criminal minds Crossword Puzzles

vocab 2023-01-23

vocab crossword puzzle
  1. ¨have the body¨; court order requiring that detained prisoner be produced in court to inquire into legality of detention
  2. “I do not wish to contest”
  3. written authority allowing one person to act for another
  4. intentional abandonment of right
  5. holding of prisoner without bail
  6. court order authorizing action by public officer, usually arrest or search and seizure
  7. legal case contested in court
  8. official inquiry or examination before jury; coroners investigation of cause of death
  9. legislative act limiting time in which plaintiff may bring civil suit or state may bring criminal action
  10. command to appear in court and testify
  11. criminal charges made by grand jury
  12. “after the fact”; fixing or changing punishment for an act after it was committed, now forbidden by US Constitution
  1. isolate jury
  2. oral evidence given by witness
  3. defendant’s answer to plaintiffs declaration; accused’s answer to criminal charge
  4. annul or rescind a document decision or offer
  5. written court order issued to serve administration of justice; usually stipulating that something be done or not be done
  6. legally authorized period of delay
  7. action to recover actual item of personal property rather than its value
  8. condition of release of the accused person without payment of bail
  9. transfer of accused fugitive from state where arrested to state where charged
  10. written questions answered under oath
  11. damages in excess of actual loss awarded to wronged plaintiff to punish defendant
  12. offer money or property to fulfill an obligation
  13. consideration of case by jury, as opposed to by judge or arbitrator

25 Clues: isolate jury“I do not wish to contest”legal case contested in courtoral evidence given by witnessintentional abandonment of rightholding of prisoner without baillegally authorized period of delaycriminal charges made by grand jurywritten questions answered under oathcommand to appear in court and testifyannul or rescind a document decision or offer...

Courtlab Words 2023-01-26

Courtlab Words crossword puzzle
  1. Isolate jury
  2. Legislative act limiting time in which plaintiff may bring civil suit or state may bring criminal action
  3. Oral evidence given by witness
  4. Damages in excess of actual loss awarded to wronged plaintiff to punish defendant
  5. Condition of release of accused person without payment of bail
  6. Court order authorizing action by public officer, usually arrest or search and seizure
  7. "I do not wish to contest"
  8. Intentional abandonment of right.
  9. Written questions answered under oath
  10. Consideration of case by jury, as opposed to by judge or arbitrator
  11. Holding of prisoner without bail
  1. Legally authorized period of delay
  2. Legal case contested in court
  3. Command to appear in court and testify
  4. Transfer of accused fugitive from state where arrested to state where charged
  5. Defendant's answer to plaintiff's declaration; accused's answer to criminal charge.
  6. Written court order issued to serve administration of justice; usually stipulating that something be done or not be done.
  7. Written authority allowing one person to act for another
  8. "Have the body"; court order requiring that detained prisoner be produced in court to inquire into legality of detention
  9. Annul or rescind a document decision or offer
  10. "After the fact"; fixing or changing punishment for an act after it was committed, now forbidden by U.S. Constitution.
  11. Offer money or property to fulfill an obligation
  12. Official Inquiry or examination before jury; coroner's investigation of cause of death
  13. Action to recover actual item of personal property rather than its value
  14. Criminal charges made by grand jury

25 Clues: Isolate jury"I do not wish to contest"Legal case contested in courtOral evidence given by witnessHolding of prisoner without bailIntentional abandonment of right.Legally authorized period of delayCriminal charges made by grand juryWritten questions answered under oathCommand to appear in court and testify...

Litigation: Legal case contested in court Moratorium: Legally authorized period of delay Nolo Contendere: "I do not wish to contest" Own Recognizance: Condition of release of accused person without payment of bail Plea: Defendant's answer to plaintiff's 2023-01-26

Litigation: Legal case contested in court  Moratorium: Legally authorized period of delay  Nolo Contendere: "I do not wish to contest" Own Recognizance: Condition of release of accused person without payment of bail Plea: Defendant's answer to plaintiff's crossword puzzle
  1. of limitations: Legislative act limiting time in which plaintiff may bring civil suit or state may bring criminal action
  2. Transfer of accused fugitive from state where arrested to state where charged
  3. Defendant's answer to plaintiff's declaration; accused's answer to criminal charge
  4. Action to recover actual item of
  5. Recognizance: Condition of release of accused person without payment of bail
  6. Offer money or property to fulfill an obligation
  7. Post Facto: "After the fact"; fixing or changing punishment for an act after it was committed, now forbidden by U.S. Constitution.
  8. Trial: Consideration of case by jury, as opposed to by judge or arbitrator
  9. Written questions answered under oath
  10. Detention: Holding of prisoner without bail
  11. Oral evidence given by witness
  12. Command to appear in court and testify
  1. Court order authorizing action by public officer, usually arrest or search and seizure
  2. Written court order issued to serve administration of justice; usually stipulating that something be done or not be done.
  3. Legally authorized period of delay
  4. Contendere: "I do not wish to contest"
  5. Criminal charges made by grand jury
  6. Isolate jury
  7. Legal case contested in court
  8. Annul or rescind a document decision or offer
  9. Intentional abandonment of right
  10. of Attorney: Written authority allowing one person to act for another
  11. Corpus: "Have the body"; court order requiring that detained prisoner be produced in court to inquire into legality of detention
  12. Damages: Damages in excess of actual loss awarded to wronged plaintiff to punish defendant
  13. Official Inquiry or examination before jury; coroner's investigation of cause of death

25 Clues: Isolate juryLegal case contested in courtOral evidence given by witnessAction to recover actual item ofIntentional abandonment of rightLegally authorized period of delayCriminal charges made by grand juryWritten questions answered under oathContendere: "I do not wish to contest"Command to appear in court and testify...

law words 2023-01-24

law words crossword puzzle
  1. legislative act limiting time in which plaintiff may bring civil suit or state may bring criminal action
  2. “after the fact”; fixing or changing punishment for an act after it was committed, now forbidden by the U.S. Constitution
  3. consideration of case by jury, as opposed to by judge or arbitrator
  4. legal case contested in court
  5. holding of prisoner without bail
  6. “i do not wish to contest”
  7. transfer of accused fugitive from state where arrested to state where charged
  8. condition of release of accused person without payment of bail
  9. written authority allowing one person to act for another
  10. damages in excess of actual loss awarded to wronged plaintiff to punish defendant
  1. “have the body”; court order requiring that detained prisoner be produced in court to inquire into legality of detention
  2. action to recover actual item of personal property rather than its value
  3. command to appear in court and testify
  4. isolate jury
  5. written court order issued to serve administration of justice; usually stipulating that something be done or not done
  6. court order authorizing action by public officer, usually arrest or search and seizure
  7. criminal charges made by grand jury
  8. offer money or property to fulfill an obligation
  9. defendants answer to plaintiff's declaration; accuser’s answer to criminal charge
  10. oral evidence given by witness
  11. official inquiry or examination before jury; coroner’s investigation of cause of death
  12. legally authorized period of delay
  13. written questions answered under oath
  14. intentional abandonment of right
  15. annul or rescind a document decision or offer

25 Clues: isolate jury“i do not wish to contest”legal case contested in courtoral evidence given by witnessholding of prisoner without bailintentional abandonment of rightlegally authorized period of delaycriminal charges made by grand jurywritten questions answered under oathcommand to appear in court and testifyannul or rescind a document decision or offer...

klnlnkl 2023-01-24

klnlnkl crossword puzzle
  1. to appear in court and testify
  2. answer to plaintiff's declarations accused's answer to criminal charge
  3. Recognizance Condition of release of accused person without payment of bail
  4. or rescind a document decision or offer
  5. questions answer under oath
  6. abandonment of right
  7. case contested in court
  8. trial/consideration of case by jury, as opposed
  9. order authorizing action by public officer, usually arrest or search seizure
  10. Corpus/¨have the body¨: court order requiring that detained prisoner be produced in court to inquire into legality of detention
  11. Contendere/ ¨i do not with to contest¨
  12. money or property to fulfill an obligation
  13. to recover actual item of personal property rather than its value
  14. charges made by grand jury
  15. inquiry or examination before jury: coroner's investigation of cause of death
  16. court order issued to serve administration of justice, usually stipulation that something be done or not be done
  1. authorized period of delay
  2. of attorney/written authority allowing one person to act for another
  3. Damages/Damages in excess of accrual loss awarded to wronged plaintiff to punish defendant
  4. jury
  5. evidence given by witness
  6. of accused fugitive from state were arrested to state where charged
  7. of prisoner without bail
  8. of Limitations/legislative act limiting time in which plaintiff may bring civil suit or state may bring criminal action
  9. post facto/¨After the fact¨; fixing or changing punishment for an act after it was committed, now forbidden by U.S. Constitution

25 Clues: juryabandonment of rightcase contested in courtof prisoner without bailevidence given by witnessauthorized period of delaycharges made by grand juryquestions answer under oathto appear in court and testifyContendere/ ¨i do not with to contest¨or rescind a document decision or offermoney or property to fulfill an obligation...

criminal justice AW-4 2023-05-03

criminal justice AW-4 crossword puzzle
  1. warrant a warrant issued by a judge or magistrate on behalf of the state which authorizes the arrest
  2. a person that commits a crime
  3. a crime typically involving violence
  4. a type of offense punishable under criminal law
  5. causes a reasonable person would believe that a crime was in the process of being committed
  6. the first step in a criminal proceeding where the defendant is brought in front of the court to hear the charges against them and enter a plea
  7. bargains an agreement between a prosecutor and defendant that relies upon the defendant pleading guilty to some or all charges
  1. a legal offense to which all parties consent and no party is injured
  2. to declare an innocent of a crime or wrongdoing
  3. crimes generally non-violent in nature
  4. a person who is under eighteen
  5. justice system the laws procedures, institutions
  6. a natural person or entity failing to perform an obligation
  7. any act that breaks the law
  8. the action of suspending the sentence of a convicted offender and giving the offender freedom during good behavior under the supervision of a probation officer

15 Clues: any act that breaks the lawa person that commits a crimea person who is under eighteena crime typically involving violencecrimes generally non-violent in natureto declare an innocent of a crime or wrongdoinga type of offense punishable under criminal lawjustice system the laws procedures, institutions...

Criminal Justice NR-4 2023-05-03

Criminal Justice NR-4 crossword puzzle
  1. is a warrent issued by a judge or magistrate on behalf of the state which authorizes the arrest and detention of an individual
  2. the system of law enforcement that is directly involved in apprehending
  3. of or relating to young people
  4. a delinquent person
  5. reasonable grounds for making search pressing a charge
  6. a person that makes a crime
  7. in the first step in a criminal proceeding where the defendant is brought in front of the court to hear the charges against them and enter a plea
  1. the realase of an offender from detention subject to a period of good behaviour under superviosion
  2. an arrrangement between a prisecutor and a defendant where by the defendant pleads guilty for a lesser charge in the expectation of lenisy
  3. relating to or involved in crime
  4. free (someone) from a criminal charge bye a verdict of not guilty
  5. crimes a legal offense to which all parties consent and no party is unjured
  6. a minor wrongdoing
  7. relating to the work done or those who work in an office pr other professional enviroment

14 Clues: a minor wrongdoinga delinquent persona person that makes a crimeof or relating to young peoplerelating to or involved in crimereasonable grounds for making search pressing a chargefree (someone) from a criminal charge bye a verdict of not guiltythe system of law enforcement that is directly involved in apprehending...

CRIME TIME 2022-04-12

CRIME TIME crossword puzzle
  1. The police _________ the criminal
  2. Don't punish him! She's _________
  3. A body of people that act as a tribunal
  4. A person who kills people.
  1. a person who has committed a crime.
  2. A person who defends others in law court
  3. He should be sent to prison. He's _________
  4. Discover/find out
  5. A person who steals other people's properties
  6. The person who decides cases in a law court
  7. a body of people that give a verdict in a legal case

11 Clues: Discover/find outA person who kills people.The police _________ the criminalDon't punish him! She's _________a person who has committed a crime.A body of people that act as a tribunalA person who defends others in law courtHe should be sent to prison. He's _________The person who decides cases in a law court...

Proverbs crossword 2017-07-13

Proverbs crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Actions speak louder than...
  2. The early bird catches the...
  3. Blood is thicker than...
  4. A fool and his.... are soon parted.
  5. There`s no use crying over spilt...
  6. One swallow doesn`t make...
  7. Charity begins at...
  8. Too many .... spoil the broth.
  9. Beggars can`t be....
  10. A friend in need is a friend ...
  1. Where there is a will, there is a...
  2. A.... in time saves nine.
  3. Don`t look a gift horse in the...
  4. ...makes the heart grow fonder
  5. Great....think alike.
  6. You can`t teach an old dog new...
  7. Every.....has a silver lining.
  8. Don`t put all your eggs in one...
  9. Honesty is the best....
  10. Two....are better than one.

20 Clues: Charity begins at...Beggars can`t be....Great....think alike.Honesty is the best....Blood is thicker than...A.... in time saves nine.One swallow doesn`t make...Two....are better than one.Actions speak louder than...The early bird catches the......makes the heart grow fonderEvery.....has a silver lining.Too many .... spoil the broth....

Freak the Mighty 2022-11-30

Freak the Mighty crossword puzzle
  1. what you do after zig
  2. what matters to energy
  3. a french gangster
  4. fuel for humans preferably so-called junk or UFO
  5. maxs handwriting
  6. a horse who makes a point
  7. to make a stupid mistake
  8. a four letter truth serum
  9. talking on paper
  1. a vegan
  2. what you do before zag
  3. how the Fair Gwen talks when she's nervous
  4. the past from the male point of view.
  5. an eighth grade english class
  6. a toxic waste of time
  7. a place that always lies over the next horizon
  8. a bokecmade by a jock
  9. a mechanical entity, sometimes endowed with human characteristics
  10. something that should be obscene, not smoked
  11. a word used by people with small minds.

20 Clues: a veganmaxs handwritingtalking on papera french gangsterwhat you do after ziga toxic waste of timea bokecmade by a jockwhat you do before zagwhat matters to energyto make a stupid mistakea horse who makes a pointa four letter truth seruman eighth grade english classthe past from the male point of view.a word used by people with small minds....

Roberto Alcazar extra credit 2022-10-13

Roberto Alcazar extra credit crossword puzzle
  1. who are you talking to
  2. your brain is hungry
  3. guessing in math
  4. Proper English typing for high school
  5. credit in a argument
  6. Outside something
  7. something everywhere
  8. categorizes of movies,games,tv shows,etc.
  9. paper that has information on that specific thing
  10. relaxing and clearing your mind
  11. When you want to learn about stuff
  12. fighting with words
  13. someone rich that does good
  1. inside something
  2. understanding your own thoughts
  3. making something better
  4. when your in a deep sadness
  5. Whats your reason for doing this
  6. directed
  7. trying to change minds
  8. being good at persuading someone
  9. why are you doing this?
  10. emotion in a argument
  11. logic in a argument
  12. you use your imagination

25 Clues: directedinside somethingguessing in mathOutside somethinglogic in a argumentfighting with wordsyour brain is hungrycredit in a argumentsomething everywhereemotion in a argumentwho are you talking totrying to change mindsmaking something betterwhy are you doing this?you use your imaginationwhen your in a deep sadnesssomeone rich that does good...

Superpowers 2019-07-22

Superpowers crossword puzzle
  1. Kitty Pryde can _______ through walls.
  2. Hyperion has _____ vision.
  3. Sue Storm can also create ______ fields.
  4. Wolverine has the ability of ____________.
  5. Mystique can change her appearance by ____________.
  6. Hulk has super ________.
  7. Nightcrawler has the ability to ________.
  8. Sue Storm can make herself _________.
  9. Cyclops has ______ blasts.
  10. Deadpool cannot die, making him ________.
  11. Captain Marvel has the ability to ___.
  1. Dr Reed can _________ his body by stretching.
  2. Luke Cage has the ability of _______________.
  3. Storm has the ability to control the ________.
  4. Spider-Man has enhanced _______.
  5. Quicksilver has the ability of super _____.
  6. Rogue has the ability to ______ other people's powers.
  7. Jean Grey has the ability of ___________.
  8. Charles Xavier has the ability to read minds with _________.
  9. Cable has the ability to ____ travel.

20 Clues: Hulk has super ________.Hyperion has _____ vision.Cyclops has ______ blasts.Spider-Man has enhanced _______.Sue Storm can make herself _________.Cable has the ability to ____ travel.Kitty Pryde can _______ through walls.Captain Marvel has the ability to ___.Sue Storm can also create ______ fields.Jean Grey has the ability of ___________....

Atonement: Chapters 8-14 2020-10-20

Atonement: Chapters 8-14 crossword puzzle
  1. The word Briony and Lola use for Robbie
  2. Briony knows this will be her career
  3. Who does Robbie claim to have seen
  4. Robbie and Grace's surname
  5. What Grace shouts after the police
  6. The word that emcompasses Robbie's feelings
  7. Lola has these on her arms
  8. The chocolate millionaire
  9. The dinner meal
  10. Where Robbie and Cecilia realize their true feelings for each other
  11. The eldest Tallis sibling
  1. They were printed on the socks
  2. What Lola is to Emily
  3. Cecilia's nickname
  4. Lola, Jackson, and Pierrot's mother
  5. What Briony delievers
  6. What Robbie aspires to be
  7. In Emily's and Briony's minds, this is ending for Briony
  8. He isn't at dinner
  9. Robbie uses this to write his obscene letter

20 Clues: The dinner mealCecilia's nicknameHe isn't at dinnerWhat Lola is to EmilyWhat Briony delieversWhat Robbie aspires to beThe chocolate millionaireThe eldest Tallis siblingRobbie and Grace's surnameLola has these on her armsThey were printed on the socksWho does Robbie claim to have seenWhat Grace shouts after the police...

gothic crossword 2024-04-08

gothic crossword crossword puzzle
  1. an unprincipled or depraved scoundrel
  2. unknown
  3. other worldly real or reality
  4. a state of wild or chaotic behaviour
  5. portending evil or harm
  6. genre of literature
  7. invoking evil on another
  8. loss of blood
  9. branch of drama
  10. seeming to have a supernatural or inexplicable basis
  1. strange,exotic and unknown
  2. grim and glum
  3. baleful and malign
  4. something that intrudes someones minds
  5. fortified structure
  6. destruction of anything
  7. being seperated from others
  8. genre
  9. gloomiest of spirits
  10. non-physical entities, such as angels, demons, gods, and spirits
  11. your soroundings
  12. extreme pain or distress on the body or mind
  13. rather woried or uncertain
  14. leaving a person or thing permanently and completely

24 Clues: genreunknowngrim and glumloss of bloodbranch of dramayour soroundingsbaleful and malignfortified structuregenre of literaturegloomiest of spiritsdestruction of anythingportending evil or harminvoking evil on anotherstrange,exotic and unknownrather woried or uncertainbeing seperated from othersother worldly real or reality...

Vocab Crosword 2021-08-26

Vocab Crosword crossword puzzle
  1. assert
  2. beneficial
  3. imposing
  4. Alone
  5. diverse
  1. criminal
  2. deceitful
  3. crafty
  4. to change
  5. method
  6. To hurt someone
  7. to not agree with

12 Clues: Aloneassertcraftymethoddiversecriminalimposingdeceitfulto changebeneficialTo hurt someoneto not agree with

Legal Menu Crossword 2016-11-05

Legal Menu Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a criminal wanting to gain money or personal things
  2. decision of a court that a person isn't guilty
  3. the correct way to do things in a legal case
  4. a jury chosen for an accustion before trial
  5. a treaty between the prosecutor and defendant
  6. a document allowing a person access to a premises
  7. the side of a case explaining that a person is guilty
  8. charges a person of a crime
  1. causing damage to property
  2. a jury that can't agree on a decison
  3. a crime that is not serious
  4. an acussed person
  5. defines crimes and makes punishments
  6. can't be tried for the same crime
  7. criminal defendant is told charges against them

15 Clues: an acussed personcausing damage to propertya crime that is not seriouscharges a person of a crimecan't be tried for the same crimea jury that can't agree on a decisondefines crimes and makes punishmentsa jury chosen for an accustion before trialthe correct way to do things in a legal casea treaty between the prosecutor and defendant...

Types of Laws 2022-04-12

Types of Laws crossword puzzle
  1. the party that brings the charges against the alleged criminal
  2. the copying or stealing of another person’s words or idea, passing them off as your own
  3. a legal action in which a person or group sues to collect damages for harm that has been done
  4. Law comprises treaties, customs, and agreements among nations
  1. the individual or group being sued
  2. offenses such as vandalism, stealing inexpensive items, writing bad checks for law amounts, etc
  3. Law involves disputes between people or groups in which no criminal laws have been broken
  4. Laws laws that seek to prevent people from harming each other or properties
  5. wrongful acts for which an injured party has the right to sue
  6. a serious crime such as murder, rape, kidnapping, and robbery
  7. Law involves rights guaranteed under the constitution or spelled out in congressional legislation

11 Clues: the individual or group being suedwrongful acts for which an injured party has the right to suea serious crime such as murder, rape, kidnapping, and robberyLaw comprises treaties, customs, and agreements among nationsthe party that brings the charges against the alleged criminal...

Dasha/Misha 15th-25th of June, 23 2023-06-28

Dasha/Misha 15th-25th of June, 23 crossword puzzle
  1. преступник, преступный
  2. жертва, жертвовать
  3. зашифрованный
  4. жизнеспособный, устойчивый
  5. всё же, всё-таки, тем не менее
  6. труд, работа
  7. гражданский
  8. хотя
  9. наказывать, штрафовать
  10. приговорить
  1. утечка
  2. цель
  3. плохо вести себя/дурное поведение
  4. портить, баловать
  5. данные
  6. намерение, стремление
  7. штраф
  8. предположительно
  9. изысканный, утонченный
  10. расшифровать
  11. ошибка, жук
  12. шифровать
  13. таким образом

23 Clues: цельхотяштрафутечкаданныешифроватьошибка, жукгражданскийприговоритьрасшифроватьтруд, работазашифрованныйтаким образомпредположительнопортить, баловатьжертва, жертвоватьнамерение, стремлениепреступник, преступныйизысканный, утонченныйнаказывать, штрафоватьжизнеспособный, устойчивыйвсё же, всё-таки, тем не менееплохо вести себя/дурное поведение

Destination B1 - Unit 24 Vocabulary II 2017-02-22

Destination B1 - Unit 24 Vocabulary II crossword puzzle
  1. odvážný
  2. okrást
  3. volby
  4. obyvatelstvo
  5. střela
  6. charita
  7. kultura
  8. rutina
  9. naživu
  10. neuvěřitelné
  11. společnost
  12. zločinec
  13. obyvatel
  14. trestat
  15. mladí
  1. nesouhlasit
  2. komunita
  3. spáchat
  4. vězení
  5. zodpovědný
  6. klidný, mírný
  7. zvyk
  8. národnost
  9. politika
  10. přiznat
  11. vinný
  12. vláda
  13. rovný, vyrovnaný
  14. nelegální
  15. hlasovat
  16. zatknout
  17. soud

32 Clues: zvyksoudvolbyvinnývládamladívězeníokráststřelarutinanaživuspáchatodvážnýpřiznatcharitakulturatrestatkomunitapolitikahlasovatzatknoutzločinecobyvatelnárodnostnelegálnízodpovědnýspolečnostnesouhlasitobyvatelstvoneuvěřitelnéklidný, mírnýrovný, vyrovnaný

Hunt for the Wilderpeople 2021-03-31

Hunt for the Wilderpeople crossword puzzle
  1. Ricky,
  2. hunting,
  3. Tupac,
  4. acceptance,
  1. uncle,
  2. resilient,
  3. winter,
  4. hector,
  5. courage,
  6. chase,
  7. persistent,

11 Clues: uncle,Ricky,chase,Tupac,winter,hector,courage,hunting,resilient,persistent,acceptance,

Crime O'Clock 2024-01-24

Crime O'Clock crossword puzzle
  1. someone who takes something from someone's pocket, supposedly without them knowing
  2. someone who helps others commit crimes
  3. intentional destruction or damaging of a place
  4. a human taking another human's life
  5. move something in or out of a country
  6. a young person who intentionally creates trouble, usually at sports events
  7. stealing with force/violence
  8. someone who trades illegal drugs, usually for money
  9. a person who illegally takes a vehicle and forces it to go to a different destination
  10. act of attacking and robbing someone in public
  1. a criminal who abducts/takes someone and hides them, usually for money
  2. steal
  3. someone who illegally enters buildings mainly for stealing
  4. illegal act
  5. someone who gets paid to kill for political reasons
  6. a member of a violent criminal group
  7. taking items from a store without paying
  8. someone who prints forfeit money or fake documents
  9. someone who sets things on fire

19 Clues: stealillegal actstealing with force/violencesomeone who sets things on firea human taking another human's lifea member of a violent criminal groupmove something in or out of a countrysomeone who helps others commit crimestaking items from a store without payingintentional destruction or damaging of a place...


  1. A sword with magic powers
  2. Another name for Blade
  3. Where they manufacture smells
  4. A word used for people with small minds
  5. A toxic waste of time.
  6. A Z in England
  1. An adventure in which you have to use your imagination
  2. Another word for Max and Kevin!
  3. Max's handwritting
  4. One who can squeeze a hot dog through his nose!
  5. An 8th grade English class!
  6. Talking on paper
  7. A unit of measurement equal to 190cm and still growing!
  8. Shoes big enough to fit Maxwell Kane
  9. A unit of measurement equal to 70cm

15 Clues: A Z in EnglandTalking on paperMax's handwrittingAnother name for BladeA toxic waste of time.A sword with magic powersAn 8th grade English class!Where they manufacture smellsAnother word for Max and Kevin!A unit of measurement equal to 70cmShoes big enough to fit Maxwell KaneA word used for people with small minds...

Freak the mighty crossword puzzle 2014-05-26

Freak the mighty crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. LIE ignorance is bliss
  2. another word for Blade
  3. a unique method of whistling the star trek theme
  4. max's handwriting
  5. the language of jabba the hut
  6. a word used by people with small minds
  7. one who can sneeze a hot dog through his nose
  8. you have nothing to fear but ____ itself
  9. a french gangster
  1. a gentleman of the old school, before they tore it down
  2. covered with dandruff
  3. a sword with magical powers
  4. a silly looking creature that eats ants
  5. max's shoe size
  6. what the aardvark says when it eats ants

15 Clues: max's shoe sizemax's handwritinga french gangstercovered with dandruffLIE ignorance is blissanother word for Bladea sword with magical powersthe language of jabba the huta word used by people with small mindsa silly looking creature that eats antsyou have nothing to fear but ____ itselfwhat the aardvark says when it eats ants...

Freak dictonary 2021-12-08

Freak dictonary crossword puzzle
  1. a think vicious liquid
  2. what you do before you zag
  3. an eighth grade English class
  4. a mechanical entity sometimes endowed with human characteristics
  5. talking on paper
  6. a unit of measurement equal to 190 centimeters and still growing
  7. a way to improve on a human condition
  8. what you do after you zig
  9. a human sauropod
  1. a word used by people with small minds
  2. a four-letter word for truth serum
  3. shoes big enough to fit maxwell Kane
  4. another word for falling down
  5. beaming up into books
  6. when you taste when you bite into an orange

15 Clues: talking on papera human sauropodbeaming up into booksa think vicious liquidwhat you do after you zigwhat you do before you zaganother word for falling downan eighth grade English classa four-letter word for truth serumshoes big enough to fit maxwell Kanea way to improve on a human conditiona word used by people with small minds...

BLS Vocabulary 2022-08-23

BLS Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. This must be done whenever the reagent lot is changed.
  2. The second most common leukocyte.
  3. This differentiates different types of electromagnetic radiation.
  4. This can cause discoloration of skin.
  5. Bacteria form these on an agar plate.
  6. Aspiring phlebotomists sometimes forget to loosen this.
  7. Humanity's brightest minds work here.
  1. A hormone produced by pancreas.
  2. A bacterium that is round in shape.
  3. An immature red blood cell.
  4. A fragment of a megakaryocyte.
  5. Blood typing is based on this reaction.
  6. The most abundant metal in human body.
  7. The main anion in human body.
  8. To obtain serum, this needs to happen.

15 Clues: An immature red blood cell.The main anion in human body.A fragment of a megakaryocyte.A hormone produced by pancreas.The second most common leukocyte.A bacterium that is round in shape.This can cause discoloration of skin.Bacteria form these on an agar plate.Humanity's brightest minds work here.The most abundant metal in human body....

Freak the Mighty crossword puzzle 2023-03-22

Freak the Mighty crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the language of Jabba the hut
  2. chlorate: the womp in a skyrocket
  3. what grim says when surprised
  4. a word used by people with small minds
  5. a big word for mechanical bird
  6. something that should be obscene/not smoked
  7. a know-it-all
  1. person who chases after windblown hats
  2. to make a stupid mistake
  3. another word for block head
  4. a horse who makes a point
  5. one who can sneeze a hotdog through his nose
  6. a French gangster
  7. place where weird-sounding musical instruments are kept in cages
  8. a toxic waste of time

15 Clues: a know-it-alla French gangstera toxic waste of timeto make a stupid mistakea horse who makes a pointanother word for block headthe language of Jabba the hutwhat grim says when surpriseda big word for mechanical birdchlorate: the womp in a skyrocketperson who chases after windblown hatsa word used by people with small minds...

Crime 2018-12-10

Crime crossword puzzle
  1. A person or group of people take over an aeroplane and force it to land somewhere (crime)
  2. A person intentionally damages public or private property (criminal)
  3. Someone threatens another person on the streets and takes their valuables from them (verb)
  4. A group of people entre a bank with weapons and steal the money (crime)
  1. You come home from holiday to find that your TV and laptop have been stolen (criminal)
  2. Someone is taken somewhere without their permission (criminal)
  3. An angry person takes someone’s life (criminal)

7 Clues: An angry person takes someone’s life (criminal)Someone is taken somewhere without their permission (criminal)A person intentionally damages public or private property (criminal)A group of people entre a bank with weapons and steal the money (crime)You come home from holiday to find that your TV and laptop have been stolen (criminal)...

Crime 2018-12-10

Crime crossword puzzle
  1. Someone is taken somewhere without their permission (criminal)
  2. You come home from holiday to find that your TV and laptop have been stolen (criminal)
  3. An angry person takes someone’s life (criminal)
  1. A person or group of people take over an aeroplane and force it to land somewhere (crime)
  2. A person intentionally damages public or private property (criminal)
  3. A group of people entre a bank with weapons and steal the money (crime)
  4. Someone threatens another person on the streets and takes their valuables from them (verb)

7 Clues: An angry person takes someone’s life (criminal)Someone is taken somewhere without their permission (criminal)A person intentionally damages public or private property (criminal)A group of people entre a bank with weapons and steal the money (crime)You come home from holiday to find that your TV and laptop have been stolen (criminal)...

Xander's Vocabulary 2022-03-08

Xander's Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Being stopped and standstill
  2. someone against and forbidden by the law
  3. a cop says these to their suspect (2 words=a dash
  4. a serious criminal offense
  5. A public official whose duty it is to administer the law
  6. an invalid trial
  1. someone who is being forced to do something
  2. someone who is an associate with the case
  3. an antonym is obedience
  4. a synonym is excuse

10 Clues: an invalid triala synonym is excusean antonym is obediencea serious criminal offenseBeing stopped and standstillsomeone against and forbidden by the lawsomeone who is an associate with the casesomeone who is being forced to do somethinga cop says these to their suspect (2 words=a dashA public official whose duty it is to administer the law

getting ready for trail. 2014-04-24

getting ready for trail. crossword puzzle
  1. A document or testimony used in trail.
  2. The written statement by the plantiff in a civil case.
  3. A persons response.
  4. Information obtain in violation.
  5. A criminal in a case.
  6. Decisions of the judging.
  1. The time given to the defendant.
  2. An argreement between to two parties.
  3. Management Lines: A document that sets all dates and dead lines.
  4. The person sewing criminal in the case.

10 Clues: A persons response.A criminal in a case.Decisions of the judging.The time given to the defendant.Information obtain in violation.An argreement between to two parties.A document or testimony used in trail.The person sewing criminal in the case.The written statement by the plantiff in a civil case....


MONEY HEIST CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. Someone a criminal kidnaps
  2. British term for a police officer
  3. What police puts on your wrist when you are arrested
  4. a robbery
  5. To put money in the bank
  6. Up What police will shout before arresting someone
  7. You wear it to cover your face
  1. Someone who steals money from a bank
  2. Someone who commits a crime
  3. "Get on your ______ if you want to live"

10 Clues: a robberyTo put money in the bankSomeone a criminal kidnapsSomeone who commits a crimeYou wear it to cover your faceBritish term for a police officerSomeone who steals money from a bank"Get on your ______ if you want to live"Up What police will shout before arresting someoneWhat police puts on your wrist when you are arrested

Second Time 2B Botany Bay 2015-10-27

Second Time 2B Botany Bay crossword puzzle
  1. ankare
  2. steril, ofruktbar
  3. boplats, bosättning
  4. innertak
  5. sjöresa, resa
  6. fånge
  7. kackerlacka
  8. lämplig
  9. flotta
  10. bov
  11. russin
  12. besättning
  13. bli
  14. tjuv
  1. hetta
  2. rånare
  3. hals
  4. botten, durk
  5. dom
  6. förvisning
  7. under, nedanför
  8. ruttna
  9. fängelse
  10. brottsling
  11. nybyggare
  12. unken
  13. ombord
  14. spyor
  15. löss
  16. stank
  17. kedja

31 Clues: dombovblihalslösstjuvhettafångeunkenspyorstankkedjaankarerånareruttnaombordflottarussinlämpliginnertakfängelsenybyggareförvisningbrottslingbesättningkackerlackabotten, durksjöresa, resaunder, nedanförsteril, ofruktbarboplats, bosättning

Crime and criminals, unit 9 2022-04-13

Crime and criminals, unit 9 crossword puzzle
  1. захоплюватися
  2. зізнаватися
  3. навмисно
  4. вбивця
  5. вчинити
  6. палій
  7. тюрма
  8. невинний
  9. фальшивий
  10. грабіжник
  11. борець
  12. грабіжник
  13. розслідувати
  14. жорстокий
  15. крадіжка в магазині
  1. несправедливість
  2. втікати
  3. торгівля наркотиками
  4. свідок
  5. описувати
  6. доказ
  7. термінал
  8. радити
  9. злочинець
  10. крадіжка зі зломом
  11. підпал
  12. особистість
  13. на лавці
  14. контактувати
  15. збентежений

30 Clues: доказпалійтюрмасвідоквбивцярадитипідпалборецьвтікативчинитинавмиснотерміналневиннийна лавціописуватифальшивийзлочинецьграбіжникграбіжникжорстокийзізнаватисяособистістьзбентеженийрозслідуватиконтактуватизахоплюватисянесправедливістькрадіжка зі зломомкрадіжка в магазиніторгівля наркотиками

Crimes Kedirin 2023-04-20

Crimes Kedirin crossword puzzle
  1. mõrvar
  2. võltsima
  3. kurjategija
  4. narkootikumidega kaubitsema
  5. süütama
  6. tänavaröövi teostama
  7. vägistaja
  8. poliitilist mõrva teostama
  9. purjuspäi autot juhtima
  10. murdvargust toime panema
  11. piraat
  12. salakaubavedaja
  1. kuritegu
  2. terrorist
  3. rööver
  4. mõrvama
  5. tänavarööver
  6. poevaras
  7. salakaupa vedama
  8. vandaalitseja
  9. varastama
  10. varas
  11. autot röövima
  12. reetur
  13. vandaalitsema
  14. relva ähvardusel röövima

26 Clues: varasmõrvarrööverreeturpiraatmõrvamasüütamakuriteguvõltsimapoevarasterroristvägistajavarastamakurjategijatänavaröövervandaalitsejaautot röövimavandaalitsemasalakaubavedajasalakaupa vedamatänavaröövi teostamapurjuspäi autot juhtimarelva ähvardusel röövimamurdvargust toime panemapoliitilist mõrva teostamanarkootikumidega kaubitsema

Vocabulary Unit 2 2022-09-29

Vocabulary Unit 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Sachbearbeiter
  2. Opfer
  3. Brust
  4. ermorden
  5. Neffe
  6. in Pension gehen
  7. schützen
  8. Erpressung
  9. Verwandte
  10. historisch
  11. Brust
  12. illegal
  13. verstört
  14. erwähnen
  1. Angestellte
  2. übernehmen
  3. Tatort
  4. Papierkorb
  5. stehlen
  6. attraktiv
  7. Verbrecher
  8. Bericht
  9. Rätsel
  10. entkommen
  11. Ermittlung
  12. Zeuger
  13. Waffe
  14. begehen
  15. Verdächtiger
  16. hervorragend
  17. beweisen
  18. aufschließen

32 Clues: OpferBrustNeffeWaffeBrustTatortRätselZeugerstehlenBerichtbegehenillegalermordenschützenverstörtbeweisenerwähnenattraktiventkommenVerwandteübernehmenPapierkorbVerbrecherErmittlungErpressunghistorischAngestellteVerdächtigerhervorragendaufschließenSachbearbeiterin Pension gehen

21-24 2023-10-20

21-24 crossword puzzle
  1. 맥박 고동
  2. 수하물
  3. 범인 범죄자
  4. 익숙한 능숙한
  5. 위생의
  6. 자유 해방
  7. 자산 재산
  8. 엄청난
  9. 위기
  10. 잘못인도하다
  11. 항구
  12. 신청서 원서
  13. 문학
  14. 지출 경비
  1. 부정의 소극적인
  2. 제출하다
  3. 평판
  4. 경력 직업
  5. 증상
  6. 적절한
  7. 조종하다 조작하다
  8. 다른 뚜렷한
  9. 발생시키다
  10. 유창한
  11. 일정한 지속적인
  12. 하락

26 Clues: 평판증상위기항구문학하락수하물적절한위생의엄청난유창한제출하다맥박 고동경력 직업자유 해방자산 재산발생시키다지출 경비범인 범죄자다른 뚜렷한잘못인도하다신청서 원서익숙한 능숙한부정의 소극적인일정한 지속적인조종하다 조작하다

Justice & Asylum Reforms 2023-11-05

Justice & Asylum Reforms crossword puzzle
  1. Organized places.
  2. Care facility.
  3. Prison reformer.
  4. Incarceration place.
  5. Lawbreaker.
  6. Knowledge acquisition.
  7. Recovery.
  8. Division.
  9. Supporters of a cause.
  10. Care for health issues.
  1. Dix Mental health reformer.
  2. Community.
  3. Change advocates.
  4. Mental health.
  5. Enacted laws.
  6. Imprisonment.
  7. Guiding role.
  8. Empathy.
  9. Self-respect.
  10. Compassionate.
  11. Youth-related.
  12. Progress.

22 Clues: Empathy.Progress.Recovery.Division.Community.Lawbreaker.Enacted laws.Imprisonment.Guiding role.Self-respect.Mental health.Care facility.Compassionate.Youth-related.Prison reformer.Change advocates.Organized places.Incarceration place.Knowledge acquisition.Supporters of a cause.Care for health issues.Dix Mental health reformer.

crimes and criminals 2024-02-13

crimes and criminals crossword puzzle
  1. поджигатель
  2. грабитель(чел.)
  3. разбойник/мародер
  4. преступление
  5. воровство.в.магазине
  6. наркоторговец
  7. вандал
  8. убивать(син.murder)
  9. грабитель(места)
  10. вор(вообще)
  11. наркоторговля
  12. контрабандист
  1. кража(вообще)
  2. ввоз.контрабанды
  3. ограбление(чел.)
  4. убийство
  5. разбой/мародерство
  6. взломщик (напр.дома)
  7. ограбление(места)
  8. поджог
  9. преступник
  10. убийца
  11. магазинный.вор
  12. взлом(напр.дома)
  13. красть(вообще)
  14. вандализм

26 Clues: поджогубийцавандалубийствовандализмпреступникподжигательвор(вообще)преступлениекража(вообще)наркоторговецнаркоторговляконтрабандистмагазинный.воркрасть(вообще)грабитель(чел.)ввоз.контрабандыограбление(чел.)взлом(напр.дома)грабитель(места)ограбление(места)разбойник/мародерразбой/мародерствоубивать(син.murder)взломщик (напр.дома)воровство.в.магазине

6B Crossword Puzzle 2024-04-05

6B Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. La detective
  2. cometer un crimen
  3. amar
  4. primer galán
  5. Estoy enamorado de
  6. si ella tomara dinero
  7. failure
  8. he visto una persona
  9. Crítico (m)
  10. ladrón tomó dinero
  1. Extranjero
  2. para arrestar
  3. Una criminal
  4. Crítica (f)
  5. estrella de cine
  6. fascinar
  7. has visto un perro
  8. Enamorarse de
  9. rentar
  10. capturar

20 Clues: amarrentarfailurefascinarcapturarExtranjeroCrítica (f)Crítico (m)La detectiveUna criminalprimer galánpara arrestarEnamorarse deestrella de cinecometer un crimenEstoy enamorado dehas visto un perroladrón tomó dinerohe visto una personasi ella tomara dinero

brain injury 2023-01-25

brain injury crossword puzzle
  1. the amygdala can trigger this if activated
  2. functioning in the amygdala
  3. damage here can affect control of rage
  1. behaviour involving physical force
  2. associated with the regulation of emotion
  3. an act that goes against the law
  4. behaviour that is intended with harm and anger
  5. can cause brain injury if abused
  6. damage here can lead to violence and anti social behaviour
  7. damage here effects how a criminal event is stored in memory
  8. damage here can explain high recidivism rates
  9. criminal act that may be the result of damage to the brain

12 Clues: functioning in the amygdalaan act that goes against the lawcan cause brain injury if abusedbehaviour involving physical forcedamage here can affect control of rageassociated with the regulation of emotionthe amygdala can trigger this if activateddamage here can explain high recidivism ratesbehaviour that is intended with harm and anger...

The Judicial Branch 2022-10-20

The Judicial Branch crossword puzzle
  1. The individual who brings a lawsuit before a Civil Court.
  2. A Federal law passed by the Legislature.
  3. The type of deal, or bargain, in which an individual accepts guilt of a lesser crime to avoid prosecution of a more serious offense.
  4. How long do Federal Judges serve, once they have been appointed & confirmed?
  5. The type of trial system we have in the United States in which there are two opposing sides.
  6. An opinion given by justices who may agree with the Majority Opinion, but for different reasons.
  7. The individual who represents the government in a criminal case.
  8. How many members currently serve on the US Supreme Court?
  9. A formal charge of criminal action by a Grand Jury.
  1. An attempt to have a higher court review your case, arguing an error had occured.
  2. An opinion given by justices who disagree with the Majority Opinion.
  3. The legal principle in which a courts decision in a previous case will influence how future similar cases are also decided.
  4. The individual who criminal charges or civil damages are alleged against.
  5. The type of cases a certain court system has authority to rule on.
  6. Who is responsible for confirming Federal Judges & appointed members of the US Supreme Court?
  7. Who is responsible for nominating Federal Judges & members of the US Supreme Court?
  8. a group of individuals who hear evidence and provide a verdict in a court case.

17 Clues: A Federal law passed by the Legislature.A formal charge of criminal action by a Grand Jury.The individual who brings a lawsuit before a Civil Court.How many members currently serve on the US Supreme Court?The individual who represents the government in a criminal case.The type of cases a certain court system has authority to rule on....

Reading 12, 13, 15 2016-02-12

Reading 12, 13, 15 crossword puzzle
  1. 소송, 판례
  2. 배심, 배심원단
  3. 검사
  4. 입법부, 의회
  5. 구역, 지구
  6. 지명하다
  7. 민주주의의, 민주당의
  8. 인기없는
  9. 후보자
  10. 공화주의의, 공화당의
  11. 공식적으로
  12. 유권자
  13. 범죄의
  14. 지명된사람, 지명후보
  1. 주지사
  2. 시장
  3. 선거
  4. 제시하다, 제출하다
  5. 대통령의
  6. 피고인
  7. 지방의
  8. (문장끝)하지만
  9. 중앙의
  10. 개최하다
  11. 정치인
  12. 무죄의, 결백한
  13. 유죄의

27 Clues: 시장선거검사주지사피고인지방의중앙의후보자정치인유죄의유권자범죄의대통령의지명하다개최하다인기없는공식적으로소송, 판례구역, 지구입법부, 의회배심, 배심원단(문장끝)하지만무죄의, 결백한제시하다, 제출하다민주주의의, 민주당의공화주의의, 공화당의지명된사람, 지명후보

Story Elements 2024-01-23

Story Elements crossword puzzle
  1. The things that go through the character's minds
  2. Not real/made up.
  3. Conversation between or amongst characters.
  4. The events taking place from start to finish.
  5. Something to be learnt from the story.
  6. The issue/ challenge in the story.
  7. When and Where the story is taking place.
  1. Travel or move from one place to another.
  2. Persons or animals in a story.
  3. An unexpected event.
  4. An emotional state or reaction.
  5. Method of solving the problem.

12 Clues: Not real/made up.An unexpected event.Persons or animals in a story.Method of solving the problem.An emotional state or reaction.The issue/ challenge in the story.Something to be learnt from the story.Travel or move from one place to another.When and Where the story is taking place.Conversation between or amongst characters....

Crime 2024-03-19

Crime crossword puzzle
  1. diefstal
  2. verdachte
  3. verdacht
  4. crimineel
  5. schuldig
  1. wetsovertreding
  2. vandalisme
  3. break in inbreken
  4. slachtoffer
  5. winkeldiefstal
  6. steal stelen
  7. slachtoffer
  8. misdaad

13 Clues: misdaaddiefstalverdachtschuldigverdachtecrimineelvandalismeslachtofferslachtoffersteal stelenwinkeldiefstalwetsovertredingbreak in inbreken

Learning theories 2022-09-18

Learning theories crossword puzzle
  1. support for reaching the unknown
  2. focuses on sense making
  3. focuses on desired behaviours
  4. building on existing knowledge
  1. focuses on processing of learners' minds
  2. learning as the final outcome
  3. learning as the journey of experiences

7 Clues: focuses on sense makinglearning as the final outcomefocuses on desired behavioursbuilding on existing knowledgesupport for reaching the unknownlearning as the journey of experiencesfocuses on processing of learners' minds

Probation Crossword 2022 2022-07-15

Probation Crossword 2022 crossword puzzle
  1. a period of incarceration in a local jail at the beginning of the supervision period is a condition of the probation sentence
  2. Supervisor of DWI Unit
  3. person over 7 and less than 16 who commits an act that would be a crime if an adult did it
  4. Supervisor of Criminal Unit
  5. list of a person’s criminal history
  6. a sentence that allows the offender to remain in the community (under supervision) instead of being incarcerated.
  7. Family Court Intake Supervisor
  8. A court order in writing that says that a certain action must be taken, for example, making a person to appear in court
  9. Juvenile Supervisor
  10. A court order requiring the defendant to stay away from someone until the criminal case is resolved.
  11. PSI Supervisor
  12. type of order gives responsibility for the child's care and how the child is brought up
  13. American Probation and Parole Association
  14. To give evidence under oath as a witness in a court case
  1. A 16 year old who is charged with a felony committed after September 30, 2018, or a 17 year old who is charged with a felony committed after September 30, 2019.
  2. Current Director
  3. Pre-Sentence Investigation
  4. NYS first offender ignition interlock law
  5. Pre-tial/interstate Supervisor
  6. New York State Probation Officers Association
  7. Court The highest level trial court in New York State
  8. Father of Probation
  9. The right of a non-custodial parent to be with the child
  10. Adult assessment tool
  11. Juvenile assessment tool
  12. Former Director

26 Clues: PSI SupervisorFormer DirectorCurrent DirectorFather of ProbationJuvenile SupervisorAdult assessment toolSupervisor of DWI UnitJuvenile assessment toolPre-Sentence InvestigationSupervisor of Criminal UnitPre-tial/interstate SupervisorFamily Court Intake Supervisorlist of a person’s criminal historyNYS first offender ignition interlock law...

Exam 1 Review 2022-09-06

Exam 1 Review crossword puzzle
  1. a type of murder that occurs during the commission of another felony such as robbery
  2. defined as a short-lived killing over a shorter period of time than serial murder
  3. a type of manslaughter where someone is killed while overwhelmed by emotion or passion
  4. persons that cannot always be linked to a killer or are unknown
  5. specific legal category of criminal homicide
  6. the general name for those murders with 4 or more victims at the same general point in time
  7. those homicides that imply the motive is autonomous from that of each other homicide
  8. murders involving multiple victims
  9. means the killing and consequences were considered and the act was committed anyways
  10. a type of perpetrator motivation that includes sexual fantasies is known as _____ sexual expression
  11. those homicides committed to reach a secondary goal
  1. criminal homicides with a lesser degree of responsibility
  2. murder of multiple victims by same offender in separate events
  3. when killers take a momentum from the victim
  4. general term for killing of another individual
  5. homicide in defense of life or property
  6. a type of manslaughter where someone is killed because of another individual's reckless behavior
  7. homicide that is accidental but not due to recklessness
  8. a return to normalcy
  9. the minimum victim threshold in the FBI's 2005 definition of serial murder
  10. sometimes included in early definitions of serial murder to mean that the killing was thought about and planned
  11. murder and manslaughter
  12. the relationship between offender and victim in early definitions of serial murder

23 Clues: a return to normalcymurder and manslaughtermurders involving multiple victimshomicide in defense of life or propertywhen killers take a momentum from the victimspecific legal category of criminal homicidegeneral term for killing of another individualthose homicides committed to reach a secondary goal...

Law 12; Prison Vocab and Slang 2020-04-24

Law 12; Prison Vocab and Slang crossword puzzle
  1. an untrustworthy staff member
  2. a report depicting the mental state of a criminal
  3. going back to crime once out of prison
  4. the judicial conclusion of a punishment on a convicted criminal
  5. a sentence having a offender live in the community under the supervision of a parole officer
  6. release of a prisoner
  7. treatment and punishment going hand in hand when training offenders to function in society
  8. to punch another inmate in the jaw to see if they will fight back
  9. short release due to personal reasons or community service
  10. punishment to ensure offenders endure the consequences of the offence
  11. sentences that are served all at once
  12. sentence that suppresses privileges for a set amount of time
  13. entering a conversation a person is not welcome in or have no place in
  1. punishment of an offender paying back the victim or society of violation
  2. a statement prepared by the victim or the victim's family naming the crime(s) done by the offender
  3. if specific conditions are met, a judgment can be finalized
  4. a criminal charge
  5. sentences served at night and on weekends
  6. Operated under the jurisdiction of a federal government
  7. house offenders awaiting trail and act as correctional centers
  8. the act of putting aside a persons record of conviction
  9. imprisonment of a person set for an amount of time
  10. situations that can lower the risk of a sentence
  11. a prisoner who does not stop talking about nothing
  12. a life sentence
  13. sentences that are serves one at a time

26 Clues: a life sentencea criminal chargerelease of a prisoneran untrustworthy staff membersentences that are served all at oncegoing back to crime once out of prisonsentences that are serves one at a timesentences served at night and on weekendssituations that can lower the risk of a sentencea report depicting the mental state of a criminal...

nmnlm 2023-01-24

nmnlm crossword puzzle
  1. transfer of accused fugitive from state were arrested to state where charged
  2. Defendants answer to plaintiff's declarations accused's answer to criminal charge
  3. Recognizance COndition of release of accused person without payment of bail
  4. post facto- ¨After the fact¨; fixing or changing punishment for an act after it was committed, now forbidden by U.S. Constitution
  5. trial- consideration of case by jury, as opposed
  6. written questions answer under oath
  7. Holding of prisoner without bail
  8. oral evidence given by witness
  9. written court order issued to serve administration of justice, usually stipulation that something be done or not be done
  10. Command to appear in court and testify
  11. offer money or property to fulfill an obligation
  1. of Limitations- legislative act limiting time in which plaintiff may bring civil suit or state may bring criminal action
  2. - court order authorizing action by public officer, usually arrest or search seizure
  3. legally authorized period of delay
  4. criminal charges made by grand jury
  5. isolate jury
  6. legal case contested in court
  7. Annul or rescind a document decision or offer
  8. intentional abandonment of right
  9. of attorney- written authority allowing one person to act for another
  10. Corpus- ¨have the body¨: court order requiring that detained prisoner be produced in court to inquire into legality of detention
  11. Action to recover actual item of personal property rather than its value
  12. Damages- Damages in excess of accrual loss awarded to wronged plaintiff to punish defendant
  13. official inquiry or examination before jury: coroner's investigation of cause of death
  14. Contendere- ¨i do not with to contest¨

25 Clues: isolate jurylegal case contested in courtoral evidence given by witnessintentional abandonment of rightHolding of prisoner without baillegally authorized period of delaycriminal charges made by grand jurywritten questions answer under oathCommand to appear in court and testifyContendere- ¨i do not with to contest¨...

Law 2023-01-26

Law crossword puzzle
  1. Trial: Consideration of case by jury, as opposted to by judge or arbitrator
  2. Annual or rescind a document decision or offer
  3. Legal case contested in court
  4. Written questions answered under oath
  5. Legally authorized period of delay
  6. Written authority allowing one person to act for another
  7. Criminal charges made by grand jury
  8. Action to recover actual item of personal value rather than it's value
  9. Court order authorizing action by public officer, usually arrest or scarch and seizure
  10. Corpus: "Have the body", court order requiring that detained prisoner be produced in court to inquire into legality of detention
  11. of limitations: Legislative act limiting time in which plaintiff may bring civil suit or state may bring criminal action
  12. Detention Holding of prisoner without bail
  1. Command to appear in court and testify
  2. Intentional abandonment of right
  3. Oral evidence given by witness
  4. Written court order issued to serve administration of justice; usually stipulating that something be done or not be done.
  5. Transfer of accused fugitive from state where arrested to state where charged
  6. Damages Damages in excess of actual loss awarded to wronged plaintiff to punish defendant
  7. Official Inquiry or examination before jury; coroner's investigation of cause of death
  8. Defendant's answer to plaintiff's declaration; accused's answer to criminal charge
  9. "I do not wish to contest"own Recognizance Condition of release of accused person without payment of bail
  10. Isolate jury
  11. Offer money or property to fulfill an obligation
  12. Post Facto "Afler the fact"; fixing or changing punishment for an act after it was committed, now forbidden by U.S. Constitution.

24 Clues: Isolate juryLegal case contested in courtOral evidence given by witnessIntentional abandonment of rightLegally authorized period of delayCriminal charges made by grand juryWritten questions answered under oathCommand to appear in court and testifyDetention Holding of prisoner without bailAnnual or rescind a document decision or offer...

Legal Crossword 2015-03-04

Legal Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A high intellectual capacity, comprehensive and up-to-date knowledge of the law and procedures in the chosen field of practice.
  2. skilled secretaries often advance to becoming law clerks or?
  3. These are usually chosen from leading barristers or senior solicitors.
  4. In some courts, these people may be required to wear a wig and gown.
  5. Who's job is it to run the court registry office?
  6. Someone who delivers court documents, such as writs.
  7. A Coroner is also known as this?
  8. Someone who assists people with legal problems.
  9. Solicitors can specialise in areas such as business, commercial, family, immigration and _ law.
  10. Someone who's job it is to bring witnesses into the courtroom.
  11. Performed by a forensic pathologist. It is used to determine the presence, nature and extent of any disease or damage in order to ascertain cause of death.
  1. This is essential to objectivity and detachment. It is also fundamental to sound judgement and observance duties of the court.
  2. A group of elected members who sit in parliament.
  3. A formal court case where evidence is given about a death or incident.
  4. Must retire at the age of 65.
  5. Someone who represents the interests of all citizens in the criminal justice system
  6. This group makes decisions based on the evidence that is given in court.
  7. There is a jury in almost all criminal trials held in the _ and District Courts.
  8. A person or group suing the defendant.
  9. If you have committed a crime and are being charged, you will be referred to as this?

20 Clues: Must retire at the age of 65.A Coroner is also known as this?A person or group suing the defendant.Someone who assists people with legal problems.A group of elected members who sit in parliament.Who's job is it to run the court registry office?Someone who delivers court documents, such as writs....

Hardware Sean 2014-01-10

Hardware Sean crossword puzzle
  1. Make spending money a lot easier
  2. This input isn't small
  3. Used to make children joyful
  1. this device doesnt like cheese
  2. No training required
  3. Not agfraid to speak their minds
  4. The smart one

7 Clues: The smart oneNo training requiredThis input isn't smallUsed to make children joyfulthis device doesnt like cheeseMake spending money a lot easierNot agfraid to speak their minds

The Mind-Body Problem 2012-08-01

The Mind-Body Problem crossword puzzle
  1. Is the complex of cognitive faculties that enables consciousness
  2. Descartes The problem was identified by
  3. Religious term for mind
  4. A dualist
  1. Is a physical object with physical properties
  2. Idea that minds alone exist
  3. View that human beings are two things
  4. Believed that universals exist

8 Clues: A dualistReligious term for mindIdea that minds alone existBelieved that universals existView that human beings are two thingsDescartes The problem was identified byIs a physical object with physical propertiesIs the complex of cognitive faculties that enables consciousness

English 2023-01-26

English crossword puzzle
  1. Transfer of accused fugitive from state where arrested to state where charged
  2. Damages: Damages in excess of actual loss awarded to wronged plaintiff to punish defendant
  3. Defendant’s answer to plaintiff’s declaration; accused’s answer to criminal charge
  4. Written court order issued to serve administration of jusice; ussually stipulating that something be done or not be done.
  5. Recognizance: Condition of release of accused person without payments of bail.
  6. Command to appear in court and testify
  7. Trial: Consideration of case by jury, as opposed to by judge or arbitrator
  8. Written questions answered underoath
  9. Detention: Holding of prisoner without bail
  10. of limitations: Legislative act limiting time in which plaintiff may bring civil suit or state may bring criminal action
  11. Oral evidence given by witness
  12. Action to recover actual item personal property rather that its value
  1. Court order authorizing action by public officer, ussually arrest or search and seizure
  2. Legally authorized period of delay
  3. Official Inquiry or examination before jury;coroner’s investigation of cause of death
  4. Isolate jury
  5. Annul of rescind a document decision or offer.
  6. Legal case contested in court
  7. Intentional abandonment of right
  8. of Attorney: Written authority allowing one person to act for another
  9. Corpus: “Have the body; court order requiring that detained prisoner be produced in court to inquire into legality of detention.
  10. Post Facto: “After the fact”; fixing or changing punishment for an act after it was commited, now forbidden by U.S. Constitution.
  11. Criminal charges made by grand jury
  12. Contendere: “I do not wish to contest”
  13. Offer money or property to fulfill an obligation

25 Clues: Isolate juryLegal case contested in courtOral evidence given by witnessIntentional abandonment of rightLegally authorized period of delayCriminal charges made by grand juryWritten questions answered underoathCommand to appear in court and testifyContendere: “I do not wish to contest”Detention: Holding of prisoner without bail...

Law Vocab 2023-01-26

Law Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Transfer of accused fugitive from state where arrested to state where charged
  2. Isolate jury
  3. Command to appear in court and testify
  4. International abandonment of right
  5. Court order authorizing action by public officer usually arrest or search and seizure
  6. Damages in excess of actual loss awarded to wrong plaintiff to punish defendant
  7. Oral evidence given by witness
  8. Corpus “Have the body”; court order requiring that detained prisoner be produced in court to inquire into legality of detention
  9. Annul or rescind a document decision or offer
  10. Offer money or property to fulfill an obligation
  11. Condition of release of accused person without payment of bail
  12. “After the fact”; fixing or changing punishment for an act after it was committed, now forbidden by the U.S. constitution.
  13. Legally authorized period of delay
  14. Trial Consideration of case by the jury, as opposed to by judge or arbitrator
  1. Written court order issued to serve administration of justice; usually stipulating that something be done or not be done.
  2. Holding of prisoners without bail.
  3. Official inquiry or examination before jury: coroner’s investigation of cause of death
  4. Criminal charges made by grand jury
  5. Action to recover actual item of personal property rather than its value
  6. Defendant's answer to plaintiff's declaration accused’s answer to criminal charge
  7. written authority allowing one person to act for another
  8. Written questions answered under oath
  9. Legal case considered in court
  10. “I DO not wish to contest”
  11. Legislative act limiting time in which plaintiff may bring civil suit or state may bring criminal action

25 Clues: Isolate jury“I DO not wish to contest”Legal case considered in courtOral evidence given by witnessHolding of prisoners without bail.International abandonment of rightLegally authorized period of delayCriminal charges made by grand juryWritten questions answered under oathCommand to appear in court and testify...

Vocab Packet 2023-01-24

Vocab Packet crossword puzzle
  1. Legislative act of limiting time in which plaintiff may bring civil suit or state may bring criminal action
  2. Isolate Jury
  3. Criminal charges made by grand jury
  4. Written authority allowing one person to act for another
  5. Action to recover actual item of personal property rather than its value
  6. “I do not wish to contest”
  7. Condition of release of accused person without oayment of bail
  8. Intentional abandonment of right
  9. “After the fact”; fixing or changing punishment for an act after it wascommited, now forbidden by U.S. Constitution
  10. Defendant’s answer to plaintiff;s declaration; accused’s answer to criminal charge
  1. Consideration of case by jury, as opposed to by judge or arbitrator
  2. Legal case contested in court
  3. Official Inquiry or examination before jury; coroner’s investigation of cause of death
  4. Transfer of accused fugitive from state where arrested to state where charged
  5. Offer money or property to fulfill an obligation
  6. Court order authoriziing action by public officer, usually arrest or search and seizure
  7. Written questions answered under oath
  8. Oral evidene given by witness
  9. “Have the body”; court order requiring that detained prisoner be produced in court to inquire into legality of detention
  10. Holding of prisoner without bail
  11. Damages in excess of actual loss awarded to wronged plaintiff to punish defendant
  12. Annul or rescind a document decisions or offer
  13. Written court order issued to serve administration of justice; usually stipulating that something be done or not be done
  14. Command to appear in court and testify
  15. Legally authorized period of delay

25 Clues: Isolate Jury“I do not wish to contest”Legal case contested in courtOral evidene given by witnessHolding of prisoner without bailIntentional abandonment of rightLegally authorized period of delayCriminal charges made by grand juryWritten questions answered under oathCommand to appear in court and testifyAnnul or rescind a document decisions or offer...

Crime Quiz 1 March 2024 2024-03-04

Crime Quiz 1 March 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. type of intent where person shows an extreme lack of care
  2. type of case where the state seeks to punish a person who has harmed society
  3. in PA, type of theft valued at less than $2,000
  4. in PA, type of felony theft ranging from $2K to $99K
  5. unlawful entry with intent to steal
  6. type of manslaughter when a person has been provoked by another
  7. Latin term "criminal intent" - a person's mindset
  8. legal term for theft
  9. Philadelphia sports team
  10. stealing property using a threat of immediate violence
  11. type of intent where a person disregarded the likely outcome
  12. with premeditation, you did this before committing the murder
  13. blackmail
  14. type of intent where a person intended the result that happened
  15. Latin term means a person commits an act or fails to act
  1. type of manslaughter caused by criminal negligence or an unintended killin
  2. a less severe crime;may serve up to one year in prison
  3. type of case in which one person sues another person looking to get money
  4. in PA, type of felony theft ranging from $100K to $499K
  5. a more severe crime that may result in execution
  6. type of manslaughter when someone acts in the heat of anger
  7. type of intent when a person is guilty of a crime regardless of intent
  8. New York sports team
  9. misrepresent a fact to get property from a person
  10. with a homicide, means "done with a cool mind"
  11. a person takes money they have been entrusted with
  12. city in northwestern PA
  13. in PA type of felony theft of items worth more than $500k
  14. what type of intent? Joe meant to kill another person
  15. symbol of St. Patrick's Day
  16. in your text, means theft less than $500

31 Clues: blackmailNew York sports teamlegal term for theftcity in northwestern PAPhiladelphia sports teamsymbol of St. Patrick's Dayunlawful entry with intent to stealin your text, means theft less than $500with a homicide, means "done with a cool mind"in PA, type of theft valued at less than $2,000a more severe crime that may result in execution...

Jan. 31 Vocabulary 2024-01-31

Jan. 31 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. feeling far away from people and places
  2. the land outside of cities and towns
  3. from one side to the other
  1. small groups of houses
  2. thoughts that pop in our minds
  3. the answer to a problem
  4. to take and return later
  5. to demand

8 Clues: to demandsmall groups of housesthe answer to a problemto take and return laterfrom one side to the otherthoughts that pop in our mindsthe land outside of cities and townsfeeling far away from people and places

Vocabulary Assignment 1 2022-09-07

Vocabulary Assignment 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Free
  2. Most Exciting
  3. Window Display
  4. Restating
  5. Gossip
  1. Before
  2. Guard
  3. Friend Group
  4. Presenting
  5. Hidden
  6. Always Right
  7. Criminal

12 Clues: FreeGuardBeforeHiddenGossipCriminalRestatingPresentingFriend GroupAlways RightMost ExcitingWindow Display

Judicial Branch 2021-11-05

Judicial Branch crossword puzzle
  1. The opinion issued by judges who disagree with the decision in a case. (399)
  2. A group of citizens who hear evidence during a trial & provide a verdict.
  3. A formal charge of criminal action by a grand jury. (395)
  4. The type of trial court that hears cases in which one individual or group thinks another has done them harm. (391)
  5. An agreement whereby a defendant pleads guilty to receive a lighter sentence. (394)
  6. The number of members on the US Supreme Court.
  1. The power of the Judicial Branch to keep the President & Congress in check.
  2. An opinion that is unbiased. (389)
  3. The individual who a criminal or civil case is brought against in court.
  4. The type of trial court that hears cases such as burglary, murder, & DUI. (390)
  5. A federal law written by the legislative branch. (403)

11 Clues: An opinion that is unbiased. (389)The number of members on the US Supreme Court.A federal law written by the legislative branch. (403)A formal charge of criminal action by a grand jury. (395)The individual who a criminal or civil case is brought against in court.A group of citizens who hear evidence during a trial & provide a verdict....

The Judicial Branch 2023-02-09

The Judicial Branch crossword puzzle
  1. the person, group, or company that brings a lawsuit in civil court
  2. A rule created by a court case that is a guide for all future cases on the same subject
  3. Relating to crime and breaking the law (government v. person)
  4. a decision of a court of law
  5. A trial where 12 citizens from the community decide the facts of a case in court
  6. the person who is accused of a crime in criminal court or who is being sued in civil court
  1. The government official who charges people with breaking the law and tries to prove it in criminal court
  2. To request a higher court to review a case for errors
  3. A trial where a judge alone decides the facts
  4. The power to make legal decisions and judgements
  5. Relating to the rights of citizens (person v. person)

11 Clues: a decision of a court of lawA trial where a judge alone decides the factsThe power to make legal decisions and judgementsTo request a higher court to review a case for errorsRelating to the rights of citizens (person v. person)Relating to crime and breaking the law (government v. person)...

Types of laws 2022-04-12

Types of laws crossword puzzle
  1. rights guaranteed under the constitution.
  2. the party sued by the plaintiff; in a criminal matter, the party who is prosecuted.
  3. laws that seek to prevent people from deliberately or recklessly harming each other.
  4. a civil legal action by one person or entity against another person or entity to be decided in a court.
  5. a crime with a punishment of more than one year
  6. a type of offense punishable under criminal law.
  1. presenting someone else's work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement
  2. cases that involve disputes between people or groups of people.
  3. assault, battery, damage to personal property, conversion of personal property, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
  4. the party who initiates a lawsuit.
  5. comprises treaties,customs,and agreements among nations.

11 Clues: the party who initiates a lawsuit.rights guaranteed under the constitution.a crime with a punishment of more than one yeara type of offense punishable under criminal law.comprises treaties,customs,and agreements among nations.cases that involve disputes between people or groups of people....

Your Rights Revision 2020-08-23

Your Rights Revision crossword puzzle
  1. The ranking of Courts in Victoria
  2. The party who brings a civil case
  3. Money awarded to rectify a civil wrong
  4. A serious offence that requires a trial by jury
  5. The burden of proof in a criminal case lies with them
  6. A less serious offence that is heard by a Magistrate
  7. A decision that lower courts must follow
  8. The body that creates Statute Law
  1. The lowest court in Victoria
  2. They enforce the law
  3. A sanction under criminal law
  4. The court that a murder case would be tried in
  5. The party who has a case brought against them
  6. A civil wrong

14 Clues: A civil wrongThey enforce the lawThe lowest court in VictoriaA sanction under criminal lawThe ranking of Courts in VictoriaThe party who brings a civil caseThe body that creates Statute LawMoney awarded to rectify a civil wrongA decision that lower courts must followThe party who has a case brought against them...

ELA 11 - Period 2 2012-09-18

ELA 11 - Period 2 crossword puzzle
  1. To question closely
  2. A urgent request made to the public
  3. A place for confinement of people being convicted of a crime
  4. A plea of a person who claims not to have committed a crime
  5. A release of a prisoner but is watched by an officer
  6. A person who brings a case against another in the court of law
  7. The release of an offender, under supervision.
  8. An individual or company that is being sued or accused in the court of law
  9. A proceeding after a criminal complaint has been filed by the prosecutor, to determine if there is enough evidence for a trial
  10. Declare someone to be guilty of charge
  11. Evidence or proof provided by the existence or appearence
  12. A legal document calling someone to court
  1. The crime of murder that is planned
  2. A building to which people are legally committed as a punishment for crimes they have committed
  3. The crime of killing a human being without meaning to
  4. A crime involving violence, usually punishable by imprisonment
  5. A formal charge or accusation of a serious charge
  6. An official in a court of law of keeps order
  7. The institution and conducting of legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal charge
  8. Not guilty of a crime of offense
  9. A formal examination of evidence by a judge
  10. Free someone from a criminal charge
  11. A sworn body of people trying to find a fact on a question
  12. Think out or plan
  13. A minor crime
  14. Declare the punishment decided for an offender

26 Clues: A minor crimeThink out or planTo question closelyNot guilty of a crime of offenseThe crime of murder that is plannedA urgent request made to the publicFree someone from a criminal chargeDeclare someone to be guilty of chargeA legal document calling someone to courtA formal examination of evidence by a judge...

Sociology Chapter 7 Vocab 2024-01-10

Sociology Chapter 7 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. behavior that departs from societal or group norms
  2. a repetition of, or return to, cirminal behavior
  3. rewards or punishments that encourage conformity to social norms
  4. only occasional breaking of norms
  5. behavior that underconforms to accepted norms
  6. deviance that becomes a lifestyle and part of an individual’s identity
  7. the theory that deviance is more likely to occur when a gap exists between cultural goals and the ability to achieve them
  8. an act commited in violation of the law
  9. process of reducing seriousness of the crimes that injure people of lower status
  10. the process of changing or reforming a criminal through socialization
  11. the theory that individuals learn deviance in proportion to the number of deviant acts and norms to which they are exposed
  12. the theory that society creates deviance by identifying particular members as deviant
  1. system comprising institutions and processes responsible for enforcing criminal statuses
  2. behavior that overconforms to social expectations
  3. Job-related crimes commited by high-status people
  4. a method of protecting society from criminals by keeping them in prison
  5. the theory that compliance with social norms requites strong bonds between individuals and society
  6. ways to encourage conformity to society’s norms
  7. discouraging criminal acts by threatening punishment
  8. a person who breaks significant societal or group norms
  9. an undesirable label used to deny a deviant acceptance
  10. punishment intended to make cirminals pay compensation for their acts
  11. a social condition in which norms are weak, conflicting or absent
  12. punishment intended to make criminals pay monetary compensation to make up for the finacial damage caused by their acts.

24 Clues: only occasional breaking of normsan act commited in violation of the lawbehavior that underconforms to accepted normsways to encourage conformity to society’s normsa repetition of, or return to, cirminal behaviorbehavior that overconforms to social expectationsJob-related crimes commited by high-status people...

Administration of Justice Review 2024-08-20

Administration of Justice Review crossword puzzle
  1. An attorney that represents the individual accused of the crime committed
  2. The actual money that the losing side must pay to the winning side to make up for losses or injuries
  3. An attorney appointed to represent individuals who cannot afford one of their own (indigents)
  4. test one takes when applying to law school
  5. protects logos and brand names
  6. protects artistic works- movies, books, music
  7. is a question-and-answer session used in the pre-trial "discovery" process of a civil lawsuit, to gain information about the case
  8. mutual agreement between the two sides/parties in a legal case. This type of agreement often allows both parties to avoid a f
  9. Amendment that gives individuals the right to counsel/an attorney in a criminal case
  10. the burden of proof required to determine guilt in a criminal case.
  11. represents the gov. or state, not the victim specifically
  1. individual accused of the crime committed
  2. person/group who files a lawsuit in a civil case
  3. SCOTUS case that gave us the public defender's office
  4. test one takes to become a licensed attorney
  5. protects your inventions
  6. located inside the courtroom is the structure that separates spectators from those participating in the trial
  7. claim exists when a person dies due to the legal fault of another
  8. agreements in which the defendant chooses to plead guilty in order to avoid a formal trial
  9. has entire charge and control of every criminal prosecution instituted or pending in his district, and determines whom, when, and how a case should be prosecuted

20 Clues: protects your inventionsprotects logos and brand namesindividual accused of the crime committedtest one takes when applying to law schooltest one takes to become a licensed attorneyprotects artistic works- movies, books, musicperson/group who files a lawsuit in a civil caseSCOTUS case that gave us the public defender's office...

Law and Order 2021-11-24

Law and Order crossword puzzle
  1. A phrase used in CRIMINAL LAW to describe an intensely emotional state of mind induced by a type of provocation that would cause a reasonable person to act on impulse or without reflection.
  2. the most serious of all homicide offenses. It involves any intentional murder that is willful and premeditated with malice aforethought
  3. declare (someone) to be guilty of a criminal offense by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law.
  4. with the intention of causing harm; deliberately.
  5. the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma.
  6. ommonly defined as an intentional killing in which the offender had no prior intent to kill, such as a killing that occurs in the "heat of passion".
  7. an intentional killing that is not premeditated or planned, nor committed in a reasonable "heat of passion" or 2) a killing caused by dangerous conduct and the offender's obvious lack of concern for human life.
  1. a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd.
  2. any defendant in a criminal trial is assumed to be innocent until they have been proven guilty.
  3. usually refers to an unintentional killing that results from recklessness or criminal negligence
  4. an allegorical personification of the moral force in judicial systems.
  5. accuse (someone) of something, especially an offense under law.
  6. (of an action, especially a crime) thought out or planned beforehand.

13 Clues: a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd.with the intention of causing harm; deliberately.accuse (someone) of something, especially an offense under law.(of an action, especially a crime) thought out or planned allegorical personification of the moral force in judicial systems....

Project 4. Unit 2/A-C. 2015-12-05

Project 4. Unit 2/A-C. crossword puzzle
  1. hullócsillag
  2. bűnöző
  3. meredek
  4. versenyző
  5. túlél
  1. fényképész
  2. tűzoltóság
  3. kozkáztat
  4. felismer
  5. (...a flat) egy lakásban laki vkivel
  6. felhőkarcoló
  7. merész mutatvány

12 Clues: túlélbűnözőmeredekfelismerkozkáztatversenyzőfényképésztűzoltósághullócsillagfelhőkarcolómerész mutatvány(...a flat) egy lakásban laki vkivel

ADJ 1 Chapter 1 Barrera 2016-02-09

ADJ 1 Chapter 1 Barrera crossword puzzle
  1. an institution to hold pretrial detainees and people convicted of less serious crimes
  2. Supreme Court the highest court in the US
  3. to accuse of wrongdoing through formal accusations
  4. the territory over which a law enforcement agency has authority.
  5. justice model A perspective of criminal justice that argues that crime is the result of the burdens and benefits in society not being equally distributed amongst its members.
  1. a verdict of not guilty.
  2. an institution for the confinement of people who have been convincted of serious crimes.
  3. behavioral expectations of a group.
  4. a type of conditional release that is based on good behavior or evidence of some level of rehabiltation
  5. a person against whom a charge is brought to court
  6. control model a Perspective of criminal justice that identifies the repression of crime as the most important function of criminal justice system.

11 Clues: a verdict of not guilty.behavioral expectations of a group.Supreme Court the highest court in the USto accuse of wrongdoing through formal accusationsa person against whom a charge is brought to courtthe territory over which a law enforcement agency has institution to hold pretrial detainees and people convicted of less serious crimes...

Miranda v Arizona/ Gideon v Wainwright 2022-02-28

Miranda v Arizona/ Gideon v Wainwright crossword puzzle
  1. “in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right . . . to have the assistance of counsel for his defense
  2. a lawyer can __ a suspect about what to say and what not to say during the questioning
  3. a person involved in a criminal case cannot be forced to be a witness against himself
  4. He was charged with ___ into a pool
  1. The right to a lawyer
  2. He was placed into this room for two hours
  3. These are lawyers employed by the state to represent these criminal defendants
  4. the form of confession made by Miranda
  5. A police officer must read this to you before questioning or nothing you say can be admissible.
  6. The constitution is this form of document

10 Clues: The right to a lawyerHe was charged with ___ into a poolthe form of confession made by MirandaThe constitution is this form of documentHe was placed into this room for two hoursThese are lawyers employed by the state to represent these criminal defendantsa person involved in a criminal case cannot be forced to be a witness against himself...

Friday Trivia 2023-02-24

Friday Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. Country to which a person is responsible for paying taxes
  2. A list of individuals, countries, groups, or items that require close surveillance
  3. Introduction of criminal proceeds into the financial system
  4. Screening tool used by NCB
  5. Disclosing information likely to prejudice an investigation
  6. Separation of criminal proceeds from their source to disguise the audit trail and provide the appearance of legitimacy
  1. This is the stage in which criminal proceeds are treated as legitimate
  2. All procedures, methods, and transactions designed to change the identity of illegally obtained money so that it appears to have originated from a legitimate source
  3. Customer shows uncommon curiosity about internal systems, controls and policies
  4. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act

10 Clues: Screening tool used by NCBForeign Account Tax Compliance ActCountry to which a person is responsible for paying taxesIntroduction of criminal proceeds into the financial systemDisclosing information likely to prejudice an investigationThis is the stage in which criminal proceeds are treated as legitimate...

The Veldt Vocabulary 2023-05-25

The Veldt Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. To harrass or annoy continuously
  2. A doctor of the mind/brain
  3. "The nursery caught the ____ from the children's minds.."
  4. An open space in a forest
  5. Not flat
  1. Diversity with more than one thing
  2. Covered in straw
  3. Ms. Anderson had a lot of ____ after running the mile
  4. When something occurs without thought

9 Clues: Not flatCovered in strawAn open space in a forestA doctor of the mind/brainTo harrass or annoy continuouslyDiversity with more than one thingWhen something occurs without thoughtMs. Anderson had a lot of ____ after running the mile"The nursery caught the ____ from the children's minds.."

Criminology Crossword 2021-06-21

Criminology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Crimes with less seriousness in nature
  2. go to higher court to review the judgement
  3. taking of one into custody
  4. reduction in sentence
  5. the earlier terminology for Gender Harassment
  6. scientific studies of cause and prevention of crime
  7. criminal proceeding
  1. All the proceedings under the CrPC for the collection of evidence by a Police Officer is known as
  2. murder, rape and other crimes deemed inherently evil are also referred to as _________ crimes.
  3. ... court has a special advisory jurisdiction
  4. repetition of criminal behavior
  5. authority grants probation to offenders

12 Clues: criminal proceedingreduction in sentencetaking of one into custodyrepetition of criminal behaviorCrimes with less seriousness in natureauthority grants probation to offendersgo to higher court to review the judgement... court has a special advisory jurisdictionthe earlier terminology for Gender Harassment...

Detective fiction 2022-10-24

Detective fiction crossword puzzle
  1. a detective that is not in the criminal justice field
  2. a detective that is in the criminal justice field
  3. the main character in a story
  4. a character that grows in the story
  5. a character that does no change in the story
  1. the protagonist of the short story
  2. the character that fights against the protagonist
  3. the number of short stories you can use out of the eBook for essay three
  4. Investigates, the title of the short story
  5. they are flat characters
  6. they are round characters
  7. Christie, the author of the short story

12 Clues: they are flat charactersthey are round charactersthe main character in a storythe protagonist of the short storya character that grows in the storyChristie, the author of the short storyInvestigates, the title of the short storya character that does no change in the storya detective that is in the criminal justice field...

Crime and punishment 2020-06-12

Crime and punishment crossword puzzle
  1. the crime of cheating people to make money from them
  2. a person who catches criminals
  3. a person who breaks the law
  4. community service, fine, prison sentence all are...
  5. a person who decides a punishment
  6. the crime of stealing things
  1. to get into a building illegally (два слова через тире)
  2. the crime of stealing things from shops
  3. a person who the criminal hurts
  4. an amount of money you have to pay as a punishment
  5. what you do with a gun
  6. to take things which are not yours

12 Clues: what you do with a guna person who breaks the lawthe crime of stealing thingsa person who catches criminalsa person who the criminal hurtsa person who decides a punishmentto take things which are not yoursthe crime of stealing things from shopsan amount of money you have to pay as a punishmentcommunity service, fine, prison sentence all are......

Diversity 2019-09-09

Diversity crossword puzzle
  1. It is in Scandinavia.
  2. Madrid is the capital.
  3. All our countries are in ________.
  1. The EIFFEL TOWER is there
  2. It is in our body (plural).
  3. Athens is the capital.
  4. It is in our head (plural).

7 Clues: It is in Scandinavia.Athens is the capital.Madrid is the capital.The EIFFEL TOWER is thereIt is in our body (plural).It is in our head (plural).All our countries are in ________.

Mr. TESH 2023-12-20

Mr. TESH crossword puzzle
  1. a law that prohibits the use of illegally obtained evidence in a criminal trial.
  2. behavior that is punishable as a public offense.
  3. Typically organized as part of the executive branch of the government,precedent l
  4. a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority.
  5. a law that imposes criminal liability or increases criminal punishment
  6. a legal document authorizing a police officer or other official to enter and search premises.
  7. a written law passed by a legislative body. g
  8. the temporary release of an accused person awaiting trial, sometimes on condition that a sum of money be lodged to guarantee their appearance in court.
  1. a claim or dispute brought to a court of law for adjudication.
  2. law that is based on judicial decisions rather than law based on constitutions, statutes, or
  3. rights granted by the U.S. Constitution l
  4. a body of unwritten laws based on legal precedents established by the courts.
  5. to protect an arrested suspect's Constitutional right against compelled self-incrimination.
  6. prohibits anyone from being prosecuted twice for substantially the same l
  7. government actors must follow certain procedures before they may deprive a person of a protected life, liberty, or property interest.

15 Clues: behavior that is punishable as a public offense.rights granted by the U.S. Constitution la written law passed by a legislative body. ga rule or directive made and maintained by an authority.a claim or dispute brought to a court of law for adjudication.a law that imposes criminal liability or increases criminal punishment...

Criminal Law Chapter 3 and 4 crossword 2023-10-24

Criminal Law Chapter 3 and 4 crossword crossword puzzle
  1. aspect of due process that defines a crime so unclear that a person of average intelligence can't determine what the law is prohibiting
  2. also known as "but for" rule, used to determine factual causuality
  3. Behavior can't be illegal if there is no law that defines it as illegal
  4. a legislative act punishing a person or group without judicial trial
  5. Individuals cannot be tried or punished for the again for the same offense
  6. A law that makes an action done before passing of the law criminal and punishes action
  7. A relationship between mens rea, act and resulting harm
  8. "Body of crime"
  9. Necessary facts surrounding the event
  1. The need for identifiable harm done as a result of criminal activity
  2. cause holds individuals liable for causing harm when they were aware of their actions
  3. A type of criminal law violation in which the parties of the crime are willfully participating with the element of harm seeming far off
  4. uncompleted crimes
  5. for an attempt to be charged, an act of some sort is necessary
  6. this defense claims that the defendant voluntarily decided to renounce continued attempts to commit the crime.

15 Clues: "Body of crime"uncompleted crimesNecessary facts surrounding the eventA relationship between mens rea, act and resulting harmfor an attempt to be charged, an act of some sort is necessaryalso known as "but for" rule, used to determine factual causualityThe need for identifiable harm done as a result of criminal activity...

Outsiders Slang 2013-02-04

Outsiders Slang crossword puzzle
  1. poor kids from east side
  2. fight
  3. drunk
  4. attacked by the socs
  5. cigarette
  6. wealthy kids from west side
  1. gun
  2. be quiet
  3. not cool
  4. cops
  5. criminal
  6. girl
  7. steal
  8. let's get out of here
  9. punched
  10. you understand

16 Clues: guncopsgirlfightdrunkstealpunchedbe quietnot coolcriminalcigaretteyou understandattacked by the socslet's get out of herepoor kids from east sidewealthy kids from west side

Classical Greece & Macedonia 2013-10-28

Classical Greece & Macedonia crossword puzzle
  1. What were columns made of in Greece?
  2. the Great Macedonian King that invaded Persia
  3. Era after Alexander's death
  4. Chief Greek god
  5. Considered the greatest example of Greece architecture
  6. Writer of History of the Persian Wars
  7. First tragedian whose plays are known to us
  8. Goddess of wisdom
  1. Plays based on suffering of a hero
  2. City named after Alexander in Egypt
  3. War War between Athens and Sparta
  4. Battle in which Greek soldiers fight Persians in a narrow pass
  5. Expanded democracy in Athens
  6. Philosopher sent to death for "corrupting" minds
  7. Group that opposed work of philosophers
  8. Games held to honor Zeus; every 4 years

16 Clues: Chief Greek godGoddess of wisdomEra after Alexander's deathExpanded democracy in AthensWar War between Athens and SpartaPlays based on suffering of a heroCity named after Alexander in EgyptWhat were columns made of in Greece?Writer of History of the Persian WarsGroup that opposed work of philosophersGames held to honor Zeus; every 4 years...

Anglų kalba 2023-11-15

Anglų kalba crossword puzzle
  1. something that is able to read minds
  2. something as thin as paper
  3. something that takes/consumes a lot of time
  4. having blue eyes
  5. fried in hot oil
  6. a music term when music is slow
  7. something taking two months
  1. something that shows what is happening now, live
  2. having a big heart, loving
  3. an actor from Breaking Bad
  4. having green eyes
  5. a look that tells you to run
  6. something that saves time
  7. something that is really interesting or awesome
  8. someone that is behaving well
  9. having a big head

16 Clues: having blue eyesfried in hot oilhaving green eyeshaving a big headsomething that saves timehaving a big heart, lovingan actor from Breaking Badsomething as thin as papersomething taking two monthsa look that tells you to runsomeone that is behaving wella music term when music is slowsomething that is able to read minds...

Chapter 11&12: Law and Human Rights 2023-02-09

Chapter 11&12: Law and Human Rights crossword puzzle
  1. It contributes to a criminal justice system that is accessible, compassionate and fair and promotes the safety and well-being of Canadians.
  2. The province of British Columbia’s superior trial court.
  3. This is a rule for people to follow and their are punished when it’s disobeyed.
  4. The highest judicial court in Canada.
  5. It covers the presecution of youths for criminal offences.
  6. Its goals is to help people with therapy and health and life training after imprisonment and addiction.
  7. It is also known as the rule book for a state.
  8. It is active, non-violent resfusal to obey a law, or a regulation.
  1. Tenant/landlord issues and a person owes money from another person are examples of?
  2. It’s another word for liberty.
  3. The release of a prisoners upon these terms including, avoid commting crimes, alcohol, drugs and must get and keep a job.
  4. A federal law that includes definitions of most of the criminal offences that the parliament of Canada has enacted.
  5. It is the formal term for the end of a parliament.
  6. The action of suspending the sentence of a convicted offender.
  7. This symbolizes fairness between two people or groups.
  8. It means that all people are addressed equally by the same quality.
  9. What is a proposed legistation under the consideration by a legistature.
  10. Sexual abuse, robbery and murder are examples of?
  11. A law to protect and promote human rights in British Columbia.
  12. laws, Laws that are confirmed rules made by a council or board.

20 Clues: It’s another word for liberty.The highest judicial court in Canada.It is also known as the rule book for a state.Sexual abuse, robbery and murder are examples of?It is the formal term for the end of a parliament.This symbolizes fairness between two people or groups.The province of British Columbia’s superior trial court....

Chapter 11&12 2023-02-12

Chapter 11&12 crossword puzzle
  1. What body of the law deals with disputes between individuals?
  2. A federal law that includes definitions of most of the criminal offences that the parliament of Canada has enacted.
  3. It contributes to a criminal justice system that is accessible, compassionate and fair and promotes the safety and well-being of Canadians.
  4. Its goal is to help people with therapy and health and life training after imprisonment and addiction.
  5. Laws that are confirmed rules made by a council or board.
  6. The release of a prisoners upon these terms including, avoid commting crimes, alcohol, drugs and must get and keep a job.
  7. What is a proposed legistation under the consideration by a legistature.
  8. The highest judicial court in Canada.
  9. This is a rule for people to follow and their are punished when it’s disobeyed.
  10. This symbolizes fairness between two people or groups.
  1. It is also known as the rule book for a state.
  2. It is active, non-violent resfusal to obey a law, or a regulation.
  3. The province of British Columbia’s superior trial court.
  4. What is the formal term for the end of a parliament?
  5. It means that all people are addressed equally by the same quality.
  6. It covers the presecution of youths for criminal offences.
  7. A law to protect and promote human rights in British Columbia.
  8. It’s another word for liberty.
  9. What body of the law that relates to crimes?
  10. The action of suspending the sentence of a convicted offender.

20 Clues: It’s another word for liberty.The highest judicial court in Canada.What body of the law that relates to crimes?It is also known as the rule book for a state.What is the formal term for the end of a parliament?This symbolizes fairness between two people or groups.The province of British Columbia’s superior trial court....

Crimes Against People and Property 2016-11-15

Crimes Against People and Property crossword puzzle
  1. human killing
  2. immediate threat of attacking someone
  3. illegal entry into any building with the intent to commit a crime
  4. direct payments made from criminal to victim as compensation for a crime
  5. the taking of a person's property by violence
  6. illegal touching of another person
  7. obtaining another's property through lies and deceit
  8. unlawful taking of another's property with the intention of permanently depriving the owner of its possession
  9. seeks to treat and reform the lawbreaker
  10. the crime of intentionally defacing another person's property
  1. blackmail
  2. unlawful killing of another person with malice aforethought
  3. Crime a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice
  4. stealing another's property
  5. seeks to isolate a criminal from society to protect ordinary citizens
  6. the crime of lying while testifying under oath
  7. burning something of someone else's

17 Clues: blackmailhuman killingstealing another's propertyillegal touching of another personburning something of someone else'simmediate threat of attacking someoneseeks to treat and reform the lawbreakerthe taking of a person's property by violencethe crime of lying while testifying under oathobtaining another's property through lies and deceit...

Just for Fun 2024-04-30

Just for Fun crossword puzzle
  1. Replace one document by another, later one
  2. Later in this publication
  3. Crime with a sentence of one year or more
  4. A person's right to bring or join a lawsuit
  5. Person, such as a lawyer, who speaks for another
  6. First ten amendments to the US Constitution
  7. Formal accusation of a crime by a grand jury
  8. Official decision of a court
  1. Geographical area within which a court has the right/power to operate
  2. Guilty mind; wrongful purpose; criminal intent
  3. Giving one valuable thing for another; something for something
  4. To stop putting on evidence
  5. Failure to exercise reasonable amount of care
  6. Wipe out a legal effect by taking it back, rescinding it, etc.
  7. Defendant's formal answer to a criminal charge
  8. Reckless, heedless, or malicious
  9. Willful disobeying a judge's command or official court order

17 Clues: Later in this publicationTo stop putting on evidenceOfficial decision of a courtReckless, heedless, or maliciousCrime with a sentence of one year or moreReplace one document by another, later oneA person's right to bring or join a lawsuitFirst ten amendments to the US ConstitutionFormal accusation of a crime by a grand jury...

Just for Fun 2024-04-30

Just for Fun crossword puzzle
  1. Replace one document by another, later one
  2. Later in this publication
  3. Crime with a sentence of one year or more
  4. A person's right to bring or join a lawsuit
  5. Person, such as a lawyer, who speaks for another
  6. First ten amendments to the US Constitution
  7. Formal accusation of a crime by a grand jury
  8. Official decision of a court
  1. Geographical area within which a court has the right/power to operate
  2. Guilty mind; wrongful purpose; criminal intent
  3. Giving one valuable thing for another; something for something
  4. To stop putting on evidence
  5. Failure to exercise reasonable amount of care
  6. Wipe out a legal effect by taking it back, rescinding it, etc.
  7. Defendant's formal answer to a criminal charge
  8. Reckless, heedless, or malicious
  9. Willful disobeying a judge's command or official court order

17 Clues: Later in this publicationTo stop putting on evidenceOfficial decision of a courtReckless, heedless, or maliciousCrime with a sentence of one year or moreReplace one document by another, later oneA person's right to bring or join a lawsuitFirst ten amendments to the US ConstitutionFormal accusation of a crime by a grand jury...

The history of law 2022-02-22

The history of law crossword puzzle
  1. Laws that prohibit an action
  2. Criminal sentence focused on restorng or paying back victims
  3. Also know as the great charter
  4. Nobles acted as judges for legal issues on their estate
  5. Criminal sentence focused on punishment
  6. This ensures that everyone under the law is equal
  7. Given to Hebrew people from god
  1. Acussed was put through a test to determine guilt or innocence
  2. A set of written laws
  3. Sets the rules for reltionships between individuals
  4. Laws that set up a procedure or enforce the law
  5. First example of true democracy

12 Clues: A set of written lawsLaws that prohibit an actionAlso know as the great charterFirst example of true democracyGiven to Hebrew people from godCriminal sentence focused on punishmentLaws that set up a procedure or enforce the lawThis ensures that everyone under the law is equalSets the rules for reltionships between individuals...

Law and Society 2012-09-18

Law and Society crossword puzzle
  1. The party that commences civil action.
  2. A place where people can resolve disputes relating to the law.
  3. A court official who has the power to make decisions on matters brought before a court of law.
  4. To treat somebody differently or less favourable because of his or her personal characteristics
  5. A process to determine whether someone committed a criminal act or caused another person a loss.
  6. Any system of things in a graded order
  7. A set of legal rules
  8. The party in a criminal or civil trial against whom an action action has been brought.
  9. Disorder or confusion due to the absence of government or laws.
  10. An application for a legal decision to be reviewed in a higher court.
  11. A group of people selected to hear the evidence in a court case.
  1. A previous legal decision that serves as a rule or pattern in future cases.
  2. the standard of proof required in a criminal trial.
  3. To bring a civil action against another person for causing damage or injury.
  4. A court official who hears cases in the lowest court of law
  5. To release an accused person who is awaiting trial. Another person usually guarantees to pay a large sum of money if the accused does not later appear in court on a certain date.
  6. Equal opportunity for all people to make use of the legal system.

17 Clues: A set of legal rulesThe party that commences civil action.Any system of things in a graded orderthe standard of proof required in a criminal trial.A court official who hears cases in the lowest court of lawA place where people can resolve disputes relating to the law.Disorder or confusion due to the absence of government or laws....

The Elements of a Crime 2012-06-06

The Elements of a Crime crossword puzzle
  1. a state of mind in which someone desires to carry out a wrongful action
  2. Liability Offences offences that do not require mens rea but to which the accused can offer the defense or due diligence
  3. Intent the desire to commit a wrongful act, with ulterior motive or purpose
  4. Reus to commit an illegal act
  5. Laws federal or provincial statutes meant to protect the public welfare
  6. Offences a serious criminal offence and is given 3 choices of a penalty
  7. the reason a person commits a crime
  8. blindness a deliberate closing of ones mind to the possible consequences of ones actions
  9. Offence a minor offence that carries a relatively light penalty
  1. an awareness of certain facts that can be used to establish mens rea
  2. Intent the desire to commit one wrongful act for the sake of accomplishing another
  3. legal responsibility for a wrongful action
  4. Offences a criminal offence of which the prosecutor has the option of charging as an offence punishable by summary conviction or indictable offence
  5. consciously taking an unjustifiable risk that a reasonable person would not take
  6. Diligence the defense that the accused took every reasonable precaution to avoid committing a particular offence
  7. Negligence reckless disregard for the lives and safety of others, sometimes causing injury or death
  8. Rea to intent to commit a crime

17 Clues: Reus to commit an illegal actRea to intent to commit a crimethe reason a person commits a crimelegal responsibility for a wrongful actionOffence a minor offence that carries a relatively light penaltyan awareness of certain facts that can be used to establish mens reaa state of mind in which someone desires to carry out a wrongful action...

Criminal Justice Terms 3 2021-08-02

Criminal Justice Terms 3 crossword puzzle
  1. An application made to a court or judge which requests a ruling or order in favor of the applicant.
  2. , A crime, less serious than a felony, and punishable by jail time. Misdemeanors are classified as 1st degree and 2nd degree misdemeanors and are handled in County Court. Petty theft, first-time drunk driving and leaving the scene of an accident are some examples of misdemeanor crimes.
  3. Bargain / Negotiations , A negotiation between the defense and prosecution for a fair disposition of the case and must be approved by the court.
  4. Contest, A defendant neither admits nor denies the charges, letting them stand as is.
  5. , An alternative to imprisonment allowing a person found guilty of an offense to stay in the community, usually under conditions and under the supervision of a probation officer. A violation of probation can lead to its revocation and to imprisonment.
  6. Operated by state governments and the Federal Bureau of Prisons and are designed to hold individuals convicted of crimes.
  7. of Appearance, Should you retain an attorney, he will file a Notice of Appearance with the court on your behalf. This document informs the judge, the prosecutor and the clerk’s office that your attorney represents you.
  8. Intervention (PTI), Supervised pretrial intervention programs for persons charged with a crime, before or after any information has been filed or an indictment has been returned in the circuit court. Such programs shall provide appropriate counseling, education, supervision, and medical and psychological treatment as available and when appropriate for the persons released to such programs. Any first offender, or any person previously convicted of not more than one nonviolent misdemeanor, who is charged with any misdemeanor or felony of the third degree is eligible for release to the pretrial intervention program on the approval of the administrator of the program and the consent of the victim, the state attorney, and the judge who presided at the initial appearance hearing of the offender. However, the defendant may not be released to the pretrial intervention program unless, after consultation with his or her attorney, he or she has voluntarily agreed to such program and has knowingly and intelligently waived his or her right to a speedy trial for the period of his or her diversion.
  9. , The first pleading by a criminal defendant, the defendant’s declaration in open court that he or she is guilty or not guilty. The defendant’s answer to the charges made in the indictment or information.
  1. Prosse, When an indictment, information, or other charging document, if filed or issued in the case, is dismissed or nolle prosequi by the state attorney or statewide prosecutor, or was dismissed by a court of competent jurisdiction, and that none of the charges related to the arrest or alleged criminal activity to which the petition to expunge pertains resulted in a trial, without regard to whether the outcome of the trial was other than an adjudication of guilt.
  2. Probable Cause, Insufficient grounds to hold the person who was arrested.
  3. Warning, By law (Miranda v. Arizona ruling by the United States Supreme Court), anyone being questioned by authorities must first receive a ‘Miranda Warning’. This requirement exists to prevent the police / authorities from taking advantage of a person who does not know or fully understand their rights and thus speaks to the police and answers their questions without an attorney present. The Miranda Warning consists of the authorities explaining certain rights to a person before questioning them. These include: 1) You have the right to remain silent. 2) If you choose to speak, anything you say can be used against you in court. 3) If you decide to answer any questions, you may stop at any time and all questioning must cease. 4) You have a right to consult with your attorney before answering any questions. You have the right to have your attorney present if you decide to answer any questions, and if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you or appointed for you by the court without cost to you before any further questions may be asked.
  4. The process by which one party takes exception to some statement or procedure. An objection is either sustained (allowed) or overruled by the judge.
  5. Controlled release from a correctional facility of a prisoner who has served part of the term/sentence to which he or she was sentenced.
  6. A trial lawyer representing the government in a criminal case and the interests of the state in civil matters. In criminal cases, the prosecutor has the responsibility of deciding who and when to prosecute.
  7. Recognizance (OR) / Personal Recognizance, In some cases (less serious crimes) this allows the defendant to get out of jail, without paying bail, by promising to appear in court when next required to be there. Only those with strong ties to the community (steady job, local family, and no history of failing to appear in court) are candidates for “OR” release.
  8. A trial which is invalid because of some fundamental errors in procedure, wrongdoing or a hung jury. A judge can set the case for a new trial or retrial at a future date.
  9. Defender, A court appointed attorney for those defendants declared indigent (unable to hire private counsel).

18 Clues: Probable Cause, Insufficient grounds to hold the person who was arrested.Contest, A defendant neither admits nor denies the charges, letting them stand as is.An application made to a court or judge which requests a ruling or order in favor of the applicant....

Canadian Criminal Law Terms 2022-05-18

Canadian Criminal Law Terms crossword puzzle
  1. a blindess to consequences
  2. Something punishable by federal statute
  3. "the guily act'
  4. Criminal _______ the knowing disregard of others
  5. "At least I tried."
  6. state of mind
  7. what is needed to establish mens rea
  1. unjustifiable risk
  2. giving advice
  3. the full body of laws
  4. deliberate intention
  5. "let's work together"
  6. "You won't get caught."
  7. the reason behind a crime
  8. one who commits a crime
  9. helping with a crime

16 Clues: giving advicestate of mind"the guily act'unjustifiable risk"At least I tried."deliberate intentionhelping with a crimethe full body of laws"let's work together""You won't get caught."one who commits a crimethe reason behind a crimea blindess to consequenceswhat is needed to establish mens reaSomething punishable by federal statute...

The Chrysalids 2013-01-22

The Chrysalids crossword puzzle
  1. Person to inspect your baby to make sure it's not an offence
  2. Anybody who went to the ______ died there
  3. Where the "mutant" people are sent
  4. Shapes sent by the mind
  5. David lives on a ____
  6. David and Petras girl cousin
  7. Something not of the "norm"
  1. From the fringes;four eyes, four arms, and four ears
  2. Davids eldest sister
  3. Younger siser
  4. Take you to his cave and eat you
  5. Narrator and main character
  6. What they ran away on
  7. Where everyone can talk without words but with their minds
  8. Davids friend with six toes

15 Clues: Younger siserDavids eldest sisterWhat they ran away onDavid lives on a ____Shapes sent by the mindNarrator and main characterDavids friend with six toesSomething not of the "norm"David and Petras girl cousinTake you to his cave and eat youWhere the "mutant" people are sentAnybody who went to the ______ died there...

villains 2013-11-27

villains crossword puzzle
  1. has ten ring that give him ultimate power
  2. uses a magic stick to control the minds of his enemies
  3. multiple arms
  4. who uses illusions
  5. eats his enemies
  6. uses sand to control his enemies
  7. tests his enemies with tests
  1. has his face burnt to mask
  2. has an unusual large noise and waddles
  3. has horn at the end of his head
  4. laughter is his best weapon
  5. uses a toxin to scare his enemies
  6. half his face has been scared
  7. venom is streamed through his body
  8. has a Alien living on his skin

15 Clues: multiple armseats his enemieswho uses illusionshas his face burnt to masklaughter is his best weapontests his enemies with testshalf his face has been scaredhas a Alien living on his skinhas horn at the end of his headuses sand to control his enemiesuses a toxin to scare his enemiesvenom is streamed through his body...

Transcendentalism 2022-01-27

Transcendentalism crossword puzzle
  1. A connection to godly things
  2. knowledge obtained by experiences
  3. A person's intellect
  4. A state of being private and away from other people
  5. A transcendentalist that wrote Self-Reliance
  6. an emotional state or reaction
  7. A natural skill of a specified kind
  8. Written by Ralph Waldo Emerson in 1841
  9. An abundance of things or valuable possessions
  10. A transcendentalist author that wrote Walden
  1. Written by Henry David Thoreau in 1846
  2. Written by Henry David Thoreau in 1846
  3. A state of being extremely poor
  4. Written by Ralph Waldo Emerson in 1836
  5. The combination of people and man-made things and concepts
  6. Easily done or understood

16 Clues: A person's intellectEasily done or understoodA connection to godly thingsan emotional state or reactionA state of being extremely poorknowledge obtained by experiencesA natural skill of a specified kindWritten by Henry David Thoreau in 1846Written by Henry David Thoreau in 1846Written by Ralph Waldo Emerson in 1836...

Theatre Terms 2021-05-05

Theatre Terms crossword puzzle
  1. description of what is happening
  2. put a story into your own words
  3. the art of planning a dance
  4. the power to create ideas in our minds
  5. stage items that are apart of stage decorations
  6. the personality an actor portrays in a scene
  7. a major character in a story
  8. ability to transform ideas into action
  1. act out a meaning of a selection and understand
  2. acting out again
  3. the ability to focus
  4. strong feelings
  5. inner drive that causes a person to act
  6. the act of seeing things in your mind
  7. power of seeing and taking notice

15 Clues: strong feelingsacting out againthe ability to focusthe art of planning a dancea major character in a storyput a story into your own wordsdescription of what is happeningpower of seeing and taking noticethe act of seeing things in your mindthe power to create ideas in our mindsability to transform ideas into action...

Freak the Mighty Activity 8 2024-05-03

Freak the Mighty Activity 8 crossword puzzle
  1. a horse who makes a point
  2. one who can sneeze a hot dog through his nose
  3. an improbable, imperfect creature
  4. how to make nurses jump every time you sneeze
  5. a toxic waste of time
  6. an eighth grade English class
  1. your imagination
  2. beaming up into books
  3. A way to improve the human condition
  4. a muscle that improves with exercise
  5. an adventure in which you use your imagination
  6. what matters to energy
  7. the past, from the male point of view
  8. A peculiar kind of story that's often pretty gory
  9. a word used by people with small minds

15 Clues: your imaginationbeaming up into booksa toxic waste of timewhat matters to energya horse who makes a pointan eighth grade English classan improbable, imperfect creatureA way to improve the human conditiona muscle that improves with exercisethe past, from the male point of viewa word used by people with small minds...

Thomas Appleby 2019-06-04

Thomas Appleby crossword puzzle
  1. A criminal serving a sentence of imprisonment.
  2. A person who is hopeless and trying to survive with what they have.
  3. A person who is in prison.
  4. Being able to be trusted by others.
  5. To be adventurous or bold.
  6. A person who sweeps the chimney.
  7. Not having any parents or relatives.
  1. A person who steals to survive or for a particular reason.
  2. To show courage.
  3. To be smart.
  4. A nice person who is _____ to people.
  5. A person who commits crimes and goes to jail.

12 Clues: To be smart.To show courage.A person who is in prison.To be adventurous or bold.A person who sweeps the chimney.Being able to be trusted by others.Not having any parents or relatives.A nice person who is _____ to people.A person who commits crimes and goes to jail.A criminal serving a sentence of imprisonment....

Judicial Branch Crossword 2017-01-10

Judicial Branch Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. transcript of preceding
  2. a legal case that establishes principle for later cases
  3. also called the “Opinion of the Court”
  4. authority of a court to try a case
  5. activism concept that judges should interpret law in light of current events
  6. courts lower federal courts
  7. opinion to make some point not emphasized in the majority opinion
  8. detailed written statement
  9. civilian court part of the judicial branch, but separate from the military establishment
  10. person against whom the complaint is made
  1. case when defendant is tried for federal crime
  2. order by the Court directing lower court to send up a given case for review
  3. military courts
  4. opinion written by justices who don’t agree with the Court’s majority decision
  5. process used when a lower court is not clear of how to rule a case
  6. case a case involving non-criminal matters
  7. person who files the suite
  8. list of cases to be heard

18 Clues: military courtstranscript of precedinglist of cases to be heardperson who files the suitedetailed written statementcourts lower federal courtsauthority of a court to try a casealso called the “Opinion of the Court”person against whom the complaint is madecase a case involving non-criminal matterscase when defendant is tried for federal crime...

Vocabulary Page 72 2024-04-17

Vocabulary Page 72 crossword puzzle
  1. - A place for keeping criminals
  2. officer - A member of the police force
  3. - To seize or capture
  4. - A person that gets information and evidence of a crime
  5. - An instrument or device used for attack or defense
  6. - To kill someone
  7. - To look into or examine the particulars of (something) carefully so as to discover something hidden, unique, or complex
  8. - When the police get a criminal and send them to jail.
  9. - It's information that proves something
  1. - A mark left by a foot
  2. - To find the answer or explanation
  3. - To follow
  4. - A person guilty for doing something against the laws
  5. - An impression of the markings of the inner surface of the last joint of the thumb or other finger
  6. - Taking something that is not yours
  7. - To take something that is not yours without their permission
  8. - To inspect
  9. guard - A uniformed person that secures a place

18 Clues: - To follow- To inspect- To kill someone- To seize or capture- A mark left by a foot- A place for keeping criminals- To find the answer or explanation- Taking something that is not yoursofficer - A member of the police force- It's information that proves somethingguard - A uniformed person that secures a place...

Vocabulary 2023-03-14

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. not caught up
  2. get a verdict in court
  3. place meant for specific people/activities
  4. by using a certain method
  5. an amount of money an individual has to pay for breaking rules
  6. voluntary work without payment
  1. a sentence for a criminal offence in which the criminal has to do community work instead of going to prison
  2. throwing trash around places
  3. to prohibit something
  4. as a representative

10 Clues: not caught upas a representativeto prohibit somethingget a verdict in courtby using a certain methodthrowing trash around placesvoluntary work without paymentplace meant for specific people/activitiesan amount of money an individual has to pay for breaking rules...