books Crossword Puzzles
Fahrenheit 451 2022-12-12
- Another book you could read
- What is the US measure of temperature
- What kind of bird was the Omnis put in
- What did the firemen burn
- What was the name of the fireman that helped
- What was used to wipe out memories
- What started the book burning
- What was the captains name
- Name of the informer
- What was the internet called
- Who started the first firemen
- What did they call the rebels
- What did Montag steal
- Name of book people could read
- With no books there will be
- what did they call books
- Where did the bird fly
- What was the Omnis going to be put in
- What was the name of the thing that stored books
- Name of the author that wrote Fahrenheit 451
20 Clues: Name of the informer • What did Montag steal • Where did the bird fly • what did they call books • What did the firemen burn • What was the captains name • Another book you could read • With no books there will be • What was the internet called • Who started the first firemen • What started the book burning • What did they call the rebels • Name of book people could read • ...
Introduction to Bible Study 2012-07-27
- language conveyed in pictures
- "in the year of our Lord" (Anno Domini)
- subgroup within a religion with a common belief system
- forerunner of the modern book
- to add to
- plant-based writing material
- based on exact wording
- characters or events are used to symbolize ideas
- sacred writing, passage from the Bible
- Jewish law, first five books of Hebrew Bible
- departing from literal meaning and evoking an image
- written language
- books accepted by the Church as being divine
- art and science of interpreting written text
- moral and ethical perfection
- "Before Christ"
- to leave out
- Greek for five, the first five books of the Bible
- written declaration or division
- books
- comparison between two unlike things with something in common
- comparison between two unlike things using "like" or "as"
22 Clues: books • to add to • to leave out • "Before Christ" • written language • based on exact wording • moral and ethical perfection • plant-based writing material • language conveyed in pictures • forerunner of the modern book • written declaration or division • sacred writing, passage from the Bible • "in the year of our Lord" (Anno Domini) • Jewish law, first five books of Hebrew Bible • ...
Test 2022-10-26
27 Clues: loft • Wood • moon • love • yahoo • Books • shack • Baloo • Fifth • North • Acres • Forest • valley • Bakery • Breeze • nobody • hiking • Weekend • balcony • Secluded • cascades • peaceful • tinyhome • Washington • anniversary • Fourhundred • compostingtoilet
- It was dark to the church and something was slowly moving
- the story of the book
- the most important girl or woman in a story
- the bad person in a story
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Austria in 1756
- the most important boy or man in a story
- a collection of poems
- She knew she was in love with Jack
- books with stories about people who aren't real
- a story for actors to perform in a theatre
10 Clues: a collection of poems • the story of the book • the bad person in a story • She knew she was in love with Jack • the most important boy or man in a story • a story for actors to perform in a theatre • the most important girl or woman in a story • books with stories about people who aren't real • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Austria in 1756 • ...
INDYPL 2024-02-20
- action strategy
- you have 30 tickets a month to watch videos in this app
- only app for magazines
- app for magazines
- East Region ARM
- for grades K-6, and includes our unique animated, talking picture books, read-along chapter books, non fiction books and videos, curated playlists, as well as books in Spanish and French
- ebooks, digital audiobooks, and magazines from your public library
- A in SOAR
- DEI but for staff
- SRP 2023
- O in SOAR
- Opened in 1967
- preloaded audiobooks
- HR
- S in SOAR
- R in SOAR
- where you search academic journals and articles
17 Clues: HR • SRP 2023 • A in SOAR • O in SOAR • S in SOAR • R in SOAR • Opened in 1967 • action strategy • East Region ARM • DEI but for staff • app for magazines • preloaded audiobooks • only app for magazines • where you search academic journals and articles • you have 30 tickets a month to watch videos in this app • ebooks, digital audiobooks, and magazines from your public library • ...
SOUNDS OF S 2023-03-11
Library Lingo 2014-03-13
- What you use to check out a public library item.
- Group of libraries.
- E-books from the school district.
- Catalog used by the school district.
- Borrowing and returning an item.
- Library of Congress is one.
- Computers for public use.
- Part of a larger library system.
- What you always do to close out a checkout transaction.
- Prevents theft of an item.
- Audiobooks and e-books from the school district.
- Patron status preventing check out.
- Length of time an item circulates.
- Audiobooks and e-books from the state library.
- Catalog used by the public library.
- Fancy name for magazines.
- User ID to check out books at LHS.
- What you need to do to get to links on LHS Library's page.
- Physical appearance of an item.
- Requesting an item from another library.
20 Clues: Group of libraries. • Fancy name for magazines. • Computers for public use. • Prevents theft of an item. • Library of Congress is one. • Physical appearance of an item. • Borrowing and returning an item. • Part of a larger library system. • E-books from the school district. • Length of time an item circulates. • User ID to check out books at LHS. • ...
Fahrenheit 451 2022-05-16
- full name of the author
- is the substance used to burn books
- the name of the man montag met at the park a year ago
- thing that suspect montag
- the protagonist of the book
- the city where montag met mildred
- the name of the girl that changed Montag
- firemen are supposed to do this to books
- the place where montag hid the books
- the name of the Montag's boss
- the thing Mildred was talking into
- faber old profession
- the poem that montag reads to Mildred and her friends
- the name of Montag's wife
- symbol of the firemen
- is the genre of the book
- the name of the firetruck
- the book of the bible that montag remembers
- are not allowed in this society
- man who teaches montag
20 Clues: faber old profession • symbol of the firemen • man who teaches montag • full name of the author • is the genre of the book • the name of Montag's wife • the name of the firetruck • thing that suspect montag • the protagonist of the book • the name of the Montag's boss • are not allowed in this society • the city where montag met mildred • the thing Mildred was talking into • ...
Media Center Orientation 2020-08-03
- How many books may you check out at once?
- What color is the date due card in the back of each book checked out?
- Books based on facts, real events or people.
- How much is the late fee per day, per book?
- The section of books for our children's picture books
- The section of books about a person's life.
- The level of reading complexity of a book.
- Novels and chapter books with imaginary events or people are called this.
- The program on the computer to help look up a book.
- The location to place a returned book.
- These labels are on many books to help identify the type of book.
- What do you scan to sign in?
- The information given about a book which can include a summary or key topics, found in the first few pages of a book.
- How many weeks is the check out period?
- How will I be notified if I have a late book?
15 Clues: What do you scan to sign in? • The location to place a returned book. • How many weeks is the check out period? • How many books may you check out at once? • The level of reading complexity of a book. • How much is the late fee per day, per book? • The section of books about a person's life. • Books based on facts, real events or people. • ...
GENRES 2024-09-19
- Fiction: Stories about futuristic technology and space exploration.
- a traditional story that often involves supernatural beings or events and serves to explain the beliefs, practices, or natural phenomena of a culture.
- Fiction: Stories set in the past with fictional characters.
- Stories about magical and imaginary beings and lands.
- Books: Books with large illustrations and simple text for young children.
- Short stories that typically feature animals and teach a moral lesson.
- Rhyme Books: Books compile traditional songs or poems designed for young children.
- Stories about gods and heroes.
- Stories about legendary figures and historical events.
- Books: Books with factual information about various topics.
- Books that tell the story of a person's life written by someone else.
- Stories about real events written by the person who experienced them.
- Tale: Traditional stories with magical elements and happy endings.
- Stories performed by actors on stage.
- Traditional stories passed down through generations.
15 Clues: Stories about gods and heroes. • Stories performed by actors on stage. • Traditional stories passed down through generations. • Stories about magical and imaginary beings and lands. • Stories about legendary figures and historical events. • Books: Books with factual information about various topics. • Fiction: Stories set in the past with fictional characters. • ...
Classic Books 2023-08-08
- set in the 1930s, a boy walks to Grand Rapids in attempt to find his missing father
- first published in 1877, a fictional memoir narrated by a horse!
- a pig named Wilbur befriends a barn-dwelling spider
- a boy is sent to a correctional camp in Texas after he is falsely accused of theft
- in this title by Louisa May Alcott, four sisters grow up together
- the adventures of a little girl who is under her grandfather's care at his home in the Swiss Alps
- in this scifi title, siblings travel through space and time attempting to rescue their father
- a story set in Middle Earth about people who are about half the size of humans!
- a girl observes her neighbors and writes down notes in her special book, preparing for a future career as a detective
- a book about a family of tiny people who live in the walls and floor of an English estate
- a very smart girl with special powers fights back against her tyrannical headmistress
- this book by Lois Lowry is about a boy who discovers he lives in a dystopia
12 Clues: a pig named Wilbur befriends a barn-dwelling spider • first published in 1877, a fictional memoir narrated by a horse! • in this title by Louisa May Alcott, four sisters grow up together • this book by Lois Lowry is about a boy who discovers he lives in a dystopia • a story set in Middle Earth about people who are about half the size of humans! • ...
describing books 2022-12-08
Unit rate and Unit price 2020-01-20
- Vicky ran 12 laps in 3 hours. Maya ran 16 laps in 8 hour. Who ran the least amount of laps per hour?
- Thirty people at 3 tables. How many per table?
- 300 pages read per 5 hours. How many pages were read per one hour?
- 120 items in 4 boxes. How many item per box?
- 35 meters in 5 laps. How many meters per lap?
- 64 books on 4 shelves. How many books are on one shelf.
- 216 blueberries in 6 baskets. How many blue berries per basket?
- There are 28 people in 2 rooms. How many people per room?
- 40 centimeters of snow in 20 hours. How many centimeters did it snow per hour?
- 6 chairs bought for $420. What is the price per chair?
- May says that the unit rate of 80/20 is 40 while Ryan says it is 4. Who is correct?
- 15 books on 3 shelves. How many books per shelf?
- Steph buys 4 books for $16 dollars. Jeff buys 3 books for $15. Who bought the books for a cheaper price per book?
- 32 customers in 4 checkout lanes. How many customers per checkout lane?
- 100 pages in 5 chapters. How many pages per chapter?
- If 27 apples are $3, how many apple can you buy with $1?
- Sarah drank 72 lattes in 4 hours. How many lattes does she drink per hour?
- 75 pints of juice in 5 containers. How many pints per container?
- Willow bought 5 notebooks for $20 while Troy bought 7 notebooks for $42. Who has the better price per book?
- What is the unit rate of 72/12?
20 Clues: What is the unit rate of 72/12? • 120 items in 4 boxes. How many item per box? • 35 meters in 5 laps. How many meters per lap? • Thirty people at 3 tables. How many per table? • 15 books on 3 shelves. How many books per shelf? • 100 pages in 5 chapters. How many pages per chapter? • 6 chairs bought for $420. What is the price per chair? • ...
Library Expectations 2023-07-07
- keeping __ organized
- following all __ directions
- using __ feet
- second expectation
- up after ourselves
- first expectation
- carefully __ up when leaving
- we follow ___
- we share with our _
- __ books on time
- __ things where they go
- third expectation
- using appropriate __levels
- staying in __ area
- taking __ of library books
15 Clues: we follow ___ • using __ feet • __ books on time • third expectation • first expectation • second expectation • up after ourselves • staying in __ area • we share with our _ • keeping __ organized • __ things where they go • using appropriate __levels • taking __ of library books • following all __ directions • carefully __ up when leaving
SOUNDS OF S 2023-03-11
SOUNDS OF S 2023-03-11
SOUNDS OF S 2023-03-11
School Library Crossword 2022-01-06
- / A book of maps.
- / Books in the library that can not be borrowed is called
- / The area that you have to use to borrow library books.
- / The day you must return a book is called the __________
- / These are used to access the internet and research school assignments.
- / Books that tell real stories.
- / If you want to get more time with a book, you must ____________ it
- / The colour code on a book to borrow a book for 1 week is __________
- / If i return a book late, i must pay an overdue __________.
- / The writer of a book.
- / These are usually found to the right of the New Arrivals section.
- / Fiction books are classified by using the first three letters of the author's ________
- / When you enter the library, you must remain __________
- / Books that tell stories that are not real.
- / The person who works at the library.
- / Books in the library are claasified using the _________ system.
16 Clues: / A book of maps. • / The writer of a book. • / Books that tell real stories. • / The person who works at the library. • / Books that tell stories that are not real. • / When you enter the library, you must remain __________ • / The area that you have to use to borrow library books. • / Books in the library that can not be borrowed is called • ...
Mo's crossword puzzle 2023-04-18
- a type of book where the cover is hard
- Mo's job is fixing ____.
- the part of a book that connects the front cover back cover and text block.
- Bookbinders make new books and ______ old books
- a hard material used on the covers of hardcover books
- the pages of a book are ________ together with a thread of some sort
- A __________ is a person who fixes and makes books
- the part of a book at the very front.
- a book with a cover that is made of plastic or paper
- Bookbinders use ____ to stick the text block to the spine
- a type of stitching where papers are folded and stapled
- the type of material used to stitch the pages of a book together
- the art of fixing and making books
- a tool used in book binding with a sharp blade
- The main part of a book located between the spine the front cover and the back cover
- the part of a book at the very back
16 Clues: Mo's job is fixing ____. • the art of fixing and making books • the part of a book at the very back • the part of a book at the very front. • a type of book where the cover is hard • a tool used in book binding with a sharp blade • Bookbinders make new books and ______ old books • A __________ is a person who fixes and makes books • ...
Books & Literature 2024-07-02
- Author of "Pride and Prejudice" (4,6)
- Famous wizard school attended by Harry Potter (8)
- Author of "1984" and "Animal Farm" (6,6)
- Short story by Edgar Allan Poe about a talking bird (5)
- Narrative poem by Dante Alighieri (6,6)
- Homer's epic poem about the Trojan War (5)
- "To Kill a Mockingbird" author (6,3)
- Literary term for a struggle or clash between opposing characters (8)
- Genre of fiction set in the future with advanced technology (7)
- Shakespeare's tragic prince of Denmark (6)
- "The Catcher in the ___" by J.D. Salinger (3)
- Novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald about Jay Gatsby (6)
12 Clues: "To Kill a Mockingbird" author (6,3) • Author of "Pride and Prejudice" (4,6) • Narrative poem by Dante Alighieri (6,6) • Author of "1984" and "Animal Farm" (6,6) • Homer's epic poem about the Trojan War (5) • Shakespeare's tragic prince of Denmark (6) • "The Catcher in the ___" by J.D. Salinger (3) • Famous wizard school attended by Harry Potter (8) • ...
americas crossword 2023-11-07
21 Clues: see • old • all • tree • star • evil • light • to love • to lead • to feel • believe • feeling • to write • relate to • mand/mend • good/well • books of books • greedy/ravenous • one,only,simple • speak word/speech • who,which,whom,that
7th Grade Library Orientation 2021-09-02
- Number of genres in the library
- Treat our library furniture with _________
- The setup code for Sora
- Books need to stay at the front of these
- Your password for Destiny is your __________ ID
- A library genre that deals with magic and dragons
- The number of books you can check out at a time
- Where I place books I've finished
- The person responsible for returning books on time
- Online library
- The fine for each day a book is late is 10 _______
- Most dangerous to books
- The school mascot
- A library genre that makes you laugh
- Show this to the hall monitor to come to the library during lunch
15 Clues: Online library • The school mascot • Most dangerous to books • The setup code for Sora • Number of genres in the library • Where I place books I've finished • A library genre that makes you laugh • Books need to stay at the front of these • Treat our library furniture with _________ • The number of books you can check out at a time • ...
Bookworms Crossword Puzzle 2021-12-03
- The author of the Beast Quest books, Adam...
- Who is Andy's best friend in the Treehouse books
- Book character Billie B...
- Sally Rippin books, Hey....
- Name of the school in Harry Potter
- First name of Clifford the Big Red Dog's owner
- Head mistress of Matilda's school
- Author of the Weirdo and Hotdog series
- Thea Stilton's brother
- Private dectective, Friday....
- The town where the Underdogs live
- Greg Heffley is the main character of the books, Diary of a what kid?
- Who started the Babysitter's Club
- Anne of Green Gables lived on what island
- Wolf Girl's first name
- The country Paddington came from
- Third book in the Nevermoor series
- Main character in Wonder
- Lemony who wrote A Series of Unfortunate Events
19 Clues: Wolf Girl's first name • Thea Stilton's brother • Main character in Wonder • Book character Billie B... • Sally Rippin books, Hey.... • Private dectective, Friday.... • The country Paddington came from • The town where the Underdogs live • Who started the Babysitter's Club • Head mistress of Matilda's school • Name of the school in Harry Potter • Third book in the Nevermoor series • ...
Library Lovers Month Crowssword 2025-01-02
- Expert in managing books, resources, and information
- Storyline or main events in a book
- Digital version of a book
- An organized collection of structured information
- Historical records and documents preserved for research
- Items given to the library by generous patrons
- Book summary found on the back cover
- Quiet area for reading or studying
- Small, flat sheets used to store miniaturized documents
- Main character in a story
- Periodical found in a library
- Late return penalty
- Classification system for organizing library books by subject
- Organized collection of books and media
- Collection of maps
- Number on the spine of a library book
- Book filled with recipes and culinary tips
- Type of book that tells a true story
- Digital system for searching library books and resources
19 Clues: Collection of maps • Late return penalty • Main character in a story • Digital version of a book • Periodical found in a library • Storyline or main events in a book • Quiet area for reading or studying • Type of book that tells a true story • Book summary found on the back cover • Number on the spine of a library book • Organized collection of books and media • ...
Chapter 20 Vocab 2024-02-05
- books that contain pictures and have more complex plots than picture books
- a board covered with felt or flannel that is used as a background for placing felt characters and props to tell a story
- a storytelling method in which drawing are made on chalkboard and etc.
- books containing the theme of social understanding
- describes a child who's home language is different than english
- simple stories where the animal is the main character and often points out a moral lesson
- any items that relate to the story that would attract children's attention
- books with single words or simple sentences and simple plots
- lists and descriptions of books that will help you find titles, authors, and publishers of books, which can be found in public libraries
- an important task for early childhood teacher that involves reciting a story or reading from a book
- children who are learning two or more languages at the same time
- books giving animals human qualities
- books having a theme of achievement
- an electronic book that is read on an e-reader
14 Clues: books having a theme of achievement • books giving animals human qualities • an electronic book that is read on an e-reader • books containing the theme of social understanding • books with single words or simple sentences and simple plots • describes a child who's home language is different than english • ...
My Books Words 2012-12-19
- a harsh taste
- to go back from the current position
- length between the tips of wings
- a copy exactly like the original
- burst of wind
- fake
- made a humming or buzzing sound
- the highest point of a mountain
- a mass of snow projecting over a mountain ridge
- to look intently
- forced
- building or accomodation
- contestants
- low and harsh statement
- the smallest element of an image
- to die from lack of breath
- badly shaped
- amount of money given beforehand
- a military encampment
19 Clues: fake • forced • contestants • badly shaped • a harsh taste • burst of wind • to look intently • a military encampment • low and harsh statement • building or accomodation • to die from lack of breath • made a humming or buzzing sound • the highest point of a mountain • length between the tips of wings • the smallest element of an image • a copy exactly like the original • ...
Books and Authors 2016-06-29
- author of a 1941 publication about a little pioneer cow, Susannah, and her journey west with her family
- many board books available by this author, with fun illustrations of animals dressing for bed or dancing in the barnyard
- author and illustrator of tiny tales about woodland friends, originally published tiny individual story books in early 1900s
- author of a series first appearing in the early 1900s about a young orphan girl, Anne Shirley, being raised on a farm in Prince Edward Island
- best known for 1986 Newbery Medal winner for Sarah, Plain and Tall
- female author of a series about pioneer sisters traveling west with Ma and Pa
- story of a little girl being raised in Switzerland after the death of her parents; who goes up the mountain to live with her grandfather
- wrote with the pen name of Mark Twain
- kind of scary fairy tales well known and loved
- classic picture books for babies about runaway bunnies and saying goodnight in the great green room
- name of the boys for which this series is named, appealing to juvenile boys, first appearing in 1927
- published book in the mid 1800s of the 4 March sisters transitioning from childhood to womanhood
- writer of a fantasy trilogy based in middle earth published in 1956 which were later made into box office hits in the movie theaters
- husband and wife team wrote many beginner reader books about bears on bicycles, hunting for honey, and picnicking
- beginner readers relate to the stories of Ramona Quimby and Henry Huggins, as they experience the adventures of becoming school aged
- picture books from mid 1900s; favorites about ducklings and a little girl and bear cub picking blueberries
- Newberry Medal winner of many humorous books, including several about the Moffats
- cartoonist and illustrator with The New Yorker, took up writing children's books at the age of 61, one of which inspired multiple movies and a Broadway musical about a big blue monster
- known for wacky illustrations and made up words, this doctor of sorts delights young and old alike
19 Clues: wrote with the pen name of Mark Twain • kind of scary fairy tales well known and loved • best known for 1986 Newbery Medal winner for Sarah, Plain and Tall • female author of a series about pioneer sisters traveling west with Ma and Pa • Newberry Medal winner of many humorous books, including several about the Moffats • ...
In your Library 2022-01-31
12 Clues: A movie • Factual books • Take a book out • Store music on it • Imaginative story • Use to borrow books • What you do with a book • A story in comic book form • Used to checkout books yourself • Bring books back to the library • Make a picture with many pieces • Books with few words and lots of pictures
Moon Books 2021-04-08
- what is Tinkerbell
- many people eat them for food
- a type of animal with four legs and starts a d
- has characters such as fairies, dragons, and mystic creatures
- things you read
- a type of animal that starts with a c and also has four legs
- you can write them
- takes place during an event in time with fake characters
- a tale or story being told from generation to generation
- have words on them
- what is the sun
- rock that revolves around the earth
12 Clues: what is the sun • things you read • what is Tinkerbell • have words on them • you can write them • many people eat them for food • rock that revolves around the earth • a type of animal with four legs and starts a d • takes place during an event in time with fake characters • a tale or story being told from generation to generation • ...
Books & Literature. 2024-02-07
- A book giving instructions or information.
- The first thing people notice when they shop for books. It contains the book's title, author's name.
- A written, typed, or printed communication, sent in an envelope by post or messenger.
- (Action) have a portion of (something) with another or others
- (Emotion)a feeling of distress, apprehension, or alarm caused by danger, pain, etc.
- Short writing to remember something.
- (Emotion) feel intense dislike for.
- A dramatic composition or piece, drama.
- (Action)shout for joy or in praise or encouragement.
- Tool of comunication used to store and deliver information or data.
- An account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment.
- (Emotion) to experience with joy or take pleasure in.
12 Clues: (Emotion) feel intense dislike for. • Short writing to remember something. • A dramatic composition or piece, drama. • A book giving instructions or information. • (Action)shout for joy or in praise or encouragement. • (Emotion) to experience with joy or take pleasure in. • (Action) have a portion of (something) with another or others • ...
Chapter 20 2024-02-05
- a board covered in felt or flannel that is used as a background that is used as a background for placing felt characters and props to tell a story
- books containing the theme of social understanding
- books with single words or simple sentences and simple plots
- an important task for early childhood teachers that involves reciting stories or reading from a book
- an electronic book that can be found on an e-reader
- a storytelling method in which drawings are made on a chalkboard,or poster boards
- children who are learning two or more languages at the same time
- any items that relate to the story
- books having the theme of achievement. The hero will often face challenges in order to succeed.
- books giving animals some human quanlities
- a simple story in which the animal is the main character and will teach a moral lesson
- books that contain pictures but have more complex plots than picture books
- lists and descriptions of books that will help you find title,authors and publishers of books
- a child whos home language is something different than English
14 Clues: any items that relate to the story • books giving animals some human quanlities • books containing the theme of social understanding • an electronic book that can be found on an e-reader • books with single words or simple sentences and simple plots • a child whos home language is something different than English • ...
What is the Bible? 2024-08-23
- Greek word for "books"
- The Old Testament was written in this language
- Inspired the various authors of the Bible
- There are 46 books in this section of the Bible
- The Bible is a collection of these
- Taking into account history, culture, metaphor, etc.,
- This is the authorized list of books that made it into the Bible
- Another word for the books of the Bible
- The Bible can be viewed as this
- Before being written down, stories were passed on this way
- The stories about this person's life can be found in the New Testament
- There are 27 books in this section of the Bible
- Reading everything word for word
- St. Jerome Translated the Bible in this language
- The New Testament was written in this language
- A promise
16 Clues: A promise • Greek word for "books" • The Bible can be viewed as this • Reading everything word for word • The Bible is a collection of these • Another word for the books of the Bible • Inspired the various authors of the Bible • The Old Testament was written in this language • The New Testament was written in this language • There are 27 books in this section of the Bible • ...
Happy Birthday Ashley!!! 2023-10-21
Fahrenheit 451 Crossword Puzzle (Book Project 9) - Jacob Larson 2024-05-14
- Tool used by Firemen to ignite books and homes
- Montag's boss and the main antagonist of Fahrenheit 451
- Mythical bird that symbolizes Montag's renewal
- Earbuds worn as a form of entertainment and distraction
- Tool used by Firemen to spray kerosene on books
- Individuals who burn illegal books instead of putting fires out
- The temperature at which paper burns
- Communication device worn by Montag in order to stay in touch with Faber
- Montag's friend who "awakens" Montag to the possibility of a new world
- Illegal pieces of literature used to express ideas
- A group of people who have memorized the contents of books
- Immersive television screens used by Mildred and other citizens
- Living area which holds large television screens
- Symbol used by the Firemen. It is able to survive fire
- Fireman and the protagonist of Fahrenheit 451
- Station 451's base of operations
- Montag's friend and accomplice who also appreciates literature
- Robotic creature used by Firemen to kill criminals
18 Clues: Station 451's base of operations • The temperature at which paper burns • Fireman and the protagonist of Fahrenheit 451 • Tool used by Firemen to ignite books and homes • Mythical bird that symbolizes Montag's renewal • Tool used by Firemen to spray kerosene on books • Living area which holds large television screens • Illegal pieces of literature used to express ideas • ...
Sandbach School LRC End of Term Bumper Crossword 2013-07-11
- The 'Little Britain' star that has turned author
- The boys you will find behind the LRC desk at break and lunch times
- Film magazine that is available from the LRC
- The murder victim in the LRC's 'Murder Mystery'
- Double letter, triple letter, double word, triple word. What's the game?
- The fiction books are ordered in this way
- Pupil librarian of the month in June
- A type of reference book holding a summary of information from either all branches of knowledge or a specific branch of knowledge
- Information or fact books
- The book awards that Biscuit Club visited recently
- 796.334
- The daily 'baby' newspaper that you will find in the LRC
- Author Curtis _______ visited us this term
- The fruit shaped word game
- Signed poster in the LRC entrance
- The author that wrote the 'Cherub' series
- We sell these in the LRC stationery shop
- The yellow book that can be used to help you find non fiction books
- Series of books written by Suzanne Collins
- Pupil librarian of the month in January
- The computer program that the you use to search for books that are available in the LRC
- An account of a person's life written by another person
- Japanese, cartoon style books
- The month long writing activity that allows you to write a novel of any length or topic in a month
- The story writing activity that travels the world
- Reading Club, AKA _______ ____
- 'Maggot Moon' was the winner of these book awards this year
- You should be cautious when using the information from this wiki to do your homework
- The non fiction books are organised using this system
- 64 squares and 32 pieces. What is it?
- 629.22
- A type of reference book containing word definitions
- Story Books
- The period of time that a books is issued to you for
- Football magazine that is available from the LRC
- The fantasy horror series written by the creator of 'Bob the Builder'
- Local newspaper that arrives every Wednesday
- 910
- Most used search engine
- There are 15 of these in the LRC
40 Clues: 910 • 629.22 • 796.334 • Story Books • Most used search engine • Information or fact books • The fruit shaped word game • Japanese, cartoon style books • Reading Club, AKA _______ ____ • There are 15 of these in the LRC • Signed poster in the LRC entrance • Pupil librarian of the month in June • 64 squares and 32 pieces. What is it? • Pupil librarian of the month in January • ...
Best Books 2022-06-12
12 Clues: Greek+Roman • The 39 clues • Sumarbrander • Ra and Osiris • Son of Posiden • The boy who lives • Lester Papadopoulos • like the x files but demigod • _____(vital fluid) of Olympus • the 2nd book turned into movie • The son of ______(roman version) • percy jackson book turned into a movie
Usman's Books 2022-06-14
- this person can go to the moon
- it shines in the sky at night
- you put books in it
- someone that cuts wood
- you can borrow it from a library
- put this on your head to keep it warm
- put this on to protect your head
- can be eaten as a desert
- these little animals like to eat cheese
- you put these on your feet
- someone that makes food
- it's a famous sport
12 Clues: you put books in it • it's a famous sport • someone that cuts wood • someone that makes food • can be eaten as a desert • you put these on your feet • it shines in the sky at night • this person can go to the moon • put this on to protect your head • you can borrow it from a library • put this on your head to keep it warm • these little animals like to eat cheese
Banned Books 2020-09-29
- Reina Telgemeier graphic novel
- Hosseini's protagonist chased this
- Chbosky said there are perks to being this
- surprising book to be banned
- 19th century author still on this list
- JK Rowling protaganist
- Steinbeck's "Of --- and men"
- Captain with comic adventures
- Bird Lee warned not to kill
- George Orwell classic "---- New World"
- number of reasons for Jay Asher
- Author of Handmaid's tale
12 Clues: JK Rowling protaganist • Author of Handmaid's tale • Bird Lee warned not to kill • surprising book to be banned • Steinbeck's "Of --- and men" • Captain with comic adventures • Reina Telgemeier graphic novel • number of reasons for Jay Asher • Hosseini's protagonist chased this • George Orwell classic "---- New World" • 19th century author still on this list • ...
Teen Books 2024-07-05
12 Clues: Twilight • Divergent • Shatter Me • The Book Thief • The Maze Runner • Northern Lights • Eleanor and Park • The Hunger Games • The Fault in Our Stars • Alex Rider: Stormbreaker • The Perks of Being a Wallflower • Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Happy Birthday Ashley!!! 2023-10-21
Chapter 20 Vocab 2024-02-05
- A storytelling method in which drawing are made on chalkboard, dry erase board, or an 18x24- inch newsprint pad as the story is told. Also called chalk talk.
- Books containing the theme of social understanding.
- board covered with felt or flannel that is used as a background for placing felt characters and props to tell a story.
- Books giving animals some human qualities. Usually, the animal has some unusual success or ability.
- An important task for early childhood teachers that involves reciting story or reading from the book.
- Books that contain pictures but have more complex plots than picture books.
- An electronic books that is read on an e-reader.
- Any items that relate to the story and would attract childrens attention.
- Children who are learning two or more languages at the same time.
- Describes a child whose home language is something other than English.
- Simple story in which an animal is the main character and often points out a moral lesson
- List and descriptions of books that will help you find titles, authors, and publishers of books, which can be found in public libraries.
- Books having a theme of achievement must perform difficult tasks in order to succeed.
- Books with single word or simple sentences and simple plots.
14 Clues: An electronic books that is read on an e-reader. • Books containing the theme of social understanding. • Books with single word or simple sentences and simple plots. • Children who are learning two or more languages at the same time. • Describes a child whose home language is something other than English. • ...
Edna 2012-10-17
29 Clues: dad • pets • music • piano • beach • books • birds • mother • baking • family • father • travel • sewing • reading • gardens • history • friends • cooking • cousins • teachers • children • languages • rainforest • embroidery • crosswords • birdwatchers • grandparents • grandchildren • greatgrandchildren
Commands, Numbers and School Items 2023-08-14
20 Clues: 5 • 3 • 14 • 15 • 30 • tv • 21 • door • pens • books • listen • window • pencils • close the door • go to the board • look at the map • open your books • raise your hand • write your name • close your mouth
great books vocab 2022-04-01
- lacking restraint
- superficially fair, reasonable, or valuable but often specious
- marked by overconfidence or presumptuousness
- official permission, to force a country to obey laws/limiting trad
- excessively
- causing harm in a way that is not easily noticed
- having no fixed course, wandering from normal path
- to indicate by sign
- a secret store of valuables
- strong, physical strength
- bitter quarrel between two parties
- having deceptive attraction
- gray, white with age
- to acquire by flattery
- the quality of being double
- gloom darkness
- to assist in the achievement of a purpose
- to foam as if boiling
- inordinate indulgence in sexual activity
19 Clues: excessively • gloom darkness • lacking restraint • to indicate by sign • gray, white with age • to foam as if boiling • to acquire by flattery • strong, physical strength • having deceptive attraction • the quality of being double • a secret store of valuables • bitter quarrel between two parties • inordinate indulgence in sexual activity • to assist in the achievement of a purpose • ...
New Testament books 2023-08-01
- (Apocalyptic visions)
- (Instructions to a Disciple)
- (Gospel with a sequel)
- (Shortest Gospel)
- (Second coming focus)
- (Faith and works)
- (Early church history)
- (Supremacy of Christ)
- (The body of Christ)
- (First Gospel)
- (Gospel of Love)
- (Joy in all circumstances)
- (Paul's letters to a church)
- (Pastoral advice)
- (Christ's superiority)
- (Freedom in Christ)
- (Appeal for a slave)
- (Paul's theological letter)
- (Apostle's letters)
- (Letters of Love)
20 Clues: (First Gospel) • (Gospel of Love) • (Pastoral advice) • (Shortest Gospel) • (Faith and works) • (Letters of Love) • (Freedom in Christ) • (Apostle's letters) • (The body of Christ) • (Appeal for a slave) • (Apocalyptic visions) • (Second coming focus) • (Supremacy of Christ) • (Christ's superiority) • (Gospel with a sequel) • (Early church history) • (Joy in all circumstances) • ...
New Testament Books 2024-09-25
- From jail with joy
- The world empire during Jesus' life
- King _________ Version
- The pastor at Crete
- Sounds like a wood chopper
- A Physician
- One Gospel and 3 Epistles
- Also called Levi
- First and second all about Rapture
- About a runaway slave
- The 'large letter' book
- Another name for Jews
- The Return of Jesus Christ
- Two letters to one person
- Whole armor of god
- Two letters to same place
- Laodicean letter
- Enoch's preaching
- Barnabas' sisters' son
19 Clues: A Physician • Laodicean letter • Also called Levi • Enoch's preaching • From jail with joy • Whole armor of god • The pastor at Crete • Another name for Jews • About a runaway slave • King _________ Version • Barnabas' sisters' son • The 'large letter' book • Two letters to one person • Two letters to same place • One Gospel and 3 Epistles • The Return of Jesus Christ • ...
Stephen King Books 2024-12-18
- A post-apocalyptic battle between good and evil unfolds after a deadly virus wipes out most of humanity.
- A rabid dog terrorizes a small town and its residents.
- A group of people becomes trapped in a grocery store as a strange mist outside brings terrifying creatures from another world.
- A woman is handcuffed to a bed in a remote cabin, fighting for survival and facing long-hidden memories. (Two words no apostrophe)
- A new shop opens in a small town, selling items that drive its residents to commit horrific acts. (Two words)
- A group of childhood friends return to confront a malevolent, shape-shifting entity in their hometown.
- A teenager named Charlie Reade discovers a hidden door in a decaying shed, leading to a parallel world on the brink of collapse. (Two words)
- A wrongly convicted man finds hope and redemption through friendship in a harsh prison environment. (Two words)
- A boy ventures through a parallel world to save his mother, armed with an ancient artifact.
- A family discovers a cemetery that brings dead pets (and people) back to life, with tragic consequences. (Two words)
- A death row prison guard witnesses supernatural events surrounding an inmate with miraculous healing powers. (Two words)
- A bullied high school girl with telekinetic powers seeks revenge.
- A grown-up Danny Torrance from The Shining helps a young girl with psychic powers, while facing a deadly cult. (Two words)
- A woman confesses to murdering her abusive husband, unraveling a dark and tragic story of survival. (Two words)
- A teenager’s life spirals out of control after he buys a possessed 1958 Plymouth.
- An author is held captive by a crazed fan after a car accident.
- A winter caretaker slowly loses his mind in a remote, haunted hotel.
- A group of gifted children is held captive in a sinister institute for cruel experiments.
- A man cursed by a gypsy loses weight uncontrollably, leading to a desperate search for a cure.
19 Clues: A rabid dog terrorizes a small town and its residents. • An author is held captive by a crazed fan after a car accident. • A bullied high school girl with telekinetic powers seeks revenge. • A winter caretaker slowly loses his mind in a remote, haunted hotel. • A teenager’s life spirals out of control after he buys a possessed 1958 Plymouth. • ...
Library Lovers Month 2025-01-21
- Main character in a story
- An organized collection of structured information
- Periodical found in a library
- Organized collection of books and media
- Book summary found on the back cover
- Storyline or main events in a book
- Number on the spine of a library book
- Book filled with recipes and culinary tips
- Items given to the library by generous patrons
- Quiet area for reading or studying
- Type of book that tells a true story
- Digital system for searching library books and resources
- Late return penalty
- Collection of maps
- Place to return borrowed books
- Expert in managing books, resources, and information
- Historical records and documents preserved for research
- Digital version of a book
18 Clues: Collection of maps • Late return penalty • Main character in a story • Digital version of a book • Periodical found in a library • Place to return borrowed books • Quiet area for reading or studying • Storyline or main events in a book • Type of book that tells a true story • Book summary found on the back cover • Number on the spine of a library book • ...
Fahrenheit 451 2023-03-15
- the crime of setting fire to property
- the main character
- Guy's wife
- a holy book that Guy has
- a production of flames
- the 17 year-old girl that Guy meets
- a famous author
- something used to burn books
- the creature that cleans Mildred
- people that burn books
- a woman who dies and leaves guy questioning the world
- the creature that goes aggro on Guy Montag
- one of the only types of books that weren't banned
- a way to label temperature
- destroy an object with burning
- the last name of Guy and Mildred
- the head of Guy's squad
- written or printed work made of pages put together along one side and bound in covers.
18 Clues: Guy's wife • a famous author • the main character • people that burn books • a production of flames • the head of Guy's squad • a holy book that Guy has • a way to label temperature • something used to burn books • destroy an object with burning • the last name of Guy and Mildred • the creature that cleans Mildred • the 17 year-old girl that Guy meets • ...
Library Lovers Month 2025-01-21
- Historical records and documents preserved for research
- Storyline or main events in a book
- Digital version of a book
- Quiet area for reading or studying
- Periodical found in a library
- Expert in managing books, resources, and information
- Organized collection of books and media
- Digital system for searching library books and resources
- Type of book that tells a true story
- Collection of maps
- Number on the spine of a library book
- Book filled with recipes and culinary tips
- Items given to the library by generous patrons
- An organized collection of structured information
- Book summary found on the back cover
- Main character in a story
- Place to return borrowed books
- Late return penalty
18 Clues: Collection of maps • Late return penalty • Digital version of a book • Main character in a story • Periodical found in a library • Place to return borrowed books • Storyline or main events in a book • Quiet area for reading or studying • Book summary found on the back cover • Type of book that tells a true story • Number on the spine of a library book • ...
National Read a Book Day (September 6) 2024-08-28
- A book about someone's life.
- Used to keep your place in a book.
- Where you store your books.
- A book with a soft cover.
- Books based on real events.
- Genre of written works, often imaginative.
- Books based on imaginary events.
- A digital version of a book.
- A place to borrow books.
- A section of a book.
- A long fictional story.
- A type of book binding with a rigid cover.
- The main events of a story.
- A book that has stood the test of time.
- Category of literature.
- Person who writes book.
16 Clues: A section of a book. • A long fictional story. • Category of literature. • Person who writes book. • A place to borrow books. • A book with a soft cover. • Where you store your books. • The main events of a story. • Books based on real events. • A book about someone's life. • A digital version of a book. • Books based on imaginary events. • Used to keep your place in a book. • ...
Books and Authors 2016-06-29
- name of the boys for which this series is named, appealing to juvenile boys, first appearing in 1927
- classic picture books for babies about runaway bunnies and saying goodnight in the great green room
- author of a series first appearing in the early 1900s about a young orphan girl, Anne Shirley, being raised on a farm in Prince Edward Island
- known for wacky illustrations and made up words, this doctor of sorts delights young and old alike
- wrote with the pen name of Mark Twain
- beginner readers relate to the stories of Ramona Quimby and Henry Huggins, as they experience the adventures of becoming school aged
- best known for 1986 Newbery Medal winner for Sarah, Plain and Tall
- many board books available by this author, with fun illustrations of animals dressing for bed or dancing in the barnyard
- writer of a fantasy trilogy based in middle earth published in 1956 which were later made into box office hits in the movie theaters
- cartoonist and illustrator with The New Yorker, took up writing children's books at the age of 61, one of which inspired multiple movies and a Broadway musical about a big blue monster
- story of a little girl being raised in Switzerland after the death of her parents; who goes up the mountain to live with her grandfather
- kind of scary fairy tales well known and loved
- female author of a series about pioneer sisters traveling west with Ma and Pa
- husband and wife team wrote many beginner reader books about bears on bicycles, hunting for honey, and picnicking
- picture books from mid 1900s; favorites about ducklings and a little girl and bear cub picking blueberries
- author of a 1941 publication about a little pioneer cow, Susannah, and her journey west with her family
- author and illustrator of tiny tales about woodland friends, originally published tiny individual story books in early 1900s
- published book in the mid 1800s of the 4 March sisters transitioning from childhood to womanhood
- Newberry Medal winner of many humorous books, including several about the Moffats
19 Clues: wrote with the pen name of Mark Twain • kind of scary fairy tales well known and loved • best known for 1986 Newbery Medal winner for Sarah, Plain and Tall • female author of a series about pioneer sisters traveling west with Ma and Pa • Newberry Medal winner of many humorous books, including several about the Moffats • ...
Unit 2 Books 2023-09-18
19 Clues: autor • puhuma • ärrituv • raudtee • täiesti • pealkiri • otsekohe • tegelane • süvenenud • teesklema • suurepärane • põnev raamat • veidra välimusega • Ära räägi lollusi! • kõvakaaneline raamat • pehmekaaneline raamat • elektrooniline raamat • millegi üle otsustama • kohustuslik kirjandus
Books and Authors 2024-02-25
- Who wrote about Mr Stink?
- She writes about Mildred Hubble.
- Jacqueline ______ wrote about Tracy Beaker.
- Surname of Mr Winsky creator.
- First name of the creator of Sherlock Holmes.
- Robert Louis Stevenson wrote about '____ Island'.
- A.A Milne's lovable bear.
- Who wrote stories about Narnia?
- first name of famous author Pilkey.
- Surname of Alice's creator.
- J.M. Barrie wrote about ____?
- First name of author of 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea'.
- Author of Harry Potter.
- First name of 'War and Peace' author.
- Surname of author who writes about animals.
- He wrote tales of a feline in a hat.
- First name of the writer of 'Zog'.
- Philip Pullman wrote 'Northern _______'.
- A 'giant' of an author (surname.
19 Clues: Author of Harry Potter. • Who wrote about Mr Stink? • A.A Milne's lovable bear. • Surname of Alice's creator. • J.M. Barrie wrote about ____? • Surname of Mr Winsky creator. • Who wrote stories about Narnia? • She writes about Mildred Hubble. • A 'giant' of an author (surname. • First name of the writer of 'Zog'. • first name of famous author Pilkey. • ...
Ch. 7 Day 3 Crossword Puzzle 2024-03-14
- Saul could not stay faithful to the _____ Covenant.
- God sees into our _____.
- The Temple was a great testimony of Israel's _____ to God and of God's fidelity to them.
- God gave Solomon _____, understand, and knowledge.
- David chose to keep the Ark of the Covenant in the city of _____.
- The _____ of God dwells in Christ.
- Jesse had _____ sons.
- Once the Temple was completed, the priests placed the Ark in the Holy of _____.
- David ruled Israel for about _____ years.
- _____ is Israel's first king.
- _____ through worshipping God in the Temple of Jerusalem is the key to success.
- The Books of Chronicles are like "_____" among the Historical Books.
- During King David's reign, Israel experienced _____.
- _____ was Israel's second and greatest king.
- The Books of Chronicles cover the same events written about in the Books of Samuel and Books of Kings but in an _____ way.
- By our _____, we are temples of the Holy Spirit.
- _____ was anointed the third king of Israel.
- God called _____, the last judge, to be His prophet.
18 Clues: Jesse had _____ sons. • God sees into our _____. • _____ is Israel's first king. • The _____ of God dwells in Christ. • David ruled Israel for about _____ years. • _____ was Israel's second and greatest king. • _____ was anointed the third king of Israel. • By our _____, we are temples of the Holy Spirit. • God gave Solomon _____, understand, and knowledge. • ...
Words on Fire 2022-12-08
- audras grandpa
- Audras best friend
- the line between two countries
- the kind lady that audra helped
- where her parents were sent
- ben gets ____
- russian solders
- the emotion audra felt when she faced the solders
- a way to destroy books
- the people who banned the books
- the continent that russia is in
- the main characters name
- audra smuggled these
- owning books was _____ in russia
14 Clues: ben gets ____ • audras grandpa • russian solders • Audras best friend • audra smuggled these • a way to destroy books • the main characters name • where her parents were sent • the line between two countries • the people who banned the books • the continent that russia is in • the kind lady that audra helped • owning books was _____ in russia • ...
Unit 4 review game Mendez 2019-11-07
- John emphasized the divine nature of Christ His Gospel begins with the Word made flesh
- four major genres of books found in the Old and New Testament Law, Historical, Wisdom, and Prophetic
- An event or person in Scripture pointing to a later event or person that has similar virtues
- of the Word The portion of the Mass that includes the reading of scripture and the homily
- is the Bible a book of the Catholic Church It was inspired by the Holy Spirit?
- From the Greek for five books; the Torah
- the five books of Moses Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy
- Testament The twenty-seven books of the Bible written by Sacred Authors in the apostolic era
- A synonym for covenant
- many books are in the Old Testament Forty- six books
- A third-century BC Greek translation of the Old Testament made by seventy Jewish scholars
- A version of the Septuagint produced by Origen
- text of the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit The original text
- The list of the inspired books of the Bible
- Book of Revelation it was written by St. John
- speaks throughout the Bible God
16 Clues: A synonym for covenant • speaks throughout the Bible God • From the Greek for five books; the Torah • The list of the inspired books of the Bible • Book of Revelation it was written by St. John • A version of the Septuagint produced by Origen • many books are in the Old Testament Forty- six books • text of the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit The original text • ...
Happy Birthday Andrew!!! 2023-10-21
Books and Literature 2023-06-05
- - Literary work based on imagination
- - Dramatic work for theater performance
- - Long narrative poem about heroic deeds
- - Genre of love and relationships
- - Traditional story explaining natural phenomena
- - Dramatic work with a disastrous or sorrowful ending
- - Account of a person's life written by themselves
- - Genre characterized by suspense and excitement
- - Genre of humor and light-hearted entertainment
- - Highly regarded and enduring work of literature
- - Short nonfictional prose piece
- - Literary work in verse form
- - Poem of 14 lines with a specific rhyme scheme
- - Genre using humor to criticize human vices
- - Poem of 14 lines with a specific rhyme scheme
- - Genre involving a crime and its investigation
- - Short fictional story with a moral lesson
- - Extended fictional prose narrative
- - Account of someone's life written by another person
- - Genre of literature intended for performance
20 Clues: - Literary work in verse form • - Short nonfictional prose piece • - Genre of love and relationships • - Literary work based on imagination • - Extended fictional prose narrative • - Dramatic work for theater performance • - Long narrative poem about heroic deeds • - Short fictional story with a moral lesson • - Genre using humor to criticize human vices • ...
Things at School 2021-05-04
- where children play and carry out ceremonies
- textbooks used in learning
- A place to store pencils
- room where teachers gather and have meetings
- as a place to paste information and other writings
- for drawing books
- where teaching and learning are carried out
- as a place for a pedestal when writing in class
- to erase the blackboard
- as a place to rest while eating and drinking
- for coloring pencils
- to store books in the classroom
- as a place to write using chalk
- as a place to write using a marker
- is a place to read and lend books
- to cover wrong ballpoint pen
- as a place to sit
- tool used to write books
18 Clues: for drawing books • as a place to sit • for coloring pencils • to erase the blackboard • A place to store pencils • tool used to write books • textbooks used in learning • to cover wrong ballpoint pen • to store books in the classroom • as a place to write using chalk • is a place to read and lend books • as a place to write using a marker • ...
2017 jynaya and sabina 5/6k library crossword 2017-02-15
- something that takes away errors
- people who work in the library
- stories that are real
- it is sticky
- people sit on them
- people follow them
- books sit on
- somebody who writes
- stories that are made up
- you write with these
- something that cools down
- something you type on
- when you take and return books
- things that you lay on
- you can measure with these
- something you read
- somebody who draws
- people walk on it
- things that go to waste
- you do work on them
20 Clues: it is sticky • books sit on • people walk on it • something you read • somebody who draws • people sit on them • people follow them • somebody who writes • you do work on them • you write with these • something you type on • stories that are real • things that you lay on • things that go to waste • stories that are made up • something that cools down • you can measure with these • ...
ch002 2024-08-17
- Competes in sports
- Writes books
- Designs buildings
- Fixes pipes and water systems
- Makes decisions on legal matters
- Plays instruments or sings
- Takes care of animals
- Works with electrical wiring
- Takes care of teeth
- Builds houses and buildings
- Fixes cars
- Organizes and helps people find books
- Works with laws and helps people in court
- Tells news stories
- Teaches at a college or university
- Draws pictures for books
- Prepares and dispenses medicine
- Grows crops and raises animals
- Starts their own business
- Puts out fires
- Performs operations
- Builds things with wood
22 Clues: Fixes cars • Writes books • Puts out fires • Designs buildings • Tells news stories • Competes in sports • Takes care of teeth • Performs operations • Takes care of animals • Builds things with wood • Draws pictures for books • Starts their own business • Plays instruments or sings • Builds houses and buildings • Works with electrical wiring • Fixes pipes and water systems • ...
F451 cycle 4 2022-05-05
- 17 and crazy, very curious and likes to talk
- room with tvs on the walls
- what book did Montag sneak to Faber?
- Montag's ally
- weapon used to kill Beatty
- robot dog that hunts down books by scent
- what is banned by the government?
- used by the firemen to start the fires
- earphones
- where Montag hid the books after showing Mildred
- temp at which books burn (3 words)
- wife who attempted suicide
- fire captain that hates books
13 Clues: earphones • Montag's ally • room with tvs on the walls • wife who attempted suicide • weapon used to kill Beatty • fire captain that hates books • what is banned by the government? • temp at which books burn (3 words) • what book did Montag sneak to Faber? • used by the firemen to start the fires • robot dog that hunts down books by scent • ...
Puzzling Library Possibilities 2021-12-07
- “Now with Vitamin D!”
- Think outside of the box
- We wouldn't be here without
- How can we assist?
- there is never enough time
- Print, electronic, or graphic. All valid.
- What's happening at the library today?
- what makes our town great
- The plot thickens
- Your Library ID
- A summertime tradition with books
- All systems go
- they make a list. We check it twice.
- "what's their story?"
- an early introduction to books
- Number of branches
- A discussion worth having
- Homework, SAT/ACT, Genealogy
- Of Stilton and Steinbeck
- a famous library cat and cataloguer
20 Clues: All systems go • Your Library ID • The plot thickens • Number of branches • How can we assist? • “Now with Vitamin D!” • "what's their story?" • Think outside of the box • Of Stilton and Steinbeck • A discussion worth having • what makes our town great • there is never enough time • We wouldn't be here without • Homework, SAT/ACT, Genealogy • an early introduction to books • ...
Judaism 2022-12-01
- Books about writings
- 7-branched candlestick
- Eternal light
- Scrolls of (17 across)
- House of prayer
- Standing prayer
- A girl coming of age
- 5 books of Moses
- Prayer book
- First written version of oral law
- School
- Ark
- Star of David
- Commentary on the (20 across)
- Books about prophets
- Teacher
- Prayer shawl
- 9-branched candlestick
- (20 across) + (1 down)
- Represents 613 mitzvot
- Cantor
- A boy coming of age
- Boxes strapped to arm and forehead during prayer
- House of assembly
- Jewish scripture
- 10 people needed for synagogue service
26 Clues: Ark • Cantor • School • Teacher • Prayer book • Prayer shawl • Eternal light • Star of David • House of prayer • Standing prayer • 5 books of Moses • Jewish scripture • House of assembly • A boy coming of age • Books about prophets • Books about writings • A girl coming of age • 7-branched candlestick • Scrolls of (17 across) • 9-branched candlestick • (20 across) + (1 down) • Represents 613 mitzvot • ...
Grade 9 Orientation 2014-09-10
- Number of books by Susan Juby in the library
- Monument 14 author
- eBook publisher (link from school website)
- Regular loan period
- Canadian newsmagazine
- Number of books about NASCAR in the library
- Computer pass
- Number of books about urban legends in the library
- Online French encyclopedia
- Overdue fine per day
- card required for borrowing
- Classification system to organize the books
- Final item in the Web 2.0 Toolbox
- Teacher Librarian
- Library technician
- Colour of a regular loan due date card
- Unwind author
- Teen fashion magazine
- Library catalogue program
- Freebie at the Circulation Desk
- Cost to print in black & white
- Prime time for library use
- Sports magazine
- Area for quiet group work
- electronic database
- Quiet place to work by yourself
- Book by Lena Coakley
- Reference book loan period
- Reading exercises your
29 Clues: Computer pass • Unwind author • Sports magazine • Teacher Librarian • Monument 14 author • Library technician • Regular loan period • electronic database • Overdue fine per day • Book by Lena Coakley • Teen fashion magazine • Canadian newsmagazine • Reading exercises your • Library catalogue program • Area for quiet group work • Prime time for library use • Online French encyclopedia • ...
Sacred Script Test Thingy 2022-10-17
- most known for translating the bible to Latin
- The Promise Land
- One of gods messengers that led the Isrealites out of Egypt
- Saint Thomas Aquinas’s famous book
- God showing himself through nature/beauty
- The second coming of Christ
- the pattern of events in human history that show Gods saving action
- a love story told through God, containing a total of 76 books split into a old and new section
- The list of books in the Bible
- Gods chosen people
- the official teaching authority of the Catholic Church
- the 27 books of the Bible
- 10 Commandments
- The process of passing on the gospel message
- the natural ability to know and understand truth
- A text which contains the fundamental christian truths
- Showing himself through Isralites,Jesus, or/and the Bible
- scripture alone
- The guidence of the holy spirit
- the 46 books of the Bible
20 Clues: 10 Commandments • scripture alone • The Promise Land • Gods chosen people • the 27 books of the Bible • the 46 books of the Bible • The second coming of Christ • The list of books in the Bible • The guidence of the holy spirit • Saint Thomas Aquinas’s famous book • God showing himself through nature/beauty • The process of passing on the gospel message • ...
Tasmania Reads 2023-01-04
- , Fast, without stopping
- Follow one of these to make the perfect cake.
- Books written about real events are called?
- Acknowledge an event with a group of friends
- To investigate
- Our Country
- You can look at these books but can't borrow them
- A story that is not real is called ?
- A Season that is very hot
- Borrow books from here
- A time for children to sing and listen to stories
- A type of puzzle
- Spike, This type of Lego combines building and coding
- Words and cartoons are in this type of book.
- Not apart
- , Start reading from the back of the book
- issue machine, Do it yourself on this machine
- The science of making and using robots is called
- , Got to catch them all
- Fiction, Books written about the future and outer space are called this.
- Reads, Reading program held over the summer holidays
21 Clues: Not apart • Our Country • To investigate • A type of puzzle • Borrow books from here • , Got to catch them all • , Fast, without stopping • A Season that is very hot • A story that is not real is called ? • , Start reading from the back of the book • Books written about real events are called? • Words and cartoons are in this type of book. • ...
Remembering Reading 2024-05-28
- what happens in a story
- who is in a story
- how many books did we read this year
- someone who tells a story
- how many takeaways/bullet points do we write at the end of chapters?
- where/when a story takes place
- Where we keep the books in the classroom
- laminated slip that has annotation symbols on it
- your first reading project
- type of medal awarded to When You Reach Me
- Ahmet's bully
- how much money did Miranda's mom win?
- Chaunte's sport
- publisher of Boundless
- the first book we read
- the first name of the author of TBATBOTC
- point of view of all of our books
- what types of stories did you write for your signature experience
- main character in When You Reach Me
- what we do when we take notes in our books
- Where did Chaunte live in California?
- genre of When You Reach Me
- Chaunte has _______ sisters
- Chaunte worked at the __________________
- the refugee child
25 Clues: Ahmet's bully • Chaunte's sport • who is in a story • the refugee child • publisher of Boundless • the first book we read • what happens in a story • someone who tells a story • genre of When You Reach Me • your first reading project • Chaunte has _______ sisters • where/when a story takes place • point of view of all of our books • main character in When You Reach Me • ...
The life of a Bookseller/Barista 2021-12-11
- where the love of books starts
- Stephen's specialty
- Pick-up orders
- important books
- medium displays
- the bane of our existence
- the big boss
- where people buy stuff
- bane of cafe existence
- commonly referred to as ships
- cafe boss
- how we look up titles
- toys
- Home base of the store
- displays at the end of a bay
- Kaitee T's Specialty
- new releases
- how we know what's going on
- little displays
- how we transport stricts
- adult games
- floor employees
- how books should look on a table
- assistant to the big boss
- Katie W's specialty
- cafe employees
- the slowest machine in the world
- where the books begin
- schedule
- manager for the day
- e-readers
- how we transport product
- where we get company news
33 Clues: toys • schedule • cafe boss • e-readers • adult games • the big boss • new releases • Pick-up orders • cafe employees • little displays • floor employees • important books • medium displays • Stephen's specialty • Katie W's specialty • manager for the day • Kaitee T's Specialty • where the books begin • how we look up titles • where people buy stuff • bane of cafe existence • Home base of the store • ...
LIB 2024-01-19
- - Purpose of using a library for academic work.
- - Identification for borrowing materials.
- - Electronic device for accessing digital resources in a library.
- - Section containing authoritative information in a library.
- - Periodical containing news and articles.
- - Expected atmosphere in a library.
- - Person in charge of managing a library.
- - Disturbance often discouraged in libraries.
- - Horizontal surface for storing books in a library.
- - Flat surface for reading or studying in a library.
- - Periodical often found in a library.
- - Systematic investigation often done in a library.
- - Recorded version of a book for listening in a library.
- - System for classifying library materials.
- - Category or type of literature.
- - Term for a library item not returned on time.
- - Person using a library to peruse books.
- - Collections of written or printed material.
- - Formal spoken presentation, sometimes held in a library.
- - Item used to borrow books from a library.
20 Clues: - Category or type of literature. • - Expected atmosphere in a library. • - Periodical often found in a library. • - Identification for borrowing materials. • - Person using a library to peruse books. • - Person in charge of managing a library. • - Periodical containing news and articles. • - System for classifying library materials. • ...
Crouch Library 2023-06-19
- a made up story
- the main character in Diary of a Wimpy Kid
- when you borrow a book from the library
- number of books I can check out
- a character who is half dog and half man
- types of books you place on the blue cart
- name of your librarian
- a person that writes a story
- when you return a book
- types of books you place on the orange cart
- name of our library website
- a person who draws the pictures for a book
- our school mascot
- informational books
- name of the book
- a book is turned in late
- book that is written about someone
- a book in digital format
- award given in Texas for best book
- book that looks like a comic
- number of books I need to read or listen to so I can vote for my favorute Bluebonnet book
21 Clues: a made up story • name of the book • our school mascot • informational books • name of your librarian • when you return a book • a book is turned in late • a book in digital format • name of our library website • book that looks like a comic • a person that writes a story • number of books I can check out • book that is written about someone • award given in Texas for best book • ...
Extra Credit 2023-10-12
- 46 books
- location of temple,where Jesus did passover and died
- Jesus's hometown
- covenant
- synagogue meaning
- holds the Ark of the Covenant
- measuring rod
- birth place of Jesus
- childbirth blood
- hidden
- "Jewish terrorists"
- Jesus's occupation
- 27 books
- Hebrew for law and first 5 books of Bible
- housed the ark of the covenant and sacrificed animals to forgive sins
- Hebrew for teacher
- synagogue origin
17 Clues: hidden • 46 books • 27 books • covenant • measuring rod • childbirth blood • synagogue origin • Jesus's hometown • synagogue meaning • Jesus's occupation • Hebrew for teacher • "Jewish terrorists" • birth place of Jesus • holds the Ark of the Covenant • Hebrew for law and first 5 books of Bible • location of temple,where Jesus did passover and died • ...
Extra Credit 2023-10-12
- 46 books
- location of temple,where Jesus did passover and died
- Jesus's hometown
- covenant
- synagogue meaning
- holds the Ark of the Covenant
- measuring rod
- birth place of Jesus
- childbirth blood
- hidden
- "Jewish terrorists"
- Jesus's occupation
- 27 books
- Hebrew for law and first 5 books of Bible
- housed the ark of the covenant and sacrificed animals to forgive sins
- Hebrew for teacher
- synagogue origin
17 Clues: hidden • 46 books • 27 books • covenant • measuring rod • childbirth blood • synagogue origin • Jesus's hometown • synagogue meaning • Jesus's occupation • Hebrew for teacher • "Jewish terrorists" • birth place of Jesus • holds the Ark of the Covenant • Hebrew for law and first 5 books of Bible • location of temple,where Jesus did passover and died • ...
The Bible and Prayer 2023-09-20
- You can find a list of the books of the Bible in the table of ____________.
- The bible is made up of books,____________, and verses
- You can pray anytime or _____________.
- God always answers our prayers. (Write in true or false)for the answer.)
- The name of the first book in the Bible.
- Number of books in the Old Testament.
- In the passage John 3:16, "John" is the __________.
- The ____ testament predicts and warns about the coming of Jesus.
- In the passage John 3:16, the "16" is the _________.
- In the passage, John 3:16, the "3" is the ___________.
- The Bible is ______ in chronological (time) order.
- The name of the last book in the Bible.
- You must bow your head to pray.(Write in true or false)
- Talking with God is called ____________.
- There is only one kind of prayer. (Write in true or false)
- God's answers to prayer are ______, no, or wait.
- Number of books in the New Testament.
- The ____ tesatament tells about the life of Jesus.
- Number of parts to the Bible.
- Number of books in the Bible.
20 Clues: Number of parts to the Bible. • Number of books in the Bible. • Number of books in the New Testament. • Number of books in the Old Testament. • You can pray anytime or _____________. • The name of the last book in the Bible. • Talking with God is called ____________. • The name of the first book in the Bible. • God's answers to prayer are ______, no, or wait. • ...
Old Testament Terms 2022-08-31
- male leaders
- category of art, music, literature
- sacred writings
- holy spirit guiding biblical authors
- library of sacred books
- sin of Adam & Eve
- belief in one god
- collection of sacred books
- beginning
- God's saving actions in the world
- female leaders
- first 5 books of the bible
- visible sign from God
- sharing stories through word of mouth
- belief in many gods
- looks at human authors and God's message
- Jewish word for Pentateuch
- sacred promise
18 Clues: beginning • male leaders • sacred promise • female leaders • sacred writings • sin of Adam & Eve • belief in one god • belief in many gods • visible sign from God • library of sacred books • first 5 books of the bible • Jewish word for Pentateuch • collection of sacred books • God's saving actions in the world • category of art, music, literature • holy spirit guiding biblical authors • ...
Old Testament Terms 2022-08-31
- visible sign from God
- Jewish word for Pentateuch
- holy spirit guiding biblical authors
- sharing stories through word of mouth
- God's saving actions in the world
- beginning
- male leaders
- category of art, music, literature
- female leaders
- collection of sacred books
- belief in many gods
- sacred promise
- looks at human authors and God's message
- belief in one god
- first 5 books of the bible
- sin of Adam & Eve
- sacred writings
- library of sacred books
18 Clues: beginning • male leaders • sacred promise • female leaders • sacred writings • belief in one god • sin of Adam & Eve • belief in many gods • visible sign from God • library of sacred books • Jewish word for Pentateuch • first 5 books of the bible • collection of sacred books • God's saving actions in the world • category of art, music, literature • holy spirit guiding biblical authors • ...
Old Testament Terms 2022-08-31
- sacred writings
- God's saving actions in the world
- category of art, music, literature
- belief in one god
- sharing stories through word of mouth
- looks at human authors and God's message
- library of sacred books
- first 5 books of the bible
- beginning
- female leaders
- Jewish word for Pentateuch
- holy spirit guiding biblical authors
- collection of sacred books
- visible sign from God
- sacred promise
- sin of Adam & Eve
- belief in many gods
- male leaders
18 Clues: beginning • male leaders • female leaders • sacred promise • sacred writings • belief in one god • sin of Adam & Eve • belief in many gods • visible sign from God • library of sacred books • Jewish word for Pentateuch • collection of sacred books • first 5 books of the bible • God's saving actions in the world • category of art, music, literature • holy spirit guiding biblical authors • ...
Hezboo Books 2022-12-22
- “Generic Asian Man”
- ____Year House
- Army helper
- Boat rower towards abandoned books
- Maker of Ove’s car
- Protagonist in novel dealing with AIDS crisis
- Type of tree John and Frank Hoel photograph
- Klara’s owner
- Town where To Kill a Mockingbird takes place
- Colson ______
- unlatched spaceship
- City where the Sympathizer tries to make a new life
12 Clues: Army helper • Klara’s owner • Colson ______ • ____Year House • Maker of Ove’s car • “Generic Asian Man” • unlatched spaceship • Boat rower towards abandoned books • Type of tree John and Frank Hoel photograph • Town where To Kill a Mockingbird takes place • Protagonist in novel dealing with AIDS crisis • City where the Sympathizer tries to make a new life
Old Testament Terms 2022-08-31
- sin of Adam & Eve
- category of art, music, literature
- first 5 books of the bible
- God's saving actions in the world
- looks at human authors and God's message
- sacred writings
- sharing stories through word of mouth
- visible sign from God
- belief in many gods
- library of sacred books
- beginning
- Jewish word for Pentateuch
- female leaders
- collection of sacred books
- sacred promise
- holy spirit guiding biblical authors
- male leaders
- belief in one god
18 Clues: beginning • male leaders • female leaders • sacred promise • sacred writings • sin of Adam & Eve • belief in one god • belief in many gods • visible sign from God • library of sacred books • Jewish word for Pentateuch • collection of sacred books • first 5 books of the bible • God's saving actions in the world • category of art, music, literature • holy spirit guiding biblical authors • ...
Library Words 2022-10-31
15 Clues: check out • life story • web address • past due date • extend a loan • world wide _____ • stories or novels • back edge of book • something to read • collection of maps • large oversized books • a magazine is a _____ • shelves that hold books • list of items in a book • person who writes books
Intro to the Old Testament 2023-07-06
- How many books are prophetic?
- True/False - There is more than one version of the creation story in the bible.
- Sarah and ___ had a son named Issac.
- spent three days and nights in a fish
- Means to rest or pause and appears in the book of Psalms 71 times.
- Stole his brother's birthright
- What is the eighth book of the Bible?
- How many years did the Israelites wander in the desert?
- Where did Moses receive the 10 Commandments?
- There are 5 main covenants of the OT: _____, Mosaic, Abrahamic, Davidic, and the New Covenant.
- Has 700 wives.
- How many books are considered poetic?
- The last book of the OT
- killed their brother.
- The book that follows Nehemiah.
- What are the first five books of the Old Testament referred to?
- The Prophet Samuel revealed to King Saul that this person would become the next king of Israel.
- What does the word "testament" mean?
- The Old Testament was written almost entirely in this language
- The longest book of the Bible
- How many books are in the Old Testament
- How many historical books are in the OT?
- One of the people in the fiery furnace
23 Clues: Has 700 wives. • killed their brother. • The last book of the OT • How many books are prophetic? • The longest book of the Bible • Stole his brother's birthright • The book that follows Nehemiah. • What does the word "testament" mean? • Sarah and ___ had a son named Issac. • spent three days and nights in a fish • What is the eighth book of the Bible? • ...
Fahrenheit 451 Adam Searle period 3 1/27/23 2023-01-27
- clarisses uncle got arrested for being
- What Mildred overdosed on
- Teaches montag everyone needs to leave their mark of the world
- Were illegal but Montag fell in love with them
- The person who started Montags questioning of his happiness
- The author of Fahrenheit 451
- where montag met mildred
- Mildred considered those on TV
- the book of the bible montag has memorized
- Montag hid a book under his ____
- Montags wife
- what mildred and her friends watched on TV
- architects stopped putting these on houses
- fabers old job was being a
- How the firemen disposed of books
- The tool the firemen used to make fire
- The protagonist of Fahrenheit 451
- The book montag reads to mildred and her friends
- The name for headphones of earbuds
- Used in flamethrowers, flamable liquid
- Who helped Montag with his love for books
- To burn books have to be at 451 degrees ____
- The people that burned books
- The fire captain
- montag tried to fill one with sand as a child
- One of the Firemen's tools was the mechanical ___
- Montag jumps into this to escape the mechanical hound
27 Clues: Montags wife • The fire captain • where montag met mildred • What Mildred overdosed on • fabers old job was being a • The author of Fahrenheit 451 • The people that burned books • Mildred considered those on TV • Montag hid a book under his ____ • How the firemen disposed of books • The protagonist of Fahrenheit 451 • The name for headphones of earbuds • ...
Test #1 Review 2022-10-17
- Another name for the 10 Commandments
- God trying to bring his people back from sin throughout the entire Bible
- "the good news"
- how we live and worship
- What the Church celebrates
- The 47 books in the Bible
- The natural ability humans have to know and understand truth
- A solemn agreement between God and a human being
- The 27 books in the bible
- Begins when Jesus rises from the dead
- The official teaching authority of the Church
- Aquinta's 4th proof
- Refers to teachings that have been passed down from the Apostles
- Aquinta's 2nd proof
- The books of Scripture are free from error
- Warrior-leaders
- A unique way we see the world
- The second coming of Christ
- The list of books in the Bible
- The Israelites were slaved in
- What the Church believes
21 Clues: Warrior-leaders • "the good news" • Aquinta's 4th proof • Aquinta's 2nd proof • how we live and worship • What the Church believes • The 47 books in the Bible • The 27 books in the bible • What the Church celebrates • The second coming of Christ • A unique way we see the world • The Israelites were slaved in • The list of books in the Bible • Another name for the 10 Commandments • ...
Eighty Layers of Owen: A ‘Mine’field of Sweet Reads 2024-10-25
- Underground tunnel in a mine (5)
- Dessert with layers of meringue and cream (7)
- Sweet oat bar with golden syrup (8)
- Engine Engine used to pump water (4,6)
- Unique identifier for books (4)
- Layered dessert with fruit and custard (6)
- Thin pancake with sugar and lemon (5)
- Card Card needed to borrow books (7,4)
- Dessert of fruit with crumbly topping (7)
- Book lending period (4)
- Sweet treat made from sugar and butter (5)
- Person who manages a library (9)
- Area where books are stored (6)
- Time when a book is due back (4)
- Number used to classify books (5)
- Place to read and borrow books (7)
- Cornish term for a mine (5)
- Person who works in a mine (5)
- Small cake often served with jam and cream (5)
- Metal mined in Cornwall, symbol Sn (3)
- Light sponge cake in paper cases (6)
- Maiden Female mine worker (3,7)
- Mineral-bearing rock (3)
23 Clues: Book lending period (4) • Mineral-bearing rock (3) • Cornish term for a mine (5) • Person who works in a mine (5) • Area where books are stored (6) • Unique identifier for books (4) • Maiden Female mine worker (3,7) • Person who manages a library (9) • Underground tunnel in a mine (5) • Time when a book is due back (4) • Number used to classify books (5) • ...
Research Terms Crossword 2022-01-27
- Something that can inspire a writing
- Restating something in your own words
- A form of organizing a writing beforehand
- Studying something
- Written after organizing
- Shortened version of writing
- How believable books, people, and websites are
- The essay right before submission
- A preset within a medium
- Directly restating something
- The main part of an essay
- Comes alongside crediting sources
- Books, people, websites
- Reasoning
- The beginning of an essay
- Determine own progress
- The main point of an essay within a sentence
- Actions that affect the subject
- Acronym for facts reasons examples details
- Change
- Crediting books, people, and websites
- The final paragraph in an essay
- How an author writes
- A list of all the credits given to books, people, and websites
- The thing an essay is about
- Action words
26 Clues: Change • Reasoning • Action words • Studying something • How an author writes • Determine own progress • Books, people, websites • Written after organizing • A preset within a medium • The beginning of an essay • The main part of an essay • The thing an essay is about • Shortened version of writing • Directly restating something • Actions that affect the subject • ...
Research Terms Crossword 2022-01-27
- Something that can inspire a writing
- Restating something in your own words
- A form of organizing a writing beforehand
- Studying something
- Written after organizing
- Shortened version of writing
- How believable books, people, and websites are
- The essay right before submission
- A preset within a medium
- Directly restating something
- The main part of an essay
- Comes alongside crediting sources
- Books, people, websites
- Reasoning
- The beginning of an essay
- Determine own progress
- The main point of an essay within a sentence
- Actions that affect the subject
- Acronym for facts reasons examples details
- Change
- Crediting books, people, and websites
- The final paragraph in an essay
- How an author writes
- A list of all the credits given to books, people, and websites
- The thing an essay is about
- Action words
26 Clues: Change • Reasoning • Action words • Studying something • How an author writes • Determine own progress • Books, people, websites • Written after organizing • A preset within a medium • The beginning of an essay • The main part of an essay • The thing an essay is about • Shortened version of writing • Directly restating something • Actions that affect the subject • ...
Research Terms Crossword 2022-01-27
- Something that can inspire a writing
- Restating something in your own words
- A form of organizing a writing beforehand
- Studying something
- Written after organizing
- Shortened version of writing
- How believable books, people, and websites are
- The essay right before submission
- A preset within a medium
- Directly restating something
- The main part of an essay
- Comes alongside crediting sources
- Books, people, websites
- Reasoning
- The beginning of an essay
- Determine own progress
- The main point of an essay within a sentence
- Actions that affect the subject
- Acronym for facts reasons examples details
- Change
- Crediting books, people, and websites
- The final paragraph in an essay
- How an author writes
- A list of all the credits given to books, people, and websites
- The thing an essay is about
- Action words
26 Clues: Change • Reasoning • Action words • Studying something • How an author writes • Determine own progress • Books, people, websites • Written after organizing • A preset within a medium • The beginning of an essay • The main part of an essay • The thing an essay is about • Shortened version of writing • Directly restating something • Actions that affect the subject • ...
Fahrenheit 451: Crossword Puzzle 2022-02-04
- the figurative language montag has never heard of
- someone who burns books for their job
- the governments attack mechanisms.
- what people us to listen to music, tv, etc.
- the temperature which paper burns
- what is banned in this society?
- has a data base full of people
- the country Montag is said to live in
- something that people don't obtain
- Where Montag hides the stolen books
- the horrific event that takes place to Mildred.
- what is used to burn books?
- the liquid fiefighters us to put on books.
- the amount of time you have to return a book.
- the first mention of free thought
- an instrument Captain Beatty refers too
- what is seen as; bad by schools
- Montags partner in the book
- Montags employer
- a religous text that was burned
- the main character of the book
21 Clues: Montags employer • what is used to burn books? • Montags partner in the book • has a data base full of people • the main character of the book • what is banned in this society? • what is seen as; bad by schools • a religous text that was burned • the first mention of free thought • the temperature which paper burns • the governments attack mechanisms. • ...
Sacred Script Test Thingy 2022-10-17
- the 27 books of the Bible
- most known for translating the bible to Latin
- A text which contains the fundamental christian truths
- The second coming of Christ
- God showing himself through nature/beauty
- the official teaching authority of the Catholic Church
- The guidence of the holy spirit
- Saint Thomas Aquinas’s famous book
- a love story told through God, containing a total of 76 books split into a old and new section
- The list of books in the Bible
- Showing himself through Isralites,Jesus, or/and the Bible
- the pattern of events in human history that show Gods saving action
- The process of passing on the gospel message
- 10 Commandments
- Gods chosen people
- the natural ability to know and understand truth
- the 46 books of the Bible
- One of gods messengers that led the Isrealites out of Egypt
- The Promise Land
- scripture alone
20 Clues: 10 Commandments • scripture alone • The Promise Land • Gods chosen people • the 27 books of the Bible • the 46 books of the Bible • The second coming of Christ • The list of books in the Bible • The guidence of the holy spirit • Saint Thomas Aquinas’s famous book • God showing himself through nature/beauty • The process of passing on the gospel message • ...
Rising Sun Children's Church Quiz 2023-09-26
- The 2nd book of the Old Testament
- The game that we play is "I am _________!"
- The wooden object that Jesus was crucified on.
- God's written word.
- The number of books in the New Testament.
- The number of books in the Bible.
- The last word in the Lord's Prayer.
- These objects held Jesus's hands to the cross.
- The place we are trying to go through God.
- The 5th book of the Old Testament.
- The 1st word in the Lord's Prayer.
- God's son.
- The 1st book in the Old Testament.
- Jesus's father.
- The 1st four books of the Bible.
- The number of books in the Old Testament.
- The 3rd book in the Old Testament.
- This was made of thorns and placed on Jesus's head when he was crucified.
- The 2nd word in the Lord's Prayer.
- The 4th book in the Old Testament.
20 Clues: God's son. • Jesus's father. • God's written word. • The 1st four books of the Bible. • The 2nd book of the Old Testament • The number of books in the Bible. • The 1st book in the Old Testament. • The 3rd book in the Old Testament. • The 2nd word in the Lord's Prayer. • The 4th book in the Old Testament. • The 5th book of the Old Testament. • The 1st word in the Lord's Prayer. • ...
Intro to the Old Testament 2023-07-06
- How many years did the Israelites wander in the desert?
- The book that follows Nehemiah.
- What are the first five books of the Old Testament referred to?
- The last book of the OT
- Means to rest or pause and appears in the book of Psalms 71 times.
- True/False - There is more than one version of the creation story in the bible.
- What is the eighth book of the Bible?
- How many books are in the Old Testament
- How many books are prophetic?
- Has 700 wives.
- The Prophet Samuel revealed to King Saul that this person would become the next king of Israel.
- The longest book of the Bible
- How many books are considered poetic?
- What does the word "testament" mean?
- Sarah and ___ had a son named Issac.
- Where did Moses receive the 10 Commandments?
- The Old Testament was written almost entirely in this language
- spent three days and nights in a fish
- Stole his brother's birthright.
- How many historical books are in the OT?
- There are 5 main covenants of the OT: _____, Mosaic, Abrahamic, Davidic, and the New Covenant.
21 Clues: Has 700 wives. • The last book of the OT • The longest book of the Bible • How many books are prophetic? • The book that follows Nehemiah. • Stole his brother's birthright. • What does the word "testament" mean? • Sarah and ___ had a son named Issac. • How many books are considered poetic? • What is the eighth book of the Bible? • spent three days and nights in a fish • ...
Books and Authors 2016-06-29
- classic picture books for babies about runaway bunnies and saying goodnight in the great green room
- name of the boys for which this series is named, appealing to juvenile boys, first appearing in 1927
- author of a 1941 publication about a little pioneer cow, Susannah, and her journey west with her family
- best known for 1986 Newbery Medal winner for Sarah, Plain and Tall
- husband and wife team wrote many beginner reader books about bears on bicycles, hunting for honey, and picnicking
- picture books from mid 1900s; favorites about ducklings and a little girl and bear cub picking blueberries
- wrote with the pen name of Mark Twain
- beginner readers relate to the stories of Ramona Quimby and Henry Huggins, as they experience the adventures of becoming school aged
- cartoonist and illustrator with The New Yorker, took up writing children's books at the age of 61, one of which inspired multiple movies and a Broadway musical about a big blue monster
- story of a little girl being raised in Switzerland after the death of her parents; who goes up the mountain to live with her grandfather
- published book in the mid 1800s of the 4 March sisters transitioning from childhood to womanhood
- many board books available by this author, with fun illustrations of animals dressing for bed or dancing in the barnyard
- female author of a series about pioneer sisters traveling west with Ma and Pa
- kind of scary fairy tales well known and loved
- author and illustrator of tiny tales about woodland friends, originally published tiny individual story books in early 1900s
- author of a series first appearing in the early 1900s about a young orphan girl, Anne Shirley, being raised on a farm in Prince Edward Island
- writer of a fantasy trilogy based in middle earth published in 1956 which were later made into box office hits in the movie theaters
- known for wacky illustrations and made up words, this doctor of sorts delights young and old alike
- Newberry Medal winner of many humorous books, including several about the Moffats
19 Clues: wrote with the pen name of Mark Twain • kind of scary fairy tales well known and loved • best known for 1986 Newbery Medal winner for Sarah, Plain and Tall • female author of a series about pioneer sisters traveling west with Ma and Pa • Newberry Medal winner of many humorous books, including several about the Moffats • ...
Books and Authors 2016-06-29
- beginner readers relate to the stories of Ramona Quimby and Henry Huggins, as they experience the adventures of becoming school aged
- published book in the mid 1800s of the 4 March sisters transitioning from childhood to womanhood
- author of a 1941 publication about a little pioneer cow, Susannah, and her journey west with her family
- Newberry Medal winner of many humorous books, including several about the Moffats
- writer of a fantasy trilogy based in middle earth published in 1956 which were later made into box office hits in the movie theaters
- picture books from mid 1900s; favorites about ducklings and a little girl and bear cub picking blueberries
- husband and wife team wrote many beginner reader books about bears on bicycles, hunting for honey, and picnicking
- kind of scary fairy tales well known and loved
- classic picture books for babies about runaway bunnies and saying goodnight in the great green room
- name of the boys for which this series is named, appealing to juvenile boys, first appearing in 1927
- many board books available by this author, with fun illustrations of animals dressing for bed or dancing in the barnyard
- wrote with the pen name of Mark Twain
- best known for 1986 Newbery Medal winner for Sarah, Plain and Tall
- female author of a series about pioneer sisters traveling west with Ma and Pa
- cartoonist and illustrator with The New Yorker, took up writing children's books at the age of 61, one of which inspired multiple movies and a Broadway musical about a big blue monster
- author and illustrator of tiny tales about woodland friends, originally published tiny individual story books in early 1900s
- author of a series first appearing in the early 1900s about a young orphan girl, Anne Shirley, being raised on a farm in Prince Edward Island
- story of a little girl being raised in Switzerland after the death of her parents; who goes up the mountain to live with her grandfather
- known for wacky illustrations and made up words, this doctor of sorts delights young and old alike
19 Clues: wrote with the pen name of Mark Twain • kind of scary fairy tales well known and loved • best known for 1986 Newbery Medal winner for Sarah, Plain and Tall • female author of a series about pioneer sisters traveling west with Ma and Pa • Newberry Medal winner of many humorous books, including several about the Moffats • ...
Old Testament Books 2023-02-08
- A love story
- She becomes the queen
- A book of wisdom
- Book of Moses' last words of warning
- Book of religious requirements
- Noah's ark book
- A complete history of the kings
- First book of the history of the kings
- Israel enters promised land book
- Ten Commandments book
- Book of genealogies
- "All is vanity"
- A book of songs
- Story of Naomi's daughter-in-law
- Continues telling the history after the books of Samuel
- The rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem
- A man who goes through great trials
- History of Israel after return from captivity
- Circle of obedience and disobedience
19 Clues: A love story • "All is vanity" • A book of songs • Noah's ark book • A book of wisdom • Book of genealogies • Ten Commandments book • She becomes the queen • Book of religious requirements • A complete history of the kings • Israel enters promised land book • Story of Naomi's daughter-in-law • A man who goes through great trials • Book of Moses' last words of warning • ...
New Testament Books 2023-03-26
19 Clues: Love • grace • faith • purpose • rapture • servant • kenosis • divinity • supremacy • good fight • son of man • Holy Spirit • apocalyptic • forgiveness • instructions • superlatives • justification • Righteousness • qualifications
Unit 4 Review Game Krohn, Courtney 2019-11-07
- (one who speaks for) a person selected by God to speak in his name
- one of supposed original sources
- Presents the text in Hebrew and Greek in parallel columns
- a type of sacred literature characterized by symbolic imagery; an alternate name for the Book of Revelation
- The portion of the Mass that includes the preparation of the bread and wine, the consecration of the Body and Blood of Christ, and the distribution of Holy Communion to the faithful
- The five books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy
- (covenant) records of Christ's life and things connecting to him
- (rule) the Church's complete list of inspired books of the Bible
- (common) the name of Saint Jerome's translation of the Bible from the original languages into Latin
- one of the supposed original sources of the Pentateuch showing the perspective of Jews in the Northern Kingdom
- these illustrate and shed light on one another and the complete plan of Revelation
- similar virtues on the other qualities as its fulfillment
- and event or person in Scripture that points toward a later event or person
- The parts of the Old Testament that were removed from the Jewish or Hebrew canon of Scripture
- Greek for five books; the Torah
- (five books) referring to the Torah
- The Old Testament hat comprise the stories of the prophets
- The study of ancestry or a chronological lists of ancestors
- (good news) shows God's mercy and love revealed in the life, Death, and Resurrection of Christ
- A letter addressed to a particular person or people
- Fourty-six books of the Bible that record the history of salvation from creation until the time of Christ
- The portion of the Mass that includes the reading of Scripture and the homily
- Books of the Bible included in the Jewish or Hebrew canon of Scriptures
- Sacred Scripture; the books containing the truth of God's Revelation as composed by inspired, Sacred Authors
- Twenty-seven books of the Bible that tell of Christ's life, teachings, Passion, and glorification
- A third-century BC Greek translation of the Scriptures
26 Clues: Greek for five books; the Torah • one of supposed original sources • (five books) referring to the Torah • A letter addressed to a particular person or people • A third-century BC Greek translation of the Scriptures • Presents the text in Hebrew and Greek in parallel columns • similar virtues on the other qualities as its fulfillment • ...
Catholic Canon Crossword 2012-09-23
- The Isrealites escape slavery under the leadership of
- The historical books tell of Isreal's conquest of teh land of
- The post-exillic prophets include Hagai and
- The heart of Isreal's story is told in the first five books of the Bible, called the
- Other less known prophets were considered
- Torah is the Hebrew wod tha means
- There are writing prophets and nonwriting
- The prophetic books tell us about men who loved
- The book of Job explores the problem of good versus
- The Song of Songs is a collection of love songs in the form of
- The Torah is the primary scriptural authority in matters of belief and
- The pre-exillic prophets include Hosea and
- Containing some of the most powerful religious writing in the world, is the prophetic
- Isaiah was a prophet that was considered
- The author of the Book of Ecclesiastes was a
- The exillic prophets include Ezekiel and the unknown author of the Book of
- The Book of Pslams is a collection of religious songs once attributed soley to
- The Book of Proverbs is a collection of writings with advice for living an ordinary life in the spirit of
- The Pentateuch is called the religious masterpiece of the Old
- The Jews refer to these five books as the
- The books of Jonah and Daniel are listed with the prophetic
- Stories like the Creation, and Adam and Eve show us God as a loving
22 Clues: Torah is the Hebrew wod tha means • Isaiah was a prophet that was considered • Other less known prophets were considered • The Jews refer to these five books as the • There are writing prophets and nonwriting • The pre-exillic prophets include Hosea and • The post-exillic prophets include Hagai and • The author of the Book of Ecclesiastes was a • ...