school Crossword Puzzles

school 2020-11-13

school crossword puzzle
  1. вчитель
  2. класна кімната
  3. мистецтво
  4. малювання
  5. парта
  6. важкий
  7. музика
  8. компютер
  9. англійська
  10. олівець
  11. книга
  1. розуміти
  2. урок
  3. казати
  4. повторювати
  5. спортзал
  6. наука
  7. спорт
  8. учень
  9. перерва
  10. допомагати
  11. домашня робота

22 Clues: урокпартанаукаспортученькнигаказативажкиймузикавчительперерваолівецьрозумітиспортзалкомпютермистецтвомалюваннядопомагатианглійськаповторюватикласна кімнатадомашня робота

School 2020-10-20

School crossword puzzle
  12. teacher WRITES ON THE


School 2020-06-01

School crossword puzzle
  1. what you write in english class
  2. sport played by boys and girls in school, shoot through hoop
  3. where you test the limits of your stomach
  4. person being taught
  5. usually for sports, to raise money for the program
  6. what to study
  7. instructor
  8. texas's favorite high school sport
  9. the head of the school
  1. sport where you hit the ball over the net
  2. Final ___ is given at the end
  3. signal to know when the class begins and ends
  4. when you get in trouble and have to stay home
  5. awkward social situation
  6. where kids fit as many people into one small space as possible for sports games
  7. test taken at end of the grading period
  8. specific to subject being studied
  9. the person who manages the office
  10. Period of time where work is assigned
  11. yearly test in texas

20 Clues: instructorwhat to studyperson being taughtyearly test in texasthe head of the schoolawkward social situationFinal ___ is given at the endwhat you write in english classthe person who manages the officespecific to subject being studiedtexas's favorite high school sportPeriod of time where work is assignedtest taken at end of the grading period...

School 2021-04-21

School crossword puzzle
  1. will sing, play the piano, play the guitar
  2. help the animals
  3. do the household
  4. work in a restaurant
  5. play in films
  6. catch a fish
  7. take care of patients
  8. put out fire
  9. take a bad teeth
  10. works with PC
  1. design a house
  2. works on farm
  3. driver drive a taxi
  4. arrest the criminal
  5. write stories
  6. agent help you to go in a holiday
  7. The driver drive a bus
  8. pilot fly an airplane
  9. helps you when you are sick
  10. work in school also teach the students

20 Clues: catch a fishput out fireworks on farmwrite storiesplay in filmsworks with PCdesign a househelp the animalsdo the householdtake a bad teethdriver drive a taxiarrest the criminalwork in a restaurantpilot fly an airplanetake care of patientshelps you when you are sickThe driver drive a busagent help you to go in a holiday...

School 2020-07-13

School crossword puzzle
  1. The colour of the chairs in class
  2. School clothing
  3. The blue thing teachers use to stick things up
  4. Year 5 Male teacher
  5. The warm drink teachers drink
  6. Where you put your belongings
  7. Mile Afternoon annoying running
  8. The book you get at the end of Year 6
  9. The noise that tells you it’s lunch
  10. Drawing and Painting Lesson
  1. To remove mistakes
  2. The place you may do pe and get to go in once a week
  3. The thing you read out of
  4. The lessons using lots of numbers
  5. The holy part of the school name
  6. Between morning lessons
  7. Another word for Adding
  8. What you have at lunch
  9. What you use to help spell
  10. Year 6 Male Teacher

20 Clues: School clothingTo remove mistakesYear 5 Male teacherYear 6 Male TeacherWhat you have at lunchBetween morning lessonsAnother word for AddingThe thing you read out ofWhat you use to help spellDrawing and Painting LessonThe warm drink teachers drinkWhere you put your belongingsMile Afternoon annoying runningThe holy part of the school name...

School 2020-11-24

School crossword puzzle
  1. bioloogia
  2. vahetund
  3. lahe
  4. muusika
  5. ajalugu
  6. WC
  7. kolmapäev
  8. miil
  9. kunstiõppetus
  10. kontrolltöö
  1. kodutöö
  2. õpilane
  3. prantsuse keel
  4. draama
  5. küpsis
  6. ainult
  7. seisma
  8. tunniplaan
  9. koolipink
  10. kehv

20 Clues: WClahekehvmiildraamaküpsisainultseismakodutööõpilanemuusikaajaluguvahetundbioloogiakoolipinkkolmapäevtunniplaankontrolltöökunstiõppetusprantsuse keel

School 2021-10-05

School crossword puzzle
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Disadvantaged
  3. Loyal
  4. Large marsupial
  5. Efficient
  6. Aspiration
  7. Gentle
  8. punishment
  9. Scenario
  10. Likes to chase mice
  11. Fearful
  12. Man's best friend
  13. well-owned
  1. Charming
  2. Exhausted
  3. convert
  4. old-fashioned
  5. Adventurous
  6. Flying mammal
  7. Arrogant
  8. Cheerful
  9. Confusion
  10. Communication

23 Clues: LoyalGentleconvertFearfulCharmingArrogantCheerfulScenarioExhaustedEfficientConfusionAspirationpunishmentwell-ownedHas a trunkAdventurousDisadvantagedold-fashionedFlying mammalCommunicationLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

School 2021-10-05

School crossword puzzle
  1. Adventurous
  2. Disadvantaged
  3. Exhausted
  4. Arrogant
  5. Cheerful
  6. convert
  7. Aspiration
  8. old-fashioned
  9. Confusion
  10. Large marsupial
  11. well-owned
  1. punishment
  2. Efficient
  3. Communication
  4. Has a trunk
  5. Gentle
  6. Flying mammal
  7. Charming
  8. Likes to chase mice
  9. Fearful
  10. Loyal
  11. Man's best friend
  12. Scenario

23 Clues: LoyalGentleFearfulconvertArrogantCheerfulCharmingScenarioEfficientExhaustedConfusionpunishmentAspirationwell-ownedAdventurousHas a trunkDisadvantagedCommunicationFlying mammalold-fashionedLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

School 2021-09-21

School crossword puzzle
  1. Tells you the time
  2. notebook to be organized
  3. write on it to draw or work
  4. Separate paper
  5. Carry many things
  6. put your binders in it to go to school
  7. a person who directs the school
  8. Someone who studies at school
  9. Mainly used during maths
  10. Sharpens your pencil to be finer
  11. what you have to study in the page
  1. make perfect circles
  2. class papers used by everyone at school
  3. Covers your face during pandemic
  4. You need one for every classes
  5. projects screen on the board
  6. Without it your pencil is useless
  7. lights the class
  8. Deletes your mistakes
  9. work on a numerical object
  10. box bring your lunch to school in this
  11. stock your pencils
  12. teaches students to learn new things

23 Clues: Separate paperlights the classCarry many thingsTells you the timestock your pencilsmake perfect circlesDeletes your mistakesnotebook to be organizedMainly used during mathswork on a numerical objectwrite on it to draw or workprojects screen on the boardSomeone who studies at schoolYou need one for every classesa person who directs the school...

School 2021-11-17

School crossword puzzle
  1. the action of being kicked out of school
  2. Make sure to use this in history
  3. the study of social life
  4. Drawing, Colors
  5. Book
  6. this is the highlight of the state
  7. Exercise
  8. Study of matter, Space, and earth.
  9. Being kicked out of school for a few days
  10. Multiply, Divide, Add, and Subtract.
  11. what you write in
  12. What some people think of school
  13. the action of saying each letter of a word
  14. this is where you go to learn *not school*
  1. The start of school
  2. English Language Arts.
  3. this is a class when you have to learn to cook
  4. What you get when you been bad in class
  5. Food break
  6. study of the past
  7. Stars, Sun, Moon, Galaxies, Universes
  8. when school is over
  9. The class in which you play instruments
  10. the type of doing school on a computer
  11. what you use to write with
  12. Use - for a space, this one is space-mark
  13. People who teach
  14. Making Stories
  15. PE
  16. Where you go to learn
  17. Group Activates
  18. People who the Teacher's Teach
  19. The school were in
  20. what others think of school when its not boring
  21. Fun break

35 Clues: PEBookExerciseFun breakFood breakMaking StoriesDrawing, ColorsGroup ActivatesPeople who teachstudy of the pastwhat you write inThe school were inThe start of schoolwhen school is overWhere you go to learnEnglish Language Arts.the study of social lifewhat you use to write withPeople who the Teacher's TeachMake sure to use this in history...

School 2021-11-08

School crossword puzzle
  1. The ruler of the school
  2. The school mascot
  3. Who teaches you
  4. Aka Phys-ed
  5. What you sit at in class
  6. Put your stuff in a
  7. Where you go to read books
  8. Carry books around in a
  9. Where the secraterys work
  10. Songs and lyrics
  11. Aka the opposite of soccer
  1. The study of the earth
  2. What you write on
  3. Time to eat
  4. Where you eat lunch
  5. Work at home
  6. What you are thought in
  7. A time of day to play
  8. Where you are detained
  9. Transportation to school
  10. Sharp writing tool
  11. Things about numbers

22 Clues: Time to eatAka Phys-edWork at homeWho teaches youSongs and lyricsWhat you write onThe school mascotSharp writing toolWhere you eat lunchPut your stuff in aThings about numbersA time of day to playThe study of the earthWhere you are detainedThe ruler of the schoolWhat you are thought inCarry books around in aWhat you sit at in class...

School 2021-12-02

School crossword puzzle
  1. изучать
  2. легкий
  3. линейка
  4. музыка
  5. труды
  6. снаружи, на улице
  7. ластик
  8. английский язык
  9. читать
  10. пол
  11. карандаш
  12. картина, рисунок
  13. учиться
  14. математика
  15. стеллаж, книжный шкаф
  16. считать
  17. доска для маркера
  18. доска для мела
  19. начинать
  20. дверь
  1. сложный
  2. ручка
  3. история
  4. стена
  5. урок
  6. важный
  7. школа
  8. ковер
  9. рисование
  10. парта
  11. форма
  12. география
  13. классная комната
  14. писать
  15. расписание
  16. русский язык
  17. школьный предмет
  18. заканчивать
  19. урок, занятие
  20. окно

40 Clues: полурококноручкастенашколаковертрудыпартаформадверьважныйлегкиймузыкаластикчитатьписатьсложныйисторияизучатьлинейкаучитьсясчитатькарандашначинатьрисованиегеографиярасписаниематематиказаканчиватьрусский языкурок, занятиедоска для мелаанглийский языкклассная комнатакартина, рисунокшкольный предметснаружи, на улицедоска для маркера...

School 2021-06-18

School crossword puzzle
  1. 体育
  2. 音楽室
  3. 校庭
  4. 教室
  5. 家庭科
  6. 理科
  7. 英語
  8. 社会
  9. 図工
  10. 体育館
  1. 英語室
  2. 校長室
  3. 保健室
  4. 道徳
  5. 算数
  6. 図書室
  7. 国語
  8. 書写
  9. 職員室
  10. 音楽

20 Clues: 体育道徳校庭教室算数国語理科書写英語社会音楽図工英語室校長室保健室音楽室家庭科図書室職員室体育館

School 2021-06-18

School crossword puzzle
  1. 保健室
  2. 校庭
  3. 書写
  4. 算数
  5. 国語
  6. 図工
  7. 教室
  8. 道徳
  9. 体育
  10. 理科
  1. 図書室
  2. 家庭科
  3. 体育館
  4. 音楽
  5. 社会
  6. 校長室
  7. 職員室
  8. 音楽室
  9. 英語室
  10. 英語

20 Clues: 音楽社会校庭書写算数国語図工英語教室道徳体育理科図書室家庭科体育館保健室校長室職員室音楽室英語室

School 2021-12-16

School crossword puzzle
  1. information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
  2. a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
  3. a temporary state of mind or feeling.
  4. a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.
  5. deduce or conclude (information) from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements.
  6. conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play, or movie.
  7. the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect.
  8. a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it.
  9. the subject of a talk, a piece of writing, a person's thoughts, or an exhibition; a topic.
  10. cause to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something.
  1. the choice and use of words and phrases in speech or writing.
  2. The Hero's Journey
  3. the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.
  4. providing useful or interesting information.
  5. the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form.
  6. something that provides additional details or information
  7. a very typical example of a certain person or thing.
  8. the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
  9. be a warning or indication of (a future event).
  10. a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.
  11. a state or feeling of excited or anxious uncertainty about what may happen.
  12. the general character or attitude of a place, piece of writing, situation, etc.

22 Clues: The Hero's Journeya temporary state of mind or feeling.providing useful or interesting a warning or indication of (a future event).a very typical example of a certain person or thing.something that provides additional details or informationthe mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual....

School 2021-09-24

School crossword puzzle
  1. In school, the dress code ____________ girls wearing tank tops.
  2. had to get my teachers ___________ to leave school early.
  3. Some kids don't have many friends so they sit in ________ areas for school lunch.
  4. Teachers need to ________ themselves of the idea that we should have homework on the weekends.
  5. school staff make sure to have __________ rules about how we should act while we are at school.
  6. a kid has to take on their parents responsibilities, it can be very _______ and overwhelming.
  7. I always _________ myself when I start to struggle with my school work.
  8. Some of the rooms in the school are really small and some are very _________.
  9. It would be against _______ to come to school naked.
  10. I finally started watering my plants correctly, I noticed they started to _______.
  11. My teacher ____________ looked at me when I skipped class.
  1. For our CER on coral bleaching, we need to ___________ our claim on what is causing coral bleaching.
  2. The couples in this school can be very ____________ and it's gross.
  3. Most of the kids in this school appear to be ____________.
  4. our assignment was to __________ the mistake for each sentence.
  5. have come to find that most people at school are just miserable and _______.
  6. The work that my algebra teacher gives never __________ me.
  7. The girls ______ the cafeteria bathroom between classes.
  8. Coming back to school made me realize that the kids here can be very ____________.
  9. I was so dehydrated that my face had a ________ look and I ended up passing out.
  10. Instead of taking the shortcut to school, we took the __________ route.
  11. When I don´t like a teacher, their lessons become very _________ to me.
  12. We had to make a precise _________ for our school project.
  13. After a long debate, the class finally came to a _________.
  14. Sometimes, I can be ________ when it comes to showing up to class on time.

25 Clues: It would be against _______ to come to school naked.The girls ______ the cafeteria bathroom between classes.had to get my teachers ___________ to leave school early.Most of the kids in this school appear to be ____________.We had to make a precise _________ for our school project.My teacher ____________ looked at me when I skipped class....

School 2021-08-25

School crossword puzzle
  1. Something you sit on
  2. 1+1=2
  3. A peice of furniture where you an put your things
  4. Pauses between classes
  5. A thing that you read in
  6. A room where you learn things
  7. The class where you learn to exercise
  8. Something to write with
  9. A blue thing that you write on with chalk
  10. The class where you hear and create sounds
  11. An adult learning the students things
  1. A room with a lot of books
  2. White stuff you write with
  3. School work that you do at home
  4. Something to write on
  5. A bag made for carrying books
  6. A place where you can play and have fun
  7. Something that rings
  8. A minor that's learning things from the teachers
  9. An electronic devise where you can study
  10. A text that you write with a chosen subject

21 Clues: 1+1=2Something you sit onSomething that ringsSomething to write onPauses between classesSomething to write withA thing that you read inA room with a lot of booksWhite stuff you write withA bag made for carrying booksA room where you learn thingsSchool work that you do at homeThe class where you learn to exerciseAn adult learning the students things...

SCHOOL 2017-10-20

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  2. PULL
  1. JUPE
  5. VESTE
  7. POLO
  10. CASIER
  11. ELEVE
  12. COLLER


school 2018-10-12

school crossword puzzle
  1. tanora
  2. kerdez
  3. feladat
  4. tanar
  5. figyel
  6. hallgat
  7. emlekszik
  8. tantargy
  9. elfelejt
  10. munkafuzet
  11. tanul
  12. szavak
  13. valaszol
  1. mondat
  2. tud
  3. csal
  4. tanulo
  5. beszel
  6. tanterem
  7. fuzet
  8. kerdes
  9. angol
  10. konyv
  11. magyaraz
  12. ir
  13. tabla

26 Clues: irtudcsaltanarfuzetangolkonyvtablatanultanoramondatkerdeztanulobeszelfigyelkerdesszavakfeladathallgattanteremtantargymagyarazelfelejtvalaszolemlekszikmunkafuzet

School 2018-09-06

School crossword puzzle
  1. paber
  2. tahvel
  3. joonlaud
  4. koolilaud
  5. õpilased
  6. rääkima
  7. õpilane
  8. võimla
  9. värvid
  10. pinal
  11. matemaatika
  12. klassiruum
  13. õpik
  14. pliiats
  1. töövihik
  2. pastakas
  3. kustukas
  4. tund
  5. päevik
  6. õpetaja
  7. kunstiklass
  8. liim
  9. koolikott
  10. tähthaaval ütlema
  11. laulma

25 Clues: tundliimõpikpaberpinaltahvelpäevikvõimlavärvidlaulmarääkimaõpilaneõpetajapliiatstöövihikpastakaskustukasjoonlaudõpilasedkoolilaudkoolikottklassiruumkunstiklassmatemaatikatähthaaval ütlema

SCHOOL 2018-11-18

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. raamat
  2. tund
  3. õppeaine
  4. spordiväljak
  5. vahetund
  6. vihik
  7. muusika
  8. rasvakriit
  9. õppima
  10. kõrvaklapid
  11. aeg
  12. kunstiklass
  13. õpetaja
  14. joonistama
  1. õpilane
  2. prügikast
  3. õppima
  4. rääkima
  5. inglise keel
  6. algklassid
  7. klassiruum
  8. kool
  9. mänguväljak
  10. loodusõpetus
  11. võimla
  12. lugema
  13. arvuti
  14. värv, värvima
  15. kehaline kasvatus
  16. matemaatika
  17. tahvel
  18. kunst

32 Clues: aegtundkoolvihikkunstraamatõppimavõimlaõppimalugemaarvutitahvelõpilanerääkimamuusikaõpetajaõppeainevahetundprügikastalgklassidklassiruumrasvakriitjoonistamamänguväljakkõrvaklapidmatemaatikakunstiklassinglise keelspordiväljakloodusõpetusvärv, värvimakehaline kasvatus

School 2019-09-22

School crossword puzzle
  1. classes about the language and literature of Poland
  2. classes about the language and literature of Great Britain, the USA, etc.
  3. the school subject about how to use modern technology
  4. a place at school where students can buy something to eat
  5. classes about how to draw or paint beautiful things
  6. a long hallway in a building
  7. a small stick of coloured wax used for drawing
  8. a type of soft white stone used for writing or drawing
  9. a tool for removing pencil marks from paper
  10. a tool for cutting paper
  11. a large black or green surface fixed to a classroom wall for writing on
  12. a sticky substance that you use to fix things to each other
  13. the subject about numbers
  1. the subject about the physical world, and which is based on facts and experiments
  2. a book with empty pages which you use for writing notes
  3. the subject about people/events in the past
  4. an object used for measuring or for drawing straight lines
  5. a room for PE lessons
  6. a room in a school
  7. the subject about the substances found in the world and the reactions between them
  8. the subject about the physical features of the world, i.e. climate or landforms
  9. the subject about living organisms
  10. a room/building where people can borrow books
  11. a school subject where students do gymnastics or play sports

24 Clues: a room in a schoola room for PE lessonsa tool for cutting paperthe subject about numbersa long hallway in a buildingthe subject about living organismsthe subject about people/events in the pasta tool for removing pencil marks from papera room/building where people can borrow booksa small stick of coloured wax used for drawing...

School 2019-09-17

School crossword puzzle
  1. книга
  2. школа
  3. бассейн
  4. пенал
  5. школьный кабинет
  6. игровая площадка
  7. линейка
  8. книжный шкаф
  9. стадион
  10. рисунок, картинка
  11. стена
  12. полка
  13. ластик
  14. выдвижные ящики
  1. окно
  2. стол
  3. карандаш
  4. спортивная площадка
  5. дверь
  6. портфель, ранец
  7. ученик
  8. компьютер
  9. ручка
  10. постер, плакат
  11. учитель
  12. доска
  13. стул

27 Clues: окностолстулкнигашколапеналдверьручкадоскастенаполкаученикластикбассейнлинейкастадионучителькарандашкомпьютеркнижный шкафпостер, плакатпортфель, ранецвыдвижные ящикишкольный кабинетигровая площадкарисунок, картинкаспортивная площадка

school 2019-10-21

school crossword puzzle
  1. мастерская
  2. пальма
  3. рекреация
  4. вестибюль
  5. списывать
  6. кабинет
  7. расписание
  8. учащийся
  9. подсказывать
  10. гимназия
  11. точные науки
  12. хор
  13. факультативный
  1. колледж
  2. директор
  3. обязательный
  4. медсестра
  5. библиотекарь
  6. занятия
  7. лицей
  8. буфет
  9. медпункт
  10. зубрить
  11. ученик начальной школы
  12. кружок

25 Clues: хорлицейбуфетпальмакружокколледжзанятиякабинетзубритьдиректоручащийсягимназиямедпунктмедсестрарекреациявестибюльсписыватьмастерскаярасписаниеобязательныйбиблиотекарьподсказыватьточные наукифакультативныйученик начальной школы

School 2013-10-02

School crossword puzzle
  1. You need this for organize your school things.
  2. Master He has a big responsability.
  3. You need this thing for do your homeworks.
  4. Subject that explains what happened a lot of years.
  5. Only use the private highschool's.
  6. Persons that learn something.
  7. You were inside your write material.
  8. It's one thing that help you to study.
  9. Person that teaches you a lot of things useful.
  10. Students hate do this.
  1. It's furniture that save your books.
  2. Subject a little bit difficult
  3. Furniture were students support her body.
  4. It's breakable and usefull for students and teachers.
  5. A lot of students don't like do.
  6. It's something big that the teacher usually use.
  7. Were you can wear your school material.
  8. Person who help students or clasificate things.
  9. Were students do their work.
  10. Noise that adverts you.

20 Clues: Students hate do this.Noise that adverts you.Were students do their work.Persons that learn something.Subject a little bit difficultA lot of students don't like do.Only use the private highschool's.It's furniture that save your books.You were inside your write material.Master He has a big responsability.It's one thing that help you to study....

School 2014-01-07

School crossword puzzle
  1. de school waar je nu bent
  2. voor je boeken en andere spullen
  3. daar leer je uit
  4. daar maak je sommen in
  5. hiermee maak je je schrift vol
  6. toets die 3x meetelt
  7. modern schoolbord
  8. plek voor dingen die je niet in je tas wil hebben
  9. de enige die staat in plaats van zit (in de klas)
  10. tijd tussen je lesuren in
  11. voor als je je eten vergeet
  1. wanneer je welke les hebt
  2. les over wat er vroeger allemaal is gebeurd
  3. krijg je aan het einde van het trimester
  4. wat je niet in de klas afkrijgt
  5. les over de wereld
  6. einde/begin van de les
  7. voor schrijfgerei
  8. krijg je voor een toets
  9. waar je les krijgt

20 Clues: daar leer je uitvoor schrijfgereimodern schoolbordles over de wereldwaar je les krijgttoets die 3x meeteltdaar maak je sommen ineinde/begin van de leskrijg je voor een toetswanneer je welke les hebtde school waar je nu benttijd tussen je lesuren invoor als je je eten vergeethiermee maak je je schrift volwat je niet in de klas afkrijgt...

school 2014-02-19

school crossword puzzle
  1. compagno di classe
  2. segrataria
  3. colla
  4. zaino
  5. mappamondo
  6. room sala insengnanti
  7. appendi abiti
  8. banco
  9. libro di testo
  10. calcolatrice
  11. segretario
  12. sedia
  1. compagno di banco
  2. laboratory laboratorio di lingue
  3. office ufficio amministrativo
  4. alunno
  5. gesso
  6. square squadra
  7. mensa
  8. armadietto
  9. bagni
  10. lavagna
  11. preside
  12. laboratory laboratorio di scienze
  13. bibliotecario

25 Clues: collagessozainomensabagnibancosediaalunnolavagnapresidesegratariaarmadiettomappamondosegretariocalcolatriceappendi abitibibliotecariosquare squadralibro di testocompagno di bancocompagno di classeroom sala insengnantioffice ufficio amministrativolaboratory laboratorio di linguelaboratory laboratorio di scienze

School 2014-10-28

School crossword puzzle
  1. suugaku
  2. tsumaranai
  3. kagaku
  4. ichiban sukina
  5. kateika
  6. taiiku
  7. nihongo
  8. kibishii
  9. rekishi
  10. muzukashii
  1. ongaku
  2. kamoku
  3. gijutsu
  4. tanoshii
  5. chiri
  6. omoshiroi
  7. shakai
  8. eigo
  9. bijutsu
  10. gakkou

20 Clues: eigochiriongakukamokukagakushakaitaiikugakkousuugakugijutsukateikabijutsunihongorekishitanoshiikibishiiomoshiroitsumaranaimuzukashiiichiban sukina

school 2014-05-12

school crossword puzzle
  1. x
  2. jjrfio31hoi
  3. h
  4. nxz
  5. t
  6. qudhiqewñ
  7. huiewrñ3
  8. gh
  1. oie09´qjOWE
  2. jñhrq
  3. a
  4. l
  5. j
  6. n
  7. z
  8. c
  9. r
  10. po
  11. d
  12. ñ

20 Clues: xaljnzchrtdñpoghnxzjñhrqhuiewrñ3qudhiqewñoie09´qjOWEjjrfio31hoi

school 2014-05-12

school crossword puzzle
  1. x
  2. jjrfio31hoi
  3. h
  4. nxz
  5. t
  6. qudhiqewñ
  7. huiewrñ3
  8. gh
  1. oie09´qjOWE
  2. jñhrq
  3. a
  4. l
  5. j
  6. n
  7. z
  8. c
  9. r
  10. po
  11. d
  12. ñ

20 Clues: xaljnzchrtdñpoghnxzjñhrqhuiewrñ3qudhiqewñoie09´qjOWEjjrfio31hoi

School 2014-05-06

School crossword puzzle
  1. a large motor vehicle used for carry passengers
  2. used for writing, drawing
  3. a person who teaches others
  4. the head of a school
  5. words as run, make, do are ....
  6. school work done out of lessons, esp at home
  7. the fruit of a tree, having red, yellow, or green skin and crisp whitish flesh
  8. used for drawing
  9. a mark or rating indicating achievement or the worth of work done
  10. a piece of furniture with a writing surface
  1. a person following a course of study
  2. used for sitting
  3. a room in which classes are conducted
  4. a bag for school
  5. used for measuring and drawing straight lines
  6. used for erasing something
  7. a written work or composition, such as a novel, manual, or dictionary
  8. a group of pupils or students who are taught and study together
  9. used for joining or sticking something together
  10. short for examination

20 Clues: used for sittinga bag for schoolused for drawingthe head of a schoolshort for examinationused for writing, drawingused for erasing somethinga person who teaches otherswords as run, make, do are ....a person following a course of studya room in which classes are conducteda piece of furniture with a writing surface...

School 2016-03-02

School crossword puzzle
  1. lasts for about an hour
  2. an item where you keep your pencils
  3. a place where you can hang out aswell but you have sofas
  4. a place where you can swim
  5. the leader of the school
  6. the place where you can read in peace or borrow books
  7. a place where you can play during brakes
  8. a thing where you have your books
  9. a person who teaches the students
  1. a place where the school keeps the celebrations in
  2. a room where the headmaster works
  3. a place where you can keep your bags or other stuff
  4. a room where is a a lot of computers
  5. you can erase your mistakes with this
  6. a place where you can hang out during brakes or before school
  7. a room where you have lessons
  8. a thing what you can read and learn from
  9. a person who tries to learn things
  10. a place where you can work out
  11. lasts for 15 or 45 minutes

20 Clues: lasts for about an hourthe leader of the schoola place where you can swimlasts for 15 or 45 minutesa room where you have lessonsa place where you can work outa room where the headmaster worksa thing where you have your booksa person who teaches the studentsa person who tries to learn thingsan item where you keep your pencils...

School 2023-10-27

School crossword puzzle
  1. something to hold your school supplies
  2. a psychic object that you can read
  3. a small lockable closet that locks something
  4. Where students gather for lessons
  5. A place to borrow books and study
  6. A sport that involves catching and running
  7. an electron device to do school work
  8. someone educates students
  9. Something to write with
  10. an electron device to help student learn school Martiel
  1. to comforts students Durning school hours
  2. to tell the time
  3. a set of keys on a computer
  4. Physical activity to stay fit
  5. the head of a school
  6. Study of the natural world
  7. class Assignments to be done outside of school
  8. a surfaces that students can use to do their school work
  9. Interacting with friends
  10. A subject that has numbers

20 Clues: to tell the timethe head of a schoolSomething to write withInteracting with friendssomeone educates studentsStudy of the natural worldA subject that has numbersa set of keys on a computerPhysical activity to stay fitWhere students gather for lessonsA place to borrow books and studya psychic object that you can read...

School 2023-11-10

School crossword puzzle
  1. Traditionelles Kaffeehaus
  2. Gedrehter Brot-Snack
  3. Kirschtorte Schokoladen-Kirsch-Dessert
  4. Klassischer Musikkomponist
  5. Eingelegtes Krautgericht
  6. Theoretischer Physiker
  7. Märchenschloss in Bayern
  8. Kurzbeinige Hunderasse
  9. Deutscher Automobilhersteller
  10. Currygewürzte Wurstspezialität
  11. Stadtmusikanten Märchen der Gebrüder Grimm
  12. Berühmter deutscher Schriftsteller
  1. Traditionelle Lederhose
  2. Wahrzeichen in Berlin
  3. Bedeutender europäischer Fluss
  4. Gebratenes und paniertes Fleischgericht
  5. Schnellstraßensystem
  6. Freude über das Unglück anderer
  7. Kunst- und Designschule
  8. Freiluft-Biergarten

20 Clues: Freiluft-BiergartenGedrehter Brot-SnackSchnellstraßensystemWahrzeichen in BerlinTheoretischer PhysikerKurzbeinige HunderasseTraditionelle LederhoseKunst- und DesignschuleEingelegtes KrautgerichtMärchenschloss in BayernTraditionelles KaffeehausKlassischer MusikkomponistDeutscher AutomobilherstellerBedeutender europäischer Fluss...

school 2014-01-22

school crossword puzzle
  1. topic of school
  2. acquire knowledge
  3. read and check information to learn it
  4. school for babies
  5. schedule
  6. not pass
  7. school where nuns and priests teach
  8. clothes used in a school
  9. copy
  10. grades
  11. school managed by the government
  12. a child in school
  1. school for teenagers
  2. school where parents pay for education
  3. school before secondary
  4. a university teacher
  5. have a good conduct
  6. school where students eat, sleep, learn
  7. a person with a degree from a university
  8. a person that studies in university
  9. check before an exam
  10. conduct
  11. subject that uses numbers
  12. opposite of relaxed

24 Clues: copygradesconductschedulenot passtopic of schoolacquire knowledgeschool for babiesa child in schoolhave a good conductopposite of relaxedschool for teenagersa university teachercheck before an examschool before secondaryclothes used in a schoolsubject that uses numbersschool managed by the governmentschool where nuns and priests teach...

School 2023-12-17

School crossword puzzle
  1. chimie
  2. sciences sociales
  3. un cahier
  4. physique
  5. theâtre
  6. maths
  7. crayon de bois
  8. anglais
  9. français
  10. un professeur
  1. informatique
  2. une matière
  3. musique
  4. tableau
  5. geographie
  6. arts plastiques
  7. biologie
  8. emploi du temps
  9. EPS
  10. histoire

20 Clues: EPSmathschimiemusiquetableautheâtreanglaisphysiquebiologiehistoirefrançaisun cahiergeographieune matièreinformatiqueun professeurcrayon de boisarts plastiquesemploi du tempssciences sociales

School 2023-12-18

School crossword puzzle
  1. Diccionario
  2. Uniforme
  3. - Libro
  4. Aglutinante
  5. Bolígrafo
  6. Libro de texto
  7. Clase
  8. - Lapiz
  9. Case Estuche
  10. Carpeta
  11. Pencil Lápiz de color
  12. - Escritorio
  1. Resaltadores
  2. Marcador
  3. Computadora
  4. - Computadora portatil
  5. Alumno
  6. Borrador
  7. Silla
  8. Aula
  9. Gobernante
  10. Tijeras
  11. Papel
  12. Casilleros

24 Clues: AulaSillaClasePapelAlumno- Libro- LapizTijerasCarpetaMarcadorUniformeBorradorBolígrafoGobernanteCasillerosDiccionarioComputadoraAglutinanteResaltadoresCase Estuche- EscritorioLibro de textoPencil Lápiz de color- Computadora portatil

School 2023-11-30

School crossword puzzle
  1. eraser
  2. tie
  3. jendela
  4. blackboard
  5. lampu
  6. gambar
  7. pen
  8. pintu
  9. kelas
  10. locker
  1. botol
  2. chair
  3. murid
  4. backpack
  5. kipas angin
  6. chalk
  7. bendera
  8. whiteboard marker
  9. table
  10. pencil
  11. guru

21 Clues: tiepengurubotolchairmuridchalklamputablepintukelaserasergambarpencillockerjendelabenderabackpackblackboardkipas anginwhiteboard marker

School 2024-02-09

School crossword puzzle
  1. yellow vechile
  2. creativity
  3. when your pencil is dull, you _____ it
  4. where a student goes when they come late
  5. you write notes in this
  6. what you use for writing
  7. where you keep water
  8. chemistry, earth, the human body, ect.
  9. books
  10. you use this to draw a straight line
  11. "I am _____ for my test."
  12. people you like to hang out with
  13. you use these to color things
  14. something you may see in an older school
  15. where students learn
  1. used to carry food to school
  2. you use this to stick things together
  3. who teaches you
  4. is used at school and at movie theatres
  5. challenging subject for others
  6. ten plus five
  7. where you eat and go outside and play
  8. nouns, adverbs, ect.
  9. what school is about
  10. we learn about God
  11. work that is not done at school
  12. where students sit
  13. a classic present for a teacher

28 Clues: bookscreativityten plus fiveyellow vechilewho teaches youwe learn about Godwhere students sitwhere you keep waternouns, adverbs, ect.what school is aboutwhere students learnyou write notes in thiswhat you use for writing"I am _____ for my test."used to carry food to schoolyou use these to color thingschallenging subject for others...

School 2024-01-12

School crossword puzzle
  1. Yellow vehicle that can take you to school
  2. The place where you find books
  3. Mr.Hart's favorite genre of music
  4. The name of our school
  5. Sport that involves running
  6. Winter sport that takes place in a gym
  7. Winter sport that takes place at an alley
  8. The club that is going to see Hamilton this year
  9. Our school mascot
  10. Winter sport that you do on a mat
  11. Class taught by Mr.Jefferis
  12. Located at the front of our school
  1. Name of the conference for sports
  2. Dance choreographer for the musical, also a kindergarten teacher at West Amwell School
  3. The class that includes a trip to Canada
  4. What you typically complete your work on
  5. A time during the day to finish work after fourth block
  6. Journalism teacher
  7. The team that won NATN last year
  8. Natn practice is Monday and __________?
  9. Place where you can make your schedule
  10. Room where you can exercise
  11. "Varsity ______"(Something you can wear)
  12. Blue and Steel team compete
  13. Your favorite 10th grade English teacher!
  14. "Did you ______ for the test?"

26 Clues: Our school mascotJournalism teacherThe name of our schoolSport that involves runningRoom where you can exerciseBlue and Steel team competeClass taught by Mr.JefferisThe place where you find books"Did you ______ for the test?"The team that won NATN last yearName of the conference for sportsMr.Hart's favorite genre of music...

school 2023-03-16

school crossword puzzle
  1. charger
  2. blinds
  3. Whiteboard
  4. cable
  5. Lamp
  6. Switch
  7. Curtains
  8. broom
  9. Tape
  10. teacher’s desk
  11. calculator
  1. projector
  2. Headphones
  3. Speaker
  4. Ruler
  5. pad
  6. cupboard
  7. pen sharpener
  8. mobile pocket
  9. Wall

20 Clues: padLampTapeWallcableRulerbroomblindsSwitchchargerSpeakercupboardCurtainsprojectorHeadphonesWhiteboardcalculatorpen sharpenermobile pocketteacher’s desk

school 2023-02-22

school crossword puzzle
  1. pótvizsga
  2. hiányzás
  3. puskázik (csal)
  4. általános iskola alsó tagozat
  5. felvételi iroda
  6. módszerek
  7. zúzódások
  8. kötelező olvasmány
  9. óvoda
  10. előadó
  11. idegennyelv
  1. órán kívüli foglalkozások
  2. fizikai jelek
  3. egyesület
  4. igényes
  5. hírdetés
  6. a person who abuse somebody
  7. módszeres
  8. faliújság
  9. hittan
  10. fejlesztés
  11. megvitatás
  12. diákszálló
  13. vizsgáztató
  14. tesiterem

25 Clues: óvodahittanelőadóigényeshírdetéshiányzáspótvizsgaegyesületmódszeresfaliújságmódszerekzúzódásoktesiteremfejlesztésmegvitatásdiákszállóvizsgáztatóidegennyelvfizikai jelekpuskázik (csal)felvételi irodakötelező olvasmányórán kívüli foglalkozásoka person who abuse somebodyáltalános iskola alsó tagozat

School 2023-04-07

School crossword puzzle
  1. - What is four plus two?
  2. - What is one plus one?
  3. - What is ten plus three?
  4. - What is ten minus one?
  5. - What is nine plus nine?
  6. - What is five plus two?
  7. - What is ten plus five?
  8. - What is seven plus three?
  9. - What is ten plus ten?
  10. - What is ten minus two?
  11. - What is twenty minus nine?
  12. - What do you get when you add zero to one?
  1. - What is seven plus nine?
  2. - What is two plus two?
  3. - What is six plus six?
  4. - What is twenty minus one?
  5. - What is four plus one?
  6. - What is twenty minus three?
  7. - What is twenty minus six?
  8. - What is two plus one?

20 Clues: - What is two plus two?- What is one plus one?- What is six plus six?- What is two plus one?- What is ten plus ten?- What is four plus two?- What is four plus one?- What is ten minus one?- What is five plus two?- What is ten plus five?- What is ten minus two?- What is ten plus three?- What is nine plus nine?- What is seven plus nine?...

School 2024-02-28

School crossword puzzle
  1. 11
  2. 14
  3. 15
  4. 10
  5. 6
  6. 8
  7. 19
  8. 4
  9. 20
  10. 3
  11. 13
  1. 12
  2. 9
  3. 21
  4. 7
  5. 2
  6. 18
  7. 17
  8. 16
  9. 1
  10. 5

21 Clues: 972684153121114211510181917162013

School 2024-04-16

School crossword puzzle
  1. study of language
  2. study of human past
  3. stiff paper to hold papers
  4. bag to carry books
  5. felt tip coloring pens
  6. instrument for writing
  7. gain knowledge
  8. collection of books
  9. formal educator
  10. schoolwork
  11. set learning section
  12. student in school
  13. hard adhesive tube
  14. thick sheets for binders
  15. narrow sticky strip
  16. scheduled play outside
  17. request for information
  18. gym class
  19. tool to measure angles
  20. learning to compose words
  21. making sense of words
  22. room for physical exercise
  23. fluorescent pen
  24. blank pages to write
  25. book of definitions
  26. white stick to write on board
  1. wood frame to hold art
  2. large classroom board
  3. assignments to do at home
  4. chart of days. Weeks. Months
  5. study of nature & things
  6. head of a school
  7. method of communication
  8. device tor math calculations
  9. colored fluid for pen
  10. book of synonyms
  11. soft rubber to rub out lead
  12. large folder to hold files
  13. place were students learn
  14. table to do homework
  15. short message
  16. study of numbers
  17. short test
  18. knowledge test
  19. writing instrument of lead
  20. flat case to showcase paper
  21. study of physical earth
  22. short piece of writing
  23. pages bound together to read
  24. examination

50 Clues: gym classschoolworkshort testexaminationshort messagegain knowledgeknowledge testformal educatorfluorescent penhead of a schoolbook of synonymsstudy of numbersstudy of languagestudent in schoolbag to carry bookshard adhesive tubestudy of human pastcollection of booksnarrow sticky stripbook of definitionsset learning sectiontable to do homework...

School 2024-04-25

School crossword puzzle
  1. school
  2. une salle de classe
  3. maitre
  4. règle
  5. pupil
  6. bureau
  7. un tableau noir
  8. cahier
  9. crayon
  1. pencil case
  2. leçon
  3. table
  4. felt-tip
  5. devoir
  6. cartable
  7. pen
  8. rubber
  9. set square
  10. livre
  11. chair

20 Clues: penleçontablerèglepupillivrechairschoolmaitredevoirbureaurubbercahiercrayonfelt-tipcartableset squarepencil caseun tableau noirune salle de classe

school 2024-05-08

school crossword puzzle
  1. anteckningsblock
  2. miniräknare
  3. tavla
  4. skolgård
  5. bok
  6. prov
  7. sax
  8. schema
  9. matte
  10. papper
  11. bord
  12. stol
  1. pärm
  2. ordbok
  3. hitsoria
  4. mobillåda
  5. elever
  6. penna
  7. ämne
  8. suddi
  9. karta
  10. linjal
  11. ryggsäck

23 Clues: boksaxpärmprovämnebordstoltavlapennasuddimattekartaordbokeleverschemapapperlinjalhitsoriaskolgårdryggsäckmobillådaminiräknareanteckningsblock

school 2024-08-16

school crossword puzzle
  1. A writing instrument that uses ink
  2. The person who instructs students in a school
  3. A formal test of a student's knowledge or proficiency in a subject
  4. A book of blank pages for taking notes
  5. A standardized set of clothing worn by students in some schools
  6. A surface used by teachers to write on with chalk
  7. A stick of calcium sulfate used for writing on a blackboard
  8. The room where lessons are taught
  9. The board in the classroom where teachers write notes
  10. A piece of furniture where students sit and work
  11. A tool used to remove pencil marks
  12. A bag carried on the back, used for holding school supplies
  13. A place where books and other materials are available for reading or borrowing
  14. A gathering of students and staff for announcements or performances
  1. Card A document showing a student's grades for the term
  2. The head administrator of a school
  3. A book used by students as a standard work for a particular subject
  4. A small storage compartment for personal items, typically found in schools
  5. A passage in a school that connects different rooms
  6. Assignments given to students to complete outside of class
  7. A break period during the school day for relaxation and play
  8. A place in a school where students eat meals
  9. A person who attends school to learn
  10. A writing instrument with a graphite core
  11. The sound that signals the start or end of a class period

25 Clues: The room where lessons are taughtA writing instrument that uses inkThe head administrator of a schoolA tool used to remove pencil marksA person who attends school to learnA book of blank pages for taking notesA writing instrument with a graphite coreA place in a school where students eat mealsThe person who instructs students in a school...

School 2024-05-14

School crossword puzzle
  1. Students started using these to do all there work since the pandemic has ended.
  2. Students use this websites to check their grades.
  3. Students go in here to eat their lunch.
  4. Teachers use this website to see what there students are doing on their laptops.
  5. Students use this item t get rid of their mistakes on paper.
  6. Students learn subjects in these type of rooms.
  7. Students do this when there is a fire in the school.
  8. Students learn from these type of people.
  1. Students use these to write down answers on paper.
  2. Students may go in here to study or read books.
  3. Almost every student hates this subject.
  4. Students use this to write on.
  5. Students use this to cut paper.
  6. Students sit on these in their classroom.
  7. Students use this so there pencil isn't dull.
  8. Students walk in these to get to their classes
  9. This certain item tells when a students goes to there next class
  10. Students use these to carry around all their school supplies
  11. This is a commonly gift that students give their teachers on teacher appreciation week.
  12. Students get these type of people if they need extra help in school.

20 Clues: Students use this to write on.Students use this to cut paper.Students go in here to eat their lunch.Almost every student hates this subject.Students sit on these in their classroom.Students learn from these type of people.Students use this so there pencil isn't dull.Students walk in these to get to their classes...

School 2023-04-10

School crossword puzzle
  1. - A bound book with blank or lined pages used for writing notes.
  2. - A writing tool made of graphite and wood used for writing and drawing.
  3. - An assessment of a student's knowledge or abilities in a subject.
  4. - A container used to carry food to school for lunch.
  5. - A piece of furniture with a flat surface and often drawers, used for writing and studying.
  6. - A tool used for measuring length or drawing straight lines.
  7. - A subject that involves creating visual or performing works of art.
  8. - A person who teaches in a school.
  9. - A subject that involves playing or creating music.
  10. - A subject that studies past events and their significance.
  11. - A subject that studies the physical features, climate, and inhabitants of the earth.
  1. - A bag worn on the back, used to carry books and other school supplies.
  2. - A person who is studying in a school.
  3. - A room where students attend lessons.
  4. - A device used for accessing information and communicating with others.
  5. - A tool used to remove pencil marks.
  6. - A subject that studies numbers, quantities, and shapes.
  7. - An outdoor area with equipment and structures for children to play on during school breaks.
  8. - A place where books and other reading materials are stored and can be borrowed.
  9. - A subject that studies the natural world and its phenomena.

20 Clues: - A person who teaches in a school.- A tool used to remove pencil marks.- A person who is studying in a school.- A room where students attend lessons.- A subject that involves playing or creating music.- A container used to carry food to school for lunch.- A subject that studies numbers, quantities, and shapes....

School 2022-11-16

School crossword puzzle
  1. окружающий мин
  2. барабаны
  3. упаковка (картонная)
  4. банка (колы)
  5. тунец
  6. кроссовки
  7. произносить по буквам
  8. ноутбук
  9. мука
  10. плитка (шоколада)
  11. карта
  12. пакет
  13. словарь
  14. спортзал
  1. сахар
  2. ветчина
  3. бутылка
  4. столовая
  5. учительская
  6. ножницы
  7. хлопья
  8. библиотека
  9. банка (варенья)
  10. гончарное искусство
  11. коридор

25 Clues: мукасахартунецкартапакетхлопьяветчинабутылканожницыноутбуккоридорсловарьстоловаябарабаныспортзалкроссовкибиблиотекаучительскаябанка (колы)окружающий минбанка (варенья)плитка (шоколада)гончарное искусствоупаковка (картонная)произносить по буквам

school 2022-11-22

school crossword puzzle
  1. science
  2. espagnol
  3. directrice
  4. cantine
  5. géographie
  6. agenda
  7. chimie
  1. musique
  2. devoirs
  3. élève
  4. enseignant
  5. EPS
  6. cartable
  7. physique
  8. SVT
  9. histoire
  10. latin
  11. emploi du temps
  12. maths
  13. anglais
  14. arts plastiques
  15. allemand

22 Clues: EPSSVTélèvelatinmathsagendachimiemusiquedevoirssciencecantineanglaiscartableespagnolphysiquehistoireallemandenseignantdirectricegéographieemploi du tempsarts plastiques

School 2022-10-12

School crossword puzzle
  1. ... school bentlakásos iskola
  2. diplomázni
  3. középiskola
  4. ismételni
  5. javítani, javulni
  6. ... an exam átmenni a vizsgán
  7. megengedni
  8. gyakorolni
  9. önkéntes(ember)
  10. csalni
  11. exam vizsgázni
  12. bölcsőde/óvoda
  13. ... school általános
  1. diploma
  2. határozott,eltökélt
  3. önkéntes(munka)
  4. be... kicsapták
  5. késztetni, rávenni
  6. megbüntetni
  7. szigorú
  8. megbukni
  9. megengedett neki
  10. kötelező

23 Clues: csalnidiplomaszigorúmegbuknikötelezőismételnidiplomáznimegengednigyakorolnimegbüntetniönkéntes(munka)be... kicsaptákönkéntes(ember)javítani, javulnikésztetni, rávennihatározott,eltöké exam vizsgázni... school általá közé megengedett bölcsőde/óvoda... school bentlakásos iskola...

school 2023-05-16

school crossword puzzle
  1. the teacher uses this to show the class what to do.
  2. useful before a test.
  3. need it to be able to do school.
  4. makes the pencil sharp
  5. helps cut paper.
  6. you have to go to it every day except weekends.
  7. you only have it once every 3 years.
  8. holds everything you have
  9. holds pens and pencils colors
  1. you highlight things
  2. get rid of stuff on the paper
  3. you measure with them
  4. somewhere you to pee
  5. you can't lose this in class.
  6. eating break
  7. it sticks to stuff
  8. helpful for studying when on a test.
  9. you can color with them
  10. only at lunch time
  11. you have to read it

20 Clues: eating breakhelps cut sticks to stuffonly at lunch timeyou have to read ityou highlight thingssomewhere you to peeyou measure with themuseful before a test.makes the pencil sharpyou can color with themholds everything you haveget rid of stuff on the paperyou can't lose this in class.holds pens and pencils colors...

School 2023-10-01

School crossword puzzle
  1. we write on it
  2. is where we store books
  3. with this you wash
  4. with the help of this subject we gain knowledge
  5. with this you measure
  6. in this lesson we use only a computer
  7. we hang clothes on it
  8. where you give marks
  9. education, we are using this to prepare for the army
  10. is the main person in the school
  11. with the help of this person we gain knowledge
  12. it stores documents
  13. in this lesson we study the structure of a living organism
  14. with this you cut something
  15. you study with them
  16. with the help of this subject we carry out calculations
  17. there they collect documents related to the organization
  18. are what we get for working in class
  1. we studying writers
  2. is what we get at school
  3. with this we draw
  4. in it you carry notebooks
  5. with the help of this item we write on the board
  6. on this lesson we create something
  7. with this you sharpen pencils
  8. hang on the walls
  9. with the help of this lesson we will explore the world
  10. case we store pens in it
  11. you sit on it
  12. with this we write

30 Clues: you sit on itwe write on itwith this we drawhang on the wallswith this you washwith this we writewe studying writersit stores documentsyou study with themwhere you give markswith this you measurewe hang clothes on itis where we store booksis what we get at schoolcase we store pens in itin it you carry notebookswith this you cut something...

School 2023-10-01

School crossword puzzle
  1. with this we draw
  2. with the help of this item we write on the board
  3. with the help of this subject we carry out calculations
  4. you glue something together
  5. we write on it
  6. with this you cut something
  7. is where we store books
  8. it stores documents
  9. where you give marks
  10. there they collect documents related to the organization
  11. are what we get for working in class
  12. on this lesson we create something
  13. with this you wash
  14. with this you sharpen pencils
  15. you sit on it
  16. with the help of this person we gain knowledge
  1. you study with them
  2. case we store pens in it
  3. with this we write
  4. hang on the walls
  5. in it you carry notebooks
  6. with this you measure
  7. in this lesson we study the structure of a living organism
  8. is what we get at school
  9. with the help of this subject we gain knowledge
  10. is the main person in the school
  11. we hang clothes on it
  12. in this lesson we use only a computer
  13. with the help of this lesson we will explore the world
  14. education, we are using this to prepare for the army
  15. we studying writers

31 Clues: you sit on itwe write on itwith this we drawhang on the wallswith this we writewith this you washyou study with themit stores documentswe studying writerswhere you give markswith this you measurewe hang clothes on itis where we store bookscase we store pens in itis what we get at schoolin it you carry notebooksyou glue something together...

School 2023-10-08

School crossword puzzle
  1. cour de récréation
  2. heure de cours
  3. surveillant
  4. principal
  5. salle des professeurs
  6. chimie
  7. mal se conduire
  8. infirmière
  1. couloir
  2. paresseux
  3. ... school = internat
  4. gestionnaire
  5. emploi du temps
  6. écrire
  7. = intelligent
  8. récréation
  9. ... officer = Mrs Leroy Drouard
  10. élève
  11. livre
  12. études

20 Clues: élèvelivreécrirechimieétudescouloirparesseuxprincipalrécréationinfirmièresurveillantgestionnaire= intelligentheure de coursemploi du tempsmal se conduirecour de récréation... school = internatsalle des professeurs... officer = Mrs Leroy Drouard

School 2024-09-26

School crossword puzzle
  1. In _____ class, we study numbers and math problems.
  2. The _____ shows you the schedule of your classes.
  3. You can use a _____ to highlight important information.
  4. You can go to the ..... to play and have fun.
  5. You can use a _____ to cut paper.
  6. In _____ class, we learn to speak and write in French.
  7. You can use a _____ to do math problems.
  8. You can use _____ to decorate your notebook.
  9. If you are _____ from school, you are not present.
  10. You can go to the ..... to play musical instruments and sing songs.
  11. In _____ class, we learn about plants, animals, and the natural world.
  12. You can go to the ....... to use computers and do research.
  13. You can use an _____ to erase mistakes.
  14. You can use a _____ to stick things together.
  15. You can go to the .... to borrow books and read.
  16. You can use a _____ to store your school supplies.
  1. Your _____ teaches you different subjects.
  2. In the _____, we do experiments and conduct scientific research.
  3. Your _____ is the head of the school.
  4. In _____ class, we learn to play musical instruments and sing songs.
  5. A _____ is a short test to assess your knowledge.
  6. You can use _____ to draw pictures.
  7. Your _____ is work that you have to do outside of class.
  8. You can go to the .... to eat lunch or snacks.
  9. You can use a _____ to sharpen your pencils.
  10. Your _____ is a person you study with.
  11. In _____ class, we do exercises and play sports.
  12. In _____ class, we learn about different countries and cultures.
  13. You can go to the .... to do physical activities and play sports.
  14. You can use a _____ to write notes and do homework.
  15. In _____ class, we learn about the past and historical events.
  16. In _____ class, we learn to draw, paint, and sculpt.

32 Clues: You can use a _____ to sharpen your pencils.You can go to the ..... to play and have fun.You can use a _____ to cut paper.Your _____ is the head of the school.You can go to the .... to eat lunch or snacks.You can use _____ to draw pictures.In _____ class, we do exercises and play sports....

school 2020-04-27

school crossword puzzle
  1. to write things in
  2. there the boss of the school
  3. they give you knowledge
  4. you need it to write
  5. there in the class with you
  6. gives you work to do at home
  7. you need it to go to google classroom
  8. helps you when you are sick
  9. you sit in it
  1. where the books are
  2. cleans up the school
  3. to stick paper in your journal
  4. to make sure everyone is present
  5. where you eat
  6. where you go to wash your hands
  7. bus takes you to school and home
  8. its in front of the whole classroom
  9. to hold your things
  10. where you exercise
  11. pick up parents pick you up

20 Clues: where you eatyou sit in itto write things inwhere you exercisewhere the books areto hold your thingsyou need it to writecleans up the schoolthey give you knowledgethere in the class with youpick up parents pick you uphelps you when you are sickthere the boss of the schoolgives you work to do at hometo stick paper in your journal...

School 2024-11-21

School crossword puzzle
  1. children ... to grammar schools by sitting an exam.
  2. moving toward successful completion of the academic requirements of your study program.
  3. individual elements or parts of a course.
  4. children may go here after crèche.
  5. miss school deliberately.
  6. a score, usually expressed by a letter (A, A+, B etc.) or a number, given to a student's piece of work.
  7. students should regularly ... their works to the teacher.
  8. learning without attending classes, e.g. from home, online learning etc.
  9. the formal exams students have to take at schools and sixth-form colleges in the UK at the end of an academic year.
  10. in the UK, a college for pupils in their final years of secondary education, starting at the age of 16.
  11. a secondary school in the UK for children of all abilities above the age of 11 that is paid for by a state.
  12. a judgment, usually expressed as a percentage, about the quality of a piece of work done at school, college, or university.
  13. education young people must do.
  1. private fee-paying schools in the UK.
  2. referred to A-levels, the exams you have to pass to enter a university.
  3. education at universities or similar educational establishments, especially to degree level.
  4. the age when young people usually leave school.
  5. the youngest children start their education here. They mostly play but also do some early learning activities.
  6. check regularly e.g. students' activities and academic progress.
  7. the school for children between the ages of 5 and 11. Here children learn the basics of reading, writing, arithmetic, etc.
  8. using a mix of classroom and online learning.
  9. take exams again if you did badly first time.
  10. a state secondary school in the UK to which pupils are admitted on the basis of ability.

23 Clues: miss school young people must do.children may go here after crèche.private fee-paying schools in the UK.individual elements or parts of a course.using a mix of classroom and online learning.take exams again if you did badly first time.the age when young people usually leave school....

SCHOOL 2024-12-10

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. Short test.
  2. Oral lesson.
  3. Writing tool.
  4. School attire.
  5. School completion.
  6. Book carrier.
  7. School assignment.
  8. Writing pad.
  9. Student's table.
  10. Outdoor fun.
  11. Break time.
  1. Study topic.
  2. Learning space.
  3. School head.
  4. Book haven.
  5. Study material.
  6. Writing board.
  7. Midday meal.
  8. Classroom leader.
  9. Learner.
  10. Test.

21 Clues: Test.Learner.Short test.Book haven.Break time.Study topic.School head.Oral lesson.Midday meal.Writing pad.Outdoor fun.Writing tool.Book carrier.Writing board.School attire.Learning space.Study material.Student's table.Classroom leader.School completion.School assignment.

School 2025-01-21

School crossword puzzle
  1. – The meal students eat during the middle of the school day.
  2. – A book used as a standard work for a subject.
  3. – A short piece of writing on a particular subject.
  4. – A plan that lists times for classes and activities.
  5. – A person who is learning at school.
  6. – A piece of furniture where students sit and write.
  7. – A collection of pages with written or printed material.
  8. – A place in school where books and resources are kept.
  9. – A mark or score given for work done.
  10. – A set of clothes worn by students in some schools.
  11. – A tool used for writing or drawing.
  1. – A particular area of study in school, like math or science.
  2. – A room where students learn and teachers teach.
  3. – A person who instructs students.
  4. – Assignments given to students to do at home.
  5. – A short break during school time for play.
  6. – A flat surface where teachers write lessons.
  7. – The head of the school.
  8. – A test to measure students' knowledge.
  9. – A room for physical education and sports.

20 Clues: – The head of the school.– A person who instructs students.– A person who is learning at school.– A tool used for writing or drawing.– A mark or score given for work done.– A test to measure students' knowledge.– A room for physical education and sports.– A short break during school time for play.– Assignments given to students to do at home....

school 2020-06-03

school crossword puzzle
  1. a book you write in
  2. something that has 2 pockets that holds papers
  3. A room filled with students where you learn
  4. class where you work with numbers
  5. something that you keep papers in
  6. class where you learn to write stories
  7. something colorful you color with
  8. Room filled with books
  9. class where you do experiments
  1. Something on the playground that you go down
  2. what a teacher does
  3. what you do when a teacher teaches you
  4. class where you open a good book
  5. a sheet that you write one
  6. something gray you write with that you can erase
  7. you open it and read
  8. someone who teaches you things you do not know
  9. Class where you exercise
  10. class where you learn to write words correctly
  11. class you sing and play instruments

20 Clues: a book you write inwhat a teacher doesyou open it and readRoom filled with booksClass where you exercisea sheet that you write oneclass where you do experimentsclass where you open a good bookclass where you work with numberssomething that you keep papers insomething colorful you color withclass you sing and play instruments...

School 2020-07-01

School crossword puzzle
  1. карта
  2. карточка
  3. бумага
  4. флаг
  5. карандаши
  6. перемена
  7. спортзал
  8. резинка, ластик
  9. линейка
  10. доска
  1. компьютер
  2. класс
  3. стул
  4. ножницы
  5. буква, письмо
  6. игровая площадка
  7. дневник
  8. клей
  9. стол
  10. бассейн

20 Clues: стулфлагклейстолкартаклассдоскабумаганожницыдневникбассейнлинейкакарточкапеременаспортзалкомпьютеркарандашибуква, письморезинка, ластикигровая площадка

School 2021-11-22

School crossword puzzle
  1. a class to tell us about the past
  2. what we are suppose to keep are stuff in
  3. Time period before classes
  4. reading
  5. the planet we are on
  6. third year of high school
  7. a time that no one likes at the beginning of third hour
  8. last year of high school
  9. new tech students use this for their classes
  1. class that you create in
  2. type in numbers to get answers
  3. electronic used to do work
  4. second year of high school
  5. tech a program that's on the third floor
  6. the person teaching you
  7. we examine things in this class
  8. something to write on
  9. something to write with
  10. first year of high school
  11. working out

20 Clues: readingworking outthe planet we are onsomething to write onthe person teaching yousomething to write withclass that you create inlast year of high schoolthird year of high schoolfirst year of high schoolelectronic used to do workTime period before classessecond year of high schooltype in numbers to get answerswe examine things in this class...

school 2013-11-05

school crossword puzzle
  1. one direction fan
  2. likes to roll his eyes and make a point. also likes john deer
  3. is a dutchy and broke his glasses
  4. hair extensions and a friend to everyone
  5. awesome girl soccer player
  6. loves dogs
  7. likes to be on Lizzy team in soccer
  8. silly and makes people laugh
  9. wants to be a game designer
  10. loves cats and her hair
  11. his mom got married in July
  12. the person who is the last person added onto the crossword, also likes to be on a soccer team with Jordan and Thomas
  1. loves horses
  2. loves Obama (cough cough)
  3. always there with a little saying or face expression
  4. favorite word - excavators
  5. always makes everyone smile with all his stupid jokes and comments. his dads a butcher
  6. loves farms and tractors
  7. ears turn red alot and starts grape fights on the bus
  8. giggles and laughs alot
  9. good at every single place in soccer (forward mid etc)
  10. also starts grape fights on the bus

22 Clues: loves dogsloves horsesone direction fangiggles and laughs alotloves cats and her hairloves farms and tractorsloves Obama (cough cough)favorite word - excavatorsawesome girl soccer playerwants to be a game designerhis mom got married in Julysilly and makes people laughis a dutchy and broke his glasseslikes to be on Lizzy team in soccer...

School 2014-04-25

School crossword puzzle
  1. klas
  2. inkt
  3. voorbeeld
  4. papier
  5. engels
  6. wiskunde
  7. vakantie
  8. potlood
  9. rekenmachine
  10. tekenen
  11. universiteit
  12. leerling
  13. leraar
  14. klaslokaal
  15. examen
  16. vak
  17. duits
  18. geschiedenis
  1. bureau
  2. grammatica
  3. kantine
  4. rooster
  5. woordenboek
  6. frans
  7. woordenschat
  8. meetkunde
  9. diploma
  10. algebra
  11. directeur
  12. scheikunde
  13. kunst
  14. talen
  15. straf
  16. aardrijkskunde
  17. nederlands
  18. schooljaar
  19. biology
  20. liniaal
  21. wetenschappen
  22. student
  23. muziek
  24. pauze

42 Clues: vakklasinktfranskunsttalenstrafduitspauzebureaupapierengelsleraarexamenmuziekkantineroosterdiplomaalgebrapotloodtekenenbiologyliniaalstudentwiskundevakantieleerlingvoorbeeldmeetkundedirecteurgrammaticascheikundenederlandsschooljaarklaslokaalwoordenboekwoordenschatrekenmachineuniversiteitgeschiedeniswetenschappenaardrijkskunde

School 2014-05-06

School crossword puzzle
  1. Place where you study
  2. Students use it to aggravate teachers
  3. A Place where you eat
  4. Used to get a big muscle and be fit
  5. You have raise your hand for that
  6. COPY and _ _ _ _ _
  7. You have to know it to be successful in English
  8. Students look at it every two minutes to see if the lesson is already over.
  9. A silent room full of books
  10. Made to check your knowledge
  11. Used for drawing and writing
  1. Used to clamp your papers together
  2. Where you write things down
  3. Month where starts the best time of the year
  4. Every class has them, used for presentations
  5. Human who gives you education
  6. Used to revise for tests
  7. Used to solve mathematical problems
  8. First thing you learn in your first class
  9. Used to correct your mistakes made with your pencil

20 Clues: COPY and _ _ _ _ _Place where you studyA Place where you eatUsed to revise for testsWhere you write things downA silent room full of booksMade to check your knowledgeUsed for drawing and writingHuman who gives you educationYou have raise your hand for thatUsed to clamp your papers togetherUsed to get a big muscle and be fit...

School 2014-10-31

School crossword puzzle
  1. ander woord voor cliënt of patiënt
  2. vak met berekeningen
  3. school
  4. persoonlijk ontwikkelingsplan
  5. de taal van Nederland
  6. studieleerbaanbegeleider
  7. andere woord voor kantine
  8. rode bloedcellen, witte bloedcellen en bloedplaatjes zijn..
  9. rode bloedcellen
  10. praktijklessen
  11. prik
  1. ander woord voor ontlasting
  2. drukplekken
  3. iemand die een zorgvrager verzorgt heet...
  4. eenmalig gebruik
  5. werken aan prestaties
  6. iemand die studeert
  7. persoonlijk activiteitenplan
  8. anatomie en ...
  9. openleercentrum

20 Clues: prikschooldrukplekkenpraktijklessenanatomie en ...openleercentrumeenmalig gebruikrode bloedcelleniemand die studeertvak met berekeningenwerken aan prestatiesde taal van Nederlandstudieleerbaanbegeleiderandere woord voor kantineander woord voor ontlastingpersoonlijk activiteitenplanpersoonlijk ontwikkelingsplanander woord voor cliënt of patiënt...

School 2015-05-05

School crossword puzzle
  1. There are girls and at school.
  2. What do kids give their teachers?
  3. Sometimes people use these to stay organized.
  4. You go to every hour.
  5. Where do you put your stuff?
  6. You takes notes in a ?
  7. You sit at what?
  8. Kindergarten through fourth grade you go outside for?
  9. You use this to do math.
  10. What subject uses numbers?
  11. People bring their own .
  1. What do you read .
  2. At school you make .
  3. What do you write with?
  4. Makes a straight line.
  5. People who supervise the class?
  6. Kid get picked up by what?
  7. You put your school stuff in this.
  8. Where do you go that has one teacher?
  9. What do you do at school?

20 Clues: You sit at what?What do you read .At school you make .Makes a straight line.You go to every hour.You takes notes in a ?What do you write with?You use this to do math.People bring their own .What do you do at school?Kid get picked up by what?What subject uses numbers?Where do you put your stuff?There are girls and at school....

School 2014-08-29

School crossword puzzle
  1. pen
  2. passer
  3. zwartboord
  4. lijm
  5. kladblaadje
  6. agenda
  7. schaar
  8. puntenslijper
  9. tas
  10. nietmachine
  11. perforator
  12. rekenmachine
  13. woordenboek
  14. schrift
  1. potlood
  2. liniaal
  3. etui
  4. plakband
  5. vulpen
  6. prullenmand
  7. paperclip
  8. gum
  9. tippex

23 Clues: pengumtasetuilijmpasservulpenagendaschaartippexpotloodliniaalschriftplakbandpaperclipzwartboordperforatorprullenmandkladblaadjenietmachinewoordenboekrekenmachinepuntenslijper

School 2016-09-21

School crossword puzzle
  1. anglais
  2. théâtre
  3. cour de récréation
  4. élève
  5. maths
  6. collant
  7. pantalon
  8. chemisier
  9. jupe
  10. uniforme
  11. professeur
  12. chimie
  13. français
  14. cours de religion
  15. heure de cours
  16. chaussures en cuir
  17. CDI
  1. gymnase
  2. informatique
  3. personnel
  4. histoire
  5. EPS
  6. principal
  7. copain de classe
  8. veste
  9. chaussettes
  10. emploi du temps
  11. cravate
  12. horloge
  13. ceinture

30 Clues: EPSCDIjupeélèvemathsvestechimiegymnaseanglaisthéâtrecollantcravatehorlogehistoirepantalonuniformefrançaisceinturepersonnelprincipalchemisierprofesseurchaussettesinformatiqueheure de coursemploi du tempscopain de classecours de religioncour de récréationchaussures en cuir

School 2023-03-07

School crossword puzzle
  1. this is what you use to store basic writing necessities
  2. what you use to sharpen a pencil
  3. ink-based writing utensils primarily used for coloring something
  4. pencils but with color
  5. some teachers use these as assignments but also you can just read them on your free time
  6. some people chew on this during class and some teachers don't allow it in their class
  7. use this to erase your pencil markings
  8. this is the person that physically teaches your class
  9. pretty much a pencil but uses ink instead of graphite
  10. some teachers have these large books with a particular topic or material
  11. how you learn to read and write properly
  12. look at this if you want to tell the time
  1. most teachers have these for cutting paper
  2. bring this to school with you to carry all of your things
  3. you can use this to listen to a video or music during class
  4. basic material for measuring things
  5. use this to help you stick things to your paper
  6. where you learn about events from the past and different geography
  7. you can use this to hold all of your papers
  8. in this subject, you normally do labs and learn about earth or the human body
  9. this is how you make decisions and complete assignments
  10. normally what makes up most of your grade and has lots of questions
  11. use this to help you study for a test
  12. teachers use this for google classroom and to watch videos
  13. what you eat during class
  14. most people bring one to school to drink water during class
  15. the room that you go to for all of your classes
  16. this subject is how you learn to add and subtract
  17. this is what you write in for your classes
  18. what you use to write in class

30 Clues: pencils but with colorwhat you eat during classwhat you use to write in classwhat you use to sharpen a pencilbasic material for measuring thingsuse this to help you study for a testuse this to erase your pencil markingshow you learn to read and write properlylook at this if you want to tell the timemost teachers have these for cutting paper...

School 2023-02-11

School crossword puzzle
  1. talk given by a teacher
  2. act of learning
  3. test taken in school
  4. group of students
  5. writing tool
  6. primary field of study
  7. secondary field of study
  8. educational session
  9. written work submitted for a grade
  10. evaluation of student work
  11. Flying mammal
  12. person studying in school
  13. educational plan
  14. short test
  15. degree, undergraduate academic degree
  16. higher education institution
  17. acquisition of knowledge
  18. teacher
  19. academic award
  20. task given by a teacher
  21. book used for taking notes
  22. failure to attend
  23. act of examining written material
  1. work assigned to be completed outside of class
  2. outline of a course of study
  3. Has a trunk
  4. Large marsupial
  5. final date for submission
  6. educational institution
  7. place where books are kept for study
  8. field of study
  9. investigation of a topic
  10. systematic study of the physical world
  11. place where classes are held
  12. person who has earned a degree
  13. written account of research or study
  14. ability acquired through practice
  15. Likes to chase mice
  16. Man's best friend
  17. place for learning
  18. presence in class
  19. evaluation of knowledge
  20. degree, advanced academic degree
  21. university teacher
  22. understanding gained through study

45 Clues: teachershort testHas a trunkwriting toolFlying mammalfield of studyacademic awardLarge marsupialact of learningeducational plangroup of studentsMan's best friendpresence in classfailure to attendplace for learninguniversity teachereducational sessionLikes to chase micetest taken in schoolprimary field of studytalk given by a teacher...

School 2022-12-21

School crossword puzzle
  1. a fellow member of a class at school or college.
  2. a mark indicating the quality of a student's work.
  3. a test of knowledge, especially a brief, informal test given to students.
  4. schoolwork that a student is required to do at home.
  5. a person who is studying at a school or college.
  6. is an area of knowledge that includes the topics of numbers, formulas and related structures, shapes and the spaces in which they are contained, and quantities and their changes.
  7. a plan for carrying out a process or procedure, giving lists of intended events and times.
  8. a short written or spoken examination of a person's proficiency or knowledge.
  1. a small lockable closet or compartment, typically as one of a number placed together for public or general use, e.g., in schools, gymnasiums, or train stations.
  2. an instrument for writing or drawing, consisting of a thin stick of graphite or a similar substance enclosed in a long thin piece of wood or fixed in a metal or plastic case.
  3. the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained.
  4. a small book with blank or ruled pages for writing notes in.
  5. a branch of knowledge studied or taught in a school, college, or university.
  6. bag with shoulder straps that allow it to be carried on one's back.
  7. a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.
  8. a person who teaches, especially in a school.
  9. the language of England, widely used in many varieties throughout the world.
  10. a break between school classes.
  11. the various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature, and dance.
  12. an instrument for writing or drawing with ink, typically consisting of a metal nib or ball, or a nylon tip, fitted into a metal or plastic holder.

20 Clues: a break between school classes.a person who teaches, especially in a school.a fellow member of a class at school or college.a person who is studying at a school or college.a mark indicating the quality of a student's work.schoolwork that a student is required to do at home.a small book with blank or ruled pages for writing notes in....

School 2022-12-09

School crossword puzzle
  1. where you eat (-)
  2. where you put your paper sheets
  3. those who receive education
  4. the most important device
  5. the time period when you learn
  6. subject about the laws of nature
  7. subject about cultures
  8. subject about the world map
  9. where you receive education (-)
  10. the staff members
  11. something you write with
  12. subject about substances
  1. removes mistakes
  2. what you write on
  3. a room full of books
  4. the highest ranked staff roll
  5. subject about nature and animals
  6. subject about ancient times
  7. subject about numbers
  8. where you store your school necessities

20 Clues: removes mistakeswhere you eat (-)what you write onthe staff membersa room full of bookssubject about numberssubject about culturessomething you write withsubject about substancesthe most important devicethose who receive educationsubject about ancient timessubject about the world mapthe highest ranked staff rollthe time period when you learn...

School 2017-04-02

School crossword puzzle
  1. Gebühr, Abgabe
  2. geduldig
  3. the way that somebody looks on the outside
  4. (jmdn.) herauswerfen
  5. aufrichtig
  6. synonym: answer (noun)
  7. qualification which students who succesfully finish a university course get
  8. synonym: to forbid
  9. gesunder Menschenverstand
  10. synonym: very annoyed
  11. school you attend at the age of 6
  12. not appropriate in a certain situation
  13. Ellenbogen
  14. verzögern, aufschieben
  15. Doktor(titel)
  16. Internat
  1. a person in your family who lived a long time ago
  2. synonym: to go to (e.g. school)
  3. deshalb, somit
  4. a secondary school which is attended by students of different ability levels
  5. synonyms: extra or added
  6. Art (und Weise)
  7. entblößen, freilegen
  8. gehorsam
  9. synonym: to allow
  10. synonym: hard-working
  11. verbieten, sperren
  12. vorgeben, vortäuschen
  13. Loch

29 Clues: LochgeduldiggehorsamInternataufrichtigEllenbogenDoktor(titel)Gebühr, Abgabedeshalb, somitArt (und Weise)synonym: to allowverbieten, sperrensynonym: to forbidentblößen, freilegen(jmdn.) herauswerfensynonym: hard-workingsynonym: very annoyedvorgeben, vortäuschensynonym: answer (noun)verzögern, aufschiebensynonyms: extra or added...

School 2020-03-24

School crossword puzzle
  1. -Pag,Nin,Ston
  2. -tip obale usporedan s otocima,poluotocima i zaljevima
  3. - naranča,limun,mandarina
  4. -rijeka,Obrovac
  5. -otok u Kvarneru
  6. -Modro i Crveno jezero
  7. -najmlađi park prirode
  8. -nacionalni park, skupina od 14 otoka i otočića
  9. -Moreška
  10. -jedini park prirode u Istri
  1. -park prirode,zaljev na južnom dijelu Dugog otoka u sjevernoj Dalmaciji
  2. -potapanje dijelova kopna zbog njihovog spuštanja ili povišenja morske razine
  3. -prirodna znamenitost na Biševu
  4. -alka
  5. -najveće prirodno jezero u Hrvatskoj
  6. -Jelsa,Stari grad,Siguran
  7. - razarajuće djelovanje morskih valova na obalu
  8. -putnička luka
  9. -umjetni uzgoj ribe i školjaka
  10. -grad na Neretvi
  11. -Eufrazijeva bazilika
  12. -najjužnije regionalno središte Hrvatske
  13. -glavna ratna luka Habsburške monarhije u prošlosti, amfiteatar

23 Clues: -alka-Moreška-Pag,Nin,Ston-putnička luka-rijeka,Obrovac-grad na Neretvi-otok u Kvarneru-Eufrazijeva bazilika-Modro i Crveno jezero-najmlađi park prirode-Jelsa,Stari grad,Siguran- naranča,limun,mandarina-jedini park prirode u Istri-umjetni uzgoj ribe i školjaka-prirodna znamenitost na Biševu-najveće prirodno jezero u Hrvatskoj...

school 2020-05-12

school crossword puzzle
  1. use a key board and use the internet
  2. learning to play instruments
  3. boss of the school
  4. going to church
  5. a time to eat some food
  6. people you like to play with at recess
  7. bonjour mon amie
  8. get rid of a mistake
  9. a short break
  10. learning new games; playing sports
  11. where students meet with their teacher
  1. working with numbers
  2. read these
  3. draw a straight line
  4. singing in a group
  5. answering questions in class
  6. have fun climbing
  7. person who organizes what you learn
  8. enjoying a story
  9. draw,print with these

20 Clues: read thesea short breakgoing to churchbonjour mon amieenjoying a storyhave fun climbingsinging in a groupboss of the schoolworking with numbersdraw a straight lineget rid of a mistakedraw,print with thesea time to eat some foodlearning to play instrumentsanswering questions in classlearning new games; playing sports...

school 2020-12-08

school crossword puzzle
  1. something you do at home
  2. 1+1
  3. you can only write in blue and black
  4. to kids this is prison
  5. it holds all of your thing for all your subjects
  6. a place you can express your self
  7. where you can mix two chemicals and it goes boom
  8. something that you color with
  9. it is the school computer
  10. people that you hang out with
  11. what you are in like 6th, 7th, or 8th
  1. the teacher recommends you have one to write with
  2. how school rates how your doing in school
  3. the area where you learn
  4. something that hold items
  5. it holds papers (normally homework)
  6. it happens in the middle of the school day
  7. you can learn how to make proper sentences
  8. the adult that is in charge of you when you are in school
  9. you write this on a white board
  10. you can't have this out during class time

21 Clues: 1+1to kids this is prisonthe area where you learnsomething you do at homesomething that hold itemsit is the school computersomething that you color withpeople that you hang out withyou write this on a white boarda place you can express your selfit holds papers (normally homework)you can only write in blue and black...

School 2021-01-22

School crossword puzzle
  1. only certain kids do this in the morning except for Wednesdays.
  2. we draw pictures
  3. we half to run a mile in this class. well I am not Shure about this yea Because I have not been in that class.
  4. messures inches and sometimes centimeters.
  5. it takes away our mistakes.
  6. Me again
  7. miss Schroppel likes us to use these on our answers in math class.
  8. one of the best periods of the day
  9. we are in this grade
  10. the second best period of the day
  11. we correct work with these
  12. we learn about history in this class
  1. we write with these
  2. we do this in the morning except on Wednesdays.
  3. we use this in math class to get answers.
  4. I made this
  5. I have to do this
  6. I did a crossword project in this class.
  7. we do this on Wednesday
  8. we learn to speak this.

20 Clues: Me againI made thiswe draw picturesI have to do thiswe write with thesewe are in this gradewe do this on Wednesdaywe learn to speak this.we correct work with theseit takes away our mistakes.the second best period of the dayone of the best periods of the daywe learn about history in this classI did a crossword project in this class....

School 2020-10-23

School crossword puzzle
  1. карандаши
  2. точилка
  3. тетрадь
  4. книжный шкаф
  5. ластик
  6. ножницы
  7. растения
  8. бумага
  9. плакат
  1. словарь
  2. клей
  3. парта
  4. карта
  5. глобус
  6. цветные мелки
  7. линейка
  8. ручки
  9. доска
  10. компьютер
  11. мел
  12. ноутбук

21 Clues: мелклейпартакартаручкидоскаглобусластикбумагаплакатсловарьточилкалинейкатетрадьножницыноутбукрастениякарандашикомпьютеркнижный шкафцветные мелки

School 2020-11-24

School crossword puzzle
  1. bioloogia
  2. eine
  3. prantsuse keel
  4. miil
  5. muusikaõpetus
  6. geograafia
  7. ajalugu
  8. trepp
  9. õppetund
  10. luule
  11. üsna
  12. to kuulama
  1. lollpea
  2. tunniplaan
  3. keemia
  4. kartulikrõpsud
  5. loodusõpetus
  6. saksa keel
  7. õppeaine
  8. õpilane

20 Clues: einemiilüsnatreppluulekeemialollpeaajaluguõpilaneõppetundõppeainebioloogiatunniplaangeograafiasaksa keelto kuulamaloodusõpetusmuusikaõpetusprantsuse keelkartulikrõpsud

School 2021-03-30

School crossword puzzle
  1. You can choose a foreign __ to study
  2. The study of people and cultures around the world: __ __
  3. Make sure this book bag is durable with comfortable straps
  4. If you don't have a __ you may have to carry your books with you
  5. You may not be able to bring food, but you can usually bring a __ __
  6. Algebra, geometry, pre-calculus, etc.
  7. Parents need to go the the __ and check in before visiting
  8. Many classes make use of __ for coursework
  9. The study of people who shaped the present world
  10. How you prove you know the material
  11. A page with pre-printed activities or problems to solve
  12. A class that you choose in addition to the required ones
  1. The __ room may include soundproof practice rooms
  2. Teachers can use a projector, blackboard or __
  3. Buy or bring a lunch, but you'll probably eat in the __
  4. provides academic, career, college counseling and social-emotional support
  5. Chemistry, geology, biology, botany, are __ classes
  6. Some students use a __ to keep track of their schedule and activities
  7. Many schools have an animal __ that represents the school
  8. Take care of your __ or you may pay a fine
  9. The student body __ is elected by and represents the students
  10. Spring, Summer, and Winter __ provides some time off
  11. Learning how to take good __ is an important skill
  12. A pep __ is a time to celebrate school spirit
  13. It's important to __ for tests
  14. Your school may have __ machines with snacks or drinks

26 Clues: It's important to __ for testsHow you prove you know the materialYou can choose a foreign __ to studyAlgebra, geometry, pre-calculus, etc.Take care of your __ or you may pay a fineMany classes make use of __ for courseworkA pep __ is a time to celebrate school spiritTeachers can use a projector, blackboard or __...

SCHOOL 2021-04-06

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. study about numbers
  2. place you go to learn
  3. not pound but ... (also not $)
  4. favorite place in whole school after a long day
  5. the process (a lifelong one) that takes place at school
  6. to get information about the subject
  1. music instrument found in vahesaal
  2. in what you carry your stuff
  3. where our english class normally takes place (yes, not zoom)
  4. street where our main schoolbuilding is located
  5. the closest shop to our school
  6. a writing tool, mostly blue or back or RED
  7. mood on most days
  8. our school's magazine
  9. object to measure things
  10. study about the world and earth
  11. best school
  12. a person who stands in front of the class explaining
  13. pupil with another word
  14. the firstname of our legendary chemistry techer

20 Clues: best schoolmood on most daysstudy about numbersplace you go to learnour school's magazinepupil with another wordobject to measure thingsin what you carry your stuffnot pound but ... (also not $)the closest shop to our schoolstudy about the world and earthmusic instrument found in vahesaalto get information about the subject...

School 2021-09-22

School crossword puzzle
  1. you say the this every morning
  2. you use it to eat your salad
  3. where you exercise
  4. you ask permission to use it
  5. a place where you eat
  6. where you run the mile
  7. you play soccer
  8. you use to eat soup
  9. must wash your hand with
  10. you do this to get your lunch
  11. you use it to cut your food
  1. your classroom
  2. a tall place to place a flag
  3. you must drink this during the day
  4. where you go to come inside the school
  5. towel you dry your hands with this
  6. something you can see outside
  7. this is around the school
  8. to enter the classroom
  9. you go up and down
  10. a place where you put your food
  11. you use it to clean your mouth after eating
  12. building the place where the secretaries work

23 Clues: your classroomyou play soccerwhere you exerciseyou go up and downyou use to eat soupa place where you eatwhere you run the mileto enter the classroommust wash your hand withthis is around the schoolyou use it to cut your foodyou use it to eat your salada tall place to place a flagyou ask permission to use itsomething you can see outside...

school 2021-09-05

school crossword puzzle
  1. расписание
  2. одолжить
  3. нуждаться
  4. физ-ра
  5. уставший
  6. коробка
  7. ручка
  8. одноклассник
  9. учебник
  10. пенал
  11. дверь
  12. неудачливый
  13. фантастический
  14. доска
  15. парта
  16. география
  17. линейка
  1. проектор
  2. рабочая тетрадь
  3. раздражать
  4. надеяться
  5. словарь
  6. карандаш
  7. математика
  8. готов,готовый
  9. ластик
  10. бежать
  11. удачливый
  12. химия
  13. кабинет
  14. сложный
  15. плакат

32 Clues: ручкапеналдверьхимиядоскапартафиз-раластикбежатьплакатсловарькоробкаучебниккабинетсложныйлинейкапроектородолжитьуставшийкарандашнуждатьсянадеятьсяудачливыйгеографиярасписаниераздражатьматематиканеудачливыйодноклассникготов,готовыйфантастическийрабочая тетрадь

School 2022-10-24

School crossword puzzle
  1. lamp
  2. wall
  3. classroom
  4. library
  5. board (white or chalk)
  6. male student
  7. party
  8. potato
  9. window
  10. chair
  11. glass
  1. playing field
  2. cabinet, closet
  3. table
  4. class, grade
  5. female teacher
  6. cafeteria
  7. shelf
  8. concert
  9. door
  10. school

21 Clues: lampwalldoortableshelfpartychairglasspotatowindowschoollibraryconcertclassroomcafeteriaclass, grademale studentplaying fieldfemale teachercabinet, closetboard (white or chalk)

School 2017-02-10

School crossword puzzle
  1. terrain de foot
  2. socks
  3. jumper
  4. Irish
  5. shoes
  6. headmaster's office
  7. English
  8. clothes
  9. trousers
  10. playground
  11. (headmaster at higher secondary school)
  12. shirt
  13. ( headmaster at lower secondary school)
  14. skirt
  15. accounting
  16. woodwork
  17. I wear
  18. classroom
  19. blouse
  20. menagers home economics
  1. science lab
  2. cloakroom
  3. deputy head
  4. kitchen
  5. lockers
  6. staffroom
  7. I study
  8. French
  9. library
  10. gym
  11. canteen
  12. uniform
  13. Music

33 Clues: gymsocksIrishshoesMusicshirtskirtjumperFrenchI wearblousekitchenlockersI studylibraryEnglishcanteenclothesuniformtrouserswoodworkcloakroomstaffroomclassroomplaygroundaccountingscience labdeputy headterrain de footheadmaster's officemenagers home economics(headmaster at higher secondary school)( headmaster at lower secondary school)

School 2019-09-17

School crossword puzzle
  1. стол
  2. школа
  3. стул
  4. пенал
  5. дверь
  6. игровая площадка
  7. учитель
  8. школьный кабинет
  9. бассейн
  10. компьютер
  11. выдвижные ящики
  12. карандаш
  13. доска
  14. полка
  1. книжный шкаф
  2. ученик
  3. книга
  4. рисунок, картинка
  5. спортивная площадка
  6. ластик
  7. окно
  8. стена
  9. портфель, ранец
  10. стадион
  11. постер, плакат
  12. ручка
  13. линейка

27 Clues: столстулокношколакнигапеналдверьстенаручкадоскаполкаученикластикучительбассейнстадионлинейкакарандашкомпьютеркнижный шкафпостер, плакатпортфель, ранецвыдвижные ящикиигровая площадкашкольный кабинетрисунок, картинкаспортивная площадка

School 2019-09-17

School crossword puzzle
  1. книга
  2. доска
  3. постер, плакат
  4. компьютер
  5. стена
  6. выдвижные ящики
  7. книжный шкаф
  8. спортивная площадка
  9. портфель, ранец
  10. учитель
  1. дверь
  2. стол
  3. ученик
  4. школа
  5. бассейн
  6. полка
  7. игровая площадка
  8. пенал
  9. окно
  10. карандаш
  11. ручка
  12. стадион
  13. школьный кабинет
  14. ластик
  15. рисунок, картинка
  16. стул
  17. линейка

27 Clues: столокностулдверькнигадоскашколаполкапеналстенаручкаученикластикбассейнстадионучительлинейкакарандашкомпьютеркнижный шкафпостер, плакатвыдвижные ящикипортфель, ранецигровая площадкашкольный кабинетрисунок, картинкаспортивная площадка

School 2023-05-17

School crossword puzzle
  1. Children comes to study
  2. Were students reads books
  3. A place to satisfy your hunger
  4. The place students studies
  5. People who share their knowledge to students
  6. A place were sports equipments are kept
  7. Attire to show equality
  8. Personal information
  9. nature call
  10. The thing that students use to calculate
  1. Next level of kindergarten
  2. storage of stationaries
  3. The place were they teach music
  4. Head of the whole school
  5. The transportation which students go to transport from one place to other place
  6. A thing which they sit on
  7. The place were PE is held
  8. The place in school were any special events are
  9. The thing they write on
  10. school logo

20 Clues: school logonature callPersonal informationChildren comes to studystorage of stationariesThe thing they write onAttire to show equalityHead of the whole schoolWere students reads booksA thing which they sit onThe place were PE is heldNext level of kindergartenThe place students studiesA place to satisfy your hungerThe place were they teach music...

School 2023-10-01

School crossword puzzle
  1. case we store pens in it
  2. with this you cut something
  3. on this lesson we create something
  4. is where we store books
  5. where you give marks
  6. with the help of this subject we carry out calculations
  7. are what we get for working in class
  8. is the main person in the school
  9. with the help of this person we gain knowledge
  10. you study with them
  11. with this we write
  12. in this lesson we study the structure of a living organism
  13. with this you wash
  14. with this you measure
  1. you sit on it
  2. with this we draw
  3. education, we are using this to prepare for the army
  4. in it you carry notebooks
  5. we write on it
  6. is what we get at school
  7. with the help of this lesson we will explore the world
  8. with the help of this item we write on the board
  9. in this lesson we use only a computer
  10. there they collect documents related to the organization
  11. we hang clothes on it
  12. with this you sharpen pencils
  13. it stores documents
  14. we studying writers
  15. hang on the walls
  16. with the help of this subject we gain knowledge

30 Clues: you sit on itwe write on itwith this we drawhang on the wallswith this we writewith this you washit stores documentswe studying writersyou study with themwhere you give markswe hang clothes on itwith this you measureis where we store bookscase we store pens in itis what we get at schoolin it you carry notebookswith this you cut something...

School 2023-10-01

School crossword puzzle
  1. there they collect documents related to the organization
  2. with this you cover up what you wrote with a pen
  3. with the help of this subject we gain knowledge
  4. with the help of this person we gain knowledge
  5. in this lesson we use only a computer
  6. hang on the walls
  7. is where we store books
  8. we hang clothes on it
  9. education, we are using this to prepare for the army
  10. is what we get at school
  11. you sit on it
  12. with the help of this item we write on the board
  13. we write on it
  1. in this lesson we study the structure of a living organism
  2. on this lesson we create something
  3. case we store pens in it
  4. with this we write
  5. where you give marks
  6. with this you cut something
  7. with this you measure
  8. in it you carry notebooks
  9. with this you clean
  10. with this you sharpen pencils
  11. with this we draw
  12. with the help of this subject we carry out calculations
  13. with the help of this lesson we will explore the world
  14. you study with them
  15. are what we get for working in class
  16. is the main person in the school
  17. it stores documents

30 Clues: you sit on itwe write on ithang on the wallswith this we drawwith this we writewith this you cleanyou study with themit stores documentswhere you give markswith this you measurewe hang clothes on itis where we store bookscase we store pens in itis what we get at schoolin it you carry notebookswith this you cut somethingwith this you sharpen pencils...

School 2023-09-26

School crossword puzzle
  1. What do students carry on their back?
  2. Stiff is my spine and my body is pale, but I'm always ready to tell a tale.
  3. I make the world brighter. I am used whenever you annotate.
  4. You use me whenever you make a mistake. Whenever I am used, I get all over the table.
  5. You use me for all your classes, you write your notes there and store important information.
  6. You use me for most of your assignments and you can break me.
  7. I used to be the main source of all news. You're reading me right now.
  8. I have keys that can be used to open windows, you look at my screen and I give you most of the answers to your questions.
  9. I am in all of your classrooms. Teachers use me daily. I am not an electronic device.
  1. I sit on the wall, I tick and tock.
  2. I can be used to color/write. Sometimes, I am washable.
  3. I am a household item, but not a clock. I beat paper, but never rock.
  4. You use me to write, but cannot erase once you have written.
  5. Another word for instructor.
  6. You might have me hung up in your room, I can be a picture or full of information.
  7. When used, I am spun around. My existence puts a map of the whole world on display.
  8. You put paper inside of me and I am not a folder.
  9. You walk in and out of me and there are desks.
  10. You look at me to review for a test
  11. Basically your "job" at school.

20 Clues: Another word for instructor.Basically your "job" at school.I sit on the wall, I tick and tock.You look at me to review for a testWhat do students carry on their back?You walk in and out of me and there are desks.You put paper inside of me and I am not a folder.I can be used to color/write. Sometimes, I am washable....

School 2023-09-26

School crossword puzzle
  1. What do students carry on their back?
  2. Stiff is my spine and my body is pale, but I'm always ready to tell a tale.
  3. I make the world brighter. I am used whenever you annotate.
  4. You use me whenever you make a mistake. Whenever I am used, I get all over the table.
  5. You use me for all your classes, you write your notes there and store important information.
  6. You use me for most of your assignments and you can break me.
  7. I used to be the main source of all news. You're reading me right now.
  8. I have keys that can be used to open windows, you look at my screen and I give you most of the answers to your questions.
  9. I am in all of your classrooms. Teachers use me daily. I am not an electronic device.
  1. I sit on the wall, I tick and tock.
  2. I can be used to color/write. Sometimes, I am washable.
  3. I am a household item, but not a clock. I beat paper, but never rock.
  4. You use me to write, but cannot erase once you have written.
  5. Another word for instructor.
  6. You might have me hung up in your room, I can be a picture or full of information.
  7. When used, I am spun around. My existence puts a map of the whole world on display.
  8. You put paper inside of me and I am not a folder.
  9. You walk in and out of me and there are desks.
  10. You look at me to review for a test
  11. Basically your "job" at school.

20 Clues: Another word for instructor.Basically your "job" at school.I sit on the wall, I tick and tock.You look at me to review for a testWhat do students carry on their back?You walk in and out of me and there are desks.You put paper inside of me and I am not a folder.I can be used to color/write. Sometimes, I am washable....

School 2023-09-20

School crossword puzzle
  1. математика
  2. книга
  3. история
  4. музыка
  5. шк. предмет
  6. линейка
  7. кабинет
  8. карандаш
  9. расписание
  10. доска
  1. блокнот
  2. биология
  3. наука
  4. атлас
  5. ластик
  6. парта
  7. ИЗО
  8. английский
  9. школьная сумка
  10. понедельник
  11. ручка
  12. среда

22 Clues: ИЗОнаукакнигаатласпартаручкасредадоскаластикмузыкаблокнотисториялинейкакабинетбиологиякарандашматематикаанглийскийрасписаниешк. предметпонедельникшкольная сумка

School 2023-09-20

School crossword puzzle
  1. ручка
  2. ИЗО
  3. книга
  4. парта
  5. среда
  6. биология
  7. карандаш
  8. доска
  9. расписание
  10. линейка
  1. блокнот
  2. понедельник
  3. шк. предмет
  4. история
  5. школьная сумка
  6. наука
  7. кабинет
  8. ластик
  9. музыка
  10. английский
  11. математика
  12. атлас

22 Clues: ИЗОручкакнигапартасреданаукаатласдоскаластикмузыкаблокнотисториякабинетлинейкабиологиякарандашанглийскийматематикарасписаниепонедельникшк. предметшкольная сумка

school 2024-04-08

school crossword puzzle
  1. Ability to understand the specialized aspects of jobs.
  2. the process of planning, staffing, leading, and organizing the employees of the business.
  3. Polite behavior; good manners.
  4. Short-range planning (one year) of specific actions the business will take.
  5. A human resources management activity that involves recruiting, interviewing, hiring, orienting, and dealing with job changes for a company's employees.
  6. keeping accurate and useful financial records; and analyzing and interpreting the recorded information.
  7. Loyalty to a particular business.
  8. Undisclosed information within a particular business or industry
  9. The management function of deciding what will be done and how it will be accomplished.
  10. Managers who report to top-level management and who have supervisors who report to them.
  11. Supervisors who work directly with the employees who carry out the business's routine work.
  12. The amount and the value of goods and services produced (outputs) from set amounts of resources (inputs).
  13. The customer's preference for a business; usually expressed in regular purchases from the business.
  14. Private information that belongs to an organization and cannot be released to the public.
  15. the process of planning, maintaining, monitoring, controlling, and reporting the use of financial resources
  16. the process or activity of producing goods and services.
  17. The people (i.e., employees) who work cooperatively together to achieve business goals.
  18. Promotion for a business provided by customers who tell others of their satisfaction with the business.
  19. All managers who are responsible for the operation of the company or a business unit.
  20. People who work to produce goods or services.
  21. The ability to communicate, interact, and build relationships with others.
  1. Long-range planning (three to five years) for the company as a whole.
  2. the usage of outside organizations or consultants to perform one or more of the primary business activities.
  3. Steps that an individual takes to enhance or improve skills or traits that are needed to excel in her/his career/profession.
  4. The process of accessing, processing, maintaining, evaluating, and disseminating knowledge, facts, or data for the purpose of assisting business decision-making.
  5. Groups of activities related to management
  6. All the opportunities that businesses have to connect with customers and reinforce their brand value.
  7. Activities and benefits provided by a business to its customers to create goodwill and customer satisfaction.
  8. Knowledge, facts, or data presented in a useful form.
  9. the process of accessing, processing, maintaining, evaluating, and disseminating business knowledge, facts, or data.
  10. the process of planning, controlling, and organizing an organization or department.
  11. the process of creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.
  12. the day-to-day activities required for continued business functioning.
  13. An integrated technology that assists with an organization's information management needs.
  14. The ability to see the "big picture" and think about how things will work together.
  15. All the activities a business engages in to interact with its customers.
  16. Converting facts and figures into useful information.
  17. The management function of setting up the way the business's work will be done.
  18. Advantages or payments employees receive in addition to their wages
  19. an organized effort to produce and/or distribute goods and services.
  20. The management function that monitors the work effort.
  21. Equipment and supplies used by businesses in their operation.
  22. Focused on customer needs and wants.
  23. The values and ideals that an organization encourages among its employees.
  24. Adapting to the environment in advance of the occurrence of events; taking advantage of opportunities rather than reacting to problems.
  25. The management function of providing guidance to workers and work projects.
  26. Fulfilling the requirements of the law.

47 Clues: Polite behavior; good manners.Loyalty to a particular business.Focused on customer needs and wants.Fulfilling the requirements of the law.Groups of activities related to managementPeople who work to produce goods or services.Knowledge, facts, or data presented in a useful form.Converting facts and figures into useful information....

School 2024-07-16

School crossword puzzle
  1. School attend by children before the age 5
  2. a college grade will receive this in Arts of Science
  3. school: grades 9, 10, 11, 12
  4. the student with the 2nd highest grades who also speaks at graduation
  5. Where to learn to draw and paint
  6. school: grades 6, 7 and 8
  7. the second year of high school or college
  8. the paper a college graduate receives
  9. the vacation in June, July, August
  10. the first year of school
  11. assignments to be completed at home
  12. Singing and playing instruments
  13. Education: the class to learn about exercise and more
  1. the student the highest grades who speaks at graduation
  2. Where students learn biology, chemistry, etc.
  3. Where students learn reading, writing, grammar, etc.
  4. Studies: another name for the study of what has happened, politics, social events, etc.
  5. break: the vacation at the end of December
  6. the cap worn at graduation
  7. a place to exercise
  8. The study of what has happened in the past
  9. year: a year off between high school
  10. how to prepare food
  11. the paper a high school graduate receives
  12. also known as an M.D., Ph.D. or ED.D
  13. the school attended by students ages 5-10
  14. break: the vacation usually in late March or April
  15. when a student complete all the classes
  16. the last day of school is usually in this month
  17. the fourth and final year of high school of college
  18. the first year of high school or college
  19. the third year of high school or college
  20. Where students learn arithmetic, science, etc.
  21. language: the study of French or Spanish, etc.
  22. where students learn to perform plays
  23. the next degree received after the getting the first degree

36 Clues: a place to exercisehow to prepare foodthe first year of schoolschool: grades 6, 7 and 8the cap worn at graduationschool: grades 9, 10, 11, 12Singing and playing instrumentsWhere to learn to draw and paintthe vacation in June, July, Augustassignments to be completed at homeyear: a year off between high schoolalso known as an M.D., Ph.D. or ED.D...