diabetes Crossword Puzzles

D 2015-02-18

D crossword puzzle
  1. feeling doubt
  2. as straight as possible,exact
  3. disease to with sugar in your blood
  4. not interested
  5. consisting of two things
  6. drawing or plan to show how something is made
  7. type of explosive
  1. to sleep lightly
  2. on the ground floor
  3. receipt
  4. mythical creature
  5. something that is unhelpful
  6. sleeping room
  7. to copy
  8. made unable
  9. roof shaped like half a ball
  10. certificate awarded

17 Clues: receiptto copymade unablefeeling doubtsleeping roomnot interestedto sleep lightlymythical creaturetype of explosiveon the ground floorcertificate awardedconsisting of two thingssomething that is unhelpfulroof shaped like half a ballas straight as possible,exactdisease to with sugar in your blooddrawing or plan to show how something is made

Nestehoidon ristikko 2023-05-04

Nestehoidon ristikko crossword puzzle
  1. yksi ketoottisen tilan aiheuttajista
  2. tästä nähtävissä EKG:ssa korostunut T-aalto
  3. kertainjektio, eli...
  4. asidoosissa vedyn "vastavaikuttaja"
  5. kolloidiosmoottista painetta aiheuttavat aineet
  6. RAA-järjestelmässä munuaisten erittämä aine
  7. tärkein solunsisäinen kationi
  8. veden diffuusiota
  1. pH < 7,35
  2. laimeampi kuin solunulkoinen neste
  3. sama nesteen koostumus kuin plasmassa
  4. lääkityksen joutuminen verisuonen ulkopuolelle
  5. verenmyrkytys, eli...

13 Clues: pH < 7,35veden diffuusiotakertainjektio, eli...verenmyrkytys, eli...tärkein solunsisäinen kationilaimeampi kuin solunulkoinen nesteasidoosissa vedyn "vastavaikuttaja"yksi ketoottisen tilan aiheuttajistasama nesteen koostumus kuin plasmassatästä nähtävissä EKG:ssa korostunut T-aaltoRAA-järjestelmässä munuaisten erittämä aine...

Thuiszorg casus 1 t/m 6 2013-09-26

Thuiszorg casus 1 t/m 6 crossword puzzle
  1. Voorkomen
  2. Arteriosclerose
  3. Bewerken van koolhydraden in de fabriek
  4. Vetzucht
  5. Informatie die je van iemand terug krijgt
  1. Vitamninen
  2. Een voorbeeld nemen aan iemand
  3. Deze ziekte is blijvend, dus.....
  4. Dierlijke vetten (verzadigde vetzuren)
  5. Suikerziekte
  6. Ouderen en jongeren begrijpen elkaar niet door het leeftijdsverschil
  7. Koolhydraden
  8. Onsteking aan de gewrichten

13 Clues: VetzuchtVoorkomenVitamninenSuikerziekteKoolhydradenArterioscleroseOnsteking aan de gewrichtenEen voorbeeld nemen aan iemandDeze ziekte is blijvend, dus.....Dierlijke vetten (verzadigde vetzuren)Bewerken van koolhydraden in de fabriekInformatie die je van iemand terug krijgtOuderen en jongeren begrijpen elkaar niet door het leeftijdsverschil

Personal and Consumer Health 2018-01-03

Personal and Consumer Health crossword puzzle
  1. Doesn’t involve mouth
  2. Helps stop choking
  3. Part of the atmosphere
  4. Example is a cardiologist
  5. Type one and type two
  6. Has lots of garbage
  7. Related to global warming
  1. Short name is cpr
  2. has a heated container involved
  3. Kills bugs
  4. Type of specialist
  5. caused by pollution
  6. Causes seizures

13 Clues: Kills bugsCauses seizuresShort name is cprType of specialistHelps stop chokingcaused by pollutionHas lots of garbageDoesn’t involve mouthType one and type twoPart of the atmosphereExample is a cardiologistRelated to global warminghas a heated container involved

Endocrine Disorders Crossword 2015-08-19

Endocrine Disorders Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Typical laboratory test ordered to assess thyroid function
  2. Medications that inhibit thyroid hormone production
  3. Have greater risk of developing Type 2 diabetes
  4. The lifetime risk of developing this is 5-10%
  5. Classic signs of this disorder include weight gain, cold intolerance, dry skin, brittle hair, fatigue, and periorbital edema.
  6. Lab test that gives a picture of what blood sugars have been over the last 3 months.
  7. Complication of Type II diabetes resulting in numbness and tingling in extremities
  8. Classic presentation of this disorder is frequent urination, excessive thirst, blurred vision and headache.
  1. Type of hyperthyroidism characterized by exophthalmos
  2. Fixed nodule to surrounding tissues with neck tenderness
  3. Classic presentation of this disorder includes weight loss, tachycardia, heat intolerance, and anxiety
  4. Typical first line medication for hypothyroidism
  5. Helpful visual diagnostic test to assess for size of thyroid and number and size of nodules
  6. A major complication of hyperthyroidism that causes systems of the body to decompensate
  7. Enlargement of the thyroid most often caused by iodine deficiency.

15 Clues: The lifetime risk of developing this is 5-10%Have greater risk of developing Type 2 diabetesTypical first line medication for hypothyroidismMedications that inhibit thyroid hormone productionType of hyperthyroidism characterized by exophthalmosFixed nodule to surrounding tissues with neck tenderness...


  1. Mikroorganisme yang dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan asam sitrat adalah
  2. Teknik yang bisa digunakan untuk membantu penderita diabetes mellitus adalah
  3. Organisme yang mengandung gen dari spesies lain disebut
  4. Tahapan penanaman eksplan yang sudah steril ke dalam atau di atas medium buatan pada botol kultur adalah
  5. Pada tahap persiapan kultur jaringan, digunakan alat yang berfungsi untuk sterilisasi alat dan bahan yang disebut
  6. kelebihan pengawetan makanan dengan menggunakan radiasi
  7. Dampak negatif kemajuan ilmu dan teknologi terhadap sumber daya manusia adalah
  8. Serat yang dikandung mikroprotein kebanyakan berasal dari
  9. Pengaruh rekayasa genetik terhadap sumber daya protein hewani adalah
  1. Bagaimana pemanfaatan rekayasa genetika dalam bidang kesehatan
  2. Penerapan bioteknologi untuk mendapatkan varietas-varietas unggul akan menjurus pada
  3. Pemuliaan tanaman untuk mendapatkan bibit ungul dengan cara memindahkan gen tertentu dari spesies lain dengan perantara mikroorganisme dikenal sebagai
  4. Penerapan teknologi rekayasa genetika pada manusia pertama kali adalah pada penderita
  5. 15. Gen yang diberikan pada sapi segar agar produksi susu sapi meningkat adalah
  6. Ilmuwan yang dikenal sebagai Bapak Bioteknologi adalah

15 Clues: Ilmuwan yang dikenal sebagai Bapak Bioteknologi adalahOrganisme yang mengandung gen dari spesies lain disebutkelebihan pengawetan makanan dengan menggunakan radiasiSerat yang dikandung mikroprotein kebanyakan berasal dariBagaimana pemanfaatan rekayasa genetika dalam bidang kesehatanMikroorganisme yang dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan asam sitrat adalah...


SISTEM ENDOKRIN crossword puzzle
  1. Proses di mana kelenjar endokrin mengirimkan sinyal ke sel atau organ lain dalam tubuh disebut sebagai
  2. Kondisi yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan hormon insulin adalah
  3. Salah satu hormon yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar tiroid adalah
  4. Penyakit autoimun yang menyebabkan kerusakan pada kelenjar tiroid
  5. Kelenjar yang mengatur hormon seks adalah kelenjar
  6. Gangguan metabolik yang ditandai oleh resistensi insulin dan tingginya kadar gula darah adalah diabetes melitus tipe berapa
  7. Hiposekresi hormon pertumbuhan di masa kanak kanak dapat menyebabkan melambatnya pertumbuhan tulang dan organ tubuh lainnya yang disebut
  1. Sel yang mensekresikan melatonin
  2. Hiposekresi hormon pada korteks adrenal mengakibatkan terjadinya penyakit
  3. Hormon yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar adrenal yang mempersiapkan tubuh untuk respons "fight or flight" adalah hormon
  4. Pituitari Kelenjar kecil di otak yang mengontrol kelenjar endokrin lainnya adalah
  5. Kondisi kekurangan hormon tiroid pada bayi yang menyebabkan gangguan perkembangan fisik dan mental disebut
  6. Istilah untuk kondisi kelebihan hormon tiroid adalah
  7. Hormon yang memicu rasa lapar disebut hormon
  8. Kelenjar teroid terdiri atas dua lobus yang dihubungkan oleh

15 Clues: Sel yang mensekresikan melatoninHormon yang memicu rasa lapar disebut hormonKelenjar yang mengatur hormon seks adalah kelenjarIstilah untuk kondisi kelebihan hormon tiroid adalahKelenjar teroid terdiri atas dua lobus yang dihubungkan olehKondisi yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan hormon insulin adalah...

ENDOKRIN 2024-03-15

ENDOKRIN crossword puzzle
  1. hormon yang memicu rasa lapar disebut hormon
  2. Gangguan metabolik yang ditandai oleh resistensi insulin dan tingginya kadar gula darah adalah diabetes melitus tipe
  3. istilah untuk kondisi kelebihan hormon tiroid adalah
  4. kondisi yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan hormon insulin adalah
  5. kelenjar teroid terdiri atas dua lobus yang dihubungkan oleh
  6. pituitari Kelenjar kecil di otak yang mengontrol kelenjar endokrin lainnya adalah
  7. sel yang mensekresikan melatonin
  1. hormonal Proses di mana kelenjar endokrin mengirimkan sinyal ke sel atau organ lain dalam tubuh disebut sebagai
  2. hormon yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar adrenal yang mempersiapkan tubuh untuk respons "fight or flight" adalah hormon
  3. hiposekresi hormon pertumbuhan di masa kanak kanak dapat menyebabkan melambatnya pertumbuhan tulang dan organ tubuh lainnya yang disebut
  4. kelenjar yang mengatur hormon seks adalah kelenjar
  5. penyakit autoimun yang menyebabkan kerusakan pada kelenjar tiroid
  6. hiposekresi hormon pada korteks adrenal mengakibatkan terjadinya penyakit
  7. salah satu hormon yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar tiroid adalah
  8. kondisi kekurangan hormon tiroid pada bayi yang menyebabkan gangguan perkembangan fisik dan mental disebut

15 Clues: sel yang mensekresikan melatoninhormon yang memicu rasa lapar disebut hormonkelenjar yang mengatur hormon seks adalah kelenjaristilah untuk kondisi kelebihan hormon tiroid adalahkelenjar teroid terdiri atas dua lobus yang dihubungkan olehkondisi yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan hormon insulin adalah...


SISTEM ENDOKRIN crossword puzzle
  1. sel yang mensekresikan melatonin
  2. hiposekresi hormon pada korteks adrenal mengakibatkan terjadinya penyakit
  3. Proses di mana kelenjar endokrin mengirimkan sinyal ke sel atau organ lain dalam tubuh disebut sebagai
  4. hormon yang memicu rasa lapar disebut hormon
  5. salah satu hormon yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar tiroid adalah
  6. kelenjar yang mengatur hormon seks adalah kelenjar
  7. hormon yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar adrenal yang mempersiapkan tubuh untuk respons "fight or flight" adalah hormon
  8. Gangguan metabolik yang ditandai oleh resistensi insulin dan tingginya kadar gula darah adalah diabetes melitus tipe
  9. istilah untuk kondisi kelebihan hormon tiroid adalah
  1. kondisi kekurangan hormon tiroid pada bayi yang menyebabkan gangguan perkembangan fisik dan mental disebut
  2. pituitari Kelenjar kecil di otak yang mengontrol kelenjar endokrin lainnya adalah
  3. penyakit autoimun yang menyebabkan kerusakan pada kelenjar tiroid
  4. kondisi yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan hormon insulin adalah
  5. kelenjar teroid terdiri atas dua lobus yang dihubungkan oleh
  6. hiposekresi hormon pertumbuhan di masa kanak kanak dapat menyebabkan melambatnya pertumbuhan tulang dan organ tubuh lainnya yang disebut

15 Clues: sel yang mensekresikan melatoninhormon yang memicu rasa lapar disebut hormonkelenjar yang mengatur hormon seks adalah kelenjaristilah untuk kondisi kelebihan hormon tiroid adalahkelenjar teroid terdiri atas dua lobus yang dihubungkan olehsalah satu hormon yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar tiroid adalah...


SISTEM ENDOKRIN crossword puzzle
  1. istilah untuk kondisi kelebihan hormon tiroid adalah
  2. kondisi yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan hormon insulin adalah
  3. Proses di mana kelenjar endokrin mengirimkan sinyal ke sel atau organ lain dalam tubuh disebut sebagai
  4. sel yang mensekresikan melatonin
  5. hormon yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar adrenal yang mempersiapkan tubuh untuk respons "fight or flight" adalah hormon
  6. hiposekresi hormon pertumbuhan di masa kanak kanak dapat menyebabkan melambatnya pertumbuhan tulang dan organ tubuh lainnya yang disebut
  7. kelenjar teroid terdiri atas dua lobus yang dihubungkan oleh
  1. kondisi kekurangan hormon tiroid pada bayi yang menyebabkan gangguan perkembangan fisik dan mental disebut
  2. pituitari Kelenjar kecil di otak yang mengontrol kelenjar endokrin lainnya adalah
  3. hormon yang memicu rasa lapar disebut hormon
  4. hiposekresi hormon pada korteks adrenal mengakibatkan terjadinya penyakit
  5. Gangguan metabolik yang ditandai oleh resistensi insulin dan tingginya kadar gula darah adalah diabetes melitus tipe
  6. salah satu hormon yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar tiroid adalah
  7. kelenjar yang mengatur hormon seks adalah kelenjar
  8. penyakit autoimun yang menyebabkan kerusakan pada kelenjar tiroid

15 Clues: sel yang mensekresikan melatoninhormon yang memicu rasa lapar disebut hormonkelenjar yang mengatur hormon seks adalah kelenjaristilah untuk kondisi kelebihan hormon tiroid adalahkelenjar teroid terdiri atas dua lobus yang dihubungkan olehkondisi yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan hormon insulin adalah...


SISTEM ENDOKRIN crossword puzzle
  1. istilah untuk kondisi kelebihan hormon tiroid adalah
  2. kondisi yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan hormon insulin adalah
  3. Proses di mana kelenjar endokrin mengirimkan sinyal ke sel atau organ lain dalam tubuh disebut sebagai
  4. sel yang mensekresikan melatonin
  5. hormon yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar adrenal yang mempersiapkan tubuh untuk respons "fight or flight" adalah hormon
  6. hiposekresi hormon pertumbuhan di masa kanak kanak dapat menyebabkan melambatnya pertumbuhan tulang dan organ tubuh lainnya yang disebut
  7. kelenjar teroid terdiri atas dua lobus yang dihubungkan oleh
  1. kondisi kekurangan hormon tiroid pada bayi yang menyebabkan gangguan perkembangan fisik dan mental disebut
  2. pituitari Kelenjar kecil di otak yang mengontrol kelenjar endokrin lainnya adalah
  3. hormon yang memicu rasa lapar disebut hormon
  4. hiposekresi hormon pada korteks adrenal mengakibatkan terjadinya penyakit
  5. Gangguan metabolik yang ditandai oleh resistensi insulin dan tingginya kadar gula darah adalah diabetes melitus tipe
  6. salah satu hormon yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar tiroid adalah
  7. kelenjar yang mengatur hormon seks adalah kelenjar
  8. penyakit autoimun yang menyebabkan kerusakan pada kelenjar tiroid

15 Clues: sel yang mensekresikan melatoninhormon yang memicu rasa lapar disebut hormonkelenjar yang mengatur hormon seks adalah kelenjaristilah untuk kondisi kelebihan hormon tiroid adalahkelenjar teroid terdiri atas dua lobus yang dihubungkan olehkondisi yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan hormon insulin adalah...

Diabetes: Oral Medications 2012-07-16

Diabetes: Oral Medications crossword puzzle
  1. one of the alpha-glucosidase inhibitors medications
  2. side effect of sulfonylureas
  3. glyburide is an example of this class of diabetes medications
  4. meglitinides stimulate _____ secretion
  5. a side effect of metformin
  1. this medication is a biguanide
  2. alpha-glucosidase inhibitors block the breakdown of _____
  3. an advantage of DPP-4 inhibitors
  4. a side effect of meglitinides
  5. thiazolidinediones _____ insulin sensitivity
  6. one of the DPP-4 inhibitor medications

11 Clues: a side effect of metforminside effect of sulfonylureasa side effect of meglitinidesthis medication is a biguanidean advantage of DPP-4 inhibitorsone of the DPP-4 inhibitor medicationsmeglitinides stimulate _____ secretionthiazolidinediones _____ insulin sensitivityone of the alpha-glucosidase inhibitors medications...


TTS SISTEM EKSKRESI crossword puzzle
  1. tempat menyimpan / menampung urin
  2. Yang dikeluarkan oleh kulit
  3. Zat yang dikeluarkan oleh paru-paru
  4. lapisan kulit ari
  5. tempat terjadinya filtrasi
  6. sum-sum ginjal
  7. alat ekresi
  8. mellitus penyakit gula
  9. penyerapan kembali
  10. Yang dikeluarkan oleh ginjal
  1. rongga ginjal
  2. tempat terjadinya pada tubulus kontortus distal
  3. proses yang terjadi pada ginjal
  4. Hasil dari reabsorbsi
  5. Bagian-bagian ginjal
  6. lapisan kulit paling luar
  7. hasil dari filtrasi
  8. yang dihasilkan oleh hati
  9. kulit ginjal
  10. yang menghasilkan empedu

20 Clues: alat ekresikulit ginjalrongga ginjalsum-sum ginjallapisan kulit aripenyerapan kembalihasil dari filtrasiBagian-bagian ginjalHasil dari reabsorbsimellitus penyakit gulayang menghasilkan empedulapisan kulit paling luaryang dihasilkan oleh hatitempat terjadinya filtrasiYang dikeluarkan oleh kulitYang dikeluarkan oleh ginjal...

Healthy Body Healthy Baby Workshop 2017-09-20

Healthy Body Healthy Baby Workshop crossword puzzle
  1. Indicates the characteristics of a child.
  2. A period during pregnancy and after childbirth.
  3. Caused through uncooked meat, soil or cat feces and can be dangerous to an unborn child.
  4. A complication in pregnancy characterized by hypertension and damage to another organ system.
  5. A division of three months during pregnancy.
  6. At least 70% of women are diagnosed with this during pregnancy.
  1. The branch of medicine and surgery concerned with childbirth and the care of the women giving birth.
  2. Is harmful to the baby and can get the baby taken away immediately after birth.
  3. A water-soluble vitamin belonging in the B-complex group.
  4. This gives a woman a high chance of getting diabetes during pregnancy.
  5. Before and during birth or relating to pregnancy.
  6. Used to decrease sensation below the waist during childbirth.

12 Clues: Indicates the characteristics of a child.A division of three months during pregnancy.A period during pregnancy and after childbirth.Before and during birth or relating to pregnancy.A water-soluble vitamin belonging in the B-complex group.Used to decrease sensation below the waist during childbirth....

health 2016-02-03

health crossword puzzle
  1. zubní kaz
  2. cukrovka
  3. zakopnout
  4. modřina
  5. zánět slepého střeva
  6. únava
  7. omrzlina
  8. obvaz
  9. projímadlo
  10. zácpa
  11. škytavka
  12. antikoncepce
  13. bolest zad
  14. ordinace
  15. oteklý
  16. kýchat
  17. zvracení
  18. škrábanec
  19. vyléčit
  1. mozková mrtvice
  2. náplast,sádra
  3. pálení žáhy
  4. otřes mozku
  5. dlaha
  6. průjem
  7. zánět
  8. zlomenina
  9. zažívací potíže
  10. léčit
  11. angína
  12. stehy
  13. zimnice
  14. bolavý
  15. mastička
  16. sádra
  17. zápal plic
  18. krvácení
  19. horečka
  20. rána
  21. kloktadlo

40 Clues: ránadlahazánětúnavaléčitstehyobvazzácpasádraprůjemangínabolavýoteklýkýchatmodřinazimnicehorečkavyléčitcukrovkaomrzlinamastičkaškytavkakrváceníordinacezvracenízubní kazzakopnoutzlomeninakloktadloškrábanecprojímadlozápal plicbolest zadpálení žáhyotřes mozkuantikoncepcenáplast,sádramozková mrtvicezažívací potížezánět slepého střeva

alexis and lily 2021-12-05

alexis and lily crossword puzzle
  1. Common allergy
  2. Ariel's friend
  3. Long body of water
  4. Layers of clothing
  5. High sugar levels
  7. Frontliner
  8. Large home
  9. Eight legs
  10. Extremely tired
  1. Ability to camouflage
  2. City in Texas
  3. Helps decompose a forest
  4. Frying essential
  5. Full body suit of armor
  6. Negative memory impact
  7. Soccer (spa.)
  8. Birds that can't fly
  9. Take illegally
  10. Quench craving
  11. Illegal money
  12. Staple asian ingredient
  13. He shot his best friend
  14. Eat fresh
  15. Mispronounced country
  16. Texture

26 Clues: RESPECTTextureEat freshFrontlinerLarge homeEight legsCity in TexasSoccer (spa.)Illegal moneyCommon allergyAriel's friendTake illegallyQuench cravingExtremely tiredFrying essentialHigh sugar levelsLong body of waterLayers of clothingBirds that can't flyAbility to camouflageMispronounced countryNegative memory impactFull body suit of armor...

Cuadro ortográfico #10 2022-01-28

Cuadro ortográfico #10 crossword puzzle
  1. que tiene tension
  2. confirmar
  3. terco
  4. mudar de direccion
  5. accion de asediar
  6. accion de emplazar
  7. oficio caracterizado por eliminacion
  8. donde las fieras duermen
  9. enfermedad metabolica
  10. viejo
  11. aumentar
  12. molestar fisico
  13. abertura entre puerta y quicio
  1. no tocado
  2. poca agitacion
  3. caida riesgosa
  4. sobresaliente
  5. hacer fuerza para vencer una resistencia
  6. en vela
  7. arteria del corazon de los animales
  8. falta de certidumbre
  9. cualidad de sensato
  10. riqueza
  11. sobras
  12. mujol

25 Clues: tercoviejomujolsobrasen velariquezaaumentarno tocadoconfirmarsobresalientepoca agitacioncaida riesgosamolestar fisicoque tiene tensionaccion de asediarmudar de direccionaccion de emplazarcualidad de sensatofalta de certidumbreenfermedad metabolicadonde las fieras duermenabertura entre puerta y quicioarteria del corazon de los animales...

Health 2022-06-06

Health crossword puzzle
  1. five per day
  2. every meal
  3. stop
  4. blocks arteries
  1. walking gym
  2. good food
  3. may cause diabetes
  4. positive thoughts
  5. increases blood pressure

9 Clues: stopgood foodevery mealwalking gymfive per dayblocks arteriespositive thoughtsmay cause diabetesincreases blood pressure

Spanish 4 Module 2 Vocab 2020-09-03

Spanish 4 Module 2 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. unease,discomfort
  2. degenrativediseases
  3. diabetes
  4. insomnia
  5. flu
  6. immunization
  7. migraine
  8. maintainahealthyweight
  9. overweight
  10. contagious
  11. climatechange
  12. smallpox
  13. malnutrition
  14. totakeadvatageof
  15. obesity
  16. it'sdisgracefulthat
  17. mortalityrate
  18. it'sstrangethat
  19. health
  1. it'snecessarythat
  2. breastfeeding
  3. it'surgentthat
  4. infantmortality
  5. symptoms
  6. stress
  7. migraine
  8. pneumonia
  9. basicfoods
  10. chickenpox
  11. outbreak
  12. the development
  13. nutrition
  14. globalcrisis
  15. cornoarydisease
  16. foodsecurity
  17. it'srecommendedthat
  18. growth
  19. BMI
  20. toeradicate
  21. danger
  22. moralimperative
  23. it'sadvisablethat
  24. malaria
  25. well-being
  26. tothreaten

45 Clues: fluBMIstressgrowthdangerhealthobesitymalariasymptomsdiabetesmigraineinsomniaoutbreakmigrainesmallpoxpneumonianutritionbasicfoodschickenpoxoverweightcontagiouswell-beingtothreatentoeradicateimmunizationglobalcrisisfoodsecuritymalnutritionbreastfeedingclimatechangemortalityrateit'surgentthatinfantmortalitythe developmentcornoarydiseasemoralimperative...

blok 3 en 4 2013-06-03

blok 3 en 4 crossword puzzle
  1. regelmatig
  2. indruk
  3. aanwijzing
  4. personen die verschillende voorkomende klimaten onderzoeken
  5. in evenwicht brengen
  6. menslievende
  7. vervelend bijverschijnsel
  8. zelfverzekerd
  9. partijen die zich verzetten tegen de regering
  10. een tussen oplossing
  11. iemand die diabetes heeft
  1. opsporen van talent
  2. modeontwerpen
  3. heersende mode
  4. opgewonden en zenuwachtig
  5. kort geleden
  6. maar af en toe
  7. tijdelijk verlies van bewustzijn
  8. iemand die zijn mening aanpast als hem dat voordeel oplevert
  9. iemand die het stelen niet kan laten
  10. toegeven

21 Clues: indruktoegevenregelmatigaanwijzingkort geledenmenslievendemodeontwerpenzelfverzekerdheersende modemaar af en toeopsporen van talentin evenwicht brengeneen tussen oplossingopgewonden en zenuwachtigvervelend bijverschijnseliemand die diabetes heefttijdelijk verlies van bewustzijniemand die het stelen niet kan laten...

usj soppas 2023-08-14

usj soppas crossword puzzle
  1. Immunizations, CPR, Endocrinology
  2. EBP, Geriatrics
  3. Med Chem and microRNA research
  4. The Dean
  5. CV, Endo and diabetes research
  6. Pharmaceutical Sciences Chair
  7. Kinetics, Ceutics and Lab
  8. Experiential Director
  9. Peds, pain & CNS
  10. Chair, Pharmacy Practice
  11. Tox
  1. Calcs and neuropharm with British accent
  2. Lab, Respiratory, Psych, pharmacogenomic research
  3. ID 1 2 3 4
  4. Associate Dean
  5. CV, immunology and literature eval
  6. Med Chem and Lab
  7. Endocrinology Therapeutics, Advanced Clinical Skills
  8. ID, ACS, Special Pops, general wizardry
  9. EPB, ACS, IPPE Coordinator

20 Clues: ToxThe DeanID 1 2 3 4Associate DeanEBP, GeriatricsMed Chem and LabPeds, pain & CNSExperiential DirectorChair, Pharmacy PracticeKinetics, Ceutics and LabEPB, ACS, IPPE CoordinatorPharmaceutical Sciences ChairMed Chem and microRNA researchCV, Endo and diabetes researchImmunizations, CPR, EndocrinologyCV, immunology and literature eval...

Supreme구문독해 2강 2024-03-20

Supreme구문독해 2강 crossword puzzle
  1. 줄무늬
  2. 결정하다
  3. 반면에
  4. 쉬다
  5. 발생하다
  6. 혜성
  7. ~으로 구성되다
  8. 운석
  9. (유성의)꼬리, 자국
  10. 위험
  11. 논리적으로
  12. 흔히
  13. 중력
  14. 조화를 이루어
  15. 요인
  16. 당뇨병
  1. 식다
  2. 회전하다
  3. 의존하다
  4. 소비하다
  5. 대기권
  6. 면밀히 관찰하다
  7. 증발하다
  8. 주의를 기울이다
  9. 유성
  10. 위치, 자리
  11. 움직임, 운동
  12. 비만
  13. 유별나게
  14. 접근하다
  15. 빛나다
  16. 착륙하다, 떨어지다
  17. 일반적으로
  18. 각도, 기울기

34 Clues: 식다쉬다유성혜성비만운석위험흔히중력요인줄무늬반면에대기권빛나다당뇨병회전하다의존하다결정하다소비하다증발하다발생하다유별나게접근하다논리적으로일반적으로위치, 자리움직임, 운동조화를 이루어각도, 기울기면밀히 관찰하다주의를 기울이다~으로 구성되다착륙하다, 떨어지다(유성의)꼬리, 자국

Lab Week 2017 2017-04-26

Lab Week 2017 crossword puzzle
  1. Syphilis Testing
  2. Kissing Disease
  3. The Study of Blood
  4. Electrolytes such as NA, K+, C02?
  5. Diabetes Screen
  6. Drawing a Patient
  7. Most common UTI
  1. The "D" in JBAIDS
  2. Dealing with Microorganisms
  3. Testing Urine
  4. Most common observation in Wet Prep
  5. Pregnancy Hormone
  6. You request blood from

13 Clues: Testing UrineKissing DiseaseDiabetes ScreenMost common UTISyphilis TestingThe "D" in JBAIDSPregnancy HormoneDrawing a PatientThe Study of BloodYou request blood fromDealing with MicroorganismsElectrolytes such as NA, K+, C02?Most common observation in Wet Prep

Patina Crossword Puzzle 2021-09-21

Patina Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Best friend from old school
  2. Patina's second dad/uncle
  3. Patina's actual birth mom
  4. Main character
  5. Track team
  6. Color of lucky beads
  1. Done on ma's legs from diabetes
  2. Patina's second mom/aunt
  3. New friend from new school
  4. Patina's new school
  5. Favorite sport
  6. Lost from mom
  7. Patina's sister

13 Clues: Track teamLost from momFavorite sportMain characterPatina's sisterPatina's new schoolColor of lucky beadsPatina's second mom/auntPatina's second dad/unclePatina's actual birth momNew friend from new schoolBest friend from old schoolDone on ma's legs from diabetes

Early childhood 2023-08-24

Early childhood crossword puzzle
  1. blood sugar is too high
  2. severe allergic reaction
  3. regular, balanced diet
  4. substance that causes reaction
  5. app for food goals
  6. naturally occurring hormone
  7. nourishment
  1. eating too much
  2. fear of anything new
  3. maintains overall health
  4. lack of proper nutrition
  5. immune system is abnormal
  6. insufficient intake of energy

13 Clues: nourishmenteating too muchapp for food goalsfear of anything newregular, balanced dietblood sugar is too highmaintains overall healthlack of proper nutritionsevere allergic reactionimmune system is abnormalnaturally occurring hormoneinsufficient intake of energysubstance that causes reaction

Obesity 2024-03-04

Obesity crossword puzzle
  1. pressure blood moving around in the body
  2. a serious illness
  3. lack of insulin
  4. physical activity
  5. heavier than you should be
  6. measure of heaviness
  7. plans healthy food
  1. increase
  2. get bigger
  3. too fat for good health
  4. the type of life you have
  5. food power supply
  6. body condition

13 Clues: increaseget biggerbody conditionlack of insulina serious illnessfood power supplyphysical activityplans healthy foodmeasure of heavinesstoo fat for good healththe type of life you haveheavier than you should bepressure blood moving around in the body

Chronic Renal Failure 2022-10-24

Chronic Renal Failure crossword puzzle
  1. acid base balance
  2. asymptomatic stage
  3. kidney infection
  4. protein in the urine
  5. Toxic agent
  6. Two biggest risk factors
  7. 1000-2000mL per day
  8. potassium,sodium, magnesium, and phosphate
  1. hyperkalemia
  2. causes decrease in redblood cells and anemia
  3. build up of nitrogen in the blood
  4. sign of hypocalcemia
  5. risk factor
  6. Stage where no urine is produced
  7. Low electrolyte
  8. fluid overload sound
  9. dialysis or diuretics

17 Clues: risk factorToxic agenthyperkalemiaLow electrolytekidney infectionacid base balanceasymptomatic stage1000-2000mL per daysign of hypocalcemiaprotein in the urinefluid overload sounddialysis or diureticsTwo biggest risk factorsStage where no urine is producedbuild up of nitrogen in the bloodpotassium,sodium, magnesium, and phosphate...

SENIORENKRANT 01/2015 2014-11-27

SENIORENKRANT 01/2015 crossword puzzle
  1. Voornaam van zanger die optrad voor senioren
  2. Plaats voor een natje
  3. Naam van cultuurcentrum
  4. Naam van seniorencentrum
  5. Suikerziekte
  6. Naam van woonzorgcentrum
  7. Niet gezond
  8. Voornaam van schepen voor senioren
  1. Film van Stijn Coninx
  2. Film van Stephen Frears
  3. Oudere mens
  4. Kasteel in Heusden-Zolder
  5. Deelgemeente van Heusden-Zolder
  6. Hierop kunnen senioren uitrusten
  7. Ziekte waarbij je niet goed onthoudt
  8. Voornaam voorzitter Seniorenraad
  9. Deelgemeente van Heusden-Zolder
  10. Groot lokaal

18 Clues: Oudere mensNiet gezondGroot lokaalSuikerziekteFilm van Stijn ConinxPlaats voor een natjeFilm van Stephen FrearsNaam van cultuurcentrumNaam van seniorencentrumNaam van woonzorgcentrumKasteel in Heusden-ZolderDeelgemeente van Heusden-ZolderDeelgemeente van Heusden-ZolderHierop kunnen senioren uitrustenVoornaam voorzitter Seniorenraad...

Freels Christmas 2022 2022-12-13

Freels Christmas 2022 crossword puzzle
  1. greatest football coach ever
  2. diabetes
  3. newest Christmas delicacy
  4. special family activity
  5. _____ family Christmas
  6. the only way the aggies win in 2023
  7. pretty much defines family Christmas
  8. most important dog toy
  9. some would call that black dog
  1. German folklore ornament
  2. Santa snack
  3. Christmas Vacation rodent
  4. Christmas cousin
  5. Christmas drink that needs the chicken
  6. _____ and Otis
  7. favorite college baseball team

16 Clues: diabetesSanta snack_____ and OtisChristmas cousin_____ family Christmasmost important dog toyspecial family activityGerman folklore ornamentChristmas Vacation rodentnewest Christmas delicacygreatest football coach everfavorite college baseball teamsome would call that black dogthe only way the aggies win in 2023pretty much defines family Christmas...

Stroke 2015-11-24

Stroke crossword puzzle
  1. Ett symptom på stroke
  2. Gör blodet tunnare
  3. När man inte kan tala normalt
  4. Fysiskt handikapp
  5. Ett symptom på stroke
  6. Stroke
  7. Så kan en person med stroke tala
  1. Blodkärl i hjärnan som går sönder
  2. Fel
  3. När hela eller delar av ett ansikte är förlamat
  4. Ett symptom på stroke
  5. Träning
  6. Träna så man blir frisk
  7. Gemensamt namn
  8. "Sockersjuka"
  9. Blod som klumpar ihop sig
  10. Kan inte röra sig

18 Clues: FelStrokeTräning"Sockersjuka"Gemensamt namnFysiskt handikappKan inte röra sigGör blodet tunnareEtt symptom på strokeEtt symptom på strokeEtt symptom på strokeTräna så man blir friskBlod som klumpar ihop sigNär man inte kan tala normaltSå kan en person med stroke talaBlodkärl i hjärnan som går sönderNär hela eller delar av ett ansikte är förlamat

Medical Terms 2023-01-12

Medical Terms crossword puzzle
  1. body temp is above 104
  2. broken bone
  3. means after
  4. has four components
  5. stands for OD'd
  6. name for a fluid filled pocket
  7. scrape or cut
  1. when you have low blood sugar
  2. an imbalance in the body's response to infection
  3. means swelling
  4. high blood pressure
  5. means sudden or short
  6. body temp is below 95
  7. wound or sore
  8. means heart
  9. means immediately

16 Clues: broken bonemeans aftermeans heartwound or sorescrape or cutmeans swellingstands for OD'dmeans immediatelyhigh blood pressurehas four componentsmeans sudden or shortbody temp is below 95body temp is above 104when you have low blood sugarname for a fluid filled pocketan imbalance in the body's response to infection

Review Crossword 2024-07-14

Review Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 中毒の
  2. いじめ
  3. 危機に瀕した
  4. 防ぐ
  5. 賞賛する
  6. 明らかにする
  1. 喜んで
  2. 成熟した
  3. 成年期
  4. 消費する
  5. 食生活
  6. 糖尿病
  7. 詳しく説明する
  8. 政策
  9. 残酷な

16 Clues: 政策防ぐ喜んで成年期中毒のいじめ食生活糖尿病残酷な成熟した消費する賞賛する危機に瀕した明らかにする詳しく説明する

Stroke 2015-11-24

Stroke crossword puzzle
  1. Gemensamt namn
  2. Stroke
  3. Fel
  4. När man inte kan tala normalt
  5. Kan inte röra sig
  6. Fysiskt handikapp
  7. Träna så man blir frisk
  8. Gör blodet tunnare
  9. Så kan en person med stroke tala
  10. Ett symptom på stroke
  1. Ett symptom på stroke
  2. Träning
  3. När hela eller delar av ett ansikte är förlamat
  4. Blodkärl i hjärnan som går sönder
  5. Ett symptom på stroke
  6. "Sockersjuka"
  7. Blod som klumpar ihop sig

18 Clues: FelStrokeTräning"Sockersjuka"Gemensamt namnKan inte röra sigFysiskt handikappGör blodet tunnareEtt symptom på strokeEtt symptom på strokeEtt symptom på strokeTräna så man blir friskBlod som klumpar ihop sigNär man inte kan tala normaltSå kan en person med stroke talaBlodkärl i hjärnan som går sönderNär hela eller delar av ett ansikte är förlamat

Stroke 2015-11-24

Stroke crossword puzzle
  1. När man inte kan tala normalt
  2. Fysiskt handikapp
  3. Blod som klumpar ihop sig
  4. Blodkärl i hjärnan som går sönder
  5. Fel
  6. Kan inte röra sig
  7. Träning
  1. Ett symptom på stroke
  2. Stroke
  3. Gör blodet tunnare
  4. "Sockersjuka"
  5. När hela eller delar av ett ansikte är förlamat
  6. Träna så man blir frisk
  7. Gemensamt namn
  8. Ett symptom på stroke
  9. Ett symptom på stroke
  10. Så kan en person med stroke tala

18 Clues: FelStrokeTräning"Sockersjuka"Gemensamt namnFysiskt handikappKan inte röra sigGör blodet tunnareEtt symptom på strokeEtt symptom på strokeEtt symptom på strokeTräna så man blir friskBlod som klumpar ihop sigNär man inte kan tala normaltSå kan en person med stroke talaBlodkärl i hjärnan som går sönderNär hela eller delar av ett ansikte är förlamat

Medical Terms 2023-01-12

Medical Terms crossword puzzle
  1. body temp is above 104
  2. broken bone
  3. means after
  4. has four components
  5. stands for OD'd
  6. name for a fluid filled pocket
  7. scrape or cut
  1. when you have low blood sugar
  2. an imbalance in the body's response to infection
  3. means swelling
  4. high blood pressure
  5. means sudden or short
  6. body temp is below 95
  7. wound or sore
  8. means heart
  9. means immediately

16 Clues: broken bonemeans aftermeans heartwound or sorescrape or cutmeans swellingstands for OD'dmeans immediatelyhigh blood pressurehas four componentsmeans sudden or shortbody temp is below 95body temp is above 104when you have low blood sugarname for a fluid filled pocketan imbalance in the body's response to infection

Freels Christmas 2022 2022-12-13

Freels Christmas 2022 crossword puzzle
  1. Christmas cousin
  2. _____ family Christmas
  3. special family activity
  4. favorite college baseball team
  5. Santa snack
  1. newest Christmas delicacy
  2. diabetes
  3. _____ and Otis
  4. some would call that black dog
  5. most important dog toy
  6. pretty much defines family Christmas

11 Clues: diabetesSanta snack_____ and OtisChristmas cousin_____ family Christmasmost important dog toyspecial family activitynewest Christmas delicacyfavorite college baseball teamsome would call that black dogpretty much defines family Christmas

Stroke 2015-11-24

Stroke crossword puzzle
  1. När man inte kan tala normalt
  2. Så kan en person med stroke tala
  3. Blodkärl i hjärnan som går sönder
  4. Fel
  5. Fysiskt handikapp
  6. Ett symptom på stroke
  7. Träning
  8. Träna så man blir frisk
  9. Stroke
  1. Gör blodet tunnare
  2. "Sockersjuka"
  3. När hela eller delar av ett ansikte är förlamat
  4. Ett symptom på stroke
  5. Blod som klumpar ihop sig
  6. Ett symptom på stroke
  7. Gemensamt namn
  8. Kan inte röra sig

18 Clues: FelStrokeTräning"Sockersjuka"Gemensamt namnFysiskt handikappKan inte röra sigGör blodet tunnareEtt symptom på strokeEtt symptom på strokeEtt symptom på strokeTräna så man blir friskBlod som klumpar ihop sigNär man inte kan tala normaltSå kan en person med stroke talaBlodkärl i hjärnan som går sönderNär hela eller delar av ett ansikte är förlamat

Stroke 2015-11-24

Stroke crossword puzzle
  1. Stroke
  2. Träning
  3. Gemensamt namn
  4. Träna så man blir frisk
  5. Fysiskt handikapp
  6. Kan inte röra sig
  7. Gör blodet tunnare
  1. När man inte kan tala normalt
  2. Fel
  3. Blod som klumpar ihop sig
  4. "Sockersjuka"
  5. När hela eller delar av ett ansikte är förlamat
  6. Ett symptom på stroke
  7. Blodkärl i hjärnan som går sönder
  8. Ett symptom på stroke
  9. Ett symptom på stroke
  10. Så kan en person med stroke tala

18 Clues: FelStrokeTräning"Sockersjuka"Gemensamt namnFysiskt handikappKan inte röra sigGör blodet tunnareEtt symptom på strokeEtt symptom på strokeEtt symptom på strokeTräna så man blir friskBlod som klumpar ihop sigNär man inte kan tala normaltSå kan en person med stroke talaBlodkärl i hjärnan som går sönderNär hela eller delar av ett ansikte är förlamat

November Wellness Puzzle 2023-10-31

November Wellness Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Sweet potatoes stabilize blood _____, reduce inflammation, improve digestion and protect cardiovascular health.
  2. Meditation can help you reduce negative feelings and social anxiety symptoms, as well as help you accept your _______ thoughts and feelings.
  3. The most common signs of diabetes include thirst, frequent urination, _______ hunger, fatigue, slow healing sores, unexplained weight loss and frequent infections.
  4. Do 30 minutes of aerobic ________ a day and eat fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains to help manage diabetes.
  5. Kidney damage, pain, nerve ______, heart and blood vessel disease and rashes, blisters or boils are complications of uncontrolled diabetes.
  1. Completing a wall sit can improve _______, tone & strengthen muscles and is great for core strength.
  2. Be grateful for all the things around you, including ________!
  3. Guided imagery meditation involves visualizing a place, sound or object you find relaxing and focusing on it while your body _______.
  4. You can prepare your mind and body for daylight savings time by altering your sleep time a few days ______ the clocks change.
  5. Although you may be excited about gaining an hour, daylight savings time can negatively ______ your mental health and cognitive function.

10 Clues: Be grateful for all the things around you, including ________!Completing a wall sit can improve _______, tone & strengthen muscles and is great for core strength.Sweet potatoes stabilize blood _____, reduce inflammation, improve digestion and protect cardiovascular health....

Health 2022-06-06

Health crossword puzzle
  1. five per day
  2. every meal
  3. stop smoking
  4. blocks arteries
  1. walking gym
  2. good food
  3. may cause diabetes
  4. positive thoughts
  5. increases blood pressure

9 Clues: good foodevery mealwalking gymfive per daystop smokingblocks arteriespositive thoughtsmay cause diabetesincreases blood pressure

GE 2017-01-17

GE crossword puzzle
  1. the process of GMO's so that they produce pharmaceutical drugs.
  2. defends your body from harsh diseases.
  3. Human insulin
  4. the amount of a drug you take.
  1. relationg to medical drugs,or their preparation,use or sale.
  2. it occurs when your pancreas cannot produce enough insulin.
  3. used for treating diabetes and the pancreas makes this.

7 Clues: Human insulinthe amount of a drug you take.defends your body from harsh diseases.used for treating diabetes and the pancreas makes this.it occurs when your pancreas cannot produce enough insulin.relationg to medical drugs,or their preparation,use or sale.the process of GMO's so that they produce pharmaceutical drugs.


PSP CROSSWORDS crossword puzzle
  1. instruction
  2. drug on mypadi
  3. home to most of our psps
  4. Our partner pharma co on mypadi
  5. free of charge
  6. Our first PSP
  7. Pfizer PSP
  8. sticking to treatment
  1. newest country with PSP
  2. needed for diabetes
  3. paying directly
  4. health trainer and guide
  5. anticoagulant medication
  6. additional treatment for HER2 breast cancer
  7. Our primary focus
  8. you can get it from smoking

16 Clues: Pfizer PSPinstructionOur first PSPdrug on mypadifree of chargepaying directlyOur primary focusneeded for diabetessticking to treatmentnewest country with PSPhealth trainer and guidehome to most of our pspsanticoagulant medicationyou can get it from smokingOur partner pharma co on mypadiadditional treatment for HER2 breast cancer

Medical Terms 2023-01-12

Medical Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Name for a fluid filled pocket
  2. wound or sore
  3. swelling
  4. an imbalance in the body's response to infection
  5. means immediately
  6. body temperature is below 95
  7. means after
  8. stands for od'd
  9. sudden or short
  1. when you have low blood sugar
  2. high blood pressure
  3. Means Heart
  4. Four main components
  5. body temperature is above 104
  6. Scrape or Cut
  7. Broken bone

16 Clues: swellingMeans HeartBroken bonemeans afterwound or soreScrape or Cutstands for od'dsudden or shortmeans immediatelyhigh blood pressureFour main componentsbody temperature is below 95when you have low blood sugarbody temperature is above 104Name for a fluid filled pocketan imbalance in the body's response to infection

Medical Terms 2023-01-12

Medical Terms crossword puzzle
  1. body temp is above 104
  2. broken bone
  3. means after
  4. has four components
  5. stands for OD'd
  6. name for a fluid filled pocket
  7. scrape or cut
  1. when you have low blood sugar
  2. an imbalance in the body's response to infection
  3. means swelling
  4. high blood pressure
  5. means sudden or short
  6. body temp is below 95
  7. wound or sore
  8. means heart
  9. means immediately

16 Clues: broken bonemeans aftermeans heartwound or sorescrape or cutmeans swellingstands for OD'dmeans immediatelyhigh blood pressurehas four componentsmeans sudden or shortbody temp is below 95body temp is above 104when you have low blood sugarname for a fluid filled pocketan imbalance in the body's response to infection

All About Diabetes 2018-10-30

All About Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. diet A diet low in carbohydrates which include sugars, starch, and cellulose
  2. A blood glucose monitoring system
  3. A type of physical effort that allows your body to use extra glucose in your blood, and helps manage diabetes
  4. care A treatment used to cleanse a wound
  1. A disease that affects the body's ability to produce or respond to insulin resulting in elevated levels of glucose in the blood and urine and abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates
  2. A simple sugar that is an important energy source for living organisms and a component of many carbohydrates. Too much of this can cause diabetes, weight gain, and increase the risk for heart disease
  3. A test the measures a person's average blood glucose level
  4. A medication used to treat high blood glucose; it's also a hormone produced by the pancreas.

8 Clues: A blood glucose monitoring systemcare A treatment used to cleanse a woundA test the measures a person's average blood glucose leveldiet A diet low in carbohydrates which include sugars, starch, and celluloseA medication used to treat high blood glucose; it's also a hormone produced by the pancreas....

Pregnancy 2022-11-22

Pregnancy crossword puzzle
  1. A diseases that can be passed from mother to the baby during delivery
  2. a complication in pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure or damage to other organs
  3. a group of conditions that occur because the mother drank alcohol during pregnancy
  4. when an egg fertilizes outside the uterus
  5. When the placenta covers the opening in the mother's cervix.
  1. high blood pressure during pregnancy
  2. referred to as a miscarriage
  3. a type of diabetes a women can get if she doesn't already have diabetes during pregnancy
  4. when a baby is born before 37 weeks

9 Clues: referred to as a miscarriagewhen a baby is born before 37 weekshigh blood pressure during pregnancywhen an egg fertilizes outside the uterusWhen the placenta covers the opening in the mother's cervix.A diseases that can be passed from mother to the baby during delivery...

Geriatric Diabetes 2014-04-30

Geriatric Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Another word for high blood glucose in the body
  2. Low blood sugar
  3. B vitamin that helps with carbohydrate metabolism
  1. Diabetic diet should mainly consist of this
  2. Loss of sensation in the feet
  3. Instrument used for administering insulin
  4. Where insulin is made in the body

7 Clues: Low blood sugarLoss of sensation in the feetWhere insulin is made in the bodyInstrument used for administering insulinDiabetic diet should mainly consist of thisAnother word for high blood glucose in the bodyB vitamin that helps with carbohydrate metabolism

Diabetes crossword 2024-01-25

Diabetes crossword crossword puzzle
  1. what type of test do you need to take to get a diagnoses?
  2. multiple daily_____
  3. Another word for sugar.
  1. Type 2 is the most_____?
  2. What type of vision is a symptom?
  3. A possible symptom is to always feel____(opposite of energetic
  4. what does your body not produce enough of if you have diabetes?

7 Clues: multiple daily_____Another word for sugar.Type 2 is the most_____?What type of vision is a symptom?what type of test do you need to take to get a diagnoses?A possible symptom is to always feel____(opposite of energeticwhat does your body not produce enough of if you have diabetes?

Teka - Teki Dokter Kecil 2024-09-19

Teka - Teki Dokter Kecil crossword puzzle
  1. penyakit kelebihan gula
  2. singakatan usaha kesehatan sekolah
  3. plak mengandung
  4. penyakit gigitan anjing
  5. fungsi gigi menguyah makanan
  6. penyakit karena virus
  7. cairan untuk mencegah infeksi
  1. untuk membalut luka
  2. sebutan struktur tubuh
  3. luka karena pisau disebut
  4. lapisan gigi terluar
  5. fungsi gigi menghancurkan makanan
  6. luka karena jatih dari sepeda
  7. luka karena tersiram air panas
  8. fungsi gigi untuk memotong makanan

15 Clues: plak mengandunguntuk membalut lukalapisan gigi terluarpenyakit karena virussebutan struktur tubuhpenyakit kelebihan gulapenyakit gigitan anjingluka karena pisau disebutfungsi gigi menguyah makananluka karena jatih dari sepedacairan untuk mencegah infeksiluka karena tersiram air panasfungsi gigi menghancurkan makanan...

Kelas Makanan : Fungsi, Sumber dan Kesan Kekurangannya 2019-02-17

Kelas Makanan : Fungsi, Sumber dan Kesan Kekurangannya crossword puzzle
  1. Disebabkan kekurangan zat besi dan vitamin B
  2. Kekurangan protien
  3. Berat badan berlebihan
  4. Penyakit akibat kurang Kalsium
  5. Membina tisu yang mati
  1. Mengelakkan sembelit
  2. Minyak kelapa dan mentega
  3. Mengelakkan kekejangan otot
  4. Pelarut di dalam badan
  5. Ubi kentang dan nasi
  6. Menguatkan tulang dan gigi
  7. Kekurangan iodin
  8. Kencing manis
  9. Kekurangan vitamin C
  10. Kekurangan vitamin D dan K

15 Clues: Kencing manisKekurangan iodinKekurangan protienMengelakkan sembelitUbi kentang dan nasiKekurangan vitamin CPelarut di dalam badanBerat badan berlebihanMembina tisu yang matiMinyak kelapa dan mentegaMenguatkan tulang dan gigiKekurangan vitamin D dan KMengelakkan kekejangan ototPenyakit akibat kurang Kalsium...

mason Preston crossword. 2024-03-06

mason Preston crossword. crossword puzzle
  1. food group with meat
  2. 1 cup
  3. portion size for added fats like mustard
  4. allergy reaction
  5. food group with bread or wheat
  6. food allergy
  7. nutrition info
  1. food group with roots
  2. don't eat Infront of tv screen
  3. food group with seed on inside
  4. food groups liqud
  5. blood pressure
  6. measure your meat portion
  7. portion control plate
  8. health issues

15 Clues: 1 cupfood allergyhealth issuesblood pressurenutrition infoallergy reactionfood groups liqudfood group with meatfood group with rootsportion control platemeasure your meat portiondon't eat Infront of tv screenfood group with seed on insidefood group with bread or wheatportion size for added fats like mustard

Teka teki sulit PJOK 4 2024-06-07

Teka teki sulit PJOK 4 crossword puzzle
  1. alat mengapung
  2. Demam Berdarah Dengue
  3. Dbd menular melalui
  4. organ tubuh untuk memompa darah
  5. penyakit kelebihan berat badan
  6. anggota tubuh menggerakkan organ tubuh
  7. penyakit gula
  1. gerak badan dengan gerakan tertentu
  2. aktivitas air
  3. untuk memegang
  4. penyakit infeksi virus/bakteri pada usus
  5. penyakit karena virus influenza
  6. penyakit peradangan saluran uretra
  7. tempat buang air kecil
  8. untuk jalan

15 Clues: untuk jalanaktivitas airpenyakit gulauntuk memegangalat mengapungDbd menular melaluiDemam Berdarah Denguetempat buang air kecilpenyakit kelebihan berat badanpenyakit karena virus influenzaorgan tubuh untuk memompa darahpenyakit peradangan saluran uretragerak badan dengan gerakan tertentuanggota tubuh menggerakkan organ tubuh...

Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional 2020-09-23

Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional crossword puzzle
  1. Segundo o Ministério da Saúde,apesar de já terem estudos sobre o seu uso na gravidez, ainda são contraindicados na prática clínica até que mais estudos possam confirmar a sua segurança.
  2. Deve ser estimulada na consulta pré-natal a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ glicêmica domiciliar.
  3. Sigla do teste realizado entre 24 a 28 semanas de gestação para confirmar o diagnóstico de DMG após glicemia na primeira consulta pré-natal estar entre 92-126 mg/dL ou < 92mg/dL (OPAS/OMS, 2016).
  4. Condição de tratamento para Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional com ação rápida que tem início de 30-60 minutos.
  1. A diabetes é um fator de risco para o seu desenvolvimento, devido as vasculopatias.
  2. É um risco para o RN de mães diabéticas devido a hiperestimulação insulinica em resposta a hiperglicemia materna.
  3. Lesões causadas no endotélio vascular devido a hiperglicemia.
  4. É o aumento do volume de líquido amniótico que pode estar associado ao diabetes gestacional.
  5. Um dos grandes aliados para controle e redução da glicemia.
  6. É uma complicação comum devido a hiperglicemia materna e se caracteriza por um crescimento fetal excessivo ≥ 4000g.

10 Clues: Um dos grandes aliados para controle e redução da glicemia.Lesões causadas no endotélio vascular devido a hiperglicemia.A diabetes é um fator de risco para o seu desenvolvimento, devido as vasculopatias.É o aumento do volume de líquido amniótico que pode estar associado ao diabetes gestacional....

Medications used in pregancy 2021-10-07

Medications used in pregancy crossword puzzle
  1. diabetes
  2. bacterial-vaginosis
  3. Nausea & vomiting
  4. UTI(class of drug)
  5. headache
  1. Yeast-infection
  2. depression
  3. hypertension
  4. diabetes
  5. hypertension

10 Clues: diabetesdiabetesheadachedepressionhypertensionhypertensionYeast-infectionNausea & vomitingUTI(class of drug)bacterial-vaginosis

퍼널용 낱말퀴즈 당뇨2 2021-07-17

퍼널용 낱말퀴즈 당뇨2 crossword puzzle
  1. Optimized mixing of natural materials removes the most chronic symptoms of our lives.
  2. leading cause of non traumatic amputations
  1. excessive _______ is common diabetes symptom
  2. MAIN contributor for diabetes increase
  3. intense, urgent or abnormal desires or longings

5 Clues: MAIN contributor for diabetes increaseleading cause of non traumatic amputationsexcessive _______ is common diabetes symptomintense, urgent or abnormal desires or longingsOptimized mixing of natural materials removes the most chronic symptoms of our lives.

Pregnancy 2022-11-22

Pregnancy crossword puzzle
  1. A diseases that can be passed from mother to the baby during delivery
  2. a type of diabetes a women can get if she doesn't already have diabetes during pregnancy
  3. When the placenta covers the opening in the mother's cervix.
  4. when an egg fertilizes outside the uterus
  5. referred to as a miscarriage
  1. when a baby is born before 37 weeks
  2. high blood pressure during pregnancy
  3. a complication in pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure or damage to other organs
  4. a group of conditions that occur because the mother drank alcohol during pregnancy

9 Clues: referred to as a miscarriagewhen a baby is born before 37 weekshigh blood pressure during pregnancywhen an egg fertilizes outside the uterusWhen the placenta covers the opening in the mother's cervix.A diseases that can be passed from mother to the baby during delivery...

Nutrition 2013-02-03

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. A snack food that comes in bags and we should not eat too much of
  2. The abbreviation for carbohydrates, a macro nutrient
  3. A food group
  4. A type of fat often found in processed meats
  5. A macro nutrient that helps build muscle tissue
  6. Meat alternatives that come from trees
  7. Products that provide us with calcium
  8. We drink this throughout the day to stay hydrated.
  9. The amount of energy we get from our food
  10. A type of wheat that is not bleached
  11. A white, refined substance that in excess, can lead to diabetes and obesity
  12. The title of this crossword
  13. The feeling when you need to drink something
  14. A white additive we sprinkle on food to make it taste better
  1. A micronutrient that helps keep us 'regular'
  2. Most of us need 6-8 servings of these a day
  3. A man and a micronutrient
  4. A type of vegetable that is orange and rich in Vitamin A
  5. Sometimes we are too __________ to think about our meals
  6. A disease that can result from consuming too much sugar
  7. The feeling when you need to eat something
  8. The unit of measurement for protein and fat
  9. There are about __ teaspoons of sugar in a can of soda

23 Clues: A food groupA man and a micronutrientThe title of this crosswordA type of wheat that is not bleachedProducts that provide us with calciumMeat alternatives that come from treesThe amount of energy we get from our foodThe feeling when you need to eat somethingMost of us need 6-8 servings of these a dayThe unit of measurement for protein and fat...

Module 2 Crossword 1 2021-09-23

Module 2 Crossword 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Coronavirus zoonosis caused by transmission from Neuromicia capensis bats >> camels >> humans
  2. Protein encoded at 5’ end of SARS-CoV-2 gene
  3. Study in 'real-time' with new data being produced
  4. Both protein and mRNA drive proliferation of infected T cell expressed constitutively at steady state
  5. Recombinant erythropoietin to combat anaemia
  6. Cardiomyopahty characterised by increased LF thickness autosomal dominant inheritance caused by mutation in sarcomere proteins
  7. fever immune response to Strep pyogenes and causes pharyngitis from Ab cross-reactivity
  8. HTLV-associated myelopathy no effective therapy paralysis of spine constipation impotence
  9. Sudden episode of kidney injury which occurs over hours/days
  10. Measuring tool for obesity in children
  11. Staining to detect T cells in diabetes
  12. HTLV-associated disease median survival <1yr resistant to chemotherapy
  13. Lymphocytic infiltration targeting islets of Langerhans can be peri or intra
  1. Order of coronavirus family
  2. Elevated albumin levels in response to kidney damage
  3. Anti-CD3 Ab that can delay diabetes onset by 2 years
  4. Study involving pulling out data and finding conclusions from what has already happened
  5. Includes myocardial infarction and unstable angina
  6. Proteins encoded at 3’ end of SARS-CoV-2 gene
  7. Potein that drives proliferation and pathogenesis of HTLV-1 released as a ‘burst’

20 Clues: Order of coronavirus familyMeasuring tool for obesity in childrenStaining to detect T cells in diabetesProtein encoded at 5’ end of SARS-CoV-2 geneRecombinant erythropoietin to combat anaemiaProteins encoded at 3’ end of SARS-CoV-2 geneStudy in 'real-time' with new data being producedIncludes myocardial infarction and unstable angina...

Urinary System Word Parts and Abbreviations 2023-04-25

Urinary System Word Parts and Abbreviations crossword puzzle
  1. voiding cystourethrogram
  2. calyx
  3. peratining to standing or positioned
  4. hernia; protrusion
  5. stone
  6. glomerulus
  7. kidney
  8. many; much
  9. complete; through
  10. above; excessive
  11. specific gravity
  12. stone; calculus
  13. chronic renal failure
  14. abnormal condiiton
  15. meatus
  16. interstitial cystitis
  17. blood urea nitrogen
  18. painful; difficult
  19. computerized axial tomography
  20. glomerular filtration rate
  21. breakdown; separation; lossening
  22. substance that forms
  23. urinalysis
  24. peritoneum
  25. night
  26. ureter
  27. albumin (a protein)
  28. pus
  1. urine; urinary tract
  2. bacteria
  3. urethra
  4. glycos/o sugar; glucose
  5. hardening; thickening
  6. scanty (very small)
  7. renal pelvis
  8. polycysitc kidney disease
  9. urination; condition of urine
  10. diabetes mellitus
  11. antidiuretic hormone
  12. negative
  13. record; image
  14. trigone (region of bladder)
  15. crushing
  16. diabetes insipidus
  17. kidney, ureters, bladder
  18. surgical fixation
  19. an- not; without
  20. nitrogen
  21. between
  22. cystoscopy; cystoscopic examination
  23. structure; tissue; thing
  24. cyst; fluid sac; bladder
  25. urinary bladder
  26. noun suffix with no meaning
  27. phenylketonuria
  28. intravenous pyelogram
  29. acute renal failure
  30. kidney
  31. urinary tract infection
  32. urine
  33. catheter
  34. degree of acidity or alkalinity

62 Clues: puscalyxstoneurinenightkidneymeatuskidneyureterurethrabetweenbacterianegativecrushingnitrogencatheterglomerulusmany; muchurinalysisperitoneumrenal pelvisrecord; imagestone; calculusurinary bladderphenylketonuriaabove; excessivespecific gravityan- not; withoutcomplete; throughdiabetes mellitussurgical fixationhernia; protrusiondiabetes insipidus...


5G CROSSWORD:                        HAPPY NURSES WEEK! crossword puzzle
  1. I am the shape of a bean and I have a twin!
  2. This mineral pulls calcium out of our bones when its levels become too high
  3. Those with kidney disease have trouble removing this from their blood
  4. S/sx may include: fatigue, diaphoresis, hunger, confusion
  5. This is a common complication of diabetes, caused by nerve damage
  6. This abbreviation is given when kidneys permanently fail to work
  7. Long-acting insulin
  8. A life-threatening metabolic disturbance caused by hyperglycemia
  9. This is a result of decreased erythropoiesis of the kidneys
  10. Low urine output
  11. We listen for this
  1. The study of #3 across
  2. No urine output
  3. Hormone produced in the pancreas
  4. We feel for this
  5. Before modern biotechnology, what was the first animal that insulin was taken from the pancreas of?
  6. S/sx may include: polydipsia, polyuria, HA, blurred vision
  7. This test measures the amount of glucose in your blood over the last 3 months
  8. Process of removing waste and excess fluid. Two types
  9. Short-acting insulin doses are referred to as this
  10. Patho check! This is the filtering unit of the kidneys
  11. Many of our patients have this. Considered one of the leading causes of chronic kidney disease

22 Clues: No urine outputWe feel for thisLow urine outputWe listen for thisLong-acting insulinThe study of #3 acrossHormone produced in the pancreasI am the shape of a bean and I have a twin!Short-acting insulin doses are referred to as thisProcess of removing waste and excess fluid. Two typesPatho check! This is the filtering unit of the kidneys...

TTS Bioteknologi Modern 2024-05-09

TTS Bioteknologi Modern crossword puzzle
  1. Teknik yang bisa digunakan untuk membantu penderita diabetes melitus
  2. Organisme yang memiliki gen dari spesies lain yang diintegrasikan ke dalam genomnya
  3. Alat atau gen yang digunakan untuk memindahkan atau mengirim materi genetik ke dalam sel
  4. Teknologi untuk menghasilkan individu baru baru yang mirip dengan induknya tanpa proses perkawinan
  5. Pengambilan eksplan dari bagian tanaman
  6. Perubahan dalam urutan basa DNA yang dapat menghasilkan variasi genetik baru
  7. Seluruh kumpulan gen dalam satu sel atau organisme
  8. Pupuk yang mengandung mikroorganisme dan berfungsi meningkatkan kemampuan akar untuk menyerap nutrisi di dalam tanah
  9. Proses persilangan antara dua individu atau spesies yang berbeda untuk menghasilkan keturunan dengan sifat-sifat yang diinginkan
  10. Mikroorganisme yang telah dilemahkan atau dimatikan sehingga digunakan untuk meningkatkan imunitas
  1. Enzim yang dapat memotong gen pada tempat-tempat tertentu
  2. Penyesuaian tanaman yang telah tumbuh secara in vitro dengan kondisi luar laboratorium
  3. Produk bioteknologi yang digunakan dalam pengobatan penyakit akibat virus
  4. Enzim yang dapat menyatukan potongan-potongan DNA
  5. Penerapan teknologi rekayasa genetika pada manusia pertama kali adalah pada penderita
  6. proses pertumbuhan akar pada kalus
  7. Penyemprotan ethanol pada media, eksplan, dan peralatan lainnya
  8. Penanaman eksplan pada media hingga terbentuk kalus
  9. Teknik yang digunakan pada kultur jaringan dilandaskan pada
  10. Bahan bakar terbarukan yang diproduksi dengan cara fermentasi

20 Clues: proses pertumbuhan akar pada kalusPengambilan eksplan dari bagian tanamanEnzim yang dapat menyatukan potongan-potongan DNASeluruh kumpulan gen dalam satu sel atau organismePenanaman eksplan pada media hingga terbentuk kalusEnzim yang dapat memotong gen pada tempat-tempat tertentuTeknik yang digunakan pada kultur jaringan dilandaskan pada...

Freels Christmas 2022 2022-12-13

Freels Christmas 2022 crossword puzzle
  1. the only way the aggies win in 2023
  2. _____ and Otis
  3. some would call that black dog
  4. _____ family Christmas
  5. Christmas drink that needs the chicken
  6. favorite college baseball team
  1. newest Christmas delicacy
  2. Christmas Vacation rodent
  3. most important dog toy
  4. special family activity
  5. greatest football coach ever
  6. Santa snack
  7. Christmas cousin
  8. pretty much defines family Christmas
  9. diabetes

15 Clues: diabetesSanta snack_____ and OtisChristmas cousinmost important dog toy_____ family Christmasspecial family activitynewest Christmas delicacyChristmas Vacation rodentgreatest football coach eversome would call that black dogfavorite college baseball teamthe only way the aggies win in 2023pretty much defines family Christmas...

TTS Sistem Pernapasan 2023-02-14

TTS Sistem Pernapasan crossword puzzle
  1. selaput pembungkus paru paru
  2. susah buang air besar
  3. penyakit yang menyerang bronkus
  4. penyempitan saluran pernapasan
  5. radang dinding lambung
  6. jumlah labus pada paru paru kanan
  7. gelembung paru paru
  8. gejala penyumbatan pembuluh darah jantung
  9. radang pada laring
  10. katup pangkal tenggorokan
  1. proses mengeluarkan udara
  2. letak pita suara
  3. batang tenggorokan
  4. percabangan dari trakea
  5. penyebab penyumbatan pembuluh darah

15 Clues: letak pita suarabatang tenggorokanradang pada laringgelembung paru parususah buang air besarradang dinding lambungpercabangan dari trakeaproses mengeluarkan udarakatup pangkal tenggorokanselaput pembungkus paru parupenyempitan saluran pernapasanpenyakit yang menyerang bronkusjumlah labus pada paru paru kananpenyebab penyumbatan pembuluh darah...

Medical discoveries 2024-06-19

Medical discoveries crossword puzzle
  1. Advanced imaging technology
  2. Magnetic imaging technique
  3. Birth control method. ___ Pill
  4. Heart rhythm device
  5. Kidney treatment machine
  6. Allergy medication
  7. Salk's disease prevention. ___ Vaccine
  8. Vaccine for German measles
  1. Vaccine introduced in the 60s
  2. Cancer treatment method
  3. First performed by Dr. Barnard. ___ Transplant
  4. Antibiotic discovered earlier but widely used in the 60s
  5. Heart medication
  6. Diabetes treatment
  7. Bipolar disorder treatment

15 Clues: Heart medicationDiabetes treatmentAllergy medicationHeart rhythm deviceCancer treatment methodKidney treatment machineMagnetic imaging techniqueBipolar disorder treatmentVaccine for German measlesAdvanced imaging technologyVaccine introduced in the 60sBirth control method. ___ PillSalk's disease prevention. ___ Vaccine...

Topic : 6 2022-03-06

Topic : 6 crossword puzzle
  1. Fluids for shock
  2. Reduces CHD
  3. Restore blood flow
  4. Intubation done for
  5. Artery-fatty buildup
  1. Implantable device
  2. Drug for CPR
  3. Positioning for CPR
  4. Habit worsen CHD
  5. Increases CHD risk

10 Clues: Reduces CHDDrug for CPRFluids for shockHabit worsen CHDImplantable deviceRestore blood flowIncreases CHD riskPositioning for CPRIntubation done forArtery-fatty buildup

THENSCH'S T-CELLS 2019-02-28

THENSCH'S T-CELLS crossword puzzle
  1. Which side does the US fall into on the Health Continuum?
  2. 2.1 Million teens are_____
  3. The seven warning signs of cancer spell out ______
  4. The 2nd line of defense
  5. Abnormal cell growth
  6. fastest growing teen disease in country
  7. ______ helps your body digest food and eliminate waste
  8. the process in which plagues accumulate on artery walls
  9. Diabetes is a _______ that affects the way body cells convert food into energy
  10. the type of cancer that cannot spread
  11. _______ fats are found in many animal foods such as meat and dairy products
  12. Average Life Span (Number in word form)
  1. 125 Million teens play_____
  2. The body's third line of defense
  3. Health is the combination of Physical, Mental, and ______
  4. can damage heart, blood vessels, and other body organs
  5. The white blood cells that are responsible for eating foreign particles by engulfing them
  6. A bad type of stress and is hard to cope with
  7. The percent of teens that have vaped by the twelfth grade
  8. Number One Communicable disease
  9. 3 months of exercise program improves memory by_______
  10. a soft, waxy, fat-like matter produced by the body
  11. The body's defense against disease
  12. Provide energy and help the body use certain vitamins more effectively

24 Clues: Abnormal cell growthThe 2nd line of defense2.1 Million teens are_____125 Million teens play_____Number One Communicable diseaseThe body's third line of defenseThe body's defense against diseasethe type of cancer that cannot spreadfastest growing teen disease in countryAverage Life Span (Number in word form)...

WMS 26 February 2021 2021-02-26

WMS 26 February 2021 crossword puzzle
  1. Carpal bone
  2. Commonest cause of hearing loss
  3. Paediatric hip condition where blood supply is disrupted
  4. Congenital neck lump
  5. Most common cause of acquired nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
  6. Back muscle
  7. Outer layer of the bone
  8. Neurotransmitter involved in arousal
  9. Artery supplying the internal capsuale
  10. Layer of the skin
  11. cause of the gradual and painless reduction in visual clarity and sharpness
  12. Glucocorticoids
  13. High protein fluid
  14. Syndrome with increased risk of aortic aneurysm
  15. Large apron-like fold of visceral peritoneum (7,7)
  16. Parasitic infection causing watery diarrhoea
  17. Ankle ligament
  1. Common nephrotoxic drug
  2. Incomplete fractue
  3. Vitamin D Medication
  4. Osteoarthritis Xray sign
  5. Pleural abscess
  6. Fluid-filled cyst within the spinal cord
  7. Cardiac muscle cell
  8. Common chronic inflammatory condition affecting the margin of the eyelids
  9. Electrolyte that triggers muscle contraction
  10. Tonsil
  11. Sinus
  12. COPD diagnostic test
  13. Nerve that controls heart rate
  14. Original pioneer in diabetes care
  15. Targets destruction of CD20+ B cells
  16. Alcohol screen tool
  17. Eating disorder screening questionaire
  18. Type of brain aneurysm
  19. Cause of testicular pain
  20. Mini pill
  21. First-line treatment for hypertension in under 55
  22. Benign parotid cystic tumour
  23. Sjorgen's antibodies test (4,2)
  24. Cause of gout

41 Clues: SinusTonsilMini pillCarpal boneBack muscleCause of goutAnkle ligamentPleural abscessGlucocorticoidsLayer of the skinIncomplete fractueHigh protein fluidCardiac muscle cellAlcohol screen toolVitamin D MedicationCongenital neck lumpCOPD diagnostic testType of brain aneurysmCommon nephrotoxic drugOuter layer of the boneOsteoarthritis Xray sign...

Endocrine System Drugs 2022-10-31

Endocrine System Drugs crossword puzzle
  1. name brand of the medication with a black box warning for congestive heart failure
  2. name brand of glipizide
  3. brand name for insulin aspart
  4. what insulin is measured in
  5. progestin used for amennorhea name brand
  6. where insulin is stored before opening
  7. name brand for linagliptin
  8. what schedule is testosterone
  9. this classification of meds should be taken on an empty stomach
  10. name brand for conjugated estrogen
  11. injectable for type 2 diabetes brand name
  12. first line treatment for type 2 diabetes name brand
  13. avoid this while taking liraglutide
  14. indication of use for thyroid medications
  15. action of insulin NPH
  16. name brand for sitagliptin
  1. name brand of insulin glargine
  2. drug classification of glimepiride glipizide and glyburide
  3. name brand of insulin detemir
  4. generic name for glucophage
  5. contraindicated while taking estrogen due to an increase in thromboembolic events
  6. action of insulin regular
  7. combination of metformin and sitagliptin
  8. required to be dispensed with estrogens abbreviation
  9. name brand of glimperide
  10. insulin lispro
  11. name brand of glyburide
  12. generic name for Synthroid, Levoxyl
  13. name brand of gel form of testosterone
  14. what rapid and short acting insulins help
  15. suffix for DDP4 inhibitors
  16. action of insulin aspart insulin glulisine and insulin lispro
  17. insulin glulisine
  18. name brand for estradiol

34 Clues: insulin lisproinsulin glulisineaction of insulin NPHname brand of glipizidename brand of glyburidename brand of glimperidename brand for estradiolaction of insulin regularname brand for linagliptinsuffix for DDP4 inhibitorsname brand for sitagliptingeneric name for glucophagewhat insulin is measured inname brand of insulin detemir...

farmakologija 2020-03-31

farmakologija crossword puzzle
  1. stimuliraju lučenje
  2. najvažniji muški spolni hormon
  3. štitnjača luči _____
  4. upravlja lučenjem hormona štitnjače
  5. jedan od glavnih simptoma dijabetesa
  6. može nastati kao posljedica manjka paratireoidnog hormona
  7. diabetes mellitus tipa ___ prije nazivan juvenilnim
  8. metoda kontracepcije
  1. šećerna bolest
  2. antagonisti hormona
  3. jedan od načina liječenja dijabetesa
  4. ima oblik leptira
  5. manjak hormona štitnjače
  6. znak ___ je zadah po acetonu
  7. najčešća nuspojava inzulinske terapije

15 Clues: šećerna bolestima oblik leptiraantagonisti hormonastimuliraju lučenještitnjača luči _____metoda kontracepcijemanjak hormona štitnjačeznak ___ je zadah po acetonunajvažniji muški spolni hormonupravlja lučenjem hormona štitnjačejedan od načina liječenja dijabetesajedan od glavnih simptoma dijabetesanajčešća nuspojava inzulinske terapije...

6 verzorging 2014-03-23

6 verzorging crossword puzzle
  1. ... bloedvaten: zijn de bloedvaten van het hart
  2. spataders
  3. varices
  4. ontsteking van een ader
  5. kamer (van het hart)
  6. suikerziekte
  1. ademhaling met soms tussenpauzen van ademhalingsstilstand
  2. geen ademhaling
  3. inademen
  4. afsterven van een deel van het hart
  5. te trage hartslag
  6. overgewicht
  7. vlies dat aan de binnenkant van de ribben zit
  8. vlies dat de longen omgeeft
  9. bloedsuikerspiegel

15 Clues: varicesinademenspatadersovergewichtsuikerziektegeen ademhalingte trage hartslagbloedsuikerspiegelkamer (van het hart)ontsteking van een adervlies dat de longen omgeeftafsterven van een deel van het hartvlies dat aan de binnenkant van de ribben zit... bloedvaten: zijn de bloedvaten van het hart...

Bellamy Crossword Puzzle 2022-06-23

Bellamy Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. causes the liver to release large amounts of glucose in minutes
  2. inject glucose into a vein
  3. damaged kidneys
  4. a disorder which blood sugar levels are high because the body does mot produce enough insulin
  5. a hormone released from the pancreas that controls the amount of sugar in the blood
  6. polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, wt. loss
  7. broken down fat cells to produce energy
  8. when blood glucose levels fall below 70mg/dl
  9. is usually between 70 to 110 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl)
  10. is absorbed into the bloodstream and stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin
  11. deep and rapid breathing
  1. of diabetes if the body does not produce enough insulin to move the sugar into the cells
  2. shoes on at all times, inspect feet daily
  3. a back-up mechanism the body use to obtain energy by using fat cells called ketones
  4. of DK is excessive thirst, urination, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, abd. pain in children
  5. food and drink broken into materials, including sugar the body needs to function with
  6. Acknowledge, Introduce, Duration, Explanation, Thank you
  7. converted to energy once inside the cell used immediately or stored until it is needed
  8. Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome, extremely high blood sugar
  9. rises after meal and return to normal within about 2hrs. after eating

20 Clues: damaged kidneysdeep and rapid breathinginject glucose into a veinbroken down fat cells to produce energyshoes on at all times, inspect feet dailypolyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, wt. losswhen blood glucose levels fall below 70mg/dlAcknowledge, Introduce, Duration, Explanation, Thank youis usually between 70 to 110 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl)...

Polly Ester 2013-10-10

Polly Ester crossword puzzle
  1. Groovyman
  2. Nutbush
  3. The Hustle
  4. Polyester
  1. Groovy
  2. A seven letter word for hypoglycemic
  3. Boyfunkster
  4. Bellbottoms

8 Clues: GroovyNutbushGroovymanPolyesterThe HustleBoyfunksterBellbottomsA seven letter word for hypoglycemic

Endocrine part 2 2022-01-13

Endocrine part 2 crossword puzzle
  1. secreted by the posterior pituitary to increase uterine contractions
  2. Increased glucose utilization by tissues causes
  3. treatment of choice for hyperthyroidism used for thyroid tumors, patients are required to stay in the hospital
  4. a disease where the animal will have a normal or ravenous appetite but is losing weight with a thin cachectic appearance
  5. a steroid that increases blood glucose
  6. the reason is unknown for its cause
  7. diabetes that is caused by insulin resistance
  8. the cause is due to medical intervention
  9. destruction of the thyroid gland causes this type of hypothyroidism resulting in a hypometabolic state
  10. this acronym is for the non insulin dependent tissues
  11. a hormone often released during fight or flight that increases glucose levels and promotes lipolysis
  1. formation of glucose from glycogen
  2. is a cholesterol precursor
  3. thyroid tumor
  4. breakdown of glucose into glycogen
  5. growth hormone
  6. diagnostic test that represents glucose levels of the preceding 2-3 weeks
  7. released from the anterior pituitary to stimulate the thyroid gland to secrete T3 and T4
  8. newly or previously diagnosed diabetic where the body metabolizes fats and protein increasing ketones in the body
  9. diabetes where there is beta cell destruction, immune mediated
  10. this type of T4 causes negative feedback inhibition and is unbound

21 Clues: thyroid tumorgrowth hormoneis a cholesterol precursorformation of glucose from glycogenbreakdown of glucose into glycogenthe reason is unknown for its causea steroid that increases blood glucosethe cause is due to medical interventiondiabetes that is caused by insulin resistanceIncreased glucose utilization by tissues causes...

Yusuf Aziz Case 2023-05-13

Yusuf Aziz Case crossword puzzle
  1. oxidation of fatty acids in the in the mitochondria to form acetyl CoA
  2. type of obesity that may be difficult to lose through non surgical methods
  3. major hunger hormone
  4. process of converting non carbohydrate substances to glucose
  5. coupled transport of two substances across a cell membrane
  6. conversion of glucose to glycogen
  7. reduces weight by increasing muscle consumption of glucose in people with type 2 diabetes
  8. surgery where part of the stomach is removed which reduces weight as the smaller stomach cannot hold as much food and there is less ghrelin production lessening the desire to eat
  1. medical term for a combo of diabetes, high BP and obesity
  2. underactive thyroid gland
  3. an anticonvulsant with a side effect of weight gain often used for seizure disorders
  4. combination of knowledge, practices and attitudes that together contribute to motivate the actions taken regarding health
  5. the limitless store of fat in the body
  6. short-term energy source
  7. medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent of having negative effects on health
  8. type of obesity that usually starts during adulthood
  9. provide energy under conditions of prolonged starvation
  10. term for weight loss surgery
  11. term referring to mechanisms that allocate healthcare resources
  12. a lipase inhibitor that reduces intestinal fat absorption by inhibiting pancreatic lipase

20 Clues: major hunger hormoneshort-term energy sourceunderactive thyroid glandterm for weight loss surgeryconversion of glucose to glycogenthe limitless store of fat in the bodytype of obesity that usually starts during adulthoodprovide energy under conditions of prolonged starvationmedical term for a combo of diabetes, high BP and obesity...

Non Communicable Disease Crossword Scavenger Hunt 2021-11-03

Non Communicable Disease Crossword Scavenger Hunt crossword puzzle
  1. air passages become contristricted and clogged with mucus
  2. a trigger that can cause asthma
  3. a joint that replaced with an artificial one
  4. substances that cause allergic responses
  5. which the body does not develop or function normally because of an inherited problem
  6. Type of diabetes in which the immune system attacks insulin
  7. disorder that are present when the baby is born
  1. a chronic disease characterized by pain, inflammation, swelling and stiffness of the joints
  2. a chronic disease that results from a breakdown in cartilage in the joints
  3. chemicals in the body that cause the symptoms of allergic reactions
  4. poor air quality that can cause respiratory diesease
  5. is a condition in which the small airways in the lungs narrow
  6. Extreme sensitivity to a substance
  7. a protein made in the pancreas that regulates the level of glucose in the blood
  8. can help relax joints and increase blood flow to sore areas
  9. Type of diabetes in which the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces
  10. injects medicine into the thigh
  11. refers to various disorders of the developing and newborn baby
  12. disease of the joints marked by painful swelling and stiffness
  13. raised bumps on the skin that are very itchy

20 Clues: a trigger that can cause asthmainjects medicine into the thighExtreme sensitivity to a substancesubstances that cause allergic responsesa joint that replaced with an artificial oneraised bumps on the skin that are very itchydisorder that are present when the baby is bornpoor air quality that can cause respiratory diesease...

Yusuf Aziz Case 2023-05-13

Yusuf Aziz Case crossword puzzle
  1. the limitless store of fat in the body
  2. an anticonvulsant with a side effect of weight gain often used for seizure disorders
  3. medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent of having negative effects on health
  4. oxidation of fatty acids in the in the mitochondria to form acetyl CoA
  5. short-term energy source
  6. underactive thyroid gland
  7. surgery where part of the stomach is removed which reduces weight as the smaller stomach cannot hold as much food and there is less ghrelin production lessening the desire to eat
  8. medical term for a combo of diabetes, high BP and obesity
  9. term referring to mechanisms that allocate healthcare resources
  1. conversion of glucose to glycogen
  2. type of obesity that usually starts during adulthood
  3. a lipase inhibitor that reduces intestinal fat absorption by inhibiting pancreatic lipase
  4. process of converting non carbohydrate substances to glucose
  5. combination of knowledge, practices and attitudes that together contribute to motivate the actions taken regarding health
  6. provide energy under conditions of prolonged starvation
  7. coupled transport of two substances across a cell membrane
  8. term for weight loss surgery
  9. major hunger hormone
  10. type of obesity that may be difficult to lose through non surgical methods
  11. reduces weight by increasing muscle consumption of glucose in people with type 2 diabetes

20 Clues: major hunger hormoneshort-term energy sourceunderactive thyroid glandterm for weight loss surgeryconversion of glucose to glycogenthe limitless store of fat in the bodytype of obesity that usually starts during adulthoodprovide energy under conditions of prolonged starvationmedical term for a combo of diabetes, high BP and obesity...

1920s Review 2012-04-15

1920s Review crossword puzzle
  1. Place to drink illegally
  2. Radio shows and movies brought the influence of ________________ pop culture to Canada
  3. Agnes Macphail was the first women in this part of the Canadian government
  4. EYCI male athletes
  5. Reasons for immigrating to a new county
  6. Prime Minister who wanted greater independence for Canada
  7. The two Canadian doctors who developed a treatment for diabetes (last names)
  8. Reason we can't have food or drinks in class
  9. Group that was virtually banned from immigrating to Canada
  10. Reasons for emigrating from your home country
  11. Event in which Canada refused to support British troops in Turkey
  12. Short haircut that was trendy in the 1920s
  13. Injecting this was the first effective treatment for diabetes
  1. This legal case finally ruled that women had the equal right to participate in politics
  2. EYCI female athletes
  3. Overturned by protesting workers
  4. People who smuggled illegal alcohol
  5. Law banning alcohol
  6. A shift from life in the countryside to life in the cities
  7. City that had a general strike in 1919
  8. One result of banning alcohol
  9. Group that fought for women's equality
  10. Name for movies with sound - something new in 1927!
  11. Another word for car
  12. Fashionable young women who rebelled against traditional gender roles

25 Clues: EYCI male athletesLaw banning alcoholEYCI female athletesAnother word for carPlace to drink illegallyOne result of banning alcoholOverturned by protesting workersPeople who smuggled illegal alcoholCity that had a general strike in 1919Group that fought for women's equalityReasons for immigrating to a new county...

Urinary System Crossword 2021-12-16

Urinary System Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Filter Blood + Create Urine as a waste by-product
  2. triangle shaped organ in the lower abdomen.
  3. the first step of Urine Formation
  4. Treatment for Kidney Failure
  5. the excretion of abnormally large amounts of ketone bodies in the urine, characteristic of diabetes mellitus, starvation, or other medical conditions.
  6. treat bladder problems
  7. Mainly referred to as a Kidney Stone
  8. The tube that transports urine out of the body
  9. 3rd step of Urine Formation
  10. painful or difficult urination.
  11. A tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder.
  1. the presence of albumin in the urine, typically as a symptom of kidney disease.
  2. a condition characterized by an excess of sugar in the urine, typically associated with diabetes or kidney disease.
  3. Occurs when your kidneys become unable to filter waste products from your blood.
  4. infection in any part of your urinary system.
  5. Inflammation of the bladder
  6. specialize in treating diseases of the kidney
  7. the presence of blood in urine.
  8. test of your urine
  9. They remove acid produced by your cells to maintain a healthy balance of water, salts, and minerals.
  10. The 2nd step of Urine Formation
  11. the presence of pus in the urine, typically from bacterial infection.

22 Clues: test of your urinetreat bladder problemsInflammation of the bladder3rd step of Urine FormationTreatment for Kidney Failurethe presence of blood in urine.The 2nd step of Urine Formationpainful or difficult urination.the first step of Urine FormationMainly referred to as a Kidney Stonetriangle shaped organ in the lower abdomen....

Pump Basics 2020-07-18

Pump Basics crossword puzzle
  1. Rapid acting injectable lispro insulin
  2. Condition which causes the body to decrease production or use of insulin in the body, causing high blood glucose levels.
  3. Hormone produced by the pancreas which regulates glucose levels in the blood.
  4. Insulin dosage meant to correct a high BG or provide enough insulin to process carbohydrates in a meal.
  5. Small plastic tube inserted into the skin to deliver fluids.
  6. Holds insulin for the pump to use.
  1. Condition which causes blood glucose to drop below normal levels
  2. Condition which causes blood glucose to rise higher than normal levels.
  3. Sugars, fibers and starches found in various foods, which are the body's main source of energy.
  4. Doctor who specializes in glands and hormones in the body, helps patients manage conditions such as diabetes.
  5. Rapid acting injectable aspart insulin.
  6. Insulin delivered slowly throughout the day to maintain stable BG numbers outside of meals.
  7. Insulin travels from reservoir to cannula via this piece.

13 Clues: Holds insulin for the pump to use.Rapid acting injectable lispro insulinRapid acting injectable aspart insulin.Insulin travels from reservoir to cannula via this piece.Small plastic tube inserted into the skin to deliver fluids.Condition which causes blood glucose to drop below normal levels...

Chapter 12: Planning Nutrition Meals and Snacks 2023-08-22

Chapter 12: Planning Nutrition Meals and Snacks crossword puzzle
  1. The offending substance
  2. severe allergic reaction
  3. Foods from fruits, grains, vegetables, protein foods, and dairy groups are essential for a healthful diet
  4. is the body's negative reaction to a particular substance
  5. is condition in which the body cannot properly control the level of sugar in the blood
  6. the chemical substances in food that help build and maintain the body
  1. Is the intake of more food than needed by the body to function properly
  2. the fear of something new
  3. developed this food guidance system with a set of online tools to help people plan nutritious diets to fit their individual needs
  4. The science of food and how the body uses the food taken in
  5. means not eating enough food to keep a healthy body weight and activity level
  6. people with diabetes do not produce this, the hormone that regulates blood sugar level
  7. is the lack of proper nutrients in the diet

13 Clues: The offending substancesevere allergic reactionthe fear of something newis the lack of proper nutrients in the dietis the body's negative reaction to a particular substanceThe science of food and how the body uses the food taken inthe chemical substances in food that help build and maintain the body...

Pump Basics 2020-07-18

Pump Basics crossword puzzle
  1. Insulin dosage meant to correct a high BG or provide enough insulin to process carbohydrates in a meal.
  2. Condition which causes blood glucose to rise higher than normal levels.
  3. Rapid acting injectable aspart insulin.
  4. Doctor who specializes in glands and hormones in the body, helps patients manage conditions such as diabetes.
  5. Small plastic tube inserted into the skin to deliver fluids.
  6. Sugars, fibers and starches found in various foods, which are the body's main source of energy.
  1. Insulin delivered slowly throughout the day to maintain stable BG numbers outside of meals.
  2. Insulin travels from reservoir to cannula via this piece.
  3. Condition which causes the body to decrease production or use of insulin in the body, causing high blood glucose levels.
  4. Rapid acting injectable lispro insulin
  5. Hormone produced by the pancreas which regulates glucose levels in the blood.
  6. Condition which causes blood glucose to drop below normal levels
  7. Holds insulin for the pump to use.

13 Clues: Holds insulin for the pump to use.Rapid acting injectable lispro insulinRapid acting injectable aspart insulin.Insulin travels from reservoir to cannula via this piece.Small plastic tube inserted into the skin to deliver fluids.Condition which causes blood glucose to drop below normal levels...

Meaga neer noi 2023-09-23

Meaga neer noi crossword puzzle
  1. how many types in valikuttram?
  2. maega neer noi is known as? (In modern)
  3. maegam other name of pasu mana neer
  4. food riched in _______ taste cause diabetes?
  1. other name of maega neer
  2. how many types?

6 Clues: how many types?other name of maega neerhow many types in valikuttram?maegam other name of pasu mana neermaega neer noi is known as? (In modern)food riched in _______ taste cause diabetes?

Crucigrama integrador de conceptos de patología ambiental 2021-10-31

Crucigrama integrador de conceptos de patología ambiental crossword puzzle
  1. Hormonas que estimulan la secreción de insulina, retardan el vaciamiento gástrico, generan sensación de saciedad y reducen la secreción de glucagón
  2. Tipo de angina que provoca dolor precordial ante una situación de estrés, pero que cede al reposo
  3. Moderar su consumo previene del desarrollo principalmente de diabetes y obesidad.
  4. Complicación de la DM II que provoca la acumulación de material hialino en los glomérulos, provocando su disfunción, así como el daño a los túbulos.
  5. Droga opiácea derivada de la morfina, que como efectos puede provocar euforia.
  6. grasa Fase dos de la formación de la placa ateromatosa
  7. Hábito que consiste en tener un buen balance sobre lo que se come
  8. Principal causa de enfermedad de Buerger
  9. Complicación de la aterosclerosis que provoca un abombamiento de una arteria
  10. El tejido que reemplaza al miocardio necrótico después de un IAM es abundante en:
  11. Tipo de infarto que afecta a todo el espesor del miocardio.
  12. Complicación del IAM donde se altera las propiedades de ritmo, conducción y excitación cardíacas.
  13. Droga principalmente asociada a muerte súbita cardíaca en jóvenes.
  1. Células del islote de Langerhans del páncreas dañadas en la diabetes mellitus
  2. Estilo de vida que se revierte haciendo actividad física.
  3. Alteración grave provocada por el consumo de alcohol que comienza con un deterioro cognitivo progresivo.
  4. Acción que nos permite reducir el peso, previniendo así múltiples enfermedades metabólicas.
  5. Complicación de la DM II en la que existe un daño microvascular a nivel de retina, dejando al paciente con ceguera.
  6. Recibe este nombre la lesión que se compone por la placa ateromatosa recubierta de un casco de tejido conjuntivo.
  7. Origen de la diabetes mellitus tipo I
  8. Principal marcador sérico que indica daño miocárdico por isquemia prolongada
  9. Nombre que reciben los macrófagos presentes en las placas ateromatosas que fagocitan los depósitos de lípidos en estas
  10. Medida preventiva que consiste en movimientos físicos que requieren mayor esfuerzo.
  11. Tipo de arterioloesclerosis que afecta a pequeños vasos y aparece comúnmente en diabéticos.
  12. Es uno de los principales órganos donde se concentra el alcohol.

25 Clues: Origen de la diabetes mellitus tipo IPrincipal causa de enfermedad de Buergergrasa Fase dos de la formación de la placa ateromatosaEstilo de vida que se revierte haciendo actividad física.Tipo de infarto que afecta a todo el espesor del miocardio.Es uno de los principales órganos donde se concentra el alcohol....

Crucigrama integrador de conceptos de patología ambiental 2021-10-31

Crucigrama integrador de conceptos de patología ambiental crossword puzzle
  1. Complicación de la DM II que provoca la acumulación de material hialino en los glomérulos, provocando su disfunción, así como el daño a los túbulos.
  2. Complicación de la DM II en la que existe un daño microvascular a nivel de retina, dejando al paciente con ceguera.
  3. Hábito que consiste en tener un buen balance sobre lo que se come
  4. Droga opiácea derivada de la morfina, que como efectos puede provocar euforia.
  5. Hormonas que estimulan la secreción de insulina, retardan el vaciamiento gástrico, generan sensación de saciedad y reducen la secreción de glucagón
  6. El tejido que reemplaza al miocardio necrótico después de un IAM es abundante en:
  7. Moderar su consumo previene del desarrollo principalmente de diabetes y obesidad.
  8. Tipo de arterioloesclerosis que afecta a pequeños vasos y aparece comúnmente en diabéticos.
  9. Tipo de infarto que afecta a todo el espesor del miocardio.
  10. Principal causa de enfermedad de Buerger
  11. Estilo de vida que se revierte haciendo actividad física.
  12. Principal marcador sérico que indica daño miocárdico por isquemia prolongada
  13. Recibe este nombre la lesión que se compone por la placa ateromatosa recubierta de un casco de tejido conjuntivo.
  1. Acción que nos permite reducir el peso, previniendo así múltiples enfermedades metabólicas.
  2. Origen de la diabetes mellitus tipo I
  3. Droga principalmente asociada a muerte súbita cardíaca en jóvenes.
  4. Alteración grave provocada por el consumo de alcohol que comienza con un deterioro cognitivo progresivo.
  5. Células del islote de Langerhans del páncreas dañadas en la diabetes mellitus
  6. Complicación del IAM donde se altera las propiedades de ritmo, conducción y excitación cardíacas.
  7. Es uno de los principales órganos donde se concentra el alcohol.
  8. Medida preventiva que consiste en movimientos físicos que requieren mayor esfuerzo.
  9. Tipo de angina que provoca dolor precordial ante una situación de estrés, pero que cede al reposo
  10. Nombre que reciben los macrófagos presentes en las placas ateromatosas que fagocitan los depósitos de lípidos en estas
  11. Complicación de la aterosclerosis que provoca un abombamiento de una arteria
  12. grasa Fase dos de la formación de la placa ateromatosa

25 Clues: Origen de la diabetes mellitus tipo IPrincipal causa de enfermedad de Buergergrasa Fase dos de la formación de la placa ateromatosaEstilo de vida que se revierte haciendo actividad física.Tipo de infarto que afecta a todo el espesor del miocardio.Es uno de los principales órganos donde se concentra el alcohol....

#bobshillbillyshack 2017-03-16

#bobshillbillyshack crossword puzzle
  1. control center
  2. love
  3. what a skeleton is made of
  4. bicep tricep etc
  5. breaks food down
  6. creates bile
  1. are you nervous its a system
  2. liver makes it
  3. when this fails diabetes happens
  4. bones make it
  5. travels around the body
  6. hold oxygen

12 Clues: lovehold oxygencreates bilebones make itcontrol centerliver makes itbicep tricep etcbreaks food downtravels around the bodywhat a skeleton is made ofare you nervous its a systemwhen this fails diabetes happens

Nutrition 2018-05-24

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Emulsify fat
  2. Part after the stomach
  3. Lacking in protein
  4. We chew our food with this
  5. Not a balanced diet
  6. Gullet
  7. Fingerlike projections
  1. Source of energy
  2. Secretions of the stomach
  3. Too much sugar
  4. Energy storage
  5. Pushing of food through the alimentary canal

12 Clues: GulletEmulsify fatToo much sugarEnergy storageSource of energyLacking in proteinNot a balanced dietPart after the stomachFingerlike projectionsSecretions of the stomachWe chew our food with thisPushing of food through the alimentary canal

Funny Family Word Find! 2020-10-14

Funny Family Word Find! crossword puzzle
  1. Unsharable yard tool
  2. Norms favorite
  3. “Colored lives matter”
  4. A wise woman ALWAYS said
  5. Middle name isn’t normal
  6. Dad stabbed mumu with
  1. Hit in the head by 2x4
  2. Pretty, smart, funny
  3. Loves onions
  4. Best friend of Jills
  5. Diabetes
  6. Cries for no reason

12 Clues: DiabetesLoves onionsNorms favoriteCries for no reasonPretty, smart, funnyBest friend of JillsUnsharable yard toolDad stabbed mumu withHit in the head by 2x4“Colored lives matter”A wise woman ALWAYS saidMiddle name isn’t normal

Biology - Hormones Topic 2022-10-04

Biology - Hormones Topic crossword puzzle
  1. A type of diabetes in which the pancreas does not produce insulin.
  2. Chemical messenger that is released into the blood from an endocrine gland and causes target cells to change how they work.
  3. A monthly cycle involving the reproductive organs in women.
  4. A gland located on top of a kidney that produces the hormone adrenalin.
  5. A disease in which the body cannot control blood glucose concentration at the correct level.
  6. The prevention of pregnancy.
  7. The ‘bleed’ that occurs during menstruation.
  8. Fusing of a male gamete with a female gamete.
  9. A type of diabetes in which cells do not respond to insulin, or too little insulin is produced.
  10. Controlling the internal environment of the body at stable levels.
  1. One of the hormones released by the ovaries.
  2. The release of an egg from an ovary.
  3. A control mechanism in which a change in a condition, such as temperature, causes the opposite change to happen and so brings the condition back to a normal level.
  4. An estimate of the amount of fat in a person’s body, using their mass and height
  5. A hormone produced by the ovaries which is important in the menstrual cycle.
  6. When the menstrual cycle stops completely
  7. A hormone that increases blood glucose concentration.
  8. The stage of life when the body develops in ways that make it able to reproduce
  9. An organ that makes and releases hormones into the blood.
  10. The breakdown and loss of the thickened part of the uterus lining at the start of a woman’s menstrual cycle.
  11. An organ in the male reproductive system that produces sperm cells and the hormone testosterone. Plural is testes.
  12. An organ just below the brain that controls many activities of the body (e.g. metabolic rate and the menstrual cycle) by the release of hormones into the blood.
  13. A hormone that is released from the adrenal glands when you are nervous or excited.
  14. Organ in the body that produces some digestive enzymes, as well as the hormones insulin and glucagon.
  15. Organ in the female reproductive system that releases egg cells and the hormones oestrogen and progesterone.

25 Clues: The prevention of pregnancy.The release of an egg from an ovary.When the menstrual cycle stops completelyOne of the hormones released by the ovaries.The ‘bleed’ that occurs during menstruation.Fusing of a male gamete with a female gamete.A hormone that increases blood glucose concentration.An organ that makes and releases hormones into the blood....


SIGNOS CLINICOS crossword puzzle
  1. Aumento anormal en la producción y excreción de orina. Puede ser asociado con diabetes mellitus o problemas renales.
  2. Disminución anormal de la temperatura corporal. Puede ocurrir por exposición a temperaturas extremadamente frías o ciertos trastornos metabólicos.
  3. Disminución anormal de la frecuencia respiratoria. Puede ser un signo de problemas neurológicos o respiratorios.
  4. Expulsión forzada del contenido del estómago a través de la boca. Puede ser un signo de problemas gastrointestinales o toxinas.
  5. Estado de cansancio extremo o debilidad generalizada, a menudo asociado con enfermedades graves o infecciones.
  6. Acumulación anormal de líquido en los tejidos del cuerpo, que causa hinchazón. Puede ser causada por problemas cardíacos, renales o de circulación.
  7. Dificultad para respirar o respiración anormalmente difícil. Puede ser causada por problemas pulmonares o cardiacos.
  8. Niveles bajos de albúmina en la sangre. Puede ser causado por enfermedades hepáticas, problemas renales o pérdida de proteínas.
  9. Aumento anormal de la ingesta de agua. Puede ser un signo de diabetes mellitus, enfermedades renales o problemas endocrinos.
  10. Heces líquidas y frecuentes, que pueden ser causadas por infecciones, parásitos, o cambios en la dieta.
  11. Falta de apetito o pérdida de interés en la comida. Puede ser un signo de enfermedad en los animales.
  12. Aumento anormal de la frecuencia cardíaca. Puede ser un signo de estrés, fiebre, o problemas cardíacos.
  1. la mas baja codicion corporal
  2. Niveles elevados de bilirrubina en la sangre, lo que puede causar ictericia. Generalmente indica problemas hepáticos o biliares.
  3. Coloración amarillenta de la piel y las mucosas, causada por un exceso de bilirrubina en la sangre. Es un signo de problemas hepáticos o biliares.
  4. Aumento anormal de la temperatura corporal. Puede ser causado por fiebre, infecciones o golpes de calor.
  5. Movimientos involuntarios y temblorosos del cuerpo o de las extremidades. Pueden ser un signo de fiebre, intoxicación, o problemas neurológicos.
  6. Niveles elevados de glucosa en la sangre. Puede ser indicativo de diabetes mellitus o problemas pancreáticos.
  7. Coloración azulada de la piel y las mucosas debido a una falta de oxígeno en la sangre.
  8. Picazón o malestar en la piel que lleva al animal a rascarse o morderse. Puede ser causado por alergias, parásitos, o infecciones.

20 Clues: la mas baja codicion corporalColoración azulada de la piel y las mucosas debido a una falta de oxígeno en la sangre.Falta de apetito o pérdida de interés en la comida. Puede ser un signo de enfermedad en los animales.Heces líquidas y frecuentes, que pueden ser causadas por infecciones, parásitos, o cambios en la dieta....


DOLOR NEUROPÁTICO crossword puzzle
  1. Diabetes mellitus
  2. Complete: Para el diagnóstico del dolor neuropático,
  3. calisificacion
  4. mas de 3 meses
  5. Complete: El dolor Neuropático
  1. Clasificación
  2. causa del dolor neuropático
  3. fármaco
  4. En el dolor neuropático
  5. cuestionario

10 Clues: fármacocuestionarioClasificacióncalisificacionmas de 3 mesesDiabetes mellitusEn el dolor neuropáticocausa del dolor neuropáticoComplete: El dolor NeuropáticoComplete: Para el diagnóstico del dolor neuropático,

Health 2022-05-18

Health crossword puzzle
  1. anemia, erythropenia, sepsis
  2. meningitis, multiple sclerosis
  3. diabetes, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism
  4. endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease
  1. asthma, emphysema, pneumonia
  2. cirrhosis, colitis, diverticulitis
  3. acne, cellulitis, dermatitis
  4. chlamydia, candidiasis
  5. aids, mononucleosis, hay fever
  6. arteriosclerosis, stroke, heart attack
  7. arthritis, gout, fibromyalgia

11 Clues: chlamydia, candidiasisasthma, emphysema, pneumoniaanemia, erythropenia, sepsisacne, cellulitis, dermatitisarthritis, gout, fibromyalgiameningitis, multiple sclerosisaids, mononucleosis, hay fevercirrhosis, colitis, diverticulitisarteriosclerosis, stroke, heart attackdiabetes, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidismendometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease

Healthy Eating Crossward TM 2016-11-03

Healthy Eating Crossward TM crossword puzzle
  1. what people use to be fit
  2. healthy for you
  3. comes from cows
  4. peel first
  5. good to drink
  1. good for you
  2. when you have high blood suugar
  3. have with milk
  4. bread is one
  5. sweet
  6. peel first

11 Clues: sweetpeel firstpeel firstgood for youbread is onegood to drinkhave with milkhealthy for youcomes from cowswhat people use to be fitwhen you have high blood suugar

Keperawatan 2020-08-11

Keperawatan crossword puzzle
  1. kencing manis
  2. keguguran
  3. rongga perut
  4. penurunan fungsi otak
  1. kumpulan nanah
  2. kurang darah
  3. pemberdayaan masyarakat
  4. kanker sel darah putih
  5. irama jantung tidak teratur

9 Clues: kegugurankurang darahrongga perutkencing maniskumpulan nanahpenurunan fungsi otakkanker sel darah putihpemberdayaan masyarakatirama jantung tidak teratur

Halloween crossword 2023-10-12

Halloween crossword crossword puzzle
  1. dead guy place
  2. glowing pumpkin
  3. house. Scary home
  1. Blood
  2. or treat. Beg for candy is costumes
  3. Potions eeheeeheehhee
  4. Ahhhhh its scarring me
  5. brainzzzzz
  6. Diabetes
  7. Dead guy soul

10 Clues: BloodDiabetesbrainzzzzzDead guy souldead guy placeglowing pumpkinhouse. Scary homePotions eeheeeheehheeAhhhhh its scarring meor treat. Beg for candy is costumes

First Aid Questionnaire 2020-11-14

First Aid Questionnaire crossword puzzle
  1. Breathless/wheezing
  2. What is a contusion
  3. Treatment for angina
  4. A type of bleed
  5. Type of burn
  6. The human skeleton
  7. What is a laceration
  1. Acronym for stroke
  2. low blood sugar (Diabetes)
  3. What is Pulmonary
  4. Barrier devices worn
  5. One of the pulse points
  6. word for a Stretched ligament
  7. A type of allergen

14 Clues: Type of burnA type of bleedWhat is PulmonaryAcronym for strokeA type of allergenThe human skeletonBreathless/wheezingWhat is a contusionBarrier devices wornTreatment for anginaWhat is a lacerationOne of the pulse pointslow blood sugar (Diabetes)word for a Stretched ligament

Type 2 diebeties 2023-01-05

Type 2 diebeties crossword puzzle
  1. 100-mg
  2. Greens
  3. 150 min a day
  4. most common
  1. 18-24
  2. 79,535
  3. Metformin
  4. increased thirst

8 Clues: 18-24100-mg79,535GreensMetforminmost common150 min a dayincreased thirst

Type 2 diebeties 2023-01-05

Type 2 diebeties crossword puzzle
  1. increased thirst
  2. Greens
  3. most common
  1. 18-24
  2. Metformin
  3. 79,535
  4. 100-mg
  5. 150 min a day

8 Clues: 18-2479,535100-mgGreensMetforminmost common150 min a dayincreased thirst

Type 2 diebeties 2023-01-05

Type 2 diebeties crossword puzzle
  1. increased thirst
  2. Greens
  3. most common
  1. 18-24
  2. Metformin
  3. 79,535
  4. 100-mg
  5. 150 min a day

8 Clues: 18-2479,535100-mgGreensMetforminmost common150 min a dayincreased thirst

Frazier Family Coalition for Stroke Education & Orevention 2023-09-29

Frazier Family Coalition for Stroke Education & Orevention crossword puzzle
  1. Mr. Frazier's 1st name
  2. Reason to connect with Hector Rivera
  3. Counseling, 2 words. Meet with RD Sophia for?
  4. A disease in which the body's ability to produce to the hormone insulin resulting in high levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood
  5. Simple test that compares the blood pressure in the upper and lower limbs
  6. Activity, a lifestyle modification that gets you up and moving
  7. 4 Letters. Anther name for the Mastering Diabetes Series
  8. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
  1. Free health screening FFC and SKCC are providing on Breast Caber Awareness Day
  2. Day, A day at Frazier to raise awareness for stroke education and prevention
  3. Very high blood pressure (usually 180/120)
  4. Philadelphia, 2 words. The Frazier Family Coalitions neighborhood
  5. When blood flow to the brain is blocked or there is sudden bleeding in the brain
  6. and Learn, Hosted by Chef Frazier and RD Sophia. Fun, delicious, educatinal
  7. A Healthier You, Name of Dr. Witt's health education class
  8. and Jefferson, 3 words. Two major health systems The Frazier Family brought together
  9. Prevention Program, 3 words. The CDC- recognized lifestyle change program focused on preventing T2 diabetes

17 Clues: Mr. Frazier's 1st nameReason to connect with Hector RiveraCenters for Disease Control & PreventionVery high blood pressure (usually 180/120)Counseling, 2 words. Meet with RD Sophia for?4 Letters. Anther name for the Mastering Diabetes SeriesA Healthier You, Name of Dr. Witt's health education class...


  1. Berapa kali penggunaan jarum insulin yang betul?
  2. Ubat diabetes yang perlu diambil sebelum makan?
  1. Ubat diabetes yang perlu diambil selepas makan?
  2. Selain ubat tablet, diabetes juga boleh dikawal menggunakan?
  3. Insulin yang belum digunakan perlu disimpan di dalam?

5 Clues: Ubat diabetes yang perlu diambil selepas makan?Ubat diabetes yang perlu diambil sebelum makan?Berapa kali penggunaan jarum insulin yang betul?Insulin yang belum digunakan perlu disimpan di dalam?Selain ubat tablet, diabetes juga boleh dikawal menggunakan?