holiday Crossword Puzzles

Holiday 2020-04-01

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. is a feeling
  2. is something to do
  3. is feeling around
  4. to get pleasure from something
  5. move through the air
  6. used to carry things on your back
  7. is an activity
  8. a person who is staying for short time
  9. it protect your eyes from the sun
  10. group of people with customs, beliefs
  1. a group of people who valeted to each other
  2. a foreign country
  3. is a check
  4. a place for planes
  5. is a identification document
  6. pleasant feeling, usually things
  7. a building where you pay to have to sleep
  8. all wild life.
  9. small area
  10. a vehicle for travelling on water
  11. the general weather
  12. an area of full sand

22 Clues: is a checksmall areais a feelingall wild an activitya foreign countryis feeling arounda place for planesis something to dothe general weathermove through the airan area of full sandis a identification documentto get pleasure from somethingpleasant feeling, usually thingsa vehicle for travelling on waterused to carry things on your back...

Holiday 2020-10-17

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. where you stay when you travel
  2. clothes to swim with
  3. line
  4. state of peace
  5. book that guides you
  6. paste to brush the teeth
  7. document you need to travel to other countries
  8. view
  9. late
  1. vacation
  2. lounge hall where people stay waiting
  3. cards plastic money
  4. sth you spread on your body
  5. to take pictures
  6. comfortable and expensive
  7. trip by plane
  8. trip with a group of tourists
  9. a place full of people
  10. glasses to protect the eyes
  11. currency money from other countries

20 Clues: lineviewlatevacationtrip by planestate of peaceto take picturescards plastic moneyclothes to swim withbook that guides youa place full of peoplepaste to brush the teethcomfortable and expensivesth you spread on your bodyglasses to protect the eyestrip with a group of touristswhere you stay when you travelcurrency money from other countries...

Holiday 2014-12-02

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. "My name is _____ and I like warm hugs"
  2. "was a jolly happy soul"
  3. Every year grandma adds an ________ to the tree
  4. What number is significant to Kwanzaa
  5. Birthplace of Jesus
  6. Minty read and white stripes
  7. First blank page of a 365 page book
  8. Where did I see mommy kissing Santa Clause
  9. Birthday of Jesus Christ
  10. Santa's famous words
  11. Santa's gift mobile
  12. Best drink for the winter season
  1. Kwanzaa will celebrate ______ years in 2016
  2. Ring-shaped flower arrangement
  3. Red nose reindeer
  4. The Festival of Lights
  5. Culture that observes Hannukkah
  6. Smoke vent
  7. are hung over the fireplace
  8. Holiday that begins on December 26th
  9. Wrapped underneath the Christmas tree
  10. Where Santa's workshop can be found
  11. Singing Christmas music door-to-door
  12. Virgin ______
  13. Ice crystals
  14. "Old Saint Nick"
  15. Santa's helpers

27 Clues: Smoke ventIce crystalsVirgin ______Santa's helpers"Old Saint Nick"Red nose reindeerBirthplace of JesusSanta's gift mobileSanta's famous wordsThe Festival of Lights"was a jolly happy soul"Birthday of Jesus Christare hung over the fireplaceMinty read and white stripesRing-shaped flower arrangementCulture that observes Hannukkah...

Holiday 2014-06-30

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. spelen
  2. lachen
  3. verhaal
  4. middag
  5. meisje
  6. tas
  7. boot
  8. adres
  9. spin
  10. snelheid
  1. kopen
  2. staart
  3. groot
  4. sterk
  5. geschiedenis
  6. konijn
  7. broer
  8. lawaaiig
  9. rennen
  10. laarzen
  11. stad
  12. artikel
  13. snel

23 Clues: tasstadbootspinsnelkopengrootsterkbroeradresstaartspelenlachenkonijnmiddagmeisjerennenverhaallaarzenartikellawaaiigsnelheidgeschiedenis

HOLIDAY 2014-03-30

HOLIDAY crossword puzzle
  1. I will call a taxi in the MORNING.
  2. At the end of the STREET, turn right.
  3. Monique is my FORENAME.
  4. You all go to SCHOOL, your school is called Windroos!
  5. I would like to VISIT the Eifel Tower.
  6. Excuse me, I would like to have a SINGLE ROOM please.
  7. Please WAIT her, you can't come in this train. You have no ticket.
  8. Do you REMEMBER what you did when you were five years old?
  9. Susy made a TRIP to New York.
  10. Bikker is my SURNAME, what is yours?
  11. That FRIGHTENS me, it makes me scared.
  12. When you see the ROUNDABOUT, go left.
  13. You can't travel without an ADULT.
  14. I love to go on HOLIDAY.
  15. You need to go LEFT and then cross the street.
  16. It is TRUE, he is not lying.
  17. Dit is de afkorting van het word nummer.
  18. Jan will ARRIVE tonight, he went to England for a month.
  1. We will travel to London by COACH.
  2. You need a TICKET for this bus, it isn't free.
  3. It is FREE, you don't have to pay anything this time.
  4. I am not sure, MAYBE you can ask the holiday organiser.
  5. Take the NEXT street on the left.
  6. Please fasten your SEAT-BELTS. We are now approaching Schiphol airport.
  7. Can you show me on this MAP where the post office is please?
  8. Can we please stop at the POST OFFICE, I need to buy some stamps
  9. You need to raise your RIGHT hand if you see me.
  10. He wants to buy a RETURN TICKET.
  11. The way that I been holdin' on too tight with nothing in BETWEEN (one direction)
  12. We should ASK someone for directions.
  13. You can buy tickets at the STATION.
  14. I don't like to TRAVEL alone.
  15. Schiphol is a famous AIRPORT.
  16. I will ARRIVE at the station at 10 o'clock.
  17. He doesn't dare to FLY.
  18. He is a bit CRAZY.
  19. The WEATHER is awful, it rains and it storm. The plains can't fly.
  20. I really like that love STORY.

38 Clues: He is a bit CRAZY.Monique is my FORENAME.He doesn't dare to FLY.I love to go on HOLIDAY.It is TRUE, he is not lying.I don't like to TRAVEL alone.Susy made a TRIP to New York.Schiphol is a famous AIRPORT.I really like that love STORY.He wants to buy a RETURN TICKET.Take the NEXT street on the left.We will travel to London by COACH....

holiday 2024-01-10

holiday crossword puzzle
  1. makanan, jajanan, kenyang
  2. menginap, kolam renang, kamar
  3. pantai, turis, pulau
  4. jualan, jalan kaki, hari minggu
  5. cepat, kendaraan rel
  6. jualbeli, ramai, belanja, tradisional
  7. jauh dari kota, damai, udara segar
  8. kerang, ombak, pasir
  9. selimut, bantal, guling
  10. gedung, hiburan, banyak toko
  1. batu raksasa, pepohonan, alam, mendaki
  2. buku, membaca, memahami
  3. hewan, kandang, tiket masuk
  4. kail, ikan, umpan
  5. main hp, tidur, hp lagi, hp lagi
  6. pepohonan, gelap, binatang liar
  7. air, pelampung, menyelam
  8. kota besar, macet, monas
  9. padi, menanam, becek
  10. dingin, wisata, perbukitan, pohon pinus
  11. sedikit penduduk, daratan, ditangah laut
  12. jawatimur, buaya, ikan hiu, kota

22 Clues: kail, ikan, umpanpantai, turis, pulaucepat, kendaraan relpadi, menanam, becekkerang, ombak, pasirbuku, membaca, memahamiselimut, bantal, gulingair, pelampung, menyelamkota besar, macet, monasmakanan, jajanan, kenyanghewan, kandang, tiket masukgedung, hiburan, banyak tokomenginap, kolam renang, kamarpepohonan, gelap, binatang liar...

Holiday 2024-05-23

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. välgörenhet
  2. soluppgång
  3. muslimsk
  4. förtjäna
  5. kompromissa
  6. festmåltid
  7. läger
  8. tillräckligt
  9. sås
  10. korrekt
  11. tunn
  12. granatäpple
  13. judisk
  14. måltid
  1. skänka
  2. uppskatta
  3. problem
  4. uppskattning
  5. fyllning
  6. lager
  7. solnedgång
  8. turkisk
  9. skridskor
  10. efterrätt

24 Clues: såstunnlagerlägerskänkajudiskmåltidproblemturkiskkorrektfyllningmuslimskförtjänauppskattaskridskorefterrättsoluppgångfestmåltidsolnedgångvälgörenhetkompromissagranatäppleuppskattningtillräckligt

Holiday 2022-09-29

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. xe khách
  2. đảo
  3. phương tiện
  4. xe đạp
  5. kỳ nghỉ
  6. sân bay
  7. máy bay
  8. tàu điện ngầm
  9. tàu hoả
  10. phà
  11. xe ngựa
  12. ca nô
  1. ga tàu
  2. biển(gần bờ)
  3. cố đô
  4. phố cổ
  5. vịnh
  6. bể bơi
  7. xe máy
  8. bờ biển
  9. chuyến đi
  10. thuyền
  11. phong cảnh
  12. biển (xa bờ)

24 Clues: đảophàvịnhcố đôca nôga tàuphố cổxe đạpbể bơixe máythuyềnkỳ nghỉbờ biểnsân baymáy baytàu hoảxe ngựaxe kháchchuyến điphong cảnhphương tiệnbiển(gần bờ)biển (xa bờ)tàu điện ngầm

Holiday 2024-09-26

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. (an)bieten
  2. während
  3. schlechteste(r,s)
  4. die Hose
  5. die Grundschule
  6. der Mitschüler
  7. das Zeugnis
  8. dunkel
  9. benutzen
  10. tragen
  11. den ganzen Tag
  12. stattfinden
  1. gesund
  2. bis
  3. das Gedicht
  4. üben
  5. das Geräusch
  6. der Rock
  7. die Mahlzeit
  8. lieber mögen
  9. zum Beispiel
  10. im/ins Ausland

22 Clues: bisübengesunddunkeltragenwährenddie Hoseder Rockbenutzen(an)bietendas Gedichtdas Zeugnisstattfindendas Geräuschdie Mahlzeitlieber mögenzum Beispielder Mitschülerim/ins Auslandden ganzen Tagdie Grundschuleschlechteste(r,s)

Holiday 2024-12-11

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. "My name is _____ and I like warm hugs"
  2. "was a jolly happy soul"
  3. Every year grandma adds an ________ to the tree
  4. What number is significant to Kwanzaa
  5. Birthplace of Jesus
  6. Minty read and white stripes
  7. First blank page of a 365 page book
  8. Where did I see mommy kissing Santa Clause
  9. Birthday of Jesus Christ
  10. Santa's famous words
  11. Santa's gift mobile
  12. Best drink for the winter season
  1. Kwanzaa will celebrate ______ years in 2016
  2. Ring-shaped flower arrangement
  3. Red nose reindeer
  4. The Festival of Lights
  5. Culture that observes Hannukkah
  6. Smoke vent
  7. are hung over the fireplace
  8. Holiday that begins on December 26th
  9. Wrapped underneath the Christmas tree
  10. Where Santa's workshop can be found
  11. Singing Christmas music door-to-door
  12. Virgin ______
  13. Ice crystals
  14. "Old Saint Nick"
  15. Santa's helpers

27 Clues: Smoke ventIce crystalsVirgin ______Santa's helpers"Old Saint Nick"Red nose reindeerBirthplace of JesusSanta's gift mobileSanta's famous wordsThe Festival of Lights"was a jolly happy soul"Birthday of Jesus Christare hung over the fireplaceMinty read and white stripesRing-shaped flower arrangementCulture that observes Hannukkah...

Holiday 2020-06-19

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. You dry yourself with this on the beach.
  2. / Special tube used for breathing when your head is underwater.
  3. High or steep rock faces by the sea.
  4. The rise and fall of the sea.
  5. Water sport that uses a board and a sail.
  6. A big boat.
  7. You wear this on you head to protect yourself from the sun.
  8. Part of a shark that is used for soup in Asia.
  9. A red one indicates that it is too dangerous to swim in the sea.
  10. A darkening of the skin caused by the sun's rays.
  11. A place where boats can anchor (synonym = port)
  12. Small round stones found on some beaches.
  13. The land along or near a sea or ocean (synonym : seashore)
  14. Distress signal used by boats (and a song by Abba ;-)).
  1. Soft, gelatinous sea animal that has a horrible sting!
  2. A building where people stay, usually for a short time, paying for a room and food.
  3. A long structure that extends from the land over the sea that you can walk on.
  4. Overexposure to the sun may give you this.
  5. Minuscule pieces of rock that cover some beaches and deserts.
  6. This digging implement can be used to build sandcastles.
  7. Male swimming costume.
  8. Piece of land completely surrounded by water.
  9. Crabs and most mollusks have one of these to protect them.
  10. Swimmers don't want to come face to face with these big fish!

24 Clues: A big boat.Male swimming costume.The rise and fall of the sea.High or steep rock faces by the sea.You dry yourself with this on the beach.Water sport that uses a board and a sail.Small round stones found on some beaches.Overexposure to the sun may give you this.Piece of land completely surrounded by water....

Holiday 2020-03-17

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. 25th December: Commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ
  2. 26th May: Honours motherhood and maternal bonds
  3. 6th February: National day of New Zealand and it commemorates the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi
  4. 14th February: Celebrates Love
  5. (POLISH) 11th November: National day that commemorates the restoration of Poland’s sovereignty
  6. 1st January: Celebrates the first day of the year
  7. 5th November: (Fireworks Night) Celebrates the anniversary of the failure of the Gunpowder Plot in 1605
  8. 1st April: Annual custom that consists of practical jokes
  9. 23th June: Honours fatherhood and parental bonds
  1. 25TH February: Celebrates the period before the fasting season of Lent
  2. 12th April: Commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ
  3. 17th March: Celebrates the death date of a patron Saint of Ireland
  4. 14th November: Hindu Light Festival
  5. 31st October: Said to be the night when ghosts and witches can be seen
  6. 31st December: Celebrates the last day of the year
  7. 23th April: Fasting month for Muslims
  8. 25th January 2020: Celebrates the beginning of a new year in a traditional cultures calendar
  9. 26 December: Day after Christmas Day
  10. 8th to April 16th: Celebrates spring, birth and rebirth
  11. 25th November: Day of giving thanks
  12. 10th to 18th December: Celebrates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in the time of the Maccabean revolt against the Seleucid Empire

21 Clues: 14th February: Celebrates Love14th November: Hindu Light Festival25th November: Day of giving thanks26 December: Day after Christmas Day23th April: Fasting month for Muslims26th May: Honours motherhood and maternal bonds23th June: Honours fatherhood and parental bonds1st January: Celebrates the first day of the year...

Holiday 2020-11-29

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. also called the festival of lights.
  2. something that you would get if you were naughty
  3. An elf that can sing and dance
  4. people that you have fun with
  5. How many nights are celebrated during Hanukkah?
  6. something Santa eats
  7. What a snowman liked to do on the weekends
  8. sweet and twisted
  9. something that you give each other on Christmas
  10. reindeer that starts with the letter B
  11. it's something else that Santa drinks that makes him very happy
  12. Fish live to sing this the of Christmas song
  13. The Santa's helper was depressed because he had low --------
  14. the night before Christmas
  15. What snowmen eat for breakfast
  16. a ball that doesn't bounce.
  17. something that you can wear that makes you look like Santa
  18. What do you call a frog that is hanging from the ceiling?
  19. something that you put on top of the tree
  20. December 26th
  21. a red nosed animal
  22. What Santa enjoys doing in the garden
  23. Santa's favorite candy.
  24. What kind of music do elves listen to?
  25. Where do mistletoe go to get famous?
  26. A cow's favorite holiday
  27. something that you put on the tree
  28. What do mummies like most about Christmas?
  1. What Tarzan loves to sing at Christmas
  2. What you get when you mix an iPad with a Christmas tree
  3. something Santa drinks
  4. What snowmen wear on their heads
  5. Where polar bears vote
  6. What comes at the end of Christmas Day?
  7. Santa's favorite state to deliver presents
  8. What does Cardi B enjoy for Christmas dinner?
  9. white fluffy stuff that falls from the sky
  10. Santa goes down it when it's Christmas
  11. What the elf studies in school
  12. What do road crews use at the North Pole?
  13. Santa's last name
  14. What Adam said to eve, the day before Christmas
  15. What sheep celebrate in Mexico
  16. What Santa used to clean his house.
  17. the season that is around during Christmas
  18. What snowmen eat for breakfast
  19. A snowman in July.
  20. a gift-giver
  21. something that gets bright when you turn them on at night
  22. What a snowman used to get around
  23. How many months did the elf get for stealing the calendar?
  24. Everyone's favorite king at Christmas
  25. A rude reindeer
  26. It falls but never gets hurt.
  27. Santa is so good at karate because he wears tnis.
  28. a group of people that you care about
  29. What you get a man that has everything for Christmas
  30. Something that you make that has a certain amount of things that you want
  31. What do you call a shark that delivers presents at Christmas?
  32. The fear of Santa
  33. Where the snowmen keep their money.
  34. What do you get when you mix a snowman with a vampire?
  35. What do you call a selfish elf?

63 Clues: a gift-giverDecember 26thA rude reindeerSanta's last namesweet and twistedThe fear of SantaA snowman in July.a red nosed animalsomething Santa eatssomething Santa drinksWhere polar bears voteSanta's favorite candy.A cow's favorite holidaythe night before Christmasa ball that doesn't bounce.people that you have fun withIt falls but never gets hurt....

Holiday 2014-05-29

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. szolgáltatások
  2. ifjúsági szálló
  3. foglalni
  4. foglalás
  5. recepciós
  6. nemdohányzó
  7. teljes ellátás
  8. szállás
  9. sátor
  10. étterem
  11. fürdés
  12. erkély
  1. strand
  2. hotelszoba
  3. belföld
  4. városnézés
  5. úszás
  6. nyári szabadság
  7. ellátás
  8. nyaraló
  9. külföld
  10. röplabda
  11. célállomás

23 Clues: úszássátorstrandfürdéserkélybelföldellátásnyaralókülföldszállásétteremfoglalnifoglalásröplabdarecepcióshotelszobavárosnézéscélállomásnemdohányzószolgáltatásokteljes ellátásifjúsági szállónyári szabadság

Holiday 2015-12-01

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. Santa's last name
  2. a red nosed animal
  3. white fluffy stuff that falls from the sky
  4. the night before Christmas
  5. animals that pull the slay
  6. something that you read
  7. something that you put on the tree
  8. Something that you make that has a certain amount of things that you want
  9. a group of people that you care about
  10. a gift-giver
  11. people that you have fun with
  12. something that you can wear that makes you look like Santa
  13. it's something else that Santa drinks
  14. something that you put on top of the tree
  1. something that parents usually for kids to eat
  2. something that you would get if you were naughty
  3. a big green plant (living or not living) that you put up
  4. Santa goes down it when it's Christmas
  5. something that sounds beautiful
  6. something Santa drinks
  7. something that gets bright when you turn them on at night
  8. something that you give each other on Christmas
  9. something that falls from a snow cloud
  10. something Santa eats
  11. something that you can watch Christmas shows on
  12. the season that is around during Christmas
  13. your having this (...) when your happy
  14. Santa's animals pull it

28 Clues: a gift-giverSanta's last namea red nosed animalsomething Santa eatssomething Santa drinkssomething that you readSanta's animals pull itthe night before Christmasanimals that pull the slaypeople that you have fun withsomething that sounds beautifulsomething that you put on the treea group of people that you care about...

Holiday 2023-09-21

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. происходить
  2. курорт
  3. ужас
  4. рейс
  5. представлять, воображать
  6. деревня
  7. о боже
  8. казаться
  9. почти
  10. катастрофа
  11. выбирать
  12. __ at home
  13. возможно
  14. остров
  1. полный, абсолютный
  2. кричать
  3. пустыня
  4. пойти не так
  5. тихий
  6. одинакoвый
  7. шум
  8. полный
  9. дешевый
  10. пустынный
  11. за границу
  12. в течение
  13. вообще (не)

27 Clues: шумужасрейстихийпочтикурорто божеполныйостровкричатьпустынядеревнядешевыйказатьсявыбиратьвозможнопустынныйв течениеодинакoвыйкатастрофа__ at homeза границупроисходитьвообще (не)пойти не такполный, абсолютныйпредставлять, воображать

HOLIDAY 2024-08-11

HOLIDAY crossword puzzle
  1. The belongings carried when traveling.
  2. A period of rest from regular activities.
  3. The activity of seeing the sights of a particular area.
  4. Relating to the tropics or tropical climate.
  5. A land mass surrounded by water.
  6. The sandy or rocky area along the edge of a body of water.
  7. A memento brought back from a place visited.
  8. A darker skin color resulting from sun exposure.
  9. Clothing worn for swimming or water activities.
  10. An official document required for international travel.
  11. Eyewear used to protect the eyes from sunlight.
  12. An aircraft used for long-distance travel.
  13. Accommodation providing lodging for travelers.
  14. A suspended bed often used for resting or camping.
  15. A product used to protect the skin from UV rays when outdoors.
  1. A state of calmness and freedom from stress.
  2. A darkening of the skin color due to exposure to the sun.
  3. A reduction in the usual price or a special offer.
  4. The activity of walking for pleasure in natural surroundings.
  5. Inexpensive accommodation providing lodging for travelers.
  6. Something unique and unusual.
  7. The act of preparing belongings to be carried while traveling.
  8. An exciting and challenging experience while traveling.
  9. The final place of a journey.
  10. A product used to protect the skin from UV rays when outdoors.
  11. A voyage made by a passenger ship.
  12. A container used to carry belongings when traveling.
  13. A place of accommodation and entertainment specifically for vacationers.
  14. A feeling of tiredness and disorientation due to time zone changes.
  15. Free time used for relaxation.

30 Clues: Something unique and unusual.The final place of a journey.Free time used for relaxation.A land mass surrounded by water.A voyage made by a passenger ship.The belongings carried when traveling.A period of rest from regular activities.An aircraft used for long-distance travel.A state of calmness and freedom from stress....

Holiday 2024-12-20

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. "My name is _____ and I like warm hugs"
  2. "was a jolly happy soul"
  3. Every year grandma adds an ________ to the tree
  4. What number is significant to Kwanzaa
  5. Birthplace of Jesus
  6. Minty read and white stripes
  7. First blank page of a 365 page book
  8. Where did I see mommy kissing Santa Clause
  9. Birthday of Jesus Christ
  10. Santa's famous words
  11. Santa's gift mobile
  12. Best drink for the winter season
  1. Kwanzaa will celebrate ______ years in 2016
  2. Ring-shaped flower arrangement
  3. Red nose reindeer
  4. The Festival of Lights
  5. Culture that observes Hannukkah
  6. Smoke vent
  7. are hung over the fireplace
  8. Holiday that begins on December 26th
  9. Wrapped underneath the Christmas tree
  10. Where Santa's workshop can be found
  11. Singing Christmas music door-to-door
  12. Virgin ______
  13. Ice crystals
  14. "Old Saint Nick"
  15. Santa's helpers

27 Clues: Smoke ventIce crystalsVirgin ______Santa's helpers"Old Saint Nick"Red nose reindeerBirthplace of JesusSanta's gift mobileSanta's famous wordsThe Festival of Lights"was a jolly happy soul"Birthday of Jesus Christare hung over the fireplaceMinty read and white stripesRing-shaped flower arrangementCulture that observes Hannukkah...

Holiday 2014-12-02

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. Santa's helpers
  2. Where Santa's workshop can be found
  3. The Festival of Lights
  4. Virgin ______
  5. First blank page of a 365 page book
  6. Ice crystals
  7. Where did I see mommy kissing Santa Clause
  8. Minty read and white stripes
  9. Red nose reindeer
  10. Singing Christmas music door-to-door
  11. Culture that observes Hannukkah
  12. "Old Saint Nick"
  13. Every year grandma adds an ________ to the tree
  14. Kwanzaa will celebrate ______ years in 2016
  1. Wrapped underneath the Christmas tree
  2. "was a jolly happy soul"
  3. Best drink for the winter season
  4. Birthplace of Jesus
  5. What number is significant to Kwanzaa
  6. Holiday that begins on December 26th
  7. ...are hung over the fireplace
  8. Birthday of Jesus Christ
  9. Santa's gift mobile
  10. Smoke vent
  11. Ring-shaped flower arrangement
  12. Santa's famous words
  13. "My name is _____ and I like warm hugs"

27 Clues: Smoke ventIce crystalsVirgin ______Santa's helpers"Old Saint Nick"Red nose reindeerBirthplace of JesusSanta's gift mobileSanta's famous wordsThe Festival of Lights"was a jolly happy soul"Birthday of Jesus ChristMinty read and white stripes...are hung over the fireplaceRing-shaped flower arrangementCulture that observes Hannukkah...

HOLIDAY 2020-12-20

HOLIDAY crossword puzzle
  1. The red-nosed reindeer
  2. Which one of Santa’s reindeer has the same name as another holiday mascot?
  3. A menorah holds nine of these
  4. How many points does a snowflake traditionally have?
  5. Which country did eggnog come from?
  6. Hanging spikes of frozen water
  7. What Christmas beverage is also known as “milk punch”?
  8. What Christmas decoration was originally made from strands of silver?
  9. A West-African celebration
  10. What is Buddy the Elf’s favourite food?
  11. Kevin McCallister was left here alone (____ Alone)
  12. Which country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree?
  1. Which of Santa’s reindeer is named after another animal?
  2. In which modern-day country was St. Nicholas born in?
  3. Food for Santa
  4. Santa’s entryway into homes
  5. A Jewish holiday
  6. Placed under the Christmas tree
  7. ______ stole Christmas
  8. What traditional Christmas decoration is actually a parasitic plant?
  9. __________ is the world’s leading exporter of Christmas trees
  10. North Pole employees
  11. Frosty the ______________

23 Clues: Food for SantaA Jewish holidayNorth Pole employeesThe red-nosed reindeer______ stole ChristmasFrosty the ______________A West-African celebrationSanta’s entryway into homesA menorah holds nine of theseHanging spikes of frozen waterPlaced under the Christmas treeWhich country did eggnog come from?What is Buddy the Elf’s favourite food?...

Holiday 2019-04-29

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. Time pünktlich
  2. gelöscht
  3. Flugzeug
  4. kostet
  5. kontrollieren
  6. einsteigen
  7. Grenze
  8. Koffer
  9. Guide Reiseführer
  10. Station Bahnhof
  1. Einchecken
  2. reisen
  3. toilette
  4. Reservieren
  5. Flughafen
  6. Verspätung
  7. Ferien
  8. buchen
  9. Luftschiff
  10. schnellrestaurant

20 Clues: reisenFerienkostetGrenzebuchenKoffertoilettegelöschtFlugzeugFlughafenEincheckenVerspätungeinsteigenLuftschiffReservierenkontrollierenTime pünktlichStation BahnhofschnellrestaurantGuide Reiseführer

Holiday 2023-06-12

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. - Mythical creature associated with Easter, known for delivering eggs and treats.
  2. - Holiday celebrated on October 31st with costumes and trick-or-treating.
  3. - National holiday celebrating the independence of a country, often marked by parades and fireworks.
  4. - Holiday honoring military veterans, observed on November 11th.
  5. - Evergreen tree decorated with lights and ornaments as part of Christmas traditions.
  6. - Holiday honoring mothers and motherhood, typically celebrated in May.
  7. - Holiday honoring fathers and fatherhood, typically celebrated in June.
  8. - Irish holiday celebrated on March 17th, known for its association with shamrocks, leprechauns, and the color green.
  9. - American holiday commemorating the country's independence with fireworks and picnics.
  10. - Holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November, traditionally a time for giving thanks and enjoying a meal with family.
  1. - Holiday celebrated on February 14th, often associated with love and affection.
  2. - Holiday observed on February 2nd, known for predicting the arrival of spring based on a groundhog's behavior.
  3. - Carnival celebration with parades, costumes, and indulgence before the Lenten season.
  4. - Mexican holiday commemorating the victory over the French army in the Battle of Puebla.
  5. - Hindu festival of lights, celebrated in autumn with fireworks, lamps, and sweets.
  6. - Christian holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  7. - Holiday marking the beginning of the new year on January 1st.
  8. - Holiday celebrated on December 25th commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ.
  9. - Holiday honoring the contributions and achievements of workers, observed on the first Monday in September.
  10. - Jewish holiday commemorating the miracle of the oil and the rededication of the Second Temple.

20 Clues: - Holiday marking the beginning of the new year on January 1st.- Holiday honoring military veterans, observed on November 11th.- Christian holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.- Holiday honoring mothers and motherhood, typically celebrated in May.- Holiday honoring fathers and fatherhood, typically celebrated in June....

Holiday 2023-08-30

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. Place to rest on holiday
  2. Things to cover us from sunlight
  3. Land transportation to move around
  4. Place for spending our summer
  5. Things to put in our clothes and other things
  6. Place to eat
  7. Activities that connect to a book
  8. Place for hiking
  9. Activities that we spend in the garden
  10. Activity to spend our money
  1. Place, we can see many rare animals
  2. Place for us to put our money
  3. Place for reading
  4. Place to play games in the big park
  5. Catch fish in the pool
  6. Holiday activity in the mountain
  7. Place to get coffee
  8. Activity that we spend in the kitchen
  9. Holiday activity to spend a night on the mountain or beach
  10. Holiday activity in the pool

20 Clues: Place to eatPlace for hikingPlace for readingPlace to get coffeeCatch fish in the poolPlace to rest on holidayActivity to spend our moneyHoliday activity in the poolPlace for us to put our moneyPlace for spending our summerThings to cover us from sunlightHoliday activity in the mountainActivities that connect to a book...

HOLIDAY 2023-12-15

HOLIDAY crossword puzzle
  1. The red-nosed reindeer
  2. Which one of Santa’s reindeer has the same name as another holiday mascot?
  3. A menorah holds nine of these
  4. How many points does a snowflake traditionally have?
  5. Which country did eggnog come from?
  6. Hanging spikes of frozen water
  7. What Christmas beverage is also known as “milk punch”?
  8. What Christmas decoration was originally made from strands of silver?
  9. A West-African celebration
  10. What is Buddy the Elf’s favourite food?
  11. Kevin McCallister was left here alone (____ Alone)
  12. Which country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree?
  1. Which of Santa’s reindeer is named after another animal?
  2. In which modern-day country was St. Nicholas born in?
  3. Food for Santa
  4. Santa’s entryway into homes
  5. A Jewish holiday
  6. Placed under the Christmas tree
  7. ______ stole Christmas
  8. What traditional Christmas decoration is actually a parasitic plant?
  9. __________ is the world’s leading exporter of Christmas trees
  10. North Pole employees
  11. Frosty the ______________

23 Clues: Food for SantaA Jewish holidayNorth Pole employeesThe red-nosed reindeer______ stole ChristmasFrosty the ______________A West-African celebrationSanta’s entryway into homesA menorah holds nine of theseHanging spikes of frozen waterPlaced under the Christmas treeWhich country did eggnog come from?What is Buddy the Elf’s favourite food?...

holiday 2023-09-11

holiday crossword puzzle
  1. you can put your clothes in it when you go on vacation
  2. something you show when you check-in the airport
  3. a stair that moves
  4. something you use to keep your drinks cold
  5. a pin you use with your tent to keep you in place
  6. a home on wheels
  7. somebody who flies with a plane
  8. something you use to travel to another country
  9. something you use when you jump out of a plane
  10. something you must pay when you leave a restaurant
  11. you can see your own reflection
  12. you use it to inflate a air-mattrass
  1. other word for a visitor
  2. something you put between two trees where you can lay down in
  3. the head of a plane
  4. a garage for planes
  5. someone who welcomes you when you entering a hotel
  6. the stuff you take with you on vacation.
  7. something you can sit next to when you are cold
  8. card with personal information

20 Clues: a home on wheelsa stair that movesthe head of a planea garage for planesother word for a visitorcard with personal informationsomebody who flies with a planeyou can see your own reflectionyou use it to inflate a air-mattrassthe stuff you take with you on vacation.something you use to keep your drinks cold...

HOLIDAY 2024-03-05

HOLIDAY crossword puzzle
  1. Gras - What holiday, also known as Fat Tuesday, is celebrated with parades, parties, and indulgence before the fasting period of Lent?
  2. - What Jewish holiday is celebrated for eight days and nights, commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem?
  3. - What holiday in the United States, observed on the last Monday of May, honors and remembers military personnel who have died in service?
  4. - What holiday is celebrated in the United States on the fourth Thursday of November, traditionally involving a feast with turkey and gratitude?
  5. Year's - What holiday marks the beginning of the new year on January 1st, often celebrated with parties and fireworks?
  6. - What holiday is celebrated on February 14th, focusing on love and affection, often with the exchange of cards and gifts?
  7. de Mayo - What holiday, celebrated mainly in Mexico and the United States on May 5th, commemorates the Mexican Army's victory over the French Empire at the Battle of Puebla?
  8. - What holiday commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, often celebrated with Easter egg hunts and religious services?
  9. Day - What holiday in the United States, celebrated on the first Monday of September, honors the contributions of workers and the labor movement?
  10. - What French holiday, celebrated on July 14th, commemorates the storming of the Bastille prison during the French Revolution?
  1. - What holiday in the United States is celebrated on July 4th, commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776?
  2. - What Jewish holiday commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt?
  3. - What holiday, celebrated on June 19th, commemorates the emancipation of enslaved African Americans in the United States?
  4. - What holiday is celebrated on December 25th, commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ?
  5. - What Islamic holiday involves fasting from sunrise to sunset for a month, commemorating the first revelation of the Quran to Muhammad?
  6. - What Hindu holiday, also known as the Festival of Lights, celebrates the victory of light over darkness and good over evil?
  7. - What holiday is celebrated on October 31st with costumes, trick-or-treating, and spooky decorations?
  8. - What holiday, celebrated mainly in the United States, honors African heritage and culture, lasting from December 26th to January 1st?
  9. - What holiday in the United States, observed on November 11th, honors military veterans who have served in the United States Armed Forces?
  10. Patrick's - What holiday, celebrated on March 17th, honors Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, often associated with shamrocks and wearing green?

20 Clues: - What holiday is celebrated on December 25th, commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ?- What Jewish holiday commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt?- What holiday is celebrated on October 31st with costumes, trick-or-treating, and spooky decorations?...

Holiday 2024-12-06

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. _____ the elf, from a famous Christmas Movie
  2. the _____bread man
  3. Miracle on 34th Street” centers on what real-life department store?
  4. What people who are naughty get for Christmas
  5. ______ canes
  6. the item the chipmunks want for Christmas besides a plane that loops the loop
  7. The number of days in a famous Christmas song
  8. This country started the Christmas Tree tradition
  9. A reindeer named after a symbol of love
  10. What is a famous holiday beverage known as "milk Punch"
  11. _____ Bells
  12. The American holiday that Hanukkah sometimes overlaps
  13. _____ oil is traditionally used to light a menorah
  14. Famous Reindeer with a bright red nose
  1. A country where Christmas Falls during the summer season
  2. some families search for an ornament shaped like this kind of food to receive an extra gift
  3. _____ pudding (from we wish you merry Christmas)
  4. What beverage company has been using Santa Claus in its advertising since 1931?
  5. A food item traditionally left out for Santa
  6. ______ Navidad
  7. What decoration was originally made from strands of silver
  8. Famous Hanukkah toy
  9. A famous Christmas themed Ballet
  10. A country that is known to eat KFC on Christmas day
  11. The country that the poinsettia plants originated from
  12. What is Scrooge's first name from "A Christmas Carol"
  13. this plant is commonly associated with Christmas and has white berries
  14. What made frosty come to life?
  15. What people traditionally do under a mistletoe
  16. The amount of nights Hanukkah lasts

30 Clues: _____ Bells______ canes______ Navidadthe _____bread manFamous Hanukkah toyWhat made frosty come to life?A famous Christmas themed BalletThe amount of nights Hanukkah lastsFamous Reindeer with a bright red noseA reindeer named after a symbol of love_____ the elf, from a famous Christmas MovieA food item traditionally left out for Santa...

Holiday 2021-12-24

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. how to come ashore,
  2. pleasure,
  3. monarch ,
  4. our family,
  5. grin,
  6. level,
  7. King of the jungle ,
  8. build,
  9. the first small pox vaccination was given ,
  10. double ,
  11. magnificent,
  12. middle,
  13. baby,
  1. permanent,
  2. skeleton ,
  3. every,
  4. anxious all the time,
  5. son,
  6. you, how you say goodbye,
  7. in the direction of,
  8. youngest
  9. middle,
  10. entry requirements,
  11. hare minus h,
  12. Always,
  13. myself and I,
  14. grade below D ,
  15. pig,
  16. ____flower,
  17. thee,

30 Clues: son,pig,grin,thee,baby,every,level,build,middle,Always,middle,youngestdouble ,pleasure,monarch ,permanent,skeleton ,our family,____flower,magnificent,hare minus h,myself and I,grade below D ,how to come ashore,entry requirements,in the direction of,King of the jungle ,anxious all the time,you, how you say goodbye,...

holiday 2014-10-15

holiday crossword puzzle
  1. We celebrate this person’s birthday on Christmas day.
  2. What vegetable do you associate with Halloween?
  3. What treat are you likely to get on halloween?
  4. Sweet kind of food that is made with cocoa beans that have been cooked into a brown paste. You can find it in brownies and M&M's for example
  5. If a house is full of ghosts it is _______
  6. A large sock that we hang above the chimney for Father Christmas to leave small presents in.
  7. Area around a house where there are trees and grass and where you can go and play. Children go to this place at Easter to look for the candies.
  8. the type of songs we sing at Christmas, for example, Jingle Bells or we wish you a merry Christmas.
  9. it’s a branch from a tree that we hang above a door. If two people meet under this branch they have to kiss.
  10. Last name of Jesus, who died and was born again, this is why we celebrate Easter.
  11. Which month is Halloween
  12. Book that tells the story of Jesus and of the beginning of the Christian religion.
  13. ___ or treat
  14. What monster appears when it is a full moon?
  15. A circular Christmas decoration made of leaves, twigs, flowers and fruits that we hang on our front door.
  16. Chickens lay them and we use them to make omelets.
  1. He is a big fat man with a white beard, who sneaks down the chimney on Christmas Eve, the night before Christmas day, and leaves presents to children who have been good all year but leaves coal to the naughty kids
  2. What ancient monster is made from bandages?
  3. What we eat after Christmas dinner, sweet and sticky.
  4. First day of the Easter celebrations. It is the fifth day of the week and. it is the opposite of bad
  5. a small, round, shiny colourful or decorated plastic ball that we hang on our Christmas trees to make it look pretty.
  6. To go look for something or chase after something. This is what children do for Easter : they go outside and go look for the candies.
  7. Dracula was a ____
  8. What do you wear on Halloween?
  9. To put colours and draw or paint on something to make it more beautiful
  10. Jack O'___________
  11. Little animal that has long ears, big front teeth and a round furry tail. It hops around and
  12. The main part of the meal we eat on Christmas day, it’s an ugly bird.
  13. a sledge pulled by horses or reindeers at Christmas, Father Christmas travels to the children’s houses on this.
  14. carrots. At Easter, it is called a « bunny ».

30 Clues: ___ or treatDracula was a ____Jack O'___________Which month is HalloweenWhat do you wear on Halloween?If a house is full of ghosts it is _______What ancient monster is made from bandages?What monster appears when it is a full moon?carrots. At Easter, it is called a « bunny ».What treat are you likely to get on halloween?...

holiday 2024-01-02

holiday crossword puzzle
  1. A public procession, often including bands, floats, and performers, held in honor of a holiday.
  2. The quality of being thankful or appreciative.
  3. The state of being free or self-governing; celebrated on July 4th in the United States.
  4. An Italian explorer credited with discovering America; celebrated on Columbus Day.
  5. The month in which Presidents' Day and Valentine's Day are celebrated.
  6. Explosive displays of light and sound often seen on the Fourth of July.
  7. Clothing worn to represent a different time period, character, or creature, often associated with Halloween.
  8. A holiday celebrating the contributions of workers, observed on the first Monday in September.
  9. A day for remembering and honoring those who died in military service.
  10. Early settlers in America celebrated at the first Thanksgiving.
  11. A holiday celebrated on October 31st, often involving costumes and trick-or-treating.
  1. A piece of cloth with specific colors and symbols representing a country or group.
  2. A meal or gathering where food is cooked outdoors on a grill, often associated with holidays like Memorial Day or Independence Day.
  3. The twelfth month of the year, often associated with various festive holidays.
  4. Those who have served in the military, honored on Veterans Day.
  5. The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
  6. A Halloween activity where children go from house to house asking for candy.
  7. The month in which Christmas and Hanukkah are celebrated.
  8. The month in which Independence Day is celebrated.
  9. Having or showing love and support for one's country.
  10. A decoration used to beautify or add charm, especially on a Christmas tree.
  11. The act of adorning or embellishing for festive occasions, such as hanging lights or putting up ornaments.
  12. A holiday celebrated with a big feast in November to give thanks for the year's blessings.

23 Clues: The quality of being thankful or appreciative.The month in which Independence Day is celebrated.Having or showing love and support for one's country.The month in which Christmas and Hanukkah are celebrated.Those who have served in the military, honored on Veterans Day.Early settlers in America celebrated at the first Thanksgiving....

Holiday 2024-03-07

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. two
  2. good person
  3. man's best friend.
  4. celebration
  5. JFK wife
  6. Church Building
  7. Commute
  8. Spoken Language.
  9. symbol, ram
  10. tree
  11. key of the door
  1. Lion hearted (Hebrew meaning)
  2. sausages
  3. what was invented in 1863 & used a round object.
  4. castle
  5. Not a house
  6. procession
  7. Mineral
  8. Coastline
  9. 'Sty Even' annagram

20 Clues: twotreecastleCommuteMineralsausagesJFK wifeCoastlineprocessiongood personcelebrationNot a housesymbol, ramChurch Buildingkey of the doorSpoken's best friend.'Sty Even' annagramLion hearted (Hebrew meaning)what was invented in 1863 & used a round object.

Holiday 2014-06-30

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. gapen
  2. tanden
  3. mogelijk
  4. huid
  5. onprettig
  6. toekomst
  7. schepsel
  8. bang
  9. achternaam
  10. gezond
  11. wonen
  12. eiland
  13. doorbrengen
  1. beugel
  2. spel
  3. vleugel
  4. vreselijk
  5. saai
  6. schaap
  7. woensdag
  8. neef/nicht
  9. verandering
  10. klein
  11. hoofdstad
  12. vreemd
  13. bakken

26 Clues: spelsaaihuidbanggapenkleinwonenbeugeltandenschaapgezondvreemdbakkeneilandvleugelmogelijkwoensdagtoekomstschepselvreselijkonprettighoofdstadneef/nichtachternaamveranderingdoorbrengen

Holiday 2014-10-15

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. carrots. At Easter, it is called a « bunny ».
  2. Book that tells the story of Jesus and of the beginning of the Christian religion.
  3. A circular Christmas decoration made of leaves, twigs, flowers and fruits that we hang on our front door.
  4. ___ or treat
  5. First day of the Easter celebrations. It is the fifth day of the week and. it is the opposite of bad
  6. a small, round, shiny colourful or decorated plastic ball that we hang on our Christmas trees to make it look pretty.
  7. What do you wear on Halloween?
  8. Sweet kind of food that is made with cocoa beans that have been cooked into a brown paste. You can find it in brownies and M&M's for example
  9. To put colours and draw or paint on something to make it more beautiful
  10. What we eat after Christmas dinner, sweet and sticky.
  11. He is a big fat man with a white beard, who sneaks down the chimney on Christmas Eve, the night before Christmas day, and leaves presents to children who have been good all year but leaves coal to the naughty kids
  12. To go look for something or chase after something. This is what children do for Easter : they go outside and go look for the candies.
  13. Jack O'___________
  14. Dracula was a ____
  15. What treat are you likely to get on halloween?
  1. We celebrate this person’s birthday on Christmas day.
  2. Little animal that has long ears, big front teeth and a round furry tail. It hops around and
  3. What monster appears when it is a full moon?
  4. the type of songs we sing at Christmas, for example, Jingle Bells or we wish you a merry Christmas.
  5. it’s a branch from a tree that we hang above a door. If two people meet under this branch they have to kiss.
  6. A large sock that we hang above the chimney for Father Christmas to leave small presents in.
  7. Chickens lay them and we use them to make omelets.
  8. What vegetable do you associate with Halloween?
  9. Area around a house where there are trees and grass and where you can go and play. Children go to this place at Easter to look for the candies.
  10. Last name of Jesus, who died and was born again, this is why we celebrate Easter.
  11. a sledge pulled by horses or reindeers at Christmas, Father Christmas travels to the children’s houses on this.
  12. If a house is full of ghosts it is _______
  13. The main part of the meal we eat on Christmas day, it’s an ugly bird.
  14. Which month is Halloween
  15. What ancient monster is made from bandages?

30 Clues: ___ or treatJack O'___________Dracula was a ____Which month is HalloweenWhat do you wear on Halloween?If a house is full of ghosts it is _______What ancient monster is made from bandages?What monster appears when it is a full moon?carrots. At Easter, it is called a « bunny ».What treat are you likely to get on halloween?...

Holiday 2020-12-25

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. A popular christmas fir
  2. Seen kissing Santa claus
  3. Sleigh
  4. Christmas ballet
  5. Written to Santa
  6. Steals bad christmas kids
  7. Who stole christmas
  8. Wearing checkers
  9. Cookies that are men
  10. Walking in a winter
  11. Carols being sung by a choir
  12. Seasons
  13. A type of christmas wine
  14. Roasting by an open fire
  15. By the chimney with care
  16. Harry and Marv
  17. A few of my favorite
  1. Arose on the lawn
  2. Feared in christmas town
  3. Christmas calendar
  4. December 21st or 22nd
  5. Jacob and Robert
  6. A Christmas reptile bird
  7. Gift
  8. Yukon
  9. Jelly of the month
  10. Hung on the door
  11. Thinks he's an elf
  12. Charles
  13. Egg milk punch
  14. Dislikes christmas
  15. The gift no kid wants
  16. Cousin Eddie's dog

33 Clues: GiftYukonSleighCharlesSeasonsEgg milk punchHarry and MarvJacob and RobertChristmas balletWritten to SantaHung on the doorWearing checkersArose on the lawnChristmas calendarJelly of the monthThinks he's an elfDislikes christmasCousin Eddie's dogWho stole christmasWalking in a winterCookies that are menA few of my favoriteDecember 21st or 22nd...

Holiday 2020-11-20

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. The name of the pilgrims ship.
  2. The sport that a lot of people watch after having their Thanksgiving meal.
  3. The main course on Thanksgiving.
  4. Where does the Macy's Day Parade take place?
  5. There are 3 teaspoons in one __________.
  6. A favorite pie eaten on Thanksgiving.
  7. A sauce that you put on turkey and potatoes.
  8. The outside part of the pie.
  1. Another word for a big meal.
  2. A common super fruit eaten on Thanksgiving.
  3. The place that the pilgrims settled ______ Rock.
  4. When you bake a pie you put it in an _____?
  5. The food that goes inside the turkey.
  6. Sometimes called yams.
  7. One of the spices in a pumpkin pie recipe.
  8. The instructions for preparing a pie.
  9. The nickname for the day after Thanksgiving.
  10. An odd shaped ingredient found in a pumpkin pie recipe.
  11. Who you usually celebrate Thanksgiving with.
  12. A favorite topping on pumpkin pie.

20 Clues: Sometimes called yams.Another word for a big meal.The outside part of the pie.The name of the pilgrims ship.The main course on Thanksgiving.A favorite topping on pumpkin pie.The food that goes inside the turkey.The instructions for preparing a pie.A favorite pie eaten on Thanksgiving.There are 3 teaspoons in one __________....

Holiday 2022-02-08

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. осмотр достопримечательностей
  2. медовый месяц
  3. дорогой
  4. очень холодный
  5. go ____bus/train/plane
  6. расстаться
  7. ужасный
  8. пара
  9. сама (я)
  10. сувенир
  11. нанять, арендовать
  12. решить
  13. пойти на прогулку
  14. жара
  1. катастрофа
  2. туманно
  3. остров
  4. полностью
  5. ругаться
  6. загорать
  7. несчастный
  8. очень злой
  9. за границу
  10. чудесный
  11. невероятно
  12. очень жарко
  13. позволять
  14. однажды
  15. исчезать
  16. градус

30 Clues: паражараостроврешитьградустуманнодорогойужасныйсувенироднаждыругатьсязагоратьчудесныйсама (я)исчезатьполностьюпозволятькатастрофанесчастныйочень злойза границурасстатьсяневероятноочень жаркомедовый месяцочень холодныйпойти на прогулкунанять, арендоватьgo ____bus/train/planeосмотр достопримечательностей

Holiday 2022-12-16

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. Celebration of the Birthof Jesus
  2. The _______ Season
  3. Create a Man with Snow
  4. The Candle Holder for Kwanzaa
  5. The Kwanzaa Unity Cup
  6. Celebrating the Martyr Lucia of Syracuse
  7. A Spiritual Being Believed to Act as an Attendant, Agent
  8. Chocholate Coins
  9. The Candle Holder for Hanukahh
  10. The Flag for Kwanzaa
  1. The Candles for Kwanzaa
  2. Things You Recive on Most Holidays
  3. The Mat the Kinara Sits on
  4. The Miracle of Light
  5. A Fun Winter Activity
  6. A Type of Potato Pancake
  7. St.Lucias Eyes
  8. African-American Celebration of Life
  9. Pepermint Stick
  10. Marking the Death and Rebirth of the Sun
  11. A Small Four-Sided Spinning Toy
  12. What Women Wear on thier Heads On St.Lucia Day
  13. How the Romans Killed the Virgin Martyr

23 Clues: St.Lucias EyesPepermint StickChocholate CoinsThe _______ SeasonThe Miracle of LightThe Flag for KwanzaaA Fun Winter ActivityThe Kwanzaa Unity CupCreate a Man with SnowThe Candles for KwanzaaA Type of Potato PancakeThe Mat the Kinara Sits onThe Candle Holder for KwanzaaThe Candle Holder for HanukahhA Small Four-Sided Spinning Toy...

HOLIDAY 2023-09-29

HOLIDAY crossword puzzle
  2. RUMAH
  10. CANDI
  12. SUNGAI
  13. PERGI
  4. HEWAN
  10. LAUT
  12. DANAU


Holiday 2024-05-17

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. The natural world, including plants, animals, landscapes, and other features not created by humans.
  2. A lightweight frame covered with paper or cloth, flown in the wind at the end of a long string.
  3. The shells of marine mollusks found on beaches, often collected as souvenirs.
  4. Open-toed sandals with a Y-shaped strap that goes between the toes, often worn in the summer.
  5. Swimming on or through water while equipped with a snorkel, a mask, and usually fins.
  6. A device for taking photographs or recording videos, often used to capture memories of your vacation.
  7. A type of bird commonly found near the sea, known for their loud calls.
  8. trip A long journey made by car, often taken for pleasure and adventure.
  9. A cream or lotion that protects your skin from the harmful effects of the sun's UV rays.
  10. A place where people stay when they are away from home, offering lodging and other services.
  11. Short for "barbecue," a meal or gathering where food is cooked on a grill outdoors.
  12. Red, painful skin caused by overexposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays.
  13. A piece of absorbent fabric used for drying yourself after swimming or bathing.
  14. A sandy or pebbly shore by the sea or a lake where people go to relax and have fun.
  15. A card with a picture on one side and space for a short message on the other, typically sent to friends or family while on vacation.
  16. The activity of catching fish, often as a hobby or sport.
  17. A large, rectangular bag with a handle, used for carrying clothes and other personal belongings when traveling.
  18. The warmest season of the year, often associated with vacations and outdoor activities.
  19. Items bought to remind you of a place you visited or an event you attended.
  20. The star at the center of our solar system that provides light and warmth, often associated with summer.
  21. Recollections of past experiences, often cherished and remembered fondly.
  22. The activity of jumping or falling into water, often performed with special equipment to explore underwater.
  23. Explosive devices used for displays of light and color, often during celebrations and holidays.
  24. Tiny, loose grains of rock found on beaches and in deserts.
  25. A visual representation of an area showing the relative positions of places and features.
  26. The activity of spending time living in a tent or camper, usually in the outdoors.
  27. The sport of riding waves on a surfboard in the ocean.
  1. An exciting or unusual experience, often involving exploration or travel.
  2. People you know well and enjoy spending time with, often part of your social life during vacations.
  3. Traveling through an unfamiliar area to learn about it, often a part of vacation activities.
  4. A meal eaten outdoors, often in a park or at the beach, usually as part of a fun outing.
  5. Walking for a long distance, especially across country or in the mountains, for pleasure or exercise.
  6. collecting The hobby of collecting seashells found on the beach.
  7. A group of people related by blood or marriage, often spending time together during holidays and vacations.
  8. A place that provides accommodation, food, and entertainment, often in a scenic or recreational area.
  9. A small model of a castle made out of sand, usually built on the beach.
  10. Glasses with dark lenses that protect your eyes from the sun's bright light.
  11. A place where animals are kept for public display, often visited for educational and recreational purposes.
  12. cream A sweet, cold dessert made from milk or cream, often enjoyed during hot weather.
  13. A large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface.
  14. The activity of traveling in a boat for pleasure.
  15. A person who watches over swimmers and rescues them if they are in danger.
  16. park An amusement park with rides, shows, and attractions based on a particular theme.
  17. A plastic disc thrown between people as a game, often played in parks or on beaches.
  18. Enjoyment, amusement, or lighthearted pleasure, often a primary goal of taking a vacation.
  19. The act of going from one place to another, often to explore new places.
  20. The activity of moving through water by using your arms and legs.
  21. To rest and enjoy a peaceful and calm state, free from stress or worry.
  22. A period of time spent away from home or work, often traveling for relaxation or pleasure.
  23. The act of becoming less tense or anxious, often a goal of vacations.

50 Clues: The activity of traveling in a boat for pleasure.The sport of riding waves on a surfboard in the ocean.The activity of catching fish, often as a hobby or sport.Tiny, loose grains of rock found on beaches and in deserts.collecting The hobby of collecting seashells found on the beach.The activity of moving through water by using your arms and legs....

Holiday 2024-03-13

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. travel.........
  2. előleg
  3. emlékezetes
  4. nevezetesség
  5. elrendezés,megszervezés
  6. légörvény
  7. időeltolódás okozta kellemetlenség
  8. biztosítás
  9. in...........
  1. útikönyv
  3. városnézés
  4. társ
  5. nyaraló személy
  6. célállomás
  7. élmény
  8. lefoglalni
  9. átutalni
  10. idegencezető
  11. szálláslehetőség
  12. előkészület
  13. étkezés

22 Clues: társelőlegélményétkezésútikönyvátutalnilégörvényvárosnézéscélállomáslefoglalnibiztosításemlékezeteselőkészületnevezetességidegencezetőó személyszálláslehetőség..............holidayelrendezés,megszervezésidőeltolódás okozta kellemetlenség

Holiday 2024-11-22

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. Day celebrated on the second
  2. day be with you
  3. dress up
  4. Years’ Day New years
  5. Day giving love to your family
  6. hunt for eggs
  7. Day two yourself
  8. of July
  9. playing Day game day
  10. cake Day cake to yourself
  1. day receive love
  2. Day first Monday in September
  3. Birthday favorite month
  4. Friday on sale
  5. Day receive gifts
  6. Writing Day writing to your family
  7. Day to help
  8. Luther King Birthday Favorite Birthday
  9. Day when it celebrated
  10. National Independence Day have fun

20 Clues: of Julydress uphunt for eggsDay to helpFriday on saleday be with youDay two yourselfday receive loveDay receive giftsYears’ Day New yearsplaying Day game dayDay when it celebratedBirthday favorite monthcake Day cake to yourselfDay first Monday in SeptemberDay celebrated on the second...

holiday 2016-12-12

holiday crossword puzzle
  1. szánkózni
  2. hálózsák
  3. kesztyű
  4. szervezett társasutazás
  5. térkép
  6. ifjúsági szálló
  7. kirándulás
  8. vendégház
  9. hálózsák
  10. kötszer
  1. síléc
  2. munkaszüneti nap
  3. esőkabát
  4. gumimamtrac
  5. napozás
  6. étteremben étkezni
  7. kemping
  8. sátor
  9. hűtőtáska
  10. motel

20 Clues: sílécsátormoteltérképnapozáskesztyűkempingkötszeresőkabáthálózsákhálózsákszánkóznihűtőtáskavendégházkirándulásgumimamtracifjúsági szállómunkaszüneti napétteremben étkezniszervezett társasutazás

Holiday 2024-11-15

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. ссориться
  2. рай
  3. невероятно
  4. on my____ сам, сама
  5. очень жарко
  6. загорать
  7. чудесный
  8. жара
  1. несчастный
  2. сбежать
  3. осмотр достопримечательностей
  4. причина
  5. разъяренный
  6. ответ
  7. пара
  8. медовый месяц
  9. расстаться
  10. место назначения
  11. ужасный

19 Clues: райпаражараответсбежатьпричинаужасныйзагоратьчудесныйссоритьсянесчастныйневероятнорасстатьсяразъяренныйочень жаркомедовый месяцместо назначенияon my____ сам, самаосмотр достопримечательностей

holiday 2016-12-12

holiday crossword puzzle
  1. hálózsák
  2. ifjúsági szálló
  3. szervezett társasutazás
  4. hálózsák
  5. sátor
  6. kirándulás
  7. motel
  8. kesztyű
  9. síléc
  10. napozás
  11. kemping
  12. esőkabát
  1. munkaszüneti nap
  2. gumimamtrac
  3. vendégház
  4. szánkózni
  5. kötszer
  6. étteremben étkezni
  7. hűtőtáska
  8. térkép

20 Clues: sátormotelsíléctérképkötszerkesztyűnapozáskempinghálózsákhálózsákesőkabátvendégházszánkóznihűtőtáskakirándulásgumimamtracifjúsági szállómunkaszüneti napétteremben étkezniszervezett társasutazás

Holiday 2022-06-18

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. Fashion capital of the world
  2. Swiss mountain house
  3. Masai Mara, Nairobi and lions
  4. Where all the duty-free shopping goes..
  5. City of Love
  6. Down Under
  7. Snow and ice makes everything nice
  8. Eat sushi while staring at cherry blossoms
  9. Unscramble BACUS
  10. sleeping outdoors in a tent
  11. The one with the base camp
  1. National carrier (2 words)
  2. Don't forget to pack your ____ when going to the beach
  3. Many countries, one currency
  4. Make your way to the plane
  5. Stamps,visas and much more
  6. Tesla is for roads, ____ is for the stars
  7. Grecian boating event, ___week
  8. There's beds to get it and creams to prevent it!

19 Clues: Down UnderCity of LoveUnscramble BACUSSwiss mountain houseNational carrier (2 words)Make your way to the planeStamps,visas and much moreThe one with the base campsleeping outdoors in a tentFashion capital of the worldMany countries, one currencyMasai Mara, Nairobi and lionsGrecian boating event, ___weekSnow and ice makes everything nice...

Holiday 2022-12-18

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. It's at the top of the world.
  2. You hang these on your door.
  3. You'd better be this!
  4. Icy decorations from nature.
  5. He wears red clothes.
  6. You find presents under these.
  7. You play with these.
  8. You sing these during the holidays.
  9. The most important part of a holiday.
  1. They pull Santa's sleigh.
  2. Tasty holiday treats.
  3. You decorate trees with these.
  4. They work for Santa.
  5. These are red and white.
  6. They're made with snow and spelled with snow!
  7. You open on Christmas day.
  8. These decorate the outside of your house.
  9. You ride down a hill on this.
  10. Hang these by the chimney with care.

19 Clues: They work for Santa.You play with these.Tasty holiday treats.You'd better be this!He wears red clothes.These are red and white.They pull Santa's sleigh.You open on Christmas day.You hang these on your door.Icy decorations from nature.It's at the top of the world.You ride down a hill on this.You decorate trees with these....

Holiday 2022-12-09

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. -- A temporary sculpture, noun
  2. -- Long string of decorations, noun
  3. A winter holiday, noun
  4. An adverb which describes tinsel
  5. An adjective which can describe a Christmas tree
  6. -- Santa sits in it, noun
  7. -- Eaten at both Thanksgiving and Christmas, noun
  8. -- Animals which live in Lapland, noun
  1. -- temperature at Christmas, adjective
  2. In English this is a verb and in Swedish a noun for something you string on a tree
  3. -- Means "saint" in Spanish, noun
  4. -- An article of clothing and also a holder for presents, noun
  5. The four weeks leading up to Christmas noun
  6. An old-fashioned noun for Christmas
  7. -- spicy cookie, noun
  8. A noun -- placed on the tree top
  9. A verb you do to a tree
  10. cane -- peppermint candy, noun
  11. -- The days of Christmas adjective

19 Clues: -- spicy cookie, nounA winter holiday, nounA verb you do to a tree-- Santa sits in it, noun-- A temporary sculpture, nouncane -- peppermint candy, nounAn adverb which describes tinselA noun -- placed on the tree top-- Means "saint" in Spanish, noun-- The days of Christmas adjective-- Long string of decorations, noun...

holiday 2017-12-18

holiday crossword puzzle
  1. / grandma got run over by a________.
  2. / hang these on the tree.
  3. / we put one of these up every year.
  4. / you hang these.
  5. / Santas vehicle.
  6. / goes on top of present.
  7. / you can put this on top of the tree.
  8. / can these really fly.
  1. stocking / giant socks that might get filled with candy.
  2. cane / yummy red and white candy.
  3. / decoration for the door.
  4. / a famous snowman.
  5. / we sit in near this when opening presents.
  6. / short version of Christmas .
  7. / everyone loves opening these at christmas.
  8. / reindeer with the red nose.
  9. / you have this on a white christmas.
  10. / santas helpers.
  11. / christmas carol.

19 Clues: / you hang these./ Santas vehicle./ santas helpers./ christmas carol./ a famous snowman./ can these really fly./ hang these on the tree./ goes on top of present./ decoration for the door./ reindeer with the red nose./ short version of Christmas .cane / yummy red and white candy./ grandma got run over by a________....

holiday 2017-12-18

holiday crossword puzzle
  1. / grandma got run over by a________.
  2. / hang these on the tree.
  3. / we put one of these up every year.
  4. / you hang these.
  5. / Santas vehicle.
  6. / goes on top of present.
  7. / you can put this on top of the tree.
  8. / can these really fly.
  1. stocking / giant socks that might get filled with candy.
  2. cane / yummy red and white candy.
  3. / decoration for the door.
  4. / a famous snowman.
  5. / we sit in near this when opening presents.
  6. / short version of Christmas .
  7. / everyone loves opening these at christmas.
  8. / reindeer with the red nose.
  9. / you have this on a white christmas.
  10. / santas helpers.
  11. / christmas carol.

19 Clues: / you hang these./ Santas vehicle./ santas helpers./ christmas carol./ a famous snowman./ can these really fly./ hang these on the tree./ goes on top of present./ decoration for the door./ reindeer with the red nose./ short version of Christmas .cane / yummy red and white candy./ grandma got run over by a________....

holiday 2017-12-18

holiday crossword puzzle
  1. / grandma got run over by a________.
  2. / hang these on the tree.
  3. / we put one of these up every year.
  4. / you hang these.
  5. / Santas vehicle.
  6. / goes on top of present.
  7. / you can put this on top of the tree.
  8. / can these really fly.
  1. stocking / giant socks that might get filled with candy.
  2. cane / yummy red and white candy.
  3. / decoration for the door.
  4. / a famous snowman.
  5. / we sit in near this when opening presents.
  6. / short version of Christmas .
  7. / everyone loves opening these at christmas.
  8. / reindeer with the red nose.
  9. / you have this on a white christmas.
  10. / santas helpers.
  11. / christmas carol.

19 Clues: / you hang these./ Santas vehicle./ santas helpers./ christmas carol./ a famous snowman./ can these really fly./ hang these on the tree./ goes on top of present./ decoration for the door./ reindeer with the red nose./ short version of Christmas .cane / yummy red and white candy./ grandma got run over by a________....

Holiday 2023-06-23

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. to relax in on the beech
  2. where you get a plane from
  3. protect your eyes from the sun
  4. for all your luggage
  5. you find these in rock pools
  6. popular water sports activity on a loch
  7. creamy treat to help you cool down
  8. collect these on the beech
  9. what the beech is made from
  10. outdoor dinning
  11. dont burn these on the BBQ
  1. you will need a tent for this
  2. heats up the days
  3. get away for a break
  4. popular holiday destination
  5. scottish bitting insects
  6. a good game for the summer
  7. stops you burning in the sun
  8. popular water sport activity on the waves

19 Clues: outdoor dinningheats up the daysget away for a breakfor all your luggageto relax in on the beechscottish bitting insectswhere you get a plane froma good game for the summercollect these on the beechdont burn these on the BBQpopular holiday destinationwhat the beech is made fromyou find these in rock poolsstops you burning in the sun...

Holiday 2022-06-26

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. a journey on a large ship for pleasure, during which you visit several places
  2. can be used as a present or gift
  3. an activity involving skill in making things by hand.
  4. a large, rectangular container with a handle, for carrying clothes and possessions while travelling
  5. a small shelter or house, made of wood and situated in a wild or remote area.
  6. the standard unit of money used in Brazil
  7. a detailed plan or route of a journey
  8. the unit of money used in most European Union countries
  9. an establishment providing accommodations, food, and drink, especially for travelers.
  1. travel or hike carrying one's belongings in a backpack.
  2. someone who visits a place for pleasure and interest, usually while on holiday
  3. a long walk, especially in the countryside
  4. the sport of riding on a wave on a special board
  5. an extended period of leisure and recreation, especially one spent away from home or in traveling.
  6. a diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea showing physical features, cities, roads, etc.
  7. reducing tension or anxiety.
  8. the standard unit of money used in Japan
  9. an establishment which provides inexpensive food and lodging for a specific group of people, such as students, workers, or travelers.

18 Clues: reducing tension or anxiety.can be used as a present or gifta detailed plan or route of a journeythe standard unit of money used in Japanthe standard unit of money used in Brazila long walk, especially in the countrysidethe sport of riding on a wave on a special boardan activity involving skill in making things by hand....

Holiday 2022-12-12

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. thanksgiving
  2. under the tree
  3. costumes
  4. on fireplace
  5. is my favorite
  6. the red nosed reindeer
  7. bat
  1. bite
  2. is spelled Christ mass
  3. night
  4. cane
  5. domino means the year of the lord
  6. Halloween
  7. rides
  8. Year’s Eve
  9. on tree
  10. to the world
  11. bells
  12. wish you a merry Christmas

19 Clues: batbitecanenightridesbellson treecostumesHalloweenYear’s Evethanksgivingon fireplaceto the worldunder the treeis my favoriteis spelled Christ massthe red nosed reindeerwish you a merry Christmasdomino means the year of the lord

Hotel and Holiday Vocab 2019-03-10

Hotel and Holiday Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. view (Booking Hotel Rooms)
  2. to leave (Train tickets)
  3. dissatisfied (Holiday complaints)
  4. Youth hostel (Holiday accommodation)
  5. driving licence (Holiday items)
  6. Visa (Holiday items)
  7. Package holiday (Holiday types)
  8. Journey (Train tickets)
  9. booking confirmation (Holiday items)
  10. never again(Holiday complaints)
  11. air conditioning (Holiday accommodation)
  12. outdoors (Holiday types)
  13. Highlight (Holiday complaints)
  14. Car park (Booking Hotel Rooms)
  15. Suburbs (Holiday accommodation)
  16. Wi-fi (Booking Hotel Rooms)
  1. to relax (Holiday types)
  2. single (Train tickets)
  3. to arrive (Train tickets)
  4. quiet (Holiday accommodation)
  5. apartment (Holiday accommodation)
  6. Internet connection (Holiday complaints)
  7. Renovation (Holiday complaints)
  8. membership (Holiday items)
  9. to change (Train tickets)
  10. return (Train tickets)
  11. passport (Holiday items)
  12. platform (Train tickets)
  13. nearest to (Holiday accommodation)
  14. to experience (Holiday types)

30 Clues: Visa (Holiday items)single (Train tickets)return (Train tickets)Journey (Train tickets)to relax (Holiday types)to leave (Train tickets)passport (Holiday items)platform (Train tickets)outdoors (Holiday types)to arrive (Train tickets)to change (Train tickets)view (Booking Hotel Rooms)membership (Holiday items)Wi-fi (Booking Hotel Rooms)...

holiday 2023-04-03

holiday crossword puzzle
  1. il mio amore per te
  2. la prima città vista insieme
  3. l'amore della mia vita
  4. cosa mi piace fare al mare
  5. prossima meta europea
  6. come chiamo leo
  7. la prima capitale europea vista insieme
  8. il primo regalo che ti ho fatto
  1. il ristorante della prima cena
  2. dove vorrei andare in vacanza
  3. primo weekend in italia insieme
  4. la prima cena a casa
  5. il giorno del nostro anniversario
  6. il primo concerto
  7. il nome di nonna paterna
  8. il mio segno zodiacale
  9. il giorno del 1 appuntamento
  10. il primo spettacolo visto insieme

18 Clues: come chiamo leoil primo concertoil mio amore per tela prima cena a casaprossima meta europeal'amore della mia vitail mio segno zodiacaleil nome di nonna paternacosa mi piace fare al marela prima città vista insiemeil giorno del 1 appuntamentodove vorrei andare in vacanzail ristorante della prima cenaprimo weekend in italia insieme...

holiday 2024-05-13

holiday crossword puzzle
  1. The students are going to _ a museum and a castle.
  2. My friend's dad is a _ driver.
  3. Next week my class is going on a school _ to Krakow.
  4. This summer we are going on an exciting _ holiday.
  5. We never print our _ pass, we have it in our phone.
  6. When we go camping we always sleep in a _.
  7. You can only take one small hand _ on the plane.
  8. Hotels are expensive so we prefer to stay in a _ house.
  9. My little sister is scared of flying on the _.
  10. The artist painted a beautiful picture of the mountain -.
  1. Always put on sun cream before you _ on the beach.
  2. We waited for 2 hours at the airport because our_ was late.
  3. You need comfortable shoes to do _ in the mountains
  4. The travel agency organized our _ holiday.
  5. Would you like a _ or a double room?
  6. I always pack my_ before we go on holiday.
  7. We bought a _ book to plan our holiday in Italy
  8. My best friend and I are going to study English at a language _ this summer.

18 Clues: My friend's dad is a _ driver.Would you like a _ or a double room?The travel agency organized our _ holiday.I always pack my_ before we go on holiday.When we go camping we always sleep in a _.My little sister is scared of flying on the _.We bought a _ book to plan our holiday in ItalyYou can only take one small hand _ on the plane....

Holiday! 2023-04-07

Holiday! crossword puzzle
  1. Dominican _____ (The official suffix of the country we are visiting).
  2. Famous footballer from this country.
  3. Famous singer we will be hearing a lot during travelling.
  4. Famous singer who (fun fact!) is half from this country (HINT: plays a crocodile)
  5. Main religion of this country.
  6. Board we will have at our hotel.
  7. Lovely sandy place we HAVE to visit on this holiday.
  8. Legal age to rent a car in this country.
  9. Ocean bordering two sides of our destination.
  1. Group that this country is part of, that the UK is no longer part of.
  2. Legal document required to travel.
  3. The closest continent to this country, excluding the one it is in.
  4. Continent that this country is located in.
  5. The amazing beautiful woman that booked this holiday for us.
  6. Weather that we will be experiencing, which is uncommon in the UK.
  7. Month anniversary we will be travelling home on.
  8. How we will be feeling on this holiday (rhymes with play).
  9. Method of travel.

18 Clues: Method of travel.Main religion of this country.Board we will have at our hotel.Legal document required to travel.Famous footballer from this country.Legal age to rent a car in this country.Continent that this country is located in.Ocean bordering two sides of our destination.Month anniversary we will be travelling home on....

Holiday 2024-11-21

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. A holiday celebrated on December 25th.
  2. Animals that pull Santa’s sleigh.
  3. water that falls from the sky in winter.
  4. The jolly figure who delivers presents on Christmas Eve.
  5. A decorated evergreen centerpiece of Christmas celebrations.
  6. A decorative item hung on a Christmas tree.
  7. A ball of snow, often thrown during play. Ski, A winter sport using long, narrow boards to glide on snow.
  8. A creamy holiday drink, often spiced.
  9. A special meal shared during festive occasions.
  10. A gift given during celebrations, like Christmas.
  1. The people you gather with during the holidays.
  2. rink, A frozen surface for skating.
  3. A unique, intricate ice crystal that falls from the sky.
  4. What you do on icy surfaces or a playground structure.
  5. used to make a space festive, especially during holidays.
  6. A figure made of snow, often with a carrot nose.
  7. The coldest season of the year.
  8. Santa comes down through this to deliver presents.

18 Clues: The coldest season of the year.Animals that pull Santa’s sleigh.rink, A frozen surface for skating.A creamy holiday drink, often spiced.A holiday celebrated on December 25th.water that falls from the sky in winter.A decorative item hung on a Christmas tree.The people you gather with during the holidays....

Holiday 2020-06-13

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. torch
  2. legs
  3. castle
  4. pumpkin
  5. moose
  6. cat
  7. night
  8. mouse
  1. hood
  2. backpack
  3. flower
  4. square
  5. tent
  6. eggs
  7. playcart
  8. goat
  9. house

17 Clues: cathoodlegstenteggsgoattorchmoosenighthousemouseflowersquarecastlepumpkinbackpackplaycart

Holiday 2024-04-16

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. an area in which animals, especially wild animals, are kept so that people can go and look at them, or study them
  2. a railway engine connected to carriages for carrying people or wheeled containers for carrying goods
  3. a journey in which you go somewhere, usually for a short time, and come back again
  4. a large rectangular case with a handle for carrying clothes and possessions while travelling
  5. a member of your family
  6. (a way of) enjoying yourself when you are not working
  7. an occasion when you take a meal with you to eat outside in an informal way, or the food itself
  8. a building where you pay to have a room to sleep in, and where you can eat meals
  1. an official document containing personal information and usually a photograph which allows a person to travel to foreign countries and to prove who they are
  2. the place where someone is going or where something is being sent or taken
  3. free time
  4. a large area containing several different pools with equipment and activities for swimmers, which visitors pay to use
  5. view; the general appearance of the natural environment, especially when it is beautiful
  6. to go to a place in order to look at it, or to a person in order to spend time with them
  7. a shelter made of cloth, which you can fold up and carry with you and which is supported by poles and ropes
  8. a place where aircraft regularly take off and land, with buildings for passengers to wait in
  9. an area of sand or small stones near the sea or another area of water

17 Clues: free timea member of your family(a way of) enjoying yourself when you are not workingan area of sand or small stones near the sea or another area of waterthe place where someone is going or where something is being sent or takena building where you pay to have a room to sleep in, and where you can eat meals...

holiday 2019-09-08

holiday crossword puzzle
  1. prendre l'avion
  2. une carte
  3. un appareil photo
  4. en train
  5. la campagne
  6. un passeport
  7. en car
  1. faire du camping
  2. la montagne
  3. bagages
  4. de l’argent
  5. un guide de conversation
  6. en voiture
  7. à l’étranger
  8. de la crème solaire
  9. en bateau
  10. la mer

17 Clues: la meren carbagagesen trainune carteen bateauen voiturela montagnede l’argentla campagneà l’étrangerun passeportprendre l'avionfaire du campingun appareil photode la crème solaireun guide de conversation

Holiday 2024-12-17

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. Where Santa brings your presents
  2. Delicious seasonal beverage
  3. What's this white stuff everywhere?
  4. Everyone wants one
  5. Brings presents every Christmas eve
  6. Happy Holiday songs
  7. Christmas and Hanukkah happen in the
  8. We put out Milk and these for Santa
  9. Potato pancake
  1. Evergreen plant brought inside for the season
  2. Our favorite treat
  3. Chocolate coins
  4. Who do you want to spend the holiday's with?
  5. Our tree is an Everxxxx tree
  6. Spinning top
  7. Brr, its not chilly it's
  8. Placed on top of the tree

17 Clues: Spinning topPotato pancakeChocolate coinsOur favorite treatEveryone wants oneHappy Holiday songsBrr, its not chilly it'sPlaced on top of the treeDelicious seasonal beverageOur tree is an Everxxxx treeWhere Santa brings your presentsWhat's this white stuff everywhere?Brings presents every Christmas eveWe put out Milk and these for Santa...

the46 2024-06-30

the46 crossword puzzle
  1. May holiday
  2. Parade tradition
  3. September holiday
  4. Football event
  5. Mexican holiday
  6. Eight nights
  7. Environmental event
  8. German festival
  9. Spooky celebration
  10. Prank day
  11. Festival of lights
  12. Carnival celebration
  13. March holiday
  14. November holiday
  15. African-American holiday
  1. December holiday
  2. Times Square event
  3. February tradition
  4. Heart holiday
  5. Independence celebration
  6. Eve celebration
  7. Hunt tradition
  8. January holiday
  9. Holiday special
  10. Tree tradition

25 Clues: Prank dayMay holidayEight nightsHeart holidayMarch holidayFootball eventHunt traditionTree traditionMexican holidayEve celebrationJanuary holidayHoliday specialGerman festivalDecember holidayParade traditionNovember holidaySeptember holidayTimes Square eventFebruary traditionSpooky celebrationFestival of lightsEnvironmental event...

Holiday! 2020-04-21

Holiday! crossword puzzle
  1. megsérül
  2. Üdvözlet -ból
  3. pincér
  4. hajóval
  5. fájdalmas
  6. többé már nem
  7. külön
  8. szerencsére
  9. autóval utazik
  1. balesetet szenved
  2. képeslap
  3. útközben
  4. egy darab papír
  5. ijesztő
  6. csúcs
  7. utazás
  8. beleejt

17 Clues: csúcskülönpincérutazásijesztőhajóvalbeleejtmegsérülképeslapútközbenfájdalmasszerencséreÜdvözlet -bóltöbbé már nemautóval utazikegy darab papírbalesetet szenved

Holiday 2022-04-27

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. standok,bódék
  2. nem győztem kivárni
  3. benyomás
  4. szédültem
  5. megérkezni vhova
  6. finom
  7. művészeti alkoitás
  8. rálép vmire
  9. megpróbálni
  10. egy taxit leinteni
  1. kiabál vkire
  2. eszik egy falatot
  3. szabadtéri piac
  4. eltűnik
  5. átfutott az agyamon
  6. lenyugszik
  7. átváltoztat

17 Clues: finomeltűnikbenyomásszédültemlenyugszikátváltoztatrálép vmiremegpróbálnikiabál vkirestandok,bódékszabadtéri piacmegérkezni vhovaeszik egy falatotművészeti alkoitásegy taxit leinteniátfutott az agyamonnem győztem kivárni

Holiday 2023-07-10

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. the process of travelling from one place to another by land, air, or sea, usually longer than a trip
  2. knives, forks and spoons
  3. be ... .. means that it is not available
  4. the place to which you travel is your...
  5. a period of time by which something is late (it can be a verb or a noun)
  6. a public display of works of art
  7. pay for something in order to use it temporarily
  8. when a company provides compensation for your loss in return for payment
  9. money given to someone as a reward for a service
  10. a room with 2 single beds
  1. a variety of products
  2. full of people
  3. suitcases or other bags in which you pack your things for traveling
  4. when you travel for work purposes
  5. the activity of traveling in general, going from one place to another (uncountable!)
  6. a person who shows tourists around
  7. spices

17 Clues: spicesfull of peoplea variety of productsknives, forks and spoonsa room with 2 single bedsa public display of works of artwhen you travel for work purposesa person who shows tourists aroundbe ... .. means that it is not availablethe place to which you travel is for something in order to use it temporarily...

Holiday 2015-11-11

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. Reason for the season
  2. Popular Christmas figure
  3. Real or fake decoration for living room
  4. Under the tree
  5. Someone who doesn't like the holidays
  6. Holiday celebrated on December 25th
  7. Traditional Jewish food
  8. Celebrated between Dec 26 - Jan 1
  9. Brrrr
  1. January 1
  2. Popular carol
  3. Prominent color during December
  4. Man in a big red suit
  5. Celebrated in 7 nights
  6. Bird eaten during holiday meals
  7. Some do this to see family
  8. What everyone hopes for on Dec. 25

17 Clues: BrrrrJanuary 1Popular carolUnder the treeReason for the seasonMan in a big red suitCelebrated in 7 nightsTraditional Jewish foodPopular Christmas figureSome do this to see familyProminent color during DecemberBird eaten during holiday mealsCelebrated between Dec 26 - Jan 1What everyone hopes for on Dec. 25Holiday celebrated on December 25th...

Holiday 2024-12-04

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. Airplane journey.
  2. Holiday on a ship.
  3. Packed for a trip.
  4. Holiday keepsake.
  5. Getaway from routine.
  6. Surrounded by water.
  7. Main holiday goal.
  8. Outdoor holiday activity.
  9. Vacation accommodation.
  1. Sand and sea spot.
  2. Holiday traveler.
  3. Thrilling experience.
  4. Holiday celebration.
  5. Journey for leisure.
  6. Temporary stay.
  7. Overexposure to the sun.
  8. Travel document.

17 Clues: Temporary stay.Travel document.Holiday traveler.Airplane journey.Holiday keepsake.Sand and sea spot.Holiday on a ship.Packed for a trip.Main holiday goal.Holiday celebration.Journey for leisure.Surrounded by water.Thrilling experience.Getaway from routine.Vacation accommodation.Overexposure to the sun.Outdoor holiday activity.

15 2024-08-28

15 crossword puzzle
  1. Santa returns
  2. Holiday hostage
  3. Horror holiday
  4. Love story
  5. Holiday pet
  6. House swap
  7. Holiday decorations
  8. Family holiday
  9. Romantic comedy
  10. DJ’s Christmas
  11. Neighbor feud
  12. Holiday comedy
  13. Santa’s daughter
  1. Christmas romance
  2. Romantic snowfall
  3. Dickens story
  4. Santa’s helper
  5. Dysfunctional holiday
  6. Family Christmas
  7. Musical holiday
  8. Businesswoman’s return
  9. Christmas thief
  10. Musical holiday
  11. Classic fantasy
  12. Holiday tragedy

25 Clues: Love storyHouse swapHoliday petSanta returnsDickens storyNeighbor feudSanta’s helperHorror holidayFamily holidayDJ’s ChristmasHoliday comedyHoliday hostageMusical holidayChristmas thiefMusical holidayClassic fantasyRomantic comedyHoliday tragedyFamily ChristmasSanta’s daughterChristmas romanceRomantic snowfallHoliday decorations...

Holiday 2023-06-24

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. The state of being free and self-governing. It is often celebrated on a specific day to honor a country's independence.
  2. Bright, colorful explosions that light up the sky and make loud sounds. They are often seen on special occasions or holidays.
  3. Customs or practices that are passed down from generation to generation and are often followed during holidays.
  4. Claus A legendary figure who brings gifts to children during Christmas. He is often depicted as a jolly man in a red suit with a white beard.
  5. A special event or gathering to honor or enjoy something, such as a holiday or a birthday.
  6. The anniversary of the day a person was born. It is often celebrated with cake, gifts, and special activities.
  7. Year's Eve The last day of the year, celebrated on December 31st with parties, fireworks, and counting down to midnight.
  8. A period of time when you are away from school or work and can relax, have fun, or travel. It is often associated with holidays.
  9. A holiday observed on October 31st, known for costumes, trick-or-treating, and spooky decorations.
  1. Something that is cheerful, joyful, and related to a celebration or holiday. It brings a sense of happiness and excitement.
  2. Presents or items given to someone to show love, appreciation, or celebrate an occasion.
  3. Bunny A mythical creature associated with Easter. It is said to bring eggs and treats to children on Easter Sunday.
  4. A holiday celebrated to give thanks for the blessings and good things in life. It often involves a big meal with family and friends.
  5. Objects used to make a place look festive and colorful during a holiday or special occasion.
  6. A festive procession of people, often including floats, bands, and performers. It is held to celebrate an event or holiday.
  7. A gathering of family members or friends who haven't seen each other for a long time. It often happens during holidays or special occasions.

16 Clues: Presents or items given to someone to show love, appreciation, or celebrate an occasion.A special event or gathering to honor or enjoy something, such as a holiday or a birthday.Objects used to make a place look festive and colorful during a holiday or special occasion....

Holiday 2022-12-23

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. Treat to leave for Santa when he comes to your house
  2. Reindeer with red nose
  3. Cranky guy who wants to ruin Christmas
  4. something you decorate with lights and Christmas ornaments (2 words)
  5. How Santa enters your house
  6. African American annual celebration from 12/26-1/1
  7. Snowman who talks to the children
  8. the number of principles of Kwanzaa
  1. Something you light during Hanukkah
  2. why we celebrate Christmas
  3. something you decorate with candy and frosting for fun contest at Christmas (2 words)
  4. Food cooked during Kwanzaa (2 words)
  5. Jolly man in a red suit
  6. Traditional food at Hanukkah
  7. You make these out of snow to have a fun fight
  8. Holiday celebrated with 8 days

16 Clues: Reindeer with red noseJolly man in a red suitwhy we celebrate ChristmasHow Santa enters your houseTraditional food at HanukkahHoliday celebrated with 8 daysSnowman who talks to the childrenSomething you light during Hanukkahthe number of principles of KwanzaaFood cooked during Kwanzaa (2 words)Cranky guy who wants to ruin Christmas...

Holiday 2022-12-22

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. we make holiday houses out of this special cookie
  2. Where miss lange really wants to go
  3. the most recent thing we did in PE
  4. the red and white peppermint stick with a hook
  5. miss lange's favorite subject
  6. we had a themed week for this green grump that dr.seuss made
  1. the island we live on
  2. The christian holiday in december
  3. miss lange also gives these
  4. our role model
  5. The jewish holiday in december
  6. our science teacher
  7. miss lange gives these away
  8. Our teacher
  9. the state we live in
  10. the grade we are in

16 Clues: Our teacherour role modelour science teacherthe grade we are inthe state we live inthe island we live onmiss lange also gives thesemiss lange gives these awaymiss lange's favorite subjectThe jewish holiday in decemberThe christian holiday in decemberthe most recent thing we did in PEWhere miss lange really wants to go...

Holiday 2024-12-10

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. What Santa comes down through on Christmas night
  2. "Tis the ____"
  3. "___ the halls"
  4. Decor put on Christmas trees
  5. A red nosed Reindeer
  6. Santa's workers (Plural)
  7. A mean creature who hates Christmas and lives in Whoville
  8. Snow creation made by children (Singular)
  1. A popular type of Christmas tree
  2. A plant, the person under it is supposed to kiss another person
  3. Decor put on the Chimney with care (Plural)
  4. The day Christmas is celebrated in December (Number, th)
  5. A food commonly enjoyed during the holiday season, meat
  6. A plant, associated with Christmas, that is typically hung on doors.
  7. Drink commonly enjoyed during the Holiday Season
  8. Fictional person who delivers gifts to kids

16 Clues: "Tis the ____""___ the halls"A red nosed ReindeerSanta's workers (Plural)Decor put on Christmas treesA popular type of Christmas treeSnow creation made by children (Singular)Decor put on the Chimney with care (Plural)Fictional person who delivers gifts to kidsWhat Santa comes down through on Christmas night...

Holiday 2024-01-13

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. расстаться с
  2. несчастный
  3. очень жаркий
  4. градус
  5. загорать
  6. рай
  7. пара
  1. ужасный
  2. медовый месяц
  3. катастрофа
  4. ссориться
  5. невероятно
  6. сбежать
  7. осмотр достопримечательностей
  8. жара
  9. очень злой

16 Clues: райжарапараградусужасныйсбежатьзагоратьссоритьсякатастрофанесчастныйневероятноочень злойрасстаться сочень жаркиймедовый месяцосмотр достопримечательностей

Holiday 2024-06-29

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. Holiday party activity involving music
  2. Winter party beverage
  3. Fruitcake ingredient
  4. Another word for a holiday gathering
  5. Gift exchange game often played at holiday parties
  6. Red and white striped treat
  7. Toasting drink at parties
  8. Turn the page after New Year's Eve
  9. Christmas figure with a sleigh and reindeer
  1. Traditional holiday songs
  2. Warm accessory often given as a gift
  3. Colorful paper hung as decoration
  4. "Jingle Bells" transport
  5. Sweet treat often left out for Santa
  6. Evergreen tree decoration
  7. Popular New Year's Eve party item

16 Clues: Fruitcake ingredientWinter party beverage"Jingle Bells" transportTraditional holiday songsToasting drink at partiesEvergreen tree decorationRed and white striped treatColorful paper hung as decorationPopular New Year's Eve party itemTurn the page after New Year's EveWarm accessory often given as a giftAnother word for a holiday gathering...

Types of Holidays 2024-10-23

Types of Holidays crossword puzzle
  1. _______ holiday - A retreat for relaxation and rejuvenation.
  2. Hopping Travelling between different islands, often by boat.
  3. A short stay in an urban area to explore culture.
  4. A romantic holiday taken by newlyweds.
  5. _______ holiday - A holiday spent outdoors in tents
  6. Travelling light often on a budget, with a large rucksack.
  7. _______ holiday - Relaxing trip by the sea, often involving sunbathing.
  8. _______ holiday - A trip focused on nightlife and social gatherings.
  9. _______ holiday - A trip centred around live outdoor concerts.
  10. Train travel across multiple European countries.
  11. A walking journey, often through mountains or trails.
  12. _______ holiday - A winter getaway for a sport done on snowy slopes.
  13. _______ holiday - A holiday designed for parents and their children.
  1. _______ holiday - Thrill-seeking trips with physical challenges.
  2. A sea voyage with stops at various destinations.
  3. _______ holiday - A road trip in a mobile home or camper van
  4. _______ holiday - A holiday where you cook your own meals.
  5. _______ tour - A trip with a specific goal, often related to some kind of scientific research.
  6. _______ holiday - A trip organized around playing or watching sports.
  7. _______ holiday - A trip spent navigating waters on a boat or yacht.
  8. An African wildlife-watching tour, often in a 4x4.
  9. Responsible travel focused on preserving nature.
  10. Holiday _______ holiday - A trip to visit famous landmarks and attractions.

23 Clues: A romantic holiday taken by newlyweds.A sea voyage with stops at various destinations.Train travel across multiple European countries.Responsible travel focused on preserving nature.A short stay in an urban area to explore culture.An African wildlife-watching tour, often in a 4x4._______ holiday - A holiday spent outdoors in tents...

Holiday 2018-09-23

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. pole namiotowe
  2. wycieczki
  3. nad morzem
  4. plaża
  5. jazda na rowerze
  6. góry
  7. jazda konna
  8. pływanie kajakiem
  1. wspinać się
  2. jezioro
  3. wyjazd pod namiot
  4. walizka
  5. ognisko
  6. wieś, wiejska okolica
  7. piesze wycieczki
  8. przyczepa kampingowa

16 Clues: góryplażajeziorowalizkaogniskowycieczkinad morzemwspinać sięjazda konnapole namiotowejazda na rowerzepiesze wycieczkiwyjazd pod namiotpływanie kajakiemprzyczepa kampingowawieś, wiejska okolica

HOLIDAY 2024-12-06

HOLIDAY crossword puzzle
  1. Winter holiday sport.
  2. Holiday destination.
  3. Tropical escape.
  4. Relaxation retreat.
  5. Traveler’s bag.
  6. Travel document.
  7. Floating holiday.
  8. Guided visit.
  9. Holiday memento.
  10. Plane journey.
  1. Celebratory event.
  2. Wildlife adventure.
  3. Outdoor getaway.
  4. Journey by car.
  5. Vacation at sea.
  6. Place to stay.
  7. Sandy retreat.

17 Clues: Guided visit.Place to stay.Sandy retreat.Plane journey.Traveler’s bag.Journey by car.Tropical escape.Outdoor getaway.Travel document.Vacation at sea.Holiday memento.Floating holiday.Celebratory event.Wildlife adventure.Relaxation retreat.Holiday destination.Winter holiday sport.

HOLIDAY 2025-01-15

HOLIDAY crossword puzzle
  1. An activity in the swimming pool
  2. We will ... the mountain.
  3. bermain (Eng)
  4. many kinds of animals are here
  5. Where ... you go next holiday?
  6. go (verb 2/past form)
  7. We set up a ... on camping ground.
  8. temple (Bahasa Indonesia)
  9. pantai (Eng)
  10. Where ... yo go last holiday?
  1. finding fish in river or ponds
  2. Did you ... your grandma last holiday?
  3. go around by bike
  4. shopping(Bahasa Indonesia)
  5. vacation
  6. i just at home last holiday

16 Clues: vacationpantai (Eng)bermain (Eng)go around by bikego (verb 2/past form)We will ... the mountain.temple (Bahasa Indonesia)shopping(Bahasa Indonesia)Where ... yo go last holiday?finding fish in river or pondsmany kinds of animals are hereWhere ... you go next holiday?An activity in the swimming pooli just at home last holiday...

Holiday 2017-02-16

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. A thing you can sit underneath to protect you from the sun
  2. Goes between your toes at the beach
  3. A place to eat at for lunch
  4. A bay for ships
  5. A delicious sweet treat for hot weather
  6. A castle made by sand
  7. Make a splashing noise at the beach
  1. A place where people come to do fishing
  2. Something usually enjoyed by all. Another description is Enjoyment
  3. Like a surfboard that you ride at the beach
  4. Helps protect your head and face from sunburn
  5. An essential for if you are going to the beach on a warm day
  6. How you move around in the water
  7. Somthing that dries you after you have been wet
  8. A nasty irritation caused by the sun which usually occurs on the face and back
  9. A house for crustations

16 Clues: A bay for shipsA castle made by sandA house for crustationsA place to eat at for lunchHow you move around in the waterGoes between your toes at the beachMake a splashing noise at the beachA place where people come to do fishingA delicious sweet treat for hot weatherLike a surfboard that you ride at the beach...

Holiday 2021-03-30

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. glossy publication with details of holiday packages
  2. holiday where you purchase the travel and accommodation together
  3. where you wait for your flight to be called
  4. the place at the airport where you register for your flight and deposit your luggage
  5. an extremely beautiful view
  6. outside of the main holiday period
  7. an extended weekend holiday including Friday or Monday
  8. to take a holiday to escape a busy or stressful lifestyle
  9. cheaper form of flying than a scheduled flight
  10. where you go for a holiday
  1. place where lots of people go for a holiday
  2. an organized group shown around a place of interest by an expert
  3. where you supply your own food
  4. tourists crowds of tourists
  5. holiday where you purchase the travel and accommodation together
  6. somewhere a long way away
  7. objects produced locally

17 Clues: somewhere a long way awayobjects produced locallywhere you go for a holidaytourists crowds of touristsan extremely beautiful viewwhere you supply your own foodoutside of the main holiday periodwhere you wait for your flight to be calledplace where lots of people go for a holidaycheaper form of flying than a scheduled flight...

Holiday 2023-06-24

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. Bright, colorful explosions that light up the sky and make loud sounds. They are often seen on special occasions or holidays.
  2. Presents or items given to someone to show love, appreciation, or celebrate an occasion.
  3. Objects used to make a place look festive and colorful during a holiday or special occasion.
  4. Year's Eve The last day of the year, celebrated on December 31st with parties, fireworks, and counting down to midnight.
  5. Customs or practices that are passed down from generation to generation and are often followed during holidays.
  6. A special event or gathering to honor or enjoy something, such as a holiday or a birthday.
  7. The anniversary of the day a person was born. It is often celebrated with cake, gifts, and special activities.
  8. A holiday observed on October 31st, known for costumes, trick-or-treating, and spooky decorations.
  1. Something that is cheerful, joyful, and related to a celebration or holiday. It brings a sense of happiness and excitement.
  2. Bunny A mythical creature associated with Easter. It is said to bring eggs and treats to children on Easter Sunday.
  3. A gathering of family members or friends who haven't seen each other for a long time. It often happens during holidays or special occasions.
  4. A holiday celebrated to give thanks for the blessings and good things in life. It often involves a big meal with family and friends.
  5. The state of being free and self-governing. It is often celebrated on a specific day to honor a country's independence.
  6. A festive procession of people, often including floats, bands, and performers. It is held to celebrate an event or holiday.
  7. A period of time when you are away from school or work and can relax, have fun, or travel. It is often associated with holidays.
  8. Claus A legendary figure who brings gifts to children during Christmas. He is often depicted as a jolly man in a red suit with a white beard.

16 Clues: Presents or items given to someone to show love, appreciation, or celebrate an occasion.A special event or gathering to honor or enjoy something, such as a holiday or a birthday.Objects used to make a place look festive and colorful during a holiday or special occasion....

Types of Holiday 2024-10-23

Types of Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. _______ holiday - Relaxing trip by the sea, often involving sunbathing.
  2. A walking journey, often through mountains or trails.
  3. A romantic holiday taken by newlyweds.
  4. _______ holiday - A holiday designed for parents and their children.
  5. Train travel across multiple European countries.
  6. Travelling between different islands, often by boat.
  7. _______ holiday - A holiday where you cook your own meals.
  8. _______ holiday - Thrill-seeking trips with physical challenges.
  9. Responsible travel focused on preserving nature.
  10. _______ tour - A trip with a specific goal, often related to some kind of scientific research.
  11. _______ holiday - A road trip in a mobile home or camper van
  12. _______ holiday - A holiday spent outdoors in tents
  1. A sea voyage with stops at various destinations.
  2. _______ holiday - A retreat for relaxation and rejuvenation.
  3. Travelling light often on a budget, with a large rucksack.
  4. _______ holiday - A trip centred around live outdoor concerts.
  5. A short stay in an urban area to explore culture.
  6. _______ holiday - A winter getaway for a sport done on snowy slopes.
  7. _______ holiday - A trip spent navigating waters on a boat or yacht.
  8. _______ holiday - A trip to visit famous landmarks and attractions.
  9. _______ holiday - A trip focused on nightlife and social gatherings.
  10. _______ holiday - A trip organized around playing or watching sports.
  11. An African wildlife-watching tour, often in a 4x4.

23 Clues: A romantic holiday taken by newlyweds.A sea voyage with stops at various destinations.Train travel across multiple European countries.Responsible travel focused on preserving nature.A short stay in an urban area to explore culture.An African wildlife-watching tour, often in a 4x4._______ holiday - A holiday spent outdoors in tents...

Holiday 2023-12-11

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. You sit next to it to be warm
  2. Don't eat lemonade flavor (it's not lemonade)
  3. ____ roasting over an open fire
  4. From your grandma
  5. Sugar Sword
  6. Jesus wasn't actually born today
  7. You are going to sit in your room and play video games the whole time
  1. They make making it look easy on baking shows
  2. Is it action or Christmas
  3. Decorated box drives you crazy
  4. The guy on Mt. something that sounds like trumpet
  5. These are usually fake
  6. The old guy that sneaks into your house
  7. He has a tumor on his nose
  8. Frosty the ____

15 Clues: Sugar SwordFrosty the ____From your grandmaThese are usually fakeIs it action or ChristmasHe has a tumor on his noseYou sit next to it to be warmDecorated box drives you crazy____ roasting over an open fireJesus wasn't actually born todayThe old guy that sneaks into your houseThey make making it look easy on baking shows...

Holiday 2024-01-08

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. visačka, štítek
  2. autokemp
  3. zavazadla
  4. cestovní pas
  5. nákupní seznam
  6. kapsa
  7. jízdenka, lístek
  8. všimnout si
  1. cestující
  2. stan
  3. vybalit
  4. kufr
  5. užívat si
  6. vozík
  7. letiště

15 Clues: stankufrkapsavozíkvybalitletištěautokempcestujícízavazadlaužívat sivšimnout sicestovní pasnákupní seznamvisačka, štítekjízdenka, lístek

Holiday 2024-02-15

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. lidojošais šķivis
  2. volejbols
  3. vākt
  4. gliemežvāki
  5. smilšu pils
  6. klints
  1. taisīt
  2. lidināt
  3. saldējums
  4. pirkt
  5. pūķis
  6. fotogrāfija
  7. spēlēt
  8. izpētīt
  9. pikniks

15 Clues: vāktpirktpūķistaisītspēlētklintslidinātizpētītpiknikssaldējumsvolejbolsfotogrāfijagliemežvākismilšu pilslidojošais šķivis

Holidays, Seasons and Months 2020-07-30

Holidays, Seasons and Months crossword puzzle
  1. Peter Cottontail holiday
  2. the luck of the irish holiday
  3. biggest college basketball tournament month
  4. Red, White and Blue holiday
  5. the fifth of may holiday
  6. Eat lots of food and watch football holiday
  7. in spanish its agosto
  8. the last month of the year
  9. month of independence day
  10. Count down to the ball drop holiday
  11. month with the scary holiday
  12. snow, cold, ice
  13. black history month
  14. hot, swimming, BBQ
  15. ___showers bring may flowers
  1. back to school month
  2. The man in red comes to town holiday
  3. memorial day month
  4. first month of the year
  5. leaves, pumpkins, apple cider
  6. budding flowers, melting snow, new life
  7. Holiday Celebrating Love
  8. the month with Black Friday
  9. Goblins, Ghosts and Ghouls holiday
  10. first month of summer
  11. small rodent looks for shadow holiday

26 Clues: snow, cold, icememorial day monthhot, swimming, BBQblack history monthback to school monthin spanish its agostofirst month of summerfirst month of the yearPeter Cottontail holidaythe fifth of may holidayHoliday Celebrating Lovemonth of independence daythe last month of the yearRed, White and Blue holidaythe month with Black Friday...

Greece 2018-08-16

Greece crossword puzzle
  1. Name of the pub in which I lost the plot
  2. You are my little...
  3. Name of ferry we took (first two words)
  4. He joined us late on the trip but already feels part of the family
  5. Name of water we bought at the port in Crete
  6. Your cutest day this holiday (boo boo!!!)
  7. First room number this holiday (how you’d pronounce)
  8. What I will miss most when we leave each other tonight
  9. Most helpful song of the holiday
  10. My favourite feature of yours
  11. I .... you
  1. Our second taxi driver of the holiday
  2. Location of my most cutest pic of you this holiday
  3. Best pizza of the holiday
  4. Two ingredients I won’t be touching for a while after this holiday
  5. Name of your first cocktail this holiday
  6. Location of my most beautiful portrait of you this holiday (you’re next prof pic)
  7. My only competition this holiday
  8. This holiday you realised that Danny is a...
  9. Location of my favourite main course this holiday

20 Clues: I .... youYou are my little...Best pizza of the holidayMy favourite feature of yoursMy only competition this holidayMost helpful song of the holidayOur second taxi driver of the holidayName of ferry we took (first two words)Name of the pub in which I lost the plotName of your first cocktail this holidayYour cutest day this holiday (boo boo!!!)...

holiday 2017-02-24

holiday crossword puzzle
  1. someones special day
  2. somthing you ride
  3. a place to buy things
  4. when you stay at someones house overnight
  5. a game you play at the beach with a bat
  6. something you will remember over time
  1. somthing that you read
  2. happens on new years eve
  3. it is all about jesus birthday
  4. someone that comes with gifts
  5. somthing that melts on a hot day
  6. a place where you stay for a holiday
  7. a place where you swim
  8. helps santa make the sleigh fly
  9. a place where you watch the latest release

15 Clues: somthing you ridesomeones special daya place to buy thingssomthing that you reada place where you swimhappens on new years evesomeone that comes with giftsit is all about jesus birthdayhelps santa make the sleigh flysomthing that melts on a hot daya place where you stay for a holidaysomething you will remember over time...

HOLIDAY 2014-09-19

HOLIDAY crossword puzzle
  1. łódź
  2. jeździć na nartach
  3. opalać się
  4. pociąg
  5. nurkować
  6. schronisko młodzieżowe
  1. niesamowity
  2. autokar
  3. pływać
  4. plaża
  5. zwiedzać
  6. pole namiotowe
  7. żeglować
  8. skuter
  9. samolot

15 Clues: łódźplażapływaćpociągskuterautokarsamolotzwiedzaćnurkowaćżeglowaćopalać sięniesamowitypole namiotowejeździć na nartachschronisko młodzieżowe

HOLIDAY 2021-10-08

HOLIDAY crossword puzzle
  1. a large motor vehicle carrying passengers by road, typically one serving the public on a fixed route and for a fare.
  2. a series of railroad cars moved as a unit by a locomotive or by integral motors.
  3. is a place that is a popular destination for vacations or recreation, or which is frequented for a particular purpose.
  4. a case with a handle and a hinged lid, use to carrying clothes and other personal possessions
  5. a vehicle with wings and one or more engines, which can fly through the air.
  6. the land and scenery of a rural area.
  1. personal belongings packed in suitcases for traveling; luggage
  2. sail about in an area without a precise destination, especially for pleasure.
  3. ; is a wheeled motor vehicle used for transportation
  4. an establishment providing accommodations, meals, and other services for travelers and tourists.
  5. : a human-powered or motor-powered, pedal-driven, single-track vehicle, having two wheels attached to a frame, one behind the other
  6. a bag with shoulder straps that allow it to be carried on one's back.
  7. ; the movement of people between distant geographical locations.
  8. a thing that is kept as a reminder of a person, place, or event
  9. a complex of runways and buildings for the takeoff, landing, and maintenance of civil aircraft, with facilities for passengers

15 Clues: the land and scenery of a rural area.; is a wheeled motor vehicle used for transportationpersonal belongings packed in suitcases for traveling; luggagea thing that is kept as a reminder of a person, place, or event; the movement of people between distant geographical locations.a bag with shoulder straps that allow it to be carried on one's back....

Holiday 2021-11-10

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. A circular arrangement of greenery or flowers
  2. The Christmas season derived from Old French
  3. A long, wooden sled used to coast down snow-covered hills
  4. Preparing and making room for
  5. Leading up to Christmas and including the four preceding Sundays
  6. A Mexican shrub first used as a Christmas decoration by Franciscan friars in the 17th century
  7. A four-sided top used by children to play a game
  1. beautifully made gingerbread cookies
  2. Being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see
  3. Christmas is a celebration of his life
  4. The free and undeserved help that God gives us
  5. A cookie made with molasses and ginger
  6. Santa Claus
  7. Not the same as a wish
  8. A festive song or hymn sung at Christmas

15 Clues: Santa ClausNot the same as a wishPreparing and making room forbeautifully made gingerbread cookiesChristmas is a celebration of his lifeA cookie made with molasses and gingerA festive song or hymn sung at ChristmasThe Christmas season derived from Old FrenchA circular arrangement of greenery or flowersThe free and undeserved help that God gives us...

Holiday 2022-05-19

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. 14
  2. 6
  3. 7
  4. 4
  5. 12
  6. 13
  7. 3
  8. 10
  1. 9
  2. 11
  3. 15
  4. 5
  5. 2
  6. 8
  7. 1

15 Clues: 965742813111415121310

Holiday 2020-05-22

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. In this holiday we can not go to job.
  2. This holidays character is bunny.
  3. In this holiday end school.
  4. In this holiday we celebrate our dads.
  5. In this holiday we celebrate womens.
  6. In this holiday we change up clothes for scary clothes.
  7. In this holiday we celebrate new year.
  8. In tis holiday we eat cake.
  1. In this holiday we celabrate love.
  2. In this holiday we celebrate children's.
  3. In this holiday usually we ate chicken and say thankyou.
  4. In this holiday we celebrate mothers.
  5. In this holiday we got presents and in our house is Christmas tree.
  6. In this holiday we celebrate our names.
  7. In this holiday we celebrate new pair.

15 Clues: In this holiday end school.In tis holiday we eat cake.This holidays character is bunny.In this holiday we celabrate love.In this holiday we celebrate womens.In this holiday we can not go to job.In this holiday we celebrate mothers.In this holiday we celebrate our dads.In this holiday we celebrate new pair.In this holiday we celebrate new year....

Holiday 2020-05-22

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. In this holiday we can not go to job.
  2. This holidays character is bunny.
  3. In this holiday end school.
  4. In this holiday we celebrate our dads.
  5. In this holiday we celebrate womens.
  6. In this holiday we change up clothes for scary clothes.
  7. In this holiday we celebrate new year.
  8. In tis holiday we eat cake.
  1. In this holiday we celabrate love.
  2. In this holiday we celebrate children's.
  3. In this holiday usually we ate chicken and say thankyou.
  4. In this holiday we celebrate mothers.
  5. In this holiday we got presents and in our house is Christmas tree.
  6. In this holiday we celebrate our names.
  7. In this holiday we celebrate new pair.

15 Clues: In this holiday end school.In tis holiday we eat cake.This holidays character is bunny.In this holiday we celabrate love.In this holiday we celebrate womens.In this holiday we can not go to job.In this holiday we celebrate mothers.In this holiday we celebrate our dads.In this holiday we celebrate new pair.In this holiday we celebrate new year....

Holiday 2023-07-06

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. Festival A traditional Chinese festival held on the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, marked by the display of colorful lanterns.
  2. A large and delicious meal prepared and enjoyed during a festive occasion or celebration.
  3. A custom or practice that is passed down from generation to generation, often associated with cultural or religious significance.
  4. Colorful explosives that produce noise, light, and visual effects, commonly used in celebrations and events.
  5. The gathering of ripe crops from the fields, often celebrated with gratitude and thanksgiving for a bountiful harvest.
  6. A form of rhythmic movement performed to music, often seen in traditional celebrations and cultural events.
  7. Special clothing worn to represent a character, occupation, or cultural identity during festivals or masquerade parties.
  8. Year The beginning of a calendar year, often celebrated with special events, fireworks, and making resolutions for the coming year.
  1. A portable light source often made of paper or other materials, used for decoration during festivals and celebrations.
  2. A special event or occasion celebrated by a community or group of people, often involving music, dancing, and other cultural activities.
  3. A Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, often celebrated with gift-giving, caroling, and festive decorations.
  4. The act of marking a significant event or occasion with joy and festivities.
  5. Presents or items given to others as a symbol of love, friendship, or celebration during special occasions.
  6. A group of people who are related by blood or marriage, often coming together to celebrate holidays and special occasions.
  7. A holiday primarily celebrated in the United States and Canada to express gratitude for the blessings of the year, often with a feast.
  8. A procession of people, vehicles, or floats moving through the streets, often accompanied by music and celebration.

16 Clues: The act of marking a significant event or occasion with joy and festivities.A large and delicious meal prepared and enjoyed during a festive occasion or celebration.Presents or items given to others as a symbol of love, friendship, or celebration during special occasions....

Holiday 2023-07-06

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. The act of marking a significant event or occasion with joy and festivities.
  2. A procession of people, vehicles, or floats moving through the streets, often accompanied by music and celebration.
  3. A special event or occasion celebrated by a community or group of people, often involving music, dancing, and other cultural activities.
  4. Colorful explosives that produce noise, light, and visual effects, commonly used in celebrations and events.
  5. A Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, often celebrated with gift-giving, caroling, and festive decorations.
  6. A custom or practice that is passed down from generation to generation, often associated with cultural or religious significance.
  1. Special clothing worn to represent a character, occupation, or cultural identity during festivals or masquerade parties.
  2. A form of rhythmic movement performed to music, often seen in traditional celebrations and cultural events.
  3. Presents or items given to others as a symbol of love, friendship, or celebration during special occasions.
  4. A portable light source often made of paper or other materials, used for decoration during festivals and celebrations.
  5. A holiday primarily celebrated in the United States and Canada to express gratitude for the blessings of the year, often with a feast.
  6. The gathering of ripe crops from the fields, often celebrated with gratitude and thanksgiving for a bountiful harvest.
  7. A group of people who are related by blood or marriage, often coming together to celebrate holidays and special occasions.
  8. A large and delicious meal prepared and enjoyed during a festive occasion or celebration.
  9. Year The beginning of a calendar year, often celebrated with special events, fireworks, and making resolutions for the coming year.

15 Clues: The act of marking a significant event or occasion with joy and festivities.A large and delicious meal prepared and enjoyed during a festive occasion or celebration.A form of rhythmic movement performed to music, often seen in traditional celebrations and cultural events....

Holiday 2023-07-25

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. A Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.
  2. A day to honor and remember those who died while serving in the military.
  3. A special day to show love and appreciation to moms and mother figures for all they do.
  4. A day to honor all military veterans who served in the U.S. armed forces.
  5. Day The first day of the year, celebrated with parties and fireworks.
  6. A Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  7. A day of giving thanks for the harvest and blessings of the past year.
  1. A day to celebrate Irish culture and the patron saint of Ireland.
  2. A day for dressing up in costumes and going trick-or-treating.
  3. A day to commemorate Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas.
  4. A day to honor the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
  5. Another name for Independence Day, celebrated with parades and fireworks.
  6. A day commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.
  7. A day to celebrate love and affection between intimate companions.
  8. A day to honor the contributions and achievements of workers.

15 Clues: A Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.A day to honor the contributions and achievements of workers.A day for dressing up in costumes and going trick-or-treating.A day to celebrate Irish culture and the patron saint of Ireland.A Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ....

Holiday 2024-08-28

Holiday crossword puzzle
  1. A trip focused on activities like hiking, rafting, or skiing.
  2. A short vacation spent in a city, exploring urban sights.
  3. Full of new and thrilling experiences.
  4. A vacation spent at home or nearby, enjoying local attractions.
  5. Visiting famous or interesting places, often as a tourist.
  6. vacation A holiday spent by the sea, it involves swimming and sunbathing.
  1. A short trip or activity, usually for pleasure.
  2. Worth remembering, often because of how special or unique it was.
  3. Providing rest and relaxation.
  4. It is the place to which someone is going or planning to travel.
  5. A guided visit to various attractions, often as part of a group.
  6. Expensive and providing great comfort.
  7. An extended period of leisure and recreation, especially one spent away from home or in traveling.
  8. The act of going from one place to another, often for vacation.
  9. A short vacation or escape from daily routine.

15 Clues: Providing rest and relaxation.Expensive and providing great comfort.Full of new and thrilling experiences.A short vacation or escape from daily routine.A short trip or activity, usually for pleasure.A short vacation spent in a city, exploring urban sights.Visiting famous or interesting places, often as a tourist....

Las fiestas y las noticias 2023-11-27

Las fiestas y las noticias crossword puzzle
  1. Food: 3.14
  2. News: today
  3. Holiday: attitude of gratitude.
  4. Holiday: a very merry time.
  5. Holiday: life anniversary.
  6. Holiday: Love is in the air.
  7. Food: It's cheesy
  8. Food: Hey, latina.
  9. News: lunch
  10. Food: baked, mashed, etc...
  11. Food: Stuff it.
  1. Holiday: Goodbye, Britain.
  2. News: temperature
  3. Holiday: Be not yourself.
  4. News: date
  5. Drink: with marshmallows, please.
  6. Holiday: babies and spring.
  7. News: tomorrow
  8. Food: Gobble, gobble, gobble.
  9. News: weather

20 Clues: News: dateFood: 3.14News: todayNews: lunchNews: weatherNews: tomorrowFood: Stuff it.News: temperatureFood: It's cheesyFood: Hey, latina.Holiday: Be not yourself.Holiday: Goodbye, Britain.Holiday: life anniversary.Holiday: babies and spring.Holiday: a very merry time.Food: baked, mashed, etc...Holiday: Love is in the air....