books Crossword Puzzles

Books and Authors 2022-03-15

Books and Authors crossword puzzle
  1. Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?
  2. Author of the famous book "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes".
  3. Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?
  4. Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?
  5. Most famous character from the book Malgudi Days.
  6. Famous story of a giant man by Jonathan Swift.
  7. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari The novel by ___________ is a beautifully written fable.
  8. A famous novel written by Kalidasa.
  9. This is the name given to a fiction book.
  1. Indian businesswoman, educator and author. "How I Taught My Grandmother" is one of her famous works.
  2. This is the surname of the man who wrote 'Romeo and Juliet'.
  3. Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.
  4. bestselling book of financial literacy written by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter.
  5. Novel to be inspired by the real-life story of the north Indian author and his wife who is from Tamil Nadu.
  6. Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?
  7. Who was the writer of 'Alice's adventures in Wonderland'?
  8. Indian filmmaker, screenwriter, documentary filmmaker, author, essayist and lyricist who received Oscar in 1992 for Lifetime Achievement.
  9. Which creepy series of books did R. L. Stine write?
  10. Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books?
  11. compilation of satirical stories written by Twinkle Khanna

20 Clues: Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.A famous novel written by Kalidasa.Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?This is the name given to a fiction book.Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books?...

Books and Authors 2022-03-15

Books and Authors crossword puzzle
  1. Which creepy series of books did R. L. Stine write?
  2. bestselling book of financial literacy written by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter.
  3. Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.
  4. Novel to be inspired by the real-life story of the north Indian author and his wife who is from Tamil Nadu.
  5. Author of the famous book "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes".
  6. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari The novel by ___________ is a beautifully written fable.
  7. Most famous character from the book Malgudi Days.
  8. Famous story of a giant man by Jonathan Swift.
  9. Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books?
  10. Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?
  1. This is the name given to a fiction book.
  2. Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?
  3. Indian businesswoman, educator and author. "How I Taught My Grandmother" is one of her famous works.
  4. Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?
  5. This is the surname of the man who wrote 'Romeo and Juliet'.
  6. A famous novel written by Kalidasa.
  7. Who was the writer of 'Alice's adventures in Wonderland'?
  8. Indian filmmaker, screenwriter, documentary filmmaker, author, essayist and lyricist who received Oscar in 1992 for Lifetime Achievement.
  9. Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?
  10. compilation of satirical stories written by Twinkle Khanna

20 Clues: Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.A famous novel written by Kalidasa.Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?This is the name given to a fiction book.Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books?...

Books and Authors 2022-03-15

Books and Authors crossword puzzle
  1. Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?
  2. A famous novel written by Kalidasa.
  3. Indian businesswoman, educator and author. "How I Taught My Grandmother" is one of her famous works.
  4. Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?
  5. Most famous character from the book Malgudi Days.
  6. Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.
  7. "Gitanjali" is written by _________.
  8. Famous story of a giant man by Jonathan Swift.
  9. Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?
  10. Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books?
  1. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari The novel by ___________ is a beautifully written fable.
  2. This is the surname of the man who wrote 'Romeo and Juliet'.
  3. Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?
  4. Who was the writer of 'Alice's adventures in Wonderland'?
  5. This is the name given to a fiction book.
  6. Author of the famous book "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes".
  7. Novel to be inspired by the real-life story of the north Indian author and his wife who is from Tamil Nadu.
  8. Which creepy series of books did R. L. Stine write?
  9. bestselling book of financial literacy written by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter.
  10. Indian filmmaker, screenwriter, documentary filmmaker, author, essayist and lyricist who received Oscar in 1992 for Lifetime Achievement.

20 Clues: Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.A famous novel written by Kalidasa.Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?"Gitanjali" is written by _________.This is the name given to a fiction book.Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books?...

Spellingtest theme "books" 2022-03-28

Spellingtest theme "books" crossword puzzle
  1. A series of events that together make a story.
  2. Written stories about events and people that are not real
  3. A type of book that contains a long written story usually about imaginary characters and events.
  4. A place where books are available to borrow for free
  5. A person who really likes to read and spends a lot of time reading.
  6. The name given to a book
  7. One of the parts that a book is divided into; each part has a number and sometimes a title.
  8. One side of a sheet of paper with words of the story on it.
  9. People who are admired because they are so brave.
  10. An account of imaginary or real events that is told to entertain you.
  11. Sounds or combinations of sounds that have meaning and are spoken or written.
  1. A character in a story who does bad things.
  2. A piece of wood that holds the books.
  3. A book that is liked more than others.
  4. Complete this sentence "I finished the _______ book".
  5. The outer part of a book.
  6. A story that is told through drawings with minimal text.
  7. The writer of a book
  8. A book that describes a crime and the process of solving it.
  9. To make a book available to the public.
  10. A person in a book

21 Clues: A person in a bookThe writer of a bookThe name given to a bookThe outer part of a book.A piece of wood that holds the books.A book that is liked more than others.To make a book available to the public.A character in a story who does bad things.A series of events that together make a story.People who are admired because they are so brave....

Bible books crossword 2013-11-07

Bible books crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Book of philosophy
  2. secretary of the prophet Jeremiah
  3. Story of Moses
  4. It stands first in order among what are known as the twelve Minor Prophets
  5. the story of the man who carried out a mission for the Persian King
  6. life quotes from various sources
  7. the speeches by Moses delivered to the Israelites
  8. describes the role and duties of the bishops, and elders
  9. story of Jewish patriots against the Assyrians
  10. the story of the fall of Edom
  11. woman who is accepting God as her God
  12. Book of Prophecy and apocalypse
  13. collection of ethical teachings from a single author
  14. to correct the lax religious and social behavior of the Israelites
  15. the story of the obstacles and preparations before the conquest of Canaan
  16. of Songs the story that reveals the imbalance between the people and God
  17. the story of the conquest of Canaan by the Israelites
  18. example of wisdom literature that is a letter for circulation
  1. Songs in the Bible
  2. the epistle where Paul sends letters to this man
  3. dramatic poems which reflect on suffering and innocence.
  4. father of Judaism
  5. the story's purpose was to alter the religious behavior of his people
  6. the story that openly questions the wisdom of God
  7. Story of the Man and the Lion
  8. first biblical prophetic book written
  9. the story of the Babylonian Exile
  10. woman who thwarted a plan to commit genocide against the poeple of Persia
  11. of the Apostles history of the Apostolic Age
  12. story of the meaning of life
  13. the penultimate book of the Bible
  14. Story of Creation
  15. states the duties, requirements, and roles of the priests and laity
  16. purpose was to reveal the sins of the people and explain the reason for the impending disaster
  17. He reproaches unjust leaders, defends the rights of the poor against the rich and powerful, and preaches social justice
  18. the ante penultimate of the Bible
  19. history of Biblical military leaders
  20. story of the fall of Nineveh
  21. The Man and the Whale

39 Clues: Story of Mosesfather of JudaismStory of CreationSongs in the BibleBook of philosophyThe Man and the Whalestory of the meaning of lifestory of the fall of NinevehStory of the Man and the Lionthe story of the fall of EdomBook of Prophecy and apocalypselife quotes from various sourcessecretary of the prophet Jeremiahthe story of the Babylonian Exile...

Literature and Books 2014-10-06

Literature and Books crossword puzzle
  1. A House for Mr. ____? Naipaul
  2. The protagonist in The Catcher in the Rye
  3. George Macdonald Fraser's anti hero
  4. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
  5. Author of Humboldt's Gift
  6. Mr. Bennet's cousin's first name
  7. Name of Captain Nemo's vessel
  8. Blithe Spirit takes its title from one of his poems
  9. Rat faced detective pal of Sherlock's
  10. I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse
  1. The Lord of the ____?
  2. Captain John Yossario's squadron is based on this island
  3. Wrote Midnight's Children
  4. Boo Radley
  5. She was in the book A pocket full of rye
  6. The wizard in The Hobbit
  7. Does Edward Fairfax Rochester ring a bell
  8. Jerome K Jerome's men took a trip in this
  9. American _____?
  10. The War of the Worlds

20 Clues: Boo RadleyAmerican _____?The Lord of the ____?The War of the WorldsThe wizard in The HobbitWrote Midnight's ChildrenAuthor of Humboldt's GiftA House for Mr. ____? NaipaulName of Captain Nemo's vesselOne Flew Over The Cuckoo's NestMr. Bennet's cousin's first nameGeorge Macdonald Fraser's anti heroRat faced detective pal of Sherlock's...

Battle Books Authors 2016-05-25

Battle Books Authors crossword puzzle
  1. Rowling
  2. E. Burg
  3. Corbett
  4. Sachar
  5. Cronin
  6. Van Draanen
  7. L'Engle
  8. Korman
  9. Law
  10. Horowitz
  11. Kamkwamba
  1. Wodson
  2. LaFaye
  3. Mullaly Hunt
  4. Tishjian
  5. Johnson
  6. Deflice
  7. Choldenko
  8. Mcmann
  9. Leyson
  10. Meyer
  11. Paulson
  12. Gutman
  13. Angleberger
  14. Lupica

25 Clues: LawMeyerWodsonLaFayeMcmannSacharCroninLeysonKormanGutmanLupicaRowlingJohnsonDefliceE. BurgCorbettL'EnglePaulsonTishjianHorowitzCholdenkoKamkwambaVan DraanenAnglebergerMullaly Hunt

Unit 2 Books 2022-09-19

Unit 2 Books crossword puzzle
  1. püsiv
  2. aknalaud
  3. pealkiri
  4. saal
  5. täielikult
  6. rõdu
  7. põnev raaat
  8. hiilgav
  9. veidla välimusega
  10. oja
  11. veel
  12. hädaldama
  13. varu, vaba
  14. luuletus
  15. õhurünnak
  16. peegel
  17. varsti
  18. süvenenud
  19. heal järjel olema
  1. porikärbes
  2. raudtee
  3. teesklema
  4. jaam
  5. eeldama
  6. raadio
  7. pehmekaaneline raamat
  8. suund
  9. nina nuuskama
  10. ärrituv
  11. kõvade kaantega raamat
  12. vahepeal
  13. millegi üle otsustama
  14. kohustuslik raamat
  15. sassis
  16. Ära räägi lollusi!
  17. vahetama

36 Clues: ojajaamsaalrõduveelpüsivsuundraadiosassispeegelvarstiraudteeeeldamaärrituvhiilgavaknalaudpealkirivahepealluuletusvahetamateesklemahädaldamaõhurünnaksüvenenudporikärbestäielikultvaru, vabapõnev raaatnina nuuskamaveidla välimusegaheal järjel olemakohustuslik raamatÄra räägi lollusi!pehmekaaneline raamatmillegi üle otsustamakõvade kaantega raamat

Books and films 2022-09-15

Books and films crossword puzzle
  1. the story of a book or a film
  2. when and where the story takes place
  3. when a film or a book keeps you interested all the time, we say that it’s…
  4. a person in a film or a book
  5. an exciting story that may include travel
  6. the company which produces books
  7. a very exciting and frightening film
  8. words arranged in lines and chosen for their sounds and images
  1. a story about real events and facts
  2. the way an actor acts is a film or a play
  3. a story of a person’s life written by that person
  4. a piece of writing which is well-known and of a high standard and lasting value
  5. a story about love
  6. a complete book in which the events and the people are imaginary
  7. the main actor
  8. the main subject of a book
  9. all the people taking part in the film
  10. a funny film
  11. a person in charge of a film or a play and who tells the actors and staff what to do
  12. the dialogue of a film

20 Clues: a funny filmthe main actora story about lovethe dialogue of a filmthe main subject of a booka person in a film or a bookthe story of a book or a filmthe company which produces booksa story about real events and factswhen and where the story takes placea very exciting and frightening filmall the people taking part in the film...

All About Books 2023-04-12

All About Books crossword puzzle
  1. the outside of a book, that protects the pages
  2. the person who creates the pictures in a book
  3. a made-up story, not based on facts
  4. the genre of the book "Dragon Masters"
  5. the name of a book
  6. the genre of the book "Making Bombs for Hitler"
  7. the place in the library where you can put damaged books to be repaired
  8. a true story, based on facts
  9. the type or "flavor" or a book, like horror, fantasy, mystery...
  10. the person who writes the words in a book
  11. the room in a school where many books are kept
  1. the genre of the book "Best Summer Ever"
  2. the "book address" on the spine, that tells us where to find a book on the shelf
  3. the list at the front of a book of all the things it contains
  4. the genre of the book "Mission to Mars"
  5. the genre of the book "The Case of the Missing Crown"
  6. the list at the librarian's desk of who gets a popular book next
  7. the genre of the book "The Zombie's Revenge"
  8. the side of a book that faces out on a shelf and shows the title
  9. the place in the library where you return books once you have finished with them
  10. a list in the back of a book with page numbers to help find topics inside

21 Clues: the name of a booka true story, based on factsa made-up story, not based on factsthe genre of the book "Dragon Masters"the genre of the book "Mission to Mars"the genre of the book "Best Summer Ever"the person who writes the words in a bookthe genre of the book "The Zombie's Revenge"the person who creates the pictures in a book...

Films and Books 2017-04-26

Films and Books crossword puzzle
  1. cast
  2. horrorfilm
  3. silentfilm
  4. biography
  5. script
  6. blockbuster
  7. title
  8. sound
  9. plot
  10. sciencefiction
  11. scene
  12. thriller
  13. publisher
  14. subtitles
  15. director
  16. romance
  17. theme
  1. comedy
  2. translator
  3. detectivestory
  4. setting
  5. bestseller
  6. musical
  7. animation
  8. audience
  9. novelist
  10. character
  11. western

28 Clues: castplottitlesoundscenethemecomedyscriptsettingmusicalwesternromanceaudiencenovelistthrillerdirectorbiographyanimationcharacterpublishersubtitlestranslatorhorrorfilmsilentfilmbestsellerblockbusterdetectivestorysciencefiction


  1. a story of somebody’s life.
  2. computer-generated images for films.
  3. the written text of a movie.
  4. a filmmaker screen.
  5. the first page of a story.
  6. the last minute of a film.
  7. a particular type of literature, music, film form
  8. to change (something) radically or fundamentally.
  9. devise the sequence of events in (a novel, movie).
  10. a person in a novel, play, or movie.
  11. a writer of fiction
  1. all the actors in a movie
  2. a book or a movie that is a great success.
  3. a person that prepares and issues books.
  4. when and where a story takes place
  5. one of the most creative genres in literature.
  6. the ability to form ideas, images in the mind
  7. worth remembering
  8. an audio programme like Talk Radio
  9. a book that is very popular.

20 Clues: worth rememberinga filmmaker screen.a writer of fictionall the actors in a moviethe first page of a story.the last minute of a film.a story of somebody’s life.the written text of a movie.a book that is very popular.when and where a story takes placean audio programme like Talk Radiocomputer-generated images for films....

Banned/Challenged Books 2021-02-03

Banned/Challenged Books crossword puzzle
  1. By Raina Telgemeier
  2. Bridge to "....."
  3. Where to find banned/challenged books
  4. The amount of r3asons why
  5. And "....." makes Three
  6. A "....." in Time
  7. The "....." Games
  8. How many Shades of Grey
  9. Author of the Kite Runner
  10. To Kill a "....."
  11. Author of Harry Potter Series
  12. Author of Boy Erased
  1. Author of Brave New World
  2. Author of the Bluest Eye
  3. Author of the Diviners
  4. ttyl
  5. By Stephen Chbosky
  6. Author of the Handmaid's Tale
  7. By Alex Gino
  8. Captain who appears in Graphic Novel Adventures
  9. The month Freedom to Read is Celebrated

21 Clues: ttylBy Alex GinoBridge to "....."A "....." in TimeThe "....." GamesTo Kill a "....."By Stephen ChboskyBy Raina TelgemeierAuthor of Boy ErasedAuthor of the DivinersAnd "....." makes ThreeHow many Shades of GreyAuthor of the Bluest EyeAuthor of Brave New WorldThe amount of r3asons whyAuthor of the Kite RunnerAuthor of the Handmaid's Tale...

Books We've Read 2022-05-18

Books We've Read crossword puzzle
  1. We learned about 5 different kinds of these
  2. Tennis balls!
  3. Two young girls go searching for the northern lights one night
  4. A spider finds a new home
  5. A young girl helps her family make a meal!
  6. The ingredients to make this can be found at the end of the story
  7. A humorous story story that ends with a class picture
  8. The whole town comes together to go on a chase!
  9. - The funny creatures only come out at night!
  10. An animal friend sticks up for another
  11. We learned about sign language in this story
  1. Students try to come up with the perfect gift for their teacher
  2. The main character falls off of a merry go round!
  3. A young girl worries about her grandmother far away
  4. A bug ends up being perfect!
  5. This story takes place in La La Land
  6. The main character tries to change who he is to fit it
  7. The main character saves two boys from drowning
  8. A boy and his grandfather tell stories to make it through a thunderstorm
  9. Teaches you al about a certain small, furry friend
  10. About two boys who become unlikely friends
  11. EF-5's are the most destructive ones
  12. A young bat had to make friends with a family of birds
  13. A young boy and homeless man help each other
  14. The characters had to be super quiet during this story!

25 Clues: Tennis balls!A spider finds a new homeA bug ends up being perfect!This story takes place in La La LandEF-5's are the most destructive onesAn animal friend sticks up for anotherA young girl helps her family make a meal!About two boys who become unlikely friendsWe learned about 5 different kinds of theseA young boy and homeless man help each other...


OLD TESTAMENT BOOKS crossword puzzle
  1. Married Boaz
  2. Brought back exiles from Captivity
  3. Preside over a court (pl.)
  4. Name means The Lord is Salvation; great book of O.T. prophesies
  5. Right before book of mournings
  6. Visions of bones book; name means God will strengthen
  7. Only one chapter; means servant of the Lord
  8. Played with lions in a den
  9. Swallowed by a whale
  10. Prophet that found David
  11. Book of the Law of Moses
  12. After Kings
  13. Monarchial rulers of nations
  14. Consoler
  15. Haggai contemporary
  16. Last O.T. book
  17. Wise sayings
  18. Musical tune of David's son
  19. Begins with Z, ends with H, but has an "F" in it
  20. Exit (Leave)
  1. Sounds like Haggar
  2. Israelite prophet after Moses
  3. Mordecai's daughter
  4. Middle book of Old Testament
  5. Satan took all he had, then God gave everything back
  6. Mournings
  7. First book of the Old Testament
  8. Three K's in this name
  9. Prophesied of famine to hear God's word
  10. Rhymes with coal
  11. A Jonah and Nahum sandwich
  12. Third book in the Bible
  13. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
  14. Name means comfort of the Lord; sequel to Ezra
  15. In the days of King Uzziah
  16. Songs of David

36 Clues: ConsolerMourningsAfter KingsMarried BoazWise sayingsExit (Leave)1,2,3,4,5,6,7Last O.T. bookSongs of DavidRhymes with coalSounds like HaggarMordecai's daughterHaggai contemporarySwallowed by a whaleThree K's in this nameThird book in the BibleProphet that found DavidBook of the Law of MosesPreside over a court (pl.)Played with lions in a den...

Books and Stories 2022-10-27

Books and Stories crossword puzzle
  1. the story takes _____ in the future
  2. sections of a story
  3. what the characters say to each other
  4. a genre of story that contains dragons, knights, fairies, and giants
  5. the story is ___ during a war
  6. a story that is acted on a stage
  7. what happens in a book or story
  8. the problems the characters face in a story
  9. a person who draws pictures for a book
  10. a story about cowboys in the Wild West
  11. books about stories that were made up
  12. a person who writes a book
  13. a formal way to say "the bad guy"
  14. a story in which a detective tries to uncover who committed a crime
  15. a kind of book with cartoons that many kids enjoy
  1. a book about the life of someone
  2. a book-length story
  3. a person who is in a story
  4. the exciting finish to a story
  5. a formal way to say "the main character"
  6. how the main conflict is solved
  7. a story about pirates, treasure seekers, or explorers
  8. a relatively unimportant character: a ____ character
  9. the setting (time) for historical fiction stories
  10. the main character
  11. a story about aliens or robots: _______ fiction
  12. a love story
  13. books about real people and events
  14. the setting (time) for many science fiction stories
  15. the most important character: the ____ character
  16. the name of a book

31 Clues: a love storythe main characterthe name of a booka book-length storysections of a storya person who is in a storya person who writes a bookthe story is ___ during a warthe exciting finish to a storyhow the main conflict is solvedwhat happens in a book or storya book about the life of someonea story that is acted on a stage...

Books and Stories 2022-10-27

Books and Stories crossword puzzle
  1. the story takes _____ in the future
  2. sections of a story
  3. what the characters say to each other
  4. a genre of story that contains dragons, knights, fairies, and giants
  5. the story is ___ during a war
  6. a story that is acted on a stage
  7. what happens in a book or story
  8. the problems the characters face in a story
  9. a person who draws pictures for a book
  10. a story about cowboys in the Wild West
  11. books about stories that were made up
  12. a person who writes a book
  13. a formal way to say "the bad guy"
  14. a story in which a detective tries to uncover who committed a crime
  15. a kind of book with cartoons that many kids enjoy
  1. a book about the life of someone
  2. a book-length story
  3. a person who is in a story
  4. the exciting finish to a story
  5. a formal way to say "the main character"
  6. how the main conflict is solved
  7. a story about pirates, treasure seekers, or explorers
  8. a relatively unimportant character: a ____ character
  9. the setting (time) for historical fiction stories
  10. the main character
  11. a story about aliens or robots: _______ fiction
  12. a love story
  13. books about real people and events
  14. the setting (time) for many science fiction stories
  15. the most important character: the ____ character
  16. the name of a book

31 Clues: a love storythe main characterthe name of a booka book-length storysections of a storya person who is in a storya person who writes a bookthe story is ___ during a warthe exciting finish to a storyhow the main conflict is solvedwhat happens in a book or storya book about the life of someonea story that is acted on a stage...

Books and Puzzles 2022-08-25

Books and Puzzles crossword puzzle
  1. If We Were Villians
  2. A Secret History
  3. The Breadwinner
  4. The 5th Wave
  5. A number puzzle popular in newspapers
  6. Red Queen
  7. Why is a raven like a writing desk?
  8. Much Ado About Nothing
  9. This puzzle makes you think
  10. A confusing journey
  11. A multi-colored cube
  1. Multiple pieces
  2. Wuthering Heights
  3. Great Gatsby
  4. Circe
  5. A Rube Goldberg ____ is a puzzle to create
  6. The Hunger Games
  7. A word puzzle
  8. Gather clues to find the prize
  9. A type of room that's hard to leave

20 Clues: CirceRed QueenGreat GatsbyThe 5th WaveA word puzzleMultiple piecesThe BreadwinnerA Secret HistoryThe Hunger GamesWuthering HeightsIf We Were VilliansA confusing journeyA multi-colored cubeMuch Ado About NothingThis puzzle makes you thinkGather clues to find the prizeWhy is a raven like a writing desk?A type of room that's hard to leave...

Historical Books Crossword 2017-02-13

Historical Books Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. David's age when he became king over all of Israel.
  2. The woman David saw bathing.
  3. What Samuel pours over Saul's head to anoint him as king.
  4. What Saul requested as a remedy for his affliction.
  5. David's father.
  6. David's son who became king.
  7. What Solomon requested from God.
  8. Saul's son who was friends with David.
  9. Belief in many gods or goddesses.
  10. The name of the Promised Land.
  11. Samuel's mother
  12. Tribal leaders before the monarchy.
  1. The prostitute who helped the Israelite spies
  2. Saul's daughter who married David.
  3. A sacred chest that housed the Ten Commandments.
  4. The weapon David used against Goliath
  5. Bathsheba's husband prior to David.
  6. Number of years Samson judged Israel
  7. A government headed by a single person.
  8. A nation ruled by God.
  9. King Solomon's weakness.
  10. Moses' successor.
  11. The woman who tricked Samson.
  12. Number of years it took to build the temple.

24 Clues: David's father.Samuel's motherMoses' successor.A nation ruled by God.King Solomon's weakness.The woman David saw bathing.David's son who became king.The woman who tricked Samson.The name of the Promised Land.What Solomon requested from God.Belief in many gods or goddesses.Saul's daughter who married David.Bathsheba's husband prior to David....

Books and Literary 2023-08-08

Books and Literary crossword puzzle
  1. / Site of Da Vinci Code Murder
  2. / A word that represents a sound
  3. / A fictious name
  4. / Number of novels penned by Austen
  5. / The fear of running out of books
  6. / Author considered to be the father of modern fantasy
  7. / A photo of one's own bookshelf
  8. / Horror King's first
  9. / Surname of siblings Anthony, Benedict, Colin, Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, Gregory and Hyacinth
  10. / Unresolved ending
  11. / An extra chapter after 'the end'
  1. / Shakespeare's theater
  2. / Type of novel that tells a story through illustrations
  3. / Followed the white rabbit
  4. / Agatha Christie Detective
  5. / Iliad Author
  6. / Best Selling Genre
  7. / Ancient Japanese form of poetry
  8. / His fans call him 'Uncle Rick'
  9. / Morally ambiguous character
  10. / Delivers mail at Hogwarts
  11. / Number of ghosts that visit Ebenezer
  12. / Oldest March Sister
  13. / Common device that establishes character or scenario
  14. / This country celebrates "Christmas Book Flood" on December 24
  15. / An unusual, amusing or charming first encounter between characters leading to romance
  16. / Divergent City

27 Clues: / Iliad Author/ Divergent City/ A fictious name/ Unresolved ending/ Best Selling Genre/ Oldest March Sister/ Horror King's first/ Shakespeare's theater/ Followed the white rabbit/ Agatha Christie Detective/ Delivers mail at Hogwarts/ Morally ambiguous character/ Site of Da Vinci Code Murder/ A word that represents a sound...

Classic Children’s Books 2024-08-06

Classic Children’s Books crossword puzzle
  1. Wonderland adventure by Lewis Carroll
  2. Bear from Peru who loves marmalade
  3. Potter’s adventures in a magical world
  4. Fairy tale about a mysterious imp
  5. And the Three Bears
  6. Adventure by J.R.R. Tolkien
  7. Author of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”
  8. And the Giant Peach
  9. Book about a courageous rodent
  1. Book featuring a boy who goes to Hogwarts
  2. Pan who never grows up
  3. Longstocking, adventurous girl with red hair
  4. By A.A. Milne about a bear and his friends
  5. Spider who saves a pig in a classic book
  6. Chronicles by C.S. Lewis
  7. The Wild Things Are
  8. Of Chincoteague, about a wild pony
  9. Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
  10. R.J. Palacio’s story of a boy with a facial deformity
  11. To Terabithia by Katherine Paterson

20 Clues: The Wild Things AreAnd the Three BearsAnd the Giant PeachPan who never grows upChronicles by C.S. LewisAdventure by J.R.R. TolkienBook about a courageous rodentIsland by Robert Louis StevensonFairy tale about a mysterious impBear from Peru who loves marmaladeOf Chincoteague, about a wild ponyTo Terabithia by Katherine Paterson...

Old Testament Books 2024-08-15

Old Testament Books crossword puzzle
  1. 13th
  2. 15th
  3. 38th
  4. 36th
  5. 12th
  6. 3rd
  7. 17th
  8. 24th
  9. 32nd
  10. 11th
  11. 25th
  12. 34th
  13. 26th
  14. 14th
  15. 30th
  16. 10th
  17. 22nd
  18. 39th
  1. 7th
  2. 28th
  3. 33rd
  4. 19th
  5. 9th
  6. 35th
  7. 8th
  8. 20th
  9. 21st
  10. 1st
  11. 2nd
  12. 23rd
  13. 37th
  14. 4th
  15. 5th
  16. 27th
  17. 16th
  18. 6th
  19. 18th
  20. 29th
  21. 31st

39 Clues: 7th9th8th1st2nd3rd4th5th6th28th33rd19th13th35th15th38th20th36th21st12th23rd17th24th32nd37th11th27th25th16th34th26th14th30th18th29th10th22nd31st39th


FILMS/ MOVIES/ BOOKS crossword puzzle
  1. movie: A film genre that focuses on love and romantic relationships, often exploring themes of passion, heartbreak, and emotional connection.
  2. A book or magazine that uses a series of illustrations and dialogue to tell a story, often humorous or action-packed.
  3. A movie that tells the story of a real person’s life, often focusing on significant events or achievements.
  4. movie: A film that incorporates singing and dancing into the narrative, with characters performing musical numbers as part of the story.
  5. movie: A genre of film that focuses on realistic storytelling and emotional themes, often portraying complex relationships and character development.
  6. A book bound with rigid protective covers, often more durable and expensive than a paperback.
  7. movie: A movie set in a fictional universe, often involving magic, mythical creatures, and supernatural elements.
  8. film: A movie centered around the experiences of soldiers, battles, and the impact of war on individuals and society.
  9. A book used in schools or colleges that contains comprehensive information on a subject, designed to teach students.
  1. A piece of writing in which words are chosen for their beauty, sound, and meaning, often arranged in lines and stanzas.
  2. movie: A film intended to make the audience laugh, often featuring humorous situations, jokes, and funny characters.
  3. book: A book that contains recipes and instructions on how to prepare and cook various dishes.
  4. book: A book that primarily uses illustrations to tell a story, often aimed at young children, with minimal text.
  5. A short story, usually with animals as characters, that conveys a moral or lesson.
  6. story: A type of story or movie that involves ghosts or spirits, often intended to scare the reader or viewer.
  7. A book with a flexible paper cover, usually less expensive and lighter than a hardcover.
  8. tale: A traditional story for children that features magical and imaginary characters, such as fairies, giants, or talking animals.
  9. movie: is about a detective or investigator solving a crime, often involving mystery and suspense.
  10. movie: A film designed to frighten or shock the audience, often involving elements of the supernatural, monsters, or psychological terror.
  11. movie: A film genre characterized by intense physical activity, including fighting, chases, and explosions.

20 Clues: A short story, usually with animals as characters, that conveys a moral or lesson.A book with a flexible paper cover, usually less expensive and lighter than a hardcover.A book bound with rigid protective covers, often more durable and expensive than a paperback....

Series of unfortunate events 2017-03-27

Series of unfortunate events crossword puzzle
  1. beginning first book
  2. count olaf/evil
  3. what the tattoo is of
  4. how many books there are in the series
  5. were books are held
  6. mr poe's job
  7. last name of children
  8. Mr poe has these attacks
  9. sunny does this a lot
  10. first guardian fist name
  1. were count olaf tattoo is
  2. oldest child
  3. the series of ___ events
  4. Banker
  5. how there house burnt down
  6. perished in fire
  7. middle child
  8. klaus loves to read these
  9. authors first name

19 Clues: Bankeroldest childmr poe's jobmiddle childcount olaf/evilperished in fireauthors first namewere books are heldbeginning first bookwhat the tattoo is oflast name of childrensunny does this a lotthe series of ___ eventsMr poe has these attacksfirst guardian fist namewere count olaf tattoo isklaus loves to read thesehow there house burnt down...

Independent Bookstore Day Crossword with Watermark Books & Café 2024-03-25

Independent Bookstore Day Crossword with Watermark Books & Café crossword puzzle
  1. What is the name of the lion in The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe?
  2. Who was created by Gepetto the woodcarver?
  3. What is the name of Winnie the Pooh's donkey friend?
  4. In Jeff Kinney's popular children's graphic novel series, what did Greg Heffley's parents buy him to write his thoughts in instead of a journal?
  5. One of the two central characters of the Heartstopper Young Adult Graphic Novel Series by Alice Oseman.
  6. A subscription service run by Watermark Books & Café for young readers that delivers a personalized box that aims to encourage children to read..
  7. What structure transports Jack and Annie to different points of history in Mary Pope Osbourne's popular children's series?
  8. A program created by Watermark Books & Café, in conjunction with the Wichita Foundation and USD 259, with the express aim of providing author experiences and books to children in low-income areas of Wichita.
  9. Who is the bear in The Jungle Book?
  10. One of the streets that Watermark Books & Café is on
  11. A subscription service run by Watermark Books & Café that offers signed first edition books every month.
  1. In Norman Bridwell's popular children's book series, what is the name of the Big Red Dog?
  2. What is the name of the popular horror series written by R.L. Stine
  3. In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, what is Charlie's last name?
  4. A weekly newsletter that informs customers about upcoming events and other important information about Watermark Books & Café.
  5. A book by Gustave Flaubert and the name of one of our most popular café drinks.
  6. One of the winners of the 74th Hunger Games.
  7. Who had an encounter with the three bears?
  8. A novel written by Herman Melville and the name of the tuna Sandwich at Watermark Books & Café.
  9. An audiobook service that supports independent bookstores?

20 Clues: Who is the bear in The Jungle Book?Who was created by Gepetto the woodcarver?Who had an encounter with the three bears?One of the winners of the 74th Hunger Games.What is the name of Winnie the Pooh's donkey friend?One of the streets that Watermark Books & Café is onAn audiobook service that supports independent bookstores?...


VOCABULARY GAME crossword puzzle
  1. book lover
  2. obsessive desire to write
  3. love of man kind
  4. persistent carving to steal
  5. natural law of human development
  6. tread of books
  7. resembling man
  1. obsession with one object or idea
  2. who steals books
  3. list of books
  4. study of man kind
  5. excessive preoccupation with books
  6. History book of physical object
  7. device used to measure human body

14 Clues: book loverlist of bookstread of booksresembling manwho steals bookslove of man kindstudy of man kindobsessive desire to writepersistent carving to stealHistory book of physical objectnatural law of human developmentobsession with one object or ideadevice used to measure human bodyexcessive preoccupation with books

Religion crossword 2022-08-24

Religion crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the people who write the four gospels
  2. beginning with a dialog goes to a monologue ends with reflection on the passage
  3. another name of john
  4. meaning to turn towards
  5. image used to describe eternal life
  6. story's Jesus used for teaching his listeners
  7. the first five books of the new testament
  8. Christians work in the name of Christ
  9. a person who learns from a teacher
  10. the Passover events
  11. first discourse in Matthews gospel
  12. a commitment god has entered into the people of god, he renewed it with Christ
  13. writings that are collected in the bible
  14. the list of books the church uses, the inspired words of god
  1. first 46 books of the bible before Jesus
  2. images that have deeper meanings than words
  3. portion of sermon on the mount
  4. Matthew Mark and Luke gospel
  5. the second part of john's gospel
  6. 27 books inspired by the holy spirit,the center is Jesus
  7. john gospel revealing his divinity
  8. the first five books of the old testament
  9. the part in john's gospel that includes miracles or signs

23 Clues: the Passover eventsanother name of johnmeaning to turn towardsMatthew Mark and Luke gospelportion of sermon on the mountthe second part of john's gospeljohn gospel revealing his divinitya person who learns from a teacherfirst discourse in Matthews gospelimage used to describe eternal lifeChristians work in the name of Christ...

Library Terms 2025-02-03

Library Terms crossword puzzle
  1. A list of books, materials, and other items in the library
  2. The person who draws the pictures in the book.
  3. Books about true events and people
  4. A group of books that are connected by characters or events.
  5. A book that tells a story with pictures and words like a comic.
  6. A number that identifies a book and is scanned when it is checked out
  7. The part of the book you see when it’s on the shelf.
  8. Bringing the book back to the library after reading
  9. A book divided into chapters, often for older readers.
  10. The name of the book.
  1. The place where you put books when you’re done with them.
  2. The person who writes the book.
  3. A number that identifies a book
  4. Made up stories
  5. The app that allows you to place books on hold
  6. Mrs. English is your __________.
  7. A true story about someone’s life.
  8. The type of story, like fiction, nonfiction, mystery, or fantasy.
  9. To take a book home to read.
  10. What you do when you want Mrs. English to save a book for you

20 Clues: Made up storiesThe name of the book.To take a book home to read.The person who writes the book.A number that identifies a bookMrs. English is your __________.Books about true events and peopleA true story about someone’s life.The person who draws the pictures in the book.The app that allows you to place books on hold...

WMS Crossword 2023-10-24

WMS Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. reading teacher
  2. world history teacher
  3. you learn about ancient Egypt
  4. a team in middle school
  5. labs and chemicals
  6. it is close to Africa and mr Newburn is teaching
  7. for the smart readers
  8. numbers put together
  1. MS.chrisensen boss
  2. a word that describes an action
  3. math teacher
  4. books books books and books
  5. you journal stuff
  6. the English teacher

14 Clues: math teacherreading teacheryou journal stuffMS.chrisensen bosslabs and chemicalsthe English teachernumbers put togetherworld history teacherfor the smart readersa team in middle schoolbooks books books and booksyou learn about ancient Egypta word that describes an actionit is close to Africa and mr Newburn is teaching

Religion crossword 2022-08-24

Religion crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the people who write the four gospels
  2. beginning with a dialog goes to a monologue ends with reflection on the passage
  3. another name of john
  4. meaning to turn towards
  5. image used to describe eternal life
  6. story's Jesus used for teaching his listeners
  7. the first five books of the new testament
  8. Christians work in the name of Christ
  9. a person who learns from a teacher
  10. the Passover events
  11. first discourse in Matthews gospel
  12. a commitment god has entered into the people of god, he renewed it with Christ
  13. writings that are collected in the bible
  14. the list of books the church uses, the inspired words of god
  1. first 46 books of the bible before Jesus
  2. images that have deeper meanings than words
  3. portion of sermon on the mount
  4. Matthew Mark and Luke gospel
  5. the second part of john's gospel
  6. 27 books inspired by the holy spirit,the center is Jesus
  7. john gospel revealing his divinity
  8. the first five books of the old testament
  9. the part in john's gospel that includes miracles or signs

23 Clues: the Passover eventsanother name of johnmeaning to turn towardsMatthew Mark and Luke gospelportion of sermon on the mountthe second part of john's gospeljohn gospel revealing his divinitya person who learns from a teacherfirst discourse in Matthews gospelimage used to describe eternal lifeChristians work in the name of Christ...

Religion crossword 2022-08-24

Religion crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the people who write the four gospels
  2. beginning with a dialog goes to a monologue ends with reflection on the passage
  3. another name of john
  4. meaning to turn towards
  5. image used to describe eternal life
  6. story's Jesus used for teaching his listeners
  7. the first five books of the new testament
  8. Christians work in the name of Christ
  9. a person who learns from a teacher
  10. the Passover events
  11. first discourse in Matthews gospel
  12. a commitment god has entered into the people of god, he renewed it with Christ
  13. writings that are collected in the bible
  14. the list of books the church uses, the inspired words of god
  1. first 46 books of the bible before Jesus
  2. images that have deeper meanings than words
  3. portion of sermon on the mount
  4. Matthew Mark and Luke gospel
  5. the second part of john's gospel
  6. 27 books inspired by the holy spirit,the center is Jesus
  7. john gospel revealing his divinity
  8. the first five books of the old testament
  9. the part in john's gospel that includes miracles or signs

23 Clues: the Passover eventsanother name of johnmeaning to turn towardsMatthew Mark and Luke gospelportion of sermon on the mountthe second part of john's gospeljohn gospel revealing his divinitya person who learns from a teacherfirst discourse in Matthews gospelimage used to describe eternal lifeChristians work in the name of Christ...

Library Know-How 2024-04-18

Library Know-How crossword puzzle
  1. to use technology to alter audio, video or images
  2. the genre of books that are funny
  3. the person who writes a book
  4. to favor one thing over another
  5. system for organizing non-fiction books
  6. stories that are made up
  7. the genre of books that have puzzles to solve
  1. when a book is about someone's life
  2. different categories for fiction books in our library
  3. to give credit to a source
  4. type of books with factual information
  5. the genre of books that have a lot of action
  6. the right of a creator that stops others from using their work without permission
  7. name of the school's online library catalog

14 Clues: stories that are made upto give credit to a sourcethe person who writes a bookto favor one thing over anotherthe genre of books that are funnywhen a book is about someone's lifetype of books with factual informationsystem for organizing non-fiction booksname of the school's online library catalogthe genre of books that have a lot of action...

THE BIBLE 2023-03-09

THE BIBLE crossword puzzle
  1. prophetic book
  2. fifth book of the Pentateuch
  3. Apocalyptic literature
  4. Psalms
  5. book Nehemiah
  6. contains 39 books
  7. A gospel
  1. first 5 books
  2. hidden books of the Bible.
  3. contains 27 books
  4. sayings Proverbs
  5. story of the early christian church
  6. Jesus life and ministry

13 Clues: PsalmsA gospelfirst 5 booksbook Nehemiahprophetic booksayings Proverbscontains 27 bookscontains 39 booksApocalyptic literatureJesus life and ministryhidden books of the Bible.fifth book of the Pentateuchstory of the early christian church

Words 2022-10-18

Words crossword puzzle
  1. bestfriend
  2. books
  3. family
  4. honesty
  5. swimming
  6. humor
  7. gymnastics
  8. dancing
  9. skateboard
  1. music
  2. taekwondo
  3. friends
  4. flexibility
  5. volleyball
  6. happiness
  7. genshin impact
  8. games

17 Clues: musicbookshumorgamesfamilyfriendshonestydancingswimmingtaekwondohappinessbestfriendvolleyballgymnasticsskateboardflexibilitygenshin impact

Stuart Gibbs Books 2021-07-02

Stuart Gibbs Books crossword puzzle
  1. Henry hippo dies mysteriously
  2. Kazoo the koala goes missing
  3. Ben Receives a scholarship to St. Smithen's Science academy. (A front for a school for spies)
  4. Charlie Thorne tries to find Darwin's treasure.
  5. A tyrannasaur skull goes missing
  6. A mountain lion is framed for killing a pet dog of a political figure, and Teddy has to prove it's innocence.
  7. Ben has to bring down the Croatoan.
  8. Someone tries to shoot Rhonda the Rhino
  9. Ben has to prove that he wasn't the one who had tried to assassinate the president.
  10. Charlie Thorne tries to find Pandora
  11. Bison are dissapearing, and an expensive necklace does too
  1. Ben goes to Britain to bring down SPYDER once and for all.
  2. Nina dissapears
  3. Ben goes to Colorado to track down the heads of SPYDER.
  4. Lars is poisoned
  5. The truck that was carrying Li Ping the panda arrives empty
  6. Dash is on the moon
  7. Ben has to keep training through the summer.
  8. Ben goes undercover at SPYDER headquarters.
  9. Ben goes to stop Operation Golden Fist.

20 Clues: Nina dissapearsLars is poisonedDash is on the moonKazoo the koala goes missingHenry hippo dies mysteriouslyA tyrannasaur skull goes missingBen has to bring down the Croatoan.Charlie Thorne tries to find PandoraSomeone tries to shoot Rhonda the RhinoBen goes to stop Operation Golden Fist.Ben goes undercover at SPYDER headquarters....

Books We've Read 2022-05-19

Books We've Read crossword puzzle
  1. A spider saves the day
  2. The main character thought she was too tall to dance
  3. A snake doesn’t want to grow up
  4. Birds play dress up in this story
  5. This girl just wanted to go to university instead of get married
  6. There is a young boy who is blind in this story
  7. This boy's drawings weren’t perfect but they were…
  8. It gets cold at night and hot during the day
  9. This is a different word for pen
  10. A boy and his grandmother spend a weekend day together baking
  11. We learned about this animals hibernation cycle
  1. A grandfather teaches his grandson taekwondo
  2. All about reasons animals make their shelters
  3. This family had to have a pretend party
  4. A rock was carved to look like an animal
  5. The whole town comes to look at this item that fell from the sky
  6. This peaceful story is just about a boy and his dog early in the morning
  7. “Not I!” said the…
  8. Bullies almost stole a soccer ball
  9. All about a Japanese tradition
  10. We learned about how harmful this is to the environment
  11. There is a man caught stealing from a tree
  12. A young boy learns a traditional dance from his grandfather
  13. A loyal dog waits for his owner but he never returns
  14. An older woman puts her hand over her heart when she hears a certain song

25 Clues: “Not I!” said the…A spider saves the dayAll about a Japanese traditionA snake doesn’t want to grow upThis is a different word for penBirds play dress up in this storyBullies almost stole a soccer ballThis family had to have a pretend partyA rock was carved to look like an animalThere is a man caught stealing from a tree...

Books vocabulary revision 2022-11-28

Books vocabulary revision crossword puzzle
  1. used to describe somebody/something that is difficult to deal with or understand
  2. that makes you feel sad; not bright or interesting
  3. not seeming reasonable or likely to be true
  4. that you enjoy watching, listening to, doing or experiencing
  5. serious and often involving a lot of action in a short period of time
  6. causing strong, often sad, feelings about somebody/something
  7. making you feel very sad and without enthusiasm
  8. extremely sad
  9. full of exciting events and activity
  10. a short statement that gives only the main points of a book, not the details
  11. developing or changing very quickly
  1. if an activity is addictive, it makes people unable to stop doing it
  2. beautiful, sad or frightening in a way that cannot be forgotten
  3. designed to make people feel sad
  4. exciting or interesting in a way that keeps your attention
  5. very interesting because of being unusual or not having an obvious answer
  6. a book that is very exciting
  7. the name of a book, poem, painting, piece of music, etc
  8. making people feel less angry or likely to suspect somebody than they were before
  9. making people think seriously about a particular subject or issue
  10. that does not have much effect, especially because it has been used too much
  11. causing an unpleasant feeling of fear or slight horror

22 Clues: extremely sada book that is very excitingdesigned to make people feel saddeveloping or changing very quicklyfull of exciting events and activitynot seeming reasonable or likely to be truemaking you feel very sad and without enthusiasmthat makes you feel sad; not bright or interestingcausing an unpleasant feeling of fear or slight horror...

Adrienne Wilder Books 2021-02-28

Adrienne Wilder Books crossword puzzle
  1. Leo and Kaleb
  2. Aaron and Sol
  3. Ariel and Indigo
  4. Jon and Ellis
  5. Leo vs the Chimera
  6. Cerberus and Owen
  7. Marud and Jessie
  8. Grant and Morgan and Dog
  9. Keegan and August
  10. Keegan and August and Daisy
  11. Nox and Luca
  12. Seven and Chase
  13. Grant and Morgan
  1. Ben and Jacob and Marcel
  2. When you’re a psychic on the run, love is nothing but a weakness that can get you killed.
  3. Quinn and Thirteen
  4. Pandora and Ishtar
  5. Leo and Kaleb and Aaron
  6. Taurus and Aaron
  7. Darwin and Peter
  8. Paris and Roy
  9. Ean and Adam
  10. A world of dark pleasures and even darker secrets
  11. Andrew and Matt
  12. Charlie and Ethan

25 Clues: Ean and AdamNox and LucaLeo and KalebAaron and SolJon and EllisParis and RoyAndrew and MattSeven and ChaseAriel and IndigoTaurus and AaronDarwin and PeterMarud and JessieGrant and MorganCerberus and OwenCharlie and EthanKeegan and AugustQuinn and ThirteenPandora and IshtarLeo vs the ChimeraLeo and Kaleb and AaronBen and Jacob and Marcel...

Books, films, plays 2013-07-14

Books, films, plays crossword puzzle
  1. stage
  2. plot
  3. puppet
  4. scenic
  5. character
  6. sequel
  7. remote
  8. audience
  9. sandy
  10. pebbly
  11. author
  1. sightseeing
  2. chapter
  3. spectacle
  4. valley
  5. cruise
  6. applause
  7. star
  8. rocky
  9. lush

20 Clues: plotstarlushstagerockysandyvalleypuppetsceniccruisesequelremotepebblyauthorchapterapplauseaudiencespectaclecharactersightseeing

Authors and Books 2017-02-08

Authors and Books crossword puzzle
  1. Journey to the Centre of the Earth
  2. The Blue Umbrella
  3. Two States
  4. Black Beauty
  5. Geetanjali
  6. Water Babies
  7. Diary of Wimpy Kid
  8. Hamlet
  9. Robinson Crusoe
  10. Harry Potter
  11. Three Musketeers
  12. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  1. Secret Garden
  2. Malgudi days
  3. The Listeners
  4. A Suitable Boy
  5. Oliver Twist
  6. House with Six Legs
  7. Sherlock Holmes
  8. God of Small things
  9. Kidnapped
  10. Jungle Book
  11. Percy Jackson
  12. Lost Temple

24 Clues: HamletKidnappedTwo StatesGeetanjaliJungle BookLost TempleMalgudi daysOliver TwistBlack BeautyWater BabiesHarry PotterSecret GardenThe ListenersPercy JacksonA Suitable BoySherlock HolmesRobinson CrusoeThree MusketeersThe Blue UmbrellaDiary of Wimpy KidHouse with Six LegsGod of Small thingsCharlie and the Chocolate Factory...

Bible Books One 2018-03-12

Bible Books One crossword puzzle
  1. Esther spoke with this at the right time
  2. This song teaches love is loyal always strong
  3. Some lost their chance to see this
  4. Tells how life is like when Jesus rules
  5. Job teaches us this is precious
  6. Rewarded with a family and a home
  7. The wisdom of its words is always true
  8. Helped rebuild the city and its walls
  9. This book kept the people holy
  10. Inspired songs to praise God
  11. 1 Samuel God chooses ______
  12. Gods people saved by his mighty hand
  1. King David has trouble in his house
  2. 1 Chronicles teaches______ from the past
  3. Serving God brings ______ Ecclesiastes
  4. The nation falls because of bad leaders
  5. This was Lost in book of Genesis
  6. Joshua - Each ____ got a place to call their own
  7. This book helps us listen and obey
  8. Most men in 2 Kings were bad but some were ______
  9. Restored true worship
  10. The kingdom is________North and South
  11. Performing Mighty Deeds

23 Clues: Restored true worshipPerforming Mighty Deeds1 Samuel God chooses ______Inspired songs to praise GodThis book kept the people holyJob teaches us this is preciousThis was Lost in book of GenesisRewarded with a family and a homeThis book helps us listen and obeySome lost their chance to see thisKing David has trouble in his house...

Bible Books One 2018-03-12

Bible Books One crossword puzzle
  1. 1 Samuel God chooses ______
  2. 1 Chronicles teaches______ from the past
  3. Restored true worship
  4. This was Lost in book of Genesis
  5. Gods people saved by his mighty hand
  6. King David has trouble in his house
  7. Some lost their chance to see this
  8. The nation falls because of bad leaders
  9. Esther spoke with this at the right time
  10. Joshua - Each ____ got a place to call their own
  11. This book kept the people holy
  1. Most men in 2 Kings were bad but some were ______
  2. The kingdom is________North and South
  3. Inspired songs to praise God
  4. Helped rebuild the city and its walls
  5. This book helps us listen and obey
  6. Serving God brings ______ Ecclesiastes
  7. Performing Mighty Deeds
  8. This song teaches love is loyal always strong
  9. The wisdom of its words is always true
  10. Tells how life is like when Jesus rules
  11. Job teaches us this is precious
  12. Rewarded with a family and a home

23 Clues: Restored true worshipPerforming Mighty Deeds1 Samuel God chooses ______Inspired songs to praise GodThis book kept the people holyJob teaches us this is preciousThis was Lost in book of GenesisRewarded with a family and a homeThis book helps us listen and obeySome lost their chance to see thisKing David has trouble in his house...

Horror Books & Movies 2023-09-15

Horror Books & Movies crossword puzzle
  1. Book The Evil Dead is based on
  2. They’re heee-re
  3. 1975 movie featuring a boat named The Orca
  4. Name of the demon that possessed Reagan MacNeil
  5. Murderer and his mother prey on guests at their hotel
  6. Sequel to The Shining
  7. Machete-wielding murderer stalks his old stomping grounds near the lake
  8. Town where “It” takes place
  9. My mom and dad are going to be so mad at me
  10. Freddy Krueger was also known as the what slasher
  11. A college student lives the day over and over
  12. Which was the first Stephen King novel to be adapted into a film
  13. Cursed videotape condemns watchers to a terrible fate at the hands of a girl
  14. The book of which “The Candy Man’’ is a loose move adaptation
  15. How many “A Nightmare on Elm Street” Books are there
  1. 247 people die in a plane crash in which horror film?
  2. Jack Black as R.L Stine
  3. This author has more than 40 movies to his credit
  4. Which 1980 Stephen king book adaptation is hated by King?
  5. The inspiration for the alien creature came from which famous book, featuring the works of H.R. Giger?
  6. Don’t make any noise
  7. A group of people take shelter in a mall during the zombie apocalypse
  8. An iconic opening scene and a character who explains the rules for surviving a horror movie
  9. Michael Myers first victim
  10. Seven deadly sins that had the audience asking “What is in the box?”
  11. Devil’s son is smuggled into a wealthy family; His enemies have terrible ‘accidents’
  12. Don’t lift the blindfold

27 Clues: They’re heee-reDon’t make any noiseSequel to The ShiningJack Black as R.L StineDon’t lift the blindfoldMichael Myers first victimTown where “It” takes placeBook The Evil Dead is based on1975 movie featuring a boat named The OrcaMy mom and dad are going to be so mad at meA college student lives the day over and over...

Unit 2 Books 2023-09-19

Unit 2 Books crossword puzzle
  1. hall
  2. bluebottle
  3. mothball
  4. else
  5. direction
  6. pretend
  7. expect
  8. shortly
  9. stream
  10. detective
  11. surprise
  12. balcony
  13. worthwhile
  14. chap
  1. wireless
  2. step
  3. harp
  4. shaggy
  5. steady
  6. grumble
  7. swap
  8. title
  9. perfectly
  10. windowsill
  11. series
  12. splendid
  13. spare
  14. poem

28 Clues: hallstepharpswapelsepoemchaptitlespareshaggysteadyseriesexpectstreamgrumblepretendshortlybalconywirelessmothballsplendidsurpriseperfectlydirectiondetectivebluebottlewindowsillworthwhile

Crossword 46 - Books 2023-10-09

Crossword 46 - Books crossword puzzle
  1. Ancient writing material
  2. Book critique
  3. The main character
  4. A long fictional story
  5. An author's draft
  6. A softcover book
  7. Book intro
  8. A large, heavy book
  9. Poetic writing
  10. A group of related books
  11. Cheap book paper
  12. A prestigious book award
  13. A pen name
  14. The story's main events
  15. A mystery book
  16. A 3-part book series
  17. Book producer
  18. Course book list
  19. Republished book
  20. A suspenseful book
  21. Copying others' work
  1. Genre with detectives and secrets
  2. Intro to a book
  3. Real stories and facts
  4. Love stories
  5. Play or film writing
  6. A poetic form
  7. A gripping book
  8. Text section
  9. An old writing tool
  10. Short book summary
  11. Book's outer edge
  12. Verse and rhymes
  13. To release a book
  14. Personal life story
  15. Story writer
  16. Storytelling style
  17. 14-line poem
  18. Where books are stored
  19. Short novel

40 Clues: Book introA pen nameShort novelLove storiesText sectionStory writer14-line poemBook critiqueA poetic formBook producerPoetic writingA mystery bookIntro to a bookA gripping bookA softcover bookCheap book paperVerse and rhymesCourse book listRepublished bookAn author's draftBook's outer edgeTo release a bookThe main characterShort book summary...

Biblical Books & Truth 2024-04-28

Biblical Books & Truth crossword puzzle
  1. A gospel that is professed to the Gentiles
  2. A book that represents the wisdom of Solomon
  3. A book that contains songs of joy and despair
  4. In what book does Jesus appear to his disciples who don't recognize him?
  5. A book about mourning
  6. In what book does God allow Satan to test a person to show his faith?
  7. In what book does a queen rescue her people (the Jews) from certain death?
  8. In what book does the main character show full faith in God, despite the circumstance?
  9. In what book did the namesake intentionally lie about their situation to avoid visiting Nineveh?
  10. In what book does God save people from lions and furnaces?
  11. A book that has a prophecy about Jesus' birth
  12. In what book did God reveal all people's uniqueness?
  1. A book that contradicts the location it is written in (hint: joy)
  2. In what book did God rescue the Israelites from slavery in Egypt?
  3. A book that reveals God's salavation, but also the destruction of the world
  4. In what book did God appear before Elijah in a whisper (no number)
  5. In what book does Jesus say who he is on Mt. Sinai? (Sermon on the ____)
  6. In what book does the "parting of the Red Sea" happen again?
  7. A book that mentions multiple important Old Testament events and people (hint: New Testament)
  8. In what book does God give a myriad of leaders for the Israelites?
  9. A book where God gave the Holy Spirit through fire

21 Clues: A book about mourningA gospel that is professed to the GentilesA book that represents the wisdom of SolomonA book that contains songs of joy and despairA book that has a prophecy about Jesus' birthA book where God gave the Holy Spirit through fireIn what book did God reveal all people's uniqueness?...

Classic Children’s Books 2024-08-06

Classic Children’s Books crossword puzzle
  1. And the Giant Peach
  2. The Wild Things Are
  3. Of Chincoteague, about a wild pony
  4. Longstocking, adventurous girl with red hair
  5. Bear from Peru who loves marmalade
  6. Chronicles by C.S. Lewis
  7. To Terabithia by Katherine Paterson
  8. Spider who saves a pig in a classic book
  9. And the Three Bears
  10. Pan who never grows up
  11. Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
  1. Fairy tale about a mysterious imp
  2. Wonderland adventure by Lewis Carroll
  3. Book featuring a boy who goes to Hogwarts
  4. R.J. Palacio’s story of a boy with a facial deformity
  5. Adventure by J.R.R. Tolkien
  6. Author of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”
  7. Book about a courageous rodent
  8. By A.A. Milne about a bear and his friends
  9. Potter’s adventures in a magical world

20 Clues: And the Giant PeachThe Wild Things AreAnd the Three BearsPan who never grows upChronicles by C.S. LewisAdventure by J.R.R. TolkienBook about a courageous rodentIsland by Robert Louis StevensonFairy tale about a mysterious impOf Chincoteague, about a wild ponyBear from Peru who loves marmaladeTo Terabithia by Katherine Paterson...

Classic Children’s Books 2024-08-06

Classic Children’s Books crossword puzzle
  1. And the Giant Peach
  2. The Wild Things Are
  3. Of Chincoteague, about a wild pony
  4. Longstocking, adventurous girl with red hair
  5. Bear from Peru who loves marmalade
  6. Chronicles by C.S. Lewis
  7. To Terabithia by Katherine Paterson
  8. Spider who saves a pig in a classic book
  9. And the Three Bears
  10. Pan who never grows up
  11. Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
  1. Fairy tale about a mysterious imp
  2. Wonderland adventure by Lewis Carroll
  3. Book featuring a boy who goes to Hogwarts
  4. R.J. Palacio’s story of a boy with a facial deformity
  5. Adventure by J.R.R. Tolkien
  6. Author of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”
  7. Book about a courageous rodent
  8. By A.A. Milne about a bear and his friends
  9. Potter’s adventures in a magical world

20 Clues: And the Giant PeachThe Wild Things AreAnd the Three BearsPan who never grows upChronicles by C.S. LewisAdventure by J.R.R. TolkienBook about a courageous rodentIsland by Robert Louis StevensonFairy tale about a mysterious impOf Chincoteague, about a wild ponyBear from Peru who loves marmaladeTo Terabithia by Katherine Paterson...

Bible Books 1 2025-03-11

Bible Books 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Satan oppressing a godly man
  2. Written to Roman Christians
  3. Day of Atonement, Sacrifices
  4. Written to Jewish Christians
  5. Gomer was his wife
  6. Tarshish, Nineveh
  7. Hezekiah, Josiah
  8. Day of the Lord Day of the Lord Day of the Lord
  9. Weeping prophet
  10. King David
  11. Written to outcast gentiles
  12. Was a shepherd and farmer before prophet
  13. Consider your ways and complete the temple
  14. Moses' final sermons
  15. Locust plague
  16. Attacking a brick Jerusalem
  17. Solomon, Ahab
  18. Messiah will ride a donkey to Jerusalem
  19. Written to Edom
  1. Plagues, Red Sea
  2. Samuel, Eli
  3. Last one
  4. Nineveh is doomed
  5. Adam, Abraham, Joseph
  6. of Songs celebration of marriage
  7. Jephtheh, Ehud
  8. Boaz, Naomi
  9. Focused on I AM statements of Jesus
  10. Ai, tricky Gibeonites
  11. The Chaldeans are worse than Judah!
  12. "nothing new under the sun"
  13. Wise sayings
  14. Wilderness Wandering
  15. Rebuilding the Temple
  16. Israels music book
  17. Immanuel
  18. Acrostic poems of sadness
  19. Rebuilding the wall
  20. Haman, Mordecai
  21. God will tread on the high places
  22. Lions, Darius

41 Clues: Last oneImmanuelKing DavidSamuel, EliBoaz, NaomiWise sayingsLocust plagueSolomon, AhabLions, DariusJephtheh, EhudWeeping prophetHaman, MordecaiWritten to EdomPlagues, Red SeaHezekiah, JosiahNineveh is doomedTarshish, NinevehGomer was his wifeIsraels music bookRebuilding the wallWilderness WanderingMoses' final sermonsAdam, Abraham, Joseph...

How to Find Library Things 2023-08-18

How to Find Library Things crossword puzzle
  1. Online place where we learn a lot
  2. Most students have assigned tables not _____.
  3. Popular book section. Top ______
  4. Door we leave out of
  5. Who wrote the Harry Potter books? J.K. ___________.
  6. Who else helps in the library? Ms.
  7. My dogs are named after Harry ________ characters.
  1. Three letters on the side of all chapter books
  2. Big 3 that goes with our chair expectations
  3. Time you can check out books that's not during encore. Open ___
  4. Color of the tissue box you are allowed to use
  5. Letter on the side of all the picture books
  6. Dog Man author
  7. Mrs. S' last name
  8. How many books can you check out?

15 Clues: Dog Man authorMrs. S' last nameDoor we leave out ofPopular book section. Top ______Online place where we learn a lotHow many books can you check out?Who else helps in the library? Ms.Big 3 that goes with our chair expectationsLetter on the side of all the picture booksMost students have assigned tables not _____....

How to Find Library Things 2023-08-18

How to Find Library Things crossword puzzle
  1. Online place where we learn a lot
  2. Most students have assigned tables not _____.
  3. Popular book section. Top ______
  4. Door we leave out of
  5. Who wrote the Harry Potter books? J.K. ___________.
  6. Who else helps in the library? Ms.
  7. My dogs are named after Harry ________ characters.
  1. Three letters on the side of all chapter books
  2. Big 3 that goes with our chair expectations
  3. Time you can check out books that's not during encore. Open ___
  4. Color of the tissue box you are allowed to use
  5. Letter on the side of all the picture books
  6. Dog Man author
  7. Mrs. S' last name
  8. How many books can you check out?

15 Clues: Dog Man authorMrs. S' last nameDoor we leave out ofPopular book section. Top ______Online place where we learn a lotHow many books can you check out?Who else helps in the library? Ms.Big 3 that goes with our chair expectationsLetter on the side of all the picture booksMost students have assigned tables not _____....

Intermediate Phonics and Vocab Spelling Bee 2022-10-21

Intermediate Phonics and Vocab Spelling Bee crossword puzzle
  1. Place to see Fish
  2. Light
  3. Place for Books or Magazines
  4. Old pictures and Dinosaur Bones
  5. Place to see Stars and Planets
  6. Paper
  7. Hair
  8. Mcdonals, Saizeriya, Kurasushi
  9. Sky
  10. Study
  11. Books
  12. Many Animals
  13. No Money
  14. Floor
  1. Country
  2. Cup
  3. Sea animal
  4. Aircraft
  5. Animal
  6. Windor or cup
  7. Color
  8. Picture
  9. Place to put food
  10. Apps
  11. Color
  12. Park Pool and slides
  13. Emotion
  14. Kids play
  15. Table Place to put drinks or books
  16. Time
  17. Food

31 Clues: CupSkyAppsHairTimeFoodLightColorPaperColorStudyBooksFloorAnimalCountryPictureEmotionAircraftNo MoneyKids playSea animalMany AnimalsWindor or cupPlace to see FishPlace to put foodPark Pool and slidesPlace for Books or MagazinesPlace to see Stars and PlanetsMcdonals, Saizeriya, KurasushiOld pictures and Dinosaur Bones...

The Bookshop of Yesterdays 2023-09-30

The Bookshop of Yesterdays crossword puzzle
  1. Related persons
  2. Miranda's boyfriend
  3. Hidden inside Billy's books
  4. Miranda's occupation
  5. The Tempest author
  6. Where Miranda and Jay live
  7. Susan and Billy
  8. Puzzle to solve
  9. A fruit and a color
  10. Lock opener
  11. Favorite uncle
  12. Volumes on shelvs
  13. Billy's great love
  14. Prospero Books fate?
  1. Book's author
  2. Bibliophile
  3. Shakespeare's book
  4. Miranda's inheritance
  5. Manager of the bookshop
  6. Miranda's quest
  7. Evelyn's father
  8. Billy's sister
  9. He opens the store each morning
  10. Elijah Greenberg
  11. Three things that matter in life

25 Clues: BibliophileLock openerBook's authorBilly's sisterFavorite uncleRelated personsMiranda's questEvelyn's fatherSusan and BillyPuzzle to solveElijah GreenbergVolumes on shelvsShakespeare's bookThe Tempest authorBilly's great loveMiranda's boyfriendA fruit and a colorMiranda's occupationProspero Books fate?Miranda's inheritanceManager of the bookshop...

Countable and Uncountable Nouns 2022-11-10

Countable and Uncountable Nouns crossword puzzle
  1. BOOKS ______
  2. NOTEBOOK ______
  3. CHOCOLATE ______
  4. HOUSES ______
  5. WOMAN ______
  6. PANTS ______
  7. BREAD ______
  8. JUICE ______
  9. PENCILCASE ______
  10. FLOUR ______
  11. WATER ______
  12. CHERRY ______
  1. MONEY ______
  2. BUTTER ______
  3. PENCIL ______
  4. APPLE ______
  5. HOMEWORK ______
  6. BATHROOM ______
  7. SHOES ______
  8. PINEAPPLE ______
  9. STRAWBERRY ______
  10. GRAPES ______
  11. SAND ______
  12. MEAT ______
  13. FLOWERS ______
  14. RICE ______

26 Clues: SAND ______MEAT ______RICE ______MONEY ______APPLE ______BOOKS ______SHOES ______WOMAN ______PANTS ______BREAD ______JUICE ______FLOUR ______WATER ______BUTTER ______PENCIL ______HOUSES ______GRAPES ______CHERRY ______FLOWERS ______HOMEWORK ______BATHROOM ______NOTEBOOK ______CHOCOLATE ______PINEAPPLE ______STRAWBERRY ______PENCILCASE ______

Crossword on Safari 2014-11-14

Crossword on Safari crossword puzzle
  1. No. of videos available on Math & Science in Safari Books Online
  2. Most popular book on “Databases” in Safari Books Online
  3. Author of the book titled “Learning Basic Macroeconomics”
  4. Video course by Scott Reynolds published on 21-Jul-2014
  5. Manuscripts available in Safari Books Online that are developed but not yet published
  6. Conference proceeding published by O'Reilly Media, Inc. on 12-JUN-2014
  1. Book by AnnMarie Thomas published on 15 Sep 2014
  2. No. of videos available on Health and Fitness in Safari Books Online
  3. No. of videos available in Safari Books Online by the publisher Microsoft Press
  4. Book authored by Mr Matthew Carver
  5. Latest book on Safari Books Online by the Publisher AMACOM
  6. Edition of Head First Java available in Safari Books Online
  7. Most popular book on “Game Programming” in Safari Books Online

13 Clues: Book authored by Mr Matthew CarverBook by AnnMarie Thomas published on 15 Sep 2014Most popular book on “Databases” in Safari Books OnlineVideo course by Scott Reynolds published on 21-Jul-2014Author of the book titled “Learning Basic Macroeconomics”Latest book on Safari Books Online by the Publisher AMACOM...

Sacred Scripture Crossword Puzzle 2022-10-15

Sacred Scripture Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the Mainstream Church
  2. list of books of the Bible
  3. the Bible
  4. 64 books
  5. second coming of Christ
  6. guidance of the Holy Spirit
  7. God's revealing through creation
  8. teaching authority of the Church
  9. Scripture and Tradition passed down
  10. 27 books
  1. translation of Bible by St. Jerome
  2. good news
  3. the bible is without error
  4. contains fundamental Christian truths
  5. God's people
  6. promise between God and his people
  7. collection of Christian sacred writings
  8. show God's presence and saving actions
  9. ability to know and understand truth
  10. the Ten Commandments

20 Clues: 64 books27 booksgood newsthe BibleGod's peoplethe Ten Commandmentsthe Mainstream Churchsecond coming of Christlist of books of the Biblethe bible is without errorguidance of the Holy SpiritGod's revealing through creationteaching authority of the Churchtranslation of Bible by St. Jeromepromise between God and his people...

EASY "Fiction" AUTHORS "L-Z" 2022-05-24

EASY "Fiction" AUTHORS "L-Z" crossword puzzle
  1. author of "Miss Bindergarten" books
  2. author of "Elephant and Piggy" books
  3. author of "Rainbow Fish" titles
  4. author of "Froggy..." books
  5. author of "If you give a ..." books
  1. author of "Lyle the Crocodile" books
  2. author of "Green Eggs and Ham"
  3. author of "How do Dinosaurs..." series
  4. author of "Scaredy Squirrel" books
  5. author of "No David" title
  6. author of "Henry and Mudge"
  7. author of "Andrew's Loose Tooth"

12 Clues: author of "No David" titleauthor of "Henry and Mudge"author of "Froggy..." booksauthor of "Green Eggs and Ham"author of "Rainbow Fish" titlesauthor of "Andrew's Loose Tooth"author of "Scaredy Squirrel" booksauthor of "Miss Bindergarten" booksauthor of "If you give a ..." booksauthor of "Lyle the Crocodile" booksauthor of "Elephant and Piggy" books...

inkheart project 2023-04-18

inkheart project crossword puzzle
  1. a object that can use to fix other objects
  2. common name 100s of types of insect that feed on paper
  3. the job position that fixes books
  4. a fictional book
  5. the place a book binder works
  6. what you find on the outside of books
  7. a book use for studying
  1. whats in a library that holds books
  2. the people who make books
  3. the protection around the pages
  4. the object that the book binder fixes
  5. what a bookbinder does to a book
  6. a book that lists synonyms and related concepts
  7. a place that holds many books
  8. a book of definitions

15 Clues: a fictional booka book of definitionsa book use for studyingthe people who make booksa place that holds many booksthe place a book binder worksthe protection around the pageswhat a bookbinder does to a bookthe job position that fixes bookswhats in a library that holds booksthe object that the book binder fixeswhat you find on the outside of books...

librarian Lil 2016-05-19

librarian Lil crossword puzzle
  1. Who was the leader of the motorcycle gang?
  2. Lil carried so many books she became super______
  3. Bill hates these, while Lil always loved them
  4. Bill became Lil's _________ in the library
  5. Where did Bill go to watch his favorite show
  6. What did Bill agree to do if Lil could move one of their bikes
  7. what age did Lil build a tree house
  8. It's said that librarian Lil had a book in her hand when she was
  9. What career did Lil choose to follow.
  10. Lil stacked all the ________ of the motorcycle gang
  1. She loved to read books and had a wild imagination
  2. Lil handed out books in a _________
  3. what age did Lil read every book in the children’s section of the library
  4. Everyone Chesterville were _________ potatoes
  5. What day did Bill's favorite TV show come
  6. Who told Bill that there were no more TVs
  7. Lils favorite pastime was
  8. Did people come to the library before the blackout
  9. She was so strong that she could lift up a
  10. People started reading books when there was a _______

20 Clues: Lils favorite pastime wasLil handed out books in a _________what age did Lil build a tree houseWhat career did Lil choose to follow.What day did Bill's favorite TV show comeWho told Bill that there were no more TVsWho was the leader of the motorcycle gang?Bill became Lil's _________ in the libraryShe was so strong that she could lift up a...

Plus-Minus-Multiply-Divide 2019-04-11

Plus-Minus-Multiply-Divide crossword puzzle
  1. There are 17 marbles in a bag. Cindy have 3 bags with equal amount of marbles inside. How many marbles does she have altogether?
  2. 104 x 4 =
  3. 2014 + 5354 =
  4. Wally bought 6 bicycles. He paid $121 for each of it. How much did he pay altogether?
  5. 2500 + 1112 =
  6. Ann bought 4 boxes of donuts. Each box costs $4. How much did Ann pay altogether?
  7. 1381 - 150 =
  8. 234 + 345 =
  9. 2973 - 340 =
  10. 300 + 215 =
  11. 3122 + 1434 =
  12. 41 x 2 =
  13. 9 x 8 =
  1. Azman have 657 marbles. Wally have 95 fewer marbles than Azman. How many marbles does Wally have?
  2. There are 2010 English books, 1050 Malay books and 1020 chinese books in a library. How many books are there altogether?
  3. If 10 books cost $70, How much does 1 book cost?
  4. 7928 - 4607 =
  5. Wahid have 360 seeds. Hamid have 601 more seeds than Wahid. how many seeds does Hamid have?
  6. 1217 + 432 =
  7. 22 x 3 =
  8. 43 x 5 =
  9. 289 + 735 + 234 =
  10. 105 x 7 =
  11. 206 x 3 =

24 Clues: 9 x 8 =22 x 3 =43 x 5 =41 x 2 =104 x 4 =105 x 7 =206 x 3 =234 + 345 =300 + 215 =1217 + 432 =1381 - 150 =2973 - 340 =2014 + 5354 =7928 - 4607 =2500 + 1112 =3122 + 1434 =289 + 735 + 234 =If 10 books cost $70, How much does 1 book cost?Ann bought 4 boxes of donuts. Each box costs $4. How much did Ann pay altogether?...

Old Testament Crossword Puzzle 2022-06-22

Old Testament Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Greek for books, scrolls; root word for "Bible"
  2. binding, sacred commitment
  3. extra canonical books not considered part of the Bible for Protestant denominations and the Jewish faith
  4. book of the ______; smaller books containing minor prophets; counted as one book in Tanakh, but separated in Christian Bible
  5. acronym: divided into Torah, Nevi'im, and Ketuvim; 24 books in 3 sections
  6. literally means "he who strives with God"; can refer a polity, to Jacob, or most commonly to a religious community
  7. Hebrew word for "God"
  8. historical narratuces; Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings
  9. extra canonical books considered part of the Bible for Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Christians
  10. "Lord in English"; name of God that is considered to holy to pronounce (read aloud as "Adonai")
  1. the geographical and historical context of the Old Testament, encompassing the world of ideas that formed the backdrop of these writings
  2. authoritative collection of books usually containing governing principles
  3. judgement oracles; Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Book of the Twelve
  4. chief Bible of the early Church that both rearranged and added books; Greek translation of Hebrew Bible
  5. alternate term referring to the 5 books of the Torah

15 Clues: Hebrew word for "God"binding, sacred commitmentGreek for books, scrolls; root word for "Bible"alternate term referring to the 5 books of the Torahhistorical narratuces; Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kingsjudgement oracles; Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Book of the Twelveauthoritative collection of books usually containing governing principles...

Library Orientation 2021-08-18

Library Orientation crossword puzzle
  1. Your password for Destiny is your __________ID.
  2. Online library
  3. Most dangerous to books
  4. The school mascot
  5. The person responsible for getting books back on time.
  6. Show this to the hall monitor during lunch
  7. Slot in the counter where you return books
  1. The fine for each day a book is late is 10 _______.
  2. Books need to stay at the front of these
  3. We love our new library _______________.
  4. The setup code for Sora
  5. A library genre that deals with magic and dragons
  6. Number of genres in the library
  7. A library genre that makes you laugh
  8. The number of books you can check out. Four

15 Clues: Online libraryThe school mascotThe setup code for SoraMost dangerous to booksNumber of genres in the libraryA library genre that makes you laughBooks need to stay at the front of theseWe love our new library _______________.Show this to the hall monitor during lunchSlot in the counter where you return books...

Fahrenheit 451,1984, and Brave New World 2016-03-11

Fahrenheit 451,1984, and Brave New World crossword puzzle
  1. Montag hid his books there after the ladies left.
  2. Mechanical ___; chased criminals
  3. Not allowed to have____
  4. Place Montag first hid his books
  5. Girl who is responsible for montag's change
  6. Mildred's Husband
  7. It smelled like perfume to Montag
  8. Wife; informer; attempted suicide
  9. Leader of the hobo intellectual
  10. Where Montag went after fleeing Faber's house
  1. Small communications device used by Montag & Faber
  2. They burned books & started fires
  3. Captain of the firemen
  4. Mildred's pastime; huge television
  5. Transportation
  6. He helped Montag understand a book

16 Clues: TransportationMildred's HusbandCaptain of the firemenNot allowed to have____Leader of the hobo intellectualMechanical ___; chased criminalsPlace Montag first hid his booksThey burned books & started firesIt smelled like perfume to MontagWife; informer; attempted suicideMildred's pastime; huge televisionHe helped Montag understand a book...

Sound of Thunder 2023-11-09

Sound of Thunder crossword puzzle
  1. Ray Bradbury was born on ______ 22nd, 1920
  2. Eckles voting for Keith
  3. Ray Bradbury died on ____ 5th, 2012
  4. Type of conflict of Eckles being scared to shoot the T-Rex
  5. Type of conflict of Eckles changing the future
  6. Ray Bradbury usually writes books involving __________, journeying to the past
  7. POV?
  1. Ray Bradbury wrote _____ books
  2. Everything is _________.
  3. Even the ________ actions can have enormous consequences.
  4. Business that takes Eckles to the past
  5. What is usually never-ending in Ray Bradbury's books?
  6. From who's perspective of the books does Ray Bradbury typically write?
  7. Technology being used more ___________ is a topic used in Ray Bradbury's books
  8. Dinosaur that Eckles is trying to hunt
  9. Follow the _____ when they are presented to you.

16 Clues: POV?Eckles voting for KeithEverything is _________.Ray Bradbury wrote _____ booksRay Bradbury died on ____ 5th, 2012Business that takes Eckles to the pastDinosaur that Eckles is trying to huntRay Bradbury was born on ______ 22nd, 1920Type of conflict of Eckles changing the futureFollow the _____ when they are presented to you....

Library 2024-12-30

Library crossword puzzle
  1. Something used to save your place in a book
  2. A place where books are stored
  3. A book that tells you what words mean
  4. A seat for reading
  5. A book of maps
  6. A pass you use to borrow books
  7. A surface for reading or studying
  8. To bring back a book to the library
  9. A rule that asks people not to talk loudly
  1. A tale found in books
  2. Something you read to learn or for fun
  3. A person who helps you find books
  4. A tool for looking up books or information
  5. A section of a book
  6. A thin book with pictures and stories

15 Clues: A book of mapsA seat for readingA section of a bookA tale found in booksA place where books are storedA pass you use to borrow booksA person who helps you find booksA surface for reading or studyingTo bring back a book to the libraryA book that tells you what words meanA thin book with pictures and storiesSomething you read to learn or for fun...

Kassidy VanderKolk 2022-11-15

Kassidy VanderKolk crossword puzzle
  1. some yellow pens
  2. the red books
  3. the purple pencil
  4. the brown store
  5. some funny brothers
  6. the tall brothers
  7. the blonde sisters
  8. the blonde friend
  9. some blue books
  1. some fun sisters
  2. some funny parents
  3. some fun stores
  4. some popular books
  5. the fun mother
  6. the fun brothers
  7. some green chairs

16 Clues: the red booksthe fun mothersome fun storesthe brown storesome blue bookssome fun sisterssome yellow pensthe fun brothersthe purple pencilthe tall brotherssome green chairsthe blonde friendsome funny parentssome popular booksthe blonde sisterssome funny brothers

Fahrenheit 451 Crossword Puzzle 2023-12-29

Fahrenheit 451 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. to drink and explains that it will change the chemical index of his perspiration so the Hound will not be able to find him.
  2. hound, a robot dog that destroys anyone or anything that has to do with books
  3. was holding about 20 books in there
  4. Walls, extremely large television screens, which are the size of an entire wall of a person's home
  5. a strange girl who changes his perspective on life
  6. who bans books because it contains ideas and thoughts about life
  7. pills, Mildred attempted suicide with this
  8. Montag, the main character
  9. 451, title of the book
  1. what killed Clarissa
  2. station, a facility where fire engines and other equipment of a fire department are housed.
  3. Captain Beatty was killed by Montag with this item
  4. Beatty, is Montag's boss and the Captain at the fire station where Montag works
  5. small radio devices nearly everyone in Montag's society wears to receive constant broadcasts of information
  6. Faber, mentor to Montag after Montag reads the books he has been sneaking into his house.
  7. bomb, falls on the city, reducing it to rubble and ash
  8. flammable liquid used to make fire to destroy books
  9. people want to ban them because they contain thoughts and ideas
  10. of faith, Mrs. Phelps cries when Montag reads this poem
  11. is the leader of a group of intellectuals and a friend to Montag

20 Clues: what killed Clarissa451, title of the bookMontag, the main characterwas holding about 20 books in therepills, Mildred attempted suicide with thisa strange girl who changes his perspective on lifeCaptain Beatty was killed by Montag with this itemflammable liquid used to make fire to destroy books...

Fahrenheit 451,1984, and Brave New World 2016-03-11

Fahrenheit 451,1984, and Brave New World crossword puzzle
  1. Montag hid his books there after the ladies left.
  2. Place Montag first hid his books
  3. Mildred's pastime; huge television
  4. Wife; informer; attempted suicide
  5. Leader of the hobo intellectual
  6. Transportation
  7. Mechanical ___; chased criminals
  8. Mildred's Husband
  1. Girl who is responsible for montag's change
  2. Where Montag went after fleeing Faber's house
  3. It smelled like perfume to Montag
  4. They burned books & started fires
  5. He helped Montag understand a book
  6. Small communications device used by Montag & Faber
  7. Captain of the firemen
  8. Not allowed to have____

16 Clues: TransportationMildred's HusbandCaptain of the firemenNot allowed to have____Leader of the hobo intellectualPlace Montag first hid his booksMechanical ___; chased criminalsIt smelled like perfume to MontagThey burned books & started firesWife; informer; attempted suicideMildred's pastime; huge televisionHe helped Montag understand a book...

EASY Authors2 2022-05-27

EASY Authors2 crossword puzzle
  1. author of "Miss Bindergarten" books
  2. author of "Elephant and Piggy" books
  3. author of "Rainbow Fish" titles
  4. author of "Froggy..." books
  5. author of "If you give a ..." books
  1. author of "Lyle the Crocodile" books
  2. author of "Green Eggs and Ham"
  3. author of "How do Dinosaurs..." series
  4. author of "Scaredy Squirrel" books
  5. author of "No David" title
  6. author of "Henry and Mudge"
  7. author of "Andrew's Loose Tooth"

12 Clues: author of "No David" titleauthor of "Henry and Mudge"author of "Froggy..." booksauthor of "Green Eggs and Ham"author of "Rainbow Fish" titlesauthor of "Andrew's Loose Tooth"author of "Scaredy Squirrel" booksauthor of "Miss Bindergarten" booksauthor of "If you give a ..." booksauthor of "Lyle the Crocodile" booksauthor of "Elephant and Piggy" books...

Everything Books Crossword! 2024-05-10

Everything Books Crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. A stiff and sturdy book
  2. based on real events/facts
  3. You can borrow books from this place
  4. They write the books!
  5. the boy who lived
  6. The feeling of Love
  7. List of most popular books
  1. A flexible book
  2. children story often about magical things
  3. difficult to understand or explain
  4. Made with letters
  5. made up or imaginary
  6. may the odds be ever in your favour
  7. Excitement, fear, anxiety!
  8. I love to ____ books!

15 Clues: A flexible bookMade with lettersthe boy who livedThe feeling of Lovemade up or imaginaryThey write the books!I love to ____ books!A stiff and sturdy bookbased on real events/factsExcitement, fear, anxiety!List of most popular booksdifficult to understand or explainmay the odds be ever in your favourYou can borrow books from this place...

Unit 4 Vocabulary. Listening and Speaking 2024-12-10

Unit 4 Vocabulary. Listening and Speaking crossword puzzle
  1. Please ________ your books at the end of the class.
  2. We must _________ the amount of pollution in the air.
  3. Don't ________ losing your money on that business idea.
  4. I will _________ two level three classes today.
  5. The food was __________. Not bad!
  6. Relax and just go with the _________.
  7. __________ is to do with farming.
  8. ____________ is important for the planet.
  9. A million pounds is a __________ sum of money.
  10. Good students are very _________ nowadays.
  1. Water is a natural __________.
  2. How many books will we __________?
  3. Travelling is a wonderful _____________.
  4. The college will _________ us with books.
  5. There is a large ________ of people here.
  6. Please _____________ the books to the class.
  7. The situation is __________. We need help now!
  8. The ___________ rainfall is 10cm per year.
  9. This is a big ________. We have no food.
  10. The weather is _____________ hot today.

20 Clues: Water is a natural __________.The food was __________. Not bad!__________ is to do with farming.How many books will we __________?Relax and just go with the _________.The weather is _____________ hot today.Travelling is a wonderful _____________.This is a big ________. We have no food.The college will _________ us with books....

Media Center Orientation 2020-08-03

Media Center Orientation crossword puzzle
  1. How many books may you check out at once?
  2. What color is the date due card in the back of each book checked out?
  3. Books based on facts, real events or people.
  4. How much is the late fee per day, per book?
  5. The section of books for our children's picture books
  6. The section of books about a person's life.
  7. The level of reading complexity of a book.
  1. Novels and chapter books with imaginary events or people are called this.
  2. The program on the computer to help look up a book.
  3. The location to place a returned book.
  4. These labels are on many books to help identify the type of book.
  5. What do you scan to sign in?
  6. The information given about a book which can include a summary or key topics, found in the first few pages of a book.
  7. How many weeks is the check out period?
  8. How will I be notified if I have a late book?

15 Clues: What do you scan to sign in?The location to place a returned book.How many weeks is the check out period?How many books may you check out at once?The level of reading complexity of a book.How much is the late fee per day, per book?The section of books about a person's life.Books based on facts, real events or people....

Library induction 2014-03-13

Library induction crossword puzzle
  1. '_____and fun reads': The section you will find books that are easy to read
  2. The author, whose surname begins with H, who wrote Oblivion and the Alex Rider seres.
  3. The name given to books based on fact
  4. The number of weeks you can take a book out before returning or renewing
  5. A book that is written about a persons life
  6. The name given to books based on imaginary stories
  7. The colour sticker on humorous books
  8. The alphabetical order is by author _________
  1. A section of books where you will find the authors Charles dickens, jane Austin
  2. Name the Shakespeare play, 'The ____ of Venice'
  3. The reading challenge created by footballers
  4. If my books is overdue I will get a ______________
  5. The section of books that are full of magical creatures and talking animals
  6. The __________ date is stamped in the front of the book

14 Clues: The colour sticker on humorous booksThe name given to books based on factA book that is written about a persons lifeThe reading challenge created by footballersThe alphabetical order is by author _________Name the Shakespeare play, 'The ____ of Venice'If my books is overdue I will get a ______________...

Bible Books One 2018-03-12

Bible Books One crossword puzzle
  1. This song teaches love is loyal always strong
  2. Tells how life is like when Jesus rules
  3. Helped rebuild the city and its walls
  4. 1 Chronicles teaches______ from the past
  5. The kingdom is________North and South
  6. This was Lost in book of Genesis
  7. Some lost their chance to see this
  8. Gods people saved by his mighty hand
  9. Job teaches us this is precious
  10. Most men in 2 Kings were bad but some were ______
  11. The wisdom of its words is always true
  1. Esther spoke with this at the right time
  2. The nation falls because of bad leaders
  3. King David has trouble in his house
  4. This book helps us listen and obey
  5. Joshua - Each ____ got a place to call their own
  6. Inspired songs to praise God
  7. Serving God brings ______ Ecclesiastes
  8. Performing Mighty Deeds
  9. This book kept the people holy
  10. Restored true worship
  11. Rewarded with a family and a home
  12. 1 Samuel God chooses ______

23 Clues: Restored true worshipPerforming Mighty Deeds1 Samuel God chooses ______Inspired songs to praise GodThis book kept the people holyJob teaches us this is preciousThis was Lost in book of GenesisRewarded with a family and a homeThis book helps us listen and obeySome lost their chance to see thisKing David has trouble in his house...

Bible Books One 2018-03-12

Bible Books One crossword puzzle
  1. Restored true worship
  2. 1 Samuel God chooses ______
  3. Job teaches us this is precious
  4. Serving God brings ______ Ecclesiastes
  5. This book helps us listen and obey
  6. The nation falls because of bad leaders
  7. 1 Chronicles teaches______ from the past
  8. Inspired songs to praise God
  9. The kingdom is________North and South
  10. Performing Mighty Deeds
  1. Esther spoke with this at the right time
  2. This was Lost in book of Genesis
  3. Some lost their chance to see this
  4. This book kept the people holy
  5. The wisdom of its words is always true
  6. Rewarded with a family and a home
  7. Joshua - Each ____ got a place to call their own
  8. Most men in 2 Kings were bad but some were ______
  9. This song teaches love is loyal always strong
  10. Helped rebuild the city and its walls
  11. King David has trouble in his house
  12. Tells how life is like when Jesus rules
  13. Gods people saved by his mighty hand

23 Clues: Restored true worshipPerforming Mighty Deeds1 Samuel God chooses ______Inspired songs to praise GodThis book kept the people holyJob teaches us this is preciousThis was Lost in book of GenesisRewarded with a family and a homeSome lost their chance to see thisThis book helps us listen and obeyKing David has trouble in his house...

Old Testament Books 2020-03-03

Old Testament Books crossword puzzle
  1. took a wife who was living in sin
  2. He created us
  3. comes to preach reparation
  4. He build a great wall
  5. Do you love life?
  6. In his suffering there's no equal
  7. will be the ones in command
  8. He restores after the fall
  9. The promised land
  10. yelled against Nineveh
  11. a judge who spoke truth
  12. Elijah will come before the messiah
  13. asks who is like Jehovah
  14. He led them through the wilderness
  15. He gets behind the scenes
  16. a revival under Josiah
  17. he judges the kings
  18. questioned Jehovah
  1. a kinsman redeemer
  2. God cares fr His people
  3. do you love your wife?
  4. tells about a lion's den
  5. the beginning of wisdom
  6. says the King will come to Jerusalem on a donkey
  7. a prophet will rise
  8. a prophet weeps for a nation
  9. He set the people free
  10. judgement if you don't believe
  11. preached to the Ninevites
  12. The day of the Lord
  13. a young virgin shall conceive
  14. preached against the worship of idols
  15. crushed the Edomites
  16. The fear of the Lord
  17. The Law was professed
  18. says the judge is the messiah

36 Clues: He created usDo you love life?The promised landa kinsman redeemerquestioned Jehovaha prophet will riseThe day of the Lordhe judges the kingscrushed the EdomitesThe fear of the LordHe build a great wallThe Law was professeddo you love your wife?He set the people freeyelled against Nineveha revival under JosiahGod cares fr His people...

New testament books 2020-03-03

New testament books crossword puzzle
  1. keep God's commandments
  2. got to have sanctified living
  3. He is The King of the Jews
  4. putting power in the minister's work
  5. proof all scriptures contend in the book
  6. alpha and Omega; no one is greater
  7. He's the high priest who saves
  8. dealing with a runaway slave
  9. the dead will resurrect
  10. performance of god in bodily form
  1. Joy in all my trials
  2. He is a servant
  3. instructions for the church
  4. the law had to take a drift
  5. he's the Son of Man
  6. every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess
  7. takes a sentence with no guile
  8. He is the giver of gifts
  9. He's the giver of all grace
  10. He is the Son of god
  11. Jesus ascends to heaven

21 Clues: He is a servanthe's the Son of ManJoy in all my trialsHe is the Son of godkeep God's commandmentsJesus ascends to heaventhe dead will resurrectHe is the giver of giftsHe is The King of the Jewsinstructions for the churchthe law had to take a driftHe's the giver of all gracedealing with a runaway slavegot to have sanctified living...

Books and Authors 2021-01-26

Books and Authors crossword puzzle
  1. Lightkeeper's Daughter
  2. Dead Until Dark
  3. Odd Thomas
  4. The Casual Vacancy
  5. Open Season
  6. One Perfect Lie
  7. One Tuesday Morning
  8. The English Son
  9. Calico Joe
  10. Night Passage
  11. No Greater Love
  12. Loves Music, Loves to Dance
  13. One for the Money
  14. New York Dead
  15. Memory Man
  16. Mr. Mercedes
  17. Swans of Fifth Avenue
  18. Killing Floor
  19. Her Royal Spyness
  1. Death on the Nile
  2. Miracle on the 17th Green
  3. A Duty to the Dead
  4. By Order of the President
  5. Girls of Mischief Bay
  6. The Sherbrooke Bride
  7. The Next Always
  8. This Calder Sky
  9. One Rough Man
  10. Cane and Abe
  11. Someone to Love
  12. Sworn to Silence
  13. Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder
  14. Kindness Goes Unpunished
  15. Winter Street
  16. Message in a Bottle
  17. Water Bound

36 Clues: Odd ThomasCalico JoeMemory ManOpen SeasonWater BoundCane and AbeMr. MercedesOne Rough ManNight PassageWinter StreetNew York DeadKilling FloorDead Until DarkThe Next AlwaysThis Calder SkyOne Perfect LieThe English SonSomeone to LoveNo Greater LoveSworn to SilenceDeath on the NileOne for the MoneyHer Royal SpynessA Duty to the DeadThe Casual Vacancy...

All About Books 2021-02-07

All About Books crossword puzzle
  1. 24 singing pages (5)
  2. A useless body part? (8)
  3. An original thought (5,4)
  4. Errand boy (4)
  5. A body of writing (4)
  6. Check out for more reading (12)
  7. Supports reading from start to finish (8)
  8. I'll look at that again! (6)
  9. Reserve an award? (6,5)
  10. Don't take it away - you might get the job! (9)
  11. You can't put it down (4,6)
  1. You may arouse a fire reading on this! (6)
  2. Happy at the front (8)
  3. The next in line (6)
  4. It ain't true! (7)
  5. Penguin, for example (9)
  6. A small fiction (7)
  7. It's all about me! (13)
  8. The creator! (6)
  9. Imitate accurately (9)
  10. Liquid pebbles? (11)
  11. A prickly part of the book (5)
  12. A synopsis - not for Winter!(7)
  13. The Lord of the Rings, for example (7)

24 Clues: Errand boy (4)The creator! (6)It ain't true! (7)A small fiction (7)24 singing pages (5)The next in line (6)Liquid pebbles? (11)A body of writing (4)Happy at the front (8)Imitate accurately (9)It's all about me! (13)Reserve an award? (6,5)A useless body part? (8)Penguin, for example (9)An original thought (5,4)You can't put it down (4,6)...


  1. the first page of a story.
  2. a story of somebody’s life.
  3. a person that prepares and issues books.
  4. one of the most creative genres in literature.
  5. the written text of a movie.
  6. devise the sequence of events in (a novel, movie).
  7. the ability to form ideas, images in the mind
  8. a writer of fiction
  9. all the actors in a movie
  10. a filmmaker screen.
  11. the last minute of a film.
  12. a book or a movie that is a great success.
  13. a particular type of literature, music, film form
  1. worth remembering
  2. to change (something) radically or fundamentally.
  3. computer-generated images for films.
  4. a person in a novel, play, or movie.
  5. a book that is very popular.
  6. when and where a story takes place
  7. an audio programme like Talk Radio

20 Clues: worth rememberinga writer of fictiona filmmaker screen.all the actors in a moviethe first page of a story.the last minute of a film.a story of somebody’s life.a book that is very popular.the written text of a movie.when and where a story takes placean audio programme like Talk Radiocomputer-generated images for films....

Books R Us 2020-07-16

Books R Us crossword puzzle
  1. Best selling book of all time
  2. Placeholder for where one stops reading
  3. Famous Ernest
  4. Text written for a film actor
  5. Villain
  6. Barrier for an author
  7. Egyptian writing tool
  8. Writing utensil used to sign the Magna Carta
  9. Best Seller’s List Publisher
  10. Nancy Drew genre
  1. Author who glamorized fence painting
  2. Farmer’s go-to book
  3. Protagonist
  4. Clothing for a book
  5. Online book retailer
  6. Invisible author
  7. Old school method of writing
  8. The real Dr. Seuss
  9. Shape of the line of an effective story
  10. Literary device used in “as busy as a bee”
  11. To plan secretly

21 Clues: VillainProtagonistFamous ErnestInvisible authorTo plan secretlyNancy Drew genreThe real Dr. SeussFarmer’s go-to bookClothing for a bookOnline book retailerBarrier for an authorEgyptian writing toolOld school method of writingBest Seller’s List PublisherBest selling book of all timeText written for a film actorAuthor who glamorized fence painting...

Australian Fishing Books 2020-11-27

Australian Fishing Books crossword puzzle
  1. Ten Years with the Palette, Shot Gun and Rifle
  2. Guide to Fishing in Southern Tasmania
  3. The Quest of the Trout
  4. The Jumpinpin Bream Story
  5. Fishing for Snapper
  6. Tricking Bigger Trout
  7. Trouting in Tasmania
  8. Bethune on Bass
  9. 100 Years in Timber
  10. Waterfall Farm Fly Fishers’ Club
  11. Dry Flies of the Fleurieu Peninsula
  12. Come Fly Fish with Me
  1. Memories of the Shannon Rise
  2. Titans of the Great Barrier Reef
  3. The Speckled Success
  4. Out Fishing
  5. Freshwater Fishing in South West Australia
  6. Gone Fishing
  7. Shadowing the Ghost of the Estuary
  8. Australian Fly Patterns
  9. Yesterday’s Fishermen
  10. Guide to Fishing in Tasmania
  11. The Other Side of the Hill
  12. Lifelong Pleasure
  13. The Country for an Angler

25 Clues: Out FishingGone FishingBethune on BassLifelong PleasureFishing for Snapper100 Years in TimberThe Speckled SuccessTrouting in TasmaniaYesterday’s FishermenTricking Bigger TroutCome Fly Fish with MeThe Quest of the TroutAustralian Fly PatternsThe Jumpinpin Bream StoryThe Country for an AnglerThe Other Side of the HillMemories of the Shannon Rise...

Books and movies 2021-06-09

Books and movies crossword puzzle
  1. Money given by publisher to an author beforehand.
  2. Someone who tells you if a book, movie, etc is good.
  3. A version of a scene, or part of a scene.
  4. A book which is very enjoyable to read.
  5. The person responsible for revising and correcting a work.
  6. To fail, used for books, movies, and other things.
  7. To approve a project.
  8. Daily, unedited video footage
  9. The person in charge of the business side of making a movie.
  10. The person in charge of creating a movie.
  11. A work based on another one, usually from another medium.
  12. Acronym referring to a number used to ID books.
  13. A series composed of three works.
  14. A book which does extremely well.
  15. The actors in a movie
  16. A book, or movie, with characters from a previous work. Not a sequel.
  1. Acronym for a genre aimed at people between 13-20, approximately.
  2. The 'voice' of the story.
  3. Reading a script with little or no prior preparation.
  4. Someone who represents an actor or author, for example.
  5. To correct a text for errors.
  6. Protects the rights of the creator to make money off a product.
  7. The events which compose the main story.
  8. A short clip used to generate excitement
  9. A very successful movie
  10. A critical analysis of a work.
  11. To make the script more energetic.
  12. To buy the right to use a work in a movie.
  13. Practice for actors

29 Clues: Practice for actorsTo approve a project.The actors in a movieA very successful movieThe 'voice' of the story.To correct a text for errors.Daily, unedited video footageA critical analysis of a work.A series composed of three works.A book which does extremely well.To make the script more energetic.A book which is very enjoyable to read....

5th Grade Books 2021-03-25

5th Grade Books crossword puzzle
  1. Character who fought in the Civil War
  2. Name of a dog
  3. State where the Ingall's settled in Little House on the Prairie
  4. Disease Peg fought at the Sheltering Arms
  5. Luke's fake name
  6. Character living 150 years later than she thought
  7. Book about the Yellow Fever epidemic of 1793
  8. Frances Mary traveled on an ____ to reach Kansas
  9. Character killed in a rally
  10. Character who had a facial difference
  11. Villain who conquered Narnia (2 words, no space)
  12. Place where bad boys are sent to dig holes.
  13. Originally thing used to travel to Narnia
  14. Last name of Narnia author
  1. Youngest person to win a Nobel Peace Prize
  2. Name of Caspian's Ship (2 words)
  3. Movie Star Dog
  4. Book set during the Revolutionary War
  5. Barrier separating Gerta's family (two words)
  6. Narnian Prince
  7. Magical world traveled to by swinging on a rope
  8. Name of Luke's school
  9. Thing that injured Mr. Terupt
  10. Tool used in the wilderness
  11. Name for the NASA missions to the moon
  12. Alternative name for a pen

26 Clues: Name of a dogMovie Star DogNarnian PrinceLuke's fake nameName of Luke's schoolAlternative name for a penLast name of Narnia authorCharacter killed in a rallyTool used in the wildernessThing that injured Mr. TeruptName of Caspian's Ship (2 words)Character who fought in the Civil WarBook set during the Revolutionary War...

Bagels and Books 2021-07-06

Bagels and Books crossword puzzle
  1. B.'s signature style choice #1
  2. *What do scholars eat when they're hungry?
  3. The book A. and B. were coincidentally reading at the same time
  4. A.'s alter ego who occasionally sends B. late night texts
  5. Despite being a "good girl", A. still likes it when B. ___ to her
  6. Indianapolis dinner location: McCormick and ___
  7. A. and B. both found the ___ to be depressing place
  8. Where A. and B. first met
  9. B. has yet to play ___ for A. (even though he said he would)
  10. A. and B. used to love sitting on the ___ of her house
  11. Children's book both A. and B. adored
  12. B.'s musical porch partner
  13. B. used the free ___ as an excuse to visit A. at work
  14. Despite being a "good girl", A. also likes it when B. ___ her
  15. ___ will confuse B. until the end of days
  16. B.'s polite word choice for his favorite part of A.'s body
  17. B. seems to like A. in this position
  18. A. and B.'s shared birthday month
  19. B.'s favorite BBC order
  20. B. read ___ to A. the first night they hung out
  21. Dogs are the ___
  22. B. has only watched one season of this dynamic Netflix show
  23. Sporting event in B.'s hometown that A. is clearly clueless about
  24. A.'s least favorite Shakespeare play
  25. *What kind of music did the pilgrims listen to?
  1. B.'s least favorite of A.'s drink choices
  2. B. used to write poems for A. on ___
  3. B. seems to think A.'s ___ are a sexy look
  4. A. and B.'s adorably nerdy shared hobby
  5. B.'s signature style choice #2
  6. It had been almost ___ since they had spoken before B. reached out
  7. A. is now self-conscious about using her ___ while they talk
  8. B. serenaded A. with ___ during her bagel days
  9. B. has twice "stolen" one of these from A.
  10. *Air used to be free at gas stations. Now it's $1.50. Why?
  11. Number on B.'s motorcycle license plate
  12. Item not used during recent hotel stays
  13. B. seems to like it when A. wears this color
  14. A. finds B.'s ___ to be incredibly sexy
  15. Where A. and B. can stalk each other's book choices
  16. B.'s old term of endearment for A.
  17. A. feels like she can be ___ with B.
  18. *How can you tell if a snowman is a boy or a girl?
  19. rose A.'s preferred wine choice (for the moment)
  20. A. and B. both seem to enjoy "getting frisky" in the ___
  21. A. likes to sleep in B.'s ___ when she gets the chance
  22. *Don't trust those trees. They look ___.
  23. A.'s first car
  24. *What do you call a lazy kangaroo?
  25. A. has a tendency to ___, both in emails and on the phone
  26. Most romantic city in America
  27. B.'s bedtime
  28. A.'s toes still ___ when she thinks about B.
  29. A. was at the ___ when she first called B.
  30. How the starred clues might be categorized
  31. *What do you call a sad cup of coffee?
  32. Because of B.'s influence, A. has started using the ___
  33. Flying mammal B. removed from A.'s house

58 Clues: B.'s bedtimeA.'s first carDogs are the ___B.'s favorite BBC orderWhere A. and B. first metB.'s musical porch partnerMost romantic city in AmericaB.'s signature style choice #1B.'s signature style choice #2A. and B.'s shared birthday monthB.'s old term of endearment for A.*What do you call a lazy kangaroo?B. used to write poems for A. on ___...

Books and Authors 2022-03-15

Books and Authors crossword puzzle
  1. Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?
  2. This is the surname of the man who wrote 'Romeo and Juliet'.
  3. Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?
  4. Indian businesswoman, educator and author. "How I Taught My Grandmother" is one of her famous works.
  5. Famous story of a giant man by Jonathan Swift.
  6. bestselling book of financial literacy written by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter.
  7. Who was the writer of 'Alice's adventures in Wonderland'?
  8. Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?
  9. Novel to be inspired by the real-life story of the north Indian author and his wife who is from Tamil Nadu.
  1. Indian filmmaker, screenwriter, documentary filmmaker, author, essayist and lyricist who received Oscar in 1992 for Lifetime Achievement.
  2. Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.
  3. Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?
  4. This is the name given to a fiction book.
  5. Author of the famous book "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes".
  6. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari The novel by ___________ is a beautifully written fable.
  7. compilation of satirical stories written by Twinkle Khanna
  8. Most famous character from the book Malgudi Days.
  9. A famous novel written by Kalidasa.
  10. Which creepy series of books did R. L. Stine write?
  11. Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books?

20 Clues: Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.A famous novel written by Kalidasa.Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?This is the name given to a fiction book.Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books?...

Books and Authors 2022-03-15

Books and Authors crossword puzzle
  1. This is the surname of the man who wrote 'Romeo and Juliet'.
  2. Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?
  3. Novel to be inspired by the real-life story of the north Indian author and his wife who is from Tamil Nadu.
  4. compilation of satirical stories written by Twinkle Khanna
  5. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari The novel by ___________ is a beautifully written fable.
  6. bestselling book of financial literacy written by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter.
  1. Famous story of a giant man by Jonathan Swift.
  2. Author of the famous book "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes".
  3. A famous novel written by Kalidasa.
  4. Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?
  5. Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.
  6. Indian filmmaker, screenwriter, documentary filmmaker, author, essayist and lyricist who received Oscar in 1992 for Lifetime Achievement.
  7. Indian businesswoman, educator and author. "How I Taught My Grandmother" is one of her famous works.
  8. Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?
  9. Most famous character from the book Malgudi Days.
  10. Which creepy series of books did R. L. Stine write?
  11. Who was the writer of 'Alice's adventures in Wonderland'?
  12. Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?
  13. Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books?
  14. This is the name given to a fiction book.

20 Clues: Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.A famous novel written by Kalidasa.Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?This is the name given to a fiction book.Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books?...

Books and Authors 2022-03-15

Books and Authors crossword puzzle
  1. Famous story of a giant man by Jonathan Swift.
  2. Novel to be inspired by the real-life story of the north Indian author and his wife who is from Tamil Nadu.
  3. Which creepy series of books did R. L. Stine write?
  4. bestselling book of financial literacy written by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter.
  5. Indian filmmaker, screenwriter, documentary filmmaker, author, essayist and lyricist who received Oscar in 1992 for Lifetime Achievement.
  6. Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?
  7. Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?
  8. Author of the famous book "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes".
  9. Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?
  1. Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?
  2. This is the name given to a fiction book.
  3. Most famous character from the book Malgudi Days.
  4. A famous novel written by Kalidasa.
  5. Who was the writer of 'Alice's adventures in Wonderland'?
  6. Indian businesswoman, educator and author. "How I Taught My Grandmother" is one of her famous works.
  7. Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books?
  8. Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.
  9. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari The novel by ___________ is a beautifully written fable.
  10. This is the surname of the man who wrote 'Romeo and Juliet'.
  11. "Gitanjali" is written by _________.

20 Clues: Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.A famous novel written by Kalidasa.Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?"Gitanjali" is written by _________.This is the name given to a fiction book.Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books?...

Books 15-21 2022-10-27

Books 15-21 crossword puzzle
  1. Achilles is torn between his ______?
  2. Zeus is ultimately working for the Trojans because of _____
  3. Which son of Priam is killed?
  4. in book 20, Zeus allows the gods to ______?
  5. Patroclus tells Hector that he has only been victorious because of
  6. Achilles receives new armor from?
  7. Who responds to Achilles's grieving?
  8. Patroclus takes care of this wounded Greek soldier
  9. Hector tries to recover Patroclus's body to
  10. Ajax is able to defend the Greek ships with a
  11. Athena fills Achilles's stomach with _______
  12. Who ends up with the armor of Achilles following Patroclus's death?
  13. Achilles's charioteer is saved by which god's interferance?
  14. Who wounds Hector?
  15. Aeneas is saved by?
  16. Who grieves with Achilles?
  17. Who breathes strength into Hector after he is wounded?
  1. Patroclus's death is mourned first by who?
  2. Who delivers the news of Patroclus's death?
  3. Who is the first to defend Patroclus's body
  4. What is the only thing that will bring Achilles back to the fight?
  5. Achilles and Agamemnon ______
  6. Who is Achilles's charioteer?
  7. The death of _________ inspires Hector.
  8. Achilles lends all of his weapons to Patroclus except for his ______.
  9. Patroclus leads ________
  10. Patroclus uses this to frighten the Trojan soldier into retreating.
  11. Menelaos and ________ carry Patroclus's body
  12. Apollo inspires ______ to fight Achilles.
  13. Who tells the other gods of Zeus' plan to let Apollo fight with the Trojans in Book 15?

30 Clues: Who wounds Hector?Aeneas is saved by?Patroclus leads ________Who grieves with Achilles?Which son of Priam is killed?Achilles and Agamemnon ______Who is Achilles's charioteer?Achilles receives new armor from?Achilles is torn between his ______?Who responds to Achilles's grieving?The death of _________ inspires Hector....

Rick Riordan's Books 2022-05-03

Rick Riordan's Books crossword puzzle
  1. Nico's cave runner friends
  2. the original rope binding the Fenris wolf
  3. the literal and figurative end of the mark of Athena
  4. the meaning of Sam the Valkyrie's last name
  5. Zia Rashid's host god
  6. a fear shared by all of athena's children
  7. the fire maniac that was in the prophecy of the 7
  8. the daughter of Zeus who is afraid of heights
  9. the defensive weapon of the pharaoh
  10. the thing that gave Leo the physician's cure
  11. apollo's master while he was mortal
  1. primordial god and pit sounds like tauter sauce
  2. the way that alex first killed magnus
  3. the mountain where enchiladas broke Jason's lance
  4. offensive weapon of the pharaoh
  5. the number of times Annabeth has been to a funeral of a person close to her who is not dead
  6. Carter Kane's father
  7. the goddess of snow from greek mythology
  8. The sword of summers name given to him by Magnus
  9. the evil dragon bat human with two scimitars in the battle of the labyrinth

20 Clues: Carter Kane's fatherZia Rashid's host godNico's cave runner friendsoffensive weapon of the pharaohthe defensive weapon of the pharaohapollo's master while he was mortalthe way that alex first killed magnusthe goddess of snow from greek mythologythe original rope binding the Fenris wolfa fear shared by all of athena's children...

NT Books: Themes 2023-02-23

NT Books: Themes crossword puzzle
  1. Future Events
  2. Truth and Giving
  3. Commitment
  4. Growing in Faith
  5. Jesus, Son of God
  6. Love
  7. Choices
  8. Service and Growth
  9. A Healthy Church
  10. Faith and Fruit
  11. Jesus, Son of Man
  1. Jesus, Messiah and King
  2. Saving and Sanctifying Grace
  3. Conduct
  4. Love and Truth
  5. Forgiveness
  6. Jesus, Servant Redeemer
  7. Unity and Relationship
  8. Contentment
  9. Trials and Perseverance
  10. The Early Church

21 Clues: LoveConductChoicesCommitmentForgivenessContentmentFuture EventsLove and TruthFaith and FruitTruth and GivingGrowing in FaithA Healthy ChurchThe Early ChurchJesus, Son of GodJesus, Son of ManService and GrowthUnity and RelationshipJesus, Messiah and KingJesus, Servant RedeemerTrials and PerseveranceSaving and Sanctifying Grace

books and movies 2024-08-16

books and movies crossword puzzle
  1. mission inpossible
  2. after john
  3. ______ boys book seires
  4. 20,000_____ under the sea
  5. author of the jungle book
  6. director of Hobbits
  7. gandalfs horse
  8. _______ Jones
  9. much ado about nothing
  10. War and ______
  11. "The hills are alive"
  12. cat in the _____
  1. to kill a_______
  2. Grus best sidekicks
  3. the bear in a trench coat
  4. The lion in narnia
  5. Marty from back to the future
  6. _____fairy tales
  7. African animal kids movie
  8. famous 80s tornado movie
  9. the adventures of_________ finn
  10. leader of the Round table
  11. school of witchcraft and wizardry

23 Clues: after john_______ Jonesgandalfs horseWar and ______to kill a____________fairy talescat in the _____The lion in narniamission inpossibleGrus best sidekicksdirector of Hobbits"The hills are alive"much ado about nothing______ boys book seiresfamous 80s tornado moviethe bear in a trench coatAfrican animal kids movie20,000_____ under the sea...

BOOKS GOOD LUCK 2023-12-08

BOOKS GOOD LUCK crossword puzzle
  10. I TAKE PLACE IN THE 1920'S


Crossword 45 - Books 2023-10-09

Crossword 45 - Books crossword puzzle
  1. The story's villain
  2. A spoken book
  3. Polishing a book
  4. Made-up stories
  5. Quoting a book
  6. Someone who loves reading
  7. Polishes a book before publishing
  8. Ability to read and write
  9. Magical stories
  10. A section of a book
  11. A person in the story
  12. Book's reference list
  13. The person who writes the book
  14. A digital book
  15. E-reader device
  16. Overused story elements
  17. End of a book
  18. High-quality writing
  19. A top-selling book
  1. Timeless, enduring books
  2. Book's intro pages
  3. A life story
  4. Self-written life story
  5. Bleak future novels
  6. Characters talking
  7. Vivid book descriptions
  8. Tense, emotional books
  9. Book's tribute
  10. Reading group
  11. Book protection
  12. Extra book info
  13. Beautiful writing
  14. Author's name
  15. Long, heroic story
  16. A book category
  17. Extra info in a book
  18. Sturdy book cover
  19. Used for old-style writing
  20. A place with lots of books
  21. Book lover

40 Clues: Book loverA life storyA spoken bookReading groupAuthor's nameEnd of a bookBook's tributeQuoting a bookA digital bookMade-up storiesBook protectionExtra book infoA book categoryMagical storiesE-reader devicePolishing a bookBeautiful writingSturdy book coverBook's intro pagesCharacters talkingLong, heroic storyA top-selling bookThe story's villain...

Books of Bible 2024-03-12

Books of Bible crossword puzzle
  1. His epistle contains one chapter - The penultimate book (4)
  2. Tells of a man who lost everything but got back more (3)
  3. Prophet who anointed Saul (6)
  4. Wrote about the restoration of the temple of Jerusalem (4)
  5. Paul wrote many of these (7)
  6. Last Book of the Old Testament (7)
  7. Jesus’ brother, who wrote the book (5)
  8. Contains 150 songs - David wrote many of these (6)
  9. A shepherd called by God to become a prophet (4)
  10. He was thrown into a den of hungry lions (6)
  11. A prophet, reluctant to go to Nineveh (5)
  12. Words of wisdom (8)
  1. A book covering 350 years of Israel's "Dark Ages." (6)
  2. Successor to Queen Vashti (6)
  3. Shortest book in the Old Testament (7)
  4. Detail the various deeds or actions of the Apostles (4)
  5. Tells about creation (7)
  6. This Testament contains 39 books (3)
  7. Number of letters written by John (5)
  8. Written by John (10)
  9. He prophesied the coming of the Messiah (5)
  10. He saw God seated in the temple, surrounded by six angels (6)
  11. One of the gospel writers (4)
  12. There are 66 of these in the Bible (5)

24 Clues: Words of wisdom (8)Written by John (10)Tells about creation (7)Paul wrote many of these (7)Successor to Queen Vashti (6)Prophet who anointed Saul (6)One of the gospel writers (4)Last Book of the Old Testament (7)This Testament contains 39 books (3)Number of letters written by John (5)Shortest book in the Old Testament (7)...

Library Skills Crossword 2024-04-09

Library Skills Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The genre of book that is unrealistic and can contain magic.
  2. Popular graphic novel by Tui T. Sutherland. 'Wings of ____'
  3. A kind of book that is 'made up'.
  4. The planet the aliens came from in the famous story 'War of the Worlds'.
  5. An important skill that is used every day of your life.
  6. What we do with library books before we take them home.
  7. Author known for famous stories such as Matilda and the BFG. Roald ____.
  8. You can't borrow without it.
  9. Author known for writing horror stories for children. R.L. _____.
  10. We treat our library books with this.
  11. Fiction books are organised by the first letter of this.
  12. The part of a story that introduces characters and the world in which they live.
  13. A short summary of what contains, usually found on the back.
  1. Books about real life topics like history or science.
  2. The genre of book that makes us laugh.
  3. This is used when reading to see a story in your mind.
  4. The genre of book that can make us feel scared.
  5. What a book becomes if you keep it too long.
  6. Like a comic book, but with more pages.
  7. Author known for the creation of Pig the Pug. Aaron ______.
  8. The system used to organise the non-fiction books.
  9. What we do with our books when we are finished with them.

22 Clues: You can't borrow without it.A kind of book that is 'made up'.We treat our library books with this.The genre of book that makes us laugh.Like a comic book, but with more pages.What a book becomes if you keep it too long.The genre of book that can make us feel scared.The system used to organise the non-fiction books....

How Books are Made 2023-09-30

How Books are Made crossword puzzle
  1. After the cover is attached, the book is shipped to book ______ and libraries.
  2. This person comes up with the idea for the story
  3. The publisher is the company that takes the story and makes it into ______.
  4. Pages are put together and attached to the front and back _______ .
  5. The author reads his story over and ________ .
  6. The pages in hardback books are _________ together.
  7. Doug likes the _______ of a new book!
  1. The person who works on the pictures in a story.
  2. This is a person at the publishing company that has to look at the story for mistakes.
  3. Paperback books are put together using ________ .
  4. An author's ideas start from asking a _________ .
  5. Not all ________ get made into books.
  6. A practice book is called a ________ .
  7. These kinds of books have floppy covers.
  8. This company has machines that make pages into books.

15 Clues: Not all ________ get made into books.Doug likes the _______ of a new book!A practice book is called a ________ .These kinds of books have floppy covers.The author reads his story over and ________ .The person who works on the pictures in a story.This person comes up with the idea for the storyPaperback books are put together using ________ ....

Fahrenheit 451 Crossword Puzzle 2023-12-29

Fahrenheit 451 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. bomb falls on the city, reducing it to rubble and ash
  2. who bans books because it contains ideas and thoughts about life
  3. of faith Mrs. Phelps cries when Montag reads this poem
  4. Walls extremely large television screens, which are the size of an entire wall of a person's home
  5. 451 title of the book
  6. was holding about 20 books in there
  7. what killed Clarissa
  8. Montag the main character
  9. Captain Beatty was killed by Montag with this item
  10. station a facility where fire engines and other equipment of a fire department are housed.
  11. small radio devices nearly everyone in Montag's society wears to receive constant broadcasts of information
  1. Beatty is Montag's boss and the Captain at the fire station where Montag works
  2. hound, a robot dog that destroys anyone or anything that has to do with books
  3. is the leader of a group of intellectuals and a friend to Montag
  4. Faber mentor to Montag after Montag reads the books he has been sneaking into his house.
  5. pills Mildred attempted suicide with this
  6. flammable liquid used to make fire to destroy books
  7. a strange girl who changes his perspective on life
  8. people want to ban them because they contain thoughts and ideas
  9. to drink and explains that it will change the chemical index of his perspiration so the Hound will not be able to find him.

20 Clues: what killed Clarissa451 title of the bookMontag the main characterwas holding about 20 books in therepills Mildred attempted suicide with thisa strange girl who changes his perspective on lifeflammable liquid used to make fire to destroy booksCaptain Beatty was killed by Montag with this itembomb falls on the city, reducing it to rubble and ash...

icms 7th teachers 2022-03-22

icms 7th teachers crossword puzzle
  1. speakers!!!
  2. 3x+1
  3. books books books
  4. mc esher fangirl
  5. health teacher but smokes
  6. gym
  7. RACE
  1. essays
  2. dont touch mah paint
  3. trail build
  4. tiny room english
  5. computerz
  6. tiny room math
  7. globe

14 Clues: gym3x+1RACEglobeessayscomputerzspeakers!!!trail buildtiny room mathmc esher fangirlbooks books bookstiny room englishdont touch mah painthealth teacher but smokes

ISD CROSSWORD 2012-02-01

ISD CROSSWORD crossword puzzle