sport Crossword Puzzles

Sport 2023-03-24

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. MS Dhoni is considered to be the GOAT wicketkeeper. However, there is a keeping record that he doesn't hold, the most number of dismissals affected in international matches, that record belongs to Mark Boucher. He sustained the eye injury against which country team which deprived him the opportunity to affect his potential 1000th dismissal?
  2. was the hosting stadium
  3. This openly gay player was the first ever to be drafted by an NFL team. What was his name
  4. RCB was bundled out for 49 against KKR in 2017. Who was the only bowler for KKR to concede extras in the match
  5. X is 'purely' a batsman and yet has bagged more ODI dismissals than the legendary Australian spinner Shane Warne. Identify X
  6. Name of this great Indian Player.
  7. Brett Lee famously has bowled the “fastest over” delivered; clocking 143, 151, 158, 158, 160, 161, and 158kmph off successive deliveries. The non-striker is now a head coach in the IPL. Who is he
  8. Who, along with Mary Kom, was roped in as a brand ambassador of Women's Boxing
  9. In 1958, a player was traded from the Detroit Lions to the Pittsburgh Steelers. He claimed then that the Lions would ‘not win any games for the next 50 years’. in the next half-century, the Lions would scratch up the worst winning percentage of any NFL team. Who was the player who claimed this supposed curse
  10. This player is the only cricketer to be adjudged the Man of the Match in a match after coming in as a substitute player. What’s his name
  11. Which spinner of India's spin quartet bagged more wickets in his career than runs scored by him?
  1. In 2007, an elephant playing polo went wild at a tournament and crushed the Spanish team's minibus after throwing his mahout (rider). In which island country was this?
  2. Other than world champion, what is the highest title a chess player can earn?
  3. Aditya Tare famously hit a six off a James Faulkner full toss that gave the final touches to MI’s bid for going into the playoffs of 2014. Who was the most economical bowler in the whole match
  4. The logo for the 1999 World Cup was inspired by the bowling action of which Indian pacer
  5. Team ‘X’ conceded a record 28 extras in a single innings in the IPL. They were the visiting team.
  6. The term ‘home run’ was already previously used in a different sport before becoming a mainstay in baseball vocabulary. What was that sport?
  7. The first NHL All-Star game was held as a benefit for what injured star?
  8. In 1999-2000, there was a match that was played wherein there were declarations by the both the teams without a single delivery, i.e, the 2nd and 3rd innings were declared at the score of 0/0 each. This was done to ensure a result in the game. Who was the victorious skipper
  9. the only player to have scored in the Premier League, Championship, League 1, League 2, Conference, FA Cup, League Cup, Football League Trophy, FA Trophy, Champions League, Europa League, Scottish Premier League, Scottish Cup, and Scottish League Cup?
  10. In 1988 a “अभिकलक यंत्र” won against a GM for the first time. What was the yantra called?

21 Clues: was the hosting stadiumName of this great Indian Player.The first NHL All-Star game was held as a benefit for what injured star?Other than world champion, what is the highest title a chess player can earn?Who, along with Mary Kom, was roped in as a brand ambassador of Women's Boxing...

sport 2013-11-18

sport crossword puzzle
  1. voorwerp waarmee geworpen wordt in atletiek
  2. test waarbij je in 12' zoveel mogelijk afstand moet lopen
  3. term uit de paardensport
  4. test waarbij je tussen 2 lijnen moet lopen
  5. voornaam van een rode duivel
  6. sprong waarbij je draait rond de breedte as
  7. 800m, 1500m noemen ze ook wel halve ...
  8. badminton, je kan forehand en ... opslaan
  9. aanvalsbeweging uit volleybal, badminton, tennis
  10. leukste vak op school
  1. beste basketbalspeler van de wereld
  2. ander woord voor pluimpje
  3. rugwaartse techniek bij hoogspringen
  4. atletiek: ready, set,...
  5. turntoestel dat veert
  6. basket, 1 voet op grond en met de andere ronddraaien
  7. lange stok waarmee men kan springen
  8. voornaam van de recordhouder op de 100m sprint
  9. zwemstijl
  10. broer van Jonathan en Kevin Borlée

20 Clues: zwemstijlturntoestel dat veertleukste vak op schoolatletiek: ready, set,...term uit de paardensportander woord voor pluimpjevoornaam van een rode duivelbroer van Jonathan en Kevin Borléebeste basketbalspeler van de wereldlange stok waarmee men kan springenrugwaartse techniek bij hoogspringen800m, 1500m noemen ze ook wel halve ......

Sport 2014-03-21

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. met een fiets rijden
  2. zo snel mogelijk lopen
  3. tennisspel met lichte balletjes, gespeeld op een tafel
  4. het balspel waarbij een bal tussen 2 ploegen van 6 spelers met de handen over een net heen en weer geslagen moet worden zonder de grond te raken
  5. het zo ver mogelijk wegslingeren van een kogel aan een staaldraad
  6. spel tussen 2 of 4 spelers waarbij een bal met een racket over een net geslagen wordt
  7. zich in het water voortbewegen door armen en benen te bewegen
  8. ritmisch bewegen van het lichaam op de maat van muziek
  9. op een plank naar beneden glijden
  10. om het verst springen
  11. met een kano zo snel mogelijk over de finish varen
  1. sport waarbij 2 teams proberen de bal in elkaars doel te trappen
  2. sport waarbij wordt gestreden met steekwapens
  3. hardloopwedstrijd waarbij de atleten over horden moeten springen
  4. al zwemmend figuren maken in het water
  5. sport waarbij men probeert in het midden van de schietschijf schieten
  6. het maken van figuren bij het schaatsen
  7. springen over een touw dat rondgedraaid wordt
  8. een speer zo ver mogelijk wegwerpen
  9. met een paard over hindernissen springen of figuren rijden
  10. op ski's naar beneden glijden

21 Clues: met een fiets rijdenom het verst springenzo snel mogelijk lopenop ski's naar beneden glijdenop een plank naar beneden glijdeneen speer zo ver mogelijk wegwerpenal zwemmend figuren maken in het waterhet maken van figuren bij het schaatsensport waarbij wordt gestreden met steekwapensspringen over een touw dat rondgedraaid wordt...

Sport 2014-05-20

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. Šaudymas iš lanko
  2. Badmintonas
  3. Atletika
  4. Boksas
  5. Fulbolas
  6. Golfas
  7. Nardymas
  8. Tinklinis
  9. Tenisas
  10. Plaukimas
  11. Irklavimas
  1. Banglenčių sportas
  2. Karatė
  3. Rankinis
  4. Čiuožimas
  5. Krepšinis
  6. Dzido
  7. Gimnastika
  8. Skraidymas
  9. Regbis

20 Clues: DzidoKaratėBoksasGolfasRegbisTenisasRankinisAtletikaFulbolasNardymasČiuožimasKrepšinisTinklinisPlaukimasGimnastikaSkraidymasIrklavimasBadmintonasŠaudymas iš lankoBanglenčių sportas

sport 2015-03-04

sport crossword puzzle
  1. vechten met wapens als degen, floret of sabel
  2. soort tennis met een shuttle
  3. een soort kegelspel
  4. balspel tussen twee ploegen van zes spelers,wordt gespeeld met een net
  5. belangrijkste klasse bij het autoracen
  6. zich ritmisch bewegen op de maat van de muziek
  7. sport waarbij een zacht balletje met een racket tegen een of meer muren wordt gekaatst
  8. het racen, crossen enz. met motorfietsen
  9. hardrijden op een racefiets
  10. balspel waarbij je met een racket een bal over een net moet slaan
  1. Japanse vechtkunst
  2. met de vuisten vechten
  3. in een zaal beoefende sport waarbij de bal in een net wordt geworpen
  4. hockey op een ijsbaan
  5. meest gespeeld sport
  6. sport waarbij je met een stok een balletje in een kuiltje moet slaan
  7. lichaamsoefening
  8. om het snelst lopen
  9. balspel waarbij twee elftallen proberen om de bal met een stok in elkaars doel te slaan
  10. balspel voor twee ploegen van elk vijftien spelers

20 Clues: lichaamsoefeningJapanse vechtkunsteen soort kegelspelom het snelst lopenmeest gespeeld sporthockey op een ijsbaanmet de vuisten vechtenhardrijden op een racefietssoort tennis met een shuttlebelangrijkste klasse bij het autoracenhet racen, crossen enz. met motorfietsenvechten met wapens als degen, floret of sabel...

Sport 2014-02-04

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. Regelende stoffen.
  2. Een soort scharnier tussen twee botten.
  3. Bot in je knie.
  4. Grote, maar ondiepe wond.
  5. Aerodynamisch
  6. Hiermee glijd je over sneeuw.
  7. Je gewrichtsbanden zijn even uitgerekt.
  8. Achternaam van de bekendste Nederlandse voetballer.
  9. Dit voel je een dag na een zware training.
  10. Armbuigspier
  11. Deze sport doe je op ijs.
  12. Belangrijk bij een fiets.
  13. Kracht gedeeld door oppervlak.
  1. Spieren die samen voor een beweging zorgen.
  2. Hier zit een ketting tussen.
  3. pompt voedsel en zuurstof naar je spieren.
  4. Afstand die in een bepaalde tijd wordt afgelegd.
  5. Pees in je hiel.
  6. Stoffen die energie leveren.
  7. Hiermee zit een spier vast aan het bot.
  8. Vervoert zuurstof en voedsel naar je spieren.
  9. Bot dat je hersenen beschermt.
  10. Aantal keer dat je hart klopt in een minuut.
  11. Je kunt iets lang volhouden.
  12. Met deze stoffen bouw je sterkere spieren

25 Clues: ArmbuigspierAerodynamischBot in je knie.Pees in je hiel.Regelende stoffen.Grote, maar ondiepe wond.Deze sport doe je op ijs.Belangrijk bij een fiets.Hier zit een ketting tussen.Stoffen die energie leveren.Je kunt iets lang volhouden.Hiermee glijd je over sneeuw.Bot dat je hersenen beschermt.Kracht gedeeld door oppervlak....

Sport 2016-10-31

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. Een trap of worp, waarmee je de bal naar een teamspeler overspeelt
  2. Iemand die veel durft en niet snel bang is
  3. Een sterk gevoel van plezier en kracht
  4. Heel enthousiast en fel, graag willen winnen
  5. Klappen krijgen of teleurgesteld worden en daarmee om kunnen gaan
  6. Iets op het goede moment doen
  7. De manier waarop je iets doet
  8. Tot rust komen
  9. Iemand die snel bang is
  10. De platte schijf bij ijshockey
  11. Een stukje rennen om vaart te maken voor een sprong
  12. Als je dingen doet, zonder te bedenken wat het gevaar kan zijn
  13. Gewond
  14. Iets doen of uitvoeren
  15. Je lichamelijke toestand, hoe fit en gezond je bent
  16. De durf
  17. Veel doen, je krachten gebruiken
  1. Een kapotte of pijnlijke plaats aan je lichaam, vaak door het sporten
  2. Veel doen en bewegen
  3. Een wedstrijdbaan. Een route die je moet afleggen bij een wedstrijd
  4. Het advies geven om het niet te doen
  5. Dat ben je als je veel aan sport doet of als je goed tegen je verlies kunt
  6. Een baan voor skiërs en wielrenners
  7. Als eerste de bal in het spel brengen bij een sport met een net
  8. Een blok waar je tegenaan staat bij de start van een wedstrijd
  9. Om te ontspannen, voor je plezier
  10. Iets wat in de weg staat
  11. Iets wat grote opwinding veroorzaakt
  12. De angst
  13. Aanprijzen. Zeggen dat iets of iemand goed is
  14. Van het ene naar het andere overgaan
  15. In evenwicht proberen te blijven
  16. Iemand met opzet laten struikelen
  17. Een professionele sporter. Je sport voor je beroep
  18. Als je afwacht wat er gebeurt, ben je passief
  19. De manier waarop je iets aanpakt om iets te bereiken
  20. Een soort staaf waarmee je tegen een bal slaat
  21. Een sport die je lang achter elkaar doet, zoals lang rennen
  22. De snelheid waarmee je iets doet

39 Clues: GewondDe durfDe angstTot rust komenVeel doen en bewegenIets doen of uitvoerenIemand die snel bang isIets wat in de weg staatIets op het goede moment doenDe manier waarop je iets doetDe platte schijf bij ijshockeyIn evenwicht proberen te blijvenDe snelheid waarmee je iets doetVeel doen, je krachten gebruikenOm te ontspannen, voor je plezier...

Sport 2017-02-03

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. het kan lopen maar niet wandelen. Wat is het?
  2. een wedstrijdbaan
  3. een soort staaf waarmee je tegen een bal slaat
  4. als eerste de bal in een spel brengen met een net
  5. in evenwicht proberen te blijven
  6. Als niemand weet wie ik ben, dan heb ik een betekenis, als iemand weet wat ik ben, kan ik niet meer bestaan. Wat ben ik?
  7. de durf
  8. iets wat ... is, veroorzaakt grote opwinding
  9. een sport die je lang achter elkaar doet
  10. klappen krijgen of teleurgesteld worden en daarmee om kunnen gaan
  11. de manier waarop je iets doet
  12. als je afwacht wat er gebeurt (dus niet proactief)
  13. de angst
  1. een stukje rennen om vaart te maken voor een sprong
  2. iemand adviseren om het niet te doen
  3. van het ene naar het andere overgaan
  4. de manier waarop je iets aanpakt om iets te bereiken
  5. iemand met opzet laten struikelen
  6. iemand die veel durft en niet snel bang is.
  7. wat heeft 21 ogen, maar kan niets zien?
  8. een professionele sporter
  9. veel doen, je krachten gebruiken
  10. Wat gaat omhoog maar komt nooit meer terug naar beneden
  11. iets wat in de weg staat
  12. een sterk gevoel van plezier en kracht
  13. een baan voor skiërs en wielrenners
  14. de platte schijf bij ijshockey

27 Clues: de durfde angsteen wedstrijdbaaniets wat in de weg staateen professionele sporterde manier waarop je iets doetde platte schijf bij ijshockeyin evenwicht proberen te blijvenveel doen, je krachten gebruikeniemand met opzet laten struikeleneen baan voor skiërs en wielrennersiemand adviseren om het niet te doenvan het ene naar het andere overgaan...

sport 2017-09-21

sport crossword puzzle
  1. je hebt een knuppel voor deze spel hebben
  2. je hebt een stick nodig voor deze sport
  3. je hebt een paard er voor nodiig
  4. je hebt skies nodig voor deze sport
  5. je begint met een witte band
  6. je klimt op een berg in het ijs
  7. je wemt met een vin
  8. je vecht in een ring
  9. je springt op een trampoline
  10. je hebt een boog nodig voor deze sport
  11. je begint met de schoolslag
  12. je moet de bal in de school gooien van de tegenstander
  13. tennis maar op een tafel
  14. je moet in een zaal voetballen
  1. je hebt een racket er voor nodig
  2. je moet de bal in de basket van de tegenstander gooien
  3. je moet de bal van in de goal van de tegenstander gooien
  4. fietsen maar in de bergen
  5. elkaar prikken met een soort van zwaard
  6. je moet de bal in een korf gooien
  7. je springt uit een vliegtuig met een parachute
  8. je hebt een board nodig voor in de sneeuw
  9. Epke Zonderland doet deze sport
  10. voetbal maar in het zand
  11. je moet de bal in het water in de goal gooien
  12. als je in een keer scoor dan heb een hole in 1

26 Clues: je wemt met een vinje vecht in een ringvoetbal maar in het zandtennis maar op een tafelfietsen maar in de bergenje begint met de schoolslagje begint met een witte bandje springt op een trampolineje moet in een zaal voetballenje klimt op een berg in het ijsEpke Zonderland doet deze sportje hebt een racket er voor nodig...

SPORT 2018-01-04

SPORT crossword puzzle
  1. BENCH
  10. SLEDGE
  11. SKATES
  12. GYM
  5. OARS
  8. NET


Sport 2018-04-29

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. карате
  2. здоровье
  3. беговая дорожка
  4. достижение
  5. жертвовать
  6. гребля
  7. травмы
  8. достигать
  1. get into...форма
  2. посвящать
  3. спортсмен
  4. оборудование
  5. вручать
  6. сопернический spirit
  7. потеть
  8. заслуживать
  9. приседать
  10. burn ...калории
  11. тренажёрный зал
  12. бильярд
  13. build...мышцы

21 Clues: каратепотетьгреблятравмывручатьбильярдздоровьепосвящатьспортсменприседатьдостигатьдостижениежертвоватьзаслуживатьоборудованиеbuild...мышцыбеговая дорожкаburn ...калориитренажёрный залget into...формасопернический spirit

Sport 2018-06-16

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. Iemand expres onderuit halen
  2. Ander woord voor team
  3. Omschrijving: bij verlies moet je hier mee om kunnen gaan. Dit moet je kunnen ...
  4. Een trap, slag of worp waarmee je de bal (of iets anders) speelt
  5. Iemand die van sporten zijn beroep heeft gemaakt
  6. De bal wordt in het spel gebracht
  7. Buurland dat ook wel 'Rode Duivels' wordt genoemd
  8. Gewond door bijvoorbeeld een tackle
  9. Bekende profspeler van Portugal
  10. De afkorting 'WK' voluit geschreven
  11. 'aan sport doen' is hetzelfde als een sport...
  12. Persoon die extra informatie geeft tijdens een wedstrijd
  13. Dat ben je als je heel graag wilt winnen
  14. Verantwoordelijk voor goede resultaten
  15. Dat ben je als je veel aan sport doet
  16. Iets wat niet goed is op het veld
  17. Ander woord voor snelheid
  1. Land waar het WK wordt gespeeld/georganiseerd
  2. Manier waarop je iets aanpakt
  3. Onderdeel in je lichaam die heel belangrijk is voor bijvoorbeeld voetbal
  4. Engels woord voor hoek. Een voetbalveld heeft er 4
  5. Zorgen dat je iets op het goede moment doet
  6. Belangrijk persoon van het team, op het veld
  7. Strafschop
  8. Persoon die bepaalt of de bal in of uit is
  9. Persoon die de wedstrijd fluit
  10. Bij een duursport moet je ... goed zijn
  11. Een sport die je langere tijd vol moet houden
  12. De manier waarop je iets doet
  13. Die sport is echt spannend om te zien, het is...
  14. Persoon die de aanval in zet
  15. De sport waar het tijdens het WK om gaat
  16. Plek waar een voetbalwedstrijd wordt georganiseerd
  17. Persoon die de bal tegenhoudt
  18. Ander woord voor coach

35 Clues: StrafschopAnder woord voor teamAnder woord voor coachAnder woord voor snelheidIemand expres onderuit halenPersoon die de aanval in zetManier waarop je iets aanpaktDe manier waarop je iets doetPersoon die de bal tegenhoudtPersoon die de wedstrijd fluitBekende profspeler van PortugalDe bal wordt in het spel gebrachtIets wat niet goed is op het veld...

Sport 2018-11-19

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. a sport where you throw around with your opponent
  2. a sport where you use a horse
  3. a sport where you have to knock down cones
  4. a sport where you use a sword
  5. a sport where you use a puck
  6. a sport where you use a mouse
  7. a sport where you use your legs
  8. a sport where you use guns
  9. a sport where you use a disk
  10. a sport where you use a board but its winter
  1. a sport where you hit your opponent
  2. a sport where you use one of the worlds fastest cars
  3. a sport where you are shooting and skiing
  4. a sport where you jump and do tricks
  5. a sport where you are in water
  6. a sport where you throw a dart
  7. a sport where you use a cue
  8. a sport where you use a racket
  9. a sport where you have to be very high
  10. a sport where you use a club
  11. a sport where you use a bat
  12. a sport where you are under water in a long time

22 Clues: a sport where you use gunsa sport where you use a cuea sport where you use a bata sport where you use a pucka sport where you use a cluba sport where you use a diska sport where you use a horsea sport where you use a sworda sport where you use a mousea sport where you are in watera sport where you throw a darta sport where you use a racket...

Sport 2018-11-19

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. a sport where you use a club
  2. a sport where you are under water in a long time
  3. a sport where you use one of the worlds fastest cars
  4. a sport where you use a board but its winter
  5. a sport where you use your legs
  6. a sport where you are shooting and skiing
  7. a sport where you use a puck
  8. a sport where you jump and do tricks
  9. a sport where you throw a dart
  1. a sport where you throw around with your opponent
  2. a sport where you are in water
  3. a sport where you use a cue
  4. a sport where you use a sword
  5. a sport where you use guns
  6. a sport where you have to be very high
  7. a sport where you use a racket
  8. a sport where you have to knock down cones
  9. a sport where you use a disk
  10. a sport where you use a bat
  11. a sport where you use a mouse
  12. a sport where you hit your opponent
  13. a sport where you use a horse

22 Clues: a sport where you use gunsa sport where you use a cuea sport where you use a bata sport where you use a cluba sport where you use a diska sport where you use a pucka sport where you use a sworda sport where you use a mousea sport where you use a horsea sport where you are in watera sport where you use a racketa sport where you throw a dart...

sport 2018-05-10

sport crossword puzzle
  1. Mida mängitakse muidu jääl aga saalis
  2. Kus mängitakse kollase palliga ja reketiga
  3. Mes on OttTänak
  4. Mis mängitakse kättega
  5. Mis mängitakse jääl
  6. Kes on RagnarKlaavan
  7. Mängitakse väikse palliga ja suure pulgaga
  8. Pikkamaajooks
  9. Kus hüpatakse liivale
  10. Kes on HeikiNabi
  11. Mäng,kus kasutatakse palli ja käsi
  1. Kus mängitakse valge palliga ja kurikaga
  2. Talvine spordiala
  3. Seda sporti teeb MartSeim
  4. Mida mängitakse vibuga
  5. Mis mäng mängitakse rannal
  6. Spordiala,kus visatakse kuuli rinna pealt
  7. Pikk ja terav
  8. Eesti parim kettaheitja
  9. Strateegiline lauamäng
  10. Mäng,kus kasutatakse palli ja jalgu

21 Clues: Pikk ja teravPikkamaajooksMes on OttTänakKes on HeikiNabiTalvine spordialaMis mängitakse jäälKes on RagnarKlaavanKus hüpatakse liivaleMida mängitakse vibugaMis mängitakse kättegaStrateegiline lauamängEesti parim kettaheitjaSeda sporti teeb MartSeimMis mäng mängitakse rannalMäng,kus kasutatakse palli ja käsiMäng,kus kasutatakse palli ja jalgu...

Sport 2021-12-12

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. 13
  2. 9
  3. 16
  4. 7
  5. 1
  6. 11
  7. 20
  8. 18
  1. 6
  2. 3
  3. 12
  4. 2
  5. 5
  6. 15
  7. 14
  8. 17
  9. 8
  10. 19
  11. 4
  12. 10

20 Clues: 6392587141312151614171911201018

Sport 2021-12-12

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. 13
  2. 9
  3. 16
  4. 7
  5. 1
  6. 11
  7. 20
  8. 18
  1. 6
  2. 3
  3. 12
  4. 2
  5. 5
  6. 15
  7. 14
  8. 17
  9. 8
  10. 19
  11. 4
  12. 10

20 Clues: 6392587141312151614171911201018

Sport 2022-01-20

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. футбольная форма
  2. катание на сноуборде
  3. настольный теннис
  4. вёсла
  5. прыжок с парашютом
  6. ракетка для маленького тенниса
  7. хождение под парусом
  8. лазание в пещерах
  9. хоккейная клюшка
  10. рэгби (американский футбол)
  11. скалолазание
  12. гребля
  13. баскетбол
  14. гольф
  15. катание на велосипеде
  16. плавание на каяках
  17. лыжи и палки
  1. катание на лошадях
  2. шлем
  3. сёрфинг
  4. теннис
  5. плавание
  6. очки для плавания
  7. хоккей
  8. ракетка для большого тенниса
  9. сетка
  10. катание на BMX велосипеде
  11. волейбол
  12. дзюдо
  13. бадминтон
  14. гандбол (игра с мячом)
  15. клюшка для гольфа
  16. футбол
  17. прыжки с тарзанкой
  18. защита для локтей, колен

35 Clues: шлемвёсласеткадзюдогольфтеннисхоккейгребляфутболсёрфингплаваниеволейболбадминтонбаскетболскалолазаниелыжи и палкифутбольная формахоккейная клюшканастольный теннисочки для плаваниялазание в пещерахклюшка для гольфакатание на лошадяхпрыжок с парашютомпрыжки с тарзанкойплавание на каякахкатание на сноубордехождение под парусомкатание на велосипеде...

Sport 2023-10-12

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. Which stadium belongs to Manchester City
  2. How many referees does each volleyball match have
  3. Which martial sport is not in the Olympics
  4. color warning card
  5. is a kind of swimming
  6. 98 World Cup champion
  7. A sport that requires concentration and relaxation
  8. FIBA ​​World Federation is related to which sports field
  9. Football is one of the attractions of which European city
  10. What is the name of the famous sport of India
  11. What is the biggest sporting event in the world
  12. What is the name of a shot in basketball
  13. who was the best soccer player in the world in 2011
  14. Who is the best player of the 2006 World Cup in Germany
  1. The name of the long distance race
  2. Which one is not a draw in chess
  3. Olympic 2000 was hosted by which city
  4. the host of the 2014 World Cup
  5. Iran is the inventor of which sport
  6. The name of the Olympics is taken from the myths of which country
  7. header to the ball
  8. Modern football originated from which country
  9. International Swimming Federation
  10. What color is the kung fu martial arts uniform
  11. What is the rank in martial arts called
  12. 2014 World Cup champion
  13. Number of basketball referees
  14. judo and karate fighting mat
  15. What is one of the most popular sports in Canada
  16. Do they do this to relax the muscles after exercise

30 Clues: header to the ballcolor warning cardis a kind of swimming98 World Cup champion2014 World Cup championjudo and karate fighting matNumber of basketball refereesthe host of the 2014 World CupWhich one is not a draw in chessInternational Swimming FederationThe name of the long distance raceIran is the inventor of which sport...

sport 2023-11-11

sport crossword puzzle
  1. which country national sport is archery?
  2. a ____ is raised to signal archers to fire their arrows in medieval times.
  3. what was archery originally used for?
  4. archery builds.....
  5. maximum points an archer can get with one arrow in an olympic target
  6. path an arrow travels from the bow to the target.
  7. what is the end of an arrow called?
  8. what are archery lovers called?
  9. what is the string on a bow called?
  10. the animal in which many ancient civilisation used to ride into battles.
  11. fictional character that can split an arrow in two with another arrow.
  12. style of archery uses a bow with curved design that originates from Eastern Asia.
  1. ______archery is a technique involves shooting multiple arrows at different angles to increase hit chances.
  2. what do you call a group of archers?
  3. movie where the main character hunt and fight using bow and arrow.
  4. a bag where archers store and easily access their arrows.
  5. the continent archery originates from
  6. ancient civilization used archers riding on chariots in battle.
  7. what language archery came from?
  8. archery is most popular in?
  9. an act of loading an arrow to the bow.
  10. name given to japanese bow which can be 2m long.
  11. materials used for making arrow in the past.
  12. part of the bow that faces the archer.

24 Clues: archery builds.....archery is most popular in?what are archery lovers called?what language archery came from?what is the end of an arrow called?what is the string on a bow called?what do you call a group of archers?the continent archery originates fromwhat was archery originally used for?an act of loading an arrow to the bow....

Sport 2023-08-29

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. Pemain NBA yang dijuluki "The King" dan berasal dari Cleveland Cavaliers.
  2. Posisi bertahan pemain voli yang paling bebas bergerak
  3. pelari asal jamaika
  4. Permainan bola berbentuk lonjong
  5. Mantan pesepakbola yang dipanggil Zizou
  6. Jumlah pemain inti setiap tim bola voli
  7. Penjaga gawang
  8. Babak penyisihan
  9. Seni beladiri asal Prancis
  10. Turnamen tenis tahunan di Inggris
  11. Liga basket paling bergengsi di dunia
  12. Badan sepak bola Eropa
  13. Lomba yang terdiri dari renang, balap sepeda, dan lari
  14. Usaha membendung serangan lawan dalam permainan bola voli
  15. Gelar tertinggi pecatur internasional
  16. Pukulan permulaan untuk memainkan bola
  17. Hadiah berupa kepingan logam yang dapat dikalungkan
  18. jalur arena balap
  1. Bola yang memiliki tiga lubang
  2. Olahraga yang dimainkan dengan raket dan shuttlecock.
  3. Warna bola biliar bernomor
  4. Cabang olahraga Olimpiade yang melibatkan perkelahian jarak dekat.
  5. pukulan melambung tinggi dan jauh dalam bulu tangkis
  6. babak pada pertandingan tinju
  7. Negara tuan rumah Piala Dunia FIFA 2014
  8. Perusahaan perlengkapan olahraga dengan slogan Just Do It!
  9. Pemenang Piala Dunia FIFA pertama
  10. Perlombaan lari jarak jauh
  11. Kompetisi bola voli profesional tahunan di Indonesia
  12. Lomba lari beregu secara bergantian
  13. Pemukul bola dalam olahraga tenis meja
  14. Sirkuit balap internasional di Malaysia
  15. Cabang olahraga yang melibatkan pukulan-pukulan dengan tangan dan kaki.
  16. Keadaan dimana Raja sedang diserang dalam permainan catur
  17. Permainan papan di mana tujuannya adalah mengalahkan raja lawan.
  18. Perusahaan perlengkapan olahraga yang didirikan Adolf Dassier
  19. Kota tempat diadakan Olimpiade pada zaman Yunani Kuno
  20. Klub sepak bola Arsenal berbasis di kota
  21. Kartu untuk mengusir pemain keluar pertandingan
  22. Gulat tradisional Jepang

40 Clues: Penjaga gawangBabak penyisihanjalur arena balappelari asal jamaikaBadan sepak bola EropaGulat tradisional JepangWarna bola biliar bernomorPerlombaan lari jarak jauhSeni beladiri asal Prancisbabak pada pertandingan tinjuBola yang memiliki tiga lubangPermainan bola berbentuk lonjongPemenang Piala Dunia FIFA pertamaTurnamen tenis tahunan di Inggris...

Sport 2024-03-25

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. Garros French tennis stadium that hosts the annual French Open.
  2. The hosting of this global sporting event brings significant economic benefits to the host city.
  3. This athletic apparel company sponsors numerous athletes and sports teams worldwide.
  4. James "The King" of basketball
  5. Brady Quarterback with 7 Super Bowl rings
  6. NFL team led by Tom Brady, known for their success and Super Bowl wins.
  7. Messi Argentine soccer magician
  8. Park Historic baseball stadium in Boston, home of the Red Sox.
  9. In tennis, it refers to a serve that the opponent fails to touch.
  10. This beverage company is a major sponsor of sporting events and teams.
  11. Williams Tennis superstar with 23 Grand Slam titles
  12. play In baseball, it's a defensive play that results in two outs.
  13. In golf, it means scoring one stroke below par on a hole.
  14. club Tool used to strike the ball in the game of golf.
  15. Baseball team based in New York, with a rich history and many championships.
  16. National Golf Club Prestigious golf course where the Masters Tournament is held.
  1. Square Garden Legendary arena in New York City, home to the Knicks and Rangers.
  2. This industry generates substantial revenue through wagers on sporting events.
  3. Spanish soccer team with a record number of Champions League titles.
  4. ball Spherical object kicked around in the game of soccer.
  5. Round object used to shoot hoops and score points.
  6. In volleyball, it's a defensive move to prevent the ball from hitting the ground.
  7. Stadium Iconic London venue known for hosting major soccer matches and concerts.
  8. In skiing, it's a race where skiers navigate a series of gates.
  9. NBA team from the Bay Area, known for their three-point shooting and recent dominance.
  10. NBA team based in Los Angeles, known for their purple and gold colors.
  11. bat Wooden or metal stick used to hit a baseball.
  12. racket Tool used to hit the ball over the net in a game of tennis.
  13. This international governing body for soccer organizes the World Cup, a major economic event.
  14. Bolt Jamaican sprinter known as the fastest man in the world

30 Clues: James "The King" of basketballMessi Argentine soccer magicianBrady Quarterback with 7 Super Bowl ringsbat Wooden or metal stick used to hit a baseball.Round object used to shoot hoops and score points.Williams Tennis superstar with 23 Grand Slam titlesclub Tool used to strike the ball in the game of golf....

Sport 2024-05-08

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. ballerina
  2. race with motor bikes
  3. where you play
  4. boats with sails
  5. a type of hole in golf
  6. best thing in baseball
  7. most popular sport
  8. A sphere used in sports
  9. water
  10. KO
  11. what you aim to do in golf
  12. barely uses your foot
  13. baseball/weapon
  14. where you go for a 300 score
  15. jumping from a plane
  16. climbing mountains
  17. something used to help hands from injury
  18. a bunch of teams going against each other
  1. home run
  2. football on ice
  3. where you hit a ball over the net with a racket
  4. where you hit a ball over the net with a racket involves birds
  5. riding bikes
  6. dominated by a certain race
  7. car racing
  8. race with horse
  9. skydiving into water
  10. a big race
  11. A person who plays football
  12. something in golf
  13. someone in a sport
  14. losuk
  15. where you hit a ball over the net
  16. old people

34 Clues: KOwaterlosukhome runballerinacar racinga big raceold peopleriding bikeswhere you playfootball on icerace with horsebaseball/weaponboats with sailssomething in golfmost popular sportsomeone in a sportclimbing mountainsskydiving into waterjumping from a planerace with motor bikesbarely uses your foota type of hole in golfbest thing in baseball...

SPORT 2024-10-31

SPORT crossword puzzle
  1. an olympic gold _____
  2. run as fast as you can
  3. a hockey ______
  4. tennis ______
  5. where matches are played
  6. you need them to tell teams apart
  7. butterfly stroke, front stroke
  8. you take your dog on one
  9. P.E. is so much _____
  1. this involves a team with 5 players defending the basket
  2. drinking water and eating veg is _______
  3. h20
  4. you need one to go sailing
  5. this has a racket, net and ball
  6. you can't play this sport without a bat and stumps
  7. a _____ plays a match together
  8. neigh, neigh
  9. _______ as high as you can
  10. a really fast jog
  11. moana loves this

20 Clues: h20neigh, neightennis ______a hockey ______moana loves thisa really fast jogan olympic gold _____P.E. is so much _____run as fast as you canwhere matches are playedyou take your dog on oneyou need one to go sailing_______ as high as you cana _____ plays a match togetherbutterfly stroke, front strokethis has a racket, net and ball...

Sport 2024-11-18

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. - võiduajamist võitma
  2. - rattasõit
  3. - matsi võitma
  4. - võitma
  5. - punkt
  6. - medalit võitma
  7. - korvpall
  8. - punkti saama
  9. - väravat lööma
  10. - ujumine
  11. - jalgpall
  12. - punkti saama
  1. - võitja
  2. - võitmas
  3. - peasapall
  4. - sporti mängima
  5. - matš
  6. - individuaalsport
  7. - jooksmine
  8. - jäähoki
  9. - tennis
  10. - mängija
  11. - rattur
  12. - meeskond
  13. - judo
  14. - vibulaskmine
  15. - matši mängima
  16. - jooksja
  17. - ujuja
  18. - mängima

30 Clues: - matš- judo- punkt- ujuja- võitja- tennis- võitma- rattur- võitmas- jäähoki- mängija- jooksja- mängima- ujumine- meeskond- korvpall- jalgpall- peasapall- jooksmine- rattasõit- matsi võitma- vibulaskmine- punkti saama- punkti saama- matši mängima- väravat lööma- sporti mängima- medalit võitma- individuaalsport- võiduajamist võitma

Sport 2024-11-20

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. The term for hitting a golf ball into a hole with the suggested strokes for the hole
  2. The game where players kick a ball into the opponent's goal.
  3. The number of players on a standard rugby union team.
  4. A sport where competitors swim, bike, and run.
  5. skating The type of skating performed on ice in which competitors race in a circle.
  6. This sport is also known as 'the beautiful game'.
  7. A popular sport in which players throw a ball through a hoop to score points
  8. Rules This sport is also known as ‘footy’ in Australia.
  9. The highest point in a tennis match when a player wins four points in a game.
  10. A sport where players hit a ball with a bat and run to the bases.
  1. The country famous for its annual Formula 1 race in Monaco
  2. The event where a sprinter runs a race in less than 10 seconds (100m)
  3. A sport played on a court with rackets and a shuttlecock.
  4. Guard The position that leads a basketball team and controls the ball.
  5. the Olympic sport where athletes lift weights
  6. The team that won the 2022 FIFA World Cup.
  7. A sport where two teams of six players try to score by hitting a ball over a net.
  8. A type of boxing where each fighter wears gloves and aims for points.
  9. The country that won the most World Cups in soccer (as of 2022).
  10. football The sport where players wear helmets and pads and try to score by carrying or throwing a ball into the end zone

20 Clues: The team that won the 2022 FIFA World Cup.the Olympic sport where athletes lift weightsA sport where competitors swim, bike, and run.This sport is also known as 'the beautiful game'.The number of players on a standard rugby union team.A sport played on a court with rackets and a shuttlecock.Rules This sport is also known as ‘footy’ in Australia....

Sport 2024-11-21

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. a room or building where dancing is taught or practised
  2. a small area of usually still water
  3. a person who is present at a sports competition in order to make certain that the rules of that particular game are obeyed and to judge if particular actions are acceptable
  4. a path or rough road that is made of soil rather than having a surface covered with stone or other material
  5. a snow-covered area or track that is suitable for skiing
  6. sân vận động
  7. a place or club where you can go to exercise using machines, weights, and other equipment
  8. an area painted with lines for playing particular sports, especially football
  9. tin sports such as American football, association football, basketball, etc., a person who is in charge of making certain that the rules are followed
  10. a set of classes or a plan of study on a particular subject, usually leading to an exam or qualification
  11. tthe activity or sport of moving over snow using a snowboard
  1. a kick, hit, or throw of the ball that is intended to score points in a sport such as cricket, football, tennis, or golf
  2. the general name for a particular group of sports in which people compete, including running, jumping, and throwing
  3. physical exercises and activities performed inside, often using equipment such as bars and ropes, intended to increase the body's strength and the ability to move and bend easily:
  4. an area drawn out on the ground that is used for playing sports such as tennis and basketball
  5. a punishment, or the usual punishment, for doing something that is against a law
  6. a large, flat surface, of ice or other hard material, for skating (= a sport using special boots to move along) or the area or building that contains this
  7. energetic physical exercises, often performed with a group of people to music, that make the heart, lungs, and muscles stronger and increase the amount of oxygen in the blood:
  8. art a traditional Japanese, Chinese, or Korean form of fighting or defending yourself, practised as a sport or as exercise. Martial arts include karate, judo, kung fu, and aikido
  9. a person who watches an activity, especially a sports event, without taking partLap vòng chạy, vòng đua

20 Clues: sân vận độnga small area of usually still watera room or building where dancing is taught or practiseda snow-covered area or track that is suitable for skiingtthe activity or sport of moving over snow using a snowboardan area painted with lines for playing particular sports, especially football...

Sport 2015-12-04

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. 12
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 15tvo
  5. 6
  6. 11
  7. 17
  8. 19
  9. 9
  10. 16
  11. 13
  1. 1
  2. 21
  3. 5
  4. 14
  5. 22
  6. 7
  7. 10
  8. 20
  9. 8
  10. 2
  11. 18

22 Clues: 15347682912211422101120171819161315tvo

sport 2017-05-11

sport crossword puzzle
  1. bottle, something that you drink out of
  2. things to help you store things in
  3. a hot season
  4. things you shoot with
  5. comes in different shapes and sizes
  6. socks, things you put on your feet for school sport
  7. rope, something you jump over to help you warm up
  8. Australian open
  9. used too throw things
  10. people who are good at sport
  11. country, a school event
  1. PM
  2. teamwork
  3. shoes too make you run fast
  4. AM
  5. where athletes go to win medals
  6. something to protect your head
  7. ball, something you use in soccer
  8. a cold season
  9. used too run

20 Clues: PMAMteamworka hot seasonused too runa cold seasonAustralian openthings you shoot withused too throw thingscountry, a school eventshoes too make you run fastpeople who are good at sportsomething to protect your headwhere athletes go to win medalsball, something you use in soccerthings to help you store things incomes in different shapes and sizes...

sport 2018-05-14

sport crossword puzzle
  1. pall mida viskad üle võrgu
  2. jalaga löödav pall
  3. paned põlved krõnksu ja tõused tagasi
  4. raske pall mida viskad kauguse peale
  5. lased suuskadega mäest alla
  6. on üks ring kus lööd teisi
  7. kõverdad käsi
  8. pikk maa mida jooksed nt spordipäeval
  9. sport kus sõidad rattaga
  10. sport kus sõidad autodega
  11. suusatamine kus lased märki
  1. see on iga aasta ja seal osaleb hästi palju inimesi üle maailma
  2. lihased mida teed seljale
  3. lühike jooks mida jooksed koos kaaslasega
  4. sport mida vaatad telekast
  5. asi mida teed vees
  6. pall mida lööd käega
  7. kargad üle takistuste
  8. oda mida viskad
  9. hüpped liivakasti

20 Clues: kõverdad käsioda mida viskadhüpped liivakastijalaga löödav pallasi mida teed veespall mida lööd käegakargad üle takistustesport kus sõidad rattagalihased mida teed seljalesport kus sõidad autodegapall mida viskad üle võrgusport mida vaatad telekaston üks ring kus lööd teisilased suuskadega mäest allasuusatamine kus lased märki...

Sport 2012-12-12

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. = often
  2. = hobby
  3. = enjoyment
  4. = bodily
  5. = high jumper
  6. = to influence
  7. = elitist sport
  8. = ball
  9. = succes
  10. = longing
  11. = boundless
  12. = to brake
  13. = athlete
  14. = to strive
  1. = physical
  2. = to dive
  3. = sparetime activity
  4. = fast
  5. = self-absorbed
  6. = to injure
  7. = psychological
  8. = competition
  9. = bones
  10. = to spring
  11. = to play
  12. = addiction

26 Clues: = fast= ball= often= hobby= bones= bodily= succes= to dive= longing= to play= athlete= physical= to brake= enjoyment= to injure= to spring= boundless= to strive= addiction= high jumper= competition= to influence= elitist sport= self-absorbed= psychological= sparetime activity

Sport 2013-07-30

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. Where the first Olympics was held (6)
  2. The phrase Homerun is used in this sport (8)
  3. Horses jump over obstacles in this sport (10)
  4. The main sport for America (8, 8, 6)
  5. Woods African American who plays golf (5, 5)
  6. Djokovic He is currently ranked number 1 in tennis (5,8)
  7. The fastest man in the world (5, 4)
  8. Sport Kenny lost in (9)
  9. You have to hit a specific target with an arrow (7)
  10. Daniel loves this sport (6)
  1. This sport is were girls support their situated team (12)
  2. National sport for Australia (3)
  3. A sport that Michael Jordan was a star in (10)
  4. United England best club team (10, 6)
  5. World’s most famous sport (6)
  6. Norman plays this sport (8, 5, 6)
  7. India is the best at this sport (7)
  8. Freestyle is a type of stroke in this sport (8)
  9. The ground where 1st grade cricket players play at when in Victoria (3)
  10. freeman She won gold In 400 metre 2000 Olympics in Sydney (5, 8)

20 Clues: Sport Kenny lost in (9)Daniel loves this sport (6)World’s most famous sport (6)National sport for Australia (3)Norman plays this sport (8, 5, 6)India is the best at this sport (7)The fastest man in the world (5, 4)The main sport for America (8, 8, 6)Where the first Olympics was held (6)The phrase Homerun is used in this sport (8)...

SPORT 2013-07-29

SPORT crossword puzzle
  1. It is an out to sea sport, wind is needed for this sport(7)
  2. It is one of the most common sport in Japan (4,9)
  3. A team game which involves a bat, baller and fielders(7)
  4. A rough sport with against 2 teams. (5)
  5. The ball must go in the hoop to score your team a point (10)
  6. Riding on a mountain with 2 wheels (8,4,4)
  7. Played with many different kind of clubs(4)
  8. Played on an ice field (6)
  9. Going out to sea and catch fish.(7)
  10. Originated in Australia (3)
  11. It is a snow sport were you ride a board (12)
  12. This is a water sport; there is many different kind of ways to do it(8)
  1. Played with 2 or 4 players on a big court it is similar to table tennis(6)
  2. Muhammad ali was the world champion (6)
  3. There are 4 bases,running back to your 4th base will score your team a point(8)
  4. Is an olympic sport that comprises five event (6,10)
  5. Game played with two teams with a ball, the call can’t be picked up (6)
  6. This is played with a shuttlecock(9)
  7. Occurs every 4 years(3,7,5)
  8. Water sport that happens on a beach with waves (7)

20 Clues: Played on an ice field (6)Occurs every 4 years(3,7,5)Originated in Australia (3)Going out to sea and catch fish.(7)This is played with a shuttlecock(9)Muhammad ali was the world champion (6)A rough sport with against 2 teams. (5)Riding on a mountain with 2 wheels (8,4,4)Played with many different kind of clubs(4)...

SPORT 2014-05-14

SPORT crossword puzzle
  1. wyścig
  2. tablica wyników
  3. siatkówka
  4. brzuszki/przysiady
  5. gimnastyka
  6. basen
  7. gol
  8. oszukiwać
  9. szermierka
  10. stadion
  11. drużyna
  12. wynik
  13. kręgle
  14. łyżwiarstwo
  1. sędzia
  2. pole/boisko
  3. linia startu
  4. bieganie
  5. piesze wędrówki
  6. siłownia
  7. szabla
  8. widzowie
  9. maraton
  10. pompki
  11. narciarstwo

25 Clues: golbasenwynikwyścigsędziaszablapompkikręglemaratonstadiondrużynabieganiesiłowniawidzowiesiatkówkaoszukiwaćgimnastykaszermierkapole/boiskonarciarstwołyżwiarstwolinia startutablica wynikówpiesze wędrówkibrzuszki/przysiady

sport 2015-03-04

sport crossword puzzle
  1. Japanse vechtkunst
  2. met de vuisten vechten
  3. lichaamsoefening
  4. soort tennis met een shuttle
  5. balspel tussen twee ploegen van zes spelers,wordt gespeeld met een net
  6. hockey op een ijsbaan
  7. sport waarbij een zacht balletje met een racket tegen een of meer muren wordt gekaatst
  8. meest gespeeld sport
  9. balspel waarbij twee elftallen proberen om de bal met een stok in elkaars doel te slaan
  1. hardrijden op een racefiets
  2. in een zaal beoefende sport waarbij de bal in een net wordt geworpen
  3. een soort kegelspel
  4. balspel voor twee ploegen van elk vijftien spelers
  5. het racen, crossen enz. met motorfietsen
  6. belangrijkste klasse bij het autoracen
  7. om het snelst lopen
  8. sport waarbij je met een stok een balletje in een kuiltje moet slaan
  9. waarbij je met een racket een bal over een net moet slaan
  10. zich ritmisch bewegen op de maat van de muziek
  11. vechten met wapens als degen, floret of sabel

20 Clues: lichaamsoefeningJapanse vechtkunsteen soort kegelspelom het snelst lopenmeest gespeeld sporthockey op een ijsbaanmet de vuisten vechtenhardrijden op een racefietssoort tennis met een shuttlebelangrijkste klasse bij het autoracenhet racen, crossen enz. met motorfietsenvechten met wapens als degen, floret of sabel...

SPORT 2020-12-18

SPORT crossword puzzle
  1. môn thể thao sử dụng giầy trượt và gậy.
  2. loại sân dùng để chơi các môn thể thao đối kháng như tennis hoặc bóng rổ.
  3. một cuộc thi mà các thí sinh cố gắng để mình trở thành người nhanh nhát.
  4. môn thể thao sử dụng các vật dụng như ghế, dây, thanh đòn để thử thách sức khỏe và khả năng dẻo dai của người chơi.
  5. những người chơi các môn điền kinh chuyên nghiệp gọi là gì?
  6. trong kĩ năng bơi, thì việc chạy khởi động, quạt tay, thở gọi chung là gì?
  7. cuộc thi thể thao với quy mô lớn nhằm chọn ra đội hoặc cá nhân giỏi nhất .
  8. môn thể thao sử dụng thuyền có buồm và tay chèo.
  9. môn thể thao mà người chơi phải di chuyển ở bên dưới mặt nước.
  10. khoảng thời gian được sắp xếp để tập luyện các môn thể thao.
  1. môn thể thao sử dụng buồm và ván trượt.
  2. tên gọi chung của tất cả những thứ bạn cần phải mua hoặc có khi đi chơi thể thao như quần áo, vật dụng, v.v....
  3. người không ra thi đấu nhưng chỉ đạo, hướng dẫn các đội hoặc cá nhân đi thi đấu.
  4. thứ giá trị như cúp lưu niệm hoặc tiền trao cho người chiến thắng trong các cuộc thi.
  5. môn thể thao sử dụng ván trượt có bánh xe.
  6. môn thể thao người chơi được thuyền kéo đi trên mặt nước và họ phải giữ cân bằng trên ván trượt.
  7. môn thể thao sử dụng giầy trượt trên địa hình nước bị đông cứng.
  8. môn thể thao sử dụng ván trượt để đi trên các địa hình có tuyết.
  9. tên gọi hình thức đấu loại mà có nhiều các trận đấu diễn ra, để cuối cùng chọn lấy một đội hoặc cá nhân chiến thắng.
  10. một sự kiện được tổ chức mà mọi người sẽ tranh tài với nhau.
  11. khoảng thời gian 15 phút giữa hai hiệp đấu bóng đá được gọi là gì ?

21 Clues: môn thể thao sử dụng buồm và ván trượt.môn thể thao sử dụng giầy trượt và gậy.môn thể thao sử dụng ván trượt có bánh xe.môn thể thao sử dụng thuyền có buồm và tay chèo.những người chơi các môn điền kinh chuyên nghiệp gọi là gì?một sự kiện được tổ chức mà mọi người sẽ tranh tài với nhau.khoảng thời gian được sắp xếp để tập luyện các môn thể thao....

SPORT 2020-12-18

SPORT crossword puzzle
  1. môn thể thao sử dụng các vật dụng như ghế, dây, thanh đòn để thử thách sức khỏe và khả năng dẻo dai của người chơi.
  2. những người chơi các môn điền kinh chuyên nghiệp gọi là gì?
  3. loại sân dùng để chơi các môn thể thao đối kháng như tennis hoặc bóng rổ.
  4. môn thể thao sử dụng thuyền có buồm và tay chèo.
  5. môn thể thao mà người chơi phải di chuyển ở bên dưới mặt nước.
  6. môn thể thao sử dụng ván trượt có bánh xe.
  7. môn thể thao sử dụng giầy trượt trên địa hình nước bị đông cứng.
  8. những môn thể thao có yếu tố nguy hiểm như nhảy bungee hoặc nhảy dù.
  9. khoảng thời gian được sắp xếp để tập luyện các môn thể thao.
  10. thứ giá trị như cúp lưu niệm hoặc tiền trao cho người chiến thắng trong các cuộc thi.
  1. môn thể thao sử dụng ván trượt để đi trên các địa hình có tuyết.
  2. môn thể thao người chơi được thuyền kéo đi trên mặt nước và họ phải giữ cân bằng trên ván trượt.
  3. cuộc thi thể thao với quy mô lớn nhằm chọn ra đội hoặc cá nhân giỏi nhất .
  4. trong kĩ năng bơi, thì việc chạy khởi động, quạt tay, thở gọi chung là gì?
  5. khoảng thời gian 15 phút giữa hai hiệp đấu bóng đá được gọi là gì ?
  6. môn thể thao sử dụng buồm và ván trượt.
  7. người không ra thi đấu nhưng chỉ đạo, hướng dẫn các đội hoặc cá nhân đi thi đấu.
  8. một cuộc thi mà các thí sinh cố gắng để mình trở thành người nhanh nhát.
  9. tên gọi hình thức đấu loại mà có nhiều các trận đấu diễn ra, để cuối cùng chọn lấy một đội hoặc cá nhân chiến thắng.
  10. môn thể thao sử dụng giầy trượt và gậy.
  11. tên gọi chung của tất cả những thứ bạn cần phải mua hoặc có khi đi chơi thể thao như quần áo, vật dụng, v.v....
  12. một sự kiện được tổ chức mà mọi người sẽ tranh tài với nhau.

22 Clues: môn thể thao sử dụng buồm và ván trượt.môn thể thao sử dụng giầy trượt và gậy.môn thể thao sử dụng ván trượt có bánh xe.môn thể thao sử dụng thuyền có buồm và tay chèo.những người chơi các môn điền kinh chuyên nghiệp gọi là gì?một sự kiện được tổ chức mà mọi người sẽ tranh tài với nhau.khoảng thời gian được sắp xếp để tập luyện các môn thể thao....

SPORT 2021-03-19

SPORT crossword puzzle
  1. quanti giocatori ci sono in una partita
  2. dove si disputa una gara di karate
  3. come si chiama l'attrezzo che compre
  4. si pratica in acqua
  5. dello sport
  6. pallavolo nelle squadre
  7. sport che si pratica sulla neve
  8. sport della corsa che si pratica sulla
  9. lo vince la squadra di calcio di serie
  10. si gioca con la palla in acqua
  11. faccia nella scherma
  12. divide il campo
  13. quando si festeggia la giornata
  1. dà inizio al gioco
  2. ex schermatrice vincitrice di sei oli
  3. ci si mantiene in equilibrio
  4. si giocano ogni quattro anni
  5. dà inizio al gioco
  6. si pratica sulla sabbia
  7. arte marziale
  8. si usano in campo
  9. si usano per il pattinaggio
  10. dove si disputa una gara di karate

23 Clues: dello sportarte marzialedivide il camposi usano in campodà inizio al giocodà inizio al giocosi pratica in acquafaccia nella schermapallavolo nelle squadresi pratica sulla sabbiasi usano per il pattinaggioci si mantiene in equilibriosi giocano ogni quattro annisi gioca con la palla in acquasport che si pratica sulla neve...

Sport 2021-08-25

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. Ollie
  2. Kane Williamson
  3. On a board
  4. Soccer
  5. tennis on a table
  6. Marathon
  7. Michel Phelps
  8. Jump off high things into water
  9. Korean martial art
  10. American cricket
  11. Tiger woods
  1. surfing with a kite
  2. Michael Jordan
  3. Guns
  4. UFC
  5. Fish
  6. Rackets a ball over the net
  7. get the ball over the net
  8. Like basketball
  9. Muhammad Ali

20 Clues: UFCGunsFishOllieSoccerMarathonOn a boardTiger woodsMuhammad AliMichel PhelpsMichael JordanKane WilliamsonLike basketballAmerican crickettennis on a tableKorean martial artsurfing with a kiteget the ball over the netRackets a ball over the netJump off high things into water

Sport 2021-11-22

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. знает
  2. свободное времяпровождение
  3. кататься на велосипеде
  4. разные
  5. здоровый
  6. открытый
  7. на сегодняшний день
  8. возможности
  9. море
  10. важный
  1. уроки
  2. жизненный стиль
  3. детство
  4. во вторых
  5. шанс
  6. к счатью
  7. каждый
  8. часть
  9. плавание
  10. спорт
  11. зима

21 Clues: шансморезимаурокизнаетчастьспортразныекаждыйважныйдетствок счатьюздоровыйоткрытыйплаваниево вторыхвозможностижизненный стильна сегодняшний денькататься на велосипедесвободное времяпровождение

sport 2021-12-04

sport crossword puzzle
  1. in, We're playing cards. Would you like to join in? присоединяться к чему-либо
  2. of scrimmage in American football, the line on which the ball is positioned at the beginning of play
  3. back a football player who carries the ball from the line where the play starts
  4. out выбывать из соревнований из-за поражения
  5. ahead, After a disappointing year, the company is finally pulling ahead of the competition once more. вырваться вперед
  6. защитник
  7. The staff room is out of bounds to students. вне рамок разума или приличия, граница, предел, вход воспрещен
  8. начало матча
  9. Мяч
  1. he caught the ball and ran downfield 15 yards toward or in the defending team's end of the playing field
  2. решать проблему, браться за что-либо, перехватывать (мяч)
  3. off, She works off stress by running for at least half an hour every day. get rid of an unpleasant feeling, e.g. aggression or anger by doing sth energetic
  4. built like a linebacker полузащитник, Euphemism for "fat"
  5. потасовка, a practice game of American football, basketball, football, etc
  6. повторная игра после ничьей, серия игр
  7. гол (в регби, американском футболе)
  8. off сжигать калории
  9. передача, a play in which one player hands the ball to a teammate
  10. a punt or kick-off that lands or is fumbled into the end zone
  11. шарить, нащупывать, in sport, to fail to catch a ball
  12. out, I work out at the gym three times a week тренироваться

21 Clues: Мячзащитникначало матчаoff сжигать калориигол (в регби, американском футболе)повторная игра после ничьей, серия игрout выбывать из соревнований из-за пораженияшарить, нащупывать, in sport, to fail to catch a ballрешать проблему, браться за что-либо, перехватывать (мяч)built like a linebacker полузащитник, Euphemism for "fat"...

sport 2021-12-12

sport crossword puzzle
  1. двигун
  2. car електромобіль
  3. аварія, нещасний випадок
  4. смерть
  5. hour година пік
  6. out of нестачf чогось
  7. безпечно
  8. злочин
  9. обігнати
  10. незаконний
  11. повертати
  12. ремонтувати
  13. driving водіння в стані алкогольного сп'яніння
  1. водій
  2. транспортний засіб
  3. limit обмеження швидкості
  4. пішохід
  5. station заправка
  6. поранення
  7. аварія / удар при зіткненні
  8. перехрестя
  9. пасажир
  10. licence водійські права
  11. йти, гуляти
  12. дорожній рух

25 Clues: водійдвигунсмертьзлочинпішохідпасажирбезпечнообігнатипораненняповертатиперехрестянезаконниййти, гулятиремонтуватидорожній рухhour година пікstation заправкаcar електромобільтранспортний засібout of нестачf чогосьlicence водійські правааварія, нещасний випадокlimit обмеження швидкостіаварія / удар при зіткненні...

Sport 2022-03-18

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. thing with weels where skaters work with
  2. event that take place every four yaers in football for Europe
  3. sport with legend Rafael Nadal
  4. golf on smaller fields
  5. only black F1 coureur
  6. forbidden thing in sport that russians are know to take it
  7. Sport with The G.O.A.T MJ
  8. running a bit slower
  9. sport where muhammad ali was good in
  1. a board on snow to do tricks with
  2. thing that tennisers use to hit the bal
  3. when the athlete gets hurt
  4. place where swimmers sport in
  5. a think sport where you have a king and a queen
  6. prename of the last world champion in F1
  7. people who cheer for their favourite sportman
  8. the sport where usain Bolt broke every record
  9. a sport like tennis where asia is good in
  10. when you Finish top 3 you get this
  11. name of the best argentinian footballer
  12. object where footballers kick on

21 Clues: running a bit sloweronly black F1 coureurgolf on smaller fieldsSport with The G.O.A.T MJwhen the athlete gets hurtplace where swimmers sport insport with legend Rafael Nadalobject where footballers kick ona board on snow to do tricks withwhen you Finish top 3 you get thissport where muhammad ali was good inthing that tennisers use to hit the bal...

Sport 2022-05-27

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. a trainer
  2. where skiing happen
  3. to overpower your competitor in game
  4. the place of athletics competition
  5. where motorcycling and formula 1 races happen
  6. synonym of eliminate
  7. A person who is present at a sports competition like tennis to enforce the rules.
  8. A number of people who play together
  9. A building for sports event like basketball
  10. to become physically hurt
  11. to remove someone from a game because of rule violation
  1. the leader of a sports team
  2. supporters of a team
  3. a large open roof place for sport events
  4. To hit something with the foot.
  5. when the result is 1:1
  6. the field where tennis and basketball is placed
  7. To send something through the air with force, especially by a sudden movement of the arm.
  8. the field where you play football, rugby or hockey
  9. become in better physical form
  10. light exercises done before main training session
  11. A person who makes sure that players act according to the rules of a game or sport like football
  12. when you fail in a game
  13. To achieve first position in a competition
  14. the place where golf happens

25 Clues: a trainerwhere skiing happensupporters of a teamsynonym of eliminatewhen the result is 1:1when you fail in a gameto become physically hurtthe leader of a sports teamthe place where golf happensbecome in better physical formTo hit something with the foot.the place of athletics competitionto overpower your competitor in game...

sport 2022-07-06

sport crossword puzzle
  1. jouer au foot
  2. faire du judo
  3. jouer au échecs
  4. nager
  5. faire du roller
  6. chanter
  7. écouter de la musique
  8. faire du trampoline
  9. envoyer un texto
  10. jouer de la guitare
  1. prendre une photo
  2. jouer au badminton
  3. jouer au tennis de table
  4. monter a cheval
  5. danser
  6. dessiner
  7. aller pêcher
  8. jouer au volleyball
  9. skier
  10. regarder la tv
  11. faire de la gym
  12. faire du surf
  13. jouer au rugby
  14. faire du vélo

24 Clues: skiernagerdanserchanterdessineraller pêcherjouer au footfaire du judofaire du surffaire du véloregarder la tvjouer au rugbymonter a chevaljouer au échecsfaire de la gymfaire du rollerenvoyer un textoprendre une photojouer au badmintonjouer au volleyballfaire du trampolinejouer de la guitareécouter de la musiquejouer au tennis de table

Sport 2022-06-14

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. igra s 32 figure na kvadratnoj ploči (šahovnici) podijeljenoj na 64 polja
  2. najelitnije klupsko nogometno natjecanje
  3. bivši brazilski nogometaš, poznat pod nadimkom R9
  4. najveća svj. šport. priredba pokrenuta i organizirana prema zamisli Pierrea de Coubertina, koji se nadahnuo ant. olimpijskim svečanostima što su se održavale u starogrč. svetištu Olimpiji
  5. najpoznatija cestovna etapna utrka za profesionalne vozače priređena na inicijativu franc. novinara
  6. Izabrana šport. ekipa sastavljena od pojedinaca iz različitih klubova jednoga grada, regije, države, kontinenta ili međunar. šport. federacije u cilju javnog nastupa
  7. Natjecao se u formuli 1 trenutno je u komi
  8. sportska grana u kojoj se teži povećanju oblika, snage i estetskom izgledu mišića cijelog tijela
  1. španjolski tenisač,  U dosadašnjoj je karijeri osvojio 80 ATP turnira
  2. Međunarodni nogometni savez, osn. 1904. u Parizu, sa sjedištem u Zürichu.
  3. šport. igra na otvorenom, u kojoj igrač nastoji sa što manje udaraca palicom utjerati lopticu u niz jamica raspoređenih po terenu (najčešće 18)
  4. u borbi s bikovima, borac koji zadaje biku smrtonosni udarac mačem
  5. udarac po lopti u letu prije nego što dodirne tlo
  6. (puno ime)Hrvatska natjecateljica u bacanju diska. Dvostruka je olimpijska pobjednica i svjetska prvakinja
  7. Jedan od najistaknutijih igrača u nogometnoj povijesti, FIFA ga je, s → Peléom, proglasila igračem stoljeća.
  8. športska igra loptom u kojoj sudjeluju dvije ekipe od po šest igrača u polju i s vratarima
  9. krovna eur. nogometna organizacija koja okuplja nac. nogometne saveze. Osn. 1954. u Baselu
  10. športska igra reketom i lopticom koju igrači prebacuju u protivničko polje
  11. sportska grana u kojoj se dva suparnika u određenoj težinskoj kategoriji bore šakama u ringu određen broj rundi.
  12. skupni pojam za tjelovježbene aktivnosti u kojima dominira natjecateljski duh; njegovanje tjelesnih svojstava i sposobnosti te njihovo provjeravanje i unapređivanje igrom,

20 Clues: najelitnije klupsko nogometno natjecanjeNatjecao se u formuli 1 trenutno je u komiudarac po lopti u letu prije nego što dodirne tlobivši brazilski nogometaš, poznat pod nadimkom R9u borbi s bikovima, borac koji zadaje biku smrtonosni udarac mačemšpanjolski tenisač,  U dosadašnjoj je karijeri osvojio 80 ATP turnira...

Sport 2021-11-25

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. We went really fast down the ski _________.
  2. There are eleven players in a football _________.
  3. hall You can play basketball in the _________.
  4. I'm a Manchester United _________.
  5. There was a huge _________ waiting to get into the stadium.
  6. We don't want to _________ 8-8 - we want to win the match.
  7. I go to the _________ to exercise every morning for 45 minutes.
  8. fit I want to lose weight and _________ before my wedding.
  9. A footballer has to try to _______ the ball into the goal.
  10. Professional sportspeople have to _________ every day.
  11. Our new striker is going to ________ a lot of goals.
  12. The _________ at the cricket match sent one of the players off the field.
  13. We went round the 18-hole golf _________ together.
  14. Which player is the _________ (leader) of your team?
  15. I ran twice around the race _________.
  16. Corrupt sportspeople accept money to _________ matches.
  1. My brothers _____ yoga and tai-chi.
  2. Arsenal _________ Chelsea 2-0.
  3. The football _________ was very muddy.
  4. Who is the best _________ in your team?
  5. They built a new _________ for Arsenal a few years ago.
  6. The _________ blew his whistle.
  7. There's a tennis _________ in our local park.
  8. out I like to _________ at the gym three times a week.
  9. injured Be careful! Try not to _________ in the football match.
  10. We will _________ their team from the competition.
  11. out Do you think we can _________ their team from the competition?
  12. up It's important to _________ before you do exercise.
  13. There is a Formula 1 _________ in Bahrain.
  14. I was a _________ at the Wimbledon men's final this year.
  15. My dad used to be a tennis player but now he is a tennis _________.
  16. I really want to _________ this competition.
  17. off I think the referee should _________ that player for arguing with him.
  18. I dived into the _________.

34 Clues: I dived into the _________.Arsenal _________ Chelsea 2-0.The _________ blew his whistle.I'm a Manchester United _________.My brothers _____ yoga and tai-chi.The football _________ was very muddy.I ran twice around the race _________.Who is the best _________ in your team?There is a Formula 1 _________ in Bahrain....

Sport 2022-11-07

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. group of people who do sport
  2. this sport helps you stretch
  3. opposite to win
  4. most popular winter sport
  5. you need a boat and paddles to do it
  6. in this sport in one team you need more then one people
  7. In this sport you ride on animal
  8. special shoes for sport
  9. In this sport you often need a rope
  10. you wear it when you do sport
  11. a person who helps at events for free
  1. in this place you change into sport clothes
  2. you kick it in football
  3. you need waves to do it
  4. in this sport you walk on line
  5. a person who trains people
  6. you lift this at the gym
  7. you need it to watch a match
  8. place where play matches
  9. a person who trains a sport

20 Clues: opposite to winyou kick it in footballyou need waves to do itspecial shoes for sportyou lift this at the gymplace where play matchesmost popular winter sporta person who trains peoplea person who trains a sportgroup of people who do sportthis sport helps you stretchyou need it to watch a matchyou wear it when you do sport...

Sport 2021-06-22

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. Only sport to be played on the moon (4)
  2. Greatest sprinter of all time (5,4)
  3. Peter who won 9 Bathurst victories (5)
  4. Laura Geitz plays this sport (7)
  5. NBA legend LeBron (5)
  6. Number of players on a baseball team (4)
  7. Won his first Masters when he was 21 (5,5)
  8. Susie who swam from Cuba to Florida (7)
  1. Distance runner who lit the 1956 Olympic flame (3,6)
  2. Allan Border Medal is associated with this sport (7)
  3. UK horseracing course (5)
  4. Novak Djokovic is from this country (6)
  5. Swedish tennis legend Bjorn (4)
  6. What event is The Tour Down Under (7)
  7. 1950s golden girl of athletics, Betty (8)
  8. Swimming style named after an insect (9)
  9. National sport of Canada (8)
  10. Sydney based AFL team originally called South Melbourne (5)
  11. Greg who is known as the Great White Shark (6)
  12. When a bowler makes three strikes in a row (6)
  13. Name of Australian men's water polo team (6)

21 Clues: NBA legend LeBron (5)UK horseracing course (5)National sport of Canada (8)Swedish tennis legend Bjorn (4)Laura Geitz plays this sport (7)Greatest sprinter of all time (5,4)What event is The Tour Down Under (7)Peter who won 9 Bathurst victories (5)Only sport to be played on the moon (4)Novak Djokovic is from this country (6)...

Sport 2021-04-30

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. a sport that combine kicking and punching
  2. a sport of moving rapidly through an area, typically in an urban enviroonment, negotiating obstacles, by running, jumping, and climbing
  3. the sport or practice of fighthing
  4. a game played by two teams of elevem player
  5. a game played with small paddles and a ball bounced on a table devided by a net
  6. a bat and ball sport played between two teams of 10 players
  7. an activity of swimming or exploring underwater
  8. a sport that using skis to glide on snow
  9. run at set steady gentle pace, especially on regular basis as a form of physical exercise
  10. an individual sport played by hitting a ball with a club from a tee into a hole
  1. a track and field event in which athletes combine speed, strength, and agility in an attempt to leap as far as possible from a take off point
  2. a sport in which people slide over a smooth ice surface on steel-bladed skates
  3. a racing sport where participants ride motorcycles
  4. a horseback mounted team sport
  5. a sport of racing boats using oars
  6. the sport or pastime of riding on a skate
  7. a ball sport played by two teams of seven players
  8. a sport that use car
  9. the action or practice using gun
  10. an activity or sportif riding bicycle
  11. movement to move places in the water quickly using hand and feet
  12. a sport in whuch two teams play qgainst each ither by trying to manoeuvre a ball or a puck into the opponent's goal using a stick

22 Clues: a sport that use cara horseback mounted team sportthe action or practice using guna sport of racing boats using oarsthe sport or practice of fighthingan activity or sportif riding bicyclea sport that using skis to glide on snowa sport that combine kicking and punchingthe sport or pastime of riding on a skate...

Sport 2020-06-14

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. You usually do it on ice with a puck and a ______ stick
  2. a game that Ethan
  3. There is multiple types of this, either on ice or rolling around
  4. A game that has around 4 bases.
  5. You hit the ball over a large net, this is usually played at a beach
  6. You ride a long boat through the river or lake.
  7. You ride horses in this
  8. a game that contains a racquet and a net
  9. This is called multiple other things like downball
  10. This sport is usually done during the primary school years in Australia.
  1. A lot of flexibility is included in this
  2. A large game with 18 holes.
  3. This sport contains a ball that is kicked along the ground, there are multiple teams like 'manchester united'
  4. This contains three sports, usually, a bike ride, swimming and running
  5. This sport usually contains motorbikes.
  6. Again this is like tennis except you hit the small ball against a table
  7. You also throw this into a ring without the net
  8. This is a well known Australian sports
  9. This sport contains a bow and arrow
  10. You usually throw the ball into a ring
  11. You throw pointed things towards a ____ board
  12. this game has multiple rounds of hitting each other multiple times
  13. This game is like American football and contains a lot of tackling
  14. This is a lot like tennis except you hit the ball against the wall to the other player

24 Clues: a game that EthanYou ride horses in thisA large game with 18 holes.A game that has around 4 bases.This sport contains a bow and arrowThis is a well known Australian sportsYou usually throw the ball into a ringThis sport usually contains motorbikes.A lot of flexibility is included in thisa game that contains a racquet and a net...

SPORT 2020-05-09

SPORT crossword puzzle
  1. ufficiale di gara che sta attento al regolamento tecnico
  2. tecnico sportivo che allena gli atleti
  3. comprende le gare di corsa, di lanci e di salti
  4. attivita' sportiva del remare
  5. sport di combattimento, sinonimo di boxe
  6. sport delle corse praticate con la bicicletta
  7. pratica il nuoto
  8. forma sportiva di lotta giapponese
  9. pratica il tennis
  10. pratica il calcio
  11. si gioca in piscina con la palla
  1. gioco fra due squadre di 6 persone, c'e' una rete tra di loro
  2. sport praticato con pattini da ghiaccio o a rotelle
  3. pratica la vela
  4. gioco tra due squadre di 7 giocatori, si gioca con le mani
  5. attivita' agonistica a cavallo
  6. sinonimo di basket
  7. sinonimo di football
  8. salita su roccia o ghiaccio
  9. pratica lo sci
  10. pratica il ciclismo
  11. attivita' sportiva praticata con gli sci

22 Clues: pratica lo scipratica la velapratica il nuotopratica il tennispratica il calciosinonimo di basketpratica il ciclismosinonimo di footballsalita su roccia o ghiaccioattivita' sportiva del remareattivita' agonistica a cavallosi gioca in piscina con la pallaforma sportiva di lotta giapponesetecnico sportivo che allena gli atleti...

Sport 2019-03-24

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. Konkurrent
  2. Netz
  3. ausüben
  4. Mannschaft
  5. sich fit halten
  6. Hürdenlauf
  7. Ball
  8. Spielfeld
  9. Geschwindigkeit
  10. Spaß
  11. Pokal
  12. die Spieler
  1. überholen
  2. Laufen
  3. Kraft
  4. Wettbewerb
  5. Preis
  6. ein Tor schießen
  7. Spiel
  8. Gewinner
  9. gegnerische Mannschaft
  10. Wettkampf
  11. gewinnen
  12. Ringen

24 Clues: NetzBallSpaßKraftPreisSpielPokalLaufenRingenausübenGewinnergewinnenüberholenWettkampfSpielfeldWettbewerbKonkurrentMannschaftHürdenlaufdie Spielersich fit haltenGeschwindigkeitein Tor schießengegnerische Mannschaft

Sport 2023-01-08

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. быстро
  2. A bag
  3. An orange vegetable
  4. Riding a bike
  5. You see yourself in that
  6. хорошо
  7. медленно
  8. A person who plays
  9. Winter sport
  10. Running, jumping
  11. Group of people who play together
  12. A prize you win
  13. An instrument you play tennis with
  1. Yellow card, Red card
  2. A place you play tennis
  3. Hit a ball with your foot
  4. осторожно
  5. A person or team who wins
  6. Shoes you wear when you do sport
  7. Чемпионат
  8. тихо
  9. CLothes you wear on your hands
  10. A material for clothes
  11. Clothes you put on over a T-shirt

24 Clues: тихоA bagбыстрохорошомедленноосторожноЧемпионатWinter sportRiding a bikeA prize you winRunning, jumpingA person who playsAn orange vegetableYellow card, Red cardA material for clothesA place you play tennisYou see yourself in thatHit a ball with your footA person or team who winsCLothes you wear on your handsShoes you wear when you do sport...

Sport 2023-02-26

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. calcio
  2. pallamano
  3. sumo
  4. karatè
  5. nuoto
  6. tennis
  7. baseball
  8. pallacanestro
  9. rugby
  10. corsa
  1. hockey
  2. ciclismo
  3. equitazione
  4. pallanuoto
  5. pallavolo
  6. yoga
  7. sci
  8. danza
  9. scherma
  10. vela
  11. golf
  12. pugilato
  13. surf

23 Clues: scisumoyogavelagolfsurfnuotodanzarugbycorsahockeycalciokaratètennisschermaciclismobaseballpugilatopallamanopallavolopallanuotoequitazionepallacanestro

sport 2023-02-24

sport crossword puzzle
  6. bola yang dimaninkan dengan cara di dribble


sport 2023-03-07

sport crossword puzzle
  1. hokej na lodzie
  2. spadochroniarstwo
  3. przegrać
  4. bramkarz
  5. szermierka
  6. koszykówka
  7. sfaulować
  1. zjazd na desce po śniegu
  2. walczyć
  3. podnoszenie ciężarów
  4. sędzia
  5. trener
  6. mecz
  7. zwyciężyć
  8. przeciwnik
  9. siatkówka
  10. zremisować
  11. skok o tyczce
  12. łucznictwo
  13. drużyna

20 Clues: meczsędziatrenerwalczyćdrużynaprzegraćbramkarzzwyciężyćsiatkówkasfaulowaćprzeciwnikzremisowaćszermierkakoszykówkałucznictwoskok o tyczcehokej na lodziespadochroniarstwopodnoszenie ciężarówzjazd na desce po śniegu

sport 2023-06-01

sport crossword puzzle
  1. løbe
  2. ishoke
  3. hold
  4. golf
  5. spiller
  6. mål
  7. hockey
  8. bold
  9. fodbold
  10. bordtennis
  11. støvler
  1. tenisbold
  2. sko
  3. basket
  4. målmand
  5. turnering
  6. fodboldkamp
  7. sponsor
  8. klub
  9. kæmpe

20 Clues: skomålløbeholdgolfboldklubkæmpebasketishokehockeymålmandspillersponsorfodboldstøvlertenisboldturneringbordtennisfodboldkamp

Sport 2023-03-23

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. Quelle est la discipline dans laquelle les voitures concourent
  2. Quel sport consiste à frapper une balle avec une raquette au-dessus d'un filet ?
  3. Quel est le nom de la discipline sportive où l'on doit tirer à l'arc?
  4. Quel sport est joué sur une table et implique l'utilisation de petites raquettes et d'une balle légère?
  5. Quel est le nom du sport où l'on doit faire des figures acrobatiques sur une piste?
  6. Comment s’appelle le joueur devant le gardien du but?
  7. Comment appelle-t-on la discipline sportive où l'on doit soulever des poids?
  8. Comment s'appelle le jeu dans lequel les joueurs essaient de frapper une balle dans un trou en aussi peu de coups que possible?
  9. Quel est le terme pour un type de tir dans lequel un joueur de basket-ball saute et lance le ballon vers le panier ?
  10. Comment appelle-t-on l'endroit où l'on pratique la natation?
  11. Quel est le nom de la personne qui choisit les joueurs de départ ?
  12. Comment appelle-t-on la discipline sportive où l'on doit escalader une paroi rocheuse?
  13. Quel est le terme pour un tir dans lequel un joueur de hockey envoie la rondelle dans le filet ?
  14. Dans quel sport doit-on lancer un disque en essayant de le faire le plus loin possible?
  1. Quel est le terme pour un type de passe utilisé au rugby dans lequel le ballon est lancé au-dessus d'un défenseur ?
  2. Dans quel sport trouverais-tu un volant ?
  3. Quel sport est joué sur une glace avec des patins et un bâton?
  4. Au football, comment appelle-t-on la zone devant le but où le gardien de but peut utiliser ses mains ?
  5. Quel est le terme pour un type de coup dans lequel un joueur de tennis frappe la balle avec un mouvement court et rapide ?
  6. Quel est le nom de l'épreuve d'athlétisme qui implique de sauter par-dessus une barre horizontale?
  7. Dans quel sport utilise-t-on un ballon ovale et un terrain en forme de fer à cheval?
  8. lieu où les boxeurs se battent
  9. Dans quelle discipline sportive utilise-t-on une épée, un fleuret ou un sabre?
  10. Quel est le nom de la discipline sportive où l'on doit effectuer des mouvements chorégraphiés sur de la musique?
  11. Dans quelle discipline sportive peut-on voir des sauts à skis?
  12. Comment appelle-t-on un type de coup de pied utilisé dans les arts martiaux qui consiste à utiliser le talon du pied ?
  13. Quel est le nom de la personne qui contrôle les règles pendant un match ?
  14. Au football, sanction prise contre une équipe pour une faute commise dans sa propre surface de réparation
  15. Quel sport consiste à envoyer un ballon dans un filet pour marquer un but ?
  16. Quel est le terme pour l'acte de lancer un Frisbee à un coéquipier dans Ultimate Frisbee ?
  17. Quel est le nombre maximum de joueurs sur un terrain de basket pour chaque équipe ?

31 Clues: lieu où les boxeurs se battentDans quel sport trouverais-tu un volant ?Comment s’appelle le joueur devant le gardien du but?Comment appelle-t-on l'endroit où l'on pratique la natation?Quelle est la discipline dans laquelle les voitures concourentQuel sport est joué sur une glace avec des patins et un bâton?...

sport 2023-04-24

sport crossword puzzle
  1. the object that is used in ice hockey
  2. this separates the players of different teams (in some ball games, such as volleyball)
  3. a sport team or organization
  4. a person who does smth(such as a sport or hobby) for pleasure and not as a job
  5. these are sports equipment suspended at a height on special cables that are used in gymnastics
  6. a group of people who compete in a sport, game against another group
  7. draw the final result of a game or contest that does not have a winner
  8. it is a combat sport in which two people, usually wearing protective gloves throw punches at each other for a predetermined amount of time in a ring
  9. a person who likes and admires someone(such as a famous person) or something(such as a sport or a sport team) in a very enthusiastic way
  10. a long spear that people throw as far as they can as a sport
  11. it is the sport of jumping or falling into water from a platform or springboard, usually while performing acrobatics
  1. an important that decides which player or team is the best in a particular sport
  2. it is a racket-and-ball sport played by two or four players in a four-walled court with a small, rubber ball
  3. one or more competitions held at a single venue and concentrated into a relatively short time interval
  4. an area or object into which a ball or puck must be hit to score points in various games or it may be refer to an instance of scoring
  5. it is a board game for two players, called White and Black, each controlling an army of pieces in their color
  6. a person who makes sure that players act according to the rules of a game or sport
  7. a game played on a large field by 2 teams of 11 players who try to score runs by hitting a small ball with a bat and then running between 2 sets of wooden sticks
  8. a game in which a light feathered object(called a shuttlecock) is hit over a net by players using light rackets
  9. the sport of fighting with swords

20 Clues: a sport team or organizationthe sport of fighting with swordsthe object that is used in ice hockeya long spear that people throw as far as they can as a sporta group of people who compete in a sport, game against another groupa person who does smth(such as a sport or hobby) for pleasure and not as a job...

sport 2023-03-14

sport crossword puzzle
  1. - Sport involving lifting heavy weights
  2. - Sport involving moving through water
  3. - Sport involving track and field events
  4. - Sport with an oval-shaped ball
  5. - Bat-and-ball game with wickets and runs
  6. - Game played with an oval-shaped ball and helmets
  7. - Bat-and-ball game played on a diamond
  8. RACING - Sport involving racing horses
  9. - Game played on a course with clubs and a ball
  10. - Game played on ice with sticks and a puck
  11. - Sport with grappling and pinning
  1. - Sport involving propelling a boat with oars
  2. - Sport involving choreographed movements on ice
  3. - Game played with rackets and a ball over a net
  4. - Game with two teams, a hoop, and a ball
  5. - Game played with a net and a ball
  6. - Sport involving sliding on snow or water
  7. - Sport with gloves and a ring
  8. - Sport involving shooting arrows with a bow
  9. - Sport on two wheels with pedals

20 Clues: - Sport with gloves and a ring- Sport with an oval-shaped ball- Sport on two wheels with pedals- Sport with grappling and pinning- Game played with a net and a ball- Sport involving moving through waterRACING - Sport involving racing horses- Sport involving lifting heavy weights- Bat-and-ball game played on a diamond...

Sport 2023-08-29

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. Klub sepak bola Arsenal berbasis di kota
  2. Hadiah berupa kepingan logam yang dapat dikalungkan
  3. Cabang olahraga Olimpiade yang melibatkan perkelahian jarak dekat.
  4. Permainan bola berbentuk lonjong
  5. Cabang olahraga yang melibatkan pukulan-pukulan dengan tangan dan kaki.
  6. Gulat tradisional Jepang
  7. Perusahaan perlengkapan olahraga dengan slogan Just Do It!
  8. Perlombaan lari jarak jauh
  9. Lomba yang terdiri dari renang, balap sepeda, dan lari
  10. Pemukul bola dalam olahraga tenis meja
  11. Pukulan permulaan untuk memainkan bola
  12. babak pada pertandingan tinju
  13. Olahraga yang dimainkan dengan raket dan shuttlecock.
  14. Keadaan dimana Raja sedang diserang dalam permainan catur
  15. Kartu untuk mengusir pemain keluar pertandingan
  16. Mantan pesepakbola yang dipanggil Zizou
  17. Bola yang memiliki tiga lubang
  18. Lomba lari beregu secara bergantian
  19. Kompetisi bola voli profesional tahunan di Indonesia
  20. jalur arena balap
  21. Perusahaan perlengkapan olahraga yang didirikan Adolf Dassier
  22. Permainan papan di mana tujuannya adalah mengalahkan raja lawan.
  1. Babak penyisihan
  2. Gelar tertinggi pecatur internasional
  3. Turnamen tenis tahunan di Inggris
  4. pukulan melambung tinggi dan jauh dalam bulu tangkis
  5. Seni beladiri asal Prancis
  6. Liga basket paling bergengsi di dunia
  7. Kota tempat diadakan Olimpiade pada zaman Yunani Kuno
  8. Sirkuit balap internasional di Malaysia
  9. Posisi bertahan pemain voli yang paling bebas bergerak
  10. pelari asal jamaika
  11. Pemenang Piala Dunia FIFA pertama
  12. Penjaga gawang
  13. Usaha membendung serangan lawan dalam permainan bola voli
  14. Pemain NBA yang dijuluki "The King" dan berasal dari Cleveland Cavaliers.
  15. Jumlah pemain inti setiap tim bola voli
  16. Negara tuan rumah Piala Dunia FIFA 2014
  17. Warna bola biliar bernomor
  18. Badan sepak bola Eropa

40 Clues: Penjaga gawangBabak penyisihanjalur arena balappelari asal jamaikaBadan sepak bola EropaGulat tradisional JepangSeni beladiri asal PrancisPerlombaan lari jarak jauhWarna bola biliar bernomorbabak pada pertandingan tinjuBola yang memiliki tiga lubangPermainan bola berbentuk lonjongTurnamen tenis tahunan di InggrisPemenang Piala Dunia FIFA pertama...

Sport 2023-09-08

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. The badminton players are now playing in the ....
  2. The .... gave a Red Card to the soccer player.
  3. One of sports using net and racket.
  4. Similar meaning to powerful.
  5. Mountain climbing is an .... aport I think.
  6. The first winner got a trophy ...., a certificate, and cash money.
  7. Usain Bolt won the gold .... for sprint race in the Olympic Games
  8. Athletes get .... when they exercise hard.
  9. There's a healthy mind in a healthy .....
  10. One of the legendary boxing fighters is Mike Tyson.
  1. The bodybuilder has big and strong ....
  2. Opposite of win
  3. Some top athletes .... a lot of money from sport matches/competion.
  4. VS stands for ....
  5. Someone who is good at certain sport.
  6. A person who trains athletes.
  7. What kind of .... did you get after winning the match?
  8. Regular sport exercise makes you ....
  9. To regulate .... circulation well.
  10. In snowy winter, people in Europe go ....

20 Clues: Opposite of winVS stands for ....Similar meaning to powerful.A person who trains athletes.To regulate .... circulation well.One of sports using net and racket.Someone who is good at certain sport.Regular sport exercise makes you ....The bodybuilder has big and strong ....In snowy winter, people in Europe go .......

Sport 2023-11-17

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. Is the name one of the techniques of this sport?
  2. waza What are throwing techniques called in judo?
  3. what is the name of the horse racing track?
  4. What is one of the most popular sports in Canada
  5. Which sports activity is called jogging?
  6. Which sport is not in the Olympics?
  7. The most proud tennis player in the world?
  8. The oldest water sport ever recorded?
  9. Mr.Khas is the nickname of which football coach?
  10. lions What is the nickname of the Manchester United football team?
  11. What is the biggest sporting event in the world
  12. Who is the best female goal scorer in the history of Real Madrid?
  13. Which sport is derived from cricket?
  14. How many chess houses are there?
  15. The piece of iron that the rider uses to propel the horse?
  1. was the best player of the 2006 World Cup in Germany?
  2. Judges who should be placed on both sides of the pool and parallel to the longitudinal line?
  3. is a type of swimming where four people travel the course in a group?
  4. What is the big score in the judo competition, which is equivalent to 10 points?
  5. Which athlete holds the record for the most medals in the Olympics?
  6. The name of the exclusive stadium of the English Tottenham club?
  7. Do they do this to relax the muscles after exercise
  8. A sport that requires concentration and relaxation
  9. Where does the word billiards come from?
  10. What is the rank in martial arts called
  11. What is the alternative name for water hockey?
  12. What is the name of the famous sport of India
  13. The name of the long distance race
  14. is called a state in which the horse runs in a slow and gentle way?
  15. What country is Dani Ceballos from?

30 Clues: How many chess houses are there?The name of the long distance raceWhich sport is not in the Olympics?What country is Dani Ceballos from?Which sport is derived from cricket?The oldest water sport ever recorded?What is the rank in martial arts calledWhich sports activity is called jogging?Where does the word billiards come from?...

Sport 2023-11-20

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. Sport de combat japonais
  2. Sport pratiqué dans l'eau
  3. Sport de combat à l'épée
  4. Sport sur glace ou roues
  5. Mouvement de ballon au basket-ball
  6. Sport nautique avec des voiles
  7. Lieu de pratique sportive
  8. Personne qui fait respecter les règles
  9. Sport de combat au corps à corps
  1. Événement sportif
  2. Course de vitesse
  3. Sport à cheval
  4. Sport avec une batte et une balle
  5. Personne qui guide les athlètes
  6. Sport sur glace ou gazon
  7. Sport de grimpe
  8. Personne pratiquant un sport
  9. Ensemble des règles
  10. Sport de raquette
  11. Groupe de joueurs

20 Clues: Sport à chevalSport de grimpeÉvénement sportifCourse de vitesseSport de raquetteGroupe de joueursEnsemble des règlesSport de combat japonaisSport sur glace ou gazonSport de combat à l'épéeSport sur glace ou rouesSport pratiqué dans l'eauLieu de pratique sportivePersonne pratiquant un sportSport nautique avec des voiles...

Sport 2020-12-21

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. you need it to watch a match
  2. opposite to win
  3. a person who trains a sport
  4. a person who helps at events for free
  5. a person who trains people
  6. you lift this at the gym
  7. you wear it when you do sport
  8. most popular winter sport
  9. In this sport you often need a rope
  10. you need waves to do it
  1. in this place you change into sport clothes
  2. in this sport in one team you need more then one people
  3. you need a boat and paddles to do it
  4. In this sport you ride on animal
  5. special shoes for sport
  6. in this sport you walk on line
  7. group of people who do sport
  8. place where play matches
  9. you kick it in football
  10. this sport helps you stretch

20 Clues: opposite to winspecial shoes for sportyou kick it in footballyou need waves to do ityou lift this at the gymplace where play matchesmost popular winter sporta person who trains peoplea person who trains a sportyou need it to watch a matchgroup of people who do sportthis sport helps you stretchyou wear it when you do sport...

sport 2024-02-01

sport crossword puzzle
  1. Waling in the countryside.
  2. The US name for a sport the rest of the world calls football.
  3. Graeco-Roman contact sport.
  4. Played on an indoor alley.
  5. Game with scrums and an oval ball.
  6. Unarmed combat sport using holds and leverage.
  7. Might be played on the beach.
  8. Tall men throw ball into the ring
  9. Might be done on parallel bars.
  1. Played with rackets.
  2. Unarmed combat sport using the hands and feet to deliver blows.
  3. You need snow for this sport.
  4. The Tour de France features this sport.
  5. You need water for this sport.
  6. Oldest organized sport in North America.
  7. It involves hiking, throwing, catching and
  8. Sport that may involve a gun
  9. A sport where you run on ice
  10. Might be done on concrete or ice.
  11. Bat and ball sport AND the name of an insect.
  12. Played with clubs.

21 Clues: Played with clubs.Played with rackets.Waling in the countryside.Played on an indoor alley.Graeco-Roman contact sport.Sport that may involve a gunA sport where you run on iceYou need snow for this sport.Might be played on the beach.You need water for this sport.Might be done on parallel bars.Might be done on concrete or ice....

Sport 2024-04-10

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. narty
  2. narciarstwo wodne
  3. rolkarstwo
  4. łyżwiarstwo
  5. deskorolka
  6. pilka
  7. deska
  8. piłka ręczna
  9. rakieta
  10. piłka nożna
  11. futbol
  12. narciarstwo
  13. żonglowanie
  14. jeździectwo
  15. trampki
  16. tenis
  17. jazda na deskorolce
  18. rower
  19. gogle
  20. hokej
  1. basen
  2. jazda na snowboardzie
  3. siatkówka
  4. koszykówka
  5. snowboard
  6. kolarstwo
  7. pływanie
  8. siodło
  9. hulajnoga
  10. baseball
  11. łyżwy
  12. judo
  13. bramka
  14. bieganie
  15. rower typu tandem
  16. kijek
  17. siatka

37 Clues: judonartybasenpilkadeskałyżwyteniskijekrowergoglehokejsiodłofutbolbramkasiatkarakietatrampkipływaniebaseballbieganiesiatkówkasnowboardkolarstwohulajnogakoszykówkarolkarstwodeskorolkałyżwiarstwopiłka nożnanarciarstwożonglowaniejeździectwopiłka ręcznanarciarstwo wodnerower typu tandemjazda na deskorolcejazda na snowboardzie

sport 2024-06-17

sport crossword puzzle
  1. don't make everything a ...
  2. training method of transport
  3. showing their name on merchandise
  4. athletics without the field
  5. opponent
  6. the best ever
  7. not one sport
  8. not in your head
  9. fightingground
  10. finally the end
  1. suitable for sports
  2. physical activities
  3. the one to decide
  4. presenting results
  5. the biggest beaker
  6. sports about tea and pullovers
  7. the dissabled top event
  8. event at the top
  9. certificate of performance
  10. go(w)ing backwards
  11. you're not alone

21 Clues: opponentthe best evernot one sportfightinggroundfinally the endevent at the topyou're not alonenot in your headthe one to decidepresenting resultsthe biggest beakergo(w)ing backwardssuitable for sportsphysical activitiesthe dissabled top eventcertificate of performancedon't make everything a ...athletics without the field...

Sport 2024-10-08

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. Who is the top scorer in World Cup history?
  2. Which cyclist has won the Tour de France the most times?
  3. In which sport does Simone Biles compete?
  4. Which NBA team has won the most championships?
  5. Which team has won the most Champions League titles?
  6. Where is the stadium known as La Bombonera located?
  7. What is the first recorded sport in history?
  8. Which Italian club did Diego Maradona play?
  9. Which country has the most Olympic medals in history?
  10. How many players make up a volleyball team?
  11. Who is the best swimmer in history?
  12. Who is the best female tennis player?
  13. In which country is the Le Mans circuit located?
  14. Who is the first Mexican champion winner of the UFC?
  1. Who was the first woman to run an Olympic marathon?
  2. How many sets must a player win in a men's tennis match in Grand Slam tournaments?
  3. Which team won the 2010 World Cup?
  4. Who is the best boxer in history?
  5. What is the most popular sport in India?
  6. Which tennis player has the most Grand Slam titles in history?
  7. Which country is the all-time winner of the World Cup?
  8. Where were the first Olympic Gamesheld?
  9. Who was the first world chess champion?
  10. In which country did rugby originate?
  11. Who is the best football player in history?
  12. Where was the first World Cup held?
  13. Who is the best Formula 1 driver?
  14. How many players form a baseball team on the field?
  15. Who is the best basketball player in history?
  16. Who has won the most consecutive medals in the 100 meters in athletics?

30 Clues: Who is the best boxer in history?Who is the best Formula 1 driver?Which team won the 2010 World Cup?Where was the first World Cup held?Who is the best swimmer in history?In which country did rugby originate?Who is the best female tennis player?Where were the first Olympic Gamesheld?Who was the first world chess champion?...

Sport 2024-12-02

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. - A sport where you ride waves on a board in the ocean.
  2. - A sport played on ice or grass with sticks and a puck or ball.
  3. - A sport where you shoot arrows at a target with a bow.
  4. - A sport played by hitting a ball over a net with hands.
  5. - A group of sports including running, jumping, and throwing.
  6. - A sport where you move through water.
  7. - A game played with a shuttlecock and rackets.
  8. - A martial art where you throw or pin your opponent.
  9. - A sport where you use wind to move a boat across water.
  10. - A sport played with a round ball and two goals.
  1. - A game played with a ball and a hoop.
  2. - A sport where two teams try to hit a ball and score runs.
  3. - A sport involving riding a bike on roads or tracks.
  4. tennis - A game where players hit a small ball back and forth on a table.
  5. - A combat sport where two people fight using their fists.
  6. - A game played with a bat, ball, and four bases.
  7. - A sport where players use rackets to hit a ball over a net.
  8. - A winter sport where you glide down snowy slopes.
  9. - A game where players try to hit a small ball into a hole with clubs.
  10. - A sport where you carry or kick an oval ball.

20 Clues: - A game played with a ball and a hoop.- A sport where you move through water.- A sport where you carry or kick an oval ball.- A game played with a shuttlecock and rackets.- A game played with a bat, ball, and four bases.- A sport played with a round ball and two goals.- A winter sport where you glide down snowy slopes....

Sport 2019-01-06

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. is the sport of falling into water from a platform
  2. a sport with oval ball
  3. was created in japan and is a modern martial art
  4. is a sport famous in Scotland
  5. is a sport that you must use an arch and an arrow
  6. a fight sport, born in korea
  7. you must put the ball into a basket
  8. you must stay in a pool
  9. in this game where the teams alternate attack and defence
  10. a sport that can be on ice
  11. here you use a sword
  1. a sport where two teams are separated by a net
  2. involve competitive running, jumping, throwing, and walking
  3. you must get the ball to the wall
  4. a game where there are eleven players in each team
  5. is a sport that includes aerobic, acrobatic and artistic movements
  6. is a bat-and-ball game played between two teams of eleven players
  7. is one of the oldest and most famous fight sport
  8. is one of the 10 games at the Olympics
  9. you must use a yellow ball and a racket

20 Clues: here you use a sworda sport with oval ballyou must stay in a poola sport that can be on icea fight sport, born in koreais a sport famous in Scotlandyou must get the ball to the wallyou must put the ball into a basketis one of the 10 games at the Olympicsyou must use a yellow ball and a racketa sport where two teams are separated by a net...

Sport 2017-05-11

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. You use it to score in netball
  2. There is a back board to score
  3. You look up at the sky when you do this swimming stroke
  4. you use them to exercise
  5. You need and animal to do this sport
  6. A very hard swimming stroke
  7. You have to wear goggles with this sport
  8. you play soccer with it
  1. A type of swimming stroke
  2. You have to throw the ball over the net to play the game
  3. You use a wooden stick to play the game
  4. The soccer team wears them
  5. You have to run a long distant
  6. it's one of the most impotent character strengths
  7. You have to lead with your heart
  8. You have to wear it with every sport
  9. you can't win a game without them
  10. You use them to score in AFL
  11. You need them to play soccer
  12. You can't move with the ball with this game

20 Clues: you play soccer with ityou use them to exerciseA type of swimming strokeThe soccer team wears themA very hard swimming strokeYou use them to score in AFLYou need them to play soccerYou use it to score in netballYou have to run a long distantThere is a back board to scoreYou have to lead with your heartyou can't win a game without them...

Sport 2021-12-09

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. phony jewellery
  2. canvas for badge and colours
  3. anagram: cownothud
  4. leader
  5. attention seeker
  6. unfair advantage
  7. anthem
  8. the crash of a legend is not figurative
  9. to keep the shape of the team
  10. friendly encouraging face wearing the canvas
  11. justice for breaching the rulebook
  12. line of defense
  13. career ruining
  14. terrorism
  15. to mark achievements
  16. infamously difficult aquatic race technique
  17. breach of the rulebook
  1. not as crucial now with TV screens
  2. ice ball
  3. the businessman invests
  4. competition
  5. the instrument of god
  6. unnecessarily spectacular downwards finish
  7. ready, set, go!
  8. dance
  9. checkers
  10. assimilation of tactics
  11. cat, 'athlete' accused
  12. show individual skill
  13. all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful

30 Clues: danceleaderanthemice ballcheckersterrorismcompetitioncareer ruiningphony jewelleryready, set, go!line of defenseattention seekerunfair advantageanagram: cownothudto mark achievementsthe instrument of godshow individual skillcat, 'athlete' accusedbreach of the rulebookthe businessman investsassimilation of tacticscanvas for badge and colours...

Sport 2022-01-06

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. sladký
  2. spolu
  3. špatně
  4. serfovat
  5. šplhat
  6. dívka
  7. plavat
  8. ona
  9. tenis
  1. potápět
  2. fotbal
  3. kolo
  4. sport
  5. dnes
  6. rád
  7. zpívat
  8. móda
  9. dělat
  10. hrát
  11. hudba

20 Clues: rádonakolodnesmódahrátspolusportdívkadělathudbatenisfotbalsladkýšpatnězpívatšplhatplavatpotápětserfovat

Sport 2020-06-05

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. 4 betűs labdajáték röviditve
  2. autós terepverseny
  3. zenére végzett lendületes tornagyakorlatok sora
  4. 10 betűs extrém sport
  5. elmesport kelléke,64 mezőből áll
  6. sport ökölvívás,öklözés
  7. olimpiai téli sportág
  8. állat nevével kifejezett úszásfajta
  9. sport atlétikát űz
  10. golfhoz használt eszköz
  1. ötkarikás versenyző
  2. sport tollaslabda idegen szóval
  3. magashegyi sziklamászó
  4. sport szolga aki a golfütőt hordozza
  5. téli sport
  6. 12 betűs extröm sport
  7. apró nyilakkal végzett sport
  8. tekéhez hasonló teremsport
  9. 6 betűs ütős játék
  10. olimpiai sportág,kéttusa

20 Clues: téli sportautós terepverseny6 betűs ütős játéksport atlétikát űzötkarikás versenyző12 betűs extröm sport10 betűs extrém sportolimpiai téli sportágmagashegyi sziklamászósport ökölvívás,öklözésgolfhoz használt eszközolimpiai sportág,kéttusatekéhez hasonló teremsport4 betűs labdajáték röviditveapró nyilakkal végzett sport...

sport 2020-09-27

sport crossword puzzle
  1. jezdit na (Langlaufskier)
  2. Handball
  3. jezdit na (Snowboard)
  4. Eishokey
  5. Skifahren
  6. Beach Volleyball
  7. jezdit na(reiten)
  8. Basketball
  9. skákat (Weitsprung)
  10. Radfahren
  11. Zehnkampf
  1. Schwimmen
  2. Tischtennis
  3. Wettkampf
  4. Schlitten fahren
  5. Leichtathletik
  6. Schach
  7. Klettern
  8. boxen
  9. Rudern
  10. jezdit na (Segelschiff)
  11. Krafttraining
  12. Unihokey
  13. skákat (Fallschirm)
  14. jezdit na (Motorrad)
  15. jezdit na (Inliner)

26 Clues: boxenSchachRudernHandballKletternEishokeyUnihokeySchwimmenWettkampfSkifahrenRadfahrenZehnkampfBasketballTischtennisKrafttrainingLeichtathletikSchlitten fahrenBeach Volleyballjezdit na(reiten)skákat (Fallschirm)jezdit na (Inliner)skákat (Weitsprung)jezdit na (Motorrad)jezdit na (Snowboard)jezdit na (Segelschiff)jezdit na (Langlaufskier)

Sport 2022-03-18

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. thing that tennisers use to hit the bal
  2. event that take place every four yaers in football for Europe
  3. people who cheer for their favourite sportman
  4. a board on snow to do tricks with
  5. a think sport where you have a king and a queen
  6. when the athlete gets hurt
  7. place where swimmers sport in
  8. sport with legend Rafael Nadal
  9. golf on smaller fields
  10. prename of the last world champion in F1
  11. sport where muhammad ali was good in
  12. when you Finish top 3 you get this
  1. thing with weels where skaters work with
  2. the sport where usain Bolt broke every record
  3. running a bit slower
  4. a sport like tennis where asia is good in
  5. Sport with The G.O.A.T MJ
  6. only black F1 coureur
  7. object where footballers kick on
  8. name of the best argentinian footballer
  9. forbidden thing in sport that russians are know to take it

21 Clues: running a bit sloweronly black F1 coureurgolf on smaller fieldsSport with The G.O.A.T MJwhen the athlete gets hurtplace where swimmers sport insport with legend Rafael Nadalobject where footballers kick ona board on snow to do tricks withwhen you Finish top 3 you get thissport where muhammad ali was good inthing that tennisers use to hit the bal...

sport 2013-11-12

sport crossword puzzle
  1. hokkej
  2. očki
  3. boks
  4. sportsmen
  5. kopje
  6. tennis
  7. tīkls volejbolnaja-setka
  8. triatlon
  9. basketbol
  10. fehtovanie
  11. sudja
  12. grebla
  13. konnki
  14. medali
  1. florbolu
  2. trener
  3. bob
  4. biatlon
  5. snoubord
  6. futbol
  7. skeleton
  8. plavaņe
  9. sani
  10. bassejn
  11. vorota
  12. mač
  13. kerling
  14. raketke
  15. šaiba
  16. lodka

30 Clues: bobmačočkibokssanikopjesudjašaibalodkatrenerhokkejfutboltennisvorotagreblakonnkimedalibiatlonplavaņebassejnkerlingraketkeflorbolusnoubordskeletontriatlonsportsmenbasketbolfehtovanietīkls volejbolnaja-setka

Sport 2013-07-30

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. Freestyle is a type of stroke in this sport (8)
  2. Norman plays this sport (8, 5, 6)
  3. National sport for Australia (3)
  4. World’s most famous sport (6)
  5. India is the best at this sport (7)
  6. You have to hit a specific target with an arrow (7)
  7. The phrase Homerun is used in this sport (8)
  8. England best club team (10, 6)
  1. Horses jump over obstacles in this sport (10)
  2. A sport that Michael Jordan was a star in (10)
  3. Daniel loves this sport (6)
  4. Where the first Olympics was held (6)
  5. African American who plays golf (5, 5)
  6. He is currently ranked number 1 in tennis (5,8)
  7. Sport Kenny lost in (9)
  8. The main sport for America (8, 8, 6)
  9. The ground name after Melbourne(3)
  10. She won gold In 400 metres at the 2000 Sydney Olympics (5,7)
  11. This sport is were girls support their situated team (12)
  12. The fastest man in the world (5, 4)

20 Clues: Sport Kenny lost in (9)Daniel loves this sport (6)World’s most famous sport (6)England best club team (10, 6)National sport for Australia (3)Norman plays this sport (8, 5, 6)The ground name after Melbourne(3)India is the best at this sport (7)The fastest man in the world (5, 4)The main sport for America (8, 8, 6)...

Sport 2013-07-29

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. Played by tackling people to try to get the ball to the other side (5)
  2. Played with a stick and a puck (6)
  3. A tennis event held in Melbourne (3,10,4)
  4. Many events that involve people in a pool (8)
  5. Played on an oval field and his popular in Australia (8)
  6. Tiger Woods is famous in this type of sport (4)
  7. Played like soccer and basketball put together (8,8)
  8. Aim of this sport is to try to shoot an arrow in a middle of a circular target (7)
  9. Mainly use your feet to kick the ball (6)
  10. A sport that is played with a racket and a small ball (6)
  11. Just like tennis but people use a shuttlecock instead (9)
  1. Aim of this sport is to hit the ball and run to 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th base (8)
  2. Played with a bat and a red ball (7)
  3. Is a sport of fighting with swords (7)
  4. Happens every four years (8)
  5. Aim of the sport is to keep the ball up and make the ball go down on the opposing team’s side (10)
  6. The two main categories that is played in the Olympics (5,3,5,5)
  7. Aim of this sport is to throw a spear like stick as far as you can (7)
  8. A smaller version of tennis (5,6)
  9. People bounce the ball and try to shoot it in the hoop (10)

20 Clues: Happens every four years (8)A smaller version of tennis (5,6)Played with a stick and a puck (6)Played with a bat and a red ball (7)Is a sport of fighting with swords (7)A tennis event held in Melbourne (3,10,4)Mainly use your feet to kick the ball (6)Many events that involve people in a pool (8)Tiger Woods is famous in this type of sport (4)...

SPORT 2012-03-25

SPORT crossword puzzle
  1. lopar za namizni tenis
  2. dihalka
  3. igrišče (rokomet, košarka...)
  4. meč
  5. nasprotnik
  6. telovadnica
  7. sodnik
  8. žogica za badminton
  9. gledalec
  10. mreža
  11. pancarji
  12. zračna puška
  13. igrišče (golf)
  14. sedlo
  1. puščica
  2. drsališče
  3. lopar
  4. igrišče (nogomet)
  5. plošček (hokej)
  6. veslo
  7. plavutke
  8. lok
  9. tekmovalec
  10. navijač
  11. palica za bilijard
  12. golman
  13. čelada
  14. drsalke
  15. zaščitna očala
  16. palica za hokej
  17. tarča
  18. palica za golf

32 Clues: lokmečloparveslomrežatarčasedlosodnikgolmančeladapuščicadihalkanavijačdrsalkeplavutkegledalecpancarjidrsališčetekmovalecnasprotniktelovadnicazračna puškazaščitna očalaigrišče (golf)palica za golfplošček (hokej)palica za hokejigrišče (nogomet)palica za bilijardžogica za badmintonlopar za namizni tenisigrišče (rokomet, košarka...)

Sport 2013-05-13

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. handball
  2. waterpolo
  3. skiing
  4. weightlifting
  5. badminton
  6. golf
  7. archery
  8. to dance
  9. horse riding
  10. ice hockey
  11. basketball
  12. cycle racing
  13. wrestling
  14. fishing
  15. surfing
  16. to swim
  17. athletics
  1. karate
  2. running
  3. skating
  4. kayaking
  5. squash
  6. tennis
  7. volleyball
  8. ping-pong
  9. climbing
  10. boxing
  11. fencing
  12. judo
  13. shooting
  14. waterskiing
  15. cycle racing
  16. diving
  17. baseball
  18. football

35 Clues: judogolfkaratesquashtennisboxingskiingdivingrunningskatingfencingarcheryfishingsurfingto swimkayakinghandballclimbingshootingto dancebaseballfootballwaterpoloping-pongbadmintonwrestlingathleticsvolleyballice hockeybasketballwaterskiingcycle racinghorse ridingcycle racingweightlifting

Sport 2015-04-22

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. arian od milja
  2. pobjednik u svjetskom prvenstvu u prošloj godini.
  3. talijanski vratar Gianluigi
  4. bacač kugle elkasević
  5. grčki bog rata
  6. nogometni trener Karabeg
  7. mužjak divlje svinje
  8. skijaš kostelić
  9. igrač tottenhama i hrvatske repke
  10. violinistica Rucner
  11. riblja jajašca
  12. najviši muški pjevački glas
  1. prvi pas u svemiru
  2. učenjak
  3. ključni igrač engleske Rooney
  4. sveta ptica starih egipćana
  5. američka savezna država
  6. rimski petsto
  7. pjevačica vladić
  8. rukometaš Igor

20 Clues: učenjakrimski petstoarian od miljagrčki bog ratarukometaš Igorriblja jajašcaskijaš kostelićpjevačica vladićprvi pas u svemiruviolinistica Rucnermužjak divlje svinjebacač kugle elkasevićamerička savezna državanogometni trener Karabegsveta ptica starih egipćanatalijanski vratar Gianluiginajviši muški pjevački glasključni igrač engleske Rooney...

sport 2015-04-16

sport crossword puzzle
  1. bacač kugle elkasević
  2. arian od milja
  3. mužjak divlje svinje
  4. rimski petsto
  5. američka savezna država
  6. sveta ptica starih egipćana
  7. violinistica Rucner
  8. pobjednik u svjetskom prvenstvu u prošloj godini.
  9. igrač tottenhama i hrvatske repke
  10. ključni igrač engleske Rooney
  1. rukometaš Igor
  2. najviši muški pjevački glas
  3. skijaš kostelić
  4. pjevačica vladić
  5. grčki bog rata
  6. učenjak
  7. riblja jajašca
  8. prvi pas u svemiru
  9. talijanski vratar Gianluigi
  10. nogometni trener Karabeg

20 Clues: učenjakrimski petstorukometaš Igorarian od miljagrčki bog ratariblja jajašcaskijaš kostelićpjevačica vladićprvi pas u svemiruviolinistica Rucnermužjak divlje svinjebacač kugle elkasevićamerička savezna državanogometni trener Karabegnajviši muški pjevački glassveta ptica starih egipćanatalijanski vratar Gianluigiključni igrač engleske Rooney...

SPORT 2014-11-13

SPORT crossword puzzle
  1. 8
  2. 34
  3. 27
  4. 28
  5. 33
  6. 10
  7. 13
  8. 29
  9. 21
  10. 31
  11. 32
  12. 23
  13. 24
  14. 19
  15. 25
  16. 36
  17. 26
  18. 6
  19. 2
  1. 17
  2. 5
  3. 11
  4. 9
  5. 3
  6. 7
  7. 30
  8. 35
  9. 37
  10. 20
  11. 18
  12. 12
  13. 16
  14. 1
  15. 14
  16. 4
  17. 15
  18. 22

37 Clues: 85937146217341127283310301335293721313220182312162414192536261522

Sport 2023-03-02

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. Mästare
  2. Tävling
  3. Dans
  4. Fan, supporter
  5. Skidor
  6. Innebandy
  7. Domare
  8. Straff
  9. Hästridning
  10. Mot
  11. Lag
  1. Simning
  2. Motståndare
  3. Regler
  4. Handboll
  5. Maraton
  6. Vinnare
  7. Golf
  8. Tennis
  9. Varv
  10. Lopp
  11. Målvakt

22 Clues: MotLagDansGolfVarvLoppReglerSkidorTennisDomareStraffSimningMästareTävlingMaratonVinnareMålvaktHandbollInnebandyMotståndareHästridningFan, supporter

Sport 2022-04-17

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. Might be done on parallel bars
  2. Oldest organized sport in Nort America
  3. You need snow this is sport
  4. Played on indoor alley
  5. Game with scrums and an oval ball
  6. Graeco-Roman contact sport
  7. Might be played on the beach
  8. Unarmed combat sport using the hands and feet to deliver blows
  9. Another name of ping-pong
  10. First fighting
  1. Played with clubs
  2. Unarmed combat sport using holds and leverage
  3. You need the water for this sport swimming
  4. Waling in the country side
  5. It involves hiking, throwing catching and
  6. Bat and ball sport and the name of an insect
  7. The Tour de France features this sport
  8. Player score by throwing a ball through a hoop
  9. Played with rackets
  10. Played with a shuttlecock

20 Clues: First fightingPlayed with clubsPlayed with racketsPlayed on indoor alleyPlayed with a shuttlecockAnother name of ping-pongWaling in the country sideGraeco-Roman contact sportYou need snow this is sportMight be played on the beachMight be done on parallel barsGame with scrums and an oval ballOldest organized sport in Nort America...

Sport 2022-12-22

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. memanag
  2. koding komputer
  3. belajar
  4. senam
  5. nonton tv
  6. berlari
  7. anggar
  8. bersepeda
  9. memancing
  1. tinju
  2. memasak
  3. membaca
  4. catur
  5. bermain game
  6. menggambar
  7. berburu
  8. melukis
  9. atletik
  10. berenang
  11. menulis

20 Clues: tinjucatursenamanggarmemanagmemasakmembacaberburubelajarmelukisatletikmenulisberlariberenangnonton tvbersepedamemancingmenggambarbermain gamekoding komputer

sport 2023-04-24

sport crossword puzzle
  1. an important that decides which player or team is the best in a particular sport
  2. the final result of a game or contest that does not have a winner
  3. a person who does smth(such as a sport or hobby) for pleasure and not as a job
  4. one or more competitions held at a single venue and concentrated into a relatively short time interval
  5. it is a board game for two players, called White and Black, each controlling an army of pieces in their color
  6. the sport of fighting with swords
  7. these are sports equipment suspended at a height on special cables that are used in gymnastics
  8. a person who makes sure that players act according to the rules of a game or sport
  1. it is a racket-and-ball sport played by two or four players in a four-walled court with a small, rubber ball
  2. it is a combat sport in which two people, usually wearing protective gloves throw punches at each other for a predetermined amount of time in a ring
  3. a team game on ice skating in a small ball or puck, hit with a stick.
  4. the object that is used in ice hockey
  5. a game in which a light feathered object(called a shuttlecock) is hit over a net by players using light rackets
  6. it is the sport of jumping or falling into water from a platform or springboard, usually while performing acrobatics
  7. a sport team or organization
  8. a group of people who compete in a sport, game against another group
  9. a game played on a large field by 2 teams of 11 players who try to score runs by hitting a small ball with a bat and then running between 2 sets of wooden sticks
  10. a person who likes and admires someone(such as a famous person) or something(such as a sport or a sport team) in a very enthusiastic way
  11. a long spear that people throw as far as they can as a sport
  12. an area or object into which a ball or puck must be hit to score points in various games or it may be refer to an instance of scoring
  13. this separates the players of different teams (in some ball games, such as volleyball)

21 Clues: a sport team or organizationthe sport of fighting with swordsthe object that is used in ice hockeya long spear that people throw as far as they can as a sportthe final result of a game or contest that does not have a winnera group of people who compete in a sport, game against another group...

sport 2017-09-22

sport crossword puzzle
  1. je hebt een stick nodig voor deze sport
  2. elkaar prikken met een soort van zwaard
  3. je hebt skies nodig voor deze sport
  4. je moet de bal in de basket van de tegenstander gooien
  5. sport waarbij je pijltjes moet gooien
  6. je hebt een paard er voor nodig
  7. voetbal maar in het zand
  8. je hebt een boog nodig voor deze sport
  9. je hebt een racket er voor nodig
  10. je klimt op een berg in het ijs
  11. Epke Zonderland doet deze sport
  12. tennis maar op een tafel
  13. je springt op een trampoline
  14. als je in een keer scoor dan heb een hole in 1
  15. je zwemt met een vin
  1. je vecht in een ring
  2. je moet de bal van in de goal van de tegenstander gooien
  3. je begint met de schoolslag
  4. je begint met een witte band
  5. je hebt een board nodig voor in de sneeuw
  6. je moet de bal in een korf gooien
  7. je moet in een zaal voetballen
  8. je springt uit een vliegtuig met een parachute
  9. voetbal maar voor blinden
  10. fietsen maar in de bergen
  11. je moet de bal in het water in de goal gooien

26 Clues: je vecht in een ringje zwemt met een vinvoetbal maar in het zandtennis maar op een tafelvoetbal maar voor blindenfietsen maar in de bergenje begint met de schoolslagje begint met een witte bandje springt op een trampolineje moet in een zaal voetballenje hebt een paard er voor nodigje klimt op een berg in het ijsEpke Zonderland doet deze sport...

SPORT 2020-04-07

SPORT crossword puzzle
  2. KIBIC
  7. REMIS
  8. WIDZ


Sport 2020-05-11

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. lubatud mängijate arv väljakul korvpallis
  2. masin, millega saab treenida simuleerides sõudmist
  3. Eesti jalgpallikoondise kodustaadion (_____ staadion)
  4. Eesti olümpiavõitja kümnevõistluses (perekonnanimi)
  5. eestlasest autoralli maailmameister, kelle eesnimi on Ott
  6. läbi aegade kiireim inimene
  7. pallimäng, mis on sarnane käsipallile, kuid toimub vees
  8. levinud harjutus istmiku ja reielihaste treenimiseks (ainsuses)
  9. pallimäng, kus vastastiimid on kahel pool võrku ja üritavad palli teise poolele maha saada
  10. hoki mänguvahend
  11. ese, mida hokimängijad terve mängu vältel käes hoiavad
  12. automark, millega Ott 2019 aastal autoralli maailmameistriks tuli
  13. ese, mida kasutavad enamike alade kohtunikud, et mängijate tähelepanu püüda
  14. Eesti jalgpallikoondise kapten, endine Liverpooli mängija (perekonnanimi)
  15. Eesti edukaim jalgpalliklubi
  1. üks kõige tähtsamatest jalgpallireeglitest
  2. Eesti olümpiavõitja, kelle perekonnanimi on Kanter
  3. esimene eestlasest olümpiavõitja (perekonnanimi)
  4. üldine nimetus keelatud ainetele spordis
  5. Eestis peamine jalgpalliväljakute kate
  6. pallimäng, milles mängijad kasutavad palli liigutamiseks oma jalgu
  7. erilised jalanõud, mida kannavad kergejõustiklased
  8. üks tehniliselt keerukamaid kergejõustiku alasid, mis on ka üks kümnevõistluse aladest
  9. levinud harjutus käte treenimiseks (ainsuses)
  10. eestlasest olümpiavõitja kiiruisutamises (perekonnanimi)
  11. hall Tallinnas, kus toimuvad kergejõustiku-, tantsu- ja poksitrennid (____ hall)
  12. staatiline harjutus, kus toetud küünarvartele ja varvastele
  13. pikima ametliku jooksudistantsi nimetus
  14. Eesti talvepealinn, kus toimub iga aasta mitmeid talispordivõistluseid
  15. kõige lühem jooksudistants olümpial (____ meetrit)

30 Clues: hoki mänguvahendläbi aegade kiireim inimeneEesti edukaim jalgpalliklubiEestis peamine jalgpalliväljakute katepikima ametliku jooksudistantsi nimetusüldine nimetus keelatud ainetele spordislubatud mängijate arv väljakul korvpallisüks kõige tähtsamatest jalgpallireeglitestlevinud harjutus käte treenimiseks (ainsuses)...

Sport 2020-04-18

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. Korvpallis kuldmedali võitnud Eesti endine sportlane
  2. Korpallis vastase korvialuneala
  3. OM ehk...
  4. Läbiaegade kõige edukam NBA klubi
  5. Eesti kiiruisutaja, naine
  6. Siserattasõit
  7. Rakvere korvpalliklubi
  8. Telekast spordivõistluste jälgimine
  9. Mis spordialaga tegeleb Magnus Kirt
  10. Eesti nais esirekett
  11. Seal toimunud OM tõmmati Eesti lipp valet pidi vardasse
  1. 2012.a OM hõbemedali võitja Kreeka-Roma maadluses
  2. Selle sportmängu esindajad tõid Saaremaale corona
  3. Mis alaga tegeleb Kelly Sildaru
  4. Mis spordialaga tegeleb Janek Õiglane
  5. Mitmekordne OM võitja on Erika Salumäe
  6. Mis spordialaga tegeles Alfred Neuland, sai OM kuldmedali
  7. Karate ja poksi segunemisel tekinud võitluskunstiala
  8. Ehk Kaido Höövelson
  9. Mis spordiala esindajad on Kregor Zirk ja Triin Aljand
  10. Odavise, kettaheide ja ...
  11. Kus toimusid antiikolümpiamängud
  12. Esimene spordiala antiikolümpiamängudel

23 Clues: OM ehk...SiserattasõitEhk Kaido HöövelsonEesti nais esirekettRakvere korvpalliklubiEesti kiiruisutaja, naineOdavise, kettaheide ja ...Korpallis vastase korvialunealaMis alaga tegeleb Kelly SildaruKus toimusid antiikolümpiamängudLäbiaegade kõige edukam NBA klubiTelekast spordivõistluste jälgimineMis spordialaga tegeleb Magnus Kirt...

Sport 2020-05-07

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. korvpall
  2. medal
  3. jalgpall
  4. kohtunik
  5. meeskond
  6. sport
  7. võrk
  8. staadion
  9. korv
  10. võit
  11. jalgpallur
  12. treener
  13. võrkpall
  1. punane kaart
  2. kollane kaart
  3. väravavaht
  4. nurga löök
  5. sulgpall
  6. tennis
  7. penalt
  8. karistus löök

21 Clues: võrkkorvvõitmedalsporttennispenalttreenerkorvpallsulgpalljalgpallkohtunikmeeskondstaadionvõrkpallväravavahtnurga löökjalgpallurpunane kaartkollane kaartkaristus löök

Sport 2020-05-05

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. Player who throws the ball in cricket
  2. Race where you jump over barriers
  3. Mummy swims this stroke
  4. Player who hits the ball in cricket
  5. Race over 26 miles
  6. A game where you kick the ball
  7. Awarded in soccer for a foul near the goal
  8. These are on the top of the stumps in cricket
  9. Game where you kick and throw the ball
  10. Person who rides a horse
  11. Player allowed to catch the ball in soccer
  12. Batsmen wear these on their legs
  13. Played with a bat and ball
  1. A swimming stroke
  2. One way of getting out in Cricket
  3. Australian competition mainly in the ocean
  4. You have their soccer kit
  5. Game where you score in a net
  6. Indoor game with lots of balls
  7. Place where the most famous horse race is held
  8. Game where you hit the ball with a stick
  9. Shape of rugby ball
  10. Worth five points in rugby
  11. Fielder behind the stumps in cricket
  12. Competition with 3 sports
  13. Game using rackets and balls
  14. Australia and England play cricket for this
  15. What you shout when you score in soccer

28 Clues: A swimming strokeRace over 26 milesShape of rugby ballMummy swims this strokePerson who rides a horseYou have their soccer kitCompetition with 3 sportsWorth five points in rugbyPlayed with a bat and ballGame using rackets and ballsGame where you score in a netIndoor game with lots of ballsA game where you kick the ball...

Sport 2021-01-16

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. věc,do které házíme míč při basketbalu
  2. co má v rukou lyžař
  3. dlouhá dřevěná věc na hraní baseballu
  4. instrument na hraní tenisu
  5. udělat pohyb nohou do míče
  6. věc,přes kterou se hraje tenis
  7. soutěžit na rychlost na koni,v autě atd.
  8. potřebuju na kulečník,chci je dát do díry
  9. boty na tenis
  10. ostré věci, které házíme na terč
  11. světlé a tmavé věci na hraní šachů
  12. potřebuju,když chci hrát fotbal
  13. lyže na běhání
  14. speciální boty na led
  15. zvíře,na kterém se jezdí závody
  1. člověk,který leze nahoru na skály
  2. instrument pro hokejistu
  3. jezdit na bruslích
  4. dlouhá tyč na kulečník
  5. udělat rychlý pohyb ruky s míčem
  6. člověk,který plave hluboko pod vodu
  7. místo, kde se dělá box
  8. věc,kterou chci shodit při bowlingu
  9. malý míč
  10. barevné pole,kam házíme šipky

25 Clues: malý míčboty na tenislyže na běháníjezdit na bruslíchco má v rukou lyžařspeciální boty na leddlouhá tyč na kulečníkmísto, kde se dělá boxinstrument pro hokejistuinstrument na hraní tenisuudělat pohyb nohou do míčebarevné pole,kam házíme šipkyvěc,přes kterou se hraje tenispotřebuju,když chci hrát fotbalzvíře,na kterém se jezdí závody...

Sport 2020-11-30

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. Nationality of active tennis player with the most titles obtained
  2. Fastest man in the world
  3. Extreme sport practiced on a board in spaces surrounded by snow
  4. It is done every four years is a different country
  5. it’s about hitting with a bat, a ball that is thrown by the opponent
  6. For your practice you only need good tennis and a court
  7. Event that brings together the world's most important sports in a single country
  8. Sport known worldwide for its violence and dangerous leaps
  9. It is practiced on an outdoor course that has 18 holes
  10. Football player with the most gold balls in history
  11. It is the most famous sport in the United States
  1. Considered the Cathedral of Tennis
  2. Must be run for 90 minutes preventing the opponent from intercepting the disc
  3. Sport involving two people and a wall
  4. Its greatest exponent in the world is Katherine Ibarguen
  5. Discipline where Colombia is a world power, but not part of Olympic sports
  6. Champion of the last World Cup held in the Americas
  7. Colombian cyclist with the most victories worldwide
  8. His practice includes the wearing of a cap and a swim dress
  9. Maneuvers on all waves must be carried out on the beach

20 Clues: Fastest man in the worldConsidered the Cathedral of TennisSport involving two people and a wallIt is the most famous sport in the United StatesIt is done every four years is a different countryChampion of the last World Cup held in the AmericasColombian cyclist with the most victories worldwideFootball player with the most gold balls in history...

Sport 2020-11-22

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. A sport in which people walk fast, but not as fast as a full run.
  2. To be saved from losing by a timely interruption.
  3. An exercise machine in the gym used for walking or running, while staying in the same place.
  4. To be very interested in doing something
  5. Session of exercises in gym. You can do a workout for chest, for legs, for losing weight etc.
  6. Someone who adores football.
  7. A period when football is played.
  8. A race in which people riding horses jump over fences, water, etc.
  9. A leisure time during which you exercise.
  10. The surface on which you play football.
  11. A sport in which people use spit or saber in attack and defense.
  12. To start doing something new (usually sport).
  13. A sport in which a person uses a long, flexible pole to jump.
  14. To be in bad physical condition, to lose strength.
  1. A method of reaching a solution by trying various means until you succeed.
  2. Win easily the competition.
  3. Exercises that help you to keep your body in a good shape.
  4. An achievement in sport that is better than anything you have achieved before.
  5. A sport where a metal or metal-tipped spear is thrown for distance.
  6. To gain muscle mass.
  7. To achieve the best result in a sport.
  8. Used to say that things don't always go as planned, but there is nothing we can do about it.
  9. A track for running, usually used for athletic races.
  10. A person that helps you to train on a one-to-one basis.
  11. A timetable of activities to keep you in a good shape.
  12. A race in which runners must jump over a series of barriers.
  13. The equipment and services needed to do a sport.
  14. A form of running at a slow pace.
  15. A weight-lifting gear.

29 Clues: To gain muscle mass.A weight-lifting gear.Win easily the competition.Someone who adores football.A period when football is played.A form of running at a slow pace.To achieve the best result in a sport.The surface on which you play football.To be very interested in doing somethingA leisure time during which you exercise....

Sport 2020-12-21

Sport crossword puzzle
  1. you must get the ball to the wall
  2. a sport that includes aerobic, acrobatic and artistic movement
  3. a sport where you have to be very high
  4. a sport where you use a puck
  5. in this game the teams alternate attack and defence
  6. a sport where you use a cue
  7. a sport where you use a racket
  8. a sport where you have to knock down cones
  9. a sport where you play in a club
  10. a sport where you use a sword
  1. a sport in which you shoot arrows
  2. you must use a yellow ball and a racket
  3. a sport where you use a board but it's winter
  4. a sport played by two teams with an oval ball and H-shaped goals
  5. a sport where two teams are separated by a net
  6. a sport where there are eleven players in each team
  7. a sport where you use a disk
  8. a sport where you shoot and ski
  9. a sport where you are under water for a long time
  10. a sport where you stay in the water
  11. a sport where you hit your opponent

21 Clues: a sport where you use a cuea sport where you use a pucka sport where you use a diska sport where you use a sworda sport where you use a racketa sport where you shoot and skia sport where you play in a clubyou must get the ball to the walla sport in which you shoot arrowsa sport where you stay in the watera sport where you hit your opponent...