stranger things Crossword Puzzles

Stranger Things 2016-12-26

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  2. insult used by the young ones
  2. PAPA


Stranger things 2024-01-10

Stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. What Subject does Mr Clark Teach
  2. What Actor Plays Mr Clarke
  3. What monster is also known as the Shadow monster, The ___ ___
  4. The Alternate Dimension In Stranger Things
  5. name of Lucas’ sister in
  6. What is the name of the arcade game that Lucas and Max play in season two
  7. What State do the byers move to at the end of season 3
  8. What Sport Does Lucas play in season 4
  9. What Actor Plays Jim Hopper
  10. What US State is the Show Set in
  11. What is Elevens Power
  12. What Actress Plays Robin
  13. Name of Mikes Younger Sister
  14. What is Billys Last Name
  15. In season 4, what is the name of the store that the kids go to in order to stock up on weapons and gear?
  16. Name of Billy's Dad
  17. What is Lucas's Middle Name
  18. What is Max's Last Name
  19. Dr Brenners First Name
  20. in season 4, where do Steve and Robin work?
  21. What is Dustins Last Name
  22. what board game is Seasons 1 & 2 based off
  23. What is Elevens Real Name
  24. What actress plays max
  25. Where does Jonathan’s best friend Argyle work as a delivery guy?
  1. name of the ice cream parlor where Steve and Robin work in season 3
  2. Name of Hoppers Biological Daughter
  3. name of the newspaper where Nancy and Jonathan work in season 3
  4. Which iconic horror actor plays Victor Creel in Season 4?
  5. Name of the Mall in Season 3
  6. what is Vecnas Real Name
  7. What Actor Plays Jonathan Byers
  8. Name of the Arcade in Hawkins
  9. Joseph Quinn plays which character in season 4?
  10. Name of the Resturaunt Elevens Steels Frenchfries from in beginning of Season 1
  11. Name of Dustins Girlfriend
  12. What does dustin name the baby demogorgon he finds in his trash
  13. What Actor plays Mike
  14. What number is Kali known as?
  15. Name of Mikes mother
  16. What Actor Plays Steve Harrington
  17. What is the only Streaming Platform Stranger things available on
  18. What Job Did Billy Have in Season 3
  19. How Many Episodes Are in Season 1
  20. Which US city does Eleven travel to in search of Kali?
  21. what actress plays eleven
  22. Where did bob newby work
  23. What is Mikes Last Name
  24. What actor plays Bob Newby
  25. Who is the mayor of Hawkins in season three?

50 Clues: Name of Billy's DadName of Mikes motherWhat Actor plays MikeWhat is Elevens PowerDr Brenners First NameWhat actress plays maxWhat is Max's Last NameWhat is Mikes Last Namewhat is Vecnas Real Namename of Lucas’ sister inWhat Actress Plays RobinWhat is Billys Last NameWhere did bob newby workwhat actress plays elevenWhat is Dustins Last Name...

stranger things 2023-12-14

stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. the boy that went missing in the woods
  2. who was max's brother
  3. who did the boys talk to about the upside down
  4. who let eleven stay at their house
  5. who was Chief of police
  6. what was the name of hopper's daughter that died
  7. who did Eddie talk to before he died
  8. the girl that ran from the scientists
  9. the name of wills and Nancy mom
  1. who was Nancy's best friend
  2. who did robin like
  3. who did Joyce date that later died in season 2
  4. Jonathan and wills mom
  5. who did Steve work with
  6. worked at surfer boys pizza
  7. the name of the bad scientist
  8. Dustin's girlfriend
  9. Nancy boyfriend
  10. who is Lucas's little sister
  11. who did Jonathan secretly like

20 Clues: Nancy boyfriendwho did robin likeDustin's girlfriendwho was max's brotherJonathan and wills momwho did Steve work withwho was Chief of policewho was Nancy's best friendworked at surfer boys pizzawho is Lucas's little sisterthe name of the bad scientistwho did Jonathan secretly likethe name of wills and Nancy momwho let eleven stay at their house...


STRANGER THINGS crossword puzzle
  3. MR. BLIND
  11. A THREE
  14. A ONE
  15. ------- WAKE UP I DONT LIKE THIS
  17. A FIVE
  22. A FOUR
  23. MIKE'S DAD
  4. RED -----'S YUMMM
  5. 11'S CRUSH
  19. BAD GUY
  22. A TWO
  23. TED'S WIFE
  25. COP


Stranger Things 2024-06-16

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. the town this takes place in
  2. Eleven's mom
  3. how Joyce talks to Will
  4. the code to the Russian safe
  5. toothless character
  6. what does Steve break of Jonathan's
  7. board game that the boys play
  8. Mike actor
  9. likes cherry slurpees
  10. The ______ Project in season 4 to help Eleven regain her powers
  11. name of Will's hideout
  12. DND club that Eddie leads
  13. "you can't spell America without ______"
  14. what Bruce calls Nancy
  15. Mike and Nancy's mom
  16. name of the boys' science teacher
  17. Song that Dustin sings to Suzie
  18. "_____ do you copy?"
  19. Mike and Nancy's little sister's name
  20. bleeds with Eleven uses her powers
  21. Steve and Robin work there
  22. Will's dad's name
  23. the hair
  24. Winona's character
  25. the chief of police
  1. papa
  2. creators of Stranger Things
  3. Alternate dimension where Will was trapped
  4. Will's favorite song
  5. Nancy's friend
  6. Murray's code name
  7. the one with superpowers
  8. the "zoomer" of the party
  9. monster in season 4
  10. plays Will Byers
  11. _________ mall
  12. Eleven's nickname
  13. where Will's "body" was found
  14. Eleven's favorite food
  15. Dustin's surname
  16. Max's step brother
  17. 008's name
  18. Lucas' surname
  19. what Will tells them to do in morse code
  20. how Will communicates when possessed
  21. decade Stranger Things is set
  22. Eleven's real name
  23. Demogorgan + dog

48 Clues: papathe hairMike actor008's nameEleven's momNancy's friend_________ mallLucas' surnameplays Will ByersDustin's surnameDemogorgan + dogEleven's nicknameWill's dad's nameMurray's code nameMax's step brotherEleven's real nameWinona's charactertoothless charactermonster in season 4the chief of policeWill's favorite songMike and Nancy's mom...

stranger things 2023-06-25

stranger things crossword puzzle
  11. IS BLIND
  12. WILL'S MOM
  13. 11'S FAKE FATHER
  2. A COP


Stranger Things 2023-01-06

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. Who plays William Hargrove?
  2. Who plays Max Mayfield?
  3. Elevens fav food
  4. Who plays Jane Hopper?
  5. Who plays Joyce Byers?
  6. Dustin's Girlfriend.
  7. Where does Steve and Robin work?
  8. Who plays Robin Buckley?
  9. Who plays Dustin Henderson?
  10. What decade is the show in?
  11. Who plays Mike Wheeler?
  1. Eleven said blank alot?
  2. Who plays Erica Sinclair?
  3. Who plays Eddie Munson?
  4. Who plays Lucas Sinclair?
  5. Who plays Jim Hopper?
  6. Who plays Steve Harrington?
  7. Jane Hopper's sister.
  8. Who is will's crush
  9. Who is Max's step-brother?
  10. Is will gay?
  11. Who plays Nancy Wheeler?
  12. Mike cant say blank to Jane.
  13. Does Will disappear in season 1?
  14. Max's mom's name
  15. Who plays Will Byers?

26 Clues: Is will gay?Elevens fav foodMax's mom's nameWho is will's crushDustin's Girlfriend.Who plays Jim Hopper?Jane Hopper's sister.Who plays Will Byers?Who plays Jane Hopper?Who plays Joyce Byers?Eleven said blank alot?Who plays Eddie Munson?Who plays Max Mayfield?Who plays Mike Wheeler?Who plays Nancy Wheeler?Who plays Robin Buckley?...

Stranger things 2022-09-11

Stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. what color does Joyce use to paint letters on the wall
  2. Nancy's brother
  3. where is the show set
  4. what kills bob
  5. at the end of season4 who is in the hospital
  6. who is Joyce's ex husband
  7. who names the demodogs
  8. kid who got lost in upside down
  9. girl with powers
  10. who is the leader of the hellfireclub
  11. who plays basketball in season4
  12. who kills max
  13. where did Steve and robin work in the mall
  14. where does dr.Brenner work
  15. what is Mike's surname
  1. what school do the kids go to
  2. the___club
  3. when does will go missing
  4. where does hopper hide el
  5. where was hopper taken
  6. who controls will

21 Clues: the___clubwho kills maxwhat kills bobNancy's brothergirl with powerswho controls willwhere is the show setwho names the demodogswhere was hopper takenwhat is Mike's surnamewhen does will go missingwho is Joyce's ex husbandwhere does hopper hide elwhere does dr.Brenner workwhat school do the kids go tokid who got lost in upside down...

Stranger things 2022-09-12

Stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. what color does Joyce use to paint letters on the wall
  2. Nancy's brother
  3. where is the show set
  4. what kills bob
  5. at the end of season4 who is in the hospital
  6. who is Joyce's ex husband
  7. who names the demodogs
  8. kid who got lost in upside down
  9. girl with powers
  10. who is the leader of the hellfireclub
  11. who plays basketball in season4
  12. who kills max
  13. where did Steve and robin work in the mall
  14. where does dr.Brenner work
  15. what is Mike's surname
  1. what school do the kids go to
  2. the___club
  3. when does will go missing
  4. where does hopper hide el
  5. where was hopper taken
  6. who controls will

21 Clues: the___clubwho kills maxwhat kills bobNancy's brothergirl with powerswho controls willwhere is the show setwho names the demodogswhere was hopper takenwhat is Mike's surnamewhen does will go missingwho is Joyce's ex husbandwhere does hopper hide elwhere does dr.Brenner workwhat school do the kids go tokid who got lost in upside down...

Stranger Things 2022-06-05

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. In middle school, the party is a part of
  2. Billy’s summer job
  3. Joyce communicates with Will through
  4. Equipment that becomes faulty
  5. Name of steelwork business
  6. Killed Barbara
  7. Beverage requested by Alexei
  8. Person with highest score in dig dug
  9. First game of D&D, Will uses
  10. Pet that Dustin temporarily owns
  11. Where does the party discover Eleven
  12. Jonathan’s hobby
  13. Halloween costume
  1. lab First gate location
  2. Gun owner
  3. Shadow monster’s name
  4. Kind Russian Scientis
  5. Eleven steals
  6. One of robin’s favorite movies
  7. Location where mike hides eleven
  8. Ice cream parlor name
  9. Eddie hides at
  10. Club that the party joins in high school
  11. Eleven’s birth name
  12. Jim’s daughter name

25 Clues: Gun ownerEleven stealsKilled BarbaraEddie hides atJonathan’s hobbyHalloween costumeBilly’s summer jobEleven’s birth nameJim’s daughter nameShadow monster’s nameKind Russian ScientisIce cream parlor namelab First gate locationName of steelwork businessBeverage requested by AlexeiFirst game of D&D, Will usesEquipment that becomes faulty...

stranger things 2022-12-08

stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. what is the name of el's adopted dad?
  2. what is the monsters name from season 4
  3. what is billy's surname
  4. what is wills hideout called
  5. what did hopper's daughter die of
  6. what is will and jonathans father calle
  7. what was the street that the demogorgon was first sighted on
  8. what is elevens mums name
  9. what is the monster in season one
  10. who is mike's younger sister
  11. what is the name of the lab in hawkins
  12. best mom in the series
  13. what is the nickname of dustins pet
  14. where did the boys find eleven
  15. what is the name of jonathan's mum?
  1. what is the cover name of the lab
  2. what is the name of the ulternant demension
  3. who was called an a**hole but then was called a hero
  4. what season is the shadow monster first introduced
  5. what is steves surname
  6. what is max's surname
  7. what is eleven's real name
  8. who plays max mayfield
  9. who got stuck in the upside down
  10. who was the one that gave planks constant
  11. what is nancy's mums name
  12. who is nancy's brother
  13. what is the name of the other lifeguard
  14. who made cerebro
  15. who is the only person that speaks russian in hawkins
  16. what is the name of the man who gave eleven fries in the first episode of season 1
  17. what is the name of the youngest person in the hellfire club?
  18. what is the teachers name
  19. what is lucas' real name
  20. what is jim hoppers daughter's name
  21. are mike and eleven together

36 Clues: who made cerebrowhat is max's surnamewhat is steves surnamewho plays max mayfieldwho is nancy's brotherbest mom in the serieswhat is billy's surnamewhat is lucas' real namewhat is nancy's mums namewhat is elevens mums namewhat is the teachers namewhat is eleven's real namewhat is wills hideout calledwho is mike's younger sister...

Stranger things 2022-05-24

Stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. How will communicates while possessed
  2. Dustin, Erica, robin and Steve’s code name
  3. How Joyce talks to will
  4. Where wills “body” was found
  5. the one with superpowers
  6. Where the mind layer lives
  7. She puts the ______ I’m America
  8. the “zoomer” of the party
  9. _______ lab
  10. Likes cherry slushiest
  11. Elevens nickname
  12. Very paranoid
  13. posses will
  14. Will is the ___
  15. Computer language bob uses
  16. 008 real name
  17. The hair
  18. Elevens real name
  19. the official dnd club at Hawkins highschool
  20. Suzies boyfriend
  21. She is very gay
  22. “Should i stay or should i go”
  1. The chief of police
  2. Wills older brother
  3. Elevens mom
  4. Murrays code name
  5. Mike and Nancy’s mom
  6. What will tells them to do in morse code
  7. Mr slingshot
  8. Demogorgan + dog
  9. Where hopper currently is
  10. what Bruce Calls nancy
  11. The town this takes place in
  12. He flays people
  13. Elevens “dad”
  14. ______ do you copy?
  15. Robin and Steve work there
  16. Maxs step brother
  17. ________ mall
  18. ____ disappeared
  19. Mikes sister
  20. the code to the Russian safe
  21. Bobs superhero name
  22. Dustin’s hat is s4

44 Clues: The hairElevens mom_______ labposses willMr slingshotMikes sisterVery paranoidElevens “dad”________ mall008 real nameHe flays peopleWill is the ___She is very gayDemogorgan + dogElevens nickname____ disappearedSuzies boyfriendMurrays code nameMaxs step brotherElevens real nameDustin’s hat is s4The chief of policeWills older brother...


STRANGER THINGS crossword puzzle
  3. COP
  5. 11S FAKE DAD
  1. HAS A CRUSH ON 11


Stranger Things 2021-11-03

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. hoppers daughter
  2. Dustin's girl
  3. goes missing and fake dead body
  4. wills mommy
  5. Billy compliments her slot
  6. always wears hat
  7. Mike's older sister
  8. Lucas's sis
  9. redhead chic
  10. Els mommy
  11. police chief
  12. wears bandana
  1. hometown
  2. Els auntie
  3. evil doctor
  4. Nancy's ex
  5. Dustin's sluglike pet
  6. state of demogorgons
  7. Joyce's ex
  8. Mike's Lil sis
  9. Mike's papa
  10. female who works at scoops ahoy
  11. wills older bro
  12. Clarke boys science teacher

24 Clues: hometownEls mommyEls auntieNancy's exJoyce's exevil doctorwills mommyMike's papaLucas's sisredhead chicpolice chiefDustin's girlwears bandanaMike's Lil siswills older brohoppers daughteralways wears hatMike's older sisterstate of demogorgonsDustin's sluglike petBilly compliments her slotClarke boys science teachergoes missing and fake dead body...

Stranger Things 2022-03-22

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. Hopper is currently in ____
  2. Danced with Dustin
  3. Got knocked off the skateboard
  4. El’s favourite treat
  5. Dart’s choicest treat
  6. Half-happy
  7. El’s motto through the series
  8. Craziest hair in S2
  9. Knower of Plank’s constant
  1. The best girl-magnet hair spray
  2. We owe the iconic “Tubular” to…
  3. Fan of the cherry slurpees
  4. Lucas’s weapon against The Mind Flayer
  5. El’s real name
  6. “…. Don’t forget to leave the door open three inches.”
  7. The show’s best mom
  8. Will’s last word, conveyed through the lights
  9. Will’s communication method while possessed
  10. Erica demands free ____ for helping the gang out
  11. Murray’s code name
  12. Suggests “watering it down”

21 Clues: Half-happyEl’s real nameDanced with DustinMurray’s code nameThe show’s best momCraziest hair in S2El’s favourite treatDart’s choicest treatFan of the cherry slurpeesKnower of Plank’s constantHopper is currently in ____Suggests “watering it down”El’s motto through the seriesGot knocked off the skateboardThe best girl-magnet hair spray...

stranger things! 2022-07-18

stranger things! crossword puzzle
  1. the temperature that the mindflayer likes
  2. the name of dustin's demodog
  3. name of the boy who is possessed in stranger things 2
  4. the name of the d&d club
  5. the monster who possesses max in stranger things 4
  6. where robin and steve worked in season 3
  7. the name of the song that saves max from vecna
  8. last name of elevens boyfriend
  9. the bully in season 4
  10. the monster that killed superbob
  1. alexei's favourite drink
  2. the name of the squirrel in el's visual aid
  3. elevens favourite food
  4. where robin and steve worked in season 4
  5. last name of the leader of the hellfire club
  6. the name eleven calls brenner
  7. elevens powers
  8. where will is stuck in season 1
  9. the monster in season 1
  10. bobs nickname

20 Clues: bobs nicknameelevens powersthe bully in season 4elevens favourite foodthe monster in season 1alexei's favourite drinkthe name of the d&d clubthe name of dustin's demodogthe name eleven calls brennerlast name of elevens boyfriendwhere will is stuck in season 1the monster that killed superbobwhere robin and steve worked in season 4...

stranger things! 2022-08-07

stranger things! crossword puzzle
  1. last name of elevens boyfriend
  2. alexei's favourite drink
  3. the bully in season 4
  4. name of the boy who is possessed in stranger things 2
  5. the monster in season 1
  6. the temperature that the mindflayer likes
  7. where will is stuck in season 1
  8. the name of the song that saves max from vecna
  9. the first person the mindflayer posseses in stranger things 3
  1. where robin and steve worked in season 4
  2. elevens powers
  3. last name of the leader of the hellfire club
  4. bobs nickname
  5. the monster that killed superbob
  6. the name eleven calls brenner
  7. where robin and steve worked in season 3
  8. the monster who possesses max in stranger things 4
  9. the name of dustin's demodog
  10. elevens favourite food
  11. the name of the squirrel in el's visual aid
  12. the name of the d&d club

21 Clues: bobs nicknameelevens powersthe bully in season 4elevens favourite foodthe monster in season 1alexei's favourite drinkthe name of the d&d clubthe name of dustin's demodogthe name eleven calls brennerlast name of elevens boyfriendwhere will is stuck in season 1the monster that killed superbobwhere robin and steve worked in season 4...


STRANGER THINGS crossword puzzle
  1. The state where hawkins is located
  2. The actor who plays Will
  3. The game that is played in the hellfire club
  4. Elevens favorite waffle brand
  5. Eights real name
  6. The name of the newspaper murray formerly worked for.
  7. Billys Last name
  8. Elevens real name
  9. The name of the mall in season 3
  10. The actor who plays Victor creel
  11. Actor who plays steve
  12. What is vecnas number
  13. Name of Victor creels daughter
  14. Lucas's middle name
  15. Vecnas real name
  16. The state Eleven & the byers moved to at the end of season 3
  17. The title of season 2 episode 1
  1. Actress who plays nancy wheeler
  2. Actress who plays joyce
  3. The actor who plays eddie
  4. what does A.V. Stand for
  5. The russian guy joyce and hopper captured
  6. The name of dustins ham radio
  7. The name of dustins girlfriend
  8. the name of hoppers daughter that died.
  9. The sport Lucas plays in season 4
  10. The name of Elevens mother
  11. The Name of Wills dad
  12. Name of billys dad
  13. Mikes Little sister
  14. The holliday season 3 takes place at
  15. the title of season 3 episode 7
  16. The place where steve and robin work in season 4
  17. The actress who plays max

34 Clues: Eights real nameBillys Last nameVecnas real nameElevens real nameName of billys dadMikes Little sisterLucas's middle nameThe Name of Wills dadActor who plays steveWhat is vecnas numberActress who plays joyceThe actor who plays Willwhat does A.V. Stand forThe actor who plays eddieThe actress who plays maxThe name of Elevens mother...

Stranger Things 2022-06-27

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. Dustin's bad nickname
  2. Eight
  3. The new chief
  4. The Game
  5. Scarface
  6. The guy who was an a**hole but then died as a hero
  7. Papa
  8. The bad guy in Alaska
  9. The science teacher
  10. Steve's favourite weapon
  11. A place in Russia, where the prison is
  12. Bob's surname
  13. Mike's other sister
  14. Vecna's third victim
  15. Monster in season 2
  16. El's boyfriend
  17. Lucas's bad nickname
  18. Dustin's invention
  19. Vecna
  20. Pre-Demogorgon
  21. suᴉʞʍɐH
  22. Will's hideout
  23. Murray's nickname
  24. El's friend (not)
  25. The youngest nerd
  26. Superhero
  27. The Vecna's curse survivor
  28. The guy with cool hair
  1. The Chief
  2. Superhero's real name
  3. The Brother
  4. Something you can use when you've lost your magic powers
  5. The Mother
  6. The mall
  7. Mike's bad nickname
  8. Dustin's pet
  9. Victor
  10. The film in season 3
  11. A Cali junkie
  12. Will and Jhonathan's dad
  13. Dustin's mum's pet
  14. The slurpee guy
  15. Monster in season 1
  16. The boy who vanished
  17. Halloween costumes
  18. Brainiac
  19. Dusty Bun's genius girlfriend
  20. 3 musketeers
  21. Mrs Wheeler's husband
  22. A former prison guard
  23. You ;)
  24. Waffles
  25. Monster in season 4
  26. The babbler
  27. Moster in season 3
  28. Mike's sister
  29. D&D ultimate master
  30. Nancy's poor friend
  31. The guy who epically scored in basketball

59 Clues: PapaEightVecnaVictorYou ;)WafflessuᴉʞʍɐHThe GameThe mallScarfaceBrainiacThe ChiefSuperheroThe MotherThe BrotherThe babblerDustin's pet3 musketeersThe new chiefA Cali junkieBob's surnameMike's sisterEl's boyfriendPre-DemogorgonWill's hideoutThe slurpee guyMurray's nicknameEl's friend (not)The youngest nerdDustin's mum's petHalloween costumes...

Stranger Things 2022-08-25

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. Dustin's best friend who has great hair
  2. Where they live
  3. The crazy kid that loves d & d
  4. Will do anything for her son and his friends
  5. First Vecna victim
  6. Has no face and its head opens up
  7. Really cool and is El's best friend
  8. Joyces' dead boyfriend who sacrificed his life
  9. The place where all the monsters come from
  10. Seems like a freak at first but is actually a really great guy and is Will's brother
  11. Max's brother who helped save El
  12. Joyce and Jim's Russian-speaking friend
  13. Eleven's sister from the lab
  1. Best friends with Steve and raised a demigorgon
  2. Mike's sister who is great with weapons and fighting
  3. Has a lot of bad things happen to him
  4. Has crazy superpowers and gets picked on at school
  5. The scoops troup girl who can't talk to her crush
  6. Worst villain of all and looks like a fleshy human
  7. A demogorgon but more intense
  8. Can control your mind and is very big
  9. Plays basketball and is trying to be popular
  10. Mike is not on great terms with him and he is also in Russia
  11. When she went missing and no one really looked for her
  12. Dating a girl in the group who lives in California

25 Clues: Where they liveFirst Vecna victimEleven's sister from the labA demogorgon but more intenseThe crazy kid that loves d & dMax's brother who helped save ElHas no face and its head opens upReally cool and is El's best friendHas a lot of bad things happen to himCan control your mind and is very bigDustin's best friend who has great hair...

Stranger Things 2023-01-03

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. What state is Hawkins in
  2. The Holiday Celebrated in s2 e1 &e2
  3. Gaten Mattarazo Plays this character
  4. Where does suzie live
  5. The Byers moved here in The end of season 3
  6. Who did the kids dress up as for halloween
  7. What sport does lucas play
  8. Name of wills dad
  9. Bret Gellmans Character
  10. What Number is Kali
  11. Joe Quinns Character
  12. what holiday is being celebrated on s1 e8
  13. Who Found Dart
  14. Dacre Montgomery Character
  15. Maya Hawkes Character
  16. Finn Wolfhards Character
  17. The actor who plays steve
  18. Name of arcade in season 2
  1. Charlie Heatons character
  2. Who is Henry Creel/001
  3. Elevens Favorite food
  4. Elevens Real Name
  5. David Harbours Character
  6. The State Kali Lives In
  7. Caleb Mclaughlin Character
  8. College Jonathan wants to go to
  9. Sean Astins Character
  10. Mikes Younger Sister
  11. Name of the Hawkins Mall
  12. What does A.V. stand for
  13. Natalia Dyers Character
  14. Name of Wills Fort
  15. Subject Mr Clarke Teaches
  16. Street the byers live on (first 3 seasons)
  17. Lucas's Middle Name
  18. Sadie Sinks Character

36 Clues: Who Found DartElevens Real NameName of wills dadName of Wills FortWhat Number is KaliLucas's Middle NameMikes Younger SisterJoe Quinns CharacterElevens Favorite foodWhere does suzie liveSean Astins CharacterMaya Hawkes CharacterSadie Sinks CharacterWho is Henry Creel/001The State Kali Lives InNatalia Dyers CharacterBret Gellmans Character...

Stranger Things 2022-12-15

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. The high guy with lots of "Purple Palm Tree Delight"
  2. Old crazy dude who gouged his eyes out
  3. Young child with abilities that were copied
  4. Turn around look at what you seeeeee
  5. Has a wonky run and works jobs with her friend
  6. Got all her bones broken and vision is gone
  7. The youngest child in the show
  8. Loves cherry slushies and died
  9. The police chief with an adopted daughter
  10. Built an entire radio tower for a girl
  11. Went from school bully to the babysitter with six lil' nuggs
  12. Died many times but somehow always came back
  13. Has psychic powers but lost them and got them back
  14. Died within the first 10 minutes of being introduced
  1. A crazy mom that hung up a bunch of Christmas lights
  2. Helped Eleven escape but then fought her and lost
  3. The mom who a dude wayyy younger than her tried know
  4. Definitely gay for his sister's boyfriend and always want to play D&D
  5. The lazy dad
  6. The peanut butter smuggler
  7. Busts out some karate moves out of nowhere
  8. Hates nerds but became one
  9. Was a very mean brother but sacrificed himself
  10. Died in the first episode of season 4
  11. Is a great guy to his girlfriend but has been a jerk to everyone else
  12. Saved everyone's lives but was stupid and knocked over a broom
  13. Has a sassy young sister and won the love triangle
  14. Got some crazy hair and ran away
  15. Went from prep high school girl to the protector of the group and is great with guns
  16. The mastermind that was behind everything
  17. Creepy photographer

31 Clues: The lazy dadCreepy photographerThe peanut butter smugglerHates nerds but became oneThe youngest child in the showLoves cherry slushies and diedGot some crazy hair and ran awayTurn around look at what you seeeeeeDied in the first episode of season 4Old crazy dude who gouged his eyes outBuilt an entire radio tower for a girl...

Stranger Things 2022-12-18

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. Who is played by Winona Ryder
  2. what did Lucas and Dustin find in the fridge I season 1
  3. who are 2 British actors of the group
  4. what did the 4 boys dress up as in season 2
  5. who are the 3 that went into the upside down with Eddie Munson in season 4
  6. who went to save Hopper in Russia
  7. what is the last episode of season 4
  8. what is the fort in the woods called
  9. What is Elevens real full name
  1. what is the name of the mall In season 3
  2. what song is a favorite of Will and Jonathan
  3. who are the bullies in season 4
  4. What is the ice cream parlor Robin And Steve work at
  5. in season 1 who is the first person that is abducted by the demogorgon and never escapes
  6. in season 2 what was Max Mayfields Halloween costume
  7. who is the chill California friend of Jonathan's in season 4
  8. who saves Nancy, Jonathan, Will, Eleven, Mike, Max, and Lucas from Billy hitting their car and almost killing Nancy
  9. Sean Astin who played Bob Newby is in a movie that parts of stranger Things is based off of what is that movie called
  10. what is the holiday celebrated in season 1
  11. what is the holiday in season 3

20 Clues: Who is played by Winona RyderWhat is Elevens real full namewho are the bullies in season 4what is the holiday in season 3who went to save Hopper in Russiawhat is the last episode of season 4what is the fort in the woods calledwho are 2 British actors of the groupwhat is the name of the mall In season 3what is the holiday celebrated in season 1...

stranger things 2023-12-14

stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. who was Chief of police
  2. the boy that went missing in the woods
  3. what was the name of hopper's daughter that died
  4. who is Lucas's little sister
  5. who did Steve work with
  6. Nancy boyfriend
  7. who did robin like
  8. who was max's brother
  9. who did the boys talk to about the upside down
  1. the name of the bad scientist
  2. who was Nancy's best friend
  3. the girl that ran from the scientists
  4. Dustin's girlfriend
  5. who did Eddie talk to before he died
  6. worked at surfer boys pizza
  7. Jonathan and wills mom
  8. who let eleven stay at their house
  9. who did Joyce date that later died in season 2
  10. who did Jonathan secretly like
  11. the name of wills and Nancy mom

20 Clues: Nancy boyfriendwho did robin likeDustin's girlfriendwho was max's brotherJonathan and wills momwho was Chief of policewho did Steve work withwho was Nancy's best friendworked at surfer boys pizzawho is Lucas's little sisterthe name of the bad scientistwho did Jonathan secretly likethe name of wills and Nancy momwho let eleven stay at their house...

Stranger Things 2023-12-03

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. what year did Will go missing?
  2. definitely NOT Steve’s girlfriend
  3. beautiful, but definitely creepy house
  4. fan favorite character who didn’t run away this time
  5. El’s bully who’s definitely gonna need some plastic surgery
  6. supernatural identity of the main antagonist
  7. the Watson to Nancy’s Sherlock
  8. this season has major summer blockbuster energy
  9. El’s real name
  10. Max’s username
  11. El crushed this with her mind
  12. El levitated this with her mind
  13. you can’t spell America without her name
  14. middle name “the hair”
  15. trusted lab director
  16. the party’s Halloween costume
  17. Vecna’s fourth victim
  18. the band behind Will’s favorite song
  19. El is number what?
  20. the name of the alternate dimension that resides in Hawkins
  21. human identity of the main antagonist
  22. Vecna’s second victim
  23. supernatural antagonist in season 2
  24. Max beat Dustin’s score on this arcade game
  25. friend of Hopper and ally to an escaped El
  26. Lucas joins this in season 4, much to Mike and Dustin’s dismay
  27. this season splits our main characters across the world and raises the stakes
  28. where Steve and Robin once worked
  29. the demogorgon got him
  30. the message Will sends to Joyce through the letters on the wall
  31. supernatural antagonist in season 1
  32. the canine like name for a baby demogorgon
  33. season 1 (&4) human antagonist
  34. Vecna’s third victim
  35. dating Dusty-bun
  36. the name of El’s lost sister
  37. the lost sister’s number
  38. El and Mike’s relationship was inspired by this 80s classic
  39. the name of the Byers’ dog that didn’t make it past season 1, thanks to David Harbour
  40. lifeguard killed by a possessed Billy
  41. El loves watching these
  42. “bald eagle”
  43. the movie that Dustin leaves a drugged up Steve and Robin to watch
  44. El’s DnD name
  45. Lucas’ DnD name
  46. this season followed the mysterious disappearance of Will Byers
  47. the girls can’t deny his pearls, grrrr
  48. deadbeat dad to Will and Jonathan
  1. Steve, Dustin, Robin and Erica
  2. where El grew up
  3. Mike, Will, Lucas and Dustin (originally)
  4. thinks NINA is a small woman
  5. this season took place at Halloween and explores the anniversary effect
  6. probably fantasizing about Billy
  7. he’ll bring the slingshot and fireworks to the fight
  8. the name for a storyline or adventure in DnD
  9. the song that saved Max, and became the song of the summer
  10. the creators
  11. human antagonist in season 2&3
  12. self-proclaimed superhero
  13. Will’s favorite song
  14. where our story takes place
  15. Will’s birthday. or is it?
  16. the game that gives the heroes their knowledge
  17. Max’s Halloween costume
  18. Dustin’s dead cat
  19. fan of cherry slurpees, not strawberry
  20. burger joint now a teen party spot
  21. #justicefor____
  22. science teacher unfortunately missing from season 4
  23. Mike promises to take El to this school dance
  24. you don’t mess around with him
  25. what El is submerged in to heighten her abilities
  26. the ____ and the _______
  27. frequent season 3 setting
  28. where Argyle works
  29. El’s favorite food
  30. Will’s DnD name
  31. the heart of the party
  32. Will communicates to his mom via these
  33. Dustin feeds him nougat
  34. Mike’s DnD name
  35. Vecna’s first victim
  36. El wacked her bully with one of these
  37. gun wielding badass detective
  38. Will’s hideout
  39. imprisoned father of the main antagonist
  40. California native and expert skateboarder
  41. El has to close this
  42. she’s gonna find her boy and bring him home!
  43. Max’s DnD name
  44. Dustin’s DnD name
  45. lab identity of the main antagonist

93 Clues: the creators“bald eagle”El’s DnD nameEl’s real nameMax’s usernameWill’s hideoutMax’s DnD name#justicefor____Will’s DnD nameMike’s DnD nameLucas’ DnD namewhere El grew updating Dusty-bunDustin’s dead catDustin’s DnD nameEl is number what?where Argyle worksEl’s favorite foodWill’s favorite songtrusted lab directorVecna’s third victim...

Stranger Things 2024-02-28

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. her real name is Jane, she has telekinesis
  2. Mall the name of the business that went down in season 3
  3. He is the chief of police in Hawkins
  4. The world beneath the earth in the story
  5. The game played in the basement (Epsidode 1)
  6. Nancys ex boyfriend, best friends with Dustin
  7. Vecna, born as Henry Creel and revealed as Subject 001
  8. What is the name of the place that is responsible for opening a portal to the Upside Down
  9. She is the sister of Mike Wheeler, the girlfriend of Jonathan Byers, and the ex-girlfriend of Steve Harrington.
  10. What Joyce used to paint an alphabetic board on her wall
  11. nicknamed "Toothless",a lovable, adventurous boy with a charming personality.
  1. Elevens Superpower
  2. The place where Johnathan and Nancy worked but got fired from
  3. the fictional town where the story is set
  4. the boy who loves eleven.
  5. The ice cream palor Steve and Robin work at
  6. he died after being mauled/bitten to death by Demobats
  7. the single mother of characters Will and Jonathan Byers.
  8. Has divorced parents, Billy is her brother
  9. Joyce Byers son and Will Byers brother
  10. The name of Dustin's Demodog
  11. where the story occurs
  12. the boy who went missing in the Upside Down
  13. her trauma from her mother made it easy for her to fall into Vecnas hands

24 Clues: Elevens Superpowerwhere the story occursthe boy who loves eleven.The name of Dustin's DemodogHe is the chief of police in HawkinsJoyce Byers son and Will Byers brotherThe world beneath the earth in the storythe fictional town where the story is sether real name is Jane, she has telekinesisHas divorced parents, Billy is her brother...

Stranger Things 2018-03-31

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. famous to eleven for making triple decker eggo extravaganzas
  2. the only two characters who have appeared in all seventeen episodes
  3. the city where Stranger Things takes place
  4. nancy's surname
  5. the amount of words eleven says in season one
  6. will and jonathan's dad
  7. the number of seasons as of October 2017
  8. mike's older sister
  9. the cover name for Hawkins Lab
  10. the actor for lucas
  11. the game at the arcade that is also the name of one of the episodes
  12. the new girl in town who rides a skateboard
  13. Max's "bad guy" step-brother
  14. the creathors of Stranger Things
  15. will byers' favorite song
  16. another name for the shadow monster
  17. what attracts the demogorgon
  18. Eight's real name
  19. the actress for joyce
  20. where did dustin find dart
  21. the nickname for the road that will byers takes home
  22. the year that Stranger Things took place in
  23. the letter that the characters who have died in season one and two's names start with
  24. Eleven's HAlloween costume
  25. the actor for dustin
  26. the friendliest of all the boys to Eleven
  27. will's surname
  28. Lucas's surname
  1. the alternate dimension
  2. Dustin's cat that was killed by Dart
  3. will's older brother
  4. Mike's toothless friend
  5. mike and nancy's little sister
  6. Nancy's best friend
  7. the year that Stranger Things 2 takes place on
  8. Dr. Brenner's lab
  9. Max's surname
  10. the state that Stranger Things takes place in
  11. The kids' science teacher
  12. the game that the boys play in mike's basement
  13. the one who went missing into the upside down
  14. the strange girl with powers
  15. Lucas's sassy little sister
  16. what killed sara hopper
  17. Eleven's favorite food
  18. joyce's old boyfriend
  19. the man who held Eleven captive in Hawkins Lab
  20. bob's nickname
  21. who threatened mike to jump off the quarry
  22. eleven's benefactor in episode one
  23. who broke jonathan's camera
  24. Dustin explained that you could tell where the upside down was following the __________.
  25. Dustin's pet Demogorgon
  26. will's mom
  27. Eleven's role in the party
  28. eleven's biological mom

56 Clues: will's momMax's surnamebob's nicknamewill's surnamenancy's surnameLucas's surnameDr. Brenner's labEight's real nameNancy's best friendmike's older sisterthe actor for lucaswill's older brotherthe actor for dustinjoyce's old boyfriendthe actress for joyceEleven's favorite foodthe alternate dimensionMike's toothless friendwill and jonathan's dad...

Stranger Things 2022-05-18

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. - who was stuck in the upside down
  2. - Who favorite food is a slushy
  3. - Lucus girlfriend
  4. - Murray’s code nickname
  5. - What Dustin calls a Demogorgon
  6. - the chief of police
  7. of july - season 3 celebration
  8. - Joyce’s boyfriend
  9. - best show on netflix
  10. - who died in the first season
  11. - who does eleven live with after hopper “dies”
  12. - Game the party places
  13. - what will tells his mom on the christmas wall
  14. - Who created stranger things
  15. - dates Steve and jonathan
  16. - Main villain in first season
  1. - the “head” of the group
  2. - what does billy work as
  3. - who plays eleven
  4. - Eleven sister’s number (season two)
  5. - the evil place
  6. - what is elvens favorite food
  7. - The babysitter/mom
  8. - the place where everything takes place
  9. - Max’s brother
  10. - Dustin’s girlfriend’s name
  11. - Month new season comes out
  12. - Villain of season 3
  13. - Will’s brother
  14. - What vehicle do the main kids use to get around

30 Clues: - Max’s brother- the evil place- Will’s brother- Lucus girlfriend- who plays eleven- Joyce’s boyfriend- The babysitter/mom- the chief of police- Villain of season 3- best show on netflix- Game the party places- Murray’s code nickname- the “head” of the group- what does billy work as- dates Steve and jonathan- Dustin’s girlfriend’s name...

Stranger Things 2022-05-03

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. dustin’s girlfriend
  2. the username that Max used
  3. mike’s dad’s name
  4. alexei’s favorite slurpee flavor
  5. dustin’s cat
  6. what murray was called in season 3
  7. the thing that possessed will in season 2
  8. the number that they needed that suzie helped them with
  9. how the mind flayer like it
  10. the name that Will was called in Season 2
  11. lucas’ last name
  12. chief of police in hawkins
  1. what the mind flayer started controlling in season 3
  2. the thing that dustin wanted el to levitate in season 1
  3. what a group of people playing D&D is called
  4. the monster in season 1
  5. dustin, steve, robin, and erica
  6. 008’s name
  7. the words between Nancy’s name when steve vandalized the movie theater
  8. the demedog that Dustin had
  9. how many phones did joyce use in season 1
  10. has mind powers

22 Clues: 008’s namedustin’s cathas mind powerslucas’ last namemike’s dad’s namedustin’s girlfriendthe monster in season 1the username that Max usedchief of police in hawkinshow the mind flayer like itthe demedog that Dustin haddustin, steve, robin, and ericaalexei’s favorite slurpee flavorwhat murray was called in season 3...

Stranger Things 2022-08-11

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. Shannon Purser
  2. Winona Ryder
  3. Randy Havens
  4. Nikola Djuricko
  5. Gaten Matarazzo
  6. Dacre Montgomery
  7. Linnea Berthelsen
  8. Brett Gelman
  9. Robert Englund
  10. Matthew Modine
  11. Charlie Heaton
  12. Priah Ferguson
  13. Joe Chrest
  14. Jamie Campbell Bower
  15. Francesca Reale
  16. Noah Schnapp
  17. Gabriella Pizzolo
  1. Sean Astin
  2. Cara Buono
  3. Myles Truitt
  4. Maya Hawke
  5. Grace Van Dein
  6. Amybeth Mcnulty
  7. Natalia Dyer
  8. Matt and Ross
  9. Millie Bobby Brown
  10. Joe Keery
  11. Caleb McLaughlin
  12. Finn Wolfhard
  13. Paul Reiser
  14. Matthew Cardarople
  15. David Harbour
  16. Alec Utgoff
  17. Sadie Sink

34 Clues: Joe KeerySean AstinCara BuonoMaya HawkeJoe ChrestSadie SinkPaul ReiserAlec UtgoffMyles TruittNatalia DyerWinona RyderRandy HavensBrett GelmanNoah SchnappMatt and RossFinn WolfhardDavid HarbourGrace Van DeinShannon PurserRobert EnglundMatthew ModineCharlie HeatonPriah FergusonAmybeth McnultyNikola DjurickoGaten MatarazzoFrancesca Reale...

stranger things! 2022-07-18

stranger things! crossword puzzle
  1. last name of elevens boyfriend
  2. alexei's favourite drink
  3. the bully in season 4
  4. name of the boy who is possessed in stranger things 2
  5. the monster in season 1
  6. the temperature that the mindflayer likes
  7. where will is stuck in season 1
  8. the name of the song that saves max from vecna
  9. the first person the mindflayer posseses in stranger things 3
  1. where robin and steve worked in season 4
  2. elevens powers
  3. last name of the leader of the hellfire club
  4. bobs nickname
  5. the monster that killed superbob
  6. the name eleven calls brenner
  7. where robin and steve worked in season 3
  8. the monster who possesses max in stranger things 4
  9. the name of dustin's demodog
  10. elevens favourite food
  11. the name of the squirrel in el's visual aid
  12. the name of the d&d club

21 Clues: bobs nicknameelevens powersthe bully in season 4elevens favourite foodthe monster in season 1alexei's favourite drinkthe name of the d&d clubthe name of dustin's demodogthe name eleven calls brennerlast name of elevens boyfriendwhere will is stuck in season 1the monster that killed superbobwhere robin and steve worked in season 4...

stranger things 2022-08-04

stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. used to distract the mind flayer in season 3 when el was hurt
  2. robin came out to Steve as ______
  3. "my magnets!!"
  4. traumatized and ignored
  5. fluent in Russian
  6. can't get any girls
  7. Dustins girlfriend
  8. monster of season 2 and 3
  9. where el loses her powers
  10. wills older brother
  11. hopper got mad about eleven and mike ______
  1. Nancy and Jonathans old place of work
  2. an ice cream shop in the mall
  3. the heart
  4. wanted a cherry slushy
  5. elevens real name
  6. "dingus your children are here"
  7. in love with Joyce
  8. you can't spell America without her
  9. sacrificed himself and had character growth at the end of season 3
  10. overhears a Russian code
  11. maxes boyfriend
  12. stands up for herself when she got made fun of because she was a girl
  13. newest addition to the party

24 Clues: the heart"my magnets!!"maxes boyfriendelevens real namefluent in Russianin love with JoyceDustins girlfriendcan't get any girlswills older brotherwanted a cherry slushytraumatized and ignoredoverhears a Russian codemonster of season 2 and 3where el loses her powersnewest addition to the partyan ice cream shop in the mall...

Stranger things 2022-09-11

Stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. where does hopper hide el
  2. who is Joyce's ex husband
  3. where was hopper taken
  4. what is Mike's surname
  5. at the end of season4 who is in the hospital
  6. what color does Joyce use to paint letters on the wall
  7. who is the leader of the hellfireclub
  8. where did Steve and robin work in the mall
  9. where does dr.Brenner work
  10. who kills max
  1. the___club
  2. who controls will
  3. girl with powers
  4. Nancy's brother
  5. middle school what school do the kids go to
  6. what kills bob
  7. when does will go missing
  8. who names the demodogs
  9. who plays basketball in season4
  10. where is the show set
  11. kid who got lost in upside down

21 Clues: the___clubwho kills maxwhat kills bobNancy's brothergirl with powerswho controls willwhere is the show setwhere was hopper takenwhat is Mike's surnamewho names the demodogswhere does hopper hide elwho is Joyce's ex husbandwhen does will go missingwhere does dr.Brenner workwho plays basketball in season4kid who got lost in upside down...

Stranger things 2022-09-11

Stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. where is the show set
  2. Nancy's brother
  3. who controls will
  4. who names the demodogs
  5. the___club
  6. who kills max
  7. where does dr.Brenner work
  1. who is Joyce's ex husband
  2. who plays basketball in season4
  3. middle school what school do the kids go to
  4. what kills bob
  5. where did Steve and robin work in the mall
  6. where does hopper hide el
  7. what is Mike's surname
  8. who is the leader of the hellfireclub
  9. kid who got lost in upside down
  10. girl with powers
  11. where was hopper taken
  12. at the end of season4 who is in the hospital
  13. when does will go missing
  14. what color does Joyce use to paint letters on the wall

21 Clues: the___clubwho kills maxwhat kills bobNancy's brothergirl with powerswho controls willwhere is the show setwhat is Mike's surnamewhere was hopper takenwho names the demodogswho is Joyce's ex husbandwhere does hopper hide elwhen does will go missingwhere does dr.Brenner workwho plays basketball in season4kid who got lost in upside down...

Stranger things 2023-08-23

Stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. where is the show set
  2. Nancy's brother
  3. who controls will
  4. who names the demodogs
  5. the___club
  6. who kills max
  7. where does dr.Brenner work
  1. who is Joyce's ex husband
  2. who plays basketball in season4
  3. middle school what school do the kids go to
  4. what kills bob
  5. where did Steve and robin work in the mall
  6. where does hopper hide el
  7. what is Mike's surname
  8. who is the leader of the hellfireclub
  9. kid who got lost in upside down
  10. girl with powers
  11. where was hopper taken
  12. at the end of season4 who is in the hospital
  13. when does will go missing
  14. what color does Joyce use to paint letters on the wall

21 Clues: the___clubwho kills maxwhat kills bobNancy's brothergirl with powerswho controls willwhere is the show setwhat is Mike's surnamewhere was hopper takenwho names the demodogswho is Joyce's ex husbandwhere does hopper hide elwhen does will go missingwhere does dr.Brenner workwho plays basketball in season4kid who got lost in upside down...

Stranger things 2024-09-12

Stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. Who is the main villain?
  2. What is the name of the Russian scientist who helps Hopper in Season 3?
  3. What is the name of the alternate dimension that exists alongside the real world in *Stranger Things*?
  4. What is the name of the creature that kidnaps Will in Season 1?
  5. What song helps Max escape from Vecna's control in Season 4?
  6. What is the name of the town where *Stranger Things* is set?
  7. What is the name of Eleven's "sister" who also has powers, introduced in Season 2?
  8. In which season do the characters battle the Mind Flayer for the first time?
  9. Which government facility is responsible for the experiments on Eleven?
  1. What object is used by Joyce Byers to communicate with Will when he is trapped in the Upside Down?
  2. What kind of food is Eleven obsessed with throughout the series?
  3. What is the name of the mall introduced in Season 3, where much of the plot takes place?
  4. Who is the main protagonist in *Stranger Things* with telekinetic powers?
  5. What board game do the boys frequently play in the first season of *Stranger Things*?
  6. Who plays the role of Chief Jim Hopper in the series?
  7. What alias does Eleven use when she moves in with Hopper in Season 2?
  8. Who is Dustin’s long-distance girlfriend, introduced in Season 3?
  9. What is the name of the song that plays when Nancy and Steve fight with the Demogorgon in season 1?
  10. Which character sacrifices themselves at the end of Season 3 to close the gate to the Upside Down?
  11. Who is the leader of the group of friends that includes Mike, Lucas, Dustin, and Will?

20 Clues: Who is the main villain?What is the name of the town where *Stranger Things* is set?Which government facility is responsible for the experiments on Eleven?Who is the main protagonist in *Stranger Things* with telekinetic powers?Who plays the role of Chief Jim Hopper in the series?...

Stranger Things 2021-05-18

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. The older brother of Will
  2. billies younger sister
  3. the mayor of hawkins
  4. mike and nancy's dad
  5. The person who goes missing at the start of stranger things
  6. the board game that will, dustin, mike, and lucas play
  7. the girl that helps steve, dustin, and robin spye on the russian base
  8. elevens biological mother
  9. An employee that works at the ice cream shop in season three with steve
  10. what dustin names the pet demodog/demogorgon
  11. the science teacher that helps out mike and his friends in season one through three
  12. the evil russian that murders people at the start of season three
  13. Dustin's girlfriend from camp
  14. the character that works at an ice cream shop in season three
  15. joyce's boyfriend in seasons one and two
  1. barbs best friend before she goes missing
  2. the biggest alien/monster that comes to hawkins in season three
  3. the town that stranger things takes place
  4. A russian engineer that helps joyce and hopper in season three
  5. an outsider that comes into hawkins and bullies steve
  6. the character that has no front teeth
  7. the alien/monster that first attacks the people in hawkins in season 1
  8. the mom of nancy and mike
  9. the friend of nancy drew that goes missing at steve's house
  10. the main sheriff/cop in the show
  11. the character that likes max in the show
  12. dustin's cats name
  13. the aliens/monsters that terrorize hawkins in season two

28 Clues: dustin's cats namethe mayor of hawkinsmike and nancy's dadbillies younger sisterThe older brother of Willthe mom of nancy and mikeelevens biological motherDustin's girlfriend from campthe main sheriff/cop in the showthe character that has no front teeththe character that likes max in the showjoyce's boyfriend in seasons one and two...

Stranger Things 2022-09-19

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. The big monster that possess Will
  2. The main character of the show
  3. The town
  4. The fan favorite woman lover
  5. Died in a pool
  6. The kid with no collar bones
  7. Dustin's pet demogorgon
  8. The state
  9. The middle child Wheeler
  10. Climbed into the Scoops Ahoy vent in season 3
  11. The redhaired skaters boyfriend
  12. The main villian of season 4
  13. The main villian of season 4's real form
  1. The character with the best hair
  2. The chief
  3. The youngest Wheeler
  4. Sacraficed himself for Joyce Byers
  5. The oldest Wheeler
  6. The monster in Will's head
  7. The curly haired rock music lover
  8. The fan favorite homosexual
  9. The redhaired skater

22 Clues: The townThe chiefThe stateDied in a poolThe oldest WheelerThe youngest WheelerThe redhaired skaterDustin's pet demogorgonThe middle child WheelerThe monster in Will's headThe fan favorite homosexualThe fan favorite woman loverThe kid with no collar bonesThe main villian of season 4The main character of the showThe redhaired skaters boyfriend...

Stranger Things 2022-09-19

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. The big monster that possess Will
  2. The main character of the show
  3. The town
  4. The fan favorite woman lover
  5. Died in a pool
  6. The kid with no collar bones
  7. Dustin's pet demogorgon
  8. The state
  9. The middle child Wheeler
  10. Climbed into the Scoops Ahoy vent in season 3
  11. The redhaired skaters boyfriend
  12. The main villian of season 4
  13. The main villian of season 4's real form
  1. The character with the best hair
  2. The chief
  3. The youngest Wheeler
  4. Sacraficed himself for Joyce Byers
  5. The oldest Wheeler
  6. The monster in Will's head
  7. The curly haired rock music lover
  8. The fan favorite homosexual
  9. The redhaired skater

22 Clues: The townThe chiefThe stateDied in a poolThe oldest WheelerThe youngest WheelerThe redhaired skaterDustin's pet demogorgonThe middle child WheelerThe monster in Will's headThe fan favorite homosexualThe fan favorite woman loverThe kid with no collar bonesThe main villian of season 4The main character of the showThe redhaired skaters boyfriend...

stranger things! 2022-07-18

stranger things! crossword puzzle
  1. the monster in season 1
  2. elevens powers
  3. the name eleven calls brenner
  4. alexei's favourite drink
  5. where robin and steve worked in season 4
  6. the name of the d&d club
  7. the monster who possesses max in stranger things 4
  8. last name of the leader of the hellfire club
  9. the first person the mindflayer posseses in stranger things 3
  10. the monster that killed superbob
  11. last name of elevens boyfriend
  12. bobs nickname
  1. the name of the song that saves max from vecna
  2. elevens favourite food
  3. where will is stuck in season 1
  4. the temperature that the mindflayer likes
  5. where robin and steve worked in season 3
  6. name of the boy who is possessed in stranger things 2
  7. the bully in season 4
  8. the name of the squirrel in el's visual aid

20 Clues: bobs nicknameelevens powersthe bully in season 4elevens favourite foodthe monster in season 1alexei's favourite drinkthe name of the d&d clubthe name eleven calls brennerlast name of elevens boyfriendwhere will is stuck in season 1the monster that killed superbobwhere robin and steve worked in season 3where robin and steve worked in season 4...

Stranger things 2022-09-11

Stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. what color does Joyce use to paint letters on the wall
  2. Nancy's brother
  3. where is the show set
  4. what kills bob
  5. at the end of season4 who is in the hospital
  6. who is Joyce's ex husband
  7. who names the demodogs
  8. kid who got lost in upside down
  9. girl with powers
  10. who is the leader of the hellfireclub
  11. who plays basketball in season4
  12. who kills max
  13. where did Steve and robin work in the mall
  14. where does dr.Brenner work
  15. what is Mike's surname
  1. what school do the kids go to
  2. the___club
  3. when does will go missing
  4. where does hopper hide el
  5. where was hopper taken
  6. who controls will

21 Clues: the___clubwho kills maxwhat kills bobNancy's brothergirl with powerswho controls willwhere is the show setwho names the demodogswhere was hopper takenwhat is Mike's surnamewhen does will go missingwho is Joyce's ex husbandwhere does hopper hide elwhere does dr.Brenner workwhat school do the kids go tokid who got lost in upside down...


STRANGER THINGS crossword puzzle
  1. The name of the mall in season 3
  2. The name of Elevens mother
  3. The name of dustins girlfriend
  4. The place where steve and robin work in season 4
  5. The actor who plays Will
  6. Billys Last name
  7. what does A.V. Stand for
  8. Actor who plays steve
  9. The state Eleven & the byers moved to at the end of season 3
  10. Name of billys dad
  11. The Name of Wills dad
  12. The name of dustins ham radio
  13. The state where hawkins is located
  14. Vecnas real name
  15. Lucas's middle name
  16. The title of season 2 episode 1
  17. The actor who plays eddie
  1. Actress who plays joyce
  2. the title of season 3 episode 7
  3. Eights real name
  4. the name of hoppers daughter that died.
  5. Elevens favorite waffle brand
  6. What is vecnas number
  7. Actress who plays nancy wheeler
  8. The game that is played in the hellfire club
  9. Name of Victor creels daughter
  10. The sport Lucas plays in season 4
  11. The holliday season 3 takes place at
  12. The actor who plays Victor creel
  13. Mikes Little sister
  14. Elevens real name
  15. The actress who plays max
  16. The name of the newspaper murray formerly worked for.
  17. The russian guy joyce and hopper captured

34 Clues: Eights real nameBillys Last nameVecnas real nameElevens real nameName of billys dadMikes Little sisterLucas's middle nameWhat is vecnas numberActor who plays steveThe Name of Wills dadActress who plays joyceThe actor who plays Willwhat does A.V. Stand forThe actress who plays maxThe actor who plays eddieThe name of Elevens mother...

stranger things 2022-06-14

stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. Which animal did the young Henry brutally kill with his abilities?
  2. What does Alexei demand he get in order for him to talk?
  3. What does Dustin name the pollywog?
  4. What game does Eleven play with the older test subject when he takes her away from the rainbow room to talk to her?
  5. Where did the gateway to the Upside Down open up in Eddie's trailer?
  6. Who is able to translate the Russian transmission?
  7. Who is played by Ross Partridge?
  8. How do Nancy, Jonathan, Robin and Eddie get from Nancy's house to Eddie's cabin while stuck in the Upside down?
  9. What does the Russian prison warden say about Murray when he's posing as Yuri?
  10. What’s the name of the steelworks that Billy is dragged into?
  11. What did Hopper use to defeat the demogorgon in the prison?
  12. How many languages does Robin claim to speak?
  13. What is the name of the old woman who talks to Nancy about the infected rats?
  14. What did Eleven tell the Hawkins Lab guard to escape the rainbow room?
  15. Who does Nancy encounter while trapped by Vecna in the Upside Down?
  16. What are the guards at Hawkins Lab armed with?
  17. What color are the counters that Eleven drops into the Plinko game?
  18. What are the names of Mike’s parents?
  1. What do Dustin, Erica and Lucas later use to allow the gang stuck in the Upside Down to communicate?
  2. Which character is played by Dacre Montgomery
  3. What is the name of the restaurant that Eleven steels fries from?
  4. What’s the name of the government lab?
  5. Which character is played by Noah Schnapp?
  6. Who is played by Cara Buono?
  7. Erica bribes Lucas by threatening to tell Dustin what?
  8. Who is Dustin’s girlfriend that he meets at camp?
  9. What did Nancy find in the Upside Down version of her bedroom instead of the guns she was looking for?
  10. Who’s Nancy’s boss and editor of the newspaper?
  11. Who is played by Winona Ryder?
  12. What did Dr. Brenner punish him with for the attack?
  13. How do the gang stuck in the Upside Down use the lights to communicate with Dustin and Lucas in the real world?
  14. What is the name of the video game in the arcade that Dustin had the high score in?
  15. Who is played by Matthew Modine?
  16. Which of Dr. Brenner's subject was punished for attacking Eleven?
  17. The true identity of One is later revealed, what is his name?
  18. What is the name of Will’s older brother?
  19. What is the name of the Russian Scientist that Jim and Joyce kidnap?
  20. What color piece does Eleven play during her chess game?

38 Clues: Who is played by Cara Buono?Who is played by Winona Ryder?Who is played by Ross Partridge?Who is played by Matthew Modine?What does Dustin name the pollywog?What are the names of Mike’s parents?What’s the name of the government lab?What is the name of Will’s older brother?Which character is played by Noah Schnapp?...

Stranger Things 2022-12-15

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. the boy with curly hair and a small teath.
  2. the first dead person.
  3. a club where they play D&D.
  4. escapees from the laboratory.
  5. Nancy’s best friend.
  6. the first child in Upside Down.
  7. monster from 1 season.
  8. Vecna’s surname.
  9. an project in a laboratory.
  10. the city where ST was filmed.
  1. board game.
  2. Will’s mother.
  3. Nancy’s ex boyfriend and Dustin’s big friend.
  4. a doctor, who is an director of a laboratory and makes experiments on the childrens with kinetic abilities.
  5. name of the boy who accommodated El at his home.
  6. surname of police chief.
  7. monster from 4 season.
  8. symbol of ST; scary sound of it.
  9. logo of the school in Hawkins.
  10. Max’s stepbrother.
  11. the boy with brown skin that playes Basketball.
  12. she has ginger hair.

22 Clues: board game.Will’s mother.Vecna’s surname.Max’s stepbrother.Nancy’s best friend.she has ginger hair.the first dead from 4 from 1 season.surname of police chief.a club where they play D& project in a laboratory.escapees from the laboratory.the city where ST was filmed.logo of the school in Hawkins....

Stranger Things 2023-01-11

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. Known for their hair
  2. Actor is best friends with Joe Keery
  3. Think of 90s stars
  4. Introduced in season 4
  5. Portrays the "mom" of ST
  6. Red. Hair.
  7. Known also for his hair and chaos
  8. Plays Ziggy in Fear Street
  9. Plays a character's sister
  10. This character is the main protagonist
  11. Rude in season 1
  12. Bully and jerk throughout season 2
  13. "Chrissy wake up!"
  14. Coworker of Joe Keery
  15. Also played by a Fear Street star
  1. Australian
  2. Actor is known as the missing child
  3. Brother to a missing child
  4. Plays Alexi in Black Widow
  5. Main star of the show
  6. Think of McDonald's
  7. Killed a previous entrant
  8. Sister to a previous answer
  9. Stars in IT
  10. Played by Finn Wolfhard
  11. Child of another character
  12. Think cameras
  13. Killed in the very first season
  14. Inciting incident of season 1
  15. Played by a famous actress
  16. This character is the chief in Hawkins

31 Clues: AustralianRed. Hair.Stars in ITThink camerasRude in season 1Think of 90s stars"Chrissy wake up!"Think of McDonald'sKnown for their hairMain star of the showCoworker of Joe KeeryIntroduced in season 4Played by Finn WolfhardPortrays the "mom" of STKilled a previous entrantBrother to a missing childPlays Alexi in Black WidowChild of another character...

Stranger things 2023-02-03

Stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. the president of the A/V club
  2. kid that goes missing
  3. max's sirname
  4. the mom of the group
  5. max's real name
  6. elevens real name
  7. where eleven escaped
  8. the bully from season one
  9. who is elevens biological mom
  10. nickname for the mind flayer
  11. how joyce talked to will
  12. victor creel
  13. "cult"club
  14. toothless friend
  1. place in the mall
  2. nancys best friend
  3. what killed bob
  4. has powers
  5. plays basketball
  6. digdug
  7. high school "freak"
  8. wheeler
  9. will's brother
  10. the monster that killed barb
  11. the new villian
  12. elevens dad
  13. sacrifices himself to save everybody else
  14. elevens boyfriend
  15. season two and seasons three villian
  16. dr.brenner
  17. harrington
  18. where will goes missing
  19. one of the nuggets
  20. joyce's lover
  21. who had a underground bunker
  22. name of the mall
  23. where eleven moves in season 4
  24. who closes the gate
  25. the bully of season 4

39 Clues: digdugwheelerhas powersdr.brennerharrington"cult"clubelevens dadvictor creelmax's sirnamejoyce's loverwill's brotherwhat killed bobmax's real namethe new villianplays basketballname of the malltoothless friendplace in the mallelevens real nameelevens boyfriendnancys best friendone of the nuggetshigh school "freak"who closes the gate...

Stranger Things 2023-06-13

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. the Watson to Nancy’s Sherlock
  2. you don’t mess around with him
  3. the girls can’t deny his pearls, grrrrr
  4. El’s favorite food
  5. El wacked Angela with one of these
  6. the name of the alternate dimension in Hawkins
  7. the season 1 (&4) human antagonist
  8. Lucas’s D&D name
  9. Erica refers to the party as this
  10. where El grew up
  11. the most recent season, taking place over spring break and splitting our crew apart
  12. where the Hopper-Byers family moves after season 3
  13. friend of Hopper, and ally to an escaped El
  14. supernatural antagonist in season 2
  15. you can’t spell America without her name
  16. stoner buddy of Jonathan, my dudes
  17. the lost sister’s number
  18. the band behind Will’s favorite song
  19. let’s hope there isn’t a third one of them… awkward
  20. Vecna’s first victim
  21. self proclaimed superhero
  22. “Bald Eagle”
  23. you hear four of these when Vecna’s on your tail
  24. Will’s birthday. Or is it?
  25. the name for a storyline or adventure in D&D
  26. El’s real name
  27. Max’s D&D name
  28. Mike, Will, Lucas and Dustin (originally)
  29. Will communicates with Joyce through these
  30. this season took place on 4th of July and introduced the Russian interest in the secrets of Hawkins
  31. he’ll bring the slingshot and the fireworks to the fight
  32. only this can save someone from Vecna’s curse
  33. original name and concept for Stranger Things
  34. El has to close this
  35. she’s gonna find her boy and bring him home!
  36. Will’s hideout
  37. where Argyle works
  38. supernatural identity of the main antagonist
  39. the song that saved Max, and became the song of the summer
  40. where Steve and Robin once worked
  41. human antagonist in season 2
  42. lab rat identity
  43. El’s D&D name
  44. justice for her
  45. Max beat Dustin’s score on this
  46. fan of cherry slurpees, not strawberry!
  47. Erica (and Dustin) ain’t horsin around with their knowledge about this cartoon and toy line
  48. California native and expert skateboarder
  49. Mike vows to take El to this if she makes it through killing the demogorgon
  50. frequent setting in season 3
  51. imprisoned father of the main antagonist
  52. the game that gives the heroes their knowledge of the alternate universe
  53. “If ____’s a small enough woman she could fit behind a small tree.”
  54. definitely NOT Steve’s girlfriend
  55. El loves watching these
  1. Steve, Dustin, Robin and Erica
  2. beautiful, but definitely creepy house
  3. middle name “the hair”
  4. Lucas joins this in season 4, much to Mike and Dustin’s dismay
  5. probably fantasizing about Billy.
  6. the comic Will wanted for beating Dustin in their race
  7. what El is submerged in to heighten her abilities
  8. fan favorite character who didn’t run away this time
  9. I hope he liked the chicken
  10. the number of gates opened in season 4
  11. human identity of the main antagonist
  12. producer and frequent director
  13. the very creative name given to a dinosaur toy by Mike Wheeler
  14. deadbeat dad to Will and Jonathan
  15. human antagonist in season 4
  16. the heart of the party
  17. the message Will sends to Joyce through the letters on the wall
  18. where Steve and Robin now work
  19. the name of the Byers’ dog that did not make it past season 1, thanks to David Harbour
  20. Dustin feeds him nougat
  21. stick some nails into this and you’ll have an excellent weapon
  22. what year did Will go missing?
  23. lab identity of the main antagonist
  24. science teacher unfortunately missing from season 4
  25. this season took place in November, following the disappearance of Will Byers and the discovery of the alternate universe underneath Hawkins
  26. the demogorgon, it got him
  27. Will’s D&D name
  28. the season 1 supernatural antagonist
  29. the party’s Halloween costume in season 2
  30. “the ____ and the _______”
  31. where the party goes to hide from the lab
  32. el riding on Mike’s bike was inspired by this movie
  33. Max’s username
  34. the canine-like name for a growing demogorgon
  35. Mike’s D&D name
  36. dating Dustybun
  37. the slasher icon Max wears as a mask on Halloween
  38. lifeguard killed by a possessed Billy
  39. the movie that Dustin leaves a drugged up Steve and Robin to watch
  40. burger joint now a teen party spot
  41. condescendingly referred to as “nancy drew”
  42. you see it when your time is running out
  43. El crushed this with her mind in the lab
  44. Dustin’s D&D name
  45. El’s bully who’s definitely gonna need some plastic surgery after what El did to her
  46. Dustin’s dead cat, may she rest in peace
  47. this season took place at Halloween and explores the anniversary effect
  48. trusted lab director (supposedly)
  49. where our story takes place

104 Clues: “Bald Eagle”El’s D&D nameEl’s real nameMax’s usernameMax’s D&D nameWill’s hideoutWill’s D&D nameMike’s D&D namedating Dustybunjustice for herLucas’s D&D namewhere El grew uplab rat identityDustin’s D&D nameEl’s favorite foodwhere Argyle worksVecna’s first victimEl has to close thismiddle name “the hair”the heart of the partyDustin feeds him nougat...

Stranger Things 2022-03-26

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. Billy's hairstyle
  2. Lucas's sister
  3. parallel universe
  4. store where Steve works
  5. Where the underground lair entrance is located
  6. Will's mom
  7. has a crush on max
  8. town cop
  9. Creature from the parallel universe
  10. name of the creepy town
  11. Steve's last name
  12. name of the state the town is in
  1. Dustin's girlfirend
  2. mike wheeler's sister
  3. kid who goes missing
  4. Billy's car
  5. girl with telekinetic power
  6. redheaded girl
  7. Nancy's brother
  8. crop that went bad
  9. Will's brother
  10. have an underground lair
  11. guy who is missing teeth
  12. Mike's mom
  13. Joyce's boyfriend who dies

25 Clues: town copWill's momMike's momBilly's carLucas's sisterredheaded girlWill's brotherNancy's brotherBilly's hairstyleparallel universeSteve's last namehas a crush on maxcrop that went badDustin's girlfirendkid who goes missingmike wheeler's sisterstore where Steve worksname of the creepy townhave an underground lairguy who is missing teeth...

Stranger Things 2023-11-13

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. What does Joyce use to paint an alphabetic board on her wall?
  2. Which actress plays Joyce in Stranger Things?
  3. Which character becomes trapped in the Upside Down in the first season?
  4. Who is the character played by Millie Bobby Brown in "Stranger Things"?
  5. What is the name of Dustin’s girlfriend in season three of the show?
  6. What did Mike, Dustin, Lucas & Will all dress as for Halloween?
  7. Which role playing game do the characters love playing?
  8. What is the name of the Russian scientist who gets kidnapped by Jim and Joyce?
  9. What is Vecna’s real name?
  1. What is the name of the parallel world where monsters live?
  2. Dustin and his girlfriend sing a duet of what song over the radio?
  3. D’Artagnan is the name that Dustin gives to what creature?
  4. Which musician sings Max’s favourite song that saves her from Vecna?
  5. What is the name of the fictional town in Indiana where the show is set?
  6. What is the name of the ice cream parlor where Steve and Robin work in season 3 of "Stranger Things"?
  7. What food does Eleven love to eat?
  8. Who has a turtle called Yertle?
  9. What is the name of the two brothers that directed and created Stranger Things?
  10. Who is the leader of the the Hellfire Club?
  11. What is the main antagonist in Stranger Things season 1?

20 Clues: What is Vecna’s real name?Who has a turtle called Yertle?What food does Eleven love to eat?Who is the leader of the the Hellfire Club?Which actress plays Joyce in Stranger Things?Which role playing game do the characters love playing?What is the main antagonist in Stranger Things season 1?D’Artagnan is the name that Dustin gives to what creature?...

Stranger things 2024-01-09

Stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. Which US city does Eleven travel to in search of Kali?
  2. What actor plays Bob Newby
  3. What Actor Plays Jonathan Byers
  4. name of the newspaper where Nancy and Jonathan work in season 3
  5. What is the name of the arcade game that Lucas and Max play in season two
  6. What Actor Plays Jim Hopper
  7. Name of the Arcade in Hawkins
  8. What US State is the Show Set in
  9. What is Billys Last Name
  10. Name of Dustins Girlfriend
  11. Name of Mikes mother
  12. Name of Mikes Younger Sister
  13. what is Vecnas Real Name
  14. Name of Hoppers Biological Daughter
  1. Where does Jonathan’s best friend Argyle work as a delivery guy?
  2. What Actor plays Mike
  3. Which iconic horror actor plays Victor Creel in Season 4?
  4. What is the only Streaming Platform Stranger things available on
  5. in season 4, where do Steve and Robin work?
  6. What is Lucas's Middle Name
  7. What Job Did Billy Have in Season 3
  8. Who is the mayor of Hawkins in season three?
  9. What Actress Plays Robin
  10. What is Elevens Real Name
  11. name of the ice cream parlor where Steve and Robin work in season 3
  12. Where did bob newby work
  13. What number is Kali known as?
  14. In season 4, what is the name of the store that the kids go to in order to stock up on weapons and gear?
  15. What is Max's Last Name
  16. What actress plays max
  17. Joseph Quinn plays which character in season 4?
  18. What is Dustins Last Name
  19. What is Mikes Last Name
  20. Name of the Mall in Season 3
  21. name of Lucas’ sister in

35 Clues: Name of Mikes motherWhat Actor plays MikeWhat actress plays maxWhat is Max's Last NameWhat is Mikes Last NameWhat Actress Plays RobinWhere did bob newby workWhat is Billys Last Namename of Lucas’ sister inwhat is Vecnas Real NameWhat is Elevens Real NameWhat is Dustins Last NameWhat actor plays Bob NewbyName of Dustins Girlfriend...

Stranger Things 2024-12-22

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. Eddie's Dungeons and Dragons club name
  2. Billy's job in Season 3
  3. Mike, Dustin, Lucas, & Will's Halloween costume
  4. 2nd word in the name of the ice cream shop where Steve and Robbin work
  5. Name of the room where the children at Hawkins National Laboratory played
  6. Drink that Dr. Alexei likes
  7. Eleven's mother's first name
  8. Name of the school ball that Eleven and Mike dance at
  9. Lucas' sister's first name
  10. US State where the military takes Eleven in Season 4
  11. Eight's real first name
  12. First word of the song Max uses to fight Vecna
  1. Will's age in Season 1
  2. Last name of the brothers who created the show
  3. Sport Lucas plays
  4. Total number of episodes
  5. The name of the mall in Season 3
  6. Will and Jonathan's father's first name
  7. Eleven's favorite food
  8. The cheerleader killed by Vecna
  9. What killed Hopper's daughter Sarah
  10. Last word of the title of the song Eddie plays in the upside down
  11. Full name of Dustin's demidog pet
  12. US State that Hawkins is in
  13. The arcade game that Max beats Dustin's high score on
  14. Soviet prison guard who helps Hopper
  15. Hawkins High School mascot

27 Clues: Sport Lucas playsWill's age in Season 1Eleven's favorite foodBilly's job in Season 3Eight's real first nameTotal number of episodesLucas' sister's first nameHawkins High School mascotDrink that Dr. Alexei likesUS State that Hawkins is inEleven's mother's first nameThe cheerleader killed by VecnaThe name of the mall in Season 3...


STRANGER THINGS crossword puzzle
  1. C'étais l'amie de Nancy mais elle C'est fait tuer par un démogorgon
  2. C'est l'amoureuse de dustin et elle est super intelligente
  3. C'est un monstre par lequel Will c'est fait kidnappe
  4. Elle est lesbian et elle est l'amie de Steve
  5. C'étais l'amoureuse de jason mais elle c'est fait tuer par Vecna
  6. C'est l'amoureux de Eleven
  7. C'est l'amoureux de Max
  8. C'est le monstre le plus puissant puis il fessait parti des personnes qui a des pouvoir
  9. C'est l'ami de Murray il est russian et il c'est fait tuer par un méchant guy
  10. Il à des cheuveux vraiment long pour un gars,il travail dans une pizzeria et il est l'ami de jonathan
  11. C'est la petite sœur de Lucas
  12. Il est un policier pis sa fille étais morte a cause du cancer
  13. C'est un gars qui est le boss dans le hellfire et il a des cheveux bouclé
  14. Il c'est fais kidnapper dans la S1 par le démogorgon
  1. C'est le père de Eleven on va dire (Eleven l'appeler toujours PAPA)
  2. Il est dans l'équipe de basket dans son école puis il est l'amoureu de chrissy
  3. C'est un russian guy mais il à demander pour que joyce et murray l'on donné 5 millions de dollard pour sortire hopper de la prison
  4. C'est le russian guy qui a essayer d'aider hopper de sortir de la prison
  5. C'est la mère de jonathan et Will puis elle étais l'amoureuse de Bob
  6. C'est le grand frère de Will
  7. C'est un gars qui parle en russe il à aider beaucoup de personne pour régler leur problem ex;hopper,joyce,jonathan,nancy...
  8. C'est le grand frère de Maxime(Max)
  9. C'étais l'amoureux de Nancy puis il est l'ami de tout les jeune characters (excepte Erica)
  10. C'est l'amoureux de Suzie
  11. Cest une fille qui a des pouvoir et elle est l'amoureuse de Mike
  12. C'est la grande sœur de Mike puis elle a fait une chase de demogorgon avec jonathan
  13. C'est la mère de mike wheeler
  14. C'est l'amoureuse de Lucas
  15. C'est le homme qui à découper ces yeux car il voulais rejoindre sa famille morte
  16. C'étais l'amoureur de joyce mais il c'est fait tuer par les démogorgon

30 Clues: C'est l'amoureux de MaxC'est l'amoureux de SuzieC'est l'amoureux de ElevenC'est l'amoureuse de LucasC'est le grand frère de WillC'est la mère de mike wheelerC'est la petite sœur de LucasC'est le grand frère de Maxime(Max)Elle est lesbian et elle est l'amie de SteveC'est un monstre par lequel Will c'est fait kidnappe...

stranger things 2021-12-01

stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. "SAY IT! SAY IT!"
  2. "I don't know what that means, Will!"
  3. nickname "stalker"
  4. tunnels
  5. likes nougat
  6. chomp chomp
  7. locked in a coma
  8. "the flayed"
  9. we're not in _ anymore
  10. "I'LL [beep] GUT YOU!!"
  11. the _ i opened it
  12. "it's not a puzzle, it's a map of hawkins!"
  1. he wants cherry
  2. the demogorgon lives here
  3. Thinks nancy's test was on human anatomy, so she did a lot of studying
  4. WILL? WILL! WILL!!!
  5. chief of police
  6. friends don't lie
  7. king _
  8. can't kill a deer
  9. look at those pearls
  10. should i stay or should i go
  11. "Yes, theoretically."
  12. "can't we just play D&D??"
  13. kiss kiss stevie

25 Clues: king _tunnelschomp chomplikes nougat"the flayed"he wants cherrychief of policelocked in a comakiss kiss stevie"SAY IT! SAY IT!"friends don't liecan't kill a deerthe _ i opened itnickname "stalker"WILL? WILL! WILL!!!look at those pearls"Yes, theoretically."we're not in _ anymore"I'LL [beep] GUT YOU!!"the demogorgon lives here...

Stranger Things. 2021-12-08

Stranger Things. crossword puzzle
  1. what is dustins girlfriends name
  2. what is elevens sisters name
  3. where do the boys first find eleven
  4. what did dart turn into
  5. who created stranger things
  6. who is the oldest out of the stranger things kids
  7. who was the first person who died in the series
  8. what did will say was his favorite candy
  9. what did the boys use to find the gate
  10. elevens favortie food
  11. who is the chief
  12. the street that will first saw the demogorgon
  13. who went to the snowball with lucas
  14. who climbs into a vent
  15. what is the first episode of the show called
  16. what happens when eleven uses her powers
  17. what were the rodents eating from mrs.Driscole
  18. what does max call lucas
  19. what is the name of the girl steve works with
  20. what is the name of wills for in the woods
  21. what did the boys dress up as for halloween
  22. what song does will always sing
  23. what is elevens real name
  24. what is the game the the boys were playing in the first episode of the season
  25. what monster shows up in season 3
  26. what is elevens moms name
  27. who is president of the AV club
  28. who plays joyce
  29. when was the first season of stranger things realesed
  30. what comic does max show eleven
  1. how does joyce communicate with will while hes in the upside down
  2. what city does stranger things take place in
  3. who is the actor who plays eleven
  4. who is the lifegaurd billy works with
  5. who plays will byers
  6. who closed the gate
  7. what kind of powers does eleven have
  8. who went missing at steves party
  9. what is wills nickname in season 2
  10. who wants to be the zoomer of the club
  11. what is maxes surname
  12. what fall off of joyces fridge
  13. what kind of rules did hopper make for 11 (dont be______rules)
  14. what does eleven always say
  15. who is wills brother
  16. who does david harbour play
  17. what did eleven first say when she saw a picture of nancy
  18. who found out that wills body was fake
  19. what state does stranger things take place in
  20. what is elevens nick name
  21. what fake name did mike come up with for 11 when he saw mr.clark
  22. what comes out of joyces wall
  23. what is the mall called
  24. what is the other demension called
  25. who is maxes step brother
  26. what month does season 3 take place in
  27. what is the name of the ice cream place in the mall
  28. what comic did will want from dustin
  29. who plays max

59 Clues: who plays maxwho plays joycewho is the chiefwho closed the gatewho plays will byerswho is wills brotherelevens favortie foodwhat is maxes surnamewho climbs into a ventwhat did dart turn intowhat is the mall calledwhat does max call lucaswhat is elevens nick namewho is maxes step brotherwhat is elevens real namewhat is elevens moms name...

Stranger things 2022-12-30

Stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. has feet like spears
  2. the shows best mother
  3. has a pet demo dog
  4. a superhero
  5. dies first in season 4
  6. Erica’s older brother
  7. works with Steve
  8. Lucas’ boyfriend
  9. nancys best friend
  10. police chief
  11. Vecna’s real name
  12. Steve’s ex
  13. crawls through the vents
  14. likes cherry slurpees
  15. Jonathan’s brother
  1. elevens mums name
  2. Dustin’s girlfriend
  3. runs hellfire club
  4. maxes brother
  5. works at the pool with billy
  6. Joyce’s oldest son
  7. The town they live in
  8. will and Jonathan’s mum
  9. looks after eleven when she escapes the lab
  10. has telekinetic abilities
  11. Nancys younger brother
  12. the state Hawkins is in

27 Clues: Steve’s exa superheropolice chiefmaxes brotherworks with SteveLucas’ boyfriendelevens mums nameVecna’s real nameruns hellfire clubhas a pet demo dogJoyce’s oldest sonnancys best friendJonathan’s brotherDustin’s girlfriendhas feet like spearsthe shows best motherErica’s older brotherThe town they live inlikes cherry slurpeesdies first in season 4...

stranger things 2023-01-21

stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. the actor of eleven
  2. what season does max see a clock
  3. what is eleven favorite food
  4. who adopts eleven
  5. whats bob's nickname
  6. Lucas surname
  7. will byers favorite candy
  8. who makes mike jump off the cliff
  9. you cant spell america without...
  10. the year that stranger things took place
  11. who likes max
  12. what does dart turn into
  13. where did Dustin find dart
  14. billies little sister
  15. which kid gets possessed
  16. town chief
  17. who the mayor
  1. what was Nancy and Steve for halloween
  2. the monster in season one
  3. who likes cherry Slurpee
  4. Elevens biological mom
  5. who is elevens boyfriend
  6. whos the kids science teacher
  7. who saves mike when he jumps off the cliff
  8. who works at the ice cream shop with Steve
  9. what does robin call steve
  10. what is dustins cat name
  11. Elevens power
  12. the name that elevens call Brenner
  13. mike and Nancy dad
  14. wills mom
  15. song max listens to to save her from vacena
  16. what season does chrissy die
  17. mike and Nancy mom
  18. the game that the boys play in mikes basement
  19. when did Jonathan and Nancy start dating officially
  20. who speaks fluent Russian

37 Clues: wills momtown chiefElevens powerLucas surnamewho likes maxwho the mayorwho adopts elevenmike and Nancy dadmike and Nancy momthe actor of elevenwhats bob's nicknamebillies little sisterElevens biological momwho likes cherry Slurpeewho is elevens boyfriendwhat is dustins cat namewhat does dart turn intowhich kid gets possessed...

Stranger Things 2023-04-12

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. Max's Step-Brother
  2. Where did mike hide Eleven?
  3. What killed Bob?
  4. How old is 011?
  5. What possessed Will?
  6. Will's Nickname
  7. What was Dustin's cat's name?
  8. The squirrel in eleven's Story
  9. Who Possessed Max?
  10. Who took Hopper?
  11. The Mall
  12. Where was Hopper going to take Joyce?
  13. The Ice cream shop
  14. What is hopper's Daughter's name?
  15. Who has the highest score on digdug?
  16. He likes it?
  1. What is bob's Nickname?
  2. Where did eleven eat burgers?
  3. Who has red hair?
  4. The Boy's halloween costume
  5. Will's Mom's name
  6. What took Will in season 1?
  7. When is Will's Birthday?
  8. What song saves max?
  9. Gun Owner
  10. What does Dustin call his teeth?
  11. What is El's Birth name?

27 Clues: The MallGun OwnerHe likes it?How old is 011?Will's NicknameWhat killed Bob?Who took Hopper?Who has red hair?Will's Mom's nameMax's Step-BrotherWho Possessed Max?The Ice cream shopWhat possessed Will?What song saves max?What is bob's Nickname?When is Will's Birthday?What is El's Birth name?Where did mike hide Eleven?The Boy's halloween costume...

Stranger Things 2020-04-04

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. Which power does Eleven have?
  2. Who founded the AV club?
  3. What is Mike's older sister's name?
  4. Who disappeared on the night of Steve's party?
  5. Eleven's sister has a tattoo on her arm, what number is it?
  6. Which character swears the most?
  7. What is Will's mom's name?
  8. What was the name of Dustin's cat?
  9. When the boys found Eleven what color shirt was she wearing?
  1. Matt and Ross "who" wrote and directed Stranger Things?
  2. When Eleven uses her powers what happens to her?
  3. Who dressed in a ghost costume for Halloween?
  4. What is the name of Will's brother?
  5. What name did Dustin give to his new pet?
  6. What is Will's last name?
  7. How old was Will when he went missing?
  8. Chief Hoppers first name
  9. What was the first name of Eleven's mom?
  10. Who asks Eleven to the Snowball dance?
  11. Should I stay or should I go is whose favorite song?

20 Clues: Who founded the AV club?Chief Hoppers first nameWhat is Will's last name?What is Will's mom's name?Which power does Eleven have?Which character swears the most?What was the name of Dustin's cat?What is the name of Will's brother?What is Mike's older sister's name?How old was Will when he went missing?Who asks Eleven to the Snowball dance?...

Stranger Things 2022-06-05

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. Club that the party joins in high school
  2. Shadow monster’s name
  3. Person with highest score in dig dug
  4. Jim’s daughter name
  5. Beverage requested by Alexei
  6. Ice cream parlor name
  7. Where does the party discover Eleven
  8. Eleven’s birth name
  9. Killed Barbara
  10. Joyce communicates with Will through
  1. First game of D&D, Will uses
  2. First gate location
  3. Halloween costume
  4. Location where mike hides eleven
  5. Name of steelwork business
  6. Kind Russian Scientis
  7. Eleven steals
  8. Equipment that becomes faulty
  9. Jonathan’s hobby
  10. Gun owner
  11. Billy’s summer job
  12. In middle school, the party is a part of

22 Clues: Gun ownerEleven stealsKilled BarbaraJonathan’s hobbyHalloween costumeBilly’s summer jobFirst gate locationJim’s daughter nameEleven’s birth nameShadow monster’s nameKind Russian ScientisIce cream parlor nameName of steelwork businessFirst game of D&D, Will usesBeverage requested by AlexeiEquipment that becomes faultyLocation where mike hides eleven...

stranger things! 2022-07-18

stranger things! crossword puzzle
  1. last name of elevens boyfriend
  2. alexei's favourite drink
  3. the bully in season 4
  4. name of the boy who is possessed in stranger things 2
  5. the monster in season 1
  6. the temperature that the mindflayer likes
  7. where will is stuck in season 1
  8. the name of the song that saves max from vecna
  9. the first person the mindflayer posseses in stranger things 3
  1. where robin and steve worked in season 4
  2. elevens powers
  3. last name of the leader of the hellfire club
  4. bobs nickname
  5. the monster that killed superbob
  6. the name eleven calls brenner
  7. where robin and steve worked in season 3
  8. the monster who possesses max in stranger things 4
  9. the name of dustin's demodog
  10. elevens favourite food
  11. the name of the squirrel in el's visual aid
  12. the name of the d&d club

21 Clues: bobs nicknameelevens powersthe bully in season 4elevens favourite foodthe monster in season 1alexei's favourite drinkthe name of the d&d clubthe name of dustin's demodogthe name eleven calls brennerlast name of elevens boyfriendwhere will is stuck in season 1the monster that killed superbobwhere robin and steve worked in season 4...

Stranger Things 2022-06-28

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. one's original name
  2. the name of the highschool in hawkins
  3. the game will, mike, lucas and dustin played in season one (and mike, lucas and dustin joined a club for in season 4)
  4. max's gaming name
  5. the name of the project owens and brenner designed for eleven
  6. this character supposedly died at the end of season 3
  7. "you can't spell (_______) without erica"
  8. dustin's cat
  9. has no teeth
  10. the state eleven & the byers moved to at the end of season 3
  11. goes missing in season 1
  12. what number is vecna
  13. the alternate dimension
  14. dustin's radio used to talk to suzie
  15. monsters of season 2
  16. the ship name between mike and eleven
  17. the main kid in season 1
  18. lucas' little sister
  19. dustin's mom
  20. billy's dad's name
  21. erica's older brother
  22. joyce's boyfriend in season 2 (R.I.P)
  23. nancy's best friend in season 1
  24. will and jonathan's dad
  25. will and jonathan's mom
  1. will's older brother
  2. the newspaper nancy worked for
  3. works with steve in season 3 & 4
  4. mike's little sister
  5. friendly russian (he just wanted a slurpee!)
  6. conspiracy theorist who can speak russian
  7. dustin's girlfriend
  8. papa
  9. mike and nancy's mom
  10. the break which eleven and mike agreed they would see each other
  11. the country hopper was taken to and held captive in
  12. the date will went missing
  13. skateboarding new girl (of season 2)
  14. d&d playing character from season 4
  15. the name of the mall in season 3
  16. cheif of police of hawkins
  17. nancy dated him in season one
  18. mike and nancy's dad
  19. monster of season 3
  20. monster of season 4
  21. monster of season 1
  22. max's brother
  23. mike's older sister

48 Clues: papadustin's cathas no teethdustin's mommax's brothermax's gaming namebilly's dad's nameone's original namedustin's girlfriendmonster of season 3monster of season 4monster of season 1mike's older sisterwill's older brothermike's little sistermike and nancy's momwhat number is vecnamike and nancy's dadmonsters of season 2lucas' little sister...

Stranger Things 2022-07-09

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. Mike's younger sister
  2. The city that El, Joyce, Will, and Jonathan move to
  3. The name of the ice cream shop in the mall
  4. Chrissy's boyfriend
  5. Eddie lives with his ____ at the trailer park
  6. The project to get El's powers back
  7. The name of the boy who is Vecna (hint: not 001)
  8. The state where Suzie lives
  9. The dungeons and dragons club name
  10. The instrument that Robin plays in band
  11. The newspaper that Nancy works for; The Hawkins _____
  12. The counselor that Max was seeing
  13. What does El call Dr. Brenner?
  14. What the package is signed that Joyce receives in the first episode of S4; The restaurant where Joyce and Hopper have their date
  15. "You can't spell America without _______"
  1. Vecna's second victim
  2. Steve's last name
  3. Will's and Jonathan's father's name
  4. Who does Joyce call for help when she receives the Russian doll?
  5. The girl in band that Robin has a crush on
  6. Hopper's biological daughter
  7. The instrument that Vickie plays in band
  8. El's favorite food
  9. El's bully
  10. The name of Dustin's cat in season 2
  11. The college that Nancy wants to go to
  12. The state that Hawkins is in
  13. The person that translates the Russian code in S3
  14. The name of Yuri's helicopter

29 Clues: El's bullySteve's last nameEl's favorite foodChrissy's boyfriendVecna's second victimMike's younger sisterThe state where Suzie livesHopper's biological daughterThe state that Hawkins is inThe name of Yuri's helicopterWhat does El call Dr. Brenner?The counselor that Max was seeingThe dungeons and dragons club nameWill's and Jonathan's father's name...

Stranger Things 2018-03-31

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. mike's older sister
  2. will's older brother
  3. where did dustin find dart
  4. what attracts the demogorgon
  5. bob's nickname
  6. the actor for lucas
  7. the friendliest of all the boys to Eleven
  8. Dustin's cat that was killed by Dart
  9. the amount of words eleven says in season one
  10. the game that the boys play in mike's basement
  11. another name for the shadow monster
  12. the state that Stranger Things takes place in
  13. the year that Stranger Things 2 takes place on
  14. Nancy's best friend
  15. the one who went missing into the upside down
  16. will byers' favorite song
  17. the game at the arcade that is also the name of one of the episodes
  18. the alternate dimension
  19. the man who held Eleven captive in Hawkins Lab
  20. the year that Stranger Things took place in
  21. Lucas's surname
  22. the one who has a crush on Eleven
  23. Eleven's role in the party
  24. Lucas's sassy little sister
  25. nancy's surname
  26. Dustin's pet Demogorgon
  27. will and jonathan's dad
  28. Eleven's HAlloween costume
  29. who threatened mike to jump off the quarry
  1. The kids' science teacher
  2. Eight's real name
  3. the strange girl with powers
  4. Dustin explained that you could tell where the upside down was following the __________.
  5. Max's "bad guy" step-brother
  6. Dr. Brenner's lab
  7. the cover name for Hawkins Lab
  8. the city where Stranger Things takes place
  9. the actress for joyce
  10. who broke jonathan's camera
  11. the creathors of Stranger Things
  12. the new girl in town who rides a skateboard
  13. joyce's old boyfriend
  14. eleven's benefactor in episode one
  15. will's mom
  16. the nickname for the road that will byers takes home
  17. the only two characters who have appeared in all seventeen episodes
  18. mike and nancy's little sister
  19. Mike's toothless friend
  20. the number of seasons as of October 2017
  21. famous to eleven for making triple decker eggo extravaganzas
  22. the actor for dustin
  23. eleven's biological mom
  24. the letter that the characters who have died in season one and two's names start with
  25. Max's surname
  26. what killed sara hopper
  27. will's surname
  28. Eleven's favorite food

57 Clues: will's momMax's surnamebob's nicknamewill's surnameLucas's surnamenancy's surnameEight's real nameDr. Brenner's labmike's older sisterthe actor for lucasNancy's best friendwill's older brotherthe actor for dustinthe actress for joycejoyce's old boyfriendEleven's favorite foodMike's toothless friendthe alternate dimensioneleven's biological mom...

Stranger Things 2019-07-16

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. "You're not like this Nancy"
  2. "my fav snack"
  3. "MUM..."
  4. "Barb where are you?"
  5. Never Ending Storyyyy
  6. Camo Bandana
  7. "We'll call you El for short"
  8. "You did good kid, you did so good"
  9. "Bitchin"
  10. " Will are you there? WILL!!!!"
  11. name of the American shopping centre
  12. "You cant spell America without..."
  1. "It forced me"
  2. Scoops Ahoy
  3. Nail Bat
  4. Mad Max
  6. мне нравятся вишневые лепешки
  7. Skateboard
  8. State in America
  9. "My sister

21 Clues: Mad Max"MUM..."Nail Bat"Bitchin"Skateboard"My sisterScoops Ahoy"ROARRRRRR?"Camo Bandana"It forced me""my fav snack"State in America"Barb where are you?"Never Ending Storyyyy"You're not like this Nancy"мне нравятся вишневые лепешки"We'll call you El for short"" Will are you there? WILL!!!!""You did good kid, you did so good"...

Stranger Things 2024-03-21

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. Was lost for entire season 1, ____ Byers
  2. Eleven’s real name
  3. Monster of season 1
  4. Vecna’s first kill
  5. Telekinetic powers, lab experiment
  6. Will’s brother
  7. The dimension under Hawkins
  8. The name of the mall in season 3
  9. Nancy’s ex and best friend to Dustin
  10. Max’s brother
  11. Last name of Eleven’s “papa”
  12. Monster of season 2 and 3
  1. _____ Sinclair, Max’s boyfriend
  2. Vecna’s real name
  3. Hawkins Chief of police
  4. Monster of season 4
  5. the Dungeons & Dragons club in season 4
  6. Town Stranger Things takes place in
  7. State Hawkins is in
  8. ____ Wheeler, Eleven’s boyfriend
  9. Skateboarder
  10. Will’s mother
  11. Wears a hat all the time
  12. Dustin’s “pet” that ate his cat in season 2
  13. Dustin’s girlfriend
  14. Mike’s sister
  15. Lucas’s sister
  16. Leader of Hellfire Club

28 Clues: SkateboarderWill’s motherMax’s brotherMike’s sisterWill’s brotherLucas’s sisterVecna’s real nameEleven’s real nameVecna’s first killMonster of season 1Monster of season 4State Hawkins is inDustin’s girlfriendHawkins Chief of policeLeader of Hellfire ClubWears a hat all the timeMonster of season 2 and 3The dimension under Hawkins...

Stranger things 2024-03-26

Stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. Dr.____ Owens
  2. Hoppers biological daughter
  3. Will’s DnD name
  4. Skater Girl
  5. The month Will goes missing
  6. Evil Doctor
  7. Susie’s nickname for Dustin
  8. Max’s step-brother
  9. El’s sister
  10. S4 villain
  11. Elevens real name
  12. Wills Brother
  13. Chief of Police
  14. Lucas’s little sister
  1. the boys science teacher
  2. Town this all takes place in
  3. Dustin’s girlfriend
  4. Went missing
  5. Elevens mom
  6. The N in HNL
  7. Mike’s older sister
  8. StarCourt______
  9. Works with Steve
  10. Nancy’s Ex
  11. Dustin’s slimy pet in S2
  12. Joyce’s S2 Boyfriend
  13. Lady________(Erica’s DnD Charscter)

27 Clues: Nancy’s ExS4 villainElevens momSkater GirlEvil DoctorEl’s sisterWent missingThe N in HNLDr.____ OwensWills BrotherWill’s DnD nameStarCourt______Chief of PoliceWorks with SteveElevens real nameMax’s step-brotherDustin’s girlfriendMike’s older sisterJoyce’s S2 BoyfriendLucas’s little sisterthe boys science teacherDustin’s slimy pet in S2...

Stranger Things 2024-06-22

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. the game they play at the start
  2. the new mall
  3. Nancy’s dead friend
  4. what the boys dress up as for Halloween
  5. Lucas’ little sister
  6. season 4 villain
  7. Will’s mom
  8. mike’s older sister
  9. killed by Demidogs
  10. Vecna’s number
  11. 11’s favourite food
  12. papa’s name
  1. the state it is based in
  2. the other country Hopper is in
  3. the other dimension
  4. Steve’s season 2 weapon
  5. Dustin’s girlfriend
  6. Steve’s last name
  7. Max’s older stepbrother
  8. 11’ real name
  9. police chief
  10. works with Steve at Scoops Ahoy
  11. 11’s sister’s number

23 Clues: Will’s mompapa’s namethe new mallpolice chief11’ real nameVecna’s numberseason 4 villainSteve’s last namekilled by Demidogsthe other dimensionDustin’s girlfriendNancy’s dead friendmike’s older sister11’s favourite foodLucas’ little sister11’s sister’s numberSteve’s season 2 weaponMax’s older stepbrotherthe state it is based in...

Stranger Things 2025-03-17

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. The skateboard-loving girl who joins the group.
  2. Part of the game they love, Dungeons & Dragons.
  3. The friend who is skeptical but loyal.
  4. The boy with curly hair and a love for science.
  5. The powerful creature controlling the Upside Down.
  6. The babysitter-like older teen who helps the kids.
  7. Eleven’s best friend and leader of the group.
  8. Eleven’s favorite food.
  9. Will’s determined and caring mother.
  10. How the group communicates over long distances.
  11. Mike’s older sister, who investigates the strange events.
  1. The town where Stranger Things takes place.
  2. The girl with telekinetic powers.
  3. The chief of police in Hawkins.
  4. The dark, alternate dimension in the show.
  5. Often used by the characters when exploring the Upside Down.
  6. The boy who disappears into the Upside Down.
  7. The kids’ main way of getting around Hawkins.
  8. The monster from the Upside Down.
  9. The secret government facility experimenting on Eleven.

20 Clues: Eleven’s favorite food.The chief of police in Hawkins.The girl with telekinetic powers.The monster from the Upside Down.Will’s determined and caring mother.The friend who is skeptical but loyal.The dark, alternate dimension in the show.The town where Stranger Things takes place.The boy who disappears into the Upside Down....

Stranger Things 2023-04-03

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. One of the main characters who finds a creature he calls D'Artagnan
  2. DOWN An alternate dimension where the Demogorgon and other creatures reside
  3. The nickname given to Max by her video arcade high score
  4. Will's older brother who becomes involved in the investigation of the Upside Down
  5. BYERS The family of Will, Jonathan and Joyce
  6. One of the main characters and friend of Mike and Dustin
  7. A former high school jock turned ally of the main characters
  8. Nancy's best friend who is abducted by the Demogorgon
  9. One of the main characters and Will's best friend
  10. Eleven's favorite breakfast food
  1. HOPPER The chief of police in Hawkins
  2. A smaller, dog-like creature from the Upside Down
  3. FLAYER A powerful and malevolent entity from the Upside Down
  4. A new girl in town who becomes friends with the main characters
  5. The town where the events of Stranger Things take place
  6. Mike's older sister and Jonathan's love interest
  7. MIND'S EYE The title of the book Will reads in season 2
  8. A young girl with telekinetic powers who escapes from Hawkins Lab
  9. UPSIDE DOWN The name given to the alternate dimension where the Demogorgon resides
  10. One of the main characters who is abducted by the Demogorgon
  11. NEWBY Joyce's boyfriend and a hero in season 2

21 Clues: Eleven's favorite breakfast foodHOPPER The chief of police in HawkinsBYERS The family of Will, Jonathan and JoyceNEWBY Joyce's boyfriend and a hero in season 2Mike's older sister and Jonathan's love interestA smaller, dog-like creature from the Upside DownOne of the main characters and Will's best friend...

Stranger Things 2021-04-08

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. salva il mondo dal demogorgone
  2. Compagno di Joyce
  3. demogorgone di Dustin
  4. fidanzata Dustin
  5. papà di Undi
  6. laboratorio stranger Things
  7. mamma Undi
  8. ombra Will viene impossessato dal
  1. Russo bravo
  2. fratello Will
  3. viene mangiata dal demogorgone
  4. fidanzato Max
  5. fratello di Max
  6. bagnina
  7. sorella Lucas
  8. fidanzato Undi
  9. capo della polizia
  10. sorella Mike
  11. gelataia simpaticissima

19 Clues: bagninamamma UndiRusso bravopapà di Undisorella Mikefratello Willfidanzato Maxsorella Lucasfidanzato Undifratello di Maxfidanzata DustinCompagno di Joycecapo della poliziademogorgone di Dustingelataia simpaticissimalaboratorio stranger Thingssalva il mondo dal demogorgoneviene mangiata dal demogorgoneombra Will viene impossessato dal

Stranger things 2023-06-24

Stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. Chi lavora nella gelateria Ahoy con Steve
  2. Dove trova rifugio Undici quando scappa dal laboratorio
  3. Il fratello di Max
  4. Will, Mike, Lucas lo sono per Dustin
  5. Si innamora di Undici
  6. Jane le causò un trauma celebrale
  7. Gli anni in cui inizia la vicenda
  8. La professione di Martin Brenner
  9. Scompare all'inizio della vicenda
  1. Chi è stato rapito nella 4a stagione
  2. Il vero nome di undici.
  3. Chi muore nella prima stagioni
  4. Chi ha i migliori capelli in tutta la serie
  5. Quanti sono i bambini sui cui fanno gli esperimenti
  6. Dove è ambientata la seriev
  7. Chi rimane gravemente ferita nella 4a stagione
  8. Come si chiama l'altra dimensione
  9. Come si chiama il democane di Dustin
  10. La città dove è ambientata la serie

19 Clues: Il fratello di MaxSi innamora di UndiciIl vero nome di undici.Dove è ambientata la serievChi muore nella prima stagioniLa professione di Martin BrennerCome si chiama l'altra dimensioneJane le causò un trauma celebraleGli anni in cui inizia la vicendaScompare all'inizio della vicendaLa città dove è ambientata la serie...

Stranger things 2023-09-09

Stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. Kateri dve sezoni imata devet delov?
  2. Katera je Mikeova starejša sestra?
  3. Kdo je glavna vloga?
  4. Preko česa se je Joyce pogovarjala z svojim sinom?
  5. V kateri sezoni se pojavi Max?
  6. Kako se je imenoval drugi svet?
  7. S čem so se večina vozili Lucas, Mike, Will in Dustin?
  8. Kdo je pojedel Dustinovo mačko?
  9. Kako je ime Willovemu starejšemu bratu?
  1. Kako se imenuje sladoledarnica v kateri sta delala Robin in Steve?
  2. Kako je v resnici ime Eleven?
  3. Katera je najbolj nevarna pošast?
  4. Katera je bila Maxina najljubša pesem, ki jo je ščitila?
  5. Kdo igra Joyce Byers?
  6. Kdo je bil Jim Hopper?
  7. Kako je v resnici ime Vecni?
  8. Kdo je bil prestrašen deček, ki je izginil v prvi sezonDemogorgon Kako je ime pošasti v
  9. Kaj je Max rada počela?
  10. Kako je bilo ime fantu s katerim je Joyce hodila v drugi sezoni?

19 Clues: Kdo je glavna vloga?Kdo igra Joyce Byers?Kdo je bil Jim Hopper?Kaj je Max rada počela?Kako je v resnici ime Vecni?Kako je v resnici ime Eleven?V kateri sezoni se pojavi Max?Kako se je imenoval drugi svet?Kdo je pojedel Dustinovo mačko?Katera je najbolj nevarna pošast?Katera je Mikeova starejša sestra?Kateri dve sezoni imata devet delov?...

Stranger Things 2023-09-01

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. name of parallel universe
  2. she loves to eat eggos
  3. predatory humanoid creature
  4. You can’t spell America without ____
  5. a cold prison with a Demagorgon
  6. Why are my magnets falling off my fridge?
  7. they call it the shadow
  8. inspiring journalist
  1. toothless
  2. the host
  3. Number 1
  4. chief of police
  5. leader of the Party
  6. site of the experiments
  7. The Babysitter
  8. Vecna’s fourth victim
  9. ____don’t lie
  10. deciphered Russian code

18 Clues: the hostNumber 1toothless____don’t lieThe Babysitterchief of policeleader of the Partyinspiring journalistVecna’s fourth victimshe loves to eat eggossite of the experimentsthey call it the shadowdeciphered Russian codename of parallel universepredatory humanoid creaturea cold prison with a DemagorgonYou can’t spell America without ____...

Stranger Things 2022-12-03

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. Scoops Ahoy Employee’s
  2. The ____ House
  3. Friends Don’t ___
  4. Who Plays Dustin
  5. Finn Wolfhards Character
  6. A Teacher At Hawkins Middle
  7. Another Name For The Mind Flayer
  8. Leader Of Hellfire
  1. Nancy’s Best Friend
  2. What Year Season 3 Takes Place
  3. Lucas’ Little Sister
  4. Eleven’s Favorite Food
  5. Mikes Older Sister
  6. The Month Will Went Missing
  7. 008’s real name
  8. The Wheeler Mom
  9. Max’s Last Name
  10. Vecna’s First Victim

18 Clues: The ____ House008’s real nameThe Wheeler MomMax’s Last NameWho Plays DustinFriends Don’t ___Mikes Older SisterLeader Of HellfireNancy’s Best FriendLucas’ Little SisterVecna’s First VictimScoops Ahoy Employee’sEleven’s Favorite FoodFinn Wolfhards CharacterThe Month Will Went MissingA Teacher At Hawkins MiddleWhat Year Season 3 Takes Place...

stranger things 2022-08-28

stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. badass mom
  2. dusty bun
  3. creepy monster :(
  4. bloody nose
  5. town
  6. kate bush
  7. liar
  8. really big enemy
  9. elevens favorite food
  10. eleven threw this at a girls face lmao
  1. will's safe space
  2. good cop
  3. will's neck
  4. talking to will via
  5. when eleven uses her powers
  6. will has a crush on
  7. gay boy
  8. vecna

18 Clues: townliarvecnagay boygood copdusty bunkate bushbadass momwill's neckbloody nosereally big enemywill's safe spacecreepy monster :(talking to will viawill has a crush onelevens favorite foodwhen eleven uses her powerseleven threw this at a girls face lmao

stranger things 2024-06-18

stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. po po
  2. scary
  3. ginger brother
  4. season 4 villan
  5. super hero
  6. parent of children
  7. best stranger things character
  8. loves eleven
  9. detective
  1. possesed
  2. ginger rebel
  3. amazing mom
  4. scooper
  5. hero for all
  6. basketball baddie
  7. bad dad
  8. cult fandom
  9. cant spell america without

18 Clues: po poscaryscooperbad dadposseseddetectivesuper heroamazing momcult fandomginger rebelhero for allloves elevenginger brotherseason 4 villanbasketball baddieparent of childrencant spell america withoutbest stranger things character

Stranger things 2022-06-25

Stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. joyces boyfriend in S2
  2. who works with Robyn at the ice cream shop
  3. max's step brother
  4. mikes sister
  5. who is the first to go missing
  6. the character who has curly hair
  7. Elevens dad
  8. who was nancys best friend
  9. Elevens favorite food
  10. what is elevens real name
  1. Will and Jonathan's mum
  2. who is Lucas sister
  3. Dustins girlfriend
  4. who joins the basketball team
  5. how does joyce talk to will
  6. who is wills best friend
  7. the name dustin gave to his pet demodog
  8. vecnas number

18 Clues: Elevens dadmikes sistervecnas numberDustins girlfriendmax's step brotherwho is Lucas sisterElevens favorite foodjoyces boyfriend in S2Will and Jonathan's mumwho is wills best friendwhat is elevens real namewho was nancys best friendhow does joyce talk to willwho joins the basketball teamwho is the first to go missingthe character who has curly hair...

Stranger Things 2025-03-18

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. The girl with telekinetic powers.
  2. The chief of police in Hawkins.
  3. Will’s determined and caring mother.
  4. Eleven’s favorite food.
  5. The boy who disappears into the Upside Down.
  6. The town where Stranger Things takes place.
  7. The shopping center that plays a big role in Season 3.
  8. The skateboard-loving girl who joins the group.
  9. Mike’s older sister, who investigates the strange events.
  1. Eleven’s best friend and leader of the group.
  2. The monster from the Upside Down.
  3. The babysitter-like older teen who helps the kids.
  4. The ice cream shop where Steve and Robin work.
  5. Where Eleven was kept and experimented on as a child.
  6. The powerful creature controlling the Upside Down.
  7. The dark, alternate dimension in the show.
  8. The boy with curly hair and a love for science.
  9. The friend who is skeptical but loyal.

18 Clues: Eleven’s favorite food.The chief of police in Hawkins.The monster from the Upside Down.The girl with telekinetic powers.Will’s determined and caring mother.The friend who is skeptical but loyal.The dark, alternate dimension in the show.The town where Stranger Things takes place.The boy who disappears into the Upside Down....

stranger things! 2022-07-18

stranger things! crossword puzzle
  1. alexei's favourite drink
  2. where robin and steve worked in season 3
  3. the monster in season 1
  4. the name of the squirrel in el's visual aid
  5. the name of the d&d club
  6. the monster who possesses max in stranger things 4
  7. the bully in season 4
  8. elevens powers
  9. the monster that killed superbob
  1. last name of the leader of the hellfire club
  2. bobs nickname
  3. where robin and steve worked in season 4
  4. name of the boy who is possessed in stranger things 2
  5. the first person the mindflayer posseses in stranger things 3
  6. the name eleven calls brenner
  7. the temperature that the mindflayer likes
  8. last name of elevens boyfriend
  9. elevens favourite food

18 Clues: bobs nicknameelevens powersthe bully in season 4elevens favourite foodthe monster in season 1alexei's favourite drinkthe name of the d&d clubthe name eleven calls brennerlast name of elevens boyfriendthe monster that killed superbobwhere robin and steve worked in season 4where robin and steve worked in season 3...

Stranger Things 2021-10-30

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. Hawkins Chief of Police
  2. Mike, Lucas, Will and Dustin's favorite tabletop roleplaying game
  3. Mike's older sister
  4. The 'role' Max assigned herself when talking to Mike
  5. The town in which the Stranger Tings takes place
  6. The interdimensional monster of season 1
  7. The interdimensional monster of season 3
  8. Mike, Will, Dustin and Lucas' science teacher
  1. The number Will needed to roll at the beginning of the first episode of season 1
  2. The name Eleven called Dr Brenner
  3. The alternate dimension to which Barbara and Will got taken
  4. Maxine's last name
  5. Mr Wheeler's only line
  6. The interdimensional monster(s) of season 2
  7. The Hawkins lab escapee who has 'psionic abilities'
  8. The first character to get taken by the demogorgon
  9. The literal mother and professional babysitter
  10. Eleven's real name

18 Clues: Maxine's last nameEleven's real nameMike's older sisterMr Wheeler's only lineHawkins Chief of PoliceThe name Eleven called Dr BrennerThe interdimensional monster of season 1The interdimensional monster of season 3The interdimensional monster(s) of season 2Mike, Will, Dustin and Lucas' science teacherThe literal mother and professional babysitter...

stranger things 2023-01-21

stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. has a huge crush on vickie
  2. has an older sister
  3. has a younger sister
  4. has a baseball bat w/ nails
  5. "you can't spell america w/o _____"
  6. main creature of the upside down
  7. oldest wheeler child
  1. a dead cheerleader
  2. has two sons
  3. went missing in 1983
  4. loves eggos
  5. hopper's 1st daughter
  6. died at the end of season 4
  7. joyce's dead boyfriend
  8. the town cop
  9. got bullied because of his teeth
  10. loves her skateboard
  11. starts dating nancy in season 2

18 Clues: loves eggoshas two sonsthe town copa dead cheerleaderhas an older sisterwent missing in 1983has a younger sisterloves her skateboardoldest wheeler childhopper's 1st daughterjoyce's dead boyfriendhas a huge crush on vickiehas a baseball bat w/ nailsdied at the end of season 4starts dating nancy in season 2main creature of the upside down...

Stranger Things 2023-02-16

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. Who is the well-known actress who plays Will Byers mother?
  2. In the TV series "Stranger Things", what job does Jim Hopper have?
  3. Which horror legend plays Victor Creel?
  4. What is the name of the fictional town in Indiana where the show is set?
  5. Who is the creature who has supreme control of the Upside Down in Stranger Things?
  6. How old was Will Byers when he disappeared?
  7. What number is tattooed on Eleven's left forearm in the show "Stranger Things"?
  8. What does Jonathan give his younger brother as Will recovers in the hospital?
  1. What actress did Dustin say his girlfriend is hotter than in "Stranger Things"?
  2. What is Jim Hopper's nickname in "Stranger Things"?
  3. What is the brand of soda that is on the can which Eleven crushes with her mind?
  4. What is the name of the journalist that Jonathan and Nancy team up with
  5. What do the boys call the terrifying, faceless creature?
  6. What is the name of the newspaper where Nancy and Jonathan work in season 3 of "Stranger Things"
  7. Eleven is well-known for eating a specific food; what food is it?CastleByers What was the name of Will Byer’s fort?
  8. In episode 4, what does Will use to channel his voice through?
  9. The rural back road Eleven and the boys often use as an escape route is called ____
  10. What California town do the Byers family and Eleven move to?
  11. What's the character name is played by Millie Bobby Brown in "Stranger Things"?

19 Clues: Which horror legend plays Victor Creel?How old was Will Byers when he disappeared?What is Jim Hopper's nickname in "Stranger Things"?What do the boys call the terrifying, faceless creature?Who is the well-known actress who plays Will Byers mother?What California town do the Byers family and Eleven move to?...

stranger things 2023-05-16

stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. the broken
  2. horrible boyfriend
  4. the russian man in love with hopper
  5. the mindflayers target
  6. "That's not cool man"
  7. voldemorts bro
  8. paranoied
  9. "I have guns"
  10. babysitter
  1. High
  2. elevens sister
  3. traumatised joyce's life
  4. an icon
  5. the rockstar
  6. the badass
  7. the "phycopath"
  8. the smoking addict

18 Clues: Highan iconparanoiedthe brokenthe badassbabysitterthe rockstar"I have guns"elevens sistervoldemorts brothe "phycopath"horrible boyfriend"NANCYYYYYYYYYYYY"the smoking addict"That's not cool man"the mindflayers targettraumatised joyce's lifethe russian man in love with hopper

Stranger things 2022-09-16

Stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. Max's step brother
  2. police officer
  3. The babysitter
  4. Leader of the hellfire club
  5. nancy's boyfriend
  6. Max's best friend
  7. Steve's ex girlfriend
  1. will's mom
  2. Max's boyfriend
  3. dustin best friend
  4. Steves best friend
  5. The demon of the upside down
  6. no teeth
  7. A darker color of pink
  8. Gay boy
  9. America
  10. Eleven's best friend

17 Clues: Gay boyAmericano teethwill's mompolice officerThe babysitterMax's boyfriendnancy's boyfriendMax's best friendMax's step brotherdustin best friendSteves best friendEleven's best friendSteve's ex girlfriendA darker color of pinkLeader of the hellfire clubThe demon of the upside down

stranger things 2022-10-05

stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. has front teeth and he's short
  2. creature that eats people for power.
  3. she's sassy and has ginger hair
  4. died with Eddie when vecna took her.
  5. the brother of will byers
  6. ives the mother of Jane/eleven
  7. she's bald and has powers
  8. Byers was in the upside down
  1. likes max and has a dark skin color
  2. wheeler sister of mike
  3. is a very chill guy.
  4. takes people lives with his hands
  5. almost lost her son in the upside down
  6. Alexi died in season 2 in a carnival.
  7. likes eleven and has black fluffy hair
  8. used to take care of eleven
  9. is the owner of hellfire club and stayed in high school for 4 years

17 Clues: is a very chill guy.wheeler sister of mikethe brother of will byersshe's bald and has powersused to take care of elevenByers was in the upside downhas front teeth and he's shortives the mother of Jane/elevenshe's sassy and has ginger hairtakes people lives with his handslikes max and has a dark skin colorcreature that eats people for power....


STRANGER THINGS crossword puzzle
  1. la madre di Will
  2. fu rapito dal demogorgone
  3. la più intelligente
  4. demone dell'ultima stagione
  5. capo dell'Hellfire Club
  6. nemica di Undici
  7. lo sdentato
  8. ama andare sullo skate
  9. sorella di Lucas
  1. fratello di Max
  2. poliziotto
  3. fidanzato di Undici
  4. fratello di Will
  5. fa il gelataio
  6. protagonista della serie
  7. gioca a basket nell'ultima stagione
  8. giornalista e sorella di Mike

17 Clues: poliziottolo sdentatofa il gelataiofratello di Maxla madre di Willfratello di Willnemica di Undicisorella di Lucasfidanzato di Undicila più intelligenteama andare sullo skatecapo dell'Hellfire Clubprotagonista della seriefu rapito dal demogorgonedemone dell'ultima stagionegiornalista e sorella di Mikegioca a basket nell'ultima stagione

Stranger Things 2020-12-28

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. Police chief.
  2. Nancy's friend.
  3. Joyce talks with Will through the ______
  4. Town where the events took place.
  5. Lucas' sister
  6. The dance which Mike promises to attend with Eleven
  7. girl with 008 on her wrist
  8. who has the good lookin hair
  9. The name of Joyce's boyfriend in season 2
  1. Will's brother
  2. radio expert.
  3. Who does Eleven call Papa Dr. _______
  4. The boys get around by riding on their ___
  5. El's favourite
  6. The alternate dimension where Will gets lost in
  7. what did dustin call his pet demogoran
  8. Mike and Nancy's Mom.

17 Clues: Police expert.Lucas' sisterWill's brotherEl's favouriteNancy's friend.Mike and Nancy's Mom.girl with 008 on her wristwho has the good lookin hairTown where the events took place.Who does Eleven call Papa Dr. _______what did dustin call his pet demogoranJoyce talks with Will through the ______The name of Joyce's boyfriend in season 2...


STRANGER THINGS crossword puzzle
  1. Kako je ime Willovemu bratu?
  2. Kdo je bil Jim Hopper?
  3. Kje sta delala Robin in Steve?
  4. Kdo je igral Joyce Byers?
  5. Kako je v resnici ime Eleven?
  6. Kaj je Max rada počela?
  7. Kdo je bil prestrašen deček, ki je izginil v prvi sezoni?
  8. Kdo je pojedel Dustinovo mačko?
  1. Kateri dve sezoni imata devet delov?
  2. Kako je v resnici ime Vecni?
  3. Kako se je imenoval drugi temačnejši svet?
  4. S čim so se večina vozili Mike, Lucas, Dustin in Will?
  5. Katera je najbolj nevarna pošast?
  6. Preko česa se je Joyce pogovarjala s svojim sinom, ko je izginil?
  7. Kdo je glavna vloga v tej seriji?
  8. Katera je bila Maxina najljubša pesem, ki jo je ščitila pred Vecno?
  9. Katera je Mikeova starejša sestra?

17 Clues: Kdo je bil Jim Hopper?Kaj je Max rada počela?Kdo je igral Joyce Byers?Kako je v resnici ime Vecni?Kako je ime Willovemu bratu?Kako je v resnici ime Eleven?Kje sta delala Robin in Steve?Kdo je pojedel Dustinovo mačko?Katera je najbolj nevarna pošast?Kdo je glavna vloga v tej seriji?Katera je Mikeova starejša sestra?...

stranger things 2022-07-18

stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. who goes missing in season 1, ep 1?
  2. who was the first person to be killed by vecna?
  3. what song does eddie munson play in attempt to attract demo-bats?
  4. what character loves eggos?
  5. who created stranger things?
  6. what is max's fav song?
  7. who is the first character to die in season 1?
  8. who owns hawkins lab?
  1. how did joyce communicate with will in the upside down?
  2. what monster killed billy in season 3?
  3. where did steve and robin work in season 3?
  4. what was the name of will's fort?
  5. who played eddie munson?
  6. what d&d club is eddie munson in?
  7. what is max's surname?
  8. is hawkins a real place?

16 Clues: who owns hawkins lab?what is max's surname?what is max's fav song?who played eddie munson?is hawkins a real place?what character loves eggos?who created stranger things?what was the name of will's fort?what d&d club is eddie munson in?who goes missing in season 1, ep 1?what monster killed billy in season 3?...

stranger things 2022-07-18

stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. who goes missing in season 1, ep 1?
  2. who was the first person to be killed by vecna?
  3. what song does eddie munson play in attempt to attract demo-bats?
  4. what character loves eggos?
  5. who created stranger things?
  6. what is max's fav song?
  7. who is the first character to die in season 1?
  8. who owns hawkins lab?
  1. how did joyce communicate with will in the upside down?
  2. what monster killed billy in season 3?
  3. where did steve and robin work in season 3?
  4. what was the name of will's fort?
  5. who played eddie munson?
  6. what d&d club is eddie munson in?
  7. what is max's surname?
  8. is hawkins a real place?

16 Clues: who owns hawkins lab?what is max's surname?what is max's fav song?who played eddie munson?is hawkins a real place?what character loves eggos?who created stranger things?what was the name of will's fort?what d&d club is eddie munson in?who goes missing in season 1, ep 1?what monster killed billy in season 3?...

stranger things 2022-07-07

stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. gay
  2. monster
  3. wills parent
  4. ___wake up
  5. plays basketball
  6. skateboards
  7. dead
  8. loves eggos
  1. loves eleven
  2. has a dead kid
  3. good with guns
  4. takes photos
  5. clocks
  6. goes missing
  7. works at schoops ahoy
  8. had a cat

16 Clues: gaydeadclocksmonsterhad a cat___wake upskateboardsloves eggosloves eleventakes photosgoes missingwills parenthas a dead kidgood with gunsplays basketballworks at schoops ahoy

Stranger Things 2022-08-04

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. Eleven's real name
  2. The name of the ice-cream parlour at Starcourt Mall
  3. Eddie Munson plays a song by this band in season four's finale
  4. Max Mayfield's full first name
  5. The surname of the brothers who created Stranger Things
  6. Kali's number from the lab
  7. The name of Eddie Munson's band
  8. The name of Dustin Henderson's pet demodog
  1. The town that Stranger Things is set in
  2. The only Surfer Boy Pizza ingredient that isn't fresh
  3. Eleven's favourite food
  4. Nancy Wheeler has a poster of this person
  5. Max Mayfield's favourite song is by this person
  6. The monster in season one
  7. The actor who portrays Mike Wheeler
  8. Susie's surname

16 Clues: Susie's surnameEleven's real nameEleven's favourite foodThe monster in season oneKali's number from the labMax Mayfield's full first nameThe name of Eddie Munson's bandThe actor who portrays Mike WheelerThe town that Stranger Things is set inNancy Wheeler has a poster of this personThe name of Dustin Henderson's pet demodog...

Stranger things 2022-09-30

Stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. who is in mikes basement in season one episode one
  2. what is maxs last name
  3. what is elevens real name
  4. who take care of eleven
  5. what is maxs full first name
  6. who kills barb
  7. what is mike short for
  8. who gets taken in the first season
  9. what is barb short for
  1. what is mr wheelers only line in season 4
  2. who created the series
  3. who takes care of eleven in season 4
  4. who falls in love
  5. what is hoppers job in hawkins
  6. who is addicted to eggos
  7. what is will short for

16 Clues: who kills barbwho falls in lovewho created the serieswhat is maxs last namewhat is mike short forwhat is will short forwhat is barb short forwho take care of elevenwho is addicted to eggoswhat is elevens real namewhat is maxs full first namewhat is hoppers job in hawkinswho gets taken in the first seasonwho takes care of eleven in season 4...

Stranger things 2022-09-15

Stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. Eleven's best friend
  2. Will's mom
  3. A darker version of pink
  4. The babysitter of stranger things
  5. suzy's boyfriend
  6. Mikes girlfriend
  7. Likes mike
  8. Steves ex
  1. dustin's Best friend
  2. The police officer
  3. leader of the hellfire club
  4. The demon of the upside down
  5. Steves best friend
  6. Max's step brother
  7. America
  8. The basketball player out of the group

16 Clues: AmericaSteves exWill's momLikes mikesuzy's boyfriendMikes girlfriendThe police officerSteves best friendMax's step brotherEleven's best frienddustin's Best friendA darker version of pinkleader of the hellfire clubThe demon of the upside downThe babysitter of stranger thingsThe basketball player out of the group

stranger things 2022-08-28

stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. elevens favorite food
  2. badass mom
  3. eleven threw this at a girls face lmao
  4. when eleven uses her powers
  5. good cop
  6. kate bush
  7. will's safe space
  1. creepy monster :(
  2. town
  3. talking to will via
  4. bloody nose
  5. vecna
  6. liar
  7. gay boy
  8. dusty bun
  9. will has a crush on

16 Clues: townliarvecnagay boygood copdusty bunkate bushbadass mombloody nosecreepy monster :(will's safe spacetalking to will viawill has a crush onelevens favorite foodwhen eleven uses her powerseleven threw this at a girls face lmao

Stranger Things 2021-08-04

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. got a nice 'fro
  2. our Russian friend
  3. really bad monster that terrorizes people
  4. were stranger things take place
  5. the hair adds 3 inches
  6. alter egos include Jane, Jane Ives & Eleven
  7. Weapon of Choice: the wrist rocket
  8. International Laboratory home of the Brenners
  9. redhead, skateboarder,
  1. has a really nice basement
  2. really good with a riffle
  3. the only true D&D lover
  4. thinks steve is a "dingus"
  5. they live at the end of the Cul-De-Sac
  6. where Max & Billy used to live
  7. built castle Byers with his brother
  8. orange tabby also gets eaten alive

17 Clues: got a nice 'froour Russian friendthe hair adds 3 inchesredhead, skateboarder,the only true D&D loverreally good with a rifflehas a really nice basementthinks steve is a "dingus"where Max & Billy used to livewere stranger things take placeWeapon of Choice: the wrist rocketorange tabby also gets eaten alivebuilt castle Byers with his brother...

stranger things 2022-07-18

stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. who goes missing in season 1, ep 1?
  2. who was the first person to be killed by vecna?
  3. what song does eddie munson play in attempt to attract demo-bats?
  4. what character loves eggos?
  5. who created stranger things?
  6. what is max's fav song?
  7. who is the first character to die in season 1?
  8. who owns hawkins lab?
  1. how did joyce communicate with will in the upside down?
  2. what monster killed billy in season 3?
  3. where did steve and robin work in season 3?
  4. what was the name of will's fort?
  5. who played eddie munson?
  6. what d&d club is eddie munson in?
  7. what is max's surname?
  8. is hawkins a real place?

16 Clues: who owns hawkins lab?what is max's surname?what is max's fav song?who played eddie munson?is hawkins a real place?what character loves eggos?who created stranger things?what was the name of will's fort?what d&d club is eddie munson in?who goes missing in season 1, ep 1?what monster killed billy in season 3?...

Stranger things 2022-02-05

Stranger things crossword puzzle
  1. gets dumped by a girl
  2. smarts girl that is boss at ice cream place
  3. a sassy girl
  4. in a “relationship” with max
  5. max’s brother
  6. loves jonathon
  7. gets blood out of her nose a lot
  1. person who “dies”
  2. Suzy’s boyfriend
  3. a skater girl
  4. died from the upside down world
  5. always the victim
  6. always worried
  7. works at an ice cream place
  8. used to be Joyce’s boyfriend

15 Clues: a sassy girla skater girlmax’s brotheralways worriedloves jonathonSuzy’s boyfriendperson who “dies”always the victimgets dumped by a girlworks at an ice cream placein a “relationship” with maxused to be Joyce’s boyfrienddied from the upside down worldgets blood out of her nose a lotsmarts girl that is boss at ice cream place

Stranger Things 2023-04-11

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. what was hoppers wish?
  2. Who is the bully?
  3. El's birth name
  4. What did El steal
  5. What is the name of the ice cream place
  6. What Can't you spell without Erica
  7. The name of the monster that took will
  8. The restaurant hopper was going to take joyce to
  1. El's powers
  2. Where does Will live in S4?
  3. Where did will go?
  4. What camp did dustin go to?
  5. Dustin's Girlfriend
  6. What is hopper's Daughter's name?
  7. Who took Hopper in S4?

15 Clues: El's powersEl's birth nameWho is the bully?What did El stealWhere did will go?Dustin's Girlfriendwhat was hoppers wish?Who took Hopper in S4?Where does Will live in S4?What camp did dustin go to?What is hopper's Daughter's name?What Can't you spell without EricaThe name of the monster that took willWhat is the name of the ice cream place...

Stranger Things 2022-07-27

Stranger Things crossword puzzle
  1. "Try before you deny!"
  2. The actor of Billy
  3. Alexei's job as a comrade
  4. Eleven's aunt
  5. How long Max's heart stopped
  6. Who does Robin have a crush on
  1. The song that saved Max
  2. The Russian that killed Alexei
  3. The weird girl in the woods
  4. The things that killed Eddie
  5. What was Chrissy buying from Eddie
  6. Vecna's real name (do not write 001)
  7. The amount of times the clock chimes
  8. The Mind Flayer likes it ____
  9. The Russian pilot

15 Clues: Eleven's auntThe Russian pilotThe actor of Billy"Try before you deny!"The song that saved MaxAlexei's job as a comradeThe weird girl in the woodsThe things that killed EddieHow long Max's heart stoppedThe Mind Flayer likes it ____The Russian that killed AlexeiWho does Robin have a crush onWhat was Chrissy buying from Eddie...