winter Crossword Puzzles

Indigenous peoples page 139 2018-01-14

Indigenous peoples page 139 crossword puzzle
  1. fattigdom
  2. fjær
  3. gjenopplive
  4. kom, ankom
  5. samene
  6. hundretusener
  7. indianere, amerikanske urfolk
  8. tipi, indianertelt
  9. nybyggere
  1. hardt vintervær
  2. aboriginere
  3. reservater
  4. sykdommer
  5. hodeplagg
  6. fjerne
  7. Inuitter (eskimoer)
  8. maorier

17 Clues: fjærsamenefjernemaorierfattigdomsykdommerhodeplaggnybyggerekom, ankomreservateraborigineregjenopplivehundretusenerhardt vinterværtipi, indianerteltInuitter (eskimoer)indianere, amerikanske urfolk

Victor Trumper 1800-1900 2021-05-13

Victor Trumper 1800-1900 crossword puzzle
  1. best
  2. name
  3. sprint
  4. ball
  5. Australia sport
  6. 11th month
  7. head
  8. nickname
  9. Australian city
  1. country
  2. cricket bat
  3. batting
  4. head average best
  5. gear
  6. winter

15 Clues: bestnameballheadgearsprintwintercountrybattingnickname11th monthcricket batAustralia sportAustralian cityhead average best

Seasons 2023-11-09

Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. A period when the sky is covered with clouds, blocking direct sunlight. Cloudy days can bring cooler temperatures and a subdued atmosphere.
  2. The coldest season, characterized by snow, ice, and shorter days. Winter is often associated with holidays, cozy activities, and a sense of quiet beauty.
  3. A season characterized by abundant sunlight and clear skies. Sunny weather is often associated with warmth and outdoor activities.
  4. A season when flowers and plants bloom, filling the air with sweet fragrances. Blossom time is associated with beauty and the arrival of spring.
  5. A season characterized by abundant sunlight and clear skies. Sunny weather is often associated with warmth and outdoor activities.
  6. A season when crops are ready for gathering and collecting. Harvest time is essential for agricultural communities and symbolizes abundance.
  7. A season or period with frequent rainfall. Rainy seasons are essential for replenishing water sources and supporting plant growth.
  8. A period when the air is filled with thick fog, reducing visibility. Foggy weather can create a mysterious and quiet atmosphere.
  1. A season marked by falling snow and cold temperatures. Snowy weather creates a winter wonderland, covering landscapes in a blanket of white.
  2. A season with cool temperatures, often requiring light jackets or sweaters. Chilly weather is a transition between warmer and colder seasons.
  3. The season following summer, known for the changing colors of leaves, cooler temperatures, and harvest time. It's a season of transition and preparation for winter.
  4. The warmest season of the year, marked by long days, high temperatures, and outdoor activities. Summer is often associated with vacations and relaxation.
  5. The season following winter, characterized by blooming flowers, warmer temperatures, and the return of green leaves to trees. It's a time of renewal and growth.
  6. A period with intense and unsettled weather, often featuring thunderstorms, heavy rain, and strong winds. Stormy weather can bring excitement and challenges.
  7. A season with strong and brisk winds. Windy weather can bring changes in temperature and is often associated with movement and energy.

15 Clues: A period when the air is filled with thick fog, reducing visibility. Foggy weather can create a mysterious and quiet atmosphere.A season characterized by abundant sunlight and clear skies. Sunny weather is often associated with warmth and outdoor activities....

Antonym 2021-01-11

Antonym crossword puzzle
  1. up
  2. black
  3. night
  4. frown
  5. cold
  6. winter
  7. sad
  1. bad
  2. sour
  3. no
  4. awake
  5. cry

12 Clues: upnobadcrysadsourcoldblacknightawakefrownwinter

Tesolantonyms 2021-01-26

Tesolantonyms crossword puzzle
  1. d
  2. b
  3. m
  4. o
  5. o
  6. k
  7. y
  1. g
  2. x
  3. z
  4. d
  5. q
  6. v
  7. s

14 Clues: gxdzbdmqovsoky


LAS ESTACIONES Y EL CLIMA crossword puzzle
  3. RAIN
  5. HOT
  1. COLD
  4. CITY
  5. WIND


Days of the Week / Seasons 2021-11-13

Days of the Week / Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. Суббота
  2. Понедельник
  3. Неделя
  4. Вторник
  5. Весна
  6. Четверг
  1. Пятница
  2. Воскресенье
  3. Лето
  4. Среда
  5. Зима
  6. Осень

12 Clues: ЛетоЗимаСредаОсеньВеснаНеделяПятницаСубботаВторникЧетвергВоскресеньеПонедельник

k 2021-12-16

k crossword puzzle
  1. jul
  2. jultomten
  3. pynt
  4. kallt
  1. jacka
  2. skinka
  3. pepparkakor
  4. vinter
  5. stjärna
  6. släde
  7. älg
  8. snö

12 Clues: julälgsnöpyntjackaslädekalltskinkavinterstjärnajultomtenpepparkakor

seasons 2022-06-18

seasons crossword puzzle
  1. סתיו
  2. מגפיים
  3. קיץ
  4. מעיל
  5. צעיף
  6. עלה
  1. מטרייה
  2. חורף
  3. שלג
  4. אביב
  5. בוץ
  6. גשם

12 Clues: שלגקיץבוץגשםעלהסתיוחורףאביבמעילצעיףמטרייהמגפיים

Antonym Crossword 2019-08-06

Antonym Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Blunt
  2. Summer
  3. Microscopic
  4. Good
  5. Dinner
  6. Dirty
  1. Legend
  2. Unhygienic
  3. Weak
  4. Synonym
  5. Unsuccessful
  6. Girl

12 Clues: WeakGoodGirlBluntDirtyLegendSummerDinnerSynonymUnhygienicMicroscopicUnsuccessful

El tiempo 2020-03-12

El tiempo crossword puzzle
  1. Heat
  2. Winter
  3. Summer
  4. Wind
  5. Hail
  1. Thunder
  2. Spring
  3. Snow
  4. Cold
  5. Sun
  6. Lightning
  7. Cloud

12 Clues: SunHeatSnowColdWindHailCloudSpringWinterSummerThunderLightning

Latin Review 2020-03-31

Latin Review crossword puzzle
  1. nix
  2. stella
  3. nimbus
  4. ver
  5. arcus
  1. luna
  2. autumnus
  3. caelum
  4. hiems
  5. aestas
  6. ventus
  7. sol

12 Clues: nixversollunahiemsarcuscaelumstellaaestasnimbusventusautumnus

Latin Review 2020-03-31

Latin Review crossword puzzle
  1. autumnus
  2. ventus
  3. aestas
  4. caelum
  5. arcus
  6. sol
  1. nimbus
  2. hiems
  3. nix
  4. luna
  5. ver
  6. stella

12 Clues: nixversollunahiemsarcusnimbusventusaestascaelumstellaautumnus

ABC vocabulary 2023-05-25

ABC vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. apple
  2. eggs
  3. bee
  4. eyes
  5. orange
  6. chicken
  1. cow
  2. winter
  3. cheese
  4. baloon
  5. girl
  6. flower

12 Clues: cowbeegirleggseyesapplewintercheesebaloonflowerorangechicken

Happy Father's Day 2023-06-18

Happy Father's Day crossword puzzle
  1. 1
  2. 9
  3. 3
  4. 10
  5. 7
  6. 12
  1. 4
  2. 6
  3. 2
  4. 8
  5. 11
  6. 5

12 Clues: 461298375101112

Crossword Puzzle 2024-01-19

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. winter
  2. east
  3. west
  4. earthquake
  5. summer
  6. north
  1. volcano
  2. planet
  3. universe
  4. spring
  5. south
  6. fall

12 Clues: eastwestfallsouthnorthwinterplanetspringsummervolcanouniverseearthquake

Wedding 2023-09-16

Wedding crossword puzzle
  1. - Adam
  2. - Laurie
  3. - honeymoon
  4. - summer
  5. - majorca
  6. - keswick
  1. - titanic
  2. - spaghetti
  3. - Bali
  4. - travel
  5. - sausage
  6. - dog
  7. - because
  8. - adam
  9. - james

15 Clues: - dog- Adam- Bali- adam- james- travel- Laurie- summer- titanic- sausage- because- majorca- keswick- spaghetti- honeymoon

weather and seasons 2023-10-31

weather and seasons crossword puzzle
  1. słonecznie
  2. burzowo
  3. śnieżnie
  4. zimno
  5. wietrznie
  6. jesień
  1. gorąco
  2. wiosna
  3. deszczowo
  4. pochmurno
  5. zima
  6. lato

12 Clues: zimalatozimnogorącowiosnajesieńburzowośnieżniedeszczowopochmurnowietrzniesłonecznie

3rd Grade. Unit 3, Lesson 1: Vocabulary Test. 2024-04-10

3rd Grade. Unit 3, Lesson 1: Vocabulary Test. crossword puzzle
  1. άνοιξη
  2. πέντε
  3. κάνω
  4. δουλεύω
  5. δύο
  6. τρία
  7. καλοκαίρι
  1. αποταμιεύω
  2. τέσσερα
  3. χειμώνας
  4. φθινόπωρο
  5. ένα

12 Clues: δύοένακάνωτρίαπέντεάνοιξητέσσεραδουλεύωχειμώναςφθινόπωροκαλοκαίριαποταμιεύω

Klasse 8 2024-04-25

Klasse 8 crossword puzzle
  1. gata
  2. cykel
  3. väder
  4. sol
  5. himmel
  6. torg
  1. vandrarhem
  2. hållplats
  3. vind
  4. vinter
  5. vår
  6. spårvagn

12 Clues: vårsolgatavindtorgcykelvädervinterhimmelspårvagnhållplatsvandrarhem

Weather 2024-03-10

Weather crossword puzzle
  1. nublado
  2. verano
  3. otoño
  4. primavera
  5. nevado
  6. ventoso
  1. caliente
  2. frio
  3. lluvioso
  4. brumoso
  5. soleado
  6. invierno

12 Clues: friootoñoveranonevadonubladobrumososoleadoventosocalientelluviosoinviernoprimavera

VOCABULARY 2024-06-25

VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. e
  2. f
  3. h
  4. m
  5. a
  6. c
  7. i
  1. d
  2. g
  3. k
  4. h
  5. b
  6. l

13 Clues: edgfhkmhablci

UNIT 11 2012-03-29

UNIT 11 crossword puzzle
  1. SEIN
  3. SUVI
  5. KÕRV
  1. TALV
  2. ILVES
  3. ROHI
  4. PIIM
  6. MÄRTS


The Opposite Of Crossword 2015-02-12

The Opposite Of Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Near
  2. Empty
  3. Sad
  4. Summer
  5. Black
  6. Hate
  1. Short
  2. Dull
  3. Big
  4. Mean
  5. Cold
  6. Strong

12 Clues: BigSadNearDullMeanColdHateShortEmptyBlackSummerStrong

L13. What Season Do You Like? 2019-12-03

L13. What Season Do You Like? crossword puzzle
  1. 왜냐하면
  2. 날씨
  3. 따뜻한
  4. 시원한
  1. 여름
  2. 비밀
  3. 방학
  4. 계절
  5. 겨울
  6. 가을

12 Clues: 여름비밀방학계절날씨겨울가을따뜻한시원한왜냐하면

241-252 2020-05-06

241-252 crossword puzzle
  1. ภรรยา
  2. ขีดเส้นใต้
  3. เปียก
  4. สวมใส่
  5. เครื่องแบบ
  1. ปี
  2. ฤดูหนาว
  3. ลมแรง
  4. ผัก
  5. สภาพอากาศ
  6. เขียน
  7. ทำงาน

12 Clues: ปีผักภรรยาลมแรงเปียกเขียนทำงานสวมใส่ฤดูหนาวสภาพอากาศขีดเส้นใต้เครื่องแบบ

Spanish 2020-05-19

Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. red
  2. march
  3. happy
  4. lunch
  5. January
  6. breakfast
  1. winter
  2. fall
  3. black
  4. loud
  5. chill
  6. summer

12 Clues: redfallloudmarchhappyblackchilllunchwintersummerJanuarybreakfast

Four Seasons 2020-11-25

Four Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. kuz
  2. Sohil
  3. Qish
  4. Qor
  5. qish
  6. Gul
  1. Tatil
  2. Issiq
  3. Bahor
  4. Qorbobo
  5. Yoz
  6. Sovuq
  7. Iliq

13 Clues: kuzYozQorGulQishqishIliqTatilSohilIssiqBahorSovuqQorbobo

antonyms 2021-10-14

antonyms crossword puzzle
  1. wet
  2. under
  3. cold
  4. cheap
  5. right
  6. out
  1. leave
  2. summer
  3. go
  4. black
  5. dirty
  6. afternoon

12 Clues: gowetoutcoldleaveblackunderdirtycheaprightsummerafternoon

antonyms 2021-10-14

antonyms crossword puzzle
  1. wet
  2. under
  3. cold
  4. cheap
  5. right
  6. out
  1. leave
  2. summer
  3. go
  4. black
  5. dirty
  6. afternoon

12 Clues: gowetoutcoldleaveblackunderdirtycheaprightsummerafternoon

Days of the Week / Seasons 2021-11-13

Days of the Week / Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. Пятница
  2. Весна
  3. Среда
  4. Четверг
  5. Понедельник
  1. Зима
  2. Воскресенье
  3. Вторник
  4. Лето
  5. Суббота
  6. Неделя
  7. Осень

12 Clues: ЗимаЛетоВеснаСредаОсеньНеделяПятницаВторникСубботаЧетвергВоскресеньеПонедельник

Words 2021-12-10

Words crossword puzzle
  1. Как.
  2. Где.
  3. Зима.
  4. Январь.
  5. Когда.
  6. Вода.
  1. Кит.
  2. Февраль.
  3. Волна.
  4. Осень.
  5. Что.
  6. Кто.

12 Clues: Кит.Как.Где.Что.Кто.Зима.Вода.Волна.Осень.Когда.Январь.Февраль.

Christmas ABCs 2022-12-20

Christmas ABCs crossword puzzle
  1. Лёд
  2. Любовь
  3. Подарки
  4. Игрушки
  5. Семья
  6. Зима
  7. Снеговик
  1. Варежки
  2. Дети
  3. Колокольчик
  4. Украшения
  5. Ангел

12 Clues: ЛёдДетиЗимаСемьяАнгелЛюбовьВарежкиПодаркиИгрушкиСнеговикУкрашенияКолокольчик

Latin Weather words 2022-12-19

Latin Weather words crossword puzzle
  1. rain
  2. cloud
  3. spring
  4. moon
  5. sun
  1. rainbow
  2. snow
  3. wind
  4. winter
  5. star
  6. fall
  7. summer

12 Clues: sunsnowwindrainstarfallmooncloudwinterspringsummerrainbow

Repaso 2022-09-01

Repaso crossword puzzle
  1. whatseasonisit
  2. summer
  3. birthday
  4. Itshot
  1. goodafternoon
  2. whatdayistoday
  3. january
  4. winter
  5. seeyousoon
  6. srping
  7. fall
  8. itsbadweather

12 Clues: fallwintersummersrpingItshotjanuarybirthdayseeyousoongoodafternoonitsbadweatherwhatdayistodaywhatseasonisit

h and s 2023-11-17

h and s crossword puzzle
  1. Firstdog
  2. met
  3. food
  4. winter
  5. month
  1. beach
  2. Firstdate
  3. age
  4. prom
  5. proposal
  6. Firstcat
  7. sport

12 Clues: agemetpromfoodbeachsportmonthwinterFirstdogproposalFirstcatFirstdate

Ajouter les détails 2023-11-28

Ajouter les détails crossword puzzle
  1. winter
  2. alone
  3. always
  4. spring
  5. rarely
  6. normally
  1. lots
  2. monday
  3. often
  4. sometimes
  5. fall
  6. tuesday

12 Clues: lotsfallaloneoftenwintermondayalwaysspringrarelytuesdaynormallysometimes

Mis vacaciones 2024-01-10

Mis vacaciones crossword puzzle
  1. Go
  2. Fantastic
  3. Was
  4. With
  5. Good
  6. Disaster
  1. Month
  2. But
  3. Winter
  4. Messages
  5. Went
  6. What

12 Clues: GoButWasWentWithGoodWhatMonthWinterMessagesDisasterFantastic

WINTER_WORDS 2017-01-20

WINTER_WORDS crossword puzzle
  1. vinter
  2. åkmadrass
  3. åka skridskor
  4. kängor
  5. mössa
  6. snöboll
  7. snögrotta
  1. snögubbe
  2. vantar
  3. downhill utförsåkning
  4. snöflinga
  5. halsduk
  6. kallt
  7. is

14 Clues: iskalltmössavintervantarkängorhalsduksnöbollsnögubbeåkmadrasssnöflingasnögrottaåka skridskordownhill utförsåkning

Esp 1 Cap 9 Crucigramas 2021-09-01

Esp 1 Cap 9 Crucigramas crossword puzzle
  1. cloud
  2. water skiing
  3. it rains
  4. winter
  5. surfboard
  6. little boat
  7. sea
  1. pool
  2. snow
  3. beach
  4. beach resort
  5. it’s cloudy
  6. wave
  7. it snows

14 Clues: seapoolsnowwavecloudbeachwinterit rainsit snowssurfboardit’s cloudylittle boatbeach resortwater skiing

Victor Trumper 1800-1900 2021-05-12

Victor Trumper 1800-1900 crossword puzzle
  1. 11th month
  2. ball
  3. nickname
  4. head average best
  5. best
  6. Australia sport
  7. cricket bat
  1. gear
  2. country
  3. winter
  4. batting
  5. head
  6. name
  7. Australian city
  8. sprint

15 Clues: gearballheadbestnamewintersprintcountrybattingnickname11th monthcricket batAustralian cityAustralia sporthead average best

Review 2023-04-14

Review crossword puzzle
  1. verão
  2. fazendo uma festa
  3. barulho
  4. show ao ar livre
  5. barulhento
  6. cantar
  7. ouvir o rádio
  8. arte
  9. estações
  1. cozinhando
  2. primavera
  3. outono
  4. esportes
  5. está nevando
  6. praticando o piano
  7. comer do lado de fora
  8. inverno
  9. está chovendo
  10. assistir tv

19 Clues: arteverãooutonocantarbarulhoinvernoesportesestaçõesprimaveracozinhandobarulhentoassistir tvestá nevandoestá chovendoouvir o rádioshow ao ar livrefazendo uma festapraticando o pianocomer do lado de fora

Unit 3 List 2 2023-03-02

Unit 3 List 2 crossword puzzle
  1. bufanda
  2. sudadera
  3. emergencia
  4. peligroso
  5. December, January, February
  6. tormenta de nieve
  7. temperatura
  8. September, October, November
  1. terremoto
  2. sudadera con capucha
  3. March, April, May
  4. advertencia, aviso
  5. llevar
  6. June, July, August
  7. abrigo, impermeable
  8. sueter
  9. camiseta, playera
  10. sombrilla / paraguas
  11. chaleco

19 Clues: llevarsueterbufandachalecosudaderaterremotopeligrosoemergenciatemperaturaMarch, April, Maycamiseta, playeratormenta de nieveadvertencia, avisoJune, July, Augustabrigo, impermeablesudadera con capuchasombrilla / paraguasDecember, January, FebruarySeptember, October, November

中学英単語 - 名詞(4) 2023-04-16

中学英単語 - 名詞(4) crossword puzzle
  1. テレビ
  2. チーム
  3. 日曜日
  4. 生徒
  5. 時間
  6. テニス
  7. 水曜日
  8. 火曜日
  9. 動物園
  1. オーストラリア
  2. 木曜日
  3. 先生
  4. いくつかの
  5. サッカー
  6. スポーツ

19 Clues: 生徒時間先生テレビチーム木曜日日曜日テニス水曜日火曜日動物園サッカースポーツいくつかのオーストラリア

Weather 3B 2023-11-17

Weather 3B crossword puzzle
  1. wind
  2. there is a storm
  3. What is the weather like?
  4. desert
  5. beach
  6. mountain
  7. it is very cold
  8. summer
  9. sea
  10. it is raining
  1. winter
  2. it is nice weather
  3. it is snowing
  4. seasons
  5. degree
  6. lake
  7. spring
  8. flower
  9. fall

19 Clues: seawindlakefallbeachwinterdegreedesertspringflowersummerseasonsmountainit is snowingit is rainingit is very coldthere is a stormit is nice weatherWhat is the weather like?

Practice1 2023-01-28

Practice1 crossword puzzle
  1. unusual
  2. special
  3. irregularity
  4. mythical, short bearded creature
  5. cheeky
  6. in the end
  7. spring, summer, autumn, winter
  8. give, send
  9. take part in smthg
  10. collect
  1. annoying
  2. broadly
  3. characteristic
  4. many
  5. go to
  6. take part in
  7. amazing
  8. broaden
  9. include, contain

19 Clues: manygo tocheekyunusualbroadlyspecialamazingbroadencollectannoyingin the endgive, sendirregularitytake part incharacteristicinclude, containtake part in smthgspring, summer, autumn, wintermythical, short bearded creature

ALL ABOUT HUGH- J 2021-06-19

ALL   ABOUT HUGH- J crossword puzzle
  1. birth month?
  2. College attending?
  3. birth city?
  4. dream car ?
  5. zodaic?
  6. highschool?
  7. favorite candy ?
  8. middle name ?
  9. favorite superhero ?
  1. favorite restaurant ?
  2. shoe size ?
  3. favorite subject ?
  4. favorite console?
  5. favorite color ?
  6. favorite movie?
  7. favorite clothing?
  8. favorite sport?
  9. favorite season?
  10. dream vacation?

19 Clues: zodaic?shoe size ?birth city?dream car ?highschool?birth month?middle name ?favorite movie?favorite sport?dream vacation?favorite color ?favorite season?favorite candy ?favorite console?favorite subject ?College attending?favorite clothing?favorite superhero ?favorite restaurant ?

Weather 2023-08-18

Weather crossword puzzle
  1. There's a lot of ice.
  2. There's a storm.
  3. It's snowing.
  4. It's hot.
  5. It's windy.
  6. weather
  7. It's raining.
  8. rain
  9. It's sunny.
  10. tornado
  11. the sun
  1. It's sunny.
  2. There's a hurricane warning.
  3. winter
  4. fall
  5. It's chilly.
  6. wind
  7. spring
  8. summer
  9. cloud

20 Clues: fallwindraincloudwinterspringsummerweathertornadothe sunIt's hot.It's sunny.It's windy.It's sunny.It's chilly.It's snowing.It's raining.There's a storm.There's a lot of ice.There's a hurricane warning.

Spanish Weather 3B 2023-11-17

Spanish Weather 3B crossword puzzle
  1. wind
  2. there is a storm
  3. What is the weather like?
  4. desert
  5. beach
  6. mountain
  7. it is very cold
  8. summer
  9. sea
  10. it is raining
  1. winter
  2. it is nice weather
  3. it is snowing
  4. seasons
  5. degree
  6. lake
  7. spring
  8. flower
  9. fall

19 Clues: seawindlakefallbeachwinterdegreedesertspringflowersummerseasonsmountainit is snowingit is rainingit is very coldthere is a stormit is nice weatherWhat is the weather like?

Weather 3B 2023-11-17

Weather 3B crossword puzzle
  1. wind
  2. there is a storm
  3. What is the weather like?
  4. desert
  5. beach
  6. mountain
  7. it is very cold
  8. summer
  9. sea
  10. it is raining
  1. winter
  2. it is nice weather
  3. it is snowing
  4. seasons
  5. degree
  6. lake
  7. spring
  8. flower
  9. fall

19 Clues: seawindlakefallbeachwinterdegreedesertspringflowersummerseasonsmountainit is snowingit is rainingit is very coldthere is a stormit is nice weatherWhat is the weather like?

LEMONTREE 2024-07-15

LEMONTREE crossword puzzle
  1. 자라다
  2. 꽃이 피다
  3. 어제
  4. MEET
  5. DARK와 반대
  6. SAD와 반대
  7. IN WINTER WE HAVE ______.
  8. 영원히
  1. 운전하다
  2. 기다리다
  3. 지루한
  4. 햇빛
  5. 회색의
  6. 일어나다

14 Clues: 어제햇빛자라다지루한회색의영원히운전하다기다리다MEET일어나다꽃이 피다SAD와 반대DARK와 반대IN WINTER WE HAVE ______.

Lesson 2-A 2017-01-05

Lesson 2-A crossword puzzle
  1. film
  2. large bird
  3. has many stars
  4. open grass land
  5. group
  6. job
  7. famished
  8. song
  9. every day
  10. unfilled
  11. 10+10+20+5+5=
  1. wound
  2. abundance
  3. tired
  4. smoke channel
  5. stable
  6. winter sport
  7. feeling alone
  8. low area between hills

19 Clues: jobfilmsongwoundtiredgroupstablefamishedunfilledabundanceevery daylarge birdwinter sportsmoke channelfeeling alone10+10+20+5+5=has many starsopen grass landlow area between hills

French Crossword Puzzle 2022-12-20

French Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Sharp item for school
  2. Indoor or Outdoor activity to do in the winter
  3. Item to wipe out pencil marks
  4. How we say hello
  5. Things you use to skate
  6. Another way we say hello
  7. A item we write with that is not erasable
  1. Most people in this class is this age
  2. A sticky substance
  3. A thing we write with
  4. We should not go outside without this item in the winter
  5. The colour of your laptop

12 Clues: How we say helloA sticky substanceSharp item for schoolA thing we write withThings you use to skateAnother way we say helloThe colour of your laptopItem to wipe out pencil marksMost people in this class is this ageA item we write with that is not erasableIndoor or Outdoor activity to do in the winter...

Weather and Seasons 2022-05-01

Weather and Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. The season where it snows (after autumn).
  2. Weather when it is hard to see (misty).
  3. The warming of the Earth.
  4. The season where its hot and sunny (after spring).
  5. (Extreme) Stormy weather with thunder and lightning.
  6. Giant wave floods the land.
  7. (Extreme) Strong rains and winds.
  1. The season when flowers bloom (after winter).
  2. The gas that we breathe out.
  3. The gas that we breathe in.
  4. State of the atmosphere at any time.
  5. (Extreme) The ground shakes and buildings fall.
  6. The season where leaves turn orange and fall (after summer).
  7. Weather when it rains.
  8. Weather when there is lots of sun.
  9. The atmosphere is made up of _____.

16 Clues: Weather when it rains.The warming of the Earth.The gas that we breathe in.Giant wave floods the land.The gas that we breathe out.(Extreme) Strong rains and winds.Weather when there is lots of sun.The atmosphere is made up of _____.State of the atmosphere at any time.Weather when it is hard to see (misty).The season where it snows (after autumn)....

WLS Book 10 Review 2022-04-26

WLS Book 10 Review crossword puzzle
  1. all the people
  2. You can go here to buy a book.
  3. another word for 'autumn'
  4. This is a place near the ocean.
  5. You might wear these at the beach.
  6. You can see doctors and nurses here.
  7. every single time, opposite of 'never'
  8. You can go here to borrow a book.
  9. the opposite of 'after'
  1. In spring, the flowers and grass begin to ______.
  2. Winter is my favorite _______.
  3. the first meal of the day
  4. After dinner, you might eat a sweet _______.
  5. In winter, I sometimes make a ____man.
  6. I want to go to the post office to mail a ____.
  7. We often go to the _______ in summer to see my grandma.
  8. a place where you can buy bread
  9. the opposite of 'before'
  10. You can do this in the swimming pool.

19 Clues: all the peoplethe opposite of 'after'the opposite of 'before'the first meal of the dayanother word for 'autumn'Winter is my favorite _______.You can go here to buy a book.This is a place near the ocean.a place where you can buy breadYou can go here to borrow a book.You might wear these at the beach.You can see doctors and nurses here....

Christmas Crossword 2020-12-10

Christmas Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A nice and warm place to be when you are cold
  2. When you have a fake tree you miss the smell of ___ in your home.
  3. A popular ornament brand
  4. There are millions but none are the same.
  5. You wake up Christmas morning with these under your tree.
  6. What you don't want to find in your stocking
  7. A winter time weapon
  8. A sweet drink with cinnamon and nutmeg
  1. "Rocking around the Christmas ____..."
  2. Pucker up.
  3. What is the third reindeer in "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer?"
  4. "I'm dreaming of a ___ Christmas..."
  5. A warm winter drink
  6. A peppermint candy
  7. A common thing you put on top of a tree
  8. When you hear these you know Christmastime is here.
  9. Cousins of gnomes

17 Clues: Pucker up.Cousins of gnomesA peppermint candyA warm winter drinkA winter time weaponA popular ornament brand"I'm dreaming of a ___ Christmas...""Rocking around the Christmas ____..."A sweet drink with cinnamon and nutmegA common thing you put on top of a treeThere are millions but none are the same.What you don't want to find in your stocking...

New Hampshire Mammals 2023-04-06

New Hampshire Mammals crossword puzzle
  1. Fishers legs are a strong and
  2. The way red foxes prefer to hunt
  3. Black Bears use their strong legs and claws to
  4. Only eats bugs
  5. What a group of red foxes are called
  6. Mating season for red foxes
  7. A favorite food of red foxes
  8. Known for its bobbed tail
  9. The length of time bobcats stay with their mother
  1. An instinct that brings you back home
  2. Number of different sounds a coyote makes
  3. Coyotes mostly live in groups called
  4. An animal that changes from brown in summer to white in winter
  5. The average number of feet an moose's antlers can get
  6. Coyotes do this at night
  7. An animal that only eats plants
  8. Another way to say "baby red foxes"

17 Clues: Only eats bugsCoyotes do this at nightKnown for its bobbed tailMating season for red foxesA favorite food of red foxesFishers legs are a strong andAn animal that only eats plantsThe way red foxes prefer to huntAnother way to say "baby red foxes"Coyotes mostly live in groups calledWhat a group of red foxes are called...

Clothes and materials 2023-05-14

Clothes and materials crossword puzzle
  1. Shoes are often made of ...
  2. Windows are made of ...
  3. T-shirt are usually made of ...
  4. You wear this on your head
  5. You put your hands in these when it's cold
  6. You wear these in your shoes on your feet
  7. These are sporty shoes
  8. A man wears this around his neck on a shirt
  9. A man wears this for special occasions
  10. You wear these on your feet in winter
  1. Bottles are often made of ...
  2. You tell time with this
  3. A man wears this in the sea
  4. You go jogging in this
  5. You wear this on trousers or jeans
  6. you wear this around your neck in winter
  7. A blouse and a skirt in one

17 Clues: You go jogging in thisThese are sporty shoesYou tell time with thisWindows are made of ...You wear this on your headA man wears this in the seaShoes are often made of ...A blouse and a skirt in oneBottles are often made of ...T-shirt are usually made of ...You wear this on trousers or jeansYou wear these on your feet in winter...

winter 2022-09-22

winter crossword puzzle
  1. холодный изнутри
  2. белый и холодный
  3. леденая внутри
  1. скользкий и мокрый
  2. крутык

5 Clues: крутыкледеная внутрихолодный изнутрибелый и холодныйскользкий и мокрый

Winter 2022-12-20

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. powder
  2. and white candy
  3. for vacation but for British people
  1. powder man
  2. "synonym for vacation but for British people"
  3. cane

6 Clues: canepowderpowder manand white candyfor vacation but for British people"synonym for vacation but for British people"

winter 2022-10-05

winter crossword puzzle
  1. snowman
  2. gloves
  1. hat
  2. scarf
  3. christmas

5 Clues: hatscarfglovessnowmanchristmas

Winter 2022-12-29

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. PPI email archive
  1. to enroll in a LOMA course, you need to contact
  2. use this method when you find yourself in a difficult situation with a colleague or Advisor
  3. preferred reporting tool
  4. industry-standard protocol designed to protect the privacy of information communicated over the Internet

5 Clues: PPI email archivepreferred reporting toolto enroll in a LOMA course, you need to contact .....@ppi.cause this method when you find yourself in a difficult situation with a colleague or Advisorindustry-standard protocol designed to protect the privacy of information communicated over the Internet

winter 2023-01-09

winter crossword puzzle
  1. you go down a hill on a sled
  2. you celebrate them with your family
  3. you down a hill with 2 sticks in your hands and 2 on your legs
  1. you try not to be _____ in the winter
  2. beautiful and falls from the sky

5 Clues: you go down a hill on a sledbeautiful and falls from the skyyou celebrate them with your familyyou try not to be _____ in the winteryou down a hill with 2 sticks in your hands and 2 on your legs

Winter 2023-01-19

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Flying mammal
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Likes to chase mice
  3. Man's best friend

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

winter 2013-01-06

winter crossword puzzle
  1. hebt het koud dan ga je naar ...
  2. geen blaadjes meer aan
  1. ijskoude man
  2. de winter staat het de hele dag aan
  3. is koud,wit en valt uit de lucht

5 Clues: ijskoude mangeen blaadjes meer aanhebt het koud dan ga je naar koud,wit en valt uit de luchtde winter staat het de hele dag aan

Winter 2017-02-08

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. Fest
  2. Spielgerät
  1. Jahreswechsel
  2. Jahreszeit
  3. Niederschlag

5 Clues: FestJahreszeitSpielgerätNiederschlagJahreswechsel

winter 2017-12-12

winter crossword puzzle
  1. pet
  2. sne
  1. is cold det er koldt
  2. kjole
  3. koldt

5 Clues: petsnekjolekoldtis cold det er koldt

winter 2018-11-26

winter crossword puzzle
  1. a ball of packed snow
  2. place A place for domestic fire
  1. what you ride down a hill in during snowy days
  2. frozen precipitation
  3. the season after fall

5 Clues: frozen precipitationa ball of packed snowthe season after fallplace A place for domestic firewhat you ride down a hill in during snowy days

Winter 2022-01-12

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. When kids stay home from school due to the weather
  2. This drops when it gets cold
  1. the 8th grade teacher
  2. a type of precipitation commonly found in Winter
  3. a writing utensil that sort of rhymes with utensil

5 Clues: the 8th grade teacherThis drops when it gets colda type of precipitation commonly found in WinterWhen kids stay home from school due to the weathera writing utensil that sort of rhymes with utensil

Winter 2023-08-23

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. You need warm clothes
  2. Holiday in winter
  3. Made of snow
  1. A tree you decorate on Christmas
  2. Most popular winter sport

5 Clues: Made of snowHoliday in winterYou need warm clothesMost popular winter sportA tree you decorate on Christmas

Winter 2023-11-30

Winter crossword puzzle
  1. a plant that you decorate with ornaments (2wds)
  2. frozen crystals that fall from the sky
  1. a decoration usually found on a tree
  2. they brighten your house or tree
  3. ribbon or greenery used for decorating

5 Clues: they brighten your house or treea decoration usually found on a treeribbon or greenery used for decoratingfrozen crystals that fall from the skya plant that you decorate with ornaments (2wds)

A2 Verse 5 + Prose 5 Starter 2023-10-11

A2 Verse 5 + Prose 5 Starter crossword puzzle
  1. transfugio
  2. baculum
  3. I walk up and down
  4. furtivus
  5. of the gods
  6. I lack, I am without
  7. nego
  8. I swim
  9. I fight again
  1. tueor
  2. winter
  3. proelium
  4. dimicatio
  5. benignus
  6. sensim
  7. I complain
  8. nubes
  9. segnis

18 Clues: negotueornubeswintersensimI swimsegnisbaculumproeliumbenignusfurtivusdimicatiotransfugioI complainof the godsI fight againI walk up and downI lack, I am without

BCK Winter 2021 Intermediate Puzzle 2021-10-27

BCK Winter 2021 Intermediate Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Holiday desserts.
  2. What you wear to keep yourself warm in the winter.
  3. A holiday drink.
  4. When school is out for the holidays.
  5. What you wear on your hands in the cold.
  6. What Santa comes down.
  7. Who pulls Santa's sleigh.
  1. What you drink when it's cold outside.
  2. The coldest season.
  3. You can make these types of cookies into little men or houses.
  4. A strong snow storm.
  5. What the roads are when they're icy and snowy.

12 Clues: A holiday drink.Holiday desserts.The coldest season.A strong snow storm.What Santa comes down.Who pulls Santa's sleigh.When school is out for the holidays.What you drink when it's cold outside.What you wear on your hands in the cold.What the roads are when they're icy and snowy.What you wear to keep yourself warm in the winter....

Guess what we're doing! 2015-10-15

Guess what we're doing! crossword puzzle
  1. Shiny, bright lights in the night sky
  2. Canadian word for winter hat
  3. White precipitation from the sky
  4. Coldest season of the year
  5. Shelly's best friend in a dark forest
  6. Color of the Grinch
  7. A dome-shaped Eskimo house
  1. An uninhabited, uncultivated area left in its natural condition
  2. A document most people carry when travelling
  3. What you'll hopefully be feeling after figuring out what we're doing!
  4. The horrible airline that lost Shelly's luggage
  5. Shelly's favourite color

12 Clues: Color of the GrinchShelly's favourite colorColdest season of the yearA dome-shaped Eskimo houseCanadian word for winter hatWhite precipitation from the skyShiny, bright lights in the night skyShelly's best friend in a dark forestA document most people carry when travellingThe horrible airline that lost Shelly's luggage...

December Birthday Crossword 2022 2022-12-11

December Birthday Crossword 2022 crossword puzzle
  1. she lived in this country for a while
  2. hospital dept. of his last summer internship
  3. where she'd like to intern over the summer
  4. one of her electives
  5. teacher for his independent study in science
  1. his leadership role this year
  2. applied here for his next summer internship
  3. competitive sport she does outside of school
  4. his varsity winter sport
  5. one of his extracurricular interests
  6. her winter sport
  7. # of languages in which she is fluent

12 Clues: her winter sportone of her electiveshis varsity winter sporthis leadership role this yearone of his extracurricular interestsshe lived in this country for a while# of languages in which she is fluentwhere she'd like to intern over the summerapplied here for his next summer internshipcompetitive sport she does outside of school...

Inuit 2017-03-14

Inuit crossword puzzle
  1. A boat used to transport up to 20 people
  2. Summer home for the Inuit
  3. Clothing was made from this animals fur
  4. Transportation in the winter
  5. Tool used to help build Igloos
  6. Solo boat
  1. The first nations group that lives in areas that are cold
  2. The first nations group that as just in NFLD
  3. Home for the Beothuk
  4. What tool was used to hunt seals
  5. The last Beothuk was a
  6. Winter home for the Inuit

12 Clues: Solo boatHome for the BeothukThe last Beothuk was aSummer home for the InuitWinter home for the InuitTransportation in the winterTool used to help build IgloosWhat tool was used to hunt sealsClothing was made from this animals furA boat used to transport up to 20 peopleThe first nations group that as just in NFLD...

lesson 1 and 2 3rd. semester 2022-01-24

lesson 1 and 2 3rd. semester crossword puzzle
  1. the joint between the forearm and the upper arm
  2. cause physical pain
  3. your legs and arms are called.
  4. there 4, spring, winter, autumn
  5. is the opposite of cool
  6. the back part of the human foot below the ankle
  7. when the rain falls
  1. is the opposite of small
  2. is the opposite of short
  3. the opening in the lower part of the human face, surrounded by the lips.
  4. when the flowers blossom
  5. is the opposite of right

12 Clues: cause physical painwhen the rain fallsis the opposite of coolis the opposite of smallis the opposite of shortwhen the flowers blossomis the opposite of rightyour legs and arms are called.there 4, spring, winter, autumnthe joint between the forearm and the upper armthe back part of the human foot below the ankle...

An Alliance with the Huron Emprie 2017-04-25

An Alliance with the Huron Emprie crossword puzzle
  1. challenging
  2. a document setting out terms of existence
  3. bead belts, used by Native peoples to record events, also used as currency or in exchanges
  4. brigades groups of people who traded furs for a living
  5. feudal like states
  6. a state of financial ruin
  7. workshop
  8. literary form
  1. homes
  2. the emphasis places on a particular syllable of a word
  3. gras d'hiver prime winter beaver pelt (literally, "greasy winter beaver pelt")
  4. de bois runners of the woods
  5. one who travels a to another region to communicate a religious message and assist the local people
  6. wall of upright, often pointed, logs

14 Clues: homesworkshopchallengingliterary formfeudal like statesa state of financial ruinde bois runners of the woodswall of upright, often pointed, logsa document setting out terms of existencethe emphasis places on a particular syllable of a wordbrigades groups of people who traded furs for a living...

Rulan's crossword 2021-12-26

Rulan's crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the best season according to you
  2. what do i want to be when i grow up
  3. what is the first movie we watched together
  4. what is my favorite animal
  5. what is my shoe size
  6. the best winter activity in colorado
  1. where we are never hanging out
  2. what my first ted talk was about
  3. my favorite color
  4. where we first starting talking to each other
  5. day we started dating
  6. the onlyyy reason why I like you obv
  7. the first word that started you to make fun of my spelling
  8. the hottest bf

14 Clues: the hottest bfmy favorite colorwhat is my shoe sizeday we started datingwhat is my favorite animalwhere we are never hanging outwhat my first ted talk was aboutthe best season according to youwhat do i want to be when i grow upthe onlyyy reason why I like you obvthe best winter activity in coloradowhat is the first movie we watched together...

Bird Words 2020-04-06

Bird Words crossword puzzle
  1. These birds stick around all winter.
  2. Where birds go in the winter
  3. Baby birds are first born in these
  4. Birds of a _______ flock together
  5. This species rides on the backs of bison
  6. The fastest bird in the world is the Peregrine ______
  1. This bird likes to hang out upside down
  2. Probe, chisel and cracker are all types of these
  3. Alberta’s official bird
  4. Alberta is home to ________ different species of woodpecker
  5. Ducks have ______ feet
  6. You’re likely to see one of these in Edmonton
  7. Most birds have four, but an ostrich has two
  8. Birds have ______ bones

14 Clues: Ducks have ______ feetAlberta’s official birdBirds have ______ bonesWhere birds go in the winterBirds of a _______ flock togetherBaby birds are first born in theseThese birds stick around all winter.This bird likes to hang out upside downThis species rides on the backs of bisonMost birds have four, but an ostrich has two...

Weather-Seasons 2020-05-22

Weather-Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. the season during September, October and November
  2. the seasons when flowers start blooming
  3. the home that birds build
  4. a month in autumn
  5. something we wear in winter, around our neck
  6. the cloth we wear for swimming
  7. the weather when you can see the Sun clearly in the sky
  8. the weather in spring
  1. the light we see between clouds on a stormy day
  2. the last month of the year
  3. the hottest season of the year
  4. the weather when the Sun is behind the clouds
  5. the seasons when some animals hibernate
  6. a month in spring

14 Clues: a month in autumna month in springthe weather in springthe home that birds buildthe last month of the yearthe hottest season of the yearthe cloth we wear for swimmingthe seasons when flowers start bloomingthe seasons when some animals hibernatesomething we wear in winter, around our neckthe weather when the Sun is behind the clouds...

Seasons & Holidays 2023-03-27

Seasons & Holidays crossword puzzle
  1. The holiday of love
  2. Is a scary holiday in the fall
  3. The searching of eggs on a spring holiday
  4. A camp held only in the summer
  5. A festival that is held in the fall
  1. A holiday that has lots of red,white,and blue
  2. Involves gold,luck,and a rainbow
  3. The perfect season to grow a garden
  4. A dance held in the winter
  5. A holiday that involves a bunny,eggs,and candy
  6. Is often cold and snow
  7. Involves a turkey and food
  8. Is hot and sunny
  9. Involves cool weather and leaves

14 Clues: Is hot and sunnyThe holiday of loveIs often cold and snowA dance held in the winterInvolves a turkey and foodIs a scary holiday in the fallA camp held only in the summerInvolves gold,luck,and a rainbowInvolves cool weather and leavesThe perfect season to grow a gardenA festival that is held in the fallThe searching of eggs on a spring holiday...

Holiday Break 2023-11-30

Holiday Break crossword puzzle
  1. something you can both have and feel during the winter
  2. notoriously a plump and jolly man who may bring you presents on Christmas
  3. (three words)What you leave out for Santa
  4. are put on a Christmas tree
  5. (two words) a tree you may decorate during the holidays
  6. annual celebration of African-American culture
  1. a jewish holiday spanning 8 days
  2. there are ____ under the tree
  3. lets put up the ________
  4. a day of festivity
  5. Occurs in temperatures at or below 32 degrees Fahrenheit
  6. a winter sport
  7. a candelabrum used in jewish worship
  8. time off from work or school

14 Clues: a winter sporta day of festivitylets put up the ________are put on a Christmas treetime off from work or schoolthere are ____ under the treea jewish holiday spanning 8 daysa candelabrum used in jewish worship(three words)What you leave out for Santaannual celebration of African-American culturesomething you can both have and feel during the winter...

HOBBY 2023-10-09

HOBBY crossword puzzle
  1. Lala suka bermain badminton apa hobi Lala?
  2. Azam suka berolahraga apa hobi Azam?
  3. Sira suka menari apa hobi Sira?
  4. Winter suka bermain gitar apa hobi Winter?
  5. jay suka berselancar apa hobi Jay?
  6. Onel suka memancing apa hobi Onel?
  7. Rina suka membaca berarti hobi dia adalah?
  1. Mahen suka menggambar apa hobi Mahen?
  2. sisi suka memasak apa hobi sisi?
  3. Wahyu suka bermain bola apa hobi Wahyu?
  4. Christopher suka bermain game apa hobi Christopher?
  5. Hanna suka menulis apa hobi Hanna?
  6. Yanto suka sekali berenang apa hobi Yanto?
  7. Hanni suka menyanyi apa hobi Hanni?

14 Clues: Sira suka menari apa hobi Sira?sisi suka memasak apa hobi sisi?Hanna suka menulis apa hobi Hanna?jay suka berselancar apa hobi Jay?Onel suka memancing apa hobi Onel?Hanni suka menyanyi apa hobi Hanni?Azam suka berolahraga apa hobi Azam?Mahen suka menggambar apa hobi Mahen?Wahyu suka bermain bola apa hobi Wahyu?...

Kruiswoordraadsel WO 2024-05-03

Kruiswoordraadsel WO crossword puzzle
  1. Welke maand komt er na april?
  2. In welke maand begint een nieuw schooljaar?
  3. 2 dagen na zondag.
  4. Tussen de winter en de zomer is de...
  5. De 1ste maand van het kalenderjaar.
  6. De dag na morgen noemen we?
  7. De dag die voorbij is noemen we.
  8. In welke maand vieren we Kerstmis?
  1. Welke maand komt er voor september?
  2. Op die dag hebben we een halve dag school.
  3. In welk seizoen vallen de bladeren van de bomen?
  4. Welke maand telt 28 dagen?
  5. De maand dat de grote vakantie begint.
  6. In welk seizoen kunnen we soms een sneeuwman maken?
  7. De dag na morgen.

15 Clues: De dag na morgen.2 dagen na zondag.Welke maand telt 28 dagen?De dag na morgen noemen we?Welke maand komt er na april?De dag die voorbij is noemen we.In welke maand vieren we Kerstmis?Welke maand komt er voor september?De 1ste maand van het kalenderjaar.Tussen de winter en de zomer is de...De maand dat de grote vakantie begint....

Kruiswoordraadsel WO 2024-05-03

Kruiswoordraadsel WO crossword puzzle
  1. Welke maand komt er na april?
  2. In welke maand begint een nieuw schooljaar?
  3. 2 dagen na zondag.
  4. Tussen de winter en de zomer is de...
  5. De 1ste maand van het kalenderjaar.
  6. De dag na morgen noemen we?
  7. De dag die voorbij is noemen we.
  8. In welke maand vieren we Kerstmis?
  1. Welke maand komt er voor september?
  2. Op die dag hebben we een halve dag school.
  3. In welk seizoen vallen de bladeren van de bomen?
  4. Welke maand telt 28 dagen?
  5. De maand dat de grote vakantie begint.
  6. In welk seizoen kunnen we soms een sneeuwman maken?
  7. De dag na morgen.

15 Clues: De dag na morgen.2 dagen na zondag.Welke maand telt 28 dagen?De dag na morgen noemen we?Welke maand komt er na april?De dag die voorbij is noemen we.In welke maand vieren we Kerstmis?Welke maand komt er voor september?De 1ste maand van het kalenderjaar.Tussen de winter en de zomer is de...De maand dat de grote vakantie begint....

English words 2023-02-03

English words crossword puzzle
  1. The coldest season
  2. the leaves in the trees are starting to turn orange and yellow
  3. white stuff from the sky
  4. can cover the sun when it is like this
  5. bullets from the sky
  6. The warmest season
  1. during this season it starts to turn green
  2. when it starts, you better get an umbrella
  3. summer,autumn, winter and spring are examples of this
  4. hold your hat
  5. get your warm clothes on
  6. animals are often scared of this

12 Clues: hold your hatThe coldest seasonThe warmest seasonbullets from the skywhite stuff from the skyget your warm clothes onanimals are often scared of thiscan cover the sun when it is like thisduring this season it starts to turn greenwhen it starts, you better get an umbrellasummer,autumn, winter and spring are examples of this...

Christmas 2013-12-21

Christmas crossword puzzle
  1. a magical holiday
  2. santa's favorite reindeer
  3. the type of shoes you need to be able to skate
  4. a decoration and is handy for cracking nuts
  5. santa puts coal in your ____________ if you were naughty
  6. a sport you do on snow
  1. a special type of cookie
  2. what you see usally under your christmas tree on christmas day
  3. what you hang on your christmas tree
  4. delivers presents to you home
  5. what you can build with snow
  6. a special type of drink you drink during winter
  7. the magical ______ santa rides on
  8. white stuff that is on the ground during winter

14 Clues: a magical holidaya sport you do on snowa special type of cookiesanta's favorite reindeerwhat you can build with snowdelivers presents to you homethe magical ______ santa rides onwhat you hang on your christmas treea decoration and is handy for cracking nutsthe type of shoes you need to be able to skatea special type of drink you drink during winter...

HOBBY 2023-10-09

HOBBY crossword puzzle
  1. Lala suka bermain badminton apa hobi Lala?
  2. Azam suka berolahraga apa hobi Azam?
  3. Sira suka menari apa hobi Sira?
  4. Winter suka bermain gitar apa hobi Winter?
  5. jay suka berselancar apa hobi Jay?
  6. Onel suka memancing apa hobi Onel?
  7. Rina suka membaca berarti hobi dia adalah?
  1. Mahen suka menggambar apa hobi Mahen?
  2. sisi suka memasak apa hobi sisi?
  3. Wahyu suka bermain bola apa hobi Wahyu?
  4. Christopher suka bermain game apa hobi Christopher?
  5. Hanna suka menulis apa hobi Hanna?
  6. Yanto suka sekali berenang apa hobi Yanto?
  7. Hanni suka menyanyi apa hobi Hanni?

14 Clues: Sira suka menari apa hobi Sira?sisi suka memasak apa hobi sisi?Hanna suka menulis apa hobi Hanna?jay suka berselancar apa hobi Jay?Onel suka memancing apa hobi Onel?Hanni suka menyanyi apa hobi Hanni?Azam suka berolahraga apa hobi Azam?Mahen suka menggambar apa hobi Mahen?Wahyu suka bermain bola apa hobi Wahyu?...

Rock Your Decade (2000's) 2024-06-14

Rock Your Decade (2000's) crossword puzzle
  1. SARS in Canada exposed the __________ system
  2. Canada's goal in Afghanistan was to bring _________
  3. The first case of SARS was reported in _____
  4. Sidney ______
  5. Many fashion trends stayed the ____ as the 90's
  6. The first flight hit the _____ tower on 9/11
  7. A repopularized rock genre
  1. City that the 2010 G20 Summit was held
  2. First and only Prime Minister to come from the modern-day Conservative Party of Canada
  3. City that the 2010 Winter Olympics were held
  4. "Canada's ______ goal"
  5. -breaking Olympic WInter Gamers for Team Canada
  6. SARS resulted in anti-_____ racism
  7. Infectious disease

14 Clues: Sidney ______Infectious disease"Canada's ______ goal"A repopularized rock genreSARS resulted in anti-_____ racismCity that the 2010 G20 Summit was heldSARS in Canada exposed the __________ systemCity that the 2010 Winter Olympics were heldThe first case of SARS was reported in _____The first flight hit the _____ tower on 9/11...

seasons&weather 2020-01-09

seasons&weather crossword puzzle
  1. Shanghai is a beautiful ____________.
  2. We ____________ many trees every spring.
  3. She's English, she's from ____________.
  4. We will ____________ a lot of difficulties in the future.
  5. What's the ____________ like today?
  6. It's very ____________ here in winter.
  1. It's very hot outside, but it's ____________ inside.
  2. Tina lives in a noisy ____________.
  3. It's rainy outside, you need a ____________ or an ____________.
  4. There are four seasons in the ____________.
  5. We need to wear ____________ clothes in winter.

11 Clues: Tina lives in a noisy ____________.What's the ____________ like today?Shanghai is a beautiful ____________.It's very ____________ here in winter.She's English, she's from ____________.We ____________ many trees every spring.There are four seasons in the ____________.We need to wear ____________ clothes in winter....

Months and Seasons 2022-05-15

Months and Seasons crossword puzzle
  1. It is a cold season
  2. It is a warm season
  3. We celebrate easter in this month
  4. It is a cool season
  5. 12 months and 4 seasons make a_____?
  6. School ends in this month
  1. It is Christmas' month
  2. In winter we can make one with snow (boy)
  3. We celebrate this in October
  4. How many seasons are in a year?
  5. It is a hot season

11 Clues: It is a hot seasonIt is a cold seasonIt is a warm seasonIt is a cool seasonIt is Christmas' monthSchool ends in this monthWe celebrate this in OctoberHow many seasons are in a year?We celebrate easter in this month12 months and 4 seasons make a_____?In winter we can make one with snow (boy)

te huarere - the weather 2023-11-09

te huarere - the weather crossword puzzle
  1. it happens in the winter
  2. it rains a bit it is also sunny
  3. a violent disturbance in the atmosphere
  4. a colourful arch in the sky
  1. the sky is white but there is no rain
  2. a destructive vortex
  3. a flow in the air
  4. usually happens when it rains in winter
  5. a warm weather
  6. a flashing bolt in the sky
  7. water dripping from the sky

11 Clues: a warm weathera flow in the aira destructive vortexit happens in the wintera flashing bolt in the skywater dripping from the skya colourful arch in the skyit rains a bit it is also sunnythe sky is white but there is no rainusually happens when it rains in wintera violent disturbance in the atmosphere

Unit 17 - Months of the year 2024-08-09

Unit 17 - Months of the year crossword puzzle
  1. The last month of winter in New Zealand
  2. This month has ANZAC Day to remember soldiers
  3. Winter starts this Month
  4. This month has Mother's Day (starts with M)
  5. Waitangi day is the 6th of ________
  6. When Christmas is
  1. The month before October
  2. The month when Matariki, the Māori New Year.
  3. Month starting with N
  4. First month of the year
  5. Autumn begins this month

11 Clues: When Christmas isMonth starting with NFirst month of the yearThe month before OctoberWinter starts this MonthAutumn begins this monthWaitangi day is the 6th of ________The last month of winter in New ZealandThis month has Mother's Day (starts with M)The month when Matariki, the Māori New Year.This month has ANZAC Day to remember soldiers

CODE 2023-10-29

CODE crossword puzzle
  1. The name of the man standing before you to deliver a message.
  2. The name of the magic that seals this land in eternal winter
  3. The prison impenetrable
  4. The name of an ambitious wizard who seeks hidden doorways
  5. A cursed creature born from the belly of a hyena
  6. The title given to one who seeks to claim a seat of power by force or against the laws of the land
  7. A local favorite for winter travel
  8. Name of the town whose speaker goes by Shane
  9. The color of dragon in the old spring
  1. The name of a powerful relic that is known to have been used in Netheril, and is rumored to be preserved in Ythryn.
  2. A common winter variety of livestock in Icewind Dale
  3. The name of the town that burned a wizard in red
  4. The name of the clan of mountain halflings that supply the best iron in the region.
  5. A fearsome monstrosity that one can run into in local caves. Covered in thick fur, and a layer of eggs.
  6. The name of an empire forgotten
  7. The first name of the speaker of Dougan's Hole

16 Clues: The prison impenetrableThe name of an empire forgottenA local favorite for winter travelThe color of dragon in the old springName of the town whose speaker goes by ShaneThe first name of the speaker of Dougan's HoleThe name of the town that burned a wizard in redA cursed creature born from the belly of a hyena...

Get to Know the Happy Couple 2024-05-22

Get to Know the Happy Couple crossword puzzle
  1. City where Alex and Crystal met
  2. Alex and Crystal's favorite winter activity
  3. Couple’s first vacation destination
  4. Alex’s favorite board game; black and white pieces
  5. Summertime competition that Alex participated in as a child
  6. The couple’s favorite winter sport to watch
  7. Crystal and Alex's Alma Mater, abbreviated
  8. Couple’s first date activity
  9. What kind of pets did Crystal have when she was a kid?
  10. Crystal’s first job
  1. Crystal’s current university mascot
  2. What movie did both Alex and Crystal love when they were kids?
  3. What state was Alex born in?
  4. What river did Alex grow up next to?
  5. What sport did Alex play in high school?
  6. What state in India is Crystal's family from?
  7. How many siblings does Alex have?
  8. What's Crystal's favorite summertime activity?
  9. What city was Crystal born in?

19 Clues: Crystal’s first jobWhat state was Alex born in?Couple’s first date activityWhat city was Crystal born in?City where Alex and Crystal metHow many siblings does Alex have?Crystal’s current university mascotCouple’s first vacation destinationWhat river did Alex grow up next to?What sport did Alex play in high school?...

Unit 5 - Fair weather and windy weather 2023-02-14

Unit 5 - Fair weather and windy weather crossword puzzle
  1. The road is ... . Drive carefully!
  2. Can you help me, please? - Of ... .
  3. Another word for snow storm.
  4. The ... of polished wood is smooth.
  5. The ... is also called the blue planet.
  6. I don't ... that I didn't win the match.
  7. If there's enough ..., we can go skiing.
  8. On ... days we stay at home.
  9. It's rather ... . It might even rain later on.
  1. When the sun shines it's ... .
  2. Winter
  3. A big storm which only occurs in tropical climates.
  4. In the desert it is hot and ... .
  5. In a hurricane air is moving with great ...
  6. I always listen to the ... in the car.
  7. On the stove you can ... water to cook spaghetti.
  8. stürmisch
  9. We all got ... because of the rain.
  10. The opposite of calm is ... It means there's a lot of wind.

19 Clues: WinterstürmischAnother word for snow storm.On ... days we stay at home.When the sun shines it's ... .In the desert it is hot and ... .The road is ... . Drive carefully!Can you help me, please? - Of ... .The ... of polished wood is smooth.We all got ... because of the rain.I always listen to the ... in the car.The ... is also called the blue planet....

Hot Chocolate 2022-10-07

Hot Chocolate crossword puzzle
  1. treat that gets melted
  2. one of the best things about fall
  3. one of the best colors of fall
  4. what gets added on top
  5. small delicous toppings
  1. enjoyed best in the winter
  2. the main ingredient
  3. what gets poured on top
  4. best time if the year to drink
  5. can be added with spice

10 Clues: the main ingredienttreat that gets meltedwhat gets added on topwhat gets poured on topcan be added with spicesmall delicous toppingsenjoyed best in the winterbest time if the year to drinkone of the best colors of fallone of the best things about fall

weather 2021-03-30

weather crossword puzzle
  1. a kind of precipitation that is in the winter
  2. a kind of precipitation that mostly happens
  3. the warmest season
  4. crisp clouds way up in a sky
  5. ice form of rain
  1. white fluffy cloud
  2. Where water moves around
  3. gray cloud that covers the whole sky
  4. the coldest season
  5. where plants bloom again

10 Clues: ice form of rainwhite fluffy cloudthe coldest seasonthe warmest seasonWhere water moves aroundwhere plants bloom againcrisp clouds way up in a skygray cloud that covers the whole skya kind of precipitation that mostly happensa kind of precipitation that is in the winter

Wordpower 2016-03-21

Wordpower crossword puzzle
  1. after February comes...
  2. a person from Wales speaks...
  3. a phone you can use away from home
  4. the year has 365 ...
  5. when you're not in the house, you are ...
  1. the last month of the year
  2. something children can't drink
  3. the year has 4 ...
  4. between summer and winter is...
  5. after winter comes ...

10 Clues: the year has 4 ...the year has 365 ...after winter comes ...after February comes...the last month of the yeara person from Wales speaks...something children can't drinkbetween summer and winter is...a phone you can use away from homewhen you're not in the house, you are ...