skeletal system Crossword Puzzles

Skeletal System 2016-12-05

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Distinct epiphysis on a long bone
  2. Edge of a flat bone or flat portion of the edge of a flat area
  3. Joint between the parietal bones and frontal bones
  4. Groove or elongated depression
  5. Large bump for muscle attachment
  6. The main portion of a bone
  7. Long cracklike hole for blood vessels and nerves
  8. Consists of 126 bones
  9. Line of articulation along the top curved edge of the temporal bones
  10. Bone that resembles a bat with wings
  11. Cavity within a bone
  12. Forms the anterior part of the septum
  13. Joint between the right and left parietal bones
  14. Flat surface that forms a joint with another facet or flat bone
  15. Moderately raised ridge; generally a site for muscle attachment
  16. Rounded bump
  17. Edge of a bone
  18. Tubelike opening or channel
  19. Similar to a crest but not raised as much
  20. Round hole for vessels and nerves
  21. Depression
  1. Frontal bone is part of what skeletal division
  2. Bone that forms the posterior part of the hard palate
  3. A corner
  4. A narrowed portion, usually at the base of a head
  5. A V-like depression in the margin or edge of a flat area
  6. Immovable joints between skull bones
  7. Oblong, raised bump
  8. Fontanel; At the juncture of the parietal, occipital, and temporal bones
  9. Cheekbones;forms part of floor and sidewall of eye orbit
  10. Bump near a condyle
  11. Fontanel; Juncture of the parietal bones and occipital bone
  12. Pair of small bones that form the upper part of bridge of noise
  13. Curved portion of a bone
  14. Soft spots where ossification is incomplete at birth
  15. A sharp, pointed process
  16. Fontanel; Juncture of the parietal bones and frontal bone
  17. Joint between the parietal bones and occipital bones
  18. Small islets of bone in sutures
  19. A raised area or projection
  20. Forms the lower, posterior part of the septum

41 Clues: A cornerDepressionRounded bumpEdge of a boneOblong, raised bumpBump near a condyleCavity within a boneConsists of 126 bonesCurved portion of a boneA sharp, pointed processThe main portion of a boneA raised area or projectionTubelike opening or channelGroove or elongated depressionSmall islets of bone in suturesLarge bump for muscle attachment...

Skeletal system 2016-11-11

Skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. Dense looks smooth
  2. fibrous membranes connecting the cranial bones
  3. slightly movable joints
  4. hunchback
  5. primarily a storage area for adipose tissue
  6. articulating bone ends are separated by a joint cavity
  7. essential for bones to retain normal proportions and strength during long bone growth
  8. C1, yes joint
  9. run in the compact bone at the right angles to the shaft
  10. bones are scarred with bulbs, holes, and ridges
  11. covers the diaphysis
  12. longer rather than wider
  13. movement of bone
  14. mature bone cells are found within the matrix
  15. elbows and ankle joints cylindrical end of one bone fits into a trough shaped surface on another
  16. bones united by fibrous tissue
  17. Limbs and girdles
  18. small needlelike pieces of bone and lots of open space
  19. lamellaes are around these
  20. bone forking cells
  21. thin, flattened and usually curved
  22. realignment of the broken bone ends
  23. spinal curvatures in the thoracic and sacral regions
  24. lacunae are found in concentric circles
  25. makes up most of the bones length
  26. encloses and protects the fragile brain tissue
  27. flattened sacs lined with synovial membrane and contain synovial fluid
  28. bone is forced out of its normal position in the joint cavity
  29. "s" of the spine
  30. immovable joints
  31. swayback
  1. the ends of the long bone
  2. generally cube-shaped
  3. egg shaped surface of one bone fits into an oval con cavity in another
  4. in infants this area forms red blood cells
  5. giant, bone destroying cells
  6. when bones develop using hyaline cartilage
  7. freely movable joints
  8. bones that do not fit one of the preceding categories
  9. curvatures in the crevicle and lumbar regions
  10. synchonroses connected by Fibrocartilage
  11. covers the epiphyses
  12. the rounded end of one bone fits into a sleeve or ring of bone
  13. where osteocytes are found
  14. only short slipping or gliding movements allowed
  15. vertebrae are separated by pads of flexible cartilage
  16. thin line of bony tissue spanning the epiphysis
  17. hold the eyes in an anterior position
  18. blood cell formation
  19. transport tiny blood length wise through the bony matrix
  20. secure the periosteum to the underlying bone
  21. the bones that form the longitudinal axis
  22. slipped discs
  23. blood filled swelling
  24. C2, no joint

55 Clues: swaybackhunchbackC2, no jointC1, yes jointslipped discsmovement of bone"s" of the spineimmovable jointsLimbs and girdlesDense looks smoothbone forking cellscovers the epiphysescovers the diaphysisblood cell formationgenerally cube-shapedfreely movable jointsblood filled swellingslightly movable jointslonger rather than wider...

Skeletal System 2016-11-09

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. bumps, holes, and ridges that cover bones
  2. bone destroying cell
  3. a slightly moveable joint
  4. Fibrous connective tissue membrane
  5. C1
  6. The line is a remnant of the epiphyseal plate scene and young, growing bone
  7. small sac filled with fluid
  8. Carry blood vessels and nerves to all areas of the bone
  9. Red marrow in adults is confined to cavities in spongy bone of flat bones and the epiphysis of some long bones
  10. C2
  11. shaft that makes up most of the bands links and is composed of compact bone. Covered and protected by periosteum
  12. bones United by cartilage
  13. the curvatures in the cervical and lumbar regions
  14. mature bone cells
  15. bone forming cell
  16. gliding of a joint that does not involve rotation around any axis
  17. bones joined by fibrous tissue
  18. the rounded end of one bone fits into a sleeve or ring of a bone
  19. bone breaks incompletely
  20. fibrous Membranes in the skull where bone has not yet formed
  21. they allow movement around one axis only
  22. tiny canals that radiate outward from the central can out to the lacunae
  23. a blood filled swelling
  24. essential if bones are to retain normal proportions and strength
  25. an immovable joint
  26. adipose tissue
  27. articulate surfaces are essentially flat
  28. elbow
  29. a curving inward of the lower back
  30. Slipped disc
  31. longer than they are wide. They have a shaft with heads at both ends.
  1. process of creating new blood cells in the body
  2. Cavity of the shaft that is also the storage area for adipose tissue
  3. concentric circles that the Lucanae are arranged in
  4. the discs of fibrocartilage between the vertebrae
  5. the spinal curvatures in the thoracic and sacreal regions
  6. run in the compact bone at right angles to the shaft
  7. portion of the skeleton of vertebrates consisting of the bones or cartilage that support the appendages
  8. how a fracture is treated
  9. a freely moveable joint
  10. Bone is crushed
  11. part of the skeleton that consists of bones of the head and trunk of the vertebrae
  12. dense and looks smooth and homogeneous
  13. process of bone formation
  14. sideways curvature of the spine
  15. hold the eyes in the anterior position and allow the facial muscles to show our feelings through smiles or frowns
  16. then, flattened, and usually curved. They have two thin layers of compact bone sandwiching a layer of spongy bone between them
  17. The ends of the long bone. Consists of a thin layer of compact bone in closing an area filled with spongy bone
  18. glassy hyaline cartilage.
  19. freely movable joint
  20. happens when a bone is forced out of its normal joint cavity
  21. Secure the periosteum to the underlying bone
  22. enclosed and protects the fragile brain tissue
  23. composed of small needle like pieces of bone and lots of open space
  24. bones that do not fit in another category
  25. generally cube shaped and contain mostly spongy bone
  26. tiny cavities that are arranged in concentric circles called lamellae around haverion canals
  27. movement in all axes
  28. joint, point where two bones meet
  29. movement around 2 axes only
  30. forward rounding of the back

61 Clues: C1C2elbowSlipped discadipose tissueBone is crushedmature bone cellsbone forming cellan immovable jointbone destroying cellfreely movable jointmovement in all axesa freely moveable jointa blood filled swellingbone breaks incompletelya slightly moveable jointhow a fracture is treatedbones United by cartilageprocess of bone formation...

Skeletal System 2016-11-03

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. injury or disability caused when the normal position of a joint or other part of the body is disturbed
  2. occurring around several axes
  3. the bones surrounding the mouth and nose and contributing to the orbits
  4. joins bones with a fibrous joint capsule that is continuous with the periosteum of the joined bones and surrounds the bones articulating surfaces
  5. Bone marrow characterized by meshes of the reticular network that contain the developmental stages of red blood cells white blood cells and megakaryocytes
  6. a joint an area where two bones are attached for the purpose of motion of body parts
  7. a fluid-filled sac or saclike cavity especially one countering friction at a joint
  8. have no joint cavity and are connected via fibrous connective tissue
  9. a layer of cartilage separating adjacent vertebrae in the spine
  10. the axis of a convex articular surface is parallel with the longitudinal axis of the bone
  11. a chronic progressive disease causing inflammation in the joints and resulting in painful deformity and immobility especially in the fingers wrists feet and ankles
  12. designated as those bones that are as wide as they are long provide support and stability with little to no movement
  13. a collapse of a vertebra
  14. excessive inward curvature of the spine
  15. occurring around 2 axes at right angles to each other
  16. any of the minute tubes that form a network in bone and contain blood vessels.
  17. a thin layer membrane scale or platelike tissue or part especially in bone tissue
  18. a lifelong process where mature bone tissue is removed from the skeleton and new bone tissue is formed
  19. a small channel or duct
  20. connected entirely by cartilage allow more movement between bones than a fibrous joint but less than the highly mobile synovial joint
  21. bones whose principal function is either extensive protection or the provision of broad surfaces for muscular attachment
  22. hard dense bones that provide strength structure and mobility longer than they are wide
  23. the shaft or central part of a long bone
  24. characteristics on the surface of the axial and appendicular bones that indicate attachments articulations or openings for nerves and blood vessels
  25. a dense layer of vascular connective tissue enveloping the bones except at the surfaces of the joints
  26. a surgical procedure to restore a fracture or dislocation to the correct alignment
  27. a bone fracture in which one of the fragments is driven into another fragment
  28. a break or splinter of the bone into more than two fragments
  29. the natural process of bone formation the hardening into a bony substance
  30. degeneration of joint cartilage and the underlying bone most common from middle age onward
  31. bone marrow that is yellow with fat found at the ends of long bones in adults
  32. the formation of blood or of blood cells in the living body
  1. a space between the bones of the skull in an infant or fetus where ossification is not complete and the sutures not fully formed
  2. interstices filled with embryonic connective tissue or bone marrow
  3. permit sliding or gliding movements in the plane of articular surfaces
  4. the compact noncancellous portion of bone that consists largely of concentric lamellar osteons and interstitial lamellae
  5. the topmost vertebra of the backbone articulating with the occipital bone of the skull
  6. a joint with saddleshaped articular surfaces that are convex in one direction and concave in another and that permit movements in all directions except axial rotation
  7. a cavity or depression
  8. a bone cell formed when an osteoblast becomes embedded in the matrix it has secreted
  9. a condition in which the annulus fibrous of the vertebral disc is torn enabling the nucleus to herniate or extrude through the fibers
  10. a large multinucleate bone cell that absorbs bone tissue during growth and healing
  11. the ventrally concave curve of the fetal vertebral column retained in the thoracic and sacral regions as the thoracic and sacral kyphosis
  12. formed between two or more bones where the bones can only move along one axis to flex or extend
  13. abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
  14. bones which from their peculiar form cannot be grouped as long bone short bone flat bone or sesamoid bone
  15. a matrix of connective tissue consisting of bundles of strong predominantly type I collagen fibres connecting periosteum to bone
  16. permits movement in two planes allowing flexion extension adduction
  17. an immovably fixed joint between bones connected by fibrous tissue
  18. an outgrowth of bone that can occur along the edges of a bone
  19. a hyaline cartilage plate in the metaphysis at each end of a long bone
  20. articulation that permits free movement
  21. any of the small channels in bone that transmit blood vessels from the periosteum into the bone and that lie perpendicular to and communicate with the haversian canals
  22. the part of the skeleton that consists of the bones of the head and trunk of a vertebrate
  23. ventrally convex curves of the vertebral column that develop postnatally in the cervical and lumbar regions
  24. a stretching or tearing of ligaments
  25. the central cavity of bone shafts where red bone marrow and yellow bone marrow is stored
  26. the highly specialized connective tissue of diarthrodial joints
  27. a fracture of the bone occurring typically in children in which one side of the bone is broken and the other only bent
  28. a disease in which defective metabolism of uric acid causes arthritis especially in the smaller bones of the feet deposition of chalkstones and episodes of acute pain
  29. a cell that secretes the matrix for bone formation
  30. a natural or manufactured joint or coupling in which a partially spherical end lies in a socket allowing multidirectional movement and rotation
  31. the portion of the skeleton of vertebrates consisting of the bones or cartilage that support the appendages
  32. A type of articulation between bony surfaces that permits limited motion and is connected by ligaments or elastic cartilage
  33. a solid swelling of clotted blood within the tissues
  34. occurring around one axis movement only in one plane
  35. a medical condition in which the bones become brittle and fragile from loss of tissue typically as a result of hormonal changes or deficiency of calcium or vitamin D
  36. the end part of a long bone initially growing separately from the shaft
  37. a fracture especially of the skull in which the fragment is depressed below the normal surface
  38. excessive outward curvature of the spine causing hunching of the back
  39. painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints
  40. the skull especially the part enclosing the brain
  41. a bone fracture occurring when torque is applied along the axis of a bone
  42. slipping movement only no axis around which movement can occur
  43. a grating sound or sensation produced by friction between bone and cartilage or the fractured parts of a bone
  44. inflammation of a bursa typically one in the knee elbow or shoulder
  45. the second cervical vertebra of the spine is named the axis

77 Clues: a cavity or depressiona small channel or ducta collapse of a vertebraoccurring around several axesa stretching or tearing of ligamentsabnormal lateral curvature of the spinearticulation that permits free movementexcessive inward curvature of the spinethe shaft or central part of a long bonepainful inflammation and stiffness of the joints...

Skeletal System 2016-11-15

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. contains knee,elbow,ankle
  2. joint that has thin-layer of connective tissue
  3. damaged tissue
  4. inflammation of a joint
  5. joint that connects cartilage
  6. joint that occur in knee,shoulders,fingers,toes
  7. degenerative, result of aging
  8. open portion of the spinal-cord (2 words)
  9. something that pregnant women should have in body(2 words)
  10. most painful fibrous tissue
  11. small tears in the muscle (2 words)
  12. contains the atlas, axis radio/ulnar
  1. mutation of the body repair mechanisms (2 words)
  2. palatine process of maxilla fails to unite (2 words)
  3. saddle carpal and thumb metacarpal
  4. abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
  5. contains humerus,scapula,coxal(3 words)
  6. porous bones due to calcium absorption
  7. forcible twisting of a joint that stretches of tears ligaments
  8. oval articulation-metacarpal

20 Clues: damaged tissueinflammation of a jointcontains knee,elbow,anklemost painful fibrous tissueoval articulation-metacarpaljoint that connects cartilagedegenerative, result of agingsaddle carpal and thumb metacarpalsmall tears in the muscle (2 words)contains the atlas, axis radio/ulnarporous bones due to calcium absorption...

Skeletal System 2017-12-07

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. process of bone formation and destruction
  2. cells that dissolve bone
  3. break in bone
  4. canal in center of each osteon (Haversian)
  5. connective tissue that covers the bone
  6. bones joined by cartilage
  7. mature bone cells
  8. cells that build bone
  9. cartilage in joints, respiratory tract, fetal skeleton
  10. most compressible type of cartilage, resistant to stretch
  11. fibrous membranes at the angles of cranial bones
  12. part of skeleton relating to limbs
  13. one bone shaped like a saddle, glides against another bone
  14. bone joint that only allows movement in one plane
  15. freely movable joint
  16. band of regular fibrous tissue that connects bones
  17. marrow containing red and white blood cells
  18. disease caused by vitamin D deficiency
  19. increased softening of bone
  1. fibrous sac lined with synovial joint and filled with synovial fluid
  2. cartilage that provides strength and elasticity to certain parts of body
  3. dense bone
  4. bones joined by fibrous tissue
  5. inflammation of joints
  6. systematic disease causing deformity and immobility to joints
  7. layer of synovial membrane around a tendon
  8. end of long bone
  9. synovial joint where opposing surfaces glide with each other
  10. joint that permits movement in two planes e.g. extension
  11. joint where a partially spherical end lies in a socket
  12. part of skeleton relating to head, neck and trunk
  13. internal layer of skeletal bone
  14. bone joint that only allows movement in one plane
  15. disease where defective metabolism causes arthritis
  16. elongated shaft of long bone

35 Clues: dense bonebreak in boneend of long bonemature bone cellsfreely movable jointcells that build boneinflammation of jointscells that dissolve bonebones joined by cartilageincreased softening of boneelongated shaft of long bonebones joined by fibrous tissueinternal layer of skeletal bonepart of skeleton relating to limbs...

Skeletal System 2017-12-07

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. a break in a bone
  2. the canal in the center of each osteon that contains minute blood vessels and nerve fibers that serve the needs of the osteocytes
  3. elongated shaft of long bone
  4. cartilage with abundant elastic fibers, more flexible than hyaline cartilage
  5. fibrous membrane at the angle of cranial bones that accommodate brain growth in the fetus and infants
  6. a layer of synovial membrane around a tendon
  7. inflammation of the joints
  8. a fibrous sac lined with synovial membrane and containing synovial fluid
  9. fibrous that connects bones to bones
  10. the bones of the limbs, including the bones of the pectoral and pelvic girdles
  11. disease in children caused by vitamin D deficiency; distortion of legs
  12. disease in which defective metabolism of uric and acid causes arthritis
  13. the spherical or hemispherical head of one bone articulates with the cuplike socket of another
  14. the rounded end of one bone of another. Moves around it own axis
  15. the end of long bone, attached to the shaft
  16. process involving bone formation and destruction in response to hormonal and mechanical factors
  17. bone forming cells
  18. increased softening of the bone resulting from a gradual decrease in the rate of bone formation
  19. noncancellous portion of bone that consists largely of concentric lamellar osteons and interstitial lamellae
  1. the most compressible type of cartilage; resistant to stretch
  2. inflammation in the joints
  3. the articular surfaces are essentially flat, and they allow only short slipping or gliding movements
  4. like condyloid joints, but they allow greater freedom of movement
  5. the most abundant cartilage type in the body.
  6. typically found within the cavities of spongy bone of long bones and in the dipole of flat bones
  7. bones united by cartilage, no joint cavity is present
  8. bones joined by fibrous tissue; no joint cavity is present
  9. double-layered connective tissue that covers and nourishes the bone.
  10. a cylindrical projection of bone fits into a rough shaped surface on another
  11. mature bone cell
  12. freely movable joints exhibiting a joint cavity; also called a diarthrosis
  13. made up of skull, vertebral column, and body thorax.
  14. the oval articular surface of one bone fits into a complementary depression in another
  15. large cells that resorb or break down one matrix
  16. internal layer of skeletal bone. Also called cancellous bone.

35 Clues: mature bone cella break in a bonebone forming cellsinflammation in the jointsinflammation of the jointselongated shaft of long bonefibrous that connects bones to bonesthe end of long bone, attached to the shafta layer of synovial membrane around a tendonthe most abundant cartilage type in the body.large cells that resorb or break down one matrix...

Skeletal System 2017-10-23

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Secretes the matrix for bone formation
  2. Where red bone marrow is stored
  3. Functional unit of compact bone
  4. Absorbs bone tissue during growth and healing
  5. Enlarged terminal part of the bone
  6. A thin layer of membrane of bone tissue
  7. Provides energy and elements for osteons
  8. Mainly made up of fat cells
  9. Bony matrix is filled with organic substance
  1. Developmental stages of red blood cells
  2. part of a long bone
  3. Enveloping the bones except the surfaces of joints
  4. Made up of spongy bone
  5. Bone cell
  6. Covers the end of bones where joints meet
  7. Plate made up of hyaline cartilage
  8. Remnants of where the growth plate was
  9. Runs through the spinal cord
  10. Cavity or depression in bone
  11. Spicules form a latticework

20 Clues: Bone cellpart of a long boneMade up of spongy boneSpicules form a latticeworkMainly made up of fat cellsRuns through the spinal cordCavity or depression in boneWhere red bone marrow is storedFunctional unit of compact bonePlate made up of hyaline cartilageEnlarged terminal part of the boneSecretes the matrix for bone formation...

Skeletal System 2017-11-08

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Lower arm bone connected to your thumb.
  2. Tailbone.
  3. Skull
  4. Lower leg bone that is located on the outside of the leg.
  5. Knee cap
  6. Heel bone
  7. Bone that connects the vertebrae and coccyx.
  8. Lower arm bone connected to your pinky.
  9. Spine
  10. Shoulder bone.
  11. Hip bone.
  1. Bone that is connected to ribs in front of the body.
  2. Lower leg bone that is located on the inside of the leg.
  3. Thigh bone
  4. Jaw bone
  5. Drive a car with these. Hand bones.
  6. Referred to as a collar bone.
  7. Finger and toe bones.
  8. Funny bone is connected to this. Upper arm bone.
  9. Walk through tar with these. Feet bones.

20 Clues: SkullSpineJaw boneKnee capTailbone.Heel boneHip bone.Thigh boneShoulder bone.Finger and toe bones.Referred to as a collar bone.Drive a car with these. Hand bones.Lower arm bone connected to your thumb.Lower arm bone connected to your pinky.Walk through tar with these. Feet bones.Bone that connects the vertebrae and coccyx....

Skeletal System 2017-11-08

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Also referred to as a collar bone.
  2. Lower arm bone connected to your thumb.
  3. Lower leg bone that is located on the inside of the leg.
  4. Finger and toe bones.
  5. Bone that connects the vertebrae and coccyx.
  6. Skull
  7. Shoulder bone.
  8. Walk through tar with these. Feet bones.
  9. Thigh bone
  1. Heel bone
  2. Spine
  3. Funny bone is connected to this. Upper arm bone.
  4. Lower leg bone that is located on the outside of the leg.
  5. Jaw bone
  6. Knee cap
  7. Drive a car with these. Hand bones.
  8. Tailbone.
  9. Hip bone.
  10. Bone that is connected to ribs in front of the body.
  11. Lower arm bone connected to your pinky.

20 Clues: SpineSkullJaw boneKnee capHeel boneTailbone.Hip bone.Thigh boneShoulder bone.Finger and toe bones.Also referred to as a collar bone.Drive a car with these. Hand bones.Lower arm bone connected to your thumb.Lower arm bone connected to your pinky.Walk through tar with these. Feet bones.Bone that connects the vertebrae and coccyx....

skeletal system 2018-10-16

skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. a dense layer of vascular connective tissue enveloping the bones except at the surfaces of the joints.
  2. the shaft or central part of a long bone.
  3. is a hollowed-out place or a cavity within a bone
  4. the fatty network of connective tissue that is yellow
  5. A cell that nibbles at and breaks down bone and is responsible for bone resorption
  6. small channels in the bone that transmit blood vessels from the periosteum into the bone and that communicate with the haversian canals.
  7. a bone cell, formed when an osteoblast becomes embedded in the matrix it has secreted.
  8. is the highly specialized connective tissue of diarthrodial joints.
  9. is a hyaline cartilage plate in the metaphysis at each end of a long bone.
  10. A cell that makes bone.
  11. The epiphyseal plate is a plate of hyaline cartilage found in children and adolescents, located in the metaphysis at the ends of each long bone
  12. is the rounded part of the bone found at the end of the diaphysis that is pointing away from the center of the body.
  1. is the cerebrospinal fluid-filled space that runs longitudinally through the length of the entire spinal cord
  2. is the fundamental functional unit of much compact bone
  3. thin layer, membrane, scale, or platelike tissue or part, especially in bone tissue.
  4. the fatty network of connective tissue that fills the cavities of bones.
  5. is a very porous type of bone
  6. Enlarged terminal part of the bone, nearest the center of the body, made of spongy tissue and articulating with neighboring bones.
  7. is the central cavity of bone shafts where red bone marrow and/or yellow bone marrow (adipose tissue) is stored
  8. dense bone in which the bony matrix is solidly filled with organic ground substance and inorganic salts, leaving only tiny spaces (lacunae) that contain the osteocytes

20 Clues: A cell that makes a very porous type of bonethe shaft or central part of a long a hollowed-out place or a cavity within a bonethe fatty network of connective tissue that is yellowis the fundamental functional unit of much compact boneis the highly specialized connective tissue of diarthrodial joints....

Skeletal System 2018-10-22

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. part of the bone that produces red blood cells
  2. C1 vertebrae
  3. your jawbone
  4. growth region of the bone
  5. a bulging of the bone also called a buckle fracture
  6. type of joint found in the hip
  7. fracture that involves the growth plate of a bone, common in children
  8. tissue that connects bone to bone
  9. chip crack or break in a bone
  10. heel bone
  11. shaft of a long bone
  1. the longest strongest bone in the body
  2. collar bone
  3. vertebrae of the low back
  4. connective tissue that covers the ends of bones
  5. bones of the wrist
  6. the atlas and axis create this type of joint
  7. where two bones come together
  8. upper arm bone
  9. tissue that connects muscle to bone
  10. type of joint found at the elbow

21 Clues: heel bonecollar boneC1 vertebraeyour jawboneupper arm bonebones of the wristshaft of a long bonevertebrae of the low backgrowth region of the bonewhere two bones come togetherchip crack or break in a bonetype of joint found in the hiptype of joint found at the elbowtissue that connects bone to bonetissue that connects muscle to bone...

Skeletal System 2011-12-14

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. The ____ skeleton forms the main trunk of the body.
  2. Crack or break in a bone
  3. Large bone in the upper arm
  4. Area where cranial bones have joined together
  5. Increased softening of bones
  6. When a bone is forcibly displaced from a joint
  7. Openings in bones for nerves and vessels to pass through
  8. The ____ skeleton forms the extremities.
  9. Area where two or more bones come together
  10. Inflammation of the joints
  11. Kneecap
  1. Fingers and toes
  2. Long shaft of a bone
  3. Putting a bone back into its proper alignment
  4. Larger of the two bones of the forearm
  5. Bone inflammation usually caused by pathogenic organism
  6. Breastbone
  7. Bones of the spinal column
  8. Connective tissue band which holds long bones together
  9. Tough outer covering of bone
  10. Collarbone
  11. Inflammation of the small, fluid-filled sacs surrounding the joints
  12. Ribs

23 Clues: RibsKneecapBreastboneCollarboneFingers and toesLong shaft of a boneCrack or break in a boneBones of the spinal columnInflammation of the jointsLarge bone in the upper armIncreased softening of bonesTough outer covering of boneLarger of the two bones of the forearmThe ____ skeleton forms the extremities.Area where two or more bones come together...

Skeletal System 2013-11-21

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. A flat triangular bone located at the front of the knee joint. Also called kneecap. Protects and covers the knee joint.
  2. Tough inelastic bands that hold attach muscle to bone.
  3. The uppermost and largest bone of the pelvis. It is often referred to as the hip bone.
  4. Located on the thumb side of the forearm. The forearm bone of the hand.
  5. Disease of the skeletal system, particularly among the elderly, resulting in the loss of bone tissue.
  6. Also referred to as the skull. Supports the structures of the face and protects the head from injury.
  7. Forms the lower jaw and holds the lower teeth in place.
  8. The upper arm bone. The longest and largest bone of the upper body.
  9. A disease that will damage joints and their surrounding structures.
  10. Side-to-side curve in the back or spine, often creating a pronounced "C" or "S" shape.
  1. A doubly curved short bone that connects the upper arm (at the shoulder) to the body, right above the first rib. Also known as the collar bone.
  2. Located on the little finger side of the forearm. Forearm bone of the elbow.
  3. The thigh bone, extending from the hip to the knee. It is the largest, and strongest bone of the body.
  4. Second largest bone in the body. Located on the inside of the lower leg. It connects the knee with the ankle bones. It is also known as the shin bone.
  5. The bone, located on the upper back, that connects the humerus with the clavicle. Often referred to as the shoulder blade.
  6. Mineral that strengthens bones and teeth.
  7. A long flat bone in the middle of the chest. Supports the clavicle. Along with the ribs, form the rib cage that protects the heart, lungs, and major blood vessels from damage.
  8. Number of bones in the body
  9. Long curved bones which, along with the sternum, form a cage. They enable the lungs to expand and they also protect the lungs, heart and other internal organs.
  10. Located on the outer side of the lower leg. It is smaller than the tibia and attaches below the tibia and forms the outer part of the ankle joint.
  11. A large bone that is located at the base of the spine and at the upper back part of the pelvis where it is inserted between the two hip bones or two Iliums.

21 Clues: Number of bones in the bodyMineral that strengthens bones and teeth.Tough inelastic bands that hold attach muscle to bone.Forms the lower jaw and holds the lower teeth in place.The upper arm bone. The longest and largest bone of the upper body.A disease that will damage joints and their surrounding structures....

Skeletal System 2015-09-21

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. chest
  2. joint with little movement
  3. pain in a bone
  4. the heel bone
  5. bone formation
  6. any disorder of a joint
  7. pain in a rib
  8. the collarbone
  1. to straighten a joint
  2. pain in a finger
  3. having to do with an arm
  4. neck
  5. pain originating in the cartilage
  6. pain in the arm
  7. joined together
  8. injury to a ligament
  9. break in a bone
  10. surgical cutting of bone
  11. a wrist bone
  12. break without separation
  13. pain

21 Clues: neckpainchesta wrist bonethe heel bonepain in a ribpain in a bonebone formationthe collarbonepain in the armjoined togetherbreak in a bonepain in a fingerinjury to a ligamentto straighten a jointany disorder of a jointhaving to do with an armsurgical cutting of bonebreak without separationjoint with little movementpain originating in the cartilage

Skeletal System 2015-09-17

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Pain in a rib
  2. To turn downward or backwards as with the hand or foot
  3. The heel bone
  4. Pain in a finger or toe
  5. Surgical cutting of bone
  6. Movement toward the midline of the boyd
  7. A wrist bone
  8. Kneecap
  1. Movement away from the midline of the body
  2. Bending or being bent
  3. Break in a bone
  4. Resembling cartilage
  5. Excision of a vertebra
  6. Turning the palm or foot upward
  7. Bone tissue
  8. Pain in a joint
  9. Movement that brings the limb into a straight position
  10. Break is at an angle to the bone
  11. Injury to a ligament
  12. Fracture of the distal end of the fibula

20 Clues: KneecapBone tissueA wrist bonePain in a ribThe heel boneBreak in a bonePain in a jointResembling cartilageInjury to a ligamentBending or being bentExcision of a vertebraPain in a finger or toeSurgical cutting of boneTurning the palm or foot upwardBreak is at an angle to the boneMovement toward the midline of the boyd...

skeletal system 2015-02-16

skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. shoulder blade
  2. toes
  3. downward movement
  4. bone cells
  5. fingers
  6. hip
  7. heel
  8. thigh bone
  9. far
  1. near
  2. synovial fluid
  3. ribs
  4. collar bone
  5. hand cup
  6. chest bone
  7. connective tissue
  8. kneecap
  9. lifting upward
  10. upper arm
  11. Spine

20 Clues: hipfarnearribstoesheelSpinefingerskneecaphand cupupper armchest bonebone cellsthigh bonecollar bonesynovial fluidshoulder bladelifting upwarddownward movementconnective tissue

Skeletal System 2015-02-06

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Protrusion on either side of the ankle
  2. "Humpback"
  3. Removing fluid from a joint
  4. Collarbone
  5. Turning the palm or foot upward
  6. "Swayback"
  7. Straight line through a physical body
  8. Disease due to vitamin D deficiency
  9. Pain in a bone
  1. Fx
  2. Bone above the upper teeth
  3. Shaft of the long bone
  4. Chest
  5. Pain in the arm
  6. Lateral curvature of the spine
  7. Injury to a ligament
  8. Bone tissue
  9. Saclike structure found in some joints
  10. Bone in the ankle that articulates with the tibia and fibula
  11. Turning outward

20 Clues: FxChest"Humpback"Collarbone"Swayback"Bone tissuePain in a bonePain in the armTurning outwardInjury to a ligamentShaft of the long boneBone above the upper teethRemoving fluid from a jointLateral curvature of the spineTurning the palm or foot upwardDisease due to vitamin D deficiencyStraight line through a physical body...

Skeletal System 2015-02-08

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. shin bone
  2. softening of cartilage
  3. study of joints
  4. rib pain
  5. collerbone
  6. fracture with break without separation
  7. total knee replacement
  8. bone tissue
  9. flat bone in the chest
  1. ulna and radius
  2. having to do with the arm
  3. bones that make up the fingers
  4. bending of joint
  5. excision of a vertebra
  6. surgical repair of cartilage
  7. end of the long bone
  8. fracture where break is S shaped
  9. swayback
  10. tailbone
  11. range of motion

20 Clues: rib painswaybacktailboneshin bonecollerbonebone tissueulna and radiusstudy of jointsrange of motionbending of jointend of the long boneexcision of a vertebrasoftening of cartilagetotal knee replacementflat bone in the chesthaving to do with the armsurgical repair of cartilagebones that make up the fingersfracture where break is S shaped...

skeletal system 2015-02-09

skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. both sides
  2. compose of the cranial, facial, thoracic, and spinal bones
  3. movement away from the midline of the body
  4. attach bone to bone
  5. shaft of a long bone
  6. name given to each end of a long bone
  7. incomplete break; one side of bone is broken and other side is bent
  8. kneecap
  9. turning inward
  10. stabilize
  1. where bones come together
  2. arm
  3. attach muscle to bone
  4. humpback
  5. special bone cells
  6. consists of the body's appendages (arms, legs)
  7. thigh bone
  8. fingers and toes
  9. process at the lower end of the sternum and is bony daggerlike
  10. movement

20 Clues: armkneecaphumpbackmovementstabilizeboth sidesthigh boneturning inwardfingers and toesspecial bone cellsattach bone to boneshaft of a long boneattach muscle to bonewhere bones come togethername given to each end of a long bonemovement away from the midline of the bodyconsists of the body's appendages (arms, legs)...

Skeletal System 2015-02-11

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. thigh
  2. nose
  3. knee
  4. head
  5. heel
  6. fingers
  7. inside
  8. clasp
  9. arm
  10. hip
  11. flank
  1. wrist
  2. jaw bone
  3. purse
  4. shoulder
  5. throat
  6. around
  7. neck
  8. jaw
  9. bone

20 Clues: jawarmhipnosekneeheadheelneckbonewristthighpurseclaspflankthroataroundinsidefingersjaw boneshoulder

Skeletal System 2015-02-09

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. femur
  2. head
  3. break in a bone
  4. specialist that treats joint and arthritic disorders
  5. lower jawbone
  6. hip bone
  7. fingers
  8. shoulder blade
  9. injury to a ligament
  1. pain
  2. my/o
  3. heel bone
  4. thorac/o
  5. swayback
  6. spinal column
  7. clavicle
  8. abnormally low bone density
  9. "funny bone"
  10. wrist
  11. tarsal

20 Clues: painmy/oheadfemurwristtarsalfingersthorac/oswaybackclaviclehip boneheel bone"funny bone"spinal columnlower jawboneshoulder bladebreak in a boneinjury to a ligamentabnormally low bone densityspecialist that treats joint and arthritic disorders

Skeletal System 2021-02-09

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. fracture that breaks the skin
  2. Sternum,ribs, cranial bones
  3. the process of creating bone
  4. type of arthritis that results from wear and tear of cartilage
  5. type of bone tissue that is found within bone ends
  6. joints that are freely movable
  7. joints that are slightly movable
  8. cells that breakdown bone tissue for repair or to release calcium; bone destroying cells
  9. joints that are immovable
  10. porous bone condition
  11. occurs in red marrow or at bone ends in adults
  12. fracture that crushes porous bone
  13. most superior section of vertebrae
  14. blood filled swelling
  15. type of arthritis that is an autoimmune disease
  16. tissue from which the fetal skeleton is made
  1. element needed for strength of bones
  2. type of arthritis that results from build up of uric acid
  3. fracture that does not break the skin
  4. coxal bones, vertebrae, zygomatic bones
  5. Carpals and tarsals
  6. offers protection to the diaphysis of the long bone
  7. ribs that do not connect to the sternum
  8. type of bone tissue that is found along the diaphysis of the bone
  9. the end of a long bone that would connect to other bones
  10. vertebrae that attach to the ribs
  11. femur,tibia,ulna
  12. cells that lay down new bone tissue
  13. fracture that breaks weak bones into fragments
  14. number of lumbar vertebrae
  15. ribs that have a direct connection to the sternum

31 Clues: femur,tibia,ulnaCarpals and tarsalsporous bone conditionblood filled swellingjoints that are immovablenumber of lumbar vertebraeSternum,ribs, cranial bonesthe process of creating bonefracture that breaks the skinjoints that are freely movablejoints that are slightly movablevertebrae that attach to the ribsfracture that crushes porous bone...

Skeletal System 2021-02-15

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. the arm bone between your shoulder and your elbow.
  2. a small bone located in front of the knee joint
  3. tubular shaped bone found in the midfoot
  4. girdle- connects your upper limbs to the bones along the axis of your body
  5. the stabilizing bone in the forearm that allows movement in the forearm
  6. Girdle- I am composed of the appendicular hip bones the ilium, ischium, and pubis and am shaped like a ring
  7. 33 of these bones form our vertebral column
  8. a long bone in the forearm parallel to the ulna
  9. the structure of the head that supports the face and protects the brain.
  1. i am smaller than the tibia yet i run beside it i am located below the knee and i make up the outer part of the ankle
  2. The longest bone in the body
  3. eight small bones that make up the wrist
  4. seven irregular shaped bones in the ankle
  5. bones that make up the fingers and the toes
  6. i am shield-shape bones structure connected to the pelvis
  7. i am also known as the breastbone
  8. the large bone in the lower part of the leg otherwise known as the shinbone
  9. also known as the shoulder bone found in the upper back
  10. you can find me in the middle of your chest my nickname is the breastbone
  11. i’m regularly said with the term cage, you have 12 of me, i am curved bone that protecting our lungs

20 Clues: The longest bone in the bodyi am also known as the breastboneeight small bones that make up the wristtubular shaped bone found in the midfootseven irregular shaped bones in the anklebones that make up the fingers and the toes33 of these bones form our vertebral columna small bone located in front of the knee joint...

Skeletal System 2021-02-15

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. I am also known as the breastbone
  2. I am smaller than the tibia yet i run beside it I am located below the knee and i make up the outer part of the ankle
  3. The longest bone in the body
  4. bones that make up the fingers and the toes
  5. seven irregular shaped bones in the ankle
  6. I am composed of the appendicular hip bones the ilium, ischium, and pubis and am shaped like a ring
  7. the structure of the head that supports the face and protects the brain.
  8. a long bone in the forearm parallel to the ulna
  9. the stabilizing bone in the forearm that allows movement in the forearm
  10. also known as the shoulder bone found in the upper back
  1. tubular shaped bone found in the midfoot
  2. I am shield-shape bones structure connected to the pelvis
  3. a small bone located in front of the knee joint
  4. the large bone in the lower part of the leg otherwise known as the shinbone
  5. eight small bones that make up the wrist
  6. I’m regularly said with the term cage, you have 12 of me, I am curved bone that protecting our lungs
  7. the arm bone between your shoulder and your elbow
  8. you can find me in the middle of your chest my nickname is the breastbone
  9. 33 of these bones form our vertebral column
  10. connects your upper limbs to the bones along the axis of your body

20 Clues: The longest bone in the bodyI am also known as the breastbonetubular shaped bone found in the midfooteight small bones that make up the wristseven irregular shaped bones in the anklebones that make up the fingers and the toes33 of these bones form our vertebral columna small bone located in front of the knee joint...

skeletal system 2021-01-22

skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. bone formation
  2. thin and curved bone
  3. ribs 8-12
  4. small bone located at inferior end of adult vertebral column
  5. ribs 11-12
  6. paired bones that form upper jaw
  7. bone that is small, round
  8. connective tissue in interior cavity of bone
  9. opening through skull for passage of air
  10. thin,curved bones of chest wall
  11. ossifcation process in which bone forms by replacing cartilage
  1. primary cell in mature bone
  2. flattened bone located at the center of chest
  3. unpaired bone that forms forehead
  4. the skull
  5. filled with yellow marrow
  6. ribs 1-7
  7. connective tissue in interior cavity where fat is stored
  8. bone of complex shape, protects internal organs from compressive forces
  9. connective tissue found on the skeleton in areas where flexibility and smooth surfaces support movement
  10. type of bone with dense osseous tissue that withstand compressive force

21 Clues: ribs 1-7ribs 8-12the skullribs 11-12bone formationthin and curved bonefilled with yellow marrowbone that is small, roundprimary cell in mature bonethin,curved bones of chest wallpaired bones that form upper jawunpaired bone that forms foreheadopening through skull for passage of airconnective tissue in interior cavity of bone...

Skeletal System 2021-03-26

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. the part of the skeleton that protects the internal organs
  2. a side to side curve in the spine that becomes evident during adolescence
  3. the part of the bone in which blood cells are created
  4. there are 56 of these bones that make up the fingers and toes
  5. a function of the skeletal system that helps the body maintain a stable environment
  6. the part of the bones that are less dense and porous
  7. the bone near the shoulder known as the collar bone
  8. the bone that protects the brain
  9. a point of contact between to bones that allow movement and bending
  10. connective tissues that connect bones and muscles
  1. connective tissues that connect bones to bones
  2. the body system that works closely with the skeleton for movement
  3. a disease responsible to weakening bone tissue; especially in the elderly
  4. The main difference in the female skeleton and the male skeleton is found in the -
  5. the minerals stored in the interior of the bone include phosphorus and ___________
  6. the part of the skeleton that includes the arms and legs
  7. internal skeleton that can support greater amounts of weight
  8. one of the two bones in the lower arm
  9. external skeletal system made up of chitin and calcium carbonate
  10. fibrous membrane the covers the outside of a bone

20 Clues: the bone that protects the brainone of the two bones in the lower armconnective tissues that connect bones to bonesfibrous membrane the covers the outside of a boneconnective tissues that connect bones and musclesthe bone near the shoulder known as the collar bonethe part of the bones that are less dense and porous...

Skeletal System 2021-11-02

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. first vertebra
  2. encloses and protects the brain
  3. a cavity in the diaphysis
  4. occurs in the yolk sack, liver and spleen, and red bone marrow
  5. the portion of the skeleton that consists of the skull, hyoid bone, vertebral column, and thoracic cage
  6. break down bone matrix
  7. a plate that remains between the primary and secondary ossification centers
  8. articulates with the humerus, ulna, and wrists
  9. form bone tissue within the membranous layers
  10. bone with continuous extracellular matrix
  11. extends from the scapula to the elbow
  12. second vertebra
  13. triangular structure formed of five fused vertebrae
  14. bones that develop from sheetlike layers of specialized connective tissues
  1. bones that develop as hyaline cartilage that is later replaced by bone tissue
  2. round
  3. consists of a manubrium, bod, and xiphoid processes
  4. rodlike bones located between the sternum and scapulae
  5. broad, triangular bones that articulate with the humerus of each upper limb
  6. twelve pairs attached to twelve thoracic vertebrae.
  7. the portion of the skeleton that includes the pectoral girdle and upper limbs
  8. fills the medullary cavity
  9. mature bone cells
  10. cartilage,
  11. hundred and six, amount of bones in the adult skeleton
  12. ends of bones that form joints with adjacent bones
  13. bone with irregular interconnecting spaces between bony plates
  14. forms the lowest part of the vertebral canal
  15. articulates with the radius laterally and with a disc of fibrocartilage

29 Clues: roundcartilage,first vertebrasecond vertebramature bone cellsbreak down bone matrixa cavity in the diaphysisfills the medullary cavityencloses and protects the brainextends from the scapula to the elbowbone with continuous extracellular matrixforms the lowest part of the vertebral canalform bone tissue within the membranous layers...

Skeletal System 2021-11-10

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. the flat bone in the center of your chest
  2. a fracture in which the broken end of the bone protrudes through the skin
  3. a joint with an oval-shaped part that fits into a curved space
  4. the bones in your wrist are examples of _______ bones
  5. inflammation of a joint
  6. the ends of long bones
  7. this fracture may result form a sharp blow
  8. a joint found at the knee
  9. your shoulder blade
  1. a ligament attaches bone to _____________
  2. the long bone in your thigh
  3. an example of a ball-and-socket joint
  4. painful swelling of the bursa in the first joint of the big toe
  5. your collar bone
  6. the bone in your upper arm
  7. also known as brittle bone disease
  8. a fracture that is incomplete
  9. a fibrous cord that attaches muscle to bone
  10. the main column of a long bone
  11. the amount of bones in the axial skeleton

20 Clues: your collar boneyour shoulder bladethe ends of long bonesinflammation of a jointa joint found at the kneethe bone in your upper armthe long bone in your thigha fracture that is incompletethe main column of a long bonealso known as brittle bone diseasean example of a ball-and-socket jointa ligament attaches bone to _____________...

Skeletal System 2021-11-16

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Hand Bones
  2. The Medullary Cavity contains mostly ______ in babies and children.
  3. The end of a long bone.
  4. Type of Joint in your shoulders
  5. Finger Bones
  6. Broken Bone that does not penetrate the skin.
  7. Smaller lower leg bone
  8. "Jaw"
  9. Upper Arm Bone
  10. A blood filled swelling that forms around a broken bone to start the healing process.
  11. "Eye Holes"
  12. "Knee Cap"
  13. "Shoulder Blade"
  14. Large lower leg bone
  15. Toe Bones
  16. "Tailbone"
  17. Ankle Bones
  18. Type of joint in your elbow
  19. Bone on thumb side of lower arm
  1. Foot Bones
  2. Type of joint in upper neck
  3. Broken Bone that penetrates through the skin
  4. The bones in your limbs and pelvis
  5. "Collar Bone"
  6. Bone on pinky side of lower arm
  7. The Medullary Cavity contains mostly ______ in adults.
  8. The hollow opening in the shaft of the bone
  9. The bones in the main part of your body
  10. Upper Leg Bone
  11. This bone is typically wider in females than males
  12. Type of joint in your thumb
  13. Bone in center of rib cage
  14. Wrist Bones
  15. The "Shaft" of the long bone.
  16. Hip Bones
  17. Bone between spine & tailbone

36 Clues: "Jaw"Hip BonesToe BonesFoot BonesHand Bones"Knee Cap""Tailbone"Wrist Bones"Eye Holes"Ankle BonesFinger Bones"Collar Bone"Upper Leg BoneUpper Arm Bone"Shoulder Blade"Large lower leg boneSmaller lower leg boneThe end of a long bone.Bone in center of rib cageType of joint in upper neckType of joint in your thumbType of joint in your elbow...

Skeletal System 2022-04-08

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. The ball-and-socket bone connected to the scapula
  2. Five long bones connecting each of the toes to the ankle
  3. The collarbone
  4. A small long bone in the lower arm
  5. The shoulder blades
  6. A cluster of eight bones making up the wrist
  7. The bones that make up the toes and fingers
  8. The kneecap
  9. Sometimes referred to as a "cage"
  10. The front of the rib cage
  11. The thigh bone, the strongest bone in the body
  12. The jaw bone
  1. Between the abdomen and thighs
  2. The larger, longer bone in the lower arm
  3. The small bone connected to the sacrum
  4. The five long bones connecting each finger to the wrist
  5. Larger, stronger bone below the knee in the leg
  6. (also known as tarsus) a cluster of seven bones that make up the heel, ankle, and arch of the foot
  7. Makes up the vertebral column
  8. The head bone
  9. Connected to the spine and pelvis
  10. Outer side of the lower leg which forms the outer part of the ankle joint

22 Clues: The kneecapThe jaw boneThe head boneThe collarboneThe shoulder bladesThe front of the rib cageMakes up the vertebral columnBetween the abdomen and thighsConnected to the spine and pelvisSometimes referred to as a "cage"A small long bone in the lower armThe small bone connected to the sacrumThe larger, longer bone in the lower arm...

skeletal system 2022-03-21

skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. thumb side bone
  2. ankle bones
  3. shin bone
  4. lower back
  5. shoulder blade
  6. neck bones
  7. head bone
  8. mid back
  9. wrist bones
  10. shoulder blade
  11. hip bone
  12. hinge joint in leg
  13. upper arm
  1. knee cap
  2. hinge joint in arm
  3. ball and socket joint upper body
  4. thigh bone
  5. collar bone
  6. small lower leg bone
  7. protect organs
  8. ball and socket lower body
  9. finger bones
  10. pinky side bone
  11. foot phalanges
  12. breast bone

25 Clues: knee capmid backhip boneshin bonehead boneupper armthigh bonelower backneck bonesankle bonescollar bonewrist bonesbreast bonefinger bonesprotect organsshoulder bladefoot phalangesshoulder bladethumb side bonepinky side bonehinge joint in armhinge joint in legsmall lower leg boneball and socket lower bodyball and socket joint upper body

skeletal system 2022-03-29

skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. bones that form the palm of the hand
  2. entire jaw bone
  3. lower leg bone that does NOT support your body weight
  4. upper arm bone
  5. point of the elbow
  6. forms the lower posterior portion of the pubic bone
  7. knee cap
  8. tailbone
  1. lower leg bone that supports your body weight
  2. collar bone
  3. the two large flat bones that help protect the lower half of the body
  4. upper jaw
  5. breastbone
  6. largest and strongest human bone
  7. lower arm bone on the thumb side
  8. bone that forms the back and sides of the pubic bone
  9. bones that make up the human head
  10. the lower arm bone on the pinky side
  11. shoulder blade bone
  12. slightly curved, triangular-shaped bone near the base of the spine that forms the lower portion of the back

20 Clues: knee captailboneupper jawbreastbonecollar boneupper arm boneentire jaw bonepoint of the elbowshoulder blade bonelargest and strongest human bonelower arm bone on the thumb sidebones that make up the human headbones that form the palm of the handthe lower arm bone on the pinky sidelower leg bone that supports your body weight...

Skeletal system 2022-03-25

Skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. Beneath the sacrum, a bone structure at the base of your spine. Tail bone.
  2. Elongated, S-shaped bone that sits between the shoulder and sternum at the top of the ribcage
  3. This smooth and flexible substance covers the tips of your bones where they meet. It enables bones to move without friction
  4. Knee cap bone
  5. A long bone that runs from the shoulder and shoulder blade to the elbow
  6. Bands of strong connective tissue that hold bones together
  7. Bone loss caused by not getting enough calcium can lead to fragile and brittle bones
  8. A long flat bone located in the central part of the chest.
  9. The largest of the carpal bones, situated at the base of the palm of the hand
  10. The part of the skull that encloses the brain
  1. Shoulder blade
  2. Fingers
  3. A leg bone on the lateral side of the tibia
  4. Back back; long and made up of smaller bones
  5. Bands of tissue that connect the ends of a muscle to your bone.
  6. One of two bones that make up the forearm. On the pinky side
  7. The largest bone in the human skull. It holds the lower teeth in place
  8. The spongy tissue inside some of your bones
  9. Two or more bones in the body come together. There are three different types
  10. Help form the sides and base of the skull. protect the lobe of the brain and surround the ear canal
  11. A large, triangular bone at the base of the spine

21 Clues: FingersKnee cap boneShoulder bladeA leg bone on the lateral side of the tibiaThe spongy tissue inside some of your bonesBack back; long and made up of smaller bonesThe part of the skull that encloses the brainA large, triangular bone at the base of the spineBands of strong connective tissue that hold bones together...

Skeletal System 2022-02-02

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. the bottom of sacrum aka tail bone
  2. this is found in your knee
  3. the long bone found at the top of leg
  4. this is found on the pinky side of leg
  5. you have 12 pairs of these
  6. connect bone to bone
  7. these are found in the feet
  8. these are found in the hand
  9. the long bone found in top of the arm
  10. last five vertebrae
  1. this protects the brain
  2. you have 26 of these and 3 sections
  3. first 7 vertebrae
  4. connect bone to muscle
  5. this is found on the bog toe side of leg
  6. next 12 vertebrae
  7. the long bone on the pinky side of hand
  8. the long bone of the thumb side of the hand
  9. the ribs connect to this
  10. these are found in the fingers and toes

20 Clues: first 7 vertebraenext 12 vertebraelast five vertebraeconnect bone to boneconnect bone to musclethis protects the brainthe ribs connect to thisthis is found in your kneeyou have 12 pairs of thesethese are found in the feetthese are found in the handthe bottom of sacrum aka tail boneyou have 26 of these and 3 sections...

Skeletal system 2022-02-04

Skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. cheekbone
  2. fingers and toes
  3. middle of the foot
  4. is the first bone on the lower leg
  5. bone forehead
  6. the lower vertebra
  7. head
  8. collar bone
  9. located on the upper thigh
  10. the knee
  11. bones in the center of the chest
  1. on the upper hand
  2. below the mouth
  3. upper arm
  4. on the upper foot
  5. below pelvis
  6. middle of ribs
  7. above the mouth
  8. the opposite side from the thumb on the arm
  9. the second bone on the lower leg

20 Clues: headthe kneecheekboneupper armcollar bonebelow pelvisbone foreheadmiddle of ribsbelow the mouthabove the mouthfingers and toeson the upper handon the upper footmiddle of the footthe lower vertebralocated on the upper thighthe second bone on the lower legbones in the center of the chestis the first bone on the lower leg...

Skeletal System 2022-01-16

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. elbow joint
  2. bent bone
  3. harder bone tissue
  4. connects bone to bone
  5. soft tissue in broken bone
  6. multi fractured bone
  7. _________ blood cells
  8. skeletal system tissues
  9. wrist joint
  1. stored in bones
  2. system of bones
  3. blood clot around fracture
  4. blank cells
  5. _____________ displaced
  6. straight fracture
  7. element needed by bones
  8. produces most blood
  9. ball & ___________
  10. cells that fight infection
  11. connects muscle to bone
  12. x-_______
  13. tissue type found inside bones

22 Clues: bent bonex-_______elbow jointblank cellswrist jointstored in bonessystem of bonesstraight fractureharder bone tissueball & ___________produces most bloodmulti fractured boneconnects bone to bone_________ blood cells_____________ displacedelement needed by bonesconnects muscle to boneskeletal system tissuesblood clot around fracture...

Skeletal System 2021-03-29

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. a tough sheath of dense irregular connective tissue & its associated blood vessels that surrounds the bone surface wherever it is not covered by articular cartilage
  2. the addition of minerals and collagen fibers to bone by osteoblasts
  3. contains the bones of the upper and lower limbs, or appendages, that connect the limbs to the axial skeleton
  4. cells that digest protein and mineral components of bone extracellular matrix (resorption) which is part of the normal development, growth, maintenance, and repair of bone
  5. the distal and proximal ends of the bone
  6. "soft spots" that are found between cranial bones at birth
  7. have complex shapes and cannot be grouped into any other bone categories
  8. a hollow, cylindrical space within the diaphysis that contains fatty yellow bone marrow in adults -- also known as the marrow cavity
  9. mature bone cells that are the main cells in bone tissue and maintain its daily metabolism
  10. contains few spaces and is arranged in repeating structural units called osteons
  11. a thin layer of hyaline cartilage covering the part of the epiphysis where the bone forms an articulation (joint) with another bone
  12. loss of bone minerals
  1. process of producing red blood cells, white blood cells, & platelets
  2. an immovable joint, which in most cases in an adult holds the skull bones together
  3. somewhat cube-shaped and nearly equal in length and width
  4. generally thin, provide considerable protection, & provide extensive surfaces for muscle attachment
  5. the removal of minerals and collagen fibers from bone by osteoclasts
  6. unspecialized stem cells that are the only bone cells to undergo cell division
  7. bone-building cells
  8. does not contain osteons; is composed of irregular latticeworks of thin columns of bone
  9. consists of the bones that lie around the longitudinal axis of the human body
  10. produces red blood cells, white blood cells, & platelets
  11. the process by which bone forms
  12. a thin membrane that lines the medullary cavity
  13. the bone's shaft or body -- the long, cylindrical, main portion of the bone
  14. regions in a mature bone where the diaphysis joins the epiphysis
  15. consists mainly of adipose cells, which store triglycerides
  16. the site of the growth plate; once bone growth in length stops, the epiphyseal line is the bony structure that replaces the cartilage that was once present
  17. the process by which bone tissue hardens
  18. have greater length than width and consist of a shaft and variable number of ends
  19. any break in a bone

31 Clues: bone-building cellsany break in a boneloss of bone mineralsthe process by which bone formsthe distal and proximal ends of the bonethe process by which bone tissue hardensa thin membrane that lines the medullary cavityproduces red blood cells, white blood cells, & plateletssomewhat cube-shaped and nearly equal in length and width...

Skeletal System 2021-06-16

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. a feature of synovial joints. Lines the inside of the capsule / produces & secretes synovial fluid
  2. bones that have a key role of protection. eg. the bones of the skull
  3. a feature of synovial joints. Lines the bones / protects / reduces friction
  4. the finger and toe bones
  5. The angle between the bones decreases. Eg: bicep curl
  6. Allows a wide range of movement (sideways,backwards/forwards, rotation), e.g. hip
  7. a long bone often called the shin bone
  8. Towards the outer side of the body
  9. found in the shaft or diaphysis of the long bone. This comparatively solid bone surrounds the cavity of the long bone, offering an extremely strong
  10. are roughly cubical, with the same width and length; for example, the carpals of the wrist
  11. joints that offer no movement. Ex. the skull
  12. To bring back to the midline of the body Eg: arm lowered
  13. Sole of the foot is turned to face inwards.
  14. Towards the front of the body
  15. the neck bones
  16. one of the three bones that make up the shoulder girdle, commonly called the collar bone
  17. a smooth, slightly elastic tissue found in various forms within the body such as hyaline, vertebral discs, ribs joints, nose and ears
  18. Forearm is rotated to face palm DOWN.
  19. The skeleton provides ________ to internal organs such as the heart, lungs and the brain.
  20. sometimes called the tail bones
  21. face up
  22. face down
  23. a long bone and one of the three bones that make up the shoulder girdle, commonly called the upper arm bone
  24. the section of the spine that connect to the ribs
  25. are inelastic and very strong, allowing movement by helping muscles pull through the joint and on the bones
  26. Where one bone rotates about another (rotation), e.g. atlas/axis in neck
  27. a feature of synovial joints. Lubricates the inside of the joint
  28. slightly moveable, joints are joined by cartilage and allow small movements. Ex. vertebrae
  29. joints that offer a full range of movement and move freely in at least one direction. Ex knee
  1. Raise toes up higher than the heels.
  2. Point toes down or raise up onto tippy toes
  3. Allows movement in two directions (sideways, backwards/forwards), e.g. thumb
  4. _______is provided for soft tissues (muscle and connective tissue). The skeleton provides the framework for body shape.
  5. Towards the back of the body
  6. also known as growth plates, are the centres for bone growth
  7. Allows movement in only one direction (backwards/forwards), e.g. elbow
  8. a feature of synovial joints. Surrounds the joint / adds stability / stops substances entering or leaving joint
  9. Allows only gliding or sliding movements (sideways, backwards/forwards), e.g. carpals of the wrist
  10. provides some of the shock absorption required at the end of long bones or at the edges of more irregular bones
  11. Towards the midline of the body
  12. Movement around an axis Eg: turning head
  13. To take away from the midline of body eg: lateral raises
  14. Towards the head or upper part of the body
  15. also called the spine, provides the central structure for the maintenance of good posture
  16. of Bones store calcium, phosphorous and small amounts of magnesium, sodium and chlorine.
  17. cross over joints, joining bone to bone. Their slight elasticity allows small movement from the bones of the joint.
  18. small bones developed in tendons around some joints; for example, the patella
  19. one of the three bones that make up the shoulder girdle, commonly called the shoulder blade
  20. Forearm is rotated to face palm UP
  21. Towards the feet or lower part of the body
  22. a long bone, the thumb side forearm bone
  23. the wrist bones
  24. Sole of the foot is turned to face outwards.
  25. The angle between the bones increases. eg. tricep raise

54 Clues: face upface downthe neck bonesthe wrist bonesthe finger and toe bonesTowards the back of the bodyTowards the front of the bodyTowards the midline of the bodysometimes called the tail bonesTowards the outer side of the bodyForearm is rotated to face palm UPRaise toes up higher than the heels.Forearm is rotated to face palm DOWN....

Skeletal System 2020-11-08

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. _____ bone; dense and solid
  2. large carpal bone under thumb
  3. small chambers housing osteocytes
  4. kneecap
  5. cranial vault or skull cap
  6. lower jaw bone
  7. parietal bone type
  8. abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
  9. bone of thigh
  10. inadequate levels of calcium or vitamin D
  11. parallel too fibula
  12. shaft of bone
  13. upper jaw bone
  14. the eye socket
  15. end part of bone
  1. _____ cavity; cushions and supports the brain
  2. parallel to radius
  3. large fibrous region between cranial bones
  4. articulates with every other cranial bone
  5. mature bone cells
  6. triangular bone in lower back between hip bones
  7. ribs 8-12
  8. _____ bifida
  9. deposition of calcium into a cavity
  10. hypersecretion of growth hormone
  11. costae
  12. _____ tissue, another word for bone

27 Clues: costaekneecapribs 8-12_____ bifidabone of thighshaft of bonelower jaw boneupper jaw bonethe eye socketend part of bonemature bone cellsparallel to radiusparietal bone typeparallel too fibulacranial vault or skull cap_____ bone; dense and solidlarge carpal bone under thumbhypersecretion of growth hormonesmall chambers housing osteocytes...

Skeletal System 2021-02-12

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. bones fused together to protect the brain
  2. lower bone in the arm, same side at the pinkie finger
  3. short bones found in the hands
  4. smaller bone in the lower leg
  5. sometimes called the cheek bone
  6. shoulder blade
  7. lower bone in the arm, same side as the thumb
  8. short bones of ankle
  9. group of vertebrae fused together
  1. lower jaw bone
  2. funniest of long bones
  3. collarbone
  4. makes up the rib cage
  5. upper jaw bone
  6. kneecap
  7. longest bone in the body
  8. also known as the fingers and toes
  9. breast bone
  10. bony structure that forms the head in vertebrates
  11. tail bone

20 Clues: kneecaptail bonecollarbonebreast bonelower jaw boneupper jaw boneshoulder bladeshort bones of anklemakes up the rib cagefunniest of long boneslongest bone in the bodysmaller bone in the lower legshort bones found in the handssometimes called the cheek bonegroup of vertebrae fused togetheralso known as the fingers and toes...

Skeletal System 2022-10-10

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. also called the thigh bone
  2. the thoracic ___ consists of the ribs, thoracic vertebrae, sternuum, & costal cartilages
  3. made up of 8 cranial bones and 14 facial bones
  4. the kneecap, a type of sesamoid
  5. cavity within a bone
  6. small, nearly flat surface
  7. the only bone of the upper arm
  8. bone shaft
  9. the ____ skeleton relates to the appendages
  10. a ___ bone is a plate-like shape with a broad surface
  1. type of bone that varies in shape
  2. also called the breastbone
  3. ___ vertebrae are adapted for weight-bearing
  4. the first vertebra which supports the head
  5. also called the tailbone
  6. triangular structure at the base of the vertebral column
  7. tiny pit or depression in the bone
  8. expanded ends of bones that for joints
  9. the radius and ____ make up the forearm
  10. short bones are almost equal in length and ____
  11. humans typically have 12 of them

21 Clues: bone shaftcavity within a bonealso called the tailbonealso called the thigh bonealso called the breastbonesmall, nearly flat surfacethe only bone of the upper armthe kneecap, a type of sesamoidhumans typically have 12 of themtype of bone that varies in shapetiny pit or depression in the boneexpanded ends of bones that for joints...

Skeletal System 2020-05-10

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. commonly called the shin bone
  2. connects bone to bone
  3. makes up the shaft of the diaphysis
  4. the bone in the thigh
  5. the spinal cord runs within these bones
  6. a mineral that gives bone its strength
  7. commonly called collar bone
  8. in the ends of bones that contains red bone marrow
  9. foods such as ... are high in calcium to strengthen bones
  10. the bones in the body make up the ...
  11. the periosteum is a thin ... of the bone
  12. the enlarged ends of a long bone
  1. connects muscle to bone
  2. bones such as the ribs and skull ... organs from injury
  3. found on the ends of bones to absorb shock
  4. the hip bone
  5. the two bones of the forearm are the ... and ulna
  6. bones and ... work together to produce movement
  7. bones produce red and white...
  8. the bones give the body shape and ...
  9. the bone of the upper arm

21 Clues: the hip boneconnects bone to bonethe bone in the thighconnects muscle to bonethe bone of the upper armcommonly called collar bonecommonly called the shin bonebones produce red and white...the enlarged ends of a long bonemakes up the shaft of the diaphysisthe bones give the body shape and ...the bones in the body make up the ......

Skeletal system 2019-08-21

Skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. The thinner and longer of the two bones in the human forearm
  2. the curved bone forming the base of each half of the pelvis
  3. containing the chief organs of circulation and respiration; the chest
  4. A thickened ventral plate on each segment of the body
  5. One that encloses the brain
  6. A bone of the finger or toe
  7. The outer and usually smaller of the two bones between the knee & ankle
  8. Series of small bones forming the backbone
  9. Technical term for collarbone
  10. Any of five bones on the hand
  11. A series of slender curved bones articulated in pairs to the spine
  12. The bone of the tarsus
  13. shoulder blade
  14. the large broad bone forming the upper part of each half of the pelvis
  15. group of small bones between the main part of the hind limb and the metatarsus
  1. either of a pair of bones forming the two sides of the pelvis
  2. A small triangular bone at the base of spinal column
  3. The bone of the upper arm or forelimb, forming joints at the shoulder
  4. The inner and typically larger of the two bones between the knee & ankle
  5. relating to the bones forming the human carpus (wrist)
  6. The hip bone
  7. Lower jaw or jaw bone is the largest and strongest bone in human face
  8. Any of the bones of the foot
  9. The kneecap
  10. The bone between the abdomen and the thighs
  11. the large bone forming the heel
  12. The thicker and shorter of the two bones in the human forearm
  13. A triangular bone in the lower back
  14. part of the nose and eye socket
  15. the large bone in the ankle that articulates with the tibia of the leg and the calcaneum and navicular bone of the foot
  16. The bone of the thigh or upper hind limb

31 Clues: The kneecapThe hip boneshoulder bladeThe bone of the tarsusOne that encloses the brainA bone of the finger or toeAny of the bones of the footTechnical term for collarboneAny of five bones on the handthe large bone forming the heelpart of the nose and eye socketA triangular bone in the lower backThe bone of the thigh or upper hind limb...

Skeletal system 2020-10-16

Skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. only bone not connected by sutures
  2. small body with dens
  3. contains yellow marrow
  4. dense and appears homogenous
  5. does not penetrate skin
  6. forms roof of nasal cavity
  7. forms upper jaw
  8. form the longitudinal axis of the body
  9. wrist
  10. covers the epiphysis
  11. mature bone cells
  12. ankle
  13. bone destroying cells
  14. made of small needle like pieces and open space
  15. 14 bones on the face
  16. articulates with occipital condyles
  17. freely moveable joints
  18. ends of the bone
  19. collarbone
  20. shaft of bone
  21. slightly moveable joints
  1. cheek bone
  2. sole
  3. penetrates skin
  4. immovable joints
  5. encloses brain
  6. outside covering of the diaphysis
  7. toes
  8. palm
  9. fingers
  10. bridge of the nose
  11. shoulder blade
  12. bone forming
  13. butterfly shaped
  14. limbs and girdles

35 Clues: soletoespalmwristanklefingerscheek bonecollarbonebone formingshaft of boneencloses brainshoulder bladepenetrates skinforms upper jawimmovable jointsbutterfly shapedends of the bonemature bone cellslimbs and girdlesbridge of the nosesmall body with denscovers the epiphysis14 bones on the facebone destroying cellscontains yellow marrow...

Skeletal System 2020-10-06

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. when bones meet
  2. one side only
  3. tiny breaks
  4. end of each bone
  5. patella
  6. pushed into another
  7. vertebra
  8. liquify bone matrix
  9. holds fats
  10. bones get weaker
  1. raised areas
  2. through the skin
  3. shaft of the bone
  4. immature bone forming cells
  5. radius
  6. between layers of lamellae in spaces of lacunae
  7. site of hemopoiesis
  8. result of twisting
  9. metacarpal
  10. scapula

20 Clues: radiuspatellascapulavertebrametacarpalholds fatstiny breaksraised areasone side onlywhen bones meetthrough the skinend of each bonebones get weakershaft of the boneresult of twistingsite of hemopoiesispushed into anotherliquify bone matriximmature bone forming cellsbetween layers of lamellae in spaces of lacunae

Skeletal System 2020-10-19

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. lie inferior to the parietal bones
  2. bone is crushed
  3. skeleton type which bones of the limbs that attatch to the axial
  4. thin, flattened, usually curved
  5. bones that do not fit the other three categories
  6. most posterior bone of the cranium
  7. broken bone portion is pushed inwards
  8. the only bone that does not form a joint with any other bone
  9. form most of the superior and lateral walls of the cranium
  10. generally cube-shaped with mostly spongy bone
  11. bones longer than they are wide
  12. extends from the skull to the pelvis
  13. bone breaks into three or more fragments
  14. bone-building cells in bones
  15. dense and looks smooth and homogeneous
  16. forms the arm by a single long bone
  17. skeleton type which bones that form the longitudinal axis of the body
  1. bone breaks incompletely
  2. commonly referred to as cheekbones
  3. forms the forehead and bony projections under eyebrows
  4. small rectangular bone forming the bridge of the nose
  5. the ends of a long bone
  6. largest and strongest bone of the face
  7. breaks in bones
  8. has a spiky, open appearance like a sponge
  9. bone-destroying cells in bones
  10. makes up most of the long bone's length and composed of compact bone
  11. mature bone cells in compact bone
  12. common sports fracture

29 Clues: bone is crushedbreaks in bonescommon sports fracturethe ends of a long bonebone breaks incompletelybone-building cells in bonesbone-destroying cells in bonesthin, flattened, usually curvedbones longer than they are widemature bone cells in compact bonecommonly referred to as cheekboneslie inferior to the parietal bones...

Skeletal system 2020-10-05

Skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. function that helps with structural framework
  2. helps with leverage
  3. triglyceride storage tissue
  4. one fragment is driven into another
  5. oteoblasts activity and synthesis of bone matrix
  6. skin remains intact when fractured
  7. hormone controls bone growth in several ways
  8. provides stability support for motion
  9. hemopoietic tissue
  10. several bones broken
  1. 2 bone surface together = joints
  2. function that helps with protecting the most internal organs from injury
  3. in a growing bone, the region that contains the growth plate
  4. membrane lining the medullary cavity
  5. distal and proximal ends of the bones
  6. small passageway for nutrition
  7. long cylindrical main portion of the bone
  8. fractured straight across
  9. attachment of tendons and ligaments
  10. partial fracture
  11. broken bone appears out of skin

21 Clues: partial fracturehemopoietic tissuehelps with leverageseveral bones brokenfractured straight acrosstriglyceride storage tissuesmall passageway for nutritionbroken bone appears out of skin2 bone surface together = jointsskin remains intact when fracturedone fragment is driven into anotherattachment of tendons and ligaments...

Skeletal system 2020-10-05

Skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. long cylindrical main portion of the bone
  2. function that helps with structural framework
  3. helps with leverage
  4. skin remains intact when fractured
  5. small passageway for nutrition
  6. broken bone appears out of skin
  7. oteoblasts activity and synthesis of bone matrix
  8. hormone controls bone growth in several ways
  9. provides stability support for motion
  10. one fragment is driven into another
  11. function that helps with protecting the most internal organs from injury
  1. attachment of tendons and ligaments
  2. triglyceride storage tissue
  3. several brakes in the bone
  4. distal and proximal ends of the bones
  5. 2 bone surface together = joints
  6. membrane lining the medullary cavity
  7. hemopoietic tissue
  8. partial fracture
  9. in a growing bone, the region that contains the growth plate

20 Clues: partial fracturehemopoietic tissuehelps with leverageseveral brakes in the bonetriglyceride storage tissuesmall passageway for nutritionbroken bone appears out of skin2 bone surface together = jointsskin remains intact when fracturedattachment of tendons and ligamentsone fragment is driven into anothermembrane lining the medullary cavity...

Skeletal system 2020-10-05

Skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. fractured ends of bone in alignment, skin remains intact
  2. small cavity in osteocyte
  3. immature blood cells
  4. disease that disrupts the replacement of old bone tissue
  5. huge cells made of 50 WBC’s
  6. site of spongy bone
  1. maintained by bone resorption by osteoclasts, releases calcium into the bloodstream
  2. area of a bone that projects above the surface, attachments for tendons and ligaments
  3. where two bones meet
  4. canal in ossified bone
  5. sesamoid bone
  6. type of fracture that occurs at an angle that is not ninety degrees
  7. type of fracture that results in many small pieces
  8. scientific name for bone shaft
  9. a condition in which bones become weak and brittle
  10. layer in compact bone tissue, has osteocytes
  11. function of the skeletal system
  12. mature bone cells
  13. tissue that contains no osteons or blood vessels
  14. (plate)site of fat storage

20 Clues: sesamoid bonemature bone cellssite of spongy bonewhere two bones meetimmature blood cellscanal in ossified bonesmall cavity in osteocyte(plate)site of fat storagehuge cells made of 50 WBC’sscientific name for bone shaftfunction of the skeletal systemlayer in compact bone tissue, has osteocytestissue that contains no osteons or blood vessels...

Skeletal system 2020-10-05

Skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. layer in compact bone tissue, has osteocytes
  2. huge cells made of 50 WBC’s
  3. repealing structural unit
  4. maintained by bone resorption by osteoclasts, releases calcium into the bloodstream
  5. type of fracture that occurs at an angle that is not ninety degrees
  6. where two bones meet
  7. scientific name for bone shaft
  8. canal in ossified bone
  9. area of a bone that projects above the surface, attachments for tendons and ligaments
  10. site of spongy bone
  1. fibrous, vascular, sensitive life support covering sheath for bone
  2. sesamoid bone
  3. tissue that contains no osteons or blood vessels
  4. disease that disrupts the replacement of old bone tissue
  5. fractured ends of bone in alignment, skin remains intact
  6. function of the skeletal system
  7. small cavity in osteocyte
  8. (plate)site of fat storage
  9. immature blood cells
  10. mature bone cells
  11. type of fracture that results in many small pieces
  12. a condition in which bones become weak and brittle

22 Clues: sesamoid bonemature bone cellssite of spongy boneimmature blood cellswhere two bones meetcanal in ossified bonerepealing structural unitsmall cavity in osteocyte(plate)site of fat storagehuge cells made of 50 WBC’sscientific name for bone shaftfunction of the skeletal systemlayer in compact bone tissue, has osteocytes...

Skeletal system 2020-10-05

Skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. immature blood cells
  2. huge cells made of 50 WBC’s
  3. canal in ossified bone
  4. a condition in which bones become weak and brittle
  5. mature bone cells
  6. (plate)site of fat storage
  7. type of fracture that occurs at an angle that is not ninety degrees
  8. sesamoid bone
  9. maintained by bone resorption by osteoclasts, releases calcium into the bloodstream
  10. repealing structural unit
  11. layer in compact bone tissue, has osteocytes
  12. type of fracture that results in many small pieces
  1. fibrous, vascular, sensitive life support covering sheath for bone
  2. where two bones meet
  3. fractured ends of bone in alignment, skin remains intact
  4. site of spongy bone
  5. scientific name for bone shaft
  6. function of the skeletal system
  7. small cavity in osteocyte
  8. area of a bone that projects above the surface, attachments for tendons and ligaments

20 Clues: sesamoid bonemature bone cellssite of spongy bonewhere two bones meetimmature blood cellscanal in ossified bonesmall cavity in osteocyterepealing structural unit(plate)site of fat storagehuge cells made of 50 WBC’sscientific name for bone shaftfunction of the skeletal systemlayer in compact bone tissue, has osteocytes...

Skeletal system 2020-10-05

Skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. will burn through stuff
  2. when your foot gets stuck but your body keeps moving
  3. information that is needed to know
  4. a large blow of force
  5. can be caused by the over use of legs
  6. risk of explosion
  7. oxidizer
  8. a car accident can give you these
  9. occurs at an angle that is not 90
  10. full of gas
  1. bone building cells
  2. poisonous or lethal
  3. cancerous
  4. breakdown the bone
  5. flammable
  6. mature bone cells
  7. bad for the environment
  8. thin and curved bones
  9. falling off the side walk
  10. complex shape

20 Clues: oxidizercancerousflammablefull of gascomplex shapemature bone cellsrisk of explosionbreakdown the bonebone building cellspoisonous or lethala large blow of forcethin and curved boneswill burn through stuffbad for the environmentfalling off the side walka car accident can give you theseoccurs at an angle that is not 90...

Skeletal System 2020-10-05

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. process of development; cartilage is replaced
  2. between diaphysis and epiphyses
  3. longer than it is wide
  4. abnormally high levels of calcium
  5. thin and curved
  6. thin membranes that limes the medullary cavity
  7. thin connective tissue sheath
  8. bone segments are pulled as a result of twisting
  9. cube-like shape; equal in length, width, and thickness
  10. osteoblasts that have calcified
  11. complex shaped bone
  1. a fracture that does not break the skin
  2. abnormally low levels of calcium
  3. a partial fracture
  4. shaft of long bones
  5. distal and proximal ends of a long bone
  6. synthesizes and secretes collagen and calcium salts
  7. opening; allows blood vessels and nerves to pass
  8. a fracture where the break is straight across
  9. small and round; embedded in tendons

20 Clues: thin and curveda partial fractureshaft of long bonescomplex shaped bonelonger than it is widethin connective tissue sheathbetween diaphysis and epiphysesosteoblasts that have calcifiedabnormally low levels of calciumabnormally high levels of calciumsmall and round; embedded in tendonsa fracture that does not break the skin...

Skeletal system 2020-10-05

Skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. bone replaces Cartilage and stops growing
  2. process of bone development
  3. area of growth in a long bone
  4. reabsorb bone
  5. building cells for bones
  6. site of spongy bone in adult
  7. fracture where the bone tears the skin
  8. fracture of bone segments that are pulled apart by twisting motion
  9. fracture where only one side is broken
  1. area of home that projects above the surface of the bone
  2. fracture skin remains intact
  3. break in the bone
  4. opening in the bone that allows blood vessels /nerves to enter the bone
  5. growing bones, donating the epiphyseal plate
  6. fracture of one fragment driven into another
  7. formation of a joint
  8. fracture of several breaks resulting in many little pieces
  9. nature bone cells
  10. site of compact bone in the adult
  11. fracture that occurs at an angle that’s not 90 degrees
  12. fracture occurs straight arcos the long axis of the bone

21 Clues: reabsorb bonebreak in the bonenature bone cellsformation of a jointbuilding cells for bonesprocess of bone developmentfracture skin remains intactsite of spongy bone in adultarea of growth in a long bonesite of compact bone in the adultfracture where the bone tears the skinfracture where only one side is broken...

Skeletal system 2020-10-05

Skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. attachments
  2. mineralization
  3. Groves
  4. clot
  5. vidiminD
  6. openings
  7. growth
  8. 2bone
  9. spongy
  10. 48hr
  11. 90
  1. bending
  2. immature
  3. strength
  4. force
  5. fish
  6. compact
  7. hyaline
  8. intact
  9. 1fragment

20 Clues: 90clotfish48hrforce2boneGrovesgrowthintactspongybendingcompacthyalineimmaturestrengthvidiminDopenings1fragmentattachmentsmineralization

Skeletal system 2020-10-05

Skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. where bones meet
  2. promotes osteoblastic activity and synthesis of bone matrix
  3. where yellow bone marrow is mostly adpose
  4. a basic function of the skeletal system
  5. a bone that is thin and curved
  6. produced by ovaries and testes
  7. break that occurs not at 90 degrees
  8. fracure where bone segments are pulled apart
  1. produced by pituitary gland
  2. bone marketing with a opening or groove that allows blood vessels to pass through
  3. fracture that breaks at 90 degrees
  4. osteoblast that have calcified
  5. fracture that doesnt break skin
  6. when a break is pushed ordriven into another
  7. fracure where only one side of bone breaks
  8. caused by abnormally high calium levels
  9. comes from diet
  10. complex shaped bone
  11. cube shaped equal in length width and thickness
  12. caused by abnormally low calcium levels

20 Clues: comes from dietwhere bones meetcomplex shaped boneproduced by pituitary glandosteoblast that have calcifieda bone that is thin and curvedproduced by ovaries and testesfracture that doesnt break skinfracture that breaks at 90 degreesbreak that occurs not at 90 degreescaused by abnormally high calium levelscaused by abnormally low calcium levels...

Skeletal system 2020-10-05

Skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. type of marrow; hemopoietic tissue
  2. Growing bone contains epiphyseal plate
  3. process of bone development; cartilage is replaced by bone through childhood
  4. a break in the bone
  5. type of marrow; triglyceride storage
  6. bone shape that is thin and curved
  7. unspecialized stem cells; the only cells that go under cell division
  8. bone shape that is cube-like and approximately equal in length, width, and thickness
  1. the proximal and distal ends of the bone
  2. bone shape that is small, round, and imbedded into tendons
  3. fibrous layer that protects bone, assists in fracture repair, nourishes bone tissue, and is the attachment point for ligaments and tendons
  4. the thin layer of cartilage covering the epiphyses where the bone forms a joint; reduces friction and shock
  5. bone building cells that initiate calcification, synthesize & secrete organic compounds for extracellular matrix
  6. bone shape that is cylindrical and longer than it is wide
  7. cavity; the hollow space within the diaphysis that contains yellow bone marrow and blood vessels in adults
  8. bone shaft; the main part of the bone
  9. huge cells made up of monocytes (WBC), help with breakdown of bone in the extracellular matrix
  10. bone shape that is complex
  11. plate; area of growth in the long bone
  12. the membrane that lines the medullary cavity

20 Clues: a break in the bonebone shape that is complextype of marrow; hemopoietic tissuebone shape that is thin and curvedtype of marrow; triglyceride storagebone shaft; the main part of the boneGrowing bone contains epiphyseal plateplate; area of growth in the long bonethe proximal and distal ends of the bonethe membrane that lines the medullary cavity...

Skeletal System 2020-10-05

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. site of fat storage in adult
  2. occurs straight across the long axis of the bone
  3. structure that connects osteocytes
  4. disease caused by decrease in bone mass
  5. osteoblasts that have calcified and maintains mineral concentration
  6. when a break is driven into another
  7. a fracture where the broken bone tears through the skin
  8. opening in bone that allows blood vessels to enter bone
  9. partial fracture where only one side is affected
  1. bone segments are pulled apart as result of twisting motion
  2. sunlight, fatty fish, and calcium are sources of
  3. Produced by pituitary gland
  4. small and round bone imbedded in tendons
  5. where two bone surfaces come together
  6. a fracture in which the skin remains intact
  7. bone that is thin and curved
  8. produced by testes and ovaries
  9. site of compact bone in adult
  10. a basic function of the skeletal system
  11. brittle bones disease
  12. comes from diet
  13. breaks that occur not at 90 degrees

22 Clues: comes from dietbrittle bones diseaseProduced by pituitary glandsite of fat storage in adultbone that is thin and curvedsite of compact bone in adultproduced by testes and ovariesstructure that connects osteocyteswhen a break is driven into anotherbreaks that occur not at 90 degreeswhere two bone surfaces come together...

Skeletal System 2023-01-18

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. turning cartilage to bone
  2. capsule around a joint
  3. bones with flat surfaces
  4. joint allowing only rotational movement
  5. joint
  6. joint with space between the bones
  7. ends of long bone
  8. covers the outside of the diaphysis
  9. filled with fluid
  10. joint with bones having interlocking surfaces
  11. joint with a deep set convex/concave relationship
  12. bone where marrow is housed
  13. curved, thin bones
  1. process of maintaining an internal condition
  2. cavity where marrow is housed
  3. joint allowing the greatest amount of movement
  4. cube shaped bone
  5. structure connecting bones
  6. joint allowing all movement except rotation
  7. "growth" plate
  8. covers epiphyses
  9. structure attaching muscles to bones
  10. creates body's framework
  11. bone that contains mostly compact bone

24 Clues: joint"growth" platecube shaped bonecovers epiphysesends of long bonefilled with fluidcurved, thin bonescapsule around a jointbones with flat surfacescreates body's frameworkturning cartilage to bonestructure connecting bonesbone where marrow is housedcavity where marrow is housedjoint with space between the bonescovers the outside of the diaphysis...

Skeletal System 2023-02-16

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. support arm
  2. connects scapular, clavicle and sternum
  3. supports the tibia
  4. ventral to the thoracic cavity
  5. shoulder
  6. hand bones
  7. short bones in the pelvic limb
  8. rostral of orbit
  9. tear duct
  10. back of the skull
  11. reduction in the number of bird "foot" bones
  12. side of the skull
  13. supports the leg
  14. dorsal to maxilla
  15. bird sternum
  16. above the orbit
  17. rear sides of the skull
  18. most proximal in the pelvic limb
  19. made of three bones
  1. cranial part of sternum
  2. reduction in the number of bird "hand" bones
  3. protects the eye socket
  4. most rostral
  5. between parietal and occipital
  6. shorts bones in the thoracic limb
  7. fused clavicle "wishbone"
  8. hinges the skull
  9. foot bones
  10. caudal part of sternum
  11. jaw
  12. distal to the shoulder
  13. pivots the skull
  14. swirly things
  15. middle bone in the nasal cavity
  16. fusion of caudal bones
  17. fusion of sacral vertebrae with pelvic bones
  18. fingers
  19. works with radius to pivot
  20. protects the thoracic cavity

39 Clues: jawfingersshouldertear ductfoot boneshand bonessupport armmost rostralbird sternumswirly thingsabove the orbithinges the skullpivots the skullrostral of orbitsupports the legback of the skullside of the skulldorsal to maxillasupports the tibiamade of three bonescaudal part of sternumdistal to the shoulderfusion of caudal bones...

Skeletal System 2023-03-21

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. The skull has only one type of joint.
  2. This age group has the greatest amount of cartilage in the body.
  3. This bone is part of appendicular skeleton
  4. A horse has all of the following except ___?
  5. Bone tissue formation
  6. This disease is the opposite of Osteoporosis.
  7. The soft callus in a broken bone is created by what?
  8. Where are saddle joints located on the body?
  9. A spiral break is caused by what type of trauma?
  1. These connect bone to muscle
  2. An incomplete break can be which of the following?
  3. Fibrocartilage is created by which of the following?
  4. This disease causes loss of bone mass in the Coffin Bone
  5. This is a common disease in horses which love a high bran diet and low quality hay.
  6. This section of the vertebrae forms the heart girth.
  7. Bone disorders that are caused by this can often be treated and sometimes reversed.
  8. This kind of joint is located where the femur and tibia connect?
  9. The ribs are what type of bone?
  10. Most animals which have this disorder are not kept in a herd because of their bone breaking proclivity.
  11. Which animal does not have a thumb or thumb-like appendage?
  12. I tear my ACL and my knee cap will now shift and move. What type of bone have I impacted?

21 Clues: Bone tissue formationThese connect bone to muscleThe ribs are what type of bone?The skull has only one type of joint.This bone is part of appendicular skeletonA horse has all of the following except ___?Where are saddle joints located on the body?This disease is the opposite of Osteoporosis.A spiral break is caused by what type of trauma?...

Skeletal System 2023-12-08

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. upper arm bone
  2. knee cap
  3. back of the skull
  4. collar bone
  5. inside of the eye socket
  6. breast bone
  7. shin
  8. forehead
  9. wrist bones
  10. forearm bone on the thumb side
  11. spongy bone
  1. spine
  2. upper jaw
  3. longest bone
  4. compact bone
  5. protects the brain
  6. forms the hand
  7. heel bone
  8. bridge of the nose
  9. lower jaw

20 Clues: shinspineknee capforeheadupper jawheel bonelower jawcollar bonebreast bonewrist bonesspongy bonelongest bonecompact boneupper arm boneforms the handback of the skullprotects the brainbridge of the noseinside of the eye socketforearm bone on the thumb side

Skeletal System 2023-11-20

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Joints that allow a wide range of movements. Examples include your shoulder and hip joints.
  2. Joints where bones are connected by cartilage, allowing for slight movement. Example: joints between ribs and the breastbone.
  3. The hard, strong parts inside your body that make up your skeleton.
  4. Joints that don't move, providing stability. Examples include the joints in your skull.
  5. Muscles that attach to your bones and help you move.
  6. long, straight part of a bone.
  7. The act of moving from one place to another.
  8. Joints that work like a door hinge, allowing back-and-forth movement, like your knee and elbow joints.
  9. Joints that have limited movement, like those between the vertebrae in your spine.
  10. The backbone or spine made up of individual bones called vertebrae.
  11. Tough cords that connect muscles to bones, allowing muscles to move your bones.
  1. Smooth cartilage covering the ends of bones at joints, reducing friction and allowing smooth movement.
  2. A muscle that straightens a joint, making it longer.
  3. Dense and hard outer layer of bone, providing strength and protection.
  4. Joints that allow circular movements and rotations, like your shoulder and hip joints.
  5. A muscle that bends a joint, making it smaller.
  6. Softer, flexible tissue that cushions and supports your bones, especially at joints.
  7. Less dense bone tissue with a spongy appearance, found at the ends of long bones.
  8. The central hollow part of long bones, containing bone marrow.
  9. The bones in your limbs (arms and legs) and the structures that connect them to the axial skeleton.
  10. Fluid that lubricates and nourishes the joints, helping them move smoothly.
  11. The central part of your skeleton, including your skull, spine, and ribcage.
  12. Strong bands of tissue that connect bones to each other, stabilizing joints.

23 Clues: long, straight part of a bone.The act of moving from one place to another.A muscle that bends a joint, making it smaller.A muscle that straightens a joint, making it longer.Muscles that attach to your bones and help you move.The central hollow part of long bones, containing bone marrow....

Skeletal System 2023-10-02

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. space within the bone filled with marrow
  2. thin inner layer of bone covering; lines medullary cavity
  3. thin outer layer of bone covering
  4. joining point of epiphysis and diaphysis
  5. skeleton – consists of fore and hind limbs
  6. small, seed-shaped bone embedded in a tendon, i.e. proximal and distal sesamoids
  7. bone longer than it is wide, i.e. humerus, radius, and femur
  8. enlarged ends of long bones
  9. break along the long axis of a bone
  10. break completely across the bone
  11. fracture – bone breaks through the skin
  12. complex and irregularly shaped bone, i.e. vertebrae
  1. fracture – bone shatters into many pieces
  2. body of a long bone
  3. cube shaped bone, i.e. bones of the carpus and tarsus
  4. bone does not break through the skin
  5. skeleton – consists of the skull and vertebrae
  6. break on one side of a bone, usually due to a bending force
  7. freely moveable joint
  8. process by which tissue and cartilage becomes bone
  9. plate of bone, i.e. scapula
  10. framework of structures that support and protect the body

22 Clues: body of a long bonefreely moveable jointplate of bone, i.e. scapulaenlarged ends of long bonesbreak completely across the bonethin outer layer of bone coveringbreak along the long axis of a bonebone does not break through the skinfracture – bone breaks through the skinspace within the bone filled with marrowjoining point of epiphysis and diaphysis...

Skeletal System 2023-09-28

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. is used when straightening one's arm
  2. Site of longitudinal growth in a child
  3. fatty connective tissue
  4. the shaft of a long bone
  5. Decreases plasma calcium
  6. Nonliving, structural part of bone
  7. Disuse such as that caused by paralysis or severe lack of exercise results in muscle and bone
  8. These cells initiate bone formation
  9. Immature bone cells
  10. provides source of bones cells throughout life
  1. is used when bending ones arm
  2. site of hematopoiesis in the adult
  3. Critical for normal nerve and muscle function
  4. the end of a long bone
  5. developed in the tendons
  6. Longitudinal canal, carrying blood vessels and nerves
  7. mature bone cells
  8. cube shaped bone
  9. Tiny canals, connecting lacunae
  10. remodel, repair, and dissolve bone

20 Clues: cube shaped bonemature bone cellsImmature bone cellsthe end of a long bonefatty connective tissuedeveloped in the tendonsthe shaft of a long boneDecreases plasma calciumis used when bending ones armTiny canals, connecting lacunaesite of hematopoiesis in the adultNonliving, structural part of boneremodel, repair, and dissolve bone...

Skeletal System 2023-10-19

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. the bony framework of the thoracic cavity.
  2. the largest bone of the upper extremity and defines the human brachium (arm)
  3. forms the knee joint proximally with the femur and forms the ankle joint distally with the fibula and talus.
  4. an elongated, S-shaped bone that sits between the shoulder and sternum at the top of the ribcage
  5. a fibrous connective tissue that attaches bone to bone
  6. longest, strongest bone in your body
  7. the soft, fatty tissue inside of the bones in your body.
  8. the bone at the front of your knee joint.
  9. the 33 individual bones that interlock with each other to form the spinal column
  10. a partially T-shaped vertical bone that forms the anterior portion of the chest wall centrally
  11. the middle part of the human body between the lumbar region of the abdomen superiorly and thighs inferiorly.
  12. the bone at the front of your knee joint
  1. a long bone in the lower extremity that is positioned on the lateral side of the tibia.
  2. composed of 22 bones anis d divided into two regions: the neurocranium (which protects the brain) and the viscerocranium (which forms the face).
  3. the bones of the forefoot that connect the distal aspects of the cuneiform (medial, intermediate and lateral) bones and cuboid bone to the base of the five phalanges of the foot
  4. the areas where two or more bones meet
  5. strong, flexible connective tissue that protects your joints and bones.
  6. one of two bones that make up the forearm, the other being the radius
  7. group of skeletal muscles that connect the upper extremities to the anterior and lateral thoracic walls
  8. a large, flat, irregular bone constricted in the middle and enlarged below and above.
  9. a cord of strong, flexible tissue, similar to a rope and connects your muscles to your bones
  10. a group of cells that have similar structure and that function together as a unit
  11. made of connective tissue reinforced with calcium and specialised bone cells.
  12. the internal framework of the human body
  13. the bone that connects the clavicle to the humerus
  14. one of the two bones that make up the forearm, the other being the ulna

26 Clues: longest, strongest bone in your bodythe areas where two or more bones meetthe internal framework of the human bodythe bone at the front of your knee jointthe bone at the front of your knee joint.the bony framework of the thoracic cavity.the bone that connects the clavicle to the humerusa fibrous connective tissue that attaches bone to bone...

Skeletal System 2023-10-16

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. -a soft fatty substance in the cavities of bones, in which blood cells are produced
  2. - the outer and usually smaller of the two bones between the knee and the ankle in humans parallel to the tibia
  3. -the end part of a long bone, initially growing separately from the shaft.
  4. -one of the two bones that make up the forearm
  5. - a region of the mammalian body that refers to the upper trunk, between the base of the neck and the diaphragm
  6. - the bony enclosing wall of the chest consisting chiefly of the ribs and the structures connecting them.
  7. - one of two bones that make up the forearm, the other being the radius
  8. long bone of the upper limb, which extends from the shoulder to the elbow.
  9. - technical term for collarbone.
  10. - the inner and usually larger of the two bones of the vertebrate leg that is located between the knee and the ankle
  11. -the jaw or a jawbone
  12. -a short band of tough, flexible fibrous connective tissue which connects two bones or cartilages or holds together a joint
  13. -Any of a series of long, curved bones extending from the spine and enclosing the chest cavity
  14. - a framework of bone or cartilage enclosing the brain of a vertebrate; the skeleton of a person's or animal's head.
  15. - a flexible but inelastic cord of strong fibrous collagen tissue attaching a muscle to a bone
  16. - a series of vertebrae extending from the skull to the small of the back
  17. -each of the series of small bones forming the backbone
  1. - firm, whitish, flexible connective tissue found in various forms in the larynx and respiratory tract, in structures such as the external ear, and in the articulating surfaces of joints.
  2. - the part of the skeleton that consists of the bones of the head and trunk of a vertebrate
  3. - the strong and compact type of bone found on the outer layer of the long bones
  4. - large triangular-shaped bone that lies in the upper back.
  5. - the breastbone
  6. -the bone of the thigh or upper hind limb, articulating at the hip and the knee.
  7. -the eight small bones that make up the wrist (carpus) that connects the hand to the forearm.
  8. -characterized by its spongy, porous, honeycomb-like structure and is typically found at the ends of long bones
  9. - small bones that compose the fingers and toes
  10. - an immovable junction between two bones, such as those of the skull.
  11. - Structure in the body where two parts of of the skeletal system (bones) connect
  12. - the large bony structure near the base of the spine to which the hind limbs or legs are attached in humans and many other vertebrates

29 Clues: - the breastbone-the jaw or a jawbone- technical term for collarbone.-one of the two bones that make up the forearm- small bones that compose the fingers and toes-each of the series of small bones forming the backbone- large triangular-shaped bone that lies in the upper back.- an immovable junction between two bones, such as those of the skull....

Skeletal System 2024-01-05

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. a place in your body where two bones come together
  2. head bone
  3. shoulder blade
  4. arm bones (From shoulder to elbow)
  5. leg bones
  6. a type of connective tissue that is more flexible than bones
  7. bones that make up your back bones
  8. your framework, or bones in your body
  9. Forearm bones
  10. palm bones
  11. hind leg bones
  1. feet bones
  2. cage like bones in your torso
  3. ankles
  4. bones are held together by connective tissues
  5. finger and toe bones
  6. hips
  7. bones connecting hand to wrist
  8. breastbone (The bone connecting the ribs)
  9. back bone
  10. knee bones
  11. forearm bones
  12. thigh bones
  13. collar bone

24 Clues: hipsankleshead boneleg bonesback bonefeet bonesknee bonespalm bonesthigh bonescollar boneforearm bonesForearm bonesshoulder bladehind leg bonesfinger and toe bonescage like bones in your torsobones connecting hand to wristarm bones (From shoulder to elbow)bones that make up your back bonesyour framework, or bones in your body...

Skeletal System 2024-02-23

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. This part of the skeletal system is made up of the arms, legs, pelvis, and shoulders.
  2. This is part B on the bone structure diagram.
  3. Inside compact bone, blood vessels enter the bone through these structures that run parallel to the long axis of the bone.
  4. Inside compact bone, blood vessels enter the bone through these structures that run perpendicular to the long axis of the bone.
  5. Connective tissue in the spaces of spongy bone. This type of bone marrow is where blood cells are produced.
  6. This is part C on the bone structure diagram.
  7. This is part E on the bone structure diagram.
  8. This is part A on the bone structure diagram.
  9. This type of bone marrow is where fat is stored within the medullary cavity or in the spaces of spongy bone.
  10. When bones grow or change their shape, these cells break down bone minerals.
  11. This is part of a long bone that develops from a center of ossification from the diaphysis.
  12. The inner layer of a joint capsule has cells that produces this fluid to help the joint move smoothly.
  13. This is part D on the bone structure diagram.
  14. The place where one or more bones meet another bone.
  1. When bones stop growing in length, this structure is formed that separates the epiphysis from the diaphysis.
  2. Bones are made up of inorganic material, such as calcium, and organic material, such as this.
  3. In a long bone, this structure, or shaft, is composed mostly of compact bone but can also have spongy bone.
  4. Bones connected by cartilage.
  5. The structure of joints contains a capsule that helps hold bones together while still allowing for movement.
  6. Connective tissue made up of protein fibers, such as collagen and elastin.
  7. In bone development, these structures secrete mineral deposit that replace cartilage.
  8. This part of the skeletal system consists of the skill, vertebral column, and rib cage.
  9. These cells help to maintain the minerals in bone tissue and continue to strengthen it.
  10. Connective tissue that holds bone together in a joint.

24 Clues: Bones connected by cartilage.This is part B on the bone structure diagram.This is part C on the bone structure diagram.This is part E on the bone structure diagram.This is part A on the bone structure diagram.This is part D on the bone structure diagram.The place where one or more bones meet another bone....

Skeletal System 2024-05-28

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Another name for spongy bone
  2. Joint between the scapula and humerus
  3. True ribs
  4. The abdominal vertbrae
  5. The longest bone in the dog
  6. The process of bone formation
  7. The name for the ribs and sternum
  8. One of the bones of the pelvis
  9. An organ protected by the cranium
  10. The bone shaft
  11. These systems make up bone tissue
  1. Relating to the ribs
  2. The prefix denoting a joint
  3. Digit number one
  4. The most proximal bone of the forelimb
  5. Another name for the premaxilla
  6. Number of sternebrae
  7. The number of sternal ribs
  8. This bone's head sits in the acetabulum
  9. Moving a part away from the midline
  10. Term meaning passageway or opening
  11. The color of synovial fluid

22 Clues: True ribsThe bone shaftDigit number oneRelating to the ribsNumber of sternebraeThe abdominal vertbraeThe number of sternal ribsThe prefix denoting a jointThe longest bone in the dogThe color of synovial fluidAnother name for spongy boneThe process of bone formationOne of the bones of the pelvisAnother name for the premaxilla...

Skeletal system 2024-03-14

Skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. the blank forms the upper arm
  2. Long bones are more blank than they are wide
  3. Bone thinning disease
  4. another name for the collarbone
  5. In the fetal skull blank allows the brain to grow
  6. The remnant of the epiphyseal plate is called
  7. In the pelvis blank ilia is flared more laterally
  8. Inflammation of the bursa sac
  9. the skull in apart of which subdivision
  10. bone growth is called
  11. blank is formed from the hip bones, sacrum and coccyx
  12. which ribs connect directly to the sternum
  13. Bone destroying cells
  1. The fracture where the bone is crushed
  2. Inflammation of joints
  3. Name the “tail bone”
  4. Is blood cell formation
  5. fibrous joints are blank
  6. the blank bears the weight on each vertebrae
  7. What cavity is in the pelvic girdle
  8. Movement is allowed in one plane like a mechanical hinge
  9. the vertebral column is separated into blank sections
  10. Which arthritis can be controlled with diet
  11. abnormal anterior curvature in the lumbar vertebrae
  12. Blank aids in normal density of a female skeleton
  13. A ball like marking
  14. Which vertebrae allows you to shake your head yes
  15. the glenoid cavity is in the blank
  16. the blank is found in the coral bone

29 Clues: A ball like markingName the “tail bone”Bone thinning diseasebone growth is calledBone destroying cellsInflammation of jointsIs blood cell formationfibrous joints are blankthe blank forms the upper armInflammation of the bursa sacanother name for the collarbonethe glenoid cavity is in the blankWhat cavity is in the pelvic girdle...

skeletal system 2024-03-14

skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. disease causing inflammation or swelling of one or more joints
  2. opening canal in the center of an osteon
  3. upper jawbone
  4. bone growth
  5. strong and flexible connective tissue
  6. moveable base for the tongue
  7. synovial joint that allows motion in only one plane
  8. shaft composed of compact bone
  9. abnormal lateral curvature
  10. cavities containing osteocytes
  11. wrist bones
  12. the name of the two ribs not attached to the sternum
  13. narrow, slit-like opening
  14. allows you to nod “yes”
  15. bone-forming cells
  16. bones that are cube-shaped
  17. moveable jawbone
  18. abnormal posterior curvature
  19. bone that acts as a brace to hold the arm away from the top of the thorax
  20. finger bones
  21. heaviest and strongest bone in the body
  22. concave with five vertebrae
  23. fracture due to being crushed
  1. the top bone of a sternum
  2. bone marking that grows out from the bone surface
  3. the name of the region containing the wrist and hand
  4. first stage of bone repair
  5. the girdle formed by two coxal bones and the sacrum
  6. a shallow cavity that is loosely reinforced
  7. sharp, slender, pointed projection
  8. anterior bone of the eye socket, also the smallest bone of the skull
  9. cavity containing yellow marrow in adults
  10. the “tailbone”
  11. fibrous joints that connect adult bones
  12. the most posterior cranial bone
  13. small needle-like pieces of bone
  14. fracture due to bending
  15. thin and sticklike bone, medial to the tibia
  16. convex with twelve vertebrae
  17. bone with a rounded proximal end that fits into the glenoid cavity
  18. canal perpendicular to the central canal

41 Clues: bone growthwrist bonesfinger bonesupper jawbonethe “tailbone”moveable jawbonebone-forming cellsallows you to nod “yes”fracture due to bendingthe top bone of a sternumnarrow, slit-like openingfirst stage of bone repairabnormal lateral curvaturebones that are cube-shapedconcave with five vertebraemoveable base for the tongue...

Skeletal System 2024-04-03

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Jaw bone
  2. Vertebrae of the neck
  3. Fingers and Toes
  4. Breastbone
  5. Hips
  6. Wrist Bones
  7. Vertebrae in low back
  8. Shoulder blade
  1. Vertebrae mid back
  2. Largest bone in the body
  3. Knee cap
  4. Collar bone
  5. Upper Arm bone
  6. Shin Bone
  7. Ankle bones
  8. Bones in head
  9. 12 pairs of these
  10. 5 fused bones, tailbone
  11. Bone on thumb side
  12. Bone on pinky side

20 Clues: HipsKnee capJaw boneShin BoneBreastboneCollar boneAnkle bonesWrist BonesBones in headUpper Arm boneShoulder bladeFingers and Toes12 pairs of theseVertebrae mid backBone on thumb sideBone on pinky sideVertebrae of the neckVertebrae in low back5 fused bones, tailboneLargest bone in the body

Skeletal System 2024-09-12

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. cheekbones
  2. Formed by the Scapula and Clavicle
  3. cells that form new bone tissue
  4. most superior region on the human skeleton
  5. distal to the metacarpals
  6. second vertebra
  7. part of skeleton comprised of sacrum, coccyx, lumbar, thoracic, and cervical sections
  8. broad triangular bone; dorsal to the rib cage, in the upper thoracic region
  9. part of skeleton comprised of cranium, thoracic cage, hyoid and vertebral column
  10. knee cap; located between the femur and tibia/fibula
  11. superior to the orbits
  12. extends from scapula to elbow
  1. suture that runs along the midline of the cranium
  2. responsible for the maintenance of the bony matrix
  3. 4 fused vertebra
  4. humans have 12 pairs of them
  5. very delicate bone, located medially & inferior to the orbits
  6. first vertebra
  7. part of skeleton comprised of lower and upper limbs and pelvic girdle
  8. SNAP!!!!
  9. proximal to the phalanges
  10. synovial hinge joint where humerus is connected to radius and ulna
  11. located between neck and mandible, supports tongue
  12. longer of the 2 forearm bones; medial
  13. Parallel to 19 down

25 Clues: SNAP!!!!cheekbonesfirst vertebrasecond vertebra4 fused vertebraParallel to 19 downsuperior to the orbitsdistal to the metacarpalsproximal to the phalangeshumans have 12 pairs of themextends from scapula to elbowcells that form new bone tissueFormed by the Scapula and Claviclelonger of the 2 forearm bones; medial...

Skeletal System 2024-10-02

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Soft spots that allow for growth of the brain...made up of membrane and cartilage and turn to bone by 18 months
  2. The color of marrow that produces red blood cells
  3. Kneecap
  4. Larger bone of the lower arm
  5. The slender smaller bone of the lower leg
  6. 26 bones of the spinal column
  7. Shoulder blades
  8. the skeleton that forms the trunk of the body
  9. Large weight bearing bone of the lower leg (shin bone)
  10. Cells that form new bone tissue
  11. The long shaft part of long bones
  12. Air spaces in the bones of the skull
  13. Fibrous tissue that connects bone to bone
  14. An articulation or area where 2 bones meet or join
  15. The name of the canal in the diaphysis filled with yellow marrow
  16. The spherical structure that surrounds and protects the brain
  17. Breast bone
  18. Lower arm bone (thumb side)
  1. the skeleton that forms the extremities
  2. Instep of the foot (5)
  3. The area where cranial bones join together
  4. Wrist bones (8)
  5. Ankle bones
  6. The outer covering of the bone that contains blood vessels, lymph vessels, and osteoblasts.
  7. The type of marrow that serves as a storage area for fat and contains leukocytes
  8. A membrane that lines the medullary canal and keeps yellow marrow intact
  9. Palm of the hand (5)
  10. Fingers, thumbs, and toes
  11. True, false, and floating are names for these
  12. Thigh
  13. A passage or opening through which blood vessels or nerves pass
  14. Upper arm bone
  15. The ends of long bones

33 Clues: ThighKneecapAnkle bonesBreast boneUpper arm boneWrist bones (8)Shoulder bladesPalm of the hand (5)Instep of the foot (5)The ends of long bonesFingers, thumbs, and toesLower arm bone (thumb side)Larger bone of the lower arm26 bones of the spinal columnCells that form new bone tissueThe long shaft part of long bones...

Skeletal System 2024-10-02

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Hormone that inhibits the activity of osteoclasts
  2. Ossification that usually occurs on the bone of the skull
  3. Increases the activity of osteoclasts (________ hormone)
  4. In the last step of endochondral ossification, the remaining cartilage that did not ossify specifically becomes ________ cartilage
  5. Abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
  6. A break or discontinuity in the bone
  7. Functional unit of the bone
  8. Attachment of the scapula to the center of the skeleton
  9. Rotations of the forearms with palms up
  10. There are two hundred ____ bones in the body
  11. Region composed of 12 vertebrae
  1. Rods of bone
  2. Responsible for bone remodeling and reabsorption
  3. Joint that is joined by a fluid cavity
  4. Ribs that are not attached to the sternum
  5. Where bone growth usually occurs in long bones
  6. Auditory ossicle known as the stirrup
  7. imperfecta Brittle Bone Disease
  8. When blood is released into the damaged bone, a _______ is formed
  9. Slightly movable joint

20 Clues: Rods of boneSlightly movable jointFunctional unit of the boneimperfecta Brittle Bone DiseaseRegion composed of 12 vertebraeA break or discontinuity in the boneAuditory ossicle known as the stirrupJoint that is joined by a fluid cavityAbnormal lateral curvature of the spineRotations of the forearms with palms up...

skeletal system 2024-10-21

skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. chond/i
  2. inflammation of a joint
  3. inflammation of a bursa
  4. oste/o
  5. abnormal softening of tissue
  6. wear and tear arthritis
  7. x-ray
  8. complete displacement of a bone from its joint
  9. OP
  10. supports head and back
  11. lord/o
  1. RA
  2. jaw
  3. partial displacement of a bone from its joint
  4. spondyl/o
  5. connect bone to bone
  6. arthr/o
  7. cost/o
  8. where two or more bones join together
  9. tie together
  10. CR
  11. magnetic resonance imaging
  12. singular noun ending
  13. BDT
  14. Fx
  15. kyph/o
  16. scoli/o
  17. cranio
  18. loosening
  19. nuclear imaging test

30 Clues: RACRFxOPjawBDTx-raycost/ooste/okyph/ocraniolord/ochond/iarthr/oscoli/ospondyl/olooseningtie togetherconnect bone to bonesingular noun endingnuclear imaging testsupports head and backinflammation of a jointinflammation of a bursawear and tear arthritismagnetic resonance imagingabnormal softening of tissuewhere two or more bones join together...

Skeletal System 2024-10-21

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. curve,swayback,bent
  2. Connect bone to bone
  3. inflammation of a joint
  4. to bind,tie together
  5. skull
  6. cartilage
  7. spinal cord,bone marrow
  8. joint
  9. visual examination of the internal structure of a joint
  10. Specialist in care of feet
  11. Areas where two or more bones meet
  12. Rheumatoid arthritis
  13. inflammation of bursa
  1. rib
  2. loosening,setting free
  3. stiffness,bent,crooked
  4. Total knee arthroplasty
  5. partial knee replacement
  6. x-ray
  7. polymyaglgia rheumatica
  8. abnormal softening of cartilage
  9. fracture broken bone with an open wound
  10. Abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
  11. osteoarthritis
  12. curved,bent
  13. bone density testing
  14. Bent,hump
  15. osteoporosis
  16. closed reduction
  17. fracture Complete fracture straight across the bone
  18. Total hip arthroplasty
  19. singular noun ending

32 Clues: ribx-rayskulljointcartilageBent,humpcurved,bentosteoporosisosteoarthritisclosed reductioncurve,swayback,bentConnect bone to boneto bind,tie togetherbone density testingRheumatoid arthritissingular noun endinginflammation of bursaloosening,setting freestiffness,bent,crookedTotal hip arthroplastyTotal knee arthroplastyinflammation of a joint...

Skeletal System 2024-10-23

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Small, beam-like structures within spongy bone that provide support and resistance to compression.
  2. Cells responsible for producing new bone tissue.
  3. The shaft or long, central part of a long bone.
  4. A natural opening or hole in a bone that allows for the passage of nerves and blood vessels.
  5. The process by which cartilage is transformed into bone.
  6. The function of joints and muscles working together to enable body motion.
  7. The dense outer layer of bone that provides strength and structure.
  8. The production of blood cells in bone marrow, known as hematopoiesis.
  9. A hormone that regulates calcium levels by breaking down bone when calcium is low.
  10. The highly movable joints surrounded by a fluid-filled capsule.
  11. The part of the skeleton that includes the limbs and girdles (shoulders and hips).
  12. A collection of blood outside of blood vessels, often occurring after bone injury.
  13. Bone cells that break down and reabsorb bone tissue.
  14. The joints connected by fibrous tissue, allowing little to no movement.
  15. A hormone produced by the thyroid gland that helps regulate calcium levels in the blood.
  16. Points where two or more bones meet, allowing movement.
  17. Smooth tissue at the ends of bones that allows for frictionless joint movement.
  18. The process of forming red and white blood cells in bone marrow.
  1. The hollow area or cavity in the diaphysis of a long bone, containing bone marrow.
  2. The growth plate, a layer of cartilage that allows bones to grow in length.
  3. The part of the skull that encloses the brain.
  4. The discs or pads of cartilage between vertebrae that cushion and allow movement.
  5. The strong connective tissue that attaches muscles to bones.
  6. Crystalline mineral that gives bones their hardness and strength.
  7. The ends of a long bone, often involved in joint movement.
  8. The function of bones in storing minerals and fat for the body.
  9. Mature bone cells responsible for maintaining bone tissue.
  10. The function of bones to bear the weight of the body.
  11. The organic part of bone matrix, primarily composed of collagen.
  12. A dense layer of tissue covering the outer surface of bones.
  13. The joints where bones are connected by cartilage, allowing limited movement.
  14. Layers of bone tissue found in osteons.
  15. Tiny channels that connect osteocytes, allowing nutrient and waste exchange.
  16. The central part of the skeleton, including the skull, spine, and ribcage.
  17. The porous, inner part of bone that reduces its weight and contains bone marrow.
  18. The system or framework of bones and cartilage that supports and protects the body.
  19. Structural units of compact bone, arranged in concentric circles.
  20. The role of bones in encasing and safeguarding vital organs.
  21. The tough connective tissue that connects bones to other bones at joints.
  22. The individual bones that make up the spinal column.

40 Clues: Layers of bone tissue found in osteons.The part of the skull that encloses the brain.The shaft or long, central part of a long bone.Cells responsible for producing new bone tissue.Bone cells that break down and reabsorb bone tissue.The individual bones that make up the spinal column.The function of bones to bear the weight of the body....

Skeletal System 2022-01-04

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. located on the knee
  2. also called the pelvis
  3. top of the cervical vertebrae
  4. bone on the shoulder
  5. longest bone in the body
  6. the vertebrae below the thoracic vertebrae
  7. bone in the wrist in line with the thumb
  8. cord that attaches muscle to bone
  9. skull bone
  10. break in the bone
  11. curvature of the spine
  12. 12 pair of them
  1. below the atlas in the cervical vertebrae
  2. jaw
  3. bone in wrist in line with the pinky
  4. heel of the foot
  5. strong flexible connective tissue
  6. longest bone in the arm
  7. the end part of the sacrum
  8. elastic connective tissue that attaches bones

20 Clues: jawskull bone12 pair of themheel of the footbreak in the bonelocated on the kneebone on the shoulderalso called the pelviscurvature of the spinelongest bone in the armlongest bone in the bodythe end part of the sacrumtop of the cervical vertebraestrong flexible connective tissuecord that attaches muscle to bonebone in wrist in line with the pinky...

Skeletal System 2020-08-20

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. There are 26 bones in the human....
  2. This bone protects the brain from any injuries.
  3. You should always exercise to look after you bones Even just a quick...... is good.
  4. ....... helps your bones to become denser.
  5. The smallest bone in our body is in our.....
  6. You should have this many ribs but some people have more.
  7. The unla is a long bone which is in your....
  8. This fluid helps joints move easier.
  9. Only 10% of the world's animals are........ (humans included)
  1. these bones support our body's movement.
  2. What are your bones mostly made of?
  3. You more likely to get osteoporosis if you are a......
  4. Bones are filled with spongy tissue called.....
  5. This tissue connect bones to other bones.
  6. This important bone supports most of our body weight.
  7. ...... helps your bones to stop rubbing together.
  8. This is the longest and strongest bone in our body
  9. To do CPR properly you have to start by finding this bone.
  10. What in the human body, once broken, can heal itself?
  11. Not everyone may like them but these foods are good for bones as well.

20 Clues: What are your bones mostly made of?There are 26 bones in the human....This fluid helps joints move easier.these bones support our body's movement.This tissue connect bones to other bones........ helps your bones to become denser.The smallest bone in our body is in our.....The unla is a long bone which is in your.......

Skeletal System 2020-08-20

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. these bones support our body's movement.
  2. ...... helps your bones to stop rubbing together.
  3. This tissue connect bones to other bones.
  4. There are 26 bones in the human....
  5. To do CPR properly you have to start by finding this bone.
  6. Not everyone may like them but these foods are good for bones as well.
  7. This important bone supports most of our body weight.
  8. This fluid helps joints move easier.
  9. The smallest bone in our body is in our.....
  10. Bones are filled with spongy tissue called.....
  11. The unla is a long bone which is in your....
  1. What are your bones mostly made of?
  2. ....... helps your bones to become denser.
  3. What in the human body, once broken, can heal itself?
  4. This is the longest and strongest bone in our body
  5. Only 10% of the world's animals are........ (humans included)
  6. You more likely to get osteoporosis if you are a......
  7. You should have this many ribs but some people have more.
  8. This bone protects the brain from any injuries.
  9. You should always exercise to look after you .bones Even just a quick...... is good.

20 Clues: What are your bones mostly made of?There are 26 bones in the human....This fluid helps joints move easier.these bones support our body's movement.This tissue connect bones to other bones........ helps your bones to become denser.The smallest bone in our body is in our.....The unla is a long bone which is in your.......

Skeletal System 2022-02-20

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. vertebrae number 20-24
  2. large bone in the heel of the foot
  3. vertebrae number 8-19
  4. tubular bones between wrist and digits
  5. small bone in lower leg
  6. upper hip bone
  7. second cervical vertebrae
  8. inner bone in lower arm
  9. short angular bones that makes up the ankle
  10. large bone in lower leg
  11. upper jaw
  1. cheekbone
  2. upper arm
  3. forehead
  4. bones in the fingers and toes
  5. tailbone
  6. first 7 vertebrae
  7. lower jaw
  8. upper leg
  9. first cervical vertebrae
  10. kneecap

21 Clues: kneecapforeheadtailbonecheekboneupper armlower jawupper legupper jawupper hip bonefirst 7 vertebraevertebrae number 8-19vertebrae number 20-24small bone in lower leginner bone in lower armlarge bone in lower legfirst cervical vertebraesecond cervical vertebraebones in the fingers and toeslarge bone in the heel of the foot...

Skeletal System 2013-11-11

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. short bones that make up the wrist
  2. heelbone
  3. anatomical name of the collarbone
  4. a term that is used for both fingers and toes
  5. attach bone to bone
  6. attach muscle to bone
  7. kneecap
  8. bone of the upper arm
  9. smaller bone in the lower leg
  10. tibs that attach to the spine and the sternum
  1. short bones that make up the ankle
  2. shinbone
  3. the lower jawbone
  4. upper jawbone
  5. long bones in the palm of your hand
  6. number of cervical vertebrae
  7. process tip of the breast bone
  8. attach to the spine but do not attach on the front
  9. bone in the forearm on the little finger side
  10. frontal bone that the ribs attach to
  11. shoulder blade
  12. attach the spinal column to the coxa
  13. bone in the forearm on the thumb side
  14. upper leg bone

24 Clues: kneecapshinboneheelboneupper jawboneshoulder bladeupper leg bonethe lower jawboneattach bone to boneattach muscle to bonebone of the upper armnumber of cervical vertebraesmaller bone in the lower legprocess tip of the breast boneanatomical name of the collarboneshort bones that make up the ankleshort bones that make up the wrist...

Skeletal System 2014-05-12

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. a soft connective tissue that is found in the spaces of many bones
  2. ends of a long bone
  3. ankle bones
  4. a membrane that surrounds bone
  5. a condition in which the body's bones become weak and break easily
  6. an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
  7. shaft of a long bone
  8. number of facial bones (spell number)
  9. 26 small bones that make up your backbone
  10. the strong connective tissue that holds bones in joints together
  11. narrow opening in a bone
  12. lower jaw bone
  1. tailbone; forms the end of the spine
  2. a substitute for a diseased or missing body part
  3. a disease in which joints become irritated or inflamed
  4. typical number of bones in adult skeleton
  5. a place in the body where 2 bones come together
  6. your framework that is made up of all the bones in your body
  7. thigh bone; largest bone in the body
  8. connective tissue that is more flexible than the bone

20 Clues: ankle boneslower jaw boneends of a long boneshaft of a long bonenarrow opening in a bonea membrane that surrounds bonetailbone; forms the end of the spinethigh bone; largest bone in the bodynumber of facial bones (spell number)typical number of bones in adult skeleton26 small bones that make up your backbone...

Skeletal System 2014-05-13

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. _____ is the bone in the upper arm
  2. If you move from a sitting to a standing position, the joint movement that occurs at the knee is called ____
  3. The bones of the wrist are the ____
  4. _____ is one of the four cranial bones
  5. _____ is an abnormal "hunchback" appearance
  6. Another name for the breast bone is the _____
  7. The shoulder and hip are _____ ___ _____ joints
  8. _____ is the outer covering of the bone
  9. ____ is the process of blood cell formation in the red bone marrow of bones
  10. _____ is located on the thumb side of the hand
  11. _____ _____ is bone that broke through skin
  12. The shoulder girdle consist of _____ ___ _____
  13. _____ is the medical term for kneecap
  14. _____ bones are found in the skull
  15. _____ is one of the three parts of the pelvis
  16. Porous bones are called ____ ____
  17. A _____ fracture is a bone injury that does not completely separate the bone
  18. _____ is an infection of the bone
  19. Seven pairs of costal cartilages join seven pairs of ribs directly to the sternum. These are known as _____ _____
  20. A _____ is a damaged ligament
  21. _____ is the central opening on the vertebrae for the passage of the spinal cord
  22. ____ is a disease caused from a lack of vitamin D and can cause a person to have bowlegs
  23. _____ is pain in your big toe
  1. Areas where cranial bones join together to form immovable joints are called ____
  2. The act of movement away from the body is ____
  3. Applying a cast around a fracture _____ the bone
  4. If you broke your clavicle, you'd have a bone injury called a ____
  5. _____ is located on the pinky side of the hand
  6. The _____ _____ is made up of the skull, spine, and ribs
  7. Total number of bones in the body (four words)
  8. The cranium protects the ____
  9. _______ ______ is a chronic, autoimmune disease.
  10. The medical term for the finger bone is _____
  11. The heel bone is known as the ____
  12. Inflammation of joints is _____
  13. _____ is caused by poor posture (Swaybacked)
  14. The shaft of the long bone is called ____
  15. Immovable joints are found in the _____ _____
  16. The only movable bone of the face is the _____
  17. _____ is when the spine is curved from side to side
  18. What is an osteocyte? _____ _____
  19. ____ is the movement used to turn your head side to side to say "No"
  20. _____ is the largest bone in the body
  21. ____ is the fluid that reduces the friction during movement
  22. When you're old and your bones become more porous, lose calcium and phosphorous and are more likely to fracture, you have a condition called ____
  23. Bones are composed of microscopic cells called ____
  24. One function of the skeletal system is to store ____
  25. Flexion means ____

48 Clues: Flexion means ____The cranium protects the ____A _____ is a damaged ligament_____ is pain in your big toeInflammation of joints is _____Porous bones are called ____ ____What is an osteocyte? _____ __________ is an infection of the bone_____ is the bone in the upper armThe heel bone is known as the _________ bones are found in the skull...

Skeletal System 2014-01-21

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Ear bones
  2. Jaw bone
  3. Bony protection for eye
  4. Collarbone
  5. Ankle bump
  6. Bones of the wrist
  7. Where two bones meet
  8. Shoulder blade
  9. soft core of bone
  10. Large bump
  11. Backbone
  12. Infection of bone
  13. Seed-like bone
  14. Funny bone?
  15. Kneecap
  16. Narrow part of a long bone
  17. Bone in throat
  1. Metacarpophalangeal joint
  2. Easily fractured wrist bone
  3. Heel
  4. Bones of the foot
  5. Buckle fracture
  6. Shin bone
  7. Open fracture
  8. Membrane covering bone
  9. Bone building cell
  10. Outer layer of bone
  11. Circular bone?
  12. Childhood fracture
  13. Longest bone in the body
  14. Point of elbow
  15. Breastbone
  16. Finger (or toe) bone

33 Clues: HeelKneecapJaw boneBackboneEar bonesShin boneCollarboneAnkle bumpLarge bumpBreastboneFunny bone?Open fractureShoulder bladeCircular bone?Point of elbowSeed-like boneBone in throatBuckle fractureBones of the footsoft core of boneInfection of boneBones of the wristBone building cellChildhood fractureOuter layer of boneWhere two bones meet...

Skeletal System 2015-02-09

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. dense flexible connective tissue
  2. shaft of bone
  3. thighbone
  4. person who treats joint and connective tissue disorders
  5. T1-T12
  6. tailbone
  7. atrophy of the bones
  8. long bone extending from shoulder to elbow
  9. to form bone
  10. bone cells
  11. C1-C7
  12. kneecap
  13. broken bone
  14. straight line through physical body
  15. one of two bones extending from the elbow to the wrist
  1. formation of cartilage
  2. medical specialty concerned with preservation of bones
  3. end of long bone
  4. five bones fused together at the end of the spine
  5. to straighten a joint
  6. injury to the ligament
  7. having to do with something attached
  8. L1-L5
  9. bending a joint

24 Clues: C1-C7L1-L5T1-T12kneecaptailbonethighbonebone cellsbroken boneto form boneshaft of bonebending a jointend of long boneatrophy of the bonesto straighten a jointformation of cartilageinjury to the ligamentdense flexible connective tissuestraight line through physical bodyhaving to do with something attachedlong bone extending from shoulder to elbow...

Skeletal System 2015-01-24

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. knee
  2. upper leg
  3. top of the skull
  4. we have 24
  5. shoulder blade
  6. form the arches of the foot
  7. upper arm
  8. finger side, lower arm
  9. end of spine, tail bone
  10. back to the skull
  11. neck
  12. the collarbone
  1. 7 ankle bones upper foot
  2. hip bone
  3. side of the skull
  4. larger bone, lower leg
  5. the lower jaw
  6. smaller bone, lower leg
  7. heel
  8. breast bone
  9. upper hand
  10. fingers and toes
  11. forehead
  12. the cheek area
  13. the upper jaw
  14. base of the skull
  15. thumb side, lower arm

27 Clues: kneeheelneckhip boneforeheadupper legupper armwe have 24upper handbreast bonethe lower jawthe upper jawshoulder bladethe cheek areathe collarbonetop of the skullfingers and toesside of the skullbase of the skullback to the skullthumb side, lower armlarger bone, lower legfinger side, lower armsmaller bone, lower legend of spine, tail bone...

Skeletal System 2014-11-09

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. a space between the bones of the skull in an infant or fetus, where ossification is not complete
  2. a small channel or duct
  3. a hyaline cartilage plate in the metaphysis at each end of a long bone
  4. occurs when the cartilage model also grows in thickness due to the addition of more extracellular matrix on the peripheral cartilage surface
  5. the formation of bone
  6. the shaft or central part of a long bone
  7. the soft tissue found between the articular capsule (joint capsule) and the joint cavity of synovial joints.
  8. a cell that secretes the matrix for bone formation
  9. the formation and development of blood cells
  10. the apposition or formation of new bone as a normal physiologic process
  11. the most common and most movable type of joint
  1. a bone cell, formed when an osteoblast becomes embedded in the matrix it has secreted
  2. a cell that has secreted the matrix of cartilage and become embedded in it
  3. A cyclical process by which bone maintains a dynamic steady state through resorption and formation of a small amount of bone at the same site.
  4. bone marrow mainly made up of fat cells
  5. a dense layer of vascular connective tissue enveloping the bones except at the surfaces of the joints
  6. a haversian canal with the concentrically arranged laminae of bone that surround it
  7. an opening, hole, or passage, especially in a bone
  8. a type of continuous, slightly movable joint
  9. the process or action by which something is reabsorbed

20 Clues: the formation of bonea small channel or ductbone marrow mainly made up of fat cellsthe shaft or central part of a long bonea type of continuous, slightly movable jointthe formation and development of blood cellsthe most common and most movable type of jointan opening, hole, or passage, especially in a bone...

Skeletal System 2015-09-24

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Neck vertebrae
  2. Electricity
  3. Thighbone
  4. Heel
  5. to visually examine
  6. Membrane surrounding bone
  7. Vitamin D deficiency
  8. device used in arthroscopy
  9. Treats joints and connective tissue disorder
  10. Realigning a bone fracture
  11. foot,child
  12. Formation of bone
  13. Inflammation of joints
  14. -malacia
  15. Shaft of the long bone
  16. Bone marrow
  1. Dense, flexible connective tissue
  2. Lower spinal column
  3. Wrist
  4. turning palm/foot upward
  5. Removal of rib
  6. Drug derived from opium
  7. Removing fluid from a joint
  8. Inflammation
  9. Both sides
  10. S-shaped curvature
  11. Tumor
  12. Surgical cutting of bone
  13. Movement
  14. Bending or being bent
  15. cheir/o

31 Clues: HeelWristTumorcheir/oMovement-malaciaThighbonefoot,childBoth sidesElectricityBone marrowInflammationNeck vertebraeRemoval of ribFormation of boneS-shaped curvatureLower spinal columnto visually examineVitamin D deficiencyBending or being bentInflammation of jointsShaft of the long boneDrug derived from opiumturning palm/foot upward...

Skeletal System 2015-09-19

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. place where bones come together
  2. breast bone
  3. surgical repair of a joint
  4. pain in the ribs
  5. one of three bones of the hip
  6. shoulder blade
  7. chest
  8. one of two bones extending from the elbow to the wrist
  1. movement away from the midline of the body
  2. injury to a ligament
  3. turning the palm or foot upward
  4. large bone extending from the shoulder and ending at the elbow
  5. ankle bone
  6. field of study that deals with joints and connective tissue disorder
  7. knee cap
  8. tail bone
  9. shin bone
  10. bones that make up the fingers
  11. main bone of the shoulder girdle
  12. wrist bone

20 Clues: chestknee captail boneshin boneankle bonewrist bonebreast boneshoulder bladepain in the ribsinjury to a ligamentsurgical repair of a jointone of three bones of the hipbones that make up the fingersturning the palm or foot upwardplace where bones come togethermain bone of the shoulder girdlemovement away from the midline of the body...

skeletal system 2015-10-01

skeletal system crossword puzzle
  1. wrist
  2. neck
  3. joins cranial bones
  4. surgical repair of bone
  5. tibia
  6. kneecap
  7. movement away from the midline of the body
  8. chest
  9. field of joints and CT disorders
  10. turning outward
  11. femur/o
  12. pain in a bone
  1. collarbone
  2. shoulder blade
  3. where bones come together
  4. bone is made of
  5. little joint movement
  6. dense, flexible connective tissue
  7. calcane/o
  8. having to do with an arm
  9. break in a bone
  10. lower jawbone

22 Clues: neckwristtibiachestkneecapfemur/ocalcane/ocollarbonelower jawboneshoulder bladepain in a bonebone is made ofturning outwardbreak in a bonejoins cranial boneslittle joint movementsurgical repair of bonehaving to do with an armwhere bones come togetherfield of joints and CT disordersdense, flexible connective tissue...

Skeletal System 2015-09-26

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. bone that forms the cheeks
  2. inner surface of medullary cavity
  3. calcane/o
  4. pointing the toes downward
  5. joint inflammation
  6. joint with no movement
  7. turning the palm or foot upward
  8. end of a long bone
  9. a tear in a ligament
  1. bone that forms the bridge of the nose
  2. backward bending
  3. composed of cranial, facial, thoracic and spinal bones
  4. projection on the lower end of the sternum
  5. movement away from the midline of the body
  6. inside of diaphysis
  7. joint with little movement
  8. membrane covering most bones
  9. femur/o
  10. place where bones come together
  11. joint that has free movement
  12. shaft of a long bone
  13. turning inward
  14. dense, flexible connective tissue

23 Clues: femur/ocalcane/oturning inwardbackward bendingjoint inflammationend of a long boneinside of diaphysisshaft of a long bonea tear in a ligamentjoint with no movementbone that forms the cheeksjoint with little movementpointing the toes downwardmembrane covering most bonesjoint that has free movementplace where bones come together...

Skeletal System 2015-09-26

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. membrane covering most bones
  2. joint with little movement
  3. movement away from the midline of the body
  4. inside of diaphysis
  5. dense, flexible connective tissue
  6. turning the palm or foot upward
  7. inner surface of medullary cavity
  8. joint that has free movement
  9. bone that forms the bridge of the nose
  10. place where bones come together
  11. bone that forms the cheeks
  12. end of a long bone
  1. joint with no movement
  2. projection on the lower end of the sternum
  3. a tear in a ligament
  4. calcane/o
  5. turning inward
  6. backward bending
  7. composed of cranial, facial, thoracic and spinal bones
  8. joint inflammation
  9. shaft of a long bone
  10. femur/o

22 Clues: femur/ocalcane/oturning inwardbackward bendingjoint inflammationend of a long boneinside of diaphysisa tear in a ligamentshaft of a long bonejoint with no movementjoint with little movementbone that forms the cheeksmembrane covering most bonesjoint that has free movementturning the palm or foot upwardplace where bones come together...

Skeletal System 2015-09-26

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. membrane covering most bones
  2. inside of diaphysis
  3. shaft of a long bone
  4. joint with little movement
  5. end of a long bone
  6. place where bones come together
  7. joint with no movement
  8. turning the palm or foot upward
  9. femur/o
  1. projection on the lower end of the sternum
  2. joint inflammation
  3. calcane/o
  4. composed of cranial, facial, thoracic and spinal bones
  5. a tear in a ligament
  6. dense, flexible connective tissue
  7. movement away from the midline of the body
  8. bone that forms the cheeks
  9. joint that has free movement
  10. backward bending
  11. bone that forms the bridge of the nose
  12. turning inward
  13. inner surface of medullary cavity

22 Clues: femur/ocalcane/oturning inwardbackward bendingjoint inflammationend of a long boneinside of diaphysisshaft of a long bonea tear in a ligamentjoint with no movementjoint with little movementbone that forms the cheeksmembrane covering most bonesjoint that has free movementplace where bones come togetherturning the palm or foot upward...

Skeletal System 2015-09-26

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Collarbone
  2. Both finger and toe bones
  3. Type of joint with free movement
  4. Long bone in upper arm
  5. Broken bone
  6. Bone cells
  7. To form bone
  8. Bones of the ankle
  9. Largest bone in the leg
  10. Lower jaw bone
  11. Shaft of a long bone
  1. Coccyx
  2. Bone in back of skull
  3. Patella
  4. Two pairs of ribs do this
  5. Bone disorder;reduction in bone mass
  6. Sideways curvature of the spine
  7. Movement away from midline of the body
  8. Twenty-four bones in a column
  9. Joint inflammation

20 Clues: CoccyxPatellaCollarboneBone cellsBroken boneTo form boneLower jaw boneJoint inflammationBones of the ankleShaft of a long boneBone in back of skullLong bone in upper armLargest bone in the legTwo pairs of ribs do thisBoth finger and toe bonesTwenty-four bones in a columnSideways curvature of the spineType of joint with free movement...

Skeletal System 2015-09-26

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. Lower jaw bone
  2. Broken bone
  3. Bone cells
  4. Collarbone
  5. To form bone
  6. Bone in back of skull
  7. Movement away from midline of the body
  8. Shaft of a long bone
  9. Bones of the ankle
  10. Coccyx
  11. Long bone in upper arm
  1. Patella
  2. Twenty-four bones in a column
  3. Joint inflammation
  4. Type of joint with free movement
  5. Bone disorder;reduction in bone mass
  6. Sideways curvature of the spine
  7. Largest bone in the leg
  8. Two pairs of ribs do this
  9. Both finger and toe bones

20 Clues: CoccyxPatellaBone cellsCollarboneBroken boneTo form boneLower jaw boneJoint inflammationBones of the ankleShaft of a long boneBone in back of skullLong bone in upper armLargest bone in the legTwo pairs of ribs do thisBoth finger and toe bonesTwenty-four bones in a columnSideways curvature of the spineType of joint with free movement...

Skeletal System 2015-09-27

Skeletal System crossword puzzle
  1. base of spine
  2. bone tissue
  3. incomplete break
  4. wrist bones
  5. scapula
  6. rib
  7. free moving joint
  8. bone marrow
  9. attach muscle to bone
  10. lower jaw bone
  11. ankle bones
  1. pelvo
  2. base of sternum
  3. moving around central axis
  4. patella
  5. carpo
  6. heel bone
  7. bone
  8. attach bones to bones
  9. bending or being bent
  10. spondylo
  11. collarbone

22 Clues: ribbonepelvocarpopatellascapulaspondyloheel bonecollarbonebone tissuewrist bonesbone marrowankle bonesbase of spinelower jaw bonebase of sternumincomplete breakfree moving jointattach bones to bonesbending or being bentattach muscle to bonemoving around central axis