plate tectonics Crossword Puzzles

Science Vocabulary 2023-05-01

Science Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Earth's innermost layer
  2. The study of Earth's physical structure
  3. It is able to carry an electric current
  4. The process where plate tectonics slide or sink back from Earth's outer layer into it's middle layer
  5. An area where plate tectonics process causing a lot of Earthquakes
  6. The gigantic slabs that make up Earth's outer layer
  7. The process where material from Earth's middle layer rises into it's outer layer
  1. The study of massive moving pieces in the Earth's crust
  2. Earth's middle layer
  3. The rising and falling of a temperature
  4. The area where tectonic plates move past each other

11 Clues: Earth's middle layerEarth's innermost layerThe study of Earth's physical structureIt is able to carry an electric currentThe rising and falling of a temperatureThe area where tectonic plates move past each otherThe gigantic slabs that make up Earth's outer layerThe study of massive moving pieces in the Earth's crust...

Hazards 1 2019-01-24

Hazards 1 crossword puzzle
  1. thickest layer of the Earth
  2. outer layer of the Earth
  3. circles the Pacific Plate
  4. Pacific island chain famous for surfing
  5. centre of the Earth
  1. powers the plate movement
  2. proposed the theory of plate tectonics
  3. country that sits on the Mid Atlantic Ridge
  4. American Earthquake institution
  5. mountain range formed when Indie crashed into Asia

10 Clues: centre of the Earthouter layer of the Earthpowers the plate movementcircles the Pacific Platethickest layer of the EarthAmerican Earthquake institutionproposed the theory of plate tectonicsPacific island chain famous for surfingcountry that sits on the Mid Atlantic Ridgemountain range formed when Indie crashed into Asia

Plate Tectonics 2023-02-24

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. When 2 plates move away from each other
  2. A plate on land
  3. What happens at a transform boundary
  4. When 2 plates go towards each other
  1. A plate that is in the ocean and is denser
  2. Plate When a plate goes underneath another
  3. When 2 plate slides past each other
  4. A group of mountaisn caused by the movement of tectonic plates
  5. The converge of 2 plates that erupt lava
  6. The cause of the landforms movements

10 Clues: A plate on landWhen 2 plate slides past each otherWhen 2 plates go towards each otherThe cause of the landforms movementsWhat happens at a transform boundaryWhen 2 plates move away from each otherThe converge of 2 plates that erupt lavaA plate that is in the ocean and is denserPlate When a plate goes underneath another...

plate motion crossword puzzle 2022-10-25

plate motion crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the outside or top layer of something
  2. something we observe to be similar over and over again
  3. the place where 2 plates meet
  4. when 2 plates are moving towards each other
  5. when 1 plate goes underneath another plate and is destroyed in the mantle
  6. the slow pulling apart of land the is caused by plate motion
  7. when 2 plates are moving towards each other
  8. hot liquid rock on Earth’s surface
  9. one of the large sections of hard, solid rock that makes up Earths outer layer
  10. the layer of soft solid rock underneath Earth’s surface
  11. this person invented the idea of plate tectonics Alfred ____________
  12. a long deep indentation in the ocean floor formed when 2 plates move together
  1. an underwater mountain chain formed at divergent plate boundaries
  2. Earths outermost layer of solid rock that is underneath the soil, vegetation, and water
  3. a sudden shaking of Earth's crust
  4. A scientific instrument used to record data from earthquakes
  5. evidence of life from the past
  6. the sudden pushing out of something
  7. hot liquid rock below the surface of Earth
  8. how often of fast something happens

20 Clues: the place where 2 plates meetevidence of life from the pasta sudden shaking of Earth's crusthot liquid rock on Earth’s surfacethe sudden pushing out of somethinghow often of fast something happensthe outside or top layer of somethinghot liquid rock below the surface of Earthwhen 2 plates are moving towards each other...

Plate Tectonics Crossword Review 2014-11-16

Plate Tectonics Crossword Review crossword puzzle
  1. The boundary where two plates collide into each other
  2. A land feature that usually happens in a convergent collision boundary
  3. The boundary where one plate slides under another
  4. A land feature that can shake tectonic plates
  5. German Scientist who had the theory of continental drift
  6. A tectonic plate that is under the Eurasion plate
  7. A material that makes plate tectonics move
  8. The boundary where two plates slide past each other
  9. A heavy rock that some tectonic plates are made of
  10. A tectonic plate that is small
  1. The process of heating and cooling in the Earth that makes plates move
  2. The places where two plates come together or go away from each other
  3. A land feature that usually happens in a convergent subduction boundary
  4. The boundary where two plates move away from each other
  5. The first supercontinent before the continents were together
  6. The biggest plate of all the plates
  7. A land feature that is small but usually at a beach that is made by a transform boundary
  8. A plate that looks like the biggest plate but it is not
  9. A land feature that is a giant mound of rock that happens in a convergent collision boundary
  10. A land feature that usually happens in a transform boundary

20 Clues: A tectonic plate that is smallThe biggest plate of all the platesA material that makes plate tectonics moveA land feature that can shake tectonic platesThe boundary where one plate slides under anotherA tectonic plate that is under the Eurasion plateA heavy rock that some tectonic plates are made of...

science OA 2022-03-28

science OA crossword puzzle
  1. occurs and the magnetic field reverses direction (2)
  2. mountain ranges in the middle of the oceans (2)
  3. Fill in the blank: Plate _________
  4. Fill in the blank: Continental _____
  5. the process by which new oceanic crust forms along a mid-ocean ridge and older oceanic crust moves away from the ridge (2)
  6. The name of the theoretical supercontinent
  7. as a slab sinks it pulls on the rest of the plate with a force (2)
  8. Teacher of 8 grade science
  9. Female geologist in the 1960's (2)
  10. forms where two plate collide
  11. a state in which magnetized objects will orient themselves to point north (2)
  1. the circulation of material caused by differences in temperature and density
  2. when the denser plate sinks below the more buoyant plate
  3. forms where two plates slide past each other (3)
  4. forms when two plates seperate (3)
  5. father of pangaea (2)
  6. a state in which magnetized objects would reverse direction and orient themselves to point south (2)
  7. the cold and rigid outermost rock layer
  8. rising mantle material in mid-ocean ridges creates the potential for plates to move away from the ridge with a force (2)
  9. What lesson is this?

20 Clues: What lesson is this?father of pangaea (2)Teacher of 8 grade scienceforms where two plate collideforms when two plates seperate (3)Fill in the blank: Plate _________Female geologist in the 1960's (2)Fill in the blank: Continental _____the cold and rigid outermost rock layerThe name of the theoretical supercontinent...

Plate Tectonic Assignment 2013-10-08

Plate Tectonic Assignment crossword puzzle
  1. States that the Earth's crust and rigid upper mantle are broken into plates.
  2. Two tectonic plates are moving apart
  3. means "all the earth"
  4. Where one plate goes under another
  5. Is the study of earthquakes and seismic waves that move through and around the earth.
  6. Developed hypothesis of continental drift.
  1. Forms when one oceanic plate descends below another plate.
  2. Two tectonic plates slide horizontally past each other
  3. One big ocean
  4. Where plate tectonics interact,there are 3 types
  5. Result in volcanoes erupting along the edge of the continental plate
  6. NO subduction, forms mountain ranges
  7. Two tectonic plates are moving toward each other

13 Clues: One big oceanmeans "all the earth"Where one plate goes under anotherNO subduction, forms mountain rangesTwo tectonic plates are moving apartDeveloped hypothesis of continental drift.Where plate tectonics interact,there are 3 typesTwo tectonic plates are moving toward each otherTwo tectonic plates slide horizontally past each other...

Plate Tectonic Crossword Puzzle 2021-02-03

Plate Tectonic Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Molten Rock
  2. a plate slides under another plate
  3. transform plates _______
  4. divergent boundaries ______
  5. two tectonic plates coming together
  6. convergent boundaries ______
  1. two plates that slide past each other
  2. _______ currents occur in the upper mantle
  3. two tectonic plates moving away from each other
  4. break apart or become separated through faulting caused by plate tectonics

10 Clues: Molten Rocktransform plates _______divergent boundaries ______convergent boundaries ______a plate slides under another platetwo tectonic plates coming togethertwo plates that slide past each other_______ currents occur in the upper mantletwo tectonic plates moving away from each other...

Science Vocab 2023-05-04

Science Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. The processes by which tectonics plates sink or slide back from Earth's outer layer, into it's middle layer called the mantle
  2. The rising and falling of material in a fluid due to uneven temperature
  3. In geology, an area where tectonic plates move past each other
  4. In geology, Earth's inner most layer
  5. The procsess by which material rises from Earth's middle layer into its outer layer,where it will become part of the tectonic plates
  6. In geology Earth's middle layer
  1. Able to carry an electric current
  2. An area around the Pacific Ocean's edge where plate tectonics processes cause relatively frequent earthquake & volcanic eruptions
  3. The gigantic slabs s- some spanning thousands of miles- that make up Earth's outer layer
  4. The study of Earth's physical structure, history & processes
  5. tectonics The study of massive moving pieces that make up Earth

11 Clues: In geology Earth's middle layerAble to carry an electric currentIn geology, Earth's inner most layerThe study of Earth's physical structure, history & processesIn geology, an area where tectonic plates move past each othertectonics The study of massive moving pieces that make up Earth...

Plate motion crossword puzzle 2022-10-25

Plate motion crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. evidence of life from the past
  2. the slow pulling apart of land the is caused by plate motion
  3. hot liquid rock on Earth’s surface
  4. a sudden shaking of Earth's crust
  5. a long deep indentation in the ocean floor formed when 2 plates move together
  6. when 2 plates are moving towards each other
  7. the place where 2 plates meet
  8. when 2 plates are moving towards each other
  9. the layer of soft solid rock underneath Earth’s surface
  1. A scientific instrument used to record data from earthquakes
  2. one of the large sections of hard, solid rock that makes up Earths outer layer
  3. when 1 plate goes underneath another plate and is destroyed in the mantle
  4. the outside or top layer of something
  5. the sudden pushing out of something
  6. this person invented the idea of plate tectonics Alfred ____________
  7. an underwater mountain chain formed at divergent plate boundaries
  8. Earths outermost layer of solid rock that is underneath the soil, vegetation, and water
  9. something we observe to be similar over and over again
  10. how often of fast something happens
  11. hot liquid rock below the surface of Earth

20 Clues: the place where 2 plates meetevidence of life from the pasta sudden shaking of Earth's crusthot liquid rock on Earth’s surfacethe sudden pushing out of somethinghow often of fast something happensthe outside or top layer of somethinghot liquid rock below the surface of Earthwhen 2 plates are moving towards each other...

Tectonic crossword 2022-10-12

Tectonic crossword crossword puzzle
  1. An Area where magma rises into earths crust
  2. the supercontinent made 225 million years ago
  3. vibration underground along a fault
  4. crake in earths crust where two plates meet
  5. the outermost layer of earth
  6. the scientist who made the theory of continental drift
  7. branch of geology studying earths the crust
  8. crash with violent impact
  9. science of earth’s structure
  10. molten rocks under the crust if earth
  1. outer part of earth’s layers including the crust and mantle
  2. border of a tectonic plate
  3. the moving of on plate under another
  4. A big chunk of earths crust
  5. a long ditch cut into the earth
  6. layer of rock between earths crust and outer core
  7. idea intended to explain something
  8. action of splitting apart two plates
  9. drift the movement of continents

19 Clues: crash with violent impactborder of a tectonic plateA big chunk of earths crustthe outermost layer of earthscience of earth’s structurea long ditch cut into the earthdrift the movement of continentsidea intended to explain somethingvibration underground along a faultthe moving of on plate under anotheraction of splitting apart two plates...

waves choiceboard 2024-04-15

waves choiceboard crossword puzzle
  1. instruments used to measure and record seismic waves
  2. formed at plate boundaries usually when plates collide
  3. includes the crust and upper part of the mantle and is divided into tectonic plates
  4. large Rigid pieces of the Earth's lithosphere that move and interact with each other along plate boundries
  5. name of the ancient supercontinent when it was all one landmass
  6. a group of the same species living in the same area
  7. deep elongated depressions In the ocean often accociated with subduction
  8. where tectonics plates slide past each other causes earthquakes
  9. rock formed when lava or magma cools and hardens
  1. hot material rises cooler materials sink it drives plate tectonics
  2. tectonic plates move towards each other usually forms mountians and volcanoes
  3. fractures or zones of weakness in the Earth's crust
  4. an opening in the Earth's crust through which molten rock is pushed out and creates new rock
  5. extinction events that occur over a longer time
  6. forms after weathering and erosion when sediments compact and cement
  7. located in-between the mantle and outer core
  8. formed as a result of high temperature and pressure deep within earth changing a rock that already existed
  9. new oceanic crust is formed as tectonic plates pull apart and magma rises
  10. sudden events that led to a mass extinction
  11. the semi fluid layer of the mantle where convection currents happen

20 Clues: sudden events that led to a mass extinctionlocated in-between the mantle and outer coreextinction events that occur over a longer timerock formed when lava or magma cools and hardensfractures or zones of weakness in the Earth's crustinstruments used to measure and record seismic wavesa group of the same species living in the same area...

Geography 2021-09-15

Geography crossword puzzle
  1. the traditions of a region
  2. tectonic plate
  3. the different plates that make up the crust
  4. the study of the earth
  5. a 2d image of a region
  6. relating to politics
  7. where a place is located
  8. a model of the earth
  1. the plants in a region
  2. a special formation on land
  3. a lack of water or humidity
  4. the touchable aspects of a region
  5. a location based off of another
  6. the weather in a region
  7. a reference for size and distance

15 Clues: tectonic platerelating to politicsa model of the earththe plants in a regionthe study of the eartha 2d image of a regionthe weather in a regionwhere a place is locatedthe traditions of a regiona special formation on landa lack of water or humiditya location based off of anotherthe touchable aspects of a regiona reference for size and distance...

Plate Tectonics by Haley S 2020-05-08

Plate Tectonics by Haley S crossword puzzle
  1. Drift
  2. boundry
  3. ocean trench
  4. fault boundry
  5. Tectonics
  6. floor spreading
  7. ocean ridge
  1. plates
  2. plum
  3. Plates

10 Clues: plumDriftplatesPlatesboundryTectonicsocean ridgeocean trenchfault boundryfloor spreading

Plates 2017-10-17

Plates crossword puzzle
  1. a device that uses sound waves to measure distance to an object
  2. floor spreading forms along with a crack in the oceanic crust
  3. breaks in earth's crust where rocks have slipped past each other
  4. trench deep water canyons
  5. drift continents slowly moved over earth's surface
  6. a scientist that is curious about continents
  7. valley pieces of earths crust diverge on land and a deep valley call forms
  1. continents that join together as a super continent or singe land mass.
  2. any trace of an ancient organism that has turned into a rock.
  3. ridge seams that formed mountain ranges
  4. tectonics the theory of plate tectonics states that earth's plates are in slow constant motion driven by convection currents in the mantel
  5. boundary plates that come together or converge
  6. ocean floor sinks beneath the deep ocean trench
  7. boundary plates move apart or diverge from each other at?
  8. boundary plates that slip past each other

15 Clues: trench deep water canyonsridge seams that formed mountain rangesboundary plates that slip past each othera scientist that is curious about continentsboundary plates that come together or convergeocean floor sinks beneath the deep ocean trenchdrift continents slowly moved over earth's surface...

Plates 2017-10-17

Plates crossword puzzle
  1. drift continents slowly moved over earth's surface
  2. trench deep water canyons
  3. boundary plates move apart or diverge from each other at?
  4. valley pieces of earths crust diverge on land and a deep valley call forms
  5. ocean floor sinks beneath the deep ocean trench
  6. breaks in earth's crust where rocks have slipped past each other
  7. a scientist that is curious about continents
  1. ridge seams that formed mountain ranges
  2. continents that join together as a super continent or singe land mass.
  3. boundary plates that come together or converge
  4. floor spreading forms along with a crack in the oceanic crust
  5. boundary plates that slip past each other
  6. any trace of an ancient organism that has turned into a rock.
  7. tectonics the theory of plate tectonics states that earth's plates are in slow constant motion driven by convection currents in the mantel
  8. a device that uses sound waves to measure distance to an object

15 Clues: trench deep water canyonsridge seams that formed mountain rangesboundary plates that slip past each othera scientist that is curious about continentsboundary plates that come together or convergeocean floor sinks beneath the deep ocean trenchdrift continents slowly moved over earth's surface...

Plate tectonics 2012-11-11

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. The New Zealand continent
  2. Molten rock
  3. Core A liquid layer of the Earth
  4. Wher sea floor spreading occurs
  5. Layer below the Oceanic and continental crust
  6. A Northern hemisphere tectonc plate
  7. Auckland volcanic field
  1. Layer below the lithosphere
  2. Subducts beneath South America
  3. Descending slab of oceanic crust
  4. Pacific and Australian Plate boundary
  5. Lighter than ocean crust
  6. Large areas of crust that move

13 Clues: Molten rockAuckland volcanic fieldLighter than ocean crustThe New Zealand continentLayer below the lithosphereSubducts beneath South AmericaLarge areas of crust that moveWher sea floor spreading occursDescending slab of oceanic crustCore A liquid layer of the EarthA Northern hemisphere tectonc platePacific and Australian Plate boundary...

Plate Tectonics 2014-04-20

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Which boundary creates mountains?
  2. The name of the super continent about 2 million years ago.
  3. What is the movement of the tectonic plates called?
  4. Which boundary creates new land
  5. Which body of water travels faster a tsunami or surf wave?
  1. How many centimetres a year is the Earth’s surface moving?
  2. Which boundary has two plates slide past each other and the friction causes earthquakes.
  3. The thick layer of flowing molten rock under the Earth’s lithosphere.
  4. Which country sits in the middle of the Indo-Australian plate?
  5. Where are 75% of the world’s active volcanoes located?
  6. The large pieces the Earth’s crust is broken into.
  7. Where did a 9.0 magnitude tsunami hit on March 11, 2011?
  8. Which boundary has an oceanic plate move towards a continental plate, then slides underneath it and melts into the Earth’s mantle.

13 Clues: Which boundary creates new landWhich boundary creates mountains?The large pieces the Earth’s crust is broken into.What is the movement of the tectonic plates called?Where are 75% of the world’s active volcanoes located?Where did a 9.0 magnitude tsunami hit on March 11, 2011?How many centimetres a year is the Earth’s surface moving?...

Plate Tectonics 2021-12-09

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. what type of igneous rock is made underground?
  2. What boundary makes plates move away from each other?
  3. What happens when the plates shake
  4. What boundary makes plates move alongside each other?
  5. What forms from Continental & Continental divergence?
  6. What is the large supercontinent?
  7. What forms from Oceanic & Oceanic divergence?
  1. What forms from Continental & Continental convergence?
  2. what type of rock is made from sediments?
  3. What forms from Continental & Oceanic convergence?
  4. What boundary makes plates move towards each other?
  5. what type of igneous rock is made above ground?
  6. what type of rock is made from heat and pressure?

13 Clues: What is the large supercontinent?What happens when the plates shakewhat type of rock is made from sediments?What forms from Oceanic & Oceanic divergence?what type of igneous rock is made underground?what type of igneous rock is made above ground?what type of rock is made from heat and pressure?What forms from Continental & Oceanic convergence?...

Plate Tectonics 2021-12-09

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. what type of igneous rock is made underground?
  2. What boundary makes plates move away from each other?
  3. What happens when the plates shake
  4. What boundary makes plates move alongside each other?
  5. What forms from Continental & Continental divergence?
  6. What is the large supercontinent?
  7. What forms from Oceanic & Oceanic divergence?
  1. What forms from Continental & Continental convergence?
  2. what type of rock is made from sediments?
  3. What forms from Continental & Oceanic convergence?
  4. What boundary makes plates move towards each other?
  5. what type of igneous rock is made above ground?
  6. what type of rock is made from heat and pressure?

13 Clues: What is the large supercontinent?What happens when the plates shakewhat type of rock is made from sediments?What forms from Oceanic & Oceanic divergence?what type of igneous rock is made underground?what type of igneous rock is made above ground?what type of rock is made from heat and pressure?What forms from Continental & Oceanic convergence?...

plate tectonics 2022-03-21

plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. a sudden slip or collide of tectonic plates
  2. Boundary where two plates slide from them
  3. liquid hot rock in the Earth
  4. of Fire A circle of just volcanoes on the coast
  5. In earth and move to make earthquakes etc.
  1. Crust and the upper mantle
  2. a layer of earth with hot solid rock
  3. the outer layer of Earth
  4. Boundary plates slide towards each other
  5. all the continents in one piece long ago
  6. In the center of Earth and has hot liquid rock
  7. an opening in Earth's crust which release magma
  8. Liquid hot rock that has been released on Earth

13 Clues: the outer layer of EarthCrust and the upper mantleliquid hot rock in the Eartha layer of earth with hot solid rockBoundary plates slide towards each otherall the continents in one piece long agoIn earth and move to make earthquakes etc.a sudden slip or collide of tectonic platesIn the center of Earth and has hot liquid rock...

Plate Tectonics 2022-04-22

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Releasing gas that has been dissolved.
  2. It is the middle layer of the earth and it is made out of hot rocks.
  3. When the plates move apart from each other.
  4. When the plates move very close together.
  5. A person that studies the earth.
  6. These make up the earth’s
  7. It is in between the lithosphere and the upper mantle.
  1. There are seven land masses on earth.
  2. Partly melted rock under the surface
  3. This is a solid nickel layer of the earth.
  4. It is the movement of the earth. Also the name of the of this puzzle.
  5. It is a solid part of the earth. It is also called the geosphere.
  6. The person who confirmed Alfred Wigener’s theory.

13 Clues: These make up the earth’sA person that studies the earth.There are seven land masses on earth.Partly melted rock under the surfaceReleasing gas that has been dissolved.When the plates move very close together.This is a solid nickel layer of the earth.When the plates move apart from each other.The person who confirmed Alfred Wigener’s theory....

Plate Tectonics 2023-02-07

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. i
  2. d
  3. e
  4. g
  5. b
  1. l
  2. a
  3. M
  4. c
  5. F
  6. h
  7. J
  8. K

13 Clues: laiMcFdeghJKb

Plate Tectonics 2023-03-02

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. denser plate sinks below the lighter plate
  2. depression where the crust has seperated
  3. explains the structure of the earth and how tectonic plates move
  4. current in a fluid from convection
  5. plates come togther and collide
  6. mostly solid area of Earth's interior
  1. layer of
  2. plates rub past each other
  3. seafloor mountain that forms a divergent plate boundaries
  4. place where two plates are moving away from each other
  5. supercontinent that existed long ago
  6. place where plates are sliding past each other
  7. long narrow depression that forms from convergent plate boundaries

13 Clues: layer ofplates rub past each otherplates come togther and collidecurrent in a fluid from convectionsupercontinent that existed long agomostly solid area of Earth's interiordepression where the crust has seperateddenser plate sinks below the lighter plateplace where plates are sliding past each other...

plate tectonics 2023-03-24

plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. two plates that go together
  2. two plates slid against each other
  3. this plate boundary rips away from another
  4. a plate under North America
  5. a plate under the pacific ocean and america
  6. a plate associated with Australian
  1. a mix between Europe and Asian plate
  2. a plate under South America
  3. gigantic plates
  4. a tectonic plate associated with Africa
  5. a very cold tectonic plate
  6. when the ground shakes
  7. something that explodes with lava

13 Clues: gigantic plateswhen the ground shakesa very cold tectonic platetwo plates that go togethera plate under South Americaa plate under North Americasomething that explodes with lavatwo plates slid against each othera plate associated with Australiana mix between Europe and Asian platea tectonic plate associated with Africa...

Plate Tectonics 2023-11-02

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. hot liquid that comes out of a volcano
  2. Hard rocky outer layer of earth
  3. the plate Boundary we’re slide against eachother
  4. hot rock that is underground
  5. A big ocean wave created by underwater earthquakes
  6. we’re two plates meet underwater
  7. people who studies plate tectonics
  1. When two plates slip against each other
  2. a supercontinent that existed a long time ago
  3. An opening on the earth surface
  4. large slabs of rock that divides the earths crust
  5. we’re two plates smash into each other
  6. We’re two plates separate from each other

13 Clues: hot rock that is undergroundHard rocky outer layer of earthAn opening on the earth surfacewe’re two plates meet underwaterpeople who studies plate tectonicshot liquid that comes out of a volcanowe’re two plates smash into each otherWhen two plates slip against each otherWe’re two plates separate from each other...

Tectonic Plates 2023-11-09

Tectonic Plates crossword puzzle
  1. Related to the study of earthquakes and seismic waves.
  2. A sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust, causing seismic waves.
  3. The study of the Earth's structure and the movement of its lithospheric plates.
  4. A fracture in the Earth's crust along which movement has occurred.
  5. Type of plate boundary where plates slide past each other horizontally.
  6. Type of plate boundary where plates move toward each other.
  7. The semi-fluid layer beneath the Earth's lithosphere.
  8. The result of two tectonic plates moving toward each other and meeting.
  9. The layer of the Earth below the crust.
  10. Relating to the Earth's landmasses.
  1. A mountain that erupts molten rock, ash, and gases.
  2. Type of plate boundary where plates move away from each other.
  3. A specific mid-ocean ridge that separates tectonic plates.
  4. A crack or fissure in the Earth's crust.
  5. Earth's outermost layer.
  6. A rigid segment of the Earth's lithosphere.
  7. Where two tectonic plates meet.
  8. The rigid outer layer of the Earth.
  9. Process where one tectonic plate is forced beneath another.
  10. Relating to the Earth's ocean basins.

20 Clues: Earth's outermost layer.Where two tectonic plates meet.The rigid outer layer of the Earth.Relating to the Earth's landmasses.Relating to the Earth's ocean basins.The layer of the Earth below the crust.A crack or fissure in the Earth's crust.A rigid segment of the Earth's lithosphere.A mountain that erupts molten rock, ash, and gases....

Science tic tac toe 2023-10-12

Science tic tac toe crossword puzzle
  1. drift of continents through time
  2. outer part of earth
  3. boundary when 2 plates come together
  4. tectonics
  5. trench,depression in the seafloor
  6. fracture in rock
  7. plates slide sideways past each other
  8. upper layer of the earth's mantle
  9. energy with wave like properties
  10. intrusive igneous rock
  11. ridge, chain of mountains
  12. heat moves by touch
  13. theory,explanation
  14. physical force
  1. mass per unit of volume
  2. spreading where tectonic plates split apart
  3. solid layer of hot rock
  4. current that transfers heat
  5. plates move away from each other
  6. hot dense ball of mostly iron
  7. oceanic plate slides under continental plate
  8. outermost shell
  9. uses sound to measure and detect
  10. rock from lava that cools fast
  11. wave produced by an earthquake
  12. third layer of the Earth
  13. single supercontinent

27 Clues: tectonicsphysical forceoutermost shellfracture in rocktheory,explanationouter part of earthheat moves by touchsingle supercontinentintrusive igneous rockmass per unit of volumesolid layer of hot rockthird layer of the Earthridge, chain of mountainscurrent that transfers heathot dense ball of mostly ironrock from lava that cools fast...

Plate Tectonics 2021-12-09

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. what type of igneous rock is made underground?
  2. What boundary makes plates move away from each other?
  3. What happens when the plates shake
  4. What boundary makes plates move alongside each other?
  5. What forms from Continental & Continental divergence?
  6. What is the large supercontinent?
  7. What forms from Oceanic & Oceanic divergence?
  1. What forms from Continental & Continental convergence?
  2. what type of rock is made from sediments?
  3. What forms from Continental & Oceanic convergence?
  4. What boundary makes plates move towards each other?
  5. what type of igneous rock is made above ground?
  6. what type of rock is made from heat and pressure?

13 Clues: What is the large supercontinent?What happens when the plates shakewhat type of rock is made from sediments?What forms from Oceanic & Oceanic divergence?what type of igneous rock is made underground?what type of igneous rock is made above ground?what type of rock is made from heat and pressure?What forms from Continental & Oceanic convergence?...


PLATE TECTONICS crossword puzzle
  1. ridge
  2. together
  3. dude
  4. sea
  5. plate
  1. apart
  2. mantle
  3. ocean
  4. earth
  5. valley
  6. supercontinent
  7. continent
  8. sliding

13 Clues: seadudeapartridgeoceanearthplatemantlevalleyslidingtogethercontinentsupercontinent

Plate Tectonics 2014-03-05

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. the center of the earth
  2. a partially molten, plastic like, flowing layer that is located below the solid part of Earth's mantle
  3. Drift continents were once a single landmass and drifted apart
  4. core the outer shell of earth's core and surrounds the inner core
  5. the boundary between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other
  6. Tectonics pieces of the lithosphere that move around;upper most part of mantle
  1. the boundary formed by the collision of two lithospheric plates
  2. pieces of the lithosphere that move around, they each have a different name
  3. the process by which new oceanic lithosphere forms as magma rises towards the surface and solidifies
  4. a thick layer of earth between the crust and the core
  5. the solid, outer layer of the Earth that consists of the the crust and the rigid upper part of the mantle
  6. core located below the mantle and to the center of the earth
  7. Outermost layer on earth

13 Clues: the center of the earthOutermost layer on eartha thick layer of earth between the crust and the corecore located below the mantle and to the center of the earthDrift continents were once a single landmass and drifted apartthe boundary formed by the collision of two lithospheric platescore the outer shell of earth's core and surrounds the inner core...

Plate Tectonics 2014-11-04

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. A type of hot fluid found below or within the earth's crust.
  2. The upper layer of the Earth's mantel.
  3. A formation formed by the clash of plates.
  4. A part of the Earth's upper layer which we are on.
  5. Tectonic plates collide with each other
  6. The outer layer of the middle of earth.
  7. The inner layer of the middle of earth.
  1. The area of the Earth between the core and the crust.
  2. Places where plates slide past each other.
  3. A formation formed by the clash of plates creating an outburst..
  4. The outer most shell of the mantel.
  5. Plates that are coming apart.
  6. The movement of the Earth's continents.

13 Clues: Plates that are coming apart.The outer most shell of the mantel.The upper layer of the Earth's mantel.The movement of the Earth's continents.Tectonic plates collide with each otherThe outer layer of the middle of earth.The inner layer of the middle of earth.Places where plates slide past each other.A formation formed by the clash of plates....

Plate Tectonics 2023-02-15

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. A dip in Earths crust
  2. Alfred Wegener's Theory
  3. Made from cucumbers
  4. Largest rodent on Earth
  5. Two plates sliding against each other
  6. Happens underwater
  7. These cause continntal drift
  1. There are many different types
  2. Died in Greenland
  3. Rising of heat and falling of cool.
  4. Two plates moving toward each other
  5. Two plates moving away from each other
  6. Not mass, but ______________

13 Clues: Died in GreenlandHappens underwaterMade from cucumbersA dip in Earths crustAlfred Wegener's TheoryLargest rodent on EarthNot mass, but ______________These cause continntal driftThere are many different typesRising of heat and falling of cool.Two plates moving toward each otherTwo plates sliding against each other...


PLATE TECTONICS crossword puzzle
  1. A theory stating that the continents drifted apart
  2. Type of boundary between two plates sliding past each other
  3. Type of boundary between two colliding plates
  4. Where one plate sinks below another plate
  5. Energy waves travelling out from an Earthquake
  6. Type of boundary between two plates missing away from each other
  7. A piece of earth’s crust that moves a top of the mantle
  8. Ground vibrations caused by Earth’s crust moving
  9. Devices used to record an earthquake’s seismic waves
  1. A spot in the earth’s mantle where hot magma rises to the surface
  2. A break in the earth’s crust due to movement
  3. A cycle of heating, cooling, and sinking
  4. An ancient supercontinent of all the Earth’s landforms

13 Clues: A cycle of heating, cooling, and sinkingWhere one plate sinks below another plateA break in the earth’s crust due to movementType of boundary between two colliding platesEnergy waves travelling out from an EarthquakeGround vibrations caused by Earth’s crust movingA theory stating that the continents drifted apart...

Plate Tectonics 2021-04-09

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. in diffrent directions
  2. map
  3. can climb on them
  4. structure of earth crust
  5. part of earths crust
  6. closer together
  1. long seisimaaclly active sumbarine
  2. dark fine-grained volcaninc rock
  3. out side of it
  4. walls
  5. drive on it
  6. live in it
  7. can swim in it

13 Clues: mapwallslive in itdrive on itout side of itcan swim in itcloser togethercan climb on thempart of earths crustin diffrent directionsstructure of earth crustdark fine-grained volcaninc rocklong seisimaaclly active sumbarine

Plate Tectonics 2017-12-06

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. dense plate us pulled into mantle under the less dense plate
  2. outer layer of the Earth
  3. supercontinent before our separate continents
  4. earth's crust located under the ocean
  5. when two plates come together
  6. bending of rock layers from stress
  1. a break in the earth's crust that moves
  2. another name for the outer layer of earth
  3. Theory that continents move because of centrifical forces
  4. stress that occurs when forces act to squeeze an object
  5. two plates pull apart
  6. trace or remains of an organism that lived long ago; used as evidence for Wegener's theory
  7. layer of the earth between the crust and the core

13 Clues: two plates pull apartouter layer of the Earthwhen two plates come togetherbending of rock layers from stressearth's crust located under the oceana break in the earth's crust that movesanother name for the outer layer of earthsupercontinent before our separate continentslayer of the earth between the crust and the core...

Plate tectonics 2023-12-06

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. an opening in Earth’s crust from which lava, gas, and ash erupt
  2. a layer of the upper mantle in which rocks can deform like plastic
  3. boundary a boundary between plates that are moving toward each other
  4. tectonics the movement of plates that make up Earth’s surface
  5. the layer of Earth between the crust and the core
  6. the rocky outer layer of Earth
  1. zone an area in a convergent boundary where two continents are colliding
  2. zone a convergent boundary where one plate is sliding beneath another
  3. boundary a boundary between plates that are moving away from each other
  4. the rigid upper layer of the Earth
  5. shaking and vibration of Earth’s surface
  6. a boundary between plates that are sliding past one another
  7. a rigid section of Earth’s crust that moves very slowly

13 Clues: the rocky outer layer of Earththe rigid upper layer of the Earthshaking and vibration of Earth’s surfacethe layer of Earth between the crust and the corea rigid section of Earth’s crust that moves very slowlya boundary between plates that are sliding past one anothertectonics the movement of plates that make up Earth’s surface...

Plate tectonics 2023-08-25

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Material Above Earths Surface
  2. Formed when two continental plates collide
  3. Material Below Earths Surface
  4. Curret responsible for plate movent
  5. 2 Plate tectonic plates collide
  6. One continent buckling under another
  1. Formed by Divergent Plates
  2. Evidence of continental drift
  3. Old formation of continents
  4. Location Directly above origin of earthquake
  5. 2nd outermost layer of earth
  6. 2 Plates Slide along each other
  7. Earths outer most layer

13 Clues: Earths outer most layerFormed by Divergent PlatesOld formation of continents2nd outermost layer of earthMaterial Above Earths SurfaceEvidence of continental driftMaterial Below Earths Surface2 Plates Slide along each other2 Plate tectonic plates collideCurret responsible for plate moventOne continent buckling under another...

Plate tectonics 2024-05-14

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. -deaths of 93 in 1931 earthquake
  2. -Hottest layer of the Earth
  3. -is the solid outer part of earth
  4. -the least affected city
  5. -Made out of iron and Nickel
  1. -Made out of solid rocks and minerals
  2. -is a supercontinent
  3. -The first person that made a theory about the tectonic theory
  4. -an opening through in the earth's crust where lava erupts
  5. - had the most deaths in 1931 New Zealand earthquake
  6. -is caused by the movements of the earth crust and outer layer
  7. -Thickest layer of the earth
  8. -The maori god of Earthquakes and volcanoes

13 Clues: -is a supercontinent-the least affected city-Hottest layer of the Earth-Thickest layer of the earth-Made out of iron and Nickel-deaths of 93 in 1931 earthquake-is the solid outer part of earth-Made out of solid rocks and minerals-The maori god of Earthquakes and volcanoes- had the most deaths in 1931 New Zealand earthquake...

plate tectonics 2023-02-15

plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. moving away from each other.
  2. the idea that backs up continental drift
  3. bread with food in the center
  4. the idea that continents drifted apart
  1. moving towards each other
  2. two plates going in different directions
  3. the person who first had the theory of plate tectonics
  4. the largest rodent
  5. a slimy cucumber
  6. and oceanic plate that gets pushed under a continental plate
  7. less dense stuff rises, more dense stuff falls
  8. the weight/ mass of something

12 Clues: a slimy cucumberthe largest rodentmoving towards each othermoving away from each other.bread with food in the centerthe weight/ mass of somethingthe idea that continents drifted aparttwo plates going in different directionsthe idea that backs up continental driftless dense stuff rises, more dense stuff falls...

plate motion crossword puzzle 2022-10-25

plate motion crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the outside or top layer of something
  2. something we observe to be similar over and over again
  3. the place where two plates meet(two words)
  4. when two plates move away from each other
  5. when 1 plate goes underneath another plate and is destroyed in the mantle
  6. the slow pulling apart of land. This is caused by plate motion
  7. when two plates are moving towards each other
  8. hot liquid rock on Earth’s surface
  9. one of the large sections of hard, solid rock that makes up Earths outer layer
  10. the layer of soft solid rock underneath Earth’s surface
  11. this person invented the idea of plate tectonics (Alfred ____________)
  12. a long deep indentation in the ocean floor formed when 2 plates move together
  1. an underwater mountain chain formed at divergent plate boundaries(three words)
  2. Earths outermost layer of solid rock that is underneath the soil, vegetation, and water(two words)
  3. a sudden shaking of Earth's crust
  4. A scientific instrument used to record data from earthquakes
  5. evidence of life from the past
  6. the sudden pushing out of something
  7. hot liquid rock below the surface of Earth
  8. how often or fast something happens

20 Clues: evidence of life from the pasta sudden shaking of Earth's crusthot liquid rock on Earth’s surfacethe sudden pushing out of somethinghow often or fast something happensthe outside or top layer of somethingwhen two plates move away from each otherthe place where two plates meet(two words)hot liquid rock below the surface of Earth...

plate motion crossword puzzle 2022-10-25

plate motion crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the outside or top layer of something
  2. A scientific instrument used to record data from earthquakes
  3. Earths outermost layer of solid rock that is underneath the soil, vegetation, and water(two words)
  4. an underwater mountain chain formed at divergent plate boundaries(three words)
  5. hot liquid rock below the surface of Earth
  6. the place where two plates meet(two words)
  7. when one plate goes underneath another plate and is destroyed in the mantle
  8. one of the large sections of hard, solid rock that makes up Earths outer layer
  9. when two plates move away from each other
  1. a sudden shaking of Earth's crust
  2. the sudden pushing out of something
  3. the layer of soft solid rock underneath Earth’s surface
  4. this person invented the idea of plate tectonics (Alfred ____________)
  5. hot liquid rock on Earth’s surface
  6. evidence of life from the past
  7. when two plates are moving towards each other
  8. something we observe to be similar over and over again
  9. how often or fast something happens
  10. the slow pulling apart of land. This is caused by plate motion
  11. a long deep indentation in the ocean floor formed when two plates move together

20 Clues: evidence of life from the pasta sudden shaking of Earth's crusthot liquid rock on Earth’s surfacethe sudden pushing out of somethinghow often or fast something happensthe outside or top layer of somethingwhen two plates move away from each otherhot liquid rock below the surface of Earththe place where two plates meet(two words)...

Tectonic Plates 2024-02-09

Tectonic Plates crossword puzzle
  1. 1% of the earth
  2. Upper mantle and crust'
  3. made of liquid iron and nickel
  4. hardness, fatigue, elasticity, toughness
  5. oceanic and continental crust
  6. denser and weaker, below the lithospheric mantle
  7. oceanic plate goes below because it is denser
  8. idea by Harry Hess
  9. also known as a constructive boundary
  1. to explain plate tectonics
  2. pressing something together
  3. between the thermosphere and stratosphere
  4. thickest layer
  5. crack in the earth
  6. idea by Alfred Wegner
  7. plates slide past each other
  8. 7 major and 8 minor
  9. also known as a destructive boundary
  10. a hot dense ball made of mostly iron

19 Clues: thickest layer1% of the earthcrack in the earthidea by Harry Hess7 major and 8 minoridea by Alfred WegnerUpper mantle and crust'to explain plate tectonicspressing something togetherplates slide past each otheroceanic and continental crustmade of liquid iron and nickelalso known as a destructive boundarya hot dense ball made of mostly iron...

Tectonic crossword 2022-10-12

Tectonic crossword crossword puzzle
  1. idea intended to explain something
  2. crash with violent impact
  3. the scientist who made the theory of continental drift
  4. the outermost layer of earth
  5. layer of rock between earths crust and outer core
  6. the supercontinent made 225 million years ago
  7. crake in earths crust where two plates meet
  8. lower layer of crust
  9. A big chunk of earths crust
  10. action of splitting apart two plates
  1. border of a tectonic plate
  2. science of earth’s structure
  3. the moving of on plate under another
  4. molten rocks under the crust if earth
  5. vibration underground along a fault
  6. branch of geology studying earths the crust
  7. drift the movement of continents
  8. outer part of earth’s layers including the crust and mantle
  9. An Area where magma rises into earths crust
  10. a long ditch cut into the earth

20 Clues: lower layer of crustcrash with violent impactborder of a tectonic plateA big chunk of earths crustscience of earth’s structurethe outermost layer of eartha long ditch cut into the earthdrift the movement of continentsidea intended to explain somethingvibration underground along a faultthe moving of on plate under another...

Plate Tectonics 2014-03-05

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. the process by which new oceanic lithosphere forms as magma rises towards the surface and solidifies
  2. the solid, outer layer of the Earth that consists of the the crust and the rigid upper part of the mantle
  3. pieces of the lithosphere that move around, they each have a different name
  4. the center of the earth
  5. Drift continents were once a single landmass and drifted apart
  1. core the outer shell of earth's core and surrounds the inner core
  2. the boundary between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other
  3. a partially molten, plastic like, flowing layer that is located below the solid part of Earth's mantle
  4. core located below the mantle and to the center of the earth
  5. Tectonics pieces of the lithosphere that move around;upper most part of mantle
  6. the boundary formed by the collision of two lithospheric plates
  7. a thick layer of earth between the crust and the core
  8. Outermost layer on earth

13 Clues: the center of the earthOutermost layer on eartha thick layer of earth between the crust and the corecore located below the mantle and to the center of the earthDrift continents were once a single landmass and drifted apartthe boundary formed by the collision of two lithospheric platescore the outer shell of earth's core and surrounds the inner core...

Plate Tectonics 2014-03-05

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. the center of the earth
  2. Outermost layer on earth
  3. the boundary formed by the collision of two lithospheric plates
  4. the process by which new oceanic lithosphere forms as magma rises towards the surface and solidifies
  5. pieces of the lithosphere that move around, they each have a different name
  6. core the outer shell of earth's core and surrounds the inner core
  1. the boundary between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other
  2. a thick layer of earth between the crust and the core
  3. Drift continents were once a single landmass and drifted apart
  4. a partially molten, plastic like, flowing layer that is located below the solid part of Earth's mantle
  5. the solid, outer layer of the Earth that consists of the the crust and the rigid upper part of the mantle
  6. Tectonics pieces of the lithosphere that move around;upper most part of mantle
  7. core located below the mantle and to the center of the earth

13 Clues: the center of the earthOutermost layer on eartha thick layer of earth between the crust and the corecore located below the mantle and to the center of the earthDrift continents were once a single landmass and drifted apartthe boundary formed by the collision of two lithospheric platescore the outer shell of earth's core and surrounds the inner core...

Plate Tectonics 2014-03-07

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Supported seafloor spreading with magnetic reversals.
  2. Proposed mantle convection as the driving force behind movement.
  3. Proposed theory of plate tectonics.
  4. The initial factor the Wegener noticed (3 words).
  5. Proposed continental margins would fit better than continents.
  6. First explained mountain formation by moving continents.
  1. Hess' partner.
  2. A biological factor that supported continental drift(2 words).
  3. Proposed continental drift.
  4. Proposed the existence of plates (also Canadian).
  5. McKenzie's partner
  6. One of the scientists who proposed seafloor spreading.
  7. Matthews' partner.

13 Clues: Hess' partner.McKenzie's partnerMatthews' partner.Proposed continental drift.Proposed theory of plate tectonics.Proposed the existence of plates (also Canadian).The initial factor the Wegener noticed (3 words).Supported seafloor spreading with magnetic reversals.One of the scientists who proposed seafloor spreading....

Plate Tectonics 2021-02-06

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. The Hawaiian Islands are a beautiful example of a hotspot chain. _______ volcano lies above the Hawaiian hotspot.
  2. Mantle plumes are pipes of hot rock that rise through the mantle. The release of pressure causes melting near the surface to form a _________.
  3. An ocean _________ marks the location where the plate is pushed down into the mantle.
  4. Type of boundary where two plates move past each other in opposite directions.
  5. The world’s highest mountains, the ___________, are the result of the collision of the Indian Plate with the Eurasian Plate.
  6. Type of boundary where new seafloor forms.
  7. Most of the Earth’s geologic activity takes place at plate ___________.
  1. When oceanic crust converges with continental crust, the denser oceanic plate plunges beneath the continental plate. This process, called ___________.
  2. Type of boundary where two plates move toward each other.
  3. The _________ Mountains are the remnants of a large mountain range that was created when North America rammed into Eurasia about 250 million years ago.
  4. Plates move at a rate of a few ___________ a year, about the same rate fingernails grow.
  5. Subduction of an oceanic plate beneath a continental plate causes earthquakes and forms a line of volcanoes known as a continental _________.
  6. Island country that is being split apart by a divergent boundary.

13 Clues: Type of boundary where new seafloor forms.Type of boundary where two plates move toward each other.Island country that is being split apart by a divergent boundary.Most of the Earth’s geologic activity takes place at plate ___________.Type of boundary where two plates move past each other in opposite directions....

Plate Tectonics 2021-03-11

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. the boundary where the plates are sliding past each other
  2. very hot molten rock
  3. the currents in the mantle
  4. the area heated up by convection
  5. made by plates sliding by each other
  6. made by plates coming together
  1. when two plates come together and one slide beneath the other one
  2. the boundary where the plates are coming together
  3. boundary where the plates are pulling apart
  4. the area where the tectonic plates are
  5. is this crossword good
  6. the area where the rock is heated up for convection
  7. made by plates going away from each other

13 Clues: very hot molten rockis this crossword goodthe currents in the mantlemade by plates coming togetherthe area heated up by convectionmade by plates sliding by each otherthe area where the tectonic plates aremade by plates going away from each otherboundary where the plates are pulling apartthe boundary where the plates are coming together...

Plate Tectonics 2020-03-10

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. earth's surface broken into these
  2. the hawaiian islands are formed by this
  3. liquid inner part of earth
  4. directly on top of focus
  5. ocean plates going under continents
  6. crack in earth where it moves
  7. boundaries that move apart
  8. part on fault where earthquake occurs
  1. feature that forms at converging boundary
  2. type of boundaries that move side to side
  3. boundaries that come together
  4. mountain chain middle of ocean
  5. feature that forms at subduction boundary

13 Clues: directly on top of focusliquid inner part of earthboundaries that move apartboundaries that come togethercrack in earth where it movesmountain chain middle of oceanearth's surface broken into theseocean plates going under continentspart on fault where earthquake occursthe hawaiian islands are formed by thisfeature that forms at converging boundary...

plate tectonics 2021-11-05

plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. the solid, outer layer of the earth that consists of the crust and the upper part of the mantle
  2. created by two pieces of continental crust converging
  3. a deep valley that forms on land at a divergent boundary where two plates move apart
  4. the supercontinent that existed millions of years ago
  5. boundary between two colliding plates - keywords: ocean trench
  6. an underwater chain of mountains.
  7. a vent on the earths surface where magma and gases are expelled
  8. boundary between two plates that are sliding past each other
  1. creates midocean ridges, earthquakes, and volcanic activity
  2. a boundary where two plates are moving apart - hint: create new crust
  3. the process by which Earth's crust breaks apart
  4. a theory proposed by Alfred Wegener that explains how large pieces of land called plates move and change shape of the earth.
  5. when one tectonic plates dives under another

13 Clues: an underwater chain of mountains.when one tectonic plates dives under anotherthe process by which Earth's crust breaks apartcreated by two pieces of continental crust convergingthe supercontinent that existed millions of years agocreates midocean ridges, earthquakes, and volcanic activityboundary between two plates that are sliding past each other...

Plate Tectonics 2021-12-09

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. what type of igneous rock is made underground?
  2. What boundary makes plates move away from each other?
  3. What happens when the plates shake
  4. What boundary makes plates move alongside each other?
  5. What forms from Continental & Continental divergence?
  6. What is the large supercontinent?
  7. What forms from Oceanic & Oceanic divergence?
  1. What forms from Continental & Continental convergence?
  2. what type of rock is made from sediments?
  3. What forms from Continental & Oceanic convergence?
  4. What boundary makes plates move towards each other?
  5. what type of igneous rock is made above ground?
  6. what type of rock is made from heat and pressure?

13 Clues: What is the large supercontinent?What happens when the plates shakewhat type of rock is made from sediments?What forms from Oceanic & Oceanic divergence?what type of igneous rock is made underground?what type of igneous rock is made above ground?what type of rock is made from heat and pressure?What forms from Continental & Oceanic convergence?...

Plate Tectonics 2022-02-21

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. underwater mountain ranges
  2. trace of ancient organism preserved in rock
  3. theory that states earth's plates are in constant motion
  4. boundary where plates converge
  5. boundary where plates diverge
  1. where pieces of earth's crust diverge on land
  2. supercontinent name
  3. underwater canyons
  4. process adding new material to ocean floor
  5. ocean floor sinks back into mantle
  6. boundary where plates slip past each other
  7. Wegener's hypothesis
  8. breaks in earth's crust

13 Clues: underwater canyonssupercontinent nameWegener's hypothesisbreaks in earth's crustunderwater mountain rangesboundary where plates divergeboundary where plates convergeocean floor sinks back into mantleprocess adding new material to ocean floorboundary where plates slip past each othertrace of ancient organism preserved in rock...

Plate Tectonics 2023-12-20

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. the part of the earth where tectonic plates are found
  2. line, when two plates come together and earthquakes often happen in this area
  3. _______ plate with land primarily covering it
  4. magma moves into space created by separating of tectonic plates
  5. when plates move apart and make space for new crust to form
  6. an oceanic plate is forced under another
  1. oceanic and continental plates come together in the ocean and form a
  2. the continental plate movement that creates folded mountains
  3. natural disaster that happens at a tranform plate boundary
  4. when plates move together and create new landforms
  5. when plates move past one another
  6. _______ plate with a large body of water on it
  7. the higher ______ oceanic crust will always be subducted

13 Clues: when plates move past one anotheran oceanic plate is forced under another_______ plate with land primarily covering it_______ plate with a large body of water on itwhen plates move together and create new landformsthe part of the earth where tectonic plates are foundthe higher ______ oceanic crust will always be subducted...

Plate tectonics 2024-05-14

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. -an opening through in the earth's crust where lava erupts
  2. -Made out of solid rocks and minerals
  3. -Made out of iron and Nickel
  4. -deaths of 93 in 1931 earthquake
  5. -The first person that made a theory about the tectonic theory
  6. -is caused by the movements of the earth crust and outer layer
  7. - had the most deaths in 1931 New Zealand earthquake
  1. -the least affected city
  2. -is a supercontinent
  3. -is the solid outer part of earth
  4. -Hottest layer of the Earth
  5. -The maori god of Earthquakes and volcanoes
  6. -Thickest layer of the earth

13 Clues: -is a supercontinent-the least affected city-Hottest layer of the Earth-Made out of iron and Nickel-Thickest layer of the earth-deaths of 93 in 1931 earthquake-is the solid outer part of earth-Made out of solid rocks and minerals-The maori god of Earthquakes and volcanoes- had the most deaths in 1931 New Zealand earthquake...

Plate Tectonic Terms-Rhys Rogers 7th 2023-12-13

Plate Tectonic Terms-Rhys Rogers 7th crossword puzzle
  1. layer between crust and outercore
  2. the outer layer of the earth
  3. plates moving away from each other
  4. magma outside of a volcano
  5. a sudden, violent shaking of the ground
  6. vibrations in the earth's crust
  7. crack in the earth's crust
  1. causes plate tectonics to move
  2. scale used to measure seismic waves
  3. one plate is driven beneath the other
  4. created by convergent colliding
  5. giant wave
  6. the only liquid layer
  7. molten rock that is underground
  8. ejection of molten rock from a volcano
  9. material oceanic crust is made mostly of

16 Clues: giant wavethe only liquid layermagma outside of a volcanocrack in the earth's crustthe outer layer of the earthcauses plate tectonics to movecreated by convergent collidingmolten rock that is undergroundvibrations in the earth's crustlayer between crust and outercoreplates moving away from each otherscale used to measure seismic waves...

Pangea by Nolan 2023-10-25

Pangea by Nolan crossword puzzle
  1. the idea that pieces of the earth move
  2. scratches left by glaciers on rocks
  3. a fern-like tree that was found in that helped prove wegener's theory.
  1. a german scientist that had the theory of continental drift
  2. a medium sized land mammal like reptile
  3. remains of plants and animals from the past
  4. a fresh water reptile that help prove that the earths continents moved
  5. It fits with South America almost like a puzzle peace
  6. the supercontinent
  7. the person to come up with the theory plate tectonics

10 Clues: the supercontinentscratches left by glaciers on rocksthe idea that pieces of the earth movea medium sized land mammal like reptileremains of plants and animals from the pastIt fits with South America almost like a puzzle peacethe person to come up with the theory plate tectonicsa german scientist that had the theory of continental drift...

Science 2020-11-25

Science crossword puzzle
  1. Process
  2. Magma
  3. Inside layer
  4. Collide
  5. middle Layer
  6. Mountain Molten Rock
  7. Move together
  8. Thick
  9. Highest point
  10. Division of land
  11. rock oceanic
  12. Characteristic
  13. Top layer
  14. underneath
  15. Thin
  1. Slide past
  2. Move apart
  3. Subduction
  4. Greek Word
  5. Tectonics Theoru
  6. landform
  7. Canyon
  8. Land
  9. Seafloor
  10. mountains
  11. Rock continental
  12. large crustal
  13. Chain of mountain
  14. Push
  15. Ocean floor

30 Clues: LandPushThinMagmaThickCanyonProcessCollidelandformSeafloormountainsTop layerSlide pastMove apartSubductionGreek WordunderneathOcean floorInside layermiddle Layerrock oceaniclarge crustalMove togetherHighest pointCharacteristicRock continentalDivision of landChain of mountainTectonics TheoruMountain Molten Rock

plate motion crossword puzzle 2022-10-25

plate motion crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the outside or top layer of something
  2. A scientific instrument used to record data from earthquakes
  3. Earths outermost layer of solid rock that is underneath the soil, vegetation, and water(two words)
  4. an underwater mountain chain formed at divergent plate boundaries(three words)
  5. hot liquid rock below the surface of Earth
  6. the place where two plates meet(two words)
  7. when 1 plate goes underneath another plate and is destroyed in the mantle
  8. one of the large sections of hard, solid rock that makes up Earths outer layer
  9. when two plates move away from each other
  1. a sudden shaking of Earth's crust
  2. the sudden pushing out of something
  3. the layer of soft solid rock underneath Earth’s surface
  4. this person invented the idea of plate tectonics (Alfred ____________)
  5. hot liquid rock on Earth’s surface
  6. evidence of life from the past
  7. when two plates are moving towards each other
  8. something we observe to be similar over and over again
  9. how often or fast something happens
  10. the slow pulling apart of land. This is caused by plate motion
  11. a long deep indentation in the ocean floor formed when 2 plates move together

20 Clues: evidence of life from the pasta sudden shaking of Earth's crusthot liquid rock on Earth’s surfacethe sudden pushing out of somethinghow often or fast something happensthe outside or top layer of somethingwhen two plates move away from each otherhot liquid rock below the surface of Earththe place where two plates meet(two words)...

science project 2021-12-16

science project crossword puzzle
  1. the layer on the mantle that the lithosphere floats on
  2. a split in the lithosphere
  3. a plate boundary where two plates spread apart
  4. the landmass that broke apart 25 million years ago
  5. the cycle that drive sea floor spreading
  6. a deep canyon in the ocean floor
  7. the larger of the core layers
  8. Theory that pieces of the Earth's lithosphere are in motion
  9. the innermost layer of the Earth
  10. a plate boundary where two plates slide past each other
  11. the largest layer of the Earth
  1. Alfred Wegener's theory that continents drifted apart
  2. sea floor spreading apart along ridges
  3. a large ridge in the ocean that seafloor spreads from
  4. the thinnest layer of the Earth
  5. the german scientist who developed the theory of plate tectonics
  6. the brittle layer including the upper mantle and crust
  7. a convergent boundary where one plate slides under the other
  8. a boundary where two plates push together
  9. a deep valley on a divergent boundary

20 Clues: a split in the lithospherethe larger of the core layersthe largest layer of the Earththe thinnest layer of the Eartha deep canyon in the ocean floorthe innermost layer of the Eartha deep valley on a divergent boundarysea floor spreading apart along ridgesthe cycle that drive sea floor spreadinga boundary where two plates push together...

science project 2021-12-16

science project crossword puzzle
  1. the layer on the mantle that the lithosphere floats on
  2. a split in the lithosphere
  3. a plate boundary where two plates spread apart
  4. the landmass that broke apart 25 million years ago
  5. the cycle that drive sea floor spreading
  6. a deep canyon in the ocean floor
  7. the larger of the core layers
  8. Theory that pieces of the Earth's lithosphere are in motion
  9. the innermost layer of the Earth
  10. a plate boundary where two plates slide past each other
  11. the largest layer of the Earth
  1. Alfred Wegener's theory that continents drifted apart
  2. sea floor spreading apart along ridges
  3. a large ridge in the ocean that seafloor spreads from
  4. the thinnest layer of the Earth
  5. the german scientist who developed the theory of plate tectonics
  6. the brittle layer including the upper mantle and crust
  7. a convergent boundary where one plate slides under the other
  8. a boundary where two plates push together
  9. a deep valley on a divergent boundary

20 Clues: a split in the lithospherethe larger of the core layersthe largest layer of the Earththe thinnest layer of the Eartha deep canyon in the ocean floorthe innermost layer of the Eartha deep valley on a divergent boundarysea floor spreading apart along ridgesthe cycle that drive sea floor spreadinga boundary where two plates push together...

Chapter 7 Vocabulary 2017-01-26

Chapter 7 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a layer of solid rock that surrounds the Earth's surface
  2. the thick layer that surrounds the core and is made up of hot but mostly solid material
  3. plate thick plates made of andesite and granite that form the continents and are less dense than oceanic plates
  4. tectonic plates Juan de Fuco Plate, Nazca Plate, Philippine Plate, Caribbean Plate, Scotia Plate, Arabian Plate, and Cocos Plate
  5. topmost layer of the Earth made up of the crust and the solid portion of the upper mantle
  6. the supercontinent
  7. of plate tectonics scientific theory explaining how the plates move on the Earth's surface
  8. plate occurs when two plates move towards each other and collide
  9. plate occurs when two plates move away from each other
  1. plate thin plates that are made of basalt that form the ocean floor and are denser than continental plates
  2. plates Earth's surface is broken into large pieces that move over the asthenosphere
  3. where the plates of the lithosphere float, or slide a top, a thin, semi-solid layer in the upper mantle
  4. plate occurs when two plates slide past each other
  5. tectonic plates Eurasian Plate, North American Plate, South American Plate, Pacific Plate, African Plate, Australian Plate, Antarctic Plate, and Indian Plate
  6. core liquid metal that surrounds the inner core
  7. currents caused by the very hot material at the deepest part of the mantle rising, then cooling, sinking again, and then heating, rising, and repeating the cycle over and over
  8. core a sphere of hot, solid metal

17 Clues: the supercontinentcore a sphere of hot, solid metalcore liquid metal that surrounds the inner coreplate occurs when two plates slide past each otherplate occurs when two plates move away from each othera layer of solid rock that surrounds the Earth's surfaceplate occurs when two plates move towards each other and collide...

Tectonic Plates 2024-03-05

Tectonic Plates crossword puzzle
  1. the outermost shell of a terrestrial planet.
  2. scientific study of the deformation of the rocks that make up the Earth's crust and the forces that produce such deformation.
  3. long narrow depressions on the sea floor
  4. a continuous range of underwater volcanoes that wraps around the globe like seams on a baseball, stretching nearly 65,000 kilometers
  5. he sideways and downward movement of the edge of a plate of the earth's crust into the mantle beneath another plate.
  6. a seafloor mountain system formed by plate tectonics
  1. when 2 plates move away from each other.
  2. a portion of the Earth's mantle that flows like molten plastic despite being solid.
  3. The linear boundary between two diverging lithospheric plates on the ocean floor.
  4. a fracture or zone of fractures between two blocks of rock.
  5. when 2 plates come together.
  6. a theory explaining the structure of earths crust

12 Clues: when 2 plates come together.when 2 plates move away from each other.long narrow depressions on the sea floorthe outermost shell of a terrestrial planet.a theory explaining the structure of earths crusta seafloor mountain system formed by plate tectonicsa fracture or zone of fractures between two blocks of rock....

6 Science Plate Tectonics 2023-12-07

6 Science Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. boundary at which two plates slide past each other
  2. _______ pull occurs when the edge of a plate pulls the rest of the plate with it
  3. huge mountain ranges found in the mid oceans
  4. place in the United States that has a transform boundary
  5. name for Earth's single land mass about 245 million years ago
  6. movement of material due to differences of temperature and density
  7. boundary found where two plates move away from each other
  8. when one plate sinks under another plate
  1. boundary found where two plates collide
  2. mountain range created when India collided with Eurasia
  3. evidence of remains of once living things found in separate continents
  4. tectonic plates fit together like the pieces of this puzzle
  5. _________ plates are much more dense than continental plates
  6. plate _______ describe movements of Earth's lithosphere
  7. ridge _______ force moves plates away from the mid-ocean ridge
  8. deep canyons in the ocean's floor
  9. mountains found along the west coast of South America
  10. continental _________ hypothesis describing how the continents are moving

18 Clues: deep canyons in the ocean's floorboundary found where two plates collidewhen one plate sinks under another platehuge mountain ranges found in the mid oceansboundary at which two plates slide past each othermountains found along the west coast of South Americamountain range created when India collided with Eurasia...

Earth Science (Word Search) 2023-10-13

Earth Science (Word Search) crossword puzzle
  1. Movement - Term for the motion of Earth's tectonic plates.
  2. Boundary - Boundary where tectonic plates move away from each other.
  3. Boundary - Boundary where tectonic plates slide past each other.
  4. of Plate Tectonics - Scientific theory explaining movement of Earth's tectonic plates.
  5. Boundary - Boundary where tectonic plates collide.
  6. Suction - Convection currents near the crust contributing to plate movement.
  1. Spreading - Process of new crust being formed at divergent boundaries.
  2. Ranges - Geological features formed by the collision of tectonic plates.
  3. - Process where one tectonic plate sinks beneath another at a convergent boundary.
  4. Plates - Large pieces of Earth's lithosphere floating on the asthenosphere.
  5. Forces - Forces influencing plate movement, such as ridge push and slab pull.
  6. Pull - Action of subducting crust pulling tectonic plates.
  7. of Fire - Region in the Pacific Ocean known for high volcanic and seismic activity.
  8. - Method of heat transfer related to plate movement.
  9. Push - Process where new crust is formed at divergent boundaries.

15 Clues: Boundary - Boundary where tectonic plates collide.- Method of heat transfer related to plate movement.Movement - Term for the motion of Earth's tectonic plates.Pull - Action of subducting crust pulling tectonic plates.Boundary - Boundary where tectonic plates slide past each other.Push - Process where new crust is formed at divergent boundaries....

Plate Tectonic Crossword Puzzle 2022-01-14

Plate Tectonic Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. theory that pieces of Earth's lithosphere are in constant motion
  2. discontinuity in a volume of rock across where there has been a lot of displacement from rock-mass movements
  3. surface shaking on Earth from a sudden release of energy in Earth's lithosphere
  4. pieces of Earth's crust and uppermost mantle
  5. The Earth's crust and upper mantle are broken into sections called
  6. area of Earth's mantle where hot plumes rise upward, forming a volcano on the crust
  7. where two or more lithospheric plates collide
  8. linear shaped lowland between mountain ranges created from a geologic rift
  9. chain of volcanoes formed above a subducting plate, positioned in an arc shape
  10. vertical elevation of the Earth's surface in response to natural causes
  11. oceanic trench area marginal to a continent
  12. formation of new areas of oceanic crust
  1. idea that continents havee and are still moving slowly across Earth
  2. two tectonic plates that are MOVING AWAY from each other
  3. edge of Earth's plates meet at this boundary
  4. fault along a plate boundary where motion is mostly horizontal
  5. what makes the plate move
  6. when a rock snaps from stress
  7. rock gets thin as it pulls apart
  8. the edge where two plates meet

20 Clues: what makes the plate movewhen a rock snaps from stressthe edge where two plates meetrock gets thin as it pulls apartformation of new areas of oceanic crustoceanic trench area marginal to a continentedge of Earth's plates meet at this boundarypieces of Earth's crust and uppermost mantlewhere two or more lithospheric plates collide...

16 2024-08-23

16 crossword puzzle
  1. Crack in Earth's crust
  2. Sudden ground shaking
  3. Deep ocean valley
  4. Breakdown of rocks
  5. Wearing away of rock
  6. Mountain with molten rock
  7. Sedimentary rock of sand
  8. Natural inorganic substance
  9. Fine-grained igneous rock
  10. Particles deposited by water
  11. Solid with a regular structure
  1. Large section of Earth's crust
  2. One plate beneath another
  3. Molten rock on Earth's surface
  4. Metamorphosed limestone
  5. Metamorphic rock of clay
  6. Underwater mountain range
  7. Movement of Earth's plates
  8. Coarse-grained igneous rock
  9. Remains of ancient life
  10. Study of Earth's structure
  11. Mixture of organic matter
  12. Molten rock beneath Earth's surface
  13. Rock formed from shells
  14. Solid mineral material

25 Clues: Deep ocean valleyBreakdown of rocksWearing away of rockSudden ground shakingCrack in Earth's crustSolid mineral materialMetamorphosed limestoneRemains of ancient lifeRock formed from shellsMetamorphic rock of claySedimentary rock of sandOne plate beneath anotherUnderwater mountain rangeMixture of organic matterMountain with molten rock...

earthquakes and valcanoes 2023-01-24

earthquakes and valcanoes crossword puzzle
  1. outer surface
  2. the lithosphere and the asthenosphere
  3. the super continent
  4. oceanic crust to the ocean floor
  5. Wegener
  6. of plate tectonics
  7. the boundary with each other, moving it in different directions
  8. lithosphere are in motion,driven by convection currents in the mantle
  9. zone back into the mantle at a convergent plate boundary
  10. currents
  11. plates move apart
  12. Scientist who developed the Theory of the Continental Drift in 1912.
  13. core surrounds the inner core of the Earth
  14. core material at the center of the Earth
  1. ridge The undersea mountain floor is produced; a divergent plate boundary
  2. mantle on which the lithosphere floats
  3. process by which oceanic crust sinks beneath a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle at a convergent plate boundary
  4. spreading
  5. boundary two plates move toward each other
  6. of the mantle and the crust
  7. earth's lithosphere along which rocks move
  8. canyon on the ocean floor
  9. two layers - the lithosphere and the asthenosphere
  10. drift continents were once one huge land mass but have since then drifted apart
  11. valley

25 Clues: valleyWegenercurrentsspreadingouter surfaceplates move apartof plate tectonicsthe super continentcanyon on the ocean floorof the mantle and the crustoceanic crust to the ocean floorthe lithosphere and the asthenospheremantle on which the lithosphere floatscore material at the center of the Earthboundary two plates move toward each other...

Plate Tectonic Crossword Puzzle 2022-01-14

Plate Tectonic Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. theory that pieces of Earth's lithosphere are in constant motion
  2. discontinuity in a volume of rock across where there has been a lot of displacement from rock-mass movements
  3. surface shaking on Earth from a sudden release of energy in Earth's lithosphere
  4. pieces of Earth's crust and uppermost mantle
  5. The Earth's crust and upper mantle are broken into sections called
  6. area of Earth's mantle where hot plumes rise upward, forming a volcano on the crust
  7. where two or more lithospheric plates collide
  8. linear shaped lowland between mountain ranges created from a geologic rift
  9. chain of volcanoes formed above a subducting plate, positioned in an arc shape
  10. vertical elevation of the Earth's surface in response to natural causes
  11. oceanic trench area marginal to a continent
  12. formation of new areas of oceanic crust
  1. idea that continents havee and are still moving slowly across Earth
  2. two tectonic plates that are MOVING AWAY from each other
  3. edge of Earth's plates meet at this boundary
  4. fault along a plate boundary where motion is mostly horizontal
  5. what makes the plate move
  6. when a rock snaps from stress
  7. rock gets thin as it pulls apart
  8. the edge where two plates meet

20 Clues: what makes the plate movewhen a rock snaps from stressthe edge where two plates meetrock gets thin as it pulls apartformation of new areas of oceanic crustoceanic trench area marginal to a continentedge of Earth's plates meet at this boundarypieces of Earth's crust and uppermost mantlewhere two or more lithospheric plates collide...

Column A - Crossword Puzzle 2021-04-01

Column A - Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a transverse earthquake wave that travels through the interior of the earth and is usually the second conspicuous wave to reach a seismograph.
  2. The place inside Earth's crust where an earthquake originates.
  3. A supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras.
  4. Tectonics A scientific theory describing the large-scale motion of the plates making up the Earth's lithosphere since tectonic processes began on Earth between 3.3 and 3.5 billion years ago.
  5. A sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.
  6. A fault-bounded area or region with a distinctive stratigraphy, structure, and geological history.
  7. The equilibrium that exists between parts of the earth's crust, which behaves as if it consists of blocks floating on the underlying mantle, rising if material is removed and sinking if material is deposited.
  8. A bend in the rock strata.
  9. The branch of geophysics concerned with the magnetism in rocks that was induced by the earth's magnetic field at the time of their formation.
  10. Margin One of the three major zones of the ocean floor the other two being deep-ocean basins and mid-ocean ridges.
  1. The sideways and downward movement of the edge of a plate of the earth's crust into the mantle beneath another plate.
  2. Drift The gradual movement of the continents across the earth's surface through geological time.
  3. A longitudinal earthquake wave that travels through the interior of the earth and is usually the first conspicuous wave to be recorded by a seismograph.
  4. The point on the earth's surface vertically above the hypocenter (or focus), point in the crust where a seismic rupture begins.
  5. The superocean that surrounded the supercontinent Pangaea.
  6. Mountain A mountain that often results from rifting, an indicator of extensional tectonics.
  7. Mountain A mountain that is formed by the effects of folding on layers within the upper part of the Earth's crust.
  8. Breaking apart or becoming separated through faulting caused by plate tectonics.
  9. Cycle The quasi-periodic aggregation and dispersal of Earth's continental crust.
  10. A fracture or zone of fractures between two blocks of rock.

20 Clues: A bend in the rock strata.The superocean that surrounded the supercontinent Pangaea.A fracture or zone of fractures between two blocks of rock.The place inside Earth's crust where an earthquake originates.A supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras....

Plate Tectonics 2022-09-23

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. energy waves that originates from an earthquake
  2. formed by the collision of plate Tectonic boundary
  3. the discontinuity which separates crust and mantle
  4. type of plate boundary where two tectonic plates move towards each other
  5. a plane along which there is movements of rocks
  6. The boundary where tectonic plates slides each other
  1. the composition of continental crust
  2. A discontinuity which separates mantle and core
  3. the composition of oceanic waves
  4. the low velocity zone of mantle
  5. topography found along the divergent plate boundary
  6. the molten rock material
  7. the middle layer in internal structure of earth

13 Clues: the molten rock materialthe low velocity zone of mantlethe composition of oceanic wavesthe composition of continental crustA discontinuity which separates mantle and coreenergy waves that originates from an earthquakea plane along which there is movements of rocksthe middle layer in internal structure of earth...

Plate Tectonics 2021-12-09

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. what type of igneous rock is made underground?
  2. What boundary makes plates move away from each other?
  3. What happens when the plates shake
  4. What boundary makes plates move alongside each other?
  5. What forms from Continental & Continental divergence?
  6. What is the large supercontinent?
  7. What forms from Oceanic & Oceanic divergence?
  1. What forms from Continental & Continental convergence?
  2. what type of rock is made from sediments?
  3. What forms from Continental & Oceanic convergence?
  4. What boundary makes plates move towards each other?
  5. what type of igneous rock is made above ground?
  6. what type of rock is made from heat and pressure?

13 Clues: What is the large supercontinent?What happens when the plates shakewhat type of rock is made from sediments?What forms from Oceanic & Oceanic divergence?what type of igneous rock is made underground?what type of igneous rock is made above ground?what type of rock is made from heat and pressure?What forms from Continental & Oceanic convergence?...

Plate Tectonics 2023-11-13

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. when plates slip past each other
  2. when two plates pull apart
  3. can travel through solids,liquids,and gasses
  4. when two plates come together
  5. rates the shaking of a earthquake
  6. a single number geologists assign to earthquakes
  7. only travel through solids
  1. a natural cause
  2. can make the ground roll like ocean waves
  3. a major belt of volcanoes
  4. a point directly above the surface
  5. an area beneath the earth surface
  6. a instrument that measures a earth quake

13 Clues: a natural causea major belt of volcanoeswhen two plates pull apartonly travel through solidswhen two plates come togetherwhen plates slip past each otheran area beneath the earth surfacerates the shaking of a earthquakea point directly above the surfacea instrument that measures a earth quakecan make the ground roll like ocean waves...

Plate Tectonics 2023-12-01

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Sliding boundary
  2. A concentration of heat which can cause magma to ooze through a plate
  3. A mountain range forms on this ridge where two plates move apart
  4. A boundary in which two plates move together
  5. A boundary in which two plate move apart
  1. The rigid outer layer that drifts
  2. The middle part of the mantle that flows
  3. formed at convergent boundaries when magma is forced up from the mantle
  4. The supercontinent that formed 200 mya
  5. Occurs when the magnetic poles reversed
  6. The circular movement from uneven heating
  7. A valley formed at a divergent continental-continental boundary
  8. An elongated depression in the sea floor formed in subduction

13 Clues: Sliding boundaryThe rigid outer layer that driftsThe supercontinent that formed 200 myaOccurs when the magnetic poles reversedThe middle part of the mantle that flowsA boundary in which two plate move apartThe circular movement from uneven heatingA boundary in which two plates move together...

Plate Tectonics 2023-11-07

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. plates pull apart
  2. plates slide past each other
  3. subduction zone
  4. super continent
  5. where convection currents happen
  6. forms mountains
  1. transform boundaries
  2. rock layer
  3. crust and upper mantle
  4. layer with magma
  5. denser crust
  6. molten rock
  7. Core solid iron and nickel

13 Clues: rock layermolten rockdenser crustsubduction zonesuper continentforms mountainslayer with magmaplates pull aparttransform boundariescrust and upper mantleCore solid iron and nickelplates slide past each otherwhere convection currents happen

nerd 2022-03-09

nerd crossword puzzle
  1. crust
  2. Currents
  3. Core
  4. Waves
  1. Field
  2. Tectonics
  3. Layers
  4. Crust
  5. Zone
  6. Core

10 Clues: CoreZoneCoreFieldcrustCrustWavesLayersCurrentsTectonics

Tectonic crossword 2022-10-12

Tectonic crossword crossword puzzle
  1. branch of geology studying earths the crust
  2. A big chunk of earths crust
  3. molten rocks under the crust if earth
  4. drift the movement of continents
  5. action of splitting apart two plates
  6. layer of rock between earths crust and outer core
  1. border of a tectonic plate
  2. spot An Area where magma rises into earths crust
  3. science of earth’s structure
  4. the moving of on plate under another
  5. crash with violent impact
  6. crake in earths crust where two plates meet
  7. the scientist who made the theory of continental drift
  8. idea intended to explain something

14 Clues: crash with violent impactborder of a tectonic plateA big chunk of earths crustscience of earth’s structuredrift the movement of continentsidea intended to explain somethingthe moving of on plate under anotheraction of splitting apart two platesmolten rocks under the crust if earthbranch of geology studying earths the crust...

Plate Tectonic Crossword Puzzle 2022-01-14

Plate Tectonic Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. theory that pieces of Earth's lithosphere are in constant motion
  2. discontinuity in a volume of rock across where there has been a lot of displacement from rock-mass movements
  3. surface shaking on Earth from a sudden release of energy in Earth's lithosphere
  4. pieces of Earth's crust and uppermost mantle
  5. The Earth's crust and upper mantle are broken into sections called
  6. area of Earth's mantle where hot plumes rise upward, forming a volcano on the crust
  7. where two or more lithospheric plates collide
  8. linear shaped lowland between mountain ranges created from a geologic rift
  9. chain of volcanoes formed above a subducting plate, positioned in an arc shape
  10. vertical elevation of the Earth's surface in response to natural causes
  11. oceanic trench area marginal to a continent
  12. formation of new areas of oceanic crust
  1. idea that continents havee and are still moving slowly across Earth
  2. two tectonic plates that are MOVING AWAY from each other
  3. edge of Earth's plates meet at this boundary
  4. fault along a plate boundary where motion is mostly horizontal
  5. what makes the plate move
  6. when a rock snaps from stress
  7. rock gets thin as it pulls apart
  8. the edge where two plates meet

20 Clues: what makes the plate movewhen a rock snaps from stressthe edge where two plates meetrock gets thin as it pulls apartformation of new areas of oceanic crustoceanic trench area marginal to a continentedge of Earth's plates meet at this boundarypieces of Earth's crust and uppermost mantlewhere two or more lithospheric plates collide...

Tectonics, Earthquakes and Volcanoes 2013-10-19

Tectonics, Earthquakes and Volcanoes crossword puzzle
  1. Deepest trench
  2. Lava that is underground
  3. Plates collide
  4. Plates move away from eachother
  5. Slow wave that travels only through solid
  6. A type of volcano that is flat
  7. A hot liquid that spills out of the volcano
  8. A zone of weak,easily deformed rock in the upper mantle
  9. The location of the surface directly above the focus
  10. The layer of the Earth we live on
  11. Wind,water,glaciers cause _________
  12. The measure of an earthquake
  13. The crust and the upper layer of the mantle make up this layer of rock
  14. Means "builder" in Greek
  1. A large supercontinent containing all the Earths continents
  2. Most famous fault boundary
  3. The slowest type of wave
  4. Drift
  5. Tectonics, Earthquakes and ________
  6. The layer of the earth found between the core and crust
  7. When tectonic plates slide past eachother
  8. Plate that we live on
  9. Largest tectonic plate
  10. A sudden shaking of the ground
  11. Most dangerous type of volcano
  12. When tectonic plates move together they _______
  13. Where the earthquake starts
  14. A push-pull wave
  15. The scale that measures the magnitude of earthquakes
  16. The very middle layer of the Earth

30 Clues: DriftDeepest trenchPlates collideA push-pull wavePlate that we live onLargest tectonic plateThe slowest type of waveLava that is undergroundMeans "builder" in GreekMost famous fault boundaryWhere the earthquake startsThe measure of an earthquakeA type of volcano that is flatA sudden shaking of the groundMost dangerous type of volcano...

Erica's crossword puzzle 💙 2022-11-17

Erica's crossword puzzle 💙 crossword puzzle
  1. maps
  2. of Earth's Water
  3. doesn't have a beganing or end
  4. like to eat
  5. tides are bad
  1. Cycle
  2. bat
  3. is my best friend
  4. and minerals
  5. jam 😂
  6. tectonics

11 Clues: batmapsCyclejam 😂tectonicslike to eatand mineralstides are badof Earth's Wateris my best frienddoesn't have a beganing or end

plate tectonics 2017-10-17

plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. where Earth’s crust diverges on land
  2. rocks fall into the mantle and are then heated and part of the mantle
  3. all of Earth's plate motion put into one theory
  4. a boundary when two plates ram into each other
  5. a supercontinent from around 300 million years ago
  6. Wegener's idea that the continents have moved
  7. a "mountain range" that rock comes out of from the mantle
  1. a boundary when two plates run along each other
  2. the ocean continuously add new material to its floor
  3. when ocean floor is pushed below continental crust
  4. breaks in Earth's crust where rocks slipped past each other
  5. a rock or animal that was preserved in rock
  6. a boundary where two plates separate

13 Clues: where Earth’s crust diverges on landa boundary where two plates separatea rock or animal that was preserved in rockWegener's idea that the continents have moveda boundary when two plates ram into each othera boundary when two plates run along each otherall of Earth's plate motion put into one theorywhen ocean floor is pushed below continental crust...

plate tectonics 2017-10-17

plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. a boundary when two plates run along each other
  2. a boundary when two plates ram into each other
  3. Wegener's idea that the continents have moved
  4. a boundary where two plates separate
  5. all of Earth's plate motion put into one theory
  1. when ocean floor is pushed below continental crust
  2. where Earth’s crust diverges on land
  3. a "mountain range" that rock comes out of from the mantle
  4. the ocean continuously add new material to its floor
  5. rocks fall into the mantle and are then heated and part of the mantle
  6. a rock or animal that was preserved in rock
  7. breaks in Earth's crust where rocks slipped past each other
  8. a supercontinent from around 300 million years ago

13 Clues: where Earth’s crust diverges on landa boundary where two plates separatea rock or animal that was preserved in rockWegener's idea that the continents have moveda boundary when two plates ram into each othera boundary when two plates run along each otherall of Earth's plate motion put into one theorywhen ocean floor is pushed below continental crust...

Plate tectonics 2018-03-13

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. What magma is called when it reaches the surface of the Earth
  2. What are vibrations that travel through earth carrying the energy released during an earthquake called?
  3. Plates that are moving toward each other
  4. The outermost shell of the earth
  5. An area of stress in the earth where broken rocks slide past each other causing a crack in the Earth’s surface
  6. Innermost part of the earth
  1. the sideways and downwards motion of the edge of a plate of the Earth's crust into the mantle beneath another plate is called
  2. A vent in the crust of the Earth from which molten rock, ash and steam are ejected
  3. Plates that are moving away from each other
  4. What is the theory that pieces of earths litosphere are in constant motion driven by convection currents in the mantle called?
  5. Part of the earth that goes around the core and is solid
  6. When one plate is forced beneath another into the mantle
  7. Molten rock when it is underground

13 Clues: Innermost part of the earthThe outermost shell of the earthMolten rock when it is undergroundPlates that are moving toward each otherPlates that are moving away from each otherPart of the earth that goes around the core and is solidWhen one plate is forced beneath another into the mantleWhat magma is called when it reaches the surface of the Earth...

Plate Tectonics 2014-03-05

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. a partially molten, plastic like, flowing layer that is located below the solid part of Earth's mantle
  2. Drift continents were once a single landmass and drifted apart
  3. core located below the mantle and to the center of the earth
  4. Outermost layer on earth
  5. the boundary formed by the collision of two lithospheric plates
  6. a thick layer of earth between the crust and the core
  7. core the outer shell of earth's core and surrounds the inner core
  1. Tectonics pieces of the lithosphere that move around;upper most part of mantle
  2. the process by which new oceanic lithosphere forms as magma rises towards the surface and solidifies
  3. the solid, outer layer of the Earth that consists of the the crust and the rigid upper part of the mantle
  4. the boundary between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other
  5. pieces of the lithosphere that move around, they each have a different name
  6. the center of the earth

13 Clues: the center of the earthOutermost layer on eartha thick layer of earth between the crust and the corecore located below the mantle and to the center of the earthDrift continents were once a single landmass and drifted apartthe boundary formed by the collision of two lithospheric platescore the outer shell of earth's core and surrounds the inner core...

Plate Tectonics 2014-10-11

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. The transfer of heat by the circulation or movement of heated of gas or liquid.
  2. A long narrow ditch. Very deep.
  3. Plate moving apart from each other.
  4. Plate that slides beneath another plate.
  5. The sudden release of energy from the earth's crust.
  6. High energy wave caused by an earthquake,volcano, landslide or other natural events.
  1. plates theory States that earth's crust is made up of plates that moves alongside each other.
  2. The process of a plate going underneath another plate.
  3. spreading Formation of new oceanic crust through volcanic activity and gradually move away from ridge.
  4. drift States that parts of the earth's crust slowly drift on the liquid core.
  5. Plates sliding pass each other.
  6. plate The sub-layer of the earth's crust that move,float and sometimes fracture.
  7. boundaries Areas where two or more plates meet.
  8. Global Rift Runs along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

14 Clues: A long narrow ditch. Very deep.Plates sliding pass each other.Plate moving apart from each other.Plate that slides beneath another plate.Global Rift Runs along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.boundaries Areas where two or more plates meet.The sudden release of energy from the earth's crust.The process of a plate going underneath another plate....

Plate Tectonics 2015-01-19

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. homogeneous inorganic substances occurring in nature having a definite chemical composition is Mineral
  2. part of a rock formation that appears above the surface of the surrounding land is Outcrop
  3. regions of the surface and atmosphere of the earth where living organisms exist is Biosphere
  4. flat mass of ice floating at sea is Floe
  5. to or occuring or living in or frequenting the open ocean is Oceanic
  6. is the earliest eon in the history of the earth from the first accretion of planetary material
  7. condensation; change from a gaseous to a liquid state and fall in drops is Distill
  8. rock in the earth's crust is Magma
  9. again after processing is Recycle
  1. to or caused by an earthquake or earth vibration is Seismic
  2. to the structure or movement of the earth's crust is Tectonic
  3. artifact that is inserted or is to be inserted is Inset
  4. specialist in geology is a Geologist
  5. or relating to or characteristic of the crust of the earth or moon is Crustal
  6. of two or more atoms with the same atomic number but with different numbers of neutrons is Iostope
  7. chemistry of earth's crust is Geochemistry

16 Clues: again after processing is Recyclerock in the earth's crust is Magmaspecialist in geology is a Geologistflat mass of ice floating at sea is Floechemistry of earth's crust is Geochemistryartifact that is inserted or is to be inserted is Insetto or caused by an earthquake or earth vibration is Seismic...

plate tectonics 2021-10-13

plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. where two plates seperate
  2. magnetic feild reverses directions
  3. which suggested that continents are in constant motion on the surface of earth
  4. rigid slats of rocks or plates
  5. the denser plate sinks below
  6. form where two plates slide past each other
  7. the cold and rigid outermost rock layer is called
  8. a state in which magnetized objects such as needles
  1. is the process of the mid-ocean crust moves
  2. the area where a denser plate desendes into earth
  3. all the continents were once part of a supercontinent called
  4. magnetized objects would reverse direction
  5. the mountain ranges in the middle of the oceans are called

13 Clues: where two plates seperatethe denser plate sinks belowrigid slats of rocks or platesmagnetic feild reverses directionsmagnetized objects would reverse directionis the process of the mid-ocean crust movesform where two plates slide past each otherthe area where a denser plate desendes into earththe cold and rigid outermost rock layer is called...

Plate Tectonics 2021-11-05

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. The name given to the super continent.
  2. These currents are responsible for the movement of plates.
  3. Which plate boundary are we located on?
  4. Slide past each other
  5. The largest tectonic plate
  1. Form from the collision of two continental plates
  2. Formed from the convergence of two oceanic crust.
  3. Formed from divergent boundaries
  4. The Earth is split into several large pieces called Tectonic________
  5. Another name given for constructive boundary.
  6. Another name given for divergent boundary
  7. The solid outer layer of the earth
  8. The largest portion of the Earth's structure.

13 Clues: Slide past each otherThe largest tectonic plateFormed from divergent boundariesThe solid outer layer of the earthThe name given to the super continent.Which plate boundary are we located on?Another name given for divergent boundaryAnother name given for constructive boundary.The largest portion of the Earth's structure....

Plate Tectonics 2022-04-05

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. plates moving apart
  2. type of crust that is more dense
  3. plates moving towards each other
  4. melted rock inside the mantle
  1. when one tectonic plate is tucked or pushed under another
  2. ___ de fuca plate off the coast of Oregon
  3. plates sliding past each other
  4. name of last supercontinent
  5. the currents in the mantle that cause plate movement
  6. caused by the slipping of tectonic plates
  7. type of crust that is thicker and less dense
  8. magnetic _______ is when magnetic north flips to the opposite pole
  9. the zones near mid ocean ridges that can cause earthquakes

13 Clues: plates moving apartname of last supercontinentmelted rock inside the mantleplates sliding past each othertype of crust that is more denseplates moving towards each other___ de fuca plate off the coast of Oregoncaused by the slipping of tectonic platestype of crust that is thicker and less densethe currents in the mantle that cause plate movement...

plate tectonics 2022-03-21

plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. plates that move farther apart
  2. plates that moved closer together
  3. plates that slide together
  4. the plate below the Antarctic plate
  5. the second layer of the earth
  1. tectonic plates beneath the sea thrust
  2. the plate below the North American plate
  3. the 3rd layer of the earth
  4. the 4th layer of the earth
  5. the top layer of the earth
  6. the plate above the African plate
  7. the plate between the Eurasian and African plate
  8. the plate above the South American plate

13 Clues: the 3rd layer of the earththe 4th layer of the earththe top layer of the earthplates that slide togetherthe second layer of the earthplates that move farther apartplates that moved closer togetherthe plate above the African platethe plate below the Antarctic platetectonic plates beneath the sea thrustthe plate below the North American plate...

Plate tectonics 2021-12-09

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. who came up with the theory of Continental drift.
  2. what is it called if there is a volcano not on a plate boundary
  3. what type of rock is formed through heat and pressure
  4. What is it called when a volcano collapses
  5. What type of boundary has plates that move away form each other
  6. what type of rock is formed through cementation
  7. what type of boundary makes faults
  1. what type of boundary are mid ocean ridges
  2. is the inner core solid or liquid
  3. what is a way to tell if a volcano is going to erupt.
  4. what is the deadliest material that comes out of a volcano
  5. what is created when rock is weathered and erodes
  6. what type of rock is formed from magma cooling.
  7. What type of boundary has plates that move toward each other
  8. What type of boundary has plates that slide past each other.

15 Clues: is the inner core solid or liquidwhat type of boundary makes faultswhat type of boundary are mid ocean ridgesWhat is it called when a volcano collapseswhat type of rock is formed from magma cooling.what type of rock is formed through cementationwho came up with the theory of Continental drift.what is created when rock is weathered and erodes...

Plate tectonics 2021-12-09

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. who came up with the theory of Continental drift.
  2. what is it called if there is a volcano not on a plate boundary
  3. what type of rock is formed through heat and pressure
  4. What is it called when a volcano collapses
  5. What type of boundary has plates that move away form each other
  6. what type of rock is formed through cementation
  7. what type of boundary makes faults
  1. what type of boundary are mid ocean ridges
  2. is the inner core solid or liquid
  3. what is a way to tell if a volcano is going to erupt.
  4. what is the deadliest material that comes out of a volcano
  5. what is created when rock is weathered and erodes
  6. what type of rock is formed from magma cooling.
  7. What type of boundary has plates that move toward each other
  8. What type of boundary has plates that slide past each other.

15 Clues: is the inner core solid or liquidwhat type of boundary makes faultswhat type of boundary are mid ocean ridgesWhat is it called when a volcano collapseswhat type of rock is formed from magma cooling.what type of rock is formed through cementationwho came up with the theory of Continental drift.what is created when rock is weathered and erodes...

Plate Tectonics 2021-12-09

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. what type of igneous rock is made underground?
  2. What boundary makes plates move away from each other?
  3. What happens when the plates shake
  4. What boundary makes plates move alongside each other?
  5. What forms from Continental & Continental divergence?
  6. What is the large supercontinent?
  7. What forms from Oceanic & Oceanic divergence?
  1. What forms from Continental & Continental convergence?
  2. what type of rock is made from sediments?
  3. What forms from Continental & Oceanic convergence?
  4. What boundary makes plates move towards each other?
  5. what type of igneous rock is made above ground?
  6. what type of rock is made from heat and pressure?

13 Clues: What is the large supercontinent?What happens when the plates shakewhat type of rock is made from sediments?What forms from Oceanic & Oceanic divergence?what type of igneous rock is made underground?what type of igneous rock is made above ground?what type of rock is made from heat and pressure?What forms from Continental & Oceanic convergence?...

Plate Tectonics 2021-12-09

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. what type of igneous rock is made underground?
  2. What boundary makes plates move away from each other?
  3. What happens when the plates shake
  4. What boundary makes plates move alongside each other?
  5. What forms from Continental & Continental divergence?
  6. What is the large supercontinent?
  7. What forms from Oceanic & Oceanic divergence?
  1. What forms from Continental & Continental convergence?
  2. what type of rock is made from sediments?
  3. What forms from Continental & Oceanic convergence?
  4. What boundary makes plates move towards each other?
  5. what type of igneous rock is made above ground?
  6. what type of rock is made from heat and pressure?

13 Clues: What is the large supercontinent?What happens when the plates shakewhat type of rock is made from sediments?What forms from Oceanic & Oceanic divergence?what type of igneous rock is made underground?what type of igneous rock is made above ground?what type of rock is made from heat and pressure?What forms from Continental & Oceanic convergence?...

Plate tectonics 2021-07-30

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. The wearing away and removal of rock.
  2. The amount of force applied over a certain area.
  3. The sudden shaking of Earth's surface.
  4. The outermost layer of Earth.
  5. The rigid outer part of Earth, made of the crust and upper mantle.
  6. Hot liquid rock located above the Earth's surface.
  7. A large ocean wave caused by an earthquake or coastal landslide.
  8. The sinking of one tectonic plate beneath another.
  1. The thickest layer of Earth, between the core and the crust.
  2. A single landmass made of smaller continents joined together.
  3. Hot liquid rock located below the Earth's surface.
  4. The gluing together of sediment by new mineral crystals.
  5. An unusually hot part of the mantle where volcanoes can form.

13 Clues: The outermost layer of Earth.The wearing away and removal of rock.The sudden shaking of Earth's surface.The amount of force applied over a certain area.Hot liquid rock located below the Earth's surface.Hot liquid rock located above the Earth's surface.The sinking of one tectonic plate beneath another....

Plate Tectonics 2021-07-15

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. The very outer layer of the earth
  2. A fragment of broken up crust which either carries ocean or continent.
  3. The earth's layer that sits above the outer core.
  4. A plate boundary where two plates are moving past each other
  5. The process of two plate tectonics moving away from each other.
  6. A type of plate that carries the ocean.
  7. A rupture in the crust which occasionally erupts lava, gas, rock fragments and hot vapour from the earth's crust
  1. Molten rock inside the earth.
  2. The circulating current in the asthenosphere.
  3. A violent shaking of the ground causing destruction
  4. The process of two tectonic plates coming together to collide.
  5. Molten rock above the surface which has been erupted from volcano or fissure.
  6. The boundary where one tectonic plate dives beneath another.

13 Clues: Molten rock inside the earth.The very outer layer of the earthA type of plate that carries the ocean.The circulating current in the asthenosphere.The earth's layer that sits above the outer core.A violent shaking of the ground causing destructionA plate boundary where two plates are moving past each other...

Plate Tectonics 2020-02-01

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. the slow movement of Earth’s plates that carries continents or parts of continents toward or away from one another
  2. the model that explains how Earth’s moving plates create landforms
  3. the process by which liquid rock flows up and outward through a rift to form ridges of new crust on the ocean floor
  4. the process of an oceanic plate sliding under another plate, which creates trenches and volcanoes
  5. a mountain that forms on the ocean floor as a result of a volcanic eruption
  6. the solid outer layer of Earth that floats on the hot, fluid mantle
  1. the process of plates pushing toward each other, bending the Earth’s crust upward
  2. the slow up-and-down movement of the hot, soft rock within the Earth’s mantle
  3. a break in the Earth’s crust
  4. a deep valley that forms when plates move away from each other
  5. a section of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle that floats on the soft, hot rock of the mantle
  6. a very deep, wide valley that forms on the ocean floor at a subduction zone
  7. a long row of sharp mountains at an area of seafloor spreading

13 Clues: a break in the Earth’s crusta deep valley that forms when plates move away from each othera long row of sharp mountains at an area of seafloor spreadingthe model that explains how Earth’s moving plates create landformsthe solid outer layer of Earth that floats on the hot, fluid mantle...

Plate Tectonics 2020-10-20

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. a boundary where the ground is being smashed together
  2. idea that the earths crust is split into multiple plates
  3. the idea of the magnetism in rocks that were induced by the earth's magnetic field at the time of their formation
  4. a place where the ground is being pulled apart
  5. idea that the earths crust spreading apart and sinking under continetal crust while creating new crust
  1. idea that the continents move and shift over geographic time
  2. where the denser plate goes under the less dense plate
  3. when all the continents were together
  4. places where plates slide against each other
  5. ridges in the middile of oceans on plate boundries where the crust is pulled apart and forming new crust
  6. A deep gash where one plate went under the other less dense plate
  7. areas in the middle of tectonic plate where the crust is over magma that is hotter than the magma around it causeing to melt away the crust
  8. a area on land where to plates are divirging pulling the plates with it

13 Clues: when all the continents were togetherplaces where plates slide against each othera place where the ground is being pulled aparta boundary where the ground is being smashed togetherwhere the denser plate goes under the less dense plateidea that the earths crust is split into multiple platesidea that the continents move and shift over geographic time...

Plate Tectonics 2020-09-20

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. A reason why a farmer would live close to a volcano.
  2. The scale used to measure the magnitude of earthquakes.
  3. The machine used to measure the magnitude of an earthquake.
  4. The reason why the plates move
  5. The origin of the earthquake within the earth's crust.
  6. The tube running up the middle of a volcano
  1. The type of volcano formed at a constructive plate boundary.
  2. The city in Japan hit by an earthquake in 1995.
  3. The type of volcano formed at a destructive plate boundary.
  4. The type of crust which is like less dense.
  5. The type of plate boundary when the plates move away from each other.
  6. The type of crust which is dense.
  7. The type of plate boundary when the plates move towards each other.

13 Clues: The reason why the plates moveThe type of crust which is dense.The type of crust which is like less dense.The tube running up the middle of a volcanoThe city in Japan hit by an earthquake in 1995.A reason why a farmer would live close to a volcano.The origin of the earthquake within the earth's crust....

Plate Tectonics 2023-11-17

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. a fracture along which there has been movement of rock on one or both sides
  2. a line of volcanoes sitting on a continental plate and aligned above a subducting oceanic plate near a deep sea trench
  3. a device that uses sound waves to measure the depth to the seafloor
  4. geologic activity such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes that takes place away from plate boundaries
  5. a location where two lithospheric plates come together
  6. very flat areas that make up most of the ocean floor(7,6)
  7. the type of plate boundary where two plates slide past one another
  8. zone the area where two lithospheric plates come together and one sinks beneath the other
  9. plume of hot material that rises through the mantle and can cause volcanoes
  1. a map of the seafloor created from the measurement of water depths
  2. the location on the seafloor where magma upwells and new seafloor forms. Mid-ocean ridges are the dominant feature of divergent plate boundaries found in the oceans.
  3. a location where two lithospheric plates spread apart
  4. the hypothesis developed in the early 20th century that states that the continents move about on the surface

13 Clues: a location where two lithospheric plates spread aparta location where two lithospheric plates come togethervery flat areas that make up most of the ocean floor(7,6)a map of the seafloor created from the measurement of water depthsthe type of plate boundary where two plates slide past one another...