books Crossword Puzzles
Books and Authors 2022-03-15
- Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?
- Author of the famous book "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes".
- Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?
- Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?
- Most famous character from the book Malgudi Days.
- Famous story of a giant man by Jonathan Swift.
- The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari The novel by ___________ is a beautifully written fable.
- A famous novel written by Kalidasa.
- This is the name given to a fiction book.
- Indian businesswoman, educator and author. "How I Taught My Grandmother" is one of her famous works.
- This is the surname of the man who wrote 'Romeo and Juliet'.
- Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.
- bestselling book of financial literacy written by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter.
- Novel to be inspired by the real-life story of the north Indian author and his wife who is from Tamil Nadu.
- Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?
- Who was the writer of 'Alice's adventures in Wonderland'?
- Indian filmmaker, screenwriter, documentary filmmaker, author, essayist and lyricist who received Oscar in 1992 for Lifetime Achievement.
- Which creepy series of books did R. L. Stine write?
- Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books?
- compilation of satirical stories written by Twinkle Khanna
20 Clues: Who was the writer of 'Devdas'? • Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'. • A famous novel written by Kalidasa. • Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'? • This is the name given to a fiction book. • Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'? • Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'? • Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books? • ...
Books and Authors 2022-03-15
- Which creepy series of books did R. L. Stine write?
- bestselling book of financial literacy written by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter.
- Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.
- Novel to be inspired by the real-life story of the north Indian author and his wife who is from Tamil Nadu.
- Author of the famous book "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes".
- The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari The novel by ___________ is a beautifully written fable.
- Most famous character from the book Malgudi Days.
- Famous story of a giant man by Jonathan Swift.
- Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books?
- Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?
- This is the name given to a fiction book.
- Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?
- Indian businesswoman, educator and author. "How I Taught My Grandmother" is one of her famous works.
- Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?
- This is the surname of the man who wrote 'Romeo and Juliet'.
- A famous novel written by Kalidasa.
- Who was the writer of 'Alice's adventures in Wonderland'?
- Indian filmmaker, screenwriter, documentary filmmaker, author, essayist and lyricist who received Oscar in 1992 for Lifetime Achievement.
- Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?
- compilation of satirical stories written by Twinkle Khanna
20 Clues: Who was the writer of 'Devdas'? • Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'. • A famous novel written by Kalidasa. • Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'? • This is the name given to a fiction book. • Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'? • Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'? • Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books? • ...
Books and Authors 2022-03-15
- Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?
- A famous novel written by Kalidasa.
- Indian businesswoman, educator and author. "How I Taught My Grandmother" is one of her famous works.
- Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?
- Most famous character from the book Malgudi Days.
- Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.
- "Gitanjali" is written by _________.
- Famous story of a giant man by Jonathan Swift.
- Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?
- Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books?
- The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari The novel by ___________ is a beautifully written fable.
- This is the surname of the man who wrote 'Romeo and Juliet'.
- Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?
- Who was the writer of 'Alice's adventures in Wonderland'?
- This is the name given to a fiction book.
- Author of the famous book "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes".
- Novel to be inspired by the real-life story of the north Indian author and his wife who is from Tamil Nadu.
- Which creepy series of books did R. L. Stine write?
- bestselling book of financial literacy written by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter.
- Indian filmmaker, screenwriter, documentary filmmaker, author, essayist and lyricist who received Oscar in 1992 for Lifetime Achievement.
20 Clues: Who was the writer of 'Devdas'? • Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'. • A famous novel written by Kalidasa. • Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'? • "Gitanjali" is written by _________. • This is the name given to a fiction book. • Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'? • Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'? • Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books? • ...
Spellingtest theme "books" 2022-03-28
- A series of events that together make a story.
- Written stories about events and people that are not real
- A type of book that contains a long written story usually about imaginary characters and events.
- A place where books are available to borrow for free
- A person who really likes to read and spends a lot of time reading.
- The name given to a book
- One of the parts that a book is divided into; each part has a number and sometimes a title.
- One side of a sheet of paper with words of the story on it.
- People who are admired because they are so brave.
- An account of imaginary or real events that is told to entertain you.
- Sounds or combinations of sounds that have meaning and are spoken or written.
- A character in a story who does bad things.
- A piece of wood that holds the books.
- A book that is liked more than others.
- Complete this sentence "I finished the _______ book".
- The outer part of a book.
- A story that is told through drawings with minimal text.
- The writer of a book
- A book that describes a crime and the process of solving it.
- To make a book available to the public.
- A person in a book
21 Clues: A person in a book • The writer of a book • The name given to a book • The outer part of a book. • A piece of wood that holds the books. • A book that is liked more than others. • To make a book available to the public. • A character in a story who does bad things. • A series of events that together make a story. • People who are admired because they are so brave. • ...
Bible books crossword 2013-11-07
- Book of philosophy
- secretary of the prophet Jeremiah
- Story of Moses
- It stands first in order among what are known as the twelve Minor Prophets
- the story of the man who carried out a mission for the Persian King
- life quotes from various sources
- the speeches by Moses delivered to the Israelites
- describes the role and duties of the bishops, and elders
- story of Jewish patriots against the Assyrians
- the story of the fall of Edom
- woman who is accepting God as her God
- Book of Prophecy and apocalypse
- collection of ethical teachings from a single author
- to correct the lax religious and social behavior of the Israelites
- the story of the obstacles and preparations before the conquest of Canaan
- of Songs the story that reveals the imbalance between the people and God
- the story of the conquest of Canaan by the Israelites
- example of wisdom literature that is a letter for circulation
- Songs in the Bible
- the epistle where Paul sends letters to this man
- dramatic poems which reflect on suffering and innocence.
- father of Judaism
- the story's purpose was to alter the religious behavior of his people
- the story that openly questions the wisdom of God
- Story of the Man and the Lion
- first biblical prophetic book written
- the story of the Babylonian Exile
- woman who thwarted a plan to commit genocide against the poeple of Persia
- of the Apostles history of the Apostolic Age
- story of the meaning of life
- the penultimate book of the Bible
- Story of Creation
- states the duties, requirements, and roles of the priests and laity
- purpose was to reveal the sins of the people and explain the reason for the impending disaster
- He reproaches unjust leaders, defends the rights of the poor against the rich and powerful, and preaches social justice
- the ante penultimate of the Bible
- history of Biblical military leaders
- story of the fall of Nineveh
- The Man and the Whale
39 Clues: Story of Moses • father of Judaism • Story of Creation • Songs in the Bible • Book of philosophy • The Man and the Whale • story of the meaning of life • story of the fall of Nineveh • Story of the Man and the Lion • the story of the fall of Edom • Book of Prophecy and apocalypse • life quotes from various sources • secretary of the prophet Jeremiah • the story of the Babylonian Exile • ...
Literature and Books 2014-10-06
- A House for Mr. ____? Naipaul
- The protagonist in The Catcher in the Rye
- George Macdonald Fraser's anti hero
- One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
- Author of Humboldt's Gift
- Mr. Bennet's cousin's first name
- Name of Captain Nemo's vessel
- Blithe Spirit takes its title from one of his poems
- Rat faced detective pal of Sherlock's
- I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse
- The Lord of the ____?
- Captain John Yossario's squadron is based on this island
- Wrote Midnight's Children
- Boo Radley
- She was in the book A pocket full of rye
- The wizard in The Hobbit
- Does Edward Fairfax Rochester ring a bell
- Jerome K Jerome's men took a trip in this
- American _____?
- The War of the Worlds
20 Clues: Boo Radley • American _____? • The Lord of the ____? • The War of the Worlds • The wizard in The Hobbit • Wrote Midnight's Children • Author of Humboldt's Gift • A House for Mr. ____? Naipaul • Name of Captain Nemo's vessel • One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest • Mr. Bennet's cousin's first name • George Macdonald Fraser's anti hero • Rat faced detective pal of Sherlock's • ...
Battle Books Authors 2016-05-25
25 Clues: Law • Meyer • Wodson • LaFaye • Mcmann • Sachar • Cronin • Leyson • Korman • Gutman • Lupica • Rowling • Johnson • Deflice • E. Burg • Corbett • L'Engle • Paulson • Tishjian • Horowitz • Choldenko • Kamkwamba • Van Draanen • Angleberger • Mullaly Hunt
Unit 2 Books 2022-09-19
- püsiv
- aknalaud
- pealkiri
- saal
- täielikult
- rõdu
- põnev raaat
- hiilgav
- veidla välimusega
- oja
- veel
- hädaldama
- varu, vaba
- luuletus
- õhurünnak
- peegel
- varsti
- süvenenud
- heal järjel olema
- porikärbes
- raudtee
- teesklema
- jaam
- eeldama
- raadio
- pehmekaaneline raamat
- suund
- nina nuuskama
- ärrituv
- kõvade kaantega raamat
- vahepeal
- millegi üle otsustama
- kohustuslik raamat
- sassis
- Ära räägi lollusi!
- vahetama
36 Clues: oja • jaam • saal • rõdu • veel • püsiv • suund • raadio • sassis • peegel • varsti • raudtee • eeldama • ärrituv • hiilgav • aknalaud • pealkiri • vahepeal • luuletus • vahetama • teesklema • hädaldama • õhurünnak • süvenenud • porikärbes • täielikult • varu, vaba • põnev raaat • nina nuuskama • veidla välimusega • heal järjel olema • kohustuslik raamat • Ära räägi lollusi! • pehmekaaneline raamat • millegi üle otsustama • kõvade kaantega raamat
Books and films 2022-09-15
- the story of a book or a film
- when and where the story takes place
- when a film or a book keeps you interested all the time, we say that it’s…
- a person in a film or a book
- an exciting story that may include travel
- the company which produces books
- a very exciting and frightening film
- words arranged in lines and chosen for their sounds and images
- a story about real events and facts
- the way an actor acts is a film or a play
- a story of a person’s life written by that person
- a piece of writing which is well-known and of a high standard and lasting value
- a story about love
- a complete book in which the events and the people are imaginary
- the main actor
- the main subject of a book
- all the people taking part in the film
- a funny film
- a person in charge of a film or a play and who tells the actors and staff what to do
- the dialogue of a film
20 Clues: a funny film • the main actor • a story about love • the dialogue of a film • the main subject of a book • a person in a film or a book • the story of a book or a film • the company which produces books • a story about real events and facts • when and where the story takes place • a very exciting and frightening film • all the people taking part in the film • ...
All About Books 2023-04-12
- the outside of a book, that protects the pages
- the person who creates the pictures in a book
- a made-up story, not based on facts
- the genre of the book "Dragon Masters"
- the name of a book
- the genre of the book "Making Bombs for Hitler"
- the place in the library where you can put damaged books to be repaired
- a true story, based on facts
- the type or "flavor" or a book, like horror, fantasy, mystery...
- the person who writes the words in a book
- the room in a school where many books are kept
- the genre of the book "Best Summer Ever"
- the "book address" on the spine, that tells us where to find a book on the shelf
- the list at the front of a book of all the things it contains
- the genre of the book "Mission to Mars"
- the genre of the book "The Case of the Missing Crown"
- the list at the librarian's desk of who gets a popular book next
- the genre of the book "The Zombie's Revenge"
- the side of a book that faces out on a shelf and shows the title
- the place in the library where you return books once you have finished with them
- a list in the back of a book with page numbers to help find topics inside
21 Clues: the name of a book • a true story, based on facts • a made-up story, not based on facts • the genre of the book "Dragon Masters" • the genre of the book "Mission to Mars" • the genre of the book "Best Summer Ever" • the person who writes the words in a book • the genre of the book "The Zombie's Revenge" • the person who creates the pictures in a book • ...
Films and Books 2017-04-26
28 Clues: cast • plot • title • sound • scene • theme • comedy • script • setting • musical • western • romance • audience • novelist • thriller • director • biography • animation • character • publisher • subtitles • translator • horrorfilm • silentfilm • bestseller • blockbuster • detectivestory • sciencefiction
- a story of somebody’s life.
- computer-generated images for films.
- the written text of a movie.
- a filmmaker screen.
- the first page of a story.
- the last minute of a film.
- a particular type of literature, music, film form
- to change (something) radically or fundamentally.
- devise the sequence of events in (a novel, movie).
- a person in a novel, play, or movie.
- a writer of fiction
- all the actors in a movie
- a book or a movie that is a great success.
- a person that prepares and issues books.
- when and where a story takes place
- one of the most creative genres in literature.
- the ability to form ideas, images in the mind
- worth remembering
- an audio programme like Talk Radio
- a book that is very popular.
20 Clues: worth remembering • a filmmaker screen. • a writer of fiction • all the actors in a movie • the first page of a story. • the last minute of a film. • a story of somebody’s life. • the written text of a movie. • a book that is very popular. • when and where a story takes place • an audio programme like Talk Radio • computer-generated images for films. • ...
Banned/Challenged Books 2021-02-03
- By Raina Telgemeier
- Bridge to "....."
- Where to find banned/challenged books
- The amount of r3asons why
- And "....." makes Three
- A "....." in Time
- The "....." Games
- How many Shades of Grey
- Author of the Kite Runner
- To Kill a "....."
- Author of Harry Potter Series
- Author of Boy Erased
- Author of Brave New World
- Author of the Bluest Eye
- Author of the Diviners
- ttyl
- By Stephen Chbosky
- Author of the Handmaid's Tale
- By Alex Gino
- Captain who appears in Graphic Novel Adventures
- The month Freedom to Read is Celebrated
21 Clues: ttyl • By Alex Gino • Bridge to "....." • A "....." in Time • The "....." Games • To Kill a "....." • By Stephen Chbosky • By Raina Telgemeier • Author of Boy Erased • Author of the Diviners • And "....." makes Three • How many Shades of Grey • Author of the Bluest Eye • Author of Brave New World • The amount of r3asons why • Author of the Kite Runner • Author of the Handmaid's Tale • ...
Books We've Read 2022-05-18
- We learned about 5 different kinds of these
- Tennis balls!
- Two young girls go searching for the northern lights one night
- A spider finds a new home
- A young girl helps her family make a meal!
- The ingredients to make this can be found at the end of the story
- A humorous story story that ends with a class picture
- The whole town comes together to go on a chase!
- - The funny creatures only come out at night!
- An animal friend sticks up for another
- We learned about sign language in this story
- Students try to come up with the perfect gift for their teacher
- The main character falls off of a merry go round!
- A young girl worries about her grandmother far away
- A bug ends up being perfect!
- This story takes place in La La Land
- The main character tries to change who he is to fit it
- The main character saves two boys from drowning
- A boy and his grandfather tell stories to make it through a thunderstorm
- Teaches you al about a certain small, furry friend
- About two boys who become unlikely friends
- EF-5's are the most destructive ones
- A young bat had to make friends with a family of birds
- A young boy and homeless man help each other
- The characters had to be super quiet during this story!
25 Clues: Tennis balls! • A spider finds a new home • A bug ends up being perfect! • This story takes place in La La Land • EF-5's are the most destructive ones • An animal friend sticks up for another • A young girl helps her family make a meal! • About two boys who become unlikely friends • We learned about 5 different kinds of these • A young boy and homeless man help each other • ...
- Married Boaz
- Brought back exiles from Captivity
- Preside over a court (pl.)
- Name means The Lord is Salvation; great book of O.T. prophesies
- Right before book of mournings
- Visions of bones book; name means God will strengthen
- Only one chapter; means servant of the Lord
- Played with lions in a den
- Swallowed by a whale
- Prophet that found David
- Book of the Law of Moses
- After Kings
- Monarchial rulers of nations
- Consoler
- Haggai contemporary
- Last O.T. book
- Wise sayings
- Musical tune of David's son
- Begins with Z, ends with H, but has an "F" in it
- Exit (Leave)
- Sounds like Haggar
- Israelite prophet after Moses
- Mordecai's daughter
- Middle book of Old Testament
- Satan took all he had, then God gave everything back
- Mournings
- First book of the Old Testament
- Three K's in this name
- Prophesied of famine to hear God's word
- Rhymes with coal
- A Jonah and Nahum sandwich
- Third book in the Bible
- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
- Name means comfort of the Lord; sequel to Ezra
- In the days of King Uzziah
- Songs of David
36 Clues: Consoler • Mournings • After Kings • Married Boaz • Wise sayings • Exit (Leave) • 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 • Last O.T. book • Songs of David • Rhymes with coal • Sounds like Haggar • Mordecai's daughter • Haggai contemporary • Swallowed by a whale • Three K's in this name • Third book in the Bible • Prophet that found David • Book of the Law of Moses • Preside over a court (pl.) • Played with lions in a den • ...
Books and Stories 2022-10-27
- the story takes _____ in the future
- sections of a story
- what the characters say to each other
- a genre of story that contains dragons, knights, fairies, and giants
- the story is ___ during a war
- a story that is acted on a stage
- what happens in a book or story
- the problems the characters face in a story
- a person who draws pictures for a book
- a story about cowboys in the Wild West
- books about stories that were made up
- a person who writes a book
- a formal way to say "the bad guy"
- a story in which a detective tries to uncover who committed a crime
- a kind of book with cartoons that many kids enjoy
- a book about the life of someone
- a book-length story
- a person who is in a story
- the exciting finish to a story
- a formal way to say "the main character"
- how the main conflict is solved
- a story about pirates, treasure seekers, or explorers
- a relatively unimportant character: a ____ character
- the setting (time) for historical fiction stories
- the main character
- a story about aliens or robots: _______ fiction
- a love story
- books about real people and events
- the setting (time) for many science fiction stories
- the most important character: the ____ character
- the name of a book
31 Clues: a love story • the main character • the name of a book • a book-length story • sections of a story • a person who is in a story • a person who writes a book • the story is ___ during a war • the exciting finish to a story • how the main conflict is solved • what happens in a book or story • a book about the life of someone • a story that is acted on a stage • ...
Books and Stories 2022-10-27
- the story takes _____ in the future
- sections of a story
- what the characters say to each other
- a genre of story that contains dragons, knights, fairies, and giants
- the story is ___ during a war
- a story that is acted on a stage
- what happens in a book or story
- the problems the characters face in a story
- a person who draws pictures for a book
- a story about cowboys in the Wild West
- books about stories that were made up
- a person who writes a book
- a formal way to say "the bad guy"
- a story in which a detective tries to uncover who committed a crime
- a kind of book with cartoons that many kids enjoy
- a book about the life of someone
- a book-length story
- a person who is in a story
- the exciting finish to a story
- a formal way to say "the main character"
- how the main conflict is solved
- a story about pirates, treasure seekers, or explorers
- a relatively unimportant character: a ____ character
- the setting (time) for historical fiction stories
- the main character
- a story about aliens or robots: _______ fiction
- a love story
- books about real people and events
- the setting (time) for many science fiction stories
- the most important character: the ____ character
- the name of a book
31 Clues: a love story • the main character • the name of a book • a book-length story • sections of a story • a person who is in a story • a person who writes a book • the story is ___ during a war • the exciting finish to a story • how the main conflict is solved • what happens in a book or story • a book about the life of someone • a story that is acted on a stage • ...
Books and Puzzles 2022-08-25
- If We Were Villians
- A Secret History
- The Breadwinner
- The 5th Wave
- A number puzzle popular in newspapers
- Red Queen
- Why is a raven like a writing desk?
- Much Ado About Nothing
- This puzzle makes you think
- A confusing journey
- A multi-colored cube
- Multiple pieces
- Wuthering Heights
- Great Gatsby
- Circe
- A Rube Goldberg ____ is a puzzle to create
- The Hunger Games
- A word puzzle
- Gather clues to find the prize
- A type of room that's hard to leave
20 Clues: Circe • Red Queen • Great Gatsby • The 5th Wave • A word puzzle • Multiple pieces • The Breadwinner • A Secret History • The Hunger Games • Wuthering Heights • If We Were Villians • A confusing journey • A multi-colored cube • Much Ado About Nothing • This puzzle makes you think • Gather clues to find the prize • Why is a raven like a writing desk? • A type of room that's hard to leave • ...
Historical Books Crossword 2017-02-13
- David's age when he became king over all of Israel.
- The woman David saw bathing.
- What Samuel pours over Saul's head to anoint him as king.
- What Saul requested as a remedy for his affliction.
- David's father.
- David's son who became king.
- What Solomon requested from God.
- Saul's son who was friends with David.
- Belief in many gods or goddesses.
- The name of the Promised Land.
- Samuel's mother
- Tribal leaders before the monarchy.
- The prostitute who helped the Israelite spies
- Saul's daughter who married David.
- A sacred chest that housed the Ten Commandments.
- The weapon David used against Goliath
- Bathsheba's husband prior to David.
- Number of years Samson judged Israel
- A government headed by a single person.
- A nation ruled by God.
- King Solomon's weakness.
- Moses' successor.
- The woman who tricked Samson.
- Number of years it took to build the temple.
24 Clues: David's father. • Samuel's mother • Moses' successor. • A nation ruled by God. • King Solomon's weakness. • The woman David saw bathing. • David's son who became king. • The woman who tricked Samson. • The name of the Promised Land. • What Solomon requested from God. • Belief in many gods or goddesses. • Saul's daughter who married David. • Bathsheba's husband prior to David. • ...
Books and Literary 2023-08-08
- / Site of Da Vinci Code Murder
- / A word that represents a sound
- / A fictious name
- / Number of novels penned by Austen
- / The fear of running out of books
- / Author considered to be the father of modern fantasy
- / A photo of one's own bookshelf
- / Horror King's first
- / Surname of siblings Anthony, Benedict, Colin, Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, Gregory and Hyacinth
- / Unresolved ending
- / An extra chapter after 'the end'
- / Shakespeare's theater
- / Type of novel that tells a story through illustrations
- / Followed the white rabbit
- / Agatha Christie Detective
- / Iliad Author
- / Best Selling Genre
- / Ancient Japanese form of poetry
- / His fans call him 'Uncle Rick'
- / Morally ambiguous character
- / Delivers mail at Hogwarts
- / Number of ghosts that visit Ebenezer
- / Oldest March Sister
- / Common device that establishes character or scenario
- / This country celebrates "Christmas Book Flood" on December 24
- / An unusual, amusing or charming first encounter between characters leading to romance
- / Divergent City
27 Clues: / Iliad Author • / Divergent City • / A fictious name • / Unresolved ending • / Best Selling Genre • / Oldest March Sister • / Horror King's first • / Shakespeare's theater • / Followed the white rabbit • / Agatha Christie Detective • / Delivers mail at Hogwarts • / Morally ambiguous character • / Site of Da Vinci Code Murder • / A word that represents a sound • ...
Classic Children’s Books 2024-08-06
- Wonderland adventure by Lewis Carroll
- Bear from Peru who loves marmalade
- Potter’s adventures in a magical world
- Fairy tale about a mysterious imp
- And the Three Bears
- Adventure by J.R.R. Tolkien
- Author of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”
- And the Giant Peach
- Book about a courageous rodent
- Book featuring a boy who goes to Hogwarts
- Pan who never grows up
- Longstocking, adventurous girl with red hair
- By A.A. Milne about a bear and his friends
- Spider who saves a pig in a classic book
- Chronicles by C.S. Lewis
- The Wild Things Are
- Of Chincoteague, about a wild pony
- Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
- R.J. Palacio’s story of a boy with a facial deformity
- To Terabithia by Katherine Paterson
20 Clues: The Wild Things Are • And the Three Bears • And the Giant Peach • Pan who never grows up • Chronicles by C.S. Lewis • Adventure by J.R.R. Tolkien • Book about a courageous rodent • Island by Robert Louis Stevenson • Fairy tale about a mysterious imp • Bear from Peru who loves marmalade • Of Chincoteague, about a wild pony • To Terabithia by Katherine Paterson • ...
Old Testament Books 2024-08-15
39 Clues: 7th • 9th • 8th • 1st • 2nd • 3rd • 4th • 5th • 6th • 28th • 33rd • 19th • 13th • 35th • 15th • 38th • 20th • 36th • 21st • 12th • 23rd • 17th • 24th • 32nd • 37th • 11th • 27th • 25th • 16th • 34th • 26th • 14th • 30th • 18th • 29th • 10th • 22nd • 31st • 39th
- movie: A film genre that focuses on love and romantic relationships, often exploring themes of passion, heartbreak, and emotional connection.
- A book or magazine that uses a series of illustrations and dialogue to tell a story, often humorous or action-packed.
- A movie that tells the story of a real person’s life, often focusing on significant events or achievements.
- movie: A film that incorporates singing and dancing into the narrative, with characters performing musical numbers as part of the story.
- movie: A genre of film that focuses on realistic storytelling and emotional themes, often portraying complex relationships and character development.
- A book bound with rigid protective covers, often more durable and expensive than a paperback.
- movie: A movie set in a fictional universe, often involving magic, mythical creatures, and supernatural elements.
- film: A movie centered around the experiences of soldiers, battles, and the impact of war on individuals and society.
- A book used in schools or colleges that contains comprehensive information on a subject, designed to teach students.
- A piece of writing in which words are chosen for their beauty, sound, and meaning, often arranged in lines and stanzas.
- movie: A film intended to make the audience laugh, often featuring humorous situations, jokes, and funny characters.
- book: A book that contains recipes and instructions on how to prepare and cook various dishes.
- book: A book that primarily uses illustrations to tell a story, often aimed at young children, with minimal text.
- A short story, usually with animals as characters, that conveys a moral or lesson.
- story: A type of story or movie that involves ghosts or spirits, often intended to scare the reader or viewer.
- A book with a flexible paper cover, usually less expensive and lighter than a hardcover.
- tale: A traditional story for children that features magical and imaginary characters, such as fairies, giants, or talking animals.
- movie: is about a detective or investigator solving a crime, often involving mystery and suspense.
- movie: A film designed to frighten or shock the audience, often involving elements of the supernatural, monsters, or psychological terror.
- movie: A film genre characterized by intense physical activity, including fighting, chases, and explosions.
20 Clues: A short story, usually with animals as characters, that conveys a moral or lesson. • A book with a flexible paper cover, usually less expensive and lighter than a hardcover. • A book bound with rigid protective covers, often more durable and expensive than a paperback. • ...
Series of unfortunate events 2017-03-27
- beginning first book
- count olaf/evil
- what the tattoo is of
- how many books there are in the series
- were books are held
- mr poe's job
- last name of children
- Mr poe has these attacks
- sunny does this a lot
- first guardian fist name
- were count olaf tattoo is
- oldest child
- the series of ___ events
- Banker
- how there house burnt down
- perished in fire
- middle child
- klaus loves to read these
- authors first name
19 Clues: Banker • oldest child • mr poe's job • middle child • count olaf/evil • perished in fire • authors first name • were books are held • beginning first book • what the tattoo is of • last name of children • sunny does this a lot • the series of ___ events • Mr poe has these attacks • first guardian fist name • were count olaf tattoo is • klaus loves to read these • how there house burnt down • ...
Independent Bookstore Day Crossword with Watermark Books & Café 2024-03-25
- What is the name of the lion in The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe?
- Who was created by Gepetto the woodcarver?
- What is the name of Winnie the Pooh's donkey friend?
- In Jeff Kinney's popular children's graphic novel series, what did Greg Heffley's parents buy him to write his thoughts in instead of a journal?
- One of the two central characters of the Heartstopper Young Adult Graphic Novel Series by Alice Oseman.
- A subscription service run by Watermark Books & Café for young readers that delivers a personalized box that aims to encourage children to read..
- What structure transports Jack and Annie to different points of history in Mary Pope Osbourne's popular children's series?
- A program created by Watermark Books & Café, in conjunction with the Wichita Foundation and USD 259, with the express aim of providing author experiences and books to children in low-income areas of Wichita.
- Who is the bear in The Jungle Book?
- One of the streets that Watermark Books & Café is on
- A subscription service run by Watermark Books & Café that offers signed first edition books every month.
- In Norman Bridwell's popular children's book series, what is the name of the Big Red Dog?
- What is the name of the popular horror series written by R.L. Stine
- In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, what is Charlie's last name?
- A weekly newsletter that informs customers about upcoming events and other important information about Watermark Books & Café.
- A book by Gustave Flaubert and the name of one of our most popular café drinks.
- One of the winners of the 74th Hunger Games.
- Who had an encounter with the three bears?
- A novel written by Herman Melville and the name of the tuna Sandwich at Watermark Books & Café.
- An audiobook service that supports independent bookstores?
20 Clues: Who is the bear in The Jungle Book? • Who was created by Gepetto the woodcarver? • Who had an encounter with the three bears? • One of the winners of the 74th Hunger Games. • What is the name of Winnie the Pooh's donkey friend? • One of the streets that Watermark Books & Café is on • An audiobook service that supports independent bookstores? • ...
- book lover
- obsessive desire to write
- love of man kind
- persistent carving to steal
- natural law of human development
- tread of books
- resembling man
- obsession with one object or idea
- who steals books
- list of books
- study of man kind
- excessive preoccupation with books
- History book of physical object
- device used to measure human body
14 Clues: book lover • list of books • tread of books • resembling man • who steals books • love of man kind • study of man kind • obsessive desire to write • persistent carving to steal • History book of physical object • natural law of human development • obsession with one object or idea • device used to measure human body • excessive preoccupation with books
Religion crossword 2022-08-24
- the people who write the four gospels
- beginning with a dialog goes to a monologue ends with reflection on the passage
- another name of john
- meaning to turn towards
- image used to describe eternal life
- story's Jesus used for teaching his listeners
- the first five books of the new testament
- Christians work in the name of Christ
- a person who learns from a teacher
- the Passover events
- first discourse in Matthews gospel
- a commitment god has entered into the people of god, he renewed it with Christ
- writings that are collected in the bible
- the list of books the church uses, the inspired words of god
- first 46 books of the bible before Jesus
- images that have deeper meanings than words
- portion of sermon on the mount
- Matthew Mark and Luke gospel
- the second part of john's gospel
- 27 books inspired by the holy spirit,the center is Jesus
- john gospel revealing his divinity
- the first five books of the old testament
- the part in john's gospel that includes miracles or signs
23 Clues: the Passover events • another name of john • meaning to turn towards • Matthew Mark and Luke gospel • portion of sermon on the mount • the second part of john's gospel • john gospel revealing his divinity • a person who learns from a teacher • first discourse in Matthews gospel • image used to describe eternal life • Christians work in the name of Christ • ...
Library Terms 2025-02-03
- A list of books, materials, and other items in the library
- The person who draws the pictures in the book.
- Books about true events and people
- A group of books that are connected by characters or events.
- A book that tells a story with pictures and words like a comic.
- A number that identifies a book and is scanned when it is checked out
- The part of the book you see when it’s on the shelf.
- Bringing the book back to the library after reading
- A book divided into chapters, often for older readers.
- The name of the book.
- The place where you put books when you’re done with them.
- The person who writes the book.
- A number that identifies a book
- Made up stories
- The app that allows you to place books on hold
- Mrs. English is your __________.
- A true story about someone’s life.
- The type of story, like fiction, nonfiction, mystery, or fantasy.
- To take a book home to read.
- What you do when you want Mrs. English to save a book for you
20 Clues: Made up stories • The name of the book. • To take a book home to read. • The person who writes the book. • A number that identifies a book • Mrs. English is your __________. • Books about true events and people • A true story about someone’s life. • The person who draws the pictures in the book. • The app that allows you to place books on hold • ...
WMS Crossword 2023-10-24
- reading teacher
- world history teacher
- you learn about ancient Egypt
- a team in middle school
- labs and chemicals
- it is close to Africa and mr Newburn is teaching
- for the smart readers
- numbers put together
- MS.chrisensen boss
- a word that describes an action
- math teacher
- books books books and books
- you journal stuff
- the English teacher
14 Clues: math teacher • reading teacher • you journal stuff • MS.chrisensen boss • labs and chemicals • the English teacher • numbers put together • world history teacher • for the smart readers • a team in middle school • books books books and books • you learn about ancient Egypt • a word that describes an action • it is close to Africa and mr Newburn is teaching
Religion crossword 2022-08-24
- the people who write the four gospels
- beginning with a dialog goes to a monologue ends with reflection on the passage
- another name of john
- meaning to turn towards
- image used to describe eternal life
- story's Jesus used for teaching his listeners
- the first five books of the new testament
- Christians work in the name of Christ
- a person who learns from a teacher
- the Passover events
- first discourse in Matthews gospel
- a commitment god has entered into the people of god, he renewed it with Christ
- writings that are collected in the bible
- the list of books the church uses, the inspired words of god
- first 46 books of the bible before Jesus
- images that have deeper meanings than words
- portion of sermon on the mount
- Matthew Mark and Luke gospel
- the second part of john's gospel
- 27 books inspired by the holy spirit,the center is Jesus
- john gospel revealing his divinity
- the first five books of the old testament
- the part in john's gospel that includes miracles or signs
23 Clues: the Passover events • another name of john • meaning to turn towards • Matthew Mark and Luke gospel • portion of sermon on the mount • the second part of john's gospel • john gospel revealing his divinity • a person who learns from a teacher • first discourse in Matthews gospel • image used to describe eternal life • Christians work in the name of Christ • ...
Religion crossword 2022-08-24
- the people who write the four gospels
- beginning with a dialog goes to a monologue ends with reflection on the passage
- another name of john
- meaning to turn towards
- image used to describe eternal life
- story's Jesus used for teaching his listeners
- the first five books of the new testament
- Christians work in the name of Christ
- a person who learns from a teacher
- the Passover events
- first discourse in Matthews gospel
- a commitment god has entered into the people of god, he renewed it with Christ
- writings that are collected in the bible
- the list of books the church uses, the inspired words of god
- first 46 books of the bible before Jesus
- images that have deeper meanings than words
- portion of sermon on the mount
- Matthew Mark and Luke gospel
- the second part of john's gospel
- 27 books inspired by the holy spirit,the center is Jesus
- john gospel revealing his divinity
- the first five books of the old testament
- the part in john's gospel that includes miracles or signs
23 Clues: the Passover events • another name of john • meaning to turn towards • Matthew Mark and Luke gospel • portion of sermon on the mount • the second part of john's gospel • john gospel revealing his divinity • a person who learns from a teacher • first discourse in Matthews gospel • image used to describe eternal life • Christians work in the name of Christ • ...
Library Know-How 2024-04-18
- to use technology to alter audio, video or images
- the genre of books that are funny
- the person who writes a book
- to favor one thing over another
- system for organizing non-fiction books
- stories that are made up
- the genre of books that have puzzles to solve
- when a book is about someone's life
- different categories for fiction books in our library
- to give credit to a source
- type of books with factual information
- the genre of books that have a lot of action
- the right of a creator that stops others from using their work without permission
- name of the school's online library catalog
14 Clues: stories that are made up • to give credit to a source • the person who writes a book • to favor one thing over another • the genre of books that are funny • when a book is about someone's life • type of books with factual information • system for organizing non-fiction books • name of the school's online library catalog • the genre of books that have a lot of action • ...
THE BIBLE 2023-03-09
13 Clues: Psalms • A gospel • first 5 books • book Nehemiah • prophetic book • sayings Proverbs • contains 27 books • contains 39 books • Apocalyptic literature • Jesus life and ministry • hidden books of the Bible. • fifth book of the Pentateuch • story of the early christian church
Words 2022-10-18
17 Clues: music • books • humor • games • family • friends • honesty • dancing • swimming • taekwondo • happiness • bestfriend • volleyball • gymnastics • skateboard • flexibility • genshin impact
Stuart Gibbs Books 2021-07-02
- Henry hippo dies mysteriously
- Kazoo the koala goes missing
- Ben Receives a scholarship to St. Smithen's Science academy. (A front for a school for spies)
- Charlie Thorne tries to find Darwin's treasure.
- A tyrannasaur skull goes missing
- A mountain lion is framed for killing a pet dog of a political figure, and Teddy has to prove it's innocence.
- Ben has to bring down the Croatoan.
- Someone tries to shoot Rhonda the Rhino
- Ben has to prove that he wasn't the one who had tried to assassinate the president.
- Charlie Thorne tries to find Pandora
- Bison are dissapearing, and an expensive necklace does too
- Ben goes to Britain to bring down SPYDER once and for all.
- Nina dissapears
- Ben goes to Colorado to track down the heads of SPYDER.
- Lars is poisoned
- The truck that was carrying Li Ping the panda arrives empty
- Dash is on the moon
- Ben has to keep training through the summer.
- Ben goes undercover at SPYDER headquarters.
- Ben goes to stop Operation Golden Fist.
20 Clues: Nina dissapears • Lars is poisoned • Dash is on the moon • Kazoo the koala goes missing • Henry hippo dies mysteriously • A tyrannasaur skull goes missing • Ben has to bring down the Croatoan. • Charlie Thorne tries to find Pandora • Someone tries to shoot Rhonda the Rhino • Ben goes to stop Operation Golden Fist. • Ben goes undercover at SPYDER headquarters. • ...
Books We've Read 2022-05-19
- A spider saves the day
- The main character thought she was too tall to dance
- A snake doesn’t want to grow up
- Birds play dress up in this story
- This girl just wanted to go to university instead of get married
- There is a young boy who is blind in this story
- This boy's drawings weren’t perfect but they were…
- It gets cold at night and hot during the day
- This is a different word for pen
- A boy and his grandmother spend a weekend day together baking
- We learned about this animals hibernation cycle
- A grandfather teaches his grandson taekwondo
- All about reasons animals make their shelters
- This family had to have a pretend party
- A rock was carved to look like an animal
- The whole town comes to look at this item that fell from the sky
- This peaceful story is just about a boy and his dog early in the morning
- “Not I!” said the…
- Bullies almost stole a soccer ball
- All about a Japanese tradition
- We learned about how harmful this is to the environment
- There is a man caught stealing from a tree
- A young boy learns a traditional dance from his grandfather
- A loyal dog waits for his owner but he never returns
- An older woman puts her hand over her heart when she hears a certain song
25 Clues: “Not I!” said the… • A spider saves the day • All about a Japanese tradition • A snake doesn’t want to grow up • This is a different word for pen • Birds play dress up in this story • Bullies almost stole a soccer ball • This family had to have a pretend party • A rock was carved to look like an animal • There is a man caught stealing from a tree • ...
Books vocabulary revision 2022-11-28
- used to describe somebody/something that is difficult to deal with or understand
- that makes you feel sad; not bright or interesting
- not seeming reasonable or likely to be true
- that you enjoy watching, listening to, doing or experiencing
- serious and often involving a lot of action in a short period of time
- causing strong, often sad, feelings about somebody/something
- making you feel very sad and without enthusiasm
- extremely sad
- full of exciting events and activity
- a short statement that gives only the main points of a book, not the details
- developing or changing very quickly
- if an activity is addictive, it makes people unable to stop doing it
- beautiful, sad or frightening in a way that cannot be forgotten
- designed to make people feel sad
- exciting or interesting in a way that keeps your attention
- very interesting because of being unusual or not having an obvious answer
- a book that is very exciting
- the name of a book, poem, painting, piece of music, etc
- making people feel less angry or likely to suspect somebody than they were before
- making people think seriously about a particular subject or issue
- that does not have much effect, especially because it has been used too much
- causing an unpleasant feeling of fear or slight horror
22 Clues: extremely sad • a book that is very exciting • designed to make people feel sad • developing or changing very quickly • full of exciting events and activity • not seeming reasonable or likely to be true • making you feel very sad and without enthusiasm • that makes you feel sad; not bright or interesting • causing an unpleasant feeling of fear or slight horror • ...
Adrienne Wilder Books 2021-02-28
- Leo and Kaleb
- Aaron and Sol
- Ariel and Indigo
- Jon and Ellis
- Leo vs the Chimera
- Cerberus and Owen
- Marud and Jessie
- Grant and Morgan and Dog
- Keegan and August
- Keegan and August and Daisy
- Nox and Luca
- Seven and Chase
- Grant and Morgan
- Ben and Jacob and Marcel
- When you’re a psychic on the run, love is nothing but a weakness that can get you killed.
- Quinn and Thirteen
- Pandora and Ishtar
- Leo and Kaleb and Aaron
- Taurus and Aaron
- Darwin and Peter
- Paris and Roy
- Ean and Adam
- A world of dark pleasures and even darker secrets
- Andrew and Matt
- Charlie and Ethan
25 Clues: Ean and Adam • Nox and Luca • Leo and Kaleb • Aaron and Sol • Jon and Ellis • Paris and Roy • Andrew and Matt • Seven and Chase • Ariel and Indigo • Taurus and Aaron • Darwin and Peter • Marud and Jessie • Grant and Morgan • Cerberus and Owen • Charlie and Ethan • Keegan and August • Quinn and Thirteen • Pandora and Ishtar • Leo vs the Chimera • Leo and Kaleb and Aaron • Ben and Jacob and Marcel • ...
Books, films, plays 2013-07-14
20 Clues: plot • star • lush • stage • rocky • sandy • valley • puppet • scenic • cruise • sequel • remote • pebbly • author • chapter • applause • audience • spectacle • character • sightseeing
Authors and Books 2017-02-08
- Journey to the Centre of the Earth
- The Blue Umbrella
- Two States
- Black Beauty
- Geetanjali
- Water Babies
- Diary of Wimpy Kid
- Hamlet
- Robinson Crusoe
- Harry Potter
- Three Musketeers
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
- Secret Garden
- Malgudi days
- The Listeners
- A Suitable Boy
- Oliver Twist
- House with Six Legs
- Sherlock Holmes
- God of Small things
- Kidnapped
- Jungle Book
- Percy Jackson
- Lost Temple
24 Clues: Hamlet • Kidnapped • Two States • Geetanjali • Jungle Book • Lost Temple • Malgudi days • Oliver Twist • Black Beauty • Water Babies • Harry Potter • Secret Garden • The Listeners • Percy Jackson • A Suitable Boy • Sherlock Holmes • Robinson Crusoe • Three Musketeers • The Blue Umbrella • Diary of Wimpy Kid • House with Six Legs • God of Small things • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory • ...
Bible Books One 2018-03-12
- Esther spoke with this at the right time
- This song teaches love is loyal always strong
- Some lost their chance to see this
- Tells how life is like when Jesus rules
- Job teaches us this is precious
- Rewarded with a family and a home
- The wisdom of its words is always true
- Helped rebuild the city and its walls
- This book kept the people holy
- Inspired songs to praise God
- 1 Samuel God chooses ______
- Gods people saved by his mighty hand
- King David has trouble in his house
- 1 Chronicles teaches______ from the past
- Serving God brings ______ Ecclesiastes
- The nation falls because of bad leaders
- This was Lost in book of Genesis
- Joshua - Each ____ got a place to call their own
- This book helps us listen and obey
- Most men in 2 Kings were bad but some were ______
- Restored true worship
- The kingdom is________North and South
- Performing Mighty Deeds
23 Clues: Restored true worship • Performing Mighty Deeds • 1 Samuel God chooses ______ • Inspired songs to praise God • This book kept the people holy • Job teaches us this is precious • This was Lost in book of Genesis • Rewarded with a family and a home • This book helps us listen and obey • Some lost their chance to see this • King David has trouble in his house • ...
Bible Books One 2018-03-12
- 1 Samuel God chooses ______
- 1 Chronicles teaches______ from the past
- Restored true worship
- This was Lost in book of Genesis
- Gods people saved by his mighty hand
- King David has trouble in his house
- Some lost their chance to see this
- The nation falls because of bad leaders
- Esther spoke with this at the right time
- Joshua - Each ____ got a place to call their own
- This book kept the people holy
- Most men in 2 Kings were bad but some were ______
- The kingdom is________North and South
- Inspired songs to praise God
- Helped rebuild the city and its walls
- This book helps us listen and obey
- Serving God brings ______ Ecclesiastes
- Performing Mighty Deeds
- This song teaches love is loyal always strong
- The wisdom of its words is always true
- Tells how life is like when Jesus rules
- Job teaches us this is precious
- Rewarded with a family and a home
23 Clues: Restored true worship • Performing Mighty Deeds • 1 Samuel God chooses ______ • Inspired songs to praise God • This book kept the people holy • Job teaches us this is precious • This was Lost in book of Genesis • Rewarded with a family and a home • This book helps us listen and obey • Some lost their chance to see this • King David has trouble in his house • ...
Horror Books & Movies 2023-09-15
- Book The Evil Dead is based on
- They’re heee-re
- 1975 movie featuring a boat named The Orca
- Name of the demon that possessed Reagan MacNeil
- Murderer and his mother prey on guests at their hotel
- Sequel to The Shining
- Machete-wielding murderer stalks his old stomping grounds near the lake
- Town where “It” takes place
- My mom and dad are going to be so mad at me
- Freddy Krueger was also known as the what slasher
- A college student lives the day over and over
- Which was the first Stephen King novel to be adapted into a film
- Cursed videotape condemns watchers to a terrible fate at the hands of a girl
- The book of which “The Candy Man’’ is a loose move adaptation
- How many “A Nightmare on Elm Street” Books are there
- 247 people die in a plane crash in which horror film?
- Jack Black as R.L Stine
- This author has more than 40 movies to his credit
- Which 1980 Stephen king book adaptation is hated by King?
- The inspiration for the alien creature came from which famous book, featuring the works of H.R. Giger?
- Don’t make any noise
- A group of people take shelter in a mall during the zombie apocalypse
- An iconic opening scene and a character who explains the rules for surviving a horror movie
- Michael Myers first victim
- Seven deadly sins that had the audience asking “What is in the box?”
- Devil’s son is smuggled into a wealthy family; His enemies have terrible ‘accidents’
- Don’t lift the blindfold
27 Clues: They’re heee-re • Don’t make any noise • Sequel to The Shining • Jack Black as R.L Stine • Don’t lift the blindfold • Michael Myers first victim • Town where “It” takes place • Book The Evil Dead is based on • 1975 movie featuring a boat named The Orca • My mom and dad are going to be so mad at me • A college student lives the day over and over • ...
Unit 2 Books 2023-09-19
28 Clues: hall • step • harp • swap • else • poem • chap • title • spare • shaggy • steady • series • expect • stream • grumble • pretend • shortly • balcony • wireless • mothball • splendid • surprise • perfectly • direction • detective • bluebottle • windowsill • worthwhile
Crossword 46 - Books 2023-10-09
- Ancient writing material
- Book critique
- The main character
- A long fictional story
- An author's draft
- A softcover book
- Book intro
- A large, heavy book
- Poetic writing
- A group of related books
- Cheap book paper
- A prestigious book award
- A pen name
- The story's main events
- A mystery book
- A 3-part book series
- Book producer
- Course book list
- Republished book
- A suspenseful book
- Copying others' work
- Genre with detectives and secrets
- Intro to a book
- Real stories and facts
- Love stories
- Play or film writing
- A poetic form
- A gripping book
- Text section
- An old writing tool
- Short book summary
- Book's outer edge
- Verse and rhymes
- To release a book
- Personal life story
- Story writer
- Storytelling style
- 14-line poem
- Where books are stored
- Short novel
40 Clues: Book intro • A pen name • Short novel • Love stories • Text section • Story writer • 14-line poem • Book critique • A poetic form • Book producer • Poetic writing • A mystery book • Intro to a book • A gripping book • A softcover book • Cheap book paper • Verse and rhymes • Course book list • Republished book • An author's draft • Book's outer edge • To release a book • The main character • Short book summary • ...
Biblical Books & Truth 2024-04-28
- A gospel that is professed to the Gentiles
- A book that represents the wisdom of Solomon
- A book that contains songs of joy and despair
- In what book does Jesus appear to his disciples who don't recognize him?
- A book about mourning
- In what book does God allow Satan to test a person to show his faith?
- In what book does a queen rescue her people (the Jews) from certain death?
- In what book does the main character show full faith in God, despite the circumstance?
- In what book did the namesake intentionally lie about their situation to avoid visiting Nineveh?
- In what book does God save people from lions and furnaces?
- A book that has a prophecy about Jesus' birth
- In what book did God reveal all people's uniqueness?
- A book that contradicts the location it is written in (hint: joy)
- In what book did God rescue the Israelites from slavery in Egypt?
- A book that reveals God's salavation, but also the destruction of the world
- In what book did God appear before Elijah in a whisper (no number)
- In what book does Jesus say who he is on Mt. Sinai? (Sermon on the ____)
- In what book does the "parting of the Red Sea" happen again?
- A book that mentions multiple important Old Testament events and people (hint: New Testament)
- In what book does God give a myriad of leaders for the Israelites?
- A book where God gave the Holy Spirit through fire
21 Clues: A book about mourning • A gospel that is professed to the Gentiles • A book that represents the wisdom of Solomon • A book that contains songs of joy and despair • A book that has a prophecy about Jesus' birth • A book where God gave the Holy Spirit through fire • In what book did God reveal all people's uniqueness? • ...
Classic Children’s Books 2024-08-06
- And the Giant Peach
- The Wild Things Are
- Of Chincoteague, about a wild pony
- Longstocking, adventurous girl with red hair
- Bear from Peru who loves marmalade
- Chronicles by C.S. Lewis
- To Terabithia by Katherine Paterson
- Spider who saves a pig in a classic book
- And the Three Bears
- Pan who never grows up
- Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
- Fairy tale about a mysterious imp
- Wonderland adventure by Lewis Carroll
- Book featuring a boy who goes to Hogwarts
- R.J. Palacio’s story of a boy with a facial deformity
- Adventure by J.R.R. Tolkien
- Author of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”
- Book about a courageous rodent
- By A.A. Milne about a bear and his friends
- Potter’s adventures in a magical world
20 Clues: And the Giant Peach • The Wild Things Are • And the Three Bears • Pan who never grows up • Chronicles by C.S. Lewis • Adventure by J.R.R. Tolkien • Book about a courageous rodent • Island by Robert Louis Stevenson • Fairy tale about a mysterious imp • Of Chincoteague, about a wild pony • Bear from Peru who loves marmalade • To Terabithia by Katherine Paterson • ...
Classic Children’s Books 2024-08-06
- And the Giant Peach
- The Wild Things Are
- Of Chincoteague, about a wild pony
- Longstocking, adventurous girl with red hair
- Bear from Peru who loves marmalade
- Chronicles by C.S. Lewis
- To Terabithia by Katherine Paterson
- Spider who saves a pig in a classic book
- And the Three Bears
- Pan who never grows up
- Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
- Fairy tale about a mysterious imp
- Wonderland adventure by Lewis Carroll
- Book featuring a boy who goes to Hogwarts
- R.J. Palacio’s story of a boy with a facial deformity
- Adventure by J.R.R. Tolkien
- Author of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”
- Book about a courageous rodent
- By A.A. Milne about a bear and his friends
- Potter’s adventures in a magical world
20 Clues: And the Giant Peach • The Wild Things Are • And the Three Bears • Pan who never grows up • Chronicles by C.S. Lewis • Adventure by J.R.R. Tolkien • Book about a courageous rodent • Island by Robert Louis Stevenson • Fairy tale about a mysterious imp • Of Chincoteague, about a wild pony • Bear from Peru who loves marmalade • To Terabithia by Katherine Paterson • ...
Bible Books 1 2025-03-11
- Satan oppressing a godly man
- Written to Roman Christians
- Day of Atonement, Sacrifices
- Written to Jewish Christians
- Gomer was his wife
- Tarshish, Nineveh
- Hezekiah, Josiah
- Day of the Lord Day of the Lord Day of the Lord
- Weeping prophet
- King David
- Written to outcast gentiles
- Was a shepherd and farmer before prophet
- Consider your ways and complete the temple
- Moses' final sermons
- Locust plague
- Attacking a brick Jerusalem
- Solomon, Ahab
- Messiah will ride a donkey to Jerusalem
- Written to Edom
- Plagues, Red Sea
- Samuel, Eli
- Last one
- Nineveh is doomed
- Adam, Abraham, Joseph
- of Songs celebration of marriage
- Jephtheh, Ehud
- Boaz, Naomi
- Focused on I AM statements of Jesus
- Ai, tricky Gibeonites
- The Chaldeans are worse than Judah!
- "nothing new under the sun"
- Wise sayings
- Wilderness Wandering
- Rebuilding the Temple
- Israels music book
- Immanuel
- Acrostic poems of sadness
- Rebuilding the wall
- Haman, Mordecai
- God will tread on the high places
- Lions, Darius
41 Clues: Last one • Immanuel • King David • Samuel, Eli • Boaz, Naomi • Wise sayings • Locust plague • Solomon, Ahab • Lions, Darius • Jephtheh, Ehud • Weeping prophet • Haman, Mordecai • Written to Edom • Plagues, Red Sea • Hezekiah, Josiah • Nineveh is doomed • Tarshish, Nineveh • Gomer was his wife • Israels music book • Rebuilding the wall • Wilderness Wandering • Moses' final sermons • Adam, Abraham, Joseph • ...
How to Find Library Things 2023-08-18
- Online place where we learn a lot
- Most students have assigned tables not _____.
- Popular book section. Top ______
- Door we leave out of
- Who wrote the Harry Potter books? J.K. ___________.
- Who else helps in the library? Ms.
- My dogs are named after Harry ________ characters.
- Three letters on the side of all chapter books
- Big 3 that goes with our chair expectations
- Time you can check out books that's not during encore. Open ___
- Color of the tissue box you are allowed to use
- Letter on the side of all the picture books
- Dog Man author
- Mrs. S' last name
- How many books can you check out?
15 Clues: Dog Man author • Mrs. S' last name • Door we leave out of • Popular book section. Top ______ • Online place where we learn a lot • How many books can you check out? • Who else helps in the library? Ms. • Big 3 that goes with our chair expectations • Letter on the side of all the picture books • Most students have assigned tables not _____. • ...
How to Find Library Things 2023-08-18
- Online place where we learn a lot
- Most students have assigned tables not _____.
- Popular book section. Top ______
- Door we leave out of
- Who wrote the Harry Potter books? J.K. ___________.
- Who else helps in the library? Ms.
- My dogs are named after Harry ________ characters.
- Three letters on the side of all chapter books
- Big 3 that goes with our chair expectations
- Time you can check out books that's not during encore. Open ___
- Color of the tissue box you are allowed to use
- Letter on the side of all the picture books
- Dog Man author
- Mrs. S' last name
- How many books can you check out?
15 Clues: Dog Man author • Mrs. S' last name • Door we leave out of • Popular book section. Top ______ • Online place where we learn a lot • How many books can you check out? • Who else helps in the library? Ms. • Big 3 that goes with our chair expectations • Letter on the side of all the picture books • Most students have assigned tables not _____. • ...
Intermediate Phonics and Vocab Spelling Bee 2022-10-21
- Place to see Fish
- Light
- Place for Books or Magazines
- Old pictures and Dinosaur Bones
- Place to see Stars and Planets
- Paper
- Hair
- Mcdonals, Saizeriya, Kurasushi
- Sky
- Study
- Books
- Many Animals
- No Money
- Floor
- Country
- Cup
- Sea animal
- Aircraft
- Animal
- Windor or cup
- Color
- Picture
- Place to put food
- Apps
- Color
- Park Pool and slides
- Emotion
- Kids play
- Table Place to put drinks or books
- Time
- Food
31 Clues: Cup • Sky • Apps • Hair • Time • Food • Light • Color • Paper • Color • Study • Books • Floor • Animal • Country • Picture • Emotion • Aircraft • No Money • Kids play • Sea animal • Many Animals • Windor or cup • Place to see Fish • Place to put food • Park Pool and slides • Place for Books or Magazines • Place to see Stars and Planets • Mcdonals, Saizeriya, Kurasushi • Old pictures and Dinosaur Bones • ...
The Bookshop of Yesterdays 2023-09-30
- Related persons
- Miranda's boyfriend
- Hidden inside Billy's books
- Miranda's occupation
- The Tempest author
- Where Miranda and Jay live
- Susan and Billy
- Puzzle to solve
- A fruit and a color
- Lock opener
- Favorite uncle
- Volumes on shelvs
- Billy's great love
- Prospero Books fate?
- Book's author
- Bibliophile
- Shakespeare's book
- Miranda's inheritance
- Manager of the bookshop
- Miranda's quest
- Evelyn's father
- Billy's sister
- He opens the store each morning
- Elijah Greenberg
- Three things that matter in life
25 Clues: Bibliophile • Lock opener • Book's author • Billy's sister • Favorite uncle • Related persons • Miranda's quest • Evelyn's father • Susan and Billy • Puzzle to solve • Elijah Greenberg • Volumes on shelvs • Shakespeare's book • The Tempest author • Billy's great love • Miranda's boyfriend • A fruit and a color • Miranda's occupation • Prospero Books fate? • Miranda's inheritance • Manager of the bookshop • ...
Countable and Uncountable Nouns 2022-11-10
- BOOKS ______
- NOTEBOOK ______
- CHOCOLATE ______
- HOUSES ______
- WOMAN ______
- PANTS ______
- BREAD ______
- JUICE ______
- FLOUR ______
- WATER ______
- CHERRY ______
- MONEY ______
- BUTTER ______
- PENCIL ______
- APPLE ______
- HOMEWORK ______
- BATHROOM ______
- SHOES ______
- PINEAPPLE ______
- GRAPES ______
- SAND ______
- MEAT ______
- FLOWERS ______
- RICE ______
26 Clues: SAND ______ • MEAT ______ • RICE ______ • MONEY ______ • APPLE ______ • BOOKS ______ • SHOES ______ • WOMAN ______ • PANTS ______ • BREAD ______ • JUICE ______ • FLOUR ______ • WATER ______ • BUTTER ______ • PENCIL ______ • HOUSES ______ • GRAPES ______ • CHERRY ______ • FLOWERS ______ • HOMEWORK ______ • BATHROOM ______ • NOTEBOOK ______ • CHOCOLATE ______ • PINEAPPLE ______ • STRAWBERRY ______ • PENCILCASE ______
Crossword on Safari 2014-11-14
- No. of videos available on Math & Science in Safari Books Online
- Most popular book on “Databases” in Safari Books Online
- Author of the book titled “Learning Basic Macroeconomics”
- Video course by Scott Reynolds published on 21-Jul-2014
- Manuscripts available in Safari Books Online that are developed but not yet published
- Conference proceeding published by O'Reilly Media, Inc. on 12-JUN-2014
- Book by AnnMarie Thomas published on 15 Sep 2014
- No. of videos available on Health and Fitness in Safari Books Online
- No. of videos available in Safari Books Online by the publisher Microsoft Press
- Book authored by Mr Matthew Carver
- Latest book on Safari Books Online by the Publisher AMACOM
- Edition of Head First Java available in Safari Books Online
- Most popular book on “Game Programming” in Safari Books Online
13 Clues: Book authored by Mr Matthew Carver • Book by AnnMarie Thomas published on 15 Sep 2014 • Most popular book on “Databases” in Safari Books Online • Video course by Scott Reynolds published on 21-Jul-2014 • Author of the book titled “Learning Basic Macroeconomics” • Latest book on Safari Books Online by the Publisher AMACOM • ...
Sacred Scripture Crossword Puzzle 2022-10-15
- the Mainstream Church
- list of books of the Bible
- the Bible
- 64 books
- second coming of Christ
- guidance of the Holy Spirit
- God's revealing through creation
- teaching authority of the Church
- Scripture and Tradition passed down
- 27 books
- translation of Bible by St. Jerome
- good news
- the bible is without error
- contains fundamental Christian truths
- God's people
- promise between God and his people
- collection of Christian sacred writings
- show God's presence and saving actions
- ability to know and understand truth
- the Ten Commandments
20 Clues: 64 books • 27 books • good news • the Bible • God's people • the Ten Commandments • the Mainstream Church • second coming of Christ • list of books of the Bible • the bible is without error • guidance of the Holy Spirit • God's revealing through creation • teaching authority of the Church • translation of Bible by St. Jerome • promise between God and his people • ...
EASY "Fiction" AUTHORS "L-Z" 2022-05-24
- author of "Miss Bindergarten" books
- author of "Elephant and Piggy" books
- author of "Rainbow Fish" titles
- author of "Froggy..." books
- author of "If you give a ..." books
- author of "Lyle the Crocodile" books
- author of "Green Eggs and Ham"
- author of "How do Dinosaurs..." series
- author of "Scaredy Squirrel" books
- author of "No David" title
- author of "Henry and Mudge"
- author of "Andrew's Loose Tooth"
12 Clues: author of "No David" title • author of "Henry and Mudge" • author of "Froggy..." books • author of "Green Eggs and Ham" • author of "Rainbow Fish" titles • author of "Andrew's Loose Tooth" • author of "Scaredy Squirrel" books • author of "Miss Bindergarten" books • author of "If you give a ..." books • author of "Lyle the Crocodile" books • author of "Elephant and Piggy" books • ...
inkheart project 2023-04-18
- a object that can use to fix other objects
- common name 100s of types of insect that feed on paper
- the job position that fixes books
- a fictional book
- the place a book binder works
- what you find on the outside of books
- a book use for studying
- whats in a library that holds books
- the people who make books
- the protection around the pages
- the object that the book binder fixes
- what a bookbinder does to a book
- a book that lists synonyms and related concepts
- a place that holds many books
- a book of definitions
15 Clues: a fictional book • a book of definitions • a book use for studying • the people who make books • a place that holds many books • the place a book binder works • the protection around the pages • what a bookbinder does to a book • the job position that fixes books • whats in a library that holds books • the object that the book binder fixes • what you find on the outside of books • ...
librarian Lil 2016-05-19
- Who was the leader of the motorcycle gang?
- Lil carried so many books she became super______
- Bill hates these, while Lil always loved them
- Bill became Lil's _________ in the library
- Where did Bill go to watch his favorite show
- What did Bill agree to do if Lil could move one of their bikes
- what age did Lil build a tree house
- It's said that librarian Lil had a book in her hand when she was
- What career did Lil choose to follow.
- Lil stacked all the ________ of the motorcycle gang
- She loved to read books and had a wild imagination
- Lil handed out books in a _________
- what age did Lil read every book in the children’s section of the library
- Everyone Chesterville were _________ potatoes
- What day did Bill's favorite TV show come
- Who told Bill that there were no more TVs
- Lils favorite pastime was
- Did people come to the library before the blackout
- She was so strong that she could lift up a
- People started reading books when there was a _______
20 Clues: Lils favorite pastime was • Lil handed out books in a _________ • what age did Lil build a tree house • What career did Lil choose to follow. • What day did Bill's favorite TV show come • Who told Bill that there were no more TVs • Who was the leader of the motorcycle gang? • Bill became Lil's _________ in the library • She was so strong that she could lift up a • ...
Plus-Minus-Multiply-Divide 2019-04-11
- There are 17 marbles in a bag. Cindy have 3 bags with equal amount of marbles inside. How many marbles does she have altogether?
- 104 x 4 =
- 2014 + 5354 =
- Wally bought 6 bicycles. He paid $121 for each of it. How much did he pay altogether?
- 2500 + 1112 =
- Ann bought 4 boxes of donuts. Each box costs $4. How much did Ann pay altogether?
- 1381 - 150 =
- 234 + 345 =
- 2973 - 340 =
- 300 + 215 =
- 3122 + 1434 =
- 41 x 2 =
- 9 x 8 =
- Azman have 657 marbles. Wally have 95 fewer marbles than Azman. How many marbles does Wally have?
- There are 2010 English books, 1050 Malay books and 1020 chinese books in a library. How many books are there altogether?
- If 10 books cost $70, How much does 1 book cost?
- 7928 - 4607 =
- Wahid have 360 seeds. Hamid have 601 more seeds than Wahid. how many seeds does Hamid have?
- 1217 + 432 =
- 22 x 3 =
- 43 x 5 =
- 289 + 735 + 234 =
- 105 x 7 =
- 206 x 3 =
24 Clues: 9 x 8 = • 22 x 3 = • 43 x 5 = • 41 x 2 = • 104 x 4 = • 105 x 7 = • 206 x 3 = • 234 + 345 = • 300 + 215 = • 1217 + 432 = • 1381 - 150 = • 2973 - 340 = • 2014 + 5354 = • 7928 - 4607 = • 2500 + 1112 = • 3122 + 1434 = • 289 + 735 + 234 = • If 10 books cost $70, How much does 1 book cost? • Ann bought 4 boxes of donuts. Each box costs $4. How much did Ann pay altogether? • ...
Old Testament Crossword Puzzle 2022-06-22
- Greek for books, scrolls; root word for "Bible"
- binding, sacred commitment
- extra canonical books not considered part of the Bible for Protestant denominations and the Jewish faith
- book of the ______; smaller books containing minor prophets; counted as one book in Tanakh, but separated in Christian Bible
- acronym: divided into Torah, Nevi'im, and Ketuvim; 24 books in 3 sections
- literally means "he who strives with God"; can refer a polity, to Jacob, or most commonly to a religious community
- Hebrew word for "God"
- historical narratuces; Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings
- extra canonical books considered part of the Bible for Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Christians
- "Lord in English"; name of God that is considered to holy to pronounce (read aloud as "Adonai")
- the geographical and historical context of the Old Testament, encompassing the world of ideas that formed the backdrop of these writings
- authoritative collection of books usually containing governing principles
- judgement oracles; Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Book of the Twelve
- chief Bible of the early Church that both rearranged and added books; Greek translation of Hebrew Bible
- alternate term referring to the 5 books of the Torah
15 Clues: Hebrew word for "God" • binding, sacred commitment • Greek for books, scrolls; root word for "Bible" • alternate term referring to the 5 books of the Torah • historical narratuces; Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings • judgement oracles; Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Book of the Twelve • authoritative collection of books usually containing governing principles • ...
Library Orientation 2021-08-18
- Your password for Destiny is your __________ID.
- Online library
- Most dangerous to books
- The school mascot
- The person responsible for getting books back on time.
- Show this to the hall monitor during lunch
- Slot in the counter where you return books
- The fine for each day a book is late is 10 _______.
- Books need to stay at the front of these
- We love our new library _______________.
- The setup code for Sora
- A library genre that deals with magic and dragons
- Number of genres in the library
- A library genre that makes you laugh
- The number of books you can check out. Four
15 Clues: Online library • The school mascot • The setup code for Sora • Most dangerous to books • Number of genres in the library • A library genre that makes you laugh • Books need to stay at the front of these • We love our new library _______________. • Show this to the hall monitor during lunch • Slot in the counter where you return books • ...
Fahrenheit 451,1984, and Brave New World 2016-03-11
- Montag hid his books there after the ladies left.
- Mechanical ___; chased criminals
- Not allowed to have____
- Place Montag first hid his books
- Girl who is responsible for montag's change
- Mildred's Husband
- It smelled like perfume to Montag
- Wife; informer; attempted suicide
- Leader of the hobo intellectual
- Where Montag went after fleeing Faber's house
- Small communications device used by Montag & Faber
- They burned books & started fires
- Captain of the firemen
- Mildred's pastime; huge television
- Transportation
- He helped Montag understand a book
16 Clues: Transportation • Mildred's Husband • Captain of the firemen • Not allowed to have____ • Leader of the hobo intellectual • Mechanical ___; chased criminals • Place Montag first hid his books • They burned books & started fires • It smelled like perfume to Montag • Wife; informer; attempted suicide • Mildred's pastime; huge television • He helped Montag understand a book • ...
Sound of Thunder 2023-11-09
- Ray Bradbury was born on ______ 22nd, 1920
- Eckles voting for Keith
- Ray Bradbury died on ____ 5th, 2012
- Type of conflict of Eckles being scared to shoot the T-Rex
- Type of conflict of Eckles changing the future
- Ray Bradbury usually writes books involving __________, journeying to the past
- POV?
- Ray Bradbury wrote _____ books
- Everything is _________.
- Even the ________ actions can have enormous consequences.
- Business that takes Eckles to the past
- What is usually never-ending in Ray Bradbury's books?
- From who's perspective of the books does Ray Bradbury typically write?
- Technology being used more ___________ is a topic used in Ray Bradbury's books
- Dinosaur that Eckles is trying to hunt
- Follow the _____ when they are presented to you.
16 Clues: POV? • Eckles voting for Keith • Everything is _________. • Ray Bradbury wrote _____ books • Ray Bradbury died on ____ 5th, 2012 • Business that takes Eckles to the past • Dinosaur that Eckles is trying to hunt • Ray Bradbury was born on ______ 22nd, 1920 • Type of conflict of Eckles changing the future • Follow the _____ when they are presented to you. • ...
Library 2024-12-30
- Something used to save your place in a book
- A place where books are stored
- A book that tells you what words mean
- A seat for reading
- A book of maps
- A pass you use to borrow books
- A surface for reading or studying
- To bring back a book to the library
- A rule that asks people not to talk loudly
- A tale found in books
- Something you read to learn or for fun
- A person who helps you find books
- A tool for looking up books or information
- A section of a book
- A thin book with pictures and stories
15 Clues: A book of maps • A seat for reading • A section of a book • A tale found in books • A place where books are stored • A pass you use to borrow books • A person who helps you find books • A surface for reading or studying • To bring back a book to the library • A book that tells you what words mean • A thin book with pictures and stories • Something you read to learn or for fun • ...
Kassidy VanderKolk 2022-11-15
16 Clues: the red books • the fun mother • some fun stores • the brown store • some blue books • some fun sisters • some yellow pens • the fun brothers • the purple pencil • the tall brothers • some green chairs • the blonde friend • some funny parents • some popular books • the blonde sisters • some funny brothers
Fahrenheit 451 Crossword Puzzle 2023-12-29
- to drink and explains that it will change the chemical index of his perspiration so the Hound will not be able to find him.
- hound, a robot dog that destroys anyone or anything that has to do with books
- was holding about 20 books in there
- Walls, extremely large television screens, which are the size of an entire wall of a person's home
- a strange girl who changes his perspective on life
- who bans books because it contains ideas and thoughts about life
- pills, Mildred attempted suicide with this
- Montag, the main character
- 451, title of the book
- what killed Clarissa
- station, a facility where fire engines and other equipment of a fire department are housed.
- Captain Beatty was killed by Montag with this item
- Beatty, is Montag's boss and the Captain at the fire station where Montag works
- small radio devices nearly everyone in Montag's society wears to receive constant broadcasts of information
- Faber, mentor to Montag after Montag reads the books he has been sneaking into his house.
- bomb, falls on the city, reducing it to rubble and ash
- flammable liquid used to make fire to destroy books
- people want to ban them because they contain thoughts and ideas
- of faith, Mrs. Phelps cries when Montag reads this poem
- is the leader of a group of intellectuals and a friend to Montag
20 Clues: what killed Clarissa • 451, title of the book • Montag, the main character • was holding about 20 books in there • pills, Mildred attempted suicide with this • a strange girl who changes his perspective on life • Captain Beatty was killed by Montag with this item • flammable liquid used to make fire to destroy books • ...
Fahrenheit 451,1984, and Brave New World 2016-03-11
- Montag hid his books there after the ladies left.
- Place Montag first hid his books
- Mildred's pastime; huge television
- Wife; informer; attempted suicide
- Leader of the hobo intellectual
- Transportation
- Mechanical ___; chased criminals
- Mildred's Husband
- Girl who is responsible for montag's change
- Where Montag went after fleeing Faber's house
- It smelled like perfume to Montag
- They burned books & started fires
- He helped Montag understand a book
- Small communications device used by Montag & Faber
- Captain of the firemen
- Not allowed to have____
16 Clues: Transportation • Mildred's Husband • Captain of the firemen • Not allowed to have____ • Leader of the hobo intellectual • Place Montag first hid his books • Mechanical ___; chased criminals • It smelled like perfume to Montag • They burned books & started fires • Wife; informer; attempted suicide • Mildred's pastime; huge television • He helped Montag understand a book • ...
EASY Authors2 2022-05-27
- author of "Miss Bindergarten" books
- author of "Elephant and Piggy" books
- author of "Rainbow Fish" titles
- author of "Froggy..." books
- author of "If you give a ..." books
- author of "Lyle the Crocodile" books
- author of "Green Eggs and Ham"
- author of "How do Dinosaurs..." series
- author of "Scaredy Squirrel" books
- author of "No David" title
- author of "Henry and Mudge"
- author of "Andrew's Loose Tooth"
12 Clues: author of "No David" title • author of "Henry and Mudge" • author of "Froggy..." books • author of "Green Eggs and Ham" • author of "Rainbow Fish" titles • author of "Andrew's Loose Tooth" • author of "Scaredy Squirrel" books • author of "Miss Bindergarten" books • author of "If you give a ..." books • author of "Lyle the Crocodile" books • author of "Elephant and Piggy" books • ...
Everything Books Crossword! 2024-05-10
- A stiff and sturdy book
- based on real events/facts
- You can borrow books from this place
- They write the books!
- the boy who lived
- The feeling of Love
- List of most popular books
- A flexible book
- children story often about magical things
- difficult to understand or explain
- Made with letters
- made up or imaginary
- may the odds be ever in your favour
- Excitement, fear, anxiety!
- I love to ____ books!
15 Clues: A flexible book • Made with letters • the boy who lived • The feeling of Love • made up or imaginary • They write the books! • I love to ____ books! • A stiff and sturdy book • based on real events/facts • Excitement, fear, anxiety! • List of most popular books • difficult to understand or explain • may the odds be ever in your favour • You can borrow books from this place • ...
Unit 4 Vocabulary. Listening and Speaking 2024-12-10
- Please ________ your books at the end of the class.
- We must _________ the amount of pollution in the air.
- Don't ________ losing your money on that business idea.
- I will _________ two level three classes today.
- The food was __________. Not bad!
- Relax and just go with the _________.
- __________ is to do with farming.
- ____________ is important for the planet.
- A million pounds is a __________ sum of money.
- Good students are very _________ nowadays.
- Water is a natural __________.
- How many books will we __________?
- Travelling is a wonderful _____________.
- The college will _________ us with books.
- There is a large ________ of people here.
- Please _____________ the books to the class.
- The situation is __________. We need help now!
- The ___________ rainfall is 10cm per year.
- This is a big ________. We have no food.
- The weather is _____________ hot today.
20 Clues: Water is a natural __________. • The food was __________. Not bad! • __________ is to do with farming. • How many books will we __________? • Relax and just go with the _________. • The weather is _____________ hot today. • Travelling is a wonderful _____________. • This is a big ________. We have no food. • The college will _________ us with books. • ...
Media Center Orientation 2020-08-03
- How many books may you check out at once?
- What color is the date due card in the back of each book checked out?
- Books based on facts, real events or people.
- How much is the late fee per day, per book?
- The section of books for our children's picture books
- The section of books about a person's life.
- The level of reading complexity of a book.
- Novels and chapter books with imaginary events or people are called this.
- The program on the computer to help look up a book.
- The location to place a returned book.
- These labels are on many books to help identify the type of book.
- What do you scan to sign in?
- The information given about a book which can include a summary or key topics, found in the first few pages of a book.
- How many weeks is the check out period?
- How will I be notified if I have a late book?
15 Clues: What do you scan to sign in? • The location to place a returned book. • How many weeks is the check out period? • How many books may you check out at once? • The level of reading complexity of a book. • How much is the late fee per day, per book? • The section of books about a person's life. • Books based on facts, real events or people. • ...
Library induction 2014-03-13
- '_____and fun reads': The section you will find books that are easy to read
- The author, whose surname begins with H, who wrote Oblivion and the Alex Rider seres.
- The name given to books based on fact
- The number of weeks you can take a book out before returning or renewing
- A book that is written about a persons life
- The name given to books based on imaginary stories
- The colour sticker on humorous books
- The alphabetical order is by author _________
- A section of books where you will find the authors Charles dickens, jane Austin
- Name the Shakespeare play, 'The ____ of Venice'
- The reading challenge created by footballers
- If my books is overdue I will get a ______________
- The section of books that are full of magical creatures and talking animals
- The __________ date is stamped in the front of the book
14 Clues: The colour sticker on humorous books • The name given to books based on fact • A book that is written about a persons life • The reading challenge created by footballers • The alphabetical order is by author _________ • Name the Shakespeare play, 'The ____ of Venice' • If my books is overdue I will get a ______________ • ...
Bible Books One 2018-03-12
- This song teaches love is loyal always strong
- Tells how life is like when Jesus rules
- Helped rebuild the city and its walls
- 1 Chronicles teaches______ from the past
- The kingdom is________North and South
- This was Lost in book of Genesis
- Some lost their chance to see this
- Gods people saved by his mighty hand
- Job teaches us this is precious
- Most men in 2 Kings were bad but some were ______
- The wisdom of its words is always true
- Esther spoke with this at the right time
- The nation falls because of bad leaders
- King David has trouble in his house
- This book helps us listen and obey
- Joshua - Each ____ got a place to call their own
- Inspired songs to praise God
- Serving God brings ______ Ecclesiastes
- Performing Mighty Deeds
- This book kept the people holy
- Restored true worship
- Rewarded with a family and a home
- 1 Samuel God chooses ______
23 Clues: Restored true worship • Performing Mighty Deeds • 1 Samuel God chooses ______ • Inspired songs to praise God • This book kept the people holy • Job teaches us this is precious • This was Lost in book of Genesis • Rewarded with a family and a home • This book helps us listen and obey • Some lost their chance to see this • King David has trouble in his house • ...
Bible Books One 2018-03-12
- Restored true worship
- 1 Samuel God chooses ______
- Job teaches us this is precious
- Serving God brings ______ Ecclesiastes
- This book helps us listen and obey
- The nation falls because of bad leaders
- 1 Chronicles teaches______ from the past
- Inspired songs to praise God
- The kingdom is________North and South
- Performing Mighty Deeds
- Esther spoke with this at the right time
- This was Lost in book of Genesis
- Some lost their chance to see this
- This book kept the people holy
- The wisdom of its words is always true
- Rewarded with a family and a home
- Joshua - Each ____ got a place to call their own
- Most men in 2 Kings were bad but some were ______
- This song teaches love is loyal always strong
- Helped rebuild the city and its walls
- King David has trouble in his house
- Tells how life is like when Jesus rules
- Gods people saved by his mighty hand
23 Clues: Restored true worship • Performing Mighty Deeds • 1 Samuel God chooses ______ • Inspired songs to praise God • This book kept the people holy • Job teaches us this is precious • This was Lost in book of Genesis • Rewarded with a family and a home • Some lost their chance to see this • This book helps us listen and obey • King David has trouble in his house • ...
Old Testament Books 2020-03-03
- took a wife who was living in sin
- He created us
- comes to preach reparation
- He build a great wall
- Do you love life?
- In his suffering there's no equal
- will be the ones in command
- He restores after the fall
- The promised land
- yelled against Nineveh
- a judge who spoke truth
- Elijah will come before the messiah
- asks who is like Jehovah
- He led them through the wilderness
- He gets behind the scenes
- a revival under Josiah
- he judges the kings
- questioned Jehovah
- a kinsman redeemer
- God cares fr His people
- do you love your wife?
- tells about a lion's den
- the beginning of wisdom
- says the King will come to Jerusalem on a donkey
- a prophet will rise
- a prophet weeps for a nation
- He set the people free
- judgement if you don't believe
- preached to the Ninevites
- The day of the Lord
- a young virgin shall conceive
- preached against the worship of idols
- crushed the Edomites
- The fear of the Lord
- The Law was professed
- says the judge is the messiah
36 Clues: He created us • Do you love life? • The promised land • a kinsman redeemer • questioned Jehovah • a prophet will rise • The day of the Lord • he judges the kings • crushed the Edomites • The fear of the Lord • He build a great wall • The Law was professed • do you love your wife? • He set the people free • yelled against Nineveh • a revival under Josiah • God cares fr His people • ...
New testament books 2020-03-03
- keep God's commandments
- got to have sanctified living
- He is The King of the Jews
- putting power in the minister's work
- proof all scriptures contend in the book
- alpha and Omega; no one is greater
- He's the high priest who saves
- dealing with a runaway slave
- the dead will resurrect
- performance of god in bodily form
- Joy in all my trials
- He is a servant
- instructions for the church
- the law had to take a drift
- he's the Son of Man
- every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess
- takes a sentence with no guile
- He is the giver of gifts
- He's the giver of all grace
- He is the Son of god
- Jesus ascends to heaven
21 Clues: He is a servant • he's the Son of Man • Joy in all my trials • He is the Son of god • keep God's commandments • Jesus ascends to heaven • the dead will resurrect • He is the giver of gifts • He is The King of the Jews • instructions for the church • the law had to take a drift • He's the giver of all grace • dealing with a runaway slave • got to have sanctified living • ...
Books and Authors 2021-01-26
- Lightkeeper's Daughter
- Dead Until Dark
- Odd Thomas
- The Casual Vacancy
- Open Season
- One Perfect Lie
- One Tuesday Morning
- The English Son
- Calico Joe
- Night Passage
- No Greater Love
- Loves Music, Loves to Dance
- One for the Money
- New York Dead
- Memory Man
- Mr. Mercedes
- Swans of Fifth Avenue
- Killing Floor
- Her Royal Spyness
- Death on the Nile
- Miracle on the 17th Green
- A Duty to the Dead
- By Order of the President
- Girls of Mischief Bay
- The Sherbrooke Bride
- The Next Always
- This Calder Sky
- One Rough Man
- Cane and Abe
- Someone to Love
- Sworn to Silence
- Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder
- Kindness Goes Unpunished
- Winter Street
- Message in a Bottle
- Water Bound
36 Clues: Odd Thomas • Calico Joe • Memory Man • Open Season • Water Bound • Cane and Abe • Mr. Mercedes • One Rough Man • Night Passage • Winter Street • New York Dead • Killing Floor • Dead Until Dark • The Next Always • This Calder Sky • One Perfect Lie • The English Son • Someone to Love • No Greater Love • Sworn to Silence • Death on the Nile • One for the Money • Her Royal Spyness • A Duty to the Dead • The Casual Vacancy • ...
All About Books 2021-02-07
- 24 singing pages (5)
- A useless body part? (8)
- An original thought (5,4)
- Errand boy (4)
- A body of writing (4)
- Check out for more reading (12)
- Supports reading from start to finish (8)
- I'll look at that again! (6)
- Reserve an award? (6,5)
- Don't take it away - you might get the job! (9)
- You can't put it down (4,6)
- You may arouse a fire reading on this! (6)
- Happy at the front (8)
- The next in line (6)
- It ain't true! (7)
- Penguin, for example (9)
- A small fiction (7)
- It's all about me! (13)
- The creator! (6)
- Imitate accurately (9)
- Liquid pebbles? (11)
- A prickly part of the book (5)
- A synopsis - not for Winter!(7)
- The Lord of the Rings, for example (7)
24 Clues: Errand boy (4) • The creator! (6) • It ain't true! (7) • A small fiction (7) • 24 singing pages (5) • The next in line (6) • Liquid pebbles? (11) • A body of writing (4) • Happy at the front (8) • Imitate accurately (9) • It's all about me! (13) • Reserve an award? (6,5) • A useless body part? (8) • Penguin, for example (9) • An original thought (5,4) • You can't put it down (4,6) • ...
- the first page of a story.
- a story of somebody’s life.
- a person that prepares and issues books.
- one of the most creative genres in literature.
- the written text of a movie.
- devise the sequence of events in (a novel, movie).
- the ability to form ideas, images in the mind
- a writer of fiction
- all the actors in a movie
- a filmmaker screen.
- the last minute of a film.
- a book or a movie that is a great success.
- a particular type of literature, music, film form
- worth remembering
- to change (something) radically or fundamentally.
- computer-generated images for films.
- a person in a novel, play, or movie.
- a book that is very popular.
- when and where a story takes place
- an audio programme like Talk Radio
20 Clues: worth remembering • a writer of fiction • a filmmaker screen. • all the actors in a movie • the first page of a story. • the last minute of a film. • a story of somebody’s life. • a book that is very popular. • the written text of a movie. • when and where a story takes place • an audio programme like Talk Radio • computer-generated images for films. • ...
Books R Us 2020-07-16
- Best selling book of all time
- Placeholder for where one stops reading
- Famous Ernest
- Text written for a film actor
- Villain
- Barrier for an author
- Egyptian writing tool
- Writing utensil used to sign the Magna Carta
- Best Seller’s List Publisher
- Nancy Drew genre
- Author who glamorized fence painting
- Farmer’s go-to book
- Protagonist
- Clothing for a book
- Online book retailer
- Invisible author
- Old school method of writing
- The real Dr. Seuss
- Shape of the line of an effective story
- Literary device used in “as busy as a bee”
- To plan secretly
21 Clues: Villain • Protagonist • Famous Ernest • Invisible author • To plan secretly • Nancy Drew genre • The real Dr. Seuss • Farmer’s go-to book • Clothing for a book • Online book retailer • Barrier for an author • Egyptian writing tool • Old school method of writing • Best Seller’s List Publisher • Best selling book of all time • Text written for a film actor • Author who glamorized fence painting • ...
Australian Fishing Books 2020-11-27
- Ten Years with the Palette, Shot Gun and Rifle
- Guide to Fishing in Southern Tasmania
- The Quest of the Trout
- The Jumpinpin Bream Story
- Fishing for Snapper
- Tricking Bigger Trout
- Trouting in Tasmania
- Bethune on Bass
- 100 Years in Timber
- Waterfall Farm Fly Fishers’ Club
- Dry Flies of the Fleurieu Peninsula
- Come Fly Fish with Me
- Memories of the Shannon Rise
- Titans of the Great Barrier Reef
- The Speckled Success
- Out Fishing
- Freshwater Fishing in South West Australia
- Gone Fishing
- Shadowing the Ghost of the Estuary
- Australian Fly Patterns
- Yesterday’s Fishermen
- Guide to Fishing in Tasmania
- The Other Side of the Hill
- Lifelong Pleasure
- The Country for an Angler
25 Clues: Out Fishing • Gone Fishing • Bethune on Bass • Lifelong Pleasure • Fishing for Snapper • 100 Years in Timber • The Speckled Success • Trouting in Tasmania • Yesterday’s Fishermen • Tricking Bigger Trout • Come Fly Fish with Me • The Quest of the Trout • Australian Fly Patterns • The Jumpinpin Bream Story • The Country for an Angler • The Other Side of the Hill • Memories of the Shannon Rise • ...
Books and movies 2021-06-09
- Money given by publisher to an author beforehand.
- Someone who tells you if a book, movie, etc is good.
- A version of a scene, or part of a scene.
- A book which is very enjoyable to read.
- The person responsible for revising and correcting a work.
- To fail, used for books, movies, and other things.
- To approve a project.
- Daily, unedited video footage
- The person in charge of the business side of making a movie.
- The person in charge of creating a movie.
- A work based on another one, usually from another medium.
- Acronym referring to a number used to ID books.
- A series composed of three works.
- A book which does extremely well.
- The actors in a movie
- A book, or movie, with characters from a previous work. Not a sequel.
- Acronym for a genre aimed at people between 13-20, approximately.
- The 'voice' of the story.
- Reading a script with little or no prior preparation.
- Someone who represents an actor or author, for example.
- To correct a text for errors.
- Protects the rights of the creator to make money off a product.
- The events which compose the main story.
- A short clip used to generate excitement
- A very successful movie
- A critical analysis of a work.
- To make the script more energetic.
- To buy the right to use a work in a movie.
- Practice for actors
29 Clues: Practice for actors • To approve a project. • The actors in a movie • A very successful movie • The 'voice' of the story. • To correct a text for errors. • Daily, unedited video footage • A critical analysis of a work. • A series composed of three works. • A book which does extremely well. • To make the script more energetic. • A book which is very enjoyable to read. • ...
5th Grade Books 2021-03-25
- Character who fought in the Civil War
- Name of a dog
- State where the Ingall's settled in Little House on the Prairie
- Disease Peg fought at the Sheltering Arms
- Luke's fake name
- Character living 150 years later than she thought
- Book about the Yellow Fever epidemic of 1793
- Frances Mary traveled on an ____ to reach Kansas
- Character killed in a rally
- Character who had a facial difference
- Villain who conquered Narnia (2 words, no space)
- Place where bad boys are sent to dig holes.
- Originally thing used to travel to Narnia
- Last name of Narnia author
- Youngest person to win a Nobel Peace Prize
- Name of Caspian's Ship (2 words)
- Movie Star Dog
- Book set during the Revolutionary War
- Barrier separating Gerta's family (two words)
- Narnian Prince
- Magical world traveled to by swinging on a rope
- Name of Luke's school
- Thing that injured Mr. Terupt
- Tool used in the wilderness
- Name for the NASA missions to the moon
- Alternative name for a pen
26 Clues: Name of a dog • Movie Star Dog • Narnian Prince • Luke's fake name • Name of Luke's school • Alternative name for a pen • Last name of Narnia author • Character killed in a rally • Tool used in the wilderness • Thing that injured Mr. Terupt • Name of Caspian's Ship (2 words) • Character who fought in the Civil War • Book set during the Revolutionary War • ...
Bagels and Books 2021-07-06
- B.'s signature style choice #1
- *What do scholars eat when they're hungry?
- The book A. and B. were coincidentally reading at the same time
- A.'s alter ego who occasionally sends B. late night texts
- Despite being a "good girl", A. still likes it when B. ___ to her
- Indianapolis dinner location: McCormick and ___
- A. and B. both found the ___ to be depressing place
- Where A. and B. first met
- B. has yet to play ___ for A. (even though he said he would)
- A. and B. used to love sitting on the ___ of her house
- Children's book both A. and B. adored
- B.'s musical porch partner
- B. used the free ___ as an excuse to visit A. at work
- Despite being a "good girl", A. also likes it when B. ___ her
- ___ will confuse B. until the end of days
- B.'s polite word choice for his favorite part of A.'s body
- B. seems to like A. in this position
- A. and B.'s shared birthday month
- B.'s favorite BBC order
- B. read ___ to A. the first night they hung out
- Dogs are the ___
- B. has only watched one season of this dynamic Netflix show
- Sporting event in B.'s hometown that A. is clearly clueless about
- A.'s least favorite Shakespeare play
- *What kind of music did the pilgrims listen to?
- B.'s least favorite of A.'s drink choices
- B. used to write poems for A. on ___
- B. seems to think A.'s ___ are a sexy look
- A. and B.'s adorably nerdy shared hobby
- B.'s signature style choice #2
- It had been almost ___ since they had spoken before B. reached out
- A. is now self-conscious about using her ___ while they talk
- B. serenaded A. with ___ during her bagel days
- B. has twice "stolen" one of these from A.
- *Air used to be free at gas stations. Now it's $1.50. Why?
- Number on B.'s motorcycle license plate
- Item not used during recent hotel stays
- B. seems to like it when A. wears this color
- A. finds B.'s ___ to be incredibly sexy
- Where A. and B. can stalk each other's book choices
- B.'s old term of endearment for A.
- A. feels like she can be ___ with B.
- *How can you tell if a snowman is a boy or a girl?
- rose A.'s preferred wine choice (for the moment)
- A. and B. both seem to enjoy "getting frisky" in the ___
- A. likes to sleep in B.'s ___ when she gets the chance
- *Don't trust those trees. They look ___.
- A.'s first car
- *What do you call a lazy kangaroo?
- A. has a tendency to ___, both in emails and on the phone
- Most romantic city in America
- B.'s bedtime
- A.'s toes still ___ when she thinks about B.
- A. was at the ___ when she first called B.
- How the starred clues might be categorized
- *What do you call a sad cup of coffee?
- Because of B.'s influence, A. has started using the ___
- Flying mammal B. removed from A.'s house
58 Clues: B.'s bedtime • A.'s first car • Dogs are the ___ • B.'s favorite BBC order • Where A. and B. first met • B.'s musical porch partner • Most romantic city in America • B.'s signature style choice #1 • B.'s signature style choice #2 • A. and B.'s shared birthday month • B.'s old term of endearment for A. • *What do you call a lazy kangaroo? • B. used to write poems for A. on ___ • ...
Books and Authors 2022-03-15
- Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?
- This is the surname of the man who wrote 'Romeo and Juliet'.
- Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?
- Indian businesswoman, educator and author. "How I Taught My Grandmother" is one of her famous works.
- Famous story of a giant man by Jonathan Swift.
- bestselling book of financial literacy written by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter.
- Who was the writer of 'Alice's adventures in Wonderland'?
- Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?
- Novel to be inspired by the real-life story of the north Indian author and his wife who is from Tamil Nadu.
- Indian filmmaker, screenwriter, documentary filmmaker, author, essayist and lyricist who received Oscar in 1992 for Lifetime Achievement.
- Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.
- Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?
- This is the name given to a fiction book.
- Author of the famous book "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes".
- The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari The novel by ___________ is a beautifully written fable.
- compilation of satirical stories written by Twinkle Khanna
- Most famous character from the book Malgudi Days.
- A famous novel written by Kalidasa.
- Which creepy series of books did R. L. Stine write?
- Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books?
20 Clues: Who was the writer of 'Devdas'? • Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'. • A famous novel written by Kalidasa. • Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'? • This is the name given to a fiction book. • Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'? • Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'? • Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books? • ...
Books and Authors 2022-03-15
- This is the surname of the man who wrote 'Romeo and Juliet'.
- Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?
- Novel to be inspired by the real-life story of the north Indian author and his wife who is from Tamil Nadu.
- compilation of satirical stories written by Twinkle Khanna
- The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari The novel by ___________ is a beautifully written fable.
- bestselling book of financial literacy written by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter.
- Famous story of a giant man by Jonathan Swift.
- Author of the famous book "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes".
- A famous novel written by Kalidasa.
- Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?
- Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.
- Indian filmmaker, screenwriter, documentary filmmaker, author, essayist and lyricist who received Oscar in 1992 for Lifetime Achievement.
- Indian businesswoman, educator and author. "How I Taught My Grandmother" is one of her famous works.
- Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?
- Most famous character from the book Malgudi Days.
- Which creepy series of books did R. L. Stine write?
- Who was the writer of 'Alice's adventures in Wonderland'?
- Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?
- Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books?
- This is the name given to a fiction book.
20 Clues: Who was the writer of 'Devdas'? • Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'. • A famous novel written by Kalidasa. • Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'? • This is the name given to a fiction book. • Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'? • Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'? • Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books? • ...
Books and Authors 2022-03-15
- Famous story of a giant man by Jonathan Swift.
- Novel to be inspired by the real-life story of the north Indian author and his wife who is from Tamil Nadu.
- Which creepy series of books did R. L. Stine write?
- bestselling book of financial literacy written by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter.
- Indian filmmaker, screenwriter, documentary filmmaker, author, essayist and lyricist who received Oscar in 1992 for Lifetime Achievement.
- Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?
- Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?
- Author of the famous book "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes".
- Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?
- Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?
- This is the name given to a fiction book.
- Most famous character from the book Malgudi Days.
- A famous novel written by Kalidasa.
- Who was the writer of 'Alice's adventures in Wonderland'?
- Indian businesswoman, educator and author. "How I Taught My Grandmother" is one of her famous works.
- Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books?
- Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.
- The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari The novel by ___________ is a beautifully written fable.
- This is the surname of the man who wrote 'Romeo and Juliet'.
- "Gitanjali" is written by _________.
20 Clues: Who was the writer of 'Devdas'? • Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'. • A famous novel written by Kalidasa. • Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'? • "Gitanjali" is written by _________. • This is the name given to a fiction book. • Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'? • Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'? • Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books? • ...
Books 15-21 2022-10-27
- Achilles is torn between his ______?
- Zeus is ultimately working for the Trojans because of _____
- Which son of Priam is killed?
- in book 20, Zeus allows the gods to ______?
- Patroclus tells Hector that he has only been victorious because of
- Achilles receives new armor from?
- Who responds to Achilles's grieving?
- Patroclus takes care of this wounded Greek soldier
- Hector tries to recover Patroclus's body to
- Ajax is able to defend the Greek ships with a
- Athena fills Achilles's stomach with _______
- Who ends up with the armor of Achilles following Patroclus's death?
- Achilles's charioteer is saved by which god's interferance?
- Who wounds Hector?
- Aeneas is saved by?
- Who grieves with Achilles?
- Who breathes strength into Hector after he is wounded?
- Patroclus's death is mourned first by who?
- Who delivers the news of Patroclus's death?
- Who is the first to defend Patroclus's body
- What is the only thing that will bring Achilles back to the fight?
- Achilles and Agamemnon ______
- Who is Achilles's charioteer?
- The death of _________ inspires Hector.
- Achilles lends all of his weapons to Patroclus except for his ______.
- Patroclus leads ________
- Patroclus uses this to frighten the Trojan soldier into retreating.
- Menelaos and ________ carry Patroclus's body
- Apollo inspires ______ to fight Achilles.
- Who tells the other gods of Zeus' plan to let Apollo fight with the Trojans in Book 15?
30 Clues: Who wounds Hector? • Aeneas is saved by? • Patroclus leads ________ • Who grieves with Achilles? • Which son of Priam is killed? • Achilles and Agamemnon ______ • Who is Achilles's charioteer? • Achilles receives new armor from? • Achilles is torn between his ______? • Who responds to Achilles's grieving? • The death of _________ inspires Hector. • ...
Rick Riordan's Books 2022-05-03
- Nico's cave runner friends
- the original rope binding the Fenris wolf
- the literal and figurative end of the mark of Athena
- the meaning of Sam the Valkyrie's last name
- Zia Rashid's host god
- a fear shared by all of athena's children
- the fire maniac that was in the prophecy of the 7
- the daughter of Zeus who is afraid of heights
- the defensive weapon of the pharaoh
- the thing that gave Leo the physician's cure
- apollo's master while he was mortal
- primordial god and pit sounds like tauter sauce
- the way that alex first killed magnus
- the mountain where enchiladas broke Jason's lance
- offensive weapon of the pharaoh
- the number of times Annabeth has been to a funeral of a person close to her who is not dead
- Carter Kane's father
- the goddess of snow from greek mythology
- The sword of summers name given to him by Magnus
- the evil dragon bat human with two scimitars in the battle of the labyrinth
20 Clues: Carter Kane's father • Zia Rashid's host god • Nico's cave runner friends • offensive weapon of the pharaoh • the defensive weapon of the pharaoh • apollo's master while he was mortal • the way that alex first killed magnus • the goddess of snow from greek mythology • the original rope binding the Fenris wolf • a fear shared by all of athena's children • ...
NT Books: Themes 2023-02-23
- Future Events
- Truth and Giving
- Commitment
- Growing in Faith
- Jesus, Son of God
- Love
- Choices
- Service and Growth
- A Healthy Church
- Faith and Fruit
- Jesus, Son of Man
- Jesus, Messiah and King
- Saving and Sanctifying Grace
- Conduct
- Love and Truth
- Forgiveness
- Jesus, Servant Redeemer
- Unity and Relationship
- Contentment
- Trials and Perseverance
- The Early Church
21 Clues: Love • Conduct • Choices • Commitment • Forgiveness • Contentment • Future Events • Love and Truth • Faith and Fruit • Truth and Giving • Growing in Faith • A Healthy Church • The Early Church • Jesus, Son of God • Jesus, Son of Man • Service and Growth • Unity and Relationship • Jesus, Messiah and King • Jesus, Servant Redeemer • Trials and Perseverance • Saving and Sanctifying Grace
books and movies 2024-08-16
- mission inpossible
- after john
- ______ boys book seires
- 20,000_____ under the sea
- author of the jungle book
- director of Hobbits
- gandalfs horse
- _______ Jones
- much ado about nothing
- War and ______
- "The hills are alive"
- cat in the _____
- to kill a_______
- Grus best sidekicks
- the bear in a trench coat
- The lion in narnia
- Marty from back to the future
- _____fairy tales
- African animal kids movie
- famous 80s tornado movie
- the adventures of_________ finn
- leader of the Round table
- school of witchcraft and wizardry
23 Clues: after john • _______ Jones • gandalfs horse • War and ______ • to kill a_______ • _____fairy tales • cat in the _____ • The lion in narnia • mission inpossible • Grus best sidekicks • director of Hobbits • "The hills are alive" • much ado about nothing • ______ boys book seires • famous 80s tornado movie • the bear in a trench coat • African animal kids movie • 20,000_____ under the sea • ...
BOOKS GOOD LUCK 2023-12-08
Crossword 45 - Books 2023-10-09
- The story's villain
- A spoken book
- Polishing a book
- Made-up stories
- Quoting a book
- Someone who loves reading
- Polishes a book before publishing
- Ability to read and write
- Magical stories
- A section of a book
- A person in the story
- Book's reference list
- The person who writes the book
- A digital book
- E-reader device
- Overused story elements
- End of a book
- High-quality writing
- A top-selling book
- Timeless, enduring books
- Book's intro pages
- A life story
- Self-written life story
- Bleak future novels
- Characters talking
- Vivid book descriptions
- Tense, emotional books
- Book's tribute
- Reading group
- Book protection
- Extra book info
- Beautiful writing
- Author's name
- Long, heroic story
- A book category
- Extra info in a book
- Sturdy book cover
- Used for old-style writing
- A place with lots of books
- Book lover
40 Clues: Book lover • A life story • A spoken book • Reading group • Author's name • End of a book • Book's tribute • Quoting a book • A digital book • Made-up stories • Book protection • Extra book info • A book category • Magical stories • E-reader device • Polishing a book • Beautiful writing • Sturdy book cover • Book's intro pages • Characters talking • Long, heroic story • A top-selling book • The story's villain • ...
Books of Bible 2024-03-12
- His epistle contains one chapter - The penultimate book (4)
- Tells of a man who lost everything but got back more (3)
- Prophet who anointed Saul (6)
- Wrote about the restoration of the temple of Jerusalem (4)
- Paul wrote many of these (7)
- Last Book of the Old Testament (7)
- Jesus’ brother, who wrote the book (5)
- Contains 150 songs - David wrote many of these (6)
- A shepherd called by God to become a prophet (4)
- He was thrown into a den of hungry lions (6)
- A prophet, reluctant to go to Nineveh (5)
- Words of wisdom (8)
- A book covering 350 years of Israel's "Dark Ages." (6)
- Successor to Queen Vashti (6)
- Shortest book in the Old Testament (7)
- Detail the various deeds or actions of the Apostles (4)
- Tells about creation (7)
- This Testament contains 39 books (3)
- Number of letters written by John (5)
- Written by John (10)
- He prophesied the coming of the Messiah (5)
- He saw God seated in the temple, surrounded by six angels (6)
- One of the gospel writers (4)
- There are 66 of these in the Bible (5)
24 Clues: Words of wisdom (8) • Written by John (10) • Tells about creation (7) • Paul wrote many of these (7) • Successor to Queen Vashti (6) • Prophet who anointed Saul (6) • One of the gospel writers (4) • Last Book of the Old Testament (7) • This Testament contains 39 books (3) • Number of letters written by John (5) • Shortest book in the Old Testament (7) • ...
Library Skills Crossword 2024-04-09
- The genre of book that is unrealistic and can contain magic.
- Popular graphic novel by Tui T. Sutherland. 'Wings of ____'
- A kind of book that is 'made up'.
- The planet the aliens came from in the famous story 'War of the Worlds'.
- An important skill that is used every day of your life.
- What we do with library books before we take them home.
- Author known for famous stories such as Matilda and the BFG. Roald ____.
- You can't borrow without it.
- Author known for writing horror stories for children. R.L. _____.
- We treat our library books with this.
- Fiction books are organised by the first letter of this.
- The part of a story that introduces characters and the world in which they live.
- A short summary of what contains, usually found on the back.
- Books about real life topics like history or science.
- The genre of book that makes us laugh.
- This is used when reading to see a story in your mind.
- The genre of book that can make us feel scared.
- What a book becomes if you keep it too long.
- Like a comic book, but with more pages.
- Author known for the creation of Pig the Pug. Aaron ______.
- The system used to organise the non-fiction books.
- What we do with our books when we are finished with them.
22 Clues: You can't borrow without it. • A kind of book that is 'made up'. • We treat our library books with this. • The genre of book that makes us laugh. • Like a comic book, but with more pages. • What a book becomes if you keep it too long. • The genre of book that can make us feel scared. • The system used to organise the non-fiction books. • ...
How Books are Made 2023-09-30
- After the cover is attached, the book is shipped to book ______ and libraries.
- This person comes up with the idea for the story
- The publisher is the company that takes the story and makes it into ______.
- Pages are put together and attached to the front and back _______ .
- The author reads his story over and ________ .
- The pages in hardback books are _________ together.
- Doug likes the _______ of a new book!
- The person who works on the pictures in a story.
- This is a person at the publishing company that has to look at the story for mistakes.
- Paperback books are put together using ________ .
- An author's ideas start from asking a _________ .
- Not all ________ get made into books.
- A practice book is called a ________ .
- These kinds of books have floppy covers.
- This company has machines that make pages into books.
15 Clues: Not all ________ get made into books. • Doug likes the _______ of a new book! • A practice book is called a ________ . • These kinds of books have floppy covers. • The author reads his story over and ________ . • The person who works on the pictures in a story. • This person comes up with the idea for the story • Paperback books are put together using ________ . • ...
Fahrenheit 451 Crossword Puzzle 2023-12-29
- bomb falls on the city, reducing it to rubble and ash
- who bans books because it contains ideas and thoughts about life
- of faith Mrs. Phelps cries when Montag reads this poem
- Walls extremely large television screens, which are the size of an entire wall of a person's home
- 451 title of the book
- was holding about 20 books in there
- what killed Clarissa
- Montag the main character
- Captain Beatty was killed by Montag with this item
- station a facility where fire engines and other equipment of a fire department are housed.
- small radio devices nearly everyone in Montag's society wears to receive constant broadcasts of information
- Beatty is Montag's boss and the Captain at the fire station where Montag works
- hound, a robot dog that destroys anyone or anything that has to do with books
- is the leader of a group of intellectuals and a friend to Montag
- Faber mentor to Montag after Montag reads the books he has been sneaking into his house.
- pills Mildred attempted suicide with this
- flammable liquid used to make fire to destroy books
- a strange girl who changes his perspective on life
- people want to ban them because they contain thoughts and ideas
- to drink and explains that it will change the chemical index of his perspiration so the Hound will not be able to find him.
20 Clues: what killed Clarissa • 451 title of the book • Montag the main character • was holding about 20 books in there • pills Mildred attempted suicide with this • a strange girl who changes his perspective on life • flammable liquid used to make fire to destroy books • Captain Beatty was killed by Montag with this item • bomb falls on the city, reducing it to rubble and ash • ...
icms 7th teachers 2022-03-22
14 Clues: gym • 3x+1 • RACE • globe • essays • computerz • speakers!!! • trail build • tiny room math • mc esher fangirl • books books books • tiny room english • dont touch mah paint • health teacher but smokes
ISD CROSSWORD 2012-02-01