All Crossword Puzzles

Kedatangan Eropa ke Nusantara dan Perlawanan Bersifat Kedaerahan 2024-09-20

Kedatangan Eropa ke Nusantara dan Perlawanan Bersifat Kedaerahan crossword puzzle
  1. Bangsa Eropa yang pertama kali ke Nusantara
  2. Sultan yang berhasil mengusir Portugis dari Maluku
  3. perjanjian yang mengharuskan Belanda menyerahkan Indonesia kepada Inggris
  4. Perjanjian yang mengharuskan Inggris menyerahkan kembali Indonesia kepada Belanda
  5. Wilayah yang didatangi Belanda kedua kali
  6. politik adu domba
  7. Pemimpin Belanda yang datang ke Nusantara pertama kali
  8. Nama akhir pemimpin VOC yang dimasanya VOC berkembang pesat
  9. Pemimpin perlawanan di Maluku yang dijatuhi hukuman gantung
  10. Sultan yang melakukan perjanjian dengan Portugis pada tahun 1533, namun Portugis mengingkari
  11. Pemimpin perang terbesar yang melaksanakan siasat gerilya
  12. Wilayah yang didatangi Belanda pertama kali
  13. Perang yang menjadi penyebab kembalinya Belanda ke Indonesia
  14. Nama pelabuhan baru yang artinya Jaya yang Sempurna
  15. Pemimpin perang padri
  16. Kantor pusat VOC
  1. Agamawan Portugis yang menyebarkan Nasrani di Maluku
  2. Nama perang yang dilakukan oleh Sisingamangaraja XII
  3. Perang yang terjadi di Sumatra Barat
  4. Penguasa Inggris di Indonesia
  5. Pelayaran yang dilakukan Belanda untuk mengawasi perdagangan
  6. Nama akhir pemimpin VOC yang dimasanya VOC bangkrut
  7. Sultan yang memiliki julukan Ayam Jantan dari Timur
  8. Perusahaan Dagang buatan Belanda
  9. Yang dilakukan Belanda untuk menguasai perdagangan rempah-rempah Nusantara
  10. Perjanjian yang terjadi pada tahun 1529 untuk mengakhiri permusuhan antara Portugis dan Spanyol
  11. Bangsa Eropa yang datan ke Maluku dan bergabung dengan Kerajaan Tidore
  12. Program kerja yang diterapkan Belanda kepada rakyat Indonesia
  13. salah satu akibat bangkrutnya VOC
  14. Pemimpin VOC pertama kali
  15. Perjanjian antara Sultan Hasanuddin dan VOC
  16. wilayah untuk mengasingkan Pangeran Diponegoro
  17. Kerajaan yang dipimpin Sultan Hasanuddin
  18. Pemimpin perang melawan Portugis di Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa

34 Clues: Kantor pusat VOCpolitik adu dombaPemimpin perang padriPemimpin VOC pertama kaliPenguasa Inggris di IndonesiaPerusahaan Dagang buatan Belandasalah satu akibat bangkrutnya VOCPerang yang terjadi di Sumatra BaratKerajaan yang dipimpin Sultan HasanuddinWilayah yang didatangi Belanda kedua kaliBangsa Eropa yang pertama kali ke Nusantara...

kewirausahaan kelompok 2024-09-20

kewirausahaan kelompok crossword puzzle
  1. sifat atau tingkah laku khas dari wirausahawan yang membedakan dengan orang lain yaitu
  2. adanya konsumen dan pemasok dalam berwirausaha disebut
  3. modal awal yang digunakan disebut
  4. seorang enterpreneur harus memiliki sikap
  5. resiko yang tak dapat di hitung secara sistematis merupakan resiko yang
  6. seseorang yang menyukai bidang yang sedang di kerjakan dan menjalani secara optimal disebut
  7. alat utama dalam usaha yang digunakan untuk memproduksi barang disebut
  8. penurunan daya beli masyarakat dalam analisis SWOT adalah
  1. seorang yang menjadi manager sekaligus pekerja dalam usaha yang di jalankan disebut
  2. suatu upaya atau kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk mempromosikan produk disebut
  3. dalam pelayanan jasa, seorang wirausahawan adalah seorang
  4. metode mengumpulkan dana dari banyak orang secara online
  5. proses mendesain dan menciptakan produk baru dalam suatu usaha disebut
  6. kemampuan yang dimiliki seseorang dalam menjalankan usaha disebut
  7. mencegah adanya pelanggaran hak milik orang lain adalah tujuan dari penerapan

15 Clues: modal awal yang digunakan disebutseorang enterpreneur harus memiliki sikapadanya konsumen dan pemasok dalam berwirausaha disebutmetode mengumpulkan dana dari banyak orang secara onlinedalam pelayanan jasa, seorang wirausahawan adalah seorangpenurunan daya beli masyarakat dalam analisis SWOT adalah...

Boisteros Boy 2024-09-20

Boisteros Boy crossword puzzle
  1. A word to describe a cake that is not dry.
  2. A type of seafood.
  3. "Don't ______ your sister!"
  4. Go to the ______ before we go swimming.
  1. You put this on sore skin.
  2. To ruin something.
  3. The United Kingdom has a _____ family.
  4. Another word for shy.

8 Clues: To ruin something.A type of seafood.Another word for shy.You put this on sore skin."Don't ______ your sister!"The United Kingdom has a _____ family.Go to the ______ before we go swimming.A word to describe a cake that is not dry.

Talking about place and position 2024-09-20

Talking about place and position crossword puzzle
  1. To the side opposite of left.
  2. Not outside, but in the limits of something.
  3. Surrounding an object in all directions.
  4. Situated at the uppermost part of something.
  5. Lower than something, but not directly touching.
  1. Touching or resting on the surface, often vertically.
  2. Positioned at the back of something.
  3. Higher than something else, without touching it.
  4. Touching a flat horizontal surface, like a table.

9 Clues: To the side opposite of left.Positioned at the back of something.Surrounding an object in all directions.Not outside, but in the limits of something.Situated at the uppermost part of something.Higher than something else, without touching it.Lower than something, but not directly touching.Touching a flat horizontal surface, like a table....

Annette 2024-09-20

Annette crossword puzzle
  1. Matt's middle name
  2. Matt's 2nd job (2 words)
  3. Number of bridesmaids and groomsmen
  4. Matt's 2nd favorite hobby
  5. Today's date
  6. How did the couple meet
  7. Their favorite freetime activity
  8. Groom's favorite flavor of sweets
  9. Bridesmaid's name
  10. Rebecca's 2nd job (2 words)
  11. Matt's birthday month
  12. Rebecca's middle name
  13. Bride's father's name
  14. Who said I Love You first (bride or groom)
  15. Rebecca's birthday month
  16. Groomsman's name
  17. The name of their dog
  18. Reception Venue (2 words)
  19. Rebecca's mother's name
  20. First concert they saw together (2 words)
  1. Bestman's name
  2. Rebecca's city of residence (2 words)
  3. Matt's suit coat lining today
  4. Groom's favorite team (2 words)
  5. Matt's home before marriage
  6. Month they met
  7. When did Matt propose (2 words)
  8. First professional baseball game they saw together (2 words)
  9. Groom's father's name
  10. The name of their cat
  11. Rebecca's shoe color today
  12. Matt's mother's name
  13. Name of the street they live on (2 words)
  14. Matron of Honor's name
  15. The destination of Matt's first airplane ride with Rebecca

35 Clues: Today's dateBestman's nameMonth they metGroomsman's nameBridesmaid's nameMatt's middle nameMatt's mother's nameGroom's father's nameThe name of their catMatt's birthday monthRebecca's middle nameBride's father's nameThe name of their dogMatron of Honor's nameHow did the couple meetRebecca's mother's nameMatt's 2nd job (2 words)...

innsjø 2024-09-20

innsjø crossword puzzle
  1. En menneskeskapt innsjø laget av Aswan-dammen i Egypt.
  2. Kjent som "Det ungarske hav," den største innsjøen i Sentral-Europa.
  3. Den største innsjøen i Afrika, ligger mellom tre land.
  4. Den nest dypeste innsjøen i verden, ligger i Øst-Afrika.
  5. En stor innsjø delt av Tyskland, Sveits og Østerrike.
  6. En ferskvannssjø i Kenya, kjent for sitt mangfoldige dyreliv.
  7. Den grunne innsjøen av de store innsjøene, kjent for fiske.
  8. En av de store innsjøene som grenser til Canada og USA.
  9. Innsjø som ligger mellom New York og Vermont, kjent for sine slag.
  10. Kjent for sitt biologiske mangfold, denne afrikanske innsjøen er berømt for ciklider.
  11. Den største innsjøen i Italia, populær for seiling og windsurfing.
  12. Største innsjø i Europa, ligger i nordvestlige Russland.
  13. En italiensk innsjø kjent for sin naturskjønnhet og luksusvillaer.
  14. En fantastisk innsjø i New Zealand, omringet av fjell.
  15. Den største lukkede innlandssjøen i verden.
  16. Et våtmark og innsjø i Nord-Israel, viktig for trekkfugler.
  17. Den største innsjøen på Balkan, ligger mellom Montenegro og Albania.
  18. En mindre kjent innsjø i Afrika, viktig for sitt økosystem.
  19. Også kjent som Galileasjøen, en ferskvannssjø i Israel.
  20. Dypeste og eldste ferskvannssjø i verden, ligger i Sibir.
  21. En stor innsjø som ligger mellom Sveits og Frankrike.
  22. En stor ferskvannssjø i Sierra Nevada, kjent for sin klarhet.
  23. En stor innsjø i Nederland, kjent for sin seiling.
  24. En innsjø på grensen mellom Estland og Russland, kjent for sitt fiske.
  25. En stor ferskvannssjø i Mongolia, kjent for sin skjønnhet.
  1. Et reservoar dannet av Hoover-dammen på Colorado-elven.
  2. En innsjø som forbinder Huron-sjøen med Erie-sjøen.
  3. En vakker innsjø i Udaipur, India, kjent for sine palasser.
  4. Den nest største av de store innsjøene etter overflateareal.
  5. Den eneste store innsjøen som ligger helt innenfor USA.
  6. Høyeste navigerbare innsjø i verden, ligger i Andesfjellene.
  7. En menneskeskapt innsjø i California, populær for rekreasjonsaktiviteter.
  8. En menneskeskapt reservoar på Colorado-elven, berømt for sine røde fjellformasjoner.
  9. Største av de store innsjøene i Nord-Amerika.
  10. En saltvannssjø i Iran, kjent for sine levende farger og krympende størrelse.
  11. Ligger i Tanzania, del av Øst-Afrikansk riftdal.
  12. En innsjø i Arizona, oppkalt etter den ikoniske kaktusarten i nærheten.
  13. Den største innsjøen i Sentral-Amerika, hjem for unike ferskvannshai.
  14. Den største saltvannssjøen i Nord-Amerika, ligger i Utah.
  15. Et reservoar som ligger i North Carolina og Georgia, populært for fiske.
  16. Den nest største innsjøen i Europa, også funnet i Russland.
  17. Den største ferskvannssjøen i Kina, kjent for sitt biologiske mangfold.
  18. En isbreinnsjø som ligger i Argentina, kjent for sin fantastiske blå farge.
  19. En innsjø på grensen mellom Rwanda og Den demokratiske republikken Kongo.
  20. En stor innsjø i Afrika som har krympet betydelig.
  21. En pittoresk innsjø i Slovenia med en kirke på en øy.

46 Clues: Den største lukkede innlandssjøen i verden.Største av de store innsjøene i Nord-Amerika.Ligger i Tanzania, del av Øst-Afrikansk riftdal.En stor innsjø i Afrika som har krympet betydelig.En stor innsjø i Nederland, kjent for sin seiling.En innsjø som forbinder Huron-sjøen med Erie-sjøen.En stor innsjø delt av Tyskland, Sveits og Østerrike....

Tts ipa 2024-09-20

Tts ipa crossword puzzle
  1. berwarna kemerah merahan
  2. disebut juga bintang timur
  3. planet bercincin
  4. planet terjauh
  1. pusat tatasurya
  2. planet terdekat dengan matahari
  3. planet terbesar

7 Clues: planet terjauhpusat tatasuryaplanet terbesarplanet bercincinberwarna kemerah merahandisebut juga bintang timurplanet terdekat dengan matahari

Vibhas Birthday Bash 2024-09-20

Vibhas Birthday Bash crossword puzzle
  1. Reanne Ragavinodha and Vibha make up the _______
  2. yum yum sugar ______
  3. I am Theodore K. Mullins and Nick is my lover on the down low
  4. the box man taught us about geometry
  1. He hits you, doesn't he?
  2. Analysis and Approaches
  3. something you cannot do for the life of you
  4. ___ Thookitha
  5. ____ wine

9 Clues: ____ wine___ Thookithayum yum sugar ______Analysis and ApproachesHe hits you, doesn't he?the box man taught us about geometrysomething you cannot do for the life of youReanne Ragavinodha and Vibha make up the _______I am Theodore K. Mullins and Nick is my lover on the down low

ds,vbsdbo aou 2024-09-20

ds,vbsdbo aou crossword puzzle
  1. external hard coverings, such as lobster shells
  2. to control and make use of
  3. the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes
  1. a group of people who have been given the legal power to act as one person
  2. underhanded or secret plans or plots
  3. system of managing production and distribution of money and goods

6 Clues: to control and make use ofunderhanded or secret plans or plotsexternal hard coverings, such as lobster shellsthe use of scientific knowledge for practical purposessystem of managing production and distribution of money and goodsa group of people who have been given the legal power to act as one person

dasar negara indonesia, konstitusi 2024-09-20

dasar negara indonesia, konstitusi crossword puzzle
  1. - undang dasar

    1 Clue: - undang dasar

    Crossword #3 2024-09-20

    Crossword #3 crossword puzzle
    1. timid
    2. foretelling
    3. tendency
    4. contain
    5. prevent
    6. false
    7. imitation
    1. grumpy
    2. secretive
    3. improve
    4. Foreign
    5. protect
    6. injury
    7. foolish
    8. using

    15 Clues: timidusingfalsegrumpyinjuryimproveForeignprotectfoolishcontainpreventtendencysecretiveimitationforetelling

    lake 2024-09-20

    lake crossword puzzle
    1. The largest lake in Italy, popular for sailing and windsurfing.
    2. A glacial lake located in Argentina, known for its stunning blue color.
    3. A large lake shared by Germany, Switzerland, and Austria.
    4. Known for its biodiversity, this African lake is famous for cichlids.
    5. A large lake in Africa that has significantly shrunk in size.
    6. Shallowest of the Great Lakes, known for its fishing.
    7. Second largest of the Great Lakes by surface area.
    8. A lesser-known lake in Africa, significant for its ecosystem.
    9. The largest lake in Africa, located between three countries.
    10. A lake on the border between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
    11. Largest saltwater lake in North America, located in Utah.
    12. Largest lake in the Balkans, located between Montenegro and Albania.
    13. A beautiful lake in Udaipur, India, known for its palaces.
    14. A reservoir formed by the Hoover Dam on the Colorado River.
    15. A man-made lake in California, popular for recreational activities.
    16. A large lake situated between Switzerland and France.
    17. The largest enclosed inland body of water in the world.
    18. A freshwater lake in Kenya, known for its diverse wildlife.
    19. A lake that connects Lake Huron to Lake Erie.
    20. Second deepest lake in the world, located in East Africa.
    21. Known as the "Hungarian Sea," it's the largest lake in Central Europe.
    22. A lake on the border of Estonia and Russia, known for its fishery.
    23. Second-largest lake in Europe, also found in Russia.
    1. A wetland and lake in northern Israel, important for migratory birds.
    2. A lake in Arizona, named after the iconic cactus species nearby.
    3. The largest lake in Central America, home to unique freshwater sharks.
    4. An artificial lake created by the Aswan High Dam in Egypt.
    5. The only Great Lake located entirely within the United States.
    6. An Italian lake known for its scenic beauty and luxury villas.
    7. Also known as the Sea of Galilee, it's a freshwater lake in Israel.
    8. One of the Great Lakes, bordering Canada and the USA.
    9. Highest navigable lake in the world, located in the Andes.
    10. A large lake in the Netherlands, famous for its sailing.
    11. The largest freshwater lake in China, known for its biodiversity.
    12. A reservoir located in North Carolina and Georgia, popular for fishing.
    13. Located in Tanzania, it's part of the East African Rift.
    14. A salt lake in Iran, known for its vibrant colors and shrinking size.
    15. Deepest and oldest freshwater lake in the world, located in Siberia.
    16. Largest of the Great Lakes in North America.
    17. A picturesque lake in Slovenia with a church on an island.
    18. A stunning lake in New Zealand, surrounded by mountains.
    19. A large freshwater lake in Mongolia, known for its beauty.
    20. A large freshwater lake in the Sierra Nevada, known for its clarity.
    21. Lake located between New York and Vermont, known for its battles.
    22. Largest lake in Europe, located in northwestern Russia.
    23. A man-made reservoir on the Colorado River, famous for its red rock formations.

    46 Clues: Largest of the Great Lakes in North America.A lake that connects Lake Huron to Lake Erie.Second largest of the Great Lakes by surface area.Second-largest lake in Europe, also found in Russia.Shallowest of the Great Lakes, known for its fishing.One of the Great Lakes, bordering Canada and the USA.A large lake situated between Switzerland and France....

    Vocabulary Unit 1 Week 2 2024-09-20

    Vocabulary Unit 1 Week 2 crossword puzzle
    1. the speech of a group of people
    2. to divide and give to others
    3. moves quickly
    4. asked to come
    5. to make a request
    1. equal and just for all sides
    2. on or to one side
    3. the way of life for a group of people

    8 Clues: moves quicklyasked to comeon or to one sideto make a requestequal and just for all sidesto divide and give to othersthe speech of a group of peoplethe way of life for a group of people

    TIPOS DE LIDERES 2024-09-20

    TIPOS DE LIDERES crossword puzzle
    1. También conocido como "laissez-faire", es un líder que delega autoridad y da mucha libertad a sus subordinados para tomar decisiones, con mínima intervención directa.
    2. involucra al equipo en decisiones, fomenta la colaboración y valora las opiniones, lo que impulsa la motivación y la creatividad.
    3. Un líder que toma decisiones de manera unilateral, sin consultar a sus subordinados, y espera obediencia total. Controla todos los aspectos del proceso y no delega poder.
    4. Un líder que se caracteriza por su transparencia, ética y coherencia entre lo que dice y lo que hace. Se enfoca en construir confianza y en ser fiel a sus propios valores.
    5. Un líder que cuida a sus subordinados como un "padre", tomando decisiones en su nombre con la creencia de que es lo mejor para ellos, pero esperando lealtad y obediencia a cambio.
    6. Similar al autocrático, pero con un estilo más extremo y opresivo. Toma decisiones sin ninguna consulta y ejerce el poder de manera rígida y autoritaria.
    7. Un líder que emerge naturalmente dentro de un grupo sin una posición oficial de poder, pero influye en los demás a través de sus habilidades, conocimientos o personalidad.
    1. Un líder que ejerce autoridad basada en su posición oficial o en normas aceptadas, lo que le otorga la capacidad de influir en los demás de manera reconocida por la organización.
    2. hace referencia a palabras que imitan sonidos, pero no aplica como un concepto de liderazgo.
    3. Un líder que ejerce su influencia en diferentes niveles de la organización, tanto hacia sus superiores como hacia sus subordinados, creando una cadena de liderazgo continua.
    4. Un líder que opera entre colegas del mismo nivel jerárquico, ejerciendo influencia sin tener un rol de autoridad formal sobre ellos.
    5. Un líder que inspira y motiva a los demás mediante su personalidad atractiva y su capacidad para conectar emocionalmente con las personas. Su carisma atrae seguidores y genera lealtad.
    6. Este líder se enfoca en intercambios claros entre esfuerzos y recompensas. Es efectivo en mantener la rutina y mejorar el rendimiento mediante un sistema de recompensas y castigos.
    7. Un líder que obtiene su poder de costumbres, tradiciones o normas históricas. Su legitimidad proviene de la herencia cultural o normas sociales establecidas.
    8. aquel que ejerce su liderazgo desde una posición oficial dentro de una organización, con una autoridad claramente definida por su cargo o título.

    15 Clues: hace referencia a palabras que imitan sonidos, pero no aplica como un concepto de liderazgo.involucra al equipo en decisiones, fomenta la colaboración y valora las opiniones, lo que impulsa la motivación y la creatividad....

    Geografi XII A dan XII B 2024-09-20

    Geografi XII A dan XII B crossword puzzle
    1. Maluku
    2. Papua Tengah
    3. adalah perencanaan penggunaan lahan dan ruang untuk mengoptimalkan fungsi dan menjaga keseimbangan lingkungan.
    4. Siapa yang bertanggung jawab dalam merancang kebijakan dan regulasi tata ruang untuk mengatur penggunaan lahan
    5. adalah pembagian ruang untuk fungsi tertentu, seperti kawasan perumahan, industri, atau pertanianWilayah adalah area di permukaan bumi yang memiliki karakteristik atau ciri-ciri tertentu yang membedakannya dari wilayah lain.
    1. Jawa Tengah
    2. berfungsi untuk melestarikan alam, sedangkan kawasan budidaya untuk produksi pertanian atau ekonomi.
    3. adalah area di permukaan bumi yang memiliki karakteristik atau ciri-ciri tertentu yang membedakannya dari wilayah lain
    4. Sumatera Utara
    5. berfungsi sebagai alat untuk visualisasi dan analisis penggunaan lahan, serta memandu proses perencanaan tata ruang

    10 Clues: MalukuJawa TengahPapua TengahSumatera Utaraberfungsi untuk melestarikan alam, sedangkan kawasan budidaya untuk produksi pertanian atau ekonomi.adalah perencanaan penggunaan lahan dan ruang untuk mengoptimalkan fungsi dan menjaga keseimbangan lingkungan....

    Asesmen Formatif Kelas 6 2024-09-20

    Asesmen Formatif Kelas 6 crossword puzzle
    1. orang yang mempersekutukan Allah dengan selain-Nya
    2. waktu di mana orang-orang memulai kesibukkannya, waktu permulaan siang
    3. Allah Maha Pengampun
    4. satu-satunya Tuhan yang berhak disembah dan diibadahi
    5. golongan surat yang diturnkan setelah Nabi Muhammad hijrah ke madinah
    1. Allah maha dibutuhkan, yang bergantung kepada-Nya seluruh mahluk
    2. Jumlah ayat dalam QS Adh-Dhuha
    3. ayat dari surat al-ikhlas yang menyebutkan Allah As-Shamad
    4. arti dari asmaul husna al-waahid
    5. Allah Maha Pemaaf

    10 Clues: Allah Maha PemaafAllah Maha PengampunJumlah ayat dalam QS Adh-Dhuhaarti dari asmaul husna al-waahidorang yang mempersekutukan Allah dengan selain-Nyasatu-satunya Tuhan yang berhak disembah dan diibadahiayat dari surat al-ikhlas yang menyebutkan Allah As-ShamadAllah maha dibutuhkan, yang bergantung kepada-Nya seluruh mahluk...

    I got a question? 2024-09-20

    I got a question? crossword puzzle
    1. the first prime number
    2. the pan state
    3. the person to your left
    1. a legally binding document that details your wishes regarding the distribution of your property, money, and assets
    2. it’s literally just with
    3. Katie Roque
    4. viajar

    7 Clues: viajarKatie Roquethe pan statethe first prime numberthe person to your leftit’s literally just witha legally binding document that details your wishes regarding the distribution of your property, money, and assets

    Sample 2024-09-20

    Sample crossword puzzle
    1. Greenhouse gas emitted by flooded vegetation behind dams.
    2. Benefit for agriculture.
    3. Change in river flow.
    4. Type of energy production in dams.
    5. Dams providing recreational activities.
    1. India's highest dam.
    2. Result of dam construction.
    3. Endangered species from dams.
    4. Purpose of building dams.
    5. When soil and rock are worn away by water or wind.

    10 Clues: India's highest dam.Change in river flow.Benefit for agriculture.Purpose of building dams.Result of dam construction.Endangered species from dams.Type of energy production in dams.Dams providing recreational activities.When soil and rock are worn away by water or wind.Greenhouse gas emitted by flooded vegetation behind dams.

    Teka Silang Kata: Allah Penguasa Mutlak 2024-09-20

    Teka Silang Kata: Allah Penguasa Mutlak crossword puzzle
    1. Semua rasul memiliki __________tauhid yang sama.
    2. Segala kebaikan yang dilaksanakan akan diberi __________.
    3. Segala yang ada di langit dan di bumi ialah _______ Allah.
    1. Allah mengetahui segala amalan _________ dan batin.
    2. Setiap perbuatan manusia akan di __________.
    3. Amalan batin ialah amalan ________seperti ikhlas.
    4. Rasulullah dan orang beriman ________ dengan risalah tauhid yang diturunkan oleh Allah.
    5. Allah tidak membebankan hambaNya dengan amalan yang tidak _________dilakukan.

    8 Clues: Setiap perbuatan manusia akan di __________.Semua rasul memiliki __________tauhid yang sama.Amalan batin ialah amalan ________seperti ikhlas.Allah mengetahui segala amalan _________ dan batin.Segala kebaikan yang dilaksanakan akan diberi __________.Segala yang ada di langit dan di bumi ialah _______ Allah....

    اللغة العربية 2024-09-20

    اللغة العربية crossword puzzle
    1. 500
    2. hobiku
    3. sarapan
    4. makan malam
    5. makanan
    6. bilangan
    7. 2000000
    8. الطعام ruang makan
    9. 2000000
    10. mandi
    11. terpisah
    12. hobimu
    13. متصل
    14. مليون 30000000
    1. hobi
    2. tersembunyi
    3. makan siang
    4. 5000000000
    5. أنتم
    6. makananku
    7. cita-cita
    8. ruang santai
    9. 2000
    10. bersambung
    11. 6000000
    12. kata Ganti
    13. nampak

    27 Clues: 500hobiأنتم2000متصلmandihobikuhobimunampaksarapanmakanan200000020000006000000bilanganterpisahmakanankucita-cita5000000000bersambungkata Gantitersembunyimakan siangmakan malamruang santaiمليون 30000000الطعام ruang makan

    school things 2024-09-20

    school things crossword puzzle
    1. desk
    2. basketballfield
    3. gym
    4. classroom
    5. chair
    1. musicclass
    2. library
    3. toilet
    4. swimmingpool
    5. mosque
    6. laboratory
    7. canteen

    12 Clues: gymdeskchairtoiletmosquelibrarycanteenclassroommusicclasslaboratoryswimmingpoolbasketballfield

    Muscle Physiology 2024-09-20

    Muscle Physiology crossword puzzle
    1. Part of the neuron touching the muscle cell
    2. Skeletal Muscle cell
    3. Entire distance including thick and thin filaments
    4. Repair method of cardiac tissue
    1. Kind of nerves that attach to smooth and cardiac muscles
    2. Protein attaches thin filaments to the cell membrane
    3. Name of muscle cells found in cardiac muscle
    4. Result of dystrophy
    5. Name the protein in a thin filament
    6. Name the neurotransmitter that opens ligand gates and initiates muscle contractions

    10 Clues: Result of dystrophySkeletal Muscle cellRepair method of cardiac tissueName the protein in a thin filamentPart of the neuron touching the muscle cellName of muscle cells found in cardiac muscleEntire distance including thick and thin filamentsProtein attaches thin filaments to the cell membraneKind of nerves that attach to smooth and cardiac muscles...

    RISK TAKING 2024-09-20

    RISK TAKING crossword puzzle
    1. Something you aim to achieve
    2. Willing to take risks; confident and daring
    3. Feeling afraid or nervous
    4. The ability to face fear or difficulties
    5. Lack of certainity or predictability
    6. The act of picking between two or more options
    7. To try something to see if it works
    8. The possibility of loss or danger
    9. To take a chance with an uncertain outcome
    10. Something that could cause harm
    11. An opportunity or possibility of something happening
    12. To take a big step or make a quick decision
    13. To succeed or get something positive
    14. To challenge someone to do something risky
    1. To not succeed at something
    2. Free from danger or risk
    3. A task that is hard to do
    4. Showing readiness to face danger or pain
    5. To stop trying
    6. To attempt something new or difficult
    7. The result when you achieve your goal
    8. Something done wrong, a failure
    9. Doing something, often a big or important step
    10. The feeling when you are scared or worried
    11. Thinking before acting, to avoid danger
    12. A possibility of something happening

    26 Clues: To stop tryingFree from danger or riskA task that is hard to doFeeling afraid or nervousTo not succeed at somethingSomething you aim to achieveSomething done wrong, a failureSomething that could cause harmThe possibility of loss or dangerTo try something to see if it worksLack of certainity or predictabilityA possibility of something happening...

    Ch.2 Vocab 2024-09-20

    Ch.2 Vocab crossword puzzle
    1. George's anger cooling after catching Candy listening in on them
    2. Describing Candy's chin
    3. The way Curley's wife smiles
    4. Curley's wife feels this when she is looking for Curley
    5. Describing Carlson's wet head
    6. Lennie does this when George grabs his ear
    7. Candy is afraid Curley will do this to him
    1. Describing Curley's glance at George and Lennie
    2. The way Lennie smiles after being complimented
    3. Related to lice and cockroaches
    4. Carlson lets Slim exit first
    5. What Curley's wife does when Lennie is looking at her
    6. Candy is reassured after George says this type of statement
    7. This is one of Curley's key traits
    8. The way George says how nobody should mess with Lennie

    15 Clues: Describing Candy's chinThe way Curley's wife smilesCarlson lets Slim exit firstDescribing Carlson's wet headRelated to lice and cockroachesThis is one of Curley's key traitsLennie does this when George grabs his earCandy is afraid Curley will do this to himThe way Lennie smiles after being complimentedDescribing Curley's glance at George and Lennie...

    Parts of speech 2024-09-20

    Parts of speech crossword puzzle
    1. A person,place or thing
    2. A word that tells what someone or something does
    3. a word uses to describe a noun
    4. a word placed before a noun or pronouns to show its relation ship to some other word
    1. A word used to connect other words
    2. A word that expresses a strong or sudden emotion (Used as an exclamamtion)
    3. Tells you when,where,how,in what manner, or to what extent an action is performed
    4. A word used in place of a noun

    8 Clues: A person,place or thinga word uses to describe a nounA word used in place of a nounA word used to connect other wordsA word that tells what someone or something doesA word that expresses a strong or sudden emotion (Used as an exclamamtion)Tells you when,where,how,in what manner, or to what extent an action is performed...

    Crusigrama primer parcial 2024-09-20

    Crusigrama primer parcial crossword puzzle
    1. Es la forma en que se organizan las relaciones entre los individuos de una sociedad o grupo
    2. Son cambios recurrentes y no estrictamente periódicos, en una rama de actividad de un pais
    3. Es el porcentaje de una población
    4. Fue un filosofó economista y sociólogo alemán
    5. Es aquel que viene afectando de forma profunda y permanente la estructura social
    6. Cuando nos encontramos en una fase de recesión continua
    7. Fase de mayor crecimiento
    8. Se manifiesta a través de leyes de sistemas de gobierno que protegen los intereses
    9. La población humana se mueve de un lugar a otro
    10. Afectan de manera temporal en la estructura social
    11. Registra el numero de personas que no tienen empleo
    12. Fase del ciclo en que la economía esta estancada
    13. Es la base de la sociedad en la que produce y distribuye y consume riqueza
    1. Ocurre cuando las ideas, valores y creencias culturales se utilizan para crear las desigualdades
    2. Es cuando un pais vende sus productos a otro pais
    3. Es la relacion que hay entre las exportaciones e importaciones que existen entre dos paises
    4. Valor total de todos los bienes y servicios producidos en el pais (Pib) y en los extranjeros
    5. Es lo que genera un pais de servicios y bienes
    6. Es la suma de dinero de un pais le debe a otro pais
    7. La clase social que posee los medios de producción (Fabricas,Tierras,Capital)
    8. Consiste en el aumento del precio y bienes y servicios
    9. Es el dinero que ingreso a una economía
    10. Vienen siendo las materias primas técnicas de trabajo instrumentos de trabajo y relaciones de trabajo
    11. Es la relacion que existe entre el valor de las monedas de dos paises
    12. Vienen siendo la clase trabajadora
    13. Es el conjunto de bienes requeridos para cubrir las necesidades de subsistencia familiar

    26 Clues: Fase de mayor crecimientoEs el porcentaje de una poblaciónVienen siendo la clase trabajadoraEs el dinero que ingreso a una economíaFue un filosofó economista y sociólogo alemánEs lo que genera un pais de servicios y bienesLa población humana se mueve de un lugar a otroFase del ciclo en que la economía esta estancada...

    Crusigrama primer parcial 2024-09-20

    Crusigrama primer parcial crossword puzzle
    1. Es la forma en que se organizan las relaciones entre los individuos de una sociedad o grupo
    2. Son cambios recurrentes y no estrictamente periódicos, en una rama de actividad de un pais
    3. Es el porcentaje de una población
    4. Fue un filosofó economista y sociólogo alemán
    5. Es aquel que viene afectando de forma profunda y permanente la estructura social
    6. Cuando nos encontramos en una fase de recesión continua
    7. Fase de mayor crecimiento
    8. Se manifiesta a través de leyes de sistemas de gobierno que protegen los intereses
    9. La población humana se mueve de un lugar a otro
    10. Afectan de manera temporal en la estructura social
    11. Registra el numero de personas que no tienen empleo
    12. Fase del ciclo en que la economía esta estancada
    13. Es la base de la sociedad en la que produce y distribuye y consume riqueza
    1. Ocurre cuando las ideas, valores y creencias culturales se utilizan para crear las desigualdades
    2. Es cuando un pais vende sus productos a otro pais
    3. Es la relacion que hay entre las exportaciones e importaciones que existen entre dos paises
    4. Valor total de todos los bienes y servicios producidos en el pais (Pib) y en los extranjeros
    5. Es lo que genera un pais de servicios y bienes
    6. Es la suma de dinero de un pais le debe a otro pais
    7. La clase social que posee los medios de producción (Fabricas,Tierras,Capital)
    8. Consiste en el aumento del precio y bienes y servicios
    9. Es el dinero que ingreso a una economía
    10. Vienen siendo las materias primas técnicas de trabajo instrumentos de trabajo y relaciones de trabajo
    11. Es la relacion que existe entre el valor de las monedas de dos paises
    12. Vienen siendo la clase trabajadora
    13. Es el conjunto de bienes requeridos para cubrir las necesidades de subsistencia familiar

    26 Clues: Fase de mayor crecimientoEs el porcentaje de una poblaciónVienen siendo la clase trabajadoraEs el dinero que ingreso a una economíaFue un filosofó economista y sociólogo alemánEs lo que genera un pais de servicios y bienesLa población humana se mueve de un lugar a otroFase del ciclo en que la economía esta estancada...

    Sejarah 2024-09-20

    Sejarah crossword puzzle
    1. Raja yang memberi izin kepada VOC untuk membangun kantor dagang di Jayakarta)
    2. Nama lain dari Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie)
    3. Perjanjian yang dilakukan pada tahun 1529 untuk menyelesaikan konflik antara Spanyol dan Portugis)
    4. Benua asal bangsa-bangsa Barat yang datang ke Indonesia)
    5. Salah satu jenis rempah-rempah yang dicari bangsa Barat)
    6. Pemimpin Portugis yang menguasai Malaka pada tahun 1511)
    7. Alat navigasi yang membantu pelayaran bangsa Barat)
    8. Bangsa yang mencapai Ternate pada tahun 1579)
    9. Bangsa yang bersaing dengan Portugis di Tidore)
    10. Semboyan bangsa Barat yang meliputi tiga tujuan: Gold, Glory, dan ...)
    1. Belanda Bangsa yang mendirikan VOC di Indonesia pada tahun 1602)
    2. Kota yang dikuasai Portugis pada tahun 1511)
    3. Tanaman yang dicari bangsa Barat, contohnya cengkih dan pala)
    4. Kota yang menjadi pusat VOC setelah dipindahkan dari Ambon)
    5. Nama gubernur jenderal VOC yang mendirikan Batavia)
    6. Perjanjian yang dibuat pada tahun 1494 antara Spanyol dan Portugis)
    7. asal pelaut Portugis Bartolomeus Diaz)
    8. Mesin yang ditemukan pada masa Revolusi Industri untuk mempercepat pelayaran)
    9. Salah satu dari 3G yang bermakna kekayaan)
    10. Bangsa Eropa yang pertama kali tiba di Maluku pada tahun 1512)

    20 Clues: asal pelaut Portugis Bartolomeus Diaz)Salah satu dari 3G yang bermakna kekayaan)Bangsa yang mencapai Ternate pada tahun 1579)Kota yang dikuasai Portugis pada tahun 1511)Bangsa yang bersaing dengan Portugis di Tidore)Nama lain dari Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie)Nama gubernur jenderal VOC yang mendirikan Batavia)...

    ΔΙΑΦΩΤΙΣΜΟΣ 2024-09-20

    ΔΙΑΦΩΤΙΣΜΟΣ crossword puzzle


    Isten szól hozzánk - Újszövetség felépítése - 6. osztály 2024-09-20

    Isten szól hozzánk - Újszövetség felépítése - 6. osztály crossword puzzle
    1. Hány evangélium van az Újszövetségben?
    2. A Biblia első része.
    3. Isten megszólalása.
    4. Az evangélium szó jelentése.
    5. A Biblia második része.
    1. Mi a Biblia?
    2. Mi a Biblia szó jelentése?
    3. Olyan ember, aki meghallja Isten szavát, és átadja a többi embernek.
    4. Mi a Biblia másik elnevezése?

    9 Clues: Mi a Biblia?Isten megszólalása.A Biblia első része.A Biblia második része.Mi a Biblia szó jelentése?Az evangélium szó jelentése.Mi a Biblia másik elnevezése?Hány evangélium van az Újszövetségben?Olyan ember, aki meghallja Isten szavát, és átadja a többi embernek.

    Slag 2024-09-20

    Slag crossword puzzle
    1. Den blodigste enkelt-dagen i amerikansk historie, 1862.
    2. Konflikt mellom Nord- og Sør-Korea fra 1950 til 1953.
    3. Vendepunkt i Østfronten under andre verdenskrig.
    4. Lengste kamp i første verdenskrig, som varte fra 1916 til 1917 i Frankrike.
    5. Langvarig konflikt i Sørøst-Asia på 1960- og 1970-tallet.
    6. 1453 erobring som markerte slutten på det bysantinske imperiet.
    7. Stor sammenstøt i den amerikanske borgerkrigen i 1863.
    8. Stor sammenstøt i Napoleonskrigene i 1812.
    9. Konflikt mellom Athen og Sparta i det antikke Hellas.
    10. USA-ledet konflikt etter angrepene 11. september.
    11. Krig utkjempet på 1860-tallet om spørsmål som inkluderte slaveri i USA.
    12. Siste store hendelse utkjempet på britisk jord i 1746.
    13. Avgjørende hendelse i den andre puniske krigen, 202 f.Kr.
    14. 1571 sjøkonflikt mellom Den hellige liga og Det osmanske riket.
    15. Siste nederlag av Napoleon Bonaparte i 1815.
    16. Nøkkelhendelse i Nord-Afrika under andre verdenskrig i 1942.
    17. Serie av tre kriger mellom Roma og Karthago.
    18. Betydningsfull hendelse under første verdenskrig kjent for sine høye tap i 1916.
    19. Avgjørende sjøkonflikt i Stillehavet under andre verdenskrig i 1942.
    20. Global konflikt fra 1914 til 1918 som involverte mange nasjoner.
    21. 1917-1922 konflikt etter den russiske revolusjonen.
    22. 1853-1856 konflikt mellom Russland og en allianse av Frankrike, Storbritannia og Det osmanske riket.
    23. Konflikt mellom Frankrike og Preussen i 1870-71.
    24. 1990-1991 konflikt for å frigjøre Kuwait fra irakisk okkupasjon.
    25. Betydningsfull engelsk seier i 1415 under Hundreårskrigen.
    1. Siste store sammenstøt i den amerikanske revolusjonen.
    2. Stor sammenstøt på Østfronten under første verdenskrig i 1914.
    3. Konflikt som førte til uavhengigheten av De forente stater.
    4. Sjøhendelse i 1805 som bekreftet britisk sjøherredømme.
    5. Konflikt mellom det britiske imperiet og to boer-republikker i Sør-Afrika.
    6. Global krig fra 1939 til 1945 som involverte de fleste av verdens nasjoner.
    7. Europeisk krig utkjempet fra 1618 til 1648 som involverte mange nasjoner.
    8. Avgjørende hendelse i den engelske borgerkrigen i 1645.
    9. Vendepunkt i den amerikanske borgerkrigen i 1863.
    10. Konflikt på 1600-tallet mellom parlamentarikere og royalister.
    11. Betydningsfull hendelse i den amerikanske borgerkrigen i 1863.
    12. Nøkkelhendelse under borgerkrigen som førte til unionskontroll over Mississippi-elven.
    13. Alliert invasjon av tysk-okkupert Frankrike 6. juni 1944.
    14. USA-ledet operasjon for å frigjøre Kuwait i 1991.
    15. Konflikt i 1898 som resulterte i amerikanske territorielle gevinster.
    16. Langvarig konflikt mellom England og Frankrike om territorium.
    17. Tidlig sammenstøt i den amerikanske revolusjonen i 1775.
    18. Berømt hendelse i 490 f.Kr., kjent for langdistanseløpet.
    19. Krig om europeiske troner tidlig på 1700-tallet.
    20. 2003 invasjon av Irak basert på påstander om masseødeleggelsesvåpen.
    21. 1815-hendelse som avsluttet Napoleons styre.
    22. Serie av konflikter som involverte Napoleons franske imperium.
    23. Konflikt utkjempet mellom De forente stater og Storbritannia.
    24. 1066-hendelse som markerer den normanniske erobringen av England.
    25. 1066-hendelse som markerer den normanniske erobringen av England.

    50 Clues: Stor sammenstøt i Napoleonskrigene i 1812.Siste nederlag av Napoleon Bonaparte i 1815.Serie av tre kriger mellom Roma og Karthago.1815-hendelse som avsluttet Napoleons styre.Vendepunkt i Østfronten under andre verdenskrig.Krig om europeiske troner tidlig på 1700-tallet.Konflikt mellom Frankrike og Preussen i 1870-71....

    Pendapatan Nasional 2024-09-20

    Pendapatan Nasional crossword puzzle
    1. pengeluaran dalam periode tertentu
    2. perhitungan pendapatan nasional mengetahui dan menelaah struktur perekonomian nasional
    3. neto net nagionalq
    4. produksi adalah metode peritungan PDB dengan
    5. disposbel
    6. Gross Domestic Product
    7. nya kondisi demograsi
    1. pendapatan nasional
    2. pi pm laba ditahun tambah turun
    3. jumblah nilai struktur
    4. pendapatan mode perhitungan PDB dengan menghitung jumlah
    5. jasa
    6. untuk mengatasi pendidikan infrastruktur subsidi
    7. Gross National Product
    8. pendapatan nasional
    9. d

    16 Clues: djasadisposbelpendapatan nasionalneto net nagionalqpendapatan nasionalnya kondisi demograsijumblah nilai strukturGross National ProductGross Domestic Productpi pm laba ditahun tambah turunpengeluaran dalam periode tertentuproduksi adalah metode peritungan PDB denganuntuk mengatasi pendidikan infrastruktur subsidi...

    Family Fun Day 2024-09-20

    Family Fun Day crossword puzzle
    1. Ben
    2. Nicholas
    3. Ryan
    4. Chrissy
    5. Timmy
    1. Julianna
    2. Tinkerbell
    3. Tommy
    4. Mary
    5. Nicky
    6. Scott

    11 Clues: BenMaryRyanTommyNickyScottTimmyChrissyJuliannaNicholasTinkerbell

    insurance 2024-09-20

    insurance crossword puzzle
    1. Process where a policyholder transfers their rights under a policy to another person.
    2. The person who assesses the risk associated with a proposal.
    3. Principle that applies when the insured takes more than one insurance policy
    4. When the existence of insurance changes the behavior of the insured, leading to more risk-taking.
    5. An event sufficiently related to an injury that the courts deem the event to be the cause of that injury.
    6. An individual or entity entitled to receive insurance benefits.
    7. Amendments to the standard policy conditions.
    8. A type of insurance that covers medical expenses.
    9. The protection your insurance provides.
    1. A person who sells insurance policies.
    2. The amount paid by the policyholder to the insurer for coverage.
    3. Right of an insurer to pursue the party that caused the loss to the insured in an attempt to recover funds paid in the claim.
    4. A financial stake in the subject of the insurance policy, required for coverage to be valid.
    5. Insurance that covers losses due to fire, flood, or other natural disasters.
    6. The process of determining the financial value of a loss.

    15 Clues: A person who sells insurance policies.The protection your insurance provides.Amendments to the standard policy conditions.A type of insurance that covers medical expenses.The process of determining the financial value of a loss.The person who assesses the risk associated with a proposal....

    Spanish Reflexive Verbs Vocabulary Practice 2024-09-20

    Spanish Reflexive Verbs Vocabulary Practice crossword puzzle
    1. to get dressed
    2. to fall asleep
    3. to go away/to leave
    4. to put on makeup
    5. to wake up
    6. to take a bath
    7. to take a shower
    8. to go to bed
    9. to shave oneself
    1. to feel (illness/emotion)
    2. to wash up (wash oneself)
    3. to brush one’s teeth
    4. to get up/stand up
    5. to sit down
    6. to dry off/dry oneself
    7. to put on
    8. to take off

    17 Clues: to put onto wake upto sit downto take offto go to bedto get dressedto fall asleepto take a bathto put on makeupto take a showerto shave oneselfto get up/stand upto go away/to leaveto brush one’s teethto dry off/dry oneselfto feel (illness/emotion)to wash up (wash oneself)

    battle 2024-09-20

    battle crossword puzzle
    1. Turning point engagement in the American Civil War in 1863.
    2. Conflict between Athens and Sparta in ancient Greece.
    3. 1853-1856 conflict primarily between Russia and an alliance of France, Britain, and the Ottoman Empire.
    4. Prolonged conflict between England and France over territory.
    5. Conflict between France and Prussia in 1870-71.
    6. Conflict leading to the independence of the United States.
    7. 1990-1991 conflict to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi occupation.
    8. 2003 invasion of Iraq based on claims of weapons of mass destruction.
    9. Turning point event on the Eastern Front during WWII.
    10. Longest engagement of WWI, lasting from 1916 to 1917 in France.
    11. War over European thrones in the early 18th century.
    12. Famous event in 490 BC, known for the long-distance run.
    13. Significant event in the American Civil War in 1863.
    14. Decisive event of the English Civil War in 1645.
    15. Major engagement of the American Civil War in 1863.
    16. 1453 conquest that marked the end of the Byzantine Empire.
    17. War fought in the 1860s over issues including slavery in the U.S.
    18. Conflict between North and South Korea from 1950 to 1953.
    19. 1571 naval conflict between the Holy League and the Ottoman Empire.
    20. Major engagement on the Eastern Front during WWI in 1914.
    21. Notable English victory in 1415 during the Hundred Years' War.
    22. Notable WWI event known for its high casualties in 1916.
    23. Final major engagement of the American Revolutionary War.
    24. Conflict fought between the United States and Britain.
    25. 1066 event marking the Norman conquest of England.
    26. Global conflict from 1914 to 1918 involving many nations.
    27. European war fought from 1618 to 1648 involving many nations.
    28. Global war from 1939 to 1945 involving most of the world's nations.
    1. Early engagement in the American Revolutionary War in 1775.
    2. Prolonged conflict in Southeast Asia during the 1960s and 1970s.
    3. 1917-1922 conflict following the Russian Revolution.
    4. U.S.-led conflict following the September 11 attacks.
    5. Last major event fought on British soil in 1746.
    6. Final defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1815.
    7. Series of conflicts involving Napoleon's French Empire.
    8. Conflict in the 17th century between Parliamentarians and Royalists.
    9. Naval event in 1805 that confirmed British naval supremacy.
    10. Conflict in 1898 resulting in U.S. territorial gains.
    11. Decisive event in the Second Punic War, 202 BC.
    12. Major engagement in the Napoleonic Wars in 1812.
    13. Allied invasion of German-occupied France on June 6, 1944.
    14. Bloodiest single-day event in American history, 1862.
    15. Crucial naval conflict in the Pacific during WWII in 1942.
    16. 1066 event marking the Norman conquest of England.
    17. U.S.-led operation to liberate Kuwait in 1991.
    18. Conflict between the British Empire and two Boer republics in South Africa.
    19. Key Civil War siege leading to Union control of the Mississippi River.
    20. Key event in North Africa during WWII in 1942.
    21. Series of three wars between Rome and Carthage.
    22. 1815 event that ended Napoleon's rule.

    50 Clues: 1815 event that ended Napoleon's rule.Final defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1815.U.S.-led operation to liberate Kuwait in 1991.Key event in North Africa during WWII in 1942.Conflict between France and Prussia in 1870-71.Decisive event in the Second Punic War, 202 BC.Series of three wars between Rome and Carthage....

    DO- Siklus krebs 2024-09-20

    DO- Siklus krebs crossword puzzle
    1. segmen DNA yang merupakan rangkaian nukleotida dengan urutan tertentu disebut
    2. oksigen dalam proses akan membantu untuk menangkap elektron hingga kemudian membantu untuk menangkap elektron hingga kemudian akan bereaksi terhadap ion hidrogen dan menghasilkan
    3. senyawa awal yang memasuki siklus krebs
    4. komponen DNA yang tersusun atas phosfat, gula, dan basa nitrogen membentuk
    5. reaksi yang dibutuhkan dalam reaksi terang
    6. jumlah energi total hasil respirais aerobik dari 2 molekul glukosa
    7. berapa kali dekarboksilasi oksidatif yang terjadi selama pemecahan glukosa
    8. apa yang terjadi pada tahap pelepasan gugus karboksil dan apa hasilnya
    9. nama lain siklus krebs
    10. sintesis ATP didukung oleh
    11. rangkaian proses reaksi kimia yang berkaiatan dengan proses penyusunan molekul/senyawa
    12. proses pengubahan molekul kompleks menjadi molekul sederhana dan melepaskan energi dalam bentuk ATP
    13. senyawa yang terbentuk dari reaksi asetil-KoA dengan oksaloasetat
    14. Tempat siklus krebs berlangsung
    1. selama reaksi dekarboksilasi piruvat, asetil KoA di produksi melalui jenis ikatan apa yang menghubungkan gugus asetil dengan koenzim A
    2. Produk siklus krebs yang penting untuk fosforilasi oksidatif
    3. senyawa yang tidak terbentuk selama siklus krebs
    4. asetil CoA terbentuk dari piruvat melalui reaksi
    5. tujuan utama respirasi untuk menghasilkan
    6. penyusun enzim dalam bentuk molekul protein
    7. contoh proses dekarboksilasi non oksidatif terdapat dalam pembuatan
    8. masukanya piruvat ke dalam siklus TCA dihambat oleh adanya konsentrasi sel yang tinggi
    9. siapa yang menerima hidrogen dari malat
    10. produk sampingan dari reaksi dalam siklus krebs
    11. hasil dari dekarboksilasi oksidatif yang masuk ke siklus krebs adalah molekul

    25 Clues: nama lain siklus krebssintesis ATP didukung olehTempat siklus krebs berlangsungsenyawa awal yang memasuki siklus krebssiapa yang menerima hidrogen dari malattujuan utama respirasi untuk menghasilkanreaksi yang dibutuhkan dalam reaksi terangpenyusun enzim dalam bentuk molekul proteinproduk sampingan dari reaksi dalam siklus krebs...

    Unit 2 Vocab 2024-09-20

    Unit 2 Vocab crossword puzzle
    1. __________ branch enforces the laws. Is made up of the President, VP, and the Cabinet
    2. To give permission for something or for someone to be able to do something.
    3. A formal way to change a law, contract, constitution or other legal document
    4. _________ branch. In charge of interpreting the laws and making sure they do not violate the constitution. Made up of the Supreme Court
    5. A person who represents a community in the legislative body. They speak on the behalf of the larger group
    6. A person (by birth, nationality of their parents or by naturalization) is granted full rights as a member of a nation
    7. __________ of Government otherwise known as the Legislative, Executive, Judicial
    1. provides each branch power to make sure other branches dont get too powerful
    2. The formation of a single political unit from two or more separate and independent units, i.e. the states merged to form the U.S.
    3. Something that happens within the borders of a country
    4. A document of guiding principles, rules, expectations, and promises to structure how a country and its government will operate.
    5. A system of government that is ruled by the people or eligible population.
    6. A system of government that has two levels, state and national governments
    7. ____________ branch. In charge of writing the laws. Made up of Congress (the House and the Senate)
    8. A privilege or something that someone is entitled to have; it is something that cannot be taken away.

    15 Clues: Something that happens within the borders of a countryA system of government that is ruled by the people or eligible population.A system of government that has two levels, state and national governmentsprovides each branch power to make sure other branches dont get too powerful...

    kls 2 1-50 2024-09-20

    kls 2 1-50 crossword puzzle
    1. إِبْطٌ جـ آبَاط
    2. جِلْدٌ جـ جُلُوْد
    3. طَعَامٌ جـ أَطْعِمَة
    4. حَاجِبٌ جـ حَوَاجِب
    5. مَطْبَخٌ جـ مَطَابِخُ
    6. عُنْوَانٌ جـ عَنَاوِيْنُ
    7. سَاقٌ جـ سُوْق
    8. بَنْطَلُوْنٌ جـ بَنْطَلُوْنَاتٌ
    9. بُسْتَانٌ جـ بَسَاتِيْنُ
    10. سِرْوَالٌ جـ سَرَاوِيْلُ
    11. مِعْطَفٌ جـ مَعَاطِفُ
    12. وَجْبَةُ الفَطُوْر
    13. جَوْرَبٌ جـ جَوَارِبُ
    14. أَرُز
    15. عَصِيْرٌ جـ عَصَائِر
    16. قُمَاشٌ جـ أَقْمِشَةٌ
    17. قُبَّعَةٌ جـ قُبَّعَاتٌ
    18. جَيْبٌ جـ جُيُوْبٌ
    19. زِرٌّ جـ أَزْرَارٌ
    20. رُكْبَةٌ جـ رُكَب
    21. قَمِيْصٌ جـ قُمْصَانٌ
    22. حَمَّام جـ حَمَّامَاتٌ
    1. شَرَابٌ جـ أَشْرِبَة
    2. قَلَنْسُوَةٌ جـ قَلَانِسُ
    3. شَاي
    4. خِمَارٌ جـ أَخْمِرَةٌ
    5. غُرْفَةٌ جـ غُرَف
    6. إِزَارٌ جـ آزِرَةٌ
    7. فَانِلَّةٌ دَاخِلِيَّةٌ
    8. قُفَّازٌ جـ قُفَّازَاتٌ
    9. مَلْبَسٌ جـ مَلَابِسُ
    10. حَلْوَى جـ حَلَوِيَات
    11. عَارِضٌ جـ عَوَارِض
    12. نَافِذَةٌ جـ نَوَافِذُ
    13. زِمَامٌ مُنْزَلِقٌ
    14. سَاحَةٌ جـ سَاحَاتٌ
    15. Pinggang حِزَامٌ جـ أَحْزِمَةٌ
    16. شِارِبٌ جـ شَوَارِب
    17. بَلَاطَةٌ جـ بَلاَطٌ
    18. غُرْفَةُ نَوْمٍ جـ غُرَفُ نَوْمٍ
    19. بَيْضَةٌ جـ بَيْض
    20. لِحْيَةٌ جـ لِحًى
    21. تَنُّوْرَةٌ جـ تَنَانِيْرُ
    22. بَاب جـ أَبْوَاب
    23. فَانِلَّةٌ
    24. حَلِيْب
    25. حِذَاءٌ جـ أَحْذِيَةٌ
    26. نَعْلٌ جـ نِعَالٌ
    27. سُرَّةٌ جـ سُرَر
    28. ثَوْبٌ جـ أَثْوَابٌ

    50 Clues: شَايأَرُزحَلِيْبفَانِلَّةٌسَاقٌ جـ سُوْقإِبْطٌ جـ آبَاطبَاب جـ أَبْوَابسُرَّةٌ جـ سُرَرغُرْفَةٌ جـ غُرَفجِلْدٌ جـ جُلُوْدبَيْضَةٌ جـ بَيْضلِحْيَةٌ جـ لِحًىنَعْلٌ جـ نِعَالٌرُكْبَةٌ جـ رُكَبإِزَارٌ جـ آزِرَةٌزِمَامٌ مُنْزَلِقٌوَجْبَةُ الفَطُوْرجَيْبٌ جـ جُيُوْبٌزِرٌّ جـ أَزْرَارٌحَاجِبٌ جـ حَوَاجِبعَارِضٌ جـ عَوَارِضسَاحَةٌ جـ سَاحَاتٌ...

    TTS SENI BUDAYA 2024-09-20

    TTS SENI BUDAYA crossword puzzle
    1. Langkah pertama dalam pembuatan poster adalah ...
    2. Desain mempunyai arti ....
    3. Salah satu ciri yg harus dimiliki sebuah poster ( tulis terbalik )
    4. Sebuah poster bertuliskan " PAKET SOTO AYAM LENGKAP Rp 20 000 adalah contoh dari poster ....
    5. Orang yg nembuat desain disebut ...( dibaca terbalik )
    1. Di sekolah akan diadakan pemilihan ketua OSIS maka poster yg sebaiknya di buat adalah ....
    2. Poster yg berisi tentang pencegahan DBD adalah jenis poster ....
    3. Poster yg di buat untuk memberi motivasi kepada pembaca adalah ...
    4. Kata desain berasal dati bhs Inggris ......
    5. Media publikasi yg terdiri dari gambar dan tulisan disebut ...

    10 Clues: Desain mempunyai arti ....Kata desain berasal dati bhs Inggris ......Langkah pertama dalam pembuatan poster adalah ...Orang yg nembuat desain disebut ...( dibaca terbalik )Media publikasi yg terdiri dari gambar dan tulisan disebut ...Poster yg berisi tentang pencegahan DBD adalah jenis poster .......

    New York Crossword 2024-09-20

    New York Crossword crossword puzzle
    1. Historical gateway for millions of immigrants entering the U.S.
    2. Large green space in the middle of Manhattan.
    3. New York's major league baseball team with 27 championships.
    4. Waterway separating New York and New Jersey.
    5. Iconic skyscraper once the tallest in the world.
    6. Famous art museum known as "The Met."
    7. Trendy area known for its shopping and art galleries.
    8. Neighborhood known for its authentic Asian cuisine and markets.
    9. Neighborhood with the High Line and a bustling art scene.
    10. Famous wedge-shaped building in Manhattan.
    1. Financial district and stock market hub.
    2. The heart of New York City, home to Times Square.
    3. The underground transportation system of the city.
    4. New Year's Eve ball drop takes place here.
    5. Neighborhood known for its rich African-American culture and jazz history.
    6. Gift from France, symbol of freedom in New York Harbor.
    7. New York borough known for its diverse culture and Citi Field.
    8. Famous for its bridge connecting it to Manhattan.
    9. Home of Yankee Stadium.
    10. Famous street known for its theaters and musicals.

    20 Clues: Home of Yankee Stadium.Famous art museum known as "The Met."Financial district and stock market hub.New Year's Eve ball drop takes place here.Famous wedge-shaped building in Manhattan.Waterway separating New York and New Jersey.Large green space in the middle of Manhattan.Iconic skyscraper once the tallest in the world....

    PKKR 2024-09-20

    PKKR crossword puzzle
    1. PENYIMPAN ENERGI DAN Fungsinya menyediakan daya untuk menyalakan mesi
    2. berperan sebagai komponen keamanan yang melindungi sistem kelistrikan dari risiko korsleting atau overcurrent.
    3. digunakan pada saat keadaan darurat untuk memberi isyarat keberadaaan kendaraan dari depan, belakang dan kedua sisi selama berhenti atau parkir dalam keadaan darurat. Lampu yang digunakan menyatu dengan lampu tanda belok, tapi pada saat dinyalakan seluruh lampu mengedip serempak dengan lampu tanda belok.
    4. Pemgisi daya ke accu
    5. dalah komponen elektronika yang berupa saklar atau switch elektrik yang dioperasikan menggunakan listrik
    6. Berfungsi untuk mendeteksi berbagai parameter dan kondisi operasional kendaraan, memberikan informasi yang sangat dibutuhkan untuk pengoperasian sistem kelistrikan dan kontrol mesin
    8. digunakan pada saat cuacu berkabut, jalanan berdebu atau hujan lebat.penggunaan lampu harus mengikuti aturan yang berlaku yakni pemasangan kedua lampu harus berjarak sama baik
    9. tulis kontak
    10. warna kabel ke terminal min pada accu mobil
    11. Berfungsi untuk memberi isyarat pada kendaraan yang ada di depan, belakang dan sisi kendaraan ysng ada di depan, belakang dan sisi kendaraan bahwa pengendara bermaksud untuk membelok jalur
    12. digunakan untuk mengarahkan dan memantulkan cahaya dari lampu ke area yang ingin diterangi, sehingga efisiensi penerangan meningkat
    1. dipasang pada bagian belakang kendaraan dan berwarna putih untuk memberi tanda kepada pengendara lain atau orang yang berada di belakang pada saat kendaraan mundur
    2. berfungsi untuk menyambungkan antara sumber daya listrik dengan lampu dan komponen lain dalam sistem penerangan.
    3. Tulis saklar
    4. sebagai penghubung dan pemutus arus secara periodik/ berkala untuk menghasilkan kedipan pada lampu tanda belok sebanyak 60 sampai 120 kedipan setiap menitnya.
    5. Saklar berfungsi sebagai pengontrol untuk mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan berbagai sistem dan perangkat elektronik.
    6. Menghidupkan awal kendaraan
    8. berfungsi untuk menghubungkan dan memutuskan arus listrik pada sistem kelistrikan kendaraan. Kunci kontak pada mobil memiliki tiga terminal atau lebih. Terminal tersebut antara lain, terminal B, terminal IG, terminal ST dan terminal ACC.
    9. berfungsi sebagai lampu yang menerangi jalan dibagian depan kendaraan

    21 Clues: Tulis saklartulis kontakTULIS KONEKTORPemgisi daya ke accuKATA LAIN SEKERING LISTRIKMenghidupkan awal kendaraanwarna kabel ke terminal min pada accu mobilPENYIMPAN ENERGI DAN Fungsinya menyediakan daya untuk menyalakan mesiberfungsi sebagai lampu yang menerangi jalan dibagian depan kendaraan...

    teka teki tema 2 2024-09-20

    teka teki tema 2 crossword puzzle
    1. yang menolong burung merpati saat akan di tembak pemburu
    2. cerita yang tokohnya tentang hewan hewan
    3. legenda dari tanah pasundan
    4. legenda anak durhaka
    1. sikap buruk gembala biri biri di dongeng gembala dan srigala
    2. kancil berlomba lari dengan
    3. bermain peran sesuai alur cerita
    4. kancil disungai bertemu dengan hewan
    5. cerita khayal
    6. tokoh hewan yang cerdik dan pintar

    10 Clues: cerita khayallegenda anak durhakakancil berlomba lari denganlegenda dari tanah pasundanbermain peran sesuai alur ceritatokoh hewan yang cerdik dan pintarkancil disungai bertemu dengan hewancerita yang tokohnya tentang hewan hewanyang menolong burung merpati saat akan di tembak pemburusikap buruk gembala biri biri di dongeng gembala dan srigala

    Sosiologi penelitian sosial 2024-09-20

    Sosiologi penelitian sosial crossword puzzle
    1. penelitian yang menekankan pad unsur objektivitas dara numerik yang diolah secara statistik
    2. data yang sudah ada dari internet atau madia massa
    3. segala sesuatu yang menjadi objek pengamatan dalam penelitian
    4. pengamatan langsung di tempat penelitian
    5. penelitian untuk menjelaskan makna fenomena sosial secara mendalam dan menyeluruh
    1. salah satu alat pengumpulan data berupa pertanyaan tertulis
    2. teknik pengambilan sampel dari populasi yang lebih besar dengan menggunakan metode acak
    3. datan yang diambil langsung di lapangan
    4. proses memperoleh informasi dengan mengajukan pertanyaan kepada informan
    5. kesimpulan sementara yang perlu dibuktikan kebenarannya

    10 Clues: datan yang diambil langsung di lapanganpengamatan langsung di tempat penelitiandata yang sudah ada dari internet atau madia massakesimpulan sementara yang perlu dibuktikan kebenarannyasalah satu alat pengumpulan data berupa pertanyaan tertulissegala sesuatu yang menjadi objek pengamatan dalam penelitian...

    Unit 6-10 Review 2024-09-20

    Unit 6-10 Review crossword puzzle
    1. Excitement; rhymes with 'will'.
    2. Being tall is an ___ for a basketball player.
    3. Opposite of fake.
    4. Not being polite or respectful.
    5. Practice and get better.
    6. Travel around a new place.
    1. Have a hard time doing something.
    2. Exercise.
    3. To join in an activity.
    4. Do you ____ travel to new places?
    5. Feeling a little angry or irritated.
    6. Scientists can do an ___ to find new information.
    7. Moving around a lot or doing a lot of things.
    8. Something you have to do; rhymes with 'fruity'.
    9. To deal with difficult situation.
    10. Happiness.

    16 Clues: Exercise.Happiness.Opposite of fake.To join in an activity.Practice and get better.Travel around a new place.Excitement; rhymes with 'will'.Not being polite or respectful.Have a hard time doing something.Do you ____ travel to new places?To deal with difficult situation.Feeling a little angry or irritated....

    Vocabulary List 2 2024-09-20

    Vocabulary List 2 crossword puzzle
    1. Noun; a person who uses goods or services
    2. Noun; a special group working to consider some matter; committee
    3. Verb: to take possession of or take with force
    4. Noun; a final settlement; decision
    5. Noun; a part of a written work; a period in history or in a person's life
    6. Noun; a method of caring for matters
    7. Noun; the act of building something
    8. verb; have an effect upon
    9. Verb; to gain with effort
    1. Noun; to help; the act of contributing to
    2. Noun; a group of people living in an area
    3. Noun; a whole made of related parts; complicated
    4. Noun; the act of gaining possession of something
    5. Noun; a machine for performing calculations automatically
    6. Noun; manner of action or behavior
    7. Noun; the outcome of an event
    8. Noun; a collection of things sharing a common attribute
    9. Noun; a distinct feature or element in a problem

    18 Clues: verb; have an effect uponVerb; to gain with effortNoun; the outcome of an eventNoun; manner of action or behaviorNoun; a final settlement; decisionNoun; the act of building somethingNoun; a method of caring for mattersNoun; to help; the act of contributing toNoun; a person who uses goods or servicesNoun; a group of people living in an area...

    PKN 2024-09-20

    PKN crossword puzzle
    1. membentuk, menyusun atau menyatakan suatu negara
    2. konstitusi tidak tertulis
    1. badan penyelidik usaha persiapan kemerdekaan
    2. perubahan undang-undang
    3. konstitusi tertulis

    5 Clues: konstitusi tertulisperubahan undang-undangkonstitusi tidak tertulisbadan penyelidik usaha persiapan kemerdekaanmembentuk, menyusun atau menyatakan suatu negara

    Green Group T4W8 2024-09-20

    Green Group T4W8 crossword puzzle
    1. A collection of organized information stored on a computer.
    2. A large store that sells food and other products.
    3. The first meal of the day, usually eaten in the morning.
    4. The lower level of a building.
    5. In any place or location.
    6. All things; all that exists.
    7. Land that is outside of towns and cities, often with farms and nature.
    8. An unspecified thing or object.
    9. The area behind the main subject in a picture; also refers to someone's history.
    10. To be greater in number than someone or something else.
    11. A period of two weeks.
    12. The daughter of your son or daughter.
    1. A printed publication that reports on news and events.
    2. Made to resist damage from weather conditions, like rain or snow.
    3. The person in charge of a meeting or organization.
    4. A person who sees an event happen, especially a crime or accident.
    5. Referring to you; used for emphasis or to indicate your own actions.
    6. To emphasize or make something stand out; also a bright area in a drawing.
    7. The style of writing that is done by hand.
    8. All people; every person.

    20 Clues: A period of two weeks.In any place or location.All people; every person.All things; all that exists.The lower level of a building.An unspecified thing or object.The daughter of your son or daughter.The style of writing that is done by hand.A large store that sells food and other products.The person in charge of a meeting or organization....

    Pengayaan Geografi Illiona 12-4 2024-09-20

    Pengayaan Geografi Illiona 12-4 crossword puzzle
    1. jangkauan pelayanan
    2. wilayah dengan sifat heterogen
    3. dan jaringan infrastruktur
    4. teori tempat sentral yang memiliki jangkauan 1/2
    5. pencetus teori lokasi optimum
    6. pencetus teori kutub pertumbuhan
    7. teori tempat sentral yang memiliki jangkauan 1/3
    8. teori tempat sentral yang memiliki jangkauan 1
    9. dampak negatif teori kutub pertumbuhan
    10. pendekatan pada lokasi suatu wilayah
    11. dikembangkan
    1. nama lain perwilayahan
    2. wilayah yang memiliki potensi sda dan sdm yang
    3. bentuk sistem geometrik teori lokasi sentral
    4. jumlah pendidik minimum untuk melakukan pelayanan
    5. struktur yang menggambarkan sistem pelayanan
    6. istilah untuk situasi yang memberikan pengaruh
    7. positif untuk wilayah sekitarnya
    8. upaya dalam mengelompokkan wilayah-wilayah di permukaan bumi
    9. elemen pengembangan wilayah yang mendirong optimalisasi daj efesiensi dalam pembangunan

    20 Clues: dikembangkanjangkauan pelayanannama lain perwilayahandan jaringan infrastrukturpencetus teori lokasi optimumwilayah dengan sifat heterogenpencetus teori kutub pertumbuhanpositif untuk wilayah sekitarnyapendekatan pada lokasi suatu wilayahdampak negatif teori kutub pertumbuhanbentuk sistem geometrik teori lokasi sentral...

    General patient care 2024-09-20

    General patient care crossword puzzle
    1. Artifact to check ear
    2. study where you can help obtain skin biopsies.
    3. study of involving nervous system
    4. used to measure glucose levels in blood
    1. test to check heartbeat
    2. what is used to cover wounds after the wound cultures
    3. pads item to disinfect area of testing
    4. study of heart
    5. examination of whole body
    6. record the hearts electric activity

    10 Clues: study of heartArtifact to check eartest to check heartbeatexamination of whole bodystudy of involving nervous systemrecord the hearts electric activityused to measure glucose levels in bloodpads item to disinfect area of testingstudy where you can help obtain skin biopsies.what is used to cover wounds after the wound cultures

    Business of Retail Vocabulary A-D 2024-09-20

    Business of Retail Vocabulary A-D crossword puzzle
    1. marketing: Marketing strategies aimed at specific customers with the goal of getting the customer to take action - order a product online, buy an item via a social media site, visit a store or clip a coupon. Catalogs, loyalty program offerings and targeted emails are examples of direct marketing.
    2. Eager to do better than others.
    3. The process of paying off debt, such as a car loan or mortgage.Assess needs and interest: The process of determining what someone is interested in purchasing and why.
    4. Marked by regularity or always behaving in the same way.
    5. An accounting practice where the cost of a physical asset, such as a piece of equipment, is spread over its useful life.
    6. The activity of producing paid advertisements for commercial products and services.
    7. Satisfactory or acceptable in quality and/or quantity.
    1. Businesses with similar products and/or services that compete for the same customers. These can be classified as direct, indirect or replacement competitors.
    2. Something done intentionally
    3. A business that has shareholders through publicly traded stock, and usually has centralized decision-making for its multiple store locations. Corporate-owned retailers include large chains such as Walmart, Kroger, and Target.
    4. Discouraged someone from doing something by instilling doubt or fear of the consequences.
    5. People who purchase goods or services from a business. Also known as shoppers.
    6. Customers need and/or willingness to buy a certain product or service.
    7. Competitors: Retailers that offer the same product or service with the goal of selling it to the same audience. An example is Apple’s iPhone vs. Samsung’s Galaxy; they are similar phones from different companies, aimed at the same audience.
    8. A conflict or variation between, as between facts, figures, or claims. Differences.

    15 Clues: Something done intentionallyEager to do better than others.Satisfactory or acceptable in quality and/or quantity.Marked by regularity or always behaving in the same way.Customers need and/or willingness to buy a certain product or service.People who purchase goods or services from a business. Also known as shoppers....

    Pengayaan Geografi Illiona 12-4 2024-09-20

    Pengayaan Geografi Illiona 12-4 crossword puzzle
    1. pencetus teori kutub pertumbuhan
    2. pendekatan pada lokasi suatu wilayah
    3. pencetus teori lokasi optimum
    4. istilah untuk situasi yang memberikan pengaruh
    5. dampak negatif teori kutub pertumbuhan
    6. elemen pengembangan wilayah yang mendirong optimalisasi daj efesiensi dalam pembangunan
    7. dan jaringan infrastruktur
    8. positif untuk wilayah sekitarnya
    9. wilayah dengan sifat heterogen
    10. jangkauan pelayanan
    11. teori tempat sentral yang memiliki jangkauan 1
    12. teori pengembangan wilayah untuk mencapai
    1. nama lain perwilayahan
    2. teori tempat sentral yang memiliki jangkauan 1/3
    3. teori tempat sentral yang memiliki jangkauan 1/2
    4. struktur yang menggambarkan sistem pelayanan
    5. pembangunan
    6. bentuk sistem geometrik teori lokasi sentral
    7. wilayah yang memiliki potensi sda dan sdm yang
    8. upaya dalam mengelompokkan wilayah-wilayah di permukaan bumi
    9. wilayah yang bersifat homogen
    10. dikembangkan
    11. jumlah pendidik minimum untuk melakukan pelayanan

    23 Clues: pembangunandikembangkanjangkauan pelayanannama lain perwilayahandan jaringan infrastrukturpencetus teori lokasi optimumwilayah yang bersifat homogenwilayah dengan sifat heterogenpencetus teori kutub pertumbuhanpositif untuk wilayah sekitarnyapendekatan pada lokasi suatu wilayahdampak negatif teori kutub pertumbuhan...

    Roman Architecture 2024-09-20

    Roman Architecture crossword puzzle
    1. Where people went to wash.
    2. Where people meet for official business.
    3. To honour and commemorate an important person or event.
    4. Where people worshiped Roman gods.
    5. The main square with the most important buildings.
    1. Where gladiators fight.
    2. There were horse and chariot races.
    3. To transport water.
    4. Where people buy and sell goods.
    5. Where actors performed in comedies or tragedies.

    10 Clues: To transport water.Where gladiators fight.Where people went to wash.Where people buy and sell goods.Where people worshiped Roman gods.There were horse and chariot races.Where people meet for official business.Where actors performed in comedies or tragedies.The main square with the most important buildings....

    H.R Dept. Year 1 2024-09-20

    H.R Dept. Year 1 crossword puzzle
    1. What you are to me (hint- tattoo)
    2. OCTOBER 14,2024
    3. New Fave Nickname
    4. Fave Restaurant
    5. Where we got together first
    6. Location of First Christmas
    1. What am I to you (hint- tattoo)
    2. First Real Trip
    3. Where we argued about Taco Bell
    4. First Nickname you gave me
    5. Location of First Christmas Eve
    6. OUR SONG
    7. First Date Location
    8. Fave Fast Food

    14 Clues: OUR SONGFave Fast FoodFirst Real TripOCTOBER 14,2024Fave RestaurantNew Fave NicknameFirst Date LocationFirst Nickname you gave meWhere we got together firstLocation of First ChristmasWhat am I to you (hint- tattoo)Where we argued about Taco BellLocation of First Christmas EveWhat you are to me (hint- tattoo)


    PENDIDIKAN ANTI KORUPSI crossword puzzle
    1. sikap yang tidak berlebihan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Seseorang yang sederhana tidak akan memamerkan kekayaan, hidup hemat, dan menghargai apa yang sudah dimiliki.
    2. Sikap yang mencerminkan kebenaran dalam ucapan, tindakan, dan perbuatan. Seseorang yang jujur akan selalu mengatakan yang sebenarnya, tidak berbohong, dan bertindak sesuai dengan apa yang diyakininya. Jujur juga berarti mengakui kesalahan dan bertanggung jawab atas tindakan sendiri.
    3. sikap yang taat pada peraturan, mampu mengatur diri sendiri, dan bertanggung jawab atas tindakan sendiri. Seseorang yang disiplin akan selalu berusaha melakukan segala sesuatu dengan tepat waktu dan sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku.
    1. sikap yang menunjukkan perhatian, kepedulian, dan rasa tanggung jawab terhadap orang lain, lingkungan, atau sesuatu. Seseorang yang peduli akan berusaha membantu orang lain yang membutuhkan, menjaga lingkungan, dan ikut serta dalam kegiatan sosial.
    2. sikap yang memberikan perlakuan yang sama dan sesuai terhadap semua orang tanpa memandang perbedaan. Seseorang yang adil akan memberikan hak dan kewajiban yang sama kepada setiap orang.

    5 Clues: sikap yang tidak berlebihan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Seseorang yang sederhana tidak akan memamerkan kekayaan, hidup hemat, dan menghargai apa yang sudah dimiliki....

    S06 2024-09-20

    S06 crossword puzzle
    1. Empresa que fracasó por no adaptarse a la digitalización y mala gestión de inventarios.
    2. Sistema utilizado por Amazon para mejorar su eficiencia en almacenes.
    3. Proceso clave para mantener un control preciso del inventario en tiempo real.
    1. Tipo de almacén utilizado para productos que requieren refrigeración.
    2. Proceso en el cual los productos obsoletos o sin demanda son eliminados del inventario para liberar espacio.
    3. Método implementado por Toyota para reducir el exceso de inventario.
    4. Indicador clave en la gestión de inventarios que mide la cantidad de veces que el inventario se vende y se repone en un período.
    5. Método utilizado para la organización del inventario en el que se priorizan los productos más antiguos para su venta.
    6. Software utilizado para gestionar los movimientos y el control de inventarios en un almacén.

    9 Clues: Método implementado por Toyota para reducir el exceso de inventario.Tipo de almacén utilizado para productos que requieren refrigeración.Sistema utilizado por Amazon para mejorar su eficiencia en almacenes.Proceso clave para mantener un control preciso del inventario en tiempo real....

    TEKA TEKI SILANG SBdP BAB 1 2024-09-20

    TEKA TEKI SILANG SBdP BAB 1 crossword puzzle
    1. Ritme yang menjadi pengulangan bentuk, ukuran, dan warna yang sama
    2. Teknik membuat karya seni rupa yang dilakukan dengan cara menumpang tindihkan bahan anyam yang berupa lungsi dan pakan
    3. Sebutan dari anyaman datar
    4. Ritme gradasi yang ada didalam sebuah karya seni
    5. Simpul yang menghasilkan tampilan seperti tangga
    6. Simpul yang ikatannya sangat kuat dan susah dibuka
    7. Bahan anyaman yang menjadi dasar dari media anyam
    8. Keseimbangan
    9. Nama lain dari komposisi
    10. Unsur karya seni rupa yang memberikan kesan kedalaman, baik dalam bentuk nyata atau semu
    1. Hubungan antara tali dengan benda lainnya
    2. Ikatan yang berfungsi untuk mengikat benda yang bentuknya cincin atau ring
    3. Motif anyaman yang mencerminkan budaya dan tradisi suatu daerah tertentu
    4. Gabungan dari beberapa garis yang memiliki dimensi panjang dan lebar (2 dimensi)
    5. Sebutan dari anyaman persegi
    6. Hubungan antara tali dengan tali
    7. Bentuk kerajinan simpul menyimpul dengan menggarap rantaian awal dan akhir suatu hasil tenunan
    8. Nama lain dari irama
    9. Bahan anyaman yang digunakan sebagai media anyaman
    10. Ikatan yang fungsinya untuk menyambung dua tuang atau membuat sambungan

    20 Clues: KeseimbanganNama lain dari iramaNama lain dari komposisiSebutan dari anyaman datarSebutan dari anyaman persegiHubungan antara tali dengan taliHubungan antara tali dengan benda lainnyaRitme gradasi yang ada didalam sebuah karya seniSimpul yang menghasilkan tampilan seperti tanggaBahan anyaman yang menjadi dasar dari media anyam...

    TEKA TEKI SILANG SBdP BAB 1 2024-09-20

    TEKA TEKI SILANG SBdP BAB 1 crossword puzzle
    1. Sebutan dari anyaman persegi
    2. Ritme yang menjadi pengulangan bentuk, ukuran, dan warna yang sama
    3. Ikatan yang berfungsi untuk mengikat benda yang bentuknya cincin atau ring
    4. Nama lain dari irama
    5. Ikatan yang fungsinya untuk menyambung dua tuang atau membuat sambungan
    6. Ritme gradasi yang ada didalam sebuah karya seni
    7. Sebutan dari anyaman datar
    8. Simpul yang ikatannya sangat kuat dan susah dibuka
    9. Teknik membuat karya seni rupa yang dilakukan dengan cara menumpang tindihkan bahan anyam yang berupa lungsi dan pakan
    10. Keseimbangan
    1. Bentuk kerajinan simpul menyimpul dengan menggarap rantaian awal dan akhir suatu hasil tenunan
    2. Bahan anyaman yang menjadi dasar dari media anyam
    3. Unsur karya seni rupa yang memberikan kesan kedalaman, baik dalam bentuk nyata atau semu
    4. Simpul yang menghasilkan tampilan seperti tangga
    5. Hubungan antara tali dengan benda lainnya
    6. Gabungan dari beberapa garis yang memiliki dimensi panjang dan lebar (2 dimensi)
    7. Motif anyaman yang mencerminkan budaya dan tradisi suatu daerah tertentu
    8. Bahan anyaman yang digunakan sebagai media anyaman
    9. Nama lain dari komposisi
    10. Hubungan antara tali dengan tali

    20 Clues: KeseimbanganNama lain dari iramaNama lain dari komposisiSebutan dari anyaman datarSebutan dari anyaman persegiHubungan antara tali dengan taliHubungan antara tali dengan benda lainnyaSimpul yang menghasilkan tampilan seperti tanggaRitme gradasi yang ada didalam sebuah karya seniBahan anyaman yang menjadi dasar dari media anyam...

    Sip & Solve 2024-09-20

    Sip & Solve crossword puzzle
    1. Couples first trip together
    2. Bride's favorite beer
    3. Number of years they have been together
    4. Groom's hometown
    5. Bride's college major
    6. Groom's childhood nickname
    7. Bride's hometown
    8. Groom's drink of choice
    1. Bride's first job
    2. Groom's favorite winter sport
    3. Number of first cousins the couple has combined
    4. Bride's childhood nickame
    5. Where did the groom propose?
    6. Honeymoon location
    7. Couples favorite trip together
    8. First concert they saw together

    16 Clues: Groom's hometownBride's hometownBride's first jobHoneymoon locationBride's favorite beerBride's college majorGroom's drink of choiceBride's childhood nickameGroom's childhood nicknameCouples first trip togetherWhere did the groom propose?Groom's favorite winter sportCouples favorite trip togetherFirst concert they saw together...

    Verbos con cambio de raíz 2024-09-20

    Verbos con cambio de raíz crossword puzzle
    1. ¿De qué ______________ (soñar) tú en la noche?
    2. El chico ______________ (encender) la computadora.
    3. Yo ______________ (pensar) en el futuro.
    4. Los chicos siempre ______________ (resolver) sus problemas.
    5. Yo ______________ (preferir) dormir mucho.
    6. Tú ______________ (preferir) escuchar música durante el periodo de estudio.
    7. Nosotros ______________ (almorzar) después de la clase.
    8. Ellos ______________ (querer) jugar fútbol.
    1. El receptor ______________ (devolver) la pelota al lanzador.
    2. ¿Cuándo ______________ (volver) a campus tú?
    3. Los jugadores nunca ______________ (perder) un partido.
    4. Yo siempre ______________ (cerrar) la puerta antes de dormirme.
    5. Yo ______________ (poder) jugar fútbol americano.
    6. Nosotros ______________ (sonar) la campana después de una victoria.
    7. ¿Tú ______________ (entender) los verbos con cambio de raíz?
    8. Las clases ______________ (empezar) en cinco minutos.
    9. El equipo de Blue Ridge ______________ (jugar)en la cancha de fútbol.
    10. Mi novia y yo ______________ (tener) un perro.
    11. El partido ______________ (comenzar) a las cuatro y media de la tarde.

    19 Clues: Yo ______________ (pensar) en el futuro.Yo ______________ (preferir) dormir mucho.Ellos ______________ (querer) jugar fútbol.¿Cuándo ______________ (volver) a campus tú?¿De qué ______________ (soñar) tú en la noche?Mi novia y yo ______________ (tener) un perro.Yo ______________ (poder) jugar fútbol americano....

    Advertising 2024-09-20

    Advertising crossword puzzle
    1. The target market you wish to sell too.
    2. Something you are trying to sell.
    1. large board containing an advertisement.
    2. Page Spread. An advertisement that covers two pages.
    3. indicates purity or innovation
    4. Time. A product on the market for a short period.
    5. A series of advertisement messages sharing a single idea or theme.
    6. indicates luxury and sophistication
    7. Increases hunger or appetite.

    9 Clues: Increases hunger or appetite.indicates purity or innovationSomething you are trying to sell.indicates luxury and sophisticationThe target market you wish to sell too.large board containing an advertisement.Time. A product on the market for a short period.Page Spread. An advertisement that covers two pages....

    Alex & Sam Sip & Slove 2024-09-20

    Alex & Sam Sip & Slove crossword puzzle
    1. Name of Matron of honor
    2. Brides middle name
    3. Years couple has been together
    4. University Bride and Groom attended
    5. Occupation of Bride
    6. Month of Bride's birthday
    7. Name of Groom's brother
    8. Name of Groom's dog
    9. Month of Groom's birthday
    10. Groom's favorite desert
    11. Bride's favorite desert
    12. Number of National Football Championships Bride & Groom's University won while couple was at school
    13. Groom's Home town
    14. Bride's Home town
    1. Color of bride's eyes
    2. Honeymoon destination
    3. Occupation of Groom
    4. Name of Best man
    5. Restaurant couple went to on first date
    6. Grooms middle name
    7. Number of letters in Groom's last name
    8. Color of groom's eyes
    9. Where the Groom proposed
    10. Highest achievement Groom made while in the boy scouts
    11. Name of Bride's brother
    12. Where did the couple meet
    13. Name of Bride's dog
    14. Name of town bride first worked in out of school

    28 Clues: Name of Best manGroom's Home townBride's Home townGrooms middle nameBrides middle nameOccupation of GroomOccupation of BrideName of Groom's dogName of Bride's dogColor of bride's eyesHoneymoon destinationColor of groom's eyesName of Matron of honorName of Bride's brotherName of Groom's brotherGroom's favorite desertBride's favorite desert...

    Sports in Movies 2024-09-20

    Sports in Movies crossword puzzle
    1. A 2016 sports movie, features Salman Khan as a wrestler making a comeback
    2. A biographical sports film based on the life of an Indian athlete and soldier
    3. A 2010 American and Chinese martial arts drama film starred by Jackie Chan
    1. A sports movie based on the true story of elderly sharpshooters Chandro and Prakashi Tomar
    2. A 2018 sports movie about an Indian field hockey team at the 1948 Summer Olympics
    3. A 2021 sports film on a sports runner from the Rann of Kutch

    6 Clues: A 2021 sports film on a sports runner from the Rann of KutchA 2016 sports movie, features Salman Khan as a wrestler making a comebackA 2010 American and Chinese martial arts drama film starred by Jackie ChanA biographical sports film based on the life of an Indian athlete and soldier...

    Infinitive or gerund? 2024-09-20

    Infinitive or gerund? crossword puzzle
    1. You require something (need)
    2. You say you will definitely do something (promise)
    3. You give something to someone (offer)
    1. You do not forget something (remember)
    2. You want something to happen (hope)
    3. You use time or money (spend)
    4. You continue doing something (go on)

    7 Clues: You require something (need)You use time or money (spend)You want something to happen (hope)You continue doing something (go on)You give something to someone (offer)You do not forget something (remember)You say you will definitely do something (promise)

    Les Logements 2024-09-20

    Les Logements crossword puzzle
    1. C’est un endroit où vous pouvez généralement entreposer votre véhicule
    2. C'est un endroit où l'on peut stocker ses voitures
    3. C'est un endroit où nous entrons dans la maison.
    4. Il s'agit d'un lieu où vous pouvez préparer vos aliments
    5. C’est un endroit où l'on peut prendre un café et regarder le paysage
    6. C'est un endroit où l'on peut dormir
    7. C'est un endroit où l'on peut se baigner et se brosser les dents.
    8. C'est un endroit où il y a des arbres et des fleurs
    1. C'est un endroit qui se trouve sous le plafond et qui ressemble à une pièce.
    2. C'est un endroit où l'on peut faire ses devoirs et travailler.
    3. C'est un endroit où l'on peut prendre le petit-déjeuner et le déjeuner.
    4. C'est un endroit où l'on peut s'asseoir, prendre l'air et boire un café.
    5. C'est un endroit où l'on peut regarder la télévision
    6. C'est un endroit où vous pouvez ranger les choses que vous n'utilisez pas.
    7. Il s'agit d'un élément très important de la maison. Qui se trouve au sommet de la maison

    15 Clues: C'est un endroit où l'on peut dormirC'est un endroit où nous entrons dans la maison.C'est un endroit où l'on peut stocker ses voituresC'est un endroit où il y a des arbres et des fleursC'est un endroit où l'on peut regarder la télévisionIl s'agit d'un lieu où vous pouvez préparer vos aliments...

    Muscular Actions 2024-09-20

    Muscular Actions crossword puzzle
    1. Raises arm forwards, backwards and sideways at the shoulder (flexion, extension, abduction)
    2. Moves the arm in at the shoulder (adduction)
    3. Helps with dorsiflexion, the action of pulling the toes toward the shin
    4. Moves the head back and sideways
    5. Flexes the spine so that you can bend forwards.
    6. Straightens your arm at the elbow (extension)
    7. Moving the leg forwards / raising the knee (flexion at the hip joint)
    8. Pulls the leg back at the hip (extension) and raises the leg to the side (abduction)
    1. Straightens the ankle joint (plantarflexion), so that you can stand on your toes
    2. Pulls the arm down at the shoulder and draws it behind your back (extension)
    3. Straightens the leg at the knee (extension)
    4. Bends the leg at the knee (flexion)
    5. Bends the arm at the elbow (flexion)

    13 Clues: Moves the head back and sidewaysBends the leg at the knee (flexion)Bends the arm at the elbow (flexion)Straightens the leg at the knee (extension)Moves the arm in at the shoulder (adduction)Straightens your arm at the elbow (extension)Flexes the spine so that you can bend forwards....

    Geography and Map Skills 2024-09-20

    Geography and Map Skills crossword puzzle
    1. The ocean located to the east of the United States.
    2. The Line at 0 degrees longitude.
    3. The key feature of a map that explains the symbols.
    4. The study of the Earth and its people.
    5. A picture on a map that represents a place or thing.
    6. The four main directions (North, East, South, West) are called what?
    7. The line that separates the Earth into Northern and Southern hemispheres.
    8. This key feature of a map shows direction.
    1. This key feature tells you the subject matter of a map.
    2. The lines that run east and west around the Earth.
    3. The ocean located to the west of the United States.
    4. The ratio of a distance on a map that corresponds to the distance on the ground.
    5. The directions between the cardinal directions on a compass rose.
    6. The lines that run north and south around the Earth.
    7. The continent located south of the continent we live on.
    8. The Earth's shape.

    16 Clues: The Earth's shape.The Line at 0 degrees longitude.The study of the Earth and its people.This key feature of a map shows direction.The lines that run east and west around the Earth.The ocean located to the west of the United States.The ocean located to the east of the United States.The key feature of a map that explains the symbols....

    TTS Kinematika Gerak 2024-09-20

    TTS Kinematika Gerak crossword puzzle
    1. Alat untuk mengukur kelajuan adalah…
    2. Perubahan posisi awal dan akhir disebut…?
    3. konversi dari 15 meter ke kilometer!
    4. Ilmu fisika yang mempelajari tentang gerak adalah…
    5. Konversi dari 20 kilometer ke meter!
    6. Rumus jarak adalah…
    7. Kecepatan akhir disebut…
    8. Berapakah jumlah besaran fisika pada benda yang bergerak?
    9. Garis pada sumbu x disebut…
    10. Kelajuan termasuk besaran…
    11. Gearl lurus berubah beraturan disebut…?
    12. Panjang lintasan adalah…?
    1. Gerak yang lintasannya berbentuk parabola disebut…
    2. Ilustrasi buah mangga jatuh dari pohonnya tanpa kecepatan awal v_0 = 0 disebut…
    3. Sebuah mobil bergerak lurus dengan kelajuan 54 km/jam. Jarak yang ditempuh mobil selama 5 menit adalah…?
    4. Kecepatan awal disebut…
    5. Jarak yang ditemtuh tiap satuan waktu adalah…
    6. Garis pada sumbu y disebut…
    7. Satuan dari kecepatan adalah…
    8. Gerak suatu benda yang lintasan lurus dengan kecepatan tetap disebut…?

    20 Clues: Rumus jarak adalah…Kecepatan awal disebut…Kecepatan akhir disebut…Panjang lintasan adalah…?Kelajuan termasuk besaran…Garis pada sumbu y disebut…Garis pada sumbu x disebut…Satuan dari kecepatan adalah…Alat untuk mengukur kelajuan adalah…konversi dari 15 meter ke kilometer!Konversi dari 20 kilometer ke meter!Gearl lurus berubah beraturan disebut…?...


    1. pengembangan yang menjadi objek dari program pembangunan
    2. utama dalam pembangunan
    3. yang memiliki ciri khas sehingga dapat dibedakan dengan wilayah lain
    4. pada letak pembangunan suatu wilayah
    5. 1
    6. lokasi yang melayani berbagai kebutuhan
    7. berbasis pertanian
    8. 1/3
    9. meningkatkan ongkos termurah
    10. 4
    1. alat bantu proses pembangunan
    2. saling ketergantungan dengan wilayah lain
    3. penduduk minimum melakukan pelayanan
    4. di tempat tertentu yang dapat memancing wilayah lain untuk bertumbuh
    5. wilayah pertanian di pedesaan dan wilayah pegunungan
    6. nilai tambah suatu wilayah
    7. yang lebih maju dari desa swadaya
    8. untuk membagi wilayah kedalam jangkauan lebih kecil
    9. pelayanan
    10. negatif kutub pertumbuhan

    20 Clues: 141/3pelayananberbasis pertanianutama dalam pembangunannegatif kutub pertumbuhannilai tambah suatu wilayahmeningkatkan ongkos termurahalat bantu proses pembangunanyang lebih maju dari desa swadayapenduduk minimum melakukan pelayananpada letak pembangunan suatu wilayahlokasi yang melayani berbagai kebutuhansaling ketergantungan dengan wilayah lain...

    crucigrama de fuentes de informacion 2024-09-20

    crucigrama de fuentes de informacion crossword puzzle
    1. recursos que contienen información original, que ha sido publicada por primera vez y que no ha sido filtrada, interpretada o evaluada por nadie más
    2. publicaciones periódicas que pueden ser tanto especializadas como enfocadas a la divulgación entre el público en general
    3. fuente de información cuyo contenido no es original, sino que consiste en un comentario, interpretación o análisis de documentos o datos recopilados por otros
    4. de lectura relación de libros, revistas o documentos que se pueden consultar para ahondar en un tema.
    5. obras de consulta que resuelven dudas sencillas y brindan información para ampliar el conocimiento de un tópico. Es común que vayan acompañadas de recursos visuales, como fotografías o mapas.
    6. listados de personas u organismos que se organizan por orden alfabético.
    1. fuente de publicación diaria que brinda información de contexto sobre un hecho o momento en particular
    2. fuentes de información que recopilan, resumen o indexan datos y conocimientos obtenidos de fuentes secundarias o primarias
    3. listado de libros o fuentes de consulta que se pueden obtener o revisar para investigar sobre un tema específico.
    4. obras impresas o electrónicas que hablan sobre la época o tópico que se está investigando.

    10 Clues: listados de personas u organismos que se organizan por orden alfabético.obras impresas o electrónicas que hablan sobre la época o tópico que se está lectura relación de libros, revistas o documentos que se pueden consultar para ahondar en un tema....

    IPAS 2024-09-20

    IPAS crossword puzzle
    1. dari cair ke padat

      1 Clue: dari cair ke padat

      Force, Motion, and Energy 2024-09-20

      Force, Motion, and Energy crossword puzzle
      1. More mass = __________ motion
      2. __________ is any push or pull that causes an object to move or change direction
      3. _______________ energy is stored energy
      4. ___________ is movement and is described by direction and speed
      5. ________________ energy is energy in motion or moving objects
      6. More mass = _______ force needed to move the object
      7. More force = _________ motion
      8. Friction is between ________ objects that are touching and moving
      1. When objects ___________ energy transfers
      2. If the net force equals _________ then the object will remain still
      3. ________________ is a force that resists or works against motion
      4. __________ force is the combination of all the forces acting on an object
      5. Speed is how __________ an object is moving
      6. _____________ refers to objects in motion stay in motion and objects at rest stay at rest unless a force is applied

      14 Clues: More mass = __________ motionMore force = _________ motion_______________ energy is stored energyWhen objects ___________ energy transfersSpeed is how __________ an object is movingMore mass = _______ force needed to move the object________________ energy is energy in motion or moving objects...

      regissør 2024-09-20

      regissør crossword puzzle
      1. Kjent for sin unike tilnærming til tid i filmer som "Boyhood."
      2. Kjent for "Piano," som utforsker temaer om kjærlighet og makt.
      3. Regisserte blockbuster-filmer som "Titanic" og "Avatar."
      4. Kjent for å utforske temaer om fremmedgjøring i filmer som "Lost in Translation."
      5. Regisserte den ikoniske komedien "Ghostbusters."
      6. Sørkoreansk regissør kjent for "Oldboy."
      7. Kjent for filmer som blander live-action og animasjon, som "Hvem rammet Roger Rabbit?"
      8. Studio kjent for animerte filmer regissert av ulike talentfulle filmskapere.
      9. Italiensk filmskaper kjent for sin fantasifulle fortellingsstil.
      10. Kjent for surrealistiske filmer som "Mulholland Drive."
      11. Indisk filmskaper kjent for sine klassiske filmer som utforsker sosiale temaer.
      12. Kjent for sine innovative filmteknikker i "Traffic."
      13. Kjent for å skape kultklassikere som "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."
      14. Kjent for romantiske komedier som "Something's Gotta Give."
      15. Kjent for å blande fantasy og horror i filmer som "Pans labyrint."
      16. Sørkoreansk regissør kjent for å blande sjangere i "Parasitt."
      17. Kjent for sine animefilmer regissert av ulike kunstnere, inkludert Miyazaki.
      18. Regisserte "American Beauty," som utforsker forstadsproblemer.
      19. Regisserte en trilogi om en italiensk-amerikansk kriminalfamilie.
      20. Belgiske regissører kjent for sin realistiske fortellingsstil.
      1. Japansk animator kjent for sin fortryllende fortelling i filmer som "Chihiro."
      2. Kjent for sin regidebut med "Lady Bird."
      3. Kjent for visuelt imponerende romantiske dramaer, inkludert "In the Mood for Love."
      4. Japansk regissør berømt for "De syv samuraier."
      5. Kjent for ikke-lineær historiefortelling og skarpe dialoger.
      6. Svensk regissør kjent for eksistensielle temaer i filmer som "Det syvende seglet."
      7. Regissør av rare filmer som "Det store Budapest Hotel."
      8. Kjent for sinn-bøyende filmer som "Inception."
      9. Kjent for sin gotiske stil i filmer som "Edward Scissorhands."
      10. Kjent for moderne sci-fi-filmer som "Arrival" og "Dune."
      11. Kjent for mangfoldige filmer som "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."
      12. Mester i spenning kjent for "Psycho."
      13. Hongkong-regissør kjent for sine stiliserte actionfilmer, spesielt "The Killer."
      14. Regisserte "Goodfellas," med fokus på organisert kriminalitet.
      15. Kjent for provoserende og ukonvensjonelle filmer som "Dogville."
      16. Regisserte filmer som "Brokeback Mountain," som fokuserer på komplekse forhold.
      17. Kjent for en film om en hai som skremmer en strandby.
      18. Kjent for sin mørke humor og filmer som "Fargo."
      19. Kjent for "Gudfaren," en milepæl i amerikansk kino.
      20. Regisserte episke filmer som "Gladiator."
      21. Spansk regissør kjent for sterke farger og sterke kvinnelige karakterer.

      41 Clues: Mester i spenning kjent for "Psycho."Kjent for sin regidebut med "Lady Bird."Sørkoreansk regissør kjent for "Oldboy."Regisserte episke filmer som "Gladiator."Kjent for sinn-bøyende filmer som "Inception."Japansk regissør berømt for "De syv samuraier."Regisserte den ikoniske komedien "Ghostbusters."Kjent for sin mørke humor og filmer som "Fargo."...

      Term Three and Four Food Technology Task 2024-09-20

      Term Three and Four Food Technology Task crossword puzzle
      1. Acids These are basically the building blocks of protein. Your body produces _____ _____ and others come from food.
      2. A sweet substance that comes from different plants like sugar cane.
      3. This is the process of breaking down any food you consume.
      4. A unit that measures energy.
      5. This is caused when you have too much fatty substance in your blood. ___________ is a substance that is waxy and fatty, and is made in the liver, and found in the blood. Too much of this leads to ____ ___________.
      6. Vitamins and nutrients needed in the body in very small amounts. Although it is an extremely small amount, they impact your body’s health incredibly. They are so important that if you lack any of them it can cause life threats.
      7. A sugar found in milk and milk products.
      8. This is a ________ that is sometimes found naturally in foods, or added. It is also produced by sun rays. This helps regulate the amount of calcium in your body.
      1. A sugar found naturally in fruits, and honey.
      2. _____________ are sugar molecules. They are one of the main energy sources for your body’s cells, tissues and organs.
      3. Keeps you strong like vitamins, and builds strong bones and teeth.
      4. _______builds and repairs bones and muscles in your body and is also an energy source.
      5. Keeps your body from getting any diseases, and keeps you healthy.
      6. When your body loses more fluid than it takes in, and your body doesn't have enough water.
      7. A type of sugar you get from foods you eat. Your blood carries this to all your body cells to use for energy.
      8. A certain food group that is high in calcium. These products are mostly made of milk from animals like cows, goats and sheep.
      9. A mineral your body needs to build and maintain strong bones and to carry out many important functions. It is found in things like seeds, yogurt, beans, lentils and more.
      10. A type of fat found in your blood. Too much of this raises the chance of getting heart disease, mostly in women.
      11. The process when your body uses it to get energy from the food you eat.
      12. Are not essential for a healthy diet, but it is found that healthy ____ are important for your body's energy. It is found in things like butter, cheese and cream.

      20 Clues: A unit that measures energy.A sugar found in milk and milk products.A sugar found naturally in fruits, and honey.This is the process of breaking down any food you consume.Keeps your body from getting any diseases, and keeps you healthy.Keeps you strong like vitamins, and builds strong bones and teeth....

      52nd Year 2024-09-20

      52nd Year crossword puzzle
      1. The motto, part 1
      2. Changing and/or erasing history
      3. Running the country like a business
      4. Policy that turns Filipinos into
      5. step by step process of coordinating and working with the people to enact concrete change
      1. The last stage of capitalism
      2. to teach others
      3. Organized
      4. The motto, part 2
      5. Activists apprehended by the regime

      10 Clues: Organizedto teach othersThe motto, part 1The motto, part 2The last stage of capitalismChanging and/or erasing historyPolicy that turns Filipinos intoActivists apprehended by the regimeRunning the country like a businessstep by step process of coordinating and working with the people to enact concrete change

      solido,liquido,gaseoso 2024-09-20

      solido,liquido,gaseoso crossword puzzle
      1. donde se encuentra
      2. Likes to chase mice
      3. Flying mammal
      4. Man's best friend
      1. Has a trunk
      2. Large marsupial

      6 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best frienddonde se encuentraLikes to chase mice

      konsep Wilayah dan Tata Ruang 2024-09-20

      konsep Wilayah dan Tata Ruang crossword puzzle
      1. di permukaan bumi yang memiliki karakteristik atau ciri-ciri tertentu yang membedakannya dari wilayah lain

        1 Clue: di permukaan bumi yang memiliki karakteristik atau ciri-ciri tertentu yang membedakannya dari wilayah lain

        konsep Wilayah dan Tata Ruang 2024-09-20

        konsep Wilayah dan Tata Ruang crossword puzzle
        1. di permukaan bumi yang memiliki karakteristik atau ciri-ciri tertentu yang membedakannya dari wilayah lain

          1 Clue: di permukaan bumi yang memiliki karakteristik atau ciri-ciri tertentu yang membedakannya dari wilayah lain

          Spelling words 2024-09-20

          Spelling words crossword puzzle
          1. using wings
          2. open and close
          3. an organ
          4. not wealthy
          5. to remember
          1. wring out a towel
          2. can stand on
          3. sadness
          4. tears

          9 Clues: tearssadnessan organusing wingsnot wealthyto remembercan stand onopen and closewring out a towel

          Pengayaan Geografi Illiona 12-4 2024-09-20

          Pengayaan Geografi Illiona 12-4 crossword puzzle
          1. teori tempat sentral yang memiliki jangkauan 1/2
          2. elemen pengembangan wilayah yang mendirong optimalisasi daj efesiensi dalam pembangunan
          3. wilayah yang memiliki potensi sda dan sdm yang
          4. upaya dalam mengelompokkan wilayah-wilayah di permukaan bumi
          5. teori tempat sentral yang memiliki jangkauan 1
          6. dan jaringan infrastruktur
          7. jangkauan pelayanan
          8. bentuk sistem geometrik teori lokasi sentral
          9. teori tempat sentral yang memiliki jangkauan 1/3
          10. pendekatan pada lokasi suatu wilayah
          11. wilayah dengan sifat heterogen
          1. jumlah pendidik minimum untuk melakukan pelayanan
          2. struktur yang menggambarkan sistem pelayanan
          3. dikembangkan
          4. istilah untuk situasi yang memberikan pengaruh
          5. pencetus teori lokasi optimum
          6. dampak negatif teori kutub pertumbuhan
          7. nama lain perwilayahan
          8. pencetus teori kutub pertumbuhan
          9. wilayah yang bersifat homogen
          10. positif untuk wilayah sekitarnya

          21 Clues: dikembangkanjangkauan pelayanannama lain perwilayahandan jaringan infrastrukturpencetus teori lokasi optimumwilayah yang bersifat homogenwilayah dengan sifat heterogenpencetus teori kutub pertumbuhanpositif untuk wilayah sekitarnyapendekatan pada lokasi suatu wilayahdampak negatif teori kutub pertumbuhanstruktur yang menggambarkan sistem pelayanan...

          Infinitive or gerund? 2024-09-20

          Infinitive or gerund? crossword puzzle
          1. You are in the mood for something (feel like)
          2. You make an effort to do something (try)
          3. You finish doing something(stop)
          4. You desire something (want)
          1. You are bothered by something (mind)
          2. You do not remember something (forget)
          3. You enjoy or feel good about something (like)
          4. You begin doing something (start)

          8 Clues: You desire something (want)You finish doing something(stop)You begin doing something (start)You are bothered by something (mind)You do not remember something (forget)You make an effort to do something (try)You are in the mood for something (feel like)You enjoy or feel good about something (like)

          director 2024-09-20

          director crossword puzzle
          1. Directed "American Beauty," exploring suburban malaise.
          2. Known for exploring themes of alienation in films like "Lost in Translation."
          3. Directed blockbuster films like "Titanic" and "Avatar."
          4. Japanese director famous for "Seven Samurai."
          5. Known for his innovative filmmaking techniques in "Traffic."
          6. South Korean director known for "Oldboy."
          7. Known for blending fantasy and horror in films like "Pan's Labyrinth."
          8. Belgian directors known for their realistic storytelling style.
          9. Renowned for a film about a shark terrorizing a beach town.
          10. Known for her directorial debut with "Lady Bird."
          11. Known for mind-bending films like "Inception."
          12. Known for its anime films directed by various artists, including Miyazaki.
          13. Known for diverse films such as "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."
          14. Directed epic films like "Gladiator."
          15. Known for modern sci-fi films like "Arrival" and "Dune."
          16. Known for films that blend live-action and animation, like "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?"
          17. Known for romantic comedies like "Something's Gotta Give."
          18. Spanish director known for vibrant colors and strong female characters.
          19. Hong Kong director known for his stylized action films, especially "The Killer."
          20. Known for "The Godfather," a landmark in American cinema.
          21. Studio known for animated films directed by various talented filmmakers.
          22. Known for his gothic style in films like "Edward Scissorhands."
          23. Known for nonlinear storytelling and sharp dialogue.
          24. Directed a trilogy about an Italian-American crime family.
          1. Master of suspense known for "Psycho."
          2. Known for visually stunning romantic dramas, including "In the Mood for Love."
          3. Directed "Goodfellas," focusing on organized crime.
          4. Known for creating cult classics like "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."
          5. Known for his unique approach to time in films like "Boyhood."
          6. Known for their dark humor and films like "Fargo."
          7. Directed the iconic comedy "Ghostbusters."
          8. Known for provocative and unconventional films like "Dogville."
          9. Indian filmmaker known for his classic films exploring social themes.
          10. Director of quirky films like "The Grand Budapest Hotel."
          11. Directed films like "Brokeback Mountain," focusing on complex relationships.
          12. Italian filmmaker known for his whimsical storytelling style.
          13. South Korean director known for blending genres in "Parasite."
          14. Swedish director known for existential themes in films like "The Seventh Seal."
          15. Known for surreal films like "Mulholland Drive."
          16. Japanese animator known for his enchanting storytelling in films like "Spirited Away."
          17. Known for "The Piano," which explores themes of love and power.

          41 Clues: Directed epic films like "Gladiator."Master of suspense known for "Psycho."South Korean director known for "Oldboy."Directed the iconic comedy "Ghostbusters."Japanese director famous for "Seven Samurai."Known for mind-bending films like "Inception."Known for surreal films like "Mulholland Drive."Known for her directorial debut with "Lady Bird."...

          A Biblia - összefoglalás 2024-09-20

          A Biblia - összefoglalás crossword puzzle
          1. E költői képre építkeznek Jézus példabeszédei.
          2. Jeruzsálem helytartója, elé viszik Jézust a főpapok ítélete után.
          3. Jelentése feltárás, kinyilvánítás.
          4. Zakariás, Keresztelő Szent János édesapja ezt a leckét/büntetést kapja, amiért nem hitt az angyalnak.
          5. Két kőtábla őrzi, Mózes vehette át az Úrtól.
          6. Az árulás jelképe. Jézus árulója ezzel jelzi, hogy kit kell elkapnia a küldötteknek.
          1. liturgikus ének, az Úrhoz intézett fohász.
          2. A Jónás próféta könyve e műfaj jegyeit mutatja tanulsága nyomán.
          3. Szövetségjelkép az Úr és az ember között.
          4. A Biblia szerkezeti sajátossága.
          5. Ezzel a jelzővel illetik az első három evangéliumot.
          6. A bölcsesség jelképe, a Prédikátor könyvének feltételezett szerzője.
          7. A legterjedelmesebb evangélium szerzője.
          8. Ősatya, aki feltétlen hitéről tett tanúbizonyságot.
          9. Az álomfejtő József édesapja.

          15 Clues: Az álomfejtő József édesapja.A Biblia szerkezeti sajátossága.Jelentése feltárás, kinyilvánítás.A legterjedelmesebb evangélium szerzője.Szövetségjelkép az Úr és az ember között.liturgikus ének, az Úrhoz intézett fohász.Két kőtábla őrzi, Mózes vehette át az Úrtól.E költői képre építkeznek Jézus példabeszédei....

          MARI MENGENAL ASMAUL HUSNA 2024-09-20

          MARI MENGENAL ASMAUL HUSNA crossword puzzle
          1. jumlah asmaul husna
          2. arti dari asmaul husna Al Malik
          3. menjaga kebersihan hati contoh meneladani asmaul husna
          4. arti dari asmaul husna al mu'min
          5. nama nama allah yang indah dan agung
          1. Allah maha suci adalah arti dari asmaul husna
          2. arti dari asmaul husna As salam adalah Allah maha
          3. menyebarkan salam dan senyum contoh meneladani asmaul husna
          4. patuh dan taat kepada Allah contoh meneladani amaul husna
          5. Allah maha mulia arti dari asmaul husna

          10 Clues: jumlah asmaul husnaarti dari asmaul husna Al Malikarti dari asmaul husna al mu'minnama nama allah yang indah dan agungAllah maha mulia arti dari asmaul husnaAllah maha suci adalah arti dari asmaul husnaarti dari asmaul husna As salam adalah Allah mahamenjaga kebersihan hati contoh meneladani asmaul husna...

          MARI MENGENAL ASMAUL HUSNA 2024-09-20

          MARI MENGENAL ASMAUL HUSNA crossword puzzle
          1. patuh dan taat kepada Allah contoh meneladani amaul husna
          2. arti dari asmaul husna al mu'min
          3. jumlah asmaul husna
          1. nama nama allah yang indah dan agung
          2. arti dari asmaul husna As salam adalah Allah maha
          3. menyebarkan salam dan senyum contoh meneladani asmaul husna
          4. Allah maha mulia arti dari asmaul husna
          5. arti dari asmaul husna Al Malik
          6. menjaga kebersihan hati contoh meneladani asmaul husna
          7. Allah maha suci adalah arti dari asmaul husna

          10 Clues: jumlah asmaul husnaarti dari asmaul husna Al Malikarti dari asmaul husna al mu'minnama nama allah yang indah dan agungAllah maha mulia arti dari asmaul husnaAllah maha suci adalah arti dari asmaul husnaarti dari asmaul husna As salam adalah Allah mahamenjaga kebersihan hati contoh meneladani asmaul husna...

          Elmer 2024-09-20

          Elmer crossword puzzle
          1. blanket
          2. fruit
          3. animal
          1. stands-out
          2. alike
          3. name
          4. color

          7 Clues: namealikefruitcoloranimalblanketstands-out

          根据句子提示完成字谜 2024-09-20

          根据句子提示完成字谜 crossword puzzle
          1. Tim runs faster than other players, so he must ______ the game.
          2. Dad played his_______, and we sang along the music.
          3. I will _______ forget our exciting trip to the zoo.
          4. A person who plays music is called a ________.
          5. The little boy can dance ______ the music.
          6. The ______ is a normal animal that can fly.
          1. Can you _______ your toy for us?
          2. Sit quietly and _______ to the birds singing.
          3. I stay ______ home during my vacation.
          4. ________ to take your pen to school tomorrow.
          5. I ______ to be your friend forever and play with you every day. Believe me!
          6. He shared a fun ______ about his day at school.

          12 Clues: Can you _______ your toy for us?I stay ______ home during my vacation.The little boy can dance ______ the music.The ______ is a normal animal that can fly.Sit quietly and _______ to the birds singing.________ to take your pen to school tomorrow.A person who plays music is called a ________.He shared a fun ______ about his day at school....

          OTOMATISASI 2024-09-20

          OTOMATISASI crossword puzzle
          1. Menggabungkan teknologi dan internet untuk meningkatkan produktivitas
          2. Orang yang bertugas mengelola sumber daya di perusahaan
          3. Sistem elektronik yang digunakan untuk pengiriman dokumen melalui telepon
          4. Sistem otomatisasi yang mendukung kolaborasi jarak jauh
          5. Istilah yang diperkenalkan oleh IBM di tahun 1960-an
          6. Teknologi yang dapat menyimpan data secara online dan diakses kapan saja
          7. Software yang digunakan untuk mengetik dokumen
          8. Tujuan utama otomatisasi perkantoran adalah meningkatkan …
          1. Proses yang mempercepat penyelesaian tugas administrasi di kantor
          2. Orang yang bertugas menangani tugas administratif di kantor
          3. Aplikasi yang digunakan untuk mengelola email di kantor
          4. Alat komunikasi audio yang memungkinkan konferensi dari jarak jauh
          5. Pengiriman pesan suara melalui telepon disebut sebagai
          6. Alat untuk mengirim salinan dokumen melalui saluran telepon
          7. jenis otomatisasi yang mengatur kalender elektronik
          8. Aplikasi untuk mengetik dan mengelola dokumen di kantor
          9. Teknologi untuk mengirim pesan tertulis melalui internet

          17 Clues: Software yang digunakan untuk mengetik dokumenjenis otomatisasi yang mengatur kalender elektronikIstilah yang diperkenalkan oleh IBM di tahun 1960-anPengiriman pesan suara melalui telepon disebut sebagaiAplikasi yang digunakan untuk mengelola email di kantorOrang yang bertugas mengelola sumber daya di perusahaan...

          Earth Science 2024-09-20

          Earth Science crossword puzzle
          1. relating to the natural world and human activity
          2. the envelope of glasses surrounding the earth
          3. concerned with the relation of living organisms
          4. the impact on the environment of human activity in terms of pollution or damage to natural resources
          1. all water on earth
          2. contaminated water, air, or place with harmful or poisonous substances
          3. the description of a natural occurring phenomena in the world
          4. a thing that is known or proven true

          8 Clues: all water on eartha thing that is known or proven truethe envelope of glasses surrounding the earthconcerned with the relation of living organismsrelating to the natural world and human activitythe description of a natural occurring phenomena in the worldcontaminated water, air, or place with harmful or poisonous substances...

          Vocabulary Quiz Week 3 2024-09-20

          Vocabulary Quiz Week 3 crossword puzzle
          1. unable to think clearly
          2. anything that is plump or round
          3. a deep or seemingly bottomless chasm
          1. having or showing a strong desire for revenge
          2. expressing a low opinion of someone or something

          5 Clues: unable to think clearlyanything that is plump or rounda deep or seemingly bottomless chasmhaving or showing a strong desire for revengeexpressing a low opinion of someone or something

          Isten szól hozzánk - 5. osztály 2024-09-20

          Isten szól hozzánk - 5. osztály crossword puzzle
          1. szava Mi a Biblia?
          2. Mi a Biblia szó jelentése?
          3. Mi a Biblia másik elnevezése?
          4. A Biblia második része.
          1. Isten megszólalása másnéven.
          2. A Biblia első része.
          3. Olyan ember, aki meghallja Isten szavát és átadja a többi embernek.

          7 Clues: szava Mi a Biblia?A Biblia első része.A Biblia második része.Mi a Biblia szó jelentése?Isten megszólalása másnéven.Mi a Biblia másik elnevezése?Olyan ember, aki meghallja Isten szavát és átadja a többi embernek.

          Romeo and Juliet 2024-09-20

          Romeo and Juliet crossword puzzle
          1. suffer or distress
          2. A bigger division of the Play that creates pause
          3. A story that has a lot of humour
          4. A period of time in English History
          1. The house of Romeo
          2. Events that have happened in the past
          3. The house of Juliet
          4. A sequence of continuous action
          5. The ongoing fight between the families

          9 Clues: The house of Romeosuffer or distressThe house of JulietA sequence of continuous actionA story that has a lot of humourA period of time in English HistoryEvents that have happened in the pastThe ongoing fight between the familiesA bigger division of the Play that creates pause

          Test 2024-09-20

          Test crossword puzzle
          1. The first name of your Science Teacher SY 2024-2025
          2. A solution that has not reached maximum solute
          3. A solution with more than the maximum solute
          4. Substances that do not mix
          5. It dissolves the other substance
          1. A mixture that has a uniform composition
          2. A solution that has a maximum amount of solute
          3. The capacity of a substance to dissolve
          4. Substances that can be dissolved

          9 Clues: Substances that do not mixSubstances that can be dissolvedIt dissolves the other substanceThe capacity of a substance to dissolveA mixture that has a uniform compositionA solution with more than the maximum soluteA solution that has a maximum amount of soluteA solution that has not reached maximum solute...

          Safe Facilities and Pest Management 2024-09-20

          Safe Facilities and Pest Management crossword puzzle
          1. pest control operator
          2. floor mounted equipment- on legs _____ inches high
          3. only water that ________can be used for the preparation of food and come in contact with food-contact surfaces
          4. hand washing sinks must be used _____ for hand washing and not for other purposes
          5. stations are required in _________
          6. seal to cover crack between wall and floor
          7. ventilation removes heat,______,and smoke from cooking lines
          8. the reverse flow of contaminants
          9. containers must be ________ when not in use
          10. ______ pest access to the operation
          11. only sure way to prevent backflow is to create an ________
          1. tabletop equipment- on legs at least _____ inches high
          2. critical in pest control
          3. pests leaves _______,letting you know that they are there
          4. pest can be brought inside with ___________ or through building opening
          5. a clearly visible sign or poster must tell staff to wash hands before returning to work
          6. if the risk is significant, ________ must be stopped
          7. ______ with licensed pest control operation
          8. careful ________ eliminates the pests' food supply and destroys insect eggs
          9. ventilation eliminates _____ and odors

          20 Clues: pest control operatorcritical in pest controlthe reverse flow of contaminantsstations are required in _______________ pest access to the operationventilation eliminates _____ and odorsseal to cover crack between wall and floor______ with licensed pest control operationcontainers must be ________ when not in use...

          Sistem pengaturan pada tumbuhan 2024-09-20

          Sistem pengaturan pada tumbuhan crossword puzzle
          1. jaringan penyokong yang penebalan dindingnya tidak merata
          2. jaringan meristematik pada tumbuhan yang berfungsi untuk pertumbuhan sekunder
          3. jaringan dasar pada tumbuhan yang dapat ditemukan pada seluruh organ tumbuhan
          4. jaringan tumbuhan yang letaknya paling luar
          5. jaringan pengangkut yang berperan mengangkut air dan garam mineral dari akar menuju daun
          1. organ reproduksi pada tumbuhan
          2. jaringan penyokong yang dapat ditemukan pada tumbuhan dewasa
          3. jaringan muda pada tumbuhan yang aktif membelah
          4. berkas pembuluh berbentuk cincin dimana xylem dikelilingi floem
          5. jaringan parenkim yang ditemukan pada daun dikotil

          10 Clues: organ reproduksi pada tumbuhanjaringan tumbuhan yang letaknya paling luarjaringan muda pada tumbuhan yang aktif membelahjaringan parenkim yang ditemukan pada daun dikotiljaringan penyokong yang penebalan dindingnya tidak meratajaringan penyokong yang dapat ditemukan pada tumbuhan dewasaberkas pembuluh berbentuk cincin dimana xylem dikelilingi floem...

          European countries and capital cities 2024-09-20

          European countries and capital cities crossword puzzle
          1. St Patricks
          2. Delphi
          3. leaning tower
          4. golden gate
          1. buda castle
          2. tower

          6 Clues: towerDelphibuda castleSt Patricksgolden gateleaning tower

          Famous Greeks 2024-09-20

          Famous Greeks crossword puzzle
          1. An Athenian historian and general. His History of the Peloponnesian War recounts the fifth-century
          2. He was a king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon.
          3. Who was a Greek philosopher from Athens who is credited as the founder of Western philosophy and as among the first moral philosophers of the ethical tradition of thought.
          4. Who was an ancient Greek mathematician active as a geometer and logician
          5. Who of Syracuse was an Ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, astronomer, and inventor from the ancient city of Syracuse in Sicily.
          6. Who was a Greek politician and general during the Golden Age of Athens
          7. who of Samos was an ancient Greek astronomer and mathematician who presented the first known heliocentric model that placed the Sun at the center of the universe
          8. Who was an Ancient Greek comic playwright from Athens and a poet of Old Attic Comedy
          9. He was the king of the ancient kingdom of Macedonia from 359 BC until his death in 336 BC.
          10. A Greek historian and geographer from the Greek city of Halicarnassus, part of the Persian Empire
          11. Who of Samos was an ancient Ionian Greek philosopher, polymath and the eponymous founder of Pythagoreanism
          1. An ancient Greek tragedian, known as one of three from whom at least one play has survived in full.
          2. Spartan king whose stand against the invading Persian army at the pass of Thermopylae in central Greece
          3. Who is the central figure in the story that inspired three modern sporting events, the marathon race, the Spartathlon and Authentic Pheidippides Run
          4. He was a Persian ruler who served as the fourth King of Kings of the Achaemenid Empire
          5. He was a Persian ruler who served as the third King of Kings of the Achaemenid Empire
          6. who is one of the three ancient Greek tragedians for whom any plays have survived in full.
          7. Who was an ancient Greek philosopher of the Classical period who is considered a foundational thinker in Western philosophy and an innovator of the written dialogue and dialectic forms
          8. who of Cyrene was an Ancient Greek polymath: a mathematician, geographer, poet, astronomer, and music theorist
          9. Who was an Ancient Greek philosopher and polymath

          20 Clues: Who was an Ancient Greek philosopher and polymathHe was a king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon.Who was a Greek politician and general during the Golden Age of AthensWho was an ancient Greek mathematician active as a geometer and logicianWho was an Ancient Greek comic playwright from Athens and a poet of Old Attic Comedy...

          Spelling 2024-09-20

          Spelling crossword puzzle
          1. Something that has happened before a certain time. (7 letters)
          2. Stop or take something before it reaches its destination. (9 letters)
          3. In addition, or to an excessive degree. (3 letters)
          4. A collection of people or things. (5 letters)
          5. A solid substance with atoms arranged in a repeating pattern. (7 letters)
          6. A playful primate. (6 letters)
          7. An open area of land. (5 letters)
          8. Apply pressure to something. (5 letters)
          9. To come into contact with something. (5 letters)
          1. An act of entering a place by force, often used in military contexts. (8 letters)
          2. Expressing a choice between alternatives. (7 letters)
          3. A farewell remark or the act of advancing to the next round in a competition without playing. (3 letters)
          4. Engage in communication or action with someone or something. (8 letters)
          5. Contraction of "they are." (5 letters)
          6. A tool used to unlock or open something. (3 letters)
          7. A sharp pain caused by an insect. (5 letters)
          8. A sticky substance used to bond materials together. (4 letters)
          9. Ownership or control over something. (10 letters)

          18 Clues: A playful primate. (6 letters)An open area of land. (5 letters)Contraction of "they are." (5 letters)Apply pressure to something. (5 letters)A sharp pain caused by an insect. (5 letters)A collection of people or things. (5 letters)To come into contact with something. (5 letters)Ownership or control over something. (10 letters)...

          north amarica 2024-09-20

          north amarica crossword puzzle
          1. is in north America
          2. is Spanish, indigenous languages
          1. they speak in Canada
          2. its has more population than Texas

          4 Clues: is in north Americathey speak in Canadais Spanish, indigenous languagesits has more population than Texas

          Green Group W2 T4 2024-09-20

          Green Group W2 T4 crossword puzzle
          1. Relating to a nearby area or community.
          2. Relating to the law; allowed by law.
          3. Not working or damaged.
          4. Not wanting to work or be active.
          5. A machine that can perform tasks automatically.
          6. Turned into ice or very cold.
          7. A person who is learning in school.
          8. A picture taken with a camera.
          9. A device that connects your computer to the internet.
          10. A person who flies an aircraft.
          1. A place where people pay to stay while traveling.
          2. Simple or fundamental, not complicated.
          3. To remove something written or drawn.
          4. Well-known by many people.
          5. To see or become aware of something.
          6. A flat material used for writing or drawing.
          7. A piece of cloth worn to keep clothes clean while cooking.
          8. A person or thing that comes from a specific place.
          9. To leave something out or not include it.
          10. Sounds made by instruments or voices that people enjoy.

          20 Clues: Not working or damaged.Well-known by many people.Turned into ice or very cold.A picture taken with a camera.A person who flies an aircraft.Not wanting to work or be active.A person who is learning in school.Relating to the law; allowed by law.To see or become aware of something.To remove something written or drawn....