books Crossword Puzzles

Chapters 1 - 9 Review 2015-10-04

Chapters 1 - 9 Review crossword puzzle
  1. How a pillow feels.
  2. Cola, juice, water.
  3. This makes you smell good.
  4. The green vegetable in salad.
  5. The white stuff you put on food.
  6. Books that are not real.
  7. 5 am. Not late.
  8. The unit of long distances.
  9. Books that make you smarter.
  10. Movies that make you laugh.
  11. How you feel if you don't eat.
  1. How a lemon tastes.
  2. How often you have a birthday.
  3. How you feel in winter.
  4. How often you eat.
  5. How a pretzel tastes.
  6. Books with super heroes.
  7. How a pepper tastes.
  8. The door to go out.
  9. Going down a snowy mountain.
  10. You eat this after dinner. It's sweet.

21 Clues: 5 am. Not late.How often you eat.How a pillow feels.How a lemon tastes.Cola, juice, water.The door to go out.How a pepper tastes.How a pretzel tastes.How you feel in winter.Books with super heroes.Books that are not real.This makes you smell good.The unit of long distances.Movies that make you laugh.Books that make you smarter....

Chapter 2 Vocabulary 2023-10-05

Chapter 2 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Set your things on top of this.
  2. Can be found in notebooks/books.
  3. Time to show what you’ve learned.
  4. Assignment done at home.
  5. Someone who goes to school (female)
  6. Writing utensil without an eraser.
  7. Carries all your school materials.
  8. Images of towns/states/countries.
  9. You write your answers to share here.
  10. You can find many books here.
  11. Science experiments
  12. They sell books and other materials
  1. Open it for fresh air.
  2. Place to play and watch sports.
  3. A tool used in math class.
  4. ____ de español es a las nueve.
  5. Educates a classroom (male).
  6. Tells you the time.
  7. Place to sit.
  8. Lets you know where you have to be.

20 Clues: Place to sit.Tells you the time.Science experimentsOpen it for fresh air.Assignment done at home.A tool used in math class.Educates a classroom (male).You can find many books here.Set your things on top of this.Place to play and watch sports.____ de español es a las nueve.Can be found in notebooks/books.Time to show what you’ve learned....

a good citizen 2012-11-28

a good citizen crossword puzzle
  1. hurt.
  2. imagine me.
  3. speak—
  4. circulate freely,
  5. you were
  6. opinions
  7. good citizen,
  8. men—
  9. of
  10. your children
  11. and maturity
  12. was
  13. members
  14. deeds
  1. nothing not
  2. civilization
  3. a free society.
  4. coarsely.
  5. books—
  6. I read.
  7. to show
  8. survive.
  9. read
  10. ready to respond.
  11. am
  12. will be better equipped

26 Clues: ofamwasmen—readhurt.deedsspeak—books—I showmembersyou wereopinionssurvive.coarsely.nothing notimagine me.civilizationand maturitygood citizen,your childrena free society.circulate freely,ready to respond.will be better equipped

The Bible 2024-04-08

The Bible crossword puzzle
  1. Group of books not included in the Protestant Bible
  2. Number of books in the New Testament
  3. Last book
  1. The longest book
  2. The books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
  3. The shortest book
  4. Book containing poetry and songs
  5. Number of books in the Old Testament
  6. Book containing wise sayings
  7. Another name for the first five books
  8. First book

11 Clues: Last bookFirst bookThe longest bookThe shortest bookBook containing wise sayingsBook containing poetry and songsNumber of books in the Old TestamentNumber of books in the New TestamentAnother name for the first five booksThe books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and JohnGroup of books not included in the Protestant Bible

LIBRARY 2023-01-16

LIBRARY crossword puzzle
  1. a colection of definition
  2. a lover of books
  3. a specific type of music, film, or writing
  4. a writer of books
  5. to prepare a book for public sale
  6. a drawer of pictures in books
  7. an alphabetical list of names and subjects
  1. a list of the chapters or sections given at the front of a book
  2. to comprehend the meaning of words
  3. a book about a person
  4. the top of a book
  5. colection of maps
  6. a written or printed work consisting of pages sewn together and bound in covers
  7. a building or room containing collections of books and quiet people
  8. the name of a book

15 Clues: a lover of booksthe top of a bookcolection of mapsa writer of booksthe name of a booka book about a persona colection of definitiona drawer of pictures in booksto prepare a book for public saleto comprehend the meaning of wordsa specific type of music, film, or writingan alphabetical list of names and subjects...

Fahrenheit 451 2012-12-11

Fahrenheit 451 crossword puzzle
  1. Montag's book to memorize
  2. It chased Montag
  3. one of the books the women loved
  4. Montag risked everything for these
  5. Word Mildred use to refer to people who watch TV
  6. Montag's inspiration (2 words)
  7. Factory that Granger will build
  1. What montag heard in the vacuum-underground(2 words)
  2. It was etched on Montag's igniter
  3. What Mildred loved
  4. Montag and Faber used this as an antiseptic
  5. What the fireman do to books
  6. Clarisse's age
  7. He helped Montag
  8. Book Montag tries to read on the train
  9. Author's last name
  10. Montag's boss
  11. Name of future headphones
  12. where Montag escapes from the Hound

19 Clues: Montag's bossClarisse's ageIt chased MontagHe helped MontagWhat Mildred lovedAuthor's last nameMontag's book to memorizeName of future headphonesWhat the fireman do to booksMontag's inspiration (2 words)Factory that Granger will buildone of the books the women lovedIt was etched on Montag's igniterMontag risked everything for these...

chapter 20 vocab 2024-02-07

chapter 20 vocab crossword puzzle
  1. simple story in which an animal is the main character and often points out a moral lesson
  2. books giving animals human qualities. usually, the animal has some unusual success or ability
  3. children who are learning more than one language at a time
  4. lists and descriptions of books that will help you find titles, authors, and publishers of books, which are used by public libraries
  5. reciting a story or reading from a book
  6. an electrical book that is read on an ereader
  7. books having a theme of achievement. the characters or heroes of these stories must perform difficult tasks in order to succeed
  8. have single words or simple sentences and simple plots
  1. a board covered with felt or flannel that is used as a background for placing felt characters and props to tell a story
  2. than picture books
  3. books containing the theme of social understanding
  4. drawing out a story as it is being told
  5. contain pictures, but have more words and complex
  6. items that relate to a story and would attract children’s attention
  7. describes a child whose home language is something other than english

15 Clues: than picture booksdrawing out a story as it is being toldreciting a story or reading from a bookan electrical book that is read on an ereadercontain pictures, but have more words and complexbooks containing the theme of social understandinghave single words or simple sentences and simple plots...

Unit 1 Craw 2021-08-30

Unit 1 Craw crossword puzzle
  1. books in the Old testament
  2. The primary author of the Bible
  3. Without Error Ex: Bible
  4. Human desire to sin
  5. total books in the Bible
  6. Our redeemer
  7. the thought of literal things in creation
  8. proper integration of human sexuality
  9. How we consider the well being of others
  10. spiritual beings with a soul
  1. (typical) sense of sacred scripture
  2. Being brought back
  3. Male and Female relationship
  4. What is Original Sin
  5. (tropological) sense of sacred scripture
  6. allegorical, moral, and analogical spiritual...
  7. What is the "solution" to Original and Actual Sin
  8. Fallen Angel of God
  9. books in the New testament
  10. The Bible is sacred

20 Clues: Our redeemerBeing brought backHuman desire to sinFallen Angel of GodThe Bible is sacredWhat is Original SinWithout Error Ex: Bibletotal books in the Biblebooks in the Old testamentbooks in the New testamentMale and Female relationshipspiritual beings with a soulThe primary author of the Bible(typical) sense of sacred scripture...

Chapter 4 Vocab Review 2023-11-13

Chapter 4 Vocab Review crossword puzzle
  1. The twenty‐seven books of the Bible written by Sacred Authors in the apostolic era
  2. One of the hypothetical original sources of the Pentateuch, particularly the Book of Deuteronomy, written around the seventh century BC
  3. Those parts of the Old Testament removed from the Jewish canon of Scripture but in the Septuagint used by the early Christians
  4. A person selected by God to call others to repentance and amendment of their lives in order to avoid dire consequences
  5. A letter addressed to a particular person or people. Much of the New Testament consists of these letters written to individuals, to congregations, or to the Church as a whole
  6. A synonym for covenant
  7. A version of the Septuagint produced by Origen; it presents the texts in Hebrew and Greek in parallel columns
  8. An Old English rendering of the Greek for good news; the good news of God’s mercy and love revealed in the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Christ
  9. Because God is truth, there is an absolute unity and coherence of truths contained in the various books of the Bible; these illustrate and shed light on one another and the complete plan of Revelation
  10. The portion of the Mass that includes the preparation of the bread and wine, the consecration of the Body and Blood of Christ, and the distribution of Holy Communion to the faithful
  11. From the Greek for five books; the Torah
  12. The list of the inspired books of the Bible
  13. One of the hypothetical original sources of the Pentateuch, thought to be a later editor who revised all five books to reflect the concerns of the Jerusalem priesthood after the return of Jews from the Babylonian Exile
  14. A third‐century BC Greek translation of the Old Testament made by seventy Jewish scholars
  15. From the Latin word for common; the name of St. Jerome’s translation of the Bible from the original languages into Latin
  16. One of the hypothetical original sources of the Pentateuch, reflecting the perspective of Jews in the northern kingdom of Israel around the eighth or ninth century BC
  1. Those books of the Bible included in the Jewish canon of Scripture
  2. The five books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy
  3. An event or person in Scripture pointing to a later event or person that has similar virtues or other qualities as its fulfillment
  4. The forty‐six books of the Bible recording the history of salvation from the Creation until the time of Christ
  5. One who proclaims the good news; this term refers in a special way to Sts. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, who each wrote a Gospel
  6. The Old Testament books that comprise the stories of the prophets who cast judgment and warn of divine retribution while calling Israel to repentance. These books include Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Baruch, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi
  7. The portion of the Mass that includes the reading of Scripture and the homily
  8. Sacred Scripture; the books containing the truth of God’s Revelation as composed by inspired, Sacred Authors
  9. One of the hypothetical original sources of the Pentateuch, reflecting the perspective of Jews in Judah around the ninth or tenth century BC
  10. A type of sacred literature characterized by symbolic imagery; an alternate name for the Book of Revelation
  11. The study of ancestry or a chronological list of ancestors

27 Clues: A synonym for covenantFrom the Greek for five books; the TorahThe list of the inspired books of the BibleThe study of ancestry or a chronological list of ancestorsThose books of the Bible included in the Jewish canon of ScriptureThe five books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy...

Fahrenheit 451 2012-12-11

Fahrenheit 451 crossword puzzle
  1. one of the books the women loved
  2. What the fireman do to books
  3. Montag risked everything for these
  4. It chased Montag
  5. What montag heard in the vacuum-underground(2 words)
  6. What Mildred loved
  7. It was etched on Montag's igniter
  1. Clarisse's age
  2. where Montag escapes from the Hound
  3. Word Mildred use to refer to people who watch TV
  4. Montag and Faber used this as an antiseptic
  5. Factory that Granger will build
  6. Montag's inspiration (2 words)
  7. Book Montag tries to read on the train
  8. Montag's book to memorize
  9. Name of future headphones
  10. Author's last name
  11. Montag's boss
  12. He helped Montag

19 Clues: Montag's bossClarisse's ageIt chased MontagHe helped MontagAuthor's last nameWhat Mildred lovedMontag's book to memorizeName of future headphonesWhat the fireman do to booksMontag's inspiration (2 words)Factory that Granger will buildone of the books the women lovedIt was etched on Montag's igniterMontag risked everything for these...

11th Birthday Crossword Challenge 2014-11-05

11th Birthday Crossword Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. Amachi's nickname for you
  2. One of your friends
  3. A One Direction song
  4. Harry Potter's position on the Quidditch team
  5. A similar game to rugby played with broomsticks
  6. Author of one of your favourite books
  7. Amachi's pet
  8. Your mother's job
  9. Title of one of the Percy Jackson books
  10. Name of Percy Jackson's father
  1. A pop single by a South Korean musician
  2. Bella's breed
  3. Your year-end holiday destination
  4. Sacrament received before Holy Communion
  5. Number of members in One Direction
  6. One of your cousins
  7. Hermione Granger's cat
  8. A big fan of One Direction
  9. Your favourite subject
  10. Number of Books in Harry Potter series
  11. Performers of Payphone

21 Clues: Amachi's petBella's breedYour mother's jobOne of your cousinsOne of your friendsA One Direction songHermione Granger's catYour favourite subjectPerformers of PayphoneAmachi's nickname for youA big fan of One DirectionName of Percy Jackson's fatherYour year-end holiday destinationNumber of members in One Direction...

11th Birthday Crossword Challenge 2014-11-05

11th Birthday Crossword Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. Title of one of the Percy Jackson books
  2. A pop single by a South Korean musician
  3. Your mother's job
  4. A One Direction song
  5. Name of Percy Jackson's father
  6. A big fan of One Direction
  7. Your favourite subject
  8. Amachi's nickname for you
  1. Amachi's pet
  2. One of your cousins
  3. Bella's breed
  4. Performers of Payphone
  5. Sacrament received before Holy Communion
  6. Hermione Granger's cat
  7. Author of one of your favourite books
  8. Your year-end holiday destination
  9. A similar game to rugby played with broomsticks
  10. Harry Potter's position on the Quidditch team
  11. Number of members in One Direction
  12. One of your friends
  13. Number of Books in Harry Potter series

21 Clues: Amachi's petBella's breedYour mother's jobOne of your cousinsOne of your friendsA One Direction songPerformers of PayphoneHermione Granger's catYour favourite subjectAmachi's nickname for youA big fan of One DirectionName of Percy Jackson's fatherYour year-end holiday destinationNumber of members in One Direction...

Review #2 2022-11-29

Review #2 crossword puzzle
  1. Longer books (Isiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel)
  2. preaching of the lessons of Jesus
  3. A term for non-Jews
  4. looking a translations
  5. concerning the "end time"
  1. St. Jerome's fourth century translation of the bible from Greek into common language of the people of his day, Latin
  2. the teaching of Jesus
  3. in the back of the Bible
  4. The official list of inspired books of the Bible Catholics list 46 Old Testament books and 27 New Testament books
  5. looking a literary types or genres
  6. The process used by scholars to discover the literal meaning of the biblical text
  7. Shorter books (Hosea, Joel, Amos)
  8. meaning instruction or law

13 Clues: A term for non-Jewsthe teaching of Jesuslooking a translationsin the back of the Bibleconcerning the "end time"meaning instruction or lawShorter books (Hosea, Joel, Amos)preaching of the lessons of Jesuslooking a literary types or genresLonger books (Isiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel)...

Fahrenheit 451 2012-12-11

Fahrenheit 451 crossword puzzle
  1. Montag's boss
  2. Author's last name
  3. What montag heard in the vacuum-underground(2 words)
  4. where Montag escapes from the Hound
  5. Book Montag tries to read on the train
  6. Montag's book to memorize
  7. Name of future headphones
  8. What Mildred loved
  1. Montag and Faber used this as an antiseptic
  2. It chased Montag
  3. It was etched on Montag's igniter
  4. Montag's inspiration (2 words)
  5. Word Mildred use to refer to people who watch TV
  6. one of the books the women loved
  7. Montag risked everything for these
  8. Clarisse's age
  9. Factory that Granger will build
  10. What the fireman do to books
  11. He helped Montag

19 Clues: Montag's bossClarisse's ageIt chased MontagHe helped MontagAuthor's last nameWhat Mildred lovedMontag's book to memorizeName of future headphonesWhat the fireman do to booksMontag's inspiration (2 words)Factory that Granger will buildone of the books the women lovedIt was etched on Montag's igniterMontag risked everything for these...

Books And Authors 2022-03-08

Books And Authors crossword puzzle
  1. 'The _____________' was the first of the 'Series of Unfortunate Events' series.
  2. This is the name given to a fiction book.
  3. Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?
  4. Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?
  5. Most famous character from the book Malgudi Days.
  6. Which creepy series of books did R. L. Stine write?
  1. Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books?
  2. This man wrote 'A Christmas Carol'.
  3. Who was the writer of 'Gitanjali'?
  4. Suzanne Collins wrote this trilogy of books which is now also a series of films.
  5. Who was the writer of 'Alice's adventures in Wonderland'?
  6. The Nobel Prize in Literature 1954 for his mastery of the art of narrative, most recently demonstrated in The Old Man and the Sea.
  7. Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?
  8. This is the surname of the man who wrote 'Romeo and Juliet'.
  9. A famous novel written by Kalidasa.
  10. Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?
  11. Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.

17 Clues: Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?Who was the writer of 'Gitanjali'?Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.This man wrote 'A Christmas Carol'.A famous novel written by Kalidasa.Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?This is the name given to a fiction book.Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?...

Children's Books 2021-06-03

Children's Books crossword puzzle
  1. famous outlaw -dressed in green
  2. Where is he?
  3. a boy who never grows up
  4. Madeline lives in this famous city
  5. Stanley Yelnets digs a lot of these
  1. Greg's best friend
  2. setting of Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe
  3. Auggie is the main character
  4. character in Divergent
  5. main character in The Hunger Games
  6. main character in Once

11 Clues: Where is he?Greg's best friendcharacter in Divergentmain character in Oncea boy who never grows upAuggie is the main characterfamous outlaw -dressed in greenmain character in The Hunger GamesMadeline lives in this famous cityStanley Yelnets digs a lot of thesesetting of Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe

Divine Books 2022-10-31

Divine Books crossword puzzle
  1. The Quran was given to him.
  2. The meaning of 'attributes' in Arabic.
  3. Belief in the Divine Books is the ___ pillar of Iman.
  4. The number of pillars of Iman
  5. The Divine Books were revealed to the Messengers by this angel.
  6. The man that supported the teachings of the previous Messenger.
  1. The last Divine Book.
  2. The divine book given to Davood (a.s)
  3. The basic message of all the Divine Books.
  4. The opposite of Tawheed.
  5. The Divine Book that was sent to 'Eesaa'(a.s)

11 Clues: The last Divine Book.The opposite of Tawheed.The Quran was given to him.The number of pillars of ImanThe divine book given to Davood (a.s)The meaning of 'attributes' in Arabic.The basic message of all the Divine Books.The Divine Book that was sent to 'Eesaa'(a.s)Belief in the Divine Books is the ___ pillar of Iman....




En la clase de español 2024-09-17

En la clase de español crossword puzzle
  1. do you have questions
  2. did you understand
  3. raise our hand
  4. right / true
  5. IDK
  6. work with another student
  7. complete
  8. read
  1. repeat
  2. sit down
  3. answer
  4. close your books
  5. write
  6. open your books
  7. choose
  8. how do you say?
  9. explain

17 Clues: IDKreadwriterepeatanswerchooseexplainsit downcompleteright / trueraise our handopen your bookshow do you say?close your booksdid you understanddo you have questionswork with another student

narratives 2022-05-05

narratives crossword puzzle
  1. the person who tells the story
  2. the guy who publishes books
  3. the book tells this
  4. character the main characters friend
  5. the text at the books back
  6. when you publish a book by yourself
  7. a person who writes poems
  8. a person who writes
  9. has twists
  10. a person who writer novels
  1. what actors wear while acting
  2. the opposite of hardback
  3. rehearsal the last practise before the play
  4. a book you can listen
  5. a funny play
  6. where you can borrow books
  7. critics write these
  8. the opposite of non-fiction

18 Clues: has twistsa funny playthe book tells thiscritics write thesea person who writesa book you can listenthe opposite of hardbacka person who writes poemswhere you can borrow booksthe text at the books backa person who writer novelsthe guy who publishes booksthe opposite of non-fictionwhat actors wear while actingthe person who tells the story...

Junior Primary Crossword Puzzle R-Year 2 2024-08-14

Junior Primary Crossword Puzzle R-Year 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Zeke Meeks has a sister called _____.
  2. The Funny Kid goes to ______ Middle School.
  3. Mr. ____ is a furry member of the Bad Guys.
  4. The author of Captain Underpants books is ___ ___.
  5. The BFG stands for The Big ____ ____.
  6. The author of Captain Underpants also wrote the ___ ___ books.
  7. The camp leader in Ninja Kid 5 is _____ ____.
  1. Wolf Girl's real name is _____.
  2. The author of the Hot Dog books is ___ ___.
  3. The author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is ____ ___.
  4. Pow Pow Pig is also known as ______.
  5. Ninja Kid wears a ___ ____.
  6. What creature makes friends with the Cranky Chicken?
  7. Do not open this book is by Andy ___.
  8. Andy and Terry's boss in the 13 Storey Treehouse book is Mr. ___ ____.
  9. The Ninja Kid's real name is _____ Kane.
  10. In the Cat Kid books, what kind of creature is Molly?
  11. Billie B. Brown's baby brother's name is ____.

18 Clues: Ninja Kid wears a ___ ____.Wolf Girl's real name is _____.Pow Pow Pig is also known as ______.Zeke Meeks has a sister called _____.Do not open this book is by Andy ___.The BFG stands for The Big ____ ____.The Ninja Kid's real name is _____ Kane.The author of the Hot Dog books is ___ ___.The Funny Kid goes to ______ Middle School....

A collection of genres 2024-09-19

A collection of genres crossword puzzle
  1. books- educational text book
  2. books- visual narrative
  3. performance for audience
  4. animal- based moral lesson
  5. fiction- balancing creativity and facts
  6. rhyme books- rhythming songs or poems that children or recite
  7. provides laughter and amusement
  8. Historical facts with myth
  1. written account of someone's life
  2. elements of magic
  3. " A long time ago "
  4. The Cinderella story
  5. personal life story
  6. Hercules
  7. fiction- Time traveling and space exploration

15 Clues: Herculeselements of magic" A long time ago "personal life storyThe Cinderella storybooks- visual narrativeperformance for audienceanimal- based moral lessonHistorical facts with mythbooks- educational text bookprovides laughter and amusementwritten account of someone's lifefiction- balancing creativity and facts...

A collection of genres 2024-09-19

A collection of genres crossword puzzle
  1. fiction- Time traveling and space exploration
  2. books- visual narrative
  3. elements of magic
  4. Hercules
  5. personal life story
  6. written account of someone's life
  7. performance for audience
  8. Historical facts with myth
  9. " A long time ago "
  1. books- educational text book
  2. rhyme books- rhythming songs or poems that children or recite
  3. fiction- balancing creativity and facts
  4. The Cinderella story
  5. provides laughter and amusement
  6. animal- based moral lesson

15 Clues: Herculeselements of magicpersonal life story" A long time ago "The Cinderella storybooks- visual narrativeperformance for audienceanimal- based moral lessonHistorical facts with mythbooks- educational text bookprovides laughter and amusementwritten account of someone's lifefiction- balancing creativity and facts...

A collection of genres 2024-09-19

A collection of genres crossword puzzle
  1. animal- based moral lesson
  2. fiction balancing creativity and facts
  3. books visual narrative
  4. elements of magic
  5. rhyme books rhythming songs or poems that children or recite
  6. Hercules
  7. Historical facts with myth
  1. " A long time ago "
  2. provides laughter and amusement
  3. books educational text book
  4. personal life story
  5. written account of someone's life
  6. fiction Time traveling and space exploration
  7. The Cinderella story
  8. performance for audience

15 Clues: Herculeselements of magic" A long time ago "personal life storyThe Cinderella storybooks visual narrativeperformance for audienceanimal- based moral lessonHistorical facts with mythbooks educational text bookprovides laughter and amusementwritten account of someone's lifefiction balancing creativity and facts...

A collection of genres 2024-09-19

A collection of genres crossword puzzle
  1. fiction- Time traveling and space exploration
  2. books- visual narrative
  3. elements of magic
  4. Hercules
  5. personal life story
  6. written account of someone's life
  7. performance for audience
  8. Historical facts with myth
  9. " A long time ago "
  1. books- educational text book
  2. rhyme books- rhythming songs or poems that children or recite
  3. fiction- balancing creativity and facts
  4. The Cinderella story
  5. provides laughter and amusement
  6. animal- based moral lesson

15 Clues: Herculeselements of magicpersonal life story" A long time ago "The Cinderella storybooks- visual narrativeperformance for audienceanimal- based moral lessonHistorical facts with mythbooks- educational text bookprovides laughter and amusementwritten account of someone's lifefiction- balancing creativity and facts...

Jewish holidays 2018-05-01

Jewish holidays crossword puzzle
  1. High Holy Day
  2. safe place for the books
  3. who we are
  4. 5 books
  5. sacred day
  6. structure with a roof
  7. yay trees
  8. I love you?
  9. listen
  10. precious words
  1. Ester
  2. 40days
  3. we remember
  4. passed us by
  5. what
  6. Happy new year
  7. place of worship
  8. destruction of Temple
  9. praise to God

19 Clues: whatEster40dayslisten5 booksyay treeswho we aresacred daywe rememberI love you?passed us byHigh Holy Daypraise to GodHappy new yearprecious wordsplace of worshipdestruction of Templestructure with a roofsafe place for the books

Jake and Riley 5/6K Crossword 2017-02-08

Jake and Riley 5/6K Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Something that has factual information
  2. Someone who organises around a library
  3. This is scanned on your books
  4. Someone that writes a book
  5. What you do with books
  6. What you read
  1. A made up story
  2. Someone that draws pictures for books
  3. A place full of books
  4. He came up with the classification system
  5. How we take home books

11 Clues: What you readA made up storyA place full of booksHow we take home booksWhat you do with booksSomeone that writes a bookThis is scanned on your booksSomeone that draws pictures for booksSomething that has factual informationSomeone who organises around a libraryHe came up with the classification system

Fahrenheit 451, Part One 2022-11-04

Fahrenheit 451, Part One crossword puzzle
  1. arrives at the Montage house to talk
  2. Montag seems to be experiencing this as a result of seeing the woman go down in flames with her books, find out out that Clarisse has died, and speaking with Beatty
  3. a modernday example of overstimulating technology , where users create and watch nothing but short, quick pieces of entertainment
  4. Beatty says the ideas of one book will do this to that of another
  5. how Clarisse is killed
  6. Beatty says that when books are cut short, "Everything boils down to" this
  7. Millie tries to adjust this and Montag tells her to stop because he has hidden something here
  8. how Mildred feels she is connected to the characters in her shows
  9. allows people to disconnect from the present; equivalent to airpods today
  10. the old woman quoted this heretic who was burned alive in the 16th century
  11. "bright and clean"
  12. the number of hours that Beatty says Montag can keep the book
  1. Montag again refers to how Millie loses track of these
  2. Beatty claims that books have none
  3. typical of all fireman, Montag tries to scratch this by keeping a book
  4. Millie and Montag have been together this many years
  5. supercedes emotions and personal relationships
  6. within minutes after dying, man turns into this
  7. Above all, Beatty says, the people of the country want to be this
  8. hidden in the vent
  9. Montag might have made this by showing Millie the books
  10. Millie suggests that Montage drive this around to calm down after Beatty's visit
  11. we hear Bradbury's __________, his commentary on society through the language of Beatty
  12. tone with which Bradbury writes of a future which is overtaken by lack of books and free thought

24 Clues: hidden in the vent"bright and clean"how Clarisse is killedBeatty claims that books have nonearrives at the Montage house to talksupercedes emotions and personal relationshipswithin minutes after dying, man turns into thisMillie and Montag have been together this many yearsMontag again refers to how Millie loses track of these...

BACK TO SCHOOL 2021-07-14

BACK TO SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. place with books and information
  2. someone who learns
  3. tests
  4. subject with addition and subtraction
  5. item used with chalk
  6. people that are enrolled in school
  7. lessons that are taken home to do
  8. head of the school
  9. vehicle used to transport students
  1. beginning year for first time
  2. place to eat lunch
  3. space with chairs and teachers
  4. building where you learn
  5. head of the class
  6. item used to carry books to and from school
  7. and tell day to bring in favorite item and share
  8. items used to study
  9. break in day after lunch

18 Clues: testshead of the classplace to eat lunchsomeone who learnshead of the schoolitems used to studyitem used with chalkbuilding where you learnbreak in day after lunchbeginning year for first timespace with chairs and teachersplace with books and informationlessons that are taken home to dopeople that are enrolled in school...

Words on Fire by Jennifer A. Nielsen 2022-10-27

Words on Fire by Jennifer A. Nielsen crossword puzzle
  1. What Audras parents pretended to do for work
  2. What does Milda do with the books?
  3. The boy who got whipped with a stick
  4. Where Audra lives
  5. The shopkeeper
  6. What they are hiding
  7. The bad guy
  8. What Audra calls her father
  9. Where Audras parents are headed
  1. What destroyed Audras home
  2. The main characters name
  3. What Audra can't do
  4. Russian Soldiers
  5. What Audra calls her mom
  6. Who Audra wants to save
  7. What they are doing with books
  8. What Milda hides a school in
  9. Where Lucas and Audra hid from soldiers to rest

18 Clues: The bad guyThe shopkeeperRussian SoldiersWhere Audra livesWhat Audra can't doWhat they are hidingWho Audra wants to saveThe main characters nameWhat Audra calls her momWhat destroyed Audras homeWhat Audra calls her fatherWhat Milda hides a school inWhat they are doing with booksWhere Audras parents are headedWhat does Milda do with the books?...

Genre Crossword 2021-02-20

Genre Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. , contains people and places that are not real EX: Harry Potter
  2. , books that contain known facts about
  3. , books that have been passed down through generations Ex: Little Red Riding Hood
  4. , stories that didn't happen but actually could EX:The Hate You Give
  5. , contains meaning and rhythm EX: Milk and Honey
  6. , contains animals that can talk & often have a lesson EX: The tortoise and the hare
  7. , a story with unbelievable elements and exaggerations EX: Paul Bunyan
  8. , can be cultural myths or "tall tales"
  9. , a books written about someone's life EX:Alexander Hamilton
  1. , fantasy books set in present time EX: A Wrinkle in Time
  2. , stories set in history that could happen, but didn't EX: The Book Thief
  3. , stories about magical beings EX: Cinderella
  4. , contains true facts and events EX: True books about sharks
  5. , a book someone wrote about their own life and experiences EX:The Diary of Anne Frank
  6. , traditional stories about people EX:Loch Ness Monster
  7. , Traditional stories that explain and idea or belief EX: Stories about Greek Gods and Goddesses

16 Clues: , books that contain known facts about, stories about magical beings EX: Cinderella, fantasy books set in present time EX: A Wrinkle in Time, a books written about someone's life EX:Alexander Hamilton, can be cultural myths or "tall tales", stories that didn't happen but actually could EX:The Hate You Give...

Library Crossword 2024-10-22

Library Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the smallest section in the library
  2. books with facts and information
  3. one of the library sections that is by the windows
  4. one of the names of the liberries
  1. the online platform that lets you search for library books
  2. the floor the library is located on
  3. books that use imagination to tell a story
  4. the biggest section in the library
  5. comics published in Japan
  6. how long you can borrow a book for
  7. the name of the genre of books that takes place in the past
  8. the name of the genre of books with an imagined society where there is suffering and injustice
  9. when you reserve a book

13 Clues: when you reserve a bookcomics published in Japanbooks with facts and informationone of the names of the liberriesthe biggest section in the libraryhow long you can borrow a book forthe floor the library is located onthe smallest section in the librarybooks that use imagination to tell a storyone of the library sections that is by the windows...

New Testament Books 2021-10-06

New Testament Books crossword puzzle
  1. The book before 1 Thessalonians
  2. The book before 1 Peter
  3. The book after Luke
  4. The book after Mark
  5. The book that comes after 2 Corinthians
  6. The book after Philemon
  7. The first book of the New Testament
  8. The book after John
  9. The book after Galatians
  1. The book before 1 Corinthians
  2. How many books are in the New Testament
  3. The book before Hebrews
  4. The book before Colossians
  5. The book that comes after 3 John
  6. The last book of the New Testament
  7. The book after 2 Timothy
  8. The book before Luke

17 Clues: The book after LukeThe book after MarkThe book after JohnThe book before LukeThe book before HebrewsThe book before 1 PeterThe book after PhilemonThe book after 2 TimothyThe book after GalatiansThe book before ColossiansThe book before 1 CorinthiansThe book before 1 ThessaloniansThe book that comes after 3 JohnThe last book of the New Testament...

Books and TV 2021-12-25

Books and TV crossword puzzle
  1. david and alexis's mother in Schitt's creek
  2. the sister in The Color Purple who writes letters to God
  3. In the show Lupin, the main character is inspired by the story of _____ Lupin
  4. dog judy's criminal name was the ____ bandit (a car brand)
  5. In Midnight Library, Nora dreams of having this job
  6. the last name of the main family in Schitt's Creek
  7. David Rosenfelt's first dog
  8. the second Bridgerton's son
  1. This country is also Tan from Queer Eye's last name
  2. Schitt's creek first name
  3. One of the hosts of the Great British Baking Show has this lastname also a famous neighborhood
  4. the name of Jake and Amy's son
  5. the only boy in the Derry Girls group
  6. this roommate was replaced by Winston in New Girl
  7. Nick from New Girl's last name; also the name of a beer
  8. Kya's husband in where the Crawdad's sing
  9. Before Grey Sloan the Grey's Anatomy hospital was Seattle ______

17 Clues: Schitt's creek first nameDavid Rosenfelt's first dogthe second Bridgerton's sonthe name of Jake and Amy's sonthe only boy in the Derry Girls groupKya's husband in where the Crawdad's singdavid and alexis's mother in Schitt's creekthis roommate was replaced by Winston in New Girlthe last name of the main family in Schitt's Creek...

crossword2 theo vocab 2019-11-08

crossword2 theo vocab crossword puzzle
  1. From the Latin word for common; the name of St. Jeromes translation of the Bible from the original languages into latin
  2. the forty-six books of the bible recording the history of salvation from the creation until the time of christ.
  3. A type of sacred literature characterized by symbolic imagery; an alternate name for the Book of Revelation.
  4. Those books of the Bible included in the Jewish canon of scripture.
  5. Those parts of the old testament removed from the Jewish canon of Scripture but in the Septuagint used by the early Christians.
  6. The portion of the mass that includes the preparation of the bread and wine, the consecration of the Body and Blood of Christ.
  7. The list of inspired books
  8. The five books of Moses
  9. One of the original sources of the Pentauech, thought to be a later editor who revised all five books to reflect the concerns of the Jerusalem priesthood.
  10. From the Greek for five books; the torah
  11. An old English randering of the Greek for good news, the ggod news of Gods mercy and love revealed in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ.
  12. A version of the Septuagint produced by Origen; it presents the texts in Hebrew and Greek in parallel columns.
  1. A synonym for covenant.
  2. One of the hypothetical original sources of the Pentateuch, particularly the book of Deuteronomy.
  3. The Old Testament books that comprise the stories of the prophets who cast judgement and warn of divine retribution.
  4. One of the hypothetical original sources of the Pentateuch, reflecting the perspective of Jews in Judah around the ninth or tenth century BC.
  5. One who proclaims the good news; this term refers in a special way to Sts. Matthew mark luke and john who each wrote a Gospel.
  6. Sacred Scripture; the books containing the truth of God's revelation as composed by inspired Sacred Authors.
  7. An event or person in scripture pointing to a later event that has similar virtues or other qualities as its fulfillment
  8. The study of ancestry or a chronological list of ancestors.
  9. Because God is the truth, there is an absolute unity and coherence of truths contained in the various books of the bible.
  10. A third century BC Greek translation of the old Testament made by seventy Jewish scholars.
  11. A letter addressed to a particular person or people.
  12. A person selected by God to call others to repentance and amendment of their lives in order to avoid dire consequences
  13. One of the hypothetical original sources of the pentateuch, reflecting the perspective of Jews in the northern kingdom of israel.

25 Clues: A synonym for covenant.The five books of MosesThe list of inspired booksFrom the Greek for five books; the torahA letter addressed to a particular person or people.The study of ancestry or a chronological list of ancestors.Those books of the Bible included in the Jewish canon of scripture....

Library 2023-04-04

Library crossword puzzle
  1. the room in the school full of books to check out
  2. a genre of fiction where two characters fall in love
  3. a genre of fiction that may include magic, wizards, dragons, etc.
  4. true books that are about a real person's life
  5. the place in the library where you return books
  6. a genre of fiction where the characters go on a journey and lots of events happen
  7. award winning books for students in grades 6-8 in Texas
  8. a style of writing that is told in comic book panels and pictures with word bubbles
  9. the objects we read in the library
  1. the place you go in the library when you are ready to check out
  2. a genre of fiction that could really happen in the real world
  3. a style of writing that includes pictures and reads from right to left and back to front; originates in Japan
  4. a genre of fiction where the story is written in poems
  5. a genre of fiction set in the past where the time and place are real but the plot is fictional
  6. a genre of fiction that is usually about the future or includes advanced technology
  7. the label on the spine of a book that tells you where it goes on the shelf; the book's 'address'
  8. a genre of fiction that is scary or tries to frighten you
  9. a genre of fiction where the characters must use clues to answer and unsolved question
  10. the side of the book that is visible when it sits on the shelf
  11. a genre of fiction where the characters play games like football, basketball, etc.
  12. books that are about true events, facts, and things that really existed or happened

21 Clues: the objects we read in the librarytrue books that are about a real person's lifethe place in the library where you return booksthe room in the school full of books to check outa genre of fiction where two characters fall in lovea genre of fiction where the story is written in poemsaward winning books for students in grades 6-8 in Texas...

MES - Dewey Decimal System 2021-01-24

MES - Dewey Decimal System crossword puzzle
  1. In which Dewey category would you find books about government and holidays?
  2. In which Dewey category would you find books about music and softball?
  3. In which Dewey category would you find books about ghosts and emotions?
  4. In which Dewey category would you books about poetry and plays?
  1. In which Dewey category would you find books about speaking French and Italian?
  2. In which Dewey category would you find books about wars and countries?
  3. In which Dewey category would you find books about rocks and wild animals?
  4. In which Dewey category would you find books about myths and Bibles?
  5. In which Dewey category would you find books about aliens and encyclopedias?
  6. In which Dewey category would you find books about cooking and pets?

10 Clues: In which Dewey category would you books about poetry and plays?In which Dewey category would you find books about myths and Bibles?In which Dewey category would you find books about cooking and pets?In which Dewey category would you find books about wars and countries?In which Dewey category would you find books about music and softball?...

Welcome back to DragonLibrary!!! 2023-08-17

Welcome back to DragonLibrary!!! crossword puzzle
  1. The name of one of our librarians
  2. The name of one of our librarians
  3. The online place you can go to look up all sorts of info about DragonLibrary
  4. The number of books you are allowed to check out at one time
  5. These books are located in the front half of the library
  6. What you are not allowed to consume in the library
  1. Our student book club
  2. These novels are written in the form of comics
  3. These books are all based on real facts.
  4. Where our e-books and e-audio books live
  5. An on-line database to look up the books we have
  6. The number you need to give us to check out books

12 Clues: Our student book clubThe name of one of our librariansThe name of one of our librariansThese books are all based on real facts.Where our e-books and e-audio books liveThese novels are written in the form of comicsAn on-line database to look up the books we haveThe number you need to give us to check out books...

A collection of genres 2024-09-19

A collection of genres crossword puzzle
  1. books- visual narrative
  2. elements of magic
  3. rhyme books- rhythming songs or poems that children or recite
  4. " A long time ago "
  5. The Cinderella story
  6. fiction- balancing creativity and facts
  7. performance for audience
  8. Hercules
  9. Historical facts with myth
  1. books- educational text book
  2. fiction- Time traveling and space exploration
  3. written account of someone's life
  4. personal life story
  5. animal- based moral lesson
  6. provides laughter and amusement

15 Clues: Herculeselements of magicpersonal life story" A long time ago "The Cinderella storybooks- visual narrativeperformance for audienceanimal- based moral lessonHistorical facts with mythbooks- educational text bookprovides laughter and amusementwritten account of someone's lifefiction- balancing creativity and facts...

5th Grade Library Crossword 2022-07-29

5th Grade Library Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The name of a book.
  2. A section in the back of a book with definitions for specialized vocabulary.
  3. The man who created a system to organize books in a library.
  4. Books that are not true accounts.
  5. The letters and numbers telling you where to find a book in the library.
  6. The year the book was published.
  7. A page in the front of a book that lists the chapters and the page they start on.
  1. An online system we search to find a list of books in our library.
  2. Books that are full of real information.
  3. The section of the library where you find special books like dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs and atlases.
  4. A person who writes books.
  5. A person who creates the artwork and pictures for a book.
  6. An alphabetical listing of subjects in the back of a book that tells you the page to find that topic.
  7. The company that puts the book together.

14 Clues: The name of a book.A person who writes books.The year the book was published.Books that are not true accounts.Books that are full of real information.The company that puts the book together.A person who creates the artwork and pictures for a book.The man who created a system to organize books in a library....

A collection of genres 2024-09-19

A collection of genres crossword puzzle
  1. books- visual narrative
  2. elements of magic
  3. rhyme books- rhythming songs or poems that children or recite
  4. " A long time ago "
  5. The Cinderella story
  6. fiction- balancing creativity and facts
  7. performance for audience
  8. Hercules
  9. Historical facts with myth
  1. books- educational text book
  2. fiction- Time traveling and space exploration
  3. written account of someone's life
  4. personal life story
  5. animal- based moral lesson
  6. provides laughter and amusement

15 Clues: Herculeselements of magicpersonal life story" A long time ago "The Cinderella storybooks- visual narrativeperformance for audienceanimal- based moral lessonHistorical facts with mythbooks- educational text bookprovides laughter and amusementwritten account of someone's lifefiction- balancing creativity and facts...

A collection of genres 2024-09-19

A collection of genres crossword puzzle
  1. fiction- Time traveling and space exploration
  2. books- visual narrative
  3. elements of magic
  4. Hercules
  5. personal life story
  6. written account of someone's life
  7. performance for audience
  8. Historical facts with myth
  9. " A long time ago "
  1. books- educational text book
  2. rhyme books- rhythming songs or poems that children or recite
  3. fiction- balancing creativity and facts
  4. The Cinderella story
  5. provides laughter and amusement
  6. animal- based moral lesson

15 Clues: Herculeselements of magicpersonal life story" A long time ago "The Cinderella storybooks- visual narrativeperformance for audienceanimal- based moral lessonHistorical facts with mythbooks- educational text bookprovides laughter and amusementwritten account of someone's lifefiction- balancing creativity and facts...

Labor Day Retreat 2022-09-02

Labor Day Retreat crossword puzzle
  1. Who is the oldest person recorded in the Bible?
  2. What is the last word of the Bible?
  3. What is the first book in the Bible?
  4. How many books are in the Old Testament?
  5. What is the longest verse in the Bible?
  6. What is the bestselling book in the world?
  7. What is the longest book in the Bible?
  8. Who wrote the most New Testament books?
  9. What is the first word of the Bible?
  1. How many books are in the New Testament?
  2. What is the longest chapter in the Bible?
  3. What is the shortest book in the Bible?
  4. Besides Aramaic, what language what the Old Testament written in?
  5. How many books are in the Bible?
  6. What language was the New Testament written in?
  7. What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
  8. What is the last book in the Bible?
  9. What is the shortest chapter in the Bible?

18 Clues: How many books are in the Bible?What is the last word of the Bible?What is the last book in the Bible?What is the first book in the Bible?What is the first word of the Bible?What is the longest book in the Bible?What is the shortest book in the Bible?What is the longest verse in the Bible?Who wrote the most New Testament books?...

Library 2024-12-26

Library crossword puzzle
  1. Where special collections can be found
  2. This authors name ends with R
  3. Only adult books found in the kids section
  4. Three per book checkout
  5. Longest word in most English dictionaries
  6. Best selling female mystery writer
  7. Author with titles starting with every letter of the alphabet EXCEPT 'X'
  8. Where synonyms can be found
  1. The call number for myths and folklore books
  2. Book____
  3. Dewey decimal 200's section
  4. Our cluster name
  5. What stands for DG in DGR
  6. Best selling book of all time
  7. XXL Books
  8. New & ___
  9. Japanese comics

17 Clues: Book____XXL BooksNew & ___Japanese comicsOur cluster nameThree per book checkoutWhat stands for DG in DGRDewey decimal 200's sectionWhere synonyms can be foundThis authors name ends with RBest selling book of all timeBest selling female mystery writerWhere special collections can be foundLongest word in most English dictionaries...

BACK TO SCHOOL 2021-07-14

BACK TO SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. vehicle used to transport students
  2. items used to study
  3. break in day after lunch
  4. tests
  5. building where you learn
  6. place with books and information
  7. beginning school for first time
  8. lessons that are taken home to do
  1. people that are enrolled in school
  2. place to eat lunch
  3. item used to carry books to and from school
  4. head of the school
  5. head of the class
  6. someone who learns
  7. space with chairs and teachers
  8. subject with addition and subtraction

16 Clues: testshead of the classplace to eat lunchhead of the schoolsomeone who learnsitems used to studybreak in day after lunchbuilding where you learnspace with chairs and teachersbeginning school for first timeplace with books and informationlessons that are taken home to dopeople that are enrolled in schoolvehicle used to transport students...

Fahrenheit 451 2023-05-18

Fahrenheit 451 crossword puzzle
  1. What was Montag so paranoid about?
  2. Monday burn Millay, Wednesday _____, Friday Faulkner
  3. What's Montag's nickname for his wife?
  4. What material do they use to burn books?
  5. Who sparked the doubt in Montag
  6. The year two atomic bombs attacked the USA.
  7. How the book readers referred to Montag
  8. Where did the author write his book?
  9. What did Clarisse McLellan's uncle do to get arrested?
  1. Where did Montag and Mildred first meet?
  2. Who was killed instead of Montag?
  3. Who's the first Firemen?
  4. what's the thing every fireman sooner or later will get from books
  5. Did Mildred and Montag have a happy marriage? True or False?
  6. Who caught Montag with the books?
  7. The temperature that books burned in.

16 Clues: Who's the first Firemen?Who sparked the doubt in MontagWho was killed instead of Montag?Who caught Montag with the books?What was Montag so paranoid about?Where did the author write his book?The temperature that books burned in.What's Montag's nickname for his wife?How the book readers referred to MontagWhere did Montag and Mildred first meet?...

In the library... 2021-08-31

In the library... crossword puzzle
  1. Everyone, fiction, nonfiction, graphic novels
  2. Where I can find magazines that we don't have in the library
  3. When it is time to leave, we line up at the ____
  4. I need to get my library card if I want to ____
  5. If I want to reserve a book for myself, I can go to Destiny Discover and put it on ____
  6. National Geographic Kids, Zoobooks, & Ask
  1. It is my responsibility to take ____ of my books
  2. Using a shelf marker helps books to NOT get ___
  3. Keeping my iPad ____ shows I'm ready for class
  4. Where I can find online books
  5. If I need to keep my book for longer, I can ___ it
  6. Number of weeks I can keep my book
  7. Number of books I can check out each week
  8. If I'm not sure about something, all I need to do is ___!
  9. Destiny Discover is an __ that can help me find books

15 Clues: Where I can find online booksNumber of weeks I can keep my bookNumber of books I can check out each weekNational Geographic Kids, Zoobooks, & AskEveryone, fiction, nonfiction, graphic novelsKeeping my iPad ____ shows I'm ready for classUsing a shelf marker helps books to NOT get ___I need to get my library card if I want to ____...

Library Crossword Puzzle 2023-12-12

Library Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A book with words in alphabetical order, helping us find their meanings
  2. A category or type of literature like mystery, adventure, or fantasy
  3. Another word for a magazine, newspaper, or any publication that appears at intervals
  4. A book of maps
  5. The edge of the book where we can see the title when it's on the shelf
  6. The person who writes the book
  7. A publication with articles, pictures, and ads that comes out regularly
  8. The name of the book
  9. The special code on a book that we scan to borrow it from the library
  10. To extend the time you can keep a borrowed book
  11. The artist who draws all the pictures in a book
  12. The page at the beginning of the book that introduces us to the title, author, and illustrator
  13. A set of books in order from A to Z that teaches us about people, places, and things
  14. A collection of trusted information that we can use on a computer
  15. The company that makes and shares the book with everyone
  16. A book that gives us words that mean the same thing (synonyms) as the word we're curious about
  1. A group of books with the same characters or theme that are connected
  2. A book about someone's life that is written by another person who admires them
  3. The date when a borrowed book must be returned to the library
  4. Books where the author lets their imagination run wild, creating exciting stories
  5. A tool that helps us remember where a book should go on the library shelf
  6. The year when the book was officially published
  7. The list at the front of the book that tells us the names of chapters and what page they start on
  8. A book with lots of interesting facts that is published every year
  9. A system to organize library books into 10 different groups based on what they're about
  10. A mix of numbers and letters that tells us exactly where a book is located in the library
  11. The action of borrowing a book from the library
  12. A section in the back of nonfiction books that explains tricky words found in the book
  13. The friendly person who helps you find books and information in the library
  14. Books that tell us real and true things about the world
  15. A book where a person writes about their own life adventures
  16. The library section where you find helpful books like dictionaries and atlases
  17. A part in nonfiction books that tells us exactly where to find specific information

33 Clues: A book of mapsThe name of the bookThe person who writes the bookThe year when the book was officially publishedThe action of borrowing a book from the libraryTo extend the time you can keep a borrowed bookThe artist who draws all the pictures in a bookBooks that tell us real and true things about the world...

Religion Vocabulary Crossword 2023-08-28

Religion Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The New Testament books written by the evangelists.
  2. The Passover event of Jesus' life.
  3. The list of books that the church teaches.
  4. The 27 books that take place at the same time as Jesus and the 2nd part of the bible.
  5. A work done in someone else's name.
  6. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke.
  7. A part of Sermon in the Mount.
  8. The law of God revealed to Moses and the first five books of the old testament.
  1. Those who learn and follow Jesus as a teacher.
  2. The 46 books inspired by the Holy Spirit.
  3. A story that compares one thing to another.
  4. Images that have a deeper meaning than words.
  5. The first main discourse in Matthew's Gospel.
  6. A type of writing that begins with a dialogue, shifts to a monologue and ends with a reflection.
  7. Turning our hearts back to God.

15 Clues: A part of Sermon in the Mount.Turning our hearts back to God.The Passover event of Jesus' life.A work done in someone else's name.The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke.The 46 books inspired by the Holy Spirit.The list of books that the church teaches.A story that compares one thing to another.Images that have a deeper meaning than words....

Bible Cross Word: Use a bible to help you... 2024-09-25

Bible Cross Word: Use a bible to help you... crossword puzzle
  1. Who wrote the first 5 books of the bible?
  2. What is the missing Gospel?; Matthew, Mark, .... and John
  3. The first five books of the bible are shared between Christianity and which other religion?
  4. What does testament mean?
  5. How many books are in the Old Testment?
  6. Another name for the books that make up the whole bible, it is also the name of a weapon used in war.
  7. The country in which Jesus was born, it is mentioned 2575 times in the bible.
  8. What is the first word of the bible?
  1. About how many different people wrote the bible?
  2. What is the last book of the bible?
  3. Whose name is mentioned in the last line of the bible?
  4. The word bible come from the Greek biblia which means...
  5. How many books are in the New Testament?
  6. What language was the Old testament originally written in?
  7. What is the first book of the bible?

15 Clues: What does testament mean?What is the last book of the bible?What is the first book of the bible?What is the first word of the bible?How many books are in the Old Testment?How many books are in the New Testament?Who wrote the first 5 books of the bible?About how many different people wrote the bible?...

Unit 4 Review 2019-11-07

Unit 4 Review crossword puzzle
  1. Sacred Scripture
  2. history of salvation from Creation until the time of Christ
  3. another name for Revelation
  4. books of the Bible written by Sacred Authors in the Apostolic era
  5. the Good News
  6. source of the Pentateuch particularly from the Book of Deuteronomy
  7. source of the Pentateuch, reflects the perspective of Jews in Judah
  8. the five books of Moses
  9. A letter addressed to a particular person/people
  10. portion of the Mass that contains the celebration of the Sacrament of the Eucharist
  11. version of the Septuagint produced by Origen
  12. study of ancestry or list of ancestors
  13. source of the Pentateuch that reflects the perspective of the Northern Kingdom Jews
  14. St. Jerome's translation of the Bible
  1. the unity and coherence of truths in Scripture
  2. Greek translation of the Bible by seventy Jewish scholars
  3. another name for the four Gospel writers
  4. portion of the Mass where the readings are read
  5. From the Greek word for five books,Torah
  6. books of the Bible in the Jewish canon
  7. parts of the Old Testament removed from the Jewish canon but used by early Christians
  8. a person called by God to spread His Word
  9. event or person in the OT that points toward another event or person in the NT
  10. synonym for covenant
  11. The list of the inspired books in the Bible

25 Clues: the Good NewsSacred Scripturesynonym for covenantthe five books of Mosesanother name for RevelationSt. Jerome's translation of the Biblebooks of the Bible in the Jewish canonstudy of ancestry or list of ancestorsanother name for the four Gospel writersFrom the Greek word for five books,Toraha person called by God to spread His Word...

Library Crossword Scavenger Hunt 2017-08-26

Library Crossword Scavenger Hunt crossword puzzle
  1. The format of the Walking Dead books. Hint: Location.
  2. JMRL's Library on Wheels
  3. This is the smartest card in your wallet
  4. The number of branches where you can use your library card
  5. This group's semiannual book sales fund all JMRL library programs!
  6. The number of books you can check out of the library at one time.
  7. The last name of the author of the book "My Librarian is a Camel"
  8. The two presidents in the name of our library system
  9. Groups can use these to host free community events at the library.
  10. The first word on pg. 1266 of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary (R 423 Concise)
  11. The adult reference books are located on either side of this Crozet Library feature
  1. JMRL circulates nature backpacks that contain a pass to what?
  2. Who you approach to ask a question or get a library card
  3. The number of self-check stations at the Crozet Library
  4. The length of time that you can have a book checked out
  5. The organizational system for nonfiction books at JMRL
  6. You can check out library eBooks for free through Freading, RBDigital, and this service.
  7. Each library hosts these events across multiple ages to discuss books
  8. A popular JMRL database where you can research your family tree
  9. The cost to get a library card and check out items

20 Clues: JMRL's Library on WheelsThis is the smartest card in your walletThe cost to get a library card and check out itemsThe two presidents in the name of our library systemThe format of the Walking Dead books. Hint: Location.The organizational system for nonfiction books at JMRLThe number of self-check stations at the Crozet Library...

French Classroom Commands 2022-05-10

French Classroom Commands crossword puzzle
  1. Stand up
  2. Complete
  3. Answer the question
  4. Study
  5. Raise your hand
  6. Look, watch
  7. Close your books
  8. Read
  9. Open your books
  1. Listen
  2. Turn the page
  3. Go to the board
  4. Speak in French
  5. Write
  6. watch/look
  7. Take out
  8. Sit down
  9. Repeat

18 Clues: ReadWriteStudyListenRepeatStand upCompleteTake outSit downwatch/lookLook, watchTurn the pageGo to the boardSpeak in FrenchRaise your handOpen your booksClose your booksAnswer the question

BACK TO SCHOOL 2021-07-14

BACK TO SCHOOL crossword puzzle
  1. vehicle used to transport students
  2. items used to study
  3. break in day after lunch
  4. tests
  5. building where you learn
  6. place with books and information
  7. beginning year for first time
  8. lessons that are taken home to do
  1. people that are enrolled in school
  2. place to eat lunch
  3. item used to carry books to and from school
  4. head of the school
  5. head of the class
  6. someone who learns
  7. space with chairs and teachers
  8. subject with addition and subtraction

16 Clues: testshead of the classplace to eat lunchhead of the schoolsomeone who learnsitems used to studybreak in day after lunchbuilding where you learnbeginning year for first timespace with chairs and teachersplace with books and informationlessons that are taken home to dopeople that are enrolled in schoolvehicle used to transport students...

Chapter 1 2022-11-21

Chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. 1st stage of faith
  2. study of christ
  3. means covenant
  4. roman lawyer
  5. number of New testament books
  6. 3rd stage of faith
  1. Jewish historian
  2. records Nero's torture of Christan's
  3. governor of a roman province
  4. 2nd stage of faith
  5. list of books inspired by Holy Spirit
  6. number of Old testament books
  7. an agreement or promise
  8. ultimate faith sources

14 Clues: roman lawyermeans covenantstudy of christJewish historian2nd stage of faith1st stage of faith3rd stage of faithultimate faith sourcesan agreement or promisegovernor of a roman provincenumber of Old testament booksnumber of New testament booksrecords Nero's torture of Christan'slist of books inspired by Holy Spirit




Downtown library 2019-07-24

Downtown library crossword puzzle
  1. disc you have music on
  2. furniture we sit in at a table
  3. you need to have this to check out books at the library
  4. use of liquid and a brush to make art
  5. machine in which you can type on
  6. where you place books you need to take back
  7. has a long body and tail, four legs, movable eyelids, and a rough, scaly, and skin.
  8. a teacher sits at a
  9. something you read
  1. shows printed current events
  2. makes prints and copies
  3. in charge of the library
  4. action oriented books that often feature superheroes
  5. a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a television screen or other display screen.
  6. has men and womens
  7. place where students get together and learn
  8. disc that plays videos

17 Clues: has men and womenssomething you reada teacher sits at adisc you have music ondisc that plays videosmakes prints and copiesin charge of the libraryshows printed current eventsfurniture we sit in at a tablemachine in which you can type onuse of liquid and a brush to make artplace where students get together and learn...

We Love to Read 2012-11-29

We Love to Read crossword puzzle
  1. Which season is in the months of December, January and February?
  2. A story written about someone’s real life
  3. What is CD shot for?
  4. Something you use to get to a place with street and suburb names
  5. A form of writing used in plays and for making movies
  6. A program you can use to search what is in the library
  7. A feature length film
  8. We read them, love them and borrow them from libraries
  9. A piece of literature written in metre or verse
  1. Fiction characterised by highly fanciful or supernatural elements
  2. Someone who writes books
  3. A periodical containing a collection of articles, stories, pictures, or other features
  4. Written with text and illustrations
  5. Someone who draws or paints pictures
  6. Stories
  7. The name of our cute book friend for Charles Sturt Library
  8. Children of a younger age read these type of books
  9. Somewhere you can borrow items such as books, magazines, DVDs, computer games, CDs
  10. Something you read while cooking

19 Clues: StoriesWhat is CD shot for?A feature length filmSomeone who writes booksSomething you read while cookingWritten with text and illustrationsSomeone who draws or paints picturesA story written about someone’s real lifeA piece of literature written in metre or verseChildren of a younger age read these type of books...

We Love Libraries 2012-11-29

We Love Libraries crossword puzzle
  1. Stories
  2. A program you can use to search what is in the library
  3. A periodical containing a collection of articles, stories, pictures, or other features
  4. Somewhere you can borrow items such as books, magazines, DVDs, computer games, CDs
  5. Someone who draws or paints pictures
  6. Fiction characterised by highly fanciful or supernatural elements
  7. Written with text and illustrations
  8. A form of writing used in plays and for making movies
  9. Something you read while cooking
  1. Children of a younger age read these type of books
  2. A feature length film
  3. What is CD shot for?
  4. The name of our cute book friend for Charles Sturt Library
  5. We read them, love them and borrow them from libraries
  6. A story written about someone’s real life
  7. Something you use to get to a place with street and suburb names
  8. Someone who writes books
  9. Which season is in the months of December, January and February?
  10. A piece of literature written in metre or verse

19 Clues: StoriesWhat is CD shot for?A feature length filmSomeone who writes booksSomething you read while cookingWritten with text and illustrationsSomeone who draws or paints picturesA story written about someone’s real lifeA piece of literature written in metre or verseChildren of a younger age read these type of books...

Crossword 2020-12-03

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Another word for information books
  2. Series of books created by Holly Smale
  3. Harry Potter and the _________ of fire
  4. Series of books by Philip Pullman currently showing on TV
  5. Author of Girl.Boy.Sea.
  6. A word meaning 'categories of books' especially fiction
  1. Real name of Voldemort in the Harry Potter books
  2. Series of novels created by Terry Pratchett
  3. Liz Pichon is the author of this series of books
  4. The name of Bob Cratchit's youngest child in 'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens
  5. Number of ghosts visiting Scrooge in Dickens 'A Christmas Carol'

11 Clues: Author of Girl.Boy.Sea.Another word for information booksSeries of books created by Holly SmaleHarry Potter and the _________ of fireSeries of novels created by Terry PratchettReal name of Voldemort in the Harry Potter booksLiz Pichon is the author of this series of booksA word meaning 'categories of books' especially fiction...

We Love Libraries 2012-11-29

We Love Libraries crossword puzzle
  1. Something you use to get to a place with street and suburb names
  2. Written with text and illustrations
  3. Somewhere you can borrow items such as books, magazines, DVDs, computer games, CDs
  4. Someone who draws or paints pictures
  5. Stories
  6. A story written about someone’s real life
  7. The name of our cute book friend for Charles Sturt Library
  8. Which season is in the months of December, January and February?
  9. Children of a younger age read these type of books
  10. Something you read while cooking
  11. A form of writing used in plays and for making movies
  12. A feature length film
  1. A periodical containing a collection of articles, stories, pictures, or other features
  2. We read them, love them and borrow them from libraries
  3. A program you can use to search what is in the library
  4. What is CD shot for?
  5. Fiction characterised by highly fanciful or supernatural elements
  6. Someone who writes books
  7. A piece of literature written in metre or verse

19 Clues: StoriesWhat is CD shot for?A feature length filmSomeone who writes booksSomething you read while cookingWritten with text and illustrationsSomeone who draws or paints picturesA story written about someone’s real lifeA piece of literature written in metre or verseChildren of a younger age read these type of books...

the jungle books 2022-01-13

the jungle books crossword puzzle
  1. impressive in appearance
  2. force to leave an office
  3. move or walk stealthily
  4. the monkey people
  5. a loud, harsh, or strident noise
  6. an aimless walk
  7. when an animal goes crazy(the madness)
  8. a tremulous sound
  1. a deep narrow steep-sided valley
  2. in the near future
  3. examine minutely
  4. crushed by grief
  5. animal hunted or caught for food
  6. flow back or receed
  7. a child or baby raised by wolves
  8. coat with varnish
  9. disabled in the feet or legs

17 Clues: an aimless walkexamine minutelycrushed by griefthe monkey peoplecoat with varnisha tremulous soundin the near futureflow back or receedmove or walk stealthilyimpressive in appearanceforce to leave an officedisabled in the feet or legsa deep narrow steep-sided valleyanimal hunted or caught for fooda child or baby raised by wolves...

genres of books 2023-05-04

genres of books crossword puzzle
  1. It is a book full of diferent facts about nature, animals,culture,world
  2. It is a book that contain some random tips on everyday things, can give some news
  3. It is a book that can guide you in other countrys and etc.
  4. It is a book used at school
  5. It is a book full of grammar rules
  6. The place where you can find maps
  7. It is a book that can be used to show a story by acting
  1. This book contains a news from latest news and events
  2. It is a book that you can look up a similar words (good-great-exelent)
  3. It is a book full of word layed in alphabetical order
  4. It is a book telling a romantic story
  5. It is a book full of food recepes
  6. A story where person tells a story about there life
  7. It is a book that can have old storys
  8. A story when someone tells a story about other persons life
  9. It is a colorful book with a lot of drawings and text over them
  10. This book can help you to build you furniture or a lego build

17 Clues: It is a book used at schoolIt is a book full of food recepesThe place where you can find mapsIt is a book full of grammar rulesIt is a book telling a romantic storyIt is a book that can have old storysA story where person tells a story about there lifeThis book contains a news from latest news and events...

All about the Bible 2019-02-05

All about the Bible crossword puzzle
  1. An author of the Bible that had a book named after him
  2. The final book of the Bible that is Prophetic
  3. Greek word for the Bible
  4. The first five books of the Bible are called this
  5. The books that talk about Jesus and the Good News.
  6. Type of paper some of the Bible was written on
  7. An original document of ancient writings of the Bible
  8. Written by Paul to the churches and early believers
  9. A language the Bible was written in
  1. Most of the books of the Old Testament are this
  2. A language the Bible was written in
  3. The story of Samuel would be found in this collection of books in the OT.
  4. Number of books in the New Testament
  5. Occupation of one of the Bible’s writers
  6. A book of Poetry

15 Clues: A book of PoetryGreek word for the BibleA language the Bible was written inA language the Bible was written inNumber of books in the New TestamentOccupation of one of the Bible’s writersThe final book of the Bible that is PropheticType of paper some of the Bible was written onMost of the books of the Old Testament are this...

Do You Know the Second Floor? 2012-04-03

Do You Know the Second Floor? crossword puzzle
  1. Gives out a book award to honor her dead King (1st name)
  2. Award for best pictures in a children's book
  3. Books that put the clues together
  4. A set of books filled with facts
  5. Scary books have a label with what animal?
  6. Award for best children books
  7. Tales of rockets, robots, and the future
  8. The history of a person's life
  1. Fiction that mirrors life is
  2. The nonfiction books are classified by what decimal system?
  3. Tales of unicorns, wizards, magic, dragons etc
  4. Your guide to the delights on the second floor

12 Clues: Fiction that mirrors life isAward for best children booksThe history of a person's lifeA set of books filled with factsBooks that put the clues togetherTales of rockets, robots, and the futureScary books have a label with what animal?Award for best pictures in a children's bookTales of unicorns, wizards, magic, dragons etc...

Structure of the Old Testament 2025-01-23

Structure of the Old Testament crossword puzzle
  1. what Christians call the first 5 books in the Old Testament
  2. the first 5 books in the Jewish Tanakh
  3. the fourth book in the Pentateuch
  4. the first book in the Pentateuch
  5. the Old Testament can be divided into _____ sections
  1. the second book in the Pentateuch
  2. the second section of the OT (16 books)
  3. the fourth section of the OT (18 books)
  4. the third of the OT (7 books)
  5. the fifth book in the Pentateuch
  6. the third book in the Pentateuch
  7. Old Testament is also known as the _____ Scriptures

12 Clues: the third of the OT (7 books)the fifth book in the Pentateuchthe third book in the Pentateuchthe first book in the Pentateuchthe second book in the Pentateuchthe fourth book in the Pentateuchthe first 5 books in the Jewish Tanakhthe second section of the OT (16 books)the fourth section of the OT (18 books)...

GENRE GUIDE 2024-09-15

GENRE GUIDE crossword puzzle
  1. Emotion
  2. books Illustration
  3. books Knowledge
  4. History
  5. Gods
  6. Morals
  7. fiction Facts
  8. rhyme Melody
  1. Life
  2. Magic
  3. Origin
  4. fiction Technology
  5. Memoir
  6. Tradition
  7. Imagination

15 Clues: LifeGodsMagicOriginMemoirMoralsEmotionHistoryTraditionImaginationrhyme Melodyfiction Factsbooks Knowledgebooks Illustrationfiction Technology

Field Teen Center Crossword Puzzle 2023-03-24

Field Teen Center Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The author of the Hunger Games.
  2. The Free Library no longer charges fees for ____ books, but we do charge for lost books.
  3. A person who can help you find the materials you need.
  4. An app that lets you read eBooks, manga, and more on your phone.
  5. This library’s address is 1901 ___ Street.
  6. Monopoly, Tokaido, checkers, Scrabble, and Betrayal at House on the Hill.
  7. Spiderman, Ironman, Ms. Marvel, and Teen Titans are all owned by this franchise.
  8. A book about a real person.
  9. All of the books are organized here. You can search through it on a computer.
  10. You need one of these to check out books.
  11. A scary animatronic bear whose books are on our shelves.
  1. A way people think you have to talk in the library, but you can actually be much louder than that.
  2. You can play ours or check one out from the Music department.
  3. The station with free personal care items for teens.
  4. An activity we usually do on Fridays. (Hint: check the calendar on the website!)
  5. What happens in a book.
  6. Field Teen Center is on the ground floor of _____ Central Library.
  7. Originally written in Japanese, these comics are usually read from right to left.
  8. The author of The Hate U Give.
  9. Use one of these to save your place.

20 Clues: What happens in a book.A book about a real person.The author of The Hate U Give.The author of the Hunger Games.Use one of these to save your place.You need one of these to check out books.This library’s address is 1901 ___ Street.The station with free personal care items for teens.A person who can help you find the materials you need....

Library Explorers 2024-06-20

Library Explorers crossword puzzle
  1. Place to find books and information resources
  2. Books that must stay in the library
  3. Item you read, usually found in a library
  4. Online collection of research articles and e-books
  5. A person who enjoys reading books
  1. What you do to prepare for an exam
  2. Person who helps you find books in a library
  3. Table used for studying or working in a library
  4. Books available in digital format
  5. System to find and organize books in a library

10 Clues: Books available in digital formatA person who enjoys reading booksWhat you do to prepare for an examBooks that must stay in the libraryItem you read, usually found in a libraryPerson who helps you find books in a libraryPlace to find books and information resourcesSystem to find and organize books in a library...

spanish 2021-04-28

spanish crossword puzzle
  1. - i eat
  2. - he reads books
  3. - to drink
  4. - i understand
  5. - they move
  6. - to understand
  7. - she drinks
  8. - to eat
  9. - we run
  10. - to move
  11. - to drive
  12. - to die
  13. - they understand
  1. - to know
  2. - to know
  3. libros - to read books
  4. - they sleep
  5. - you run
  6. - to want
  7. - to write
  8. - i know
  9. - he knows
  10. - to sleep
  11. - i live
  12. - she know

25 Clues: - i eat- i know- to eat- i live- we run- to die- to know- to know- you run- to want- to move- to drink- to write- he knows- she know- to drive- they move- to sleep- they sleep- she drinks- i understand- to understand- he reads books- they understandlibros - to read books

Classroom Expressions Italian #1 Crossword 2021-09-26

Classroom Expressions Italian #1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. please help me
  2. open your books
  3. be quiet
  4. good morning
  5. can I go to the bathroom
  6. Can I go the nurse
  7. please
  8. here I am
  9. good-bye
  10. do your homework
  1. listen
  2. close your books
  3. can I get water
  4. take a seat
  5. later
  6. sorry
  7. I don't understand
  8. thank you
  9. you're welcome
  10. write

20 Clues: latersorrywritelistenpleasebe quietgood-byethank youhere I amtake a seatgood morningplease help meyou're welcomecan I get wateropen your booksclose your booksdo your homeworkI don't understandCan I go the nursecan I go to the bathroom

Harry Potter Vocabulary! 2017-02-21

Harry Potter Vocabulary! crossword puzzle
  1. wand
  2. platform
  3. elf
  4. owl
  5. student
  6. broom
  7. books
  1. spell
  2. wizard
  3. witch
  4. professor
  5. potion
  6. cloak

13 Clues: elfowlwandspellwitchcloakbroombookswizardpotionstudentplatformprofessor

Les Ordres- Commands 2024-08-28

Les Ordres- Commands crossword puzzle
  1. Write the sentence
  2. Work with a partener
  3. Do you have any questions?
  4. Put the desks together
  5. look
  6. Stand up
  7. Do you understand?
  8. read
  9. ici Come here
  1. Close the books
  2. Speak
  3. do exercise
  4. Go
  5. repeat
  6. Sit down
  7. Open the books
  8. listen
  9. Watch

18 Clues: GolookreadSpeakWatchrepeatlistenSit downStand updo exerciseici Come hereOpen the booksClose the booksWrite the sentenceDo you understand?Work with a partenerPut the desks togetherDo you have any questions?

The Library 2023-03-28

The Library crossword puzzle
  1. organized collection of information typically accessed online
  2. section of a library where people can gather to work on projects
  3. small dictionary in the back of a book
  4. book of synonyms
  5. books that contain a made-up story
  6. section of the library that contains encyclopedias, almanacs, dictionaries, and atlases
  7. person who collects or has a great love of books
  8. when a book or other material must be returned to the library
  9. person who writes books
  10. publication that is published on a regular basis and focuses on a particular subject
  11. reference work containing brief articles on various topics
  12. online register of all bibliographic items in a library
  1. list of chapters and where they begin, located at the beginning of a book
  2. book of maps
  3. books that contain factual information
  4. publication that is published on a regular basis and contains current, factual information
  5. part of a book that you see when it's on the shelf
  6. alphabetical list of subjects and page numbers found in the back of a book
  7. building or room containing collections of books, makerspaces, and electronic resources
  8. specific type of music, film, or writing
  9. name of a book
  10. charge that is accrued when library items aren't turned in on time
  11. person who draws the pictures for a book
  12. book about a person's life

24 Clues: book of mapsname of a bookbook of synonymsperson who writes booksbook about a person's lifebooks that contain a made-up storybooks that contain factual informationsmall dictionary in the back of a bookspecific type of music, film, or writingperson who draws the pictures for a bookperson who collects or has a great love of books...

Introduction to the Old Testament Review 2022-10-04

Introduction to the Old Testament Review crossword puzzle
  1. Covenant period we are in now
  2. Typically sung after the first reading
  3. How the E source has God communicate
  4. Person who was believed to be the author of the Torah at one time
  5. Imaginative story that embodies the beliefs and values of a group of people; communicates truths
  6. The last book of the Pentateuch
  7. The Liturgical ___ shows which season we are in
  8. List of books considered proper for reading during liturgy
  9. Another name for the books of the Law which comes from a Greek word meaning "five volumes"
  10. Number of covenant periods
  11. How the J source portrays God
  12. Function that tells us how humans should behave
  13. The first book of the Torah
  1. The four categories of books are Law, History, ___, Prophecy
  2. Full name for the J source
  3. comes from a Greek word meaning for "going out"
  4. Term that means biblical authors were influenced by God
  5. Full name for the P source
  6. Function that tells how the world works and what its purpose is
  7. Gospel read during Year C
  8. Books that are considered sacred by Catholics but not Jews
  9. Number of functions of a myth
  10. How the D source portrays God
  11. Another name for Old Testament is ___ Scriptures
  12. When something in history points forward
  13. Number of books in the Old Testament
  14. Number of readings at Mass

27 Clues: Gospel read during Year CFull name for the J sourceFull name for the P sourceNumber of covenant periodsNumber of readings at MassThe first book of the TorahCovenant period we are in nowNumber of functions of a mythHow the D source portrays GodHow the J source portrays GodThe last book of the PentateuchHow the E source has God communicate...

Welcome Back to DragonLibrary! 2024-08-13

Welcome Back to DragonLibrary! crossword puzzle
  1. The name of one of our librarians
  2. The number of physical books you are allowed to check out at one time
  3. An on-line database to look up the books we have
  4. Our student book club
  5. The number you need to give us to check out books
  6. These books are located in the front half of the library
  1. Where our e-books and e-audio books live
  2. These novels are written in the form of comics
  3. These books are all based on real facts.
  4. The online place you can go to look up all sorts of info about DragonLibrary
  5. The name of one of our librarians
  6. What you are not allowed to consume in the library

12 Clues: Our student book clubThe name of one of our librariansThe name of one of our librariansWhere our e-books and e-audio books liveThese books are all based on real facts.These novels are written in the form of comicsAn on-line database to look up the books we haveThe number you need to give us to check out books...

How to Find Library Things 2023-08-18

How to Find Library Things crossword puzzle
  1. Time you can check out books that's not during encore. Open ___
  2. Dog Man author
  3. My dogs are named after Harry ________ characters.
  4. How many books can you check out?
  5. Online place where we learn a lot
  6. Color of the tissue box you are allowed to use
  7. Who else helps in the library? Ms.
  1. Big 3 that goes with our chair expectations
  2. Mrs. S' last name
  3. Most students have assigned tables not _____.
  4. Popular book section. Top ______
  5. Who wrote the Harry Potter books? J.K. ___________.
  6. Door we leave out of
  7. Three letters on the side of all chapter books

14 Clues: Dog Man authorMrs. S' last nameDoor we leave out ofPopular book section. Top ______How many books can you check out?Online place where we learn a lotWho else helps in the library? Ms.Big 3 that goes with our chair expectationsMost students have assigned tables not _____.Color of the tissue box you are allowed to use...

How to Find Library Things 2023-08-18

How to Find Library Things crossword puzzle
  1. How many books can you check out?
  2. Who wrote the Harry Potter books? J.K. ___________.
  3. Who else helps in the library? Ms.
  4. Dog Man author
  5. Online place where we learn a lot
  6. Color of the tissue box you are allowed to use
  7. Time you can check out books that's not during encore. Open ___
  8. My dogs are named after Harry ________ characters.
  1. Mrs. S' last name
  2. Three letters on the side of all chapter books
  3. Popular book section. Top ______
  4. Most students have assigned tables not _____.
  5. Door we leave out of
  6. Big 3 that goes with our chair expectations

14 Clues: Dog Man authorMrs. S' last nameDoor we leave out ofPopular book section. Top ______How many books can you check out?Online place where we learn a lotWho else helps in the library? Ms.Big 3 that goes with our chair expectationsMost students have assigned tables not _____.Three letters on the side of all chapter books...

spanish 2021-04-28

spanish crossword puzzle
  1. - they understand
  2. - to want
  3. - to drink
  4. - we run
  5. - they move
  6. - he knows
  7. - to know
  8. - i understand
  9. - she drinks
  10. - to drive
  11. - to sleep
  1. - he reads books
  2. - to write
  3. - i live
  4. - i eat
  5. - you run
  6. - to know
  7. - she know
  8. - they sleep
  9. - to eat
  10. - to read books
  11. - i know
  12. - to understand
  13. - to move
  14. - to die

25 Clues: - i eat- i live- to eat- we run- i know- to die- you run- to know- to want- to know- to move- to write- she know- to drink- he knows- to drive- they move- to sleep- they sleep- she drinks- i understand- to read books- to understand- he reads books- they understand

Italian #1 Classroom Expression Crossword Puzzle 2021-09-26

Italian #1 Classroom Expression Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. listen
  2. please help me
  3. thank you
  4. I don't understand
  5. good morning
  6. can I go to the bathroom
  7. write
  8. close your books
  9. please
  1. do your homework
  2. can I get water
  3. be quiet
  4. you're welcome
  5. open your books
  6. Can I go the nurse
  7. here I am
  8. sorry
  9. later
  10. good-bye
  11. take a seat

20 Clues: sorrylaterwritelistenpleasebe quietgood-byethank youhere I amtake a seatgood morningplease help meyou're welcomecan I get wateropen your booksdo your homeworkclose your booksCan I go the nurseI don't understandcan I go to the bathroom

THEME 1 SCHOOL LIFE 2021-12-21

THEME 1 SCHOOL LIFE crossword puzzle
  1. in the aparments
  2. F-
  3. A+
  4. germany language
  5. kind of music
  6. opposide of answer
  7. students goes here
  8. informations in papers
  9. age 18
  1. looking to books
  2. hanging out with my ...
  3. studing for ...
  4. opposide of questions
  5. making ...
  6. science that studies the world
  7. working for lessons
  8. molexule science
  9. kid goes school
  10. kind of sport
  11. works at school

20 Clues: F-A+age 18making ...kind of musickind of sportstuding for ...kid goes schoolworks at schoollooking to booksin the aparmentsgermany languagemolexule scienceopposide of answerstudents goes hereworking for lessonsopposide of questionsinformations in papershanging out with my that studies the world

a series of unfortunate events 2024-06-13

a series of unfortunate events crossword puzzle
  1. feels like it
  2. reading
  3. equality
  4. real
  5. house caught in fire
  6. things in life
  7. violet marrying by force
  8. the Baudelaire's
  9. not lucky life
  1. not fortunate
  2. violet inventing
  3. place with books
  4. the orphans life is miserable
  5. smart brain
  6. their life
  7. count olof
  8. the orphans in theater
  9. Klaus, sunny, violet
  10. does what it is
  11. what count olof wants

20 Clues: realreadingequalitytheir lifecount olofsmart brainnot fortunatefeels like itthings in lifenot lucky lifedoes what it isviolet inventingplace with booksthe Baudelaire'shouse caught in fireKlaus, sunny, violetwhat count olof wantsthe orphans in theaterviolet marrying by forcethe orphans life is miserable

Unit 4 Review Game- Knight 2019-11-07

Unit 4 Review Game- Knight crossword puzzle
  1. the portion of Mass that contains Scripture and a homily
  2. because God is Truth, there is an absolute unity and coherence of truths contained in the books of the Bible.
  3. parts of OT removed from the Jewish canon of Scripture
  4. 3rd century BC Greek translation of the OT made by 70 Jewish scholars
  5. portion of Mass that includes consecration of the Body and Blood of Christ and the distribution of Holy Communion
  6. st Jerome's translation of the Bible from Latin
  7. an old English rendering of the Greek for good news
  8. source of pentateuch, reflect Jews in Judah's perspective in about 9th or 10th century BC
  9. sacred literature characterized by symbols; alternate name for Revelation
  10. an event or person in Scripture pointing to a later event or person that has similar virtues
  11. a version of the Septuagint produced by Origen, presents the text in Hebrew and Greek in parallel columns
  1. a person selected by God to call others to repentance and amendment of their lives in order to avoid consequences
  2. Source of the Pentateuch that reflects the perspective of the Jews in the northern kingdom of Israel in 8th or 9th century Bc
  3. a letter written to a particular person or people
  4. the OT books that comprise the stories of the prophets who cast judgement and warn of divine retribution while calling Israel to repentance
  5. the 27 books of the Bible written by Sacred Authors in the apostolic era
  6. the 46 books recording the history of salvation from the Creation until the time of Christ
  7. synonym for covenant
  8. the study of ancestry
  9. source of the Pentateuch, reflects the perspective of the Jews in the northern kingdom of Israel 8th or 9th century BC
  10. one of the hypothetical sources of the Pentateuch, particularly Deuteronomy, written in 7th century BC
  11. list of inspired books of the Bible
  12. the five books of Moses
  13. one who proclaims the good news, particularly Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
  14. The books which contain the truth of God's revelation and were composed by human authors with the Holy Spirit's guidance

25 Clues: synonym for covenantthe study of ancestrythe five books of Moseslist of inspired books of the Biblest Jerome's translation of the Bible from Latina letter written to a particular person or peoplean old English rendering of the Greek for good newsparts of OT removed from the Jewish canon of Scripture...

Harry Potter school things 2024-06-10

Harry Potter school things crossword puzzle
  1. phial
  2. books
  3. pencilcase
  4. cat
  5. owl
  6. pencil
  7. wand
  1. brassscales
  2. cauldron
  3. toad
  4. telescope
  5. schoolbag
  6. pen

13 Clues: catpenowltoadwandphialbookspencilcauldrontelescopeschoolbagpencilcasebrassscales

Fahrenheit 451 2018-05-10

Fahrenheit 451 crossword puzzle
  1. the main charater
  2. poison substance
  3. what we read
  4. the man montag meets to help him bring back books
  5. Montags wife
  6. somthing that is not allowed
  7. what we see when we go out side
  1. the mechanical animal in the book
  2. 17 year old girl
  3. is very very hot
  4. what robots are
  5. what kerostene is
  6. what we do when we look at books
  7. lead fireman
  8. what fire makes

15 Clues: what we readlead firemanMontags wifewhat robots arewhat fire makes17 year old girlis very very hotpoison substancethe main charaterwhat kerostene issomthing that is not allowedwhat we see when we go out sidewhat we do when we look at booksthe mechanical animal in the bookthe man montag meets to help him bring back books

Spainish work 2013-12-17

Spainish work crossword puzzle
  1. to sing
  2. basketball
  3. No idea
  4. to study
  5. to draw
  6. to go out
  7. magazines
  8. homework
  9. volleyball
  10. to go for a walk
  11. novel
  12. libros to read books
  13. to eat
  1. books
  2. soccer
  3. the mall
  4. to write
  5. to stake
  6. baseball
  7. to swim
  8. to play
  9. to go
  10. to go to the movies
  11. to run

24 Clues: booksto gonovelsoccerto runto eatto singNo ideato swimto drawto playthe mallto writeto stakebaseballto studyhomeworkto go outmagazinesbasketballvolleyballto go for a walkto go to the movieslibros to read books

Library Trivia 2022-10-27

Library Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. the color of the spine label on picture books
  2. the color of the spine label on Children's fiction
  3. true books
  4. the number of rules Ms. Tia has
  5. Rule #1 Treat _____kindly
  6. the color of the spine label on Jr fiction
  1. where to find definitions of words
  2. Rule #2 Treat _____ kindly
  3. the color of the spine label sticker on graphic novels
  4. written from someone's imagination
  5. author of "The Cat in the Hat"
  6. search for non-fiction books by call_____
  7. a favorite book of Ms. Tia's "The book with no ____"
  8. search for fiction books by author's _____name

14 Clues: true booksRule #1 Treat _____kindlyRule #2 Treat _____ kindlyauthor of "The Cat in the Hat"the number of rules Ms. Tia haswhere to find definitions of wordswritten from someone's imaginationsearch for non-fiction books by call_____the color of the spine label on Jr fictionthe color of the spine label on picture books...

Library rules 2022-09-06

Library rules crossword puzzle
  1. Ms. Williams favorite activity is _________, sometimes with 50-500 pieces its still fun.
  2. _________ our library books, treat them with care. No food or drinks, no writing, no pets, no babies.
  3. The library is a ______ place.
  4. If I lose my book or damage it I will have to pay a__________.
  5. I can visit the library during my recess and do___________.
  6. Books that usually rhyme or have a rhythm.
  1. Ms. William's favorite genre is________, it includes books about mythical creatures, magic and make believe.
  2. the _____________ never ends at the library.
  3. We are on the _______ for a good book here at Victoriano.
  4. The _______ wall is a very popular spot to show off your building skills.
  5. Most of all we come to the library to get books to _______.
  6. Real books with facts and informational texts.
  7. I check out _______ when I visit the library.

13 Clues: The library is a ______ place.Books that usually rhyme or have a rhythm.the _____________ never ends at the library.I check out _______ when I visit the library.Real books with facts and informational texts.We are on the _______ for a good book here at Victoriano.Most of all we come to the library to get books to _______....

Fahrenheit 451 2023-04-24

Fahrenheit 451 crossword puzzle
  1. this helps the characters sleep
  2. this is what they call the people in the parlor
  3. a hole in the wall used to burn things
  4. Are forbidden
  5. Main character
  6. the Tv walls are located here
  7. she died
  8. Firefighter Captain
  9. there are none of these anymore
  10. Guys wife
  1. they burn books
  2. 2wrds a tune commonly hummed
  3. Book professor
  4. what is used to burn the books
  5. an obsession

15 Clues: she diedGuys wifean obsessionAre forbiddenBook professorMain characterthey burn booksFirefighter Captain2wrds a tune commonly hummedthe Tv walls are located herewhat is used to burn the booksthis helps the characters sleepthere are none of these anymorea hole in the wall used to burn thingsthis is what they call the people in the parlor

fahrenheit 451 2024-12-12

fahrenheit 451 crossword puzzle
  1. queer girl who goes missing
  2. an animal that the firetrucks are named after
  3. the year Fahrenheit was released
  4. protagonist
  5. pills, the object Mildred uses to commit
  6. bombers, the planes that cause "screams" in the sky that constantly fly over the city
  1. Beach, the poem Montag reads to Mildred and his friends
  2. people who burn houses who have possession of books
  3. the number of degrees that books burn
  4. A retired English professor that Montag met before books were burned
  5. hound, a mechanical dog who sniffs out people who have a book
  6. an illegal item to have
  7. bomb, the object that destroys the city
  8. Bradbury, the author of Fahrenheit 451
  9. the age of Montag

15 Clues: protagonistthe age of Montagan illegal item to havequeer girl who goes missingthe year Fahrenheit was releasedthe number of degrees that books burnBradbury, the author of Fahrenheit 451bomb, the object that destroys the citypills, the object Mildred uses to commitan animal that the firetrucks are named after...

Library 2024-12-30

Library crossword puzzle
  1. A book of maps
  2. Something you read to learn or for fun
  3. A tool for looking up books or information
  4. A place where books are stored
  5. A seat for reading
  6. To bring back a book to the library
  7. A book that tells you what words mean
  8. A surface for reading or studying
  1. A section of a book
  2. A thin book with pictures and stories
  3. A person who helps you find books
  4. To read and learn at the library
  5. A rule that asks people not to talk loudly
  6. A pass you use to borrow books

14 Clues: A book of mapsA seat for readingA section of a bookA place where books are storedA pass you use to borrow booksTo read and learn at the libraryA person who helps you find booksA surface for reading or studyingTo bring back a book to the libraryA thin book with pictures and storiesA book that tells you what words mean...

Cumberland County Library 2024-05-15

Cumberland County Library crossword puzzle
  1. This kind of label tells you where the book goes in the library.
  2. This is what you call the person who writes a book.
  3. What do you need to check out items at the library?
  4. You can also visit _______ with the library's free passes.
  5. Books that read to you are called _______.
  1. You can check this device out to use inside the library.
  2. Small devices that you can listen to books on are called _____.
  3. Books with facts and information are called _______.
  4. Fiction books are arranged in this order.
  5. You can borrow books for ______ weeks.
  6. Made-up stories are called this _________.
  7. The second floor area is the ________ section.
  8. Computer classes are taught in the computer ___.

13 Clues: You can borrow books for ______ weeks.Fiction books are arranged in this order.Made-up stories are called this _________.Books that read to you are called _______.The second floor area is the ________ section.Computer classes are taught in the computer ___.This is what you call the person who writes a book....

I Love the Library! 2023-03-22

I Love the Library! crossword puzzle
  1. Professional trained in library science and engaged in library services.
  2. Where you check out books.
  3. Reference book with an alphabetical list of words with information about them.
  4. Novel dealing with idealized events remote from everyday life.
  5. Where to look up books.
  6. Biography of yourself.
  7. Reference work containing articles on various topics.
  8. Another name for a writer.
  1. Invented story.
  2. Another word for newspaper.
  3. Name of a book.
  4. When you should return your books.
  5. Book of maps.
  6. Person's life story.
  7. Recipe collection.
  8. Prose writing that is not fictional.
  9. A young child may read it.
  10. Side of a book.
  11. Book with a flexible binding.

19 Clues: Book of maps.Invented story.Name of a book.Side of a book.Recipe collection.Person's life story.Biography of yourself.Where to look up books.Where you check out books.A young child may read it.Another name for a writer.Another word for newspaper.Book with a flexible binding.When you should return your books.Prose writing that is not fictional....

Origins of Christianity 2023-11-05

Origins of Christianity crossword puzzle
  1. New Testament books about Jesus’ life
  2. important symbol of Christianity
  3. __ Testament includes stories about Jesus’ life
  4. most important figure in Christianity
  5. Jesus teaches using simple stories called __
  6. Peter is often considered the first __
  7. where Christianity originates, Middle __
  8. city that is home to Jesus
  9. Pontius __ sentences Jesus to death
  10. Christianity starts as a form of __
  1. Simon Peter is a __ of Jesus
  2. group that kills Jesus
  3. Bible is divided into many __
  4. New Testament consists of twenty-__ books
  5. Christian holy book
  6. Jesus’ resurrection is celebrated at __
  7. holy text for Jews and Christians, __ Testament
  8. man to whom Christians and Jews trace their religion
  9. Jesus’ mother

19 Clues: Jesus’ motherChristian holy bookgroup that kills Jesuscity that is home to JesusSimon Peter is a __ of JesusBible is divided into many __important symbol of ChristianityPontius __ sentences Jesus to deathChristianity starts as a form of __New Testament books about Jesus’ lifemost important figure in Christianity...

New York Public Library 2021-07-12

New York Public Library crossword puzzle
  1. golden rule of a library
  2. return items to any library except here
  3. is restricted when you owe $15 or more
  4. how many minutes is a computer appointment
  5. how many weeks you can borrow regular books
  6. How many books can be checked out at once
  7. 1 week express books are this
  8. The maximum number of DVDs that can be out at once
  9. fee to replace a lost card
  1. this and your pin to use library computers
  2. Wakefield Library Address
  3. we strive to ensure everyone is this
  4. how many weeks you can borrow new books
  5. how many weeks you can borrow DVDs
  6. You can request this many items at a time
  7. how many times you can potentially renew an item

16 Clues: golden rule of a libraryWakefield Library Addressfee to replace a lost card1 week express books are thishow many weeks you can borrow DVDswe strive to ensure everyone is thisis restricted when you owe $15 or morereturn items to any library except herehow many weeks you can borrow new booksYou can request this many items at a time...

religion+henry 2024-11-22

religion+henry crossword puzzle
  1. (capitalize) a writing style of scripture that tell true stories.
  2. (capitalize) 2-words - used for space the first 49 books of the bible.
  3. (capitalize) led the Israelites.
  4. (capitalize) someone is in church on the left hand side
  5. (capitalize) the books of the bible.
  6. (capitalize) a sacred promise.
  7. (capitalize) a word meaning breath or spirit.
  1. (capitalize) a brackable promise.
  2. (capitalize) 2-words - in the middle the 27 books after the old testament.
  3. (capitalize) An external representation.
  4. (capitalize) our Savior.
  5. (capitalize) the first man.
  6. (capitalize) the first woman.
  7. (capitalize) someone on the right hand side in church.
  8. (capitalize) the first five books of the bible.

15 Clues: (capitalize) our Savior.(capitalize) the first man.(capitalize) the first woman.(capitalize) a sacred promise.(capitalize) led the Israelites.(capitalize) a brackable promise.(capitalize) the books of the bible.(capitalize) An external representation.(capitalize) a word meaning breath or spirit.(capitalize) the first five books of the bible....

School Crossword 2022-10-19

School Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. where you eat
  2. what you need to do to succeed in school
  3. someone who teaches you
  4. stationary object that houses your books
  5. a website that requires you to do math or language arts questions fo a grade
  6. the thing that takes you to and from school
  7. you can look at them for entertainment or for studies
  8. carries your stuff.
  9. an order of classes
  10. something you write with.
  11. where you work on physical activities
  1. where you get books
  2. what you do for grades
  3. something you type on that everybody has.
  4. the one in charge
  5. where you work
  6. something that holds your supplies
  7. words that you need for specific assignments
  8. optional activities in school
  9. place of learning

20 Clues: where you eatwhere you workthe one in chargeplace of learningwhere you get bookscarries your order of classeswhat you do for gradessomeone who teaches yousomething you write with.optional activities in schoolsomething that holds your supplieswhere you work on physical activitieswhat you need to do to succeed in school...

Religion Culminating 2014-01-09

Religion Culminating crossword puzzle
  1. What happened to Jesus 3 days after death
  2. People who weave together the whole solution when reading the bible
  3. The 21 books following Acts
  4. 4 writers in the new testament
  5. Someone who takes the bible word for word
  6. Humans are created in the _____ and likeness of God
  7. Jesus' mother
  8. The promises made by God to people
  1. Place of worship
  2. Collection of books about Jesus
  3. Son of God
  4. Humans are _____ beings
  5. The Roman empire that sentance Jesus to crucifixion
  6. Collection of books about before Jesus' time
  7. Jesus' father
  8. Jesus' first disciple.
  9. Creator of the world
  10. Jesus' followers
  11. Left in a basket by the side of the Nile River
  12. The gospel writer that was a fisherman

20 Clues: Son of GodJesus' fatherJesus' motherPlace of worshipJesus' followersCreator of the worldJesus' first disciple.Humans are _____ beingsThe 21 books following Acts4 writers in the new testamentCollection of books about JesusThe promises made by God to peopleThe gospel writer that was a fishermanWhat happened to Jesus 3 days after death...

Bible Vocabularies 11/15 2023-11-15

Bible Vocabularies 11/15 crossword puzzle
  1. The Ultimate Author of the Bible
  2. Let's sit around and listen to grandpa
  3. Actually it is a library of books
  4. Author(?) of the Torah
  5. Bible is without error
  6. The Latin Bible
  7. The Greeks call it instead of Torah
  8. Protestant name for Deuterocanonical
  9. The Table of Content for Dummies
  10. Mr. Kim's favorite Catholic App
  11. First bishops
  12. The Academic language of the 1st century
  1. Seven Greek books dropped in the Jewish Canon
  2. When God breathe into Adam in Genesis
  3. The Greek word for good news
  4. My Bible has 66 books
  5. The word means Law or Instruction
  6. Old covenant and new covenant
  7. The Bible Translator from Greek to Latin
  8. Bishops in union with the Pope

20 Clues: First bishopsThe Latin BibleMy Bible has 66 booksAuthor(?) of the TorahBible is without errorThe Greek word for good newsOld covenant and new covenantBishops in union with the PopeMr. Kim's favorite Catholic AppThe Ultimate Author of the BibleThe Table of Content for DummiesThe word means Law or InstructionActually it is a library of books...

Public Libraries 2024-10-11

Public Libraries crossword puzzle
  1. Someone who uses library services.
  2. To extend the borrowing period of a book.
  3. Stories that are not real.
  4. A collection of historical documents.
  5. A magazine or newspaper published regularly.
  6. The person who helps you find books.
  7. A list of all the items in a library.
  1. A section for materials that cannot be checked out.
  2. Books based on facts and real events.
  3. The process of borrowing a book.
  4. A place to store books in a library.
  5. A reading event for children at the library.
  6. To bring back a borrowed book.
  7. An online resource for finding articles and information.
  8. The area where books are stored in rows.

15 Clues: Stories that are not real.To bring back a borrowed book.The process of borrowing a book.Someone who uses library services.A place to store books in a library.The person who helps you find books.Books based on facts and real events.A collection of historical documents.A list of all the items in a library.The area where books are stored in rows....