school Crossword Puzzles
school 2023-10-12
22 Clues: Duits • Spaans • fysica • chemie • Grieks • Engels • Latijn • wiskunde • biologie • kleuters • techniek • economie • directeur • Nederlands • cheerleader • geschiedenis • wetenschappen • aardrijkskunde • derdejaarsstudent • tweedejaarsstudent • eerstejaarsstudent • laatstejaarsstudent
School 2024-09-27
21 Clues: - klasė • - lenta • - pamoka • - testas • - klijai • - žodynas • - dalykas • - mokinys • - istorija • - užduotis • - liniuotė • - valgykla • - egzaminas • - pertrauka • - trintukas • - klausimas • - atsakymas • - mokytojas • - geografija • - namų darbai • - skaičiuotuvas
School 2024-09-30
- , Condition of not being found
- , Public disturbance
- , an impression
- , Very confused
- , politely refuse
- , To keep information in the mind
- fear of spiders
- - Irrelevant or unnecessary
- , Where toothpaste is stored
- , Fear of not having a phone
- , Team up with
- , Something you do to prepare for a test
- show something that is usually hidden or covered up
- Not very often
- , Violence or extreme disorder
- , States of being generally hated
- , Unpleasent suprise
- , Not in use like a machine at rest
- Feeling of acute embarrassment or awkwardness
- - Very mindful , very . . .
- Black part in the middle of your eye
- , To be full of yourself is to be
- Group of people surrounding an important person
- , The naming of a thing or action by imitation of sounds
- Expressing a lively ,cheerful and self confident manner
- , Enthusiastic or very interested
- Building in which the bodies of dead people are burned at a funeral ceremony.
- , Relating to the emission of ionizing radiation or particles
- , dark or poorly lit
- Synonym for show off
- Having to do with sound
- , Central part of the earth
- - Spend time aimlessly
- , apparation or double of a living person
- Deliberately make someone angry
- , Act of rotating rapidly.
- , To order authoritively
- Belonging to present time
- - Totally delicious or delightful
39 Clues: , Team up with • Not very often • , an impression • , Very confused • fear of spiders • , politely refuse • , Public disturbance • , dark or poorly lit • Synonym for show off • , Unpleasent suprise • - Spend time aimlessly • Having to do with sound • , To order authoritively • Belonging to present time • , Act of rotating rapidly. • , Central part of the earth • - Irrelevant or unnecessary • ...
school 2024-10-04
- It is on the wall in Geography classroom.
- We use paints at this lesson.
- It is a lesson at school.
- We use it to look new words.
- Your pens and pencils in it.
- We can sing at this lesson.
- We use it in Art with brushes.
- We use it for problems in Maths.
- We can learn about the past.
- We use a dictionary at this lesson.
- We use laptops and computers at this lesson..
- We use it at Computer Studies lesson.
- You use it to clean paper after pencil.
- A teacher says "Bonjour" at this lesson.
- We can play football at this lesson.
- We use it to cut paper.
- We can use a calculator at this lesson.
- We can learn about different countries.
- We use it for Maths lesson.
- We put them on our feet at P.E. lesson.
20 Clues: We use it to cut paper. • It is a lesson at school. • We use it for Maths lesson. • We can sing at this lesson. • We use it to look new words. • Your pens and pencils in it. • We can learn about the past. • We use paints at this lesson. • We use it in Art with brushes. • We use it for problems in Maths. • We use a dictionary at this lesson. • We can play football at this lesson. • ...
School 2016-04-15
24 Clues: плюс • минус • сдать • ученик • сердце • вопрос • пример • экзамен • деление • задание • сложить • вычитать • классный • сложение • повторять • провалить • сочинение • вычитание • равняться • готовиться • пить, напиток • ответ, отвечать • перемена, перерыв • контрольная работа
School 2015-11-24
- You learn about animals and our world.
- A time when you don't have to go to school.
- You learn about numbers.
- You have your second breakfast in it.
- You can learn about English words you don't know when you read it.
- You learn about past.
- A long hall next to classrooms.
- You write lesson topic in it.
- A book you learn from.
- You do it before the test.
- There are two in school year.
- A subject when you draw and paint.
- You sing and learn about instruments.
- You use them in Art class.
- First day of the weekend.
- You can play outside there.
- You cut things with them.
- A place where you learn with your teacher.
- You can put your books there, but it isn't a bag.
- A place where you can learn after classes.
- When you go somewhere with your class.
- A place where head teacher works.
- A short time between lessons.
23 Clues: You learn about past. • A book you learn from. • You learn about numbers. • First day of the weekend. • You cut things with them. • You use them in Art class. • You do it before the test. • You can play outside there. • You write lesson topic in it. • A short time between lessons. • There are two in school year. • A long hall next to classrooms. • A place where head teacher works. • ...
school 2015-09-29
- cloth
- place where we stay
- class that plays song.. etc
- Fther of whaleshark
- principal
- son of Mr.Davis
- english teacher(male)
- kind of card
- initial of Young hoon International middle school
- book that use at school
- something we need to write
- in girl in 1-4(start with choi and with In)
- vice principal
- supermarket that Younghoon students love
- math teaacher
- silly girl in 1-4 A( start with Han end with Hee)
- Homeroom teacher of 1-4(Korean)
- place that has lots of sand
- school name
- place that we can read books
20 Clues: cloth • principal • school name • kind of card • math teaacher • vice principal • son of Mr.Davis • place where we stay • Fther of whaleshark • english teacher(male) • book that use at school • something we need to write • class that plays song.. etc • place that has lots of sand • place that we can read books • Homeroom teacher of 1-4(Korean) • supermarket that Younghoon students love • ...
School 2017-02-10
- (headmaster at higher secondary school)
- uniform
- gym
- cloakroom
- socks
- playground
- skirt
- canteen
- library
- lockers
- shirt
- headmaster's office
- I wear
- shoes
- science lab
- menagers home economics
- woodwork
- Irish
- Music
- staffroom
- accounting
- French
- kitchen
- English
- terrain de foot
- I study
- classroom
- deputy head
- trousers
- blouse
- clothes
- ( headmaster at lower secondary school)
- jumper
33 Clues: gym • Irish • Music • socks • skirt • shirt • shoes • French • I wear • blouse • jumper • uniform • kitchen • canteen • English • library • I study • lockers • clothes • woodwork • trousers • cloakroom • staffroom • classroom • playground • accounting • deputy head • science lab • terrain de foot • headmaster's office • menagers home economics • (headmaster at higher secondary school) • ( headmaster at lower secondary school)
School 2017-02-10
- jumper
- clothes
- skirt
- canteen
- library
- uniform
- accounting
- socks
- gym
- trousers
- headmaster's office
- shoes
- lockers
- Irish
- menagers home economics
- kitchen
- I wear
- (headmaster at higher secondary school)
- terrain de foot
- woodwork
- Music
- I study
- staffroom
- deputy head
- cloakroom
- ( headmaster at lower secondary school)
- playground
- classroom
- shirt
- science lab
- English
- blouse
- French
33 Clues: gym • Music • skirt • socks • shirt • shoes • Irish • jumper • blouse • French • I wear • clothes • I study • canteen • library • uniform • English • lockers • kitchen • woodwork • trousers • staffroom • cloakroom • classroom • accounting • playground • deputy head • science lab • terrain de foot • headmaster's office • menagers home economics • ( headmaster at lower secondary school) • (headmaster at higher secondary school)
School 2017-02-10
- uniform
- English
- headmaster's office
- socks
- shirt
- accounting
- classroom
- playground
- trousers
- kitchen
- library
- ( headmaster at lower secondary school)
- I study
- menagers home economics
- clothes
- (headmaster at higher secondary school)
- staffroom
- woodwork
- science lab
- shoes
- skirt
- deputy head
- cloakroom
- gym
- jumper
- lockers
- French
- Irish
- Music
- canteen
- I wear
- blouse
- terrain de foot
33 Clues: gym • shoes • socks • skirt • shirt • Irish • Music • jumper • French • I wear • blouse • uniform • English • lockers • canteen • kitchen • library • I study • clothes • woodwork • trousers • staffroom • cloakroom • classroom • accounting • playground • science lab • deputy head • terrain de foot • headmaster's office • menagers home economics • (headmaster at higher secondary school) • ( headmaster at lower secondary school)
School 2017-02-10
- Irish
- accounting
- science lab
- ( headmaster at lower secondary school)
- English
- shirt
- skirt
- (headmaster at higher secondary school)
- headmaster's office
- woodwork
- lockers
- I wear
- cloakroom
- I study
- kitchen
- socks
- uniform
- library
- gym
- jumper
- terrain de foot
- canteen
- trousers
- shoes
- classroom
- playground
- deputy head
- Music
- menagers home economics
- French
- clothes
- blouse
32 Clues: gym • Irish • shoes • Music • shirt • skirt • socks • jumper • French • I wear • blouse • library • canteen • English • clothes • lockers • I study • kitchen • uniform • trousers • woodwork • classroom • cloakroom • accounting • playground • science lab • deputy head • terrain de foot • headmaster's office • menagers home economics • ( headmaster at lower secondary school) • (headmaster at higher secondary school)
SCHOOL 2017-11-15
- The period between two lessons.
- The assignment the teacher gives you to be completed at home.
- It is the place you can have lunch at school.
- You have your Daily physical exercise here.
- The children you attend the same class.
- Optional activities after the lessons are over at school.
- The lady who organizes the life of a school and responsible for everything.
- A kind of school for children between the ages of 6 and 14.
- A 45-minute period at school.
- All the disciplines you study at school.
- Languages others than your mother tongue.
- This is summer time for students.
- The subject giving you a good physical exercise.
- Young kids learn how to use a fork and knife and how to do up their shoelaces besides playing a lot.
- The kind of teacher who is the head of a class.
- You can study here after finishing the secondary school.
- The final examination at the end of a secondary school.
- A kind of four-year school after the primary school.
- The main activity students do at school.
- The book you study from at school.
- The discipline about computers.
21 Clues: A 45-minute period at school. • The period between two lessons. • The discipline about computers. • This is summer time for students. • The book you study from at school. • The children you attend the same class. • All the disciplines you study at school. • The main activity students do at school. • Languages others than your mother tongue. • ...
School 2018-09-13
- keskiarvo
- lukukausi
- luokkakaverit
- We have four ___ in our school year.
- oppia
- ammattioppilaitos
- päättötodistus
- lukio (America)
- opiskella
- pakollinen aine
- I'm in the ninth _____.
- I always do my ____ right after school.
- I was ____ from school yesterday.
- rangaista
- läpäistä koe
- Käydä koulua
- valinnainen
- keskiverto
- Our _____ last 45 minutes.
- valmistua
- koulualue
- todistus
- ei pääse läpi, reputtaa
- lukujärjestys
- Our ____ are 25 minutes long.
- I never ____ school (pinnata)
- There are 20 ___ in my class.
27 Clues: oppia • todistus • keskiarvo • lukukausi • valmistua • koulualue • opiskella • rangaista • keskiverto • valinnainen • Käydä koulua • läpäistä koe • luokkakaverit • lukujärjestys • päättötodistus • lukio (America) • pakollinen aine • ammattioppilaitos • ei pääse läpi, reputtaa • I'm in the ninth _____. • Our _____ last 45 minutes. • Our ____ are 25 minutes long. • I never ____ school (pinnata) • ...
School 2013-05-23
- Vul aan: op de radio is een kuikentje en het kuiken ...
- Wie van de klas heeft er een restaurant?
- Nieuwste X box
- Hier schrijf je mee en kan je weg gommen
- Waarop kan je zowel typen als spelen?
- Het land waar juf Kris nu is
- Daar koop je brood
- Welke seizoen is het nu?
- Plaats op school waar jullie spelen
- Kleinste meisje van de klas
- Meisje uit M5 met de langste voornaam
- Eerste kleur van de Belgische vlag
- Dier met zwarte en witte vlekken
- Hier is M5 naar op schoolreis geweest
- Hoeveel kinderen zitten er in M5?
- Juf van klas M4
- Vul aan: na regen komt ...
- School waar je volgend jaar naartoe gaat
- Dier dat achter muizen loopt
- Zus van gul
- De grootste jongen van de klas
- Het geluid dat honden maken
- Plaats op school waar jullie eten
23 Clues: Zus van gul • Nieuwste X box • Juf van klas M4 • Daar koop je brood • Welke seizoen is het nu? • Vul aan: na regen komt ... • Het geluid dat honden maken • Kleinste meisje van de klas • Dier dat achter muizen loopt • Het land waar juf Kris nu is • De grootste jongen van de klas • Dier met zwarte en witte vlekken • Hoeveel kinderen zitten er in M5? • Plaats op school waar jullie eten • ...
School 2013-05-24
- grammatica
- klaslokaal
- wetenschappen
- meetkunde
- frans
- directeur
- schooljaar
- engels
- wiskunde
- muziek
- talen
- scheikunde
- pauze
- bureau
- woordenboek
- biology
- tekenen
- universiteit
- diploma
- leraar
- potlood
- examen
- klas
- aardrijkskunde
- algebra
- liniaal
- straf
- papier
- inkt
- woordenschat
- student
- rekenmachine
- duits
- kunst
- geschiedenis
- rooster
- vakantie
- kantine
- voorbeeld
- vak
- leerling
- nederlands
42 Clues: vak • klas • inkt • straf • frans • duits • talen • kunst • pauze • examen • papier • engels • muziek • bureau • leraar • algebra • liniaal • student • rooster • kantine • biology • tekenen • diploma • potlood • wiskunde • vakantie • leerling • meetkunde • directeur • voorbeeld • grammatica • klaslokaal • schooljaar • scheikunde • nederlands • woordenboek • woordenschat • rekenmachine • geschiedenis • universiteit • wetenschappen • aardrijkskunde
School 2014-01-07
- daar maak je sommen in
- de school waar je nu bent
- daar leer je uit
- einde/begin van de les
- les over wat er vroeger allemaal is gebeurd
- krijg je aan het einde van het trimester
- modern schoolbord
- de enige die staat in plaats van zit (in de klas)
- wanneer je welke les hebt
- plek voor dingen die je niet in je tas wil hebben
- les over de wereld
- krijg je voor een toets
- voor schrijfgerei
- voor als je je eten vergeet
- tijd tussen je lesuren in
- toets die 3x meetelt
- wat je niet in de klas afkrijgt
- voor je boeken en andere spullen
- waar je les krijgt
- hiermee maak je je schrift vol
20 Clues: daar leer je uit • voor schrijfgerei • modern schoolbord • les over de wereld • waar je les krijgt • toets die 3x meetelt • daar maak je sommen in • einde/begin van de les • krijg je voor een toets • de school waar je nu bent • tijd tussen je lesuren in • wanneer je welke les hebt • voor als je je eten vergeet • hiermee maak je je schrift vol • wat je niet in de klas afkrijgt • ...
School 2014-04-27
school 2014-11-18
- Met welke zintuig ruik je?
- In welke les komen veel cijfers voor?
- Waar heb je les in?
- Waar is de grooste doelgroep waar men voor kan zorgen?
- Waar woonden de meeste ouderen boven de 65+?
- Wat moet je hebben in de zorg?
- Met deze zinuig kan je zien?
- Wie geven er les aan leerlingen?
- Waar hebben leerlingen hekel aan om te maken thuis?
- Wanneer kan je een individuele gesprek hebben met je slber?
- Hoe heet het als je ergens als leerling komt en je leert in de praktijk?
- Met welke zintuig proef je ?
- dit krijg je tussen de lessen door.
- Wat hebben gehandicapten mensen?
- welke kleur heeft zuurstofrijk bloed?
- Wie volgen de opleiding?
- Wat moet je doen als iemand een hardstilstand krijgt?
- Wat krijg ouderen als je vlocht in de benen hebben?
- Andere word voor lestijd?
- Wat hebben ouderen in hun mond als ze hun eigen tanden niet meer hebben.
20 Clues: Waar heb je les in? • Wie volgen de opleiding? • Andere word voor lestijd? • Met welke zintuig ruik je? • Met welke zintuig proef je ? • Met deze zinuig kan je zien? • Wat moet je hebben in de zorg? • Wat hebben gehandicapten mensen? • Wie geven er les aan leerlingen? • dit krijg je tussen de lessen door. • welke kleur heeft zuurstofrijk bloed? • ...
School 2014-05-07
- you learn to add there
- you use the computer there
- where you change your clothes
- you skate there
- the person who cleans the school
- when you rest
- where you swim
- you learn about gravity
- where you take care of business
- where you eat
- takes you to school
- where you lift weights
- you write notes in there
- subject where you sweat
- the teacher writes on it
- guides students
- you learn russian there
- you learn about stuff that happened a while back
- where you experiment
- somebody who is taught
20 Clues: where you eat • when you rest • where you swim • guides students • you skate there • takes you to school • where you experiment • where you lift weights • you learn to add there • somebody who is taught • subject where you sweat • you learn russian there • you learn about gravity • you write notes in there • the teacher writes on it • you use the computer there • where you change your clothes • ...
School 2014-05-07
- place where you can swim
- place where you study
- human who is the most important
- human who tech you
- when you rest
- you teach with it
- you put your books in it
- you right for it
- big test
- people who study in school
- you have to wear it in school
- place where you can do your things
- where you lift weights
- where you eat
- you drive on it to school
- you study on it
- teacher right on it
- the person who clean the school
- human who give you coal pills
- hover where you learn numbers
20 Clues: big test • where you eat • when you rest • you study on it • you right for it • you teach with it • human who tech you • teacher right on it • place where you study • where you lift weights • place where you can swim • you put your books in it • you drive on it to school • people who study in school • you have to wear it in school • human who give you coal pills • hover where you learn numbers • ...
SCHOOL 2014-10-28
20 Clues: eigo • chiri • gakkou • ongaku • kagaku • kamoku • taiiku • bijutsu • gijutsu • rekishi • nihongo • suugaku • tanoshii • kibishii • omoshiroi • muzukashii • tsumaranai • ichiban sukina • studies shakai • economics kateika
school 2015-01-28
21 Clues: koulu • vihko • oppia • lounas • laskin • luokka • läksyt • vastaus • kysymys • projekti • kirjasto • opettaja • historia • sanakirja • tietokone • oppitunti • maantieto • kirjahylly • matematiikka • map maailmankartta • kirjoituspöytä/pulpetti
School 2021-09-24
- In school, the dress code ____________ girls wearing tank tops.
- had to get my teachers ___________ to leave school early.
- Some kids don't have many friends so they sit in ________ areas for school lunch.
- Teachers need to ________ themselves of the idea that we should have homework on the weekends.
- school staff make sure to have __________ rules about how we should act while we are at school.
- a kid has to take on their parents responsibilities, it can be very _______ and overwhelming.
- I always _________ myself when I start to struggle with my school work.
- Some of the rooms in the school are really small and some are very _________.
- It would be against _______ to come to school naked.
- I finally started watering my plants correctly, I noticed they started to _______.
- My teacher ____________ looked at me when I skipped class.
- For our CER on coral bleaching, we need to ___________ our claim on what is causing coral bleaching.
- The couples in this school can be very ____________ and it's gross.
- Most of the kids in this school appear to be ____________.
- our assignment was to __________ the mistake for each sentence.
- have come to find that most people at school are just miserable and _______.
- The work that my algebra teacher gives never __________ me.
- The girls ______ the cafeteria bathroom between classes.
- Coming back to school made me realize that the kids here can be very ____________.
- I was so dehydrated that my face had a ________ look and I ended up passing out.
- Instead of taking the shortcut to school, we took the __________ route.
- When I don´t like a teacher, their lessons become very _________ to me.
- We had to make a precise _________ for our school project.
- After a long debate, the class finally came to a _________.
- Sometimes, I can be ________ when it comes to showing up to class on time.
25 Clues: It would be against _______ to come to school naked. • The girls ______ the cafeteria bathroom between classes. • had to get my teachers ___________ to leave school early. • Most of the kids in this school appear to be ____________. • We had to make a precise _________ for our school project. • My teacher ____________ looked at me when I skipped class. • ...
SCHOOL 2021-10-05
- What you must do before you sit in class
- The best moment when you are hungry
- A friend who is your class
- Where you meet your friends at breaktime
- Up or down you need them to get to class
- The boys and the girls in a school
- The man who is at the top of the school
- You need to have it to work in class
- If you don’t you will be late
- They are the guards of the discipline
- If you do it in test, you can get into big trouble
- This is where you can meet the headmaster.
- Not in the morning but after.
- If you like reading you will find many books here.
- Definitely the best moment of the school year
- They last 55 minutes
- The reason why you go to school
- English and history are my favourite!
- If you like sport, you will like this room
- A place that leads to the classrooms
20 Clues: They last 55 minutes • A friend who is your class • Not in the morning but after. • If you don’t you will be late • The reason why you go to school • The boys and the girls in a school • The best moment when you are hungry • You need to have it to work in class • English and history are my favourite! • A place that leads to the classrooms • ...
School 2021-10-05
20 Clues: élève • stylo • livre • veste • agenda • chaise • crayon • écouter • chemise • cravate • français • histoire • déjeuner • pantalon • uniforme • surligneur • récréation • professeur • sac d'école • emploi du temps
School 2021-09-22
- you say the this every morning
- you use it to eat your salad
- where you exercise
- you ask permission to use it
- a place where you eat
- where you run the mile
- you play soccer
- you use to eat soup
- must wash your hand with
- you do this to get your lunch
- you use it to cut your food
- your classroom
- a tall place to place a flag
- you must drink this during the day
- where you go to come inside the school
- towel you dry your hands with this
- something you can see outside
- this is around the school
- to enter the classroom
- you go up and down
- a place where you put your food
- you use it to clean your mouth after eating
- building the place where the secretaries work
23 Clues: your classroom • you play soccer • where you exercise • you go up and down • you use to eat soup • a place where you eat • where you run the mile • to enter the classroom • must wash your hand with • this is around the school • you use it to cut your food • you use it to eat your salad • a tall place to place a flag • you ask permission to use it • something you can see outside • ...
School 2022-03-07
- When you are completely done with school
- Where games are played and Physical Education is taught
- Shows what is on the teacher's laptop to the screen
- People who learn
- How kids get to school
- Holds all of your school needs
- Where you can put your bag and other stuff
- Assigned almost daily in a lot of classes
- Used to boost our computers' batteries
- How teachers used to show examples and teach
- Class that teaches about elements
- Where you sit and do work
- Item that gets written on the most
- Makes up the periodic table
- A popular drawing tool for kids
- Tool used for correcting
- Used to get rid of mistakes
- Holds a lot of information
- Versatile Drawing Utensil
- The class that deals with numbers and letters
- used to judge understanding of courses
- Utensil that was used to teach students
- Type of paper used a lot in math
- Person who teaches
- Tool used to measure
- Teachers use this to show examples and teach
- Most common tool for writing
- The break period usually after lunch
- Where most of the school work is done
- Where you eat lunch
30 Clues: People who learn • Person who teaches • Where you eat lunch • Tool used to measure • How kids get to school • Tool used for correcting • Versatile Drawing Utensil • Where you sit and do work • Holds a lot of information • Makes up the periodic table • Used to get rid of mistakes • Most common tool for writing • Holds all of your school needs • A popular drawing tool for kids • ...
School 2022-04-21
- class for history
- what you use to write
- class for drawing and painting
- what you write your work on
- class for lab and chemicals
- class for exercise
- time to go outside or in and play
- class for instruments or voice
- what you use to get rid of writing
- class for the human mind
- work to do outside of school
- class for drivers
- what you carry your things in
- read to know what classes you have
- class for tech work
- what you use to stick things
- class for shape measurment
- what you use to measure
- time to eat food
- class for body science
- what you carry your lunch in
- class for instruments
- class for voice arts or singing
- what you use to find information
- time to study
- class for numbers
- class for writing and reading
- what you write notes in
28 Clues: time to study • time to eat food • class for history • class for numbers • class for drivers • class for exercise • class for tech work • what you use to write • class for instruments • class for body science • what you use to measure • what you write notes in • class for the human mind • class for shape measurment • what you write your work on • class for lab and chemicals • ...
School 2022-09-03
20 Clues: note • colle • élève • carte • stylo • casier • cahier • bureau • manuel • ciseaux • devoirs • tableau • histoire • classeur • sac à dos • professeur • ordinateur • surligneur • bibliothèque • salle de classe
School 2022-09-17
- There are nine in Patio 2
- Place where you can play
- The place where Mrs Allix works
- Person who helps with your future job
- Place where you can have PE
- Where you can rest if you are ill
- Place where you can read
- Mrs Allix's job
- Mr Daurian's job
- Place where you can work
- Place Where you can do sport
- People who clean the tables
- Mrs Hodeau
- Mrs Bochet's job
- Mrs Blanvillain's job
- Place where you can eat
- They prepare lunch
- Pedro's job
- Mrs Michel
- Mrs Clerc's job
20 Clues: Mrs Hodeau • Mrs Michel • Pedro's job • Mrs Allix's job • Mrs Clerc's job • Mrs Bochet's job • Mr Daurian's job • They prepare lunch • Mrs Blanvillain's job • Place where you can eat • Place where you can work • Place where you can play • Place where you can read • There are nine in Patio 2 • People who clean the tables • Place where you can have PE • Place Where you can do sport • ...
SCHOOL 2022-10-07
- the key to success
- word for pupils
- manners man
- place to provide resources for education, information, and personal development (such as book)
- English is my favourite
- in trouble, your teacher will send you to this person
- you need in order to write
- we do with our brain
- short period of time during the school day that students can rest
- need to get good SPM grade to get into your dream
- pass with flying: to be extremely successful, to achieve something that is difficult, to excel
- a school a place
- facial expression in which the eyes brighten and the corners of the mouth curve slightly upward
- to or acting against bullying
- is the
- formal test of a person's knowledge or proficiency in a subject or skill
- schoolwork that a pupil is required to do at home
- person who teaches at school
- we look forward to meet at school
- area of knowledge that is studied in
- Thank You demonstrates appreciation and
21 Clues: is the • word for pupils • a school a place • the key to success • manners man • we do with our brain • English is my favourite • you need in order to write • person who teaches at school • to or acting against bullying • we look forward to meet at school • area of knowledge that is studied in • Thank You demonstrates appreciation and • ...
School 2021-04-05
20 Clues: tool • laud • tund • aken • pinal • tahvel • arvuti • võimla • õpilane • õpetaja • pliiats • töövihik • joonlaud • koolikott • kustukumm • klassiroom • sülearvuti • õpilaspäevik • inglise keel • klassijuhataja
School 2021-03-30
- Many schools have an animal __ that represents the school
- A pep __ is a time to celebrate school spirit
- A class that you choose in addition to the required ones
- Make sure this book bag is durable with comfortable straps
- Some students use a __ to keep track of their schedule and activities
- The study of people and cultures around the world: __ __
- A page with pre-printed activities or problems to solve
- Parents need to go the the __ and check in before visiting
- Spring, Summer, and Winter __ provides some time off
- Algebra, geometry, pre-calculus, etc.
- Teachers can use a projector, blackboard or __
- If you don't have a __ you may have to carry your books with you
- You may not be able to bring food, but you can usually bring a __ __
- It's important to __ for tests
- Chemistry, geology, biology, botany, are __ classes
- You can choose a foreign __ to study
- Your school may have __ machines with snacks or drinks
- Many classes make use of __ for coursework
- The student body __ is elected by and represents the students
- The study of people who shaped the present world
- The __ room may include soundproof practice rooms
- How you prove you know the material
- Learning how to take good __ is an important skill
- Buy or bring a lunch, but you'll probably eat in the __
- provides academic, career, college counseling and social-emotional support
- Take care of your __ or you may pay a fine
26 Clues: It's important to __ for tests • How you prove you know the material • You can choose a foreign __ to study • Algebra, geometry, pre-calculus, etc. • Many classes make use of __ for coursework • Take care of your __ or you may pay a fine • A pep __ is a time to celebrate school spirit • Teachers can use a projector, blackboard or __ • ...
school 2021-07-25
- Top Disney fan
- pages and pages
- c’è
- also not our music teacher
- Wears 2 hats
- also teaches outside
- Loves football
- Nuu
- sewing queen
- Loves bike riding
- ???
- we are happy he’s here
- Works in the office
- not related
- has bunnies
- Pal of a Prince
- surprisingly now our music teacher
- teaches outside
- Sings with 3 across
- Bev
- rrronaaa
- puts on a show
- teaches our little ones
- takes care of all of us
- Carmen
25 Clues: c’è • Bev • Nuu • ??? • Carmen • rrronaaa • not related • has bunnies • Wears 2 hats • sewing queen • Top Disney fan • Loves football • puts on a show • Pal of a Prince • pages and pages • teaches outside • Loves bike riding • Works in the office • Sings with 3 across • also teaches outside • we are happy he’s here • teaches our little ones • takes care of all of us • also not our music teacher • ...
school 2021-05-07
- is one of you need if you want to erase the writing on the white board
- is the king of the classroom
- is the teachers place when the break time
- you put your books in it
- where you go to wash your hand
- is a person following a course of study
- its who make us learn
- that things you can sit on school
- is one of thins when we need to write
- where the teacher write
- place where you study
- you write something in English class
- hand if you want to answer the question
- is the free time to you get eat
- place where you eat in school
- is learn about numbers
- is one of the things for read
- you can learn about English words
- is something you do at home
- is a place you can find full of books
20 Clues: its who make us learn • place where you study • is learn about numbers • where the teacher write • you put your books in it • is something you do at home • is the king of the classroom • place where you eat in school • is one of the things for read • where you go to wash your hand • is the free time to you get eat • you can learn about English words • ...
school 2021-05-08
- private school clothes
- the head of the school
- school work which you do at home
- you learn about body parts in the subject _______
- teaches you stuff at school
- a subject where you learn about the world
- a room where you exercise and it makes you sweat
- a marker for a whiteboard
- you write stuff on it and is made from trees
- you put your stuff in it and take to school
- a place you sit in at school
- a room where you play music
- we do painting in this subject called ___
- a room where the teacher teaches students
- erasable board which you can write stuff on
- something that contains lead
- colored ink in a tube
- you mark school work with it
- colored wax
- you usually do this kind of work with a partner
- store school supplies in it
- a subject which you do division in
- if you put science,math,art together it makes __
- printed school work
- made of rubber
25 Clues: colored wax • made of rubber • printed school work • colored ink in a tube • private school clothes • the head of the school • a marker for a whiteboard • store school supplies in it • teaches you stuff at school • a room where you play music • something that contains lead • you mark school work with it • a place you sit in at school • school work which you do at home • ...
School 2021-05-01
- to pointed pencils
- to save books
- have some colors
- small and rectangular, to keep pencil
- it rings when recess and after school
- written information posted on the board
- a two-way tackle
- black and rectangle
- only be written in marker
- long, black and white used to write in whiteboard
- have many shapes
- red and white, used to cover up graffiti on paper
- usually detachable cover
- symbol of our country
- electronic devices that have a system
- small and white
- writing or drawing something with it
- a device for measuring time
- hexagonal shape
- a device for measuring
20 Clues: to save books • small and white • hexagonal shape • have many shapes • have some colors • a two-way tackle • to pointed pencils • black and rectangle • symbol of our country • a device for measuring • usually detachable cover • only be written in marker • a device for measuring time • writing or drawing something with it • electronic devices that have a system • ...
School 2020-11-19
- Students use pens or _______ too write
- A subject students learn at school.
- Raining cats and dogs mean its raining ______.
- People use their ____ too see.
- You use this to find definitions of a certain word.
- ______ grow in the garden.
- People use ________ too log in too laptops.
- A piece of good drawing.
- The time students don't have too go too school.
- You use this thing to rub out mess that is made by a pencil.
- A object you put your crunch 'n' sip, recess and lunch in.
- A object you use too fill and drink liquid.
- Wear a school _____ too school.
- Ever student needs too go too ______.
- Wear a school _______ too school.
- People sit on this
- Students use this too get too school.
- A object you put your work in.
- You use this too see the world.
- A place at school students go too buy treats.
- You draw on _____.
- A schoolwork students have too do at home.
- Every student needs too wear a enclosed _____ too school.
- A baby is ______.
- A machine you use to copy things on paper.
- Students learn in a _________.
- A pin is _____.
- Free time you get too eat.
- Students use _____ too go too excursions.
- A thing made of paper and leather that you read.
- You put trash into a ___.
- Wear a ____ under a shoe.
- An activity you do at school which you get active.
- You have too wear a ___ under the sun.
34 Clues: A pin is _____. • A baby is ______. • You draw on _____. • People sit on this • A piece of good drawing. • You put trash into a ___. • Wear a ____ under a shoe. • ______ grow in the garden. • Free time you get too eat. • People use their ____ too see. • Students learn in a _________. • A object you put your work in. • You use this too see the world. • Wear a school _____ too school. • ...
School 2022-09-24
- Schedule of classes
- You have to stay after school as a form of punishment
- Part of the school where students gather during break
- When you receive your degree for completing your education
- Used to cut things
- To study by heart
- A student in the 1st year of university
- A device for fastening together sheets of paper
- Man in charge of the school = headmaster
- Room where all the teachers gather during break = the ... room
- Device used to make small holes in a sheet of paper = a hole ...
- To erase your mistakes
- A pen with real ink = a ... pen
- Hard cover with metal rings inside used to hold loose sheets of paper
- Subject where you can prepare acids
- The teacher takes ... at the beginning of class
- To measure an angle in maths
- He passed his exams with flying ...= with ease and high grades
- Subject where you use a map of the world
- You draw a line with it
- You practice sports in this course = ... education
- Device used in maths to draw perfect circles = a pair of ...
- You first have to make a ... version of your text before you start with the final version
- To mark important text
- Another word for task, homework
25 Clues: To study by heart • Used to cut things • Schedule of classes • To mark important text • To erase your mistakes • You draw a line with it • To measure an angle in maths • Another word for task, homework • A pen with real ink = a ... pen • Subject where you can prepare acids • A student in the 1st year of university • Subject where you use a map of the world • ...
School 2022-10-28
- Happening everyday
- Physical Education
- The most famous allergy
- Argue and present evidence for a case or opinion. Done with two or more sides.
- Short for mathematics
- "Oh my god / gosh / goodness!"
- "The court will take a 15 minute ____"
- Charge of a neutron
- Term for older people born before 1960. Used extremely generously by kids
- Used to describe something with a sleek, modern design. Mostly used for technology.
- The most popular scientist in the Western world. German descent.
- Spinning plastic toy with a band around your finger
- An act of tricking a victim into doing something dumb for the sake of entertainment. Used for popularity.
- The area where the genetic material for a eukaryotic cell is stored.
- Most populated country
- Sounds the same, but spelled differently than the occupation of Washington and Adams. Rule or norm.
- "Don't show this in school!"
- Adenine bonds with ____.
- Smallest building block of life. Contains organelles.
- Social media site, clock sound
- Ten to the power of 12
- Similar to, but not quite like integrity
- Include ___
- "But mom, I want an iPhone, not an _____!"
24 Clues: Include ___ • Happening everyday • Physical Education • Charge of a neutron • Short for mathematics • Most populated country • Ten to the power of 12 • The most famous allergy • Adenine bonds with ____. • "Don't show this in school!" • "Oh my god / gosh / goodness!" • Social media site, clock sound • "The court will take a 15 minute ____" • Similar to, but not quite like integrity • ...
School 2016-04-10
20 Clues: мел • стул • стол • клей • сумка • доска • краски • ученик • кабинет • словарь • ножницы • учитель • резинка • учебник • тетрадь • линейка • карандаш • столовая • компьютер • цветные карандаши
School 2019-04-01
- How many restrooms do we have
- What is Mr. Ross' favorite food
- What type of food do hot lunch people get every Wednesday
- Arts What class does Mrs. Taylor teach
- What is the secretary's last name
- Technology Teachers last name?
- What does the S stand for in STEM
- What type of Christianity are we
- Johnson Who teaches P.E.
- Which teacher gives out the most silent lunches
- Who is the principale
- Who teaches spanish
- What class does Mr. Pichette teach
- Who teaches library
- What are one of the colors of the school
- Which sport is played during the winter
- What sport is played in the spring
- How many times do we have to come to school
- Country Which sport requires running
- What class does Mr. Wilhelm teach on Monday and Tuesday
20 Clues: Who teaches spanish • Who teaches library • Who is the principale • Johnson Who teaches P.E. • How many restrooms do we have • Technology Teachers last name? • What is Mr. Ross' favorite food • What type of Christianity are we • What is the secretary's last name • What does the S stand for in STEM • What class does Mr. Pichette teach • What sport is played in the spring • ...
School 2019-10-17
- Shows what time is it
- Used for sticking objects or materials together
- A pencil made of wax
- A large board used by teachers in schools for writing on
- An instrument for writing or drawing with graphite core and wood case
- A flat length of wood or rigid material, attached to a wall
- A piece of soft rubber or plastic used to cancel something written
- A thin sheet used for writing, drawing, or printing
- A piece of furniture at which one can read, write, or do other work
- bag A bag used by students for carrying books
- A small book with blank or ruled pages for writing notes in
- Shows the days, weeks, and months of a year
- A white soft material for writing or drawing
- A seat with a back and four legs for one person only
- Used to cut paper
- An open, boxlike compartment or cupboard used by children for storage
- Represents an area of land or sea
- An instrument for writing or drawing with ink
- A piece of cloth attached at one edge to a pole
- Used to draw straight lines or measure distances
20 Clues: Used to cut paper • A pencil made of wax • Shows what time is it • Represents an area of land or sea • Shows the days, weeks, and months of a year • A white soft material for writing or drawing • bag A bag used by students for carrying books • An instrument for writing or drawing with ink • Used for sticking objects or materials together • ...
SCHOOL 2019-12-16
school 2020-04-23
- You throw rubbish into it.
- You have your food in it.
- You have your pencils in it.
- You wipe it out.
- You color with them.
- You play with your friends in it.
- You drink from it.
- There you do you homework.
- You sit by it.
- You get it for school.
- You sit on it.
- You make straight lines with it.
- You cut and paste with it.
- You write with it
- You tip your pencils with it.
- you have it on your bag.
- You learn from them.
- You read in them.
- You play with them.
- The teacher write on it.
- You cut with them.
21 Clues: You sit by it. • You sit on it. • You wipe it out. • You write with it • You read in them. • You cut with them. • You drink from it. • You play with them. • You learn from them. • You color with them. • You get it for school. • you have it on your bag. • The teacher write on it. • You have your food in it. • You throw rubbish into it. • You cut and paste with it. • There you do you homework. • ...
School 2020-04-19
- An event for the 1st day of school
- You use this to write in class
- You are studying this now
- You study history in this subject
- You play sports in this subject
- You use numbers in this subject
- You write in this to study
- You study PE here
- You use this to cut things in class
- You use this to carry your textbooks
- You practice writing kanji with a brush
- An event for 3rd graders finishing school
- You go here when you feel sick
- You read books here
- You study the world in this subject
- You study here with your class
- You read this to learn
- You make beautiful things in this subject
- You study kanji in this subject
- You practice singing in this subject
20 Clues: You study PE here • You read books here • You read this to learn • You are studying this now • You write in this to study • You go here when you feel sick • You use this to write in class • You study here with your class • You play sports in this subject • You use numbers in this subject • You study kanji in this subject • You study history in this subject • ...
school 2020-05-14
- use a keyboard and the internet
- learning new songs, maybe playing instruments
- the boss of the school
- go to the church for this
- a time to eat some food
- people you like to play with at recess or lunch time
- bonjour mon amie
- used to correct a mistake
- a short break for a snack and activity
- learning new games, playing different sports
- where students meet with the teacher
- working with numbers
- students read these
- draw a straight line
- large group singing songs
- doing a talk in class
- place to have fun climbing,sliding,swinging
- person who organizes what you learn
- being able to say words printed in a book
- draw or print with these
20 Clues: bonjour mon amie • students read these • working with numbers • draw a straight line • doing a talk in class • the boss of the school • a time to eat some food • draw or print with these • large group singing songs • go to the church for this • used to correct a mistake • use a keyboard and the internet • person who organizes what you learn • where students meet with the teacher • ...
School 2020-11-24
20 Clues: wc • paar • üsna • trepp • eksam • tagasi • keemia • ajalugu • õppeaine • naeratus • matsutama • jahe,lahe • lõunasöök • kogunemine • nunnu,armas • matemaatika • lollpea,tobu • prantsuse keel • kodused ülesanded • järjekorras seismas
School 2023-05-15
21 Clues: test • exam • binder • folder • answer • grades • library • reading • student • question • keyboard • notebook • classroom • yardstick • vocabulary • protractor • whiteboard • dictionary • intelligent • highlighter • mathematics
School 2023-02-07
- play online games
- the main boss of the school
- where you go to learn
- where the whole school goes to have meetings
- drawing
- what you write on
- experiments
- where your teacher writes on
- our past
- you workout
- you learn about your body
- what you write in
- who you learn from
- who goes to school
- where you learn to play instruments
- does your math for you
- what you write with
- play with your friends outside
- addition and subtraction
- where a student sits
20 Clues: drawing • our past • you workout • experiments • what you write in • play online games • what you write on • who you learn from • who goes to school • what you write with • where a student sits • where you go to learn • does your math for you • addition and subtraction • you learn about your body • the main boss of the school • where your teacher writes on • play with your friends outside • ...
School 2023-06-25
- It is a writing instrument used to write and draw.
- It is a piece of furniture where students sit and work.
- It is a place filled with books and resources for reading and research.
- lab It is a room with computers for students to learn and work on digital tasks.
- It is a measuring tool used to draw straight lines.
- It is a large board used by teachers to write and explain lessons.
- It is a bag used to carry books and school supplies.
- room It is a space where students engage in creative art projects.
- bus It is a vehicle that transports students to and from school.
- class It is a room where students learn and practice music.
- It is a dining area where students have their meals.
- It is a spherical model of the Earth used to study geography.
- It is a large hall used for sports and physical education classes.
- They are knowledgeable individuals who guide students in their education.
- It is an outdoor area with equipment for children to play and have fun.
- It is a device used for mathematical calculations.
- They are written materials that contain information and stories.
- It is a room where students gather to learn and study.
- lab It is a room equipped with tools and equipment for scientific experiments.
- field It is an open area used for various sports and physical activities.
20 Clues: It is a writing instrument used to write and draw. • It is a device used for mathematical calculations. • It is a measuring tool used to draw straight lines. • It is a dining area where students have their meals. • It is a bag used to carry books and school supplies. • It is a room where students gather to learn and study. • ...
School 2023-07-13
- A language commonly spoken in Spain
- An object, A thing, A place or a human
- You learn about songs
- The thing that is less than a number
- You ADD 2 or more numbers together
- Basically 31 but pen
- Another thing that is less than a number just simplified
- The thing to make sure your here in the class
- The time where you get to relax from work in the morning
- The subject with numbers
- The year 6 production where you learn you lines to say on stage
- The place where you play at lunch
- You draw stuff
- You colour things with this
- Here is a calculation: 3 something 5 equals 15
- They describe a noun
- You cut with this
- The thing thats at the end of a sentence
- The subject where you learn about different countries
- The "doing" word
- You draw with this
- The subject where you exercise
- You learn about molocules and cO2
- The thing in math where you do calculations using numbers and letters
- A language commonly spoken in the UK
- That one day in the summer when its different houses competing in races
- You measure thing with this
- The place where you can eat
- The subject where you go back in time to learn stuff
- They explain how the verb is done
- The subject where you learn religous things
- Here is another calculation : 3 something 3 equals 1
- You stick things with this
- You SUBTRACT 2 or more numbers from each other
- The place where you play at break
- The subject where you learn about mental health
- You write with this
- A language commonly spoken in France
- THE word THAT usually come before A noun
- The time when you get to eat in school
- The subject wear we write stories and use verbs and adjectives
- You Design Things
- A storage thing for your utensils
- The time where you come into an assembly and learn about Jesus
- This is computer learning
- You hang your bag and coat here
46 Clues: You draw stuff • The "doing" word • You Design Things • You cut with this • You draw with this • You write with this • Basically 31 but pen • They describe a noun • You learn about songs • The subject with numbers • This is computer learning • You stick things with this • You measure thing with this • The place where you can eat • You colour things with this • The subject where you exercise • ...
School 2022-12-13
- A subject with spelling.
- A group of students.
- A divider of skills to learn.
- Something to write on with a marker.
- An assignment to do at home.
- A subject with landscapes and culture.
- A subject with the study of anything, really.
- Something to write at and store items.
- A place where students learn.
- This projects the computer's image.
- A subject with books.
- Something that you write with that uses led.
- Something to write on with chalk.
- Someone who teaches the skills.
- This allows students to do work online.
- A subject with the past.
- Something to write with that uses ink.
- Something to sit on.
- Someone who learns the skills.
- Scores on homework, assignments, tests, etc.
- A subject with numbers.
21 Clues: A group of students. • Something to sit on. • A subject with books. • A subject with numbers. • A subject with spelling. • A subject with the past. • An assignment to do at home. • A divider of skills to learn. • A place where students learn. • Someone who learns the skills. • Someone who teaches the skills. • Something to write on with chalk. • This projects the computer's image. • ...
school 2023-12-06
- what you would use to describe monkeys
- tyrease favorite genre
- andrews social life
- the person to the right
- andrews dad
- mathews parents
- what people first notice about andrew
- another name for andrew
- andrews favorite game
- joshs favorite activity
- what andrew will never have
- andrews main feature
- his lover
- andrews grades
- tyrease is
- what mathew is
- the line at kfc
- andrew is
- person who is fat and short
- what andrew does behind closed doors
20 Clues: his lover • andrew is • tyrease is • andrews dad • andrews grades • what mathew is • mathews parents • the line at kfc • andrews social life • andrews main feature • andrews favorite game • tyrease favorite genre • joshs favorite activity • the person to the right • another name for andrew • what andrew will never have • person who is fat and short • what andrew does behind closed doors • ...
School 2023-12-11
- You learn about nature in this class
- This is the sixth hour of the day
- The opposite of fun
- The opposite of hard
- You need to do this before a test
- You need a dictionary for this class
- This is the time you have a class
- You need this item for math
- This is the first hour of the day
- The opposite of boring
- You use numbers in this subject
- You use a lot of computers
- you learn about the past in this class
- You learn a new language in this class
- You use this to define words
- this is what you have throughout the day
- You eat in this period
- You draw in this class
- This is work you do at home
- This class is the one you enjoy the most
- the opposite of easy
21 Clues: The opposite of fun • The opposite of hard • the opposite of easy • You eat in this period • You draw in this class • The opposite of boring • You use a lot of computers • This is work you do at home • You need this item for math • You use this to define words • You use numbers in this subject • This is the sixth hour of the day • You need to do this before a test • ...
School 2023-12-11
- You learn about nature in this class
- This is the sixth hour of the day
- The opposite of fun
- The opposite of hard
- You need to do this before a test
- You need a dictionary for this class
- This is the time you have a class
- You need this item for math
- This is the first hour of the day
- The opposite of boring
- You use numbers in this subject
- You use a lot of computers
- you learn about the past in this class
- You learn a new language in this class
- You use this to define words
- this is what you have throughout the day
- You eat in this period
- You draw in this class
- This is work you do at home
- This class is the one you enjoy the most
- the opposite of easy
21 Clues: The opposite of fun • The opposite of hard • the opposite of easy • You eat in this period • You draw in this class • The opposite of boring • You use a lot of computers • This is work you do at home • You need this item for math • You use this to define words • You use numbers in this subject • This is the sixth hour of the day • You need to do this before a test • ...
School 2023-12-01
- cell phone
- student(girl)
- classmate(girl)
- backpack
- high school
- school
- schedule
- pen
- bookstore
- paper
- table
- tablet
- trimester;quarter
- test;exam
- classmate(boy)
- subject
- clock;watch
- pencil
- course
- computer
- map
- calculator
- chair
- marker
- black/white board
- chalk
- door
- house
- desk
- book
- library
- class
- stapler
- eraser
- semester
- student(boy)
- window
- nurses office
- cafeteria
- trash can
- stadium
- fancy pen
- dictionary
- quiz
- pen
- university;college
- wastebasket
- quiz
- phone
- gym
50 Clues: pen • pen • map • gym • door • desk • book • quiz • quiz • house • class • paper • table • chair • phone • chalk • school • eraser • window • tablet • pencil • course • marker • library • stapler • stadium • subject • backpack • schedule • semester • computer • bookstore • test;exam • cafeteria • trash can • fancy pen • cell phone • dictionary • calculator • high school • clock;watch • wastebasket • student(boy) • student(girl) • nurses office • classmate(boy) • classmate(girl) • ...
School 2023-12-17
20 Clues: тест • стул • пенал • дверь • парта • ручка • школа • книга • ученик • рюкзак • ластик • линейка • учитель • тетрадь • карандаш • одноклассник • кабинет, класс • домашняя работа • классная работа • домашнее задание
School 2024-01-16
- measuring tool
- school work you do at home
- what do you do in school?
- tool for writing
- look at words and understand them
- what you do with your brain?
- person who plans lessons amd helps you learn
- subject in which you learn about numbers
- place where books are kept
- tools for coloring
- used to stick papers together
- people you like being around
- subject when you learn about songs and instrument
- Item used for clear whiteboard
- afternoon meal
- another word for quiz
- what do you take to school everyday?
- Students usually have this in every last semester
- place where students learn
- book with blank page for writing
20 Clues: measuring tool • afternoon meal • tool for writing • tools for coloring • another word for quiz • what do you do in school? • school work you do at home • place where students learn • place where books are kept • people you like being around • what you do with your brain? • used to stick papers together • Item used for clear whiteboard • book with blank page for writing • ...
School 2023-09-01
- amazing teacher
- likes anything with meat on it
- basket ball finatic
- somthing we sit on
- somthing thats next to us alot
- ligheter match stick
- mans best frined
- match stick
- very good person
- volley ball player
- likes mountain bikes
- best suburd in perth
- somthing that we wright with
- haxker
- even lighter match stick
- white thing teacher works on
- very tasty
- somthing that takes my breath away
- something that keeps rain from us
- bad thing for 6 hours a day
20 Clues: haxker • very tasty • match stick • amazing teacher • mans best frined • very good person • somthing we sit on • volley ball player • basket ball finatic • best suburd in perth • ligheter match stick • likes mountain bikes • even lighter match stick • bad thing for 6 hours a day • somthing that we wright with • white thing teacher works on • likes anything with meat on it • ...
School 2023-09-05
21 Clues: изо • ручка • пенал • книга • доска • атлас • рюкзак • музыка • ластик • точилка • история • тетрадь • блокнот • линейка • карандаш • география • расписание • английский язык • физическая культура • Technology информатика • наука (биология+физика+химия)
SCHOOL 2023-09-19
25 Clues: τάξη • γόμα • στυλό • μολύβι • γλώσσα • χάρτης • ξύστρα • βιβλίο • μαθητής • Γαλλικά • μουσική • χάρακας • Ιστορία • Αγγλικά • πίνακας • δάσκαλος • τετράδιο • Γερμανικά • Γεωγραφία • μαθηματικά • γυμναστική • πληροφορική • καλλιτεχνικά • case κασετίνα • σχολική τσάντα
School 2023-09-26
- What do students carry on their back?
- Stiff is my spine and my body is pale, but I'm always ready to tell a tale.
- I make the world brighter. I am used whenever you annotate.
- You use me whenever you make a mistake. Whenever I am used, I get all over the table.
- You use me for all your classes, you write your notes there and store important information.
- You use me for most of your assignments and you can break me.
- I used to be the main source of all news. You're reading me right now.
- I have keys that can be used to open windows, you look at my screen and I give you most of the answers to your questions.
- I am in all of your classrooms. Teachers use me daily. I am not an electronic device.
- I sit on the wall, I tick and tock.
- I can be used to color/write. Sometimes, I am washable.
- I am a household item, but not a clock. I beat paper, but never rock.
- You use me to write, but cannot erase once you have written.
- Another word for instructor.
- You might have me hung up in your room, I can be a picture or full of information.
- When used, I am spun around. My existence puts a map of the whole world on display.
- You put paper inside of me and I am not a folder.
- You walk in and out of me and there are desks.
- You look at me to review for a test
- Basically your "job" at school.
20 Clues: Another word for instructor. • Basically your "job" at school. • I sit on the wall, I tick and tock. • You look at me to review for a test • What do students carry on their back? • You walk in and out of me and there are desks. • You put paper inside of me and I am not a folder. • I can be used to color/write. Sometimes, I am washable. • ...
School 2023-10-01
- in this lesson we use only a computer
- it stores documents
- with the help of this person we gain knowledge
- is the main person in the school
- with this we draw
- in it you carry notebooks
- you sit on it
- with the help of this item we write on the board
- in this lesson we study the structure of a living organism
- is what we get at school
- we write on it
- we hang clothes on it
- with the help of this lesson we will explore the world
- hang on the walls
- with this you measure
- education, we are using this to prepare for the army
- with the help of this subject we carry out calculations
- you study with them
- with this you cut something
- with this you wash
- where you give marks
- with this we write
- with the help of this subject we gain knowledge
- are what we get for working in class
- there they collect documents related to the organization
- case we store pens in it
- on this lesson we create something
- is where we store books
- with this you sharpen pencils
29 Clues: you sit on it • we write on it • hang on the walls • with this we draw • with this you wash • with this we write • it stores documents • you study with them • where you give marks • with this you measure • we hang clothes on it • is where we store books • case we store pens in it • is what we get at school • in it you carry notebooks • with this you cut something • with this you sharpen pencils • ...
School 2024-02-15
- angličtina
- filatelistický kroužek
- obědový balíček
- fotografický kroužek
- přestávka
- hudební kroužek
- žák
- kroužek
- tělocvična
- tělocvik
- matematika
- přírodní vědy
- čeština
- dějepis
- náboženství
- třídní učitel
- zeměpis
- spolužák
- školní jídelna
- dramaťák
- fyzika
- přírodopis
- informatika
- výtvarná výchova
- třída
- přestávka na oběd
- němčina
- hudební výchova
- chemie
32 Clues: VKO • ČSP • VKZ • žák • třída • fyzika • chemie • zeměpis • kroužek • němčina • čeština • dějepis • spolužák • dramaťák • tělocvik • přestávka • angličtina • přírodopis • tělocvična • matematika • informatika • náboženství • třídní učitel • přírodní vědy • školní jídelna • obědový balíček • hudební kroužek • hudební výchova • výtvarná výchova • přestávka na oběd • fotografický kroužek • filatelistický kroužek
school 2023-10-27
- people that keep the campus safe
- most authority in the school
- something that excuses you.
- class subject related to physical sports.
- class subject related to language
- area where you can attend your needs.
- work that you get after a class.
- class subject related to plant or body
- class subject related to numbers
- an environment that you have to be in to learn.
- people that you can talk to around.
- something you use to write with.
- the people around your classroom
- someone that teaches you.
- the subject you work on
- something enjoyable that's a school related.
- letter word that you get for a class.
- something put together for classwork.
- something you take by yourself
- class subject related to the past.
- time period where you eat.
21 Clues: the subject you work on • someone that teaches you. • time period where you eat. • something that excuses you. • most authority in the school • something you take by yourself • something you use to write with. • people that keep the campus safe • the people around your classroom • work that you get after a class. • class subject related to numbers • ...
school 2023-10-27
- something to hold your school supplies
- a psychic object that you can read
- a small lockable closet that locks something
- Where students gather for lessons
- A place to borrow books and study
- A sport that involves catching and running
- an electron device to do school work
- someone educates students
- Something to write with
- an electron device to help student learn school Martiel
- to comforts students Durning school hours
- to tell the time
- a set of keys on a computer
- Physical activity to stay fit
- the head of a school
- Study of the natural world
- class Assignments to be done outside of school
- a surfaces that students can use to do their school work
- Interacting with friends
- A subject that has numbers
20 Clues: to tell the time • the head of a school • Something to write with • Interacting with friends • someone educates students • Study of the natural world • A subject that has numbers • a set of keys on a computer • Physical activity to stay fit • Where students gather for lessons • A place to borrow books and study • a psychic object that you can read • ...
school 2024-02-19
26 Clues: wc • kynä • vihko • kirja • reppu • laskin • rehtori • ruokala • läppäri • oppilaat • opehuone • opettaja • lyjykynä • tabletti • viivotin • kirjasto • siivooja • teroitin • pyyhekumi • talonmies • luokkahuone • koulun piha • liikuntasali • luokanvalvoja • opinto-ohjaaja • kouluterveyden hoitaja
school 2024-02-27
- time is fast then rush by if you don’t be lazy the bell will ring soon and it will end...
- once kicked out of class, 2 cousins are a little crazy
- those who teach you
- he is studying in 11th grade
- where do they send you if you don't listen to the teacher?
- he doesn’t study with us but he’s in 12th grade and he has a brother here
- class where everything is about science
- he gets angry when we don’t obey him, we play uno, he’s a cool teacher, but he can kick him out into the hallway or send him to the office
- he is the brother of our classmate
- during class you sit and just do numbers and solve examples.
- you read it on Fridays and it is available in any language
- she frome me Mexico
- where they buy books and computers
- they might call you about it right in class and they might take it away from you
- you're sitting on it
- she sits next to me
- what do you write in class
- school bag
- what is the name of the lesson where even those who were born here learn English?
- put my briefcase there and went to class
- cheerful kid is studying in the 10th grade, goes to Miss Miller and has one brother at school
- what is it called when you've been talking for a long time and you go out with him
- he grede 12th
- the one who teaches you bad words in Russian
24 Clues: school bag • he grede 12th • she sits next to me • she frome me Mexico • you're sitting on it • those who teach you • he is studying in 11th grade • what do you write in class • where they buy books and computers • he is the brother of our classmate • class where everything is about science • put my briefcase there and went to class • ...
School 2024-08-29
- Students hate doing this.
- Persons that learn something.
- It's something big that the teacher usually use.
- It's furniture that save your clothes.
- Subject that deals with numbers
- Furniture were students support their body.
- Person who help students with at information desk.
- You need this for organize your writings on P.
- Subject that explains what happened a lot of years.
- your writing material is inside that.
- A lot of students don't like do.
- You need this thing for do your homeworks.
- Where students do their work/learn.
- Person that teaches you a lot of things useful.
- Were you can wear your school material.
- It's one thing that help you to study.
- It's breakable and usefull for students and teachers.
- Master He runs the school.
- Only use the private highschool's.
- Noise that adverts you.
20 Clues: Noise that adverts you. • Students hate doing this. • Master He runs the school. • Persons that learn something. • Subject that deals with numbers • A lot of students don't like do. • Only use the private highschool's. • Where students do their work/learn. • your writing material is inside that. • It's furniture that save your clothes. • It's one thing that help you to study. • ...
school 2024-04-25
- One-fourth of a years term
- Sports or physical activities
- A structured argument, often in a formal setting
- Financial aid awarded to students for achievements
- Unwanted behavior among students to each other
- Someone who teaches students
- punishment where you stay after school
- Not showing up at all
- A ceremony marking the completion of studies
- A place where books and materials are available
- Someone who provides guidance or advice
- A display given to an audience
- One of two divisions of the academic year
- Student with the highest GPA in a graduating class
- A person who is studying at school or college
- Someone who provides extra help with learning
- A reference to a source of information
- A meal eaten in the middle of the day
- A building equipped for sports
- The act of learning for preparation
- A test of knowledge usually at the end of a period
- Not arriving on scheduled
- Often used in class for reference
- A formal dance event for high schoolers
24 Clues: Not showing up at all • Not arriving on scheduled • One-fourth of a years term • Someone who teaches students • Sports or physical activities • A display given to an audience • A building equipped for sports • Often used in class for reference • The act of learning for preparation • A meal eaten in the middle of the day • A reference to a source of information • ...
school 2024-04-29
- leader of school
- what you sit on
- orange rod
- where you sit
- what the clock measures
- 7th period
- the room you learn
- uses ink
- pink rectangle
- smallest measurement of matter
- its like a ipad with a keyboard
- study of life
- uses addition
- the person who helps you when you get hurt
- food place
- our state
- exercise building
- the district
- food
- the place you go to
20 Clues: food • uses ink • our state • food place • orange rod • 7th period • the district • study of life • uses addition • where you sit • pink rectangle • what you sit on • leader of school • exercise building • the room you learn • the place you go to • what the clock measures • smallest measurement of matter • its like a ipad with a keyboard • the person who helps you when you get hurt
School 2024-03-06
25 Clues: fan • Cut • Cfgg • high • xfggt • Schuh • people • Rasibg • mascot • supply • big gag • hav fun • dog hhh. • Teaching • Fun times • loved big • food time • vocab list • play notes • After lunch • Our speaker • doing books • Paintbrushes • transporting • cooking time
SCHOOL 2024-08-15
- the practice of organizing and managing your time effectively
- tasks assigned to students to be completed outside of class
- an instrument for measuring time
- the act of being present at school or class
- a person enrolled in a school or college
- an organized list of things to be down
- a student who has completed their studies and received a degree
- a period of time when students can eat and relax
- an area where sports and physical activities are performed
- pertaining to education or scholarship
- a series of guidelines or instructions
- a subject focused on reading and analyzing literature
- a record of scores received in school
- a goal or purpose
- the first day of school after a long break
- a list of important points
- a written or printed test of knowledge
- a tool used for writing or drawing
- a long, narrow passage inside a building with rooms on both sides
- the person who leads a school
- a place where books are stored
- a formal written composition
- a course of study in a school
23 Clues: a goal or purpose • a list of important points • a formal written composition • the person who leads a school • a course of study in a school • a place where books are stored • an instrument for measuring time • a tool used for writing or drawing • a record of scores received in school • a written or printed test of knowledge • an organized list of things to be down • ...
SCHOOL 2024-08-01
- A Place in school where you can play.
- You sit on this in a classroom
- The head of a school.
- A person who teaches students.
- You use this to erase mistakes.
- A group of students who study together.
- You use this to write.
- You take this to find out how much you know.
- A break from studying.
- write on this in a classroom.
- A place in school where you can borrow books.
- A book with a list of words and their meanings.
- A place in school where you can eat.
- a person who studies in a school.
- like math or science.
- A special event or activity at school.
- You use this to measure things
- A place where students learn.
- You do this at home after school.
- A room in a school where students have lessons
20 Clues: The head of a school. • like math or science. • You use this to write. • A break from studying. • A place where students learn. • write on this in a classroom. • You sit on this in a classroom • A person who teaches students. • You use this to measure things • You use this to erase mistakes. • a person who studies in a school. • You do this at home after school. • ...
school 2024-07-29
- giving things out to other places
- where you make it
- how you make it
- how you tell it (not ad)
- investor
- ______ phone
- whats in your head
- i have an ____
- direct market (free)
- what you have
- greek thingy and brainrot
- how you promote it (ad)
- how much you make
- taking things from other places
- give something for money
- infostructure (free)
- trademark 2.0
- organization
- ad 3.0
- trademark
- where you sell something
- how much you make 2.0
22 Clues: ad 3.0 • investor • trademark • ______ phone • organization • what you have • trademark 2.0 • i have an ____ • how you make it • where you make it • how much you make • whats in your head • infostructure (free) • direct market (free) • how much you make 2.0 • how you promote it (ad) • how you tell it (not ad) • give something for money • where you sell something • greek thingy and brainrot • ...
school 2021-04-28
- a writing met
- leader of the school
- people who participate in education programs
- a place for teacher and headmaster
- a place to save a book, easer, marker, bag
- the place where students and teacher carry out the teaching and learning process
- a place for collections of textbooks and other resource books
- plywood sheets or paper containing the result of students creativity in written form (acronym in Indonesia)
- a place where students play and study during breaks
- to write something in whiteboard
- tools for writing
- a place used to sit
- to write something or as a tools of teaching
- a waste container for temporarily storing waste and is usually made out of metal or plastics
- people who educate
- a tools for underline
- red and white cloth as a symbol of the country
- to erase
- as a tool to read or write
- as place to save a tools of writing
- a place students to practice
21 Clues: to erase • a writing met • tools for writing • people who educate • a place used to sit • leader of the school • a tools for underline • as a tool to read or write • a place students to practice • to write something in whiteboard • a place for teacher and headmaster • as place to save a tools of writing • a place to save a book, easer, marker, bag • ...
School 2022-11-04
- its where we do our work.
- its our abscents & tardies.
- your writing utensil.
- its where we get books.
- its where we sit.
- its when your late.
- its what we get graded on.
- its an assembly for kids greatness.
- consequence when your bad.
- all your classes scores.
- its a break to eat.
- its where we learn.
- its your overall score for the year.
- its the person in charge.
- its what you use to check paper.
- its when your gone.
- where teachers write.
- its where assignments are.
- its who teaches us.
- its in the front of the school.
20 Clues: its where we sit. • its where we learn. • its when your gone. • its when your late. • its who teaches us. • its a break to eat. • where teachers write. • your writing utensil. • its where we get books. • all your classes scores. • its where we do our work. • its the person in charge. • its where assignments are. • its what we get graded on. • consequence when your bad. • ...
SCHOOL 2022-11-04
23 Clues: cửa sổ • hộc tủ • cái tủ • cục gôm • cái kệ • cái cửa • móc treo • cái bàn • bút mực • hộp bút • môn toán • môn nhạc • cái ghế • áp phích • cái bảng • bức tranh • tấm thảm • phòng vẽ • máy tính • giáo viên • quyển sách • trường học • môn tiếng anh
school 2022-09-28
30 Clues: bus • boy • pen • door • page • book • quiz • flag • chair • walls • window • marker • folder • clocks • rulers • friends • classes • schools • lockers • pencils • scissors • homework • notebook • newspaper • backpacks • calculator • big erasers • student desk • female teacher • pencil sharpener
SCHOOL 2023-01-02
20 Clues: pen • glue • bell • ruler • pupils • binder • rubber • pencil • canteen • friends • scissors • to learn • breaktime • to revise • principal • schoolbag • blackboard • pencil case • exercise book • teacher (male)
School 2019-07-29
- lined booklet
- to draw straight lines
- people will use this during sports when their thirsty
- something to keep your page in a book
- a subject you learn vocabulary and reading
- all odd years do this
- to make a pencil lean on paper disappear
- who teachers students
- what do students sometimes right with
- what can you find in a school report
- what do you do at school
- what do people research on
- what object can people use with a computer
- something that can hold utensils
- a subject where you can make chemicals
- what do teachers and students use to lean on in class
- something you could find at the back of a book
- a class where you find numbers
- something teachers give you to do at home
- something with ink
20 Clues: lined booklet • something with ink • all odd years do this • who teachers students • to draw straight lines • what do you do at school • what do people research on • a class where you find numbers • something that can hold utensils • what can you find in a school report • something to keep your page in a book • what do students sometimes right with • ...
School 2019-11-20
28 Clues: oi • kus • õun • all • tund • mind • kott • tuba • palun • kümme • kunst • parim • seitse • aitama • punane • mobiil • topelt • üheksa • muidugi • telefon • kaheksa • töövihik • joonlaud • tänansind • kustukumm • kuipalju? • õpilaspäevik • Millinesegadus!
School 2020-10-15
- un libro to read a book
- clase prefieres tú? What class do you prefer?
- smart
- gusta He/she likes
- escolar school year
- a los estudiantes to help students
- música to listen to music
- english
- dreams/hopes
- una película to watch a movie
- period
- volleyball
- física physical education
- biology
- happy
- es la maestra? Who is the teacher?
- gusta They like
- classes
- spanish
- gusta I like
- Wednesday
21 Clues: happy • smart • period • biology • classes • english • spanish • Wednesday • volleyball • gusta I like • dreams/hopes • gusta They like • gusta He/she likes • escolar school year • un libro to read a book • física physical education • música to listen to music • una película to watch a movie • es la maestra? Who is the teacher? • a los estudiantes to help students • ...
School 2020-11-13
20 Clues: woźny • kreda • ocena • prawo • żłobek • linijka • cyrkiel • stołówka • wykładowca • przedszkole • psychologia • bibliotekarz • pozalekcyjny • zapamiętywać • skończyć studia • gumka do ścierania • rozkład,plan lekcji • pokój nauczycielski • school szkoła z internatem • towarzystwo,stowarzyszenie
school 2020-04-27
- to write things in
- there the boss of the school
- they give you knowledge
- you need it to write
- there in the class with you
- gives you work to do at home
- you need it to go to google classroom
- helps you when you are sick
- you sit in it
- where the books are
- cleans up the school
- to stick paper in your journal
- to make sure everyone is present
- where you eat
- where you go to wash your hands
- bus takes you to school and home
- its in front of the whole classroom
- to hold your things
- where you exercise
- pick up parents pick you up
20 Clues: where you eat • you sit in it • to write things in • where you exercise • where the books are • to hold your things • you need it to write • cleans up the school • they give you knowledge • there in the class with you • pick up parents pick you up • helps you when you are sick • there the boss of the school • gives you work to do at home • to stick paper in your journal • ...
School 2020-05-03
- Why the heck did my mom follow suit!?!?!?!?
- Rubber and strings
- "What's up, Tale?"
- If you want a job in Canada, even with a wrench, you have to take this subject, even if you don't like ______.
- James always beats me in races
- A colourful rodent
- This lead me to my good mark
- This one isn't scary, but thinks they're funny.
- We "booed Mr." for being so bland
- Donald Trump missed this class!
- Like February, people screw it up
- Don't eat stinky Kippers on me
- I give everyone a second chance
- Clue plus brain equals answer
- Happy or sad, we are the champions of the school
- The center of a target is the bull's _____ and the center of that is the ______.
- A dog's favourite food
- Shakespeare liked savoury muffins
- Don't keep your EYEON the current Canadian economic state
- The king of the classroom
- Sometimes you have to force people to stay at the Large Inn
21 Clues: Rubber and strings • "What's up, Tale?" • A colourful rodent • A dog's favourite food • The king of the classroom • This lead me to my good mark • Clue plus brain equals answer • James always beats me in races • Don't eat stinky Kippers on me • I give everyone a second chance • Donald Trump missed this class! • Shakespeare liked savoury muffins • We "booed Mr." for being so bland • ...
School 2020-11-25
20 Clues: üsna • alla • paar • kool • luule • eksam • trepp • keemia • seisma • juures • ajalugu • lollpea • kodutöö • direktor • õppeaine • kiindumus • koolitund • tunniplaan • kogunemine • paarikauba
School 2021-09-21
- Tells you the time
- notebook to be organized
- write on it to draw or work
- Separate paper
- Carry many things
- put your binders in it to go to school
- a person who directs the school
- Someone who studies at school
- Mainly used during maths
- Sharpens your pencil to be finer
- what you have to study in the page
- make perfect circles
- class papers used by everyone at school
- Covers your face during pandemic
- You need one for every classes
- projects screen on the board
- Without it your pencil is useless
- lights the class
- Deletes your mistakes
- work on a numerical object
- box bring your lunch to school in this
- stock your pencils
- teaches students to learn new things
23 Clues: Separate paper • lights the class • Carry many things • Tells you the time • stock your pencils • make perfect circles • Deletes your mistakes • notebook to be organized • Mainly used during maths • work on a numerical object • write on it to draw or work • projects screen on the board • Someone who studies at school • You need one for every classes • a person who directs the school • ...
SCHOOL 2021-10-04
school 2021-02-08
- relating to the running of a home or to family relations.
- an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.
- make minor changes in (a text) in order to make it fairer, more accurate, or more up-to-date.
- the body of persons that constitutes the governing authority of a political unit or organization: such as. a :
- a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
- the fact or state of being independent.
- forming a necessary base or core; of central importance.
- Review (in the UK) a procedure by which a court can review an administrative action by a public body and (in England) secure a declaration, order, or award.
- a real or imagined wrong or other cause for complaint or protest, especially unfair treatment.
- jeporady prohibits different prosecutions for the same offense.
- a minor change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation, etc.
- a formal or explicit statement or announcement.
- a formal discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward.
- (of people) gather together in one place for a common purpose.
- a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.
- an area of a country or city, especially one regarded as a distinct unit because of a particular characteristic.
- a group of people appointed for a specific function, typically consisting of members of a larger group.
- choose (someone) to hold public office or some other position by voting.
- the right of a government or its agent to expropriate private property for public use, with payment of compensation.
- assign a job or role to (someone).
- (especially in the US) charge (the holder of a public office) with misconduct.
- a person or thing regarded as perfect.
- having or relating to a system of government in which several states form a unity but remain independent in internal affairs
- of, by, or appropriate to a court or judge.
- having the power to put plans, actions, or laws into effect.
- an organization which consists of a number of parties or groups united in an alliance or league.
- an outward sign
- mention (a number of things) one by one.
- to unite or form a connection or relation between
- the action of defending from or resisting attack.
30 Clues: an outward sign • assign a job or role to (someone). • a person or thing regarded as perfect. • the fact or state of being independent. • of, by, or appropriate to a court or judge. • mention (a number of things) one by one. • a formal or explicit statement or announcement. • to unite or form a connection or relation between • ...
school 2021-02-16
24 Clues: õun • tark • kott • kool • tund • kunst • palju • parim • sinine • punane • mobiil • topelt • raamat • lugema • aitama • kollane • telefon • pliiats • joonlaud • töövihik • kirjutama • kustukumm • õpilaspäevik • pastapliiats
school 2021-03-08
- a class were you can play instuments
- somthing you do at home
- a person who dose not like you
- the people the teacher teaches
- a thing you can read
- the place the teacher teaches
- a thing there is between classes
- i thing you write stuff on
- this language
- the person who teaches the class
- a thing you write on whith a pencil
- something you can write with
- the opposit of a whiteboard
- a thing used to write on blackboards
- the name of this crossword
- a class were you learn about humans and nature
- a thing you sit and learn at
- a class about numbers
- a place you can find books
- a thing used for mesuring
- something you can write with but can't erase
- something you can sit on
- i thing that can make pencil disappear
- a class were you do exsorcise
- friends from class
- the romantic language
- When you eat in school
27 Clues: this language • friends from class • a thing you can read • a class about numbers • the romantic language • When you eat in school • somthing you do at home • something you can sit on • a thing used for mesuring • the name of this crossword • a place you can find books • i thing you write stuff on • the opposit of a whiteboard • a thing you sit and learn at • something you can write with • ...
School 2021-03-30
- Many schools have an animal __ that represents the school
- A pep __ is a time to celebrate school spirit
- A class that you choose in addition to the required ones
- Make sure this book bag is durable with comfortable straps
- Some students use a __ to keep track of their schedule and activities
- The study of people and cultures around the world: __ __
- A page with pre-printed activities or problems to solve
- Parents need to go the the __ and check in before visiting
- Spring, Summer, and Winter __ provides some time off
- Algebra, geometry, pre-calculus, etc.
- Teachers can use a projector, blackboard or __
- If you don't have a __ you may have to carry your books with you
- You may not be able to bring food, but you can usually bring a __ __
- It's important to __ for tests
- Chemistry, geology, biology, botany, are __ classes
- You can choose a foreign __ to study
- Your school may have __ machines with snacks or drinks
- Many classes make use of __ for coursework
- The student body __ is elected by and represents the students
- The study of people who shaped the present world
- The __ room may include soundproof practice rooms
- How you prove you know the material
- Learning how to take good __ is an important skill
- Buy or bring a lunch, but you'll probably eat in the __
- provides academic, career, college counseling and social-emotional support
- Take care of your __ or you may pay a fine
26 Clues: It's important to __ for tests • How you prove you know the material • You can choose a foreign __ to study • Algebra, geometry, pre-calculus, etc. • Many classes make use of __ for coursework • Take care of your __ or you may pay a fine • A pep __ is a time to celebrate school spirit • Teachers can use a projector, blackboard or __ • ...
school 2021-10-21
28 Clues: low • boy • bug • dad • bug • cold • dark • warm • girl • high • wise • women • catch • green • light • night • wiser • goofy • pretty • animal • dad dad • mom mom • colorful • brothe kid • over house • under house • sister kids • another pet
School 2023-02-02
- winter team sport
- state
- part of block 5
- who gives you new information
- a school color
- name of your school
- location of bleachers
- graduation month
- last block
- not a pen
- first thing in class
- local area
- put away during class
- like Algebra and geometry
- help after school
- students who have poms
- electronic learning tool
- like MCAS and Midterms
- a science subject
- a day off
20 Clues: state • a day off • not a pen • last block • local area • a school color • part of block 5 • graduation month • winter team sport • help after school • a science subject • name of your school • first thing in class • put away during class • location of bleachers • students who have poms • like MCAS and Midterms • electronic learning tool • like Algebra and geometry • who gives you new information
School 2023-01-19
- end of lesson gauge of knowledge
- stars and stripes
- weeks per grading period
- contains ink
- ___experiment
- language of the US
- person in charge
- assignments
- vehicle used to transport students
- filled with books
- numbers subject
- punishment
- designated area for lunch
- where teachers teach
- kids
- pop___
- indicator that class is over
- A,B,C,D,F
- high tech board
- contains graphite
20 Clues: kids • pop___ • A,B,C,D,F • punishment • assignments • contains ink • ___experiment • numbers subject • high tech board • person in charge • stars and stripes • contains graphite • filled with books • language of the US • where teachers teach • weeks per grading period • designated area for lunch • indicator that class is over • end of lesson gauge of knowledge • vehicle used to transport students
school 2023-03-02
- many colored markers
- writing in
- to keep stuff in
- to type math problems in
- to sit with friends
- to put chemicals in
- to keep food in
- to let people know who you are
- to keep certain things together
- to read
- to write in 2-3 colors on paper
- to sit in
- to keep water in
- to keep pencil from dull
- to get rid of mistakes
- to write with
- to listen to music
- to draw with
- the world
- to keep supplies in
- the measure things
- to mark something important
- to cut paper
- to stick things together
- to carry stuff around
- to keep stuff on paper
- to write expo on
- gluing stuff in
- many colors
29 Clues: to read • the world • to sit in • writing in • many colors • to draw with • to cut paper • to write with • to keep food in • gluing stuff in • to keep stuff in • to write expo on • to keep water in • to listen to music • the measure things • to keep supplies in • to sit with friends • to put chemicals in • many colored markers • to carry stuff around • to get rid of mistakes • to keep stuff on paper • ...
school 2023-02-15
- Someone you are related to.
- Brave
- A pathway
- What we go to courts for
- There is a show called "_______ Wars"
- Work together
- Stamp
- A green food that is like lettuce, Popular food in Ireland.
- Scared
- In Minecraft, there is a _______.
- Another word for smart
- A green food that is grown in Italy, Greece, and Spain.
- I'm am a ________ person.
- Something you learn to talk like Irish or Spanish.
- ______ Americans used to live in Colorado
- Verbs, nouns, _________, adverb.
- A trip on a boat
- Someone who hates someone.
- A searcher for a mystery
- Picture
- Chase is an above-_______ kid.
- A product provided to a customer
- Family background
- Someone learning a skill.
24 Clues: Brave • Stamp • Scared • Picture • A pathway • Work together • A trip on a boat • Family background • Another word for smart • What we go to courts for • A searcher for a mystery • Someone learning a skill. • I'm am a ________ person. • Someone who hates someone. • Someone you are related to. • Chase is an above-_______ kid. • Verbs, nouns, _________, adverb. • A product provided to a customer • ...
school 2023-03-14
- Is said to watch through ravens
- The worst war that had ever occurred in the story
- Men who channel this power always go mad and die
- What Fain is called by
- “The destruction of everything” supposedly caused by Lews Therin Telamon
- A mysterious era of myths and legends
- Epithet of the commander of the forces of Light.
- The title that Nynaeve holds
- A valley called the “heart of the shadow”
- The first character to appear in the story
- Number of times the people all gather during a year in the Two Rivers
- Titular artifact
- The location the first part of the story takes place
- Lews Therin Telamon’s side
- Protagonist
- Festival marking the beginning of spring
- An entertainer that travels from place to place
- The Dark One’s side
- Author of the book
- Book number in the series
20 Clues: Protagonist • Titular artifact • Author of the book • The Dark One’s side • What Fain is called by • Book number in the series • Lews Therin Telamon’s side • The title that Nynaeve holds • Is said to watch through ravens • A mysterious era of myths and legends • Festival marking the beginning of spring • A valley called the “heart of the shadow” • ...