50 states Crossword Puzzles
НЗД и НЗС 2017-11-16
16 Clues: нзс(10, 15) • нзс(12, 36) • нзс(50, 75) • нзс(60, 40) • нзс(12, 49) • нзд(72, 54) • нзд(20, 80) • нзд(12, 18) • нзд(272, 408) • нзс(250, 300) • нзд(250, 300) • нзд(4, 6, 10) • нзс(272, 204) • нзд(2000, 3000) • нзс(12, 15, 18) • нзд(36, 48, 72)
- 9132 rounded to its nearest ten
- seventy-one thousand one-hundred ten
- 9000+600+50+4
- 6798-1176
- seventy thousand nine hundred fifty-one
- 288 rounded to its nearest hundred
- 69793-53311
- 6000+100+50+4
- one-hundred forty-eight
- 4000+400+90
- 1122 rounded to its nearest place
- 5198103+ 2460771
- 7000+600+20+9
- 3111 rounded to its nearest thousand
- 777199-104131
- 1457100+2375015
- 60000+1000+200+30+1
- 2901 rounded to its nearest hundred
- 939 rounded to its nearest ten
- 595 rounded to its nearest hundred
- 3000+500+60+1
- 500+50+6
- 60000+1000+200+1
- 79561+67896
- 3611 rounded to its nearest thousand
- 5139 rounded to its nearest ten
- eighty-one thousand seventy-two
- thirty-six thousand-thirteen
- 756 rounded to its nearest hundred
- 6000+400+30+2
30 Clues: 500+50+6 • 6798-1176 • 69793-53311 • 79561+67896 • 4000+400+90 • 9000+600+50+4 • 3000+500+60+1 • 6000+100+50+4 • 7000+600+20+9 • 6000+400+30+2 • 777199-104131 • 1457100+2375015 • 60000+1000+200+1 • 5198103+ 2460771 • 60000+1000+200+30+1 • one-hundred forty-eight • thirty-six thousand-thirteen • 939 rounded to its nearest ten • 9132 rounded to its nearest ten • 5139 rounded to its nearest ten • ...
Voting 2024-09-26
- Vote totals for a candidate or issue, made by all qualified voters.
- Issues surrounding the legal right and ability to campaign and cast a vote in political elections.
- Taking away of certain rights, such as voting rights; exclusion from certain occupations.
- Electors representing all 50 states and the District of Columbia, responsible for officially electing the President and Vice-President of the United States.
- Activities designed to achieve a social, political, or military goal.
- Selection of people to public office by vote.
- The right to vote.
- Tax levied on all voters, often serving as a financial obstacle to poor citizens.
- Someone who acts in place of a group of people.
- A geographical area represented by a seat or seats in a legislative body.
- A state that is equally likely to vote for either of the two major political parties, making it key to victory in an election.
- Member of a country, state, or town who shares responsibilities for the area and benefits from being a member.
12 Clues: The right to vote. • Selection of people to public office by vote. • Someone who acts in place of a group of people. • Vote totals for a candidate or issue, made by all qualified voters. • Activities designed to achieve a social, political, or military goal. • A geographical area represented by a seat or seats in a legislative body. • ...
Dinheiro, dinheiro, dinheiro 2021-11-07
16 Clues: 5 • 10 • 50 • 25 • Nota de 2 • Nota de 5 • Nota de 20 • Nota de 50 • Nota de 10 • Nota de 100 • Nota de 200 • Dinheiro de papel • Nome das moedas brasileiras • Nome do dinheiro brasileiro • quantos centavos tem em um real? • O que está estampado no dinheiro?
Retrouve les amis de Charly 2023-07-19
- La Queen de la haute couture
- A 1099 jours de plus que Charly
- Vit avec Aaron, Pablo et Gilbert
- Mange des tartiflettes à la Réunion
- A construit une route sur l'océan Indien
- L'homme de l'Océane
- Vous l'avez pas vu sur Europe 1 ?
- Première à assurer la descendance du groupe
- Son 5ème enfant est un barbecue
- L'icône d'un film de M. Pagnol de 1938
- Miss Bio 2017
- Sait parler Python et Java
- ce n'est pas le fils de Jack
- Son nom de famille cumule 15 points sans bonus au Scrabble
- 50% babos, 50% hippie, 50% solaire
- Toujours d'Accor pour du champagne
- Passion Rouge Des Prés
- Déteste Marina Foïs
- Vous propose un bon taux à Sucé
- Tiene el mejor cunado del mundo
- A peur des autruches
- Duc de la Farterie
- So crazy ce boom bébé !
- Soulage les poneys
24 Clues: Miss Bio 2017 • Duc de la Farterie • Soulage les poneys • Déteste Marina Foïs • L'homme de l'Océane • A peur des autruches • Passion Rouge Des Prés • So crazy ce boom bébé ! • Sait parler Python et Java • ce n'est pas le fils de Jack • La Queen de la haute couture • Vous propose un bon taux à Sucé • A 1099 jours de plus que Charly • Tiene el mejor cunado del mundo • ...
Civil War Crossword 2023-04-13
- nickname for the South
- large-carliber guns
- soldier that is wounded or killed during battle
- law that says escaped enslaved people in free states had to be returned to their owners
- nickname for the northerners who were against the Civil War
- name given to the South supporting the Confederates
- states that stayed loyal to the United States government
- the side of an army or military unit
- a group of states that left the United States
- a person who wanted to end slavery
- a long gun with a smooth bore
- states that did not leave the Union
- A large farm in the southern United States
- murder of a public figure, usually for political reasons
- nickname for the United States paper money
- when southern states chose to leave the United States
- issued by Lincoln
- "before war"
- crackers that the Civil War soldiers ate
- putting local interests and customs ahead
20 Clues: "before war" • issued by Lincoln • large-carliber guns • nickname for the South • a long gun with a smooth bore • a person who wanted to end slavery • states that did not leave the Union • the side of an army or military unit • crackers that the Civil War soldiers ate • putting local interests and customs ahead • A large farm in the southern United States • ...
Heat Transfer, Unequal Heating, and Wind 2024-01-30
- the transfer of heat from one place to another by direct contact
- Located between 50° and 25° North latitude by the west coast of the US; it flows southward to the west coast of Mexico (2 words)
- The wind bands blowing from the North and South Poles (2 words)
- There are three bands in the Northern Hemisphere and three bands in the Southern Hemisphere. (2 words)
- heat is transferred by molecules/particles circling from place to place
- includes land and sea breezes and is caused by convection currents in the air (2 words)
- Flows along the east coast of the United States in the Atlantic Ocean from about 30° North latitude to about 50° North latitude(2 words)
- Located between 20° and 40° South latitude by the east coast of Australia (3 words)
- the transfer of heat through rays, waves, or particles
- The wind bands north and south of the trade winds (between 30° and 60°) (2 words)
- The two bands of wind that lie between 30° North and 30° South of the equator (2 words)
- when global winds curve because of Earth’s rotation
- winds that blow in the same general direction over long distances (2 words)
13 Clues: when global winds curve because of Earth’s rotation • the transfer of heat through rays, waves, or particles • The wind bands blowing from the North and South Poles (2 words) • the transfer of heat from one place to another by direct contact • heat is transferred by molecules/particles circling from place to place • ...
Civil War Crossword 2023-04-13
- A large farm in the southern United States
- large-caliber guns
- when southern states chose to leave the United States
- issued by Lincoln
- a person who wanted to end slavery
- a group of states that left the United States
- nickname for the South
- soldier that is wounded or killed during battle
- nickname for the United States paper money
- law that says escaped enslaved people in free states had to be returned to their owners
- murder of a public figure, usually for political reasons
- putting local interests and customs ahead
- name given to the South supporting the Confederates
- "before war"
- states that stayed loyal to the United States government
- a long gun with a smooth bore
- nickname for the Northerners who were against the Civil War
- states that did not leave the Union
- crackers that the Civil War soldiers ate
- the side of an army or military unit
20 Clues: "before war" • issued by Lincoln • large-caliber guns • nickname for the South • a long gun with a smooth bore • a person who wanted to end slavery • states that did not leave the Union • the side of an army or military unit • crackers that the Civil War soldiers ate • putting local interests and customs ahead • A large farm in the southern United States • ...
Civil War Crossword 2023-04-13
- "before war"
- crackers that the Civil War soldiers ate
- nickname for the Northerners who were against the Civil War
- law that says escaped enslaved people in free states had to be returned to their owners
- a long gun with a smooth bore
- issued by Lincoln
- A large farm in the southern United States
- murder of a public figure, usually for political reasons
- nickname for the South
- name given to the South supporting the Confederates
- putting local interests and customs ahead
- states that did not leave the Union
- when southern states chose to leave the United States
- the side of an army or military unit
- soldier that is wounded or killed during battle
- a person who wanted to end slavery
- large-caliber guns
- nickname for the United States paper money
- states that stayed loyal to the United States government
- a group of states that left the United States
20 Clues: "before war" • issued by Lincoln • large-caliber guns • nickname for the South • a long gun with a smooth bore • a person who wanted to end slavery • states that did not leave the Union • the side of an army or military unit • crackers that the Civil War soldiers ate • putting local interests and customs ahead • nickname for the United States paper money • ...
MAYLANDIA 2022-03-29
- 1907, 1908, 2016 World Series champions
- J's first big job in Tinseltown, Mr. DeMille
- a club that would have you as a member after 50
- he became the World Chess Champion in 1972
- duo that sings Closer to Fine
- Birthplace, WI
- 8 year-old prehistoric inventor
- had the #1 hit in 1972 with The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
- 50 years, traditionally
- everyone does this, according to Jaymay
- Hometown, IL
- April Ram sign
- gave rise to the Brat Pack
- lead singer of the Bangles that Jason has a crush on
- five men broke into the DNC headquarters at this hotel in 1972
- “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the _____” -William Shakespeare
- Old Testament book with 50 chapters
- hop on the bus Gus, for instance
- phone rings, door chimes...
- Jason's second language, to the natives
- 50 Cent, to his mother
- range between the second E below middle C to the E above middle C
- not the bird, the color!
- Jason's hair, or a movie starring Dakota Johnson
- Jason's Godspell role in high school, against type
- "may their first child be a masculine child"-a blessing to Jaymay's parents? or a quote from this movie, also 50 years old
- the 5-0 state
- show feat. Smallsy
- Jason's favorite reality show
- unincorporated area between Glendale and La Cañada
- MSNBC host who Jason refers to as his boyfriend
- Ignatius who founded the Jesuits
- The name that comes after Jason and before Mayland
- demon barbershop boyzz
- nickname of Jason's first and only
35 Clues: Hometown, IL • the 5-0 state • Birthplace, WI • April Ram sign • show feat. Smallsy • 50 Cent, to his mother • demon barbershop boyzz • 50 years, traditionally • not the bird, the color! • gave rise to the Brat Pack • phone rings, door chimes... • duo that sings Closer to Fine • Jason's favorite reality show • 8 year-old prehistoric inventor • Ignatius who founded the Jesuits • ...
Ch. 3 & 4 Vocabulary 2013-09-03
- A territory seeking Statehood is first directed to prepare a State constitution by means of a(n) ____.
- The system of this helps keep one branch of government from dominating the actions of the others
- Changes to the written provisions of the Constitution may be made only through the process of ____.
- ____ provides that a State cannot take unfair advantage in its laws of the residents of another State
- is one of the seven numbered sections of the Constitution
- In order for a new State to be admitted to the Union, Congress must pass a(n) ____ after a State constitution has been approved by the people of the proposed State.
- is a way to change the Constitution
- The National Government has three types of ____ that have been granted to it in the Constitution.
- The first ten amendments are called the ____.
- ____ federal aid given to States and local governments with virtually no conditions attached
- ____ those powers held by the States, not granted specifically to the National Government by the Constitution
- A governmental action that denies someone fair and equal treatment under the law may be declared ____.
- ____ the separation of governmental powers between the National Government and the 50 State governments
- The Constitution provides for this by creating three distinct branches of government: legislative, executive, and judicial
- ____ those powers exercised solely by the National Government
- carries the same force of law as a treaty
- States receive grants of federal land under a(n) ____ for the purpose of establishing schools and colleges.
- The government and its officers must obey this, which is another way of describing the concept of limited government
18 Clues: is a way to change the Constitution • carries the same force of law as a treaty • The first ten amendments are called the ____. • is one of the seven numbered sections of the Constitution • ____ those powers exercised solely by the National Government • ____ federal aid given to States and local governments with virtually no conditions attached • ...
Branches of government 2024-11-10
- in charge of all 50 states
- Made up of 9 justices that review the courses on cort cases
- The name of the House of Representatives and Senate together.
- Advises the president
- second to the president
- Has the job of writing new laws
- people in this group are determined by the population of each state
- The Document that establishes the U.S. government branches
- 10 amendments to the constitution
- A system in which no one government branch has too much power
- When the legislative branch can remove a president or supreme court justice
- Has democrat and republican
- Has the president and vice president
- The title the president has over the military
- Made up of 100 members and 2 in each state
15 Clues: Advises the president • second to the president • in charge of all 50 states • Has democrat and republican • Has the job of writing new laws • 10 amendments to the constitution • Has the president and vice president • Made up of 100 members and 2 in each state • The title the president has over the military • The Document that establishes the U.S. government branches • ...
Percents Crossword 2016-02-17
- 200% of 9000
- 102% of 520% of 3400
- 10% of 50% of 10% of 50% of 10% of 50% of 13000
- 33% of 400
- 70% of 42,424,242,424,242,41
- 10% of 567
- 300000% of 205
- 12% of 100
- 50% of 1/2
- 100000% of 1000% of 100% of 10% of 10% of 1% of 1000
- 55.55% of 44.44% of 33.33% of 22.22% of 11.11% of 10,000
- 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of, 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1,100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
- 12,213,258,248,129% of 688.558
- 154400% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1,000,000,000,000% of 1
- 96% of 2
- 238% of 42% of 130
- 66% of 20 (exponent 2)
- 60% of -10
- 5% of 1% of 10% of 100
- 100% of 1% of 100% of 1% of 1000% of 1
20 Clues: 96% of 2 • 33% of 400 • 60% of -10 • 10% of 567 • 12% of 100 • 50% of 1/2 • 200% of 9000 • 300000% of 205 • 238% of 42% of 130 • 102% of 520% of 3400 • 66% of 20 (exponent 2) • 5% of 1% of 10% of 100 • 70% of 42,424,242,424,242,41 • 12,213,258,248,129% of 688.558 • 100% of 1% of 100% of 1% of 1000% of 1 • 10% of 50% of 10% of 50% of 10% of 50% of 13000 • ...
money 2017-01-10
16 Clues: worth 1 cent • worth 5 cents • worth 25 cents • worth 50 cents • worth 10 cents • worth 100 cents • worth 10 dollars • worth 50 dollars • worth 500 dollars • worth 200 dollars • worth 100 dollars • worth 1000 dollars • worth 100 cents too • worth 10000 dollars • worth 100000 dollars • worth 1000000 dollars
money 2017-01-10
16 Clues: worth 1 cent • worth 5 cents • worth 25 cents • worth 50 cents • worth 10 cents • worth 100 cents • worth 10 dollars • worth 50 dollars • worth 200 dollars • worth 100 dollars • worth 500 dollars • worth 1000 dollars • worth 100 cents too • worth 10000 dollars • worth 100000 dollars • worth 1000000 dollars
Causes Of the Civil War 2022-03-04
- the election of abraham lincoln
- harsher punishment for people who help escaped slaves
- the side that want to abolish slavery
- a person who wants slavery to end\
- the fight that killed 50 people.
- a book that tought the truth of slavery
- the person who wanted to sue the supreme court but made it the fact black people are not citizen of the united states
- the side that want to keep slavery
8 Clues: the election of abraham lincoln • the fight that killed 50 people. • a person who wants slavery to end\ • the side that want to keep slavery • the side that want to abolish slavery • a book that tought the truth of slavery • harsher punishment for people who help escaped slaves • ...
Political Parties 2021-12-09
- Relating to the government.
- A system of rules that a particular country follows.
- The leader of the Anti-Federalists.
- They thought the Constitution needed more rights for individuals.
- A state consisting of 50 states.
- The First President of U.S.A.
- The governing body of a nation, state, or community.
- A formal and organized choice by vote of a person for a political office or other position.
- Thomas Jefferson sent this person letters.
- A person advocating or supporting republican government.
- A larger part of something.
- They thought the Constitution was perfect as is.
- An advocate or supporter of democracy.
- A body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.
- The smaller part of something.
15 Clues: Relating to the government. • A larger part of something. • The First President of U.S.A. • The smaller part of something. • A state consisting of 50 states. • The leader of the Anti-Federalists. • An advocate or supporter of democracy. • Thomas Jefferson sent this person letters. • They thought the Constitution was perfect as is. • ...
- perubahan progresif fungsi dan kemampuan individu, baik secara fisik, kognitif, emosional, maupun sosia
- 50 tahun ke atas
- ciri primer pubertas pada laki - laki
- salah satu ciri sekunder pubertas pada laki - laki
- ciri primer pubertas pada perempuan
- tahap perkembangan anak menjadi dewasa
- sel telur hasil reproduksi wanita
- berhenti haid pada wanita 50 tahun ke atas
- proses bertambahnya jumlah dan ukuran sel dalam tubuh.
- petumbuhan usia 6-10 tahun
- masa 0 - 5 tahun
- pertumbuhan manusia di dalam rahim
- manusia usia 10 - 17 tahun
- sel hasil reproduksi laki - laki
- pertumbuhan usia 17 - 50 tahun
15 Clues: 50 tahun ke atas • masa 0 - 5 tahun • petumbuhan usia 6-10 tahun • manusia usia 10 - 17 tahun • pertumbuhan usia 17 - 50 tahun • sel hasil reproduksi laki - laki • sel telur hasil reproduksi wanita • pertumbuhan manusia di dalam rahim • ciri primer pubertas pada perempuan • ciri primer pubertas pada laki - laki • tahap perkembangan anak menjadi dewasa • ...
JVN - MATH 2021-02-04
- what is 14+14
- what is 30+5
- what is 40+1
- what is 7+7+7
- what is 25+25
- what is 40+7
- what is 60+7
- what is 30+4
- what is 18+18
- what is 32+31
- what is 60+5
- what is 3+3
- what is 20+5
- what is 5+5
- what is 32+1
- what is 22+22
- what is 5+5+5
- what is 2+3
- what is 1+1
- what is 32+21
- what is 50+8
- what is 8+8
- what is 23+22
- what is 4+3
- what is 12+12
- what is 50+7
- what is 33+22
- what is 4+4
- what is 15+16
- what is 10+9
- what is 30+2
- what is 11+11
- what is 6+3
- what is 10+7
- what is 35+2
- what is 20+20
- what is 30+9
- what is 1+2
- what is 50+1
- what is 26+26
- what is 22+1
- what is 23+23
- what is 10+10
- what is 22+21
- what is 19+19
- what is 60+1
- what is 40+9
- what is 50+9
- what is 50+6
- what is 9+9
- what is 50+5
- what is 60+2
- what is 10+3
- what is 15+15
- what is 13+13
- what is 33+33
- what is 60+0
- what is 32+32
- what is 26+1
- what is 6+6
- what is 10+4
- what is 2+2
- what is 22+20
- what is 20+9
- what is 24+24
- what is 9+2
66 Clues: what is 1+2 • what is 9+9 • what is 3+3 • what is 5+5 • what is 2+3 • what is 1+1 • what is 6+6 • what is 8+8 • what is 4+3 • what is 2+2 • what is 4+4 • what is 9+2 • what is 6+3 • what is 35+2 • what is 30+9 • what is 50+1 • what is 22+1 • what is 30+5 • what is 40+1 • what is 40+7 • what is 60+7 • what is 30+4 • what is 60+1 • what is 40+9 • what is 50+9 • what is 50+6 • what is 60+5 • what is 50+5 • what is 60+2 • what is 20+5 • ...
A2 Crossword Thursday 25 Apr. 2024-04-24
- our room is illuminated by this.
- Yes I will give you a ---- of £50.
- Tom ----- is a famous actor!
- "Don't ---- my sunshine away!"
- "Can I ------ €50 from you?"
- This dress is the wrong size; I have to ---- it back
- a word to describe the weather in Galway recently
- The shirt I ordered online is too small. I'll- it back
- I'll -- back home in 3 weeks.
- "Bring her ----!"
- "Please don't take my -------- away!"
- a promise; the opposite of keeping one.
- the food that Malachy hates
- "I'll never --- you down"
- The name of the square at the centre of Galway city.
- where the sun rises and sets.
- the country Kate comes from.
- the country that Jayina comes from.
- a promise; do what you say you will do.
- Yes I'll give you a loan of €50 if you pay me ----
- I might ---- back again in two years.
21 Clues: "Bring her ----!" • "I'll never --- you down" • the food that Malachy hates • Tom ----- is a famous actor! • the country Kate comes from. • "Can I ------ €50 from you?" • where the sun rises and sets. • I'll -- back home in 3 weeks. • "Don't ---- my sunshine away!" • our room is illuminated by this. • Yes I will give you a ---- of £50. • the country that Jayina comes from. • ...
Recess Football 2022-04-28
14 Clues: Best WR • Tallest • Best QB • Fastest • Best Defense • Most Overrated • Most Underrated • Nobody covers him • Most underrated QB • Very underrated WR • Never gets the ball • Underrated fastness • 50/50 chance of catching • Route runner but butterfingers
Olivia Jackson Chapter 14 Study Guide 2024-05-19
- What crop did the Industrial revolution increase demand for? 50 people could do the work of one cotton gin.
- Intented to keep slaves from running away or rebeling
- John Deere
- “win a large share of the world’s sea trade in 1840’s and 50’s”
- Which country sent about 50, 000 immigrants to the US in 1850;285 million immigrants in total
- During which year did the most immigrants arrive in the US
- advancement concerning rails made railroads safer and faster
- Invented the cotton gin
- Cyrus McCormic
- What did many of these planters become?
- immigrants come to US from Ireland
- In which “range” or area were most Cotton Plantations and what was this region called? Cotton Kingdom
- Samuel Morse
- 2 African Americans who resisted slavery
- Elias Howe/Isaac Singer
- ________ often borrowed money from Northern banks; The south hated this.
- What % of Southerners were wealthy slave owners with at least 50 slaves?
- Which other European country had about 1 million of their people arrive in the US around the same time?
- Most White Southerners owned ___ Slaves-
- About how many Free Blacks lived in the South around 1860?
- What were 75% of Southern whites?
- Many workers in Northern factories were __
22 Clues: John Deere • Samuel Morse • Cyrus McCormic • Elias Howe/Isaac Singer • Invented the cotton gin • What were 75% of Southern whites? • immigrants come to US from Ireland • What did many of these planters become? • 2 African Americans who resisted slavery • Most White Southerners owned ___ Slaves- • Many workers in Northern factories were __ • ...
Executive Branch review (Piontkowski,D) 2018-04-26
- What system is used, in the US, to determine the who gets to be president and vice president?
- The president can grant reprieves and pardons for crimes, except in what case?
- what name is placed upon states in which the outcome is too close to call and either candidate could win?
- Who takes over the presidency if the president dies?
- an unwelcome person; used to describe recalled diplomatic officials.
- What is it called when a nominee chooses a running mate that will strengthen their chance of being elected?
- What amendment limits the presidency to maximum of two terms?
- What President caused the 22nd amendment to be formed?
- The director of the huge executive branch of the Federal Government
- What is another name for article 2 of the Constitution?
- Directives, rules, or regulations, made directly by the president, that have the effect of law?
- popular election A proposed way of voting where all voters in 50 states and district of columbia will determine the presidency?
- The power, of the president, to cancel out some statements in a bill, while keeping others.
- What day is the newly elected president and vice president is admitted into the White House?
- A president´s title, with having the ability to control the Army and Navy
- What event presents the delegates choosing of their presidential and vice presidential candidates?
- What state has the first scheduled primary of that election year?
- Each person who works for the organization, has defined rules and responsibilities
18 Clues: Who takes over the presidency if the president dies? • What President caused the 22nd amendment to be formed? • What is another name for article 2 of the Constitution? • What amendment limits the presidency to maximum of two terms? • What state has the first scheduled primary of that election year? • ...
Yvonne 2015-03-16
- datgene dat de lachlust opwekt
- onvoorbereid impulsief
- mede-arbeider
- aardig en gastvrij
- datum van zijn geboorte
- stukje grond bij een huis
- opgewekt
- man van Yvonne
- bepaalde fijne sfeer
- groot onderwijsinstituut
- verbouwen
- beroep dat zich bezighoudt met menselijk gedrag
- huishouden
- personen onder de 18
- zij die 50 wordt op 27-3
- als je 50 wordt
- plannen in het onderwijs
17 Clues: opgewekt • verbouwen • huishouden • mede-arbeider • man van Yvonne • als je 50 wordt • aardig en gastvrij • personen onder de 18 • bepaalde fijne sfeer • onvoorbereid impulsief • datum van zijn geboorte • zij die 50 wordt op 27-3 • plannen in het onderwijs • groot onderwijsinstituut • stukje grond bij een huis • datgene dat de lachlust opwekt • beroep dat zich bezighoudt met menselijk gedrag
Population Growth and the Cold War 2018-02-25
6 Clues: Roads built between states • Communities outside of cities • A.K.A. Serviceman’s Readjustment Act • This system of government offers little freedom • the movement in the 50’s and 60’s for equality among all people • the spread of communism led to a _____________ __________ between U.S. and Russia
Me on the Map 2019-04-22
6 Clues: The name of my _____ is China • My bedroom is my favorite _____ • I live in a small _____ not a big city • The _____ is round and we all live in it • We saw an elephant running down our _____ • Did you known there are 50 _____ in America
Evan`s Week 7 Crossword Puzzle 2024-10-10
- Whose American system grew into a new vision Pg 140 EAR
- What was an increasing valuable colony of Great Britain Pg 46 EAR
- The bank _____ of 1819, the first financial crisis in American history Pg 119 ANT BELL
- The United States experienced an enormous growth of what in the nineteenth century Pg 117 ANT BELL
- Who was always quick to strike a note of gloom Pg 120 ANT BELL
- Who took office in 1809 Pg 43 EAR
- By comparison America was a ________ Pg 121 ANT BELL
- What became a state in 1803 Pg 126 ANT BELL
- Who wrote a pamphlet giving advice to Europeans planning to come to America Pg 117 ANT BELL
- The United States _______ ____ against Great Britain on June 18 1812 Pg 115 ANT BELL
- A professor at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee Pg 113 ANT BELL
- Who controlled both houses of Congress in 1811-1812 Pg 44 EAR
- The British defeated ________ in April 1814 Pg 50 EAR
- Where was Thomas Jefferson in retirement in 1816 Pg 52 EAR
- The price for land was often as low as 1.25$ an ______ Pg 124 ANT BELL
15 Clues: Who took office in 1809 Pg 43 EAR • What became a state in 1803 Pg 126 ANT BELL • By comparison America was a ________ Pg 121 ANT BELL • The British defeated ________ in April 1814 Pg 50 EAR • Whose American system grew into a new vision Pg 140 EAR • Where was Thomas Jefferson in retirement in 1816 Pg 52 EAR • ...
Crossword 2023-09-27
- Certain amount of members needed to conduct business
- caucus
- Bills not likely to pass on its own merit, So its tagged onto one that will
- A procedure for ending a debate and taking a vote
- requirements found in the 2nd article of the constitution
- "talk a bill to death”
- panels set up for specific purpose and limited amount of time
- a permanent delegate that meets regularly
- The right that allows us two representatives for each of the 50 states
- file charged to obtain action on a bill that has been left alone for a while
- The Congress shall have Power... To make all Laws which shall be neeeded and right for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
- made up of members from both houses whose task is to eliminate any differences between versions of legislation on the same subject passed in the different chambers
- -meeting or grouping of supporters or members of a specific political party or movement.
- seats in the house of representatives
- The term length of a senator
- The number of senators in the US
- an official expression of the opinion or will of a legislative body.
17 Clues: caucus • "talk a bill to death” • The term length of a senator • The number of senators in the US • seats in the house of representatives • a permanent delegate that meets regularly • A procedure for ending a debate and taking a vote • Certain amount of members needed to conduct business • requirements found in the 2nd article of the constitution • ...
Gt 2025-03-06
- Kuidas nimetatakse organisme, kelle keha koosneb erineva geneetilise päritoluga rakkudest? (Kimäärid) 48
- Mis on polümeraasse ahelreaktsiooni lühend? (PCR) 52
- Milline meditsiiniline lähenemine kasutab geenide muutmist või asendamist, et ravida või ennetada haigusi? (Geeniteraapia) 49
- Millised organismid on loodud, kasutades geenitehnoloogiat, et muuta nende geneetilist koostist, et saada paremad toiteväärtused? (GMO) 38
- DNA-sõrmejälgede meetod, mida nüüd nimetetakse DNA-____ määramiseks. (Profiili) 52
- Mis on ensüüm, mis ühendab kovalentse sidemega DNA-fragmentide ahelate otsad? (Ligaas) 37
- flföföfööföf
- Kuidas nimetatakse jagunemisvõimelisi rakke, millest arenevad eri tüüpi rakud? (Tüvieakud) 56
- dmdlldlflflf
- …. Diagnostika tuvastab geneetilisi defekte. (Molekulaargeneetiline) 50
- Gm-taimed On … taimed (geenisiirdega) 56
- Geenivaigistuse meetod põhineb ühel geenide avaldumise … regulatsiooni mehhanismil. (Epigeneetilise) 50
- lfofpüfögügö
- lflföföfööf
- Mille ülekandeks kasutatakse viirusi või siiratakse vajalik geen mikropipeti abil otse viljastatud munarakku? (Geenivektor) 41
- Kuidas nimetatakse DNA-fragmente, mille abil tuntakse ära mutantseid geene.
- Kuidas nimetatakse rna-viiruseid (Retroviirused) 37
- Kuidas nimetatakse veel restriktsiooniensüüme? (Restriktaasid) 37
- ellelrlrlrl
- kdkdkfllflf
- Millega on ühitatud transgeensete taimede loomine? (Meristeempaljundus) 43
- fllflflöföööf
- Mille järgi toimub isaduse tuvastamine? (Mikrosateliitlookuste) 53
- kfkflflöföföfö
- DNA- …. metoodika, kus avastati, ei iga inimese sõrmejäljed on kordumatud.
- Kuidas nimetatakse raviprotseduuri, kus kasutatakse tüvirakke? (Geeniravi) 56
- ldllföflöföfööf
- Kuidas nimetatakse teadust mis uurib DNA modifitseerimist näiteks, metüülimist? (Epigeneetika) 50
- fofpfpfpf
- Haiguste täpseks tuvastamiseks ja geneetiliste mutatsioonide analüüsimiseks kasutatakse meditsiinis ___ diagnostikat. (Molekulaargeneetilist) 50
- Milline protsess võimaldab teadlastel kontrollida ja reguleerida geenide aktiivsust organismis, et saavutada soovitud muutusi rakutasandil? (Geenivaigistus) 50
- odlflfööföf
- flöfööföföföfä
- Kuidas nimetatakse geenitehnoloogiliselt rikutud geeniseisundit? (Geeninokaut) 47
- Suunatud mutageneesiga tekitatav geenirike, mis geeni avaldumise täielikult välistab. (Molekulaargeneetilist) 47
- ldldöföfööf
- dlöfäfäfäf
- Millest saab eraldada vajalikul määral paljundatuna kindlat geeni või selle fragmente? (Genoomipank) 39
- fofofppfpfpfö
- DNA-lõigud on …. Laenguga ja hakkavad elektriväljas liikuma positiivse elektroodi suunas. (Negatiivse) 52
40 Clues: fofpfpfpf • dlöfäfäfäf • odlflfööföf • ldldöföfööf • lflföföfööf • ellelrlrlrl • kdkdkfllflf • flföföfööföf • dmdlldlflflf • lfofpüfögügö • fllflflöföööf • fofofppfpfpfö • kfkflflöföföfö • flöfööföföföfä • ldllföflöföfööf • Gm-taimed On … taimed (geenisiirdega) 56 • Kuidas nimetatakse rna-viiruseid (Retroviirused) 37 • Mis on polümeraasse ahelreaktsiooni lühend? (PCR) 52 • ...
Crucigrama de probabilidad 2024-05-09
- La probabilidad ___________ de que salga cara es del 50%
- Una probabilidad del 0%
- Lanzar 20 caras de 30 lanzamientos (20/30) se llama probabilidad ____________
- Acciones realizadas muchas veces (ejemplo: lanzar 50 monedas, tirar 100 dados)
- La posibilidad o probabilidad
- Un resultado único o múltiples resultados
- Una probabilidad del 100%
- Una probabilidad entre 0 y 50%
- Una probabilidad entre 50 y 100%
- El resultado de un evento
- probabilidad experimental relativa también se llama frecuencia __________
11 Clues: Una probabilidad del 0% • Una probabilidad del 100% • El resultado de un evento • La posibilidad o probabilidad • Una probabilidad entre 0 y 50% • Una probabilidad entre 50 y 100% • Un resultado único o múltiples resultados • La probabilidad ___________ de que salga cara es del 50% • probabilidad experimental relativa también se llama frecuencia __________ • ...
MTK Statistika TTS 2024-06-06
- Hitung standar deviasi dari data berikut: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20.
- Hitung kuartil ketiga (Q3) dari data berikut: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40.
- Hitunglah simpangan baku dari data berikut: 4, 8, 6, 5, 9.
- Nilai rata-rata ulangan matematika 10 siswa adalah 55. Jika digabung lagi dengan 5 siswa lain, nilai rata-ratanya menjadi 53. Nilai rata-rata dari 5 siswa tersebut adalah …
- Dari data berikut: 6, 2, 3, 8, 4, hitunglah koefisien variasi.
- Diketahui nilai UTS pelajaran matematika untuk 10 siswa adalah sebagai berikut:70, 50, 60, 40, 80, 80, 95, 70, 50, 80
- Rata-rata sekelompok bilangan adalah 40. Ada bilangan yang sebenarnya 60, tetapi terbaca 30. Setelah dihitung kembali ternyata rata-rata yang benar adalah 41. Banyak bilangan dalam kelompok itu adalah?
- Nilai rata-rata dari 14 murid untuk ujian kimia adalah 66,25 sebelum ditambah dengan nilai Andi. Setelah nilai ujian Andi keluar, ternyata nilai rata-ratanya menjadi 65,50. Nilai ujian Andi adalah ...
- Hitunglah mean dari data berikut: 4, 8, 6, 5, 9.
- Diketahui data sebagai berikut : 7, 8, 8, 9, 7, 6, 5, 8. Nilai rata-rata dari data tersebut adalah ....
- Hitung kuartil ketiga (Q3) dari data berikut: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35.
- Hitunglah rata-rata hitung dari data nilai harian matematika 7 siswa berikut 77,76,77,75,78,79,74
- Berapa modus dari data berikut!30, 50, 50, 50, 50, 60, 60, 80, 80, 90
- Nilai rata-rata sekelompok siswa yang berjumlah 40 orang adalah 62. Jika salah seorang siswa dari kelompok itu memperoleh nilai 23 dan tidak dimasukan dalam perhitungan rata-rata tersebut, maka nilai rata-rata ujian menjadi?
14 Clues: Hitunglah mean dari data berikut: 4, 8, 6, 5, 9. • Hitunglah simpangan baku dari data berikut: 4, 8, 6, 5, 9. • Hitung standar deviasi dari data berikut: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20. • Dari data berikut: 6, 2, 3, 8, 4, hitunglah koefisien variasi. • Berapa modus dari data berikut!30, 50, 50, 50, 50, 60, 60, 80, 80, 90 • ...
Reconstruction 2023-12-15
- _______ Republicans
- ______ act, An act that was passed in 1875 to reduce the amount of currency circulating in the economy during the Depression Of 1873.
- An agricultural production system in the South through which wealthy landowners leased individual plots of land on plantations to white and black Sharecroppers
- Amendment Allowed Blacks To Have Civil Rights
- ______ act, A bill passed by Radical Republicans in Congress in 1867, that treated Southern states as divided territories.
- A political agreement in 1877 that made Rutherford B. Hayes president in exchange for a complete withdrawal of federal troops from the South
- Abraham Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction
- _______ cases,A series of Supreme Court cases that effectively rendered the Fourteenth Amendment useless.
- _________ Bill, An 1864 bill that stipulated that southern states could reenter the Union only after 50 percent of their voters pledged allegiance to the United State
- _______ Reconstruction,President Andrew Johnson’s plan for Reconstruction, which lasted from 1865–1867
- A nickname for northerners who moved to the South after the Civil War
- Laws that were passed across the South in response to the Civil Rights Act Of 1866
- Radical ______,The period from 1867–1877 when Radical Republicans controlled the House of Representatives and the Senate
- Amendment That Allowed Black Men To Vote
- A constitutional amendment, ratified in 1865, that abolished slavery in the United States.
- White Unionist Republicans in the South who participated in efforts to modernize and transform the region after the Civil War.
- 16th President
- Radical _________
- ______ Bureau
- _______ Reconstruction Act
20 Clues: ______ Bureau • 16th President • Radical _________ • _______ Republicans • _______ Reconstruction Act • Amendment That Allowed Black Men To Vote • Abraham Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction • Amendment Allowed Blacks To Have Civil Rights • A nickname for northerners who moved to the South after the Civil War • ...
civil war crossword 2023-02-23
- A large farm in the southern United States. Before the Civil War many of the workers on plantations were enslaved
- A nickname given to people in the South supporting the Confederate States
- A nickname for people from the North as well as Union soldiers.
- A term used to describe people who supported the Union
- An attempt to stop people and supplies from going in or out of a port
- These states were slave states that did not leave the Union, but largely supported the cause of the Confederates. They included Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware
- he was the president for the confederacy states
- A long gun with a smooth bore that soldiers shot from the shoulder.
- A law passed by Congress in 1850 that said escaped enslaved people in free states had to be returned to their owners.
- An executive order from President Abraham Lincoln stating that the enslaved in the Confederate states were to be set free.
- The name given to the states that stayed loyal to the United States government. Also called the North.
- Another name for the Confederate States of America or the South. The Confederacy was a group of states that left the United States to form their own country.
- He was the Confederate general in charge of the Army of Northern Virginia and at the end of the war Supreme Commander of remaining Confederate forces.
- A person who wanted to eliminate or "abolish" slavery.
- was the president during the civil war
- A term meaning "before war". It was often used to describe the United States before the Civil War.
- The northern states of the United States, also called the Union.
- When the southern states chose to leave the United States and to no longer be a part of the country.
- A nickname for the South
- A nickname for the Confederate States of America or the Confederacy
20 Clues: A nickname for the South • was the president during the civil war • he was the president for the confederacy states • A person who wanted to eliminate or "abolish" slavery. • A term used to describe people who supported the Union • A nickname for people from the North as well as Union soldiers. • The northern states of the United States, also called the Union. • ...
Kids 2025-01-22
- Oldest guy in the group
- Pranab, Rizma, Samar, ect, ect
- Skinny boy who hates his parents
- No english guy
- Cofounder
- 2nd place in musical chair
- Spoder boy and skinny boy
- Yuongest in the group
- Founder's sister
- Samar, Avin, Pranab, Samrit and Sagar
- Fatass
- Strongest
- 50%
- Emo completely
- Founder
- The other 50%
- The only one with glasses
17 Clues: 50% • Fatass • Founder • Strongest • Cofounder • The other 50% • Emo completely • No english guy • Founder's sister • Yuongest in the group • Oldest guy in the group • Spoder boy and skinny boy • The only one with glasses • 2nd place in musical chair • Pranab, Rizma, Samar, ect, ect • Skinny boy who hates his parents • Samar, Avin, Pranab, Samrit and Sagar
Me on the Map 2019-04-22
6 Clues: The name of my _____ is China • My bedroom is my favorite _____ • I live in a small _____ not a big city • The _____ is round and we all live in it • We saw an elephant running down our _____ • Did you known there are 50 _____ in America
A Nation Declares Independence 2013-11-20
- An introduction
- On July 4, 1776 the Congress approved The Declaration of ______.
- Man who introduced a resolution proclaiming that "these United Colonies are, and of right out to be, free and independent states."
- _________ concluded that, if a government violates a mans basic rights, the people have the right to abolish their government and create another.
- An author of a 50 page pamphlet titled Common Sense.
- The Magna _____ established trial by jury was a basic right.
- Formal complaints
- Formal statement of opinion
- possibility;expectation.
9 Clues: An introduction • Formal complaints • possibility;expectation. • Formal statement of opinion • An author of a 50 page pamphlet titled Common Sense. • The Magna _____ established trial by jury was a basic right. • On July 4, 1776 the Congress approved The Declaration of ______. • ...
Political World Maps - 5o 2016-11-24
- Spain is in the continent of _______________ .
- A ___________ world map shows the location, size, and borders of all the countries in the world.
- __________ is a continent with more than 50 countries.
- __________ America is made up of Canada, the United States of America, and Mexico.
- _______________ America connects North and South America.
- There are 190 __________ in the world today.
- The continent of _________ has thousands of islands that are divided into 14 countries.
- _______________ America is made up of twelve countries. Most speak Spanish.
- _________ is the continent with he highest population.
9 Clues: There are 190 __________ in the world today. • Spain is in the continent of _______________ . • __________ is a continent with more than 50 countries. • _________ is the continent with he highest population. • _______________ America connects North and South America. • _______________ America is made up of twelve countries. Most speak Spanish. • ...
8 Class Pets Geckos 2022-10-18
- Galileo and Newton eat crickets, mangoes and ________. P. 49
- The ________ name for “dog” is Family Canidae Canis. P. 56
- The snake, the geckos and the turtle asl like their heat _________. P. 54
- In laboratory equipment, ___________ are cylindrical containers with a flat bottom and a spout to help when pouring. P. 53
- Galileo and Newton never blink when the camera’s flash goes off because they don’t have ________. P. 51
- Galileo and Newton know what to do in case of an _________: Dial 911! P. 52
- This word means “looking attractive on film or in pictures.” P. 51
- This word refers to a first aid procedure to treat choking, created by Henry _________. P. 51
- The replica of the solar system would be made on a smaller scale, but the replica of the human eye would be made on a larger ________. P. 50
- This is the Galileo and Newton’s scientific name. P. 49
- This word means showing or having skill, especially with the hands; nimble-fingered. P. 53
- Galileo prefers to eat _________ because they are crunchier. P. 49
- Galileo and Newton live in a _________ . P. 49
- Mr. ________ is the teacher in the Science Lab. P. 48
- Galileo and Newton are ____________. P. 48
- The ________ ‘s face was red and splotchy because he was mad. P. 55
- Mr. Russell says that the science fair is fun and ____________. P. 49
- This word means “an exact copy or model of something, especially one on a smaller scale.” P. 50
- Galileo and Newton seem happy that sometimes they get the _________ fruit flies. P. 50
- “_________ is fine. Copying is wrong.” P. 50
- Newton thinks that the _______ that the students brought in were probably not pets. P. 50
21 Clues: Galileo and Newton are ____________. P. 48 • “_________ is fine. Copying is wrong.” P. 50 • Galileo and Newton live in a _________ . P. 49 • Mr. ________ is the teacher in the Science Lab. P. 48 • This is the Galileo and Newton’s scientific name. P. 49 • The ________ name for “dog” is Family Canidae Canis. P. 56 • ...
Topic 7 Crossword Puzzle 2023-03-30
- Amount of goods available
- An organized attempt to improve what is unjust or imperfect in a society
- A movement of population from rural areas to cities
- To refuse to obey unjust laws using nonviolent means
- Skilled workers
- Limited supply
- A law passed to keep enslaved African Americans from either running away or rebelling
- To prepare and work the soil for planting and growing crops
- Severe food shortage
- A person who invests in a business to make a profit
- Wanted to end slavery entirely in the United States
- Invested money
- A campaign against alcohol abuse that took shape in the late 1820s
- Union workers refuse to do their jobs until managers agree to address their concerns
- Wanted to preserve the country for Native- Born
- Less than 1 percent owned 50 or more enslaved workers
16 Clues: Invested money • Limited supply • Skilled workers • Severe food shortage • Amount of goods available • Wanted to preserve the country for Native- Born • Wanted to end slavery entirely in the United States • A movement of population from rural areas to cities • A person who invests in a business to make a profit • To refuse to obey unjust laws using nonviolent means • ...
FAH2 - Week 8: Lecture 1 - Breeding of companion animals, problems and potential solutions. 2013-09-19
- inbreeding _____________ are high in rare breeds of dogs and cats. In more common dog breeds inbreeding not as much of a problem (unless overuse of top sires or linebreeding occurs)
- domestic cats are still genetically _________ from Middle Eastern wildcats (F sylvestris lybica) – less initial genetic variation than domestic dogs.
- breeding objectives based mostly on ___________ concerns rather than health/welfare/purpose of the animal.
- can more easily (or just as easily) predict the phenotype of _________ offspring cf purebred offspring.
- __________________ disease states such as hip dysplasia can be objectively quantified.
- __________ ____ principles should be used to introduce new genetic material – eg getting non hip dysplasia gene from greyhound into Labrador, after third backcross, looks like lab, but no HD.
- a few breeds eg manx cat, Scottish fold cat, merle dog, have been founded on _____________ for a defective gene – this is wrong!!
- the ____________ ____________ and Labrador were the top two in the most common 50 dog breeds for having the most inherited autosomal recessive disorders – but we don’t know the prevelance!
- crossbreeding of dogs (and selling neutered offspring) has incredible potential to exploit __________.
- grey wolf populations were many, and had many back crossings – large amount of genetic ________ plus a long period for genetic mutations to accumulate has led to the variation in dog breeds we see today.
- in dogs, the most commonly affected organ system by autosomal recessive disorders in the top 50 common dog breeds is the _________ __________.
- dogs originated exclusively from _____ _________.
- deomestic cats spread along trade routes – ______ attracted mice attracted cats.
- unfortunately, there is little/no use of ______ (abbreviation for best linear unbiased prediction) or index selections. Need to have a clearer selection criteria for non-visual traits (temperament etc)
- in the last 200 _________, dog and cat breeds have been massively developed. Though relatively little selective breeding pressure on cats.
- in a review of the top 50 dog breeds, at least every one of them had an aspect of their _____________ predisposing to a disorder eg fine legs of mini poodle – fractures. However, better info on prevalence needed.
- in the top 50 common dog breeds, 312 disorders were identified, 78% of which were inherited by ____________ _____________ pattern. Need info on prevalence.
- a _____________ change of dog breeders/showers/buyers is required – this is not easy!
- breed standards can encourage to select for anatomical and ________________ problems.
- gene expression in the ______________ of domestic dogs is very different cf grey wolves – behavioural modifications.
- genetically, dog breeds fall into four distinct groupings – asian/ancient, _________, hunting, mastiff.
- all domestic cats originated exclusively from _____ of the six species of wildcat – F silvestris lybica.
22 Clues: dogs originated exclusively from _____ _________. • deomestic cats spread along trade routes – ______ attracted mice attracted cats. • a _____________ change of dog breeders/showers/buyers is required – this is not easy! • breed standards can encourage to select for anatomical and ________________ problems. • ...
latein 50 2017-11-14
13 Clues: fast • Strafe • Gesetz • Richter • Fenster • mehrere • ungefähr • Zorn Wut • ganz gesamt • verurteilen • (zurück)bleiben • hindern verhindern • Anblick Schei Aussehen
answer the questions in french 2022-05-24
18 Clues: 9x2 • 50? • 47+7=? • 45+3 =? • 50+19=? • 45 - 3=? • 30 x 2=? • red +blue • blue +yellow • 86 divided by 2 • the first month? • the cold season? • the day after Monday? • the month of Christmas? • the month before October? • the first day of the week? • the season of the leaves fall? • this color goes well with gold
Presidential Crossword 2022-10-18
- first person born in the 20th century to become president
- Appeared in 53 hollywood movies
- This president won a nobel peace prize in 2009
- First president to have a veto overridden
- First president to live in the White House
- First president to visit all 50 states
- Founding father of our constitution, stood at 5 feet, 4 inches tall and weighed less than 100 pounds
- This president was buried with his head resting upon a copy of the constitution
- Only president to serve four presidential terms
9 Clues: Appeared in 53 hollywood movies • First president to visit all 50 states • First president to have a veto overridden • First president to live in the White House • This president won a nobel peace prize in 2009 • Only president to serve four presidential terms • first person born in the 20th century to become president • ...
ch.11.3&123 2023-02-02
- a system of government in which specialized task are carried out by appointed officials
- a market where there is only 1 provider of good
- economic acidity taking place between 2 or more states
- rejecting a bill
- a method in elections Campaign that uses gossip and lies to make an opponent to look bad
- a number that is more than 50% of the top
- rewarding government jobs to political supporters
- Rivalry based on special interests
- to transfer control of something
9 Clues: rejecting a bill • to transfer control of something • Rivalry based on special interests • a number that is more than 50% of the top • a market where there is only 1 provider of good • rewarding government jobs to political supporters • economic acidity taking place between 2 or more states • ...
Assistance Levels and WB Status 2021-11-22
- patient performs 50-74% of the activity, physical assistance is required for the activity
- prescribed amount as a percentage or number of patient's body weight, usually 20-50%
- patient requires verbal cues, directions, or instructions, but no physical assistance
- process of unweighting and moving limbs
- patient does not require any assistance or extra time
- steadying patient post transfer
- also known as FFWB or TDWB, toes or foot may rest on ground, weight bearing between 22-33lbs
- patient performs 25-49% of the activity
- patient uses adaptive or assistive equipment, may need extra time, but does not require physical assistance from another person
- patient performs 75% or more of the activity but physical assistance is still required
- patient does not require any physical assistance but requires this from 50' away
- giving instruction or educating the patient
- weight bearing with no restrictions or limitations
- as much or as little weight as the patient can bear, typically 50-100%
- hands on direction
- patient requires hands on assistance for protection or safety
- 0% contact of affected limb
17 Clues: hands on direction • 0% contact of affected limb • steadying patient post transfer • process of unweighting and moving limbs • patient performs 25-49% of the activity • giving instruction or educating the patient • weight bearing with no restrictions or limitations • patient does not require any assistance or extra time • ...
Integers 2023-10-02
Reconstruction Crossword 2023-11-13
- Lincolns plan for reconstruction was called the " __ Percent Plan"
- This type of farming system developed was similar to slavery
- Term for southerners who supported the union reconstruction plan and policies
- Term for northerners who went south for profit from reconstruction
- Assassinated Lincoln
- Organization that terriozed African Americans
- The ___ Republicans controlled Congress during Reconstruction
- The strict __-__ bill required 50% of the voters of a state to take a loyal oath.
- This amendment guarnentees voting for African Americans
- President impeached by Congress by not following their plan for reconstruction
- Theater Lincoln was killed in
- The amendment that prohibited slavery
- Period of time after the Civil War to rebuild the South
- A ___ tax required a person to pay to vote
- Southern States passed __ codes to limit African American freedoms
- President who freed all slaves in the South
16 Clues: Assassinated Lincoln • Theater Lincoln was killed in • The amendment that prohibited slavery • A ___ tax required a person to pay to vote • President who freed all slaves in the South • Organization that terriozed African Americans • This amendment guarnentees voting for African Americans • Period of time after the Civil War to rebuild the South • ...
March Gear Guide 2022-02-23
- Rod($20 extra)
- Plaid shirt($5 Extra)
- BPS shirt($5 Extra)
- Scope($15 Extra)
- Bow($50 extra)
- Guide tent(2X extra)
- Fly box(25% extra)
- camping($75 extra)
- Backpack($15 extra)
- Higdon($10 extra)
- turkey vest($15 extra)
- Spin reel($15 extra)
- Keen($20 Extra)
- Marine($50 Extra)
- Ariat work boot(10% extra)
- Ascend hoodie($8 extra)
- Spinning rod($15 extra)
- Decoys($10 extra)
18 Clues: Rod($20 extra) • Bow($50 extra) • Keen($20 Extra) • Scope($15 Extra) • Higdon($10 extra) • Marine($50 Extra) • Decoys($10 extra) • Fly box(25% extra) • camping($75 extra) • BPS shirt($5 Extra) • Backpack($15 extra) • Spin reel($15 extra) • Guide tent(2X extra) • Plaid shirt($5 Extra) • turkey vest($15 extra) • Ascend hoodie($8 extra) • Spinning rod($15 extra) • Ariat work boot(10% extra)
fah 8.1 2013-11-04
- breeding objectives based mostly on ___________ concerns rather than health/welfare/purpose of the animal.
- deomestic cats spread along trade routes – ______ attracted mice attracted cats.
- can more easily (or just as easily) predict the phenotype of _________ offspring cf purebred offspring.
- gene expression in the ______________ of domestic dogs is very different cf grey wolves – behavioural modifications.
- __________________ disease states such as hip dysplasia can be objectively quantified.
- all domestic cats originated exclusively from _____ of the six species of wildcat – F silvestris lybica.
- __________ ____ principles should be used to introduce new genetic material – eg getting non hip dysplasia gene from greyhound into Labrador, after third backcross, looks like lab, but no HD.
- in a review of the top 50 dog breeds, at least every one of them had an aspect of their _____________ predisposing to a disorder eg fine legs of mini poodle – fractures. However, better info on prevalence needed.
- the ____________ ____________ and Labrador were the top two in the most common 50 dog breeds for having the most inherited autosomal recessive disorders – but we don’t know the prevelance!
- unfortunately, there is little/no use of ______ (abbreviation for best linear unbiased prediction) or index selections. Need to have a clearer selection criteria for non-visual traits (temperament etc)
- in the last 200 _________, dog and cat breeds have been massively developed. Though relatively little selective breeding pressure on cats.
- domestic cats are still genetically _________ from Middle Eastern wildcats (F sylvestris lybica) – less initial genetic variation than domestic dogs.
- crossbreeding of dogs (and selling neutered offspring) has incredible potential to exploit __________.
- breed standards can encourage to select for anatomical and ________________ problems.
- in dogs, the most commonly affected organ system by autosomal recessive disorders in the top 50 common dog breeds is the _________ __________.
- a few breeds eg manx cat, Scottish fold cat, merle dog, have been founded on _____________ for a defective gene – this is wrong!!
- in the top 50 common dog breeds, 312 disorders were identified, 78% of which were inherited by ____________ _____________ pattern. Need info on prevalence.
- inbreeding _____________ are high in rare breeds of dogs and cats. In more common dog breeds inbreeding not as much of a problem (unless overuse of top sires or linebreeding occurs)
- dogs originated exclusively from _____ _________.
- a _____________ change of dog breeders/showers/buyers is required – this is not easy!
- grey wolf populations were many, and had many back crossings – large amount of genetic ________ plus a long period for genetic mutations to accumulate has led to the variation in dog breeds we see today.
- genetically, dog breeds fall into four distinct groupings – asian/ancient, _________, hunting, mastiff.
22 Clues: dogs originated exclusively from _____ _________. • deomestic cats spread along trade routes – ______ attracted mice attracted cats. • breed standards can encourage to select for anatomical and ________________ problems. • a _____________ change of dog breeders/showers/buyers is required – this is not easy! • ...
Antonio da French crossword 2018-05-09
15 Clues: hi • 50 50 • hello • not bad • i am bad • good bye • i am well • i am well • good night • see you soon • good evening • see you later • i am very well • see you tomorrow • i am bad very bad
Krossword vl 2022-12-05
14 Clues: 50+50= • väike vorst • soe aastaaeg • langeb talvel • kuninganna abikaasa • inimeste arv riigis • maiustused,piparmünt • kohupiim šokolaadiga • roheline aedvili, suur • putukas, mitmevärviline • maiustused, see on vedel • ütle, millal inimene sööb • kollane, taevas, soe, ere • Mis kuul Kätlin sünnipäev?
Antebellum to the Civil War 2018-11-15
- written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, grew abolition movement; inspired North to nullify the Fugitive Slave Law
- slave uprising in 1831; led to tighter controls and stricter laws governing slavery
- 1846-48; caused by manifest destiny, annexation of Texas, and Texas border dispute; US victory gained new territories
- rapid increase of population led CA to seek admission to Union, renewing sectional tension between the North and South
- secret system to help runaway slaves escape, Harriet Tubman helped 300 slaves escape to freedom
- 1828 tariff so high that some argued it was unconstitutional; most of tax raised was paid for by South and spent by North
- radical anti-slavery newspaper that angered the South and moderate abolitionists; supported southern secession
- tariff reduced, but did not placate SC, who nullified it
- Texas is shrunk and given 10 million in compensation; reduced talk of southern secession
- suggested that slavery be banned in new territory from Mexican War; threatened South political strength and independence and insulted South honor; never passed
- Maine would be a free state, Missouri would be a slave state, and South border of Missouri marked demarcation of future slave free states
- what the Constitution doesn't prohibit it allows, sign that fed gov't will extend powers at expense of states
- judicial review; sign that federal gov't would expand powers at expense of states
- divide Nebraska into Nebraska and Kansas; slavery would be settled by popular sovereignty
- those who desired protective tariffs, national bank, and internal improvements; questionable constitutionality of it created tension between North and South
- North wanted Texas as a state, while South didn't; occurred 9 years after Texas' independence because of slavery issue
- goal to end slavery, started soon after declaring independence; man can and should solve society's ills; gradual, instant, manumission, recolonization
- 1793, Eli Whitney, could clean cotton 50 times faster than a slave
- beginning of the differences in meaning and interpretation of the Constitution; early evidence the gov't would try to expand powers at expense of the states
19 Clues: tariff reduced, but did not placate SC, who nullified it • 1793, Eli Whitney, could clean cotton 50 times faster than a slave • judicial review; sign that federal gov't would expand powers at expense of states • slave uprising in 1831; led to tighter controls and stricter laws governing slavery • ...
Antebellum to the Civil War 2018-11-15
- beginning of the differences in meaning and interpretation of the Constitution; early evidence the gov't would try to expand powers at expense of the states
- goal to end slavery, started soon after declaring independence; man can and should solve society's ills; gradual, instant, manumission, recolonization
- secret system to help runaway slaves escape, Harriet Tubman helped 300 slaves escape to freedom
- suggested that slavery be banned in new territory from Mexican War; threatened South political strength and independence and insulted South honor; never passed
- Texas is shrunk and given 10 million in compensation; reduced talk of southern secession
- judicial review; sign that federal gov't would expand powers at expense of states
- divide Nebraska into Nebraska and Kansas; slavery would be settled by popular sovereignty
- tariff reduced, but did not placate SC, who nullified it
- 1828 tariff so high that some argued it was unconstitutional; most of tax raised was paid for by South and spent by North
- radical anti-slavery newspaper that angered the South and moderate abolitionists; supported southern secession
- those who desired protective tariffs, national bank, and internal improvements; questionable constitutionality of it created tension between North and South
- 1846-48; caused by manifest destiny, annexation of Texas, and Texas border dispute; US victory gained new territories
- slave uprising in 1831; led to tighter controls and stricter laws governing slavery
- written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, grew abolition movement; inspired North to nullify the Fugitive Slave Law
- Maine would be a free state, Missouri would be a slave state, and South border of Missouri marked demarcation of future slave free states
- North wanted Texas as a state, while South didn't; occurred 9 years after Texas' independence because of slavery issue
- rapid increase of population led CA to seek admission to Union, renewing sectional tension between the North and South
- what the Constitution doesn't prohibit it allows, sign that fed gov't will extend powers at expense of states
- 1793, Eli Whitney, could clean cotton 50 times faster than a slave
19 Clues: tariff reduced, but did not placate SC, who nullified it • 1793, Eli Whitney, could clean cotton 50 times faster than a slave • judicial review; sign that federal gov't would expand powers at expense of states • slave uprising in 1831; led to tighter controls and stricter laws governing slavery • ...
การบวกและการลบจำนวนเต็ม 2020-07-20
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ80
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ-25
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ49
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ53
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ112
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มมีค่าเท่ากับ0
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มลบมีค่าเท่ากับ-25
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ50
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มลบมีค่าเท่ากับ-9
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มลบมีค่าเท่ากับ-8
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ60
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มลบมีค่าเท่ากับ-29
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ44
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ100
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ90
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มมีค่าเท่ากับ0
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ90
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มมีค่าเท่ากับ0
18 Clues: ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มมีค่าเท่ากับ0 • ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มมีค่าเท่ากับ0 • ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มมีค่าเท่ากับ0 • ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มลบมีค่าเท่ากับ-9 • ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มลบมีค่าเท่ากับ-8 • ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ50 • ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ80 • ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ60 • ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มลบมีค่าเท่ากับ-29 • ...
การบวกและการลบจำนวนเต็ม 2020-07-20
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ80
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ-25
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ49
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ53
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ112
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มมีค่าเท่ากับ0
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มลบมีค่าเท่ากับ-25
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ50
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มลบมีค่าเท่ากับ-9
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มลบมีค่าเท่ากับ-8
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ60
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มลบมีค่าเท่ากับ-29
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ44
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ100
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ90
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มมีค่าเท่ากับ0
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ90
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มมีค่าเท่ากับ0
18 Clues: ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มมีค่าเท่ากับ0 • ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มมีค่าเท่ากับ0 • ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มมีค่าเท่ากับ0 • ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มลบมีค่าเท่ากับ-9 • ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มลบมีค่าเท่ากับ-8 • ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ50 • ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ80 • ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ60 • ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มลบมีค่าเท่ากับ-29 • ...
Nations, States & Nation States 2022-10-25
- Japan is an example of this.
- Identity with a group of people who share citizenship and personal allegiance to a particular country.
- An area of land that is part of a country but is not officially a province or state of that country.
- Example of ethnic cleansing
- the USA is an example of this.
- Elimination or forced removal of a specific ethnic group of people.
- Independent, defined borders, internationally recognized, full sovereignty (control over land and people), includes different nations (groups).
- A practice by which a country increases its power by gaining control over other areas of the world.
- Ability of a state (country) to govern its territory free from control of other countries.
- The group of people who control and make decisions for a country, state, etc.
- The capital of the USA.
- A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to an aspect of a person's identity (country, language, religion, ethnic group).
- A group of people who have a common language, culture, and set of values.
- Common group of people who may share a common ancestry, religion, language, behavior, and history.
- A state in which a nation's (group of similar people) homeland corresponds exactly to a state's territory.
- Puerto Rico is an example of this.
16 Clues: The capital of the USA. • Example of ethnic cleansing • Japan is an example of this. • the USA is an example of this. • Puerto Rico is an example of this. • Elimination or forced removal of a specific ethnic group of people. • A group of people who have a common language, culture, and set of values. • ...
jordyn peters 2020-04-14
Mudanças na Europa Feudal 2022-04-20
- Arado de terra 47
- Rodízio de planto em três
- O mesmo que comerciantes 48
- Região da França onde aconteciam a feiras 49
- Importante porto do Oriente49
- Criadas por causa do aumento do comercio 50
- serviam para moer grãos de milho trigo 48
- Comercio era a troca de produto por p 48
- Produto que os italianos compravam no Oriente2
- Deixaram de ser camponeses e se tornaram 48
- Produto que os italianos compravam no Oriente1(49)
- Moradores dos burgos 52
- Deixaram de ser camponeses e se tornaram 48
- Nome das cidades medievais 50
- faziam a troca moedas internacionais 50
15 Clues: Arado de terra 47 • Moradores dos burgos 52 • Rodízio de planto em três • O mesmo que comerciantes 48 • Nome das cidades medievais 50 • Importante porto do Oriente49 • faziam a troca moedas internacionais 50 • Comercio era a troca de produto por p 48 • serviam para moer grãos de milho trigo 48 • Deixaram de ser camponeses e se tornaram 48 • ...
Math 2023-10-01
FFA History Part 2 2014-01-28
- / 1930 this was published
- / Founded in 1972
- / Published for FFA members in 1975
- Santiago / 1st Puerto Rician to serve as National Officer
- / Convention was held here for the 1st time in 2006
- / Last name of brothers to share Star Farmer
- / Where was NFA founded
- / Raids over Tokyo that 3 FFA members participated
- of Ethics / this was printed in 52' this is a set of standards
- Patton / 1st Star Farmer
- Journal / Sponsored National Chapter Contest
- / This was the last of the 50 states to charter an association
- Future Farmer/ published in 52' for the first time
- / Convention was held in what city in 1999
- / Land was purchased in Virginia for what
- / Delegates restricted membership to who in 1930
- Dunagan / became the 1st star in agribusiness in 69'
- / Last name of the guy on the cover of time magazine
- / FFA members voted what to Crees revision in 1990
- Horizons / National Future Farmer changed its name to what
20 Clues: / Founded in 1972 • / Where was NFA founded • Patton / 1st Star Farmer • / 1930 this was published • / Published for FFA members in 1975 • / Land was purchased in Virginia for what • / Convention was held in what city in 1999 • Journal / Sponsored National Chapter Contest • / Last name of brothers to share Star Farmer • / Delegates restricted membership to who in 1930 • ...
Geography Extra Credit 2021-09-29
- this ocean contains the Bermuda Triangle and is close to where we live
- the smallest ocean with lots of ice
- the state we live in
- the hottest ocean
- the 3rd continent in our song
- the 2nd continent in our song
- the continent we live in
- 50 pieces of land that compose the United States of America
- 5th continent in our song
- the number of people who live in a certain place
- the ocean near Antartica
- the 7th continent in our song
- the line where one place ends and another place begins
- the country we live in
- the 4th continent in our song
- large pieces of land that can be seen from space
- the largest ocean
- the study of the Earth
- the 6th continent in our song
- land within a continent that has one government and defined border
- the way a specific group of people live their life. This includes, language, food, and holidays
21 Clues: the largest ocean • the hottest ocean • the state we live in • the country we live in • the study of the Earth • the ocean near Antartica • the continent we live in • 5th continent in our song • the 7th continent in our song • the 4th continent in our song • the 3rd continent in our song • the 6th continent in our song • the 2nd continent in our song • ...
Drivers Education Puzzle 2022-09-13
- ____ and Wanton are legal terms in driving charges
- ____ is a moving violation
- 41 percent of deaths were related to what kind of crashes
- high risk behavior can be ____ Driving?
- driving _____ includes traffic,weather,road,vehicle and personal well being.
- States have the power to take away what?
- when ____ rage happens, stay calm do not retaliate?
- inattenion is the ____ cause of all crashes involving teenagers
- license plates need to be what? Every 1-2 years
- driving when ____ is a high risk
- 1 out of 122 drivers are arrest for driving under the what?
- BAC can be tested by breath, urine and ___?
- ____ drunk if BAC is .08
- talking on a cell phone while driving is a _____?
- failure to pay full ____ was a factor of 50% of all collisions
- every state has implied ____ laws?
- falling ____ while driving is a distraction
- when someone _____ on your shoulder that’s a moving violation?
- Minnesota compulsory insurance law, makes sure every car is?
- aggressive driving is a ____ risk behavior
20 Clues: ____ drunk if BAC is .08 • ____ is a moving violation • driving when ____ is a high risk • every state has implied ____ laws? • high risk behavior can be ____ Driving? • States have the power to take away what? • aggressive driving is a ____ risk behavior • BAC can be tested by breath, urine and ___? • falling ____ while driving is a distraction • ...
Caelan's Awesome Freaking Crossword Yeah Man 2022-01-10
- 12. The party that values cost saving.
- 15. The general vote of the electoral.
- 6. a away aid.
- 13. The first day works.
- 24. Someone who runs for president.
- 10. People just under the president.
- 22. The vote of the people.
- 20. A country where religion rules.
- 14. This is the document of american law.
- 25. The only court created by constitution.
- 2. This is the court system.
- 1. There are only 50 of theses.
- 16. A group of people that makes law.
- 18. A country with no laws.
- 5. a away policy.
- 23. People meet with members of government
- 21. A document with other countries.
- 11. The party that values equality.
- 17. One person in charge of a country
- 7. This is what people pay the government.
- 3. This is the main United States System
- 8. Different sections of Interest.
- 9. The head of the executive branch.
- 4. This is made up of congress.
- 19. A country where people rule.
25 Clues: 6. a away aid. • 5. a away policy. • 13. The first day works. • 18. A country with no laws. • 22. The vote of the people. • 2. This is the court system. • 4. This is made up of congress. • 1. There are only 50 of theses. • 19. A country where people rule. • 8. Different sections of Interest. • 11. The party that values equality. • 24. Someone who runs for president. • ...
Fourth Of July 2023-07-05
- Big colorful explosions
- Carry a basket, sit on a blanket, eat food
- People who Deck out RED WHITE BLUE ARE?
- McDonalds is famous for this type of food
- Patriotic song, National ____
- A group joined together for common is
- People go swimming here
- _____of independence
- What's red white and blue
- Fire crackers do this in the night sky
- Who wrote the declaration of independence
- White paste you put on your body
- We have 50 of these.
- Statue of
- Branch of gov. who represent we the people
- Most people do this with families on the 4th
- We are all ____ because we live in the USA.
- Blank of the free.
- President who first lit up the skies on this day
- Because of the
- Dogs that you eat
- There are 13 ___of these
- Power to act and speak with minimal restraint
- Marching band preforms for festive day
- Fourth of_____
25 Clues: Statue of • Because of the • Fourth of_____ • Dogs that you eat • Blank of the free. • We have 50 of these. • _____of independence • Big colorful explosions • People go swimming here • There are 13 ___of these • What's red white and blue • Patriotic song, National ____ • White paste you put on your body • A group joined together for common is • Marching band preforms for festive day • ...
Constitutional Crossword 2024-03-18
- Changes made to the constitution
- The original constitution
- Group that runs the judicial branch
- Introduction to the constitution
- The event when the president is sworn into office
- Gave African American men the right to vote
- Each branch of government has the power to check or limit the power of the other branches
- The first ten amendments of the U.S Constitution
- Branch that carries out laws
- Leader of the country
- The maximum amount of terms
- Comprises both the House and Senate
- 100 members; 2 members per state
- Abolished slavery
- Gave citizenship and equal rights to all citizens of the U.S.
- 435 members divided between 50 states
- A meeting in Philadelphia that drafted the new constitution
- Branch that makes laws
- Amount of amendments in the constitution
- A written plan of government
- The amount of years that a president serves in office for one term
- Branch that evaluates laws
22 Clues: Abolished slavery • Leader of the country • Branch that makes laws • The original constitution • Branch that evaluates laws • The maximum amount of terms • A written plan of government • Branch that carries out laws • Changes made to the constitution • 100 members; 2 members per state • Introduction to the constitution • Comprises both the House and Senate • ...
Antebellum to the Civil War 2018-11-15
- suggested that slavery be banned in new territory from Mexican War; threatened South political strength and independence and insulted South honor; never passed
- 1793, Eli Whitney, could clean cotton 50 times faster than a slave
- 1828 tariff so high that some argued it was unconstitutional; most of tax raised was paid for by South and spent by North
- tariff reduced, but did not placate SC, who nullified it
- 1846-48; caused by manifest destiny, annexation of Texas, and Texas border dispute; US victory gained new territories
- secret system to help runaway slaves escape, Harriet Tubman helped 300 slaves escape to freedom
- written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, grew abolition movement; inspired North to nullify the Fugitive Slave Law
- North wanted Texas as a state, while South didn't; occurred 9 years after Texas' independence because of slavery issue
- Maine would be a free state, Missouri would be a slave state, and South border of Missouri marked demarcation of future slave free states
- those who desired protective tariffs, national bank, and internal improvements; questionable constitutionality of it created tension between North and South
- beginning of the differences in meaning and interpretation of the Constitution; early evidence the gov't would try to expand powers at expense of the states
- radical anti-slavery newspaper that angered the South and moderate abolitionists; supported southern secession
- judicial review; sign that federal gov't would expand powers at expense of states
- Texas is shrunk and given 10 million in compensation; reduced talk of southern secession
- what the Constitution doesn't prohibit it allows, sign that fed gov't will extend powers at expense of states
- slave uprising in 1831; led to tighter controls and stricter laws governing slavery
- rapid increase of population led CA to seek admission to Union, renewing sectional tension between the North and South
- divide Nebraska into Nebraska and Kansas; slavery would be settled by popular sovereignty
- goal to end slavery, started soon after declaring independence; man can and should solve society's ills; gradual, instant, manumission, recolonization
19 Clues: tariff reduced, but did not placate SC, who nullified it • 1793, Eli Whitney, could clean cotton 50 times faster than a slave • judicial review; sign that federal gov't would expand powers at expense of states • slave uprising in 1831; led to tighter controls and stricter laws governing slavery • ...
การบวกและการลบจำนวนเต็ม 2020-07-20
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มมีค่าเท่ากับ0
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มมีค่าเท่ากับ0
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ90
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มลบมีค่าเท่ากับ-25
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ50
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ80
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ44
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ112
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มลบมีค่าเท่ากับ-8
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ60
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มลบมีค่าเท่ากับ-29
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ-25
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มลบมีค่าเท่ากับ-9
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มมีค่าเท่ากับ0
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ49
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ100
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ53
- ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ90
18 Clues: ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มมีค่าเท่ากับ0 • ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มมีค่าเท่ากับ0 • ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มมีค่าเท่ากับ0 • ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มลบมีค่าเท่ากับ-9 • ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มลบมีค่าเท่ากับ-8 • ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ60 • ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มลบมีค่าเท่ากับ-29 • ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ90 • ค่าที่ได้เป็นจำนวนเต็มบวกมีค่าเท่ากับ49 • ...
50 jaar 2014-02-26
- JW was in december koning van de ......
- merenque maak je van ...
- geboorteplaats Jolanda
- onderdeel van de woonkamer van Laura & Huib
- provincie in nederland
- Mexicaanse hoed
- Japans eten
- 2 x mijn leeftijd
- voor het diner drink je een ...
- huidige woonplaats Jos & Jol
- zwart en speels
- warme drank
- Griekse letter
13 Clues: warme drank • Japans eten • Griekse letter • zwart en speels • Mexicaanse hoed • 2 x mijn leeftijd • geboorteplaats Jolanda • provincie in nederland • merenque maak je van ... • huidige woonplaats Jos & Jol • voor het diner drink je een ... • JW was in december koning van de ...... • onderdeel van de woonkamer van Laura & Huib
50 jaar 2015-03-31
- tekenstift
- rivier in Noord-Holland
- alcoholische drank van gegist druivensap
- meisjesnaam
- op een slang lijkende vis
- een riviertje in de provincie Noord-Holland, dat uitmondt in de Amstel
- officieel bruikbaar
- plek waar je naar binnen kan
- winkelier die vlees verkoopt
- bevroren water
- witte vloeistof uit de van een moederdier
- praktisch
- bovenste deel van een stengel van gras of graan met bloemetjes of zaden
13 Clues: praktisch • tekenstift • meisjesnaam • bevroren water • officieel bruikbaar • rivier in Noord-Holland • op een slang lijkende vis • plek waar je naar binnen kan • winkelier die vlees verkoopt • alcoholische drank van gegist druivensap • witte vloeistof uit de van een moederdier • een riviertje in de provincie Noord-Holland, dat uitmondt in de Amstel • ...
Peter 50 2016-02-13
- hobby peter
- hoe heet peter voor één dag
- wat staat er op stal
- met welk dier werkt peter overdag
- welke maand is peter geboren
- wat stond er eerst op stal
- wat drinkt Peter elke avond
- op welke dag van de week geeft hij een feest
- wat is de naam van zijn dochter
- wat heeft hij vroeger op zondag gedaan, maar kijkt het inmiddels liever
- hoe heet de zus van Peter
- wat is de naam van zijn dochter
- hoeveel kroost heeft peter
- welk vervoermiddel gebruikt peter zélden,
14 Clues: hobby peter • wat staat er op stal • hoe heet de zus van Peter • hoeveel kroost heeft peter • wat stond er eerst op stal • wat drinkt Peter elke avond • hoe heet peter voor één dag • welke maand is peter geboren • wat is de naam van zijn dochter • wat is de naam van zijn dochter • met welk dier werkt peter overdag • welk vervoermiddel gebruikt peter zélden, • ...
50 ans 2021-11-29
13 Clues: gai • noel • Dieu • Soleil • inevitable • Tes attaches • C'est bien toi ! • au centre de tout • pas que pour l apero • au milieu de nul part • nombre d annee de mariage • Une de tes bières favorites • certains l ecrivent comme ça
41-50 2024-06-27
- To try to learn: We study Spanish.
- suddenly or violently: A car and a bus struck each other at the corner
- The use of something to relieve or cure a disease.
- Briefly not able to speak because of shock, fear, or joy.
- the large muscular pouchlike portion of the digestive system into which food passes when it leaves the moth and esophagus.
- 1. A mark, such as a footprint, that is left behind by something: We saw rabbit tracks in the snow. 2. A path or course of action: You’re on the wrong track. 3. A rail or set
- A subject treated in a speech, conversation, or piece of writing: Name the main topic of your paragraph.
- In human beings and other animals that have
- Telling the truth; honest
- 1. To hit with or as if with the hand or a weapon. 2. To make
- To catch sight of: I spied a blue jay high in the tree.
- Shinning like or full of stars.
- rails for vehicles such as trains to run on. 4. A path or course made for running or racing.
13 Clues: Telling the truth; honest • Shinning like or full of stars. • To try to learn: We study Spanish. • In human beings and other animals that have • The use of something to relieve or cure a disease. • To catch sight of: I spied a blue jay high in the tree. • Briefly not able to speak because of shock, fear, or joy. • ...
50 2022-11-02
8 Clues: J O K E • story thing • Its A Fruit • comes from cow • phone charge u • gib me ur caca cola espuma • Comes from Many Farm Animals • It is Named After the Animal
States Vocabulary 2014-03-18
- something valuable or useful to a place or a person
- digging up minerals that are underground
- the height above sea level
- the city in a country or state where the government is based
- the falling of water from the sky in the form of rain, sleet, hail, or snow
- adding a group of figures together and then dividing by the sum of the numbers
- an area or district
- the way a country runs its industry, trade, and finance
- a piece of land that sticks out from a larger land mass and is almost completely surrounded by water
- the amount of surface within a given boundary, measured in square units
- to make something, often with machines
- farming
- the usual weather in a place
- the total number of people who live in a place
- manufacturing companies and other businesses, taken together
- the dividing line between one country or region and another
16 Clues: farming • an area or district • the height above sea level • the usual weather in a place • to make something, often with machines • digging up minerals that are underground • the total number of people who live in a place • something valuable or useful to a place or a person • the way a country runs its industry, trade, and finance • ...
Southern States 2017-08-16
16 Clues: Texas • Florida • Georgia • Alabama • Maryland • Arkansas • Kentucky • Virginia • Delaware • Oklahoma • Louisiana • Tennessee • Mississippi • West Virginia • South Carolina • North Carolina
Midwest States 2018-02-01
- The longest river in the U.S.
- This state is directly west of Ohio.
- This state is directly north of Iowa.
- This city is located along the Mississippi River. One of its main attractions is its Arch.
- What state is directly south of Nebraska?
- The Great Lakes connect to the Atlantic Ocean through the St. ____Seaway.
- Farmers in the Midwest grow so much corn, its nicknamed the corn___.
- Most eastern, Midwest state on your map.
- This state is north of Illinois.
- Prairie____ live on the Great Plains in underground burrows.
- The center of the auto industry is located in Detroit, ___.
- The Western Meadowlark is the official state bird of _____.
- Mount ____ is located in South Dakota.
- How many states are on your Midwest map?
- The wide open land of the Great ____ is perfect for farming.
- How many Great Lakes are there?
16 Clues: The longest river in the U.S. • How many Great Lakes are there? • This state is north of Illinois. • This state is directly west of Ohio. • This state is directly north of Iowa. • Mount ____ is located in South Dakota. • Most eastern, Midwest state on your map. • How many states are on your Midwest map? • What state is directly south of Nebraska? • ...
states review 2023-12-06
- is the capital of Minnesota
- is the capital of Flordia
- is the capital of Kentucky
- is the capital of Idaho
- is the capital of California
- is the capital of Michigan
- is the capital of Hawaii
- is the capital of Massachusetts
- is the capital of Maryland
- is the capital of Connecticut
- Rock is the capital of Arkansas
- city is the capital of Missouri
- is the capital of Alaska
- is the capital of Illinois
- is the capital of Georgia
- is the capital of Alabama
16 Clues: is the capital of Idaho • is the capital of Alaska • is the capital of Hawaii • is the capital of Maryland • is the capital of Flordia • is the capital of Kentucky • is the capital of Illinois • is the capital of Georgia • is the capital of Michigan • is the capital of Alabama • is the capital of Minnesota • is the capital of California • is the capital of Connecticut • ...
US States 2024-06-05
16 Clues: Crabs • Island • Peaches • Casinos • Potatoes • The Arch • The First • Really Hot • Mardi Gras • Great Lakes • Biggest State • Eastern Most State • North and South ___ • Most Populated State • Everything is bigger in ___ • Southern Beach Tourist Attraction
Leaked Draft Opinion 2022-05-03
- The draft opinion prompted _______ from Congressional Democrats.
- Roe and Planned Parenthood v. Casey reaffirmed that states cannot outlaw abortion before fetal _________.
- Dobbs v. Jackson involves _________ law.
- governors of __________ and Florida each signed new abortion restrictions last month.
- The leak has sent _________ through Washington and the nation.
- The leak has been considered _________ to the Supreme Court as an institution.
- The draft was written by Justice _________.
- name of the media company that received the leak.
- Abortion presents a profound moral _________.
- FBI is expected to begin to investigate the _________ of the leak.
- Late Monday, hundreds of ________ gathered outside the court.
- The 1973 established the right to an __________.
- Would _________ 50 years of precedents
- name of the court case overturned. (leave out the "v" and just put the two names.
- Supreme Court appears ready to overturn its __________ decision.
- Advocates for _________ have called on the court to reconsider their precedents
- It is time to heed the _________.
17 Clues: It is time to heed the _________. • Would _________ 50 years of precedents • Dobbs v. Jackson involves _________ law. • The draft was written by Justice _________. • Abortion presents a profound moral _________. • The 1973 established the right to an __________. • name of the media company that received the leak. • ...
Ch 5 Lesson 1 - Miranda V Balderas-Rojas 2022-05-13
- *a system for the marketing, transporting, and selling of any good or service
- Encourage immigration from ----- and Asia
- Year transcontinental line completed in
- The great Northern railroad company built the nation's ----- transcontinental railroad
- Appointed commander of the Union army during the Civil War by Abraham Lincoln
- Year Washington became a part of the transcontinental system
- 50 percent of annual timber production in the United States
- Downside to loan practices and land grant system
- *a grant or contribution of money; or in the case of the railroads, land from the government
- Hill agreed to sell ----- acres of his land for $5.4 million
- *having enough money to pay debts
- Railroad construction
- Credited for Seattle and the northwest economic growth
- Helped fund construction costs through loans and grants
- Farmers and ranchers used the railroads to transport their crops and livestock to markets in the Midwest and -----
- -----
- Responsible for completion of the Northern Pacific
17 Clues: ----- • Railroad construction • *having enough money to pay debts • Year transcontinental line completed in • Encourage immigration from ----- and Asia • Downside to loan practices and land grant system • Responsible for completion of the Northern Pacific • Credited for Seattle and the northwest economic growth • Helped fund construction costs through loans and grants • ...
Chapter 3 Review 2020-11-16
- can cancel or revoke by a legislative act
- can change or cancel acts of another branch
- an inability to govern due to separation of powers
- three- fifths, two-thirds , or three-fourths is bigger than simple majority
- everybody must obey laws
- the principle that powers and functions of government are restricted
- the body of 538 people elected by the 50 states and the district of columbia
- government gets authority from the people
- government duties are separated into three branches
- an organized group that seeks to win the election
- not in accordance with a political constitution
- powers are determined by actions of legislative and executive branches
- to reject
- a group of advisors that has the head of executive departments
- declares the constitution is a supreme law of land
- powers distributed between nation and state government
- arrengements with foreign leaders or foreign governments
17 Clues: to reject • everybody must obey laws • government gets authority from the people • can cancel or revoke by a legislative act • can change or cancel acts of another branch • not in accordance with a political constitution • an organized group that seeks to win the election • an inability to govern due to separation of powers • ...
English-speaking countries 2016-11-03
5 Clues: There are 50 states. • Its capital city is London • Its flag is red and white. • There are kangaroos in this country. • There are many elephants and black people.
Malin 50 2021-10-23
- I vilken religion förekommer gudarna Vishnu, Shiva och Ganesha?
- En kvinna med samma förnamn som låttiteln, gift med grekisk skeppsredare. Efternamn?
- Från vilket år är den här låten?
- Tillverkar godisbilar.
- Vad heter låten?
- Första ordet i låttiteln översatt till svenska
- Vilken stad kommer artisten ifrån?
- Författaren till Pigge Lunk
- höger på en båt.
- En sångerska och en grupp framförde en cover på den här låten. Vad heter gruppen?
- Hur många hyresgäster heter Bertil?
- Sångarens efternamn är samma som namnet på en amerikansk stad. I vilken delstat ligger den?
- Vem gjorde denna låten på svenska i "Så mycket bättre"? Efternamnet, tack!
13 Clues: höger på en båt. • Vad heter låten? • Tillverkar godisbilar. • Författaren till Pigge Lunk • Från vilket år är den här låten? • Vilken stad kommer artisten ifrån? • Hur många hyresgäster heter Bertil? • Första ordet i låttiteln översatt till svenska • I vilken religion förekommer gudarna Vishnu, Shiva och Ganesha? • ...
50. óra 2022-04-06
FFA crossword 2018-01-15
- / freedom and national pride
- / What is the meaning of the owl?
- / To have earned and productively invested $150 is required for what degree?
- / Which was the last of the 50 states to get a charter?
- / What president attended the 1968 National convention?
- / What is the symbol of the reporter?
- / National FFA Executive Secretary?
- / What is the symbol for the president?
- / To have earned and productively invested $1000 is required for what degree
- / middle and highschool students enrolled in ffa
- / The first state charter was given to?
- / What is the symbol of the Secretary?
- / What is the last word in the FFA Creed?
- / What is the symbol of the Vice President?
- / given to students that contribute to ffa in an outstanding service
- / First National FFA President?
- / To learn and explain the FFA creed is a requirement for what degree?
- / What is the symbol of the Advisor?
- / Who wrote the FFA Creed?
- / What words begin every paragraph of the FFA creed?
20 Clues: / Who wrote the FFA Creed? • / freedom and national pride • / First National FFA President? • / What is the meaning of the owl? • / National FFA Executive Secretary? • / What is the symbol of the Advisor? • / What is the symbol of the reporter? • / What is the symbol of the Secretary? • / The first state charter was given to? • ...
Government Final Crossword Project - Christopher Burrell 2022-01-11
- These people have different interests in certain topics.
- A society ruled by a few people.
- These people make law.
- A person running for government.
- This is made up of congress.
- A society with no rules.
- A society ruled by a generational bloodline.
- Different countries can help in times of crisis.
- A written document often referred when using basic Government knowledge.
- People right under the government.
- Our people pay this everyday.
- An agreement with another country.
- This is the vote of the people.
- This is the main United States system.
- This policy is usually overseas.
- This is our countries court system.
- A society ruled by people
- The head of the executive branch.
- A society based around religion.
- A document often used to legally search a person, or a persons home.
- this party values money and cost saving
- These people meet with members of government.
- this party values equality and money spending
- There are only 50 people in this.
24 Clues: These people make law. • A society with no rules. • A society ruled by people • This is made up of congress. • Our people pay this everyday. • This is the vote of the people. • This policy is usually overseas. • A society ruled by a few people. • A person running for government. • A society based around religion. • The head of the executive branch. • ...
Administrative & traffic laws 2022-12-15
- the __________ speed allowed by law
- theses conditions include factors such as traffic,_________, road, vehicle, and more
- Minnesota requires __________ insurance on vehicle
- Driver must consciously and intentionally drive in a __________ manner
- each state gives a _______/ written test
- take license away for years or more is
- when you buy a __________ , the certificate of title proves that you legally own the vehicle
- _________ to pay full attention was a factor in nearly 50% of all collisions
- always ________ at a speed that is reasonable and proper/safety
- _____________ has a compulsory instruction law each vehicle must be insured
- ________________ certificates and license plates
- this behavior threatens _________ of others and is a moving violation
- it shows who is ____________ for operating the vehicle
- assigned for driving _________
- willful and wanton are key legal terms in a _________ driving charge
- states have the ______ to take your license away
- must be __________ every 1-2 years
- stay calm
- legally _______ if BAC is .08
- _____ can be tested by breath, urine, or blood
20 Clues: stay calm • legally _______ if BAC is .08 • assigned for driving _________ • must be __________ every 1-2 years • the __________ speed allowed by law • take license away for years or more is • each state gives a _______/ written test • _____ can be tested by breath, urine, or blood • ________________ certificates and license plates • ...
AHL Teams 2020-04-17
- Occupy "Chocolate Town"
- Flying animal popular near lakes and oceans
- Former club of then assistant coach Derek King
- New IceHogs opponent during 2019-20 season from Quebec
- Calls the "Rock & Roll Capital of the World" home
- Predatory tropical marine fish OR popular Heart song
- An icy, small Solar System body that flies close to the Earth
- The frustration of Wile E. Coyote
- Long-time in-state rival of IceHogs
- 2013 and 2017 Calder Cup Champions
- 100 of these represent 50 states
- Popular F-16 demonstration team
- Stampede would be another name for this Texas team
- Stars and Chops were previous AHL teams before arrival
- Most recent Calder Cup champions
- Arguably the most patriotic team
- CHL and ECHL champions before arriving to AHL
- Battled IceHogs in 2018 Western Conference Finals
- High-ranking officers in the Navy
- 2018 Central Division Finalist
- A loud muffled grinding sound
- Moved from Albany to Binghamton
22 Clues: Occupy "Chocolate Town" • A loud muffled grinding sound • 2018 Central Division Finalist • Popular F-16 demonstration team • Moved from Albany to Binghamton • Most recent Calder Cup champions • Arguably the most patriotic team • 100 of these represent 50 states • High-ranking officers in the Navy • The frustration of Wile E. Coyote • 2013 and 2017 Calder Cup Champions • ...
Cross-Talk 2019-11-08
- Worked at a petting zoo before joining the Air Force
- Lt Laguna Lagos’ wife’s nickname
- Is a mentor at Alaska Military Youth Academy
- Favorite college team is the Washington Huskies
- The last country SSgt DiScipio visited
- Has knocked themselves out 3 times due their height
- Has been to all 50 States
- Mrs. Woodard’s favorite TV channel
- Married over 20 years
- Ran the Boston Marathon in Iraq
- Knows how to woodwork
- Likes architecture and designs buildings in their free time
- Instrument Mr. So knows how to play
- The Nebraska Cornhuskers are this persons favorite team
- Worked as a card dealer before joining the Air Force
- Has a pet parrot
- Type of pet TSgt Huffines has
- Hill’s favorite lunch spot
- Likes photography
- Has 6 kids and 8 grandkids
- Their dog has won dog shows
- Favorite movie is Cool Hand Luke
- Played the flute in High School
- Second time at JBER
24 Clues: Has a pet parrot • Likes photography • Second time at JBER • Married over 20 years • Knows how to woodwork • Has been to all 50 States • Hill’s favorite lunch spot • Has 6 kids and 8 grandkids • Their dog has won dog shows • Type of pet TSgt Huffines has • Played the flute in High School • Ran the Boston Marathon in Iraq • Lt Laguna Lagos’ wife’s nickname • ...
1981 History, News, & Fun Facts 2024-01-04
- Thrash band forms in Los Angeles
- Eat dots, watch out for ghosts
- Prince Charles and Lady Diana join
- Take me out to the sport that had a 50 day strike
- Stephen King's favorite pup
- This sexyback singer was born 1/31/81
- First Pizza Rolls
- Scientist, Doctor, Biologist, Therapist, Lawyer, Crazy Professor
- Luke and Laura get married on what soap opera
- Can you guide it home safe?
- All eyes on this #1 Song of 1981
- Cylinder fetus from Norfolk, VA
- Bill Cosby's frozen snack you can say yes to
- 40th President of the United States
- Sandra Day O'Connor first female on the
- Mommy Dearest better not catch you with one of these
- Some fun, some food, it's all inside this
- Healthy frozen dinners
- Bug Blaster
- Romy and Michelle's invention
- Bartles & Jaymes
- Cool kids crunched numbers on a Casio wrist
- Purple rain rocker opens for Rolling Stones
- From condiment to vegetable in the 1981 school lunch program
24 Clues: Bug Blaster • Bartles & Jaymes • First Pizza Rolls • Healthy frozen dinners • Stephen King's favorite pup • Can you guide it home safe? • Romy and Michelle's invention • Eat dots, watch out for ghosts • Cylinder fetus from Norfolk, VA • Thrash band forms in Los Angeles • All eyes on this #1 Song of 1981 • Prince Charles and Lady Diana join • 40th President of the United States • ...
US History Unit 3 2024-03-05
- "Remember the ______!"
- Feeling a stronger connection to your part of the country
- More than 50 people died as a result of the actions of this man
- What the 49ers were looking for
- The trail that went from Independence, MO to the Pacific
- The best way to describe the economy of the North in the 1800s
- The widely held belief that the united states should spread across North America
- Added as a free state in a compromise
- A sentiment that was widespread during the "Era of Good Feelings"
- Added as a slave state in a compromise
- The crop that was "king" in the South
- Indian Territory today
- William Henry Harrison's main feat as President
- Where the Mormons went
- "Stay out of our side of the world, Europe!" proclaimer
- The first to ascend to the Presidency
- What Andrew Jackson accused Clay and Adams of making
- Party opposed to "King Andrew"
- _________ system, or what Andrew would call "rotation in office"
- Trail of Tears marchers
20 Clues: Indian Territory today • "Remember the ______!" • Where the Mormons went • Trail of Tears marchers • Party opposed to "King Andrew" • What the 49ers were looking for • The crop that was "king" in the South • The first to ascend to the Presidency • Added as a free state in a compromise • Added as a slave state in a compromise • William Henry Harrison's main feat as President • ...
SpEd Dept Peeps 2022-08-13
- Is bilingual
- Works with rescue parrots
- Loves Thomas Kinkade pictures
- Is very, very good at tennis
- Got 12th tattoo this summer
- Has a cat named Steve
- Once was written up for keeping a box of orphaned kittens under desk at school
- Has traveled to all 50 states
- Went to Alaska this summer
- Came from School District of Brown Deer
- Went to Tybee Island this summer
- Married high school sweetheart
- Cannot live without Qdoba
- Has 3 boys
- Says what others are usually thinking
- Used to teach at REAL School
- Has worked in RUSD for more than 25 years
- Is a local weather correspondent for Channel 12 News
- Can deadlift 180 pounds
- Went to a Backstreet Boys concert this summer
- Cannot live without a glass of wine each night
- Has a brand new baby girl
- Is passionate about leadership and classroom management
- Plays volleyball at least once per week
- Cruised to the Bahamas this summer
- Cannot live without camper
26 Clues: Has 3 boys • Is bilingual • Has a cat named Steve • Can deadlift 180 pounds • Works with rescue parrots • Has a brand new baby girl • Cannot live without Qdoba • Went to Alaska this summer • Cannot live without camper • Got 12th tattoo this summer • Used to teach at REAL School • Is very, very good at tennis • Loves Thomas Kinkade pictures • Has traveled to all 50 states • ...
World War 2 2022-09-15
- many of those who stayed, endured _____ raids
- how long did trends take to develop during and after WW2?
- Hitler's _____ of Poland is what caused WW2
- who benefited the most from WW2?
- WW2 involved more than ____ countries
- when did WW2 end?
- the leader of Russia during WW2
- an estimated 40-50 ______ people died during WW2
- about _____ percent of the world’s population in 1940 died
- what is WW2 known for being?
- all had to deal with the threat of ____ attack
- when did The war in Europe end with Germany's surrender?
- what did WW2 provide?
- which country suffered the greatest loss of life?
- failure of ______ helped cause WW2
- what intention did Japan mean when they attacked pearl harbor?
- the nation emerged as the world's most _______ and military power
- what war was WW2?
- the states that claimed to be ______ are Sweden, Switzerland, Spain and many more
- on average, 27,000 people died per ____
20 Clues: when did WW2 end? • what war was WW2? • what did WW2 provide? • what is WW2 known for being? • the leader of Russia during WW2 • who benefited the most from WW2? • failure of ______ helped cause WW2 • WW2 involved more than ____ countries • on average, 27,000 people died per ____ • Hitler's _____ of Poland is what caused WW2 • many of those who stayed, endured _____ raids • ...
Slavery 2022-12-09
- Who was a major factor following the Black Codes?
- What made life after slavery hard for the free African Americans?
- What laws declared an African-American a vagrant if they didn't have a home or a job?
- Production & distribution of goods and services.
- What percent of blacks in the South were free?
- Which states passed the first Black Codes?
- People who were convicted of a crime could be forced to work for free
- What farmers rented the land they farmed?
- State laws which discriminated against African-Americans?
- Three-quarters of _______ families didn't own slaves.
- Shipowners and sea captains involved in the slave trade were _____
- Slavery existed in every American colony until the _____
- A large farm or estate
- Person of lower status.
- Upper & ______ were dependent on cotton in 1860
- What was the last Northern State to abolish slavery?
- Who lived in the upper south and owned small farms?
- How many Southerners owned 50+ slaves?
- Owners of slaves
- Who invented the cotton gin?
20 Clues: Owners of slaves • A large farm or estate • Person of lower status. • Who invented the cotton gin? • How many Southerners owned 50+ slaves? • What farmers rented the land they farmed? • Which states passed the first Black Codes? • What percent of blacks in the South were free? • Upper & ______ were dependent on cotton in 1860 • ...
Slavery 2022-12-09
- What was the last Northern State to abolish slavery?
- Upper & ______ were dependent on cotton in 1860
- Person of lower status.
- Three-quarters of _______ families didn't own slaves.
- Slavery existed in every American colony until the _____
- Owners of slaves
- Production & distribution of goods and services.
- A large farm or estate
- Who was a major factor following the Black Codes?
- What made life after slavery hard for the free African Americans?
- How many Southerners owned 50+ slaves?
- Which states passed the first Black Codes?
- What farmers rented the land they farmed?
- Who invented the cotton gin?
- Shipowners and sea captains involved in the slave trade were _____
- People who were convicted of a crime could be forced to work for free
- Who lived in the upper south and owned small farms?
- State laws which discriminated against African-Americans?
- What percent of blacks in the South were free?
- What laws declared an African-American a vagrant if they didn't have a home or a job?
20 Clues: Owners of slaves • A large farm or estate • Person of lower status. • Who invented the cotton gin? • How many Southerners owned 50+ slaves? • What farmers rented the land they farmed? • Which states passed the first Black Codes? • What percent of blacks in the South were free? • Upper & ______ were dependent on cotton in 1860 • ...
Car Vocabulary 2023-04-26
- gives you the range of the middle 50% of the data set
- a fee paid to insurance companies for their service
- a piece of data that is extremely different than the rest
- Something that increases value over time
- caused by disasters or if stolen
- minimum insurance required by states
- insurance that covers you or your passenger in an accident
- liability insurance the covers bodily injury
- most occurring number in a data set
- the amount that the policy owner must pay before the insurance pays
- the middle of a data set
- insurance for a rental car
- a request for money to cover accident-related cost
- Coverage that pays for damage you cause to other peoples property
- number value of the inclination or declination of a line
- Something that loses value over time
- an extra fee added to the premium
- damaged in a collision with another vehicle or object
- The difference between the maximum and minimum
- average of numbers
20 Clues: average of numbers • the middle of a data set • insurance for a rental car • caused by disasters or if stolen • an extra fee added to the premium • most occurring number in a data set • Something that loses value over time • minimum insurance required by states • Something that increases value over time • liability insurance the covers bodily injury • ...
Civics Final crossword 2022-01-12
- maximum number of terms a president can serve x9
- president during WW1
- the stars on our flag represent the 50 ______
- things you should do
- branch of government that enforces laws
- bordering country to the north
- number of senators per state times 15
- capital of minnesota
- "i pledge allegiance to the ____"
- writer of the constitution
- ocean that is near north carolina
- branch of government that makes laws
- tina smith is one MN senator, who is the other
- the stripes on our flag represent the 13 ______
- became president after being a general in WW2
- major political party's mascot is donkey
- "father of our country"
- we have 27 of these added to the constutition
- bordering country to the south
- first postmaster general
- branch of government that has the highest court
- ocean that is near california
- us representative from mn's district 1
- major political party's mascot is elephant
- things you have to do
25 Clues: president during WW1 • things you should do • capital of minnesota • things you have to do • "father of our country" • first postmaster general • writer of the constitution • ocean that is near california • bordering country to the south • bordering country to the north • "i pledge allegiance to the ____" • ocean that is near north carolina • branch of government that makes laws • ...
Janell's Favorite Things 2023-08-07
- According to Romans 8:26 (ESV), The Spirit intercedes for us with these.
- We have George Washington Carver to thank for the ubiquity of this creamy treat.
- Cheddar, Bleu, and Feta
- One of the 5 boroughs of New York City
- First name of Miami Dolphins Quarterback featured in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
- "Dancing in the _____"
- Italian for "sweet"
- Perhaps, "The Highlander", or a delicious place to eat
- Author of The Chance and A Distant Shore, with ## Down
- See ## Across
- Author of God is Able and The Prince Warriors, with ## Down
- Italian for "milk"
- Author of Breaking Free and A Woman's Heart, with ## Down
- Janell's Favorite Sports Team, with "the"
- Coffee Shop founded by Bowker, Baldwin, and Siegel
- Singer Kronstadt with 11 Grammy Awards
- The speaker in Genesis 50:20
- See ## Across
- A Drink that is traditionally very sweet in the Southern States.
- Put on a hat
- See ## Across
- A male offspring of black and white
22 Clues: Put on a hat • See ## Across • See ## Across • See ## Across • Italian for "milk" • Italian for "sweet" • "Dancing in the _____" • Cheddar, Bleu, and Feta • The speaker in Genesis 50:20 • A male offspring of black and white • Singer Kronstadt with 11 Grammy Awards • One of the 5 boroughs of New York City • Janell's Favorite Sports Team, with "the" • ...