biology Crossword Puzzles

quiz 1 2018-12-17

quiz 1 crossword puzzle
  1. biology, gen
  2. history, migra
  3. "Quiet!"
  4. education, task
  5. education, ceive
  6. biology, consumption
  7. architecture, mol
  8. biology, adapt
  9. history, origin
  10. architecture para
  1. architecture, sur
  2. history, volut
  3. architecture, strcut
  4. biology, lect/lig
  5. history, year
  6. education, language
  7. biology, dict
  8. architecture found
  9. education, method
  10. education, liter
  11. history, heri

21 Clues: "Quiet!"biology, genhistory, yearbiology, dicthistory, herihistory, voluthistory, migrabiology, adapteducation, taskhistory, origineducation, ceiveeducation, literarchitecture, surbiology, lect/ligarchitecture, moleducation, methodarchitecture paraarchitecture foundeducation, languagearchitecture, strcutbiology, consumption

Bio Department 2020-08-16

Bio Department crossword puzzle
  1. Always initiating novel ways to excite one another
  2. Just the dude
  3. The quick elimination of harmful elements that might affect productivity of the Biology Department
  4. Connoisseur of Life & Consumer of Wanderlust
  5. Never lacking. Also aqueous and vitreous
  6. Biology Department is the core from which all love for Biology emanates from.
  7. What don't kill ya makes ya stronger
  8. the feeling of enthusiasm they derived from one another. Also the process of breathing in.
  9. The pillar of our collective strength
  10. similar mindsets alluding to the Lock and Key hypothesis
  11. What Tina Turner will say to the Biology Department
  12. Consistently displaying astute levels of performance in daily routines
  1. the freeflow exchange of passion
  2. Promoter of Camaraderie & Purveyor of Positivity
  3. Energy level of Biology Department
  4. the tapestry woven from the combination of powers in Biology Department
  5. Repetitions make Biology Department predicts the outcome of the Future more favourably
  6. Miss Excellence & Loyal Kim Gek
  7. Always determined, firm and exacting in our teaching
  8. What the Biology Department really are
  9. Distinction in this aspect
  10. The occasionally chill-out session, usually revolving around makaning
  11. Pantomath & Thirsty Seeker of Knowledge
  12. Combination of Gaia, Goodall and Greatness
  13. abundance of ATP in Biology Department

25 Clues: Just the dudeDistinction in this aspectMiss Excellence & Loyal Kim Gekthe freeflow exchange of passionEnergy level of Biology DepartmentWhat don't kill ya makes ya strongerThe pillar of our collective strengthWhat the Biology Department really areabundance of ATP in Biology DepartmentPantomath & Thirsty Seeker of Knowledge...

quiz 2 2018-12-19

quiz 2 crossword puzzle
  1. healthcare, recycle
  2. biology talent
  3. healthcare, ~ exercise
  4. nature, soil erosion
  5. nature, atom
  6. biology, adapt
  7. nature, ~ resources
  8. healthcare, youth
  1. biology, use
  2. healthcare, alter
  3. nature, protect/preserve
  4. biology, dict
  5. healthcare, life expectancy
  6. nature, something that will increase because of climate change
  7. biology, gene
  8. nature, something that may pollute the environment

16 Clues: biology, usenature, atombiology, dictbiology, genebiology talentbiology, adapthealthcare, alterhealthcare, youthhealthcare, recyclenature, ~ resourcesnature, soil erosionhealthcare, ~ exercisenature, protect/preservehealthcare, life expectancynature, something that may pollute the environment...

Branches of Biology 2021-08-20

Branches of Biology crossword puzzle
  1. physiology is a sub-discipline of botany concerned with the functioning, or physiology, of plants.
  2. is the branch of medicine and biology concerned with immunity.
  3. is the scientific study of algae.
  4. is the scientific study of the interactions of light and living organisms.
  5. branch of biology that deals with the study of the structure of organisms and their parts.
  6. is the study of microscopic organisms, those being unicellular, multicellular, or acellular.
  7. biology is the study of cell structure and function, and it revolves around the concept that the cell is the fundamental unit of life.
  8. biology is the scientific study of organisms in the ocean or other marine bodies of water.
  9. is the science of the application of the laws of physics to biological phenomena
  10. is a branch of biology that involves the study of the action of ionizing radiation on living things.
  11. is the scientific study of fungi.
  1. the exploitation of biological processes such as genetic manipulation of micro-organisms for the production of antibiotics, hormones, etc.
  2. is the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.
  3. is the branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts.
  4. is the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.
  5. is the scientific study of plants, including their physiology, structure, genetics, and ecology.
  6. is the study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in living organisms.
  7. is the branch of biology or medicine concerned with the study of parasitic organisms.
  8. biology is the branch of biology that deals with the structure and function of the proteins and nucleic acids.
  9. branch of biology concerned with the chemical and physiochemical processes that occur within living organisms.

20 Clues: is the scientific study of the scientific study of the branch of medicine and biology concerned with the scientific study of the interactions of light and living the study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in living organisms....

Branches of Biology 2021-08-20

Branches of Biology crossword puzzle
  1. is the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.
  2. is the branch of biology or medicine concerned with the study of parasitic organisms.
  3. is the science of the application of the laws of physics to biological phenomena
  4. is the branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts.
  5. biology is the study of cell structure and function, and it revolves around the concept that the cell is the fundamental unit of life.
  6. is the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.
  7. is the study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in living organisms.
  8. is a branch of biology that involves the study of the action of ionizing radiation on living things.
  9. is the branch of medicine and biology concerned with immunity.
  10. is the study of microscopic organisms, those being unicellular, multicellular, or acellular.
  1. the exploitation of biological processes such as genetic manipulation of micro-organisms for the production of antibiotics, hormones, etc.
  2. branch of biology that deals with the study of the structure of organisms and their parts.
  3. biology is the scientific study of organisms in the ocean or other marine bodies of water.
  4. is the scientific study of plants, including their physiology, structure, genetics, and ecology.
  5. branch of biology concerned with the chemical and physiochemical processes that occur within living organisms.
  6. physiology is a sub-discipline of botany concerned with the functioning, or physiology, of plants.
  7. is the scientific study of algae.
  8. is the scientific study of the interactions of light and living organisms.
  9. is the scientific study of fungi.
  10. biology is the branch of biology that deals with the structure and function of the proteins and nucleic acids.

20 Clues: is the scientific study of the scientific study of the branch of medicine and biology concerned with the scientific study of the interactions of light and living the study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in living organisms....

Branches of Biology 2021-08-20

Branches of Biology crossword puzzle
  1. physiology is a sub-discipline of botany concerned with the functioning, or physiology, of plants.
  2. is the branch of medicine and biology concerned with immunity.
  3. is the scientific study of algae.
  4. is the scientific study of the interactions of light and living organisms.
  5. branch of biology that deals with the study of the structure of organisms and their parts.
  6. is the study of microscopic organisms, those being unicellular, multicellular, or acellular.
  7. biology is the study of cell structure and function, and it revolves around the concept that the cell is the fundamental unit of life.
  8. biology is the scientific study of organisms in the ocean or other marine bodies of water.
  9. is the science of the application of the laws of physics to biological phenomena
  10. is a branch of biology that involves the study of the action of ionizing radiation on living things.
  11. is the scientific study of fungi.
  1. the exploitation of biological processes such as genetic manipulation of micro-organisms for the production of antibiotics, hormones, etc.
  2. is the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.
  3. is the branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts.
  4. is the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.
  5. is the scientific study of plants, including their physiology, structure, genetics, and ecology.
  6. is the study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in living organisms.
  7. is the branch of biology or medicine concerned with the study of parasitic organisms.
  8. biology is the branch of biology that deals with the structure and function of the proteins and nucleic acids.
  9. branch of biology concerned with the chemical and physiochemical processes that occur within living organisms.

20 Clues: is the scientific study of the scientific study of the branch of medicine and biology concerned with the scientific study of the interactions of light and living the study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in living organisms....

Science 2019-02-27

Science crossword puzzle
  1. branch of biology concerned with the study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in organisms.
  2. the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy.
  3. biological chemistry, is the study of chemical processes within and relating to living organisms
  4. Study of insects
  5. study of all aspects of the ocean.
  6. biology interdisciplinary area of study that examines humans through the influences and interplay of many diverse fields such as genetics, evolution, physiology, anatomy, epidemiology, anthropology, ecology, nutrition, population genetics and sociocultural influences.
  7. branch of the atmospheric sciences which includes atmospheric chemistry and atmospheric physics, with a major focus on weather forecasting.
  8. One of the Branchs of biology
  9. plant biology or phytology, is the science of plant life and a branch of biology.
  10. science of behavior and mind, including conscious and unconscious phenomena, as well as feeling and thought.
  11. Study of animals
  12. branch of biology concerned with the study of the structure of organisms and their parts.
  1. Einstein German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics.
  2. science and practice of establishing the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of disease
  3. Study of birds
  4. science concerned with fossil animals and plants.
  5. Studies of Rocks...
  6. Darwin Famous biologist
  7. Work with chemicals
  8. branch of biology that studies the animal kingdom, including the structure, embryology, evolution, classification, habits, and distribution of all animals, both living and extinct, and how they interact with their ecosystems.

20 Clues: Study of birdsStudy of insectsStudy of animalsStudies of Rocks...Work with chemicalsDarwin Famous biologistOne of the Branchs of biologystudy of all aspects of the concerned with fossil animals and plants.plant biology or phytology, is the science of plant life and a branch of biology....


  5. PULSE
  9. CARE
  9. NURSE



  5. PULSE
  9. CARE
  9. NURSE



  7. NURSE
  10. DOCTOR
  9. CARE
  10. PULSE



  7. NURSE
  10. DOCTOR
  9. CARE
  10. PULSE


bio vocab crossword 2023-08-30

bio vocab crossword crossword puzzle
  1. EndoplasmicReticulum
  2. Cellwall
  3. Mitochondria
  4. Lysosome
  5. Nucleus
  6. Passivetransport
  7. Polymerizatio
  1. Chloroplast
  2. GolgiApparatus
  3. Osmosis
  4. CellMembrane
  5. Cell
  6. ActiveTransport
  7. Carbohydrate
  8. NucleicAcid
  9. Biology
  10. Monomer
  11. Enzyme
  12. Lipid
  13. ActiveSite

20 Clues: CellLipidEnzymeOsmosisBiologyNucleusMonomerCellwallLysosomeActiveSiteChloroplastNucleicAcidCellMembraneCarbohydrateMitochondriaPolymerizatioGolgiApparatusActiveTransportPassivetransportEndoplasmicReticulum

School Fun 2017-02-16

School Fun crossword puzzle
  1. Lunch
  2. Sports
  3. English
  4. Biology
  5. Economics
  6. Algebra
  7. Literature
  8. Earth
  9. Computers
  10. Gym
  11. History
  1. Cooking
  2. Bus
  3. Science
  4. Foods
  5. Walmart
  6. Chemistry
  7. Geometry
  8. Math
  9. Calculus

20 Clues: BusGymMathLunchFoodsEarthSportsCookingEnglishScienceWalmartBiologyAlgebraHistoryGeometryCalculusChemistryEconomicsComputersLiterature


  7. NURSE
  10. DOCTOR
  9. CARE
  10. PULSE



  10. NURSE
  1. PULSE
  8. CARE


School Fun 2023-08-20

School Fun crossword puzzle
  1. Lunch
  2. Sports
  3. English
  4. Biology
  5. Economics
  6. Algebra
  7. Literature
  8. Earth
  9. Computers
  10. Gym
  11. History
  1. Cooking
  2. Bus
  3. Science
  4. Foods
  5. Walmart
  6. Chemistry
  7. Geometry
  8. Math
  9. Calculus

20 Clues: BusGymMathLunchFoodsEarthSportsCookingEnglishScienceWalmartBiologyAlgebraHistoryGeometryCalculusChemistryEconomicsComputersLiterature

Get to Know Your STEM Professors! 2019-08-26

Get to Know Your STEM Professors! crossword puzzle
  1. This Biology professor teaches Biological Foundations II and botany and directed the undergraduate research program RISE which ended recently.
  2. This professor is a psychologist who until recently, served as the Director of the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS).
  3. This Biology professor teaches the ORI 100 course for the STEM Learning Community as well as Biological Foundations I and Nutrition. She is also a co-advisor for the Tri-Beta Biological Honor Society.
  4. This person is from Virginia and is the newest professor in the Department of Biology. He teaches Anatomy & Physiology.
  5. This Biology Professor is the coordinator of the STEM Learning Community, faculty advisor for the Minority Association of Pre-health Students (MAPS), and President of the Barry University Chapter of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society.
  6. This person is a professor in the Department of Psychology and teaches courses such as Research Methods & Analysis in Psychology I & II.
  7. This Biology professor has been at Barry for 27 years. She teaches Anatomy and Biology of Crime.
  8. This professor is the Chair of the Department of Biology. She teaches Biological Foundations I and Introduction to Microbiology this semester. She is also the faculty advisor for the Pre-vet Club.
  9. This Chemistry professor teaches Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry.
  10. This professor teaches Chemistry 111 and 112 and directs a chemistry outreach program called COACH.
  11. This Biology professor teaches Microbiology, Virology and Biological Foundations I. He is also the faculty advisor for the Pre-physician Assistant Club.
  1. This professor teaches College Chemistry I and II and is fondly known as Ms. T. by her students.
  2. This person is a former Barry Biology student who teaches Biological Foundations I and Anatomy. She is also the coordinator of ROADS, an undergraduate research club.
  3. This person is an Anatomy professor and is also the faculty advisor for the Barry chapter of the American Medical Student Association (AMSA), a pre-med student organization.
  4. This person is a sociologist by training and serves as Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences, overseeing all of the academic units within that college, including the STEM disciplines.
  5. This Biology professor conducts cancer biology research and teaches Biological Foundations II and Cell Biology.
  6. This Math & Computer Science professor teaches precalculus I and II and is also the assistant chair of that department.
  7. This Biology professor teaches Anatomy and also oversees the core aquarium facility (located in the Siena building, 3rd floor) which is used by students and faculty for research and the marine biology course.

18 Clues: This Chemistry professor teaches Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry.This professor teaches College Chemistry I and II and is fondly known as Ms. T. by her students.This Biology professor has been at Barry for 27 years. She teaches Anatomy and Biology of Crime....

Get to Know Your STEM Professors! 2019-08-26

Get to Know Your STEM Professors! crossword puzzle
  1. This Biology professor teaches Biological Foundations II and botany and directed the undergraduate research program RISE which ended recently.
  2. This professor is a psychologist who until recently, served as the Director of the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS).
  3. This Biology professor teaches the ORI 100 course for the STEM Learning Community as well as Biological Foundations I and Nutrition. She is also a co-advisor for the Tri-Beta Biological Honor Society.
  4. This person is from Virginia and is the newest professor in the Department of Biology. He teaches Anatomy & Physiology.
  5. This Biology Professor is the coordinator of the STEM Learning Community, faculty advisor for the Minority Association of Pre-health Students (MAPS), and President of the Barry University Chapter of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society.
  6. This person is a professor in the Department of Psychology and teaches courses such as Research Methods & Analysis in Psychology I & II.
  7. This Biology professor has been at Barry for 27 years. She teaches Anatomy and Biology of Crime.
  8. This professor is the Chair of the Department of Biology. She teaches Biological Foundations I and Introduction to Microbiology this semester. She is also the faculty advisor for the Pre-vet Club.
  9. This Chemistry professor teaches Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry.
  10. This professor teaches Chemistry 111 and 112 and directs a chemistry outreach program called COACH.
  11. This Biology professor teaches Microbiology, Virology and Biological Foundations I. He is also the faculty advisor for the Pre-physician Assistant Club.
  1. This professor teaches College Chemistry I and II and is fondly known as Ms. T. by her students.
  2. This person is a former Barry Biology student who teaches Biological Foundations I and Anatomy. She is also the coordinator of ROADS, an undergraduate research club.
  3. This person is an Anatomy professor and is also the faculty advisor for the Barry chapter of the American Medical Student Association (AMSA), a pre-med student organization.
  4. This person is a sociologist by training and serves as Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences, overseeing all of the academic units within that college, including the STEM disciplines.
  5. This Biology professor conducts cancer biology research and teaches Biological Foundations II and Cell Biology.
  6. This Math & Computer Science professor teaches precalculus I and II and is also the assistant chair of that department.
  7. This Biology professor teaches Anatomy and also oversees the core aquarium facility (located in the Siena building, 3rd floor) which is used by students and faculty for research and the marine biology course.

18 Clues: This Chemistry professor teaches Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry.This professor teaches College Chemistry I and II and is fondly known as Ms. T. by her students.This Biology professor has been at Barry for 27 years. She teaches Anatomy and Biology of Crime....

Get to Know Your STEM Professors! 2019-08-26

Get to Know Your STEM Professors! crossword puzzle
  1. This person is an Anatomy professor and is also the faculty advisor for the Barry chapter of the American Medical Student Association (AMSA), a pre-med student organization.
  2. This Biology professor teaches Biological Foundations II and botany and directed the undergraduate research program RISE which ended recently.
  3. This person is a former Barry Biology student who teaches Biological Foundations I and Anatomy. She is also the coordinator of ROADS, an undergraduate research club.
  4. This person is from Virginia and is the newest professor in the Department of Biology. He teaches Anatomy & Physiology.
  5. This Biology professor conducts cancer biology research and teaches Biological Foundations II and Cell Biology.
  6. This Biology professor teaches the ORI 100 course for the STEM Learning Community as well as Biological Foundations I and Nutrition. She is also a co-advisor for the Tri-Beta Biological Honor Society.
  7. This professor teaches College Chemistry I and II and is fondly known as Ms. T. by her students.
  1. This Chemistry professor teaches Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry.
  2. This professor is the Chair of the Department of Biology. She teaches Biological Foundations I and Introduction to Microbiology this semester. She is also the faculty advisor for the Pre-vet Club.
  3. This person is a professor in the Department of Psychology and teaches courses such as Research Methods & Analysis in Psychology I & II.
  4. This Biology professor teaches Microbiology, Virology and Biological Foundations I. He is also the faculty advisor for the Pre-physician Assistant Club.
  5. This Biology professor has been at Barry for 27 years. She teaches Anatomy and Biology of Crime.
  6. This professor teaches Chemistry 111 and 112 and directs a chemistry outreach program called COACH.
  7. This Biology professor teaches Anatomy and also oversees the core aquarium facility (located in the Siena building, 3rd floor) which is used by students and faculty for research and the marine biology course.
  8. This Math & Computer Science professor teaches precalculus I and II and is also the assistant chair of that department.
  9. This Biology Professor is the coordinator of the STEM Learning Community, faculty advisor for the Minority Association of Pre-health Students (MAPS), and President of the Barry University Chapter of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society.
  10. This person is a sociologist by training and serves as Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences, overseeing all of the academic units within that college, including the STEM disciplines.
  11. This professor is a psychologist who until recently, served as the Director of the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS).

18 Clues: This Chemistry professor teaches Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry.This professor teaches College Chemistry I and II and is fondly known as Ms. T. by her students.This Biology professor has been at Barry for 27 years. She teaches Anatomy and Biology of Crime....




Get to Know Your STEM Professors! 2019-08-26

Get to Know Your STEM Professors! crossword puzzle
  1. This Chemistry professor teaches Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry.
  2. This professor teaches Chemistry 111 and 112 and directs a chemistry outreach program called COACH.
  3. This professor is a psychologist who until recently, served as the Director of the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS).
  4. This Biology professor has been at Barry for 27 years. She teaches Anatomy and Biology of Crime.
  5. This person is from Virginia and is the newest professor in the Department of Biology. He teaches Anatomy & Physiology.
  6. This Biology professor teaches Microbiology, Virology and Biological Foundations I. He is also the faculty advisor for the Pre-physician Assistant Club.
  7. This Biology professor teaches Anatomy and also oversees the core aquarium facility (located in the Siena building, 3rd floor) which is used by students and faculty for research and the marine biology course.
  8. This professor teaches College Chemistry I and II and is fondly known as Ms. T. by her students.
  9. This person is a sociologist by training and serves as Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences, overseeing all of the academic units within that college, including the STEM disciplines.
  1. This Biology professor teaches Biological Foundations II and botany and directed the undergraduate research program RISE which ended recently.
  2. This person is a former Barry Biology student who teaches Biological Foundations I and Anatomy. She is also the coordinator of ROADS, an undergraduate research club.
  3. This Biology Professor is the coordinator of the STEM Learning Community, faculty advisor for the Minority Association of Pre-health Students (MAPS), and President of the Barry University Chapter of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society.
  4. This Biology professor conducts cancer biology research and teaches Biological Foundations II and Cell Biology.
  5. This person is an Anatomy professor and is also the faculty advisor for the Barry chapter of the American Medical Student Association (AMSA), a pre-med student organization.
  6. This person is a professor in the Department of Psychology and teaches courses such as Research Methods & Analysis in Psychology I & II.
  7. This professor is the Chair of the Department of Biology. She teaches Biological Foundations I and Introduction to Microbiology this semester. She is also the faculty advisor for the Pre-vet Club.
  8. This Math & Computer Science professor teaches precalculus I and II and is also the assistant chair of that department.
  9. This Biology professor teaches the ORI 100 course for the STEM Learning Community as well as Biological Foundations I and Nutrition. She is also a co-advisor for the Tri-Beta Biological Honor Society.

18 Clues: This Chemistry professor teaches Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry.This professor teaches College Chemistry I and II and is fondly known as Ms. T. by her students.This Biology professor has been at Barry for 27 years. She teaches Anatomy and Biology of Crime....

Get to Know Your STEM Professors! 2019-08-26

Get to Know Your STEM Professors! crossword puzzle
  1. This person is a professor in the Department of Psychology and teaches courses such as Research Methods & Analysis in Psychology I & II.
  2. This professor teaches College Chemistry I and II and is fondly known as Ms. T. by her students.
  3. This person is an Anatomy professor and is also the faculty advisor for the Barry chapter of the American Medical Student Association (AMSA), a pre-med student organization.
  4. This Biology professor teaches Microbiology, Virology and Biological Foundations I. He is also the faculty advisor for the Pre-physician Assistant Club.
  5. This professor is the Chair of the Department of Biology. She teaches Biological Foundations I and Introduction to Microbiology this semester. She is also the faculty advisor for the Pre-vet Club.
  6. This person is a sociologist by training and serves as Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences, overseeing all of the academic units within that college, including the STEM disciplines.
  7. This Biology professor teaches the ORI 100 course for the STEM Learning Community as well as Biological Foundations I and Nutrition. She is also a co-advisor for the Tri-Beta Biological Honor Society.
  8. This professor is a psychologist who until recently, served as the Director of the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS).
  1. This Biology Professor is the coordinator of the STEM Learning Community, faculty advisor for the Minority Association of Pre-health Students (MAPS), and President of the Barry University Chapter of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society.
  2. This Biology professor teaches Biological Foundations II and botany and directed the undergraduate research program RISE which ended recently.
  3. This person is a former Barry Biology student who teaches Biological Foundations I and Anatomy. She is also the coordinator of ROADS, an undergraduate research club.
  4. This Math & Computer Science professor teaches precalculus I and II and is also the assistant chair of that department.
  5. This Chemistry professor teaches Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry.
  6. This professor teaches Chemistry 111 and 112 and directs a chemistry outreach program called COACH.
  7. This Biology professor conducts cancer biology research and teaches Biological Foundations II and Cell Biology.
  8. This Biology professor has been at Barry for 27 years. She teaches Anatomy and Biology of Crime.
  9. This person is from Virginia and is the newest professor in the Department of Biology. He teaches Anatomy & Physiology.
  10. This Biology professor teaches Anatomy and also oversees the core aquarium facility (located in the Siena building, 3rd floor) which is used by students and faculty for research and the marine biology course.

18 Clues: This Chemistry professor teaches Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry.This professor teaches College Chemistry I and II and is fondly known as Ms. T. by her students.This Biology professor has been at Barry for 27 years. She teaches Anatomy and Biology of Crime....

Marine biology CWP 2024-05-13

Marine biology CWP crossword puzzle
  1. study of waterbond organisms.
  2. first recorded marine biologist.
  3. founder of marine biology
  4. major skill neeeded in marine biologists.
  5. type of gear used to traverse underwater.
  6. Year marine biology was founded.
  7. average yearly income of a marine biologist.
  8. number of required colledge years for career.
  9. main group of animals studied by marine biologists.
  1. skill needed for underwater traversal.
  2. tool used to measure somthing in the water over extended periods.
  3. what Marine biology is a sub branch of.
  4. final degree needed for entry-level biology.
  5. type of animal studied by marine biologistsSonar-transducer tool that emits acoustic signal and detects any object if a sound wave is reflected to the receiver.
  6. tool used to track ocean currents.
  7. degree needed for entry-level jobs.

16 Clues: founder of marine biologystudy of waterbond organisms.first recorded marine biologist.Year marine biology was founded.tool used to track ocean needed for entry-level jobs.skill needed for underwater traversal.what Marine biology is a sub branch of.major skill neeeded in marine biologists.type of gear used to traverse underwater....

14 Biology Careers 2013-10-13

14 Biology  Careers crossword puzzle
  1. biology the study of the natural world especially parts affected by humans.
  2. study of insects
  3. The study of animals
  4. biology The study of ocean ecosystems, plants, animals, and other living things
  5. the study of biology through the means of engineering.
  6. the study of the mechanics of living things
  7. the study of reptiles
  8. The study of biology through the chemical reactions required for life to exist
  9. the study of fish
  1. Biology the study of processes through which an organism develops
  2. study of animal behavior
  3. The study of plant diseases.
  4. Biology the study of preservation, protection, or restoration of the natural environment.
  5. the study of biology processes through physics.

14 Clues: study of insectsthe study of fishThe study of animalsthe study of reptilesstudy of animal behaviorThe study of plant diseases.the study of the mechanics of living thingsthe study of biology processes through physics.the study of biology through the means of engineering.Biology the study of processes through which an organism develops...

24. 2021-03-19

24. crossword puzzle
  1. Biology
  2. Biology sections?
  3. Biology topic
  4. Biology abbr.
  5. Biology classes?
  1. Biology class sighting
  2. Biology class topic
  3. SCIENCE Biology
  4. Biology book, e.g.
  5. Biology opening

10 Clues: BiologyBiology topicBiology abbr.SCIENCE BiologyBiology openingBiology classes?Biology sections?Biology book, e.g.Biology class topicBiology class sighting

word parts 2021-05-10

word parts crossword puzzle
  1. synonym
  2. credit
  3. integer
  4. rupture
  5. unicycle
  6. tripod
  7. conspire
  8. ambulatory
  9. automation
  10. zoology
  11. grammar
  12. pedal
  13. omniscient
  1. psychic
  2. quadrilateral
  3. justice
  4. bicycle
  5. proclaim
  6. neuron
  7. democracy
  8. transcontinental
  9. uncommon
  10. tempo
  11. biology

24 Clues: tempopedalcreditneurontripodpsychicsynonymjusticebicycleintegerrupturezoologygrammarbiologyproclaimunicycleconspireuncommondemocracyambulatoryautomationomniscientquadrilateraltranscontinental

All crossword about cell biology 2020-01-13

All crossword about cell biology crossword puzzle
  1. is interconnected to other fields such as genetics,
  2. how cells function, ultimately giving insight into
  3. such as cell culture, various types of microscopy,
  4. such as cancer, and other diseases. Research in cell
  5. structure and function of the cell, also known
  6. many sub-topics which may include the study of cell
  7. The study of cells is performed using several
  8. biology is a branch of biology that studies
  9. the basic unit of life Cell biology encompasses
  1. while also being essential for research in biomedical
  2. and how cells work is fundamental to all biological
  3. being used for discoveries and research pertaining
  4. prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and can be divided
  5. larger organisms. Knowing the components of
  6. cell communication, cell cycle, and cell
  7. and cytochemistry.
  8. genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, medical microbiology,
  9. cell fractionation. These have allowed for and are

18 Clues: and cytochemistry.cell communication, cell cycle, and celllarger organisms. Knowing the components ofbiology is a branch of biology that studiesThe study of cells is performed using severalstructure and function of the cell, also knownthe basic unit of life Cell biology encompassesbeing used for discoveries and research pertaining...


BRANCHES OF BIOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. This branch of biology is concerned with illness in humans
  2. The use of biological processes to make life better for humans
  3. This scientist would be interested in how a foetus develops
  4. A person who studies biological processes at the molecular level (9,9)
  5. This kingdom of organisms is studied by a botanist
  6. A mycologist is interested in this kingdom of organisms
  7. The study of animals
  8. This branch of biology is interested in how species change over many generations
  1. A branch of biology an awful lot like ecology
  2. This branch of biology goes on under the sea
  3. This prefix means very small
  4. This scientist might study how plants grow in space
  5. The study and manipulation of ACGT
  6. The study of ecosystems
  7. This branch of biology designs devices to intergrate with or put inside living things
  8. Also known as cellular biology

16 Clues: The study of animalsThe study of ecosystemsThis prefix means very smallAlso known as cellular biologyThe study and manipulation of ACGTThis branch of biology goes on under the seaA branch of biology an awful lot like ecologyThis kingdom of organisms is studied by a botanistThis scientist might study how plants grow in space...

All crossword about cell biology 2020-01-13

All crossword about cell biology crossword puzzle
  1. is interconnected to other fields such as genetics,
  2. how cells function, ultimately giving insight into
  3. such as cell culture, various types of microscopy,
  4. such as cancer, and other diseases. Research in cell
  5. structure and function of the cell, also known
  6. many sub-topics which may include the study of cell
  7. The study of cells is performed using several
  8. biology is a branch of biology that studies
  9. the basic unit of life Cell biology encompasses
  1. while also being essential for research in biomedical
  2. and how cells work is fundamental to all biological
  3. being used for discoveries and research pertaining
  4. prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and can be divided
  5. larger organisms. Knowing the components of
  6. cell communication, cell cycle, and cell
  7. and cytochemistry.
  8. genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, medical microbiology,
  9. cell fractionation. These have allowed for and are

18 Clues: and cytochemistry.cell communication, cell cycle, and celllarger organisms. Knowing the components ofbiology is a branch of biology that studiesThe study of cells is performed using severalstructure and function of the cell, also knownthe basic unit of life Cell biology encompassesbeing used for discoveries and research pertaining...

All crossword about cell biology 2020-01-13

All crossword about cell biology crossword puzzle
  1. is interconnected to other fields such as genetics,
  2. how cells function, ultimately giving insight into
  3. such as cell culture, various types of microscopy,
  4. such as cancer, and other diseases. Research in cell
  5. structure and function of the cell, also known
  6. many sub-topics which may include the study of cell
  7. The study of cells is performed using several
  8. biology is a branch of biology that studies
  9. the basic unit of life Cell biology encompasses
  1. while also being essential for research in biomedical
  2. and how cells work is fundamental to all biological
  3. being used for discoveries and research pertaining
  4. prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and can be divided
  5. larger organisms. Knowing the components of
  6. cell communication, cell cycle, and cell
  7. and cytochemistry.
  8. genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, medical microbiology,
  9. cell fractionation. These have allowed for and are

18 Clues: and cytochemistry.cell communication, cell cycle, and celllarger organisms. Knowing the components ofbiology is a branch of biology that studiesThe study of cells is performed using severalstructure and function of the cell, also knownthe basic unit of life Cell biology encompassesbeing used for discoveries and research pertaining...

Archaeology 2022-05-01

Archaeology crossword puzzle
  1. artifact
  2. biology
  3. art
  4. religion
  5. bones
  6. archaeology
  7. museum
  8. pottery
  9. fossil
  10. past
  11. excavation
  12. site
  1. culture
  2. history
  3. life
  4. heritage
  5. anthropology
  6. society
  7. tomb
  8. antiquity
  9. time
  10. material
  11. human
  12. dig
  13. lithic
  14. trowel

26 Clues: artdiglifetombtimepastsiteboneshumanmuseumfossillithictrowelculturehistorybiologysocietypotteryartifactheritagereligionmaterialantiquityexcavationarchaeologyanthropology

Archaeology 2022-05-01

Archaeology crossword puzzle
  1. artifact
  2. biology
  3. art
  4. religion
  5. bones
  6. archaeology
  7. museum
  8. pottery
  9. fossil
  10. past
  11. excavation
  12. site
  1. culture
  2. history
  3. life
  4. heritage
  5. anthropology
  6. society
  7. tomb
  8. antiquity
  9. time
  10. material
  11. human
  12. dig
  13. lithic
  14. trowel

26 Clues: artdiglifetombtimepastsiteboneshumanmuseumfossillithictrowelculturehistorybiologysocietypotteryartifactheritagereligionmaterialantiquityexcavationarchaeologyanthropology

Archaeology 2022-05-01

Archaeology crossword puzzle
  1. artifact
  2. biology
  3. art
  4. religion
  5. bones
  6. archaeology
  7. museum
  8. pottery
  9. fossil
  10. past
  11. excavation
  12. site
  1. culture
  2. history
  3. life
  4. heritage
  5. anthropology
  6. society
  7. tomb
  8. antiquity
  9. time
  10. material
  11. human
  12. dig
  13. lithic
  14. trowel

26 Clues: artdiglifetombtimepastsiteboneshumanmuseumfossillithictrowelculturehistorybiologysocietypotteryartifactheritagereligionmaterialantiquityexcavationarchaeologyanthropology

School subjects 2024-02-10

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. biology
  2. music
  3. German
  4. French
  5. Spanish
  6. Math
  7. Information technology
  8. History
  9. drama
  10. science
  11. physics
  1. foreign language
  2. physical education
  3. chemistry
  4. arts
  5. English
  6. Geography

17 Clues: artsMathmusicdramaGermanFrenchbiologySpanishEnglishHistorysciencephysicschemistryGeographyforeign languagephysical educationInformation technology

Roots 2021-09-23

Roots crossword puzzle
  1. biology
  2. vocalize
  3. aquamarine
  4. phone
  5. pantyhose
  6. dehydration
  7. photograph
  8. vision
  1. transgender
  2. bibliography
  3. ascending
  4. eject
  5. airport
  6. photosphere
  7. photosynthesis
  8. navigation

16 Clues: ejectphonevisionbiologyairportvocalizeascendingpantyhoseaquamarinephotographnavigationtransgenderphotospheredehydrationbibliographyphotosynthesis

School locations and class subjects 2023-09-17

School locations and class subjects crossword puzzle
  1. photography
  2. computer
  3. biology
  4. government
  5. sophomore
  6. locker
  7. school
  8. university
  9. elementary
  10. class
  11. principal
  1. junior
  2. front
  3. history
  4. art
  5. english
  6. freshman
  7. geography
  8. store
  9. coach
  10. senior
  11. health
  12. printing
  13. business
  14. counselor
  15. science
  16. drama
  17. chemistry
  18. gym
  19. math

30 Clues: artgymmathfrontstorecoachdramaclassjuniorseniorhealthlockerschoolhistoryenglishbiologysciencecomputerfreshmanprintingbusinessgeographysophomorecounselorchemistryprincipalgovernmentuniversityelementaryphotography

oml 2022-09-22

oml crossword puzzle
  1. Data
  2. Hypothesis
  3. Inference
  4. experiment Controlled experiment
  5. Homeostasis
  6. Theory
  7. Reproduction Sexual Reproduction
  8. DNA
  9. Metabolism
  1. Stimulus
  2. Variable Dependent Variable
  3. Variable Independent Variable
  4. Evolve
  5. Observation
  6. Group Control Group
  7. Bias
  8. Reproduction Asexual Reproduction
  9. Biology

18 Clues: DNADataBiasEvolveTheoryBiologyStimulusInferenceHypothesisMetabolismObservationHomeostasisGroup Control GroupVariable Dependent VariableVariable Independent Variableexperiment Controlled experimentReproduction Sexual ReproductionReproduction Asexual Reproduction

Biology 2013-09-18

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. a fluid filled organelle that stores enzymes or water. This has to do with biology because it stores
  2. having only one cell. This has to do with iology because we hav ebeen learning cells for the past couple months
  3. part of the small intestine This is related to biology because it is located in your body
  4. Has a trunk
  5. the production of offspring. This has to do with biology because animals play an important role in the study of living things
  6. an educated guess to the question of your experiment
  7. powerhouse of the cell, organelle that is the site of ATP (energy) production. They have to do with biology because it part of a cell.
  8. The study of heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics
  9. Likes to chase mice
  10. The action or process of adapting or being adapted
  1. preventing substances from passing or diffusing through. Pores are the smallest and it is very selective. This has to do with biolgy because it has to do with diffusion
  2. microscopic animals that swim or drift near the surface of aquatic environments. Zooplankton have to do with biology because it it part of the food chain.
  3. Surgical removal of a section or layer of the cornea, usually performed using a laser to correct myopia.
  4. the organelle that contains the DNA and controls the processes of the cell. The nucleus has to do with biology because it contains the DNA
  5. A member of a large group of unicellular microorganisms lacking organelles and an organized nucleus, including some that can cause disease
  6. a group of Antibiotics that inhibit DNA gyrase This is related to biology becasue DNA is always used in biology
  7. Any of a class of sugars whose molecules contain two monosaccharide residues
  8. Flying mammal
  9. Man's best friend
  10. All the inhabitants of a particular town, area, or country
  11. Genetically related
  12. a class of individuals having some common characteristics or qualities; distinct sort or kind
  13. Large marsupial
  14. electromagnetic radiation of short cavelength produced when high-speed slectrons stricke a solid target
  15. The power to influence or direct people's behavior

25 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendGenetically relatedLikes to chase miceThe power to influence or direct people's behaviorThe action or process of adapting or being adaptedan educated guess to the question of your experimentAll the inhabitants of a particular town, area, or country...


SCHOOL SUBJECT crossword puzzle
  1. Biology
  2. Art
  3. PhysicalEducation
  4. Mathematics
  5. Science
  6. SocialStudies
  7. Chemistry
  8. Literature
  1. Music
  2. English
  3. InformationTechnology
  4. Geography
  5. Physics
  6. Drama
  7. History

15 Clues: ArtMusicDramaEnglishBiologyPhysicsScienceHistoryGeographyChemistryLiteratureMathematicsSocialStudiesPhysicalEducationInformationTechnology

School subjects 2017-06-15

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. languages
  2. art
  3. information-technology
  4. history
  5. sports
  6. maths
  1. biology
  2. music
  3. geography
  4. chemistry
  5. literature
  6. science
  7. metalwork
  8. cooking
  9. physics

15 Clues: artmusicmathssportsbiologysciencecookingphysicshistorylanguagesgeographychemistrymetalworkliteratureinformation-technology

All Crossword About Biology 2020-01-13

All Crossword About Biology crossword puzzle
  1. gradual increase in the complexity of the system
  2. test the validity of proposed theories and understand
  3. mathematical methods to formulate quantitative models
  4. from non-living matter about 4 billion years ago
  5. as homeostasis
  6. recognizes the cell as the basic unit of life genes
  7. processes molecular interactions physiological
  8. of the science there are certain unifying
  9. development and evolution Despite the
  10. mechanisms underlying life and how it appeared and
  1. open systems that survive by transforming energy and decreasing
  2. the creation and extinction of species Living organisms
  3. organisms including their physical structure
  4. experimental biology performs empirical experiments
  5. of biology are defined by the research methods
  6. the basic unit of heredity and evolution as the engine that
  7. local entropy to maintain stable and vital condition
  8. and the kind of system studied: theoretical biology
  9. is the natural science that studies life and
  10. that consolidate it into single coherent field

20 Clues: as homeostasisdevelopment and evolution Despite theof the science there are certain unifyingis the natural science that studies life andorganisms including their physical structureof biology are defined by the research methodsgradual increase in the complexity of the systemfrom non-living matter about 4 billion years ago...

Mol Bio intro 2020-01-20

Mol Bio intro crossword puzzle
  1. coined the term molecular biology
  2. and Monad- gene expression
  3. replication
  4. X-ray diffraction
  5. Mcleod and McCarty- DNA as genetic material
  6. model organism
  1. laws of heredity
  2. and Chase- DNA of viruses
  3. Salmon sperm DNA
  4. chromosomes and heredity
  5. complementarity of DNA
  6. triplet code of life
  7. biology- study of molecules
  8. Helicall structure of DNA
  9. and Crick- central dogma of Biology
  10. and Tatum- relationship between genes and proteins

16 Clues: replicationmodel organismlaws of hereditySalmon sperm DNAX-ray diffractiontriplet code of lifecomplementarity of DNAchromosomes and heredityand Chase- DNA of virusesHelicall structure of DNAand Monad- gene expressionbiology- study of moleculescoined the term molecular biologyand Crick- central dogma of Biology...

26. 2021-03-19

26. crossword puzzle
  1. "For crying out loud!"
  2. "Crying" singer
  3. Biology and geology
  4. "Crying Game" actor
  1. Biology lab organism
  2. Biology class staples
  3. "The Crying Game" character
  4. Biology label
  5. During play see gross ugly women
  6. Biology class dissection

10 Clues: Biology label"Crying" singerBiology and geology"Crying Game" actorBiology lab organismBiology class staples"For crying out loud!"Biology class dissection"The Crying Game" characterDuring play see gross ugly women

School Subjects Communication Crossword 2021-12-09

School Subjects Communication Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. biology
  2. math
  3. music
  4. Physical Education
  5. photography
  6. history
  7. home_economics
  8. art
  9. chemistry
  1. geography
  2. Japanese
  3. social_studies
  4. physics
  5. English

14 Clues: artmathmusicbiologyphysicshistoryEnglishJapanesegeographychemistryphotographysocial_studieshome_economicsPhysical Education

Biology 2022-08-18

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. A copy of something
  2. A bunch of steps or methods that characterize science
  3. Protect the environment
  4. looking at something without taking actions doing something
  5. To look over something
  6. values,story's,tradition
  7. A story of something/an uneducated guess
  8. Take care of Gods creation.
  1. to remain constant
  2. ethical issues in biology
  3. explaining something
  4. Technology for biology
  5. A rule
  6. A educated guess
  7. A type of science
  8. The similarity of human and God

16 Clues: A ruleA educated guessA type of scienceto remain constantA copy of somethingexplaining somethingTechnology for biologyTo look over somethingProtect the environmentvalues,story's,traditionethical issues in biologyTake care of Gods creation.The similarity of human and GodA story of something/an uneducated guess...

What is the Science in Animal Science 2016-09-13

What is the Science in Animal Science crossword puzzle
  1. The science of plants
  2. The study of animal behavior
  3. The science that deals with the composition and properties of substances
  4. The science of heredity
  5. The branch of biology dealing with the structure, function, uses, and modes of existence of microscopic organisms
  6. The branch of biology dealing with the functions and activities of living organisms and their parts
  7. The act or process of nourishing
  8. The science of biology dealing with animals
  1. The branch of biology dealing with the relations and interactions between organisms and their environment
  2. The science dealing with the structure of animals
  3. The branch of microbiology dealing with the identification, study, and cultivation of bacteria
  4. The branch of biology dealing with parasites
  5. The branch of zoology dealing with insects
  6. The science of soil management and production of field crops
  7. The science dealing with the formation, development, structure, and functional activities of embryos
  8. The study of the origin, nature, and course of diseases

16 Clues: The science of plantsThe science of heredityThe study of animal behaviorThe act or process of nourishingThe branch of zoology dealing with insectsThe science of biology dealing with animalsThe branch of biology dealing with parasitesThe science dealing with the structure of animalsThe study of the origin, nature, and course of diseases...


FIELDS UNDER BIOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. study of chemicals and physiochemical
  2. study of the total general structure of size
  3. deals with the study of a living organism
  4. study of tissue
  5. study of the internal structure
  6. study of normal function and various parts
  1. is knowledge through a process
  2. study of different parasite
  3. study of animal
  4. study of algae
  5. study bacteria and virus
  6. study of fungi
  7. study of plants
  8. study of virus
  9. study of cell and organelles
  10. study of biology with physics application
  11. most impt branch of biology names&categorize

17 Clues: study of algaestudy of fungistudy of virusstudy of animalstudy of plantsstudy of tissuestudy bacteria and virusstudy of different parasitestudy of cell and organellesis knowledge through a processstudy of the internal structurestudy of chemicals and physiochemicaldeals with the study of a living organismstudy of biology with physics application...

-ology 2020-05-20

-ology crossword puzzle
  1. study of heredity
  2. biology study of ocean life
  3. study of living things
  4. study of diseases and possible cause of death
  5. study of cell biology
  6. study of parasites
  7. study of mammals
  1. study of blood and blood disease
  2. study of Earth's moon
  3. study of ticks
  4. study of plants
  5. study of insects
  6. study of fish
  7. study of reptiles and amphibians
  8. study of fungi and yeast

15 Clues: study of fishstudy of ticksstudy of plantsstudy of insectsstudy of mammalsstudy of hereditystudy of parasitesstudy of Earth's moonstudy of cell biologystudy of living thingsstudy of fungi and yeastbiology study of ocean lifestudy of blood and blood diseasestudy of reptiles and amphibiansstudy of diseases and possible cause of death

Jet Lance Sy 9-A 2018-06-21

Jet Lance Sy 9-A crossword puzzle
  1. The study of the anatomy of cells and tissues of plants and animals using microscopy.
  2. Having the two genes at corresponding loci on homologous chromosomes identical for one or more loci.
  3. The branch and specialty of biology that studies bacteria.
  4. A branch of biology that studies the structure and function of the cell.
  5. Having the two alleles at corresponding loci on homologous chromosomes different for one or more loci.
  6. Producing little or no phenotypic effect when occurring in heterozygous condition with a contrasting allele.
  7. The branch of biology that deals with the structure and functions of the organs of living things.
  8. The position of a gene or other significant sequence on a chromosome.
  9. The offspring of individuals that differ with respect to a particular gene pair.
  10. The study of viruses.
  11. The branch of biology which studies the interactions among organisms and their environment.
  12. The passing on of traits from parents to their offspring.
  13. The science of plant life and a branch of biology.
  1. A DNA molecule with part or all of the genetic material of an organism.
  2. A branch of science that encompasses the description, identification, nomenclature, and classification of organisms.
  3. A chromosome that is not an allosome.
  4. A microscopic organism which may exist in its single-celled form or in a colony of cells.
  5. The study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in living organisms.
  6. The branch of biology that studies the animal kingdom.
  7. The composite of an organism's observable characteristics or traits.
  8. A relationship between alleles of one gene.
  9. The part of the genetic makeup of a cell.

22 Clues: The study of viruses.A chromosome that is not an allosome.The part of the genetic makeup of a cell.A relationship between alleles of one gene.The science of plant life and a branch of biology.The branch of biology that studies the animal kingdom.The passing on of traits from parents to their offspring....

Year 8 key words 2022-06-13

Year 8 key words crossword puzzle
  1. Chemistry: The name of group 7 elements in the periodic table.
  2. Physics: The law of reflection says the angle of incident is equal to the angle of ...
  3. Physics: What do we call it when light waves change speed and bend?
  4. Physics: the units we use to measure force.
  5. Chemistry: a property of non-metals which means they can shatter.
  6. Physics: distance divided by time.
  7. Chemistry: a substance that speeds up chemical reactions but remains unchanged.
  8. Physics: the units we use to measure energy.
  9. Chemistry: Iron + oxygen -->____________.
  1. Chemistry: a property of metals which means they can be bent into different shapes.
  2. Biology: a drug that's taken for fun, not to treat an illness.
  3. Biology: One of the food groups needed for energy.
  4. Biology: the addictive part of cigarette smoke.
  5. Biology: The food group needed for growth and repair.
  6. Biology: The intestine that absorbs nutrients from food.

15 Clues: Physics: distance divided by time.Chemistry: Iron + oxygen -->____________.Physics: the units we use to measure force.Physics: the units we use to measure energy.Biology: the addictive part of cigarette smoke.Biology: One of the food groups needed for energy.Biology: The food group needed for growth and repair....

WORD WORK 2022-05-18

WORD WORK crossword puzzle
  1. Generate Generate Generate Generate
  2. Biology Biology Biology Biology
  3. Microbiology Microbiology Microbiology Microbiology
  4. Generation Generation Generation
  5. Biography Biography Biography Biography
  1. Biome Biome Biome Biome
  2. Mortal Mortal Mortal Mortal
  3. Mortician Mortician Mortician Mortician
  4. Gene Gene Gene Gene
  5. Immortal Immortal Immortal Immortal

10 Clues: Gene Gene Gene GeneBiome Biome Biome BiomeMortal Mortal Mortal MortalBiology Biology Biology BiologyGeneration Generation GenerationGenerate Generate Generate GenerateImmortal Immortal Immortal ImmortalMortician Mortician Mortician MorticianBiography Biography Biography BiographyMicrobiology Microbiology Microbiology Microbiology

All crossword about Evolutionary biology 2020-01-13

All crossword about Evolutionary biology crossword puzzle
  1. the newer field of evolutionary developmental
  2. fields of biological research such as genetics and
  3. investigational range of current research widened to encompass
  4. the embryo is controlled thus yielding a wider synthesis
  5. biology emerged through what Julian Huxley
  6. life on Earth. In the 1930s the discipline of
  7. the modern synthesis of understanding from previously
  8. sexual selection genetic drift and biogeography.
  1. descent speciation) that produced the diversity
  2. biology is the subfield of biology that
  3. genetic architecture of adaptation molecular evolution
  4. systematics and paleontology.
  5. by the earlier evolutionary synthesis.
  6. ("evo-devo") investigates how embryogenesis the development
  7. the evolutionary processes (natural selection
  8. integrates developmental biology with the fields of study
  9. the different forces that contribute to evolution such

17 Clues: systematics and the earlier evolutionary synthesis.biology is the subfield of biology thatbiology emerged through what Julian Huxleythe newer field of evolutionary developmentalthe evolutionary processes (natural selectionlife on Earth. In the 1930s the discipline ofdescent speciation) that produced the diversity...

Biology Terminology 2023-09-11

Biology Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. The branch of biology that focuses on the study of viruses and viral diseases.
  2. The scientific study of plants.
  3. The study of tissues and their structures at the microscopic level.
  4. The scientific study of the history of life on Earth through the examination of plant and animal fossils.
  5. The branch of biology that studies the behavior of animals in their natural habitats.
  6. The branch of biology that deals with the study of reptiles and amphibians.
  7. The name for the study of the structure of living organisms.
  1. The branch of biology that studies microscopic organisms like bacteria and viruses.
  2. The branch of biology that involves the classification and naming of living organisms.
  3. The branch of biology that explores the immune system and how it defends against diseases.
  4. The study of freshwater ecosystems, including lakes and rivers.
  5. The branch of biology that studies the interaction between living organisms and their environments.

12 Clues: The scientific study of plants.The name for the study of the structure of living organisms.The study of freshwater ecosystems, including lakes and rivers.The study of tissues and their structures at the microscopic level.The branch of biology that deals with the study of reptiles and amphibians....


SCHOOL SUBJECTS crossword puzzle
  1. Information and Community Technology
  2. Geography
  3. Chemistry
  4. Civic Education
  5. Biology
  6. History
  7. Physical Education
  1. Mathematics
  2. Physics
  3. Technology
  4. Foreign Language
  5. Literature
  6. Art
  7. Music

14 Clues: ArtMusicPhysicsBiologyHistoryGeographyChemistryTechnologyLiteratureMathematicsCivic EducationForeign LanguagePhysical EducationInformation and Community Technology

Marine Biologist 2024-04-04

Marine Biologist crossword puzzle
  1. tools used for the traversal of underwater areas
  2. Founder of marine biology.
  3. degree needed for beyond entry-level careers
  4. the century marine biology was founded.
  5. study of marine organisms.
  6. how many college years for entry-level jobs.
  7. tool used to track ocean currents.
  8. Average yearly income for a marine biologist
  9. is a Major skill required of a marine biologist.
  1. final degree needed for entry-level.
  2. first recorded marine biologist.
  3. skill required for underwater field research.
  4. tool that emits acoustic signal and detects any object if a sound wave is reflected to the receiver.
  5. what marine biology is a field of
  6. tool used to measure something in the water over extended periods.

15 Clues: Founder of marine of marine organisms.first recorded marine biologist.what marine biology is a field oftool used to track ocean degree needed for entry-level.the century marine biology was needed for beyond entry-level careershow many college years for entry-level jobs....

All Crossword About Biophysics 2020-01-13

All Crossword About Biophysics crossword puzzle
  1. and systems biology
  2. by physiology Nevertheless other biological sciences also perform
  3. the study of the physical quantities (e g electric current
  4. molecular to organismic and populations Biophysical
  5. the term biophysics is also regularly used in academi to
  6. shares significant overlap with biochemistry
  7. is an interdisciplinary science that
  8. on the biophysical properties of living organisms including molecular
  1. approaches and methods traditionally used
  2. covers all scales of biological organization
  3. stress entropy) in biological systems which is by definition
  4. computational biology biomechanics developmental
  5. cell biology biophysics and biochemistry
  6. physics to study biological phenomena
  7. biology physical chemistry physiology nanotechnology
  8. term biophysics was originally introduced by Karl Pearson in

16 Clues: and systems biologyis an interdisciplinary science thatphysics to study biological phenomenaapproaches and methods traditionally usedcell biology biophysics and biochemistrycovers all scales of biological organizationshares significant overlap with biochemistrycomputational biology biomechanics developmental...

Zoology 2012-10-30

Zoology crossword puzzle
  1. zoologists may spend time writing ____ (1 word)
  2. study of reptiles
  3. Zoology is a branch of biology that focuses on__________
  4. The biology program at University Of Guelph also encourages and offers other programs such as_______ , Wildlife Biology, Conservation and Marine, and Freshwater Biology
  5. To present in front of a group you must have good________ skills
  6. Study of Mammals
  7. Fieldwork studies can take anywhere from 1____ - 6 months, and maybe more.
  1. study of insects
  2. Study of birds
  3. This university is located in ontario, and is known for their biology program
  4. observe animals in their natural habitats is called____
  5. study of fish

12 Clues: study of fishStudy of birdsstudy of insectsStudy of Mammalsstudy of reptileszoologists may spend time writing ____ (1 word)observe animals in their natural habitats is called____Zoology is a branch of biology that focuses on__________To present in front of a group you must have good________ skills...

School subjects 2017-02-04

School subjects crossword puzzle
  1. English
  2. art
  3. french
  4. german
  5. physical education
  6. spanish
  7. history
  1. music
  2. information technology
  3. geography
  4. biology
  5. maths
  6. physics

13 Clues: artmusicmathsfrenchgermanEnglishbiologyspanishphysicshistorygeographyphysical educationinformation technology

Science & Technology 2024-02-15

Science & Technology crossword puzzle
  1. internet
  2. socialmedia
  3. phone
  4. cyberbullying
  5. computeraddiction
  6. scientific
  7. astronomy
  1. mathematics
  2. communication
  3. devices
  4. laptop
  5. biology

12 Clues: phonelaptopdevicesbiologyinternetastronomyscientificmathematicssocialmediacommunicationcyberbullyingcomputeraddiction

Science Vocabulary 2023-08-17

Science Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Gen. 1:28
  2. the study of ethical, social, and legal issues in Biology
  3. Use of biology to develop new products
  4. Gen. 1:27
  5. A method of gathering information
  6. question, research, hypothesis, testing, and Result
  7. A representation of an idea/data
  8. Your way of explaining
  1. Action aimed at protecting the environment.
  2. An observable phenomenon in nature
  3. An explanation based on limited evidence
  4. Study of life
  5. A conception of the world.
  6. An Educated guess
  7. Changing from one form or state to another

15 Clues: Gen. 1:28Gen. 1:27Study of lifeAn Educated guessYour way of explainingA conception of the world.A representation of an idea/dataA method of gathering informationAn observable phenomenon in natureUse of biology to develop new productsAn explanation based on limited evidenceChanging from one form or state to another...

Biotechnology Wyatt Nellen 2022-02-10

Biotechnology Wyatt Nellen crossword puzzle
  1. relating to both biology and medicine
  2. The properties or features of an organism.
  3. The branch of science that deals with microorganisms.
  4. a fuel derived directly from living matter
  5. The production of complex molecules with living organisms or cells.
  6. a cultivated plant that is grown as food
  7. The study of living organisms
  8. the branch of molecular biology concerned with the structure, function, evolution, and mapping of genomes
  9. chemical processes and substances which occur within living organisms
  10. a process to join or attach DNA segments
  11. The study made to discover a complete set of human genes
  1. the definition by humans of desirable traits in plants and animals
  2. Genetically modified
  3. the science or practice of farming
  4. A deliberate modification of the characteristics of an organism.
  5. the principles of biology and biochemistry in medical science

16 Clues: Genetically modifiedThe study of living organismsthe science or practice of farmingrelating to both biology and medicinea cultivated plant that is grown as fooda process to join or attach DNA segmentsThe properties or features of an organism.a fuel derived directly from living matterThe branch of science that deals with microorganisms....

subjects 2022-11-25

subjects crossword puzzle
  1. biology
  2. history
  3. computer
  4. politics
  5. science
  6. math
  1. music
  2. geography
  3. art
  4. English
  5. Chinese
  6. pe

12 Clues: peartmathmusicbiologyhistoryEnglishChinesesciencecomputerpoliticsgeography

Biologists Crossword 2022-12-06

Biologists Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. investigated the effect of the location of genes
  2. scientist who studies microbes
  3. scientist who studies plants and/or animals
  4. branch of biology that deals with the study of heredity
  5. tiny organisms visible only under a microscope
  6. disease-causing microbes
  1. introduced the word biology
  2. proposed the theory of natural selection
  3. scientists who study things to deal with heredity
  4. discovered a cure for diseases called microbes
  5. the study of organisms
  6. scientists who specialize in biology

12 Clues: the study of organismsdisease-causing microbesintroduced the word biologyscientist who studies microbesscientists who specialize in biologyproposed the theory of natural selectionscientist who studies plants and/or animalsdiscovered a cure for diseases called microbestiny organisms visible only under a microscope...

WORDS TO TEST 2020-03-02

WORDS TO TEST crossword puzzle
  1. CUP
  2. MALL
  3. DAD
  4. SPELL
  5. HENRY
  7. ROOM
  8. WATER
  9. FIRST
  11. EDGAR
  12. OPEN
  13. CHANGE
  15. LEVEL
  16. BULL
  17. SAUCE
  18. FIN
  19. NUT
  20. THICK
  1. ROSA
  2. CLAP
  4. RUSH
  5. JULIO
  6. FATE
  7. METER
  10. KARLEY
  11. MUSIC
  12. MILENA
  13. YELLOW
  14. FOOL
  15. FEEL
  16. FALL
  17. CAN
  18. THINK
  19. FIT
  20. THIN
  21. TOON


Biology 2021-06-15

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. another name for homologous structures
  2. programmed cell death
  3. Site of the light-independent cycle
  4. produces 4 unique haploid gametes
  5. complementary base pair to Cytosine
  6. Where photosynthesis occurs
  7. contains CHON
  8. the result of uncontrolled cell division
  9. used as long term energy
  10. transport moves high to low concentration
  11. respiration that does not require O2
  12. made up of monomers
  13. Product of photosynthesis
  1. organism containing a true nucleus
  2. produces 2 identical somatic cells
  3. transport moves low to high using ATP
  4. Site of the light dependent cycle
  5. monomer of carbs
  6. Site of cellular respiration
  7. another name for light-independent cycle
  8. Sugar in DNA
  9. replaces Thymine in RNA
  10. organisms without a nucleus
  11. used as energy storage
  12. another name for analogous structures

25 Clues: Sugar in DNAcontains CHONmonomer of carbsmade up of monomersprogrammed cell deathused as energy storagereplaces Thymine in RNAused as long term energyProduct of photosynthesisWhere photosynthesis occursorganisms without a nucleusSite of cellular respirationSite of the light dependent cycleproduces 4 unique haploid gametes...

Biology 2022-09-25

Biology crossword puzzle


Biology 2022-11-07

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. h1
  2. h15
  3. h5
  4. h6
  5. h8
  6. h10
  7. h13
  8. h19
  9. h11
  10. h12
  1. h9
  2. h3
  3. h4
  4. h2
  5. h17
  6. h20
  7. h14
  8. h16
  9. h7
  10. h18

20 Clues: h9h1h3h4h2h5h6h8h7h15h17h20h14h16h10h18h13h19h11h12

biology 2022-09-07

biology crossword puzzle
  1. proses dimana n2 di keluarkan dari tanah disebut?
  2. molus domestica nama latin dari?
  3. pristiwa pengomposan kotoran hewan pada nitrogen cycle di sebut?
  4. bahasa latin dari black paper?
  5. bahasa latinnya manusia?
  6. genus dari ebola?
  7. nama latin dari kuda?
  8. suatu sistem ekologi yang terbentuk oleh hubungan timbal balik tak terpisahkan antara makhluk hidup dengan lingkungannya disebut?
  9. kepanjangan dari no3
  1. bunga yang di lindungi di indonesia?
  2. family dari herpes?
  3. siklus biogeokimia yang menggambarkan transformasi dan translokasi dalam tanah, air, serta bahan organik hidup dan mati?
  4. ecosystem yang isinya cactus, unta, dan lain lain?
  5. kepanjangan dari DNA?
  6. hubungan alami dari rantai-rantai makanan dan representasi grafis dari proses makan-dan-dimakan dalam komunitas ekologis disebut?
  7. apa sebutan pristiwa dimana tanaman menyerap NO3?
  8. cycle dimana menggunakan asap dari kendaraan dan faktor industri?
  9. zat yang di keluarkan dari proses fotosintesis yang mengandung co2?
  10. fauna di indonesia sejenis kadal?
  11. singkatan dari ribonudeic acid?

20 Clues: genus dari ebola?family dari herpes?kepanjangan dari no3kepanjangan dari DNA?nama latin dari kuda?bahasa latinnya manusia?bahasa latin dari black paper?singkatan dari ribonudeic acid?molus domestica nama latin dari?fauna di indonesia sejenis kadal?bunga yang di lindungi di indonesia?proses dimana n2 di keluarkan dari tanah disebut?...

biology 2022-09-07

biology crossword puzzle
  1. kepanjangan dari DNA?
  2. fauna di indonesia sejenis kadal?
  3. apa sebutan pristiwa dimana tanaman menyerap NO3?
  4. molus domestica nama latin dari?
  5. ecosystem yang isinya cactus, unta, dan lain lain?
  6. zat yang di keluarkan dari proses fotosintesis yang mengandung co2?
  7. kepanjangan dari no3
  8. bahasa latin dari black paper?
  9. jika hewan mati akan mengeluarkan senyawa co2 / carbon dioxide dan menyisahkan tubuh hewan yang akan berubah menjadi?
  10. nama latin dari kuda?
  11. siklus biogeokimia yang menggambarkan transformasi dan translokasi dalam tanah, air, serta bahan organik hidup dan mati?
  1. cycle dimana menggunakan asap dari kendaraan dan faktor industri?
  2. proses dimana n2 di keluarkan dari tanah disebut?
  3. pristiwa pengomposan kotoran hewan pada nitrogen cycle di sebut?
  4. bahasa latinnya manusia?
  5. hubungan alami dari rantai-rantai makanan dan representasi grafis dari proses makan-dan-dimakan dalam komunitas ekologis disebut?
  6. bunga yang di lindungi di indonesia?
  7. suatu sistem ekologi yang terbentuk oleh hubungan timbal balik tak terpisahkan antara makhluk hidup dengan lingkungannya disebut?
  8. genus dari ebola?
  9. singkatan dari ribonudeic acid?
  10. family dari herpes?

21 Clues: genus dari ebola?family dari herpes?kepanjangan dari no3kepanjangan dari DNA?nama latin dari kuda?bahasa latinnya manusia?bahasa latin dari black paper?singkatan dari ribonudeic acid?molus domestica nama latin dari?fauna di indonesia sejenis kadal?bunga yang di lindungi di indonesia?proses dimana n2 di keluarkan dari tanah disebut?...

Biology 2022-10-03

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. sensor2
  2. epitel 2
  3. epitelium pipih berlapis
  4. jaringan5
  5. epitel 4
  6. jaringan1
  7. transisional
  8. epitelium kubus1
  9. epitel 5
  10. epitel 1
  11. epitel 3
  12. jaringan2
  13. epitelium batang selapis2
  14. otot5
  15. otot1
  16. epitelium pipih
  17. epitel 6
  18. jantung1
  1. jaringan4
  2. jaringan3
  3. otot6
  4. jantung2
  5. epitelium batang berlapis semu1
  6. otot4
  7. epitelium kubus2
  8. epitelium batang berlapis semu2
  9. otot2
  10. sensor1
  11. membran1
  12. epitelium batang selapis1
  13. lemak1
  14. sensor3
  15. otot3

33 Clues: otot6otot4otot2otot5otot1otot3lemak1sensor2sensor1sensor3epitel 2jantung2epitel 4epitel 5epitel 1epitel 3membran1epitel 6jantung1jaringan4jaringan3jaringan5jaringan1jaringan2transisionalepitelium pipihepitelium kubus2epitelium kubus1epitelium pipih berlapisepitelium batang selapis2epitelium batang selapis1epitelium batang berlapis semu1...

Biology 2022-11-02

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Jenis leukosit yang plasmanya bersifat asam
  2. Salah satu bagian darah yang memiliki peranan bagi pembekuan darah
  3. Pembuluh darah yang mempunyai volume darah terbesar terdapat pada bagian
  4. Alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur tekanan darah
  5. Bagian yang bertanggung jawab atas kontraksi jantung
  6. Sel darap putih pada tubuh kita yang mempunyai peranan dalam keadaan alergi
  7. Protein dalam plasma darah yang digunakan untuk membentuk zat antibodi
  8. Darah yang kaya akan oksigen
  9. Bagian darah yang berperan dalam pengangkutan makanan
  10. Terjadinya pembekuan darah di daerah
  1. Jantung manusia dilapisi oleh lapisan otot
  2. Kelainan karena darah tidak dapat membeku di sebut
  3. Zat makanan dan mineral yang terdapat dalam plasma darah
  4. sel darah putih
  5. darah disebut
  6. Bagian jantung yang menerima darah dari pulmo yaitu
  7. plasma darah yang tidak mengandung protein
  8. Leukimia disebabkan oleh saah satu sel darah yang berkembang pesat
  9. Zat yang membentuk benang-benang fibrin
  10. Komponen pada darah yang memiliki jumlah paling banyak

20 Clues: darah disebutsel darah putihDarah yang kaya akan oksigenTerjadinya pembekuan darah di daerahZat yang membentuk benang-benang fibrinJantung manusia dilapisi oleh lapisan ototplasma darah yang tidak mengandung proteinJenis leukosit yang plasmanya bersifat asamAlat yang digunakan untuk mengukur tekanan darah...

Biology 2022-11-12

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. is the change in the frequency of an allele in a population due to random chance
  2. the prevalence of dark-colored varieties of animals (especially moths) in industrial areas
  3. the process by which a cell makes proteins using the genetic information carried in mRNA
  4. gene expresses itself more strongly
  5. the reduced genetic diversity which results when a population is descended from a small number of colonizing ancestors
  6. is the oldest known bird, a bird-like dinosaur
  7. the process by which a cell makes an RNA copy of a piece of DNA
  8. informational flow from DNA to RNA
  9. one of two or more alternative forms of a gene
  1. only females, results when one of the X chromosomes (23 chromosome) is missing or partially missing
  2. is used to predict the genotypes of a particular cross or breeding experiment
  3. is a method of dating rocks and minerals using Uranium isotopes
  4. 9:3:3:1 phenotypic ratio of a dihybrid cross
  5. cell division in sexually reproducing organisms
  6. coat colors is linked to the X chromosome, they are nearly always female
  7. a structure that has lost most or all of their ancestral function in a given species
  8. the first codon of mRNA transcript translated by a ribosome signaling the start
  9. region of crossing over between 2 chromosomes
  10. a cell that contains a single set of chromosomes
  11. a large RNA-protein complex that catalyses the removal of introns
  12. a person has an extra 21st chromosome
  13. a recessive disorder where the blood does not clot properly
  14. is the process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change
  15. similar structures that evolved from a common ancestor

24 Clues: informational flow from DNA to RNAgene expresses itself more stronglya person has an extra 21st chromosome9:3:3:1 phenotypic ratio of a dihybrid crossregion of crossing over between 2 chromosomesis the oldest known bird, a bird-like dinosaurone of two or more alternative forms of a genecell division in sexually reproducing organisms...

biology 2022-05-23

biology crossword puzzle
  1. devices are used for generating
  2. It is a cross between two organisms with different variations
  3. refers to the modification of genetic material
  4. a living being and also the set of organs of a living being
  5. It is a nucleic acid made up of a chain of ribonucleotides
  6. They are passed from parent to child via one of the X or Y chromosomes.
  7. is a unit of information at a deoxyribonucleic acid locus
  8. It is each of the alternative forms that the same gene can have and that can manifest itself in specific modifications.
  1. is the material that contains the hereditary information in humans and almost all other
  2. it is used to determine what specific variations exist in the individual
  3. single-celled prokaryotic organisms, found almost everywhere on Earth
  4. is the process by which the characteristics of parents are passed on to their offspring
  5. are the structures found in the center of cells that carry long pieces of DNA
  6. is when a change occurs in one or more genes
  7. It is the natural science that studies everything related to life and the organic
  8. considered as any state where there is a deterioration of the health of the human organism
  9. is any chemical compound that, when dissolved in water
  10. Action that consists of producing or creating something.
  11. organisms that can live or develop in the presence of diatomic oxygen
  12. is the membrane-bound organelle that contains the cell's chromosomes

20 Clues: devices are used for generatingis when a change occurs in one or more genesrefers to the modification of genetic materialis any chemical compound that, when dissolved in waterAction that consists of producing or creating a unit of information at a deoxyribonucleic acid locusIt is a nucleic acid made up of a chain of ribonucleotides...

biology 2022-06-08

biology crossword puzzle
  1. tube brings the pollen to the ovule
  2. one single organism
  3. all the populations that live in an ecosystem
  4. the sum of the abiotic factors in an ecosystem
  5. bottom part of the stigma
  6. male reproductive cell storage
  7. the study of an environment
  8. the first of the food system.
  9. a non living factor
  10. meat eater
  11. the egg
  12. plant eater
  13. the person sitting next to an idiotic wizard
  1. the stick of the stamen
  2. a system of biotic and abiotic things
  3. the male reproductive organ
  4. the middle part of the stigma
  5. a living factor
  6. the female part of a flower
  7. eats meat and plants
  8. male reproductive cells
  9. the big green leaves
  10. place were the eggs lay
  11. the colorful leaves
  12. beneath part of the flower

25 Clues: the eggmeat eaterplant eatera living factorone single organisma non living factorthe colorful leaveseats meat and plantsthe big green leavesthe stick of the stamenmale reproductive cellsplace were the eggs laybottom part of the stigmabeneath part of the flowerthe male reproductive organthe female part of a flowerthe study of an environment...

Biology 2022-12-13

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. the study of living organisms
  2. study similar to biology
  3. Apparatus structure in the cytoplasm of animal cells
  4. substance in where the solute dissolves, originally water
  5. positive charge
  6. a dissolved substance
  7. a jelly substance
  8. cholesterol
  9. more than one part
  10. no charge
  11. negative charge
  1. bag full of water
  2. a proposed explanation
  3. look at
  4. balance between body systems
  5. part/factor
  6. acid DNA
  7. process of export
  8. important body fuel
  9. the organelle that contains the DNA and controls the processes of the cell.

20 Clues: look atacid DNAno chargepart/factorcholesterolpositive chargenegative chargebag full of watera jelly substanceprocess of exportmore than one partimportant body fuela dissolved substancea proposed explanationstudy similar to biologybalance between body systemsthe study of living organismsApparatus structure in the cytoplasm of animal cells...

Biology 2022-12-09

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. populations living in a defined area
  2. chemical changes in cell or organism
  3. diffusion of water
  4. cells that contain nuclei
  5. organisms that live in same area
  6. atoms of same element. difference:#of neutrons
  7. system organs that perform specific functions
  8. moving from high to low concentration
  9. contains cell's genetic material: DNA
  10. contains sugar ribose
  11. stores genetic information
  12. material mixed together but not chemically comb
  13. any compound that forms H+ions in a solution
  14. attraction w/molecules of different substance
  15. factor that stands alone
  16. amount of solute to solvent in a solution
  17. contains the sugar deoxyribose
  18. 2 different parents
  19. molecules that combine to form proteins
  20. standard for comparison
  21. positively and negatively charged atoms
  22. smallest unit of most compounds
  23. electrons are moved from atom to atom
  24. mixtures of water and undissolved material
  25. monomers join together
  26. smallest function of life
  27. balancing all the body systems
  28. groups of tissues working together
  29. everything evenly distributed through solution
  30. changing 1 set of chemicals to anothe
  31. substance that is dissolved
  32. single parent
  33. pure substance with only one type of atom
  34. weak acids/bases that can react w/strong acids/
  35. attraction w/molecules of same substance
  36. individual living thing
  37. does not use energy
  1. thin flexible barrier on all cells
  2. depends on other factors
  3. membrane inclosed organelle, has chromosomes
  4. when cells take in liquid
  5. two solutions are same strength
  6. pushing material out of cell
  7. forms when 2 electrons r shared w/atoms
  8. organized procedure for testing hypothesis
  9. two solutions, one is below strength
  10. groups of atoms
  11. factor that doesn't vary in experiment
  12. substance that dissolved the solute
  13. individual monomers that consist of 3 parts
  14. tissues, organs, and organ systems
  15. attraction w/positively charged nearb
  16. basic unit of matter
  17. uses energy
  18. concentration of solute is same throughout
  19. all cells perform different tasks
  20. diffusion through protein channels
  21. taking material into the cell
  22. means "cell eating"
  23. compound that produces hydroxide ions in solution
  24. educated guess or testable prediction
  25. group of similar cells that perform a function
  26. cells that do not contain nuclei
  27. two solutions, one is above strength
  28. negatively charged subatomic particle
  29. formed by chemical combo: 2 or more elements
  30. study of living organisms
  31. some cells have this strong supporting layer
  32. community + its nonliving surroundings
  33. contains nitrogen/carbon/hydrogen/oxygen
  34. double layered sheet in cell membranes
  35. the smaller units
  36. compounds made of carbon/hydrogen/oxygen atoms
  37. single sugar molecules
  38. big macromolecules formed from monosacc
  39. system indicating H+ions in a solution
  40. part of earth containing all ecosystem
  41. element that enters into a chemical reaction

78 Clues: uses energysingle parentgroups of atomsthe smaller unitsdiffusion of watermeans "cell eating"2 different parentsdoes not use energybasic unit of mattercontains sugar ribosemonomers join togethersingle sugar moleculesstandard for comparisonindividual living thingdepends on other factorsfactor that stands alonewhen cells take in liquid...

Biology 2022-12-09

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. organelle where proteins are made
  2. 3 letter section of tRNA that matches to a codon of mRNA
  3. single stranded nucleic acid used by cells has bases a, u, g, c
  4. monomer of proteins made of sugar, phosphate, and nitrogen base
  5. gene mutation when a base is added or deleted and it changes all amino acids after it
  6. refers to DNA and histone proteins that make up chromosomes
  7. enzyme used to unzip the DNA molecule during DNA replication
  8. gene mutation when a base is substituted changes only 1 amino acid
  9. making a copy of dna occurs during the s phase of interphase
  10. macromolecule made of amino acids used for enzymes transport and cell structure
  11. used to organize dna to fit in the nucleus, together with dna makes up chromatin
  12. segment of newly formed dna on the lagging strand connected together by ligase during dna replication
  1. 3 letter sequence on mRNA that codes for an amino acid
  2. section of a gene that codes for a protein
  3. part of a nucleotide along with a 5 carbon sugar and phosphate group
  4. type of mutation that only effects 1 gene by adding, substituting or deleting bases
  5. monomer of a protein carried by tRNA molecules during transcription
  6. replicating strand of dna that adds nucleotides moving away from helicase
  7. type of rna used during translation carries the amino acid and matches up with the mRNA codon
  8. replicatin strand of dna that adds nucleotides moving towards helicase
  9. section of a gene between exons does not code for proteins

21 Clues: organelle where proteins are madesection of a gene that codes for a protein3 letter sequence on mRNA that codes for an amino acid3 letter section of tRNA that matches to a codon of mRNAsection of a gene between exons does not code for proteinsrefers to DNA and histone proteins that make up chromosomes...

Biology 2022-12-19

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. a group of seed-producing plants that have been around far longer than the angiosperms
  2. an important soil bacteria that helps to convert the atmospheric nitrogen into fixed nitrogen
  3. A fist sized organ that pumps blood
  4. helps to protect us against diseases
  5. how we move and live
  6. a cell that grows out of control,
  7. very small particles that can infect animals and plants and make them sick
  8. the most basic, structural and functional unit of life
  9. an important process that is observed in plants and certain microscopic organisms
  10. fluid connective tissue
  11. an essential molecule for life
  1. found throughout the Earth including on land, in the water, in the air, and even in plants and animals
  2. organisms that consume dead or decaying organic matter
  3. fertilizer that contains living or latent microbes
  4. a part of the nervous system connected to the spinal cord
  5. Natures way of reusing carbon atoms
  6. covers our entire body and keeps the good stuff in and the bad stuff out
  7. a group of tissues in a living organism that has a specific form and function
  8. woody stem and is a perennial
  9. Things you use to see taste touch and so on
  10. we are supposed to have 206 of them
  11. it is the set of processes where traits from parents are passed on to their offspring either through sexual or asexual reproduction

22 Clues: how we move and livefluid connective tissuewoody stem and is a perennialan essential molecule for lifea cell that grows out of control,A fist sized organ that pumps bloodNatures way of reusing carbon atomswe are supposed to have 206 of themhelps to protect us against diseasesThings you use to see taste touch and so on...

Biology 2022-12-19

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. a group of seed-producing plants that have been around far longer than the angiosperms
  2. an important soil bacteria that helps to convert the atmospheric nitrogen into fixed nitrogen
  3. A fist sized organ that pumps blood
  4. helps to protect us against diseases
  5. how we move and live
  6. a cell that grows out of control,
  7. very small particles that can infect animals and plants and make them sick
  8. the most basic, structural and functional unit of life
  9. an important process that is observed in plants and certain microscopic organisms
  10. fluid connective tissue
  11. an essential molecule for life
  1. found throughout the Earth including on land, in the water, in the air, and even in plants and animals
  2. organisms that consume dead or decaying organic matter
  3. fertilizer that contains living or latent microbes
  4. a part of the nervous system connected to the spinal cord
  5. Natures way of reusing carbon atoms
  6. covers our entire body and keeps the good stuff in and the bad stuff out
  7. a group of tissues in a living organism that has a specific form and function
  8. woody stem and is a perennial
  9. Things you use to see taste touch and so on
  10. we are supposed to have 206 of them
  11. it is the set of processes where traits from parents are passed on to their offspring either through sexual or asexual reproduction

22 Clues: how we move and livefluid connective tissuewoody stem and is a perennialan essential molecule for lifea cell that grows out of control,A fist sized organ that pumps bloodNatures way of reusing carbon atomswe are supposed to have 206 of themhelps to protect us against diseasesThings you use to see taste touch and so on...

biology 2022-10-17

biology crossword puzzle
  1. Alat kelamin jantan pada bunga
  2. Nama latin padi
  3. Nama lain jaringan meristem
  4. Kelompok tanaman tidak berpembuluh
  5. Pengganti epidermis yang rusak
  6. Jaringan yang mengangkut hasil fotosintesis
  7. Nama lain jaringan permanen
  8. Pendukung pertumbuhan tumbuhan
  9. Jaringan yang mengangkut mineral
  10. Penemu bahwa serbuk sari, dll memiliki inti sel
  11. Partikel penyusun atom bermuatan negatif
  12. Daun yang dilapisi lapisan lilin
  13. Alat kelamin betina pada bunga
  14. Lapisan terdalam korteks
  1. Contoh dari jaringan pelindung
  2. Ahli botani dan farmasi pada 1990-1248 M
  3. Nama lain penguapan air
  4. Zat hijau daun
  5. Kelompok tanaman berpembuluh
  6. Tumbuhan berbiji tertutup
  7. Bagian terdalam dari epidermis

21 Clues: Zat hijau daunNama latin padiNama lain penguapan airLapisan terdalam korteksTumbuhan berbiji tertutupNama lain jaringan meristemNama lain jaringan permanenKelompok tanaman berpembuluhContoh dari jaringan pelindungAlat kelamin jantan pada bungaPengganti epidermis yang rusakPendukung pertumbuhan tumbuhanBagian terdalam dari epidermis...

Biology 2023-01-17

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. a microscopic fungus consisting of single oval cells that reproduce by budding, and are capable of converting sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide.
  2. a cell communication pathway mediated by extracellular nucleotides and nucleosides.
  3. a cellular process that harnesses the reduction of oxygen to generate high-energy phosphate bonds in the form of adenosine triphosphate.
  4. the breakdown of glucose by enzymes, releasing energy and pyruvic acid.
  5. an organelle found in large numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur.
  6. A chemical substance found in drinks such as beer, wine, and liquor.
  7. a series of chemical reactions to release stored energy through the oxidation of acetyl-CoA derived from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
  8. the smallest unit that makes up all living organisms and the tissues of the body.
  9. a chemical element with an atomic number of 8.
  10. the chemical breakdown of a substance by bacteria, yeasts, or other microorganisms.
  11. Its principal role is to act as a messenger carrying instructions from DNA for controlling the synthesis of proteins.
  12. is a nucleotide used in cells for DNA synthesis (or replication), as a substrate of DNA polymerase.
  13. is a biological catalyst and is almost always a protein.
  14. A product of fermentation.
  15. are organisms whose cells have a nucleus.
  16. a nucleoside phosphate comprised of a ribonucleoside and two phosphate groups.
  17. a coenzyme that functions as a universal electron carrier.
  18. a type of respiration where oxygen is not used or scarce.
  19. is found in all cells and separates the interior of the cell from the outside environment.
  20. is a polymer composed of two polynucleotide chains that coil around each other to form a double helix.
  21. is a type of membrane transport that does not require energy to move substances across cell membranes.
  22. the chemical breakdown of a compound due to reaction with water.
  1. is the movement of molecules across a cell membrane from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration against the concentration gradient.
  2. a series of protein complexes and other molecules that transfer electrons from electron donors to electron acceptors via redox reactions.
  3. is similar to paracrine signaling but there is a special structure called the synapse between the cell originating and the cell receiving the signal.
  4. Is a necessary function of everyday life and could not occur without ATP.
  5. a colorless, odorless, highly flammable gas, the chemical element of atomic number 1.
  6. A molecule made up of amino acids.
  7. is transparent to visible light but absorbs infrared radiation, acting as a greenhouse gas.
  8. Fermentation a biological process which converts sugars such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose into cellular energy, producing ethanol and carbon dioxide as by-products.
  9. Its main function is to deliver the acetyl group to the citric acid cycle to be oxidized for energy production.
  10. A chemical process in which oxygen is used to make energy from carbohydrates.
  11. A large group of single-cell microorganisms. Some cause infections and disease in animals and humans.
  12. Is a reaction that use atp through catabolism of ketone bodies.
  13. a metabolic process by which glucose or other six-carbon sugars are converted into cellular energy and the metabolite lactate.
  14. a central metabolic coenzyme/cosubstrate involved in cellular energy metabolism and energy production.
  15. a plastid that contains chlorophyll and in which photosynthesis takes place.
  16. a simple sugar which is an important energy source in living organisms and is a component of many carbohydrates.
  17. an important “energy molecule” found in all life forms.
  18. a redox-active coenzyme associated with various proteins, which is involved with several enzymatic reactions in metabolism.

40 Clues: A product of fermentation.A molecule made up of amino acids.are organisms whose cells have a nucleus.a chemical element with an atomic number of important “energy molecule” found in all life a biological catalyst and is almost always a protein.a type of respiration where oxygen is not used or scarce....

Biology 2017-04-10

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. "water loving"
  2. one trait is dominant and the other is recessive
  3. a species in an area
  4. a trait that improves and organism's ability to survive and reproduce
  5. "water fearing"
  6. what is made from the enzyme and substrate binding together
  7. where the substrate binds with the enzyme
  8. an organism's ability to survive and reproduce
  9. binds with Adenine in RNA
  10. DNA forms this and is one of the differences between RNA and DNA
  11. binds with Adenine
  12. 23rd pair of chromosomes and determines gender
  13. the membrane allows only certain materials into and out of the cell
  14. maintaining stable internal conditions
  15. instructions for making proteins
  16. binds with Guanine
  17. a measurement
  18. both traits are either dominant or recessive
  19. the enzyme becomes deformed
  1. makes up the cell membrane
  2. gets energy from the sun
  3. written by Charles Darwin
  4. egg and sperm
  5. single celled
  6. binds with Cytosine
  7. binds with Thymine in DNA and Uracil for RNA
  8. came up with the theory that species change over time
  9. to exit or move out
  10. a physical description
  11. multi celled
  12. to move in
  13. double
  14. needs to eat in order to get energy
  15. half
  16. making identical copies

35 Clues: halfdoubleto move inmulti celledegg and spermsingle celleda measurement"water loving""water fearing"binds with Adeninebinds with Guaninebinds with Cytosineto exit or move outa species in an areaa physical descriptionmaking identical copiesgets energy from the sunwritten by Charles Darwinbinds with Adenine in RNAmakes up the cell membrane...

biology 2019-01-14

biology crossword puzzle
  1. / minimum distance apart that two objects can appear seperate
  2. / facilitated diffusion is a _______ process
  3. / carbohydrates attached to proteins
  4. / process when cytoplasm divides
  5. / type of monomer
  6. size / magnification x actual size
  7. / type of cell with no nucleus
  8. / process that releases organelles from the cell
  9. / site of protein synthesis
  10. / stage in mitosis where spindle fibres form
  11. / amino, R and _______ group make up structure of an amino acid
  12. / bonds in tertiary structure of proteins
  1. / first stage of mitosis
  2. / model of cell surface membrane
  3. / site which inhibitor molecule binds to
  4. / type of reaction that produces water
  5. / minimum amount of energy required to cause a reaction
  6. / test for reducing sugar
  7. / type of glucose in cellulose
  8. / when something is attracted to water

20 Clues: / type of monomer/ first stage of mitosis/ test for reducing sugar/ site of protein synthesis/ type of glucose in cellulose/ type of cell with no nucleus/ model of cell surface membrane/ process when cytoplasm dividessize / magnification x actual size/ carbohydrates attached to proteins/ type of reaction that produces water...

Biology 2019-05-07

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. made of multiple organs
  2. sacs for storage, digestion, and control waste
  3. produces energy, a powerhouse of the cell
  4. method used to make food for plants from sunlight
  5. lives in fresh water, uses photosynthesis and uses flagellum
  6. surrounds the cell and controls exits and entries
  7. colony that uses cilia to move
  8. take in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide
  9. used to find a light on the surface
  10. living things made of cells
  11. cells that makes up an animal
  12. lives in fresh water and eats bacteria
  13. protects the cell and gives it strength
  14. pushes and pulls through water
  1. made of multiple tissues
  2. digests nutrients and gets rid of unnecessary waste
  3. false foot
  4. lives in either water or soil, feeds on bacteria
  5. flows and pumps blood
  6. one cell
  7. two or more cells
  8. controls every system of cells and also stores DNA
  9. removes waste
  10. made of multiple cells
  11. cells that make up a plant
  12. different structures within a cell
  13. hair like structures used to move

27 Clues: one cellfalse footremoves wastetwo or more cellsflows and pumps bloodmade of multiple cellsmade of multiple organsmade of multiple tissuescells that make up a plantliving things made of cellscells that makes up an animalcolony that uses cilia to movepushes and pulls through waterhair like structures used to movedifferent structures within a cell...

Biology 2019-09-30

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. fat lack double bonds between the individual carbon atoms and tends to be solid and from animals
  2. the electronegativity of the atoms will be equal
  3. the part of the metabolism responsible for breaking complex molecules down into smaller molecules.
  4. a natural or artificial place where water is collected and stored for use
  5. formed from glycerol and three fatty acid groups
  6. Fat a form of unsaturated fat associated with a number of negative health effects
  7. complex the structure that results in the maximum energy point along the reaction path.
  1. bond a chemical bond formed between two molecules when the carboxyl group of one molecule reacts with the amino group of the other molecule, releasing a molecule of water
  2. polysaccharides of glucose that serves as a form of energy storage in animals
  3. reaction an action that absorbs heat and cools the surroundings
  4. electron an outer shell electron that is associated with an atom, and that can participate in the formation of a chemical bond if the outer shell is not closed
  5. fat there is at least one double bond in the fatty acid chain and tends to be liquid from plants
  6. the electronegativity of the atoms will be different.
  7. lipid monomer
  8. monomers of nucleic acid
  9. a type of lipid that is made up of four interlocked rings of carbon called a steroid, only found in animal cells
  10. reaction an action that releases heat, causing the temperature of the immediate surroundings to rise
  11. the part which builds complex molecules from simpler ones
  12. heat the amount of heat one gram of a substance must absorb or lose to change its temperature by one degree Celsius.
  13. a fibrous substance consisting of polysaccharides, which is the major constituent in the exoskeleton

20 Clues: lipid monomermonomers of nucleic acidthe electronegativity of the atoms will be equalformed from glycerol and three fatty acid groupsthe electronegativity of the atoms will be different.the part which builds complex molecules from simpler onesreaction an action that absorbs heat and cools the surroundings...

BIOLOGY 2019-09-22

BIOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. part of microscope where specimen is positioned
  2. kingdom that includes unicellular organisms
  3. Where is the genophere located
  4. Which organelle contains motor proteins
  5. Type of cell that contains 80s ribosome
  6. Cell with cellulose cell walls
  7. What feeds autographically
  8. living organisms develop from non living matter
  9. Organelle that packages proteins
  10. Group of cell that performs a specific function
  1. Point which magnified image is observed in a microscope
  2. organelle which exchanges genetic material
  3. Process where newly formed cells become specialised
  4. Who found the microscopic world of cells
  5. Part of the microscope that magnifies image of specimen
  6. Phospholipid bilayer that contains protein
  7. Specialised structures within cells
  8. Type of cell that reproduces through binary fission
  9. Which organelle does photosynthesis take place
  10. As a cell grows what increases

20 Clues: What feeds autographicallyWhere is the genophere locatedCell with cellulose cell wallsAs a cell grows what increasesOrganelle that packages proteinsSpecialised structures within cellsWhich organelle contains motor proteinsType of cell that contains 80s ribosomeWho found the microscopic world of cellsorganelle which exchanges genetic material...

Biology 2020-04-18

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. when the population increases
  2. an enzyme that synthesizes short rna
  3. an area on the planet with living beings
  4. made in ribosome, composed of a chain of amino acids
  5. 'the instucion manual' carries hereditary information
  6. makes up much of the inside of a cell
  7. a group of atoms together creating a compound
  8. copy of dna carries information to the ribosome the messenger
  9. the large membrane organelle 'the office'
  10. the basic units of life, this is as small as it gets.
  11. breaks down food and absorbs nutrients
  12. transports matierals to and from cells, blood.
  1. responsible for making many some things
  2. a biological bunch of organisms interacting with each-other
  3. the natural habitat with a community of organisms and flora and fauna
  4. the different forms of a gene
  5. the likelihood that a particular event will occur
  6. one of the 'building blocks'
  7. when the beings are together creating more than one.
  8. when the cells get together they form this
  9. the being formed by the system that is fully funcional.
  10. made of rna where protein synthesis happens
  11. carries dna, in shape of an x
  12. in plant cell that makes it green
  13. the study of hereditary
  14. when the organs are together they make a functional ------ that helps the living being survive.
  15. detects informaton from the enviroment and controls body function
  16. the basic funcional unit in every living being.

28 Clues: the study of hereditaryone of the 'building blocks'when the population increasesthe different forms of a genecarries dna, in shape of an xin plant cell that makes it greenan enzyme that synthesizes short rnamakes up much of the inside of a cellbreaks down food and absorbs nutrientsresponsible for making many some things...

biology 2021-09-17

biology crossword puzzle
  1. Logical interpretation based on prior knowledge and experience.
  2. Plants that use the energy of sunlight to produce their own food.
  3. Organisms that break down chemicals to produce energy.
  4. Organisms that only eat plants.
  5. Organisms that are able to make their own food.
  6. Organisms that eat both plants and meat.
  7. Shines light through specimen using two lenses.
  8. A factor that changes in an experiment.
  9. Living creatures that are too small to see with the naked eye.
  10. Variable manipulated by the experimenter.
  11. Organisms that are internally warmed.
  12. The body of data from experiments and observations.
  13. Organisms that aren't internally warmed.
  14. The metric system which is the most widely used system of measurement.
  1. Group in an experiment that is manipulated.
  2. An organism producing genetically identical offspring.
  3. Organisms that only eat meat.
  4. Observations involving numbers.
  5. when two parents produce genetically different offspring.
  6. Variable responding to the manipulated variable.
  7. Transmits a beam of electrons through a thinly sliced specimen.
  8. The idea that very simple life forms appeared through chemical reactions.
  9. Group in an experiment with no manipulation.
  10. A testable answer to a scientific question.
  11. Passes a beam of electrons over the surface of a specimen.
  12. The maintenance of stable internal condition.
  13. Observations that are not easily counted or measured.
  14. An abrupt change in DNA of an organism compared to its parents.
  15. Structures that allow living organisms to sense their condition.
  16. Chemical reactions in the body's cells that convert food into energy.
  17. Organisms that use energy and simple chemical building blocks to produce large chemicals.
  18. Organisms that depend on other organisms for food.
  19. Description of a natural relationship or principle often expressed in math terms.
  20. An explanation of something that has been throughly tested and thought out.

34 Clues: Organisms that only eat meat.Observations involving numbers.Organisms that only eat plants.Organisms that are internally warmed.A factor that changes in an experiment.Organisms that eat both plants and meat.Organisms that aren't internally warmed.Variable manipulated by the experimenter.Group in an experiment that is manipulated....

biology 2021-09-17

biology crossword puzzle
  1. Logical interpretation based on prior knowledge and experience.
  2. Plants that use the energy of sunlight to produce their own food.
  3. Organisms that break down chemicals to produce energy.
  4. Organisms that only eat plants.
  5. Organisms that are able to make their own food.
  6. Organisms that eat both plants and meat.
  7. Shines light through specimen using two lenses.
  8. A factor that changes in an experiment.
  9. Living creatures that are too small to see with the naked eye.
  10. Variable manipulated by the experimenter.
  11. Organisms that are internally warmed.
  12. The body of data from experiments and observations.
  13. Organisms that aren't internally warmed.
  14. The metric system which is the most widely used system of measurement.
  1. Group in an experiment that is manipulated.
  2. An organism producing genetically identical offspring.
  3. Organisms that only eat meat.
  4. Observations involving numbers.
  5. when two parents produce genetically different offspring.
  6. Variable responding to the manipulated variable.
  7. Transmits a beam of electrons through a thinly sliced specimen.
  8. The idea that very simple life forms appeared through chemical reactions.
  9. Group in an experiment with no manipulation.
  10. A testable answer to a scientific question.
  11. Passes a beam of electrons over the surface of a specimen.
  12. The maintenance of stable internal condition.
  13. Observations that are not easily counted or measured.
  14. An abrupt change in DNA of an organism compared to its parents.
  15. Structures that allow living organisms to sense their condition.
  16. Chemical reactions in the body's cells that convert food into energy.
  17. Organisms that use energy and simple chemical building blocks to produce large chemicals.
  18. Organisms that depend on other organisms for food.
  19. Description of a natural relationship or principle often expressed in math terms.
  20. An explanation of something that has been throughly tested and thought out.

34 Clues: Organisms that only eat meat.Observations involving numbers.Organisms that only eat plants.Organisms that are internally warmed.A factor that changes in an experiment.Organisms that eat both plants and meat.Organisms that aren't internally warmed.Variable manipulated by the experimenter.Group in an experiment that is manipulated....

Biology 2021-10-01

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. particles/a particle smaller than an atom-atom/the basic unit of a chemical element.
  2. biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.
  3. molecule containing a very large number of atoms, such as a protein, nucleic acid, or synthetic polymer.
  4. to or derived from living matter.
  5. group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.
  6. regions of the surface, atmosphere, and hydrosphere of the earth (or analogous parts of other planets) occupied by living organisms.
  7. action or fact of forming a united whole.
  8. of the distinct types of material of which animals or plants are made, consisting of specialized cells and their products.
  9. to or derived from living matter.
  10. consisting of or deriving from living matter.
  11. individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form.
  1. sweet crystalline substance obtained from various plants, especially sugar cane and sugar beet, consisting essentially of sucrose, and used as a sweetener in food and drink.
  2. action or process of adhering to a surface or object.
  3. a small room in which a prisoner is locked up or in which a monk or nun sleeps.
  4. assets in excess of liabilities; able to pay one's debts.
  5. spoonful of sugar"
  6. group of atoms bonded together, representing the smallest fundamental unit of a chemical compound that can take part in a chemical reaction.
  7. substance that has a molecular structure consisting chiefly or entirely of a large number of similar units bonded together, e.g., many synthetic organic materials used as plastics and resins.
  8. molecule that can be bonded to other identical molecules to form a polymer.
  9. chemical substance that neutralizes alkalis, dissolves some metals, and turns litmus red; typically, a corrosive or sour-tasting liquid of this kind.
  10. lowest part or edge of something, especially the part on which it rests or is supported.
  11. part of an organism that is typically self-contained and has a specific vital function, such as the heart or liver in humans.

22 Clues: spoonful of sugar"to or derived from living or derived from living matter.action or fact of forming a united whole.consisting of or deriving from living matter.action or process of adhering to a surface or object.individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form.assets in excess of liabilities; able to pay one's debts....

biology 2021-02-22

biology crossword puzzle
  1. the pale part in sexual reproduction.
  2. base of radicle.
  3. the joining of male and female cells to produce a zygote.
  4. powdery substance that produce male gametes.
  5. one of the conditions needed for seed germination and needed for the embryo to respire.
  6. the transfer of pollen grains from the anthers of one flower to the stigma of another flower of the same species.
  7. a characteristic of fruits that can attract animals to disperse them.
  8. the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma.
  9. the transfer of pollen grains from an anther to the stigma in the same flower.
  1. part of the plant that turned into a fruit
  2. a tube that connects the stigma to the ovary.
  3. true petals.
  4. .... pollinated flowers have smooth pollens, large anthers, and flowers that hangs down.
  5. the last stage in sexual reproduction in plants.
  6. water enters before germination.
  7. base of plumule.
  8. part pf a flower that mainly attract insects because of their colours.
  9. a smell.
  10. where fertilisation happens.
  11. contains a food store used by the embryo plant.

20 Clues: a smell.true petals.base of radicle.base of plumule.where fertilisation happens.water enters before germination.the pale part in sexual reproduction.part of the plant that turned into a fruitpowdery substance that produce male gametes.a tube that connects the stigma to the ovary.contains a food store used by the embryo plant....

Biology 2021-03-22

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. enzyme found in red blood cells
  2. tissue and location where gas exchange occurs between the outer environment and blood
  3. muscular tube connecting nose and mouth to larynx / esophagus
  4. how 2% of carbon dioxide is carried in blood, creates this when hemoglobin is attached to carbon dioxide
  5. 02 diffuses from this tissue of high concentration to low concentration in capillary
  6. in blood, balances fluid from becoming too low in pH or too high
  7. hair like structures that help catch and get rid of foreign debris
  8. exchange of air between lungs and the environment
  9. exchange of gases between blood and cells
  10. oxygen-binding molecules in red blood cells
  1. uses the O2 and glucose to create ATP in cells
  2. exchange of gases between lungs and blood
  3. tube that connects the pharynx to the lungs
  4. when gases move from an area of high concentration to low
  5. CO2 diffuses from here of high concentration to low concentration in alveoli
  6. covers the trachea during swallowing to prevent choking
  7. oxygenated hemoglobin
  8. what is created when water and carbon dioxide create in CO2 transport
  9. 2 parts to breathing
  10. connections to pharynx and link for air between inside and outside

20 Clues: 2 parts to breathingoxygenated hemoglobinenzyme found in red blood cellsexchange of gases between lungs and bloodexchange of gases between blood and cellstube that connects the pharynx to the lungsoxygen-binding molecules in red blood cellsuses the O2 and glucose to create ATP in cellsexchange of air between lungs and the environment...

biology 2021-10-07

biology crossword puzzle
  1. A large vacuole that rests at the center of most plant cells and is filled with a solution that contains a high concentration of solutes.
  2. A rigid structure on the outside of certain cells, usually plant and bacteria cells.
  3. The region of a cell that contains the cell's main DNA. Centre of a cell.
  4. shorter term for spermatozoon; male gamete
  5. DNA coiled around and supported by proteins, found in the nucleus of the cell.
  6. The removal of soluble waste materials.
  7. Powerhouse of the cell
  8. Hairlike projections that extend from the plasma membrane and are used for locomotion.
  9. Small part of all living things.
  10. The tendency of a solvent to travel across a semipermeable membrane into areas of higher solute concentration.
  11. The breakdown of food molecules with a release of energy.
  12. Conversion of light energy from the sun into chemical energy.products of photosynthesis are glucose and oxygen
  1. A thin covering of tissue.
  2. An organelle containing chlorophyll for photosynthesis.
  3. A membrane that allows some molecules to pass through but does not allow other molecules to pass through.
  4. A pigment necessary for photosynthesis.
  5. main source of energy
  6. The breakdown of absorbed substances.
  7. Made of thousands of cells, connected by several body systems to do work to keep our bodies healthy & alive.
  8. A membrane-bounded "sac" within a cell.
  9. Sets of organs in our bodies that do the work to keep us healthy and alive.

21 Clues: main source of energyPowerhouse of the cellA thin covering of tissue.Small part of all living things.The breakdown of absorbed substances.A pigment necessary for photosynthesis.The removal of soluble waste materials.A membrane-bounded "sac" within a cell.shorter term for spermatozoon; male gamete...

Biology 2021-10-07

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. any eukaryotic organism
  2. a specialized structure that performs specific jobs
  3. responsible for nutrient storage, detoxification, and exportation
  4. a molecule consisting of a nitrogen containing base
  5. no nucleus
  6. helps detoxify alcohol and break down fats
  7. has a nucleus
  1. a type of protein
  2. helps organize the assembly of microtubules during cell division
  3. responsible for manufacturing, warehousing, and shipping certain cellular products
  4. makes protein
  5. enables the cell to move around
  6. provides support and protection
  7. liquid portion of the cell
  8. allows the cell to stick to surfaces
  9. cleans the cell
  10. creates energy for the cell
  11. makes photosynthesis
  12. holds the genetic information
  13. contains the cell's DNA

20 Clues: no nucleusmakes proteinhas a nucleuscleans the cella type of proteinmakes photosynthesisany eukaryotic organismcontains the cell's DNAliquid portion of the cellcreates energy for the cellholds the genetic informationenables the cell to move aroundprovides support and protectionallows the cell to stick to surfaces...

BIOLOGY 2021-10-30

BIOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. njesia me e vogel qe nderton proteinen
  2. nje pjese e jashtme qe mbulon si citoplazme qelizat e gjethes
  3. qelizor- mur i jashtem i qelizes
  4. hapesira ne pjesen e bremdshme te qelizes bimore
  5. sinonimi i yndyrnave
  6. lende kimike qe nevojiten ne sasi te vogla
  7. procesi i formimit te ushqimit tek bimet
  8. qeliza mesazhere
  9. perdoren per riparuar vetveten
  1. jane lipide
  2. depozitimi i yndyrnave ne gjak shkakton..
  3. semundja e shkaktuar nga mungesa e proteinave
  4. lejon hyrjen e ajrit ne qelizat e gjethes
  5. organela te vogla ne gjethe
  6. sinonimi i sheqernave
  7. depozitimi i yndynave ne gjak
  8. obezitet
  9. nje organizem brenda gjethes
  10. karbohidrat lipid celuloze
  11. qelizat e trurit

20 Clues: obezitetjane lipideqelizat e truritqeliza mesazheresinonimi i yndyrnavesinonimi i sheqernavekarbohidrat lipid celulozeorganela te vogla ne gjethenje organizem brenda gjethesdepozitimi i yndynave ne gjakperdoren per riparuar vetvetenqelizor- mur i jashtem i qelizesnjesia me e vogel qe nderton proteinenprocesi i formimit te ushqimit tek bimet...

Biology 2021-05-13

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. what is respiration called without oxygen?
  2. when the making of a more complex molecule is sped up
  3. biological catalysts
  4. what kind of transport does osmosis use?
  5. eats both plants and meat
  6. which intestine has finger like projection called villi
  7. what do fertilisers enhance in the soil?
  8. ATP = ADP + ?
  9. what does blood enter the heart through?
  10. what does the pancreas release when there is high levels of glucose?
  11. a group of a single species
  12. - in mitosis, where do the chromosomes line up?
  13. what are hormones released by?
  14. how do bacteria reproduce
  15. what is the only source of new alleles?
  16. the set of genes an organism possesses
  1. destroy pathogens by releasing antibodies
  2. what makes the blood clot?
  3. hollow dead tubes
  4. full name for 'G' base
  5. cells - ? - organs - systems
  6. first stage of photosynthesis
  7. which neuron is connected to a muscle?
  8. the stomata is a pore which allows ____
  9. what type of hairs absorb water via osmosis
  10. area for conscious thought
  11. non-living factors that can affect the distribution of plants and animals in an ecosystem
  12. liquid with the same concentration as the cell
  13. which ventricle has thicker walls?
  14. where does fertilisation occur?
  15. what is a random process?
  16. the gene that masks another gene

32 Clues: ATP = ADP + ?hollow dead tubesbiological catalystsfull name for 'G' baseeats both plants and meatwhat is a random process?how do bacteria reproducewhat makes the blood clot?area for conscious thoughta group of a single speciescells - ? - organs - systemsfirst stage of photosynthesiswhat are hormones released by?where does fertilisation occur?...

Biology 2021-05-14

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. living aspects of the environment
  2. dead leaves, animal feces
  3. a relationship in which one organism benefits and the other is harmed
  4. a succession that occurs in a formerly inhabited area
  5. the final step in decomposition
  6. when a species changes over time
  7. occurs between different species
  8. when competing species evolve different adaptations
  9. cocsume detritus
  10. occurs between same species
  11. plays an especially important role
  12. when a species inhabits an area devoid of plant life
  13. the positions in the food chain
  14. when one organism hunts and consumes another
  15. consume dead matter
  16. consumes both producers and consumers
  1. consume meat
  2. the first species to colonize a disturbed area
  3. multiple food chains put together
  4. nonliving aspects of the environment
  5. the final stable stage of succession
  6. when two different species cannot occupy the same niche in the same place for a long time
  7. consume dead animals
  8. use energy from chemical compounds to make food by chemosynthesis
  9. the study of how living things interact with each other and their environment
  10. the role of a species in its environment
  11. use energy from sunlight to make food by photosynthesis
  12. a relationship in which both parties benefit
  13. a relationship in which one organism benefits and the other is not affected
  14. the physical environment in which a species lives
  15. consume plants

31 Clues: consume meatconsume plantscocsume detritusconsume dead matterconsume dead animalsdead leaves, animal fecesoccurs between same speciesthe final step in decompositionthe positions in the food chainwhen a species changes over timeoccurs between different speciesmultiple food chains put togetherliving aspects of the environment...

Biology 2021-11-12

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. it is a solution to test for starch
  2. it is the movement of small food molecules and ions through the wall of the intestine into the blood
  3. it is a protein that functions as a biological catalyst
  4. A sustainable ...... is one that is produced as rapidly as it is removed from the environment
  5. A ...... is the probability of that organism surviving and reproducing in the environment where it is found
  6. A ........... is made up of all the plants and animals living in an ecosystem
  7. What is the process of getting energy from ammonia?
  8. the movement of the sucrose and amino acids in the phloem, from regions of production to the regions of storage or to regions where they are used in respiration or growth
  9. The process by which energy is produced from food
  10. structure made up of a group of tissues, working together to perfrom a specific function
  11. it is the movement of digested food molecules into the cells of the body where they are used, becoming part of the cells.
  12. a group of organisms that can reproduce to produce fertile offspring
  13. A ..... is any substance taken into the body that modifies or affects chemical reactions in the body
  14. the removal of the nitrogen-containing part of amino acids to form urea
  15. fats are a solid form of a group of molecules is called.....
  16. Another version of genes are called ........
  17. it is the process by which plants manufacture carbohydrates from raw materials using the energy from light.
  18. Type of variation that is brought about by genes, but can also be caused by the environment is .........
  19. Dominance that is sometimes taken to mean the same as co-dominance is ........... dominance
  20. the ability to detect or sense stimuli in the internal or external environment and to make appropriate responses
  1. Heroine, morphine and codeine belong to a group of drugs are called....
  2. it is a fluid filled space surrounded by a membrane which is found inside the cyptoplasm of plant cells to help to keep plants cells firm
  3. it is the net movement of molecules and ions from region of their higher concentration to a region of their lower concentration down a concentration gradient as a result of their random movement
  4. When a crop of single species is grown on the same land, year after year, it is called .........
  5. the loss of water vapour from the plant leaves by evaporation of water at the surfaces of the mesophyll cells followed by the diffusion of water vapour through the stomata
  6. EGC stands for
  7. it is a substances that increases the rate of a chemical reaction and is not changed by the reaction
  8. Coordination by chemicals is brought about by the.......
  9. the fusion of gamete nuclei
  10. the removal from organisms of toxic materials and substances in excess of requirements.
  11. The Goblet Cells secrete....
  12. The effect of greenhouse gas is that they trap .......... radiation and increase global temperature
  13. respiration the term for the chemical reactions in the cells that break down nutrient molecules to release energy without using oxygen
  14. it is proteins produced by white blood cells called lymphocytes
  15. .......... and wallflower are examples of insect-pollinated flowers
  16. Bacterial DNA that is in the form of circular strand and also small circular pieces called ..........
  17. The sounds you heart make can be heard by a......
  18. The ...... in our atmosphere contains about twenty one% of oxygen
  19. the defence against the pathogen by antibody production in the body
  20. it is the net movement of waterr molecules from a region of higher water potential to a region of lower water potential through a partially permeable membrane
  21. Nerve impulses from the sense organs to the central nervous system are called,,,,

41 Clues: EGC stands forthe fusion of gamete nucleiThe Goblet Cells is a solution to test for starchAnother version of genes are called ........The process by which energy is produced from foodThe sounds you heart make can be heard by a......What is the process of getting energy from ammonia?...

Biology 2023-01-22

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Anaerobic process in which energy can be released from glucose even if oxygen is not available
  2. Provides energy needed for many essential processes in organisms and cells.
  3. Light-independent reactions or "dark reactions"
  4. Helps regulate kinase activity
  5. In this, starch or sugar is converted into lactic acid by yeast strains and bacteria
  6. Breaks down complex molecules and releases energy which is available for the body to use (shedding weight and burning calories)
  7. Is the source of energy for use and storage
  8. Is used for DNA synthesis by removing am oxygen atom from the sugar to yield deoxyribonucleotide.
  9. reaction, energy is absorbed from the surroundings. The bonds being formed are weaker than the bonds being broken.
  10. Pyruvate, end product of glycolysis is broken down into this and carbon dioxide
  11. Reaction yielding ATP through the catabolism of ketone bodies.
  12. Process of incorporating an inorganic carbon molecule into organic material
  13. Are important in activating proteins so that the proteins can perform particular functions in cells.
  14. The production of chemical compounds by reaction from simpler materials
  15. is the process of catabolizing glucose into acetyl-CoA, producing high-energy electron carriers that will be oxidized during oxidative phosphorylation, yielding ATP.
  16. Transmit the information from one neuron to the next.
  17. Is a simple sugar and carbohydrate nucleoside Triphosphate, Is a nucleotide containing a nitrogenous base bound to a 5-carbon sugar Adenine, Chemical compound that is used to make one of the building blocks of DNA and RNA
  18. synthesis of polymers from monomers
  19. 5 carbon sugar molecule
  20. Is the main source of energy for cells and an important part of aerobic respiration
  21. A positively charged particle equal and opposite to that of the electron.
  1. Carries signal that relaxes those system
  2. Form of extracellular paracrine signaling that is mediated by purine nucleotide, including ATP.
  3. Is a molecule that participates in many biochemical reactions in protein, carbohydrate and lipid mechanism.
  4. Starch and the sugar present in grains and fruits ferment into vinegar and condiments.
  5. The act of bringing or coming together : pairing specifically.
  6. Carries signal that put body’s system on alert
  7. energy is released to the surroundings. The bonds being formed are stronger than the bonds being broken.
  8. Contraction of muscles , also used to make RNA
  9. Creates molecules the body needs for functionality and it uses energy in the process( building muscle mass)
  10. Process of breaking down fatty acids into substrates utilized in mitochondrial ATP production.
  11. When Oxygen is scarce or unavailable during cellular respiration, cells can undergo this respiration
  12. pumping of substances across membranes
  13. Are the basis for the remarkable ability of the brain to sense, interpret and ultimately act upon the environment.
  14. A phosphate group from ATP is then attached to each 3-phosphoglycerate by an enzyme forming 1,3 phosphoglycerate
  15. Are a type of fat (lipid) found in the blood. store unused calories and provide your body with energy.
  16. A large amount of energy is spent on maintaining ion concentrations for proper neuronal signaling and synaptic transmission.
  17. Is the stored form of glucose that's made up of many connected glucose molecules.

38 Clues: 5 carbon sugar moleculeHelps regulate kinase activitysynthesis of polymers from monomerspumping of substances across membranesCarries signal that relaxes those systemIs the source of energy for use and storageCarries signal that put body’s system on alertContraction of muscles , also used to make RNALight-independent reactions or "dark reactions"...

biology 2023-02-01

biology crossword puzzle
  1. Animals with mouths that develop from or near the blastopore
  2. the inner germ layer that develops into the lining of the digestive and respiratory systems
  3. Echinoderms and chordates are
  4. Process by which two species evolve in response to changes in each other
  5. Diagram that shows the evolutionary relationships among a group of organisms
  6. Ability of an organism to survive and reproduce in its environment
  7. hollow ball of cells
  8. the diminishing of a conditioned response; occurs in classical conditioning when an unconditioned stimulus (US) does not follow a conditioned stimulus (CS); occurs in operant conditioning when a response is no longer reinforced.
  9. Change in allele frequencies in a population over generations.
  10. Change over time
  11. fertilized egg
  12. A hypothesis that has been tested with a significant amount of data
  1. study of embryos and their development
  2. A scientist who studies fossils
  3. the middle layer of an embryo in early development, between the endoderm and ectoderm.
  4. skin and nervous system
  5. Formation of new species
  6. these cells migrate becoming reorganized into a hollow ball that folds inwards at one location to form a layered structure
  7. A trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce
  8. large-scale evolutionary changes that take place over long periods of time

20 Clues: fertilized eggChange over timehollow ball of cellsskin and nervous systemFormation of new speciesEchinoderms and chordates areA scientist who studies fossilsstudy of embryos and their developmentA trait that helps an organism survive and reproduceAnimals with mouths that develop from or near the blastopore...