lord of the rings Crossword Puzzles

Ruth 2014-11-24

Ruth crossword puzzle
  1. Ruth 1:12 Turn back, my _______; go your way, for I am too old to have a husband. If I should say I have hope, even if I should have a husband this night and should bear sons,
  2. Ruth 1:16 But Ruth said, "Do not _______me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God.
  3. Ruth 1:2 The name of the man was Elimelech and the name of his wife Naomi, and the names of his two sons were Mahlon and Chilion. They were _______from Bethlehem in Judah. They went into the country of Moab and remained there.
  4. Ruth 1:6 Then she arose with her daughters- in- law to return from the country of _______, for she had heard in the fields of Moab that the Lord had visited his people and given them food.
  5. Ruth 1:1 In the days when the judges ruled there was a _______in the land, and a man of Bethlehem in Judah went to sojourn in the country of Moab, he and his wife and his two sons.
  6. Ruth 1:11 But Naomi said, "Turn _______, my daughters; why will you go with me? Have I yet sons in my womb that they may become your husbands?
  7. Ruth 1:8 But _______said to her two daughters- in- law, "Go, return each of you to her mother's house. May the Lord deal kindly with you, as you have dealt with the dead and with me.
  8. Ruth 1:3 But _______, the husband of Naomi, died, and she was left with her two sons.
  9. Ruth 1:10 And they said to her, "No, we will _______with you to your people."
  10. Ruth 1:4 These took Moabite wives; the name of the one was Orpah and the name of the other _______. They lived there about ten years,
  11. Ruth 1:5 and both Mahlon and Chilion died, so that the woman was left without her two sons and her _______.
  12. Ruth 1:21 I went away full, and the Lord has brought me back _______. Why call me Naomi, when the Lord has testified against me and the Almighty has brought calamity upon me?"
  1. Ruth 1:20 She said to them, "Do not call me Naomi; call me _______, for the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me.
  2. Ruth 1:7 So she set out from the place where she was with her two daughters- in- law, and they went on the way to return to the land of _______.
  3. Ruth 1:18 And when Naomi saw that she was _______ to go with her, she said no more.
  4. Ruth 1:15 And she said, "See, your _______- in- law has gone back to her people and to her gods; return after your sister- in- law."
  5. Ruth 1:14 Then they lifted up their voices and wept again. And Orpah kissed her mother- in- law, but Ruth _______to her.
  6. Ruth 1:13 would you therefore wait till they were grown? Would you therefore refrain from marrying? No, my daughters, for it is exceedingly _______to me for your sake that the hand of the Lord has gone out against me."
  7. Ruth 1:17 Where you die I will _______, and there will I be buried. May the Lord do so to me and more also if anything but death parts me from you."
  8. Ruth 1:19 So the two of them went on until they came to _______. And when they came to Bethlehem, the whole town was stirred because of them. And the women said, "Is this Naomi?"
  9. Ruth 1:22 So Naomi returned, and Ruth the Moabite her daughter- in- law with her, who returned from the country of Moab. And they came to Bethlehem at the beginning of barley _______.
  10. Ruth 1:9 The Lord grant that you may find rest, each of you in the _______of her husband!" Then she kissed them, and they lifted up their voices and wept.

22 Clues: Ruth 1:10 And they said to her, "No, we will _______with you to your people."Ruth 1:18 And when Naomi saw that she was _______ to go with her, she said no more.Ruth 1:3 But _______, the husband of Naomi, died, and she was left with her two sons....

The Solar System 2019-02-05

The Solar System crossword puzzle
  1. The fourth planet from the sun a.k.a. the red planet
  2. Almost a full moon
  3. The first planet from the sun
  4. When we can’t see any of the moon
  5. The fifth planet from the sun, a gas giant
  6. The first visible half of the moon
  7. When earth gets in between the moon and sun
  8. The first small sliver of the moon
  9. When we can see all of the moon
  10. An elongated circle or oval shape, how the planets orbit the sun
  11. Declared as an official dwarf planet
  12. The seventh planet from the sun which is tilted and also has rings
  1. When there is a little less of the moon
  2. The last quarter we see of the moon
  3. The star in the solar system that gives us light
  4. The second planet from the sun
  5. The last bit we see if the moon before it’s another new moon
  6. The gray sphere that goes through phases and revolves around earth
  7. The eighth and last planet form the sun
  8. The sixth planet that has a lot of rings
  9. When the moon gets in between earth and the sun
  10. The third planet from the sun where we live
  11. When the planets move around the sun

23 Clues: Almost a full moonThe first planet from the sunThe second planet from the sunWhen we can see all of the moonWhen we can’t see any of the moonThe first visible half of the moonThe first small sliver of the moonThe last quarter we see of the moonDeclared as an official dwarf planetWhen the planets move around the sun...

Do you know basketball? 2018-01-22

Do you know basketball? crossword puzzle
  1. The last name of the NBA player to score the most three pointers in NBA history.
  2. The least amount of points scored during an NBA game.
  3. The last name of who had the most technical fouls in a game.
  4. The shortest player in the NBA.
  5. Team that won the most championships.
  6. The number of quarters in a game.
  1. Player with the most rings.
  2. The tallest player in the NBA.
  3. The last name of who had the longest free throw streak.
  4. First name of the coach with the most rings.
  5. The most amount of technicals in a game.
  6. The last name of who shot the most threes in a game.

12 Clues: Player with the most rings.The tallest player in the NBA.The shortest player in the NBA.The number of quarters in a game.Team that won the most championships.The most amount of technicals in a game.First name of the coach with the most rings.The last name of who shot the most threes in a game.The least amount of points scored during an NBA game....

CFE 2023-10-22

CFE crossword puzzle
  1. The “____________” refers to “The visit of the angel Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin Mary to inform her that she was to be the - of the Savior."
  2. John was a “voice in the desert crying out: Make straight the ___ of the Lord”
  3. The sign given to Mary in confirmation of the angel’s announcement to her is the _________ of her aged relative Elizabeth.
  4. I recognized that whatever God does will endure _______; there is no adding to it, or taking from it.
  5. “Behold, the fear of the Lord is wisdom, and avoiding ____ is understanding” (Jb 28:28)
  6. The book of Job wrestles with a deep human question – the problem of _________
  7. There is ____ for everything, everything on earth is -, just put your trust in God or His providence. God is journeying with us throughout. (Ec. 3 :1-15)
  8. There is - for everything, everything on earth is _________, just put your trust in God or His providence. God is journeying with us throughout. (Ec. 3 :1-15)
  9. The “-” refers to “The visit of the angel Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin Mary to inform her that she was to be the ______ of the Savior."
  10. Luke’s story of Mary includes a woman’s spiritual life of ______ and relationship with God.
  1. The third part of the Old Testament, called the “________”, presents the discernment needed for ordinary day-to-day living.
  2. He baptizes not to cleanse people from ___ but to witness God’s presence in the world.
  3. Then Job answered the Lord and said: I know that you can do all things, and that no _______ of yours can be hindered.
  4. According to Luke, the virginal conception of Jesus takes place through the ____ ______, the power of God, and therefore Jesus has a unique relationship to Yahweh: He is Son of God.
  5. He inaugurates the Gospel, already from his mother’s ____ welcomes the coming of Christ
  6. John 3:30 “He must increase, I must ________”
  7. “I did not recognize Him, but so that He might be manifested to Israel, I came baptizing in _____.”
  8. The announcement to Mary of the birth of Jesus is parallel to the announcement to Zechariah of the birth of ____.
  9. “I saw the Spirit descend like a dove from the sky and it came to rest on him. . . the ____ of God . . . who takes away the sin of the world” (Jn 1:31-34;29)
  10. “Behold, I am the ________ of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.”

20 Clues: John 3:30 “He must increase, I must ________”John was a “voice in the desert crying out: Make straight the ___ of the Lord”The book of Job wrestles with a deep human question – the problem of _________“Behold, I am the ________ of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.”...

Medieval Europe Vocab 2023-02-15

Medieval Europe Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. a person who receives field use in exchange for paying a lord with respect, obedience, and typically military service or its equivalent
  2. The ideal lifestyle of a medieval knight, includes acts of valor, allegiance, and respect for ladies
  3. the firstborn child's birthright of inheritance, particularly the feudal system in which land is inherited to the eldest son
  4. European Christians have launched military campaigns to reclaim the Holy Land from Muslims.
  5. an arrangement where citizens provided tax and services to monarchs and lords in exchange for their safety. Fiefs were lands distributed to vassals, who were the receivers of the land.
  6. wealthy property owner
  1. a military combatant
  2. A peasant is a subject who is typically bound to a lord's estate and forced to perform tasks for that master.
  3. Property bestowed to a vassal by a Lord in return for service or loyalty
  4. a facility used by a group of monks who take the oath to live in solitude there
  5. being expelled from the church
  6. a piece of property that belongs to a lord and grants him the authority to exercise certain rights, impose taxes, etc.

12 Clues: a military combatantwealthy property ownerbeing expelled from the churchProperty bestowed to a vassal by a Lord in return for service or loyaltya facility used by a group of monks who take the oath to live in solitude thereEuropean Christians have launched military campaigns to reclaim the Holy Land from Muslims....

Witnesses of the Resurrected Christ 2023-05-24

Witnesses of the Resurrected Christ crossword puzzle
  1. to complete the process of that R___________
  2. he took B______, and blessed it and brake it
  3. and the G______ of the Lord shone round about
  4. H______!Blessed be the name of the Most High God!
  5. supposing Him to be the G__________
  6. after the many T_____ which have been given of him
  7. the M______ who will one day come again
  8. Mary and Mary came to see the S_____________
  9. Did not our hearts b____ within us
  10. Woman, why ________thou?
  1. B_______ are they that have not seen and yet have believed
  2. And go quickly, and tell his D____________
  3. brilliant morning in a grove of trees in P_____
  4. He is not here because He is R___________
  5. and reach hither thy H____________
  6. R_______which is to say, Master.
  7. and be not F______, but believing
  8. a village called E_______________
  9. that ye may T______ your hands into my side
  10. Lord of lords and K______ of kings

20 Clues: Woman, why ________thou?R_______which is to say, Master.and be not F______, but believinga village called E_______________and reach hither thy H____________Lord of lords and K______ of kingsDid not our hearts b____ within ussupposing Him to be the G__________the M______ who will one day come againHe is not here because He is R___________...

Catholic Crossword 2020-11-02

Catholic Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. jesus' closest friends
  2. the first ever man
  3. jesus' mother
  4. the first ever woman
  5. built and arc to save his family and the animals from a flood
  6. 8 lesons jesus taught us on a mountain
  7. the lord gods son
  1. our lord in heaven
  2. moses taught us 10 of these
  3. a bad deed through thought or action
  4. jesus' father
  5. one of the four gospels
  6. the disciple who betrayed jesus

13 Clues: jesus' motherjesus' fatherthe lord gods sonour lord in heaventhe first ever manthe first ever womanjesus' closest friendsone of the four gospelsmoses taught us 10 of thesethe disciple who betrayed jesusa bad deed through thought or action8 lesons jesus taught us on a mountainbuilt and arc to save his family and the animals from a flood


CROSSWORD REVISION crossword puzzle
  1. I eat.
  2. Break time.
  3. Also.
  4. Quite.
  5. Harsh teacher.
  6. Not very interesting.
  7. Female teacher.
  8. Difficult subject.
  9. Last day of the week.
  10. Subject you are learning now.
  1. Forbidden in class.
  2. I write
  3. Squid rings.
  4. First day of the week.
  5. I.C.T.
  6. Sandwich.

16 Clues: Also.I eat.I.C.T.Quite.I writeSandwich.Break time.Squid rings.Harsh teacher.Female teacher.Difficult subject.Forbidden in class.Not very interesting.Last day of the week.First day of the week.Subject you are learning now.

The Creation 2024-06-22

The Creation crossword puzzle
  1. And the Lord God formed man of the ____ of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.
  2. And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
  3. And God said, Let there be a ____ in the midst of the waters.
  4. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the ____ also.
  5. And on the ____ day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the ____ day.
  6. And God said, Let us make ____ in our image, after our likeness.
  7. And God called the dry land ____; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas.
  1. And the earth brought forth ____, and herb yielding seed after his kind.
  2. And God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have ____ over the fish of the sea.
  3. And God said, Let there be ____: and there was ____.
  4. And let them be for signs, and for ____, and for days, and years.
  5. And God created great whales, and every living ____ that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly.
  6. And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he ____.
  7. And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
  8. And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in ____, and there he put the man whom he had formed.

15 Clues: And God said, Let there be ____: and there was ____.And God said, Let there be a ____ in the midst of the waters.And God said, Let us make ____ in our image, after our likeness.And let them be for signs, and for ____, and for days, and years.And the earth brought forth ____, and herb yielding seed after his kind....

Middle Ages 2016-05-03

Middle Ages crossword puzzle
  1. A vassal's sworn loyalty to a lord.
  2. A manor’s keep.
  3. "The Sorcerer's ____________"
  4. Loyal to a lord.
  5. A lord's land.
  6. A person charged with local and administrative authority.
  1. Conquered England in the fifth century A.D.
  2. The dominant social system in medieval Europe.
  3. A native of Normandy.
  4. A place where clothes and other items are stored, and also a medieval toilet.
  5. Code of conduct for a Knight.
  6. A deep, wide ditch filled with water surrounding and defending a castle.
  7. The original writings.
  8. the central element of feudalism

14 Clues: A lord's land.A manor’s keep.Loyal to a lord.A native of Normandy.The original writings.Code of conduct for a Knight."The Sorcerer's ____________"the central element of feudalismA vassal's sworn loyalty to a lord.Conquered England in the fifth century A.D.The dominant social system in medieval Europe....

Genesis 39 2021-05-05

Genesis 39 crossword puzzle
  1. Joseph refused to sin against _.
  2. The LORD gave Joseph _ in the sight of the keeper of the prison.
  3. where Joseph was taken by the Ishmaelites
  4. Potiphar was an _.
  5. kind of person Joseph was
  6. Potiphar had this because of Joseph.
  7. the only thing Potiphar knew ought he had
  8. position Potiphar gave Joseph
  9. the only thing Potiphar held back from Joseph
  10. Joseph left this when he fled from Potiphar's wife.
  11. office Potiphar held
  1. Joseph called Potiphar's wife's demand _ _.
  2. Potiphar was a officer of _.
  3. Whose prisoners were in the prison Joseph was put in?
  4. Potiphar's wife's wicked demand
  5. These were committed to Joseph's hand in the prison.
  6. how often Joseph refused to hearken to Potiphar's wife
  7. The LORD made Joseph a _ man.
  8. another description of Joseph
  9. Joseph did this to escape Potiphar's wife.
  10. Who bought Joseph?
  11. Joseph found _ in Potiphar's sight.
  12. Potiphar's wife said Joseph came in to _ her.
  13. none around when Potiphar's wife caught Joseph

24 Clues: Potiphar was an _.Who bought Joseph?office Potiphar heldkind of person Joseph wasPotiphar was a officer of _.The LORD made Joseph a _ man.another description of Josephposition Potiphar gave JosephPotiphar's wife's wicked demandJoseph refused to sin against _.Joseph found _ in Potiphar's sight.Potiphar had this because of Joseph....

Title 2023-02-25

Title crossword puzzle
  1. I am walking in the light so the __________ of Christ can cleanse my sins.
  2. Isaiah __________ that someday people who were in darkness will see a great light.
  3. Moses' face __________ when he came down from talking with God and receiving the Ten Commandments.
  4. God said, "Let there be __________" and there was __________.
  5. Paul took the "light" of the gospel to the __________.
  6. Malachi prophesies that the sun of righteousness will rise with __________ in its wings.
  7. Jesus said, "I am the light of the __________."
  8. In Heaven, the glory of God will give me light, and the __________ will be my light.
  1. Hezekiah sees a shadow go __________."
  2. Moses, with God's help, sent three days of __________ to Egypt, but the Israelites had light.
  3. David realized, "The Lord is my light and my __________"
  4. Jesus' face shone like the sun and His garments became __________ as light.
  5. God became a man to bring the light of __________ to men.
  6. Joshua spoke and the Sun and the Moon stood __________ until the battle finished.
  7. __________ warned Israel, "Alas, you who are longing for the day of the Lord, for what purpose will the day of the Lord be to you? It will be darkness and not light."
  8. When God reveals Nebuchadnezzar's __________, Daniel rejoices, saying, "He knows what is in the darkness and the light dwells with Him."

16 Clues: Hezekiah sees a shadow go __________."Jesus said, "I am the light of the __________."Paul took the "light" of the gospel to the __________.David realized, "The Lord is my light and my __________"God became a man to bring the light of __________ to men.God said, "Let there be __________" and there was __________....

Isaiah 61 2022-10-06

Isaiah 61 crossword puzzle
  1. The sons of the blank will be your plowmen
  2. the Lord loves blank
  3. The Earth bringeth forth her blank
  4. The day of vengeance will be a blank to all that mourn
  5. Isaiah teaches that Christ will blank the word in truth
  6. Isaiah says the blank of the Gentiles will be eaten
  7. This shall be known among the gentiles
  8. The bridegroom (Christ) decketh himself with ornaments
  1. The Lord God causes blank
  2. Christ will do this for the brokenhearted
  3. Christ promised he can make beauty from this
  4. Because of Christ the captives will have this
  5. My soul shall be blank in my God
  6. There will be blank for mourning
  7. Isaiah uses this type of plant to describe righteousness
  8. Good tidings will be preached to the blank
  9. Christ will repair this type of city

17 Clues: the Lord loves blankThe Lord God causes blankMy soul shall be blank in my GodThere will be blank for mourningThe Earth bringeth forth her blankChrist will repair this type of cityThis shall be known among the gentilesChrist will do this for the brokenheartedThe sons of the blank will be your plowmenGood tidings will be preached to the blank...

Worship in Psalm 2018-11-22

Worship in Psalm crossword puzzle
  1. And they remembered that God was their rock, and the high God their ________. Psalm 78:35
  2. The Lord is my ________ Psalm 23:1
  3. _____ for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Psalm 98:4a
  4. _____ the Lord with gladness Psalm 100:2
  5. O sing unto the Lord a new ____. Psalm 98:1a
  1. Shout joyfully to ___. Psalm 66:1
  2. For Thou art my rock and my _______. Psalm 31:3
  3. The ____ reigns, He is closed with majesty. Psalm 93:1
  4. Enter into His gates with ____________. Psalm 100:4
  5. _____ the Lord, O my soul. Psalms 103:22b

10 Clues: Shout joyfully to ___. Psalm 66:1The Lord is my ________ Psalm 23:1_____ the Lord with gladness Psalm 100:2_____ the Lord, O my soul. Psalms 103:22bO sing unto the Lord a new ____. Psalm 98:1aFor Thou art my rock and my _______. Psalm 31:3Enter into His gates with ____________. Psalm 100:4_____ for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Psalm 98:4a...

Romeo and Juliet 2022-10-13

Romeo and Juliet crossword puzzle
  1. montugue, the mother of romeo
  2. romeos nephew
  3. capulet, the father of juliet.
  4. paris, a suitor of juliet
  5. montugue, the father of romeo
  6. one of romeos really close friends.
  1. Juliets cousin.
  2. A 16 year old boy who is the son of lady montugue and lord montugue.
  3. The women who helped raise juliet.
  4. capulet, The mom of juliet.
  5. A 14 year old girl who is the daughter of lady capulet and lord capulet.

11 Clues: romeos nephewJuliets cousin.paris, a suitor of julietcapulet, The mom of juliet.montugue, the mother of romeomontugue, the father of romeocapulet, the father of juliet.The women who helped raise juliet.one of romeos really close friends.A 16 year old boy who is the son of lady montugue and lord montugue....

High/late Middle Ages Vocabulary: By Dilnura Sayfuddinova 2021-03-02

High/late Middle Ages Vocabulary: By Dilnura Sayfuddinova crossword puzzle
  1. to receive property upon the death of one's father in the Middle Ages
  2. a social system from the highest to the lowest
  3. a learning or revival art from the 14th to the 16 century in Europe
  4. a building and land controlled by noble and owned by a king or lord.
  5. a virus or disease that killed many people
  6. to learn how to trade by learning by a skilled trader
  7. a poor farmer that worked and gave portion of the food to the lord or king in exchange for defense when enemies attack.
  8. and association of people in the same group of trade.
  1. a unbeliever of a particular religion
  2. a person or people living in a place
  3. a laborer who pays rent but not fees and yearly tax
  4. a laborer who had to pay yearly tax and fees and did all the field and farm work.
  5. a rebellion
  6. a lesser laborer that holds land that was protected by his lord for exchange for loyalty
  7. another name for the middle Ages
  8. a Middle Ages war undertaken by European Christians to regain control of the Holy Land

16 Clues: a rebellionanother name for the middle Agesa person or people living in a placea unbeliever of a particular religiona virus or disease that killed many peoplea social system from the highest to the lowesta laborer who pays rent but not fees and yearly taxto learn how to trade by learning by a skilled trader...

Proverbs 1-4 (NIV) 2016-04-19

Proverbs 1-4 (NIV) crossword puzzle
  1. / If _______ entice you, do not give in to them. (1:10)
  2. / __________ will protect you and understanding will guard you. (2:11)
  3. / Do not be wise in your own _____. (3:7)
  4. / A _______ is a short piece of advice
  5. / God holds _______ in store for the upright. (2:7)
  6. / Listen, my son, to your father's ___________. (1:8)
  7. / _______ is more precious than rubies (3:15)
  8. / Wisdom calls aloud in the _________. (1:20)
  9. / They (fools) will call to me (wisdom) but I will not __________. (1:28)
  10. / The author of these proverbs is ________.
  11. / Wisdom is _________; therefore get it. (4:7)
  1. / Do not withhold _____ from those who deserve it. (3:27)
  2. / Fools despise wisdom and _________. (1:7)
  3. / Trust in the Lord with all your _________. (3:5)
  4. / Do not plot harm against your _________. (3:29)
  5. / By wisdom the Lord laid the earth's ___________. (3:19)
  6. / The Lord gives wisdom and from his mouth comes __________ and understanding(2:6)
  7. / Listen, my son, accept what I say, and the ______ of your life will be many. (4:10)
  8. / Keep my ______ and you will live. (4:4)
  9. / Wisdom will enter your heart and knowledge will be pleasant to your _____. (2:10)
  10. / Put away perversity from your _______. (4:24)
  11. / Do not swerve to the right or to the left; keep your foot from ______. (4:27)

22 Clues: / A _______ is a short piece of advice/ Do not be wise in your own _____. (3:7)/ Keep my ______ and you will live. (4:4)/ Fools despise wisdom and _________. (1:7)/ The author of these proverbs is ________./ _______ is more precious than rubies (3:15)/ Wisdom calls aloud in the _________. (1:20)/ Wisdom is _________; therefore get it. (4:7)...

Saturn - Check your knowledge crossword 2020-11-02

Saturn - Check your knowledge crossword crossword puzzle
  1. If Saturn was placed in water it would_____(5)
  2. Saturn's largest moon (5)
  3. The second largest planet of the solar system
  4. The shape of the planets
  5. This person discovered Saturn's rings (7)
  6. Saturn is what numbered planet from the sun?
  1. Saturn has more than sixty of these (5)
  2. Saturn has really bright _______ (5)
  3. Saturn is named after this Roman God of (11)
  4. Saturn is the least _______ of all the planets (5)

10 Clues: The shape of the planetsSaturn's largest moon (5)Saturn has really bright _______ (5)Saturn has more than sixty of these (5)This person discovered Saturn's rings (7)Saturn is named after this Roman God of (11)Saturn is what numbered planet from the sun?The second largest planet of the solar systemIf Saturn was placed in water it would_____(5)...

Seminary Spring Semester Review 2024-04-10

Seminary Spring Semester Review crossword puzzle
  1. Watch out
  2. Engraving words upon plates, according to Jacob
  3. Isaiah's "Mountain of the Lord"
  4. ___ upon the words of Christ
  5. God will give unto the children of men ___ upon ___ precept upon precept (same word)
  6. Nephi's favorite
  7. The Lord of the vineyard (Jacob's allegory)
  8. Saved from a rock climbing fall by his brother's grasp
  9. Divine help or strength extended through the Atonement of Christ (and a girl in our class)
  10. A marvelous work and a wonder
  1. As you focus on celestial thinking, expect to encounter this.
  2. Jacob warned of the sin that will "destroy your soul"
  3. When Satan is bound and Jesus will reign on earth
  4. All are ___ unto God
  5. Seeks to grasp us and drag us down, like a camouflaged crocodile
  6. First Anti-Christ in the BOM
  7. Not thinking less of ourselves, but thinking of ourselves less
  8. Morally clean in thoughts, words, and actions

18 Clues: Watch outNephi's favoriteAll are ___ unto God___ upon the words of ChristFirst Anti-Christ in the BOMA marvelous work and a wonderIsaiah's "Mountain of the Lord"The Lord of the vineyard (Jacob's allegory)Morally clean in thoughts, words, and actionsEngraving words upon plates, according to JacobWhen Satan is bound and Jesus will reign on earth...

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego 2024-01-27

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego crossword puzzle
  1. Nebuchadnezzar wanted them to do what to the golden image
  2. Nebuchadnezzar was king of this country.
  3. This person appeared in the fire and protected the men
  4. Nationality of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
  5. The king made the furnace ____ times hotter than normal.
  6. Hananiah is his other name
  7. The men would not eat the King's ______.
  8. Combustion or burning
  9. The king felt ____ because they would not bow down.
  10. King of Babylon
  1. All three men were renamed after a ______ god.
  2. Azariah is his other name
  3. Daniel's name after being taken captive
  4. Mishael is his other name
  5. _____be the Lord! Nebuchadnezzar said when he saw that the men were not burned.
  6. Not one of these was singed in the fire.
  7. He was a friend to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
  8. a kiln used for baking bricks.
  9. Nebuchadnezzar declared that anyone who spoke against the Lord would be ___ into pieces.

19 Clues: King of BabylonCombustion or burningAzariah is his other nameMishael is his other nameHananiah is his other namea kiln used for baking bricks.Daniel's name after being taken captiveNebuchadnezzar was king of this country.Not one of these was singed in the fire.The men would not eat the King's ______.All three men were renamed after a ______ god....

Diwali 2022-10-14

Diwali crossword puzzle
  1. Diwali is one of the most popular events of which religion?
  2. Bhai Dhooj, the fifth day of Diwali, is dedicated to the bond between siblings. This stems from legends of the love between Lord Yama and his sister, but what was her name?
  3. The word “Diwali” originated from the term dipavali” in Sanskrit. What does it literally mean?
  4. Another meaning of Diwali is to celebrate the event when Lord Krishna killed which evil king?
  5. Which is the first day of Diwali, dedicated to cleaning homes and purchasing small items of gold?
  6. During Diwali, people show their special worship to which Hindu goddess?
  7. In addition to candles, what do people use to decorate their houses during Diwali?
  1. Which kind of oil is traditionally used to light the lamps at Diwali?
  2. Who was the first U.S. President to attend Diwali personally at the White House?
  3. The largest Diwali celebration outside of India takes place in which British city?
  4. In addition to India, Diwali is an official holiday in which of the following countries?
  5. During Diwali, people pray to Lord Ganesha to expect what in return?
  6. Diwali is a popular festival in which country?
  7. From what language is the name ‘Diwali’ derived?
  8. In which country do people call Diwali “Swanti” or “Tihar”?
  9. Diwali is observed in which month of Hinduism?
  10. What is the traditional food during Diwali?
  11. How many days do people celebrate Diwali?

18 Clues: How many days do people celebrate Diwali?What is the traditional food during Diwali?Diwali is a popular festival in which country?Diwali is observed in which month of Hinduism?From what language is the name ‘Diwali’ derived?Diwali is one of the most popular events of which religion?In which country do people call Diwali “Swanti” or “Tihar”?...

Diwali 2022-10-14

Diwali crossword puzzle
  1. Diwali is a popular festival in which country?
  2. Which is the first day of Diwali, dedicated to cleaning homes and purchasing small items of gold?
  3. During Diwali, people pray to Lord Ganesha to expect what in return?
  4. Diwali is one of the most popular events of which religion?
  5. In addition to candles, what do people use to decorate their houses during Diwali?
  6. Bhai Dhooj, the fifth day of Diwali, is dedicated to the bond between siblings. This stems from legends of the love between Lord Yama and his sister, but what was her name?
  7. What is the traditional food during Diwali?
  8. Who was the first U.S. President to attend Diwali personally at the White House?
  9. In addition to India, Diwali is an official holiday in which of the following countries?
  1. The largest Diwali celebration outside of India takes place in which British city?
  2. Which kind of oil is traditionally used to light the lamps at Diwali?
  3. How many days do people celebrate Diwali?
  4. Another meaning of Diwali is to celebrate the event when Lord Krishna killed which evil king?
  5. During Diwali, people show their special worship to which Hindu goddess?
  6. The word “Diwali” originated from the term dipavali” in Sanskrit. What does it literally mean?
  7. From what language is the name ‘Diwali’ derived?
  8. Diwali is observed in which month of Hinduism?
  9. In which country do people call Diwali “Swanti” or “Tihar”?

18 Clues: How many days do people celebrate Diwali?What is the traditional food during Diwali?Diwali is a popular festival in which country?Diwali is observed in which month of Hinduism?From what language is the name ‘Diwali’ derived?Diwali is one of the most popular events of which religion?In which country do people call Diwali “Swanti” or “Tihar”?...

medieval crossword 2020-01-15

medieval crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the middle class, including merchants, industrialists, and professional people
  2. the representative government that emerged. it was composed of two knights from every county, two people from every town, and all the nobles and bishops throughout England
  3. in the Middle Ages, the ideal of civilized behavior that developed among the nobility; it was a code of ethics that knights were supposed to uphold
  4. political and social order that developed during the Middle Ages when royal governments were no longer able to defend their subjects; nobles offered protection and land in return for service
  5. the “Great Charter” of rights, which King John was forced to sign by the English nobles at Runnymede in 1215
  1. a member of the heavily armored cavalry
  2. the unwritten rules that determined the relationship between a lord and his vassal
  3. a wealthy, powerful landowner
  4. a peasant, or farmer, who is tied to the land and ruled by a lord
  5. a uniform system of law that developed in England based on court decisions and on customs and usage rather than on written law codes; replaced law codes that varied from place to place
  6. a heavy, wheeled plow with an iron plowshare
  7. a grant of land made to a vassal
  8. a man who served a lord in a military capacity
  9. in medieval Europe, an agricultural estate that a lord ran and peasants worked

14 Clues: a wealthy, powerful landownera grant of land made to a vassala member of the heavily armored cavalrya heavy, wheeled plow with an iron plowsharea man who served a lord in a military capacitya peasant, or farmer, who is tied to the land and ruled by a lordthe middle class, including merchants, industrialists, and professional people...

middle ages 2023-02-15

middle ages crossword puzzle
  1. an agricultural laborer (a type of peasant) who cannot leave their lord's manor or be forced to leave it
  2. a rebirth of education
  3. left henry IV outside his castle for 3 days before forgiving him for appointing bishops
  4. languages that developed from germanic tribes and romans mixing
  5. the religious ceremony you have to do in order to go to heaven (ex. baptism, confirmation, holy orders)
  6. when an entire kingdom gets banned from church and participating in the sacraments because of their lord
  7. the midieval knightly system with the social code
  8. a holder of land who takes care of that piece of land along with the lord who gave it to him
  9. when a king appoints bishops
  1. an estate of land, the source of a vassals income
  2. government in middle ages where kings gave land to lords who gave some to vassals to take care of the land in return for protection
  3. crowned emperor of the romans
  4. united franks into one kingdom, then ruled the frankish kingdom
  5. was left outside pope gregory VII's castle for 3 days before being forgiven for appointing bishops
  6. pointed arches, big windows - lots of light, stained glass windowsr in gaul, and conquered many germanic tribes
  7. defeated the muslims at the battle of tours
  8. a unit of land with one lord to rule it
  9. a belief or opinion that is opposite the church's beliefs
  10. a law that dealt with marriage and religious issues
  11. when a king is banned (by the pope) from church and participating in the sacraments
  12. the pope's office
  13. a group of church officials

22 Clues: the pope's officea rebirth of educationa group of church officialswhen a king appoints bishopscrowned emperor of the romansa unit of land with one lord to rule itdefeated the muslims at the battle of toursan estate of land, the source of a vassals incomethe midieval knightly system with the social code...

Review of Ezra 2023-01-03

Review of Ezra crossword puzzle
  1. Persian king who decrees harm to any king who would destroy the house of God (6:12)
  2. Because of opposition, the ___ on the house of God stops (4:24)
  3. The people celebrate the temple dedication with ___ (6:16)
  4. This is built first so the Israelites can offer burnt offerings (3:2)
  5. The type of offering the people give (10:19)
  6. He allows any Jew to go with Ezra to Jerusalem (7:12-13)
  7. The people’s response to Ezra’s confession (10:1)
  8. Babylonian king who carries Jews into captivity (2:1)
  9. Ezra’s immediate response to hearing of the people’s sin is to ___ (10:1)
  10. They take an oath to obey what has been suggested (10:5)
  11. Beyond the ___ (5:6)
  12. The opposition misleads the king by suggesting the Jews won’t pay this (4:13)
  13. What God is showing the Jews by leaving a remnant (9:8)
  14. They supervise the work of the house of the LORD (3:8)
  15. Cyrus issues this so that the house of God can be rebuilt (6:3)
  16. The ___ of their God is on the elders of the Jews (5:5)
  17. The Passover ___ is slaughtered for all the returned exiles (6:20)
  1. Heads of families make ___ offerings for the house of God (2:68)
  2. He leads the first group of exiles (2:1-2)
  3. He, along with Zechariah, prophesy to the Jews (5:1)
  4. The priest who helps Zerubbabel (5:2)
  5. This is proclaimed so that the Jews in humility might seek a safe journey (8:21)
  6. The LORD’s house is in this city (1:2)
  7. Ezra studies and obeys this (7:10)
  8. The LORD turns the ___ of the king of Assyria to them (6:22)
  9. The ___ of the LORD is on Ezra (7:6)
  10. The returned exiles celebrate this (6:19)
  11. Ezra sits ___ because of the faithlessness of the returned exiles (9:4)
  12. The term for those taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar (2:1)
  13. The king of Persia whose spirit the LORD stirs up (1:1)
  14. The scribe for whom this book is named (7:6)
  15. Vessels of ___ and silver are returned to Jerusalem (1:11)
  16. God extends steadfast ___ to His people (9:9)
  17. The sin of the people by marrying ___ women (10:2)
  18. At the completion of the foundation, the people sing and give ___ (3:11)
  19. The people tremble because of their sin and heavy ___ (10:9)

36 Clues: Beyond the ___ (5:6)Ezra studies and obeys this (7:10)The ___ of the LORD is on Ezra (7:6)The priest who helps Zerubbabel (5:2)The LORD’s house is in this city (1:2)The returned exiles celebrate this (6:19)He leads the first group of exiles (2:1-2)The type of offering the people give (10:19)The scribe for whom this book is named (7:6)...

Arise O Charis Bible Crossword (Medium) 2020-10-12

Arise O Charis Bible Crossword (Medium) crossword puzzle
  1. What had the women exclusively done in the building of the tabernacle?
  2. The source of a common construction material used during the construction of the tabernacle
  3. who was the enemy the Israelites fought against in their first battle in the wilderness?
  4. The name of one of Jacob's son with meaning of wrestling.
  5. what skill Jethro had taught Moses in the governing of Israelites?
  6. What has stopped Moses from going into the tent of tabernacle?
  7. Jacob's last hope on earth, if he lose that, he would die.
  8. Who else lost his privilege as first born besides Esau?
  1. Which offering item shall not be made in the same way as for own use as for the Lord?
  2. what did Abram go through before he built the third altar to the Lord?
  3. Wives Issac, Esau and Jacob are not to have
  4. One of the item Israel prophesied that Judah will always hold on to
  5. what did Moses blame as his fourth excuse to the Lord when he was called to speak to the Pharaoh?
  6. what sin did Cain and Lamech share in common?
  7. The first altar to God was erected after?
  8. What was the common offering item that Jacob served to God in the stone pillars he set up?
  9. Who led the first battle the Israelites fought in the wilderness?

17 Clues: The first altar to God was erected after?Wives Issac, Esau and Jacob are not to havewhat sin did Cain and Lamech share in common?Who else lost his privilege as first born besides Esau?The name of one of Jacob's son with meaning of wrestling.Jacob's last hope on earth, if he lose that, he would die....

Fossils 2022-03-24

Fossils crossword puzzle
  1. Fossils that form in sedimentary rock
  2. a fossil copy of the original organism or trace
  3. the rock layer closest to the surface is the
  4. geologic time scale tracks earths -------------- year history
  5. a fossil of an organism footprint, burrows, or other features
  6. fossils remains preserved in amber,tar pits,or, ice
  7. remains or impression of prehistoric organisms
  1. Organsims that are buried quickly after death
  2. preserving fossils to last a long time
  3. age the absolute age of a prehistoric rock
  4. knowing hold on something is by counting rings
  5. an impression left by an organism's body or trace

12 Clues: Fossils that form in sedimentary rockpreserving fossils to last a long timeage the absolute age of a prehistoric rockthe rock layer closest to the surface is theOrgansims that are buried quickly after deathknowing hold on something is by counting ringsremains or impression of prehistoric organismsa fossil copy of the original organism or trace...

Resurrection 2023-02-16

Resurrection crossword puzzle
  1. The life of following Jesus Christ
  2. Love for a friend
  3. Person saw the Risen Lord
  4. Mary found
  5. Opens the way to new life
  6. The day the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles and gave them the news that Jesus is risen
  7. Lord and Savior
  8. An event that is beyond our human comprehension
  9. What the Israelites were commanded to eat as part of the Passover celebration
  1. The mother of Jesus went directly to Heaven when he life was over
  2. Jesus judging of the living and the dead on the last day when he comes to fully to establish God’s kingdom
  3. Meaning “Thanksgiving”
  4. The innermost or spiritual part of a person
  5. A free and unearned favor from God
  6. Jesus appears to ___ disciples
  7. The fourth Gospel refers in several places to the “disciple whom Jesus loved”
  8. Jesus reveals himself to Mary Magdalene
  9. Comes from the Greek meaning “proclamation”
  10. The Holy Ghost
  11. Greek word for love

20 Clues: Mary foundThe Holy GhostLord and SaviorLove for a friendGreek word for loveMeaning “Thanksgiving”Person saw the Risen LordOpens the way to new lifeJesus appears to ___ disciplesThe life of following Jesus ChristA free and unearned favor from GodJesus reveals himself to Mary MagdaleneThe innermost or spiritual part of a person...

ADAM AND EVE 2021-02-17

ADAM AND EVE crossword puzzle
  1. denial of a baptized person of a dogma or tenet of the faith
  2. Intentionally calling into question the truth of some aspect of the faith
  3. The fundamental event upon which the Christian faith rests
  4. the theological virtue by which we believe in God
  5. the total rejection of the faith in its entirety
  6. The Lord's Day
  7. denial of the existence of God
  8. Faith is the ______________ of things hoped for
  1. this makes faith possible and strengthens it
  2. the second part of the decalogue is love of __________________
  3. Faith is a supernatural ____________ from God
  4. "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one ___________
  5. The virtue of hope allows us to trust in God's _________
  6. The first general part of the decalogue is the first three that tell us of love of_____
  7. the specific grace that gives the power to believe
  8. We are obliged to give God __________________
  9. refusal to submit to the authority of the pope
  10. faith is absolutely necessary for ___________________

18 Clues: The Lord's Daydenial of the existence of Godthis makes faith possible and strengthens itFaith is a supernatural ____________ from GodWe are obliged to give God __________________refusal to submit to the authority of the popeFaith is the ______________ of things hoped forthe total rejection of the faith in its entirety...

CHAPTER 5 PART 1 2021-02-17

CHAPTER 5 PART 1 crossword puzzle
  1. denial of a baptized person of a dogma or tenet of the faith
  2. Intentionally calling into question the truth of some aspect of the faith
  3. The fundamental event upon which the Christian faith rests
  4. the theological virtue by which we believe in God
  5. the total rejection of the faith in its entirety
  6. The Lord's Day
  7. denial of the existence of God
  8. Faith is the ______________ of things hoped for
  1. this makes faith possible and strengthens it
  2. the second part of the decalogue is love of __________________
  3. Faith is a supernatural ____________ from God
  4. "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one ___________
  5. The virtue of hope allows us to trust in God's _________
  6. The first general part of the decalogue is the first three that tell us of love of_____
  7. the specific grace that gives the power to believe
  8. We are obliged to give God __________________
  9. refusal to submit to the authority of the pope
  10. faith is absolutely necessary for ___________________

18 Clues: The Lord's Daydenial of the existence of Godthis makes faith possible and strengthens itFaith is a supernatural ____________ from GodWe are obliged to give God __________________refusal to submit to the authority of the popeFaith is the ______________ of things hoped forthe total rejection of the faith in its entirety...

HDC crossword puzzle 2024-01-27

HDC crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. 90's bollywood actress but without koirala
  2. Singham movie hero
  3. A form of writing in literature
  4. Loving delightfully
  5. Goddess of wealth
  6. who accompanies Lord Krishna in all his incarnations
  7. Get set go for fitness
  8. Has shield to his eyes but not to his heart starts with "M" and one of the managers too
  9. We celebrate and worship them on sep5th
  10. Forever young and body builder of HDC
  1. Charioteer of Arjuna
  2. One of the saptha rishi
  3. Another name for lord surya.(we miss him today)
  4. Maine---hai chankayi,ab to aaja tu harjayi
  5. Last name of her means "hidden"
  6. Tollywood superstar with sai
  7. Famous Tamil hero
  8. One of the Thrimurthy's
  9. Foremost of all men.Starts with Letter"P" and ends with letter"M"
  10. She is a Mrs. with MS in her name(write her first name here)
  11. Palindromic word starting with letter "K"

21 Clues: Famous Tamil heroGoddess of wealthSingham movie heroLoving delightfullyCharioteer of ArjunaGet set go for fitnessOne of the saptha rishiOne of the Thrimurthy'sTollywood superstar with saiLast name of her means "hidden"A form of writing in literatureForever young and body builder of HDCWe celebrate and worship them on sep5th...

Geography Crossword 2024-02-22

Geography Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A country who are an modern example of Oligarchy, They are a country of East Asia and Their capital is Beijing
  2. a person who is rich but not as powerful as the king
  3. An example of modern dictatorship, current ruler of North Korea
  4. the second C which involves two or more countries peacefully existing together
  5. Another term for king or queen
  6. The person who owns most of the land and rules over everyone
  7. this term attempts to explain the interactions of states
  8. the fourth C which involves two or more counties working together
  9. A person who has absolute authority in anything
  10. Modern example of Theocracy, it is a country In the middle east, starts with I and also is always up to something
  11. they are owned by the lord and serve as military for the king
  12. A large home or castle the king owns
  13. A type of government where people vote for their president or government
  14. a group of people owned by everyone and serve everyone.
  15. a piece of land given to the lord
  16. A government ran by a small group of people
  1. A code that knights follow which involves them being courteous and gallant
  2. another term for lord
  3. The idea that a king is chosen by god
  4. This is a place where communism takes place currently, it's prime minister is Manuel Marrero Cruz
  5. a political theory that came from Karl Marx, the idea is that everything is publicly owned and everyone is paid on their ability
  6. An example of a modern monarch, current ruler of England
  7. the first c in the 4 c's of international relations. it involves two counties fighting eachother
  8. these principles regulate products with negative effects. it was promoted by John Stuart Mill
  9. a type of government with a Monarch ruling over the government
  10. A modern example of modern Democracy, its located in North America and it's first president was George Washington
  11. the term that knights are called before they become a knight
  12. A country that rules in the name of god
  13. the third C which involves two countries competing but not fighting
  14. A nicer term for servant

30 Clues: another term for lordA nicer term for servantAnother term for king or queena piece of land given to the lordA large home or castle the king ownsThe idea that a king is chosen by godA country that rules in the name of godA government ran by a small group of peopleA person who has absolute authority in anything...

Doctrine and Covenants 86 2021-03-25

Doctrine and Covenants 86 crossword puzzle
  1. The Lord wants the wheat and the tares to grow together until the harvest is ________.
  2. The wheat will be ________.
  3. Who are crying unto the Lord day and night?
  4. What is the term for when the gospel was driven into the wilderness?
  5. Who were the sowers of the seed?
  6. According to D&C 86, Satan is the great persecutor of the ______.
  1. What represented the world in the parable?
  2. The tares will eventually be ________.
  3. Another word for a story that teaches a spiritual truth.
  4. The Lord told them not to pluck up the tares in order to preserve the _______.
  5. who is the enemy?
  6. Another name for darnel grass or darnel weed.

12 Clues: who is the enemy?The wheat will be ________.Who were the sowers of the seed?The tares will eventually be ________.What represented the world in the parable?Who are crying unto the Lord day and night?Another name for darnel grass or darnel weed.Another word for a story that teaches a spiritual truth....

7th Chapter 2 2023-10-06

7th Chapter 2 crossword puzzle
  1. a business group
  2. mounted (rode on a horse) and armed warrior
  3. Christian effort to retake the Iberian pennisula
  4. a peasant tied to a landowner
  5. a Catholic worship service
  6. a lower-ranking noble who served a lord
  7. a quickly spreading disease that kills many people
  8. the code knights followed to be brave and respect noble women
  9. the act of changing theology
  10. an idea that goes against church teachings
  11. the study of religion and God
  12. an order to appear before a judge
  1. people who travel to spread their religion
  2. political order where nobles protect the people who work for them
  3. land a lord would grant to a vassal
  4. hatred toward Jews
  5. a group of citizens who decide the guilt or innocence of an accused criminal
  6. to start
  7. narrow inlets of the sea
  8. the spoken language of a region
  9. and agreement between the pope an the leader of a country

21 Clues: to starta business grouphatred toward Jewsnarrow inlets of the seaa Catholic worship servicethe act of changing theologya peasant tied to a landownerthe study of religion and Godthe spoken language of a regionan order to appear before a judgeland a lord would grant to a vassala lower-ranking noble who served a lord...

Activity 4: Dendrochronology Cross Word 2023-05-30

Activity 4: Dendrochronology Cross Word crossword puzzle
  1. occurs when Poor climatic conditions for growth
  2. Scientific method of dating tree rings
  3. Location Harvard ecologists conducted research
  4. Allows for the start of the process of photosynthesis
  5. The most effective seasonality for distinct tree growth
  6. Life relies on it to live
  1. period of time when tree's can grow and create rings
  2. Device used to extract piece of wood
  3. Occurs annually and allows scientists to see past climatic conditions
  4. Phenomenon solved using dendrochronology
  5. occurs when Correct climatic conditions for growth

11 Clues: Life relies on it to liveDevice used to extract piece of woodScientific method of dating tree ringsPhenomenon solved using dendrochronologyLocation Harvard ecologists conducted researchoccurs when Poor climatic conditions for growthoccurs when Correct climatic conditions for growthperiod of time when tree's can grow and create rings...

214 – We Have This Hope 2023-04-29

214 – We Have This Hope crossword puzzle
  1. We are _______ in Jesus Christ our Lord.
  2. All the universe will ____
  3. Christ will come to _____ His bride,
  4. We have this _____ that Christ alone imparts,
  5. Soon the heav’ns will ____ wide,
  6. Faith in the _______ of His Word.
  1. People who need our Savior’s ____.
  2. Love for the _______ people of the world,
  3. Shall _____, and shout and sing
  4. When the _______ far and near
  5. Hope in the ______ of the Lord.
  6. We have this hope that _____ within our heart,
  7. We believe the ____ is here,

13 Clues: All the universe will ____We believe the ____ is here,When the _______ far and nearShall _____, and shout and singHope in the ______ of the Lord.Soon the heav’ns will ____ wide,Faith in the _______ of His Word.People who need our Savior’s ____.Christ will come to _____ His bride,We are _______ in Jesus Christ our Lord....

King Tutankhamun 2021-01-14

King Tutankhamun crossword puzzle
  1. A tall plant that was used for writing on
  2. The thing that Tutankhamuns preserved body was in
  3. One of Tutankhamuns other names
  4. Where Tutankhamuns tomb was found
  5. The insect that killed Lord Carnarvon
  6. He funded the search for Tutankhamuns tomb
  7. Technique for preserving a dead body
  8. The section of the tomb that the canopic shrine was in
  1. The first clue
  2. He was Tutankhamuns father
  3. Lord Carnarvons daughters name
  4. He became Pharaoh when he was 9 years old
  5. He found the tomb of Tutankhamun
  6. A body that has been preserved after death
  7. Plaster things that blocked the doorways into the tomb
  8. The name used for a king in ancient Egyption times

16 Clues: The first clueHe was Tutankhamuns fatherLord Carnarvons daughters nameOne of Tutankhamuns other namesHe found the tomb of TutankhamunWhere Tutankhamuns tomb was foundTechnique for preserving a dead bodyThe insect that killed Lord CarnarvonA tall plant that was used for writing onHe became Pharaoh when he was 9 years old...

Bridal Shower 2013-04-12

Bridal Shower crossword puzzle
  1. To hold or as centerpieces
  2. Pupperton
  3. The Groom
  4. Groom's posse
  5. Confectionary treat
  6. High School Bride and Groom Attended
  7. Month of Wedding
  8. Men's clothing
  9. Bridal ladies
  10. Also exchanged at the wedding
  11. The Bride
  1. High School Year Bride and Groom Met
  2. Bride's new last name
  3. Gift Resistry
  4. Party after the Wedding
  5. Exchanged at the Wedding
  6. Bride's clothing
  7. Stye of Wedding Food
  8. Location of the Wedding
  9. Honeymoon Tour Location

20 Clues: PuppertonThe GroomThe BrideGift ResistryGroom's posseBridal ladiesMen's clothingMonth of WeddingBride's clothingConfectionary treatStye of Wedding FoodBride's new last nameParty after the WeddingLocation of the WeddingHoneymoon Tour LocationExchanged at the WeddingTo hold or as centerpiecesAlso exchanged at the wedding...

Outer planets 2023-04-21

Outer planets crossword puzzle
  1. Saturn is 911.5 million miles _____ the sun
  2. Saturn has ____ but they're not solid
  3. Neptune is 2.7796 _______ miles from the sun
  4. Neptune is made of water and ________
  5. Neptune is -373 _______
  6. This Ice Giant has 13 ______
  7. Jupiter is between Mars and ________
  8. Uranus planet is between _______ and Saturn
  1. The gas giant has about 80 _____
  2. This outer planet has 5 rings and is called “Ice Giant”
  3. Uranus is 1.8268 million ______ from the sun
  4. Neptune has shorter days and longer ______
  5. Saturn is mostly _______ and helium
  6. One year on Jupiter is 11.8 _____ days
  7. Jupiter is 460.29 million miles from the _____

15 Clues: Neptune is -373 _______This Ice Giant has 13 ______The gas giant has about 80 _____Saturn is mostly _______ and heliumJupiter is between Mars and ________Saturn has ____ but they're not solidNeptune is made of water and ________One year on Jupiter is 11.8 _____ daysNeptune has shorter days and longer ______...

Outer planets 2023-04-21

Outer planets crossword puzzle
  1. Saturn is 911.5 million miles _____ the sun
  2. Saturn has ____ but they're not solid
  3. Neptune is 2.7796 _______ miles from the sun
  4. Neptune is made of water and ________
  5. Neptune is -373 _______
  6. This Ice Giant has 13 ______
  7. Jupiter is between Mars and ________
  8. Uranus planet is between _______ and Saturn
  1. The gas giant has about 80 _____
  2. This outer planet has 5 rings and is called “Ice Giant”
  3. Uranus is 1.8268 million ______ from the sun
  4. Neptune has shorter days and longer ______
  5. Saturn is mostly _______ and helium
  6. One year on Jupiter is 11.8 _____ days
  7. Jupiter is 460.29 million miles from the _____

15 Clues: Neptune is -373 _______This Ice Giant has 13 ______The gas giant has about 80 _____Saturn is mostly _______ and heliumJupiter is between Mars and ________Saturn has ____ but they're not solidNeptune is made of water and ________One year on Jupiter is 11.8 _____ daysNeptune has shorter days and longer ______...

Outer planets 2023-04-21

Outer planets crossword puzzle
  1. Saturn is 911.5 million miles _____ the sun
  2. Saturn has ____ but they're not solid
  3. Neptune is 2.7796 _______ miles from the sun
  4. Neptune is made of water and ________
  5. Neptune is -373 _______
  6. This Ice Giant has 13 ______
  7. Jupiter is between Mars and ________
  8. Uranus planet is between _______ and Saturn
  1. The gas giant has about 80 _____
  2. This outer planet has 5 rings and is called “Ice Giant”
  3. Uranus is 1.8268 million ______ from the sun
  4. Neptune has shorter days and longer ______
  5. Saturn is mostly _______ and helium
  6. One year on Jupiter is 11.8 _____ days
  7. Jupiter is 460.29 million miles from the _____

15 Clues: Neptune is -373 _______This Ice Giant has 13 ______The gas giant has about 80 _____Saturn is mostly _______ and heliumJupiter is between Mars and ________Saturn has ____ but they're not solidNeptune is made of water and ________One year on Jupiter is 11.8 _____ daysNeptune has shorter days and longer ______...

Truth & Training C.O.W. Verses Crossword 2024-01-31

Truth & Training C.O.W. Verses Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. But God demonstrates His own ___ for us Romans 5:8
  2. And ___ in your heart, God raised Him from the dead Romans 10:9
  3. If anyone is in Christ, he is a new ___ II Corinthians 5:17
  4. ___ Workmen Are Not Ashamed II Timothy 2:15
  5. For it is by ____ you have been saved Ephesians 2:8a
  6. For all have ___ Romans 3:23
  7. But the ____ of God is eternal life Romans 6:23
  8. We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do ___ works Ephesians 2:10
  1. I have ____ Your word in my heart Psalms 119:11
  2. He saved us...because of His ____ Titus 3:5a
  3. If you, O Lord, kept a ____ of sins, O Lord, who could stand Psalms 130:3
  4. But set an ___ for believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity I Timothy 4:12
  5. For the ____ of sin is death Romans 6:23
  6. If you ___ with your mouth Jesus is LORD Romans 10:9
  7. I am the Way, the ____ and the Life John 14:6
  8. While we were still sinners Christ ___ for us Romans 5:8

16 Clues: For all have ___ Romans 3:23For the ____ of sin is death Romans 6:23___ Workmen Are Not Ashamed II Timothy 2:15He saved us...because of His ____ Titus 3:5aI am the Way, the ____ and the Life John 14:6I have ____ Your word in my heart Psalms 119:11But the ____ of God is eternal life Romans 6:23But God demonstrates His own ___ for us Romans 5:8...

The Happy Day 2024-07-20

The Happy Day crossword puzzle
  1. The groom
  2. What we're forming
  3. Mother of the Groom
  4. Boiler Up
  5. Father of the Bride
  6. Mother of the Bride
  7. A good boy
  1. Event
  2. Father of the Groom
  3. How we all feel
  4. Symbols of union
  5. Our wish for the future
  6. The bride
  7. Why we're all here

14 Clues: EventThe groomBoiler UpThe brideA good boyHow we all feelSymbols of unionWhat we're formingWhy we're all hereFather of the GroomMother of the GroomFather of the BrideMother of the BrideOur wish for the future

Genesis 39 2021-05-05

Genesis 39 crossword puzzle
  1. how often Joseph refused to hearken to Potiphar's wife
  2. office Potiphar held
  3. Joseph called Potiphar's wife's demand _ _.
  4. none around when Potiphar's wife caught Joseph
  5. The LORD made Joseph a _ man.
  6. Joseph did this to escape Potiphar's wife.
  7. These were committed to Joseph's hand in the prison.
  8. Potiphar was an _.
  9. position Potiphar gave Joseph
  10. the only thing Potiphar held back from Joseph
  11. another description of Joseph
  1. Potiphar's wife's wicked demand
  2. Joseph found _ in Potiphar's sight.
  3. Joseph refused to sin against _.
  4. Who bought Joseph?
  5. Potiphar had this because of Joseph.
  6. Whose prisoners were in the prison Joseph was put in?
  7. The LORD gave Joseph _ in the sight of the keeper of the prison.
  8. kind of person Joseph was
  9. the only thing Potiphar knew ought he had
  10. Joseph left this when he fled from Potiphar's wife.
  11. where Joseph was taken by the Ishmaelites
  12. Potiphar's wife said Joseph came in to _ her.
  13. Potiphar was a officer of _.

24 Clues: Who bought Joseph?Potiphar was an _.office Potiphar heldkind of person Joseph wasPotiphar was a officer of _.The LORD made Joseph a _ man.position Potiphar gave Josephanother description of JosephPotiphar's wife's wicked demandJoseph refused to sin against _.Joseph found _ in Potiphar's sight.Potiphar had this because of Joseph....

Bible Search 2020-08-27

Bible Search crossword puzzle
  1. "I will make you a great _______, and I will bless you, I will make your name great, so that you will be a blessing." Genesis 12:2
  2. "Then the Lord extended his hand and touched my _______, saying to me, see I placed my words in your mouth!" Jeremiah 1:9
  3. "Faithful friends are a sturdy shelter; whoever finds one finds a __________." Sirach 6:14
  4. "The hand of the Lord came upon me, and he led me out in the spirit of the Lord and set me in the center of a broad valley. It was filled with _______." Ezekiel 37:1
  5. "God said: Do not come near! remove your ______ from your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground." Exodus 3:5
  6. "But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, Jacob, and formed you, Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by _____: you are mine." Isaiah 43:1
  7. "But Ruth said 'Do not press me to ______ you! Wherever you go I will go, wherever you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people and your God, my God." Ruth 1:16
  8. "The man gave his wife the name _____, because she was the mother of all the living." Genesis 3:20
  9. "He was still speaking when another came and said, 'God's _______ has fallen from heaven and struck the sheep and the servants and consumed them; I alone escaped to tell you." Job 1:16
  1. "As the horns blew, the people began to shout. When they heard the sound of the horn, they raised a tremendous shout. The wall ______, and the people attacked the city straight ahead and took it." Joshua 6:20
  2. "In the innermost part of the house he set up the inner sanctuary to house the ark of the Lord's ________." 1 Kings 6:19
  3. "Now the snake was the most ______ of all the wild animals that the Lord God had made..." Genesis 3:1
  4. "A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of _____." Ecclesiastes 3:8
  5. "David put his hand into the bag and took out a _____, hurled it with a sling, and struck the Philistine on the forehead..." 1 Samuel 17:49
  6. "Then the Lord said to Noah: Go into the _____, you and all your household for you alone in this generation have I found to be righteous before me." Genesis 7:1

15 Clues: "Faithful friends are a sturdy shelter; whoever finds one finds a __________." Sirach 6:14"A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of _____." Ecclesiastes 3:8"The man gave his wife the name _____, because she was the mother of all the living." Genesis 3:20...

The Prophet Jonah 2022-11-27

The Prophet Jonah crossword puzzle
  1. He was supposed to go on his mission to this city of ______________.
  2. God sent an enormous ______ to swallow Jonah up and save him from drowning.
  3. Jonah told the sailors to throw him overboard so the storm would _________.
  4. Jonah knew that the ________ sent the storm because Jonah had not gone to Nineveh like he was supposed to.
  5. The Lord told Noah that people in Nineveh needed to ___________.
  1. While in the belly of the fish, Jonah _______ and repented.
  2. I knw that when I make a ________ choice I can repent because the Lord loves me.
  3. God called _______ to go on a mission.
  4. Jonah disobeyed the Lord and got on a different ship that was going to a different ______________.
  5. Jonah went to Nineveh to fulfill his mission and the people of Nineveh actually ________ and followed God again.
  6. A huge __________ came and the sailors were afraid that their ship would sink.
  7. The fish spit Jonah out on dry _____ after 3 days.

12 Clues: God called _______ to go on a mission.The fish spit Jonah out on dry _____ after 3 days.While in the belly of the fish, Jonah _______ and repented.The Lord told Noah that people in Nineveh needed to ___________.He was supposed to go on his mission to this city of ______________....

Isaiah 61 2022-10-06

Isaiah 61 crossword puzzle
  1. The sons of the blank will be your plowmen
  2. the Lord loves blank
  3. The Earth bringeth forth her blank
  4. The day of vengeance will be a blank to all that mourn
  5. Isaiah teaches that Christ will blank the word in truth
  6. Isaiah says the blank of the Gentiles will be eaten
  7. This shall be known among the gentiles
  8. The bridegroom (Christ) docket himself with ornaments
  1. The Lord God causes blank
  2. Christ will do this for the brokenhearted
  3. Christ promised he can make beauty from this
  4. Because of Christ the captives will have this
  5. My soul shall be blank in my God
  6. There will be blank for mourning
  7. Isaiah uses this type of plant to describe righteousness
  8. Good tidings will be preached to the blank
  9. Christ will repair this type of city

17 Clues: the Lord loves blankThe Lord God causes blankMy soul shall be blank in my GodThere will be blank for mourningThe Earth bringeth forth her blankChrist will repair this type of cityThis shall be known among the gentilesChrist will do this for the brokenheartedThe sons of the blank will be your plowmenGood tidings will be preached to the blank...

Isaiah 61 2022-10-06

Isaiah 61 crossword puzzle
  1. The sons of the blank will be your plowmen
  2. the Lord loves blank
  3. The Earth bringeth forth her blank
  4. The day of vengeance will be a blank to all that mourn
  5. Isaiah teaches that Christ will blank the word in truth
  6. Isaiah says the blank of the Gentiles will be eaten
  7. This shall be known among the gentiles
  8. The bridegroom (Christ) decketh himself with this
  1. The Lord God causes blank
  2. Christ will do this for the brokenhearted
  3. Christ promised he can make beauty from this
  4. Because of Christ the captives will have this
  5. My soul shall be blank in my God
  6. There will be blank for mourning
  7. Isaiah uses this type of plant to describe righteousness
  8. Good tidings will be preached to the blank
  9. Christ will repair this type of city

17 Clues: the Lord loves blankThe Lord God causes blankMy soul shall be blank in my GodThere will be blank for mourningThe Earth bringeth forth her blankChrist will repair this type of cityThis shall be known among the gentilesChrist will do this for the brokenheartedThe sons of the blank will be your plowmenGood tidings will be preached to the blank...

Delany's Bridal Shower 2024-08-19

Delany's Bridal Shower crossword puzzle
  1. month of wedding
  2. days until the wedding
  3. promises
  4. where the bride and groom met
  5. location of ceremony
  6. exchanged at the alter
  7. before the reception
  8. tie the ____
  9. what the bride walks down
  10. words before a kiss
  11. where the bride grew up
  1. mr. and mrs.
  2. what the bride holds
  3. month the couple got engaged
  4. city the couple lives in
  5. the couple's dog's name
  6. "you may now ____ the bride"
  7. symbol of love
  8. special occasion
  9. people attending

20 Clues: promisesmr. and mrs.tie the ____symbol of lovemonth of weddingspecial occasionpeople attendingwords before a kisswhat the bride holdslocation of ceremonybefore the receptiondays until the weddingexchanged at the alterthe couple's dog's namewhere the bride grew upcity the couple lives inwhat the bride walks downmonth the couple got engaged...

Lord of flies crossword 2023-12-01

Lord of flies crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A fruit which comes from palm trees.
  2. The common fear of the boys
  3. another word for glasses
  4. Twins
  5. The leaderof the boys
  6. Fourth word in the title
  7. British slang for crazy
  1. A character who represents evil
  2. A weapon made by the boys to hunt
  3. A region resembling a forest
  4. Flames creating heat
  5. Those who hold it can speak
  6. the plane crash site
  7. Not his real name
  8. Mom of the pigs
  9. Leader of the tribe

16 Clues: TwinsMom of the pigsNot his real nameLeader of the tribeFlames creating heatthe plane crash siteThe leaderof the boysBritish slang for crazyanother word for glassesFourth word in the titleThe common fear of the boysThose who hold it can speakA region resembling a forestA character who represents evilA weapon made by the boys to hunt...

Repaso para examen final 2024-06-04

Repaso para examen final crossword puzzle
  1. wise in Hebrew
  2. To study in Hebrew
  3. Number of parts into which the tanach is divided
  4. Harvest Holiday
  5. The festival of freedom
  6. The book that is customary to study between Pesach and Shavuot
  7. Received the torah from moshe
  8. Danced with all his might before the Hashem; and was girded with a linen ephod
  1. The third book of neviim
  2. the sages of the mishna
  3. Act of kindness in hebrew
  4. Bath Sheva's first husband
  5. The offering of barley that was given on the second day of Pesach
  6. The book that has been translated into more languages
  7. Number of books that the tanach has
  8. The fermentation of flour with water
  9. Put forth [his hand] to the ark of God, and grasped hold of it, for the oxen swayed it.
  10. And the ark of the Lord dwelled in the house of_______________ the Gittite three months; and the Lord blessed Oved-Edom, and all his household
  11. He took Tamar by force to lay downs with her
  12. To teach in Hebrew
  13. Number of chapters that the pirke avot has

21 Clues: wise in HebrewHarvest HolidayTo study in HebrewTo teach in Hebrewthe sages of the mishnaThe festival of freedomThe third book of neviimAct of kindness in hebrewBath Sheva's first husbandReceived the torah from mosheNumber of books that the tanach hasThe fermentation of flour with waterNumber of chapters that the pirke avot has...

Chapter 16: Return to Roots 2017-05-29

Chapter 16: Return to Roots crossword puzzle
  1. Japanese animation
  2. Form of traditional Japanese poetry
  3. Describes the parts of the government and powers given to each part
  4. Japanese comics
  5. Where the Japanese launched a suprise attack on Russian ships
  6. An alcoholic Japanese drink similar to the American champagne
  7. Became the motto for this period of Japanese history
  8. Japanese men were mocked for wearing these
  1. A ritual suicide after the death of one's lord
  2. Adverse or hostile reaction against change
  3. The _______________ required all males to join the military for three years
  4. This country was strategically important because it borders with both China and Russia
  5. Wood block prints
  6. A Japanese politician who was born a lord of the Kochi Clan
  7. In the new constitution the emperors power was described as ________
  8. Most popular religion in Japan in 2000
  9. Payment for losses
  10. A hairstyle that was considered a symbol of manhood

18 Clues: Japanese comicsWood block printsJapanese animationPayment for lossesForm of traditional Japanese poetryMost popular religion in Japan in 2000Adverse or hostile reaction against changeJapanese men were mocked for wearing theseA ritual suicide after the death of one's lordA hairstyle that was considered a symbol of manhood...

Olympic Facts & History 2024-06-13

Olympic Facts & History crossword puzzle
  1. How many countries have competed in every Summer Olympic Games?
  2. What is the last name of the creator of the "Modern" day Olympic Games?
  3. Until 1912, first place Olympic medals were made fully out of what?
  4. What is carried in a relay to open the Olympic games?
  5. Are there official Olympic languages?
  6. What is the oldest Summer Olympic team sport?
  7. What winter sport was once part of the Summer Olympics
  8. How many months did the first Olympics take place?
  1. What sport was added for the 2024 Summer Olympic Games?
  2. How many countries participated in the first Summer Olympic games?
  3. The 2024 medals will contain a piece of iron from what landmark?
  4. The five Olympic rings represent the five inhabited _______.
  5. What is the symbol of the Olympic Games?
  6. Where are the 2024 Summer Olympics being held?
  7. Which country has won the most Summer Olympic medals?
  8. How many times has the 2024 Summer Olympic host country held the Olympics?

16 Clues: Are there official Olympic languages?What is the symbol of the Olympic Games?What is the oldest Summer Olympic team sport?Where are the 2024 Summer Olympics being held?How many months did the first Olympics take place?What is carried in a relay to open the Olympic games?Which country has won the most Summer Olympic medals?...

Las fiestas 2021-05-04

Las fiestas crossword puzzle
  1. The bride
  2. The flowers
  3. The reception
  4. The maid of honor
  5. The relatives
  6. A civil wedding ceremony
  7. The wedding rings
  8. A religious ceremony
  9. The best man
  1. To get married
  2. To have fun
  3. Happy Birthday
  4. The venue hall
  5. To be born
  6. The cake
  7. To celebrate
  8. The groom
  9. The candles
  10. The present
  11. The wedding
  12. The band
  13. The divorce

22 Clues: The cakeThe bandThe brideThe groomTo be bornTo have funThe flowersThe candlesThe presentThe weddingThe divorceTo celebrateThe best manThe receptionThe relativesTo get marriedHappy BirthdayThe venue hallThe maid of honorThe wedding ringsA religious ceremonyA civil wedding ceremony

Do you know basketball? 2018-01-22

Do you know basketball? crossword puzzle
  1. The last name of who shot the most threes in a game.
  2. The last name of who had the longest free throw streak.
  3. Team that won the most championships.
  4. Player with the most rings.
  5. The tallest player in the NBA.
  1. The shortest player in the NBA.
  2. The least amount of points scored during an NBA game.
  3. The last name of who had the most technical fouls in a game.
  4. The number of quarters in a game.
  5. First name of the coach with the most rings.
  6. The most amount of technicals in a game.
  7. The last name of the NBA player to score the most three pointers in NBA history.

12 Clues: Player with the most rings.The tallest player in the NBA.The shortest player in the NBA.The number of quarters in a game.Team that won the most championships.The most amount of technicals in a game.First name of the coach with the most rings.The last name of who shot the most threes in a game.The least amount of points scored during an NBA game....

Trish and Nixon's Fun facts crossword puzzle 2024-09-02

Trish and Nixon's Fun facts crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. favourite holiday
  2. travelled the furtherest
  3. something borrowed
  4. One of the sacred Sacraments
  5. flavour of wedding cake
  6. something blue
  7. who known the bride the longest
  1. had their first date
  2. brides profession
  3. something old
  4. opposite of hate
  5. where they first met
  6. their greatest treasure
  7. something new
  8. wedding theme
  9. a sport the groom plays

16 Clues: something oldsomething newwedding themesomething blueopposite of hatebrides professionfavourite holidaysomething borrowedhad their first datewhere they first mettheir greatest treasureflavour of wedding cakea sport the groom playstravelled the furtherestOne of the sacred Sacramentswho known the bride the longest

Govinda Govinda!!! 2022-01-09

Govinda Govinda!!! crossword puzzle
  1. Narasimha was neither a god nor a man, but what form did he take?
  2. Which was the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu, born in Ayodhya?
  3. The first four avatars of Lord Vishnu appeared in the Satya Yuga. Which of them came first?
  1. The fifth avatar of Vishnu took what form?
  2. Which avatar of Vishnu was incarnated in order to kill the demon Hiranyakashipu?
  3. The first avatar of Lord Vishnu to appear in Kali Yuga was the founder of which religion?
  4. In his sixth avatar Vishnu incarnated as Parashurama. What is Parshu, Parashurama's weapon?
  5. According to North Indian myth, who was the 8th incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who appeared in the Dwapara Yuga?
  6. The second avatar to appear was Kurma Avatar. What kind of animal was Kurma?
  7. The last avatar of Vishnu is yet to come. What is its name?

10 Clues: The fifth avatar of Vishnu took what form?The last avatar of Vishnu is yet to come. What is its name?Narasimha was neither a god nor a man, but what form did he take?Which was the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu, born in Ayodhya?The second avatar to appear was Kurma Avatar. What kind of animal was Kurma?...

Romeo and Juliet 2020-05-22

Romeo and Juliet crossword puzzle
  1. The thing that Romeo never received
  2. The thing which Juliet killed herself
  3. The city where the story take place
  4. Lord Montague's son
  5. The place where Juliet declared her love for Romeo
  6. Lord Capuulet was planning this for Juliet
  7. This was Romeo after killing Tybalt
  8. Juliet's cousin
  9. Romeo bought this
  1. the time in hours during Juliet appeared dead
  2. Friar Laurence gave this to Juliet
  3. the priest in the story
  4. Lord Capulet's daughter
  5. Tybalt killed him
  6. He was a nobleman, Juliet's father agreed to give her in marriage to him

15 Clues: Juliet's cousinTybalt killed himRomeo bought thisLord Montague's sonthe priest in the storyLord Capulet's daughterFriar Laurence gave this to JulietThe thing that Romeo never receivedThe city where the story take placeThis was Romeo after killing TybaltThe thing which Juliet killed herselfLord Capuulet was planning this for Juliet...

My Crossword Puzzle 2021-05-04

My Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Lord of the Rings wizard
  1. Firehouse dog with spots
  2. yellow fruit

3 Clues: yellow fruitFirehouse dog with spotsLord of the Rings wizard

The Old Testament 2020-05-11

The Old Testament crossword puzzle
  1. Isaac's wife
  2. Abraham and Sarah's first son
  3. Insects sent by god in the 8th plague
  4. Isaac's wife was childless but the Lord answered his prayer and she became pregnant. When she went to inquire the Lord, he said "two ____ are in your womb"
  5. The mountain where the 10 commandments were given to Moses
  6. Builder of the ark
  7. The prophet who anointed David as king
  8. Abraham's father
  9. First man
  10. Esau's twin brother
  1. The reptile that Moses and Aaron's staff transforms into
  2. Who does God appoint to lead the Israelites into the promise land after Moses' death
  3. The first woman
  4. The giant defeated by David
  5. Abraham's nephew
  6. Abraham's wife's name before God changed it
  7. The promised land
  8. First 5 books in the bible
  9. First king of Israel
  10. Natural disaster that destroyed all life on earth
  11. Blood of what animal used to paint the doorfames of the houses of the isrealites

21 Clues: First manIsaac's wifeThe first womanAbraham's nephewAbraham's fatherThe promised landBuilder of the arkEsau's twin brotherFirst king of IsraelFirst 5 books in the bibleThe giant defeated by DavidAbraham and Sarah's first sonInsects sent by god in the 8th plagueThe prophet who anointed David as kingAbraham's wife's name before God changed it...

Vocabulary Review: Medieval History 2024-06-06

Vocabulary Review: Medieval History crossword puzzle
  1. Swollen red bumps, often a symptom of the bubonic plague.
  2. A large estate owned by a lord, including the land and buildings.
  3. A deadly infectious disease that spreads rapidly.
  4. A person granted land in return for loyalty and service to a lord.
  5. A medicine or treatment used to cure an illness.
  6. The economic system of the Middle Ages where the lord's manor was the center of life.
  7. A noble who owned and controlled land and could grant estates to vassals.
  1. The political and social system of the Middle Ages where lords granted land to vassals in exchange for military service and loyalty.
  2. A medical treatment in which blood was taken from a patient to cure or prevent illness.
  3. Land granted by a lord to a vassal in exchange for loyalty and service.
  4. Physicians during the Black Death who wore protective clothing and masks.

11 Clues: A medicine or treatment used to cure an illness.A deadly infectious disease that spreads rapidly.Swollen red bumps, often a symptom of the bubonic plague.A large estate owned by a lord, including the land and buildings.A person granted land in return for loyalty and service to a lord....

Early middle Ages 2023-11-30

Early middle Ages crossword puzzle
  1. The other name for the middle ages
  2. what was the social system of the middle ages
  3. what type of Christianity was used
  4. what kingdom was Charlemagne part of
  5. the lowest of all the peasants
  6. Who invaded Spain
  7. who was the grandfather of Charlesmagne
  1. Who was the Holy roman emperor
  2. the main religion of the middle ages
  3. Who invaded Hungary
  4. Who invaded Russia
  5. Method of owning land where one person owns everything and they have people who work under them
  6. an owner of land given by a feudal lord on the conditions of respect and allegiance
  7. The highest power in Catholic Christianity
  8. an estate of land given to someone by a feudal lord
  9. who was Charlemagnes father

16 Clues: Who invaded SpainWho invaded RussiaWho invaded Hungarywho was Charlemagnes fatherWho was the Holy roman emperorthe lowest of all the peasantsThe other name for the middle ageswhat type of Christianity was usedthe main religion of the middle ageswhat kingdom was Charlemagne part ofwho was the grandfather of Charlesmagne...

ADAM AND EVE 2021-02-17

ADAM AND EVE crossword puzzle
  1. denial of a baptized person of a dogma or tenet of the faith
  2. Intentionally calling into question the truth of some aspect of the faith
  3. The fundamental event upon which the Christian faith rests
  4. the theological virtue by which we believe in God
  5. the total rejection of the faith in its entirety
  6. The Lord's Day
  7. denial of the existence of God
  8. Faith is the ______________ of things hoped for
  1. this makes faith possible and strengthens it
  2. the second part of the decalogue is love of __________________
  3. Faith is a supernatural ____________ from God
  4. "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one ___________
  5. The virtue of hope allows us to trust in God's _________
  6. The first general part of the decalogue is the first three that tell us of love of_____
  7. the specific grace that gives the power to believe
  8. We are obliged to give God __________________
  9. refusal to submit to the authority of the pope
  10. faith is absolutely necessary for ___________________

18 Clues: The Lord's Daydenial of the existence of Godthis makes faith possible and strengthens itFaith is a supernatural ____________ from GodWe are obliged to give God __________________refusal to submit to the authority of the popeFaith is the ______________ of things hoped forthe total rejection of the faith in its entirety...

CHAPTER 5 PART 1 2021-02-17

CHAPTER 5 PART 1 crossword puzzle
  1. We are obliged to give God __________________
  2. the specific grace that gives the power to believe
  3. denial of the existence of God
  4. the second part of the decalogue is love of __________________
  5. the total rejection of the faith in its entirety
  6. denial of a baptized person of a dogma or tenet of the faith
  7. faith is absolutely necessary for ___________________
  8. Intentionally calling into question the truth of some aspect of the faith
  1. Faith is the ______________ of things hoped for
  2. refusal to submit to the authority of the pope
  3. The virtue of hope allows us to trust in God's _________
  4. "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one ___________
  5. Faith is a supernatural ____________ from God
  6. The fundamental event upon which the Christian faith rests
  7. The first general part of the decalogue is the first three that tell us of love of_____
  8. The Lord's Day
  9. this makes faith possible and strengthens it
  10. the theological virtue by which we believe in God

18 Clues: The Lord's Daydenial of the existence of Godthis makes faith possible and strengthens itFaith is a supernatural ____________ from GodWe are obliged to give God __________________refusal to submit to the authority of the popeFaith is the ______________ of things hoped forthe total rejection of the faith in its entirety...

Outer planets 2023-04-21

Outer planets crossword puzzle
  1. Saturn is 911.5 million miles _____ the sun
  2. Saturn has ____ but they're not solid
  3. Neptune is 2.7796 _______ miles from the sun
  4. Neptune is made of water and ________
  5. Neptune is -373 _______
  6. This Ice Giant has 13 ______
  7. Jupiter is between Mars and ________
  8. Uranus planet is between _______ and Saturn
  1. The gas giant has about 80 _____
  2. This outer planet has 5 rings and is called “Ice Giant”
  3. Uranus is 1.8268 million ______ from the sun
  4. Neptune has shorter days and longer ______
  5. Saturn is mostly _______ and helium
  6. One year on Jupiter is 11.8 _____ days
  7. Jupiter is 460.29 million miles from the _____

15 Clues: Neptune is -373 _______This Ice Giant has 13 ______The gas giant has about 80 _____Saturn is mostly _______ and heliumJupiter is between Mars and ________Saturn has ____ but they're not solidNeptune is made of water and ________One year on Jupiter is 11.8 _____ daysNeptune has shorter days and longer ______...

Samuel 8-10 2022-06-06

Samuel 8-10 crossword puzzle
  1. 8v17 What the king would make his people into.
  2. 9v2 Saul was head and shoulders '___' than any of the people.
  3. 10v6 What will Saul do as he passes the Philistine garrison?
  4. 9v9 Old name for Prophet.
  5. 10v19 What did the Lord save the people from?
  6. 10v17 Where did Samuel call the people of Israel together?
  7. 9v4+5 How many named lands did Saul and his servant search?
  8. 10v16 What matter did Saul not talk of to his father?
  9. 10v25 Samuel told the people but __ it in a book.
  10. 8v13 Makers of pastries and treats.
  11. 10v9 What were the things Samuel told him to note on his way home?
  12. 8v7 The Lord said the people had __ him.
  13. 10v1 What did Samuel use?
  14. 8v11-18 What is Samuel doing to the people?
  15. 9v20 Samuel told Saul what he was searching for had already been ___.
  1. 8v3 They took bribes and ___ judgment.
  2. 9v24 The cut of meat served by Samuel to Saul.
  3. 9v3 What was Saul trying to find?
  4. 10v22 Why could they not find Saul?
  5. 10v27 The children of __ refused Saul as king.
  6. 8v5 They demanded a king to be like what?
  7. 10v4 What will the men give Saul on his way home?
  8. 10v2 At which sepulchre were the messengers found?
  9. 9v16 When had the Lord said Saul would come?
  10. 9v1 What tribe was Saul from?
  11. 8v2 Samuel's second son.
  12. 8v2 Samuel's first son.
  13. 9v26 What time of day was this verse?

28 Clues: 8v2 Samuel's first son.8v2 Samuel's second son.9v9 Old name for Prophet.10v1 What did Samuel use?9v1 What tribe was Saul from?9v3 What was Saul trying to find?10v22 Why could they not find Saul?8v13 Makers of pastries and treats.9v26 What time of day was this verse?8v3 They took bribes and ___ judgment.8v7 The Lord said the people had __ him....

Books of the Bible (some not all :-) 2021-08-25

Books of the Bible (some not all :-) crossword puzzle
  1. Deborah was one of these
  2. Paul's longest book
  3. Luke's second act
  4. It's the end of the world as we know it
  5. Contains songs composed by David
  6. Written to the church in Ephesus
  7. prophet who was thrown in a well
  8. In the Beginning
  9. He built a wall
  10. The disciple whom Jesus loved
  11. Tell the story of Saul and David
  12. gospel writer who was also a physician
  13. All kinds of bad stuff happened to this guy
  14. Paul's letter about justification by faith and not the law
  1. Priests of Israel and book of the Law
  2. Counting and wandering
  3. A book of wise sayings
  4. last book of the old testament
  5. Contains the birth of Moses
  6. Features a town called Nineveh
  7. Tax collector's recollection of Jesus
  8. was thrown in the lion's den
  9. Faithful Moabite widow
  10. Fought the battle of Jericho
  11. Contains the verse "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God the Lord is one."
  12. Contains the verse "I can do all things"
  13. 4th book of the minor prophets

27 Clues: He built a wallIn the BeginningLuke's second actPaul's longest bookCounting and wanderingA book of wise sayingsFaithful Moabite widowDeborah was one of theseContains the birth of Moseswas thrown in the lion's denFought the battle of JerichoThe disciple whom Jesus lovedlast book of the old testamentFeatures a town called Nineveh...

difficult words 11 2022-09-05

difficult words 11 crossword puzzle
  1. trip
  2. by driving erratically
  3. someone stops talking
  4. the action of introducing someone
  5. a example
  6. his laugh
  7. unable to see you
  8. something precious
  9. earrings,rings
  10. the urge,ability to do something
  11. to learn something
  1. work,physic work
  2. a aim or plan
  3. not logical
  4. an option
  5. a natural way of acting
  6. measurement
  7. learn
  8. a problem
  9. money paid

20 Clues: triplearnan optiona examplehis laugha problemmoney paidnot logicalmeasurementa aim or planearrings,ringswork,physic workunable to see yousomething preciousto learn somethingsomeone stops talkingby driving erraticallya natural way of actingthe urge,ability to do somethingthe action of introducing someone

Planets Crossword 2020-02-19

Planets Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. another word for "giant" planets (like the gas planets)
  2. this belt is between mars and Jupiter
  3. the layer of our atmosphere where meteors burn up
  4. Mercury takes 88 days to go around the sun or _____
  5. all the planets _________on their axis
  6. planet known for its rings
  7. this is the belt where pluto can be found
  8. another word for "made of gas"
  9. this model shows the sun in the center of the system
  10. the reason why Earth is the perfect temperature
  11. rocky bodies found between inner and outer planets
  12. planet known for its great storms/great red spot
  13. considered a dwarf planet
  1. a planet that looks red due to its iron surface
  2. what we call meteors that hit the earth's surface
  3. icy bodies that can be found in the Kuiper belt
  4. another word for "made of rock/earth-like"
  5. only planet with water
  6. also has rings but rotates on its side
  7. closest planet to the sun
  8. largest planet in the solar systems
  9. this model shows everything revolving around the earth
  10. the name for comets or asteroids that enter our atmosphere
  11. farthest planet from the sun
  12. hottest planet due to atmosphere
  13. this word means "sun"

26 Clues: this word means "sun"only planet with waterclosest planet to the sunconsidered a dwarf planetplanet known for its ringsfarthest planet from the sunanother word for "made of gas"hottest planet due to atmospherelargest planet in the solar systemsthis belt is between mars and Jupiteralso has rings but rotates on its side...

A House For God 2024-01-20

A House For God crossword puzzle
  1. gave praise and thanks to the Lord
  2. House of God built by King Solomon
  3. the innermost art of the temple, Most ____ Place
  4. act of killing sheep and cattle on the alter for forgiveness of sin
  5. sacred golden box of the Lord containing the two tables of stone
  6. the second part of the temple containing golden candlesticks and alter of incense
  1. these men placed the ark in the innermost sanctuary of the temple
  2. How long does God’s love endure?
  3. the first outside part of the temple
  4. temple filled with the _____ or the glory of the Lord
  5. gave praise and thanks to the Lord
  6. gave praise and thanks to the Lord

12 Clues: How long does God’s love endure?gave praise and thanks to the Lordgave praise and thanks to the Lordgave praise and thanks to the LordHouse of God built by King Solomonthe first outside part of the templethe innermost art of the temple, Most ____ Placetemple filled with the _____ or the glory of the Lord...

Conquering the Land Joshua 9-11, 14, 22 2024-05-04

Conquering the Land Joshua 9-11, 14, 22 crossword puzzle
  1. Joshua left ___ undone that the Lord commanded. Jos 11:15
  2. Some kings planned to ___ Gibeon. Jos 10:4
  3. Joshua gave ___ Hebron for an inheritance. Jos 14:13
  4. Joshua did NOT take counsel from the ___. Jos 9:14
  5. The kings beyond the ___ gathered to fight Israel. Jos 9:1
  6. Gibeon begged ___ for help. Jos 10:6
  7. Joshua said, "Serve the Lord with all your ___ & Soul." Jos 22:5
  1. Joshua made the Gibeonites cutters of ___ & drawers of water. Jos 9:27
  2. "Sun stand ___ at Gibeon!" Joshua said. Jos 10:12
  3. They showed Joshua crumbly ___. Jos 9:12
  4. ___ tricked Joshua. Jos 9:3-5
  5. Joshua took the whole ___. Jos 11:23
  6. We are from a ___ country. Jos 9:6

13 Clues: ___ tricked Joshua. Jos 9:3-5We are from a ___ country. Jos 9:6Joshua took the whole ___. Jos 11:23Gibeon begged ___ for help. Jos 10:6They showed Joshua crumbly ___. Jos 9:12Some kings planned to ___ Gibeon. Jos 10:4"Sun stand ___ at Gibeon!" Joshua said. Jos 10:12Joshua did NOT take counsel from the ___. Jos 9:14...

Bulldog Behavior 2024-08-21

Bulldog Behavior crossword puzzle
  1. On the playground, treat others with _________.
  2. The side of the hall you should walk on.
  3. Do this with any illegal behavior, such as vaping.
  4. When riding the bus, your feet should not be in this.
  5. Keep your hands and _____ to yourself.
  6. Use these when walking across the parking lots.
  7. The morning bell rings at 7:55, do not be ________.
  8. Always throw this away at lunch.
  9. In the lunchroom, it would be rude to cut while in ______.
  1. Wait _______ to use the restroom.
  2. Bring these to class.
  3. Take care of school __________ , such as chromebooks.
  4. If you miss over 10 days in a semester you will not receive ________.
  5. Before exiting your vehicle, always _____ for traffic.
  6. At games, SMS kids set in these.
  7. This is where you should be when the tardy bell rings.
  8. Your digital footprint should stay this way.
  9. Always do this to your area after eating.

18 Clues: Bring these to class.At games, SMS kids set in these.Always throw this away at lunch.Wait _______ to use the restroom.Keep your hands and _____ to yourself.The side of the hall you should walk on.Always do this to your area after eating.Your digital footprint should stay this way.On the playground, treat others with _________....

Fuedalism 2024-01-10

Fuedalism crossword puzzle
  1. a agreement between nobleman or king
  2. source of income granted to a person
  3. granted possession of land by the lord
  4. noble who held land
  1. wandering musicians
  2. type of government
  3. perfoms millitary duties
  4. lords estate
  5. competition in the middle ages
  6. code of conduct
  7. peasants on a manor

11 Clues: lords estatecode of conducttype of governmentwandering musicianspeasants on a manornoble who held landperfoms millitary dutiescompetition in the middle agesa agreement between nobleman or kingsource of income granted to a persongranted possession of land by the lord


MY STATE - UTTAR PRADESH crossword puzzle


Much Ado Characters 2021-01-12

Much Ado Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Father of Hero
  2. Head of the Watch
  3. Niece to Leonato
  4. Another follower of Don John
  5. Pedro Prince of Arragon
  6. Leonato's brother
  7. A young lord of Florence
  1. A young lord of Padua
  2. Maid for Hero
  3. Daughter of Leonato
  4. Follower of Don John
  5. John The prince's bastard brother

12 Clues: Maid for HeroFather of HeroNiece to LeonatoHead of the WatchLeonato's brotherDaughter of LeonatoFollower of Don JohnA young lord of PaduaPedro Prince of ArragonA young lord of FlorenceAnother follower of Don JohnJohn The prince's bastard brother

William Golding Crossword 2023-01-20

William Golding Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the birth month of Golding, the 9th month
  2. a theme in the Lord of the Flies that lies within us all
  3. country formally led by Queen Elizabeth II
  4. a town in England where Golding was born in
  5. the British navy is described by this adjective
  1. a piece of writing that is nearly always rhythmical
  2. the name of the animal haunting the boys in Lord of the Flies
  3. this character is killed by a boulder in Lord of the Flies
  4. a heavy object attached to a rope to hold a ship down
  5. award given to people that have done oustanding work in an area of study
  6. famous college in Britain where Golding atteneded

11 Clues: the birth month of Golding, the 9th monthcountry formally led by Queen Elizabeth IIa town in England where Golding was born inthe British navy is described by this adjectivefamous college in Britain where Golding attenededa piece of writing that is nearly always rhythmicala heavy object attached to a rope to hold a ship down...

Psalm 23 2023-07-29

Psalm 23 crossword puzzle
  1. What the Lord, our shepherd, is to us
  2. How we will feel when we trust in the Lord (v6)
  3. What the Lord does for us when we are weak (v3)
  4. What the Lord is, always
  1. Who wrote Psalm 19?
  2. What the Lord is for us (v1)
  3. What our cup (or life) is when we trust in the Lord (v5)
  4. How the Bible describes how the Lord provides for us (v2)
  5. How we should feel when we trust in the Lord (v4)

9 Clues: Who wrote Psalm 19?What the Lord is, alwaysWhat the Lord is for us (v1)What the Lord, our shepherd, is to usHow we will feel when we trust in the Lord (v6)What the Lord does for us when we are weak (v3)How we should feel when we trust in the Lord (v4)What our cup (or life) is when we trust in the Lord (v5)...

Lord Byron Puzzle 2022-03-15

Lord Byron Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Where Lord Byron died
  2. Person who he had a child with
  3. type of poetry Lord Byron wrote
  4. She walks in ______
  1. first name of Lord Byron
  2. Name of Prime Ministers wife he had an affair with
  3. College that Lord Byron went to
  4. Part of Lord Byron's body that was disabled.
  5. age Lord Byron became a Lord

9 Clues: She walks in ______Where Lord Byron diedfirst name of Lord Byronage Lord Byron became a LordPerson who he had a child withCollege that Lord Byron went totype of poetry Lord Byron wrotePart of Lord Byron's body that was disabled.Name of Prime Ministers wife he had an affair with

Lord Byron Puzzle 2022-03-15

Lord Byron Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Where Lord Byron died
  2. Person who he had a child with
  3. type of poetry Lord Byron wrote
  4. She walks in ______
  1. first name of Lord Byron
  2. Name of Prime Ministers wife he had an affair with
  3. College that Lord Byron went to
  4. Part of Lord Byron's body that was disabled.
  5. age Lord Byron became a Lord

9 Clues: She walks in ______Where Lord Byron diedfirst name of Lord Byronage Lord Byron became a LordPerson who he had a child withCollege that Lord Byron went totype of poetry Lord Byron wrotePart of Lord Byron's body that was disabled.Name of Prime Ministers wife he had an affair with

Egyptian Crossword Puzzle 2015-12-11

Egyptian Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The cat goddess, connected with the moon
  2. Most famous female pharaoh
  3. Picture writing invented by Egyptians
  4. Egyptian Goddess of love and magic,wife and sister of Osiris
  5. Sky god,son of Isis, has a falcon head
  6. Burial vault, grave
  7. River that runs through Egypt
  1. Famous monument located in Karnak
  2. Containers in which were stored the internal organs of a mummy
  3. Lord of the Underworld, murdered by his brother Seth
  4. The belief there is only one god
  5. Very famous pharaoh who ruled for 76 years
  6. Lord of moon and time, god of knowledge
  7. Most famous child pharaoh who died young
  8. Temple built for Ramses the Second
  9. Plant used by the Egyptians to make paper

16 Clues: Burial vault, graveMost famous female pharaohRiver that runs through EgyptThe belief there is only one godFamous monument located in KarnakTemple built for Ramses the SecondPicture writing invented by EgyptiansSky god,son of Isis, has a falcon headLord of moon and time, god of knowledgeThe cat goddess, connected with the moon...

Halebidu_A city in Karnataka_Bayer 2021-10-01

Halebidu_A city in Karnataka_Bayer crossword puzzle
  1. The Hoysala dynasty king of Halebidu
  2. Architect of the Halebidu temples
  3. Built the Hoysaleshwara temple
  4. The queen who reigned Halebidu
  5. Houses the worlds tallest monolithic
  6. The other name for Halebidu
  7. of Lord bahubali
  1. The dynasty that ruled Halebidu
  2. Garuda stambha is dedicated to this
  3. The twin temple dedicated to Lord Shiva
  4. This muslim king invaded Halebidu

11 Clues: of Lord bahubaliThe other name for HalebiduBuilt the Hoysaleshwara templeThe queen who reigned HalebiduThe dynasty that ruled HalebiduThis muslim king invaded HalebiduArchitect of the Halebidu templesGaruda stambha is dedicated to thisThe Hoysala dynasty king of HalebiduHouses the worlds tallest monolithicThe twin temple dedicated to Lord Shiva

A Court Of Thorns and Roses. 2022-01-04

A Court Of Thorns and Roses. crossword puzzle
  1. where Feyre hunts
  2. guy Feyre kills
  3. a festival for the high lords
  4. the lord of the night court
  5. the main character
  6. the main love interest, lord of the spring court
  7. her best friend and maid
  1. how the land is divided
  2. the world they live in
  3. an all knowing creature
  4. faeries made of hate and rot

11 Clues: guy Feyre killswhere Feyre huntsthe main characterthe world they live inhow the land is dividedan all knowing creatureher best friend and maidthe lord of the night courtfaeries made of hate and rota festival for the high lordsthe main love interest, lord of the spring court

Sunday School-Grade 3 2021-03-06

Sunday School-Grade 3 crossword puzzle
  1. The Brother of Martha and Mary of Bethany
  2. _____obey your parents in the Lord
  3. "Blessed are those who not seen yet____
  4. The place where Jesus was crucified
  5. The More you take the more you leave behind.
  6. My Lord and My God
  7. He was fully obedient to God the Father
  1. What has many keys but can't open doors
  2. 40 days after Jesus Ressurected
  3. Where does Friday come before Thursday
  4. What word is spelt wrong in the dictionary
  5. What has a face and two hands but no arms
  6. The Holy Spirit in tongues of fire
  7. I can fill a room, but I take up no space.
  8. Personal pentecost
  9. ____ Your Father and Mother

16 Clues: Personal pentecostMy Lord and My God____ Your Father and Mother40 days after Jesus RessurectedThe Holy Spirit in tongues of fire_____obey your parents in the LordThe place where Jesus was crucifiedWhere does Friday come before ThursdayWhat has many keys but can't open doors"Blessed are those who not seen yet____...

Famous Scriptures 2012-10-12

Famous Scriptures crossword puzzle
  1. The Ten Commandments
  2. I can do all things through Christ...
  3. But without faith it is impossible to please him...
  4. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want...
  1. But Seek ye first the kingdom of God
  2. But they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength
  3. For God so loved the world...
  4. Trust in the Lord with all your heart...
  5. This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
  6. You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you

10 Clues: The Ten CommandmentsFor God so loved the world...But Seek ye first the kingdom of GodI can do all things through Christ...Trust in the Lord with all your heart...The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want...But without faith it is impossible to please him...But they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength...

Nephi Review 2013-10-03

Nephi Review crossword puzzle
  1. One of Nephi's little brothers born in the wilderness
  2. father of daughters who became wives to Nephi and his brothers
  3. God of Israel
  4. Last name of the President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
  5. the name of a place which also represents wickedness and worldliness
  6. an OT prophet who is quoted by Jesus
  7. They turn their ___ aside
  1. Middle name of President Monson
  2. Dieter F
  3. seriousness
  4. the name the Lord gave to Abraham's grandson
  5. OT prophet referred to in the B of M
  6. a type of compass or director that was used by Nephi and Lehi
  7. the Lord promised to restore the Gospel and ____ Israel in the latter days.
  8. there is always a point of safe return; there is always ___.

15 Clues: Dieter FseriousnessGod of IsraelThey turn their ___ asideMiddle name of President MonsonOT prophet referred to in the B of Man OT prophet who is quoted by Jesusthe name the Lord gave to Abraham's grandsonOne of Nephi's little brothers born in the wildernessthere is always a point of safe return; there is always ___....

romeo and juliet 2012-12-17

romeo and juliet crossword puzzle
  1. juliets servant
  2. the one who weds romeo and jliet
  3. head of household at fed with montagues
  4. lord montagues son
  5. prince of verona
  1. head of household at feud with capulets
  2. kinsmen to the prince friend of romeo
  3. paris's servant
  4. romeos servant
  5. the one who is supposed to marry juliet
  6. lord caplets daughter

11 Clues: romeos servantjuliets servantparis's servantprince of veronalord montagues sonlord caplets daughterthe one who weds romeo and jlietkinsmen to the prince friend of romeohead of household at feud with capuletshead of household at fed with montaguesthe one who is supposed to marry juliet

Fossils 2022-03-24

Fossils crossword puzzle
  1. Fossils that form in sedimentary rock
  2. a fossil copy of the original organism or trace
  3. the rock layer closest to the surface is the
  4. geologic time scale tracks earths -------------- year history
  5. a fossil of an organism footprint, burrows, or other features
  6. fossils remains preserved in amber,tar pits,or, ice
  7. remains or impression of prehistoric organisms
  1. Organsims that are buried quickly after death
  2. preserving fossils to last a long time
  3. age the absolute age of a prehistoric rock
  4. knowing hold on something is by counting rings
  5. an impression left by an organism's body or trace

12 Clues: Fossils that form in sedimentary rockpreserving fossils to last a long timeage the absolute age of a prehistoric rockthe rock layer closest to the surface is theOrgansims that are buried quickly after deathknowing hold on something is by counting ringsremains or impression of prehistoric organismsa fossil copy of the original organism or trace...

cwp-64be6b837f9633521df2561ae4d61a007f 2023-07-25

cwp-64be6b837f9633521df2561ae4d61a007f crossword puzzle
  1. To perform the mercy promised ... and to remember his holy ___
  2. In ___ and righteousness before him, all the days of our life.
  3. And when the days of her ___ according to the law of Moses were ...
  4. ... they perceived that he had seen a vision ... for he ... remained ___
  5. And he shall reign over the house of ___ for ever ...
  6. ... to make ready a ___ prepared for the Lord.
  1. And all went to be ___, every one into his own city.
  2. ... wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s ___?
  3. Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy ___
  4. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the ___ ___
  5. ... his lot was to burn ___ when he went into the temple of the Lord.
  6. ... as they returned, the child Jesus ___ behind in Jerusalem ...

12 Clues: ... to make ready a ___ prepared for the Lord.And all went to be ___, every one into his own city.... wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s ___?And he shall reign over the house of ___ for ever ...To perform the mercy promised ... and to remember his holy ___In ___ and righteousness before him, all the days of our life....

Mission of Lord Jesus 2021-04-24

Mission of Lord Jesus crossword puzzle
  1. "Man can't live on bread _____"
  2. It was Jesus' custom to go to this place on the Sabbath Day.
  3. Jesus preached at the synagogue in __________.
  4. Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by the _____.
  5. "Proclaim the acceptable year of the ________"
  6. Jesus faced these obstacles in the wilderness.
  7. The Holy Spirit appeared in this form at Jesus' baptism.
  1. Jesus passed this number of days in the wilderness.
  2. Jesus reads from this book before His sermon at Nazareth.
  3. This Gospel records Jesus' sermon at Nazareth
  4. Jesus was baptised in this river.
  5. According to the prophecy of Isaiah, Jesus came to proclaim recovering of _____ to the blind.
  6. Jesus came to give _________ to the captives; another word for release.
  7. Jesus was baptised by this saint.
  8. In the third temptation, the devil took Jesus to this place.
  9. "Thou art my Beloved ___; with thee I am well pleased."

16 Clues: "Man can't live on bread _____"Jesus was baptised in this river.Jesus was baptised by this saint.This Gospel records Jesus' sermon at NazarethJesus preached at the synagogue in __________."Proclaim the acceptable year of the ________"Jesus faced these obstacles in the wilderness.Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by the _____....

Medieval Vocabulary 2021-11-21

Medieval Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a piece of land
  2. man who held land directly from the king
  3. social _____ is a group of people with similar levels of wealth
  4. _____ social class is when people cannot move between social classes
  5. social ______ is the movement of people between different social classes
  6. owned by a Lord and run by serfs or peasants
  1. social _____ is a system where people are ranked by social class
  2. a system of government based on landowners and tenants
  3. person who gave his support and loyalty to his lord in exchange for fief
  4. a servant or laborer of olden times who was treated as part of the land
  5. head of the Roman Catholic Church

11 Clues: a piece of landhead of the Roman Catholic Churchman who held land directly from the kingowned by a Lord and run by serfs or peasantsa system of government based on landowners and tenantssocial _____ is a group of people with similar levels of wealthsocial _____ is a system where people are ranked by social class...

Crossword of The Book of Judges 2024-03-08

Crossword of The Book of Judges crossword puzzle
  1. When they reached the edge of camp, what did they do? (Both)
  2. What did the Benjaminites fail to do? (Three)
  3. Who was the judge who came after Ehud?
  4. What did Manasseh fail to do? (Three)
  5. Where did they live?
  6. What was Benjamins tribe called?
  7. Why did the lord leave the Israelites with the other nations? (Both)
  8. What did the Danites fail to do? (Four)
  9. What was the source of his power?
  10. What would arouse gods anger? (Both)
  1. What did the Asherites Fail to do? (Seven)
  2. How did Ehud get away? (Three)
  3. What did the people do after the judges died? (Both)
  4. What did he do to the Philistines (Three)
  5. How many years were the Israelites subject to Eglon?
  6. What would the lord do in his anger? (Both)
  7. How did Ehud kill Eglon king of Moab?
  8. Who had just died?
  9. What was the name of Dans tribe?
  10. What was the name of Ashers tribe?

20 Clues: Who had just died?Where did they live?How did Ehud get away? (Three)What was Benjamins tribe called?What was the name of Dans tribe?What was the source of his power?What was the name of Ashers tribe?What would arouse gods anger? (Both)How did Ehud kill Eglon king of Moab?What did Manasseh fail to do? (Three)Who was the judge who came after Ehud?...

Crossword of The Book of Judges 2024-03-08

Crossword of The Book of Judges crossword puzzle
  1. When they reached the edge of camp, what did they do? (Both)
  2. What did the Benjaminites fail to do? (Three)
  3. Who was the judge who came after Ehud?
  4. What did Manasseh fail to do? (Three)
  5. Where did they live?
  6. What was Benjamins tribe called?
  7. Why did the lord leave the Israelites with the other nations? (Both)
  8. What did the Danites fail to do? (Four)
  9. What was the source of his power?
  10. What would arouse gods anger? (Both)
  1. What did the Asherites Fail to do? (Seven)
  2. How did Ehud get away? (Three)
  3. What did the people do after the judges died? (Both)
  4. What did he do to the Philistines (Three)
  5. How many years were the Israelites subject to Eglon?
  6. What would the lord do in his anger? (Both)
  7. How did Ehud kill Eglon king of Moab?
  8. Who had just died?
  9. What was the name of Dans tribe?
  10. What was the name of Ashers tribe?

20 Clues: Who had just died?Where did they live?How did Ehud get away? (Three)What was Benjamins tribe called?What was the name of Dans tribe?What was the source of his power?What was the name of Ashers tribe?What would arouse gods anger? (Both)How did Ehud kill Eglon king of Moab?What did Manasseh fail to do? (Three)Who was the judge who came after Ehud?...

First Samurai Government 2023-02-03

First Samurai Government crossword puzzle
  1. Kamakura and its warriors were bound by a _____ system.
  2. The vassal gives his loyalty to the lord, and the lord gives back _____ and rewards such as land.
  3. Each Shugo took care of a _____.
  4. The Imperial Family had the most _____ blood of all.
  5. Each _____ was given a piece of land.
  6. The _____ Court was in Kyoto.
  7. The Shugo were _____ governors.
  8. Shogun became the title of the _____ of Kamakura, and for the rest of the Kamakura Period.
  9. Yoritomo was the only shogun that held real _____ and used it.
  10. A jitō could break local laws and the _____ could do nothing about it except open a lawsuit.
  11. Jitō _____ their powers and broke laws and bullied the locals all the time.
  12. If you came from a ____ status house, the sky was the limit, you could marry into the Imperial Family.
  13. The _____ tried to stay out of the Court’s hair unless it was really necessary.
  14. Most of _____’s influence was in the west.
  15. The _____, or the Board of Administration, was the most important.
  16. People sent endless _____ to Kamakura.
  17. The _____ was the Bureau of Investigation.
  18. Jitō collected taxes, managed the land, and served as local _____.
  19. The lord-vassal relationship was supposed to be a relationship that _____ both sides.
  20. The samurai _____ was the Board of Samurai.
  21. Yoritomo never intended for the shogun title to be the symbol of _____.
  22. Direct vassals of the shogun were very high _____.
  23. The shogunate rewarded its _____ with Jitō positions, giving them land to manage and collect income from.
  24. If you listen to your heart and work hard, you too can become _____.
  1. The _____ and Shugo had a lot of the same duties.
  2. It was a _____ marketing network of samurai leaders and vassals, with the shogun at the top.
  3. The Hōjō clan ruled as regents to mostly _____ shoguns.
  4. The man who came out the winner in the war was _____ no Yoritomo.
  5. It was the Hōjō clan that _____ the title of shogun with gold.
  6. When you hear the word _____, you automatically think of powers passed down within a family.
  7. The first _____ government in Japan was founded in 1185, after a civil war.
  8. Yoritomo was legitimate because he came from the main branch of the _____.
  9. The shogun eventually became a _____.
  10. The jitō were land _____.
  11. The Hōjō realized that the next best thing was being _____.
  12. Why did _____ agree to share power?
  13. The military _____ was in Kamakura.
  14. At some point, the Hōjō clan sneaked in the _____, or the Board of Councillors.
  15. When the boy grew old enough to learn _____, they kicked him out of office and found another boy.
  16. The _____ was the head of this new military government.
  17. Which _____ you were born to pretty much determined your life and your career.
  18. Now this chart makes it look like there was clear _____ of powers between the different parts of the government.
  19. Most of _____’s influence was in the east.
  20. If you came from a low status house, you married into some other _____ house.
  21. The lord-vassal relationship was a _____ contract that both sides had to honor.

45 Clues: The jitō were land _____.The _____ Court was in Kyoto.The Shugo were _____ governors.Each Shugo took care of a _____.Why did _____ agree to share power?The military _____ was in Kamakura.Each _____ was given a piece of land.The shogun eventually became a _____.People sent endless _____ to Kamakura.Most of _____’s influence was in the west....

Crossword of The Book of Judges 2024-03-08

Crossword of The Book of Judges crossword puzzle
  1. When they reached the edge of camp, what did they do? (Both)
  2. What did the Benjaminites fail to do? (Three)
  3. Who was the judge who came after Ehud?
  4. What did Manasseh fail to do? (Three)
  5. Where did they live?
  6. What was Benjamins tribe called?
  7. Why did the lord leave the Israelites with the other nations? (Both)
  8. What did the Danites fail to do? (Four)
  9. What was the source of his power?
  10. What would arouse gods anger? (Both)
  1. What did the Asherites Fail to do? (Seven)
  2. How did Ehud get away? (Three)
  3. What did the people do after the judges died? (Both)
  4. What did he do to the Philistines (Three)
  5. How many years were the Israelites subject to Eglon?
  6. What would the lord do in his anger? (Both)
  7. How did Ehud kill Eglon king of Moab?
  8. Who had just died?
  9. What was the name of Dans tribe?
  10. What was the name of Ashers tribe?

20 Clues: Who had just died?Where did they live?How did Ehud get away? (Three)What was Benjamins tribe called?What was the name of Dans tribe?What was the source of his power?What was the name of Ashers tribe?What would arouse gods anger? (Both)How did Ehud kill Eglon king of Moab?What did Manasseh fail to do? (Three)Who was the judge who came after Ehud?...

Crossword of The Book of Judges 2024-03-08

Crossword of The Book of Judges crossword puzzle
  1. When they reached the edge of camp, what did they do? (Both)
  2. What did the Benjaminites fail to do? (Three)
  3. Who was the judge who came after Ehud?
  4. What did Manasseh fail to do? (Three)
  5. Where did they live?
  6. What was Benjamins tribe called?
  7. Why did the lord leave the Israelites with the other nations? (Both)
  8. What did the Danites fail to do? (Four)
  9. What was the source of his power?
  10. What would arouse gods anger? (Both)
  1. What did the Asherites Fail to do? (Seven)
  2. How did Ehud get away? (Three)
  3. What did the people do after the judges died? (Both)
  4. What did he do to the Philistines (Three)
  5. How many years were the Israelites subject to Eglon?
  6. What would the lord do in his anger? (Both)
  7. How did Ehud kill Eglon king of Moab?
  8. Who had just died?
  9. What was the name of Dans tribe?
  10. What was the name of Ashers tribe?

20 Clues: Who had just died?Where did they live?How did Ehud get away? (Three)What was Benjamins tribe called?What was the name of Dans tribe?What was the source of his power?What was the name of Ashers tribe?What would arouse gods anger? (Both)How did Ehud kill Eglon king of Moab?What did Manasseh fail to do? (Three)Who was the judge who came after Ehud?...

Key terms and vocab Chapter 5 2022-06-21

Key terms and vocab Chapter 5 crossword puzzle
  1. Chief _________ organized First Nations groups to oppose the British takeover of New France
  2. the battle of the plains of _________
  3. Kicking someone out of the country
  4. And what does the Lord require of you? to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
  5. Formal public statement
  6. the process of becoming part of a different cultural group
  7. Destroying that which is right and good in the eyes of the Lord. Sometimes it is also defined as the quality of being unfair.
  8. Armed combat between two or more countries or between different groups of people within the same country.
  9. British establish the Quebec Act of 1774 which gives lots more rights to the French and takes away land from the _________.
  1. to not think too highly of oneself
  2. the removal of eleven thousand Acadians from Acadia by Britain, starting in 1755. Britain took the Acadians’ land, homes and other possessions.
  3. In 1713 the treaty of _________ is signed
  4. Disregard for the needs of others. Purposeful harm in all its’ forms.
  5. Thinking you are more important than, or do not need, others or God
  6. the 1763 agreement between Britain and France that ended the Seven Years’ War, in which France gave up nearly all its claims in North America in favour of Guadeloupe.
  7. The French had settled there and lived there for over a hundred years.
  8. In 1730, the Acadians sign the __________
  9. Restoring that which is right and good in the eyes of the Lord. Sometimes it is also defined as the quality of being fair.
  10. a place whose physical location makes it important or valuable, often for military reasons

19 Clues: Formal public statementto not think too highly of oneselfKicking someone out of the countrythe battle of the plains of _________In 1713 the treaty of _________ is signedIn 1730, the Acadians sign the __________the process of becoming part of a different cultural groupThinking you are more important than, or do not need, others or God...

cwp-63e230510cdb65e9dfe1349efcd187f4e3 2023-03-07

cwp-63e230510cdb65e9dfe1349efcd187f4e3 crossword puzzle
  1. And they immediately left the ship and their father, and ___ him.
  2. ... Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his ___ straight.
  3. ... Out of Egypt have I called my ___
  4. ... the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the ___ of the world ...
  5. ... he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with ___
  6. And saying, ___ ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
  7. And the same John had his raiment of camel’s hair, and a leathern girdle about his ___
  8. And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the ___ of the kingdom ...
  9. Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to ___ unto John, to be baptized of him.
  10. ... and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their ___
  11. And were baptized of him in Jordan, ___ their sins.
  1. But when Herod was dead, behold, an angel of the Lord appeareth in a dream to ___ in Egypt,
  2. In Rama was there a voice heard, ___, and weeping, and great mourning ...
  3. Bring forth therefore ___ meet for repentance:
  4. ... therefore every tree which bringeth not forth ___ ___ is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
  5. Then Joseph being raised from ___ did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife:
  6. ... they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and ___ ___, and worshipped him:
  7. When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into ___
  8. ... notwithstanding, being ___ of God in a dream, he turned aside into the parts of Galilee:
  9. ... and to them which sat in the region and ___ of death light is sprung up.

20 Clues: ... Out of Egypt have I called my ___Bring forth therefore ___ meet for repentance:And were baptized of him in Jordan, ___ their sins.And saying, ___ ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.... Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his ___ straight.... he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with ___...

Spelling 2020-05-20

Spelling crossword puzzle
  1. Kids play with
  2. breaking something
  3. A range of possibilities
  4. Very hot
  5. male
  6. Make a mess
  7. travel
  1. wet
  2. A type of phone
  3. Happy
  4. Concentric rings
  5. give work to someone
  6. Wrapping paper
  7. Front of the house
  8. Dirt
  9. Irritate

16 Clues: wetmaleDirtHappytravelVery hotIrritateMake a messKids play withWrapping paperA type of phoneConcentric ringsbreaking somethingFront of the housegive work to someoneA range of possibilities

Attributes of Allah 2021-10-18

Attributes of Allah crossword puzzle
  1. The Speaker
  2. The Lord of Majesty and Bounty
  3. The Patient
  4. The Lord of Thorne
  5. The Ultimate Survivor
  1. The Ultimate Inheritor
  2. The Sufficient
  3. The Director of the Right Path
  4. The Guide
  5. The Unique

10 Clues: The GuideThe UniqueThe SpeakerThe PatientThe SufficientThe Lord of ThorneThe Ultimate SurvivorThe Ultimate InheritorThe Lord of Majesty and BountyThe Director of the Right Path

Godly character traits 2022-02-24

Godly character traits crossword puzzle
  1. loving others who are different from us
  2. doing what is right regardless of your peers' choices
  3. deliberately controlling our impulses
  4. doing what is right even when no one is watching
  5. having a heart for others
  6. keeping going
  7. guiding others for God's glory
  8. remaining hopeful
  9. doing what is right and good in the eyes of the Lord
  10. having a strong belief that stands firm in the face of opposition
  11. others can count on you
  12. love sincerely caring for others
  13. obeying your parents, loving adults, and teachers
  1. being aware of our actions (deliberate)
  2. the ability to wait without complaining
  3. acting in a way that is just
  4. to distinguish
  5. loving yourself
  6. individual choice or judgement
  7. bravery
  8. revering the Lord and his commands
  9. honesty
  10. showing firm, faithful support
  11. being nice and accepting

24 Clues: braveryhonestykeeping goingto distinguishloving yourselfremaining hopefulothers can count on youbeing nice and acceptinghaving a heart for othersacting in a way that is justindividual choice or judgementguiding others for God's gloryshowing firm, faithful supportrevering the Lord and his commandsdeliberately controlling our impulses...