school Crossword Puzzles

school 2023-10-12

school crossword puzzle
  1. Spaans
  2. fysica
  3. derdejaarsstudent
  4. laatstejaarsstudent
  5. Nederlands
  6. eerstejaarsstudent
  7. directeur
  8. techniek
  9. cheerleader
  10. aardrijkskunde
  11. Engels
  12. geschiedenis
  13. Latijn
  1. wiskunde
  2. tweedejaarsstudent
  3. wetenschappen
  4. Duits
  5. chemie
  6. biologie
  7. kleuters
  8. economie
  9. Grieks

22 Clues: DuitsSpaansfysicachemieGrieksEngelsLatijnwiskundebiologiekleuterstechniekeconomiedirecteurNederlandscheerleadergeschiedeniswetenschappenaardrijkskundederdejaarsstudenttweedejaarsstudenteerstejaarsstudentlaatstejaarsstudent

School 2024-09-27

School crossword puzzle
  1. - klasė
  2. - užduotis
  3. - testas
  4. - trintukas
  5. - dalykas
  6. - liniuotė
  7. - klausimas
  8. - geografija
  9. - atsakymas
  10. - mokinys
  11. - mokytojas
  1. - namų darbai
  2. - žodynas
  3. - egzaminas
  4. - istorija
  5. - pamoka
  6. - pertrauka
  7. - klijai
  8. - lenta
  9. - skaičiuotuvas
  10. - valgykla

21 Clues: - klasė- lenta- pamoka- testas- klijai- žodynas- dalykas- mokinys- istorija- užduotis- liniuotė- valgykla- egzaminas- pertrauka- trintukas- klausimas- atsakymas- mokytojas- geografija- namų darbai- skaičiuotuvas

School 2024-09-30

School crossword puzzle
  1. , Condition of not being found
  2. , Public disturbance
  3. , an impression
  4. , Very confused
  5. , politely refuse
  6. , To keep information in the mind
  7. fear of spiders
  8. - Irrelevant or unnecessary
  9. , Where toothpaste is stored
  10. , Fear of not having a phone
  11. , Team up with
  12. , Something you do to prepare for a test
  13. show something that is usually hidden or covered up
  14. Not very often
  15. , Violence or extreme disorder
  16. , States of being generally hated
  17. , Unpleasent suprise
  18. , Not in use like a machine at rest
  19. Feeling of acute embarrassment or awkwardness
  20. - Very mindful , very . . .
  21. Black part in the middle of your eye
  1. , To be full of yourself is to be
  2. Group of people surrounding an important person
  3. , The naming of a thing or action by imitation of sounds
  4. Expressing a lively ,cheerful and self confident manner
  5. , Enthusiastic or very interested
  6. Building in which the bodies of dead people are burned at a funeral ceremony.
  7. , Relating to the emission of ionizing radiation or particles
  8. , dark or poorly lit
  9. Synonym for show off
  10. Having to do with sound
  11. , Central part of the earth
  12. - Spend time aimlessly
  13. , apparation or double of a living person
  14. Deliberately make someone angry
  15. , Act of rotating rapidly.
  16. , To order authoritively
  17. Belonging to present time
  18. - Totally delicious or delightful

39 Clues: , Team up withNot very often, an impression, Very confusedfear of spiders, politely refuse, Public disturbance, dark or poorly litSynonym for show off, Unpleasent suprise- Spend time aimlesslyHaving to do with sound, To order authoritivelyBelonging to present time, Act of rotating rapidly., Central part of the earth- Irrelevant or unnecessary...

school 2024-10-04

school crossword puzzle
  1. It is on the wall in Geography classroom.
  2. We use paints at this lesson.
  3. It is a lesson at school.
  4. We use it to look new words.
  5. Your pens and pencils in it.
  6. We can sing at this lesson.
  7. We use it in Art with brushes.
  8. We use it for problems in Maths.
  9. We can learn about the past.
  10. We use a dictionary at this lesson.
  1. We use laptops and computers at this lesson..
  2. We use it at Computer Studies lesson.
  3. You use it to clean paper after pencil.
  4. A teacher says "Bonjour" at this lesson.
  5. We can play football at this lesson.
  6. We use it to cut paper.
  7. We can use a calculator at this lesson.
  8. We can learn about different countries.
  9. We use it for Maths lesson.
  10. We put them on our feet at P.E. lesson.

20 Clues: We use it to cut paper.It is a lesson at school.We use it for Maths lesson.We can sing at this lesson.We use it to look new words.Your pens and pencils in it.We can learn about the past.We use paints at this lesson.We use it in Art with brushes.We use it for problems in Maths.We use a dictionary at this lesson.We can play football at this lesson....

School 2016-04-15

School crossword puzzle
  1. ученик
  2. экзамен
  3. пить, напиток
  4. сердце
  5. задание
  6. сочинение
  7. классный
  8. вычитание
  9. сложение
  10. пример
  11. равняться
  12. сдать
  1. готовиться
  2. минус
  3. контрольная работа
  4. перемена, перерыв
  5. деление
  6. повторять
  7. вычитать
  8. вопрос
  9. провалить
  10. ответ, отвечать
  11. плюс
  12. сложить

24 Clues: плюсминуссдатьучениксердцевопроспримерэкзаменделениезаданиесложитьвычитатьклассныйсложениеповторятьпровалитьсочинениевычитаниеравнятьсяготовитьсяпить, напитокответ, отвечатьперемена, перерывконтрольная работа

School 2015-11-24

School crossword puzzle
  1. You learn about animals and our world.
  2. A time when you don't have to go to school.
  3. You learn about numbers.
  4. You have your second breakfast in it.
  5. You can learn about English words you don't know when you read it.
  6. You learn about past.
  7. A long hall next to classrooms.
  8. You write lesson topic in it.
  9. A book you learn from.
  10. You do it before the test.
  11. There are two in school year.
  12. A subject when you draw and paint.
  1. You sing and learn about instruments.
  2. You use them in Art class.
  3. First day of the weekend.
  4. You can play outside there.
  5. You cut things with them.
  6. A place where you learn with your teacher.
  7. You can put your books there, but it isn't a bag.
  8. A place where you can learn after classes.
  9. When you go somewhere with your class.
  10. A place where head teacher works.
  11. A short time between lessons.

23 Clues: You learn about past.A book you learn from.You learn about numbers.First day of the weekend.You cut things with them.You use them in Art class.You do it before the test.You can play outside there.You write lesson topic in it.A short time between lessons.There are two in school year.A long hall next to classrooms.A place where head teacher works....

school 2015-09-29

school crossword puzzle
  1. cloth
  2. place where we stay
  3. class that plays song.. etc
  4. Fther of whaleshark
  5. principal
  6. son of Mr.Davis
  7. english teacher(male)
  8. kind of card
  9. initial of Young hoon International middle school
  1. book that use at school
  2. something we need to write
  3. in girl in 1-4(start with choi and with In)
  4. vice principal
  5. supermarket that Younghoon students love
  6. math teaacher
  7. silly girl in 1-4 A( start with Han end with Hee)
  8. Homeroom teacher of 1-4(Korean)
  9. place that has lots of sand
  10. school name
  11. place that we can read books

20 Clues: clothprincipalschool namekind of cardmath teaachervice principalson of Mr.Davisplace where we stayFther of whalesharkenglish teacher(male)book that use at schoolsomething we need to writeclass that plays song.. etcplace that has lots of sandplace that we can read booksHomeroom teacher of 1-4(Korean)supermarket that Younghoon students love...

School 2017-02-10

School crossword puzzle
  1. (headmaster at higher secondary school)
  2. uniform
  3. gym
  4. cloakroom
  5. socks
  6. playground
  7. skirt
  8. canteen
  9. library
  10. lockers
  11. shirt
  12. headmaster's office
  13. I wear
  14. shoes
  15. science lab
  1. menagers home economics
  2. woodwork
  3. Irish
  4. Music
  5. staffroom
  6. accounting
  7. French
  8. kitchen
  9. English
  10. terrain de foot
  11. I study
  12. classroom
  13. deputy head
  14. trousers
  15. blouse
  16. clothes
  17. ( headmaster at lower secondary school)
  18. jumper

33 Clues: gymIrishMusicsocksskirtshirtshoesFrenchI wearblousejumperuniformkitchencanteenEnglishlibraryI studylockersclotheswoodworktrouserscloakroomstaffroomclassroomplaygroundaccountingdeputy headscience labterrain de footheadmaster's officemenagers home economics(headmaster at higher secondary school)( headmaster at lower secondary school)

School 2017-02-10

School crossword puzzle
  1. jumper
  2. clothes
  3. skirt
  4. canteen
  5. library
  6. uniform
  7. accounting
  8. socks
  9. gym
  10. trousers
  11. headmaster's office
  12. shoes
  13. lockers
  14. Irish
  15. menagers home economics
  16. kitchen
  17. I wear
  18. (headmaster at higher secondary school)
  1. terrain de foot
  2. woodwork
  3. Music
  4. I study
  5. staffroom
  6. deputy head
  7. cloakroom
  8. ( headmaster at lower secondary school)
  9. playground
  10. classroom
  11. shirt
  12. science lab
  13. English
  14. blouse
  15. French

33 Clues: gymMusicskirtsocksshirtshoesIrishjumperblouseFrenchI wearclothesI studycanteenlibraryuniformEnglishlockerskitchenwoodworktrousersstaffroomcloakroomclassroomaccountingplaygrounddeputy headscience labterrain de footheadmaster's officemenagers home economics( headmaster at lower secondary school)(headmaster at higher secondary school)

School 2017-02-10

School crossword puzzle
  1. uniform
  2. English
  3. headmaster's office
  4. socks
  5. shirt
  6. accounting
  7. classroom
  8. playground
  9. trousers
  10. kitchen
  11. library
  12. ( headmaster at lower secondary school)
  13. I study
  14. menagers home economics
  15. clothes
  1. (headmaster at higher secondary school)
  2. staffroom
  3. woodwork
  4. science lab
  5. shoes
  6. skirt
  7. deputy head
  8. cloakroom
  9. gym
  10. jumper
  11. lockers
  12. French
  13. Irish
  14. Music
  15. canteen
  16. I wear
  17. blouse
  18. terrain de foot

33 Clues: gymshoessocksskirtshirtIrishMusicjumperFrenchI wearblouseuniformEnglishlockerscanteenkitchenlibraryI studyclotheswoodworktrousersstaffroomcloakroomclassroomaccountingplaygroundscience labdeputy headterrain de footheadmaster's officemenagers home economics(headmaster at higher secondary school)( headmaster at lower secondary school)

School 2017-02-10

School crossword puzzle
  1. Irish
  2. accounting
  3. science lab
  4. ( headmaster at lower secondary school)
  5. English
  6. shirt
  7. skirt
  8. (headmaster at higher secondary school)
  9. headmaster's office
  10. woodwork
  11. lockers
  12. I wear
  13. cloakroom
  14. I study
  15. kitchen
  16. socks
  17. uniform
  1. library
  2. gym
  3. jumper
  4. terrain de foot
  5. canteen
  6. trousers
  7. shoes
  8. classroom
  9. playground
  10. deputy head
  11. Music
  12. menagers home economics
  13. French
  14. clothes
  15. blouse

32 Clues: gymIrishshoesMusicshirtskirtsocksjumperFrenchI wearblouselibrarycanteenEnglishclotheslockersI studykitchenuniformtrouserswoodworkclassroomcloakroomaccountingplaygroundscience labdeputy headterrain de footheadmaster's officemenagers home economics( headmaster at lower secondary school)(headmaster at higher secondary school)

SCHOOL 2017-11-15

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. The period between two lessons.
  2. The assignment the teacher gives you to be completed at home.
  3. It is the place you can have lunch at school.
  4. You have your Daily physical exercise here.
  5. The children you attend the same class.
  6. Optional activities after the lessons are over at school.
  7. The lady who organizes the life of a school and responsible for everything.
  8. A kind of school for children between the ages of 6 and 14.
  1. A 45-minute period at school.
  2. All the disciplines you study at school.
  3. Languages others than your mother tongue.
  4. This is summer time for students.
  5. The subject giving you a good physical exercise.
  6. Young kids learn how to use a fork and knife and how to do up their shoelaces besides playing a lot.
  7. The kind of teacher who is the head of a class.
  8. You can study here after finishing the secondary school.
  9. The final examination at the end of a secondary school.
  10. A kind of four-year school after the primary school.
  11. The main activity students do at school.
  12. The book you study from at school.
  13. The discipline about computers.

21 Clues: A 45-minute period at school.The period between two lessons.The discipline about computers.This is summer time for students.The book you study from at school.The children you attend the same class.All the disciplines you study at school.The main activity students do at school.Languages others than your mother tongue....

School 2018-09-13

School crossword puzzle
  1. keskiarvo
  2. lukukausi
  3. luokkakaverit
  4. We have four ___ in our school year.
  5. oppia
  6. ammattioppilaitos
  7. päättötodistus
  8. lukio (America)
  9. opiskella
  10. pakollinen aine
  11. I'm in the ninth _____.
  12. I always do my ____ right after school.
  13. I was ____ from school yesterday.
  14. rangaista
  15. läpäistä koe
  1. Käydä koulua
  2. valinnainen
  3. keskiverto
  4. Our _____ last 45 minutes.
  5. valmistua
  6. koulualue
  7. todistus
  8. ei pääse läpi, reputtaa
  9. lukujärjestys
  10. Our ____ are 25 minutes long.
  11. I never ____ school (pinnata)
  12. There are 20 ___ in my class.

27 Clues: oppiatodistuskeskiarvolukukausivalmistuakoulualueopiskellarangaistakeskivertovalinnainenKäydä koulualäpäistä koeluokkakaveritlukujärjestyspäättötodistuslukio (America)pakollinen aineammattioppilaitosei pääse läpi, reputtaaI'm in the ninth _____.Our _____ last 45 minutes.Our ____ are 25 minutes long.I never ____ school (pinnata)...

School 2013-05-23

School crossword puzzle
  1. Vul aan: op de radio is een kuikentje en het kuiken ...
  2. Wie van de klas heeft er een restaurant?
  3. Nieuwste X box
  4. Hier schrijf je mee en kan je weg gommen
  5. Waarop kan je zowel typen als spelen?
  6. Het land waar juf Kris nu is
  7. Daar koop je brood
  8. Welke seizoen is het nu?
  9. Plaats op school waar jullie spelen
  10. Kleinste meisje van de klas
  11. Meisje uit M5 met de langste voornaam
  12. Eerste kleur van de Belgische vlag
  1. Dier met zwarte en witte vlekken
  2. Hier is M5 naar op schoolreis geweest
  3. Hoeveel kinderen zitten er in M5?
  4. Juf van klas M4
  5. Vul aan: na regen komt ...
  6. School waar je volgend jaar naartoe gaat
  7. Dier dat achter muizen loopt
  8. Zus van gul
  9. De grootste jongen van de klas
  10. Het geluid dat honden maken
  11. Plaats op school waar jullie eten

23 Clues: Zus van gulNieuwste X boxJuf van klas M4Daar koop je broodWelke seizoen is het nu?Vul aan: na regen komt ...Het geluid dat honden makenKleinste meisje van de klasDier dat achter muizen looptHet land waar juf Kris nu isDe grootste jongen van de klasDier met zwarte en witte vlekkenHoeveel kinderen zitten er in M5?Plaats op school waar jullie eten...

School 2013-05-24

School crossword puzzle
  1. grammatica
  2. klaslokaal
  3. wetenschappen
  4. meetkunde
  5. frans
  6. directeur
  7. schooljaar
  8. engels
  9. wiskunde
  10. muziek
  11. talen
  12. scheikunde
  13. pauze
  14. bureau
  15. woordenboek
  16. biology
  17. tekenen
  18. universiteit
  19. diploma
  20. leraar
  21. potlood
  1. examen
  2. klas
  3. aardrijkskunde
  4. algebra
  5. liniaal
  6. straf
  7. papier
  8. inkt
  9. woordenschat
  10. student
  11. rekenmachine
  12. duits
  13. kunst
  14. geschiedenis
  15. rooster
  16. vakantie
  17. kantine
  18. voorbeeld
  19. vak
  20. leerling
  21. nederlands

42 Clues: vakklasinktstraffransduitstalenkunstpauzeexamenpapierengelsmuziekbureauleraaralgebraliniaalstudentroosterkantinebiologytekenendiplomapotloodwiskundevakantieleerlingmeetkundedirecteurvoorbeeldgrammaticaklaslokaalschooljaarscheikundenederlandswoordenboekwoordenschatrekenmachinegeschiedenisuniversiteitwetenschappenaardrijkskunde

School 2014-01-07

School crossword puzzle
  1. daar maak je sommen in
  2. de school waar je nu bent
  3. daar leer je uit
  4. einde/begin van de les
  5. les over wat er vroeger allemaal is gebeurd
  6. krijg je aan het einde van het trimester
  7. modern schoolbord
  8. de enige die staat in plaats van zit (in de klas)
  9. wanneer je welke les hebt
  1. plek voor dingen die je niet in je tas wil hebben
  2. les over de wereld
  3. krijg je voor een toets
  4. voor schrijfgerei
  5. voor als je je eten vergeet
  6. tijd tussen je lesuren in
  7. toets die 3x meetelt
  8. wat je niet in de klas afkrijgt
  9. voor je boeken en andere spullen
  10. waar je les krijgt
  11. hiermee maak je je schrift vol

20 Clues: daar leer je uitvoor schrijfgereimodern schoolbordles over de wereldwaar je les krijgttoets die 3x meeteltdaar maak je sommen ineinde/begin van de leskrijg je voor een toetsde school waar je nu benttijd tussen je lesuren inwanneer je welke les hebtvoor als je je eten vergeethiermee maak je je schrift volwat je niet in de klas afkrijgt...

School 2014-04-27

School crossword puzzle
  1. 春游
  2. 教室
  3. 尺子
  4. 科目
  5. 字母
  6. 老师
  7. 学校
  8. 美术
  9. 校车
  10. 椅子
  1. 功课
  2. 校长
  3. 书桌
  4. 数学
  5. 书包
  6. 电脑
  7. 铅笔
  8. 英语
  9. 橡皮
  10. 读书

23 Clues: 功课校长春游书桌数学书包教室电脑尺子科目字母铅笔英语老师橡皮学校美术校车读书椅子

school 2014-11-18

school crossword puzzle
  1. Met welke zintuig ruik je?
  2. In welke les komen veel cijfers voor?
  3. Waar heb je les in?
  4. Waar is de grooste doelgroep waar men voor kan zorgen?
  5. Waar woonden de meeste ouderen boven de 65+?
  6. Wat moet je hebben in de zorg?
  7. Met deze zinuig kan je zien?
  8. Wie geven er les aan leerlingen?
  9. Waar hebben leerlingen hekel aan om te maken thuis?
  10. Wanneer kan je een individuele gesprek hebben met je slber?
  11. Hoe heet het als je ergens als leerling komt en je leert in de praktijk?
  1. Met welke zintuig proef je ?
  2. dit krijg je tussen de lessen door.
  3. Wat hebben gehandicapten mensen?
  4. welke kleur heeft zuurstofrijk bloed?
  5. Wie volgen de opleiding?
  6. Wat moet je doen als iemand een hardstilstand krijgt?
  7. Wat krijg ouderen als je vlocht in de benen hebben?
  8. Andere word voor lestijd?
  9. Wat hebben ouderen in hun mond als ze hun eigen tanden niet meer hebben.

20 Clues: Waar heb je les in?Wie volgen de opleiding?Andere word voor lestijd?Met welke zintuig ruik je?Met welke zintuig proef je ?Met deze zinuig kan je zien?Wat moet je hebben in de zorg?Wat hebben gehandicapten mensen?Wie geven er les aan leerlingen?dit krijg je tussen de lessen door.welke kleur heeft zuurstofrijk bloed?...

School 2014-05-07

School crossword puzzle
  1. you learn to add there
  2. you use the computer there
  3. where you change your clothes
  4. you skate there
  5. the person who cleans the school
  6. when you rest
  7. where you swim
  8. you learn about gravity
  9. where you take care of business
  1. where you eat
  2. takes you to school
  3. where you lift weights
  4. you write notes in there
  5. subject where you sweat
  6. the teacher writes on it
  7. guides students
  8. you learn russian there
  9. you learn about stuff that happened a while back
  10. where you experiment
  11. somebody who is taught

20 Clues: where you eatwhen you restwhere you swimguides studentsyou skate theretakes you to schoolwhere you experimentwhere you lift weightsyou learn to add theresomebody who is taughtsubject where you sweatyou learn russian thereyou learn about gravityyou write notes in therethe teacher writes on ityou use the computer therewhere you change your clothes...

School 2014-05-07

School crossword puzzle
  1. place where you can swim
  2. place where you study
  3. human who is the most important
  4. human who tech you
  5. when you rest
  6. you teach with it
  7. you put your books in it
  8. you right for it
  9. big test
  10. people who study in school
  11. you have to wear it in school
  1. place where you can do your things
  2. where you lift weights
  3. where you eat
  4. you drive on it to school
  5. you study on it
  6. teacher right on it
  7. the person who clean the school
  8. human who give you coal pills
  9. hover where you learn numbers

20 Clues: big testwhere you eatwhen you restyou study on ityou right for ityou teach with ithuman who tech youteacher right on itplace where you studywhere you lift weightsplace where you can swimyou put your books in ityou drive on it to schoolpeople who study in schoolyou have to wear it in schoolhuman who give you coal pillshover where you learn numbers...

SCHOOL 2014-10-28

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. gijutsu
  2. rekishi
  3. eigo
  4. muzukashii
  5. chiri
  6. ongaku
  7. kibishii
  8. kagaku
  9. taiiku
  10. economics kateika
  1. tanoshii
  2. ichiban sukina
  3. omoshiroi
  4. gakkou
  5. bijutsu
  6. nihongo
  7. tsumaranai
  8. suugaku
  9. studies shakai
  10. kamoku

20 Clues: eigochirigakkouongakukagakukamokutaiikubijutsugijutsurekishinihongosuugakutanoshiikibishiiomoshiroimuzukashiitsumaranaiichiban sukinastudies shakaieconomics kateika

school 2015-01-28

school crossword puzzle
  1. kirjoituspöytä/pulpetti
  2. lounas
  3. oppitunti
  4. vihko
  5. laskin
  6. kysymys
  7. projekti
  8. maantieto
  9. opettaja
  10. map maailmankartta
  11. historia
  1. koulu
  2. sanakirja
  3. tietokone
  4. vastaus
  5. luokka
  6. kirjahylly
  7. kirjasto
  8. oppia
  9. läksyt
  10. matematiikka

21 Clues: kouluvihkooppialounaslaskinluokkaläksytvastauskysymysprojektikirjastoopettajahistoriasanakirjatietokoneoppituntimaantietokirjahyllymatematiikkamap maailmankarttakirjoituspöytä/pulpetti

School 2021-09-24

School crossword puzzle
  1. In school, the dress code ____________ girls wearing tank tops.
  2. had to get my teachers ___________ to leave school early.
  3. Some kids don't have many friends so they sit in ________ areas for school lunch.
  4. Teachers need to ________ themselves of the idea that we should have homework on the weekends.
  5. school staff make sure to have __________ rules about how we should act while we are at school.
  6. a kid has to take on their parents responsibilities, it can be very _______ and overwhelming.
  7. I always _________ myself when I start to struggle with my school work.
  8. Some of the rooms in the school are really small and some are very _________.
  9. It would be against _______ to come to school naked.
  10. I finally started watering my plants correctly, I noticed they started to _______.
  11. My teacher ____________ looked at me when I skipped class.
  1. For our CER on coral bleaching, we need to ___________ our claim on what is causing coral bleaching.
  2. The couples in this school can be very ____________ and it's gross.
  3. Most of the kids in this school appear to be ____________.
  4. our assignment was to __________ the mistake for each sentence.
  5. have come to find that most people at school are just miserable and _______.
  6. The work that my algebra teacher gives never __________ me.
  7. The girls ______ the cafeteria bathroom between classes.
  8. Coming back to school made me realize that the kids here can be very ____________.
  9. I was so dehydrated that my face had a ________ look and I ended up passing out.
  10. Instead of taking the shortcut to school, we took the __________ route.
  11. When I don´t like a teacher, their lessons become very _________ to me.
  12. We had to make a precise _________ for our school project.
  13. After a long debate, the class finally came to a _________.
  14. Sometimes, I can be ________ when it comes to showing up to class on time.

25 Clues: It would be against _______ to come to school naked.The girls ______ the cafeteria bathroom between classes.had to get my teachers ___________ to leave school early.Most of the kids in this school appear to be ____________.We had to make a precise _________ for our school project.My teacher ____________ looked at me when I skipped class....

SCHOOL 2021-10-05

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. What you must do before you sit in class
  2. The best moment when you are hungry
  3. A friend who is your class
  4. Where you meet your friends at breaktime
  5. Up or down you need them to get to class
  6. The boys and the girls in a school
  7. The man who is at the top of the school
  8. You need to have it to work in class
  9. If you don’t you will be late
  10. They are the guards of the discipline
  11. If you do it in test, you can get into big trouble
  12. This is where you can meet the headmaster.
  1. Not in the morning but after.
  2. If you like reading you will find many books here.
  3. Definitely the best moment of the school year
  4. They last 55 minutes
  5. The reason why you go to school
  6. English and history are my favourite!
  7. If you like sport, you will like this room
  8. A place that leads to the classrooms

20 Clues: They last 55 minutesA friend who is your classNot in the morning but after.If you don’t you will be lateThe reason why you go to schoolThe boys and the girls in a schoolThe best moment when you are hungryYou need to have it to work in classEnglish and history are my favourite!A place that leads to the classrooms...

School 2021-10-05

School crossword puzzle
  1. écouter
  2. élève
  3. surligneur
  4. pantalon
  5. stylo
  6. récréation
  7. chaise
  8. livre
  9. professeur
  10. veste
  1. sac d'école
  2. chemise
  3. agenda
  4. français
  5. histoire
  6. déjeuner
  7. emploi du temps
  8. uniforme
  9. crayon
  10. cravate

20 Clues: élèvestylolivrevesteagendachaisecrayonécouterchemisecravatefrançaishistoiredéjeunerpantalonuniformesurligneurrécréationprofesseursac d'écoleemploi du temps

School 2021-09-22

School crossword puzzle
  1. you say the this every morning
  2. you use it to eat your salad
  3. where you exercise
  4. you ask permission to use it
  5. a place where you eat
  6. where you run the mile
  7. you play soccer
  8. you use to eat soup
  9. must wash your hand with
  10. you do this to get your lunch
  11. you use it to cut your food
  1. your classroom
  2. a tall place to place a flag
  3. you must drink this during the day
  4. where you go to come inside the school
  5. towel you dry your hands with this
  6. something you can see outside
  7. this is around the school
  8. to enter the classroom
  9. you go up and down
  10. a place where you put your food
  11. you use it to clean your mouth after eating
  12. building the place where the secretaries work

23 Clues: your classroomyou play soccerwhere you exerciseyou go up and downyou use to eat soupa place where you eatwhere you run the mileto enter the classroommust wash your hand withthis is around the schoolyou use it to cut your foodyou use it to eat your salada tall place to place a flagyou ask permission to use itsomething you can see outside...

School 2022-03-07

School crossword puzzle
  1. When you are completely done with school
  2. Where games are played and Physical Education is taught
  3. Shows what is on the teacher's laptop to the screen
  4. People who learn
  5. How kids get to school
  6. Holds all of your school needs
  7. Where you can put your bag and other stuff
  8. Assigned almost daily in a lot of classes
  9. Used to boost our computers' batteries
  10. How teachers used to show examples and teach
  11. Class that teaches about elements
  12. Where you sit and do work
  13. Item that gets written on the most
  1. Makes up the periodic table
  2. A popular drawing tool for kids
  3. Tool used for correcting
  4. Used to get rid of mistakes
  5. Holds a lot of information
  6. Versatile Drawing Utensil
  7. The class that deals with numbers and letters
  8. used to judge understanding of courses
  9. Utensil that was used to teach students
  10. Type of paper used a lot in math
  11. Person who teaches
  12. Tool used to measure
  13. Teachers use this to show examples and teach
  14. Most common tool for writing
  15. The break period usually after lunch
  16. Where most of the school work is done
  17. Where you eat lunch

30 Clues: People who learnPerson who teachesWhere you eat lunchTool used to measureHow kids get to schoolTool used for correctingVersatile Drawing UtensilWhere you sit and do workHolds a lot of informationMakes up the periodic tableUsed to get rid of mistakesMost common tool for writingHolds all of your school needsA popular drawing tool for kids...

School 2022-04-21

School crossword puzzle
  1. class for history
  2. what you use to write
  3. class for drawing and painting
  4. what you write your work on
  5. class for lab and chemicals
  6. class for exercise
  7. time to go outside or in and play
  8. class for instruments or voice
  9. what you use to get rid of writing
  10. class for the human mind
  11. work to do outside of school
  12. class for drivers
  1. what you carry your things in
  2. read to know what classes you have
  3. class for tech work
  4. what you use to stick things
  5. class for shape measurment
  6. what you use to measure
  7. time to eat food
  8. class for body science
  9. what you carry your lunch in
  10. class for instruments
  11. class for voice arts or singing
  12. what you use to find information
  13. time to study
  14. class for numbers
  15. class for writing and reading
  16. what you write notes in

28 Clues: time to studytime to eat foodclass for historyclass for numbersclass for driversclass for exerciseclass for tech workwhat you use to writeclass for instrumentsclass for body sciencewhat you use to measurewhat you write notes inclass for the human mindclass for shape measurmentwhat you write your work onclass for lab and chemicals...

School 2022-09-03

School crossword puzzle
  1. ciseaux
  2. bibliothèque
  3. colle
  4. ordinateur
  5. surligneur
  6. carte
  7. devoirs
  8. cahier
  9. stylo
  10. manuel
  1. salle de classe
  2. histoire
  3. professeur
  4. casier
  5. sac à dos
  6. élève
  7. note
  8. classeur
  9. bureau
  10. tableau

20 Clues: notecolleélèvecartestylocasiercahierbureaumanuelciseauxdevoirstableauhistoireclasseursac à dosprofesseurordinateursurligneurbibliothèquesalle de classe

School 2022-09-17

School crossword puzzle
  1. There are nine in Patio 2
  2. Place where you can play
  3. The place where Mrs Allix works
  4. Person who helps with your future job
  5. Place where you can have PE
  6. Where you can rest if you are ill
  7. Place where you can read
  8. Mrs Allix's job
  9. Mr Daurian's job
  1. Place where you can work
  2. Place Where you can do sport
  3. People who clean the tables
  4. Mrs Hodeau
  5. Mrs Bochet's job
  6. Mrs Blanvillain's job
  7. Place where you can eat
  8. They prepare lunch
  9. Pedro's job
  10. Mrs Michel
  11. Mrs Clerc's job

20 Clues: Mrs HodeauMrs MichelPedro's jobMrs Allix's jobMrs Clerc's jobMrs Bochet's jobMr Daurian's jobThey prepare lunchMrs Blanvillain's jobPlace where you can eatPlace where you can workPlace where you can playPlace where you can readThere are nine in Patio 2People who clean the tablesPlace where you can have PEPlace Where you can do sport...

SCHOOL 2022-10-07

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. the key to success
  2. word for pupils
  3. manners man
  4. place to provide resources for education, information, and personal development (such as book)
  5. English is my favourite
  6. in trouble, your teacher will send you to this person
  7. you need in order to write
  8. we do with our brain
  9. short period of time during the school day that students can rest
  10. need to get good SPM grade to get into your dream
  1. pass with flying: to be extremely successful, to achieve something that is difficult, to excel
  2. a school a place
  3. facial expression in which the eyes brighten and the corners of the mouth curve slightly upward
  4. to or acting against bullying
  5. is the
  6. formal test of a person's knowledge or proficiency in a subject or skill
  7. schoolwork that a pupil is required to do at home
  8. person who teaches at school
  9. we look forward to meet at school
  10. area of knowledge that is studied in
  11. Thank You demonstrates appreciation and

21 Clues: is theword for pupilsa school a placethe key to successmanners manwe do with our brainEnglish is my favouriteyou need in order to writeperson who teaches at schoolto or acting against bullyingwe look forward to meet at schoolarea of knowledge that is studied inThank You demonstrates appreciation and...

School 2021-04-05

School crossword puzzle
  1. tool
  2. laud
  3. õpilaspäevik
  4. klassijuhataja
  5. pliiats
  6. töövihik
  7. võimla
  8. joonlaud
  9. inglise keel
  10. aken
  1. pinal
  2. tahvel
  3. õpilane
  4. tund
  5. koolikott
  6. kustukumm
  7. õpetaja
  8. arvuti
  9. klassiroom
  10. sülearvuti

20 Clues: toollaudtundakenpinaltahvelarvutivõimlaõpilaneõpetajapliiatstöövihikjoonlaudkoolikottkustukummklassiroomsülearvutiõpilaspäevikinglise keelklassijuhataja

School 2021-03-30

School crossword puzzle
  1. Many schools have an animal __ that represents the school
  2. A pep __ is a time to celebrate school spirit
  3. A class that you choose in addition to the required ones
  4. Make sure this book bag is durable with comfortable straps
  5. Some students use a __ to keep track of their schedule and activities
  6. The study of people and cultures around the world: __ __
  7. A page with pre-printed activities or problems to solve
  8. Parents need to go the the __ and check in before visiting
  9. Spring, Summer, and Winter __ provides some time off
  10. Algebra, geometry, pre-calculus, etc.
  11. Teachers can use a projector, blackboard or __
  12. If you don't have a __ you may have to carry your books with you
  1. You may not be able to bring food, but you can usually bring a __ __
  2. It's important to __ for tests
  3. Chemistry, geology, biology, botany, are __ classes
  4. You can choose a foreign __ to study
  5. Your school may have __ machines with snacks or drinks
  6. Many classes make use of __ for coursework
  7. The student body __ is elected by and represents the students
  8. The study of people who shaped the present world
  9. The __ room may include soundproof practice rooms
  10. How you prove you know the material
  11. Learning how to take good __ is an important skill
  12. Buy or bring a lunch, but you'll probably eat in the __
  13. provides academic, career, college counseling and social-emotional support
  14. Take care of your __ or you may pay a fine

26 Clues: It's important to __ for testsHow you prove you know the materialYou can choose a foreign __ to studyAlgebra, geometry, pre-calculus, etc.Many classes make use of __ for courseworkTake care of your __ or you may pay a fineA pep __ is a time to celebrate school spiritTeachers can use a projector, blackboard or __...

school 2021-07-25

school crossword puzzle
  1. Top Disney fan
  2. pages and pages
  3. c’è
  4. also not our music teacher
  5. Wears 2 hats
  6. also teaches outside
  7. Loves football
  8. Nuu
  9. sewing queen
  10. Loves bike riding
  11. ???
  12. we are happy he’s here
  1. Works in the office
  2. not related
  3. has bunnies
  4. Pal of a Prince
  5. surprisingly now our music teacher
  6. teaches outside
  7. Sings with 3 across
  8. Bev
  9. rrronaaa
  10. puts on a show
  11. teaches our little ones
  12. takes care of all of us
  13. Carmen

25 Clues: c’èBevNuu???Carmenrrronaaanot relatedhas bunniesWears 2 hatssewing queenTop Disney fanLoves footballputs on a showPal of a Princepages and pagesteaches outsideLoves bike ridingWorks in the officeSings with 3 acrossalso teaches outsidewe are happy he’s hereteaches our little onestakes care of all of usalso not our music teacher...

school 2021-05-07

school crossword puzzle
  1. is one of you need if you want to erase the writing on the white board
  2. is the king of the classroom
  3. is the teachers place when the break time
  4. you put your books in it
  5. where you go to wash your hand
  6. is a person following a course of study
  7. its who make us learn
  8. that things you can sit on school
  9. is one of thins when we need to write
  10. where the teacher write
  11. place where you study
  12. you write something in English class
  1. hand if you want to answer the question
  2. is the free time to you get eat
  3. place where you eat in school
  4. is learn about numbers
  5. is one of the things for read
  6. you can learn about English words
  7. is something you do at home
  8. is a place you can find full of books

20 Clues: its who make us learnplace where you studyis learn about numberswhere the teacher writeyou put your books in itis something you do at homeis the king of the classroomplace where you eat in schoolis one of the things for readwhere you go to wash your handis the free time to you get eatyou can learn about English words...

school 2021-05-08

school crossword puzzle
  1. private school clothes
  2. the head of the school
  3. school work which you do at home
  4. you learn about body parts in the subject _______
  5. teaches you stuff at school
  6. a subject where you learn about the world
  7. a room where you exercise and it makes you sweat
  8. a marker for a whiteboard
  9. you write stuff on it and is made from trees
  10. you put your stuff in it and take to school
  11. a place you sit in at school
  12. a room where you play music
  13. we do painting in this subject called ___
  14. a room where the teacher teaches students
  15. erasable board which you can write stuff on
  1. something that contains lead
  2. colored ink in a tube
  3. you mark school work with it
  4. colored wax
  5. you usually do this kind of work with a partner
  6. store school supplies in it
  7. a subject which you do division in
  8. if you put science,math,art together it makes __
  9. printed school work
  10. made of rubber

25 Clues: colored waxmade of rubberprinted school workcolored ink in a tubeprivate school clothesthe head of the schoola marker for a whiteboardstore school supplies in itteaches you stuff at schoola room where you play musicsomething that contains leadyou mark school work with ita place you sit in at schoolschool work which you do at home...

School 2021-05-01

School crossword puzzle
  1. to pointed pencils
  2. to save books
  3. have some colors
  4. small and rectangular, to keep pencil
  5. it rings when recess and after school
  6. written information posted on the board
  7. a two-way tackle
  8. black and rectangle
  9. only be written in marker
  1. long, black and white used to write in whiteboard
  2. have many shapes
  3. red and white, used to cover up graffiti on paper
  4. usually detachable cover
  5. symbol of our country
  6. electronic devices that have a system
  7. small and white
  8. writing or drawing something with it
  9. a device for measuring time
  10. hexagonal shape
  11. a device for measuring

20 Clues: to save bookssmall and whitehexagonal shapehave many shapeshave some colorsa two-way tackleto pointed pencilsblack and rectanglesymbol of our countrya device for measuringusually detachable coveronly be written in markera device for measuring timewriting or drawing something with itelectronic devices that have a system...

School 2020-11-19

School crossword puzzle
  1. Students use pens or _______ too write
  2. A subject students learn at school.
  3. Raining cats and dogs mean its raining ______.
  4. People use their ____ too see.
  5. You use this to find definitions of a certain word.
  6. ______ grow in the garden.
  7. People use ________ too log in too laptops.
  8. A piece of good drawing.
  9. The time students don't have too go too school.
  10. You use this thing to rub out mess that is made by a pencil.
  11. A object you put your crunch 'n' sip, recess and lunch in.
  12. A object you use too fill and drink liquid.
  13. Wear a school _____ too school.
  14. Ever student needs too go too ______.
  15. Wear a school _______ too school.
  16. People sit on this
  17. Students use this too get too school.
  18. A object you put your work in.
  1. You use this too see the world.
  2. A place at school students go too buy treats.
  3. You draw on _____.
  4. A schoolwork students have too do at home.
  5. Every student needs too wear a enclosed _____ too school.
  6. A baby is ______.
  7. A machine you use to copy things on paper.
  8. Students learn in a _________.
  9. A pin is _____.
  10. Free time you get too eat.
  11. Students use _____ too go too excursions.
  12. A thing made of paper and leather that you read.
  13. You put trash into a ___.
  14. Wear a ____ under a shoe.
  15. An activity you do at school which you get active.
  16. You have too wear a ___ under the sun.

34 Clues: A pin is _____.A baby is ______.You draw on _____.People sit on thisA piece of good drawing.You put trash into a ___.Wear a ____ under a shoe.______ grow in the garden.Free time you get too eat.People use their ____ too see.Students learn in a _________.A object you put your work in.You use this too see the world.Wear a school _____ too school....

School 2022-09-24

School crossword puzzle
  1. Schedule of classes
  2. You have to stay after school as a form of punishment
  3. Part of the school where students gather during break
  4. When you receive your degree for completing your education
  5. Used to cut things
  6. To study by heart
  7. A student in the 1st year of university
  8. A device for fastening together sheets of paper
  9. Man in charge of the school = headmaster
  10. Room where all the teachers gather during break = the ... room
  11. Device used to make small holes in a sheet of paper = a hole ...
  12. To erase your mistakes
  13. A pen with real ink = a ... pen
  14. Hard cover with metal rings inside used to hold loose sheets of paper
  1. Subject where you can prepare acids
  2. The teacher takes ... at the beginning of class
  3. To measure an angle in maths
  4. He passed his exams with flying ...= with ease and high grades
  5. Subject where you use a map of the world
  6. You draw a line with it
  7. You practice sports in this course = ... education
  8. Device used in maths to draw perfect circles = a pair of ...
  9. You first have to make a ... version of your text before you start with the final version
  10. To mark important text
  11. Another word for task, homework

25 Clues: To study by heartUsed to cut thingsSchedule of classesTo mark important textTo erase your mistakesYou draw a line with itTo measure an angle in mathsAnother word for task, homeworkA pen with real ink = a ... penSubject where you can prepare acidsA student in the 1st year of universitySubject where you use a map of the world...

School 2022-10-28

School crossword puzzle
  1. Happening everyday
  2. Physical Education
  3. The most famous allergy
  4. Argue and present evidence for a case or opinion. Done with two or more sides.
  5. Short for mathematics
  6. "Oh my god / gosh / goodness!"
  7. "The court will take a 15 minute ____"
  8. Charge of a neutron
  9. Term for older people born before 1960. Used extremely generously by kids
  10. Used to describe something with a sleek, modern design. Mostly used for technology.
  11. The most popular scientist in the Western world. German descent.
  12. Spinning plastic toy with a band around your finger
  13. An act of tricking a victim into doing something dumb for the sake of entertainment. Used for popularity.
  1. The area where the genetic material for a eukaryotic cell is stored.
  2. Most populated country
  3. Sounds the same, but spelled differently than the occupation of Washington and Adams. Rule or norm.
  4. "Don't show this in school!"
  5. Adenine bonds with ____.
  6. Smallest building block of life. Contains organelles.
  7. Social media site, clock sound
  8. Ten to the power of 12
  9. Similar to, but not quite like integrity
  10. Include ___
  11. "But mom, I want an iPhone, not an _____!"

24 Clues: Include ___Happening everydayPhysical EducationCharge of a neutronShort for mathematicsMost populated countryTen to the power of 12The most famous allergyAdenine bonds with ____."Don't show this in school!""Oh my god / gosh / goodness!"Social media site, clock sound"The court will take a 15 minute ____"Similar to, but not quite like integrity...

School 2016-04-10

School crossword puzzle
  1. стул
  2. сумка
  3. ножницы
  4. компьютер
  5. резинка
  6. стол
  7. тетрадь
  8. столовая
  9. мел
  10. линейка
  1. краски
  2. кабинет
  3. доска
  4. словарь
  5. ученик
  6. цветные карандаши
  7. учитель
  8. карандаш
  9. учебник
  10. клей

20 Clues: мелстулстолклейсумкадоскакраскиучениккабинетсловарьножницыучительрезинкаучебниктетрадьлинейкакарандашстоловаякомпьютерцветные карандаши

School 2019-04-01

School crossword puzzle
  1. How many restrooms do we have
  2. What is Mr. Ross' favorite food
  3. What type of food do hot lunch people get every Wednesday
  4. Arts What class does Mrs. Taylor teach
  5. What is the secretary's last name
  6. Technology Teachers last name?
  7. What does the S stand for in STEM
  8. What type of Christianity are we
  9. Johnson Who teaches P.E.
  10. Which teacher gives out the most silent lunches
  1. Who is the principale
  2. Who teaches spanish
  3. What class does Mr. Pichette teach
  4. Who teaches library
  5. What are one of the colors of the school
  6. Which sport is played during the winter
  7. What sport is played in the spring
  8. How many times do we have to come to school
  9. Country Which sport requires running
  10. What class does Mr. Wilhelm teach on Monday and Tuesday

20 Clues: Who teaches spanishWho teaches libraryWho is the principaleJohnson Who teaches P.E.How many restrooms do we haveTechnology Teachers last name?What is Mr. Ross' favorite foodWhat type of Christianity are weWhat is the secretary's last nameWhat does the S stand for in STEMWhat class does Mr. Pichette teachWhat sport is played in the spring...

School 2019-10-17

School crossword puzzle
  1. Shows what time is it
  2. Used for sticking objects or materials together
  3. A pencil made of wax
  4. A large board used by teachers in schools for writing on
  5. An instrument for writing or drawing with graphite core and wood case
  6. A flat length of wood or rigid material, attached to a wall
  7. A piece of soft rubber or plastic used to cancel something written
  8. A thin sheet used for writing, drawing, or printing
  9. A piece of furniture at which one can read, write, or do other work
  1. bag A bag used by students for carrying books
  2. A small book with blank or ruled pages for writing notes in
  3. Shows the days, weeks, and months of a year
  4. A white soft material for writing or drawing
  5. A seat with a back and four legs for one person only
  6. Used to cut paper
  7. An open, boxlike compartment or cupboard used by children for storage
  8. Represents an area of land or sea
  9. An instrument for writing or drawing with ink
  10. A piece of cloth attached at one edge to a pole
  11. Used to draw straight lines or measure distances

20 Clues: Used to cut paperA pencil made of waxShows what time is itRepresents an area of land or seaShows the days, weeks, and months of a yearA white soft material for writing or drawingbag A bag used by students for carrying booksAn instrument for writing or drawing with inkUsed for sticking objects or materials together...

SCHOOL 2019-12-16

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  2. OKNO
  3. STOL
  6. TORBA
  9. TABLA
  10. UČENEC
  11. KNJIGA
  12. VRATA
  2. KULI
  6. KOŠ
  9. ŠOLA
  10. ŠKARJE
  12. STENA


school 2020-04-23

school crossword puzzle
  1. You throw rubbish into it.
  2. You have your food in it.
  3. You have your pencils in it.
  4. You wipe it out.
  5. You color with them.
  6. You play with your friends in it.
  7. You drink from it.
  8. There you do you homework.
  9. You sit by it.
  10. You get it for school.
  11. You sit on it.
  1. You make straight lines with it.
  2. You cut and paste with it.
  3. You write with it
  4. You tip your pencils with it.
  5. you have it on your bag.
  6. You learn from them.
  7. You read in them.
  8. You play with them.
  9. The teacher write on it.
  10. You cut with them.

21 Clues: You sit by it.You sit on it.You wipe it out.You write with itYou read in them.You cut with them.You drink from it.You play with them.You learn from them.You color with them.You get it for have it on your bag.The teacher write on it.You have your food in it.You throw rubbish into it.You cut and paste with it.There you do you homework....

School 2020-04-19

School crossword puzzle
  1. An event for the 1st day of school
  2. You use this to write in class
  3. You are studying this now
  4. You study history in this subject
  5. You play sports in this subject
  6. You use numbers in this subject
  7. You write in this to study
  8. You study PE here
  9. You use this to cut things in class
  10. You use this to carry your textbooks
  1. You practice writing kanji with a brush
  2. An event for 3rd graders finishing school
  3. You go here when you feel sick
  4. You read books here
  5. You study the world in this subject
  6. You study here with your class
  7. You read this to learn
  8. You make beautiful things in this subject
  9. You study kanji in this subject
  10. You practice singing in this subject

20 Clues: You study PE hereYou read books hereYou read this to learnYou are studying this nowYou write in this to studyYou go here when you feel sickYou use this to write in classYou study here with your classYou play sports in this subjectYou use numbers in this subjectYou study kanji in this subjectYou study history in this subject...

school 2020-05-14

school crossword puzzle
  1. use a keyboard and the internet
  2. learning new songs, maybe playing instruments
  3. the boss of the school
  4. go to the church for this
  5. a time to eat some food
  6. people you like to play with at recess or lunch time
  7. bonjour mon amie
  8. used to correct a mistake
  9. a short break for a snack and activity
  10. learning new games, playing different sports
  11. where students meet with the teacher
  1. working with numbers
  2. students read these
  3. draw a straight line
  4. large group singing songs
  5. doing a talk in class
  6. place to have fun climbing,sliding,swinging
  7. person who organizes what you learn
  8. being able to say words printed in a book
  9. draw or print with these

20 Clues: bonjour mon amiestudents read theseworking with numbersdraw a straight linedoing a talk in classthe boss of the schoola time to eat some fooddraw or print with theselarge group singing songsgo to the church for thisused to correct a mistakeuse a keyboard and the internetperson who organizes what you learnwhere students meet with the teacher...

School 2020-11-24

School crossword puzzle
  1. järjekorras seismas
  2. õppeaine
  3. keemia
  4. kodused ülesanded
  5. kogunemine
  6. eksam
  7. prantsuse keel
  8. wc
  9. ajalugu
  1. nunnu,armas
  2. trepp
  3. paar
  4. matemaatika
  5. tagasi
  6. naeratus
  7. matsutama
  8. üsna
  9. jahe,lahe
  10. lõunasöök
  11. lollpea,tobu

20 Clues: wcpaarüsnatreppeksamtagasikeemiaajaluguõppeainenaeratusmatsutamajahe,lahelõunasöökkoguneminenunnu,armasmatemaatikalollpea,tobuprantsuse keelkodused ülesandedjärjekorras seismas

School 2023-05-15

School crossword puzzle
  1. question
  2. protractor
  3. library
  4. whiteboard
  5. dictionary
  6. exam
  7. yardstick
  8. student
  9. notebook
  1. binder
  2. test
  3. intelligent
  4. highlighter
  5. folder
  6. vocabulary
  7. mathematics
  8. classroom
  9. reading
  10. keyboard
  11. answer
  12. grades

21 Clues: testexambinderfolderanswergradeslibraryreadingstudentquestionkeyboardnotebookclassroomyardstickvocabularyprotractorwhiteboarddictionaryintelligenthighlightermathematics

School 2023-02-07

School crossword puzzle
  1. play online games
  2. the main boss of the school
  3. where you go to learn
  4. where the whole school goes to have meetings
  5. drawing
  6. what you write on
  7. experiments
  8. where your teacher writes on
  9. our past
  1. you workout
  2. you learn about your body
  3. what you write in
  4. who you learn from
  5. who goes to school
  6. where you learn to play instruments
  7. does your math for you
  8. what you write with
  9. play with your friends outside
  10. addition and subtraction
  11. where a student sits

20 Clues: drawingour pastyou workoutexperimentswhat you write inplay online gameswhat you write onwho you learn fromwho goes to schoolwhat you write withwhere a student sitswhere you go to learndoes your math for youaddition and subtractionyou learn about your bodythe main boss of the schoolwhere your teacher writes onplay with your friends outside...

School 2023-06-25

School crossword puzzle
  1. It is a writing instrument used to write and draw.
  2. It is a piece of furniture where students sit and work.
  3. It is a place filled with books and resources for reading and research.
  4. lab It is a room with computers for students to learn and work on digital tasks.
  5. It is a measuring tool used to draw straight lines.
  6. It is a large board used by teachers to write and explain lessons.
  7. It is a bag used to carry books and school supplies.
  8. room It is a space where students engage in creative art projects.
  9. bus It is a vehicle that transports students to and from school.
  10. class It is a room where students learn and practice music.
  1. It is a dining area where students have their meals.
  2. It is a spherical model of the Earth used to study geography.
  3. It is a large hall used for sports and physical education classes.
  4. They are knowledgeable individuals who guide students in their education.
  5. It is an outdoor area with equipment for children to play and have fun.
  6. It is a device used for mathematical calculations.
  7. They are written materials that contain information and stories.
  8. It is a room where students gather to learn and study.
  9. lab It is a room equipped with tools and equipment for scientific experiments.
  10. field It is an open area used for various sports and physical activities.

20 Clues: It is a writing instrument used to write and draw.It is a device used for mathematical calculations.It is a measuring tool used to draw straight lines.It is a dining area where students have their meals.It is a bag used to carry books and school supplies.It is a room where students gather to learn and study....

School 2023-07-13

School crossword puzzle
  1. A language commonly spoken in Spain
  2. An object, A thing, A place or a human
  3. You learn about songs
  4. The thing that is less than a number
  5. You ADD 2 or more numbers together
  6. Basically 31 but pen
  7. Another thing that is less than a number just simplified
  8. The thing to make sure your here in the class
  9. The time where you get to relax from work in the morning
  10. The subject with numbers
  11. The year 6 production where you learn you lines to say on stage
  12. The place where you play at lunch
  13. You draw stuff
  14. You colour things with this
  15. Here is a calculation: 3 something 5 equals 15
  16. They describe a noun
  17. You cut with this
  18. The thing thats at the end of a sentence
  19. The subject where you learn about different countries
  20. The "doing" word
  1. You draw with this
  2. The subject where you exercise
  3. You learn about molocules and cO2
  4. The thing in math where you do calculations using numbers and letters
  5. A language commonly spoken in the UK
  6. That one day in the summer when its different houses competing in races
  7. You measure thing with this
  8. The place where you can eat
  9. The subject where you go back in time to learn stuff
  10. They explain how the verb is done
  11. The subject where you learn religous things
  12. Here is another calculation : 3 something 3 equals 1
  13. You stick things with this
  14. You SUBTRACT 2 or more numbers from each other
  15. The place where you play at break
  16. The subject where you learn about mental health
  17. You write with this
  18. A language commonly spoken in France
  19. THE word THAT usually come before A noun
  20. The time when you get to eat in school
  21. The subject wear we write stories and use verbs and adjectives
  22. You Design Things
  23. A storage thing for your utensils
  24. The time where you come into an assembly and learn about Jesus
  25. This is computer learning
  26. You hang your bag and coat here

46 Clues: You draw stuffThe "doing" wordYou Design ThingsYou cut with thisYou draw with thisYou write with thisBasically 31 but penThey describe a nounYou learn about songsThe subject with numbersThis is computer learningYou stick things with thisYou measure thing with thisThe place where you can eatYou colour things with thisThe subject where you exercise...

School 2022-12-13

School crossword puzzle
  1. A subject with spelling.
  2. A group of students.
  3. A divider of skills to learn.
  4. Something to write on with a marker.
  5. An assignment to do at home.
  6. A subject with landscapes and culture.
  7. A subject with the study of anything, really.
  8. Something to write at and store items.
  9. A place where students learn.
  10. This projects the computer's image.
  11. A subject with books.
  1. Something that you write with that uses led.
  2. Something to write on with chalk.
  3. Someone who teaches the skills.
  4. This allows students to do work online.
  5. A subject with the past.
  6. Something to write with that uses ink.
  7. Something to sit on.
  8. Someone who learns the skills.
  9. Scores on homework, assignments, tests, etc.
  10. A subject with numbers.

21 Clues: A group of students.Something to sit on.A subject with books.A subject with numbers.A subject with spelling.A subject with the past.An assignment to do at home.A divider of skills to learn.A place where students learn.Someone who learns the skills.Someone who teaches the skills.Something to write on with chalk.This projects the computer's image....

school 2023-12-06

school crossword puzzle
  1. what you would use to describe monkeys
  2. tyrease favorite genre
  3. andrews social life
  4. the person to the right
  5. andrews dad
  6. mathews parents
  7. what people first notice about andrew
  8. another name for andrew
  9. andrews favorite game
  1. joshs favorite activity
  2. what andrew will never have
  3. andrews main feature
  4. his lover
  5. andrews grades
  6. tyrease is
  7. what mathew is
  8. the line at kfc
  9. andrew is
  10. person who is fat and short
  11. what andrew does behind closed doors

20 Clues: his loverandrew istyrease isandrews dadandrews gradeswhat mathew ismathews parentsthe line at kfcandrews social lifeandrews main featureandrews favorite gametyrease favorite genrejoshs favorite activitythe person to the rightanother name for andrewwhat andrew will never haveperson who is fat and shortwhat andrew does behind closed doors...

School 2023-12-11

School crossword puzzle
  1. You learn about nature in this class
  2. This is the sixth hour of the day
  3. The opposite of fun
  4. The opposite of hard
  5. You need to do this before a test
  6. You need a dictionary for this class
  7. This is the time you have a class
  8. You need this item for math
  9. This is the first hour of the day
  10. The opposite of boring
  1. You use numbers in this subject
  2. You use a lot of computers
  3. you learn about the past in this class
  4. You learn a new language in this class
  5. You use this to define words
  6. this is what you have throughout the day
  7. You eat in this period
  8. You draw in this class
  9. This is work you do at home
  10. This class is the one you enjoy the most
  11. the opposite of easy

21 Clues: The opposite of funThe opposite of hardthe opposite of easyYou eat in this periodYou draw in this classThe opposite of boringYou use a lot of computersThis is work you do at homeYou need this item for mathYou use this to define wordsYou use numbers in this subjectThis is the sixth hour of the dayYou need to do this before a test...

School 2023-12-11

School crossword puzzle
  1. You learn about nature in this class
  2. This is the sixth hour of the day
  3. The opposite of fun
  4. The opposite of hard
  5. You need to do this before a test
  6. You need a dictionary for this class
  7. This is the time you have a class
  8. You need this item for math
  9. This is the first hour of the day
  10. The opposite of boring
  1. You use numbers in this subject
  2. You use a lot of computers
  3. you learn about the past in this class
  4. You learn a new language in this class
  5. You use this to define words
  6. this is what you have throughout the day
  7. You eat in this period
  8. You draw in this class
  9. This is work you do at home
  10. This class is the one you enjoy the most
  11. the opposite of easy

21 Clues: The opposite of funThe opposite of hardthe opposite of easyYou eat in this periodYou draw in this classThe opposite of boringYou use a lot of computersThis is work you do at homeYou need this item for mathYou use this to define wordsYou use numbers in this subjectThis is the sixth hour of the dayYou need to do this before a test...

School 2023-12-01

School crossword puzzle
  1. cell phone
  2. student(girl)
  3. classmate(girl)
  4. backpack
  5. high school
  6. school
  7. schedule
  8. pen
  9. bookstore
  10. paper
  11. table
  12. tablet
  13. trimester;quarter
  14. test;exam
  15. classmate(boy)
  16. subject
  17. clock;watch
  18. pencil
  19. course
  20. computer
  21. map
  22. calculator
  23. chair
  24. marker
  25. black/white board
  26. chalk
  1. door
  2. house
  3. desk
  4. book
  5. library
  6. class
  7. stapler
  8. eraser
  9. semester
  10. student(boy)
  11. window
  12. nurses office
  13. cafeteria
  14. trash can
  15. stadium
  16. fancy pen
  17. dictionary
  18. quiz
  19. pen
  20. university;college
  21. wastebasket
  22. quiz
  23. phone
  24. gym

50 Clues: penpenmapgymdoordeskbookquizquizhouseclasspapertablechairphonechalkschooleraserwindowtabletpencilcoursemarkerlibrarystaplerstadiumsubjectbackpackschedulesemestercomputerbookstoretest;examcafeteriatrash canfancy pencell phonedictionarycalculatorhigh schoolclock;watchwastebasketstudent(boy)student(girl)nurses officeclassmate(boy)classmate(girl)...

School 2023-12-17

School crossword puzzle
  1. ученик
  2. дверь
  3. ручка
  4. школа
  5. ластик
  6. одноклассник
  7. тетрадь
  8. книга
  9. стул
  10. классная работа
  1. пенал
  2. парта
  3. линейка
  4. тест
  5. кабинет, класс
  6. домашняя работа
  7. рюкзак
  8. карандаш
  9. учитель
  10. домашнее задание

20 Clues: тестстулпеналдверьпартаручкашколакнигаученикрюкзакластиклинейкаучительтетрадькарандашодноклассниккабинет, классдомашняя работаклассная работадомашнее задание

School 2024-01-16

School crossword puzzle
  1. measuring tool
  2. school work you do at home
  3. what do you do in school?
  4. tool for writing
  5. look at words and understand them
  6. what you do with your brain?
  7. person who plans lessons amd helps you learn
  8. subject in which you learn about numbers
  9. place where books are kept
  10. tools for coloring
  1. used to stick papers together
  2. people you like being around
  3. subject when you learn about songs and instrument
  4. Item used for clear whiteboard
  5. afternoon meal
  6. another word for quiz
  7. what do you take to school everyday?
  8. Students usually have this in every last semester
  9. place where students learn
  10. book with blank page for writing

20 Clues: measuring toolafternoon mealtool for writingtools for coloringanother word for quizwhat do you do in school?school work you do at homeplace where students learnplace where books are keptpeople you like being aroundwhat you do with your brain?used to stick papers togetherItem used for clear whiteboardbook with blank page for writing...

School 2023-09-01

School crossword puzzle
  1. amazing teacher
  2. likes anything with meat on it
  3. basket ball finatic
  4. somthing we sit on
  5. somthing thats next to us alot
  6. ligheter match stick
  7. mans best frined
  8. match stick
  9. very good person
  10. volley ball player
  11. likes mountain bikes
  1. best suburd in perth
  2. somthing that we wright with
  3. haxker
  4. even lighter match stick
  5. white thing teacher works on
  6. very tasty
  7. somthing that takes my breath away
  8. something that keeps rain from us
  9. bad thing for 6 hours a day

20 Clues: haxkervery tastymatch stickamazing teachermans best frinedvery good personsomthing we sit onvolley ball playerbasket ball finaticbest suburd in perthligheter match sticklikes mountain bikeseven lighter match stickbad thing for 6 hours a daysomthing that we wright withwhite thing teacher works onlikes anything with meat on it...

School 2023-09-05

School crossword puzzle
  1. рюкзак
  2. расписание
  3. карандаш
  4. тетрадь
  5. наука (биология+физика+химия)
  6. музыка
  7. блокнот
  8. Technology информатика
  9. доска
  10. ластик
  11. география
  1. физическая культура
  2. точилка
  3. ручка
  4. английский язык
  5. история
  6. пенал
  7. книга
  8. линейка
  9. атлас
  10. изо

21 Clues: изоручкапеналкнигадоскаатласрюкзакмузыкаластикточилкаисториятетрадьблокнотлинейкакарандашгеографиярасписаниеанглийский языкфизическая культураTechnology информатиканаука (биология+физика+химия)

SCHOOL 2023-09-19

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. χάρακας
  2. μολύβι
  3. Ιστορία
  4. καλλιτεχνικά
  5. πληροφορική
  6. χάρτης
  7. Γερμανικά
  8. Αγγλικά
  9. πίνακας
  10. ξύστρα
  11. γυμναστική
  12. τετράδιο
  13. στυλό
  14. τάξη
  15. Γεωγραφία
  1. μαθητής
  2. Γαλλικά
  3. μουσική
  4. γλώσσα
  5. δάσκαλος
  6. μαθηματικά
  7. case κασετίνα
  8. βιβλίο
  9. σχολική τσάντα
  10. γόμα

25 Clues: τάξηγόμαστυλόμολύβιγλώσσαχάρτηςξύστραβιβλίομαθητήςΓαλλικάμουσικήχάρακαςΙστορίαΑγγλικάπίνακαςδάσκαλοςτετράδιοΓερμανικάΓεωγραφίαμαθηματικάγυμναστικήπληροφορικήκαλλιτεχνικάcase κασετίνασχολική τσάντα

School 2023-09-26

School crossword puzzle
  1. What do students carry on their back?
  2. Stiff is my spine and my body is pale, but I'm always ready to tell a tale.
  3. I make the world brighter. I am used whenever you annotate.
  4. You use me whenever you make a mistake. Whenever I am used, I get all over the table.
  5. You use me for all your classes, you write your notes there and store important information.
  6. You use me for most of your assignments and you can break me.
  7. I used to be the main source of all news. You're reading me right now.
  8. I have keys that can be used to open windows, you look at my screen and I give you most of the answers to your questions.
  9. I am in all of your classrooms. Teachers use me daily. I am not an electronic device.
  1. I sit on the wall, I tick and tock.
  2. I can be used to color/write. Sometimes, I am washable.
  3. I am a household item, but not a clock. I beat paper, but never rock.
  4. You use me to write, but cannot erase once you have written.
  5. Another word for instructor.
  6. You might have me hung up in your room, I can be a picture or full of information.
  7. When used, I am spun around. My existence puts a map of the whole world on display.
  8. You put paper inside of me and I am not a folder.
  9. You walk in and out of me and there are desks.
  10. You look at me to review for a test
  11. Basically your "job" at school.

20 Clues: Another word for instructor.Basically your "job" at school.I sit on the wall, I tick and tock.You look at me to review for a testWhat do students carry on their back?You walk in and out of me and there are desks.You put paper inside of me and I am not a folder.I can be used to color/write. Sometimes, I am washable....

School 2023-10-01

School crossword puzzle
  1. in this lesson we use only a computer
  2. it stores documents
  3. with the help of this person we gain knowledge
  4. is the main person in the school
  5. with this we draw
  6. in it you carry notebooks
  7. you sit on it
  8. with the help of this item we write on the board
  9. in this lesson we study the structure of a living organism
  10. is what we get at school
  11. we write on it
  12. we hang clothes on it
  13. with the help of this lesson we will explore the world
  1. hang on the walls
  2. with this you measure
  3. education, we are using this to prepare for the army
  4. with the help of this subject we carry out calculations
  5. you study with them
  6. with this you cut something
  7. with this you wash
  8. where you give marks
  9. with this we write
  10. with the help of this subject we gain knowledge
  11. are what we get for working in class
  12. there they collect documents related to the organization
  13. case we store pens in it
  14. on this lesson we create something
  15. is where we store books
  16. with this you sharpen pencils

29 Clues: you sit on itwe write on ithang on the wallswith this we drawwith this you washwith this we writeit stores documentsyou study with themwhere you give markswith this you measurewe hang clothes on itis where we store bookscase we store pens in itis what we get at schoolin it you carry notebookswith this you cut somethingwith this you sharpen pencils...

School 2024-02-15

School crossword puzzle
  1. angličtina
  2. filatelistický kroužek
  3. obědový balíček
  4. fotografický kroužek
  5. přestávka
  6. hudební kroužek
  7. VKZ
  8. žák
  9. kroužek
  10. tělocvična
  11. tělocvik
  12. matematika
  13. přírodní vědy
  14. čeština
  15. dějepis
  16. náboženství
  1. třídní učitel
  2. zeměpis
  3. spolužák
  4. školní jídelna
  5. dramaťák
  6. fyzika
  7. VKO
  8. přírodopis
  9. informatika
  10. výtvarná výchova
  11. ČSP
  12. třída
  13. přestávka na oběd
  14. němčina
  15. hudební výchova
  16. chemie

32 Clues: VKOČSPVKZžáktřídafyzikachemiezeměpiskroužekněmčinačeštinadějepisspolužákdramaťáktělocvikpřestávkaangličtinapřírodopistělocvičnamatematikainformatikanáboženstvítřídní učitelpřírodní vědyškolní jídelnaobědový balíčekhudební kroužekhudební výchovavýtvarná výchovapřestávka na obědfotografický kroužekfilatelistický kroužek

school 2023-10-27

school crossword puzzle
  1. people that keep the campus safe
  2. most authority in the school
  3. something that excuses you.
  4. class subject related to physical sports.
  5. class subject related to language
  6. area where you can attend your needs.
  7. work that you get after a class.
  8. class subject related to plant or body
  9. class subject related to numbers
  10. an environment that you have to be in to learn.
  11. people that you can talk to around.
  1. something you use to write with.
  2. the people around your classroom
  3. someone that teaches you.
  4. the subject you work on
  5. something enjoyable that's a school related.
  6. letter word that you get for a class.
  7. something put together for classwork.
  8. something you take by yourself
  9. class subject related to the past.
  10. time period where you eat.

21 Clues: the subject you work onsomeone that teaches you.time period where you eat.something that excuses you.most authority in the schoolsomething you take by yourselfsomething you use to write with.people that keep the campus safethe people around your classroomwork that you get after a class.class subject related to numbers...

school 2023-10-27

school crossword puzzle
  1. something to hold your school supplies
  2. a psychic object that you can read
  3. a small lockable closet that locks something
  4. Where students gather for lessons
  5. A place to borrow books and study
  6. A sport that involves catching and running
  7. an electron device to do school work
  8. someone educates students
  9. Something to write with
  10. an electron device to help student learn school Martiel
  1. to comforts students Durning school hours
  2. to tell the time
  3. a set of keys on a computer
  4. Physical activity to stay fit
  5. the head of a school
  6. Study of the natural world
  7. class Assignments to be done outside of school
  8. a surfaces that students can use to do their school work
  9. Interacting with friends
  10. A subject that has numbers

20 Clues: to tell the timethe head of a schoolSomething to write withInteracting with friendssomeone educates studentsStudy of the natural worldA subject that has numbersa set of keys on a computerPhysical activity to stay fitWhere students gather for lessonsA place to borrow books and studya psychic object that you can read...

school 2024-02-19

school crossword puzzle
  1. opehuone
  2. opinto-ohjaaja
  3. rehtori
  4. ruokala
  5. laskin
  6. kirja
  7. kirjasto
  8. siivooja
  9. talonmies
  10. läppäri
  11. liikuntasali
  12. teroitin
  1. oppilaat
  2. opettaja
  3. lyjykynä
  4. luokanvalvoja
  5. kynä
  6. vihko
  7. tabletti
  8. pyyhekumi
  9. kouluterveyden hoitaja
  10. luokkahuone
  11. koulun piha
  12. viivotin
  13. reppu
  14. wc

26 Clues: wckynävihkokirjareppulaskinrehtoriruokalaläppärioppilaatopehuoneopettajalyjykynätablettiviivotinkirjastosiivoojateroitinpyyhekumitalonmiesluokkahuonekoulun pihaliikuntasaliluokanvalvojaopinto-ohjaajakouluterveyden hoitaja

school 2024-02-27

school crossword puzzle
  1. time is fast then rush by if you don’t be lazy the bell will ring soon and it will end...
  2. once kicked out of class, 2 cousins ​​are a little crazy
  3. those who teach you
  4. he is studying in 11th grade
  5. where do they send you if you don't listen to the teacher?
  6. he doesn’t study with us but he’s in 12th grade and he has a brother here
  7. class where everything is about science
  8. he gets angry when we don’t obey him, we play uno, he’s a cool teacher, but he can kick him out into the hallway or send him to the office
  9. he is the brother of our classmate
  10. during class you sit and just do numbers and solve examples.
  11. you read it on Fridays and it is available in any language
  12. she frome me Mexico
  1. where they buy books and computers
  2. they might call you about it right in class and they might take it away from you
  3. you're sitting on it
  4. she sits next to me
  5. what do you write in class
  6. school bag
  7. what is the name of the lesson where even those who were born here learn English?
  8. put my briefcase there and went to class
  9. cheerful kid is studying in the 10th grade, goes to Miss Miller and has one brother at school
  10. what is it called when you've been talking for a long time and you go out with him
  11. he grede 12th
  12. the one who teaches you bad words in Russian

24 Clues: school baghe grede 12thshe sits next to meshe frome me Mexicoyou're sitting on itthose who teach youhe is studying in 11th gradewhat do you write in classwhere they buy books and computershe is the brother of our classmateclass where everything is about scienceput my briefcase there and went to class...

School 2024-08-29

School crossword puzzle
  1. Students hate doing this.
  2. Persons that learn something.
  3. It's something big that the teacher usually use.
  4. It's furniture that save your clothes.
  5. Subject that deals with numbers
  6. Furniture were students support their body.
  7. Person who help students with at information desk.
  8. You need this for organize your writings on P.
  9. Subject that explains what happened a lot of years.
  1. your writing material is inside that.
  2. A lot of students don't like do.
  3. You need this thing for do your homeworks.
  4. Where students do their work/learn.
  5. Person that teaches you a lot of things useful.
  6. Were you can wear your school material.
  7. It's one thing that help you to study.
  8. It's breakable and usefull for students and teachers.
  9. Master He runs the school.
  10. Only use the private highschool's.
  11. Noise that adverts you.

20 Clues: Noise that adverts you.Students hate doing this.Master He runs the school.Persons that learn something.Subject that deals with numbersA lot of students don't like do.Only use the private highschool's.Where students do their work/learn.your writing material is inside that.It's furniture that save your clothes.It's one thing that help you to study....

school 2024-04-25

school crossword puzzle
  1. One-fourth of a years term
  2. Sports or physical activities
  3. A structured argument, often in a formal setting
  4. Financial aid awarded to students for achievements
  5. Unwanted behavior among students to each other
  6. Someone who teaches students
  7. punishment where you stay after school
  8. Not showing up at all
  9. A ceremony marking the completion of studies
  10. A place where books and materials are available
  11. Someone who provides guidance or advice
  1. A display given to an audience
  2. One of two divisions of the academic year
  3. Student with the highest GPA in a graduating class
  4. A person who is studying at school or college
  5. Someone who provides extra help with learning
  6. A reference to a source of information
  7. A meal eaten in the middle of the day
  8. A building equipped for sports
  9. The act of learning for preparation
  10. A test of knowledge usually at the end of a period
  11. Not arriving on scheduled
  12. Often used in class for reference
  13. A formal dance event for high schoolers

24 Clues: Not showing up at allNot arriving on scheduledOne-fourth of a years termSomeone who teaches studentsSports or physical activitiesA display given to an audienceA building equipped for sportsOften used in class for referenceThe act of learning for preparationA meal eaten in the middle of the dayA reference to a source of information...

school 2024-04-29

school crossword puzzle
  1. leader of school
  2. what you sit on
  3. orange rod
  4. where you sit
  5. what the clock measures
  6. 7th period
  7. the room you learn
  8. uses ink
  9. pink rectangle
  10. smallest measurement of matter
  1. its like a ipad with a keyboard
  2. study of life
  3. uses addition
  4. the person who helps you when you get hurt
  5. food place
  6. our state
  7. exercise building
  8. the district
  9. food
  10. the place you go to

20 Clues: fooduses inkour statefood placeorange rod7th periodthe districtstudy of lifeuses additionwhere you sitpink rectanglewhat you sit onleader of schoolexercise buildingthe room you learnthe place you go towhat the clock measuressmallest measurement of matterits like a ipad with a keyboardthe person who helps you when you get hurt

School 2024-03-06

School crossword puzzle
  1. Paintbrushes
  2. dog hhh.
  3. Rasibg
  4. mascot
  5. hav fun
  6. Teaching
  7. Our speaker
  8. cooking time
  9. doing books
  10. Cut
  11. play notes
  1. big gag
  2. Fun times
  3. people
  4. Cfgg
  5. high
  6. xfggt
  7. fan
  8. After lunch
  9. transporting
  10. loved big
  11. Schuh
  12. vocab list
  13. supply
  14. food time

25 Clues: fanCutCfgghighxfggtSchuhpeopleRasibgmascotsupplybig gaghav fundog hhh.TeachingFun timesloved bigfood timevocab listplay notesAfter lunchOur speakerdoing booksPaintbrushestransportingcooking time

SCHOOL 2024-08-15

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. the practice of organizing and managing your time effectively
  2. tasks assigned to students to be completed outside of class
  3. an instrument for measuring time
  4. the act of being present at school or class
  5. a person enrolled in a school or college
  6. an organized list of things to be down
  7. a student who has completed their studies and received a degree
  8. a period of time when students can eat and relax
  9. an area where sports and physical activities are performed
  10. pertaining to education or scholarship
  11. a series of guidelines or instructions
  1. a subject focused on reading and analyzing literature
  2. a record of scores received in school
  3. a goal or purpose
  4. the first day of school after a long break
  5. a list of important points
  6. a written or printed test of knowledge
  7. a tool used for writing or drawing
  8. a long, narrow passage inside a building with rooms on both sides
  9. the person who leads a school
  10. a place where books are stored
  11. a formal written composition
  12. a course of study in a school

23 Clues: a goal or purposea list of important pointsa formal written compositionthe person who leads a schoola course of study in a schoola place where books are storedan instrument for measuring timea tool used for writing or drawinga record of scores received in schoola written or printed test of knowledgean organized list of things to be down...

SCHOOL 2024-08-01

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. A Place in school where you can play.
  2. You sit on this in a classroom
  3. The head of a school.
  4. A person who teaches students.
  5. You use this to erase mistakes.
  6. A group of students who study together.
  7. You use this to write.
  8. You take this to find out how much you know.
  9. A break from studying.
  10. write on this in a classroom.
  1. A place in school where you can borrow books.
  2. A book with a list of words and their meanings.
  3. A place in school where you can eat.
  4. a person who studies in a school.
  5. like math or science.
  6. A special event or activity at school.
  7. You use this to measure things
  8. A place where students learn.
  9. You do this at home after school.
  10. A room in a school where students have lessons

20 Clues: The head of a math or science.You use this to write.A break from studying.A place where students learn.write on this in a classroom.You sit on this in a classroomA person who teaches students.You use this to measure thingsYou use this to erase mistakes.a person who studies in a school.You do this at home after school....

school 2024-07-29

school crossword puzzle
  1. giving things out to other places
  2. where you make it
  3. how you make it
  4. how you tell it (not ad)
  5. investor
  6. ______ phone
  7. whats in your head
  8. i have an ____
  9. direct market (free)
  1. what you have
  2. greek thingy and brainrot
  3. how you promote it (ad)
  4. how much you make
  5. taking things from other places
  6. give something for money
  7. infostructure (free)
  8. trademark 2.0
  9. organization
  10. ad 3.0
  11. trademark
  12. where you sell something
  13. how much you make 2.0

22 Clues: ad 3.0investortrademark______ phoneorganizationwhat you havetrademark 2.0i have an ____how you make itwhere you make ithow much you makewhats in your headinfostructure (free)direct market (free)how much you make 2.0how you promote it (ad)how you tell it (not ad)give something for moneywhere you sell somethinggreek thingy and brainrot...

school 2021-04-28

school crossword puzzle
  1. a writing met
  2. leader of the school
  3. people who participate in education programs
  4. a place for teacher and headmaster
  5. a place to save a book, easer, marker, bag
  6. the place where students and teacher carry out the teaching and learning process
  7. a place for collections of textbooks and other resource books
  8. plywood sheets or paper containing the result of students creativity in written form (acronym in Indonesia)
  1. a place where students play and study during breaks
  2. to write something in whiteboard
  3. tools for writing
  4. a place used to sit
  5. to write something or as a tools of teaching
  6. a waste container for temporarily storing waste and is usually made out of metal or plastics
  7. people who educate
  8. a tools for underline
  9. red and white cloth as a symbol of the country
  10. to erase
  11. as a tool to read or write
  12. as place to save a tools of writing
  13. a place students to practice

21 Clues: to erasea writing mettools for writingpeople who educatea place used to sitleader of the schoola tools for underlineas a tool to read or writea place students to practiceto write something in whiteboarda place for teacher and headmasteras place to save a tools of writinga place to save a book, easer, marker, bag...

School 2022-11-04

School crossword puzzle
  1. its where we do our work.
  2. its our abscents & tardies.
  3. your writing utensil.
  4. its where we get books.
  5. its where we sit.
  6. its when your late.
  7. its what we get graded on.
  8. its an assembly for kids greatness.
  9. consequence when your bad.
  10. all your classes scores.
  11. its a break to eat.
  1. its where we learn.
  2. its your overall score for the year.
  3. its the person in charge.
  4. its what you use to check paper.
  5. its when your gone.
  6. where teachers write.
  7. its where assignments are.
  8. its who teaches us.
  9. its in the front of the school.

20 Clues: its where we sit.its where we learn.its when your gone.its when your late.its who teaches us.its a break to eat.where teachers write.your writing utensil.its where we get books.all your classes scores.its where we do our work.its the person in charge.its where assignments are.its what we get graded on.consequence when your bad....

SCHOOL 2022-11-04

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. quyển sách
  2. bức tranh
  3. móc treo
  4. tấm thảm
  5. bút mực
  6. cái tủ
  7. phòng vẽ
  8. cục gôm
  9. cái kệ
  10. máy tính
  11. môn toán
  12. cái ghế
  1. cái cửa
  2. cửa sổ
  3. áp phích
  4. cái bảng
  5. môn tiếng anh
  6. hộc tủ
  7. cái bàn
  8. hộp bút
  9. môn nhạc
  10. giáo viên
  11. trường học

23 Clues: cửa sổhộc tủcái tủcục gômcái kệcái cửamóc treocái bànbút mựchộp bútmôn toánmôn nhạccái ghếáp phíchcái bảngbức tranhtấm thảmphòng vẽmáy tínhgiáo viênquyển sáchtrường họcmôn tiếng anh

school 2022-09-28

school crossword puzzle
  1. friends
  2. student desk
  3. female teacher
  4. chair
  5. window
  6. calculator
  7. quiz
  8. walls
  9. notebook
  10. marker
  11. lockers
  12. pencils
  13. backpacks
  14. flag
  1. scissors
  2. door
  3. page
  4. classes
  5. homework
  6. bus
  7. boy
  8. book
  9. pencil sharpener
  10. big erasers
  11. newspaper
  12. schools
  13. folder
  14. clocks
  15. rulers
  16. pen

30 Clues: busboypendoorpagebookquizflagchairwallswindowmarkerfolderclocksrulersfriendsclassesschoolslockerspencilsscissorshomeworknotebooknewspaperbackpackscalculatorbig erasersstudent deskfemale teacherpencil sharpener

SCHOOL 2023-01-02

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. pupils
  2. exercise book
  3. glue
  4. pen
  5. scissors
  6. to learn
  7. rubber
  8. pencil
  9. ruler
  10. pencil case
  11. bell
  12. schoolbag
  13. friends
  1. breaktime
  2. binder
  3. to revise
  4. teacher (male)
  5. canteen
  6. blackboard
  7. principal

20 Clues: pengluebellrulerpupilsbinderrubberpencilcanteenfriendsscissorsto learnbreaktimeto reviseprincipalschoolbagblackboardpencil caseexercise bookteacher (male)

School 2019-07-29

School crossword puzzle
  1. lined booklet
  2. to draw straight lines
  3. people will use this during sports when their thirsty
  4. something to keep your page in a book
  5. a subject you learn vocabulary and reading
  6. all odd years do this
  7. to make a pencil lean on paper disappear
  8. who teachers students
  9. what do students sometimes right with
  10. what can you find in a school report
  1. what do you do at school
  2. what do people research on
  3. what object can people use with a computer
  4. something that can hold utensils
  5. a subject where you can make chemicals
  6. what do teachers and students use to lean on in class
  7. something you could find at the back of a book
  8. a class where you find numbers
  9. something teachers give you to do at home
  10. something with ink

20 Clues: lined bookletsomething with inkall odd years do thiswho teachers studentsto draw straight lineswhat do you do at schoolwhat do people research ona class where you find numberssomething that can hold utensilswhat can you find in a school reportsomething to keep your page in a bookwhat do students sometimes right with...

School 2019-11-20

School crossword puzzle
  1. seitse
  2. palun
  3. tänansind
  4. mind
  5. telefon
  6. punane
  7. Millinesegadus!
  8. kustukumm
  9. oi
  10. kuipalju?
  11. kaheksa
  12. topelt
  13. all
  14. parim
  1. kus
  2. tund
  3. kümme
  4. kunst
  5. muidugi
  6. õun
  7. aitama
  8. õpilaspäevik
  9. kott
  10. töövihik
  11. tuba
  12. mobiil
  13. joonlaud
  14. üheksa

28 Clues: oikusõunalltundmindkotttubapalunkümmekunstparimseitseaitamapunanemobiiltopeltüheksamuidugitelefonkaheksatöövihikjoonlaudtänansindkustukummkuipalju?õpilaspäevikMillinesegadus!

School 2020-10-15

School crossword puzzle
  1. un libro to read a book
  2. clase prefieres tú? What class do you prefer?
  3. smart
  4. gusta He/she likes
  5. escolar school year
  6. a los estudiantes to help students
  7. música to listen to music
  8. english
  9. dreams/hopes
  10. una película to watch a movie
  11. period
  12. volleyball
  1. física physical education
  2. biology
  3. happy
  4. es la maestra? Who is the teacher?
  5. gusta They like
  6. classes
  7. spanish
  8. gusta I like
  9. Wednesday

21 Clues: happysmartperiodbiologyclassesenglishspanishWednesdayvolleyballgusta I likedreams/hopesgusta They likegusta He/she likesescolar school yearun libro to read a bookfísica physical educationmúsica to listen to musicuna película to watch a moviees la maestra? Who is the teacher?a los estudiantes to help students...

School 2020-11-13

School crossword puzzle
  1. stołówka
  2. woźny
  3. ocena
  4. linijka
  5. gumka do ścierania
  6. przedszkole
  7. skończyć studia
  8. towarzystwo,stowarzyszenie
  9. prawo
  10. psychologia
  11. zapamiętywać
  12. pokój nauczycielski
  1. bibliotekarz
  2. pozalekcyjny
  3. żłobek
  4. school szkoła z internatem
  5. kreda
  6. rozkład,plan lekcji
  7. wykładowca
  8. cyrkiel

20 Clues: woźnykredaocenaprawożłobeklinijkacyrkielstołówkawykładowcaprzedszkolepsychologiabibliotekarzpozalekcyjnyzapamiętywaćskończyć studiagumka do ścieraniarozkład,plan lekcjipokój nauczycielskischool szkoła z internatemtowarzystwo,stowarzyszenie

school 2020-04-27

school crossword puzzle
  1. to write things in
  2. there the boss of the school
  3. they give you knowledge
  4. you need it to write
  5. there in the class with you
  6. gives you work to do at home
  7. you need it to go to google classroom
  8. helps you when you are sick
  9. you sit in it
  1. where the books are
  2. cleans up the school
  3. to stick paper in your journal
  4. to make sure everyone is present
  5. where you eat
  6. where you go to wash your hands
  7. bus takes you to school and home
  8. its in front of the whole classroom
  9. to hold your things
  10. where you exercise
  11. pick up parents pick you up

20 Clues: where you eatyou sit in itto write things inwhere you exercisewhere the books areto hold your thingsyou need it to writecleans up the schoolthey give you knowledgethere in the class with youpick up parents pick you uphelps you when you are sickthere the boss of the schoolgives you work to do at hometo stick paper in your journal...

School 2020-05-03

School crossword puzzle
  1. Why the heck did my mom follow suit!?!?!?!?
  2. Rubber and strings
  3. "What's up, Tale?"
  4. If you want a job in Canada, even with a wrench, you have to take this subject, even if you don't like ______.
  5. James always beats me in races
  6. A colourful rodent
  7. This lead me to my good mark
  8. This one isn't scary, but thinks they're funny.
  9. We "booed Mr." for being so bland
  10. Donald Trump missed this class!
  11. Like February, people screw it up
  12. Don't eat stinky Kippers on me
  1. I give everyone a second chance
  2. Clue plus brain equals answer
  3. Happy or sad, we are the champions of the school
  4. The center of a target is the bull's _____ and the center of that is the ______.
  5. A dog's favourite food
  6. Shakespeare liked savoury muffins
  7. Don't keep your EYEON the current Canadian economic state
  8. The king of the classroom
  9. Sometimes you have to force people to stay at the Large Inn

21 Clues: Rubber and strings"What's up, Tale?"A colourful rodentA dog's favourite foodThe king of the classroomThis lead me to my good markClue plus brain equals answerJames always beats me in racesDon't eat stinky Kippers on meI give everyone a second chanceDonald Trump missed this class!Shakespeare liked savoury muffinsWe "booed Mr." for being so bland...

School 2020-11-25

School crossword puzzle
  1. keemia
  2. üsna
  3. kiindumus
  4. kodutöö
  5. paarikauba
  6. koolitund
  7. seisma
  8. kool
  9. juures
  1. luule
  2. ajalugu
  3. tunniplaan
  4. eksam
  5. direktor
  6. trepp
  7. lollpea
  8. alla
  9. kogunemine
  10. paar
  11. õppeaine

20 Clues: üsnaallapaarkoolluuleeksamtreppkeemiaseismajuuresajalugulollpeakodutöödirektorõppeainekiindumuskoolitundtunniplaankoguneminepaarikauba

School 2021-09-21

School crossword puzzle
  1. Tells you the time
  2. notebook to be organized
  3. write on it to draw or work
  4. Separate paper
  5. Carry many things
  6. put your binders in it to go to school
  7. a person who directs the school
  8. Someone who studies at school
  9. Mainly used during maths
  10. Sharpens your pencil to be finer
  11. what you have to study in the page
  1. make perfect circles
  2. class papers used by everyone at school
  3. Covers your face during pandemic
  4. You need one for every classes
  5. projects screen on the board
  6. Without it your pencil is useless
  7. lights the class
  8. Deletes your mistakes
  9. work on a numerical object
  10. box bring your lunch to school in this
  11. stock your pencils
  12. teaches students to learn new things

23 Clues: Separate paperlights the classCarry many thingsTells you the timestock your pencilsmake perfect circlesDeletes your mistakesnotebook to be organizedMainly used during mathswork on a numerical objectwrite on it to draw or workprojects screen on the boardSomeone who studies at schoolYou need one for every classesa person who directs the school...

SCHOOL 2021-10-04

SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. ODPRI
  3. REŽI
  4. MIZA
  6. ZAPRI
  11. TABLA
  1. SEDI
  4. BERI
  5. STOL
  6. TORBA
  9. PIŠI
  10. LEPILO
  11. KULI


school 2021-02-08

school crossword puzzle
  1. relating to the running of a home or to family relations.
  2. an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.
  3. make minor changes in (a text) in order to make it fairer, more accurate, or more up-to-date.
  4. the body of persons that constitutes the governing authority of a political unit or organization: such as. a :
  5. a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
  6. the fact or state of being independent.
  7. forming a necessary base or core; of central importance.
  8. Review (in the UK) a procedure by which a court can review an administrative action by a public body and (in England) secure a declaration, order, or award.
  9. a real or imagined wrong or other cause for complaint or protest, especially unfair treatment.
  10. jeporady prohibits different prosecutions for the same offense.
  11. a minor change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation, etc.
  12. a formal or explicit statement or announcement.
  13. a formal discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward.
  14. (of people) gather together in one place for a common purpose.
  1. a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.
  2. an area of a country or city, especially one regarded as a distinct unit because of a particular characteristic.
  3. a group of people appointed for a specific function, typically consisting of members of a larger group.
  4. choose (someone) to hold public office or some other position by voting.
  5. the right of a government or its agent to expropriate private property for public use, with payment of compensation.
  6. assign a job or role to (someone).
  7. (especially in the US) charge (the holder of a public office) with misconduct.
  8. a person or thing regarded as perfect.
  9. having or relating to a system of government in which several states form a unity but remain independent in internal affairs
  10. of, by, or appropriate to a court or judge.
  11. having the power to put plans, actions, or laws into effect.
  12. an organization which consists of a number of parties or groups united in an alliance or league.
  13. an outward sign
  14. mention (a number of things) one by one.
  15. to unite or form a connection or relation between
  16. the action of defending from or resisting attack.

30 Clues: an outward signassign a job or role to (someone).a person or thing regarded as perfect.the fact or state of being independent.of, by, or appropriate to a court or judge.mention (a number of things) one by one.a formal or explicit statement or unite or form a connection or relation between...

school 2021-02-16

school crossword puzzle
  1. õpilaspäevik
  2. joonlaud
  3. topelt
  4. kustukumm
  5. parim
  6. tund
  7. töövihik
  8. õun
  9. pastapliiats
  10. aitama
  1. tark
  2. sinine
  3. kirjutama
  4. punane
  5. mobiil
  6. kunst
  7. kollane
  8. kott
  9. palju
  10. raamat
  11. kool
  12. lugema
  13. telefon
  14. pliiats

24 Clues: õuntarkkottkooltundkunstpaljuparimsininepunanemobiiltopeltraamatlugemaaitamakollanetelefonpliiatsjoonlaudtöövihikkirjutamakustukummõpilaspäevikpastapliiats

school 2021-03-08

school crossword puzzle
  1. a class were you can play instuments
  2. somthing you do at home
  3. a person who dose not like you
  4. the people the teacher teaches
  5. a thing you can read
  6. the place the teacher teaches
  7. a thing there is between classes
  8. i thing you write stuff on
  9. this language
  10. the person who teaches the class
  11. a thing you write on whith a pencil
  12. something you can write with
  13. the opposit of a whiteboard
  1. a thing used to write on blackboards
  2. the name of this crossword
  3. a class were you learn about humans and nature
  4. a thing you sit and learn at
  5. a class about numbers
  6. a place you can find books
  7. a thing used for mesuring
  8. something you can write with but can't erase
  9. something you can sit on
  10. i thing that can make pencil disappear
  11. a class were you do exsorcise
  12. friends from class
  13. the romantic language
  14. When you eat in school

27 Clues: this languagefriends from classa thing you can reada class about numbersthe romantic languageWhen you eat in schoolsomthing you do at homesomething you can sit ona thing used for mesuringthe name of this crossworda place you can find booksi thing you write stuff onthe opposit of a whiteboarda thing you sit and learn atsomething you can write with...

School 2021-03-30

School crossword puzzle
  1. Many schools have an animal __ that represents the school
  2. A pep __ is a time to celebrate school spirit
  3. A class that you choose in addition to the required ones
  4. Make sure this book bag is durable with comfortable straps
  5. Some students use a __ to keep track of their schedule and activities
  6. The study of people and cultures around the world: __ __
  7. A page with pre-printed activities or problems to solve
  8. Parents need to go the the __ and check in before visiting
  9. Spring, Summer, and Winter __ provides some time off
  10. Algebra, geometry, pre-calculus, etc.
  11. Teachers can use a projector, blackboard or __
  12. If you don't have a __ you may have to carry your books with you
  1. You may not be able to bring food, but you can usually bring a __ __
  2. It's important to __ for tests
  3. Chemistry, geology, biology, botany, are __ classes
  4. You can choose a foreign __ to study
  5. Your school may have __ machines with snacks or drinks
  6. Many classes make use of __ for coursework
  7. The student body __ is elected by and represents the students
  8. The study of people who shaped the present world
  9. The __ room may include soundproof practice rooms
  10. How you prove you know the material
  11. Learning how to take good __ is an important skill
  12. Buy or bring a lunch, but you'll probably eat in the __
  13. provides academic, career, college counseling and social-emotional support
  14. Take care of your __ or you may pay a fine

26 Clues: It's important to __ for testsHow you prove you know the materialYou can choose a foreign __ to studyAlgebra, geometry, pre-calculus, etc.Many classes make use of __ for courseworkTake care of your __ or you may pay a fineA pep __ is a time to celebrate school spiritTeachers can use a projector, blackboard or __...

school 2021-10-21

school crossword puzzle
  1. low
  2. sister kids
  3. dad dad
  4. cold
  5. dark
  6. warm
  7. another pet
  8. bug
  9. over house
  10. green
  11. night
  12. high
  13. colorful
  14. animal
  15. goofy
  16. wise
  1. under house
  2. boy
  3. women
  4. bug
  5. brothe kid
  6. girl
  7. dad
  8. pretty
  9. catch
  10. mom mom
  11. light
  12. wiser

28 Clues: lowboybugdadbugcolddarkwarmgirlhighwisewomencatchgreenlightnightwisergoofyprettyanimaldad dadmom momcolorfulbrothe kidover houseunder housesister kidsanother pet

School 2023-02-02

School crossword puzzle
  1. winter team sport
  2. state
  3. part of block 5
  4. who gives you new information
  5. a school color
  6. name of your school
  7. location of bleachers
  8. graduation month
  9. last block
  10. not a pen
  11. first thing in class
  12. local area
  1. put away during class
  2. like Algebra and geometry
  3. help after school
  4. students who have poms
  5. electronic learning tool
  6. like MCAS and Midterms
  7. a science subject
  8. a day off

20 Clues: statea day offnot a penlast blocklocal areaa school colorpart of block 5graduation monthwinter team sporthelp after schoola science subjectname of your schoolfirst thing in classput away during classlocation of bleachersstudents who have pomslike MCAS and Midtermselectronic learning toollike Algebra and geometrywho gives you new information

School 2023-01-19

School crossword puzzle
  1. end of lesson gauge of knowledge
  2. stars and stripes
  3. weeks per grading period
  4. contains ink
  5. ___experiment
  6. language of the US
  7. person in charge
  8. assignments
  9. vehicle used to transport students
  10. filled with books
  1. numbers subject
  2. punishment
  3. designated area for lunch
  4. where teachers teach
  5. kids
  6. pop___
  7. indicator that class is over
  8. A,B,C,D,F
  9. high tech board
  10. contains graphite

20 Clues: kidspop___A,B,C,D,Fpunishmentassignmentscontains ink___experimentnumbers subjecthigh tech boardperson in chargestars and stripescontains graphitefilled with bookslanguage of the USwhere teachers teachweeks per grading perioddesignated area for lunchindicator that class is overend of lesson gauge of knowledgevehicle used to transport students

school 2023-03-02

school crossword puzzle
  1. many colored markers
  2. writing in
  3. to keep stuff in
  4. to type math problems in
  5. to sit with friends
  6. to put chemicals in
  7. to keep food in
  8. to let people know who you are
  9. to keep certain things together
  10. to read
  11. to write in 2-3 colors on paper
  12. to sit in
  13. to keep water in
  14. to keep pencil from dull
  1. to get rid of mistakes
  2. to write with
  3. to listen to music
  4. to draw with
  5. the world
  6. to keep supplies in
  7. the measure things
  8. to mark something important
  9. to cut paper
  10. to stick things together
  11. to carry stuff around
  12. to keep stuff on paper
  13. to write expo on
  14. gluing stuff in
  15. many colors

29 Clues: to readthe worldto sit inwriting inmany colorsto draw withto cut paperto write withto keep food ingluing stuff into keep stuff into write expo onto keep water into listen to musicthe measure thingsto keep supplies into sit with friendsto put chemicals inmany colored markersto carry stuff aroundto get rid of mistakesto keep stuff on paper...

school 2023-02-15

school crossword puzzle
  1. Someone you are related to.
  2. Brave
  3. A pathway
  4. What we go to courts for
  5. There is a show called "_______ Wars"
  6. Work together
  7. Stamp
  8. A green food that is like lettuce, Popular food in Ireland.
  9. Scared
  10. In Minecraft, there is a _______.
  11. Another word for smart
  12. A green food that is grown in Italy, Greece, and Spain.
  13. I'm am a ________ person.
  1. Something you learn to talk like Irish or Spanish.
  2. ______ Americans used to live in Colorado
  3. Verbs, nouns, _________, adverb.
  4. A trip on a boat
  5. Someone who hates someone.
  6. A searcher for a mystery
  7. Picture
  8. Chase is an above-_______ kid.
  9. A product provided to a customer
  10. Family background
  11. Someone learning a skill.

24 Clues: BraveStampScaredPictureA pathwayWork togetherA trip on a boatFamily backgroundAnother word for smartWhat we go to courts forA searcher for a mysterySomeone learning a skill.I'm am a ________ person.Someone who hates someone.Someone you are related to.Chase is an above-_______ kid.Verbs, nouns, _________, adverb.A product provided to a customer...

school 2023-03-14

school crossword puzzle
  1. Is said to watch through ravens
  2. The worst war that had ever occurred in the story
  3. Men who channel this power always go mad and die
  4. What Fain is called by
  5. “The destruction of everything” supposedly caused by Lews Therin Telamon
  6. A mysterious era of myths and legends
  7. Epithet of the commander of the forces of Light.
  8. The title that Nynaeve holds
  1. A valley called the “heart of the shadow”
  2. The first character to appear in the story
  3. Number of times the people all gather during a year in the Two Rivers
  4. Titular artifact
  5. The location the first part of the story takes place
  6. Lews Therin Telamon’s side
  7. Protagonist
  8. Festival marking the beginning of spring
  9. An entertainer that travels from place to place
  10. The Dark One’s side
  11. Author of the book
  12. Book number in the series

20 Clues: ProtagonistTitular artifactAuthor of the bookThe Dark One’s sideWhat Fain is called byBook number in the seriesLews Therin Telamon’s sideThe title that Nynaeve holdsIs said to watch through ravensA mysterious era of myths and legendsFestival marking the beginning of springA valley called the “heart of the shadow”...