shapes Crossword Puzzles
Shapes 2022-09-08
- the mathematical word for a ball
- the mathematical word for a tube
- the tool that you use for drawing a circle
- a solid in which all faces are rectangles
- a plane shape with three (straight) sides
- the distance from the midpoint of a circle to the edge
- a solid in which all faces are squares
- a solid with one curved surface, one face, one edge and zero vertices
- a set of points that are all equally far away from a midpoint
- a quadrilateral with four right angles
- a plane shape that has been 'extended' to make a solid; the plane shape is not a square or a rectangle
- a quadrilateral with four right angles and four sides of equal length
12 Clues: the mathematical word for a ball • the mathematical word for a tube • a solid in which all faces are squares • a quadrilateral with four right angles • a solid in which all faces are rectangles • a plane shape with three (straight) sides • the tool that you use for drawing a circle • the distance from the midpoint of a circle to the edge • ...
Shapes 2023-06-02
12 Clues: dice • 90291 • 3 sides • 6 sides • dice ludo • Has a trunk • Flying mammal • ice cream cone • Large marsupial • Man's best friend • Likes to chase mice • shape with no length
Containers, shapes 2014-02-23
- Pochwa na miecz
- Walec
- Klatka
- Trójkąt
- Chlebak
- Romb
- Szafka na dokumenty
- Torba na zakupy
- Kosz na śmieci (zewnętrzny)
- Sfera
- Okrąg
- Kwadrat
- Czara, kielich
- Stożek
- Teczka
- Kosz na śmieci (w domu)
- Graniastosłup prosty
- Braniastosłup trójkątny
- Puszka na herbatę
- Baryłka
- Skrzynia
- Plecak
- Krzyż
- Beczka
- Kufer
- Ostrosłup prawidłowy czworokątny
- Prostokąt
- Sześcian
28 Clues: Romb • Walec • Krzyż • Kufer • Sfera • Okrąg • Stożek • Teczka • Klatka • Plecak • Beczka • Kwadrat • Trójkąt • Chlebak • Baryłka • Skrzynia • Sześcian • Prostokąt • Czara, kielich • Pochwa na miecz • Torba na zakupy • Puszka na herbatę • Szafka na dokumenty • Graniastosłup prosty • Kosz na śmieci (w domu) • Braniastosłup trójkątny • Kosz na śmieci (zewnętrzny) • Ostrosłup prawidłowy czworokątny
Geometric Shapes 2021-05-18
- A 10 sided shape
- An 8 sided shape
- A 7 sided shape
- 4 sides with opposite side parallel and equal in length
- A piece cut off a circle from circumference to circumference
- A square that has been pushed over a little
- 4 equal sides meeting at right angles
- Means Wide
- A round shape
- Means"Long"
- You can fly this
- A 9 sided shape
- Like a table top - 2 dimensions
- A 3 sided shape
- A many sidedshape
- Can have a triangle or square base with triangular sides that join at the top
- A 2d shape with 4 sides, only two are parallel and the other two sides are non-parallel
- Has 3 dimensions - length, width and depth
- A 6 sided shape
- The shape of a piece of pizza
20 Clues: Means Wide • Means"Long" • A round shape • A 9 sided shape • A 3 sided shape • A 7 sided shape • A 6 sided shape • You can fly this • A 10 sided shape • An 8 sided shape • A many sidedshape • The shape of a piece of pizza • Like a table top - 2 dimensions • 4 equal sides meeting at right angles • Has 3 dimensions - length, width and depth • A square that has been pushed over a little • ...
SHAPES & FAMILY 2022-09-27
Colors & Shapes 2024-04-22
- rhymes with crown
- rhymes with think
- rhymes with plurple
- rhymes with fair
- rhymes with door hinge
- rhymes with schmexagon
- rhymes with mellow
- rhymes with greptagon
- rhymes with smack
- rhymes with becagon
- rhymes with fonagon
- rhymes with bright
- rhymes with play
- rhymes with briangle
- rhymes with mentagon
- rhymes with clue
- rhymes with clean
- rhymes with stoptagon
- rhymes with bread
- rhymes with bryan
20 Clues: rhymes with play • rhymes with fair • rhymes with clue • rhymes with crown • rhymes with think • rhymes with clean • rhymes with bread • rhymes with smack • rhymes with bryan • rhymes with bright • rhymes with mellow • rhymes with plurple • rhymes with becagon • rhymes with fonagon • rhymes with briangle • rhymes with mentagon • rhymes with stoptagon • rhymes with greptagon • rhymes with door hinge • ...
Geometry 2017-09-27
- Has a pair of parallel sides. a four sided shape with a pair of opposite parallel sides.
- pairs of opposite angles made by two intersecting lines.They are always equal.
- Two angles whose sum is 180 degrees. Must equal to 180.
- with 7 sides. Also, is called a septagon.
- Two angles that have a common side. And and a common vertex and don't overlap
- An angles that is exactly 180 degrees. An angles whose side lie in opposite directions from the vertex.
- Shapes with 8 sides. A flat shape with straight lines.
- A shape with 3 sides.A polygon with three edges and three vertices.
- Shapes with 6 sides. A flat shape with straight lines.
- A corner point.The common endpoint of two or more line segments.
- Shapes with 4 sides. A flat shape.
- Shapes with 9 sides. A flat shape with straight lines.
- An angle that is more than 90 degrees. But less than 180 degrees.
- Shapes with 5 sides.A flat shapes with straight lines.
- Angles is formed when two lines intersect.Two angles are said to be linear if they are adjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines.
- Two angles whose sum is 90 degrees. Add up to 90.
- When you cover a surface with a pattern with flat shapes so there are no gaps of overlaps. An arrangement of shapes closely fitted together.
- An angles that is exactly 90 degrees. Formed by two sides that are perpendicular.
- plane shape with straight lines. It can be a triangle, rectangles or an pentagon..
- An angles that is less than 90 degrees But more than than zero degrees
20 Clues: Shapes with 4 sides. A flat shape. • with 7 sides. Also, is called a septagon. • Two angles whose sum is 90 degrees. Add up to 90. • Shapes with 9 sides. A flat shape with straight lines. • Shapes with 5 sides.A flat shapes with straight lines. • Shapes with 8 sides. A flat shape with straight lines. • Shapes with 6 sides. A flat shape with straight lines. • ...
Shape Level B 2024-09-23
- has length and width
- repeating shapes like an onion
- the same on both sides
- a shape that is created in perspective
- a very large shape
- shapes that are an outline of a shadow
- shapes that exist in space with harmony
- ovular shape, squished oval
- shapes that fit a ratio
- a melted or warped shape
- has a name, mathematical
- abnormal in nature
- not the same on both sides
- a three-sided shape
- distorted by twisting, winding, bending
- shrinking as the shape changes
- coming from nature
- an ovular shape with more length than width
18 Clues: abnormal in nature • a very large shape • coming from nature • a three-sided shape • has length and width • the same on both sides • shapes that fit a ratio • a melted or warped shape • has a name, mathematical • not the same on both sides • ovular shape, squished oval • repeating shapes like an onion • shrinking as the shape changes • a shape that is created in perspective • ...
2D Shapes 2022-08-09
- 4 straight sides; 2 shorter sides of the same length and 2 longer sides of the same length; 4 vertices; 1 line of symmetry.
- The sides and angles of a ___________ polygon are all equal.
- A polygon with 8 sides and 8 vertices.
- 4 straight sides; 2 shorter sides of the same length and 2 longer sides of the same length; the diagonally opposite angles are the same; 4 vertices; no lines of symmetry; like a skew rectangle.
- 4 straight sides, 4 vertices, 2 parallel lines.
- A polygon 3 sides and 3 vertices.
- One curved side, no angles, perfectly round, infinite lines of symmetry.
- 2 curved sides, 1 vertex, 1 line of symmetry; a symbol of love.
- A polygon with 7 sides and 7 vertices.
- The amount of turn between two straight lines that touch each other.
- 2 curved sides, 2 vertices; like a new moon.
- A ________ shape is made up of 2 or more shapes that are joined together.
- one curved side, no vertices, 2 lines of symmetry.
- A polygon with 5 sides and 5 vertices.
- a regular quadrilateral with 4 lines of symmetry.
- Any closed shape that has only straight sides.
- A polygon with 4 sides; includes the square, rectangle, rhombus, kite and parallelogram.
- an irregular polygon with 4 straight sides; 2 parallel shorter sides of the same length and 2 parallel longer sides of the same length; 4 vertices, 2 lines of symmetry.
- two lines that run alongside each other but never touch each other are called ________ lines.
- A polygon with 9 sides and 9 vertices.
- The sides and angles of an ___________ polygon are NOT all equal.
- A quarter of a full turn. A 90° degree angle is called a ________ angle.
- A polygon with 10 sides and 10 vertices.
- 4 straight sides, all sides are equal in length; two pairs of equal, diagonally opposite angles; like a skew square.
- 2 sides, 1 straight side and one curved side, 2 vertices, 1 line of symmetry.
- A polygon with 6 sides and 6 vertices.
26 Clues: A polygon 3 sides and 3 vertices. • A polygon with 5 sides and 5 vertices. • A polygon with 8 sides and 8 vertices. • A polygon with 9 sides and 9 vertices. • A polygon with 7 sides and 7 vertices. • A polygon with 6 sides and 6 vertices. • A polygon with 10 sides and 10 vertices. • 2 curved sides, 2 vertices; like a new moon. • ...
Shapes, materials 2022-10-14
37 Clues: iron • wood • silk • lace • gold • wool • coke • oval • pelle • stone • satin • steel • suede • glass • china • jeans • round • silver • copper • rubber • velvet • cotton • tartan • square • plastic • pointed • faux-fur • concrete • platinum • cardboard • aluminium • irregular • star-shaped • rectangular • heart-shaped • diamond-shape • eco-friendly-leather
Shapes & Materials 2023-01-11
34 Clues: wood • wide • size • oval • dark • tiny • star • brick • small • metal • glass • heart • round • fabric • sphere • narrow • cotton • square • circle • plastic • diamond • leather • concrete • material • triangle • colorful • enormous • cardboard • cylindrical • oval shaped • see-through • light colored • oddly shaped/irregular • Mis estantes están ______ de madera.
Containers, shapes 2014-02-23
- Sześcian
- Klatka
- Pochwa na miecz
- Szafka na dokumenty
- Trójkąt
- Plecak
- Kosz na śmieci (zewnętrzny)
- Ostrosłup prawidłowy czworokątny
- Kosz na śmieci (w domu)
- Sfera
- Torba na zakupy
- Beczka
- Teczka
- Kwadrat
- Stożek
- Skrzynia
- Czara, kielich
- Graniastosłup trójkątny
- Walec
- Graniastosłup prosty
- Chlebak
- Puszka na herbatę
- Okrąg
- Prostokąt
- Kufer
- Romb
- Baryłka
- Krzyż
28 Clues: Romb • Walec • Okrąg • Kufer • Sfera • Krzyż • Klatka • Plecak • Beczka • Teczka • Stożek • Trójkąt • Chlebak • Baryłka • Kwadrat • Sześcian • Skrzynia • Prostokąt • Czara, kielich • Pochwa na miecz • Torba na zakupy • Puszka na herbatę • Szafka na dokumenty • Graniastosłup prosty • Graniastosłup trójkątny • Kosz na śmieci (w domu) • Kosz na śmieci (zewnętrzny) • Ostrosłup prawidłowy czworokątny
SHAPES – KSZTAŁTY 2015-06-28
27 Clues: koło • kula • romb • pętla • stożek • prosty • wypukły • okrągły • pionowy • wklęsły • kulisty • poziomy • trójkąt • spiralny • sześcian • podłużny • prostokąt • trójkątny • równoległy • zakrzywiony • prostokątny • owal; owalny • krzyżyk, krzyż • kolisty, okrągły • ostry, zaostrzony • kwadrat; kwadratowy • w kształcie księżyca
Geometric Shapes 2024-05-17
- Oval-shaped plane figure with two focal points
- Ten-sided polygon with ten angles
- Round plane figure with points equidistant from the center
- Diamond-shaped quadrilateral with four equal sides
- Six-sided polygon with six angles
- Four-sided figure with opposite sides parallel and equal
- Three-dimensional object with two parallel bases and flat sides
- Eight-sided polygon with eight angles
- Three-dimensional object with triangular faces meeting at a point
- Four-sided figure with one pair of parallel sides
- Five-sided polygon with five angles
- Three-sided polygon with three angles
- Three-dimensional object with circular bases and a curved surface
- Four equal sides and four right angles
- Four-sided figure with opposite sides parallel
- Three-dimensional object with six square faces
- Three-dimensional object with a circular base and a single vertex
- Three-dimensional round object, like a ball
- Seven-sided polygon with seven angles
- Nine-sided polygon with nine angles
20 Clues: Ten-sided polygon with ten angles • Six-sided polygon with six angles • Nine-sided polygon with nine angles • Five-sided polygon with five angles • Three-sided polygon with three angles • Seven-sided polygon with seven angles • Eight-sided polygon with eight angles • Four equal sides and four right angles • Three-dimensional round object, like a ball • ...
Shapes Crossword 2024-08-27
- the shape of a 6 sided die
- an 8 sided shape
- a triangle with all sides equal
- sides in a hexagon
- another word for 'same'
- a 7 sided shape
- a shape with 6 sides
- a 4 sided shape with both pairs of opposite sides parallel
- this shape has 5 sides
- the number of right angles in a square
- a 4 sided shape with one pair of sides parallel
- a shape with 3 sides
- a round shape
- the shape of a can of food
- the number of 60 deg angles in an equilateral triangle
- a shape with 4 right angles and opposite sides equal
- a triangle with 2 sides equal
- a shape with 4 equal sides and angles of 90
- sides in an octagon
- the number of sides in a pentagon
- 4 sides equal but angles not 90
- a solid shape that comes to a point
22 Clues: a round shape • a 7 sided shape • an 8 sided shape • sides in a hexagon • sides in an octagon • a shape with 3 sides • a shape with 6 sides • this shape has 5 sides • another word for 'same' • the shape of a 6 sided die • the shape of a can of food • a triangle with 2 sides equal • a triangle with all sides equal • 4 sides equal but angles not 90 • the number of sides in a pentagon • ...
SHAPES - kształty 2017-07-01
27 Clues: romb • koło • kula • pętla • ostry • krzyż • stożek • prosty • owalny • pionowy • wklęsły • kulisty • trójkąt • okrągły • poziomy • wypukły • kolisty • kwadrat • podłużny • spiralny • sześcian • prostokąt • trójkątny • równoległy • półksiężyc • prostokątny • zakrzywiony
SHAPES - kształty 2017-07-01
27 Clues: kula • romb • koło • ostry • krzyż • pętla • stożek • prosty • owalny • okrągły • pionowy • kolisty • kulisty • trójkąt • wklęsły • wypukły • poziomy • kwadrat • spiralny • podłużny • sześcian • trójkątny • prostokąt • równoległy • półksiężyc • zakrzywiony • prostokątny
EVD Chapter 2 & Chapter 3 2022-12-09
- no movement and action
- build of shapes and forms
- everyday item
- add shape and form together
- sculpture into a stamp
- mathematical precise
- weight of a boulder
- collage of shapes
- Graceful and fluid
- creates tension
- light, glass, steel object
- Consistently changing or moving
- print of shapes
- Three dimensional and enclosed
- surrounding empty
- show strength and regularity
- two dimensional
- shadows and highlights
- pre-columbian civilization
- occupied
- weight of a cloud
- free form or irregular show growth
22 Clues: occupied • everyday item • creates tension • print of shapes • two dimensional • surrounding empty • weight of a cloud • collage of shapes • Graceful and fluid • weight of a boulder • mathematical precise • no movement and action • shadows and highlights • sculpture into a stamp • build of shapes and forms • light, glass, steel object • pre-columbian civilization • add shape and form together • ...
Shapes 2023-11-07
- A 3D shape with one curved surface.
- A 2D shape with 5 straight sides.
- A 2D shape with 4 equal sides.
- A 3D shape like a tissue box.
- A 3D shape with one curved surface, two faces and two edges. There ar no corners.
- A 3D shape like a party hat.
- A 2D shape with 2 long sides and 2 short sides.
- A 3D shape like a special building in Egypt.
- A 2D shape with three sides.
- A 2D shape with one curved side.
- A 3D shape with 8 corners, 6 faces and 12 edges that are all the same size.
11 Clues: A 2D shape with three sides. • A 3D shape like a party hat. • A 3D shape like a tissue box. • A 2D shape with 4 equal sides. • A 2D shape with one curved side. • A 2D shape with 5 straight sides. • A 3D shape with one curved surface. • A 3D shape like a special building in Egypt. • A 2D shape with 2 long sides and 2 short sides. • ...
vocab 2024-04-23
- – a sign that usually contains informational or promotional material.
- Layout – the way the objects, shapes, and text are arranged on the page.
- pictures, etc.) on the page.
- so that you can move/resize them all at once.
- List/Numbered List – formatting for text that allows you to create lists throughout your
- – a picture or graphic that visually represents a company or business.
- Color – allows you to add color to the outside line of selected objects (shapes, wordarts,
- boxes, etc.)
- etc.)
- Box – a box that can be colored or transparent and automatically allows you to type within
- Borders – allows you to put a border (line, picture, or other artwork) around the whole
- – to change the appearance of text, objects, shapes, wordart, textboxes, etc.
- – when many objects are used to make one object, these objects can be “grouped”
- boundaries.
- – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.
- – a small booklet or pamphlet, often containing informational or promotional
- – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.
- – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data.
- Color – allows you to add color to the inside of selected objects (shapes, wordarts, text
- – the appearance of the typed text.
- Wrapping – formatting for the pictures that specifies how the text wraps around objects
- – Objects that can be drawn on your page; you can add color, patterns, or text to these
22 Clues: etc.) • boundaries. • boxes, etc.) • pictures, etc.) on the page. • – the appearance of the typed text. • so that you can move/resize them all at once. • – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher. • – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page. • – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data. • ...
Vocab-Man 2024-04-24
- – a picture or graphic that visually represents a company or business.
- – the appearance of the typed text.
- List/Numbered List – formatting for text that allows you to create lists throughout your
- Layout – the way the objects, shapes, and text are arranged on the page.
- boxes, etc.)
- pictures, etc.) on the page.
- – a small booklet or pamphlet, often containing informational or promotional
- Color – allows you to add color to the outside line of selected objects (shapes, wordarts,
- Borders – allows you to put a border (line, picture, or other artwork) around the whole
- boundaries.
- Wrapping – formatting for the pictures that specifies how the text wraps around objects
- – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.
- – when many objects are used to make one object, these objects can be “grouped”
- Color – allows you to add color to the inside of selected objects (shapes, wordarts, text
- etc.)
- – a sign that usually contains informational or promotional material.
- so that you can move/resize them all at once.
- – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.
- – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data.
- – to change the appearance of text, objects, shapes, wordart, textboxes, etc.
- – Objects that can be drawn on your page; you can add color, patterns, or text to these
- Box – a box that can be colored or transparent and automatically allows you to type within
22 Clues: etc.) • boundaries. • boxes, etc.) • pictures, etc.) on the page. • – the appearance of the typed text. • so that you can move/resize them all at once. • – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher. • – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page. • – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data. • ...
Vocab-Man 2024-04-24
- – a picture or graphic that visually represents a company or business.
- – the appearance of the typed text.
- List/Numbered List – formatting for text that allows you to create lists throughout your
- Layout – the way the objects, shapes, and text are arranged on the page.
- boxes, etc.)
- pictures, etc.) on the page.
- – a small booklet or pamphlet, often containing informational or promotional
- Color – allows you to add color to the outside line of selected objects (shapes, wordarts,
- Borders – allows you to put a border (line, picture, or other artwork) around the whole
- boundaries.
- Wrapping – formatting for the pictures that specifies how the text wraps around objects
- – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.
- – when many objects are used to make one object, these objects can be “grouped”
- Color – allows you to add color to the inside of selected objects (shapes, wordarts, text
- etc.)
- – a sign that usually contains informational or promotional material.
- so that you can move/resize them all at once.
- – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.
- – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data.
- – to change the appearance of text, objects, shapes, wordart, textboxes, etc.
- – Objects that can be drawn on your page; you can add color, patterns, or text to these
- Box – a box that can be colored or transparent and automatically allows you to type within
22 Clues: etc.) • boundaries. • boxes, etc.) • pictures, etc.) on the page. • – the appearance of the typed text. • so that you can move/resize them all at once. • – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher. • – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page. • – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data. • ...
Desktop Publishing Key Vocabulary Terms 2024-04-25
- – a sign that usually contains informational or promotional material.
- Layout – the way the objects, shapes, and text are arranged on the page.
- pictures, etc.) on the page.
- so that you can move/resize them all at once.
- List/Numbered List – formatting for text that allows you to create lists throughout your
- – a picture or graphic that visually represents a company or business.
- Color – allows you to add color to the outside line of selected objects (shapes, wordarts,
- boxes, etc.)
- etc.)
- Box – a box that can be colored or transparent and automatically allows you to type within
- Borders – allows you to put a border (line, picture, or other artwork) around the whole
- – to change the appearance of text, objects, shapes, word art, textboxes, etc.
- – when many objects are used to make one object, these objects can be “grouped”
- boundaries.
- – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.
- – a small booklet or pamphlet, often containing informational or promotional
- – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.
- – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data.
- Color – allows you to add color to the inside of selected objects (shapes, wordarts, text
- – the appearance of the typed text.
- Wrapping – formatting for the pictures that specifies how the text wraps around objects
- – Objects that can be drawn on your page; you can add color, patterns, or text to these
22 Clues: etc.) • boundaries. • boxes, etc.) • pictures, etc.) on the page. • – the appearance of the typed text. • so that you can move/resize them all at once. • – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher. • – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page. • – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data. • ...
VOCAB 2024-04-24
- – a picture or graphic that visually represents a company or business.
- – the appearance of the typed text.
- List/Numbered List – formatting for text that allows you to create lists throughout your
- Layout – the way the objects, shapes, and text are arranged on the page.
- boxes, etc.)
- pictures, etc.) on the page.
- – a small booklet or pamphlet, often containing informational or promotional
- Color – allows you to add color to the outside line of selected objects (shapes, wordarts,
- Borders – allows you to put a border (line, picture, or other artwork) around the whole
- boundaries.
- Wrapping – formatting for the pictures that specifies how the text wraps around objects
- – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.
- – when many objects are used to make one object, these objects can be “grouped”
- Color – allows you to add color to the inside of selected objects (shapes, wordarts, text
- etc.)
- – a sign that usually contains informational or promotional material.
- so that you can move/resize them all at once.
- – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.
- – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data.
- – to change the appearance of text, objects, shapes, wordart, textboxes, etc.
- – Objects that can be drawn on your page; you can add color, patterns, or text to these
- Box – a box that can be colored or transparent and automatically allows you to type within
22 Clues: etc.) • boundaries. • boxes, etc.) • pictures, etc.) on the page. • – the appearance of the typed text. • so that you can move/resize them all at once. • – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher. • – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page. • – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data. • ...
Desktop Publishing Key Vocabulary Terms 2024-04-29
- etc.)
- – a picture or graphic that visually represents a company or business.
- Layout – the way the objects, shapes, and text are arranged on the page.
- pictures, etc.) on the page.
- – a sign that usually contains informational or promotional material.
- – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.
- Wrapping – formatting for the pictures that specifies how the text wraps around objects
- – a small booklet or pamphlet, often containing informational or promotional
- so that you can move/resize them all at once.
- – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.
- boxes, etc.)
- Color – allows you to add color to the outside line of selected objects (shapes, wordarts,
- List/Numbered List – formatting for text that allows you to create lists throughout your
- Color – allows you to add color to the inside of selected objects (shapes, wordarts, text
- – Objects that can be drawn on your page; you can add color, patterns, or text to these
- – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data.
- – when many objects are used to make one object, these objects can be “grouped”
- – the appearance of the typed text.
- Borders – allows you to put a border (line, picture, or other artwork) around the whole
- – to change the appearance of text, objects, shapes, wordart, textboxes, etc.
- boundaries.
- Box – a box that can be colored or transparent and automatically allows you to type within
22 Clues: etc.) • boundaries. • boxes, etc.) • pictures, etc.) on the page. • – the appearance of the typed text. • so that you can move/resize them all at once. • – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher. • – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page. • – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data. • ...
Vocab-Man 2024-04-24
- – a picture or graphic that visually represents a company or business.
- – the appearance of the typed text.
- List/Numbered List – formatting for text that allows you to create lists throughout your
- Layout – the way the objects, shapes, and text are arranged on the page.
- boxes, etc.)
- pictures, etc.) on the page.
- – a small booklet or pamphlet, often containing informational or promotional
- Color – allows you to add color to the outside line of selected objects (shapes, wordarts,
- Borders – allows you to put a border (line, picture, or other artwork) around the whole
- boundaries.
- Wrapping – formatting for the pictures that specifies how the text wraps around objects
- – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.
- – when many objects are used to make one object, these objects can be “grouped”
- Color – allows you to add color to the inside of selected objects (shapes, wordarts, text
- etc.)
- – a sign that usually contains informational or promotional material.
- so that you can move/resize them all at once.
- – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.
- – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data.
- – to change the appearance of text, objects, shapes, wordart, textboxes, etc.
- – Objects that can be drawn on your page; you can add color, patterns, or text to these
- Box – a box that can be colored or transparent and automatically allows you to type within
22 Clues: etc.) • boundaries. • boxes, etc.) • pictures, etc.) on the page. • – the appearance of the typed text. • so that you can move/resize them all at once. • – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher. • – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page. • – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data. • ...
VOCAB 2024-04-24
- – a picture or graphic that visually represents a company or business.
- – the appearance of the typed text.
- List/Numbered List – formatting for text that allows you to create lists throughout your
- Layout – the way the objects, shapes, and text are arranged on the page.
- boxes, etc.)
- pictures, etc.) on the page.
- – a small booklet or pamphlet, often containing informational or promotional
- Color – allows you to add color to the outside line of selected objects (shapes, wordarts,
- Borders – allows you to put a border (line, picture, or other artwork) around the whole
- boundaries.
- Wrapping – formatting for the pictures that specifies how the text wraps around objects
- – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.
- – when many objects are used to make one object, these objects can be “grouped”
- Color – allows you to add color to the inside of selected objects (shapes, wordarts, text
- etc.)
- – a sign that usually contains informational or promotional material.
- so that you can move/resize them all at once.
- – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.
- – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data.
- – to change the appearance of text, objects, shapes, wordart, textboxes, etc.
- – Objects that can be drawn on your page; you can add color, patterns, or text to these
- Box – a box that can be colored or transparent and automatically allows you to type within
22 Clues: etc.) • boundaries. • boxes, etc.) • pictures, etc.) on the page. • – the appearance of the typed text. • so that you can move/resize them all at once. • – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher. • – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page. • – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data. • ...
''''''''''''''''Shapes 2021-12-10
11 Clues: 8 sides • has 5 sides • has 6 sides • has 3 sides • has no sides • has 10 sides • a long circle • has 4 equal sides • looks like a diamond • one pair of parallel sides • two pairs of parallel sides
Shapes 2021-02-01
- the type of triangle with all different sides
- 3D shape with 4 equilateral triangle faces
- completely round 2D shape
- the shape of a tube or tin
- 6 square faces
- 4 equal sides and 4 lines of symmetry- 2D shape
- two pairs of parallel sides
- the type of triangle with two sides the same
- you might fly this 2D shape
- prism shape of a Toblerone
- often mistakenly called a diamond
11 Clues: 6 square faces • completely round 2D shape • prism shape of a Toblerone • the shape of a tube or tin • two pairs of parallel sides • you might fly this 2D shape • often mistakenly called a diamond • 3D shape with 4 equilateral triangle faces • the type of triangle with two sides the same • the type of triangle with all different sides • ...
Shapes 2020-09-10
11 Clues: Curve inwards • Curved outwards • Slanted Rectangle • Shape with 6 sides • Same shape and size • 2D shape with 8 sides • 2D shape with 4 sides • Shape with three sides • 2D and shaped like a coin • 3D shape made up of squares • Round and shaped like a ball
Shapes 2023-05-08
- A shape with seven straight sides and seven angles
- A shape with eight straight sides and eight angles
- A four sided polygon
- A quadrilateral in where at least one pair of opposite parallel lines
- A rectangle with four sides that are equal
- A shape with six straight sides and six angles
- A closed figure with three or more straight sides
- A shape with three straight sides and three angles
- A shape with five straight sides and five angles
- A shape with four straight sides of the same length and two opposite sides are parallel
- A shape with four straight sides and four right angles
11 Clues: A four sided polygon • A rectangle with four sides that are equal • A shape with six straight sides and six angles • A shape with five straight sides and five angles • A closed figure with three or more straight sides • A shape with three straight sides and three angles • A shape with seven straight sides and seven angles • ...
SHAPES 2024-01-29
VOCAB 2024-04-24
- – a picture or graphic that visually represents a company or business.
- – the appearance of the typed text.
- List/Numbered List – formatting for text that allows you to create lists throughout your
- Layout – the way the objects, shapes, and text are arranged on the page.
- boxes, etc.)
- pictures, etc.) on the page.
- – a small booklet or pamphlet, often containing informational or promotional
- Color – allows you to add color to the outside line of selected objects (shapes, wordarts,
- Borders – allows you to put a border (line, picture, or other artwork) around the whole
- boundaries.
- Wrapping – formatting for the pictures that specifies how the text wraps around objects
- – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.
- – when many objects are used to make one object, these objects can be “grouped”
- Color – allows you to add color to the inside of selected objects (shapes, wordarts, text
- etc.)
- – a sign that usually contains informational or promotional material.
- so that you can move/resize them all at once.
- – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.
- – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data.
- – to change the appearance of text, objects, shapes, wordart, textboxes, etc.
- – Objects that can be drawn on your page; you can add color, patterns, or text to these
- Box – a box that can be colored or transparent and automatically allows you to type within
22 Clues: etc.) • boundaries. • boxes, etc.) • pictures, etc.) on the page. • – the appearance of the typed text. • so that you can move/resize them all at once. • – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher. • – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page. • – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data. • ...
Desktop Publishing Key Vocabulary Terms 2024-04-25
- a sign that usually contains informational or promotional material.
- to change the appearance of text, objects, shapes, wordart, textboxes, etc.
- pictures, etc.) on the page.
- a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.
- formatting for the pictures that specifies how the text wraps around objects
- a picture or graphic that visually represents a company or business.
- allows you to put a border (line, picture, or other artwork) around the whole
- the appearance of the typed text.
- etc.)
- boxes, etc.)
- formatting for text that allows you to create lists throughout your
- Objects that can be drawn on your page; you can add color, patterns, or text to these
- a small booklet or pamphlet, often containing informational or promotional
- allows you to add color to the inside of selected objects (shapes, wordarts, text
- when many objects are used to make one object, these objects can be “grouped”
- a box that can be colored or transparent and automatically allows you to type within
- the way the objects, shapes, and text are arranged on the page.
- allows you to add color to the outside line of selected objects (shapes, wordarts,
- boundaries.
- A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data.
- so that you can move/resize them all at once.
21 Clues: etc.) • boundaries. • boxes, etc.) • pictures, etc.) on the page. • the appearance of the typed text. • so that you can move/resize them all at once. • a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher. • the way the objects, shapes, and text are arranged on the page. • A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data. • ...
VOCAB 2024-04-24
- – a picture or graphic that visually represents a company or business.
- – the appearance of the typed text.
- List/Numbered List – formatting for text that allows you to create lists throughout your
- Layout – the way the objects, shapes, and text are arranged on the page.
- boxes, etc.)
- pictures, etc.) on the page.
- – a small booklet or pamphlet, often containing informational or promotional
- Color – allows you to add color to the outside line of selected objects (shapes, wordarts,
- Borders – allows you to put a border (line, picture, or other artwork) around the whole
- boundaries.
- Wrapping – formatting for the pictures that specifies how the text wraps around objects
- – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.
- – when many objects are used to make one object, these objects can be “grouped”
- Color – allows you to add color to the inside of selected objects (shapes, wordarts, text
- etc.)
- – a sign that usually contains informational or promotional material.
- so that you can move/resize them all at once.
- – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.
- – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data.
- – to change the appearance of text, objects, shapes, wordart, textboxes, etc.
- – Objects that can be drawn on your page; you can add color, patterns, or text to these
- Box – a box that can be colored or transparent and automatically allows you to type within
22 Clues: etc.) • boundaries. • boxes, etc.) • pictures, etc.) on the page. • – the appearance of the typed text. • so that you can move/resize them all at once. • – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher. • – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page. • – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data. • ...
2D Shapes 2013-05-21
- of a a circles circumference
- distance from one edge to the other on a circle
- hexagon has this many sides
- distance from the centre of a circle to the edge
- five sided shape
- octagon has this many sides
- is called the perimeter for other 2D shapes
- triangle with 3 equal sides
- slice of a circle
- shape has a radius and diameter
- right angle is ____ degrees
- type of regular quadrilateral
- four sided shape
- of triangle with 2 equal sides
- you fold a circle in half it is....
- 11 sided shape
- shapes have all angles and sides even
- middle of a circle is called this
- closed sided shape with at least 3 sides
- the radius is 2cm the diameter is ____cm
20 Clues: 11 sided shape • four sided shape • five sided shape • slice of a circle • right angle is ____ degrees • hexagon has this many sides • octagon has this many sides • triangle with 3 equal sides • of a a circles circumference • type of regular quadrilateral • of triangle with 2 equal sides • shape has a radius and diameter • middle of a circle is called this • ...
Containers, shapes 2014-02-23
- Sfera
- Sześcian
- Puszka na herbatę
- Graniastosłup trójkątny
- Beczka
- Torba na zakupy
- Skrzynia
- Prostokąt
- Ostrosłup prawidłowy czworokątny
- Trójkąt
- Szafka na dokumenty
- Kwadrat
- Klatka
- Okrąg
- Baryłka
- Kufer
- Krzyż
- Czara, kielich
- Chlebak
- Pochwa na miecz
- Kosz na śmieci (zewnętrzny)
- Romb
- Walec
- Graniastosłup prosty
- Teczka
- Plecak
- Kosz na śmieci (w domu)
- Stożek
28 Clues: Romb • Krzyż • Sfera • Walec • Okrąg • Kufer • Beczka • Teczka • Plecak • Klatka • Stożek • Chlebak • Trójkąt • Kwadrat • Baryłka • Sześcian • Skrzynia • Prostokąt • Czara, kielich • Pochwa na miecz • Torba na zakupy • Puszka na herbatę • Szafka na dokumenty • Graniastosłup prosty • Graniastosłup trójkątny • Kosz na śmieci (w domu) • Kosz na śmieci (zewnętrzny) • Ostrosłup prawidłowy czworokątny
SHAPES - kształty 2017-07-01
27 Clues: kula • koło • romb • pętla • krzyż • ostry • prosty • stożek • owalny • okrągły • trójkąt • kwadrat • poziomy • pionowy • kolisty • kulisty • wypukły • wklęsły • podłużny • spiralny • sześcian • prostokąt • trójkątny • równoległy • półksiężyc • zakrzywiony • prostokątny
SHAPES - kształty 2017-07-01
27 Clues: koło • romb • kula • ostry • pętla • krzyż • owalny • prosty • stożek • pionowy • trójkąt • okrągły • poziomy • kolisty • kulisty • wypukły • wklęsły • kwadrat • spiralny • podłużny • sześcian • trójkątny • prostokąt • półksiężyc • równoległy • zakrzywiony • prostokątny
3D Shapes 2022-06-26
- A 2D shape that is simple, closed and has straight edges.
- These can be folded to make a 3D shape.
- Another name for a rectangular prism.
- A four sided polygon.
- / A closed solid with flat faces.
- 2D shapes made from five squares.
- An occupation that uses shapes in designing buildings.
- A special prism.
- Like a pyramid but has a circular base.
- The top point of a pyramid.
- Top, front side views.
- A 2D shape with six sides.
- Drawing where front face is to scale.
- Drawing using leading edge.
- A 3D shape with circular ends.
- A square pyramid has eight of these.
- A 3D shape used by Ancient Egyptians.
- / 3D shapes with congruent parallel faces at ends.
- A 2D shape with eight sides.
- A pyramid is named according to the shape of its ________.
- A cube has eight of these.
21 Clues: A special prism. • A four sided polygon. • Top, front side views. • A 2D shape with six sides. • A cube has eight of these. • Drawing using leading edge. • The top point of a pyramid. • A 2D shape with eight sides. • A 3D shape with circular ends. • 2D shapes made from five squares. • / A closed solid with flat faces. • A square pyramid has eight of these. • ...
SHAPES 2022-01-24
- Shape that has 4 sides but two are longer than the others
- Shape that has 5 sides
- Shape that has 4 sides but has diagonals sides
- Shape that has 6 sides
- Looks like an organic shape but it is a geometric shape.
- Shape that has 4 equal sides
- Shape that has 8 sides
- Shape that has 7 sides
- shapes that have to be done with precision
- shape found mostly in nature
- shape that has 3 sides.
11 Clues: Shape that has 8 sides • Shape that has 7 sides • Shape that has 5 sides • Shape that has 6 sides • shape that has 3 sides. • Shape that has 4 equal sides • shape found mostly in nature • shapes that have to be done with precision • Shape that has 4 sides but has diagonals sides • Looks like an organic shape but it is a geometric shape. • ...
Shapes 2023-09-14
- A shape with four even sides
- A symbol of love and Valentine's Day
- A 3D box
- A stop sign with 8 sides is an ________
- A shape with six sides
- What is a shape with one curved side and a straight edge?
- This shape is the name of bright, shiny objects in the night sky
- A shape with three sides
- A shape with two sides longer than the other two equal sides
- A shape with no sides and a round edge
- When identifying shapes, we look at how many ____ they have
11 Clues: A 3D box • A shape with six sides • A shape with three sides • A shape with four even sides • A symbol of love and Valentine's Day • A shape with no sides and a round edge • A stop sign with 8 sides is an ________ • What is a shape with one curved side and a straight edge? • When identifying shapes, we look at how many ____ they have • ...
3D shapes 2022-10-12
- A more common name for a hexahedron
- The corner of a shape
- A drawing in 2D that has different views
- A 3 dimensional circle
- Half a sphere
- A cone with the top removed
- Most soft drink cans are this shape
- The top point of a pyramid
- A 3D shape that has 20 equilateral triangle faces
- The space inside a 3D object
- There are exactly 5 of these solids
- Another type of 2D sketch
- A 2D drawing of a 3D shape that does not have any horizontal lines
- The mathematician is famous for theories about 3D shapes
- A 3D shape with two congruent parallel faces
- A 3D shape that has 4 equilateral triangle faces
- A 3D shape that has an apex
- A 2D shape used to make a model of a 3D solid
- Another name for a rectangular prism
19 Clues: Half a sphere • The corner of a shape • A 3 dimensional circle • Another type of 2D sketch • The top point of a pyramid • A cone with the top removed • A 3D shape that has an apex • The space inside a 3D object • There are exactly 5 of these solids • A more common name for a hexahedron • Most soft drink cans are this shape • Another name for a rectangular prism • ...
Shapes, patterns 2021-02-07
19 Clues: täht • kuju • nurk • hele • tume • ring • ruut • ovaal • suurus • kahvatu • varjund • kolmnurk • poolring • nelinurk • kollakas • lilleline • ruuduline • triibuline • teravatipuline
Multiple Shapes 2014-06-01
- I'm round
- I can be no side, one side, or multiple sides
- little kids love playing with me
- you see me at night
- all my sides are perfect
- a shape of our school logo
- you use me on jewellery
- we are living in ...
- you see me on a wedding
- a slice of pizza
- you need me for parties
- you see me when you have a doughnut
- a shape of an egg
- twinkle twinkle little ...
- my opposite length is the same side
- a slice of watermelon
- the title of this unit
- I can melt you
- a ladder
19 Clues: a ladder • I'm round • I can melt you • a slice of pizza • a shape of an egg • you see me at night • we are living in ... • a slice of watermelon • the title of this unit • you need me for parties • you use me on jewellery • you see me on a wedding • all my sides are perfect • twinkle twinkle little ... • a shape of our school logo • little kids love playing with me • ...
Geometric shapes 2023-05-31
- A shape with four sides of equal length, where opposite sides are parallel and angles are not right angles
- A shape with four sides, where two sides are parallel and the other two sides are not parallel
- A shape with a triangular end and a straight, elongated body.
- A three-dimensional shape with two circular bases and a curved surface
- A shape with four sides and four right angles, where opposite sides are equal in length
- A three-dimensional shape with a curved surface and no edges or corners
- A shape that is elongated and resembling an egg or an ellipse
- A shape with eight sides and eight angles
- A shape with three sides and three angles
- A three-dimensional shape with six square faces of equal size
- A three-dimensional shape with a circular base and a curved surface that tapers to a point
- A shape with two pairs of parallel sides and opposite sides of equal length
- A shape with multiple points or projections, often with five or six points
- A three-dimensional shape with a base and triangular faces that meet at a single point
- A shape with six sides and six angles
- A shape with four sides of equal length, where opposite sides are parallel and angles are not right angles
- A round shape with no corners or edges
- A shape with five sides and five angles
- A shape with four equal sides and four right angles
- A shape with two pairs of equal-length, adjacent sides and one pair of opposite angles that are equal
20 Clues: A shape with six sides and six angles • A round shape with no corners or edges • A shape with five sides and five angles • A shape with eight sides and eight angles • A shape with three sides and three angles • A shape with four equal sides and four right angles • A three-dimensional shape with six square faces of equal size • ...
Pivot Point Chapter 10 Hairstyling (2) 2015-01-29
- The ? of the curl will be determined by the diameter of the tool or pincurl.
- ? shapes or sections include circles, ovals and oblongs.
- ? are created using parallel curved distribution.
- With a square shape, the hair is usually distributed ? from the center of the shape.
- A center part on a round or square face will ? the roundness or squareness.
- As a general rule, ? parts work well with an oval face shape but not with a round, square or long, thin facial shape.
- ? are lines that subdivide shapes or sections to help distribute and control the hair.
- ? shapes have radial or parallel distribution.
- Correctly placed ? will enhance the appearance of your client's hairstyle.
- When two oblongs ?, they create an S shaped movement or a wave.
- Once straight or curved shapes have been sectioned, the hair can be set with rollers or pincurls to produce the final desired ?.
- Before beginning to set the hair, you'll need to subdivide the head into major areas or ?.
- ? or shaping is the process of combing wet hair into the desired position.
- On a long face, a center part will ? the length.
- The most common ? shapes are the square, rectangle and triangle.
- A single ? creates a C shaped movement.
- ? shapes are used to move the hair in one direction, generally away from the face.
- A ? requires the use of radial distribution.
- An entire design or hairstyle will always be composed of some combination of ?.
- ? shapes have parallel distribution.
- ? and squares can be used with radial or parallel distribution.
- Subsections are often called ?.
- The ? is the hair between the scalp and the first turn around the roller, thermal iron or round brush.
- The ? base is the area between partings within a shape or, the section of hair on which the roller, thermal iron or round brush is placed.
24 Clues: Subsections are often called ?. • ? shapes have parallel distribution. • A single ? creates a C shaped movement. • A ? requires the use of radial distribution. • ? shapes have radial or parallel distribution. • On a long face, a center part will ? the length. • ? are created using parallel curved distribution. • ? shapes or sections include circles, ovals and oblongs. • ...
ABCC 1A Mathematics Project 2022-02-02
14 Clues: off • and • and sets • and cone • and loans • and cuboid • and degrees • and numbers • and decemals • and deposits • and division • and subtraction • and solid shapes • shapes and flat shapes
Shapes & 3D Shapes 2023-07-04
- a flat shape with four sides, where two of the sides are parallel
- a flat shape that has four sides. The two sets of opposite sides are parallel and of equal length to each other.
- a solid or hollow tube with long straight sides and two circular ends the same size, or an object shaped like this, often used as a container
- a flat shape with four sides of equal length and four angles of 90°
- a solid object with six square sides of equal size
- a flat shape with four 90° angles and four sides, with opposite sides of equal length
- a flat shape that has four sides that are all of equal length
- shaped like a circle that is flattened so that it is like an egg
- a solid object with a square base and four triangular sides that form a point at the top
- a continuous curved line, the points of which are always the same distance away from a fixed central point, or the area inside such a line
- a solid object with six rectangular sides
11 Clues: a solid object with six rectangular sides • a solid object with six square sides of equal size • a flat shape that has four sides that are all of equal length • shaped like a circle that is flattened so that it is like an egg • a flat shape with four sides, where two of the sides are parallel • a flat shape with four sides of equal length and four angles of 90° • ...
shapes 2021-02-15
- round and has the same diameter length (from one end to another and passing through the center of this shape) all around
- has 3 sides and adds up to 180 degrees
- what you sleep in when you go camping
- has 4 90 degree angles and 4 equal sides
- a sideways diamond
- round but more squished
- has 4 90 degree angles and 2 sides that are equal to each other but not to the other 2 and vice versa
- the shape of a log or a straw
- a triangle but with one of the tops cut off
- has 8 sides
- has 6 sides
11 Clues: has 8 sides • has 6 sides • a sideways diamond • round but more squished • the shape of a log or a straw • what you sleep in when you go camping • has 3 sides and adds up to 180 degrees • has 4 90 degree angles and 4 equal sides • a triangle but with one of the tops cut off • ...
SHAPES 2022-01-24
- Shape that has 4 sides but two are longer than the others
- Shape that has 5 sides
- Shape that has 4 sides but has diagonals sides
- Shape that has 6 sides
- Looks like an organic shape but it is a geometric shape.
- Shape that has 4 equal sides
- Shape that has 8 sides
- Shape that has 7 sides
- shapes that have to be done with precision
- shape found mostly in nature
- shape that has 3 sides.
11 Clues: Shape that has 8 sides • Shape that has 7 sides • Shape that has 5 sides • Shape that has 6 sides • shape that has 3 sides. • Shape that has 4 equal sides • shape found mostly in nature • shapes that have to be done with precision • Shape that has 4 sides but has diagonals sides • Looks like an organic shape but it is a geometric shape. • ...
SHAPES 2022-01-25
- Shape that has 4 sides but two are longer than the others
- Shape that has 5 sides
- Shape that has 4 sides but has diagonals sides
- Shape that has 6 sides
- Looks like an organic shape but it is a geometric shape.
- Shape that has 4 equal sides
- Shape that has 8 sides
- Shape that has 7 sides
- category of shapes that have to be done with precision
- category of shapes found mostly in nature
- shape that has 3 sides.
11 Clues: Shape that has 8 sides • Shape that has 7 sides • Shape that has 5 sides • Shape that has 6 sides • shape that has 3 sides. • Shape that has 4 equal sides • category of shapes found mostly in nature • Shape that has 4 sides but has diagonals sides • category of shapes that have to be done with precision • Looks like an organic shape but it is a geometric shape. • ...
Shapes 2022-06-07
- the shape that has two long and short lines
- these shapes are a pig and lamp
- its a 🔺
- The shape that makes a rectangle
- its a line
- the shape with seven sides
- your heart in 3d
- me on roblox
- the shape of a stop sign
- The only shape has no corners nor lines!It never slows or speeds up
- you mostly see it in the daytime and night
11 Clues: its a 🔺 • its a line • me on roblox • your heart in 3d • the shape of a stop sign • the shape with seven sides • these shapes are a pig and lamp • The shape that makes a rectangle • you mostly see it in the daytime and night • the shape that has two long and short lines • The only shape has no corners nor lines!It never slows or speeds up
Shapes 2024-05-10
shapes 2024-12-13
- A cube has _________ vertices.
- Cylinder have _________ of these edges
- A cone has only 1 of these _________
- A cone has _________ face.
- A sphere has only one __________ face.
- A cylinder has 2 plane faces. The other face is _________
- A cuboid has _________ faces.
- A cone has 1 curved face and one _________ face.
- A sphere has _________ vertices.
- I have 6 faces and 8 vertices. What am I? _________
- Cubes and cuboids have _________ edges.
- This shape has only 1 vertex. _________
- You find 8 of me on a cube or cuboid. _________
13 Clues: A cone has _________ face. • A cuboid has _________ faces. • A cube has _________ vertices. • A sphere has _________ vertices. • A cone has only 1 of these _________ • Cylinder have _________ of these edges • A sphere has only one __________ face. • Cubes and cuboids have _________ edges. • This shape has only 1 vertex. _________ • ...
15 Clues: " • ll • /_ • x-y • rad/c • grad/g • shapes • one turn • arcminute • infinite line • 90 degree angle • same shapes, not same size • line that start from point A • line from point a to point b • equivalence of geomteric shapes and size
Pasta Shapes 2023-06-25
- Spiral-shaped pasta with a corkscrew-like form
- Square or round pasta filled with cheese or meat
- Large, tube-shaped pasta with ridges
- Flat and thin pasta similar to spaghetti
- Ring-shaped pasta filled with cheese or meat
- Wide and flat ribbon-like pasta
- Long, thin cylindrical pasta
- Corkscrew-shaped pasta
- Short, tubular pasta
- Short tubes cut diagonally at both ends
- Small curved pasta tubes
- Small, ear-shaped pasta
- Small, rice-shaped pasta
- Spiral-shaped pasta with twisted grooves
- Bow-tie shaped pasta with ruffled edges
- Long, flat pasta similar to fettuccine
- Flat, ribbon-like pasta
- Wide, flat pasta sheets often layered in a dish
18 Clues: Short, tubular pasta • Corkscrew-shaped pasta • Small, ear-shaped pasta • Flat, ribbon-like pasta • Small curved pasta tubes • Small, rice-shaped pasta • Long, thin cylindrical pasta • Wide and flat ribbon-like pasta • Large, tube-shaped pasta with ridges • Long, flat pasta similar to fettuccine • Short tubes cut diagonally at both ends • Bow-tie shaped pasta with ruffled edges • ...
Pasta Shapes 2024-12-19
BODY SHAPES 2023-07-10
- Having a strong and solidly built body
- Having a full and rounded body shape
- Extremely overweight or having excessive body fat
- The overall structure, appearance, and development of a person's body
- The shape or form of a person's body
- The condition of being excessively overweight
- Weighing more than what is considered healthy or normal
- Tall and thin, often with long limbs and a somewhat awkward appearance
- Having a round and slightly fat body shape
- Having a broad and compact body with a strong build
- Gracefully thin or delicate in build
- Having a slender or thin physique
- The size, shape, and proportions of a person's body
- Weighing less than what is considered healthy or normal
- Having a thin but strong and healthy physique
- Having a small and dainty physique
- Extremely thin or emaciated
- Tall, slender, and graceful in appearance
- Having well-developed muscles
19 Clues: Extremely thin or emaciated • Having well-developed muscles • Having a slender or thin physique • Having a small and dainty physique • Having a full and rounded body shape • The shape or form of a person's body • Gracefully thin or delicate in build • Having a strong and solidly built body • Tall, slender, and graceful in appearance • ...
Geometrical shapes 2024-04-18
- angle more than 90 degrees
- any of the line segments from its center to its perimeter
- a quadrilateral with both pairs of opposite sides parallel and all sides the same length
- a line that goes up and down
- angle less than 90 degrees
- a polygon with 9 sides
- 4 sided shape
- formed when two straight lines or rays meet at a common endpoint
- a polygon with 10 sides
- measure less than 90 degrees
- a polygon with 6 sides
- a polygon with 5 sides
- the length of the line through the center that touches two points on the edge of the circle
- all sides and angles are congruent
- a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides
- a polygon with 8 sides
- angle that is 90 degrees
- something lying or moving in the same direction but always the same distance apart
- no sides or angles are congruent
- having two sides of equal length.
20 Clues: 4 sided shape • a polygon with 6 sides • a polygon with 5 sides • a polygon with 8 sides • a polygon with 9 sides • a polygon with 10 sides • angle that is 90 degrees • angle more than 90 degrees • angle less than 90 degrees • a line that goes up and down • measure less than 90 degrees • no sides or angles are congruent • having two sides of equal length. • ...
Camouflage 01 2022-11-14
Kleki 2024-08-21
Elements of Art 2018-02-26
- A line is the path of a moving ________________
- _______________________ Texture is creating the visual effect of texture by slowly drawing lines, shapes, and values
- The SIX initials of the Natural Spectrum Color Order __________________________
- The tool an artist uses, as well as the _______________________ of their hand, can change a line’s quality.
- ________________________ is shading, or lightness and darkness used to enhance a line drawing.
- The three ___________________________ of color are: hue, value, and intensity.
- Organic shapes are _________________________ shapes
- _________________________ is the response of vision to wavelengths of light.
- Line _____________________________ is the unique character of any line.
- ______________________ is an enclosed space having only two dimensions (length and width)
- _________________________ is how the surfaces of objects feel and look.
- _____________________________shapes are man made shapes and can require a formula to create them.
- Forms are three dimensional (length, width, and depth) and encloses ________________________
- Shading creates the illusion of ______________________________
- Shapes can be geometric or ________________________
- ________________________ can express feelings, sketch ideas, design, divide space, make shapes and textures.
16 Clues: A line is the path of a moving ________________ • Shapes can be geometric or ________________________ • Organic shapes are _________________________ shapes • Shading creates the illusion of ______________________________ • Line _____________________________ is the unique character of any line. • ...
Art Grade 6 - Review Topics Crossword 2022-09-30
- Lines can be used on the face of a character to show emotion like angry or sad.
- An _________ is like a circle, but longer in shape.
- One of the few Geometric Shapes in nature is the body of a sea _____.
- Three-Dimensional Shapes are also called _______.
- A Sphere is round no matter which direction it is looked at.
- Two-Dimensional Shapes are _____, which means they have no thickness.
- A cube has six faces and _______ corners.
- One important way we use lines is in __________ to make sure things are the right size or straight.
- ________ Shapes are random and usually one of a kind.
- The cells in beehives are shaped like a _______.
- _________ Lines go from one place to another without deviating.
- A soda can has the shape of a ________.
- A _________ has five straight sides.
- ________ Art uses shapes to express ideas.
- _______ are the number of ways a shape can be measured.
- ____________ Shapes have an exact number of sides or curves.
16 Clues: A _________ has five straight sides. • A soda can has the shape of a ________. • A cube has six faces and _______ corners. • ________ Art uses shapes to express ideas. • The cells in beehives are shaped like a _______. • Three-Dimensional Shapes are also called _______. • An _________ is like a circle, but longer in shape. • ...
shapes & colors 2017-07-12
18 Clues: Form • Lila • Loch • Beige • Linie • Punkt • Kreis • Khaki • füllig • Türkis • Kupfer • schlank • Dreieck • Kastanie • Olivgrün • Anthrazit • Marineblau • Smaragdgrün
Hardest Math Puzzle 2023-11-28
- Overall measurement and dimensions of things
- Study of numbers, shapes, logic, and quantity and arrangements
- Four sided-polygon with all internal angles equal to 90 degrees
- Form of objects that have boundary lines, angles, and surfaces
- Where shapes faces meet
- Illustrating a general rule
- Mirror image of a shape
- Closed figure with 12 sides and 12 angles
- Result of adding numbers
- Polygon that has three edges and three vertices
- Rule written with mathematical symbols
- Angles that measure less than 90 degrees
- A portion/part
- Branch of mathematics that studies the angles,sizes,shapes,positions,and dimensions of things
- Quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides
- Measures 90 degrees
- Line segment that joins two vertices in a shape
- Closed two-dimensional polygon with 6 sides
- Measure the same
- Two lines that intersect each other at right angles
20 Clues: A portion/part • Measure the same • Measures 90 degrees • Where shapes faces meet • Mirror image of a shape • Result of adding numbers • Illustrating a general rule • Rule written with mathematical symbols • Angles that measure less than 90 degrees • Closed figure with 12 sides and 12 angles • Closed two-dimensional polygon with 6 sides • ...
Hardest Math Puzzle 2023-11-28
- Overall measurement and dimensions of things
- Study of numbers, shapes, logic, and quantity and arrangements
- Four sided-polygon with all internal angles equal to 90 degrees
- Form of objects that have boundary lines, angles, and surfaces
- Where shapes faces meet
- Illustrating a general rule
- Mirror image of a shape
- Closed figure with 12 sides and 12 angles
- Result of adding numbers
- Polygon that has three edges and three vertices
- Rule written with mathematical symbols
- Angles that measure less than 90 degrees
- A portion/part
- Branch of mathematics that studies the angles,sizes,shapes,positions,and dimensions of things
- Quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides
- Measures 90 degrees
- Line segment that joins two vertices in a shape
- Closed two-dimensional polygon with 6 sides
- Measure the same
- Two lines that intersect each other at right angles
20 Clues: A portion/part • Measure the same • Measures 90 degrees • Where shapes faces meet • Mirror image of a shape • Result of adding numbers • Illustrating a general rule • Rule written with mathematical symbols • Angles that measure less than 90 degrees • Closed figure with 12 sides and 12 angles • Closed two-dimensional polygon with 6 sides • ...
Transformations 2023-01-20
- shapes with congruent corresponding angles and congruent corresponding sides
- type of transformation that creates congruent shapes
- the shape before a transformation
- a slide
- in the opposite direction of a clock
- the shape obtained from a transformation
- type of transformation that creates non-congruent shapes
- a spin
- an enlarging or shrinking that creates similar shapes
- a flip
- lines in a plane that never intersect
- shapes with congruent corresponding angles and proportional corresponding sides
- in the direction of a clock
13 Clues: a spin • a flip • a slide • in the direction of a clock • the shape before a transformation • in the opposite direction of a clock • lines in a plane that never intersect • the shape obtained from a transformation • type of transformation that creates congruent shapes • an enlarging or shrinking that creates similar shapes • ...
Hardest Math Puzzle 2023-11-28
- Closed figure with 12 sides and 12 angles
- Line segment that joins two vertices in a shape
- Study of numbers, shapes, logic, and quantity and arrangements
- Angles that measure less than 90 degrees
- Quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides
- A portion/part
- Measure the same
- Illustrating a general rule
- Rule written with mathematical symbols
- Overall measurement and dimensions of things
- Where shapes faces meet
- Form of objects that have boundary lines, angles, and surfaces
- Two lines that intersect each other at right angles
- Polygon that has three edges and three vertices
- Result of adding numbers
- Closed two-dimensional polygon with 6 sides
- Measures 90 degrees
- Mirror image of a shape
- Branch of mathematics that studies the angles,sizes,shapes,positions,and dimensions of things
- Four sided-polygon with all internal angles equal to 90 degrees
20 Clues: A portion/part • Measure the same • Measures 90 degrees • Where shapes faces meet • Mirror image of a shape • Result of adding numbers • Illustrating a general rule • Rule written with mathematical symbols • Angles that measure less than 90 degrees • Closed figure with 12 sides and 12 angles • Closed two-dimensional polygon with 6 sides • ...
Shapes 2020-09-24
- Make your shape smaller or bigger (6)
- The menu that appears once you have a shape selected. (6)
- The colour of the handles used to modify a shape (6)
- Handles that appear on a shape when you select it (6)
- Tab where you can find tools to add shapes to a document. (6)
- How the thickness of lines is measured (6)
- Click & ____ , one method to add a shape (4)
- A shape effect that mirrors. (10)
- Word used to describe how to organise shapes in layers
- Shape _____ allows you to apply pre-set colours and effects to quickly change the appearance of your shape (5)
10 Clues: A shape effect that mirrors. (10) • Make your shape smaller or bigger (6) • How the thickness of lines is measured (6) • Click & ____ , one method to add a shape (4) • The colour of the handles used to modify a shape (6) • Handles that appear on a shape when you select it (6) • Word used to describe how to organise shapes in layers • ...
Shapes! 2020-09-09
- you can stand on the ____.
- curved inwards.
- a door is shaped as a ____.
- a flat shape with 4 straight sides where opposite sides are parallel.
- if its not 2D its ____.
- i have no corners and im shaped like a ball.
- if you cut me in half both of my halves would be ____.
- Curved Outwards.
- a three sided polygon. The sum of the angles equal 180 degrees.
- The same shape and size, but we are allowed to flip, slide or turn.
10 Clues: curved inwards. • Curved Outwards. • if its not 2D its ____. • you can stand on the ____. • a door is shaped as a ____. • i have no corners and im shaped like a ball. • if you cut me in half both of my halves would be ____. • a three sided polygon. The sum of the angles equal 180 degrees. • The same shape and size, but we are allowed to flip, slide or turn. • ...
shapes 2020-09-09
- A shape that is 8 sided.
- prism A solid (3-dimensional) object which has six faces that are rectangles.
- A 3-dimensional object shaped like a ball.
- A flat shape with four straight sides.
- triangle A triangle with all sides of different lengths.
- A shape that has 3 sides.
- he same shape and size, but we are allowed to flip, slide or turn.
- curves inwards.
- A flat shape with 4 straight sides where opposite sides are parallel.
- curves outwards.
10 Clues: curves inwards. • curves outwards. • A shape that is 8 sided. • A shape that has 3 sides. • A flat shape with four straight sides. • A 3-dimensional object shaped like a ball. • triangle A triangle with all sides of different lengths. • he same shape and size, but we are allowed to flip, slide or turn. • ...
Shapes 2020-09-09
- Curved inwards
- Curved outwards
- 4 sides of equal lengths
- A 6-sided polygon (a flat shape with straight sides)
- A 5-sided polygon (a flat shape with straight sides)
- A box-shaped solid object that has six identical square faces
- A flat shape with four straight sides
- A 3-dimensional object shaped like a ball
- An 8-sided polygon (a flat shape with straight sides)
- A flat shape with 4 straight sides
10 Clues: Curved inwards • Curved outwards • 4 sides of equal lengths • A flat shape with 4 straight sides • A flat shape with four straight sides • A 3-dimensional object shaped like a ball • A 6-sided polygon (a flat shape with straight sides) • A 5-sided polygon (a flat shape with straight sides) • An 8-sided polygon (a flat shape with straight sides) • ...
SHAPES 2020-09-10
- Curved inwards
- A 3 dimensional object shaped like a ball
- A line going from the bottom left corner to the right corner
- 4 equal sided 2d shape
- Curved outwards
- A 3d object made from squares
- Move in one direction only no bends or curves
- three sided angle
- An eight sided 2d shape
- a 3d object which sides are triangles which meet at the top
10 Clues: Curved inwards • Curved outwards • three sided angle • 4 equal sided 2d shape • An eight sided 2d shape • A 3d object made from squares • A 3 dimensional object shaped like a ball • Move in one direction only no bends or curves • a 3d object which sides are triangles which meet at the top • A line going from the bottom left corner to the right corner
Shapes 2022-01-25
10 Clues: Has 2 faces • round edges • Has 6 faces • holds ice cream • Four 90 degree angles • Has Infinite lines of symmetry • Has a cross section of a square • prism cross section of a hexagon • prism cross section of a pentagon • prism Has a cross section on a triangle
Shapes 2017-09-07
10 Clues: a solid square • one curved side • 3 straight sides • a solid made from a circle • a cold cube used in drinks • a cube shaped like a rectangle • 4 straight sides of equal length • a solid that looks like an icecream • 4 straight sides, pairs of two equal lengths • a solid made from a circle and looks like a ball
Shapes 2019-02-07
- The form of an object.
- A line that marks the outer limits of a shape or form.
- Shapes that are typically associated with natural things. Often irregular or asymmetrical..
- A shape with six straight sides and six angles.
- Shapes that are made by using tools. Includes circles, triangle, rectangles, squares, etc.
- A shape with four equal straight sides, and four right angles.
- A round shape drawn using a compass.
- A shape with three straight sides, and three angles.
- Used to fill the interior of a shape.
- An outline that appears dark against a light background.
10 Clues: The form of an object. • A round shape drawn using a compass. • Used to fill the interior of a shape. • A shape with six straight sides and six angles. • A shape with three straight sides, and three angles. • A line that marks the outer limits of a shape or form. • An outline that appears dark against a light background. • ...
Shapes 2019-02-10
Shapes 2023-10-20
Shapes 2023-03-08
- a perfect round solid shape
- a shape with four equal sides and four right angles
- shape of a pine tree
- body having six equal square sides
- a shape with straight sides and circular ends
- shape with four straight sides and four right angles
- this shape has no corners and no sides
- shape that reflects the colors of the rainbow
- a plane figure which is closed by three straight lines
- half of a circle
10 Clues: half of a circle • shape of a pine tree • a perfect round solid shape • body having six equal square sides • this shape has no corners and no sides • shape that reflects the colors of the rainbow • a shape with straight sides and circular ends • a shape with four equal sides and four right angles • shape with four straight sides and four right angles • ...
Shapes 2024-02-28
10 Clues: This shape has 3 sides • This shape has 5 sides • This shape has 6 sides • This shape has 4 sides • This shape has 8 sides • This shape has no sides • Number of angles in a square • Number of angles in a circle • Number of angles in a hexagon • Number of angles in a triangle
Shapes 2024-02-27
- I have 8 sides and 8 vertices.
- I have 4 sides and 4 vertices. I have one pair of parallel lines.
- I have 0 sides and 0 vertices.
- I have 6 sides and 6 vertices.
- I have 4 equal sides and 4 vertices.
- I have 4 sides and 4 vertices. I have two pairs of parallel lines.
- I have 3 sides and 3 vertices.
- I have 5 sides and 5 vertices.
- I have 4 sides and 4 vertices. I also have 2 long sides and 2 short sides.
- I have 4 sides and 4 vertices. I am also called a diamond.
10 Clues: I have 8 sides and 8 vertices. • I have 3 sides and 3 vertices. • I have 5 sides and 5 vertices. • I have 0 sides and 0 vertices. • I have 6 sides and 6 vertices. • I have 4 equal sides and 4 vertices. • I have 4 sides and 4 vertices. I am also called a diamond. • I have 4 sides and 4 vertices. I have one pair of parallel lines. • ...
Shapes 2024-06-03
- 4 equal side opposite sides parallel
- Two pairs of adjacent sides are equal Two diagonals intersect each other at right angles. The longer diagonal bisects the shorter diagonal
- This shape has 3 side and 3 corners
- Quadrilateral The bases (the top and bottom) are not parallel to each other
- If the diagonals of a kite are 10 cm and 12 cm, what's its perimeter?
- what's the perimeter of a rectangle with sides of 10 cm and 6 cm?
- What is the perimeter of a square with each side measuring 150 units?
- 4 equal side with 4 corner
- What's the area of a right triangle with legs of 8 cm and 6 cm?
- 4 side, has 2 pairs of opposite sides that are equal and parallel.
10 Clues: 4 equal side with 4 corner • This shape has 3 side and 3 corners • 4 equal side opposite sides parallel • What's the area of a right triangle with legs of 8 cm and 6 cm? • what's the perimeter of a rectangle with sides of 10 cm and 6 cm? • 4 side, has 2 pairs of opposite sides that are equal and parallel. • ...
Shapes 2024-06-03
- 8.What is the perimeter of a rectangle with length 250 units and width 180 units?
- 10.What is the area of a kite with diagonals measuring 400 units and 300 units
- 1.4 equal side opposite sides parallel
- 4.Quadrilateral The bases (the top and bottom) are not parallel to each other
- 3.Two pairs of adjacent sides are equal Two diagonals intersect each other at right angles. The longer diagonal bisects the shorter diagonal
- 9.What is the area of a triangle with a base of 350 units and a height of 240 units?
- 7.What is the perimeter of a square with each side measuring 150 units?
- 6.4 equal side with 4 corner
- 5.4 side, has 2 pairs of opposite sides that are equal and parallel.
- 2.This shape has 3 side and 3 corners
10 Clues: 6.4 equal side with 4 corner • 2.This shape has 3 side and 3 corners • 1.4 equal side opposite sides parallel • 5.4 side, has 2 pairs of opposite sides that are equal and parallel. • 7.What is the perimeter of a square with each side measuring 150 units? • 4.Quadrilateral The bases (the top and bottom) are not parallel to each other • ...
Shapes 2024-06-12
- - "A shape with five points"
- - "A shape with four sides, two longer than the other two"
- - "A shape with five sides"
- - "A shape like an egg"
- - "A shape with six sides"
- - "A round shape with no corners"
- - "A shape with four equal sides"
- - "A shape often found on playing cards"
- - "A shape with three sides"
- - "A shape that represents love"
10 Clues: - "A shape like an egg" • - "A shape with six sides" • - "A shape with five sides" • - "A shape with five points" • - "A shape with three sides" • - "A shape that represents love" • - "A shape with four equal sides" • - "A round shape with no corners" • - "A shape often found on playing cards" • - "A shape with four sides, two longer than the other two"
Shapes 2023-06-17
10 Clues: It has six sides. • It has five sides. • It has no corners. • It has three sides. • It has eight sides. • It looks like a can. • All sides are equal. • It has four equal sides. • Opposite sides are equal. • Similar to a stretched circle.
Shapes 2023-06-21
- This shape has four sides with opposite sides being equal and four right angles. It looks like a door or a picture frame.
- This shape has a curved top and two rounded bumps at the bottom. It looks like the shape we draw to express love or a Valentine's Day card.
- This shape is round and doesn't have any corners. It looks like a round pizza or a ball.
- This shape is like a stretched circle. It looks like an egg or an oval-shaped rug.
- This shape has five sides and five corners. It looks like a house or a shield.
- This shape has several pointy arms radiating from a center. It looks like the shape we often draw in the sky or on top of a Christmas tree.
- This shape has three sides and three corners. It looks like a slice of pizza or a traffic sign.
- This shape has four equal sides and four corners. It looks like a window or a piece of chocolate.
- This shape has four equal sides and two pairs of parallel sides. It looks like a shiny gem or a kite.
- This shape has six sides and six corners. It looks like a honeycomb or a stop sign.
10 Clues: This shape has five sides and five corners. It looks like a house or a shield. • This shape is like a stretched circle. It looks like an egg or an oval-shaped rug. • This shape has six sides and six corners. It looks like a honeycomb or a stop sign. • This shape is round and doesn't have any corners. It looks like a round pizza or a ball. • ...
Shapes 2023-01-22
- "A shape with multiple points, often associated with a symbol of brightness and guidance."
- "A shape with two circular bases and a cylindrical surface, often associated with objects such as cans and bottles."
- "A shape with three straight sides and three angles."
- "A shape with four equal sides and four right angles."
- "A shape with four straight sides and four angles, often associated with precious gems."
- "A shape that resembles an egg or an ellipse, with a curved perimeter."
- "A shape with no edges or corners and a constant distance from its center point."
- "A shape with four sides and four right angles, opposite sides are parallel and equal in length."
- "A shape with six straight sides and six angles."
- "A shape with a round, symmetrical surface and no edges or corners, often associated with objects such as balls and planets."
10 Clues: "A shape with six straight sides and six angles." • "A shape with three straight sides and three angles." • "A shape with four equal sides and four right angles." • "A shape that resembles an egg or an ellipse, with a curved perimeter." • "A shape with no edges or corners and a constant distance from its center point." • ...
shapes 2023-01-30
- both sides are parallel and congruent
- all angles are less than 180 degress
- a quadrilateral that has 2 pairs consecutive, congruent sides. and one pair of opposite, congruent angles
- one pair of parallel sides
- at least 1 angle is > 180
- a quadrilateral where base angles are congruent and sides are congruent.
- a closed shape with all congruent sides and angles
- opposite sides and angles are congruent
- all angles are 90 and opposite sides are congruent
- a closed shape with no curves
10 Clues: at least 1 angle is > 180 • one pair of parallel sides • a closed shape with no curves • all angles are less than 180 degress • both sides are parallel and congruent • opposite sides and angles are congruent • a closed shape with all congruent sides and angles • all angles are 90 and opposite sides are congruent • ...
Pasta Shapes 2024-12-19
Shapes & Colors 2013-05-23
Shapes 2022-02-01
10 Clues: has three sides • It has 2 flat faces • Where two faces meet • Every face is a square • It does not have diagonal • It has no corner and no edge • A line joining opposite corners • It has only one edge and one corner • Sphere and cylinder does not have it • Opposite sides of each face are equal
shapes 2022-10-20
- A+(B+C)= (A+B)+C : identify the property of addition
- shape of a mobile phone
- shape of a pizza
- standard unit of measuring length on ruler
- + b = b + a identify the property
- -when 1 is subtracted from a num, we get this
- shape of a body part
- Line- visual representation of numbers on a straight line drawn either horizontally or vertically is known as
- -include positive numbers, negative numbers, and zero
- shape of an egg
10 Clues: shape of an egg • shape of a pizza • shape of a body part • shape of a mobile phone • + b = b + a identify the property • standard unit of measuring length on ruler • -when 1 is subtracted from a num, we get this • A+(B+C)= (A+B)+C : identify the property of addition • -include positive numbers, negative numbers, and zero • ...
shapes 2020-09-09
- both shape are symmetrical however can be flipped turned or sided.
- 10 sided 2d shape with straight lines.
- two or more part are exactly identical.
- half a circle.
- ice-cream.
- curved inwards.
- 2d shape that has no parallel sides.
- 2d shape were the corners facing across the corner is the same.
- triangle that has an equal length on all of the sides.
- curved inwards.
- 2d shape that has 4 lines and all those lines are an equal length.
11 Clues: ice-cream. • half a circle. • curved inwards. • curved inwards. • 2d shape that has no parallel sides. • 10 sided 2d shape with straight lines. • two or more part are exactly identical. • triangle that has an equal length on all of the sides. • 2d shape were the corners facing across the corner is the same. • both shape are symmetrical however can be flipped turned or sided. • ...
Shapes 2020-09-09
- Half a circle.
- Consisting of only length, width and height.
- A flat shape with eight straight sides.
- (Of a shape) curved outwards.
- A flat shape with four straight sides.
- (Of a shape) 4 straight sides, each parallel opposite of each other.
- (Of a shape) showing symmetry.
- (Of a line segment) that connects two corners but is not an edge.
- (Of a shape) curved inwards.
- Consisting of only length and width.
10 Clues: Half a circle. • (Of a shape) curved inwards. • (Of a shape) curved outwards. • (Of a shape) showing symmetry. • Consisting of only length and width. • A flat shape with four straight sides. • A flat shape with eight straight sides. • Consisting of only length, width and height. • (Of a line segment) that connects two corners but is not an edge. • ...
Shapes! 2020-09-09
- A 2D shape with four sides.
- Curved outwards.
- A 3D object shaped like a ball.
- A 2D shape with no sides
- A 2D shape with 8 sides
- A 3D object that is widely known for being part of Egypt’s history
- A 2D shape with six sides
- A 3D shape that holds ice cream
- Something that you can cut in half and looks the same.
- A 2D shape with ten sides
10 Clues: Curved outwards. • A 2D shape with 8 sides • A 2D shape with no sides • A 2D shape with six sides • A 2D shape with ten sides • A 2D shape with four sides. • A 3D shape that holds ice cream • A 3D object shaped like a ball. • Something that you can cut in half and looks the same. • A 3D object that is widely known for being part of Egypt’s history
Shapes 2020-09-09
- a boxed shaped solid object that has six identical square faces
- a solid 3D object that has a circular base joined to a point by a curved side
- a 8 sided polygon
- curved outwards
- a flat shape with four straight sides where opposite sides are parallel
- a 3D object shaped like a ball
- a flat shape with four straight sides
- a six sided polygon (a flat shape with straight sides
- the same shape and size,but are allowed to flip, slide or turn
- curved inwards
10 Clues: curved inwards • curved outwards • a 8 sided polygon • a 3D object shaped like a ball • a flat shape with four straight sides • a six sided polygon (a flat shape with straight sides • the same shape and size,but are allowed to flip, slide or turn • a boxed shaped solid object that has six identical square faces • ...
shapes 2020-09-10
10 Clues: a 2D shape with 5 sides • a 2D shape with 3 faces • a 3D shape with 5 faces • a 3D shape with 2 sides • a 3D shape with 6 faces • a 2D shape with 10 sides • a 2D shape with no corners • a wider version of a square. • a 2D shape that's half of a whole • a 3D shape with 6 faces similar to a square