books Crossword Puzzles
Reading books 2021-04-07
14 Clues: funny • grown-up • take back • love story • exciting event • a made up story • works with books • written in rhymes • investigates crimes • take from (a library) • the Picts made ale of • you can look up words • people read every day • they tell it as a real story
Historical Books 2022-10-20
- The 4th judge.
- Who did Deborah wage war against?
- Who crossed the River Jordan?
- Who was the son of David?
- What did Solomon build?
- The place where Joshua conquered.
- Who was the adulterous man who later became a judge?
- Gideon destroyed ______ of false gods
- A priest, prophet, and last Judge of Israel.
- Who was envious of David?
- Samuel wanted a _________ government.
- Saul disobeyed god by keeping the _____ of war.
- Who tore a lion in half?
- Samson’s trust in God allowed him to ____ the Israelites from the Philistines.
14 Clues: The 4th judge. • What did Solomon build? • Who tore a lion in half? • Who was envious of David? • Who was the son of David? • Who crossed the River Jordan? • Who did Deborah wage war against? • The place where Joshua conquered. • Gideon destroyed ______ of false gods • Samuel wanted a _________ government. • A priest, prophet, and last Judge of Israel. • ...
Children's Books 2022-10-10
- Author of the pigeon Books
- Original Series written by Ann M. Martin, now a popular Graphic Novel series
- Mr. Popper's _______
- author of The Bad Seed
- Written by Eric Carle
- Author of where the Sidewalk Ends
- Graphic novels series that follows a wolf, snake, piranha, shark and a spider
- ______ and the terrible, horrible,no good, very bad day
- James and the Giant _______
- Charlotte's ____
- ___ the Boy Who Crashed to Earth
- ___ Eggs and Ham
- Series written by J.K Rowling
- Author of Funjungle series
14 Clues: Charlotte's ____ • ___ Eggs and Ham • Mr. Popper's _______ • Written by Eric Carle • author of The Bad Seed • Author of the pigeon Books • Author of Funjungle series • James and the Giant _______ • Series written by J.K Rowling • ___ the Boy Who Crashed to Earth • Author of where the Sidewalk Ends • ______ and the terrible, horrible,no good, very bad day • ...
Inspirational Books 2024-07-25
- guide to spiritual enlightenment, "The Power of ___"
- "Man's Search for ___"
- Brene Brown's book on vulnerability, "Daring ___"
- Dale Carnegie's book on influencing people
- classic on personal achievement, "Think and Grow ___"
- Johnson's parable about change, "Who Moved My ___?"
- Albom's tale of a dying professor, "Tuesdays with ___"
- guide to a meaningful life, "The Purpose Driven ___"
- Elizabeth Gilbert's memoir, "Eat, Pray, ___"
- personal development, "Awaken the Giant ___"
- self-help book, "The 7 ___ of Highly Effective People"
- motivational book, "The Monk Who Sold His ___"
- Byrne's book about the law of attraction, "The ___"
- book on healing, "You Can ___ Your Life"
14 Clues: "Man's Search for ___" • book on healing, "You Can ___ Your Life" • Dale Carnegie's book on influencing people • Elizabeth Gilbert's memoir, "Eat, Pray, ___" • personal development, "Awaken the Giant ___" • motivational book, "The Monk Who Sold His ___" • Brene Brown's book on vulnerability, "Daring ___" • Byrne's book about the law of attraction, "The ___" • ...
Bookworms’ Paradise 2025-03-10
- Someone who writes books
- A short story with a moral
- A book someone writes about themselves
- Books based on real events
- A short piece of nonfiction writing
- A section of a book
- An ancient rolled up manuscript
- A book about someone's life
- A book that sells in huge numbers
- A small note at the bottom of a page
- Someone who narrates tales
- A book that has stood the test of time
- A category of literature
- A book of word definitions
- The name of a book
- The sequence of events in a story
- A person who organizes books
- A book with a stiff cover
- A book of knowledge on many topics
- The blank spaces around text
- Written works of lasting value
- An introduction to a story
- A genre exploring futuristic ideas
- A group of people discussing books
- A genre with magic and mythical creatures
- A story written for performance
- A story passed down through generations
- A place where books are sold
- The part of a book that holds pages together
- A company that produces books
- A long work of fiction
- A traditional story often about gods
- A book before it’s published
- A genre involving crime or suspense
- A book with a soft cover
- The outer part of a book
- A traditional tale that may be historical
- Someone who draws for books
- A section defining important terms
- A person who loves books
- A person in a book
- A book of synonyms and antonyms
- A building full of books
- A list of topics and page numbers
- A tool to save your reading spot
- A repeated passage from a book
- A section at the end of a book
- A collection of books with the same characters
- Stories that are not real
- Writing that uses rhythm and verse
- Someone who revises manuscripts
51 Clues: A person in a book • The name of a book • A section of a book • A long work of fiction • Someone who writes books • A book with a soft cover • The outer part of a book • A person who loves books • A category of literature • A building full of books • A book with a stiff cover • Stories that are not real • A short story with a moral • Books based on real events • Someone who narrates tales • ...
READY for the Library 2023-08-28
- National Geographic Kids, Zoobooks, and Ask are ______ that I can check out and read.
- Reading my library books during book checkout time will help me stay ______ in my reading.
- When I check out a ______, I should find the book that goes along with it.
- Everyone, fiction, nonfiction, and graphic novels are different _______ in our library.
- If I need to keep my book for longer, I can ______ it.
- I can check out the books that are on ________.
- I need to get my library card if I want to ______.
- If I return my books, I can check out _______ books every week.
- If I want to reserve a book for myself, I can go to Destiny Discover and put it on ______.
- Reading is a great way to ______ your saw!
- We always use walking feet, keep our voices at 0, and keep our hands and feet to ourselves so that we can be ______ when we walk into the library, listen to read alouds/book talks, or checkout books.
- Discover ______ is the app that can help me find books in the library.
- Ipads remain _______ closed when we are not using them. We use them only when instructed to do so.
- It is my responsibility to take good ______ of my books.
- I can go to this app to find online books, graphic novels, and magazines.
- When it is time to leave, we line up quickly and _______ on the red line.
- Keeping my iPad charged shows I am ________.
- During book checkout time, we quietly ______ our books or a magazine.
18 Clues: Reading is a great way to ______ your saw! • Keeping my iPad charged shows I am ________. • I can check out the books that are on ________. • I need to get my library card if I want to ______. • If I need to keep my book for longer, I can ______ it. • It is my responsibility to take good ______ of my books. • ...
November crossword 2023-10-10
- One of Mr. Tuckerman's favorite books. It's a mystery novel that takes place in Cuba
- A form of lymphoma, typically characterized by the lack of Reed-Sternberg lymphocytes
- One of Mr. Young's Favorite books. It's title is also an old diving term.
- One of Mrs. Nava's favorite books. Another way to say that you don't show your truth.
- One of Mrs. Peters' favorite books. Its plot contains twins.
- One of Mrs. Martinez's favorite books. This book is the beginning of a trilogy, taking place in the 1900's
- Another way to describe creaky joints
- Commonly known as goosebumps.
- A rare syndrome, caused by a genetic deletion of a portion of the 15th chromosome
- One of Mrs. Vasquez's favorite books. It Contains inanimate objects coming to life.
- One of Mrs. Pools' favorite books. Its title is a phrase used to describe an act of kindness.
- One of Mrs. Ziel's favorite books. This book takes place in England and is split into three parts.
- The presence of a gallstone
- Sneeze
- One of Mrs. Dorman's Favorite books. Considered a classic of the Harlem Renaissance.
15 Clues: Sneeze • The presence of a gallstone • Commonly known as goosebumps. • Another way to describe creaky joints • One of Mrs. Peters' favorite books. Its plot contains twins. • One of Mr. Young's Favorite books. It's title is also an old diving term. • A rare syndrome, caused by a genetic deletion of a portion of the 15th chromosome • ...
Reading Through The Genres 2024-08-01
- Funny Books
- Imaginary unreal events in books
- Books with plots of magic, supernatural, and unreal
- Books that a person writes about the facts in their own lives
- Categories of books
- Looking at and understanding printed words
- Science and technology books
- Factual stories about a person's life
- Stories with a life lesson or moral
- Nothing but the facts are in books
- Books with a puzzle in the plot to solve
- Books written in verses, sometimes rhythm, feelings, emotions
12 Clues: Funny Books • Categories of books • Science and technology books • Imaginary unreal events in books • Nothing but the facts are in books • Stories with a life lesson or moral • Factual stories about a person's life • Books with a puzzle in the plot to solve • Looking at and understanding printed words • Books with plots of magic, supernatural, and unreal • ...
- robin cooks terrifying tale about an epidemic in the 21st century caused not by microbes but by sinister sabotage
- Ranchoddas Shyamaldas Chanchad
- this popular Gujju pastime is banned in Afghanistan. a book on sexual assault
- American classic based on racial inequality and rape - Harper Lee
- blood bottler, gizard gulper, child chewer, maid masher, man hugger
- elder wand, resurrection stone, invisibility cloak
6 Clues: Ranchoddas Shyamaldas Chanchad • elder wand, resurrection stone, invisibility cloak • American classic based on racial inequality and rape - Harper Lee • blood bottler, gizard gulper, child chewer, maid masher, man hugger • this popular Gujju pastime is banned in Afghanistan. a book on sexual assault • ...
Unit 3 review game - Lozano 2019-11-07
- from the Latin world for common
- Scared scripture
- a letter addressed to a particular person or people
- particularity the book of Deuteronomy written around the seventh century BC
- from the greek for five books;the torah
- the portion of the mass that includes the reading scripture and the homily
- a synonym for covenant
- the lists of the inspired books of the bible
- the old testament books that comprise the stories of the prophets who cast judgement and warn of divine retribution while calling Israel to repentance
- because God is the truth, there is an absolute unity and coherence of truths contained in the various books of the bible
- reflecting the perspective of the Jews in Judah around the ninth or tenth century BC
- an event or person in scripture pointing to a later event or person that has similar virtues
- an old English rendering of the Greek for Good news
- those parts of the old testament removed from the Jewish canon of scripture but in the Septuagint used by the early Christians
- the forty-six books of the bible
- the twenty-seven books of the bible
- reflecting the perspective of Jews in the northern kingdom of Israel around the eighth or ninth century BC
- the portion of the mass that includes the preparation of bread and wine
- a version of the Septuagint produced by Origen
- those books of the bible included canon of scripture
- thought to be later editor who revised all five books to reflect the concerns of the Jerusalem priesthood after the return of the Jews from the Babylonian empire
- the study of ancestry
- the five books of moses
- a third century BC Greek translation of the of the old testament made by seventy Jewish scholars
- a type of sacred literature characterized by symbolic imagery
25 Clues: Scared scripture • the study of ancestry • a synonym for covenant • the five books of moses • from the Latin world for common • the forty-six books of the bible • the twenty-seven books of the bible • from the greek for five books;the torah • the lists of the inspired books of the bible • a version of the Septuagint produced by Origen • ...
Unit 4 Review Game 2019-11-07
- One who proclaims the evangellion or gospel
- a synonym for covenant
- the study of ancestry or chronological list of ancestors
- the portion of mass that includes the reading of Scripture and the homily
- Which were the first written Christian works?
- Testament the twenty-seven books of the Bible written by Sacred Authors in the apostolic ers
- a letter addressed to a particular person or people. Much of the New Testament consists of these letters written to individuals, to congregations, or to the church as a whole
- What does canon literally mean?
- Because God is truth, there is an absolute unity and coherence of truths contained in the various books of the bible; these illustrate and shed light on one another and the complete plan of Revelation
- What was the first English translation of the Bible?
- the list of the inspired books of the Bible
- from the Latin word for common; the name of St. Jerome's translation of the bible from the original languages into Latin
- Sacred Scripture; the books containing the truth of Gods revelation as composed by inspired, Sacred Authors
- from the Greek fro five books; the Torah
- the portion of mass that includes the preparation of the bread and wine
- What is the King James Version?
- the five books of Moses
- Papyrus On what materials were the books of the Old Testament originally written?
- a version of the Septuagint produced by the Origen; it presents the texts in Hebrew and Greek in parallel columns
- What literary form is Revelation?
- those books of the bible included in the Jewish canon of Scripture
- Who wrote most of the Epistles?
- Who speaks throughout the Bible?
- How many books are in the Old Testament?
- text What text of the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit?
25 Clues: a synonym for covenant • the five books of Moses • What is the King James Version? • What does canon literally mean? • Who wrote most of the Epistles? • Who speaks throughout the Bible? • What literary form is Revelation? • from the Greek fro five books; the Torah • How many books are in the Old Testament? • One who proclaims the evangellion or gospel • ...
- elder wand, resurrection stone, invisibility cloak
- robin cooks terrifying tale about an epidemic in the 21st century caused not by microbes but by sinister sabotage
- Ranchoddas Shyamaldas Chanchad
- American classic based on racial inequality and rape - Harper Lee
- this popular Gujju pastime is banned in Afghanistan. a book on sexual assault
- blood bottler, gizard gulper, child chewer, maid masher, man hugger
6 Clues: Ranchoddas Shyamaldas Chanchad • elder wand, resurrection stone, invisibility cloak • American classic based on racial inequality and rape - Harper Lee • blood bottler, gizard gulper, child chewer, maid masher, man hugger • this popular Gujju pastime is banned in Afghanistan. a book on sexual assault • ...
Library Crossword 2024-04-13
- - "Item used to borrow books."
- - "Handwritten document."
- - "Periodical for academic research."
- - "Electronic resource for research."
- - "Literary works of imagination."
- - "Library atmosphere expectation."
- - "Materials not for borrowing."
- - "Shelves for storing books."
- - "Book of maps."
- - "Quiet space for reading and research."
- - "List of works on a particular subject."
- - "Reproductive film of documents."
- - "Text of an opera or musical."
- - "Systematic list of library holdings."
- - "Workstation for library staff."
- - "Periodical publication with articles and images."
- - "Storage unit for books."
- - "Collection of historical documents."
- - "Comprehensive reference work."
- - "Factual literature."
- - "Classification system for library books."
- - "Publication issued regularly."
- - "Keeper of library materials."
- - "Bound collection of printed pages."
24 Clues: - "Book of maps." • - "Factual literature." • - "Handwritten document." • - "Storage unit for books." • - "Item used to borrow books." • - "Shelves for storing books." • - "Text of an opera or musical." • - "Materials not for borrowing." • - "Keeper of library materials." • - "Comprehensive reference work." • - "Publication issued regularly." • - "Workstation for library staff." • ...
Wranglers 2022-05-17
20 Clues: fun • kids • read • grow • ears • books • dream • learn • shine • think • pencil • mascot • growth • imagine • success • strength • discover • question • keep going • junior high
Fahrenheit 451 2022-03-23
- Retired English professor
- Fire department logo
- These are illegal in this time period
- Main antagonist
- Crys when guy reads to her
- Guy learns how to
- Montags wife
- The type of society this book is describing
- Main protagonist
- The fire department burns one when they find books
- who burned the books
- Montags city is destroyed by this
- Beatty labels a "time bomb"
- Montag is __________ years old
- Mildred overdoses on these
- Montag and Faber communicate with each other over a two way ______
- Place where Faber and Montag first meet
- type of cars used
- Author of Fahrenheit 451
- Finds people with illegal books
20 Clues: Montags wife • Main antagonist • Main protagonist • Guy learns how to • type of cars used • who burned the books • Fire department logo • Author of Fahrenheit 451 • Retired English professor • Mildred overdoses on these • Crys when guy reads to her • Beatty labels a "time bomb" • Montag is __________ years old • Montags city is destroyed by this • Finds people with illegal books • ...
SPHS Library Scavenger Hunt 2024-08-28
- First word in the title of a book about watches and clocks.
- What is the name of the school library?
- The library is open before school, after school, brunch, lunch, and during class time. True or False
- How long can books circulate? (How long can you "check out" a book?)
- Extend the borrowing period of a book.
- Title of a magazine (that SPHS subscribes to)that often publishes information about geography and animals.
- Who is the author of the books with the call number 822.33?
- Decimal system used to organize books.
- Invented story.
- What subject does the Dewey Decimal number 973.7 cover?
- What is the name of the computer system where you can search for books?
- A person who teaches in the library.
- Who is the author of The Color Purple?
- What is the first database listed on the library pages of the school website?
- A place to borrow books.
- Last name of the library assistant.
- Book of maps.
- Would a book with the call #373.14 go before or after a book with the call #373.22?
- Last name of the librarian.
- Factual book.
- What we do with books.
- Electronic version of a book.
22 Clues: Book of maps. • Factual book. • Invented story. • What we do with books. • A place to borrow books. • Last name of the librarian. • Electronic version of a book. • Last name of the library assistant. • A person who teaches in the library. • Who is the author of The Color Purple? • Extend the borrowing period of a book. • Decimal system used to organize books. • ...
Religious Knowledge 2021-06-15
- Days of the period of Lent
- Reason of Armsgiving
- Abraham's character
- Moses' brother
- Volumes of the Bible
- Early copies of the Bible
- Bible
- The tablet Moses received on Mt.Sinai
- Type of prayer
- One of the Wisdom Books
- Greek word for Bible
- Paul's episcle
- Joseph's older brother
- Reason for Joseph ending up in prison
- Records the history of the Israelites
- Queen Esther's husband
- 1st day of creation
- One of the Gospels
- Each division of the books of Bible
- Testament
- First Book of the Bible
- Language the Bible was written in
- Sacred Scriptures was written on
- Records the life of Christ
- Quality of a good leader
- Moses' meaning
- Chapters of the Bible are divided into
- Queen Esther's cousin
- Number of Books in the Catholic Bible
- One of the five Books of Law
- Synonym of Letter in the Bible
- One of the books of Prophet
- Reason Esther was wife of Xerxes
- Abraham's son
- King Pharoah's dream
- Used to write the Sacred Scriptures on
- Wise men inspired by God
- Meaning of Isaac
- Matthew records Jesus life in
39 Clues: Bible • Testament • Abraham's son • Moses' brother • Moses' meaning • Type of prayer • Paul's episcle • Meaning of Isaac • One of the Gospels • Abraham's character • 1st day of creation • Reason of Armsgiving • Volumes of the Bible • Greek word for Bible • King Pharoah's dream • Queen Esther's cousin • Joseph's older brother • Queen Esther's husband • First Book of the Bible • One of the Wisdom Books • ...
sd 2025-03-05
19 Clues: rug • lamp • vase • couch • books • shelf • plant • mirror • cushion • tvstand • bookcase • painting • armchair • speakers • endtable • curtains • floorlamp • chandelier • coffeetable
School 2021-06-06
20 Clues: iPad • Chair • Rules • books • Paper • table • Eraser • people • Pencil • Sticky • marker • uniform • Students • students • computer • teachers • projector • principal • whiteboard • highlights
Freak's dictionary 2023-04-28
20 Clues: past • mind • lady • human • books • float • human • armor • Shows • steel • small • plant • energy • future • element • writing • thought • gangster • Designing • gentlemen
F451 2023-04-27
- The temperature required to burn books
- The animal that can sniff out books
- WHo turned Montag in?
- Which group of people is seen driving recklessly the most?
- The American Peoples's Favorite Pastime
- Which character wanted to die?
- What spiritual text does Guy Montag reference a lot?
- The key criteria needed to win a presidential campaign
- What do many people do while driving recklessly in their cars?
- A blood-replacing device
- Which type of bird breed gets constantly refered to?
- What happened to the Montags home?
- Who gets caught for owning books?
- Which profession burns books?
- What are the firemen required to burn?
- What black dust covers the firemen's faces?
- The listening device people put in their ears
- The curious teenager with a crazy family
18 Clues: WHo turned Montag in? • A blood-replacing device • Which profession burns books? • Which character wanted to die? • Who gets caught for owning books? • What happened to the Montags home? • The animal that can sniff out books • The temperature required to burn books • What are the firemen required to burn? • The American Peoples's Favorite Pastime • ...
Burning Crosword 2014-12-11
- The firehouse is a _________.
- Beatty and Montag used ________ to burn all the book that needed to be burned.
- Clarisse was __________ when she learned that her generation only burned books and not read them.
- Mildred receives a ______________ to calm herself down.
- When the kerosene touched the books, the books would __________.
- Beatty is a person with an attitude of ______.
- The fireman constantly have to ____ threw the crowd to get to the place they need to be.
- The fireman ______ to the house that had books inside to burn.
- Mildred was in great shock when Montag pulled out several books from the __________ ______.
- The reader of Fahrenheit 451 will be ___________ when they read the first chapter.
- It was not __________ that Montag and Beatty had to burn books.
- Ripped pieces of cloth is called _______.
- The man who saved Mildred had an _____ on his neck.
- After burning the books the ____ was an incredible sight.
- The books had an odd _________ to them.
15 Clues: The firehouse is a _________. • The books had an odd _________ to them. • Ripped pieces of cloth is called _______. • Beatty is a person with an attitude of ______. • The man who saved Mildred had an _____ on his neck. • Mildred receives a ______________ to calm herself down. • After burning the books the ____ was an incredible sight. • ...
All About the Bible 2021-10-30
- I read the Bible because I want to ___ God.
- Leviticus
- Books in the Old Testament
- Last book
- The Bible provides a ____ of the church's beginning.
- Mostly written by David and is found about half-way.
- The Bible tell's me of God's ____.
- Exit
- Creation
- "Yes, that's the book for me."
- Inspired men to write
- Proverbs is a book of _____.
- Books in the New Testament
- Number of books in the Bible
- Wrote the books
- Wrote many letters
- leaders of God's people
- Gospels
- I read the Bible to understand what God ____ me to do.
19 Clues: Exit • Gospels • Creation • Leviticus • Last book • Wrote the books • Wrote many letters • Inspired men to write • leaders of God's people • Books in the New Testament • Books in the Old Testament • Proverbs is a book of _____. • Number of books in the Bible • "Yes, that's the book for me." • The Bible tell's me of God's ____. • I read the Bible because I want to ___ God. • ...
Library Crossword 2022-03-03
- Books that tell the true story of a real person’s life.
- After one week, I must _____ my books to the library.
- Books about imaginary stories and people (not real)
- Books that are based on facts and real events, including science, history, and animals
- The sticker on the spine of a book where the call number is written.
- A shorter book with many illustrations and drawings
- When you ask the librarian to save a book for you when it is returned to the library.
- A book that uses both words and pictures to tell a story; like a comic
- The person who manages the library, checks out books, and helps find books (like Ms. Kristen)
- Tells us the section of the library that a book belongs in and the author's last name. It helps us find books in the library.
- If you don’t know where your book goes, place it on the go back book _______.
- A tool used to mark where books belong so we can put them back in the right place
- A person who writes books.
- The librarian checks out books at the ______ desk
14 Clues: A person who writes books. • The librarian checks out books at the ______ desk • Books about imaginary stories and people (not real) • A shorter book with many illustrations and drawings • After one week, I must _____ my books to the library. • Books that tell the true story of a real person’s life. • ...
Genre 2024-09-19
- Life story written about someone
- Personal life story written by self
- Books that are meant to be performed at stage
- Tales of heroes and legendary creatures
- BOOKS Books that teach facts and information
- Ancient stories explaining natural phenomena
- FICTION Stories based on real events
- Old stories about famous people or events
- Stories passed down through generations
- RHYME BOOK: Classic rhymes for young children
- Magical stories for children
- Stories about magical creatures and powers
- BOOKS Books with colourful illustrations
- FICTION Narratives that explore the intersection of technology and humanity
- Books that teach lessons or morals
15 Clues: Magical stories for children • Life story written about someone • Books that teach lessons or morals • Personal life story written by self • FICTION Stories based on real events • Stories passed down through generations • Tales of heroes and legendary creatures • BOOKS Books with colourful illustrations • Stories about magical creatures and powers • ...
St Albans Library 2021-02-11
- Our free online service for ebooks and e-audiobooks.
- A great way to tell a story to a young child.
- Stories that often come in the form os a novel.
- Whodunit?
- Our new system of ordering books online during UK wide lockdown.
- Information about years gone by.
- Our native county.
- Tales of distant magical worlds.
- Where we keep our books for young adults.
- Where we keep all of our best and brightest new technology.
- The first reading books for young children.
- Books on expression through visual mediums.
- These books are factual accounts of someone else's life.
- Songs and words that are great for children's development.
- These books pack a punch with every page.
- Where you might find ingredients from all over the world.
16 Clues: Whodunit? • Our native county. • Information about years gone by. • Tales of distant magical worlds. • Where we keep our books for young adults. • These books pack a punch with every page. • The first reading books for young children. • Books on expression through visual mediums. • A great way to tell a story to a young child. • ...
Acknowledgements 2021-07-08
- My talented US cover artist
- My big picture editor
- My Chief Evil Minion
- My chief editor of my editorial dream team
- My loyal readers
- My supportive and wonderful husband
- My virtual assistant
- The super-helpful person who formals all my US files
- My eagle-eyed line editor who hunts for inconsistentcies
- B&N manager who stocks all my books all the time
- My beautiful and intelligent daughter
- The amazing Australian cover artist
- My publisher in Australia
- The person who schedules my Australian events and promotes my books
- The owner of Cupboard Maker Books and friend
- The audiobook goddess who narrates my US books
- My smart and snarky son
- The person who takes care of the digital aspects of my Australian books
18 Clues: My loyal readers • My Chief Evil Minion • My virtual assistant • My big picture editor • My smart and snarky son • My publisher in Australia • My talented US cover artist • The amazing Australian cover artist • My supportive and wonderful husband • My beautiful and intelligent daughter • My chief editor of my editorial dream team • The owner of Cupboard Maker Books and friend • ...
The History of Books 2018-09-13
- replaced papyrus
- sheets of paper are applied to blocks of inked wood
- books for rich people and churches
- books that sold for five or ten cents
- fine calfskin-based parchment
- allowed books to be printed from photographic plates
- helped make books more accessible to the masses
- early version of a book
- reference to books being made on cheap pulp paper
- produced the first modern books
- the Christian clergy influenced this
- printer with typewriter style keyboard
- the first version of paper
13 Clues: replaced papyrus • early version of a book • the first version of paper • fine calfskin-based parchment • produced the first modern books • books for rich people and churches • the Christian clergy influenced this • books that sold for five or ten cents • printer with typewriter style keyboard • helped make books more accessible to the masses • ...
books 2021-07-12
- A collection of short stories by one or several writers.
- A kind of literature which is based on imaginary events and characters.
- A text which is written to be performed on stage, on the radio or TV.
- A story about someone’s life.
- A story in the form of pictures and text.
- A work of fiction in the form of a book with a beginning, a middle and an end.
- The writer of a book.
- A text which expresses feelings or ideas through rhythm and rhyme.
8 Clues: The writer of a book. • A story about someone’s life. • A story in the form of pictures and text. • A collection of short stories by one or several writers. • A text which expresses feelings or ideas through rhythm and rhyme. • A text which is written to be performed on stage, on the radio or TV. • ...
Books 2021-12-02
8 Clues: boy genius • a boy wizard • a girl who has dyslexia • a girl a spider and a pig • school bans phones so students rebel • boy loses memory after taking a tumble • Russians invade a girls town and ban cultural books • the library goes through and gets rid of certain books
books 2017-07-03
8 Clues: truyện • tiểu thuyết • truyện tranh • sách, cuốn sách • story truyện ngắn • story truyện lãng mạn • story truyện trinh thám • a book, read books đọc sách
Books 2014-07-03
8 Clues: also about PJ • about kids with G7W • you find word in it • about a war... and a horse • about a time travelling device • main character is percy jackson • about someone who gets a golden ticket • the diary of a boy with an annoying sister
Books 2023-12-02
Books 2023-03-27
- Huge loving giant by Roald Dahl
- The book where there is a girl lost in Wonderland.
- The book which was written by David Williams and is about naughty children.
- The author who wrote charlie and the chocolate factory.
- The person who wrote harry potter
- The classic story where there is a wolf chasing a red girl.
- A smart girl who's parents do not care about her .
- People who write books
8 Clues: People who write books • Huge loving giant by Roald Dahl • The person who wrote harry potter • The book where there is a girl lost in Wonderland. • A smart girl who's parents do not care about her . • The author who wrote charlie and the chocolate factory. • The classic story where there is a wolf chasing a red girl. • ...
Books 2024-06-11
8 Clues: a person who reads a lot • interesting and exciting • a book that makes you cry • a book in an electronic format • literature about real events and facts • a change of the plot which you don't expect • literature about imaginary characters and events • a book you can't stop reading because it's so interesting
Sacred Scripture Unit 1 Review Puzzle 2021-09-28
- The principal language of the OT
- King _____ united the Kingdom of Israel around 1000 B.C.
- Number of books in the part of the OT called the Torah
- The Law, the Torah, or the _____.
- The Christian belief that the books of the Bible have real human authors, but also have God as their author
- Traditional author of the Torah
- The collection of books considered by the Church to be inspired by God is called the _____ of Sacred Scripture.
- In order to understand a passage from the Bible, it is very important to first ask what literary _____ the passage is.
- The NT contains twenty-_____ books.
- The _____ Exile began in 587 B.C.
- The great patriarch of the Israelite people who lived around 1800 B.C.
- Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, _____, Deuteronomy
- Stages of Biblical Development: Oral Tradition, Written Tradition, and _____
- A Catholic OT contains _____-six books.
- Parts of the OT: the Law, the Historical Books, the Wisdom and Poetry Books, the _____
- The Old Testament can also be called the _____ Scriptures
- The language of the NT
17 Clues: The language of the NT • Traditional author of the Torah • The principal language of the OT • The _____ Exile began in 587 B.C. • The Law, the Torah, or the _____. • The NT contains twenty-_____ books. • A Catholic OT contains _____-six books. • Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, _____, Deuteronomy • Number of books in the part of the OT called the Torah • ...
Holes Part 2 Vocab Puzzle 2022-10-27
22 Clues: mom • chef • cook • books • nurse • eugene • family • sewing • grammy • artist • jumble • fishing • newyork • painter • grandma • reading • doglover • gardener • memories • scientist • dogtrainer • crosswordpuzzles
- American classic based on racial inequality and rape - Harper Lee.
- This popular Gujju pastime is banned in Afghanistan, a book on sexual assault.
- Ranchoddas Shyamaldas Chanchad.
- Elder wand, Resurrection stone, Invisibility cloak.
- Robin Cook's terrifying tale about an epidemic in the 21st century caused not by microbes but by sinister sabotage.
- Blood Bottler, Gizard Gulper, Child Chewer, Maid Masher, Man Hugger.
6 Clues: Ranchoddas Shyamaldas Chanchad. • Elder wand, Resurrection stone, Invisibility cloak. • American classic based on racial inequality and rape - Harper Lee. • Blood Bottler, Gizard Gulper, Child Chewer, Maid Masher, Man Hugger. • This popular Gujju pastime is banned in Afghanistan, a book on sexual assault. • ...
- Elder wand, Resurrection stone, Invisibility cloak.
- Robin Cook's terrifying tale about an epidemic in the 21st century caused not by microbes but by sinister sabotage.
- American classic based on racial inequality and rape - Harper Lee.
- This popular Gujju pastime is banned in Afghanistan, a book on sexual assault.
- Ranchoddas Shyamaldas Chanchad.
- Blood Bottler, Gizard Gulper, Child Chewer, Maid Masher, Man Hugger.
6 Clues: Ranchoddas Shyamaldas Chanchad. • Elder wand, Resurrection stone, Invisibility cloak. • American classic based on racial inequality and rape - Harper Lee. • Blood Bottler, Gizard Gulper, Child Chewer, Maid Masher, Man Hugger. • This popular Gujju pastime is banned in Afghanistan, a book on sexual assault. • ...
The Bible 2020-11-16
- one who believes in Jesus
- number of parts
- reading word for word
- list of books
- a place we find books
- Jesus' biography
- agreement
- "the books"
- last book of the Bible
- "one sent out"
- sacred writings
- how we read the Bible
- where Hebrews lived
- a binding agreement
- anointed one
- means student
- another word for Jewish
- inspired the Bible writers
- first book of the Bible
- number of gospels
20 Clues: agreement • "the books" • anointed one • list of books • means student • "one sent out" • number of parts • sacred writings • Jesus' biography • number of gospels • where Hebrews lived • a binding agreement • how we read the Bible • reading word for word • a place we find books • last book of the Bible • another word for Jewish • first book of the Bible • one who believes in Jesus • ...
Carl Hiaasen 2012-05-03
- the number of words in the title of his kids books
- the title of his latest kids books
- something else in which his writing appears
- the town where he grew up
- play an important role in all his kids books
- his book about the burrowing owls
- person who helped inspire the book Chomp
- the number of kids book he has written so far
- what Mickey does as a job
- the age at which Hiaasen started writing
- another group of individuals for whom he writes
- the name of Mickey Cray's son
- where Flush takes place
- who he says teaches the lesson in his books
- what hit Mickey Cray on the head
- the subject of many of his books
- state where Hiaasen was born
- the title of the book about fighting pollution
- book about the missing science teacher
19 Clues: where Flush takes place • the town where he grew up • what Mickey does as a job • state where Hiaasen was born • the name of Mickey Cray's son • what hit Mickey Cray on the head • the subject of many of his books • his book about the burrowing owls • the title of his latest kids books • book about the missing science teacher • person who helped inspire the book Chomp • ...
Formation of OT 2023-01-14
- Written by Moses
- Greek word for Bible
- Author of Genesis
- Poetry, Festival books and Historical books
- Hebrew canon
- Author described his own demise
- Nehemiah
- Job
- Old Testament
- the one who wrestled with God
- Faith traditions of the Jews
- festival scrolls
- scriptural books God has given his people
- Prophetic Books
- an ancient Semitic language
15 Clues: Job • Nehemiah • Hebrew canon • Old Testament • Prophetic Books • Written by Moses • festival scrolls • Author of Genesis • Greek word for Bible • an ancient Semitic language • Faith traditions of the Jews • the one who wrestled with God • Author described his own demise • scriptural books God has given his people • Poetry, Festival books and Historical books
The History of Books 2018-09-13
- printer with typewriter style keyboard
- the first version of paper
- early version of a book
- fine calfskin-based parchment
- books for rich people and churches
- sheets of paper are applied to blocks of inked wood
- the Christian clergy influenced this
- reference to books being made on cheap pulp paper
- books that sold for five or ten cents
- replaced papyrus
- helped make books more accessible to the masses
- allowed books to be printed from photographic plates
- produced the first modern books
13 Clues: replaced papyrus • early version of a book • the first version of paper • fine calfskin-based parchment • produced the first modern books • books for rich people and churches • the Christian clergy influenced this • books that sold for five or ten cents • printer with typewriter style keyboard • helped make books more accessible to the masses • ...
Fiction and Non-Fiction 2015-02-09
- Diary of a wimpy _____ is found in the Fiction section
- Books that teach about the world, countries and special landmarks
- Little kids may be scared of this thing, although it is fictional
- A mythical creature that breathes fire
- Books in this section are real and factual
- _______ books are found opposite our reference section
- ____________ books are found under our sport books in the non-fiction section of our library
- Humpty ___________ sat on a wall
- Little Bow ___________ has lost her sheep
- This is another section of the library other than fiction and non-fiction
- Books that tell us of the past, found in the non-fiction section
- A cold-blooded vertebrate animal of a class that includes snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles, and tortoises.
- A horse-like animal that has a horn on its head
- Books in this section are made up and not real
- A book that includes chapters
- An amphibian who begins its life as an egg and then turns into a tadpole
16 Clues: A book that includes chapters • Humpty ___________ sat on a wall • A mythical creature that breathes fire • Little Bow ___________ has lost her sheep • Books in this section are real and factual • Books in this section are made up and not real • A horse-like animal that has a horn on its head • Diary of a wimpy _____ is found in the Fiction section • ...
Fahrenheit 451 2023-09-20
- Montags co worker
- Leader of a group
- The degrees that books burn at
- Montags wife
- An english professor before books were burned
- Where the mechanical dog lived
- What they drenched the books in
- Mainly used to burn books
- How many legs did the mechanical dog have
- Clarisses last name
- Object used by Montag to burn his boss alive
- The author
- They put out fires
- Montags boss and the antagonist
- A strange word
- The firefighters last name
- The mechanical hound injected this into his leg
- Montags neighbor who died
18 Clues: The author • Montags wife • A strange word • Montags co worker • Leader of a group • They put out fires • Clarisses last name • Montags neighbor who died • Mainly used to burn books • The firefighters last name • The degrees that books burn at • Where the mechanical dog lived • Montags boss and the antagonist • What they drenched the books in • How many legs did the mechanical dog have • ...
Library! 2023-11-26
- What all staff live on.
- A day that isn't as fun as they think.
- People who visit the library.
- Desensitized.
- We are all guilty of this.
- Patti's dog is part.
- The second worst place to find books.
- The worst place to find books.
- The temperature.
- Not enough checkouts on.
- Circ doesn't like these (I do!).
- The keepers of the book sales.
- Alan's hobby/side business.
- An animal Holly really wants.
- Fights broke out over these.
- Our free website for books and magazines.
- Purrfect library pet.
- Our work initials.
18 Clues: Desensitized. • The temperature. • Our work initials. • Patti's dog is part. • Purrfect library pet. • What all staff live on. • Not enough checkouts on. • We are all guilty of this. • Alan's hobby/side business. • Fights broke out over these. • People who visit the library. • An animal Holly really wants. • The keepers of the book sales. • The worst place to find books. • ...
Wranglers 2022-05-17
19 Clues: fun • grow • read • ears • kids • books • dream • think • learn • shine • growth • pencil • mascot • imagine • discover • question • strength • keep going • junior high
Books 2013-05-03
Books 2022-10-26
Books 2023-03-27
- The person who wrote harry potter
- The classic story where there is a wolf chasing a red girl.
- The book where there is a girl lost in Wonderland.
- The author who wrote charlie and the chocolate factory.
- People who write books
- A smart girl who's parents do not care about her .
- The book which was written by David Williams and is about naughty children.
- Huge loving giant by Roald Dahl
8 Clues: People who write books • Huge loving giant by Roald Dahl • The person who wrote harry potter • A smart girl who's parents do not care about her . • The book where there is a girl lost in Wonderland. • The author who wrote charlie and the chocolate factory. • The classic story where there is a wolf chasing a red girl. • ...
Books 2022-12-09
8 Clues: causing disagreement • the story of the book • a fantastic story for children • part that comes first in a book • the most important part of story • a thing that represents something else • an introduction at the beginning of the book • a long story anout imaginary characters and events
Books 2023-07-28
- Book A book that covers past events and historical facts, helping to understand human history and culture.
- Book A book that provides knowledge and helps with information verification as a reference guide.
- Tale A book that uses fairy-tale elements and imagination to convey stories to children.
- Book A book that explains scientific knowledge and phenomena, covering natural sciences, physics, chemistry, etc.
- Book A book that uses both pictures and text to convey a story in a comic format.
- A book that uses poetic language and format to express emotions and feelings.
- A genre of book that deals with fictional stories and characters.
- A non-fiction genre where authors express personal experiences, thoughts, and emotions.
8 Clues: A genre of book that deals with fictional stories and characters. • A book that uses poetic language and format to express emotions and feelings. • Book A book that uses both pictures and text to convey a story in a comic format. • A non-fiction genre where authors express personal experiences, thoughts, and emotions. • ...
Books 2024-06-11
8 Clues: Author • People in the story • Last part of the story • Main events of the story • Book about the life of a person • Type of books about an imagined future • Front page of a book where you read the title • Each of the parts in which a story is divided
Read Across America Library Crossword Puzzle 2024-02-29
- aides' favorite snack
- types of books genre
- where we keep our "weird" books
- science of murders
- _____ to movies
- fiction trilogies
- aides' station
- Librarian's least favorite book
- animal between the two offices
- morning live announcements
- what happens at the tables by screen
- whodoneit books
- library game
- it is 25 cents to _____ color
- upper library area
15 Clues: library game • aides' station • whodoneit books • _____ to movies • fiction trilogies • science of murders • upper library area • types of books genre • aides' favorite snack • morning live announcements • it is 25 cents to _____ color • animal between the two offices • Librarian's least favorite book • where we keep our "weird" books • what happens at the tables by screen
Books 2015-11-11
- "Tim and Struppi on a trip in the jungle" is an ......... .....
- Harry Potter is a ....... ....... .....
- Romantic stories are also called .... .......
- Cinderella is a ..... ....
- "Der Drachentöter von Mixnitz" is an old .... ....
- "Inspector Clouseau and the robbers" is a ......... .......
- If you like dragons, which book will you read?
- If you like scary books, then you may read ...... .......
8 Clues: Cinderella is a ..... .... • Harry Potter is a ....... ....... ..... • Romantic stories are also called .... ....... • If you like dragons, which book will you read? • "Der Drachentöter von Mixnitz" is an old .... .... • If you like scary books, then you may read ...... ....... • "Inspector Clouseau and the robbers" is a ......... ....... • ...
Books 2023-01-09
8 Clues: A book's name • Parts of a book • A book's introduction • Paper sheets in a book • Protects the pages of a book (back) • Place where a book is usually placed • Protects the pages of a book (front) • A place where we can read and take books
Books 2023-01-17
- A list of all the books that you can find in the libraries
- Books that give facts
- Someone who writes poems
- A thing, idea, or person that is an example to copy
- A particular type of art, writing, music etc.
- Someone who has written a book
- Made-up stories
- A long written story in which the characters and events are usually imaginary
8 Clues: Made-up stories • Books that give facts • Someone who writes poems • Someone who has written a book • A particular type of art, writing, music etc. • A thing, idea, or person that is an example to copy • A list of all the books that you can find in the libraries • A long written story in which the characters and events are usually imaginary
books 2021-07-12
- The writer of a book.
- A kind of literature which is based on imaginary events and characters.
- A work of fiction in the form of a book with a beginning, a middle and an end.
- A story in the form of pictures and text.
- A text which is written to be performed on stage, on the radio or TV.
- A text which expresses feelings or ideas through rhythm and rhyme.
- A story about someone’s life.
- A collection of short stories by one or several writers.
8 Clues: The writer of a book. • A story about someone’s life. • A story in the form of pictures and text. • A collection of short stories by one or several writers. • A text which expresses feelings or ideas through rhythm and rhyme. • A text which is written to be performed on stage, on the radio or TV. • ...
Books 2024-04-02
8 Clues: has many poems • is often about ghosts • tells you how to cook things • makes you laugh with funny stories • tells you how to create toys and stuffs • uses a lot of pictures to tell its story • tells you how to build, make or use something • actors learn the words in this book and then perform in the theater
dr Seuss 2022-03-30
- topics of concern
- War II, war in 1939-45
- Bear, a series of books for children
- someone who writes for people to read
- States Army, American military
- words that sound the same
- books that tell a story
- soft cover collection of articles
- news tabloids
- a person who writes books
- printer of books
- Seuss Geisel, the real name of dr. seuss
- a person that draws cartoons
- subjects in a book
- artist
- Seuss, the famous author
- someone who lives in America
- Cat in the Hat, a Childs book
18 Clues: artist • news tabloids • printer of books • topics of concern • subjects in a book • War II, war in 1939-45 • books that tell a story • Seuss, the famous author • words that sound the same • a person who writes books • a person that draws cartoons • someone who lives in America • Cat in the Hat, a Childs book • States Army, American military • soft cover collection of articles • ...
Book Genre 2023-07-01
- books that use clues to find out "whodunnit"
- books that take place in the future or on other planets
- books that are funny
- true books about a person
- books that are not true but could be based on real events
- books that are like a comic
- also so called chapter books
- books that have a rhyme
- books that are true
- books that are good for anyone
- books that tell a story about a time in the past
11 Clues: books that are true • books that are funny • books that have a rhyme • true books about a person • books that are like a comic • also so called chapter books • books that are good for anyone • books that use clues to find out "whodunnit" • books that tell a story about a time in the past • books that take place in the future or on other planets • ...
In the classroom 2021-01-04
16 Clues: écoute • be ... • sit ... • stand ... • open the ... • ... a pencil • ... the door • ... the text • ... your name • close your ... • ... your books • put up your ... • ... at the board • ... up to the board • take your ... books • put your chewing-gum in the ...
Books related vocabulary (A2) 2025-01-17
- A single sheet in a book.
- The front or back of a book.
- A type of book that tells true stories or facts.
- A category of books, such as mystery or romance.
- A short piece of writing with rhythm or rhyme.
- A person who writes books.
- The main events in a story.
- A place where you can borrow books.
- A person or being in a story.
- A long fictional story, usually in book form.
- An object used to save your place in a book.
- A type of book that tells made-up stories.
- A person who reads books.
- An introduction to a book.
- A picture in a book.
- A section at the end of a book explaining difficult words.
- A company that prints and sells books.
- The name of a book.
- A section of a book.
- A list at the end of a book that tells where to find information.
20 Clues: The name of a book. • A picture in a book. • A section of a book. • A single sheet in a book. • A person who reads books. • An introduction to a book. • A person who writes books. • The main events in a story. • The front or back of a book. • A person or being in a story. • A place where you can borrow books. • A company that prints and sells books. • ...
- / Who did God call "A man after my own heart?"
- / Known as The Father of Multitude
- / Contributed the most books in the New Testament
- / Number of Minor Prophets
- / Wrote the most books in the Old Testament
- / What is Ruth's son's name
- / Books of Law is known as
- / Only book of The Bible that does not mention "God."
- / Number of Major Prophets
- / Number of books in the Old Testament
- / Ruth's mother in law
- / Number of Plagues that fell on Egypt
- / Esther's nationality
- / Longest book book in The Bible
- / The name that God gave Jacob
- / What is Joseph's mother's name?
- / What is David's wife's name
- / Number of books in the New Testament
- / What did God command Abraham to sacrifice?
- / How many years did the Israelites wander in the wilderness?
- / What was Jacob known for?
- / Where did God speak to Moses through a burning bush
- / Number of sections in the Old Testament
- / Rebekah's husband
24 Clues: / Rebekah's husband • / Ruth's mother in law • / Esther's nationality • / Number of Minor Prophets • / Books of Law is known as • / Number of Major Prophets • / What was Jacob known for? • / What is Ruth's son's name • / What is David's wife's name • / The name that God gave Jacob • / Longest book book in The Bible • / What is Joseph's mother's name? • ...
books 2023-01-10
8 Clues: Most read book • Author of Othello • A Rhold Dhal book • The ring of fire from Hobbit • The merchant in Merchant of Venice • Name of the book series by R. L. Stine • the Main character in A Christmas Carol • Charles Dickens character that asked for more food
Books 2021-05-13
8 Clues: What was Tom Sawyer fonf of? • Where was Harry Potter born? • What did Marry Poppins fly with? • Did Tom S. have an angry granny? • What was the name of Harry's uncle? • Who was the headmaster of Hogwarts? • Who was the writer of Treasure Island? • Who was the main character in Lord of the Rings?
Books 2023-01-17
- a list of all books in the library
- books that give facts
- someone who has written a book
- a long written story in which the characters and events are usually imaginary
- a thing, idea, or person that is an example to copy
- someone who writes poems
- a particular type of art, writing, music etc.
- made-up stories
8 Clues: made-up stories • books that give facts • someone who writes poems • someone who has written a book • a list of all books in the library • a particular type of art, writing, music etc. • a thing, idea, or person that is an example to copy • a long written story in which the characters and events are usually imaginary
Books 2023-02-18
- The first books as we know them originated in ancient ...
- And then you have, of all things, the ... of a book
- Book covers usually had ... on them
- People want the experience of ... it
- Ancient civilizations would record things by notches on ...
- Gutenberg created the modern printing ...
- A book can sort of be your ...
- And it's like a ... you have with the author
8 Clues: A book can sort of be your ... • Book covers usually had ... on them • People want the experience of ... it • Gutenberg created the modern printing ... • And it's like a ... you have with the author • And then you have, of all things, the ... of a book • The first books as we know them originated in ancient ... • ...
Books 2023-03-02
Books 2014-07-03
8 Clues: also about PJ • about kids with G7W • you find words in it • about a war... and a horse • five kids who solve mysteries • about a time travelling device • main character is percy jackson • the diary of a boy with an annoying sister
Books 2014-11-13
- a book containing instructions for doing something or operating a machine
- a book containing poems, stories or songs written by different people
- the life story of a person
- a set of pages showing days, weeks, months of a particular year
- a book of names and addresses
- a list of word meanings
- a large, heavy book about a serious subject.
- a book of maps
8 Clues: a book of maps • a list of word meanings • the life story of a person • a book of names and addresses • a large, heavy book about a serious subject. • a set of pages showing days, weeks, months of a particular year • a book containing poems, stories or songs written by different people • a book containing instructions for doing something or operating a machine
Books 2023-10-29
Books 2025-01-07
- A group of babysitters meetup and have an amazing time!
- Trapped inside a magic book, siblings Alex and Conner have to navigate their way through the ups and downs of fantasy land!
- A world class detective and all of exploits!
- Adventurous and intelligent, this genius girl has the courage to stand up to her mean priciple!
- Witches, warlocks, and magic. An iconic book series with even better adventures!
- Clay, Tsunami, Starflight, Sunny, and Glory finally escape the cave that they have been trapped in their whole lives, only to find that the adventure that awits them is much more difficult!
- The blue son of the sea destined to save or destroy the world!
- Half-man, half-dog, Full on Cop, Fights crime all day with his friends, Lil Petey, Cheif, 80HD, and more!
8 Clues: A world class detective and all of exploits! • A group of babysitters meetup and have an amazing time! • The blue son of the sea destined to save or destroy the world! • Witches, warlocks, and magic. An iconic book series with even better adventures! • Adventurous and intelligent, this genius girl has the courage to stand up to her mean priciple! • ...
Reading Books 2013-10-21
- What we call the people in books.
- the book you are all reading
- When we are introduced to people, time and place.
- a new part in the same story
- three books in a row with the same characters
- A genre of book filled with love.
- Someone who writes a book
- A genre of book set in a galaxy or Universe far away.
- Someone who writes a play.
- Someone who loves to read all the time.
- A quiet place with lots of books.
- A genre of book which has us on the edge of our seat.
- A genre of book set in a non-human time and place.
13 Clues: Someone who writes a book • Someone who writes a play. • the book you are all reading • a new part in the same story • What we call the people in books. • A quiet place with lots of books. • A genre of book filled with love. • Someone who loves to read all the time. • three books in a row with the same characters • When we are introduced to people, time and place. • ...
School Books 2024-05-08
- The _________of the Scorpion: A sci-fi book about a drug empire.8th
- The ____Fail of Arturo Zamora: A boy who lives with his family, in a restaurant in miami.6th
- ____ Martin: a book about racism in modern society.8th
- The _________ A book about rival gangs and children in a burning church.7th
- A _________: A play written by shakespeare the main character is named Hermia.8th
- _____Kid: A youth goes to a new school and has to figure out where he fits in.7th
- ______ Farm: a satire about the Soviet union, using animals instead of people.8th
- The _____ on Mango Street: a book written with poetic prose about a small red house.8th
- _____1793: Historical fiction about a girl and her grandfather who survived the yellow fever academic.6th
- _____: A book about the Holocaust, written by Elie Wiesel.8th
- When_____ Are Scattered: About immigrant boys fleeing a civil war with a step mom named fatima.6th
- Brown Girl________: a free verse memoir. A novel in verse about the author's life story.7th
- A______ in the sun: A play about a family living in a small house, wanting a bigger house. The mom gets pregnant but the grandma doesn't want the child.7th
- One_____Word: A book of poems based on the works of harlem renaissance poets.6th
14 Clues: ____ Martin: a book about racism in modern society.8th • _____: A book about the Holocaust, written by Elie Wiesel.8th • The _________of the Scorpion: A sci-fi book about a drug empire.8th • The _________ A book about rival gangs and children in a burning church.7th • One_____Word: A book of poems based on the works of harlem renaissance poets.6th • ...
Bible Books 2022-10-19
- Testament that includes the four Gospels
- Kind of book in the Bible that tells about the prophets and their messages
- First book of the Bible, which contains the creation accounts
- Kind of book in the Bible that shows how God cared for the Israelites throughout history
- Testament that tells of God's relationship with the Jewish people before Jesus
- First five books of the Bible; means "five scrolls"
- People also known as Israelites
- Creator of the universe
- The perfect revelation of God
- One's free choice to turn away from God
- Saved from the flood because he was faithful to God
- Title given to the one sent to save us
- Kind of book in the Bible that tells how a wise person lives
13 Clues: Creator of the universe • The perfect revelation of God • People also known as Israelites • Title given to the one sent to save us • One's free choice to turn away from God • Testament that includes the four Gospels • First five books of the Bible; means "five scrolls" • Saved from the flood because he was faithful to God • ...
Religion Crossword Puzzle 2022-10-05
- reminds God’s people to be faithful to the covenant
- 73 books and includes the Old & New Testament
- official list of books in the Bible
- chosen by God to remind people of the covenant
- the father of a great people as promised by God
- God promised one of her descendants would conquer evil
- … of the Apostles
- sixteen books that tell about God’s people living the covenant
- four written accounts of the Gospel
- where God promised Moses and Israelites he would be their God
- The … Letters
- first five books of the Bible
- … scripture another name for the Bible
- The Book of …
- Books that tell us how to live the covenant
- Biblical …
- God promised Noah all living things will continue
17 Clues: Biblical … • The … Letters • The Book of … • … of the Apostles • first five books of the Bible • official list of books in the Bible • four written accounts of the Gospel • … scripture another name for the Bible • Books that tell us how to live the covenant • 73 books and includes the Old & New Testament • chosen by God to remind people of the covenant • ...
English 2018-06-04
- what happen in the books.
- the conversation between the characters in the books.
- the way two people behave to each other.
- people in the books.
- when, where.
- different types of books.
- to see a picture in mind, from the description of 5 senses.
- similar to characteristic.
- to give a glue about what will happen next.
- a word to describe a noun.
- the study of the way human behave.
- a word to describe a verb.
- a guess.
- no ending.
- the main idea of a books.
15 Clues: a guess. • no ending. • when, where. • people in the books. • what happen in the books. • the main idea of a books. • different types of books. • similar to characteristic. • a word to describe a noun. • a word to describe a verb. • the study of the way human behave. • the way two people behave to each other. • to give a glue about what will happen next. • ...
School Life 2020-08-06
23 Clues: gym • pens • exam • math • desk • kids • club • books • study • tests • pencil • marker • recess • reading • writing • teacher • friends • science • history • notebook • principal • highlighter • extra credit
At the Library 2024-06-20
- They often rhyme or have rhythm
- Filled with definitions
- Books about real things or people
- A place where books are stored
- Borrow
- The name of the book
- A picture book for teens/adults
- Person who draws for a book
- Person in charge of the public library
- "The Monitor"
- Character that does bad things
- You need this to checkout books
- A person in a story
- Building full of stories
- Return
- Someone who offers their time to complete a task
- A small quiet place to study
- Grown-ups
- Box to return books
- It holds your place in a book
- A book you read online
- Someone who reads a lot
- You need a mouse
- Longer than a comic
- A booklet published monthly; "People ___"
- Main character
- A story that is made up
- Parents need this to wake up
- Contains a story
- Person who writes a story
- Younger people
- Connects you with people around the world
- A book about a real person's life
- Chips, honey buns, cookies, juice, etc.
- A person who works at the library
- Pharr's library
- Use it look for books on a computer
- Do this to keep the book longer
- System used to organize books
- Young people
- Place where paintings are displayed
- A book you listen to
- Place where books are sold
43 Clues: Borrow • Return • Grown-ups • Young people • "The Monitor" • Main character • Younger people • Pharr's library • You need a mouse • Contains a story • Longer than a comic • A person in a story • Box to return books • The name of the book • A book you listen to • A book you read online • Filled with definitions • A story that is made up • Someone who reads a lot • Building full of stories • ...
HCMS Libary 2021-01-19
- We use this to save the page of the book
- This sometimes comes on the news. It shows video of book to see if you would like to read those books
- The library clerk
- novel This is a type of book that is a novel that is a comic strip form
- We use this website to log our minutes that we read. Sometimes Orange County hosts reading challenges on here,too!
- This is the place were we put books back so they can be checked in
- Books that can be read online.
- The HCMS librarian and also someone who is also here for good recommendations
- These type of books are not real.
- Books about real people and their life
- The way the library rewards people for taking RC test and getting points
- This is were we go on Launchpad to find a book or put a book on hold
- You take reading test for your book. You get Eagle Super Reader points from taking this test
- This is a yearly state award were you can read 15 books
- These type of books you can listen to while doing work.
- These books are about history and life and real things.
16 Clues: The library clerk • Books that can be read online. • These type of books are not real. • Books about real people and their life • We use this to save the page of the book • This is a yearly state award were you can read 15 books • These type of books you can listen to while doing work. • These books are about history and life and real things. • ...
The Library 2022-10-12
- The pictures in a book
- Summary of the book found on back cover
- The tool that lists all the books in the Library
- The face of the book
- Books with information
- The library identification number on each book that we scann
- The best object in the world
- Checking out a book
- Where you store books
- Our reading quizzes
- Who manages the library
- Books with stories
- A book with pages made of cardboard
- The website where you can search for books, reserve and request them
- The edge of the book that has the classification labels
- The writer or illustrator of a book
16 Clues: Books with stories • Checking out a book • Our reading quizzes • The face of the book • Where you store books • The pictures in a book • Books with information • Who manages the library • The best object in the world • A book with pages made of cardboard • The writer or illustrator of a book • Summary of the book found on back cover • The tool that lists all the books in the Library • ...
Fahrenheit 451 2014-01-15
- Fiction/ The genre of Fahrenheit 451.
- What do "firemen" use to burn books?
- you happy/ What question troubles Guy montag the most?
- Ventilator/ Which area did Guy Montag choose to hide his books?
- What was ms. phelps reaction towards the poem?, What did she do?
- What is the official symbol used by fireman?.
- What type of society is present in Fahrenheit 451?
- One of Montag's mentor. He is also an ex-professor
- Crash/ How did clarisse die?
- pills/ What substance was used during mildreds overdose?
- Beach/ Which poem did Guy Montag read to Mildred and her freinds
- Mclennan/ Montag's neighbour who enlightens him
- Guy Montag's Captain
- Hound/ A Computerized Dog
- Guy Montag's Wife
- Books/ The purpose of firemen
- What is the main purpose of clarisse, what did her character Promote?
- What is the theme concerning the banning of books?
- what is banned in order to protect society from dangerous thoughts?.
- Montag/ The main character's name
20 Clues: Guy Montag's Wife • Guy Montag's Captain • Hound/ A Computerized Dog • Crash/ How did clarisse die? • Books/ The purpose of firemen • Montag/ The main character's name • What do "firemen" use to burn books? • Fiction/ The genre of Fahrenheit 451. • What is the official symbol used by fireman?. • Mclennan/ Montag's neighbour who enlightens him • ...
English 2018-06-04
- what happen in the books.
- the conversation between the characters in the books.
- the way two people behave to each other.
- people in the books.
- when, where.
- different types of books.
- to see a picture in mind, from the description of 5 senses.
- similar to characteristic.
- to give a glue about what will happen next.
- a word to describe a noun.
- the study of the way human behave.
- a word to describe a verb.
- a guess.
- no ending.
- the main idea of a books.
15 Clues: a guess. • no ending. • when, where. • people in the books. • what happen in the books. • the main idea of a books. • different types of books. • similar to characteristic. • a word to describe a noun. • a word to describe a verb. • the study of the way human behave. • the way two people behave to each other. • to give a glue about what will happen next. • ...
The Bible 2024-09-08
- This New Testament book records the first church.
- 1st book of Old Testament
- 27 books in the _______ testament
- last book of Old Testament
- last book of New Testament
- First 5 books of the Old Testament
- 39 books in the _______ testament
- First 4 books of New Testament
- The Bible is God's ________ 2 Timothy 3:16
- first book of New Testament
- Sin will keep us from this
- God's word will keep us from this. Psalms 119:11
- God's word is sharper than this
- The Bible was written over 1500
- This many men wrote the Bible
- The Bible is a collection of these
16 Clues: 1st book of Old Testament • Sin will keep us from this • last book of Old Testament • last book of New Testament • first book of New Testament • This many men wrote the Bible • First 4 books of New Testament • God's word is sharper than this • The Bible was written over 1500 • 27 books in the _______ testament • 39 books in the _______ testament • ...
Fahrenheit 451 2014-01-15
- Fiction/ The genre of Fahrenheit 451.
- One of Montag's mentor. He is also an ex-professor
- pills/ What substance was used during mildreds overdose?
- what is banned in order to protect society from dangerous thoughts?.
- What is the theme concerning the banning of books?
- Hound/ A Computerized Dog
- Guy Montag's Captain
- Guy Montag's Wife
- What type of society is present in Fahrenheit 451?
- you happy/ What question troubles Guy montag the most?
- Beach/ Which poem did Guy Montag read to Mildred and her freinds
- What is the main purpose of clarisse, what did her character Promote?
- What do "firemen" use to burn books?
- Mclennan/ Montag's neighbour who enlightens him
- Montag/ The main character's name
- Books/ The purpose of firemen
- What is the official symbol used by fireman?.
- What was ms. phelps reaction towards the poem?, What did she do?
- Crash/ How did clarisse die?
- Ventilator/ Which area did Guy Montag choose to hide his books?
20 Clues: Guy Montag's Wife • Guy Montag's Captain • Hound/ A Computerized Dog • Crash/ How did clarisse die? • Books/ The purpose of firemen • Montag/ The main character's name • What do "firemen" use to burn books? • Fiction/ The genre of Fahrenheit 451. • What is the official symbol used by fireman?. • Mclennan/ Montag's neighbour who enlightens him • ...
Q1 LBJ Library Review 2022-10-13
- Books that contain information, facts, and/or how-to instructions
- You may checkout a maximum of _____ books at a time
- Place books to be returned or renewed in the _____ crate
- LBJ mascot
- LBJ's on-line catalog, where you can find your library account, is called _________ Discover
- Sept 15-Oct 15 is ______ Heritage Month
- __________ means to checkout a book again.
- Books and stories that come from an author's imagination
- To get to LBJ's online library systems, first go to _________ at
- The LBJ library has over _____ thousand books
- Book that you read on-line on your Chromebook or other device
- You should not eat _____ or drink liquids while reading your library books.
- Name of Mrs. Finke's dog, also name of a Greek god
- Please do not ________ books you take off a shelf
- One of LBJ's ebook platforms (starts with M)
15 Clues: LBJ mascot • Sept 15-Oct 15 is ______ Heritage Month • __________ means to checkout a book again. • One of LBJ's ebook platforms (starts with M) • The LBJ library has over _____ thousand books • Please do not ________ books you take off a shelf • Name of Mrs. Finke's dog, also name of a Greek god • You may checkout a maximum of _____ books at a time • ...
lois 2017-02-28
Evolution of Books 2023-01-27
18 Clues: Books • Codex • scifi • Action • Evolve • Ebooks • Mystery • Papyrus • Tablets • romance • Fantasy • Printed • religion • selfhelp • Adventure • Historical • Contemporary • spiritualism
St Tammany Library 2021-08-03
- True stories
- Take home bags of fun
- Large Print
- Discussing your reading
- Audiobook
- The call for picture books
- Where you look up information
- Former trees with words
- Sing along
- Japanse Graphic Novels
- Japanese Cartoons
- Hot off the press
- Having fun online with the library
- Stories and illustrations
- Where you type and print
- Pictures to decorate
- Here to help you
- Call for Young Adult
- Way before Google
- Stories to watch
20 Clues: Audiobook • Sing along • Large Print • True stories • Here to help you • Stories to watch • Hot off the press • Way before Google • Japanese Cartoons • Pictures to decorate • Call for Young Adult • Take home bags of fun • Japanse Graphic Novels • Discussing your reading • Former trees with words • Where you type and print • Stories and illustrations • The call for picture books • ...
Books Puzzle 2023-07-13
- / Saved from the flood because he was faithful to God.
- / First book of the Bible, which contains the creation accounts.
- / First five books of the Bible; word means “five scrolls”
- / King of book in the Bible that tells how a wise person lives.
- / Title given to the one sent to save us.
- / Testament that included the four Gospels.
- / Kind of book in the Bible that tells about the prophets and their messages.
- / Kind of book in the Bible that shows how God cared for the Israelites throughout history.
- / One’s free choice to turn away from God
- / The perfect revelation of God
- / People knows as Israelites.
- / Creator of the universe
- / Testament that tells of God’s relationship with the Jewish people before Jesus.
13 Clues: / Creator of the universe • / People knows as Israelites. • / The perfect revelation of God • / One’s free choice to turn away from God • / Title given to the one sent to save us. • / Testament that included the four Gospels. • / Saved from the flood because he was faithful to God. • / First five books of the Bible; word means “five scrolls” • ...
School Books 2024-05-08
- A _________: A play written by shakespeare the main character is named Hermia.8th
- _____1793: Historical fiction about a girl and her grandfather who survived the yellow fever academic.6th
- The _________ A book about rival gangs and children in a burning church.7th
- ____ Martin: a book about racism in modern society.8th
- A______ in the sun: A play about a family living in a small house, wanting a bigger house. The mom gets pregnant but the grandma doesn't want the child.7th
- The _____ on Mango Street: a book written with poetic prose about a small red house.8th
- _____Kid: A youth goes to a new school and has to figure out where he fits in.7th
- One_____Word: A book of poems based on the works of harlem renaissance poets.6th
- Brown Girl________: a free verse memoir. A novel in verse about the author's life story.7th
- ______ Farm: a satire about the Soviet union, using animals instead of people.8th
- The _________of the Scorpion: A sci-fi book about a drug empire.8th
- The ____Fail of Arturo Zamora: A boy who lives with his family, in a restaurant in miami.6th
- When_____ Are Scattered: About immigrant boys fleeing a civil war with a step mom named fatima.6th
- _____: A book about the Holocaust, written by Elie Wiesel.8th
14 Clues: ____ Martin: a book about racism in modern society.8th • _____: A book about the Holocaust, written by Elie Wiesel.8th • The _________of the Scorpion: A sci-fi book about a drug empire.8th • The _________ A book about rival gangs and children in a burning church.7th • One_____Word: A book of poems based on the works of harlem renaissance poets.6th • ...
Books Genres 2023-11-30
13 Clues: Facts • Action, • About me • Who did it? • Scary stories • Rhymes and lines • Truth of the past • Laughter and Humor • Friendship and Love • Magical and mystical • Ex.: Murder and thievery • Aliens, bigfoot, and etc. • Pictures and speech bubbles
Books, anyone? 2023-10-22
- a fantasy of greek mythology
- Edward and Bella
- a famous play writer
- a flag that consists of 7 shades of orange and pink
- the knotting of string or cord
- a word in the dictionary that is always spelled incorrectly
- a state with 4 eyes
- like a toad
- A state where the last 4 letters are the first 4 of the capital
- A children’s book where there is a tuxedo cat involved
- like a ukulele
- The largest country, geographically
- Married to Jay-Z
13 Clues: like a toad • like a ukulele • Edward and Bella • Married to Jay-Z • a state with 4 eyes • a famous play writer • a fantasy of greek mythology • the knotting of string or cord • The largest country, geographically • a flag that consists of 7 shades of orange and pink • A children’s book where there is a tuxedo cat involved • ...
Crossword Day Library Puzzle 2020-12-17
- fun activity for preschoolers at the library
- a book that tells you the meaning of words
- how you bring a book back
- a person who works at the library
- books you can use in class to learn about a subject
- famous for his crazy made up words in children's books
- what you find in the library
- the address for the book on the shelf
- how you take a book out of the library
- books that are made up stories
- putting the books away
- books that are true
- what you should do every day
- a book of maps
14 Clues: a book of maps • books that are true • putting the books away • how you bring a book back • what you find in the library • what you should do every day • books that are made up stories • a person who works at the library • the address for the book on the shelf • how you take a book out of the library • a book that tells you the meaning of words • ...
Biblical Numbers 2020-05-19
- Who is third person of Trinity
- Who took six days to create earth
- God rested on this day
- Number of feasts in Spring
- God created on day four
- 613 laws given to Israelites at where
- Number of Commandments we usually use
- Contains 27 books
- Where did Pentecost occur
- 613 laws given at what event
- Number of books Paul wrote
- Who spent 40 years in wilderness
- Number of books in Torah
- Contains 39 books
- Who uses calendar of 360 days
- Number feasts in Fall
- There are how many feasts of The Lord
- God created on sixth day
- Who spent forty days in wilderness after baptism
- Who caught 153 fish John21
20 Clues: Contains 39 books • Contains 27 books • Number feasts in Fall • God rested on this day • God created on day four • Number of books in Torah • God created on sixth day • Where did Pentecost occur • Number of books Paul wrote • Number of feasts in Spring • Who caught 153 fish John21 • 613 laws given at what event • Who uses calendar of 360 days • Who is third person of Trinity • ...
SPCC JCSP Library What do you remember? 2022-10-10
- Books you can consult but not borrow
- Writing that is information or factual
- A writer of a book or article
- Making little or no noise!
- Attaches front and rear covers
- When you are looking for information
- Name of a book
- A room where you read!
- Mini Dictionary found in a book
- Fiction books are organised
- Alphabetical list found at back of book
- A company or person who issues the book
- Division of a book with title or number
- The school reading app
- Information books are organised by
- Person who draws pictures for books
- Your biography!
- Invented story
- Brief description of story
- Parts of the book organised in order
20 Clues: Invented story • Name of a book • Your biography! • The school reading app • A room where you read! • Making little or no noise! • Brief description of story • Fiction books are organised • A writer of a book or article • Attaches front and rear covers • Mini Dictionary found in a book • Information books are organised by • Person who draws pictures for books • ...
Library Crossword 2017-09-11
- If you want to find a story book, look for the author's _______.
- The school librarian is Mrs ______.
- Graphic books from Japan are called ________.
- You may borrow a book for up to ____ weeks.
- Fact books are organised by _________.
- As well as reading, you can use the _________.
- You will also visit the library during one of your ______ lessons.
- Enter library through the door near the _______.
- It is important to be ________ so others can concentrate.
- There are ______ as well as books.
- Books are organised into _______ and non-_______.
- Exit the door that leads towards the _______ department.
- Year seven can go in the library during ________ break.
- When you have read a book or magazine, put it back on the correct ______.
- Different types of books are called _______.
- Returned books should go in the ______ box.
16 Clues: There are ______ as well as books. • The school librarian is Mrs ______. • Fact books are organised by _________. • You may borrow a book for up to ____ weeks. • Returned books should go in the ______ box. • Different types of books are called _______. • Graphic books from Japan are called ________. • As well as reading, you can use the _________. • ...
Birds of a Feather 2023-01-29
- Trick or treat
- Cake decoration
- Birds of a ______
- To question
- Hebrew prophet
- Actress Weisz
- Brand of jeans
- God of War
- Anniversary
- NDP supporter
- Victorian sleuth
- Third US president
- Islamic state
- Evil
- A possibility
- Medical examiner
- Small Alberta city
- Feeling of expectation
- Corvid
- The Life of _____
- Sherlock sidekick
- _____ parlour
- Modern-day shell shock
- Resting place
- Shocking
- Actor Spock
- Books, books, books
- Arizona city
- Early Christian saint
29 Clues: Evil • Corvid • Shocking • God of War • To question • Anniversary • Actor Spock • Arizona city • A possibility • _____ parlour • Actress Weisz • Resting place • NDP supporter • Islamic state • Trick or treat • Hebrew prophet • Brand of jeans • Cake decoration • Medical examiner • Victorian sleuth • The Life of _____ • Sherlock sidekick • Birds of a ______ • Small Alberta city • Third US president • Books, books, books • ...
Term 1 Week 10 - r as in rain 2023-03-23
- opposite of correct
- not dull
- reflection
- precipitation
- a narrative
- past tense of carry
- the B in BODMAS!
- fruit
- past tense of write
- homograph
- family
- space vehicle
- homophone of right
- compound word
- a zephyr!
- day after today
- opposite of left
- ________ and sister
- books, books, books
- king, queen, etc
- spicy food
- past tense of bring
- used again
- put it in the bin!
- a square hit by a bus!
25 Clues: fruit • family • not dull • a zephyr! • homograph • reflection • spicy food • used again • a narrative • compound word • precipitation • space vehicle • day after today • opposite of left • king, queen, etc • the B in BODMAS! • homophone of right • put it in the bin! • opposite of correct • ________ and sister • books, books, books • past tense of carry • past tense of bring • past tense of write • ...