airLanthanide with 65 protonsAre brittle and break easilynoble gas with a symbol of Nehave full valence electrons shells...

Periodic Table 2023-12-04

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. has a Metallic Luster and Appear to be Metals
  2. alkali metals react with ____ to make strong bases.
  3. gases this group has characteristic colors when excited.
  4. this group has 7 valence electrons.
  5. all are radioactive, have no stable isotopes?
  6. Mendeleev organized the elements in order of increasing atomic
  7. Moseley arranged elements in order of ___ atomic number
  8. is non metals on the left or right side?
  9. who is credited for designing he first periodic table?
  10. tend to gain electrons and form ____ charged ions.
  11. which group has silvery grey metals?
  1. Highly reactive and are not found naturally in their elemental state?
  2. which group has compounds that have different colors?
  3. this element is in the halogens.
  4. react violently with most nonmetals.
  5. Which column is relatively soft?
  6. this element is in the noble gas group.
  7. this element is in the alkali metals group.
  8. metals become ____ ions called cations.
  9. this elhalogensin the halongens group.
  10. which side is the metals on?
  11. They are soft metals that can be cut with a knife.
  12. this element is in the alkaline earth metals.

23 Clues: which side is the metals on?this element is in the halogens.Which column is relatively soft?this group has 7 valence electrons.react violently with most nonmetals.which group has silvery grey metals?this elhalogensin the halongens group.this element is in the noble gas group.metals become ____ ions called cations....

Periodic Table 2023-12-05

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. Extremely soft metals
  2. This element is in the halogens group
  3. Ion with a +1 charge
  4. Ionic charge
  5. Nonmetals become ___ ions; called anions
  6. Metals become ____ ions; called cations
  7. This element is in the noble gases group
  8. This element is in the alkaline earth metals group
  9. a very simplified representation of the valence shell electrons in a molecule.
  10. Most reactive nonmetals
  11. This element is in the alkali metals group
  12. The number of the charge depends on how many ___
  13. also known as "rare earth metals"
  14. the periodic table is organized into ___
  1. The electrons in the outermost shell, or energy level, of an atom.
  2. alkali metals react with ___ to make strong bases
  3. Better conductor than nonmetals but not metals
  4. This element is in the halogens group
  5. Type of metals that oxidize in air
  6. Non Metals are very ___
  7. Hydrogen charge
  8. the graph the elements are organized on
  9. type of metals that are the best conductors of heat and electricity
  10. react violently with the most nonmetals
  11. Who created the first periodic Table
  12. Matals are good ____ of heat and electricity
  13. Have characteristics colors when excited
  14. an atom or molecule with a net electric charge due to the loss or gain of one or more electrons.

28 Clues: Ionic chargeHydrogen chargeIon with a +1 chargeExtremely soft metalsNon Metals are very ___Most reactive nonmetalsalso known as "rare earth metals"Type of metals that oxidize in airWho created the first periodic TableThis element is in the halogens groupThis element is in the halogens groupthe graph the elements are organized on...

Periodic Table 2023-11-03

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. What is group 17 called?
  2. Is Carbon a metal, metalloid, or nonmetal?
  3. Elements will react/bond with other elements to gain 8 valence electrons .What is this called?
  4. What lives in the outer shell of a element?
  5. what is element 6 called?
  6. How many valence electrons does group 18 have?
  7. What are the horizontal rows called in the periodic table?
  8. what is the largest group in the periodic table?
  9. why type of charge does group 13 give?
  1. what is the number on the top left of an element called?
  2. which element has the lowest atomic mass?
  3. what is group 18 called?
  4. What is element 99 called?
  5. what is group 1 called?
  6. what type of charge does group 16 give?
  7. what are the elements going up and down called?
  8. what is the number of an element called?
  9. How many valence electrons does group 2 have?
  10. which element has the highest atomic number?
  11. how many periods are there in the Periodic table?

20 Clues: what is group 1 called?what is group 18 called?What is group 17 called?what is element 6 called?What is element 99 called?why type of charge does group 13 give?what type of charge does group 16 give?what is the number of an element called?which element has the lowest atomic mass?Is Carbon a metal, metalloid, or nonmetal?...

Periodic Table 2023-10-29

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. Electron I’m an electron located on the outermost shell
  2. I’m a subatomic particle with a positive charge
  3. I’m the second most abundant metal on Earth
  4. I’m naturally antibacterial
  5. My atomic weight is 183.84
  6. My atomic number is 78
  7. I’m the 8th most abundant metal in earths crust
  8. my atomic number is 10
  9. My atomic number is 11
  10. I’m a metal that is liquid at room temperature
  11. I’m twice as strong as Aluminum
  1. I’m the most reactive and the most electronegative of all the elements
  2. I’m named after mythical, death dealing goblins
  3. I’m the most reactive and the most electronegative of all the elements
  4. I’m the lightest metal
  5. I melt at 420 degrees Celsius
  6. My atomic number is 5
  7. my atomic number is 24
  8. I’m the most stable element
  9. My atomic number is 19
  10. Animals and plants require me for respiration

21 Clues: My atomic number is 5I’m the lightest metalmy atomic number is 24My atomic number is 78My atomic number is 19my atomic number is 10My atomic number is 11My atomic weight is 183.84I’m naturally antibacterialI’m the most stable elementI melt at 420 degrees CelsiusI’m twice as strong as AluminumI’m the second most abundant metal on Earth...

Periodic Table 2023-10-29

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. my atomic number is 24
  2. My atomic number is 19
  3. I’m an electron located on the outermost shell
  4. I’m the most stable element
  5. I’m the most reactive and the most electronegative of all the elements
  6. My atomic weight is 183.84
  7. I’m a subatomic particle with a positive charge
  8. Animals and plants require me for respiration
  9. I’m a metal that is liquid at room temperature
  10. I melt at 420 degrees Celsius
  1. I’m the most reactive and the most electronegative of all the elements
  2. I’m the 8th most abundant metal in earths crust
  3. I’m the lightest metal
  4. my atomic number is 10
  5. My atomic number is 78
  6. I’m twice as strong as Aluminum
  7. My atomic number is 11
  8. I’m the second most abundant metal on Earth
  9. My atomic number is 5
  10. I’m naturally antibacterial
  11. I’m named after mythical, death dealing goblins

21 Clues: My atomic number is 5my atomic number is 24My atomic number is 19I’m the lightest metalmy atomic number is 10My atomic number is 78My atomic number is 11My atomic weight is 183.84I’m the most stable elementI’m naturally antibacterialI melt at 420 degrees CelsiusI’m twice as strong as AluminumI’m the second most abundant metal on Earth...

Periodic Table 2023-10-18

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. Upper left of every box
  2. Lightest Nobel Gas
  3. What the table is made of
  4. Contains group one and two
  5. Rule about what makes an element energetically stable
  6. Vertical categories on the table
  7. Positive
  8. Neutral
  9. In between Post Transition Metals and Reactive Nonmetals
  10. Heaviest Alkali Metal
  11. 109-118
  12. Negative
  13. Contains Lanthanides and Actinides
  1. Found in the outmost energy level
  2. Reactive nonmetal on the left side
  3. The group with 8 valance electrons
  4. Bottom of every box
  5. The topic of this crossword
  6. Middle of the Periodic Table
  7. horizontal categories on the table

20 Clues: Neutral109-118PositiveNegativeLightest Nobel GasBottom of every boxHeaviest Alkali MetalUpper left of every boxWhat the table is made ofContains group one and twoThe topic of this crosswordMiddle of the Periodic TableVertical categories on the tableFound in the outmost energy levelReactive nonmetal on the left sideThe group with 8 valance electrons...

Periodic Table 2023-10-18

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. The topic of this crossword
  2. rule that states elements are energetically stable with a full valence shell
  3. The group with 8 valance electrons
  4. Lightest Nobel Gas
  5. Reactive nonmetal on the left side
  6. Neutral
  7. Bottom of every box
  8. Negative
  9. Vertical categories on the table
  10. Middle of the Periodic Table
  11. horizontal categories on the table
  1. Found in the outmost energy level
  2. Positive
  3. Contains group one and two
  4. Contains Lanthanides and Actinides
  5. 109-118
  6. What the table is made of
  7. Heaviest Alkali Metal
  8. Upper left of every box
  9. In between Post Transition Metals and Reactive Nonmetals

20 Clues: 109-118NeutralPositiveNegativeLightest Nobel GasBottom of every boxHeaviest Alkali MetalUpper left of every boxWhat the table is made ofContains group one and twoThe topic of this crosswordMiddle of the Periodic TableVertical categories on the tableFound in the outmost energy levelContains Lanthanides and ActinidesThe group with 8 valance electrons...

Periodic Table 2024-02-01

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. I have 2 electrons in the first shell, 8 in the second shell, and 6 in the third shell
  2. I am not really an alkali metal, but since I have only 1 electron, I behave like them.
  3. I am a noble gas with 2 electrons
  4. I have 26 protons
  5. My atomic mass is 35.453
  6. I am a member of the halide family with an atomic number of 53
  7. You can find me in the carbon family in the fifth period.
  8. I am a silvery white metal used to make salt
  9. I am a gas with 8 protons and 8 neutrons
  10. I am a metal that is a liquid at room temperature
  11. I am a metal with 28 electrons
  12. I am a transition metal with 25 electrons
  13. I have 20 neutrons and am found in your teeth and bones
  14. I am a member of the boron family and am the most abundant metal in the Earth's crust
  1. I am a member of the alkaline earth metals and used to make fireworks and glow in the dark plastics
  2. I am a gas with a mass number of 19
  3. I am a member of the carbon family an often mistaken for the end of your pencil.
  4. I am the 2nd most abundant element in the Earth's crust and have 14 neutrons
  5. My atomic number is 79
  6. I am the head of the carbon family and known as the "basis of life"
  7. I am member of the nitrogen family with 16 neutrons
  8. I make up 78% of the air
  9. I am the only element in the halide family that is a liquid
  10. I have the highest atomic mass of all the naturally occurring elements
  11. My atomic number is 47 and I am used to make photographic film
  12. I am the first element in the fourth period used to make fertilizer

26 Clues: I have 26 protonsMy atomic number is 79My atomic mass is 35.453I make up 78% of the airI am a metal with 28 electronsI am a noble gas with 2 electronsI am a gas with a mass number of 19I am a gas with 8 protons and 8 neutronsI am a transition metal with 25 electronsI am a silvery white metal used to make salt...

periodic table 2024-02-29

periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. electrons on the outermost energy level of an atom
  2. the possible locations around a nucleus where electrons may be found
  3. the average mass of all the isotopes of an element
  4. uses dots to represent valence electrons around an elements atomic symbol
  5. a chemical bond formed when atoms share two pairs of electons
  6. a table that shows the elements, their atomic number, symbol, and average atomic mass; elements with similar chemical properties are grouped together
  7. a pure substance made of only one kind of atom
  8. a chemical bond formed when atoms share electons
  9. the smallest part of an element that still has the same properties as the element
  10. a chemical bond formed when atoms share 3 pairs of electrons
  11. positively charged particles located in the nucleus of an atom
  1. created in an atom when it has more protons than electrons
  2. the central part of the atom where protons and neutrons are located
  3. a chemical bond formed when atoms atoms share one one pair of electrons
  4. the smallest particle of a compound that retains all the properties of the compound and it is composed of one or more atoms
  5. negatively charged particles located outside the nucleus of an atom
  6. the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom
  7. created in an atom when it has more electrons than protons
  8. particles of no charge located in the nucleus of an atom
  9. atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons
  10. a chemical bond resulting from the attraction between oppositely charged ions
  11. a charged atom due to loss or gain of negative electrons

22 Clues: a pure substance made of only one kind of atomthe number of protons in the nucleus of an atoma chemical bond formed when atoms share electonselectrons on the outermost energy level of an atomthe average mass of all the isotopes of an elementparticles of no charge located in the nucleus of an atom...

Periodic table 2024-09-09

Periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. = Any atom or group of atoms that bears one or more positive or negative electrical charges
  2. = A subatomic particle with a negative charge
  3. = Contains elements with the same number of electrons
  4. = Members of a family of an element that all have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons
  5. = My symbol is Zn
  6. Number = The number of protons in the nucleus
  7. = A horizontal row of the periodic table
  8. = My atomic mass is 70
  9. Mass = Roughly equal to the sum of the individual particle masses of an atom
  10. = Elements that have properties between metals and nonmetals
  11. = My atomic mass is 28
  12. = A subatomic particle with a neutral charge
  13. = My atomic mass is 1
  14. = What the element is called
  15. = My symbol is Ag
  16. = A family of elements consisting of 15 elements
  1. = My atomic mass is 16
  2. = My atomic number is 45
  3. = My atomic number is 6
  4. = Elements that are good conductors of heat
  5. = A substance whose atoms all have the same number of protons
  6. = A series of metallic elements on the periodic table
  7. = My symbol is Ti
  8. = A subatomic particle with a positive charge
  9. = My symbol is Ne
  10. = One or 2 letter symbol that represents the element
  11. = My atomic number is 26
  12. = The vertical columns on the periodic table
  13. Table = A table of the chemical elements
  14. = The basis of the elements

30 Clues: = My symbol is Zn= My symbol is Ti= My symbol is Ne= My symbol is Ag= My atomic mass is 1= My atomic mass is 16= My atomic mass is 70= My atomic mass is 28= My atomic number is 6= My atomic number is 45= My atomic number is 26= The basis of the elements= What the element is called= A horizontal row of the periodic table...

Periodic Table 2024-09-13

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. The up and down of a periodic table
  2. gasses, Helium and Argon are apart of what family?
  3. number, The number above the symbol
  4. The horizontal rows of a periodic table
  5. a substance that is not chemically reactive
  6. earth metals, This family is highly metallic and are good conductors of electricity
  7. Basic building block of matter
  8. Synoym for shine
  9. Gold and iron are classified as
  10. Proteins and carbohydrates are
  11. Group with most active non metals
  12. Water and salt are both classified as
  13. Whn you hammer something without breaking it means it is
  14. bond, two hydrogen atoms bond covalently to form an H2 molecule
  15. Inside the nucleus has no charge
  1. Inside the nucleus with a positive charge
  2. the ability of a substance to interact chemically with a second substance
  3. hydrogen is the most common
  4. Elements on the step like line of the periodic table
  5. atoms, An example of this is 6 protons with 6 neutrons and 6 electrons
  6. Same protons and electrons but different neutrons
  7. Metal wires are considered
  8. A one or two letter abrrievation
  9. cloud, The place where electrons are
  10. mass, 15.99 is the ______ for Oxygen
  11. metals, An important family in group 1A
  12. It’s brittle and are poor electrical conductors
  13. A particle that lost or gained a electron
  14. electron, Travels on the outside of the nucleus of an atom
  15. The place that has neutrons and protons

30 Clues: Synoym for shineMetal wires are consideredhydrogen is the most commonBasic building block of matterProteins and carbohydrates areGold and iron are classified asA one or two letter abrrievationInside the nucleus has no chargeGroup with most active non metalsThe up and down of a periodic tablenumber, The number above the symbol...

Isabelle Cross word 2019-12-09

Isabelle Cross word crossword puzzle
  1. #57 periodic table
  2. used in speakers, vibration, circulatory, and to color screens
  3. used to produce magnets for speakers
  4. used in battery and display
  5. mineral in the form of a tetrahedral shape
  6. used in liquid crystal displays
  7. primarily used in airplane engines
  8. source of arsenic
  9. source of indium and germanium
  10. found in Australia China Argentina Chile
  11. found in Mexico China and Perú
  1. source of lithium used in cathodes of lithium ion batteries
  2. makes up earth’s crust
  3. different color crystal
  4. source of gallium
  5. primary source of tin
  6. used to color screens
  7. provides mass for vibration
  8. more than 100 different minerals
  9. #65 periodic table
  10. #64 periodic table
  11. regulates voltage
  12. copper comes from it
  13. #58 periodic table
  14. used only to color screens like yttrium
  15. resists corrosion and heat
  16. an ingredient in glass

27 Clues: source of galliumregulates voltagesource of arsenic#57 periodic table#65 periodic table#64 periodic table#58 periodic tablecopper comes from itprimary source of tinused to color screensmakes up earth’s crustan ingredient in glassdifferent color crystalresists corrosion and heatprovides mass for vibrationused in battery and display...

Sasha Ripley's Extra Credit Crossword Puzzle 2014-12-06

Sasha Ripley's Extra Credit Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Eighth element in the periodic table
  2. Cadmium,Mercury and _____ make up group 12
  3. Can be hammered or rolled into sheets
  4. Element used to prevent tooth decay
  5. First element on the periodic table
  6. Liquid-like metals that is a liquid at room temp.
  7. Metal used to create white colors in fireworks
  8. Symbol of gold
  9. Can be drawn into wires
  10. First element in group 15
  1. Sixth element in the periodic table
  2. Element that is used in U.S. 5 cent coins.
  3. Element named after state that starts with C
  4. Used to create photo-copies
  5. Once used to treat cancers. Is the last metal in group 2.
  6. Used in pennies
  7. Used to make signs with a ____ light
  8. Last name of the creator of the periodic table
  9. First metal used 6,000 years ago
  10. First element in group 13

20 Clues: Symbol of goldUsed in penniesCan be drawn into wiresFirst element in group 13First element in group 15Used to create photo-copiesFirst metal used 6,000 years agoSixth element in the periodic tableElement used to prevent tooth decayFirst element on the periodic tableEighth element in the periodic tableUsed to make signs with a ____ light...

Sasha Ripley's Extra Credit Crossword Puzzle 2014-12-06

Sasha Ripley's Extra Credit Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Used to make pennies.
  2. First metal used 6,000 years ago.
  3. Cadmium,Mercury and _____ make up group 12.
  4. Liquid-like metal that is a liquid at room temp.
  5. Last name of the creator of the periodic table.
  6. Can be drawn into wires.
  7. Metal used to create white colors in fireworks.
  8. First element in group 13.
  9. Symbol of gold.
  10. Eighth element in the periodic table.
  1. Element named after state that starts with C.
  2. First element on the periodic table.
  3. Last metal in group and once used to treat cancer.
  4. Element that is used in U.S. 5 cent coins.
  5. Can be hammered or rolled into sheets.
  6. Sixth element in the periodic table.
  7. Element used to prevent tooth decay.
  8. Used to make signs with a ____ light.
  9. First element in group 15.
  10. Used to create photo-copies.

20 Clues: Symbol of gold.Used to make pennies.Can be drawn into wires.First element in group 15.First element in group 13.Used to create photo-copies.First metal used 6,000 years ago.First element on the periodic table.Sixth element in the periodic table.Element used to prevent tooth decay.Used to make signs with a ____ light....

unit B crossword 2017-11-08

unit B crossword crossword puzzle
  1. form of state: oxygen
  2. what the periodic table is made up of
  3. substance that helps the chemical reaction go more quickly
  4. a compound contains to non metals.
  5. positively charged particle of the nucleus in the atom
  6. on periodic table- O
  7. compound of one metal and one non metal.
  8. materials you use for an experiment
  9. dioxide- mixture of carbon and oxygen
  10. outcome of an experiment
  11. symbol-H
  1. form of state:hard
  2. off heat
  3. of state: drinkable sometimes
  4. negatively charged particle that orbits around the nucleus
  5. on periodic table-B
  6. characteristics of an element
  7. metal that can be made into sheets
  8. neutral particle in the nucleus
  9. able to melt metal
  10. brings in heat
  11. the smallest part of an element.
  12. compound that dissolves in water to create a solution.
  13. element on periodic table-Fe

24 Clues: off heatsymbol-Hbrings in heatform of state:hardable to melt metalon periodic table-Bon periodic table- Oform of state: oxygenoutcome of an experimentelement on periodic table-Feof state: drinkable sometimescharacteristics of an elementneutral particle in the nucleusthe smallest part of an element.a compound contains to non metals....

Science Mid Term Challenge 2021-12-08

Science Mid Term Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
  2. speed plus direction
  3. a particle with a nuetral
  4. distance/time
  5. When something is made of 1 atom
  6. a particle with with a negative charge
  7. the amount of electrons in the third energy level
  8. they go across on the periodic table
  1. when plates crash into each other
  2. F=MA
  3. law of inertia
  4. the amount of electrons in the first energy level
  5. when plates move away fro each other
  6. they determine the reactivity an element
  7. they go up and down on the periodic table
  8. change in speed or direction or both
  9. a particle with a positive charge
  10. the side of the periodic table that is very stable
  11. the side of the periodic table that is very reactive
  12. Smallest part of an element
  13. the amount of electrons in the second energy level

21 Clues: F=MAdistance/timelaw of inertiaspeed plus directiona particle with a nuetralSmallest part of an elementWhen something is made of 1 atomwhen plates crash into each othera particle with a positive chargewhen plates move away fro each otherchange in speed or direction or boththey go across on the periodic tablea particle with with a negative charge...

Science Mid Term Challenge 2021-12-08

Science Mid Term Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
  2. speed plus direction
  3. a particle with a nuetral
  4. distance/time
  5. When something is made of 1 atom
  6. a particle with with a negative charge
  7. the amount of electrons in the third energy level
  8. they go across on the periodic table
  1. when plates crash into each other
  2. F=MA
  3. law of inertia
  4. the amount of electrons in the first energy level
  5. when plates move away fro each other
  6. they determine the reactivity an element
  7. they go up and down on the periodic table
  8. change in speed or direction or both
  9. a particle with a positive charge
  10. the side of the periodic table that is very stable
  11. the side of the periodic table that is very reactive
  12. Smallest part of an element
  13. the amount of electrons in the second energy level

21 Clues: F=MAdistance/timelaw of inertiaspeed plus directiona particle with a nuetralSmallest part of an elementWhen something is made of 1 atomwhen plates crash into each othera particle with a positive chargewhen plates move away fro each otherchange in speed or direction or boththey go across on the periodic tablea particle with with a negative charge...

CHEM 107 Review Before School 2023-09-03

CHEM 107 Review Before School crossword puzzle
  1. pure substance, made of two or more elements
  2. Atoms that lost(+) or gained(-) electrons
  3. Difference between experiment measurements and known
  4. joining in chemical equation
  5. Positive ions
  6. Most simple unit of matter, one type of atom
  7. Tentative explanation about a phenomena
  8. smallest unit that keeps properties, neutral charge
  9. SO₃²⁻
  10. Substance elements/compounds
  11. divide/split in chemical equation
  12. Solution mixture made mostly of water
  13. composition is different
  14. -m(235-mU)
  15. equal number of protons and electrons
  1. composition is the same
  2. Number before symbol on Periodic Table
  3. Can be counted
  4. Elements with different numbers of neutrons
  5. Negative ions
  6. Detailed explanation of a phenomena
  7. Combination of two or more substances
  8. Vertical column on Periodic Table (chem/behavior)
  9. Letters on Periodic Table
  10. (NH4)2SO3
  11. Horizontal column on Periodic Table (size/shape)

26 Clues: SO₃²⁻(NH4)2SO3-m(235-mU)Positive ionsNegative ionsCan be countedcomposition is the samecomposition is differentLetters on Periodic Tablejoining in chemical equationSubstance elements/compoundsdivide/split in chemical equationDetailed explanation of a phenomenaCombination of two or more substancesequal number of protons and electrons...

Elements and the Periodic Table 2021-01-19

Elements and the Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. particle with no charge
  2. atoms with the same number of protons and a different number of neutrons
  3. elements in group 17 of the periodic table
  4. element that is a poor conductor of electricity and is reactive with metals
  5. average mass of all isotopes of that element
  6. the process of destruction of a metal
  7. the metals of group 1 in the periodic table
  8. sum of the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus
  9. organized representation of all elements
  10. particle with a negative electric charge
  11. the ability to combine with other elements and compounds
  12. elements in group 18 that are usually unreative
  13. very small center core of an atom
  14. the ability to transfer heat to another object
  15. class of elements characterized by shininess, malleability, ductility and conductivity
  1. the metals of groups 3-12 on the periodic table
  2. an element that consists of two atoms
  3. the vertical columns on the periodic table
  4. the metals of group 2 in the periodic table
  5. the ability to be hammered into flat sheets
  6. elements with characteristics of both metal and nonmetals
  7. one or two letter representation of each element
  8. particle with a positive electric charge
  9. the horizontal rows on the periodic table
  10. mixture of a metal with at least one other element
  11. the number of particles in the nucleus that is unique to each element
  12. the ability to be drawn into a long wire

27 Clues: particle with no chargevery small center core of an atoman element that consists of two atomsthe process of destruction of a metalparticle with a positive electric chargeorganized representation of all elementsparticle with a negative electric chargethe ability to be drawn into a long wirethe horizontal rows on the periodic table...

Periodic Table Trends 2022-02-09

Periodic Table Trends crossword puzzle
  1. energy required to remove an electron to form an ion
  2. the ability to be pulled into a wire
  3. these elements touch the staircase line and are semiconductors
  4. a negative ion (gain of electrons)
  5. the vertical columns on the periodic table (tell us the number of valance electrons)
  6. elements found in group 17 of the periodic table - the most reactive nonmetals
  7. the horizontal rows on the periodic table (tell us the number of electron shells)
  8. these lie to the left of the staircase line - are shiny and conduct electricity
  9. removing an electron creates a ___________ ion
  10. lie to the right of the staircase line - are dull and do not conduct electricity well
  11. - the most common element in the universe
  12. the ____________ together the charges are, the greater the effective nuclear charge
  13. -these elements have a full octet and therefore do not readily react with other atoms
  14. which has a smaller ionic radius? Br or Ni?
  15. meaning to break when hammered
  1. are all elements in group 1 of the periodic table (except for hydrogen)
  2. these are very reactive atoms found in group 2 of the periodic table
  3. - the size of a neutral atom
  4. which element is more reactive; K or Fe?
  5. outer shell electrons
  6. to bend easily and have the ability to be hammered flat
  7. the ability to attract electrons within a compound
  8. this is the most electronegative element on the periodic table

23 Clues: outer shell electrons- the size of a neutral atommeaning to break when hammereda negative ion (gain of electrons)the ability to be pulled into a wirewhich element is more reactive; K or Fe?- the most common element in the universewhich has a smaller ionic radius? Br or Ni?removing an electron creates a ___________ ion...

Atoms Crossword 2023-05-11

Atoms Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Cause atoms to be unstable.
  2. Smallest unit of matter.
  3. Neutral particle.
  4. Holds all atom information.
  5. Positively charged particle.
  6. Type of classification for non conductive atoms.
  7. Classifies different types of atoms on the periodic table. For example: Alkaline Earth metals.
  8. First number above the atoms on periodic table.
  9. How many levels an atom has.
  1. Holds electrons outside core.
  2. Name of the person that made this
  3. Second atom form on the periodic table.
  4. Number that shows how much energy levels an electron has.
  5. Type of classification for atoms with characteristics from metal and nonmetals.
  6. First atom form on the periodic table.
  7. Negatively charged particle.
  8. Type of classification for very conductive atoms.

17 Clues: Neutral particle.Smallest unit of matter.Cause atoms to be unstable.Holds all atom information.Positively charged particle.Negatively charged particle.How many levels an atom has.Holds electrons outside core.Name of the person that made thisFirst atom form on the periodic table.Second atom form on the periodic table....

Chemistry Review Crossword Puzzle 2023-01-10

Chemistry Review Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the family in group 1 of the periodic table are known as the ______ metals
  2. the family in column 17 of the periodic table are known as the ______
  3. the Pauli Exclusion Principle states electrons must have opposite _____
  4. atomic number represents the number of _____
  5. this rule states that each orbital of an energy level receives one electron before any can receive two
  6. this rule states that low energy orbitals are filled before high energy orbitals
  7. another name for a horizontal row on the periodic table
  8. this scientist is given credit for the first periodic table
  9. protons and neutrons are located in the ____ of an atom
  1. the elements in groups 3-12 on the periodic table are known as the _______ metals
  2. rows on the periodic table are organized by ____ number
  3. the main property of noble gases is that they are ______
  4. another name for a vertical column on the periodic table, also known as a family
  5. the name for electrons on the outer orbital that are involved in bonding and reactions

14 Clues: atomic number represents the number of _____rows on the periodic table are organized by ____ numberanother name for a horizontal row on the periodic tableprotons and neutrons are located in the ____ of an atomthe main property of noble gases is that they are ______this scientist is given credit for the first periodic table...

Edexcel C2 Revision 2018-06-18

Edexcel C2 Revision crossword puzzle
  1. sulfate the insoluble salt given to patients before an x-ray (6, 7) (solubility and chemical tests)
  2. the charge of a neutron (atomic structure)
  3. the centre part of an atom (atomic structure)
  4. an insoluble salt formed by a chemical reaction (solubility and chemical tests)
  5. an element that is a brown liquid at room temperature (periodic table/ halogens)
  6. a sub-atomic particle with negligible mass (atomic structure)
  7. the group of metals in the centre of the periodic table (periodic table)
  8. the unreactive group on the periodic table (5, 5) (periodic table)
  9. the colour of potassium ions in a flame test (solubility and chemical tests)
  10. a chemical reaction that gives out heat energy (exo/endo reactions)
  11. a separating technique used to separate mixtures by mass (separation techniques)
  12. the atomic number gives the number of........ (atomic structure)
  13. a chemical reaction which takes in heat energy (exo/endo reactions)
  14. the gas formed when alkali metals react with water (alkali metals)
  15. a bond between two non-metals (structure and bonding)
  16. a charged atom (structure and bonding)
  1. a crystalline structure with a high melting point is a giant ionic ..... (structure and bonding)
  2. distillation a separating technique used to separate miscible liquids (separation techniques)
  3. the name given to group 7 of the periodic table (periodic table)
  4. an element that is a pale green gas at room temperature (periodic table/ halogens)
  5. the atomic mass minus the atomic numbers gives the number of .... (atomic structure)
  6. the charge on an electron (atomic structure)
  7. a factor that effects the rate of reaction (rates of reaction)
  8. a factor that effects the rate of reaction (rates of reaction)
  9. the charge on a proton (atomic structure)
  10. something that speeds up a reaction without being used up (rates of reaction)
  11. the maximum number of electrons in the 2nd shell of an atom (structure and bonding)
  12. when lithium reacts with water one of the products is lithium ......... (alkali metals)
  13. an example of an exothermic reaction (exo/endo reactions)
  14. the least reactive alkali metal (alkali metals)
  15. an example of an endothermic reaction (exo/endo reactions)
  16. a bond between a metal and a non-metal (structure and bonding)

32 Clues: a charged atom (structure and bonding)the charge on a proton (atomic structure)the charge of a neutron (atomic structure)the charge on an electron (atomic structure)the centre part of an atom (atomic structure)the least reactive alkali metal (alkali metals)a bond between two non-metals (structure and bonding)...

Unit 2 Assessment 2021-12-17

Unit 2 Assessment crossword puzzle
  1. Proves the existence of an element / If the element is real and its own, it will have a different spectrum than any other
  2. Labeled as “h” in equations / 6.626 x 10^-34 js
  3. 1s22s22p63s23p3 / [Ne] 3s² 3p³
  4. All the way to the left of the periodic table / Energy levels 1-7 and periods 1 and 2
  5. An orbital can hold a max of 2 electrons / Orbitals must have opposite spins (arrows)
  6. (n-1) / In energy levels 4-7 in the middle of the periodic table
  7. These things attract electrons / Positively charged in the nucleus of an atom
  8. All the way to the right of the periodic table / Energy levels 2-7 and periods 13-18
  9. [RN] 7s^2 / 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2 4p6 4d10 5s2 5p6 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p6 7s2
  10. (n-2) / Inserted in the middle of elements in the periodic table, then brought down to the bottom
  11. Expressed in the acronym EMR / When energy with wave-like behavior as it travels through space
  12. Increases from left to right on the periodic table / Increases from top to bottom on the periodic table
  13. [AR] 4s^23d^10 / 1s2222p63s23p64s23d10
  1. Organizes EMR according to wavelength and frequency / Viewed through a spectroscope
  2. In group 18 / Contains 8 valence electrons
  3. [AR] 4s^23d^104p^5 / 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p5
  4. Write noble gas in [ ] / Go up one period and all the way to the right to start
  5. 1s22s22p63s23p5 / [Ne] 3s² 3p⁵
  6. Noble gasses don’t have this because they have 8 valence electrons / Increases from bottom to the top of the periodic table
  7. Decreases from left to right on the periodic table / Half of the distance between the nuclei of 2 like atoms
  8. wavelength(frequency) / 3.00 x10^8 m/s
  9. This color has the longest wavelength / This color also has the most energy
  10. Distance between two different corresponding waves / Labeled in equations as the symbol “λ”
  11. Measured in Hertz or seconds / In both light equations
  12. 1s22s22p1 / [He] 2s2 2p1

25 Clues: 1s22s22p1 / [He] 2s2 2p11s22s22p63s23p3 / [Ne] 3s² 3p³1s22s22p63s23p5 / [Ne] 3s² 3p⁵wavelength(frequency) / 3.00 x10^8 m/s[AR] 4s^23d^10 / 1s2222p63s23p64s23d10In group 18 / Contains 8 valence electrons[AR] 4s^23d^104p^5 / 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p5Labeled as “h” in equations / 6.626 x 10^-34 jsMeasured in Hertz or seconds / In both light equations...

Periodic Table 2021-05-29

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. primary creator of the first periodic table
  2. good conductors of heat and electricity
  3. Atoms of this family have 4 valence electrons
  4. total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of the atom
  5. colorless gases that are not reactive
  6. arranged the elements in order by atomic number
  7. the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom
  8. found in column 1 of the periodic table
  9. vertical columns of elements with similar properties
  1. This family includes a metalloid (Boron), and the rest are metals .
  2. electrons in the outermost energy level
  3. this group include include magnesium and calcium, among others
  4. elements in families 3-12
  5. poor conductors of heat and electricity
  6. Has properties of both metals and nonmetal
  7. Named after the element that makes up 78 % of atmosphere
  8. a horizontal row of elements
  9. only nonmetal on the left side of the Periodic Table
  10. A substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means
  11. nonmetallic elements in group 17 that have colored vapors
  12. Most elements in this family are active when forming compounds

21 Clues: elements in families 3-12a horizontal row of elementscolorless gases that are not reactiveelectrons in the outermost energy levelfound in column 1 of the periodic tablepoor conductors of heat and electricitygood conductors of heat and electricityHas properties of both metals and nonmetalprimary creator of the first periodic table...

Periodic Table 2021-05-17

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. Os
  2. Ra
  3. Pt
  4. Rn
  5. Ti
  6. Cl
  7. Si
  8. O
  9. Mg
  10. He
  11. Sr
  12. Xe
  13. Hg
  14. I
  1. K
  2. Na
  3. Ar
  4. C
  5. Fr
  6. P
  7. Li
  8. W
  9. Ni
  10. AU
  11. Ag
  12. Al
  13. N
  14. B


Periodic Table 2021-05-19

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. group 18
  2. group 1
  3. Atoms of the same element that have different number of neutrons
  4. group 3-12
  5. group 17
  6. where electrons are located
  7. Elements 57-71
  8. elements located on tops of the staircase
  9. discovered nucleus
  10. the number of protons in an atom
  1. positively charged particles
  2. group 2
  3. neutrally charged particles
  4. elements on the left side of periodic table
  5. negatively charged particles
  6. center of an atom
  7. elements on the right side of periodic table
  8. elements 89-103
  9. arranged elements by atomic number
  10. Arranged elements by increasing atomic mass
  11. total number of protons and neutrons

21 Clues: group 2group 1group 18group 17group 3-12Elements 57-71elements 89-103center of an atomdiscovered nucleusneutrally charged particleswhere electrons are locatedpositively charged particlesnegatively charged particlesthe number of protons in an atomarranged elements by atomic numbertotal number of protons and neutrons...

Periodic Table 2021-05-04

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. model that refers to treatment of electrons as particles that orbit the nucleus
  2. negatively charged particle in atom
  3. earth metals.
  4. word used to describe the physical property where is easily breaks apart
  5. a one or two letter abbreviation.
  6. subatomic particle with no electric charge
  7. properties of how the element/compound reacted with others
  8. used to describe when a solid is put into a liquid and creates a solution
  9. sum of the number of protons and neutrons in nucleus
  10. last name of Russian scientist credited with periodic table
  11. solution with over 7 pH
  12. columns on the periodic table of elements
  1. substance made only of one type of atom
  2. positively charged particle in atom
  3. a group of atoms
  4. silver colored metal usually tarnished by oxidation
  5. temperature where liquid turns into a gas
  6. center of atom
  7. smallest particle of an element.
  8. rows of the periodic table
  9. measure of th number of particles as a miss in a given volume
  10. scale for measuring temperature
  11. substance made of two or more elements.
  12. number that tells u number of protons and electrons.
  13. light, silver gray metal with atomic number of 4(Be)

25 Clues: earth of atoma group of atomssolution with over 7 pHrows of the periodic tablescale for measuring temperaturesmallest particle of an element.a one or two letter abbreviation.positively charged particle in atomnegatively charged particle in atomsubstance made only of one type of atomsubstance made of two or more elements....

Periodic Table 2021-07-09

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. - scuba suit
  2. - matches
  3. - life
  4. - semi conductor chips
  5. - toothpaste
  6. - bleaching powder
  7. - foil
  8. - bricks
  1. - cameras
  2. - banana
  3. - diamond
  4. - fireworks
  5. - balloon
  6. - bomb
  7. - fertiliser
  8. - detergents
  9. - Signs or names of hotels
  10. - battery
  11. - plaster of paris
  12. - chips

20 Clues: - bomb- life- foil- chips- banana- bricks- cameras- diamond- balloon- battery- matches- fireworks- scuba suit- fertiliser- detergents- toothpaste- bleaching powder- plaster of paris- semi conductor chips- Signs or names of hotels

Periodic Table 2022-09-13

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. Symbol 'W'
  2. Symbol 'Zr'
  3. Atomic number 36
  4. Symbol 'Ag'
  5. Symbol 'Sc'
  6. Symbol 'Xe'
  7. Symbol 'Y'
  8. Atomic number 106
  9. Symbol 'Be'
  10. Atomic weight 140.90
  1. Atomic weight 85.4678
  2. Atomic weight 226
  3. Atomic number 15
  4. Atomic number 23
  5. Period 5, group 2
  6. Actinoids, group 6
  7. Atomic weight 92.90637
  8. Atomic number 87
  9. Symbol 'Uut'
  10. Atomic weight 74.922

20 Clues: Symbol 'W'Symbol 'Y'Symbol 'Zr'Symbol 'Ag'Symbol 'Sc'Symbol 'Xe'Symbol 'Be'Symbol 'Uut'Atomic number 15Atomic number 23Atomic number 36Atomic number 87Atomic weight 226Period 5, group 2Atomic number 106Actinoids, group 6Atomic weight 74.922Atomic weight 140.90Atomic weight 85.4678Atomic weight 92.90637

periodic table 2022-10-03

periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. atomic number 9
  2. atomic number 3
  3. atomic number 22
  4. atomic number 20
  5. atomic number 33
  6. atomic number 29
  7. atomic number 12
  8. atomic number 26
  9. atomic number 47
  10. atomic number 10
  1. atomic number 4
  2. atomic number 35
  3. atomic number 19
  4. atomic number 14
  5. atomic number 1
  6. atomic number 13
  7. atomic number 6
  8. atomic number 50
  9. atomic number 53
  10. atomic number 8

20 Clues: atomic number 4atomic number 9atomic number 3atomic number 1atomic number 6atomic number 8atomic number 35atomic number 19atomic number 22atomic number 14atomic number 20atomic number 33atomic number 13atomic number 29atomic number 12atomic number 50atomic number 26atomic number 53atomic number 47atomic number 10

Periodic table 2022-10-11

Periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. What is the chemical element for the symbol Pt?
  2. What is the chemical element for the symbol Si?
  3. What is the chemical element for the symbol La?
  4. What is the chemical element for the symbol Cr?
  5. What is the chemical element for the symbol Au?
  6. What is the chemical element for the symbol B?
  7. What is the chemical element for the symbol Ta?
  8. What is the chemical element for the symbol Lv?
  9. What is the chemical element for the symbol Ne?
  10. What is the chemical element for the symbol Sr?
  11. What is the chemical element for the symbol O?
  12. What is the chemical element for the symbol Ce?
  13. What is the chemical element for the symbol Fm?
  14. What is the chemical element for the symbol Nb?
  15. What is the chemical element for the symbol Pa?
  16. What is the chemical element for the symbol Cn?
  17. What is the chemical element for the symbol Pu?
  18. What is the chemical element for the symbol Pm?
  19. What is the chemical element for the symbol Kr?
  20. What is the chemical element for the symbol Hs?
  21. What is the chemical element for the symbol Bh?
  22. What is the chemical element for the symbol Fl?
  23. What is the chemical element for the symbol Sb?
  24. What is the chemical element for the symbol He?
  25. What is the chemical element for the symbol C?
  26. What is the chemical element for the symbol Es?
  27. What is the chemical element for the symbol Fe?
  28. What is the chemical element for the symbol S?
  29. What is the chemical element for the symbol Ba?
  30. What is the chemical element for the symbol Dy?
  31. What is the chemical element for the symbol Nd?
  32. is the chemical element for the symbol Mn?
  33. What is the chemical element for the symbol P?
  34. What is the chemical element for the symbol Ca?
  35. What is the chemical element for the symbol Pr?
  36. What is the chemical element for the symbol Ga?
  37. What is the chemical element for the symbol Ts?
  38. What is the chemical element for the symbol Li?
  39. What is the chemical element for the symbol Po?
  40. What is the chemical element for the symbol Hg?
  41. What is the chemical element for the symbol Cs?
  42. What is the chemical element for the symbol N?
  43. What is the chemical element for the symbol Np?
  44. What is the chemical element for the symbol Na?
  45. What is the chemical element for the symbol Ti?
  46. What is the chemical element for the symbol Ru?
  47. What is the chemical element for the symbol Bk?
  48. What is the chemical element for the symbol At?
  49. What is the chemical element for the symbol Mt?
  50. What is the chemical element for the symbol Rb?
  51. What is the chemical element for the symbol Sm?
  52. What is the chemical element for the symbol Se?
  53. What is the chemical element for the symbol Cm?
  54. What is the chemical element for the symbol Ir?
  55. What is the chemical element for the symbol Mc?
  56. What is the chemical element for the symbol Bi?
  1. What is the chemical element for the symbol Zn?
  2. What is the chemical element for the symbol Ag?
  3. What is the chemical element for the symbol Ra?
  4. What is the chemical element for the symbol Gd?
  5. What is the chemical element for the symbol Sc?
  6. What is the chemical element for the symbol Pb?
  7. What is the chemical element for the symbol As?
  8. What is the chemical element for the symbol S?
  9. What is the chemical element for the symbol Tc?
  10. What is the chemical element for the symbol Xe?
  11. What is the chemical element for the symbol Lr?
  12. What is the chemical element for the symbol Ds?
  13. What is the chemical element for the symbol No?
  14. What is the chemical element for the symbol Ge?
  15. What is the chemical element for the symbol Nh?
  16. What is the chemical element for the symbol Fr?
  17. What is the chemical element for the symbol Eu?
  18. What is the chemical element for the symbol Mg?
  19. What is the chemical element for the symbol Ho?
  20. What is the chemical element for the symbol Ac?
  21. What is the chemical element for the symbol W?
  22. What is the chemical element for the symbol Os?
  23. What is the chemical element for the symbol Lu?
  24. What is the chemical element for the symbol Sg?
  25. What is the chemical element for the symbol Co?
  26. What is the chemical element for the symbol Hf?
  27. What is the chemical element for the symbol F?
  28. What is the chemical element for the symbol U?
  29. What is the chemical element for the symbol Tl?
  30. What is the chemical element for the symbol Re?
  31. What is the chemical element for the symbol Ar?
  32. What is the chemical element for the symbol I?
  33. What is the chemical element for the symbol Cu?
  34. What is the chemical element for the symbol Zr?
  35. What is the chemical element for the symbol Br?
  36. What is the chemical element for the symbol In?
  37. What is the chemical element for the symbol Be?
  38. What is the chemical element for the symbol Th?
  39. What is the chemical element for the symbol Pd?
  40. What is the chemical element for the symbol Am?
  41. is the chemical element for the symbol Rg?
  42. What is the chemical element for the symbol Mo?
  43. What is the chemical element for the symbol Rn?
  44. What is the chemical element for the symbol Sn?
  45. What is the chemical element for the symbol Og?
  46. What is the chemical element for the symbol Cl?
  47. What is the chemical element for the symbol Db?
  48. What is the chemical element for the symbol H?
  49. What is the chemical element for the symbol I?
  50. What is the chemical element for the symbol Tb?
  51. What is the chemical element for the symbol Rh?
  52. What is the chemical element for the symbol Cd?
  53. What is the chemical element for the symbol Md?
  54. What is the chemical element for the symbol Rf?
  55. What is the chemical element for the symbol Yb?
  56. What is the chemical element for the symbol Cf?
  57. What is the chemical element for the symbol Ni?
  58. What is the chemical element for the symbol K?
  59. What is the chemical element for the symbol Al?
  60. What is the chemical element for the symbol V?
  61. What is the chemical element for the symbol Te?
  62. What is the chemical element for the symbol Y?

118 Clues: is the chemical element for the symbol Mn?is the chemical element for the symbol Rg?What is the chemical element for the symbol S?What is the chemical element for the symbol B?What is the chemical element for the symbol O?What is the chemical element for the symbol W?What is the chemical element for the symbol F?...

periodic table 2022-11-10

periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. pnictogens
  2. distance from crest to crest
  3. transition metals
  4. number of waves to pass a give point per unit
  5. alkali metals
  6. height of wave from origin
  7. medium conductivity + properties from both
  8. alkaline earth metals
  9. visible light and color
  10. one quantum of energy
  11. column
  1. highest point in a wave
  2. noble gases
  3. halogens
  4. high conductivity, shiny, malleable
  5. chalcogens
  6. row
  7. pulled from inside periodic table
  8. distance from the nucleus
  9. poor conductivity, dull, brittle

20 Clues: rowcolumnhalogenspnictogenschalcogensnoble gasesalkali metalstransition metalsalkaline earth metalsone quantum of energyhighest point in a wavevisible light and colordistance from the nucleusheight of wave from origindistance from crest to crestpoor conductivity, dull, brittlepulled from inside periodic tablehigh conductivity, shiny, malleable...

periodic table 2022-11-10

periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. pnictogens
  2. distance from crest to crest
  3. transition metals
  4. number of waves to pass a give point per unit
  5. alkali metals
  6. height of wave from origin
  7. medium conductivity + properties from both
  8. alkaline earth metals
  9. visible light and color
  10. one quantum of energy
  11. column
  1. highest point in a wave
  2. noble gases
  3. halogens
  4. high conductivity, shiny, malleable
  5. chalcogens
  6. row
  7. pulled from inside periodic table
  8. distance from the nucleus
  9. poor conductivity, dull, brittle

20 Clues: rowcolumnhalogenspnictogenschalcogensnoble gasesalkali metalstransition metalsalkaline earth metalsone quantum of energyhighest point in a wavevisible light and colordistance from the nucleusheight of wave from origindistance from crest to crestpoor conductivity, dull, brittlepulled from inside periodic tablehigh conductivity, shiny, malleable...

Periodic table 2022-06-20

Periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. ธาตุทรานสิชัน เป็นองค์ประกอบหลักในการทำทองเหลือง นิยมนำมาใช้ทำสายไฟฟ้าเพราะนำไฟฟ้าได้ดี
  2. ธาตุหมู่ 7 ใช้ฆ่าเชื้อโรคในน้ำประปาหรือสระว่ายน้ำ
  3. ธาตุหมู่ 7 ใช้ผสมในยาสีฟันป้องกันฟันผุ
  4. ธาตุทรานสิชันตัวแรกในตารางธาตุ
  5. ธาตุ หมู่ 1 มีการจัดเรียงอิเล็กตรอนเป็น 2 8 8 1
  6. ธาตุทรานสิชัน มีเลขอะตอมคือ 28 ใช้ชุบโลหะป้องกันสนิม
  7. ธาตุที่พืชต้องการ เลขอะตอมคือ 15
  8. ธาตุที่เลขอะตอมคือ 5
  9. ธาตุหมู่ 8 เลขอะตอมคือ 10 เกิดแสงเรืองสีแดงเมื่อใช้ในหลอดสุญญากาศ
  10. ธาตุหมู่ 1 เลขอะตอมคือ 3
  11. ธาตุหมู่ 6 มีอีกชื่อว่ากำมะถัน มีกลิ่นฉุน
  12. ธาตุหมู่ 6 ที่เป็นองค์ประกอบของแก๊สที่มนุษย์หายใจเข้าไป
  13. ธาตุทรานสิชัน นำไฟฟ้าได้ดี นิยมทำเป็นเครื่องประดับ เลขอะตอมคือ 47
  14. ธาตุหมู่ 2 เลขอะตอมคือ 56
  15. ธาตุหมู่ 7 มีเลขอะตอมคือ 35
  1. ธาตุที่มีการจัดเรียงอิเล็กตรอนเป็น 2 8 2
  2. ธาตุหมู่ 8 มีการจัดเรียงอิเล็กตรอนเป็น 2 8 8
  3. ธาตุหมู่ 2 คาบที่ 2
  4. ธาตุหมู่ 4 เป็นองค์ประกอบหลักของสารอินทรีย์
  5. ธาตุที่มีการจัดเรียงอิเล็กตรอนเป็น 2 8 4
  6. ธาตุหมู่ 3 เลขอะตอมคือ 13
  7. ธาตุทรานสิชัน มีชื่อเรียกว่าสังกะสี
  8. ธาตุหมู่ 1 เลขอะตอมคือ 11 เกิดปฏิกิริยารุนแรงกับน้ำ
  9. ธาตุหมู่ 7 มีเลขอะตอมคือ 53
  10. ธาตุที่เป็นแก๊สเฉื่อย เลขอะตอมคือ 2
  11. ธาตุอโลหะ เป็นองค์ประกอบหลักในอากาศ เลขอะตอมคือ 7
  12. ธาตุทรานสิชัน มีชื่อเรียกว่าทองคำขาว นำมาทำเป็นเครื่องประดับ
  13. ธาตุทรานสิชัน เลขอะตอมคือ 79 มีมูลค่ามากนิยมนำมาทำเป็นเครื่องประดับ
  14. ธาตุหมู่ 2 คาบที่ 4
  15. ธาตุทรานสิชัน เลขอะตอมคือ 27 ที่สามารถนำไอโซโทปไปรักษาโรคมะเร็งได้
  16. ธาตุทรานสิชัน ใช้เป็นโครงสร้างในการสร้างบ้าน มีความแข็งแรงมาก

31 Clues: ธาตุหมู่ 2 คาบที่ 2ธาตุหมู่ 2 คาบที่ 4ธาตุที่เลขอะตอมคือ 5ธาตุหมู่ 1 เลขอะตอมคือ 3ธาตุหมู่ 3 เลขอะตอมคือ 13ธาตุหมู่ 2 เลขอะตอมคือ 56ธาตุหมู่ 7 มีเลขอะตอมคือ 53ธาตุหมู่ 7 มีเลขอะตอมคือ 35ธาตุทรานสิชันตัวแรกในตารางธาตุธาตุที่พืชต้องการ เลขอะตอมคือ 15ธาตุทรานสิชัน มีชื่อเรียกว่าสังกะสีธาตุที่เป็นแก๊สเฉื่อย เลขอะตอมคือ 2...

Periodic table 2022-06-20

Periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. ธาตุทรานสิชัน ใช้เป็นโครงสร้างในการสร้างบ้าน มีความแข็งแรงมาก
  2. ธาตุทรานสิชัน มีชื่อเรียกว่าทองคำขาว นำมาทำเป็นเครื่องประดับ
  3. ธาตุทรานสิชัน เลขอะตอมคือ 79 มีมูลค่ามากนิยมนำมาทำเป็นเครื่องประดับ
  4. ธาตุหมู่ 4 เป็นองค์ประกอบหลักของสารอินทรีย์
  5. ธาตุทรานสิชัน นำไฟฟ้าได้ดี นิยมทำเป็นเครื่องประดับ เลขอะตอมคือ 47
  6. ธาตุ หมู่ 1 มีการจัดเรียงอิเล็กตรอนเป็น 2 8 8 1
  7. ธาตุทรานสิชัน มีเลขอะตอมคือ 28 ใช้ชุบโลหะป้องกันสนิม
  8. ธาตุหมู่ 6 ที่เป็นองค์ประกอบของแก๊สที่มนุษย์หายใจเข้าไป
  9. ธาตุหมู่ 6 มีอีกชื่อว่ากำมะถัน มีกลิ่นฉุน
  10. ธาตุอโลหะ เป็นองค์ประกอบหลักในอากาศ เลขอะตอมคือ 7
  11. ธาตุหมู่ 3 เลขอะตอมคือ 13
  12. ธาตุหมู่ 7 ใช้ฆ่าเชื้อโรคในน้ำประปาหรือสระว่ายน้ำ
  13. ธาตุหมู่ 7 มีเลขอะตอมคือ 53
  14. ธาตุที่เป็นแก๊สเฉื่อย เลขอะตอมคือ 2
  15. ธาตุหมู่ 8 เลขอะตอมคือ 10 เกิดแสงเรืองสีแดงเมื่อใช้ในหลอดสุญญากาศ
  16. ธาตุหมู่ 7 ใช้ผสมในยาสีฟันป้องกันฟันผุ
  1. ธาตุหมู่ 2 เลขอะตอมคือ 56
  2. ธาตุที่พืชต้องการ เลขอะตอมคือ 15
  3. ธาตุหมู่ 2 คาบที่ 4
  4. ธาตุทรานสิชัน เลขอะตอมคือ 27 ที่สามารถนำไอโซโทปไปรักษาโรคมะเร็งได้
  5. ธาตุที่เลขอะตอมคือ 5
  6. ธาตุทรานสิชัน มีชื่อเรียกว่าสังกะสี
  7. ธาตุหมู่ 2 คาบที่ 2
  8. ธาตุหมู่ 8 มีการจัดเรียงอิเล็กตรอนเป็น 2 8 8
  9. ธาตุหมู่ 1 เลขอะตอมคือ 11 เกิดปฏิกิริยารุนแรงกับน้ำ
  10. ธาตุหมู่ 7 มีเลขอะตอมคือ 35
  11. ธาตุที่มีการจัดเรียงอิเล็กตรอนเป็น 2 8 2
  12. ธาตุที่มีการจัดเรียงอิเล็กตรอนเป็น 2 8 4
  13. ธาตุทรานสิชัน เป็นองค์ประกอบหลักในการทำทองเหลือง นิยมนำมาใช้ทำสายไฟฟ้าเพราะนำไฟฟ้าได้ดี
  14. ธาตุหมู่ 1 เลขอะตอมคือ 3
  15. ธาตุทรานสิชันตัวแรกในตารางธาตุ

31 Clues: ธาตุหมู่ 2 คาบที่ 4ธาตุหมู่ 2 คาบที่ 2ธาตุที่เลขอะตอมคือ 5ธาตุหมู่ 1 เลขอะตอมคือ 3ธาตุหมู่ 2 เลขอะตอมคือ 56ธาตุหมู่ 3 เลขอะตอมคือ 13ธาตุหมู่ 7 มีเลขอะตอมคือ 35ธาตุหมู่ 7 มีเลขอะตอมคือ 53ธาตุทรานสิชันตัวแรกในตารางธาตุธาตุที่พืชต้องการ เลขอะตอมคือ 15ธาตุทรานสิชัน มีชื่อเรียกว่าสังกะสีธาตุที่เป็นแก๊สเฉื่อย เลขอะตอมคือ 2...

periodic table 2022-12-07

periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. the first nonmetal
  2. this is the biggest number on the table
  3. the name of this chart
  4. what is the correct word for Co
  5. this is in the first column the 4th row
  6. their atomic number is 14
  7. the symbol for lead
  8. silvers symbol
  9. can also be known as a type of color
  10. the most recently added
  11. the things on the table
  1. number 5 on the metals
  2. these are not metals
  3. there are only 8 of these
  4. titaniums symbol
  5. silicons symbol
  6. the symbol for iron
  7. they go across
  8. the symbol for gold
  9. we breathe it
  10. they go up and down

21 Clues: we breathe itthey go acrosssilvers symbolsilicons symboltitaniums symbolthe first nonmetalthe symbol for ironthe symbol for goldthe symbol for leadthey go up and downthese are not metalsnumber 5 on the metalsthe name of this chartthe most recently addedthe things on the tablethere are only 8 of thesetheir atomic number is 14...

Periodic Table 2022-10-06

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. is the english chemist
  2. discoverd argon
  3. Distance of the atom
  4. ability to lose electron
  5. newland
  6. the most stable group
  7. atomic number
  8. is the law
  9. Rows
  10. mendeleev develop
  11. metal bonding
  12. created Triad
  13. ability of an atom
  1. noble gas
  2. nonmetals by nonmetals
  3. Vertical
  4. The father of the modern periodic table
  5. the values of
  6. discoverd phosphorus
  7. is the element

20 Clues: RowsnewlandVerticalnoble gasis the lawthe values ofatomic numbermetal bondingcreated Triadis the elementdiscoverd argonmendeleev developability of an atomDistance of the atomdiscoverd phosphorusthe most stable groupis the english chemistnonmetals by nonmetalsability to lose electronThe father of the modern periodic table

Periodic Table 2023-01-16

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. / Symbol of this element is C
  2. / Symbol of this element is F
  3. / Symbol of this element is Zn
  4. / Symbol of this element is Al
  5. / Symbol of this element is Fe
  6. / Symbol of this element is Kr
  7. / Symbol of this element is He
  8. / Symbol of this element is Cu
  9. / Symbol of this element is S
  10. / Symbol of this element is Ag
  11. / Symbol of this element is Fr
  12. / Symbol of this element is Co
  13. / Symbol of this element is N
  14. / Symbol of this element is Ge
  15. / Symbol of this element is Na
  16. / Symbol of this element is Ti
  17. / Symbol of this element is Rn
  18. / Symbol of this element is K
  19. / Symbol of this element is I
  20. / Symbol of this element is H
  21. / Symbol of this element is Sc
  22. / Symbol of this element is U
  23. / Symbol of this element is Ba
  24. / Symbol of this element is Mg
  1. / Symbol of this element is O
  2. / Symbol of this element is Br
  3. / Symbol of this element is Be
  4. / Symbol of this element is Sr
  5. / Symbol of this element is C
  6. / Symbol of this element is P
  7. / Symbol of this element is Sn
  8. / Symbol of this element is Ne
  9. / Symbol of this element is Ga
  10. / Symbol of this element is As
  11. / Symbol of this element is Pt
  12. Symbol of this element is Se
  13. / Symbol of this element is Cr
  14. / Symbol of this element is Mn
  15. / Symbol of this element is Xe
  16. / Symbol of this element is Au
  17. / Symbol of this element is Hg
  18. / Symbol of this element is Si
  19. / Symbol of this element is Rb
  20. / Symbol of this element is B
  21. / Symbol of this element is V
  22. / Symbol of this element is Ar
  23. / Symbol of this element is Li
  24. / Symbol of this element is Ni
  25. / Symbol of this element is Cl
  26. / Symbol of this element is Cs
  27. / Symbol of this element is Cd
  28. / Symbol of this element is Pb

52 Clues: Symbol of this element is Se/ Symbol of this element is I/ Symbol of this element is U/ Symbol of this element is O/ Symbol of this element is Br/ Symbol of this element is C/ Symbol of this element is F/ Symbol of this element is Zn/ Symbol of this element is Sr/ Symbol of this element is C/ Symbol of this element is P...

periodic table 2019-04-02

periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. This is magnetic metal
  2. This is below carbon in the periodic table
  3. This element is unreactive and is in period 4
  4. This has 5 protons
  5. This element has one more proton than Yttrium
  6. This element has the symbol Cd
  7. This element has the symbol Rh
  8. This has 6 electrons
  9. This is the lightest element in Group 3
  10. This has two more protons than vanadium
  11. This element forms a +1 charge and is in period 5
  12. This forms -2 ions and is in Period 3
  13. This element has one more proton than Indium
  14. This has one more proton than copper
  15. This has the symbol Al
  16. This is below nitrogen in the periodic table
  17. This has the symbol K
  18. This element forms a -2 charge and is in period 4
  19. This doesn't react because it has two full shells
  20. This element has 43 electrons
  21. This element has two more electrons than Yttrium
  22. This has 22 protons
  23. This element has the symbol Pd
  24. This element has 44 electrons
  1. This is an anagram of NMVAADIU
  2. This element is period 4 and group 5
  3. This has twenty protons
  4. This has 9 electrons
  5. This doesn't react and is in Period 3
  6. This is a magnetic metal and begins with N
  7. This forms the lighest -2 ion
  8. This forms the lightest -3 ion
  9. This element forms a +2 charge and is in period 5
  10. An anagram of this element is YRIUMTT
  11. This has one more proton than the heaviest magnetic metal
  12. This element forms a -1 charge and is in period 4
  13. This is the first element of the transition metals
  14. This is a magnetic metal and begins with C
  15. This forms -1 ions and is in Period 3
  16. This is the metal in table salt
  17. This forms the lightest +2 ion
  18. This element has 49 protons
  19. This has one more proton than vanadium
  20. This is the lightest element
  21. This element has one less proton than Technetium
  22. This metal burns to make magnesium oxide
  23. This element is one below aluminium
  24. This element is period 4 and group 4
  25. This element has the symbol Ag
  26. This doesn't react because it only has 2 electrons

50 Clues: This has 5 protonsThis has 22 protonsThis has 9 electronsThis has 6 electronsThis has the symbol KThis is magnetic metalThis has the symbol AlThis has twenty protonsThis element has 49 protonsThis is the lightest elementThis forms the lighest -2 ionThis element has 43 electronsThis element has 44 electronsThis is an anagram of NMVAADIU...

Periodic table 2020-03-28

Periodic table crossword puzzle
  1. A light metal that burns incredibly hot
  2. A person who really dislikes cash, nickels and pennies
  3. A beautiful colour prized by artists
  4. Play title Blank and old Lace
  5. Home of the Man of Steel
  6. Found in milk and multivitamins
  7. A star fuses this gas to make helium
  8. Yellow, causes acid rain and the cat did it
  9. 1950's cars had lots of this
  10. The god who gave humanity the gift of fire
  11. A light bulb filament
  1. Don't brush your teeth with this stuff
  2. A place where the sun is warm
  3. Shine bright, the lights of Vegas
  4. Relativity speaking, this guy was smart
  5. A old underworld word for a policeman
  6. Many a brides broken hearts were made from this
  7. Mom's brother lives here
  8. The heavier part of water
  9. This was a planet, a dog and blows up real good
  10. If they are not here then they blank
  11. A planet or a god

22 Clues: A planet or a godA light bulb filamentMom's brother lives hereHome of the Man of SteelThe heavier part of water1950's cars had lots of thisA place where the sun is warmPlay title Blank and old LaceFound in milk and multivitaminsShine bright, the lights of VegasA beautiful colour prized by artistsA star fuses this gas to make helium...

Periodic Table 2020-11-17

Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. N
  2. F
  3. H
  4. Cl
  5. Na
  6. Ar
  7. O
  8. Zn
  9. Si
  10. Ag
  11. Au
  12. Ca
  13. K
  14. Be
  15. Mg
  1. P
  2. Co
  3. Ne
  4. He
  5. Mn
  6. B
  7. Fe
  8. Li
  9. Ni
  10. Cu
  11. C
  12. Al
  13. S



PERIODIC TABLE crossword puzzle
  1. V
  2. Si
  3. B
  4. Br
  5. H
  6. Sr
  7. Sc
  8. Rn
  9. Na
  10. W
  11. Cd
  12. Ni
  13. Mn
  14. S
  15. O
  16. P
  17. K
  18. Bi
  19. Ne
  20. Co
  21. He
  22. Ra
  23. Se
  24. N
  25. Rb
  26. Ca
  27. Cu
  28. U
  1. Cl
  2. Mo
  3. Ar
  4. I
  5. Fr
  6. C
  7. Sn
  8. Kr
  9. Hg
  10. Ti
  11. Au
  12. Cr
  13. Cs
  14. Li
  15. As
  16. Xe
  17. Pu
  18. Al
  19. Fe
  20. Zn
  21. Pt
  22. Ag
  23. Pb
  24. Ba
  25. F
  26. Mg
  27. Be
  28. Sb