books Crossword Puzzles

Reading books 2021-04-07

Reading books crossword puzzle
  1. you can look up words
  2. take back
  3. funny
  4. a made up story
  5. they tell it as a real story
  6. love story
  7. written in rhymes
  8. exciting event
  1. take from (a library)
  2. the Picts made ale of
  3. works with books
  4. grown-up
  5. people read every day
  6. investigates crimes

14 Clues: funnygrown-uptake backlove storyexciting eventa made up storyworks with bookswritten in rhymesinvestigates crimestake from (a library)the Picts made ale ofyou can look up wordspeople read every daythey tell it as a real story

Historical Books 2022-10-20

Historical Books crossword puzzle
  1. The 4th judge.
  2. Who did Deborah wage war against?
  3. Who crossed the River Jordan?
  4. Who was the son of David?
  5. What did Solomon build?
  6. The place where Joshua conquered.
  7. Who was the adulterous man who later became a judge?
  1. Gideon destroyed ______ of false gods
  2. A priest, prophet, and last Judge of Israel.
  3. Who was envious of David?
  4. Samuel wanted a _________ government.
  5. Saul disobeyed god by keeping the _____ of war.
  6. Who tore a lion in half?
  7. Samson’s trust in God allowed him to ____ the Israelites from the Philistines.

14 Clues: The 4th judge.What did Solomon build?Who tore a lion in half?Who was envious of David?Who was the son of David?Who crossed the River Jordan?Who did Deborah wage war against?The place where Joshua conquered.Gideon destroyed ______ of false godsSamuel wanted a _________ government.A priest, prophet, and last Judge of Israel....

Children's Books 2022-10-10

Children's Books crossword puzzle
  1. Author of the pigeon Books
  2. Original Series written by Ann M. Martin, now a popular Graphic Novel series
  3. Mr. Popper's _______
  4. author of The Bad Seed
  5. Written by Eric Carle
  1. Author of where the Sidewalk Ends
  2. Graphic novels series that follows a wolf, snake, piranha, shark and a spider
  3. ______ and the terrible, horrible,no good, very bad day
  4. James and the Giant _______
  5. Charlotte's ____
  6. ___ the Boy Who Crashed to Earth
  7. ___ Eggs and Ham
  8. Series written by J.K Rowling
  9. Author of Funjungle series

14 Clues: Charlotte's _______ Eggs and HamMr. Popper's _______Written by Eric Carleauthor of The Bad SeedAuthor of the pigeon BooksAuthor of Funjungle seriesJames and the Giant _______Series written by J.K Rowling___ the Boy Who Crashed to EarthAuthor of where the Sidewalk Ends______ and the terrible, horrible,no good, very bad day...

Inspirational Books 2024-07-25

Inspirational Books crossword puzzle
  1. guide to spiritual enlightenment, "The Power of ___"
  2. "Man's Search for ___"
  3. Brene Brown's book on vulnerability, "Daring ___"
  4. Dale Carnegie's book on influencing people
  5. classic on personal achievement, "Think and Grow ___"
  6. Johnson's parable about change, "Who Moved My ___?"
  7. Albom's tale of a dying professor, "Tuesdays with ___"
  8. guide to a meaningful life, "The Purpose Driven ___"
  1. Elizabeth Gilbert's memoir, "Eat, Pray, ___"
  2. personal development, "Awaken the Giant ___"
  3. self-help book, "The 7 ___ of Highly Effective People"
  4. motivational book, "The Monk Who Sold His ___"
  5. Byrne's book about the law of attraction, "The ___"
  6. book on healing, "You Can ___ Your Life"

14 Clues: "Man's Search for ___"book on healing, "You Can ___ Your Life"Dale Carnegie's book on influencing peopleElizabeth Gilbert's memoir, "Eat, Pray, ___"personal development, "Awaken the Giant ___"motivational book, "The Monk Who Sold His ___"Brene Brown's book on vulnerability, "Daring ___"Byrne's book about the law of attraction, "The ___"...

Bookworms’ Paradise 2025-03-10

Bookworms’ Paradise crossword puzzle
  1. Someone who writes books
  2. A short story with a moral
  3. A book someone writes about themselves
  4. Books based on real events
  5. A short piece of nonfiction writing
  6. A section of a book
  7. An ancient rolled up manuscript
  8. A book about someone's life
  9. A book that sells in huge numbers
  10. A small note at the bottom of a page
  11. Someone who narrates tales
  12. A book that has stood the test of time
  13. A category of literature
  14. A book of word definitions
  15. The name of a book
  16. The sequence of events in a story
  17. A person who organizes books
  18. A book with a stiff cover
  19. A book of knowledge on many topics
  20. The blank spaces around text
  21. Written works of lasting value
  22. An introduction to a story
  23. A genre exploring futuristic ideas
  24. A group of people discussing books
  1. A genre with magic and mythical creatures
  2. A story written for performance
  3. A story passed down through generations
  4. A place where books are sold
  5. The part of a book that holds pages together
  6. A company that produces books
  7. A long work of fiction
  8. A traditional story often about gods
  9. A book before it’s published
  10. A genre involving crime or suspense
  11. A book with a soft cover
  12. The outer part of a book
  13. A traditional tale that may be historical
  14. Someone who draws for books
  15. A section defining important terms
  16. A person who loves books
  17. A person in a book
  18. A book of synonyms and antonyms
  19. A building full of books
  20. A list of topics and page numbers
  21. A tool to save your reading spot
  22. A repeated passage from a book
  23. A section at the end of a book
  24. A collection of books with the same characters
  25. Stories that are not real
  26. Writing that uses rhythm and verse
  27. Someone who revises manuscripts

51 Clues: A person in a bookThe name of a bookA section of a bookA long work of fictionSomeone who writes booksA book with a soft coverThe outer part of a bookA person who loves booksA category of literatureA building full of booksA book with a stiff coverStories that are not realA short story with a moralBooks based on real eventsSomeone who narrates tales...

READY for the Library 2023-08-28

READY for the Library crossword puzzle
  1. National Geographic Kids, Zoobooks, and Ask are ______ that I can check out and read.
  2. Reading my library books during book checkout time will help me stay ______ in my reading.
  3. When I check out a ______, I should find the book that goes along with it.
  4. Everyone, fiction, nonfiction, and graphic novels are different _______ in our library.
  5. If I need to keep my book for longer, I can ______ it.
  6. I can check out the books that are on ________.
  7. I need to get my library card if I want to ______.
  8. If I return my books, I can check out _______ books every week.
  9. If I want to reserve a book for myself, I can go to Destiny Discover and put it on ______.
  1. Reading is a great way to ______ your saw!
  2. We always use walking feet, keep our voices at 0, and keep our hands and feet to ourselves so that we can be ______ when we walk into the library, listen to read alouds/book talks, or checkout books.
  3. Discover ______ is the app that can help me find books in the library.
  4. Ipads remain _______ closed when we are not using them. We use them only when instructed to do so.
  5. It is my responsibility to take good ______ of my books.
  6. I can go to this app to find online books, graphic novels, and magazines.
  7. When it is time to leave, we line up quickly and _______ on the red line.
  8. Keeping my iPad charged shows I am ________.
  9. During book checkout time, we quietly ______ our books or a magazine.

18 Clues: Reading is a great way to ______ your saw!Keeping my iPad charged shows I am ________.I can check out the books that are on ________.I need to get my library card if I want to ______.If I need to keep my book for longer, I can ______ it.It is my responsibility to take good ______ of my books....

November crossword 2023-10-10

November crossword crossword puzzle
  1. One of Mr. Tuckerman's favorite books. It's a mystery novel that takes place in Cuba
  2. A form of lymphoma, typically characterized by the lack of Reed-Sternberg lymphocytes
  3. One of Mr. Young's Favorite books. It's title is also an old diving term.
  4. One of Mrs. Nava's favorite books. Another way to say that you don't show your truth.
  5. One of Mrs. Peters' favorite books. Its plot contains twins.
  6. One of Mrs. Martinez's favorite books. This book is the beginning of a trilogy, taking place in the 1900's
  7. Another way to describe creaky joints
  8. Commonly known as goosebumps.
  9. A rare syndrome, caused by a genetic deletion of a portion of the 15th chromosome
  10. One of Mrs. Vasquez's favorite books. It Contains inanimate objects coming to life.
  1. One of Mrs. Pools' favorite books. Its title is a phrase used to describe an act of kindness.
  2. One of Mrs. Ziel's favorite books. This book takes place in England and is split into three parts.
  3. The presence of a gallstone
  4. Sneeze
  5. One of Mrs. Dorman's Favorite books. Considered a classic of the Harlem Renaissance.

15 Clues: SneezeThe presence of a gallstoneCommonly known as goosebumps.Another way to describe creaky jointsOne of Mrs. Peters' favorite books. Its plot contains twins.One of Mr. Young's Favorite books. It's title is also an old diving term.A rare syndrome, caused by a genetic deletion of a portion of the 15th chromosome...

Reading Through The Genres 2024-08-01

Reading Through The Genres crossword puzzle
  1. Funny Books
  2. Imaginary unreal events in books
  3. Books with plots of magic, supernatural, and unreal
  4. Books that a person writes about the facts in their own lives
  5. Categories of books
  6. Looking at and understanding printed words
  7. Science and technology books
  1. Factual stories about a person's life
  2. Stories with a life lesson or moral
  3. Nothing but the facts are in books
  4. Books with a puzzle in the plot to solve
  5. Books written in verses, sometimes rhythm, feelings, emotions

12 Clues: Funny BooksCategories of booksScience and technology booksImaginary unreal events in booksNothing but the facts are in booksStories with a life lesson or moralFactual stories about a person's lifeBooks with a puzzle in the plot to solveLooking at and understanding printed wordsBooks with plots of magic, supernatural, and unreal...


BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS crossword puzzle
  1. robin cooks terrifying tale about an epidemic in the 21st century caused not by microbes but by sinister sabotage
  2. Ranchoddas Shyamaldas Chanchad
  3. this popular Gujju pastime is banned in Afghanistan. a book on sexual assault
  1. American classic based on racial inequality and rape - Harper Lee
  2. blood bottler, gizard gulper, child chewer, maid masher, man hugger
  3. elder wand, resurrection stone, invisibility cloak

6 Clues: Ranchoddas Shyamaldas Chanchadelder wand, resurrection stone, invisibility cloakAmerican classic based on racial inequality and rape - Harper Leeblood bottler, gizard gulper, child chewer, maid masher, man huggerthis popular Gujju pastime is banned in Afghanistan. a book on sexual assault...

Unit 3 review game - Lozano 2019-11-07

Unit 3 review game - Lozano crossword puzzle
  1. from the Latin world for common
  2. Scared scripture
  3. a letter addressed to a particular person or people
  4. particularity the book of Deuteronomy written around the seventh century BC
  5. from the greek for five books;the torah
  6. the portion of the mass that includes the reading scripture and the homily
  7. a synonym for covenant
  8. the lists of the inspired books of the bible
  9. the old testament books that comprise the stories of the prophets who cast judgement and warn of divine retribution while calling Israel to repentance
  10. because God is the truth, there is an absolute unity and coherence of truths contained in the various books of the bible
  11. reflecting the perspective of the Jews in Judah around the ninth or tenth century BC
  12. an event or person in scripture pointing to a later event or person that has similar virtues
  13. an old English rendering of the Greek for Good news
  14. those parts of the old testament removed from the Jewish canon of scripture but in the Septuagint used by the early Christians
  15. the forty-six books of the bible
  1. the twenty-seven books of the bible
  2. reflecting the perspective of Jews in the northern kingdom of Israel around the eighth or ninth century BC
  3. the portion of the mass that includes the preparation of bread and wine
  4. a version of the Septuagint produced by Origen
  5. those books of the bible included canon of scripture
  6. thought to be later editor who revised all five books to reflect the concerns of the Jerusalem priesthood after the return of the Jews from the Babylonian empire
  7. the study of ancestry
  8. the five books of moses
  9. a third century BC Greek translation of the of the old testament made by seventy Jewish scholars
  10. a type of sacred literature characterized by symbolic imagery

25 Clues: Scared scripturethe study of ancestrya synonym for covenantthe five books of mosesfrom the Latin world for commonthe forty-six books of the biblethe twenty-seven books of the biblefrom the greek for five books;the torahthe lists of the inspired books of the biblea version of the Septuagint produced by Origen...

Unit 4 Review Game 2019-11-07

Unit 4 Review Game crossword puzzle
  1. One who proclaims the evangellion or gospel
  2. a synonym for covenant
  3. the study of ancestry or chronological list of ancestors
  4. the portion of mass that includes the reading of Scripture and the homily
  5. Which were the first written Christian works?
  6. Testament the twenty-seven books of the Bible written by Sacred Authors in the apostolic ers
  7. a letter addressed to a particular person or people. Much of the New Testament consists of these letters written to individuals, to congregations, or to the church as a whole
  8. What does canon literally mean?
  9. Because God is truth, there is an absolute unity and coherence of truths contained in the various books of the bible; these illustrate and shed light on one another and the complete plan of Revelation
  10. What was the first English translation of the Bible?
  11. the list of the inspired books of the Bible
  1. from the Latin word for common; the name of St. Jerome's translation of the bible from the original languages into Latin
  2. Sacred Scripture; the books containing the truth of Gods revelation as composed by inspired, Sacred Authors
  3. from the Greek fro five books; the Torah
  4. the portion of mass that includes the preparation of the bread and wine
  5. What is the King James Version?
  6. the five books of Moses
  7. Papyrus On what materials were the books of the Old Testament originally written?
  8. a version of the Septuagint produced by the Origen; it presents the texts in Hebrew and Greek in parallel columns
  9. What literary form is Revelation?
  10. those books of the bible included in the Jewish canon of Scripture
  11. Who wrote most of the Epistles?
  12. Who speaks throughout the Bible?
  13. How many books are in the Old Testament?
  14. text What text of the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit?

25 Clues: a synonym for covenantthe five books of MosesWhat is the King James Version?What does canon literally mean?Who wrote most of the Epistles?Who speaks throughout the Bible?What literary form is Revelation?from the Greek fro five books; the TorahHow many books are in the Old Testament?One who proclaims the evangellion or gospel...


BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS crossword puzzle
  1. elder wand, resurrection stone, invisibility cloak
  2. robin cooks terrifying tale about an epidemic in the 21st century caused not by microbes but by sinister sabotage
  1. Ranchoddas Shyamaldas Chanchad
  2. American classic based on racial inequality and rape - Harper Lee
  3. this popular Gujju pastime is banned in Afghanistan. a book on sexual assault
  4. blood bottler, gizard gulper, child chewer, maid masher, man hugger

6 Clues: Ranchoddas Shyamaldas Chanchadelder wand, resurrection stone, invisibility cloakAmerican classic based on racial inequality and rape - Harper Leeblood bottler, gizard gulper, child chewer, maid masher, man huggerthis popular Gujju pastime is banned in Afghanistan. a book on sexual assault...

Library Crossword 2024-04-13

Library Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. - "Item used to borrow books."
  2. - "Handwritten document."
  3. - "Periodical for academic research."
  4. - "Electronic resource for research."
  5. - "Literary works of imagination."
  6. - "Library atmosphere expectation."
  7. - "Materials not for borrowing."
  8. - "Shelves for storing books."
  9. - "Book of maps."
  10. - "Quiet space for reading and research."
  11. - "List of works on a particular subject."
  12. - "Reproductive film of documents."
  1. - "Text of an opera or musical."
  2. - "Systematic list of library holdings."
  3. - "Workstation for library staff."
  4. - "Periodical publication with articles and images."
  5. - "Storage unit for books."
  6. - "Collection of historical documents."
  7. - "Comprehensive reference work."
  8. - "Factual literature."
  9. - "Classification system for library books."
  10. - "Publication issued regularly."
  11. - "Keeper of library materials."
  12. - "Bound collection of printed pages."

24 Clues: - "Book of maps."- "Factual literature."- "Handwritten document."- "Storage unit for books."- "Item used to borrow books."- "Shelves for storing books."- "Text of an opera or musical."- "Materials not for borrowing."- "Keeper of library materials."- "Comprehensive reference work."- "Publication issued regularly."- "Workstation for library staff."...

Wranglers 2022-05-17

Wranglers crossword puzzle
  1. strength
  2. grow
  3. dream
  4. success
  5. shine
  6. keep going
  7. junior high
  8. question
  1. kids
  2. books
  3. pencil
  4. read
  5. mascot
  6. discover
  7. growth
  8. imagine
  9. ears
  10. learn
  11. fun
  12. think

20 Clues: funkidsreadgrowearsbooksdreamlearnshinethinkpencilmascotgrowthimaginesuccessstrengthdiscoverquestionkeep goingjunior high

Fahrenheit 451 2022-03-23

Fahrenheit 451 crossword puzzle
  1. Retired English professor
  2. Fire department logo
  3. These are illegal in this time period
  4. Main antagonist
  5. Crys when guy reads to her
  6. Guy learns how to
  7. Montags wife
  8. The type of society this book is describing
  1. Main protagonist
  2. The fire department burns one when they find books
  3. who burned the books
  4. Montags city is destroyed by this
  5. Beatty labels a "time bomb"
  6. Montag is __________ years old
  7. Mildred overdoses on these
  8. Montag and Faber communicate with each other over a two way ______
  9. Place where Faber and Montag first meet
  10. type of cars used
  11. Author of Fahrenheit 451
  12. Finds people with illegal books

20 Clues: Montags wifeMain antagonistMain protagonistGuy learns how totype of cars usedwho burned the booksFire department logoAuthor of Fahrenheit 451Retired English professorMildred overdoses on theseCrys when guy reads to herBeatty labels a "time bomb"Montag is __________ years oldMontags city is destroyed by thisFinds people with illegal books...

SPHS Library Scavenger Hunt 2024-08-28

SPHS Library Scavenger Hunt crossword puzzle
  1. First word in the title of a book about watches and clocks.
  2. What is the name of the school library?
  3. The library is open before school, after school, brunch, lunch, and during class time. True or False
  4. How long can books circulate? (How long can you "check out" a book?)
  5. Extend the borrowing period of a book.
  6. Title of a magazine (that SPHS subscribes to)that often publishes information about geography and animals.
  7. Who is the author of the books with the call number 822.33?
  8. Decimal system used to organize books.
  9. Invented story.
  1. What subject does the Dewey Decimal number 973.7 cover?
  2. What is the name of the computer system where you can search for books?
  3. A person who teaches in the library.
  4. Who is the author of The Color Purple?
  5. What is the first database listed on the library pages of the school website?
  6. A place to borrow books.
  7. Last name of the library assistant.
  8. Book of maps.
  9. Would a book with the call #373.14 go before or after a book with the call #373.22?
  10. Last name of the librarian.
  11. Factual book.
  12. What we do with books.
  13. Electronic version of a book.

22 Clues: Book of maps.Factual book.Invented story.What we do with books.A place to borrow books.Last name of the librarian.Electronic version of a book.Last name of the library assistant.A person who teaches in the library.Who is the author of The Color Purple?Extend the borrowing period of a book.Decimal system used to organize books....

Religious Knowledge 2021-06-15

Religious Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Days of the period of Lent
  2. Reason of Armsgiving
  3. Abraham's character
  4. Moses' brother
  5. Volumes of the Bible
  6. Early copies of the Bible
  7. Bible
  8. The tablet Moses received on Mt.Sinai
  9. Type of prayer
  10. One of the Wisdom Books
  11. Greek word for Bible
  12. Paul's episcle
  13. Joseph's older brother
  14. Reason for Joseph ending up in prison
  15. Records the history of the Israelites
  16. Queen Esther's husband
  17. 1st day of creation
  18. One of the Gospels
  1. Each division of the books of Bible
  2. Testament
  3. First Book of the Bible
  4. Language the Bible was written in
  5. Sacred Scriptures was written on
  6. Records the life of Christ
  7. Quality of a good leader
  8. Moses' meaning
  9. Chapters of the Bible are divided into
  10. Queen Esther's cousin
  11. Number of Books in the Catholic Bible
  12. One of the five Books of Law
  13. Synonym of Letter in the Bible
  14. One of the books of Prophet
  15. Reason Esther was wife of Xerxes
  16. Abraham's son
  17. King Pharoah's dream
  18. Used to write the Sacred Scriptures on
  19. Wise men inspired by God
  20. Meaning of Isaac
  21. Matthew records Jesus life in

39 Clues: BibleTestamentAbraham's sonMoses' brotherMoses' meaningType of prayerPaul's episcleMeaning of IsaacOne of the GospelsAbraham's character1st day of creationReason of ArmsgivingVolumes of the BibleGreek word for BibleKing Pharoah's dreamQueen Esther's cousinJoseph's older brotherQueen Esther's husbandFirst Book of the BibleOne of the Wisdom Books...

sd 2025-03-05

sd crossword puzzle
  1. bookcase
  2. speakers
  3. cushion
  4. endtable
  5. rug
  6. tvstand
  7. floorlamp
  8. vase
  9. curtains
  10. mirror
  1. couch
  2. books
  3. painting
  4. armchair
  5. coffeetable
  6. shelf
  7. plant
  8. lamp
  9. chandelier

19 Clues: ruglampvasecouchbooksshelfplantmirrorcushiontvstandbookcasepaintingarmchairspeakersendtablecurtainsfloorlampchandeliercoffeetable

School 2021-06-06

School crossword puzzle
  1. projector
  2. principal
  3. Eraser
  4. whiteboard
  5. people
  6. Sticky
  7. table
  8. uniform
  9. highlights
  10. marker
  1. Chair
  2. Students
  3. Rules
  4. students
  5. books
  6. computer
  7. Pencil
  8. Paper
  9. teachers
  10. iPad

20 Clues: iPadChairRulesbooksPapertableEraserpeoplePencilStickymarkeruniformStudentsstudentscomputerteachersprojectorprincipalwhiteboardhighlights

Freak's dictionary 2023-04-28

Freak's dictionary crossword puzzle
  1. human
  2. books
  3. human
  4. writing
  5. future
  6. Shows
  7. steel
  8. gentlemen
  9. thought
  10. plant
  11. lady
  1. gangster
  2. element
  3. energy
  4. float
  5. past
  6. Designing
  7. armor
  8. mind
  9. small

20 Clues: pastmindladyhumanbooksfloathumanarmorShowssteelsmallplantenergyfutureelementwritingthoughtgangsterDesigninggentlemen

F451 2023-04-27

F451 crossword puzzle
  1. The temperature required to burn books
  2. The animal that can sniff out books
  3. WHo turned Montag in?
  4. Which group of people is seen driving recklessly the most?
  5. The American Peoples's Favorite Pastime
  6. Which character wanted to die?
  7. What spiritual text does Guy Montag reference a lot?
  8. The key criteria needed to win a presidential campaign
  9. What do many people do while driving recklessly in their cars?
  10. A blood-replacing device
  1. Which type of bird breed gets constantly refered to?
  2. What happened to the Montags home?
  3. Who gets caught for owning books?
  4. Which profession burns books?
  5. What are the firemen required to burn?
  6. What black dust covers the firemen's faces?
  7. The listening device people put in their ears
  8. The curious teenager with a crazy family

18 Clues: WHo turned Montag in?A blood-replacing deviceWhich profession burns books?Which character wanted to die?Who gets caught for owning books?What happened to the Montags home?The animal that can sniff out booksThe temperature required to burn booksWhat are the firemen required to burn?The American Peoples's Favorite Pastime...

Burning Crosword 2014-12-11

Burning Crosword crossword puzzle
  1. The firehouse is a _________.
  2. Beatty and Montag used ________ to burn all the book that needed to be burned.
  3. Clarisse was __________ when she learned that her generation only burned books and not read them.
  4. Mildred receives a ______________ to calm herself down.
  5. When the kerosene touched the books, the books would __________.
  6. Beatty is a person with an attitude of ______.
  7. The fireman constantly have to ____ threw the crowd to get to the place they need to be.
  1. The fireman ______ to the house that had books inside to burn.
  2. Mildred was in great shock when Montag pulled out several books from the __________ ______.
  3. The reader of Fahrenheit 451 will be ___________ when they read the first chapter.
  4. It was not __________ that Montag and Beatty had to burn books.
  5. Ripped pieces of cloth is called _______.
  6. The man who saved Mildred had an _____ on his neck.
  7. After burning the books the ____ was an incredible sight.
  8. The books had an odd _________ to them.

15 Clues: The firehouse is a _________.The books had an odd _________ to them.Ripped pieces of cloth is called _______.Beatty is a person with an attitude of ______.The man who saved Mildred had an _____ on his neck.Mildred receives a ______________ to calm herself down.After burning the books the ____ was an incredible sight....

All About the Bible 2021-10-30

All About the Bible crossword puzzle
  1. I read the Bible because I want to ___ God.
  2. Leviticus
  3. Books in the Old Testament
  4. Last book
  5. The Bible provides a ____ of the church's beginning.
  6. Mostly written by David and is found about half-way.
  7. The Bible tell's me of God's ____.
  8. Exit
  9. Creation
  10. "Yes, that's the book for me."
  11. Inspired men to write
  1. Proverbs is a book of _____.
  2. Books in the New Testament
  3. Number of books in the Bible
  4. Wrote the books
  5. Wrote many letters
  6. leaders of God's people
  7. Gospels
  8. I read the Bible to understand what God ____ me to do.

19 Clues: ExitGospelsCreationLeviticusLast bookWrote the booksWrote many lettersInspired men to writeleaders of God's peopleBooks in the New TestamentBooks in the Old TestamentProverbs is a book of _____.Number of books in the Bible"Yes, that's the book for me."The Bible tell's me of God's ____.I read the Bible because I want to ___ God....

Library Crossword 2022-03-03

Library Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Books that tell the true story of a real person’s life.
  2. After one week, I must _____ my books to the library.
  3. Books about imaginary stories and people (not real)
  4. Books that are based on facts and real events, including science, history, and animals
  5. The sticker on the spine of a book where the call number is written.
  6. A shorter book with many illustrations and drawings
  7. When you ask the librarian to save a book for you when it is returned to the library.
  1. A book that uses both words and pictures to tell a story; like a comic
  2. The person who manages the library, checks out books, and helps find books (like Ms. Kristen)
  3. Tells us the section of the library that a book belongs in and the author's last name. It helps us find books in the library.
  4. If you don’t know where your book goes, place it on the go back book _______.
  5. A tool used to mark where books belong so we can put them back in the right place
  6. A person who writes books.
  7. The librarian checks out books at the ______ desk

14 Clues: A person who writes books.The librarian checks out books at the ______ deskBooks about imaginary stories and people (not real)A shorter book with many illustrations and drawingsAfter one week, I must _____ my books to the library.Books that tell the true story of a real person’s life....

Genre 2024-09-19

Genre crossword puzzle
  1. Life story written about someone
  2. Personal life story written by self
  3. Books that are meant to be performed at stage
  4. Tales of heroes and legendary creatures
  5. BOOKS Books that teach facts and information
  6. Ancient stories explaining natural phenomena
  7. FICTION Stories based on real events
  8. Old stories about famous people or events
  1. Stories passed down through generations
  2. RHYME BOOK: Classic rhymes for young children
  3. Magical stories for children
  4. Stories about magical creatures and powers
  5. BOOKS Books with colourful illustrations
  6. FICTION Narratives that explore the intersection of technology and humanity
  7. Books that teach lessons or morals

15 Clues: Magical stories for childrenLife story written about someoneBooks that teach lessons or moralsPersonal life story written by selfFICTION Stories based on real eventsStories passed down through generationsTales of heroes and legendary creaturesBOOKS Books with colourful illustrationsStories about magical creatures and powers...

St Albans Library 2021-02-11

St Albans Library crossword puzzle
  1. Our free online service for ebooks and e-audiobooks.
  2. A great way to tell a story to a young child.
  3. Stories that often come in the form os a novel.
  4. Whodunit?
  5. Our new system of ordering books online during UK wide lockdown.
  6. Information about years gone by.
  7. Our native county.
  8. Tales of distant magical worlds.
  1. Where we keep our books for young adults.
  2. Where we keep all of our best and brightest new technology.
  3. The first reading books for young children.
  4. Books on expression through visual mediums.
  5. These books are factual accounts of someone else's life.
  6. Songs and words that are great for children's development.
  7. These books pack a punch with every page.
  8. Where you might find ingredients from all over the world.

16 Clues: Whodunit?Our native county.Information about years gone by.Tales of distant magical worlds.Where we keep our books for young adults.These books pack a punch with every page.The first reading books for young children.Books on expression through visual mediums.A great way to tell a story to a young child....

Acknowledgements 2021-07-08

Acknowledgements crossword puzzle
  1. My talented US cover artist
  2. My big picture editor
  3. My Chief Evil Minion
  4. My chief editor of my editorial dream team
  5. My loyal readers
  6. My supportive and wonderful husband
  7. My virtual assistant
  8. The super-helpful person who formals all my US files
  9. My eagle-eyed line editor who hunts for inconsistentcies
  10. B&N manager who stocks all my books all the time
  1. My beautiful and intelligent daughter
  2. The amazing Australian cover artist
  3. My publisher in Australia
  4. The person who schedules my Australian events and promotes my books
  5. The owner of Cupboard Maker Books and friend
  6. The audiobook goddess who narrates my US books
  7. My smart and snarky son
  8. The person who takes care of the digital aspects of my Australian books

18 Clues: My loyal readersMy Chief Evil MinionMy virtual assistantMy big picture editorMy smart and snarky sonMy publisher in AustraliaMy talented US cover artistThe amazing Australian cover artistMy supportive and wonderful husbandMy beautiful and intelligent daughterMy chief editor of my editorial dream teamThe owner of Cupboard Maker Books and friend...

The History of Books 2018-09-13

The History of Books crossword puzzle
  1. replaced papyrus
  2. sheets of paper are applied to blocks of inked wood
  3. books for rich people and churches
  4. books that sold for five or ten cents
  1. fine calfskin-based parchment
  2. allowed books to be printed from photographic plates
  3. helped make books more accessible to the masses
  4. early version of a book
  5. reference to books being made on cheap pulp paper
  6. produced the first modern books
  7. the Christian clergy influenced this
  8. printer with typewriter style keyboard
  9. the first version of paper

13 Clues: replaced papyrusearly version of a bookthe first version of paperfine calfskin-based parchmentproduced the first modern booksbooks for rich people and churchesthe Christian clergy influenced thisbooks that sold for five or ten centsprinter with typewriter style keyboardhelped make books more accessible to the masses...

books 2021-07-12

books crossword puzzle
  1. A collection of short stories by one or several writers.
  2. A kind of literature which is based on imaginary events and characters.
  3. A text which is written to be performed on stage, on the radio or TV.
  1. A story about someone’s life.
  2. A story in the form of pictures and text.
  3. A work of fiction in the form of a book with a beginning, a middle and an end.
  4. The writer of a book.
  5. A text which expresses feelings or ideas through rhythm and rhyme.

8 Clues: The writer of a book.A story about someone’s life.A story in the form of pictures and text.A collection of short stories by one or several writers.A text which expresses feelings or ideas through rhythm and rhyme.A text which is written to be performed on stage, on the radio or TV....

Books 2021-12-02

Books crossword puzzle
  1. the library goes through and gets rid of certain books
  2. boy genius
  3. a girl who has dyslexia
  4. boy loses memory after taking a tumble
  1. a girl a spider and a pig
  2. Russians invade a girls town and ban cultural books
  3. school bans phones so students rebel
  4. a boy wizard

8 Clues: boy geniusa boy wizarda girl who has dyslexiaa girl a spider and a pigschool bans phones so students rebelboy loses memory after taking a tumbleRussians invade a girls town and ban cultural booksthe library goes through and gets rid of certain books

books 2017-07-03

books crossword puzzle
  1. sách, cuốn sách
  2. story truyện ngắn
  3. a book, read books đọc sách
  4. story truyện trinh thám
  1. story truyện lãng mạn
  2. truyện
  3. tiểu thuyết
  4. truyện tranh

8 Clues: truyệntiểu thuyếttruyện tranhsách, cuốn sáchstory truyện ngắnstory truyện lãng mạnstory truyện trinh tháma book, read books đọc sách

Books 2014-07-03

Books crossword puzzle
  1. also about PJ
  2. about a war... and a horse
  3. the diary of a boy with an annoying sister
  4. about a time travelling device
  5. about kids with G7W
  6. you find word in it
  1. about someone who gets a golden ticket
  2. main character is percy jackson

8 Clues: also about PJabout kids with G7Wyou find word in itabout a war... and a horseabout a time travelling devicemain character is percy jacksonabout someone who gets a golden ticketthe diary of a boy with an annoying sister

Books 2023-12-02

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Lowry
  2. R.J
  3. Dahl
  4. Rowling
  1. barnhill
  2. collins
  3. Riordan
  4. Gaiman

8 Clues: R.JDahlLowryGaimancollinsRiordanRowlingbarnhill

Books 2023-03-27

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Huge loving giant by Roald Dahl
  2. The book where there is a girl lost in Wonderland.
  3. The book which was written by David Williams and is about naughty children.
  4. The author who wrote charlie and the chocolate factory.
  5. The person who wrote harry potter
  1. The classic story where there is a wolf chasing a red girl.
  2. A smart girl who's parents do not care about her .
  3. People who write books

8 Clues: People who write booksHuge loving giant by Roald DahlThe person who wrote harry potterThe book where there is a girl lost in Wonderland.A smart girl who's parents do not care about her .The author who wrote charlie and the chocolate factory.The classic story where there is a wolf chasing a red girl....

Books 2024-06-11

Books crossword puzzle
  1. a change of the plot which you don't expect
  2. a book in an electronic format
  3. literature about real events and facts
  4. interesting and exciting
  1. literature about imaginary characters and events
  2. a person who reads a lot
  3. a book that makes you cry
  4. a book you can't stop reading because it's so interesting

8 Clues: a person who reads a lotinteresting and excitinga book that makes you crya book in an electronic formatliterature about real events and factsa change of the plot which you don't expectliterature about imaginary characters and eventsa book you can't stop reading because it's so interesting

Sacred Scripture Unit 1 Review Puzzle 2021-09-28

Sacred Scripture Unit 1 Review Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The principal language of the OT
  2. King _____ united the Kingdom of Israel around 1000 B.C.
  3. Number of books in the part of the OT called the Torah
  4. The Law, the Torah, or the _____.
  5. The Christian belief that the books of the Bible have real human authors, but also have God as their author
  6. Traditional author of the Torah
  7. The collection of books considered by the Church to be inspired by God is called the _____ of Sacred Scripture.
  8. In order to understand a passage from the Bible, it is very important to first ask what literary _____ the passage is.
  9. The NT contains twenty-_____ books.
  1. The _____ Exile began in 587 B.C.
  2. The great patriarch of the Israelite people who lived around 1800 B.C.
  3. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, _____, Deuteronomy
  4. Stages of Biblical Development: Oral Tradition, Written Tradition, and _____
  5. A Catholic OT contains _____-six books.
  6. Parts of the OT: the Law, the Historical Books, the Wisdom and Poetry Books, the _____
  7. The Old Testament can also be called the _____ Scriptures
  8. The language of the NT

17 Clues: The language of the NTTraditional author of the TorahThe principal language of the OTThe _____ Exile began in 587 B.C.The Law, the Torah, or the _____.The NT contains twenty-_____ books.A Catholic OT contains _____-six books.Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, _____, DeuteronomyNumber of books in the part of the OT called the Torah...

Holes Part 2 Vocab Puzzle 2022-10-27

Holes Part 2 Vocab Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. books
  2. nurse
  3. eugene
  4. dogtrainer
  5. cook
  6. painter
  7. sewing
  8. crosswordpuzzles
  9. mom
  10. memories
  11. artist
  12. jumble
  13. reading
  1. fishing
  2. newyork
  3. doglover
  4. chef
  5. gardener
  6. family
  7. grammy
  8. grandma
  9. scientist

22 Clues: momchefcookbooksnurseeugenefamilysewinggrammyartistjumblefishingnewyorkpaintergrandmareadingdoglovergardenermemoriesscientistdogtrainercrosswordpuzzles


BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS crossword puzzle
  1. American classic based on racial inequality and rape - Harper Lee.
  2. This popular Gujju pastime is banned in Afghanistan, a book on sexual assault.
  3. Ranchoddas Shyamaldas Chanchad.
  1. Elder wand, Resurrection stone, Invisibility cloak.
  2. Robin Cook's terrifying tale about an epidemic in the 21st century caused not by microbes but by sinister sabotage.
  3. Blood Bottler, Gizard Gulper, Child Chewer, Maid Masher, Man Hugger.

6 Clues: Ranchoddas Shyamaldas Chanchad.Elder wand, Resurrection stone, Invisibility cloak.American classic based on racial inequality and rape - Harper Lee.Blood Bottler, Gizard Gulper, Child Chewer, Maid Masher, Man Hugger.This popular Gujju pastime is banned in Afghanistan, a book on sexual assault....


BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS crossword puzzle
  1. Elder wand, Resurrection stone, Invisibility cloak.
  2. Robin Cook's terrifying tale about an epidemic in the 21st century caused not by microbes but by sinister sabotage.
  3. American classic based on racial inequality and rape - Harper Lee.
  1. This popular Gujju pastime is banned in Afghanistan, a book on sexual assault.
  2. Ranchoddas Shyamaldas Chanchad.
  3. Blood Bottler, Gizard Gulper, Child Chewer, Maid Masher, Man Hugger.

6 Clues: Ranchoddas Shyamaldas Chanchad.Elder wand, Resurrection stone, Invisibility cloak.American classic based on racial inequality and rape - Harper Lee.Blood Bottler, Gizard Gulper, Child Chewer, Maid Masher, Man Hugger.This popular Gujju pastime is banned in Afghanistan, a book on sexual assault....

The Bible 2020-11-16

The Bible crossword puzzle
  1. one who believes in Jesus
  2. number of parts
  3. reading word for word
  4. list of books
  5. a place we find books
  6. Jesus' biography
  7. agreement
  8. "the books"
  9. last book of the Bible
  10. "one sent out"
  11. sacred writings
  1. how we read the Bible
  2. where Hebrews lived
  3. a binding agreement
  4. anointed one
  5. means student
  6. another word for Jewish
  7. inspired the Bible writers
  8. first book of the Bible
  9. number of gospels

20 Clues: agreement"the books"anointed onelist of booksmeans student"one sent out"number of partssacred writingsJesus' biographynumber of gospelswhere Hebrews liveda binding agreementhow we read the Biblereading word for worda place we find bookslast book of the Bibleanother word for Jewishfirst book of the Bibleone who believes in Jesus...

Carl Hiaasen 2012-05-03

Carl Hiaasen crossword puzzle
  1. the number of words in the title of his kids books
  2. the title of his latest kids books
  3. something else in which his writing appears
  4. the town where he grew up
  5. play an important role in all his kids books
  6. his book about the burrowing owls
  7. person who helped inspire the book Chomp
  8. the number of kids book he has written so far
  9. what Mickey does as a job
  10. the age at which Hiaasen started writing
  11. another group of individuals for whom he writes
  1. the name of Mickey Cray's son
  2. where Flush takes place
  3. who he says teaches the lesson in his books
  4. what hit Mickey Cray on the head
  5. the subject of many of his books
  6. state where Hiaasen was born
  7. the title of the book about fighting pollution
  8. book about the missing science teacher

19 Clues: where Flush takes placethe town where he grew upwhat Mickey does as a jobstate where Hiaasen was bornthe name of Mickey Cray's sonwhat hit Mickey Cray on the headthe subject of many of his bookshis book about the burrowing owlsthe title of his latest kids booksbook about the missing science teacherperson who helped inspire the book Chomp...

Formation of OT 2023-01-14

Formation of OT crossword puzzle
  1. Written by Moses
  2. Greek word for Bible
  3. Author of Genesis
  4. Poetry, Festival books and Historical books
  5. Hebrew canon
  6. Author described his own demise
  7. Nehemiah
  1. Job
  2. Old Testament
  3. the one who wrestled with God
  4. Faith traditions of the Jews
  5. festival scrolls
  6. scriptural books God has given his people
  7. Prophetic Books
  8. an ancient Semitic language

15 Clues: JobNehemiahHebrew canonOld TestamentProphetic BooksWritten by Mosesfestival scrollsAuthor of GenesisGreek word for Biblean ancient Semitic languageFaith traditions of the Jewsthe one who wrestled with GodAuthor described his own demisescriptural books God has given his peoplePoetry, Festival books and Historical books

The History of Books 2018-09-13

The History of Books crossword puzzle
  1. printer with typewriter style keyboard
  2. the first version of paper
  3. early version of a book
  4. fine calfskin-based parchment
  5. books for rich people and churches
  6. sheets of paper are applied to blocks of inked wood
  7. the Christian clergy influenced this
  8. reference to books being made on cheap pulp paper
  1. books that sold for five or ten cents
  2. replaced papyrus
  3. helped make books more accessible to the masses
  4. allowed books to be printed from photographic plates
  5. produced the first modern books

13 Clues: replaced papyrusearly version of a bookthe first version of paperfine calfskin-based parchmentproduced the first modern booksbooks for rich people and churchesthe Christian clergy influenced thisbooks that sold for five or ten centsprinter with typewriter style keyboardhelped make books more accessible to the masses...

Fiction and Non-Fiction 2015-02-09

Fiction and Non-Fiction crossword puzzle
  1. Diary of a wimpy _____ is found in the Fiction section
  2. Books that teach about the world, countries and special landmarks
  3. Little kids may be scared of this thing, although it is fictional
  4. A mythical creature that breathes fire
  5. Books in this section are real and factual
  6. _______ books are found opposite our reference section
  7. ____________ books are found under our sport books in the non-fiction section of our library
  1. Humpty ___________ sat on a wall
  2. Little Bow ___________ has lost her sheep
  3. This is another section of the library other than fiction and non-fiction
  4. Books that tell us of the past, found in the non-fiction section
  5. A cold-blooded vertebrate animal of a class that includes snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles, and tortoises.
  6. A horse-like animal that has a horn on its head
  7. Books in this section are made up and not real
  8. A book that includes chapters
  9. An amphibian who begins its life as an egg and then turns into a tadpole

16 Clues: A book that includes chaptersHumpty ___________ sat on a wallA mythical creature that breathes fireLittle Bow ___________ has lost her sheepBooks in this section are real and factualBooks in this section are made up and not realA horse-like animal that has a horn on its headDiary of a wimpy _____ is found in the Fiction section...

Fahrenheit 451 2023-09-20

Fahrenheit 451 crossword puzzle
  1. Montags co worker
  2. Leader of a group
  3. The degrees that books burn at
  4. Montags wife
  5. An english professor before books were burned
  6. Where the mechanical dog lived
  7. What they drenched the books in
  8. Mainly used to burn books
  9. How many legs did the mechanical dog have
  1. Clarisses last name
  2. Object used by Montag to burn his boss alive
  3. The author
  4. They put out fires
  5. Montags boss and the antagonist
  6. A strange word
  7. The firefighters last name
  8. The mechanical hound injected this into his leg
  9. Montags neighbor who died

18 Clues: The authorMontags wifeA strange wordMontags co workerLeader of a groupThey put out firesClarisses last nameMontags neighbor who diedMainly used to burn booksThe firefighters last nameThe degrees that books burn atWhere the mechanical dog livedMontags boss and the antagonistWhat they drenched the books inHow many legs did the mechanical dog have...

Library! 2023-11-26

Library! crossword puzzle
  1. What all staff live on.
  2. A day that isn't as fun as they think.
  3. People who visit the library.
  4. Desensitized.
  5. We are all guilty of this.
  6. Patti's dog is part.
  7. The second worst place to find books.
  8. The worst place to find books.
  9. The temperature.
  1. Not enough checkouts on.
  2. Circ doesn't like these (I do!).
  3. The keepers of the book sales.
  4. Alan's hobby/side business.
  5. An animal Holly really wants.
  6. Fights broke out over these.
  7. Our free website for books and magazines.
  8. Purrfect library pet.
  9. Our work initials.

18 Clues: Desensitized.The temperature.Our work initials.Patti's dog is part.Purrfect library pet.What all staff live on.Not enough checkouts on.We are all guilty of this.Alan's hobby/side business.Fights broke out over these.People who visit the library.An animal Holly really wants.The keepers of the book sales.The worst place to find books....

Wranglers 2022-05-17

Wranglers crossword puzzle
  1. pencil
  2. dream
  3. junior high
  4. discover
  5. kids
  6. mascot
  7. imagine
  8. question
  9. strength
  1. growth
  2. books
  3. grow
  4. read
  5. ears
  6. think
  7. learn
  8. keep going
  9. fun
  10. shine

19 Clues: fungrowreadearskidsbooksdreamthinklearnshinegrowthpencilmascotimaginediscoverquestionstrengthkeep goingjunior high

Books 2013-05-03

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Scary Books
  2. you read them.
  3. Main People in books]
  4. Alien Books
  5. Types of Books
  1. a book nerd
  2. High Intenstinty
  3. Funny Books

8 Clues: a book nerdScary BooksFunny BooksAlien Booksyou read them.Types of BooksHigh IntenstintyMain People in books]

Books 2022-10-26

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Harper Lee
  2. Ray Bradbury
  3. William Shakespeare
  4. William Golding
  1. Jon Krakauer
  2. Adeline Yen Mah
  3. Truman Capote
  4. Richard Preston

8 Clues: Harper LeeJon KrakauerRay BradburyTruman CapoteAdeline Yen MahRichard PrestonWilliam GoldingWilliam Shakespeare

Books 2023-03-27

Books crossword puzzle
  1. The person who wrote harry potter
  2. The classic story where there is a wolf chasing a red girl.
  3. The book where there is a girl lost in Wonderland.
  1. The author who wrote charlie and the chocolate factory.
  2. People who write books
  3. A smart girl who's parents do not care about her .
  4. The book which was written by David Williams and is about naughty children.
  5. Huge loving giant by Roald Dahl

8 Clues: People who write booksHuge loving giant by Roald DahlThe person who wrote harry potterA smart girl who's parents do not care about her .The book where there is a girl lost in Wonderland.The author who wrote charlie and the chocolate factory.The classic story where there is a wolf chasing a red girl....

Books 2022-12-09

Books crossword puzzle
  1. part that comes first in a book
  2. a long story anout imaginary characters and events
  3. a fantastic story for children
  4. a thing that represents something else
  1. causing disagreement
  2. an introduction at the beginning of the book
  3. the story of the book
  4. the most important part of story

8 Clues: causing disagreementthe story of the booka fantastic story for childrenpart that comes first in a bookthe most important part of storya thing that represents something elsean introduction at the beginning of the booka long story anout imaginary characters and events

Books 2023-07-28

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Book A book that covers past events and historical facts, helping to understand human history and culture.
  2. Book A book that provides knowledge and helps with information verification as a reference guide.
  1. Tale A book that uses fairy-tale elements and imagination to convey stories to children.
  2. Book A book that explains scientific knowledge and phenomena, covering natural sciences, physics, chemistry, etc.
  3. Book A book that uses both pictures and text to convey a story in a comic format.
  4. A book that uses poetic language and format to express emotions and feelings.
  5. A genre of book that deals with fictional stories and characters.
  6. A non-fiction genre where authors express personal experiences, thoughts, and emotions.

8 Clues: A genre of book that deals with fictional stories and characters.A book that uses poetic language and format to express emotions and feelings.Book A book that uses both pictures and text to convey a story in a comic format.A non-fiction genre where authors express personal experiences, thoughts, and emotions....

Books 2024-06-11

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Front page of a book where you read the title
  2. Book about the life of a person
  3. Type of books about an imagined future
  1. People in the story
  2. Main events of the story
  3. Each of the parts in which a story is divided
  4. Last part of the story
  5. Author

8 Clues: AuthorPeople in the storyLast part of the storyMain events of the storyBook about the life of a personType of books about an imagined futureFront page of a book where you read the titleEach of the parts in which a story is divided

Read Across America Library Crossword Puzzle 2024-02-29

Read Across America Library Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. aides' favorite snack
  2. types of books genre
  3. where we keep our "weird" books
  4. science of murders
  5. _____ to movies
  6. fiction trilogies
  7. aides' station
  1. Librarian's least favorite book
  2. animal between the two offices
  3. morning live announcements
  4. what happens at the tables by screen
  5. whodoneit books
  6. library game
  7. it is 25 cents to _____ color
  8. upper library area

15 Clues: library gameaides' stationwhodoneit books_____ to moviesfiction trilogiesscience of murdersupper library areatypes of books genreaides' favorite snackmorning live announcementsit is 25 cents to _____ coloranimal between the two officesLibrarian's least favorite bookwhere we keep our "weird" bookswhat happens at the tables by screen

Books 2015-11-11

Books crossword puzzle
  1. "Tim and Struppi on a trip in the jungle" is an ......... .....
  2. Harry Potter is a ....... ....... .....
  3. Romantic stories are also called .... .......
  4. Cinderella is a ..... ....
  1. "Der Drachentöter von Mixnitz" is an old .... ....
  2. "Inspector Clouseau and the robbers" is a ......... .......
  3. If you like dragons, which book will you read?
  4. If you like scary books, then you may read ...... .......

8 Clues: Cinderella is a ..... ....Harry Potter is a ....... ....... .....Romantic stories are also called .... .......If you like dragons, which book will you read?"Der Drachentöter von Mixnitz" is an old .... ....If you like scary books, then you may read ...... ......."Inspector Clouseau and the robbers" is a ......... ..........

Books 2023-01-09

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Paper sheets in a book
  2. Protects the pages of a book (back)
  3. A place where we can read and take books
  4. A book's introduction
  1. A book's name
  2. Place where a book is usually placed
  3. Parts of a book
  4. Protects the pages of a book (front)

8 Clues: A book's nameParts of a bookA book's introductionPaper sheets in a bookProtects the pages of a book (back)Place where a book is usually placedProtects the pages of a book (front)A place where we can read and take books

Books 2023-01-17

Books crossword puzzle
  1. A list of all the books that you can find in the libraries
  2. Books that give facts
  3. Someone who writes poems
  4. A thing, idea, or person that is an example to copy
  1. A particular type of art, writing, music etc.
  2. Someone who has written a book
  3. Made-up stories
  4. A long written story in which the characters and events are usually imaginary

8 Clues: Made-up storiesBooks that give factsSomeone who writes poemsSomeone who has written a bookA particular type of art, writing, music etc.A thing, idea, or person that is an example to copyA list of all the books that you can find in the librariesA long written story in which the characters and events are usually imaginary

books 2021-07-12

books crossword puzzle
  1. The writer of a book.
  2. A kind of literature which is based on imaginary events and characters.
  3. A work of fiction in the form of a book with a beginning, a middle and an end.
  4. A story in the form of pictures and text.
  5. A text which is written to be performed on stage, on the radio or TV.
  1. A text which expresses feelings or ideas through rhythm and rhyme.
  2. A story about someone’s life.
  3. A collection of short stories by one or several writers.

8 Clues: The writer of a book.A story about someone’s life.A story in the form of pictures and text.A collection of short stories by one or several writers.A text which expresses feelings or ideas through rhythm and rhyme.A text which is written to be performed on stage, on the radio or TV....

Books 2024-04-02

Books crossword puzzle
  1. has many poems
  2. actors learn the words in this book and then perform in the theater
  3. tells you how to create toys and stuffs
  1. is often about ghosts
  2. makes you laugh with funny stories
  3. tells you how to cook things
  4. uses a lot of pictures to tell its story
  5. tells you how to build, make or use something

8 Clues: has many poemsis often about ghoststells you how to cook thingsmakes you laugh with funny storiestells you how to create toys and stuffsuses a lot of pictures to tell its storytells you how to build, make or use somethingactors learn the words in this book and then perform in the theater

dr Seuss 2022-03-30

dr Seuss crossword puzzle
  1. topics of concern
  2. War II, war in 1939-45
  3. Bear, a series of books for children
  4. someone who writes for people to read
  5. States Army, American military
  6. words that sound the same
  7. books that tell a story
  8. soft cover collection of articles
  9. news tabloids
  10. a person who writes books
  1. printer of books
  2. Seuss Geisel, the real name of dr. seuss
  3. a person that draws cartoons
  4. subjects in a book
  5. artist
  6. Seuss, the famous author
  7. someone who lives in America
  8. Cat in the Hat, a Childs book

18 Clues: artistnews tabloidsprinter of bookstopics of concernsubjects in a bookWar II, war in 1939-45books that tell a storySeuss, the famous authorwords that sound the samea person who writes booksa person that draws cartoonssomeone who lives in AmericaCat in the Hat, a Childs bookStates Army, American militarysoft cover collection of articles...

Book Genre 2023-07-01

Book Genre crossword puzzle
  1. books that use clues to find out "whodunnit"
  2. books that take place in the future or on other planets
  3. books that are funny
  4. true books about a person
  5. books that are not true but could be based on real events
  1. books that are like a comic
  2. also so called chapter books
  3. books that have a rhyme
  4. books that are true
  5. books that are good for anyone
  6. books that tell a story about a time in the past

11 Clues: books that are truebooks that are funnybooks that have a rhymetrue books about a personbooks that are like a comicalso so called chapter booksbooks that are good for anyonebooks that use clues to find out "whodunnit"books that tell a story about a time in the pastbooks that take place in the future or on other planets...

In the classroom 2021-01-04

In the classroom crossword puzzle
  1. ... up to the board
  2. put up your ...
  3. écoute
  4. open the ...
  5. be ...
  6. ... a pencil
  7. ... the door
  8. ... the text
  1. close your ...
  2. ... your books
  3. sit ...
  4. put your chewing-gum in the ...
  5. ... at the board
  6. take your ... books
  7. ... your name
  8. stand ...

16 Clues: écoutebe ...sit ...stand the ...... a pencil... the door... the text... your nameclose your ...... your booksput up your ...... at the board... up to the boardtake your ... booksput your chewing-gum in the ...

Books related vocabulary (A2) 2025-01-17

Books related vocabulary (A2) crossword puzzle
  1. A single sheet in a book.
  2. The front or back of a book.
  3. A type of book that tells true stories or facts.
  4. A category of books, such as mystery or romance.
  5. A short piece of writing with rhythm or rhyme.
  6. A person who writes books.
  7. The main events in a story.
  8. A place where you can borrow books.
  9. A person or being in a story.
  10. A long fictional story, usually in book form.
  11. An object used to save your place in a book.
  12. A type of book that tells made-up stories.
  13. A person who reads books.
  1. An introduction to a book.
  2. A picture in a book.
  3. A section at the end of a book explaining difficult words.
  4. A company that prints and sells books.
  5. The name of a book.
  6. A section of a book.
  7. A list at the end of a book that tells where to find information.

20 Clues: The name of a book.A picture in a book.A section of a book.A single sheet in a book.A person who reads books.An introduction to a book.A person who writes books.The main events in a story.The front or back of a book.A person or being in a story.A place where you can borrow books.A company that prints and sells books....


  1. / Who did God call "A man after my own heart?"
  2. / Known as The Father of Multitude
  3. / Contributed the most books in the New Testament
  4. / Number of Minor Prophets
  5. / Wrote the most books in the Old Testament
  6. / What is Ruth's son's name
  7. / Books of Law is known as
  8. / Only book of The Bible that does not mention "God."
  9. / Number of Major Prophets
  10. / Number of books in the Old Testament
  11. / Ruth's mother in law
  12. / Number of Plagues that fell on Egypt
  13. / Esther's nationality
  1. / Longest book book in The Bible
  2. / The name that God gave Jacob
  3. / What is Joseph's mother's name?
  4. / What is David's wife's name
  5. / Number of books in the New Testament
  6. / What did God command Abraham to sacrifice?
  7. / How many years did the Israelites wander in the wilderness?
  8. / What was Jacob known for?
  9. / Where did God speak to Moses through a burning bush
  10. / Number of sections in the Old Testament
  11. / Rebekah's husband

24 Clues: / Rebekah's husband/ Ruth's mother in law/ Esther's nationality/ Number of Minor Prophets/ Books of Law is known as/ Number of Major Prophets/ What was Jacob known for?/ What is Ruth's son's name/ What is David's wife's name/ The name that God gave Jacob/ Longest book book in The Bible/ What is Joseph's mother's name?...

books 2023-01-10

books crossword puzzle
  1. Charles Dickens character that asked for more food
  2. A Rhold Dhal book
  3. the Main character in A Christmas Carol
  4. Name of the book series by R. L. Stine
  5. The ring of fire from Hobbit
  1. Author of Othello
  2. The merchant in Merchant of Venice
  3. Most read book

8 Clues: Most read bookAuthor of OthelloA Rhold Dhal bookThe ring of fire from HobbitThe merchant in Merchant of VeniceName of the book series by R. L. Stinethe Main character in A Christmas CarolCharles Dickens character that asked for more food

Books 2021-05-13

Books crossword puzzle
  1. What was Tom Sawyer fonf of?
  2. Who was the headmaster of Hogwarts?
  3. Who was the writer of Treasure Island?
  4. Where was Harry Potter born?
  1. Who was the main character in Lord of the Rings?
  2. What was the name of Harry's uncle?
  3. What did Marry Poppins fly with?
  4. Did Tom S. have an angry granny?

8 Clues: What was Tom Sawyer fonf of?Where was Harry Potter born?What did Marry Poppins fly with?Did Tom S. have an angry granny?What was the name of Harry's uncle?Who was the headmaster of Hogwarts?Who was the writer of Treasure Island?Who was the main character in Lord of the Rings?

Books 2023-01-17

Books crossword puzzle
  1. a list of all books in the library
  2. books that give facts
  3. someone who has written a book
  4. a long written story in which the characters and events are usually imaginary
  1. a thing, idea, or person that is an example to copy
  2. someone who writes poems
  3. a particular type of art, writing, music etc.
  4. made-up stories

8 Clues: made-up storiesbooks that give factssomeone who writes poemssomeone who has written a booka list of all books in the librarya particular type of art, writing, music etc.a thing, idea, or person that is an example to copya long written story in which the characters and events are usually imaginary

Books 2023-02-18

Books crossword puzzle
  1. The first books as we know them originated in ancient ...
  2. And then you have, of all things, the ... of a book
  3. Book covers usually had ... on them
  4. People want the experience of ... it
  1. Ancient civilizations would record things by notches on ...
  2. Gutenberg created the modern printing ...
  3. A book can sort of be your ...
  4. And it's like a ... you have with the author

8 Clues: A book can sort of be your ...Book covers usually had ... on themPeople want the experience of ... itGutenberg created the modern printing ...And it's like a ... you have with the authorAnd then you have, of all things, the ... of a bookThe first books as we know them originated in ancient ......

Books 2023-03-02

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Has a trunk
  2. Large marsupial
  3. Fastest mammal
  1. Likes to chase mice
  2. Man's best friend
  3. Loud roar
  4. Striped
  5. Flying mammal

8 Clues: StripedLoud roarHas a trunkFlying mammalFastest mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase mice

Books 2014-07-03

Books crossword puzzle
  1. also about PJ
  2. about a war... and a horse
  3. you find words in it
  1. about a time travelling device
  2. main character is percy jackson
  3. five kids who solve mysteries
  4. the diary of a boy with an annoying sister
  5. about kids with G7W

8 Clues: also about PJabout kids with G7Wyou find words in itabout a war... and a horsefive kids who solve mysteriesabout a time travelling devicemain character is percy jacksonthe diary of a boy with an annoying sister

Books 2014-11-13

Books crossword puzzle
  1. a book containing instructions for doing something or operating a machine
  2. a book containing poems, stories or songs written by different people
  3. the life story of a person
  1. a set of pages showing days, weeks, months of a particular year
  2. a book of names and addresses
  3. a list of word meanings
  4. a large, heavy book about a serious subject.
  5. a book of maps

8 Clues: a book of mapsa list of word meaningsthe life story of a persona book of names and addressesa large, heavy book about a serious subject.a set of pages showing days, weeks, months of a particular yeara book containing poems, stories or songs written by different peoplea book containing instructions for doing something or operating a machine

Books 2023-10-29

Books crossword puzzle
  1. Book girl/smart-alack
  2. Red head+Freckles=
  3. Bangs boy
  4. Main character
  5. funny jokes
  1. KOTLC
  2. teal eyes

8 Clues: KOTLCteal eyesBangs boyfunny jokesMain characterRed head+Freckles=Book girl/smart-alack

Books 2025-01-07

Books crossword puzzle
  1. A group of babysitters meetup and have an amazing time!
  2. Trapped inside a magic book, siblings Alex and Conner have to navigate their way through the ups and downs of fantasy land!
  3. A world class detective and all of exploits!
  4. Adventurous and intelligent, this genius girl has the courage to stand up to her mean priciple!
  1. Witches, warlocks, and magic. An iconic book series with even better adventures!
  2. Clay, Tsunami, Starflight, Sunny, and Glory finally escape the cave that they have been trapped in their whole lives, only to find that the adventure that awits them is much more difficult!
  3. The blue son of the sea destined to save or destroy the world!
  4. Half-man, half-dog, Full on Cop, Fights crime all day with his friends, Lil Petey, Cheif, 80HD, and more!

8 Clues: A world class detective and all of exploits!A group of babysitters meetup and have an amazing time!The blue son of the sea destined to save or destroy the world!Witches, warlocks, and magic. An iconic book series with even better adventures!Adventurous and intelligent, this genius girl has the courage to stand up to her mean priciple!...

Reading Books 2013-10-21

Reading Books crossword puzzle
  1. What we call the people in books.
  2. the book you are all reading
  3. When we are introduced to people, time and place.
  4. a new part in the same story
  5. three books in a row with the same characters
  6. A genre of book filled with love.
  1. Someone who writes a book
  2. A genre of book set in a galaxy or Universe far away.
  3. Someone who writes a play.
  4. Someone who loves to read all the time.
  5. A quiet place with lots of books.
  6. A genre of book which has us on the edge of our seat.
  7. A genre of book set in a non-human time and place.

13 Clues: Someone who writes a bookSomeone who writes a play.the book you are all readinga new part in the same storyWhat we call the people in books.A quiet place with lots of books.A genre of book filled with love.Someone who loves to read all the time.three books in a row with the same charactersWhen we are introduced to people, time and place....

School Books 2024-05-08

School Books crossword puzzle
  1. The _________of the Scorpion: A sci-fi book about a drug empire.8th
  2. The ____Fail of Arturo Zamora: A boy who lives with his family, in a restaurant in miami.6th
  3. ____ Martin: a book about racism in modern society.8th
  4. The _________ A book about rival gangs and children in a burning church.7th
  5. A _________: A play written by shakespeare the main character is named Hermia.8th
  6. _____Kid: A youth goes to a new school and has to figure out where he fits in.7th
  7. ______ Farm: a satire about the Soviet union, using animals instead of people.8th
  1. The _____ on Mango Street: a book written with poetic prose about a small red house.8th
  2. _____1793: Historical fiction about a girl and her grandfather who survived the yellow fever academic.6th
  3. _____: A book about the Holocaust, written by Elie Wiesel.8th
  4. When_____ Are Scattered: About immigrant boys fleeing a civil war with a step mom named fatima.6th
  5. Brown Girl________: a free verse memoir. A novel in verse about the author's life story.7th
  6. A______ in the sun: A play about a family living in a small house, wanting a bigger house. The mom gets pregnant but the grandma doesn't want the child.7th
  7. One_____Word: A book of poems based on the works of harlem renaissance poets.6th

14 Clues: ____ Martin: a book about racism in modern society.8th_____: A book about the Holocaust, written by Elie Wiesel.8thThe _________of the Scorpion: A sci-fi book about a drug empire.8thThe _________ A book about rival gangs and children in a burning church.7thOne_____Word: A book of poems based on the works of harlem renaissance poets.6th...

Bible Books 2022-10-19

Bible Books crossword puzzle
  1. Testament that includes the four Gospels
  2. Kind of book in the Bible that tells about the prophets and their messages
  3. First book of the Bible, which contains the creation accounts
  4. Kind of book in the Bible that shows how God cared for the Israelites throughout history
  5. Testament that tells of God's relationship with the Jewish people before Jesus
  1. First five books of the Bible; means "five scrolls"
  2. People also known as Israelites
  3. Creator of the universe
  4. The perfect revelation of God
  5. One's free choice to turn away from God
  6. Saved from the flood because he was faithful to God
  7. Title given to the one sent to save us
  8. Kind of book in the Bible that tells how a wise person lives

13 Clues: Creator of the universeThe perfect revelation of GodPeople also known as IsraelitesTitle given to the one sent to save usOne's free choice to turn away from GodTestament that includes the four GospelsFirst five books of the Bible; means "five scrolls"Saved from the flood because he was faithful to God...

Religion Crossword Puzzle 2022-10-05

Religion Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. reminds God’s people to be faithful to the covenant
  2. 73 books and includes the Old & New Testament
  3. official list of books in the Bible
  4. chosen by God to remind people of the covenant
  5. the father of a great people as promised by God
  6. God promised one of her descendants would conquer evil
  7. … of the Apostles
  8. sixteen books that tell about God’s people living the covenant
  9. four written accounts of the Gospel
  10. where God promised Moses and Israelites he would be their God
  1. The … Letters
  2. first five books of the Bible
  3. … scripture another name for the Bible
  4. The Book of …
  5. Books that tell us how to live the covenant
  6. Biblical …
  7. God promised Noah all living things will continue

17 Clues: Biblical …The … LettersThe Book of …… of the Apostlesfirst five books of the Bibleofficial list of books in the Biblefour written accounts of the Gospel… scripture another name for the BibleBooks that tell us how to live the covenant73 books and includes the Old & New Testamentchosen by God to remind people of the covenant...

English 2018-06-04

English crossword puzzle
  1. what happen in the books.
  2. the conversation between the characters in the books.
  3. the way two people behave to each other.
  4. people in the books.
  5. when, where.
  6. different types of books.
  1. to see a picture in mind, from the description of 5 senses.
  2. similar to characteristic.
  3. to give a glue about what will happen next.
  4. a word to describe a noun.
  5. the study of the way human behave.
  6. a word to describe a verb.
  7. a guess.
  8. no ending.
  9. the main idea of a books.

15 Clues: a ending.when, where.people in the books.what happen in the books.the main idea of a books.different types of books.similar to characteristic.a word to describe a noun.a word to describe a verb.the study of the way human behave.the way two people behave to each give a glue about what will happen next....

School Life 2020-08-06

School Life crossword puzzle
  1. extra credit
  2. exam
  3. friends
  4. science
  5. history
  6. marker
  7. highlighter
  8. desk
  9. club
  10. recess
  11. notebook
  1. reading
  2. writing
  3. pens
  4. teacher
  5. principal
  6. pencil
  7. math
  8. books
  9. gym
  10. study
  11. kids
  12. tests

23 Clues: gympensexammathdeskkidsclubbooksstudytestspencilmarkerrecessreadingwritingteacherfriendssciencehistorynotebookprincipalhighlighterextra credit

At the Library 2024-06-20

At the Library crossword puzzle
  1. They often rhyme or have rhythm
  2. Filled with definitions
  3. Books about real things or people
  4. A place where books are stored
  5. Borrow
  6. The name of the book
  7. A picture book for teens/adults
  8. Person who draws for a book
  9. Person in charge of the public library
  10. "The Monitor"
  11. Character that does bad things
  12. You need this to checkout books
  13. A person in a story
  14. Building full of stories
  15. Return
  16. Someone who offers their time to complete a task
  17. A small quiet place to study
  18. Grown-ups
  19. Box to return books
  20. It holds your place in a book
  21. A book you read online
  22. Someone who reads a lot
  1. You need a mouse
  2. Longer than a comic
  3. A booklet published monthly; "People ___"
  4. Main character
  5. A story that is made up
  6. Parents need this to wake up
  7. Contains a story
  8. Person who writes a story
  9. Younger people
  10. Connects you with people around the world
  11. A book about a real person's life
  12. Chips, honey buns, cookies, juice, etc.
  13. A person who works at the library
  14. Pharr's library
  15. Use it look for books on a computer
  16. Do this to keep the book longer
  17. System used to organize books
  18. Young people
  19. Place where paintings are displayed
  20. A book you listen to
  21. Place where books are sold

43 Clues: BorrowReturnGrown-upsYoung people"The Monitor"Main characterYounger peoplePharr's libraryYou need a mouseContains a storyLonger than a comicA person in a storyBox to return booksThe name of the bookA book you listen toA book you read onlineFilled with definitionsA story that is made upSomeone who reads a lotBuilding full of stories...

HCMS Libary 2021-01-19

HCMS Libary crossword puzzle
  1. We use this to save the page of the book
  2. This sometimes comes on the news. It shows video of book to see if you would like to read those books
  3. The library clerk
  4. novel This is a type of book that is a novel that is a comic strip form
  5. We use this website to log our minutes that we read. Sometimes Orange County hosts reading challenges on here,too!
  6. This is the place were we put books back so they can be checked in
  1. Books that can be read online.
  2. The HCMS librarian and also someone who is also here for good recommendations
  3. These type of books are not real.
  4. Books about real people and their life
  5. The way the library rewards people for taking RC test and getting points
  6. This is were we go on Launchpad to find a book or put a book on hold
  7. You take reading test for your book. You get Eagle Super Reader points from taking this test
  8. This is a yearly state award were you can read 15 books
  9. These type of books you can listen to while doing work.
  10. These books are about history and life and real things.

16 Clues: The library clerkBooks that can be read online.These type of books are not real.Books about real people and their lifeWe use this to save the page of the bookThis is a yearly state award were you can read 15 booksThese type of books you can listen to while doing work.These books are about history and life and real things....

The Library 2022-10-12

The Library crossword puzzle
  1. The pictures in a book
  2. Summary of the book found on back cover
  3. The tool that lists all the books in the Library
  4. The face of the book
  5. Books with information
  6. The library identification number on each book that we scann
  7. The best object in the world
  1. Checking out a book
  2. Where you store books
  3. Our reading quizzes
  4. Who manages the library
  5. Books with stories
  6. A book with pages made of cardboard
  7. The website where you can search for books, reserve and request them
  8. The edge of the book that has the classification labels
  9. The writer or illustrator of a book

16 Clues: Books with storiesChecking out a bookOur reading quizzesThe face of the bookWhere you store booksThe pictures in a bookBooks with informationWho manages the libraryThe best object in the worldA book with pages made of cardboardThe writer or illustrator of a bookSummary of the book found on back coverThe tool that lists all the books in the Library...

Fahrenheit 451 2014-01-15

Fahrenheit 451 crossword puzzle
  1. Fiction/ The genre of Fahrenheit 451.
  2. What do "firemen" use to burn books?
  3. you happy/ What question troubles Guy montag the most?
  4. Ventilator/ Which area did Guy Montag choose to hide his books?
  5. What was ms. phelps reaction towards the poem?, What did she do?
  6. What is the official symbol used by fireman?.
  7. What type of society is present in Fahrenheit 451?
  8. One of Montag's mentor. He is also an ex-professor
  9. Crash/ How did clarisse die?
  10. pills/ What substance was used during mildreds overdose?
  1. Beach/ Which poem did Guy Montag read to Mildred and her freinds
  2. Mclennan/ Montag's neighbour who enlightens him
  3. Guy Montag's Captain
  4. Hound/ A Computerized Dog
  5. Guy Montag's Wife
  6. Books/ The purpose of firemen
  7. What is the main purpose of clarisse, what did her character Promote?
  8. What is the theme concerning the banning of books?
  9. what is banned in order to protect society from dangerous thoughts?.
  10. Montag/ The main character's name

20 Clues: Guy Montag's WifeGuy Montag's CaptainHound/ A Computerized DogCrash/ How did clarisse die?Books/ The purpose of firemenMontag/ The main character's nameWhat do "firemen" use to burn books?Fiction/ The genre of Fahrenheit 451.What is the official symbol used by fireman?.Mclennan/ Montag's neighbour who enlightens him...

English 2018-06-04

English crossword puzzle
  1. what happen in the books.
  2. the conversation between the characters in the books.
  3. the way two people behave to each other.
  4. people in the books.
  5. when, where.
  6. different types of books.
  1. to see a picture in mind, from the description of 5 senses.
  2. similar to characteristic.
  3. to give a glue about what will happen next.
  4. a word to describe a noun.
  5. the study of the way human behave.
  6. a word to describe a verb.
  7. a guess.
  8. no ending.
  9. the main idea of a books.

15 Clues: a ending.when, where.people in the books.what happen in the books.the main idea of a books.different types of books.similar to characteristic.a word to describe a noun.a word to describe a verb.the study of the way human behave.the way two people behave to each give a glue about what will happen next....

The Bible 2024-09-08

The Bible crossword puzzle
  1. This New Testament book records the first church.
  2. 1st book of Old Testament
  3. 27 books in the _______ testament
  4. last book of Old Testament
  5. last book of New Testament
  6. First 5 books of the Old Testament
  7. 39 books in the _______ testament
  8. First 4 books of New Testament
  1. The Bible is God's ________ 2 Timothy 3:16
  2. first book of New Testament
  3. Sin will keep us from this
  4. God's word will keep us from this. Psalms 119:11
  5. God's word is sharper than this
  6. The Bible was written over 1500
  7. This many men wrote the Bible
  8. The Bible is a collection of these

16 Clues: 1st book of Old TestamentSin will keep us from thislast book of Old Testamentlast book of New Testamentfirst book of New TestamentThis many men wrote the BibleFirst 4 books of New TestamentGod's word is sharper than thisThe Bible was written over 150027 books in the _______ testament39 books in the _______ testament...

Fahrenheit 451 2014-01-15

Fahrenheit 451 crossword puzzle
  1. Fiction/ The genre of Fahrenheit 451.
  2. One of Montag's mentor. He is also an ex-professor
  3. pills/ What substance was used during mildreds overdose?
  4. what is banned in order to protect society from dangerous thoughts?.
  5. What is the theme concerning the banning of books?
  6. Hound/ A Computerized Dog
  7. Guy Montag's Captain
  8. Guy Montag's Wife
  9. What type of society is present in Fahrenheit 451?
  10. you happy/ What question troubles Guy montag the most?
  1. Beach/ Which poem did Guy Montag read to Mildred and her freinds
  2. What is the main purpose of clarisse, what did her character Promote?
  3. What do "firemen" use to burn books?
  4. Mclennan/ Montag's neighbour who enlightens him
  5. Montag/ The main character's name
  6. Books/ The purpose of firemen
  7. What is the official symbol used by fireman?.
  8. What was ms. phelps reaction towards the poem?, What did she do?
  9. Crash/ How did clarisse die?
  10. Ventilator/ Which area did Guy Montag choose to hide his books?

20 Clues: Guy Montag's WifeGuy Montag's CaptainHound/ A Computerized DogCrash/ How did clarisse die?Books/ The purpose of firemenMontag/ The main character's nameWhat do "firemen" use to burn books?Fiction/ The genre of Fahrenheit 451.What is the official symbol used by fireman?.Mclennan/ Montag's neighbour who enlightens him...

Q1 LBJ Library Review 2022-10-13

Q1 LBJ Library Review crossword puzzle
  1. Books that contain information, facts, and/or how-to instructions
  2. You may checkout a maximum of _____ books at a time
  3. Place books to be returned or renewed in the _____ crate
  4. LBJ mascot
  5. LBJ's on-line catalog, where you can find your library account, is called _________ Discover
  6. Sept 15-Oct 15 is ______ Heritage Month
  1. __________ means to checkout a book again.
  2. Books and stories that come from an author's imagination
  3. To get to LBJ's online library systems, first go to _________ at
  4. The LBJ library has over _____ thousand books
  5. Book that you read on-line on your Chromebook or other device
  6. You should not eat _____ or drink liquids while reading your library books.
  7. Name of Mrs. Finke's dog, also name of a Greek god
  8. Please do not ________ books you take off a shelf
  9. One of LBJ's ebook platforms (starts with M)

15 Clues: LBJ mascotSept 15-Oct 15 is ______ Heritage Month__________ means to checkout a book again.One of LBJ's ebook platforms (starts with M)The LBJ library has over _____ thousand booksPlease do not ________ books you take off a shelfName of Mrs. Finke's dog, also name of a Greek godYou may checkout a maximum of _____ books at a time...

lois 2017-02-28

lois crossword puzzle
  1. fudge
  2. family
  3. brownies
  4. hike
  5. netball
  6. lois
  7. theatre
  8. birthday
  9. cycle
  1. fig
  2. happy
  3. muffins
  4. laugh
  5. sixtieth
  6. books
  7. ski
  8. tart
  9. travel

18 Clues: figskihikeloistarthappyfudgelaughbookscyclefamilytravelmuffinsnetballtheatresixtiethbrowniesbirthday

Evolution of Books 2023-01-27

Evolution of Books crossword puzzle
  1. Papyrus
  2. Tablets
  3. romance
  4. religion
  5. Fantasy
  6. Printed
  7. Evolve
  8. Codex
  9. scifi
  10. selfhelp
  1. Books
  2. Mystery
  3. Historical
  4. Contemporary
  5. Action
  6. Adventure
  7. spiritualism
  8. Ebooks

18 Clues: BooksCodexscifiActionEvolveEbooksMysteryPapyrusTabletsromanceFantasyPrintedreligionselfhelpAdventureHistoricalContemporaryspiritualism

St Tammany Library 2021-08-03

St Tammany Library crossword puzzle
  1. True stories
  2. Take home bags of fun
  3. Large Print
  4. Discussing your reading
  5. Audiobook
  6. The call for picture books
  7. Where you look up information
  8. Former trees with words
  9. Sing along
  10. Japanse Graphic Novels
  11. Japanese Cartoons
  1. Hot off the press
  2. Having fun online with the library
  3. Stories and illustrations
  4. Where you type and print
  5. Pictures to decorate
  6. Here to help you
  7. Call for Young Adult
  8. Way before Google
  9. Stories to watch

20 Clues: AudiobookSing alongLarge PrintTrue storiesHere to help youStories to watchHot off the pressWay before GoogleJapanese CartoonsPictures to decorateCall for Young AdultTake home bags of funJapanse Graphic NovelsDiscussing your readingFormer trees with wordsWhere you type and printStories and illustrationsThe call for picture books...

Books Puzzle 2023-07-13

Books Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. / Saved from the flood because he was faithful to God.
  2. / First book of the Bible, which contains the creation accounts.
  3. / First five books of the Bible; word means “five scrolls”
  4. / King of book in the Bible that tells how a wise person lives.
  5. / Title given to the one sent to save us.
  6. / Testament that included the four Gospels.
  1. / Kind of book in the Bible that tells about the prophets and their messages.
  2. / Kind of book in the Bible that shows how God cared for the Israelites throughout history.
  3. / One’s free choice to turn away from God
  4. / The perfect revelation of God
  5. / People knows as Israelites.
  6. / Creator of the universe
  7. / Testament that tells of God’s relationship with the Jewish people before Jesus.

13 Clues: / Creator of the universe/ People knows as Israelites./ The perfect revelation of God/ One’s free choice to turn away from God/ Title given to the one sent to save us./ Testament that included the four Gospels./ Saved from the flood because he was faithful to God./ First five books of the Bible; word means “five scrolls”...

School Books 2024-05-08

School Books crossword puzzle
  1. A _________: A play written by shakespeare the main character is named Hermia.8th
  2. _____1793: Historical fiction about a girl and her grandfather who survived the yellow fever academic.6th
  3. The _________ A book about rival gangs and children in a burning church.7th
  4. ____ Martin: a book about racism in modern society.8th
  5. A______ in the sun: A play about a family living in a small house, wanting a bigger house. The mom gets pregnant but the grandma doesn't want the child.7th
  1. The _____ on Mango Street: a book written with poetic prose about a small red house.8th
  2. _____Kid: A youth goes to a new school and has to figure out where he fits in.7th
  3. One_____Word: A book of poems based on the works of harlem renaissance poets.6th
  4. Brown Girl________: a free verse memoir. A novel in verse about the author's life story.7th
  5. ______ Farm: a satire about the Soviet union, using animals instead of people.8th
  6. The _________of the Scorpion: A sci-fi book about a drug empire.8th
  7. The ____Fail of Arturo Zamora: A boy who lives with his family, in a restaurant in miami.6th
  8. When_____ Are Scattered: About immigrant boys fleeing a civil war with a step mom named fatima.6th
  9. _____: A book about the Holocaust, written by Elie Wiesel.8th

14 Clues: ____ Martin: a book about racism in modern society.8th_____: A book about the Holocaust, written by Elie Wiesel.8thThe _________of the Scorpion: A sci-fi book about a drug empire.8thThe _________ A book about rival gangs and children in a burning church.7thOne_____Word: A book of poems based on the works of harlem renaissance poets.6th...

Books Genres 2023-11-30

Books Genres crossword puzzle
  1. Action,
  2. Magical and mystical
  3. Aliens, bigfoot, and etc.
  4. Ex.: Murder and thievery
  5. Friendship and Love
  6. Who did it?
  7. Scary stories
  8. About me
  1. Pictures and speech bubbles
  2. Rhymes and lines
  3. Facts
  4. Laughter and Humor
  5. Truth of the past

13 Clues: FactsAction,About meWho did it?Scary storiesRhymes and linesTruth of the pastLaughter and HumorFriendship and LoveMagical and mysticalEx.: Murder and thieveryAliens, bigfoot, and etc.Pictures and speech bubbles

Books, anyone? 2023-10-22

Books, anyone? crossword puzzle
  1. a fantasy of greek mythology
  2. Edward and Bella
  3. a famous play writer
  4. a flag that consists of 7 shades of orange and pink
  5. the knotting of string or cord
  1. a word in the dictionary that is always spelled incorrectly
  2. a state with 4 eyes
  3. like a toad
  4. A state where the last 4 letters are the first 4 of the capital
  5. A children’s book where there is a tuxedo cat involved
  6. like a ukulele
  7. The largest country, geographically
  8. Married to Jay-Z

13 Clues: like a toadlike a ukuleleEdward and BellaMarried to Jay-Za state with 4 eyesa famous play writera fantasy of greek mythologythe knotting of string or cordThe largest country, geographicallya flag that consists of 7 shades of orange and pinkA children’s book where there is a tuxedo cat involved...

Crossword Day Library Puzzle 2020-12-17

Crossword Day Library Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. fun activity for preschoolers at the library
  2. a book that tells you the meaning of words
  3. how you bring a book back
  4. a person who works at the library
  5. books you can use in class to learn about a subject
  6. famous for his crazy made up words in children's books
  1. what you find in the library
  2. the address for the book on the shelf
  3. how you take a book out of the library
  4. books that are made up stories
  5. putting the books away
  6. books that are true
  7. what you should do every day
  8. a book of maps

14 Clues: a book of mapsbooks that are trueputting the books awayhow you bring a book backwhat you find in the librarywhat you should do every daybooks that are made up storiesa person who works at the librarythe address for the book on the shelfhow you take a book out of the librarya book that tells you the meaning of words...

Biblical Numbers 2020-05-19

Biblical Numbers crossword puzzle
  1. Who is third person of Trinity
  2. Who took six days to create earth
  3. God rested on this day
  4. Number of feasts in Spring
  5. God created on day four
  6. 613 laws given to Israelites at where
  7. Number of Commandments we usually use
  8. Contains 27 books
  9. Where did Pentecost occur
  10. 613 laws given at what event
  1. Number of books Paul wrote
  2. Who spent 40 years in wilderness
  3. Number of books in Torah
  4. Contains 39 books
  5. Who uses calendar of 360 days
  6. Number feasts in Fall
  7. There are how many feasts of The Lord
  8. God created on sixth day
  9. Who spent forty days in wilderness after baptism
  10. Who caught 153 fish John21

20 Clues: Contains 39 booksContains 27 booksNumber feasts in FallGod rested on this dayGod created on day fourNumber of books in TorahGod created on sixth dayWhere did Pentecost occurNumber of books Paul wroteNumber of feasts in SpringWho caught 153 fish John21613 laws given at what eventWho uses calendar of 360 daysWho is third person of Trinity...

SPCC JCSP Library What do you remember? 2022-10-10

SPCC JCSP Library What do you remember? crossword puzzle
  1. Books you can consult but not borrow
  2. Writing that is information or factual
  3. A writer of a book or article
  4. Making little or no noise!
  5. Attaches front and rear covers
  6. When you are looking for information
  7. Name of a book
  8. A room where you read!
  9. Mini Dictionary found in a book
  10. Fiction books are organised
  1. Alphabetical list found at back of book
  2. A company or person who issues the book
  3. Division of a book with title or number
  4. The school reading app
  5. Information books are organised by
  6. Person who draws pictures for books
  7. Your biography!
  8. Invented story
  9. Brief description of story
  10. Parts of the book organised in order

20 Clues: Invented storyName of a bookYour biography!The school reading appA room where you read!Making little or no noise!Brief description of storyFiction books are organisedA writer of a book or articleAttaches front and rear coversMini Dictionary found in a bookInformation books are organised byPerson who draws pictures for books...

Library Crossword 2017-09-11

Library Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. If you want to find a story book, look for the author's _______.
  2. The school librarian is Mrs ______.
  3. Graphic books from Japan are called ________.
  4. You may borrow a book for up to ____ weeks.
  5. Fact books are organised by _________.
  6. As well as reading, you can use the _________.
  7. You will also visit the library during one of your ______ lessons.
  8. Enter library through the door near the _______.
  9. It is important to be ________ so others can concentrate.
  1. There are ______ as well as books.
  2. Books are organised into _______ and non-_______.
  3. Exit the door that leads towards the _______ department.
  4. Year seven can go in the library during ________ break.
  5. When you have read a book or magazine, put it back on the correct ______.
  6. Different types of books are called _______.
  7. Returned books should go in the ______ box.

16 Clues: There are ______ as well as books.The school librarian is Mrs ______.Fact books are organised by _________.You may borrow a book for up to ____ weeks.Returned books should go in the ______ box.Different types of books are called _______.Graphic books from Japan are called ________.As well as reading, you can use the _________....

Birds of a Feather 2023-01-29

Birds of a Feather crossword puzzle
  1. Trick or treat
  2. Cake decoration
  3. Birds of a ______
  4. To question
  5. Hebrew prophet
  6. Actress Weisz
  7. Brand of jeans
  8. God of War
  9. Anniversary
  10. NDP supporter
  11. Victorian sleuth
  12. Third US president
  13. Islamic state
  1. Evil
  2. A possibility
  3. Medical examiner
  4. Small Alberta city
  5. Feeling of expectation
  6. Corvid
  7. The Life of _____
  8. Sherlock sidekick
  9. _____ parlour
  10. Modern-day shell shock
  11. Resting place
  12. Shocking
  13. Actor Spock
  14. Books, books, books
  15. Arizona city
  16. Early Christian saint

29 Clues: EvilCorvidShockingGod of WarTo questionAnniversaryActor SpockArizona cityA possibility_____ parlourActress WeiszResting placeNDP supporterIslamic stateTrick or treatHebrew prophetBrand of jeansCake decorationMedical examinerVictorian sleuthThe Life of _____Sherlock sidekickBirds of a ______Small Alberta cityThird US presidentBooks, books, books...

Term 1 Week 10 - r as in rain 2023-03-23

Term 1 Week 10 - r as in rain crossword puzzle
  1. opposite of correct
  2. not dull
  3. reflection
  4. precipitation
  5. a narrative
  6. past tense of carry
  7. the B in BODMAS!
  8. fruit
  9. past tense of write
  10. homograph
  11. family
  12. space vehicle
  1. homophone of right
  2. compound word
  3. a zephyr!
  4. day after today
  5. opposite of left
  6. ________ and sister
  7. books, books, books
  8. king, queen, etc
  9. spicy food
  10. past tense of bring
  11. used again
  12. put it in the bin!
  13. a square hit by a bus!

25 Clues: fruitfamilynot dulla zephyr!homographreflectionspicy foodused againa narrativecompound wordprecipitationspace vehicleday after todayopposite of leftking, queen, etcthe B in BODMAS!homophone of rightput it in the bin!opposite of correct________ and sisterbooks, books, bookspast tense of carrypast tense of bringpast tense of write...