school Crossword Puzzles
school 2020-11-13
22 Clues: урок • парта • наука • спорт • учень • книга • казати • важкий • музика • вчитель • перерва • олівець • розуміти • спортзал • компютер • мистецтво • малювання • допомагати • англійська • повторювати • класна кімната • домашня робота
School 2020-10-20
- teacher WRITES ON THE
School 2020-06-01
- what you write in english class
- sport played by boys and girls in school, shoot through hoop
- where you test the limits of your stomach
- person being taught
- usually for sports, to raise money for the program
- what to study
- instructor
- texas's favorite high school sport
- the head of the school
- sport where you hit the ball over the net
- Final ___ is given at the end
- signal to know when the class begins and ends
- when you get in trouble and have to stay home
- awkward social situation
- where kids fit as many people into one small space as possible for sports games
- test taken at end of the grading period
- specific to subject being studied
- the person who manages the office
- Period of time where work is assigned
- yearly test in texas
20 Clues: instructor • what to study • person being taught • yearly test in texas • the head of the school • awkward social situation • Final ___ is given at the end • what you write in english class • the person who manages the office • specific to subject being studied • texas's favorite high school sport • Period of time where work is assigned • test taken at end of the grading period • ...
School 2021-04-21
- will sing, play the piano, play the guitar
- help the animals
- do the household
- work in a restaurant
- play in films
- catch a fish
- take care of patients
- put out fire
- take a bad teeth
- works with PC
- design a house
- works on farm
- driver drive a taxi
- arrest the criminal
- write stories
- agent help you to go in a holiday
- The driver drive a bus
- pilot fly an airplane
- helps you when you are sick
- work in school also teach the students
20 Clues: catch a fish • put out fire • works on farm • write stories • play in films • works with PC • design a house • help the animals • do the household • take a bad teeth • driver drive a taxi • arrest the criminal • work in a restaurant • pilot fly an airplane • take care of patients • helps you when you are sick • The driver drive a bus • agent help you to go in a holiday • ...
School 2020-07-13
- The colour of the chairs in class
- School clothing
- The blue thing teachers use to stick things up
- Year 5 Male teacher
- The warm drink teachers drink
- Where you put your belongings
- Mile Afternoon annoying running
- The book you get at the end of Year 6
- The noise that tells you it’s lunch
- Drawing and Painting Lesson
- To remove mistakes
- The place you may do pe and get to go in once a week
- The thing you read out of
- The lessons using lots of numbers
- The holy part of the school name
- Between morning lessons
- Another word for Adding
- What you have at lunch
- What you use to help spell
- Year 6 Male Teacher
20 Clues: School clothing • To remove mistakes • Year 5 Male teacher • Year 6 Male Teacher • What you have at lunch • Between morning lessons • Another word for Adding • The thing you read out of • What you use to help spell • Drawing and Painting Lesson • The warm drink teachers drink • Where you put your belongings • Mile Afternoon annoying running • The holy part of the school name • ...
School 2020-11-24
20 Clues: WC • lahe • kehv • miil • draama • küpsis • ainult • seisma • kodutöö • õpilane • muusika • ajalugu • vahetund • bioloogia • koolipink • kolmapäev • tunniplaan • kontrolltöö • kunstiõppetus • prantsuse keel
School 2021-10-05
23 Clues: Loyal • Gentle • convert • Fearful • Charming • Arrogant • Cheerful • Scenario • Exhausted • Efficient • Confusion • Aspiration • punishment • well-owned • Has a trunk • Adventurous • Disadvantaged • old-fashioned • Flying mammal • Communication • Large marsupial • Man's best friend • Likes to chase mice
School 2021-10-05
23 Clues: Loyal • Gentle • Fearful • convert • Arrogant • Cheerful • Charming • Scenario • Efficient • Exhausted • Confusion • punishment • Aspiration • well-owned • Adventurous • Has a trunk • Disadvantaged • Communication • Flying mammal • old-fashioned • Large marsupial • Man's best friend • Likes to chase mice
School 2021-09-21
- Tells you the time
- notebook to be organized
- write on it to draw or work
- Separate paper
- Carry many things
- put your binders in it to go to school
- a person who directs the school
- Someone who studies at school
- Mainly used during maths
- Sharpens your pencil to be finer
- what you have to study in the page
- make perfect circles
- class papers used by everyone at school
- Covers your face during pandemic
- You need one for every classes
- projects screen on the board
- Without it your pencil is useless
- lights the class
- Deletes your mistakes
- work on a numerical object
- box bring your lunch to school in this
- stock your pencils
- teaches students to learn new things
23 Clues: Separate paper • lights the class • Carry many things • Tells you the time • stock your pencils • make perfect circles • Deletes your mistakes • notebook to be organized • Mainly used during maths • work on a numerical object • write on it to draw or work • projects screen on the board • Someone who studies at school • You need one for every classes • a person who directs the school • ...
School 2021-11-17
- the action of being kicked out of school
- Make sure to use this in history
- the study of social life
- Drawing, Colors
- Book
- this is the highlight of the state
- Exercise
- Study of matter, Space, and earth.
- Being kicked out of school for a few days
- Multiply, Divide, Add, and Subtract.
- what you write in
- What some people think of school
- the action of saying each letter of a word
- this is where you go to learn *not school*
- The start of school
- English Language Arts.
- this is a class when you have to learn to cook
- What you get when you been bad in class
- Food break
- study of the past
- Stars, Sun, Moon, Galaxies, Universes
- when school is over
- The class in which you play instruments
- the type of doing school on a computer
- what you use to write with
- Use - for a space, this one is space-mark
- People who teach
- Making Stories
- PE
- Where you go to learn
- Group Activates
- People who the Teacher's Teach
- The school were in
- what others think of school when its not boring
- Fun break
35 Clues: PE • Book • Exercise • Fun break • Food break • Making Stories • Drawing, Colors • Group Activates • People who teach • study of the past • what you write in • The school were in • The start of school • when school is over • Where you go to learn • English Language Arts. • the study of social life • what you use to write with • People who the Teacher's Teach • Make sure to use this in history • ...
School 2021-11-08
- The ruler of the school
- The school mascot
- Who teaches you
- Aka Phys-ed
- What you sit at in class
- Put your stuff in a
- Where you go to read books
- Carry books around in a
- Where the secraterys work
- Songs and lyrics
- Aka the opposite of soccer
- The study of the earth
- What you write on
- Time to eat
- Where you eat lunch
- Work at home
- What you are thought in
- A time of day to play
- Where you are detained
- Transportation to school
- Sharp writing tool
- Things about numbers
22 Clues: Time to eat • Aka Phys-ed • Work at home • Who teaches you • Songs and lyrics • What you write on • The school mascot • Sharp writing tool • Where you eat lunch • Put your stuff in a • Things about numbers • A time of day to play • The study of the earth • Where you are detained • The ruler of the school • What you are thought in • Carry books around in a • What you sit at in class • ...
School 2021-12-02
- изучать
- легкий
- линейка
- музыка
- труды
- снаружи, на улице
- ластик
- английский язык
- читать
- пол
- карандаш
- картина, рисунок
- учиться
- математика
- стеллаж, книжный шкаф
- считать
- доска для маркера
- доска для мела
- начинать
- дверь
- сложный
- ручка
- история
- стена
- урок
- важный
- школа
- ковер
- рисование
- парта
- форма
- география
- классная комната
- писать
- расписание
- русский язык
- школьный предмет
- заканчивать
- урок, занятие
- окно
40 Clues: пол • урок • окно • ручка • стена • школа • ковер • труды • парта • форма • дверь • важный • легкий • музыка • ластик • читать • писать • сложный • история • изучать • линейка • учиться • считать • карандаш • начинать • рисование • география • расписание • математика • заканчивать • русский язык • урок, занятие • доска для мела • английский язык • классная комната • картина, рисунок • школьный предмет • снаружи, на улице • доска для маркера • ...
School 2021-12-16
- information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
- a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
- a temporary state of mind or feeling.
- a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.
- deduce or conclude (information) from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements.
- conversation between two or more people as a feature of a book, play, or movie.
- the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect.
- a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it.
- the subject of a talk, a piece of writing, a person's thoughts, or an exhibition; a topic.
- cause to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something.
- the choice and use of words and phrases in speech or writing.
- The Hero's Journey
- the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.
- providing useful or interesting information.
- the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form.
- something that provides additional details or information
- a very typical example of a certain person or thing.
- the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
- be a warning or indication of (a future event).
- a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.
- a state or feeling of excited or anxious uncertainty about what may happen.
- the general character or attitude of a place, piece of writing, situation, etc.
22 Clues: The Hero's Journey • a temporary state of mind or feeling. • providing useful or interesting information. • be a warning or indication of (a future event). • a very typical example of a certain person or thing. • something that provides additional details or information • the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. • ...
School 2021-09-24
- In school, the dress code ____________ girls wearing tank tops.
- had to get my teachers ___________ to leave school early.
- Some kids don't have many friends so they sit in ________ areas for school lunch.
- Teachers need to ________ themselves of the idea that we should have homework on the weekends.
- school staff make sure to have __________ rules about how we should act while we are at school.
- a kid has to take on their parents responsibilities, it can be very _______ and overwhelming.
- I always _________ myself when I start to struggle with my school work.
- Some of the rooms in the school are really small and some are very _________.
- It would be against _______ to come to school naked.
- I finally started watering my plants correctly, I noticed they started to _______.
- My teacher ____________ looked at me when I skipped class.
- For our CER on coral bleaching, we need to ___________ our claim on what is causing coral bleaching.
- The couples in this school can be very ____________ and it's gross.
- Most of the kids in this school appear to be ____________.
- our assignment was to __________ the mistake for each sentence.
- have come to find that most people at school are just miserable and _______.
- The work that my algebra teacher gives never __________ me.
- The girls ______ the cafeteria bathroom between classes.
- Coming back to school made me realize that the kids here can be very ____________.
- I was so dehydrated that my face had a ________ look and I ended up passing out.
- Instead of taking the shortcut to school, we took the __________ route.
- When I don´t like a teacher, their lessons become very _________ to me.
- We had to make a precise _________ for our school project.
- After a long debate, the class finally came to a _________.
- Sometimes, I can be ________ when it comes to showing up to class on time.
25 Clues: It would be against _______ to come to school naked. • The girls ______ the cafeteria bathroom between classes. • had to get my teachers ___________ to leave school early. • Most of the kids in this school appear to be ____________. • We had to make a precise _________ for our school project. • My teacher ____________ looked at me when I skipped class. • ...
School 2021-08-25
- Something you sit on
- 1+1=2
- A peice of furniture where you an put your things
- Pauses between classes
- A thing that you read in
- A room where you learn things
- The class where you learn to exercise
- Something to write with
- A blue thing that you write on with chalk
- The class where you hear and create sounds
- An adult learning the students things
- A room with a lot of books
- White stuff you write with
- School work that you do at home
- Something to write on
- A bag made for carrying books
- A place where you can play and have fun
- Something that rings
- A minor that's learning things from the teachers
- An electronic devise where you can study
- A text that you write with a chosen subject
21 Clues: 1+1=2 • Something you sit on • Something that rings • Something to write on • Pauses between classes • Something to write with • A thing that you read in • A room with a lot of books • White stuff you write with • A bag made for carrying books • A room where you learn things • School work that you do at home • The class where you learn to exercise • An adult learning the students things • ...
SCHOOL 2017-10-20
school 2018-10-12
26 Clues: ir • tud • csal • tanar • fuzet • angol • konyv • tabla • tanul • tanora • mondat • kerdez • tanulo • beszel • figyel • kerdes • szavak • feladat • hallgat • tanterem • tantargy • magyaraz • elfelejt • valaszol • emlekszik • munkafuzet
School 2018-09-06
25 Clues: tund • liim • õpik • paber • pinal • tahvel • päevik • võimla • värvid • laulma • rääkima • õpilane • õpetaja • pliiats • töövihik • pastakas • kustukas • joonlaud • õpilased • koolilaud • koolikott • klassiruum • kunstiklass • matemaatika • tähthaaval ütlema
SCHOOL 2018-11-18
32 Clues: aeg • tund • kool • vihik • kunst • raamat • õppima • võimla • õppima • lugema • arvuti • tahvel • õpilane • rääkima • muusika • õpetaja • õppeaine • vahetund • prügikast • algklassid • klassiruum • rasvakriit • joonistama • mänguväljak • kõrvaklapid • matemaatika • kunstiklass • inglise keel • spordiväljak • loodusõpetus • värv, värvima • kehaline kasvatus
School 2019-09-22
- classes about the language and literature of Poland
- classes about the language and literature of Great Britain, the USA, etc.
- the school subject about how to use modern technology
- a place at school where students can buy something to eat
- classes about how to draw or paint beautiful things
- a long hallway in a building
- a small stick of coloured wax used for drawing
- a type of soft white stone used for writing or drawing
- a tool for removing pencil marks from paper
- a tool for cutting paper
- a large black or green surface fixed to a classroom wall for writing on
- a sticky substance that you use to fix things to each other
- the subject about numbers
- the subject about the physical world, and which is based on facts and experiments
- a book with empty pages which you use for writing notes
- the subject about people/events in the past
- an object used for measuring or for drawing straight lines
- a room for PE lessons
- a room in a school
- the subject about the substances found in the world and the reactions between them
- the subject about the physical features of the world, i.e. climate or landforms
- the subject about living organisms
- a room/building where people can borrow books
- a school subject where students do gymnastics or play sports
24 Clues: a room in a school • a room for PE lessons • a tool for cutting paper • the subject about numbers • a long hallway in a building • the subject about living organisms • the subject about people/events in the past • a tool for removing pencil marks from paper • a room/building where people can borrow books • a small stick of coloured wax used for drawing • ...
School 2019-09-17
27 Clues: окно • стол • стул • книга • школа • пенал • дверь • ручка • доска • стена • полка • ученик • ластик • бассейн • линейка • стадион • учитель • карандаш • компьютер • книжный шкаф • постер, плакат • портфель, ранец • выдвижные ящики • школьный кабинет • игровая площадка • рисунок, картинка • спортивная площадка
school 2019-10-21
25 Clues: хор • лицей • буфет • пальма • кружок • колледж • занятия • кабинет • зубрить • директор • учащийся • гимназия • медпункт • медсестра • рекреация • вестибюль • списывать • мастерская • расписание • обязательный • библиотекарь • подсказывать • точные науки • факультативный • ученик начальной школы
School 2013-10-02
- You need this for organize your school things.
- Master He has a big responsability.
- You need this thing for do your homeworks.
- Subject that explains what happened a lot of years.
- Only use the private highschool's.
- Persons that learn something.
- You were inside your write material.
- It's one thing that help you to study.
- Person that teaches you a lot of things useful.
- Students hate do this.
- It's furniture that save your books.
- Subject a little bit difficult
- Furniture were students support her body.
- It's breakable and usefull for students and teachers.
- A lot of students don't like do.
- It's something big that the teacher usually use.
- Were you can wear your school material.
- Person who help students or clasificate things.
- Were students do their work.
- Noise that adverts you.
20 Clues: Students hate do this. • Noise that adverts you. • Were students do their work. • Persons that learn something. • Subject a little bit difficult • A lot of students don't like do. • Only use the private highschool's. • It's furniture that save your books. • You were inside your write material. • Master He has a big responsability. • It's one thing that help you to study. • ...
School 2014-01-07
- de school waar je nu bent
- voor je boeken en andere spullen
- daar leer je uit
- daar maak je sommen in
- hiermee maak je je schrift vol
- toets die 3x meetelt
- modern schoolbord
- plek voor dingen die je niet in je tas wil hebben
- de enige die staat in plaats van zit (in de klas)
- tijd tussen je lesuren in
- voor als je je eten vergeet
- wanneer je welke les hebt
- les over wat er vroeger allemaal is gebeurd
- krijg je aan het einde van het trimester
- wat je niet in de klas afkrijgt
- les over de wereld
- einde/begin van de les
- voor schrijfgerei
- krijg je voor een toets
- waar je les krijgt
20 Clues: daar leer je uit • voor schrijfgerei • modern schoolbord • les over de wereld • waar je les krijgt • toets die 3x meetelt • daar maak je sommen in • einde/begin van de les • krijg je voor een toets • wanneer je welke les hebt • de school waar je nu bent • tijd tussen je lesuren in • voor als je je eten vergeet • hiermee maak je je schrift vol • wat je niet in de klas afkrijgt • ...
school 2014-02-19
- compagno di classe
- segrataria
- colla
- zaino
- mappamondo
- room sala insengnanti
- appendi abiti
- banco
- libro di testo
- calcolatrice
- segretario
- sedia
- compagno di banco
- laboratory laboratorio di lingue
- office ufficio amministrativo
- alunno
- gesso
- square squadra
- mensa
- armadietto
- bagni
- lavagna
- preside
- laboratory laboratorio di scienze
- bibliotecario
25 Clues: colla • gesso • zaino • mensa • bagni • banco • sedia • alunno • lavagna • preside • segrataria • armadietto • mappamondo • segretario • calcolatrice • appendi abiti • bibliotecario • square squadra • libro di testo • compagno di banco • compagno di classe • room sala insengnanti • office ufficio amministrativo • laboratory laboratorio di lingue • laboratory laboratorio di scienze
School 2014-10-28
20 Clues: eigo • chiri • ongaku • kamoku • kagaku • shakai • taiiku • gakkou • suugaku • gijutsu • kateika • bijutsu • nihongo • rekishi • tanoshii • kibishii • omoshiroi • tsumaranai • muzukashii • ichiban sukina
School 2014-05-06
- a large motor vehicle used for carry passengers
- used for writing, drawing
- a person who teaches others
- the head of a school
- words as run, make, do are ....
- school work done out of lessons, esp at home
- the fruit of a tree, having red, yellow, or green skin and crisp whitish flesh
- used for drawing
- a mark or rating indicating achievement or the worth of work done
- a piece of furniture with a writing surface
- a person following a course of study
- used for sitting
- a room in which classes are conducted
- a bag for school
- used for measuring and drawing straight lines
- used for erasing something
- a written work or composition, such as a novel, manual, or dictionary
- a group of pupils or students who are taught and study together
- used for joining or sticking something together
- short for examination
20 Clues: used for sitting • a bag for school • used for drawing • the head of a school • short for examination • used for writing, drawing • used for erasing something • a person who teaches others • words as run, make, do are .... • a person following a course of study • a room in which classes are conducted • a piece of furniture with a writing surface • ...
School 2016-03-02
- lasts for about an hour
- an item where you keep your pencils
- a place where you can hang out aswell but you have sofas
- a place where you can swim
- the leader of the school
- the place where you can read in peace or borrow books
- a place where you can play during brakes
- a thing where you have your books
- a person who teaches the students
- a place where the school keeps the celebrations in
- a room where the headmaster works
- a place where you can keep your bags or other stuff
- a room where is a a lot of computers
- you can erase your mistakes with this
- a place where you can hang out during brakes or before school
- a room where you have lessons
- a thing what you can read and learn from
- a person who tries to learn things
- a place where you can work out
- lasts for 15 or 45 minutes
20 Clues: lasts for about an hour • the leader of the school • a place where you can swim • lasts for 15 or 45 minutes • a room where you have lessons • a place where you can work out • a room where the headmaster works • a thing where you have your books • a person who teaches the students • a person who tries to learn things • an item where you keep your pencils • ...
School 2023-10-27
- something to hold your school supplies
- a psychic object that you can read
- a small lockable closet that locks something
- Where students gather for lessons
- A place to borrow books and study
- A sport that involves catching and running
- an electron device to do school work
- someone educates students
- Something to write with
- an electron device to help student learn school Martiel
- to comforts students Durning school hours
- to tell the time
- a set of keys on a computer
- Physical activity to stay fit
- the head of a school
- Study of the natural world
- class Assignments to be done outside of school
- a surfaces that students can use to do their school work
- Interacting with friends
- A subject that has numbers
20 Clues: to tell the time • the head of a school • Something to write with • Interacting with friends • someone educates students • Study of the natural world • A subject that has numbers • a set of keys on a computer • Physical activity to stay fit • Where students gather for lessons • A place to borrow books and study • a psychic object that you can read • ...
School 2023-11-10
- Traditionelles Kaffeehaus
- Gedrehter Brot-Snack
- Kirschtorte Schokoladen-Kirsch-Dessert
- Klassischer Musikkomponist
- Eingelegtes Krautgericht
- Theoretischer Physiker
- Märchenschloss in Bayern
- Kurzbeinige Hunderasse
- Deutscher Automobilhersteller
- Currygewürzte Wurstspezialität
- Stadtmusikanten Märchen der Gebrüder Grimm
- Berühmter deutscher Schriftsteller
- Traditionelle Lederhose
- Wahrzeichen in Berlin
- Bedeutender europäischer Fluss
- Gebratenes und paniertes Fleischgericht
- Schnellstraßensystem
- Freude über das Unglück anderer
- Kunst- und Designschule
- Freiluft-Biergarten
20 Clues: Freiluft-Biergarten • Gedrehter Brot-Snack • Schnellstraßensystem • Wahrzeichen in Berlin • Theoretischer Physiker • Kurzbeinige Hunderasse • Traditionelle Lederhose • Kunst- und Designschule • Eingelegtes Krautgericht • Märchenschloss in Bayern • Traditionelles Kaffeehaus • Klassischer Musikkomponist • Deutscher Automobilhersteller • Bedeutender europäischer Fluss • ...
school 2014-01-22
- topic of school
- acquire knowledge
- read and check information to learn it
- school for babies
- schedule
- not pass
- school where nuns and priests teach
- clothes used in a school
- copy
- grades
- school managed by the government
- a child in school
- school for teenagers
- school where parents pay for education
- school before secondary
- a university teacher
- have a good conduct
- school where students eat, sleep, learn
- a person with a degree from a university
- a person that studies in university
- check before an exam
- conduct
- subject that uses numbers
- opposite of relaxed
24 Clues: copy • grades • conduct • schedule • not pass • topic of school • acquire knowledge • school for babies • a child in school • have a good conduct • opposite of relaxed • school for teenagers • a university teacher • check before an exam • school before secondary • clothes used in a school • subject that uses numbers • school managed by the government • school where nuns and priests teach • ...
School 2023-12-17
20 Clues: EPS • maths • chimie • musique • tableau • theâtre • anglais • physique • biologie • histoire • français • un cahier • geographie • une matière • informatique • un professeur • crayon de bois • arts plastiques • emploi du temps • sciences sociales
School 2023-12-18
24 Clues: Aula • Silla • Clase • Papel • Alumno • - Libro • - Lapiz • Tijeras • Carpeta • Marcador • Uniforme • Borrador • Bolígrafo • Gobernante • Casilleros • Diccionario • Computadora • Aglutinante • Resaltadores • Case Estuche • - Escritorio • Libro de texto • Pencil Lápiz de color • - Computadora portatil
School 2023-11-30
21 Clues: tie • pen • guru • botol • chair • murid • chalk • lampu • table • pintu • kelas • eraser • gambar • pencil • locker • jendela • bendera • backpack • blackboard • kipas angin • whiteboard marker
School 2024-02-09
- yellow vechile
- creativity
- when your pencil is dull, you _____ it
- where a student goes when they come late
- you write notes in this
- what you use for writing
- where you keep water
- chemistry, earth, the human body, ect.
- books
- you use this to draw a straight line
- "I am _____ for my test."
- people you like to hang out with
- you use these to color things
- something you may see in an older school
- where students learn
- used to carry food to school
- you use this to stick things together
- who teaches you
- is used at school and at movie theatres
- challenging subject for others
- ten plus five
- where you eat and go outside and play
- nouns, adverbs, ect.
- what school is about
- we learn about God
- work that is not done at school
- where students sit
- a classic present for a teacher
28 Clues: books • creativity • ten plus five • yellow vechile • who teaches you • we learn about God • where students sit • where you keep water • nouns, adverbs, ect. • what school is about • where students learn • you write notes in this • what you use for writing • "I am _____ for my test." • used to carry food to school • you use these to color things • challenging subject for others • ...
School 2024-01-12
- Yellow vehicle that can take you to school
- The place where you find books
- Mr.Hart's favorite genre of music
- The name of our school
- Sport that involves running
- Winter sport that takes place in a gym
- Winter sport that takes place at an alley
- The club that is going to see Hamilton this year
- Our school mascot
- Winter sport that you do on a mat
- Class taught by Mr.Jefferis
- Located at the front of our school
- Name of the conference for sports
- Dance choreographer for the musical, also a kindergarten teacher at West Amwell School
- The class that includes a trip to Canada
- What you typically complete your work on
- A time during the day to finish work after fourth block
- Journalism teacher
- The team that won NATN last year
- Natn practice is Monday and __________?
- Place where you can make your schedule
- Room where you can exercise
- "Varsity ______"(Something you can wear)
- Blue and Steel team compete
- Your favorite 10th grade English teacher!
- "Did you ______ for the test?"
26 Clues: Our school mascot • Journalism teacher • The name of our school • Sport that involves running • Room where you can exercise • Blue and Steel team compete • Class taught by Mr.Jefferis • The place where you find books • "Did you ______ for the test?" • The team that won NATN last year • Name of the conference for sports • Mr.Hart's favorite genre of music • ...
school 2023-03-16
20 Clues: pad • Lamp • Tape • Wall • cable • Ruler • broom • blinds • Switch • charger • Speaker • cupboard • Curtains • projector • Headphones • Whiteboard • calculator • pen sharpener • mobile pocket • teacher’s desk
school 2023-02-22
- pótvizsga
- hiányzás
- puskázik (csal)
- általános iskola alsó tagozat
- felvételi iroda
- módszerek
- zúzódások
- kötelező olvasmány
- óvoda
- előadó
- idegennyelv
- órán kívüli foglalkozások
- fizikai jelek
- egyesület
- igényes
- hírdetés
- a person who abuse somebody
- módszeres
- faliújság
- hittan
- fejlesztés
- megvitatás
- diákszálló
- vizsgáztató
- tesiterem
25 Clues: óvoda • hittan • előadó • igényes • hírdetés • hiányzás • pótvizsga • egyesület • módszeres • faliújság • módszerek • zúzódások • tesiterem • fejlesztés • megvitatás • diákszálló • vizsgáztató • idegennyelv • fizikai jelek • puskázik (csal) • felvételi iroda • kötelező olvasmány • órán kívüli foglalkozások • a person who abuse somebody • általános iskola alsó tagozat
School 2023-04-07
- - What is four plus two?
- - What is one plus one?
- - What is ten plus three?
- - What is ten minus one?
- - What is nine plus nine?
- - What is five plus two?
- - What is ten plus five?
- - What is seven plus three?
- - What is ten plus ten?
- - What is ten minus two?
- - What is twenty minus nine?
- - What do you get when you add zero to one?
- - What is seven plus nine?
- - What is two plus two?
- - What is six plus six?
- - What is twenty minus one?
- - What is four plus one?
- - What is twenty minus three?
- - What is twenty minus six?
- - What is two plus one?
20 Clues: - What is two plus two? • - What is one plus one? • - What is six plus six? • - What is two plus one? • - What is ten plus ten? • - What is four plus two? • - What is four plus one? • - What is ten minus one? • - What is five plus two? • - What is ten plus five? • - What is ten minus two? • - What is ten plus three? • - What is nine plus nine? • - What is seven plus nine? • ...
School 2024-02-28
School 2024-04-16
- study of language
- study of human past
- stiff paper to hold papers
- bag to carry books
- felt tip coloring pens
- instrument for writing
- gain knowledge
- collection of books
- formal educator
- schoolwork
- set learning section
- student in school
- hard adhesive tube
- thick sheets for binders
- narrow sticky strip
- scheduled play outside
- request for information
- gym class
- tool to measure angles
- learning to compose words
- making sense of words
- room for physical exercise
- fluorescent pen
- blank pages to write
- book of definitions
- white stick to write on board
- wood frame to hold art
- large classroom board
- assignments to do at home
- chart of days. Weeks. Months
- study of nature & things
- head of a school
- method of communication
- device tor math calculations
- colored fluid for pen
- book of synonyms
- soft rubber to rub out lead
- large folder to hold files
- place were students learn
- table to do homework
- short message
- study of numbers
- short test
- knowledge test
- writing instrument of lead
- flat case to showcase paper
- study of physical earth
- short piece of writing
- pages bound together to read
- examination
50 Clues: gym class • schoolwork • short test • examination • short message • gain knowledge • knowledge test • formal educator • fluorescent pen • head of a school • book of synonyms • study of numbers • study of language • student in school • bag to carry books • hard adhesive tube • study of human past • collection of books • narrow sticky strip • book of definitions • set learning section • table to do homework • ...
School 2024-04-25
20 Clues: pen • leçon • table • règle • pupil • livre • chair • school • maitre • devoir • bureau • rubber • cahier • crayon • felt-tip • cartable • set square • pencil case • un tableau noir • une salle de classe
school 2024-05-08
23 Clues: bok • sax • pärm • prov • ämne • bord • stol • tavla • penna • suddi • matte • karta • ordbok • elever • schema • papper • linjal • hitsoria • skolgård • ryggsäck • mobillåda • miniräknare • anteckningsblock
school 2024-08-16
- A writing instrument that uses ink
- The person who instructs students in a school
- A formal test of a student's knowledge or proficiency in a subject
- A book of blank pages for taking notes
- A standardized set of clothing worn by students in some schools
- A surface used by teachers to write on with chalk
- A stick of calcium sulfate used for writing on a blackboard
- The room where lessons are taught
- The board in the classroom where teachers write notes
- A piece of furniture where students sit and work
- A tool used to remove pencil marks
- A bag carried on the back, used for holding school supplies
- A place where books and other materials are available for reading or borrowing
- A gathering of students and staff for announcements or performances
- Card A document showing a student's grades for the term
- The head administrator of a school
- A book used by students as a standard work for a particular subject
- A small storage compartment for personal items, typically found in schools
- A passage in a school that connects different rooms
- Assignments given to students to complete outside of class
- A break period during the school day for relaxation and play
- A place in a school where students eat meals
- A person who attends school to learn
- A writing instrument with a graphite core
- The sound that signals the start or end of a class period
25 Clues: The room where lessons are taught • A writing instrument that uses ink • The head administrator of a school • A tool used to remove pencil marks • A person who attends school to learn • A book of blank pages for taking notes • A writing instrument with a graphite core • A place in a school where students eat meals • The person who instructs students in a school • ...
School 2024-05-14
- Students started using these to do all there work since the pandemic has ended.
- Students use this websites to check their grades.
- Students go in here to eat their lunch.
- Teachers use this website to see what there students are doing on their laptops.
- Students use this item t get rid of their mistakes on paper.
- Students learn subjects in these type of rooms.
- Students do this when there is a fire in the school.
- Students learn from these type of people.
- Students use these to write down answers on paper.
- Students may go in here to study or read books.
- Almost every student hates this subject.
- Students use this to write on.
- Students use this to cut paper.
- Students sit on these in their classroom.
- Students use this so there pencil isn't dull.
- Students walk in these to get to their classes
- This certain item tells when a students goes to there next class
- Students use these to carry around all their school supplies
- This is a commonly gift that students give their teachers on teacher appreciation week.
- Students get these type of people if they need extra help in school.
20 Clues: Students use this to write on. • Students use this to cut paper. • Students go in here to eat their lunch. • Almost every student hates this subject. • Students sit on these in their classroom. • Students learn from these type of people. • Students use this so there pencil isn't dull. • Students walk in these to get to their classes • ...
School 2023-04-10
- - A bound book with blank or lined pages used for writing notes.
- - A writing tool made of graphite and wood used for writing and drawing.
- - An assessment of a student's knowledge or abilities in a subject.
- - A container used to carry food to school for lunch.
- - A piece of furniture with a flat surface and often drawers, used for writing and studying.
- - A tool used for measuring length or drawing straight lines.
- - A subject that involves creating visual or performing works of art.
- - A person who teaches in a school.
- - A subject that involves playing or creating music.
- - A subject that studies past events and their significance.
- - A subject that studies the physical features, climate, and inhabitants of the earth.
- - A bag worn on the back, used to carry books and other school supplies.
- - A person who is studying in a school.
- - A room where students attend lessons.
- - A device used for accessing information and communicating with others.
- - A tool used to remove pencil marks.
- - A subject that studies numbers, quantities, and shapes.
- - An outdoor area with equipment and structures for children to play on during school breaks.
- - A place where books and other reading materials are stored and can be borrowed.
- - A subject that studies the natural world and its phenomena.
20 Clues: - A person who teaches in a school. • - A tool used to remove pencil marks. • - A person who is studying in a school. • - A room where students attend lessons. • - A subject that involves playing or creating music. • - A container used to carry food to school for lunch. • - A subject that studies numbers, quantities, and shapes. • ...
School 2022-11-16
25 Clues: мука • сахар • тунец • карта • пакет • хлопья • ветчина • бутылка • ножницы • ноутбук • коридор • словарь • столовая • барабаны • спортзал • кроссовки • библиотека • учительская • банка (колы) • окружающий мин • банка (варенья) • плитка (шоколада) • гончарное искусство • упаковка (картонная) • произносить по буквам
school 2022-11-22
22 Clues: EPS • SVT • élève • latin • maths • agenda • chimie • musique • devoirs • science • cantine • anglais • cartable • espagnol • physique • histoire • allemand • enseignant • directrice • géographie • emploi du temps • arts plastiques
School 2022-10-12
- ... school bentlakásos iskola
- diplomázni
- középiskola
- ismételni
- javítani, javulni
- ... an exam átmenni a vizsgán
- megengedni
- gyakorolni
- önkéntes(ember)
- csalni
- exam vizsgázni
- bölcsőde/óvoda
- ... school általános
- diploma
- határozott,eltökélt
- önkéntes(munka)
- be... kicsapták
- késztetni, rávenni
- megbüntetni
- szigorú
- megbukni
- megengedett neki
- kötelező
23 Clues: csalni • diploma • szigorú • megbukni • kötelező • ismételni • diplomázni • megengedni • gyakorolni • megbüntetni • önkéntes(munka) • be... kicsapták • önkéntes(ember) • javítani, javulni • késztetni, rávenni • határozott,eltökélt • exam vizsgázni • ... school általános • középiskola • megengedett neki • bölcsőde/óvoda • ... school bentlakásos iskola • ...
school 2023-05-16
- the teacher uses this to show the class what to do.
- useful before a test.
- need it to be able to do school.
- makes the pencil sharp
- helps cut paper.
- you have to go to it every day except weekends.
- you only have it once every 3 years.
- holds everything you have
- holds pens and pencils colors
- you highlight things
- get rid of stuff on the paper
- you measure with them
- somewhere you to pee
- you can't lose this in class.
- eating break
- it sticks to stuff
- helpful for studying when on a test.
- you can color with them
- only at lunch time
- you have to read it
20 Clues: eating break • helps cut paper. • it sticks to stuff • only at lunch time • you have to read it • you highlight things • somewhere you to pee • you measure with them • useful before a test. • makes the pencil sharp • you can color with them • holds everything you have • get rid of stuff on the paper • you can't lose this in class. • holds pens and pencils colors • ...
School 2023-10-01
- we write on it
- is where we store books
- with this you wash
- with the help of this subject we gain knowledge
- with this you measure
- in this lesson we use only a computer
- we hang clothes on it
- where you give marks
- education, we are using this to prepare for the army
- is the main person in the school
- with the help of this person we gain knowledge
- it stores documents
- in this lesson we study the structure of a living organism
- with this you cut something
- you study with them
- with the help of this subject we carry out calculations
- there they collect documents related to the organization
- are what we get for working in class
- we studying writers
- is what we get at school
- with this we draw
- in it you carry notebooks
- with the help of this item we write on the board
- on this lesson we create something
- with this you sharpen pencils
- hang on the walls
- with the help of this lesson we will explore the world
- case we store pens in it
- you sit on it
- with this we write
30 Clues: you sit on it • we write on it • with this we draw • hang on the walls • with this you wash • with this we write • we studying writers • it stores documents • you study with them • where you give marks • with this you measure • we hang clothes on it • is where we store books • is what we get at school • case we store pens in it • in it you carry notebooks • with this you cut something • ...
School 2023-10-01
- with this we draw
- with the help of this item we write on the board
- with the help of this subject we carry out calculations
- you glue something together
- we write on it
- with this you cut something
- is where we store books
- it stores documents
- where you give marks
- there they collect documents related to the organization
- are what we get for working in class
- on this lesson we create something
- with this you wash
- with this you sharpen pencils
- you sit on it
- with the help of this person we gain knowledge
- you study with them
- case we store pens in it
- with this we write
- hang on the walls
- in it you carry notebooks
- with this you measure
- in this lesson we study the structure of a living organism
- is what we get at school
- with the help of this subject we gain knowledge
- is the main person in the school
- we hang clothes on it
- in this lesson we use only a computer
- with the help of this lesson we will explore the world
- education, we are using this to prepare for the army
- we studying writers
31 Clues: you sit on it • we write on it • with this we draw • hang on the walls • with this we write • with this you wash • you study with them • it stores documents • we studying writers • where you give marks • with this you measure • we hang clothes on it • is where we store books • case we store pens in it • is what we get at school • in it you carry notebooks • you glue something together • ...
School 2023-10-08
20 Clues: élève • livre • écrire • chimie • études • couloir • paresseux • principal • récréation • infirmière • surveillant • gestionnaire • = intelligent • heure de cours • emploi du temps • mal se conduire • cour de récréation • ... school = internat • salle des professeurs • ... officer = Mrs Leroy Drouard
School 2024-09-26
- In _____ class, we study numbers and math problems.
- The _____ shows you the schedule of your classes.
- You can use a _____ to highlight important information.
- You can go to the ..... to play and have fun.
- You can use a _____ to cut paper.
- In _____ class, we learn to speak and write in French.
- You can use a _____ to do math problems.
- You can use _____ to decorate your notebook.
- If you are _____ from school, you are not present.
- You can go to the ..... to play musical instruments and sing songs.
- In _____ class, we learn about plants, animals, and the natural world.
- You can go to the ....... to use computers and do research.
- You can use an _____ to erase mistakes.
- You can use a _____ to stick things together.
- You can go to the .... to borrow books and read.
- You can use a _____ to store your school supplies.
- Your _____ teaches you different subjects.
- In the _____, we do experiments and conduct scientific research.
- Your _____ is the head of the school.
- In _____ class, we learn to play musical instruments and sing songs.
- A _____ is a short test to assess your knowledge.
- You can use _____ to draw pictures.
- Your _____ is work that you have to do outside of class.
- You can go to the .... to eat lunch or snacks.
- You can use a _____ to sharpen your pencils.
- Your _____ is a person you study with.
- In _____ class, we do exercises and play sports.
- In _____ class, we learn about different countries and cultures.
- You can go to the .... to do physical activities and play sports.
- You can use a _____ to write notes and do homework.
- In _____ class, we learn about the past and historical events.
- In _____ class, we learn to draw, paint, and sculpt.
32 Clues: You can use a _____ to sharpen your pencils. • You can go to the ..... to play and have fun. • You can use a _____ to cut paper. • Your _____ is the head of the school. • You can go to the .... to eat lunch or snacks. • You can use _____ to draw pictures. • In _____ class, we do exercises and play sports. • ...
school 2020-04-27
- to write things in
- there the boss of the school
- they give you knowledge
- you need it to write
- there in the class with you
- gives you work to do at home
- you need it to go to google classroom
- helps you when you are sick
- you sit in it
- where the books are
- cleans up the school
- to stick paper in your journal
- to make sure everyone is present
- where you eat
- where you go to wash your hands
- bus takes you to school and home
- its in front of the whole classroom
- to hold your things
- where you exercise
- pick up parents pick you up
20 Clues: where you eat • you sit in it • to write things in • where you exercise • where the books are • to hold your things • you need it to write • cleans up the school • they give you knowledge • there in the class with you • pick up parents pick you up • helps you when you are sick • there the boss of the school • gives you work to do at home • to stick paper in your journal • ...
School 2024-11-21
- children ... to grammar schools by sitting an exam.
- moving toward successful completion of the academic requirements of your study program.
- individual elements or parts of a course.
- children may go here after crèche.
- miss school deliberately.
- a score, usually expressed by a letter (A, A+, B etc.) or a number, given to a student's piece of work.
- students should regularly ... their works to the teacher.
- learning without attending classes, e.g. from home, online learning etc.
- the formal exams students have to take at schools and sixth-form colleges in the UK at the end of an academic year.
- in the UK, a college for pupils in their final years of secondary education, starting at the age of 16.
- a secondary school in the UK for children of all abilities above the age of 11 that is paid for by a state.
- a judgment, usually expressed as a percentage, about the quality of a piece of work done at school, college, or university.
- education young people must do.
- private fee-paying schools in the UK.
- referred to A-levels, the exams you have to pass to enter a university.
- education at universities or similar educational establishments, especially to degree level.
- the age when young people usually leave school.
- the youngest children start their education here. They mostly play but also do some early learning activities.
- check regularly e.g. students' activities and academic progress.
- the school for children between the ages of 5 and 11. Here children learn the basics of reading, writing, arithmetic, etc.
- using a mix of classroom and online learning.
- take exams again if you did badly first time.
- a state secondary school in the UK to which pupils are admitted on the basis of ability.
23 Clues: miss school deliberately. • education young people must do. • children may go here after crèche. • private fee-paying schools in the UK. • individual elements or parts of a course. • using a mix of classroom and online learning. • take exams again if you did badly first time. • the age when young people usually leave school. • ...
SCHOOL 2024-12-10
21 Clues: Test. • Learner. • Short test. • Book haven. • Break time. • Study topic. • School head. • Oral lesson. • Midday meal. • Writing pad. • Outdoor fun. • Writing tool. • Book carrier. • Writing board. • School attire. • Learning space. • Study material. • Student's table. • Classroom leader. • School completion. • School assignment.
School 2025-01-21
- – The meal students eat during the middle of the school day.
- – A book used as a standard work for a subject.
- – A short piece of writing on a particular subject.
- – A plan that lists times for classes and activities.
- – A person who is learning at school.
- – A piece of furniture where students sit and write.
- – A collection of pages with written or printed material.
- – A place in school where books and resources are kept.
- – A mark or score given for work done.
- – A set of clothes worn by students in some schools.
- – A tool used for writing or drawing.
- – A particular area of study in school, like math or science.
- – A room where students learn and teachers teach.
- – A person who instructs students.
- – Assignments given to students to do at home.
- – A short break during school time for play.
- – A flat surface where teachers write lessons.
- – The head of the school.
- – A test to measure students' knowledge.
- – A room for physical education and sports.
20 Clues: – The head of the school. • – A person who instructs students. • – A person who is learning at school. • – A tool used for writing or drawing. • – A mark or score given for work done. • – A test to measure students' knowledge. • – A room for physical education and sports. • – A short break during school time for play. • – Assignments given to students to do at home. • ...
school 2020-06-03
- a book you write in
- something that has 2 pockets that holds papers
- A room filled with students where you learn
- class where you work with numbers
- something that you keep papers in
- class where you learn to write stories
- something colorful you color with
- Room filled with books
- class where you do experiments
- Something on the playground that you go down
- what a teacher does
- what you do when a teacher teaches you
- class where you open a good book
- a sheet that you write one
- something gray you write with that you can erase
- you open it and read
- someone who teaches you things you do not know
- Class where you exercise
- class where you learn to write words correctly
- class you sing and play instruments
20 Clues: a book you write in • what a teacher does • you open it and read • Room filled with books • Class where you exercise • a sheet that you write one • class where you do experiments • class where you open a good book • class where you work with numbers • something that you keep papers in • something colorful you color with • class you sing and play instruments • ...
School 2020-07-01
20 Clues: стул • флаг • клей • стол • карта • класс • доска • бумага • ножницы • дневник • бассейн • линейка • карточка • перемена • спортзал • компьютер • карандаши • буква, письмо • резинка, ластик • игровая площадка
School 2021-11-22
- a class to tell us about the past
- what we are suppose to keep are stuff in
- Time period before classes
- reading
- the planet we are on
- third year of high school
- a time that no one likes at the beginning of third hour
- last year of high school
- new tech students use this for their classes
- class that you create in
- type in numbers to get answers
- electronic used to do work
- second year of high school
- tech a program that's on the third floor
- the person teaching you
- we examine things in this class
- something to write on
- something to write with
- first year of high school
- working out
20 Clues: reading • working out • the planet we are on • something to write on • the person teaching you • something to write with • class that you create in • last year of high school • third year of high school • first year of high school • electronic used to do work • Time period before classes • second year of high school • type in numbers to get answers • we examine things in this class • ...
school 2013-11-05
- one direction fan
- likes to roll his eyes and make a point. also likes john deer
- is a dutchy and broke his glasses
- hair extensions and a friend to everyone
- awesome girl soccer player
- loves dogs
- likes to be on Lizzy team in soccer
- silly and makes people laugh
- wants to be a game designer
- loves cats and her hair
- his mom got married in July
- the person who is the last person added onto the crossword, also likes to be on a soccer team with Jordan and Thomas
- loves horses
- loves Obama (cough cough)
- always there with a little saying or face expression
- favorite word - excavators
- always makes everyone smile with all his stupid jokes and comments. his dads a butcher
- loves farms and tractors
- ears turn red alot and starts grape fights on the bus
- giggles and laughs alot
- good at every single place in soccer (forward mid etc)
- also starts grape fights on the bus
22 Clues: loves dogs • loves horses • one direction fan • giggles and laughs alot • loves cats and her hair • loves farms and tractors • loves Obama (cough cough) • favorite word - excavators • awesome girl soccer player • wants to be a game designer • his mom got married in July • silly and makes people laugh • is a dutchy and broke his glasses • likes to be on Lizzy team in soccer • ...
School 2014-04-25
- klas
- inkt
- voorbeeld
- papier
- engels
- wiskunde
- vakantie
- potlood
- rekenmachine
- tekenen
- universiteit
- leerling
- leraar
- klaslokaal
- examen
- vak
- duits
- geschiedenis
- bureau
- grammatica
- kantine
- rooster
- woordenboek
- frans
- woordenschat
- meetkunde
- diploma
- algebra
- directeur
- scheikunde
- kunst
- talen
- straf
- aardrijkskunde
- nederlands
- schooljaar
- biology
- liniaal
- wetenschappen
- student
- muziek
- pauze
42 Clues: vak • klas • inkt • frans • kunst • talen • straf • duits • pauze • bureau • papier • engels • leraar • examen • muziek • kantine • rooster • diploma • algebra • potlood • tekenen • biology • liniaal • student • wiskunde • vakantie • leerling • voorbeeld • meetkunde • directeur • grammatica • scheikunde • nederlands • schooljaar • klaslokaal • woordenboek • woordenschat • rekenmachine • universiteit • geschiedenis • wetenschappen • aardrijkskunde
School 2014-05-06
- Place where you study
- Students use it to aggravate teachers
- A Place where you eat
- Used to get a big muscle and be fit
- You have raise your hand for that
- COPY and _ _ _ _ _
- You have to know it to be successful in English
- Students look at it every two minutes to see if the lesson is already over.
- A silent room full of books
- Made to check your knowledge
- Used for drawing and writing
- Used to clamp your papers together
- Where you write things down
- Month where starts the best time of the year
- Every class has them, used for presentations
- Human who gives you education
- Used to revise for tests
- Used to solve mathematical problems
- First thing you learn in your first class
- Used to correct your mistakes made with your pencil
20 Clues: COPY and _ _ _ _ _ • Place where you study • A Place where you eat • Used to revise for tests • Where you write things down • A silent room full of books • Made to check your knowledge • Used for drawing and writing • Human who gives you education • You have raise your hand for that • Used to clamp your papers together • Used to get a big muscle and be fit • ...
School 2014-10-31
- ander woord voor cliënt of patiënt
- vak met berekeningen
- school
- persoonlijk ontwikkelingsplan
- de taal van Nederland
- studieleerbaanbegeleider
- andere woord voor kantine
- rode bloedcellen, witte bloedcellen en bloedplaatjes zijn..
- rode bloedcellen
- praktijklessen
- prik
- ander woord voor ontlasting
- drukplekken
- iemand die een zorgvrager verzorgt heet...
- eenmalig gebruik
- werken aan prestaties
- iemand die studeert
- persoonlijk activiteitenplan
- anatomie en ...
- openleercentrum
20 Clues: prik • school • drukplekken • praktijklessen • anatomie en ... • openleercentrum • eenmalig gebruik • rode bloedcellen • iemand die studeert • vak met berekeningen • werken aan prestaties • de taal van Nederland • studieleerbaanbegeleider • andere woord voor kantine • ander woord voor ontlasting • persoonlijk activiteitenplan • persoonlijk ontwikkelingsplan • ander woord voor cliënt of patiënt • ...
School 2015-05-05
- There are girls and at school.
- What do kids give their teachers?
- Sometimes people use these to stay organized.
- You go to every hour.
- Where do you put your stuff?
- You takes notes in a ?
- You sit at what?
- Kindergarten through fourth grade you go outside for?
- You use this to do math.
- What subject uses numbers?
- People bring their own .
- What do you read .
- At school you make .
- What do you write with?
- Makes a straight line.
- People who supervise the class?
- Kid get picked up by what?
- You put your school stuff in this.
- Where do you go that has one teacher?
- What do you do at school?
20 Clues: You sit at what? • What do you read . • At school you make . • Makes a straight line. • You go to every hour. • You takes notes in a ? • What do you write with? • You use this to do math. • People bring their own . • What do you do at school? • Kid get picked up by what? • What subject uses numbers? • Where do you put your stuff? • There are girls and at school. • ...
School 2014-08-29
23 Clues: pen • gum • tas • etui • lijm • passer • vulpen • agenda • schaar • tippex • potlood • liniaal • schrift • plakband • paperclip • zwartboord • perforator • prullenmand • kladblaadje • nietmachine • woordenboek • rekenmachine • puntenslijper
School 2016-09-21
30 Clues: EPS • CDI • jupe • élève • maths • veste • chimie • gymnase • anglais • théâtre • collant • cravate • horloge • histoire • pantalon • uniforme • français • ceinture • personnel • principal • chemisier • professeur • chaussettes • informatique • heure de cours • emploi du temps • copain de classe • cours de religion • cour de récréation • chaussures en cuir
School 2023-03-07
- this is what you use to store basic writing necessities
- what you use to sharpen a pencil
- ink-based writing utensils primarily used for coloring something
- pencils but with color
- some teachers use these as assignments but also you can just read them on your free time
- some people chew on this during class and some teachers don't allow it in their class
- use this to erase your pencil markings
- this is the person that physically teaches your class
- pretty much a pencil but uses ink instead of graphite
- some teachers have these large books with a particular topic or material
- how you learn to read and write properly
- look at this if you want to tell the time
- most teachers have these for cutting paper
- bring this to school with you to carry all of your things
- you can use this to listen to a video or music during class
- basic material for measuring things
- use this to help you stick things to your paper
- where you learn about events from the past and different geography
- you can use this to hold all of your papers
- in this subject, you normally do labs and learn about earth or the human body
- this is how you make decisions and complete assignments
- normally what makes up most of your grade and has lots of questions
- use this to help you study for a test
- teachers use this for google classroom and to watch videos
- what you eat during class
- most people bring one to school to drink water during class
- the room that you go to for all of your classes
- this subject is how you learn to add and subtract
- this is what you write in for your classes
- what you use to write in class
30 Clues: pencils but with color • what you eat during class • what you use to write in class • what you use to sharpen a pencil • basic material for measuring things • use this to help you study for a test • use this to erase your pencil markings • how you learn to read and write properly • look at this if you want to tell the time • most teachers have these for cutting paper • ...
School 2023-02-11
- talk given by a teacher
- act of learning
- test taken in school
- group of students
- writing tool
- primary field of study
- secondary field of study
- educational session
- written work submitted for a grade
- evaluation of student work
- Flying mammal
- person studying in school
- educational plan
- short test
- degree, undergraduate academic degree
- higher education institution
- acquisition of knowledge
- teacher
- academic award
- task given by a teacher
- book used for taking notes
- failure to attend
- act of examining written material
- work assigned to be completed outside of class
- outline of a course of study
- Has a trunk
- Large marsupial
- final date for submission
- educational institution
- place where books are kept for study
- field of study
- investigation of a topic
- systematic study of the physical world
- place where classes are held
- person who has earned a degree
- written account of research or study
- ability acquired through practice
- Likes to chase mice
- Man's best friend
- place for learning
- presence in class
- evaluation of knowledge
- degree, advanced academic degree
- university teacher
- understanding gained through study
45 Clues: teacher • short test • Has a trunk • writing tool • Flying mammal • field of study • academic award • Large marsupial • act of learning • educational plan • group of students • Man's best friend • presence in class • failure to attend • place for learning • university teacher • educational session • Likes to chase mice • test taken in school • primary field of study • talk given by a teacher • ...
School 2022-12-21
- a fellow member of a class at school or college.
- a mark indicating the quality of a student's work.
- a test of knowledge, especially a brief, informal test given to students.
- schoolwork that a student is required to do at home.
- a person who is studying at a school or college.
- is an area of knowledge that includes the topics of numbers, formulas and related structures, shapes and the spaces in which they are contained, and quantities and their changes.
- a plan for carrying out a process or procedure, giving lists of intended events and times.
- a short written or spoken examination of a person's proficiency or knowledge.
- a small lockable closet or compartment, typically as one of a number placed together for public or general use, e.g., in schools, gymnasiums, or train stations.
- an instrument for writing or drawing, consisting of a thin stick of graphite or a similar substance enclosed in a long thin piece of wood or fixed in a metal or plastic case.
- the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained.
- a small book with blank or ruled pages for writing notes in.
- a branch of knowledge studied or taught in a school, college, or university.
- bag with shoulder straps that allow it to be carried on one's back.
- a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.
- a person who teaches, especially in a school.
- the language of England, widely used in many varieties throughout the world.
- a break between school classes.
- the various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature, and dance.
- an instrument for writing or drawing with ink, typically consisting of a metal nib or ball, or a nylon tip, fitted into a metal or plastic holder.
20 Clues: a break between school classes. • a person who teaches, especially in a school. • a fellow member of a class at school or college. • a person who is studying at a school or college. • a mark indicating the quality of a student's work. • schoolwork that a student is required to do at home. • a small book with blank or ruled pages for writing notes in. • ...
School 2022-12-09
- where you eat (-)
- where you put your paper sheets
- those who receive education
- the most important device
- the time period when you learn
- subject about the laws of nature
- subject about cultures
- subject about the world map
- where you receive education (-)
- the staff members
- something you write with
- subject about substances
- removes mistakes
- what you write on
- a room full of books
- the highest ranked staff roll
- subject about nature and animals
- subject about ancient times
- subject about numbers
- where you store your school necessities
20 Clues: removes mistakes • where you eat (-) • what you write on • the staff members • a room full of books • subject about numbers • subject about cultures • something you write with • subject about substances • the most important device • those who receive education • subject about ancient times • subject about the world map • the highest ranked staff roll • the time period when you learn • ...
School 2017-04-02
- Gebühr, Abgabe
- geduldig
- the way that somebody looks on the outside
- (jmdn.) herauswerfen
- aufrichtig
- synonym: answer (noun)
- qualification which students who succesfully finish a university course get
- synonym: to forbid
- gesunder Menschenverstand
- synonym: very annoyed
- school you attend at the age of 6
- not appropriate in a certain situation
- Ellenbogen
- verzögern, aufschieben
- Doktor(titel)
- Internat
- a person in your family who lived a long time ago
- synonym: to go to (e.g. school)
- deshalb, somit
- a secondary school which is attended by students of different ability levels
- synonyms: extra or added
- Art (und Weise)
- entblößen, freilegen
- gehorsam
- synonym: to allow
- synonym: hard-working
- verbieten, sperren
- vorgeben, vortäuschen
- Loch
29 Clues: Loch • geduldig • gehorsam • Internat • aufrichtig • Ellenbogen • Doktor(titel) • Gebühr, Abgabe • deshalb, somit • Art (und Weise) • synonym: to allow • verbieten, sperren • synonym: to forbid • entblößen, freilegen • (jmdn.) herauswerfen • synonym: hard-working • synonym: very annoyed • vorgeben, vortäuschen • synonym: answer (noun) • verzögern, aufschieben • synonyms: extra or added • ...
School 2020-03-24
- -Pag,Nin,Ston
- -tip obale usporedan s otocima,poluotocima i zaljevima
- - naranča,limun,mandarina
- -rijeka,Obrovac
- -otok u Kvarneru
- -Modro i Crveno jezero
- -najmlađi park prirode
- -nacionalni park, skupina od 14 otoka i otočića
- -Moreška
- -jedini park prirode u Istri
- -park prirode,zaljev na južnom dijelu Dugog otoka u sjevernoj Dalmaciji
- -potapanje dijelova kopna zbog njihovog spuštanja ili povišenja morske razine
- -prirodna znamenitost na Biševu
- -alka
- -najveće prirodno jezero u Hrvatskoj
- -Jelsa,Stari grad,Siguran
- - razarajuće djelovanje morskih valova na obalu
- -putnička luka
- -umjetni uzgoj ribe i školjaka
- -grad na Neretvi
- -Eufrazijeva bazilika
- -najjužnije regionalno središte Hrvatske
- -glavna ratna luka Habsburške monarhije u prošlosti, amfiteatar
23 Clues: -alka • -Moreška • -Pag,Nin,Ston • -putnička luka • -rijeka,Obrovac • -grad na Neretvi • -otok u Kvarneru • -Eufrazijeva bazilika • -Modro i Crveno jezero • -najmlađi park prirode • -Jelsa,Stari grad,Siguran • - naranča,limun,mandarina • -jedini park prirode u Istri • -umjetni uzgoj ribe i školjaka • -prirodna znamenitost na Biševu • -najveće prirodno jezero u Hrvatskoj • ...
school 2020-05-12
- use a key board and use the internet
- learning to play instruments
- boss of the school
- going to church
- a time to eat some food
- people you like to play with at recess
- bonjour mon amie
- get rid of a mistake
- a short break
- learning new games; playing sports
- where students meet with their teacher
- working with numbers
- read these
- draw a straight line
- singing in a group
- answering questions in class
- have fun climbing
- person who organizes what you learn
- enjoying a story
- draw,print with these
20 Clues: read these • a short break • going to church • bonjour mon amie • enjoying a story • have fun climbing • singing in a group • boss of the school • working with numbers • draw a straight line • get rid of a mistake • draw,print with these • a time to eat some food • learning to play instruments • answering questions in class • learning new games; playing sports • ...
school 2020-12-08
- something you do at home
- 1+1
- you can only write in blue and black
- to kids this is prison
- it holds all of your thing for all your subjects
- a place you can express your self
- where you can mix two chemicals and it goes boom
- something that you color with
- it is the school computer
- people that you hang out with
- what you are in like 6th, 7th, or 8th
- the teacher recommends you have one to write with
- how school rates how your doing in school
- the area where you learn
- something that hold items
- it holds papers (normally homework)
- it happens in the middle of the school day
- you can learn how to make proper sentences
- the adult that is in charge of you when you are in school
- you write this on a white board
- you can't have this out during class time
21 Clues: 1+1 • to kids this is prison • the area where you learn • something you do at home • something that hold items • it is the school computer • something that you color with • people that you hang out with • you write this on a white board • a place you can express your self • it holds papers (normally homework) • you can only write in blue and black • ...
School 2021-01-22
- only certain kids do this in the morning except for Wednesdays.
- we draw pictures
- we half to run a mile in this class. well I am not Shure about this yea Because I have not been in that class.
- messures inches and sometimes centimeters.
- it takes away our mistakes.
- Me again
- miss Schroppel likes us to use these on our answers in math class.
- one of the best periods of the day
- we are in this grade
- the second best period of the day
- we correct work with these
- we learn about history in this class
- we write with these
- we do this in the morning except on Wednesdays.
- we use this in math class to get answers.
- I made this
- I have to do this
- I did a crossword project in this class.
- we do this on Wednesday
- we learn to speak this.
20 Clues: Me again • I made this • we draw pictures • I have to do this • we write with these • we are in this grade • we do this on Wednesday • we learn to speak this. • we correct work with these • it takes away our mistakes. • the second best period of the day • one of the best periods of the day • we learn about history in this class • I did a crossword project in this class. • ...
School 2020-10-23
21 Clues: мел • клей • парта • карта • ручки • доска • глобус • ластик • бумага • плакат • словарь • точилка • линейка • тетрадь • ножницы • ноутбук • растения • карандаши • компьютер • книжный шкаф • цветные мелки
School 2020-11-24
20 Clues: eine • miil • üsna • trepp • luule • keemia • lollpea • ajalugu • õpilane • õppetund • õppeaine • bioloogia • tunniplaan • geograafia • saksa keel • to kuulama • loodusõpetus • muusikaõpetus • prantsuse keel • kartulikrõpsud
School 2021-03-30
- You can choose a foreign __ to study
- The study of people and cultures around the world: __ __
- Make sure this book bag is durable with comfortable straps
- If you don't have a __ you may have to carry your books with you
- You may not be able to bring food, but you can usually bring a __ __
- Algebra, geometry, pre-calculus, etc.
- Parents need to go the the __ and check in before visiting
- Many classes make use of __ for coursework
- The study of people who shaped the present world
- How you prove you know the material
- A page with pre-printed activities or problems to solve
- A class that you choose in addition to the required ones
- The __ room may include soundproof practice rooms
- Teachers can use a projector, blackboard or __
- Buy or bring a lunch, but you'll probably eat in the __
- provides academic, career, college counseling and social-emotional support
- Chemistry, geology, biology, botany, are __ classes
- Some students use a __ to keep track of their schedule and activities
- Many schools have an animal __ that represents the school
- Take care of your __ or you may pay a fine
- The student body __ is elected by and represents the students
- Spring, Summer, and Winter __ provides some time off
- Learning how to take good __ is an important skill
- A pep __ is a time to celebrate school spirit
- It's important to __ for tests
- Your school may have __ machines with snacks or drinks
26 Clues: It's important to __ for tests • How you prove you know the material • You can choose a foreign __ to study • Algebra, geometry, pre-calculus, etc. • Take care of your __ or you may pay a fine • Many classes make use of __ for coursework • A pep __ is a time to celebrate school spirit • Teachers can use a projector, blackboard or __ • ...
SCHOOL 2021-04-06
- study about numbers
- place you go to learn
- not pound but ... (also not $)
- favorite place in whole school after a long day
- the process (a lifelong one) that takes place at school
- to get information about the subject
- music instrument found in vahesaal
- in what you carry your stuff
- where our english class normally takes place (yes, not zoom)
- street where our main schoolbuilding is located
- the closest shop to our school
- a writing tool, mostly blue or back or RED
- mood on most days
- our school's magazine
- object to measure things
- study about the world and earth
- best school
- a person who stands in front of the class explaining
- pupil with another word
- the firstname of our legendary chemistry techer
20 Clues: best school • mood on most days • study about numbers • place you go to learn • our school's magazine • pupil with another word • object to measure things • in what you carry your stuff • not pound but ... (also not $) • the closest shop to our school • study about the world and earth • music instrument found in vahesaal • to get information about the subject • ...
School 2021-09-22
- you say the this every morning
- you use it to eat your salad
- where you exercise
- you ask permission to use it
- a place where you eat
- where you run the mile
- you play soccer
- you use to eat soup
- must wash your hand with
- you do this to get your lunch
- you use it to cut your food
- your classroom
- a tall place to place a flag
- you must drink this during the day
- where you go to come inside the school
- towel you dry your hands with this
- something you can see outside
- this is around the school
- to enter the classroom
- you go up and down
- a place where you put your food
- you use it to clean your mouth after eating
- building the place where the secretaries work
23 Clues: your classroom • you play soccer • where you exercise • you go up and down • you use to eat soup • a place where you eat • where you run the mile • to enter the classroom • must wash your hand with • this is around the school • you use it to cut your food • you use it to eat your salad • a tall place to place a flag • you ask permission to use it • something you can see outside • ...
school 2021-09-05
32 Clues: ручка • пенал • дверь • химия • доска • парта • физ-ра • ластик • бежать • плакат • словарь • коробка • учебник • кабинет • сложный • линейка • проектор • одолжить • уставший • карандаш • нуждаться • надеяться • удачливый • география • расписание • раздражать • математика • неудачливый • одноклассник • готов,готовый • фантастический • рабочая тетрадь
School 2022-10-24
21 Clues: lamp • wall • door • table • shelf • party • chair • glass • potato • window • school • library • concert • classroom • cafeteria • class, grade • male student • playing field • female teacher • cabinet, closet • board (white or chalk)
School 2017-02-10
- terrain de foot
- socks
- jumper
- Irish
- shoes
- headmaster's office
- English
- clothes
- trousers
- playground
- (headmaster at higher secondary school)
- shirt
- ( headmaster at lower secondary school)
- skirt
- accounting
- woodwork
- I wear
- classroom
- blouse
- menagers home economics
- science lab
- cloakroom
- deputy head
- kitchen
- lockers
- staffroom
- I study
- French
- library
- gym
- canteen
- uniform
- Music
33 Clues: gym • socks • Irish • shoes • Music • shirt • skirt • jumper • French • I wear • blouse • kitchen • lockers • I study • library • English • canteen • clothes • uniform • trousers • woodwork • cloakroom • staffroom • classroom • playground • accounting • science lab • deputy head • terrain de foot • headmaster's office • menagers home economics • (headmaster at higher secondary school) • ( headmaster at lower secondary school)
School 2019-09-17
27 Clues: стол • стул • окно • школа • книга • пенал • дверь • стена • ручка • доска • полка • ученик • ластик • учитель • бассейн • стадион • линейка • карандаш • компьютер • книжный шкаф • постер, плакат • портфель, ранец • выдвижные ящики • игровая площадка • школьный кабинет • рисунок, картинка • спортивная площадка
School 2019-09-17
27 Clues: стол • окно • стул • дверь • книга • доска • школа • полка • пенал • стена • ручка • ученик • ластик • бассейн • стадион • учитель • линейка • карандаш • компьютер • книжный шкаф • постер, плакат • выдвижные ящики • портфель, ранец • игровая площадка • школьный кабинет • рисунок, картинка • спортивная площадка
School 2023-05-17
- Children comes to study
- Were students reads books
- A place to satisfy your hunger
- The place students studies
- People who share their knowledge to students
- A place were sports equipments are kept
- Attire to show equality
- Personal information
- nature call
- The thing that students use to calculate
- Next level of kindergarten
- storage of stationaries
- The place were they teach music
- Head of the whole school
- The transportation which students go to transport from one place to other place
- A thing which they sit on
- The place were PE is held
- The place in school were any special events are
- The thing they write on
- school logo
20 Clues: school logo • nature call • Personal information • Children comes to study • storage of stationaries • The thing they write on • Attire to show equality • Head of the whole school • Were students reads books • A thing which they sit on • The place were PE is held • Next level of kindergarten • The place students studies • A place to satisfy your hunger • The place were they teach music • ...
School 2023-10-01
- case we store pens in it
- with this you cut something
- on this lesson we create something
- is where we store books
- where you give marks
- with the help of this subject we carry out calculations
- are what we get for working in class
- is the main person in the school
- with the help of this person we gain knowledge
- you study with them
- with this we write
- in this lesson we study the structure of a living organism
- with this you wash
- with this you measure
- you sit on it
- with this we draw
- education, we are using this to prepare for the army
- in it you carry notebooks
- we write on it
- is what we get at school
- with the help of this lesson we will explore the world
- with the help of this item we write on the board
- in this lesson we use only a computer
- there they collect documents related to the organization
- we hang clothes on it
- with this you sharpen pencils
- it stores documents
- we studying writers
- hang on the walls
- with the help of this subject we gain knowledge
30 Clues: you sit on it • we write on it • with this we draw • hang on the walls • with this we write • with this you wash • it stores documents • we studying writers • you study with them • where you give marks • we hang clothes on it • with this you measure • is where we store books • case we store pens in it • is what we get at school • in it you carry notebooks • with this you cut something • ...
School 2023-10-01
- there they collect documents related to the organization
- with this you cover up what you wrote with a pen
- with the help of this subject we gain knowledge
- with the help of this person we gain knowledge
- in this lesson we use only a computer
- hang on the walls
- is where we store books
- we hang clothes on it
- education, we are using this to prepare for the army
- is what we get at school
- you sit on it
- with the help of this item we write on the board
- we write on it
- in this lesson we study the structure of a living organism
- on this lesson we create something
- case we store pens in it
- with this we write
- where you give marks
- with this you cut something
- with this you measure
- in it you carry notebooks
- with this you clean
- with this you sharpen pencils
- with this we draw
- with the help of this subject we carry out calculations
- with the help of this lesson we will explore the world
- you study with them
- are what we get for working in class
- is the main person in the school
- it stores documents
30 Clues: you sit on it • we write on it • hang on the walls • with this we draw • with this we write • with this you clean • you study with them • it stores documents • where you give marks • with this you measure • we hang clothes on it • is where we store books • case we store pens in it • is what we get at school • in it you carry notebooks • with this you cut something • with this you sharpen pencils • ...
School 2023-09-26
- What do students carry on their back?
- Stiff is my spine and my body is pale, but I'm always ready to tell a tale.
- I make the world brighter. I am used whenever you annotate.
- You use me whenever you make a mistake. Whenever I am used, I get all over the table.
- You use me for all your classes, you write your notes there and store important information.
- You use me for most of your assignments and you can break me.
- I used to be the main source of all news. You're reading me right now.
- I have keys that can be used to open windows, you look at my screen and I give you most of the answers to your questions.
- I am in all of your classrooms. Teachers use me daily. I am not an electronic device.
- I sit on the wall, I tick and tock.
- I can be used to color/write. Sometimes, I am washable.
- I am a household item, but not a clock. I beat paper, but never rock.
- You use me to write, but cannot erase once you have written.
- Another word for instructor.
- You might have me hung up in your room, I can be a picture or full of information.
- When used, I am spun around. My existence puts a map of the whole world on display.
- You put paper inside of me and I am not a folder.
- You walk in and out of me and there are desks.
- You look at me to review for a test
- Basically your "job" at school.
20 Clues: Another word for instructor. • Basically your "job" at school. • I sit on the wall, I tick and tock. • You look at me to review for a test • What do students carry on their back? • You walk in and out of me and there are desks. • You put paper inside of me and I am not a folder. • I can be used to color/write. Sometimes, I am washable. • ...
School 2023-09-26
- What do students carry on their back?
- Stiff is my spine and my body is pale, but I'm always ready to tell a tale.
- I make the world brighter. I am used whenever you annotate.
- You use me whenever you make a mistake. Whenever I am used, I get all over the table.
- You use me for all your classes, you write your notes there and store important information.
- You use me for most of your assignments and you can break me.
- I used to be the main source of all news. You're reading me right now.
- I have keys that can be used to open windows, you look at my screen and I give you most of the answers to your questions.
- I am in all of your classrooms. Teachers use me daily. I am not an electronic device.
- I sit on the wall, I tick and tock.
- I can be used to color/write. Sometimes, I am washable.
- I am a household item, but not a clock. I beat paper, but never rock.
- You use me to write, but cannot erase once you have written.
- Another word for instructor.
- You might have me hung up in your room, I can be a picture or full of information.
- When used, I am spun around. My existence puts a map of the whole world on display.
- You put paper inside of me and I am not a folder.
- You walk in and out of me and there are desks.
- You look at me to review for a test
- Basically your "job" at school.
20 Clues: Another word for instructor. • Basically your "job" at school. • I sit on the wall, I tick and tock. • You look at me to review for a test • What do students carry on their back? • You walk in and out of me and there are desks. • You put paper inside of me and I am not a folder. • I can be used to color/write. Sometimes, I am washable. • ...
School 2023-09-20
22 Clues: ИЗО • наука • книга • атлас • парта • ручка • среда • доска • ластик • музыка • блокнот • история • линейка • кабинет • биология • карандаш • математика • английский • расписание • шк. предмет • понедельник • школьная сумка
School 2023-09-20
22 Clues: ИЗО • ручка • книга • парта • среда • наука • атлас • доска • ластик • музыка • блокнот • история • кабинет • линейка • биология • карандаш • английский • математика • расписание • понедельник • шк. предмет • школьная сумка
school 2024-04-08
- Ability to understand the specialized aspects of jobs.
- the process of planning, staffing, leading, and organizing the employees of the business.
- Polite behavior; good manners.
- Short-range planning (one year) of specific actions the business will take.
- A human resources management activity that involves recruiting, interviewing, hiring, orienting, and dealing with job changes for a company's employees.
- keeping accurate and useful financial records; and analyzing and interpreting the recorded information.
- Loyalty to a particular business.
- Undisclosed information within a particular business or industry
- The management function of deciding what will be done and how it will be accomplished.
- Managers who report to top-level management and who have supervisors who report to them.
- Supervisors who work directly with the employees who carry out the business's routine work.
- The amount and the value of goods and services produced (outputs) from set amounts of resources (inputs).
- The customer's preference for a business; usually expressed in regular purchases from the business.
- Private information that belongs to an organization and cannot be released to the public.
- the process of planning, maintaining, monitoring, controlling, and reporting the use of financial resources
- the process or activity of producing goods and services.
- The people (i.e., employees) who work cooperatively together to achieve business goals.
- Promotion for a business provided by customers who tell others of their satisfaction with the business.
- All managers who are responsible for the operation of the company or a business unit.
- People who work to produce goods or services.
- The ability to communicate, interact, and build relationships with others.
- Long-range planning (three to five years) for the company as a whole.
- the usage of outside organizations or consultants to perform one or more of the primary business activities.
- Steps that an individual takes to enhance or improve skills or traits that are needed to excel in her/his career/profession.
- The process of accessing, processing, maintaining, evaluating, and disseminating knowledge, facts, or data for the purpose of assisting business decision-making.
- Groups of activities related to management
- All the opportunities that businesses have to connect with customers and reinforce their brand value.
- Activities and benefits provided by a business to its customers to create goodwill and customer satisfaction.
- Knowledge, facts, or data presented in a useful form.
- the process of accessing, processing, maintaining, evaluating, and disseminating business knowledge, facts, or data.
- the process of planning, controlling, and organizing an organization or department.
- the process of creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.
- the day-to-day activities required for continued business functioning.
- An integrated technology that assists with an organization's information management needs.
- The ability to see the "big picture" and think about how things will work together.
- All the activities a business engages in to interact with its customers.
- Converting facts and figures into useful information.
- The management function of setting up the way the business's work will be done.
- Advantages or payments employees receive in addition to their wages
- an organized effort to produce and/or distribute goods and services.
- The management function that monitors the work effort.
- Equipment and supplies used by businesses in their operation.
- Focused on customer needs and wants.
- The values and ideals that an organization encourages among its employees.
- Adapting to the environment in advance of the occurrence of events; taking advantage of opportunities rather than reacting to problems.
- The management function of providing guidance to workers and work projects.
- Fulfilling the requirements of the law.
47 Clues: Polite behavior; good manners. • Loyalty to a particular business. • Focused on customer needs and wants. • Fulfilling the requirements of the law. • Groups of activities related to management • People who work to produce goods or services. • Knowledge, facts, or data presented in a useful form. • Converting facts and figures into useful information. • ...
School 2024-07-16
- School attend by children before the age 5
- a college grade will receive this in Arts of Science
- school: grades 9, 10, 11, 12
- the student with the 2nd highest grades who also speaks at graduation
- Where to learn to draw and paint
- school: grades 6, 7 and 8
- the second year of high school or college
- the paper a college graduate receives
- the vacation in June, July, August
- the first year of school
- assignments to be completed at home
- Singing and playing instruments
- Education: the class to learn about exercise and more
- the student the highest grades who speaks at graduation
- Where students learn biology, chemistry, etc.
- Where students learn reading, writing, grammar, etc.
- Studies: another name for the study of what has happened, politics, social events, etc.
- break: the vacation at the end of December
- the cap worn at graduation
- a place to exercise
- The study of what has happened in the past
- year: a year off between high school
- how to prepare food
- the paper a high school graduate receives
- also known as an M.D., Ph.D. or ED.D
- the school attended by students ages 5-10
- break: the vacation usually in late March or April
- when a student complete all the classes
- the last day of school is usually in this month
- the fourth and final year of high school of college
- the first year of high school or college
- the third year of high school or college
- Where students learn arithmetic, science, etc.
- language: the study of French or Spanish, etc.
- where students learn to perform plays
- the next degree received after the getting the first degree
36 Clues: a place to exercise • how to prepare food • the first year of school • school: grades 6, 7 and 8 • the cap worn at graduation • school: grades 9, 10, 11, 12 • Singing and playing instruments • Where to learn to draw and paint • the vacation in June, July, August • assignments to be completed at home • year: a year off between high school • also known as an M.D., Ph.D. or ED.D • ...
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