diabetes Crossword Puzzles

Diabetes 2024-01-20

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. BMI
  2. Haiman erittämä hormoni, jonka yhtenä tehtävänä on avata sokerille reitti verenkierrosta soluihin ja näin vähentää veren sokeripitousuutta.
  3. Liian alhainen veren sokeripitoisuus.
  4. Hypoglykemiasokki
  5. Ruoansulatuselin ja sisäeritysrauhanen. Siinä syntyy ruoansulatusnesteitä ja sen saarakesoluissa insuliinia sekä glukagonia.
  1. Haiman hormoni, joka lisää veren sokeripitoisuutta vapauttamalla maksan varastosokeria verenkiertoon. Lääkkeenä sitä käytetään insuliinisokin hoidossa.
  2. Hedelmäsokeri
  3. Veren tavallista suurempi sokeripitoisuus.
  4. Happomyrkytys
  5. Ihon alle, lihakseen tai verisuoneen annettava ruiske.

10 Clues: BMIHedelmäsokeriHappomyrkytysHypoglykemiasokkiLiian alhainen veren sokeripitoisuus.Veren tavallista suurempi sokeripitoisuus.Ihon alle, lihakseen tai verisuoneen annettava ruiske.Ruoansulatuselin ja sisäeritysrauhanen. Siinä syntyy ruoansulatusnesteitä ja sen saarakesoluissa insuliinia sekä glukagonia....

DIABETES 2024-03-31

DIABETES crossword puzzle
  1. Hormone needed to regulate blood sugar levels.
  2. Nutrients that affect blood sugar levels.
  3. Condition where cells don't respond properly to insulin.
  4. Important factor in managing diabetes.
  5. Another important factor in managing diabetes.
  1. Another term for glucose levels in the blood.
  2. Organ responsible for insulin production.
  3. Process involving the conversion of food into energy.
  4. 2 Common form of diabetes related to insulin resistance.
  5. Sugar found in the blood.

10 Clues: Sugar found in the blood.Important factor in managing diabetes.Organ responsible for insulin production.Nutrients that affect blood sugar levels.Another term for glucose levels in the blood.Hormone needed to regulate blood sugar levels.Another important factor in managing diabetes.Process involving the conversion of food into energy....

OBESIDAD 2023-04-21

OBESIDAD crossword puzzle
  1. Anemia
  2. Calorias
  3. Bienestar
  4. Adultos
  5. Ejercicio
  6. Diabetes
  7. Enfermedades
  8. Azucares
  9. Hipertencion
  10. Desnutricion
  11. Nutricion
  12. Publicidad
  13. Obesidad
  14. Sociocultural
  15. Consumidores
  16. Salud
  17. Cardiovascular
  18. Alimentacion
  19. Procedimiento
  1. gastrointestinales
  2. Transtorno
  3. Esteriotipos
  4. Ejercicio
  5. Sedentarismo
  6. Estetica
  7. Carbohidratos
  8. Exclusion
  9. Institucion
  10. Discapacidad
  11. Organicos
  12. Grasas
  13. Cardiacos
  14. Bullying
  15. Proposito
  16. Dieta
  17. Cronica
  18. Educacion
  19. Sobrepeso
  20. Infantil
  21. Habitos
  22. Epidemiologico

41 Clues: DietaSaludAnemiaGrasasAdultosCronicaHabitosCaloriasDiabetesEsteticaAzucaresBullyingObesidadInfantilBienestarEjercicioEjercicioExclusionOrganicosNutricionCardiacosPropositoEducacionSobrepesoTranstornoPublicidadInstitucionEsteriotiposSedentarismoEnfermedadesHipertencionDesnutricionDiscapacidadConsumidoresAlimentacionCarbohidratosSociocultural...

Diabetes 2015-12-06

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Wanneer de schouders van het kind te groot zijn en vast komen te zitten in het vaginale kanaal.
  2. Dit betekent dat men een te hoge bloedsuikerspiegel heeft. Het heeft specifieke symptomen.
  3. Wanneer de nieren niet goed meer functioneren, 10 tot 20 % van de diabetespatiënten krijgt dit.
  4. Dit is het geld dat normaal niet wordt terugbetaald door de mutualiteit.
  1. Een polysacharide dat bestaat uit glucose. Het wordt opgeslagen in de spieren en de lever.
  2. Deze test duurt drie uur. De moeder moet nuchter zijn maar mag tijdens de test water drinken. Eerst wordt een nuchtere bloedafname gedaan. Dan moet je 100ml glucose drinken in 5 minuten tijd (daarna een beker koud water). Na 60, 120 en 180 minuten wordt er bloed afgenomen.
  3. Ze zijn een belangrijke factor als energiebron en helpen mee om onze bloedsuikerspiegel te regelen. Vaak duidt men ze aan met de term suikers.
  4. Dit werd gecreëerd door een firma en werd getest op NOD muisjes die pas diabetes type 1 gekregen hebben. Het is een eiwit samen met antistoffen tegen bepaalde immuun cellen, dit specifieke eiwit had de beste resultaten.
  5. Deze cellen maken insuline aan en de cellen zijn aanwezig in de alvleesklier.
  6. Wanneer de verhoogde insulinespiegels een te sterke groei veroorzaken van de vrucht met een grotere vetopstapeling door het te veel aan glucose, een veel grotere moederkoek en meer vruchtwater.

10 Clues: Dit is het geld dat normaal niet wordt terugbetaald door de mutualiteit.Deze cellen maken insuline aan en de cellen zijn aanwezig in de alvleesklier.Een polysacharide dat bestaat uit glucose. Het wordt opgeslagen in de spieren en de lever.Dit betekent dat men een te hoge bloedsuikerspiegel heeft. Het heeft specifieke symptomen....

Diabetes 2016-02-01

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. hoeveel keer moeten ze prikken per dag
  2. Welk orgaan maakt insuline aan
  3. welke soort ziekte is suikerziekte
  4. een ander woord voor diabetes type2
  5. Geef een andere benaming voor diabetes
  1. Welk type diabetes komt voor bij een zwangerschap
  2. de voor fase van diabetes
  3. hoeveel types diabetes zijn er
  4. hoe noemt men de spuit die diabetespatiënte gebruiken
  5. het vast stellen van iets noemen ze

10 Clues: de voor fase van diabetesWelk orgaan maakt insuline aanhoeveel types diabetes zijn erwelke soort ziekte is suikerziekteeen ander woord voor diabetes type2het vast stellen van iets noemen zehoeveel keer moeten ze prikken per dagGeef een andere benaming voor diabetesWelk type diabetes komt voor bij een zwangerschap...

Diabetes 2013-05-08

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. low blood sugar level
  2. a body disorder of the metabolism caused by the pancreas, causing excessive thirst and the production of large amounts of urine.
  3. an Emergency Kit used when a diabetic has passed out, used to treat a low blood sugar.
  4. a type of sugar that should be counted in diabetics' foods.
  5. a type of Diabetes developed during pregnancy
  6. type of diabetes also known as Adult Onset that occurs when your body produces insulin, but the body resists to the insulin.
  1. high blood sugar level
  2. chemicals that appear in the urine and blood when the body fat is used for energy
  3. a type of diabetes that occurs when your body doesn't produce insulin
  4. a hormone that converts the food one eats into energy.

10 Clues: low blood sugar levelhigh blood sugar levela type of Diabetes developed during pregnancya hormone that converts the food one eats into energy.a type of sugar that should be counted in diabetics' foods.a type of diabetes that occurs when your body doesn't produce insulin...

Diabetes 2014-07-28

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. yorkshire Where is Marrick Priory
  2. What organ in the body makes insulin
  3. What do you call a low blood glucose
  4. rules What rules should you follow if you are unwell
  5. What are you to test for if your blood glucose is above 14
  1. what is the name of the hormone you take to reduce your blood glucose
  2. acting carbohydrate What do you treat a hypo with
  3. Cals What is the name of the book/app used to calculate carbohydrate amount in foods
  4. this can reduce your blood glucose
  5. what is the name given to blood glucose above 14

10 Clues: yorkshire Where is Marrick Priorythis can reduce your blood glucoseWhat organ in the body makes insulinWhat do you call a low blood glucosewhat is the name given to blood glucose above 14acting carbohydrate What do you treat a hypo withrules What rules should you follow if you are unwellWhat are you to test for if your blood glucose is above 14...

Diabetes 2022-01-25

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. When the blood sugar level is below 70mg/dl.
  2. A disease in which the body does not produce or use insulin properly.
  3. When the blood sugar is consistently above 140mg/dl.
  4. This is a very common sign and symptom of Diabetes and hyperglycemia.
  5. What a person with Diabetes can do to maintain blood sugar control and lower hemoglobin A1C.
  6. A sign and symptom hypoglycemia
  1. The goal of this lab value for most patients with Diabetes is less than 7%.
  2. There is no insulin produced because pancreatic cells have been destroyed (autoimmune response)
  3. A target blood sugar of 80-120mg/dl should be resulted.
  4. This hormone helps the body use sugar from food as energy or store it for later use.

10 Clues: A sign and symptom hypoglycemiaWhen the blood sugar level is below 70mg/dl.When the blood sugar is consistently above 140mg/dl.A target blood sugar of 80-120mg/dl should be resulted.A disease in which the body does not produce or use insulin properly.This is a very common sign and symptom of Diabetes and hyperglycemia....

Diabetes 2022-09-27

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. the act of removing a limb
  2. The sugars you get from carbohydrates
  3. The way someone lives
  4. what is glucose?
  1. What is insulin and glucagon?
  2. Potatoes, bread, pasta are high in this
  3. the concentration of glucose in the blood
  4. The organ next to the gallbladder and liver
  5. People with diabetes inject themselves with this when they have low blood-sugar
  6. People with diabetes inject themselves with this when they have high blood-sugar

10 Clues: what is glucose?The way someone livesthe act of removing a limbWhat is insulin and glucagon?The sugars you get from carbohydratesPotatoes, bread, pasta are high in thisthe concentration of glucose in the bloodThe organ next to the gallbladder and liverPeople with diabetes inject themselves with this when they have low blood-sugar...

Diabetes 2021-08-03

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. higher than normal blood glucose level, AIC 5.7-6.4
  2. diabetes diagnoses if blood sugar check is greater than 200
  3. term used for elevated blood sugar
  4. checked using a urine sample yearly
  5. complication of diabetes affecting nerves
  1. diabetes diagnosis if blood sugar check is greater than 126
  2. a way to help manage diabetes without medications
  3. needed for the treatment of type I diabetes
  4. Should be checked every 3-4 months​, Level of 6.5 or higher indicates diabetes
  5. only occurs during pregnancy

10 Clues: only occurs during pregnancyterm used for elevated blood sugarchecked using a urine sample yearlycomplication of diabetes affecting nervesneeded for the treatment of type I diabetesa way to help manage diabetes without medicationshigher than normal blood glucose level, AIC 5.7-6.4diabetes diagnosis if blood sugar check is greater than 126...

Diabetes 2022-10-23

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Diabetes symptom meaning increased thirst
  2. Generic name for Januvia
  3. Generic name of the medication that can cause vitamin B12 deficiency with prolonged use
  4. Generic name for Tresiba
  5. Novolog is what kind of insulin?
  1. Drug class that has a black box warning for congestive heart failure
  2. Drug class for Amaryl
  3. Type ____ diabetes mellitus is caused by insulin resistance due to reduced beta cell insulin secretion
  4. Brand name for empagliflozin
  5. Lantus is what kind of insulin?

10 Clues: Drug class for AmarylGeneric name for JanuviaGeneric name for TresibaBrand name for empagliflozinLantus is what kind of insulin?Novolog is what kind of insulin?Diabetes symptom meaning increased thirstDrug class that has a black box warning for congestive heart failure...

Diabetes 2023-04-21

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Blood sugar less than 70 with sign and symptoms: hunger, headachy, sweaty, confused, shaky, dizzy, and grumpy.
  2. Subcutaneous sensor that takes glucose readings every 5 minutes
  3. s/s may include thirst, frequent urination, abdominal pain, vomiting, lethargy, rapid breathing, fruity scented breath, confusion. May be seen when blood glucose higher than 300 mg/dl.
  4. An injection device with a needle that delivers insulin into the subcutaneous tissue.
  1. Bolus insulin last 3-4 hours, peaking as 60-90 minutes, onset 15-30 minutes.
  2. Document CGM blood glucose under Interactive View/I&O – Capillary Blood Glucose in this system
  3. Early signs and symptoms of Frequent Urination, Increased thirst, blurred vision, Feeling weak or unusually tired indicates that there’s too much sugar in the blood as seen with levels above 180 mg/dl.
  4. Compounds that include sugars, starch, and cellulose used as fuel throughout the day. (Everyone uses this fuel source not just people with diabetes)
  5. Blood test that tells you your average level of blood sugar over the past 2 - 3 month.
  6. Basal Insulin (Lantus, Levemir) lasting up to 24 hours

10 Clues: Basal Insulin (Lantus, Levemir) lasting up to 24 hoursSubcutaneous sensor that takes glucose readings every 5 minutesBolus insulin last 3-4 hours, peaking as 60-90 minutes, onset 15-30 minutes.An injection device with a needle that delivers insulin into the subcutaneous tissue....

Diabetes 2019-03-24

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Welche Fette sind die gefährlichsten Fette?
  2. Welcher Hauptnährstoff lasst den Blutzuckerspiegel steigen?
  3. Wie kann man Diabetes auch nennen?
  4. Auf was muss man bei Diabetes achten?
  1. Um welches Thema handelt es sich im Vortrag?
  2. In welchem Alter tritt Diabetes Typ1 am meisten auf?
  3. Was muss jeder der unter Diabetes leidet machen?
  4. Fette die nur Gesättigte Fettsäuren Enthalten erhören das Risiko für...?
  5. Welchen Diabetes Typ hat Betty Amrhein? (Video)
  6. Welches Öl ist reich an ungesättigten Fettsäuren und wird häufig in der Ernährung genommen?

10 Clues: Wie kann man Diabetes auch nennen?Auf was muss man bei Diabetes achten?Welche Fette sind die gefährlichsten Fette?Um welches Thema handelt es sich im Vortrag?Welchen Diabetes Typ hat Betty Amrhein? (Video)Was muss jeder der unter Diabetes leidet machen?In welchem Alter tritt Diabetes Typ1 am meisten auf?...


SILANGKATA DIABETES crossword puzzle
  1. seimbang dan senaman dapat membantu mengawal paras gula dalam darah.
  2. gula dan penjagaan kaki sangat penting bagi pesakit Diabetes untuk mengelakkan komplikasi seperti________kaki.
  3. fungsi organ__________adalah salah satu punca penyebab penyakit
  4. penyakit Diabetes adalah kerap________.
  5. risiko yang membawa kepada penyakit Diabetes.
  6. kekurangan gula dalam darah (hipoglisemia)
  1. suntikan________dapat menurunkan paras gula dalam darah.
  2. Diabetes bermaksud paras____yang berlebihan di dalam badan seseorang daripada tahap yang normal.
  3. makanan yang tidak terkawal boleh menyebabkan komplikasi Diabetes
  4. mengukur kepekatan gula dalam darah oleh pesakit Diabetes.

10 Clues: penyakit Diabetes adalah kerap________.kekurangan gula dalam darah (hipoglisemia)risiko yang membawa kepada penyakit Diabetes.suntikan________dapat menurunkan paras gula dalam darah.mengukur kepekatan gula dalam darah oleh pesakit Diabetes.fungsi organ__________adalah salah satu punca penyebab penyakit...

DIABETES 2022-11-03

DIABETES crossword puzzle
  1. Diabetes can't be …
  2. If you have type 2 diabetes, your pancreas does not respond correctly to…
  3. Diabetes is a ... disease
  4. Having ... makes you more likely to develop diabetes
  1. Type 1 diabetes is a ... condition
  2. The organ which produces insulin is the …
  3. Diabetes affects the …
  4. Insulin is responsible for helping ... from food get into cells to be used for energy.
  5. There are ... main types of diabetes.

9 Clues: Diabetes can't be …Diabetes affects the …Diabetes is a ... diseaseType 1 diabetes is a ... conditionThere are ... main types of diabetes.The organ which produces insulin is the …Having ... makes you more likely to develop diabetesIf you have type 2 diabetes, your pancreas does not respond correctly to…...

Injury Illness and Treatment 7 2024-02-03

Injury Illness and Treatment 7 crossword puzzle
  1. Medical history [2w]
  2. Patient
  3. Diabetes
  4. Cancer
  5. Arthritis
  6. Resonance
  1. Chemotherapy
  2. Rehabilitation
  3. Hypertension
  4. Anesthesia
  5. Psychotherapy
  6. Scanner

12 Clues: CancerPatientScannerDiabetesArthritisResonanceAnesthesiaChemotherapyHypertensionPsychotherapyRehabilitationMedical history [2w]

Hormonsystemet 2020-11-16

Hormonsystemet crossword puzzle
  1. Hvilket stoff brukes i behandling av diabetes type 1?
  2. Hormonhermere forstyrrer...?
  3. Et alternativ til parabener (norsk skrivemåte).
  4. Kjemiske stoffer som likner hormoner, og som kroppen kroppen oppfatter som normale hormoner.
  5. Hva brukes parabener til?
  6. Gruppe kjemiske stoffer som finnes i kosmetikk, mat og legemidler.
  1. Kjemiske stoffer som er tilsatt i f.eks. plast for å gjøre dem mindre brannfarlig.
  2. Hormondoping er ... innenfor idrett.
  3. Dårlig livsstil kan føre til ... i hormonsystemet.
  4. Fedme og overvekt kan føre til diabetes type ...
  5. Hvilken effekt kan parabener ha i kroppen?
  6. Anabolt steroid som øker enzymnivået slik at proteinproduksjonen øker.
  7. Bruk av anabole steroider, veksthormoner, insuling osv.
  8. Diabetes type ... forekommer oftest hos unge, men kan også forekomme i voksen alder.
  9. Behandling for diabetes type 2 kan være ending i ...

15 Clues: Hva brukes parabener til?Hormonhermere forstyrrer...?Hormondoping er ... innenfor idrett.Hvilken effekt kan parabener ha i kroppen?Et alternativ til parabener (norsk skrivemåte).Fedme og overvekt kan føre til diabetes type ...Dårlig livsstil kan føre til ... i hormonsystemet.Behandling for diabetes type 2 kan være ending i ......

diabetes- Brooke Harmon 2023-05-31

diabetes- Brooke Harmon crossword puzzle
  1. regular activity to develop and maintain physical fitness
  2. A type of juice commonly used to treat blood sugar
  3. A meter is used to test blood sugar
  4. A term for fat in the body
  5. people with diabetes often have to count these
  6. The organ that produces insulin
  7. High Blood Sugar
  1. A type of diabetes that only develops when pregnant.
  2. Low Blood Sugar
  3. Injectable medication used to treat diabetes
  4. One of the simplest forms of sugar
  5. The doctor that specializes in diabetes.

12 Clues: Low Blood SugarHigh Blood SugarA term for fat in the bodyThe organ that produces insulinOne of the simplest forms of sugarA meter is used to test blood sugarThe doctor that specializes in diabetes.Injectable medication used to treat diabetespeople with diabetes often have to count theseA type of juice commonly used to treat blood sugar...

WOMEN IN STEM 2017-10-27

WOMEN IN STEM crossword puzzle
  1. Some people faint in its view
  2. Used for the first "dip-and-read" test
  3. One of Lawrence's three-fold approach
  4. These compounds increase blood glucose levels
  5. Pancreatic cells
  6. Serious condition resulting from consistently high blood glucose levels
  7. Used to determine the insulin structure
  8. Affected by insulin
  9. A type of diabetes
  10. Won the Nobel Prize for the development of RIA technique
  11. This dog survived 70 days without pancreas
  12. He developed the first hospital blood glucose monitoring system
  13. Nominated for the Nobel Prize six times
  1. Its concentration can be measured in urine and blood
  2. Results from low blood glucose levels
  3. Produced for the first time in 1922
  4. Poor control of diabetes may result in this condition
  5. She won a Nobel Prize after the development protein crystallography
  6. Produces Beta cells
  7. Evolution of Navigator
  8. 9% of women work in this STEM discipline
  9. Another type of diabetes
  10. Frederick Allen devised this diet
  11. Word formed from the initials of the researchers
  12. Produced her own glucose during World War II
  13. This group of people is more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes

26 Clues: Pancreatic cellsA type of diabetesProduces Beta cellsAffected by insulinEvolution of NavigatorAnother type of diabetesSome people faint in its viewFrederick Allen devised this dietProduced for the first time in 1922Results from low blood glucose levelsOne of Lawrence's three-fold approachUsed for the first "dip-and-read" test...

#dontsugarcoatit 2022-02-14

#dontsugarcoatit crossword puzzle
  1. monitor What is the equipment to keep track of your blood glucose concentration level?
  2. Risk factors for Type 2 Diabetes
  3. What is the most common way to deal with TypeIIdiabetes
  4. main cause of type 2 diabetes
  1. What is the most common way to deal with Type 1 diabetes
  2. What is our proposed way to manage glucose intake?
  3. 2 most important and effective components of treatment
  4. adult-onset diabetes
  5. Risk factors for Type 2 Diabetes
  6. Most common complication of diabetic mellitus
  7. What is the cost of screening for diabetes in Singapore?
  8. 2 most important and effective components of treatment:

12 Clues: adult-onset diabetesmain cause of type 2 diabetesRisk factors for Type 2 DiabetesRisk factors for Type 2 DiabetesMost common complication of diabetic mellitusWhat is our proposed way to manage glucose intake?2 most important and effective components of treatmentWhat is the most common way to deal with TypeIIdiabetes...

Diabetes 2013-01-30

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Cellen die glucagon produceren
  2. Een kenmerk van een diabeet van type II is vaak ....... .
  3. Een diabeet van type I die produceert ............. .
  4. Hormoonklier of een ..... klier
  5. Cellen die insuline produceren
  1. Bij auto - immuniteit worden er .... tegen je eigen beta cellen geproduceerd
  2. De overgang van de pancreas naar de 12 vingerige darm
  3. Deze stoffen beinvloeden de werking van de cel
  4. Glucose wordt omgezet in .... en opgeslagen in de lever
  5. Cellen die somatostatine produceren

10 Clues: Cellen die glucagon producerenCellen die insuline producerenHormoonklier of een ..... klierCellen die somatostatine producerenDeze stoffen beinvloeden de werking van de celDe overgang van de pancreas naar de 12 vingerige darmEen diabeet van type I die produceert ............. .Glucose wordt omgezet in .... en opgeslagen in de lever...

Diabetes 2013-05-24

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. edema Rapid decrease of serum glucose may lead to (2 words).
  2. A high alert medication.
  3. Characterized by hunger, cold sweats, and altered behanviour.
  4. Medication for Type 2 DM that lowers insulin resistance.
  5. two Most common form of diabetes.
  1. When a person’s blood glucose levels are higher than normal, but not yet high enough to be diagnosed.
  2. Alternative to glucose or sucrose tablets (during a hypoglycemic reaction).
  3. ____ grams of of carbohydrates should be given for mild-moderate hypoglycemia.
  4. Only this type of insulin can be given via IV (short-acting).
  5. The maximum number of glucagon injections per (severe) hypoglycemia episode.

10 Clues: A high alert medication.two Most common form of diabetes.Medication for Type 2 DM that lowers insulin resistance.edema Rapid decrease of serum glucose may lead to (2 words).Characterized by hunger, cold sweats, and altered behanviour.Only this type of insulin can be given via IV (short-acting)....

Diabetes 2013-05-23

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Ontwikkeld zich al van ...... af aan.
  2. Oorzaak type 2, te weinig.....
  3. Diabetespatiënten moeten hun........... tellen
  4. Niet- insuline afhankelijke diabetes wordt ook wel eens .......... genoemd.
  5. Oorzaak van type 1.
  1. Een aandoening waarbij het suikergehalte in het bloed chronisch verhoogd is.
  2. Type 1 of...
  3. Niet- insuline afhankelijk of....
  4. Bevat veel koolhydraten in onze voeding.
  5. 12.5g koolhydraten = 1 ......

10 Clues: Type 1 of...Oorzaak van type 1.12.5g koolhydraten = 1 ......Oorzaak type 2, te weinig.....Niet- insuline afhankelijk of....Ontwikkeld zich al van ...... af aan.Bevat veel koolhydraten in onze voeding.Diabetespatiënten moeten hun........... tellenNiet- insuline afhankelijke diabetes wordt ook wel eens .......... genoemd....

Diabetes 2018-01-09

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Mit was sticht man in den Finger?
  2. Wo wird Insulin hergestellt?
  3. Was schädigt die Zuckerkrankheit?
  4. Blutzuckersenker
  5. Zuckerersatzstoff
  1. Symptome
  2. Erste Hilfe bei Unterzucker
  3. Folgekrankheit
  4. Therapieansatz
  5. Kann man Diabetes heilen?

10 Clues: SymptomeFolgekrankheitTherapieansatzBlutzuckersenkerZuckerersatzstoffKann man Diabetes heilen?Erste Hilfe bei UnterzuckerWo wird Insulin hergestellt?Mit was sticht man in den Finger?Was schädigt die Zuckerkrankheit?

Diabetes 2018-11-20

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Sopii lähes kaikille diabeetikoille
  2. Toimii diabeetikkojen ja heidän perheidensä tukiyhdistyksenä
  3. Käytetään insuliinin annostelemiseen.
  4. Yksi tärkeimmistä hoitokeinoista
  5. Tämä lisää riskiä sairastumiseen.
  1. Veren glukoosipitoisuus.
  2. Mikä elin tuottaa insuliinia?
  3. Yksi yleisimmistä skoereista
  4. Tämä altistaa diabetekselle, mutta silti ei välttämättä sairastu
  5. Säätelee sokeriaineenvaihduntaa elimistössä.

10 Clues: Veren glukoosipitoisuus.Yksi yleisimmistä skoereistaMikä elin tuottaa insuliinia?Yksi tärkeimmistä hoitokeinoistaTämä lisää riskiä sairastumiseen.Sopii lähes kaikille diabeetikoilleKäytetään insuliinin annostelemiseen.Säätelee sokeriaineenvaihduntaa elimistössä.Toimii diabeetikkojen ja heidän perheidensä tukiyhdistyksenä...

Diabetes 2021-08-23

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. A sulphonylurea that has a max dose of 3g/day
  2. A short acting insulin
  3. A drug that commonly causes nausea, bloating and diarrhoea
  4. Medicine that prevent breakdown of complex sugar
  1. Rare but serious side effect from SGLT 2 inhibitor
  2. An Intermediate acting insulin
  3. A long acting insulin that can only be dosed once a day
  4. max dose of glipizide
  5. Brand name of Empaliflozin
  6. A DPP-IV inhibitor that can be used in renal impaired patient

10 Clues: max dose of glipizideA short acting insulinBrand name of EmpaliflozinAn Intermediate acting insulinA sulphonylurea that has a max dose of 3g/dayMedicine that prevent breakdown of complex sugarRare but serious side effect from SGLT 2 inhibitorA long acting insulin that can only be dosed once a day...

Diabetes 2022-01-22

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. This is a very common sign and symptom of Diabetes and hyperglycemia
  2. This term is used to describe Diabetic eye disease as a complication of untreated Diabetes
  3. The goal of this lab value for most patients with Diabetes is less that 7%
  4. There is no insulin produced because pancreatic cells have been destroyed (autoimmune response)
  5. A target blood sugar of 80-120mg/dl should be resulted
  6. This hormone helps the body use sugar from food as energy or store it for later use
  1. When the blood sugar is consistently above 140mg/dl.
  2. Name one task a person with Diabetes can do to maintain blood sugar control and lower hemoglobin A1C.
  3. A disease in which the body does not produce or use insulin properly
  4. When the blood sugar level is below 70mg/dl.

10 Clues: When the blood sugar level is below 70mg/dl.When the blood sugar is consistently above 140mg/dl.A target blood sugar of 80-120mg/dl should be resultedA disease in which the body does not produce or use insulin properlyThis is a very common sign and symptom of Diabetes and hyperglycemia...

DIABETES 2022-09-29

DIABETES crossword puzzle
  1. when you loose a few pounds
  2. constantly going to bathroom
  3. another type of sugar in the body
  4. feeling exhausted
  1. Something that diabetics inject into themselves
  2. a type of hormone that raises blood sugar levels
  3. can affect a certain organ
  4. another word for participating in physical activity
  5. when you feed dehydrated
  6. vision sight soon becomes less clearer

10 Clues: feeling exhaustedwhen you feed dehydratedcan affect a certain organwhen you loose a few poundsconstantly going to bathroomanother type of sugar in the bodyvision sight soon becomes less clearerSomething that diabetics inject into themselvesa type of hormone that raises blood sugar levelsanother word for participating in physical activity

Diabetes 2022-09-06

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. it flows in your ody and it is red
  2. it never stops beating in your body
  3. the doctor does it
  4. the opposite of to fall
  5. it is when you want to drink
  6. it is when you are too heavy
  1. everybody has one
  2. COVID 19 is one
  3. to do something before it happens
  4. You feel this sense with your mouth

10 Clues: COVID 19 is oneeverybody has onethe doctor does itthe opposite of to fallit is when you want to drinkit is when you are too heavyto do something before it happensit flows in your ody and it is redit never stops beating in your bodyYou feel this sense with your mouth

Diabetes 2023-09-12

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Welches Organ geht beim Diabetes mellitus Typ 1 kaputt
  2. Nennen Sie den Fachbegriff für Überzucker
  3. Symptom, wenn der Blutzucker zu niedrig oder zu hoch ist
  4. Nennen Sie den Fachbegriff für vermehrtes Wasserlassen
  5. Ein Langzeitinsulin
  6. Welche Folgen macht der Diabetes mellitus Typ 1 an den kleinen Gefäßen
  7. Ursache für das Kaputtgehen des Pankreas
  1. Nennen Sie den Fachbegriff für vermehrten Durst
  2. Nennen Sie den Fachbegriff für Unterzucker
  3. Welche Folgen macht der Diabetes mellitus Typ 1 an den großen Gefäßen

10 Clues: Ein LangzeitinsulinUrsache für das Kaputtgehen des PankreasNennen Sie den Fachbegriff für ÜberzuckerNennen Sie den Fachbegriff für UnterzuckerNennen Sie den Fachbegriff für vermehrten DurstWelches Organ geht beim Diabetes mellitus Typ 1 kaputtNennen Sie den Fachbegriff für vermehrtes Wasserlassen...

Diabetes 2024-09-05

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Important nutrient to count for managing diabetes
  2. A carbohydrate that raises blood sugar quickly
  3. Medical term for low blood sugar
  4. A life-threatening complication of diabetes
  1. High blood sugar condition
  2. Type of diabetes common in children
  3. Childhood diabetes is often diagnosed after an infection
  4. Device used to monitor blood sugar levels
  5. Long-term complication affecting eyes
  6. Hormone responsible for lowering blood glucose

10 Clues: High blood sugar conditionMedical term for low blood sugarType of diabetes common in childrenLong-term complication affecting eyesDevice used to monitor blood sugar levelsA life-threatening complication of diabetesA carbohydrate that raises blood sugar quicklyHormone responsible for lowering blood glucose...

diabetes 2024-01-29

diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. mikä elin diabeetikoilla ei toimi normaalisti?
  2. kun veren glukoosiarvo on alle 4 mmol/l
  3. tyypin 2 diabeteksen tärkein hoitokeino
  4. mikä syntyy kun veren sokeri pitoisuus laskee paljon
  5. sillä annostellaan insuliinia
  1. kun paastoverensokeriarvo on 7 mmol/l tai suuermpi
  2. mitä diabeetikoiden pitää laskea syömästään ateriasta?
  3. minkä ruumiinosan hoito on tärkeää?
  4. mikä säätelee veren sokeripitoisuutta?
  5. mikä on tärkeää diabeetikoiden omahoidossa?

10 Clues: sillä annostellaan insuliiniaminkä ruumiinosan hoito on tärkeää?mikä säätelee veren sokeripitoisuutta?kun veren glukoosiarvo on alle 4 mmol/ltyypin 2 diabeteksen tärkein hoitokeinomikä on tärkeää diabeetikoiden omahoidossa?mikä elin diabeetikoilla ei toimi normaalisti?kun paastoverensokeriarvo on 7 mmol/l tai suuermpi...

Diabetes 2024-03-07

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. renal disease secondary to microvascular changes in the kidney
  2. Cause by change sin the small blood vessels in the retina
  3. Hormone produced by alpha cells in the islets of Langerhans
  4. Byproducts of fat breakdown that accumulate in the absence of insulin
  5. Hormone produced by beta cells of the pancreas
  6. DM patients should have a source of this available at all times
  1. Exercise, missing meals and change in medications can cause this
  2. risk factor for diabetes mellitus
  3. Type of diabetes affecting up to 10% of pregnant people
  4. This effect causes nocturnal hypoglycemia followed by rebound hyperglycemia

10 Clues: risk factor for diabetes mellitusHormone produced by beta cells of the pancreasType of diabetes affecting up to 10% of pregnant peopleCause by change sin the small blood vessels in the retinaHormone produced by alpha cells in the islets of Langerhansrenal disease secondary to microvascular changes in the kidney...

illnesses 2019-09-11

illnesses crossword puzzle
  1. diabetes
  2. angiina
  3. pääkipu
  4. silmätulehdus
  1. astma
  2. mahakipu
  3. ummetus
  4. ripuli
  5. reuma
  6. kuume
  7. syöpä
  8. epilepsia

12 Clues: astmareumakuumesyöpäripuliummetusangiinapääkipudiabetesmahakipuepilepsiasilmätulehdus

Controlling your Carbs 2014-06-27

Controlling your Carbs crossword puzzle
  1. Visiting your doctor often.
  2. A way to help you plan your meals and keep your blood sugar on target.
  3. The greatest risk factor for diabetes.
  4. A metabolic disease characterized by high blood sugar.
  5. A hormone that allows food to turn into energy and enter the cells.
  6. Number of carbs recommended per meal.
  1. Negative things that can occur from diabetes.
  2. Part of the body that doesn't make insulin in a person with type 1 diabetes.
  3. Apples, oranges, and bananas are all examples of.
  4. A good way to keep track of your carbs for the day.
  5. Number of grams in one serving of a carbohydrate.
  6. A common symptom of diabetes.

12 Clues: Visiting your doctor often.A common symptom of diabetes.Number of carbs recommended per meal.The greatest risk factor for diabetes.Negative things that can occur from diabetes.Apples, oranges, and bananas are all examples of.Number of grams in one serving of a carbohydrate.A good way to keep track of your carbs for the day....

Insulin and Glucagon 2017-10-31

Insulin and Glucagon crossword puzzle
  1. people with type... diabetes do not produce insulin.
  2. glucagon is usually secreted by ... cells.
  3. this is when your blood sugar levels are too low.
  4. when blood glucose levels are low... is secreted. Glucagon
  5. what type of a disease is diabetes?
  6. diabetes type one diabetes is also referred to as...
  1. cells what cells are insulin normally secreted by?
  2. what makes glucagon and insulin?
  3. what is insulin?
  4. glucose levels are too high.
  5. functions insulin and glucagon work in...
  6. beta cells are a type of ... cells

12 Clues: what is insulin?glucose levels are too high.what makes glucagon and insulin?beta cells are a type of ... cellswhat type of a disease is diabetes?glucagon is usually secreted by ... cells.functions insulin and glucagon work in...this is when your blood sugar levels are too low.people with type... diabetes do not produce insulin....

Diabetes Lily Chandler 2023-04-26

Diabetes Lily Chandler crossword puzzle
  1. Elevated blood sugars
  2. A condition characterised by slightly elevated blood glucose levels, at risk of Diabetes 2
  3. Used when referring to blood sugar levels
  4. The body can't make enough insulin during pregnancy.
  5. Adult on set diabetes
  1. Decreased blood sugars
  2. An organ that helps regulate blood sugars
  3. For eye care
  4. Type 1 diabetes its what attacks the pancreatic beta cells
  5. Assigned to diabetes patients
  6. A hormone that helps your cells use energy in your blood
  7. Juvenile onset diabete or insulin dependent

12 Clues: For eye careElevated blood sugarsAdult on set diabetesDecreased blood sugarsAssigned to diabetes patientsAn organ that helps regulate blood sugarsUsed when referring to blood sugar levelsJuvenile onset diabete or insulin dependentThe body can't make enough insulin during pregnancy.A hormone that helps your cells use energy in your blood...

WOMEN IN STEM 2017-11-03

WOMEN IN STEM crossword puzzle
  1. Produced her own glucose during World War II
  2. Another type of diabetes
  3. She won a Nobel Prize after the development protein crystallography
  4. Serious condition resulting from consistently high blood glucose levels
  5. Produces Beta cells
  6. These compounds increase blood glucose levels
  7. Used to determine the insulin structure
  8. A type of diabetes
  9. Affected by insulin
  10. Produced for the first time in 1922
  11. 9% of women work in this STEM discipline
  12. He developed the first hospital blood glucose monitoring system
  13. This group of people is more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes
  1. Its concentration can be measured in urine and blood
  2. Used for the first "dip-and-read" test
  3. Evolution of Navigator
  4. This dog survived 70 days without pancreas
  5. Results from low blood glucose levels
  6. One of Lawrence's three-fold approach
  7. Won the Nobel Prize for the development of RIA technique
  8. Frederick Allen devised this diet
  9. Poor control of diabetes may result in this condition
  10. Nominated for the Nobel Prize six times
  11. Pancreatic cells
  12. Word formed from the initials of the researchers
  13. Some people faint in its view

26 Clues: Pancreatic cellsA type of diabetesProduces Beta cellsAffected by insulinEvolution of NavigatorAnother type of diabetesSome people faint in its viewFrederick Allen devised this dietProduced for the first time in 1922Results from low blood glucose levelsOne of Lawrence's three-fold approachUsed for the first "dip-and-read" test...

jacobscardio2023 2023-05-02

jacobscardio2023 crossword puzzle
  1. atherosclerosis is usually caused by too much cholesterol or __ in the blood
  2. when homeostasis is reached, this type of feedback will take place
  3. diabetes that is congenital
  4. used to measure number or % of red blood cells
  5. very invasive heart surgery to repair damaged blood vessel
  6. blood clots in blood vessels in legs
  7. type of feedback that causes more of a hormone to be released
  8. hormone affected by diabetes
  1. transient ischemic attack
  2. organ that produces insulin and glucagon
  3. catheterization procedure that can diagnose blockage near the heart
  4. myocardial infarction usually known as this
  5. uses a balloon to inflate a blocked blood vessel
  6. thyroid condition that leads to bulging eyes
  7. medical term for stroke is ___ accident
  8. hardening of the walls of arteries
  9. type 2 diabetes may be managed with diet and this
  10. an EKG measures ____ activity in the heart
  11. diabetes that can develop over time
  12. when blood glucose is this, more insulin will be released
  13. weakening in blood vessel wall that can burst
  14. this type of heart disease can come from strep throat
  15. caused by lack of iron or hemoglobin in blood

23 Clues: transient ischemic attackdiabetes that is congenitalhormone affected by diabeteshardening of the walls of arteriesdiabetes that can develop over timeblood clots in blood vessels in legsmedical term for stroke is ___ accidentorgan that produces insulin and glucagonan EKG measures ____ activity in the heartmyocardial infarction usually known as this...

Mixed: Intermediate/Advanced 83 2024-02-08

Mixed: Intermediate/Advanced 83 crossword puzzle
  1. Refund
  2. Nation
  3. Bowls [3w]
  4. Fish market
  5. Flu
  1. Sprain
  2. Homeless [2w]
  3. Tombstone
  4. Label
  5. Sacrifice
  6. Brand
  7. Diabetes

12 Clues: FluLabelBrandRefundSprainNationDiabetesTombstoneSacrificeBowls [3w]Fish marketHomeless [2w]

Diabetes mellitus 2014-03-18

Diabetes mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. … steigert den Blutzuckergehalt.
  2. Ein hoher Blutzucker kann die großen bzw. kleinen … verstopfen und schädigen.
  3. Diabetes bedeutet im Altgriechischen ….
  4. Diese Diabetes Erkrankung tritt bei 2- 14 % auf und kann als einzige Form wieder verschwindet.
  5. Ein Hormon, das den Blutzuckergehalt senkt.
  6. Bei den 3 Diabeteserkrankungen ist dies das häufigste Risikomerkmal.
  7. Candy ist ein …- Warnhund mit feinem Näschen.
  8. Bei den Frühwarnsignalen bei Diabetes Typ 2 tritt vermehrt geistige und körperliche … auf.
  1. Diabetes ist eine …, bei der der Blutzuckerspiegel zu hoch ist.
  2. Einen Wert über 120 mg/dl bezeichnet man als ….
  3. Um die Insulinspritze unauffälliger zu benutzen und besser transportieren zu können, ist der Insulin … geeignet.
  4. Durch Rauchen werden die Zellen in der … geschädigt.
  5. Dieses Gerät ermittelt den Blutzuckerwert.
  6. … tritt als Kribbeln in Händen, Fingern, Beinen und Füßen auf.
  7. Zellen, die sich in der Bauchspeicheldrüse befinden und Insulin produzieren.
  8. … essen, denn sie haben einen besonders hohen Vitalstoffgehalt, der für unseren Körper lebensnotwendig ist.

16 Clues: … steigert den Blutzuckergehalt.Diabetes bedeutet im Altgriechischen ….Dieses Gerät ermittelt den Blutzuckerwert.Ein Hormon, das den Blutzuckergehalt senkt.Candy ist ein …- Warnhund mit feinem Näschen.Einen Wert über 120 mg/dl bezeichnet man als ….Durch Rauchen werden die Zellen in der … geschädigt....

WOMEN IN STEM 2017-10-27

WOMEN IN STEM crossword puzzle
  1. Won the Nobel Prize for the development of RIA technique
  2. Produced for the first time in 1922
  3. Word formed from the initials of the researchers
  4. This dog survived 70 days without pancreas
  5. Frederick Allen devised this diet
  6. A type of diabetes
  7. Evolution of Navigator
  8. Produced her own glucose during World War II
  9. Poor control of diabetes may result in this condition
  10. These compounds increase blood glucose levels
  11. Its concentration can be measured in urine and blood
  12. He developed the first hospital blood glucose monitoring system
  13. Used to determine the insulin structure
  1. Produces Beta cells
  2. Some people faint in its view
  3. Nominated for the Nobel Prize six times
  4. Affected by insulin
  5. Results from low blood glucose levels
  6. 9% of women work in this STEM discipline
  7. Serious condition resulting from consistently high blood glucose levels
  8. Another type of diabetes
  9. Used for the first "dip-and-read" test
  10. This group of people are more likely ton develop Type 2 diabetes
  11. Pancreatic cells
  12. One of Lawrence's three-fold approach
  13. She won a Nobel Prize after the development protein crystallography

26 Clues: Pancreatic cellsA type of diabetesProduces Beta cellsAffected by insulinEvolution of NavigatorAnother type of diabetesSome people faint in its viewFrederick Allen devised this dietProduced for the first time in 1922Results from low blood glucose levelsOne of Lawrence's three-fold approachUsed for the first "dip-and-read" test...

Celiaquía, Intolerancia a la Lactosa y Diabetes 2024-09-07

Celiaquía, Intolerancia a la Lactosa y Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Enfermedad crónica relacionada con la regulación inadecuada de glucosa en sangre.
  2. Proteína que se encuentra en el trigo, cebada y centeno, perjudicial para los celíacos.
  3. Acción frecuente en personas con diabetes, relacionada con el aumento de la sed.
  4. Azúcar presente en la leche que algunas personas no pueden digerir.
  5. Hormona esencial para regular los niveles de glucosa en sangre.
  6. Enfermedad autoinmune que provoca daño en el intestino delgado al consumir gluten.
  7. Sensación de cansancio extremo, un síntoma común en la diabetes.
  1. Condición de altos niveles de glucosa en sangre, común en personas con diabetes.
  2. Azúcar en la sangre que debe ser controlada en personas con diabetes.
  3. Manifestaciones físicas como dolor abdominal o fatiga que indican un trastorno.
  4. Régimen alimenticio que debe ser seguido estrictamente por personas con celiaquía o diabetes.
  5. Condición que puede desarrollarse en personas con celiaquía debido a la mala absorción de nutrientes.

12 Clues: Hormona esencial para regular los niveles de glucosa en sangre.Sensación de cansancio extremo, un síntoma común en la diabetes.Azúcar presente en la leche que algunas personas no pueden digerir.Azúcar en la sangre que debe ser controlada en personas con diabetes.Manifestaciones físicas como dolor abdominal o fatiga que indican un trastorno....

Nutrition and Diabetes 2013-11-18

Nutrition and Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. About 60-70% of people with diabetes have mild to severe forms of _____ damage.
  2. Often times children or teens will show dark, round circles on the neck, which sometimes we think is dirt, folds and creases on the body like armpits or groin but is actually _______ _______.
  3. is a naturally occurring hormone secreted by the pancreas. It is the hormone needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life.
  4. By keeping track of how many grams of ___________ you eat and setting a limit for your maximum to eat, you can help to keep your blood glucose levels in your target levels.
  5. Diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, and was previously known as juvenile diabetes.
  6. Diabetics need to have a balanced ____ that includes: Vegetables, Whole grains, Fruits, Non-fat dairy products, Beans and Lean meats.
  1. is the organ responsible for producing insulin.
  2. Without the proper control and monitoring of blood _______levels there are many complications a diabetic can suffer.
  3. Pregnant women who have never had diabetes before but who have high blood glucose (sugar) levels during pregnancy are said to have ________ Diabetes.
  4. When you are ______, your cells become more sensitive to insulin so it can work more efficiently. Your cells also remove glucose from the blood using a mechanism totally separate from insulin during exercise.
  5. Diabetics should be careful to avoid foods that contain high levels of fats, but they can still choose fatty foods that contain ______________ fats.
  6. In ______ diabetes your body does not use insulin properly, mostly known as insulin resistant.
  7. Myth: Eating too much ______ causes diabetes.
  8. Being _________ does increase your risk for developing type 2 diabetes, and a diet high in calories from any source contributes to weight gain.
  9. Diabetics are 3-4 times more likely to develop _____ disease then non-diabetics.

15 Clues: Myth: Eating too much ______ causes diabetes.is the organ responsible for producing insulin.About 60-70% of people with diabetes have mild to severe forms of _____ damage.Diabetics are 3-4 times more likely to develop _____ disease then non-diabetics.In ______ diabetes your body does not use insulin properly, mostly known as insulin resistant....

Diabetes 2013-03-11

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Uitdroging
  2. Polyurie
  3. Komt voor bij diabeten van het type I, ontregelde diabeten, ...
  4. Waarde hoger dan 300mg/dl, soms zelf tot 1000mg/dl
  5. Proces waarbij al je reservesuikers zijn opgelost en je lichaam maakt gebruik van melkzuur als bron van energie
  1. Opzwellen van de maag door vochtophoping
  2. Een .... coma dat vaak bij type II voorkomt
  3. Bewusteloze patiënt is een patiënt die in .... is
  4. Onvoldoende bloedvolume
  5. Zuren in je lichaam aanwezig die je lichaam tracht uit te scheiden via de urine

10 Clues: PolyurieUitdrogingOnvoldoende bloedvolumeOpzwellen van de maag door vochtophopingEen .... coma dat vaak bij type II voorkomtBewusteloze patiënt is een patiënt die in .... isWaarde hoger dan 300mg/dl, soms zelf tot 1000mg/dlKomt voor bij diabeten van het type I, ontregelde diabeten, ......

diabetes 2014-09-11

diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. hormone produced by the a-cells of the pancreas
  2. abnormal thirst
  3. excessive glucose in the blood
  4. ketone bodies in the urine
  1. excess sugar in the urine
  2. lists lists of foods with interchangeable
  3. diabetes occurring usually after age 40
  4. hormone released from the B-cells of the pancreas
  5. excessive urination
  6. and calorie contents

10 Clues: abnormal thirstexcessive urinationand calorie contentsexcess sugar in the urineketone bodies in the urineexcessive glucose in the blooddiabetes occurring usually after age 40lists lists of foods with interchangeablehormone produced by the a-cells of the pancreashormone released from the B-cells of the pancreas

Diabetes 2019-12-18

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Brand name of the first oral GLP-1 agonist
  2. DAPA-HF showed CV risk reduction in patients with HF regardless of whether the patient had diabetes
  3. Medication to avoid with a personal or family history of bladder cancer
  4. SGLT2 inhibitor that showed increased risk of amputations in the CANVAS-RENAL Trial
  5. Average weight loss in pounds seen with Ozempic
  1. Most common adverse effect of a GLP-1 agonist
  2. The only DPP-IV inhibitor you do not have to renally dose adjust
  3. First line treatment for Type 2 diabetes
  4. Longest acting insulin
  5. Generic name of empagliflozin

10 Clues: Longest acting insulinGeneric name of empagliflozinFirst line treatment for Type 2 diabetesBrand name of the first oral GLP-1 agonistMost common adverse effect of a GLP-1 agonistAverage weight loss in pounds seen with OzempicThe only DPP-IV inhibitor you do not have to renally dose adjust...

Diabetes 2021-05-12

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. type of diabetes that doesn't know how to properly use insulin
  2. high blood sugar
  3. what animal did Frederick and Best use for experimental insulin testing?
  4. organ in the stomach that creates enzymes and hormones
  5. hormone produced in pancreas
  1. co-founder of insulin
  2. type of diabetes that doesn't produce insulin
  3. where does glucose from the food we eat enter?
  4. low blood sugar
  5. people with diabetes have to test their ___

10 Clues: low blood sugarhigh blood sugarco-founder of insulinhormone produced in pancreaspeople with diabetes have to test their ___type of diabetes that doesn't produce insulinwhere does glucose from the food we eat enter?organ in the stomach that creates enzymes and hormonestype of diabetes that doesn't know how to properly use insulin...

Diabetes 2022-01-31

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Nos indica el promedio de glucosa en los últimos tres meses
  2. Nos indica la concentración de glucosa en las últimas 24 horas
  3. El utilizar en una sola ocasión las lancetas te permitirá reducir esta complicación
  4. La meta de glucosa en ayuno es de 80 a 130 mg/dl
  5. Es el primer paso en la técnica de auto monitoreo
  1. Nos indica la concentración de glucosa en la última media hora
  2. Es un sitio alterno de medición de glucosa capilar
  3. La meta de glucosa posprandial es mayor de 180 mg/dl
  4. Es la evaluación periódica y sistemática de la glucosa
  5. Nos indica la concentración de glucosa en el instante
  6. El auto monitoreo permite detectar hipo e hiperglucemias

11 Clues: La meta de glucosa en ayuno es de 80 a 130 mg/dlEs el primer paso en la técnica de auto monitoreoEs un sitio alterno de medición de glucosa capilarLa meta de glucosa posprandial es mayor de 180 mg/dlNos indica la concentración de glucosa en el instanteEs la evaluación periódica y sistemática de la glucosa...

Diabetes 2022-01-25

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Injectable hormone medication used to treat diabetes
  2. What is one way to manage diabetes?
  3. Low blood sugar
  4. High blood sugar
  5. a disease in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired
  1. An organ of the body that produces insulin
  2. Where is broken down glucose(sugar) released?
  3. Macronutrient that provides energy for the body
  4. One of the simplest forms of sugar
  5. You are at risk for having a _____ with diabetes

10 Clues: Low blood sugarHigh blood sugarOne of the simplest forms of sugarWhat is one way to manage diabetes?An organ of the body that produces insulinWhere is broken down glucose(sugar) released?Macronutrient that provides energy for the bodyYou are at risk for having a _____ with diabetesInjectable hormone medication used to treat diabetes...

Diabetes 2023-01-31

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. signals cells to take up sugar from the blood
  2. organ that (along with fat cells) stores glucose
  3. abbreviation for proteins that have been modified by glucose
  4. disease characterized fatty plaque build up in blood vessels and high blood pressure
  1. organ that produces sugar regulatory hormones
  2. signals the release of sugar when levels are low
  3. simple sugar that provides cells with energy
  4. organ that filters blood and produces urine
  5. process of maintaining internal balance
  6. cell type that produces insulin

10 Clues: cell type that produces insulinprocess of maintaining internal balanceorgan that filters blood and produces urinesimple sugar that provides cells with energyorgan that produces sugar regulatory hormonessignals cells to take up sugar from the bloodsignals the release of sugar when levels are loworgan that (along with fat cells) stores glucose...

Diabetes 2022-07-15

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. often first line medication for T2DM
  2. most common cause of morbidity and mortality in diabetics
  3. can be provided when someone is hypoglycemic
  1. this can be checked every 3 months
  2. long-acting insulin without a peak
  3. brand name is Humalog
  4. used in HFrEF
  5. sugar trial that evaluated strict vs conservative glucose control in ICU patients
  6. how often to check a diabetic foot exam
  7. medication that is commonly associated with hypoglycemia

10 Clues: used in HFrEFbrand name is Humalogthis can be checked every 3 monthslong-acting insulin without a peakoften first line medication for T2DMhow often to check a diabetic foot examcan be provided when someone is hypoglycemicmedication that is commonly associated with hypoglycemiamost common cause of morbidity and mortality in diabetics...

Diabetes 2023-11-14

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. What protein allows the absorption of glucose?
  2. What cells produce glucagon?
  3. What type of diabetes is an autoimmune disorder?
  4. What type of insulin is absent in diabetes?
  5. What type of diabetes can include oral hypoglycemic agents?
  6. Range of 4-6%
  1. Blood glucose of 60-100mg/dl
  2. What complication of the eyes can occur in type 2 diabetes?
  3. What condition leads to acidosis?
  4. What is the term for glucose in the urine?

10 Clues: Range of 4-6%Blood glucose of 60-100mg/dlWhat cells produce glucagon?What condition leads to acidosis?What is the term for glucose in the urine?What type of insulin is absent in diabetes?What protein allows the absorption of glucose?What type of diabetes is an autoimmune disorder?What complication of the eyes can occur in type 2 diabetes?...


SILANGKATA DIABETES crossword puzzle
  1. Tanda-tanda kekurangan gula dalam darah(hipoglisemia).
  2. Simptom penyakit Diabetes adalah kerap______________
  3. Pengambilan makanan yang tidak terkawal boleh menyebabkan komplikasi
  4. Diet seimbang dan _____________dapat membantu mengawal paras gula dalam darah.
  1. Pengawalan gula dan penjagaan kaki sangat penting bagi pesakit diabetes untuk mengelakkan komplikasi seperti____________ kaki.
  2. Alat mengukur kepekatan gula dalam darah oleh pesakit Diabetes.
  3. Penggunaan suntikan_____________dapat menurunkan paras gula dalam darah.
  4. Kegagalan fungsi organ____________ adalah salah satu punca penyebab penyakit Diabetes.
  5. Faktor risiko yang membawa kepada penyakit Diabetes.
  6. Penyakit Diabetes bermaksud paras__________yang berlebihan di dalam badan seseorang daripada tahap yang normal.

10 Clues: Simptom penyakit Diabetes adalah kerap______________Faktor risiko yang membawa kepada penyakit Diabetes.Tanda-tanda kekurangan gula dalam darah(hipoglisemia).Alat mengukur kepekatan gula dalam darah oleh pesakit Diabetes.Pengambilan makanan yang tidak terkawal boleh menyebabkan komplikasi...

Diabetes Spring 2024 2024-03-07

Diabetes Spring 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. anything that raises the chances of a person developing a disease
  2. describes something that is long-lasting condition
  3. a disease where the body's glucose levels are higher than normal resulting form the body's inability to use or store blood glucose for energy
  4. a hormone that raises blood sugar, used to treat severe low blood sugars (hypoglycemia)
  5. low blood sugar
  6. a doctor who specializes in treating people who have endocrine gland problems, such as diabetes
  7. measures a person's average blood glucose (blood sugar) over 3 months
  1. a health care professional who teaches people whoh have diabetes how to manage their diabetes.
  2. an organ that makes insulin and enzymes for digestion
  3. excessive thirst, may be a sign of diabetes
  4. high blood sugar
  5. a small, portable machine used to check blood glucose levels
  6. an emergency condition in which high blood sugar levels result in the breakdown of body fat and accumulation of ketones in blood or urine
  7. the main source of energy that food is turned into found in blood
  8. a hormone that helps the body use glucose for energy

15 Clues: low blood sugarhigh blood sugarexcessive thirst, may be a sign of diabetesdescribes something that is long-lasting conditiona hormone that helps the body use glucose for energyan organ that makes insulin and enzymes for digestiona small, portable machine used to check blood glucose levels...

Hormone 2017-04-01

Hormone crossword puzzle
  1. Was hilft Diabetikern neben einer bewussten Ernährung noch?
  2. Welche Drüse spielt bei der Regulation des Blutzuckerspiegels eine wichtige Rolle?
  3. Welches Hormon wird bei sportlicher Aktivität ausgeschüttet?
  4. Insulin gehört zu den Eiweißhormonen
  5. Was ist neben der falschen Ernährung ein weiterer Hauptgrund für das Ansteigen von Typ-2-Diabetes?
  6. Hormone sind chemische ........... ?
  7. Hormone werden in hormonproduzierenden Geweben des Menschen produziert. Wo noch?
  1. Gegenüber welchem Hormon werden Körperzellen bei Typ-2-Diabetes resistent?
  2. Hormondrüsen (endokrine Drüsen) sondern ihre Sekrete direkt ins Gewebe und die ........ ab.
  3. Insulin fördert die Bildung von ........ ?
  4. Was versagt dagegen bei Typ-1-Diabetes?
  5. Wie nennt man die Erkennungsstrukturen der Zielzellen?
  6. Wie heißt der bohnengroße Teil des Zwischenhirns, der den Schnittpunkt verschiedener wichtiger Informationsquellen unseres Körpers bildet?
  7. Die Zerlegung von Glykogen findet in den Muskeln und in der .... statt.
  8. Hormone passen auf ihre Zielzellen wie ein Schlüssel in sein ....... .
  9. Wie heißt die wichtigste Hormondrüse unseres Körpers?
  10. Welchen Diabetes Typ haben 90% aller Diabetiker?

17 Clues: Insulin gehört zu den EiweißhormonenHormone sind chemische ........... ?Was versagt dagegen bei Typ-1-Diabetes?Insulin fördert die Bildung von ........ ?Welchen Diabetes Typ haben 90% aller Diabetiker?Wie heißt die wichtigste Hormondrüse unseres Körpers?Wie nennt man die Erkennungsstrukturen der Zielzellen?...

Hormone 2017-04-01

Hormone crossword puzzle
  1. Insulin gehört zu den .............. .
  2. Wie heißt die wichtigste Hormondrüse unseres Körpers?
  3. Welche Drüse spielt bei der Regulation des Blutzuckerspiegels eine wichtige Rolle?
  4. Wie nennt man die Erkennungsstrukturen der Zielzellen?
  5. Gegenüber welchem Hormon werden Körperzellen bei Typ-2-Diabetes resistent?
  6. Hormone sind chemische ........... ?
  1. Insulin fördert die Bildung von ........ ?
  2. Hormondrüsen (endokrine Drüsen) sondern ihre Sekrete direkt ins Gewebe und die ........ ab.
  3. Hormone passen auf ihre Zielzellen wie ein Schlüssel in sein ....... .
  4. Was hilft Diabetikern neben einer bewussten Ernährung noch?
  5. Was ist neben der falschen Ernährung ein weiterer Hauptgrund für das Ansteigen von Typ-2-Diabetes?
  6. Hormone werden in hormonproduzierenden Geweben des Menschen produziert. Wo noch?
  7. Wie heißt der bohnengroße Teil des Zwischenhirns, der den Schnittpunkt verschiedener wichtiger Informationsquellen unseres Körpers bildet?
  8. Was versagt dagegen bei Typ-1-Diabetes?
  9. Welches Hormon wird bei sportlicher Aktivität ausgeschüttet?
  10. Die Zerlegung von Glykogen findet in den Muskeln und in der .... statt.
  11. Welchen Diabetes Typ haben 90% aller Diabetiker?

17 Clues: Hormone sind chemische ........... ?Insulin gehört zu den .............. .Was versagt dagegen bei Typ-1-Diabetes?Insulin fördert die Bildung von ........ ?Welchen Diabetes Typ haben 90% aller Diabetiker?Wie heißt die wichtigste Hormondrüse unseres Körpers?Wie nennt man die Erkennungsstrukturen der Zielzellen?...

Endocrine Medications 2023-07-25

Endocrine Medications crossword puzzle
  1. Amaryl is the brand of this Sulfonylurea medication.
  2. Insulin Aspart is the generic for this.
  3. Edema and weight gain are side effects of these medications that treat diabetes.
  4. Glyburide and Glipizide are part of this drug class.
  5. Trulicity is the brand of this medication.
  6. Sitagliptin and Saxagliptin are medications of this drug class.
  7. Synthroid and Levoxyl are brands of this medication.
  8. Toujeo SoloStar is used to treat this.
  1. Metformin is the generic of this medication used to treat Diabetes.
  2. This is the generic of SymlinPen.
  3. Jardiance is the brand of this Flozin Drug Class Medication.
  4. Armour Thyroid is used to treat this.
  5. Repaglinide and Nateglinide are medications in this drug class.
  6. Tradjenta is the brand of this medication used to treat diabetes.
  7. Cytomel is a brand of this medication to treat hypothyroid.
  8. Patients that receive Incretin Mimetic medications have this as a precaution.
  9. Tapazole and Propacil treat patients suffering with this.

17 Clues: This is the generic of SymlinPen.Armour Thyroid is used to treat this.Toujeo SoloStar is used to treat this.Insulin Aspart is the generic for this.Trulicity is the brand of this medication.Amaryl is the brand of this Sulfonylurea medication.Glyburide and Glipizide are part of this drug class.Synthroid and Levoxyl are brands of this medication....

퍼널용 낱말퀴즈 당뇨1 2021-07-16

퍼널용 낱말퀴즈 당뇨1 crossword puzzle
  1. what is the most common type of diabetes
  2. 30% PWD have this but probably higher
  3. excessive _______ is common diabetes symptom
  4. It cures Diabetes Type II without injection.
  1. age group with most aggressive type 2(2 wds)
  2. carbohydrates convert starch into blood
  3. MAIN contributor for diabetes increase
  4. diabetes is considered a _______ condition
  5. leading cause of non traumatic amputations

9 Clues: 30% PWD have this but probably higherMAIN contributor for diabetes increasecarbohydrates convert starch into bloodwhat is the most common type of diabetesdiabetes is considered a _______ conditionleading cause of non traumatic amputationsage group with most aggressive type 2(2 wds)excessive _______ is common diabetes symptom...

Vocabulary Unit 12 2020-11-24

Vocabulary Unit 12 crossword puzzle
  1. contagious
  2. to breathe
  3. flu
  4. to rest
  5. to swell up, become swollen
  6. to exercise
  7. to die
  8. healthy
  9. in good shape
  10. diabetes
  11. cold
  12. scar
  13. pill
  14. heart attack
  15. accident
  1. diagnosis
  2. to cough
  3. serious, very sick
  4. wound
  5. cancer
  6. injection
  7. to get sick
  8. to sneeze
  9. to get fat, gain weight
  10. in bad shape
  11. sick
  12. pain
  13. to injure, hurt, wound
  14. hoarse
  15. asthma

30 Clues: flusickpaincoldscarpillwoundcancerto diehoarseasthmato resthealthyto coughdiabetesaccidentdiagnosisinjectionto sneezecontagiousto breatheto get sickto exercisein bad shapeheart attackin good shapeserious, very sickto injure, hurt, woundto get fat, gain weightto swell up, become swollen

The Tour de Cure at Lake Nona Crossword 2020-03-26

The Tour de Cure at Lake Nona Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Chris ______: PC Chair and a Top 10 team TC
  2. Our favorite pharmacy: trusted since 1901
  3. go to place for your "wine" down needs
  4. impacts 34 million Americans
  5. insulin producer
  6. Gives a boost to prevent hypoglycemia
  7. _____ Cycle: The local riding crew
  8. Chris ______: leading fundraiser
  9. 2020 Champion Reception location
  10. The team that puts feet first
  11. ADA Vision: Life _______ of diabetes and all its burdens
  1. _______ Sanborn: Our EC Chair
  2. _______ Company: #1 fundraising team
  3. daily need for people with diabetes
  4. # of TDC Lake Nona Routes
  5. Raising $1k to be a _________
  6. where a champion grabs lunch at Tour de Cure
  7. Our favorite bike shops in Central Florida
  8. Premier hospital sponsor
  9. Best place for a cold one and slice after TDC
  10. Go _____ Rider/Strider
  11. One of two 2019 $100k teams

22 Clues: insulin producerGo _____ Rider/StriderPremier hospital sponsor# of TDC Lake Nona RoutesOne of two 2019 $100k teamsimpacts 34 million Americans_______ Sanborn: Our EC ChairRaising $1k to be a _________The team that puts feet firstChris ______: leading fundraiser2020 Champion Reception location_____ Cycle: The local riding crew...

The Tour de Cure at Lake Nona Crossword 2020-03-26

The Tour de Cure at Lake Nona Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. ADA Vision: Life _______ of diabetes and all its burdens
  2. where a champion grabs lunch at Tour de Cure
  3. Raising $1k to be a _________
  4. Our favorite pharmacy: trusted since 1901
  5. Best place for a cold one and slice after TDC
  6. impacts 34 million Americans
  7. Go _____ Rider/Strider
  8. go to place for your "wine" down needs
  9. 2020 Champion Reception location
  10. daily need for people with diabetes
  11. _______ Sanborn: Our EC Chair
  1. # of TDC Lake Nona Routes
  2. insulin producer
  3. Chris ______: leading fundraiser
  4. One of two 2019 $100k teams
  5. _____ Cycle: The local riding crew
  6. The team that puts feet first
  7. Chris ______: PC Chair and a Top 10 team TC
  8. Premier hospital sponsor
  9. Gives a boost to prevent hypoglycemia
  10. Our favorite bike shops in Central Florida
  11. _______ Company: #1 fundraising team

22 Clues: insulin producerGo _____ Rider/StriderPremier hospital sponsor# of TDC Lake Nona RoutesOne of two 2019 $100k teamsimpacts 34 million AmericansRaising $1k to be a _________The team that puts feet first_______ Sanborn: Our EC ChairChris ______: leading fundraiser2020 Champion Reception location_____ Cycle: The local riding crew...

The Tour de Cure at Lake Nona Crossword 2020-03-26

The Tour de Cure at Lake Nona Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. ADA Vision: Life _______ of diabetes and all its burdens
  2. where a champion grabs lunch at Tour de Cure
  3. Raising $1k to be a _________
  4. Our favorite pharmacy: trusted since 1901
  5. Best place for a cold one and slice after TDC
  6. impacts 34 million Americans
  7. Go _____ Rider/Strider
  8. go to place for your "wine" down needs
  9. 2020 Champion Reception location
  10. daily need for people with diabetes
  11. _______ Sanborn: Our EC Chair
  1. # of TDC Lake Nona Routes
  2. insulin producer
  3. Chris ______: leading fundraiser
  4. One of two 2019 $100k teams
  5. _____ Cycle: The local riding crew
  6. The team that puts feet first
  7. Chris ______: PC Chair and a Top 10 team TC
  8. Premier hospital sponsor
  9. Gives a boost to prevent hypoglycemia
  10. Our favorite bike shops in Central Florida
  11. _______ Company: #1 fundraising team

22 Clues: insulin producerGo _____ Rider/StriderPremier hospital sponsor# of TDC Lake Nona RoutesOne of two 2019 $100k teamsimpacts 34 million AmericansRaising $1k to be a _________The team that puts feet first_______ Sanborn: Our EC ChairChris ______: leading fundraiser2020 Champion Reception location_____ Cycle: The local riding crew...

Hormone 2017-04-01

Hormone crossword puzzle
  1. Welches Hormon wird bei sportlicher Aktivität ausgeschüttet?
  2. Wie heißt der bohnengroße Teil des Zwischenhirns, der den Schnittpunkt verschiedener wichtiger Informationsquellen unseres Körpers bildet?
  3. Die Zerlegung von Glykogen findet in den Muskeln und in der .... statt.
  4. Wie heißt die wichtigste Hormondrüse unseres Körpers?
  5. Was versagt dagegen bei Typ-1-Diabetes?
  6. Hormone sind chemische ........... ?
  7. Hormondrüsen (endokrine Drüsen) sondern ihre Sekrete direkt ins Gewebe und die ........ ab.
  8. Hormone werden in hormonproduzierenden Geweben des Menschen produziert. Wo noch?
  1. Was ist neben der falschen Ernährung ein weiterer Hauptgrund für das Ansteigen von Typ-2-Diabetes?
  2. Welche Drüse spielt bei der Regulation des Blutzuckerspiegels eine wichtige Rolle?
  3. Insulin gehört zu den .............. .
  4. Gegenüber welchem Hormon werden Körperzellen bei Typ-2-Diabetes resistent?
  5. Welchen Diabetes Typ haben 90% aller Diabetiker?
  6. Was hilft Diabetikern neben einer bewussten Ernährung noch?
  7. Wie nennt man die Erkennungsstrukturen der Zielzellen?
  8. Hormone passen auf ihre Zielzellen wie ein Schlüssel in sein ....... .
  9. Insulin fördert die Bildung von ........ ?

17 Clues: Hormone sind chemische ........... ?Insulin gehört zu den .............. .Was versagt dagegen bei Typ-1-Diabetes?Insulin fördert die Bildung von ........ ?Welchen Diabetes Typ haben 90% aller Diabetiker?Wie heißt die wichtigste Hormondrüse unseres Körpers?Wie nennt man die Erkennungsstrukturen der Zielzellen?...

World Diabetic Day Crossword Competition 2020-11-13

World Diabetic Day Crossword Competition crossword puzzle
  1. storage form of glucose
  2. major complication of Gestational Diabetes
  3. FBS 100 to 125mg/dl of a client then he is considered as
  4. insulin dependant diabetes is also termed as
  5. IDF has southeast asian include number of countries
  6. A assessment that is performed to ensure the blood supply to lower extremities
  7. Major symptom of Diabetic retinopathy
  8. the most common and dangerous adverse effect of Insulin is
  9. common complication that occur in Diabetic client in skin integrity
  10. ,the hormone that regulates the blood glucose level
  11. Increased blood glucose level reduce the ability of the cell to absorb glucose from blood
  12. organ that secretes the hormone that regulates blood sugar level
  13. who first discovered the insulin
  14. the device that delivers insulin based on blood glucose level
  15. in siddha system diabetes is named as
  1. the major aim of IDF is to spread
  2. ,the theme for the year 2020
  3. are the two types of diabetic retinopathy
  4. an example of Biguanites
  5. excessive thirst and volume of dilute urine is the sign of
  6. a Care to prevent skin integrity
  7. the rotating pattern of insulin administration is a method to prevent
  8. cell that secrete insulin
  9. the patient who have nocturnal hypo and hyperglycemia is manifested as
  10. ketoacidosis cause elevated level of this level in blood
  11. the generation of glucose from a non carbohydrate substrate is
  12. the instrument used in ENT to assess Diabetic neuropathy
  13. 3P's of Diabetes Polyuria,polydipsia
  14. the month to diabetes awareness
  15. Rapid acting insulin

30 Clues: Rapid acting insulinstorage form of glucosean example of Biguanitescell that secrete insulin,the theme for the year 2020the month to diabetes awarenessa Care to prevent skin integritywho first discovered the insulinthe major aim of IDF is to spread3P's of Diabetes Polyuria,polydipsiaMajor symptom of Diabetic retinopathy...

Endocrine Medications 2022-10-05

Endocrine Medications crossword puzzle
  1. Amaryl is the brand of this Sulfonylurea medication.
  2. Insulin Aspart is the generic for this.
  3. Edema and weight gain are side effects of these medications that treat diabetes.
  4. Glyburide and Glipizide are part of this drug class.
  5. Trulicity is the brand of this medication.
  6. Sitagliptin and Saxagliptin are medications of this drug class.
  7. Synthroid and Levoxyl are brands of this medication.
  8. Toujeo SoloStar is used to treat this.
  1. Metformin is the generic of this medication used to treat Diabetes.
  2. This is the generic of SymlinPen.
  3. Jardiance is the brand of this Flozin Drug Class Medication.
  4. Armour Thyroid is used to treat this.
  5. Repaglinide and Nateglinide are medications in this drug class.
  6. Tradjenta is the brand of this medication used to treat diabetes.
  7. Cytomel is a brand of this medication to treat hypothyroid.
  8. Patients that receive Incretin Mimetic medications have this as a precaution.
  9. Tapazole and Propacil treat patients suffering with this.

17 Clues: This is the generic of SymlinPen.Armour Thyroid is used to treat this.Toujeo SoloStar is used to treat this.Insulin Aspart is the generic for this.Trulicity is the brand of this medication.Amaryl is the brand of this Sulfonylurea medication.Glyburide and Glipizide are part of this drug class.Synthroid and Levoxyl are brands of this medication....

Hormone 2017-04-01

Hormone crossword puzzle
  1. Die Zerlegung von Glykogen findet in den Muskeln und in der .... statt.
  2. Wie nennt man die Erkennungsstrukturen der Zielzellen?
  3. Welchen Diabetes Typ haben 90% aller Diabetiker?
  4. Insulin gehört zu den .............. .
  5. Hormone passen auf ihre Zielzellen wie ein Schlüssel in sein ....... .
  6. Wie heißt der bohnengroße Teil des Zwischenhirns, der den Schnittpunkt verschiedener wichtiger Informationsquellen unseres Körpers bildet?
  7. Welche Drüse spielt bei der Regulation des Blutzuckerspiegels eine wichtige Rolle?
  8. Damit unsere Zellen, während sportlicher Betätigung, weiter mit Zucker versorgt werden wird ....... zerlegt.
  9. Welches Hormon wird bei sportlicher Aktivität ausgeschüttet?
  10. Hormone werden in hormonproduzierenden Geweben des Menschen produziert. Wo noch?
  1. Was ist neben der falschen Ernährung ein weiterer Hauptgrund für das Ansteigen von Typ-2-Diabetes?
  2. Wie heißt die wichtigste Hormondrüse unseres Körpers?
  3. Hormondrüsen (endokrine Drüsen) sondern ihre Sekrete direkt ins Gewebe und die ........ ab.
  4. Hormone sind chemische ........... ?
  5. Was hilft Diabetikern neben einer bewussten Ernährung noch?
  6. Was versagt dagegen bei Typ-1-Diabetes?
  7. Gegenüber welchem Hormon werden Körperzellen bei Typ-2-Diabetes resistent?

17 Clues: Hormone sind chemische ........... ?Insulin gehört zu den .............. .Was versagt dagegen bei Typ-1-Diabetes?Welchen Diabetes Typ haben 90% aller Diabetiker?Wie heißt die wichtigste Hormondrüse unseres Körpers?Wie nennt man die Erkennungsstrukturen der Zielzellen?Was hilft Diabetikern neben einer bewussten Ernährung noch?...

Regeling glucoseconcentratie 2020-05-28

Regeling glucoseconcentratie crossword puzzle
  1. afbraakproces van glycogeen
  2. maat voor de hoeveelheid glucose die opgelost is in het bloed
  3. proces waarbij organismen het interne milieu van chemische en fysische processen in evenwicht houden
  4. bestaat uit aminozuren
  5. orgaan met het grootste volume in het lichaam en het speelt een centrale rol in de
  6. gemaakt door een overmaat aan glucose
  7. orgaan dat met Andreas rijmt
  8. de les
  9. treedt op als een mens geen insuline kan maken.
  1. komt meer voor en komt meestal voor bij vrouwen van over de veertig die
  2. bestanddeel suiker
  3. andere naam voor suiker
  4. endocriene hormoon
  5. suikerziekte
  6. rijmt op manier
  7. activeert enzymen in de cel die glycogeen weer omzetten in glucose.
  8. zwaarlijvig zijn
  9. wat ons leven nu "verpest"

18 Clues: de lessuikerziekterijmt op manierzwaarlijvig zijnbestanddeel suikerendocriene hormoonbestaat uit aminozurenandere naam voor suikerwat ons leven nu "verpest"afbraakproces van glycogeenorgaan dat met Andreas rijmtgemaakt door een overmaat aan glucosetreedt op als een mens geen insuline kan maken....

Revista Crossword 2021-01-04

Revista Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Most common Hepatitis associated with HIV infection(no gaps)
  2. Prophylactic drug to prevent Pneumocystis pneumonia in AIDS patients
  3. Drug for Diabetes Mellitus which combats insulin resistance as well as decreases glucose production and increase glucose uptake, and won't cause weight gain
  4. HAART involves the combination of atleast how many anti retroviral drugs(in words)
  1. HbA1c stands for ____________ hemoglobin
  2. An AIDS defining malignancy
  3. Most common opportunistic infection in AIDS in India
  4. Gold standard method for confirmation of HIV diagnosis
  5. ____ has given algorithmic strategies for HIV diagnosis in India
  6. A condition in which blood sugar is high, but not high enough to be type 2 diabetes
  7. Diabetes associated with pregnancy is known as __________ diabetes
  8. _____ diabetes is an example of an autoimmune disorder

12 Clues: An AIDS defining malignancyHbA1c stands for ____________ hemoglobinMost common opportunistic infection in AIDS in IndiaGold standard method for confirmation of HIV diagnosis_____ diabetes is an example of an autoimmune disorderMost common Hepatitis associated with HIV infection(no gaps)...

Diabetes 2014-02-23

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. type 1 diabetes is een ... ziekte
  2. dit is niet geschikt voor de diagnose
  3. type 2 diabetes kan ... zijn
  4. zwangerschapsdiabetes komt voor in de ... helft van de zwangerschap
  5. om de zoveel minuten krijgt iemand in ons land de diagnose van diabetes
  1. diabetes is een ... aandoening
  2. hoeveel types van diabetes zijn er?
  3. het bloedsuikergehalte is ...
  4. dit is zeer belangrijk voor mensen met diabetes

9 Clues: type 2 diabetes kan ... zijnhet bloedsuikergehalte is ...diabetes is een ... aandoeningtype 1 diabetes is een ... ziektehoeveel types van diabetes zijn er?dit is niet geschikt voor de diagnosedit is zeer belangrijk voor mensen met diabeteszwangerschapsdiabetes komt voor in de ... helft van de zwangerschap...

comunitaria 2023-02-21

comunitaria crossword puzzle
  1. Como se abrevia insuficiencia renal cronica
  2. Tratamiento cacu
  3. Que significa DM
  4. norma de la Hipertension Arterial
  5. las enfermedades se transmiten de forma directa y
  6. que se significa HTA
  7. niveles de prevencion
  1. la historia _______de la enfermedad
  2. no es enfermedad cronica (diabetes, hipertension, IRC)
  3. norma de expediente clinico
  4. se consideran enfermedades cronicas si se prolonga mas de
  5. norma de la diabetes mellitus
  6. como se le llama a la prueba de glucosa
  7. Enfermedad de larga duracion, pero progesion lenta
  8. norma enfocada planificacion familiar

15 Clues: Tratamiento cacuQue significa DMque se significa HTAniveles de prevencionnorma de expediente cliniconorma de la diabetes mellitusnorma de la Hipertension Arterialla historia _______de la enfermedadnorma enfocada planificacion familiarcomo se le llama a la prueba de glucosaComo se abrevia insuficiencia renal cronica...

Diabetes mellitus 2019-12-02

Diabetes mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Wie wurde Typ-2-Diabetes früher genannt?
  2. Mit was werden Typ-1-Diabetes Patienten behandelt?
  3. Was heißt Diabetes mellitus übersetzt?
  4. Wie wird Diabetes mellitus noch genannt?
  1. Durch was denkt man den Blutzuckerspiegel bei Typ-2-Diabetes? (Therapie)
  2. Wie wurde Typ-1-Diabetes früher genannt?
  3. Was ist Diabetes mellitus?
  4. Wie entwickelt sich Typ-2-Diabetes?

8 Clues: Was ist Diabetes mellitus?Wie entwickelt sich Typ-2-Diabetes?Was heißt Diabetes mellitus übersetzt?Wie wurde Typ-1-Diabetes früher genannt?Wie wurde Typ-2-Diabetes früher genannt?Wie wird Diabetes mellitus noch genannt?Mit was werden Typ-1-Diabetes Patienten behandelt?Durch was denkt man den Blutzuckerspiegel bei Typ-2-Diabetes? (Therapie)

Insulin Injection 2022-08-04

Insulin Injection crossword puzzle
  1. sugar levels. What should you check before giving insulin?
  2. Thompson. First human given insulin
  3. makes insulin
  4. 2 diabetes. Happens later in life
  5. Helps sugar get absorbed into the cells
  6. Banting. The young surgeon who discovered insulin
  1. How old was the first patient
  2. insulin. first used to treat diabetes
  3. when there is too much sugar in the bloodstream and too little or no insulin is being secreted
  4. What year was insulin discovered and used to treat a dog
  5. 1 diabetes. juvenile diabetes
  6. What is a barrier
  7. overdose. What happens when too much insulin is administered?

13 Clues: makes insulinWhat is a barrierHow old was the first patient1 diabetes. juvenile diabetes2 diabetes. Happens later in lifeThompson. First human given insulininsulin. first used to treat diabetesHelps sugar get absorbed into the cellsBanting. The young surgeon who discovered insulinWhat year was insulin discovered and used to treat a dog...

MEH Crossword Puzzle on Diabetes and Cushing's syndrome 2023-02-27

MEH Crossword Puzzle on Diabetes and Cushing's syndrome crossword puzzle
  1. Cushing's syndrome results from chronic exposure to high levels of ________
  2. Increased amount of protein in the urine (clinical triad of diabetic nephropathy)
  3. A class of drug that increase risk of type 2 diabetes
  4. One of the three diagnostic criteria for diabetic ketoacidosis
  5. Weight gain in Cushing's syndrome is caused by increased _________
  6. Skin change associated with Cushing's syndrome
  7. The hyperglycemia of diabetes causes an _______ diuresis
  1. Microvascular complication of diabetes
  2. Cushing's syndrome may cause ______ muscle weakness
  3. Cortisol is the main glucocorticoid released from the zona fasciculata layer of the adrenal _______
  4. A complication of Cushing's syndrome involving bones
  5. _____ exudates are the classical sign of diabetic retinopathy
  6. Medical term for excessive body hair growth and baldness in women
  7. Insulin is released by the _____ cells in the islets of Langerhans
  8. Common presenting symptom of type 1 diabetes mellitus

15 Clues: Microvascular complication of diabetesSkin change associated with Cushing's syndromeCushing's syndrome may cause ______ muscle weaknessA complication of Cushing's syndrome involving bonesA class of drug that increase risk of type 2 diabetesCommon presenting symptom of type 1 diabetes mellitusThe hyperglycemia of diabetes causes an _______ diuresis...

Diabetes Insipidus 2022-05-13

Diabetes Insipidus crossword puzzle
  1. Excessive thirstiness
  2. Most common diabetes insipidus in pregnant women
  3. When the body loses too much fluid and electrolytes to properly work
  4. Hormone that helps kidneys balance bodily fluids
  5. Shows if the urine is too dilated or watery
  6. A type of diabetes insipidus
  1. Man-made hormone that represents vasopressin and is used to treat diabetes insipidus
  2. Controls mood, appetite and thirst
  3. Symptom of diabetes insipidus in children and adolescence
  4. Abbreviation for Diabetes Insipidus
  5. Too much urination

11 Clues: Too much urinationExcessive thirstinessA type of diabetes insipidusControls mood, appetite and thirstAbbreviation for Diabetes InsipidusShows if the urine is too dilated or wateryMost common diabetes insipidus in pregnant womenHormone that helps kidneys balance bodily fluidsSymptom of diabetes insipidus in children and adolescence...

Diabetes Insipidus 2022-05-13

Diabetes Insipidus crossword puzzle
  1. Excessive thirstiness
  2. Most common diabetes insipidus in pregnant women
  3. When the body loses too much fluid and electrolytes to properly work
  4. Hormone that helps kidneys balance bodily fluids
  5. Shows if the urine is too dilated or watery
  6. A type of diabetes insipidus
  1. Man-made hormone that represents vasopressin and is used to treat diabetes insipidus
  2. Controls mood, appetite and thirst
  3. Symptom of diabetes insipidus in children and adolescence
  4. Abbreviation for Diabetes Insipidus
  5. Too much urination

11 Clues: Too much urinationExcessive thirstinessA type of diabetes insipidusControls mood, appetite and thirstAbbreviation for Diabetes InsipidusShows if the urine is too dilated or wateryMost common diabetes insipidus in pregnant womenHormone that helps kidneys balance bodily fluidsSymptom of diabetes insipidus in children and adolescence...

Het hormoonstelsel 2013-02-23

Het hormoonstelsel crossword puzzle
  1. regelcentrum voor het hormoonstelsel
  2. welke klier zorgt voor temperatuurregeling
  3. ander woord voor diabetes type 2
  4. Andere naam voor suikerziekte
  5. mannelijk hormoon
  6. Plaats waar insulene wordt aangemaakt
  1. Diabetes type 1, type 2 en ...
  2. Klieren met een afvoorbuis - of holte
  3. vrouwelijk geslachtshormoon
  4. hormoon dat er te weinig is bij diabetes

10 Clues: mannelijk hormoonvrouwelijk geslachtshormoonAndere naam voor suikerziekteDiabetes type 1, type 2 en ...ander woord voor diabetes type 2regelcentrum voor het hormoonstelselKlieren met een afvoorbuis - of holtePlaats waar insulene wordt aangemaakthormoon dat er te weinig is bij diabeteswelke klier zorgt voor temperatuurregeling

diabetes 2023-08-15

diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. organisasi kesehatan dunia
  2. perkumpulan edukator diabetes indonesia
  3. salah satu faktor risiko diabetes
  4. salah satu tablet diabetes
  5. kerusakan pada pembuluh darah retina mata
  1. salah satu gejala klasik diabetes, ditandai dengan banyak buang air kecil
  2. tekanan darah tinggi
  3. salah satu obat diabetes suntik
  4. latihan fisik

9 Clues: latihan fisiktekanan darah tinggiorganisasi kesehatan duniasalah satu tablet diabetessalah satu obat diabetes suntiksalah satu faktor risiko diabetesperkumpulan edukator diabetes indonesiakerusakan pada pembuluh darah retina matasalah satu gejala klasik diabetes, ditandai dengan banyak buang air kecil

Spanish Medical Terms 2019-12-05

Spanish Medical Terms crossword puzzle
  1. vitales vital signs
  2. name
  3. stroke
  4. flu
  5. itch
  6. sick
  7. insomnia
  8. fever
  9. surgery
  10. cancer
  11. rash
  12. swelling
  13. pain
  14. vomit
  15. symptom
  16. medicine
  17. bone
  18. cold
  19. heart
  1. palpitations
  2. bump
  3. constipation
  4. blood
  5. weight
  6. temperature
  7. asthma
  8. weakness
  9. nausea
  10. lung
  11. alta high blood pressure
  12. prescription
  13. diabetes
  14. vein
  15. fatigue
  16. ointment
  17. last name
  18. abdomen
  19. pharmacy
  20. pulse
  21. artery
  22. apetito poor appetite

41 Clues: flubumpnamelungitchsickveinrashpainbonecoldbloodfeverpulsevomitheartweightstrokeasthmanauseacancerarteryfatiguesurgeryabdomensymptomweaknessdiabetesinsomniaointmentpharmacyswellingmedicinelast nametemperaturepalpitationsconstipationprescriptionvitales vital signsapetito poor appetitealta high blood pressure

Diabetes Drugs! 2022-04-26

Diabetes Drugs! crossword puzzle
  1. Metformin
  2. Linagliptin
  3. Rosiglitazone
  4. Pioglitazone
  5. Glyburide
  6. Tolbutamide
  7. Dulaglutide
  8. Repaglinide
  1. Sitagliptin
  2. Liraglutide
  3. Glipizide
  4. Acarbose
  5. Dopagliflozin
  6. Glimepiride
  7. Canagliflozin
  8. Exenatide

16 Clues: AcarboseMetforminGlipizideGlyburideExenatideSitagliptinLiraglutideLinagliptinGlimepirideTolbutamideDulaglutideRepaglinidePioglitazoneDopagliflozinRosiglitazoneCanagliflozin

Diabetes: insulin 2023-11-10

Diabetes: insulin crossword puzzle
  1. A side effect of insulin, which can be serious and need treatment with glucagon injection.
  2. A long acting insulin, generic of Tresiba.
  3. Insulin dosage formulation that must be drawn up with a separate insulin syringe.
  4. Another name for short or rapid acting (meal time) insulin.
  5. The hormone made by pancreas beta cells whose job is to lower blood sugar.
  6. The medical condition resulting in high blood sugar.
  7. A long acting insulin, generic of Toujeo.
  8. A rapid acting insulin, generic of Novolog.
  1. A long acting insulin, generic of Levemir.
  2. The hormone responsible for keeping blood sugar stable in fasting, it causes the liver to release glucose into the blood.
  3. An organ and major storage site for glucose.
  4. Another name for long-acting insulin.
  5. A good time to dose Lantus insulin.
  6. Insulin dosage formulation that is dispensed with an easy to use push button and uses needles that screw on the tip of the device.
  7. A rapid acting insulin, generic of Humalog.
  8. Brand of glulisine, a rapid-acting insulin.

16 Clues: A good time to dose Lantus insulin.Another name for long-acting insulin.A long acting insulin, generic of Toujeo.A long acting insulin, generic of Levemir.A long acting insulin, generic of Tresiba.A rapid acting insulin, generic of Humalog.Brand of glulisine, a rapid-acting insulin.A rapid acting insulin, generic of Novolog....

Diabetes Drugs! 2022-04-26

Diabetes Drugs! crossword puzzle
  1. Metformin
  2. Linagliptin
  3. Rosiglitazone
  4. Pioglitazone
  5. Glyburide
  6. Tolbutamide
  7. Dulaglutide
  8. Repaglinide
  1. Sitagliptin
  2. Liraglutide
  3. Glipizide
  4. Acarbose
  5. Dopagliflozin
  6. Glimepiride
  7. Canagliflozin
  8. Exenatide

16 Clues: AcarboseMetforminGlipizideGlyburideExenatideSitagliptinLiraglutideLinagliptinGlimepirideTolbutamideDulaglutideRepaglinidePioglitazoneDopagliflozinRosiglitazoneCanagliflozin

Diabetes mellitus 2020-06-04

Diabetes mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Jedan od simptoma dijabetičke ketoacidoze
  2. Mogući uzrok nastanka dijabetičke ketoacidoze
  3. Javlja se kod bolesnika koji boluje od dijabetičke ketoacidoze
  4. Nastaju zbog aterosklerotskih promjena na arterijama.
  5. Jedan od znakova koji se javlja kod bolesnika s inzulinskom komom
  6. Stanje pri kojem organizam ne može koristiti unesenu hranu na pravi način
  7. Oštećenje mrežnice oka.
  8. Jedna od akutnih komplikacija dijabetesa mellitusa.
  1. Dijabetičari često imaju upalu usne šupljine, karijes i ?
  2. Stanje hipoglikemijske kome potvrđujemo nalazom _________.
  3. Šećerna bolest češća u ________ osoba suzbija se uravnoteženom prehranom
  4. Zbog oštećenja periferne cirkulacije bolesnici oboljeli od dijabetesa često imaju problema s trncima, grčevima i osjećajem _________.
  5. Ako se bolesnik ozlijedi na ozljeđeno mjesto ne treba staviti ništa osim _______ _______?
  6. Dijabetičari koji dobivaju inzulin dva puta na dan, dobivaju dnevno ______ obroka
  7. Kožu na nozi i stopalu treba redovito ________?
  8. Oštećenje bubrega zbog zbog oštećenja krvnih žila, razlog su bubrežne insuficijencije.

16 Clues: Oštećenje mrežnice oka.Jedan od simptoma dijabetičke ketoacidozeMogući uzrok nastanka dijabetičke ketoacidozeKožu na nozi i stopalu treba redovito ________?Jedna od akutnih komplikacija dijabetesa mellitusa.Nastaju zbog aterosklerotskih promjena na arterijama.Dijabetičari često imaju upalu usne šupljine, karijes i ?...

Diabetes test 2013-11-15

Diabetes test crossword puzzle
  1. Te weinig suiker in het bloed
  2. Chronische ziekte waarbij er teveel suiker aanwezig is in het bloed
  3. Aan deze voedingsstof wordt speciale aandacht besteedt bij diabetes
  4. Stof die in het lichaam instaat voor de verwerking van suikers
  5. Synoniem voor diabetes
  6. Diabetes type .... treedt vaak op bij zwaarlijvige mensen of mensen die onvoldoende bewegen
  1. Synoniem voor bloedsuikerspiegel
  2. Teveel suiker in het bloed
  3. Diabetes type ... treedt meestal op bij mensen jonger dan 40 jaar
  4. Voedselgroep die geen koolhydraten bevat

10 Clues: Synoniem voor diabetesTeveel suiker in het bloedTe weinig suiker in het bloedSynoniem voor bloedsuikerspiegelVoedselgroep die geen koolhydraten bevatStof die in het lichaam instaat voor de verwerking van suikersDiabetes type ... treedt meestal op bij mensen jonger dan 40 jaarChronische ziekte waarbij er teveel suiker aanwezig is in het bloed...

Keutzworträzel Diabetes 2019-06-02

Keutzworträzel Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Nenne das Organ das Insulin produziert.
  2. Wie wird Diabetes noch genannt?
  3. Bei Diabetes Typ2 ist ein … Insulinmangel vorhanden.
  4. Wie nennt man Diabetes Typ4?
  5. Wie nennt man das Insulin das am längsten wirkt?
  1. Bei Diabetes Typ1 ist ein … Insulinmangel vorhanden.
  2. Ohne Insulin ist der … erhöht.
  3. Wenn die Eltern … sind steigt das Risiko auf Typ2 Diabetes?
  4. Wie nennt man den Baustein der Nahrung die in die Zellen aufgenommen wird?
  5. Wie nennt man das Hormon das die Zellen öffnet?

10 Clues: Wie nennt man Diabetes Typ4?Ohne Insulin ist der … erhöht.Wie wird Diabetes noch genannt?Nenne das Organ das Insulin produziert.Wie nennt man das Hormon das die Zellen öffnet?Wie nennt man das Insulin das am längsten wirkt?Bei Diabetes Typ1 ist ein … Insulinmangel vorhanden.Bei Diabetes Typ2 ist ein … Insulinmangel vorhanden....

Kreuzworträtsel Diabetes 2019-06-03

Kreuzworträtsel Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Umgangssprachlich nennt man Diabetes auch…
  2. Nenne das Organ die das Insulin produziert.
  3. Welcher Typ von Diabetes kommt am häufigsten vor?
  4. Ein Typ-1-Diabetiker hat einen … Insulinmangel.
  5. Wie nennt man den Baustein der Nahrung? (wird auch Traubenzucker genannt)
  1. Diabetes ist eine chronische….
  2. Welches Hormon wird beim Diabetes mellitus Typ 1 nicht gebildet?
  3. Wie nennt man die Insulin produzierenden Zellen?
  4. Was ist die Hauptursache des Diabetes mellitus Typ 2?
  5. Ein Typ-2-Diabetiker hat einen … Insulinmangel.

10 Clues: Diabetes ist eine chronische….Umgangssprachlich nennt man Diabetes auch…Nenne das Organ die das Insulin produziert.Ein Typ-2-Diabetiker hat einen … Insulinmangel.Ein Typ-1-Diabetiker hat einen … Insulinmangel.Wie nennt man die Insulin produzierenden Zellen?Welcher Typ von Diabetes kommt am häufigsten vor?...

Kreuzworträzel Diabetes 2019-06-02

Kreuzworträzel Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Wie nennt man Diabetes Typ4?
  2. Wie nennt man das Insulin das am längsten wirkt?
  3. Wie wird Diabetes noch genannt?
  4. Ohne Insulin ist der … erhöht.
  1. Bei Diabetes Typ1 ist ein … Insulinmangel vorhanden.
  2. Nenne das Organ das Insulin produziert.
  3. Wenn die Eltern … sind steigt das Risiko auf Typ2 Diabetes?
  4. Bei Diabetes Typ2 ist ein … Insulinmangel vorhanden.
  5. Wie nennt man das Hormon das die Zellen öffnet?
  6. Wie nennt man den Baustein der Nahrung die in die Zellen aufgenommen wird?

10 Clues: Wie nennt man Diabetes Typ4?Ohne Insulin ist der … erhöht.Wie wird Diabetes noch genannt?Nenne das Organ das Insulin produziert.Wie nennt man das Hormon das die Zellen öffnet?Wie nennt man das Insulin das am längsten wirkt?Bei Diabetes Typ1 ist ein … Insulinmangel vorhanden.Bei Diabetes Typ2 ist ein … Insulinmangel vorhanden....

Kreuzworträzel Diabetes 2019-06-03

Kreuzworträzel Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Welcher Typ von Diabetes kommt am häufigsten vor?
  2. Nenne das Organ die das Insulin produziert.
  3. Umgangssprachlich nennt man Diabetes auch…
  4. Welches Hormon wird beim Diabetes mellitus Typ 1 in nicht gebildet?
  5. Wie nennt man den Baustein der Nahrung? (wird auch Traubenzucker genannt)
  1. Diabetes ist eine chronische….
  2. Ein Typ-2-Diabetiker hat einen … Insulinmangel.
  3. Wie nennt man die Insulin produzierenden Zellen?
  4. Ein Typ-1-Diabetiker hat einen … Insulinmangel.
  5. Was ist die Hauptursache des Diabetes mellitus Typ 2?

10 Clues: Diabetes ist eine chronische….Umgangssprachlich nennt man Diabetes auch…Nenne das Organ die das Insulin produziert.Ein Typ-2-Diabetiker hat einen … Insulinmangel.Ein Typ-1-Diabetiker hat einen … Insulinmangel.Wie nennt man die Insulin produzierenden Zellen?Welcher Typ von Diabetes kommt am häufigsten vor?...

Nick Neafus 417 2015-12-01

Nick Neafus 417 crossword puzzle
  1. nerve damage to the limbs of the body.
  2. can lead to kidney failure.
  3. adult onset.
  4. high blood glucose levels that result from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both.
  5. blood sugar.
  6. where insulin is made.
  7. high levels of glucose in the blood.
  8. disease that selectively destroys the pancreatic β-cells.
  9. BMI level greater than or equal to 30.
  10. plasma glucose 99 and below.
  1. type of test to diagnose diabetes.
  2. can cause blindness.
  3. high levels of ketone in the body.
  4. control, self monitoring of blood glucose.
  5. a hormone produced by the β-cells of the pancreas.
  6. blood glucose less then 70 mg/dl.
  7. fasting glucose level of 100-125mg/dl.
  8. type of diabetes that usually occurs from pregnancy.
  9. when the nerves that control involuntary bodily functions are damaged.
  10. cells in the pancreas that produce insulin.

20 Clues: adult onset.blood sugar.can cause blindness.where insulin is made.can lead to kidney failure.plasma glucose 99 and below.blood glucose less then 70 mg/dl.type of test to diagnose diabetes.high levels of ketone in the body.high levels of glucose in the blood.nerve damage to the limbs of the body.fasting glucose level of 100-125mg/dl....

Nick Neafus 417 2015-12-01

Nick Neafus 417 crossword puzzle
  1. high blood glucose levels that result from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both.
  2. a hormone produced by the β-cells of the pancreas.
  3. control, self monitoring of blood glucose.
  4. high levels of glucose in the blood.
  5. adult onset.
  6. fasting glucose level of 100-125mg/dl.
  7. can cause blindness.
  8. BMI level greater than or equal to 30.
  1. cells in the pancreas that produce insulin.
  2. can lead to kidney failure.
  3. when the nerves that control involuntary bodily functions are damaged.
  4. nerve damage to the limbs of the body.
  5. type of test to diagnose diabetes.
  6. blood sugar.
  7. plasma glucose 99 and below.
  8. blood glucose less then 70 mg/dl.
  9. where insulin is made.
  10. type of diabetes that usually occurs from pregnancy.
  11. high levels of ketone in the body.
  12. disease that selectively destroys the pancreatic β-cells.

20 Clues: blood sugar.adult onset.can cause blindness.where insulin is made.can lead to kidney failure.plasma glucose 99 and below.blood glucose less then 70 mg/dl.type of test to diagnose diabetes.high levels of ketone in the body.high levels of glucose in the blood.nerve damage to the limbs of the body.fasting glucose level of 100-125mg/dl....

P417 Assignment #5 2016-11-09

P417 Assignment #5 crossword puzzle
  1. Pressure Force of blood against the walls of the arteries
  2. Diabetes in which the body is not responsive to insulin
  3. Abnormalities in blood lipids and lipoproteins
  4. Dense and stiff bone
  5. The hormone produced by the Beta Cells
  6. Porous and flexible bone
  7. Where the Beta Cells originate from
  8. The formation of new fat cells
  9. The blood pressure measured during cardiac relaxation
  1. When fat accumulates by filling existing cells
  2. Lower than normal bone mineral density (BMD)
  3. Hormone that increases appetite
  4. Storage forms of fat
  5. Transporters for cholesterol
  6. a skeletal disease characterized by low BMD with an increased susceptibility to fractures
  7. The ADA recommended test for determining diabetes
  8. Hypertension that has no identifiable cause and tends to develop over years
  9. Diabetes in which the body does not produce insulin
  10. Bouncing flexibility exercises
  11. Hormone released that suppresses appetite

20 Clues: Storage forms of fatDense and stiff bonePorous and flexible boneTransporters for cholesterolBouncing flexibility exercisesThe formation of new fat cellsHormone that increases appetiteWhere the Beta Cells originate fromThe hormone produced by the Beta CellsHormone released that suppresses appetiteLower than normal bone mineral density (BMD)...

Year 11 Biology Revision 2014-06-22

Year 11 Biology Revision crossword puzzle
  1. Living but not an animal
  2. Burning
  3. A long term impact of diabetes
  4. The study of Living things
  5. Used to test for starch
  6. Examples include- Light, sounds, smells, pain etc
  7. Green Pigment
  8. Where animals live
  9. Green and white leaves
  10. Process which removes Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere
  11. Used to test for protein
  12. The process of water moving
  13. Creating nitrogen gas from nitrates
  14. Water loss from leaves
  15. Used to measure vegetation cover
  16. A nerve cell
  1. Used to collect small insects
  2. Compression of dead materials
  3. Stops the cell bursting
  4. Water has left the cell
  5. The creation of energy from food and oxygen
  6. Creating nitrates from nitrogen gas
  7. Used to test for sugar
  8. Body does not produce enough insulin
  9. Measures plant water uptake
  10. A hormone
  11. A symptom of Diabetes
  12. Reaction which keeps you safe

28 Clues: BurningA hormoneA nerve cellGreen PigmentWhere animals liveA symptom of DiabetesUsed to test for sugarGreen and white leavesWater loss from leavesStops the cell burstingWater has left the cellUsed to test for starchLiving but not an animalUsed to test for proteinThe study of Living thingsThe process of water movingMeasures plant water uptake...

The Tour de Cure at Lake Nona Crossword 2020-03-26

The Tour de Cure at Lake Nona Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Go _____ Rider/Strider
  2. # of TDC Lake Nona Routes
  3. impacts 34 million Americans
  4. _______ Company: #1 fundraising team
  5. Gives a boost to prevent hypoglycemia
  6. Raising $1k to be a _________
  7. where a champion grabs lunch at Tour de Cure
  8. 2020 Champion Reception location
  9. ADA Vision: Life _______ of diabetes and all its burdens
  10. The team that puts feet first
  11. go to place for your "wine" down needs
  12. Our favorite bike shops in Central Florida
  1. One of two 2019 $100k teams
  2. _______ Sanborn: Our EC Chair
  3. Premier hospital sponsor
  4. daily need for people with diabetes
  5. &____: Connecting us with the community
  6. insulin producer
  7. Best place for a cold one and slice after TDC
  8. Chris ______: Planning Committee Chair and a Top 10 team Team Captain
  9. _____ Cycle: The local riding crew
  10. Tracey ______: Our #Type2CEO
  11. Chris ______: leading fundraiser
  12. Our favorite pharmacy: trusted since 1901

24 Clues: insulin producerGo _____ Rider/StriderPremier hospital sponsor# of TDC Lake Nona RoutesOne of two 2019 $100k teamsimpacts 34 million AmericansTracey ______: Our #Type2CEO_______ Sanborn: Our EC ChairRaising $1k to be a _________The team that puts feet first2020 Champion Reception locationChris ______: leading fundraiser...

Ch 48 Terms 2017-05-17

Ch 48 Terms crossword puzzle
  1. produced in the breakdown of fat and protein for energy
  2. oral anti-diabetic agent that inhibits hepatic glucose production
  3. glucose in the urine
  4. blood sugar under 70mg/dL
  5. electrolyte of primary concern in ketoacidosis
  6. HHS
  7. cause of neuropathic ulcers – for example poorly fitted shoes
  8. pathologic changes in nerve tissue related to poor glucose control
  1. occurs when ketone bodies accumulate from breakdown of fats for energy
  2. lab test that reflects glucose levels over the last few months
  3. absent in Type 1 DM
  4. pathologic changes in the retina associated with diabetes mellitus
  5. syndrome believed to be a precursor to diabetes
  6. generic name for Lantus
  7. _______ complications result from changes in small blood vessels
  8. pH 7.25 paCO2 38 HCO3 18
  9. excessive hunger
  10. rebound hyperglycemia most likely from night time hypoglycemia
  11. __________ are associated with CHD, CVA, and PVD
  12. most common cause of end stage renal disease in the United States

20 Clues: HHSexcessive hungerabsent in Type 1 DMglucose in the urinegeneric name for LantuspH 7.25 paCO2 38 HCO3 18blood sugar under 70mg/dLelectrolyte of primary concern in ketoacidosissyndrome believed to be a precursor to diabetes__________ are associated with CHD, CVA, and PVDproduced in the breakdown of fat and protein for energy...

P417 Assignment #5 2016-11-09

P417 Assignment #5 crossword puzzle
  1. Pressure Force of blood against the walls of the arteries
  2. Diabetes in which the body is not responsive to insulin
  3. Abnormalities in blood lipids and lipoproteins
  4. Dense and stiff bone
  5. The hormone produced by the Beta Cells
  6. Porous and flexible bone
  7. Where the Beta Cells originate from
  8. The formation of new fat cells
  9. The blood pressure measured during cardiac relaxation
  1. When fat accumulates by filling existing cells
  2. Lower than normal bone mineral density (BMD)
  3. Hormone that increases appetite
  4. Storage forms of fat
  5. Transporters for cholesterol
  6. a skeletal disease characterized by low BMD with an increased susceptibility to fractures
  7. The ADA recommended test for determining diabetes
  8. Hypertension that has no identifiable cause and tends to develop over years
  9. Diabetes in which the body does not produce insulin
  10. Bouncing flexibility exercises
  11. Hormone released that suppresses appetite

20 Clues: Storage forms of fatDense and stiff bonePorous and flexible boneTransporters for cholesterolBouncing flexibility exercisesThe formation of new fat cellsHormone that increases appetiteWhere the Beta Cells originate fromThe hormone produced by the Beta CellsHormone released that suppresses appetiteLower than normal bone mineral density (BMD)...

Kreuzworträzel Diabetes 2019-06-02

Kreuzworträzel Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Wie nennt man den Baustein der Nahrung die in die Zellen aufgenommen wird?
  2. Wie nennt man das Insulin das am längsten wirkt?
  3. Bei Diabetes Typ2 ist ein … Insulinmangel vorhanden.
  4. Wie nennt man Diabetes Typ4?
  5. Wie nennt man das Hormon das die Zellen öffnet?
  1. Ohne Insulin ist der … erhöht.
  2. Wie wird Diabetes noch genannt?
  3. Nenne das Organ das Insulin produziert.
  4. Bei Diabetes Typ1 ist ein … Insulinmangel vorhanden.
  5. Wenn die Eltern … sind steigt das Risiko auf Typ2 Diabetes?

10 Clues: Wie nennt man Diabetes Typ4?Ohne Insulin ist der … erhöht.Wie wird Diabetes noch genannt?Nenne das Organ das Insulin produziert.Wie nennt man das Hormon das die Zellen öffnet?Wie nennt man das Insulin das am längsten wirkt?Bei Diabetes Typ1 ist ein … Insulinmangel vorhanden.Bei Diabetes Typ2 ist ein … Insulinmangel vorhanden....

Units A and B Crossword 2022-08-01

Units A and B Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A kind of mirror that is curved inward in the middle.
  2. When an object reflects all visible wavelengths, it appears this color.
  3. A blue ________ is the international symbol for diabetes.
  4. Oil, fries and chocolate are very rich in the kind of nutrient.
  5. Type ____ diabetes is a kind of diabetes where the pancreas does not produce insulin.
  6. The point at which rays of light meet after reflection is called a _______ point.
  7. Cakes, candies, bread and potatoes are very rich in this kind of nutrient.
  8. In a wave, the distance between two maxima or two minima.
  1. A kind of relfection that happens on a perfectly plane mirror.
  2. When an object absorbs all visible wavelengths, it appears this color.
  3. The number of times that a wave vibrates in one second.
  4. In a wave, the distance between the x-axis and a maximum. It has to do with the brightness of a light.
  5. A hormone responsible for taking sugar from our bloodstream to our cells. It's also a protein.
  6. A molecule we find in food and our cells use for energy. It's a kind of sugar.
  7. Eggs, meat, milk and beans are very rich in this nutrient.
  8. A kind of mirror that is curved outward in the middle.
  9. Type ____ diabetes is a kind of diabetes where the cells have a resistance to insulin.

17 Clues: A kind of mirror that is curved inward in the middle.A kind of mirror that is curved outward in the middle.The number of times that a wave vibrates in one second.A blue ________ is the international symbol for diabetes.In a wave, the distance between two maxima or two minima.Eggs, meat, milk and beans are very rich in this nutrient....

Obesidad, diabetes e hipertensión: complicaciones durante la pandemia 2022-05-17

Obesidad, diabetes e hipertensión: complicaciones durante la pandemia crossword puzzle
  1. consecuencias de las diabetes.
  2. Large marsupial
  3. es llamado patógeno desconocido que ataca a los organismos de las personas con obesidad.
  4. el cuerpo expresa más de una enzima.
  5. enzima que normalmente tiene las células.
  6. recomendaciones para quienes sufren de estas enfermedades.
  7. Has a trunk
  1. factor que aumenta los riesgos en las personas con diabetes.
  2. órganos que ataca a las diabetes.
  3. Flying mammal
  4. muchas personas no acuden al centro de salud por temor
  5. Likes to chase mice
  6. personas que empezaron a dejar de tomar medicamentos para la.
  7. Man's best friend
  8. síntomas que pueden causar malestar

15 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase miceconsecuencias de las diabetes.órganos que ataca a las diabetes.síntomas que pueden causar malestarel cuerpo expresa más de una enzima.enzima que normalmente tiene las células.muchas personas no acuden al centro de salud por temor...

Nick Neafus 2015-12-01

Nick Neafus crossword puzzle
  1. cells in the pancreas that produce insulin.
  2. fasting glucose level of 100-125mg/dl.
  3. _______control, self monitoring of blood glucose.
  4. where insulin is made.
  5. blood glucose less than 70mg/dl.
  6. type of diabetes that usually occurs from pregnancy.
  7. BMI level greater than or equal to 30.
  8. a hormone produced by the b-cells of the pancreas.
  9. adult onset.
  1. plasma glucose 99 and below.
  2. can cause blindness.
  3. nerve damage to the limbs of the body.
  4. high levels of glucose in the blood.
  5. type of test to diagnose diabetes.
  6. can lead to kidney failure.
  7. when the nerves that control involuntary bodily functions are damaged.
  8. high blood glucose levels that result from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both.
  9. high levels of ketone in the body.
  10. blood sugar
  11. disease that selectively destroys the pancreatic b-cells.

20 Clues: blood sugaradult onset.can cause blindness.where insulin is made.can lead to kidney failure.plasma glucose 99 and below.blood glucose less than 70mg/dl.type of test to diagnose diabetes.high levels of ketone in the body.high levels of glucose in the blood.nerve damage to the limbs of the body.fasting glucose level of 100-125mg/dl....

Nick Neafus 417 2015-12-01

Nick Neafus 417 crossword puzzle
  1. blood sugar.
  2. high levels of ketone in the body.
  3. nerve damage to the limbs of the body.
  4. where insulin is made.
  5. high blood glucose levels that result from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both.
  6. BMI level greater than or equal to 30.
  7. cells in the pancreas that produce insulin.
  8. high levels of glucose in the blood.
  9. can lead to kidney failure.
  10. plasma glucose 99 and below.
  1. type of test to diagnose diabetes.
  2. a hormone produced by the β-cells of the pancreas.
  3. control, self monitoring of blood glucose.
  4. disease that selectively destroys the pancreatic β-cells.
  5. adult onset.
  6. can cause blindness.
  7. fasting glucose level of 100-125mg/dl.
  8. blood glucose less then 70 mg/dl.
  9. type of diabetes that usually occurs from pregnancy.
  10. when the nerves that control involuntary bodily functions are damaged.

20 Clues: blood sugar.adult onset.can cause blindness.where insulin is made.can lead to kidney failure.plasma glucose 99 and below.blood glucose less then 70 mg/dl.type of test to diagnose diabetes.high levels of ketone in the body.high levels of glucose in the blood.nerve damage to the limbs of the body.fasting glucose level of 100-125mg/dl....