books Crossword Puzzles

Fahrenheit 451 2020-11-05

Fahrenheit 451 crossword puzzle
  1. Author of the book
  2. millies 2nd friend
  3. teaches montag about books
  4. what the used to burn books
  5. The protagonist
  6. the book colector
  1. Firemen that burned books
  2. Young lady montag encounters
  3. Montag's Wife
  4. millies friend
  5. The fire captain
  6. the main idea in the story
  7. the people that burned the books
  8. A book by Ray Bradbury
  9. the leader of the book people

15 Clues: Montag's Wifemillies friendThe protagonistThe fire captainthe book colectorAuthor of the bookmillies 2nd friendA book by Ray BradburyFiremen that burned booksthe main idea in the storyteaches montag about bookswhat the used to burn booksYoung lady montag encountersthe leader of the book peoplethe people that burned the books

Unit 4 review game-Bermes 2019-11-07

Unit 4 review game-Bermes crossword puzzle
  1. One of the supposed original sources of the Pentateuch, particularly the book of deuteronomy.
  2. An event or person in scripture that points toward a letter event or person.
  3. one of the supposed original sources of the pentateuch, thought to be a later editor who revised all 5 books to reflect the concerns of the Jerusalem priesthood.
  4. from the latin word "testamentum"
  5. the 5 books of Moses
  6. A letter addressed to a particular person or people, makes up much of the NT.
  7. The books which contain the truth of God's revelation and were composed by human authors inspired by the HS.
  8. The OT books that comprise the stories of the prophets who cast judgement and warn of divine retribution while calling israel to repent.
  9. Because God is truth, there is an absolute unity and coherence of truths contained in the various books of the bible.
  10. The books of the bible that were included in the Jewish or Hebrew canon.
  1. The twenty-seven books of the bible, written by sacred authors in apostolic times.
  2. The study of ancestry, or a chronological list of ancestors.
  3. One of the supposed original sources of the Pentateuch, reflecting the perspective of Jews in the north kingdom of Israel.
  4. From a greek word meaning "five books"
  5. A third-century BC Greek translation of the scriptures.
  6. The portion of the mass that includes the reading of scripture and the homily.
  7. figure
  8. The portion of the mass that includes the preparation of the bread and wine.
  9. The fourty-six books of the Bible that record the history of salvation from creation until the time of christ.
  10. Greek ans Latin for "rule", the churches complete list of inspired books in the bible.
  11. One who proclaims the euangellion or gospel.
  12. An old English rendering of the Greek for "good news"
  13. The parts of the OT that were removed from the Jewish or Hebrew canon of scripture.
  14. An edition of the OT, produced by origen, that presented the texts in Hebrew and Greek in side-by-side columns.
  15. A type of sacred literature characterized by symbolic imagery pointing to the expectation that the powers of evil will be destroyed.
  16. from the Greek word "prophetes" meaning "one who speaks for"

26 Clues: figurethe 5 books of Mosesfrom the latin word "testamentum"From a greek word meaning "five books"One who proclaims the euangellion or gospel.An old English rendering of the Greek for "good news"A third-century BC Greek translation of the scriptures.The study of ancestry, or a chronological list of ancestors....

books & geners 2021-04-23

books & geners crossword puzzle
  1. The story is not true
  2. Written with a great deal of imagination
  3. A book about someone else
  4. Usually action packed
  5. A book about one’s own life story
  6. Read this to know God’s word
  1. Look here for words and their meanings
  2. A love story is the main theme
  3. Very scary story
  4. Use this to discover details about pretty much everything
  5. Often includes a detective to solve something
  6. Maps of the world are found in it
  7. About what happened in the past

13 Clues: Very scary storyThe story is not trueUsually action packedA book about someone elseRead this to know God’s wordA love story is the main themeAbout what happened in the pastMaps of the world are found in itA book about one’s own life storyLook here for words and their meaningsWritten with a great deal of imagination...

books anyone??? 2023-10-11

books anyone??? crossword puzzle
  1. the knotting of string or cord
  2. a famous play writer
  3. Edward and Bella
  4. a word in the dictionary that is always spelled incorrectly
  5. A state where the last 4 letters are the first 4 of the capital
  6. a fantasy of greek mythology
  1. a flag that consists of 7 shades of orange and pink
  2. a state with 4 eyes
  3. The largest country, geographically
  4. A children’s book where there is a tuxedo cat involved
  5. like a ukulele
  6. like a toad
  7. Married to Jay-Z

13 Clues: like a toadlike a ukuleleEdward and BellaMarried to Jay-Za state with 4 eyesa famous play writera fantasy of greek mythologythe knotting of string or cordThe largest country, geographicallya flag that consists of 7 shades of orange and pinkA children’s book where there is a tuxedo cat involved...

Bindi books 2024-05-30

Bindi books crossword puzzle
  1. what is the aboriginal word for black cockatoo
  2. what game does the main character and her friends play by the old mines
  3. What is the aboriginal word for rain
  4. Who is the main character
  5. WHO is the main character’s best friend
  6. the main character’s brother
  7. What is the big event that threatens the main character’s home town
  1. what injury does the main character sustain
  2. what is the aboriginal word for fire
  3. What is the name of the main character’s horse
  4. the main character’s sister
  5. What team game does the main character play
  6. what trees did they plant in seedlings

13 Clues: Who is the main characterthe main character’s sisterthe main character’s brotherwhat is the aboriginal word for fireWhat is the aboriginal word for rainwhat trees did they plant in seedlingsWHO is the main character’s best friendwhat injury does the main character sustainWhat team game does the main character play...

Comic Books 2024-07-25

Comic Books crossword puzzle
  1. X-Men's metal-clawed mutant
  2. Leader of the X-Men
  3. Anti-hero with a healing factor and sarcasm
  4. Marvel Comics' first family, "Fantastic ___"
  5. DC Comics' billionaire vigilante
  1. Wonder Woman's homeland
  2. Peter Parker's boss at the Daily Bugle
  3. Superhero team with Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America
  4. "The Man of Steel"
  5. Gotham City's police commissioner
  6. who got powers from a radioactive spider
  7. Superhero who wields Mjolnir
  8. Marvel's king of Wakanda, "___ Panther"

13 Clues: "The Man of Steel"Leader of the X-MenWonder Woman's homelandX-Men's metal-clawed mutantSuperhero who wields MjolnirDC Comics' billionaire vigilanteGotham City's police commissionerPeter Parker's boss at the Daily BugleMarvel's king of Wakanda, "___ Panther"who got powers from a radioactive spiderAnti-hero with a healing factor and sarcasm...

Term 3 Week 5 - er as in fern 2023-08-15

Term 3 Week 5 - er as in fern crossword puzzle
  1. precious jewellery
  2. bones
  3. building where people pray
  4. area where people live
  5. turned around
  6. mythical sea creature
  7. human
  8. window covering
  9. 5 + 5 + 3
  10. stealing
  11. date you were born
  12. getting hurt
  1. bad, ________, worst
  2. big tent, animals, performers, etc
  3. half a circle
  4. 100 years
  5. piece of clothing
  6. very tasty
  7. books, books, books!
  8. learning practise at home
  9. past tense of hear
  10. opposite of horizontal
  11. wires that carry electricity
  12. very large

24 Clues: boneshumanstealing100 years5 + 5 + 3very tastyvery largegetting hurthalf a circleturned aroundwindow coveringpiece of clothingprecious jewellerypast tense of heardate you were bornbad, ________, worstbooks, books, books!mythical sea creaturearea where people liveopposite of horizontallearning practise at homebuilding where people pray...

Books 2013-08-14

Books crossword puzzle
  1. A book with a flexible paper cover.
  2. A group of three.
  3. Main division of a book.
  4. One side of one leaf.
  1. Part 2.
  2. A person mentioned in a book.
  3. Category.
  4. The back of a book.

8 Clues: Part 2.Category.A group of three.The back of a book.One side of one leaf.Main division of a book.A person mentioned in a book.A book with a flexible paper cover.

books 2016-09-29

books crossword puzzle
  1. when the problem Is solved
  2. a book by Enid Blyton about five adventurous kids
  3. people in the story
  1. bad person in a book or movie
  2. where the story takes place
  3. problem of the story
  4. part of the book where all new words are stored
  5. new words in a story

8 Clues: people in the storyproblem of the storynew words in a storywhen the problem Is solvedwhere the story takes placebad person in a book or moviepart of the book where all new words are storeda book by Enid Blyton about five adventurous kids

Books 2018-09-22

Books crossword puzzle
  1. last stream
  2. fever
  3. rules
  4. school
  1. down
  2. amazing voyage
  3. days
  4. of fantasy

8 Clues: downdaysfeverrulesschoolof fantasylast streamamazing voyage

Books 2023-01-13

Books crossword puzzle
  1. broad
  2. very thin
  3. large amount
  4. a place where books are kept
  5. plural of story
  1. amazing
  2. plural of shelf
  3. used to close the room

8 Clues: broadamazingvery thinlarge amountplural of shelfplural of storyused to close the rooma place where books are kept

Books 2023-04-11

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Rick Riordan is the author of Percy Jackson. His ________ is Riordan.
  2. ________ books are about love stories.
  3. Harumi Murakami is from Japan. He's ____ (nationality).
  1. Don Quixote ___ a Spanish book.
  2. Nora Roberts is a famous author. ____ first name is Nora.
  3. We use _____ and pens to write.
  4. Paulo Coelho is Brazilian. He's from _____.
  5. Stephen King and Dan Brown ____ British. They're American writers.

8 Clues: Don Quixote ___ a Spanish book.We use _____ and pens to write.________ books are about love stories.Paulo Coelho is Brazilian. He's from _____.Harumi Murakami is from Japan. He's ____ (nationality).Nora Roberts is a famous author. ____ first name is Nora.Stephen King and Dan Brown ____ British. They're American writers....

BOOKS 2023-05-03

BOOKS crossword puzzle
  1. A type of book that is meant to be a source of reference, such as a dictionary or encyclopedia
  2. This type of book is available for purchase in bookstores or online
  3. A book that tells a story that is not real, often involving imaginary characters or settings
  1. This type of book is often used for decoration or coffee table displays
  2. The physical form of a book, usually consisting of a front and back cover, spine, and pages
  3. This type of book is often called a "biography"
  4. A shorter version of a book or other written work
  5. This person is responsible for creating a written work

8 Clues: This type of book is often called a "biography"A shorter version of a book or other written workThis person is responsible for creating a written workThis type of book is available for purchase in bookstores or onlineThis type of book is often used for decoration or coffee table displays...

Books 2024-01-08

Books crossword puzzle
  1. little women
  2. girl
  3. Horror
  1. list
  2. whistledown
  3. Offer cant refuse
  4. amir khan
  5. wizard

8 Clues: listgirlHorrorwizardamir khanwhistledownlittle womenOffer cant refuse

Books 2023-10-29

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Book girl/smart-alack
  2. Red head+Freckles=
  3. Bangs boy
  4. Main character
  5. funny jokes
  1. KOTLC
  2. teal eyes

8 Clues: KOTLCteal eyesBangs boyfunny jokesMain characterRed head+Freckles=Book girl/smart-alack

The Book Thief 2021-09-05

The Book Thief crossword puzzle
  1. Liesel's bestfriend
  2. Street Street where Liesel lives
  3. bad dreams
  4. sport played on Himmel Street
  5. someone who steals
  6. main girl character
  7. Country under Hitler's control
  8. Han's musical instrument
  9. narrator of the story
  10. lowest level in a building
  1. city where Liesel lives
  2. dictator of Germany
  3. Place full of books
  4. used to burn books
  5. box or container that holds tools
  6. Liesel's father
  7. Jew in Liesel's basement
  8. someone who plays cards
  9. Liesel's mother
  10. what Liesel liked to steal

20 Clues: bad dreamsLiesel's fatherLiesel's motherused to burn bookssomeone who stealsdictator of GermanyLiesel's bestfriendPlace full of booksmain girl characternarrator of the storycity where Liesel livessomeone who plays cardsJew in Liesel's basementHan's musical instrumentwhat Liesel liked to steallowest level in a buildingsport played on Himmel Street...

Book Snug Crossword 2024-08-06

Book Snug Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Something you read on the back of a Book
  2. People who read books are called
  3. Person in a Book
  4. The person who writes a Book
  5. The parts of a Book
  6. Used to save your page
  7. Where books can be borrowed
  1. A Book you need to read
  2. Where books are stored
  3. The Main Character
  4. Not Villians
  5. Three books in a series
  6. Fantasy, Mystery, Thriller are types of
  7. A machine to read books on

14 Clues: Not VilliansPerson in a BookThe Main CharacterThe parts of a BookWhere books are storedUsed to save your pageA Book you need to readThree books in a seriesA machine to read books onWhere books can be borrowedThe person who writes a BookPeople who read books are calledFantasy, Mystery, Thriller are types ofSomething you read on the back of a Book

Fahrenheit 451 2023-06-15

Fahrenheit 451 crossword puzzle
  1. Montag hid his books after that the ladies left.
  2. Clarisse was hit & killed by one
  3. Mildred took an overdose of sleeping ___.
  4. Author
  5. They burned books & started fires
  6. Captain of the Firemen
  7. Place Montag first hid his books
  8. _____ 451
  9. He snatched books & hid them & got in trouble
  10. main character in the book
  1. Where Montag went after fleeing Faber's house
  2. She liked to think and talk
  3. Place where Montag met Faber
  4. One blew up the city
  5. St. ____;Faber's destination
  6. Montag was afraid the hounds would do this
  7. He helped Montag
  8. Time when most fires were set
  9. is a Small communications device used by Montag & Faber
  10. It smelled like perfume to Montag

20 Clues: Author_____ 451He helped MontagOne blew up the cityCaptain of the Firemenmain character in the bookShe liked to think and talkPlace where Montag met FaberSt. ____;Faber's destinationTime when most fires were setClarisse was hit & killed by onePlace Montag first hid his booksThey burned books & started firesIt smelled like perfume to Montag...

Fahrenheit 451 2023-06-15

Fahrenheit 451 crossword puzzle
  1. Montag hid his books after that the ladies left.
  2. Clarisse was hit & killed by one
  3. Mildred took an overdose of sleeping ___.
  4. Author
  5. They burned books & started fires
  6. Captain of the Firemen
  7. Place Montag first hid his books
  8. _____ 451
  9. He snatched books & hid them & got in trouble
  10. main character in the book
  1. Where Montag went after fleeing Faber's house
  2. She liked to think and talk
  3. Place where Montag met Faber
  4. One blew up the city
  5. St. ____;Faber's destination
  6. Montag was afraid the hounds would do this
  7. He helped Montag
  8. Time when most fires were set
  9. is a Small communications device used by Montag & Faber
  10. It smelled like perfume to Montag

20 Clues: Author_____ 451He helped MontagOne blew up the cityCaptain of the Firemenmain character in the bookShe liked to think and talkPlace where Montag met FaberSt. ____;Faber's destinationTime when most fires were setClarisse was hit & killed by onePlace Montag first hid his booksThey burned books & started firesIt smelled like perfume to Montag...

Let's Visit the Library! 2021-08-18

Let's Visit the Library! crossword puzzle
  1. A library is a place to _________.
  2. I need to bring my yellow library ______ when I come to the library.
  3. Destiny lets me __________ for and find information on books.
  4. How many books can a 2nd, third, or 4th grader check out?
  5. Voice _________ should be a 0 or 1.
  6. My library has _______, Nonfiction and Everybody books.
  7. _________ is the name of Bowen's online catalog.
  1. _________ novels are like comic books.
  2. Treating books with care prevents __________.
  3. Using the Five Finger ______, I can find a just right book!
  4. Using a _______ marker when I book look helpfs me keep the books in correct order.
  5. I need to keep up with my books so they don't get ________.
  6. I ___________ books that I want to borrow from the library.

13 Clues: A library is a place to _________.Voice _________ should be a 0 or 1._________ novels are like comic books.Treating books with care prevents __________._________ is the name of Bowen's online catalog.My library has _______, Nonfiction and Everybody books.How many books can a 2nd, third, or 4th grader check out?...

Unit 4 Review Game- Schenkel 2019-11-07

Unit 4 Review Game- Schenkel crossword puzzle
  1. The ancient numbered their years from the birth of Christ.
  2. Rejected the books of St.Jude,St.James,Hebrews, and Revelation.
  3. There are 20 books in the Old Testament.
  4. What was the first English translation of the Bible?
  5. Hebrew,Greek, and were original languages of the Bible.
  6. The old testament the new testament?
  7. Mark's Gospel was the
  8. What is the greatest book of religious poetry?
  9. There are basic genres in the Old Testament.
  10. Means "measuring rod" or "rule".
  11. Is attributed to writing Revelation.
  12. The First books in the New Testament to be written were the
  13. Wisdom has books.
  1. The version of the Bible was declared by the church as the purest.
  2. There are 46 books in the
  3. A humble, foreign women becomes the grandmother of King David and an ancestor of Christ.
  4. King Jame's version is.
  5. One who proclaims the Gospel is an
  6. Saint Paul the Epistles.
  7. Christ is the
  8. The Gospels were written in 62 AD.
  9. Which prophet had some of the clearest prophecies of Christ?
  10. the letters of were the first written Christian works.
  11. The five books of Moses were
  12. Who speaks throughout the Bible?
  13. We use the New version of the Bible.

26 Clues: Christ is theWisdom has books.Mark's Gospel was theKing Jame's version is.Saint Paul the Epistles.There are 46 books in theThe five books of Moses wereWho speaks throughout the Bible?Means "measuring rod" or "rule".One who proclaims the Gospel is anThe Gospels were written in 62 AD.We use the New version of the Bible....

HCMS Libary 2021-01-20

HCMS Libary crossword puzzle
  1. This is a type of book is in comic strip form
  2. a video of a book to see if you would like to read it
  3. This sometime comes on on the news. It
  4. We use this website to log the minutes that we read. Sometimes Orange County hosts reading challenges on here, too!
  5. The Hcms Librarian and also someone who is also here for good recommendations.
  6. You can take this test for your book. You get Eagle Super Reader points from taking this test
  7. These types of books are not real
  1. We use this to save our page in a book.
  2. Book about real people and their life
  3. The way the library rewards people for taking RC test and getting points.
  4. Books that can be read online.
  5. These type of books you can listen to while doing work
  6. This is a yearly state award where you can read 15 books.
  7. Our library clerk
  8. THis is the place were we put books back so they can be checked in.
  9. This is were we go on Launchpad to find a book or put a book on hold
  10. fiction These books are about history and life and real things.

17 Clues: Our library clerkBooks that can be read online.These types of books are not realBook about real people and their lifeThis sometime comes on on the news. ItWe use this to save our page in a book.This is a type of book is in comic strip forma video of a book to see if you would like to read itThese type of books you can listen to while doing work...

Subtraction Cross Number 2022-02-03

Subtraction Cross Number crossword puzzle
  1. 365 - 245
  2. I had 458 cookies. I sold 145. How many cookies do I have left?
  3. 217 - 105
  4. There are 267 Malay books and 163 Tamil books. How many more Malay books are there than Tamil books?
  5. 487 - 211
  6. 289 minus 4 tens
  1. 782 minus 2 hundreds
  2. What is the difference between 375 and 203?
  3. 167 - 133
  4. 399 - 72
  5. 788 - 626
  6. There are 659 Chinese and English books in a box.230 of the books are Chinese books. How many English books are there?

12 Clues: 399 - 72365 - 245167 - 133217 - 105788 - 626487 - 211289 minus 4 tens782 minus 2 hundredsWhat is the difference between 375 and 203?I had 458 cookies. I sold 145. How many cookies do I have left?There are 267 Malay books and 163 Tamil books. How many more Malay books are there than Tamil books?...

National Library Day 2021-11-24

National Library Day crossword puzzle
  1. A genre about the wild wild west
  2. The creator of Oz
  3. Where books are kept in the library
  4. Where the _______Things Are
  5. Chicka Chicka _______ _______
  6. The Magic ________ House
  7. A book of maps
  8. Author of the Harry Potter Series
  9. Dogman and _______ Kid
  10. The Diary of a __________ Kid
  11. How to take a book out of the library
  12. The One and Only ____________
  13. Author of the Wings of Fire series
  14. The Cat in the ____________
  15. What you do with a book
  16. The author of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series
  17. A distinct group of books
  18. __________ decimal system
  19. Anne of __________ Gables
  20. Scary series by R.L. Stine
  21. Someone who works at the library
  22. Books that are about real things
  1. Author of Hatchet
  2. Where's _________
  3. What you shouldn't let the pigeon drive
  4. Goodnight ___________
  5. A love story
  6. ____________ Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
  7. Detective created by Carolyn Keene
  8. Nonfactual literature
  9. Leonardo,the Terrible __________
  10. Location where you check out books
  11. A person who writes books
  12. Author of Charlotte's Web
  13. Pete the ___________
  14. A book about a real person
  15. Where Alice went
  16. Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of ________
  17. The Polar _____________
  18. Books you can read on an electronic device
  19. How to Train Your ____________
  20. The Very ____________Caterpillar

42 Clues: A love storyA book of mapsWhere Alice wentAuthor of HatchetWhere's _________The creator of OzPete the ___________Goodnight ___________Nonfactual literatureDogman and _______ KidWhat you do with a bookThe Polar _____________The Magic ________ HouseA person who writes booksAuthor of Charlotte's WebA distinct group of booksAnne of __________ Gables...

Library Crossword Contest 2024-11-21

Library Crossword Contest crossword puzzle
  1. Use this to hold your place in the book
  2. Comic books from Japan that are read the opposite direction from American/Western books
  3. A true book about the life of a real person
  4. A category of books with a similar style or features; e.g. fantasy, romance, horror.
  5. Stories that are made up, not real
  6. A story told in words and pictures, like a comic book (2 words)
  7. How to keep a book longer when you're not finished with it
  8. Long, skinny part in the middle of the book's cover
  9. Abbreviation for requesting a book from a different school's library
  10. The stamp inside the book that says when to return the book (2 words)
  11. When you are late returning a book, you may receive an ____ notice
  1. The app on Clever for downloading eBooks and audiobooks
  2. The place you go online to search for books in the library
  3. The area of the library for crafting & creating
  4. Tells where the book goes in the library (2 words)
  5. The person who wrote the book
  6. The name of the book
  7. Informational books that are true or historical
  8. If a book you want is checked out, you can put it on ______
  9. Nonfiction books are organized by the _____ Decimal Classification system

20 Clues: The name of the bookThe person who wrote the bookStories that are made up, not realUse this to hold your place in the bookA true book about the life of a real personThe area of the library for crafting & creatingInformational books that are true or historicalTells where the book goes in the library (2 words)...

Plurals 2023-01-05

Plurals crossword puzzle
  1. teeth
  2. child
  3. chairs
  4. people
  5. cars
  6. knife
  7. knives
  8. mouse
  9. women
  10. animal
  11. person
  12. man
  1. tooth
  2. pencil
  3. chair
  4. children
  5. car
  6. books
  7. book
  8. animals
  9. pencils
  10. mice
  11. woman
  12. men

24 Clues: carmenmanbookcarsmicetoothchairteethchildbooksknifemousewomenwomanpencilchairspeopleknivesanimalpersonanimalspencilschildren

Sanchi 2023-07-15

Sanchi crossword puzzle
  1. Edibles
  2. Crossword
  3. stillhaventshutup
  4. Pasta
  5. Cancerian
  6. London
  7. Redlip
  8. Biryani
  9. Mountmary
  1. Books
  2. Candle
  3. Heels
  4. ssmu
  5. StLaurant
  6. Nepobaby
  7. Italian
  8. Cappucino
  9. Tequila
  10. Scrabble
  11. Limencello
  12. Cowboylikeme
  13. Stviateur
  14. Madamx
  15. Bhabhoo

24 Clues: ssmuBooksHeelsPastaCandleLondonRedlipMadamxEdiblesItalianTequilaBiryaniBhabhooNepobabyScrabbleCrosswordStLaurantCappucinoCancerianStviateurMountmaryLimencelloCowboylikemestillhaventshutup

Bible terms, lessons 5-9 2023-11-28

Bible terms, lessons 5-9 crossword puzzle
  1. fore-telling
  2. letters in NT explaining/applying Christian living
  3. author of the Bible
  4. Greek translation of OT
  5. 66 inspired books
  6. writers of the Bible
  7. without error
  1. not lost or stolen
  2. spiritual understanding
  3. unable to be wrong
  4. "good news", 1st 4 books of NT
  5. God-breathed
  6. first 5 books of Old Testament
  7. books between OT and NT, not in cannon
  8. personal account

15 Clues: fore-tellingGod-breathedwithout errorpersonal account66 inspired booksnot lost or stolenunable to be wrongauthor of the Biblewriters of the Biblespiritual understandingGreek translation of OT"good news", 1st 4 books of NTfirst 5 books of Old Testamentbooks between OT and NT, not in cannonletters in NT explaining/applying Christian living

Bible terms, lessons 5-9 2023-11-28

Bible terms, lessons 5-9 crossword puzzle
  1. fore-telling
  2. letters in NT explaining/applying Christian living
  3. author of the Bible
  4. Greek translation of OT
  5. 66 inspired books
  6. writers of the Bible
  7. without error
  1. not lost or stolen
  2. spiritual understanding
  3. unable to be wrong
  4. "good news", 1st 4 books of NT
  5. God-breathed
  6. first 5 books of Old Testament
  7. books between OT and NT, not in cannon
  8. personal account

15 Clues: fore-tellingGod-breathedwithout errorpersonal account66 inspired booksnot lost or stolenunable to be wrongauthor of the Biblewriters of the Biblespiritual understandingGreek translation of OT"good news", 1st 4 books of NTfirst 5 books of Old Testamentbooks between OT and NT, not in cannonletters in NT explaining/applying Christian living

Fahrenheit 451 2017-10-26

Fahrenheit 451 crossword puzzle
  1. this is what people are for ignoring books
  2. Montag experiences this; it drives the plot
  3. expert at tracing your scent'
  4. has two children that she hates
  5. met Montag in the park
  6. she's seventeen and crazy
  7. he's the captain of burning books
  1. these hold the key to a successful civilization
  2. Mildred takes too many of these
  3. this is what books contain
  4. a book burner turned book learner
  5. distracts people from the real world
  6. keeps books in his mind and then burns them
  7. has been married three times
  8. she loves the family

15 Clues: she loves the familymet Montag in the parkshe's seventeen and crazythis is what books containhas been married three timesexpert at tracing your scent'Mildred takes too many of thesehas two children that she hatesa book burner turned book learnerhe's the captain of burning booksdistracts people from the real world...

Books Puzzle 2023-07-13

Books Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Saved from the flood because he was faithful to God.
  2. First book of the Bible, which contains the creation accounts.
  3. First five books of the Bible; word means “five scrolls”
  4. King of book in the Bible that tells how a wise person lives.
  5. Title given to the one sent to save us.
  6. Testament that included the four Gospels.
  1. Kind of book in the Bible that tells about the prophets and their messages.
  2. Kind of book in the Bible that shows how God cared for the Israelites throughout history.
  3. One’s free choice to turn away from God
  4. The perfect revelation of God
  5. People knows as Israelites.
  6. Creator of the universe
  7. Testament that tells of God’s relationship with the Jewish people before Jesus.

13 Clues: Creator of the universePeople knows as Israelites.The perfect revelation of GodOne’s free choice to turn away from GodTitle given to the one sent to save us.Testament that included the four Gospels.Saved from the flood because he was faithful to God.First five books of the Bible; word means “five scrolls”...

PDS Books 2024-03-27

PDS Books crossword puzzle
  1. 1920s Classic
  2. Gothic novel by Emily Brontë
  3. A romantic classic of English literature
  4. Author of 1984
  5. Starcrossed Lovers
  6. Theme park with dinosaurs
  7. After the Trojan War
  1. Roadtrip on the Lincoln highway
  2. A young writer takes her Asian friend's book transcript
  3. Four teenage girls who are best friends that live in Brooklyn
  4. Japanese Internment
  5. Privileged Nigerian family under colonialism
  6. A boy who changes his name

13 Clues: 1920s ClassicAuthor of 1984Starcrossed LoversJapanese InternmentAfter the Trojan WarTheme park with dinosaursA boy who changes his nameGothic novel by Emily BrontëRoadtrip on the Lincoln highwayA romantic classic of English literaturePrivileged Nigerian family under colonialismA young writer takes her Asian friend's book transcript...

In the Library 2023-03-06

In the Library crossword puzzle
  1. Wednesday lunch club
  2. Turtle's name
  3. books which must remain in the library
  4. where we do STAR reading practice
  5. computers used to "refer" to library materials
  6. book series like "Naruto" and "My Hero Academia"
  7. up or down
  8. books about athletes are s_ _ _ ts books
  9. Friday lunch club
  10. Independent work and quiet reading only on this day
  1. study area for year 11s and 12s
  2. Library closed at lunch this day
  3. the desk where you borrow materials
  4. books about ancient times
  5. upstairs area
  6. Tuesday lunch club
  7. downstairs

17 Clues: downstairsup or downTurtle's nameupstairs areaFriday lunch clubTuesday lunch clubWednesday lunch clubbooks about ancient timesstudy area for year 11s and 12sLibrary closed at lunch this daywhere we do STAR reading practicethe desk where you borrow materialsbooks which must remain in the librarybooks about athletes are s_ _ _ ts books...

Library Trivia 2023-2024 2023-09-05

Library Trivia 2023-2024 crossword puzzle
  1. Rule #1 Treat _____kindly
  2. Rule #3 is Do Not Bring Your ______ To The Library
  3. One of Ms. Tia's favorite books is "The Box _____"
  4. Author of "I Am Not Going to Get Up Today"
  5. The color of the spine label on Junior Fiction
  6. The color of the spine label on Graphic Novels
  7. Search for fiction books by the author's _____ name
  8. The color of the spine label on Children's Fiction
  1. True Books
  2. Written from someone's imagination
  3. award for outstanding artwork in picture books
  4. Search for non-fiction books by call _______
  5. The color of the spine label on Picture Books
  6. Rule #2 Treat _____ kindly

14 Clues: True BooksRule #1 Treat _____kindlyRule #2 Treat _____ kindlyWritten from someone's imaginationAuthor of "I Am Not Going to Get Up Today"Search for non-fiction books by call _______The color of the spine label on Picture Booksaward for outstanding artwork in picture booksThe color of the spine label on Junior Fiction...

Book 2023-06-29

Book crossword puzzle
  1. Books that tell the story of a person's life, written by someone else.
  2. Books that involve exciting and daring experiences and journeys.
  3. Books that tell the story of a person's life, written by that person.
  4. Books that involve solving a puzzle or crime.
  5. Books or texts that are based on true facts, real people, or real events.
  1. A section or division of a book that focuses on a specific part of the story.
  2. Pictures or drawings that accompany the text in a book, enhancing the visual experience.
  3. Books or texts that contain rhythmic and expressive language, often with a focus on emotions and imagery.
  4. Books that contain magical or imaginary elements and creatures.
  5. A place where books are kept and can be borrowed or accessed for reading.
  6. The person who writes or creates a book.
  7. The act of looking at and understanding the words written in a book.
  8. A narrative or tale that tells about a series of events and characters.
  9. Books or stories that are imagined or made up, not based on real events.

14 Clues: The person who writes or creates a book.Books that involve solving a puzzle or crime.Books that contain magical or imaginary elements and creatures.Books that involve exciting and daring experiences and journeys.The act of looking at and understanding the words written in a book.Books that tell the story of a person's life, written by that person....

HCMS Library 2021-01-22

HCMS Library crossword puzzle
  1. You use this website to log the minutes that you read, and sometimes Orange County hosts reading challenges on it.
  2. You use this to save your spot when reading.
  3. Books about someone's life.
  4. Books that describe imaginary events and people.
  5. The program in place to reward you for taking RC tests.
  6. Books based on facts, real events, and real people.
  7. This is were you go on Launchpad to find a book or put a book on hold.
  8. Books that can be read online.
  9. The HCMS librarian and also someone who is there for good book recommendations.
  1. This is a yearly state award that starts with 15 books.
  2. This is a short video on the HCMS news to get you interested in a book.
  3. The HCMS library clerk.
  4. You can take this test for your book. You get Eagle Super Reader points from taking this test.
  5. This is the place where you put books to be checked in.
  6. Books in a comic-strip format.
  7. A recording of a book that you listen to.

16 Clues: The HCMS library clerk.Books about someone's life.Books in a comic-strip format.Books that can be read online.A recording of a book that you listen to.You use this to save your spot when reading.Books that describe imaginary events and people.Books based on facts, real events, and real people.This is a yearly state award that starts with 15 books....

JHS Library Crossword 2024-02-23

JHS Library Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. These fictional books take place during actual events from history.
  2. Nature’s first green.
  3. These books may be realistic, but this genre consists of books that feature entirely made up characters and stories.
  4. This fictional genre is all about falling in and out of love.
  5. This is the abbreviation for the writing style that you are likely using on any research paper you write at JHS. Make sure all of your citations are in this format!
  6. If you want to learn more about someone’s life and accomplishments, check out this genre of books.
  7. When you check out a book, this is how many weeks you may keep it before returning or renewing.
  8. Want to learn a little bit about cooking, or about foods from different cultures and time periods, or maybe you’re just hungry? This is the nonfiction genre for you!
  9. This nonfiction genre contains encyclopedias and is a great starting point for a research paper.
  10. If you are in need of a book for read for Mr. Pittard’s WW2 class, or another history class, you might want to check the History and __________ section of the library.
  11. Author of classic books including one whose title occurred 40 years ago, and one that features talking animals running their own government.
  12. Fans of CSI might find some interesting books in this nonfiction genre.
  13. The last name of a character who learns he is a descendant of Greek gods.
  14. This nonfiction genre contains books about different faiths and beliefs.
  15. Another word for category. Books in our library are arranged by this.
  16. If you are looking for information about dogs, cats, lizards, or birds, try this nonfiction genre.
  17. We have great expectations for this classic author.
  18. In this nonfiction section of the library, you are likely to find books about exercise, mental wellness, and other related topics.
  19. The first name of a young student who learns magic, flies on a broom, and has many near death experiences.
  20. In this genre, books may take place in the future and include advanced technology.
  21. This author is known for a series of novels taking place in a dystopian society, featuring characters forced into an arena to fight for their lives for the entertainment of others.
  22. Monsters, ghosts, and all the spooky things are found in this genre.
  23. In this section of the library, you can find books about Van Gogh and Picasso as well as books about theater and fashion.
  24. A children’s book author who is known for his rhyming stories featuring unique characters and worlds such as Whoville.
  25. This genre contains titles such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Oliver Twist, and A Tale of Two Cities.
  26. A very important person. We wouldn’t have books without talented people who write them!
  27. One of two “star crossed lovers”.
  28. This type of novel is similar in layout to a comic book.
  29. This author is responsible for writing 38 plays and 134 sonnets.
  30. This author is famous for a series of fantasy books about hobbits, elves, dwarves, and cursed rings.
  1. The number of books you may check out from the library at one time.
  2. This is the name of the database search engine that you have access to through the media center website.
  3. In this novel, a group of young boys is stranded on an island and left to survive on their own.
  4. Some books have pictures, and this person is to thank for that!
  5. The library has both a fiction and nonfiction section for this genre of books that may include topics like football, gymnastics, and soccer.
  6. The title of this classic scary story is the name of the scientist, not the monster.
  7. This poet took the road less traveled, and it made all the difference.
  8. Are you looking to learn more about another country or location? Try visiting the Travel and ______ section of the library!
  9. In this nonfiction section of books, you will find the writings of Shakespeare, poems, and other literary works. Language and _________.
  10. This is the nonfiction genre you will want to visit if doing a report on the Egyptian pyramids.
  11. This is the name of an online encyclopedia. You have access to it through the media center website. It is a great starting point for many research topics.
  12. This female poet could not stop for death.
  13. Every book has one of these - the book’s name.
  14. This is the genre where you might find books about mythical creatures and magic.
  15. Bear Grylls might find a book he would enjoy in this section of the library.
  16. Every Wednesday morning, this society meets in the media center to discuss monthly books.
  17. If Mrs. Long is not available to check out your books, you can use this type of checkout located at the front of the library. Just be sure to scan the “reset” barcode!
  18. Who do you email to have documents printed?
  19. Sister authors who gave us the classics Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights.
  20. Who did it? Read a book from this genre to find out.
  21. This is the title of one the February picks for the Tome society. (hint-there is a poster in the media center)

51 Clues: Nature’s first green.One of two “star crossed lovers”.This female poet could not stop for death.Who do you email to have documents printed?Every book has one of these - the book’s name.We have great expectations for this classic author.Who did it? Read a book from this genre to find out.This type of novel is similar in layout to a comic book....

Unit 6 Vocabulary- Infinitives and Cosas 2022-02-03

Unit 6 Vocabulary- Infinitives and Cosas crossword puzzle
  1. To walk
  2. Sports
  3. The books
  4. To play
  5. Makeup
  6. To run
  7. Breakfast
  8. To sleep
  9. To sing
  10. Movies
  1. Phones
  2. books
  3. To skate
  4. To draw
  5. To travel
  6. To write
  7. To drink
  8. Food
  9. Parties
  10. Desserts

20 Clues: FoodbooksPhonesSportsMakeupTo runMoviesTo walkTo drawTo playPartiesTo singTo skateTo writeTo drinkDessertsTo sleepTo travelThe booksBreakfast

T&T Crossword 2023-04-23

T&T Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What is the longest book in the Bible?
  2. What Language was the Old Testament Written In?
  3. What is the longest chapter in the Bible?
  4. What are the books in the bible that about Jesus’ life?
  5. How many books are in the New Testament?
  6. What is the first book in the Bible
  7. What Language was the New Testament Written In?
  8. What is the last word in the bible?
  9. What is the shortest book in the Bible?
  10. How many books are in the bible?
  1. What is the shortest chapter in the Bible?
  2. What is the shortest verse in the bible?
  3. Which single author contributed the most books to the New Testament?
  4. How many books are in the Old Testament?
  5. What is the bestselling book in the World?
  6. Who is the oldest person in the Bible?
  7. What is the last book in the bible
  8. Who was the tallest man in the Bible?

18 Clues: How many books are in the bible?What is the last book in the bibleWhat is the first book in the BibleWhat is the last word in the bible?Who was the tallest man in the Bible?What is the longest book in the Bible?Who is the oldest person in the Bible?What is the shortest book in the Bible?What is the shortest verse in the bible?...

Bible Facts 2024-08-21

Bible Facts crossword puzzle
  1. Writer of the majority of the New Testament
  2. The first Bible believed to be entirely dived into chapters and verses
  3. around 1,100 years to be written
  4. Number of books in the NT
  5. The writer of the book Ezekiel
  6. Number of books in the OT
  7. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John are what kind of books
  8. between 40 and 44 of these help write the Bible
  9. The Bible as a "sharp" object
  1. Psalms is an example of what kind of book or writing
  2. Century where the OT and NT were combined
  3. The process of placing books in the Bible
  4. around 40-50 years to be written
  5. This book has an unknown author
  6. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy are called the
  7. Number of books in the Bible
  8. term that the Bible is referred to as
  9. the Bible helps us see ourselves

18 Clues: Number of books in the NTNumber of books in the OTNumber of books in the BibleThe Bible as a "sharp" objectThe writer of the book EzekielThis book has an unknown authoraround 40-50 years to be writtenaround 1,100 years to be writtenthe Bible helps us see ourselvesterm that the Bible is referred to asCentury where the OT and NT were combined...

Reading Type 2023-06-12

Reading Type crossword puzzle
  1. Funny and brief stories or one-liners that make people laugh.
  2. Tales Traditional stories with magical elements and moral lessons.
  3. Sequential art with speech bubbles and captions.
  4. Books that tell the life stories of real people.
  5. Periodical publications with articles and colorful visuals.
  6. Daily or weekly publications that provide news and current events.
  7. Books Books that provide information and facts about real topics.
  8. Puzzling questions that require creative thinking to solve.
  1. Stories about gods, goddesses, and supernatural beings.
  2. Short, rhythmic writings that express emotions or ideas.
  3. Manuals Guides that provide step-by-step instructions for using or assembling something.
  4. Traditional stories passed down through generations.
  5. A reference book that provides information on various subjects.
  6. Books Books with illustrations that help tell a story.
  7. Written scripts for actors to perform on stage.
  8. Books that tell fictional stories with characters and plots.

16 Clues: Written scripts for actors to perform on stage.Sequential art with speech bubbles and captions.Books that tell the life stories of real people.Traditional stories passed down through generations.Books Books with illustrations that help tell a story.Stories about gods, goddesses, and supernatural beings....

Reading 2021-03-14

Reading crossword puzzle
  1. when you tell your life
  2. where the facts written in the book take place
  3. funny books
  4. love stories
  5. quick stories
  6. as we see the pages
  7. he is often the co-protagonist, because he fights against the good
  8. they write it in kids in the classroom
  9. first thing you read in a book
  10. scary stories
  1. books that are used for cooking
  2. books that talk about past events
  3. fiction related to the discovery of the world
  4. who thinks the book
  5. book that gives you new news
  6. The first part of the speech is called ....
  7. stories such as INdiana Jones
  8. books that tell the life of another person
  9. good character in the stories
  10. stories that speak of sad facts

20 Clues: funny bookslove storiesquick storiesscary storieswho thinks the bookas we see the pageswhen you tell your lifebook that gives you new newsstories such as INdiana Jonesgood character in the storiesfirst thing you read in a bookbooks that are used for cookingstories that speak of sad factsbooks that talk about past events...

Bible as history unit 1 vocab 2024-02-01

Bible as history unit 1 vocab crossword puzzle
  1. a document or a scroll that is handwritten
  2. a translation of the Bible
  3. belief different from the Church teachings
  4. reeds that are made into paper
  5. Covenant
  6. forerunner of the modern book
  7. collection of ancient scrolls found in a cave
  8. Male leader of a family
  9. a professional writer
  10. a collection of sacred books
  11. The law books of the Jewish Faith
  1. before Christ
  2. to put in different languages
  3. ancient rolled manuscript
  4. Greek word for 5 books, first 5 of the OT
  5. books approved by the church
  6. restate in different words
  7. sacred writing or book
  8. 70 Greek scribes wrote the Bible in Greek
  9. churches that are not Catholic
  10. common translation by Jerome
  11. Anno Domini: in the year of our Lord

22 Clues: Covenantbefore Christa professional writersacred writing or bookMale leader of a familyancient rolled manuscripta translation of the Biblerestate in different wordsbooks approved by the churchcommon translation by Jeromea collection of sacred booksto put in different languagesforerunner of the modern bookreeds that are made into paper...

Cluedo evening 2024-10-14

Cluedo evening crossword puzzle
  1. A book of facts
  2. Who works with books?
  3. What you do with a book
  4. A shop you can buy books
  5. Where do you store books?
  6. You must be this in a nursery
  7. A place with lots of books
  8. A book of recipes
  9. Books are made of this
  1. A story book
  2. All the words in the world in one book
  3. Marks your position in a book
  4. 26
  5. Key terms at the end of a book

14 Clues: 26A story bookA book of factsA book of recipesWho works with books?Books are made of thisWhat you do with a bookA shop you can buy booksWhere do you store books?A place with lots of booksMarks your position in a bookYou must be this in a nurseryKey terms at the end of a bookAll the words in the world in one book

T&T Crossword 2015-09-20

T&T Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What is the longest book in the Bible?
  2. What Language was the Old Testament Written In?
  3. What is the longest chapter in the Bible?
  4. What are the books in the bible that about Jesus’ life?
  5. How many books are in the New Testament?
  6. What is the first book in the Bible
  7. What Language was the New Testament Written In?
  8. What is the last word in the bible?
  9. What is the shortest book in the Bible?
  10. How many books are in the bible?
  1. What is the shortest chapter in the Bible?
  2. What is the shortest verse in the bible?
  3. Which single author contributed the most books to the New Testament?
  4. How many books are in the Old Testament?
  5. What is the bestselling book in the World?
  6. Who is the oldest person in the Bible?
  7. What is the last book in the bible
  8. Who was the tallest man in the Bible?

18 Clues: How many books are in the bible?What is the last book in the bibleWhat is the first book in the BibleWhat is the last word in the bible?Who was the tallest man in the Bible?What is the longest book in the Bible?Who is the oldest person in the Bible?What is the shortest book in the Bible?What is the shortest verse in the bible?...

Library Crossword Puzzle 2017-10-20

Library Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. You can usually find a librarian behind the children's ______
  2. If you like Goosebumps, you might like our ____ books section
  3. Comics from Japan are called this. Hint: It's the section next to our other comic books!
  4. ______ books are fiction books that involve things that can only be imagined, like magic or wizards
  5. You generally check out a movie for ____ days
  6. Unless it's for a special program, please only ___ in the hallway. We don't like crumbs in the library!
  7. Pokemon Club, Arts & Crafts, and storytimes are all examples of library ______
  8. A true book about someone's life
  9. A book about real facts is a ______ book
  10. fiction _______ books are fiction books that involve things that aren't real now, but might be if we make cool new technology
  1. Books can be usually be checked out for three _____
  2. A movie can be a Blu-Ray or a ____
  3. The children's desk has scrap paper and ______ you can use to color
  4. If you have an idea about how to make the library better, leave it in the ___________ box!
  5. A comic book can also be called a ______ novel
  6. It costs _____ dollars to get a library card for the first time
  7. A person who can help you out at the library
  8. If your book is due soon and you want more time to read it, ask a librarian to ____ it
  9. If you can't remember where the book goes, leave it on the _____

19 Clues: A true book about someone's lifeA movie can be a Blu-Ray or a ____A book about real facts is a ______ bookA person who can help you out at the libraryYou generally check out a movie for ____ daysA comic book can also be called a ______ novelBooks can be usually be checked out for three _____...

Library Vocabulary 2020-09-09

Library Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. you need this to sort fiction books on the shelf (three words)
  2. to clean thoroughly
  3. A database where you can search for books the library has physically
  4. / A unique number given to each item in the library
  5. the place to return books that have been checked-out
  6. The story of a person's life written by that person themselves
  7. what students must do if they want to keep the book for more than two weeks
  8. the type of book
  9. books that are not true
  10. The number on the spine of the book is called (two words)
  11. A list of every item in the library showing where it is located
  12. Books that are late
  1. the process of checking out and checking in materials from patrons
  2. the number students need to know to check out their books (at MRHS)
  3. /A person who writes original material
  4. the date the book needs to be returned by (two words)
  5. The date a book was published
  6. the number of weeks you are able to check out a book
  7. a part of the book that faces out on the shelf
  8. A database where you can search and check out ebooks
  9. The name people are given if they use the library
  10. The person who originated the classification system many libraries use today
  11. Writing that gives factual or true information
  12. how to enter a book into the computer
  13. a company that prints books
  14. Duplicate made by using the printer

26 Clues: the type of bookto clean thoroughlyBooks that are latebooks that are not truea company that prints booksThe date a book was publishedDuplicate made by using the printerhow to enter a book into the computer/A person who writes original materiala part of the book that faces out on the shelfWriting that gives factual or true information...

Unit 4 Review Game Bundy 2019-11-07

Unit 4 Review Game Bundy crossword puzzle
  1. hypothetical original sources of the Pentateuch, thought to be a later edition who revised all five books to reflect the concerns of the Jerusalem priesthood
  2. those books included in the Jewish canon of Scripture
  3. synonym for covenant
  4. person selected by God to call others to repentance and amendment
  5. a letter addressed to a particular person or people
  6. Greek for five books; Torah
  7. parts of the old testament removed from the Jewish canon of Scripture but in the Septuagint
  8. St. Jerome's' translation of the Bible from the original language of Latin
  9. one of the original sources of the Pentateuch, representing the perspective of the Jews in the northern kingdom of Israel
  1. the study of ancestry or lists of ancestors
  2. the Old Testament books that comprise the stories of the prophets who cast judgment and warn of divine retribution while calling Israel to repentance
  3. one of the hypothetical sources, reflecting the perspective of the Jews in Judah around the ninth century
  4. an old English rendering of the Greek for good news
  5. a version of the Septuagint produced by Origen; presents the texts in Hebrew and Greek
  6. list of inspired books of the bible
  7. twenty seven books of the Bible written by Sacred Authors in the apostolic era
  8. an event or person in Scripture pointing to a later event or person that has similar virtues or similar qualities as its fulfillment
  9. twenty third century Greek translation of the Old Testament made by seventy Jewish scholars
  10. Sacred Scripture
  11. five books of Moses;Genesis,Exodus,Leviticus,Numbers,and Deuteronomy

20 Clues: Sacred Scripturesynonym for covenantGreek for five books; Torahlist of inspired books of the biblethe study of ancestry or lists of ancestorsan old English rendering of the Greek for good newsa letter addressed to a particular person or peoplethose books included in the Jewish canon of Scripture...

E-books battle! 2023-04-24

E-books battle! crossword puzzle
  1. printed books lead to too many ...
  2. the murderer killing sleeping time
  3. the symptoms of screen fatigue involves redness, irritation and ...
  4. the waning and ... pages help readers to unfold the story
  5. it feels better when you make ... in printed-books
  1. e-books harm both eyes and ...
  2. e-books usually have a...
  3. parents are concerned about the ... of e-books
  4. ... raised the idea of tactile sensation
  5. e-books are less bulky and ...
  6. many ... can be developed by reading e-books
  7. book pages contain ...

12 Clues: book pages contain ...e-books usually have a...e-books harm both eyes and ...e-books are less bulky and ...printed books lead to too many ...... raised the idea of tactile the murderer killing sleeping timemany ... can be developed by reading e-booksparents are concerned about the ... of e-books...

cross 1 & 2 2013-12-10

cross 1 & 2 crossword puzzle
  1. A Hebrew word meaning “law,” referring to the first five books of the Old Testament.
  2. “to long for what is absent or lost.”
  3. The celebration of the entire Mass
  4. A term used by Catholics to refer to the additional seven Old Testament books in the Catholic canon.
  5. A solemn vow and contract to which God is a witness. It is a synonym of covenant.
  6. A word that means “books,” a collection of sacred books containing the truth of God’s Revelation.
  7. The Church’s living teaching office, which consists of all bishops, in communion with the
  8. Biblical ____________ :The doctrine that the books of the Scriptures are free from error regarding the truth God wishes to reveal through the Scriptures for the sake of our salvation.
  9. A Greek word meaning “five books,” referring to the first five books of the Old Testament.
  10. Saint Jerome’s Latin translation of the Bible completed in the early fifth century AD.
  11. From the Latin salvare, meaning “to save”
  12. _________ revelation: The process by which God makes himself known to human reason through the created world
  1. Christ’s deliverance of all Christians from the forces of sin.
  2. The twenty-seven books of the Bible written in apostolic times, which have the life, teachings, Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ and the beginnings of the Church as their central theme.
  3. Divine __________ : God’s self-communication through which he makes known the mystery of his divine plan.
  4. The collection of books the Church recognizes as the inspired Word of God.
  5. The forty-six books that make up the first part of the Bible and record salvation history before the coming of the Savior, Jesus Christ.
  6. Biblical _____________ :The critical interpretation and explanation of a biblical text.
  7. referring to the mystery of Jesus Christ, the divine Son of God, becoming man
  8. Divine ____________ : The divine assistance the Holy Spirit gave the authors of the books of the Bible so the authors could write in human words the salvation message God wanted to communicate.
  9. A call from God to all members of the Church to embrace a life of holiness
  10. A solemn agreement between human beings or between God and a human being in which mutual commitments are made.
  11. To select and adapt written material to serve an author’s purpose.
  12. tradition: __________ tradition : Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the synthesis in written form of the message of salvation that has been passed down in the oral tradition
  13. _________ tradition: The handing on of the message of God’s saving plan through words and deeds.

25 Clues: The celebration of the entire Mass“to long for what is absent or lost.”From the Latin salvare, meaning “to save”Christ’s deliverance of all Christians from the forces of sin.To select and adapt written material to serve an author’s purpose.The collection of books the Church recognizes as the inspired Word of God....

Review vocabulary 1 & 2 2013-12-10

Review vocabulary 1 & 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Divine ____________ : The divine assistance the Holy Spirit gave the authors of the books of the Bible so the authors could write in human words the salvation message God wanted to communicate.
  2. A call from God to all members of the Church to embrace a life of holiness
  3. “to long for what is absent or lost.”
  4. Biblical ____________ :The doctrine that the books of the Scriptures are free from error regarding the truth God wishes to reveal through the Scriptures for the sake of our salvation.
  5. The collection of books the Church recognizes as the inspired Word of God.
  6. The twenty-seven books of the Bible written in apostolic times, which have the life, teachings, Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ and the beginnings of the Church as their central theme.
  7. _________ tradition: The handing on of the message of God’s saving plan through words and deeds.
  8. Saint Jerome’s Latin translation of the Bible completed in the early fifth century AD.
  9. A solemn vow and contract to which God is a witness. It is a synonym of covenant.
  10. Christ’s deliverance of all Christians from the forces of sin.
  11. A solemn agreement between human beings or between God and a human being in which mutual commitments are made.
  1. The Church’s living teaching office, which consists of all bishops, in communion with the pope.
  2. canon.
  3. A word that means “books,” a collection of sacred books containing the truth of God’s Revelation.
  4. A Greek word meaning “five books,” referring to the first five books of the Old Testament.
  5. To select and adapt written material to serve an author’s purpose.
  6. The forty-six books that make up the first part of the Bible and record salvation history before the coming of the Savior, Jesus Christ.
  7. referring to the mystery of Jesus Christ, the divine Son of God, becoming man
  8. A term used by Catholics to refer to the additional seven Old Testament books in the
  9. From the Latin salvare, meaning “to save”
  10. The celebration of the entire Mass
  11. A Hebrew word meaning “law,” referring to the first five books of the Old Testament.
  12. tradition: __________ tradition : Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the synthesis in written form of the message of salvation that has been passed down in the oral tradition
  13. Divine __________ : God’s self-communication through which he makes known the mystery of his divine plan.
  14. Biblical _____________ :The critical interpretation and explanation of a biblical text.
  15. _________ revelation: The process by which God makes himself known to human reason through the created world

26 Clues: canon.The celebration of the entire Mass“to long for what is absent or lost.”From the Latin salvare, meaning “to save”Christ’s deliverance of all Christians from the forces of sin.To select and adapt written material to serve an author’s purpose.A call from God to all members of the Church to embrace a life of holiness...


CRUZADA LITERÁRIA 3 crossword puzzle
  4. GLOBO
  5. FARO
  10. GENTE
  11. ROCCO


Library 2024-10-22

Library crossword puzzle
  1. writing that is based on facts
  2. to use items outside the library
  3. a complete list of items
  4. name of a book
  5. an electronic device used to access the internet
  6. Someone who writes books
  7. a book in electronic form
  8. Writing that describes imaginary events
  9. an item that is late
  10. a service that helps find information
  1. a place that holds books
  2. a device that is used to store periodicals
  3. Something you read
  4. a building or room containing a collection of books
  5. One side of a sheet of paper in a collection
  6. Items housed in the Library
  7. someone who draws pictures for books
  8. a reference source that provides meaning to words
  9. Main Division in a Book
  10. Money owed when an item is returned late

20 Clues: name of a bookSomething you readan item that is lateMain Division in a Booka place that holds booksa complete list of itemsSomeone who writes booksa book in electronic formItems housed in the Librarywriting that is based on factsto use items outside the librarysomeone who draws pictures for booksa service that helps find information...

10. Horror Books 2020-05-28

10. Horror Books crossword puzzle
  1. Henry James classic, The Turn of the...
  2. 2004 Johnny Deep film based on Stephen King book, Secret...
  3. Peter Straub novel: ... Story
  4. Norman Bates' place of work in Psycho
  5. Clive Barker's Hellraiser book, The ... Heart
  6. Monsters in World War Z
  7. ... Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
  8. Richard Matheson book, I am...
  9. The Woman in Black's haunted house: Eel ... House
  10. Patrick's surname in American Psycho
  1. Who had the Devil's baby in Ira Levin's 1967 novel?
  2. First name of The Exorcist author
  3. Annie - Paul Sheldon's number one fan
  4. Poe's book The Murders in the Rue...
  5. Thomas, creator of Hannibal Lecter
  6. Frankenstein's first name
  7. Let the which one in? 2004 vampire novel
  8. Evil clown in Stephen King's It
  9. British seaside town that Dracula visits
  10. Main vampire in Anne Rice's The Vampire Chronicles books

20 Clues: Monsters in World War ZFrankenstein's first namePeter Straub novel: ... StoryRichard Matheson book, I am...Evil clown in Stephen King's ItFirst name of The Exorcist author... Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr HydeThomas, creator of Hannibal LecterPoe's book The Murders in the Rue...Patrick's surname in American PsychoAnnie - Paul Sheldon's number one fan...


  1. computer-generated images for films.
  2. to change (something) radically or fundamentally.
  3. a person that prepares and issues books.
  4. one of the most creative genres in literature.
  5. the first page of a story.
  6. worth remembering
  7. the ability to form ideas, images in the mind
  8. a person in a novel, play, or movie.
  1. a particular type of literature, music, film form
  2. a book that is very popular.
  3. when and where a story takes place
  4. a book or a movie that is a great success.
  5. an audio programme like Talk Radio
  6. devise the sequence of events in (a novel, movie).
  7. a story of somebody’s life.
  8. the written text of a movie.
  9. a writer of fiction
  10. all the actors in a movie
  11. a filmmaker screen.
  12. the last minute of a film.

20 Clues: worth rememberinga writer of fictiona filmmaker screen.all the actors in a moviethe first page of a story.the last minute of a film.a story of somebody’s life.a book that is very popular.the written text of a movie.when and where a story takes placean audio programme like Talk Radiocomputer-generated images for films....

Classic Books Crossword 2021-10-22

Classic Books Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Party-planner in a Virginia Woolf novel
  2. Book in which the main character is, contrary to the title, made “of substance, of flesh”
  3. Period for some memorable scenes in The Remains of the Day
  4. Subject matter for Things Fall Apart
  5. Brontë character who famously said “Reader, I married him.”
  6. Optimistic Charles Dickens work?
  7. Avian species that’s a sin to kill, in one modern classic
  8. Richard Wright autobiography
  9. Green Gables girl
  1. Prequel of
  2. ’20s character with a tendency to say “old chap”
  3. Destination in The Grapes of Wrath
  4. “Pictured” character in an Oscar Wilde novel
  5. James Baldwin novel dealing with love and shame
  6. The Heart is a Lonely Hunter author Carson
  7. Modernist novel that might be accompanied by 600 pages of annotations
  8. Eldest daughter in Little Women
  9. Semi-autobiographical work with the line “'I felt very still and empty, the way the eye of a tornado must feel, moving dully along in the middle of the surrounding hullabaloo.”
  10. Setting for One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
  11. Protagonist in The Color Purple

20 Clues: Prequel ofGreen Gables girlRichard Wright autobiographyEldest daughter in Little WomenProtagonist in The Color PurpleOptimistic Charles Dickens work?Destination in The Grapes of WrathSubject matter for Things Fall ApartParty-planner in a Virginia Woolf novelThe Heart is a Lonely Hunter author CarsonSetting for One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest...

Classic Books Crossword 2021-10-22

Classic Books Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. “Pictured” character in an Oscar Wilde novel
  2. Brontë character who famously said “Reader, I married him.”
  3. Period for some memorable scenes in The Remains of the Day
  4. Avian species that’s a sin to kill, in one modern classic
  5. Optimistic Charles Dickens work?
  6. Party-planner in a Virginia Woolf novel
  7. ’20s character with a tendency to say “old chap”
  8. Prequel of
  1. James Baldwin novel dealing with love and shame
  2. The Heart is a Lonely Hunter author Carson
  3. Destination in The Grapes of Wrath
  4. Setting for One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
  5. Protagonist in The Color Purple
  6. Richard Wright autobiography
  7. Book in which the main character is, contrary to the title, made “of substance, of flesh”
  8. Eldest daughter in Little Women
  9. Green Gables girl
  10. Subject matter for Things Fall Apart
  11. Modernist novel that might be accompanied by 600 pages of annotations
  12. Semi-autobiographical work with the line “'I felt very still and empty, the way the eye of a tornado must feel, moving dully along in the middle of the surrounding hullabaloo.”

20 Clues: Prequel ofGreen Gables girlRichard Wright autobiographyProtagonist in The Color PurpleEldest daughter in Little WomenOptimistic Charles Dickens work?Destination in The Grapes of WrathSubject matter for Things Fall ApartParty-planner in a Virginia Woolf novelThe Heart is a Lonely Hunter author CarsonSetting for One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest...

Books and Authors 2022-03-15

Books and Authors crossword puzzle
  1. bestselling book of financial literacy written by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter.
  2. Famous story of a giant man by Jonathan Swift.
  3. Who was the writer of 'Alice's adventures in Wonderland'?
  4. A famous novel written by Kalidasa.
  5. Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?
  6. This is the surname of the man who wrote 'Romeo and Juliet'.
  7. Indian filmmaker, screenwriter, documentary filmmaker, author, essayist and lyricist who received Oscar in 1992 for Lifetime Achievement.
  8. Indian businesswoman, educator and author. "How I Taught My Grandmother" is one of her famous works.
  9. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari The novel by ___________ is a beautifully written fable.
  1. This is the name given to a fiction book.
  2. Author of the famous book "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes".
  3. Most famous character from the book Malgudi Days.
  4. compilation of satirical stories written by Twinkle Khanna
  5. Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?
  6. Which creepy series of books did R. L. Stine write?
  7. Novel to be inspired by the real-life story of the north Indian author and his wife who is from Tamil Nadu.
  8. Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books?
  9. Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.
  10. Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?
  11. Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?

20 Clues: Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.A famous novel written by Kalidasa.Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?This is the name given to a fiction book.Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books?...

Books and Authors 2022-03-15

Books and Authors crossword puzzle
  1. Indian filmmaker, screenwriter, documentary filmmaker, author, essayist and lyricist who received Oscar in 1992 for Lifetime Achievement.
  2. Author of the famous book "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes".
  3. Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books?
  4. Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?
  5. Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?
  6. bestselling book of financial literacy written by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter.
  7. Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?
  8. Which creepy series of books did R. L. Stine write?
  9. This is the name given to a fiction book.
  10. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari The novel by ___________ is a beautifully written fable.
  11. Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?
  1. Indian businesswoman, educator and author. "How I Taught My Grandmother" is one of her famous works.
  2. Most famous character from the book Malgudi Days.
  3. Novel to be inspired by the real-life story of the north Indian author and his wife who is from Tamil Nadu.
  4. Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.
  5. A famous novel written by Kalidasa.
  6. Who was the writer of 'Alice's adventures in Wonderland'?
  7. "Gitanjali" is written by _________.
  8. Famous story of a giant man by Jonathan Swift.
  9. This is the surname of the man who wrote 'Romeo and Juliet'.

20 Clues: Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.A famous novel written by Kalidasa.Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?"Gitanjali" is written by _________.This is the name given to a fiction book.Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books?...

Title of Books 2022-03-09

Title of Books crossword puzzle
  1. by Alan Moore
  2. by John Green
  3. by Kathryn Stockett
  4. by Yann Martel
  5. by J.K. Rowling
  6. by Natalie Babbitt
  7. by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  8. by George Orwell
  9. by Astrid Scholte
  10. by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
  11. by Stephenie Meyer
  12. by Laurie Halse Anderson
  1. by William Goldman
  2. by Robert Munsch
  3. by John Milton
  4. by S.E. Hinton
  5. by Markus Zusak
  6. by Arthur Miller
  7. by Louisa May Alcott
  8. by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  9. by Dr. Seuss
  10. by Roald Dahl
  11. by John Green
  12. by William Shakespeare
  13. by Stephen King
  14. by Chuck Palahniuk

26 Clues: by Dr. Seussby Alan Mooreby John Greenby Roald Dahlby John Greenby John Miltonby S.E. Hintonby Yann Martelby Markus Zusakby J.K. Rowlingby Stephen Kingby Robert Munschby Arthur Millerby George Orwellby Astrid Scholteby William Goldmanby Natalie Babbittby Chuck Palahniukby Stephenie Meyerby Kathryn Stockettby Louisa May Alcottby F. Scott Fitzgerald...

Authors and Books 2017-02-08

Authors and Books crossword puzzle
  1. The Listeners
  2. Harry Potter
  3. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  4. Oliver Twist
  5. God of Small things
  6. Jungle Book
  7. Kidnapped
  8. Secret Garden
  9. Black Beauty
  10. Three Musketeers
  11. Malgudi days
  12. The Blue Umbrella
  13. Lost Temple
  14. Robinson Crusoe
  1. Geetanjali
  2. Percy Jackson
  3. Diary of Wimpy Kid
  4. Hamlet
  5. Water Babies
  6. Journey to the Centre of the Earth
  7. Sherlock Holmes
  8. A Suitable Boy
  9. Two States
  10. House with Six Legs

24 Clues: HamletKidnappedGeetanjaliTwo StatesJungle BookLost TempleHarry PotterWater BabiesOliver TwistBlack BeautyMalgudi daysThe ListenersPercy JacksonSecret GardenA Suitable BoySherlock HolmesRobinson CrusoeThree MusketeersThe Blue UmbrellaDiary of Wimpy KidGod of Small thingsHouse with Six LegsCharlie and the Chocolate Factory...

Old Testament Books 2012-10-25

Old Testament Books crossword puzzle
  1. The man who anointed King Saul and King David
  2. Wisdom literature with common sense
  3. Records the census of the Jews after the Exodus
  4. The book about life's vanities
  5. The story of Moses
  6. The first book of the Bible
  7. A book of sadness and regrets
  8. The return to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple
  9. A prophet that mentions eagles
  10. Story of a faithful foreign daughter-in-law
  11. A second record of the Israelite monarchies
  12. A prophet with judgment for Edom
  13. The book about Moses' successor
  14. Prophesies the savior will be born in Bethlehem
  15. The prophet who saw a flying scroll
  16. A man that was swallowed by a large fish
  17. Had three friends thrown into a great fire
  18. The book about those who sit behind a bench
  1. A prophet who spoke against the city of Ninevah
  2. A book about God's unconditional love
  3. A book about love
  4. Songs and poetry written mostly by King David
  5. The record of the monarchies of Israel
  6. Gives the speeches of Moses about the Law
  7. A minor prophet with three chapters
  8. A brave queen that saved the Jews
  9. The return to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls
  10. A prophet that said God knows the plans for us
  11. The last book of the Old Testament
  12. A prophet that had visions of judgment
  13. Gives instructions for sacrifices and feasts
  14. The day of the LORD is coming
  15. A prophet with visions of the future
  16. A man that endured many trials
  17. A prophet with three K's
  18. A prophet that talks about King Darius

36 Clues: A book about loveThe story of MosesA prophet with three K'sThe first book of the BibleA book of sadness and regretsThe day of the LORD is comingThe book about life's vanitiesA prophet that mentions eaglesA man that endured many trialsThe book about Moses' successorA prophet with judgment for EdomA brave queen that saved the Jews...

Literature and Books 2014-10-06

Literature and Books crossword puzzle
  1. She was in the book A pocket full of rye
  2. I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse
  3. The wizard in The Hobbit
  4. Boo Radley
  5. Captain John Yossario's squadron is based on this island
  6. Blithe Spirit takes its title from one of his poems
  7. A House for Mr. ____? Naipaul
  8. Author of Humboldt's Gift
  1. The Lord of the ____?
  2. Wrote Midnight's Children
  3. Rat faced detective pal of Sherlock's
  4. Jerome K Jerome's men took a trip in this
  5. Name of Captain Nemo's vessel
  6. George Macdonald Fraser's anti hero
  7. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
  8. Does Edward Fairfax Rochester ring a bell
  9. The protagonist in The Catcher in the Rye
  10. American _____?
  11. Mr. Bennet's cousin's first name
  12. The War of the Worlds

20 Clues: Boo RadleyAmerican _____?The Lord of the ____?The War of the WorldsThe wizard in The HobbitWrote Midnight's ChildrenAuthor of Humboldt's GiftName of Captain Nemo's vesselA House for Mr. ____? NaipaulOne Flew Over The Cuckoo's NestMr. Bennet's cousin's first nameGeorge Macdonald Fraser's anti heroRat faced detective pal of Sherlock's...

NT Books: Themes 2023-02-23

NT Books: Themes crossword puzzle
  1. Future Events
  2. Truth and Giving
  3. Commitment
  4. Growing in Faith
  5. Jesus, Son of God
  6. Love
  7. Choices
  8. Service and Growth
  9. A Healthy Church
  10. Faith and Fruit
  11. Jesus, Son of Man
  1. Jesus, Messiah and King
  2. Saving and Sanctifying Grace
  3. Conduct
  4. Love and Truth
  5. Forgiveness
  6. Jesus, Servant Redeemer
  7. Unity and Relationship
  8. Contentment
  9. Trials and Perseverance
  10. The Early Church

21 Clues: LoveConductChoicesCommitmentForgivenessContentmentFuture EventsLove and TruthFaith and FruitTruth and GivingGrowing in FaithA Healthy ChurchThe Early ChurchJesus, Son of GodJesus, Son of ManService and GrowthUnity and RelationshipJesus, Messiah and KingJesus, Servant RedeemerTrials and PerseveranceSaving and Sanctifying Grace

Old Testament Books 2023-02-27

Old Testament Books crossword puzzle
  1. Book11
  2. Book15
  3. Book38
  4. Book36
  5. Book39
  6. Book24
  7. Book29
  8. Book16
  9. Book25
  10. Book18
  11. Book26
  12. Book27
  13. Book22
  14. Book30
  15. Book13
  16. Book35
  17. Book17
  18. Book7
  1. Book28
  2. Book33
  3. Book19
  4. Book9
  5. Book8
  6. Book21
  7. Book1
  8. Book2
  9. Book37
  10. Book34
  11. Book14
  12. Book5
  13. Book3
  14. Book20
  15. Book10
  16. Book32
  17. Book31
  18. Book23
  19. Book4
  20. Book12
  21. Book6

39 Clues: Book9Book8Book1Book2Book5Book3Book4Book7Book6Book28Book33Book19Book11Book15Book38Book36Book21Book39Book37Book34Book14Book24Book29Book16Book25Book18Book26Book27Book20Book10Book32Book22Book31Book23Book30Book13Book12Book35Book17

Books and theatre 2023-08-13

Books and theatre crossword puzzle
  1. aktor
  2. poeta
  3. postać
  4. opera
  5. siedzenie, miejsce na widowni
  6. powieść
  7. recenzja
  8. przedstawienie
  9. rozdział
  10. historia
  1. balet
  2. koncert
  3. autor
  4. tytuł
  5. pisarz
  6. strona
  7. scena
  8. pokaz
  9. biblioteka
  10. biografia
  11. sztuka
  12. wiersz

22 Clues: baletaktorpoetaautortytułoperascenapokazpisarzpostaćstronasztukawierszkoncertpowieśćrecenzjarozdziałhistoriabiografiabibliotekaprzedstawieniesiedzenie, miejsce na widowni

Novel Women Books 2025-01-09

Novel Women Books crossword puzzle
  1. Mr. Hanks' body of water
  2. Best book club ever
  3. Where Nora could choose different versions of her life
  4. Famous author, mysterious 11-day disappearence
  5. Smartest cephalopod
  6. Who did Alicia shoot and then stop talking
  7. Dutch House author
  8. Vera's drink of choice
  9. Angela, Phillipe, & Jessica's town
  10. Who we thank for bringing us togethe
  11. Have You Seen ___ ___
  1. Island of Sea Women author
  2. Where an English teacher traveled in West Asia
  3. The Girls of ___
  4. Island Books store owner
  5. Animals being reintroduced into Scottish Highlands
  6. Sworn enemies in Hawaii
  7. Libby inherits a mansion in A Family ___
  8. Ms. Zott's first name
  9. Lion, Witch, & the Wardrobe author
  10. A Piece of the World painting, ___ World
  11. Animals on a 12-day trip to San Diego
  12. Brave Girl, Quiet Girl author
  13. Who was told "an educated woman is a worthless woman"?
  14. Artificial friend
  15. Art of Racing in the Rain dog

26 Clues: The Girls of ___Artificial friendDutch House authorBest book club everSmartest cephalopodMs. Zott's first nameHave You Seen ___ ___Vera's drink of choiceSworn enemies in HawaiiIsland Books store ownerMr. Hanks' body of waterIsland of Sea Women authorBrave Girl, Quiet Girl authorArt of Racing in the Rain dogLion, Witch, & the Wardrobe author...

English 4 Books!! 2025-01-30

English 4 Books!! crossword puzzle
  1. The city where both Wes Moores grow up.
  2. The illegal business that pulls the "other" Wes Moore into trouble.
  3. What helps the author Wes Moore change his life path.
  4. Something Elie struggles with as he witnesses terrible events.
  5. The largest concentration camp where Elie and his family are sent.
  6. The career path the author Wes Moore follows.
  7. The day Mitch and Morrie meet each week.
  8. What Madame Schächter screams about on the train.
  9. One of the key lessons Morrie emphasizes.
  10. Morrie believes this is more important than money.
  11. Morrie insists on these, rather than handshakes.
  12. A similarity between both Wes Moores, shaping their childhoods.
  1. The man who tries to warn the Jews of Sighet about the Nazis.
  2. The area where Jews are forced to live before deportation.
  3. The author and former student who reconnects with Morrie.
  4. The forced evacuation of prisoners from Auschwitz in freezing conditions.
  5. – A major theme of the book, showing how decisions impact life’s direction.
  6. The name of the author Wes Moore’s mother, who values education.
  7. The camp where Elie’s father dies.
  8. Where the "other" Wes Moore ends up serving a life sentence.
  9. The most important person to Elie during his time in the camps.
  10. The older brother of the "other" Wes Moore, involved in crime.
  11. The beloved professor who teaches life lessons.
  12. The disease Morrie is diagnosed with.
  13. Elie Wiesel’s hometown before being taken to the camps.

25 Clues: The camp where Elie’s father dies.The disease Morrie is diagnosed with.The city where both Wes Moores grow up.The day Mitch and Morrie meet each week.One of the key lessons Morrie emphasizes.The career path the author Wes Moore follows.The beloved professor who teaches life lessons.Morrie insists on these, rather than handshakes....

Books and Reading 2025-02-22

Books and Reading crossword puzzle
  1. bibliografia
  2. frontyspis (tytuł, np. książki, wkomponowany w rysunek, umieszczony na osobnej karcie)
  3. wydawnictwo
  4. indeks, skorowidz (np. na końcu książki)
  5. według przepisów, zgodnie z zasadami
  6. wydawca
  7. aneks, dodatek, załącznik (na końcu książki, tekstu)
  8. powieściopisarz/powieściopisarka
  9. notka reklamowa, notka wydawnicza, krótkie streszczenie utworu (np. na okładce książki)
  10. tom (jedna z kilku książek)
  11. klucz odpowiedzi
  12. korektor tekstu (synonim 'sub-editor')
  13. powieść kryminalna (potocznie)
  1. słowniczek, glosariusz
  2. książka w miękkiej okładce, książka w miękkiej oprawie (synonim 'softback')
  3. podziękowania (w książce)
  4. dopisek, notatka (na marginesie lub u dołu strony), przypis dolny
  5. dedykacja (wpis w książce)
  6. spis treści
  7. książeczka do nabożeństwa, modlitewnik
  8. twarda okładka, twarda oprawa; w twardej oprawie (synonym 'hardcover')
  9. korekta, odbitka korektorska
  10. według mnie, moim zdaniem
  11. manuskrypt, rękopis
  12. synonim dla 'book'/'publication'

25 Clues: wydawcawydawnictwospis treścibibliografiaklucz odpowiedzimanuskrypt, rękopissłowniczek, glosariuszpodziękowania (w książce)według mnie, moim zdaniemdedykacja (wpis w książce)tom (jedna z kilku książek)korekta, odbitka korektorskapowieść kryminalna (potocznie)powieściopisarz/powieściopisarkasynonim dla 'book'/'publication'...

T&T Crossword 2023-02-23

T&T Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What is the longest book in the Bible?
  2. What Language was the Old Testament Written In?
  3. What is the longest chapter in the Bible?
  4. What are the books in the bible that about Jesus’ life?
  5. How many books are in the New Testament?
  6. What is the first book in the Bible
  7. What Language was the New Testament Written In?
  8. What is the last word in the bible?
  9. What is the shortest book in the Bible?
  10. How many books are in the bible?
  1. What is the shortest chapter in the Bible?
  2. What is the shortest verse in the bible?
  3. Which single author contributed the most books to the New Testament?
  4. How many books are in the Old Testament?
  5. What is the bestselling book in the World?
  6. Who is the oldest person in the Bible?
  7. What is the last book in the bible
  8. Who was the tallest man in the Bible?

18 Clues: How many books are in the bible?What is the last book in the bibleWhat is the first book in the BibleWhat is the last word in the bible?Who was the tallest man in the Bible?What is the longest book in the Bible?Who is the oldest person in the Bible?What is the shortest book in the Bible?What is the shortest verse in the bible?...

Salvation History (join together vocab words with a space) 2023-10-31

Salvation History  (join together vocab words with a space) crossword puzzle
  1. different kinds of writing
  2. a patriarch
  3. books the Church recognizes as inspired by God
  4. sacred books revealing God's truth
  5. solemn agreement
  6. first sin often referred to as "the fall"
  7. explanation of biblical text
  8. spokesperson chosen by God
  9. deliberate offense against the will of God
  10. synonym of covenant
  11. promised land in the time of Abraham
  1. time before the invention of writing
  2. maternal leader of a clan or tradition
  3. father and spiritual leader of a tribe
  4. pattern of covenant, sin and deliverance
  5. the lineage of Christ
  6. message communicated by a prophet on behalf of God
  7. 46 books making up the first part of the Bible
  8. pattern of events exemplify saving action
  9. a matriarch
  10. 27 books written during the time of apostles
  11. literary form

22 Clues: a patriarcha matriarchliterary formsolemn agreementsynonym of covenantthe lineage of Christdifferent kinds of writingspokesperson chosen by Godexplanation of biblical textsacred books revealing God's truthtime before the invention of writingpromised land in the time of Abrahammaternal leader of a clan or tradition...

BookMonth 2021-08-16

BookMonth crossword puzzle
  1. Shelley started writing this monster of a book when she was 18
  2. Epic Greek poem by Homer
  3. Mom & Me & Mom Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
  4. Alice Walker and Crockett Johnson books had this color in common
  5. Atticus would be (answer)bird, Katniss would be (answer)jay
  6. Book by Ralph Ellison or H G Wells
  7. All the pretty Horses took The Road to the The Crossing at Blood Meridian
  8. Ng book that these Little things are Everywhere
  9. This body part is in the title of books by Hurston and Morrison
  10. Norman Bridwell and Stephen Crane books had this color in common
  11. This body part is in the title of a book by Cornelia Funke and Stories by Edgar Allan Poe
  12. Anna Sewell and Richard Wright books had this color in common
  13. Have to go through this to meet the Lion and the Witch
  14. The fifth book in this trilogy by Adams is Mostly (answer)
  1. The books by this author are Beloved
  2. Fannie Flagg and L M Montgomery books had this color in common
  3. Saenz book where Aristotle and Dante Discover the secrets of the (answer)
  4. Book about government created by Farm Animals
  5. This body part is in the title of books by Alice Sebold and Stephen King
  6. Achebe title that Things Fall (answer)
  7. Book about government created by British boys
  8. Cervantes book where title character battles some windmills, I mean giants
  9. Sendak wondered where these are
  10. Ruta Sepetys and Oscar Wilde books had this color in common
  11. Jason Reynolds didn’t write this book to scare you
  12. Book about the hunt for a great white whale
  13. Can’t know the author without the book, can’t know the book without the author, that’s a real..
  14. Horton hears a clue
  15. Ezra Jack Keats wrote about this kind of day

29 Clues: Horton hears a clueEpic Greek poem by HomerSendak wondered where these areBook by Ralph Ellison or H G WellsThe books by this author are BelovedAchebe title that Things Fall (answer)Book about the hunt for a great white whaleMom & Me & Mom Know Why the Caged Bird SingsEzra Jack Keats wrote about this kind of day...

1 2019-08-28

1 crossword puzzle
  1. / hugs
  2. / Chinese food
  3. / drumming
  4. / adventures
  5. / soulmate
  6. Fruits / Dark friends
  7. / Friends
  8. / coffee
  9. / loyalty
  10. / tolkien
  1. / laughs
  2. / Films
  3. / motorbikes
  4. / Tim Burton
  5. / deadpool
  6. / marriage
  7. / sleep
  8. / books

18 Clues: / hugs/ Films/ sleep/ books/ laughs/ coffee/ marriage/ Friends/ loyalty/ tolkien/ deadpool/ soulmate/ drumming/ motorbikes/ Tim Burton/ adventures/ Chinese foodFruits / Dark friends

Library Scavenger Hunt 2017-04-25

Library Scavenger Hunt crossword puzzle
  1. Dewey number 821
  2. list of subjects in the book& pages on which they are found
  3. number that tells you where a book goes in the library
  4. book written by Roald Dahl
  5. books that are true
  6. company that produces and markets the book
  7. person who wrote the Harry Potter books
  8. dictionary in the back of the book
  9. Dewey number 921
  10. name of a book
  1. person who wrote the Tintin books
  2. who owns the information & the date it was produced
  3. storybooks
  4. Dewey number 743
  5. the person who draws the pictures
  6. person who writes a book
  7. a list of books
  8. a list of chapters & their page numbers
  9. back of the book that holds the book together

19 Clues: storybooksname of a booka list of booksDewey number 821Dewey number 743Dewey number 921books that are trueperson who writes a bookbook written by Roald Dahlperson who wrote the Tintin booksthe person who draws the picturesdictionary in the back of the bookperson who wrote the Harry Potter booksa list of chapters & their page numbers...

Banned Books Week 2022-08-31

Banned Books Week crossword puzzle
  1. most challenges take place in ____ libraries
  2. removal of a book from a library or school
  3. an attempt to remove or restrict
  4. an often challenged Judy Blume book
  5. most ___ books are by/about black or LGBTQ+
  6. The ___:from broken homes,drugs, and language
  1. Author of books like The Bluest Eye & Beloved
  2. no dancing but there's a book burning
  3. a hard to find man, Where's ___?
  4. in the ____ of cases books remain available
  5. Out of ___: depictions of abuse
  6. Books ____ us
  7. _____ divides us
  8. ____ to read
  9. And Tango Makes _____
  10. about telekinetic girl, banned for violence
  11. It's Perfectly ___.

17 Clues: ____ to readBooks ____ us_____ divides usIt's Perfectly ___.And Tango Makes _____Out of ___: depictions of abusea hard to find man, Where's ___?an attempt to remove or restrictan often challenged Judy Blume bookno dancing but there's a book burningremoval of a book from a library or schoolin the ____ of cases books remain available...

Library Book Return 2022-01-24

Library Book Return crossword puzzle
  1. this sound tells you that your book checked in correctly
  2. check the ___________ screen to confirm that your book checked in properly
  3. the bad beep sounds like a sad one of these
  4. biographies would be shelved on this cart
  5. you will find the letter 'E' on the top line of books that belong in this neighborhood
  6. this neighborhood is where you will find chapter books
  7. you do not need this to check books in
  8. the picture books are found in this color neighborhood and shelving cart
  1. color of the sign above the check in computers
  2. you will find the _______ of the book on the top lines of nonfiction books
  3. it is important to check books in properly so that they will no longer show up on your _________
  4. the sign on this shelving cart is purple
  5. scan this under the red light to return your book to the library
  6. these books are found in the same neighborhood as the graphic novels
  7. color of the sign on the fiction shelving cart

15 Clues: you do not need this to check books inthe sign on this shelving cart is purplebiographies would be shelved on this cartthe bad beep sounds like a sad one of thesecolor of the sign above the check in computerscolor of the sign on the fiction shelving cartthis neighborhood is where you will find chapter books...

East Kingston Public Library 2023-07-12

East Kingston Public Library crossword puzzle
  1. A genre of book that teaches you facts about all sorts of things
  2. Where do you return books when the library is closed
  3. Job title for a person who writes stories for books
  4. What is the name of our Wi-Fi?
  5. Job title of a person who draws pictures for books
  6. The Library _________ tells us what books the library owns
  7. Where do we look books up at the library?
  8. What is the abbreviated name for the East Kingston Public Library
  1. Something used to save your place in a book
  2. The app that lets you check books out electronically
  3. What Library machine uses plastic to print amazing designs?
  4. What is the name of the building where the Friends of the Library sell their books?
  5. A book written about someone's life
  6. When a book is late

14 Clues: When a book is lateWhat is the name of our Wi-Fi?A book written about someone's lifeWhere do we look books up at the library?Something used to save your place in a bookJob title of a person who draws pictures for booksJob title for a person who writes stories for booksThe app that lets you check books out electronically...

5th Grade Books 2016-05-05

5th Grade Books crossword puzzle
  1. little girl who goes into the wardrobe first
  2. told his stories every night to his daughter
  3. oldest child of the Watson family
  4. home where Esperanza grew up
  5. the city divided into West and East ends
  6. Esperanza's caretaker
  7. Where the Watson's traveled to
  8. last name of the family that went to Alabama
  9. Name of the store where Jeffery Magee untied the famous knot
  10. didn't like the stories her husband told
  11. the main character in TWGTB-1963
  1. the name of Minli's village at the end of the book
  2. sold his goods to the people in the mountain village
  3. orphan who lives in the city of bright moonlight
  4. Byron's best friend
  5. name of the villain in WTMMTM
  6. the scary thing that was at the bottom of the lake
  7. Jeffery Magee's nickname
  8. one of the Jade Dragon's children
  9. main character from WTMMTM
  10. jeffery's rival on the West End
  11. Jeffery's friend who dies during the Winter
  12. Jeffery's rival on the East End
  13. Last name of the family who adopt Jeffery permanently
  14. man who will chop the silver tree for all eternity

25 Clues: Byron's best friendEsperanza's caretakerJeffery Magee's nicknamemain character from WTMMTMhome where Esperanza grew upname of the villain in WTMMTMWhere the Watson's traveled tojeffery's rival on the West EndJeffery's rival on the East Endthe main character in TWGTB-1963oldest child of the Watson familyone of the Jade Dragon's children...

Bible Books One 2018-03-12

Bible Books One crossword puzzle
  1. Joshua - Each ____ got a place to call their own
  2. Esther spoke with this at the right time
  3. Rewarded with a family and a home
  4. Some lost their chance to see this
  5. This song teaches love is loyal always strong
  6. Gods people saved by his mighty hand
  7. The kingdom is________North and South
  8. Most men in 2 Kings were bad but some were ______
  9. Serving God brings ______ Ecclesiastes
  10. 1 Chronicles teaches______ from the past
  11. The nation falls because of bad leaders
  12. 1 Samuel God chooses ______
  1. Restored true worship
  2. Helped rebuild the city and its walls
  3. Job teaches us this is precious
  4. Performing Mighty Deeds
  5. This was Lost in book of Genesis
  6. The wisdom of its words is always true
  7. This book helps us listen and obey
  8. This book kept the people holy
  9. King David has trouble in his house
  10. Inspired songs to praise God
  11. Tells how life is like when Jesus rules

23 Clues: Restored true worshipPerforming Mighty Deeds1 Samuel God chooses ______Inspired songs to praise GodThis book kept the people holyJob teaches us this is preciousThis was Lost in book of GenesisRewarded with a family and a homeSome lost their chance to see thisThis book helps us listen and obeyKing David has trouble in his house...

All on Books 2021-08-30

All on Books crossword puzzle
  1. All of the copies of a book printed from the same setting of type, at one time or over a period of time, with no major changes, additions or revisions
  2. (SLC) A box built to house and protect a book, leaving the spine exposed
  3. A larva of any insect which harms books by feeding on their binding or leaves
  4. The front and back covers of a hardcover book
  5. The pages that have been printed but not yet folded, sewn, or gathered together for binding.
  6. A lover of books
  7. The numbering of the pages
  8. A new book returned to the publisher as unsold.
  9. Worn or ragged, usually referring to the edges of pages.
  10. (abbreviated: ca) Refers to an approximate date when actual date is unknown.
  11. The three outer sides of the text block when a book is closed
  12. A right-hand page, when a book is open and facing the reader. The other side of the recto is the Verso
  1. The covers enclosing a book, usually made of thick cardboard, and normally covered in cloth, paper or leather
  2. Band of silk or cotton affixed to signatures when bound together to form a text block for strength
  3. is a method for printing using a stone or a metal plate with a completely smooth surface
  4. A list of errors and their corrections or additions to the printing, found after a book has been printed, usually on a separate sheet or slip of paper
  5. Paper is smooth and polished
  6. A printed sheet of paper, folded to size and ready for sewing
  7. The backbone, or back, of the book where the title
  8. A book bound with flexible paper covers; usually a term reserved for mass-market publications.
  9. surname of famous singer and writer
  10. Inner margins of two facing pages

22 Clues: A lover of booksThe numbering of the pagesPaper is smooth and polishedInner margins of two facing pagessurname of famous singer and writerThe front and back covers of a hardcover bookA new book returned to the publisher as unsold.The backbone, or back, of the book where the titleWorn or ragged, usually referring to the edges of pages....

Books and Authors 2022-03-15

Books and Authors crossword puzzle
  1. Famous story of a giant man by Jonathan Swift.
  2. Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?
  3. Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.
  4. Indian businesswoman, educator and author. "How I Taught My Grandmother" is one of her famous works.
  5. Novel to be inspired by the real-life story of the north Indian author and his wife who is from Tamil Nadu.
  6. This is the name given to a fiction book.
  7. bestselling book of financial literacy written by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter.
  8. Which creepy series of books did R. L. Stine write?
  9. A famous novel written by Kalidasa.
  1. Indian filmmaker, screenwriter, documentary filmmaker, author, essayist and lyricist who received Oscar in 1992 for Lifetime Achievement.
  2. Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?
  3. compilation of satirical stories written by Twinkle Khanna
  4. Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?
  5. Who was the writer of 'Alice's adventures in Wonderland'?
  6. Most famous character from the book Malgudi Days.
  7. Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books?
  8. This is the surname of the man who wrote 'Romeo and Juliet'.
  9. Author of the famous book "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes".
  10. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari The novel by ___________ is a beautifully written fable.
  11. Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?

20 Clues: Who was the writer of 'Devdas'?Acclaimed as 'Indian Shakespeare'.A famous novel written by Kalidasa.Who was the writer of 'Mahabharata'?This is the name given to a fiction book.Who was the writer of 'Discovery of India'?Who was the writer of 'Pride and Prejudice'?Who wrote the 'Harry Potter' series of books?...

Books and films 2022-03-30

Books and films crossword puzzle
  1. научная фантастика
  2. want to see
  3. актер
  4. равзлечение
  5. век
  6. роман
  7. фильм ужасов
  8. литературное произведение
  9. автор
  1. художественная литература
  2. литература
  3. что идет в кино
  4. режиссер фильма
  5. биография
  6. сложный, запутанный
  7. обзор
  8. повесть
  9. триллер
  10. поэзия
  11. самый последний
  12. стихртворение
  13. поэт

22 Clues: векпоэтактеробзорроманавторпоэзияповестьтриллербиографиялитератураwant to seeравзлечениефильм ужасовстихртворениечто идет в кинорежиссер фильмасамый последнийнаучная фантастикасложный, запутанныйхудожественная литературалитературное произведение

New Testament Books 2022-06-19

New Testament Books crossword puzzle
  1. Author is Paul and the 7 book in the New Testament
  2. who didn't believe in Jesus until after the Resurrection
  3. written about a slave with encouragement to treat all equally
  4. it teaches us about redemption
  5. is considered a great source to read when you are being picked on, bullied, or persecuted for your faith
  6. Paul, an apostle teaches about love
  7. tax collector and an apostle
  8. famous for a verse that talks about Christians meeting Jesus in the sky
  9. a letter to the church in Rome written by Paul
  1. the first epistle by Jesus' closest disciple, according to many
  2. contains the whole armor of God
  3. written by the half brother of Jesus
  4. now faith is the substance of things hoped for
  5. contains the fruits of the Spirit
  6. a letter written to the believers in Philippi
  7. a writer, evangelist, and apostle
  8. history of the early church
  9. a doctor and apostle
  10. son of Zebedee and apostle
  11. the only book of prophecy in the New Testament
  12. famous for giving instructions for church leadership

21 Clues: a doctor and apostleson of Zebedee and apostlehistory of the early churchtax collector and an apostleit teaches us about redemptioncontains the whole armor of Godcontains the fruits of the Spirita writer, evangelist, and apostlePaul, an apostle teaches about lovewritten by the half brother of Jesusa letter written to the believers in Philippi...

Banned Books Week 2022-08-30

Banned Books Week crossword puzzle
  1. Classic fairy tale removed from
  2. Not a kiddy story, but a satire on
  3. number of reasons for Jay Asher
  4. as a boy
  5. Alice Walker book challenged for
  6. Challenged for numbing students to
  7. for condoning alcohol use
  8. Lewis Carroll__Adventures in Wonderland
  9. “Text speak” title challenged for
  10. Hosseini's protagonist chased this
  11. surprising book to be banned
  12. 19th century author still on this list
  13. Steinbeck's "Of --- and men"
  14. rape and incest
  15. Chbosky said there are perks to being this
  16. effects of violence
  17. JK Rowling protaganist
  1. The diary of a young girl.
  2. Banned for “racist” attitudes
  3. History book challenged for being
  4. the foresting
  5. and questionable sexual behavior
  6. Author of Handmaid's tale
  7. Shakespeare play banned from
  8. Banned for excessive profanity
  9. because it contains a girl
  10. Captain with comic adventures
  11. George Orwell classic "---- New World"
  12. Dr. Seuss book banned for
  13. Angie Thomas novel
  14. propaganda"
  15. Bird Lee warned not to kill
  16. Friendship between a pig and spider
  17. Reina Telgemeier graphic novel

34 Clues: as a boypropaganda"the forestingrape and incestAngie Thomas noveleffects of violenceJK Rowling protaganistAuthor of Handmaid's taleDr. Seuss book banned forfor condoning alcohol useThe diary of a young girl.because it contains a girlBird Lee warned not to killShakespeare play banned fromsurprising book to be bannedSteinbeck's "Of --- and men"...

Books and films 2022-11-07

Books and films crossword puzzle
  1. Is the book just a giant ' [] spoiler '?
  2. I'm sending the [] of the nearest shopping center.
  3. The [] here becomes bold and picturesque.
  4. Romeo and Juliet is a [] of literature.
  5. The teacher told us to read [] three for next class. The book is really long!
  6. They met in a movie [] and fell in love.
  7. 'Friends' was one of the most watched [] of all times.
  8. The main [] of the story is a nice girl who lives in the forest.
  9. The joker was [] in Batman's movies.
  1. It was famous in Greek [], and is frequently mentioned by the great poets.
  2. Did you see last week's []? The main character died!
  3. It is difficult to think of a great novella which has not been written by a great [].
  4. Like any good mystery [] detective, it has a mystery criminal.
  5. This, a children's book, is the first novel to have an autistic [].
  6. Alice is the [] of the story in Wonderland.
  7. A TV film of quality, written by a top contemporary [].
  8. Science [] books are not my favourite.
  9. Sherlock Holmes is a [].
  10. We won't go anywhere near the crime []; ever.
  11. She had rehearsed her [] earlier, but now the words evaded her.

20 Clues: Sherlock Holmes is a [].The joker was [] in Batman's movies.Science [] books are not my favourite.Romeo and Juliet is a [] of literature.Is the book just a giant ' [] spoiler '?They met in a movie [] and fell in love.The [] here becomes bold and picturesque.Alice is the [] of the story in Wonderland.We won't go anywhere near the crime []; ever....

Books I've Read 2021-04-08

Books I've Read crossword puzzle
  1. A squirrel that is super scared and precautious of everything having to deal with life's scariest problems. This time, he's dealing with nightmares from sleeping
  2. A sequel to two united cities
  3. A prequel to a city underground
  4. A girl having to deal being a bit poor after moving from China to America and having to deal with racism while working in a motel.
  5. A tree that loved a boy oh so dearily that whenever the boy asked for something the tree would give . Wether the boy was young or he was asking for something much, the tree would give.
  6. A squirrel that is super scared and precautious of everything having to deal with life's scariest problems. This time, he's dealing with throwing a party where unexpected surprises can happen
  7. Three little creatures that were kicked out of their town are having to deal with life outside of their town like creatures that want to eat them and a family that are dealing with a lot. There are even dragons! This is the third book of the series
  8. Three little creatures that were kicked out of their town are having to deal with life outside of their town like creatures that want to eat them and a family that are dealing with a lot. There are even dragons! This is the fourth book of the series
  9. A city underground
  10. A boy with a deformity having to go to school and deal with bullying and being ignored.
  11. Three little creatures that were kicked out of their town are having to deal with life outside of their town like creatures that want to eat them and a family that are dealing with a lot. There are even dragons! This is the sixth book of the series
  12. A squirrel that is super scared and precautious of everything having to deal with life's scariest problems. This time, he's dealing with the beach
  1. Three little creatures that were kicked out of their town are having to deal with life outside of their town like creatures that want to eat them and a family that are dealing with a lot. There are even dragons! This is the eigth book of the series
  2. A survival island with boys trapped inside with memory loss
  3. A squirrel that is super scared and precautious of everything having to deal with life's scariest problems. This time, he's dealing with lonliness and making a safe friend
  4. A prequel to three little creatures that were kicked out of their town. A princess that has to slay an evil dragon and save her people while her sister gains jealousy over time
  5. A family that loves gaming until the dad usually always takes the fun by acident, the parents get trapped in the most boring game and the kids are forced to save them.
  6. A squirrel that is super scared and precautious of everything having to deal with life's scariest problems. This time, he's dealing with leaving his tree
  7. A magical chocolate factory that makes the best chocolate in the whole world
  8. Three little creatures that were kicked out of their town are having to deal with life outside of their town like creatures that want to eat them and a family that are dealing with a lot. There are even dragons! This is the first book of the series
  9. Three little creatures that were kicked out of their town are having to deal with life outside of their town like creatures that want to eat them and a family that are dealing with a lot. There are even dragons! This is the fifth book of the series
  10. Three little creatures that were kicked out of their town are having to deal with life outside of their town like creatures that want to eat them and a family that are dealing with a lot. There are even dragons! This is the seventh book of the series
  11. The best crafter in the world, Bacca, having to deal with dragons needing help to rescues their orb from the creepers solving riddles they left behind.
  12. A classroom in room 117 full of children that cant be taught to act right
  13. Three little creatures that were kicked out of their town are having to deal with life outside of their town like creatures that want to eat them and a family that are dealing with a lot. There are even dragons! This is the second book of the series
  14. A city that was built after an apocalypse

26 Clues: A city undergroundA sequel to two united citiesA prequel to a city undergroundA city that was built after an apocalypseA survival island with boys trapped inside with memory lossA classroom in room 117 full of children that cant be taught to act rightA magical chocolate factory that makes the best chocolate in the whole world...

Historical Books Crossword 2020-11-19

Historical Books Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The priest thought she was drunk
  2. He built the temple
  3. He killed the king's son
  4. His wife gave birth after he died in battle
  5. The first capital of Israel
  6. Her father and her husband were both kings
  7. The city where the temple was built
  8. The priest who died of a broken neck
  9. A man with two wives
  10. A king who lost God's blessing
  11. The King saw her bathing
  12. He had a friendship that displeased his father
  1. Grandson of Eli
  2. An enormous Philistine
  3. She mocked her husband's other wife
  4. He played the harp
  5. The corrupt son of a priest
  6. He heard God speaking in the night
  7. A Hittite and soldier
  8. A father of eight sons
  9. He rebelled against his own father
  10. He judges not by appearances

22 Clues: Grandson of EliHe played the harpHe built the templeA man with two wivesA Hittite and soldierAn enormous PhilistineA father of eight sonsHe killed the king's sonThe King saw her bathingThe corrupt son of a priestThe first capital of IsraelHe judges not by appearancesA king who lost God's blessingThe priest thought she was drunk...

FIlms and Books 2019-11-18

FIlms and Books crossword puzzle
  1. género
  2. comédia
  3. elenco
  4. sequela
  5. desenho animado
  6. surpreendente
  7. história/enredo de um filme ou livro
  8. banda sonora
  9. filme de faroeste
  10. biógrafo
  11. romance
  12. público
  1. crítica, comentário crítico
  2. peça de teatro
  3. cena
  4. capítulo
  5. resumo
  6. horrível
  7. documentário
  8. personagem
  9. legenda
  10. filme de suspense
  11. aborrecido

23 Clues: cenagéneroelencoresumocomédiasequelalegendaromancepúblicocapítulohorrívelbiógrafopersonagemaborrecidodocumentáriobanda sonorasurpreendentepeça de teatrodesenho animadofilme de faroestefilme de suspensecrítica, comentário críticohistória/enredo de um filme ou livro

ACF Famous Books! 2020-11-22

ACF Famous Books! crossword puzzle
  1. Diary of a _____ Kid
  2. Winnie the ____
  3. Harry ______ and the Chamber of Secrets
  4. There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a ___
  5. _______ the Big Red Dog
  6. The Berenstain ______
  7. One Fish Two Fish Red Fish ____ Fish
  8. Chicka Chicka Boom ____
  9. Curious ______
  10. James and the Giant _______
  11. Horton Hears a ___!
  12. Where the Wild ______ Are
  13. Where the Sidewalk _____
  14. The Giving _____
  1. Charlotte's ___
  2. _____ Longstocking
  3. Alice in ___________
  4. Charlie _____
  5. _________ and the Chocolate Factory
  6. The Little ______ that Could
  7. If You Give A Mouse a ________
  8. Green Eggs and ____
  9. Goldilocks and the Three _____
  10. Oh the Places You'll __
  11. The Cat in the ___
  12. The Very _________ Caterpillar
  13. Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You ___?

27 Clues: Charlie _____Curious ______Charlotte's ___Winnie the ____The Giving __________ LongstockingThe Cat in the ___Horton Hears a ___!Diary of a _____ KidGreen Eggs and ____Alice in ___________The Berenstain _____________ the Big Red DogChicka Chicka Boom ____Oh the Places You'll __Where the Sidewalk _____Where the Wild ______ Are...

Literature and Books 2023-07-25

Literature and Books crossword puzzle
  1. Literary work with a focus on aesthetic and emotional qualities.
  2. The person who writes a book or literary work.
  3. A person or figure in a literary work.
  4. The character or force opposing the protagonist.
  5. A piece of writing with rhythmic and metaphorical language.
  6. A highly regarded and enduring work of literature.
  7. An unexpected development in a story.
  8. A figure of speech comparing two unlike things.
  9. Imaginative or invented storytelling.
  10. A long fictional narrative story.
  11. The time and place in which a story takes place.
  12. The use of symbols to represent ideas or themes.
  1. Conversation between characters in a literary work.
  2. A category or type of literature, such as romance or mystery.
  3. The act of being an author or writer.
  4. Writing based on real events, facts, and information.
  5. The main character in a story.
  6. The main idea or message conveyed in a literary work.
  7. A figure of speech comparing two things using "like" or "as."
  8. The sequence of events in a story.

20 Clues: The main character in a story.A long fictional narrative story.The sequence of events in a story.The act of being an author or writer.An unexpected development in a story.Imaginative or invented storytelling.A person or figure in a literary work.The person who writes a book or literary work.A figure of speech comparing two unlike things....

Bile Ot Books 2023-12-07

Bile Ot Books crossword puzzle
  1. Coming of a “Pure Language”
  2. “The Just Shall Live By Faith”
  3. The Conquest of Canaan
  4. History of the Southern Kingdom
  5. Founding of the Hebrew Nation
  6. First 300 Years in the Land
  7. Journey to the Promised Land
  8. Destruction of Nineveh
  9. Reign of David
  10. The Prophet at Babylon
  11. Apostasy of Israel
  12. Rebuilding the Temple
  13. Laws of the Hebrew Nation
  14. Laws of the Hebrew Nation
  15. Prediction of the Holy Spirit Age
  16. Rebuilding the Temple
  17. The Messianic Prophet
  1. A Dirge over the Desolation of Jerusalem
  2. Final Message to a Disobedient People
  3. Rebuilding Jerusalem
  4. History of the Divided Kingdom
  5. Organization of the Kingdom
  6. Reign of David
  7. The Covenant with the Hebrew Nation
  8. An Errand of Mercy to Nineveh
  9. Destruction of Edom
  10. Beginning of the Messianic Family of David
  11. Return from Captivity
  12. Ultimate Universal Rule of David
  13. Preservation of God’s People
  14. “They Shall Know That I Am God”
  15. Bethlehem to be Birthplace of Messiah
  16. Division of the Kingdom
  17. A Last Effort to Save Jerusalem

34 Clues: Reign of DavidReign of DavidApostasy of IsraelDestruction of EdomRebuilding JerusalemReturn from CaptivityRebuilding the TempleRebuilding the TempleThe Messianic ProphetThe Conquest of CanaanDestruction of NinevehThe Prophet at BabylonDivision of the KingdomLaws of the Hebrew NationLaws of the Hebrew NationComing of a “Pure Language”...

Bile Ot Books 2023-12-07

Bile Ot Books crossword puzzle
  1. Coming of a “Pure Language”
  2. “The Just Shall Live By Faith”
  3. The Conquest of Canaan
  4. History of the Southern Kingdom
  5. Founding of the Hebrew Nation
  6. First 300 Years in the Land
  7. Journey to the Promised Land
  8. Destruction of Nineveh
  9. Reign of David
  10. The Prophet at Babylon
  11. Apostasy of Israel
  12. Rebuilding the Temple
  13. Laws of the Hebrew Nation
  14. Laws of the Hebrew Nation
  15. Prediction of the Holy Spirit Age
  16. Rebuilding the Temple
  17. The Messianic Prophet
  1. A Dirge over the Desolation of Jerusalem
  2. Final Message to a Disobedient People
  3. Rebuilding Jerusalem
  4. History of the Divided Kingdom
  5. Organization of the Kingdom
  6. Reign of David
  7. The Covenant with the Hebrew Nation
  8. An Errand of Mercy to Nineveh
  9. Destruction of Edom
  10. Beginning of the Messianic Family of David
  11. Return from Captivity
  12. Ultimate Universal Rule of David
  13. Preservation of God’s People
  14. “They Shall Know That I Am God”
  15. Bethlehem to be Birthplace of Messiah
  16. Division of the Kingdom
  17. A Last Effort to Save Jerusalem

34 Clues: Reign of DavidReign of DavidApostasy of IsraelDestruction of EdomRebuilding JerusalemReturn from CaptivityRebuilding the TempleRebuilding the TempleThe Messianic ProphetThe Conquest of CanaanDestruction of NinevehThe Prophet at BabylonDivision of the KingdomLaws of the Hebrew NationLaws of the Hebrew NationComing of a “Pure Language”...

Books of Bible 2024-03-12

Books of Bible crossword puzzle
  1. His epistle contains one chapter - The penultimate book (4)
  2. Tells of a man who lost everything but got back more (3)
  3. Prophet who anointed Saul (6)
  4. Wrote about the restoration of the temple of Jerusalem (4)
  5. Paul wrote many of these (7)
  6. Last book of the Old Testament (7)
  7. Jesus’ brother, who wrote the book (5)
  8. Contains 150 songs - David wrote many of these (6)
  9. A shepherd called by God to become a prophet (4)
  10. He was thrown into a den of hungry lions (6)
  11. A prophet, reluctant to go to Nineveh (5)
  12. Words of wisdom (8)
  1. A book covering 350 years of Israel's "Dark Ages." (6)
  2. Successor to Queen Vashti (6)
  3. Shortest book in the Old Testament (7)
  4. Detail the various deeds or actions of the Apostles (4)
  5. Tells about creation (7)
  6. This Testament contains 39 books (3)
  7. Number of letters written by John (5)
  8. Written by John (10)
  9. He prophesied the coming of the Messiah – An old Testament Book (5)
  10. He saw God seated in the temple, surrounded by six angels (6)
  11. One of the gospel writers (4)
  12. There are 66 of these in the Bible (5)

24 Clues: Words of wisdom (8)Written by John (10)Tells about creation (7)Paul wrote many of these (7)Successor to Queen Vashti (6)Prophet who anointed Saul (6)One of the gospel writers (4)Last book of the Old Testament (7)This Testament contains 39 books (3)Number of letters written by John (5)Shortest book in the Old Testament (7)...

Books, Authors & More 2024-08-14

Books, Authors & More crossword puzzle
  1. Super hero
  2. Three Bears
  3. In the book Charlotte's Web what was Charlotte
  4. Hard to find
  5. A vampire-romance novel
  6. The Pigs name in Animal Farm
  7. Magic
  8. Roald Dahl book that became a movie
  9. Beatrix Potter Book Peter?
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Harry Potter character
  3. Most popular book in the world
  4. The Fault in Our Stars Author:Hint last name a colour
  5. Man's best friend
  6. Blinky Bill
  7. How many Dr. Seuss Book are there
  8. Flying mammal
  9. Has a trunk
  10. Stew
  11. The colour
  12. Likes to chase mice

21 Clues: StewMagicSuper heroThe colourThree BearsBlinky BillHas a trunkHard to findFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase miceHarry Potter characterA vampire-romance novelBeatrix Potter Book Peter?The Pigs name in Animal FarmMost popular book in the worldHow many Dr. Seuss Book are thereRoald Dahl book that became a movie...

Ethan Fox Books 2024-07-17

Ethan Fox Books crossword puzzle
  1. Allies who join Ethan on his quests.
  2. A whimsical creature and guide in Ethan's journey.
  3. Foretellings that drive the narrative forward.
  4. A type of mythical being in the series.
  5. Jasper’s unique role among mythical beings.
  6. A key trait Ethan consistently demonstrates.
  7. Ethan's magical companion and confidant.
  8. Feature of a whimsical character, Albert.
  9. The essence of Ethan's quests.
  10. Supernatural insights that Ethan experiences.
  11. Mysterious group connected to Ethan's past.
  12. The different worlds Ethan explores.
  13. Changes characters undergo.
  14. The surname of the main character, symbolizing cleverness.
  15. Trials Ethan faces in his adventures.
  16. The nurturing adoptive mother of Ethan.
  17. A crucial component to enjoying the series.
  1. What Ethan often finds himself unraveling.
  2. Central to Ethan’s character development.
  3. A recurring theme throughout the series.
  4. A magical item of significance in the series.
  5. Lessons embedded within the adventures.
  6. Gateways between worlds in the series.
  7. Mythical origin of some characters.
  8. What characters strive to protect or uncover.
  9. Featured in the title of the first book.
  10. Ancient items Ethan seeks or protects.
  11. Protectors featured within the stories.
  12. Mysterious markings significant to the plot.
  13. Used by characters to overcome obstacles.
  14. A group consisting of colorful characters.
  15. What Ethan aspires to be.
  16. The brave young protagonist of the series.
  17. What Ethan gains along his journey.
  18. Ethan's adoptive father and role model.

35 Clues: What Ethan aspires to be.Changes characters undergo.The essence of Ethan's quests.Mythical origin of some characters.What Ethan gains along his journey.Allies who join Ethan on his quests.The different worlds Ethan explores.Trials Ethan faces in his adventures.Gateways between worlds in the series.Ancient items Ethan seeks or protects....

Lines from Books 2024-12-01

Lines from Books crossword puzzle
  1. 4 words (kind of) - with 21 down
  2. 5 words - with 16 across
  3. 3 words -with 17 down
  4. 4 words - with 9 across
  5. We've got to have ____ and obey them, after all, we're not savages - with 8 across
  6. What is essential is invisible to the ____ - with 18 across
  7. 2 words - with 10 down
  8. Stay ____, Ponyboy - with 15 down
  9. It was the best of ____, it was the worst of times - with 5 across
  10. 3 words - with 12 across
  11. All children ______ ___ grow up - with 1 down
  12. With 2 down
  1. 2 words, with 20 across
  2. Beware for I am ________ and therefore powerful - with 23 across
  3. _______, I married him - with 6 down
  4. 2 words - with 4 down
  5. I am not afraid of _____ because I am learning how to sail my ship - with 13 across
  6. 2 words - with 22 down
  7. 2 words - with 14 across
  8. 5 words - with 19 down
  9. I will live in the past, the _____ and the future - with 7 across
  10. I'd known plenty of ____ people of course but I'd never dated one - with 16 down
  11. It was a ______ to burn - with 3 across
  12. Call ___ Ishmael - with 11 down

24 Clues: With 2 down2 words - with 4 down3 words -with 17 down2 words - with 22 down2 words - with 10 down5 words - with 19 down2 words, with 20 across4 words - with 9 across5 words - with 16 across2 words - with 14 across3 words - with 12 acrossCall ___ Ishmael - with 11 down4 words (kind of) - with 21 downStay ____, Ponyboy - with 15 down...

MRJH Library 2022-09-14

MRJH Library crossword puzzle
  1. books with information
  2. number of graphic novels you can check out
  3. sign up on your way to lunch, come last 20 mintues
  4. science fiction story that may be true some day
  5. books written for teens
  6. number of books you can check out
  7. how long the book is checked out to you
  8. what you do if you don't like a book
  9. trivia contest with groups
  10. what you need to visit the library during class
  1. the library clerk
  2. returning a book to the library
  3. not allowed in the library
  4. the librarian
  5. borrowing a book to take home
  6. open library after school
  7. the type of story/fiction
  8. award winning books
  9. a story that can never be real

19 Clues: the librarianthe library clerkaward winning booksbooks with informationbooks written for teensopen library after schoolthe type of story/fictionnot allowed in the librarytrivia contest with groupsborrowing a book to take homea story that can never be realreturning a book to the librarynumber of books you can check out...

in the library 2023-10-22

in the library crossword puzzle
  1. A device for accessing digital resources
  2. Global network for online research
  3. A common request for noise level in the library
  4. A system for locating books in the library
  5. Investigation and study for information
  6. A membership card for borrowing books
  7. Materials for research and information
  8. A reference book for word definitions
  9. A printed work for reading and reference
  1. The process of borrowing library materials
  2. A person who manages and assists in the library
  3. Periodical publications on various topics
  4. Comprehensive reference works
  5. The act of perusing written materials
  6. A storage unit for organizing books
  7. Concentrated learning and research
  8. A cozy space for reading in the library
  9. A list of library holdings
  10. Digital versions of books

19 Clues: Digital versions of booksA list of library holdingsComprehensive reference worksGlobal network for online researchConcentrated learning and researchA storage unit for organizing booksThe act of perusing written materialsA membership card for borrowing booksA reference book for word definitionsMaterials for research and information...

Library Terms 2024-02-27

Library Terms crossword puzzle
  1. putting correct labels (barcodes, genre stickers, spine labels, etc.) on books and entering them into the catalog
  2. an organization system where items are put in order from A- Z by letter and smallest to greatest by number
  3. area where students drop off books to be checked in
  4. books that contain stories from an author's imagination rather than real events as they actually occurred
  5. topic(s) the book is about
  6. checking in or checking out books
  7. label on each shelf that gives an alphanumerical range (example: AAB - AZU) of call numbers
  8. to make your search less specific (i.e., turn your small topic into a bigger but related topic)
  9. any word in the book's catalog record (including the description, subject, title, author - everything)
  10. another word for "customer" in the library
  11. a searchable database that contains every single book our library owns
  1. code on a book's spine label used to put it in order on the shelf
  2. to make your search more specific (i.e., turn your big topic into a smaller but related topic)
  3. a book's entry in the catalog, which contains the title, author, call number, subjects, and description of the book
  4. books that contain information on actual events and real-life topics
  5. process by which librarians look through their collections and remove books that are damaged, out of date, unpopular, or not needed any more
  6. name of the book
  7. the catalog entries that come up after you do a search
  8. removing the barcode and all instances of the school's ownership from the books, and marking it for discard or donation
  9. small shelf sitting on top of the book case where students can put books they decided not to check out
  10. the name of our library's catalog
  11. person who wrote the book

22 Clues: name of the bookperson who wrote the booktopic(s) the book is aboutchecking in or checking out booksthe name of our library's cataloganother word for "customer" in the libraryarea where students drop off books to be checked inthe catalog entries that come up after you do a searchcode on a book's spine label used to put it in order on the shelf...

Books and Authors 2022-01-18

Books and Authors crossword puzzle
  7. HOLES
  8. 1984
  9. SPEAK