books Crossword Puzzles

gg 2024-10-11

gg crossword puzzle
  1. blanket
  2. forest
  3. fishing
  4. park
  5. beach
  6. napkins
  7. basket
  8. fruit
  1. kite
  2. lake
  3. books
  4. sandwiches
  5. river
  6. picnic
  7. mountain

15 Clues: kitelakeparkbooksriverbeachfruitforestpicnicbasketblanketfishingnapkinsmountainsandwiches

Test 2022-10-12

Test crossword puzzle
  1. websearch
  2. fotos
  3. telefon
  4. videos
  5. radio
  6. computer
  7. handy
  1. news
  2. fernseher
  3. film
  4. tablet
  5. books
  6. internet
  7. zeitung
  8. magazin

15 Clues: newsfilmfotosbooksradiohandytabletvideostelefonzeitungmagazininternetcomputerfernseherwebsearch

Test 2022-10-12

Test crossword puzzle
  1. handy
  2. books
  3. telefon
  4. fernseher
  5. magazin
  6. news
  7. tablet
  1. videos
  2. radio
  3. websearch
  4. internet
  5. fotos
  6. computer
  7. zeitung
  8. film

15 Clues: filmnewsradiohandybooksfotosvideostablettelefonzeitungmagazininternetcomputerwebsearchfernseher

Ban This Book Diego López 1°A 2023-11-30

Ban This Book                                                          Diego López 1°A crossword puzzle
  1. Ban Books Locker Library.
  2. ... mum banned all the ban books.
  3. The sister that like's ballet.
  4. AA's real life friend.
  5. Alexis thougt that It was a ... .
  6. The librarian of the school.
  7. Flotsam and Jetsam are ... .
  1. It IS The name of a hair cut.
  2. AA has two sisters called ... and Alexis.
  3. AA has the ban books on his ... .
  4. Principal's name.
  5. Anne The old sister.
  6. AA has two ... called Flotsam and Jetsam.
  7. They ban books because they aren't ... .
  8. They have to put a ... in the BBLL if they want a book.

15 Clues: Principal's name.Anne The old sister.AA's real life friend.Ban Books Locker Library.The librarian of the school.Flotsam and Jetsam are ... .It IS The name of a hair cut.The sister that like's ballet.AA has the ban books on his ... .... mum banned all the ban books.Alexis thougt that It was a ... .They ban books because they aren't ... ....

back to school 2024-07-02

back to school crossword puzzle
  1. - Holds papers
  2. - Student's workspace
  3. - Learning space
  4. - Writing tool
  5. - Classroom leader
  6. - Reading material
  7. - Chalk writing surface
  8. - Writing pad
  9. - Measures length
  10. - School head
  1. - School attire
  2. - Coloring tool
  3. - Classroom learners
  4. - Permanent pen
  5. - After-school task
  6. - Bag for books
  7. - Meal container
  8. - Math tool
  9. - Study book
  10. - Corrects mistakes

20 Clues: - Math tool- Study book- Writing pad- School head- Holds papers- Writing tool- School attire- Coloring tool- Permanent pen- Bag for books- Learning space- Meal container- Measures length- Classroom leader- Reading material- After-school task- Corrects mistakes- Classroom learners- Student's workspace- Chalk writing surface

Kindergarten 2 2022-12-16

Kindergarten 2 crossword puzzle
  1. classroom
  2. letters
  3. storybooks
  4. books
  5. teacher
  6. drawing
  7. matching
  8. centers
  9. specials
  10. kindergarten
  11. singing
  12. crafts
  13. courage
  14. socital skills
  15. learning
  16. recess
  17. penmanship
  18. math
  19. friends
  1. alphabet
  2. directions
  3. listening
  4. confidence
  5. numbers
  6. counting
  7. phonics
  8. activities
  9. classmates
  10. sightwords
  11. pictures
  12. patterns

31 Clues: mathbookscraftsrecesslettersteachernumbersdrawingphonicscenterssingingcouragefriendsalphabetmatchingcountingspecialspictureslearningpatternsclassroomlisteningdirectionsconfidencestorybooksactivitiesclassmatessightwordspenmanshipkindergartensocital skills

Los Mandatos 2021-05-24

Los Mandatos crossword puzzle
  1. raise your hand
  2. read
  3. talk
  4. write
  5. walk
  6. run
  7. listen
  8. touch
  9. study
  10. take out
  11. count
  12. close your books
  1. open your books
  2. turn around/spin in a circle
  3. say
  4. dance
  5. Stop
  6. jump
  7. sitdown
  8. stand up
  9. show me
  10. Sing
  11. look

23 Clues: sayrunreadtalkStopjumpwalkSinglookdancewritetouchstudycountlistensitdownshow mestand uptake outopen your booksraise your handclose your booksturn around/spin in a circle

inkheart crossword 2023-04-17

inkheart crossword crossword puzzle
  1. used to sew
  2. what you read
  3. things on hand that grab things
  4. where you bind books
  5. inside book
  6. what you use to cut books
  7. put book back together
  8. put together
  1. front of book
  2. put stamp in
  3. what you use after paper cuts
  4. back of the book
  5. used after fixed to sign book
  6. bookbinder
  7. keeps pages together
  8. helps bind books

16 Clues: bookbinderused to sewinside bookput stamp input togetherfront of bookwhat you readback of the bookhelps bind bookswhere you bind bookskeeps pages togetherput book back togetherwhat you use to cut bookswhat you use after paper cutsused after fixed to sign bookthings on hand that grab things

Sandra's Puzzle 2024-01-29

Sandra's Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A fun video game for two
  2. A fun game
  3. A thing to read
  4. Emil's favorite animal
  5. an activity that keeps daddy away
  6. Emil's Favorite color
  7. Silas favorite books (new)
  8. Your Favorite Dish
  9. Emil's old favorite color
  1. torture or funtime
  2. What?
  3. Silas's favorite books (old)
  4. Birthday indicator
  5. cool videos for boys
  6. a fun word to say wrong
  7. Emil's Favorite Breakfast

16 Clues: What?A fun gameA thing to readtorture or funtimeBirthday indicatorYour Favorite Dishcool videos for boysEmil's Favorite colorEmil's favorite animala fun word to say wrongA fun video game for twoEmil's Favorite BreakfastEmil's old favorite colorSilas favorite books (new)Silas's favorite books (old)an activity that keeps daddy away

Unit 4 Review Game Krohn, Courtney 2019-11-07

Unit 4 Review Game Krohn, Courtney crossword puzzle
  1. (one who speaks for) a person selected by God to speak in his name
  2. one of supposed original sources
  3. Presents the text in Hebrew and Greek in parallel columns
  4. a type of sacred literature characterized by symbolic imagery; an alternate name for the Book of Revelation
  5. The portion of the Mass that includes the preparation of the bread and wine, the consecration of the Body and Blood of Christ, and the distribution of Holy Communion to the faithful
  6. The five books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy
  7. (covenant) records of Christ's life and things connecting to him
  8. (rule) the Church's complete list of inspired books of the Bible
  9. (common) the name of Saint Jerome's translation of the Bible from the original languages into Latin
  10. one of the supposed original sources of the Pentateuch showing the perspective of Jews in the Northern Kingdom
  11. these illustrate and shed light on one another and the complete plan of Revelation
  12. similar virtues on the other qualities as its fulfillment
  1. and event or person in Scripture that points toward a later event or person
  2. The parts of the Old Testament that were removed from the Jewish or Hebrew canon of Scripture
  3. Greek for five books; the Torah
  4. (five books) referring to the Torah
  5. The Old Testament hat comprise the stories of the prophets
  6. The study of ancestry or a chronological lists of ancestors
  7. (good news) shows God's mercy and love revealed in the life, Death, and Resurrection of Christ
  8. A letter addressed to a particular person or people
  9. Fourty-six books of the Bible that record the history of salvation from creation until the time of Christ
  10. The portion of the Mass that includes the reading of Scripture and the homily
  11. Books of the Bible included in the Jewish or Hebrew canon of Scriptures
  12. Sacred Scripture; the books containing the truth of God's Revelation as composed by inspired, Sacred Authors
  13. Twenty-seven books of the Bible that tell of Christ's life, teachings, Passion, and glorification
  14. A third-century BC Greek translation of the Scriptures

26 Clues: Greek for five books; the Torahone of supposed original sources(five books) referring to the TorahA letter addressed to a particular person or peopleA third-century BC Greek translation of the ScripturesPresents the text in Hebrew and Greek in parallel columnssimilar virtues on the other qualities as its fulfillment...

Working With Young Children 2018-05-20

Working With Young Children crossword puzzle
  1. boards/A board covered with felt or fl annel that is used as a background for placing felt characters and props to tell a story.
  2. play/A type of play in which children play by themselves. Also called independent play.
  3. play/A type of play in which children play by themselves but stay close by other children. All the children may be involved in similar activities, but play between and among the children does not exist.
  4. life stories/Books containing the theme of social understanding.
  5. dramatic play/Social play in which several children play together as they imitate others.
  6. books/books with single words or simple sentences and simple plots
  7. and descriptions of books that will help you fi nd titles, authors, and publishers of books, which can be found in public libraries.
  8. a child whose home language is something other than English.
  9. book/An electronic book that is read on an e-reader.
  10. items that relate to the story and would attract children’s attention.
  11. play/A form of play in which a single child imitates another person or acts out a situation.
  12. books/ books that contain pictures but have more complex plots then picture books
  1. playing/A type of play in which children mimic the actions of others, especially adult roles.
  2. and tell/A storytelling method in which drawings are made on chalkboard, dry erase board, poster board, or an 18×24-inch newsprint pad as the story is told. Also called chalk talk.
  3. story in which an animal is the main character and often points out a moral lesson.
  4. play/The first type of social play where children interact with one another while engaging in a similar activity.
  5. drawn on large poster board cards.
  6. stage of play/ The third and fi nal stage of material use. Children in this stage do not need real props; they are able to think of substitutes.
  7. stage of play/First stage of material use; stage at which children will begin to handle props.
  8. play/Type of play in which two or more children interact with one another. At this stage socio-dramatic play begins.
  9. stage of play/Second stage of material use. During this stage, a child will use a prop as it was intended while playing with other children.
  10. Teaching skill that provides children with ideas for difficult situations.
  11. stories/Books giving animals some human qualities. Usually, the animal has some unusual success or ability.
  12. tales/Books having a theme of achievement. The characters or heroes of these stories must perform difficult tasks in order to succeed.

24 Clues: drawn on large poster board electronic book that is read on an e-reader.a child whose home language is something other than stories/Books containing the theme of social understanding.books/books with single words or simple sentences and simple plotsitems that relate to the story and would attract children’s attention....

Library Crossword 2023-04-15

Library Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Rhyme with hooks
  2. One who writes books
  3. Place to read and borrow books
  4. Books that are scary to read
  5. Printed after every few days (weekly, monthly etc)
  1. Books are neatly arranged using these
  2. Person who draws pictures for books
  3. Always found with books only
  4. Books with cartoons and pictures
  5. Book written about a person

10 Clues: Rhyme with hooksOne who writes booksBook written about a personAlways found with books onlyBooks that are scary to readPlace to read and borrow booksBooks with cartoons and picturesPerson who draws pictures for booksBooks are neatly arranged using thesePrinted after every few days (weekly, monthly etc)

New Testament Vocabulary 2023-08-30

New Testament Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the second main part of the Gospel of John
  2. a type of story Jesus used to teach
  3. list of books the Church teaches to be the inspired word of God
  4. part of the Sermon on the Mount
  5. a work done in someone else's name
  6. the 46 books that make up the first part of the Bible
  7. a word meaning "turning toward"
  8. first five books of the Old Testament
  9. the first main part of the Gospel of John
  10. the 27 books that make up the second part of the Bible
  1. the New Testament books written by the evangelists
  2. the Gospels of Matthew, Mark Luke and John
  3. a word meaning "testament"
  4. the writers of the Gospels in the New Testament
  5. another name for the Gospel of John
  6. a follower of Jesus

16 Clues: a follower of Jesusa word meaning "testament"part of the Sermon on the Mounta word meaning "turning toward"a work done in someone else's namea type of story Jesus used to teachanother name for the Gospel of Johnfirst five books of the Old Testamentthe first main part of the Gospel of Johnthe second main part of the Gospel of John...

Hobbies 3 2022-10-27

Hobbies 3 crossword puzzle
  1. singing
  2. acting
  3. cooking
  4. photography
  5. dancing
  6. instruments
  7. astronomy
  8. gymnastics
  1. painting
  2. gardening
  3. books
  4. riding
  5. chess
  6. games
  7. collecting

15 Clues: bookschessgamesridingactingsingingcookingdancingpaintinggardeningastronomygymnasticscollectingphotographyinstruments

80 2023-12-19

80 crossword puzzle
  1. moon
  2. chicken
  3. match
  4. wave
  5. transport
  6. protest
  7. goose
  1. books
  2. acoustics
  3. meal
  4. haircut
  5. actor
  6. cats
  7. river
  8. eye

15 Clues: eyemoonmealwavecatsbooksmatchactorrivergoosechickenhaircutprotestacousticstransport

58 2024-08-12

58 crossword puzzle
  1. innate
  2. pointless
  3. glamorous
  4. chat
  5. heavy
  6. pocket
  7. whistle
  1. apples
  2. books
  3. unsightly
  4. sally
  5. trip
  6. occupy
  7. teeth
  8. bean

15 Clues: chattripbeanbookssallyteethheavyinnateapplesoccupypocketwhistleunsightlypointlessglamorous

Ban this book 2023-02-08

Ban this book crossword puzzle
  1. Amy Anne alredy has read ____ of the banned books.
  2. Amy Anne wants to go to the _________ to buy two of the banned books
  3. Amy Anne is going to the school board _______.
  4. Amy Anne wants to read all the ______ books.
  5. Amy Anne finds the banned books ____.
  6. Rebecca wants to ____ Dannys book because she likes him.
  7. Her sister Angelina acts like a ____.
  8. Amy Anne never ____ what she thinks.
  1. Amy Anne _____ out Danny has one of the banned books.
  2. Amy Anne´s ____ was banned from the school library.
  3. _______ is Amy Anne´s best friend.
  4. Amy Anne finally says what she truly ______.
  5. Amy Anne thinks ____ heard them talking about his mom.
  6. Amy Anne has ___ sisters.
  7. Amy anne wants to borrow a book from _____.

15 Clues: Amy Anne has ___ sisters._______ is Amy Anne´s best friend.Amy Anne never ____ what she thinks.Amy Anne finds the banned books ____.Her sister Angelina acts like a ____.Amy anne wants to borrow a book from _____.Amy Anne finally says what she truly ______.Amy Anne wants to read all the ______ books.Amy Anne is going to the school board _______....

Unit 4 review game Mendez 2019-11-07

Unit 4 review game Mendez crossword puzzle
  1. is the Bible a book of the Catholic Church It was inspired by the Holy Spirit
  2. A synonym for covenant
  3. The five books of Moses Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy
  4. Book of Revelation it was written by St.John
  5. A third-century BC Greek translation of the Old Testament made by seventy Jewish scholars
  6. A version of the Septuagint produced by Origen
  7. An event or person in Scripture pointing to a later event or person that has similar virtues
  8. speaks throughout the Bible God
  9. Testament The twenty-seven books of the Bible written by Sacred Authors in the apostolic era
  1. From the Greek for five books;the Torah
  2. of the Word The portion of the Mass that includes the reading of scripture and the homily
  3. principal audience was Christians in Rome it is the shortest Gospel
  4. text of the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit The original text
  5. emphasized the divine nature of Christ His Gospel begins with the Word made flesh
  6. many books are in the Bible 73 books are in the Bible
  7. Principal audience Gentile Christians he showed Christ's ministry to all nations
  8. The list of the inspired books of the Bible

17 Clues: A synonym for covenantspeaks throughout the Bible GodFrom the Greek for five books;the TorahThe list of the inspired books of the BibleBook of Revelation it was written by St.JohnA version of the Septuagint produced by Origenmany books are in the Bible 73 books are in the Bibletext of the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit The original text...

Jospeh Beth 2019-07-31

Jospeh Beth crossword puzzle
  1. card that has money on it to give as a gift
  2. machine you can type on
  3. game you have to listen to numbers that are called and cover them
  4. small European restaurant
  5. place you store books
  6. when something becomes cheaper
  7. needed to buy things
  8. planned public social occasion
  1. small coffee shop
  2. type of art using liquid medium
  3. books that feature super heroes
  4. place you can buy books
  5. sweet treats that you eat after dinner
  6. things you read
  7. instead of taking the stairs I took the

15 Clues: things you readsmall coffee shopneeded to buy thingsplace you store booksmachine you can type onplace you can buy bookssmall European restaurantwhen something becomes cheaperplanned public social occasiontype of art using liquid mediumbooks that feature super heroessweet treats that you eat after dinnerinstead of taking the stairs I took the...

Kindergarten 2022-12-16

Kindergarten crossword puzzle
  1. teacher
  2. activities
  3. specials
  4. sightwords
  5. drawing
  6. classmates
  7. penmanship
  8. pictures
  9. centers
  10. kindergarten
  11. crafts
  12. books
  13. matching
  1. patterns
  2. letters
  3. learning
  4. friends
  5. alphabet
  6. socital skills
  7. counting
  8. directions
  9. courage
  10. math
  11. confidence
  12. phonics
  13. numbers
  14. listening
  15. singing
  16. storybooks
  17. classroom

30 Clues: mathbookscraftslettersteacherfriendsdrawingcouragephonicsnumberssingingcenterspatternslearningalphabetspecialscountingpicturesmatchinglisteningclassroomactivitiessightwordsdirectionsclassmatesconfidencestorybookspenmanshipkindergartensocital skills

Jenna's Life 2017-06-15

Jenna's Life crossword puzzle
  1. Guitar
  2. Adventures
  3. Family
  4. Friends
  5. Writing
  6. Tall
  1. Laughter
  2. Kittens
  3. Traveling
  4. Theatre
  5. Jenna
  6. Books
  7. Music
  8. Bread
  9. Dance

15 Clues: TallJennaBooksMusicBreadDanceGuitarFamilyKittensTheatreFriendsWritingLaughterTravelingAdventures

Crossword: School Objects 2021-04-24

Crossword: School Objects crossword puzzle
  1. schoolbag
  2. ruler
  3. books
  4. exercisebook
  5. pen
  6. pencilcase
  7. blackboard
  1. rubber
  2. sharpener
  3. colouredpencils
  4. glue
  5. scissors
  6. bin
  7. stapler
  8. pencil

15 Clues: binpengluerulerbooksrubberpencilstaplerscissorsschoolbagsharpenerpencilcaseblackboardexercisebookcolouredpencils

8 2024-08-16

8 crossword puzzle
  1. seize
  2. unusual
  3. books
  4. fetch
  5. valuable
  6. attempt
  7. conserve
  1. mass
  2. exist
  3. dynamic
  4. kind
  5. existence
  6. lopsided
  7. hydrant
  8. admire

15 Clues: masskindexistseizebooksfetchadmiredynamicunusualhydrantattemptlopsidedvaluableconserveexistence

Library Vocabulary 2024-08-12

Library Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. To request an item be kept for you when you checkout next/when the item is returned or arrives
  2. The front face of the book
  3. Books that use pictures and words to tell a story
  4. The process of extending the loan period of library materials
  5. Literature created from the imagination
  6. The portion of a books binding which is visible when a book is shelved in a bookcase
  7. Books that are not returned by their due date
  8. A list of numbers/bars made to scan to checkout books
  9. An alphabetical list of words with their definitions-Usually located in the back of the book
  10. How we organize all non-fiction books/a library classification system
  1. A writer of a book, article, or report
  2. A person who draws or creates pictures for books and magazines
  3. Tells us where the book is located in the library
  4. A book where the content is real and based on truth
  5. What you use on your barcode to check a book out
  6. The page inside a print or ebook that includes the full title, author, and publisher
  7. When you borrow library materials to take home

17 Clues: The front face of the bookA writer of a book, article, or reportLiterature created from the imaginationBooks that are not returned by their due dateWhen you borrow library materials to take homeWhat you use on your barcode to check a book outBooks that use pictures and words to tell a storyTells us where the book is located in the library...

100 2023-12-19

100 crossword puzzle
  1. books
  2. fork
  3. account
  4. prison
  5. base
  6. punishment
  7. anger
  8. sound
  1. structure
  2. curtain
  3. chin
  4. form
  5. wilderness
  6. step
  7. sun

15 Clues: sunforkchinformstepbasebooksangersoundprisoncurtainaccountstructurewildernesspunishment

57 2023-09-01

57 crossword puzzle
  1. process
  2. tongue
  3. enormous
  4. chain
  5. hew
  6. trucks
  7. dear
  8. corn
  1. oppress
  2. books
  3. swim
  4. nourish
  5. increase
  6. hurried
  7. prosecute

15 Clues: hewswimdearcornbookschaintonguetrucksoppressprocessnourishhurriedenormousincreaseprosecute

41 2023-12-18

41 crossword puzzle
  1. sail
  2. apparatus
  3. temper
  4. trousers
  5. whistle
  6. name
  1. surprise
  2. pear
  3. books
  4. crate
  5. hour
  6. volcano
  7. title
  8. ear
  9. leg

15 Clues: earlegsailpearhournamebookscratetitletempervolcanowhistlesurprisetrousersapparatus

119 2024-08-12

119 crossword puzzle
  1. touch
  2. show
  3. salty
  4. steep
  5. impend
  6. perish
  7. mute
  8. mount
  1. cracker
  2. momentous
  3. sturdy
  4. neglect
  5. smile
  6. insurance
  7. books

15 Clues: showmutetouchsaltysteepsmilebooksmountsturdyimpendperishcrackerneglectmomentousinsurance

N_42 2024-08-16

N_42 crossword puzzle
  1. graceful
  2. meat
  3. account
  4. books
  5. conserve
  6. field
  1. night
  2. plucky
  3. calculator
  4. table
  5. stranger
  6. snobbish
  7. jobless
  8. muscle
  9. far

15 Clues: farmeatnighttablebooksfieldpluckymusclejoblessaccountgracefulstrangersnobbishconservecalculator

School 2024-03-06

School crossword puzzle
  1. Paintbrushes
  2. dog hhh.
  3. Rasibg
  4. mascot
  5. hav fun
  6. Teaching
  7. Our speaker
  8. cooking time
  9. doing books
  10. Cut
  11. play notes
  1. big gag
  2. Fun times
  3. people
  4. Cfgg
  5. high
  6. xfggt
  7. fan
  8. After lunch
  9. transporting
  10. loved big
  11. Schuh
  12. vocab list
  13. supply
  14. food time

25 Clues: fanCutCfgghighxfggtSchuhpeopleRasibgmascotsupplybig gaghav fundog hhh.TeachingFun timesloved bigfood timevocab listplay notesAfter lunchOur speakerdoing booksPaintbrushestransportingcooking time

Library Crossword 2022-03-22

Library Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Librarians say this (not here though)
  2. The other library organization system
  3. Books are stored on these
  4. Library organization system
  5. Borrow items from another library
  6. We use these to push around books
  1. Librarian who maintains the collection
  2. You check out books at this desk
  3. Old school way to look up library books
  4. Westlaw and Lexis are types of these
  5. Collection of historical material
  6. Librarian who answers questions
  7. When your book is late
  8. Abbr. for local public library system
  9. You need this to check out items

15 Clues: When your book is lateBooks are stored on theseLibrary organization systemLibrarian who answers questionsYou check out books at this deskYou need this to check out itemsCollection of historical materialBorrow items from another libraryWe use these to push around booksWestlaw and Lexis are types of theseLibrarians say this (not here though)...

Genres 2024-10-01

Genres crossword puzzle
  1. Books that are meant to scare you.
  2. Books that imagine futuristic science and technology.
  3. Books where the main character is an athlete or involved in sports.
  4. Books meant to make you laugh.
  1. Books where the main character goes on a journey.
  2. Fictional story that takes place during a real, nonfiction, historical event or time.
  3. Stories that could have happened in the real world, but didn’t.
  4. Books that have magical elements that don’t exist in the real world.
  5. Books where the main plot involves animals or the main characters are animals.
  6. Books that have supernatural elements but aren’t meant to be scary.
  7. Books where something, usually a crime, is left unsolved until the end.

11 Clues: Books meant to make you laugh.Books that are meant to scare you.Books where the main character goes on a journey.Books that imagine futuristic science and technology.Stories that could have happened in the real world, but didn’t.Books that have supernatural elements but aren’t meant to be scary....

Genres 2024-09-15

Genres crossword puzzle
  1. This genre involves magical creatures and imaginary worlds.
  2. books: This genre focuses on real-world facts and knowledge often used for teaching.
  3. rhyme books: These books contain a collection of traditional songs and rhymes for children.
  4. A type of literature that conveys a thought, describes a scene or tells a story in a concentrated lyrical arrangement of words.
  5. This genre includes short stories that often teach a moral, sometimes using animals as characters.
  6. This genre includes short stories that explain the lives of famous people but written by the person themselves.
  7. A story about kings, queens and mythical creatures that is passed down through generations.
  1. fiction: These stories feature brave characters overcoming challenges in historical settings.
  2. Books in this genre feature real people's life stories written by someone else.
  3. Books in this genre focus on dramatic narratives with dialogue and emotions.
  4. Stories in this genre are passed down through generations and often explain natural phenomena or cultural beliefs.
  5. fiction: This genre involves futuristic, technology, space and advanced science.
  6. books: These books are known for their simple illustrations and are often the first books children read.
  7. Stories from this genre feature larger-than-life characters and are often based on exaggerated events.
  8. tale: These stories focus on short, simple stories with animals or mythical creatures teaching a lesson.

15 Clues: This genre involves magical creatures and imaginary worlds.Books in this genre focus on dramatic narratives with dialogue and emotions.Books in this genre feature real people's life stories written by someone else.fiction: This genre involves futuristic, technology, space and advanced science....

Crossword puzzle 2017-05-27

Crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. What season does the novel take place in?
  2. Mechanical __________.
  3. What does Montag steel from a alarm?
  4. What is Montags job?
  5. How many walls are televisions in Montags house?
  6. Clarisse is killed by a __________.
  7. What does Mildred overdose on?
  8. Montag meets Clarisse while going__________.
  9. How long has Clarisse been dead when Mildred tells Montag?
  1. Who wrote Fahrenheit 451?
  2. Who did Montag meet one year before the book take place?
  3. The mechanical hound tracks down its prey by its __________ complex.
  4. A fireman job is to __________ books.
  5. How many books did Montag turn into Captain Beatty?
  6. Faber was once a __________.
  7. How many books has Montag stolen over the course of his career?
  8. Where did Montag first hide his books?
  9. How many years has Montag been a fireman?

18 Clues: What is Montags job?Mechanical __________.Who wrote Fahrenheit 451?Faber was once a __________.What does Mildred overdose on?Clarisse is killed by a __________.What does Montag steel from a alarm?A fireman job is to __________ books.Where did Montag first hide his books?What season does the novel take place in?...

Crossword 2024-09-19

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. FICTION Future world tales
  2. Moral teaching stories
  3. Cultural traditional tales
  4. BOOKS Fact-filled resources
  5. Theatrical performance genre
  6. TALE Magical kingdom stories
  7. Explaining natural
  8. Someone's life story
  1. Heroic mythical stories
  2. True life experience
  3. BOOKS Colorful kids stories
  4. Personal life story
  5. Imaginary realm stories
  6. RHYME BOOKS Classic children's verses
  7. FICTION Past event inspired stories

15 Clues: Explaining naturalPersonal life storyTrue life experienceSomeone's life storyMoral teaching storiesHeroic mythical storiesImaginary realm storiesFICTION Future world talesCultural traditional talesBOOKS Colorful kids storiesBOOKS Fact-filled resourcesTheatrical performance genreTALE Magical kingdom storiesFICTION Past event inspired stories...

Do you know your Bible? 2017-08-03

Do you know your Bible? crossword puzzle
  1. / How many Books in the Torah?
  2. / All have sinned and come short of the______of God.
  3. / How many books in O.T.?
  4. / What tribe was David from?
  5. / I can do all things through________who strengthens me.
  6. / How many books in N.T.?
  7. / How many Disciples were there?
  8. / Who is known as the weeping prophet?
  1. / Thou shall not steal is number__commandment?
  2. / Verse shown in crowd at every football game
  3. / What book will you find Ahasuerus in?
  4. / Who was one of the Babylonian rulers during Exile?
  5. / How many books in the Bible?
  6. / Who was the first king of Israel?
  7. / What book is after Philemon?
  8. / Who is my Shepherd?

16 Clues: / Who is my Shepherd?/ How many books in O.T.?/ How many books in N.T.?/ What tribe was David from?/ How many Books in the Torah?/ How many books in the Bible?/ What book is after Philemon?/ How many Disciples were there?/ Who was the first king of Israel?/ Who is known as the weeping prophet?/ What book will you find Ahasuerus in?...

Genres 2024-09-15

Genres crossword puzzle
  1. Books in this genre focus on dramatic narratives with dialogue and emotions.
  2. tale: These stories focus on short, simple stories with animals or mythical creatures teaching a lesson.
  3. Stories in this genre are passed down through generations and often explain natural phenomena or cultural beliefs.
  4. Books in this genre feature real people's life stories written by someone else.
  5. This genre includes short stories that often teach a moral, sometimes using animals as characters.
  6. A story about kings, queens and mythical creatures that is passed down through generations.
  7. fiction: These stories feature brave characters overcoming challenges in historical settings.
  8. This genre includes short stories that explain the lives of famous people but written by the person themselves.
  9. fiction: This genre involves futuristic, technology, space and advanced science.
  1. Stories from this genre feature larger-than-life characters and are often based on exaggerated events.
  2. rhyme books: These books contain a collection of traditional songs and rhymes for children.
  3. A type of literature that conveys a thought, describes a scene or tells a story in a concentrated lyrical arrangement of words.
  4. books: This genre focuses on real-world facts and knowledge often used for teaching.
  5. books: These books are known for their simple illustrations and are often the first books children read.
  6. This genre involves magical creatures and imaginary worlds.

15 Clues: This genre involves magical creatures and imaginary worlds.Books in this genre focus on dramatic narratives with dialogue and emotions.Books in this genre feature real people's life stories written by someone else.fiction: This genre involves futuristic, technology, space and advanced science....

TV/Movies/Books 2015-10-09

TV/Movies/Books crossword puzzle
  1. Theodore Cleaver's nickname.
  2. "...With an eye like and eagle and as tall as a mountain was he..."
  3. Mister Wilson's worst nightmare.
  4. A pink feline menace.
  5. "Watch out for that tree!"
  6. Rockford, Columbo, Kjoak, Etc.
  7. "With ________,the Skipper too..."
  8. "Ayy!"
  1. According to Jon: " orange meatball with stripes."
  2. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, schlemiel, schlimazel, hasenpfeffer incorporated!"
  3. Ash's faithful companion.
  4. The Rifleman, Gunsmoke, Bonanza, Rawhide, etc.
  5. Desoto, Maxwell Smart.
  6. "I see nothing, NOTHING!"
  7. One of charlie brown's most used phrases.
  8. "M - O - U - S - E!"
  9. Jerry's feline foe
  10. Adam-12, CHiPs.

18 Clues: "Ayy!"Adam-12, CHiPs.Jerry's feline foe"M - O - U - S - E!"A pink feline menace.Desoto, Maxwell Smart.Ash's faithful companion."I see nothing, NOTHING!""Watch out for that tree!"Theodore Cleaver's nickname.Rockford, Columbo, Kjoak, Etc.Mister Wilson's worst nightmare."With ________,the Skipper too..."One of charlie brown's most used phrases....

Vocabulary.Films and books 2022-12-06

Vocabulary.Films and books crossword puzzle
  1. the written form of a speech, play, film etc
  2. a single piece of action that happens in one place in a film, book etc
  3. cinema
  4. main male part
  5. small but special part
  6. the events that form the main story of a book, film, or play
  7. someone whose job is to give their opinion about something, especially films, books, music, etc.
  8. provide reasons in favour
  9. the main person in a film or book
  10. an actor in a film who does not say anything but is part of a crowd
  1. cinema with no empty seats
  2. absorbed in a book
  3. to change the original spoken language of a film or television programme into another language
  4. a report in a newspaper, magazine, or programme that gives an opinion about a new book, film, etc.
  5. so interesting you can't stop reading
  6. to record sound or images, or to express a feeling
  7. extremely successful with audience
  8. all the people who perform in a play, film etc

18 Clues: cinemamain male partabsorbed in a booksmall but special partprovide reasons in favourcinema with no empty seatsthe main person in a film or bookextremely successful with audienceso interesting you can't stop readingthe written form of a speech, play, film etcall the people who perform in a play, film etc...

Unit 2 Books. 2023-10-10

Unit 2 Books. crossword puzzle
  1. varsti
  2. vahetama
  3. põnev raamat
  4. eeldama
  5. suurepärane
  6. suund
  7. kõnade kaantega raamat
  8. saal
  9. well off heal järjel olema
  1. otsekohe
  2. üllatus
  3. teesklema
  4. oja
  5. hädaldama
  6. kohustuslik kirjandus
  7. pehmekaaneline raamat
  8. aknalaud
  9. varu

18 Clues: ojavarusaalsuundvarstiüllatuseeldamaotsekohevahetamaaknalaudteesklemahädaldamasuurepäranepõnev raamatkohustuslik kirjanduspehmekaaneline raamatkõnade kaantega raamatwell off heal järjel olema

Library Language 2022-12-06

Library Language crossword puzzle
  1. Books that have the call number prefix R and cannot be checked out
  2. Books with the call number prefix PB
  3. Books that are made up and meant to entertain
  4. Books that are true and are meant to inform
  5. Caldecott and Newbery are examples of books in this section of the library
  6. Books that we are reading for Battle of the Books
  1. Books with the call number prefix E
  2. The label with the book's "address" on the shelf
  3. Books about a person written about the person him/herself
  4. Books about people

10 Clues: Books about peopleBooks with the call number prefix EBooks with the call number prefix PBBooks that are true and are meant to informBooks that are made up and meant to entertainThe label with the book's "address" on the shelfBooks that we are reading for Battle of the BooksBooks about a person written about the person him/herself...

LC Skills 2017-04-27

LC Skills crossword puzzle
  1. A made up story
  2. Used to save your book's spot on the shelf
  3. Used to find material in the library
  4. When the book was written
  5. Books written by themselves about their own life
  6. A sentence or two telling about the book
  7. Books with soft covers
  8. Electronic books
  1. Book about someone's life
  2. Name of the award for the best written children's book
  3. Name of the award for the best illustrated children's book
  4. Located on the spine of the book and tells us where the book belongs on the shelf
  5. Where items are checked in and out
  6. List of additional sources
  7. Informational books
  8. Dictionary like listing of some terms used in the book
  9. A kind of book
  10. Key words in the book are found here

18 Clues: A kind of bookA made up storyElectronic booksInformational booksBooks with soft coversBook about someone's lifeWhen the book was writtenList of additional sourcesWhere items are checked in and outUsed to find material in the libraryKey words in the book are found hereA sentence or two telling about the bookUsed to save your book's spot on the shelf...

Review unit 1 and 2 2019-11-13

Review unit 1 and 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Testament What part has 46 books
  2. What is the word of God
  3. Who is the male in the creation story
  4. What is the Latin version of the bible called
  5. Offense toward gender
  6. Where did St.Jerome write
  7. What are the first 5 books of the Bible called
  8. What are tradition, religion, and language a part of
  9. Who translated the Bible
  1. What is St.Jerome the patron saint of
  2. How many books are in the bible
  3. What book is the creation story in
  4. Offense toward race
  5. Who is the female in the creation story
  6. Who created Earth
  7. Testament What part has 27 books

16 Clues: Who created EarthOffense toward raceOffense toward genderWhat is the word of GodWho translated the BibleWhere did St.Jerome writeHow many books are in the bibleTestament What part has 46 booksTestament What part has 27 booksWhat book is the creation story inWhat is St.Jerome the patron saint ofWho is the male in the creation story...

Spanish articles 2024-01-18

Spanish articles crossword puzzle
  1. In front
  2. A teacher [m]
  3. There
  4. The teacher [f]
  5. The pencil sharpener
  6. Here
  7. Some books
  8. Behind
  9. The books
  10. The trash can
  11. Some tables
  12. On top
  13. Next to
  1. Underneath
  2. The pens
  3. Some flags
  4. The keyboards
  5. The mouse
  6. A computer

19 Clues: HereThereBehindOn topNext toIn frontThe pensThe mouseThe booksUnderneathSome flagsSome booksA computerSome tablesA teacher [m]The keyboardsThe trash canThe teacher [f]The pencil sharpener

Do you know your Bible? 2017-08-03

Do you know your Bible? crossword puzzle
  1. / How many Disciples were there?
  2. / Who is known as the weeping prophet?
  3. / What book will you find Ahasuerus in?
  4. / How many books in O.T.?
  5. / Who was one of the Babylonian rulers during Exile?
  6. / Verse shown in crowd at every football game
  7. / Thou shall not steal is number__commandment?
  8. / Who was the first king of Israel?
  1. / How many Books in the Torah?
  2. / How many books in N.T.?
  3. / Who is my Shepherd?
  4. / How many books in the Bible?
  5. / I can do all things through________who strengthens me.
  6. / What book is after Philemon?
  7. / What tribe was David from?
  8. / All have sinned and come short of the______of God.

16 Clues: / Who is my Shepherd?/ How many books in N.T.?/ How many books in O.T.?/ What tribe was David from?/ How many Books in the Torah?/ How many books in the Bible?/ What book is after Philemon?/ How many Disciples were there?/ Who was the first king of Israel?/ Who is known as the weeping prophet?/ What book will you find Ahasuerus in?...

Do you know your Bible? 2017-08-03

Do you know your Bible? crossword puzzle
  1. / What book will you find Ahasuerus in?
  2. / Who was the first king of Israel?
  3. / Who is my Shepherd?
  4. / Who is known as the weeping prophet?
  5. / How many books in N.T.?
  6. / How many Books in the Torah?
  7. / I can do all things through________who strengthens me.
  8. / All have sinned and come short of the______of God.
  1. / Who was one of the Babylonian rulers during Exile?
  2. / Thou shall not steal is number__commandment?
  3. / What book is after Philemon?
  4. / What tribe was David from?
  5. / How many books in O.T.?
  6. / Verse shown in crowd at every football game
  7. / How many books in the Bible?
  8. / How many Disciples were there?

16 Clues: / Who is my Shepherd?/ How many books in O.T.?/ How many books in N.T.?/ What tribe was David from?/ What book is after Philemon?/ How many books in the Bible?/ How many Books in the Torah?/ How many Disciples were there?/ Who was the first king of Israel?/ Who is known as the weeping prophet?/ What book will you find Ahasuerus in?...

Library Crossword 2023-10-11

Library Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A place with a lot of books people can borrow
  2. Person who writes books
  3. What you check out from a library
  4. Person who works at a library
  5. Who might go to the library together
  6. Beginning of a fairy tale
  7. A body of written works
  8. Genre involving love
  9. Type of literature based on imaginary people and events
  1. Genre involving magical elements
  2. Type of literature based on real people and events
  3. Genre involving space, technology, and the future
  4. Age group that might best enjoy Dr. Seuss books
  5. A feeling of belonging with others
  6. Full-length fiction book
  7. Fun thing to do at the library

16 Clues: Genre involving lovePerson who writes booksA body of written worksFull-length fiction bookBeginning of a fairy talePerson who works at a libraryFun thing to do at the libraryGenre involving magical elementsWhat you check out from a libraryA feeling of belonging with othersWho might go to the library together...

Books 2022-03-18

Books crossword puzzle
  1. of rings is reallyt interesting book
  2. tales is the really interesting story
  3. Potter is the bestseller book
  4. kunlar belongs to Abdulla Qodiriy
  1. are really wonderful
  2. wild's books are really scary
  3. is about stramge aliens

7 Clues: are really wonderfulis about stramge alienswild's books are really scaryPotter is the bestseller bookkunlar belongs to Abdulla Qodiriyof rings is reallyt interesting booktales is the really interesting story

Books 2022-03-13

Books crossword puzzle
  1. VotesforWomen!
  2. Crunchemhall
  3. Witchcraft
  1. Abordingschoolbythesea
  2. Maplesyrup
  3. Onemilliondreams
  4. Iis

7 Clues: IisMaplesyrupWitchcraftCrunchemhallVotesforWomen!OnemilliondreamsAbordingschoolbythesea

Books 2023-11-22

Books crossword puzzle
  1. My favorite Gospel
  2. My favorite author
  3. My most read genre of 2023
  4. A little slice of heaven
  1. Prince Harry's 2023 Memoir
  2. Longest book of the Bible
  3. Author whose book my niece is named after

7 Clues: My favorite GospelMy favorite authorA little slice of heavenLongest book of the BiblePrince Harry's 2023 MemoirMy most read genre of 2023Author whose book my niece is named after

Books 2023-03-27

Books crossword puzzle
  1. The book where there is a girl lost in Wonderland.
  2. The classic story where there is a wolf chasing a red girl.
  3. People who write books
  4. Huge loving giant by Roald Dahl
  1. The author who wrote charlie and the chocolate factory.
  2. A smart girl who's parents do not care about her .
  3. The person who wrote harry potter

7 Clues: People who write booksHuge loving giant by Roald DahlThe person who wrote harry potterA smart girl who's parents do not care about her .The book where there is a girl lost in Wonderland.The author who wrote charlie and the chocolate factory.The classic story where there is a wolf chasing a red girl.

Books 2024-03-25

Books crossword puzzle
  1. The leading person of a story
  2. The villain of a story
  3. Something you need to have when writing stories
  4. A large book, normally fantasy
  1. a type of book that is true
  2. Looking at words and clarifying the meaning
  3. A type of book that is untrue

7 Clues: The villain of a storya type of book that is trueThe leading person of a storyA type of book that is untrueA large book, normally fantasyLooking at words and clarifying the meaningSomething you need to have when writing stories

books 2023-06-22

books crossword puzzle
  1. the christmas book
  2. the longest book
  3. the most weird one
  4. a really good book
  1. the coolest book
  2. the best book
  3. the book by Gordon Korman

7 Clues: the best bookthe coolest bookthe longest bookthe christmas bookthe most weird onea really good bookthe book by Gordon Korman

Stationery 2022-09-28

Stationery crossword puzzle
  1. stapler
  2. pen
  3. eraser
  4. scissors
  5. pencil case
  6. glue
  7. crayons
  8. books
  1. ruler
  2. tape
  3. pencil sharpener
  4. paint
  5. calculator
  6. pencil
  7. brush

15 Clues: pentapegluerulerpaintbrushbookseraserpencilstaplercrayonsscissorscalculatorpencil casepencil sharpener

Books I-VI 2021-09-27

Books I-VI crossword puzzle
  1. what was sacrificed and ate at Pylos as an offering to Athena
  2. animal that Zeus sends down to suitors
  3. holds malice towards Odysseus and related to the Phaiakians
  4. son of Odysseus
  5. last one to get home excluding Odysseus
  6. prince of charioteers who will help Telemakhos
  7. mother of Telemakhos
  8. kept Odysseus on her island and offered him immortality
  1. messenger of the gods
  2. daughter of Alkinoos and wants to help Odysseus
  3. the person who was the reason the Trojan War was fought
  4. father of Telemakhos
  5. the goddess that favours Odysseus
  6. where Telemakhos travels to first on his journey
  7. god of all gods
  8. where the Trojan War took place in
  9. want to marry Penelope
  10. who Athena disguises herself as when she first talks to Telemakhos

18 Clues: god of all godsson of Odysseusfather of Telemakhosmother of Telemakhosmessenger of the godswant to marry Penelopethe goddess that favours Odysseuswhere the Trojan War took place inanimal that Zeus sends down to suitorslast one to get home excluding Odysseusprince of charioteers who will help Telemakhosdaughter of Alkinoos and wants to help Odysseus...

Books and TV 2021-12-25

Books and TV crossword puzzle
  1. This country is also Tan from Queer Eye's last name
  2. the sister in The Color Purple who writes letters to God
  3. David and Alexis's mother in Schitt's creek
  4. Before Grey Sloan the Grey's Anatomy hospital was Seattle ______
  5. Schitt's creek first name
  6. Actress Smith who played the granny in Downton Abbey
  7. the only boy in the Derry Girls group
  8. In Midnight Library, Nora dreams of having this job
  9. David Rosenfelt's first dog
  1. One of the hosts of the Great British Baking Show has this lastname also a famous neighborhood
  2. Kya's husband in where the Crawdad's sing
  3. the second Bridgerton's son
  4. Doug Judy's criminal name was the ____ bandit (a car brand)
  5. the name of Jake and Amy's son
  6. the last name of the main family in Schitt's Creek
  7. Nick from New Girl's last name; also the name of a beer
  8. In the show Lupin, the main character is inspired by the story of _____ Lupin
  9. this roommate was replaced by Winston in New Girl

18 Clues: Schitt's creek first namethe second Bridgerton's sonDavid Rosenfelt's first dogthe name of Jake and Amy's sonthe only boy in the Derry Girls groupKya's husband in where the Crawdad's singDavid and Alexis's mother in Schitt's creekthis roommate was replaced by Winston in New Girlthe last name of the main family in Schitt's Creek...


  1. a writer of fiction
  2. the ability to form ideas, images in the mind
  3. a story of somebody’s life.
  4. the written text of a movie.
  5. a person in a novel, play, or movie.
  6. one of the most creative genres in literature.
  7. computer-generated images for films.
  8. a person that prepares and issues books.
  1. the first page of a story.
  2. a filmmaker screen.
  3. a particular type of literature, music, film form
  4. to change (something) radically or fundamentally.
  5. devise the sequence of events in (a novel, movie).
  6. worth remembering
  7. a book or a movie that is a great success.
  8. when and where a story takes place
  9. an audio programme like Talk Radio
  10. all the actors in a movie

18 Clues: worth rememberinga filmmaker screen.a writer of fictionall the actors in a moviethe first page of a story.a story of somebody’s life.the written text of a movie.when and where a story takes placean audio programme like Talk Radioa person in a novel, play, or images for films.a person that prepares and issues books....

Banned Books Week 2023-10-02

Banned Books Week crossword puzzle
  1. Author of Fahrenheit 451, a banned novel about a futuristic society in which books are banned, Ray ________________
  2. Popular challenged series by Stephanie Meyer about vampires
  3. The first word in Kurt Vonnegut's classic novel about WW2, ______________- Five
  4. Classic Dr. Seuss book challenged for "portraying the foresting industry in a negative light" (2 words)
  5. ___________Morrison, the author of Beloved and The Bluest Eye, books often challenged in high school
  6. Last word in Judy Blume's classic Are You There, God? It's Me, ________________
  7. Steinbeck's oft-challenged classic, Of Mice and __________
  8. Last name of the wizard whose adventures made for the most challenged books of 2000-2009
  1. Banned John Green novel, Looking for _______________
  2. Challenged 2017 YA novel by Angie Thomas, The ____________ U Give
  3. The name of the narrator and protagonist in To Kill a Mockingbird
  4. The last word in the title of J.D. Salinger's classic depiction of teenage angst
  5. Popular book series challenged for its "anti-family content," Captain ______________
  6. E.B.White's beloved story about a pig named Wilbur, Charlotte's _____________
  7. Young girl whose diary recounting her experiences during the Holocaust has been challenged (2 words)
  8. Most book challenges take place in public and school ______________________
  9. Maya ___________, poet and author of one of the most frequently banned books in high school, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
  10. A book banned for being both "too religious and not religious enough," A Wrinkle in ______________

18 Clues: Banned John Green novel, Looking for _______________Steinbeck's oft-challenged classic, Of Mice and __________Popular challenged series by Stephanie Meyer about vampiresChallenged 2017 YA novel by Angie Thomas, The ____________ U GiveThe name of the narrator and protagonist in To Kill a Mockingbird...

Films and Books 2024-12-07

Films and Books crossword puzzle
  1. Film that doesn’t use real actors. It uses drawings.
  2. book about people who travel and explore new places
  3. film that has a lot of magic.
  4. film about travelling
  5. book about dragons, monsters and magical places
  6. book about the love between two people
  7. Film that has a lot of scary moments.
  8. film about science, future and technologies
  9. book about something scary
  10. You laugh a lot when you watch this type of film.
  1. People often sing in this type of film
  2. book with recipes
  3. book about spaceships and aliens
  4. Film’s about love, but it’s also funny.
  5. film with a lot of fighting and chasing
  6. film about events from the past
  7. book about things happened in the past
  8. book about a writer's own life

18 Clues: book with recipesfilm about travellingbook about something scaryfilm that has a lot of about a writer's own lifefilm about events from the pastbook about spaceships and aliensFilm that has a lot of scary moments.People often sing in this type of filmbook about things happened in the pastbook about the love between two people...

Welcome to the Library 2017-05-12

Welcome to the Library crossword puzzle
  1. You can be a Library... and help in the library
  2. Books about facts - ...Fiction
  3. - These books can be read on your tablet or smartphone, if you have one
  4. - Non Fiction is in ...... order
  5. Library TV Channel
  6. - Search for library books using this
  1. 'Story' books
  2. - Fiction is in ..... order
  3. Librarian - Mrs...
  4. Return your library books in the Book Return ...
  5. - Books about ... are in the 500s

11 Clues: 'Story' booksLibrarian - Mrs...Library TV Channel- Fiction is in ..... orderBooks about facts - ...Fiction- Non Fiction is in ...... order- Books about ... are in the 500s- Search for library books using thisYou can be a Library... and help in the libraryReturn your library books in the Book Return ......

In The Classroom 2020-12-11

In The Classroom crossword puzzle
  1. pen
  2. Bookcase
  3. Blackboard
  4. Students
  5. books
  6. arc ruler
  1. Colour Pencils
  2. desk
  3. pencil
  4. Notebooks
  5. rubber
  6. Chair
  7. Sharpener
  8. brushes
  9. Ruler

15 Clues: pendeskChairbooksRulerpencilrubberbrushesBookcaseStudentsNotebooksSharpenerarc rulerBlackboardColour Pencils

Librarian Lil 2016-05-18

Librarian Lil crossword puzzle
  1. Who was the leader of the motorcycle gang
  2. She was so strong that she could lift up a
  3. where did Bill go to watch his favorite show
  4. Lil handed out books in a _________
  5. Bill became Lil's _________ in the library
  6. who told Bill that their were no more TVs
  7. What did Bill agree to do if Lil could move one of their bikes
  8. Lil carried so many books she became super______
  1. People started reading books when there was a _______
  2. she loved to read books and had a wild imagination
  3. It's said that librarian Lil had a book in her hand when she was
  4. What career did Lil choose to follow.
  5. Bill hates these, while Lil always loved them
  6. Did people come to the library before the blackout
  7. Lils favorite pastime was
  8. What day did Bill's favorite TV show come

16 Clues: Lils favorite pastime wasLil handed out books in a _________What career did Lil choose to follow.Who was the leader of the motorcycle gangwho told Bill that their were no more TVsWhat day did Bill's favorite TV show comeShe was so strong that she could lift up aBill became Lil's _________ in the librarywhere did Bill go to watch his favorite show...

Books of the Bible 2022-09-20

Books of the Bible crossword puzzle
  1. Written in Hebrew and it is about God's relationship with Hebrew people.
  2. Books deal with the history of Israel
  3. Written in Greek, it talks about Jesus' mission and the start of the Church.
  4. Messages and key events in the life of Jesus Christ
  5. "books"
  6. How many books are there in the Bible?
  7. What is an example of Other Writings?
  8. How many Gospels are there?
  1. Who wrote majority of the letters?
  2. Writings of the great prophets who spoke God's Word.
  3. Bible is divided into ____________.
  4. Explain God's role in everyday life.
  5. The special guidance that the Holy Spirit gave to the human writers of the Bible is Divine _____.
  6. The Bible is not just one book but a small ____ of books.
  7. Contain letters by leaders of the Church to the early Christians
  8. Books tell about the formation of the covenant and basic laws. Also means "5 Scrolls".

16 Clues: "books"How many Gospels are there?Who wrote majority of the letters?Bible is divided into ____________.Explain God's role in everyday life.Books deal with the history of IsraelWhat is an example of Other Writings?How many books are there in the Bible?Messages and key events in the life of Jesus Christ...

Bible 2023-01-29

Bible crossword puzzle
  1. this person wrote most of the books of the Bible
  2. this animal came into the Garden of Eden to trick Adam and Eve
  3. this is the name of the last book of the Bible
  4. this is the best selling book in history
  5. this person wrote the first 5 books of the Bible
  6. the first 4 books of the New Testament tell the story of his life
  7. Primeval History means _____ age
  1. Genesis chapter one tells the story of ______
  2. this testament has more books than the other
  3. the word testament means this
  4. what the first 4 books of the New Testament are called
  5. what Genesis means
  6. David wrote music, some of which are recorded in the Book of _____
  7. God told Adam and Eve NOT to eat from the tree of ____
  8. God lets us choose whether or not to love him, true or false?
  9. Adam and Eve made a bad choice, it was called ____

16 Clues: what Genesis meansthe word testament means thisPrimeval History means _____ agethis is the best selling book in historythis testament has more books than the otherGenesis chapter one tells the story of ______this is the name of the last book of the Biblethis person wrote most of the books of the Biblethis person wrote the first 5 books of the Bible...

English crossword 2021-11-16

English crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the branch of mathematics
  2. a list of the books
  3. the growth of the parts of plants
  4. cultivating in water
  5. a constellation between Capricorn and Pisces
  6. using both sight and sound
  7. able to be heard
  8. A person who takes photographs
  9. the art or practice of taking photographs
  10. an instrument for measuring time
  11. a round figure
  1. the study of the physical features
  2. a picture made using a camera
  3. one who steals books
  4. walk all the way around something
  5. an instrument for recording
  6. big water exhibit
  7. the history and science of books
  8. The assembled spectators or listeners
  9. a record of events

20 Clues: a round figureable to be heardbig water exhibita record of eventsa list of the booksone who steals bookscultivating in waterthe branch of mathematicsusing both sight and soundan instrument for recordinga picture made using a cameraA person who takes photographsthe history and science of booksan instrument for measuring time...

English crossword 2021-11-16

English crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the history and science of books
  2. the study of the physical features
  3. A person who takes photographs
  4. the growth of the parts of plants
  5. a round figure
  6. big water exhibit
  7. an instrument for recording
  8. one who steals books
  9. able to be heard
  10. using both sight and sound
  11. The assembled spectators or listeners
  1. the art or practice of taking photographs
  2. a list of the books
  3. a record of events
  4. walk all the way around something
  5. a picture made using a camera
  6. sail or travel all the way around
  7. the branch of mathematics
  8. cultivating in water
  9. an instrument for measuring time

20 Clues: a round figureable to be heardbig water exhibita record of eventsa list of the booksone who steals bookscultivating in waterthe branch of mathematicsusing both sight and soundan instrument for recordinga picture made using a cameraA person who takes photographsthe history and science of booksan instrument for measuring time...

religion crossword puzzle 2022-10-18

religion crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a perfect world
  2. nothing can move itself
  3. god's son
  4. the ability of humans to understand the truth
  5. the study of christ
  6. good news
  7. the headquarters of the church
  8. jesus' followers
  9. the process of passing on the gospel
  10. the people of jesus
  11. the 46 books
  1. the 27 books
  2. scripture alone
  3. when you believe in many gods
  4. an agreement between humans and God
  5. when you believe in one god
  6. the second coming of christ
  7. the church's list of the books of the Bible
  8. what the sacraments supply
  9. to be banished
  10. a love story

21 Clues: god's songood newsthe 27 booksthe 46 booksa love storyto be banisheda perfect worldscripture alonejesus' followersthe study of christthe people of jesusnothing can move itselfwhat the sacraments supplywhen you believe in one godthe second coming of christwhen you believe in many godsthe headquarters of the churchan agreement between humans and God...

ADP Family Crossword 2024-07-11

ADP Family Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. preschool teacher for many years
  2. booker t washington and ginger ale
  3. anthony baker and mathematician
  4. athletic and bilangual
  5. Wisconsin Style pizza lover
  6. chef and artist
  7. i volunteered a whole lot
  8. yahtzee!
  9. my cat's name is Maya
  10. big boss
  11. i hate blueberries
  1. the beatles is my jam
  2. mental health professional
  3. fancy
  4. Vet Tech and clarinet player
  5. books books books and a la mode
  6. art teacher and coffee lover
  7. attorney and hug-lover
  8. my daughter and I look a like
  9. watch restoration
  10. I am from Russia!
  11. judge and counsel
  12. handsome traveled to all US States

23 Clues: fancyyahtzee!big bosschef and artistwatch restorationI am from Russia!judge and counseli hate blueberriesthe beatles is my jammy cat's name is Mayaathletic and bilangualattorney and hug-loveri volunteered a whole lotmental health professionalWisconsin Style pizza loverVet Tech and clarinet playerart teacher and coffee lover...

NDSU Library Crossword 2021-03-10

NDSU Library Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Berlin to Odessa to North Dakota
  2. The star of pep rallies
  3. The first building on campus
  4. A repository for important documents
  5. Overly large book
  6. Campus road named after a former president
  7. Largest college at NDSU
  8. Student worker hub of information
  9. "Everybody up for the kickoff,..."
  10. Need help with classes?
  1. Leisure reading books
  2. Before it was NDSU
  3. Librarian by degree
  4. Books that NDSU doesn't own
  5. Late
  6. Bulk of a library collection
  7. Bane of existence for student workers
  8. Changed to Bison in March, 1922
  9. Not quite finals
  10. Center of Campus, abbr.
  11. QBQ!, e.g.

21 Clues: LateQBQ!, e.g.Not quite finalsOverly large bookBefore it was NDSULibrarian by degreeLeisure reading booksThe star of pep ralliesLargest college at NDSUCenter of Campus, abbr.Need help with classes?Books that NDSU doesn't ownThe first building on campusBulk of a library collectionChanged to Bison in March, 1922Berlin to Odessa to North Dakota...

English crossword 2021-11-16

English crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the branch of mathematics
  2. a list of the books
  3. the growth of the parts of plants
  4. cultivating in water
  5. a constellation between Capricorn and Pisces
  6. using both sight and sound
  7. able to be heard
  8. A person who takes photographs
  9. the art or practice of taking photographs
  10. an instrument for measuring time
  11. a round figure
  1. the study of the physical features
  2. a picture made using a camera
  3. one who steals books
  4. walk all the way around something
  5. an instrument for recording
  6. big water exhibit
  7. the history and science of books
  8. The assembled spectators or listeners
  9. a record of events

20 Clues: a round figureable to be heardbig water exhibita record of eventsa list of the booksone who steals bookscultivating in waterthe branch of mathematicsusing both sight and soundan instrument for recordinga picture made using a cameraA person who takes photographsthe history and science of booksan instrument for measuring time...

Bible Trivia 2025-02-27

Bible Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. How many books in the New Testament?
  2. Jacob had ____ sons and a daughter?
  3. ______ and Goliath.
  4. Who wrote the book of Revelation?
  5. Sarah's first name.
  6. Last book of the Old Testament.
  7. First book of the Bible.
  8. Who had great strength?
  9. Tax Collector.
  10. Paul's first name.
  1. Jesus' cousin.
  2. How many books in the Old Testament?
  3. Tribe that Jesus is from.
  4. Who got swallowed by a great fish?
  5. Who wrote the book of Romans?
  6. Samuel's mother.
  7. ____ parted the Red Sea.
  8. Abraham's first name.
  9. How many books of the Bible?

19 Clues: Jesus' cousin.Tax Collector.Samuel's mother.Paul's first name.______ and Goliath.Sarah's first name.Abraham's first name.Who had great strength?____ parted the Red Sea.First book of the Bible.Tribe that Jesus is from.How many books of the Bible?Who wrote the book of Romans?Last book of the Old Testament.Who wrote the book of Revelation?...

Fiction Book Genres and Nonfiction 2022-08-29

Fiction Book Genres and Nonfiction crossword puzzle
  1. fiction picture books are organized by _______
  2. fiction chapter books are organized by _______
  3. books about characters going on adventures
  4. books about events and issues that people face in real life
  5. books about people playing sports
  6. books based on events that happened in the past
  1. books about ghosts, monsters, or scary things
  2. books about solving a puzzle
  3. books about aliens or imagined science
  4. fiction chapter books are ordered by genres and then the first three letters of the author's ______ name
  5. nonfiction is organized ______

11 Clues: books about solving a puzzlenonfiction is organized ______books about people playing sportsbooks about aliens or imagined sciencebooks about characters going on adventuresbooks about ghosts, monsters, or scary thingsfiction picture books are organized by _______fiction chapter books are organized by _______...

Books 2020-08-06

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Stories that are made up, often told with a lesson we can learn.
  2. Writer of books, articles, and other writings.
  3. Place to get free books!
  4. Genre with a problem to solve.
  1. Bad character who stirs up negativity.
  2. Male lead character who saves the day.
  3. Female main character.

7 Clues: Female main character.Place to get free books!Genre with a problem to solve.Bad character who stirs up negativity.Male lead character who saves the day.Writer of books, articles, and other writings.Stories that are made up, often told with a lesson we can learn.

Books 2025-01-06

Books crossword puzzle
  1. A genre that contains fictional objects, events and characters
  2. A genre where the book scares or frightens the reader
  3. A genre with an exciting plot that normally centers itself around a crime
  4. A genre that most times is fictional and centers around a crime or an injustice event
  5. A genre of speculative fiction which typically deals with advance science and
  1. A genre where the plot is fiction but the plot is from the past and the setting is
  2. A detailed description of a person's life

7 Clues: A detailed description of a person's lifeA genre where the book scares or frightens the readerA genre that contains fictional objects, events and charactersA genre with an exciting plot that normally centers itself around a crimeA genre of speculative fiction which typically deals with advance science and...

Things around school 2021-05-02

Things around school crossword puzzle
  1. to make a straight line
  2. used to sit
  3. as appointment place Office place for teacher gathering
  4. for colouring
  5. medium for write
  6. medium for write using chalk
  7. used to fill some books
  8. used to cut paper
  9. use to write on the board
  10. a place with a lot of books
  11. use for drawing
  1. used to erase something
  2. used to write
  3. used to put books
  4. a big board with white color
  5. to project a bigger screen
  6. place to run a learning process
  7. to warn the time

18 Clues: used to sitused to writefor colouringuse for drawingmedium for writeto warn the timeused to put booksused to cut paperused to erase somethingto make a straight lineused to fill some booksuse to write on the boardto project a bigger screena place with a lot of booksa big board with white colormedium for write using chalk...

Reading 2021-03-14

Reading crossword puzzle
  1. he is the one who writes history
  2. person who writes the life of another person
  3. the books that talk about space
  4. are the books about police cases
  5. is the plot of the book
  6. it concerns the topics of debate
  7. the book where we write all the places we have visited
  8. person who writes their own life
  9. is the name of the story
  1. book where all the cooking recipes are written
  2. speaks of imaginary stories
  3. they are the people who are in history
  4. he is the character who saves people
  5. is the type of Marvel books
  6. they are books with scary stories
  7. he is the villain of history
  8. it is the place where history takes place

17 Clues: is the plot of the bookis the name of the storyspeaks of imaginary storiesis the type of Marvel bookshe is the villain of historythe books that talk about spacehe is the one who writes historyare the books about police casesit concerns the topics of debateperson who writes their own lifethey are books with scary stories...

Bookish 2025-02-04

Bookish crossword puzzle
  1. What was the most popular audiobook in 2024?
  2. What is the most popular book genre of 2024?
  3. What was the most purchased book in 2024?
  4. Who was one of the most popular authors of 2024?
  5. What is the second biggest public library?
  6. What is the most popular book genre of all time?
  7. What month are the most books bought?
  8. Where are books read the most?
  9. How many books do you have to own to have your own library?
  1. What city has the most libraries per captia?
  2. How many public libraries are in the US?
  3. What has had a boom since the rise of book-tok?
  4. What is the most bought/read book of all time?
  5. What is the best drink to have with a good book?
  6. Where has the most bookstores?
  7. How many books does an average person read per year?
  8. How many dollars does the average american spend on books in a year?

17 Clues: Where has the most bookstores?Where are books read the most?What month are the most books bought?How many public libraries are in the US?What was the most purchased book in 2024?What is the second biggest public library?What city has the most libraries per captia?What was the most popular audiobook in 2024?...

Fahrenheit 451 2023-01-11

Fahrenheit 451 crossword puzzle
  1. She liked to think and talk
  2. Transportation
  3. Place where radio transmitter was put for use
  4. He snatched books & hid them & got in trouble
  5. Captain of the firemen
  6. They burned books & started fires
  7. Montag was afraid the hounds would do this
  8. One blew up the city
  9. Destroy with flames
  10. Clarisse was hit & killed by one
  1. He helped Montag
  2. Condensed version of a book
  3. ____ 451
  4. Fireman's head protector
  5. Montag took a book from the old lady's
  6. Montag & Faber were going to plant these in firemen's houses
  7. Remains after burning
  8. Harsh-sounding words
  9. Author

19 Clues: Author____ 451TransportationHe helped MontagDestroy with flamesHarsh-sounding wordsOne blew up the cityRemains after burningCaptain of the firemenFireman's head protectorCondensed version of a bookShe liked to think and talkClarisse was hit & killed by oneThey burned books & started firesMontag took a book from the old lady's...

Books 2022-01-14

Books crossword puzzle
  1. events that happen in a book
  2. people or animals in a story
  3. the front and back of a book
  4. the center of the book that holds the pages together
  1. pictures in a book
  2. person who writes a book
  3. paper inside a book where words and pictures are found

7 Clues: pictures in a bookperson who writes a bookevents that happen in a bookpeople or animals in a storythe front and back of a bookthe center of the book that holds the pages togetherpaper inside a book where words and pictures are found

BOOKS 2021-05-09

BOOKS crossword puzzle
  1. short, promotional description of a book usually printed on its jacket
  2. hard, sturdy bookcover made of cardboard, fabric, or even leather
  3. another word for "ex-libris"
  4. usually faces outward when a book is placed on a shelf
  1. detachable outer cover, usually made of paper
  2. a book with a soft, flexible cover made of paper or card
  3. a quotation set at the beginning of a literary work

7 Clues: another word for "ex-libris"detachable outer cover, usually made of papera quotation set at the beginning of a literary workusually faces outward when a book is placed on a shelfa book with a soft, flexible cover made of paper or cardhard, sturdy bookcover made of cardboard, fabric, or even leather...

books 2022-05-27

books crossword puzzle
  1. milo, tock, humbug
  2. Tess, Theo, Jamie
  3. dragons of destiny
  4. hogwar__ is the local
  1. ¨ May the odds be ever in your favor
  2. sound of running feet
  3. _o_

7 Clues: _o_Tess, Theo, Jamiemilo, tock, humbugdragons of destinysound of running feethogwar__ is the local¨ May the odds be ever in your favor

Books 2024-06-05

Books crossword puzzle
  1. The creator of a book
  2. A part of a book
  3. An extremely popular book is a book
  1. A place to store books
  2. A online book
  3. A imaginary genre
  4. Someone who reads

7 Clues: A online bookA part of a bookA imaginary genreSomeone who readsThe creator of a bookA place to store booksAn extremely popular book is a book

Books 2024-06-20

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Unexpected changes in the direction of the plot that are cleverly designed and add complexity to the story, often surprising the reader.
  2. A book, story, or work that is complete in itself and not part of a series. It can be understood and enjoyed without needing to read other related works.
  3. Not well-known or difficult to understand; something that is not widely recognized or is hidden from the majority.
  1. A genre of literature and film that focuses on the growth and development of a protagonist from youth to adulthood, often involving personal and emotional challenges.
  2. Something that stimulates careful consideration, reflection, or deep thinking, often challenging existing beliefs or perspectives.
  3. A story that moves quickly and keeps the reader engaged with a fast-paced and dynamic plot.
  4. A story that is spooky or creepy, often creating a sense of fear or unease through its atmosphere and plot elements.

7 Clues: A story that moves quickly and keeps the reader engaged with a fast-paced and dynamic plot.Not well-known or difficult to understand; something that is not widely recognized or is hidden from the majority.A story that is spooky or creepy, often creating a sense of fear or unease through its atmosphere and plot elements....

English crossword 2021-11-16

English crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the history and science of books
  2. the study of the physical features
  3. A person who takes photographs
  4. the growth of the parts of plants
  5. a round figure
  6. big water exhibit
  7. an instrument for recording
  8. one who steals books
  9. able to be heard
  10. using both sight and sound
  11. The assembled spectators or listeners
  1. the art or practice of taking photographs
  2. a list of the books
  3. a record of events
  4. walk all the way around something
  5. a picture made using a camera
  6. sail or travel all the way around
  7. the branch of mathematics
  8. cultivating in water
  9. an instrument for measuring time

20 Clues: a round figureable to be heardbig water exhibita record of eventsa list of the booksone who steals bookscultivating in waterthe branch of mathematicsusing both sight and soundan instrument for recordinga picture made using a cameraA person who takes photographsthe history and science of booksan instrument for measuring time...

fiction crossword 2024-02-12

fiction crossword crossword puzzle
  3. THE ... IN THE HAT


Books and Movies 2023-03-01

Books and Movies crossword puzzle
  1. 4
  2. 12
  3. 9
  4. 14
  5. 13
  6. 16
  7. 7
  8. 6
  9. 11
  10. 18
  1. 17
  2. 15
  3. 10
  4. 5
  5. 8
  6. 2
  7. 1
  8. 3

18 Clues: 458291763171510121413161118

Educational crossword 2024-09-18

Educational crossword crossword puzzle
  1. FICTION Future world tales
  2. Moral teaching stories
  3. Cultural traditional tales
  4. BOOKS Fact-filled resources
  5. Theatrical performance genre
  6. TALE Magical kingdom stories
  7. Explaining natural phenomena
  8. Someone's life story
  1. Heroic mythical stories
  2. True life experience
  3. BOOKS Colorful kids stories
  4. Personal life story
  5. Imaginary realm stories
  6. rhyme books Classic children's verses
  7. FICTION Past event inspired stories

15 Clues: Personal life storyTrue life experienceSomeone's life storyMoral teaching storiesHeroic mythical storiesImaginary realm storiesFICTION Future world talesCultural traditional talesBOOKS Colorful kids storiesBOOKS Fact-filled resourcesTheatrical performance genreExplaining natural phenomenaTALE Magical kingdom stories...

Educational crossword 2024-09-19

Educational crossword crossword puzzle
  1. FICTION Future world tales
  2. Moral teaching stories
  3. Cultural traditional tales
  4. BOOKS Fact-filled resources
  5. Theatrical performance genre
  6. TALE Magical kingdom stories
  7. Explaining natural phenomena
  8. Someone's life story
  1. Heroic mythical stories
  2. True life experience
  3. BOOKS Colorful kids stories
  4. Personal life story
  5. Imaginary realm stories
  6. RHYME BOOKS Classic children's verses
  7. FICTION Past event inspired stories

15 Clues: Personal life storyTrue life experienceSomeone's life storyMoral teaching storiesHeroic mythical storiesImaginary realm storiesFICTION Future world talesCultural traditional talesBOOKS Colorful kids storiesBOOKS Fact-filled resourcesTheatrical performance genreTALE Magical kingdom storiesExplaining natural phenomena...

Library Crossword Puzzle 2022-03-04

Library Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The “A” in OPAC, Online Public ______ Catalog
  2. Ms. Champagne’s job in the library
  3. Genre of the I Survived series (FIC TAL)
  4. Genre of the Treasure Hunters series (FIC PAT)
  5. Mrs. Kennedy’s job in the library
  6. Genre of the Twilight series (FIC MEY)
  7. Genre of the Maze Runner series (FIC DAS)
  1. Books with the call # 947.7 are about this country
  2. Books in the fiction section are arranged alphabetically by this
  3. The name of our OPAC, where we search online for books and place holds, Destiny ________
  4. Books with the call # 796.357 are about this sport
  5. The app used to download library ebooks and audiobooks
  6. Mrs. Chabot’s job in the library
  7. Books with the call #910.4 are about this ship
  8. Genre of the Face on the Milk Carton series (FIC COO)

15 Clues: Mrs. Chabot’s job in the libraryMrs. Kennedy’s job in the libraryMs. Champagne’s job in the libraryGenre of the Twilight series (FIC MEY)Genre of the I Survived series (FIC TAL)Genre of the Maze Runner series (FIC DAS)The “A” in OPAC, Online Public ______ CatalogGenre of the Treasure Hunters series (FIC PAT)...

The Christian Academy Library 2023-09-30

The Christian Academy Library crossword puzzle
  1. True or false: You can tell if a book is fiction by it's cover.
  2. This is the person who draws the pictures in a book.
  3. Never judge a book by it's _______ .
  4. These will be on a nonfiction book spine label.
  5. I can find facts in these kinds of books.
  6. This is like a mini-dictionary in the back of a book.
  7. This is Mrs. G.'s first name.
  1. This is when you copy someone else's words or ideas and pass them on as yours.
  2. You use this book to find definitions.
  3. Which author would come first in ABC order - Mortin, Martin or Roat?
  4. Fiction books are organized by the author's _____ name.
  5. Fake chapter books in the library are called this.
  6. Nonfiction books are organized by these.
  7. This is Mrs. G.'s favorite color.
  8. The five _____ rule helps us to figure out if a book is good for us.
  9. A book genre that involves clues, a problem and solution, and sometimes a detective.
  10. How many books can you take out of the library?
  11. The library is also called a ______ center.

18 Clues: This is Mrs. G.'s first name.This is Mrs. G.'s favorite color.Never judge a book by it's _______ .You use this book to find definitions.Nonfiction books are organized by these.I can find facts in these kinds of books.The library is also called a ______ center.These will be on a nonfiction book spine label....

Fahrenhiet 415 2013-04-08

Fahrenhiet 415 crossword puzzle
  1. English Proffesor
  2. Wroe the novel
  3. montags 17 year old neighbor
  4. The books main idea
  5. the only think that people can still read
  6. What Mildred has been listening to for the past 10 years
  7. Montags boss
  8. What mildred overdose on
  9. Main charecter
  10. How the new houses were build
  1. Who burns books
  2. Fictional Society
  3. a prequel to the book
  4. What montag describes as ''perfume''
  5. What old fireman used to do
  6. Montags wife
  7. Illegal

17 Clues: IllegalMontags bossMontags wifeWroe the novelMain charecterWho burns booksFictional SocietyEnglish ProffesorThe books main ideaa prequel to the bookWhat mildred overdose onWhat old fireman used to domontags 17 year old neighborHow the new houses were buildWhat montag describes as ''perfume''the only think that people can still read...

GENRES 2024-09-18

GENRES crossword puzzle
  1. :Verse with rhythm and rhyme
  2. FICTION : Fictional tales with historical accuracy, stories based on real events or eras
  3. RHYME BOOKS :Books featuring Humpty Dumpty and little Miss Muffet
  4. : Tales of princesses & prince , dragons, and enchantment
  5. :Short story with moral lesson, with symbolic meaning
  6. :Written story of someone's experience, life of a famous person
  7. BOOKS : illustrated stories for young learners.
  8. :Genre with magical or supernatural elements
  1. : Personal account of one's life experience
  2. FICTION :Tales of space, time, and technology, with futuristic themes
  3. BOOKS : Books providing facts and data for learning
  4. :Ancient story, often mythical
  5. : Traditional stories passed down through generations.
  6. : Play or film with conflict and emotional depth, often acted out

14 Clues: :Verse with rhythm and rhyme:Ancient story, often mythical: Personal account of one's life experience:Genre with magical or supernatural elementsBOOKS : illustrated stories for young learners.BOOKS : Books providing facts and data for learning:Short story with moral lesson, with symbolic meaning: Traditional stories passed down through generations....

Famous Authors 2022-05-16

Famous Authors crossword puzzle
  1. She wrote those books about vampires that got turned into awful movies.
  2. His rhymes were sick... and he also wrote books for kids i guess
  3. Author of the Harry Potter books
  4. "In a hole in the ground, there lived a hobbit"
  5. author of "A time to kill"
  6. Known as the "Greatest humorist the United States has produced"
  7. author of the "Chronicles of Narnia" books.
  8. author of "For whom the bell tolls"
  9. Author of such books as "Charlie and the Chocolate factory" and " Fantastic Mr Fox"
  1. author of Oliver Twist
  2. known as the greatest writer in the English language.
  3. author of The Great Gatsby
  4. author of Pride and Prejudice
  5. He is described as the "King of Horror"
  6. Author of the allegorical novela Animal Farm.

15 Clues: author of Oliver Twistauthor of The Great Gatsbyauthor of "A time to kill"author of Pride and PrejudiceAuthor of the Harry Potter booksauthor of "For whom the bell tolls"He is described as the "King of Horror"author of the "Chronicles of Narnia" books.Author of the allegorical novela Animal Farm."In a hole in the ground, there lived a hobbit"...

Books 2021-06-24

Books crossword puzzle
  1. the woman who planted millions of trees
  2. the crane who saved a village
  3. pithora art
  1. the sister who saves her brother
  2. man and animals friends forever
  3. miner's life
  4. a japanese story

7 Clues: pithora artminer's lifea japanese storythe crane who saved a villageman and animals friends foreverthe sister who saves her brotherthe woman who planted millions of trees

Books 2023-01-17

Books crossword puzzle
  1. a list of all the books that you can find in the library
  2. made-up stories
  3. a particular type of art, writing, music etc.
  4. a long written story in which the characters and events are usually imaginary
  1. someone who has written a book
  2. books gives facts
  3. a long written story in which the characters and events are usually imaginary
  4. someone who writes poems

8 Clues: made-up storiesbooks gives factssomeone who writes poemssomeone who has written a booka particular type of art, writing, music etc.a list of all the books that you can find in the librarya long written story in which the characters and events are usually imaginarya long written story in which the characters and events are usually imaginary

Books 2013-03-11

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Un personnage
  2. Un page
  3. Une histoire
  1. Un magazine
  2. Un journal
  3. Un chapitre
  4. Un livre numérique

7 Clues: Un pageUn journalUn magazineUn chapitreUne histoireUn personnageUn livre numérique

Books 2022-01-14

Books crossword puzzle
  1. A girl is entered in a fight-to-the-death competition between 23 other youth
  2. A girl and a joker try to restore peace
  3. 35 girls compete to marry a prince
  4. A girl tries to survive a rough initiation
  1. A girl who's kingdom was stolen fights to get it back
  2. Siren A servant to the ocean falls for a human
  3. A girl falls in love with a vampire.

7 Clues: 35 girls compete to marry a princeA girl falls in love with a vampire.A girl and a joker try to restore peaceA girl tries to survive a rough initiationSiren A servant to the ocean falls for a humanA girl who's kingdom was stolen fights to get it backA girl is entered in a fight-to-the-death competition between 23 other youth

Books 2022-03-18

Books crossword puzzle
  1. BEST BOOK EVER about love and a book
  2. Lots of very long books the first four are the best
  3. Borrowing from Dori, a disney rewrite
  4. Sarah and Lily both have a copy
  1. Three books everyone read last year
  2. Really good murder book about four people
  3. Emery read it first made everyone read it

7 Clues: Sarah and Lily both have a copyThree books everyone read last yearBEST BOOK EVER about love and a bookBorrowing from Dori, a disney rewriteReally good murder book about four peopleEmery read it first made everyone read itLots of very long books the first four are the best

Books 2024-06-30

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Small girls aka little _____
  2. Mr. Lemon____ Library
  3. There the ____ of the Lost Cities
  4. What people do to mockingbird
  1. “May the odds be ever in your favor.”
  2. Hairy ______
  3. They have a very mysterious society

7 Clues: Hairy ______Mr. Lemon____ LibrarySmall girls aka little _____What people do to mockingbirdThere the ____ of the Lost CitiesThey have a very mysterious society“May the odds be ever in your favor.”

BHS Teentober Crossword 2021-09-30

BHS Teentober Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Maurer's book obsession
  2. This character is a demigod, and his father is Poseidon
  3. How you will save your place
  4. Bad Book Summary: Two bros go on an epic camping trip to get rid of this evil ring. The _______ ___ ___ _______
  5. The place where we keep the books
  6. This fruit is both featured on the Twilight book cover and is the first object Jonas sees in color in The Giver
  7. multiple books about the same world or characters
  8. scifi books with unfair, corrupt, and injust societies
  9. a group of people gather to read and discuss books
  1. Finish the book title: To All the Boys I've...
  2. The number of “reasons why” that Hannah gives for ending her life
  3. books told with words and pictures in panels
  4. Japanese comics
  5. The bird whose pin Katniss Everdeen wears in The Hunger Games which later becomes a symbol for the rebellion
  6. Which is better, the book or the movie?
  7. a place in the library with games, manipulatives, crafts, and other hands-on items
  8. The name of Juliet’s love in Shakespeare’s tragedy featuring two lovestruck teens
  9. A book in verbal form
  10. This doctor knew a cat in a hat and some colorful fish.

19 Clues: Japanese comicsA book in verbal formMaurer's book obsessionHow you will save your placeThe place where we keep the booksWhich is better, the book or the movie?books told with words and pictures in panelsFinish the book title: To All the Boys I've...multiple books about the same world or charactersa group of people gather to read and discuss books...