diabetes Crossword Puzzles

Nick Neafus 417 2015-12-01

Nick Neafus 417 crossword puzzle
  1. where insulin is made.
  2. disease that selectively destroys the pancreatic β-cells.
  3. high blood glucose levels that result from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both.
  4. when the nerves that control involuntary bodily functions are damaged.
  5. high levels of glucose in the blood.
  6. control, self monitoring of blood glucose.
  7. adult onset.
  8. plasma glucose 99 and below.
  9. can lead to kidney failure.
  1. BMI level greater than or equal to 30.
  2. can cause blindness.
  3. high levels of ketone in the body.
  4. fasting glucose level of 100-125mg/dl.
  5. blood sugar.
  6. blood glucose less then 70 mg/dl.
  7. cells in the pancreas that produce insulin.
  8. nerve damage to the limbs of the body.
  9. type of diabetes that usually occurs from pregnancy.
  10. a hormone produced by the β-cells of the pancreas.
  11. type of test to diagnose diabetes.

20 Clues: blood sugar.adult onset.can cause blindness.where insulin is made.can lead to kidney failure.plasma glucose 99 and below.blood glucose less then 70 mg/dl.high levels of ketone in the body.type of test to diagnose diabetes.high levels of glucose in the blood.BMI level greater than or equal to 30.fasting glucose level of 100-125mg/dl....

DIABETES MELLITUS (By Dr.Intan Bakhtiar) 2023-02-27

DIABETES MELLITUS (By Dr.Intan Bakhtiar) crossword puzzle
  1. A dosage form for metformin.
  2. ______________ increases the body’s response to insulin.
  3. ______________ lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
  4. ______________ injection can treat severe hypoglycemia.
  5. High blood sugar level.
  6. Diabetic ketoacidosis can make blood ________________ resulting in kidney, brain and heart complications.
  7. A symptom of hypoglycemia.
  8. ________ are by-products of fatty acids breakdown by the liver.
  9. ______________ can reduce mild hypoglycemia symptoms.
  10. Levemir is injected ________________________ to regulate basal insulin levels.
  11. ______________ reduces appetite and promotes weight loss.
  1. ____________________ increases glucose removal through urine (glycosuria).
  2. Insulin allows the take up of ________________ into the body tissues to provide energy.
  3. A severe complication of diabetes mellitus.
  4. Diabetes mellitus type 2 occurs when there is not enough of the hormone ____________________.
  5. __________________ stimulates the pancreas to produce more insulin.
  6. _________________ cells of the pancreas produce the hormone insulin.
  7. The most common complication of insulin.
  8. _____________________ virus infection can trigger diabetes mellitus type 1.
  9. _______________ is an example of rapid-acting insulin.

20 Clues: High blood sugar level.A symptom of hypoglycemia.A dosage form for metformin.The most common complication of insulin.A severe complication of diabetes mellitus.______________ can reduce mild hypoglycemia symptoms._______________ is an example of rapid-acting insulin.______________ injection can treat severe hypoglycemia....

The Tour de Cure at Lake Nona Crossword 2020-03-26

The Tour de Cure at Lake Nona Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Go _____ Rider/Strider
  2. # of TDC Lake Nona Routes
  3. impacts 34 million Americans
  4. _______ Company: #1 fundraising team
  5. Gives a boost to prevent hypoglycemia
  6. Raising $1k to be a _________
  7. where a champion grabs lunch at Tour de Cure
  8. 2020 Champion Reception location
  9. ADA Vision: Life _______ of diabetes and all its burdens
  10. The team that puts feet first
  11. go to place for your "wine" down needs
  12. Our favorite bike shops in Central Florida
  1. One of two 2019 $100k teams
  2. _______ Sanborn: Our EC Chair
  3. Premier hospital sponsor
  4. daily need for people with diabetes
  5. &____: Connecting us with the community
  6. insulin producer
  7. Best place for a cold one and slice after TDC
  8. Chris ______: PC Chair and a Top 10 team TC
  9. _____ Cycle: The local riding crew
  10. Tracey ______: Our #Type2CEO
  11. Chris ______: leading fundraiser
  12. Our favorite pharmacy: trusted since 1901

24 Clues: insulin producerGo _____ Rider/StriderPremier hospital sponsor# of TDC Lake Nona RoutesOne of two 2019 $100k teamsimpacts 34 million AmericansTracey ______: Our #Type2CEO_______ Sanborn: Our EC ChairRaising $1k to be a _________The team that puts feet first2020 Champion Reception locationChris ______: leading fundraiser...

The Tour de Cure at Lake Nona Crossword 2020-03-26

The Tour de Cure at Lake Nona Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Go _____ Rider/Strider!
  2. # of TDC Lake Nona Routes
  3. Impacts 34 million Americans
  4. _______ Company: #1 fundraising team
  5. Gives a boost to prevent hypoglycemia
  6. Raising $1k to be a _________
  7. Where a champion grabs lunch at Tour de Cure
  8. 2020 Champion Reception location
  9. ADA Vision: Life _______ of diabetes and all its burdens
  10. The team that puts feet first
  11. Go-to place for your "wine" down needs
  12. Our favorite bike shops in Central Florida
  1. One of two 2019 $100k teams
  2. _______ Sanborn: Our EC Chair
  3. Premier hospital sponsor
  4. Daily need for people with diabetes
  5. &____: Connecting us with the community
  6. Insulin producer
  7. Best place for a cold one and slice after TDC
  8. Chris ______: Planning Committee Chair and a Top 10 team Team Captain
  9. _____ Cycle: The local riding crew
  10. Tracey ______: Our #Type2CEO
  11. Chris ______: leading fundraiser
  12. Our favorite pharmacy: trusted since 1901

24 Clues: Insulin producerGo _____ Rider/Strider!Premier hospital sponsor# of TDC Lake Nona RoutesOne of two 2019 $100k teamsImpacts 34 million AmericansTracey ______: Our #Type2CEO_______ Sanborn: Our EC ChairRaising $1k to be a _________The team that puts feet first2020 Champion Reception locationChris ______: leading fundraiser...

Hormon 2024-04-15

Hormon crossword puzzle
  1. Welchen Diabetes Typ bekommt man , wenn man sich zu wenig bewegt ?
  2. Welches Nebennierenhormon beginnt mit „ A „
  3. Was verbirgt sich hinter dem Namen Diabetes mellitus ?
  4. Wo werden die Hormone gebildet , die die Leistungsbereitschaft des Körpers beeinflussen ?
  5. Welche Drüse beeinflusst das Immunsystem ?
  6. Welches Hormon wirkt auf die Gebärmutter und löst die Wehen aus ?
  7. Wer erhöht den Blutzuckerspiegel ?
  8. Wer beeinflusst die Fortpflanzung ?
  9. Welches Hormon steuert die Wasseraufnahme in der Niere ?
  10. Womit werden Hormone im Körper verteilt ?
  1. Welche Drüse steuert mit ihrem Hormon den Schlaf-Wach-Rhytmus ?
  2. Welche Drüse bildet die Hormone Insulin und Glucagon ?
  3. Wer steuert die Hormonauschüttung der meisten anderen Hormondrüsen ?
  4. Wie heisst das Bindeglied zwischen Hormon und Zielzelle ?
  5. Was sind Hormone ?
  6. Wo wird das Hormon Thyroxin gebildet ?
  7. Wer steuert die Reifung der Eizellen ?
  8. Wer senkt den Blutzuckerspiegel ?
  9. Wie heisst im Gehirn die Schnittstelle zwischen Nerven- und Hormonsystem ?
  10. Welches Hormon verkleinert die Allergische Reaktion ?

20 Clues: Was sind Hormone ?Wer senkt den Blutzuckerspiegel ?Wer erhöht den Blutzuckerspiegel ?Wer beeinflusst die Fortpflanzung ?Wo wird das Hormon Thyroxin gebildet ?Wer steuert die Reifung der Eizellen ?Womit werden Hormone im Körper verteilt ?Welche Drüse beeinflusst das Immunsystem ?Welches Nebennierenhormon beginnt mit „ A „...

Diabetes Education 2012-11-11

Diabetes Education crossword puzzle
  1. Medical emergency when severely hypoglycemic (hint DKA)
  2. Sugar that is pushed into the cell by insulin for energy
  3. When blood glucose leave falls below 4
  4. Number of minutes to exercise every week
  5. Performing this weekly will help manage blood glucose levels
  6. 2 Condition in which there is not enough insulin produced or the body is "insulin resistant"
  7. Number of meals and snacks a day necessary
  8. Type of exercise recommended (running & walking)
  1. Type 2 Diabetes can be _______ through exercise and healthy eating habits
  2. If hypoglycemia event occurs act ____________
  3. Hormone that helps body store and use sugar and fats
  4. This is broken down into glucose by the digestive system
  5. Type of meal one should consume
  6. Instrument essential to blood glucose testing
  7. Parental contribution of diabetes to baby
  8. Organ that releases insulin

16 Clues: Organ that releases insulinType of meal one should consumeWhen blood glucose leave falls below 4Number of minutes to exercise every weekParental contribution of diabetes to babyNumber of meals and snacks a day necessaryIf hypoglycemia event occurs act ____________Instrument essential to blood glucose testing...

Diabetes Vocab 2016-02-22

Diabetes Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. component part of a food product that is generally recognized as safe
  2. additive used to help products retain moisture
  3. food additive that doesn't appear on the GRAS list and must be used within the guidelines
  4. substance that is unintentionally added to food
  5. substance added to a food on purpose to give foods specific characteristics or resistance to spoilage
  6. agents that absorb moisture and are used to keep powdered and crystalline ingredients from caking or forming lumps
  1. preservative that prevents growth of microbes in food
  2. list of all food additives generally recognized as safe
  3. additive that alters or stabilizes the pH of a mixture
  4. chemicals that speed the aging process and whiten flour
  5. organic compound combined with an alcohol to produce a synthetic flavor
  6. salt containig sulfer that is used by the food industry to help prevent browning of cut fruits and veggies
  7. substance added to food to prevent or slow spoilage and maintain natural colors and flavors
  8. established by the US food and drug administration, the zone between the concentration in which an additive is normally used and the level at which hazard exists
  9. legal document that bars the approval of any food additive found to cause cancer in humans or animals
  10. substance added to a food to cause a desired positive change in the products characteristics

16 Clues: additive used to help products retain moisturesubstance that is unintentionally added to foodpreservative that prevents growth of microbes in foodadditive that alters or stabilizes the pH of a mixturelist of all food additives generally recognized as safechemicals that speed the aging process and whiten flour...

Diabetes mellitus 2016-06-27

Diabetes mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Ein Diabetiker sollte niemals (auch im Sommer) ... gehen.
  2. Ein Diabetiker sollte grundsätzlich ...Schuhe: nicht zu eng/ klein, keine erhabenen Nähten tragen.
  3. Diabetiker sollten immer einen...bei sich tragen.
  4. ...=Injektion vor dem Frühstück und Abendessen, am häufigsten wird die Insulingabe in zwei Einzelgaben aufgeteilt, wobei die ersten 2/3 morgens und das restliche 1/3 abends verabreicht werden
  5. ...=zur Deckung des Basalbedarfs im Rahmen einer oralen Therapie oder bei der intensivierten konventionellen Therapie. Wird meistens zur Nacht gespritzt.
  6. Das hyperosmolare Koma, entwickelt sich über Tage bis...
  7. Eine... muss schriftlich vom Arzt angeordnet sein.. (Delegation – Anordnungsverantwortung und Durchführungsverantwortung)
  1. Bei unklaren Bewusstseinsstörungen eines Diabetiker, sofort...
  2. ... oder auch unter dem Begriff Altinsulin, werden Insuline verstanden, die keine resorptionsverzögernden Zusätze enthalten.
  3. Bei kalten Füßen keine ..., sondern warme Socken.
  4. Die Füße und besonders die Zehenzwischenräume müssen bei der Körperpflege immer gut ... werden.
  5. Die ... müssen immer gefeilt werden. Bei Hühneraugen, Hornhaut und eingewachsener Nagel muss ein Podologe aufgesucht werden.
  6. Lagerung: Insulinvorrat wird im Kühlschrank (Gemüsefach) bei 2-8°C gelagert. Angebrochene Pens oder Ampullen werden bei ... deponiert.
  7. Der Mensch benötigt Glukose für die...
  8. Traubenzucker wirkt schnell, da es ein...ist, welches im Blut schnell aufgenommen wird.
  9. Ketoazidotisches Koma tritt beim...Diabetiker auf.

16 Clues: Der Mensch benötigt Glukose für die...Bei kalten Füßen keine ..., sondern warme Socken.Diabetiker sollten immer einen...bei sich tragen.Ketoazidotisches Koma tritt beim...Diabetiker auf.Das hyperosmolare Koma, entwickelt sich über Tage bis...Ein Diabetiker sollte niemals (auch im Sommer) ... gehen....

Kreuzworträtsel Diabetes 2019-02-10

Kreuzworträtsel Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Fachwort für Zuckerneubildung
  2. Was wird reguliert?
  3. Was wird in der Leber gespeichert?
  4. Lat. Bauchspeicheldruese
  5. Was sind Carrier?
  6. Anderes Wort für Mehrfachzucker
  7. Was macht den Diabetes Typ 2 aus? (Insulin)
  8. Was ist Diabetes? (Art der Krankheit)
  9. Ein anderes Wort für Zuckerstoffe!
  1. Wo kommt das Insulin her?
  2. Was ist Insulin für ein Stoff?
  3. Gegenspieler zum Insulin?
  4. Warum ist Glukose essentiell für den Körper?
  5. Fachbegriff für "Überzuckerung"
  6. Unverdauliche Zuckerstoffe!
  7. In welcher Einheit pro Liter wird der Zuckerspiegel angegeben?

16 Clues: Was sind Carrier?Was wird reguliert?Lat. BauchspeicheldrueseWo kommt das Insulin her?Gegenspieler zum Insulin?Unverdauliche Zuckerstoffe!Fachwort für ZuckerneubildungWas ist Insulin für ein Stoff?Fachbegriff für "Überzuckerung"Anderes Wort für MehrfachzuckerWas wird in der Leber gespeichert?Ein anderes Wort für Zuckerstoffe!...

Diabetes Drugs! 2022-04-26

Diabetes Drugs! crossword puzzle
  1. Metformin
  2. Linagliptin
  3. Rosiglitazone
  4. Pioglitazone
  5. Glyburide
  6. Tolbutamide
  7. Dulaglutide
  8. Repaglinide
  1. Sitagliptin
  2. Liraglutide
  3. Glipizide
  4. Acarbose
  5. Dopagliflozin
  6. Glimepiride
  7. Canagliflozin
  8. Exenatide

16 Clues: AcarboseMetforminGlipizideGlyburideExenatideSitagliptinLiraglutideLinagliptinGlimepirideTolbutamideDulaglutideRepaglinidePioglitazoneDopagliflozinRosiglitazoneCanagliflozin

Diabetes Meds 2024-05-13

Diabetes Meds crossword puzzle
  1. Humalog is ____ acting insulin.
  2. At what CrCl should you avoid starting Metformin?
  3. What is the generic name of Invokana?
  4. Which insulin is ultra long acting (brand)?
  5. Invokana has a BBW for risk of leg and foot _______.
  6. What is glimepiride brand name?
  7. Toujeo is _____ acting insulin.
  8. Insulin lispro can cause weight ______.
  9. Which diabetes medication has a BBW for thyroid risk (brand)?
  10. What chronic disease is contraindicated with Amaryl?
  1. What is the brand name of Metformin?
  2. What is the generic name of Onglyza?
  3. What dosage form does Onglyza come in?
  4. What is Glucophage BBW?
  5. What is a contraindication of Levemir (and all insulins).
  6. Which diabetes medication has a ADR of gallbladder diagnosis (generic)?

16 Clues: What is Glucophage BBW?Humalog is ____ acting insulin.What is glimepiride brand name?Toujeo is _____ acting insulin.What is the brand name of Metformin?What is the generic name of Onglyza?What is the generic name of Invokana?What dosage form does Onglyza come in?Insulin lispro can cause weight ______.Which insulin is ultra long acting (brand)?...

Crucigrama patológico ;) 2021-11-13

Crucigrama patológico ;) crossword puzzle
  1. La nefropatía diabética principal es
  2. La triada clásica de la diabetes es poliuria, polifagia y…
  3. La ateroesclerosis puede dañar las paredes arteriales creando un…
  4. Macrófagos llenos de lípidos (dos palabras)
  5. La palabra mellitus en diabetes hace referencia a… (es dulce como la venganza)
  6. Un trombo puede causar un ----- por necrosis isquémica del músculo cardiaco
  7. Hormona anabólica relacionada con diabetes mellitus
  8. La ateroesclerosis progresa de una estría grasa a un (sinónimo de placa ateroesclerótica)
  9. Al desprendimiento de un trombo se le llama
  1. El infarto de miocardio después de 30 minutos es…
  2. Principal factor de riesgo de DM2
  3. Tipo de necrosis presentada en un infarto de miocardio
  4. Hiperlipidemia y tabaquismo en cuanto ateroesclerosis son factores de riesgo
  5. Las lipoproteínas de baja densidad (LDL) son llamadas colesterol…
  6. El desarrollo de la diabetes mellitus es asociada a la --------- de miembros inferiores
  7. El infarto agudo de miocardio se puede dar por la obstrucción de las arterias
  8. Los émbolos en silla de montar se localizan en una embolia
  9. La causa de DM1 es un trastorno ------ que ataca las células beta del páncreas
  10. Acumulación de lípidos, proteínas y otros elementos en las paredes vasculares
  11. Al morir el músculo cardiaco es reemplazado por tejido

20 Clues: Principal factor de riesgo de DM2La nefropatía diabética principal esMacrófagos llenos de lípidos (dos palabras)Al desprendimiento de un trombo se le llamaEl infarto de miocardio después de 30 minutos es…Hormona anabólica relacionada con diabetes mellitusTipo de necrosis presentada en un infarto de miocardio...

diabetes 2021-10-20

diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. activity, Kids need 60 minutes of this everyday. Running, playing, hiking, or jumping jacks are all examples of this.
  2. the type of diabetes a woman can get when they're pregnant.
  3. Symptom of diabetes. You feel the need to vomit.
  4. vision, Symptom of diabetes. You cannot see clearly.
  5. two, The type of diabetes that you can gradually develop when you don't eat healthy.
  1. loss, Symptom of diabetes. When your weight keeps dropping.
  2. Symptom of diabetes. You feel_________ so you to the need to eat.
  3. one, The type of diabetes that you have to take insulin for. Usually born with this type of diabetes.
  4. Symptom of diabetes. Always have the need to drink water.
  5. test, The type of test when you use an A1C test.

10 Clues: test, The type of test when you use an A1C test.Symptom of diabetes. You feel the need to vomit.vision, Symptom of diabetes. You cannot see clearly.Symptom of diabetes. Always have the need to drink water.loss, Symptom of diabetes. When your weight keeps dropping.the type of diabetes a woman can get when they're pregnant....

teste 2013-12-07

teste crossword puzzle
  1. Dores de cabeça (características da diabetes mellitus tipo I)
  2. Sede intensa
  3. visão alterada (particularmente na diabetes mellitus tipo II)
  4. Cansaço fácil (no caso da diabetes tipo I, associado a intensas dores musculares)
  1. Sensação de desconforto abdominal; Impulso para o vómito; Podem ocorrer inclusivamente vómitos (associa-se à diabetes mellitus tipo I)
  2. Perda de peso notória (ocorre no diabetes mellitus de tipo I)
  3. Prurido no corpo (característico da diabetes mellitus de tipo II)
  4. Fome excessiva e dificuldades de saciação (apenas na diabetes mellitus de tipo II)
  5. Aumento da quantidade de urina produzida

9 Clues: Sede intensaAumento da quantidade de urina produzidaDores de cabeça (características da diabetes mellitus tipo I)Perda de peso notória (ocorre no diabetes mellitus de tipo I)visão alterada (particularmente na diabetes mellitus tipo II)Prurido no corpo (característico da diabetes mellitus de tipo II)...

Hormone 2017-04-01

Hormone crossword puzzle
  1. Was hilft Diabetikern neben einer bewussten Ernährung noch?
  2. Wie heißt der bohnengroße Teil des Zwischenhirns, der den Schnittpunkt verschiedener wichtiger Informationsquellen unseres Körpers bildet?
  3. Hormondrüsen (endokrine Drüsen) sondern ihre Sekrete direkt ins Gewebe und die ........ ab.
  4. Die Zerlegung von Glykogen findet in den Muskeln und in der .... statt.
  5. Welche Drüse spielt bei der Regulation des Blutzuckerspiegels eine wichtige Rolle?
  6. Was ist neben der falschen Ernährung ein weiterer Hauptgrund für das Ansteigen von Typ-2-Diabetes?
  1. Hormone sind chemische ........... ?
  2. Wie nennt man die Erkennungsstrukturen der Zielzellen?
  3. Was versagt dagegen bei Typ-1-Diabetes?
  4. Gegenüber welchem Hormon werden Körperzellen bei Typ-2-Diabetes resistent?
  5. Hormone werden in hormonproduzierenden Geweben des Menschen produziert. Wo noch?
  6. Welches Hormon wird bei sportlicher Aktivität ausgeschüttet?
  7. Damit unsere Zellen, während sportlicher Betätigung, weiter mit Zucker versorgt werden wird ....... zerlegt.
  8. Welchen Diabetes Typ haben 90% aller Diabetiker?
  9. Wie heißt die wichtigste Hormondrüse unseres Körpers?

15 Clues: Hormone sind chemische ........... ?Was versagt dagegen bei Typ-1-Diabetes?Welchen Diabetes Typ haben 90% aller Diabetiker?Wie heißt die wichtigste Hormondrüse unseres Körpers?Wie nennt man die Erkennungsstrukturen der Zielzellen?Was hilft Diabetikern neben einer bewussten Ernährung noch?Welches Hormon wird bei sportlicher Aktivität ausgeschüttet?...

Endocrine System 2024-05-21

Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. one of the two cell types in the pituitary
  2. the cells that secrete somatostatin
  3. the hormone that facilitates the maintenance of fasting blood glucose
  4. what stage of life is type 1 diabetes onset
  5. the effect glucagon has on protein metabolism
  6. Hydrophilic signaling strategy
  7. Where insulin is inserted for glucose uptake
  8. the only hormone that lowers blood glucose
  9. the main hormone somatostatin inhibits
  10. The most common type of hormone
  11. it’s released from parietal cells and is for vitamin B12 absorption
  12. the type of signal that is compromised with type 2 diabetes
  13. peripheral endocrine gland is a ___ endocrine disorder
  14. The type of resting muscle GLUT4 is insulin dependent in
  1. Insulin inhibits this in carbohydrate metabolism
  2. what converts ATP into cAMP in the hydrophilic pathway
  3. what stimulates ECL cells to release histamine
  4. one of the four hormones that increases blood glucose levels
  5. what leaves the nucleus in the lipophilic pathway
  6. A type of amine hormone that causes fight or flight response in the adrenal gland
  7. somatostatin is in ___ pituitary
  8. what is being attacked in type 1 diabetes
  9. what enzyme is pepsinogen converted to
  10. In type 1 diabetes B-cells are disappearing from what organ
  11. In fat metabolism insulin enhances glucose uptake in what type of cell?

25 Clues: Hydrophilic signaling strategyThe most common type of hormonesomatostatin is in ___ pituitarythe cells that secrete somatostatinwhat enzyme is pepsinogen converted tothe main hormone somatostatin inhibitswhat is being attacked in type 1 diabetesone of the two cell types in the pituitarythe only hormone that lowers blood glucose...

Chapters 57 - 60 Endocrine 2020-06-21

Chapters 57 - 60 Endocrine crossword puzzle
  1. principal stimulus for insulin release is a rise in ____? (2 words)
  2. a device that is used to measure blood glucose levels
  3. this is a first line drug for hyperthyroidism
  4. a severe manifestation of insulin deficiency that manifests as hyperglycemia, dehydration, and juicy fruit breath (2 words)
  5. characteristic symptoms of this condition include cold intolerance, dry skin, brittle hair, low heart rate, low temperature, and fatigue
  6. this type of insulin is short duration, and is also an unmodified human insulin. This insulin can also be given intravenously.
  7. used to treat all patients with type 1 diabetes and many patients with type 2 diabetes
  8. a common side effect of metformin
  9. this serum level is used for screening and diagnosis of hypothyroidism and is used for monitoring replacement therapy in hypothyroid patients
  10. during or related to the time period after a meal
  11. classification of insulins that are administered in association with meals to control the postprandial rise in blood glucose (2 words)
  12. the principle indication for insulin is what? (2 words)
  13. insulin preparation falls into this major group when classified according to time course
  14. the initial oral drug of choice for patients with type 2 diabetes
  15. insulin is usually given via this route of administration
  16. this insulin is supplied as a clear solution and should never be mixed with other insulins or administered IV (2 words)
  1. diabetes is primarily a disorder of what? (2 words)
  2. characteristic symptoms of this condition include heat intolerance, warm/moist skin, fast heart rate, nervousness, increased appetite, and weight loss.
  3. a principle short term complication of diabetes
  4. this drug is the standard replacement regimen for hypothyroidism
  5. this term is used to describe modified forms of human insulin (3 words)
  6. this electrolyte replacement may be administered to a patient with DKA
  7. this class of oral antidiabetic drugs causes a dose-dependent reduction in blood glucose and can thereby cause hypoglycemia
  8. a principle short-term complication of diabetes
  9. this is one of the most common sites of subcutaneous injection for insulin
  10. insulin is synthesized here by beta cells within the islets of Langerhans

26 Clues: a common side effect of metforminthis is a first line drug for hyperthyroidisma principle short term complication of diabetesa principle short-term complication of diabetesduring or related to the time period after a mealdiabetes is primarily a disorder of what? (2 words)a device that is used to measure blood glucose levels...

Diabetes mellitus 2014-03-18

Diabetes mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Ein hoher Blutzucker kann die großen bzw. kleinen … verstopfen und schädigen.
  2. Bei den 3 Diabeteserkrankungen ist dies das häufigste Risikomerkmal.
  3. Diabetes bedeutet im Altgriechischen ….
  4. … tritt als Kribbeln in Händen, Fingern, Beinen und Füßen auf.
  5. … essen, denn sie haben einen besonders hohen Vitalstoffgehalt, der für unseren Körper lebensnotwendig ist.
  6. Um die Insulinspritze unauffälliger zu benutzen und besser transportieren zu können, ist der Insulin … geeignet.
  7. Diese Diabetes Erkrankung tritt bei 2- 14 % auf und kann als einzige Form wieder verschwindet.
  8. … diese Hormon steigert den Blutzuckergehalt.
  9. Candy ist ein …- Warnhund mit feinem Näschen.
  10. Zellen, die sich in der Bauchspeicheldrüse befinden und Insulin produzieren.
  11. Ein Hormon, das den Blutzuckergehalt senkt.
  1. Durch Rauchen werden die Zellen in der … geschädigt.
  2. Einen Wert über 120 mg/dl bezeichnet man als ….
  3. Dieses Gerät ermittelt den Blutzuckerwert.
  4. Diabetes ist eine …, bei der der Blutzuckerspiegel zu hoch ist.
  5. Bei den Frühwarnsignalen bei Diabetes Typ 2 tritt vermehrt geistige und körperliche … auf.

16 Clues: Diabetes bedeutet im Altgriechischen ….Dieses Gerät ermittelt den Blutzuckerwert.Ein Hormon, das den Blutzuckergehalt senkt.… diese Hormon steigert den Blutzuckergehalt.Candy ist ein …- Warnhund mit feinem Näschen.Einen Wert über 120 mg/dl bezeichnet man als ….Durch Rauchen werden die Zellen in der … geschädigt....


  1. faktor risiko diabetes
  2. hormon yang berfungsi membantu penyerapan glukosa (sejenis gula ringkas) dalam sel badan
  3. berat badan berlebihan berisiko tinggi paras
  4. pemakanan sihat mestilah
  5. ujian mengesan paras gula dalam badan melalui
  1. minum air kosong 6-8 gelas sehari dapat mengawal pengambilan
  2. gula dalam badan akan ditukarkan kepada
  3. BMI(indek jisim badan) ialah kaedah mengukur berat badan normal berdasarkan
  4. faktor risiko diabetes berkaitan berat badan
  5. komplikasi kerosakan anggota badan apabila diabetes tidak dikawal
  6. pencegahan diabetes

11 Clues: pencegahan diabetesfaktor risiko diabetespemakanan sihat mestilahgula dalam badan akan ditukarkan kepadaberat badan berlebihan berisiko tinggi parasfaktor risiko diabetes berkaitan berat badanujian mengesan paras gula dalam badan melaluiminum air kosong 6-8 gelas sehari dapat mengawal pengambilan...

Teka Silang Kata Diabetes 2023-10-31

Teka Silang Kata Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Antara faktor risiko yang menyebabkan Diabetes
  2. Penjagaan ____ pesakit diabetes yang baik mengurangkan risiko ulser and amputasi
  3. Gaya hidup sihat seperti diet yang seimbang dan ______ dapat membantu mengawal paras gula dalam darah
  4. Salah satu gejala penyakit Diabetes adalah kerap ____
  5. Penyakit diabetes disebabkan oleh kandungan ___ dalam darah yang tinggi
  1. Hormon yang penting dalam pengawaan paras gula
  2. Amalan _____ boleh meningkatkan risiko diabetes 10x ganda
  3. Paras gula dalam darah yang tinggi dan kronik boleh menyebabkan serangan ________
  4. Nama alat untuk memeriksa paras gula
  5. Pinggan sihat Malaysia menekankan konsep suku-suku _____

10 Clues: Nama alat untuk memeriksa paras gulaHormon yang penting dalam pengawaan paras gulaAntara faktor risiko yang menyebabkan DiabetesSalah satu gejala penyakit Diabetes adalah kerap ____Pinggan sihat Malaysia menekankan konsep suku-suku _____Amalan _____ boleh meningkatkan risiko diabetes 10x ganda...

Diabetes mellitus 2014-03-18

Diabetes mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. … essen, denn sie haben einen besonders hohen Vitalstoffgehalt, der für unseren Körper lebensnotwendig ist.
  2. Zellen, die sich in der Bauchspeicheldrüse befinden und Insulin produzieren.
  3. Diabetes bedeutet im Altgriechischen ….
  4. Diabetes ist eine …, bei der der Blutzuckerspiegel zu hoch ist.
  5. … tritt als Kribbeln in Händen, Fingern, Beinen und Füßen auf.
  6. Ein Hormon, das den Blutzuckergehalt senkt.
  7. Durch Rauchen werden die Zellen in der … geschädigt.
  8. Dieses Gerät ermittelt den Blutzuckerwert.
  9. Bei den Frühwarnsignalen bei Diabetes Typ 2 tritt vermehrt geistige und körperliche … auf.
  10. Candy ist ein …- Warnhund mit feinem Näschen.
  1. Diese Diabetes Erkrankung tritt bei 2- 14 % auf und kann als einzige Form wieder verschwindet.
  2. Ein hoher Blutzucker kann die großen bzw. kleinen … verstopfen und schädigen.
  3. Einen Wert über 120 mg/dl bezeichnet man als ….
  4. Um die Insulinspritze unauffälliger zu benutzen und besser transportieren zu können, ist der Insulin … geeignet.
  5. Bei den 3 Diabeteserkrankungen ist dies das häufigste Risikomerkmal.

15 Clues: Diabetes bedeutet im Altgriechischen ….Dieses Gerät ermittelt den Blutzuckerwert.Ein Hormon, das den Blutzuckergehalt senkt.Candy ist ein …- Warnhund mit feinem Näschen.Einen Wert über 120 mg/dl bezeichnet man als ….Durch Rauchen werden die Zellen in der … geschädigt.… tritt als Kribbeln in Händen, Fingern, Beinen und Füßen auf....

Diabetes mellitus 2014-03-18

Diabetes mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Diese Diabetes Erkrankung tritt bei 2- 14 % auf und kann als einzige Form wieder verschwindet.
  2. Bei den 3 Diabeteserkrankungen ist dies das häufigste Risikomerkmal.
  3. Candy ist ein …- Warnhund mit feinem Näschen.
  4. Durch Rauchen werden die Zellen in der … geschädigt.
  5. Um die Insulinspritze unauffälliger zu benutzen und besser transportieren zu können, ist der Insulin … geeignet.
  6. Ein hoher Blutzucker kann die großen bzw. kleinen … verstopfen und schädigen.
  7. Bei den Frühwarnsignalen bei Diabetes Typ 2 tritt vermehrt geistige und körperliche … auf.
  8. Diabetes bedeutet im Altgriechischen ….
  1. … tritt als Kribbeln in Händen, Fingern, Beinen und Füßen auf.
  2. Ein Hormon, das den Blutzuckergehalt senkt.
  3. Diabetes ist eine …, bei der der Blutzuckerspiegel zu hoch ist.
  4. Dieses Gerät ermittelt den Blutzuckerwert.
  5. … essen, denn sie haben einen besonders hohen Vitalstoffgehalt, der für unseren Körper lebensnotwendig ist.
  6. Zellen, die sich in der Bauchspeicheldrüse befinden und Insulin produzieren.
  7. Einen Wert über 120 mg/dl bezeichnet man als ….

15 Clues: Diabetes bedeutet im Altgriechischen ….Dieses Gerät ermittelt den Blutzuckerwert.Ein Hormon, das den Blutzuckergehalt senkt.Candy ist ein …- Warnhund mit feinem Näschen.Einen Wert über 120 mg/dl bezeichnet man als ….Durch Rauchen werden die Zellen in der … geschädigt.… tritt als Kribbeln in Händen, Fingern, Beinen und Füßen auf....

Diabetes mellitus 2014-03-18

Diabetes mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Durch Rauchen werden die Zellen in der … geschädigt.
  2. Ein hoher Blutzucker kann die großen bzw. kleinen … verstopfen und schädigen.
  3. Candy ist ein …- Warnhund mit feinem Näschen.
  4. Diabetes ist eine …, bei der der Blutzuckerspiegel zu hoch ist.
  5. Ein Hormon, das den Blutzuckergehalt senkt.
  6. … essen, denn sie haben einen besonders hohen Vitalstoffgehalt, der für unseren Körper lebensnotwendig ist.
  1. Diese Diabetes Erkrankung tritt bei 2- 14 % auf und kann als einzige Form wieder verschwindet.
  2. Diabetes bedeutet im Altgriechischen ….
  3. Bei den 3 Diabeteserkrankungen ist dies das häufigste Risikomerkmal.
  4. Einen Wert über 120 mg/dl bezeichnet man als ….
  5. Dieses Gerät ermittelt den Blutzuckerwert.
  6. Zellen, die sich in der Bauchspeicheldrüse befinden und Insulin produzieren.
  7. … tritt als Kribbeln in Händen, Fingern, Beinen und Füßen auf.
  8. Bei den Frühwarnsignalen bei Diabetes Typ 2 tritt vermehrt geistige und körperliche … auf.
  9. Um die Insulinspritze unauffälliger zu benutzen und besser transportieren zu können, ist der Insulin … geeignet.

15 Clues: Diabetes bedeutet im Altgriechischen ….Dieses Gerät ermittelt den Blutzuckerwert.Ein Hormon, das den Blutzuckergehalt senkt.Candy ist ein …- Warnhund mit feinem Näschen.Einen Wert über 120 mg/dl bezeichnet man als ….Durch Rauchen werden die Zellen in der … geschädigt.… tritt als Kribbeln in Händen, Fingern, Beinen und Füßen auf....

Diabetes mellitus 2014-03-18

Diabetes mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. … essen, denn sie haben einen besonders hohen Vitalstoffgehalt, der für unseren Körper lebensnotwendig ist.
  2. Diabetes bedeutet im Altgriechischen ….
  3. Dieses Gerät ermittelt den Blutzuckerwert.
  4. Ein Hormon, das den Blutzuckergehalt senkt.
  5. Durch Rauchen werden die Zellen in der … geschädigt.
  6. Diabetes ist eine …, bei der der Blutzuckerspiegel zu hoch ist.
  7. Bei den 3 Diabeteserkrankungen ist dies das häufigste Risikomerkmal.
  1. Diese Diabetes Erkrankung tritt bei 2- 14 % auf und kann als einzige Form wieder verschwindet.
  2. Um die Insulinspritze unauffälliger zu benutzen und besser transportieren zu können, ist der Insulin … geeignet.
  3. Candy ist ein …- Warnhund mit feinem Näschen.
  4. Ein hoher Blutzucker kann die großen bzw. kleinen … verstopfen und schädigen.
  5. Zellen, die sich in der Bauchspeicheldrüse befinden und Insulin produzieren.
  6. Einen Wert über 120 mg/dl bezeichnet man als ….
  7. … tritt als Kribbeln in Händen, Fingern, Beinen und Füßen auf.
  8. Bei den Frühwarnsignalen bei Diabetes Typ 2 tritt vermehrt geistige und körperliche … auf.

15 Clues: Diabetes bedeutet im Altgriechischen ….Dieses Gerät ermittelt den Blutzuckerwert.Ein Hormon, das den Blutzuckergehalt senkt.Candy ist ein …- Warnhund mit feinem Näschen.Einen Wert über 120 mg/dl bezeichnet man als ….Durch Rauchen werden die Zellen in der … geschädigt.… tritt als Kribbeln in Händen, Fingern, Beinen und Füßen auf....

Hormone 2017-04-01

Hormone crossword puzzle
  1. Wie heißt der bohnengroße Teil des Zwischenhirns, der den Schnittpunkt wichtiger Informationsquellen unseres Körpers bildet?
  2. Die Zerlegung von Glykogen findet in den Muskeln und in der .... statt.
  3. Was versagt dagegen bei Typ-1-Diabetes?
  4. Wie heißt die wichtigste Hormondrüse unseres Körpers?
  5. Hormone werden in hormonproduzierenden Geweben produziert. Wo noch?
  6. Wie nennt man die Erkennungsstrukturen der Zielzellen?
  7. Was ist neben der falschen Ernährung ein weiterer Hauptgrund für das Ansteigen von Typ-2-Diabetes?
  1. Welche Drüse spielt bei der Regulation des Blutzuckerspiegels eine wichtige Rolle?
  2. Endokrine Drüsen sondern ihre Sekrete direkt ins Gewebe und die ........ ab.
  3. Hormone sind chemische ........... ?
  4. Welchen Diabetes Typ haben 90% aller Diabetiker?
  5. Damit unsere Zellen, während sportlicher Betätigung, weiter mit Zucker versorgt werden wird ....... zerlegt.
  6. Gegenüber welchem Hormon werden Körperzellen bei Typ-2-Diabetes resistent?
  7. Welches Hormon wird bei sportlicher Aktivität ausgeschüttet?
  8. Was hilft Diabetikern neben einer bewussten Ernährung noch?

15 Clues: Hormone sind chemische ........... ?Was versagt dagegen bei Typ-1-Diabetes?Welchen Diabetes Typ haben 90% aller Diabetiker?Wie heißt die wichtigste Hormondrüse unseres Körpers?Wie nennt man die Erkennungsstrukturen der Zielzellen?Was hilft Diabetikern neben einer bewussten Ernährung noch?Welches Hormon wird bei sportlicher Aktivität ausgeschüttet?...

Diabetes 2022-03-22

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Where insulin was first discovered
  2. The most common type of diabetes
  3. Diabetes can cause _______, kidney disease, or deafness
  1. Something to monitor if you have diabetes
  2. The thing that helps with diabetes
  3. Type that only pregnant women can get
  4. A type of chronic illness
  5. Produces insulin for the body
  6. The most deadly type

9 Clues: The most deadly typeA type of chronic illnessProduces insulin for the bodyThe most common type of diabetesThe thing that helps with diabetesWhere insulin was first discoveredType that only pregnant women can getSomething to monitor if you have diabetesDiabetes can cause _______, kidney disease, or deafness

Diabetes Spring 2024 2024-05-16

Diabetes Spring 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. a disease where the body's glucose levels are higher than normal resulting form the body's inability to use or store blood glucose for energy.
  2. measures a person's average blood glucose (blood sugar) over 3 months.
  3. low blood sugar
  4. a hormone that raises blood sugar, used to treat severe low blood sugars (hypoglycemia).
  5. Total deficit of circulating insulin​.
  6. Defect in compensatory insulin secretion (beta cell dysfunction)
  7. high blood sugar
  8. a hormone that helps the body use glucose for energy
  1. Is there a cure for diabetes.
  2. Fasting Plasma Glucose 6.1-6.9 mmol/L and HbA1c 6.0-6.4% is considered: ​
  3. the main source of energy that food is turned into found in blood.
  4. inhibitory effect on gluconeogenesis can cause severe hypoglycemia and hypertriglyceridemia.​
  5. anything that raises the chances of a person developing a disease
  6. excessive thirst, may be a sign of diabetes
  7. an organ that makes insulin and enzymes for digestion
  8. About___________ people with diabetes are unaware and/or undiagnosed.​

16 Clues: low blood sugarhigh blood sugarIs there a cure for diabetes.Total deficit of circulating insulin​.excessive thirst, may be a sign of diabetesa hormone that helps the body use glucose for energyan organ that makes insulin and enzymes for digestionDefect in compensatory insulin secretion (beta cell dysfunction)...

Diabetic Ketoacidosis 2023-09-25

Diabetic Ketoacidosis crossword puzzle
  1. resuscitation the act or an instance of restoring a patient’s fluid status to euvolemia.
  2. bicarbonate level measures the amount of bicarbonate, a form of carbon dioxide, in your blood
  3. dextrorotatory glucose
  4. any of a class of organic compounds (such as acetone) characterized by a carbonyl group attached to two carbon atoms
  5. the concentration of an osmotic solution especially when measured in osmols or milliosmols per 1000 grams of solvent
  6. gap measures the difference—or gap—between the negatively charged and positively charged electrolytes in your blood
  7. A1C a test that measures the level of hemoglobin A1c in the blood as a means of determining the average blood sugar concentrations for the preceding two to three months
  8. a derivative C4H8O3 of butyric acid that is excreted in urine in increased quantities in diabetes
  9. a solution of a salt or salts that is essentially isotonic with tissue fluids or blood
  10. excess of sugar in the blood
  1. mellitus a variable disorder of carbohydrate metabolism caused by a combination of hereditary and environmental factors and usually characterized by inadequate secretion or utilization of insulin, by excessive urine production, by excessive amounts of sugar in the blood and urine, and by thirst, hunger, and loss of weight
  2. sugar the glucose in the blood; it’s concentration (as in milligrams per 100 milliliters)
  3. complication of diabetes causing acidosis resulting from increased levels of ketone bodies in the blood
  4. symptom of diabetic ketoacidosis
  5. excessive secretion of urine
  6. an instrument for measuring the concentration of glucose in the blood
  7. test strip a diabetic uses a ______ with a glucometer to check their blood sugar
  8. a protein pancreatic hormone secreted by the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans that is essential especially for the metabolism of carbohydrates and the regulation of glucose levels in the blood and that when insufficiently produced results in diabetes mellitus
  9. 2 diabetes a common form of diabetes mellitus that develops especially in adults and most often in obese individuals and that is characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from impaired insulin utilization coupled with the body's inability to compensate with increased insulin production
  10. excessive appetite or eating
  11. 1 diabetes a form of diabetes mellitus that usually develops during childhood or adolescence and is characterized by a severe deficiency in insulin secretion resulting from atrophy of the islets of Langerhans and causing hyperglycemia and a marked tendency toward ketoacidosis
  12. excessive secretion of urine

22 Clues: dextrorotatory glucoseexcessive secretion of urineexcessive appetite or eatingexcess of sugar in the bloodexcessive secretion of urinesymptom of diabetic ketoacidosisan instrument for measuring the concentration of glucose in the bloodtest strip a diabetic uses a ______ with a glucometer to check their blood sugar...

Diabetes Crossword 2023-10-12

Diabetes Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. doctor who specializes in diabetes care
  2. tubeless insulin pump
  3. insulin pump with tubing
  4. organ in the body which turns food into fuel for our body
  5. You do this to check your blood sugar
  1. Nutrient your body uses to give your cells energy
  2. device that continuously measures your blood sugar
  3. where you receive diabetes care
  4. teaches you how to make safe and healthy food choices for your diabetes
  5. Your body needs this to lower your blood sugar
  6. nurse who is trained in diabetes care
  7. test which measures average blood sugar over a 3 month span

12 Clues: tubeless insulin pumpinsulin pump with tubingwhere you receive diabetes carenurse who is trained in diabetes careYou do this to check your blood sugardoctor who specializes in diabetes careYour body needs this to lower your blood sugarNutrient your body uses to give your cells energydevice that continuously measures your blood sugar...

Diabetes 2016-01-20

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Hoe herken je diabetes?
  2. Wat is de officiële naam van diabetes?
  3. Wat is insuline?
  4. Wat is diabetes?
  5. Hoe herken je diabetes?
  6. Hoe vaak moet iemand met diabetes type 1 insuline inspuiten?
  1. Hoe werd vroeger diabetes type 2 genoemd?
  2. Wat moet je elke dag meten bij diabetes type 1?
  3. Hoe werd vroeger diabetes type 1 genoemd?
  4. Hoe herken je diabetes?

10 Clues: Wat is insuline?Wat is diabetes?Hoe herken je diabetes?Hoe herken je diabetes?Hoe herken je diabetes?Wat is de officiële naam van diabetes?Hoe werd vroeger diabetes type 2 genoemd?Hoe werd vroeger diabetes type 1 genoemd?Wat moet je elke dag meten bij diabetes type 1?Hoe vaak moet iemand met diabetes type 1 insuline inspuiten?

Diabetes 2022-10-05

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. with or without cognitive impairment
  2. for severe or morbidly obese patients, surgery can be used
  3. Insulin resistance,hyperinsulinemia etc
  4. Obesity and inadequate physical activity
  1. Activation of proinflammatory pathways
  2. keeping an eye on patients and talking regularly asking questions
  3. reduced ability to produce insulin
  4. Body Max Index
  5. Blank fatty liver disease

9 Clues: Body Max IndexBlank fatty liver diseasereduced ability to produce insulinwith or without cognitive impairmentActivation of proinflammatory pathwaysInsulin resistance,hyperinsulinemia etcObesity and inadequate physical activityfor severe or morbidly obese patients, surgery can be usedkeeping an eye on patients and talking regularly asking questions

diabetes 2019-08-19

diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. οργανο που αποθηκεύει το λίπος απο τις τροφές με τη μορφή τριγλυκεριδίων
  2. κυρια πηγή ενέργειας των κυττάρων
  3. οργανο που πάσχει στον Σ.Δ
  4. στάδιο πριν την εμφάνιση του Σ.Δ
  1. μη μόνιμη μορφή Σ.Δ
  2. διαταράσσεται ο μεταβολισμός τους στον Σ.Δ
  3. είναι η ινσουλίνη
  4. τέτοιο νόσημα είναι ο διαβήτης
  5. κύτταρα που παράγουν ινσουλίνη στο πάγκρεας

9 Clues: είναι η ινσουλίνημη μόνιμη μορφή Σ.Δοργανο που πάσχει στον Σ.Δτέτοιο νόσημα είναι ο διαβήτηςστάδιο πριν την εμφάνιση του Σ.Δκυρια πηγή ενέργειας των κυττάρωνδιαταράσσεται ο μεταβολισμός τους στον Σ.Δκύτταρα που παράγουν ινσουλίνη στο πάγκρεαςοργανο που αποθηκεύει το λίπος απο τις τροφές με τη μορφή τριγλυκεριδίων

Diabetes 2015-01-27

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. system that sends electrical messages
  2. endocrine system way of communication
  3. system that secretes hormones into the blood
  4. organ containing hormones insulin and glucagon
  5. endocrine system type of message
  1. main energy source for the body's cells
  2. hormone release to release energy from food
  3. Type 1 and type 2
  4. maintains a balanced environment

9 Clues: Type 1 and type 2maintains a balanced environmentendocrine system type of messagesystem that sends electrical messagesendocrine system way of communicationmain energy source for the body's cellshormone release to release energy from foodsystem that secretes hormones into the bloodorgan containing hormones insulin and glucagon

Diabetes 2017-12-09

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. long-term complications of diabetes is kidney disease and failure
  2. hormone that causes glucose to be moved from the bloodstream to cell
  3. excessively high blood glucose
  4. test a drop of blood drawn from a person finger
  1. system produces hormones that control bodily function
  2. an organ that secretes insulin
  3. bodies inability to process glucose
  4. excessively low blood glucose
  5. a monosaccharide sugar that has several forms

9 Clues: excessively low blood glucosean organ that secretes insulinexcessively high blood glucosebodies inability to process glucosea monosaccharide sugar that has several formstest a drop of blood drawn from a person fingersystem produces hormones that control bodily functionlong-term complications of diabetes is kidney disease and failure...

RM Crossword 2020-12-27

RM Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. _____ diabetes is an example of an autoimmune disorder
  2. Prophylactic drug to prevent Pneumocystis pneumonia in AIDS patients is?
  3. ____ has given algorithmic strategies for HIV diagnosis in India
  4. Most common opportunistic infection in AIDS in India
  5. Most common route of transmission for HIV virus
  6. HAART stands for Highly Active ______________ Therapy
  1. A condition in which blood sugar is high, but not high enough to be type 2 diabetes
  2. Diabetes associated with pregnancy is known as __________ diabetes
  3. HbA1c stands for ____________ hemoglobin
  4. Most common Hepatitis associated with HIV infection
  5. An AIDS defining malignancy
  6. Gold standard method for confirmation of HIV diagnosis

12 Clues: An AIDS defining malignancyHbA1c stands for ____________ hemoglobinMost common route of transmission for HIV virusMost common Hepatitis associated with HIV infectionMost common opportunistic infection in AIDS in IndiaHAART stands for Highly Active ______________ Therapy_____ diabetes is an example of an autoimmune disorder...


POD CROSSWORD FUN crossword puzzle
  1. cholesterol needing to be <100
  2. dilation exam for a person with diabetes
  3. CBA score of >15,000
  4. cardiac drug class required for persons with diabetes
  5. assignment to a physician
  1. new reporting application which profiles STAR measure progress towards 4 & 5 STARS
  2. eye screen for persons without diabetes
  3. term used for RAP
  4. used to treat rheumatoid arthritis
  5. software system used to record POD visits
  6. technical descrition & criteria used for measuring a HEDIS measure
  7. used in lieu of colonoscopy ot sigmoidoscopy
  8. maximum number of months after fracture
  9. Key Performance __________

14 Clues: term used for RAPCBA score of >15,000assignment to a physicianKey Performance __________cholesterol needing to be <100used to treat rheumatoid arthritiseye screen for persons without diabetesmaximum number of months after fracturedilation exam for a person with diabetessoftware system used to record POD visits...

Twin Pines Medical Center (TPMC) 2024-04-23

Twin Pines Medical Center (TPMC) crossword puzzle
  1. Twin Pines' responsibility in managing healthcare resources wisely.
  2. Describes the primary population served by Twin Pines.
  3. Type of services that include everything except overnight hospital stays.
  4. Aim of Twin Pines to provide care that disregards economic or racial barriers.
  5. The act of predicting future healthcare needs at Twin Pines
  6. Type of healthcare at Twin Pines aimed at stopping problems before they start.
  7. Department at Twin Pines that sees high usage among diabetes patients.
  8. The ability of patients to receive healthcare services at Twin Pines.
  1. Remote healthcare service Twin Pines considers to enhance care.
  2. Recommended strategy with other healthcare providers to improve diabetes care.
  3. Condition with significant overutilization of Emergency Department at Twin Pines.
  4. Specialist field not included at Twin Pines but necessary for diabetes care.
  5. Level of involvement Twin Pines seeks from its physicians with patients.
  6. Strategy to allow employees at Twin Pines to effect change.
  7. Type of health center designation held by Twin Pines.
  8. Government insurance system heavily utilized by Twin Pines' community.
  9. What Mr. Raynes left behind, influencing Twin Pines' mission.

17 Clues: Type of health center designation held by Twin Pines.Describes the primary population served by Twin Pines.Strategy to allow employees at Twin Pines to effect change.The act of predicting future healthcare needs at Twin PinesWhat Mr. Raynes left behind, influencing Twin Pines' mission.Remote healthcare service Twin Pines considers to enhance care....

Metabolism 2015-09-20

Metabolism crossword puzzle
  1. a hormone comprised of T4, T3,and calcitonin
  2. Diabetes any degree of glucose intolerance with its onset during pregnancy
  3. enlargement of the thyroid gland
  4. low blood glucose level
  5. 1 Diabetes insulin dependent
  1. impaired fasting glucose and impaired glucose tolerance
  2. a drug of choice to treat hypothyroidism
  3. elevated blood glucose level
  4. Ketoacidosis a complication in Type 1 diabetes; highly acidic ketones are formed
  5. a long-term complication of diabetes in which the kidney cells are damaged
  6. a disease of hyperthyroidism; characterized by exophthalmos

11 Clues: low blood glucose levelelevated blood glucose level1 Diabetes insulin dependentenlargement of the thyroid glanda drug of choice to treat hypothyroidisma hormone comprised of T4, T3,and calcitoninimpaired fasting glucose and impaired glucose tolerancea disease of hyperthyroidism; characterized by exophthalmos...

Diabetes Worksheet 2014-10-30

Diabetes Worksheet crossword puzzle
  1. Diabetes is the inability to produce enough ......... which allows glucose to pass into the blood cells
  2. Eating a wide variety of ......... foods is a protective factor.
  3. Three important factors to reducing the impact of type 2 diabetes is ........, injections and a healthy diet.
  4. How many types of diabetes are there?
  5. Is having a heart disease and/or heart attack a risk factor? T or F
  1. Type 2 diabetes also known as ..................
  2. Is type 2 diabetes curable?
  3. Insulin is produced in the .........
  4. Over the last 20 years there has been an ......... in diabetes especially in adolescents.
  5. Those who consume high levels of alcohol are at a greater risk of developing diabetes. T or F

10 Clues: Is type 2 diabetes curable?Insulin is produced in the .........How many types of diabetes are there?Type 2 diabetes also known as ..................Eating a wide variety of ......... foods is a protective factor.Is having a heart disease and/or heart attack a risk factor? T or F...

obat diabetes 2023-08-15

obat diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. salah satu pilar pengelolaan diabetes
  2. makanan yang mengandung karbohidrat dalam tubuh dipecah menjadi
  3. perkumpulan edukator diabetes indonesia
  4. nama lain kencing manis
  5. salah satu organ terbesar dalam tubuh, memproduksi glucosa
  1. organ dalam tubuh yang menghasilkan insulin
  2. obat diabetes yang termasuk golongan biguanid
  3. kondisi di mana kadar gula darah seseorang di bawah normal
  4. tablet diabetes yang kadang bikin kentut

9 Clues: nama lain kencing manissalah satu pilar pengelolaan diabetesperkumpulan edukator diabetes indonesiatablet diabetes yang kadang bikin kentutorgan dalam tubuh yang menghasilkan insulinobat diabetes yang termasuk golongan biguanidkondisi di mana kadar gula darah seseorang di bawah normalsalah satu organ terbesar dalam tubuh, memproduksi glucosa...

Diabetes and MS 2014-02-10

Diabetes and MS crossword puzzle
  1. Which family member of Chloe's has MS?
  2. Is there a cure for diabetes or multiple sclerosis yet?
  3. How many people have Type 1 Diabetes in Canada?
  1. Which disease affects the nervous system?
  2. Does one or both of MS and diabetes include fatigue as a symptom?
  3. Type of diabetes pregnant women get
  4. Is there a type of diabetes that is temporary?
  5. Which disease affects women more than men?
  6. What type of diabetes does Hannah's dad have?

9 Clues: Type of diabetes pregnant women getWhich family member of Chloe's has MS?Which disease affects the nervous system?Which disease affects women more than men?What type of diabetes does Hannah's dad have?Is there a type of diabetes that is temporary?How many people have Type 1 Diabetes in Canada?Is there a cure for diabetes or multiple sclerosis yet?...

How Much Do You Know About Diabetes? 2014-05-02

How Much Do You Know About Diabetes? crossword puzzle
  1. Those with Type I diabetes typically are diagnosed during ________
  2. A population disproportionately affected by Type II diabetes
  3. A phenomenon that happens when cells no longer respond to insulin
  4. A device used to measure blood sugar levels
  5. The term used for those who have elevated blood sugar, but do not have diabetes yet
  6. This hormone is secreted by the pancreas and lowers blood sugar
  1. The type of sugar your cells use as energy
  2. This hormone raises blood sugar levels during periods of fasting
  3. The type of diabetes a woman may develop during pregnancy
  4. Doing this can lower your chances of Type II diabetes by 58%
  5. The organ located behind the stomach that secretes insulin and glucagon

11 Clues: The type of sugar your cells use as energyA device used to measure blood sugar levelsThe type of diabetes a woman may develop during pregnancyA population disproportionately affected by Type II diabetesDoing this can lower your chances of Type II diabetes by 58%This hormone is secreted by the pancreas and lowers blood sugar...

Diabetic ketoacidosis and cerebral oedema in Sweden—a 2-year paediatric population study 2020-11-04

Diabetic ketoacidosis and cerebral oedema in Sweden—a 2-year paediatric population study crossword puzzle
  1. DKA is more common at presentation in ______ diabetes than the incidence of DKA in children with established diabetes
  2. The frequency of ketoacidosis at onset of paediatric diabetes was 26% in ________
  3. DKA at onset of Type 1 diabetes mellitus was more common in young children (< 4 years of age),in children without a first-degree relative with Type 1 diabetes, and in those from families with lower _________ status
  4. DKA at presentation of diabetes was more common in which gender?
  5. Cerebral oedema accounts for between 57 and 87% of all DKA-related ______
  1. The most dreaded complication of DKA
  2. An increased serum _____ implies an increased risk of cerebral oedema
  3. It is important to add to IV fluids to prevent electrolyte imbalance
  4. The Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles reported a decrease in DKA rates from 86% in 1994 to 26% in 1998 after introducing a ________ programme
  5. The following are all signs of cerebral oedema: abnormal respiratory pattern and oxygenation, abnormal response to pain, onset of headache, gradual decrease or deterioration in consciousness, age-inappropriate incontinence, inappropriate slowing of the pulse rate, and an increase in blood pressure
  6. A drug used to help treat cerebral oedema
  7. Which country has one of the highest recorded rates of diabetes in children?

12 Clues: The most dreaded complication of DKAA drug used to help treat cerebral oedemaDKA at presentation of diabetes was more common in which gender?It is important to add to IV fluids to prevent electrolyte imbalanceAn increased serum _____ implies an increased risk of cerebral oedema...

Crossword June 2024 2024-05-18

Crossword June 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. - A new class of drugs for diabetes acting as SGLT2 inhibitors
  2. - An alpha glucosidase inhibitor drug
  3. - Cells secreting hormones in pancreas are known as Islets of ___
  4. - A life threatening complication of diabetes with fruity smell to the breath
  5. - An ultralong acting - upto 42 hours - insulin analogue
  1. - A common biguanide drug used for Type II Diabetes
  2. - A second generation sulphonylurea drug for Diabetes
  3. - A peptide hormone promoting uptake of glucose from blood into cells
  4. - A hormone secreted by alfa cells of pancreas
  5. - Polyuria, polyphagia, polydipsia are classic symptoms of___

10 Clues: - An alpha glucosidase inhibitor drug- A hormone secreted by alfa cells of pancreas- A common biguanide drug used for Type II Diabetes- A second generation sulphonylurea drug for Diabetes- An ultralong acting - upto 42 hours - insulin analogue- Polyuria, polyphagia, polydipsia are classic symptoms of___...

Diabetes 2024-03-15

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. type 1 diabetes were once known as
  2. Diabetes cause
  3. Diabetes is
  1. Low blood sugar causes
  2. One in ___ Canadians aged 20 years and older have been diagnosed with diabetes
  3. Another name for sugar
  4. without trying you lose
  5. Diabetes also cause

8 Clues: Diabetes isDiabetes causeDiabetes also causeLow blood sugar causesAnother name for sugarwithout trying you losetype 1 diabetes were once known asOne in ___ Canadians aged 20 years and older have been diagnosed with diabetes

diabetes 2014-04-20

diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Overvloedig urineren als gevolg van een te hoge suikerconcentratie in het bloed.
  2. Teveel aan suiker in het bloed.
  3. Resultaat wanneer men te lang te veel of te weinig suiker in het bloed heeft.
  4. Veelvoorkomende wonde bij mensen met diabetes
  1. Suikerverlies via de urine.
  2. Andere naam voor diabetes.
  3. Tekort aan suiker in het bloed.
  4. Naam van het suiker dat naar de cellen wordt getransporteerd.
  5. Hormoon dat suiker in de cellen laat.

9 Clues: Andere naam voor diabetes.Suikerverlies via de urine.Teveel aan suiker in het bloed.Tekort aan suiker in het bloed.Hormoon dat suiker in de cellen laat.Veelvoorkomende wonde bij mensen met diabetesNaam van het suiker dat naar de cellen wordt getransporteerd.Resultaat wanneer men te lang te veel of te weinig suiker in het bloed heeft....

diabetes 2015-02-10

diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. wanneer men spreekt van te laag
  2. vlindervorm
  3. of diabetes mellitus
  4. duidelijk symptoom van hypo
  1. kleine klier midden in het hoofd
  2. hoeveel type's heeft diabetes
  3. of pancreas
  4. wat dient men toe bij diabeten
  5. te hoge bloedglucosespiegel

9 Clues: of pancreasvlindervormof diabetes mellituste hoge bloedglucosespiegelduidelijk symptoom van hypohoeveel type's heeft diabeteswat dient men toe bij diabetenwanneer men spreekt van te laagkleine klier midden in het hoofd

Diabetes 2022-09-29

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. A chronic condition that affects the way the body processes blood sugar (Glucose)?
  2. A form of high blood sugar affecting pregnant women ?
  3. Signs of your diabetes getting worse ?
  4. Early signs of having diabetes ?
  1. What does a diabetic urine look like ?
  2. What kind of foods should a diabetic avoid?
  3. What do carbohydrates turn into in your body?
  4. What will happen if diabetes goes untreated?
  5. A chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin ?

9 Clues: Early signs of having diabetes ?What does a diabetic urine look like ?Signs of your diabetes getting worse ?What kind of foods should a diabetic avoid?What will happen if diabetes goes untreated?What do carbohydrates turn into in your body?A form of high blood sugar affecting pregnant women ?...

Diabetes 2020-01-08

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Flying mammal
  2. Anderes Wort für Schwangerschaftsdiabetes
  3. Has a trunk
  4. Man's best friend
  1. Womit mist man den BLutzucker
  2. Sammelbegriff Diabetes mellitus
  3. Likes to chase mice
  4. An welchem Stoff kann es Mangeln ?
  5. Large marsupial

9 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase miceWomit mist man den BLutzuckerSammelbegriff Diabetes mellitusAn welchem Stoff kann es Mangeln ?Anderes Wort für Schwangerschaftsdiabetes

Diabetes 2024-03-07

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. When your body doesn't make enough insulin
  2. weight _____
  3. Very ______
  4. Need a drink
  1. caused from obesity
  2. ________ Urination
  3. When you don't get enough sleep
  4. A treatment for diabites
  5. autoimmune reaction

9 Clues: Very ______weight _____Need a drink________ Urinationcaused from obesityautoimmune reactionA treatment for diabitesWhen you don't get enough sleepWhen your body doesn't make enough insulin

HLTENN057 Contribute to the nursing care of a person with diabetes - Crossword 2023-03-13

HLTENN057 Contribute to the nursing care of a person with diabetes - Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Type of diabetes that usually develops in childhood (7)
  2. A medical professional who specializes in treating diabetes (11)
  3. The hormone responsible for regulating blood glucose levels (9)
  1. A group of metabolic disorders characterized by high blood sugar levels (8)
  2. A condition in which blood glucose levels are high (9)
  3. Blood glucose measurement device (6)
  4. A sugar substitute often used by people with diabetes (6)
  5. Type of diabetes that develops later in life
  6. A type of insulin that works quickly (7)
  7. Science of the body's use of insulin

10 Clues: Blood glucose measurement device (6)Science of the body's use of insulinA type of insulin that works quickly (7)Type of diabetes that develops later in lifeA condition in which blood glucose levels are high (9)Type of diabetes that usually develops in childhood (7)A sugar substitute often used by people with diabetes (6)...

Diet and Exercise 2022-12-03

Diet and Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. One condition obese it’s can cause
  2. One thing our bodies use fat for (6,6)
  3. Way of restoring blood glucose levels (6,8,4)
  4. A lack of what substance can cause type two diabetes?
  5. number of people estimated to have diabetes in the UK (4,7)
  1. What can fatty deposits in the coronary arteries cause? (5,7)
  2. Percentage of body mass that is muscle in people who exercise regularly
  3. One thing people who exercise regularly have (6,5)
  4. Number of muscles the human body has
  5. One thing diabetes (type 2) can cause problems with
  6. What increases if you have more muscle tissue? (9,4)
  7. What our muscles use energy in food for
  8. Percentage of daily food intake that is used to digest food

13 Clues: One condition obese it’s can causeNumber of muscles the human body hasOne thing our bodies use fat for (6,6)What our muscles use energy in food forWay of restoring blood glucose levels (6,8,4)One thing people who exercise regularly have (6,5)One thing diabetes (type 2) can cause problems withWhat increases if you have more muscle tissue? (9,4)...

Diabetes 2016-04-13

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Wat kan er optreden wanneer er niet wordt ingegrepen bij een hypo-of hyperglycemie.
  2. Geef een synoniem voor diabetes.
  3. Hoe kunnen we diabetes voorkomen?
  4. Geef een ander woord voor te weinig glucose in het bloed.
  5. Wat mag men zeker eten bij diabetes type 2 (waardoor de bloedsuikerspiegel langzamer stijgt)
  1. Wie moeten we zeker informeren en ondersteunen?
  2. Iemand met een hyperglycemie heeft nood aan...?
  3. Geef een ander woord voor teveel glucose in het bloed.
  4. Iemand met een hypoglycemie heeft nood aan...?

9 Clues: Geef een synoniem voor diabetes.Hoe kunnen we diabetes voorkomen?Iemand met een hypoglycemie heeft nood aan...?Wie moeten we zeker informeren en ondersteunen?Iemand met een hyperglycemie heeft nood aan...?Geef een ander woord voor teveel glucose in het bloed.Geef een ander woord voor te weinig glucose in het bloed....

Diabetes 2022-05-08

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. órgano encargado de producir insulina.
  2. número de casos nuevos de una enfermedad en una población determinada y en un periodo determinado.
  3. Genero donde la diabetes es más presente.
  1. proporción de individuos de un grupo o una población, que presentan una característica o evento determinado.
  2. en esta forma de diabetes la insulina endógena circulante es suficiente para evitar la cetoacidosis, pero no para la hiperglucemia en presencia de las mayores necesidades por la insensibilidad histica.
  3. es una causa por la cual la diabetes va en aumento en oaxaca
  4. es una enfermedad crónica que ocurre cuando el organismo pierde la capacidad de producir insulina o utilizarla eficazmente.
  5. hormona principal en la diabetes.
  6. esta forma de diabetes se debe a la destrucción de las células B de los islotes pancreáticos, a causa de un proceso autoinmunitario en 95% de los casos.

9 Clues: hormona principal en la diabetes.órgano encargado de producir insulina.Genero donde la diabetes es más presente.es una causa por la cual la diabetes va en aumento en oaxacanúmero de casos nuevos de una enfermedad en una población determinada y en un periodo determinado....

Diabetes 2015-02-10

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. diabetics usually have ____ blood sugar
  2. full name for the disease, diabetes
  3. diabetes type that is more serious and usually affects children
  1. a metabolic disease in which the body’s inability to produce any or enough insulin causes elevated levels of glucose in the blood
  2. something that can lead to obtaining diabetes
  3. can teens with diabetes eat sugar and sweets?
  4. the organ that produces insulin
  5. the sugar that a diabetic cannot process
  6. diabetes type that is more common, less serious, and usually affects adults

9 Clues: the organ that produces insulinfull name for the disease, diabetesdiabetics usually have ____ blood sugarthe sugar that a diabetic cannot processsomething that can lead to obtaining diabetescan teens with diabetes eat sugar and sweets?diabetes type that is more serious and usually affects children...

Bioquímica - Carboidratos 2021-09-30

Bioquímica - Carboidratos crossword puzzle
  1. Exame para avaliar os níveis glicêmicos dos últimos 3 a 4 meses, sem influência dos dias anteriores ao exame e do estado de jejum.
  2. Transformado em glicose conforme a necessidade do organismo.
  3. Órgão que controla o nível de glicose do sangue.
  4. ... é um exemplo de fator de risco para diabetes mellitus.
  5. Exemplo importante de monossacarídeo do grupo das hexoses.
  6. ... é produzido nas células alfa das ilhotas de Langerhans do pâncreas.
  7. Diabetes caracterizada pela resistência à insulina e pela perda progressiva de sua secreção.
  1. Processo de transformação do ácido pirúvico em glicose.
  2. ... é caracterizada pelos valores glicêmicos acima dos valores de referência, mas abaixo dos valores diagnósticos de diabetes mellitus.
  3. Principal função dos carboidratos.
  4. Transforma glicose em energia.
  5. Locais de armazenamento do glicogênio.
  6. Baixo nível de glicose no sangue.
  7. Sede, fome e muita urina são sintomas de ...

14 Clues: Transforma glicose em energia.Baixo nível de glicose no sangue.Principal função dos carboidratos.Locais de armazenamento do glicogênio.Sede, fome e muita urina são sintomas de ...Órgão que controla o nível de glicose do sangue.Processo de transformação do ácido pirúvico em glicose.... é um exemplo de fator de risco para diabetes mellitus....

Diabetes e suas complicações 2020-05-29

Diabetes e suas complicações crossword puzzle
  1. É visível a ação que o tabaco exerce na etiologia da __________ periférica, que determina o “pé em risco no diabetes”.
  2. Comprometimento da retina no diabetes mellitus.
  3. Hábito de fumar ou _____________ apresentou relação com amputação em casos de diabetes.
  4. Características _______________ são as que incluem naturalidade,escolaridade, cor e ocupação.
  5. Condição clínica que não pôde ser analisada por não constar na maioria dos prontuários analisados no estudo.
  6. Osteomielite e _______________ são fundamentais para a ocorrência das amputações de extremidades inferiroes em diabéticos.(duas palavras sem espaço)
  7. Extremidades inferiores afetadas em pessoas com diabetes mellitus.
  1. Ser diabético e ter extremidade inferior __________ é a condição dos casos apresentados no estudo.
  2. Considerada a melhor medida de avaliação do controle glicêmico.(duas palavras sem espaço)
  3. Uma das características clínicas consideradas no estudo.(duas palavras sem espaço)
  4. Controle do nível glicêmico, tratamento do diabetes e o comparecimento às ___________________ são importantes aspectos na prevenção das complicações do diabetes mellitus.(três palavras sem espaço)
  5. Doença que se destaca no Brasil e no mundo por sua importância como problema de saúde pública.(duas palavras sem espaço)

12 Clues: Comprometimento da retina no diabetes mellitus.Extremidades inferiores afetadas em pessoas com diabetes mellitus.Uma das características clínicas consideradas no estudo.(duas palavras sem espaço)Hábito de fumar ou _____________ apresentou relação com amputação em casos de diabetes....

Diabetes 2015-02-10

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. full name for the disease, diabetes
  2. the sugar that a diabetic cannot process
  3. diabetics usually have ____ blood sugar
  4. diabetes type that is more common, less serious, and usually affects adults
  1. the organ that produces insulin
  2. something that can lead to obtaining diabetes
  3. a metabolic disease in which the body’s inability to produce any or enough insulin causes elevated levels of glucose in the blood
  4. diabetes type that is more serious and usually affects children
  5. can teens with diabetes eat sugar and sweets?

9 Clues: the organ that produces insulinfull name for the disease, diabetesdiabetics usually have ____ blood sugarthe sugar that a diabetic cannot processsomething that can lead to obtaining diabetescan teens with diabetes eat sugar and sweets?diabetes type that is more serious and usually affects children...

Miscelanea 2020-10-14

Miscelanea crossword puzzle
  1. carroña
  2. apuntador
  3. muleta
  4. achaque
  5. tiovivo
  6. contrabandista
  7. novatada
  8. ventrílocuo
  9. tendedero
  10. daltónico
  11. imán
  12. títere
  13. grano
  14. funicular
  15. fiscal
  16. neumólogo
  17. andador
  18. corazonada
  19. sablista
  20. biberón
  21. aldea
  22. moroso
  23. octogenario
  24. ajedrez
  25. hincha
  26. fanfarrón
  1. albahaca
  2. patinete
  3. vacuna
  4. okupa
  5. camello
  6. diabetes
  7. púlpito
  8. autopsia
  9. belén
  10. empaste
  11. fichar
  12. cambiador
  13. transbordador
  14. gorrón
  15. ermitaño
  16. pelota
  17. coartada
  18. pandillero
  19. culebrón
  20. ludópata
  21. patrocinador
  22. avalista
  23. imperdible
  24. puticlub

50 Clues: imánokupabeléngranoaldeamuletavacunafichargorróntíterepelotafiscalmorosohinchacarroñaachaquetiovivocamellopúlpitoempasteandadorbiberónajedrezalbahacapatinetediabetesnovatadaautopsiaermitañocoartadaculebrónludópatasablistaavalistaputiclubapuntadortendederodaltónicocambiadorfunicularneumólogofanfarrónpandillerocorazonadaimperdibleventrílocuo...

Diabetes review 2021-01-30

Diabetes review crossword puzzle
  1. Generic name for Novolog
  2. Number of grams of food covered by one unit of insulin
  3. The device pump users use for insulin delivery; attached to body (eg: Auto Soft 90)
  4. Insulin delivered immediately, in one request
  5. The part of the infusion set that attaches to the cartridge pigtail
  6. Insulin required to bring blood sugar back to target range
  7. The two infusion sets similar in design; looks like a "hockey puck" (omit suffix on name)
  8. Generic name for Humalog
  1. Cannula length of the Auto Soft 30 infusion set (in mm)
  2. Infusion set with hypoallergenic adhesive
  3. Abbreviation for total insulin delivered in one day; used with Control IQ algorithm
  4. The amount one unit of insulin will lower blood sugar
  5. Infusion set with no cannula; 29-gauge needle
  6. Insulin delivered over time; usually described as units/hour
  7. Insulin already delivered and circulating in body

15 Clues: Generic name for NovologGeneric name for HumalogInfusion set with hypoallergenic adhesiveInsulin delivered immediately, in one requestInfusion set with no cannula; 29-gauge needleInsulin already delivered and circulating in bodyThe amount one unit of insulin will lower blood sugarNumber of grams of food covered by one unit of insulin...

Gestational Diabetes 2013-06-24

Gestational Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. As many as a ____ of women with gestational diabetes will continue to have diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance
  2. Most often characterized by a rapid rise in blood pressure
  3. a surgical delivery of an infant through an incision in the mother's abdomen
  4. There is evidence that _____ has a positive effect on glucose metabolism and may help prevent childhood obesity and decrease your child's risk of diabetes
  5. In pregnancy_____changes can make your cells less responsive to insulin.
  6. A high level of bilirubin
  7. Body mass index over 30
  1. Newborn with an excessive weight gain
  2. Disease characterized by abnormally high levels of sugar in the blood
  3. An increase in the number of red blood cells in blood
  4. A low blood sugar
  5. A surgical incision on the perineum and the posterior vaginal wall during labor
  6. Occurs when the fetus has died in the uterus
  7. When the shoulders get stuck in the birth canal
  8. Helps improve your body's ability to process glucose, keeping blood sugar levels in check.

15 Clues: A low blood sugarBody mass index over 30A high level of bilirubinNewborn with an excessive weight gainOccurs when the fetus has died in the uterusWhen the shoulders get stuck in the birth canalAn increase in the number of red blood cells in bloodMost often characterized by a rapid rise in blood pressure...

Test Diabetes 2015-06-02

Test Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Bloedsuiker of de hoeveelheid glucose in het bloed.
  2. Dit product is volledig af te raden. Dit omdat het lege energieleveranciers zijn.
  3. Kenmerkt zich door insuline inspuitingen noodzakelijk, snelle ontwikkeling en bij personen jonger dan 40.
  4. Zet glycogeen om in insuline.
  5. 1 van de 4 pijlers. Vaak gegeven door diëtisten.
  6. Wordt geproduceerd in de pancreas en zorgt voor de opname van suiker in de weefsels.
  7. Een synoniem voor diabetes
  8. Basis van de actieve voedingsdriehoek.
  1. Teveel aan glucose in het bloed.
  2. Zitten in volkoren producten en vertragen de absorptie van sachariden.
  3. Tekort aan glucose in het bloed.
  4. Deze Snel opneembare suikers moet je zo veel mogelijk vermijden.
  5. Een synoniem voor enkelvoudige suikers.
  6. Kenmerkt zich door vermagering, geneesmiddelen, en personen ouder dan 40.
  7. Een synoniem voor eten. 1 van de 4 pijlers voor behandeling.

15 Clues: Een synoniem voor diabetesZet glycogeen om in insuline.Teveel aan glucose in het bloed.Tekort aan glucose in het bloed.Basis van de actieve voedingsdriehoek.Een synoniem voor enkelvoudige suikers.1 van de 4 pijlers. Vaak gegeven door diëtisten.Bloedsuiker of de hoeveelheid glucose in het bloed....

Diabetes Mellitus 2021-08-23

Diabetes Mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. É o tipo de insulina que tem o efeito mais imediato e, por isso, deve ser aplicada imediatamente antes de comer ou, em alguns casos, logo após comer, imitando a ação da insulina que é produzida quando comemos para evitar que os níveis de açúcar no sangue fiquem altos.
  2. Exame que avalia a quantidade de glicose que se ligou à hemoglobina. É dosada em sangue total, sendo coletada em tubo com anticoagulante EDTA (tampa roxa), e apresenta estabilidade consideravelmente maior do que a glicemia. Esse aspecto, inclusive, é apontado como uma das grandes vantagens de sua utilização no diagnóstico de DM. O jejum não é necessário e a amostra pode ser coletada em qualquer horário do dia. Apresenta baixa variabilidade biológica individual e não é afetada por estresse agudo
  3. É um hormônio produzido pelas células beta do pâncreas que é responsável por levar a glicose que está no sangue para o interior das células para que seja usada como fonte de energia para os processos de funcionamento do corpo.
  4. Trata-se de uma intolerância a carboidratos de gravidade variável, que se inicia durante a gestação atual, sem ter previamente preenchido os critérios diagnósticos de DM. Traz riscos tanto para a mãe quanto para o feto e o neonato, sendo geralmente diagnosticado no segundo ou terceiro trimestres da gestação.
  5. Corresponde a 90 a 95% de todos os casos de DM. Possui etiologia complexa e multifatorial, envolvendo componentes genético e ambiental. Acomete indivíduos a partir da quarta década de vida, embora se descreva, em alguns países, aumento na sua incidência em crianças e jovens.
  6. É o termo que se refere à quantidade de glicose, mais conhecido como açúcar, no sangue que chega através da ingestão dos alimentos que contém carboidratos. Tem sido utilizada por muitas décadas como critério de definição para DM.
  1. Pode ser conhecida como Detemir, Deglutega ou Glargina, por exemplo, e tem duração para um dia inteiro. Este tipo de insulina é utilizado para manter uma quantidade constante de insulina no sangue, o que imita a insulina basal, e mínima, ao longo do dia.
  2. Condição na qual os valores glicêmicos estão acima dos valores de referência, mas ainda abaixo dos valores diagnósticos de DM, denomina-se...
  3. É uma doença autoimune, poligênica, decorrente de destruição das células β pancreáticas, ocasionando deficiência completa na produção de insulina. É mais frequentemente diagnosticado em crianças, adolescentes e, em alguns casos, em adultos jovens, afetando igualmente homens e mulheres. Corresponde a apenas 5 a 10% de DM.
  4. É definida como peso ao nascer entre 4.000 e 4.500 g, é frequentemente encontrada na prática obstétrica, sendo considerada um fator de risco para algumas complicações. Pode estar associado ao Diabetes gestacional não tratado.
  5. Classe de hipoglicemiante no qual o mecanismo de ação consiste em ativar a enzima AMPK e reduzir a produção hepática de glicose.
  6. Infecção, ulceração e/ou destruição de tecidos moles associadas a alterações neurológicas e vários graus de doença arterial periférica (DAP) nos membros inferiores de pacientes diabéticos
  7. Hormonio sintetizado e secretado a partir das células alfa (células-α) das ilhotas de Langerhans, o seu papel mais conhecido é aumentar a glicemia.
  8. Classe de medicamento que promovem a liberação de insulina a partir das células beta do pâncreas. Também conhecidos como secretagogos juntamente com as meglitinidas por aumentarem a secreção de insulina para o sangue.
  9. Tipo de exame mede a glicose no sangue em dois momentos: após pelo menos 8 horas de jejum e após 2 horas da ingestão de um líquido com 75g conhecida de glicose. Este teste também é usado para detectar diabetes ou pré-diabetes.

15 Clues: Classe de hipoglicemiante no qual o mecanismo de ação consiste em ativar a enzima AMPK e reduzir a produção hepática de glicose.Condição na qual os valores glicêmicos estão acima dos valores de referência, mas ainda abaixo dos valores diagnósticos de DM, denomina-se......

Diabetes Crosswords 2023-06-23

Diabetes Crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. This-hormone-is-secreted-from-the-pancreas
  2. Amaryl-belongs-to-this-class-of-drugs
  3. The-breakdown-of-fats
  4. Highly-selective-inhibitor-of-enzyme
  5. Found-highly-in-urine-during-DKA
  6. The-active-ingredient-in-Glucophage
  7. Recognized-as-a-cardioprotective-class-of-diabetes-medications
  8. Sitagliptin-Study-020-can-be-used-to-demonstrate-Sitagliform-efficacy-after-this-many-weeks
  1. Synthesis-of-glucose-from-non-carbohydrate-source
  2. The-first-brand-for-Sitagliptin-Metformin-combination
  3. The-CompoSit-R-trial-measured-Sitagliptin-HbA1c-reduction-against-this-drug.
  4. This-type-of-insulin-release-provides-background-levels
  5. Sitagliptin-demonstrates-better-weight-reduction-than-this-sulfonylurea
  6. These-islets-in-the-pancreas-play-a-key-part-in-glucose-regulation.
  7. This-class-of-drugs-are-agonists-for-insulin-release-and-cause-weight-loss

15 Clues: The-breakdown-of-fatsFound-highly-in-urine-during-DKAThe-active-ingredient-in-GlucophageHighly-selective-inhibitor-of-enzymeAmaryl-belongs-to-this-class-of-drugsThis-hormone-is-secreted-from-the-pancreasSynthesis-of-glucose-from-non-carbohydrate-sourceThe-first-brand-for-Sitagliptin-Metformin-combination...

Miscelanea 2020-10-14

Miscelanea crossword puzzle
  1. carroña
  2. apuntador
  3. muleta
  4. achaque
  5. tiovivo
  6. contrabandista
  7. novatada
  8. ventrílocuo
  9. tendedero
  10. daltónico
  11. imán
  12. títere
  13. grano
  14. funicular
  15. fiscal
  16. neumólogo
  17. andador
  18. corazonada
  19. sablista
  20. biberón
  21. aldea
  22. moroso
  23. octogenario
  24. ajedrez
  25. hincha
  26. fanfarrón
  1. albahaca
  2. patinete
  3. vacuna
  4. okupa
  5. camello
  6. diabetes
  7. púlpito
  8. autopsia
  9. belén
  10. empaste
  11. fichar
  12. cambiador
  13. transbordador
  14. gorrón
  15. ermitaño
  16. pelota
  17. coartada
  18. pandillero
  19. culebrón
  20. ludópata
  21. patrocinador
  22. avalista
  23. imperdible
  24. puticlub

50 Clues: imánokupabeléngranoaldeamuletavacunafichargorróntíterepelotafiscalmorosohinchacarroñaachaquetiovivocamellopúlpitoempasteandadorbiberónajedrezalbahacapatinetediabetesnovatadaautopsiaermitañocoartadaculebrónludópatasablistaavalistaputiclubapuntadortendederodaltónicocambiadorfunicularneumólogofanfarrónpandillerocorazonadaimperdibleventrílocuo...

Cuidado Farmacêutico no diabetes 2019-10-31

Cuidado Farmacêutico no diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Condição metabólica encontrada no diabetes
  2. medicamentos que podem influenciar na glicemia do paciente
  3. relacionada ao DM2
  1. sinal clássico do diabetes
  2. medicamento de primeira escolha para DM2
  3. Complicação observada principalmente em indivíduos com DM1
  4. produção endógena de glicose pelo organismo
  5. físico medida não farmacológica para o tratamento do diabetes
  6. Hormônio que encontra-se deficiente no DM1
  7. gestacional Surgimento da intolerância a carboidratos durante a gravidez

10 Clues: relacionada ao DM2sinal clássico do diabetesmedicamento de primeira escolha para DM2Condição metabólica encontrada no diabetesHormônio que encontra-se deficiente no DM1produção endógena de glicose pelo organismoComplicação observada principalmente em indivíduos com DM1medicamentos que podem influenciar na glicemia do paciente...

Nutrition Vocab Words 2022-11-17

Nutrition Vocab Words crossword puzzle
  1. Dental
  2. Double-Sugar
  3. Enhances when added to something
  4. influence behavior or mood
  5. multibranched polysaccharide
  6. sweet crystalline
  7. Complex
  8. The sum of Dietary and Added Fiber
  9. Can't turn into a simple sugar
  10. Consist of a number of sugars
  11. Artifical_Sugar
  1. GI
  2. Dietary
  3. Diabetes
  4. tasteless powder
  5. Purifed-Carbohydrates
  6. Broken down quickly by the body using energy
  7. biomolecule
  8. A hormone produced in the pancreas
  9. low blood sugar
  10. Can't digest Milk Products
  11. nutraceutical

22 Clues: GIDentalDietaryComplexDiabetesbiomoleculeDouble-Sugarnutraceuticallow blood sugarArtifical_Sugartasteless powdersweet crystallinePurifed-Carbohydratesinfluence behavior or moodCan't digest Milk Productsmultibranched polysaccharideConsist of a number of sugarsCan't turn into a simple sugarEnhances when added to something...

sdfghjk 2016-09-15

sdfghjk crossword puzzle
  1. Wie viele Einheiten Insulin entsprechen 1ml?
  2. Nenne eines der häufigsten für Diabetes Typ 2!
  3. Auf welchen Wirkstoff sind ganz viele Menschen allergisch?
  4. Welches Insulin eignet sich für Diabetes melitus Typ 2 an Besten‘
  5. Was ist eine geeignete Lösung für s.c. und i.m.?
  6. Fachbegriff wenn ein Medikament nicht verabreicht werden darf/soll.
  7. Fachbegriff für Nierenerkrankung!
  1. Anderes Wort für unter die Haut.
  2. Wo muss ein Impfstoff gelagert werden?
  3. Nenne eine verabreichungsart von Insulin für zu Hause!
  4. Fachbegriff für tiefen Blutzucker!
  5. Was ist Diabetes melitus?
  6. Nenne ein Beispiel, wenn ein minderjähriger Jungendlicher, die Entscheidung nicht selbst bestimmen darf!
  7. Was ist Insulin?
  8. Eine Injektion ist eine…?
  9. Die Injektion i.m. kann auch in den Gesässmuskel gespritzt werden. Welcher Nerv kann dabei getroffen werden?
  10. Kann Insulin anhand einer Tablette verabreicht werden?
  11. Fachbegriff für Schwellung!

18 Clues: Was ist Insulin?Was ist Diabetes melitus?Eine Injektion ist eine…?Fachbegriff für Schwellung!Anderes Wort für unter die Haut.Fachbegriff für Nierenerkrankung!Fachbegriff für tiefen Blutzucker!Wo muss ein Impfstoff gelagert werden?Wie viele Einheiten Insulin entsprechen 1ml?Nenne eines der häufigsten für Diabetes Typ 2!...

Diabetes 2013-07-09

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. medication given to assist your body in controlling blood glucose more effectively
  2. by reducing this you can better manage your diabetes
  3. diabetics should try to maintain a (the word) level at or below 130/80
  4. the type of diabetes that can be prevented
  1. helps your body lower blood glucose levels, promotes weight loss, reduces stress and enhances overall fitness
  2. the main sugar found in the blood and the body's main source of energy
  3. the type of diabetes that cannot be cured and occurs at a young age
  4. where most of the weight of diabetics is usually carried
  5. frequent urination and unusual thirst are examples of this

9 Clues: the type of diabetes that can be preventedby reducing this you can better manage your diabeteswhere most of the weight of diabetics is usually carriedfrequent urination and unusual thirst are examples of thisthe type of diabetes that cannot be cured and occurs at a young agethe main sugar found in the blood and the body's main source of energy...

Diabetes 2022-10-06

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Term used to describe High Blood Sugar Levels
  2. This type of Diabetes is reversible
  3. This type of Diabetes is irreversible
  4. Another name for sugar
  5. Hormone that controls the amount of sugar in the blood by moving it into the cells, where it can be used by the body for energy
  1. Term used to describe High Blood Pressure
  2. Term used to describe Low Blood Sugar Levels
  3. Term used to describe High Cholesterol Levels
  4. Organ that produces Insulin

9 Clues: Another name for sugarOrgan that produces InsulinThis type of Diabetes is reversibleThis type of Diabetes is irreversibleTerm used to describe High Blood PressureTerm used to describe Low Blood Sugar LevelsTerm used to describe High Blood Sugar LevelsTerm used to describe High Cholesterol Levels...

diabetes 2023-05-06

diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Hormônio que leva a glicose até a célula
  2. Órgão responsável pela produção de insulina
  3. Aumento de glicose no sangue
  4. Distúrbio do metabolismo de carboidratos
  5. Complicação de diabetes
  6. Temperatura de conservação de insulina
  1. beta Aparelho para medir glicose digital
  2. Célula produtora de insulina
  3. Sensibilizador de insulina

9 Clues: Complicação de diabetesSensibilizador de insulinaCélula produtora de insulinaAumento de glicose no sangueTemperatura de conservação de insulinaHormônio que leva a glicose até a célulaDistúrbio do metabolismo de carboidratosbeta Aparelho para medir glicose digitalÓrgão responsável pela produção de insulina

Diabetes Worksheet 2014-10-30

Diabetes Worksheet crossword puzzle
  1. Eating a wide variety of ......... foods is a protective factor.
  2. How many types of diabetes are there?
  3. Insulin is produced in the .........
  4. Diabetes is the inability to produce enough ......... which allows glucose to pass into the blood cells
  5. Those who consume high levels of alcohol are at a greater risk of developing diabetes. T or F
  1. Type 2 diabetes is also known as ...-..........-.....
  2. Over the last 20 years there has been an ......... in diabetes especially in adolescents.
  3. Three important factors to reduce the impact of type 2 diabetes is ........, injections and a healthy diet.
  4. Name a group at high risk of developing diabetes

9 Clues: Insulin is produced in the .........How many types of diabetes are there?Name a group at high risk of developing diabetesType 2 diabetes is also known as ...-..........-.....Eating a wide variety of ......... foods is a protective factor.Over the last 20 years there has been an ......... in diabetes especially in adolescents....


DIABETES MELLITUS crossword puzzle
  1. Afección que causa sed excesiva debido a niveles muy altos de azúcar.
  2. Afección en la que el nivel de glucosa en sangre es elevado, pero no lo suficiente para ser diabetes tipo II.
  3. Efecto de comer en exceso que surge en personas con diabetes debido a la deficiente utilización de la glucosa en algunas regiones del cerebro
  4. Prueba en la que se emplea la heteroproteína HbA1c de la sangre que resulta de la unión de la hemoglobina con glúcidos unidos a cadenas carbonadas con funciones ácidas en el carbono 3 y 4 para el diagnóstico de la diabetes mellitus tipo II y prediabetes.
  5. Fenómeno de acumulación de azúcar en la sangre un nivel alto producido por la incapacidad de las células de absorberlo.
  6. Complicación de la diabetes mellitus tipo 1 donde se incrementa el catabolismo y se generan cuerpos cetónicos en exceso por aumento de lipólisis.
  7. Consecuencia aguda de la diabetes donde hay una micción excesiva por afectación directa al riñón.
  1. El páncreas pierde su capacidad de fabricar la hormona insulina porque el sistema inmunitario ataca y destruye las células del páncreas encargadas de fabricar esta hormona.
  2. Es un trastorno crónico que afecta la manera en la cual el cuerpo metaboliza la glucosa y el cuerpo resiste los efectos de la insulina o bien no produce la insulina suficiente como para mantener niveles normales de glucosa.
  3. Tipo de diabetes con características de diabetes tipo 2 que se presenta en una edad joven habitualmente antes de los 25 años. Es una diabetes monogénica, se debe a mutaciones en genes concretos y en un solo gen cada subtipo, que afectan la maduración de las células betas pancreáticas productoras de insulina y por tanto en la secreción de la insulina.
  4. Diabetes autoinmune latente adultos que es definida como un trastorno autoinmune genético. Esto significa que el sistema inmunológico de estos pacientes no reconoce, y por ende, ataca las células betas del páncreas, que se encargan de la producción de insulina.
  5. Glándula qué tiene la función en la digestión y descomposicion alimentos y producir hormonas que ayudan a controlar los niveles de azúcar en sangre.
  6. Hormona que es liberada por el páncreas como respuesta a la presencia de glucosa en la sangre.
  7. Aparece por primera vez durante el embarazo en mujeres que nunca antes padecieron esta enfermedad y causa un alto nivel de glucosa sanguínea.

14 Clues: Afección que causa sed excesiva debido a niveles muy altos de azúcar.Hormona que es liberada por el páncreas como respuesta a la presencia de glucosa en la sangre.Consecuencia aguda de la diabetes donde hay una micción excesiva por afectación directa al riñón....

Complete this Diabetes Crossword Puzzle and enter to win a $25 giftcard 2015-12-17

Complete this Diabetes Crossword Puzzle and enter to win a $25 giftcard crossword puzzle
  1. Insulin is produced by these cells in the pancreas
  2. A blood sugar value below 4 mmol/L
  3. Forms after lipolysis
  4. The hormone that moves glucose into the cells
  5. A metabolic complication occurring mainly in type 1 diabetes (abrev)
  6. A long-acting insulin
  7. A class of medications that stimulate the pancreas to release more insulin
  8. A chronic complication affecting the eyes
  9. A lab value that can indicate how well diabetes is controlled
  10. Damage to the nerves
  1. Most often prescribed biguanide
  2. One of the symptoms of hyperglycemia
  3. FPG 6.1-6.9mmol/L and HbA1c 6.0-6.4%
  4. A nutrient that breaks down into glucose molecules
  5. Diabetes that occurs during pregnancy
  6. a hormone that causes the liver to release glucose into the blood
  7. Commonly used to treat low blood sugar

17 Clues: Damage to the nervesForms after lipolysisA long-acting insulinMost often prescribed biguanideA blood sugar value below 4 mmol/LOne of the symptoms of hyperglycemiaFPG 6.1-6.9mmol/L and HbA1c 6.0-6.4%Diabetes that occurs during pregnancyCommonly used to treat low blood sugarA chronic complication affecting the eyes...

Diabetes 2021-04-22

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Tuottaa insuliinia
  2. Ennaltaehkäisevä tekijä diabetekselle
  3. Milloin tyypin 1 diabetes yleensä todetaan?
  4. Hormoni, joka säätelee elimistön sokeriaineenvaihduntaa
  5. Tyypin 1 diabeteksen potilas käyttää tätä ruokalijuen yhteydessä
  1. Sokerivaihdunnan sairaus, joka johtuu haiman erittämän insuliinihormoonin puutteesta
  2. Yksi happomyrkytyksen oireista
  3. Yksi diabeteksen riskitekijöistä
  4. Yksi insuliinisokin oireista

9 Clues: Tuottaa insuliiniaYksi insuliinisokin oireistaYksi happomyrkytyksen oireistaYksi diabeteksen riskitekijöistäEnnaltaehkäisevä tekijä diabetekselleMilloin tyypin 1 diabetes yleensä todetaan?Hormoni, joka säätelee elimistön sokeriaineenvaihduntaaTyypin 1 diabeteksen potilas käyttää tätä ruokalijuen yhteydessä...

DIABETES 2021-12-05

DIABETES crossword puzzle


DIABETES 2021-12-05

DIABETES crossword puzzle


Diabetes 2024-02-21

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. A disorder of retinal blood vessels
  2. Diabetes occurs because the pancreas cannot produce...
  3. Degeneration of the peripheral nerves
  4. High blood sugar
  5. Test for blood sugar levels over the last months
  1. Occurs during pregnancy
  2. is crucial to diabetes management.
  3. Low blood sugar
  4. A complication of diabetes mellitus

9 Clues: Low blood sugarHigh blood sugarOccurs during pregnancyis crucial to diabetes management.A disorder of retinal blood vesselsA complication of diabetes mellitusDegeneration of the peripheral nervesTest for blood sugar levels over the last monthsDiabetes occurs because the pancreas cannot produce...

Diabetes Mellitus 2022-01-25

Diabetes Mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. it occurs when the level of glucose in blood drops below normal
  2. a hormone produced in the pancreas that helps glucose to get into the blood
  3. insulin is produced by the … of langerhans
  4. One of method of controling type 2 diabetes
  5. a hormone in the body that lowers the amount of sugar in the blood
  6. is a disease that most people (80%) with type ii diabetes suffer from
  7. Disease caused by a fatty substance building up inside the arteries
  1. a medical condition in which your blood pressure is extremely high
  2. relating to a condition in which someone's antibodies attack substances that are naturally found in the body
  3. damage of the retina of the eye caused by diabetes that can lead to blindness
  4. organ that secretes insulin and glucagon
  5. Period of time when usually type 1 diabetes develops
  6. damage to, or disease affecting the nerves
  7. lack of insulin causes our body to use fat for energy that is manifested by increased level of … produced by liver
  8. hyperglycaemia is manifested among others by persistent thirst which is called …

15 Clues: organ that secretes insulin and glucagoninsulin is produced by the … of langerhansdamage to, or disease affecting the nervesOne of method of controling type 2 diabetesPeriod of time when usually type 1 diabetes developsit occurs when the level of glucose in blood drops below normala medical condition in which your blood pressure is extremely high...

Complete this Diabetes Crossword Puzzle and enter to win a $25 giftcard 2015-12-17

Complete this Diabetes Crossword Puzzle and enter to win a $25 giftcard crossword puzzle
  1. Forms after lipolysis
  2. A lab value that can indicate how well diabetes is controlled
  3. Commonly used to treat low blood sugar
  4. A chronic complication affecting the eyes
  5. A blood sugar value below 4 mmol/L
  6. FPG 6.1-6.9mmol/L and HbA1c 6.0-6.4%
  7. a hormone that causes the liver to release glucose into the blood
  8. Damage to the nerves
  9. A long-acting insulin
  1. The hormone that moves glucose into the cells
  2. One of the symptoms of hyperglycemia
  3. A metabolic complication occurring mainly in type 1 diabetes (abrev)
  4. A class of medications that stimulate the pancreas to release more insulin
  5. A nutrient that breaks down into glucose molecules
  6. Most often prescribed biguanide
  7. Diabetes that occurs during pregnancy
  8. Insulin is produced by these cells in the pancreas

17 Clues: Damage to the nervesForms after lipolysisA long-acting insulinMost often prescribed biguanideA blood sugar value below 4 mmol/LOne of the symptoms of hyperglycemiaFPG 6.1-6.9mmol/L and HbA1c 6.0-6.4%Diabetes that occurs during pregnancyCommonly used to treat low blood sugarA chronic complication affecting the eyes...

Voeding gerelateerde ziektes 2013-03-05

Voeding gerelateerde ziektes crossword puzzle
  1. ketonen in de urine noemt men ...
  2. verhouding tussen gewicht en het kwadraat van de lengte
  3. hormoon dat de bloedsuikerspiegel verhoogt
  4. methode om te bepalen of iemand een appel- of peertype is
  5. andere benaming voor bloedsuikergehalte
  6. aandoening waarbij de schildklier te weinig schildklierhormoon produceert
  7. hormoon dat wordt ingespoten bij mensen met diabetes
  8. uitblijven van de menstruatie
  1. vorm waaronder glucose in de lever wordt opgeslagen
  2. andere benaming voor hoge bloeddruk
  3. onherroepelijke drang om veel te eten in een zeer korte periode
  4. onder welke naam worden overgewicht en obesitas geclassificeerd?
  5. Griekse benaming voor veel vet
  6. veelvuldig moeten plassen als gevolg van diabetes
  7. de behandeling van diabetes berust op 4 pijlers: educatie, medicatie, lichaamsbeweging en ...
  8. onweerstaanbare drang om te vermageren
  9. anorexia en boulimia zijn voorbeelden van een ...

17 Clues: uitblijven van de menstruatieGriekse benaming voor veel vetketonen in de urine noemt men ...andere benaming voor hoge bloeddrukonweerstaanbare drang om te vermagerenandere benaming voor bloedsuikergehaltehormoon dat de bloedsuikerspiegel verhoogtveelvuldig moeten plassen als gevolg van diabetesanorexia en boulimia zijn voorbeelden van een ......

Diabetes Management Crossword Puzzle 2015-12-17

Diabetes Management Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A nutrient that breaks down into glucose molecules
  2. A chronic complication affecting the eyes
  3. Diabetes that occurs during pregnancy
  4. A class of medications that stimulate the pancreas to release more insulin
  5. FPG 6.1-6.9mmol/L and HbA1c 6.0-6.4%
  6. Commonly used to treat low blood sugar
  7. Most often prescribed biguanide
  8. A lab value that can indicate how well diabetes is controlled
  9. A long-acting insulin
  1. A blood sugar value below 4 mmol/L
  2. The hormone that moves glucose into the cells
  3. Damage to the nerves
  4. a hormone that causes the liver to release glucose into the blood
  5. One of the symptoms of hyperglycemia
  6. A metabolic complication occurring mainly in type 1 diabetes (abrev)
  7. Forms after lipolysis
  8. Insulin is produced by these cells in the pancreas

17 Clues: Damage to the nervesForms after lipolysisA long-acting insulinMost often prescribed biguanideA blood sugar value below 4 mmol/LFPG 6.1-6.9mmol/L and HbA1c 6.0-6.4%One of the symptoms of hyperglycemiaDiabetes that occurs during pregnancyCommonly used to treat low blood sugarA chronic complication affecting the eyes...

fun 2013-08-07

fun crossword puzzle
  1. cardiac drug class required for persons with diabetes
  2. maximum number of months for HEDIS measure after fracture
  3. dilation exam for a person with diabetes
  4. Key Performance __________
  5. new reporting application which profiles STAR measure progress towards 4 & 5 STARS
  6. CBA score of >15,000
  1. software system used to record POD visits
  2. assignment to a physician
  3. technical description & criteria used for measuring a HEDIS measure
  4. cholesterol needing to be <100
  5. eye screen for persons without diabetes
  6. used to treat rheumatoid arthritis
  7. previous term used for RAP
  8. used in lieu of used in lieu of colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy

14 Clues: CBA score of >15,000assignment to a physicianKey Performance __________previous term used for RAPcholesterol needing to be <100used to treat rheumatoid arthritiseye screen for persons without diabetesdilation exam for a person with diabetessoftware system used to record POD visitscardiac drug class required for persons with diabetes...

Diabetes mellitus 2020-04-23

Diabetes mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. - za kurije oči odlazi se...?
  2. - ne nositi cipele s ...
  3. - Što treba prati 5 minuta svaki dan?
  4. - Hiperglikemijska pretkoma ili dijabetička...?
  5. - Dijabetes tipa II. nastaje...?
  6. - Dijabetes tipa I. je...o inzulinu.
  7. - povišena razina glukoze u urinu kaže se...?
  8. - apsolutan ili relativan manjak inzulina uzrok je...?
  9. - Gušterača izlučuje...?
  1. - prhrana se djeli u ... skupina.
  2. - jedna od komplikacija dijabetesa je...
  3. - neuropatije javljaju se kod...
  4. - za inzulinsku komu karakteristična je smetnja u ...
  5. - jedan od znakova je zadah po...
  6. - osobe na ... terapiji uzimaju 3-4 obroka dnevno

15 Clues: - ne nositi cipele s ...- Gušterača izlučuje...?- za kurije oči odlazi se...?- neuropatije javljaju se kod...- Dijabetes tipa II. nastaje...?- prhrana se djeli u ... skupina.- jedan od znakova je zadah po...- Dijabetes tipa I. je...o inzulinu.- Što treba prati 5 minuta svaki dan?- jedna od komplikacija dijabetesa je......

Diabetes Awareness 2023-11-26

Diabetes Awareness crossword puzzle
  1. a symptom of hyperglycemia
  2. risk factor for DM
  3. First line oral agent for DM2
  4. rapid acting insulin
  5. Diabetes during pregnancy
  6. Dr.Sayer’s favorite topic
  7. arabic sweet with high sugar levels
  1. monitored every 3-6 months
  2. Sugar in food
  3. DM patients should do it often
  4. sugaring agent used for diabetics
  5. micro vascular complication of DM
  6. Injectable medication for DM
  7. Low blood sugar
  8. malfunctioning organ in DM

15 Clues: Sugar in foodLow blood sugarrisk factor for DMrapid acting insulinDiabetes during pregnancyDr.Sayer’s favorite topica symptom of hyperglycemiamonitored every 3-6 monthsmalfunctioning organ in DMInjectable medication for DMFirst line oral agent for DM2DM patients should do it oftensugaring agent used for diabeticsmicro vascular complication of DM...

Diabetes Overview 2024-02-25

Diabetes Overview crossword puzzle
  1. _____ Hyperglycemia Syndrome occurs when patients can make enough insuline to prevent DKA but still have severe hyperglycemia, osmotic diuresis and ECF depletion
  2. Diabetes ____ is the most prevalent type of diabetes
  3. ____ acting insulin has no peak
  4. ____ Promotes glucose transport from the bloodstream across the cell membrane to the cytoplasm of the cells
  5. _____ Acting insulin has a peak of 4-12 hours
  6. Patients need thorough diabetic ____ care to prevent ulcerations
  7. Liver and muscle cells store excess glucose as ____
  8. Polyuria, polydipsia and ______ are classic symptoms
  1. Diabetic ______ is caused by profound deficiency in insulin
  2. Shakiness, palpitations, diaphoresis, hunger and pallor are signs and symptoms of ______
  3. ___ acting insulin is injected within 15 minutes of meals
  4. ____ is the preferred site for insulin administration
  5. Type ___ Formerly known as juvenile-onset or insulin dependent diabetes
  6. Patients must rotate injection sites to prevent ____
  7. _____ A1C is used to monitor glucose levels over 2-3 months

15 Clues: ____ acting insulin has no peak_____ Acting insulin has a peak of 4-12 hoursLiver and muscle cells store excess glucose as ____Diabetes ____ is the most prevalent type of diabetesPatients must rotate injection sites to prevent ____Polyuria, polydipsia and ______ are classic symptoms____ is the preferred site for insulin administration...

Enfermedades 2 2023-10-17

Enfermedades 2 crossword puzzle
  1. herpes
  2. rabia
  3. artritis
  4. gripe
  5. neumonía
  1. diabetes
  2. sida
  3. asma
  4. varicela
  5. lupus

10 Clues: sidaasmarabialupusgripeherpesdiabetesvaricelaartritisneumonía

POD 2013-08-07

POD crossword puzzle
  1. used to treat rheumatoid arthritis
  2. CBA score of >15,000
  3. eye screen for persons without diabetes
  4. cholesterol needing to be <100
  5. previous term used for RAP
  6. assignment to a physician
  7. used in lieu of colonoscopy ot sigmoidoscopy
  1. dilation exam for a person with diabetes
  2. software system used to record POD visits
  3. technical description & criteria used for measuring a HEDIS measure
  4. cardiac drug class required for persons with diabetes
  5. Key Performance __________
  6. new reporting application which profiles STAR measure progress towards 4 & 5 STARS
  7. maximum number of months for HEDIS measure after fracture

14 Clues: CBA score of >15,000assignment to a physicianKey Performance __________previous term used for RAPcholesterol needing to be <100used to treat rheumatoid arthritiseye screen for persons without diabetesdilation exam for a person with diabetessoftware system used to record POD visitsused in lieu of colonoscopy ot sigmoidoscopy...

Diabetic Foot Disease 2013-09-09

Diabetic Foot Disease crossword puzzle
  1. The most common cause of non-traumatic lower extremity amputations
  2. A Grade 1 ulcer is known as a _______ ulcer
  3. Lack of blood flow
  4. A tool used for testing for neuropathy
  5. Inability to feel sensation
  6. The percentage of people with diabetes who develop foot disease
  7. An ischaemic foot will feel....
  1. Diabetes develops from a lack of _____
  2. The leading cause of foot ulceration
  3. Treatment for a dry or cracked foot
  4. The removal of dead tissue
  5. A foot deformity
  6. Amputation from above or below the knee is a ____ amputation
  7. Amputation of the toes or feet is called a _____ amputation

14 Clues: A foot deformityLack of blood flowThe removal of dead tissueInability to feel sensationAn ischaemic foot will feel....Treatment for a dry or cracked footThe leading cause of foot ulcerationDiabetes develops from a lack of _____A tool used for testing for neuropathyA Grade 1 ulcer is known as a _______ ulcer...

Diabetic Foot Disease 2013-09-09

Diabetic Foot Disease crossword puzzle
  1. Inability to feel sensation
  2. A tool used for testing for neuropathy
  3. The percentage of people with diabetes who develop foot disease
  4. The most common cause of non-traumatic lower extremity amputations
  5. An ischaemic foot will feel....
  6. A Grade 1 ulcer is known as a _______ ulcer
  7. Lack of blood flow
  8. Treatment for a dry or cracked foot
  9. Amputation from above or below the knee is a ____ amputation
  1. A foot deformity
  2. The removal of dead tissue
  3. Amputation of the toes or feet is called a _____ amputation
  4. The leading cause of foot ulceration
  5. Diabetes develops from a lack of _____

14 Clues: A foot deformityLack of blood flowThe removal of dead tissueInability to feel sensationAn ischaemic foot will feel....Treatment for a dry or cracked footThe leading cause of foot ulcerationA tool used for testing for neuropathyDiabetes develops from a lack of _____A Grade 1 ulcer is known as a _______ ulcer...

Kruiswoordpuzzel Diabetes 2014-06-16

Kruiswoordpuzzel Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Welk orgaan geeft insuline af?
  2. Wat is een ander woord voor diabetes?
  3. Hoe wordt een tekort aan suiker in het bloed genoemd?
  4. Hoe wordt het apparaatje genoemd dat sommige diabeten gebruiken voor de inbreng van insuline?
  5. De inwoners van welk land hebben genetisch de grootste kans op diabetes?
  1. Welk soort diabetes kunnen alleen vrouwen krijgen?
  2. Welke ziekte komt vaak voor bij mensen met diabetes type 2?
  3. Welk hormoon zorgt voor de opname van glucose in de cellen?
  4. Wat is een veel gebruikte drug die de bloedsuikerspiegel doet dalen?
  5. Welk dier wordt vaak behandeld met diabetes

10 Clues: Welk orgaan geeft insuline af?Wat is een ander woord voor diabetes?Welk dier wordt vaak behandeld met diabetesWelk soort diabetes kunnen alleen vrouwen krijgen?Hoe wordt een tekort aan suiker in het bloed genoemd?Welke ziekte komt vaak voor bij mensen met diabetes type 2?Welk hormoon zorgt voor de opname van glucose in de cellen?...

Mind and Metabolism: Type 2 Diabetes and Alzheimer's Crossword 2023-11-23

Mind and Metabolism: Type 2 Diabetes and Alzheimer's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This type of phosphorylation of tau protein is linked to brain damage in diabetes and dementia
  2. A protein formed in the brain that contributes to the formation of 'plaques' and 'tangles' in Alzheimer's
  3. A common medication used to treat type 2 diabetes
  4. Important lifestyle modification for diabetes and Alzheimer's prevention
  5. This hormone plays an essential role in neuronal survival and brain function
  6. This disease is known to be a major risk factor for cognitive decline and dementia
  7. Type of sugar found in the bloodstream
  1. Barrier that regulates insulin entry into the brain
  2. Elevated levels of glucose in the bloodstream
  3. First stage of Alzheimer's progression
  4. The type of cells found in the pancreas that produce insulin
  5. A crucial aspect of insulin action required for learning and memory
  6. Insulin promotes the formation of these structural elements involved in neuronal connections
  7. Shared risk factor for both Alzheimer's and type 2 diabetes

14 Clues: First stage of Alzheimer's progressionType of sugar found in the bloodstreamElevated levels of glucose in the bloodstreamA common medication used to treat type 2 diabetesBarrier that regulates insulin entry into the brainShared risk factor for both Alzheimer's and type 2 diabetesThe type of cells found in the pancreas that produce insulin...

PBL: Endocrine System Disorders (AC) 2023-01-17

PBL: Endocrine System Disorders (AC) crossword puzzle
  1. when the pancreas doesn't make enough insulin
  2. when the adrenal gland releases too little of the hormone
  3. the type of diabetes occurring when the body doesn't use insulin well or doesn't make enough
  4. deficiency of antidiuretic hormone from pituitary; resulting in excess urination or thirst
  5. occurring when blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not enough to be considered diabetes
  6. thyroid hormones levels are high; causing fast metabolism and nervous function
  1. thyroid hormones levels are low; causes slow metabolism and nervous function
  2. enlargements of the arm, leg, and head caused by excessive secretion of growth hormone
  3. when an autoimmune response damages the adrenal gland
  4. excessive body growth caused by overproduction of growth hormone
  5. bulging eyes as a result of a thyroid disorder
  6. enlargement of the adrenal gland
  7. thyromegaly; enlargement of the thyroid glands
  8. temporary form of diabetes happening during pregnancy
  9. first type of diabetes; the body attacks itself and fails to make insulin

15 Clues: enlargement of the adrenal glandwhen the pancreas doesn't make enough insulinbulging eyes as a result of a thyroid disorderthyromegaly; enlargement of the thyroid glandswhen an autoimmune response damages the adrenal glandtemporary form of diabetes happening during pregnancywhen the adrenal gland releases too little of the hormone...

Exam 4 Review Part 1 2023-03-07

Exam 4 Review Part 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Hormone is low is difficult to deal with stress.
  2. Condition found with an increased blood pressure when a benign tumor of the adrenal medulla
  3. Results with diabetes due to an sugar enhances bacterial growth
  4. HbgAiC level means the blood glucose level is controlled with medication.
  5. Diabetes Condition uses the fluid deprivation test to diagnose
  1. Insulin type that peaks absorption in 3-4 hours
  2. Low Growth Hormone (GH) can lead to an increase in bone breakdown, resulting in increased bone fragility and risk for osteoporosis.
  3. Condition nurse should rotate injection sites to increase medication absorption
  4. Sign in Diabetes and nurse should not leave heating pad on patient due to loss of sensation.
  5. Syndrome priority is a increase in WBC
  6. Correlates with hyperpituitarism.and needing bigger shoes
  7. suppression test uses morning blood samples to evaluate cortisol levels in Cushings
  8. Is needed as a supplement with hypopituitarism
  9. This can cause increased blood glucose levels

14 Clues: Syndrome priority is a increase in WBCThis can cause increased blood glucose levelsIs needed as a supplement with hypopituitarismInsulin type that peaks absorption in 3-4 hoursHormone is low is difficult to deal with stress.Correlates with hyperpituitarism.and needing bigger shoesDiabetes Condition uses the fluid deprivation test to diagnose...

Feline Diseases 2024-02-09

Feline Diseases crossword puzzle
  1. Veterinarian will assign this to achieve or maintain a healthy weight
  2. Type of food that can lead to FLUTD
  3. Best way to protect cats against FeLV
  4. Refers to a group of diseases involving the bladder or urethra in cats
  5. Occurs due to either a lack of insulin or an inadequate response to it
  6. To detect organ malfunctions in the early stages
  7. A discussion of your cat’s home life and health status
  1. Severely weakens immune system
  2. Test for internal parasites
  3. Can be treated if caught early
  4. Heartworms, intestinal parasites, fleas, and ticks
  5. Makes cats more susceptible to disease
  6. Causes cells to grow out of control
  7. Can prevent infections and some types of cancer
  8. One of the most common causes of death in cats
  9. May need these cleaned every one to two years
  10. More prone to diabetes than females
  11. Test on urine
  12. All cats should be at least once per year
  13. Given to cats to manage diabetes

20 Clues: Test on urineTest for internal parasitesSeverely weakens immune systemCan be treated if caught earlyGiven to cats to manage diabetesType of food that can lead to FLUTDCauses cells to grow out of controlMore prone to diabetes than femalesBest way to protect cats against FeLVMakes cats more susceptible to disease...

Diabetes Knowledge and Awareness 2020-11-13

Diabetes Knowledge and Awareness crossword puzzle
  1. the organ affected with Diabetes
  2. Term used to describe the condition of high blood sugar
  3. one of the six food groups
  4. health care professional who counsels patients
  5. this is used for emergency diabetic identification
  6. normal levels of glucose in the blood
  7. rebound effect of hypoglycemia
  8. type 1 diabetes is this condition
  9. Sanofi-manufactured insulin
  10. diabetic foot disease can lead to this
  1. glucose enters here from food
  2. changes to this is required for proper management
  3. chronic complication
  4. this is sometimes the first sign in people with type 1 diabetes
  5. hormone produced by alpha cells that raises blood sugar
  6. daily glucose determinant
  7. Increased urine emission
  8. avoid foods rich in this type of fat
  9. administration of external insulin
  10. This is good to do 30 mins a day 3-5 times a week
  11. A first generation oral agent
  12. An anabolic hormone
  13. the test for glycated hemoglobin
  14. this type comes from family history and obesity

24 Clues: An anabolic hormonechronic complicationIncreased urine emissiondaily glucose determinantone of the six food groupsSanofi-manufactured insulinglucose enters here from foodA first generation oral agentrebound effect of hypoglycemiathe organ affected with Diabetesthe test for glycated hemoglobintype 1 diabetes is this condition...

Chapter 20, Endocrine and Hematologic Emergencies 2024-07-16

Chapter 20, Endocrine and Hematologic Emergencies crossword puzzle
  1. A sweet or fruity odor on the breath is a result of\
  2. Primary fuel, along with oxygen, for cellular metabolism
  3. An inherited disease that affects the red blood cells
  4. Excessive eating
  5. Diabetes caused by a resistance to insulin
  6. DKA stands for
  7. A pathologic condition resulting from the accumulation of acids in the body
  8. Giving oral glucose to an unconscious patient would be a
  9. The type of diabetes caused by autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells
  1. A blood glucose of 80 that would need oral glucose
  2. Where glycogen is stored in the body
  3. Insulin is produced by the
  4. Acids your body makes when you use its fats for energy
  5. A disorder affecting the metabolism of glucose
  6. 15g per tube
  7. Frequent urination
  8. A deep and labored breathing pattern found in severe metabolic acidosis
  9. A hormone that enables glucose to enter the cells
  10. Side effects of oral glucose
  11. The mg level in which you should give oral glucose

20 Clues: 15g per tubeDKA stands forExcessive eatingFrequent urinationInsulin is produced by theSide effects of oral glucoseWhere glycogen is stored in the bodyDiabetes caused by a resistance to insulinA disorder affecting the metabolism of glucoseA hormone that enables glucose to enter the cellsA blood glucose of 80 that would need oral glucose...

Type Two Diabetes 2022-12-05

Type Two Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Sign of insulin resistance
  2. Type of diabetes that happens to women after giving birth
  3. The accessory organ that produces insulin
  1. First type of medication a patient is perscribed
  2. Type of exercise added to help those with diabetes maintain low levels of blood sugar
  3. The type of disease that diabetes is
  4. In the blood, regulates sugar levels
  5. Age at which diabetes becomes more common
  6. Most common test for diabetes

9 Clues: Sign of insulin resistanceMost common test for diabetesThe type of disease that diabetes isIn the blood, regulates sugar levelsAge at which diabetes becomes more commonThe accessory organ that produces insulinFirst type of medication a patient is perscribedType of diabetes that happens to women after giving birth...

Marvin's Mineral cross word 2019-02-28

Marvin's Mineral cross word crossword puzzle
  1. fastest growing disease for teens
  2. another name for high blood pressure
  3. sign of diabetes
  4. on the left side of the health continuum
  5. sign of diabetes
  6. how many types of diabetes are these
  7. product of a brain cell destroyer
  8. third line of defense
  9. good for bone growth
  10. how many lives could be saved if people washed their hands correctly?
  11. keeps you on track
  12. lack of sleep causes
  1. first line of defense
  2. daily unhappiness
  3. on the right side of the health continuum
  4. second line of defense
  5. common pathogen
  6. the third leading cause of deaths in teens
  7. average life span of an American
  8. the number of teens that are vaping
  9. how many teens play fortnite
  10. milk, fruits,and veggies are good sources of
  11. this happens on one side of the body during a stroke
  12. president either continuously on or off for a long period of time
  13. what percentage of teens have hypertension

25 Clues: common pathogensign of diabetessign of diabetesdaily unhappinesskeeps you on trackgood for bone growthlack of sleep causesfirst line of defensethird line of defensesecond line of defensehow many teens play fortniteaverage life span of an Americanfastest growing disease for teensproduct of a brain cell destroyerthe number of teens that are vaping...

Tata Terapi Diabetes Melitus 2023-04-17

Tata Terapi Diabetes Melitus crossword puzzle
  1. Obat yang mampu beraksi mengendalikan diabetes melitus meskipun pasien tidak memiliki suplai insulin sama sekali.
  2. Metformin bekerja dengan mereduksi produksi pemecahan cadangan glukosa pada organ . . .
  3. Insulin yang menawarkan onset paling cepat.
  4. Obat tambahan yang digunakan bersama dengan insulin pada pasien DM tipe 1 yang tidak mencapai target glikemik.
  5. Obat kelompok sulfonilurea dengan aksi lebih kuat dan efek samping lebih rendah.
  6. Kembung, sakit perut, diare adalah efek samping yang paling umum terjadi dari penggunaan obat.
  7. Obat diabetes melitus yang tidak memicu efek mual dan memiliki efek signifikan pada rasa kenyang, sehingga peningkatan/penurunan berat badan dan beraksi dengan meningkatkan aksi hormon GIP dan hormon GLP.
  8. Tipe insulin yang tidak memiliki Efikasi maksimum, sehingga biovalilabilitasnya landa, dan biasanya hanya dapat diberikan sekali sehari
  9. Obat diabetes melitus yang meskipun memiliki aksi yang hebat dan efek samping yang minim, namun dipertimbangkan penggunaannya sebagai lini terapi kedua atau ketiga, karena pertimbangan harga.
  10. Metformin eningkatkan sensitivitas respon terhadap insulin pada jaringan . . .
  11. Efek samping penggunaan metformin adalah gangguan pada sistem . . .
  12. Obat kelompok tiazolidindion dengan aksi terbaik
  13. Pada penatalaksanaan DM Tipe 1, dosis insulin yang diberikan sebagai respon terhadap peningkatan kadar glukosa setelah makan.
  14. Gagal jantung merupakan efek samping yang rentan terjadi pada penggunaan kelompok obat . . .
  1. Dulaglutide dan obat-obat dalam kelompoknya dapat dikombinasikan dengan semua jenis obat antidiabetes melitus kecuali.
  2. Obat diabetes melitus yang merangsang sekresi insulin sekaligus menekan sekresi glukagon, juga mengurangi produksi glukosa hati, dan juga dapat meningkatkan sensasi kenyang sehingga dapat menyebabkan penurunan berat badan.
  3. Kelompok obat yang harus dihindari pada pasien DM tipe 2 yang membutuhkan penurunan berat badan atau penghindaran penambahan berat badan.
  4. Jenis insulin yang dapat diberikan sekali sehari pada beberapa pasien tetapi harus diberikan dua kali sehari pada dosis rendah.
  5. Efek samping paling umum dari terapi insulin.
  6. Kelompok insulin yang mengandung komponen basal dan prandial, dengan pemberiannya membutuhkan penyesuaian regimen dosis pada pasien.
  7. Obat diabetes melitus yang dihindari penggunaannya pada orang yang memiliki riwayat profil kolesterol LDL yang tinggi.
  8. Obat yang direkomendasikan sebagai tata terapi pada pasien DM tipe 2 dengan penyakit kardiovaskular atau penyakit ginjal kronik.
  9. Kelompok insulin dengan resiko hipoglikemia yang rendah.
  10. Insulin yang menyebabkan penambahan berat badan yang tergantung pada dosis dan terjadi terutama di lemak truncal.
  11. Efek maksimal penggunaan tiazolidindion akan tampak sejak . . . . bulan dari awal penggunaan.
  12. Obat diabetes melitus dengan resiko tinggi efek samping hipoglikemia.
  13. Kelompok obat yang harus dihindari pada pasien DM tipe 2 dengan komplikasi gangguan jantung
  14. Obat diabetes melitus yang memperlambat pemecahan sukrosa dan karbohidrat kompleks di usus halus, memperpanjang penyerapan karbohidrat.
  15. Obat kelompok tiazolidindion yang tidak mempengaruhi profil trigliserida dalam darah.
  16. Insulin dosis tinggi dengan aksi sangat cepat digunakan untuk mengatasi kondisi.
  17. Salah satu gejala awal hipoglikemia.
  18. Untuk menghindari munculnya efek samping hipoglikemia pada penggunaan exenatide, maka penggunaan obat tersebut dapat dikombinasikan dengan...

32 Clues: Salah satu gejala awal hipoglikemia.Insulin yang menawarkan onset paling cepat.Efek samping paling umum dari terapi insulin.Obat kelompok tiazolidindion dengan aksi terbaikKelompok insulin dengan resiko hipoglikemia yang rendah.Efek samping penggunaan metformin adalah gangguan pada sistem . . ....