respiratory system Crossword Puzzles

Respiratory System 2018-01-23

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. the quality of being resistant
  2. of, relating to, or affecting the bronchi and the lungs
  3. transient cessation of respiration whether normal
  4. relating to, resembling, or having alveoli
  5. a feeling of extreme worry, sadness, or pain
  1. the intentional introduction of ambient air into a space
  2. difficult of breathing
  3. to force air out of your lungs through your throat with a short, loud sound
  4. a hollow cavity found in the lung parenchyma
  5. the tissue of the body which primarily functions as a source of power

10 Clues: difficult of breathingthe quality of being resistantrelating to, resembling, or having alveolia hollow cavity found in the lung parenchymaa feeling of extreme worry, sadness, or paintransient cessation of respiration whether normalof, relating to, or affecting the bronchi and the lungsthe intentional introduction of ambient air into a space...

Respiratory System 2022-01-25

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. This builds up in alveoli with emphysema
  2. Gas that is breathed out from lungs
  3. Process where glucose and oxygen make energy
  4. This is high to let lots of oxygen from lungs
  1. Air sacs where oxygen's passed to blood
  2. An adaptation of alveoli to let gases pass through
  3. Two tubes that enter the left and right lungs
  4. Smaller tubes that lead to the alveoli
  5. Gas that is absorbed into the blood from lungs
  6. Connects nose to the lungs

10 Clues: Connects nose to the lungsGas that is breathed out from lungsSmaller tubes that lead to the alveoliAir sacs where oxygen's passed to bloodThis builds up in alveoli with emphysemaProcess where glucose and oxygen make energyTwo tubes that enter the left and right lungsThis is high to let lots of oxygen from lungs...

Respiratory System 2024-01-12

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Airways branching from the trachea.
  2. Tiny air sacs where oxygen is absorbed.
  3. System responsible for breathing.
  4. Dome-shaped muscle aiding in breathing.
  5. Main organ for gas exchange in the body.
  1. Organ responsible for pulmonary ventilation.
  2. Process of breathing in.
  3. Process of breathing out.
  4. Windpipe connecting the larynx to the bronchi.
  5. Essential gas for cellular respiration.

10 Clues: Process of breathing in.Process of breathing out.System responsible for breathing.Airways branching from the trachea.Tiny air sacs where oxygen is absorbed.Essential gas for cellular respiration.Dome-shaped muscle aiding in breathing.Main organ for gas exchange in the body.Organ responsible for pulmonary ventilation....

Respiratory system 2023-09-16

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. ເຈັບ​ຄໍ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດ
  2. ໂລກ​ປອດ​ອັກ​ເສບ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດ
  3. ພາ​ວະ​ເຍື່ອ​ຫຸ້ມ​ປອດ​ອັກ​ເສບ
  4. ສູບ​ຢາ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດ
  5. ເປັນ​ອະ​ໄວ​ຍະ​ວະ​ທຳ​ອິດ​ຂອງ​ລະ​ບົບ​ຫາຍ​ໃຈ
  1. ນ້ຳ​ມູກ​ໄຫຼ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດ
  2. ອົກ​ຊ​ີ​ແຊນ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດ
  3. ອາ​ການ​ຫາຍ​ໃຈ​ຝືດ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດ
  4. ເປັ​ນ​ຫົ​ວ​ໜ່ວຍ​ພື້ນ​ຖານ​ຂອງ​ລະ​ບົບ​ຫາຍ​ໃຈ
  5. ເປັ​ນ​ອະ​ໄວ​ຍະ​ວະຫຼັກ​ຂອງ​ການ​ຫາຍ​ໃຈ

10 Clues: ສູບ​ຢາ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດເຈັບ​ຄໍ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດນ້ຳ​ມູກ​ໄຫຼ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດອົກ​ຊ​ີ​ແຊນ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດພາ​ວະ​ເຍື່ອ​ຫຸ້ມ​ປອດ​ອັກ​ເສບໂລກ​ປອດ​ອັກ​ເສບ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດອາ​ການ​ຫາຍ​ໃຈ​ຝືດ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດເປັ​ນ​ອະ​ໄວ​ຍະ​ວະຫຼັກ​ຂອງ​ການ​ຫາຍ​ໃຈເປັນ​ອະ​ໄວ​ຍະ​ວະ​ທຳ​ອິດ​ຂອງ​ລະ​ບົບ​ຫາຍ​ໃຈເປັ​ນ​ຫົ​ວ​ໜ່ວຍ​ພື້ນ​ຖານ​ຂອງ​ລະ​ບົບ​ຫາຍ​ໃຈ

Respiratory system 2023-09-16

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. ເຈັບ​ຄໍ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດ
  2. ໂລກ​ປອດ​ອັກ​ເສບ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດ
  3. ພາ​ວະ​ເຍື່ອ​ຫຸ້ມ​ປອດ​ອັກ​ເສບ
  4. ສູບ​ຢາ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດ
  5. ເປັນ​ອະ​ໄວ​ຍະ​ວະ​ທຳ​ອິດ​ຂອງ​ລະ​ບົບ​ຫາຍ​ໃຈ
  1. ນ້ຳ​ມູກ​ໄຫຼ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດ
  2. ອົກ​ຊ​ີ​ແຊນ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດ
  3. ອາ​ການ​ຫາຍ​ໃຈ​ຝືດ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດ
  4. ເປັ​ນ​ຫົ​ວ​ໜ່ວຍ​ພື້ນ​ຖານ​ຂອງ​ລະ​ບົບ​ຫາຍ​ໃຈ
  5. ເປັ​ນ​ອະ​ໄວ​ຍະ​ວະຫຼັກ​ຂອງ​ການ​ຫາຍ​ໃຈ

10 Clues: ສູບ​ຢາ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດເຈັບ​ຄໍ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດນ້ຳ​ມູກ​ໄຫຼ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດອົກ​ຊ​ີ​ແຊນ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດພາ​ວະ​ເຍື່ອ​ຫຸ້ມ​ປອດ​ອັກ​ເສບໂລກ​ປອດ​ອັກ​ເສບ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດອາ​ການ​ຫາຍ​ໃຈ​ຝືດ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດເປັ​ນ​ອະ​ໄວ​ຍະ​ວະຫຼັກ​ຂອງ​ການ​ຫາຍ​ໃຈເປັນ​ອະ​ໄວ​ຍະ​ວະ​ທຳ​ອິດ​ຂອງ​ລະ​ບົບ​ຫາຍ​ໃຈເປັ​ນ​ຫົ​ວ​ໜ່ວຍ​ພື້ນ​ຖານ​ຂອງ​ລະ​ບົບ​ຫາຍ​ໃຈ

Respiratory System 2024-05-17

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. structures that are responsible for breathing
  2. the windpipe
  3. the flap of tissue that separates the larynx and pharynx
  4. a respiratory disease that can be treated with antibiotics
  5. structures with alveoli at the end
  1. structures that branch off from the trachea
  2. structures that exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide
  3. the muscle that helps the lungs expand and contract
  4. one way to keep the respiratory system healthy
  5. the gas taken into the body by the lungs

10 Clues: the windpipestructures with alveoli at the endthe gas taken into the body by the lungsstructures that branch off from the tracheastructures that are responsible for breathingone way to keep the respiratory system healthystructures that exchange oxygen and carbon dioxidethe muscle that helps the lungs expand and contract...


RESPIRATORY SYSTEM crossword puzzle
  1. closes the entrance into the larynx during swallowing
  2. connects the pharynx to the trachea
  3. sensory organ that detects pheromones
  4. type of cartilage in the larynx that forms the adam's apple in man
  5. another name of cranial lobe
  6. type of bronchi that supplies the lobes
  1. midline groove in the upper lip that runs from the top of the lip to the nose.
  2. number of lobes in the left lung
  3. another name of middle lobe
  4. consists of a series of C-shaped hyaline cartilage

10 Clues: another name of middle lobeanother name of cranial lobenumber of lobes in the left lungconnects the pharynx to the tracheasensory organ that detects pheromonestype of bronchi that supplies the lobesconsists of a series of C-shaped hyaline cartilagecloses the entrance into the larynx during swallowing...

Body system 2018-04-18

Body system crossword puzzle
  1. A point where two bones meet in the body
  2. The system helps you move your body.
  3. This system helps you feel and react quickly.
  4. The system helps pump blood through your body.
  5. This system protects and supports the body
  1. This system helps you breathe and bring oxygen in your body.
  2. Name the main part of the respiratory system.
  3. The system helps digest and store food.
  4. Name 2 main parts of the skeletal system.
  5. Name 2 main parts of the skeletal system.

10 Clues: The system helps you move your body.The system helps digest and store food.A point where two bones meet in the bodyName 2 main parts of the skeletal system.Name 2 main parts of the skeletal system.This system protects and supports the bodyName the main part of the respiratory system.This system helps you feel and react quickly....

Organ Systems 2016-03-16

Organ Systems crossword puzzle
  1. Responds to changes in the body
  2. Apart of the Lymphatic system
  3. Protects body organs
  4. Supplies blood with oxygen
  5. Forms the external body covering
  6. Helps bring the oxygen into the body
  7. Integumentary system is made of this
  8. Transports materials in the body
  9. Regulates hormones
  10. Female part of the endocrine system
  11. Apart of the skeletal system
  1. Pumps the blood
  2. Controlled by the nervous system
  3. Produces heat
  4. Muscular system allows these to move
  5. Breaks down food
  6. Helps filter the urine
  7. Returns fluids to blood vessels
  8. The female part that is needed for reproduction
  9. Production of offspring
  10. Place where the food is digested
  11. Maintains acids

22 Clues: Produces heatPumps the bloodMaintains acidsBreaks down foodRegulates hormonesProtects body organsHelps filter the urineProduction of offspringSupplies blood with oxygenApart of the skeletal systemApart of the Lymphatic systemResponds to changes in the bodyReturns fluids to blood vesselsControlled by the nervous system...

Respiratory System Crossword 2014-04-02

Respiratory System Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a protective coating
  2. the passages that branch from the trachea and direct
  3. one of the tubules forming the respiratory system of most insects
  4. into the lungs
  5. Cavity the cavity behind the nose and above the roof of the mouth
  6. is a sheet of muscles in the chest cavity
  7. two spongy organs, located in the thoracic cavity
  1. hair like tubes that are in the primary bronchus
  2. being able to pass air in and out of our lungs normally
  3. gases between air and blood
  4. smaller tubes branches of the airway
  5. the throat; passageway for food to the esophagus
  6. voice box, passageway for air moving from pharynx to the trachea
  7. pumps carbon out of the lungs and oxygen into the lungs
  8. air to the larynx
  9. tiny sacs of lung tissue made for the movement

16 Clues: into the lungsair to the larynxa protective coatinggases between air and bloodsmaller tubes branches of the airwayis a sheet of muscles in the chest cavitytiny sacs of lung tissue made for the movementhair like tubes that are in the primary bronchusthe throat; passageway for food to the esophagustwo spongy organs, located in the thoracic cavity...

The Respiratory System 2017-04-29

The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Connects the alveoli to the bronchi
  2. Is c-shaped and found in the windpipe to keep it open
  3. Warms air and filters it as it enters the body
  4. A process where gases move from high to low concentration
  5. The process of letting air out
  6. Bones which protect the lungs from damage
  7. A muscle which flattens to allow inhalation
  8. A sac where gaseous exchange occurs
  9. Another name for the throat
  10. Air we breathe in is rich in this gas
  1. Takes air from the trachea into the lung
  2. Line the windpipe and removes dust from inhaled air
  3. Air we breathe out is rich in this gas
  4. The process of taking air in
  5. The windpipe, takes air to the lung
  6. The voice box

16 Clues: The voice boxAnother name for the throatThe process of taking air inThe process of letting air outConnects the alveoli to the bronchiThe windpipe, takes air to the lungA sac where gaseous exchange occursAir we breathe in is rich in this gasAir we breathe out is rich in this gasTakes air from the trachea into the lung...

The Respiratory System 2021-11-02

The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. study of the respiratory system
  2. air spaces found in the cranium
  3. tip of nose composed of this type of tissue
  4. Membrane surrounding lung
  5. muscles between the ribs
  6. Tiny hairs found in the nose
  7. Correct name for throat
  1. expelling or getting rid of air
  2. large muscle the ribcage sits on
  3. taking air into the body
  4. tissue that closes over trachea when eating
  5. air sacs in the lungs
  6. inflammation of bronchial tubes
  7. name for structure which divides nose into 2
  8. Correct name for windpipe
  9. Correct name for voicebox

16 Clues: air sacs in the lungsCorrect name for throattaking air into the bodymuscles between the ribsMembrane surrounding lungCorrect name for windpipeCorrect name for voiceboxTiny hairs found in the noseexpelling or getting rid of airstudy of the respiratory systemair spaces found in the craniuminflammation of bronchial tubes...

The Respiratory System 2022-04-29

The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. pharyngitis
  2. the separating wall between right and left nasal cavities in the nasal septum
  3. the voice box, made mostly of cartilage
  4. the one quart of air you keep in your lungs
  5. the cold is a _____
  6. another word for 'nostrils'
  7. tiny hair-like projections on mucosa that propel mucus upward
  8. breathing air out
  9. cells that make mucus
  10. made of 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen
  1. the medical term for the throat
  2. found at the back of the throat, these are lumps of tissue that fight infection for you
  3. blowing too hard can force mucus up the Eustachian tube and cause a ______________
  4. breathing air in
  5. when tonsils swell to fight off disease
  6. the sinus is connected to the nose through a tiny hole called the ______

16 Clues: pharyngitisbreathing air inbreathing air outthe cold is a _____cells that make mucusanother word for 'nostrils'the medical term for the throatmade of 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygenwhen tonsils swell to fight off diseasethe voice box, made mostly of cartilagethe one quart of air you keep in your lungs...

Respiratory System 2022 2022-03-08

Respiratory System 2022 crossword puzzle
  1. the ___ respiratory system is responsible for cleaning, humidifying and warming incoming air
  2. opposition to gas flow
  3. comprised of an alveolar epithelial cell, a capillary endothelial cell fused together by a basement membrane
  4. small holes in alveoli that allow air pressure to be equalised between alveoli
  5. the phase of air moving out of the lungs
  6. secreted by type II alveolar epithelial cells
  7. measure of the ability of the lungs/thoracic cavity to stretch
  8. this circulation provides oxygenated blood to all lung tissue (except alveoli)
  9. pulmonary disorder caused by decreased compliance of lungs or thoracic wall
  10. membrane covering the outside of the lungs
  1. when lung volume increases, pressure ___
  2. generates turbulence in incoming air
  3. routes air and food into proper channels
  4. the zone of the respiratory system where gas exchange occurs
  5. windpipe, supported by c-shaped cartilage rings
  6. the phase of air moving into the lungs

16 Clues: opposition to gas flowgenerates turbulence in incoming airthe phase of air moving into the lungswhen lung volume increases, pressure ___routes air and food into proper channelsthe phase of air moving out of the lungsmembrane covering the outside of the lungssecreted by type II alveolar epithelial cellswindpipe, supported by c-shaped cartilage rings...

The Respiratory System 2022-12-08

The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. the process by which lungs provide oxygen to body tissues and dispose of carbon dioxide
  2. voice box
  3. The muscle that pumps blood received from veins into arteries throughout the body
  4. any of the many tiny air sacs of the lungs which allow for rapid gaseous exchange
  5. the network of organs and tissues that help you breathe
  6. large organs that occupy almost the entire thoracic cavity
  7. the space behind the nose
  1. the process by which air flows into the lungs
  2. infection of the lungs
  3. passageway that transport food, liquids, and air
  4. external opening for breathing
  5. dome shaped muscle that sits between the thoracic and abdominal cavity
  6. the windpipe
  7. life-supporting component of the air
  8. flap between mouth and larynx;keeps food from entering into trachea
  9. any of the major air passages of the lungs which diverge from the windpipe

16 Clues: voice boxthe windpipeinfection of the lungsthe space behind the noseexternal opening for breathinglife-supporting component of the airthe process by which air flows into the lungspassageway that transport food, liquids, and airthe network of organs and tissues that help you breathelarge organs that occupy almost the entire thoracic cavity...

The Respiratory System 2017-05-09

The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. this is when your diaphragm contracts, your lungs compress, and carbon dioxide is forced out of the body
  2. the muscle that helps the lungs expand and contract
  3. this tissue is arranged in rings within the respiratory system to support the trachea and bronchi
  4. this human body system controls breathing so you don't have to think about it (2 words)
  5. when you inhale this gas diffuses into your lungs
  6. this structure is part of the skeletal system, it protects the lungs
  7. tiny sacs of air with lots of surface area for gas exchange
  8. this process is how oxygen and carbon dioxide move in between the alveoli and blood stream
  1. moistens, filters, and warms air
  2. carries air to the lungs
  3. the function of this structure is to prevent food and drinks from entering the lungs
  4. this gas is a waste product that is removed from the blood (2 words)
  5. this body system transports oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body
  6. the protein in red blood cells that makes blood red
  7. where oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse in and out of the blood
  8. lung texture

16 Clues: lung texturecarries air to the lungsmoistens, filters, and warms airwhen you inhale this gas diffuses into your lungsthe muscle that helps the lungs expand and contractthe protein in red blood cells that makes blood redtiny sacs of air with lots of surface area for gas exchangewhere oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse in and out of the blood...

The Respiratory System 2021-03-29

The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. your body's reaction to your brain needing oxygen
  2. breathing in
  3. the body must do this to get oxygen to cells
  4. carry oxygen to the cells
  5. the pulling/pushing muscle that makes you breathe
  6. the gas we need to breathe out
  7. we have 2 of these breathing organs (the right one is smaller!)
  1. the gas we need to breathe in
  2. also known as air sacs
  3. a nighttime activity when your body needs less oxygen
  4. the bones that protect the lungs
  5. breathing out
  6. lines the respiratory system
  7. the breathing tube -also known as the windpipe
  8. your backup breathing system
  9. the hairs that help to trap dust, bacteria...

16 Clues: breathing inbreathing outalso known as air sacscarry oxygen to the cellslines the respiratory systemyour backup breathing systemthe gas we need to breathe inthe gas we need to breathe outthe bones that protect the lungsthe body must do this to get oxygen to cellsthe hairs that help to trap dust, bacteria......

Immune & Respiratory System 2023-10-04

Immune & Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. A place where lymphocyte first encounters an antigen
  2. Site of gas exchange in the lungs
  3. The resistance of members within a population to a disease
  4. The concentration of circulating antibody to a specific antigen
  5. Predominant antibody in other fluids (other than blood), can cross the placenta causing hemolytic disease of newborn, participates in all types of antibody reactions
  6. antibodies, not directly getting sick, (can be transferred from mother to fetus via placenta or breastfeeding)
  1. The act of air coming in and out of the lungs
  2. This results in the destruction of a pathogen before the onset of symptoms
  3. Upper respiratory structures make up this part of the respiratory system
  4. Weakened or dead components of a microorganism to stimulate the production of antibodies in the immune system
  5. A nonspecific immune cell that looks for and destroys unwanted cells
  6. Mostly in blood, agglutination processes functions in rejection of mismatched transfusions
  7. Direct encounter with pathogen, being sick or getting vaccine
  8. Results in the formation of a long-lived army of lymphocytes upon immune activation
  9. Involves memory lymphocytes, shorter than primary response
  10. Disease involving the destruction of helper T-cells, high susceptibility to other illnesses, resides in body fluids

16 Clues: Site of gas exchange in the lungsThe act of air coming in and out of the lungsA place where lymphocyte first encounters an antigenThe resistance of members within a population to a diseaseInvolves memory lymphocytes, shorter than primary responseDirect encounter with pathogen, being sick or getting vaccine...

The respiratory system 2024-04-23

The respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. percussion clapping the chest to drain the lungs
  2. inflammation of the lining of the bronchi
  3. disease that occurs when the full course of medication is not taken for TB
  4. coughing up blood from the respiratory tract
  5. main organs responsible for the exchange of oxygen
  6. exhaling air out of the lungs
  7. inflammatory disease;difficulty breathing
  1. when the bronchi become dilated
  2. air passage that goes from the throat to the bronchi
  3. process of inhaling and exhaling air into the lungs
  4. chronic lung disease causes difficulty breathing
  5. branches of the passage
  6. lung disease in which alveoli in the lungs become filled with trapped air
  7. mucus coughed from the lungs
  8. inhaling air out of the lungs
  9. grape-like sacs in the lungs

16 Clues: branches of the passagemucus coughed from the lungsgrape-like sacs in the lungsinhaling air out of the lungsexhaling air out of the lungswhen the bronchi become dilatedinflammation of the lining of the bronchiinflammatory disease;difficulty breathingcoughing up blood from the respiratory tractchronic lung disease causes difficulty breathing...

Respiratory System Crossword 2024-08-08

Respiratory System Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. When the muscles are working and getting shorter
  2. The name for the substances that are reacted together
  3. The chemical reaction that releases energy from glucose
  4. Scientific name for breathing out
  5. The useful product released during respiration
  6. A place in cell where aerobic respiration happens
  1. Muscles found between the ribs
  2. A reactant during respiration, we breathe it in
  3. A reactant where the energy is stored before
  4. Scientific name for breathing in
  5. The name for what is produced in a chemical reaction
  6. Waste product of respiration
  7. Bones that protect the lungs
  8. A product during respiration, we drink it
  9. When the muscles are at rest and return to normal size
  10. When we breathe in, this contracts and moves down pulling air into the lungs

16 Clues: Waste product of respirationBones that protect the lungsMuscles found between the ribsScientific name for breathing inScientific name for breathing outA product during respiration, we drink itA reactant where the energy is stored beforeThe useful product released during respirationA reactant during respiration, we breathe it in...

6th grade science 2024-06-12

6th grade science crossword puzzle
  1. reproductions two parents
  2. air
  3. feature or body parts that helps an organism survive
  4. system blood carries oxygen to all cells/organs
  5. system protects organs
  6. system control center
  7. all water on Earth
  1. reproduction one parent
  2. actions or things organism need do to survive
  3. system brings in oxygen
  4. Special features that help animals survive in certain conditions
  5. All living things
  6. system gets rid of waste
  7. system muscles allow our bodies to move
  8. ground

15 Clues: airgroundAll living thingsall water on Earthreproduction one parentsystem brings in oxygenreproductions two parentssystem protects organssystem control centersystem gets rid of wasteactions or things organism need do to survivesystem muscles allow our bodies to movesystem blood carries oxygen to all cells/organs...

SCI7B 5.18 Unit Test Study Guide 2024-05-15

SCI7B 5.18 Unit Test Study Guide crossword puzzle
  1. the excretory system is responsible for removing
  2. cells that perform a specific function in an organism are
  3. the digestive system is responsible for breaking down
  4. this system is responsible for the transportation of oxygen throughout the system
  1. the part of the human respiratory system where oxygen exchange take place
  2. this system is responsible for breathing, exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
  3. this system is responsible for providing structure and support as well as protect organs
  4. this organism has a central brain
  5. this system is responsible for providing movement of the body
  6. this organism has a nerve net system

10 Clues: this organism has a central brainthis organism has a nerve net systemthe excretory system is responsible for removingthe digestive system is responsible for breaking downcells that perform a specific function in an organism arethis system is responsible for providing movement of the body...

body systems and homeostasis 2023-02-27

body systems and homeostasis crossword puzzle
  1. Respiration Inhale and exhale of gases by the respiratory system
  2. A tendency to maintain a balanced or constant internal state
  3. Equilibrium Result of diffusion where there is continuous movement of particles but no overall change in concentration
  4. Digestion Process by which enzymes break down food into small molecules that the body can use.
  5. An organ found in air-breathing vertebrates that exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide with the blood.
  6. Make up most of the great length of the bodies blood vessels; overall resistance is low so blood flows very slowly, allowing time for oxygen and nutrients to leave blood vessels and enter body tissues.
  7. Tiny sacs, with walls only a single cell layer thick found at the end of the respiratory bronchiole tree. Alveoli are the site of gas exchange in the respiratory system.
  8. System Brings oxygen into the body and removes CO2, includes nose, trachea, and lungs
  1. Digestion Physical breakdown of large pieces of food into smaller pieces.
  2. System Group of organs including the kidneys, liver, skin, intestines, and lungs that purify the body by the elimination of waste matter.
  3. to carry or move from one place to another
  4. The process by which nutrient molecules pass through the wall of the digestive system into the blood.
  5. A hollow, muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body.
  6. Exchange Breathing,transport of gases, and exchange of gases with tissue cells; Provides O2 for cellular respiration and removes its waste product, CO2.
  7. Intestines Organ where most chemical digestion and absorption takes place..
  8. System This system works as the transportation highway for the body. It consists of the heart, blood, and blood vessels. It transports substances such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nutrients in the body
  9. to pass solid or liquid matter from the body.
  10. System Breaks down food into absorbable units that enter the blood for distribution to body cells
  11. Filters waste from the blood like urea, water, salt and proteins
  12. Finger like extensions of the intestinal mucosa that increase the surface area for absorption

20 Clues: to carry or move from one place to anotherto pass solid or liquid matter from the body.A tendency to maintain a balanced or constant internal stateA hollow, muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body.Filters waste from the blood like urea, water, salt and proteinsRespiration Inhale and exhale of gases by the respiratory system...

Science Body Systems Crossword (2B) 2024-01-24

Science Body Systems Crossword (2B) crossword puzzle
  1. The system that supports your body
  2. the process of breaking down food
  3. The system that helps your body breathe
  4. breaking down food using enzymes
  5. The system that pumps blood throughout your body
  6. The system that helps your body regulate it's metabolism
  7. part of the excretory system
  8. The main male organ in the endocrine system
  1. The system that fights off your body's infections
  2. the system that gets rid of waste
  3. physically breaking down food
  4. Ventricle The largest and strongest chamber in your heart
  5. the fluid portion of blood
  6. what connects the kidney and urinary bladder
  7. the system that sends nutrients to the circulatory system
  8. houses an embryo/fetus
  9. distributed from the endocrine system
  10. Your body's control system

18 Clues: houses an embryo/fetusthe fluid portion of bloodYour body's control systempart of the excretory systemphysically breaking down foodbreaking down food using enzymesthe system that gets rid of wastethe process of breaking down foodThe system that supports your bodydistributed from the endocrine systemThe system that helps your body breathe...

Role of the Autonomic Nervous System in the Lung 2015-10-04

Role of the Autonomic Nervous System in the Lung crossword puzzle
  1. Expiration, is controlled and monitored by the _________ Medulla?
  2. Respiratory Peripheral Chemoreceptors located near the common carotid artery bifurcation are said to the localised in ________ bodies.
  3. When the above lung receptors are stimulated in the intrapulmonary bronchi they cause reflex bronchial and laryngeal constriction as well as __________ (deep inhalation).
  4. Neurones located in the dorsal medulla are responsible for controlling the gaseous exchange phase of respiration called __?
  5. This type of lung receptor is only stimulated by exposure to irritants.
  6. pH Changes in _________ fluid are detected by central chemoreceptors.
  7. This particular group of chemoreceptors of the respiratory system are sensitive to blood paO2 and paCO2 variations. In hypoxic/hypercapnia situation they stimulate ventilation.
  8. Once hypoxia is detected by the peripheral chemoreceptors in the aortic bodies, this receptors are then stimulated to send nerve impulses using an afferent fibres via the ________ nerve to the respiratory centre.
  1. During chest inspiration (expansion, stretching and decreasing lung volume) these pulmonary __________ receptors are stimulated to send impulses via vagal nerves to the respiratory centre to stimulate ventilation. (Hering-Breuer Lung Inflation Reflex).
  2. The respiratory centre responsible for controlling breathing is situated at the _______ of the brainstem.
  3. The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems’ preganglionic fibres release the Neurotransmitter (NT) Acetylcholine (Ach) which stimulate which specific Ach-Receptors?
  4. Apneustic and Pneumotaxic centres aid the main respiratory centre in controlling the rhythm of breathing. Where are these two centres located?
  5. Apart from muscle stretch receptors which can be stimulate breathing during expiration as the respiratory demand is greater. What other receptors found outside the respiratory system can stimulate ventilation?

13 Clues: Expiration, is controlled and monitored by the _________ Medulla?pH Changes in _________ fluid are detected by central chemoreceptors.This type of lung receptor is only stimulated by exposure to irritants.The respiratory centre responsible for controlling breathing is situated at the _______ of the brainstem....

Body System Crossword Puzzle 2022-09-29

Body System Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. -it dumps waste inside the body
  2. -it helps us exercise, reach, jump, and run.
  3. -is our skin and nails and hair
  4. -it helps us breathe
  5. -part of the respiratory system, and helps us breathe.
  6. -another part of the circulatory system, and gives signals throughout the body.
  1. -balanced;unchanging
  2. -it pumps blood around the body
  3. -it helps us move and flex
  4. -part of the Integumentary system.

10 Clues: -balanced;unchanging-it helps us breathe-it helps us move and flex-it dumps waste inside the body-it pumps blood around the body-is our skin and nails and hair-part of the Integumentary system.-it helps us exercise, reach, jump, and run.-part of the respiratory system, and helps us breathe....

Miscellaneous: Body systems and homeostasis 2022-03-18

Miscellaneous: Body systems and homeostasis crossword puzzle
  1. the break down of food in stomach
  2. exchange of carbon and oxygen in the body
  3. produces offspring
  4. when all body systems are stable
  5. uses enzymes to break down food
  6. located in muscle, skin, and fat
  7. makes hormones
  8. carries blood too and from the heart
  9. made of actin and myosin
  1. carry oxygenated blood to organs
  2. made of muscle fibers contracting
  3. known as the ¨body messenger¨
  4. transport blood to the heart
  5. known as the ¨Central frame work¨
  6. known as the ¨chemical messenger¨
  7. mechanically breaks down food
  8. internal, physical, and chemical stability
  9. examples are skeletal,smooth, and cardiac
  10. network made of glands and organs
  11. the process that gets ride of waste

20 Clues: makes hormonesproduces offspringmade of actin and myosintransport blood to the heartknown as the ¨body messenger¨mechanically breaks down fooduses enzymes to break down foodcarry oxygenated blood to organswhen all body systems are stablelocated in muscle, skin, and fatmade of muscle fibers contractingthe break down of food in stomach...

Miscellaneous: Body systems and homeostasis 2022-03-18

Miscellaneous: Body systems and homeostasis crossword puzzle
  1. makes hormones
  2. when all body systems are stable
  3. exchange of carbon and oxygen in the body
  4. located in muscle, skin, and fat
  5. carry oxygenated blood to organs
  6. transport blood to the heart
  7. internal, physical, and chemical stability
  8. the process that gets ride of waste
  9. made of muscle fibers contracting
  10. made of actin and myosin
  11. examples are skeletal,smooth, and cardiac
  1. uses enzymes to break down food
  2. produces offspring
  3. mechanically breaks down food
  4. known as the ¨body messenger¨
  5. known as the ¨Central frame work¨
  6. known as the ¨chemical messenger¨
  7. carries blood too and from the heart
  8. network made of glands and organs
  9. the break down of food in stomach

20 Clues: makes hormonesproduces offspringmade of actin and myosintransport blood to the heartmechanically breaks down foodknown as the ¨body messenger¨uses enzymes to break down foodwhen all body systems are stablelocated in muscle, skin, and fatcarry oxygenated blood to organsknown as the ¨Central frame work¨known as the ¨chemical messenger¨...

Miscellaneous: Body systems and homeostasis 2022-03-17

Miscellaneous: Body systems and homeostasis crossword puzzle
  1. makes hormones
  2. when all body systems are stable
  3. exchange of carbon and oxygen in the body
  4. located in muscle, skin, and fat
  5. carry oxygenated blood to organs
  6. transport blood to the heart
  7. internal, physical, and chemical stability
  8. the process that gets ride of waste
  9. made of muscle fibers contracting
  10. made of actin and myosin
  11. examples are skeletal,smooth, and cardiac
  1. uses enzymes to break down food
  2. produces offspring
  3. mechanically breaks down food
  4. known as the ¨body messenger¨
  5. known as the ¨Central frame work¨
  6. known as the ¨chemical messenger¨
  7. carries blood too and from the heart
  8. network made of glands and organs
  9. the break down of food in stomach

20 Clues: makes hormonesproduces offspringmade of actin and myosintransport blood to the heartmechanically breaks down foodknown as the ¨body messenger¨uses enzymes to break down foodwhen all body systems are stablelocated in muscle, skin, and fatcarry oxygenated blood to organsknown as the ¨Central frame work¨known as the ¨chemical messenger¨...

Miscellaneous: Body systems and homeostasis 2022-03-18

Miscellaneous: Body systems and homeostasis crossword puzzle
  1. makes hormones
  2. when all body systems are stable
  3. exchange of carbon and oxygen in the body
  4. located in muscle, skin, and fat
  5. carry oxygenated blood to organs
  6. transport blood to the heart
  7. internal, physical, and chemical stability
  8. the process that gets ride of waste
  9. made of muscle fibers contracting
  10. made of actin and myosin
  11. examples are skeletal,smooth, and cardiac
  1. uses enzymes to break down food
  2. produces offspring
  3. mechanically breaks down food
  4. known as the ¨body messenger¨
  5. known as the ¨Central frame work¨
  6. known as the ¨chemical messenger¨
  7. carries blood too and from the heart
  8. network made of glands and organs
  9. the break down of food in stomach

20 Clues: makes hormonesproduces offspringmade of actin and myosintransport blood to the heartmechanically breaks down foodknown as the ¨body messenger¨uses enzymes to break down foodwhen all body systems are stablelocated in muscle, skin, and fatcarry oxygenated blood to organsknown as the ¨Central frame work¨known as the ¨chemical messenger¨...

Unit 4 The Age of Exploration 2022-09-29

Unit 4 The Age of Exploration crossword puzzle
  1. island occupied by haiti
  2. mapmaking
  3. any map of stars/galaxies
  4. slave raids
  5. ruler of inca
  6. spanihs soldiers
  7. dish of okra and rice
  8. economic system
  9. technological improvements
  10. town for trading post
  11. spanish ships
  1. royal courts
  2. spanish commercial center
  3. chocolate beans
  4. animals used to travel on land
  5. heritage
  6. settlement on the james river
  7. tropical grass
  8. slave raids
  9. corn
  10. act as administartors
  11. pathogen spread in respiratory system

22 Clues: cornheritagemapmakingslave raidsslave raidsroyal courtsruler of incaspanish shipstropical grasschocolate beanseconomic systemspanihs soldiersdish of okra and riceact as administartorstown for trading postisland occupied by haitispanish commercial centerany map of stars/galaxiestechnological improvementssettlement on the james river...

Respiratory system 2017-03-11

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. Surgical removal of part of the pleura
  2. Paralysis of the larynx
  3. Bleeding from the nose that is usually caused by an injury
  4. Collapse of part or all of a lung by blockage of the air passages or by very shallow breathing
  5. Accumulation of air in the pleural space
  6. Abnormal buildup of carbon dioxide in the blood
  7. Chronic allergic disorder characterized by episodes of severe breathing difficulty, coughing, and wheezing
  1. Surgical puncture of the chest wall with a needle to obtain fluid from the pleura cavity
  2. Watery flow of mucus from the nose
  3. Also known as the voice box

10 Clues: Paralysis of the larynxAlso known as the voice boxWatery flow of mucus from the noseSurgical removal of part of the pleuraAccumulation of air in the pleural spaceAbnormal buildup of carbon dioxide in the bloodBleeding from the nose that is usually caused by an injury...

Respiratory system 2017-11-29

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. it contracts the volume of the thoracic cavity
  2. transfer blood
  3. chews and mixes food with saliva
  4. the real name is trachea
  5. the pathway of movement of food
  6. the most important job is to provide oxygen to the capillaries
  1. they are extensions of your windpipe
  2. the functioning to warm, moisturize and filter air entering the body
  3. it houses the vocal cords
  4. air comes into the through it

10 Clues: transfer bloodthe real name is tracheait houses the vocal cordsair comes into the through itthe pathway of movement of foodchews and mixes food with salivathey are extensions of your windpipeit contracts the volume of the thoracic cavitythe most important job is to provide oxygen to the capillaries...

Respiratory System 2013-10-22

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Term for "Blood in sputum"
  2. type of aerosol inhaler
  3. used to help with inhaler medication
  4. Common sign seen in hands
  1. linear depression of the lower ribs -_____'s sulcus
  2. Flapping tremor
  3. Term for "Shortness of Breath"
  4. abnormal downward movement of the trachea
  5. One of the accessory muscles of respiration in the neck
  6. Pectus carinatum: _____ chest

10 Clues: Flapping tremortype of aerosol inhalerCommon sign seen in handsTerm for "Blood in sputum"Pectus carinatum: _____ chestTerm for "Shortness of Breath"used to help with inhaler medicationabnormal downward movement of the trachealinear depression of the lower ribs -_____'s sulcusOne of the accessory muscles of respiration in the neck

Respiratory System 2014-03-24

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. cavity / its filled with teeth
  2. / the process taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide
  3. / the first pipe in which the oxygen goes through
  4. / on top of the bronchus
  5. / the second pipe in which the oxygen goes through
  1. / you have taste buds on it
  2. / one of the main organs in the body; they can be affected by smoking.
  3. / under the lungs; under your ribs
  4. / the pipe that divides into 2 leading into the lungs
  5. cavity / another name for your nose when breathing

10 Clues: / on top of the bronchus/ you have taste buds on itcavity / its filled with teeth/ under the lungs; under your ribs/ the first pipe in which the oxygen goes through/ the second pipe in which the oxygen goes throughcavity / another name for your nose when breathing/ the pipe that divides into 2 leading into the lungs...

Respiratory System 2014-03-24

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. /the second pipe in which the oxygen goes through
  2. /another name for your nose when breathing
  3. /the process taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide
  4. /on top of the bronchus
  5. /you have taste buds on it
  1. /under the lungs; under your ribs
  2. /one of the main organs in the body; they can be affected by smoking.
  3. /the first pipe in which the oxygen goes through
  4. /its filled with teeth
  5. /the pipe that divides into 2 leading into the lungs

10 Clues: /its filled with teeth/on top of the bronchus/you have taste buds on it/under the lungs; under your ribs/another name for your nose when breathing/the first pipe in which the oxygen goes through/the second pipe in which the oxygen goes through/the pipe that divides into 2 leading into the lungs...

Respiratory System 2014-01-14

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. System This system is a group of organs that supplys oxygen to the body.
  2. Tissue This tissue has two main functions: sensing motivation and sending impules throught out the body as a response.
  3. Tissue This tissue is made up of muscle cells that make it expand and contract.
  4. Exchange The respirattory system is mainly used for this.
  5. Pipe This takes air from the nose or the mouth to the lungs.
  6. vessels These carry blood, nutrients, hormones and other important sumstances throught body cells.
  1. Body This is where the respiratory system and all other systems stay in one place
  2. Tissue This tissue connects parts of you body together.
  3. Tissue Your skin is composed of this tissue.
  4. You have two of these, and the carry oxygen in to the body and carbon dioxide out.

10 Clues: Tissue Your skin is composed of this tissue.Tissue This tissue connects parts of you body together.Exchange The respirattory system is mainly used for this.Pipe This takes air from the nose or the mouth to the lungs.System This system is a group of organs that supplys oxygen to the body....

Respiratory system 2021-03-12

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. Tobacco smoke contains carbon monoxide. What problem does this cause?
  2. During exercise, what happens to breathing in humans?
  3. What are the tiny air sacs in the lungs called?
  4. two structures does the trachea lead to in lungs?
  1. What happens when we exhale (breathe out)?
  2. What happens during gas exchange in the lungs?
  3. what do we inhale?
  4. what happens when we are at rest to our heart rate?
  5. what is the other name for wind pipe?
  6. When we inhale (breathe in), what happens to the pressure in the thorax?

10 Clues: what do we inhale?what is the other name for wind pipe?What happens when we exhale (breathe out)?What happens during gas exchange in the lungs?What are the tiny air sacs in the lungs called?two structures does the trachea lead to in lungs?what happens when we are at rest to our heart rate?During exercise, what happens to breathing in humans?...

respiratory system 2021-03-12

respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. muscles used for breathing
  2. the air goes from the path to the lungs
  3. organ at back of mouth that allows passage of food and air
  4. gas needed for respiration
  5. air sacs
  1. large tube to each lungs
  2. wind pipe
  3. voice box
  4. the lungs is protect by
  5. tubes from trachea to lungs

10 Clues: air sacswind pipevoice boxthe lungs is protect bylarge tube to each lungsmuscles used for breathinggas needed for respirationtubes from trachea to lungsthe air goes from the path to the lungsorgan at back of mouth that allows passage of food and air

Respiratory System 2022-01-03

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. windpipe
  2. how often you breathe in a minute
  3. muscle separating the chest and abdomen
  4. the amount of oxygen present in the blood
  5. the process of moving from high to low
  1. released during exhalation
  2. a smaller branch from the bronchi
  3. back of throat
  4. bringing oxygen into the body
  5. the energy produced during cellular respiration

10 Clues: windpipeback of throatreleased during exhalationbringing oxygen into the bodya smaller branch from the bronchihow often you breathe in a minutethe process of moving from high to lowmuscle separating the chest and abdomenthe amount of oxygen present in the bloodthe energy produced during cellular respiration

Respiratory system 2022-03-18

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. Heart
  2. Diagram
  3. Alveoli
  4. Lungs
  5. Nasal
  1. Trachea
  2. bronchioles
  3. Larynx
  4. Bronchus
  5. Oral

10 Clues: OralHeartLungsNasalLarynxTracheaDiagramAlveoliBronchusbronchioles

Respiratory System 2022-08-13

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Smallest section of the bronchi.
  2. Hollow spaces in the bones of head.
  3. Contains vocal cords
  4. Lymph nodes in the wall of pharynx.
  5. Separates chest cavity from abdominal cavity.
  1. Passage from pharynx to the lungs.
  2. The bronchial tubes are lined with.
  3. Airways lacking any cartilaginous support.
  4. From mouth and throat to stomach.
  5. Tissue flap at the entrance to the trachea
  6. Air sacs that are the destination of air that we breath

11 Clues: Contains vocal cordsSmallest section of the bronchi.From mouth and throat to stomach.Passage from pharynx to the lungs.The bronchial tubes are lined with.Hollow spaces in the bones of head.Lymph nodes in the wall of pharynx.Airways lacking any cartilaginous support.Tissue flap at the entrance to the trachea...

Respiratory System 2022-05-18

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. inlfammation
  2. bleeding
  3. runny nose
  4. allergy
  5. smooth muscle contraction
  1. common cold
  2. smoking
  3. wheezing
  4. sinuses
  5. spasms

10 Clues: spasmssmokingsinusesallergywheezingbleedingrunny nosecommon coldinlfammationsmooth muscle contraction

Respiratory system 2022-01-23

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. has glands that secrete mucus to trap dust; warms and moistens air entering the lungs
  2. curved, muscular structure below the lungs used in inhalation & exhalation
  3. the voice box
  4. ____ muscles found between the ribs; they help to move the ribs; there are 2 types (internal and external)
  5. passageway to the lungs; has c-shaped rings of cartilage, and cilia
  1. these help to waft mucus to the pharynx
  2. branching network of tubes leading to the alveoli
  3. passageway of air and of food
  4. site of gaseous exchange with the blood
  5. branches that lead from trachea to left and right lungs; contains cartilage and cilia

10 Clues: the voice boxpassageway of air and of foodthese help to waft mucus to the pharynxsite of gaseous exchange with the bloodbranching network of tubes leading to the alveolipassageway to the lungs; has c-shaped rings of cartilage, and ciliacurved, muscular structure below the lungs used in inhalation & exhalation...

Respiratory system 2021-04-07

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. looks like small clusters of grapes
  2. stopes trachea from collapsing
  3. alveoli is made of this epithelium cell
  4. breathing in
  5. muscles between rubes
  6. a piece of cartilage acts like a lid over the larynx
  1. these are spongy tissues filled with alveoli, blood vessels and nerves
  2. is produced in the goblet cells
  3. infection of voice box
  4. chest cavity enclosed by ribcage

10 Clues: breathing inmuscles between rubesinfection of voice boxstopes trachea from collapsingis produced in the goblet cellschest cavity enclosed by ribcagelooks like small clusters of grapesalveoli is made of this epithelium cella piece of cartilage acts like a lid over the larynxthese are spongy tissues filled with alveoli, blood vessels and nerves

Respiratory System 2021-06-08

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Includes Nose, throat, voice box, windpipe, and lungs.
  2. the muscle below the lungs.
  3. A condition where breathing is difficult due to
  4. A condition with inflamed airways but can be temporary.
  5. main organ system
  6. Tiny hair like structures that line your airways.
  1. a tube that allows air to enter and exit the lungs.
  2. blocks airways and causes asthma
  3. also called the voice box
  4. tiny sacks within the lungs

10 Clues: main organ systemalso called the voice boxthe muscle below the lungs.tiny sacks within the lungsblocks airways and causes asthmaA condition where breathing is difficult due toTiny hair like structures that line your airways.a tube that allows air to enter and exit the lungs.Includes Nose, throat, voice box, windpipe, and lungs....

Respiratory System 2019-05-10

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. lower part of pharynx
  2. larger air passages of the lungs branching out from the trachea.
  3. airway for oxygen
  4. secretion of the mucous membranes
  5. voice box that contains the vocal cords.
  1. piece of cartilage that covers the larynx when we swallow
  2. throat,including the nasopharynx,oropharynx and laryngopharynx
  3. middle portion of pharynx
  4. Cavities/The proximal portion on of the respiratory passages on either side of the nasal septum.
  5. Sinuses/one of the air cavities in the bones near the nose

10 Clues: airway for oxygenlower part of pharynxmiddle portion of pharynxsecretion of the mucous membranesvoice box that contains the vocal cords.piece of cartilage that covers the larynx when we swallowSinuses/one of the air cavities in the bones near the nosethroat,including the nasopharynx,oropharynx and laryngopharynx...

Respiratory System 2019-07-23

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. The process of producing energy using sugar and oxygen
  2. tubes Tubes which leads from windpipe to each lung
  3. Taking air into the lungs
  4. Allows air to enter and leave the body
  1. A substance that moistens the air as well as trapping foreign substances
  2. Muscle located under the lung
  3. Bone structure which protects the heart and lungs
  4. Filters the air we inhale and branches into the windpipe
  5. Letting air out of the lungs
  6. Main organ of the respiratory system

10 Clues: Taking air into the lungsLetting air out of the lungsMuscle located under the lungMain organ of the respiratory systemAllows air to enter and leave the bodyBone structure which protects the heart and lungstubes Tubes which leads from windpipe to each lungThe process of producing energy using sugar and oxygen...

Respiratory System 2020-03-25

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. How many lobes does the left lung have?
  2. What is the leaf like structure that closes the opening of the voice box when swallowing food?
  3. What is a name a person would be given that's also the first word for the framework of cartilage that's part of your voice box?
  4. What is another name for the windpipe?
  5. What is an alternative name for the voice box?
  6. What is the respiratory disease that destroys the alveoli in your lungs called?
  1. What is the outer layer of the lungs called?
  2. What is the part of the throat located in the back part of the mouth called?
  3. What are the hair-like structures that prevent dust and pathogens from entering the respiratory tract called?
  4. What are the air sacs that resemble bunches of grapes in your lungs known as?

10 Clues: What is another name for the windpipe?How many lobes does the left lung have?What is the outer layer of the lungs called?What is an alternative name for the voice box?What is the part of the throat located in the back part of the mouth called?What are the air sacs that resemble bunches of grapes in your lungs known as?...

Respiratory System 2020-10-02

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. you have 480 million located at the end of the bronchial tubes
  2. the body space between the chest and pelvis
  3. Where air comes in and out
  4. “voice box”
  5. muscular tube connecting the throat with the stomach
  1. helps get air to the lungs
  2. a condition that makes it hard to breathe
  3. what we breathe in and out
  4. help you to breathe
  5. long curved bones which form the rib cage

10 Clues: “voice box”help you to breathehelps get air to the lungswhat we breathe in and outWhere air comes in and outa condition that makes it hard to breathelong curved bones which form the rib cagethe body space between the chest and pelvismuscular tube connecting the throat with the stomachyou have 480 million located at the end of the bronchial tubes

Respiratory system 2023-04-09

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. - air sacs of the lungs which allow for rapid gaseous exchange.
  2. - it has spiracles
  3. -its position is down and in during exhalation
  4. - main respiratory organ
  5. -the part projecting above the mouth on the face of a person or animal
  6. — it moves down during inspiration
  1. -the tailed aquatic larva of an amphibian (frog)
  2. - main respiratory organ for aquatic animals
  3. - The airway that leads from the larynx to the bronchi.
  4. -the action of breathing

10 Clues: - it has spiracles-the action of breathing- main respiratory organ— it moves down during inspiration- main respiratory organ for aquatic animals-its position is down and in during exhalation-the tailed aquatic larva of an amphibian (frog)- The airway that leads from the larynx to the bronchi....

Respiratory System 2022-12-11

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. The gas that is breathed out (two words)
  2. An infection of the lungs
  3. A disease that causes the lungs to be weak and floppy, which happens to smokers
  4. The muscle below the lungs that allows them to fill with air
  5. A disease that causes the airways of the lung to constrict
  1. The organ that transports oxygen breathed in to the blood
  2. The small grape-shaped parts of the lungs were oxygen crosses from the lung to the blood
  3. The gas that is breathed in
  4. ____ fibrosis, a genetic disorder affecting the lungs
  5. The technical word for the windpipe

10 Clues: An infection of the lungsThe gas that is breathed inThe technical word for the windpipeThe gas that is breathed out (two words)____ fibrosis, a genetic disorder affecting the lungsThe organ that transports oxygen breathed in to the bloodA disease that causes the airways of the lung to constrict...

Respiratory System 2023-03-15

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. large muscle separates chest from abdomen
  2. the throat
  3. small flap of skin prevents food in trachea
  4. carries air to the lungs
  5. takes food to the stomach
  1. disease affects alveoli of lungs
  2. large soft cone shaped organs used for breathing
  3. swelling of the bronchi
  4. inflammation of lungs by bacteria virus fungi
  5. bronchi swell and constrict breathing

10 Clues: the throatswelling of the bronchicarries air to the lungstakes food to the stomachdisease affects alveoli of lungsbronchi swell and constrict breathinglarge muscle separates chest from abdomensmall flap of skin prevents food in tracheainflammation of lungs by bacteria virus fungilarge soft cone shaped organs used for breathing

Respiratory System 2023-05-24

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. an infection of the lungs that can cause inflammation and fluid buildup
  2. the windpipe which allows air to pass to and from the lungs
  3. the throat, which connects the mouth and nose to the esophagus and trachea
  4. a chronic respiratory disease characterized by damage to the alveoli
  1. small air sacs in the lungs
  2. a gas that is essential for life and is taken in through the lungs during respiration
  3. a chronic respiratory disease characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways
  4. a muscle that helps with breathing
  5. the voice box, where the vocal cords are located
  6. the two main branches of the trachea

10 Clues: small air sacs in the lungsa muscle that helps with breathingthe two main branches of the tracheathe voice box, where the vocal cords are locatedthe windpipe which allows air to pass to and from the lungsa chronic respiratory disease characterized by damage to the alveolian infection of the lungs that can cause inflammation and fluid buildup...

respiratory system 2023-11-07

respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. the process where cells derive chemical energy
  2. the movement of gas by bulk flow through the conducting pathways and by diffusion into the alveoli and pulmonary capillaries
  3. carries out gas exchange via diffusion
  4. gas exchange occuring in the lungs between alveolar air and the blood of the pulmonary capillaries.
  1. allow fresh air to enter and move through (a room, building, etc.)
  2. the process where O2 and CO2 move between the bloodstream and the lungs, CO2 passing from the blood to the lungs
  3. max amount of air contained in lungs after a max inspiratory effort
  4. amount of air inhaled/exhaled with each breath under resting conditions
  5. amount of air remaining in the lungs after forced expiration
  6. warms, humidifies, and conducts air via bulk flow

10 Clues: carries out gas exchange via diffusionthe process where cells derive chemical energywarms, humidifies, and conducts air via bulk flowamount of air remaining in the lungs after forced expirationallow fresh air to enter and move through (a room, building, etc.)max amount of air contained in lungs after a max inspiratory effort...

respiratory system 2023-09-20

respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. smocking can cause
  2. a dome-shaped muscular partition separating the thorax from the abdomen in mammals. It plays a major role in breathing, as its contraction increases the volume of the thorax and so inflates the lungs
  3. this diseases is in the lungs
  1. pair of organs situated within the rib cage consisting of elastic sacs with branching passages into which air is drawn so that oxygen can pass into the blood and carbon dioxide be removed
  2. the hollow muscular organ forming an air passage to the lungs and holding the vocal cords in humans and other mammals; the voice box
  3. hronic condition where the walls of the bronchi are thickened from inflammation and infection
  4. a large membranous tube reinforced by rings of cartilage extending from the larynx to the bronchial tubes and conveying air to and from the lungs the windpipe
  5. the membrane lined cavity behind the nose and mouth, connecting them to the esophagus
  6. a disease that causes repeated episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and nighttime or early morning coughing
  7. protuberance in vertebrates that houses the nostrils, or nares, which receive and expel air for respiration alongside the mouth. Behind the nose are the olfactory mucosa and the sinuses

10 Clues: smocking can causethis diseases is in the lungsthe membrane lined cavity behind the nose and mouth, connecting them to the esophagushronic condition where the walls of the bronchi are thickened from inflammation and infection...

Respiratory System 2024-04-12

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. the trachea branches into two narrower tubes called _______ that lead into the lungs
  2. the movement of air into and out of the lungs
  3. every cell in the body needs oxygen for a chemical reaction called
  4. the main organs of the respiratory system
  1. below the lungs is a large muscle called the ________ that contracts as you breathe
  2. signals from the ________ system trigger breathing
  3. air moves into a windpipe or _______, a tube that is held open by C-shaped rings of cartilage
  4. the nervous, circulatory and respiratory systems work together to maintain ________
  5. a tube-like passage way at the top of the throat that receives air, food, and liquid from the mouth or nose
  6. the tubes in the lungs end in microscopic sacs called ________

10 Clues: the main organs of the respiratory systemthe movement of air into and out of the lungssignals from the ________ system trigger breathingthe tubes in the lungs end in microscopic sacs called ________every cell in the body needs oxygen for a chemical reaction calledbelow the lungs is a large muscle called the ________ that contracts as you breathe...

Respiratory System 2024-04-12

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. the trachea branches into two narrower tubes called _______ that lead into the lungs
  2. the movement of air into and out of the lungs
  3. every cell in the body needs oxygen for a chemical reaction called
  4. the main organs of the respiratory system
  1. below the lungs is a large muscle called the ________ that contracts as you breathe
  2. signals from the ________ system trigger breathing
  3. air moves into a windpipe or _______, a tube that is held open by C-shaped rings of cartilage
  4. the nervous, circulatory and respiratory systems work together to maintain ________
  5. a tube-like passage way at the top of the throat that receives air, food, and liquid from the mouth or nose
  6. the tubes in the lungs end in microscopic sacs called ________

10 Clues: the main organs of the respiratory systemthe movement of air into and out of the lungssignals from the ________ system trigger breathingthe tubes in the lungs end in microscopic sacs called ________every cell in the body needs oxygen for a chemical reaction calledbelow the lungs is a large muscle called the ________ that contracts as you breathe...

Respiratory System 2024-03-18

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Breathing engine.
  2. Allows gases to pass across cell membranes and enter/exit the cells.
  3. Temporary, can spread from one person to another.
  4. Serves as a air passageway.
  5. Small air sacs at the end of the bronchioles.
  1. Two large tubes connected to the Trachea.
  2. Voice box.
  3. Windpipe & base of our tongue.
  4. Affects certain parts of the lungs, and makes it difficult to breathe.
  5. Little barrier in your throat.

10 Clues: Voice box.Breathing engine.Serves as a air passageway.Windpipe & base of our tongue.Little barrier in your throat.Two large tubes connected to the Trachea.Small air sacs at the end of the bronchioles.Temporary, can spread from one person to another.Allows gases to pass across cell membranes and enter/exit the cells....

Respiratory System 2024-04-03

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. also known as the voice box
  2. where air enters and exits the body
  3. flap that keeps food out of windpipe
  4. airway structure linking windpipe to lungs
  5. tiny sacks that exchange oxygen for Co2
  6. major organs that allow us to breathe
  1. also known as windpipe
  2. found in nose to filter air
  3. Element needed to breathe
  4. if it spasms you might get hiccups

10 Clues: also known as windpipeElement needed to breathealso known as the voice boxfound in nose to filter airif it spasms you might get hiccupswhere air enters and exits the bodyflap that keeps food out of windpipemajor organs that allow us to breathetiny sacks that exchange oxygen for Co2airway structure linking windpipe to lungs

Respiratory system 2024-04-03

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. Muscular tube for breathing and food digestion
  2. Prevents food and water from entering the respiratory system
  3. "Air sacs"- Place where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place
  4. Space Aids lungs during breathing
  5. "Windpipe"
  1. Carry the air into your lungs
  2. Allows air to enter the body and filters debris
  3. Takes in oxygen for your blood; allows you to breathe
  4. Tissue that protects the lungs
  5. Tubes Allow air in and out of your lungs
  6. Flattens the chest cavity and pulls air into the lungs

11 Clues: "Windpipe"Carry the air into your lungsTissue that protects the lungsSpace Aids lungs during breathingTubes Allow air in and out of your lungsMuscular tube for breathing and food digestionAllows air to enter the body and filters debrisTakes in oxygen for your blood; allows you to breatheFlattens the chest cavity and pulls air into the lungs...

Respiratory System 2024-04-29

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Oblongata :What part of the brain controls involuntary breathing?
  2. : What is the name of the condition where the alveoli in the lungs become damaged, reducing the surface area available for gas exchange
  3. :What is the term for the sound produced when air passes through narrowed airways during breathing?
  4. : What is the medical term for the voice box?
  5. :What are the small hairs in the respiratory tract that help trap and remove particles from the air
  1. :What is the name of the membrane that surrounds each lungs and lines the chest cavity?
  2. :What is the medical term for the collapse of a lung?
  3. :What is the scientific term for difficulty breathing?
  4. Pneumonia : What condition is characterized by the inflammation of the air passages leading to the lungs, often caused by infection?
  5. :What are the tiny air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs called?

10 Clues: : What is the medical term for the voice box?:What is the medical term for the collapse of a lung?:What is the scientific term for difficulty breathing?Oblongata :What part of the brain controls involuntary breathing?:What are the tiny air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs called?...

Respiratory System 2024-04-29

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. What is the scientific term for difficulty breathing?
  2. What condition is characterized by the inflammation of the air passages leading to the lungs, often caused by infection?
  3. What are the small hairs in the respiratory tract that help trap and remove particles from the air?
  4. What is the name of the condition characterized by repeated episodes of obstruction in the airway, often causing coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath?
  5. oblongata What part of the brain controls involuntary breathing?
  6. What is the term for the sound produced when air passes through narrowed airways during breathing? .
  1. What is the medical term for the collapse of a lung?
  2. What is the name of the membrane that surrounds each lung and lines the chest cavity?
  3. What is the name of the tube that carries air into the lungs?
  4. What is the name of the condition where the alveoli in the lungs become damaged, reducing the surface area available for gas exchange?

10 Clues: What is the medical term for the collapse of a lung?What is the scientific term for difficulty breathing?What is the name of the tube that carries air into the lungs?oblongata What part of the brain controls involuntary breathing?What is the name of the membrane that surrounds each lung and lines the chest cavity?...

respiratory system 2024-08-01

respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. supporting filaments of gills
  2. blood that has high partial pressure of oxygen leaves through
  3. diffuses out from the lung capillaries and into the alveolus before it is expelled into the atmosphere through the nose and mouth.
  4. Oxygen combines with haemoglobin in erythrocytes to form
  5. human respiratory surface
  1. small pores in the thorax and abdomen of insects
  2. 70 percent of carbon dioxide is carried in the form of
  3. floor of buccopharyngeal during inhalation of frog
  4. the bronchiole walls become swollen and thick
  5. muscle of intercostal muscle contract during inhalation

10 Clues: human respiratory surfacesupporting filaments of gillsthe bronchiole walls become swollen and thicksmall pores in the thorax and abdomen of insectsfloor of buccopharyngeal during inhalation of frog70 percent of carbon dioxide is carried in the form ofmuscle of intercostal muscle contract during inhalation...

body systems 2022-09-29

body systems crossword puzzle
  1. ____ system regulates the body with hormones
  2. ____ system breaks down food to provide nutrients and energy
  3. is the finger bone
  4. ____ system transports nutrients and oxygen to the body
  5. is the main organ of the circulartory system
  6. ____ system controls and coordinates the body
  7. a group of tissue
  8. __interacting ,interrelated ,or interdependent elements forming a more complex whole
  1. ___ system provides structure and protection for the body
  2. _____ stimulus a change in the environment outside of the organism
  3. ___ system exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide
  4. ____ system removes waste from the body
  5. basic of life
  6. ___system provides protection of the body
  7. ____ system provides movement of the body
  8. ___ system produces offspring
  9. ___ stimulus a change within the organism
  10. a group of cells

18 Clues: basic of lifea group of cellsa group of tissueis the finger bone___ system produces offspring____ system removes waste from the body___system provides protection of the body____ system provides movement of the body___ stimulus a change within the organism____ system regulates the body with hormonesis the main organ of the circulartory system...

Covid-19 Crosswordy Thingy 2020-08-21

Covid-19 Crosswordy Thingy crossword puzzle
  1. Disease currently locking down the world
  2. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (___)
  3. Method to active acquired immunity.
  4. Covid-19 mainly affects what system?
  5. SCARS-CoV-2 is primarily transferred through respiratory ___.
  6. positive stranded RNA Virus with ___
  7. Covid was first reported in ___, China
  8. "___ Immunity"
  1. Are Microscopic Parasites
  2. "___ is surrounded by a corona or halo"
  3. People with in underlying disease are at in ____ risk from covid-19
  4. Corona viruses are the interest of both ____ and medical interest.
  5. how many months did SCARS last
  6. When people are unable to breath on there own they need to use what?
  7. scars was first discovered in ___ 2003

15 Clues: "___ Immunity"Are Microscopic Parasiteshow many months did SCARS lastMethod to active acquired immunity.Covid-19 mainly affects what system?positive stranded RNA Virus with ___scars was first discovered in ___ 2003Covid was first reported in ___, China"___ is surrounded by a corona or halo"Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (___)...

Acquisition Activity 1 2013-01-31

Acquisition Activity 1 crossword puzzle
  1. helps the body to absorb fat soluble vitamins
  2. ine the cavities and surfaces of structures throughout the body
  3. the major source of energy in our odd
  4. system that recognize and indicates body response
  5. s the organ system that protects the body from damage
  6. protects body from diseases
  7. is the biological system that introduces respiratory gases to the interior and performs gas exchange
  8. is a complex series of organs and glands that processes food.
  9. s the system of glands, each of which secretes different types of hormones directly into the bloodstream
  10. is an organ system that passes nutrients
  11. system that supports the body
  12. supply raw materials for growth
  13. organc molecules that the body needs in very small amounts
  1. s a very specialized tissue that has both the ability to contract and the ability to conduct electrical impulses.
  2. is the basic structural and functional unit of all known living organisms.
  3. the process when stimulus produce a response
  4. system that makes voluntary and involuntary movements
  5. group of organs with a similar perform
  6. a cellular organizational level intermediate between cells and a complete organism.
  7. system that produces gametes
  8. is a collection of tissues joined in a structural unit to serve a common function.
  9. the internal conditions of the body
  10. 4.18 J
  11. connects, or separates different types of tissues and organs of the body
  12. the most important nutrient

25 Clues: 4.18 Jprotects body from diseasesthe most important nutrientsystem that produces gametessystem that supports the bodysupply raw materials for growththe internal conditions of the bodythe major source of energy in our oddgroup of organs with a similar performis an organ system that passes nutrientsthe process when stimulus produce a response...

Respiratory System 2013-05-03

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. filters dust and particles through the nose
  2. pumps carbon-dioxide out and pulls oxygen in
  3. trachea is also called the
  4. oxygen enters the mouth and nose through the
  5. cancer is cause by uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells
  1. two tubes connected to the lungs
  2. smoke can lead to lung cancer
  3. blood cells move oxygen to body cells
  4. makes it hard to breathe
  5. exchange of oxygen and carbon-dioxide occurs in the

10 Clues: makes it hard to breathetrachea is also called thesmoke can lead to lung cancertwo tubes connected to the lungsblood cells move oxygen to body cellsfilters dust and particles through the nosepumps carbon-dioxide out and pulls oxygen inoxygen enters the mouth and nose through theexchange of oxygen and carbon-dioxide occurs in the...

Respiratory System 2013-12-01

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. The amount of oxygen consumed during recovery above that which would have normally been consumed in the same time at rest
  2. Gas which is released when we breathe out
  3. The amount of these increase around the alveoli with regular exercise
  1. Is the amount of air inspired and expired with each normal breath at rest or during exercise
  2. The gas which the body needs
  3. This quickens and deapens with exercise
  4. Protects the lungs
  5. Is the greatest amount of air that can be made to pass into and out of the lungs by the most forceful inspiration and expiration
  6. Small air sacs where oxygen diffuses into the bloodstream
  7. This happens to lung capacity, vital capacity and the number of alveoli with regular exercise

10 Clues: Protects the lungsThe gas which the body needsThis quickens and deapens with exerciseGas which is released when we breathe outSmall air sacs where oxygen diffuses into the bloodstreamThe amount of these increase around the alveoli with regular exerciseIs the amount of air inspired and expired with each normal breath at rest or during exercise...

respiratory system 2015-07-04

respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. from where fish breathe
  2. how many brochioles are in each lungs
  3. what is another name of trachea
  4. what is name of clean air
  5. who exchange center for carbon-di-oxide and oxygen
  1. which is biggest muscles of body
  2. who stops when dust particles go inside nose
  3. which tubes take air inside and out of body
  4. things use to make energy
  5. how many organs make make respiratory system

10 Clues: from where fish breathethings use to make energywhat is name of clean airwhat is another name of tracheawhich is biggest muscles of bodyhow many brochioles are in each lungswhich tubes take air inside and out of bodywho stops when dust particles go inside nosehow many organs make make respiratory system...

respiratory system 2015-04-29

respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. the exchange of gases in the lungs
  2. also known as the windpipe
  3. a wall separating the two cavities in the stomach
  4. an allergic disorder of respiration
  1. exchange of gases with the cells in the body
  2. the action of breathing
  3. made up of organs in the body that help you breath
  4. the two main branches of the trachea
  5. a measure of harmful particles in the air
  6. an air cell of the lungs

10 Clues: the action of breathingan air cell of the lungsalso known as the windpipethe exchange of gases in the lungsan allergic disorder of respirationthe two main branches of the tracheaa measure of harmful particles in the airexchange of gases with the cells in the bodya wall separating the two cavities in the stomach...

Respiratory System 2016-02-08

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. vaccination recommended daily
  2. what type of sputum is associated with pneumonias
  3. what type of transmission of infection is SARS
  4. leading cause for COPD
  5. what type of infection is influenza
  1. TB is caused by what bacteria
  2. best way to administer oxygen for a COPD patient
  3. what should someone with asthma avoid
  4. _____ is necessary when caring for a patient with SARS
  5. alteration that includes a collapsed lung

10 Clues: leading cause for COPDTB is caused by what bacteriavaccination recommended dailywhat type of infection is influenzawhat should someone with asthma avoidalteration that includes a collapsed lungwhat type of transmission of infection is SARSbest way to administer oxygen for a COPD patientwhat type of sputum is associated with pneumonias...

Respiratory System 2017-05-01

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Obstructive Pulmonary Disease/Irreversible condition with diminished respiratory capacity
  2. lung fields
  3. removal of the larynx
  4. breathing
  1. surgical stoma in the neck with an indwelling tube.
  2. up blood from the respiratory tract
  3. Expiratory Volume/Volume of air forced out of the lungs
  4. symptoms without curing
  5. Volume/Amount of air inhaled and exhaled during a normal respiration
  6. Asthmaticus Thoracentesis/Asthma attack that is not responsive to treatment

10 Clues: breathinglung fieldsremoval of the larynxsymptoms without curingup blood from the respiratory tractsurgical stoma in the neck with an indwelling tube.Expiratory Volume/Volume of air forced out of the lungsVolume/Amount of air inhaled and exhaled during a normal respirationAsthmaticus Thoracentesis/Asthma attack that is not responsive to treatment...

respiratory system 2018-06-20

respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. breathing out
  2. pumps the lungs
  3. air sac for gas exchange
  4. cavity purifies the air
  5. primary respiratory organ
  1. windpipe
  2. air passage to alveoli
  3. breathing in
  4. organ between abdomen and neck
  5. organ of voice

10 Clues: windpipebreathing inbreathing outorgan of voicepumps the lungsair passage to alveolicavity purifies the airair sac for gas exchangeprimary respiratory organorgan between abdomen and neck

Respiratory system 2018-11-21

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. In the lungs how many lobes does the left side have?
  2. The small hairs in the nasal cavity are called?
  3. The left lung is slightly _____________ than the right.
  4. How many cm long is the larynx?
  5. The trachea connects the larynx to the_______?
  6. The alveoli are _________ cell walls.
  1. How many cm long is the trachea?
  2. The larynx is located below the __________.
  3. There is around 300 million _______ in each lung?
  4. what shape is the epiglottis?

10 Clues: what shape is the epiglottis?How many cm long is the larynx?How many cm long is the trachea?The alveoli are _________ cell walls.The larynx is located below the __________.The trachea connects the larynx to the_______?The small hairs in the nasal cavity are called?There is around 300 million _______ in each lung?...

Respiratory System 2021-03-10

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. transports air to and from the lungs
  2. carries food and air to the esophagus and larynx
  3. usage within 3 minutes can increase survival rates over 80%
  4. the median survival after is 21 months
  5. genetic disease, affects the cells that produce mucus,sweat, and digestive juices
  6. helps oxygen from the air we breathe enter the red blood cells
  1. distributes air throughout the lungs
  2. produces sound and protects the trachea
  3. nearly 40 million administered each year
  4. alveoli weaken and rupture causing larger air spaces

10 Clues: distributes air throughout the lungstransports air to and from the lungsthe median survival after is 21 monthsproduces sound and protects the tracheanearly 40 million administered each yearcarries food and air to the esophagus and larynxalveoli weaken and rupture causing larger air spacesusage within 3 minutes can increase survival rates over 80%...

Respiratory system 2021-01-09

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. muscle at the base of chest cavity
  2. a process that includes the use of oxygen to break down glucose
  3. breath out
  4. throat
  1. the gas exchange between your red blood cells and body cells
  2. breathing in
  3. small hairs in the respiratory tract
  4. the outer-linings of the lungs
  5. the large tubes in each lung
  6. a gas required for respiration

10 Clues: throatbreath outbreathing inthe large tubes in each lungthe outer-linings of the lungsa gas required for respirationmuscle at the base of chest cavitysmall hairs in the respiratory tractthe gas exchange between your red blood cells and body cellsa process that includes the use of oxygen to break down glucose

Respiratory System 2021-01-04

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. person's airways become inflamed
  2. the action of breathing
  3. a colorless, odorless reactive gas
  4. hair-like projections that move microbes
  5. exhalation of breath
  6. the long curved bones
  1. part of the body between the thorax (chest) and pelvis
  2. is a muscular tube connecting the throat (pharynx) with the stomach
  3. the hollow muscular organ forming an air passage to the lungs
  4. are a pair of spongy, air-filled organs

10 Clues: exhalation of breaththe long curved bonesthe action of breathingperson's airways become inflameda colorless, odorless reactive gasare a pair of spongy, air-filled organshair-like projections that move microbespart of the body between the thorax (chest) and pelvisthe hollow muscular organ forming an air passage to the lungs...

Respiratory System 2020-03-11

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Other word for windpipe
  2. The top part of the trachea
  3. The small tubes that take air through the lungs
  4. Tiny air sacs where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged
  5. Dome-shaped muscle separating the lungs and stomach cavity; helps with breathing
  6. The main organs in the respiratory system
  1. Taken in during inhale and moved to the blood
  2. 2 words; leaves the blood through the alveoli and expelled during exhale
  3. The tube that connects the nasal cavity and mouth to the larynx
  4. The two tubes that separate from the trachea into the lungs

10 Clues: Other word for windpipeThe top part of the tracheaThe main organs in the respiratory systemTaken in during inhale and moved to the bloodThe small tubes that take air through the lungsThe two tubes that separate from the trachea into the lungsTiny air sacs where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged...

Respiratory system 2020-04-23

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. Vocal cords are situated there
  2. a muscle that goes down when you inhale
  3. A disease related to the respiratory system caused by virus
  4. The process of taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide
  5. When air moves out of your body automatically
  1. it's situated between the trachea and the bronchioles
  2. a chemical reaction that uses oxygen to release energy from food
  3. The little tubes that come from the bronchi are called
  4. Tiny sacks in lungs
  5. Air, food and water can pass through it

10 Clues: Tiny sacks in lungsVocal cords are situated therea muscle that goes down when you inhaleAir, food and water can pass through itWhen air moves out of your body automaticallyit's situated between the trachea and the bronchiolesThe little tubes that come from the bronchi are calledA disease related to the respiratory system caused by virus...

Respiratory System 2020-09-25

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. “wind pipe” that contains cartilage rings.
  2. the main organ of the respiratory system.
  3. disease that progressively destroys the walls of alveoli; usually caused by smoking.
  4. “voice box”
  5. external nasal openings.
  6. keeps food out of lungs.
  1. sheet of muscle below the lungs.
  2. air sacs of the lung.
  3. a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the bronchial tubes.
  4. disease caused by the inflammation of air sacs in the lungs.

10 Clues: “voice box”air sacs of the lung.external nasal openings.keeps food out of lungs.sheet of muscle below the lungs.the main organ of the respiratory system.“wind pipe” that contains cartilage rings.disease caused by the inflammation of air sacs in the lungs.a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the bronchial tubes....

Respiratory System 2020-09-25

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. The upper part of the trachea
  2. also called “the windpipe”
  3. Flap that prevents food from entering trachea.
  4. curved bones that protect the heart and lungs
  5. the tiny air sacs of the lungs
  1. a muscle separating the thorax from the abdomen
  2. condition that causes difficulty breathing
  3. air passages that lead from the trachea to lungs
  4. connects the throat to the stomach
  5. lung inflammation caused by infection

10 Clues: also called “the windpipe”The upper part of the tracheathe tiny air sacs of the lungsconnects the throat to the stomachlung inflammation caused by infectioncondition that causes difficulty breathingcurved bones that protect the heart and lungsFlap that prevents food from entering trachea.a muscle separating the thorax from the abdomen...

Respiratory System 2020-09-28

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Air that stays in your lungs
  2. What is at the end of bronchi?
  3. These muscles are connected to our ribs
  4. What is found in the lining of the air passages?
  5. Is a flap that switches between the trachea and the esophagus
  1. Another word for inhaling
  2. This part of the body is connected to the lungs
  3. Where does respiration start?
  4. What connects the pharynx to your stomach?
  5. This body part is used to make sound

10 Clues: Another word for inhalingAir that stays in your lungsWhere does respiration start?What is at the end of bronchi?This body part is used to make soundThese muscles are connected to our ribsWhat connects the pharynx to your stomach?This part of the body is connected to the lungsWhat is found in the lining of the air passages?...

respiratory system 2021-10-07

respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. to draw air into and expel it from the lungs
  2. a slippery thick sticky substance that coats the nasal passage
  3. a stiff-walled tube of the respiratory system that connects the pharynx with the lungs
  4. bag like organs used for breathing
  5. progressively smaller tubular branches of the airways.
  1. a flap of cartilage behind the root of the tongue
  2. the process that all living things go through to create the energy they need to live
  3. the hollow muscular organ forming an air passage to the lungs and holding the vocal cords in humans
  4. the large air tubes leading from the trachea to the lungs.
  5. allow oxygen from the air to pass into your blood

10 Clues: bag like organs used for breathingto draw air into and expel it from the lungsa flap of cartilage behind the root of the tongueallow oxygen from the air to pass into your bloodprogressively smaller tubular branches of the airways.the large air tubes leading from the trachea to the lungs.a slippery thick sticky substance that coats the nasal passage...

Respiratory system 2021-11-05

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. tubes
  2. involuntary
  3. exchange
  4. muscular tube
  5. vocal cords
  1. airways
  2. system
  3. tube consists
  4. passage
  5. Dioxide

10 Clues: tubessystemairwayspassageDioxideexchangeinvoluntaryvocal cordstube consistsmuscular tube

Respiratory system 2021-11-16

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. Bronchioles end in tiny air sacs called
  2. The lungs and what help us breathe?
  3. voice box, is the top part of the air-only pipe.
  4. The trachea is also lined with (), which sweep fluids and foreign particles out of the airway so that they stay out of the lungs.
  5. is the airtight box that houses the bronchial tree, lungs, heart, and other structures.
  6. At its bottom end, the trachea divides into left and right air tubes called
  1. One of a pair of organs in the chest that supplies the body with oxygen, and removes carbon dioxide from the body.
  2. Within the lungs, the bronchi branch into smaller bronchi and even smaller tubes called
  3. continuation of the airway below the larynx.
  4. Air enters the respiratory system through the nose or the

10 Clues: The lungs and what help us breathe?Bronchioles end in tiny air sacs calledcontinuation of the airway below the larynx.voice box, is the top part of the air-only pipe.Air enters the respiratory system through the nose or theAt its bottom end, the trachea divides into left and right air tubes called...

Respiratory System 2021-11-09

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. major organ of the respiratory system
  2. at the ends of the bronchioles where gas exchange occurs
  3. muscle underneath the lungs
  4. the voice box
  5. small flap of tissue that covers the windpipe when you swallow food
  1. a windpipe that leads air to lungs
  2. small tubes that branch off bronchi
  3. tiny hairs that protect the nasal passageway
  4. throat
  5. the central passageway for air to enter the lungs

10 Clues: throatthe voice boxmuscle underneath the lungsa windpipe that leads air to lungssmall tubes that branch off bronchimajor organ of the respiratory systemtiny hairs that protect the nasal passagewaythe central passageway for air to enter the lungsat the ends of the bronchioles where gas exchange occurs...

respiratory system 2022-02-09

respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. sac of air
  2. the entrance to the bronchus
  3. little pipes that are in your lungs
  4. organ in the respiratory system
  5. the big oval on your face
  1. muscle muscle inbetween the ribs
  2. organ that moves up and down
  3. multiple ribs make this up
  4. big tube in your throat
  5. one of the entrances for oxygen to enter the body

10 Clues: sac of airbig tube in your throatthe big oval on your facemultiple ribs make this uporgan that moves up and downthe entrance to the bronchusorgan in the respiratory systemmuscle muscle inbetween the ribslittle pipes that are in your lungsone of the entrances for oxygen to enter the body

Respiratory System 2022-02-11

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. little sacks on the end of bronchioles
  2. branches of the throat to the lungs
  3. obtains oxygen and removes carbon dioxide
  4. cartilage rings and provides airflow to the lungs
  5. blood vessles that carry blood away from the heart
  1. throat
  2. bring blood back to the heart
  3. smallest blood vessles
  4. manipulates pitch and volume
  5. hollow and muscular organ that pumps blood

10 Clues: throatsmallest blood vesslesmanipulates pitch and volumebring blood back to the heartbranches of the throat to the lungslittle sacks on the end of bronchiolesobtains oxygen and removes carbon dioxidehollow and muscular organ that pumps bloodcartilage rings and provides airflow to the lungsblood vessles that carry blood away from the heart

Respiratory System 2022-02-11

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. branches of the trachea to the lungs
  2. the hollow muscular organ forming an air passage to the lungs and holding the voice box
  3. air passage of the lungs which diverge from the windpipe
  4. tiny sacs within our lungs that allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to move between the lungs and bloodstream
  1. what the respiratory filters out
  2. the system that the respiratory system works with
  3. the part of your throat right behind your mouth. its the passage from the stomach to the lungs
  4. a large flat muscle at the bottom of the chest cavity that helps with breathing
  5. major organs in the respiratory system; helps you breath
  6. "windpipe"; has cartilage rings and the function of providing air flow to and from the lungs for respiration

10 Clues: what the respiratory filters outbranches of the trachea to the lungsthe system that the respiratory system works withmajor organs in the respiratory system; helps you breathair passage of the lungs which diverge from the windpipea large flat muscle at the bottom of the chest cavity that helps with breathing...

respiratory system 2022-06-08

respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. the cavity at the rear of the mouth
  2. tiny air sacs in the lungs
  3. under the trachea and lead to lungs
  4. when exhaling, it passes outside the blood
  1. when we inhale, the pressure in the lungs
  2. it filters the air we breathe
  3. it damages the respiratory system
  4. the earthworms breathe through their
  5. when we exhale, the diaphragm
  6. when inhaling, oxygen passes into

10 Clues: tiny air sacs in the lungsit filters the air we breathewhen we exhale, the diaphragmit damages the respiratory systemwhen inhaling, oxygen passes intothe cavity at the rear of the mouthunder the trachea and lead to lungsthe earthworms breathe through theirwhen we inhale, the pressure in the lungswhen exhaling, it passes outside the blood

Respiratory System 2022-08-22

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. where air enters the body
  2. air flows down to the lungs, also called the windpipe
  3. the exchange of gases between the body and air
  1. organs that fill with air
  2. dioxide a gas the body gives off as waste
  3. muscle below the lungs that contracts and relaxes
  4. colorless, odorless gas necessary for almost all life
  5. air travels through down to the voice box
  6. allows people to speak. Attached to the trachea
  7. produces mucus to trap dirt and dust

10 Clues: organs that fill with airwhere air enters the bodyproduces mucus to trap dirt and dustdioxide a gas the body gives off as wasteair travels through down to the voice boxthe exchange of gases between the body and airallows people to speak. Attached to the tracheamuscle below the lungs that contracts and relaxes...

Respiratory system 2022-09-01

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. The mechanical process of taking in oxygen and taking out carbon dioxide
  2. a shaped like parachute and located below your lungs that divides the chest cavity from the abdomen
  3. most essential organ of respiratory system that main function is to transfer oxygen into the blood stream and to excrete carbon dioxide into the air
  4. Use to inhale and exhale air
  5. trapped or filter particles away from your lungs thus prevents harmful particles from getting very far into your respiratory system.
  1. tube held open by a C-shaped rings cartilage
  2. the passage way that recieves food,liquid and air from the mouth and nose
  3. Tubes that lead to the lungs
  4. the microscopic sacs where carbon dioxide from the blood moves in here
  5. it is also known us the voice box

10 Clues: Tubes that lead to the lungsUse to inhale and exhale airit is also known us the voice boxtube held open by a C-shaped rings cartilagethe microscopic sacs where carbon dioxide from the blood moves in hereThe mechanical process of taking in oxygen and taking out carbon dioxidethe passage way that recieves food,liquid and air from the mouth and nose...

Respiratory system 2023-09-16

Respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. ເຈັບ​ຄໍ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດ
  2. ໂລກ​ປອດ​ອັກ​ເສບ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດ
  3. ພາ​ວະ​ເຍື່ອ​ຫຸ້ມ​ປອດ​ອັກ​ເສບ
  4. ສູບ​ຢາ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດ
  5. ເປັນ​ອະ​ໄວ​ຍະ​ວະ​ທຳ​ອິດ​ຂອງ​ລະ​ບົບ​ຫາຍ​ໃຈ
  1. ນ້ຳ​ມູກ​ໄຫຼ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດ
  2. ອົກ​ຊ​ີ​ແຊນ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດ
  3. ອາ​ການ​ຫາຍ​ໃຈ​ຝືດ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດ
  4. ເປັ​ນ​ຫົ​ວ​ໜ່ວຍ​ພື້ນ​ຖານ​ຂອງ​ລະ​ບົບ​ຫາຍ​ໃຈ
  5. ເປັ​ນ​ອະ​ໄວ​ຍະ​ວະຫຼັກ​ຂອງ​ການ​ຫາຍ​ໃຈ

10 Clues: ສູບ​ຢາ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດເຈັບ​ຄໍ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດນ້ຳ​ມູກ​ໄຫຼ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດອົກ​ຊ​ີ​ແຊນ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດພາ​ວະ​ເຍື່ອ​ຫຸ້ມ​ປອດ​ອັກ​ເສບໂລກ​ປອດ​ອັກ​ເສບ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດອາ​ການ​ຫາຍ​ໃຈ​ຝືດ​ໃນ​ພາ​ສາ​ອັງ​ກິດເປັ​ນ​ອະ​ໄວ​ຍະ​ວະຫຼັກ​ຂອງ​ການ​ຫາຍ​ໃຈເປັນ​ອະ​ໄວ​ຍະ​ວະ​ທຳ​ອິດ​ຂອງ​ລະ​ບົບ​ຫາຍ​ໃຈເປັ​ນ​ຫົ​ວ​ໜ່ວຍ​ພື້ນ​ຖານ​ຂອງ​ລະ​ບົບ​ຫາຍ​ໃຈ

Respiratory System 2022-05-21

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. กระบวนการที่มีการหายใจเข้าสลับหายใจออกเพื่อรักษาความดันของออกซิเจนและคาร์บอนไดออกไซด์ให้เหมาะสมเรียกว่า
  2. การหายใจเป็นการนำ...เข้าสู่ร่างกาย
  3. การได้รับควันบุหรี่อย่างสม่ำเสมอจากการสูบบุหรี่โดยตรงหรืออยู่ในห้องที่มีคนสูบบุหรี่มีแนวโน้มที่จะทำให้เกิดโรคใด
  4. อวัยวะที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการหายใจมีลักษณะเป็นกล้ามเนื้อผืนใหญ่ใต้ปอด
  5. กระบวนการแลกเปลี่ยนก๊าซเกิดขึ้นที่บริเวณใด
  1. อุปกรณ์ช่วยกรองฝุ่นละอองที่เป็นอันตรายต่อร่างกาย
  2. กระบังลมยกสูงขึ้นกระดูกซี่โครงลดต่ำลงกล้ามเนื้อกระบังลมคลายตัวเรียกว่า
  3. กิจกรรมที่ช่วยพัฒนาระบบทางเดินหายใจ ควรทำเป็นประจำ3-5วันต่อสัปดาห์
  4. อวัยวะต่อไปนี้เป็นท่อที่อยู่ระหว่างคอหอยกับหลอดลมส่วนต้น ส่วนตรงกลางของอวัยวะจะมีลิ้นปิดหลอดลม เพื่อป้องกันไม่ให้อาหารลงสู่หลอดลม
  5. กลไกการป้องกันสิ่งแปลกปลอมของร่างกายที่ทำให้กล้ามเนื้อหายใจหดตัวอย่างแรงทันทีเรียกว่า

10 Clues: การหายใจเป็นการนำ...เข้าสู่ร่างกายกระบวนการแลกเปลี่ยนก๊าซเกิดขึ้นที่บริเวณใดอุปกรณ์ช่วยกรองฝุ่นละอองที่เป็นอันตรายต่อร่างกายอวัยวะที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการหายใจมีลักษณะเป็นกล้ามเนื้อผืนใหญ่ใต้ปอดกิจกรรมที่ช่วยพัฒนาระบบทางเดินหายใจ ควรทำเป็นประจำ3-5วันต่อสัปดาห์กระบังลมยกสูงขึ้นกระดูกซี่โครงลดต่ำลงกล้ามเนื้อกระบังลมคลายตัวเรียกว่า...

Respiratory System 2022-05-11

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. muscle separating the thoracic and abdominal cavity; aids in the process of breathing
  2. division of a lung
  3. nose
  4. -ema
  5. lung
  1. pleura
  2. lymphatic tissue in the nasopharynx; pharyngeal tonsils
  3. diaphragm
  4. middle of chest where trachea divides into two branches
  5. radiographic imaging

10 Clues: nose-emalungpleuradiaphragmdivision of a lungradiographic imaginglymphatic tissue in the nasopharynx; pharyngeal tonsilsmiddle of chest where trachea divides into two branchesmuscle separating the thoracic and abdominal cavity; aids in the process of breathing

respiratory system 2023-10-16

respiratory system crossword puzzle
  1. Type of cancer that begins in the lungs and may spread to lymph nodes or other organs in the body, such as the brain.
  2. A disease characterized by a specific type of inflammation of various tissues of the body. It usually starts in the lungs, but it can start in almost any body organ. Microscopic lumps of a specific form of inflammation, called granulomas, appear in the affected tissues.
  3. Chronic inflammation disease of airway that is characterized by increased responsiveness of tracheobronchial tree to a multiplicity of stimuli.
  4. Permanent obstruction of the airways that occurs in varying degrees. It is most commonly caused by tobacco abuse mainly in the form of primary cigarette smoking. (shortcut)
  5. A highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory passages causing fever, severe aching, and catarrh, and often occurring in epidemics.
  1. An infection that affects one or both lungs. It causes the air sacs, or alveoli, of the lungs to fill up with fluid or pus. It can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi.
  2. A lung condition that causes shortness of breath. Over time, the inner walls of the air sacs weaken and rupture — creating larger air spaces instead of many small ones. This reduces the surface area of the lungs and, in turn, the amount of oxygen that reaches your bloodstream.
  3. A condition that develops when the airways in the lungs, called bronchial tubes, become inflamed and cause coughing, often with mucus production.
  4. Damage to the walls of the bronchial tubes with loss of the smooth muscle and loss of elasticity of segments of the bronchi.
  5. An infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

10 Clues: An infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.Type of cancer that begins in the lungs and may spread to lymph nodes or other organs in the body, such as the brain.Damage to the walls of the bronchial tubes with loss of the smooth muscle and loss of elasticity of segments of the bronchi....

Respiratory System 2024-01-29

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. The windpipe that is lined with mucus and cilia to trap particles
  2. Tubes that carry air closer to the site of external respiration
  3. The voice box that contains the vocal cords
  4. A tiny air sacs through which gas exchange take place
  1. Right and left airway passages closest to the trachea
  2. The gas that is exhaled out of the lungs.
  3. A single breath inhaled and exhaled.
  4. A tiny blood vessel through which gas exchange takes place.
  5. done shaped muscle that causes the chest cavity to expand and contract
  6. Gas used by the body to metabolize food for energy.

10 Clues: A single breath inhaled and exhaled.The gas that is exhaled out of the lungs.The voice box that contains the vocal cordsGas used by the body to metabolize food for energy.Right and left airway passages closest to the tracheaA tiny air sacs through which gas exchange take placeA tiny blood vessel through which gas exchange takes place....


RESPIRATORY SYSTEM crossword puzzle
  1. air is forced out
  2. receives food & water
  3. carry small air
  4. removes debris
  1. receives nasal cavity
  2. takes bad air out
  3. brings air inside
  4. protect voice box
  5. breathing
  6. throat

10 Clues: throatbreathingremoves debriscarry small airtakes bad air outair is forced outbrings air insideprotect voice boxreceives nasal cavityreceives food & water

Respiratory System 2024-05-15

Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Main organs of the respiratory system that allow the inhalation of oxygen and the exhalation of carbon dioxide.
  2. allow air to get from the trachea to the alveoli.
  3. is a strong muscle beneath the lungs. It contracts when breathing.
  4. tube-like structure which connects the nose and mouth to the lungs.
  5. the process of taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide from the body.
  1. gas that enters the blood through the lungs and travels to the heart to be pumped via arteries to all body cells.
  2. A gas that is expelled from the body by the respiratory system.
  3. sacs that hold air and allow the air to contact capillaries of the circulatory system.
  4. connect the lungs to the trachea.
  5. the system of the body that brings oxygen into the body and releases carbon dioxide.

10 Clues: connect the lungs to the trachea.allow air to get from the trachea to the alveoli.A gas that is expelled from the body by the respiratory a strong muscle beneath the lungs. It contracts when structure which connects the nose and mouth to the lungs....