sport Crossword Puzzles
Sport 2013-04-25
- grootste bot in je been
- hiermee glijd je over de sneeuw
- regelende stoffen
- deze sport doe je op ijs
- kracht gedeeld door oppervlak
- aerodynamisch
- hier zit een fietsketting tussen
- je kunt iets lang volhouden
- pompt voedsel en zuurstof naar je spieren
- bot in je knie
- hiermee zitten spieren vast aan je botten
- stoffen die energie leveren
- belangrijk bij een fiets
- stoffen die nodig zijn voor spieren
- grote, maar ondiepe wond
- achternaam van de bekendste voetballer van Nederland
- vervoert voedsel en zuurstof naar je spieren
- kleine blessure aan een bot
- spieren die met elkaar samenwerken
- gewrichtsbanden zijn uitgerekt
- aantal keer dat je hart klopt
- bot dat je hersenen beschermt
- armbuigspier
23 Clues: armbuigspier • aerodynamisch • bot in je knie • regelende stoffen • grootste bot in je been • grote, maar ondiepe wond • deze sport doe je op ijs • belangrijk bij een fiets • kleine blessure aan een bot • je kunt iets lang volhouden • stoffen die energie leveren • kracht gedeeld door oppervlak • aantal keer dat je hart klopt • bot dat je hersenen beschermt • gewrichtsbanden zijn uitgerekt • ...
Sport 2014-11-26
- boos
- het hoort ...
- bij de betoging ...hij hulp aan gewonden
- de autoritaiten
- heel wat adolescenten lijden aan...
- nog niet helemaal dronken
- de advokaat van de ...
- begin van een voetbalwedstrijd
- de dief wist te ...
- de maatschappij
- verschrikkelijk
- herrieschoppers
- hij werd als een echte held ...
- verbannen
- zich gedragen
- vechtpartij
- sport bevordert het geestelijk ...
- op het platteland hebben de jongeren weinig ...
- cipier
- het lot van de overlevende Indianen is weinig benijdenswaardig
- deel uitmaken van
- Eendracht maakt ...
22 Clues: boos • cipier • verbannen • vechtpartij • zich gedragen • het hoort ... • de autoritaiten • de maatschappij • verschrikkelijk • herrieschoppers • deel uitmaken van • de dief wist te ... • Eendracht maakt ... • de advokaat van de ... • nog niet helemaal dronken • begin van een voetbalwedstrijd • hij werd als een echte held ... • sport bevordert het geestelijk ... • heel wat adolescenten lijden aan... • ...
Sport 2014-11-26
- Hij raakte aan drugs ... .
- Cipier.
- Heel wat jongeren lijden aan ... .
- Zich gedragen, doen
- Vechtpartij.
- Hij wist te ... .
- Verbannen.
- Op het platteland hebben de jongeren weinig ... .
- Deel uitmaken van.
- De autoriteiten.
- Hij werd als een echte held ... .
- Het... van de overlevende Indianen is weinig benijdenswaardig.
- Boos.
- Bij de betoging ...hulp aan gewonden.
- Begin van een wedstrijd.
- De advokaat van de ... .
- Hij hoort...
- Nog niet helemaal dronken.
- Doe aan sport om je persoonlijkheid te ... .
- De maatschappij
- Verschrikkelijk.
- Sport bevordert het geestelijk ... .
22 Clues: Boos. • Cipier. • Verbannen. • Vechtpartij. • Hij hoort... • De maatschappij • Verschrikkelijk. • De autoriteiten. • Hij wist te ... . • Deel uitmaken van. • Zich gedragen, doen • Begin van een wedstrijd. • De advokaat van de ... . • Hij raakte aan drugs ... . • Nog niet helemaal dronken. • Hij werd als een echte held ... . • Heel wat jongeren lijden aan ... . • Sport bevordert het geestelijk ... . • ...
Sport 2014-05-20
20 Clues: Dzido • Karatė • Boksas • Golfas • Regbis • Tenisas • Rankinis • Atletika • Fulbolas • Nardymas • Čiuožimas • Krepšinis • Tinklinis • Plaukimas • Gimnastika • Skraidymas • Irklavimas • Badmintonas • Šaudymas iš lanko • Banglenčių sportas
Sport 2016-02-15
- pikamaa jooks
- keelatud aine spordis
- seis käte ja pea toetusel, jalad ülal
- spordiala, kus võisteldakse vees
- meie kooli kuulsam sportlane
- sportmäng, mille väljaku mõõtmed on 28x15m
- suurim spordisündmus maailmas
- naiste ala, kus kasutatakse peamiselt linte, rõngaid, kurikaid
- pallimäng, mille eesmärgiks vastase väljaviskamine
- sarnane mäng tennisega
- traditsiooniline viis liikumiseks lumel vms libiseva kattega pinnasel
- Jaapani päritolu võitluskunts
- spordivahend, mida tõugatakse
- spordiala, kus viskevahendiks on pall
- sportlase juhendaja
- tavaliselt 400m, keskel muruväljak
- ratas kõrvale
- ei tohtinud vanasti OM'del võistelda
- hõlmab akrobaatilisi hüppeid ja painutusharjutusi
- spordiala, kus antakse edasi teatepulka
- põhineb lugupidamisest teiste ja enda vastu
- Eesti kuulsaim suusataja
- spordiajalatsid kergejõustikus
- kahepäevane meeste võistlus kergejõustikus
- vahend märguande andmiseks
- kuulsaim Eesti tennisemängija
- kukerpall teise sõnaga
- jooks takistustega
- vahend, millega sooritatakse kõrgeid ja madalaid viskeid, põrgatusi, veereid kehal ning veeretusi põrandal
- põhiline hüppevahend
- spordivahend, mida visatakse
31 Clues: ratas kõrvale • pikamaa jooks • jooks takistustega • sportlase juhendaja • põhiline hüppevahend • keelatud aine spordis • kukerpall teise sõnaga • sarnane mäng tennisega • Eesti kuulsaim suusataja • vahend märguande andmiseks • meie kooli kuulsam sportlane • spordivahend, mida visatakse • suurim spordisündmus maailmas • kuulsaim Eesti tennisemängija • Jaapani päritolu võitluskunts • ...
SPORT 2016-07-11
- serie wedstrijden
- lijst van spelers
- manier waarop je je doel bereikt
- lange tijd iets lichamelijk en/of geestelijk volhouden
- iemand moed inspreken
- lichamelijk
- zere plek of verwonding
- iets doen wat tegen de spelregels is
- of je fit bent
- geestelijk
- sportkleding van de sportclub
- je inspannen
- aandacht op één zaak richten
- het gevoel dat je hebt als iets niet loopt zoals je had verwacht
- publiek
- iemand niet meer mee laten spelen
- oplopende zitplaatsen voor publiek
- in de richting van de tegenstander bewegen
- laatste en beslissende wedstrijd
- aanhangers van een sportclub
20 Clues: publiek • geestelijk • lichamelijk • je inspannen • of je fit bent • serie wedstrijden • lijst van spelers • iemand moed inspreken • zere plek of verwonding • aandacht op één zaak richten • aanhangers van een sportclub • sportkleding van de sportclub • manier waarop je je doel bereikt • laatste en beslissende wedstrijd • iemand niet meer mee laten spelen • oplopende zitplaatsen voor publiek • ...
Sport 2017-05-11
- Named after a pie
- Ethan is really good at this
- On top of the ladder
- used to play hockey
- Henry is really good at this
- Won three years in a row
- You can`t run while holding the ball
- people play football on this
- these two jump for the ball
- people work together in this
- the rover of the ruck
- get this to get six points
- If it is like this it is a nice day
- the most popular sport in the world
- fastest man in the world
- no one likes this
- you use your legs
- you use water to do this
- this is an Australian sport
- have to use this to get points
20 Clues: Named after a pie • no one likes this • you use your legs • used to play hockey • On top of the ladder • the rover of the ruck • fastest man in the world • you use water to do this • Won three years in a row • get this to get six points • these two jump for the ball • this is an Australian sport • people work together in this • Ethan is really good at this • Henry is really good at this • ...
sport 2017-05-11
- things you shoot with
- things to help you store things in
- socks, things you put on your feet for school sport
- where athletes go to win medals
- comes in different shapes and sizes
- AM
- Australian open
- country, a school event
- something to protect your head
- used too throw things
- PM
- used too run
- a cold season
- people who are good at sport
- a hot season
- rope, something you jump over to help you warm up
- ball, something you use in soccer
- shoes too make you run fast
- teamwork
- bottle, something that you drink out of
20 Clues: AM • PM • teamwork • used too run • a hot season • a cold season • Australian open • things you shoot with • used too throw things • country, a school event • shoes too make you run fast • people who are good at sport • something to protect your head • where athletes go to win medals • ball, something you use in soccer • things to help you store things in • comes in different shapes and sizes • ...
sport 2017-03-01
- la fai in bici quando manca poco all'arrivo
- stile di nuoto o insetto
- giocatore oltre la linea di difesa
- disciplina dello sci
- per farlo prendi la rincorsa
- si pratica anche sul ghiaccio
- colui che pratica la ginnastica artistica
- si forma quando non si fa stretching
- cartellino giallo
- lancia la palla ai compagni
- ferma il giocatore nel rugby
- un attrezzo per le braccia
- si gioca in 6 giocatori
- si usa la palla ovale
- specialità dell'atletica
- colpire con forza la palla...nella pallavolo
- lo è il leader del Giro d'Italia
- far punto andando in...
- stile di nuoto o anfibio
- un attrezzo della ginnasta
20 Clues: cartellino giallo • disciplina dello sci • si usa la palla ovale • si gioca in 6 giocatori • far punto andando in... • stile di nuoto o insetto • specialità dell'atletica • stile di nuoto o anfibio • un attrezzo per le braccia • un attrezzo della ginnasta • lancia la palla ai compagni • ferma il giocatore nel rugby • per farlo prendi la rincorsa • si pratica anche sul ghiaccio • ...
sport 2017-09-11
- waarbij je de bal in de goal schiet
- je vecht in een ring
- je begint met een witte band
- je moet de bal in de goal gooien
- je moet er lenig voor zijn
- waarbij je een bal in de basket gooit
- je springt op een trampoline
- je hebt een knuppel voor deze sport
- je hebt er een paard voor nodig
- je hebt een racket er voor nodig
- je moet de bal over de grond later rollen
- je hebt een boog er voor nodig
- waarvoor je je een stok gebruikt
- je hebt er een duikbril voor
- je hebt een shuttle er voor nodig
- je gebruikt een soort zwaard
- je gooit een bal in de goal van de tegenstander in het water
- je bent aan het skateboarden maar in het sneeuw
- als je in 1 keer scoort heb je een hole in 1
- je moet een bal in een korf gooien
20 Clues: je vecht in een ring • je moet er lenig voor zijn • je hebt er een duikbril voor • je begint met een witte band • je gebruikt een soort zwaard • je springt op een trampoline • je hebt een boog er voor nodig • je hebt er een paard voor nodig • waarvoor je je een stok gebruikt • je moet de bal in de goal gooien • je hebt een racket er voor nodig • je hebt een shuttle er voor nodig • ...
Sport 2016-10-31
- De platte schijf bij ijshockey
- Heel enthousiast en fel, graag willen winnen
- Een blok waar je tegenaan staat bij de start van een wedstrijd
- Als je afwacht wat er gebeurt, ben je passief
- Als eerste de bal in het spel brengen bij een sport met een net
- Gewond
- Iemand met opzet laten struikelen
- Tot rust komen
- De angst
- Een soort staaf waarmee je tegen een bal slaat
- Een stukje rennen om vaart te maken voor een sprong
- De snelheid waarmee je iets doet
- Aanprijzen. Zeggen dat iets of iemand goed is
- Je lichamelijke toestand, hoe fit en gezond je bent
- Iets doen of uitvoeren
- In evenwicht proberen te blijven
- Van het ene naar het andere overgaan
- Iemand die veel durft en niet snel bang is
- Een sport die je lang achter elkaar doet, zoals lang rennen
- Een trap of worp, waarmee je de bal naar een teamspeler overspeelt
- De manier waarop je iets doet
- Veel doen, je krachten gebruiken
- Een wedstrijdbaan. Een route die je moet afleggen bij een wedstrijd
- Als je dingen doet, zonder te bedenken wat het gevaar kan zijn
- Iets wat in de weg staat
- Het advies geven om het niet te doen
- Iets wat grote opwinding veroorzaakt
- Dat ben je als je veel aan sport doet of als je goed tegen je verlies kunt
- Klappen krijgen of teleurgesteld worden en daarmee om kunnen gaan
- Veel doen en bewegen
- Om te ontspannen, voor je plezier
- Iemand die snel bang is
- Een sterk gevoel van plezier en kracht
- Een kapotte of pijnlijke plaats aan je lichaam, vaak door het sporten
- De manier waarop je iets aanpakt om iets te bereiken
- De durf
- Een baan voor skiërs en wielrenners
- Iets op het goede moment doen
- Een professionele sporter. Je sport voor je beroep
39 Clues: Gewond • De durf • De angst • Tot rust komen • Veel doen en bewegen • Iets doen of uitvoeren • Iemand die snel bang is • Iets wat in de weg staat • De manier waarop je iets doet • Iets op het goede moment doen • De platte schijf bij ijshockey • Veel doen, je krachten gebruiken • De snelheid waarmee je iets doet • In evenwicht proberen te blijven • Iemand met opzet laten struikelen • ...
Sport 2019-03-09
- the structure that you try to get the ball into when you play football, water polo and some other games
- a small flat round piece of metal given for showing best results in sports
- a swimming … is a large structure filled with water
- a skating … is a large area where people skate or play ice hockey
- a long wooden object used for hitting the ball in games such as baseball and cricket
- a person who is good at such sports as running, jumping, etc.
- a group of people who play a sport or a game
- a person who trains a sports player or a team
- how do Americans call football played in Europe?
- a round flat piece of rubber that sportsmen hit in ice hockey
- an organized event where sportsmen try to show that they are better than others and get prizes
- a group of teams who regularly play against one another and have similar skills
- the players in a team game who try to prevent the other team from getting points
- to jump into water making skilful movements in the air
- a hard hat that sportsmen wear in some kinds of sport to protect their heads
- you need it when you want to shoot an arrow
- the best achievement so far in a particular sport that sportsmen try to break
- a large building usually without a roof where people watch sports events
- it describes what sportsmen can do and what they mustn't do
- a large hall where people go to do physical exercises
- a person in a particular kind of game
- a long thin stick with the help of which sportsmen can jump very high
- sportsmen hit the ball over it when they play tennis or volleyball
- a piece of ground used for racing
- a person or a team that has won an important sports event
- a hockey player holds it in his hands
- a vehicle with two wheels that sportsmen ride
- a large round metal container with two handles given as a prize in a contest
- a large flat surface that shows the points the sportsmen or teams get during a game or sports event
- you play tennis or badminton with it
- a person whose job is to make sure that sportsmen obey the rules
- clothes of the same colour and fashion showing that sportsmen belong to the same club or country
- a large area used for sports such as football or grass hockey
- a game between two teams of sportsmen
- an area where some sports are played, such as tennis or squash
- people who like watching sports very much
36 Clues: a piece of ground used for racing • you play tennis or badminton with it • a person in a particular kind of game • a hockey player holds it in his hands • a game between two teams of sportsmen • people who like watching sports very much • you need it when you want to shoot an arrow • a group of people who play a sport or a game • ...
Sport 2019-01-06
- was created in japan and is a modern martial art
- a fight sport, born in korea
- is one of the oldest and most famous fight sport
- you must put the ball into a basket
- is a sport that includes aerobic, acrobatic and artistic movements
- a sport that can be on ice
- here you use a sword
- you must get the ball to the wall
- is the sport of falling into water from a platform
- a game where there are eleven players in each team
- involve competitive running, jumping, throwing, and walking
- in this game where the teams alternate attack and defence
- a sport with oval ball
- a sport where two teams are separated by a net
- is one of the 10 games at the Olympics
- is a bat-and-ball game played between two teams of eleven players
- is a sport that you must use an arch and an arrow
- you must stay in a pool
- is a sport famous in Scotland
- you must use a yellow ball and a racket
20 Clues: here you use a sword • a sport with oval ball • you must stay in a pool • a sport that can be on ice • a fight sport, born in korea • is a sport famous in Scotland • you must get the ball to the wall • you must put the ball into a basket • is one of the 10 games at the Olympics • you must use a yellow ball and a racket • a sport where two teams are separated by a net • ...
Sport 2019-01-06
- a game where there are eleven players in each team
- here you use a sword
- is one of the oldest and most famous fight sport
- you must use a yellow ball and a racket
- a sport with oval ball
- a sport where two teams are separated by a net
- in this game where the teams alternate attack and defence
- involve competitive running, jumping and walking
- is a sport that you must use an arch and an arrow
- is a sport that includes aerobic, acrobatic and artistic movements
- is one of the 10 games at the Olympics
- is a bat and ball game played between two teams of eleven players
- is a sport famous in Scotland
- was created in japan and is a modern martial art
- a fight sport, born in korea
- is the sport of falling into water from a platform
- you must put the ball into a basket
- a sport that can be on ice
- you must get the ball to the wall
- you must stay in a pool
20 Clues: here you use a sword • a sport with oval ball • you must stay in a pool • a sport that can be on ice • a fight sport, born in korea • is a sport famous in Scotland • you must get the ball to the wall • you must put the ball into a basket • is one of the 10 games at the Olympics • you must use a yellow ball and a racket • a sport where two teams are separated by a net • ...
Sport 2019-01-06
- a sport with oval ball
- was created in japan and is a modern martial art
- a sport where two teams are separated by a net
- a game where there are eleven players in each team
- is a bat and ball game played between two teams of eleven players
- in this game where the teams alternate attack and defence
- is a sport that includes aerobic, acrobatic and artistic movements
- here you use a sword
- is one of the oldest and most famous fight sport
- you must use a yellow ball and a racket
- is one of the 10 games at the Olympics
- is the sport of falling into water from a platform
- a sport that can be on ice
- involve competitive running, jumping and walking
- you must put the ball into a basket
- a fight sport, born in korea
- is a sport that you must use an arch and an arrow
- you must stay in a pool
- you must get the ball to the wall
- is a sport famous in Scotland
20 Clues: here you use a sword • a sport with oval ball • you must stay in a pool • a sport that can be on ice • a fight sport, born in korea • is a sport famous in Scotland • you must get the ball to the wall • you must put the ball into a basket • is one of the 10 games at the Olympics • you must use a yellow ball and a racket • a sport where two teams are separated by a net • ...
SPORT 2021-01-27
- a person or team that wins a competition
- a circular course around which runners, cars, etc. race which often has especially prepared surface.
- the last match in a competition
- a room, where people change their clothes when they play sports, go swimming, etc.
- something that is given to someone who is successful in a competition, race, etc.
- to get the most points, votes, etc. in a game, race, or competition.
- If your hit a ball, or other object, you make it move forward quickly by hitting it with a bat, stick, etc.
- to receive something because you have won a race or game.
- someone who trains a persons or team in a sport.
- an organised sports event between two teams or people.
- to do an active, often regular, on order to improve your skills or to prepare for the test.
- to hit something with your foot/movement of your foot or leg, usually to hit something with your foot.
- to prepare for competitions or tell someone how to prepare for it, especially by exercising.
- a person who leads a team
- not to win a game, argument, war, etc.
- when you do a particular things, often regular, on order to improve your skills at it.
- someone who is very keen on a team or sportsperson
- to take part in competition or sports event.
- a competition in which people compete to run fastest and finishe first/to compete against someone in a race.
- a prize which you can put around your neck
- a small cupboard with a lock in a school, office, etc. where you can leave clothes or possessions while you do something.
- an area, made for playing games such as tennis
- a person who competes in a sport
- to win a point in a sport game, test or competition/the number of points that each or player has won in a game or competition.
- to get hold of and stop an object such as a ball that is moving through the air.
- a place where thousands of people can watch live sport
26 Clues: a person who leads a team • the last match in a competition • a person who competes in a sport • not to win a game, argument, war, etc. • a person or team that wins a competition • a prize which you can put around your neck • to take part in competition or sports event. • an area, made for playing games such as tennis • someone who trains a persons or team in a sport. • ...
sport 2020-03-28
- a sport in which you shoot arrows
- a sport in which two people hit a small rubber ball against the four walls of a room
- the number of points someone gets in a game or test
- an organized event in which people try to win a prize by being the best, fastest, etc
- a team game played on ice where you hit a small, hard object with a long, curved stick
- a sport where you have to ride a bicycle
- a sport in which two people fight and try to push each other to the ground
- a game played outside on grass in which each player tries to hit a small ball into a series of nine or 18 small holes, using a long, thin stick
- a game that two people play by moving flat, round objects around on a board of black and white squares
- a running race of slightly over 26 miles
- a sport played by two teams with an oval ball and H-shaped goals
- a person who does something as a hobby and not as his job
- the sport or activity of sailing yachts
- a sport in which people move over snow wearing skis
- a game in which two teams of eleven people try to score points by hitting a ball and running between two wickets
- someone who you compete against in a game or competition
- the sport of fighting with thin swords
- a sport of swimming under water, usually using special breathing equipment
- a game that two people play by moving differently shaped pieces around a board of black and white squares
- a point scored in sports such as football when a player sends a ball or other object into a particular area, such as between two posts
20 Clues: a sport in which you shoot arrows • the sport of fighting with thin swords • the sport or activity of sailing yachts • a running race of slightly over 26 miles • a sport where you have to ride a bicycle • a sport in which people move over snow wearing skis • the number of points someone gets in a game or test • someone who you compete against in a game or competition • ...
sport 2020-05-15
- spordiala kus jooksja peab tõkkest üle jooksma
- ala kus peab teiba abil kõrgele hüppama
- jooksmine aga veel kiirem
- vee all liikumine
- ala mis on lumega seotud
- spordiala kus mis koosneb kõikidest võitluskunstidest
- ala kus peab kuuli tõukama
- sporidala kus kasutatakse kindaid ja hambakaitsmeid
- võistkondil jooks
- jooksmine aga samal ajal tõstad põlvi
- jalanõu mida kasutatakse kergejõustikus
- ala kus võistleja peab täpse käega noolt viskama
- ala kus peab ise kõrgele hüppama
- spordiala milles gerd kanter väga hea on
- maas salto tegemine
- pulk mis tavaliselt teatejooksus edasi antakse
- spordiala kus visatakse pikka, terava otsaga pulka
- tähtis asi mida tuleb teha peale trenni
- ala kus peab kaguele hüppama
- õhus kukerpalli tegemine
- jooks mille vahemaa pikkuseks on 42km
- harjutus kus liigutakse käte abil üles ja alla
- spordiala mis sai alguse Vana-Kreekas
- kiirkõnd aga veel kiirem
- ala kus sportlane jää peal libiseb
- asi mis peale edukat võistlust kaela pannakse
- tähtis asi mida tuleb teha enne trenni
- kõndimine aga kiirem
- puidust laud millel on rattad all
29 Clues: vee all liikumine • võistkondil jooks • maas salto tegemine • kõndimine aga kiirem • ala mis on lumega seotud • õhus kukerpalli tegemine • kiirkõnd aga veel kiirem • jooksmine aga veel kiirem • ala kus peab kuuli tõukama • ala kus peab kaguele hüppama • ala kus peab ise kõrgele hüppama • puidust laud millel on rattad all • ala kus sportlane jää peal libiseb • ...
Sport 2021-05-16
21 Clues: dres • kask • obóz • łyżwy • gogle • chcieć • zestaw • trener • drużyna • lokalny • skarpetki • rękawiczki • na zewnątrz • profesjonalny • buty sportowe • czapka, czepek • krótkie spodenki • kij do baseballa • kozaki, buty za kostkę • boisko (do gry w baseball) • swimming ... -strój kąpielowy
Sport 2021-12-12
sport 2023-04-24
- it is a combat sport in which two people, usually wearing protective gloves throw punches at each other for a predetermined amount of time in a ring
- this separates the players of different teams (in some ball games, such as volleyball)
- a game in which a light feathered object(called a shuttlecock) is hit over a net by players using light rackets
- a game played on a large field by 2 teams of 11 players who try to score runs by hitting a small ball with a bat and then running between 2 sets of wooden sticks
- it is a board game for two players, called White and Black, each controlling an army of pieces in their color
- an area or object into which a ball or puck must be hit to score points in various games or it may be refer to an instance of scoring
- the object that is used in ice hockey
- a person who makes sure that players act according to the rules of a game or sport
- it is the sport of jumping or falling into water from a platform or springboard, usually while performing acrobatics
- it is a racket-and-ball sport played by two or four players in a four-walled court with a small, rubber ball
- the sport of fighting with swords
- one or more competitions held at a single venue and concentrated into a relatively short time interval
- an important that decides which player or team is the best in a particular sport
- a person who does smth(such as a sport or hobby) for pleasure and not as a job
- a group of people who compete in a sport, game against another group
- a person who likes and admires someone(such as a famous person) or something(such as a sport or a sport team) in a very enthusiastic way
- a sport team or organization
- a team game on ice skating in a small ball or puck, hit with a stick
- a long spear that people throw as far as they can as a sport
- these are sports equipment suspended at a height on special cables that are used in gymnastics
20 Clues: a sport team or organization • the sport of fighting with swords • the object that is used in ice hockey • a long spear that people throw as far as they can as a sport • a group of people who compete in a sport, game against another group • a team game on ice skating in a small ball or puck, hit with a stick • ...
sport 2023-04-24
- the object that is used in ice hockey
- this separates the players of different teams (in some ball games, such as volleyball)
- a sport team or organization
- a person who does smth(such as a sport or hobby) for pleasure and not as a job
- these are sports equipment suspended at a height on special cables that are used in gymnastics
- a group of people who compete in a sport, game against another group
- a team game on ice skating in a small ball or puck, hit with a stick
- it is a combat sport in which two people, usually wearing protective gloves throw punches at each other for a predetermined amount of time in a ring
- a person who likes and admires someone(such as a famous person) or something(such as a sport or a sport team) in a very enthusiastic way
- a long spear that people throw as far as they can as a sport
- it is the sport of jumping or falling into water from a platform or springboard, usually while performing acrobatics
- an important that decides which player or team is the best in a particular sport
- it is a racket-and-ball sport played by two or four players in a four-walled court with a small, rubber ball
- one or more competitions held at a single venue and concentrated into a relatively short time interval
- an area or object into which a ball or puck must be hit to score points in various games or it may be refer to an instance of scoring
- it is a board game for two players, called White and Black, each controlling an army of pieces in their color
- a person who makes sure that players act according to the rules of a game or sport
- a game played on a large field by 2 teams of 11 players who try to score runs by hitting a small ball with a bat and then running between 2 sets of wooden sticks
- a game in which a light feathered object(called a shuttlecock) is hit over a net by players using light rackets
- the sport of fighting with swords
20 Clues: a sport team or organization • the sport of fighting with swords • the object that is used in ice hockey • a long spear that people throw as far as they can as a sport • a group of people who compete in a sport, game against another group • a team game on ice skating in a small ball or puck, hit with a stick • ...
Sport 2022-12-23
- Ameerika korvpalliliiga
- eesti käsipalliklubi
- Jalgpalli maailmameister 2022
- Eesti jalgrattur
- Eesti tõkkejooksja perekonnanimi
- rahvusvaheline laskesuusaliit
- Hispaania meestennisist
- vormel 1 maailmameister aastal 2020
- Eesti kahevõistleja
- Saksamaa jalgpalliklubi
- Saksamaa Vormelisõitja
- WRC võistkondlik maailmameister 2022
- Eesti võrkpallur perekonnanimi
- Eesti ujuja perekonnanimi
- Saksamaa meister jalgpallis aasatal 2011/12
- Eesti suusahüppaja
- Saksamaa jalgpalliliiga
- WRC maailmameister 2022 eesnimi
- Eesti meeslaskesuusataja
- Ameerika jalgpalli liiga(Ameerika jalgpall, mitte jalgpall)
20 Clues: Eesti jalgrattur • Eesti suusahüppaja • Eesti kahevõistleja • eesti käsipalliklubi • Saksamaa Vormelisõitja • Saksamaa jalgpalliklubi • Ameerika korvpalliliiga • Saksamaa jalgpalliliiga • Hispaania meestennisist • Eesti meeslaskesuusataja • Eesti ujuja perekonnanimi • Jalgpalli maailmameister 2022 • rahvusvaheline laskesuusaliit • Eesti võrkpallur perekonnanimi • ...
Sport 2022-05-01
- Wie won het EK voetbal in 2020?
- Wie won de Ronde van Vlaanderen in 2022 (enkel achternaam)?
- Hoe noem je het als je bij bowlen alle kegels in één keer omgooit?
- Hoe noemt men het spel dat gelijkt op petanque op ijs?
- Welke sport beoefent Dancing Dimi?
- Hoe heet de wielerronde van Italië?
- Hoe heet het wanneer een slagman bij honkbal de bal zo slaat dat hij in een beurt alle honken kan passeren?
- Welke Engelse term wordt gebruikt voor het competitief spelen van computerspellen?
- Het symbool van de Olympische Spelen bestaat uit 5 ...
- Welk sportkledingmerk gebruikt de naam van de
- Hoe noemde Usain Bolt zijn zoontje?
- Hoe heet de nieuwe, populaire sport die een mix lijkt tussen tennis en squash?
- In welke sport maak je gebruik van een shuttle?
- Welke Belgische keeper won met zijn ploeg de Spaanse voetbaltitel (enkel achternaam)?
- godin van de overwinning?
- Hoeveel kilometer is de Ten Miles van Antwerpen?
- In welke sport gebruiken ze de term 'hole-in-one'?
- Welke sport beoefent Rocky Balboa?
- Welke Argentijnse voetballer wordt de kleine Maradonna genoemd?
- Welk Australisch werptuig komt terug als het gegooid is?
- Welke energiedrankje sponsort de meest extreme sporten?
21 Clues: godin van de overwinning? • Wie won het EK voetbal in 2020? • Welke sport beoefent Rocky Balboa? • Welke sport beoefent Dancing Dimi? • Hoe noemde Usain Bolt zijn zoontje? • Hoe heet de wielerronde van Italië? • Welk sportkledingmerk gebruikt de naam van de • In welke sport maak je gebruik van een shuttle? • Hoeveel kilometer is de Ten Miles van Antwerpen? • ...
Sport 2022-12-04
23 Clues: stok • zapasy • sędzia • trener • bramka • pokonać • turniej • okrążenie • gimnastyk • nurkowanie • konkurować • kajakarstwo • kij golfowy • potknąć się • kort tenisowy • strzelać gole • strój kąpielowy • zremisować,remis • karny, punkty karne • pobrudzić się błotem • podnoszenie ciężarów • zająć drugie miejsce • boisko do piłki nożnej
Sport 2023-05-02
22 Clues: fänn • reket • trofee • väljas • tennis • võitma • maailm • väljak • viskama • reeglid • mängija • võrkpall • meeskond • tennised • korvpall • võimlemine • uisutamine • lööma(käega) • ujumisriided • rulaga sõitma • lööma(jalaga) • meistrivõistlused
Sport 2023-09-28
- A combat sport where two competitors face off in a ring, using punches and defensive maneuvers to score points or achieve a knockout.
- A Korean martial art known for its high, fast kicks and powerful strikes, often seen in the Olympics.
- A bat-and-ball sport played with two teams, where the batting team tries to score runs by hitting a pitched ball and running around bases.
- A water sport where competitors paddle canoes or kayaks in races or on rivers and lakes.
- A sport played with a ball over a net, where two teams try to score points by sending the ball into the opponent's court.
- A racquet sport played with a shuttlecock, where two or four players try to score points by hitting the shuttlecock over a net.
- A bat-and-ball sport played with two teams, where the batting team tries to score runs by hitting the ball and the fielding team tries to get the batsmen out.
- A water sport involving boats propelled by wind, often in races or recreational sailing.
- A racket sport played with a ball and a net, where players try to win points by hitting the ball over the net and into the opponent's court.
- A sport where teams or individuals use oars to propel a boat through water in races or for exercise.
- A sport where players use clubs to hit a ball into a series of holes on a course with the fewest strokes possible.
- A sport played with a puck and curved sticks, where two teams try to score goals by getting the puck into the opponent's net.
- A martial art that focuses on striking techniques, often used for self-defense or competition.
- A contact sport played with an oval-shaped ball, where two teams try to score points by advancing the ball over the opponent's goal line.
- A martial art and combat sport that emphasizes throws and holds to control or immobilize an opponent.
- A sport involving various swimming strokes in pools or open water, often for competition or recreation.
- A sport played with an oval-shaped ball and two teams trying to score goals by advancing the ball to the opposing team's end zone.
- A sport similar to tennis but played on a smaller table with a lightweight ball and small paddles.
- A combat sport where two individuals grapple and try to pin or throw their opponent to the ground.
- A sport played with a round ball and two teams trying to score points by shooting the ball through the opponent's hoop.
- A popular sport played with a round ball and two teams trying to score goals by getting the ball into the opposing team's net.
- A collection of sports and events such as running, jumping, throwing, and more, often part of track and field competitions.
- A sport involving acrobatic and artistic routines on various apparatus, such as the balance beam and parallel bars.
- A combat sport where participants use bladed weapons to score points by touching the opponent.
- A sport where participants use bows to shoot arrows at a target, aiming for accuracy and precision.
25 Clues: A water sport where competitors paddle canoes or kayaks in races or on rivers and lakes. • A water sport involving boats propelled by wind, often in races or recreational sailing. • A martial art that focuses on striking techniques, often used for self-defense or competition. • ...
Sport 2022-06-13
- Practice?
- Last Principal
- Invented at Dartford
- Anatomy and ?
- Only colour allowed on trainers
- Sadly this dining room is closed
- college colour
- That famous tree!
- Change direction
- One of the gymnastic disciplines
- Lots of it around in winter
- essential for teaching games
- Lane where college is located
- Socks for netball
- College parent
- One of the colours of the Olympic emblem
- Worn for dance
- 1968 Olympic Venue
- Shot in volleyball
- A gate for this Dartford legend is being opened in September
- Dartford Olympian
- Keeps control
- Way to slow down while skiing?
- Upside down
- Played by a team of five
- Remember to wear shin pads
- 1968 Winter Olympics venue
- Art and Science of ?
- Worn for hockey and lacrosse
- Used in rhythmic gymnastics
- Cricket bats are made of this
- Venue of delight or dread
- Howzat?
33 Clues: Howzat? • Practice? • Upside down • Keeps control • Anatomy and ? • Worn for dance • Last Principal • college colour • College parent • Change direction • Dartford Olympian • That famous tree! • Socks for netball • 1968 Olympic Venue • Shot in volleyball • Invented at Dartford • Art and Science of ? • Played by a team of five • Venue of delight or dread • Remember to wear shin pads • ...
Sport 2023-02-26
23 Clues: sci • sumo • yoga • vela • golf • surf • nuoto • danza • rugby • corsa • hockey • calcio • karatè • tennis • scherma • ciclismo • baseball • pugilato • pallamano • pallavolo • pallanuoto • equitazione • pallacanestro
Sport 2023-03-20
20 Clues: vif • bond • éloge • stade • flèche • expert • mollet • tripes • serrer • chemin • gradins • vibrant • blesser • exploser • escapade • euphorique • courir après • casque audio • maillot d'équipe • rassemblement tactique
Sport 2013-07-28
- A sport event that involves the player to throw a large and long projectile. (7)
- a reward for a specific achievement, another word for medal. (6)
- A sport involving a racket, Fuzzy ball and a net (6)
- An Sporting event which occurs every 4 years (8
- the type of Basketball played at the Paralympics(10, 10)
- A sport that involves a shuttlecock, racket and a net (9)
- players use a vehicle that have two wheels and are powered by pedaling. (4, 6)
- Two opponents face each other in a sport which involves broadswords or swords (7)
- There are three types of this object that players get players only obtain these objects when are placed either first, second or third (5)
- A sport in the water that involves 6 players on each team hitting a projectile,the objective is to hit the projectile on the opponents ground (5, 10)
- A sport that involves lifting heavy objects (6, 7)
- One of the main catagories in the olympics, this catagory is full of events that include running and jumping. (5, 3, 5,)
- a location that the sporting event was held in the year 2012. (6)
- A sport that involves using a bow and arrow. (7)
- A sport that involves two players in a cage throwing punches at eachother(6)
- A former Boxer Whom also has a tatoo on his face. (4, 5)
- A race but instead of being on land the players are in the water. (8)
- A long distance running event that lots of people paticipate in, this event involves running a far distance. (8)
- A sport involving the player kicking a ball in a net (6)
- A Sport which the famous person Tiger Woods plays(4)
20 Clues: An Sporting event which occurs every 4 years (8 • A sport that involves using a bow and arrow. (7) • A sport that involves lifting heavy objects (6, 7) • A sport involving a racket, Fuzzy ball and a net (6) • A Sport which the famous person Tiger Woods plays(4) • A former Boxer Whom also has a tatoo on his face. (4, 5) • ...
SPORT 2023-12-04
- unpleasantly rough
- something or someone that is useful because they help you succeed or deal with problems
- to jump high into the air or to jump in order to land in a different place
- someone who works in the same team as you
- someone who you try to defeat in a competition, game, fight, or argument
- so surprising that it is almost impossible to believe
- to hit or fall against the surface of something
- something that is an impressive achievement, because it needs a lot of skill, strength etc to do
- a problem that delays or prevents progress, or makes things worse than they were
- a state in which all your weight is evenly spread so that you do not fall
- win a victory over (someone) in a battle or other contest; overcome or beat
- a competition to find which player, team etc is the best in a particular sport
- very important or greatly respected
- to be even better or greater than someone or something else
- an amount of money that you are given regularly or for a special purpose
- the person or team that comes second in a race or competition
- something such as a prize or money given to someone to reward them for something they have done
- unwilling
- a method of teaching students, sports players etc something by making them repeat the same lesson, exercise etc many times
- very keen and excited about something that is going to happen or about something you want to do
- not clear, definite, or decided
21 Clues: unwilling • unpleasantly rough • not clear, definite, or decided • very important or greatly respected • someone who works in the same team as you • to hit or fall against the surface of something • so surprising that it is almost impossible to believe • to be even better or greater than someone or something else • ...
Sport 2013-07-29
- main objective is to shoot a ball through a hoop.(10)
- tennis Similar to tennis but with a smaller court, racquet and the ball.(5)
- An event that occurs once every 4 years.(3,7,5)
- An indoor sport where it is played on a court and requires rackets and a shaddlecock.(9)
- Concentration is very important in this game, players would fire an arrow using a bow into a target through a series of distances.(7)
- A game where players would work together to get a ball over a net.(6,4)
- A game played with two to four players and on a series of courts.(6)
- A range of events in which players would try to impress judges by demonstrating their skills. Eg, Trampoline.(10)
- A game in which two teams play against each other by trying to maneuver a puck through the opponents goal using a hockey stick.(6)
- An aquatic sport where competitors would jump off a board and do stunts in order to gain points.(6)
- A game played between two teams and a spherical ball.(6)
- An aquatic sport where competitors would ride on boards and show off by doing tricks.(7)
- played using different clubs to hit a series of balls.(4)
- A range of sports in the Olympics that are played on different surfaces.(5,3,5,6)
- A team game played between two games and players would try to hit homeruns with bats.(4,4)
- A team game which involves a bat, bowlers and fielders.(7)
- Similar to basketball but are unable to dribble the ball.(7)
- A team game where players would try to score tries( points) by mainly running to the other end of a field and touching the ball onto the ground.(5)
- A game in which people ride on horse through a series of obstacles.(10)
- Also known as a sword fight.(7)
20 Clues: Also known as a sword fight.(7) • An event that occurs once every 4 years.(3,7,5) • main objective is to shoot a ball through a hoop.(10) • A game played between two teams and a spherical ball.(6) • played using different clubs to hit a series of balls.(4) • A team game which involves a bat, bowlers and fielders.(7) • ...
Sport 2024-02-28
- a Japanese martial art whose physical aspects seek the development of defensive and counterattacking body movements
- Sports with a ball and a stick
- ball sport for two players (singles) or pairs (doubles), in which a ball with an average diameter of 67 mm (usually yellow with white line) must be played over a net with a racket.
- is a sport played by two individuals who punch each other using padded gloves.
- form of recreation and sport, popular among youths, in which a person rides standing balanced on a small board mounted on wheels
- physical activity aimed at, among other things, improving fitness and/or fat burning, where your own body can serve as resistance
- certain riding events held at horse shows and most specifically competitive horse and rider events held at the summer Olympic Games.
- Sport with two teams with eleven players
- game in which a heavy ball is rolled down a long, narrow lane toward a group of objects known as pins, the aim being to knock down more pins than an opponent.
- speed competition on an athletics or cycling track that is held over a relatively short distance
- a regimen of exercises designed to enhance the human body's muscular development and promote general health and fitness
- Sport with a bike
- a sport where one gets into a little boat made for the sport called a canoe and using a single-bladed paddle to steer the canoe, tries to travel down a stream of a river.
- A sport with snow
- Sport you have to be flexible for
- sport in which two competitors fight each other using very thin swords
- Each player carries a stick (crosse) with a net at the end, in which the player holds the ball.
- Ball sport with an orange ball
- Ballsport in a pool
- Sport on ice
- a bat-and-ball game played between two teams of eleven players on a field at the centre
- a game played on a rectangular court by two players or two pairs of players equipped with light rackets used to volley a shuttlecock over a high net that divides the court in half.
- a team and ball sport that is especially popular in the United States, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean and much of Asia
- keep themselves afloat and propelled in the water by certain ordered movements.
- a cross-country game in which a player strikes a small ball with various clubs from a series of starting points (teeing grounds) into a series of holes on a course
25 Clues: Sport on ice • A sport with snow • Sport with a bike • Ballsport in a pool • Sports with a ball and a stick • Ball sport with an orange ball • Sport you have to be flexible for • Sport with two teams with eleven players • sport in which two competitors fight each other using very thin swords • is a sport played by two individuals who punch each other using padded gloves. • ...
Sport 2024-02-26
- like walking, but faster
- this game is played with two teams that kick a ball into a goal
- to hit with your foot
- move your arm and hand to send a ball to your friend
- this sport is played with two teams that must shoot a ball into a basket
- standing on two long boards to slide down snowy hills
- bring your hand or a tool into contact with (someone or something) quickly and forcefully
- standing on one board to slide down snowy hills
- you must use a bycicle to do this sport
- moving your body to the rythm of the music
- this is an individual sport where people jump and swing using bars or sometimes the floor
- to push yourself into the air with your feet
- this game is played by hitting a small ball with a club into a hole
- like snowboarding, but with wheels
- a sport where someone wears shoes with wheels on them
- a sport where you use your hands and feet to hit the other person
- using your hands and feet to go up rocks or a wall
- this game is played with two teams which try to send a ball over a net and let it hit the ground of their opponent
- this sport is played between two or four people with a ball, rackets, and a net
- this is a martial art using balance to fight
- using your arms and legs to move through the water
- when somebody grabs a ball from the air
22 Clues: to hit with your foot • like walking, but faster • like snowboarding, but with wheels • you must use a bycicle to do this sport • when somebody grabs a ball from the air • moving your body to the rythm of the music • to push yourself into the air with your feet • this is a martial art using balance to fight • standing on one board to slide down snowy hills • ...
Sport 2024-07-13
20 Clues: edző • vívás • amatőr • gerely • atléta • oktató • evezés • kenuzás • rúrugró • bírkózás • focipálya • súlyemelés • tornaterem • súly(lökés) • tollaslabda • kűzdő(sport) • látvány(sport) • pálya pl. tenisz • műugrás/búvárkodás • bíró a labdajátékokban
Sport 2013-06-10
- Hoe noem je de stok die je gebruikt bij hockey om de bal te slaan?
- Van welke sport kennen we Epke Zonderland?
- Badminton speel je met een racket en een ... ?
- Hoe heet de grootste wielerronde van Frankrijk?
- Welke sport beoefent Sven Kramer?
- Hoe heet het stadion van Ajax?
- Hoe heet het gedeelte van een berg waar je op kunt skiën?
- Wanneer er geen ijs ligt gebruikt een schaatser geen schaatsen maar ... ?
- Van welke club is de Euroborg het stadion?
- Hoe heet het bordspel waarbij de koning en de koningin centraal staan?
- Van welke sport is Wimbledon een groot toernooi?
- In welke provincie wordt de Elfstedentocht gehouden?
- Hoe noem je het stuiteren met de bal om te kunnen lopen bij basketbal?
- Waar staan de 5 ringen voor in het logo van de Olympische spelen?
- Hoe noem je een vrouwelijke balletdanser?
- Een triatlon bestaat uit zwemmen, hardlopen en ...?
- Uit hoeveel spelers bestaat een voetbalteam?
- Welk Engels woord gebruikt men voor de opslag bij tennis en volleybal?
- Waar worden de Olympische spelen van 2014 gehouden?
- Wat voor kleur pak heeft een schermer aan?
20 Clues: Hoe heet het stadion van Ajax? • Welke sport beoefent Sven Kramer? • Hoe noem je een vrouwelijke balletdanser? • Van welke sport kennen we Epke Zonderland? • Wat voor kleur pak heeft een schermer aan? • Van welke club is de Euroborg het stadion? • Uit hoeveel spelers bestaat een voetbalteam? • Badminton speel je met een racket en een ... ? • ...
Sport 2014-02-22
- the best at a sport
- a non professional
- a plan of action
- sadness or displeasure
- not doing well at a particular event
- able to go to the next round
- hurting one's self
- to look forward to something
- strive to gain or win something
- correct in all details; exact.
- scoring a point
- he sport or activity of propelling oneself through water using the limbs
- protect the goal
- an official who watches the games and makes calls
- an act of defeating an enemy or opponent
- the other team
- a punishment given
- someone who plays sport
- the quality of being determined
- a resolution
- lost or surrendered as a penalty for wrongdoing or not enough players
- someone who watches sport
- a person engaged or qualified in a profession.
- a series of games that usually last over a weekend
- a decision
- showing the ability to develop into something in the future.
- an instructor or trainer in sport
- to successfully reach a goal
- a sport where one is trying to throw or force their opponent to the ground.
- tired
30 Clues: tired • a decision • a resolution • the other team • scoring a point • a plan of action • protect the goal • a punishment given • a non professional • hurting one's self • the best at a sport • sadness or displeasure • someone who plays sport • someone who watches sport • able to go to the next round • to look forward to something • to successfully reach a goal • correct in all details; exact. • ...
Sport 2014-11-10
- A sport played inside
- Has a round ball.
- Work and cooperate together.
- Refreshing occupation or amusement.
- A building you play sport in.
- Enjoyment or amusement.
- The two best players or teams play in this.
- Activity,competition or exercise.
- To score, you have to get a ____.
- Round or nearly round object used in games.
- A sport played outside.
- You play sport on one of these.
- Activity to train the body.
- Types of club used to hit a ball.
- Event in which people compete.
- Track or field sports.
- To play a ____ of soccer.
- Points gained in a game.
- Only played in Australia.
- Occupy yourself in a game.
20 Clues: Has a round ball. • A sport played inside • Track or field sports. • A sport played outside. • Enjoyment or amusement. • Points gained in a game. • To play a ____ of soccer. • Only played in Australia. • Occupy yourself in a game. • Activity to train the body. • Work and cooperate together. • A building you play sport in. • Event in which people compete. • ...
sport 2015-03-04
- Japanse vechtkunst
- balspel tussen twee ploegen van zes spelers,wordt gespeeld met een net
- soort tennis met een shuttle
- hockey op een ijsbaan
- het racen, crossen enz. met motorfietsen
- hardrijden op een racefiets
- met de vuisten vechten
- meest gespeeld sport
- zich ritmisch bewegen op de maat van de muziek
- balspel voor twee ploegen van elk vijftien spelers
- om het snelst lopen
- sport waarbij een zacht balletje met een racket tegen een of meer muren wordt gekaatst
- in een zaal beoefende sport waarbij de bal in een net wordt geworpen
- balspel waarbij twee elftallen proberen om de bal met een stok in elkaars doel te slaan
- een soort kegelspel
- lichaamsoefening
- belangrijkste klasse bij het autoracen
- balspel waarbij je met een racket een bal over een net moet slaan
- vechten met wapens als degen, floret of sabel
- sport waarbij je met een stok een balletje in een kuiltje moet slaan
20 Clues: lichaamsoefening • Japanse vechtkunst • om het snelst lopen • een soort kegelspel • meest gespeeld sport • hockey op een ijsbaan • met de vuisten vechten • hardrijden op een racefiets • soort tennis met een shuttle • belangrijkste klasse bij het autoracen • het racen, crossen enz. met motorfietsen • vechten met wapens als degen, floret of sabel • ...
Sport 2016-02-08
- rattaga sõites peab peas olema
- tavaliselt 400m, keskel muruväljak
- vahend märguande andmiseks
- musklid lähevad seal suuremaks
- sarnane mäng tennisega
- meie kooli kuulsaim sportlane
- Eesti kettaheitja
- sügavaim koht 1,75m, madalam 1,0m. 2 rada, soe koht koolimajas
- tennise mängimiseks vajalik
- jaapani päritolu võitluskunts
- sarnane mäng jäähokiga aga sisetingimustes
- keelatud aine spordis
- Pallimäng võrguga
- pikamaajooks
- Sportmäng
- Suurim spordisündmus maailmas
- Ümmargune spordivahend
- Seal toimuvad kehalise kasvatuse tunnid
- vesine tegevus
- võidab see, kes hüppab kõige kõrgemale
- pikk viskevahend
- jooks koos takistusega
- tuleb saada pall väravasse
- nool Eesti edukaim kümnevõistleja
24 Clues: Sportmäng • pikamaajooks • vesine tegevus • pikk viskevahend • Pallimäng võrguga • Eesti kettaheitja • keelatud aine spordis • sarnane mäng tennisega • Ümmargune spordivahend • jooks koos takistusega • vahend märguande andmiseks • tuleb saada pall väravasse • tennise mängimiseks vajalik • Suurim spordisündmus maailmas • meie kooli kuulsaim sportlane • jaapani päritolu võitluskunts • ...
Sport 2016-10-31
- Een professionele sporter. Je sport voor je beroep
- De snelheid waarmee je iets doet
- Een blok waar je tegenaan staat bij de start van een wedstrijd
- Iets wat in de weg staat
- Een trap of worp, waarmee je de bal naar een teamspeler overspeelt
- Een stukje rennen om vaart te maken voor een sprong
- Aanprijzen. Zeggen dat iets of iemand goed is
- Als je dingen doet, zonder te bedenken wat het gevaar kan zijn
- De manier waarop je iets aanpakt om iets te bereiken
- Een wedstrijdbaan. Een route die je moet afleggen bij een wedstrijd
- De angst
- Tot rust komen
- Het advies geven om het niet te doen
- Gewond
- Om te ontspannen, voor je plezier
- Veel doen, je krachten gebruiken
- Een kapotte of pijnlijke plaats aan je lichaam, vaak door het sporten
- De manier waarop je iets doet
- Dat ben je als je veel aan sport doet of als je goed tegen je verlies kunt
- Je lichamelijke toestand, hoe fit en gezond je bent
- Een sport die je lang achter elkaar doet, zoals lang rennen
- Van het ene naar het andere overgaan
- In evenwicht proberen te blijven
- Een soort staaf waarmee je tegen een bal slaat
- Iemand die veel durft en niet snel bang is
- Iets wat grote opwinding veroorzaakt
- De platte schijf bij ijshockey
- Een sterk gevoel van plezier en kracht
- Iemand met opzet laten struikelen
- Klappen krijgen of teleurgesteld worden en daarmee om kunnen gaan
- Als eerste de bal in het spel brengen bij een sport met een net
- Iets op het goede moment doen
- Iemand die snel bang is
- Iets doen of uitvoeren
- Heel enthousiast en fel, graag willen winnen
- Als je afwacht wat er gebeurt, ben je passief
- Een baan voor skiërs en wielrenners
- Veel doen en bewegen
- De durf
39 Clues: Gewond • De durf • De angst • Tot rust komen • Veel doen en bewegen • Iets doen of uitvoeren • Iemand die snel bang is • Iets wat in de weg staat • Iets op het goede moment doen • De manier waarop je iets doet • De platte schijf bij ijshockey • De snelheid waarmee je iets doet • In evenwicht proberen te blijven • Veel doen, je krachten gebruiken • Iemand met opzet laten struikelen • ...
Sport 2016-10-31
- Veel doen en bewegen
- Iets wat in de weg staat
- Een baan voor skiërs en wielrenners
- Een stukje rennen om vaart te maken voor een sprong
- Om te ontspannen, voor je plezier
- Iets op het goede moment doen
- Een trap of worp, waarmee je de bal naar een teamspeler overspeelt
- Je lichamelijke toestand, hoe fit en gezond je bent
- Iets doen of uitvoeren
- Als je dingen doet, zonder te bedenken wat het gevaar kan zijn
- Iemand met opzet laten struikelen
- Tot rust komen
- Iemand die veel durft en niet snel bang is
- Aanprijzen. Zeggen dat iets of iemand goed is
- Een sport die je lang achter elkaar doet, zoals lang rennen
- Gewond
- Een wedstrijdbaan. Een route die je moet afleggen bij een wedstrijd
- Een soort staaf waarmee je tegen een bal slaat
- De angst
- Als eerste de bal in het spel brengen bij een sport met een net
- Als je afwacht wat er gebeurt, ben je passief
- De manier waarop je iets doet
- Van het ene naar het andere overgaan
- Een sterk gevoel van plezier en kracht
- Veel doen, je krachten gebruiken
- Dat ben je als je veel aan sport doet of als je goed tegen je verlies kunt
- Het advies geven om het niet te doen
- De durf
- Klappen krijgen of teleurgesteld worden en daarmee om kunnen gaan
- Heel enthousiast en fel, graag willen winnen
- Een professionele sporter. Je sport voor je beroep
- Een blok waar je tegenaan staat bij de start van een wedstrijd
- Iets wat grote opwinding veroorzaakt
- In evenwicht proberen te blijven
- Een kapotte of pijnlijke plaats aan je lichaam, vaak door het sporten
- Iemand die snel bang is
- De platte schijf bij ijshockey
- De manier waarop je iets aanpakt om iets te bereiken
- De snelheid waarmee je iets doet
39 Clues: Gewond • De durf • De angst • Tot rust komen • Veel doen en bewegen • Iets doen of uitvoeren • Iemand die snel bang is • Iets wat in de weg staat • De manier waarop je iets doet • Iets op het goede moment doen • De platte schijf bij ijshockey • Veel doen, je krachten gebruiken • In evenwicht proberen te blijven • De snelheid waarmee je iets doet • Om te ontspannen, voor je plezier • ...
SPORT 2018-05-07
27 Clues: Tor • Netz • Feld • Lauf • Pokal • Preis • Gegner • Ringen • Regeln • Spieler • Tormann • Trainer • Gewinner • Sportler • Wettkampf • erreichen • Bahn Piste • teilnehmen • Mannschaft • Wettstreit • trainieren • Hindernisse • Spiel Partie • respektieren • herausfordern • ausüben praktizieren • überholen übertrumpfen
Sport 2020-04-08
- Allungamento dei muscoli
- Si deve fare dopo l'attività fisica
- Si gareggia in bici
- Lo producono le ghiandole sudoripare
- Sentimento intenso - forte interesse
- Attrezzo che rotola
- Abito sportivo
- E' la regina degli sport
- Sport dove si lancia una grande boccia forata
- Significa gioco corretto
- Sport con la racchetta
- Pompa il sangue in tutto il corpo
- Sostanze e metodi vietati nello sport
- Si indossa in piscina
- Esulta dopo la vittoria
- Educazione - osservanza delle regole
- Attrezzo che si utilizza nel baseball
- Città dei giochi olimpici antichi
- Disseta
- Movimento del corpo a ritmo di musica
- Luogo dove si svolgono le competizioni sportive
- Esercizio acrobatico a corpo libero
22 Clues: Disseta • Abito sportivo • Si gareggia in bici • Attrezzo che rotola • Si indossa in piscina • Sport con la racchetta • Esulta dopo la vittoria • Allungamento dei muscoli • E' la regina degli sport • Significa gioco corretto • Pompa il sangue in tutto il corpo • Città dei giochi olimpici antichi • Si deve fare dopo l'attività fisica • Esercizio acrobatico a corpo libero • ...
SPORT 2020-04-21
- Si pratica in piscina
- Il numero di componenti di una squadra di cricket
- Si gioca su un prato con mazza e palline
- Chi arriva primo, la vince
- Il luogo dove facciamo lezione di motoria
- Lo sport nazionale in Pakistan
- La squadra di calcio con la maglia giallorossa
- I giochi che si fanno ogni 4 anni
- Si usa per giocare a Badminton
- é una delle arti marziali
- Ha i pedali
- C'è quella classica e quella moderna
- Ci sta il portiere di calcio
- In italiano si chiama pallacanestro
- Lo usa nel cricket il ricevitore
- Il cognome della nostra insegnante
- Si fa prima della partita
- C'è il salto in alto e quello in...
- è la persona che controlla il gioco
- Usi il bagher
20 Clues: Ha i pedali • Usi il bagher • Si pratica in piscina • é una delle arti marziali • Si fa prima della partita • Chi arriva primo, la vince • Ci sta il portiere di calcio • Lo sport nazionale in Pakistan • Si usa per giocare a Badminton • Lo usa nel cricket il ricevitore • I giochi che si fanno ogni 4 anni • Il cognome della nostra insegnante • In italiano si chiama pallacanestro • ...
Sport 2021-03-05
21 Clues: win • help • symbol • ghetto • success • honored • succeed • district • organize • take part • important • impressive • expressive dance • a person who runs • an African country • a group of athletes • famous, influential • decoration of honour • a sort of competition • person involved in sport • to go up against in a competition
Sport 2017-05-11
- You use it to score in netball
- You use them to score in AFL
- You have to wear it with every sport
- it's one of the most impotent character strengths
- The soccer team wears them
- You look up at the sky when you do this swimming stroke
- you play soccer with it
- There is a back board to score
- A very hard swimming stroke
- A type of swimming stroke
- You have to wear goggles with this sport
- you can't win a game without them
- you use them to exercise
- You use a wooden stick to play the game
- You have to run a long distant
- You have to throw the ball over the net to play the game
- riding You need and animal to do this sport
- You can't move with the ball with this game
- You have to lead with your heart
- You need them to play soccer
20 Clues: you play soccer with it • you use them to exercise • A type of swimming stroke • The soccer team wears them • A very hard swimming stroke • You use them to score in AFL • You need them to play soccer • You use it to score in netball • You have to run a long distant • There is a back board to score • You have to lead with your heart • you can't win a game without them • ...
sport 2016-11-20
- Sport voor jongeren ze hebben een boot en een roeier nodig.
- Je vecht op tatamies en ze hebben een wit pakje aan.
- Een sport voor lenige mensen en er zijn soms competitie.
- Er zit een keeper in de goal de spelers moeten scoren.
- Een sport waarbij men op een board met vastgemaakte schoenen afdaald van een besneeuwde piste.
- Ze dansen op tutu's en de meisjes doen een rokje aan.
- Er zit een keeper in de goal de spelers moeten proberen te scoren met hun hand.
- Die sportieven hebben een raket nodig en een pluim.
- Een teamsport in het water en je moet met in de goal werpen.
- Je bent met een plank op het water en het water is heel hoog.
- Je hebt een hockeystok nodig en een klein wit balletje waar er gaatjes in zitten.
- Sport waar je een paard en botten nodig hebt.
- Een sport voor het eerst naar de finish met een coursfiets.
- Iedereen die mee doet loopt voor het eerst naar het einde.
- Sport voor mensen die veel bewegen en graag dansen.
- De spelers hebben een bal en moete de bal in een ring gooien.
- Er zijn 2teams 1speler begint met de bal over het net te gooien om te scoren.
- Ze hebben een zwart pak nodig en gordels.
- Voor deze sport heb je een pingpongtafelnodig en een pingpongbal.
- Je hebt een raket nodig en een klein groen balletje.
20 Clues: Ze hebben een zwart pak nodig en gordels. • Sport waar je een paard en botten nodig hebt. • Sport voor mensen die veel bewegen en graag dansen. • Die sportieven hebben een raket nodig en een pluim. • Je vecht op tatamies en ze hebben een wit pakje aan. • Je hebt een raket nodig en een klein groen balletje. • Ze dansen op tutu's en de meisjes doen een rokje aan. • ...
SPORT 2020-09-29
- / A marine sport in which one stands on a floating board to which a sail is attached.
- / Any group of people involved in the same activity, especially referring to sports and work.
- / The pastime or sport of riding surf on a surfboard.
- / An Okinawan martial art involving primarily punching and kicking, but additionally, advanced throws, arm bars, grappling and all means of fighting
- / A contest between people, animals, vehicles, etc. where the goal is to be the first to reach some objective.
- / A sport where two opponents punch each other with gloved fists, the object being to score more points by the end of the match or by knockout, or technical knockout
- / Physical exercises and activities performed inside, often using equipment such as bars and ropes
- / A game played on a rectangular court between two teams of two to six players which involves striking a ball back and forth over a net.
- / A form of exercise in which weights are lifted.
- / The action or sport of moving along a surface (ice or ground) using skates
- / A ball game played by individuals competing against one another in which the object is to hit a ball into each of a series of holes in the minimum number of strokes.
- / A sport in which two opposing teams of five players strive to put a ball through a hoop.
- / A Japanese martial art and sport adapted from jujutsu
- / Physical activities such as sports and games requiring stamina, fitness and skill.
- / A sport where players can hold or kick an ovoid ball.
- / The action of the verb to run.
- / A sport played by two players (or four in doubles), who alternately strike the ball over a net using racquets.
- / A game in which two teams each contend to get a round ball into the other team's goal primarily by kicking the ball.
- / A game on ice in which two teams of six players skate and try to score by shooting a puck into the opposing team's net, using their sticks.
- / Any condition, circumstance, opportunity or means, particularly favorable to success, or to any desired end.
20 Clues: / The action of the verb to run. • / A form of exercise in which weights are lifted. • / The pastime or sport of riding surf on a surfboard. • / A Japanese martial art and sport adapted from jujutsu • / A sport where players can hold or kick an ovoid ball. • / The action or sport of moving along a surface (ice or ground) using skates • ...
sport 2018-05-14
- Mis liinil on Sergio Ramos?
- Liiva sisse hüppamine
- kui vana on ronaldo?
- Fc barcelona ründaja
- kes teenis atleetidest aprilli kuus kõige rohkem?
- pead viskama palli vastase korvi
- Real madridi ründaja
- Millisel sajandil mõeldi välja kaasaegne jalgpall?
- mis spordiala harrastatakse maailmas kõige rohkem?
- libised kahe laua peal
- mis number on ronaldo?
- kõige lihtsam spordiala
- mis number on messi?
- kes on eesti parim triki suusataja?
- pead viskama palli vastase väravasse
- kui vana on messi?
- mis liinil on Paul Pogba
- Taldriku heitmine
- Kus mõeldi välja jalgpall?
- pead lõõma palli üle vastase võrgu maha
20 Clues: Taldriku heitmine • kui vana on messi? • mis number on messi? • kui vana on ronaldo? • Fc barcelona ründaja • Real madridi ründaja • Liiva sisse hüppamine • libised kahe laua peal • mis number on ronaldo? • kõige lihtsam spordiala • mis liinil on Paul Pogba • Kus mõeldi välja jalgpall? • Mis liinil on Sergio Ramos? • pead viskama palli vastase korvi • kes on eesti parim triki suusataja? • ...
sport 2018-05-15
- Spordiala kus sa üritad saada palli üle võrgu
- Ala kus sul on vaja saada üle objekti niimoodi et sa ei puuduta samaaegselt midagi
- Ala kus sa üritad minna edasi abivahendiga
- Ala kus sa pead mängima arvutimänge
- Spordiala kus on vaja hüpata edasi
- Ala kus sa pead vastast lööma kätega
- Spordiala kus põhimõte on saada ringikujuline objekt nii kaugele kui võimalik
- Spordiala kus sa liigud ringi kahel teral
- Sport kus sa üritad saada objekti vastaste kaitseliinist läbi, korvi
- Ala kus on vaja vastase maha suruda
- Sport kus sa pead liikuma vees edasi
- Ala kus su põhimõte on saada pall jalgadega väravasse
- Ala kus sa üritad visata vastaseid välja
- Sport kus pead vastast lõõma käte ja jalgadega
- Ala kus on vaja edasi liikuda
- Ala kus üritad saada palli väravasse kätega aga vees
- Ala kus pead lööma ketta väravasse
- Sport kus üritad saada palli väravasse kätega
- Võistlus kus sees on kolm ala
- Spordiala kus on vaja visata piklik objekt võimalikult kaugele
20 Clues: Ala kus on vaja edasi liikuda • Võistlus kus sees on kolm ala • Spordiala kus on vaja hüpata edasi • Ala kus pead lööma ketta väravasse • Ala kus sa pead mängima arvutimänge • Ala kus on vaja vastase maha suruda • Ala kus sa pead vastast lööma kätega • Sport kus sa pead liikuma vees edasi • Ala kus sa üritad visata vastaseid välja • Spordiala kus sa liigud ringi kahel teral • ...
sport 2018-12-05
- op een piste
- met dier en teugels
- met een knuppel
- op een berg met een lat
- met net en een harde bal
- denkwerk met tijd
- gespeeld met balletje
- lange stok en springen
- spel afkomstig van Amerika
- op het ijs
- tafel en een balletje
- in het water
- ontspannen op muziek
- een mat en 2 personen
- op de staat
- met vliegtuig en springen
- met een pluimpje
- een boog en pijlen
- hip hop
- speel je met voeten en bal
20 Clues: hip hop • op het ijs • op de staat • in het water • op een piste • met een knuppel • met een pluimpje • denkwerk met tijd • een boog en pijlen • met dier en teugels • ontspannen op muziek • een mat en 2 personen • gespeeld met balletje • tafel en een balletje • lange stok en springen • op een berg met een lat • met net en een harde bal • met vliegtuig en springen • speel je met voeten en bal • ...
Sport 2019-01-06
- you must put the ball into a basket
- involve competitive running, jumping and walking
- a sport with oval ball
- a sport that can be on ice
- is one of the 10 games at the Olympics
- you must use a yellow ball and a racket
- a fight sport, born in korea
- in this game where the teams alternate attack and defence
- is the sport of falling into water from a platform
- you must get the ball to the wall
- a sport where two teams are separated by a net
- is a sport that you must use an arch and an arrow
- you must stay in a pool
- is a sport famous in Scotland
- is one of the oldest and most famous fight sport
- is a sport that includes aerobic, acrobatic and artistic movements
- is a bat and ball game played between two teams of eleven players
- a game where there are eleven players in each team
- here you use a sword
- was created in japan and is a modern martial art
20 Clues: here you use a sword • a sport with oval ball • you must stay in a pool • a sport that can be on ice • a fight sport, born in korea • is a sport famous in Scotland • you must get the ball to the wall • you must put the ball into a basket • is one of the 10 games at the Olympics • you must use a yellow ball and a racket • a sport where two teams are separated by a net • ...
Sport 2019-03-09
- a swimming … is a large structure filled with water
- a long thin stick with the help of which sportsmen can jump very high
- a piece of ground used for racing
- sportsmen hit the ball over it when they play tennis or volleyball
- a round flat piece of rubber that sportsmen hit in ice hockey
- a large area used for sports such as football or grass hockey
- the players in a team game who try to prevent the other team from getting points
- the best achievement so far in a particular sport that sportsmen try to break
- a vehicle with two wheels that sportsmen ride
- an area where some sports are played, such as tennis or squash
- a large hall where people go to do physical exercises
- a large round metal container with two handles given as a prize in a contest
- a game between two teams of sportsmen
- they describe what sportsmen can do and what they mustn't do
- the name Americans call football played in Europe
- a person who is good at such sports as running, jumping, etc.
- a large flat surface that shows the points the sportsmen or teams get during a game or sports event
- clothes of the same colour and fashion showing that sportsmen belong to the same club or country
- a hard hat that sportsmen in some kinds of sport wear to protect their heads
- people who like watching sports very much
- to show worse results than another sportsman or team
- you need it when you want to shoot an arrow
- a chance to score a goal without other players trying to take the ball from you, given because an opponent has broken a rule
- a long wooden object used for hitting the ball in games such as baseball and cricket
- a person in a particular kind of game
- a skating … is a large area where people skate or play ice hockey
- a person who trains a sports player or a team
- a group of teams who regularly play against one another and have similar skills
- a group of people who play a sport or a game
- a person or a team that has won an important sports event
- a person whose job is to make sure that sportsmen obey the rules
- an area of land prepared for racing, golf, or other sports
- to jump into water making skilful movements in the air
- the structure that you try to get the ball into when you play football, water polo and some other games
- a hockey player holds it in his hands
- an organized event where sportsmen try to show that they are better than others and get prizes
- a large building usually without a roof where people watch sports events
- you play tennis or badminton with it
- to defeat everyone else, to show the best results
- a small flat round piece of metal given for showing best results in sports
40 Clues: a piece of ground used for racing • you play tennis or badminton with it • a person in a particular kind of game • a hockey player holds it in his hands • a game between two teams of sportsmen • people who like watching sports very much • you need it when you want to shoot an arrow • a group of people who play a sport or a game • ...
Sport 2021-04-11
24 Clues: deska • gracz • kopnąć • trener • bokser • złapać • chronić • rakieta • przegrać • pływanie • bieganie • gimnastyk • siatkówka • kibicować • kolarstwo • wiwatować • lodowisko • nurkowanie • wspinaczka • narciarstwo • wysportowany • przyłączyć się • kapitan drużyny • strój kąpielowy
Sport 2021-03-29
- the player who stands in the team's goal to try to stop the other team from scoring
- actively giving help to someone who needs it
- to move air into and out of the lungs
- to become less, or to make something become less
- to run as fast as you can over a short distance, either in a race or because you are in a great hurry to get somewhere
- the sport of fighting with long, thin swords
- the things that you do or the time that you spend before beginning to do something
- the player who stands in the team's goal to try to stop the other team from scoring
- the set of necessary tools, clothing, etc. for a particular purpose
- an answer or reaction
- an area painted with lines for playing particular sports, especially football
- a person who is very good at sports or physical exercise, especially one who competes in organized events
- a person who is in charge of a sports game and who makes certain that the rules are followed
- to lift something to a higher position
- the process of learning the skills you need to do a particular job or activity
- a person who watches an activity, especially a sports event, without taking part
- one of many tissues in the body that can tighten and relax to produce movement
- a high-level competition to decide who is the best, especially in a sport
- interested in learning about people or things around you
- a person, team, or company that is competing against others
- the side of a hill or mountain
21 Clues: an answer or reaction • the side of a hill or mountain • to move air into and out of the lungs • to lift something to a higher position • actively giving help to someone who needs it • the sport of fighting with long, thin swords • to become less, or to make something become less • interested in learning about people or things around you • ...
Sport 2021-11-30
- Iemand wat aan skiet-items deelneem
- Iemand wat aan gimnatiek deelneem.
- Iemand wat aan driekamp deelneem.
- Die grootste sportgeleentheid in die wêreld.
- Iemand wat aan fietsry deelneem.
- Iemand wat aan hamergooi deelneem
- Iemand wat aan perdry deelneem.
- Iemand wat atlete se tyd neem.
- Iemand wat die atlete op die baan organiseer.
- Iemand wat aan paalspring deelneem.
- Iemand wat aan gewigoptel deelneem.
- Iemand wat aan vyfkamp deelneem.
- Iemand wat aan diskusgooi deelneem.
- Iemand wat toesien dat deelnemers volgens die reëls speel.
- Iemand wat aan hekkies-items deelneem
- Iemand wat aan naellope deelneem
- Iemand wat aan swemitems deelneem.
- Iemand wat aan spiesgooi deelneem.
- Iemand wat aan hoogspring deelneem
- Iemand wat aan kanovaart deelneem.
- Iemand wat aan atletiek deelneem.
21 Clues: Iemand wat atlete se tyd neem. • Iemand wat aan perdry deelneem. • Iemand wat aan vyfkamp deelneem. • Iemand wat aan naellope deelneem • Iemand wat aan fietsry deelneem. • Iemand wat aan driekamp deelneem. • Iemand wat aan hamergooi deelneem • Iemand wat aan atletiek deelneem. • Iemand wat aan gimnatiek deelneem. • Iemand wat aan swemitems deelneem. • ...
Sport 2022-01-20
- футбольная форма
- катание на сноуборде
- настольный теннис
- вёсла
- прыжок с парашютом
- ракетка для маленького тенниса
- хождение под парусом
- лазание в пещерах
- хоккейная клюшка
- рэгби (американский футбол)
- скалолазание
- гребля
- баскетбол
- гольф
- катание на велосипеде
- плавание на каяках
- лыжи и палки
- катание на лошадях
- шлем
- сёрфинг
- теннис
- плавание
- очки для плавания
- хоккей
- ракетка для большого тенниса
- сетка
- катание на BMX велосипеде
- волейбол
- дзюдо
- бадминтон
- гандбол (игра с мячом)
- клюшка для гольфа
- футбол
- прыжки с тарзанкой
- защита для локтей, колен
35 Clues: шлем • вёсла • сетка • дзюдо • гольф • теннис • хоккей • гребля • футбол • сёрфинг • плавание • волейбол • бадминтон • баскетбол • скалолазание • лыжи и палки • футбольная форма • хоккейная клюшка • настольный теннис • очки для плавания • лазание в пещерах • клюшка для гольфа • катание на лошадях • прыжок с парашютом • прыжки с тарзанкой • плавание на каяках • катание на сноуборде • хождение под парусом • катание на велосипеде • ...
Sport 2022-05-01
- Welk sportkledingmerk gebruikt de naam van de
- Hoe noem je het als je bij bowlen alle kegels in één keer omgooit?
- Wie won de Ronde van Vlaanderen in 2022 (enkel achternaam)?
- Welke term wordt gebruikt voor het competitief spelen van computerspellen?
- Hoe heet het wanneer een slagman bij honkbal de bal zo slaat dat hij in een beurt alle honken kan passeren?
- godin van de overwinning?
- Welk Australisch werptuig komt terug als het gegooid is?
- Hoe noemde Usain Bolt zijn zoontje?
- Hoe noemt de nieuwe, populaire sport die een mix lijkt tussen tennis en squash?
- In welke sport gebruiken ze de term 'hole-in-one'?
- Het symbool van de Olympische Spelen bestaat uit 5 ...
- Hoeveel kilometer is de Ten Miles van Antwerpen?
- Hoe noemt men het spel dat gelijkt op petanque op ijs?
- Hoe heet de wielerronde van Italië?
- Welke Belgische keeper won met zijn ploeg de Spaanse voetbaltitel (enkel achternaam)
- Welke Argentijnse voetballer wordt de kleine Maradonna genoemd?
- Welke sport beoefent Rocky
- Welke energiedrankje sponsort de meest extreme sporten?
- In welke sport maak je gebruik van een shuttle?
- Wie won het EK in 2020?
- Welke sport beoefent Dancing Dimi?
21 Clues: Wie won het EK in 2020? • godin van de overwinning? • Welke sport beoefent Rocky • Welke sport beoefent Dancing Dimi? • Hoe heet de wielerronde van Italië? • Hoe noemde Usain Bolt zijn zoontje? • Welk sportkledingmerk gebruikt de naam van de • In welke sport maak je gebruik van een shuttle? • Hoeveel kilometer is de Ten Miles van Antwerpen? • ...
Sport 2022-05-01
- Welke term wordt gebruikt voor het competitief spelen van computerspellen?
- Welk energiedrankje sponsort de meest extreme sporten?
- Wie won de Ronde van Vlaanderen in 2022 (enkel achternaam)?
- Hoe noemde Usain Bolt zijn zoontje?
- Wie won het EK voetbal in 2020?
- Welk sportkledingmerk gebruikt de naam van de Griekse godin van de overwinning?
- Hoe heet het wanneer een slagman bij honkbal de bal zo slaat dat hij in een beurt alle honken kan passeren?
- In welke sport gebruiken ze de term 'hole-in-one'?
- Welk Australisch werptuig komt terug als het gegooid is?
- Hoeveel kilometer is de Ten Miles van Antwerpen?
- Welke Belgische keeper won met zijn ploeg de Spaanse voetbaltitel (enkel achternaam)?
- Hoe noemt men het spel dat gelijkt op petanque op ijs?
- Welke sport beoefent Rocky Balboa?
- In welke sport maak je gebruik van een shuttle?
- Hoe noem je het als je bij bowlen alle kegels in één keer omgooit?
- Welke sport beoefent Dancing Dimi?
- Hoe noemt de nieuwe, populaire sport die een mix lijkt tussen tennis en squash?
- Het symbool van de Olympische Spelen bestaat uit 5 ...
- Hoe heet de wielerronde van Italië?
- Welke Argentijnse voetballer wordt de kleine Maradonna genoemd?
20 Clues: Wie won het EK voetbal in 2020? • Welke sport beoefent Rocky Balboa? • Welke sport beoefent Dancing Dimi? • Hoe noemde Usain Bolt zijn zoontje? • Hoe heet de wielerronde van Italië? • In welke sport maak je gebruik van een shuttle? • Hoeveel kilometer is de Ten Miles van Antwerpen? • In welke sport gebruiken ze de term 'hole-in-one'? • ...
Sport 2022-04-06
- Sport or activity of swimming
- A form of boxing in which the people fighting each other can kick as well as hit with their fists
- Game played by two teams of nine players, using a bat and ball.
- Game in which players roll heavy balls along a special track towards a group of pins
- A sport in which two people fight and try to throw each other to the ground
- A game played by two teams of 13 or 15 players, using an oval ball which may be kicked or carried
- A sporting event that combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting
- The sport or activity of riding a bicycle
- A game in which two or four players use rackets to hit a ball backwards
- The sport of riding on waves while standing on a narrow board
- Sports such as running, jumping and throwing that people compete in
- A game played by two teams of 11 players, using a round ball that players kick up and down the playing field
- Sport in which two people fight by holding each other and trying to throw their opponent to the ground
- The sport or activity of moving over snow on skis
- The sport of sailing on water standing on a board
- A sport in which two people fight each other with their hands, while wearing very large thick gloves
- a game played on ice, in which players slide heavy flat stones towards a mark
- A game like tennis played by two or four people, they hit a ball with feathers around it
- The art or sport of shooting arrows with a bow
- Game for two people played on a board marked with black and white squares
- Game played by two teams of five players, using a large ball which players try to throw into a high net hanging from a ring
21 Clues: Sport or activity of swimming • The sport or activity of riding a bicycle • The art or sport of shooting arrows with a bow • The sport or activity of moving over snow on skis • The sport of sailing on water standing on a board • The sport of riding on waves while standing on a narrow board • Game played by two teams of nine players, using a bat and ball. • ...
Sport 2023-01-09
20 Clues: kask • lina • hokej • kibic • gracz • wyścig • trener • bramkarz • siatkówka • zwycięzca • spadochron • deskorolka • gimnastyka • wspinaczka • nurkowanie • przeciwnik • gra w kręgle • jeździć na nartach • jeździć na łyżwach • jeżdzić na rowerze
Sport 2022-06-30
21 Clues: Job • Grin • Help • Nice. • Clock • Travel. • A season. • The past. • We live it. • Short time. • Finish work. • Did not win. • Happy-go _____ • Came out on top. • You can win this. • Make up your mind. • You play with this. • Prepare for a match. • They train the team. • These make up a team. • There are four of them.
sport 2022-06-12
31 Clues: can • aid • from • them • ectad • share • group • speak • under • amend • blest • broad • remedy • common • victoty • Austral • precise • picturet • comprise • sprtsman • fructify • originate • incidence • downwards • allexiate • salubrious • centralized • a fresh start • ethnical group • medical science • physical education
sport 2023-02-24
- bola yang dimaninkan dengan cara di dribble
Sport 2023-03-07
- a large metal or plastic ring
- a game that is played by two teams of eleven players who try to kick a round ball into a goal
- a plastic or rubber item of clothing without sleeves that can be filled with air, it is used to make sb float if they fall into water
- a long, thin piece of metal, used especially to hold sth up or to ski
- special glasses that you wear to protect your eyes from water, wind, dust, etc.
- a small boat that you sail
- the activity of going for long walks in the country for pleasure
- a piece of clothing made of rubber that fits the whole body closely, worn by people swimming underwater or sailing
- you ride a motorbike with four large wheels over rough ground, often for fun
- a large bag, that you carry on your back when you are travelling
- a sport in which you find your way across country on foot, as quickly as possible, using a map and a compass (= an instrument that shows direction)
- a type of hard hat that you wear to protect your head
- the sport of moving on the water while lying, kneeling or standing on a board, using your arms or a paddle to move yourself along
- a piece of clothing that covers your hand and has five separate parts for the fingers
- you need boots with narrow wheels on the bottom to do it
- a piece of wood for hitting the ball in sports such as table tennis, cricket or baseball
- swimming just below the surface of the water wiht a short tube that a person can use to breathe through
- material that has large, often square, spaces between the threads
- you move on ice wearing them
- a long thin piece of wood that you use for hitting the ball in some sports
- sleeping or having a holiday in a tent
21 Clues: a small boat that you sail • you move on ice wearing them • a large metal or plastic ring • sleeping or having a holiday in a tent • a type of hard hat that you wear to protect your head • you need boots with narrow wheels on the bottom to do it • the activity of going for long walks in the country for pleasure • ...
Sport 2023-03-24
- Aditya Tare famously hit a six off a James Faulkner full toss that gave the final touches to MI’s bid for going into the playoffs of 2014. Who was the most economical bowler in the whole match
- the only player to have scored in the Premier League, Championship, League 1, League 2, Conference, FA Cup, League Cup, Football League Trophy, FA Trophy, Champions League, Europa League, Scottish Premier League, Scottish Cup, and Scottish League Cup?
- Name of this great Indian Player.
- In 2007, an elephant playing polo went wild at a tournament and crushed the Spanish team's minibus after throwing his mahout (rider). In which island country was this?
- The logo for the 1999 World Cup was inspired by the bowling action of which Indian pacer
- This openly gay player was the first ever to be drafted by an NFL team. What was his name
- Other than world champion, what is the highest title a chess player can earn?
- This player is the only cricketer to be adjudged the Man of the Match in a match after coming in as a substitute player. What’s his name
- Who, along with Mary Kom, was roped in as a brand ambassador of Women's Boxing
- In 1958, a player was traded from the Detroit Lions to the Pittsburgh Steelers. He claimed then that the Lions would ‘not win any games for the next 50 years’. in the next half-century, the Lions would scratch up the worst winning percentage of any NFL team. Who was the player who claimed this supposed curse
- X is 'purely' a batsman and yet has bagged more ODI dismissals than the legendary Australian spinner Shane Warne. Identify X
- Brett Lee famously has bowled the “fastest over” delivered; clocking 143, 151, 158, 158, 160, 161, and 158kmph off successive deliveries. The non-striker is now a head coach in the IPL. Who is he
- In 1988 a “अभिकलक यंत्र” won against a GM for the first time. What was the yantra called?
- The term ‘home run’ was already previously used in a different sport before becoming a mainstay in baseball vocabulary. What was that sport?
- In 1999-2000, there was a match that was played wherein there were declarations by the both the teams without a single delivery, i.e, the 2nd and 3rd innings were declared at the score of 0/0 each. This was done to ensure a result in the game. Who was the victorious skipper
- Team ‘X’ conceded a record 28 extras in a single innings in the IPL. They were the visiting team.
- The first NHL All-Star game was held as a benefit for what injured star?
- MS Dhoni is considered to be the GOAT wicketkeeper. However, there is a keeping record that he doesn't hold, the most number of dismissals affected in international matches, that record belongs to Mark Boucher. He sustained the eye injury against which country team which deprived him the opportunity to affect his potential 1000th dismissal?
- Which spinner of India's spin quartet bagged more wickets in his career than runs scored by him?
- RCB was bundled out for 49 against KKR in 2017. Who was the only bowler for KKR to concede extras in the match
20 Clues: Name of this great Indian Player. • The first NHL All-Star game was held as a benefit for what injured star? • Other than world champion, what is the highest title a chess player can earn? • Who, along with Mary Kom, was roped in as a brand ambassador of Women's Boxing • The logo for the 1999 World Cup was inspired by the bowling action of which Indian pacer • ...
Sport 2023-06-06
- Sport involving a series of physical exercises and performances, including acrobatics and artistic routines
- Sport or recreational activity of gliding on snow using skis, with various disciplines like downhill, cross-country, and freestyle
- Sport of riding waves on a surfboard, utilizing skill and balance
- Sport involving physical grappling and holds between two opponents
- skating Sport combining skating, jumps, and artistic movements on ice, often performed in pairs or individually
- Combat sport involving punches and defensive techniques between two opponents
- Team sport played with a ball and hoops, aiming to score in the opponent's basket
- Bat-and-ball sport played between two teams, aiming to score runs by hitting the ball and running bases
- Collection of track and field events, including running, jumping, and throwing
- Sport of riding bicycles, including road cycling, track cycling, and mountain biking
- arts Various combat sports and disciplines, such as karate, judo, taekwondo, and jiu-jitsu
- Racquet sport played on a rectangular court, with players hitting a ball over a net
- Individual or team sport involving propelling oneself through water using arms and legs
- Contact team sport played with an oval-shaped ball, involving running, passing, and tackling
- Individual sport played on a course, where players use clubs to hit a small ball into a series of holes
- Bat-and-ball sport played between two teams, popular in many countries
- (Soccer) Popular team sport played with a round ball and goalposts
- 1 Elite motorsport involving fast cars racing on circuits worldwide
- Team sport played with a ball and a net, aiming to hit the ball over the net into the opponent's court
- hockey Team sport played on ice, using sticks to shoot a puck into the opponent's net
20 Clues: Sport of riding waves on a surfboard, utilizing skill and balance • Sport involving physical grappling and holds between two opponents • (Soccer) Popular team sport played with a round ball and goalposts • 1 Elite motorsport involving fast cars racing on circuits worldwide • Bat-and-ball sport played between two teams, popular in many countries • ...
Sport 2023-08-29
- Olahraga yang dimainkan dengan raket dan shuttlecock.
- Permainan papan di mana tujuannya adalah mengalahkan raja lawan.
- Badan sepak bola Eropa
- Liga basket paling bergengsi di dunia
- Cabang olahraga Olimpiade yang melibatkan perkelahian jarak dekat.
- Negara tuan rumah Piala Dunia FIFA 2014
- jalur arena balap
- Turnamen tenis tahunan di Inggris
- Perlombaan lari jarak jauh
- Gelar tertinggi pecatur internasional
- Pemenang Piala Dunia FIFA pertama
- Kota tempat diadakan Olimpiade pada zaman Yunani Kuno
- Perusahaan perlengkapan olahraga yang didirikan Adolf Dassier
- Babak penyisihan
- Cabang olahraga yang melibatkan pukulan-pukulan dengan tangan dan kaki.
- Pukulan permulaan untuk memainkan bola
- babak pada pertandingan tinju
- Bola yang memiliki tiga lubang
- Pemukul bola dalam olahraga tenis meja
- Permainan bola berbentuk lonjong
- pukulan melambung tinggi dan jauh dalam bulu tangkis
- Pemain NBA yang dijuluki "The King" dan berasal dari Cleveland Cavaliers.
- Perusahaan perlengkapan olahraga dengan slogan Just Do It!
- Warna bola biliar bernomor
- Lomba yang terdiri dari renang, balap sepeda, dan lari
- Posisi bertahan pemain voli yang paling bebas bergerak
- Perusahaan perlengkapan olahraga dengan slogan Just Do It!
- Jumlah pemain inti setiap tim bola voli
- Lomba lari beregu secara bergantian
- Usaha membendung serangan lawan dalam permainan bola voli
- pelari asal jamaika
- Hadiah berupa kepingan logam yang dapat dikalungkan
- Keadaan dimana Raja sedang diserang dalam permainan catur
- Kompetisi bola voli profesional tahunan di Indonesia
- Seni beladiri asal Prancis
- Mantan pesepakbola yang dipanggil Zizou
- Penjaga gawang
- Kartu untuk mengusir pemain keluar pertandingan
- Gulat tradisional Jepang
- Klub sepak bola Arsenal berbasis di kota
40 Clues: Penjaga gawang • Babak penyisihan • jalur arena balap • pelari asal jamaika • Badan sepak bola Eropa • Gulat tradisional Jepang • Warna bola biliar bernomor • Perlombaan lari jarak jauh • Seni beladiri asal Prancis • babak pada pertandingan tinju • Bola yang memiliki tiga lubang • Permainan bola berbentuk lonjong • Turnamen tenis tahunan di Inggris • Pemenang Piala Dunia FIFA pertama • ...
Sport 2023-11-30
23 Clues: torna • vívás • öttusa • sportol • műugrás • sportág • lovaglás • gátfutás • sportoló • rúdugrás • birkózás • bajnokság • súlyemelés • sportpálya • magasugrás • távolugrÁS • tollaslabda • akadályfutás • sportesemény • sportrajongó • sportcsarnok • gyorskorcsolya • versenyen részt vesz
sport 2024-02-19
- golf aber mini
- Du trinkst daraus
- Laufen
- Lebron James
- Basketball auf Rad
- ein grün ball auf Tennis
- Ein ___ schiessen
- Computer sport
- Pferd
- Auto gehen wroom
- Tennis auf ein Tisch
- Messi Ronaldo
- Hole in One!!!
- Ball auf Fussboden
- Schneesport
- Ketsjer auf Deutsch
- Zu ____ auf Berge
- Ich ___ im wasser
- Federball und
- Gewichtheben
21 Clues: MLB • Pferd • Laufen • Schneesport • Lebron James • Gewichtheben • Messi Ronaldo • Federball und • golf aber mini • Hole in One!!! • Computer sport • Auto gehen wroom • Du trinkst daraus • Zu ____ auf Berge • Ich ___ im wasser • Ein ___ schiessen • Ball auf Fussboden • Basketball auf Rad • Ketsjer auf Deutsch • Tennis auf ein Tisch • ein grün ball auf Tennis
Sport 2024-07-16
21 Clues: kapu • evező • lefele • felfele • csúszni • támadni • hátúszás • nyújtani • guggolni • mellúszás • ütő/hoki/ • ütő/golf/ • hajlítani • kézenállás • gyors futás • kormányozni • felszerelés • ütő/tenisz/ • úszószemüveg • ütő/ping pong/ • csobbanni, alámerülni
SPORT 2023-12-31
- Uno sport di squadra giocato con una palla e mazza
- Un gioco da tavolo che coinvolge la strategia e la tattica
- Un'arte marziale giapponese che coinvolge colpi di piede e pugni
- Una disciplina sportiva che coinvolge diverse gare di corsa, lancio e salto
- Uno sport di combattimento in cui i pugili si affrontano con i pugni
- Una pratica che combina esercizi fisici, respirazione e meditazione
- L'attività di guidare una bicicletta, spesso in competizione
- Un'attività sportiva che coinvolge esercizi fisici e acrobazie
- Uno sport di squadra giocato con una palla e piedi
- Uno sport in cui i giocatori colpiscono una palla in buche
- Uno sport invernale praticato sulla neve
- Uno sport di squadra giocato con una palla e un canestro
- Uno sport acquatico in cui i surfisti cavalcano le onde con una tavola
- Uno sport di squadra giocato con un bastone e una palla su ghiaccio o campo
- Lo sport di navigare su una barca a vela
- Uno sport giocato con una racchetta e una palla
- Uno sport di squadra giocato con una palla e una rete
- Una categoria di corse motociclistiche di alto livello
- Uno sport di squadra fisico e contattato
- Un'attività sportiva praticata in acqua
20 Clues: Un'attività sportiva praticata in acqua • Uno sport invernale praticato sulla neve • Lo sport di navigare su una barca a vela • Uno sport di squadra fisico e contattato • Uno sport giocato con una racchetta e una palla • Uno sport di squadra giocato con una palla e mazza • Uno sport di squadra giocato con una palla e piedi • ...
Sport 2023-11-09
- отдалённо, нисколько; совершенно не заинтересованный/не удивленный/невозможный
- беcстрашный
- заверять
- репортаж
- Дряхлый, ветхий
- трибуны
- бордюр (тротуара)
- тем не менее
- Впавший в старческий маразм
- Сильный, мужественный
- Здоровый, крепкий
- отчаянный, безрассудно храбрый
- езда на велосипеде
- Телосложение
- уменьшать(ся)
- храбрый, бравый
- походить, иметь сходство
- Тучный
- дерзкий, смелый
- легкая атлетика
- парусный спорт
- неустрашимый, смелый
- дайвинг
- турнир
- смельчак, сорвиголова
- храбрец
- процентный, в процентном отношении
- неостановимый
- Слабый, хилый
- гидрокостюм
- опрос общественного мнения
- Соперник
32 Clues: Тучный • турнир • дайвинг • трибуны • храбрец • заверять • репортаж • Соперник • беcстрашный • гидрокостюм • Телосложение • тем не менее • уменьшать(ся) • неостановимый • Слабый, хилый • парусный спорт • храбрый, бравый • дерзкий, смелый • легкая атлетика • Дряхлый, ветхий • бордюр (тротуара) • Здоровый, крепкий • езда на велосипеде • неустрашимый, смелый • смельчак, сорвиголова • Сильный, мужественный • ...
sport 2023-11-04
- Événement sportif
- Groupe de joueurs
- Sport avec une batte et une balle
- Sport nautique avec des voiles
- d'or Récompense pour le premier
- Sport acrobatique
- Lieu de pratique sportive
- Mouvement de ballon au basket-ball
- franc Action de tirer sans opposition
- Sport sur glace ou roues
- Sport à cheval
- Sport joué avec un ballon rond
- Ensemble des règles
- du monde Meilleure performance
- Sport de combat japonais
- Sport de boules
- Course de vitesse
- Sport de grimpe
- Personne qui guide les athlètes
- Personne qui fait respecter les règles
20 Clues: Sport à cheval • Sport de boules • Sport de grimpe • Événement sportif • Groupe de joueurs • Course de vitesse • Sport acrobatique • Ensemble des règles • Sport de combat japonais • Sport sur glace ou roues • Lieu de pratique sportive • Sport joué avec un ballon rond • Sport nautique avec des voiles • du monde Meilleure performance • Personne qui guide les athlètes • ...
Sport 2023-10-11
- A Korean martial art known for its high, fast kicks and powerful strikes, often seen in the Olympics.
- A Japanese martial art whose basic techniques are punching and kicking, it is often seen in the olympics
- A bat-and-ball sport played with two teams, where the batting team tries to score runs by hitting the ball and the fielding team tries to get the batsmen out.
- A sport where teams or individuals use oars to propel a boat through water in races or for exercise, There are only two kinds of paddling techniques, namely forward paddling and backward paddling.
- A martial art and combat sport that emphasizes throws and holds to control or immobilize an opponent created by jigoro kano.
- A water sport where competitors paddle canoes or kayaks in races or on rivers and lakes, that can also be used as recreational activities.
- A racquet sport played with a shuttlecock, where two or four players try to score points by hitting the shuttlecock over a net.
- A water sport involving boats propelled by wind, often in races or recreational sailing.
- A sport where players use clubs to hit a ball into a series of holes on a course with the fewest strokes possible originating in Scotland in the 15th century.
- A bat-and-ball sport played with two teams, where the batting team tries to score runs by hitting a pitched ball and running around bases.
- A sport similar to tennis but played on a smaller table with a lightweight ball and small paddles.
- A racket sport played with a ball and a net, where players try to win points by hitting the ball over the net and into the opponent's court.
- A sport involving acrobatic and artistic routines on various apparatus, such as the balance bear and parallel bars.
- A popular sport played with a round ball and two teams trying to score goals by getting the ball into the opposing team's net.
- A sport played with an oval-shaped ball and two teams try to score goals by advancing the ball to the opposing team's end zone.
- A sport where participants use bows to shoot arrows at a target, aiming for accuracy and precision.
- A combat where participants use bladed weapons to score points by touching the opponent with skillful techniques such as cutting, stabbing or parrying the opponent's weapon by using skills in utilizing hand agility.
- A combat where two individuals grapple and try to pin or throw their opponent to the ground.
- A contact sport played with an oval-shaped ball, where two teams try to score points by advancing the ball over the opponent's goal line.
- A sport involving various swimming strokes in pools or open water, it is often for competition or recreation.
- A sport played with a ball over a net, where two teams try to score points by sending the ball into the opponent's court.
- A sport played with a round ball and two teams try to score points by shooting the ball through the opponent's hoop.
- A collection of sports and events such as running. jumping, throwing, and more, often part of track and field competitions.
- A combat where two competitors face off in a ring, using punches and defensive maneuvers to score points or achieve a knockout.
- A sport played with a puck and curved sticks, where two teams try to score goals by getting the puck into the opponent's net.
25 Clues: A water sport involving boats propelled by wind, often in races or recreational sailing. • A combat where two individuals grapple and try to pin or throw their opponent to the ground. • A sport similar to tennis but played on a smaller table with a lightweight ball and small paddles. • ...
Sport 2023-10-10
- O bata si o minge
- Paleta si o minge
- Lupte cu maini
- Racheta si minge
- Inaltimi si munti
- Marchezi in cos
- Muschi pe scena
- Alergare
- Pe gheata
- Neagra e ultima
- Darama popicele
- Cel mai popular sport al romaniei
- In Apa
- Se misca pluta!
- Greutati si benzi de alergat
- Originar din Japonia
- Strategie si planificare
- Pedalare
- Arte martiale combinate
- Stil, eleganta si miscarea corpului
20 Clues: In Apa • Pedalare • Alergare • Pe gheata • Lupte cu maini • Darama popicele • Se misca pluta! • Marchezi in cos • Muschi pe scena • Neagra e ultima • Racheta si minge • O bata si o minge • Paleta si o minge • Inaltimi si munti • Originar din Japonia • Arte martiale combinate • Strategie si planificare • Greutati si benzi de alergat • Cel mai popular sport al romaniei • Stil, eleganta si miscarea corpului
sport 2024-01-23
- Racing Riddles Zoom through laps and checkered flags.
- Chronicles Bats, wickets, and cricketing conundrums.
- Triumphs Racket-wielding victories across the court.
- Bonanza Homeruns, innings, and diamond delights.
- Sports Spectacle Ski, snowboard, and sled through winter-themed clues.
- Frenzy Gridiron action and touchdown tactics.
- Odyssey A medley of sports from the grand event.
- Enigma Horseback riding and equine elegance.
- Gala Balance beam brilliance and vaulting vocabulary.
- Saga Dive into aquatic clues and strokes of brilliance.
- and Field Tales Sprint, jump, and hurdle through this athletic crossword.
- Wonders Grapple with clues in this wrestling-themed challenge.
- Adventure Hit the bullseye with this arrow-strung crossword.
- Blitz Dribble your way through this slam-dunk puzzle.
- Arts Mayhem Kick, punch, and chop your way through this puzzle.
- Havoc Puck-driven puzzles on the ice.
- Glory Putt your way through this hole-in-one challenge.
- Safari Ride the waves of this ocean-inspired crossword.
- Showdowns Goals, kicks, and pitch-perfect excitement.
- Circuit Pedal through clues on a two-wheeled adventure.
20 Clues: Havoc Puck-driven puzzles on the ice. • Enigma Horseback riding and equine elegance. • Frenzy Gridiron action and touchdown tactics. • Bonanza Homeruns, innings, and diamond delights. • Odyssey A medley of sports from the grand event. • Chronicles Bats, wickets, and cricketing conundrums. • Triumphs Racket-wielding victories across the court. • ...
Sport 2023-12-06
20 Clues: kask • gogle • narty • płetwy • pianka • wrotki • kostium • surfing • unihokej • łyżworolki • koszykówka • żeglarstwo • windsurfing • piłka ręczna • tenis stołowy • hokej na lodzie • buty piłkarskie • deska surfingowa • rakieta tenisowa • rakietka do tenisa stołowego
Sport 2024-03-03
- krążek do hokeja
- wyścig
- sztuki walki
- lotka
- mistrzostwo
- płotki, bieg przez płotki
- skok o tyczce
- szermierka
- gracz
- piłka nożna
- gimnastyka artystyczna
- uraz
- bramka
- trener
- paletka
- pchnięcie kulą
- tenis
- boisko, pole
- kajakarstwo
- sędzia
- koszykówka
- narciarstwo
- wiosło
- lodowisko
- spadochroniarstwo
- szachy
- rzut oszczepem
- boisko, pole, kort
- siatkówka
- wioślarstwo
- piłka nożna (AmE)
- olimpiada
- stadion
- boisko
- wspinaczka
- kort
- żeglarstwo
- widzowie
- pływanie
- zespół, drużyna
- rzut młotem
- lekkoatletyka
42 Clues: kort • uraz • lotka • gracz • tenis • szachy • wyścig • boisko • bramka • trener • sędzia • wiosło • stadion • paletka • widzowie • pływanie • lodowisko • siatkówka • olimpiada • szermierka • wspinaczka • żeglarstwo • koszykówka • mistrzostwo • wioślarstwo • piłka nożna • rzut młotem • kajakarstwo • narciarstwo • sztuki walki • boisko, pole • skok o tyczce • lekkoatletyka • rzut oszczepem • pchnięcie kulą • zespół, drużyna • krążek do hokeja • ...
Sport 2021-06-22
- 1950s Golden Girl of Athletics (5,8)
- Which Williams sister has won more tennis grand slam titles (6)
- Only sport to be played on the moon (4)
- Distance runner who lit the 1956 Olympic flame (3,6)
- Number of players on a baseball team (4)
- Laura Geitz plays this sport (7)
- Allan Border Medal is associated with this sport (7)
- What body part can't touch the ball in Soccer (5)
- Novak Djokovic is from this country (6)
- Sydney based AFL team originally called South Melbourne (5)
- Susie who swam from Cuba to Florida (7)
- What event is The Tour Down Under (7)
- Won his first Masters when he was 21 (5,5)
- Peter who won 9 Bathurst victories (5)
- Name of Adelaide women's basketball team (9)
- Name of Australian men's water polo team (6)
- Greg who is known as the Great White Shark (6)
- National sport of Canada (8)
- When a bowler makes three strikes in a row (6)
- NSW Patriots play this sport (8)
20 Clues: National sport of Canada (8) • Laura Geitz plays this sport (7) • NSW Patriots play this sport (8) • 1950s Golden Girl of Athletics (5,8) • What event is The Tour Down Under (7) • Peter who won 9 Bathurst victories (5) • Only sport to be played on the moon (4) • Novak Djokovic is from this country (6) • Susie who swam from Cuba to Florida (7) • ...
Sport 2022-11-28
22 Clues: boks • hokej • tenis • karate • pływanie • nurkować • kolarstwo • siatkówka • gimnastyka • wspinaczka • żeglarstwo • koszykówka • piłka nożna • windsurfing • narciarstwo • jazda konna • gra w kręgle • jeździć na rowerze • wyścig, ścigać się • jeżdzić na łyżwach • jazda na łyżworolkach • - jazda na deskorolce
SPORT 2022-10-19
sport 2020-06-17
21 Clues: red • win • cats • pins • gold • fist • gross • tiger • eagles • demons • murphy • sherrif • dockers • high net • 2012 afl • wimbolden • supporters • red hard ball • america sport • black and white • beating someone up
Sport 2019-01-05
- is a bat-and-ball game played between two teams of eleven players
- a sport where two teams are separated by a net
- you must get the ball to the wall
- you must put the ball into a basket
- is a sport that includes aerobic, acrobatic and artistic movements
- was created in japan and is a modern martial art
- here you use a sword
- is a sport famous in Scotland
- is the sport of falling into water from a platform
- a game where there are eleven players in each team
- is a sport that you must use an arch and an arrow
- involve competitive running, jumping, throwing, and walking
- in this game where the teams alternate attack and defence
- you must stay in a pool
- a sport with oval ball
- a fight sport, born in korea
- is one of the 10 games at the Olympics
- is one of the oldest and most famous fight sport
- you must use a yellow ball and a racket
- skating a sport that can be on ice
20 Clues: here you use a sword • a sport with oval ball • you must stay in a pool • a fight sport, born in korea • is a sport famous in Scotland • you must get the ball to the wall • you must put the ball into a basket • skating a sport that can be on ice • is one of the 10 games at the Olympics • you must use a yellow ball and a racket • a sport where two teams are separated by a net • ...
Sport 2019-03-09
- a person in a particular kind of game
- a skating … is a large area where people skate or play ice hockey
- sportsmen hit the ball over it when they play tennis or volleyball
- a vehicle with two wheels that sportsmen ride
- you play tennis or badminton with it
- a large round metal container with two handles given as a prize in a contest
- an area where some sports are played, such as tennis or squash
- a large hall where people go to do physical exercises
- a large building usually without a roof where people watch sports events
- a long thin stick with the help of which sportsmen can jump very high
- a person whose job is to make sure that sportsmen obey the rules
- a small flat round piece of metal given for showing best results in sports
- a hard hat that sportsmen wear in some kinds of sport to protect their heads
- an organized event where sportsmen try to show that they are better than others and get prizes
- a long wooden object used for hitting the ball in games such as baseball and cricket
- clothes of the same colour and fashion showing that sportsmen belong to the same club or country
- a person who trains a sports player or a team
- people who like watching sports very much
- the players in a team game who try to prevent the other team from getting points
- a group of teams who regularly play against one another and have similar skills
- how do Americans call football played in Europe?
- a large area used for sports such as football or grass hockey
- the best achievement so far in a particular sport that sportsmen try to break
- a group of people who play a sport or a game
- a large flat surface that shows the points the sportsmen or teams get during a game or sports event
- a person or a team that has won an important sports event
- it describes what sportsmen can do and what they mustn't do
- a person who is good at such sports as running, jumping, etc.
- the structure that you try to get the ball into when you play football, water polo and some other games
- a swimming … is a large structure filled with water
- a hockey player holds it in his hands
- a game between two teams of sportsmen
- a piece of ground used for racing
- a round flat piece of rubber that sportsmen hit in ice hockey
- to jump into water making skilful movements in the air
- you need it when you want to shoot an arrow
36 Clues: a piece of ground used for racing • you play tennis or badminton with it • a person in a particular kind of game • a hockey player holds it in his hands • a game between two teams of sportsmen • people who like watching sports very much • you need it when you want to shoot an arrow • a group of people who play a sport or a game • ...
sport 2020-10-08
- a sport that includes physical exercises
- club-and-ball sport
- players throw small missiles
- bat-and-ball game
- an endurance multisport race consisting of swimming, cycling, and running over various distances
- played on ice
- is a Korean sport
- referred to as hoops
- horseback riding
- bicycling or biking
- primarily involve the use of motorised
- racket sport
- using their hands of throwing into the goal
- tennis whiff-whaff
- lifting barrels
- bow and arrow
- racquet sport
- requires to use entire body to move through ______
- cue sport
- family of team sports
- combat sport involving grappling-type techniques
- a combat sport
- two teams are separated by a net
- a racket and ball sport
- is referred to as their marksmanship
25 Clues: cue sport • racket sport • bow and arrow • racquet sport • played on ice • a combat sport • lifting barrels • horseback riding • bat-and-ball game • is a Korean sport • tennis whiff-whaff • club-and-ball sport • bicycling or biking • referred to as hoops • family of team sports • a racket and ball sport • players throw small missiles • two teams are separated by a net • ...
Sport 2020-03-04
- Pelabuhan yang berlokasi di muara Sungai Bengawan Solo
- Pelabuhan utama Kerajaan Mataram Kuno yang terletak di daerah Tugu, Yogyakarta
- Nama prasasti yang ditemukan di Gunung Sumbing
- Pelabuhan mataram kuno yang berdiri pada abad ke 8 hingga abad ke 10 di pulau Jawa
- Pelabuhan bergota hilang karena perubahan aliran
- Pelabuhan yang menjadi titik penting dalam penyebaran agama Islam di Nusantara
- Sungai yang menjadi letak pelabuhan Gresik
- Bangsa penjajah yang datang pada abad ke-17
- Pelabuhan yang menjadi pusat perdagangan rempah-rempah dari maluku
- Huruf yang digunakan untuk menulis prasasti Sojomerto
- Nama pelabuhan di Jawa Timur yang menjadi pusat perdagangan yang ramai
- Nama dinasti kejayaan Kerajaan Mataram Kuno
- Nama gunung yang menjadi tempat ditemukannya Prasasti Gondosuli
- Orang yang memindahkan Kerajaan Mataram ke Jawa Timur
- Penulis kekawin Arjuna Wiwaha
- Pelabuhan yang menjadi gerbang perdagangan antara Jawa dengan negara-negara di Asia Tenggara
- Bendungan yang dibagun Raja Airlangga
- Teori yang menyatakan bahwa pelabuhan beragota hilang karena adanya perubahan aliansi politik
- Istri Dapunta Salendra
- Nama dari anak Sentanu
20 Clues: Istri Dapunta Salendra • Nama dari anak Sentanu • Penulis kekawin Arjuna Wiwaha • Bendungan yang dibagun Raja Airlangga • Sungai yang menjadi letak pelabuhan Gresik • Nama dinasti kejayaan Kerajaan Mataram Kuno • Bangsa penjajah yang datang pada abad ke-17 • Nama prasasti yang ditemukan di Gunung Sumbing • Pelabuhan bergota hilang karena perubahan aliran • ...
Sport 2020-05-08
20 Clues: võit • hoki • pall • judo • medal • sport • tennis • võitja • jõusaal • poodium • meister • jalgpall • korvpall • treenima • harjutus • sulgpall • võrkpall • meeskond • staadion • vormisolek
Sport 2021-02-28
- Für die ersten drei Spieler
- Erste Person an der Ziellinie
- Sportart, wo Sie den Ball in den Korb werfen
- Sport im Schwimmbad
- Sport mit Netz und leichtem Ball
- Gebäude, in dem Sportwettkämpfe stattfinden
- Sport mit Ball und Tennisschläger
- Sport auf zwei Rädern
- Zwei auf dem Fußballfeld
- Sport mit verschiedenen Übungen
- Elf Spieler, zwei Tore
- Veranstaltungen mit Medaillen
- Für den ersten, zweiten und dritten Platz erhalten Sie...
- Sport, wo man den Ball wirft
- Die wichtigsten Sportwettkämpfe
- Basketball, Fußball, Gymnastik, ...
- Beruhigt sich und erstreckt sich
- Gibt rote und gelbe Karten
- ...macht perfekt
- Für den Gewinner
20 Clues: ...macht perfekt • Für den Gewinner • Sport im Schwimmbad • Sport auf zwei Rädern • Elf Spieler, zwei Tore • Zwei auf dem Fußballfeld • Gibt rote und gelbe Karten • Für die ersten drei Spieler • Sport, wo man den Ball wirft • Veranstaltungen mit Medaillen • Erste Person an der Ziellinie • Die wichtigsten Sportwettkämpfe • Sport mit verschiedenen Übungen • ...
SPORT 2021-03-29
- la specialità di Totti
- all'inizio...e alla fine
- ogni squadra ha il proprio
- scorrettezza
- si passa...nelle staffette
- si gioca il derby milanese
- attacca da zona 2
- delimitano il campo
- se la fai a fine vasca torni indietro
- se non ti alleni..ti manca
- capacita di compiere azioni nel minor tempo
- il team in Italia
- se è di questo colore...sei fuori
- spada della scherma
- primatista giamaicano
- campionessa olimpica del nuoto
- le prime olimpiadi moderne
40 Clues: scorrettezza • ANDARE AL TAPPETO • il team in Italia • attacca da zona 2 • IL GIRO DI FRANCIA • IL NOME DEL "BALO" • PILOTA DI FORMULA1 • SI USA NEL BILIARDO • spada della scherma • LI USANO I VOGATORI • IN COPPIA CON RADIO • delimitano il campo • LA SERENA DEL TENNIS • primatista giamaicano • LE PROSSIME OLIMPIADI • SI CORRE SU DUE RUOTE • la specialità di Totti • LA MEDAGLIA DEL QUARTO • ...
Sport 2021-03-18
21 Clues: suer • stade • hymne • poing • course • pencher • maillot • fatigue • tournoi • pratiquer • s'exercer • se blesser • déclencher • s'entrainer • se dépenser • championnat • divertissant • sport d'équipe • plaisir, régal • se tenir debout • effort physique
sport 2023-03-09
24 Clues: wave • Snow • pool • fast • raket • Messi • Japan • strong • Yoga mat • waterboard • Martial arts • ice and club • LeBron James • Hole-in-one! • Mikkel Hansen • Bow and arrow • Glove and bat • wall and grib • wrestling Fat • Novak Djokovic • Viktor Axelsen • Jonas vingegaard • ice and iceskates • Danish Olympics gold medal
sport 2023-02-17
- larger than usual
- a person who takes part in or becomes involved in a particular activity
- a disadvantage of a situation
- to hurry after someone or something in order to catch him, her, or it
- be important
- to get something that is useful, that gives you an advantage, or that is in some way positive, especially over a period of time
- to decide that an organized event will not happen, or to stop an order for goods or services that you no longer want
- to force air out of your lungs through your throat with a short, loud sound
- advise
- to have to do a particular thing because there is no possibility of doing anything else
- a picture stuck onto wood or cardboard and cut into pieces of different shapes that must be joined together correctly to form the picture again
- to notice or understand the difference between two things, or to make one person or thing seem different from another
- to become completely well again after an illness or injury
- one addictive that you cannot stop doing or eating once you have started
- to empty the contents of the stomach through the mouth
- a place where a battle is being fought or has been fought in the past
- a feeling of physical suffering caused by injury or illness
- socially acceptable or good
- a person who watches an activity, especially a sports event, without taking part
- causing feelings of great admiration, respect, or fear
- a violent person
21 Clues: advise • be important • a violent person • larger than usual • socially acceptable or good • a disadvantage of a situation • to empty the contents of the stomach through the mouth • causing feelings of great admiration, respect, or fear • to become completely well again after an illness or injury • a feeling of physical suffering caused by injury or illness • ...
sport 2023-02-24
- bola yang dimaninkan dengan cara di dribble
Sport 2023-03-24
- MS Dhoni is considered to be the GOAT wicketkeeper. However, there is a keeping record that he doesn't hold, the most number of dismissals affected in international matches, that record belongs to Mark Boucher. He sustained the eye injury against which country team which deprived him the opportunity to affect his potential 1000th dismissal?
- was the hosting stadium
- This openly gay player was the first ever to be drafted by an NFL team. What was his name
- RCB was bundled out for 49 against KKR in 2017. Who was the only bowler for KKR to concede extras in the match
- X is 'purely' a batsman and yet has bagged more ODI dismissals than the legendary Australian spinner Shane Warne. Identify X
- Name of this great Indian Player.
- Brett Lee famously has bowled the “fastest over” delivered; clocking 143, 151, 158, 158, 160, 161, and 158kmph off successive deliveries. The non-striker is now a head coach in the IPL. Who is he
- Who, along with Mary Kom, was roped in as a brand ambassador of Women's Boxing
- In 1958, a player was traded from the Detroit Lions to the Pittsburgh Steelers. He claimed then that the Lions would ‘not win any games for the next 50 years’. in the next half-century, the Lions would scratch up the worst winning percentage of any NFL team. Who was the player who claimed this supposed curse
- This player is the only cricketer to be adjudged the Man of the Match in a match after coming in as a substitute player. What’s his name
- Which spinner of India's spin quartet bagged more wickets in his career than runs scored by him?
- In 2007, an elephant playing polo went wild at a tournament and crushed the Spanish team's minibus after throwing his mahout (rider). In which island country was this?
- Other than world champion, what is the highest title a chess player can earn?
- Aditya Tare famously hit a six off a James Faulkner full toss that gave the final touches to MI’s bid for going into the playoffs of 2014. Who was the most economical bowler in the whole match
- The logo for the 1999 World Cup was inspired by the bowling action of which Indian pacer
- Team ‘X’ conceded a record 28 extras in a single innings in the IPL. They were the visiting team.
- The term ‘home run’ was already previously used in a different sport before becoming a mainstay in baseball vocabulary. What was that sport?
- The first NHL All-Star game was held as a benefit for what injured star?
- In 1999-2000, there was a match that was played wherein there were declarations by the both the teams without a single delivery, i.e, the 2nd and 3rd innings were declared at the score of 0/0 each. This was done to ensure a result in the game. Who was the victorious skipper
- the only player to have scored in the Premier League, Championship, League 1, League 2, Conference, FA Cup, League Cup, Football League Trophy, FA Trophy, Champions League, Europa League, Scottish Premier League, Scottish Cup, and Scottish League Cup?
- In 1988 a “अभिकलक यंत्र” won against a GM for the first time. What was the yantra called?
21 Clues: was the hosting stadium • Name of this great Indian Player. • The first NHL All-Star game was held as a benefit for what injured star? • Other than world champion, what is the highest title a chess player can earn? • Who, along with Mary Kom, was roped in as a brand ambassador of Women's Boxing • ...
sport 2013-11-18
- voorwerp waarmee geworpen wordt in atletiek
- test waarbij je in 12' zoveel mogelijk afstand moet lopen
- term uit de paardensport
- test waarbij je tussen 2 lijnen moet lopen
- voornaam van een rode duivel
- sprong waarbij je draait rond de breedte as
- 800m, 1500m noemen ze ook wel halve ...
- badminton, je kan forehand en ... opslaan
- aanvalsbeweging uit volleybal, badminton, tennis
- leukste vak op school
- beste basketbalspeler van de wereld
- ander woord voor pluimpje
- rugwaartse techniek bij hoogspringen
- atletiek: ready, set,...
- turntoestel dat veert
- basket, 1 voet op grond en met de andere ronddraaien
- lange stok waarmee men kan springen
- voornaam van de recordhouder op de 100m sprint
- zwemstijl
- broer van Jonathan en Kevin Borlée
20 Clues: zwemstijl • turntoestel dat veert • leukste vak op school • atletiek: ready, set,... • term uit de paardensport • ander woord voor pluimpje • voornaam van een rode duivel • broer van Jonathan en Kevin Borlée • beste basketbalspeler van de wereld • lange stok waarmee men kan springen • rugwaartse techniek bij hoogspringen • 800m, 1500m noemen ze ook wel halve ... • ...
Sport 2014-03-21
- met een fiets rijden
- zo snel mogelijk lopen
- tennisspel met lichte balletjes, gespeeld op een tafel
- het balspel waarbij een bal tussen 2 ploegen van 6 spelers met de handen over een net heen en weer geslagen moet worden zonder de grond te raken
- het zo ver mogelijk wegslingeren van een kogel aan een staaldraad
- spel tussen 2 of 4 spelers waarbij een bal met een racket over een net geslagen wordt
- zich in het water voortbewegen door armen en benen te bewegen
- ritmisch bewegen van het lichaam op de maat van muziek
- op een plank naar beneden glijden
- om het verst springen
- met een kano zo snel mogelijk over de finish varen
- sport waarbij 2 teams proberen de bal in elkaars doel te trappen
- sport waarbij wordt gestreden met steekwapens
- hardloopwedstrijd waarbij de atleten over horden moeten springen
- al zwemmend figuren maken in het water
- sport waarbij men probeert in het midden van de schietschijf schieten
- het maken van figuren bij het schaatsen
- springen over een touw dat rondgedraaid wordt
- een speer zo ver mogelijk wegwerpen
- met een paard over hindernissen springen of figuren rijden
- op ski's naar beneden glijden
21 Clues: met een fiets rijden • om het verst springen • zo snel mogelijk lopen • op ski's naar beneden glijden • op een plank naar beneden glijden • een speer zo ver mogelijk wegwerpen • al zwemmend figuren maken in het water • het maken van figuren bij het schaatsen • sport waarbij wordt gestreden met steekwapens • springen over een touw dat rondgedraaid wordt • ...
Sport 2014-05-20
20 Clues: Dzido • Karatė • Boksas • Golfas • Regbis • Tenisas • Rankinis • Atletika • Fulbolas • Nardymas • Čiuožimas • Krepšinis • Tinklinis • Plaukimas • Gimnastika • Skraidymas • Irklavimas • Badmintonas • Šaudymas iš lanko • Banglenčių sportas
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