space Crossword Puzzles

SPACE 2018-12-02

SPACE crossword puzzle
  1. It is the second planet from the sun.
  2. It is the opposite of fast.
  3. It is the opposite of far.
  4. It is the opposite of small.
  5. It is in the middle of the solar system.
  6. It means move around.
  7. It is the opposite of close.
  8. It is the answer to 'why'.
  9. It is a noun.
  10. It is the sixth planet from the sun.
  11. It has 365 days on Earth.
  12. It was 24 hours.
  1. It is the opposite of close.
  2. It is the answer to 'why'.
  3. The fourth planet from the sun.
  4. It is the opposite of big.
  5. it means spin.
  6. It is the third planet from the sun.
  7. It is the seventh planet from the sun.
  8. It is the furthest planet from the sun.
  9. It is the fifth planet from the sun.
  10. The first planet from the sun.

22 Clues: It is a means spin.It was 24 hours.It means move around.It has 365 days on Earth.It is the answer to 'why'.It is the opposite of big.It is the opposite of far.It is the answer to 'why'.It is the opposite of fast.It is the opposite of close.It is the opposite of small.It is the opposite of close.The first planet from the sun....

SPACE 2018-05-08

SPACE crossword puzzle
  1. cargo of rocket
  2. an optical instrument designed to make distant objects appear nearer, containing an arrangement of lenses, or of curved mirrors and lenses, by which rays of light are collected and focused and the resulting image magnified
  3. the stabilizing and guiding unit of a model rocket, an aerodynamic surface projecting from the rocket body for the purpose of giving the rocket directional stability
  4. Allen belt each of two regions of intense radiation partly surrounding the earth at heights of several thousand kilometers
  5. each of a series of Soviet artificial satellites, the first of which was the first satellite to be placed in orbit
  6. a small celestial body composed of rock and metal
  7. a unit of measurement equal to 149.6 million kilometers, the mean distance from the center of the earth to the center of the sun
  8. the path of a celestial body in its revolution about another
  9. a celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star
  10. a jet engine containing its own propellant and driven by reaction propulsion
  1. lacking a crew
  2. recovery rocket recovery system in which the engine's ejection charge causes it to convert into a glider which creates lift as it flies through the air
  3. a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure
  4. a space entirely devoid of matter
  5. movement, or a tendency to move, toward a center of attractive force, as in the falling of bodies to the earth
  6. the federal agency that built and operated the space shuttles from 1981 through 2012
  7. a person trained to travel in space
  8. a compartment for the pilot and sometimes also the crew in an aircraft or spacecraft
  9. any celestial body orbiting around a planet or star
  10. planet a celestial body resembling a small planet but lacking certain technical criteria that are required for it to be classed as such

20 Clues: lacking a crewcargo of rocketa space entirely devoid of mattera person trained to travel in spacea small celestial body composed of rock and metalany celestial body orbiting around a planet or starthe path of a celestial body in its revolution about anothera celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star...

SPACE 2018-05-09

SPACE crossword puzzle
  1. Allen belt each of two regions of intense radiation partly surrounding the earth at heights of several thousand kilometers
  2. cargo of rocket
  3. a person trained to travel in space
  4. a compartment for the pilot and sometimes also the crew in an aircraft or spacecraft
  5. a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure
  6. an optical instrument designed to make distant objects appear nearer, containing an arrangement of lenses, or of curved mirrors and lenses, by which rays of light are collected and focused and the resulting image magnified
  7. a jet engine containing its own propellant and driven by reaction propulsion
  8. lacking a crew
  9. recovery rocket recovery system in which the engine's ejection charge causes it to convert into a glider which creates lift as it flies through the air
  10. the stabilizing and guiding unit of a model rocket, an aerodynamic surface projecting from the rocket body for the purpose of giving the rocket directional stability
  1. the federal agency that built and operated the space shuttles from 1981 through 2012
  2. a unit of measurement equal to 149.6 million kilometers, the mean distance from the center of the earth to the center of the sun
  3. movement, or a tendency to move, toward a center of attractive force, as in the falling of bodies to the earth
  4. any celestial body orbiting around a planet or star
  5. each of a series of Soviet artificial satellites, the first of which was the first satellite to be placed in orbit
  6. a space entirely devoid of matter
  7. a small celestial body composed of rock and metal
  8. the path of a celestial body in its revolution about another
  9. planet a celestial body resembling a small planet but lacking certain technical criteria that are required for it to be classed as such
  10. a celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star

20 Clues: lacking a crewcargo of rocketa space entirely devoid of mattera person trained to travel in spacea small celestial body composed of rock and metalany celestial body orbiting around a planet or starthe path of a celestial body in its revolution about anothera celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star...

space 2022-01-01

space crossword puzzle
  1. beautiful rings
  2. the red planet
  3. two stars orbiting eachother
  4. a (liquid/gas/solid) planet
  5. the star of earth
  6. the biggest planet
  7. an area where stars are visible in quantity
  8. a group of solar systems that circle a black hole
  9. container of all galaxies
  10. the smallest planet
  1. a theoretical twin to number that pushes
  2. rock, ice, or gas where possible life can begin
  3. a group of planets that circle a star
  4. a bright ball of gas that produces light and heat
  6. a planet that is far away from its sun
  7. same name as a cartoon dog from mickey mouse
  8. stuff like picies scorpios
  9. gravitational pull can pull even light
  10. something earth mercury mars and venus share
  11. the hottest planet

21 Clues: the red planetbeautiful ringsthe star of earththe biggest planetthe hottest planetthe smallest planetcontainer of all galaxiesDONT YOU DARE SAY THE JOKEstuff like picies scorpiosa (liquid/gas/solid) planettwo stars orbiting eachothera group of planets that circle a stara planet that is far away from its sungravitational pull can pull even light...

Space 2022-03-08

Space crossword puzzle
  1. is everything.
  2. the planet that was a planet but now isn't.
  3. an event in which a planet's subsolar point passes through its Equator.
  4. a celestial body of gas that shines by radiation derived from its internal energy sources.
  5. a luminous envelope of a star from which its light and heat radiate.
  6. the planet with rings.
  7. way: our solar system is in the ____.
  8. the second planet from the sun.
  9. the dusty cold dessert planet.
  10. the blue planet.
  11. a group of stars that create or form a pattern in the sky.
  1. even bigger bluer planet.
  2. the planet with the red dot.
  3. a luminous envelope of plasma that surrounds the Sun and other celestial bodies. and expands millions of kilometers into space.
  4. the smallest planet.
  5. a satellite that orbits around the planet.
  6. an astronomical event that occurs when an astronomical object or spacecraft is temporarily obscured.
  7. a minor planet of the inner Solar System that is usually rock.
  8. the only planet that has water and life.
  9. an enormous cloud of dust.
  10. a celestial object consisting of a nucleus of ice and dust.
  11. a gravitationally bound system of stars.
  12. the star in the center of our solar system.

23 Clues: is everything.the blue planet.the smallest planet.the planet with rings.even bigger bluer enormous cloud of dust.the planet with the red dot.the dusty cold dessert planet.the second planet from the sun.way: our solar system is in the ____.the only planet that has water and life.a gravitationally bound system of stars....

SPACE 2013-11-27

SPACE crossword puzzle


Space 2013-11-11

Space crossword puzzle
  1. a group of stard,dust,gas and dark matters
  2. has 64 Moons
  3. orbits the Earth
  4. are things that float in space
  5. is the smallest moon on Mars
  6. are sent into space
  7. is one of our largest stars
  8. are believed to live on other planets
  9. get sent to planets and back
  10. known as the red planet
  11. is the hottest planet
  1. is a planet full of methane
  2. is the closet to the Sun
  3. is White/Grey colour
  4. are made of ice,co2 or methane mixed with dust
  5. has living things on it
  6. all our planets and stars are in it
  7. has rings made of ice
  8. is the largest moon on Mars
  9. rains diamonds
  10. is prat on a Rocketship

21 Clues: has 64 Moonsrains diamondsorbits the Earthare sent into spaceis White/Grey colourhas rings made of iceis the hottest planethas living things on itis prat on a Rocketshipknown as the red planetis the closet to the Sunis a planet full of methaneis the largest moon on Marsis one of our largest starsis the smallest moon on Mars...

Space 2014-03-31

Space crossword puzzle
  1. – small piece of rock, before entering Earth’s atmosphere
  2. – the closest planet to the Sun
  3. – our galaxy
  4. – takes one month to orbit the Earth
  5. – where Chris Hadfield lived in space
  6. – the hottest planet
  7. – the sixth planet from the Sun
  8. – the North Star
  9. – the largest planet
  10. – when an asteroid enters Earth’s atmosphere, also known as a shooting star
  1. – divides inner and outer planets
  2. – a meteor that touches the Earth’s surface
  3. – has a tail as it gets closer to the Sun
  4. – first planet discovered with a telescope
  5. – person trained to be on a spacecraft
  6. – number of planets in our solar system
  7. – large piece of rock that orbits the Sun
  8. – when the moon passes in front of the Sun
  9. – center of the solar system
  10. – orbit around the sun takes 365 days

20 Clues: – our galaxy– the North Star– the hottest planet– the largest planet– center of the solar system– the closest planet to the Sun– the sixth planet from the Sun– divides inner and outer planets– takes one month to orbit the Earth– where Chris Hadfield lived in space– orbit around the sun takes 365 days– person trained to be on a spacecraft...

Space 2014-03-31

Space crossword puzzle
  1. – person trained to be on a spacecraft
  2. – divides inner and outer planets
  3. – when an asteroid enters Earth’s atmosphere, also known as a shooting star
  4. – first planet discovered with a telescope
  5. – where Chris Hadfield lived in space
  6. – the largest planet
  7. – a meteor that touches the Earth’s surface
  8. – large piece of rock that orbits the Sun
  9. – has a tail as it gets closer to the Sun
  1. – takes one month to orbit the Earth
  2. – the hottest planet
  3. – when the moon passes in front of the Sun
  4. – the North Star
  5. – the closest planet to the Sun
  6. – center of the solar system
  7. – our galaxy
  8. – small piece of rock, before entering Earth’s atmosphere
  9. – number of planets in our solar system
  10. – orbit around the sun takes 365 days
  11. – the sixth planet from the Sun

20 Clues: – our galaxy– the North Star– the hottest planet– the largest planet– center of the solar system– the closest planet to the Sun– the sixth planet from the Sun– divides inner and outer planets– takes one month to orbit the Earth– where Chris Hadfield lived in space– orbit around the sun takes 365 days– person trained to be on a spacecraft...

Space 2013-05-20

Space crossword puzzle
  1. the duration of Earths revolution around the sun
  2. I am the closest planet to the Sun
  3. I was once a planet but and now a dwarf planet
  4. making one complete rotation around an object
  5. result of the pull of the moons gravity on Earth
  6. one of the reasons the Earth doesn't fall into the sun
  7. I am the planets closest to the Sun (2 words)
  8. Earth's natural satellite
  9. large pieces of rocks or metal
  10. I am so tilted on my axis that I rotate on my side
  11. I am made up of 70% water
  12. giant balls of gas that can have actual and apparent brightness
  1. I am almost the same size as my neighbouring planet
  2. I am smaller than a comet and I orbit the sun
  3. I have a large red spot on my surface that is a storm
  4. Surrounded by a 1000 ring system made of water and dust
  5. turning on an axis
  6. I am the planets further away from the Sun (2 words)
  7. largest star in our solar system
  8. I am large and blue and green with large dark spots
  9. Earth's tilt on its axis causes these
  10. chunks of dirty dark ice that are mixed with dirt and grit
  11. I have ice caps on my poles

23 Clues: turning on an axisEarth's natural satelliteI am made up of 70% waterI have ice caps on my poleslarge pieces of rocks or metallargest star in our solar systemI am the closest planet to the SunEarth's tilt on its axis causes theseI am smaller than a comet and I orbit the sunmaking one complete rotation around an object...

space 2015-10-26

space crossword puzzle
  1. it’s bright and it’s not a planet
  2. 12 people have gone there and its comes out at night
  3. it’s a planet and it was named after the Greek god of the sky
  4. giant it’s a planet that is made out of gas like Venus and Mars
  5. it’s a planet and it was name after t the god of war in Roman mythology (Ares)
  6. it’s not a planet and it’s not human some people believe it and other don't
  7. they are people and they are a few who can do this
  8. it’s a planet and it’s the smallest planet from our solar system
  9. it has 19 moons and was discovered by Urban Le Verier, John Couch Adams, and Johann Galle on September 23 in 1846
  10. it’s no longer considered a planet and it’s the smallest dwarf planet in the Solar System its smaller than earth moons
  1. it’s bright and it’s a planet and it’s the sixth largest planet
  2. a bright object in space that has a tail of gas and dust
  3. it only comes out at night and they is over billion of them
  4. it’s the largest planet in our solar system it has a moon that is bigger than Mercury
  5. it was the god of agriculture in Roman mythology and it’s also the father of Jupiter, the king of the Roman gods and it’s a planet
  6. star it’s a star but you can wish on it
  7. it’s also called a minor planet and it’s a small body that orbits around the sun
  8. it make everything stay on the ground
  9. it’s our home and it’s our planet
  10. hole it’s a place where money or lost item apparently disappear without trace

20 Clues: it’s bright and it’s not a planetit’s our home and it’s our planetit make everything stay on the groundstar it’s a star but you can wish on itthey are people and they are a few who can do this12 people have gone there and its comes out at nighta bright object in space that has a tail of gas and dust...

space 2015-12-12

space crossword puzzle
  1. planet4
  2. Thema1
  3. planet10
  4. planet1
  5. thema4
  6. planet2
  7. Disco2
  8. Disco3
  9. planet9
  10. Disco5
  11. tv3
  12. Disco1
  13. planet5
  14. thema9
  15. rock1
  16. hoes6
  17. rock2
  18. rock3
  19. Thema3
  20. hoes7
  21. planet8
  22. hoes4
  23. tv1
  24. hoes2
  1. hoes9
  2. thema10
  3. tv2
  4. plant3
  5. planet7
  6. hoes8
  7. hoes10
  8. thema8
  9. Disco4
  10. hoes5
  11. tv4
  12. rock5
  13. hoes3
  14. Thema2
  15. rock4
  16. hoes1
  17. thema5
  18. thema7
  19. tv5
  20. planet6
  21. thema6

45 Clues: tv2tv4tv3tv5tv1hoes9hoes8hoes5rock5hoes3rock4hoes1rock1hoes6rock2rock3hoes7hoes4hoes2Thema1plant3hoes10thema8thema4Disco4Disco2Disco3Thema2Disco5Disco1thema5thema9thema7Thema3thema6thema10planet4planet7planet1planet2planet9planet5planet6planet8planet10

SPACE 2015-12-12

SPACE crossword puzzle
  1. hoes7
  2. hoes1
  3. thema10
  4. Disco3
  5. Disco2
  6. hoes10
  7. hoes5
  8. planet6
  9. rock5
  10. planet1
  11. tv4
  12. rock1
  13. rock2
  14. hoes2
  15. hoes8
  16. Disco5
  17. thema8
  18. planet2
  19. thema4
  20. Disco1
  21. Disco4
  22. rock3
  23. planet5
  24. plant3
  1. Thema2
  2. thema6
  3. Thema1
  4. planet7
  5. tv3
  6. thema5
  7. hoes4
  8. thema9
  9. hoes6
  10. tv1
  11. rock4
  12. Thema3
  13. thema7
  14. tv2
  15. planet4
  16. tv5
  17. planet10
  18. planet8
  19. hoes3
  20. hoes9
  21. planet9

45 Clues: tv3tv4tv1tv2tv5hoes7hoes1hoes4hoes5hoes6rock5rock4rock1rock2hoes2hoes8hoes3hoes9rock3Thema2thema6Thema1Disco3thema5Disco2hoes10thema9Thema3thema7Disco5thema8thema4Disco1Disco4plant3planet7thema10planet6planet1planet4planet8planet2planet9planet5planet10

SPACE 2015-12-12

SPACE crossword puzzle
  1. planet6
  2. Thema2
  3. planet2
  4. rock2
  5. tv3
  6. planet10
  7. rock3
  8. planet1
  9. thema8
  10. Disco1
  11. hoes1
  12. hoes6
  13. Disco4
  14. hoes5
  15. hoes2
  16. hoes7
  17. thema5
  18. thema7
  19. plant3
  20. Disco3
  21. tv4
  22. rock5
  23. planet8
  24. tv2
  25. hoes3
  26. thema9
  1. hoes10
  2. hoes4
  3. thema6
  4. tv5
  5. Disco2
  6. Disco5
  7. planet5
  8. rock1
  9. hoes8
  10. thema10
  11. hoes9
  12. Thema1
  13. rock4
  14. Thema3
  15. tv1
  16. planet7
  17. thema4
  18. planet4
  19. planet9

45 Clues: tv5tv3tv1tv4tv2hoes4rock2rock1hoes8rock3hoes1hoes6hoes9hoes5hoes2hoes7rock4rock5hoes3hoes10Thema2thema6Disco2Disco5thema8Disco1Disco4Thema1thema5thema7Thema3plant3Disco3thema4thema9planet6planet2planet5planet1thema10planet7planet4planet9planet8planet10

Space 2016-04-06

Space crossword puzzle
  1. fall: falling without anything
  2. gravity: you are weightless
  3. nova:a ball of light that is a exploding of a big star
  4. laws:how the plants move
  5. comet:fast objects to train astronauts
  6. effect: use energy from gravitation fields to slingshot an object
  7. hole:nothing can escape not even light
  8. of space all of everything
  9. of the earth
  10. what the planets do to the sun
  11. energy:energy that is stored
  12. how much you weigh
  13. the dark part of the moon
  1. law of universal gravitation:all objects pull on each other
  2. motion:an object that falls side ways
  3. object in space that studies the earth and space
  4. planets attraction because of their masses
  5. it rotates around the sun
  6. of rocks that fall to the earth sometimes
  7. energy: energy that is in motion
  8. a rock that orbits the sun
  9. dwarf: a small star with lots of density
  10. how much is in an object

23 Clues: of the earthhow much you weighlaws:how the plants movehow much is in an objectit rotates around the sunthe dark part of the moonof space all of everythinga rock that orbits the sungravity: you are weightlessenergy:energy that is storedfall: falling without anythingwhat the planets do to the sunenergy: energy that is in motion...

Space 2016-05-21

Space crossword puzzle
  1. ___________ is the sixth planet from the sun
  2. A _________ is a curved path followed by a body in space as it moves around another Larger body
  3. __________ is the smallest planet
  4. _______ Known as the red planet, and is fourth from the sun
  5. A ___________ is an occasion when the moon passes between the earth and the sun so that you cannot see all or part of the sun for a time
  6. A ____________ is any one of the many small bodies that orbit around the sun
  7. __________ is the furthest known planet from the sun
  8. A _________ is a piece of rock from outer space that makes a bright line across the night sky as it burns up while falling through the earth’s atmosphere
  9. The ________ is the center of our solar system
  10. ____________ is the hottest planet
  1. A ___________ is an occasion when the earth passes between the moon and the sun so that you cannot see all or part of the moon for a time
  2. ____________ is a planet with the conditions for life to exist
  3. __________ is the largest planet
  4. A __________ is the amount of time it takes a body to complete one full orbit
  5. The ___________ _________ is located between Mars and Jupiter
  6. A ________ is the amount of time it takes for a body in space to make a complete rotation on it's axis
  7. A __________ is a small icy object in our solar system that develops a long, bright tail when it passes near the sun
  8. A __________ is a large ball of burning gas in space that we see as a point of light in the sky at night
  9. A ___________ is affected by the tilt in Earths axis
  10. ___________ is a planet that rotates on a axis which is perpendicular to that of earths
  11. __________ Earth's only natural satellite

21 Clues: __________ is the largest planet__________ is the smallest planet____________ is the hottest planet__________ Earth's only natural satellite___________ is the sixth planet from the sunThe ________ is the center of our solar systemA ___________ is affected by the tilt in Earths axis__________ is the furthest known planet from the sun...

Space 2023-03-05

Space crossword puzzle
  1. To go around the sun
  2. Astronauts fly in this
  3. The last planet
  4. You use it to look up into space
  5. The planet we live on
  6. a light blue planet
  7. There are many of these in the sky at night
  8. All the planets moon and sun are in this
  9. We see it at night
  10. A hot and yellow planet
  1. The biggest Planet
  2. Space does not have this so you float
  3. This happens when a meteor hits the Earth
  4. They go into space
  5. The red planet
  6. A grey planet that looks like the moon
  7. It is very big and very bright
  8. Rock or metal pieces that fly through space
  9. A person who studies and learns about space
  10. Has beautiful rings

20 Clues: The red planetThe last planetThe biggest PlanetThey go into spaceWe see it at nighta light blue planetHas beautiful ringsTo go around the sunThe planet we live onAstronauts fly in thisA hot and yellow planetIt is very big and very brightYou use it to look up into spaceSpace does not have this so you floatA grey planet that looks like the moon...

space 2022-09-22

space crossword puzzle
  1. the system that includes all our planets and the sun
  2. this planet heats up to 1400 degrees
  3. we have labeled jupiter and saturn this because of how the terrain is
  4. organisms that we believe live in space and that they are green and short
  5. it has 14 moons and is known for being super blue
  6. this spaceship brought Neil armstrong to the moon
  7. the biggest planet in our solar system made of gas
  8. the largest moon of saturn
  1. a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing can escape from getting sucked into it
  2. we sent these to the moon and mars to explore the rocky terrain
  3. this planet has rings and is a gas planet
  4. floating pieces of rock that travel through space
  5. a day in this planet is a year on earth and it is the 2nd planet to the sun
  6. the planet we are trying to live on
  7. the galaxy that our solar system is in
  8. humans have landed on this and it is considered a satellite for earth
  9. it is no longer considered a planet
  10. the energy source of all planets
  11. is the home to 7 billion organisms
  12. known for its funny name and it has small rings

20 Clues: the largest moon of saturnthe energy source of all planetsis the home to 7 billion organismsthe planet we are trying to live onit is no longer considered a planetthis planet heats up to 1400 degreesthe galaxy that our solar system is inthis planet has rings and is a gas planetknown for its funny name and it has small rings...

Space 2022-12-10

Space crossword puzzle
  1. Batas-batas wilayah atau kesatuan masyarakat hukum yang mempunyai batas wilayah
  2. Usaha untuk menilai kemajuan kegiatan pemanfaatan ruang dalam mencapai tujuan rencana tata ruang disebut.
  3. Cara penentuan batas terluar suatu wilayah untuk tujuan tertentu.
  4. Sektor ekspor ekspor berperan penting dalam pertumbuhan wilayah karena sektor ekspor dapat memberikan kontribusi penting tidak hanya kepada ekonomi wilayah tapi juga ekonomi nasional merupakan teori.
  5. Desa yang paling maju perkembangannya, dan memiliki kemandirian yang tunggi baik dalam bidang sosial maupun bidang ekonomi.
  6. Desa adalah hasil perpaduan antara kegiatan sekelompok manusia dengan lingkungannya.
  7. Suatu wilayah yang dilihat dari beberapa aspek memiliki ciri-ciri atau sifat yang cukup sama merupakan pengertian wilayah..
  8. Komponen alam dan lingkungan, termasuk Sumber Daya Alam (SDA) disebut komponen
  9. Fase dimana kota telah dianggap mati atau sudah tidak mampu berkembang atau sudah mencapai titik puncaknya disebut fase
  10. Proses kenaikan proporsi jumlah penduduk yang tinggal di kota
  11. Unsur yang terdiri atas sumber daya alam, sejarah, lokasi, agen perubahan dan pengambilan kebijakan.
  12. Teori ini dikemukakan oleh Ernest W. Burgess dalam Suparmini (2012) perkembangan kota-kota di suatu wilayah dimulai dari pusat atau inti kotanya.
  13. Suatu jenis kegiatan produksi yang berlandaskan pada proses pertumbuhan dan tumbuh-tumbuhan dan hewan.
  14. Wilayah yang mempunyai kegiatan utama bukan pertanian dengan susunan fungsi sebagai tempat pemukiman perkotaan, pemusatan dan distribusi pelayanan jasa pemerintahan, pelayanan sosial, dan kegiatan ekonomi.
  15. Kegiatan mengamati, mengawasi, dan memeriksa dengan cermat perubahan kualitas tata ruang dan lingkungan yang tidak sesuai dengan tata ruang.
  1. Wilayah yang lokasinya dekat pusat kota atau inti kota.
  2. Ciri-ciri desa adalah segala sifat atau pun kondisi yang dimiliki oleh desa sehingga menunjukkan adanya perbedaan antara desa dengan kota, siapakah yang mengemukakannya
  3. Jumlah penduduk 100.000 hingga ≤ 800.000 jiwa
  4. Klasifikasi kota berfungsi untuk mengelompokkan atau menggolongkan kota-kota tertentu berdasarkan karakteristik tertentu, siapa yang mengemukakannya
  5. Desa yang paling terbelakang, kehidupan tradisional dan sangat terikat oleh adat istiadat disebut
  6. Letak suatu daerah dilihat dari kenyataand di permukaan bumi.
  7. Keadaan dimana penduduk di suatu negara sebagian besar berprofesi sebagai petani.
  8. Distribusi peruntukan ruang dalam suatu wilayah yang meliputiperuntukan ruang untuk fungsi lindung dan peruntukan ruang untuk fungsi budi daya
  9. Proses memanusiakan manusia (Rustiadi dkk)
  10. Tahap perkembangan kota sudah mengarah ke sektor industri.
  11. Fase yang mencerminkan adanya perkembangan yang terjadi di wilayah pedesaan yang semakin maju, meskipun kondisi kehidupan masyarakatnya masih didasarkan pada kegiatan pertanian, pertambangan, maupun perikanan.
  12. Gerakan berpindah-pindah atau kesiapsiagaan untuk bergerak.
  13. Perangkat penataan ruang wilayah yang disusun berdasarkan pendekatan wilayah administratif yang secara hierarki.
  14. Teori yang dikemukakan oleh K.J Kansky. Teori ini di gunakan untuk mengetahui besar indeks konektivitas (kekuatan interaksi) antar kota dalam suatu wilayah yang di tekankan pada jaringan jalan.
  15. Wilayah yang penduduknya memiliki mata pencaharian nonpertanian, tetapi lebih mengarah pada berdagangan jasa disebut

30 Clues: Proses memanusiakan manusia (Rustiadi dkk)Jumlah penduduk 100.000 hingga ≤ 800.000 jiwaWilayah yang lokasinya dekat pusat kota atau inti kota.Tahap perkembangan kota sudah mengarah ke sektor industri.Gerakan berpindah-pindah atau kesiapsiagaan untuk bergerak.Letak suatu daerah dilihat dari kenyataand di permukaan bumi....

SPACE 2023-02-24

SPACE crossword puzzle
  1. Fireball passing through space.
  2. The sets of stars are called.
  3. It is the center of our system and gives us heat.
  4. It appears when the sun and moon align.
  5. Piece of stone that flies through space at high speed.
  6. Lights that appear in the sky in very cold places.
  7. They are the people who go inside the rocket into space.
  8. The person who studies space is called.
  9. It is before going out into space and it is blue.
  1. The outer layer of the earth that gives us gravity.
  2. We live in a.
  3. Object with which you can see the stars.
  4. The natural satellite of the earth is the.
  5. Large piece of metal that travels into space.
  6. The planet that has a ring is called.
  7. The red planet is.
  8. They are small planets and have a lot of light.
  9. Organization that studies space and commands rockets.
  10. It is what makes us be on the floor and not float.
  11. It is what we breathe and what prevents us from dying.

20 Clues: We live in a.The red planet is.The sets of stars are called.Fireball passing through space.The planet that has a ring is called.It appears when the sun and moon align.The person who studies space is called.Object with which you can see the stars.The natural satellite of the earth is the.Large piece of metal that travels into space....

Space 2023-04-27

Space crossword puzzle
  1. æghg
  2. t-10
  3. no clues from now
  4. work
  5. stars
  6. light
  7. moon mission
  8. air
  9. Sand
  10. adg
  1. high voice
  2. gas giant
  3. red
  4. mooo
  5. a place in space
  7. items now
  8. gas
  9. spaceman
  10. space study
  11. no
  12. A moon

22 Clues: noredgasairadgmoooæghgt-10workSandstarslightA moonspacemangas giantitems nowhigh voiceQWERTYUIOPspace studymoon missiona place in spaceno clues from now

SPACE 2020-01-16

SPACE crossword puzzle
  1. the milky way _______ is a _______
  2. our sister planet
  3. a jacket for this planet
  4. rusting ______ makes mars look red
  5. above the troposphere and below the mesosphere there is the ______
  6. most scientists believe that _______ is a elementary particle (meaning any of various fundamental subatomic particles, including those that are the smallest and most basic constituents of matter)
  7. this is where there is more cold particles
  8. a metallic body in outer space
  9. this has very strong gravity so much that light cant escape
  10. this is one of the dwarf planets
  11. our moon ______ earth
  1. Neil _______ was the first man to the moon
  2. supermasseve and _______ black holes types of black holes
  3. our ______ system
  4. _______ has more than 50 moons
  5. this planet is tipped on its side
  6. ______ orbit earth and give signals to scientists
  7. NASA's ______ spacecraft took the first close up pitcher of io
  8. Isaac ______ understood how one body can orbit another
  9. AKA the red planet
  10. the big ______ is what started the universe

21 Clues: our sister planetour ______ systemAKA the red planetour moon ______ eartha jacket for this planet_______ has more than 50 moonsa metallic body in outer spacethis is one of the dwarf planetsthis planet is tipped on its sidethe milky way _______ is a _______rusting ______ makes mars look redNeil _______ was the first man to the moon...

Space 2020-03-24

Space crossword puzzle
  1. ________ is the debris of in Asteroid
  2. ________ is a dwarf planet in our solar system
  3. Our sun is a _______
  4. What NASA stands for
  5. What keeps you on the ground
  6. ________ is the planet the moon Dia belongs to
  7. A person who went to the moon in 1969
  8. How long does it takes for Pluto to orbit the sun
  9. The movement of heat through
  1. ________the outer rim of our solar system
  2. Changes in the DNA
  3. People who go into space
  4. A planet that exists beyond our system
  5. A process in which water molecules pass through a membrane leaving dissolved particles
  6. ___________ spacecraft that went to Pluto
  7. ____________ how long it takes to get to Mars
  8. The study of the star
  9. The third planet in our solar system
  10. A piece of ice in space
  11. Ten letter word for oval - shaped

20 Clues: Changes in the DNAOur sun is a _______What NASA stands forThe study of the starA piece of ice in spacePeople who go into spaceWhat keeps you on the groundThe movement of heat throughTen letter word for oval - shapedThe third planet in our solar system________ is the debris of in AsteroidA person who went to the moon in 1969...

space 2020-04-05

space crossword puzzle
  1. multiple galaxy clusters
  2. an event at the end of a supergiant stars life, which can shine brighter than the galaxy
  3. an immensely big star
  4. what we are made of
  5. most planets are in these
  6. planets with a surface
  7. the fastest thing in the universe
  8. a really large star
  9. multiple galaxies
  1. a large star
  2. everything
  3. a small star
  4. a tiny planet, smaller than 3000km in diameter
  5. a star with great gravity
  6. a massive group of stars and planets
  7. a planet not in a solar system
  8. an area in space with so much gravity that not even light can escape
  9. planets made of gas
  10. one of the smallest things in the universe
  11. an extremely magnetic neutron star

20 Clues: everythinga large stara small starmultiple galaxieswhat we are made ofplanets made of gasa really large staran immensely big starplanets with a surfacemultiple galaxy clustersa star with great gravitymost planets are in thesea planet not in a solar systemthe fastest thing in the universean extremely magnetic neutron star...

Space 2020-03-18

Space crossword puzzle
  1. Name of a cape on the Florida coast used by the US Air Force to launch rockets
  2. Name of an animal and also the lunar module of Apollo 11
  3. My trajectory is ellipse-shaped, I come back on a same point of my ellipse every cycle. Churyumov–Gerasimenko is one of them.
  4. Name of the spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon
  5. Vehicle used for travelling in space
  6. Fourth planet of the solar system, its nickname is the red planet
  7. Space station placed in low Earth orbit permanently occupied by an international crew
  8. Space probe created by NASA to study the solar system
  9. Name of a robotic European Space Agency lander that accompanied the Rosetta spacecraft.
  10. Name of a car-sized rover designed to explore Mars as part of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission
  11. Name of the female dog sent into space in 1957
  1. Name of the tense relationship between the United States (and its allies), and the Soviet Union between the end of World War II and the fall of the Soviet Union
  2. Government agency responsible of the US space program
  3. Sputnik is one of them
  4. Name of an intergovernmental organisation of 22 member states (France is one of them) dedicated to the exploration of space.
  5. Curved path of a celestial object or spacecraft round a star, planet, or moon
  6. Name of and American astronaut who said “That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”
  7. Type of ray that Sputnik studied
  8. A Soviet Air Forces pilot and cosmonaut who became the first human to journey into outer space
  9. Name of a program organized by NASA in the second middle of the 20th century in search of microbial life on the surface of Mars.

20 Clues: Sputnik is one of themType of ray that Sputnik studiedVehicle used for travelling in spaceName of the female dog sent into space in 1957Government agency responsible of the US space programSpace probe created by NASA to study the solar systemName of an animal and also the lunar module of Apollo 11...

Space 2020-03-18

Space crossword puzzle
  1. Name of an intergovernmental organisation of 22 member states (France is one of them) dedicated to the exploration of space.
  2. Type of ray that Sputnik studied
  3. Space station placed in low Earth orbit permanently occupied by an international crew
  4. Vehicle used for travelling in space
  5. Name of a cape on the Florida coast used by the US Air Force to launch rockets
  6. Name of an animal and also the lunar module of Apollo 11
  7. My trajectory is ellipse-shaped, I come back on a same point of my ellipse every cycle. Churyumov–Gerasimenko is one of them.
  8. Sputnik is one of them
  9. Name of a robotic European Space Agency lander that accompanied the Rosetta spacecraft.
  10. Government agency responsible of the US space program
  1. Space probe created by NASA to study the solar system
  2. Name of and American astronaut who said “That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”
  3. Curved path of a celestial object or spacecraft round a star, planet, or moon
  4. Fourth planet of the solar system, its nickname is the red planet
  5. Name of the tense relationship between the United States (and its allies), and the Soviet Union between the end of World War II and the fall of the Soviet Union
  6. Name of the female dog sent into space in 1957
  7. Name of the spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon
  8. Name of a car-sized rover designed to explore Mars as part of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission
  9. A Soviet Air Forces pilot and cosmonaut who became the first human to journey into outer space
  10. Name of a program organized by NASA in the second middle of the 20th century in search of microbial life on the surface of Mars.

20 Clues: Sputnik is one of themType of ray that Sputnik studiedVehicle used for travelling in spaceName of the female dog sent into space in 1957Space probe created by NASA to study the solar systemGovernment agency responsible of the US space programName of an animal and also the lunar module of Apollo 11...

Space 2020-02-02

Space crossword puzzle
  1. next stage after main sequence when the average size star expands
  2. spherical object, gravitational field clears its orbit
  3. lump of rock that burns up in the earths atmosphere
  4. when the core of a red giant cools and dims
  5. when a white dwarf is dead
  6. when fusion stops in the super red giant
  7. when a star is stable
  8. elements up to this formed in average sized stars
  9. length of life of a massive star
  10. forms when dust and gas are pulled together by gravity
  11. natural satellite orbiting a planet
  12. element formed when hydrogen nuclei fuse
  1. clouds of dust and hydrogen, birth place of stars
  2. force that keeps planets in orbit
  3. lump of rock that enters the earths atmosphere
  4. theory of how the universe was formed
  5. formed after a supernova from a smaller core
  6. spherical object orbiting a star cannot clear its orbit
  7. when electromagnetic waves moving away from you are stretched
  8. lump of rock and ice with a large elliptical orbit
  9. scientists think it makes up most of the universe
  10. length of life of an average size star
  11. formed after a supernova from a larger core
  12. when the force of gravity and temperature of fusion are balanced
  13. when the protostar has become larger and hotter
  14. stage after main sequence of a massive star
  15. elements like this formed in a supernova

27 Clues: when a star is stablewhen a white dwarf is deadlength of life of a massive starforce that keeps planets in orbitnatural satellite orbiting a planettheory of how the universe was formedlength of life of an average size starwhen fusion stops in the super red giantelements like this formed in a supernovaelement formed when hydrogen nuclei fuse...

Space 2021-01-09

Space crossword puzzle
  1. objects natural object which is located outside Earth's atmosphere
  2. An American astronomer instrumental in development of contemporary stellar constellation
  3. measure of the level of ionizing radiation present in the environment at a particular location
  4. anything that occupies space and has mass
  5. an increase or decrease in the frequency of sound,light,or other waves
  6. nature of something's ingredients or constituents
  7. displacement of spectrallines towards longer wavelengths
  8. atomic number greater than 92
  9. an optical instrument used to observe distant objects
  10. something that is accepted as true without proof
  11. origin and development of the universe
  12. proved objects were actually galaxies
  13. contains our solar system
  14. theory an explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can be repeatedly tested and verified
  15. force by which a planet or other body draws objects towards its center
  16. first person to walk on the moon
  1. two or more atomic nuclei formed
  2. Danish chemist and astronomer
  3. instrument used to measure properties of light over a specific portion of the elctromagnetic spectrum
  4. cosmological model of the observable universe
  5. spherical region of universe comprising all matter observed from Earth
  6. theory of exponential expansion of space in the early universe
  7. used to distinguish the physical matter of the universe
  8. where all the stars and everything are
  9. self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true
  10. large group of smaller galaxy clusters
  11. lowest temperature
  12. a system of millions or billions of stars, together with gas and dust, held together by gravitational attraction

28 Clues: lowest temperaturecontains our solar systemDanish chemist and astronomeratomic number greater than 92two or more atomic nuclei formedfirst person to walk on the moonproved objects were actually galaxiesorigin and development of the universewhere all the stars and everything arelarge group of smaller galaxy clusters...

Space 2020-12-30

Space crossword puzzle
  1. The red planet
  2. Farthest planet in our solar system
  3. The closest planet to the Sun
  4. The green Planet
  5. Earth has one comes out at night
  6. Belt of rocks between Earth and Mars
  7. A person who travels to space
  8. How the universe began
  9. Creature from another planet
  10. First man on the moon
  11. vehicle used to travel to space
  12. One name for the collection of millions of stars
  1. planet with the largest set of rings
  2. Bodies made of gas
  3. planet named after a goddess.
  4. Small body of Ice and dust and particles that orbit the sun
  5. Another word for moon
  6. Imaginary line along which planets move
  7. Pluto is also called the _____ planet
  8. The earth orbits it
  9. The name of our galaxy
  10. First game played on the moon

22 Clues: The red planetThe green PlanetBodies made of gasThe earth orbits itAnother word for moonFirst man on the moonHow the universe beganThe name of our galaxyCreature from another planetplanet named after a goddess.The closest planet to the SunA person who travels to spaceFirst game played on the moonvehicle used to travel to space...

Space 2020-12-30

Space crossword puzzle
  1. Another word for moon
  2. First game played on the moon
  3. planet with the largest set of rings
  4. Bodies made of gas
  5. Small body of Ice and dust and particles that orbit the sun
  6. The earth orbits it
  7. Imaginary line along which planets move
  8. The closest planet to the Sun
  9. First man on the moon
  1. How the universe began
  2. Farthest planet in our solar system
  3. planet named after a goddess.
  4. Earth has one comes out at night
  5. vehicle used to travel to space
  6. A person who travels to space
  7. Creature from another planet
  8. One name for the collection of millions of stars
  9. The green Planet
  10. Belt of rocks between Earth and Mars
  11. The red planet
  12. The name of our galaxy

21 Clues: The red planetThe green PlanetBodies made of gasThe earth orbits itAnother word for moonFirst man on the moonHow the universe beganThe name of our galaxyCreature from another planetplanet named after a goddess.First game played on the moonA person who travels to spaceThe closest planet to the Sunvehicle used to travel to space...

Space 2021-03-16

Space crossword puzzle
  1. what is the name of the rover that landed on Mars 2021
  2. when a star collapses on itself, what does it become?
  3. what is the star that provides heat and light called?
  4. what is the smallest planet?
  5. which dwarf planet was originally considered a planet?
  6. which planet contains life in the milky way?
  7. what supercluster is the Milky way galaxy?
  8. who was the first person to set foot on the moon?
  9. What do you call scientists that study space and space travel
  10. when a star explodes, what can it become?
  1. what can also be referred to as a dirty snowball?
  2. what is also known as a shooting star?
  3. Which planet has 2 moons
  4. which planet is named after the roman king of gods?
  5. what planet is considered the sideways planet?
  6. what can also be called a miniature planet?
  7. neptune’s atmosphere is made up of hydrogen, helium and ______, which creates most of the blue color on Neptune.
  8. what is the hottest planet in the solar system?
  9. what type of mythical gods are all almost all of the planets named after?
  10. how many moons does earth have?
  11. what planet has visually noticeable rings?

21 Clues: Which planet has 2 moonswhat is the smallest planet?how many moons does earth have?what is also known as a shooting star?when a star explodes, what can it become?what supercluster is the Milky way galaxy?what planet has visually noticeable rings?what can also be called a miniature planet?which planet contains life in the milky way?...

Space 2021-03-30

Space crossword puzzle
  1. A celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star.
  2. A type of elementary particle from which protons and neutrons are formed. One of the most basic forms of matter.
  3. The amount of time it takes for the Earth to spin once on its axis.
  4. A small rocky body orbiting the sun. Are classified as minor planets.
  5. An event in which one celestial body obscures the passage of light between another and the observer.
  6. A small, frozen mass of dust and gas orbiting the sun. It spews into a giant ball of dust and gases larger than most planets if it orbits too close to the sun.
  7. The force which attracts a body towards the center of an object's mass.
  8. A large star around which the solar system moves.
  9. A regular, repeating path of an object around another one. It is called a satellite.
  10. A fixed group of stars that form configurations of creatures or objects in the sky. satellite An object such as the moon, a planet or a manmade machine that orbits a planet or a star.
  1. The line at which the earth's surface and the sky appear to meet.
  2. A group of stars, gas and dust held together by gravity.
  3. A biannual occurrence in which the sun crosses the celestial equator, when day and night are approximately equal in length.
  4. The near-vacuum between celestial bodies in where everything is found.
  5. The growing of a Moon's illumination. The opposite of this process is called waning.
  6. A small piece of an asteroid or a comet that has entered Earth's atmosphere. Seen as a streak of light in the sky.
  7. A biannual occurrence in which the sun reaches its maximum or minimum declination marked by the longest and shortest days of the year.
  8. A huge glowing ball of gas in outer space.
  9. An interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium and other ionized gases that act as a nursery for new stars.
  10. Eruptions on the surface of the Sun which trigger geomantic storms.

20 Clues: A huge glowing ball of gas in outer space.A large star around which the solar system moves.A group of stars, gas and dust held together by gravity.A celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star.The line at which the earth's surface and the sky appear to meet.The amount of time it takes for the Earth to spin once on its axis....

Space 2021-03-26

Space crossword puzzle
  1. Person who goes to space.
  2. Shape of planets.
  3. Made of rock or gas.
  4. You can see these fly across the sky.
  5. Term used for planets closer to the sun.
  6. Is completely silent.
  7. Fill in the blank, solar
  8. People make jokes using this planet's name.
  9. Galaxy that has the same name as a cadybar.
  1. Created to light the night sky.
  2. Another planet without moons.
  3. Tool used to view stars and planets.
  4. We live on this planet.
  5. The second largest planet.
  6. America's space organization.
  7. One of the planets without moons.
  8. Used to be counted as a planet.
  9. The hot star planets circle.
  10. Known to be dusty and cold.
  11. The sun is made of hydrogen and ?

20 Clues: Shape of planets.Made of rock or gas.Is completely silent.We live on this planet.Fill in the blank, solarPerson who goes to space.The second largest planet.Known to be dusty and cold.The hot star planets circle.Another planet without moons.America's space organization.Created to light the night sky.Used to be counted as a planet....

Space 2021-04-26

Space crossword puzzle
  1. It is the second largest moon of Pluto. This moon has a highly reflective surface.
  2. It is a small, irregular-shaped moon composed mostly of water ice.
  3. is the second object with more mass in the asteroid belt. This giant asteroid has separated into crust, mantle and core, much like Earth.
  4. Is a small natural satellite of Pluto. Has a double-lobed shape and has a highly-reflective surface
  5. is the third planet in our solar system. Is a rocky, terrestrial planet and it has a solid and active surface with mountains, valleys, canyons, plains and more.
  6. is the seventh planet in our solar system and is the coldest planet in the solar system. Is known as the “sideways planet”. This planet is blue-green in color and its atmosphere contains ice.
  7. This dwarf planet could be the 10# planet in our solar system but because it was really small is known as a dwarf planet. Also it has the name of one of the Greek Gods.
  8. is the fifth planet in our solar system and the biggest one. Is a gas giant planet and it doesn't have a solid surface. It is covered in swirling cloud stripes.
  9. is the first planet in our solar system and the smallest one. It has a solid surface that is covered with craters. It has no atmosphere, and it doesn't have any moons.
  10. It is an M-Type asteroid, its orbit period it’s about five Earth years. There is going to be a mission with the main purpose of investigating this asteroid.
  11. is the first mission to collect a sample of the near-Earth asteroid 101955 Bennu.
  12. solar probe this is a scientific mission to investigate the mysteries of the Sun’s corona and solar wind.
  13. it was discovered in June,26 of 2014. It is the most distant object visited by a spacecraft. Is the reddest outer solar system object visited by a spacecraft.
  14. 2 This is a comet with the shape of a flattened sphere, it is known as a fresh periodic comet.
  15. Is a dwarf planet and is the farthest planet from the sun. The surface of this planet is covered with ices, and has mountain ranges, light and dark regions, and craters.
  1. It is located in the Kuiper Belt, it's really cold and it is the second brightest icy dwarf planet.
  2. is the sixth planet in our solar system and the second largest planet. It is a gas giant planet made up mostly of helium and hydrogen and it has thousands of beautiful ringlets.
  3. Is the eight planet in our solar system. Is an ice giant and it is made of a thick soup of water, ammonia, and methane flowing over a solid core.
  4. is the second planet in our solar system. The surface of this planet is extremely dry and is the hottest planet in the solar system.
  5. Is the fourth planet in our solar system and is the second smallest planet. This planet is also named as the “Red Planet”. It is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere.
  6. they build up a spacecraft created to perform a detailed study of this comet, the spacecraft is called Rosetta. This comet was first observed in 1969.
  7. behind it provided scientists a unique and revolutionary view of the Sun- Earth system. In 2014 NASA operations lost contact with the spacecraft.
  8. this dwarf planet is a geologically active body also this planet has less than a third of the moon’s width.
  9. 10 It was NASA’s first mission to the outer planets. It was the first spacecraft to visit Jupiter, the first one to fly beyond Mars, the first one to fly through the main asteroid belt, it was the first human-made object to go beyond Neptune.
  10. Is a natural satellite of Pluto and is the third farthest moon from Pluto. Is the third largest moon.
  11. 1 it's a short-period comet and it has made many passages through the inner solar system. Also, it was the ninth periodic comet to be recognized as one.
  12. Is the largest moon of Pluto. Is so big that Pluto and this moon orbit each other. This moon has a frigid surface, covered with nitrogen ice, methane and possibly some water ice.
  13. this asteroid was discovered on Aug,13,1898. This asteroid is known for being the first asteroid to be orbited by a spacecraft.
  14. ahead it provides scientists a unique and revolutionary view of the Sun- Earth system. It is ahead of Earth in its orbit.
  15. is a star, a hot ball of glowing gases at the heart of our solar system.

30 Clues: It is a small, irregular-shaped moon composed mostly of water a star, a hot ball of glowing gases at the heart of our solar the first mission to collect a sample of the near-Earth asteroid 101955 Bennu.It is the second largest moon of Pluto. This moon has a highly reflective surface....

Space 2021-05-07

Space crossword puzzle
  1. the time or date (twice each year) at which the sun reaches its maximum or minimum declination, marked by the longest and shortest days (about June 21 and December 22)
  2. each of the aspects of the moon or a planet, according to the amount of its illumination, especially the new moon, the first quarter, the full moon, and the last quarter
  3. the planet on which we live
  4. an elongated rocket-propelled missile or spacecraft
  5. the branch of science which deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole
  6. the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world
  7. an artificial body placed in orbit around the earth or moon or another planet in order to collect information or for communication
  8. a small rocky body orbiting the sun
  9. the physical universe beyond the earth's atmosphere
  1. a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure
  2. a fixed luminous point in the night sky which is a large, remote incandescent body like the sun
  3. the path of a planet around a star
  4. the time or date (twice each year) at which the sun crosses the celestial equator, when day and night are of approximately equal length (about September 22 and March 20)
  5. a region of space having a gravitational field so intense that no matter or radiation can escape
  6. a system of millions or billions of stars, together with gas and dust, held together by gravitational attraction.
  7. a cloud of gas and dust in outer space, visible in the night sky either as an indistinct bright patch or as a dark silhouette against other luminous matter
  8. he shadow cast by the earth or moon over an area experiencing a partial eclipse
  9. representation of the signs of the zodiac or of a similar astrological system
  10. a person who is trained to travel in a spacecraft
  11. system the collection of eight planets and their moons in orbit around the sun, together with smaller bodies in the form of asteroids, meteoroids, and comets

20 Clues: the planet on which we livethe path of a planet around a stara small rocky body orbiting the suna person who is trained to travel in a spacecraftan elongated rocket-propelled missile or spacecraftthe physical universe beyond the earth's atmosphererepresentation of the signs of the zodiac or of a similar astrological system...

Space 2022-05-04

Space crossword puzzle
  1. Is a giant collection of solar systems held together by gravity.
  2. This is an object floating in space and it is the reason we are able to send things through the internet all around the globe.
  3. This is Saterns Largest moon and the only other thing in the universe with a rain cycle like Earth’s.
  4. These are small rock objects that orbit the Sun.
  5. It is an object with so much gravity that even light can not escape it making it completely black
  6. Many debates if this is a planet or not, it is also named after the Roman God of the underworld.
  7. A star that has a group of planets orbiting it.
  8. These orbit Planets, Earth has only one.
  9. This is what we call Earth going around the Sun or the Moon going around the Earth.
  10. Is a giant collection of galaxies, Some believe there is one and others believe there are many
  1. This is the vehicle that we use to get to space.
  2. Earth is one and we have 8 in our solar system
  3. This is a space station that different countries use and it orbits Earth
  4. These are pieces of an asteroid that break off and burn up in the atmosphere of Earth.
  5. The name of our galaxy.
  6. You can not hear or breathe in this because it is the absence of air, space is one.
  7. This is what we use to see objects in space from earth
  8. Is the ending of a star's life when it blows up
  9. These are giant, burning balls of light, billions can be seen.
  10. The planet that we live on.

20 Clues: The name of our galaxy.The planet that we live on.These orbit Planets, Earth has only one.Earth is one and we have 8 in our solar systemIs the ending of a star's life when it blows upA star that has a group of planets orbiting it.This is the vehicle that we use to get to space.These are small rock objects that orbit the Sun....

space 2022-05-12

space crossword puzzle
  1. when the air pressure inside it is higher
  2. what astronauts wear on their head
  3. a gas that is in the air and humans need
  4. the part of a spacecraft that people live
  5. tests that scientists do in space to find
  6. an important journey that a spacecraft or
  7. in space, liquids turn into this
  8. space with nothing in it (so sucks in
  9. the study of something in detail to find
  10. circular journey that spacecraft makes
  1. a person who goes into space
  2. a list of planned activities with times
  3. the state of having no weight
  4. a tube-shaped vehicle for travelling in
  5. the force that pulls objects to the ground
  6. when people are counting the time until
  7. going outside the spacecraft
  8. to move easily through air or water and
  9. a large amount of goods sent together to a
  10. the goods carried in a ship, air or

20 Clues: a person who goes into spacegoing outside the spacecraftthe state of having no weightin space, liquids turn into thiswhat astronauts wear on their headthe goods carried in a ship, air orspace with nothing in it (so sucks incircular journey that spacecraft makesa list of planned activities with timesa tube-shaped vehicle for travelling in...

SPACE 2022-11-16

SPACE crossword puzzle
  1. Most likely to break a world record
  2. Most likely to rule the world
  3. This planet is hot enough to melt metal
  4. Most likely to become a billionaire
  5. Known as the red planet
  6. The force with which a planet can move
  7. Most likely to become president
  8. The light of our world
  9. A formation of stars
  10. The largest planet
  11. This planet has the strongest winds in the solar system
  12. Most likely to travel the world
  13. Star signs
  1. Most likely to cure a disease
  2. The smallest planet
  3. Most likely never to be seen again
  4. Most likely to marry their school sweetheart
  5. A ball of gas and light
  6. Contains galaxies and is always expanding
  7. The only planet containing life
  8. Famous for its rings
  9. What is something that orbits the sun
  10. The thing that orbits around our planet
  11. Most likely to become an inventor
  12. A planet that rotates on its side
  13. A large object that is made of dust and ice
  14. No longer considered an official planet
  15. Most likely to win a nobel peace prize
  16. Most likely to become famous

29 Clues: Star signsThe largest planetThe smallest planetFamous for its ringsA formation of starsThe light of our worldA ball of gas and lightKnown as the red planetMost likely to become famousMost likely to cure a diseaseMost likely to rule the worldThe only planet containing lifeMost likely to become presidentMost likely to travel the world...

Space 2016-10-02

Space crossword puzzle
  1. 太空.
  2. It's big. It gives us out light and heat.
  3. 重要.
  4. same meaning as "big".
  5. To look for something.
  6. A sun and the planets that go around it are called a __________.
  7. 很久以前.
  8. The sun is actually a ________.
  9. Ours is called the Milky Way.
  10. 有時候.
  11. 外面.
  1. There are eight. There used to be nine.
  2. Aliens.
  3. Everything. Very very big.
  4. Goes around the sun.
  5. 動物.
  6. A person who goes into space.
  7. 人生.
  8. A big rock in space. Sometimes they hit the Earth.
  9. 山.
  10. Our planet.

21 Clues: 山.太空.重要.動物.人生.外面.有時候.很久以前.Aliens.Our planet.Goes around the sun.same meaning as "big".To look for something.Everything. Very very big.A person who goes into space.Ours is called the Milky Way.The sun is actually a ________.There are eight. There used to be nine.It's big. It gives us out light and heat....

space 2019-06-02

space crossword puzzle
  1. the burning up of a chunk of rock and metal pulled into the atmosphere
  2. number of planets as of 2006
  3. group of stars forming a picture
  4. planet with water and one moon
  5. everything that exists including energy, matter and space
  6. another name for the inner planets
  7. at the center of our solar system
  8. chunk of rock and metal pulled down through the atmosphere
  9. chunk of frozen material travelling in large orbits around the Sun
  10. astronomical event when the earth blocks out the moon
  11. time it takes for a planet to do one full revolution around the sun
  12. number of stars in our solar system
  1. when the chunk of rock and metal hits the earth
  2. any object that exists in space
  3. paths that planets travel in
  4. another name for a moon
  5. when the moon is not out
  6. time it takes for a planet to rotate once on its axis
  7. astonomical event when the moon blocks out the sun
  8. planet with no atmosphere but that has craters
  9. the study of everything beyond the Earth
  10. another name for the outer planets

22 Clues: another name for a moonwhen the moon is not outnumber of planets as of 2006paths that planets travel inplanet with water and one moonany object that exists in spacegroup of stars forming a pictureat the center of our solar systemanother name for the inner planetsanother name for the outer planetsnumber of stars in our solar system...

space 2019-05-05

space crossword puzzle
  1. Russian for ‘star’; name given to the module that controls the Russian part of the Space Station
  2. Collecting data and figuring out what it means, as a way of trying to understand better how things work
  3. Country that makes the giant robotic arm for the Space Station
  4. Name given to the Russian spaceship that brings supplies and fuel to the Space Station
  5. Name given to America’s laboratory module, which also controls most of Station’s functions
  6. American word for space traveler
  7. Nearly gravity-free environment in which experiments are conducted on the Station
  8. This American spacecraft delivers only cargo – not astronauts – to Station
  9. The first American spaceship to visit Station since the Space Shuttle was retired; designed to bring people and supplies
  10. An American spaceship designed to bring supplies to the Space Station
  1. Special module astronauts use to exit and enter the Station for spacewalks
  2. Special parts designed to unfold and release heat into the coldness of space so Station doesn’t overheat
  3. What the ‘A’ stands for in the name of the European cargo spaceship
  4. The first piece of the Station launched into orbit; it means ‘dawn’ in Russian
  5. The module with special windows for looking at the Earth and out into space
  6. What the ‘X’ stands for in JAXA (hint: it stands for the first sound of the word, not the letter it begins with)
  7. The giant beam which connects the solar arrays and radiators to the rest of the Space Station
  8. Place where experiments are conducted
  9. The part of the Station that turns sunlight into electricity
  10. Name given to Japan’s laboratory module, it means ‘hope’ in Japanese
  11. The first American spaceship to visit the Space Station since the Shuttle was retired
  12. Russian for ‘union’; it is the name of Russia’s spaceship that carries people to the Station and back again

22 Clues: American word for space travelerPlace where experiments are conductedThe part of the Station that turns sunlight into electricityCountry that makes the giant robotic arm for the Space StationWhat the ‘A’ stands for in the name of the European cargo spaceshipName given to Japan’s laboratory module, it means ‘hope’ in Japanese...

Space 2018-10-22

Space crossword puzzle
  1. The king of the Roman Gods was called ______.
  2. Astronomers use these to measure the distance between planets
  3. Trees help us breathe by providing this
  4. All the planets are apart of our ____________.
  5. The air around the planet
  6. Oxygen is a type of ____.
  7. Hmmm....this is hard, maybe the planet we are on?
  8. Named after the Roman Sea God
  9. At night we see this
  10. Our giant star
  11. The planet closest to the sun
  12. The _____ of Earth is mostly made up of Water
  1. Our Inquiry unit is on______.
  2. We are apart of the ______.
  3. The sister of Earth
  4. Generally the dependence of two or more
  5. A planet similar to Neptune
  6. We are a living _______.
  7. A synonym for space
  8. The second largest planet in our Solar System
  9. These form the rings of Saturn.
  10. There are many ____ in our Solar System
  11. The planet named after the Roman War God
  12. Saturn is known for its _____.

24 Clues: Our giant starThe sister of EarthA synonym for spaceAt night we see thisWe are a living _______.The air around the planetOxygen is a type of ____.We are apart of the ______.A planet similar to NeptuneOur Inquiry unit is on______.Named after the Roman Sea GodThe planet closest to the sunSaturn is known for its _____.These form the rings of Saturn....

Space 2023-05-08

Space crossword puzzle
  1. what's at the center of the universe?
  2. developed the model of the heliocentric universe
  3. the idea that the days referenced in Genesis are not 24 hour days
  4. earth centered universe
  5. Law of Universal Gravitation says smaller objects orbit more ___ objects
  6. the name of our galaxy
  7. how we "see" black holes
  8. when the gravitational fields of two galaxies interact
  9. a type of galaxy
  10. the idea that the universe was created in six literal days
  1. developed the Law of Universal Gravitation
  2. developed the model of the geocentric universe
  3. the idea that a gap of time lies between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2
  4. what's created when a star dies
  5. what's at the center of a heliocentric universe
  6. what type of galaxy is the Milky Way?
  7. built and used telescopes
  8. used Kepler's laws to mathematically prove a heliocentric universe
  9. discovered in 1923 by Edwin Hubble
  10. the study of the physical universe
  11. used telescopes to prove a heliocentric universe
  12. a type of galaxy
  13. matter that has mass, but cannot be seen or detected
  14. these stars collapse to form black holes
  15. idea that the universe was once hotter and denser than it is now
  16. observed and measured our closest neighboring galaxy
  17. matter that has the same size and mass, but opposite electric charge
  18. combined earth centered and sun centered universe
  19. Pluto is a ___ planet
  20. Modern astronomy comes with the invention of the ___
  21. what's at the center of the Milky Way?
  22. said we had a heliocentric universe, but not in circular orbits
  23. all stars begin as this

33 Clues: a type of galaxya type of galaxyPluto is a ___ planetthe name of our galaxyearth centered universeall stars begin as thishow we "see" black holesbuilt and used telescopeswhat's created when a star diesdiscovered in 1923 by Edwin Hubblethe study of the physical universewhat's at the center of the universe?what type of galaxy is the Milky Way?...

Space 2023-05-17

Space crossword puzzle
  1. ______ moon is the phase when the entire lit side of the moon can be seen from Earth.
  2. space craft that carries astronauts to space
  3. Rock found in the asteroid belt
  4. Name of a meteor once it reaches the Earth's surface
  5. The star that the earth revolves around.
  6. 6th planet from the sun
  7. The natural satellite that revolves around the Earth.
  8. The study of the moon, stars, and other objects in space.
  9. A person who travels to space
  10. A large round pit caused by the impact of a meteoroid.
  11. 3rd planet from the sun
  12. An optical instrument designed to make distant objects appear nearer.
  13. thin layer of gases that surround the Earth
  14. 8th planet from the sun
  1. 5th planet from the sun
  2. 2nd planet from the sun
  3. Each of the two days of the year on which neither hemisphere is tilted toward or away from the sun.
  4. 7th planet from the sun
  5. __________ tide, when the Sun, Earth, and moon are all in line and create extreme high and low tides.
  6. two days of the year on which the sun reaches its greatest distance north or south of the equator.
  7. _______ eclipse, where the moon passes directly between the earth and sun
  8. _______ eclipse, where the moon passes into the Earth´s shadow.
  9. National Aeronautics and Space Administration; formed in 1958 with the goal of placing an American in orbit.
  10. A relatively small, sometimes active object, which is composed of dirt and ices
  11. 1st planet from the sun
  12. The predictable rise and fall of ocean water due to the moon and sun's gravity.
  13. Used to be the 9th planet from the sun, now a dwarf planet

27 Clues: 5th planet from the sun2nd planet from the sun6th planet from the sun7th planet from the sun3rd planet from the sun1st planet from the sun8th planet from the sunA person who travels to spaceRock found in the asteroid beltThe star that the earth revolves around.thin layer of gases that surround the Earthspace craft that carries astronauts to space...

space 2023-07-03

space crossword puzzle
  1. 금성
  2. 목성
  3. 달의
  4. 은하
  5. 위성
  6. 궤도
  7. 토성
  8. 승무원
  9. 우주
  10. 혜성
  11. 표면
  1. 망원경
  2. 태양의
  3. 화성
  4. 일식 월식
  5. 행성
  6. 고리 반지
  7. 수성 수은
  8. 천문학자
  9. 외부의 외곽의
  10. 로켓
  11. 천문학
  12. 지구

23 Clues: 금성화성목성달의행성은하위성궤도토성우주로켓혜성지구표면망원경태양의승무원천문학천문학자일식 월식고리 반지수성 수은외부의 외곽의

Space 2023-06-02

Space crossword puzzle
  1. An instrument used to observe distant objects in space.
  2. A vast system of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity.
  3. A person trained to travel and work in space.
  4. When one celestial body obscures or blocks the light of another.
  5. A powerful and explosive event that occurs during the death of a massive star.
  6. Existing or occurring between stars.
  7. The force that attracts objects towards each other.
  8. An astronaut from Russia or the former Soviet Union.
  9. A celestial body that orbits around a star.
  1. An object that orbits around a larger body in space.
  2. A vehicle designed for travel or operation in outer space.
  3. A vehicle designed to propel itself by expelling exhaust gases from one end.
  4. A cloud of gas and dust in space, often where stars are formed.
  5. A small body of matter that enters the Earth's atmosphere and burns up, also known as a shooting star.
  6. A luminous celestial object made up of gas and emitting light.
  7. The path followed by one object around another due to gravity.
  8. The study of the movements and positions of celestial bodies to make predictions or interpretations.
  9. System The system comprising the Sun and the celestial bodies that orbit around it.
  10. Relating to the moon.
  11. A celestial object made up of ice, dust, and gas that orbits the Sun.

20 Clues: Relating to the moon.Existing or occurring between stars.A celestial body that orbits around a star.A person trained to travel and work in space.The force that attracts objects towards each other.An object that orbits around a larger body in space.An astronaut from Russia or the former Soviet Union....

Space 2023-05-30

Space crossword puzzle
  1. half the size of the sun and they shine with less light
  2. rapidly rotating neutron stars that blast out pulses of radiation
  3. a spiral galaxy that contains our solar system
  4. a group of stars that appear to form a pattern
  5. a telescope that uses mirrors
  6. when either the sun or the moon blocks each other
  7. an object that has survived space travel to land on the earth.
  8. an extreme amount of energy that may contain a supermassive black hole feeding on gas at the center of a distant
  1. a huge collection of dust, gas, stars and planets
  2. daily
  3. an area of such immense gravity that nothing, not even light, can escape
  4. cosmic snowballs of frozen gas that orbit the sun
  5. a doughnut shaped ring of icy objects around the sun
  6. small bits of matter accumulate and combine with more bits of matter
  7. everything
  8. planets that orbit a star
  9. a giant cloud of dust and gas in space
  10. phases the phases the moon goes through
  11. relating to the sky
  12. is an object in space that entered Earth's atmosphere and burned up
  13. a regular, repeating path that an object takes around an object.

21 Clues: dailyeverythingrelating to the skyplanets that orbit a stara telescope that uses mirrorsa giant cloud of dust and gas in spacephases the phases the moon goes througha spiral galaxy that contains our solar systema group of stars that appear to form a patterna huge collection of dust, gas, stars and planets...

SPACE 2023-05-31

SPACE crossword puzzle
  1. A piece of space rock that burns up in Earth's atmosphere
  2. A huge grouping of stars
  3. A vehicle designed for travel in space
  4. Has rings made of ice and dust
  5. The largest planet in our solar system
  6. The path an object takes around another
  7. The seventh planet from the sun
  8. An instrument used to observe distant objects in space
  9. A person who travels in space
  1. A celestial object with a tail
  2. The Red Planet
  3. A group of stars that form a pattern
  4. An object that orbits a planet
  5. The center of our solar system
  6. Earth's natural satellite
  7. A cloud of gas and dust in space
  8. An explosion that occurs when a star runs out of fuel
  9. hole An object with such strong gravity that nothing can escape it
  10. A space telescope named after astronomer Edwin Hubble
  11. The hottest planet in our solar system

20 Clues: The Red PlanetA huge grouping of starsEarth's natural satelliteA person who travels in spaceA celestial object with a tailAn object that orbits a planetThe center of our solar systemHas rings made of ice and dustThe seventh planet from the sunA cloud of gas and dust in spaceA group of stars that form a patternA vehicle designed for travel in space...

Space 2023-06-07

Space crossword puzzle
  1. Universe as a whole
  2. hole Region of space with extremely strong gravitational pull
  3. Luminous sphere of plasma in space
  4. Object that orbits a planet or star
  5. Instrument used to observe distant objects in space
  6. Earth's natural satellite
  7. Path followed by a celestial object around another object
  8. Person who travels in space
  9. Vast cloud of gas and dust in space
  1. Craft designed for space travel
  2. Vehicle used to travel through space
  3. Celestial body that orbits a star
  4. Study of celestial objects and phenomena
  5. Huge system of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity
  6. Extraterrestrial being
  7. Small celestial body that burns up upon entering Earth's atmosphere
  8. Celestial object composed of ice and dust
  9. The star at the center of our solar system
  10. Force that attracts objects toward each other
  11. Group of stars that form a recognizable pattern

20 Clues: Universe as a wholeExtraterrestrial beingEarth's natural satellitePerson who travels in spaceCraft designed for space travelCelestial body that orbits a starLuminous sphere of plasma in spaceObject that orbits a planet or starVast cloud of gas and dust in spaceVehicle used to travel through spaceStudy of celestial objects and phenomena...

SPACE 2024-01-19

SPACE crossword puzzle
  1. - Region of spacetime exhibiting gravitational pull.
  2. - Group of stars forming a recognizable pattern.
  3. - Russian term for an astronaut.
  4. - Vehicle used for space travel.
  5. - Interstellar cloud of dust and gas.
  6. - Small, rocky body in space.
  7. - Extraterrestrial life form.
  8. - Celestial object with a tail of gas and dust.
  9. - Optical instrument for observing distant objects in space.
  10. - Vast system of stars, gas, and dust.
  1. - Sun and the celestial bodies that orbit it.
  2. - Natural satellite of a planet.
  3. - Small celestial body entering the Earth's atmosphere.
  4. - Vehicle designed for travel or operation in outer space.
  5. - Artificial structure in space for human habitation.
  6. - Relating to the vast expanse of the universe.
  7. - Celestial body that orbits a star.
  8. - Person trained for space exploration.
  9. - Path an object takes around a celestial body.
  10. - Luminous celestial object in space.

20 Clues: - Small, rocky body in space.- Extraterrestrial life form.- Natural satellite of a planet.- Russian term for an astronaut.- Vehicle used for space travel.- Celestial body that orbits a star.- Interstellar cloud of dust and gas.- Luminous celestial object in space.- Vast system of stars, gas, and dust.- Person trained for space exploration....

space 2023-11-15

space crossword puzzle
  1. Whats the name of the planet
  2. Is there a sea in space?
  3. are seen in the sky at night
  4. There are millions of these things
  5. Why did Mickey Mouse visit the solar system?
  6. is third closest to the sun?
  7. will find there is only one
  8. Large as a mountain, small as a pea, Endlessly swimming in a water-less sea.
  9. Im red but Im not a stop light
  10. so Jupiter I am not.
  11. shower I am a shower that doesn’t get you wet. What am I?
  12. I move up when I get hot
  13. What wears rings but has no fingers
  14. closest one to planet Earth
  15. called the sun which shines so bright
  1. Im found in some thermometers
  2. am I?
  3. What drink is an alien’s favorite?
  4. What kind of music do aliens like?
  5. I am filled with many things: a dwarf, a hole, a clock, and you. What am I?
  6. What is the best way to get from earth to mars?
  7. I sparkle at night but disappear at day
  8. Why did all the pecans go to space?
  9. also the smallest planet
  10. It is a giant ball of gas which gives you heat and light.
  11. terms of moons that it has

26 Clues: am I?so Jupiter I am not.Is there a sea in space?also the smallest planetI move up when I get hotterms of moons that it haswill find there is only oneclosest one to planet EarthWhats the name of the planetare seen in the sky at nightis third closest to the sun?Im found in some thermometersIm red but Im not a stop light...

Space 2023-08-28

Space crossword puzzle
  1. the planet we live in.
  2. an intense localized eruption of electromagnetic radiation in the Sun's atmosphere.
  3. a vehicle that is used to go to space.
  4. food that can be eaten in space.
  5. the planet with a big ring around it.
  6. it include all of space, matter, and energy that space contain.
  7. the star in the middle of the solar system.
  8. a dwarf planet.
  9. the first person to go to space.
  10. minor planets.
  1. a person that goes to space.
  2. a space object that hits the surface of a planet or moon.
  3. the first dog to go to space.
  4. where gravity has become so strong that nothing around it can escape, not even light.
  5. the farthest planet from the sun.
  6. the smallest planet and the closest planet to the sun.
  7. the largest planet in our solar system.
  8. the earth's natural satellite.
  9. objects made out of dust and ice that orbit around the sun.
  10. a machine that orbit around a planet or star.
  11. is the galaxy that includes the solar system.

21 Clues: minor planets.a dwarf planet.the planet we live in.a person that goes to space.the first dog to go to space.the earth's natural that can be eaten in space.the first person to go to space.the farthest planet from the sun.the planet with a big ring around it.a vehicle that is used to go to space.the largest planet in our solar system....

Space 2024-04-04

Space crossword puzzle
  1. A natural satellite that orbits the Earth
  2. the star Earth orbits
  3. A gravitational field so strong that not even light can escape
  4. An enormous cloud of dust and gas occupying the space between stars and acting as a nursery for new stars
  5. All of space and everything in it including stars, planets, galaxies, etc
  6. A young star are in the early stages of formation
  7. The cycle the moon goes through
  8. A star that is among the most massive and brightest of all stars
  9. The planet we live on
  10. A diagram to classify stars
  11. 90% of stars are in this stage of their life cycle
  1. The galaxy the Earth is located in
  2. Where the moon is between the Earth and sun
  3. A extremely bright explosion of a star
  4. A star that has exhausted all of its nuclear fuel; plant size and very dense
  5. A celestial body that orbits stars
  6. A system of stars and all the objects that orbit it
  7. A dead star that no longer gives off light or heat
  8. The path of a celestial body in its revolution about another
  9. A star that is larger and brighter than a main sequence star

20 Clues: the star Earth orbitsThe planet we live onA diagram to classify starsThe cycle the moon goes throughThe galaxy the Earth is located inA celestial body that orbits starsA extremely bright explosion of a starA natural satellite that orbits the EarthWhere the moon is between the Earth and sunA young star are in the early stages of formation...

Space 2024-05-02

Space crossword puzzle
  1. earth
  2. a very large space station
  3. A planet with rings
  4. space telescope
  5. a element in a star
  6. nearest galaxy by the milky way
  7. 4th planet
  8. nothing
  9. 8th planet
  10. sucks things in
  11. brand of ATVs with a star as their logo
  12. triple star system
  1. group of stars
  2. Starlink/ around the earth
  3. earth going around the sun
  4. where stars are born
  5. launched in 1977
  6. 3rd planet
  7. an hour and 30 minutes
  8. force that a planet or object pulls together
  9. weight
  10. a doughnut-shaped region of icy bodies extending far beyond the orbit of Neptune
  11. 7th planet
  12. a galaxy
  13. a measurement
  14. A zodiac sign
  15. hot ball of gas
  16. milkyway

28 Clues: earthweightnothinga galaxymilkyway3rd planet7th planet4th planet8th planeta measurementA zodiac signgroup of starsspace telescopesucks things inhot ball of gaslaunched in 1977triple star systemA planet with ringsa element in a starwhere stars are bornan hour and 30 minutesStarlink/ around the earthearth going around the sun...

SPACE 2024-07-11

SPACE crossword puzzle
  1. It is the second planet from the sun.
  2. It is the opposite of fast.
  3. It is the opposite of far.
  4. It is the opposite of small.
  5. It is in the middle of the solar system.
  6. It means move around.
  7. It is the opposite of close.
  8. It is the answer to 'why'.
  9. It is a noun.
  10. It is the sixth planet from the sun.
  11. It has 365 days on Earth.
  12. It was 24 hours.
  1. It is the opposite of close.
  2. It is the answer to 'why'.
  3. The fourth planet from the sun.
  4. It is the opposite of big.
  5. it means spin.
  6. It is the third planet from the sun.
  7. It is the seventh planet from the sun.
  8. It is the furthest planet from the sun.
  9. It is the fifth planet from the sun.
  10. The first planet from the sun.

22 Clues: It is a means spin.It was 24 hours.It means move around.It has 365 days on Earth.It is the answer to 'why'.It is the opposite of big.It is the opposite of far.It is the answer to 'why'.It is the opposite of fast.It is the opposite of close.It is the opposite of small.It is the opposite of close.The first planet from the sun....

Space 2013-01-14

Space crossword puzzle
  1. The abbrevation for International Space Station
  2. hottest planet in the solar system
  3. An Object that helps you look at sky
  4. Tunnels through spacetime
  5. First man on the Earth's natural satellite
  6. Country that launched the first man in space
  7. Before the Space Shuttle this was used to travel to space
  8. biggest planet in the solar system
  1. Neme of the first artificial satellite
  2. What has a tail?
  3. A star's explosive finale
  4. Nemo of the Nicolaus Copernicus discovery
  5. The red planet
  6. One name for collection of million of stars
  7. A force that attracts one object to another
  8. First month of the summer
  9. Smallest planet in the solar system
  10. The English name for Earth's natural satellite
  11. Name of a person going to space
  12. Saturn has these

20 Clues: The red planetWhat has a tail?Saturn has theseA star's explosive finaleTunnels through spacetimeFirst month of the summerName of a person going to spacehottest planet in the solar systembiggest planet in the solar systemSmallest planet in the solar systemAn Object that helps you look at skyNeme of the first artificial satellite...

Space 2013-01-14

Space crossword puzzle
  1. First man on the Earth's natural satellite
  2. An Object that helps you look at sky
  3. A star's explosive finale
  4. biggest planet in the solar system
  5. The abbrevation for International Space Station
  6. Tunnels through spacetime
  7. The red planet
  8. hottest planet in the solar system
  9. One name for collection of million of stars
  10. Before the Space Shuttle
  1. Saturn has these
  2. Nemo of the Nicolaus Copernicus discovery
  3. The English name for Earth's natural satellite
  4. Name of a person going to space
  5. Country that launched the first man in space
  6. A force that attracts one object to another
  7. First month of the summer
  8. Smallest planet in the solar system
  9. Neme of the first artificial satellite
  10. What has a tail?

20 Clues: The red planetSaturn has theseWhat has a tail?Before the Space ShuttleA star's explosive finaleFirst month of the summerTunnels through spacetimeName of a person going to spacebiggest planet in the solar systemhottest planet in the solar systemSmallest planet in the solar systemAn Object that helps you look at sky...

Space!! 2013-10-10

Space!! crossword puzzle
  1. One of the moons of Mars
  2. Fifth planet
  3. It started the whole of creation
  4. You can see them around the moon sometimes
  5. A galaxy named after a hat
  6. Third to land on the moon
  7. Used to measure distance in space
  8. Helps you see the moon, stars, planets etc.
  9. Named after a Roman goddess of love and beauty
  1. A gas giant
  2. Our galaxy
  3. Something that helps us not float around
  4. can usually see it at night
  5. Where we live
  6. Number of planets
  7. A Layer of gases outside of Earth
  8. It rains diamonds on this planet
  9. Another name for extraterrestrial
  10. A Dwarf planet
  11. One of the moons of Mars

20 Clues: Our galaxyA gas giantFifth planetWhere we liveA Dwarf planetNumber of planetsOne of the moons of MarsOne of the moons of MarsThird to land on the moonA galaxy named after a hatcan usually see it at nightIt started the whole of creationIt rains diamonds on this planetA Layer of gases outside of EarthAnother name for extraterrestrial...

Space 2013-11-06

Space crossword puzzle
  1. has things living on it
  2. is the closet to the Sun
  3. is White/Grey
  4. all are planets and stars are in
  5. things that float in space
  6. is part of a rocket
  7. it orbits Earth
  8. has mountains and craters on it
  9. are believed to live on the orther planets
  1. also known as the red planet
  2. is the largest of Mar's moons
  3. has 64 Moons
  4. get sent to planets and back to Earth
  5. a group of stars, dust, gas and dark matters
  6. a planet full of methane
  7. rains diamonds
  8. made ice, rock, co2 or methane mixed with dust
  9. is the smallest of Mar's moons
  10. has rings made of ice
  11. is one of our largest stars

20 Clues: has 64 Moonsis White/Greyrains diamondsit orbits Earthis part of a rockethas rings made of icehas things living on itis the closet to the Suna planet full of methanethings that float in spaceis one of our largest starsalso known as the red planetis the largest of Mar's moonsis the smallest of Mar's moonshas mountains and craters on it...

space 2013-10-30

space crossword puzzle
  1. the people that go up to space
  2. hole the collapsed core of a massive star
  3. a space vehicle that travels space
  4. the eight and farthest planet from the sun in the solar system
  5. the study of the universe
  6. an imaginary belt across the sky in which the Sun, Moon, and all of the planets can always be found
  7. it is famous for its rings
  8. the seventh planet from the sun
  9. a chunk of frozen gasses, ice, and rocky debris that orbits the Sun.
  10. the red planet
  1. the dwarf planet
  2. very hot, fluid rock
  3. the galaxy that contains our solar system
  4. the death explosion of a massive star
  5. the planet we live on
  6. largest planet in our solar system
  7. the star at the center of the solar system
  8. rock a rock that was once molten
  9. it is the smallest and the closet to the sun
  10. a fracture or crack in a planet's surface caused by extension
  11. unidentified flying object
  12. the planet is named after a roman goddess of love and beauty

22 Clues: the red planetthe dwarf planetvery hot, fluid rockthe planet we live onthe study of the universeit is famous for its ringsunidentified flying objectthe people that go up to spacethe seventh planet from the sunrock a rock that was once moltenlargest planet in our solar systema space vehicle that travels spacethe death explosion of a massive star...

Space 2013-11-14

Space crossword puzzle
  1. a hole that sucks stuff up
  2. the planet closest to the sun
  3. the planet named after the god of the sea
  4. the big firey orb
  5. the piece of debris that floats through space
  6. the dwarf planet
  7. the planet that gets teased
  8. the 9 balls that float in our solar system
  9. a vechile used to fly through space
  10. a piece of debris that has a firey tail
  1. the ball that Nasa went to
  2. the planet famous for its rings
  3. a person in space
  4. the planet named after the god of love
  5. the endless sky in space
  6. our galaxy
  7. the red planet
  8. the tiny bright stuff that are all over the sky
  9. the biggest planet
  10. the planet we live on

20 Clues: our galaxythe red planetthe dwarf planeta person in spacethe big firey orbthe biggest planetthe planet we live onthe endless sky in spacethe ball that Nasa went toa hole that sucks stuff upthe planet that gets teasedthe planet closest to the sunthe planet famous for its ringsa vechile used to fly through spacethe planet named after the god of love...

Space 2015-03-14

Space crossword puzzle
  1. The closest planet to us
  2. Seen as a shooting star
  3. Light cant escape this
  4. What keeps us on the earth
  5. Its 5878625541248 miles long
  6. The first being in space
  7. Something man made that orbits a planet
  8. A minor planet that orbits the sun
  9. Was once a planet
  10. A chocolate bar was named after this galaxy
  11. A theory for the creation of the universe
  12. The red planet
  13. The rocket that launched on Oct 11th 1968 at Cape Kennedy
  14. Our closest star
  15. The first man in space
  1. The largest known star
  2. When a huge star explodes
  3. The second man on the moon
  4. A teaspoon of this is the heaviest known thing
  5. Used to see the stars
  6. The remains of a white dwarf star
  7. A type of orbit that takes 24 hours
  8. Our nearest galaxy
  9. A dead star that constantly flashes
  10. Causes the tides

25 Clues: The red planetCauses the tidesOur closest starWas once a planetOur nearest galaxyUsed to see the starsThe largest known starLight cant escape thisThe first man in spaceSeen as a shooting starThe closest planet to usThe first being in spaceWhen a huge star explodesThe second man on the moonWhat keeps us on the earthIts 5878625541248 miles long...

space 2015-10-26

space crossword puzzle
  1. it’s bright and it’s not a planet
  2. they are people and they are a few who can do this
  3. it’s our home and it’s our planet
  4. it’s no longer considered a planet and it’s the smallest dwarf planet in the Solar System its smaller than earth moons
  5. it’s also called a minor planet and it’s a small body that orbits around the sun
  6. it was the god of agriculture in Roman mythology and it’s also the father of Jupiter, the king of the Roman gods and it’s a planet
  7. it make everything stay on the ground
  8. it’s not a planet and it’s not human some people believe it and other don't
  9. it’s a planet and it was name after t the god of war in Roman mythology (Ares)
  1. it’s a planet and it’s the smallest planet from our solar system
  2. it has 19 moons and was discovered by Urban Le Verier, John Couch Adams, and Johann Galle on September 23 in 1846
  3. it’s the largest planet in our solar system it has a moon that is bigger than Mercury
  4. a bright object in space that has a tail of gas and dust
  5. star it’s a star but you can wish on it
  6. it’s a planet and it was named after the Greek god of the sky
  7. 12 people have gone there and its comes out at night
  8. hole it’s a place where money or lost item apparently disappear without trace
  9. it only comes out at night and they is over billion of them
  10. it’s bright and it’s a planet and it’s the sixth largest planet
  11. giant it’s a planet that is made out of gas like Venus and Mars

20 Clues: it’s bright and it’s not a planetit’s our home and it’s our planetit make everything stay on the groundstar it’s a star but you can wish on itthey are people and they are a few who can do this12 people have gone there and its comes out at nighta bright object in space that has a tail of gas and dust...

space 2015-02-24

space crossword puzzle
  1. everything that physically exists, the total space, galaxies, star etc…
  2. the outer most layer of the sun.
  3. Most chemical elements are made in a ………….
  4. In about 3000 years a total eclipse will be impossible because of the ……… theory.
  5. some ………… orbit black holes.
  6. Large Magellanic Cloud is the fourth largest …….. in the Local Group.
  7. ……….. was discovered on February 13-15 in 1974, by astronomers Bruce Balick and Robert Brown using the baseline interferometer of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.
  8. the Soviet Union threw Sputnik 1 which was the world's first artificial …….. to be sent into space orbit, In October 1957.
  9. an astronomer who discovered that there is other galaxies out there
  10. Huge bubbles of hot plasma rise up toward the surface, carrying energy.
  11. ……… is the fifth largest natural satellite in the Solar System.
  12. The only month that can occur without a ……. is February.
  13. ……… doesn't cooperate with baryonic matter and it's totally invisible to light and radiation.
  14. ……… is the largest galaxy in the Local Group Cluster because it contains many dark matter that makes it the most massive.
  15. a quantity of gas which is an early stage in the formation of a star.
  16. …….. keeps earth and the other planets in orbit around the sun, and the moon in orbit around earth.
  17. The longest a ……….. can last is 7.5 minutes.
  18. Omega Centauri is the largest ………. Its stars are 12 billion years old.
  19. the …….. occurs twice yearly, at the beginning of spring (around March 21) and the beginning of fall (around September 23)
  20. planet that was discovered in 1781 by William Herschel.
  21. the distance of a planet from the sun determines the period of its ………
  22. Some ……. are more visible in the southern hemisphere, while others are more visible in the northern hemisphere.
  23. all ………. Form inside a nebula
  24. gases that surround a planet or a star.
  25. planet that the ancient didn’t know about, was discovered in 1846.
  26. a star that is incredibly dense and its rotation is very fast.
  27. it’s the second densest planet.
  1. ………… has a short lifetime because it uses its fuel much faster than any type of stars.
  2. a star that has twice the mass of our sun.
  3. …… is a solar system small body made of ice and small parts of dust.
  4. the …. Is named after the astronomer Gerard who theorized that there is a disk lies after our solar system planets.
  5. at the speed of …….. you could travel from earth to the sun in around 10 -11 minutes.
  6. the universe was formed from one point called …………… that suddenly expanded.
  7. the hottest planet in the solar system.
  8. companies began stating their plans for upcoming mining operations to find (metals such as iron, nickel and even water) in the …. …..
  9. ………. Are the smallest type of galaxies and are full of gas and dust.
  10. …….. is the largest dwarf planet.
  11. ……… are pieces of rock or metal that are smaller than asteroids
  12. the winter ……. doesn't always occur on Dec. 21 sometimes it comes on dec.22.
  13. regions on the sun’s surface that has a high magnetic field
  14. a theory that states there was a smaller planet “the moon” orbiting the sun and it came close to earth therefore earth sucked it in.
  15. …….. release ten million times more energy than a volcano.
  16. the name of anyone who studies space.
  17. the ………. Is a spiral arm that measures around 3,500 light-years across and approximately 10,000 light-years in length.
  18. light from the ….. takes eight minutes to reach earth.

45 Clues: some ………… orbit black holes.all ………. Form inside a nebulait’s the second densest planet.the outer most layer of the sun.…….. is the largest dwarf planet.the name of anyone who studies space.the hottest planet in the solar system.gases that surround a planet or a star.a star that has twice the mass of our sun....

Space 2015-01-27

Space crossword puzzle
  1. Which numerals do we use today?
  2. Who sings 'I believe in a think called love'?
  3. This band has a song entitled '2+2=5'
  4. First animal to orbit the Earth.
  5. What is OneRepublic counting?
  6. Only number in the English language with the same number of letters as the number itself.
  7. Surname of the first human to journey into outer space.
  8. Which technological advancement is meant to fly according to Nicki Minaj?
  9. 3.14159 are the first 6 digits of which irrational number?
  10. 'Space Bound' is a song by which artist?
  11. Where is Pythagoras from?
  1. Which artist makes the profound claim that 'The square root of 69 is 8 somethin'?
  2. Hugely influential Italian astronomer and physicist. (Hint: Bohemian Rhapsody)
  3. Numeric system which does not have a symbol for zero.
  4. Oasis have a song entitled 'Champagne __________'.
  5. model for the birth of the universe.
  6. Study of space is called...
  7. What substance does Earth contain that is found on no other planet in the Solar System in liquid form?
  8. Biggest planet in Solar System.
  9. Taylor Swift has a 'blank ______, baby'
  10. Name of the first artificial Earth satellite.

21 Clues: Where is Pythagoras from?Study of space is called...What is OneRepublic counting?Which numerals do we use today?Biggest planet in Solar System.First animal to orbit the Earth.model for the birth of the universe.This band has a song entitled '2+2=5'Taylor Swift has a 'blank ______, baby''Space Bound' is a song by which artist?...

Space 2014-05-18

Space crossword puzzle
  1. Your mobile phone uses one of these in the sky.
  2. Vehicles that astronauts use are called this.
  3. Objects in outer space are called this.
  4. It is sometimes called a shooting star or falling star.
  5. What is the name of the Mars Rover?
  6. Person who goes into space.
  7. All things fall down because of it.
  8. The path planets take around the sun.
  9. When the moon passes the sun, it is called an...
  10. It is the Earth's moon
  11. Looks like a dirty snowball in space.
  12. Star at centre of solar system.
  1. It's called a solar neighbourhood or solar..?
  2. No one can hear you scream there.
  3. Something you look through to see the stars.
  4. It shines very brightly.
  5. They are also known as minor planets.
  6. Made of dust,gas,stars,clouds,galaxies and life.
  7. What orbits around the sun?
  8. It is named after the Roman god of war & agriculture

20 Clues: It is the Earth's moonIt shines very brightly.Person who goes into space.What orbits around the sun?Star at centre of solar system.No one can hear you scream there.What is the name of the Mars Rover?All things fall down because of it.They are also known as minor planets.The path planets take around the sun.Looks like a dirty snowball in space....

Space 2014-03-31

Space crossword puzzle
  1. - tidak berlebihan
  2. – baik kelakuannya
  3. – dapat mengerjakan sendiri
  4. - antonim datang
  5. - sinonim bagus
  6. – panjang akal, banyak ide
  7. – teratur dan bersih
  8. - kata dasar sabar jika di berikan awalan "pe-"
  9. - kata penghubung sebab akibat
  1. – berkata yang sebenarnya
  2. - lawan kata
  3. – baik tutur kata dan sikap
  4. – orang yang selalu memiliki harapan baik
  5. - antonim luas
  6. – memiliki daya cipta
  7. – kata dasar tonton jika di beri awalan "pe-"
  8. - kata dasar cerita jika di beri awalan "pe-"
  9. - sinonim sepi
  10. - makna awalan "pe-" pada kata penggaris, penghapus, pengait
  11. - persamaan kata

20 Clues: - lawan kata- antonim luas- sinonim sepi- sinonim bagus- antonim datang- persamaan kata- tidak berlebihan– baik kelakuannya– teratur dan bersih– memiliki daya cipta– berkata yang sebenarnya– panjang akal, banyak ide– baik tutur kata dan sikap– dapat mengerjakan sendiri- kata penghubung sebab akibat– orang yang selalu memiliki harapan baik...

Space 2014-03-31

Space crossword puzzle
  1. – our galaxy
  2. – large piece of rock that orbits the Sun
  3. – the closest planet to the Sun
  4. – person trained to be on a spacecraft
  5. – number of planets in our solar system
  6. – divides inner and outer planets
  7. – the North Star
  8. – has a tail as it gets closer to the Sun
  9. – the largest planet
  10. – first planet discovered with a telescope
  11. – when an asteroid enters Earth’s atmosphere, also known as a shooting star
  12. – the hottest planet
  1. – a meteor that touches the Earth’s surface
  2. – when the moon passes in front of the Sun
  3. – small piece of rock, before entering Earth’s atmosphere
  4. – center of the solar system
  5. – where Chris Hadfield lived in space
  6. – the sixth planet from the Sun
  7. – takes one month to orbit the Earth
  8. – orbit around the sun takes 365 days

20 Clues: – our galaxy– the North Star– the largest planet– the hottest planet– center of the solar system– the closest planet to the Sun– the sixth planet from the Sun– divides inner and outer planets– takes one month to orbit the Earth– where Chris Hadfield lived in space– orbit around the sun takes 365 days– person trained to be on a spacecraft...

SPACE 2015-12-12

SPACE crossword puzzle
  1. planet8
  2. Disco1
  3. rock3
  4. planet9
  5. Disco5
  6. Disco3
  7. Thema1
  8. hoes7
  9. plant2
  10. hoes1
  11. Disco4
  12. hoes9
  13. hoes5
  14. thema8
  15. thema4
  16. hoes6
  17. hoes4
  18. tv3
  19. thema10
  20. Disco2
  21. planet3
  1. hoes2
  2. planet6
  3. planet4
  4. Thema3
  5. planet5
  6. rock4
  7. hoes10
  8. thema5
  9. planet1
  10. thema9
  11. rock5
  12. planet7
  13. hoes8
  14. tv4
  15. tv5
  16. tv1
  17. hoes3
  18. rock1
  19. rock2
  20. Thema2
  21. tv2
  22. thema7
  23. thema6

44 Clues: tv4tv5tv1tv2tv3hoes2rock3rock4rock5hoes7hoes8hoes1hoes3hoes9rock1rock2hoes5hoes6hoes4Thema3Disco1hoes10Disco5thema5Disco3thema9Thema1plant2Disco4Thema2thema8thema7thema4thema6Disco2planet6planet8planet4planet5planet9planet1planet7thema10planet3

SPACE 2015-12-12

SPACE crossword puzzle
  1. hoes1
  2. planet9
  3. Disco3
  4. hoes4
  5. Disco1
  6. thema4
  7. thema8
  8. planet7
  9. rock1
  10. tv3
  11. Thema1
  12. hoes6
  13. Disco4
  14. hoes8
  15. hoes5
  16. thema7
  17. rock4
  18. hoes9
  19. tv1
  20. hoes3
  21. hoes7
  22. plant2
  1. hoes2
  2. planet4
  3. planet6
  4. planet8
  5. Disco2
  6. planet3
  7. Thema3
  8. rock5
  9. tv4
  10. thema10
  11. thema5
  12. rock3
  13. planet5
  14. hoes10
  15. Disco5
  16. tv5
  17. rock2
  18. planet1
  19. tv2
  20. thema6
  21. thema9
  22. Thema2

44 Clues: tv4tv3tv5tv1tv2hoes2hoes1hoes4rock5rock3rock1hoes6hoes8hoes5rock2rock4hoes9hoes3hoes7Disco3Disco2Disco1Thema3thema4thema8thema5Thema1hoes10Disco4Disco5thema7thema6thema9Thema2plant2planet4planet6planet9planet8planet3thema10planet7planet5planet1

Space 2016-03-02

Space crossword puzzle
  1. The biggest planet of the Solar system
  2. The biggest galaxy of the Local group
  3. A power that keeps planets orbiting the sun
  4. The smallest planet of the Solar system
  5. The fourth biggest moon in the solar system. Has a lot of volcanoes.
  6. Second planet from the sun
  7. Number of the Apollo flight that landed to the Moon
  8. A star system consisting of two stars orbiting around their common barycenter
  9. Number of moons orbiting planet Mars
  10. A satellite orbiting the Sun, may go really far away from the Sun and return after hundreds or thousands of year. Some contain water ice.
  11. A natural satellite orbiting Earth
  1. The biggest moon orbiting Saturn
  2. Eighth planet from the sun
  3. The center of the Solar system
  4. A circumstellar disc between planets Mars and Jupiter that contains asteroids, minor planets and debris
  5. A gravitationally bound system of starts, stellar remnants, interstellar gas, dust and dark matter
  6. Second biggest galaxy of the Local group
  7. Last name of the man who did the first spacewalk
  8. Third planet from the Sun
  9. The planet with least density on the Solar system

20 Clues: Third planet from the SunEighth planet from the sunSecond planet from the sunThe center of the Solar systemThe biggest moon orbiting SaturnA natural satellite orbiting EarthNumber of moons orbiting planet MarsThe biggest galaxy of the Local groupThe biggest planet of the Solar systemThe smallest planet of the Solar system...

Space 2016-04-06

Space crossword puzzle
  1. what the planets do to the sun
  2. laws:how the plants move
  3. object in space that studies the earth and space
  4. how much you weigh
  5. law of universal gravitation:all objects pull on each other
  6. the dark part of the moon
  7. effect: use energy from gravitation fields to slingshot an object
  8. it rotates around the sun
  9. nova:a ball of light that is a exploding of a big star
  10. energy: energy that is in motion
  11. gravity: you are weightless
  12. of space all of everything
  13. planets attraction because of their masses
  1. comet:fast objects to train astronauts
  2. energy:energy that is stored
  3. dwarf: a small star with lots of density
  4. a rock that orbits the sun
  5. hole:nothing can escape not even light
  6. of rocks that fall to the earth sometimes
  7. of the earth
  8. how much is in an object
  9. fall: falling without anything
  10. motion:an object that falls side ways

23 Clues: of the earthhow much you weighlaws:how the plants movehow much is in an objectthe dark part of the moonit rotates around the suna rock that orbits the sunof space all of everythinggravity: you are weightlessenergy:energy that is storedwhat the planets do to the sunfall: falling without anythingenergy: energy that is in motion...

Space 2016-04-21

Space crossword puzzle
  1. играть
  2. март
  3. космический корабль
  4. мотреть
  5. планета
  6. космос
  7. видеть
  8. звезда
  9. ты, вы
  10. учить
  11. Луна
  12. имя
  1. май
  2. буква
  3. презентация
  4. мой
  5. корабль
  6. место
  7. настроение
  8. слушать
  9. этот, эта
  10. деревья
  11. солнце
  12. звук
  13. читать

25 Clues: маймойимямартзвукЛунабукваместоучитьигратькосмосвидетьсолнцезвездаты, вычитатькорабльмотретьпланетаслушатьдеревьяэтот, этанастроениепрезентациякосмический корабль

SPACE 2018-05-07

SPACE crossword puzzle
  1. the path of a celestial body in its revolution about another
  2. any celestial body orbiting around a planet or star
  3. a person trained to travel in space
  4. planet a celestial body resembling a small planet but lacking certain technical criteria that are required for it to be classed as such
  5. Allen belt each of two regions of intense radiation partly surrounding the earth at heights of several thousand kilometers
  6. a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure
  7. the federal agency that built and operated the space shuttles from 1981 through 2012
  8. the stabilizing and guiding unit of a model rocket, an aerodynamic surface projecting from the rocket body for the purpose of giving the rocket directional stability
  9. a compartment for the pilot and sometimes also the crew in an aircraft or spacecraft
  10. cargo of rocket
  11. recovery rocket recovery system in which the engine's ejection charge causes it to convert into a glider which creates lift as it flies through the air
  1. an optical instrument designed to make distant objects appear nearer, containing an arrangement of lenses, or of curved mirrors and lenses, by which rays of light are collected and focused and the resulting image magnified
  2. a small celestial body composed of rock and metal
  3. a unit of measurement equal to 149.6 million kilometers, the mean distance from the center of the earth to the center of the sun
  4. movement, or a tendency to move, toward a center of attractive force, as in the falling of bodies to the earth
  5. lacking a crew
  6. each of a series of Soviet artificial satellites, the first of which was the first satellite to be placed in orbit
  7. a space entirely devoid of matter
  8. a jet engine containing its own propellant and driven by reaction propulsion
  9. a celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star

20 Clues: lacking a crewcargo of rocketa space entirely devoid of mattera person trained to travel in spacea small celestial body composed of rock and metalany celestial body orbiting around a planet or starthe path of a celestial body in its revolution about anothera celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star...

Space 2016-01-14

Space crossword puzzle
  1. “a mass of stone or metal that has reached the earth from outer space;a fallen meteorite” (
  2. “a continuous area or expanse that is free, available, or unoccupied”( .
  3. “the point on the celestial sphere vertically above a given position or observer” (
  4. “a hypothetical form of energy whose negative pressure counteracts gravity and is assumed to be responsible for the universe expanding at an accelerating rate.” (
  5. This is a satellite in Earth’s orbit that is used to observe astronomical, environmental, and geological research. One of the more interesting parts of the ISS is the research that NASA does on the effects of living in space for long periods of time, known as microgravity (Sharp).
  6. “the obscuration of the light of the moon by the intervention of the earth between it and the sun (lunar eclipse) or the obscuration of the light of the sun by the intervention of the moon between it and apoint on the earth (solar eclipse)” (
  7. “a creature from outer space; extraterrestrial.” (
  8. This was one of the most sad missions for America, in that three Americans lost their lives due to a fire that occurred inside the cockpit of the shuttle. (Dunbar “Apollo 1”)
  9. “the curved path of a celestial object or spacecraft around a star, planet, or moon, especially a periodic elliptical revolution” ( In orbit right now around the Earth are more than two thousand satellites, as well as space junk from previous missions.
  10. This was one of NASA’s most important missions. In this mission, NASA landed the first man on the moon Neil Armstrong. Arguably this is the most important mission for NASA because all in all they beat Russia to the moon and America established their amazing space program (Apollo 11).
  11. “any of the heavenly bodies, except the moon, appearing as fixed luminous points in the sky at night” (
  12. This telescope is the most powerful telescope known to man. The telescope can look into space at amazing distances, and it has discovered an immense amount of new galaxies, planets, etc. More recently, Hubble has captured the first ever predicted supernova explosion, further showing it’s amazing capabilities (Caught in the Act) (Hubble).
  13. “A cloud of interstellar gas and dust.” (
  14. This was the first satellite placed into the Earth’s orbit. This has huge significance in that it basically started what is known as the ‘space age’ (Sputnik 1).
  15. “the force of attraction by which terrestrial bodies tend to fall toward the center of the earth.” (
  16. “a system of millions or billions of stars, together with gas and dust, held together by gravitational attraction.” ( The milky way galaxy, where the Earth lies, is estimated to have about two hundred to three hundred billion celestial bodies.
  17. “the distance traversed by light in one mean solar year,about 5.88 trillion mi. (9.46 trillion km): used as a unit in measuring stellar distances” (
  18. “the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet.” (
  19. “a small body of matter from outer space that enters the earth's atmosphere, becoming incandescent as a result of friction and appearing as a streak of light” ( A meteor is also commonly known as a ‘shooting star’.
  20. This was the first spacecraft to touch base on Mars. It returned images of the surface and took scientific tests of the surface to try and find signs of life, which turned up negative (Viking 1).
  1. “the totality of known or supposed objects and phenomena throughout space; the cosmos; macrocosm” (
  2. “moving backward; having a backward motion or direction; retiring or retreating” (
  3. shower “the profusion of meteors observed when the earth passes through a meteor swarm” (
  4. “a star that suddenly increases greatly in brightness because of a catastrophic explosion that ejects most of its mass.” (
  5. “any of several U.S. space vehicles consisting of a reusable manned orbiter that touches down on a landing strip after an orbital mission,two reusable solid rocket boosters that drop off after initial ascent, and an expendable external tank containing liquid propellants.”
  6. “the sun together with all the planets and other bodies that revolve around it” (
  7. “the science that deals with the material universe beyond the earth's atmosphere” (
  8. “a theoretical massive object, formed at the beginning of the universe or by the gravitational collapse of a star exploding as a supernova, whose gravitational field is so intense that no electromagnetic radiation can escape” (
  9. “any of the eight large heavenly bodies revolving about the sun and shining by reflected light: Mercury,Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune, in the order of their proximity to the sun” (
  10. “the grouping or relative position of the stars as supposed to influence events, especially at a person's birth” (
  11. “the star that is the central body of the solar system, around which the planets revolve and from which they receive light and heat” (
  12. During this mission, NASA achieved orbit of another planet for the first time, and also the most influential photograph of all time was taken, known as “earthrise”. It features a glimpse of Earth from the moon that is truly beautiful and astounding. (Dunbar “Apollo 8”)
  13. “an artificial body placed in orbit around the earth or moon or another planet in order to collect information or for communication” ( Satellites are what make many things today possible, such as international communication, predicting weather, and even GPS. Without satellites the Earth would live in a less connected world.

33 Clues: “A cloud of interstellar gas and dust.” (“a creature from outer space; extraterrestrial.” (“the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet.” (“a continuous area or expanse that is free, available, or unoccupied”( ....

Space 2016-01-14

Space crossword puzzle
  1. “the obscuration of the light of the moon by the intervention of the earth between it and the sun (lunar eclipse) or the obscuration of the light of the sun by the intervention of the moon between it and apoint on the earth (solar eclipse)” (
  2. This was the first satellite placed into the Earth’s orbit. This has huge significance in that it basically started what is known as the ‘space age’ (Sputnik 1).
  3. “the curved path of a celestial object or spacecraft around a star, planet, or moon, especially a periodic elliptical revolution” ( In orbit right now around the Earth are more than two thousand satellites, as well as space junk from previous missions.
  4. “moving backward; having a backward motion or direction; retiring or retreating” (
  5. “the force of attraction by which terrestrial bodies tend to fall toward the center of the earth.” (
  6. This was one of the most sad missions for America, in that three Americans lost their lives due to a fire that occurred inside the cockpit of the shuttle. (Dunbar “Apollo 1”)
  7. During this mission, NASA achieved orbit of another planet for the first time, and also the most influential photograph of all time was taken, known as “earthrise”. It features a glimpse of Earth from the moon that is truly beautiful and astounding. (Dunbar “Apollo 8”)
  8. “an artificial body placed in orbit around the earth or moon or another planet in order to collect information or for communication” ( Satellites are what make many things today possible, such as international communication, predicting weather, and even GPS. Without satellites the Earth would live in a less connected world.
  9. “any of the eight large heavenly bodies revolving about the sun and shining by reflected light: Mercury,Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune, in the order of their proximity to the sun” (
  10. This telescope is the most powerful telescope known to man. The telescope can look into space at amazing distances, and it has discovered an immense amount of new galaxies, planets, etc. More recently, Hubble has captured the first ever predicted supernova explosion, further showing it’s amazing capabilities (Caught in the Act) (Hubble).
  11. “the point on the celestial sphere vertically above a given position or observer” (
  12. “a system of millions or billions of stars, together with gas and dust, held together by gravitational attraction.” ( The milky way galaxy, where the Earth lies, is estimated to have about two hundred to three hundred billion celestial bodies.
  13. “the totality of known or supposed objects and phenomena throughout space; the cosmos; macrocosm” (
  14. “the distance traversed by light in one mean solar year,about 5.88 trillion mi. (9.46 trillion km): used as a unit in measuring stellar distances” (
  15. This is a satellite in Earth’s orbit that is used to observe astronomical, environmental, and geological research. One of the more interesting parts of the ISS is the research that NASA does on the effects of living in space for long periods of time, known as microgravity (Sharp).
  16. shower “the profusion of meteors observed when the earth passes through a meteor swarm” (
  17. “A cloud of interstellar gas and dust.” (
  1. “a continuous area or expanse that is free, available, or unoccupied”( .
  2. “a mass of stone or metal that has reached the earth from outer space;a fallen meteorite” (
  3. “the star that is the central body of the solar system, around which the planets revolve and from which they receive light and heat” (
  4. “a star that suddenly increases greatly in brightness because of a catastrophic explosion that ejects most of its mass.” (
  5. “the sun together with all the planets and other bodies that revolve around it” (
  6. “a theoretical massive object, formed at the beginning of the universe or by the gravitational collapse of a star exploding as a supernova, whose gravitational field is so intense that no electromagnetic radiation can escape” (
  7. “the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet.” (
  8. This was one of NASA’s most important missions. In this mission, NASA landed the first man on the moon Neil Armstrong. Arguably this is the most important mission for NASA because all in all they beat Russia to the moon and America established their amazing space program (Apollo 11).
  9. “a hypothetical form of energy whose negative pressure counteracts gravity and is assumed to be responsible for the universe expanding at an accelerating rate.” (
  10. “any of several U.S. space vehicles consisting of a reusable manned orbiter that touches down on a landing strip after an orbital mission,two reusable solid rocket boosters that drop off after initial ascent, and an expendable external tank containing liquid propellants.”
  11. “the grouping or relative position of the stars as supposed to influence events, especially at a person's birth” (
  12. This was the first spacecraft to touch base on Mars. It returned images of the surface and took scientific tests of the surface to try and find signs of life, which turned up negative (Viking 1).
  13. “the science that deals with the material universe beyond the earth's atmosphere” (
  14. “any of the heavenly bodies, except the moon, appearing as fixed luminous points in the sky at night” (
  15. “a creature from outer space; extraterrestrial.” (

32 Clues: “A cloud of interstellar gas and dust.” (“a creature from outer space; extraterrestrial.” (“the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet.” (“a continuous area or expanse that is free, available, or unoccupied”( ....

Space 2019-08-28

Space crossword puzzle
  1. a group of stars, gases, and space dust, in the shape of a spiral
  2. degree of hotness or coldness as measured on a scale
  3. when two or more particles collide
  4. a diagram of many stars, it shows the temperature and luminosity of the star
  5. a cloud of dust and gas appears in many shapes and colors
  6. an instrument for examining spectra
  7. A group of stars, clouds of dust, and dust particles
  8. the measure of the brightness of an object of the distance at which it is viewed
  1. a galaxy that contains the solar system
  2. everything we can touch, feel, sense, measure, and detect, includes living things, planets, stars, galaxies, etc.
  3. an explanation that shows the origin of stars, planets, and galaxies
  4. a repeated variation in some measure
  5. a unit to measure temperature
  6. have no particular shape
  7. any natural body outside of the earth's atmosphere
  8. the amount of light received from the object
  9. brightness level, light
  10. older and give off less light than other galaxies
  11. a ball of gas, light, and energy
  12. the distance between two peaks of the wave

20 Clues: brightness level, lighthave no particular shapea unit to measure temperaturea ball of gas, light, and energywhen two or more particles collidean instrument for examining spectraa repeated variation in some measurea galaxy that contains the solar systemthe distance between two peaks of the wavethe amount of light received from the object...

Space 2021-03-16

Space crossword puzzle
  1. Who was the first person to set foot on the moon?
  2. Which planet is named after the roman king of the gods?
  3. what planet is considered the sideways planet?
  4. Which planet contains life in the Milky Way galaxy
  5. What is also known as a shooting star?
  6. Neptune’s atmosphere is made up of hydrogen, helium and ______, which creates most of the blue color on Neptune.
  7. Which dwarf planet was originally considered a planet?
  8. What do you call scientists that study space and space travel?
  9. What supercluster is the Milky way galaxy?
  10. How many moons does earth have?
  1. When a star explodes, what can it become?
  2. Which planet has 2 moons?
  3. What is the smallest planet?
  4. What is the hottest planet in the solar system?
  5. What is the name of the rover that landed on Mars 2021
  6. What type of mythical gods are all almost all of the planets named after?
  7. What planet has visually noticeable rings?
  8. when a star collapses on itself, what does it become?
  9. What can also be referred to as a dirty snowball?
  10. What can also be called a miniature planet?
  11. What is the star that provides heat and light called?

21 Clues: Which planet has 2 moons?What is the smallest planet?How many moons does earth have?What is also known as a shooting star?When a star explodes, what can it become?What planet has visually noticeable rings?What supercluster is the Milky way galaxy?What can also be called a miniature planet?what planet is considered the sideways planet?...

Space 2019-11-27

Space crossword puzzle
  1. is blue
  2. by earth
  3. where the planets live
  4. has a ring
  5. big rock goes fast
  6. has life
  7. is the fir vest planet
  8. biggest planet
  9. dwarf planet
  10. pulls you down
  1. something that sucks you in
  2. in the centre of the solar system
  3. red planet
  4. a place we’re humans live
  5. what a person is called in space
  6. rock near earth
  7. a dot in the sky
  8. car in space
  9. closest to sun
  10. what earth spins on

20 Clues: is blueby earthhas lifered planethas a ringcar in spacedwarf planetclosest to sunbiggest planetpulls you downrock near eartha dot in the skybig rock goes fastwhat earth spins onwhere the planets liveis the fir vest planeta place we’re humans livesomething that sucks you inwhat a person is called in spacein the centre of the solar system

space 2020-04-05

space crossword puzzle
  1. an event at the end of a supergiant stars life, which can shine brighter than the galaxy
  2. multiple galaxies
  3. a tiny planet, smaller than 3000km in diameter
  4. planets with a surface
  5. most planets are in this
  6. an immensely big star
  7. a small star
  8. multiple galaxy clusters
  1. a planet not in a solar system
  2. an area in space with so much gravity that not even light can escape
  3. a star with great gravity
  4. planets made of gas
  5. a large star
  6. what we are made of
  7. a really large star
  8. the fastest thing in the universe
  9. one of the smallest things in the universe
  10. an extremely magnetic neutron star
  11. everything
  12. the main light source in the universe

20 Clues: everythinga large stara small starmultiple galaxiesplanets made of gaswhat we are made ofa really large staran immensely big starplanets with a surfacemost planets are in thismultiple galaxy clustersa star with great gravitya planet not in a solar systemthe fastest thing in the universean extremely magnetic neutron star...

space 2020-04-05

space crossword puzzle
  1. multiple galaxies
  2. a small star
  3. what we are made of
  4. multiple galaxy clusters
  5. the main light source in the universe
  6. an extremely magnetic neutron star
  7. the fastest thing in the universe
  8. an event at the end of a supergiant stars life, which can shine brighter than the galaxy
  1. a tiny planet, smaller than 3000km in diameter
  2. a large star
  3. most planets are in these
  4. planets with a surface
  5. one of the smallest things in the universe
  6. a star with great gravity
  7. everything
  8. an area in space with so much gravity that not even light can escape
  9. a planet not in a solar system
  10. an immensely big star
  11. planets made of gas
  12. a really large star

20 Clues: everythinga large stara small starmultiple galaxieswhat we are made ofplanets made of gasa really large staran immensely big starplanets with a surfacemultiple galaxy clustersmost planets are in thesea star with great gravitya planet not in a solar systemthe fastest thing in the universean extremely magnetic neutron star...

Space 2020-05-08

Space crossword puzzle
  1. many on the moon
  2. computer in orbit
  3. last stage
  4. resulte of star explosion
  5. connecting stars
  6. observe
  7. grass planet
  8. celestial body
  9. sun and moon
  10. space signs
  11. water is 1
  12. largest planet in the solar system
  13. spcae magnifying glass
  1. space man
  2. fast rock
  3. Flying Metal
  4. big space
  5. milky
  6. period of time
  7. old corners

20 Clues: milkyobservespace manfast rockbig spacelast stagewater is 1space signsold cornersFlying Metalgrass planetsun and mooncelestial bodyperiod of timemany on the moonconnecting starscomputer in orbitspcae magnifying glassresulte of star explosionlargest planet in the solar system

Space 2020-05-06

Space crossword puzzle
  1. The Sun is a ______. [4]
  2. There are _______ planets in the Solar System. [5]
  3. A person who travels to and explores space. [9]
  4. The earth rotates on its _____. [4]
  5. The season are a result of the Earth's axis being ______. [6]
  6. The equipment used to view objects in space. [9]
  7. The imaginary line running around the centre of the Earth [7]
  8. The source of light in the solar system. [3]
  9. The phase of the moon when the whole of its surface reflects light. [4,4]
  10. The force pulling objects towards the centre of the Earth. [7]
  1. The hemisphere where the North Pole is located. [8]
  2. The ‘_______ belt’ of space rocks and debris in the solar system. [8]
  3. The moon ______ the Earth. [6]
  4. When the moon is positioned between the Earth and the sun, blocking all light reaching the Earth. [5,7]
  5. The Earth is divided into two halves called ________.[11]
  6. Winter is caused by the hemisphere of the Earth being tilted _____ from the sun. [4]
  7. First person to walk on the moon. [4,9]
  8. Layer surrounding the Earth that supports the existence of living organisms. [10]
  9. The length of time it takes for the Earth to orbit the Sun. [4]
  10. The length of time it takes for the Earth to rotate once.[3]
  11. Summer is caused by the hemisphere of the Earth being tilted _____ the sun. [7]

21 Clues: The Sun is a ______. [4]The moon ______ the Earth. [6]The earth rotates on its _____. [4]First person to walk on the moon. [4,9]The source of light in the solar system. [3]A person who travels to and explores space. [9]The equipment used to view objects in space. [9]There are _______ planets in the Solar System. [5]...

SPace 2021-04-19

SPace crossword puzzle
  1. moon - the phase of the moon when Earth is between the moon and sun
  2. - A natural or artificial body that revolves around a planet
  3. - short period of climate change in an area caused by the tilt of Earth's axis as Earth revolves around the sun. (winter, summer, autumn, spring)
  4. - An object that orbits a star, is large enough to have become rounded by its own gravity, and has cleared the area of its orbit.
  5. - A group of stars that form a pattern in the sky
  6. - the moon's shape when more than half is illuminated
  7. - imaginary line that passes through the Earth's center from the North to the South
  8. - In summer and winter and the Earth has the longest day/shortest night or the shortest day/longest night
  9. - describes phases that occur after a full moon, as the visible lighted side of the Moon grows smaller
  10. - A ball of frozen dust and rock that orbits the sun and has a tail that glows
  11. - the moon's shape when less than half of it is illuminated
  12. - Earths path as it revolves around the sun
  13. - spinning on an axis
  14. - moving around another object in space
  15. - A streak of light in the sky produced by the burning of a meteoroid in Earth's atmosphere.
  16. - the rise and fall of Earth's water
  1. - The shape of Earth's orbit
  2. - A meteoroid that has hit earth's surface.
  3. eclipse - when the moon comes between Earth and the sun
  4. tide - when the Sun, Earth and Moon make a right angle and the high tides are lower than usual and the low tides are a little higher than usual.
  5. - describes phases following a new moon, as more of the Moon's
  6. cycle - A sequence of phases of the moon as it revolves around the Earth once every 29.5 days.
  7. quarter - this phase of the moon occurs about 7 days after a new moon
  8. tide - when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are lined up and high tides are higher and low tides are lower.
  9. planet, planetoid - a celestial body resembling a small planet but lacking certain technical criteria that are required for it to be classed as such.
  10. - any of numerous small celestial bodies composed of rock and metal that move around the sun (mainly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter)
  11. - a small body moving in the solar system that would become a meteor if it entered the earth's atmosphere.
  12. - A ball of hot gas, primarily hydrogen and helium, that undergoes nuclear fusion.
  13. - when the sun's direct light is closest to the equator, in spring and fall and the Earth has equal day and night
  14. phases - The changing appearances of the Moon as seen from Earth
  15. eclipse - when the shadow of Earth falls on the moon
  16. moon - the phase of the moon when the moon is between Earth and sun, when the moon looks like darkness. has no light reflected

32 Clues: - spinning on an axis- The shape of Earth's orbit- the rise and fall of Earth's water- moving around another object in space- A meteoroid that has hit earth's surface.- Earths path as it revolves around the sun- A group of stars that form a pattern in the skyeclipse - when the shadow of Earth falls on the moon...

space 2021-05-27

space crossword puzzle
  1. something that keeps us on Earth
  2. a red planet we are currently exploring
  3. it was once a planet now it isn't
  4. 4th smallest planet
  5. the planet we are on and exploring
  6. what the milkyway is
  7. someone who studies astronomy
  8. the second biggest planet
  9. the name of the first dog in space
  10. spell rats backwards
  1. a dwarf planet but is in the Kuiper belt
  2. something that splits us from space
  3. what our galaxy is
  4. something that has an eclipse
  5. naughty annoying stupid aliens(initials)
  6. a planet that is also a joke (it's name)
  7. the smallest planet
  8. our main light source
  9. the biggest planet
  10. someone who predicts mundane events

20 Clues: the biggest planetwhat our galaxy is4th smallest planetthe smallest planetwhat the milkyway isspell rats backwardsour main light sourcethe second biggest planetsomething that has an eclipsesomeone who studies astronomysomething that keeps us on Earthit was once a planet now it isn'tthe planet we are on and exploring...

Space 2021-06-15

Space crossword puzzle
  1. Remnant of a dead star.
  2. 6th planet from the sun.
  3. When the moon covers the sun.
  4. 5th planet from the sun.
  5. Person that studies space.
  6. Big flying rocks.
  7. The big rock orbiting earth.
  8. icy frozen balls flying in the sky.
  9. 8th planet from the sun.
  1. Holds everything in space.
  2. Well known dwarf planet.
  3. What the earth is.
  4. 2nd planet from the sun.
  5. 7th planet from the sun.
  6. Going around something.
  7. 1st planet from the sun.
  8. The biggest star that warms us.
  9. Our home planet.
  10. Getting pulled towards something.
  11. invented to see planets better.
  12. 4th planet from the sun.
  13. Glowing plasma in the sky.
  14. Earths galactic home.
  15. The study of space.
  16. Stars in the sky making up images.

25 Clues: Our home planet.Big flying rocks.What the earth is.The study of space.Earths galactic home.Remnant of a dead star.Going around something.Well known dwarf planet.2nd planet from the sun.7th planet from the sun.6th planet from the sun.1st planet from the sun.5th planet from the sun.4th planet from the sun.8th planet from the sun....

Space 2022-03-25

Space crossword puzzle
  1. Our universe is currently doing this.
  2. giant, dusty snowballs.
  3. Astronomer who first discovered universe was expanding.
  4. NASA's main topic of interest.
  5. This type if eclipse occurs when the moon lines up between the earth and sun.
  6. Astronomers study these types of objects.
  7. When more than half a moon is visible.
  8. This is evidence to support the Big Bang theory.
  9. This season occurs in Ireland when the Europe is tilted towards the sun.
  10. When the moon appears to be getting smaller.
  1. Large rocky bodies.
  2. This type of eclipse occurs when the sun lines up between the earth and moon.
  3. Region where many comets are located
  4. Pluto is not one of these.
  5. The name of our galaxy.
  6. A collection of galaxies.
  7. When the moon appears to be getting bigger.
  8. When the sun, and earth align.
  9. Occurs in Australia when Ireland is tilted towards the sun.
  10. When less than half a moon is visible.
  11. A collection of planetary systems.

21 Clues: Large rocky bodies.giant, dusty snowballs.The name of our galaxy.A collection of galaxies.Pluto is not one of these.NASA's main topic of interest.When the sun, and earth align.A collection of planetary systems.Region where many comets are locatedOur universe is currently doing this.When more than half a moon is visible....

SPACE 2021-09-16

SPACE crossword puzzle
  11. HAS 14 RINGS


Space 2022-01-19

Space crossword puzzle
  1. the time it takes for an object to orbit another object; Earth’s revolution around the Sun is 365.24 days
  2. a celestial body made of hot gases, mainly hydrogen and some helium
  3. a huge collection of stars, planets, gas, and dust that is held together by gravity
  4. an object in space that ranges in size from a tiny speck, like a grain of sand, to 500 km wide; most asteroids originate in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter
  5. an object composed of rocky material, ice, and gas; comes from the Kuiper Belt or Oort Cloud
  6. the turning of an object around an imaginary axis running through it; Earth’s rotation around its axis is 24 h
  7. a piece of rock moving through space
  8. a small, dim, hot star
  9. a star’s total energy output per second; its power in joules per second
  10. a meteoroid that is large enough to pass through Earth’s atmosphere and reach the ground, without being totally burned up
  1. a scientist who studies astronomy
  2. a massive explosion in which the entire outer portion of a star is blown off
  3. the monthly progression of changes in the appearance of the Moon that result from different portions of the Moon’s sunlit side being visible from Earth
  4. an artificial (human-made) object or vehicle that orbits Earth, the Moon, or other celestial bodies; also, a celestial body that orbits another body of larger size (for example, the Moon is Earth’s natural satellite)
  5. the distance that light travels in one year, about 9.5 × 1012 km The 12 is supposed to be on the top right corner of 10
  6. a group of planets that circle one or more stars
  7. an object that orbits one or more stars (and is not a star itself), is spherical, and does not share its orbit with another object
  8. the galaxy that includes the solar system; appears as a hazy white band in the night sky
  9. a way of showing days, organized into a schedule of larger units of time such as weeks, months, seasons, or years; usually a table or a chart
  10. a meteoroid that hits Earth’s atmosphere and burns up

20 Clues: a small, dim, hot stara scientist who studies astronomya piece of rock moving through spacea group of planets that circle one or more starsa meteoroid that hits Earth’s atmosphere and burns upa celestial body made of hot gases, mainly hydrogen and some heliuma star’s total energy output per second; its power in joules per second...

Space 2022-01-20

Space crossword puzzle
  1. I am the same as the sun but farther away.
  2. I am the smallest plant and has a oval orbit.
  3. I study space from Earth.
  4. I am the Red Planet.
  5. I have been traveled to by Humans many times.
  6. When a planet goes around the sun.
  7. I surround planets to trap in the suns heat.
  8. I am the center of the Universe.
  9. I can fly through the night sky.
  10. I am the biggest planet in the Solar system.
  11. I am the same size as Earth but Warmer.
  12. I hold life.
  13. I carry people to the moon and back.
  1. There isn't any light in me and I have a gravitational field.
  2. There is 8 of us in the Solar System.
  3. I am tilted on my side.
  4. I contain all planets in the system.
  5. I go around the Earth and people live on me.
  6. I am the closes planet to the Sun.
  7. I have rings made of rocks and Ice.
  8. I study planets and have sent people to space and back.
  9. I go to space to study it.
  10. I help you see things far into space.
  11. There isn't any in space.
  12. I am blue and contain Ice storms.

25 Clues: I hold life.I am the Red Planet.I am tilted on my side.I study space from Earth.There isn't any in space.I go to space to study it.I am the center of the Universe.I can fly through the night sky.I am blue and contain Ice storms.I am the closes planet to the Sun.When a planet goes around the sun.I have rings made of rocks and Ice....

Space 2021-09-14

Space crossword puzzle
  1. Called the fourth state of matter
  2. Nothingness
  3. Human don't take care of their owns
  4. The dream of countless kids after seeing Star wars
  5. What killed the dinosaurs when it crashed on earth
  6. The destructive farts of the sun
  7. It brighten our days
  8. It is not
  9. The luminous death of a stellar corpse
  10. It has no end
  11. The russian version of Spaceman
  12. It's always expending
  13. What protect us from some outer space threats
  1. We're all made of it
  2. The moon is a natural one but the artificial gives us Lte
  3. The first element
  4. What's kept in area 51
  5. We are in the third version of it
  6. It always pass too fast except when it's math class
  7. A beautiful spiral made of matter and star dust
  8. The vacuum cleaner of the space
  9. Makes you die if you jump too high
  10. Created during the Big bang and always recycling
  11. The clouds of the universe
  12. The center in Galileo's theory

25 Clues: It is notNothingnessIt has no endThe first elementWe're all made of itIt brighten our daysIt's always expendingWhat's kept in area 51The clouds of the universeThe center in Galileo's theoryThe vacuum cleaner of the spaceThe russian version of SpacemanThe destructive farts of the sunCalled the fourth state of matterWe are in the third version of it...

space 2022-04-22

space crossword puzzle
  1. the mean distance from the center of the earth to the center of the sun.
  2. a unit of astronomical distance equivalent to the distance that light travels in one year
  3. theory that suggests that the universe was created as a result of an extremely large explosion.
  4. the smallest planet in the Solar System and the closest to the Sun.
  5. a cloud of gas and dust in outer space, visible in the night sky either as an indistinct bright patch or as a dark silhouette against other luminous matter.
  6. a star showing a sudden large increase in brightness and then slowly returning to its original state over a few months.
  7. a streak of light in the sky caused by a meteoroid crashing through Earth's atmosphere.
  8. the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in the Solar System
  9. the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest in the Solar System.
  10. a nuclear reaction in which atomic nuclei of low atomic number fuse to form a heavier nucleus with the release of energy.
  11. a very large star that is even brighter than a giant, often despite being relatively cool.
  12. a closed plane curve generated by a point moving in such a way that the sums of its distances from two fixed points is a constant
  13. the eighth and farthest-known Solar planet from the Sun
  14. an eclipse in which the sun is obscured by the moon.
  15. the planet on which we live
  16. any theory of the structure of the solar system (or the universe) in which Earth is assumed to be at the centre of it all.
  17. the systems of stars and interstellar matter that make up the universe
  18. a small very dense star that is typically the size of a planet.
  19. any natural solid object that survived the meteor phase in a gaseous atmosphere without being completely vaporized.
  20. the branch of science which deals with celestial objects
  1. a planet that is composed primarily of silicate rocks or metals.
  2. a small body moving in the solar system that would become a meteor if it entered the earth's atmosphere.
  3. the changes in frequency of any kind of sound or light wave produced by a moving source with respect to an observer.
  4. the sixth planet from the Sun and the second-largest in the Solar System
  5. a minute planet; a body that could or did come together with many others under gravitation to form a planet.
  6. any of the giant planets in our solar system
  7. a continuous and distinctive band of stars that appears on plots of stellar color versus brightness.
  8. the seventh planet from the Sun
  9. having or representing the sun as the center, as in the accepted astronomical model of the solar system.
  10. when the Moon moves into the Earth's shadow.
  11. a star that suddenly increases greatly in brightness because of a catastrophic explosion that ejects most of its mass.
  12. a very large star of high luminosity and low surface temperature.
  13. frozen leftovers from the formation of the solar system composed of dust, rock, and ices.
  14. a contracting mass of gas which represents an early stage in the formation of a star, before nucleosynthesis has begun.
  15. a small rocky body orbiting the sun
  16. the second planet from the Sun
  17. a region of space having a gravitational field so intense that no matter or radiation can escape.

37 Clues: the planet on which we livethe second planet from the Sunthe seventh planet from the Suna small rocky body orbiting the sunany of the giant planets in our solar systemwhen the Moon moves into the Earth's eclipse in which the sun is obscured by the moon.the eighth and farthest-known Solar planet from the Sun...

Space 2023-06-22

Space crossword puzzle
  1. also called luna
  2. Not quiet a planet
  3. smallest planet
  4. old planet changed to a dwaf planet
  5. meteor that hit the ground
  6. hottest planet
  7. our star
  8. a beautiful series of movies set in space
  9. our palanet
  10. Ice giant
  1. place where gravity is extreamly strong. no light can escape
  2. Most noticable rings
  3. As it shutes through the it has a trail
  4. red planet
  5. planet nammed after king of the titas
  6. places where stars form
  7. first man on the moon
  8. A thing planets orbit
  9. Rock out in space that doesn't orbit anything
  10. when the sun goes behind the Moon
  11. Largest planet in our solar system

21 Clues: our starIce giantred planetour palanethottest planetsmallest planetalso called lunaNot quiet a planetMost noticable ringsfirst man on the moonA thing planets orbitplaces where stars formmeteor that hit the groundwhen the sun goes behind the MoonLargest planet in our solar systemold planet changed to a dwaf planet...

Space 2023-09-20

Space crossword puzzle
  1. color of a star that is the hottest
  2. has big rings
  3. big ball of gases
  4. biggest planet in solar system
  5. a really small (not really) planet
  6. people who go to space
  7. closest star
  8. sucks stuff in it
  9. a star goes boom
  10. pulling the universe into it
  11. ball that orbits planets
  12. one of Jupiter's moons
  13. everything
  1. galaxy that will crash into ours
  2. telescope in space
  3. noticable black hole in the middle, type of galaxy
  4. black hole twice the size of milky way
  5. force that holds solar system
  6. swirly type of galaxy
  7. emptiness in space, just a hypothesis
  8. we live on
  9. blue has rings
  10. first moon trip name
  11. super big red star

24 Clues: we live oneverythingclosest starhas big ringsblue has ringsa star goes boombig ball of gasessucks stuff in ittelescope in spacesuper big red starfirst moon trip nameswirly type of galaxypeople who go to spaceone of Jupiter's moonsball that orbits planetspulling the universe into itforce that holds solar systembiggest planet in solar system...

Space 2023-09-20

Space crossword puzzle
  1. color of a star that is the hottest
  2. has big rings
  3. big ball of gases
  4. biggest planet in solar system
  5. a really small (not really) planet
  6. people who go to space
  7. closest star
  8. sucks stuff in it
  9. a star goes boom
  10. pulling the universe into it
  11. ball that orbits planets
  12. one of Jupiter's moons
  13. everything
  1. galaxy that will crash into ours
  2. telescope in space
  3. noticable black hole in the middle, type of galaxy
  4. black hole twice the size of milky way
  5. force that holds solar system
  6. swirly type of galaxy
  7. emptiness in space, just a hypothesis
  8. we live on
  9. blue has rings
  10. first moon trip name
  11. super big red star

24 Clues: we live oneverythingclosest starhas big ringsblue has ringsa star goes boombig ball of gasessucks stuff in ittelescope in spacesuper big red starfirst moon trip nameswirly type of galaxypeople who go to spaceone of Jupiter's moonsball that orbits planetspulling the universe into itforce that holds solar systembiggest planet in solar system...

SPACE 2022-11-16

SPACE crossword puzzle
  1. Most likely to break a world record
  2. Most likely to rule the world
  3. This planet is hot enough to melt metal
  4. Most likely to become a billionaire
  5. Known as the red planet
  6. The force with which a planet can move
  7. Most likely to become president
  8. The light of our world
  9. A formation of stars
  10. The largest planet
  11. This planet has the strongest winds in the solar system
  12. Most likely to travel the world
  13. Star signs
  1. Most likely to cure a disease
  2. The smallest planet
  3. Most likely never to be seen again
  4. Most likely to marry their school sweetheart
  5. A ball of gas and light
  6. Contains galaxies and is always expanding
  7. The only planet containing life
  8. Famous for its rings
  9. What is something that orbits the sun
  10. The thing that orbits around our planet
  11. Most likely to become an inventor
  12. A planet that rotates on its side
  13. A large object that is made of dust and ice
  14. No longer considered an official planet
  15. Most likely to win a nobel peace prize
  16. Most likely to become famous

29 Clues: Star signsThe largest planetThe smallest planetFamous for its ringsA formation of starsThe light of our worldA ball of gas and lightKnown as the red planetMost likely to become famousMost likely to cure a diseaseMost likely to rule the worldThe only planet containing lifeMost likely to become presidentMost likely to travel the world...

space 2022-10-13

space crossword puzzle
  1. a ball in the sky at night
  2. data that's not backed by numbers
  3. is in front of it
  4. it holds billions and trillions of things
  5. nearthe sun spots
  6. is in front
  7. ,they are in the night sky
  8. are billions of them
  9. quarter is in front of it
  10. ,a cool spot in the suns surface
  11. astronauts to look at the moon
  12. they are made up of dust ice and rock
  13. for a year
  14. of a white whole
  15. made everything
  16. are all lined up in our solar system
  17. they are daily rises and fall of the earths ocean
  1. cresent is behind it
  2. refractory dust grains that condensed from cooling ejected gases from individual presolar stars
  3. collects data with numbers and measuring
  4. of astroid or comet
  5. around objects
  6. is in front
  7. you something to compare with
  8. rocks that float in space
  9. we only have it on earth it keeps us from not floating
  10. belt of astroid
  11. is in front of it

28 Clues: for a yearis in frontis in frontaround objectsbelt of astroidmade everythingof a white wholeis in front of itnearthe sun spotsis in front of itof astroid or cometcresent is behind itare billions of themrocks that float in spacequarter is in front of ita ball in the sky at night,they are in the night skyyou something to compare with...

Space 2022-12-08

Space crossword puzzle
  1. Fase yang mencerminkan adanya perkembangan yang terjadi di wilayah pedesaan yang semakin maju, meskipun kondisi kehidupan masyarakatnya masih didasarkan pada kegiatan pertanian, pertambangan, maupun perikanan.
  2. Letak suatu daerah dilihat dari kenyataand di permukaan bumi.
  3. Fase dimana kota telah dianggap mati atau sudah tidak mampu berkembang atau sudah mencapai titik puncaknya disebut fase
  4. Proses memanusiakan manusia (Rustiadi dkk)
  5. Batas-batas wilayah atau kesatuan masyarakat hukum yang mempunyai batas wilayah
  6. Keadaan dimana penduduk di suatu negara sebagian besar berprofesi sebagai petani.
  7. Proses kenaikan proporsi jumlah penduduk yang tinggal di kota
  8. Usaha untuk menilai kemajuan kegiatan pemanfaatan ruang dalam mencapai tujuan rencana tata ruang disebut.
  9. Teori yang dikemukakan oleh K.J Kansky. Teori ini di gunakan untuk mengetahui besar indeks konektivitas (kekuatan interaksi) antar kota dalam suatu wilayah yang di tekankan pada jaringan jalan.
  10. perkembangan kota sudah mengarah ke sektor industri.
  11. Kegiatan mengamati, mengawasi, dan memeriksa dengan cermat perubahan kualitas tata ruang dan lingkungan yang tidak sesuai dengan tata ruang.
  12. Desa yang paling maju perkembangannya, dan memiliki kemandirian yang tunggi baik dalam bidang sosial maupun bidang ekonomi.
  13. Wilayah yang lokasinya dekat pusat kota atau inti kota.
  14. Cara penentuan batas terluar suatu wilayah untuk tujuan tertentu.
  1. Desa adalah hasil perpaduan antara kegiatan sekelompok manusia dengan lingkungannya.
  2. Wilayah yang mempunyai kegiatan utama bukan pertanian dengan susunan fungsi sebagai tempat pemukiman perkotaan, pemusatan dan distribusi pelayanan jasa pemerintahan, pelayanan sosial, dan kegiatan ekonomi.
  3. Ciri-ciri desa adalah segala sifat atau pun kondisi yang dimiliki oleh desa sehingga menunjukkan adanya perbedaan antara desa dengan kota, siapakah yang mengemukakannya
  4. Teori ini dikemukakan oleh Ernest W. Burgess dalam Suparmini (2012) perkembangan kota-kota di suatu wilayah dimulai dari pusat atau inti kotanya.
  5. Gerakan berpindah-pindah atau kesiapsiagaan untuk bergerak.
  6. Distribusi peruntukan ruang dalam suatu wilayah yang meliputiperuntukan ruang untuk fungsi lindung dan peruntukan ruang untuk fungsi budi daya
  7. Unsur yang terdiri atas sumber daya alam, sejarah, lokasi, agen perubahan dan pengambilan kebijakan.
  8. Suatu wilayah yang dilihat dari beberapa aspek memiliki ciri-ciri atau sifat yang cukup sama merupakan pengertian wilayah..
  9. Jumlah penduduk 100.000 hingga ≤ 800.000 jiwa
  10. Desa yang paling terbelakang, kehidupan tradisional dan sangat terikat oleh adat istiadat disebut
  11. Wilayah yang penduduknya memiliki mata pencaharian nonpertanian, tetapi lebih mengarah pada berdagangan jasa disebut
  12. Klasifikasi kota berfungsi untuk mengelompokkan atau menggolongkan kota-kota tertentu berdasarkan karakteristik tertentu, siapa yang mengemukakannya
  13. Sektor ekspor ekspor berperan penting dalam pertumbuhan wilayah karena sektor ekspor dapat memberikan kontribusi penting tidak hanya kepada ekonomi wilayah tapi juga ekonomi nasional merupakan teori.
  14. Komponen alam dan lingkungan, termasuk Sumber Daya Alam (SDA) disebut komponen
  15. Suatu jenis kegiatan produksi yang berlandaskan pada proses pertumbuhan dan tumbuh-tumbuhan dan hewan.
  16. Perangkat penataan ruang wilayah yang disusun berdasarkan pendekatan wilayah administratif yang secara hierarki.

30 Clues: Proses memanusiakan manusia (Rustiadi dkk)Jumlah penduduk 100.000 hingga ≤ 800.000 jiwaperkembangan kota sudah mengarah ke sektor industri.Wilayah yang lokasinya dekat pusat kota atau inti kota.Gerakan berpindah-pindah atau kesiapsiagaan untuk bergerak.Letak suatu daerah dilihat dari kenyataand di permukaan bumi....

Space 2022-05-04

Space crossword puzzle
  1. – the sixth planet from the Sun
  2. – small piece of rock, before entering Earth’s atmosphere
  3. – orbit around the sun takes 365 days
  4. – where Chris Hadfield lived in space
  5. – the closest planet to the Sun
  6. – the North Star
  7. – first planet discovered with a telescope
  8. – when an asteroid enters Earth’s atmosphere, also known as a shooting star
  1. – the largest planet
  2. – has a tail as it gets closer to the Sun
  3. – a meteor that touches the Earth’s surface
  4. – number of planets in our solar system
  5. – large piece of rock that orbits the Sun
  6. – when the moon passes in front of the Sun
  7. – takes one month to orbit the Earth
  8. – our galaxy
  9. – divides inner and outer planets
  10. – center of the solar system
  11. – person trained to be on a spacecraft
  12. – the hottest planet

20 Clues: – our galaxy– the North Star– the largest planet– the hottest planet– center of the solar system– the sixth planet from the Sun– the closest planet to the Sun– divides inner and outer planets– takes one month to orbit the Earth– orbit around the sun takes 365 days– where Chris Hadfield lived in space– number of planets in our solar system...

SPACE! 2023-05-09

SPACE! crossword puzzle
  1. Last phase of the moon
  2. Planet with the most rings
  3. Region between Mars and Jupiter
  4. Galaxy with no specific shape
  5. Coldest Planet
  6. When the moon covers the sun
  7. Large balls of gas in space
  8. Was considered a planet
  9. Earth has one, comes out at night
  10. Smallest Planet
  11. Our galaxy
  12. Center of a star
  1. Patterns of stars in space
  2. Number of regions in the sky
  3. Person who travels in space
  4. Measure of distance in space
  5. First phase of the moon
  6. Hottest Planet
  7. Instrument that collects light from space
  8. Biggest Planet

20 Clues: Our galaxyHottest PlanetColdest PlanetBiggest PlanetSmallest PlanetCenter of a starLast phase of the moonFirst phase of the moonWas considered a planetPatterns of stars in spacePlanet with the most ringsPerson who travels in spaceLarge balls of gas in spaceNumber of regions in the skyMeasure of distance in spaceWhen the moon covers the sun...