shapes Crossword Puzzles

Shapes 2022-09-08

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. the mathematical word for a ball
  2. the mathematical word for a tube
  3. the tool that you use for drawing a circle
  4. a solid in which all faces are rectangles
  5. a plane shape with three (straight) sides
  6. the distance from the midpoint of a circle to the edge
  1. a solid in which all faces are squares
  2. a solid with one curved surface, one face, one edge and zero vertices
  3. a set of points that are all equally far away from a midpoint
  4. a quadrilateral with four right angles
  5. a plane shape that has been 'extended' to make a solid; the plane shape is not a square or a rectangle
  6. a quadrilateral with four right angles and four sides of equal length

12 Clues: the mathematical word for a ballthe mathematical word for a tubea solid in which all faces are squaresa quadrilateral with four right anglesa solid in which all faces are rectanglesa plane shape with three (straight) sidesthe tool that you use for drawing a circlethe distance from the midpoint of a circle to the edge...

Shapes 2023-06-02

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. Likes to chase mice
  2. Large marsupial
  3. 90291
  4. 6 sides
  5. shape with no length
  6. dice ludo
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Man's best friend
  3. Flying mammal
  4. 3 sides
  5. ice cream cone
  6. dice

12 Clues: dice902913 sides6 sidesdice ludoHas a trunkFlying mammalice cream coneLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase miceshape with no length

Containers, shapes 2014-02-23

Containers, shapes crossword puzzle
  1. Pochwa na miecz
  2. Walec
  3. Klatka
  4. Trójkąt
  5. Chlebak
  6. Romb
  7. Szafka na dokumenty
  8. Torba na zakupy
  9. Kosz na śmieci (zewnętrzny)
  10. Sfera
  11. Okrąg
  1. Kwadrat
  2. Czara, kielich
  3. Stożek
  4. Teczka
  5. Kosz na śmieci (w domu)
  6. Graniastosłup prosty
  7. Braniastosłup trójkątny
  8. Puszka na herbatę
  9. Baryłka
  10. Skrzynia
  11. Plecak
  12. Krzyż
  13. Beczka
  14. Kufer
  15. Ostrosłup prawidłowy czworokątny
  16. Prostokąt
  17. Sześcian

28 Clues: RombWalecKrzyżKuferSferaOkrągStożekTeczkaKlatkaPlecakBeczkaKwadratTrójkątChlebakBaryłkaSkrzyniaSześcianProstokątCzara, kielichPochwa na mieczTorba na zakupyPuszka na herbatęSzafka na dokumentyGraniastosłup prostyKosz na śmieci (w domu)Braniastosłup trójkątnyKosz na śmieci (zewnętrzny)Ostrosłup prawidłowy czworokątny

Geometric Shapes 2021-05-18

Geometric Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A 10 sided shape
  2. An 8 sided shape
  3. A 7 sided shape
  4. 4 sides with opposite side parallel and equal in length
  5. A piece cut off a circle from circumference to circumference
  6. A square that has been pushed over a little
  7. 4 equal sides meeting at right angles
  8. Means Wide
  9. A round shape
  10. Means"Long"
  1. You can fly this
  2. A 9 sided shape
  3. Like a table top - 2 dimensions
  4. A 3 sided shape
  5. A many sidedshape
  6. Can have a triangle or square base with triangular sides that join at the top
  7. A 2d shape with 4 sides, only two are parallel and the other two sides are non-parallel
  8. Has 3 dimensions - length, width and depth
  9. A 6 sided shape
  10. The shape of a piece of pizza

20 Clues: Means WideMeans"Long"A round shapeA 9 sided shapeA 3 sided shapeA 7 sided shapeA 6 sided shapeYou can fly thisA 10 sided shapeAn 8 sided shapeA many sidedshapeThe shape of a piece of pizzaLike a table top - 2 dimensions4 equal sides meeting at right anglesHas 3 dimensions - length, width and depthA square that has been pushed over a little...

SHAPES & FAMILY 2022-09-27

SHAPES & FAMILY crossword puzzle
  3. HČI
  4. STRIC
  5. SRCE
  7. TETA
  8. MOŽ
  9. KROG
  12. NEČAK
  2. OVAL
  3. MATI
  4. ŽENA
  6. OTROK
  7. BRAT
  8. DEDEK
  10. OČE
  13. ZVEZDA
  14. SIN


Colors & Shapes 2024-04-22

Colors & Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. rhymes with crown
  2. rhymes with think
  3. rhymes with plurple
  4. rhymes with fair
  5. rhymes with door hinge
  6. rhymes with schmexagon
  7. rhymes with mellow
  8. rhymes with greptagon
  9. rhymes with smack
  10. rhymes with becagon
  11. rhymes with fonagon
  1. rhymes with bright
  2. rhymes with play
  3. rhymes with briangle
  4. rhymes with mentagon
  5. rhymes with clue
  6. rhymes with clean
  7. rhymes with stoptagon
  8. rhymes with bread
  9. rhymes with bryan

20 Clues: rhymes with playrhymes with fairrhymes with cluerhymes with crownrhymes with thinkrhymes with cleanrhymes with breadrhymes with smackrhymes with bryanrhymes with brightrhymes with mellowrhymes with plurplerhymes with becagonrhymes with fonagonrhymes with brianglerhymes with mentagonrhymes with stoptagonrhymes with greptagonrhymes with door hinge...

Geometry 2017-09-27

Geometry crossword puzzle
  1. Has a pair of parallel sides. a four sided shape with a pair of opposite parallel sides.
  2. pairs of opposite angles made by two intersecting lines.They are always equal.
  3. Two angles whose sum is 180 degrees. Must equal to 180.
  4. with 7 sides. Also, is called a septagon.
  5. Two angles that have a common side. And and a common vertex and don't overlap
  6. An angles that is exactly 180 degrees. An angles whose side lie in opposite directions from the vertex.
  7. Shapes with 8 sides. A flat shape with straight lines.
  8. A shape with 3 sides.A polygon with three edges and three vertices.
  9. Shapes with 6 sides. A flat shape with straight lines.
  1. A corner point.The common endpoint of two or more line segments.
  2. Shapes with 4 sides. A flat shape.
  3. Shapes with 9 sides. A flat shape with straight lines.
  4. An angle that is more than 90 degrees. But less than 180 degrees.
  5. Shapes with 5 sides.A flat shapes with straight lines.
  6. Angles is formed when two lines intersect.Two angles are said to be linear if they are adjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines.
  7. Two angles whose sum is 90 degrees. Add up to 90.
  8. When you cover a surface with a pattern with flat shapes so there are no gaps of overlaps. An arrangement of shapes closely fitted together.
  9. An angles that is exactly 90 degrees. Formed by two sides that are perpendicular.
  10. plane shape with straight lines. It can be a triangle, rectangles or an pentagon..
  11. An angles that is less than 90 degrees But more than than zero degrees

20 Clues: Shapes with 4 sides. A flat shape.with 7 sides. Also, is called a septagon.Two angles whose sum is 90 degrees. Add up to 90.Shapes with 9 sides. A flat shape with straight lines.Shapes with 5 sides.A flat shapes with straight lines.Shapes with 8 sides. A flat shape with straight lines.Shapes with 6 sides. A flat shape with straight lines....

Shape Level B 2024-09-23

Shape Level B crossword puzzle
  1. has length and width
  2. repeating shapes like an onion
  3. the same on both sides
  4. a shape that is created in perspective
  5. a very large shape
  6. shapes that are an outline of a shadow
  7. shapes that exist in space with harmony
  8. ovular shape, squished oval
  9. shapes that fit a ratio
  10. a melted or warped shape
  11. has a name, mathematical
  1. abnormal in nature
  2. not the same on both sides
  3. a three-sided shape
  4. distorted by twisting, winding, bending
  5. shrinking as the shape changes
  6. coming from nature
  7. an ovular shape with more length than width

18 Clues: abnormal in naturea very large shapecoming from naturea three-sided shapehas length and widththe same on both sidesshapes that fit a ratioa melted or warped shapehas a name, mathematicalnot the same on both sidesovular shape, squished ovalrepeating shapes like an onionshrinking as the shape changesa shape that is created in perspective...

2D Shapes 2022-08-09

2D Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. 4 straight sides; 2 shorter sides of the same length and 2 longer sides of the same length; 4 vertices; 1 line of symmetry.
  2. The sides and angles of a ___________ polygon are all equal.
  3. A polygon with 8 sides and 8 vertices.
  4. 4 straight sides; 2 shorter sides of the same length and 2 longer sides of the same length; the diagonally opposite angles are the same; 4 vertices; no lines of symmetry; like a skew rectangle.
  5. 4 straight sides, 4 vertices, 2 parallel lines.
  6. A polygon 3 sides and 3 vertices.
  7. One curved side, no angles, perfectly round, infinite lines of symmetry.
  8. 2 curved sides, 1 vertex, 1 line of symmetry; a symbol of love.
  9. A polygon with 7 sides and 7 vertices.
  10. The amount of turn between two straight lines that touch each other.
  11. 2 curved sides, 2 vertices; like a new moon.
  12. A ________ shape is made up of 2 or more shapes that are joined together.
  13. one curved side, no vertices, 2 lines of symmetry.
  1. A polygon with 5 sides and 5 vertices.
  2. a regular quadrilateral with 4 lines of symmetry.
  3. Any closed shape that has only straight sides.
  4. A polygon with 4 sides; includes the square, rectangle, rhombus, kite and parallelogram.
  5. an irregular polygon with 4 straight sides; 2 parallel shorter sides of the same length and 2 parallel longer sides of the same length; 4 vertices, 2 lines of symmetry.
  6. two lines that run alongside each other but never touch each other are called ________ lines.
  7. A polygon with 9 sides and 9 vertices.
  8. The sides and angles of an ___________ polygon are NOT all equal.
  9. A quarter of a full turn. A 90° degree angle is called a ________ angle.
  10. A polygon with 10 sides and 10 vertices.
  11. 4 straight sides, all sides are equal in length; two pairs of equal, diagonally opposite angles; like a skew square.
  12. 2 sides, 1 straight side and one curved side, 2 vertices, 1 line of symmetry.
  13. A polygon with 6 sides and 6 vertices.

26 Clues: A polygon 3 sides and 3 vertices.A polygon with 5 sides and 5 vertices.A polygon with 8 sides and 8 vertices.A polygon with 9 sides and 9 vertices.A polygon with 7 sides and 7 vertices.A polygon with 6 sides and 6 vertices.A polygon with 10 sides and 10 vertices.2 curved sides, 2 vertices; like a new moon....

Shapes, materials 2022-10-14

Shapes, materials crossword puzzle
  1. iron
  2. wood
  3. copper
  4. rubber
  5. silk
  6. faux-fur
  7. velvet
  8. cotton
  9. stone
  10. tartan
  11. steel
  12. cardboard
  13. glass
  14. square
  15. china
  16. jeans
  17. aluminium
  18. pointed
  19. heart-shaped
  1. silver
  2. star-shaped
  3. pelle
  4. rectangular
  5. lace
  6. plastic
  7. concrete
  8. gold
  9. wool
  10. satin
  11. diamond-shape
  12. eco-friendly-leather
  13. suede
  14. coke
  15. platinum
  16. oval
  17. irregular
  18. round

37 Clues: ironwoodsilklacegoldwoolcokeovalpellestonesatinsteelsuedeglasschinajeansroundsilvercopperrubbervelvetcottontartansquareplasticpointedfaux-furconcreteplatinumcardboardaluminiumirregularstar-shapedrectangularheart-shapeddiamond-shapeeco-friendly-leather

Shapes & Materials 2023-01-11

Shapes & Materials crossword puzzle
  1. fabric
  2. wood
  3. oval shaped
  4. plastic
  5. diamond
  6. oval
  7. concrete
  8. cotton
  9. square
  10. triangle
  11. circle
  12. glass
  13. heart
  14. Mis estantes están ______ de madera.
  15. tiny
  16. star
  17. enormous
  1. brick
  2. sphere
  3. small
  4. cylindrical
  5. metal
  6. cardboard
  7. wide
  8. narrow
  9. size
  10. see-through
  11. material
  12. light colored
  13. oddly shaped/irregular
  14. colorful
  15. round
  16. dark
  17. leather

34 Clues: woodwidesizeovaldarktinystarbricksmallmetalglassheartroundfabricspherenarrowcottonsquarecircleplasticdiamondleatherconcretematerialtrianglecolorfulenormouscardboardcylindricaloval shapedsee-throughlight coloredoddly shaped/irregularMis estantes están ______ de madera.

Containers, shapes 2014-02-23

Containers, shapes crossword puzzle
  1. Sześcian
  2. Klatka
  3. Pochwa na miecz
  4. Szafka na dokumenty
  5. Trójkąt
  6. Plecak
  7. Kosz na śmieci (zewnętrzny)
  8. Ostrosłup prawidłowy czworokątny
  9. Kosz na śmieci (w domu)
  10. Sfera
  11. Torba na zakupy
  12. Beczka
  13. Teczka
  14. Kwadrat
  15. Stożek
  1. Skrzynia
  2. Czara, kielich
  3. Graniastosłup trójkątny
  4. Walec
  5. Graniastosłup prosty
  6. Chlebak
  7. Puszka na herbatę
  8. Okrąg
  9. Prostokąt
  10. Kufer
  11. Romb
  12. Baryłka
  13. Krzyż

28 Clues: RombWalecOkrągKuferSferaKrzyżKlatkaPlecakBeczkaTeczkaStożekTrójkątChlebakBaryłkaKwadratSześcianSkrzyniaProstokątCzara, kielichPochwa na mieczTorba na zakupyPuszka na herbatęSzafka na dokumentyGraniastosłup prostyGraniastosłup trójkątnyKosz na śmieci (w domu)Kosz na śmieci (zewnętrzny)Ostrosłup prawidłowy czworokątny

SHAPES – KSZTAŁTY 2015-06-28

SHAPES – KSZTAŁTY crossword puzzle
  1. zakrzywiony
  2. stożek
  3. w kształcie księżyca
  4. wklęsły
  5. spiralny
  6. prostokąt
  7. sześcian
  8. trójkątny
  9. prosty
  10. pętla
  11. poziomy
  12. trójkąt
  13. ostry, zaostrzony
  14. romb
  1. krzyżyk, krzyż
  2. wypukły
  3. koło
  4. okrągły
  5. równoległy
  6. pionowy
  7. kolisty, okrągły
  8. prostokątny
  9. podłużny
  10. kula
  11. kwadrat; kwadratowy
  12. kulisty
  13. owal; owalny

27 Clues: kołokularombpętlastożekprostywypukłyokrągłypionowywklęsłykulistypoziomytrójkątspiralnysześcianpodłużnyprostokąttrójkątnyrównoległyzakrzywionyprostokątnyowal; owalnykrzyżyk, krzyżkolisty, okrągłyostry, zaostrzonykwadrat; kwadratowyw kształcie księżyca

Geometric Shapes 2024-05-17

Geometric Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. Oval-shaped plane figure with two focal points
  2. Ten-sided polygon with ten angles
  3. Round plane figure with points equidistant from the center
  4. Diamond-shaped quadrilateral with four equal sides
  5. Six-sided polygon with six angles
  6. Four-sided figure with opposite sides parallel and equal
  7. Three-dimensional object with two parallel bases and flat sides
  8. Eight-sided polygon with eight angles
  9. Three-dimensional object with triangular faces meeting at a point
  10. Four-sided figure with one pair of parallel sides
  11. Five-sided polygon with five angles
  1. Three-sided polygon with three angles
  2. Three-dimensional object with circular bases and a curved surface
  3. Four equal sides and four right angles
  4. Four-sided figure with opposite sides parallel
  5. Three-dimensional object with six square faces
  6. Three-dimensional object with a circular base and a single vertex
  7. Three-dimensional round object, like a ball
  8. Seven-sided polygon with seven angles
  9. Nine-sided polygon with nine angles

20 Clues: Ten-sided polygon with ten anglesSix-sided polygon with six anglesNine-sided polygon with nine anglesFive-sided polygon with five anglesThree-sided polygon with three anglesSeven-sided polygon with seven anglesEight-sided polygon with eight anglesFour equal sides and four right anglesThree-dimensional round object, like a ball...

Shapes Crossword 2024-08-27

Shapes Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the shape of a 6 sided die
  2. an 8 sided shape
  3. a triangle with all sides equal
  4. sides in a hexagon
  5. another word for 'same'
  6. a 7 sided shape
  7. a shape with 6 sides
  8. a 4 sided shape with both pairs of opposite sides parallel
  9. this shape has 5 sides
  10. the number of right angles in a square
  11. a 4 sided shape with one pair of sides parallel
  1. a shape with 3 sides
  2. a round shape
  3. the shape of a can of food
  4. the number of 60 deg angles in an equilateral triangle
  5. a shape with 4 right angles and opposite sides equal
  6. a triangle with 2 sides equal
  7. a shape with 4 equal sides and angles of 90
  8. sides in an octagon
  9. the number of sides in a pentagon
  10. 4 sides equal but angles not 90
  11. a solid shape that comes to a point

22 Clues: a round shapea 7 sided shapean 8 sided shapesides in a hexagonsides in an octagona shape with 3 sidesa shape with 6 sidesthis shape has 5 sidesanother word for 'same'the shape of a 6 sided diethe shape of a can of fooda triangle with 2 sides equala triangle with all sides equal4 sides equal but angles not 90the number of sides in a pentagon...

SHAPES - kształty 2017-07-01

SHAPES - kształty crossword puzzle
  1. stożek
  2. pętla
  3. ostry
  4. pionowy
  5. poziomy
  6. koło
  7. kula
  8. zakrzywiony
  9. prostokąt
  10. sześcian
  11. kolisty
  12. trójkątny
  13. kwadrat
  1. podłużny
  2. spiralny
  3. równoległy
  4. romb
  5. prosty
  6. półksiężyc
  7. prostokątny
  8. krzyż
  9. wklęsły
  10. kulisty
  11. trójkąt
  12. okrągły
  13. owalny
  14. wypukły

27 Clues: rombkołokulapętlaostrykrzyżstożekprostyowalnypionowywklęsłykulistytrójkątokrągłypoziomywypukłykolistykwadratpodłużnyspiralnysześcianprostokąttrójkątnyrównoległypółksiężycprostokątnyzakrzywiony

SHAPES - kształty 2017-07-01

SHAPES - kształty crossword puzzle
  1. okrągły
  2. kula
  3. krzyż
  4. pionowy
  5. romb
  6. kulisty
  7. trójkątny
  8. owalny
  9. prostokąt
  10. spiralny
  11. podłużny
  12. poziomy
  13. koło
  14. kwadrat
  1. stożek
  2. ostry
  3. zakrzywiony
  4. równoległy
  5. prosty
  6. kolisty
  7. prostokątny
  8. półksiężyc
  9. trójkąt
  10. pętla
  11. wklęsły
  12. wypukły
  13. sześcian

27 Clues: kularombkołoostrykrzyżpętlastożekprostyowalnyokrągłypionowykolistykulistytrójkątwklęsływypukłypoziomykwadratspiralnypodłużnysześciantrójkątnyprostokątrównoległypółksiężyczakrzywionyprostokątny

EVD Chapter 2 & Chapter 3 2022-12-09

EVD Chapter 2 & Chapter 3 crossword puzzle
  1. no movement and action
  2. build of shapes and forms
  3. everyday item
  4. add shape and form together
  5. sculpture into a stamp
  6. mathematical precise
  7. weight of a boulder
  8. collage of shapes
  9. Graceful and fluid
  1. creates tension
  2. light, glass, steel object
  3. Consistently changing or moving
  4. print of shapes
  5. Three dimensional and enclosed
  6. surrounding empty
  7. show strength and regularity
  8. two dimensional
  9. shadows and highlights
  10. pre-columbian civilization
  11. occupied
  12. weight of a cloud
  13. free form or irregular show growth

22 Clues: occupiedeveryday itemcreates tensionprint of shapestwo dimensionalsurrounding emptyweight of a cloudcollage of shapesGraceful and fluidweight of a bouldermathematical preciseno movement and actionshadows and highlightssculpture into a stampbuild of shapes and formslight, glass, steel objectpre-columbian civilizationadd shape and form together...

Shapes 2023-11-07

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A 3D shape with one curved surface.
  2. A 2D shape with 5 straight sides.
  3. A 2D shape with 4 equal sides.
  4. A 3D shape like a tissue box.
  5. A 3D shape with one curved surface, two faces and two edges. There ar no corners.
  6. A 3D shape like a party hat.
  1. A 2D shape with 2 long sides and 2 short sides.
  2. A 3D shape like a special building in Egypt.
  3. A 2D shape with three sides.
  4. A 2D shape with one curved side.
  5. A 3D shape with 8 corners, 6 faces and 12 edges that are all the same size.

11 Clues: A 2D shape with three sides.A 3D shape like a party hat.A 3D shape like a tissue box.A 2D shape with 4 equal sides.A 2D shape with one curved side.A 2D shape with 5 straight sides.A 3D shape with one curved surface.A 3D shape like a special building in Egypt.A 2D shape with 2 long sides and 2 short sides....

vocab 2024-04-23

vocab crossword puzzle
  1. – a sign that usually contains informational or promotional material.
  2. Layout – the way the objects, shapes, and text are arranged on the page.
  3. pictures, etc.) on the page.
  4. so that you can move/resize them all at once.
  5. List/Numbered List – formatting for text that allows you to create lists throughout your
  6. – a picture or graphic that visually represents a company or business.
  7. Color – allows you to add color to the outside line of selected objects (shapes, wordarts,
  8. boxes, etc.)
  9. etc.)
  10. Box – a box that can be colored or transparent and automatically allows you to type within
  11. Borders – allows you to put a border (line, picture, or other artwork) around the whole
  1. – to change the appearance of text, objects, shapes, wordart, textboxes, etc.
  2. – when many objects are used to make one object, these objects can be “grouped”
  3. boundaries.
  4. – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.
  5. – a small booklet or pamphlet, often containing informational or promotional
  6. – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.
  7. – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data.
  8. Color – allows you to add color to the inside of selected objects (shapes, wordarts, text
  9. – the appearance of the typed text.
  10. Wrapping – formatting for the pictures that specifies how the text wraps around objects
  11. – Objects that can be drawn on your page; you can add color, patterns, or text to these

22 Clues: etc.)boundaries.boxes, etc.)pictures, etc.) on the page.– the appearance of the typed that you can move/resize them all at once.– a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.– allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.– A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data....

Vocab-Man 2024-04-24

Vocab-Man crossword puzzle
  1. – a picture or graphic that visually represents a company or business.
  2. – the appearance of the typed text.
  3. List/Numbered List – formatting for text that allows you to create lists throughout your
  4. Layout – the way the objects, shapes, and text are arranged on the page.
  5. boxes, etc.)
  6. pictures, etc.) on the page.
  7. – a small booklet or pamphlet, often containing informational or promotional
  8. Color – allows you to add color to the outside line of selected objects (shapes, wordarts,
  9. Borders – allows you to put a border (line, picture, or other artwork) around the whole
  10. boundaries.
  11. Wrapping – formatting for the pictures that specifies how the text wraps around objects
  1. – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.
  2. – when many objects are used to make one object, these objects can be “grouped”
  3. Color – allows you to add color to the inside of selected objects (shapes, wordarts, text
  4. etc.)
  5. – a sign that usually contains informational or promotional material.
  6. so that you can move/resize them all at once.
  7. – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.
  8. – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data.
  9. – to change the appearance of text, objects, shapes, wordart, textboxes, etc.
  10. – Objects that can be drawn on your page; you can add color, patterns, or text to these
  11. Box – a box that can be colored or transparent and automatically allows you to type within

22 Clues: etc.)boundaries.boxes, etc.)pictures, etc.) on the page.– the appearance of the typed that you can move/resize them all at once.– a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.– allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.– A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data....

Vocab-Man 2024-04-24

Vocab-Man crossword puzzle
  1. – a picture or graphic that visually represents a company or business.
  2. – the appearance of the typed text.
  3. List/Numbered List – formatting for text that allows you to create lists throughout your
  4. Layout – the way the objects, shapes, and text are arranged on the page.
  5. boxes, etc.)
  6. pictures, etc.) on the page.
  7. – a small booklet or pamphlet, often containing informational or promotional
  8. Color – allows you to add color to the outside line of selected objects (shapes, wordarts,
  9. Borders – allows you to put a border (line, picture, or other artwork) around the whole
  10. boundaries.
  11. Wrapping – formatting for the pictures that specifies how the text wraps around objects
  1. – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.
  2. – when many objects are used to make one object, these objects can be “grouped”
  3. Color – allows you to add color to the inside of selected objects (shapes, wordarts, text
  4. etc.)
  5. – a sign that usually contains informational or promotional material.
  6. so that you can move/resize them all at once.
  7. – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.
  8. – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data.
  9. – to change the appearance of text, objects, shapes, wordart, textboxes, etc.
  10. – Objects that can be drawn on your page; you can add color, patterns, or text to these
  11. Box – a box that can be colored or transparent and automatically allows you to type within

22 Clues: etc.)boundaries.boxes, etc.)pictures, etc.) on the page.– the appearance of the typed that you can move/resize them all at once.– a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.– allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.– A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data....

Desktop Publishing Key Vocabulary Terms 2024-04-25

Desktop Publishing Key Vocabulary Terms crossword puzzle
  1. – a sign that usually contains informational or promotional material.
  2. Layout – the way the objects, shapes, and text are arranged on the page.
  3. pictures, etc.) on the page.
  4. so that you can move/resize them all at once.
  5. List/Numbered List – formatting for text that allows you to create lists throughout your
  6. – a picture or graphic that visually represents a company or business.
  7. Color – allows you to add color to the outside line of selected objects (shapes, wordarts,
  8. boxes, etc.)
  9. etc.)
  10. Box – a box that can be colored or transparent and automatically allows you to type within
  11. Borders – allows you to put a border (line, picture, or other artwork) around the whole
  1. – to change the appearance of text, objects, shapes, word art, textboxes, etc.
  2. – when many objects are used to make one object, these objects can be “grouped”
  3. boundaries.
  4. – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.
  5. – a small booklet or pamphlet, often containing informational or promotional
  6. – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.
  7. – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data.
  8. Color – allows you to add color to the inside of selected objects (shapes, wordarts, text
  9. – the appearance of the typed text.
  10. Wrapping – formatting for the pictures that specifies how the text wraps around objects
  11. – Objects that can be drawn on your page; you can add color, patterns, or text to these

22 Clues: etc.)boundaries.boxes, etc.)pictures, etc.) on the page.– the appearance of the typed that you can move/resize them all at once.– a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.– allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.– A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data....

VOCAB 2024-04-24

VOCAB crossword puzzle
  1. – a picture or graphic that visually represents a company or business.
  2. – the appearance of the typed text.
  3. List/Numbered List – formatting for text that allows you to create lists throughout your
  4. Layout – the way the objects, shapes, and text are arranged on the page.
  5. boxes, etc.)
  6. pictures, etc.) on the page.
  7. – a small booklet or pamphlet, often containing informational or promotional
  8. Color – allows you to add color to the outside line of selected objects (shapes, wordarts,
  9. Borders – allows you to put a border (line, picture, or other artwork) around the whole
  10. boundaries.
  11. Wrapping – formatting for the pictures that specifies how the text wraps around objects
  1. – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.
  2. – when many objects are used to make one object, these objects can be “grouped”
  3. Color – allows you to add color to the inside of selected objects (shapes, wordarts, text
  4. etc.)
  5. – a sign that usually contains informational or promotional material.
  6. so that you can move/resize them all at once.
  7. – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.
  8. – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data.
  9. – to change the appearance of text, objects, shapes, wordart, textboxes, etc.
  10. – Objects that can be drawn on your page; you can add color, patterns, or text to these
  11. Box – a box that can be colored or transparent and automatically allows you to type within

22 Clues: etc.)boundaries.boxes, etc.)pictures, etc.) on the page.– the appearance of the typed that you can move/resize them all at once.– a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.– allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.– A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data....

Desktop Publishing Key Vocabulary Terms 2024-04-29

Desktop Publishing Key Vocabulary Terms crossword puzzle
  1. etc.)
  2. – a picture or graphic that visually represents a company or business.
  3. Layout – the way the objects, shapes, and text are arranged on the page.
  4. pictures, etc.) on the page.
  5. – a sign that usually contains informational or promotional material.
  6. – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.
  7. Wrapping – formatting for the pictures that specifies how the text wraps around objects
  8. – a small booklet or pamphlet, often containing informational or promotional
  9. so that you can move/resize them all at once.
  10. – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.
  11. boxes, etc.)
  1. Color – allows you to add color to the outside line of selected objects (shapes, wordarts,
  2. List/Numbered List – formatting for text that allows you to create lists throughout your
  3. Color – allows you to add color to the inside of selected objects (shapes, wordarts, text
  4. – Objects that can be drawn on your page; you can add color, patterns, or text to these
  5. – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data.
  6. – when many objects are used to make one object, these objects can be “grouped”
  7. – the appearance of the typed text.
  8. Borders – allows you to put a border (line, picture, or other artwork) around the whole
  9. – to change the appearance of text, objects, shapes, wordart, textboxes, etc.
  10. boundaries.
  11. Box – a box that can be colored or transparent and automatically allows you to type within

22 Clues: etc.)boundaries.boxes, etc.)pictures, etc.) on the page.– the appearance of the typed that you can move/resize them all at once.– a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.– allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.– A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data....

Vocab-Man 2024-04-24

Vocab-Man crossword puzzle
  1. – a picture or graphic that visually represents a company or business.
  2. – the appearance of the typed text.
  3. List/Numbered List – formatting for text that allows you to create lists throughout your
  4. Layout – the way the objects, shapes, and text are arranged on the page.
  5. boxes, etc.)
  6. pictures, etc.) on the page.
  7. – a small booklet or pamphlet, often containing informational or promotional
  8. Color – allows you to add color to the outside line of selected objects (shapes, wordarts,
  9. Borders – allows you to put a border (line, picture, or other artwork) around the whole
  10. boundaries.
  11. Wrapping – formatting for the pictures that specifies how the text wraps around objects
  1. – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.
  2. – when many objects are used to make one object, these objects can be “grouped”
  3. Color – allows you to add color to the inside of selected objects (shapes, wordarts, text
  4. etc.)
  5. – a sign that usually contains informational or promotional material.
  6. so that you can move/resize them all at once.
  7. – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.
  8. – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data.
  9. – to change the appearance of text, objects, shapes, wordart, textboxes, etc.
  10. – Objects that can be drawn on your page; you can add color, patterns, or text to these
  11. Box – a box that can be colored or transparent and automatically allows you to type within

22 Clues: etc.)boundaries.boxes, etc.)pictures, etc.) on the page.– the appearance of the typed that you can move/resize them all at once.– a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.– allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.– A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data....

VOCAB 2024-04-24

VOCAB crossword puzzle
  1. – a picture or graphic that visually represents a company or business.
  2. – the appearance of the typed text.
  3. List/Numbered List – formatting for text that allows you to create lists throughout your
  4. Layout – the way the objects, shapes, and text are arranged on the page.
  5. boxes, etc.)
  6. pictures, etc.) on the page.
  7. – a small booklet or pamphlet, often containing informational or promotional
  8. Color – allows you to add color to the outside line of selected objects (shapes, wordarts,
  9. Borders – allows you to put a border (line, picture, or other artwork) around the whole
  10. boundaries.
  11. Wrapping – formatting for the pictures that specifies how the text wraps around objects
  1. – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.
  2. – when many objects are used to make one object, these objects can be “grouped”
  3. Color – allows you to add color to the inside of selected objects (shapes, wordarts, text
  4. etc.)
  5. – a sign that usually contains informational or promotional material.
  6. so that you can move/resize them all at once.
  7. – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.
  8. – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data.
  9. – to change the appearance of text, objects, shapes, wordart, textboxes, etc.
  10. – Objects that can be drawn on your page; you can add color, patterns, or text to these
  11. Box – a box that can be colored or transparent and automatically allows you to type within

22 Clues: etc.)boundaries.boxes, etc.)pictures, etc.) on the page.– the appearance of the typed that you can move/resize them all at once.– a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.– allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.– A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data....

''''''''''''''''Shapes 2021-12-10

''''''''''''''''Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. one pair of parallel sides
  2. a long circle
  3. looks like a diamond
  4. has no sides
  5. 8 sides
  6. has 3 sides
  7. has 10 sides
  1. two pairs of parallel sides
  2. has 5 sides
  3. has 6 sides
  4. has 4 equal sides

11 Clues: 8 sideshas 5 sideshas 6 sideshas 3 sideshas no sideshas 10 sidesa long circlehas 4 equal sideslooks like a diamondone pair of parallel sidestwo pairs of parallel sides

Shapes 2021-02-01

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. the type of triangle with all different sides
  2. 3D shape with 4 equilateral triangle faces
  3. completely round 2D shape
  4. the shape of a tube or tin
  5. 6 square faces
  6. 4 equal sides and 4 lines of symmetry- 2D shape
  1. two pairs of parallel sides
  2. the type of triangle with two sides the same
  3. you might fly this 2D shape
  4. prism shape of a Toblerone
  5. often mistakenly called a diamond

11 Clues: 6 square facescompletely round 2D shapeprism shape of a Tobleronethe shape of a tube or tintwo pairs of parallel sidesyou might fly this 2D shapeoften mistakenly called a diamond3D shape with 4 equilateral triangle facesthe type of triangle with two sides the samethe type of triangle with all different sides...

Shapes 2020-09-10

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. 2D shape with 8 sides
  2. Curved outwards
  3. Curve inwards
  4. Slanted Rectangle
  5. Round and shaped like a ball
  6. 2D and shaped like a coin
  1. Shape with three sides
  2. Shape with 6 sides
  3. 2D shape with 4 sides
  4. 3D shape made up of squares
  5. Same shape and size

11 Clues: Curve inwardsCurved outwardsSlanted RectangleShape with 6 sidesSame shape and size2D shape with 8 sides2D shape with 4 sidesShape with three sides2D and shaped like a coin3D shape made up of squaresRound and shaped like a ball

Shapes 2023-05-08

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape with seven straight sides and seven angles
  2. A shape with eight straight sides and eight angles
  3. A four sided polygon
  4. A quadrilateral in where at least one pair of opposite parallel lines
  5. A rectangle with four sides that are equal
  6. A shape with six straight sides and six angles
  1. A closed figure with three or more straight sides
  2. A shape with three straight sides and three angles
  3. A shape with five straight sides and five angles
  4. A shape with four straight sides of the same length and two opposite sides are parallel
  5. A shape with four straight sides and four right angles

11 Clues: A four sided polygonA rectangle with four sides that are equalA shape with six straight sides and six anglesA shape with five straight sides and five anglesA closed figure with three or more straight sidesA shape with three straight sides and three anglesA shape with seven straight sides and seven angles...

SHAPES 2024-01-29

SHAPES crossword puzzle
  1. Sabar
  2. Ombak
  3. ventilation
  4. Glass
  5. Televesion
  6. Egg
  1. Mountain
  2. Cerewet
  3. Sipit
  4. starfruit
  5. Keriting

11 Clues: EggSabarSipitOmbakGlassCerewetMountainKeritingstarfruitTelevesionventilation

VOCAB 2024-04-24

VOCAB crossword puzzle
  1. – a picture or graphic that visually represents a company or business.
  2. – the appearance of the typed text.
  3. List/Numbered List – formatting for text that allows you to create lists throughout your
  4. Layout – the way the objects, shapes, and text are arranged on the page.
  5. boxes, etc.)
  6. pictures, etc.) on the page.
  7. – a small booklet or pamphlet, often containing informational or promotional
  8. Color – allows you to add color to the outside line of selected objects (shapes, wordarts,
  9. Borders – allows you to put a border (line, picture, or other artwork) around the whole
  10. boundaries.
  11. Wrapping – formatting for the pictures that specifies how the text wraps around objects
  1. – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.
  2. – when many objects are used to make one object, these objects can be “grouped”
  3. Color – allows you to add color to the inside of selected objects (shapes, wordarts, text
  4. etc.)
  5. – a sign that usually contains informational or promotional material.
  6. so that you can move/resize them all at once.
  7. – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.
  8. – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data.
  9. – to change the appearance of text, objects, shapes, wordart, textboxes, etc.
  10. – Objects that can be drawn on your page; you can add color, patterns, or text to these
  11. Box – a box that can be colored or transparent and automatically allows you to type within

22 Clues: etc.)boundaries.boxes, etc.)pictures, etc.) on the page.– the appearance of the typed that you can move/resize them all at once.– a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.– allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.– A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data....

Desktop Publishing Key Vocabulary Terms 2024-04-25

Desktop Publishing Key Vocabulary Terms crossword puzzle
  1. a sign that usually contains informational or promotional material.
  2. to change the appearance of text, objects, shapes, wordart, textboxes, etc.
  3. pictures, etc.) on the page.
  4. a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.
  5. formatting for the pictures that specifies how the text wraps around objects
  6. a picture or graphic that visually represents a company or business.
  7. allows you to put a border (line, picture, or other artwork) around the whole
  8. the appearance of the typed text.
  9. etc.)
  10. boxes, etc.)
  1. formatting for text that allows you to create lists throughout your
  2. Objects that can be drawn on your page; you can add color, patterns, or text to these
  3. a small booklet or pamphlet, often containing informational or promotional
  4. allows you to add color to the inside of selected objects (shapes, wordarts, text
  5. when many objects are used to make one object, these objects can be “grouped”
  6. a box that can be colored or transparent and automatically allows you to type within
  7. the way the objects, shapes, and text are arranged on the page.
  8. allows you to add color to the outside line of selected objects (shapes, wordarts,
  9. boundaries.
  10. A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data.
  11. so that you can move/resize them all at once.

21 Clues: etc.)boundaries.boxes, etc.)pictures, etc.) on the page.the appearance of the typed that you can move/resize them all at once.a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.the way the objects, shapes, and text are arranged on the page.A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data....

VOCAB 2024-04-24

VOCAB crossword puzzle
  1. – a picture or graphic that visually represents a company or business.
  2. – the appearance of the typed text.
  3. List/Numbered List – formatting for text that allows you to create lists throughout your
  4. Layout – the way the objects, shapes, and text are arranged on the page.
  5. boxes, etc.)
  6. pictures, etc.) on the page.
  7. – a small booklet or pamphlet, often containing informational or promotional
  8. Color – allows you to add color to the outside line of selected objects (shapes, wordarts,
  9. Borders – allows you to put a border (line, picture, or other artwork) around the whole
  10. boundaries.
  11. Wrapping – formatting for the pictures that specifies how the text wraps around objects
  1. – a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.
  2. – when many objects are used to make one object, these objects can be “grouped”
  3. Color – allows you to add color to the inside of selected objects (shapes, wordarts, text
  4. etc.)
  5. – a sign that usually contains informational or promotional material.
  6. so that you can move/resize them all at once.
  7. – allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.
  8. – A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data.
  9. – to change the appearance of text, objects, shapes, wordart, textboxes, etc.
  10. – Objects that can be drawn on your page; you can add color, patterns, or text to these
  11. Box – a box that can be colored or transparent and automatically allows you to type within

22 Clues: etc.)boundaries.boxes, etc.)pictures, etc.) on the page.– the appearance of the typed that you can move/resize them all at once.– a document created using Microsoft Word Publisher.– allows you to add color to selected areas on the page.– A box that contains rows and columns and is used to organize data....

2D Shapes 2013-05-21

2D Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. of a a circles circumference
  2. distance from one edge to the other on a circle
  3. hexagon has this many sides
  4. distance from the centre of a circle to the edge
  5. five sided shape
  6. octagon has this many sides
  7. is called the perimeter for other 2D shapes
  8. triangle with 3 equal sides
  9. slice of a circle
  1. shape has a radius and diameter
  2. right angle is ____ degrees
  3. type of regular quadrilateral
  4. four sided shape
  5. of triangle with 2 equal sides
  6. you fold a circle in half it is....
  7. 11 sided shape
  8. shapes have all angles and sides even
  9. middle of a circle is called this
  10. closed sided shape with at least 3 sides
  11. the radius is 2cm the diameter is ____cm

20 Clues: 11 sided shapefour sided shapefive sided shapeslice of a circleright angle is ____ degreeshexagon has this many sidesoctagon has this many sidestriangle with 3 equal sidesof a a circles circumferencetype of regular quadrilateralof triangle with 2 equal sidesshape has a radius and diametermiddle of a circle is called this...

Containers, shapes 2014-02-23

Containers, shapes crossword puzzle
  1. Sfera
  2. Sześcian
  3. Puszka na herbatę
  4. Graniastosłup trójkątny
  5. Beczka
  6. Torba na zakupy
  7. Skrzynia
  8. Prostokąt
  9. Ostrosłup prawidłowy czworokątny
  10. Trójkąt
  11. Szafka na dokumenty
  12. Kwadrat
  13. Klatka
  14. Okrąg
  15. Baryłka
  16. Kufer
  1. Krzyż
  2. Czara, kielich
  3. Chlebak
  4. Pochwa na miecz
  5. Kosz na śmieci (zewnętrzny)
  6. Romb
  7. Walec
  8. Graniastosłup prosty
  9. Teczka
  10. Plecak
  11. Kosz na śmieci (w domu)
  12. Stożek

28 Clues: RombKrzyżSferaWalecOkrągKuferBeczkaTeczkaPlecakKlatkaStożekChlebakTrójkątKwadratBaryłkaSześcianSkrzyniaProstokątCzara, kielichPochwa na mieczTorba na zakupyPuszka na herbatęSzafka na dokumentyGraniastosłup prostyGraniastosłup trójkątnyKosz na śmieci (w domu)Kosz na śmieci (zewnętrzny)Ostrosłup prawidłowy czworokątny

SHAPES - kształty 2017-07-01

SHAPES - kształty crossword puzzle
  1. okrągły
  2. pętla
  3. trójkąt
  4. spiralny
  5. kwadrat
  6. wypukły
  7. trójkątny
  8. prosty
  9. stożek
  10. koło
  11. ostry
  12. romb
  13. prostokątny
  14. owalny
  1. podłużny
  2. kula
  3. równoległy
  4. półksiężyc
  5. zakrzywiony
  6. prostokąt
  7. krzyż
  8. poziomy
  9. pionowy
  10. kolisty
  11. kulisty
  12. wklęsły
  13. sześcian

27 Clues: kulakołorombpętlakrzyżostryprostystożekowalnyokrągłytrójkątkwadratpoziomypionowykolistykulistywypukływklęsłypodłużnyspiralnysześcianprostokąttrójkątnyrównoległypółksiężyczakrzywionyprostokątny

SHAPES - kształty 2017-07-01

SHAPES - kształty crossword puzzle
  1. zakrzywiony
  2. ostry
  3. okrągły
  4. półksiężyc
  5. owalny
  6. podłużny
  7. prostokątny
  8. prostokąt
  9. kulisty
  10. stożek
  11. wklęsły
  12. równoległy
  13. kwadrat
  14. krzyż
  1. pionowy
  2. koło
  3. spiralny
  4. trójkąt
  5. trójkątny
  6. pętla
  7. poziomy
  8. kolisty
  9. prosty
  10. sześcian
  11. wypukły
  12. romb
  13. kula

27 Clues: kołorombkulaostrypętlakrzyżowalnyprostystożekpionowytrójkątokrągłypoziomykolistykulistywypukływklęsłykwadratspiralnypodłużnysześciantrójkątnyprostokątpółksiężycrównoległyzakrzywionyprostokątny

3D Shapes 2022-06-26

3D Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A 2D shape that is simple, closed and has straight edges.
  2. These can be folded to make a 3D shape.
  3. Another name for a rectangular prism.
  4. A four sided polygon.
  5. / A closed solid with flat faces.
  6. 2D shapes made from five squares.
  7. An occupation that uses shapes in designing buildings.
  8. A special prism.
  9. Like a pyramid but has a circular base.
  10. The top point of a pyramid.
  1. Top, front side views.
  2. A 2D shape with six sides.
  3. Drawing where front face is to scale.
  4. Drawing using leading edge.
  5. A 3D shape with circular ends.
  6. A square pyramid has eight of these.
  7. A 3D shape used by Ancient Egyptians.
  8. / 3D shapes with congruent parallel faces at ends.
  9. A 2D shape with eight sides.
  10. A pyramid is named according to the shape of its ________.
  11. A cube has eight of these.

21 Clues: A special prism.A four sided polygon.Top, front side views.A 2D shape with six sides.A cube has eight of these.Drawing using leading edge.The top point of a pyramid.A 2D shape with eight sides.A 3D shape with circular ends.2D shapes made from five squares./ A closed solid with flat faces.A square pyramid has eight of these....

SHAPES 2022-01-24

SHAPES crossword puzzle
  1. Shape that has 4 sides but two are longer than the others
  2. Shape that has 5 sides
  3. Shape that has 4 sides but has diagonals sides
  4. Shape that has 6 sides
  5. Looks like an organic shape but it is a geometric shape.
  1. Shape that has 4 equal sides
  2. Shape that has 8 sides
  3. Shape that has 7 sides
  4. shapes that have to be done with precision
  5. shape found mostly in nature
  6. shape that has 3 sides.

11 Clues: Shape that has 8 sidesShape that has 7 sidesShape that has 5 sidesShape that has 6 sidesshape that has 3 sides.Shape that has 4 equal sidesshape found mostly in natureshapes that have to be done with precisionShape that has 4 sides but has diagonals sidesLooks like an organic shape but it is a geometric shape....

Shapes 2023-09-14

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape with four even sides
  2. A symbol of love and Valentine's Day
  3. A 3D box
  4. A stop sign with 8 sides is an ________
  5. A shape with six sides
  6. What is a shape with one curved side and a straight edge?
  7. This shape is the name of bright, shiny objects in the night sky
  1. A shape with three sides
  2. A shape with two sides longer than the other two equal sides
  3. A shape with no sides and a round edge
  4. When identifying shapes, we look at how many ____ they have

11 Clues: A 3D boxA shape with six sidesA shape with three sidesA shape with four even sidesA symbol of love and Valentine's DayA shape with no sides and a round edgeA stop sign with 8 sides is an ________What is a shape with one curved side and a straight edge?When identifying shapes, we look at how many ____ they have...

Shapes 2024-05-13

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. 7 sides
  2. 5 sides
  3. 12 sides
  4. 8 sides
  5. 3 sides
  6. 4 equal sides
  1. 6 sides
  2. 9 sides
  3. 4 sides
  4. 10 sides
  5. 0 sides

11 Clues: 6 sides7 sides9 sides4 sides5 sides8 sides0 sides3 sides10 sides12 sides4 equal sides

Shapes 2022-05-10

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. star
  2. cone
  3. cube
  4. rectangle
  5. pyramid
  6. triangle
  1. cylinder
  2. square
  3. oval
  4. heart
  5. Circle

11 Clues: starconeovalcubeheartsquareCirclepyramidcylindertrianglerectangle

3D shapes 2022-10-12

3D shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A more common name for a hexahedron
  2. The corner of a shape
  3. A drawing in 2D that has different views
  4. A 3 dimensional circle
  5. Half a sphere
  6. A cone with the top removed
  7. Most soft drink cans are this shape
  8. The top point of a pyramid
  9. A 3D shape that has 20 equilateral triangle faces
  10. The space inside a 3D object
  1. There are exactly 5 of these solids
  2. Another type of 2D sketch
  3. A 2D drawing of a 3D shape that does not have any horizontal lines
  4. The mathematician is famous for theories about 3D shapes
  5. A 3D shape with two congruent parallel faces
  6. A 3D shape that has 4 equilateral triangle faces
  7. A 3D shape that has an apex
  8. A 2D shape used to make a model of a 3D solid
  9. Another name for a rectangular prism

19 Clues: Half a sphereThe corner of a shapeA 3 dimensional circleAnother type of 2D sketchThe top point of a pyramidA cone with the top removedA 3D shape that has an apexThe space inside a 3D objectThere are exactly 5 of these solidsA more common name for a hexahedronMost soft drink cans are this shapeAnother name for a rectangular prism...

Shapes, patterns 2021-02-07

Shapes, patterns crossword puzzle
  1. täht
  2. hele
  3. nelinurk
  4. lilleline
  5. ring
  6. kahvatu
  7. ruut
  8. suurus
  9. ovaal
  10. triibuline
  11. varjund
  1. kuju
  2. nurk
  3. kolmnurk
  4. poolring
  5. tume
  6. kollakas
  7. ruuduline
  8. teravatipuline

19 Clues: tähtkujunurkheletumeringruutovaalsuuruskahvatuvarjundkolmnurkpoolringnelinurkkollakaslillelineruudulinetriibulineteravatipuline

Multiple Shapes 2014-06-01

Multiple Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. I'm round
  2. I can be no side, one side, or multiple sides
  3. little kids love playing with me
  4. you see me at night
  5. all my sides are perfect
  6. a shape of our school logo
  7. you use me on jewellery
  8. we are living in ...
  9. you see me on a wedding
  10. a slice of pizza
  1. you need me for parties
  2. you see me when you have a doughnut
  3. a shape of an egg
  4. twinkle twinkle little ...
  5. my opposite length is the same side
  6. a slice of watermelon
  7. the title of this unit
  8. I can melt you
  9. a ladder

19 Clues: a ladderI'm roundI can melt youa slice of pizzaa shape of an eggyou see me at nightwe are living in ...a slice of watermelonthe title of this unityou need me for partiesyou use me on jewelleryyou see me on a weddingall my sides are perfecttwinkle twinkle little ...a shape of our school logolittle kids love playing with me...

Geometric shapes 2023-05-31

Geometric shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape with four sides of equal length, where opposite sides are parallel and angles are not right angles
  2. A shape with four sides, where two sides are parallel and the other two sides are not parallel
  3. A shape with a triangular end and a straight, elongated body.
  4. A three-dimensional shape with two circular bases and a curved surface
  5. A shape with four sides and four right angles, where opposite sides are equal in length
  6. A three-dimensional shape with a curved surface and no edges or corners
  7. A shape that is elongated and resembling an egg or an ellipse
  8. A shape with eight sides and eight angles
  9. A shape with three sides and three angles
  1. A three-dimensional shape with six square faces of equal size
  2. A three-dimensional shape with a circular base and a curved surface that tapers to a point
  3. A shape with two pairs of parallel sides and opposite sides of equal length
  4. A shape with multiple points or projections, often with five or six points
  5. A three-dimensional shape with a base and triangular faces that meet at a single point
  6. A shape with six sides and six angles
  7. A shape with four sides of equal length, where opposite sides are parallel and angles are not right angles
  8. A round shape with no corners or edges
  9. A shape with five sides and five angles
  10. A shape with four equal sides and four right angles
  11. A shape with two pairs of equal-length, adjacent sides and one pair of opposite angles that are equal

20 Clues: A shape with six sides and six anglesA round shape with no corners or edgesA shape with five sides and five anglesA shape with eight sides and eight anglesA shape with three sides and three anglesA shape with four equal sides and four right anglesA three-dimensional shape with six square faces of equal size...

Pivot Point Chapter 10 Hairstyling (2) 2015-01-29

Pivot Point Chapter 10 Hairstyling (2) crossword puzzle
  1. The ? of the curl will be determined by the diameter of the tool or pincurl.
  2. ? shapes or sections include circles, ovals and oblongs.
  3. ? are created using parallel curved distribution.
  4. With a square shape, the hair is usually distributed ? from the center of the shape.
  5. A center part on a round or square face will ? the roundness or squareness.
  6. As a general rule, ? parts work well with an oval face shape but not with a round, square or long, thin facial shape.
  7. ? are lines that subdivide shapes or sections to help distribute and control the hair.
  8. ? shapes have radial or parallel distribution.
  9. Correctly placed ? will enhance the appearance of your client's hairstyle.
  10. When two oblongs ?, they create an S shaped movement or a wave.
  11. Once straight or curved shapes have been sectioned, the hair can be set with rollers or pincurls to produce the final desired ?.
  12. Before beginning to set the hair, you'll need to subdivide the head into major areas or ?.
  1. ? or shaping is the process of combing wet hair into the desired position.
  2. On a long face, a center part will ? the length.
  3. The most common ? shapes are the square, rectangle and triangle.
  4. A single ? creates a C shaped movement.
  5. ? shapes are used to move the hair in one direction, generally away from the face.
  6. A ? requires the use of radial distribution.
  7. An entire design or hairstyle will always be composed of some combination of ?.
  8. ? shapes have parallel distribution.
  9. ? and squares can be used with radial or parallel distribution.
  10. Subsections are often called ?.
  11. The ? is the hair between the scalp and the first turn around the roller, thermal iron or round brush.
  12. The ? base is the area between partings within a shape or, the section of hair on which the roller, thermal iron or round brush is placed.

24 Clues: Subsections are often called ?.? shapes have parallel distribution.A single ? creates a C shaped movement.A ? requires the use of radial distribution.? shapes have radial or parallel distribution.On a long face, a center part will ? the length.? are created using parallel curved distribution.? shapes or sections include circles, ovals and oblongs....

ABCC 1A Mathematics Project 2022-02-02

ABCC 1A Mathematics Project crossword puzzle
  1. and decemals
  2. and cuboid
  3. and deposits
  4. and division
  5. shapes and flat shapes
  6. and solid shapes
  7. and numbers
  1. and sets
  2. and cone
  3. and loans
  4. off
  5. and subtraction
  6. and degrees
  7. and

14 Clues: offandand setsand coneand loansand cuboidand degreesand numbersand decemalsand depositsand divisionand subtractionand solid shapesshapes and flat shapes

Shapes & 3D Shapes 2023-07-04

Shapes & 3D Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. a flat shape with four sides, where two of the sides are parallel
  2. a flat shape that has four sides. The two sets of opposite sides are parallel and of equal length to each other.
  3. a solid or hollow tube with long straight sides and two circular ends the same size, or an object shaped like this, often used as a container
  4. a flat shape with four sides of equal length and four angles of 90°
  1. a solid object with six square sides of equal size
  2. a flat shape with four 90° angles and four sides, with opposite sides of equal length
  3. a flat shape that has four sides that are all of equal length
  4. shaped like a circle that is flattened so that it is like an egg
  5. a solid object with a square base and four triangular sides that form a point at the top
  6. a continuous curved line, the points of which are always the same distance away from a fixed central point, or the area inside such a line
  7. a solid object with six rectangular sides

11 Clues: a solid object with six rectangular sidesa solid object with six square sides of equal sizea flat shape that has four sides that are all of equal lengthshaped like a circle that is flattened so that it is like an egga flat shape with four sides, where two of the sides are parallela flat shape with four sides of equal length and four angles of 90°...

shapes 2021-02-15

shapes crossword puzzle
  1. round and has the same diameter length (from one end to another and passing through the center of this shape) all around
  2. has 3 sides and adds up to 180 degrees
  3. what you sleep in when you go camping
  4. has 4 90 degree angles and 4 equal sides
  5. a sideways diamond
  6. round but more squished
  1. has 4 90 degree angles and 2 sides that are equal to each other but not to the other 2 and vice versa
  2. the shape of a log or a straw
  3. a triangle but with one of the tops cut off
  4. has 8 sides
  5. has 6 sides

11 Clues: has 8 sideshas 6 sidesa sideways diamondround but more squishedthe shape of a log or a strawwhat you sleep in when you go campinghas 3 sides and adds up to 180 degreeshas 4 90 degree angles and 4 equal sidesa triangle but with one of the tops cut off...

SHAPES 2022-01-24

SHAPES crossword puzzle
  1. Shape that has 4 sides but two are longer than the others
  2. Shape that has 5 sides
  3. Shape that has 4 sides but has diagonals sides
  4. Shape that has 6 sides
  5. Looks like an organic shape but it is a geometric shape.
  1. Shape that has 4 equal sides
  2. Shape that has 8 sides
  3. Shape that has 7 sides
  4. shapes that have to be done with precision
  5. shape found mostly in nature
  6. shape that has 3 sides.

11 Clues: Shape that has 8 sidesShape that has 7 sidesShape that has 5 sidesShape that has 6 sidesshape that has 3 sides.Shape that has 4 equal sidesshape found mostly in natureshapes that have to be done with precisionShape that has 4 sides but has diagonals sidesLooks like an organic shape but it is a geometric shape....

SHAPES 2022-01-25

SHAPES crossword puzzle
  1. Shape that has 4 sides but two are longer than the others
  2. Shape that has 5 sides
  3. Shape that has 4 sides but has diagonals sides
  4. Shape that has 6 sides
  5. Looks like an organic shape but it is a geometric shape.
  1. Shape that has 4 equal sides
  2. Shape that has 8 sides
  3. Shape that has 7 sides
  4. category of shapes that have to be done with precision
  5. category of shapes found mostly in nature
  6. shape that has 3 sides.

11 Clues: Shape that has 8 sidesShape that has 7 sidesShape that has 5 sidesShape that has 6 sidesshape that has 3 sides.Shape that has 4 equal sidescategory of shapes found mostly in natureShape that has 4 sides but has diagonals sidescategory of shapes that have to be done with precisionLooks like an organic shape but it is a geometric shape....

Shapes 2022-06-07

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. the shape that has two long and short lines
  2. these shapes are a pig and lamp
  3. its a 🔺
  4. The shape that makes a rectangle
  5. its a line
  1. the shape with seven sides
  2. your heart in 3d
  3. me on roblox
  4. the shape of a stop sign
  5. The only shape has no corners nor lines!It never slows or speeds up
  6. you mostly see it in the daytime and night

11 Clues: its a 🔺its a lineme on robloxyour heart in 3dthe shape of a stop signthe shape with seven sidesthese shapes are a pig and lampThe shape that makes a rectangleyou mostly see it in the daytime and nightthe shape that has two long and short linesThe only shape has no corners nor lines!It never slows or speeds up

Shapes 2024-05-10

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. 7 sides
  2. 5 sides
  3. 12 sides
  4. 8 sides
  5. 3 sides
  6. 4 equal sides
  1. 6 sides
  2. 9 sides
  3. 4 sides
  4. 10 sides
  5. 0 sides

11 Clues: 6 sides7 sides9 sides4 sides5 sides8 sides0 sides3 sides10 sides12 sides4 equal sides

shapes 2024-12-13

shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A cube has _________ vertices.
  2. Cylinder have _________ of these edges
  3. A cone has only 1 of these _________
  4. A cone has _________ face.
  5. A sphere has only one __________ face.
  6. A cylinder has 2 plane faces. The other face is _________
  7. A cuboid has _________ faces.
  1. A cone has 1 curved face and one _________ face.
  2. A sphere has _________ vertices.
  3. I have 6 faces and 8 vertices. What am I? _________
  4. Cubes and cuboids have _________ edges.
  5. This shape has only 1 vertex. _________
  6. You find 8 of me on a cube or cuboid. _________

13 Clues: A cone has _________ face.A cuboid has _________ faces.A cube has _________ vertices.A sphere has _________ vertices.A cone has only 1 of these _________Cylinder have _________ of these edgesA sphere has only one __________ face.Cubes and cuboids have _________ edges.This shape has only 1 vertex. _________...


GEOMETRY SYMBOLS crossword puzzle
  1. line that start from point A
  2. same shapes, not same size
  3. 90 degree angle
  4. equivalence of geomteric shapes and size
  5. shapes
  6. one turn
  7. infinite line
  8. "
  1. arcminute
  2. rad/c
  3. x-y
  4. ll
  5. grad/g
  6. /_
  7. line from point a to point b

15 Clues: "ll/_x-yrad/cgrad/gshapesone turnarcminuteinfinite line90 degree anglesame shapes, not same sizeline that start from point Aline from point a to point bequivalence of geomteric shapes and size

Pasta Shapes 2023-06-25

Pasta Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. Spiral-shaped pasta with a corkscrew-like form
  2. Square or round pasta filled with cheese or meat
  3. Large, tube-shaped pasta with ridges
  4. Flat and thin pasta similar to spaghetti
  5. Ring-shaped pasta filled with cheese or meat
  6. Wide and flat ribbon-like pasta
  7. Long, thin cylindrical pasta
  8. Corkscrew-shaped pasta
  9. Short, tubular pasta
  1. Short tubes cut diagonally at both ends
  2. Small curved pasta tubes
  3. Small, ear-shaped pasta
  4. Small, rice-shaped pasta
  5. Spiral-shaped pasta with twisted grooves
  6. Bow-tie shaped pasta with ruffled edges
  7. Long, flat pasta similar to fettuccine
  8. Flat, ribbon-like pasta
  9. Wide, flat pasta sheets often layered in a dish

18 Clues: Short, tubular pastaCorkscrew-shaped pastaSmall, ear-shaped pastaFlat, ribbon-like pastaSmall curved pasta tubesSmall, rice-shaped pastaLong, thin cylindrical pastaWide and flat ribbon-like pastaLarge, tube-shaped pasta with ridgesLong, flat pasta similar to fettuccineShort tubes cut diagonally at both endsBow-tie shaped pasta with ruffled edges...

Pasta Shapes 2024-12-19

Pasta Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. a
  2. b
  3. l
  4. r
  5. q
  6. k
  7. j
  1. e
  2. i
  3. d
  4. n
  5. g
  6. f
  7. p
  8. m
  9. o
  10. h
  11. c

18 Clues: eidnagbfpmlorqhckj

BODY SHAPES 2023-07-10

BODY SHAPES crossword puzzle
  1. Having a strong and solidly built body
  2. Having a full and rounded body shape
  3. Extremely overweight or having excessive body fat
  4. The overall structure, appearance, and development of a person's body
  5. The shape or form of a person's body
  6. The condition of being excessively overweight
  7. Weighing more than what is considered healthy or normal
  8. Tall and thin, often with long limbs and a somewhat awkward appearance
  9. Having a round and slightly fat body shape
  10. Having a broad and compact body with a strong build
  11. Gracefully thin or delicate in build
  1. Having a slender or thin physique
  2. The size, shape, and proportions of a person's body
  3. Weighing less than what is considered healthy or normal
  4. Having a thin but strong and healthy physique
  5. Having a small and dainty physique
  6. Extremely thin or emaciated
  7. Tall, slender, and graceful in appearance
  8. Having well-developed muscles

19 Clues: Extremely thin or emaciatedHaving well-developed musclesHaving a slender or thin physiqueHaving a small and dainty physiqueHaving a full and rounded body shapeThe shape or form of a person's bodyGracefully thin or delicate in buildHaving a strong and solidly built bodyTall, slender, and graceful in appearance...

Geometrical shapes 2024-04-18

Geometrical shapes crossword puzzle
  1. angle more than 90 degrees
  2. any of the line segments from its center to its perimeter
  3. a quadrilateral with both pairs of opposite sides parallel and all sides the same length
  4. a line that goes up and down
  5. angle less than 90 degrees
  6. a polygon with 9 sides
  7. 4 sided shape
  8. formed when two straight lines or rays meet at a common endpoint
  9. a polygon with 10 sides
  10. measure less than 90 degrees
  1. a polygon with 6 sides
  2. a polygon with 5 sides
  3. the length of the line through the center that touches two points on the edge of the circle
  4. all sides and angles are congruent
  5. a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides
  6. a polygon with 8 sides
  7. angle that is 90 degrees
  8. something lying or moving in the same direction but always the same distance apart
  9. no sides or angles are congruent
  10. having two sides of equal length.

20 Clues: 4 sided shapea polygon with 6 sidesa polygon with 5 sidesa polygon with 8 sidesa polygon with 9 sidesa polygon with 10 sidesangle that is 90 degreesangle more than 90 degreesangle less than 90 degreesa line that goes up and downmeasure less than 90 degreesno sides or angles are congruenthaving two sides of equal length....

Camouflage 01 2022-11-14

Camouflage 01 crossword puzzle
  1. Melt
  2. Ladybug
  3. Bottom
  4. Spider
  5. Insects
  6. Pattern
  7. Caterpillar
  8. Coral
  1. Hunt
  2. Leaf
  3. Light
  4. Ocean
  5. Mirror
  6. Ice
  7. Shapes
  8. Snake

16 Clues: IceHuntLeafMeltLightOceanSnakeCoralBottomMirrorSpiderShapesLadybugInsectsPatternCaterpillar

Kleki 2024-08-21

Kleki crossword puzzle
  1. Opacity
  2. Sbrush
  3. Layer
  4. Shapes
  5. Text
  6. Gradient
  7. Redo
  8. Hand
  9. Blur
  1. Paintbucket
  2. chalkbrush
  3. Undo
  4. Paste
  5. Eraser
  6. toolbox
  7. Add

16 Clues: AddUndoTextRedoHandBlurPasteLayerSbrushEraserShapesOpacitytoolboxGradientchalkbrushPaintbucket

Elements of Art 2018-02-26

Elements of Art crossword puzzle
  1. A line is the path of a moving ________________
  2. _______________________ Texture is creating the visual effect of texture by slowly drawing lines, shapes, and values
  3. The SIX initials of the Natural Spectrum Color Order __________________________
  4. The tool an artist uses, as well as the _______________________ of their hand, can change a line’s quality.
  5. ________________________ is shading, or lightness and darkness used to enhance a line drawing.
  6. The three ___________________________ of color are: hue, value, and intensity.
  7. Organic shapes are _________________________ shapes
  8. _________________________ is the response of vision to wavelengths of light.
  1. Line _____________________________ is the unique character of any line.
  2. ______________________ is an enclosed space having only two dimensions (length and width)
  3. _________________________ is how the surfaces of objects feel and look.
  4. _____________________________shapes are man made shapes and can require a formula to create them.
  5. Forms are three dimensional (length, width, and depth) and encloses ________________________
  6. Shading creates the illusion of ______________________________
  7. Shapes can be geometric or ________________________
  8. ________________________ can express feelings, sketch ideas, design, divide space, make shapes and textures.

16 Clues: A line is the path of a moving ________________Shapes can be geometric or ________________________Organic shapes are _________________________ shapesShading creates the illusion of ______________________________Line _____________________________ is the unique character of any line....

Art Grade 6 - Review Topics Crossword 2022-09-30

Art Grade 6 - Review Topics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Lines can be used on the face of a character to show emotion like angry or sad.
  2. An _________ is like a circle, but longer in shape.
  3. One of the few Geometric Shapes in nature is the body of a sea _____.
  4. Three-Dimensional Shapes are also called _______.
  5. A Sphere is round no matter which direction it is looked at.
  6. Two-Dimensional Shapes are _____, which means they have no thickness.
  7. A cube has six faces and _______ corners.
  8. One important way we use lines is in __________ to make sure things are the right size or straight.
  9. ________ Shapes are random and usually one of a kind.
  1. The cells in beehives are shaped like a _______.
  2. _________ Lines go from one place to another without deviating.
  3. A soda can has the shape of a ________.
  4. A _________ has five straight sides.
  5. ________ Art uses shapes to express ideas.
  6. _______ are the number of ways a shape can be measured.
  7. ____________ Shapes have an exact number of sides or curves.

16 Clues: A _________ has five straight sides.A soda can has the shape of a ________.A cube has six faces and _______ corners.________ Art uses shapes to express ideas.The cells in beehives are shaped like a _______.Three-Dimensional Shapes are also called _______.An _________ is like a circle, but longer in shape....

shapes & colors 2017-07-12

shapes & colors crossword puzzle
  1. Linie
  2. Punkt
  3. schlank
  4. Türkis
  5. Kupfer
  6. Khaki
  7. Lila
  8. Dreieck
  9. Smaragdgrün
  10. Olivgrün
  11. Loch
  1. Anthrazit
  2. Beige
  3. füllig
  4. Form
  5. Kreis
  6. Kastanie
  7. Marineblau

18 Clues: FormLilaLochBeigeLiniePunktKreisKhakifülligTürkisKupferschlankDreieckKastanieOlivgrünAnthrazitMarineblauSmaragdgrün

Hardest Math Puzzle 2023-11-28

Hardest Math Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Overall measurement and dimensions of things
  2. Study of numbers, shapes, logic, and quantity and arrangements
  3. Four sided-polygon with all internal angles equal to 90 degrees
  4. Form of objects that have boundary lines, angles, and surfaces
  5. Where shapes faces meet
  6. Illustrating a general rule
  7. Mirror image of a shape
  8. Closed figure with 12 sides and 12 angles
  9. Result of adding numbers
  1. Polygon that has three edges and three vertices
  2. Rule written with mathematical symbols
  3. Angles that measure less than 90 degrees
  4. A portion/part
  5. Branch of mathematics that studies the angles,sizes,shapes,positions,and dimensions of things
  6. Quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides
  7. Measures 90 degrees
  8. Line segment that joins two vertices in a shape
  9. Closed two-dimensional polygon with 6 sides
  10. Measure the same
  11. Two lines that intersect each other at right angles

20 Clues: A portion/partMeasure the sameMeasures 90 degreesWhere shapes faces meetMirror image of a shapeResult of adding numbersIllustrating a general ruleRule written with mathematical symbolsAngles that measure less than 90 degreesClosed figure with 12 sides and 12 anglesClosed two-dimensional polygon with 6 sides...

Hardest Math Puzzle 2023-11-28

Hardest Math Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Overall measurement and dimensions of things
  2. Study of numbers, shapes, logic, and quantity and arrangements
  3. Four sided-polygon with all internal angles equal to 90 degrees
  4. Form of objects that have boundary lines, angles, and surfaces
  5. Where shapes faces meet
  6. Illustrating a general rule
  7. Mirror image of a shape
  8. Closed figure with 12 sides and 12 angles
  9. Result of adding numbers
  1. Polygon that has three edges and three vertices
  2. Rule written with mathematical symbols
  3. Angles that measure less than 90 degrees
  4. A portion/part
  5. Branch of mathematics that studies the angles,sizes,shapes,positions,and dimensions of things
  6. Quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides
  7. Measures 90 degrees
  8. Line segment that joins two vertices in a shape
  9. Closed two-dimensional polygon with 6 sides
  10. Measure the same
  11. Two lines that intersect each other at right angles

20 Clues: A portion/partMeasure the sameMeasures 90 degreesWhere shapes faces meetMirror image of a shapeResult of adding numbersIllustrating a general ruleRule written with mathematical symbolsAngles that measure less than 90 degreesClosed figure with 12 sides and 12 anglesClosed two-dimensional polygon with 6 sides...

Transformations 2023-01-20

Transformations crossword puzzle
  1. shapes with congruent corresponding angles and congruent corresponding sides
  2. type of transformation that creates congruent shapes
  3. the shape before a transformation
  4. a slide
  5. in the opposite direction of a clock
  6. the shape obtained from a transformation
  1. type of transformation that creates non-congruent shapes
  2. a spin
  3. an enlarging or shrinking that creates similar shapes
  4. a flip
  5. lines in a plane that never intersect
  6. shapes with congruent corresponding angles and proportional corresponding sides
  7. in the direction of a clock

13 Clues: a spina flipa slidein the direction of a clockthe shape before a transformationin the opposite direction of a clocklines in a plane that never intersectthe shape obtained from a transformationtype of transformation that creates congruent shapesan enlarging or shrinking that creates similar shapes...

Hardest Math Puzzle 2023-11-28

Hardest Math Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Closed figure with 12 sides and 12 angles
  2. Line segment that joins two vertices in a shape
  3. Study of numbers, shapes, logic, and quantity and arrangements
  4. Angles that measure less than 90 degrees
  5. Quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides
  6. A portion/part
  7. Measure the same
  8. Illustrating a general rule
  9. Rule written with mathematical symbols
  10. Overall measurement and dimensions of things
  1. Where shapes faces meet
  2. Form of objects that have boundary lines, angles, and surfaces
  3. Two lines that intersect each other at right angles
  4. Polygon that has three edges and three vertices
  5. Result of adding numbers
  6. Closed two-dimensional polygon with 6 sides
  7. Measures 90 degrees
  8. Mirror image of a shape
  9. Branch of mathematics that studies the angles,sizes,shapes,positions,and dimensions of things
  10. Four sided-polygon with all internal angles equal to 90 degrees

20 Clues: A portion/partMeasure the sameMeasures 90 degreesWhere shapes faces meetMirror image of a shapeResult of adding numbersIllustrating a general ruleRule written with mathematical symbolsAngles that measure less than 90 degreesClosed figure with 12 sides and 12 anglesClosed two-dimensional polygon with 6 sides...

Shapes 2020-09-24

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. Make your shape smaller or bigger (6)
  2. The menu that appears once you have a shape selected. (6)
  3. The colour of the handles used to modify a shape (6)
  4. Handles that appear on a shape when you select it (6)
  5. Tab where you can find tools to add shapes to a document. (6)
  1. How the thickness of lines is measured (6)
  2. Click & ____ , one method to add a shape (4)
  3. A shape effect that mirrors. (10)
  4. Word used to describe how to organise shapes in layers
  5. Shape _____ allows you to apply pre-set colours and effects to quickly change the appearance of your shape (5)

10 Clues: A shape effect that mirrors. (10)Make your shape smaller or bigger (6)How the thickness of lines is measured (6)Click & ____ , one method to add a shape (4)The colour of the handles used to modify a shape (6)Handles that appear on a shape when you select it (6)Word used to describe how to organise shapes in layers...

Shapes! 2020-09-09

Shapes! crossword puzzle
  1. you can stand on the ____.
  2. curved inwards.
  3. a door is shaped as a ____.
  4. a flat shape with 4 straight sides where opposite sides are parallel.
  1. if its not 2D its ____.
  2. i have no corners and im shaped like a ball.
  3. if you cut me in half both of my halves would be ____.
  4. Curved Outwards.
  5. a three sided polygon. The sum of the angles equal 180 degrees.
  6. The same shape and size, but we are allowed to flip, slide or turn.

10 Clues: curved inwards.Curved Outwards.if its not 2D its can stand on the ____.a door is shaped as a ____.i have no corners and im shaped like a ball.if you cut me in half both of my halves would be ____.a three sided polygon. The sum of the angles equal 180 degrees.The same shape and size, but we are allowed to flip, slide or turn....

shapes 2020-09-09

shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A shape that is 8 sided.
  2. prism A solid (3-dimensional) object which has six faces that are rectangles.
  3. A 3-dimensional object shaped like a ball.
  4. A flat shape with four straight sides.
  5. triangle A triangle with all sides of different lengths.
  6. A shape that has 3 sides.
  1. he same shape and size, but we are allowed to flip, slide or turn.
  2. curves inwards.
  3. A flat shape with 4 straight sides where opposite sides are parallel.
  4. curves outwards.

10 Clues: curves inwards.curves outwards.A shape that is 8 sided.A shape that has 3 sides.A flat shape with four straight sides.A 3-dimensional object shaped like a ball.triangle A triangle with all sides of different lengths.he same shape and size, but we are allowed to flip, slide or turn....

Shapes 2020-09-09

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. Curved inwards
  2. Curved outwards
  3. 4 sides of equal lengths
  4. A 6-sided polygon (a flat shape with straight sides)
  5. A 5-sided polygon (a flat shape with straight sides)
  6. A box-shaped solid object that has six identical square faces
  1. A flat shape with four straight sides
  2. A 3-dimensional object shaped like a ball
  3. An 8-sided polygon (a flat shape with straight sides)
  4. A flat shape with 4 straight sides

10 Clues: Curved inwardsCurved outwards4 sides of equal lengthsA flat shape with 4 straight sidesA flat shape with four straight sidesA 3-dimensional object shaped like a ballA 6-sided polygon (a flat shape with straight sides)A 5-sided polygon (a flat shape with straight sides)An 8-sided polygon (a flat shape with straight sides)...

SHAPES 2020-09-10

SHAPES crossword puzzle
  1. Curved inwards
  2. A 3 dimensional object shaped like a ball
  3. A line going from the bottom left corner to the right corner
  4. 4 equal sided 2d shape
  5. Curved outwards
  1. A 3d object made from squares
  2. Move in one direction only no bends or curves
  3. three sided angle
  4. An eight sided 2d shape
  5. a 3d object which sides are triangles which meet at the top

10 Clues: Curved inwardsCurved outwardsthree sided angle4 equal sided 2d shapeAn eight sided 2d shapeA 3d object made from squaresA 3 dimensional object shaped like a ballMove in one direction only no bends or curvesa 3d object which sides are triangles which meet at the topA line going from the bottom left corner to the right corner

Shapes 2022-01-25

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. Has 2 faces
  2. Has a cross section of a square
  3. round edges
  4. prism cross section of a pentagon
  5. Has Infinite lines of symmetry
  1. prism Has a cross section on a triangle
  2. prism cross section of a hexagon
  3. Has 6 faces
  4. Four 90 degree angles
  5. holds ice cream

10 Clues: Has 2 facesround edgesHas 6 facesholds ice creamFour 90 degree anglesHas Infinite lines of symmetryHas a cross section of a squareprism cross section of a hexagonprism cross section of a pentagonprism Has a cross section on a triangle

Shapes 2017-09-07

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. a solid made from a circle
  2. a solid made from a circle and looks like a ball
  3. 4 straight sides, pairs of two equal lengths
  4. 4 straight sides of equal length
  5. a cold cube used in drinks
  1. 3 straight sides
  2. one curved side
  3. a solid square
  4. a cube shaped like a rectangle
  5. a solid that looks like an icecream

10 Clues: a solid squareone curved side3 straight sidesa solid made from a circlea cold cube used in drinksa cube shaped like a rectangle4 straight sides of equal lengtha solid that looks like an icecream4 straight sides, pairs of two equal lengthsa solid made from a circle and looks like a ball

Shapes 2019-02-07

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. The form of an object.
  2. A line that marks the outer limits of a shape or form.
  3. Shapes that are typically associated with natural things. Often irregular or asymmetrical..
  4. A shape with six straight sides and six angles.
  5. Shapes that are made by using tools. Includes circles, triangle, rectangles, squares, etc.
  1. A shape with four equal straight sides, and four right angles.
  2. A round shape drawn using a compass.
  3. A shape with three straight sides, and three angles.
  4. Used to fill the interior of a shape.
  5. An outline that appears dark against a light background.

10 Clues: The form of an object.A round shape drawn using a compass.Used to fill the interior of a shape.A shape with six straight sides and six angles.A shape with three straight sides, and three angles.A line that marks the outer limits of a shape or form.An outline that appears dark against a light background....

Shapes 2019-02-10

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. Plate
  2. Baseball
  3. Dollar Bill
  1. Crackers
  2. Peanut Butter Jar
  3. Ice Cream Cone
  4. Blocks
  5. Yield Sign
  6. snowflake
  7. Tents

10 Clues: PlateTentsBlocksCrackersBaseballsnowflakeYield SignDollar BillIce Cream ConePeanut Butter Jar

Shapes 2023-10-20

Shapes crossword puzzle


Shapes 2023-03-08

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. a perfect round solid shape
  2. a shape with four equal sides and four right angles
  3. shape of a pine tree
  4. body having six equal square sides
  5. a shape with straight sides and circular ends
  1. shape with four straight sides and four right angles
  2. this shape has no corners and no sides
  3. shape that reflects the colors of the rainbow
  4. a plane figure which is closed by three straight lines
  5. half of a circle

10 Clues: half of a circleshape of a pine treea perfect round solid shapebody having six equal square sidesthis shape has no corners and no sidesshape that reflects the colors of the rainbowa shape with straight sides and circular endsa shape with four equal sides and four right anglesshape with four straight sides and four right angles...

Shapes 2024-02-28

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. Number of angles in a triangle
  2. This shape has 6 sides
  3. Number of angles in a hexagon
  4. Number of angles in a circle
  5. This shape has 8 sides
  6. This shape has no sides
  1. This shape has 3 sides
  2. This shape has 5 sides
  3. This shape has 4 sides
  4. Number of angles in a square

10 Clues: This shape has 3 sidesThis shape has 5 sidesThis shape has 6 sidesThis shape has 4 sidesThis shape has 8 sidesThis shape has no sidesNumber of angles in a squareNumber of angles in a circleNumber of angles in a hexagonNumber of angles in a triangle

Shapes 2024-02-27

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. I have 8 sides and 8 vertices.
  2. I have 4 sides and 4 vertices. I have one pair of parallel lines.
  3. I have 0 sides and 0 vertices.
  4. I have 6 sides and 6 vertices.
  5. I have 4 equal sides and 4 vertices.
  1. I have 4 sides and 4 vertices. I have two pairs of parallel lines.
  2. I have 3 sides and 3 vertices.
  3. I have 5 sides and 5 vertices.
  4. I have 4 sides and 4 vertices. I also have 2 long sides and 2 short sides.
  5. I have 4 sides and 4 vertices. I am also called a diamond.

10 Clues: I have 8 sides and 8 vertices.I have 3 sides and 3 vertices.I have 5 sides and 5 vertices.I have 0 sides and 0 vertices.I have 6 sides and 6 vertices.I have 4 equal sides and 4 vertices.I have 4 sides and 4 vertices. I am also called a diamond.I have 4 sides and 4 vertices. I have one pair of parallel lines....

Shapes 2024-06-03

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. 4 equal side opposite sides parallel
  2. Two pairs of adjacent sides are equal Two diagonals intersect each other at right angles. The longer diagonal bisects the shorter diagonal
  3. This shape has 3 side and 3 corners
  4. Quadrilateral The bases (the top and bottom) are not parallel to each other
  5. If the diagonals of a kite are 10 cm and 12 cm, what's its perimeter?
  1. what's the perimeter of a rectangle with sides of 10 cm and 6 cm?
  2. What is the perimeter of a square with each side measuring 150 units?
  3. 4 equal side with 4 corner
  4. What's the area of a right triangle with legs of 8 cm and 6 cm?
  5. 4 side, has 2 pairs of opposite sides that are equal and parallel.

10 Clues: 4 equal side with 4 cornerThis shape has 3 side and 3 corners4 equal side opposite sides parallelWhat's the area of a right triangle with legs of 8 cm and 6 cm?what's the perimeter of a rectangle with sides of 10 cm and 6 cm?4 side, has 2 pairs of opposite sides that are equal and parallel....

Shapes 2024-06-03

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. 8.What is the perimeter of a rectangle with length 250 units and width 180 units?
  2. 10.What is the area of a kite with diagonals measuring 400 units and 300 units
  3. 1.4 equal side opposite sides parallel
  4. 4.Quadrilateral The bases (the top and bottom) are not parallel to each other
  5. 3.Two pairs of adjacent sides are equal Two diagonals intersect each other at right angles. The longer diagonal bisects the shorter diagonal
  1. 9.What is the area of a triangle with a base of 350 units and a height of 240 units?
  2. 7.What is the perimeter of a square with each side measuring 150 units?
  3. 6.4 equal side with 4 corner
  4. 5.4 side, has 2 pairs of opposite sides that are equal and parallel.
  5. 2.This shape has 3 side and 3 corners

10 Clues: 6.4 equal side with 4 corner2.This shape has 3 side and 3 corners1.4 equal side opposite sides parallel5.4 side, has 2 pairs of opposite sides that are equal and parallel.7.What is the perimeter of a square with each side measuring 150 units?4.Quadrilateral The bases (the top and bottom) are not parallel to each other...

Shapes 2024-06-12

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. - "A shape with five points"
  2. - "A shape with four sides, two longer than the other two"
  3. - "A shape with five sides"
  4. - "A shape like an egg"
  5. - "A shape with six sides"
  6. - "A round shape with no corners"
  1. - "A shape with four equal sides"
  2. - "A shape often found on playing cards"
  3. - "A shape with three sides"
  4. - "A shape that represents love"

10 Clues: - "A shape like an egg"- "A shape with six sides"- "A shape with five sides"- "A shape with five points"- "A shape with three sides"- "A shape that represents love"- "A shape with four equal sides"- "A round shape with no corners"- "A shape often found on playing cards"- "A shape with four sides, two longer than the other two"

Shapes 2023-06-17

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. It looks like a can.
  2. All sides are equal.
  3. It has four equal sides.
  4. Similar to a stretched circle.
  5. It has six sides.
  1. Opposite sides are equal.
  2. It has three sides.
  3. It has five sides.
  4. It has no corners.
  5. It has eight sides.

10 Clues: It has six sides.It has five sides.It has no corners.It has three sides.It has eight sides.It looks like a can.All sides are equal.It has four equal sides.Opposite sides are equal.Similar to a stretched circle.

Shapes 2023-06-21

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. This shape has four sides with opposite sides being equal and four right angles. It looks like a door or a picture frame.
  2. This shape has a curved top and two rounded bumps at the bottom. It looks like the shape we draw to express love or a Valentine's Day card.
  3. This shape is round and doesn't have any corners. It looks like a round pizza or a ball.
  4. This shape is like a stretched circle. It looks like an egg or an oval-shaped rug.
  5. This shape has five sides and five corners. It looks like a house or a shield.
  1. This shape has several pointy arms radiating from a center. It looks like the shape we often draw in the sky or on top of a Christmas tree.
  2. This shape has three sides and three corners. It looks like a slice of pizza or a traffic sign.
  3. This shape has four equal sides and four corners. It looks like a window or a piece of chocolate.
  4. This shape has four equal sides and two pairs of parallel sides. It looks like a shiny gem or a kite.
  5. This shape has six sides and six corners. It looks like a honeycomb or a stop sign.

10 Clues: This shape has five sides and five corners. It looks like a house or a shield.This shape is like a stretched circle. It looks like an egg or an oval-shaped rug.This shape has six sides and six corners. It looks like a honeycomb or a stop sign.This shape is round and doesn't have any corners. It looks like a round pizza or a ball....

Shapes 2023-01-22

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. "A shape with multiple points, often associated with a symbol of brightness and guidance."
  2. "A shape with two circular bases and a cylindrical surface, often associated with objects such as cans and bottles."
  3. "A shape with three straight sides and three angles."
  4. "A shape with four equal sides and four right angles."
  5. "A shape with four straight sides and four angles, often associated with precious gems."
  6. "A shape that resembles an egg or an ellipse, with a curved perimeter."
  1. "A shape with no edges or corners and a constant distance from its center point."
  2. "A shape with four sides and four right angles, opposite sides are parallel and equal in length."
  3. "A shape with six straight sides and six angles."
  4. "A shape with a round, symmetrical surface and no edges or corners, often associated with objects such as balls and planets."

10 Clues: "A shape with six straight sides and six angles.""A shape with three straight sides and three angles.""A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.""A shape that resembles an egg or an ellipse, with a curved perimeter.""A shape with no edges or corners and a constant distance from its center point."...

shapes 2023-01-30

shapes crossword puzzle
  1. both sides are parallel and congruent
  2. all angles are less than 180 degress
  3. a quadrilateral that has 2 pairs consecutive, congruent sides. and one pair of opposite, congruent angles
  4. one pair of parallel sides
  5. at least 1 angle is > 180
  6. a quadrilateral where base angles are congruent and sides are congruent.
  1. a closed shape with all congruent sides and angles
  2. opposite sides and angles are congruent
  3. all angles are 90 and opposite sides are congruent
  4. a closed shape with no curves

10 Clues: at least 1 angle is > 180one pair of parallel sidesa closed shape with no curvesall angles are less than 180 degressboth sides are parallel and congruentopposite sides and angles are congruenta closed shape with all congruent sides and anglesall angles are 90 and opposite sides are congruent...

Pasta Shapes 2024-12-19

Pasta Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. q
  2. r
  3. l
  4. k
  5. c
  6. d
  7. o
  8. j
  9. a
  1. i
  2. b
  3. m
  4. p
  5. f
  6. h
  7. e
  8. g
  9. n

18 Clues: ibmqrpflhkcedgonja

Shapes & Colors 2013-05-23

Shapes & Colors crossword puzzle
  1. marrom
  2. estrela
  3. rosa
  4. círculo
  5. coração
  6. retângulo
  7. losango
  8. laranja
  9. amarelo
  1. branco
  2. cinza
  3. preto
  4. quadrado
  5. roxo
  6. vermelho
  7. triangulo
  8. verde

17 Clues: roxorosacinzapretoverdemarrombrancoestrelacírculocoraçãolosangolaranjaamareloquadradovermelhoretângulotriangulo

Shapes 2022-02-01

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. It has only one edge and one corner
  2. A line joining opposite corners
  3. Opposite sides of each face are equal
  4. Every face is a square
  5. It has no corner and no edge
  6. has three sides
  1. It has 2 flat faces
  2. Where two faces meet
  3. Sphere and cylinder does not have it
  4. It does not have diagonal

10 Clues: has three sidesIt has 2 flat facesWhere two faces meetEvery face is a squareIt does not have diagonalIt has no corner and no edgeA line joining opposite cornersIt has only one edge and one cornerSphere and cylinder does not have itOpposite sides of each face are equal

shapes 2022-10-20

shapes crossword puzzle
  1. A+(B+C)= (A+B)+C : identify the property of addition
  2. shape of a mobile phone
  3. shape of a pizza
  4. standard unit of measuring length on ruler
  5. + b = b + a identify the property
  1. -when 1 is subtracted from a num, we get this
  2. shape of a body part
  3. Line- visual representation of numbers on a straight line drawn either horizontally or vertically is known as
  4. -include positive numbers, negative numbers, and zero
  5. shape of an egg

10 Clues: shape of an eggshape of a pizzashape of a body partshape of a mobile phone+ b = b + a identify the propertystandard unit of measuring length on ruler-when 1 is subtracted from a num, we get thisA+(B+C)= (A+B)+C : identify the property of addition-include positive numbers, negative numbers, and zero...

shapes 2020-09-09

shapes crossword puzzle
  1. both shape are symmetrical however can be flipped turned or sided.
  2. 10 sided 2d shape with straight lines.
  3. two or more part are exactly identical.
  4. half a circle.
  5. ice-cream.
  6. curved inwards.
  1. 2d shape that has no parallel sides.
  2. 2d shape were the corners facing across the corner is the same.
  3. triangle that has an equal length on all of the sides.
  4. curved inwards.
  5. 2d shape that has 4 lines and all those lines are an equal length.

11 Clues: ice-cream.half a circle.curved inwards.curved inwards.2d shape that has no parallel sides.10 sided 2d shape with straight lines.two or more part are exactly identical.triangle that has an equal length on all of the sides.2d shape were the corners facing across the corner is the same.both shape are symmetrical however can be flipped turned or sided....

Shapes 2020-09-09

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. Half a circle.
  2. Consisting of only length, width and height.
  3. A flat shape with eight straight sides.
  4. (Of a shape) curved outwards.
  5. A flat shape with four straight sides.
  1. (Of a shape) 4 straight sides, each parallel opposite of each other.
  2. (Of a shape) showing symmetry.
  3. (Of a line segment) that connects two corners but is not an edge.
  4. (Of a shape) curved inwards.
  5. Consisting of only length and width.

10 Clues: Half a circle.(Of a shape) curved inwards.(Of a shape) curved outwards.(Of a shape) showing symmetry.Consisting of only length and width.A flat shape with four straight sides.A flat shape with eight straight sides.Consisting of only length, width and height.(Of a line segment) that connects two corners but is not an edge....

Shapes! 2020-09-09

Shapes! crossword puzzle
  1. A 2D shape with four sides.
  2. Curved outwards.
  3. A 3D object shaped like a ball.
  4. A 2D shape with no sides
  5. A 2D shape with 8 sides
  6. A 3D object that is widely known for being part of Egypt’s history
  1. A 2D shape with six sides
  2. A 3D shape that holds ice cream
  3. Something that you can cut in half and looks the same.
  4. A 2D shape with ten sides

10 Clues: Curved outwards.A 2D shape with 8 sidesA 2D shape with no sidesA 2D shape with six sidesA 2D shape with ten sidesA 2D shape with four sides.A 3D shape that holds ice creamA 3D object shaped like a ball.Something that you can cut in half and looks the same.A 3D object that is widely known for being part of Egypt’s history

Shapes 2020-09-09

Shapes crossword puzzle
  1. a boxed shaped solid object that has six identical square faces
  2. a solid 3D object that has a circular base joined to a point by a curved side
  3. a 8 sided polygon
  4. curved outwards
  5. a flat shape with four straight sides where opposite sides are parallel
  6. a 3D object shaped like a ball
  1. a flat shape with four straight sides
  2. a six sided polygon (a flat shape with straight sides
  3. the same shape and size,but are allowed to flip, slide or turn
  4. curved inwards

10 Clues: curved inwardscurved outwardsa 8 sided polygona 3D object shaped like a balla flat shape with four straight sidesa six sided polygon (a flat shape with straight sidesthe same shape and size,but are allowed to flip, slide or turna boxed shaped solid object that has six identical square faces...

shapes 2020-09-10

shapes crossword puzzle
  1. a 2D shape with 3 faces
  2. a 3D shape with 5 faces
  3. a 3D shape with 2 sides
  4. a 3D shape with 6 faces
  5. a 3D shape with 6 faces similar to a square
  1. a 2D shape with 5 sides
  2. a 2D shape with 10 sides
  3. a 2D shape that's half of a whole
  4. a 2D shape with no corners
  5. a wider version of a square.

10 Clues: a 2D shape with 5 sidesa 2D shape with 3 facesa 3D shape with 5 facesa 3D shape with 2 sidesa 3D shape with 6 facesa 2D shape with 10 sidesa 2D shape with no cornersa wider version of a square.a 2D shape that's half of a wholea 3D shape with 6 faces similar to a square