books Crossword Puzzles

Crossword puzzle 2024-09-18

Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. FICTION Future world tales
  2. Moral teaching stories
  3. Cultural traditional tales
  4. BOOKS Fact-filled resources
  5. Theatrical performance genre
  6. TALE Magical kingdom stories
  7. Explaining natural phenomena
  8. Someone's life story
  1. Heroic mythical stories
  2. True life experience
  3. BOOKS Colorful kids stories
  4. Personal life story
  5. Imaginary realm stories
  6. RHYME BOOKS Classic children's verses
  7. FICTION Past event inspired stories

15 Clues: Personal life storyTrue life experienceSomeone's life storyMoral teaching storiesHeroic mythical storiesImaginary realm storiesFICTION Future world talesCultural traditional talesBOOKS Colorful kids storiesBOOKS Fact-filled resourcesTheatrical performance genreTALE Magical kingdom storiesExplaining natural phenomena...

Crossword puzzle 2024-09-18

Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. FICTION Future world tales
  2. Moral teaching stories
  3. Cultural traditional tales
  4. BOOKS Fact-filled resources
  5. Theatrical performance genre
  6. TALE Magical kingdom stories
  7. Explaining natural phenomena
  8. Someone's life story
  1. Heroic mythical stories
  2. True life experience
  3. BOOKS Colorful kids stories
  4. Personal life story
  5. Imaginary realm stories
  6. RHYME BOOKS Classic children's verses
  7. FICTION Past event inspired stories

15 Clues: Personal life storyTrue life experienceSomeone's life storyMoral teaching storiesHeroic mythical storiesImaginary realm storiesFICTION Future world talesCultural traditional talesBOOKS Colorful kids storiesBOOKS Fact-filled resourcesTheatrical performance genreTALE Magical kingdom storiesExplaining natural phenomena...

Crossword 2024-09-19

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. - Theatrical performance genre
  2. Explaining natural phenomena
  3. True life experience
  4. - Someone's life story
  5. books - Fact-filled resources
  6. fiction - Past event inspired stories
  7. - Imaginary realm stories
  8. rhyme books - Classic children's verses
  9. fiction - Future world tales
  1. - Personal life story
  2. - Heroic mythical stories
  3. - Moral teaching stories
  4. - Cultural traditional tales
  5. Books - Colorful kids stories
  6. tale - Magical kingdom stories

15 Clues: True life experience- Personal life story- Someone's life story- Moral teaching stories- Heroic mythical stories- Imaginary realm storiesExplaining natural phenomena- Cultural traditional talesfiction - Future world talesbooks - Fact-filled resourcesBooks - Colorful kids stories- Theatrical performance genretale - Magical kingdom stories...

Fahrenheit 451 Puzzle 2023-03-12

Fahrenheit 451 Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. what Montag uses to burn the books
  2. The metal things that sniff out books
  3. The book Montag rips pages out of to scare the professor
  4. Clarisse says she's "17 and ___"
  5. what Montag does to the books he doesn't want to burn
  6. Montag's occupation
  7. Montag's wife's name
  8. the unit of measurement for heat
  9. What Mildred is obsessed with
  1. The man who leads the drifters
  2. The main characters last name
  3. what Montag burns
  4. The main characters first name
  5. the name of the "crazy" girl who talks to Montag
  6. The people who fly over during the war
  7. The name of the english professor who helps Montag
  8. the thing that threatens to take over their world

17 Clues: what Montag burnsMontag's occupationMontag's wife's nameThe main characters last nameWhat Mildred is obsessed withThe man who leads the driftersThe main characters first nameClarisse says she's "17 and ___"the unit of measurement for heatwhat Montag uses to burn the booksThe metal things that sniff out booksThe people who fly over during the war...

Issue I the Library 2024-10-28

Issue I the Library crossword puzzle
  1. oldest Memphis branch, on Front Street
  2. one of Memphis’s original inhabitants
  3. you kinda need this to check out books or use Libby
  4. this department has it all in arts, culture, philosophy, religion, and more
  5. system still used today to catalog books using decimals
  6. it takes a Parkway ___ to raise this branch
  7. to some, this name sounds a bit like Santa’s red-nosed reindeer
  8. this department handles book selections
  9. many know this as the place where movies are made
  10. speaking of Santa, he lives up here too
  11. this comes in handy, for wallets, keys, and book cards
  12. this is the next branch to get a new space
  13. only branch not in the city limits, East ___
  14. the newest branch to open
  1. this is issued and maintained by the Library of Congress for every book
  2. books would fall apart without them
  3. this one is closest to Graceland
  4. this department can help you trace your family tree
  5. a color, a verb, and a branch
  6. former trolley line
  7. named for a French restauranteur, ____ Park
  8. At MPL, we love to remind you to ___ Here
  9. necessary to list all library books and reference materials
  10. you use this if you prefer ebooks or audio books
  11. Teens use this amazing space, ___901, for hands-on multi-media learning
  12. Check out and return books here
  13. this branch shares a driveway with the Bert Ferguson Community Center
  14. Get hooked up here at ___2-1-1 for all kinds of resources and information
  15. clue
  16. Summer program that encourages everyone to read and ____ Memphis
  17. a brand of jeans
  18. call letters for the Library’s TV and radio station
  19. our Central branch is named after this legendary Memphian
  20. we no longer charge these for books turned in late

34 Clues: cluea brand of jeansformer trolley linethe newest branch to opena color, a verb, and a branchCheck out and return books herethis one is closest to Gracelandbooks would fall apart without themone of Memphis’s original inhabitantsoldest Memphis branch, on Front Streetthis department handles book selectionsspeaking of Santa, he lives up here too...

Tampines Regional Library 3rd Anniversary 2020-07-15

Tampines Regional Library 3rd Anniversary crossword puzzle
  1. Tampines Regional Library was officially re-opened on the ________ of August 2017.
  2. Return your library books through the ______.
  3. How many books can a basic member borrow?
  4. What is the acronym for 'Time of Your Life' seniors programmes?
  5. A person who collects or has a great love of books.
  6. You can _____ your loans to extend your borrowed materials.
  7. What is the name of NLB's quarterly programme brochure?
  8. How many weeks is the loan period for library materials before renewal?
  9. How many NLB public libraries are there in Singapore?
  10. An app to read a variety of international eMagazines and eNewspapers.
  11. A website with useful reading resources for children and teens.
  12. A library service to hold a book for you to collect at your convenience.
  1. A category of books that is about imaginary events and people.
  2. An English programme which Tampines Regional Library hosts for children every Tuesdays.
  3. A user friendly app to browse and borrow ebooks. It is also an alternative app to Overdrive.
  4. It offers library users a dedicated space to learn, create, invent, and share skills such as 3D printing. It is located on 4th floor of Tampines Regional Library.
  5. What does "COO" on the spine labels of library books represent? An example of such a book is "HelloFresh recipes that work".
  6. Level 6 of Tampines Regional Library is run by ______.
  7. The collection of books by local authors is called the _______ collection.
  8. You will need to sign up for this online account to use NLB Mobile App.

20 Clues: How many books can a basic member borrow?Return your library books through the ______.A person who collects or has a great love of books.How many NLB public libraries are there in Singapore?Level 6 of Tampines Regional Library is run by ______.What is the name of NLB's quarterly programme brochure?...

Welcome to the Library! (2) 2021-08-23

Welcome to the Library! (2) crossword puzzle
  1. the level your voice should be in the library
  2. The number of weeks students can keep a book is ____.
  3. _____ novels are a mix of pictures and words. Some people call them comics.
  4. Young ____ books are reserved for 8th graders.
  5. Nonfiction books are on the ____ shelves.
  6. Willian Allen _____ is a Kansas children's book award, and SMS students will vote to help decide the winner.
  7. Always enter and exit through the _____ door.
  8. This kind of book lives on the short shelves.
  1. Fiction books are arranged in alphabetical order by the first three letters of the last name of the _____.
  2. The name of the librarian is Mrs. _____.
  3. To find a _____ book, you need the numbers AND the letters from the book's record.
  4. You should return books on the ____ counter.
  5. Fiction books are arranged in _____ order.
  6. The total number of books a student can check out is ____.

14 Clues: The name of the librarian is Mrs. _____.Nonfiction books are on the ____ shelves.Fiction books are arranged in _____ order.You should return books on the ____ counter.the level your voice should be in the libraryAlways enter and exit through the _____ door.This kind of book lives on the short shelves.Young ____ books are reserved for 8th graders....

Library 2023-07-01

Library crossword puzzle
  1. A person who helps people find books in the library
  2. Books that you can use to find specific information or facts
  3. A special time when someone reads stories to children in the library
  4. To take a book from the library and bring it back later
  5. Looking at words and understanding what they mean
  1. Made-up stories that can take you on exciting adventures
  2. A flat board where books are stored in the library
  3. Information and understanding that you gain from reading books
  4. To look around and discover new books and topics in the library
  5. To acquire new information or skills from the books in the library
  6. Collections of stories, information, or pictures
  7. Not making loud noises or talking loudly in the library

12 Clues: Collections of stories, information, or picturesLooking at words and understanding what they meanA flat board where books are stored in the libraryA person who helps people find books in the libraryTo take a book from the library and bring it back laterNot making loud noises or talking loudly in the library...

George Francis Train 2024-11-21

George Francis Train crossword puzzle
  1. Commonly found in a library
  2. His ideology
  3. The place he lived for the majority of his life.
  4. ________ Railroad
  5. He had a _____ to be with his wife.
  6. ____ War
  7. He enjoyed being a _____ of the world
  1. His "occupation"
  2. He wrote books, which made him an _____
  3. He ran for ____
  4. A place he lived for a short time
  5. Ran a _____ campaign
  6. Francis Train His name
  7. He liked to go on ____
  8. The category of food he ate
  9. He was a _____ of books
  10. ______ Ocean

17 Clues: ____ WarHis ideology______ OceanHe ran for ____His "occupation"________ RailroadRan a _____ campaignFrancis Train His nameHe liked to go on ____He was a _____ of booksCommonly found in a libraryThe category of food he ateA place he lived for a short timeHe had a _____ to be with his wife.He enjoyed being a _____ of the world...

Library Induction 2022-01-19

Library Induction crossword puzzle
  1. Where you go to borrow books.
  2. The library catalogue.
  3. Access your Flying Start Books.
  4. You need this to borrow books and laptops.
  5. Find your reading lists here.
  6. You can borrow these for up to 4 hours to help with your studies.
  7. the number of books you can borrow at once.
  1. system used to print your work.
  2. put your rubbish in here, not down the holes in the floor.
  3. Do your work here in peace and quiet.
  4. Our collection of general interest books is called...
  5. Who can help you you improve your writing for assignments [Acronym]
  6. Desk, come here to ask any questions.
  7. What referencing style does Coventry University use? [Acronym]

14 Clues: The library catalogue.Where you go to borrow books.Find your reading lists here.system used to print your work.Access your Flying Start Books.Do your work here in peace and quiet.Desk, come here to ask any questions.You need this to borrow books and laptops.the number of books you can borrow at once....

I Love the UES Library! 2023-10-16

I Love the UES Library! crossword puzzle
  1. what tells you where to find a book
  2. genre with stories about real people
  3. the person who helps you find great books to read
  4. what you do when you want to take a book home
  5. genre where something needs to be solved
  6. you can book a book on _____ if someone else has it
  7. genre that may have magic
  1. what you do when you want to keep a book longer
  2. books you can listen to
  3. books with facts and information
  4. the number of books you are allowed to have checked out
  5. books you can read online
  6. what you do when you return a book
  7. the name of the UES mascot

14 Clues: books you can listen tobooks you can read onlinegenre that may have magicthe name of the UES mascotbooks with facts and informationwhat you do when you return a bookwhat tells you where to find a bookgenre with stories about real peoplegenre where something needs to be solvedwhat you do when you want to take a book home...

Crossword 2024-09-19

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. fiction - Future world tales
  2. - Moral teaching stories
  3. - Cultural traditional tales
  4. books - Fact-filled resources
  5. - Theatrical performance genre
  6. tale - Magical kingdom stories
  7. Explaining natural phenomena
  8. - Someone's life story
  1. - Heroic mythical stories
  2. True life experience
  3. Books - Colorful kids stories
  4. - Personal life story
  5. - Imaginary realm stories
  6. rhyme books - Classic children's verses
  7. fiction - Past event inspired stories

15 Clues: True life experience- Personal life story- Someone's life story- Moral teaching stories- Heroic mythical stories- Imaginary realm storiesfiction - Future world tales- Cultural traditional talesExplaining natural phenomenaBooks - Colorful kids storiesbooks - Fact-filled resources- Theatrical performance genretale - Magical kingdom stories...

Crossword puzzle 2024-09-19

Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. FICTION Future world tales
  2. Moral teaching stories
  3. Cultural traditional tales
  4. BOOKS Fact-filled resources
  5. Theatrical performance genre
  6. TALE Magical kingdom stories
  7. Explaining natural phenomena
  8. Someone's life story
  1. Heroic mythical stories
  2. True life experience
  3. BOOKS Colorful kids stories
  4. Personal life story
  5. Imaginary realm stories
  6. RHYME BOOKS Classic children's verses
  7. FICTION Past event inspired stories

15 Clues: Personal life storyTrue life experienceSomeone's life storyMoral teaching storiesHeroic mythical storiesImaginary realm storiesFICTION Future world talesCultural traditional talesBOOKS Colorful kids storiesBOOKS Fact-filled resourcesTheatrical performance genreTALE Magical kingdom storiesExplaining natural phenomena...

Fahrenheit 451 Crossword 2023-03-02

Fahrenheit 451 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the creator of the novel
  2. ex english professor who is holding tutoring
  3. hiding places for people to hide in
  4. one of the religious books montag wants
  5. books are considered _______ contraband
  6. firefighters hate this
  7. made from trees and used to print stories
  1. name of firefighter who is helping
  2. title of the newspaper
  3. language most books are in
  4. wrote the novel fahrenheit 451
  5. place for you to go and rent books

12 Clues: title of the newspaperfirefighters hate thisthe creator of the novellanguage most books are inwrote the novel fahrenheit 451name of firefighter who is helpingplace for you to go and rent bookshiding places for people to hide inone of the religious books montag wantsbooks are considered _______ contrabandmade from trees and used to print stories...

CC5,6 Class commands and questions 2021-09-28

CC5,6 Class commands and questions crossword puzzle
  1. of course
  2. read
  3. sit down
  4. do you study
  5. what
  6. open your books
  7. ¿Cómo se dice "clock"?
  8. match
  9. speak
  10. correct
  11. Can I go to the bathroom?
  1. how
  2. close your books
  3. where
  4. ¿Cómo se dice "door"?
  5. who
  6. do you have
  7. complete
  8. when
  9. write
  10. yes
  11. listen
  12. choose

23 Clues: howwhoyesreadwhenwhatwherewritematchspeaklistenchoosecorrectcompletesit downof coursedo you havedo you studyopen your booksclose your books¿Cómo se dice "door"?¿Cómo se dice "clock"?Can I go to the bathroom?

Fahrenheit 451 Crossword 2023-03-02

Fahrenheit 451 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the creator of the novel
  2. ex english professor who is holding tutoring
  3. hiding places for people to hide in
  4. one of the religious books montag wants
  5. books are considered _______ contraband
  6. firefighters hate this
  7. made from trees and used to print stories
  1. name of firefighter who is helping
  2. title of the newspaper
  3. language most books are in
  4. wrote the novel fahrenheit 451
  5. place for you to go and rent books

12 Clues: title of the newspaperfirefighters hate thisthe creator of the novellanguage most books are inwrote the novel fahrenheit 451name of firefighter who is helpingplace for you to go and rent bookshiding places for people to hide inone of the religious books montag wantsbooks are considered _______ contrabandmade from trees and used to print stories...

Fahrenheit 451 Crossword 2023-03-02

Fahrenheit 451 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the creator of the novel
  2. ex english professor who is holding tutoring
  3. hiding places for people to hide in
  4. one of the religious books montag wants
  5. books are considered _______ contraband
  6. firefighters hate this
  7. made from trees and used to print stories
  1. name of firefighter who is helping
  2. title of the newspaper
  3. language most books are in
  4. wrote the novel fahrenheit 451
  5. place for you to go and rent books

12 Clues: title of the newspaperfirefighters hate thisthe creator of the novellanguage most books are inwrote the novel fahrenheit 451name of firefighter who is helpingplace for you to go and rent bookshiding places for people to hide inone of the religious books montag wantsbooks are considered _______ contrabandmade from trees and used to print stories...

Ban This Book 2023-02-08

Ban This Book crossword puzzle
  1. he is the son of one of the mothers that decided to banned some books
  2. name of Trey's mother
  3. book about kids bulding egyptian altar and mysterious things happening after that
  4. when rebecca grow up she wants to be a ____
  5. the best friend of Amy Anne
  6. ____ have one of the banned books
  7. ____ wants to be a pony
  1. she is scared of one of the books that she bought called ___
  2. one of the Amy Anne's dogs which name starts with "j"
  3. she is the librarian
  4. ____ is in love with Danny
  5. she decided to express herself
  6. how many books could Amy Anne buy at the store?
  7. ____ like to dance
  8. Amy Ane found out what books are ____

15 Clues: ____ like to danceshe is the librarianname of Trey's mother____ wants to be a pony____ is in love with Dannythe best friend of Amy Anneshe decided to express herself____ have one of the banned booksAmy Ane found out what books are ____when rebecca grow up she wants to be a ____how many books could Amy Anne buy at the store?...

Spanish Articles 2 2016-09-29

Spanish Articles 2 crossword puzzle
  1. a map
  2. a lesson
  3. the male teacher
  4. the male student
  5. the female tourist
  6. the pencil
  7. some buses
  8. the pencils
  9. the books
  10. the suitcase
  1. the girl
  2. a female conductor
  3. some hands
  4. some questions
  5. the women
  6. a suitcase
  7. the problem
  8. some books
  9. the dogs
  10. a male tourist

20 Clues: a mapthe girla lessonthe dogsthe womenthe bookssome handsa suitcasesome booksthe pencilsome busesthe problemthe pencilsthe suitcasesome questionsa male touristthe male teacherthe male studenta female conductorthe female tourist

MS Media Center Contest 2020-10-26

MS Media Center Contest crossword puzzle
  1. What is the title of the 3rd book in a series about a demigod written by Rick Riordan?
  2. A book series about four clans of wild cats.
  3. This trilogy is set in the future where two tributes from each district are chosen to fight each other. Only one can survive.
  4. Who was the main character of a book series of journals written by Jeff Kinney.
  5. A book series about seven dragon tribes.
  6. The quote “If you ain’t scared, you ain’t human.” is from the 1st book of this series.
  7. This author is best known for his high fantasy classics The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.
  8. Series of comedy books based on 12 year old Fraternal twins claudia and Reese.
  9. R.L. Stine wrote this scary series of books.
  10. The Potter boy who lived.
  1. Series of adventure novels written by multiple authors, chronicles the adventures of two siblings Amy and Dan Cahill.
  2. This author wrote A Series of Unfortunate Events.
  3. This series is described as Diary of a Wimpy Kid, for girls.
  4. These books take place in A Galaxy Far, Far Away.
  5. Where in the school can you borrow books for free?
  6. This pokémon character's signature ability is “comatose”.
  7. A series of 13 books about a teenage spy?
  8. This book, a 1st in the series. Stars Teddy Fitzroy as he tries to solve a mystery at his zoo.
  9. This author wrote over 200 books including Hatchet and Dogsong.
  10. A book series about an optimistic loaner named Jack, set in a comic dystopian end of the world apocalypse.

20 Clues: The Potter boy who lived.A book series about seven dragon tribes.A series of 13 books about a teenage spy?A book series about four clans of wild cats.R.L. Stine wrote this scary series of books.This author wrote A Series of Unfortunate Events.These books take place in A Galaxy Far, Far Away.Where in the school can you borrow books for free?...

Library Terms 2024-05-02

Library Terms crossword puzzle
  1. a book that holds words and their meanings
  2. bring a book back so you can check out a new one
  3. A book written about a persons life
  4. the number used to identify a book and where to find it
  5. a genre of fiction that involves aliens, flying cars, and futuristic elements
  6. a book that includes pictures on each page with the story
  1. the person who wrote the book
  2. a genre of fiction books that involve a problem that needs to be solved
  3. the shelves used to store and organize books
  4. checking out a book and borrowing it for three weeks
  5. books that include facts, statistics, and true stories
  6. a genre of fiction books with scary things like ghosts
  7. a genre of fiction books that involves magic, dragons, mermaids, etc.
  8. books that have a made up story (not true)

14 Clues: the person who wrote the bookA book written about a persons lifea book that holds words and their meaningsbooks that have a made up story (not true)the shelves used to store and organize booksbring a book back so you can check out a new onechecking out a book and borrowing it for three weeksbooks that include facts, statistics, and true stories...

GENRES 2024-09-18

GENRES crossword puzzle
  1. :Verse with rhythm and rhyme
  2. FICTION : Fictional tales with historical accuracy, stories based on real events or eras
  3. RHYME BOOKS :Books featuring Humpty Dumpty and little Miss Muffet
  4. : Tales of princesses & prince , dragons, and enchantment
  5. :Short story with moral lesson, with symbolic meaning
  6. :Written story of someone's experience, life of a famous person
  7. BOOKS : illustrated stories for young learners.
  8. :Genre with magical or supernatural elements
  1. : Personal account of one's life experience
  2. FICTION :Tales of space, time, and technology, with futuristic themes
  3. BOOKS : Books providing facts and data for learning
  4. :Ancient story, often mythical
  5. : Traditional stories passed down through generations.
  6. : Play or film with conflict and emotional depth, often acted out

14 Clues: :Verse with rhythm and rhyme:Ancient story, often mythical: Personal account of one's life experience:Genre with magical or supernatural elementsBOOKS : illustrated stories for young learners.BOOKS : Books providing facts and data for learning:Short story with moral lesson, with symbolic meaning: Traditional stories passed down through generations....

Les Expressions dans la salle de classe 2022-10-04

Les Expressions dans la salle de classe crossword puzzle
  1. a notebook
  2. raise your hand
  3. expressions
  4. you need
  5. circulate
  6. take out
  7. sit down
  8. open your books
  9. a pencil
  10. close your books
  1. return to your seats
  2. the classroom
  3. speak in English
  4. listen
  5. stand up
  6. speak French
  7. talk with your neighbor
  8. discuss
  9. look at me
  10. repeat

20 Clues: listenrepeatdiscussstand upyou needtake outsit downa pencilcirculatea notebooklook at meexpressionsspeak Frenchthe classroomraise your handopen your booksspeak in Englishclose your booksreturn to your seatstalk with your neighbor

Summer Activities 2022-05-11

Summer Activities crossword puzzle
  1. a place to swim.
  2. use pencil and paper.
  3. bicycle.
  4. a place to find books.
  5. prepare breakfast, lunch or dinner.
  6. place to learn about animals.
  7. place to watch movies.
  8. person who run.
  9. cream. something sweet and cold.
  10. writing competition.
  1. hiking places.
  2. make pictures with acuarela or oil paint.
  3. salty snack, made of corn.
  4. sweet and crunchy snack.
  5. to look for books or articles to learn.
  6. ocean.

16 Clues: ocean.bicycle.hiking places.person who run.a place to swim.writing competition.use pencil and paper.a place to find to watch movies.sweet and crunchy snack.salty snack, made of to learn about animals.cream. something sweet and cold.prepare breakfast, lunch or look for books or articles to learn....

Media 2022-23 Vocabulary 2022-10-25

Media 2022-23 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. area where students drop books off to be checked in
  2. checking in or checking out books (as in "___ desk")
  3. code on a book's spine label used to put it in order on the shelf
  4. a searchable list/database that contains every single book our library owns
  5. a unique number that holds a book's place in the catalog; must be scanned or typed to check the book out
  6. the name of our library's catalog
  7. another word for customer in the library
  1. small shelf sitting on top of bookcases where students can put books they decided not to check out
  2. the type of order that the books are placed on the shelves, with a combination of letters A-Z and numbers 000-999
  3. books that contain information on actual events and facts about real-world topics
  4. books that contain stories from an author's imagination rather than actual events
  5. can refer to all of a library's books as a whole or a certain group of a library's books (as in "___ development")
  6. a questionnaire that asks patrons what the library's strengths and weaknesses are

13 Clues: the name of our library's cataloganother word for customer in the libraryarea where students drop books off to be checked inchecking in or checking out books (as in "___ desk")code on a book's spine label used to put it in order on the shelfa searchable list/database that contains every single book our library owns...

The New Testament 2020-03-12

The New Testament crossword puzzle
  1. Has 25 verses and comes before the last Book.
  2. In this Book, Chapter 10:30 says "The Lord will judge his people."
  3. The Last book
  4. It's three books that comes after Peter.
  5. The book before Philemon.
  6. This book ends with a K.
  7. It has 2 Books. In the first one, Chapter 5 it teaches us that the Lord will come as a thief in the night.
  8. The book before colossians.
  9. Paul's letter to the church in Galatia
  10. The first book of the New Testament.
  11. There are four books that has the same name.
  1. Paul's letters to the church in Rome.
  2. In this Book, Chapter 3:5-6 teaches about the tongue.
  3. Chapter 5 in this book teaches husband and wives how to treat each other.
  4. Two books written by one of the most famous disciples.
  5. In this Book, Chapter 3 says Christ sits at the right side of God
  6. It has 2 Books. In the second book chapter 4, says Jesus Christ will judge the living and the dead.
  7. Book was written by a physician, the third book.
  8. It has two Books and it teaches us Love is the greatest gift.
  9. A short book, has 25 verses.
  10. The only book that begins with a A.

21 Clues: The Last bookThis book ends with a K.The book before Philemon.The book before colossians.A short book, has 25 verses.The only book that begins with a A.The first book of the New Testament.Paul's letters to the church in Rome.Paul's letter to the church in GalatiaIt's three books that comes after Peter.There are four books that has the same name....

The New Testament 2020-03-12

The New Testament crossword puzzle
  1. There are four books that has the same name.
  2. In this Book, Chapter 10:30 says "The Lord will judge his people."
  3. The Last book
  4. In this Book, Chapter 3 says Christ sits at the right side of God
  5. The only book that begins with a A.
  6. The first book of the New Testament.
  7. The book before colossians.
  8. It has 2 Books. In the first one, Chapter 5 it teaches us that the Lord will come as a thief in the night.
  9. This book ends with a K.
  1. A short book, has 25 verses.
  2. Has 25 verses and comes before the last Book.
  3. The book before Philemon.
  4. Chapter 5 in this book teaches husband and wives how to treat each other.
  5. It has two Books and it teaches us Love is the greatest gift.
  6. In this Book, Chapter 3:5-6 teaches about the tongue.
  7. Two books written by one of the most famous disciples.
  8. It's three books that comes after Peter.
  9. Paul's letter to the church in Galatia
  10. Book was written by a physician, the third book.
  11. Paul's letters to the church in Rome.
  12. It has 2 Books. In the second book chapter 4, says Jesus Christ will judge the living and the dead.

21 Clues: The Last bookThis book ends with a K.The book before Philemon.The book before colossians.A short book, has 25 verses.The only book that begins with a A.The first book of the New Testament.Paul's letters to the church in Rome.Paul's letter to the church in GalatiaIt's three books that comes after Peter.There are four books that has the same name....

The New Testament 2020-03-12

The New Testament crossword puzzle
  1. The book before Philemon.
  2. The first book of the New Testament.
  3. This book ends with a K.
  4. In this Book, Chapter 10:30 says "The Lord will judge his people."
  5. The book before colossians.
  6. Two books written by one of the most famous disciples.
  7. It has 2 Books. In the first one, Chapter 5 it teaches us that the Lord will come as a thief in the night.
  8. In this Book, Chapter 3:5-6 teaches about the tongue.
  9. Paul's letter to the church in Galatia
  10. There are four books that has the same name.
  1. The only book that begins with a A.
  2. It has 2 Books. In the second book chapter 4, says Jesus Christ will judge the living and the dead.
  3. Paul's letters to the church in Rome.
  4. Book was written by a physician, the third book.
  5. Chapter 5 in this book teaches husband and wives how to treat each other.
  6. It has two Books and it teaches us Love is the greatest gift.
  7. In this Book, Chapter 3 says Christ sits at the right side of God
  8. The Last book
  9. It's three books that comes after Peter.
  10. A short book, has 25 verses.
  11. Has 25 verses and comes before the last Book.

21 Clues: The Last bookThis book ends with a K.The book before Philemon.The book before colossians.A short book, has 25 verses.The only book that begins with a A.The first book of the New Testament.Paul's letters to the church in Rome.Paul's letter to the church in GalatiaIt's three books that comes after Peter.There are four books that has the same name....

The New Testament 2020-03-12

The New Testament crossword puzzle
  1. The only book that begins with a A.
  2. A short book, has 25 verses.
  3. There are four books that has the same name.
  4. It has 2 Books. In the first one, Chapter 5 it teaches us that the Lord will come as a thief in the night.
  5. Paul's letters to the church in Rome.
  6. The book before colossians.
  7. The Last book
  8. Has 25 verses and comes before the last Book.
  9. This book ends with a K.
  10. In this Book, Chapter 10:30 says "The Lord will judge his people."
  1. Paul's letter to the church in Galatia
  2. The first book of the New Testament.
  3. Chapter 5 in this book teaches husband and wives how to treat each other.
  4. It has two Books and it teaches us Love is the greatest gift.
  5. It's three books that comes after Peter.
  6. Two books written by one of the most famous disciples.
  7. The book before Philemon.
  8. In this Book, Chapter 3 says Christ sits at the right side of God
  9. Book was written by a physician, the third book.
  10. It has 2 Books. In the second book chapter 4, says Jesus Christ will judge the living and the dead.
  11. In this Book, Chapter 3:5-6 teaches about the tongue.

21 Clues: The Last bookThis book ends with a K.The book before Philemon.The book before colossians.A short book, has 25 verses.The only book that begins with a A.The first book of the New Testament.Paul's letters to the church in Rome.Paul's letter to the church in GalatiaIt's three books that comes after Peter.There are four books that has the same name....

Fahrenheit 451 Crossword Puzzle, Adam Jakowlew 2024-05-16

Fahrenheit 451 Crossword Puzzle, Adam Jakowlew crossword puzzle
  1. The book Montag reads and goes to Faber about.
  2. What the book refers to firetrucks.
  3. The smell Montag says he can never wash off.
  4. Type of book and society that's portrayed in Fahrenheit 451.
  5. "_______ Dentifrice!" Ad that annoyed and angered Montag.
  6. Type of walls Mildred wants built into their parlor.
  7. Object the Montag used to kill Beatty.
  8. What Mildred almost died by consuming.
  1. The girl who makes Montag question everything.
  2. What Montag uses as a metaphor from a childhood memory to understand information he reads.
  3. Who does Montag seek to learn more about books?
  4. Metaphor used from a childhood memory that Montag compares to information going through his head when he reads.
  5. Person that introduces Montag to all the other people that remembers books for when society is ready for them again.
  6. Main thing that's targeted within society and outlawed.
  7. "The Sea of _____" Poem that Montag reads to Mildred and the other women.
  8. Airplane manufacturer company that produced Soviet/Russian planes for war and commercial use. Also means "Yakovlev".
  9. The radios that Montag and Faber use to communicate with each other.
  10. The antagonist towards Montag and books. Captain of the fire station.
  11. Job is to burn all books.
  12. A mechanical machine that uses a needle to sedate potential threats and readers.

20 Clues: Job is to burn all books.What the book refers to firetrucks.Object the Montag used to kill Beatty.What Mildred almost died by consuming.The smell Montag says he can never wash off.The girl who makes Montag question everything.The book Montag reads and goes to Faber about.Who does Montag seek to learn more about books?...

The New Testament 2020-03-12

The New Testament crossword puzzle
  1. There are four books that has the same name.
  2. In this Book, Chapter 10:30 says "The Lord will judge his people."
  3. The Last book
  4. In this Book, Chapter 3 says Christ sits at the right side of God
  5. The only book that begins with a A.
  6. The first book of the New Testament.
  7. The book before colossians.
  8. It has 2 Books. In the first one, Chapter 5 it teaches us that the Lord will come as a thief in the night.
  9. This book ends with a K.
  1. A short book, has 25 verses.
  2. Has 25 verses and comes before the last Book.
  3. The book before Philemon.
  4. Chapter 5 in this book teaches husband and wives how to treat each other.
  5. It has two Books and it teaches us Love is the greatest gift.
  6. In this Book, Chapter 3:5-6 teaches about the tongue.
  7. Two books written by one of the most famous disciples.
  8. It's three books that comes after Peter.
  9. Paul's letter to the church in Galatia
  10. Book was written by a physician, the third book.
  11. Paul's letters to the church in Rome.
  12. It has 2 Books. In the second book chapter 4, says Jesus Christ will judge the living and the dead.

21 Clues: The Last bookThis book ends with a K.The book before Philemon.The book before colossians.A short book, has 25 verses.The only book that begins with a A.The first book of the New Testament.Paul's letters to the church in Rome.Paul's letter to the church in GalatiaIt's three books that comes after Peter.There are four books that has the same name....

The New Testament 2020-03-12

The New Testament crossword puzzle
  1. It's three books that comes after Peter.
  2. The Last book
  3. It has 2 Books. In the second book chapter 4, says Jesus Christ will judge the living and the dead.
  4. It has 2 Books. In the first one, Chapter 5 it teaches us that the Lord will come as a thief in the night.
  5. In this Book, Chapter 3 says Christ sits at the right side of God
  6. Book was written by a physician, the third book.
  7. Paul's letter to the church in Galatia
  8. The book before Philemon.
  9. Has 25 verses and comes before the last Book.
  10. Chapter 5 in this book teaches husband and wives how to treat each other.
  1. In this Book, Chapter 10:30 says "The Lord will judge his people."
  2. Paul's letters to the church in Rome.
  3. There are four books that has the same name.
  4. This book ends with a K.
  5. The book before colossians.
  6. A short book, has 25 verses.
  7. It has two Books and it teaches us Love is the greatest gift.
  8. The first book of the New Testament.
  9. Two books written by one of the most famous disciples.
  10. The only book that begins with a A.
  11. In this Book, Chapter 3:5-6 teaches about the tongue.

21 Clues: The Last bookThis book ends with a K.The book before Philemon.The book before colossians.A short book, has 25 verses.The only book that begins with a A.The first book of the New Testament.Paul's letters to the church in Rome.Paul's letter to the church in GalatiaIt's three books that comes after Peter.There are four books that has the same name....

The New Testament 2020-03-12

The New Testament crossword puzzle
  1. Two books written by one of the most famous disciples.
  2. There are four books that has the same name.
  3. This book ends with a K.
  4. In this Book, Chapter 10:30 says "The Lord will judge his people."
  5. Chapter 5 in this book teaches husband and wives how to treat each other.
  6. In this Book, Chapter 3 says Christ sits at the right side of God
  7. The book before Philemon.
  8. The Last book
  9. It has two Books and it teaches us Love is the greatest gift.
  10. Paul's letter to the church in Galatia
  11. The only book that begins with a A.
  1. Book was written by a physician, the third book.
  2. Paul's letters to the church in Rome.
  3. A short book, has 25 verses.
  4. Has 25 verses and comes before the last Book.
  5. It's three books that comes after Peter.
  6. The book before colossians.
  7. It has 2 Books. In the first one, Chapter 5 it teaches us that the Lord will come as a thief in the night.
  8. It has 2 Books. In the second book chapter 4, says Jesus Christ will judge the living and the dead.
  9. The first book of the New Testament.
  10. In this Book, Chapter 3:5-6 teaches about the tongue.

21 Clues: The Last bookThis book ends with a K.The book before Philemon.The book before colossians.A short book, has 25 verses.The only book that begins with a A.The first book of the New Testament.Paul's letters to the church in Rome.Paul's letter to the church in GalatiaIt's three books that comes after Peter.There are four books that has the same name....

The New Testament 2020-03-12

The New Testament crossword puzzle
  1. In this Book, Chapter 10:30 says "The Lord will judge his people."
  2. This book ends with a K.
  3. Two books written by one of the most famous disciples.
  4. It has 2 Books. In the first one, Chapter 5 it teaches us that the Lord will come as a thief in the night.
  5. In this Book, Chapter 3 says Christ sits at the right side of God
  6. The first book of the New Testament.
  7. The book before colossians.
  8. Paul's letters to the church in Rome.
  9. In this Book, Chapter 3:5-6 teaches about the tongue.
  10. There are four books that has the same name.
  1. The book before Philemon.
  2. Has 25 verses and comes before the last Book.
  3. The Last book
  4. Paul's letter to the church in Galatia
  5. Book was written by a physician, the third book.
  6. Chapter 5 in this book teaches husband and wives how to treat each other.
  7. It has two Books and it teaches us Love is the greatest gift.
  8. A short book, has 25 verses.
  9. It has 2 Books. In the second book chapter 4, says Jesus Christ will judge the living and the dead.
  10. The only book that begins with a A.
  11. It's three books that comes after Peter.

21 Clues: The Last bookThis book ends with a K.The book before Philemon.The book before colossians.A short book, has 25 verses.The only book that begins with a A.The first book of the New Testament.Paul's letters to the church in Rome.Paul's letter to the church in GalatiaIt's three books that comes after Peter.There are four books that has the same name....

The New Testament 2020-03-12

The New Testament crossword puzzle
  1. It's three books that comes after Peter.
  2. Has 25 verses and comes before the last Book.
  3. Two books written by one of the most famous disciples.
  4. The book before Philemon.
  5. This book ends with a K.
  6. It has two Books and it teaches us Love is the greatest gift.
  7. In this Book, Chapter 3 says Christ sits at the right side of God
  8. There are four books that has the same name.
  9. The Last book
  10. Chapter 5 in this book teaches husband and wives how to treat each other.
  11. A short book, has 25 verses.
  12. In this Book, Chapter 10:30 says "The Lord will judge his people."
  1. The book before colossians.
  2. Book was written by a physician, the third book.
  3. The only book that begins with a A.
  4. It has 2 Books. In the second book chapter 4, says Jesus Christ will judge the living and the dead.
  5. It has 2 Books. In the first one, Chapter 5 it teaches us that the Lord will come as a thief in the night.
  6. Paul's letters to the church in Rome.
  7. Paul's letter to the church in Galatia
  8. The first book of the New Testament.
  9. In this Book, Chapter 3:5-6 teaches about the tongue.

21 Clues: The Last bookThis book ends with a K.The book before Philemon.The book before colossians.A short book, has 25 verses.The only book that begins with a A.The first book of the New Testament.Paul's letters to the church in Rome.Paul's letter to the church in GalatiaIt's three books that comes after Peter.There are four books that has the same name....

Library Words 2017-12-05

Library Words crossword puzzle
  1. what you do when you want to know more about something
  2. many books with the same characters and a long story arc
  3. a small dictionary found at the end of some non-fiction books
  4. what Mrs. Milner does with books you have returned
  5. books coming and going in and out of the library
  6. use this to mark your place in a book
  7. a long chapter book
  8. the company who owns the copyright and is authorized to print and sell a book
  9. an alphabetical list of topics in a non-fiction book
  1. where you go to check out and borrow boo
  2. What you do when you want to keep your book for another week
  3. a book covered in thick paper
  4. you do this with your book when you are finished with it
  5. the digits and letters on the spine label, tells the librarian where the book belongs
  6. informational books
  7. the sticker on the spine of a library book, has the call # on it
  8. made-up, pretend stories
  9. a book covered in a hard material, usually cardboard
  10. what you do when you want to borrow a book from the library
  11. we have thousands of these in the library

20 Clues: informational booksa long chapter bookmade-up, pretend storiesa book covered in thick paperuse this to mark your place in a bookwhere you go to check out and borrow boowe have thousands of these in the librarybooks coming and going in and out of the librarywhat Mrs. Milner does with books you have returned...

Ch. 20 Guiding Storytelling Experiences 2023-01-16

Ch. 20 Guiding Storytelling Experiences crossword puzzle
  1. An electronic book that is read on an e-reader.
  2. Books containing the theme of social understanding.
  3. A board covered with felt or flannel that is used as a background for placing felt characters and props to tell a story.
  4. Children who are learning two or more languages at the same time.
  5. An important task for early childhood teachers that involves reciting a story or reading from a book.
  1. Books with single words or simple sentences and simple plots.
  2. Simple story in which an animal is the main character and often points out a moral lesson.
  3. Describes a child whose home language is something other than English.
  4. Any items that relate to the story and would attract children's attention.
  5. Books having a theme of achievement. The characters or heroes of these stories must perform difficult tasks in order to succeed.
  6. Books giving animals some human qualities. Usually, the animal has some unusual success or ability.
  7. A storytelling method in which drawings are made on chalkboard, dry erase board, or poster board as the story is told.
  8. Books that contain pictures, but have more complex plots than picture books.
  9. Lists and descriptions of books that will help you find titles, authors, and publishers of books, which can be found in public libraries.

14 Clues: An electronic book that is read on an e-reader.Books containing the theme of social understanding.Books with single words or simple sentences and simple plots.Children who are learning two or more languages at the same time.Describes a child whose home language is something other than English....

Unit 5 2020-07-13

Unit 5 crossword puzzle
  1. on the letter
  2. rarely
  3. happened in the past
  4. a subject
  5. do things
  6. lend
  7. give back
  8. books
  1. sports room
  2. catch eyes
  3. calculate
  4. film
  5. hold books
  6. sport
  7. bored
  8. very good
  9. all the time

17 Clues: filmlendsportboredbooksrarelycalculatea subjectdo thingsvery goodgive backcatch eyeshold bookssports roomall the timeon the letterhappened in the past

Sacred Script Test Thingy 2022-10-17

Sacred Script Test Thingy crossword puzzle
  1. The guidence of the holy spirit
  2. Gods chosen people
  3. the natural ability to know and understand truth
  4. the 46 books of the Bible
  5. One of gods messengers that led the Isrealites out of Egypt
  6. scripture alone
  7. The process of passing on the gospel message
  8. The list of books in the Bible
  9. A text which contains the fundamental christian truths
  1. Saint Thomas Aquinas’s famous book
  2. 10 Commandments
  3. the official teaching authority of the Catholic Church
  4. a love story told through God, containing a total of 76 books split into a old and new section
  5. most known for translating the bible to Latin
  6. the 27 books of the Bible
  7. The Promise Land
  8. The second coming of Christ
  9. the pattern of events in human history that show Gods saving action

18 Clues: 10 Commandmentsscripture aloneThe Promise LandGods chosen peoplethe 27 books of the Biblethe 46 books of the BibleThe second coming of ChristThe list of books in the BibleThe guidence of the holy spiritSaint Thomas Aquinas’s famous bookThe process of passing on the gospel messagemost known for translating the bible to Latin...

books 5-8 2017-08-28

books 5-8 crossword puzzle
  1. left deserted; abandoned
  2. dignified;proper in speech/dressing
  3. pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a poem
  4. having many uses
  5. Odysseus's Trojan Horse is another example of how he was a great ___________.
  6. repeating consonant sounds in words of close proximity(not only in beginning)
  7. initial sounds that are repetitive in successive words(or ones in close proximity)
  8. promising success/opportune
  1. Homeric simile; extended simile that intensifies the heroic stature of the subject
  2. repeating vowel sounds in words of close proximity(not rhyming)
  3. The subjects bow down in ___________ to the king.
  4. Because I broke the rules, my teacher __________ me with a month of detention.
  5. deviated from the proper course;straying
  6. the disease proved to be __________ when it put the man in a coma for 2 years.
  7. in an argumentative way
  8. repeated epithets, events, poems, lines for emphasis
  9. The coach made me water boy, because he thought I was ________ at football.
  10. to disregard;to treat with disregard/scorn

18 Clues: having many usesin an argumentative wayleft deserted; abandonedpromising success/opportunedignified;proper in speech/dressingdeviated from the proper course;strayingto disregard;to treat with disregard/scornThe subjects bow down in ___________ to the king.repeated epithets, events, poems, lines for emphasis...

Books and TV 2021-12-25

Books and TV crossword puzzle
  1. This country is also Tan from Queer Eye's last name
  2. the sister in The Color Purple who writes letters to God
  3. david and alexis's mother in Schitt's creek
  4. Before Grey Sloan the Grey's Anatomy hospital was Seattle ______
  5. Schitt's creek first name
  6. Actress Smith who played the granny in Downton Abbey
  7. the only boy in the Derry Girls group
  8. In Midnight Library, Nora dreams of having this job
  9. David Rosenfelt's first dog
  1. One of the hosts of the Great British Baking Show has this lastname also a famous neighborhood
  2. Kya's husband in where the Crawdad's sing
  3. the second Bridgerton's son
  4. dog judy's criminal name was the ____ bandit (a car brand)
  5. the name of Jake and Amy's son
  6. the last name of the main family in Schitt's Creek
  7. Nick from New Girl's last name; also the name of a beer
  8. In the show Lupin, the main character is inspired by the story of _____ Lupin
  9. this roommate was replaced by Winston in New Girl

18 Clues: Schitt's creek first namethe second Bridgerton's sonDavid Rosenfelt's first dogthe name of Jake and Amy's sonthe only boy in the Derry Girls groupKya's husband in where the Crawdad's singdavid and alexis's mother in Schitt's creekthis roommate was replaced by Winston in New Girlthe last name of the main family in Schitt's Creek...

Ch.20 Guiding Storytelling Experiences 2022-02-02

Ch.20 Guiding Storytelling Experiences crossword puzzle
  1. Books that contain pictures but have more complex plots than picture books.
  2. Books with single words or simple sentences and simple plots.
  3. Stories drawn on large poster board cards.
  4. Lists and descriptions of books that will help you find titles, authors, and publishers of books, which can be found in public libraries.
  5. Describes a child whose home language is something other than English.
  6. A board covered with felt or flannel that is used as a background for placing felt characters and props to tell a story.
  7. Any items that relate to the story and would attract children's attention.
  1. Books having a theme of achievement. The characters or heroes of these stories must perform difficult tasks in order to succeed.
  2. An important task for early childhood teachers that involves reciting a story or reading from a book.
  3. An electronic book that is read on an e-reader.
  4. A storytelling method in which drawings are made on chalkboard, dry erase board, or poster board as the story is told.
  5. Books containing the theme of social understanding.
  6. Simple story in which an animal is the main character and often points out a moral lesson.
  7. Books giving animals some human qualities. Usually, the animal has some unusual success or ability.

14 Clues: Stories drawn on large poster board cards.An electronic book that is read on an e-reader.Books containing the theme of social understanding.Books with single words or simple sentences and simple plots.Describes a child whose home language is something other than English.Any items that relate to the story and would attract children's attention....

list 6 100 F&P HF words 2021-03-08

list 6 100 F&P HF words crossword puzzle
  1. good
  2. know
  3. hill
  4. use
  5. let
  6. place
  7. room
  8. city
  1. books
  2. write
  3. help
  4. under
  5. top
  6. fast

14 Clues: uselettopgoodknowhelphillfastroomcitybookswriteunderplace

love life lists 2023-10-05

love life lists crossword puzzle
  1. books
  2. teenagers
  3. romance
  4. life
  5. artist
  6. abby
  7. lists
  1. cooper
  2. bestie
  3. novel
  4. summer
  5. focused
  6. kasie
  7. love

14 Clues: lifeabbylovebooksnovelkasielistscooperbestiesummerartistromancefocusedteenagers

love life lists 2023-10-05

love life lists crossword puzzle
  1. abby
  2. novel
  3. cooper
  4. bestie
  5. lists
  6. summer
  7. kasie
  1. love
  2. focused
  3. romance
  4. artist
  5. books
  6. life
  7. teenagers

14 Clues: loveabbylifebooksnovellistskasieartistcooperbestiesummerfocusedromanceteenagers

The Sword of the Spirit 2021-07-03

The Sword of the Spirit crossword puzzle
  1. The last book of the Bible is called the Book of _________
  2. This book tells the story of a Moabite woman who marries a man named Boaz.
  3. The _____ testament has 27 books.
  4. The four stories written about the life of Jesus
  5. The name of the Jewish Queen who saves her people from annihalation.
  6. This book in the bible tells us about what the disciples did after Jesus died.
  7. These books are letters sent to encourage the early church in the new testament.
  8. The Bible is often referred to as the ______ of the Spirit.
  9. The Bible is a collection of Books written by people who were ________ by God.
  10. The ____ testament has 39 books.
  1. The bible is made of how many testaments?
  2. The First 5 books of the Bible are known as the ___________
  3. The book of the Bible that tells the story of Adam and Eve.
  4. Which book of the Bible holds a collection of songs written mainly by David?
  5. The name of the prophet who was born to a woman named Hannah (she wept bitterly for a child)
  6. This books tells the story about how the Israelites were led out of Egypt.
  7. Your _____ is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path. (Psalm 119:105)
  8. The book in the bible that has wise sayings.

18 Clues: The ____ testament has 39 books.The _____ testament has 27 books.The bible is made of how many testaments?The book in the bible that has wise sayings.The four stories written about the life of JesusThe last book of the Bible is called the Book of _________The First 5 books of the Bible are known as the ___________...

St Tammany Parish Library Word Search 2021-08-05

St Tammany Parish Library Word Search crossword puzzle
  1. The place to print and research
  2. The latest songs are here
  3. The place where stories live
  4. a type of book with a longer story
  5. Reads stories to you aloud
  1. These aren't your parent's comic books
  2. books Illustrated books for everyone
  3. What we play to win prizes
  4. The place to learn
  5. Where to watch the next season of your show
  6. Classes and programs online to watch
  7. The type of true story books

12 Clues: The place to learnThe latest songs are hereWhat we play to win prizesReads stories to you aloudThe place where stories liveThe type of true story booksThe place to print and researcha type of book with a longer storybooks Illustrated books for everyoneClasses and programs online to watchThese aren't your parent's comic books...

Read-A-Book Day 2014-09-06

Read-A-Book Day crossword puzzle
  1. The story's __________________ is "Read-A-Book Day.
  2. Books help people __________________ their imaginations.
  3. It is a __________________ News story.
  4. Some people like science fiction, __________________, fairy tales, poetry and more.
  5. People __________________ celebrate books.
  1. How will you __________________ Read-A-Book Day?
  2. National Read-A-Book Day was __________________ 6.
  3. What __________________ of books do you like to read?
  4. It was __________________ on September 5, 2014.
  5. Do you like to __________________ books?
  6. Books can help __________________ relax.
  7. They celebrate by __________________ their favorites.

12 Clues: It is a __________________ News story.Do you like to __________________ books?Books can help __________________ relax.People __________________ celebrate books.It was __________________ on September 5, 2014.How will you __________________ Read-A-Book Day?National Read-A-Book Day was __________________ 6....

Library Words 2017-12-04

Library Words crossword puzzle
  1. many books with the same characters and a long story arc
  2. a small dictionary found at the end of some non-fiction books
  3. what you do when you want to borrow a book from the library
  4. a book covered in thick paper
  5. What you do when you want to keep your book for another week
  6. the digits and letters on the spine label, tells the librarian where the book belongs
  7. what Mrs. Milner does with books you have returned
  8. where you go to check out and borrow boo
  9. informational books
  10. use this to mark your place in a book
  1. made-up, pretend stories
  2. what you do when you want to know more about something
  3. books coming and going in and out of the library
  4. a book covered in a hard material, usually cardboard
  5. an alphabetical list of topics in a non-fiction book
  6. the company who owns the copyright and is authorized to print and sell a book
  7. label the sticker on the spine of a library book, has the call # on it
  8. you do this with your book when you are finished with it
  9. a long chapter book
  10. we have thousands of these in the library

20 Clues: a long chapter bookinformational booksmade-up, pretend storiesa book covered in thick paperuse this to mark your place in a bookwhere you go to check out and borrow boowe have thousands of these in the librarybooks coming and going in and out of the librarywhat Mrs. Milner does with books you have returned...

Library Organisation 2021-11-05

Library Organisation crossword puzzle
  1. Stories that involve magic spells and mythical creatures.
  2. The genre of the heart-warming stories.
  3. A popular game played in Harry Potter's school.
  4. The number on the spine of a book.
  5. You find find this subject in the 700sl.
  6. You would find this subject in the 200s.
  7. The tales that involve princesses.
  8. The first two initials of the author who wrote Harry Potter.
  9. The surname of the man who invented the library system.
  10. These stories will have you guessing who did it.
  11. A category of art, music or literature.
  12. Books that are not real.
  13. Stories designed to scare.
  1. A computer game involving building that has a lot of books in the library dedicated to it.
  2. How fiction books are organised.
  3. Books that involve exciting sequences and obstacles that must be overcome.
  4. Stories that are humorous and are intended to make the reader or viewer laugh.
  5. The surname of the author who wrote Dog Man.
  6. Stories that use scientific concepts to explain the world or universe.
  7. Books that contain facts.
  8. The surname of the author who wrote Weirdo!
  9. The Christian name of the man who invented a library system.
  10. You would find this subject in the 500s.

23 Clues: Books that are not real.Books that contain facts.Stories designed to scare.How fiction books are organised.The number on the spine of a book.The tales that involve princesses.The genre of the heart-warming stories.A category of art, music or literature.You find find this subject in the 700sl.You would find this subject in the 200s....

Books 2021-02-05

Books crossword puzzle
  1. how you now what book is about
  2. person who writes book
  3. thing that divides parts of book
  4. fictional type of writing
  1. place of reading
  2. loves reading, cant get their head out of book
  3. thin pieces that you write on

7 Clues: place of readingperson who writes bookfictional type of writingthin pieces that you write onhow you now what book is aboutthing that divides parts of bookloves reading, cant get their head out of book

Describing books 2021-10-04

Describing books crossword puzzle
  1. a complete list of things you can buy or see somehwere
  2. a book you use to find a piece of information
  3. books about events that take place in the future often involving travel in space
  4. a book that tells you how to do or use something such as a car or a computer
  5. pieces of writing arranged in short lines which express thoughts and feelings through sound and rhythm
  1. the story of somebody's life written by someone different
  2. a book that tells a story about people or events that are not real
  3. a story in which the events are only explained at the end
  4. listed in the same way as the alphabet
  5. a book or set of books that gives information about many different subjects, arranged in alphabetical order
  6. books about real facts, people events, etc.

11 Clues: listed in the same way as the alphabetbooks about real facts, people events, etc.a book you use to find a piece of informationa complete list of things you can buy or see somehwerethe story of somebody's life written by someone differenta story in which the events are only explained at the end...

Flip Books 2022-09-22

Flip Books crossword puzzle
  1. frames containing important changes in the subject of animation
  2. optical toy consisting of a cylinder with a series of pictures on the inner surface
  3. system to keep images perfectly aligned
  4. books type of animation made with multiple sheets of paper
  5. a disk with a picture on each side is attached to two pieces of string
  6. known as "The Flippist", a flipbook artist
  1. was an English photographer known for his pioneering work in photographic studies of motion
  2. also known as “morphing” is filling in the frames between important key frames
  3. animal depicted in the first motion-picture film
  4. of vision making us perceive the series as one continuous image
  5. the technique of photographing successive drawings to create an illusion of movement

11 Clues: system to keep images perfectly alignedknown as "The Flippist", a flipbook artistanimal depicted in the first motion-picture filmbooks type of animation made with multiple sheets of paperframes containing important changes in the subject of animationof vision making us perceive the series as one continuous image...

Library (moderate) 2022-03-04

Library (moderate) crossword puzzle
  1. Dewey ______ System
  2. The writer of a book
  3. Something to save your place in a book
  4. Where you can find loanable books
  5. A preliminary draft of a book
  6. When a library book must be returned
  7. What you pay when a library book is late
  8. A list of sources used to write a book
  1. what you do with a book
  2. another name for shelves of library books
  3. based on true events
  4. A library app that gives you access to e-books and e-audio books
  5. Something you read
  6. a story that is not real
  7. The label on the spine of a library book
  8. The things that fill a book

16 Clues: Something you readDewey ______ Systembased on true eventsThe writer of a bookwhat you do with a booka story that is not realThe things that fill a bookA preliminary draft of a bookWhere you can find loanable booksWhen a library book must be returnedSomething to save your place in a bookA list of sources used to write a book...

The New Testament 2020-03-12

The New Testament crossword puzzle
  1. This book ends with a K.
  2. Chapter 5 in this book teaches husband and wives how to treat each other.
  3. It has 2 Books. In the second book chapter 4, says Jesus Christ will judge the living and the dead.
  4. The Last book
  5. A short book, has 25 verses.
  6. Two books written by one of the most famous disciples.
  7. It has 2 Books. In the first one, Chapter 5 it teaches us that the Lord will come as a thief in the night.
  8. Paul's letters to the church in Rome.
  9. In this Book, Chapter 3 says Christ sits at the right side of God
  1. The book before Philemon.
  2. It has two Books and it teaches us Love is the greatest gift.
  3. The book before colossians.
  4. Paul's letter to the church in Galatia
  5. The first book of the New Testament.
  6. There are four books that has the same name.
  7. In this Book, Chapter 10:30 says "The Lord will judge his people."
  8. Has 25 verses and comes before the last Book.
  9. It's three books that comes after Peter.
  10. In this Book, Chapter 3:5-6 teaches about the tongue.
  11. Book was written by a physician, the third book.
  12. The only book that begins with a A.

21 Clues: The Last bookThis book ends with a K.The book before Philemon.The book before colossians.A short book, has 25 verses.The only book that begins with a A.The first book of the New Testament.Paul's letters to the church in Rome.Paul's letter to the church in GalatiaIt's three books that comes after Peter.There are four books that has the same name....

OT Trivia 2023-03-28

OT Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. Ship built by Noah
  2. First man
  3. First 5 books are called
  4. Man swallowed by a fish
  5. How many tribes of Israel?
  6. Where the 10 Commandments were given
  7. First woman
  8. Source of wisdom
  9. The number of days and nights of the flood
  10. Man who walked with God Gen 5:24
  11. Keeper of sheep killed by Cain Gen 4:1
  12. What the Jews call the first 5 books
  13. Led God's people into the Promised Land
  1. A great tower
  2. David's great grandmother
  3. Number of books in the OT
  4. Book of origins
  5. Animal offered as a substitute for Isaac's sacrifice
  6. Man sold into slavery by his brothers
  7. Man who became "A great nation"
  8. Israel's first king
  9. Man who killed 30 Philistines with a jaw bone
  10. Tent where God dwelled in OT
  11. Man who walked with God Gen 6:9
  12. Esther's uncle
  13. Author of the first 5 books Mark 12:26

26 Clues: First manFirst womanA great towerEsther's uncleBook of originsSource of wisdomShip built by NoahIsrael's first kingMan swallowed by a fishFirst 5 books are calledDavid's great grandmotherNumber of books in the OTHow many tribes of Israel?Tent where God dwelled in OTMan who became "A great nation"Man who walked with God Gen 6:9...

sacred script. vocab 2022-10-14

sacred script. vocab crossword puzzle
  1. a gathering of all bishops, governed by Pope
  2. God's self communication through which he makes known the mystery of his divine plan
  3. sacred scripture, sacred writings inspired by God
  4. list of books in the bible
  5. chosen people of God
  6. 46 books, contains the story of God's people before Jesus comes
  7. 2nd coming of Jesus
  8. 27 books, story of Jesus & the church
  9. the fact the books are free from error
  10. Good news
  11. teaching of the apostles that has been passed down
  12. a solemn agreement between human beings in which theres commitment
  1. the story of God's actions to save his people & their responses to him
  2. another name for bible
  3. the heritage of faith contained in Sacred scripture and tradition
  4. teaching authority of the church
  5. the process in which God makes himself known to human reason through the created world
  6. another name for the 10 commandments
  7. guidance of the Holy Spirit in the development of scripture
  8. the natural ability human beings have to know & understand truth

20 Clues: Good news2nd coming of Jesuschosen people of Godanother name for biblelist of books in the bibleteaching authority of the churchanother name for the 10 commandments27 books, story of Jesus & the churchthe fact the books are free from errora gathering of all bishops, governed by Popesacred scripture, sacred writings inspired by God...

Fahrenheit 451 Puzzle 2023-03-12

Fahrenheit 451 Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The metal things that sniff out books
  2. the name of the "crazy" girl who talks to Montag
  3. the thing that threatens to take over their world
  4. what Montag burns
  5. The people who fly over during the war
  6. what Montag uses to burn the books
  7. Montag's occupation
  8. Clarisse says she's "17 and ___"
  1. The main characters last name
  2. the unit of measurement for heat
  3. What Mildred is obsessed with
  4. The main characters first name
  5. The book Montag rips pages out of to scare the professor
  6. what Montag does to the books he doesn't want to burn
  7. Montag's wife's name
  8. The name of the english professor who helps Montag

16 Clues: what Montag burnsMontag's occupationMontag's wife's nameThe main characters last nameWhat Mildred is obsessed withThe main characters first namethe unit of measurement for heatClarisse says she's "17 and ___"what Montag uses to burn the booksThe metal things that sniff out booksThe people who fly over during the war...

Library Crossword 2023-10-07

Library Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Person who draws the pictures in books
  2. A book in digital form
  3. When a book is late
  4. Number of Ocean County Library Branches
  5. Acting grown up
  6. Objects to watch from the library
  7. What we do with books
  8. Day of the week the Long Beach Island branch does Movie Matinees
  9. Where books are kept in the library
  1. Ocean County Library's app to read ebooks
  2. Scooby-Doo's best friend
  3. Things in the library you can use to look up anything
  4. Number of items that can be checked out at once
  5. A person's life story
  6. Objects to read from the library
  7. genre of fiction where two characters fall in love

16 Clues: Acting grown upWhen a book is lateA person's life storyWhat we do with booksA book in digital formScooby-Doo's best friendObjects to read from the libraryObjects to watch from the libraryWhere books are kept in the libraryPerson who draws the pictures in booksNumber of Ocean County Library BranchesOcean County Library's app to read ebooks...

Wonder skills Basic 1 2022-03-10

Wonder skills Basic 1 crossword puzzle
  1. soccer
  2. blocks
  3. teacher
  4. straight
  5. books
  6. eye
  1. firefighter
  2. rabbit
  3. doctor
  4. crab
  5. bank
  6. curly
  7. brown
  8. sidewalk

14 Clues: eyecrabbankcurlybrownbookssoccerrabbitdoctorblocksteacherstraightsidewalkfirefighter

60 2024-01-05

60 crossword puzzle
  1. drug
  2. girls
  3. sock
  4. books
  5. kitty
  6. flame
  7. library
  1. judge
  2. visitor
  3. library
  4. desk
  5. bone
  6. maid
  7. rub
  8. rock

15 Clues: rubdrugdeskbonesockmaidrockjudgegirlsbookskittyflamevisitorlibrarylibrary

Library Crossword 2013-12-01

Library Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What is it called when we act out a book (Hint: we did this to Balloons Over Broadway)
  2. A genre of books from the author's imagination
  3. The name of our timer who tells us when it is time to line up
  4. Located on the spine of a book that tells the location of a book
  5. Genre that is drawn from history, and often contains historical persons, but the main characters tend to be fictional.
  6. Computer system where you search for books
  7. What you place on a book when you want to check out a book that is currently out
  8. genre that commonly uses magic and other supernatural phenomena as a primary plot element, theme, or setting
  9. The part of the book that the pages are attached to
  1. Device you can take an AR quiz on in your classroom
  2. Genre of books with themes related to science, technology, space and the future
  3. The author who will be visiting SBS in January 2014
  4. Genre of books were the story could actually happen
  5. You need to acquire these in order to go to the AR party
  6. Where novels and chapter books are located
  7. A genre of books with facts and information

16 Clues: Where novels and chapter books are locatedComputer system where you search for booksA genre of books with facts and informationA genre of books from the author's imaginationDevice you can take an AR quiz on in your classroomThe author who will be visiting SBS in January 2014Genre of books were the story could actually happen...

Books Crossword 2013-06-17

Books Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Wrote in the first-person view in 'The Fault In Our Stars' (5)
  2. Shakespeare's 'Midsummer ________ Dream' (6)
  3. Orwell's farm classic (6,4)
  4. '___ Sawyer' (3)
  5. In Jane Eyre, Jane falls in love with Edward... (9)
  6. Wise friend of Winnie the Pooh (3)
  1. Evil in the 'Gone' series by Michael Grant (9)
  2. Dickens novel 'Oliver _____' (5)
  3. The main character of J.K. Rowling's most famous book series (5,6)
  4. 'The Count of _____ Cristo' (5)
  5. The writer of the 'Princess Diaries' series (3,5)

11 Clues: '___ Sawyer' (3)Orwell's farm classic (6,4)'The Count of _____ Cristo' (5)Dickens novel 'Oliver _____' (5)Wise friend of Winnie the Pooh (3)Shakespeare's 'Midsummer ________ Dream' (6)Evil in the 'Gone' series by Michael Grant (9)The writer of the 'Princess Diaries' series (3,5)In Jane Eyre, Jane falls in love with Edward... (9)...

Describing books 2021-10-04

Describing books crossword puzzle
  1. fiction, books about events that take place in the future, often involving travel in space
  2. a complete list of things you can buy or see somehwere
  3. a book or set of books that gives information about many different subjects, arranged in alphabetical order
  4. the story of somebody's life written by someone different
  5. a book that tells you how to do or use something such as a car or a computer
  1. book, a book you use to find a piece of information
  2. listed in the same way as the alphabet
  3. books about real facts, people events, etc.
  4. a book that tells a story about people or events that are not real
  5. pieces of writing arranged in short lines which express thoughts and feelings through sound and rhythm
  6. a story in which the events are only explained at the end

11 Clues: listed in the same way as the alphabetbooks about real facts, people events,, a book you use to find a piece of informationa complete list of things you can buy or see somehwerea story in which the events are only explained at the endthe story of somebody's life written by someone different...

Authors & Books 2021-11-09

Authors & Books crossword puzzle
  1. H I Larry wrote these books about an adventurous boy.
  2. The name of the author who wrote Weirdo!
  3. The Christian name of the author Billie B books.
  4. The surname of the author of Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
  5. The surname of the author who wrote The Baby Sitters Club.
  1. The Christian name of the author of Not cute.
  2. The surname of the author of Dog Man.
  3. The Christian name of the author of Whatever After.
  4. The surname of the author who wrote Ellie's Dragon.
  5. The surname of the author who wrote Pony Tails.
  6. Fienberg and Gamble wrote this book.

11 Clues: Fienberg and Gamble wrote this book.The surname of the author of Dog Man.The name of the author who wrote Weirdo!The Christian name of the author of Not cute.The surname of the author who wrote Pony Tails.The Christian name of the author Billie B books.The surname of the author of Diary of a Wimpy Kid....

Popular Books 2021-04-28

Popular Books crossword puzzle
  1. A red haired orphan girl goes to live on a farm with an elderly brother and sister in a house with green gables.
  2. A journey takes him from light-hearted, rural surroundings into more sinister territory.
  3. A gorilla has a job in a mall show, a baby elephant arrives, it's his job to get her out of this mall.
  4. A regular boy finds out that he's a wizard.
  5. the friendship between a pig and a spider.
  1. a group of sometimes reluctant hero's who set forth to save their world from consummate evil.
  2. A girl falls through a rabbit hole and falls into a fantasy land.
  3. A girls house gets caught in a tornado and lands in a land she is now a journey to get back home.
  4. a group of girls start a club that turns into a business.
  5. The lives of 4 March sisters.
  6. An annual event in which one girl and one boy aged 12-18 from each of the 12 districts surrounding the capitol are selected by lottery to compete in a televised battle royal.

11 Clues: The lives of 4 March sisters.the friendship between a pig and a spider.A regular boy finds out that he's a wizard.a group of girls start a club that turns into a business.A girl falls through a rabbit hole and falls into a fantasy land.A journey takes him from light-hearted, rural surroundings into more sinister territory....

F451 2023-11-30

F451 crossword puzzle
  1. What specific book is Faber looking for?
  2. The main conflicted character.
  3. Flies over the neighborhood throughout the book?
  4. What killed Clarisse?
  5. What does the ban on books do to society?
  6. Who is at fault for the book ban?
  7. What happens to the banned books that are found in people’s homes?
  8. What does Montag seek in books?
  9. Montag’s wife.
  1. What chases Montag through the forest to the river?
  2. Way to describe Montag's escape to the river.
  3. Montag’s boss.
  4. Person who inspires Montag to question life.
  5. What happened to the houses to make firemen not needed anymore?
  6. Tells Montag to escape via the river.
  7. Who is responsible for getting rid of banned books?

16 Clues: Montag’s boss.Montag’s wife.What killed Clarisse?The main conflicted character.What does Montag seek in books?Who is at fault for the book ban?Tells Montag to escape via the river.What specific book is Faber looking for?What does the ban on books do to society?Person who inspires Montag to question life.Way to describe Montag's escape to the river....

Fahrenheit 451 2023-01-27

Fahrenheit 451 crossword puzzle
  1. where montag hid the first book
  2. The excuse Montag used to not go to work
  3. The game montag played when he got back from being "sick"
  4. Montags job
  5. Midreds nickname
  6. Montags tattoo
  7. Main character
  8. what they did to the books
  9. Man who helped montag
  10. name of the book
  11. The book montag read
  12. what mildred had in her ear
  13. where Montag rehid the books
  14. Montags wife
  15. author of the book
  16. What montag hurt while running away
  1. The show mildred and her friends watched
  2. girl montag met
  3. Man Montag met in the woods
  4. What mildred thought was her family
  5. Where it takes place
  6. what the houses of the future were
  7. What Mildred took often
  8. poem montag reads to Mildred friends
  9. What killed Clarisse
  10. place where montag hid
  11. what the books were first hidden behind
  12. what montag smelt like
  13. Fire chief
  14. Illegal

30 Clues: IllegalFire chiefMontags jobMontags wifeMontags tattooMain charactergirl montag metMidreds nicknamename of the bookauthor of the bookWhere it takes placeWhat killed ClarisseThe book montag readMan who helped montagplace where montag hidwhat montag smelt likeWhat Mildred took oftenwhat they did to the booksMan Montag met in the woods...

Library 2023-05-01

Library crossword puzzle
  1. The opposite of fiction.
  2. The system we use to organize books.
  3. You write this down and use this to find a book on the shelf.
  4. Shhhh in the library.
  5. A group of books can be called.
  6. A chapter book can also be called this.
  7. When a book is late.
  8. A book written about someone.
  9. Something you do on the computer to find a book.
  10. The person that draws the pictures in the book.
  11. An award for a picture book.
  12. Something you do when you are finished with a book.
  1. Something used to save your place in a book.
  2. A reference book before computers.
  3. Books and writings written on a particular subject.
  4. Books are placed on these.
  5. There are many of these in a book.
  6. Where you can purchase a book.
  7. Mrs. Mazeikis is a,,,
  8. Someone that writes a book.
  9. The backbone of the book.
  10. A puzzling crime.
  11. What do you do with a book?

23 Clues: A puzzling crime.When a book is late.Shhhh in the library.Mrs. Mazeikis is a,,,The opposite of fiction.The backbone of the book.Books are placed on these.Someone that writes a book.What do you do with a book?An award for a picture book.A book written about someone.Where you can purchase a book.A group of books can be called....

Reader Crossword 2024-06-21

Reader Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A place where books are kept
  2. Units of language that make up sentences
  3. Ordinary language, not poetry
  4. A book with a stiff cover
  5. Furniture for storing books
  6. Factual writing
  7. Material used for printing books
  8. A collection of related novels
  9. Introductory section of a book
  10. A single sheet in a book
  11. The creator of a written work
  12. Category of literature
  13. A critical assessment of a book
  14. A fictional prose narrative
  1. A person in a story
  2. A section of a book
  3. A note of appreciation from the author
  4. CLUB A group that discusses books together
  5. The main events of a story
  6. Keeps your place in a novel
  7. The act of interpreting written words
  8. An avid reader
  9. Digital version of a printed book
  10. The backbone of a book
  11. Art that protects and entices
  12. A short summary on the back cover
  13. Concluding section of a book
  14. A particular version of a book

28 Clues: An avid readerFactual writingA person in a storyA section of a bookThe backbone of a bookCategory of literatureA single sheet in a bookA book with a stiff coverThe main events of a storyFurniture for storing booksKeeps your place in a novelA fictional prose narrativeA place where books are keptConcluding section of a book...

Describing books 2021-10-04

Describing books crossword puzzle
  1. a book that tells a story about people or events that are not real
  2. a story in which the events are only explained at the end
  3. book, a book you use to find a piece of information
  4. the story of somebody's life written by someone different
  5. books about real facts, people events, etc.
  6. a complete list of things you can buy or see somehwere
  1. a book that tells you how to do or use something such as a car or a computer
  2. books about events that take place in the future, often involving travel in space
  3. listed in the same way as the alphabet
  4. a book or set of books that gives information about many different subjects, arranged in alphabetical order
  5. pieces of writing arranged in short lines which express thoughts and feelings through sound and rhythm

11 Clues: listed in the same way as the alphabetbooks about real facts, people events,, a book you use to find a piece of informationa complete list of things you can buy or see somehwerea story in which the events are only explained at the endthe story of somebody's life written by someone different...

Our Books 2024-09-07

Our Books crossword puzzle
  1. a really "dark" book lmao
  2. the first book you ever got me
  3. here's johnny!!
  4. you just bought me this one and there's a portal to another world
  5. has to do with death ooooo spooky
  6. the origin of the "prim reaper"
  1. the quarter quell
  2. may the odds be ever in your favor
  3. nice receive
  4. (cont. from Down 9)
  5. pretty scary book title (cont. on Down 7)

11 Clues: nice receivehere's johnny!!the quarter quell(cont. from Down 9)a really "dark" book lmaothe first book you ever got methe origin of the "prim reaper"has to do with death ooooo spookymay the odds be ever in your favorpretty scary book title (cont. on Down 7)you just bought me this one and there's a portal to another world

Famous Books 2024-09-12

Famous Books crossword puzzle
  1. A real-life diary by Anne Frank, written during World War II.
  2. A classic story by E.B. White about a pig and a clever spider.
  3. A story by L. Frank Baum about a girl’s adventure in the land of Oz.
  4. A book by Lewis Carroll about a girl who falls into a magical world.
  1. A novel by Herman Melville about a captain’s quest for a great white whale.
  2. A classic novel by L.M. Montgomery about a red-headed girl’s adventures.
  3. A novel by Charles Dickens about an orphan in London.
  4. A book by Robert Louis Stevenson about pirates and buried treasure.
  5. A magical land featured in The Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis.
  6. A book by R.J. Palacio about a boy with a facial difference.
  7. A book by J.M. Barrie about a boy who never grows up.

11 Clues: A novel by Charles Dickens about an orphan in London.A book by J.M. Barrie about a boy who never grows up.A book by R.J. Palacio about a boy with a facial difference.A real-life diary by Anne Frank, written during World War II.A classic story by E.B. White about a pig and a clever spider....

Fahrenheit 451 Ambree Dowell 1-27-23 Period 3 2023-01-27

Fahrenheit 451 Ambree Dowell 1-27-23 Period 3 crossword puzzle
  1. where Montag and Mildred met
  2. where Mildred's "family" is
  3. What the government is trying to hide
  4. who turned Montag in for possessing books
  5. How many rules Faber had
  6. Where Montag hides his first book
  7. who Montag kills
  8. The main character; is a fireman
  9. a retired English teacher
  10. the flower clarisse hasthat represents love beatty The fire Captin
  11. What Mildred uses as a distraction
  12. A person who burns books
  13. the amount of wars started and won since 2022
  14. the number of TVs in Fabers home
  1. Montags wife
  2. mechanical ____ that chases Montag
  3. " just a perfume to me." - Montag
  4. what Montag did after burning the old woman's home
  5. what did Mildred overdose on
  6. the firemen's vehicle
  7. The author of Fahrenheit 451
  8. The mysterious girl Montag meets
  9. What firemen burn
  10. where Montag hides books
  11. granger said man would rise again like a ...
  12. what their cars are called
  13. the amount of books Montag took when he escaped

27 Clues: Montags wifewho Montag killsWhat firemen burnthe firemen's vehicleHow many rules Faber hadwhere Montag hides booksA person who burns booksa retired English teacherwhat their cars are calledwhere Mildred's "family" iswhere Montag and Mildred metwhat did Mildred overdose onThe author of Fahrenheit 451The mysterious girl Montag meets...

Library Element 2023-06-20

Library Element crossword puzzle
  1. Electronic books that can be accessed and read on digital devices such as e-readers, tablets, or smartphones. They offer a portable and convenient way to read.
  2. Books Books that provide specific information on various topics, such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, or atlases. They are usually used within the library.
  3. A person who works in the library and helps people find books, provides recommendations, and ensures the library runs smoothly.
  4. Area A designated space in the library where visitors can sit comfortably and read books or other materials. It may include chairs, tables, and reading lamps.
  5. Area A designated space in the library where visitors can focus on studying, doing homework, or conducting research. It may include desks, chairs, and access to power outlets.
  1. Structures or units where books are stored and organized in the library. Shelves are labeled to help locate specific books.
  2. A system or database that lists all the books available in the library. The catalog helps people find books by author, title, or subject.
  3. The action of bringing back borrowed books to the library after reading. Returned books are checked in and made available for others to borrow.
  4. An organized activity in the library where a librarian reads aloud stories to children, engaging them in listening and interactive activities.
  5. The process of temporarily taking a book from the library to read outside. Library members can borrow books by following borrowing rules and returning them on time.
  6. Collections of written works that provide information, stories, or knowledge on various subjects. Books can be fiction or non-fiction.

11 Clues: Structures or units where books are stored and organized in the library. Shelves are labeled to help locate specific books.A person who works in the library and helps people find books, provides recommendations, and ensures the library runs smoothly....

Genre Types 2022-08-21

Genre Types crossword puzzle
  1. _________ fiction: features supernatural elements, such as talking animals and magic powers
  2. books about a real person, written by the person the book is about
  3. stories passed down from older generations
  4. _______ fiction: features made up characters/situations that could exist in our world
  5. books written about real people written by someone else
  6. books that are made up and not based on true events
  7. genre of fiction that uses rhyme and rhythm
  1. __________ fiction: features robots, aliens, and time travel
  2. books with true facts about a specific topic
  3. books about a portion of a real person's life
  4. genre of fiction that include a crime that is not solved until the end
  5. __________ fiction: features real stories with fictional aspects (situations, people, etc)
  6. books that are based on true events

13 Clues: books that are based on true eventsstories passed down from older generationsgenre of fiction that uses rhyme and rhythmbooks with true facts about a specific topicbooks about a portion of a real person's lifebooks that are made up and not based on true eventsbooks written about real people written by someone else...

Fahrenheit 451 section 2 2015-04-27

Fahrenheit 451 section 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Men who's job is to burn books and places holding them
  2. TV Show that allows you to talk to and be involved with the actors in it
  3. What they do to books that are found in people's homes
  4. Famous man who commited suicide along with his burning books
  5. Montag's new neighbors, moved away after Clarisse died
  6. The number on every firemen's uniform
  7. Uncle from the Walls
  8. Guy Montag's wife
  9. One of Montag's fellow firemen
  10. What the old women chooses when she finds out her books are going to be destroyed
  11. Head Fireman and Montag's boss
  1. Mechanical creature created to help the firemen
  2. People in the Walls
  3. Believed to be the first fireman
  4. Guy hides his secret book under his _____.
  5. The smell that is always lingering on Guy's clothes
  6. Strange girl; Montag's fried who died
  7. Aunt from the Walls
  8. Beatty comes to Montag's house and explains some of the actual book _____.
  9. Another one of Montag's co-firemen

20 Clues: Guy Montag's wifePeople in the WallsAunt from the WallsUncle from the WallsOne of Montag's fellow firemenHead Fireman and Montag's bossBelieved to be the first firemanAnother one of Montag's co-firemenThe number on every firemen's uniformStrange girl; Montag's fried who diedGuy hides his secret book under his _____....

Farenheiht 451 2024-01-15

Farenheiht 451 crossword puzzle
  1. Beatty was ______ alive
  2. Guy thinks that clarisse is _______
  3. Where will you be put if you are too slow
  4. Beatty says every fireman has a ________ about books
  5. Faber gave montag a piece of ____ with the address
  6. Montag finds a group of ______ men along the railroad
  7. Synonym for familiar, the firemen all looked_____
  8. reading ______ is banned
  9. Reading books is _______
  1. which book did montag memorize?
  2. One of the main themes in the books is __________
  3. Mildred ______ Montag by snitching on him and running away
  4. opposite of functioning, what the dog was doing when it growled at montag
  5. Montag and the men are going to fabers friends to _____ more copies of the bible
  6. Mildred ________ when she took all the sleeping pills
  7. What does Montag jump into that brings him to the railway?
  8. Device used to listen to emergency broadcasts
  9. The mechanical hound is related to the theme of _______
  10. Beatty was ______ by montag
  11. Mildred and Montag sleep in different ____

20 Clues: Beatty was ______ alivereading ______ is bannedReading books is _______Beatty was ______ by montagwhich book did montag memorize?Guy thinks that clarisse is _______Where will you be put if you are too slowMildred and Montag sleep in different ____Device used to listen to emergency broadcastsOne of the main themes in the books is __________...

SHS Library 2021-08-15

SHS Library crossword puzzle
  1. (2 words)A group of letters and/or numbers that identifies where a specific item in a library is located
  2. books about a person written by another person
  3. books, articles, web sites, etc. that are used to get information that is included in a formal research paper
  4. An electronic version of a book that can be read on a computer or mobile device
  5. books written by a person about themselves
  6. the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.
  7. A sticker on a book that is scanned to check books out to patrons
  8. an online tool used to search for books and resources that are contained in the library
  9. contains synonyms and antonyms for words
  10. A publication, issued on a regular basis, containing popular articles, written and illustrated in a less technical manner than the articles found in a journal
  11. books that are made-up, not real
  12. Categories of books in the SHS fiction section
  1. An alphabetical list of terms specialized to a field of knowledge with definitions or explanations
  2. a book of maps
  3. A list containing citations to the resources used in writing a research paper or other document
  4. A list of names or topics—usually found at the end of a publication—that directs you to the pages where those names or topics are discussed within the publication
  5. A daily publication containing information about varied topics that usually occur or are important to a specific area
  6. a person who uses the library and its resources
  7. The legal protection granted to authors, composers, and others to allow them to control the reproduction and distribution of their works
  8. An in-paper reference to a book, magazine or journal article, or other work containing all the information necessary to identify and locate that work.
  9. Last name of the library clerk at SHS
  10. Last name of the librarian at SHS
  11. Any information resource that presents information using more than one media (print, picture, audio, or video)
  12. books that are factual and true
  13. a searchable electronic index of published, reliable resources.
  14. A work containing information on all branches of knowledge or treating comprehensively a particular branch of knowledge (such as history or chemistry). Often has entries or articles arranged alphabetically

26 Clues: a book of mapsbooks that are factual and truebooks that are made-up, not realLast name of the librarian at SHSLast name of the library clerk at SHScontains synonyms and antonyms for wordsbooks written by a person about themselvesbooks about a person written by another personCategories of books in the SHS fiction section...

October edition crossword 2024-10-27

October edition crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The feeling of curiosity or eagerness to learn more
  2. Someone who gathers and shares information, often in the form of books or articles
  3. A wise person or someone considered knowledgeable
  4. Someone who writes books
  5. A famous fable writer known for animal tales
  6. The act of interpreting text on a page
  7. The central idea or message in a piece of writing
  1. Stories of imaginary events and characters, usually in books
  2. An alphabetical list of terms or words and their definitions
  3. Books with information on a wide range of topics
  4. Short, wise sayings
  5. The process of acquiring knowledge through study or experience
  6. A collection of written works, often organized by theme or author
  7. The act of revisiting or looking at something again for clarity
  8. Books, magazines, newspapers, and other types of reading material

15 Clues: Short, wise sayingsSomeone who writes booksThe act of interpreting text on a pageA famous fable writer known for animal talesBooks with information on a wide range of topicsA wise person or someone considered knowledgeableThe central idea or message in a piece of writingThe feeling of curiosity or eagerness to learn more...

Describing books 2021-10-04

Describing books crossword puzzle
  1. a book that tells you how to do or use something such as a car or a computer
  2. book, a book you use to find a piece of information
  3. fiction, books about events that take place in the future, often involving travel in space
  4. a story in which the events are only explained at the end
  5. the story of somebody's life written by someone different
  6. a complete list of things you can buy or see somehwere
  1. listed in the same way as the alphabet
  2. a book or set of books that gives information about many different subjects, arranged in alphabetical order
  3. books about real facts, people events, etc.
  4. pieces of writing arranged in short lines which express thoughts and feelings through sound and rhythm
  5. a book that tells a story about people or events that are not real

11 Clues: listed in the same way as the alphabetbooks about real facts, people events,, a book you use to find a piece of informationa complete list of things you can buy or see somehwerea story in which the events are only explained at the endthe story of somebody's life written by someone different...

Describing books 2021-10-04

Describing books crossword puzzle
  1. a book that tells you how to do or use something such as a car or a computer
  2. book, a book you use to find a piece of information
  3. fiction, books about events that take place in the future, often involving travel in space
  4. a story in which the events are only explained at the end
  5. the story of somebody's life written by someone different
  6. a complete list of things you can buy or see somehwere
  1. listed in the same way as the alphabet
  2. a book or set of books that gives information about many different subjects, arranged in alphabetical order
  3. books about real facts, people events, etc.
  4. pieces of writing arranged in short lines which express thoughts and feelings through sound and rhythm
  5. a book that tells a story about people or events that are not real

11 Clues: listed in the same way as the alphabetbooks about real facts, people events,, a book you use to find a piece of informationa complete list of things you can buy or see somehwerea story in which the events are only explained at the endthe story of somebody's life written by someone different...

Children's Authors & Illustrators 2024-02-05

Children's Authors & Illustrators crossword puzzle
  1. wrote books about bugs and animals
  2. wrote the series Bad Guys and books about a pug dog
  3. person who writes the story
  4. wrote books about farm animals typing
  5. wrote The Cat in the Hat
  1. wrote books about pigeons
  2. someone who you love or like and celebrate on the 14th
  3. wrote the book Charlie and the Chocolate factory
  4. wrote and illustrated The Lion and the Mouse
  5. wrote books about a boy named David
  6. 2nd month in the year
  7. person who draws the pictures

12 Clues: 2nd month in the yearwrote The Cat in the Hatwrote books about pigeonsperson who writes the storyperson who draws the pictureswrote books about bugs and animalswrote books about a boy named Davidwrote books about farm animals typingwrote and illustrated The Lion and the Mousewrote the book Charlie and the Chocolate factory...

Paul Jennings 2024-08-21

Paul Jennings crossword puzzle
  1. Title of a series he has created
  2. His favorite food
  3. An award Paul Jennings has won Lifetime ______ Award
  4. Title of his most popular book
  5. Paul's Jennings books have been turned into a ___show
  6. Paul's third job
  7. What Paul became in 1989
  8. What Paul Jennings uses to create his books
  1. Boat which he travelled on
  2. How long it takes to write a collection of short stories.
  3. Paul Jennings place of birth
  4. Where Paul Jennings now lives
  5. Something that has happened to Paul's books
  6. A word to describe Paul Jennings books

14 Clues: Paul's third jobHis favorite foodWhat Paul became in 1989Boat which he travelled onPaul Jennings place of birthWhere Paul Jennings now livesTitle of his most popular bookTitle of a series he has createdA word to describe Paul Jennings booksSomething that has happened to Paul's booksWhat Paul Jennings uses to create his books...

En la clase de español 2024-09-17

En la clase de español crossword puzzle
  1. right / true
  2. open your books
  3. did you understand
  4. close your books
  5. explain
  6. answer
  7. complete
  8. raise our hand
  1. choose
  2. do you have questions
  3. write
  4. repeat
  5. how do you say?
  6. work
  7. sit down
  8. IDK
  9. read

17 Clues: IDKworkreadwritechooserepeatanswerexplainsit downcompleteright / trueraise our handopen your bookshow do you say?close your booksdid you understanddo you have questions

Los Mandatos 2021-05-24

Los Mandatos crossword puzzle
  1. look
  2. una Vuelta turn around/spin in a circle
  3. count
  4. Stop
  5. stand up
  6. read
  7. show me
  8. touch
  9. say
  10. take out
  11. dance
  1. walk
  2. los libros-close your books
  3. run
  4. la mano raise your hand
  5. Sing
  6. listen
  7. jump
  8. talk
  9. sitdown
  10. write
  11. study
  12. los libros-open your books

23 Clues: runsaywalklookSingStopjumptalkreadcountwritestudytouchdancelistensitdownshow mestand uptake outla mano raise your handlos libros-open your bookslos libros-close your booksuna Vuelta turn around/spin in a circle

Sanford_Ch.1-4 2014-09-08

Sanford_Ch.1-4 crossword puzzle
  1. Means covenant or agreement
  2. Means new orthodoxy
  3. Means that the bible is totally truthful
  4. books Isaiah through Daniel
  5. books Job through Song of Solomon
  6. Books Genesis through Deuteronomy
  1. Means that God is somehow behind the writing
  2. books Books Joshua through Esther
  3. books Hosea through Malachi
  4. Means "incapable of error"

10 Clues: Means new orthodoxyMeans "incapable of error"books Hosea through MalachiMeans covenant or agreementbooks Isaiah through Danielbooks Books Joshua through Estherbooks Job through Song of SolomonBooks Genesis through DeuteronomyMeans that the bible is totally truthfulMeans that God is somehow behind the writing

Just for Fun! 2021-05-24

Just for Fun! crossword puzzle
  1. Julian is a __________
  2. Last name of Where's Waldo creator
  3. ___________Nightingale
  4. Ulysses is a __________
  5. First name of the porcine wonder ______ Watson
  6. This is Not My ________
  7. Juana & ____________
  8. ____________ Soontornvat
  9. First name of Emily's Windsnap's best friend
  10. The name of our street name
  1. Waldo's friend
  2. Judy ___________
  3. ________ and How She Got Her Name
  4. Tale of ________________
  5. ___________Tokuda-Hall
  6. ___________ Failure
  7. Pizza and Bowling near the office
  8. First name of the founder of Walker Books
  9. First name of Illustrator of Voice of Freedom
  10. Last name of the author of the Clarice Bean books
  11. ___________ Hare
  12. Our largest conference room
  13. Merci __________
  14. Author of the Maisy books Lucy _____________

24 Clues: Waldo's friendJudy ______________________ HareMerci _____________________ FailureJuana & ____________Julian is a _____________________Tokuda-Hall___________NightingaleUlysses is a __________This is Not My ________Tale of ____________________________ SoontornvatOur largest conference roomThe name of our street name________ and How She Got Her Name...

Sacred Scripture Crossword 2022-10-16

Sacred Scripture Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A synonym for the bible
  2. Gathering of Pope and Bishops
  3. The Ten Commandments
  4. The official church teaching
  5. The heritage of Sacred Scripture
  6. The ability to understand the truth
  7. The process of passing a gospel message
  8. God revealing himself to us
  9. The chosen people of God
  10. bible is free from error
  1. The forty-six books of the bible
  2. Sacred promise between God and people
  3. Sacred writings inspired by God
  4. The twenty-seven books of the bible
  5. The second coming of Christ
  6. The Holy Spirit inspiring humans
  7. God revealing himself through nature
  8. Events that exemplify God's existence
  9. list of books in the bible
  10. Good news

20 Clues: Good newsThe Ten CommandmentsA synonym for the bibleThe chosen people of Godbible is free from errorlist of books in the bibleThe second coming of ChristGod revealing himself to usThe official church teachingGathering of Pope and BishopsSacred writings inspired by GodThe forty-six books of the bibleThe heritage of Sacred Scripture...

Unit 4 Review Game- Rashevich 2019-11-07

Unit 4 Review Game- Rashevich crossword puzzle
  1. An event or person in Scripture that points toward a later event or person.
  2. A third-century BC Greek translation of the Scriptures
  3. The temple is rebuilt.
  4. An edition of the Old Testament, produced by Origen
  5. A statute promulgated to assist in practicing the Faith or governing the Church fairly and consistently.
  6. From the Greek for five books.
  7. This heroic,Jewish woman saves Israel by a clever strategy.
  8. One of the supposed original sources of the Pentateuch, thought to be a later editor who revised all five books to reflect the concerns of the Jerusalem priesthood after the return of the Jews from the Babylonian Exile.
  9. The Old Testament books that comprise the stories of the prophets who cast judgment and warn of divine retribution while calling Israel to repentance.
  10. The Kingdom of Israel is divided and Israel destoryed
  11. The forty-six books of the Bible that record the history of salvation from creation until the time of Christ.
  12. One of the supposed original sources of the Pentateuch, particularly the Book of Deuteronomy, written around the seventh century BC.
  13. One who proclaims the Evangelion or gospel
  14. Sacred Scripture. The books which contain the truth of God’s Revelation and were composed by human authors inspired by the Holy Spirit.
  1. Those books of the Bible that were included in the Jewish or Hebrew canon of Scriptures.
  2. It is used for indicate years after the Birth of Christ.
  3. A person selected by God to speak in his name.
  4. A type of sacred literature characterized by symbolic imagery; an alternate name of Book of Revelation.
  5. A synonym for covenant
  6. The twenty-seven books of the Bible written by sacred authors in apostolic times
  7. The name of St. Jerome’s translation of the Bible from its original languages into common Latin by St. Jerome.
  8. The five books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
  9. Those parts of the Old Testament that were removed from the Jewish or Hebrew canon of Scripture, but which appear in the Septuagint.
  10. One of the supposed original sources of the Pentateuch, reflecting the perspective of Jews in the northern kingdom of Israel around the eighth or ninth century BC.
  11. An Old English rendering of the Greek for “good news.”
  12. A letter addressed to a particular person or people.

26 Clues: The temple is rebuilt.A synonym for covenantFrom the Greek for five books.One who proclaims the Evangelion or gospelA person selected by God to speak in his name.An edition of the Old Testament, produced by OrigenA letter addressed to a particular person or people.The Kingdom of Israel is divided and Israel destoryed...

BOOKS AND FILMS 2020-06-11

BOOKS AND FILMS crossword puzzle
  1. very scary movie
  2. movie or book that represents an adventure
  3. is put to give more impression to the film
  4. the man who saves someone in the movie or book
  5. place where the film is recorded or where l occurs
  6. film or book of a relationship
  7. a part of a film
  8. the bad of a book or film
  1. the man or woman who directs the film
  2. A subject or topic of a film.
  3. movie or book that makes you cry
  4. a film that makes you laught
  5. a book or movie about surreal or magical things happening
  6. film situatet of the west
  7. the good woman in the film
  8. The plan or main in the film or book.
  9. a movie where you just sing and dance

17 Clues: very scary moviea part of a filmfilm situatet of the westthe bad of a book or filmthe good woman in the filma film that makes you laughtA subject or topic of a or book of a relationshipmovie or book that makes you crythe man or woman who directs the filmThe plan or main in the film or book.a movie where you just sing and dance...

Films, books, arts 2022-11-11

Films, books, arts crossword puzzle
  1. The best award for a film
  2. A film without words
  3. A type of literature, film, music
  4. Easy to guess
  5. Weather...
  6. Films and books are forms of ...
  7. Steven Spielberg is a ...
  8. The story of a film or book
  1. Parents read to children
  2. Your opinion about a film/book
  3. Food to eat at the cinema
  4. You buy tickets there
  5. Music from a film
  6. Films about space
  7. A public event
  8. 'Friends' is a ...
  9. ...opera

17 Clues: ...operaWeather...Easy to guessA public eventMusic from a filmFilms about space'Friends' is a ...A film without wordsYou buy tickets thereParents read to childrenThe best award for a filmFood to eat at the cinemaSteven Spielberg is a ...The story of a film or bookYour opinion about a film/bookFilms and books are forms of ......

Grayson Public Library Crossword Puzzle 2024-11-06

Grayson Public Library Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the app you can use to read ebooks and listen to audiobooks.
  2. - can borrow these devices with you library card.
  3. you can check out up to 75 of these from the library.
  4. you can borrow items from here.
  5. we have many _______ for kids at the Grayson Branch.
  6. programs
  7. pads
  1. library staff
  2. you can get free online tutoring with you library account at
  3. Plus you can read comic books such as Big Nate online with your library card on here.
  4. resources you can access so many of these with your library account.
  5. novels these are comic books
  6. what is your local library branch
  7. books these are books with audio that you can read along with.

14 Clues: padsprogramslibrary staffnovels these are comic booksyou can borrow items from here.what is your local library branch- can borrow these devices with you library card.we have many _______ for kids at the Grayson can check out up to 75 of these from the library.the app you can use to read ebooks and listen to audiobooks....

Oak Tree Books' 3rd Anniversary Bookish Bingo Contest 2023-07-12

Oak Tree Books' 3rd Anniversary Bookish Bingo Contest crossword puzzle
  1. This author was awarded the Padma Bhushan this year and she won the 2023 Sahitya Akademi Bal Sahitya Puraskar (use last name)
  2. This author fills STEAM-themed picture books and chapter books with curiosity, creativity, innovation, persistence, and problem-solving. Think Architect, Illustrator, President, Engineer (Use Last Name)
  3. This author is best known for her Amma series of books about festivals, historical and religious places (use last name)
  4. She writes for the 0-3 age group. Some of her most popular books are about blue and green hats,hippos and going to bed (use last name)
  5. This author wrote about a land that could be accessed by stepping through a cupboard (use last name)
  6. She was an English author of children’s books, illustrator, mycologist, and conservationist. Her stories about a mischievous, little rabbit is a classic (use last name)
  7. This illustrator won the Big Little Book Award in 2020 for his contribution to Indian children’s literature. He has created characters like Maithili, Minotaur and an Ammachi with some amazing machines (use last name)
  8. This American cartoonist is best known for his picture book Shrek! (Use last name)
  9. This author created the Dreamers series and Ninja Nani (use last name)
  10. This author has written over 200 books. She created a creature with terrible claws and terrible teeth in his terrible jaws (use last name)
  11. The creator of an adorable teddy bear and his friends. “Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” (Use last name)
  1. She is a comic book writer, illustrator and animation filmmaker. One of her most popular work is about an Ammachi who has misplaced her glasses (Use Last Name)
  2. This Mumbai-based author has written the History Mysyery series (use last name)
  3. A four-time Caldecott Honor winner, his picture books are boldly illustrated. Some of his famous titles include a book about a worm that loves to measure and a curious and adventurous fish that is a different colour than the rest of his school (use last name)
  4. This author is sometimes called the Indian Dr. Seuss. While she writes both picture books and chapter books, her specialty lies in writing nonsense verse for children. (Use Last name)
  5. She created butterbeer, exploding snap and Wingardium Leviosa (use last name)
  6. She has written about a gorilla that lived in a mall and people with the ability to morph into animals (use last name)
  7. This British author has written over 600 books. Her books are mostly about adventures and mysteries and boarding schools (use last name)
  8. This author wrote about a caterpillar, a spider, a brown bear and a blue horse (use last name)
  9. This author took us to a world where the wild things live (use last name)
  10. This author's picture book is inspired by the true story of Jamlo, a 12-year-old girl who passed away while attempting to walk from Telangana to her village in Chhattisgarh during the Covid-19 lockdown (use last name)
  11. This author wrote about a hat wearing feline (use last name)
  12. This author is known for his hilarious writing style. Think of a Pigeon Driving a Bus! (Use last name)
  13. This author is a winner of the Sahitya Akademi Award, was awarded the Padma Shri and the Padma Bhushan. His stories are influenced by north India's hill stations where he spent his childhood (use last name)

24 Clues: This author wrote about a hat wearing feline (use last name)This author created the Dreamers series and Ninja Nani (use last name)This author took us to a world where the wild things live (use last name)She created butterbeer, exploding snap and Wingardium Leviosa (use last name)...

The Year of Jesus. 2023-12-17

The Year of Jesus. crossword puzzle
  1. First person to see Jesus after He was resurrected
  2. Jesus performed many of these
  3. The son who camet back
  4. First 4 books of the New Testament
  5. Required to believe in Jesus
  6. The first disciple called by Jesus
  7. occupation of many disciples
  8. where your heart is
  1. Any influence against Jesus Christ
  2. Name of Jesus
  3. Jesus said "Love your ...."
  4. who wrote the most books in the New Testament
  5. Keeping the commandments is a .....
  6. Where jesus was born
  7. Jesus said: ""
  8. 1 pair of books with the same name
  9. Christ's greatest gift to us.
  10. Cousin of Jesus
  11. Baby sheep

19 Clues: Baby sheepName of JesusCousin of Jesuswhere your heart isWhere jesus was bornThe son who camet backJesus said: ""Jesus said "Love your ...."Required to believe in Jesusoccupation of many disciplesJesus performed many of theseChrist's greatest gift to us.Any influence against Jesus ChristFirst 4 books of the New Testament...

crossword puzzle 2024-09-07

crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. "Stories used by ancient cultures to explain natural events."
  2. "A tale about a hero, sometimes exaggerated."
  3. "The life story of a person, written by someone else."
  4. Books: "Non-fiction books that provide facts on a topic."
  5. "Genre of plays that involve intense emotions."
  1. Fiction: "Fictional stories set in real historical settings."
  2. Fiction: "Stories set in the future with advanced technology."
  3. "A short story, often with animals, teaching a moral lesson."
  4. rhyme books: "A book of short rhyming poems for children."
  5. "Stories with magical creatures and worlds."
  6. "Traditional stories passed down orally."
  7. books: "Books that rely heavily on images to tell the story."
  8. Tale: "Stories with magical beings and a moral lesson."
  9. "The story of one's life written by oneself."

14 Clues: "Traditional stories passed down orally.""Stories with magical creatures and worlds.""A tale about a hero, sometimes exaggerated.""The story of one's life written by oneself.""Genre of plays that involve intense emotions.""The life story of a person, written by someone else."Tale: "Stories with magical beings and a moral lesson."...

Sep-24 2024-08-29

Sep-24 crossword puzzle
  1. The ______ decimal system is used in libraries to organize the books
  2. An egg shaped ball
  3. The company that prints and distributes books
  4. The player who throws the ball
  5. A place where students learn
  1. The area where touchdowns are scored
  2. A popular device used for reading digital books
  3. A bag used to carry books and supplies
  4. A place where you can borrow books
  5. The process of gathering mature crops from the fields
  6. The season of PSL
  7. Where apple trees are located

12 Clues: The season of PSLAn egg shaped ballA place where students learnWhere apple trees are locatedThe player who throws the ballA place where you can borrow booksThe area where touchdowns are scoredA bag used to carry books and suppliesThe company that prints and distributes booksA popular device used for reading digital books...

Library 2023-09-06

Library crossword puzzle
  1. Books or materials used for finding specific information, like dictionaries or encyclopedias.
  2. Books that are made up stories, not based on real events.
  3. A place in the library where you can read and work on your school assignments.
  4. A special time in the library when someone reads stories to children.
  5. A person who works in a library and helps people find books and information.
  6. A publication with articles, pictures, and information on various topics.
  1. The atmosphere in a library where people speak softly and respect the silence.
  2. Books that provide facts and information about real topics.
  3. The act of looking at and understanding the words in a book.
  4. To take a book from the library with the intention of returning it.
  5. The name of a book, often found on the cover or the spine.
  6. A long, flat board used to store and display books in a library.
  7. A list or database of all the books and materials available in the library.
  8. A printed collection of pages with stories, information, or pictures.
  9. The person who writes and creates the content of a book.

15 Clues: The person who writes and creates the content of a book.Books that are made up stories, not based on real events.The name of a book, often found on the cover or the spine.Books that provide facts and information about real topics.The act of looking at and understanding the words in a book....

Lapp crossword elearning 2021-08-29

Lapp crossword elearning crossword puzzle
  1. created sixth day
  2. sacrament that takes away original sin
  3. angels that turned from God
  4. created third day
  5. number of books in new testament
  6. everyone is born with this because of Adam and Eve
  7. created second day
  8. first humans
  9. doing something against God's commandments
  10. holy beings with more power than humans
  1. created fourth day
  2. created on the first day
  3. number of books in old testament
  4. what is the Bible
  5. created fifth day
  6. God said all of creation is?
  7. creator of the world
  8. fallen angel who tries to sabotage God's plan
  9. total number of books in the Bible
  10. God did what on day 7?

20 Clues: first humanscreated sixth daywhat is the Biblecreated fifth daycreated third daycreated fourth daycreated second daycreator of the worldGod did what on day 7?created on the first dayangels that turned from GodGod said all of creation is?number of books in old testamentnumber of books in new testamenttotal number of books in the Bible...

11th Birthday Crossword Challenge 2014-11-05

11th Birthday Crossword Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. A similar game to rugby played with broomsticks
  2. Bella's breed
  3. Name of Percy Jackson's father
  4. A pop single by a South Korean musician
  5. Number of Books in Harry Potter series
  6. Title of one of the Percy Jackson books
  7. Amachi's pet
  8. Your mother's job
  1. Author of one of your favourite books
  2. Number of members in One Direction
  3. Performers of Payphone
  4. One of your friends
  5. Hermione Granger's cat
  6. A big fan of One Direction
  7. A One Direction song
  8. Sacrament received before Holy Communion
  9. Amachi's nickname for you
  10. Your favourite subject
  11. Harry Potter's position on the Quidditch team
  12. One of your cousins
  13. Your year-end holiday destination

21 Clues: Amachi's petBella's breedYour mother's jobOne of your friendsOne of your cousinsA One Direction songPerformers of PayphoneHermione Granger's catYour favourite subjectAmachi's nickname for youA big fan of One DirectionName of Percy Jackson's fatherYour year-end holiday destinationNumber of members in One Direction...