states and capitals Crossword Puzzles

Terms Of The Civil War 2023-10-12

Terms Of The Civil War crossword puzzle
  1. - A term used to describe people who supported the Union.
  2. - An army of citizens used during emergencies.
  3. - A term used to describe people who supported the Un
  4. - A commutation was when a person could pay a fee rather than be drafted into the army. This angered poorer people who could not pay the fee and had no choice but to fight.
  5. - Large caliber firearms like cannons and mortars.
  6. Slave Law - A law passed by Congress in 1850 that said escaped enslaved people in free states had to be returned to their owners.
  7. - A term meaning "before war". It was often used to describe the United States before the Civil War.
  8. - A nickname for the South.
  1. - An attempt to stop people and supplies from going in or out of a port.
  2. - When a person is murdered for political reasons.
  3. - The name given to the states that stayed loyal to the United States government. Also called the North.
  4. - A large farm in the southern United States. Before the Civil War many of the workers on plantations were enslaved.
  5. - The northern states of the United States, also called the Union.
  6. - A person who wanted to eliminate or "abolish" slavery.
  7. states - These states were slave states that did not leave the Union, but largely supported the cause of the Confederates. They included Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware.

15 Clues: - A nickname for the South.- An army of citizens used during emergencies.- When a person is murdered for political reasons.- Large caliber firearms like cannons and mortars.- A term used to describe people who supported the Un- A person who wanted to eliminate or "abolish" slavery.- A term used to describe people who supported the Union....

Civil War CROSSWORD NO NOTES 2024-02-28

Civil War CROSSWORD NO NOTES crossword puzzle
  1. :where did the war end
  2. :some women and men provided
  3. :who was the general for the union
  4. :what did abraham make his navy do to southern ports
  5. :who was elected in 1860
  6. :what month did the civil war end
  7. :which states are rural
  8. :what part is monitor
  9. :what state was created during the war
  10. :who was a abolitionist and spy
  11. :who led a revolt
  12. :what part is merrimack
  13. :what troop was the confederacy
  14. :who was a african american spy
  15. : what states were industrialized
  16. :what river was iron-clad on
  1. :supported the underground rail
  2. :who played a major role in battle of bullrun
  3. :sailor for the union navy
  4. :what was the 1st major battle:
  5. :who wanted new states to be slave states
  6. :capital of the confederacy
  7. :who led a raid
  8. :most did not take sides in the war
  9. :campaigned to end slavery
  10. :who won the war
  11. :what did southern states want
  12. :who surrendered
  13. :who created the red cross
  14. :what war started in 1861

30 Clues: :who led a raid:who won the war:who surrendered:who led a revolt:what part is monitor:where did the war end:which states are rural:what part is merrimack:who was elected in 1860:what war started in 1861:sailor for the union navy:campaigned to end slavery:who created the red cross:capital of the confederacy:some women and men provided...

Civil War Project 2024-04-08

Civil War Project crossword puzzle
  1. The party opposed to letting slavery spread into the new states
  2. It let California join as a free state, but caused the fugitive slave act
  3. Someone against slavery
  4. The idea that states are more powerful than the country
  5. The a mouth of states that seceded
  6. The color the Confederate troops wore
  7. The South did this in response of Lincoln being elected president
  8. We fought the civil war over this
  9. This party emerged during this time period
  10. A state can deem a law unconstitutional
  1. An agreement that says anything over Missouri is free
  2. The ____ court case decided that black people were slaves no matter where they went
  3. It let the people vote on whether or not they wanted the state free
  4. The South seceded and became this
  5. Capital of the Confederate
  6. Lincoln is elected president of the United States
  7. The color the Union troops wore
  8. Capital of the United States
  9. First states to leave the United States
  10. President of the Confederate
  11. President of the USA

21 Clues: President of the USASomeone against slaveryCapital of the ConfederateCapital of the United StatesPresident of the ConfederateThe color the Union troops woreThe South seceded and became thisWe fought the civil war over thisThe a mouth of states that secededThe color the Confederate troops woreFirst states to leave the United States...

Slave States, Free States 2023-05-19

Slave States, Free States crossword puzzle
  1. The people that believed slavery was wrong were called _____
  2. All new states north of the 36, 30 line of latitude _____ allow slavery
  3. The southernmost territory that got to decide the slavery issue for themselves
  4. The state that was entered as a free state in the Missouri Compromise
  5. The state that was entered as a slave state in the Missouri Compromise
  6. Free state that borders Ohio to the East
  7. Abolitionists wanted ALL states forward to be entered as ____ states
  8. Slave state that borders Indiana to the South
  1. Balance in _____ was keeping the slavery issue in check
  2. ______ applied for statehood in 1849
  3. For almost ___ years, the US has kept the Free-Slave states balance as more states joined the Union, until 1850
  4. The US started out with ____ states
  5. The large issue that was splitting a wedge through the US
  6. The southernmost territory that got to decide the slavery issue for themselves
  7. By 1819 there was ___ states each that were free states and slave states

15 Clues: The US started out with ____ states______ applied for statehood in 1849Free state that borders Ohio to the EastSlave state that borders Indiana to the SouthBalance in _____ was keeping the slavery issue in checkThe large issue that was splitting a wedge through the USThe people that believed slavery was wrong were called _____...

Unit 5 Early Republic By:Fetume teklu 2018-01-17

Unit 5 Early Republic  By:Fetume teklu crossword puzzle
  1. -John Marshall (1755–1835) was the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court from 1801 to 1835.
  2. -to cancel
  3. -the vast territory extending from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains, purchased from France in 1803
  4. -a 1794 protest over a tax on all liquor made and sold in the United States
  5. -an 1803 court case in which the Supreme Court ruled that it had the power to decide whether laws passed by Congress were constitutional
  6. -a peace treaty signed by Britain and the United States in 1814 to end the War of 1812
  7. -the declarations passed in 1798 and 1799 that claimed that each state has the right to decide whether a federal law is constitutional
  8. -a member of the political party founded by Thomas Jefferson
  9. -the power of the Supreme Court to declare a law unconstitutional
  10. -at the end of the War of 1812, a battle between British and U.S. forces, led by Andrew Jackson, that ended in a victory for the United States
  11. -a devotion to one's nation and its interests
  12. -a 1795 agreement between Britain and the United States that settled differences and put off a threat of military conflict between the two nations
  13. a payment by a weaker party to a stronger party in return for protection
  14. -the practice of forcing people into military servic
  1. -the members of Congress from the South and the West who called for war with Britain prior to the War of 1812
  2. -The Lewis and Clark Expedition from May 1804 to September 1806, also known as the Corps of Discovery Expedition, was the first American expedition to cross what is now the western portion of the United States.
  3. -an 1807 law that imposed a total ban on foreign trade
  4. -a supporter of a strong federal government
  5. -loyalty to a state or section rather than to the whole country
  6. -a plan of action by a nation toward other nations
  7. -the group of officials who head government departments and advise the President
  8. -a law that created the structure of the Supreme Court and set up a system of district courts and circuit courts for the nation
  9. -President Monroe's foreign policy statement warning European nations not to interfere in Latin America
  10. -the treaty signed by some Native Americans in 1795, giving up land that would later become part of Ohio
  11. -a 1793 statement by President Washington that declared the United States would not support or aid either France or Britain in their European conflict
  12. -the Federalist-supported laws created in 1798 that permitted the President to expel foreigners, made it harder for immigrants to become citizens, and allowed for citizens to be fined or jailed if they criticized the government or its officials
  13. -in 1811, a battle over white settlement in the Indiana Territory
  14. -the right of states to limit the power of the federal government
  15. -a 1797 French attempt to demand a bribe of money from the United States before discussing French seizure of neutral American ships
  16. -Onis Treaty-an 1821 treaty between Spain and the United States in which Spain agreed to sell Florida to the United States
  17. -an act or decision that sets an example for others to follow

31 Clues: -to cancel-a supporter of a strong federal government-a devotion to one's nation and its interests-a plan of action by a nation toward other nations-the practice of forcing people into military servic-an 1807 law that imposed a total ban on foreign trade-a member of the political party founded by Thomas Jefferson...

Civil War Vocabulary 2022-09-26

Civil War Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. of Guadalupe Hidalgo: Treaty that ended the Mexican War, granting the U.S. control of Texas, New Mexico, and California in exchange for $15 million
  2. Polk: The 11th U.S. President, he led the country during the Mexican War and sought to expand the United States
  3. Kansas: a sequence of violent events involving abolitionists and pro-Slavery elements that took place in Kansas-Nebraska Territory. The dispute further strained the relations of the North and South, making civil war imminent.
  4. Ferry: john Brown's scheme to invade the South with armed slaves, backed by sponsoring, northern abolitionists; seized the federal arsenal; Brown and remnants were caught by Robert E. Lee and the US Marines; Brown was hanged
  5. the adding of a region to the territory of an existing political unit.
  6. Slave Act: a law that made it a crime to help runaway slaves; allowed for the arrest of escaped slaves in areas where slavery was illegal and required their return to slaveholders
  7. territory acquired by the Pierce administration to facilitate a southern transcontinental railroad and completed the lower 48 States
  8. ruled that Dred Scott was the property of Sanford and, as a slave, was prohibited from suing in court. Chief Justice Taney gives his opinion that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional. Decision adds to sectionalism between North and South that will lead to the Civil War.
  9. political party- anti slavery roots
  10. expansion of slavery
  11. Election 1860:lincoln wins, southern states begin to secede
  12. States of America: the southern states that seceded from the United States in 1861.
  1. Loyalty to one's own region of the country, rather than to the nation as a whole
  2. the belief that an individual state may restrict federal authority, belief that because the states created the United States, individual states have the power to nullify federal laws
  3. of 1850: includes California admitted as a free state, the Fugitive Slave Act, made popular sovereignty in most other states from Mexican- American War
  4. Party 1850's:
  5. Nebraska Act: this Act set up Kansas and Nebraska as states. Each state would use popular sovereignty to decide what to do about slavery. People who were proslavery and antislavery moved to Kansas, but some antislavery settlers were against the Act. This began guerrilla warfare.
  6. Compromise 1820: Allowed Missouri to enter the union as a slave state, Maine to enter the union as a free state, prohibited slavery north of latitude 36˚ 30' within the Louisiana Territory (1820)
  7. Scott v Sanford 1857:
  8. Purchase
  9. Douglas Debates: 1858 Senate Debate, Lincoln forced Douglas to debate issue of slavery, Douglas supported pop-sovereignty, Lincoln asserted that slavery should not spread to territories, Lincoln emerged as strong Republican candidate but lost senate election
  10. American War: 1846 - 1848 - President Polk declared war on Mexico over the dispute of land in Texas. At the end, American ended up with 55% of Mexico's land.
  11. Proviso: Bill that would ban slavery in the territories acquired after the War with Mexico
  12. Brown violent abolitionist who murdered slaveholders in Kansas and Missouri (1856-1858) before his raid at Harpers Ferry (1859), hoping to incite a slave rebellion; he failed and was executed, but his martyrdom by northern abolitionists frightened the South.
  13. party, unite regional political ideas

25 Clues: PurchaseParty 1850's:expansion of slaveryScott v Sanford 1857:political party- anti slavery rootsparty, unite regional political ideasElection 1860:lincoln wins, southern states begin to secedethe adding of a region to the territory of an existing political unit.Loyalty to one's own region of the country, rather than to the nation as a whole...

realism 2013-06-18

realism crossword puzzle
  1. Period after WWII (two in one).
  2. Based on the idea that humans are flawed and threats are everywhere.
  3. Study of conflict and cooperation in the International system.
  4. The absence of rule or government.
  5. These levels are used to look at situations or events.
  6. According to Realists states act as a solid entity without division.
  7. The belief that those in power have the right to rule.
  8. Two major powers in the system.
  9. Helps us study the world and tells us where to look.
  1. Realists believe that laws guiding IR are this.
  2. Given to states by the the treaty of Westphalia.
  3. Increased interdependence between states.
  4. Proposed that humans are selfish and self-interested.
  5. Measures the size, force and strength of an army.
  6. Wrote The Prince.
  7. Realists believe there is no place for IR theory.
  8. Offered first systematic scientific observation of historical events.
  9. Morgenthau, Machiavelli and Thucydides are this kind of Realist.
  10. Largest power in the international system also means chieftain.
  11. States, non-governmental organizations and terrorists organizations.

20 Clues: Wrote The Prince.Period after WWII (two in one).Two major powers in the system.The absence of rule or government.Increased interdependence between states.Realists believe that laws guiding IR are this.Given to states by the the treaty of Westphalia.Measures the size, force and strength of an army.Realists believe there is no place for IR theory....

AIC 2018-04-12

AIC crossword puzzle
  1. Mr Birling wants the Crofts and the Birlings to work together for “lower ____ and higher prices”
  2. Sheila reminds Gerald that he did not come near her “last _______”
  3. In Act 2, the Inspector states “we have to share something. If there’s nothing else, we’ll have to share our ______”
  4. Birling states that “a man has to mind his own business and look after _______”
  5. Gerald describes Daisy Renton as “intensely _____” when he first met her
  6. Birling believes he has a good chance of receiving a _______
  7. Birling repeats this adjective when describing the Titanic
  8. Birling describes Eva Smith as a “lively good-looking girl” and a “______ worker”
  9. The Inspector states in Act 1 that “it would do us all a bit of good if sometimes we tried to put _______ in the place of these young women counting their pennies in their dingy little back bedrooms”
  10. The stage directions describe Sheila as “rather ______”
  11. Birling states that “there isn’t a chance of ______”
  1. Mrs Birling refers to Eva Smith as “_____ of that class”
  2. When Sheila hears about Birling’s treatment of Eva Smith, she states that “these girls aren’t cheap labour – they’re ______”
  3. Sheila tells Gerald in Act 2 that “you and I aren’t the _____ people who sat down to dinner here”
  4. Mrs Birling states that she told Eva/Daisy to “Go and look for the _____ of the child. It’s his responsibility”
  5. Sheila uses this word to describe Eric
  6. Because Eva Smith has “a lot to say”, Birling stated that she had to ____
  7. The stage directions describe the Inspector as an “impression of massiveness, _____ and purposefulness”
  8. Who tells Sheila she is “marrying at a very good time”?
  9. the stage direction that describes Mr Birling
  10. When Eva/Daisy went to Mrs Birling for help, she states “I used my ______ to have it refused”
  11. Mrs Birling was Mr Birling’s “social ______”
  12. The stage directions describe Eric as “not quite at _____”

23 Clues: Sheila uses this word to describe EricMrs Birling was Mr Birling’s “social ______”the stage direction that describes Mr BirlingBirling states that “there isn’t a chance of ______”Who tells Sheila she is “marrying at a very good time”?The stage directions describe Sheila as “rather ______”Mrs Birling refers to Eva Smith as “_____ of that class”...

Capitals of Europe 2023-01-02

Capitals of Europe crossword puzzle
  1. France
  2. Finland
  3. Italy
  4. Romania
  5. Spain
  6. Denmark
  7. Norway
  8. Ireland
  9. Estonia
  1. Croatia
  2. Bulgaria
  3. Czech Republic
  4. United Kingdom
  5. Portugal
  6. Liechtenstein
  7. Greece
  8. Latvia
  9. Slovenia
  10. Netherlands
  11. Germany

20 Clues: ItalySpainFranceGreeceLatviaNorwayCroatiaFinlandRomaniaDenmarkIrelandGermanyEstoniaBulgariaPortugalSloveniaNetherlandsLiechtensteinCzech RepublicUnited Kingdom

Capitals of Asia 2023-01-02

Capitals of Asia crossword puzzle
  1. Qatar
  2. Mongolia
  3. Japan
  4. Maldives
  5. Bahrain
  6. Lebanon
  7. Singapore
  8. South Korea
  9. Thailand
  1. Sri Lanka
  2. Yemen
  3. Turkmenistan
  4. Cambodia
  5. Malaysia
  6. Azerbaijan
  7. Taiwan
  8. Armenia
  9. Philippines
  10. India
  11. Laos

20 Clues: LaosYemenQatarJapanIndiaTaiwanArmeniaBahrainLebanonCambodiaMalaysiaMongoliaMaldivesThailandSri LankaSingaporeAzerbaijanPhilippinesSouth KoreaTurkmenistan

Capitals of Asia 2020-06-15

Capitals of Asia crossword puzzle
  1. The capital of Bhutan
  2. The capital of Sri Lanka (3 wrds)
  3. The capital of Syria
  4. The capital of Indonesia
  5. The capital of Mongolia
  6. The capital of the United Arab Emirates (2 wrds)
  7. The capital of Nepal
  8. The capital of Georgia
  9. The capital of India (2 wrds)
  10. The capital of Bangladesh
  11. The capital of Singapore
  12. The capital of Turkmenistan
  13. The capital of Jordan
  14. The capital of Maldives
  15. The capital of Vietnam
  16. The capital of Pakistan
  17. The capital of Palestine (disputed, 2 wrds)
  18. The capital of Afghanistan
  19. The capital of North Korea
  20. The capital of Kyrgyzstan
  21. The capital of Timor-Leste (East Timor)
  22. The capital of Kuwait (2 wrds)
  23. The capital of Thailand
  1. The capital of Azerbaijan
  2. The capital of Taiwan
  3. The capital of Turkey
  4. The capital of Philippines
  5. The capital of Qatar
  6. The capital of South Korea
  7. The capital of Oman
  8. The capital of Kazakhstan
  9. The capital of Malaysia (2 wrds)
  10. The capital of Brunei (3 wrds)
  11. The capital of Israel (disputed)
  12. The capital of Lebanon
  13. The capital of Laos
  14. The capital of Iran
  15. The capital of Iraq
  16. The capital of Japan
  17. The capital of Bahrain
  18. The capital of Myanmar (also known as Burma)
  19. The capital of Uzbekistan
  20. The capital of Armenia
  21. The capital of Yemen
  22. The capital of Cambodia (2 wrds)
  23. The capital of Tajikistan
  24. The capital of China
  25. The capital of Russia
  26. The capital of Saudi Arabia

49 Clues: The capital of OmanThe capital of LaosThe capital of IranThe capital of IraqThe capital of QatarThe capital of SyriaThe capital of NepalThe capital of JapanThe capital of YemenThe capital of ChinaThe capital of BhutanThe capital of TaiwanThe capital of TurkeyThe capital of JordanThe capital of RussiaThe capital of LebanonThe capital of Georgia...

World Capitals #2 2020-03-07

World Capitals #2 crossword puzzle
  1. Czech Republic
  2. Congo
  3. Liberia
  4. Sierra Leone
  5. Syria
  6. Costa Rica
  7. Ukraine
  8. France
  9. Iraq
  10. Nicaragua
  11. Cuba
  12. Croatia
  1. Romania
  2. Oman
  3. Mexico
  4. Serbia
  5. Poland
  6. Finland
  7. Belarus
  8. Russia
  9. Vietnam
  10. Puerto Rico
  11. Indonesia
  12. Colombia
  13. Bangladesh
  14. Spain

26 Clues: OmanIraqCubaCongoSyriaSpainMexicoSerbiaPolandRussiaFranceRomaniaLiberiaFinlandBelarusVietnamUkraineCroatiaColombiaIndonesiaNicaraguaCosta RicaBangladeshPuerto RicoSierra LeoneCzech Republic

African Countries & Capitals 2020-02-10

African Countries & Capitals crossword puzzle
  1. Lusaka
  2. Brazzaville
  3. Lomé
  4. Niamey
  5. Rabat
  6. Victoria
  7. Kampala
  8. Abuja
  9. Luanda
  10. Gitega
  11. Lilongwe
  12. Monrovia
  13. Maputo
  14. Algiers
  15. Accra
  16. Banjul
  17. Cairo
  18. Kigali
  19. Conakry
  20. Yaounde
  21. Mbabane (administrative), Lobamba (legislative, royal)
  22. N’Djamena
  23. Pretoria (administrative), Cape Town (legislative), Bloemfontein (judicial)
  24. Malabo (de jure), Oyala (seat of government)
  25. Bamako
  26. Asmara
  27. Moroni
  28. Libreville
  1. São Tomé
  2. Addis Ababa
  3. Djibouti
  4. Praia
  5. Porto-Novo
  6. Yamoussoukro
  7. Bissau
  8. Nouakchott
  9. Juba
  10. Gaborone
  11. Dakar
  12. Bangui
  13. Tripoli
  14. Port Louis
  15. Kinshasa
  16. Harare
  17. Nairobi
  18. Mogadishu
  19. Antananarivo
  20. Freetown
  21. Tunis
  22. Windhoek
  23. Maseru
  24. Khartoum
  25. Dodoma
  26. Ouagadougou

54 Clues: LoméJubaPraiaRabatDakarAbujaAccraCairoTunisLusakaNiameyBissauBanguiLuandaHarareGitegaMaputoBanjulKigaliMaseruDodomaBamakoAsmaraMoroniKampalaTripoliNairobiAlgiersConakryYaoundeSão ToméDjiboutiGaboroneVictoriaKinshasaLilongweMonroviaFreetownWindhoekKhartoumMogadishuN’DjamenaPorto-NovoNouakchottPort LouisLibrevilleAddis AbabaBrazzavilleOuagadougou...

Capitals of Countries 2020-12-30

Capitals of Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Ireland
  2. Australia
  3. Indonesia
  4. Egypt
  5. Russia
  6. China
  7. Canada
  8. Netherlands
  9. Portugal
  1. Bangladesh
  2. Brazil
  3. Germany
  4. Nepal
  5. France
  6. Denmark
  7. Colombia
  8. Belgium
  9. Japan
  10. Argentina
  11. Afghanistan

20 Clues: NepalEgyptChinaJapanBrazilFranceRussiaCanadaIrelandGermanyDenmarkBelgiumColombiaPortugalAustraliaIndonesiaArgentinaBangladeshAfghanistanNetherlands

Capitals of Countries 2020-12-30

Capitals of Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Afghanistan
  2. Bangladesh
  3. Egypt
  4. France
  5. Netherlands
  6. Thailand
  7. Argentina
  8. Denmark
  9. Brazil
  10. Russia
  1. Japan
  2. Australia
  3. Indonesia
  4. Canada
  5. China
  6. Colombia
  7. Ireland
  8. Portugal
  9. Nepal
  10. Germany
  11. Belgium

21 Clues: JapanEgyptChinaNepalCanadaFranceBrazilRussiaIrelandGermanyDenmarkBelgiumColombiaPortugalThailandAustraliaIndonesiaArgentinaBangladeshAfghanistanNetherlands

Island Countries & Capitals 2021-08-28

Island Countries & Capitals crossword puzzle
  1. Comoros
  2. capital Antananarivo
  3. Sri Lanka
  4. Ireland
  5. Bahrain
  6. capital Bridgetown
  7. capital Bandar Seri Begawan
  8. capital Nuku'alofa
  9. Cuba
  10. New Zealand
  11. capital Ngerulmud
  12. capital Yaren District
  13. capital Reykjavik
  14. Seychelles
  15. St. Vincent and the Grenadines
  16. Samoa
  17. Cape Verde
  18. St. Lucia
  19. capital Funafuti
  20. Indonesia
  1. Marshall Islands
  2. United Kingon
  3. Sri Lanka
  4. Maldives
  5. capital Nassau
  6. capital Valletta
  7. East Timor
  8. Philippines
  9. capital Port Louis
  10. capital St. George's
  11. Dominica
  12. capital Kingston
  13. capital Reykjavik
  14. Kiribati
  15. capital Suva
  16. Japan
  17. capital Port-au-Prince
  18. St. Kitts and Nevis
  19. capital Port Vila
  20. Solomon Islands
  21. capital Nicosia

41 Clues: CubaJapanSamoaComorosIrelandBahrainMaldivesDominicaKiribatiSri LankaSri LankaSt. LuciaIndonesiaEast TimorSeychellesCape VerdePhilippinesNew Zealandcapital SuvaUnited Kingoncapital NassauSolomon Islandscapital NicosiaMarshall Islandscapital Vallettacapital Kingstoncapital Funafuticapital Reykjavikcapital Ngerulmudcapital Reykjavikcapital Port Vila...

US State Capitals 2021-03-19

US State Capitals crossword puzzle
  1. City, capital of Oklahoma
  2. capital of New Hampshire
  3. capital of Vermont
  4. capital of California
  5. capital of Nebraska
  6. Moines, capital of Iowa
  7. Paul, capital of Minnesota
  8. capital of Alaska
  9. City, capital of Nevada
  10. capital of Wyoming
  11. capital of Connecticut
  12. capital of Colorado
  13. capital of Pennsylvania
  14. capital of West Virginia
  15. capital of Maine
  16. capital of Georgia
  17. capital of Wisconsin
  18. capital of Washington
  19. capital of Virginia
  20. City, capital of Missouri
  21. capital of Oregon
  22. capital of Alabama
  23. capital of Indiana
  24. capital of Mississippi
  25. capital of Idaho
  1. capital of Michigan
  2. capital of North Dakota
  3. capital of Hawaii
  4. capital of Rhode Island
  5. capital of Florida
  6. Fe, capital of New Mexico
  7. capital of North Carolina
  8. Rock, capital of Arkansas
  9. capital of Ohio
  10. capital of Maryland
  11. capital of New Jersey
  12. Rouge, capital of Louisiana
  13. capital of Kansas
  14. capital of Massachusetts
  15. capital of South Dakota
  16. capital of Montana
  17. capital of Arizona
  18. capital of Illinois
  19. capital of Delaware
  20. capital of South Carolina
  21. Lake City, capital of Utah
  22. capital of Kentucky
  23. capital of Tennessee
  24. capital of Texas
  25. capital of New York

50 Clues: capital of Ohiocapital of Mainecapital of Texascapital of Idahocapital of Hawaiicapital of Alaskacapital of Kansascapital of Oregoncapital of Vermontcapital of Floridacapital of Wyomingcapital of Georgiacapital of Montanacapital of Arizonacapital of Alabamacapital of Indianacapital of Michigancapital of Nebraskacapital of Maryland...

World Capitals Practice 2023-02-13

World Capitals Practice crossword puzzle
  1. South Korea
  2. Russia
  3. United Arab Emirates
  4. India
  5. Ukraine
  6. France
  7. Belgium
  8. Italy
  9. Spain
  10. Austria
  11. Canada
  12. Egypt
  13. Japan
  14. United Kingdom
  1. Mexico
  2. Argentina
  3. Australia
  4. Germany
  5. United States of America
  6. China
  7. Saudi Arabia

21 Clues: IndiaChinaItalySpainEgyptJapanMexicoRussiaFranceCanadaUkraineGermanyBelgiumAustriaArgentinaAustraliaSouth KoreaSaudi ArabiaUnited KingdomUnited Arab EmiratesUnited States of America

USA State Capitals 2023-01-19

USA State Capitals crossword puzzle
  1. Little Rock
  2. Salem
  3. Salt Lake City
  4. Columbia
  5. Atlanta
  6. Nashville
  7. Oklahoma City
  8. Raleigh
  9. Madison
  10. Des Moines
  11. Bismarck
  12. Trenton
  13. Harrisburg
  14. Indianapolis
  15. Baton Rouge
  16. Olympia
  17. Boston
  18. Springfield
  19. Annapolis
  20. Jefferson City
  1. Albany
  2. Montgomery
  3. Providence
  4. Frankfort
  5. Pierre
  6. Topeka
  7. Carson City
  8. Helena
  9. Montpelier
  10. Sacramento
  11. Tallahassee
  12. Dover
  13. Concord
  14. Honolulu
  15. Lincoln
  16. Richmond
  17. Hartford
  18. Denver
  19. Cheyenne
  20. Phoenix
  21. Austin
  22. Augusta
  23. Juneau
  24. Columbus
  25. Jackson
  26. Saint Paul
  27. Charleston
  28. Lansing
  29. Santa Fe
  30. Boise

50 Clues: SalemDoverBoiseAlbanyPierreTopekaHelenaDenverAustinJuneauBostonAtlantaConcordRaleighLincolnMadisonPhoenixTrentonAugustaJacksonOlympiaLansingColumbiaHonoluluRichmondHartfordCheyenneBismarckColumbusSanta FeFrankfortNashvilleAnnapolisMontgomeryProvidenceMontpelierSacramentoDes MoinesHarrisburgSaint PaulCharlestonLittle RockCarson CityTallahassee...

Eastern Europe Capitals 2013-03-06

Eastern Europe Capitals crossword puzzle
  1. Tbilisi
  2. Kishinev
  3. Kiev
  4. Minsk
  5. Dushanbe
  6. Athens
  7. Astana
  8. Tallinn
  9. Warsaw
  10. Prague
  11. Baku
  12. Bishkek
  13. Vienna
  14. Belgrade
  1. Zagreb
  2. Sofia
  3. Skopje
  4. Riga
  5. Tashkent
  6. Sarajevo
  7. Bratislava
  8. Podgorica
  9. Ashgabat
  10. Yerevan
  11. Budapest
  12. Vilnius
  13. Tirana
  14. Bucharest
  15. Ljubljana
  16. Moscow

30 Clues: RigaKievBakuSofiaMinskZagrebSkopjeAthensAstanaWarsawPragueTiranaViennaMoscowTbilisiYerevanTallinnVilniusBishkekKishinevTashkentSarajevoDushanbeAshgabatBudapestBelgradePodgoricaBucharestLjubljanaBratislava

World Capitals Review 2013-05-14

World Capitals Review crossword puzzle
  1. Brazil
  2. Argentina
  3. Honduras
  4. India
  5. Brunei
  6. Burkina Faso
  7. Great Britain
  8. Canada
  9. Egypt
  10. China
  11. Samoa
  12. France
  1. Jamaica
  2. Israel
  3. Chile
  4. New Zealand
  5. United States
  6. Madagascar
  7. North Korea
  8. Australia
  9. Djibouti
  10. Russia
  11. Turkey
  12. Iraq
  13. Lebanon

25 Clues: IraqChileIndiaEgyptChinaSamoaIsraelBrazilBruneiRussiaCanadaTurkeyFranceJamaicaLebanonHondurasDjiboutiArgentinaAustraliaMadagascarNew ZealandNorth KoreaBurkina FasoUnited StatesGreat Britain

Capitals of Europe 2014-03-25

Capitals of Europe crossword puzzle
  1. Belgium
  2. Lithuania
  3. Albania
  4. Sweden
  5. City Holy See
  6. Russia
  7. Romania
  8. Andorra
  9. Scotland
  10. Serbia
  11. Belarus
  12. Iceland
  13. Portugal
  14. Northern Island
  15. Montenegro
  16. Wales
  17. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  18. France
  19. Estonia
  20. Poland
  21. Ukraine
  1. Ireland
  2. Italy
  3. Finland
  4. Monaco
  5. Moldova
  6. Slovakia
  7. Norway
  8. Denmark
  9. Netherlands
  10. Spain
  11. Liechtenstein
  12. Luxembourg
  13. England
  14. Hungary
  15. San Marino
  16. Greece
  17. Croatia
  18. Germany
  19. Slovenia
  20. Malta
  21. Czech Republic
  22. Kosovo
  23. Latvia
  24. Macedonia
  25. Austria
  26. Bulgaria

47 Clues: ItalySpainMaltaWalesMonacoNorwaySwedenRussiaGreeceSerbiaKosovoLatviaFrancePolandIrelandFinlandMoldovaBelgiumAlbaniaDenmarkEnglandRomaniaHungaryAndorraCroatiaGermanyBelarusIcelandAustriaEstoniaUkraineSlovakiaScotlandSloveniaPortugalBulgariaLithuaniaMacedoniaLuxembourgSan MarinoMontenegroNetherlandsCity Holy SeeLiechtensteinCzech Republic...

Capitals of Europe 2014-03-25

Capitals of Europe crossword puzzle
  1. Spain
  2. Portugal
  3. Croatia
  4. Moldova
  5. Montenegro
  6. Norway
  7. Slovakia
  8. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  9. Germany
  10. Latvia
  11. Luxembourg
  12. Netherlands
  13. Denmark
  14. Belarus
  15. Kosovo
  16. Greece
  17. Lithuania
  18. Bulgaria
  19. England
  20. France
  21. Liechtenstein
  22. Poland
  1. Czech Republic
  2. Northern Island
  3. Serbia
  4. Slovenia
  5. Monaco
  6. Finland
  7. Sweden
  8. Hungary
  9. Scotland
  10. Ireland
  11. City Holy See
  12. Wales
  13. Andorra
  14. Romania
  15. Iceland
  16. Belgium
  17. Malta
  18. San Marino
  19. Estonia
  20. Italy
  21. Russia
  22. Albania
  23. Austria
  24. Macedonia
  25. Ukraine

47 Clues: SpainWalesMaltaItalySerbiaMonacoSwedenNorwayLatviaRussiaKosovoGreeceFrancePolandFinlandCroatiaHungaryMoldovaIrelandAndorraGermanyRomaniaIcelandBelgiumEstoniaDenmarkBelarusAlbaniaAustriaUkraineEnglandSloveniaPortugalScotlandSlovakiaBulgariaLithuaniaMacedoniaMontenegroLuxembourgSan MarinoNetherlandsCity Holy SeeLiechtensteinCzech Republic...

Write the capitals 2015-06-17

Write the capitals crossword puzzle
  1. Poland
  2. Hungary
  3. Austria
  4. France
  5. Slovakia
  6. Italy
  7. Denmark
  8. Lithuania
  9. Ireland
  10. Slovakia
  11. Romania
  12. Bulgaria
  13. Spain
  14. Greece
  15. Germany
  16. Portugal
  1. Latvia
  2. Belgium
  3. Estonia
  4. Croatia
  5. Czech Republic
  6. Luxembourg
  7. United Kingdom
  8. Netherlands
  9. Galicia
  10. Malta
  11. Cyprus
  12. Finland
  13. Sweden

29 Clues: ItalyMaltaSpainLatviaPolandFranceCyprusSwedenGreeceBelgiumEstoniaHungaryCroatiaAustriaDenmarkGaliciaIrelandRomaniaFinlandGermanySlovakiaSlovakiaBulgariaPortugalLithuaniaLuxembourgNetherlandsCzech RepublicUnited Kingdom

Capitals @GBBHockey Trivia 2016-07-06

Capitals @GBBHockey Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. number Ovi cups
  2. McPhee nickname
  3. ov3ch...
  4. caps forward
  5. blamed for 2016 loss
  6. pens fans congregate
  7. former nashville
  8. caps first pick
  9. George's worst trade
  10. hendricks played with
  11. stay thirsty
  12. trophy braden won
  13. ovi called bruce
  14. ex-cap enigma
  15. vezina winner
  16. when they lose
  17. chimera nick
  18. caps no lucky
  19. comcast scribe
  20. friend of Ted ex-NHL
  21. Robo day job
  1. nicky's country
  2. current caps boss
  3. caps alumni
  4. before verizon
  5. caps alumni goalie
  6. flyers isles description
  7. another blog
  8. upset caps 2010
  9. Teds beginning
  10. abbr robosite "yes"
  11. former coach and player
  12. alex affectionately
  13. practice there
  14. worst caps coach ever
  15. ovi had hot one
  16. press box food
  17. Boudreau's team
  18. won rocket trophy
  19. ex-cap won cup
  20. Teds rafter decoration
  21. goalie coach
  22. created @GBBhockey

43 Clues: ov3ch...caps alumnianother blogcaps forwardstay thirstychimera nickgoalie coachRobo day jobex-cap enigmavezina winnercaps no luckybefore verizonTeds beginningpractice therepress box foodwhen they loseex-cap won cupcomcast scribenicky's countrynumber Ovi cupsMcPhee nicknameupset caps 2010caps first pickovi had hot oneBoudreau's teamformer nashville...


US CAPITALS CITIES crossword puzzle
  1. Rouge Louisiana
  2. Michigan
  3. Ohio
  4. Vermont
  5. Maine
  6. Virginia
  7. Wisconsin
  8. South Dakota
  9. North Dakota
  10. Montana
  11. Kentucky
  12. Idaho
  13. Paul Minnesota
  14. New Hampshire
  15. North Carolina
  16. Washington
  17. Oregon
  18. Wyoming
  19. City Missouri
  20. Massachusetts
  21. Kansas
  22. Fe New Mexico
  23. Arizona
  24. New Jersey
  25. Mississippi
  26. Colorado
  1. Nebraska
  2. New York
  3. Hawaii
  4. Rock Arkansas
  5. Alabama
  6. Delaware
  7. Moines Iowa
  8. West Virginia
  9. Florida
  10. Connecticut
  11. Tennessee
  12. Indiana
  13. City Oklahoma
  14. Illinois
  15. Texas
  16. Rhode Island
  17. California
  18. South Carolina
  19. Georgia
  20. Maryland
  21. City Nevada
  22. Lake City Utah
  23. Pennsylvania
  24. Alaska

50 Clues: OhioMaineTexasIdahoHawaiiOregonKansasAlaskaAlabamaVermontFloridaIndianaMontanaGeorgiaWyomingArizonaNebraskaNew YorkMichiganDelawareVirginiaIllinoisKentuckyMarylandColoradoWisconsinTennesseeCaliforniaWashingtonNew JerseyMoines IowaConnecticutCity NevadaMississippiSouth DakotaNorth DakotaRhode IslandPennsylvaniaRock ArkansasWest VirginiaCity Oklahoma...

Asian Countries & Capitals 2022-04-07

Asian Countries & Capitals crossword puzzle
  1. Dhaka
  2. Ulaanbaatar
  3. Naypyidaw
  4. Islamabad
  5. Pyongyang
  6. Taipei
  7. Beijing
  8. Moscow
  9. Nur-Sultan
  10. Ashgabat
  11. Bandar Seri Begawan
  12. Singapore
  13. Bangkok
  14. Phnom Penh
  15. Hanoi
  1. Kuala Lumpur
  2. Dushanbe
  3. Bishkek
  4. Yerevan
  5. Vientiane
  6. Baku
  7. Tokyo
  8. Manila
  9. Jakarta
  10. Tashkent
  11. Seoul
  12. Thimphu
  13. Kathmandu
  14. Colombo, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte
  15. Tbilisi
  16. New Delhi

31 Clues: BakuDhakaTokyoSeoulHanoiManilaTaipeiMoscowBishkekYerevanBeijingJakartaThimphuTbilisiBangkokDushanbeTashkentAshgabatVientianeNaypyidawIslamabadPyongyangKathmanduSingaporeNew DelhiNur-SultanPhnom PenhUlaanbaatarKuala LumpurBandar Seri BegawanColombo, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte

Eastern European Capitals 2022-04-11

Eastern European Capitals crossword puzzle
  1. Ankara
  2. Christinau
  3. Belgrade
  4. Warsaw
  5. Tirana
  6. Minsk
  7. Bratislava
  8. Nicosia
  9. Riga
  10. Athens
  11. Moscow
  12. Ljubljana
  1. Prague
  2. Kiev
  3. Budapest
  4. Zagreb
  5. Tallinn
  6. Bucharest
  7. Vilnius
  8. Sofia
  9. Podgorica
  10. Skpoje
  11. Pristina

23 Clues: KievRigaSofiaMinskPragueZagrebAnkaraWarsawTiranaSkpojeAthensMoscowTallinnVilniusNicosiaBudapestBelgradePristinaBucharestPodgoricaLjubljanaChristinauBratislava

Capitals of Europe 2022-04-28

Capitals of Europe crossword puzzle
  1. Czechia
  2. Finland
  3. ukraine
  4. estonia
  5. Poland
  6. Britain
  7. macedonia
  8. Portugal
  9. Denmark
  10. bulgaria
  11. Luxembourg
  12. Sweden
  13. serbia
  14. bosnia
  15. belarus
  16. romania
  1. Belgium
  2. austria
  3. Ireland
  4. albania
  5. moldova
  6. greece
  7. Slovenia
  8. Germany
  9. hungary
  10. latvia
  11. Croatia
  12. Netherlands
  13. Italy
  14. montenegro
  15. Switzerland
  16. russia
  17. Norway
  18. France
  19. lithuania
  20. Spain
  21. Slovakia

37 Clues: ItalySpaingreecePolandlatviaSwedenrussiaserbiaNorwayFrancebosniaBelgiumCzechiaaustriaIrelandalbaniamoldovaFinlandukraineestoniaBritainGermanyhungaryDenmarkCroatiabelarusromaniaSloveniaPortugalbulgariaSlovakiamacedonialithuaniamontenegroLuxembourgNetherlandsSwitzerland

Capitals of Asia 2023-12-19

Capitals of Asia crossword puzzle
  1. Jakarta
  2. Kuala Lumpur
  3. Kuwait City
  4. Ankara
  5. Kabul
  6. Pyongyang
  7. Tokyo
  8. Sanaa
  9. Riyadh
  10. Beirut
  11. Beijing
  12. Damascus
  13. Baku
  14. Male
  15. Manama
  16. Tashkent
  17. Jerusalem
  18. Vientiane
  19. Thimphu
  20. Ulan Bator
  21. Singapore
  22. Dhaka
  23. Bishkek
  24. Islamabad
  25. Taipei
  1. Manila
  2. Bandar Seri Begawan
  3. Hanoi
  4. NewDelhi
  5. Abu Dhabi
  6. Bangkok
  7. Sri Jayawardenpura Kotte
  8. Doha
  9. Phnom Penh
  10. Muscat
  11. Naypyidaw
  12. Nursultan
  13. Tehran
  14. Dili
  15. Baghdad
  16. Yerevan
  17. Ashgabat
  18. Amman
  19. Dushanbe
  20. Seoul
  21. Tbilisi
  22. Kathmandu

47 Clues: DohaDiliBakuMaleHanoiKabulTokyoSanaaAmmanSeoulDhakaManilaAnkaraMuscatRiyadhBeirutTehranManamaTaipeiJakartaBangkokBeijingBaghdadYerevanThimphuTbilisiBishkekNewDelhiDamascusAshgabatTashkentDushanbeAbu DhabiPyongyangNaypyidawNursultanJerusalemVientianeSingaporeKathmanduIslamabadPhnom PenhUlan BatorKuwait CityKuala LumpurBandar Seri Begawan...

Eastern Europe Capitals 2024-01-31

Eastern Europe Capitals crossword puzzle
  1. Czech Republic
  2. Romania
  3. Bulgaria
  4. Lithuania
  5. Moldova
  6. Bosnia & Herzegovina
  7. Kosovo
  8. Serbia
  9. Albania
  10. Ukraine
  11. Croatia
  1. Hungary
  2. Poland
  3. Slovakia
  4. Montenegro
  5. Belarus
  6. Latvia
  7. Macedonia
  8. Slovenia
  9. Estonia

20 Clues: PolandLatviaKosovoSerbiaHungaryRomaniaBelarusMoldovaEstoniaAlbaniaUkraineCroatiaSlovakiaBulgariaSloveniaLithuaniaMacedoniaMontenegroCzech RepublicBosnia & Herzegovina

World Capitals 1 2023-09-04

World Capitals 1 crossword puzzle
  1. - India's bustling capital
  2. - Australia's capital
  3. - Pyramids' location
  4. - Danube river city
  5. - Sweden's capital
  6. - Red Square's city
  7. - Colosseum's home
  8. - Canals and tulips city
  9. - Home to Buckingham Palace
  10. - Forbidden City's home
  11. - Argentina's cosmopolitan center
  12. - Poland's capital
  13. - Eiffel Tower's city
  1. - Brazilian modernist city
  2. - New Zealand's capital
  3. - Hungarian cultural hub
  4. - Japanese metropolis
  5. - South Korea's bustling city
  6. - Spain's vibrant capital
  7. - Vietnam's historic capital
  8. - Birthplace of democracy
  9. - Lively Irish capital
  10. LUMPUR - Malaysian capital
  11. - Canadian capital
  12. - Portugal's coastal capital

25 Clues: - Sweden's capital- Colosseum's home- Canadian capital- Poland's capital- Danube river city- Red Square's city- Pyramids' location- Australia's capital- Japanese metropolis- Eiffel Tower's city- Lively Irish capital- New Zealand's capital- Forbidden City's home- Hungarian cultural hub- Canals and tulips city- Spain's vibrant capital...


CAPITALS SPANISH ONE crossword puzzle
  1. venezuela capital
  2. paraguay capital
  3. bolivia capital
  4. ecuador capital
  5. chile capital
  6. el salvador capital
  7. puerto rico capital
  8. uruguay capital
  1. guatemala capital
  2. panama capital
  3. honduras capital
  4. nicaragua capital
  5. cuba capital
  6. mexico capital
  7. la republica dominicana capital
  8. peru capital
  9. colombia capital
  10. espana capital
  11. guinea ecuatorial capital
  12. costa rica capital

20 Clues: cuba capitalperu capitalchile capitalpanama capitalmexico capitalespana capitalbolivia capitalecuador capitaluruguay capitalhonduras capitalparaguay capitalcolombia capitalguatemala capitalnicaragua capitalvenezuela capitalcosta rica capitalel salvador capitalpuerto rico capitalguinea ecuatorial capitalla republica dominicana capital

50 State Capitals 2024-05-08

50 State Capitals crossword puzzle
  1. Capital of Utah
  2. Capital of South Carolina
  3. Capital of Wisconsin
  4. Capital of Oklahoma
  5. Capital of North Carolina
  6. Capital of Oregon
  7. Capital of Nebraska
  8. Capital of New Mexico
  9. Capital of Nevada
  10. Capital of Montana
  1. Capital of North Dakota
  2. Capital of Pennsylvania
  3. Capital of Washington
  4. Capital of South Dakota
  5. Capital of Virginia
  6. Capital of West Virginia
  7. Capital of Rhode Island
  8. Capital of Vermont
  9. Capital of Texas
  10. Capital of New York
  11. Capital of New Hampshire
  12. Capital of Tennessee
  13. Capital of New Jersey
  14. Capital of Ohio
  15. Capital of Wyoming

25 Clues: Capital of UtahCapital of OhioCapital of TexasCapital of OregonCapital of NevadaCapital of VermontCapital of WyomingCapital of MontanaCapital of VirginiaCapital of OklahomaCapital of New YorkCapital of NebraskaCapital of WisconsinCapital of TennesseeCapital of WashingtonCapital of New JerseyCapital of New MexicoCapital of North Dakota...

Capitals of Africa 2024-05-16

Capitals of Africa crossword puzzle
  2. TOGO
  5. GHANA
  15. UGANDA
  17. BENIN
  18. EGYPT
  19. GAMBIA
  22. RWANDA
  24. CHAD
  27. GABON
  30. MALI
  4. CONGO
  5. central capital in SOUTH AFRICA
  11. SUDAN
  12. ZAMBIA
  14. LIBYA
  15. northern-most capital in SOUTH AFRICA
  19. Town, southern-most capital in SOUTH AFRICA
  20. NIGER
  22. Ababa, ETHIOPIA
  23. KENYA
  24. ANGOLA


review project 2020-10-01

review project crossword puzzle
  1. fought in Appomattox County, Virginia, was one of the last battles of the American Civil War
  2. belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.
  3. contiguous railroad trackage that crosses a continental land mass
  4. conflict fought between the United States and its allies, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and its allies
  5. the first ten amendments to the US Constitution guaranteeing such rights as the freedoms of speech, assembly, and worship
  6. document that was approved by the Continental Congress and announced the separation of 13 North American British colonies from Great Britain
  7. political and mercantile protest by the Sons of Liberty
  8. form of government operating on principles adopted from a republic and a democracy
  9. was an armed conflict between the United States and Mexico
  10. form of democracy in which people decide on policy initiatives directly
  11. declaration that all lands west of the Appalachian Divide were off-limits to colonial settlers
  12. The Trail of Tears was a series of forced relocations of approximately 60,000 Native Americans by the united states government
  13. a U.S. government agency after the Civil War, to direct "provisions, clothing, and fuel ... for the immediate and temporary shelter and supply of destitute and suffering refugees and freedmen and their wives and children
  1. the war in America in which France and its Indian allies opposed England 1754–60
  2. American stage actor who assassinated President Abraham Lincoln at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C.
  3. the subdividing of Native American tribal communal landholdings into allotments for Native American heads of families and individuals
  4. state and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States
  5. first British parliamentary attempt to raise revenue through direct taxation of all colonial commercial and legal papers, newspapers, pamphlets, cards, almanacs, and dice
  6. a proposal to the United States for the creation of a supreme national government with three branches and a bicameral legislature
  7. prohibits the federal government and each state from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's "race, color, or previous condition of servitude"
  8. grant citizenship to “All persons born or naturalized in the United States,” thereby granting citizenship to former slaves
  9. the acquisition of the territory of Louisiana by the United States from France
  10. large farms in the colonies that used the enforced labor of slaves to harvest produce for trade and export
  11. abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime
  12. a 2,170-mile east-west, large-wheeled wagon route and emigrant trail in the United States that connected the Missouri River to valleys in Oregon
  13. unfair taxing of goods like sugar, coffee, and cloth etc. to make revenue
  14. a series of laws passed by the British Parliament that imposed restrictions on colonial trade
  15. a proposal for the structure of the United States Government which called for two houses of Congress, both elected with apportionment according to population
  16. provided Federal government support for the building of the first transcontinental railroad
  17. economic system of trade that generates wealth

30 Clues: economic system of trade that generates wealthpolitical and mercantile protest by the Sons of Libertywas an armed conflict between the United States and Mexicocontiguous railroad trackage that crosses a continental land massform of democracy in which people decide on policy initiatives directly...

Slavery Crossword 2013-05-06

Slavery Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. / the enforced separation of different races and colours in society.
  2. / the owners of the slave.
  3. / the power of choosing, thinking, and acting for oneself; to be free from control or restriction.
  4. / a set of rules and ideas which a government uses to rule the country.
  5. / Freedom
  6. / large farms on which slaves grew crops such as cotton or tobacco.
  7. / a punishment that involved slaves being covered in tar and then covered in feathers.
  8. / the Union army.
  9. / a farmer giving part of their crops as rent for the land on which the crops are grown, instead of money.
  10. / a trader who bought and sold goods with foreign traders.
  11. / people who thought that slavery was wrong and should be stopped.
  12. Likes to chase mice
  13. / The United States. Especially the northern states during the Civil War, which remained with the original United States government.
  14. / Burnt with a hot iron to leave an identifiable mark.
  1. / smuggled property.
  2. / The Confederate States of America. The group of 11 Southern states that withdrew from the United States in 1860–61.
  3. / to be given the same treatment, opportunities and value as others.
  4. Has a trunk
  5. / The Confederate States of America. The 11 Southern states that withdrew from the Union in 1860–61.
  6. / the most important court in the USA.
  7. / the belief that one race or colour of people is superior to another, and the unfair behaviour that this attitude leads to.
  8. / a person who is legally owned by someone else and has to work for them.
  9. / people who signed a contract to work for a number of years (usually seven) without pay in return for their fare to America. They could not leave during this time.
  10. / an organisation set up by the Federal government to make sure that the anti-slavery laws were enforced.
  11. / the government which made the laws that had to be obeyed all over the country.
  12. Man's best friend
  13. / a pair of metal fastenings placed around the ankles or wrists of a prisoner or captive.
  14. / the activity of having slaves or the condition of being a slave.
  15. Large marsupial
  16. / a war between different groups within the same country
  17. / a public sale where property or goods are sold to the highest bidder.
  18. Flying mammal

32 Clues: / FreedomHas a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friend/ the Union army.Likes to chase mice/ smuggled property./ the owners of the slave./ the most important court in the USA./ Burnt with a hot iron to leave an identifiable mark./ a war between different groups within the same country...

crossword 2022-12-13

crossword crossword puzzle
  1. __________, PA was the site of the most famous battle of the Civil War, which was fought from July 1-3 1963. In winning the battle, the Union stopped the South's last northern invasion and set the stage for the eventual end of the war.
  2. Ulysses S. __________ was the final General of the Union Army. He won the war in 1865 and, after the end of the war, he became the 18th President of the United States.
  3. The ____________ is a racist, primarily Southern interpretation of the Civil War, in which the Confederacy is framed as heroic and analysis of the war is shifted to emphasize states' rights and independence rather than slavery.
  4. Robert E. _________ was the General and Commander of the Confederate Army during the Civil War.
  5. The name for the Northern states during the war.
  6. The policy of forced separation of black and white Americans, which lasted from 1865 until the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964.
  7. The period between 1865-1877 in which the United States tried to rebuild after the Civil War.
  8. Thomas ___________ Jackson was one of the best known Southern generals of the Civil War and was known for his aggressive tactics and willingness to sacrifice his troops for victory. He was famously killed when he was accidentally shot by one of his men during 1863.
  9. To officially withdraw from membership in a federation or union.
  1. Abraham __________ was the 16th President of the United States, who served during the Civil War and was assassinated in April 1865.
  2. ________ Davis was the President of the Confederacy during the Civil War.
  3. ______________ No. 143 was a May 22, 1863 order that admitted Black Americans into the Union Army. The Army created regiments down as United States Colored Troops (USCT), which were often filled by both Northern citizens and escaped Southern slaves.
  4. _________ Laws were Reconstruction era state and local laws that enforced the policy of segregation of black and white Americans.
  5. The name for the Southern states during the war.
  6. The ________ Proclamation was a document issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863. The document officially freed all slaves in southern states, but slavery would not actually end until after the war with the passage of the 13th Amendment.
  7. John Wilkes ___________ was a stage actor and Southern sympathizer who assassinated Lincoln at Ford's Theatre in Washington, DC on April 15, 1865.
  8. The United States ________ was a 19th century war between the Northern and Southern states fought over the future of slavery. The war lasted from 1861 until 1865.

17 Clues: The name for the Southern states during the war.The name for the Northern states during the war.To officially withdraw from membership in a federation or union.________ Davis was the President of the Confederacy during the Civil War.The period between 1865-1877 in which the United States tried to rebuild after the Civil War....

Unit 1- Geography 2022-12-21

Unit 1- Geography crossword puzzle
  1. the region that Alaska and Hawaii are a part of
  2. region consisting of states such as Pennsylvania, New York, New Hampshire, and more
  3. the area around a city
  4. a defined territory that is governed by a political body
  5. this region consists of states like North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, Nebraska, and more
  6. a highly populated area
  7. an area that has similar characteristics
  1. region consisting of states such as Virginia, Kentucky, Arkansas, and more
  2. you use this to tell direction
  3. region of the US consisting of states such as Arizona, Texas, and Oklahoma
  4. this region consists of states such as Wyoming, Nevada, Idaho, Colorado, and more
  5. this region consists of states such as California, Oregon, and Washington
  6. this geographic area is outside of towns

13 Clues: the area around a citya highly populated areayou use this to tell directionthis geographic area is outside of townsan area that has similar characteristicsthe region that Alaska and Hawaii are a part ofa defined territory that is governed by a political bodythis region consists of states such as California, Oregon, and Washington...

Civil War 2021-10-07

Civil War crossword puzzle
  1. Ankle high shoe worn by soldiers during the Civil War.
  2. troops trained to fight on horseback
  3. A cap worn by Civil War soldiers.
  4. Large caliber firearms like canons and mortars
  5. A nickname for people from the North as well as Union soldiers.
  6. related operations aimed at achieving a particular goal
  7. Line A boundary or border that split the free states from the slave states. It went between Pennsylvania to the north and Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware to the south.
  8. A large farm in the southern United States. Before the Civil War many of the workers on plantations were slaves.
  9. Term meaning "before war"
  10. Nickname for the south
  11. Soldiers that fight and travel by foot.
  1. the act of governing or exercising authority
  2. Soldier that is wounded or killed during battle.
  3. An army of citizens used during emergencies.
  4. When someone is murdered for political reasons.
  5. Term used to describe people who supported the union.
  6. An attempt to stop people and supplies from going in or out of a port.
  7. of or occurring between or among citizens of the state
  8. The northern states of the United States, also called the Union.
  9. a region where a battle is being (or has been) fought
  10. an offensive against an enemy

21 Clues: Nickname for the southTerm meaning "before war"an offensive against an enemyA cap worn by Civil War soldiers.troops trained to fight on horsebackSoldiers that fight and travel by foot.the act of governing or exercising authorityAn army of citizens used during emergencies.Large caliber firearms like canons and mortars...

civil war 2023-10-23

civil war crossword puzzle
  1. Manufacturing goods from raw materials
  2. Withdrawal from the Federal government of the United States.
  3. To rush towards the enemy.
  4. An overwhelming, advancing force that crushes or seems to crush everything in its path.
  5. Escaped slaves who fled to the Union lines for protection.
  6. Also called the South or the Confederate States of America
  7. War A new way of conducting war appeared during the Civil War.
  8. States The states of Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, and Missouri
  9. The largest organizational group of soldiers
  10. A smooth bore firearm fired from the shoulder. Thrust from exploding powder shoots the bullet forward like a chest pass in basketball.
  1. The cruel killing of a number of helpless or unresisting people.
  2. The major political party in America most sympathetic to states rights and willing to tolerate the spread of slavery to the territories.
  3. The science of growing crops or raising livestock, farming.
  4. To admit defeat and give up in the face of overwhelming odds.
  5. Freedom from slavery.
  6. A branch of the military mounted on horseback.
  7. A flag identifying a regiment or army.
  8. Round container used to carry water made of wood or tin and carried over the shoulder by a strap.
  9. A place where weapons and other military supplies are manufactured.
  10. A hollow projectile shot from a cannon

20 Clues: Freedom from slavery.To rush towards the enemy.Manufacturing goods from raw materialsA flag identifying a regiment or army.A hollow projectile shot from a cannonThe largest organizational group of soldiersA branch of the military mounted on horseback.Escaped slaves who fled to the Union lines for protection....

Money (coins and bills) 2023-06-23

Money (coins and bills) crossword puzzle
  1. This is money that you set aside and keep in a safe place for the future.
  2. This is a coin in the United States worth 25 cents.
  3. This is a coin in the United States worth 10 cents.
  4. This is a coin in the United States worth 5 cents.
  5. This is a small, round piece of metal used as money.
  6. dollars This is a paper bill in the United States worth 10 dollars.
  7. This is a small, flat container used to hold money, cards, and other personal items.
  8. This is the money you receive back when you pay more than the price of something.
  9. This is the smallest coin in the United States, worth 1 cent.
  1. dollars This is a paper bill in the United States worth 50 dollars.
  2. This is a machine where you can withdraw money from your bank account or check your balance.
  3. This is a paper bill in the United States worth 1 dollar.
  4. dollars This is a paper bill in the United States worth 5 dollars.
  5. hundred dollars This is a paper bill in the United States worth 100 dollars.
  6. dollars This is a paper bill in the United States worth 20 dollars.
  7. This is another word for a paper bill or a piece of paper money.

16 Clues: This is a coin in the United States worth 5 cents.This is a coin in the United States worth 25 cents.This is a coin in the United States worth 10 cents.This is a small, round piece of metal used as money.This is a paper bill in the United States worth 1 dollar.This is the smallest coin in the United States, worth 1 cent....

Sports Teams 2024-09-17

Sports  Teams crossword puzzle
  1. Angels Began as the Washington senators
  2. Won the NBA last year
  3. Jays Only MLB team in Canada now
  4. are the most local Basketball team
  5. First NFL team to win the super bowl
  6. Has Curry
  7. Cheifs The best team in the NFL last year
  8. Ravens the most local NFL team
  9. Bears Number 1 pick last year
  1. Has Lebron James
  2. Share a stadium with the giants
  3. Brewers Had the CY Young award winner last year
  4. The only NFL team in NY
  5. Rangers Won the MLB
  6. Capitals The most local NHL team
  7. Orioles the most local MLB team
  8. Panthers worst team in the NFL by record last year

17 Clues: Has CurryHas Lebron JamesRangers Won the MLBWon the NBA last yearThe only NFL team in NYBears Number 1 pick last yearShare a stadium with the giantsRavens the most local NFL teamOrioles the most local MLB teamJays Only MLB team in Canada nowCapitals The most local NHL teamare the most local Basketball teamFirst NFL team to win the super bowl...

Firsts 2016-01-04

Firsts crossword puzzle
  1. Home team of first basketball game together (with Allie & Andrew)
  2. First Halloween together - the morning activity (hint: Nathan's parents' charity)
  3. First date movie
  4. First family holiday together (in Dallas)
  5. First concert together
  6. City in Maryland of first date
  7. Home team of first football game together (and on the field)
  8. Attraction spot of first car trip in Nathan's new Land Rover
  1. Month of Becca's first trip to Dallas
  2. Month of first date
  3. Destination airport of first flight together
  4. Main food item Nathan grilled for first dinner at home (2nd date, Nathan's house)
  5. First date restaurant
  6. Home team of first NHL game together (Rebecca's team)
  7. Opposing team of Rebecca's first Orioles game with Nathan (O's won!)
  8. Home team of first baseball game together (Nathan's team)
  9. City we celebrated Nathan's birthday, for the first time together
  10. City of first weekend trip together
  11. Month of first Facetime call & Becca's birthday month
  12. Home team of first hockey game together (3rd date)

20 Clues: First date movieMonth of first dateFirst date restaurantFirst concert togetherCity in Maryland of first dateCity of first weekend trip togetherMonth of Becca's first trip to DallasFirst family holiday together (in Dallas)Destination airport of first flight togetherHome team of first hockey game together (3rd date)...

Countries - Gigamon 2022-03-09

Countries - Gigamon crossword puzzle
  1. Their people are known as the Dutch
  2. One can find lots of vodka here
  3. Consumes the most amount of beer in the world
  4. Country with two capitals
  5. You can find the best coffee beans here
  6. Current chancellor is Angela Merkel
  7. Highest percentage of obese people
  8. Best chocolate in the world is made right in this country
  9. Where Lord of the Rings was filmed
  10. Where tango originated from
  1. The Great Barrier Reef is found off of this country’s coast
  2. The best cigars in the world are found here
  3. Machu Pichu is located here
  4. Highest percentage of people who get plastic surgery
  5. USA gets a lot of its oil from here
  6. Apparently no snakes can be found in this country
  7. Produces the most cork in the world and has the highest percentage of high school graduates
  8. You can find the famous Pyramids here
  9. Has the best maple syrup
  10. is known for having the best education system in the world

20 Clues: Has the best maple syrupCountry with two capitalsMachu Pichu is located hereWhere tango originated fromOne can find lots of vodka hereHighest percentage of obese peopleWhere Lord of the Rings was filmedTheir people are known as the DutchUSA gets a lot of its oil from hereCurrent chancellor is Angela MerkelYou can find the famous Pyramids here...

Federalism - Gordy Kennedy 2021-12-03

Federalism - Gordy Kennedy crossword puzzle
  1. the holiday that Jingle Bells was created for
  2. laws relating to disputes within a state
  3. an act Congress must pass as procedure of admission
  4. returning a criminal to a state
  5. enumerated powers
  6. what type of trees are the most common Christmas trees
  7. powers of a government because it is a government
  8. clause that makes the acts and treaties of the US supreme
  9. what sports term describes courts
  10. powers specifically delegated to the states
  11. powers not explicitly defined in the constitution
  12. a negotiation between states
  1. case where the supreme court ruled national government the supreme power
  2. what is our government (not jigsaw)
  3. powers shared between the national and state governments
  4. created by John Marshall to empower the central government
  5. elastic clause
  6. what else is given besides full faith
  7. all citizens have the same privileges and
  8. whose version of Jingle Bells spells out j-i-n-g-l-e bells
  9. powers granted to the national government by the constitution
  10. other than Congress, what plays a key role in amending the constitution
  11. what do states and local governments conduct and pay for
  12. If interstate compacts aren’t enough to solve a dispute, these are what states will file

24 Clues: elastic clauseenumerated powersa negotiation between statesreturning a criminal to a statewhat sports term describes courtswhat is our government (not jigsaw)what else is given besides full faithlaws relating to disputes within a stateall citizens have the same privileges andpowers specifically delegated to the states...

Building a New Nation 2020-04-02

Building a New Nation crossword puzzle
  1. a treaty between the United States and the United Kingdom limiting naval armaments on the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain.
  2. America’s ally when fighting against the British in the war of 1812.
  3. advocacy of or support for the political independence of a particular nation or people.
  4. America’s main enemy in the war of 1812.
  5. a tropical state that Spain has ceded to America.
  6. a procedure by which a court can review an administrative action.
  7. purchased by America and it also doubled the size of our country.
  1. America’s national anthem.
  2. a general embargo on all foreign nations enacted by the United States Congress.
  3. The United States Military Academy.
  4. The fourth president of the United States from 1809 to 1817.
  5. the second vice president of the United States from 1797 to 1801.
  6. pirates and privateers who operated from North Africa.
  7. a treaty between the United States and Spain in 1819 that ceded Florida to the U.S.
  8. the U.S. capital.

15 Clues: the U.S. capital.America’s national anthem.The United States Military Academy.America’s main enemy in the war of 1812.a tropical state that Spain has ceded to America.pirates and privateers who operated from North Africa.The fourth president of the United States from 1809 to 1817.the second vice president of the United States from 1797 to 1801....

Countries and their Capitals 2022-06-30

Countries and their Capitals crossword puzzle
  1. Bogota is the capital of which South-American country?
  2. ,The capital of the island country Maldives
  3. Egypt is the home to the longest river in the world, River Nile. Name it's capital city
  4. The Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque is found in which capital city?
  5. WAW is the code for the airport in which capital city?
  6. If you’re exploring the Opera house in Oslo, which country’s capital city are you in?
  1. The current capital city of Tanzania
  2. New Guinea, Where is Port Moresby the capital of?
  3. The capital city of Australia
  4. Katmandu is the capital city of which country?
  5. The capital of Canada

11 Clues: The capital of CanadaThe capital city of AustraliaThe current capital city of Tanzania,The capital of the island country MaldivesKatmandu is the capital city of which country?New Guinea, Where is Port Moresby the capital of?Bogota is the capital of which South-American country?WAW is the code for the airport in which capital city?...

European Countries and Capitals 2023-10-25

European Countries and Capitals crossword puzzle
  1. Rome
  2. Belgrade
  3. Helsinki
  4. Prague
  5. Berlin
  6. London
  1. Lisbon
  2. The _______ sea near England
  3. Paris
  4. The Bay of ______, located near France
  5. Stockholm

11 Clues: RomeParisLisbonPragueBerlinLondonBelgradeHelsinkiStockholmThe _______ sea near EnglandThe Bay of ______, located near France

amy crossword puzzle 2017-10-20

amy crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. - the right of trial by _____ shall be preserved.
  2. - The right of citizens of the United States to ____ shall not be denied.
  3. - All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are _______ of the United States.
  4. - Excessive ____ shall not be required
  5. - certain ______, shall not be construed to deny or disparage.
  6. - The Tenth Amendment reinforces the principles of _________ __ ________.
  7. - the accused shall enjoy the right to a _____ and public trial
  1. - The senate of the United States shall be composed of ___ _______ from each State,
  2. - The ________ _______ of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law.
  3. - no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise ________ in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.
  4. - all territory subject to the jurisdiction thereof for beverage purposes is hereby _______.
  5. - the right of the people to keep and _______ ____, shall not be infringed.
  6. - Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of____?
  7. - The Congress shall have power to lay and collect _______ on incomes.
  8. - The _______ shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President.

15 Clues: - Excessive ____ shall not be required- the right of trial by _____ shall be preserved.- certain ______, shall not be construed to deny or disparage.- the accused shall enjoy the right to a _____ and public trial- The Congress shall have power to lay and collect _______ on incomes....

Civil War 2021-10-07

Civil War crossword puzzle
  1. a region where a battle is being (or has been) fought
  2. Line A boundary or border that split the free states from the slave states. It went between Pennsylvania to the north and Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware to the south.
  3. an offensive against an enemy
  4. Term used to describe people who supported the union.
  5. A cap worn by Civil War soldiers.
  6. A large farm in the southern United States. Before the Civil War many of the workers on plantations were slaves.
  7. Ankle high shoe worn by soldiers during the Civil War.
  8. Soldier that is wounded or killed during battle.
  9. Large caliber firearms like canons and mortars
  10. related operations aimed at achieving a particular goal
  1. of or occurring between or among citizens of the state
  2. An army of citizens used during emergencies.
  3. the act of governing or exercising authority
  4. When someone is murdered for political reasons.
  5. An attempt to stop people and supplies from going in or out of a port.
  6. The northern states of the United States, also called the Union.
  7. Nickname for the south
  8. A nickname for people from the North as well as Union soldiers.
  9. Term meaning "before war"
  10. Soldiers that fight and travel by foot.
  11. troops trained to fight on horseback

21 Clues: Nickname for the southTerm meaning "before war"an offensive against an enemyA cap worn by Civil War soldiers.troops trained to fight on horsebackSoldiers that fight and travel by foot.An army of citizens used during emergencies.the act of governing or exercising authorityLarge caliber firearms like canons and mortars...

Standard 2 2023-05-04

Standard 2 crossword puzzle
  1. conflict between the United States and Mexico from 1846 to 1848.
  2. blank Destiney, the idea that the United States is destined—by God, its advocates believed—to expand its dominion and spread democracy and capitalism across the entire North American continent.
  3. The Reconstruction Amendments, or the blank, are the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth amendments to the United States Constitution, adopted between 1865 and 1870.
  4. acquisition of the territory of Louisiana
  5. blank of 1850, The acts called for the admission of California as a "free state," provided for a territorial government for Utah and New Mexico, established a boundary between Texas and the United States, called for the abolition of slave trade in Washington, DC, and amended the Fugitive Slave Act.
  6. The Ku Klux Klan, commonly shortened to the KKK or the Klan in recent decades, is an American white supremacist, right-wing terrorist, and hate group whose primary targets are African Americans.
  7. blank convention was the first women's rights convention. It advertised itself as "a convention to discuss the social, civil, and religious condition and rights of woman".
  8. blank revolution In the 1820s and 1830s, a market revolution was transforming American business and global trade. Factories and mass production increasingly displaced independent artisans.
  9. Blank Rebellion, was historically known as the Southampton Insurrection, was a rebellion of enslaved Virginians that took place in Southampton County, Virginia, in August 1831.
  10. Act of 1854 was a territorial organic act that created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska. It was drafted by Democratic Senator Stephen A. Douglas, passed by the 33rd United States Congress, and signed into law by President Franklin Pierce.
  11. Jacksonian blank was a 19th century political philosophy in the United States that expanded suffrage to most white men over the age of 21, and restructured a number of federal institutions.
  1. phrase frequently used by Southern politicians and authors prior to the American Civil War, indicating the economic and political importance of cotton production
  2. United States foreign policy position
  3. forced displacement of tribes
  4. the resistance to enslavement through escape and flight
  5. blank system of manufacturing that began in the 18th century and is based on the concentration of industry into specialized—and often large—establishments
  6. restricted black people's right to own property
  7. vetoed legislation that Congress passed to protect the rights of those who had been freed from slavery. This clash culminated in the House of Representatives voting, on February 24, 1868, to impeach the president.
  8. bank war was the political struggle that ensued over the fate of the Second Bank of the United States during the presidency of Andrew Jackson.
  9. required that slaves be returned to their owners, even if they were in a free state

20 Clues: forced displacement of tribesUnited States foreign policy positionacquisition of the territory of Louisianarestricted black people's right to own propertythe resistance to enslavement through escape and flightconflict between the United States and Mexico from 1846 to 1848....

The Civil War 2023-10-12

The Civil War crossword puzzle
  1. is the movement to end slavery and liberate enslaved people around the world.
  2. the formal withdrawal of a group from a political entity.
  3. people that are wounded or killed
  4. a state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state.
  5. ship made of iron
  6. Slave states that remained in the Union
  7. The Northern states during the civil war
  8. an American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman.
  1. an American author and abolitionist
  2. a state of the U.S. in which slavery was prohibited before the Civil War.
  3. a machine that quickly and easily separates cotton fibers from their seeds
  4. an American lawyer, politician, and statesman who served as the 16th president of the United States
  5. War between the North and South.
  6. a state in which slavery and the internal or domestic slave trade were legal
  7. the government of 11 Southern states that seceded from the Union

15 Clues: ship made of ironWar between the North and South.people that are wounded or killedan American author and abolitionistSlave states that remained in the UnionThe Northern states during the civil warthe formal withdrawal of a group from a political entity.the government of 11 Southern states that seceded from the Union...

Unit 2: Articles of Confederation, Constitution, Bill of Rights 2012-04-27

Unit 2: Articles of Confederation, Constitution, Bill of Rights crossword puzzle
  1. The A. of C. required this type of decision to pass amendments
  2. To approve an amendment
  3. The amendment protecting you from illegal search and seizure
  4. Percentage of states that must ratify an amendment
  5. Constitutional Convention president
  6. Powers for the national government
  7. The President's branch
  8. This rebellion confirmed the need for a new government
  9. The amendment protecting you from incriminating yourself
  1. Powers that are shared
  2. The Courts' branch
  3. Congress' branch
  4. System of shared power between national and local governments
  5. Powers that belong to the states
  6. 20 year policy of not talking about slavery in Congress
  7. Plan for 1 legislative house, favors smaller states
  8. The A. of C. government struggled with money because it could not collect ___
  9. "Father of the Constitution"
  10. Plan for 2 legislative houses, favors larger states
  11. The amendment prohibiting cruel and unusual punishment

20 Clues: Congress' branchThe Courts' branchPowers that are sharedThe President's branchTo approve an amendment"Father of the Constitution"Powers that belong to the statesPowers for the national governmentConstitutional Convention presidentPercentage of states that must ratify an amendmentPlan for 1 legislative house, favors smaller states...

The Civil War Alayna Aguon Ordot 2017-02-15

The Civil War Alayna Aguon Ordot crossword puzzle
  1. was the final major military action
  2. two armies fought on September 17 beside a sluggish creek
  3. Southern states
  4. color of cross
  5. the last battle of the American Civil war
  6. amendment for slaves
  7. given no rights
  8. 16th president of the United States
  9. 18th president of the United states
  10. the president of confederate states of America
  1. Johnston was wounded, and command of the army passed to
  2. emancipation proclamation freed slaves
  3. the site of a famous civil war
  4. before heavy casualties and widespread desertions
  5. Union and Confederate forces during Civil war
  6. help decide the outcome of most civil war battles
  7. withdraw formally from membership in a federal union
  8. Union strategy to conquer South
  9. american stage actor
  10. was a military campaign of the American Civil war
  11. where the civil war started
  12. Union had advantages

22 Clues: color of crossSouthern statesgiven no rightsamendment for slavesamerican stage actorUnion had advantageswhere the civil war startedthe site of a famous civil warUnion strategy to conquer Southwas the final major military action16th president of the United States18th president of the United statesemancipation proclamation freed slaves...

Map Quiz part 1 2023-09-30

Map Quiz part 1 crossword puzzle
  1. province housing many Miao minzu
  2. gets its name from loess deposits that it carries
  3. home of the second most popular fangyan (province)
  4. Tibetan region today absorbed into Qinghai, Sichuan, and Yunnan provinces
  5. one of the five British treaty ports
  6. Central Land
  7. launch site of China's minzu shibie in 1954
  8. capital of the Ming Empire
  9. last stand of the Dzunghar state
  10. site of the greatest conspiracy theories of 2020
  11. capital of the Republic of China
  12. Donald Trump is an admirer
  1. Capital of the New Frontier
  2. capital of Yunnan province
  3. province, speakers of this fangyan claim it is one the oldest Chinese languages (along with Cantonese)
  4. municipality bordering the provinces of Zhejiang and Jiangsu
  5. territory ceded to the British after the Opium Wars
  6. one of four historical capitals of China
  7. capital of Sichuan province
  8. longest river in Eurasia
  9. one of the north west frontier provinces
  10. historical seat of the Dalai Lama's government
  11. one of the south west frontier provinces
  12. territory ceded under the Treaty of Shimonoseki

24 Clues: Central Landlongest river in Eurasiacapital of Yunnan provincecapital of the Ming EmpireDonald Trump is an admirerCapital of the New Frontiercapital of Sichuan provinceprovince housing many Miao minzulast stand of the Dzunghar statecapital of the Republic of Chinaone of the five British treaty portsone of four historical capitals of China...

Springtime 2024-03-09

Springtime crossword puzzle
  1. You write with them instead of small letters
  2. When you really need a thing, it is…
  3. first yellow flower in spring
  4. You can tell how old a tree is if you count them.
  5. Each day this is later
  6. Every April big people have to pay their
  7. On your house, this keeps the rain out.
  8. Jesus rose from the dead
  9. Ben & Jerry put chocolate pieces in Chunky
  10. After winter, games start in Arizona
  1. Rain can come with thunder and…
  2. A big word the weatherman calls rain.
  3. Daytime clouds go away, you get it
  4. A 2-by-4 is a type of wooden…
  5. They are on trees and hold up the leaves
  6. Just before Spring, clocks fall back one…
  7. Dead in winter, must be mowed in Spring
  8. The front one is just outside your front door.
  9. When the moon is round, it is called a
  10. Each day this is earlier
  11. Walk on it to keep off the grass.
  12. To live, the air you breathe must have this.

22 Clues: Each day this is laterEach day this is earlierJesus rose from the deadA 2-by-4 is a type of wooden…first yellow flower in springRain can come with thunder and…Walk on it to keep off the grass.Daytime clouds go away, you get itWhen you really need a thing, it is…After winter, games start in ArizonaA big word the weatherman calls rain....

Globalization Crossword Puzzle 2022-02-14

Globalization Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Revolution, it happened in a number of places in the world during the last of 18th century up to the early part of the 19th century.
  2. Effect, Changes that affect individuals' surroundings (architecture, arts, customs, rituals etc.) owing to influxes of tourists constitute cultural impacts.
  3. culture, is the combination of the western and eastern culture was formed because of this.
  4. Monetary Fund (IMF) – an organization working to faster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth and reduce poverty around the world.
  5. Silk Road, the trade route between China andother countries during the 207 - 220 B.C.E.
  6. the introduction of machines or automatic devices into a process, activity, or place.
  7. Wiseman, Who wrote the “ Australia and the Politics of Globalization.”
  8. Benefits, It is said that benefits can be gained in trading products, services and capitals with the other countries because the number of products one can choose from the market increases significantly.
  9. - 1815, Date of the Galleon Trade
  10. B.C. , The date where Alexander the Great brought culture of Ancient Greek to Southwest Asia, North Africa and Southern Europe.
  11. the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
  12. Date when The catholic missionaries from Europe also spread Catholicism in the Philippines
  1. the free and comprehensive interaction of countries in the world in the areas of politics, economics, society, technology and culture.
  2. mentality, the perception of ethnic and cultural inferiority and a form of internalized racial oppression.
  3. Cooperation, Two countries trading products, services and capitals between them eventually form cooperation of a political nature.
  4. Trade, brought porcelain, silk, ivory, spices, and myriad other exotic goods from China to Mexico in exchange for New World silver.
  5. The Great, ​​His invasions were among reasons behind hastening of globalization
  6. refers to the advocacy system or theory of protecting domestic producers by impeding or limiting as by tariffs or quotas, the importation of foreign goods and services.
  7. It is the religion that was brought by european
  8. Greek, The culture that alexander the great brought to to Southwest Asia, North Africa and Southern Europe
  9. Routes, also known as Maritime Silk Roads, is the name given to the network of sea routes that link the East with the West.
  10. Bank (WB) – it was founded after world war in 1944
  11. Trade, During the 15th and 16th centuries, the western countries such as Spain, Portugal, England and Holland were into what?
  12. and 16th centuries, Date when the western countries such as Spain, Portugal, England and Holland were into brisk trade
  13. Benefits, Global trade creates employment and job opportunities. Thus increasing the peoples abilities to become self sufficient.
  14. , Date when The catholic missionaries from Europe also spread Catholicism in Latin America

26 Clues: - 1815, Date of the Galleon TradeIt is the religion that was brought by europeanBank (WB) – it was founded after world war in 1944Wiseman, Who wrote the “ Australia and the Politics of Globalization.”The Great, ​​His invasions were among reasons behind hastening of globalization...

USA States Crossword #1 2024-01-17

USA States Crossword #1 crossword puzzle
  1. The smallest state.
  2. Borders both Vermont and Maine.
  3. Only borders 2 other states.
  4. The only state that is split into 2 parts.
  5. Borders Florida and South Carolina.
  6. Borders all the states that start with the letter T
  7. Borders Mexico and New Mexico.
  8. Borders Mexico and Oklahoma.
  9. Borders Lake Ontario.
  10. Borders Colorado and Missouri.
  11. Borders Mexico and Louisiana.
  12. Borders California and the Pacific Ocean.
  1. Borders the Pacific Ocean.
  2. Borders the Atlantic Ocean and New York
  3. Borders Lake Michigan and Minnesota.
  4. Borders Massachusetts and New York.
  5. Only borders 1 other state.
  6. Borders Minnesota to the north and Missouri to the south.
  7. Borders South Dakota to the south.
  8. Borders 8 different states.
  9. Borders Mexico and the Pacific Ocean.
  10. West of Idaho and borders Canada.
  11. The largest state.
  12. Has the largest border with Canada.
  13. Borders Kentucky and Pennsylvania.

25 Clues: The largest state.The smallest state.Borders Lake Ontario.Borders the Pacific Ocean.Only borders 1 other state.Borders 8 different states.Only borders 2 other states.Borders Mexico and Oklahoma.Borders Mexico and Louisiana.Borders Mexico and New Mexico.Borders Colorado and Missouri.Borders both Vermont and Maine.West of Idaho and borders Canada....

Difficult Capital Crossword Puzzle 2022-04-01

Difficult Capital Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Capital of a southern South-American country and the birthplace for the tango dance.
  2. Mythology capital of the world and location of the Acropolis
  3. East Asian and beauty capital of the world.
  4. One of three capitals in the country that is home to the legislative branch of government
  1. East European capital known for having a treaty named after it (mid-1950s)
  2. City containing a very famous wall that splits the city in half
  3. Ancient North African city known for its Phoenician historical sites
  4. Famous city know for its volcanic hills, also known as Tāmaki Makaurau
  5. Very populated capital that mainly lies in a massive valley
  6. Northern capital know for scenic views and Nordic cuisine
  7. Bilingual capital known for "Parliament Hill"

11 Clues: East Asian and beauty capital of the world.Bilingual capital known for "Parliament Hill"Northern capital know for scenic views and Nordic cuisineVery populated capital that mainly lies in a massive valleyMythology capital of the world and location of the AcropolisCity containing a very famous wall that splits the city in half...

Hockey Crossword 2022-06-06

Hockey Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Wayne Gretzky's nickname
  2. Rookie of the year picked by the PWHA
  3. most outstanding player voted by the NHLPA
  4. oldest trophy in America
  5. player with the most points at the end of the season
  1. NHL MVP in the playoffs
  2. writes gave to the best player on a team voted by the writers
  3. gave to the winner of the eastern conference finals
  4. Matthews' first name
  5. gave to the best goalie of the season
  6. Washington's hockey team name
  7. Minnesota's oldest team
  8. gave to the coach with the best team by record

13 Clues: Matthews' first nameNHL MVP in the playoffsMinnesota's oldest teamWayne Gretzky's nicknameoldest trophy in AmericaWashington's hockey team namegave to the best goalie of the seasonRookie of the year picked by the PWHAmost outstanding player voted by the NHLPAgave to the coach with the best team by record...

Ken's Custom Crossword 2021-03-23

Ken's Custom Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Last name of Mississauga brothers in NHL
  2. Famous Canadian Penguins player
  3. Scrappy Leaf player (94-06)
  4. First Leaf's player to (publicly) test positive for COVID
  5. Former Swedish Leaf's captain jersey number
  6. Leafs GM (first&last name)
  7. How old do you have to be to be drafted into the NHL
  8. Gretzky Father
  9. Bonus: who is Amanda's favourite Toronto Raptor
  10. Most common hockey injury
  11. Oldest NHL player in 2021 (44 years old - Washington Capitals)
  12. This player is engaged to one of Amanda's friends (first name starts with S - Calgary Flames)
  1. Richest NHL player of all time (first and last name)
  2. Russian player with missing tooth
  3. Team name with the most Stanley Cup wins
  4. Team that eliminated the Leafs from last year's playoffs
  5. Scored Team Canada's winning goal at 1972 Summit Series (first&last name)
  6. Last time Leafs won the cup (last 2 digits of the year)
  7. New NHL team (2021)
  8. First city to win the Stanley Cup

20 Clues: Gretzky FatherNew NHL team (2021)Most common hockey injuryLeafs GM (first&last name)Scrappy Leaf player (94-06)Famous Canadian Penguins playerRussian player with missing toothFirst city to win the Stanley CupLast name of Mississauga brothers in NHLTeam name with the most Stanley Cup winsFormer Swedish Leaf's captain jersey number...

Seahorses 2024-03-25

Seahorses crossword puzzle
  1. The only girl that goes to the Art Classes
  2. The only third grader that is in Seahorses since Foundation
  3. Knows all about sea life
  4. Her country is in South America
  5. Reads all the books
  6. Future female Messi
  7. Has double D in his name
  8. She jumps when she is exited
  9. Edyta´s neighbor
  10. Speaks French
  11. The only boy with Z in his name
  12. Last person who joined PAL
  13. Has double T in his name
  14. Speaks German
  1. Knows Kung fu
  2. He loves PAL
  3. He is in India now
  4. Wears glasses for reading
  5. Plays badminton
  6. Likes spicy food
  7. Like talking to Yuva
  8. Knows all the countries and capitals
  9. He is half Italian
  10. He is "curly woorly"
  11. Rapunzel
  12. Went to the USA for holidays this year
  13. Always wants to go for camping
  14. Plays violin
  15. She was born in the USA
  16. She is from Turkey
  17. Has a brother in Turtles

31 Clues: RapunzelHe loves PALPlays violinKnows Kung fuSpeaks FrenchSpeaks GermanPlays badmintonLikes spicy foodEdyta´s neighborHe is in India nowHe is half ItalianShe is from TurkeyReads all the booksFuture female MessiLike talking to YuvaHe is "curly woorly"She was born in the USAKnows all about sea lifeHas double D in his nameHas double T in his name...

Logan Green Articles X-Word 2024-02-09

Logan Green Articles X-Word crossword puzzle
  1. _________ sent home their soldiers, disbanding the army because _________ could not pay them for their service.
  2. Because the Articles of Confederation gave all trading power and regulation to each individual states, there were economic winners and _______.
  3. Represantatives of Congress tried to fix their debt/money problem with two _________s that made states pay taxes to the government but both failed since not all of the states agreed. (All states had to approve an amendment which is different than a bill being passed.
  4. Noah Webster wrote an American _______ book.
  5. Alexander Hamilton hated congress, the world and the fools in it, and most surprisingly, h_______.
  6. Alexander Hamilton saw the U.S. as a future ______ ______.
  7. Congress fixed many issues written in the Articles of Confederation such as only allowing Congress to ____ money because States previously ____(ed) too much money which caused the money to become less valuable.
  8. Where did the delegates meet to revise the Articles of Confederation in May of 1787? P_________
  9. The land west of the Appalachian Mountains was turned into states by a law called the Northwest _______ of 1787
  10. How many states had to approve the bill for it to be passed? (_____ out of 13)
  1. The Articles of Confederation created a national government centered on the (legislative branch), which was comprised of a ______ house.
  2. Congress wrote a new constitution at ______ ______ because the Articles of Confederation were flawed.
  3. What rebellion almost caused a civil war in Massachusetts?
  4. The Articles of Confederation made it so that only _______ could levy/impose taxes while the government had no power to impose taxes and had to request money from the states because they were bankrupt. (Underlying Crisis)
  5. Mostly _______ inhabited the boundaries of the “Western Land” which was won in the Treaty of Paris from England.
  6. Passed during the Revolutionary War, the Articles of Confederation was the first U.S. __________.
  7. Shays' rebellion was made up of angry _______s because many of them could not pay their debts and were thrown in jail for this or the government took their land.
  8. Who realized that they were powerless because the continental army had been disbanded and the federal government had no money for new recruits. (A person who makes laws)
  9. Natural resources, __________, and isoltation from wars, were the advantages that the U.S. had that made this foreign born illegitimate, Alexander Hamilon see us as a future......
  10. After the war was over, some loyalists went to England while others went to _______. However, they felt like they did not really fit in.

20 Clues: Noah Webster wrote an American _______ book.What rebellion almost caused a civil war in Massachusetts?Alexander Hamilton saw the U.S. as a future ______ ______.How many states had to approve the bill for it to be passed? (_____ out of 13)Where did the delegates meet to revise the Articles of Confederation in May of 1787? P_________...

Slavery Crossword puzzle 2013-05-06

Slavery Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. / a war between different groups within the same country
  2. / a set of rules and ideas which a government uses to rule the country.
  3. / the owners of the slave.
  4. / the Union army.
  5. / The Confederate States of America. The group of 11 Southern states that withdrew from the United States in 1860–61.
  6. / the activity of having slaves or the condition of being a slave.
  7. / a farmer giving part of their crops as rent for the land on which the crops are grown, instead of money.
  8. / an organisation set up by the Federal government to make sure that the anti-slavery laws were enforced.
  9. / a pair of metal fastenings placed around the ankles or wrists of a prisoner or captive.
  10. / the belief that one race or colour of people is superior to another, and the unfair behaviour that this attitude leads to.
  11. / Burnt with a hot iron to leave an identifiable mark.
  12. / people who signed a contract to work for a number of years (usually seven) without pay in return for their fare to America. They could not leave during this time.
  13. / the government which made the laws that had to be obeyed all over the country.
  14. / a public sale where property or goods are sold to the highest bidder.
  15. / the enforced separation of different races and colours in society.
  16. / the most important court in the USA.
  17. / to be given the same treatment, opportunities and value as others.
  18. / large farms on which slaves grew crops such as cotton or tobacco.
  1. / The United States. Especially the northern states during the Civil War, which remained with the original United States government.
  2. / people who thought that slavery was wrong and should be stopped.
  3. / a trader who bought and sold goods with foreign traders.
  4. / The Confederate States of America. The 11 Southern states that withdrew from the Union in 1860–61.
  5. / a punishment that involved slaves being covered in tar and then covered in feathers.
  6. / the power of choosing, thinking, and acting for oneself; to be free from control or restriction.
  7. / Freedom
  8. / smuggled property.
  9. / a person who is legally owned by someone else and has to work for them.

27 Clues: / Freedom/ the Union army./ smuggled property./ the owners of the slave./ the most important court in the USA./ Burnt with a hot iron to leave an identifiable mark./ a war between different groups within the same country/ a trader who bought and sold goods with foreign traders./ people who thought that slavery was wrong and should be stopped....

History Crossword 2022-04-04

History Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. outlined a strong national government with three branches
  2. a body of people representing the states of the US
  3. the arrangement of and relations
  4. The branch that makes all laws, declares war, and regulates interstate.
  5. Three-fifths compromise, compromise agreement between delegates from the Northern and the Southern states at the United States
  1. This branch interprets the law and determine the constitutionality of the law.
  2. counterbalancing influences by which an organization or system is regulated
  3. an agreement between the large and small states during the Constitutional Convention
  4. comprises the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution.
  5. the federal principle or system of government.
  6. a person who supports a system of government in which states unite under a central authority.
  7. a person who opposed the adoption of the U.S. Constitution.
  8. provided for a bicameral federal legislature that used a dual system of representation
  9. This branch carries out and enforces laws.

14 Clues: the arrangement of and relationsThis branch carries out and enforces laws.the federal principle or system of government.a body of people representing the states of the USoutlined a strong national government with three branchesa person who opposed the adoption of the U.S. Constitution....

Joshua Romain Canada 2015-01-25

Joshua Romain Canada crossword puzzle
  1. Canada's ranking in size
  2. Most people in Qubec speak
  3. Canada's smallest province
  4. Native people called ______ follow more traditional ways of living.
  5. About seventy five percent of the worlds _________ come from Canada
  6. Is celebrated on December 26th
  7. borders untied states and the United States
  1. Canada is divided into
  2. A famous tourist attraction shared by Canada and the untied states
  3. New Brunswick is covered in 85% ______
  4. Famous for being a site of the Winter Olympics
  5. The United states has about 290 million people and canad has____people
  6. National sport for Canada
  7. is Latin for New Scotland
  8. Ice and cold weather sports such as ______ and ice skating

15 Clues: Canada is divided intoCanada's ranking in sizeNational sport for Canadais Latin for New ScotlandMost people in Qubec speakCanada's smallest provinceIs celebrated on December 26thNew Brunswick is covered in 85% ______borders untied states and the United StatesFamous for being a site of the Winter Olympics...

Civil War 2021-10-07

Civil War crossword puzzle
  1. Ankle high shoe worn by soldiers during the Civil War.
  2. troops trained to fight on horseback
  3. A cap worn by Civil War soldiers.
  4. Large caliber firearms like canons and mortars
  5. A nickname for people from the North as well as Union soldiers.
  6. related operations aimed at achieving a particular goal
  7. Line A boundary or border that split the free states from the slave states. It went between Pennsylvania to the north and Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware to the south.
  8. A large farm in the southern United States. Before the Civil War many of the workers on plantations were slaves.
  9. Term meaning "before war"
  10. Nickname for the south
  11. Soldiers that fight and travel by foot.
  1. the act of governing or exercising authority
  2. Soldier that is wounded or killed during battle.
  3. An army of citizens used during emergencies.
  4. When someone is murdered for political reasons.
  5. Term used to describe people who supported the union.
  6. An attempt to stop people and supplies from going in or out of a port.
  7. of or occurring between or among citizens of the state
  8. The northern states of the United States, also called the Union.
  9. a region where a battle is being (or has been) fought
  10. an offensive against an enemy

21 Clues: Nickname for the southTerm meaning "before war"an offensive against an enemyA cap worn by Civil War soldiers.troops trained to fight on horsebackSoldiers that fight and travel by foot.the act of governing or exercising authorityAn army of citizens used during emergencies.Large caliber firearms like canons and mortars...

Government Leaders Then and Now 2024-01-17

Government Leaders Then and Now crossword puzzle
  1. the people and offices that rule over a country, state, or city
  2. number of people in the president's cabinet
  3. the leader of Great Britian
  4. president who made our capital city
  5. leader of a state
  6. first president of the United States
  7. the head of Germany
  8. the leading group in cities or towns
  9. a part of the United States Congress; two senators per state
  10. a plan for using money
  11. leader of school districts
  12. selected to do a job
  13. groups of people living in the same area
  14. leader of a city or town
  1. a part of the United States Coungress; based on population
  2. the leader of the country
  3. person living in a city or town who has the right to vote
  4. state with the biggest House of Representatives
  5. current president of the United States
  6. the laws of the United States
  7. the part of the United States government that makes laws for the country
  8. selected by vote for a job
  9. public officers who hear and decide court cases
  10. city where the government is run
  11. people who work to help the president lead the country
  12. the center of our government

26 Clues: leader of a statethe head of Germanyselected to do a joba plan for using moneyleader of a city or townthe leader of the countryselected by vote for a jobleader of school districtsthe leader of Great Britianthe center of our governmentthe laws of the United Statescity where the government is runpresident who made our capital city...

Constitution Crossword 2020-11-19

Constitution Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Early Americans had something in common with this fictional character!
  2. States must treat their own citizens and other states’ citizens this way
  3. Fraction of states that must agree to change the Constitution
  4. Under the Articles, America did not have one of these
  5. One of two things people were afraid states might lose
  6. The Constitution says laws passed by Congress are ___ to state laws.
  7. The chamber of Congress where each state gets two votes
  8. A group of individuals united together for a purpose
  9. Under the Articles of Confederation, congress could not do this to its laws, so states could just ignore laws
  10. Under the New Jersey plan, these states would have more power
  1. The document that replaced the Articles of Confederation
  2. These were the “individuals” in the “confederation” created by the Articles
  3. The Articles of Confederation was America’s first plan for _____.
  4. the branch that makes laws
  5. States send these to Congress
  6. the Articles of Confederation created a government that had only one of these
  7. One of two things people were afraid states might lose
  8. The Articles let Congress create this but not pay for it
  9. The branch that interprets laws
  10. Under the Virginia Plan, these states would have more power
  11. The branch that carries out laws
  12. In the House of Representatives, the number of votes a state gets depends on this
  13. One problem was that Congress could not collect these

23 Clues: the branch that makes lawsStates send these to CongressThe branch that interprets lawsThe branch that carries out lawsA group of individuals united together for a purposeUnder the Articles, America did not have one of theseOne problem was that Congress could not collect theseOne of two things people were afraid states might lose...

Presidents Day Crossword Puzzle 2023-02-20

Presidents Day Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The author of the Declaration of Independence and the third President of the United States
  2. The President who led the country during the Civil War
  3. The President who famously said, "The business of America is business"
  4. The only President to be elected to four terms
  5. The actor-turned-President who famously said, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
  6. The first President of the United States
  7. The Union general who served as President from 1869-1877
  8. The President who was impeached twice, in 2019 and 2021
  9. The President who later served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
  1. The President who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002
  2. The President who was impeached in 1998
  3. The fifth President of the United States and author of the Monroe Doctrine
  4. The fourth President of the United States and the "Father of the Constitution"
  5. The President who led the country through World War I and helped create the League of Nations
  6. The President who famously said, "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country"
  7. The President who served as Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe during World War II
  8. The President whose grandfather, William Henry Harrison, served as President for only 31 days before dying in office
  9. The President who authorized the use of atomic bombs against Japan to end World War II
  10. The first African-American President of the United States
  11. The second President of the United States and one of the Founding Fathers

20 Clues: The President who was impeached in 1998The first President of the United StatesThe only President to be elected to four termsThe President who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002The President who led the country during the Civil WarThe President who was impeached twice, in 2019 and 2021The Union general who served as President from 1869-1877...

unit 3 2020-02-28

unit 3 crossword puzzle
  1. is the political philosophy view that the government is empowered by law from a starting point of having no power
  2. settlers could purchase title to farmland in the undeveloped west
  3. made the office of the presidency powerful by appointing a cabinet and proposing major legislation to Congress.
  4. to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice
  5. review laws
  6. an armed uprising in Western Massachusetts
  7. the official framework of the government of the United States of America when New Hampshire became the ninth of 13 states to ratify it.
  8. is generally an army or some other fighting organization of non-professional soldiers, citizens of a nation
  9. a party system where two major political parties dominate the political landscape.
  10. collection of 85 articles and essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay
  11. part of the executive branch of the federal government of the United States.
  12. alcohol got taken, rebellion to get it back
  1. guaranteed that newly created states would be equal to the original thirteen states.
  2. president washington's right hand man
  3. point of the event was decide how America was going to be governed.
  4. federalist wanted in power
  5. first president
  6. the first ten amendments to the US Constitution
  7. first constitution in america
  8. is an organized group of people who have the same ideology
  9. he fixed the debt we were in with his systems
  10. called for two houses of Congress, both elected with apportionment according to population
  11. a compromise reached among state delegates during the 1787 United States Constitutional Convention
  12. make laws
  13. enforces laws
  14. wanted democratic power
  15. thomas jefferson's followers
  16. french ambassador
  17. an agreement that large and small states reached during the Constitutional Convention of 1787
  18. a proposal to establish a bicameral legislature in the newly-founded United States

30 Clues: make lawsreview lawsenforces lawsfirst presidentfrench ambassadorwanted democratic powerfederalist wanted in powerthomas jefferson's followersfirst constitution in americapresident washington's right hand manan armed uprising in Western Massachusettsalcohol got taken, rebellion to get it backhe fixed the debt we were in with his systems...

Unit 1: American Citizenship and Demographics 2022-10-05

Unit 1: American Citizenship and Demographics crossword puzzle
  1. Immigrants blending in with American traditions and customs
  2. Immigrants keeping their traditions and customs, and adding them to American culture
  3. Area with open spaces, farms, and fewer people
  4. An area with a lot of people, skyscrapers, and traffic; like a city
  5. Loyalty, especially to one's country
  6. Immigrants blending in with American traditions and customs
  7. The belief in the United States that if you work hard and follow the rules you can have a better life for you and your family
  8. The study of government and citizenship
  9. Having the same rights under the law
  10. Freedom from too much government interference in your life
  1. A population count that the government takes every 10 years
  2. Neighborhoods outside of cities
  3. Fairness under the law
  4. Safety
  5. A person that comes to the United States for asylum
  6. The specific characteristics (age, race, ethnicity, etc.) of a group of people
  7. Anyone living in the United States that is not a citizen.
  8. Rule by the people
  9. A member of a country that has full rights and responsibilities under that country's laws
  10. A person that comes to the United States from another country to live.

20 Clues: SafetyRule by the peopleFairness under the lawNeighborhoods outside of citiesLoyalty, especially to one's countryHaving the same rights under the lawThe study of government and citizenshipArea with open spaces, farms, and fewer peopleA person that comes to the United States for asylumAnyone living in the United States that is not a citizen....

Simone Thornton-Chapter 4 2020-12-02

Simone Thornton-Chapter 4 crossword puzzle
  1. A system of spending, taxing, and providing aid
  2. Historical powers that conduct the business of a sovereign nation
  3. The power to collect taxes
  4. The idea that states had the right to separate themselves from the Union
  5. A way federal aid is distributed
  6. both state and national governments were equal authorities operating
  7. Federal grants that are given for more general purposes
  8. Logical powers possessed by the national government
  9. Releasing national funds, to state and local communities, to achieve national goals
  10. states had the right to nullify national laws that they believed contradicted with state interests
  1. Powers granted to the national government
  2. A system of spending, taxing, and providing aid
  3. Federalism under the New Deal
  4. Ensures that extradition can take place
  5. Constitution neither delegates powers to the national government nor prohibits them to the states.
  6. Demands on states to carry out certain policies as a condition of receiving grant
  7. Authority to state governments
  8. Returning power to states

18 Clues: Returning power to statesThe power to collect taxesFederalism under the New DealAuthority to state governmentsA way federal aid is distributedEnsures that extradition can take placePowers granted to the national governmentA system of spending, taxing, and providing aidA system of spending, taxing, and providing aid...

History Chapter 9 and 10 Test 6 2024-01-23

History Chapter 9 and 10 Test 6 crossword puzzle
  1. – created an income tax based on how much money a person makes each year
  2. – American evangelist who started a Sunday School movement in Chicago and founded the Moody Bible Institute
  3. a person who leaves his own country to make his home in another country
  4. – laws created to protect children from dangerous jobs and long working hours
  5. – manufacturing businesses that use factories to produce goods
  6. – largest passenger liner in the world at the time it sailed sank on its first voyage after hitting an iceberg
  7. moving platform on which workers add one specific part as a product moves to the next worker
  8. manmade waterway the United States built across the Isthmus of Panama
  9. – prohibited the manufacture, sale, or transportation of alcoholic beverages for several years
  10. North Carolina – location of the first successful airplane flight
  11. – the man who brought the steel industry to America
  12. – 22nd president and 24th President of the United States only president to be elected again after another president has served
  13. – location of a hurricane in the year 1900 deadliest natural disaster in the United States
  14. – narrow strip of land that connects North America and South America
  15. sent by the United States to set up a government for the Philippines 27th President of the United States
  16. – evangelist who had once been a famous baseball player
  17. – 20th president of the United States
  18. California- location of the 1906 earthquake that destroyed most of the city
  19. president of the United States
  20. – unproven theory that animals slowly turned into other animals over billions of years instead of being created by God
  21. – inventor of the gas mask and automatic traffic light made improvements to the sewing machine
  22. – first car built on Henry Ford’s assembly line
  23. – inventor of the steamboat
  24. organization that Clara Barton founded that helps in times of war and natural disaster
  25. – founded Standard Oil
  26. – public transportation carrying passengers either above or below ground on a track
  27. – built and flew the first successful airplane
  28. – war fought between Spain and the United States to set Cuba free from Spain
  1. – allowed for the election of U.S. Senators instead of being appointed by the U.S. State Legislature
  2. – U.S. East Coast entry port for immigrants from 1892 – 1954
  3. – famous battle won by the rough riders
  4. – 25th president of the United States declared war against Spain to help free the nation of Cuba
  5. – U.S. West Coast entry port for immigrants from 1910 – 1940
  6. –meeting that established time zones around the world
  7. – 1889 Pennsylvania flood that took the lives of over 2,000 people
  8. – leader of the Rough Riders 26th President of the United States
  9. – the first center of skyscraper architecture
  10. – 23rd President of the United States; Expanded the U.S. Navy
  11. – license proving ownership of an invention
  12. – years between 1900 and 1920 when government focused on being more efficient and better meeting the desires of voters
  13. – inventor of the telephone
  14. – inventor of the phonograph
  15. – helped save the lives of the Panama Canal workers by controlling disease carrying mosquitos
  16. – leader of the U.S. Navy fleet that destroyed Spanish Pacific naval fleet of Ships during the Spanish American War
  17. – law passed to keep Chinese laborers out of the United States
  18. – U.S, Navy ship that sank in Cuba and sparked the beginning of the Spanish American War
  19. – group of Pacific Islands that the United States helped free from Spain in the Spanish American War
  20. – group of American soldiers led by Theodore Roosevelt during the Spanish American war
  21. time of great progress and growth in the way goods were made
  22. – island possessed by Spain until the end of the Spanish American War
  23. – 28th President of the United States president when the Panama Canal opened
  24. – built and launched the first successful liquid- fueled rocket
  25. – inventor who built the first gasoline powered car and developed the assembly line

53 Clues: – founded Standard Oil– inventor of the telephone– inventor of the steamboat– inventor of the phonographpresident of the United States– 20th president of the United States– famous battle won by the rough riders– license proving ownership of an invention– the first center of skyscraper architecture– built and flew the first successful airplane...

TECHNOLOGY 2022-09-22

TECHNOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. Short for electronic mail, is a fast and efficient mode of communication.
  2. Use of these are considered shouting and they should not be used in emails.
  3. Has resulted in advancements which have changed people and their lives.
  4. This tells the reader who is the sender of the email message.
  5. A machine which can be programmed to record information, perform calculations and store data.
  6. Gives information about the purpose of the email and other important details.
  1. Information added to the email which the receiver must be told about.
  2. This tells the reader what the email is about.
  3. Are used to separate the contents of the body of the email.
  4. Examples are 'Sincerely' or 'Your friend"
  5. The person to whom the email is addressed.
  6. This is the opening which indicates whether the email is formal or informal.

12 Clues: Examples are 'Sincerely' or 'Your friend"The person to whom the email is addressed.This tells the reader what the email is about.Are used to separate the contents of the body of the email.This tells the reader who is the sender of the email message.Information added to the email which the receiver must be told about....

School for Good and Evil crossword 2022-03-29

School for Good and Evil crossword crossword puzzle
  1. There are two of them on the school grounds. It is where all the students live.
  2. What is the name of the boy that both Agatha and Sophie like?
  3. Tedros's nickname. Agatha and Sophie both call him this.
  4. The name of the pen that writes all the fairy tales.
  1. The school Sophie and Agatha go to. (No spaces or capitals in the answer.)
  2. The person who kidnaps all the students.
  3. Which girl is the one who was put into the school of evil?
  4. Who is Tedros's best friend?
  5. Where did Agatha and Sophie live before they went to the School of good and evil?
  6. Who is the most beautiful Ever in the School of Good?

10 Clues: Who is Tedros's best friend?The person who kidnaps all the students.The name of the pen that writes all the fairy tales.Who is the most beautiful Ever in the School of Good?Tedros's nickname. Agatha and Sophie both call him this.Which girl is the one who was put into the school of evil?What is the name of the boy that both Agatha and Sophie like?...

School for Good and Evil crossword 2022-03-29

School for Good and Evil crossword crossword puzzle
  1. There are two of them on the school grounds. It is where all the students live.
  2. What is the name of the boy that both Agatha and Sophie like?
  3. Tedros's nickname. Agatha and Sophie both call him this.
  4. The name of the pen that writes all the fairy tales.
  1. The school Sophie and Agatha go to. (No spaces or capitals in the answer.)
  2. The person who kidnaps all the students.
  3. Which girl is the one who was put into the school of evil?
  4. Who is Tedros's best friend?
  5. Where did Agatha and Sophie live before they went to the School of good and evil?
  6. Who is the most beautiful Ever in the School of Good?

10 Clues: Who is Tedros's best friend?The person who kidnaps all the students.The name of the pen that writes all the fairy tales.Who is the most beautiful Ever in the School of Good?Tedros's nickname. Agatha and Sophie both call him this.Which girl is the one who was put into the school of evil?What is the name of the boy that both Agatha and Sophie like?...

VIETNAM WAR 2015-05-21

VIETNAM WAR crossword puzzle
  1. a camouflaged pit filled with razor-sharp stakes that were dipped with poison
  2. a jellylike, gasoline-based substance that splattered and burned
  3. the Ho Chi Minh Trail passed through this country
  4. communist guerrillas in South Vietnam
  5. this systematic trail or network of paths supplied arms to the Vietcong
  6. a communist sympathizer who fought for the independence of Vietnam before, during, and after World War II (LAST)
  7. a plan to withdrawal United States forces from Vietnam and replace them with forces from South Vietnam
  8. a reported incident that contributed to the increased involvement of the United States in Vietnam
  9. a toxic herbicide or chemical used to destroy the vegetation in the jungles of Vietnam
  10. a form of protest that took place on college campuses throughout the United States
  11. a communist or nationalist organization that fought for the independence of Vietnam
  12. an explosive device planted in the ground
  1. the President of the United States who increased United States involvement in Vietnam (LAST)
  2. a policy or an attempt to stop the spread of communism
  4. individuals in the United States who supported the conflict in Vietnam
  5. he coined the phrase "Domino Theory" (LAST)
  6. a strategic attack by the North Vietnamese and Vietcong, which was a turning point of the conflict in Vietnam
  7. individuals in the United States who were opposed to the conflict in Vietnam
  8. the title of a protest song that centered on the events that occurred at Kent State University
  9. this massacre altered the the mood of the country
  10. the Vietminh fought to win independence from this country
  11. this major city in South Vietnam was captured by the Vietcong following the withdrawal of the United States
  12. a strong anti-communist, democratic, but corrupt leader in South Vietnam (LAST)

25 Clues: PRISONER OF WAR (ABBREVIATION)MISSING IN ACTION (ABBREVIATION)communist guerrillas in South Vietnaman explosive device planted in the groundhe coined the phrase "Domino Theory" (LAST)the Ho Chi Minh Trail passed through this countrythis massacre altered the the mood of the countrya policy or an attempt to stop the spread of communism...

Causes of the Civil War 2024-04-11

Causes of the Civil War crossword puzzle
  1. disproved as a result of the Civil war
  2. slave state added in the missouri compromise
  3. Lincoln won by a landslide
  4. theory that states were more powerful then the union
  5. what kansas was called as a result of the kansas nebraska act
  6. became a state during the Compromise of 1850
  7. the south got a new fugitive state law as a result
  8. first states to secede
  9. constitutional union candidate in the election of 1860
  10. Maine and Missouri were added as states
  11. the number of states that seceded from the union
  12. slave who sued his owner for freedom
  1. this repealed the Missouri compromise
  2. tax placed on imported goods
  3. entered senate to fight the protective tariff
  4. elected in 1860 causing southern states to secede
  5. When SC tried to nullify the protective tariff
  6. where people can vote and decide for themselves
  7. when a state leaves a country
  8. free state added in the Missouri compromise

20 Clues: first states to secedeLincoln won by a landslidetax placed on imported goodswhen a state leaves a countryslave who sued his owner for freedomthis repealed the Missouri compromisedisproved as a result of the Civil warMaine and Missouri were added as statesfree state added in the Missouri compromiseslave state added in the missouri compromise...

Chapter 12 Vocabulary Worksheet Tim Felt 2013-02-25

Chapter 12 Vocabulary Worksheet     Tim Felt crossword puzzle
  1. SI unit for force
  2. law that states that the volume of gases involved in a chemical change can be represented by the ratio of small whole numbers
  3. imaginary gas whose particles are infinitely small and do not interact with each other
  4. movement of particles from regions of higher density to regions of lower density
  5. passage of a gas under pressure through a tiny opening
  6. law that states that for a fixed amount of gas at a constant temperature the volume of the gas increases as the pressure of the gas decreases and the volume of the gas decrease as the pressure of the gas increases
  7. law that states that the pressure of a gas at a constant volume is directly proportional to the absolute temperature
  8. the pressure of each gas in a mixture
  1. theory that explains that the behavior of physical systems depends on the combined actions of the molecules constituting the system
  2. law that states that the total pressure of a mixture of gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of the component gases
  3. law that states that equal volumes of gases at the same temperature and pressure contain equal numbers of molecules
  4. the temperature of 0°C and 1 atm
  5. the amount of force exerted per unit area of surface
  6. SI unit of pressure
  7. law that states that for a fixed amount of gas at a temperature of the gas increases and the volume of the gas decreases as the temperature of the gas decreases
  8. law that states the mathematical relationship of pressure, volume, temperature, the gas constant, and the number of moles of a gas
  9. law that states that the rate of diffusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of the gas density

17 Clues: SI unit for forceSI unit of pressurethe temperature of 0°C and 1 atmthe pressure of each gas in a mixturethe amount of force exerted per unit area of surfacepassage of a gas under pressure through a tiny openingmovement of particles from regions of higher density to regions of lower density...

Chapter 12 Vocabulary Worksheet Tim Felt 2013-02-25

Chapter 12 Vocabulary Worksheet     Tim Felt crossword puzzle
  1. the pressure of each gas in a mixture
  2. law that states that the volume of gases involved in a chemical change can be represented by the ratio of small whole numbers
  3. law that states that for a fixed amount of gas at a temperature of the gas increases and the volume of the gas decreases as the temperature of the gas decreases
  4. passage of a gas under pressure through a tiny opening
  5. movement of particles from regions of higher density to regions of lower density
  6. the amount of force exerted per unit area of surface
  7. law that states that the pressure of a gas at a constant volume is directly proportional to the absolute temperature
  1. law that states that the total pressure of a mixture of gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of the component gases
  2. imaginary gas whose particles are infinitely small and do not interact with each other
  3. theory that explains that the behavior of physical systems depends on the combined actions of the molecules constituting the system
  4. SI unit of pressure
  5. law that states the mathematical relationship of pressure, volume, temperature, the gas constant, and the number of moles of a gas
  6. law that states that the rate of diffusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of the gas density
  7. the temperature of 0°C and 1 atm
  8. law that states that for a fixed amount of gas at a constant temperature the volume of the gas increases as the pressure of the gas decreases and the volume of the gas decrease as the pressure of the gas increases
  9. law that states that equal volumes of gases at the same temperature and pressure contain equal numbers of molecules
  10. SI unit for force

17 Clues: SI unit for forceSI unit of pressurethe temperature of 0°C and 1 atmthe pressure of each gas in a mixturethe amount of force exerted per unit area of surfacepassage of a gas under pressure through a tiny openingmovement of particles from regions of higher density to regions of lower density...

Joshua Romain Canada 2015-01-25

Joshua Romain Canada crossword puzzle
  1. New Brunswick is covered in 85% ______
  2. Canada is divided into
  3. Canada's ranking in size
  4. A famous tourist attraction shared by Canada and the untied states
  5. The United states has about 290 million people and canad has____people
  6. Most people in Qubec speak
  7. borders untied states and the United States
  1. Native people called ______ follow more traditional ways of living.
  2. Canada's smallest province
  3. is Latin for New Scotland
  4. National sport for Canada
  5. Famous for being a site of the Winter Olympics
  6. Is celebrated on December 26th
  7. About seventy five percent of the worlds _________ come from Canada
  8. Ice and cold weather sports such as ______ and ice skating

15 Clues: Canada is divided intoCanada's ranking in sizeis Latin for New ScotlandNational sport for CanadaCanada's smallest provinceMost people in Qubec speakIs celebrated on December 26thNew Brunswick is covered in 85% ______borders untied states and the United StatesFamous for being a site of the Winter Olympics...

5.6 Key Terms 2017-02-22

5.6 Key Terms crossword puzzle
  1. new roads, bridges, and canals
  2. direct involvement
  3. loyalty to one’s state or section rather than to the nation as a whole
  4. includes present-day nations of Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala
  5. spoke for the South
  6. most skillful speaker of his time
  1. describes people born to Spanish parents
  2. the Supreme Court upheld the power of the federal government to regulate trade between states
  3. includes present-day nations of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Panama
  4. easily defeated the Federalists
  5. or trade between different states
  6. called for high tariffs on imports
  7. United States would not interfere in the affairs of European nations or existing colonies of the European nations
  8. the Court ruled that states had no right to interfere with federal institutions within their borders
  9. contained about 1,000 black Seminoles
  10. Spain agreed to give Florida to the United States in exchange for $5 million
  11. spoke for the West

17 Clues: direct involvementspoke for the Westspoke for the Southnew roads, bridges, and canalseasily defeated the Federalistsor trade between different statesmost skillful speaker of his timecalled for high tariffs on importscontained about 1,000 black Seminolesdescribes people born to Spanish parents...

17th-18th Century Art Vocab Crossword 2023-03-07

17th-18th Century Art Vocab Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. using humour/irony to criticise something
  2. capitals that combine the volutes of the ionic order with the bottom of a corinthian column
  3. the cut out portion of a dome
  4. a pediment with a gap at its apex
  5. sprial, scroll-shaped ornament, characteristic of the ionic order
  6. a carved ornament showing fabric, fruit, and/or foliage tied together with a ribbons and hanging while drooping down in a curve
  1. an especially pronounced/violent form of chiaroscuro, was fathered by Caravaggio
  2. a painting depicting ordinary scenes of everyday life
  3. a work of art showing inanimate objects
  4. French for deceives the eye, meaning an artwork is highly realistic
  5. similar to the style of Caravaggio, with dramatic lighting and heavy realism
  6. artwork used to symbolise a deeper moral meaning

12 Clues: the cut out portion of a domea pediment with a gap at its apexa work of art showing inanimate objectsusing humour/irony to criticise somethingartwork used to symbolise a deeper moral meaninga painting depicting ordinary scenes of everyday lifesprial, scroll-shaped ornament, characteristic of the ionic order...

Cold war 2024-01-19

Cold war crossword puzzle
  1. period of geopolitical tension between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies
  2. The bill created a 41,000-mile “National System of Interstate and Defense Highways”
  3. when one nation falls to communism the impact is such as to weaken the resistance of other countries
  4. ideological barrier erected by the U.S.S.R after World War II to seal off itself
  5. ________ was the first artificial Earth satellite
  6. African-American music that was popular during the 1940-50's
  7. a direct and dangerous confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War and was the moment when the two superpowers came closest to nuclear conflict.
  8. 35th President of the United States
  1. 34th president of the United States
  2. a transcontinental country that spanned much of Eurasia from 1922 to 1991
  3. the_______ helped to end the Cold War
  4. 33rd president of the United States
  5. The _______ was an American initiative enacted in 1948 to provide foreign aid to Western Europe
  6. competition between two Cold War rivals, the United States and the Soviet
  7. created to assist American military veterans

15 Clues: 34th president of the United States33rd president of the United States35th President of the United Statesthe_______ helped to end the Cold Warcreated to assist American military veterans________ was the first artificial Earth satelliteAfrican-American music that was popular during the 1940-50's...

Early Cold War 2021-03-16

Early Cold War crossword puzzle
  1. 34th President of the United States
  2. The operation in which the U.S. and British planes flew food and supplies into West Berlin
  3. The war fought between North Korea, aided by Communist China, and South Korea, supported by the US and other members of the UN
  4. Rivalry that developed after World War II between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies
  5. A campaign or practice that endorses the use of unfair allegations and investigations
  6. A political boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas
  7. Was a Cuban revolutionary and politician who served as Prime Minister of Cuba from 1959 to 1976
  8. A collective defence treaty established by the Soviet Union and seven other Soviet satellite states in Central and Eastern Europe
  9. Foreign policy to give money and weapons to enemies of the USSR
  10. All Americans have health insurance, that the minimum wage (the lowest amount of money per hour that someone can be paid) be increased, and that, by law, all Americans be guaranteed equal rights.
  11. The organization that provided collective security against the threat posed by the Soviet Union.
  12. The spread of nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons technology, or fissile material to countries that do not already possess them
  13. The program designed to improve U.S. relations with Latin America
  14. A Georgian revolutionary and Soviet politician who ruled the Soviet Union from 1927 until 1953
  1. Competition for supremacy in between the United States, the Soviet Union, and their respective allies during the Cold War
  2. Are those Eastern European nations that were allied with and under the control of the Soviet Union during the Cold War
  3. List of media workers ineligible for employment because of alleged communist or subversive ties
  4. a direct and dangerous standoff between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War and was the moment when the two superpowers came closest to nuclear conflict.
  5. A failed landing operation on the southwestern coast of Cuba in 1961 by Cuban exiles who opposed Fidel Castro's Cuban Revolution
  6. A United States policy using numerous strategies to prevent the spread of communism abroad
  7. Prohibits anyone who has been elected president twice from being elected again
  8. A guarded concrete barrier that physically and ideologically divided Berlin from 1961 to 1989
  9. The World War II meeting of the heads of government of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union
  10. The first major international crises of the Cold War. Soviet Union limited the ability of the United States, Great Britain and France to travel to their sectors of Berlin
  11. The first artificial Earth satellite

25 Clues: 34th President of the United StatesThe first artificial Earth satelliteA political boundary dividing Europe into two separate areasForeign policy to give money and weapons to enemies of the USSRThe program designed to improve U.S. relations with Latin AmericaProhibits anyone who has been elected president twice from being elected again...

APUSH crossword 2023-05-11

APUSH crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The act of a state or region formally withdrawing from a larger political entity, most notably referring to the secession of Southern states and the formation of the Confederacy leading to the American Civil War
  2. The movement to end slavery, which gained momentum in the 19th century and played a significant role in the lead-up to the Civil War
  3. The nationwide constitutional ban on the production, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages, enforced from 1920 to 1933 through the 18th Amendment
  4. A federal law passed in 1887 that aimed to assimilate Native Americans into mainstream American society by dividing tribal lands into individual allotments for Native American families
  5. A political movement in the late 19th century that championed the rights and interests of the common people against the elite
  6. A person who acquired and settled on public land under the Homestead Act, typically involved in farming and agricultural activities
  7. The economic policies implemented by President Ronald Reagan, which emphasized tax cuts, deregulation, and reduced government spending
  8. A foreign policy stance that advocates for a nation to avoid involvement in international affairs and conflicts
  9. Refers to the late 19th century, characterized by rapid industrialization, economic growth, and stark social inequality
  1. An economic philosophy advocating for minimal government intervention in the economy, allowing market forces to determine prices, wages, and production
  2. The period after the Civil War when the United States attempted to rebuild and reintegrate the South into the Union
  3. The belief that it was the destiny of the United States to expand its territory from coast to coast
  4. The process of transforming an economy from primarily agrarian and manual labor-based to one focused on manufacturing and mechanized production, as occurred in the United States during the late 19th century
  5. Goals of improving social problems, reforming local governments, improving labor conditions, and regulating big business
  6. The theory that states have the right to invalidate federal laws they consider unconstitutional, a concept that was debated during the early years of the United States
  7. The policy of extending a nation's power and influence through diplomacy or military force, often involving the acquisition of new territories or the establishment of economic dominance over other regions
  8. The period of geopolitical tension and rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II, characterized by ideological, political, and military conflicts
  9. The railroad system connecting the eastern and western coasts of the United States, completed in 1869, which facilitated transportation, trade, and settlement across the country
  10. The process of ending racial segregation, particularly in schools, housing, and public facilities
  11. The practice of making accusations without proper evidence, particularly associated with Senator Joseph McCarthy's anticommunist campaigns in the 1950s

20 Clues: The process of ending racial segregation, particularly in schools, housing, and public facilitiesThe belief that it was the destiny of the United States to expand its territory from coast to coastA foreign policy stance that advocates for a nation to avoid involvement in international affairs and conflicts...

1st Semester Vocabulary/American History 2020-09-28

1st Semester Vocabulary/American History crossword puzzle
  1. Is a form of government in which the country is considered a ''public mother.''
  2. Was an American political, leader, military general, statesman, and founding father who served as the first president of the United States.
  3. Was King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
  4. Famous actor who shoot president Lincoln.
  5. Was an american social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, he became a national leader or the abolitionist movement in Massachusetts and New York.
  6. Is a form of democracy in which people decide an policy initiatives directly.
  7. The plan was created in response to the Virginia plan, which convent for two houses of congress.
  8. Was a political and mercantile protest by The Sons of Liberty boycotting the King in Boston Massachusetts.
  9. Declared "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free."
  10. This act passed on July 1, 1862 provided Federal subsidies in land and loans for the construction of a transcontinental railroad across the United States.
  11. Was a proposal to the United State constitutional convention for the creation of a supreme national government with three and a bicameral legislature.
  12. Was an armed conflict between the United States and the Mexican territory, since the government did not recognize the treaty signed by Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna.
  13. Was an armed engagement between combined forces of the Lakota, Northern Chayenne, and Arapaho tribes and the 7th Cavalry Regiment of the United States Army.
  14. Guarantees voting right to all citizens of the United States.
  1. Was a massacre of Cheyenne and Aropaho people by the U.S. Army in the American Indian War that occurred on November 29,1864.
  2. Expresses the ideals on which the United States was founded and the reasons for separation from Great Britain.
  3. Defines citizenship to include African Americans.
  4. An act regulating stamp duty on the legal recognition of documents.
  5. Was the acquisition of the territory by The United States from France in 1805.
  6. Were state and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States.
  7. Established in 1865 by Congress to help millions of former black slaves and poor whites in the South in the aftermath of the Civil War.
  8. Officially tittle the Treaty of peace, friendship, limits, and settlement between the United States of America and the Mexican Republic.
  9. A conflict primarily fought between Britain and France over New World territory, ended with a British Victory.
  10. The action of withdrawing formally from membership of a federation or body, especially a practical state.
  11. Authorized the federal government to break up tribal lands by partitioning them into individuals plots.
  12. Was a landmark decision of the U.S. supreme court in which the court held that the U.S. constitution was not meant to include American citizenship from black people.
  13. Is the process in which a minority group or culture comes to resemble a dominant group or assume the values, behaviors, and beliefs of another group.
  14. Was a conflict fought between The United State and its allies against The United Kingdom of Great Britain.
  15. The belief that it was America's god given right to expand from ocean to ocean to justify all wrong doings.
  16. The economic theory that trade generates wealth and is stimulated by the accumulation of profitable balances, which a government should encourage by means of protectionism.
  17. A person who is against slavery.

31 Clues: A person who is against slavery.Famous actor who shoot president Lincoln.Defines citizenship to include African Americans.Was King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.Guarantees voting right to all citizens of the United States.An act regulating stamp duty on the legal recognition of documents....

10.6.1 - Cold War 2024-04-15

10.6.1 - Cold War crossword puzzle
  1. The state of hostility between the United States and the Soviet Union in the decades following World War II.
  2. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created in 1949 by the United States, Canada, and several ___ European nations.
  3. East Berlin, Cuba, the Soviet Union (USSR), and North Korea were all ____ countries.
  4. On June 27, 1950, the United States officially entered which War?
  5. After he led Vietnam to independence from France, Ho Chi Minh became the communist leader of ____.
  6. The main goal of the ___ ___ was to see who could land the first person on the moon.
  7. In 1955, the Soviet Union created the ___ ____ in response to the creation of NATO.
  8. Zedong’s Great Leap Forward was a failure and resulted in a widespread ____.
  9. The ___ Missile Crisis lead the Soviet Union in attempting to install missiles less than 100 miles off the coast of Florida.
  10. The ____ _____ facilitated political stability in western Europe, which led to economic rebuilding.
  1. who led the first Chinese Communist Party?
  2. The imaginary line between the Communist East and Democratic West.
  3. In his popular speech given on June 12, 1987, which United States president ___ ____ said "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
  4. The ___ theory was a belief that if one country became communist, others would follow.
  5. Mikhail Gorbachev instituted the policies of glasnost and perestroika to reform the ___ ____ politically and economically.
  6. West Berlin and the United States were ____ countries.
  7. The Soviet Union launched which satellite on October 4, 1957?
  8. When the ____ won WWII, The United States and the Soviet Union emerged as superpowers and competitors.
  9. The Bay of Pigs operation was aimed to trigger an uprising against communist leader ____ ___.

19 Clues: who led the first Chinese Communist Party?West Berlin and the United States were ____ countries.The Soviet Union launched which satellite on October 4, 1957?On June 27, 1950, the United States officially entered which War?The imaginary line between the Communist East and Democratic West....

Eli's Am. Gov. Crossword Puzzle 2k19 2019-08-30

Eli's Am. Gov. Crossword Puzzle 2k19 crossword puzzle
  1. A law that ordered people to return slaves that ran away to their owners and sparked debate in free states
  2. The Executive Branch (the President) has the power to _____ laws passed by Congress
  3. When a state decides to leave the union that is the United States, it participates in _____
  4. A political group that believed states should have more power than the national government
  5. An addition to the US Constitution to explicitly state rights not included in the Constitution
  6. The US's system of government is not a democracy; it's a _____
  7. The document that was sent to King George III on the 4th of July, 1776
  8. The written statement that states how Congress's rulings on Concurrent Powers are higher than any rulings decided by the states (i.e. minimum wage)
  9. Enumerated powers in the constitution that give each branch of government the right to correct others and protect the constituents from unfair rule
  10. A conflict between the national and southern entities, in which the south tried to succeed from the US
  11. A two party system
  12. Abilities of Congress that are not explicitly stated in a document, but can still be enacted without overreaching in power
  13. A national system of government
  14. A method for the selection of judges in this state and other states that adopted this method
  1. Different groups of people with similar beliefs that agree to vote a certain way in most elections and affairs
  2. A political group that believed states should have less power than the national government
  3. A conclusion by the government that slaves would be counted as 3/5 of a person to determine population
  4. Government run by the people as a whole (i.e. voting on all issues and decisions)
  5. Different branches of government are used to achieve this and, as an intended result, have a more fair and separated system with checks and balances
  6. The decision agreed to by large and small states that set up the US Congress and the numbers of representatives for both the Senate and the House of Representatives
  7. A document written to outline a government's system and people's rights
  8. Abilities of Congress explicitly stated in the Constitution
  9. Unstated abilities that overlap when it comes to whether the states or Congress has the right to decide
  10. The first trial of a national document to outline the US's government; written before the constitution
  11. Our indirect system of voting uses people in the _____ to officially vote
  12. A national government that is not divided into a federal system and a state system
  13. The document that contains the first ten amendments added to the Constitution
  14. The Supreme Court's power to decide whether a law passed by congress is constitutional or not
  15. A totalitarian form of government in which one person is the sole decision maker of the country
  16. Abilities saved for the states to decide for themselves; sometimes overlapping with national implied powers

30 Clues: A two party systemA national system of governmentAbilities of Congress explicitly stated in the ConstitutionThe US's system of government is not a democracy; it's a _____The document that was sent to King George III on the 4th of July, 1776A document written to outline a government's system and people's rights...

Mr. O: History States/Capitals (1-12) 2020-09-16

Mr. O: History States/Capitals (1-12) crossword puzzle
  1. Alabama
  2. California
  3. Dover
  4. Florida
  5. Atlanta
  1. Phoenix
  2. Alaska
  3. Colorado
  4. Little Rock
  5. Hawaii
  6. Connecticut
  7. Boise

12 Clues: DoverBoiseAlaskaHawaiiPhoenixAlabamaFloridaAtlantaColoradoCaliforniaLittle RockConnecticut

Civil War Vocab 2024-02-11

Civil War Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. A person or thing that prevents incompatible or antagonistic people or things from coming into contact with or harming each other.
  2. A war fought between citizens of the same country.
  3. The formal admission of someone to office.
  4. A republic formed in February 1861 and composed of the Southern states that seceded from the United States in an attempt to preserve slavery and states' rights.
  5. A fort in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, where the first shots of the American Civil War were fired on April 12, 1861.
  6. The term used to refer to the Northern states during the American Civil War.
  7. Forts controlled by the government of the United States.
  8. To withdraw formally from membership in a group or organization, especially a political union, alliance, or federation.
  9. A colloquial term used to refer to people from the Northern United States.
  1. A strategy used by the Confederacy to withhold cotton exports in an attempt to gain support from European powers.
  2. The act of using ships to break through a naval blockade.
  3. A term used to refer to the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole tribes, who were considered more assimilated into Euro-American culture.
  4. The term used to refer to the Southern states that seceded from the United States during the American Civil War.
  5. A set of principles or goals declared by a political party or candidate.
  6. The most important city or town of a country or region, usually where the government is located.
  7. Another term used to refer to the Northern states during the American Civil War.
  8. A strategy proposed by General Winfield Scott for defeating the Confederacy by blockading Southern ports and controlling the Mississippi River.

17 Clues: The formal admission of someone to office.A war fought between citizens of the same country.Forts controlled by the government of the United States.The act of using ships to break through a naval blockade.A set of principles or goals declared by a political party or candidate....

70s-to now 2023-06-09

70s-to now crossword puzzle
  1. This scandal led to the resignation of President Nixon in 1974.
  2. The 37th President of the United States, who was involved in the Watergate scandal.
  3. He served as the 46th President of the United States, taking office in 2021.
  4. He succeeded President Ford in 1977 and served until 1981 as the 39th President of the United States.
  5. An American painter and art instructor known for his soothing demeanor and landscape paintings.
  6. A pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, that emerged in late 2019 and spread globally in 2020.
  1. He served as the 40th President of the United States, from 1981 to 1989.
  2. A space telescope launched by NASA in 1990, named after American astronomer Edwin Hubble.
  3. The terrible events that occurred September 11th led to the war on..
  4. The 45th President of the United States, who served from 2017 to 2021.
  5. A controversial conflict that took place in the 1960s and 1970s, pitting communist forces against American-backed South Vietnamese forces.
  6. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram that allow users to create and share content.
  7. A catastrophic hurricane that struck the Gulf Coast of the United States in 2005, causing widespread devastation.
  8. A disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
  9. A sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time.
  10. A genre of music that originated in the Bronx in the late 1970s and has since become a global phenomenon.
  11. A period of geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union and the United States, which lasted from 1947 to 1991.

17 Clues: A disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).This scandal led to the resignation of President Nixon in 1974.The terrible events that occurred September 11th led to the war on..The 45th President of the United States, who served from 2017 to 2021.He served as the 40th President of the United States, from 1981 to 1989....

Chapter 12 Key Terms Review Worksheet 2024-01-22

Chapter 12 Key Terms Review Worksheet crossword puzzle
  1. the property of gases that states that a mole of a gas at standard temperature and pressure occupies a volume of 22.4L
  2. the law that states that under equivalent conditions, the volumes of reacting gases and their gaseous products can be expressed in ratios of small whole numbers
  3. the law that states that the Kelvin temperature and volume of a sample of gas at a constant pressure are directly related
  4. the law that states that the volume of a gas at a constant temperature and pressure is directly proportional to the number of moles of the gas
  5. the process by which particles pass through a tiny opening into an evacuated chamber
  6. the force per unit area cause by the collisions of fluid particles with their container
  7. the law that states that the total pressure of a mixture of gases equals the sum of the pressures of each individual gas
  8. the ability of a substance to spontaneously fill its available space
  1. the law that relates the pressure, temperature, volume, and the number of moles in any sample of a gas
  2. the law that states that the Kelvin temperature and pressure of a sample of gas at a constant volume are directly related
  3. any substance that can flow
  4. the law that states that the pressure, volume, and Kelvin temperature of a sample of a gas vary jointly
  5. the ability of a substance to be squeezed into a smaller volume by applying pressure
  6. a gas whose behavior is perfectly predicted by the kinetic-molecular theory
  7. the law that states that the pressure and volume of a sample of gas at a constant temperature are inversely related
  8. the process by which fluid matter and energy spread from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration
  9. a temperature and pressure agreed upon chemists for comparison of research

17 Clues: any substance that can flowthe ability of a substance to spontaneously fill its available spacea temperature and pressure agreed upon chemists for comparison of researcha gas whose behavior is perfectly predicted by the kinetic-molecular theorythe ability of a substance to be squeezed into a smaller volume by applying pressure...

Vocab 3 2018-11-01

Vocab 3 crossword puzzle
  1. sets of laws during the colonial period and in individual states after the American Revolution which defined the status of slaves and the rights and responsibilities of slave owners
  2. an early English-American industrialist known as the "Father of the American Industrial Revolution" and the "Father of the American Factory System".
  3. a United States policy of opposing European colonialism in the Americas beginning in 1823.
  4. tariffs that are enacted with the aim of protecting a domestic industry.
  5. an American lawyer, planter, and statesman who represented Kentucky in both the United States Senate and House of Representatives.
  6. was a treaty between the United States and Spain in 1819 that ceded Florida to the U.S. and defined the boundary between the U.S. and New Spain.
  7. the transition to new manufacturing processes in the period from about 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840.
  8. loyalty to one's own region or section of the country, rather than to the country as a whole.
  9. consisted of three mutually reinforcing parts: a tariff to protect and promote American industry; a national bank to foster commerce; and federal subsidies for roads, canals, and other "internal improvements" to develop profitable markets for agriculture.
  10. the 11th quadrennial presidential election, held from Friday, October 31, to Tuesday, December 2, 1828. It featured a re-match of the 1824 election, as President John Quincy Adams of the National Republican Party faced Andrew Jackson of the nascent Democratic Party.
  11. are parts that are, for practical purposes, identical. They are made to specifications that ensure that they are so nearly identical that they will fit into any assembly of the same type.
  12. the cotton-producing region of the southern United States up until the Civil War.
  13. an American inventor and businessman who founded the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company, which later became part of the International Harvester Company in 1902.
  14. he first major improved highway in the United States built by the federal government.
  15. a canal in New York, United States that is part of the east–west, cross-state route of the New York State Canal System.
  16. a machine for separating cotton from its seeds.
  17. an American soldier and statesman who served as the seventh President of the United States from 1829 to 1837.
  1. refers to the 19th-century mills that operated in the city of Lowell, Massachusetts.
  2. was formed in 1792, when supporters of Thomas Jefferson began using the name Republicans, or Jeffersonian Republicans, to emphasize its anti-aristocratic policies.
  3. an American painter and inventor. After having established his reputation as a portrait painter, in his middle age Morse contributed to the invention of a single-wire telegraph system based on European telegraphs.
  4. developed the first commercially successful, self-scouring steel plow, closely parallels the settlement and development of the midwestern United States.
  5. the period where steam power, railroads, canals, roads, and bridges
  6. an American engineer and inventor who is widely credited with developing a commercially successful steamboat; the first was called The North River Steamboat of Clermonts.
  7. a period in the political history of the United States that reflected a sense of national purpose and a desire for unity among Americans in the aftermath of the War of 1812
  8. an American politician who served as the fourth Chief Justice of the United States from 1801 to 1835.
  9. the legislation that provided for the admission to the United States of Maine as a free state along with Missouri as a slave state, thus maintaining the balance of power between North and South in the United States Senate.
  10. a mid-19th century American art movement embodied by a group of landscape painters whose aesthetic vision was influenced by Romanticism.
  11. a period in the history of the Southern United States, from the late 18th century until the start of the American Civil War in 1861, marked by the economic growth of the South.
  12. the tenth quadrennial presidential election, held from Tuesday, October 26, to Thursday, December 2, 1824.
  13. refers to three historic incidents in American history in which political agreement was determined by congressional or presidential actions that many viewed to be corrupt from different standpoints.
  14. the process of making an area more urban.
  15. formally organized in 1834, bringing together a loose coalition of groups united in their opposition to what party members viewed as the executive tyranny of “King Andrew” Jackson.

32 Clues: the process of making an area more urban.a machine for separating cotton from its seeds.the period where steam power, railroads, canals, roads, and bridgestariffs that are enacted with the aim of protecting a domestic industry.the cotton-producing region of the southern United States up until the Civil War....

Great Depression and New Deal Vocabulary 2017-12-13

Great Depression and New Deal Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. paper money backed not by gold or silver but by government guarantee of value
  2. series of federal programs, public work projects, financial reforms, and regulations enacted in the United States during the 1930s in response to the Great Depression
  3. public work relief program that operated from 1933 to 1942 in the United States for unemployed, unmarried, men from relief families as part of the New Deal
  4. old-age benefits for workers, benefits for victims of industrial accidents, unemployment insurance, aid for dependent mothers and children, the blind, and the physically handicapped
  5. American statesman and political leader who served as the 32nd President of the United States from 1933 until his death in 1945
  6. Herbert Clark Hoover was an American engineer, businessman, and politician who served as the 31st President of the United States
  7. assemblage of some 43,000 marchers—17,000 U.S. World War I veterans, their families, and affiliated groups gathered in Washington, D.C. in the summer of 1932 to demand cash-payment redemption of their service certificates
  8. provide navigation, flood control, electricity generation, fertilizer manufacturing, and economic development to the Tennessee Valley
  9. Backing dollars solely with gold
  10. United States government corporation providing deposit insurance to depositors in US banks
  1. No person shall be elected to the office of the president more than twice
  2. a period of severe dust storms that greatly damaged the ecology and agriculture of the American and Canadian prairies during the 1930s
  3. law that was passed by the United States Congress to facilitate regulation of electric utilities
  4. term used to describe a series of 28 evening radio addresses given by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  5. was a decision by the Supreme Court of the United States that invalidated regulations of the poultry industry
  6. purchase of an asset by paying the margin and borrowing the balance from a bank or broker
  7. increase the size of the Supreme Court and then bring in several new justices who would change the balance of opinion on the Court
  8. bill passed during the administration of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt in reaction to the financially adverse conditions of the Great Depression
  9. shanty town built during the Great Depression by the homeless in the United States of America
  10. largest and most ambitious American New Deal agency, employing millions of people to carry out public works projects, including the construction of public buildings and roads

20 Clues: Backing dollars solely with goldNo person shall be elected to the office of the president more than twicepaper money backed not by gold or silver but by government guarantee of valuepurchase of an asset by paying the margin and borrowing the balance from a bank or broker...

George Washington 2022-02-27

George Washington crossword puzzle
  1. having liberty
  2. a normal condition, not in war
  3. leader of the Continental Army and first president of the United States of America
  4. a paper that is laws for the United States
  5. the leader of the United States of America
  6. war between America and Great Britain
  7. not easily done, hard
  8. a place where Washington and his soldiers stayed
  9. had confidence, had faith
  1. paper saying the United States of America was a new, free country
  2. a free country in North America
  3. the countries of England, Scotland, and Wales
  4. colonists who wanted to be free from Great Britain
  5. became a member of an organization
  6. the American army in the American Revolution
  7. well-known

16 Clues: well-knownhaving libertynot easily done, hardhad confidence, had faitha normal condition, not in wara free country in North Americabecame a member of an organizationwar between America and Great Britaina paper that is laws for the United Statesthe leader of the United States of Americathe American army in the American Revolution...

Civil War 2021-10-08

Civil War crossword puzzle
  1. Union military post in South Carolina which was taken over by the Confederacy in 1861.
  2. Place in Virginia where John Brown led a raid on a federal arsenal.
  3. A law that allowed voters in Kansas and Nebraska to choose whether to allow slavery or not.
  4. southern states that seceded from the United States in 1861.
  5. Courthouse
  6. War between the North and South.
  7. Speech given by Abraham Lincoln at the dedication of the Gettysburg National Cemetery*His three minute speech inspired the North to keep fighting for a united country and the end of slavery.
  8. A series of agreements passed by Congress in 1820-1821 to maintain the balance of power between slave states and free states. Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine was admitted as a free state to keep the balance of powe
  9. ship made of iron
  10. Union strategy for winning by "squeezing" on all sides* The Union blocked the South's coastline and Mississippi River to stop movement of people and supplies in the South.
  11. where Civil War ended on April 9, 1865, when Lee surrendered to Grant.
  12. President of the United States of America during the Civil War; born in Kentucky; helped preserve the United States by leading the country in the defeat of the Confederacy; against slavery; freed slaves; assassinated by John Wilkes Booth
  13. U.S. Supreme Court decision which determined that slaves (Dred Scott) could not sue in federal court because they did not have the rights of citizenship.
  14. Novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe that showed the horrors of slavery to Northerners.
  15. Rapid-fire gun capable of shooting 600 rounds per minute.
  16. Turning point of the Civil War that made it clear the North would win.
  1. of Antietam
  2. General of the Confederacy considered to be one of the greatest generals of all time*He was against slavery but didn't want to fight against his home state of Virginia. He also believed in states' rights.
  3. Proclamation
  4. The fall of Vicksburg, Mississippi, to General Ulysses S. Grant's army on July 4th, 1863, after 48 days of seige
  5. Condition of being owned by, and forced to work for someone else.
  6. Slave states that remained in the Union (Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware).*Lincoln did not call for abolition (free all slaves) at the beginning of the war because these states had slaves and would fight for the Union.
  7. for the South; got his nickname because he refused to retreat during battle - he held his position like a stone wall.
  8. To leave or withdraw
  9. War battle in which 25,000 men were killed or wounded
  10. freeing slaves in Union-controlled Confederate states
  11. The march of an army of 62,000 men from Atlanta toward Savannah, Georgia which left a path of almost total destruction. *It is often cited as the first example of total war.
  12. United States (especially the northern states during the American Civil War)

28 Clues: Courthouseof AntietamProclamationship made of ironTo leave or withdrawWar between the North and South.War battle in which 25,000 men were killed or woundedfreeing slaves in Union-controlled Confederate statesRapid-fire gun capable of shooting 600 rounds per minute.southern states that seceded from the United States in 1861....

nationalism/unification 2018-02-27

nationalism/unification crossword puzzle
  1. a senior state or legal official.
  2. a speech made by Otto von Bismarck about the unification of the German territories.
  3. Prince of Bismarck & Duke of Lauenburg,
  4. a system of politics based on practical ideas
  5. a historical German state
  6. fought between the Russian Empire and the Empire of Japan over rival imperial ambitions in Manchuria and Korea.
  7. between the United States and Japan, opened the ports of Kanagawa and other Japanese cities to trade.
  8. a Commodore of the United States Navy
  9. a German or austrian emperor, or ruler of roman empire
  10. the period when Japan was ruled by Meiji Tenno, modernization and westernization took place
  1. King of Prussia and the first German Emperor
  2. Italian general, politician and nationalist who helped unify Italy. one of Italy's "fathers of the fatherland"
  3. patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts.
  4. a conflict between the Second French Empire and the German states of the North German Confederation
  5. name given to people who followed Giuseppe Garibaldi during his Mille expedition to southern Italy.
  6. an Italian politician and journalist who helped unify Italy
  7. fought between the Qing Empire and the Empire of Japan, over influence of Korea.
  8. an agreement between the United States and the Empire of Japan TreatyOfKanagawa the first treaty between the United States and the Tokugawa shogunate.
  9. a war fought in 1866 between the German Confederation and the Kingdom of Prussia.
  10. King of Sardinia from 1849 until 1861. He was the first king of united Italy since the 6th century, until 1878.
  11. Italian statesman and helped unify Italy

21 Clues: a historical German statea senior state or legal official.a Commodore of the United States NavyPrince of Bismarck & Duke of Lauenburg,Italian statesman and helped unify Italypatriotic feeling, principles, or efforts.King of Prussia and the first German Emperora system of politics based on practical ideas...