math Crossword Puzzles

math 2024-06-02

math crossword puzzle
  1. geometrinė objekto savybė, trimatės erdvės dalis, kurią objektas užima.
  2. matematikos šaka, tirianti veiksmų su įvairiais dydžiais bendrąsias savybes, nepriklausomas nuo tų dydžių kilmės.
  3. plokščios figūros riba (siena) arba apskritimo, daugiakampio ar kito uždaro kontūro ilgis.
  4. begalinio ilgio ir plonumo linija
  5. tikslusis mokslas, kuriame efektyviai panaudojami duomenys iš gautų bandymų ir eksperimentų.
  6. seniausia matematikos sritis, nagrinėjanti veiksmus su skaičiais bei jų savybes.plotas matas, nusakantis tam tikro erdvės regiono dydį
  7. geometrijos šaka, tyrinėjanti sąryšius tarp kampų ir kraštinių geometrinėse figūrose.
  8. Matematikoje naudojami ____ gali būti natūralūs (skaičiai kurie prasideda nuo vieneto ir tęsiasi iki begalybės.
  9. atkarpa, jungianti apskritimo centrą su bet kuriuo jo tašku.
  10. Matematikos veiksmas kuriame vienas skaičius atimamas iš kito
  11. trimatė vientisa geometrinė figūra, sudaryta iš šešių kvadratų
  1. pitagoro teoremos kurėjas
  2. griežtų taisyklių, pagal kurias atliekamos operacijos, seka, leidžianti išspręsti matematikos ar logikos uždavinius.
  3. šimtoji kurio nors kiekio ar skaičiaus dalis.
  4. Matematikos šaknis kuri tiria erdvines formas
  5. bet kuris natūralusis skaičius, didesnis nei 1, kuris dalinasi tik iš savęs ir vieneto.
  6. Matematikos veiksmas kurio rezultatas parodo kiek kartų skaičius telpa kitame
  7. ryšys algebroje tarp dviejų dydžių (kiekių).
  8. kažkokia tvarka išrašyta skaičių (arba kitų elementų) aibė.
  9. tai vidutinė požymio reikšmė, nustatyta tiriant skirtingus objektus.
  10. matematinio uždavinio, reikalaujančio rasti argumentų (vadinamų nežinomaisiais) reikšmes, su kuriomis du duoti reiškiniai būtų lygūs, simbolinis užrašas.

21 Clues: pitagoro teoremos kurėjasbegalinio ilgio ir plonumo linijaryšys algebroje tarp dviejų dydžių (kiekių).šimtoji kurio nors kiekio ar skaičiaus dalis.Matematikos šaknis kuri tiria erdvines formaskažkokia tvarka išrašyta skaičių (arba kitų elementų) aibė.atkarpa, jungianti apskritimo centrą su bet kuriuo jo tašku....

Math 2024-06-03

Math crossword puzzle
  1. a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.
  2. all the inhabitants of a particular town, area, or country.
  3. of error a permissible or tolerable degree of deviation from a correct or exact value or target.
  4. a type of data that can be stored into groups or categories with the aid of names or label
  5. a small part or quantity intended to show what the whole is like.
  6. he number of standard deviations a value is from the mean of a given distribution.
  7. facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis.
  8. data represented numerically, including anything that can be counted, measured, or given a numerical value.
  9. a function that represents the distribution of many random variables as a symmetrical bell-shaped graph.
  10. a three-dimensional representation of a person or thing or of a proposed structure, typically on a smaller scale than the original.
  11. a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning
  1. a method of visually representing expectations for some data series.
  2. imitation of a situation or process.
  3. a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact.
  4. the practice or science of collecting and analyzing numerical data in large quantities, especially for the purpose of inferring proportions in a whole from those in a representative sample.
  5. the extent to which something is probable; the likelihood of something happening or being the case.
  6. (of a person or their eyes) look carefully and thoroughly at (someone or something), especially so as to appraise them.
  7. the end or finish of an event or process.
  8. a diagram in which the numerical values of variables are represented by the height or length of lines or rectangles of equal width.
  9. a graph summarising a set of data.
  10. intend to convey, indicate, or refer to (a particular thing or notion); signify.
  11. numerical or other measurable factor forming one of a set that defines a system or sets the conditions of its operation.
  12. data for a normal distribution will fall within three
  13. roughly calculate or judge the value, number, quantity, or extent of.
  14. notice or perceive (something) and register it as being significant.

25 Clues: a graph summarising a set of data.imitation of a situation or process.the end or finish of an event or for a normal distribution will fall within threeall the inhabitants of a particular town, area, or country.a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoninga small part or quantity intended to show what the whole is like....

CP1 - Unit 7.03/7.04 (Strings/Math classes) Crossword 2013-12-17

CP1 - Unit 7.03/7.04 (Strings/Math classes) Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. function that will concatenate (merge) strings
  2. function that returns a Boolean value (true or false) after comparing the values of two strings
  3. function that returns a copy of the string in lowercase
  4. upper function returns a copy of the string in uppercase
  5. function in the Math class that find the sign of a number
  6. the class in Visual that gives the programmer access to basic string manipulations
  7. function that removes all leading and trailing blanks from the string
  8. An object accesses a member of its class with a ______between the object name and the member name
  1. the class in Visual Basic that gives the programmer access to basic math functions
  2. when a class is used to create a variable, the variable is called this
  3. classes include properties and methods called ______
  4. function in the Math class that finds the absolute value of a number
  5. function in the Math class that finds the square root of a number
  6. property to obtain the length of a string
  7. function in the Math class the rounds a number to a specified decimal place

15 Clues: property to obtain the length of a stringfunction that will concatenate (merge) stringsclasses include properties and methods called ______function that returns a copy of the string in lowercaseupper function returns a copy of the string in uppercasefunction in the Math class that find the sign of a number...

YHIMS Teachers 2015-10-01

YHIMS Teachers crossword puzzle
  1. 7th grade Science teacher
  2. 8th grade International teacher
  3. 7th grade English teacher
  4. 9th grade English teacher
  5. 8th grade English teacher
  6. 9th grade Science teacher
  7. 8th grade Science teacher
  8. 9th grade Math teacher
  1. 8th grade Math teacher
  2. 7th grade Math teacher
  3. 9th Social Study teacher
  4. 7th grade Social Studies teacher
  5. 8th grade Social Study teacher
  6. 7th grade International teacher
  7. 9th grade International teacher

15 Clues: 8th grade Math teacher7th grade Math teacher9th grade Math teacher9th Social Study teacher7th grade Science teacher7th grade English teacher9th grade English teacher8th grade English teacher9th grade Science teacher8th grade Science teacher8th grade Social Study teacher8th grade International teacher7th grade International teacher...

meow [7/6 homework choice 1] 2024-03-21

meow [7/6 homework choice 1] crossword puzzle
  1. two angles that do NOT share a common side
  2. a math sentence
  3. uppermost layer of something
  4. a closed two dimensional shape
  5. two side by side angles which share a common side
  6. used to help simplify algebra terms and equations
  7. a pair of angles that have the same vertex and are on opposite sides of two intersecting lines.
  1. when the sum of two angles is equal to 90°
  2. a math statement which is part of a "math sentence"
  3. a mathematical relationship expressed in symbols
  4. math tool, used to measure degrees of an angle
  5. an angle of 180°
  6. the space between two intersecting lines
  7. angles which sum up to 180°
  8. the lowest part of something, the foundation of a building
  9. examples include letters, such as x, p or g
  10. a 90° angle in a corner
  11. the amount of space inside of a shape

18 Clues: a math sentencean angle of 180°a 90° angle in a cornerangles which sum up to 180°uppermost layer of somethinga closed two dimensional shapethe amount of space inside of a shapethe space between two intersecting lineswhen the sum of two angles is equal to 90°two angles that do NOT share a common sideexamples include letters, such as x, p or g...

Calc Crossword 2024-03-26

Calc Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. integrate by _____
  2. opposite of integral
  3. something we did in the beginning of the year
  4. stufano who's our teacher?
  5. rule rule used in deriving
  6. rule similar to simpsons, 222
  7. integral integral without a flat line
  8. same as above, different ending
  9. more specifically what type of math?
  10. problem long math problem using words
  1. another word for interals
  2. 4242 rule
  3. integral integral with a flat line
  4. opposite of derivatives
  5. integrate using ____
  6. what subject is this?
  7. y=mx+b is a type of ____

17 Clues: 4242 ruleintegrate by _____opposite of integralintegrate using ____what subject is this?opposite of derivativesy=mx+b is a type of ____another word for interalsstufano who's our teacher?rule rule used in derivingrule similar to simpsons, 222same as above, different endingintegral integral with a flat linemore specifically what type of math?...

Best Class EVER! 2023-06-06

Best Class EVER! crossword puzzle
  1. dino-lover
  2. this student is a middle child, with an older sister and younger brother, Billy
  3. the last name of the woman known as "crazy"
  4. the race Ava recently competed in
  5. class artist
  6. future president, kind-hearted, & knowledgeable about history
  7. her mom planned a party with a spoon relay race
  1. retiring
  2. Mrs. Bittinger
  3. our class Math 24 champion
  4. his name is a city in this state
  5. Happy Birthday on April Fools Day
  6. Elena's favorite sport
  7. so helpful with Reader's Theatre
  8. Mr. Math
  9. D-Day expert
  10. so helpful in Math
  11. the season before winter

18 Clues: retiringMr. Mathdino-loverD-Day expertclass artistMrs. Bittingerso helpful in MathElena's favorite sportthe season before winterour class Math 24 championhis name is a city in this stateso helpful with Reader's TheatreHappy Birthday on April Fools Daythe race Ava recently competed inthe last name of the woman known as "crazy"...

math 2021-05-21

math crossword puzzle
  1. area, some of the area of the 2 bases and lateral faces
  2. value, the lowest value of data
  3. is a measure of the likelihood that a specific event will occur
  4. the value that occurs most frequently
  5. events, Two or more simple events that occur ex. rolling two dice
  6. result from the experiment
  7. quartile, a median of the upper half
  8. a sample of individuals or groups from the population are represented in the sample
  9. plot, a way to organize data into four sections
  10. amount of space occupied by a 3-D figure
  11. value, the highest value of data
  12. a certain desired outcome
  13. you add all the numbers and divide it by 2 to find it
  14. quartile, a median of the lower half
  15. a 3-dimensional figure with two congruent and parallel faces called bases
  1. an investigation, or a procedure with varying results ex. rolling a die
  2. a sample of individuals or groups from the population is not represented in the sample.
  3. probability is the probability of an event
  4. outcomes, all possible from an event
  5. 4 sections that make up the box plot each section 25% of the data
  6. the difference between the biggest number and smallest number
  7. space, the set of all possible outcomes
  8. the very middle number

23 Clues: the very middle numbera certain desired outcomeresult from the experimentvalue, the lowest value of datavalue, the highest value of dataoutcomes, all possible from an eventquartile, a median of the upper halfquartile, a median of the lower halfthe value that occurs most frequentlyspace, the set of all possible outcomes...

Math 2022-05-20

Math crossword puzzle
  1. The unit of weight measurement in the metric system
  2. The number that appears the most in a set of numbers
  3. A number or quantity that influences the
  4. The distance of a curved surface
  5. A place holder that may be subject to change
  6. A number that occurs constantly in an equation
  7. To calculate the length or radius of an object or shape
  8. The amount of area in a 3rd figure
  9. The degree between to connecting lines
  10. The middle number in a set of statistics
  11. The sum of the measurement of a 2d figure
  12. The center of a plane
  13. A measurement of weight similar to a pound in the Metric system
  14. The side perpendicular
  15. the highest number minus the lowest number in a set of numbers
  16. The average of a set of statistics
  17. A square on a plane with an X and Y axis
  1. Two lines that will never intersect
  2. A unit of measurement most used in angles
  3. The number below the line in fractions
  4. The sum of the boundary of a figure
  5. A number that is not a fraction or decimal except 0
  6. List of numbers showing an equation
  7. The steepness of a line
  8. The number above the line in fractions
  9. A line on a graph having 1 independent and dependent variable.
  10. the The distance between each end of a circle
  11. The measurement of the center to the outline of a shape
  12. The sides of a shape being equal in length
  13. The symbol that states that 2 numbers aren't equal to on another

30 Clues: The center of a planeThe side perpendicularThe steepness of a lineThe distance of a curved surfaceThe amount of area in a 3rd figureThe average of a set of statisticsTwo lines that will never intersectThe sum of the boundary of a figureList of numbers showing an equationThe number below the line in fractionsThe degree between to connecting lines...

math 2022-05-23

math crossword puzzle
  1. A relationship or expression involving one or more variables
  2. A numerical quantity that is not a whole number
  3. Of an ordered pair of numbers A and B written A/B where B does not = to 0
  4. A ratio that compares two different quantities which have different units
  5. Numerical measure of a line's inclination relative to the horizontal
  6. Property You can change the grouping of the numbers in the problem and it won't affect the answer
  7. Consisting of one term
  8. To divide something or give a share or part of something
  9. A number or algebraic expression that divides another number or expression evenly
  10. Expression that only has numbers. Their value is always the same
  11. Whole-valued positive or negative number or 0
  1. The point where lines cross the y-axis
  2. A point of reference on a graph known as (0,0)
  3. A mathematical rule or relationship that uses letters to represent amounts which can be changed
  4. A set of values that show an exact position
  5. A mathematics expression consisting of two terms
  6. Value The non-negative value of x without regard to its sign
  7. Used in mathematical expressions to denote modifications to the normal order of operations
  8. A straight one-dimension figure having no thickness and extending infinitely in both directions
  9. The amount of space within the perimeter of a 2d shape

20 Clues: Consisting of one termThe point where lines cross the y-axisA set of values that show an exact positionWhole-valued positive or negative number or 0A point of reference on a graph known as (0,0)A numerical quantity that is not a whole numberA mathematics expression consisting of two termsThe amount of space within the perimeter of a 2d shape...

Math 2022-05-19

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Only 3D shape that doesn't have a lateral area. Uses 4/3πr³ to find the volume.
  2. Uses πrl for lateral area. For volume it uses ⅓ πr²h
  3. Only has one base, and all triangles come from each edge that connect at one point at the top. To find the lateral area use
  4. Used to calculate the area of a circle. Has an infinite number of digits.
  5. Its the incline from a horizontal or vertical line; slant up or down. To find it use rise over run.
  6. Is a 3D shape with 6 faces. All faces are squares.
  7. the trigonometric function is equal to the ratio of the side opposite a given angle (in a right triangle) to the hypotenuse. Opposite over hypotenuse.
  8. the trigonometric function that is equal to the ratio of the side adjacent to an acute angle (in a right-angled triangle) to the hypotenuse. Adjacent over hypotenuse
  9. A straight line or plane that touches a curve or curved surface at a point, but if extended does not cross it at that point. Always creates a right angle.
  10. It is a 2D shape. Only has 3 sides.
  11. The area of all the side except for the base. Doesn’t include the base.
  1. Uses ph to find the lateral area. Has two bases
  2. Two circle bases. Has a volume formula of πr²h.
  3. The distance around the edge of a shape. Uses addition
  4. The area of all the sides of a 3D figure. Includes the base.
  5. Has a single circle base. Has 1/3 of the room of a cylinders.
  6. The intersection point of two sides of a plane figure. The highest point; the top or apex.
  7. a polygon with 5 sides. Also has 5 angles
  8. the amount of space within the perimeter of a 2D shape. Uses multiplication.
  9. the amount of space that a substance or object occupies. The amount of space inside an enclosed area

20 Clues: It is a 2D shape. Only has 3 sides.a polygon with 5 sides. Also has 5 anglesUses ph to find the lateral area. Has two basesTwo circle bases. Has a volume formula of πr²h.Is a 3D shape with 6 faces. All faces are squares.Uses πrl for lateral area. For volume it uses ⅓ πr²hThe distance around the edge of a shape. Uses addition...

Math 2022-05-20

Math crossword puzzle
  1. what is the term for total of shares issued by corporation?
  2. what do you do to distribute the same amount of cookies to a group of kids?
  3. register Used to document transactions
  4. a amount representing the power to which a number of expression is to be raised.
  5. what is the term for Late fees and over limit fees
  6. A business owned by one person
  7. what it called when you get no down payment, interest or periodic payments?
  8. money used to start business
  9. what is a person who shares stocks and can be purchased through?
  1. what is the term for someone responsible of the business
  2. Purchasing something not paid for immediately
  3. Person who agrees to pay back money if borrower does not
  4. what is the total value of the company’s shares?
  5. how do you calculate the sum of a group of numbers?
  6. ordered numbers least to greatest to find the ?
  7. To find the____ pick out the number that occurs the mos frequent.
  8. Person who uses credit
  9. person that extends credit
  10. what is the term for flat fee or commission?
  11. what is the term for adding all the data up and dividing the amount of numbers?
  12. what builds credit and deposits amount of money that will come back to you when closing if used card responsible?
  13. who’s the best math teacher ?
  14. money made after all expenses are paid

23 Clues: Person who uses creditperson that extends creditmoney used to start businesswho’s the best math teacher ?A business owned by one personmoney made after all expenses are paidregister Used to document transactionswhat is the term for flat fee or commission?Purchasing something not paid for immediatelyordered numbers least to greatest to find the ?...

Math 2022-05-20

Math crossword puzzle
  1. what builds credit and deposits amount of money that will come back to you when closing if used card responsible?
  2. money made after all expenses are paid
  3. ordered numbers least to greatest to find the ?
  4. the average of how far each # is from the mean.
  5. who’s the best math teacher ?
  6. what is the total value of the company’s shares?
  7. To find the____ pick out the number that occurs the mos frequent.
  8. what is the term for flat fee or commission?
  9. what is the term for adding all the data up and dividing the amount of numbers?
  10. what is the term for Late fees and over limit fees
  11. what is a person who shares stocks and can be purchased through?
  12. Person who uses credit
  1. A business owned by one person
  2. what do you do to distribute the same amount of cookies to a group of kids?
  3. register Used to document transactions
  4. what is the term for someone responsible of the business
  5. money used to start business
  6. Purchasing something not paid for immediately
  7. what it called when you get no down payment, interest or periodic payments?
  8. person that extends credit
  9. what is the term for total of shares issued by corporation?
  10. a amount representing the power to which a number of expression is to be raised.
  11. Person who agrees to pay back money if borrower does not
  12. how do you calculate the sum of a group of numbers?

24 Clues: Person who uses creditperson that extends creditmoney used to start businesswho’s the best math teacher ?A business owned by one personmoney made after all expenses are paidregister Used to document transactionswhat is the term for flat fee or commission?Purchasing something not paid for immediatelyordered numbers least to greatest to find the ?...

Math 2022-05-20

Math crossword puzzle
  1. the average of how far each # is from the mean.
  2. what builds credit and deposits amount of money that will come back to you when closing if used card responsible?
  3. A business owned by one person
  4. money made after all expenses are paid
  5. Purchasing something not paid for immediately
  6. what is the term for Late fees and over limit fees
  7. what it called when you get no down payment, interest or periodic payments?
  8. To find the____ pick out the number that occurs the mos frequent.
  9. what is the term for someone responsible of the business
  10. Person who agrees to pay back money if borrower does not
  11. what is the term for total of shares issued by corporation?
  1. how do you calculate the sum of a group of numbers?
  2. a amount representing the power to which a number of expression is to be raised.
  3. person that extends credit
  4. what do you do to distribute the same amount of cookies to a group of kids?
  5. what is the term for flat fee or commission?
  6. what is the total value of the company’s shares?
  7. ordered numbers least to greatest to find the ?
  8. what is a person who shares stocks and can be purchased through?
  9. what is the term for adding all the data up and dividing the amount of numbers?
  10. who’s the best math teacher ?
  11. Person who uses credit
  12. money used to start business
  13. register Used to document transactions

24 Clues: Person who uses creditperson that extends creditmoney used to start businesswho’s the best math teacher ?A business owned by one personmoney made after all expenses are paidregister Used to document transactionswhat is the term for flat fee or commission?Purchasing something not paid for immediatelythe average of how far each # is from the mean....

Math 2022-06-17

Math crossword puzzle
  1. linearinequality
  2. coordinates
  3. postulate
  4. flowchart
  5. linearfunction
  6. correspondence
  7. probability
  8. deductivereasoning
  9. congruence
  10. inductivereasoning
  1. conditionalstatement
  2. hypothesis
  3. tableofvalues
  4. contrapositive
  5. conclusion
  6. function
  7. theorem
  8. conjecture
  9. relation
  10. directproof

20 Clues: theoremfunctionrelationpostulateflowcharthypothesisconclusionconjecturecongruencecoordinatesprobabilitydirectprooftableofvaluescontrapositivelinearfunctioncorrespondencelinearinequalitydeductivereasoninginductivereasoningconditionalstatement

Math 2022-05-19

Math crossword puzzle
  1. a speed robot that has a half physical shield
  2. the first shield robot
  3. the first robot that shoots bombs and flies with extra resistance
  4. the third robot that was kicked out of the game
  5. jesse 2.0
  6. the robot that speeds up, makes a yellow shield, increases resistance, and firepower
  7. a robot that has homing blackout
  8. the first robot that can stealth
  9. the first robot that shoots out a burning flame and flies with stealth
  10. a tank robot with fangs out
  11. the second robot that was kicked out of the game
  12. the most amount of health lvl 1
  13. the quickest robot
  14. the first robot that was kicked out of the game
  15. a speed robot that relies on speed
  16. the first spider robot with
  17. a tank robot that has a orange shield
  18. the first transformer robot
  19. the tankiest robot in war robots with exra high resistance
  20. a support robot that has a purple shield and teleports to an ally
  21. firestorm ability that destroys enemies
  1. gareth 2.0
  2. flier robot that flies and makes a laser
  3. the weakest robot with 4 weapons
  4. the weakest robot
  5. stealth, jump, and explode
  6. the only robot that can fly forever
  7. a robot that uses blackout and has a low amount of hp and high amount of fire power
  8. the first spider robot
  9. the second to most destructive robot in the game
  10. the first robot with a energy shield
  11. the only robot that can go super high
  12. a self destructive robot
  13. one of the only robot that destroys titans easily
  14. the starter robot
  15. the most violent robot that destroys anything in its path with its purple shield
  16. the biggest robot in game
  17. the first robot with 3 guns

38 Clues: jesse 2.0gareth 2.0the weakest robotthe starter robotthe quickest robotthe first shield robotthe first spider robota self destructive robotthe biggest robot in gamestealth, jump, and explodea tank robot with fangs outthe first spider robot withthe first transformer robotthe first robot with 3 gunsthe most amount of health lvl 1...

Math 2022-06-09

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Average
  2. equation
  3. 90*
  4. multiplication
  5. 0,0
  6. all pancakes
  7. addition
  8. letters
  9. 5:4
  10. its acute
  11. angles
  1. division
  2. flip fractions
  3. all sides
  4. 0-90*
  5. LxW
  6. root multiply by itself
  7. half a diameter
  8. find the answer
  9. 91-180*

20 Clues: 90*LxW0,05:40-90*anglesAverageletters91-180*divisionequationadditionall sidesits acuteall pancakesflip fractionsmultiplicationhalf a diameterfind the answerroot multiply by itself

Math 2022-06-09

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Average
  2. equation
  3. 90*
  4. multiplication
  5. 0,0
  6. all pancakes
  7. addition
  8. letters
  9. 5:4
  10. its acute
  11. angles
  1. division
  2. flip fractions
  3. all sides
  4. 0-90*
  5. LxW
  6. root multiply by itself
  7. half a diameter
  8. find the answer
  9. 91-180*

20 Clues: 90*LxW0,05:40-90*anglesAverageletters91-180*divisionequationadditionall sidesits acuteall pancakesflip fractionsmultiplicationhalf a diameterfind the answerroot multiply by itself

Math 2023-01-03

Math crossword puzzle
  1. 600,000x600,000=
  2. 500,000,00000x500,000,00000=
  3. 30x30=
  4. 90x90=
  5. 700,000x700,000=
  6. 4,000x4,000=
  7. 5,000,0000x5,0000,0000=
  8. 20x20=
  9. 900,000,00000x900,000,00000=
  10. 4,000,0000x4,0000,0000=
  11. 7,000x7,000=
  12. 1,000,0000x1,0000,0000=
  13. 800,000,00000x800,000,00000=
  14. 70,000x70,000=
  15. 100,000,00000x100,000,00000=
  16. 3,000,0000x3,0000,0000=
  17. 50x50=
  18. 300,000,00000x200,000,00000=
  19. 2,000,0000x2,0000,0000=
  20. 800,000x800,000=
  21. 10x10=
  22. 6,000,0000x6,0000,0000=
  23. 60,000x60,000=
  24. 9,000x9x000=
  25. 9,000,0000x9,0000,0000=
  26. 200,000,00000x200,000,00000=
  27. 80x80=
  1. 2,000x2,000=
  2. 200,000x200,000=
  3. 80,000x80,000=
  4. 60x60=
  5. 20,000x20,000=
  6. 900,000x900,000=
  7. 6,000x6,000=
  8. 3,000x3,000=
  9. 500x000x500,000=
  10. 50,000x50,000=
  11. 5,000x5,000=
  12. 700,000,00000x700,000,00000=
  13. 90,000x90,000=
  14. 100,000x100,000=
  15. 7,000,0000x7,0000,0000=
  16. 8,000x8,000=
  17. 10,000x10,000=
  18. 8,000,0000x8,0000,0000=
  19. 40x40=
  20. 600,000,00000x500,000,00000=
  21. 400,000,00000x200,000,00000=
  22. 300,000x300,000=
  23. 30,000x30,000=
  24. 400,000x400,000=
  25. 40,000x40,000=
  26. 70x70=
  27. 1,000x1,000=

54 Clues: 60x60=30x30=90x90=20x20=40x40=50x50=10x10=70x70=80x80=2,000x2,000=6,000x6,000=3,000x3,000=4,000x4,000=5,000x5,000=7,000x7,000=8,000x8,000=9,000x9x000=1,000x1,000=80,000x80,000=20,000x20,000=50,000x50,000=90,000x90,000=10,000x10,000=70,000x70,000=30,000x30,000=40,000x40,000=60,000x60,000=600,000x600,000=200,000x200,000=900,000x900,000=...

Math 2017-03-03

Math crossword puzzle
  1. All possitive number (0.1.2)
  2. The line joining two points on a curve
  3. The middle value in an ordered set of numbers
  4. A^2+ b^2=c^2
  5. 1K= 1000 cm
  6. Dependent and Independent
  7. An angle whose measure equals 90
  8. The side opposite the right angle in a right triangle
  9. An angel whose measure is greater than 90
  10. A way to show data
  1. An equation of franctions ib the form: a/b=c/d
  2. The part of circle limited by arc and chord
  3. A variable that depends on one or more variables
  4. The study of topics such as numbers, structure, space and change
  5. A number of the form a+bi
  6. An angel whose measure is smaller than 90
  7. The line joining two points on a circle and passing though its center
  8. The size of surface
  9. The number which occurs most often in a set of number
  10. Directed line segment
  11. Opposite side divided by hypotenuse
  12. A figure where all sides have an equal length

22 Clues: 1K= 1000 cmA^2+ b^2=c^2A way to show dataThe size of surfaceDirected line segmentA number of the form a+biDependent and IndependentAll possitive number (0.1.2)An angle whose measure equals 90Opposite side divided by hypotenuseThe line joining two points on a curveAn angel whose measure is smaller than 90An angel whose measure is greater than 90...

MATH 2017-05-13

MATH crossword puzzle
  1. 11
  2. 19
  3. 4
  4. 9
  5. 14
  6. 13
  7. 6
  8. 5
  9. 7
  10. 16
  1. 3
  2. 15
  3. 1
  4. 10
  5. 8
  6. 2
  7. 17
  8. 18
  9. 20
  10. 12

20 Clues: 3182496571510111917182012141316

Math 2019-02-06

Math crossword puzzle
  1. 3D version of a triangle
  2. Amount of space within a 3D shape
  3. Branch/type of math
  4. Angular point of a polygon
  5. Combination of letters/numbers that a system of counting uses to represent numbers
  6. Solid figure with many plane faces (usually 6+)
  7. Quadrilateral whose four sides can be grouped into two pair of equal length sides
  8. Solid shape with matching ends
  9. Amount of unit squares that could be contained in a 2D shape
  10. Four sided shape with parallel lines
  11. Quadrilateral with only one pair of parallel sides
  12. Pattern that you can cut and fold to make a 3D shape
  1. Parallelogram with equal sides and opposite angles
  2. What the side of a 3D shape is called
  3. Break down a number/problem
  4. Area of an outer layer
  5. Lines going in opposite directions often times forming a right angle
  6. Three sides shape
  7. Rule expressed in symbols
  8. Type of line segment

20 Clues: Three sides shapeBranch/type of mathType of line segmentArea of an outer layer3D version of a triangleRule expressed in symbolsAngular point of a polygonBreak down a number/problemSolid shape with matching endsAmount of space within a 3D shapeFour sided shape with parallel linesWhat the side of a 3D shape is called...

Math 2020-07-02

Math crossword puzzle
  1. four thousand two hundred fifty
  2. seventeen thousand eight hundred fifty two
  3. seven thousand nine hundred twelve
  4. sixteen thousand six hundred sixty eight
  5. four hundred thirteen
  6. fifty thousand six hundred sixteen
  7. nine thousand two hundred eighteen
  8. four hundred thirty
  9. eighty eight thousand eight hundred eighty eight
  10. five hundred eight
  11. eight hundred seventeen
  12. three thousand three hundred forty five
  13. ten thousand five hundred ninety one
  14. eleven thousand two hundred thirty one
  15. eight hundred seventy
  16. twenty thousand one hundred sixty
  17. three thousand seven hundred sixty two
  18. two thousand eight hundred sixteen
  19. ninety thousand nine hundred two
  1. ninety thousand thirty six
  2. four thousand seven hundred fourteen
  3. six thousand one hundred sixteen
  4. sixty five thousand three hundred eighty five
  5. eighty thousand two hundred sixty three
  6. one hundred seventy three
  7. eight thousand eight hundred fifty
  8. five thousand three hundred eighty
  9. sixty two thousand seven hundred forty
  10. forty five thousand three hundred eighteen
  11. twelve thousand eight hundred fifteen
  12. eighty one thousand six hundred thirty two
  13. four thousand eight
  14. fifty five thousand six hundred seventy two
  15. seventy eight thousand six hundred sixty

34 Clues: five hundred eightfour hundred thirtyfour thousand eightfour hundred thirteeneight hundred seventyeight hundred seventeenone hundred seventy threeninety thousand thirty sixfour thousand two hundred fiftysix thousand one hundred sixteenninety thousand nine hundred twotwenty thousand one hundred sixtyseven thousand nine hundred twelve...

Math 2020-07-14

Math crossword puzzle
  1. space inside
  2. 7 sides
  3. Will never cross
  4. average
  5. (highest to lowest)
  6. will cross but do not make a right angle
  7. distance around
  8. 10 sides
  9. many
  1. part of a whole
  2. most often
  3. 10
  4. %
  5. will cross to make a right anges
  6. 3
  7. each endpoint where 2 sides meet
  8. add
  9. method way to add or subtract with unlike denomonitors
  10. the order of operations
  11. 60 minutes

20 Clues: %310addmany7 sidesaverage10 sidesmost often60 minutesspace insidepart of a wholedistance aroundWill never cross(highest to lowest)the order of operationswill cross to make a right angeseach endpoint where 2 sides meetwill cross but do not make a right anglemethod way to add or subtract with unlike denomonitors

Math 2020-10-15

Math crossword puzzle
  1. the ratio of the distance from the center to the foci (c) and the distance from the center to the vertices (a) of an ellipse
  2. output values of a function
  3. the chord (endpoints are on the parabola) through the focus that is perpendicular to the axis of a parabola
  4. when composition is applied to functions, this is the resulting function
  5. the line through the foci of an ellipse
  6. endpoints of the minor axis of an ellipse
  7. an ellipse wherein the principal axis is vertical
  8. set of points in a plane equidistant from a fixed point (center) and a fixed line (directrix)
  9. all the values that go into a function
  10. endpoints of the major axis of an ellipse
  1. two curves that look like infinite bows
  2. a degenerate case for ellipse and circle
  3. an ellipse that has major and minor axes with equal lengths
  4. line segment perpendicular to the transverse axis through the center of the hyperbola
  5. longest diameter of an ellipse
  6. a degenerate case for a hyperbola
  7. a degenerate case for a parabola
  8. a relation from a set of inputs to a set of possible outputs where each input is related to exactly one output
  9. shortest diameter of an ellipse
  10. when the equation of the ellipse or circle in standard form is equal to a negative number
  11. line segment joining the two vertices in a hyperbola
  12. a set of points on a plane whose sum of distances from two fixed points (foci) is a constant
  13. an ellipse wherein the principal axis is horizontal
  14. Math 5 Teacher of 11-A Class SY 2020-2021
  15. also called as line of symmetry
  16. the very beautiful 11-A Class PIO SY 2020-2021
  17. perpendicular to the axis of symmetry of a parabola and does not touch the parabola

27 Clues: output values of a functionlongest diameter of an ellipseshortest diameter of an ellipsealso called as line of symmetrya degenerate case for a parabolaa degenerate case for a hyperbolaall the values that go into a functiontwo curves that look like infinite bowsthe line through the foci of an ellipsea degenerate case for ellipse and circle...

math 2020-10-31

math crossword puzzle
  1. whole numbers, both positive and negative, including zero
  2. a number that will divide into another number exactly
  3. integers greater than 1 which are only divisible by themselves and 1
  4. the square of the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the two sides
  5. A straight infinite path joining an infinite number of points in both directions
  6. A three-dimensional shape with only one vertex and a circular base
  7. the branch of mathematics that studies the relationships between the sides and the angles of right triangles
  8. The mode in a list of numbers are the values that occur most frequently
  9. A graph that uses bars that equal ranges of values
  10. numbers that can not be represented as decimals or as fractions of one integer over another
  11. An equation that is true for variables of any value
  1. The complete distance around a circle or a square
  2. the factors of the terms
  3. a polynomial algebraic expression or equation with just two terms
  4. an angle whose measure is between 0° and 90° or with less than 90° radians
  5. the ordered pair that gives the location or position of a point on a coordinate plane
  6. a step by step procedure by which an operation can be carried out
  7. number a number with at least one other factor besides itself and one
  8. the study of lines, angles, shapes and their properties
  9. A line that passes through the center of a circle and divides it in half

20 Clues: the factors of the termsThe complete distance around a circle or a squareA graph that uses bars that equal ranges of valuesAn equation that is true for variables of any valuea number that will divide into another number exactlythe study of lines, angles, shapes and their propertieswhole numbers, both positive and negative, including zero...

Math 2020-04-21

Math crossword puzzle
  1. form a partitiom of the sample
  2. probability that two unrelated people share a bday
  3. reasonable arguments from cause to effects
  4. the product of all positive integers less than or equal
  5. reasoning that works from cause to effect
  6. a system of symbols with rules of combinations
  7. same as permutation
  8. sixteen symbols
  9. an experiment can result in n
  10. a selection of objects from a given set inorder
  1. the fundamental block of data that can be processed by a cpu
  2. the set of possible outcomes for an experiment
  3. an event that contains one element of the sample space
  4. if any experiment can result in any n
  5. the smallest unit of data storage with a vaule of 0 or 1
  6. plural for the word dice
  7. the number followed by 100 zeros
  8. a device used to list all possibilities
  9. forn any positive integer n
  10. a lottery game that consists of a player trying to guess in advance

20 Clues: sixteen symbolssame as permutationplural for the word diceforn any positive integer nan experiment can result in nform a partitiom of the samplethe number followed by 100 zerosif any experiment can result in any na device used to list all possibilitiesreasoning that works from cause to effectreasonable arguments from cause to effects...

Math 2020-04-20

Math crossword puzzle
  1. The trigonometric function that is equal to the ratio of the side opposite a given angle (in a right triangle) to the hypotenuse.
  2. A list of numbers or objects in a certain order.
  3. A constant is a number on its own, such as a, b, or c.
  4. A relationship or expression involving one or more variables.
  5. To write a number or another mathematical object as a product of several factors, usually smaller or simpler objects of the same kind.
  6. A symmetrical open plane curve formed by the intersection of a cone with a plane parallel to its side.
  7. An algebraic expression consisting of one term.
  8. A numerical or constant quantity placed before and multiplying the variable in an algebraic expression.
  9. An algebraic expression of the sum or the difference of two terms.
  10. The branch of mathematics dealing with the relations of the sides and angles of triangles and with the relevant functions of any angles.
  1. A number that can be written without a fractional component.
  2. A quantity that represents the power to which a given number or expression is to be raised.
  3. The complete set of possible values of the independent variable.
  4. An expression of more than two algebraic terms.
  5. A value that you get closer and closer to, but never quite reach.
  6. The product of an integer and all the integers below it.
  7. The trigonometric function that is equal to the ratio of the side adjacent to an acute angle (in a right-angled triangle) to the hypotenuse.
  8. The tangent of an angle is the length of the opposite side divided by the length of the adjacent side.
  9. A description of the operation of adding infinitely many quantities.
  10. The difference between the lowest and highest values.

20 Clues: An expression of more than two algebraic terms.An algebraic expression consisting of one term.A list of numbers or objects in a certain order.The difference between the lowest and highest values.A constant is a number on its own, such as a, b, or c.The product of an integer and all the integers below it....

math 2020-12-30

math crossword puzzle
  1. numerical value of the sum of the angles of triangle
  2. binomial coefficients triangular arrengment
  3. ... is equal to 2 times radius
  4. if y is 9 times x to the 3+ 3 times x +999, then find derivative of y and put 3 instead of x
  5. if a1=5, d=3, then find value of a4=?
  6. one of the methods of calculating GCD
  7. a figure formed by 2 rays coming from a point
  8. if 2 to the x is equal to 2048, then find x
  9. sin2x=?
  10. an equality of 2 ratios
  11. ln e=?
  12. directed straight line
  13. the distance to the center at any point in the circle
  14. the sum of each sides of figure
  15. if S17=29 and S16= 14, then find the value of A17
  1. the sum of angles for pentagonal
  2. the connection theorem between hypotenuse and catheters
  3. opinions accepted without proof of authenticity
  4. the numbers we use when counting
  5. i to the 2020th power
  6. how much is the sum of exterior angles
  7. find the GCD of (15;16).
  8. cos90=?
  9. the name of longest side of right-angled triangle
  10. cosx/ctgx=?
  11. a figure with total of 180 internal angles

26 Clues: ln e=?cos90=?sin2x=?cosx/ctgx=?i to the 2020th powerdirected straight linean equality of 2 ratiosfind the GCD of (15;16).... is equal to 2 times radiusthe sum of each sides of figurethe sum of angles for pentagonalthe numbers we use when countingif a1=5, d=3, then find value of a4=?one of the methods of calculating GCD...

Math 2021-10-01

Math crossword puzzle
  1. The size of a region in the plane
  2. distance from the center of a circle
  3. collection of related measurements.
  4. intersect to form a right angle
  5. expression that is used to compute a value
  6. term can be a constant or a variable
  7. find a number that is close to an exact amount.
  8. A factor that appears in two or more terms
  9. number of times a number is multiplied by itself
  10. 0 on number line
  11. single fixed number
  12. number that a variable or expression can equal
  13. a whole number
  1. number sentence or rule
  2. number that is raised to a power
  3. The distance around a circle
  4. fractional quantity
  5. The distance a number is from 0
  6. numerator divided by a denominator
  7. mathematical sentence
  8. The location of something
  9. two ray meeting

22 Clues: a whole numbertwo ray meeting0 on number linefractional quantitysingle fixed numbermathematical sentencenumber sentence or ruleThe location of somethingThe distance around a circleintersect to form a right angleThe distance a number is from 0number that is raised to a powerThe size of a region in the planenumerator divided by a denominator...

Math 2021-03-01

Math crossword puzzle
  1. (The value at which a graph meets the x-axis)
  2. ( To estimate a value between two known values)
  3. ( A polygon with every interior angle less than 180°)
  4. ( The variable in a relation whose values you calculate)
  5. ( A set of data that can be broken down into smaller and smaller parts and still have meaning)
  6. (The angle formed by extending a side of a convex polygon)
  7. (Three or more points that are on the same line)
  8. ( The change in one variable relative to the change in another)
  9. ( The variable in a relation whose values you choose)
  10. (The least whole number that can be given to numbers as factors)
  1. ( A relation in which one variable is a multiple of the other plus a constant amount)
  2. ( A relation in which one variable is a multiple of the other)
  3. (A measure of the steepness of a line, often represented by m)
  4. (A relation whose graph is not a straight line)
  5. ( The angle formed inside each vertex of a polygon)
  6. (Two numbers with opposite signs that are the same distance from Zero)
  7. (A number that can be expressed as the quotient of two integers where the divisor is not 0)
  8. (A relation in which the graph forms a straight line)
  9. ( This word is sometimes called the initial value)
  10. (A description of how two variables are connected)
  11. ( A set of data that can not be broken into smaller parts)
  12. ( A polygon with at least one interior angle greater than 180°)
  13. (To predict a value by following a pattern beyond known values)

23 Clues: (The value at which a graph meets the x-axis)( To estimate a value between two known values)(A relation whose graph is not a straight line)(Three or more points that are on the same line)( This word is sometimes called the initial value)(A description of how two variables are connected)( The angle formed inside each vertex of a polygon)...

math 2021-02-21

math crossword puzzle
  1. the process of reading that a rule or statement is true because specific cases are true
  2. a transformation in which the lines connecting every point P with its preimage p' all intersect at a point C known as the center of the dilation and Cp'/Cp is the same for every point p; a transformation that changes the side of a figure but not it's shape
  3. a transformation about a point P, also known as the center of rotation such that each point and its images are the same distance from P. all of the angles with vertex P formed by a point and its image are congruent
  4. a closed plane figure formed by three or more segments such that each segment intersects exactly two other segments only at their endpoints and no two segments with a common endpoint are collinear
  5. the part of a conditional statement following the word if
  6. having the same size and shape
  7. a statement that describes a mathematical object and can be written as a true biconditional statement
  8. the statement formed by exchanging the hypothesis and conclusion of a conditional statement
  9. the point that divides a segment into two congruent segments
  10. a quadrilateral with four congruent sides and four right angles
  11. the sum of the side lengths of a closed plane figure
  12. a statement that is accepted as truth without proof also called axiom
  13. a line that intersects two coplanar two different points
  14. for two lines intersected by a transversal, a pair of angles that lie on the same side of the transversal
  15. a statement that can be written in the form p if and only if q
  16. the process of using logic to draw conclusions
  17. the part of a conditional statement following the word then
  1. a proof in which the statement to be proved is assumed to be false and a contradiction is shown
  2. a quadrilateral with four congruent sides
  3. a transformation across the line called the line of reflection such that the line of reflection is the perpendicular bisector of each segment joining each point and its image
  4. an angle that measures greater than 90 and less than 180
  5. a statement that is accepted as true without proof
  6. an angle that measures greater than zero nad less than 90
  7. two angles in the same plane with a common vertex and a common side but no common interior points
  8. a quadrilateral with four right angles
  9. a part of a line that starts at an endpoint and extends forever in one direction
  10. the set of points in a plane that are a fixed distance from a given point called the center of the circle
  11. the statement formed by negating the hypothesis and conclusion of a conditional statement
  12. a ray that divides an angle into two congruent angles
  13. to divide into two congruent parts

30 Clues: having the same size and shapeto divide into two congruent partsa quadrilateral with four right anglesa quadrilateral with four congruent sidesthe process of using logic to draw conclusionsa statement that is accepted as true without proofthe sum of the side lengths of a closed plane figurea ray that divides an angle into two congruent angles...

Math 2021-04-05

Math crossword puzzle
  1. a convenient deposit account held at bank
  2. amount leftover after spending
  3. medium of exchange
  4. money earned from working
  5. payment for work
  6. interest including accumulated interest
  7. expenses that do not change
  8. government collects based on income
  9. calculating interest charged on a loan
  10. amount received after taxes
  11. government tax on goods and services
  12. a long term loan on property
  13. something owed
  14. cost per unit
  1. index that measures difference in price
  2. part of salary that is taxable
  3. expenses change over time
  4. an estimate of income and spending
  5. lets people get things now to pay later
  6. any money that needs to be paid in the future
  7. held at a bank until needed
  8. money that comes out of a gross pay
  9. how much a person owns
  10. total before interest
  11. the total amount of money borrowed
  12. money spent on items or services
  13. economic value owned or controlled
  14. employer deducts money from gross pay

28 Clues: cost per unitsomething owedpayment for workmedium of exchangetotal before interesthow much a person ownsexpenses change over timemoney earned from workingheld at a bank until neededexpenses that do not changeamount received after taxesa long term loan on propertypart of salary that is taxableamount leftover after spending...

Math 2021-10-07

Math crossword puzzle
  1. solve for a value of numbers
  2. having a lower value
  3. process of repeated addition two numbers
  4. process of splitting two numbers
  5. having a higher value
  6. putting a number back together
  7. having the same value
  8. part of a whole
  9. two numbers added together in a addition problem
  10. collection of numbers
  11. number that contains a decimal point
  1. process of taking a number away from another one
  2. sum divided by the count
  3. parts per 100
  4. set of numbers
  5. any number divisible by 2
  6. result of subtraction number
  7. written symbol that indicates a value
  8. numerals found in all numbers
  9. process of bringing two numbers together

20 Clues: parts per 100set of numberspart of a wholehaving a lower valuehaving a higher valuehaving the same valuecollection of numberssum divided by the countany number divisible by 2solve for a value of numbersresult of subtraction numbernumerals found in all numbersputting a number back togetherprocess of splitting two numbers...

Math 2021-10-12

Math crossword puzzle
  1. -5-(-5)+5
  2. 987656789-324729+324729
  3. 23412349-1234-(-1234)
  4. 9232*12387*0+938
  5. 23.4-(-26.1)
  6. 918324657-(-1)-1
  7. 13+42-(-45)
  8. 78613496668-7205-(-7205)
  9. 8472-(-7143)-7143
  10. 706124-(-70000)-40000
  11. 8024567-(-100000)
  12. 8022-(-356)-6
  13. 63000-(11486)-1000
  1. 77576*2-67576
  2. 145-12+192-180
  3. 419-(-565)
  4. 918479183-(137411237*0)
  5. 12345678910-(-1)-1
  6. 19.2-(-5.1)
  7. 320+115-(-90)-90
  8. 831776/2*1+415888
  9. 14-(-17)-17
  10. 91874629-123-(-123)-8313798*0
  11. 317070-130717487/2*0+3
  12. 9124702/82*82
  13. 613974/2*2-(-1345)-1345

26 Clues: -5-(-5)+5419-(-565)19.2-(-5.1)14-(-17)-1713+42-(-45)23.4-(-26.1)77576*2-675769124702/82*828022-(-356)-6145-12+192-180320+115-(-90)-909232*12387*0+938918324657-(-1)-1831776/2*1+4158888472-(-7143)-71438024567-(-100000)12345678910-(-1)-163000-(11486)-100023412349-1234-(-1234)706124-(-70000)-40000317070-130717487/2*0+3987656789-324729+324729...

Math 2023-02-06

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Horizontal axis in a plane
  2. To represent data on a graph
  3. The point where the x and y axis intersect
  4. An element in a mathematical expression
  5. A straight path connecting two points
  6. A number in front of a variable in an equation
  7. Measurement of a quantity
  8. One of four sections in a plane
  9. A fixed value in mathematics
  10. To separate from other elements
  1. Representation of data
  2. Vertical axis in a plane
  3. An exact location in space
  4. An equation expressed in symbolic form
  5. Quantities used for counting or measuring
  6. A mathematical statement showing equality
  7. A flat surface extending infinitely in all directions
  8. Set of numbers used to specify a point
  9. Measure of the steepness of a line
  10. A quantity that can change or take different values

20 Clues: Representation of dataVertical axis in a planeMeasurement of a quantityHorizontal axis in a planeAn exact location in spaceTo represent data on a graphA fixed value in mathematicsOne of four sections in a planeTo separate from other elementsMeasure of the steepness of a lineA straight path connecting two pointsAn equation expressed in symbolic form...

math 2023-01-23

math crossword puzzle
  1. an average computed by adding some function of the numbers
  2. a polygon with four equal sides and four right angles
  3. a group of symbols that make a mathematical statement
  4. the product of three equal terms
  5. (of an angle) less than 90 degrees
  6. the number obtained by division
  7. a quantity obtained by the addition of a group of numbers
  8. a number that identifies a position relative to an axis
  9. the quotient of two rational numbers
  10. the space between two lines or planes that intersect
  11. any natural number or its negative, or zero
  12. relating to the middle value of an ordered set of values
  1. any of numbers that form a product when multiplied together
  2. the most frequent value of a random variable
  3. the arithmetic operation of summing
  4. an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth
  5. the dividend of a fraction
  6. quantifier meaning a smaller number of
  7. a mathematical statement that two expressions are the same
  8. a quantity obtained by multiplication
  9. the number that remains after subtraction
  10. the divisor of a fraction
  11. the whole amount
  12. an arithmetic operation that is the inverse of division

24 Clues: the whole amountthe divisor of a fractionthe dividend of a fractionthe number obtained by divisionthe product of three equal terms(of an angle) less than 90 degreesthe arithmetic operation of summingthe quotient of two rational numbersa quantity obtained by multiplicationquantifier meaning a smaller number of...

Math 2023-01-23

Math crossword puzzle
  1. a process of combining two or more numbers
  2. an ordered pair of numbers a and b, written a / b where b does not equal 0.
  3. angle- An angle with a measurement of less than 90°
  4. the total space taken up by a flat (2-D) surface or shape of an object
  5. line- a horizontal line that has equally spread number increments.
  6. a whole number (not a fractional number) that can be positive, negative, or zero
  7. fractions where the denominator is 100
  8. the space occupied within the boundaries of an object in three-dimensional space
  9. division- the mathematical method for dividing large numbers into smaller groups or parts
  10. the process of calculating the total of one number multiplied by another
  11. a part of a whole
  12. angle- any angle greater than 90°
  13. the opposite of multiplication
  1. the numbers, which consist of two parts namely, a whole number part and a fractional part separated by a decimal point
  2. number- The numbers that include natural numbers and zero
  3. to take away from a group or a number of things
  4. area- the amount of space covering the outside of a three-dimensional shape.
  5. An expression that represents repeated multiplication of the same factor
  6. a pictorial representation or a diagram that represents data or values in an organized manner
  7. the result of arithmetically adding numbers or quantities
  8. the number of times a number is multiplied by itself.
  9. the worth of each digit depending on where it lies in the number
  10. the ratio of the circumference of any circle to the diameter of that circle.
  11. a physical quantity
  12. angle- exactly equal to 90 degrees

25 Clues: a part of a wholea physical quantitythe opposite of multiplicationangle- any angle greater than 90°angle- exactly equal to 90 degreesfractions where the denominator is 100a process of combining two or more numbersto take away from a group or a number of thingsangle- An angle with a measurement of less than 90°...

Math 2023-02-05

Math crossword puzzle
  1. the region between a chord and a(n) ___ is called a segment
  2. the quadrilateral formed by joining the mid-points of the sides of a quadrilateral,in order, is a ____
  3. a diagonal of a parallelogram divides it into two congruent
  4. ___ arcs of a circle subtend equal angles at the centre
  5. angle in a semicircle is a right angle
  6. a quadrilateral is cyclic if all four ___ of it lie on the circle
  7. every point on the perpendicular bisector of a line segment is ___ from its end points
  8. the no. of circles passing through three non-collinear points
  1. it is a rectangle and a rhombus
  2. the bisectors of angles of a parallelogram form a ___
  3. the congruent areas of the circle subtend equal angles at the ___
  4. longest chord of the circle
  5. a circle is a collection of all ____ in a plane, which are at an equidistant from a fixed point in the plane
  6. the quadrilateral formed by the internal angle bisectors of any quadrilateral is ___
  7. the centre of a circle lies in the ___ of the circle
  8. a circle is a ___ fig.
  9. the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other at the right angle then the fig. is ___
  10. a circle divides the plane into ___ parts
  11. a circle has ___ no. of chords
  12. if all the points ___, we obtain a line segment

20 Clues: a circle is a ___ fig.longest chord of the circlea circle has ___ no. of chordsit is a rectangle and a rhombusangle in a semicircle is a right anglea circle divides the plane into ___ partsif all the points ___, we obtain a line segmentthe centre of a circle lies in the ___ of the circlethe bisectors of angles of a parallelogram form a ___...

math 2023-03-01

math crossword puzzle
  1. ___________little
  2. Whensomethingisraisedtoapowerofzeroitequals______
  3. Thisishowyougetridofasquarroot
  4. √(x)+4
  5. ______big
  6. √(x+2)=√(3-x)
  7. 3+√(4x-5)=10
  8. (2x+1)¼-1=2
  9. √-thissigniscalleda____
  10. (2x)¾ +2=10
  11. Identicalpolynomialequationsbutwithoppositsignsinthemiddle
  1. Theyproduceaninvalidresponse
  2. Multiply________
  3. 3√(2p+1)-6=-3
  4. √(2x-5)+4=0
  5. √(x)-8=0
  6. √(5+x)-√(4x+9)
  7. Add_______
  8. Therulesmultiplybybigaddlittlecomefromthislaw
  9. Wejustlearnedthe__ofexponents

20 Clues: √(x)+4√(x)-8=0______bigAdd_______√(2x-5)+4=0(2x+1)¼-1=2(2x)¾ +2=103+√(4x-5)=103√(2p+1)-6=-3√(x+2)=√(3-x)√(5+x)-√(4x+9)Multiply___________________little√-thissigniscalleda____TheyproduceaninvalidresponseWejustlearnedthe__ofexponentsThisishowyougetridofasquarrootTherulesmultiplybybigaddlittlecomefromthislaw...

Math 2023-02-22

Math crossword puzzle
  1. 22!÷19!
  2. 5!+9!
  3. 10!÷5×3!
  4. 3!×4!
  5. 17!÷13!
  6. 15!÷13!
  7. 3!×9!
  8. 10!+12!
  9. 10!×5!+3!
  10. 25!÷20!
  1. 4!×8!
  2. 8!+6!
  3. 13!÷5!×3!
  4. 4!+3+
  5. 7!÷5!-10!
  6. 5!-7!
  7. 6!×6!
  8. 8!-4!
  9. 6!-3!
  10. 4!-6!

20 Clues: 4!×8!8!+6!5!+9!4!+3+5!-7!6!×6!3!×4!8!-4!3!×9!6!-3!4!-6!22!÷19!17!÷13!15!÷13!10!+12!25!÷20!10!÷5×3!13!÷5!×3!7!÷5!-10!10!×5!+3!

math 2023-03-08

math crossword puzzle
  1. largenumberofdeductibleexpenses
  2. different values of the variable and checking the equalityofLHSand RHS
  3. expressingnumbers
  4. theamountofyourcheck
  5. income: federalincome
  6. simplifying expressions and solving equations involving polynomials
  7. symmetry: respecttothisline
  8. mountyousubstractfromadjustedgrossincome
  9. businessreducesprices
  10. salarypriortoanywithheld tax
  11. provideshealthcare
  12. involveinterestcalculatedonlytotheprincipal
  13. quantityincrease
  14. a polynomial that can be written as the square of a binomial
  15. taxcollectedbytax,countiesandstates
  1. aquadraticequationinx
  2. When an expression can be viewed as the difference of two perfect squares
  3. paymenttoeligibleretirees
  4. isandxequationthatisinstandardform
  5. height,overtimecanbemodeled
  6. principle: zeroononesideandfactoredontheotherone
  7. grouping terms: are grouped and then individually factored by a process called factoring grouping.
  8. square: whendisapostivenumber
  9. interestedcomputedontheoriginal prices
  10. totalincomeoftheyear
  11. theresultof2polynomials
  12. graphofquadraticfunction
  13. sumofmoneythatreduceyourincometax
  14. percentageofyourincome
  15. substractingexemptionsanddeduction
  16. quantitydecrease

31 Clues: quantitydecreasequantityincreaseexpressingnumbersprovideshealthcaretheamountofyourchecktotalincomeoftheyearaquadraticequationinxincome: federalincomebusinessreducespricespercentageofyourincometheresultof2polynomialsgraphofquadraticfunctionpaymenttoeligibleretireesheight,overtimecanbemodeledsymmetry: respecttothislinesalarypriortoanywithheld tax...

Math 2023-02-23

Math crossword puzzle
  1. 6!×6!
  2. 5!+9!
  3. 5!-7!
  4. 8!+6!
  5. 7!÷5!-10!
  6. 17!÷13!
  7. 13!÷5!×3!
  8. 8!-4!
  9. 22!÷19!
  10. 4!×8!
  1. 10!×5!+3!
  2. 10!+12!
  3. 4!+3+
  4. 3!×9!
  5. 10!÷5×3!
  6. 6!-3!
  7. 3!×4!
  8. 4!-6!
  9. 15!÷13!
  10. 25!÷20!

20 Clues: 6!×6!5!+9!4!+3+5!-7!3!×9!8!+6!6!-3!3!×4!8!-4!4!-6!4!×8!10!+12!17!÷13!22!÷19!15!÷13!25!÷20!10!÷5×3!10!×5!+3!7!÷5!-10!13!÷5!×3!

Math 2023-03-16

Math crossword puzzle
  1. a group or set chosen from a larger statistical population according to specified characteristics
  2. two box and whisker plots on the same number line
  3. describes a subject, and cannot be expressed as a number
  4. data that can be counted or measured in numerical values
  5. a probability sampling method where researchers select members of the population at a regular interval
  6. a subset of a statistical population in which each member of the subset has an equal probability of being chosen
  7. an outcome of a random experiment
  8. a method of data collection used to gather information about people and their behaviors or opinions by asking them a list of questions
  9. A selection that is chosen randomly (purely by chance, with no predictability)
  10. The researcher chooses a sample that is readily available in some non-random way
  1. a simple form of data visualization that consists of data points plotted as dots on a graph with an x- and y-axis
  2. a discrete group of people, animals or things that can be identified by at least one common characteristic for the purposes of data collection and analysis
  3. the process of drawing conclusions about a parameter one is seeking to measure or estimate
  4. if the conclusion follows from the assumptions by applying legal mathematical operations to arrive at the conclusion
  5. if its expected value is equal to the true value of the parameter
  6. The researcher puts out a request for members of a population to join the sample, and people decide whether or not to be in the sample
  7. their structure does not guarantee the truth of the conclusion
  8. the difference between the expected value and the real value of the parameter
  9. the study of the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and organization of data
  10. displays the five-number summary of a set of data

20 Clues: an outcome of a random experimenttwo box and whisker plots on the same number linedisplays the five-number summary of a set of datadescribes a subject, and cannot be expressed as a numberdata that can be counted or measured in numerical valuestheir structure does not guarantee the truth of the conclusion...

math 2023-03-12

math crossword puzzle
  1. Sebuah kaleng susu berbentuk tabung dengan diameter alas 7 cm dan tinggi 8 cm . Untuk menambah daya tarik konsumen , pada bidang lengkung kaleng tersebut ditempel label merek . Hitunglah luas label yang digunakan untuk bidang lengkung kaleng tersebut dengan nilai = 3 ! Panjang label ditambah 1 cm untuk kebutuhan pengeleman .
  2. Bangun ruang yang hanya memiliki 1 sisi adalah
  3. Hitung luas benda padat yang berbentuk belahan bola dengan diameter 20cm dan phi=3,14
  4. π adalah simbol
  5. alas atau sisi alas yang berbentuk lingkaran
  6. Rumus keliling lingkaran pada tabung adalah
  7. Rumus πr2 pada tabung merupakan rumus untuk mencari
  8. Luas seluruh tabung jika jari jari alas sebuah tabung tanpa tutup=10,5 cm dan tingginya 20cm
  9. Luas permukaan kerucut jika s=25cm, l=1.570 cm^2
  10. Jika biaya mengecat sebuah tangki air minum adalah 70.000/m^2 , panjang 3m dan diameter 1,8 m berapa biaya yang dibutuhkan
  11. Keliling alas kerucut dengan nilai 22/7, panjang garis pelukisnya 25 cm dan tinggi 24 cm
  12. Hitunglah luas permukan bola dengan
  13. Panjang selimut tabung jika jari-jari alas sebuah tabung 14cm dan tinggi 10cm
  14. terdiri dari sisi bidang alas atau sisi alas selanjutnya disebut?
  15. Hitunglah luas permukaan bola dengan jari jari 10,5cm
  1. Diameter alas sebuah kerucut adalah 10 cm . Hitunglah panjang garis pelukisnya , jika tinggi kerucut itu 12 cm !
  2. Membran dari genderang besar berikut terbuat dari kulit sintetis bentuk lingkaran dengan diameter 80cm.lebar logam rangka genderang 50cm. hitunglah luas genderang itu menggunakan phi=3,14
  3. jari 14cm
  4. Garis yang menghubungkan titik puncak kerucut dengan titik pada keliling alas
  5. panjang jari jari alas sebuah kerucut adalah 16 cm dan panjang garis pelukisnya 20 cm, berapa tinggi kerucut tersebut
  6. panjang jari jari alas sebuah tabung tanpa tutup adalah 10,5cm.Jika tinggi tabung tersebut adalah 12cm dan phi=3,14 hitunglah selimut tabungnya!
  7. Rumus luas selimut kerucut adalah
  8. ruang sisi lengkung contohnya adalah
  9. Hitunglah keliling alas kerucut dengan phi=3,14 panjang garis pelukisnya adalah 25 cm dan tinggi 24cm !
  10. Hitunglah luas kertas untuk memberi label kaleng jika panjang jari-jari 3,5cm dan tinggi 10cm.
  11. Luas permukaan bola dengan jari-jari 14 cm adalah
  12. Hitunglah luas label yang digunakan untuk bidang lengkung kaleng, dengan diameter 7 cm dan tinggi 8 cm.(Panjang label ditambah 1 cm untuk kebutuhan pengeleman)
  13. Luas sebuah genderng jika d=80cm, l=50cm
  14. Simbol r adalah
  15. Panjang jari-jari alas sebuah kerucut 7 cm dan panjang garis pelukisnya 25 cm. Luas selimut kerucut adalah….cm^2
  16. sebuah kerucut dibuat dari selembar seng berbentuk setengah lingkaran yang berdiameter 28 cm tentukan panjang jari jari alas kerucut yang terbentuk
  17. Luas permukaan sebuah tabung adalah 596,6cm2 dan panjang jari jari alasnya 5 cm. hitung tinggi tabung dengan phi=3,14

32 Clues: jari 14cmπ adalah simbolSimbol r adalahRumus luas selimut kerucut adalahHitunglah luas permukan bola denganruang sisi lengkung contohnya adalahLuas sebuah genderng jika d=80cm, l=50cmRumus keliling lingkaran pada tabung adalahalas atau sisi alas yang berbentuk lingkaranBangun ruang yang hanya memiliki 1 sisi adalah...

math 2023-05-15

math crossword puzzle
  1. if 2 factors being multiplied have a product of 0 then one or both factors are 0
  2. function looks wider or less steep
  3. the ratio of the lengths of 2 corresponding sides of similar polygons
  4. any closed geometric figure
  5. divides a segment into 2 equal parts
  6. the only factors are 1 and that number
  7. between 0 and 90
  8. having the same characteristics as something else
  9. the function slides left "c" places
  10. the function slides right "c" places
  1. function slides down "c" places
  2. a plane shape with straight sides
  3. having the same ratio
  4. function looks steeper or skinnier
  5. mirror image over x-axis
  6. function slides up "c" places
  7. the segment that connects midpoints of 2 sides
  8. mirror image over y-axis
  9. the same size and shape
  10. a flat shape with 4 straight sides
  11. between 90 and 180

21 Clues: between 0 and 90between 90 and 180having the same ratiothe same size and shapemirror image over x-axismirror image over y-axisany closed geometric figurefunction slides up "c" placesfunction slides down "c" placesa plane shape with straight sidesfunction looks wider or less steepfunction looks steeper or skinniera flat shape with 4 straight sides...

math 2023-06-14

math crossword puzzle
  1. Didžiausias neigiamas sveikasis skaičius
  2. 50% -> trupmena
  3. pirmieji 8 Fibonačio skaičiai
  4. Sekundžių skaičius per valandą
  6. √133225
  7. (1021-1021)+1021
  8. 10cm^2 -> m^2
  9. (((√16 X99)X5)-300÷0.8)+42
  10. 1/2 -> kablelio
  11. DLV
  12. 1/9 -> procentais
  13. √1936
  14. 0.78 -> procentais
  15. MMCXIX
  16. 11x2
  17. LV
  18. 70/2
  19. 55% -> trupmena
  20. 11-asis Fibonačio skaičius
  21. 2x+420=558
  1. 1089x9
  2. 420.69 x 100
  3. 1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3
  4. 1000^2
  5. XLV
  6. 1868^2
  7. 100+20+3
  8. 10^3
  9. 11 pi skaitmenų
  10. 206/4 -> kablelio
  11. 202x2
  12. √144
  13. 1864/1
  14. 7 x 3 + 10 x (25 ÷ 5)
  15. 1/2 -> procentais
  16. 9 + (12 + 1)2
  17. 3^3
  18. 40% -> trupmena

40 Clues: LVXLVDLV3^310^3√14411x270/2202x2√19361089x91000^21868^2MMXCIX1864/1MMCXIX√133225100+20+3MMMCMXCIX2x+420=558420.69 x 10010cm^2 -> m^29 + (12 + 1)21^3 + 5^3 + 3^350% -> trupmena11 pi skaitmenų1/2 -> kablelio40% -> trupmena55% -> trupmena(1021-1021)+1021206/4 -> kablelio1/2 -> procentais1/9 -> procentais0.78 -> procentais7 x 3 + 10 x (25 ÷ 5)...

Math 2012-09-30

Math crossword puzzle
  1. the top number of a fraction
  2. an equation that contains more than one variable
  3. the set of all the numbers that, when used in place of the variable, make the equation a true statement
  4. a pair of numbers enclosed in parentheses and separated by a comma
  5. two or more equations with the same solution set
  6. the number associated wit a point on the real number line
  7. two angles that add up to 90 degrees
  8. the bottom number of a fraction
  9. two or more inequalities connected by the words or, or and
  10. 2 or more terms with the same variables
  1. fractions that represent the same number
  2. two numbers whose product is one
  3. a number that can be represented with points on the real number line
  4. the x-coordinate of the point where the graph crosses the x-axis
  5. number- any positive integer larger than one, whose only positive factors are one and itself
  6. value- a number's distance from zero no the number line
  7. ax+by=c
  8. a sequence of numbers in which each number comes from adding the same amount as the number before it
  9. any equation that can be put in ax+b=c
  10. two angles that add up to 180 degrees
  11. the y-coordinate of the point where the graph crosses the y-axis

21 Clues: ax+by=cthe top number of a fractionthe bottom number of a fractiontwo numbers whose product is onetwo angles that add up to 90 degreestwo angles that add up to 180 degreesany equation that can be put in ax+b=c2 or more terms with the same variablesfractions that represent the same numberan equation that contains more than one variable...

MATH 2013-04-21

MATH crossword puzzle
  1. An expression that represents repeated multiplication of the same the same factor.
  2. The expression l+r in the exponential growth model y=a(l-r)^t.
  3. ax+by=c where a, b, and c are real numbers and a and b are not both zero.
  4. The number or variable that represents the number of times the base of a power is used as a factor.
  5. A quadratic function in the for y=ax^2+bx+c where a is not equal to 0.
  6. The variable r in the exponential growth model y=a(l+r)^t.
  7. For y=ax^2+bx+c Where aco, the y-coordinate of the vertex is the maximum value of the function.
  8. The expression l-r in the exponential decay model y=(l-r)^t.
  9. The slope m of a non-vertical line is the rate of the vertical change between any two points and on the line.
  1. An equation that can be written in the standard form ax^2+bx+c=0 where a is not equal to 0.
  2. The number or expression that is used as a factor in a repeated multiplication.
  3. Using a line or its equation to approximate a value outside the range of known values.
  4. A quadratic equation in the form ax^2+bx+c=0 where a is not equal to 0.
  5. The u-shaped graph of quadratic function.
  6. Using a line or its equation to approximate a value between two known values.
  7. Two or more linear equations in the same variables, also called a linear system.
  8. The variable r in the exponential decay model y=a(l-r)^t.
  9. A polynomial with three terms.
  10. The process of rewriting a quadratic expression so that it is a perfect square trinomial.
  11. Two inequalities joined by and or or.

20 Clues: A polynomial with three terms.Two inequalities joined by and or or.The u-shaped graph of quadratic function.The variable r in the exponential decay model y=a(l-r)^t.The variable r in the exponential growth model y=a(l+r)^t.The expression l-r in the exponential decay model y=(l-r)^t.The expression l+r in the exponential growth model y=a(l-r)^t....

math 2013-03-11

math crossword puzzle
  1. the perimeter of a sure with each side 12 cm
  2. smallest pair of co prime numbers
  3. the first two digit prime number
  4. 1 into 2 into 3 into 4 into 5
  5. difference between 98 and 111
  6. multiplicative identity
  7. smallest 3 digit prime number
  8. 376-274 divided by 2
  9. half of 44
  10. 3 scores
  1. year the commonwealth games were held in india
  2. a number has how many multiples
  3. the only even prime number
  4. hours in a day
  5. the third place value
  6. a gross
  7. 1 and a half centuries
  8. additive identity
  9. another expression of a fraction
  10. biggest number on a clock

20 Clues: a gross3 scoreshalf of 44hours in a dayadditive identity376-274 divided by 2the third place value1 and a half centuriesmultiplicative identitybiggest number on a clockthe only even prime number1 into 2 into 3 into 4 into 5difference between 98 and 111smallest 3 digit prime numbera number has how many multiplesthe first two digit prime number...

math 2013-02-07

math crossword puzzle
  1. 2 cups
  2. 4 cups
  3. terület
  4. négyszög
  5. 6 in 2 x 3 = 6 or szorzat
  6. a+b=b+a
  7. (a+b)+c=a+(b+c)
  8. 3 in 6 / 2 = 3 or hányados
  9. 2 in 2/3 or számláló
  10. kör sugár
  11. szög
  1. kör átmérôje
  2. párhuzamos
  3. 2 in 6 / 2 = 3 or osztó
  4. 3 in 2/3 or nevezô
  5. 60 minutes
  6. 6 in 6 / 2 = 3 or osztandó
  7. kerület or the length of path around a shape
  8. 2 and 3 in 2 x 3 = 6 or tényezô
  9. 1000 kg
  10. number that can only be divided by 1 and itself
  11. figure made of closed curves bounded by straight line segments

22 Clues: szög2 cups4 cupsterületa+b=b+a1000 kgnégyszögkör sugárpárhuzamos60 minuteskör átmérôje(a+b)+c=a+(b+c)3 in 2/3 or nevezô2 in 2/3 or számláló2 in 6 / 2 = 3 or osztó6 in 2 x 3 = 6 or szorzat6 in 6 / 2 = 3 or osztandó3 in 6 / 2 = 3 or hányados2 and 3 in 2 x 3 = 6 or tényezôkerület or the length of path around a shape...

math 2013-02-07

math crossword puzzle
  1. 2 in 6 / 2 = 3 or osztó
  2. 2 in 2/3 or számláló
  3. szög
  4. 3 in 2/3 or nevezô
  5. 60 minutes
  6. (a+b)+c=a+(b+c)
  7. 6 in 6 / 2 = 3 or osztandó
  8. kerület or the length of path around a shape
  9. párhuzamos
  10. figure made of closed curves bounded by straight line segments
  11. 4 cups
  12. 1000 kg
  1. kör átmérôje
  2. 3 in 6 / 2 = 3 or hányados
  3. number that can only be divided by 1 and itself
  4. 2 cups
  5. a+b=b+a
  6. négyszög
  7. kör sugár
  8. terület
  9. 2 and 3 in 2 x 3 = 6 or tényezô
  10. 6 in 2 x 3 = 6 or szorzat

22 Clues: szög2 cups4 cupsa+b=b+aterület1000 kgnégyszögkör sugár60 minutespárhuzamoskör átmérôje(a+b)+c=a+(b+c)3 in 2/3 or nevezô2 in 2/3 or számláló2 in 6 / 2 = 3 or osztó6 in 2 x 3 = 6 or szorzat3 in 6 / 2 = 3 or hányados6 in 6 / 2 = 3 or osztandó2 and 3 in 2 x 3 = 6 or tényezôkerület or the length of path around a shape...

Math 2014-05-19

Math crossword puzzle
  1. segment with both endpoints on a circle
  2. separate into parts
  3. form,figure
  4. opposite of add
  5. base x height of a triangle equals this
  6. metric unit of length
  7. expert in math
  8. how long a thing is
  9. great 7th grade math teacher
  10. 4 cups make up this
  1. how many inches in a foot
  2. don't eat too much or you'll gain this
  3. distance around a circle
  4. sentence stating that two quantities are equal
  5. metric unit of volume
  6. to find the sum of
  7. three-sided figure
  8. to add a given number of times
  9. 2.2lbs make up this
  10. metric unit of weight

20 Clues: form,figureexpert in mathopposite of addto find the sum ofthree-sided figureseparate into parts2.2lbs make up thishow long a thing is4 cups make up thismetric unit of volumemetric unit of lengthmetric unit of weightdistance around a circlehow many inches in a footgreat 7th grade math teacherto add a given number of times...

Math 2015-01-20

Math crossword puzzle
  1. unchanged, given number
  2. (x2-1)
  3. shorthand, or shortcut method of polynomialdivision in the special case of dividing by a linear factor
  4. when both of the denominators are the same so that you can add/subtract
  5. a mathematical phrase that can contain ordinary numbers, variables (like x or y) and operators (like add, subtract, multiply, and divide)
  6. the branch of mathematics concerned with the properties and relations of points, lines, surfaces, solids, and higher dimensional analogs
  7. an equation between two variables that gives a straight line when plotted on a graph
  8. an algebraic equation with subtraction or addition
  9. the plane figure enclosed by two radii of a circle or ellipse and the arc between them
  10. perimeter of a circle
  1. a straight line from the center of a circle
  2. a part of a whole number
  3. a measurement of a surface of a 2d object
  4. a whole number
  5. you can multiply any number by 1 and it stays the same (property)
  6. An equation that is true for some value(s) of the variable(s) and not true for others.
  7. a total amount as a result of multiplication
  8. a continuous line that is the border of a geometric object
  9. the area of the outer-most area
  10. a total amount as a result of addition
  11. by a specified amount in or for every hundred
  12. the quantitative relation between two amounts showing the number of times one value contains or is contained within the other
  13. the space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet.
  14. a numerical or constant quantity placed before and multiplying the variable in an algebraic expression
  15. (x2+1)

25 Clues: (x2-1)(x2+1)a whole numberperimeter of a circleunchanged, given numbera part of a whole numberthe area of the outer-most areaa total amount as a result of additiona measurement of a surface of a 2d objecta straight line from the center of a circlea total amount as a result of multiplicationby a specified amount in or for every hundred...

Math 2015-01-19

Math crossword puzzle
  1. The result of dividing one thing from another thing
  2. The result of multiplying a set of numbers
  3. The mathematics of working with variables
  4. Straight up and down
  5. The degree to which 2 variables are associated
  6. Next to
  7. A mathematical question built from mathematical signals
  8. A ratio of numbers or variables
  9. The set of all real numbers between 2 given numbers
  10. The result of adding together a set of numbers
  11. A 3 dimensional figure with a single base tapering to one apex
  12. Any graph that can be marked with a straight line
  1. All positive and negative whole numbers
  2. An angle larger than 90 degrees
  3. A quadratic U-shaped curve
  4. The likelihood of the occurrence of an event
  5. Perfectly flat and level (the horizon)
  6. The average
  7. The study of geometric figures in 2 and 3 dimensions
  8. The quantity that cancels out the given quantity
  9. The shortest distance between the base of a figure and its top
  10. An expression used to calculate a desired result
  11. The number that occurs most often in a list
  12. The short form for "Cosine"

24 Clues: Next toThe averageStraight up and downA quadratic U-shaped curveThe short form for "Cosine"An angle larger than 90 degreesA ratio of numbers or variablesPerfectly flat and level (the horizon)All positive and negative whole numbersThe mathematics of working with variablesThe result of multiplying a set of numbers...

Math 2015-01-21

Math crossword puzzle
  1. of Rotation/ rotation around a fix point
  2. sides/ sides with same relative position
  3. slides each point the same distance
  4. point at the end of segment or beginning of ray
  5. The set of all points
  6. mirror image
  7. one of the undefined terms of geometry
  8. line/ line that acts as mirror
  9. lines/ lie in the same plane and do not intersect
  10. turns a figure around a fix poin
  1. divides segment or angle into two pieces
  2. Figure created by two distinct rays
  3. mapping or movement
  4. lines/ intersect to form right angles
  5. figure before changes
  6. having same size and shape
  7. segment/ part if line between two point
  8. location of two lines
  9. one of the basic undefined terms
  10. result of transformation
  11. line starts at one point and never ends

21 Clues: mirror imagemapping or movementThe set of all pointsfigure before changeslocation of two linesresult of transformationhaving same size and shapeline/ line that acts as mirrorone of the basic undefined termsturns a figure around a fix poinFigure created by two distinct raysslides each point the same distancelines/ intersect to form right angles...

math 2015-06-16

math crossword puzzle
  1. the ___ the eccentricity of the hyperbola is, the more straight the graph of the eccentricity is
  2. the smallest number period of a periodic function
  3. a ___ function has every x value that corresponds to exactly one y value and one y value that corresponds to exactly one y value
  4. formula where Logbc = logac / logab
  5. equation of conic sectionis (x-h)2 + (y-k)2 s= r2?
  6. if a quantity is growing at r% per year (or month), then the doubling time is approximately (__/r) years (or months)
  7. type of conic section where B2 - 4AC is equal to 0
  8. what is log34 equal to the nearest tenth?
  9. domain of function f(x) = (1)/(x+3) is D={y|y∈R, y not equal to __}
  10. Logbb
  11. a type of shift where function f(x) translates into g(x) where g(x) is equal to f(x)+c
  12. log(1/32) to the nearest tenth
  13. graph of y=ax^2+bx+c with symmetry at x = -b/2a has ___ symmetry
  14. type of function where A(t) = A0(1 + r)t
  15. type of function where A(t) = A0bt/k = A0(1/2)t/years
  16. function where the new function has the same points as the original function, except that the x and y are reversed due to flip over x=y line from original
  1. equation that contains a variable in the exponent
  2. the equation Ax2 + Bxy + Cy2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0
  3. when a plane tilted at various angles slices double cones ; examples: circle, ellipse, hyperbola, parabola
  4. if the coordinates of (x,y) flips over ______ then the resulting coordinates is (y, x)
  5. locus (set) of points in a plane equidistant from a fixed point
  6. t when 10t-3 = 4 rounded to the nearest tenth
  7. when larger number is under the x in an equation of an ellipse, then ellipse is a ____ ellipse
  8. in a period function when (max value minus min value) divided by two
  9. a function f(-x) that equals -f(x) has ___ symmetry

25 Clues: Logbblog(1/32) to the nearest tenthformula where Logbc = logac / logabtype of function where A(t) = A0(1 + r)twhat is log34 equal to the nearest tenth?t when 10t-3 = 4 rounded to the nearest tenththe equation Ax2 + Bxy + Cy2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0equation that contains a variable in the exponentthe smallest number period of a periodic function...

Math 2015-06-11

Math crossword puzzle
  1. a2 + b2 − 2ab cos(C)
  2. An extreme value in a set of data
  3. The value of an investment or loan on a date before the end of the term
  4. Unrepresentative sample
  5. Three values that divide a set of data into four intervals with equal numbers of data
  6. The value of an investment or loan at the end of the term
  7. The middle value when data is arranged least to greatest
  8. A binomial form of x2-r2
  9. The value that occurs the most
  10. Data that can have any numerical value
  11. A group that are representative of the population that are taken
  12. decay non linear growth represented with an downward curve
  13. One round of a probability experiment
  14. A Vertical line that passes through vertex
  15. All individuals or items that belong to a group being studied
  16. The x intercept in a quadratic relation
  17. A possible result of an experiment
  18. The sum of values in a set of data divided by the number of numbers in the data
  19. Side that forms one side of the right angle ,across the hypotenuse
  20. Data that are distinct and can be counted
  21. The time it takes for a quantity to decay or be reduced to half its initial amount
  1. Longest side of the triangle
  2. The graph of a quadratic relation
  3. The length of time for which interest is calculated before accumulated
  4. The point where the parabola changes from decreasing to increasing or visa versa
  5. Time required for a quantity to double in number
  6. Triangle measurements
  7. The interest paid on the principle and its accumulated interest
  8. Typical value for a probability distribution
  9. a/sin A = b/sin B = c/sin C
  10. Non linear growth represented with an upward curve
  11. The money paid on an investment or loan . A percent of the principal
  12. A set of outcomes with the same result
  13. The value of the initial investment or loan
  14. The difference between the highest and lowest values in set data

35 Clues: a2 + b2 − 2ab cos(C)Triangle measurementsUnrepresentative sampleA binomial form of x2-r2Longest side of the trianglea/sin A = b/sin B = c/sin CThe value that occurs the mostThe graph of a quadratic relationAn extreme value in a set of dataA possible result of an experimentOne round of a probability experimentData that can have any numerical value...

Math 2016-01-06

Math crossword puzzle
  1. The opposite of -9
  2. the opposite of -7
  3. The opposite of -20
  4. The opposite of -18
  5. The opposite of -14
  6. The opposite of -13
  7. The opposite of -8
  8. The opposite of -16
  1. The opposite of -19
  2. The opposite of -1
  3. The opposite of -2
  4. The opposite of -17
  5. The opposite of -4
  6. The opposite of -10
  7. The opposite of -5
  8. The opposite of -12
  9. The opposite of -15
  10. The opposite of -11
  11. The opposite of -6
  12. The opposite of -3

20 Clues: The opposite of -9the opposite of -7The opposite of -1The opposite of -2The opposite of -4The opposite of -5The opposite of -6The opposite of -8The opposite of -3The opposite of -19The opposite of -20The opposite of -17The opposite of -18The opposite of -10The opposite of -14The opposite of -12The opposite of -15The opposite of -13...

Math 2015-03-18

Math crossword puzzle
  1. independent variables
  2. often denoted as "m"
  3. opposite over hypotenuse
  4. adjacent over hypotenuse
  5. perpendicular distance of a point from the y - axis
  6. horizontal line
  7. middle number
  8. average of numbers
  9. opposite over adjacent
  10. 2nd degree polynomials
  11. set of data is the difference between the largest and smallest values.
  1. vertical line
  2. reciprocal of cosine
  3. reciprocal of sine
  4. the order of selection doesn't matter
  5. longer leg
  6. act of rearraging
  7. straight line in the graph
  8. ordered pair which is plotted on the vertical axis
  9. reciprocal of tangent

20 Clues: longer legvertical linemiddle numberhorizontal lineact of rearragingreciprocal of sineaverage of numbersoften denoted as "m"reciprocal of cosineindependent variablesreciprocal of tangentopposite over adjacent2nd degree polynomialsopposite over hypotenuseadjacent over hypotenusestraight line in the graphthe order of selection doesn't matter...

Math 2015-04-08

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Two Angles are ______ when they add up to 90 degrees (a Right Angle).
  2. A polynomial with just one term
  3. A polynomial with three terms.
  4. An expression that has a square root, cube root, etc.
  5. _____ are created where a transversal crosses two (usually parallel) lines. Each pair of these angles are inside the parallel lines, and on opposite sides of the transversal.
  6. A line that crosses at least two other lines
  7. A transformation in which a geometric figure is ______ across a line, creating a mirror image.
  8. A special curve, shaped like an arch. Any point on a ______ is at an equal distance from a fixed point (the focus), and a fixed straight line (the directrix)
  9. A polynomial with two terms.
  10. Two Angles are when they add up to 180 degrees.
  11. One of the trigonometry functions. In a right triangle, the ______ of an angle is the opposite side over the adjacent side.
  12. A transformation in which a polygon is enlarged or reduced by a given factor around a given center point.
  13. has a central point that stays fixed and everything else moves around that point in a circle.
  1. are congruent. Formally, ______ are defined as two exterior angles on opposite sides of a transversal which lie on different parallel lines.
  2. An expression that can have constants, variables and exponents, that can be combined using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, but no division by a variable, a variable's exponents can only be 0,1,2,3,... etc,it can't have an infinite number of terms.
  3. a mathematical phrase that can contain ordinary numbers, variables (like x or y) and operators (like add,subtract,multiply, and divide)
  4. the trigonometric function that is equal to the ratio of the side adjacent to an acute angle (in a right-angled triangle) to the hypotenuse.
  5. the trigonometric function that is equal to the ratio of the side opposite a given angle (in a right triangle) to the hypotenuse.
  6. is a special relationship where each input has a single output.
  7. the measuring (of angles and sides) of triangles. Historically speaking, the triangular approach to _______ is ancient, wheres the circular approach now taught in our schools is relatively recent.
  8. moving a shape without rotating or flipping it.

21 Clues: A polynomial with two terms.A polynomial with three terms.A polynomial with just one termA line that crosses at least two other linesmoving a shape without rotating or flipping it.Two Angles are when they add up to 180 degrees.An expression that has a square root, cube root, a special relationship where each input has a single output....

MATH 2015-11-17

MATH crossword puzzle
  1. 23x55
  2. 30x9
  3. 20x30
  4. 40x50
  5. 14x53
  6. 40x20
  7. 30x60
  8. 84x56
  9. 20x20
  1. 60x50
  2. 40x2
  3. 64x12
  4. 14x6
  5. 57x93
  6. 36x84
  7. 50x20
  8. 19x46
  9. 14x74
  10. 60x70
  11. 14x3

20 Clues: 40x214x630x914x360x5023x5564x1257x9336x8420x3050x2040x5014x5319x4614x7440x2030x6084x5660x7020x20

MATH 2015-11-16

MATH crossword puzzle
  1. 2X16
  2. 2X9
  3. 2X19
  4. 2X6
  5. 2X3
  6. 2X18
  7. 2X21
  8. 2X15
  9. 2X7
  1. 2X14
  2. 2X5
  3. 2X12
  4. 2X4
  5. SX17
  6. 2X13
  7. 2X8
  8. 2X11
  9. 2X2
  10. 2X10
  11. 2X20

20 Clues: 2X92X52X42X62X32X82X22X72X162X142X192X12SX172X132X182X212X112X152X102X20

Math 2016-04-15

Math crossword puzzle
  1. difference between point estimate & true parameter
  2. conduct statistical analysis on data that cant use normal analysis
  3. success rate for calculating confidence interval
  4. how far a sample is from what we expect if the null is true
  5. claim we weigh evidence against a stat test
  6. plausible values for a parameter
  7. when the p value is smaller than alpha
  8. estimate of standard deviation of a statistic
  9. parameter is different from the null value
  1. value of point estimator
  2. fail to reject the null when its false
  3. provides an estimate of population parameter
  4. values in the final calculation that are free to vary
  5. if the sample size is greater than 30 than it is ____
  6. reject the null when its true
  7. parameter is larger or smaller than the null value
  8. probability that the statistic would take a value as extreme or more extreme than one observed
  9. claim about the population that were trying to find evidence for
  10. data comes from a ____ sample
  11. probability the test will reject the null at a chosen significance level

20 Clues: value of point estimatorreject the null when its truedata comes from a ____ sampleplausible values for a parameterfail to reject the null when its falsewhen the p value is smaller than alphaparameter is different from the null valueclaim we weigh evidence against a stat testprovides an estimate of population parameter...

Math 2016-04-15

Math crossword puzzle
  1. probability that the statistic would take a value as extreme or more extreme than one observed
  2. estimate of standard deviation of a statistic
  3. reject the null when its true
  4. probability the test will reject the null at a chosen significance level
  5. if the sample size is greater than 30 than it is ____
  6. plausible values for a parameter
  7. success rate for calculating confidence interval
  8. how far a sample is from what we expect if the null is true
  9. difference between point estimate & true parameter
  10. value of point estimator
  11. data comes from a ____ sample
  1. claim about the population that were trying to find evidence for
  2. parameter is larger or smaller than the null value
  3. claim we weigh evidence against a stat test
  4. provides an estimate of population parameter
  5. values in the final calculation that are free to vary
  6. conduct statistical analysis on data that cant use normal analysis
  7. when the p value is smaller than alpha
  8. fail to reject the null when its false
  9. parameter is different from the null value

20 Clues: value of point estimatorreject the null when its truedata comes from a ____ sampleplausible values for a parameterwhen the p value is smaller than alphafail to reject the null when its falseparameter is different from the null valueclaim we weigh evidence against a stat testprovides an estimate of population parameter...

MAth 2016-04-15

MAth crossword puzzle
  1. probability that the statistic would take a value as extreme or more extreme than one observed
  2. plausible values for a parameter
  3. reject the null when its true
  4. provides an estimate of population parameter
  5. probability the test will reject the null at a chosen significance level
  6. fail to reject the null when its false
  7. when the p value is smaller than alpha
  8. claim we weigh evidence against a stat test
  9. parameter is larger or smaller than the null value
  10. data comes from a ____ sample
  1. success rate for calculating confidence interval
  2. values in the final calculation that are free to vary
  3. estimate of standard deviation of a statistic
  4. claim about the population that were trying to find evidence for
  5. difference between point estimate & true parameter
  6. if the sample size is greater than 30 than it is ____
  7. conduct statistical analysis on data that cant use normal analysis
  8. how far a sample is from what we expect if the null is true
  9. parameter is different from the null value
  10. value of point estimator

20 Clues: value of point estimatorreject the null when its truedata comes from a ____ sampleplausible values for a parameterfail to reject the null when its falsewhen the p value is smaller than alphaparameter is different from the null valueclaim we weigh evidence against a stat testprovides an estimate of population parameter...

Math 2017-02-26

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Shows how many data values fall into a certain interval
  2. The degree to which two variables are associated
  3. The measure of how likely an event is
  4. Deviation Measure of how spread out numbers are
  5. An event with a probability of 1
  6. All outcomes that are not the event
  7. Two events that have common outcomes
  8. set of all possible outcomes
  9. Average of the numbers
  10. Unsure if an event will happen
  11. a diagram showing relationships between sets
  1. A way of displaying categorical data using horizontal or vertical bars
  2. A way of describing which items belong in a set and which do not
  3. Number of ways that a number of things can be ordered or arranged
  4. Two events that have no common outcomes
  5. A graph of plotted points
  6. Arrangement of objects in a specific order
  7. A collection of things in which the order does not matter
  8. Average of the squared differences from the mean
  9. The result of multiplying a sequence of descending natural numbers

20 Clues: Average of the numbersA graph of plotted pointsset of all possible outcomesUnsure if an event will happenAn event with a probability of 1All outcomes that are not the eventTwo events that have common outcomesThe measure of how likely an event isTwo events that have no common outcomesArrangement of objects in a specific order...

Math 2017-10-16

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Highest common factor
  2. the inverse operation of squaring itself
  3. Example:"Count the multiples of 2000"
  4. numbers that cannot be expressed
  5. An equavilent to digits
  6. What its worth
  7. Has only 2 factors (1 and itself)
  8. A number below zero
  9. The amount of numbers
  1. Another term for factorize
  2. has the numerator and the denominator
  3. A method of finding the square root
  4. rounding off to a ceratin digit
  5. Not divisible by 2
  6. The term for describing squared or cubed
  7. A whole number with more than 2 different factors
  8. A number that can be divided
  9. Divisible by 2
  10. Numbers above 0
  11. Maths with letters

20 Clues: Divisible by 2What its worthNumbers above 0Not divisible by 2Maths with lettersA number below zeroHighest common factorThe amount of numbersAn equavilent to digitsAnother term for factorizeA number that can be dividedrounding off to a ceratin digitnumbers that cannot be expressedHas only 2 factors (1 and itself)A method of finding the square root...

math 2017-08-28

math crossword puzzle
  1. Square Any number that is the square of a reasonable number.
  2. Tells us how many times to use a number in a multiplication.
  3. Value The amount of space between a number and zero.
  4. Form A function of the form y+a*bx where a>0 and either a<b<1 or b>1.
  5. a Number Multiply a number by itself three times.
  6. Number Numbers that are not rational.
  7. x in the expression x9.
  8. Decimal A decimal that is infinite.
  1. Root A positive number that must be multiplied by itself to equal a certain number.
  2. Form A way of writing very large or small numbers easily.
  3. Number A number that can be an integer or quotient of an integer divided by a non zero integer.
  4. The outcome of lifting a base to an exponent.
  5. Decimal A decimal that does not repeat.
  6. Notation A number system in which real number are expressed as a product of a number between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10.
  7. Root The number that produce a given number when cubed
  8. An inverted fraction. Ex. 3/5 is 5/3
  9. 9 in the expression x9.
  10. A well read assumption.
  11. To prove a statement or theory to be wrong.
  12. A set of numbers separated by commas. Ex.1,3,5,7

20 Clues: 9 in the expression x9.A well read assumption.x in the expression x9.Decimal A decimal that is infinite.An inverted fraction. Ex. 3/5 is 5/3Number Numbers that are not rational.Decimal A decimal that does not repeat.To prove a statement or theory to be wrong.The outcome of lifting a base to an exponent....

Math 2017-12-02

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Expressions that have the same values
  2. To write a number as a product of its factors
  3. An ordered list of numbers
  4. Choosing a variable and a quantity for the variable to represent in an expression and find the sum or product
  5. A number, variable, or product of a number and one or more variables
  6. A sequence in which the difference between any two consecutive terms are the same
  7. To multiply a sum by a number, multiply each addend of the sum by the number outside the parentheses
  8. Each number in a sequence
  9. The product of any number and one is the number
  10. Statements that are true for any variable
  11. A symbol, usually a letter that is used to represent a number in mathematical expressions or sentences
  12. A combination of variables, numbers and at least one operation
  13. The way in which numbers are grouped doesn’t change their sum or product
  14. Terms that contain the same variables raised to the same power
  1. A specific case which proves a statement false
  2. The sum of any number and the number is zero
  3. A branch of mathematics that involves expressions with variables
  4. The numerical factor that a term contains a variable
  5. of Zero The product of any number and the product is zero
  6. A term that does not contain a variable

20 Clues: Each number in a sequenceAn ordered list of numbersExpressions that have the same valuesA term that does not contain a variableStatements that are true for any variableThe sum of any number and the number is zeroTo write a number as a product of its factorsA specific case which proves a statement falseThe product of any number and one is the number...

Math 2018-03-05

Math crossword puzzle
  1. the continuous line forming the boundary of a closed geometric figure.
  2. the trigonometric function that is equal to the ratio of the side opposite a given angle (in a right triangle) to the hypotenuse.
  3. a triangle) having sides unequal in length.
  4. each angular point of a polygon, polyhedron, or other figure.
  5. a triangle) having two sides of equal length.
  6. a plane figure with 9 straight sides and angles.
  7. the quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis.
  8. a plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles.
  9. the space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet.
  10. Lying next to each other.
  11. The part of a circle made by a line and a connecting arc.
  12. a plane figure with at least three straight sides and angles.
  1. A straight line at an angle of 90° to a given line, plane, or surface.
  2. Curved inwards.
  3. unproven statement which is supported by all the available data and by many weaker results.
  4. a plane figure with seven straight sides and angles.
  5. The part of a conditional statement after then.
  6. a plane figure with twelve sides.
  7. a parallelogram with opposite equal acute angles, opposite equal obtuse angles, and four equal sides.
  8. A line with a start point but no end point.
  9. the trigonometric function that is equal to the ratio of the side adjacent to an acute angle (in a right-angled triangle) to the hypotenuse.
  10. a plane figure with eight straight sides and eight angles.
  11. a plane figure with three straight sides and three angles.
  12. reasoned, logical explanations that use definitions, axioms, postulates, and previously proved theorems to arrive at a conclusion about a geometric statement.
  13. A long thin mark made by a pen, pencil, etc.
  14. A plane figure with ten straight sides and angles.
  15. A result that has been proved to be true.

27 Clues: Curved inwards.Lying next to each other.a plane figure with twelve sides.A result that has been proved to be true.a triangle) having sides unequal in length.A line with a start point but no end point.A long thin mark made by a pen, pencil, etc.a triangle) having two sides of equal length.The part of a conditional statement after then....

Math 2018-11-06

Math crossword puzzle
  1. a measurement of steepness
  2. a 7 sided polygon
  3. has one endpoint and goes indefinitely in one direction
  4. a number with the exponent of 3
  5. triangle with 2 congruent
  6. bottom part to a fraction
  7. the number being used as a factor
  8. a triangle with equal sides
  9. a number expressed using exponents
  10. used to measure angles
  11. lines that never intersect
  1. an angle with a measurement less than 90 degrees
  2. a triangle with no congruent sides
  3. lines that intersect at right angles
  4. a comparison between two or more quantities
  5. order of operations
  6. point common in two rays of a triangle
  7. the top part of a fraction
  8. an angle greater than 90 degrees
  9. a number with the exponent of 2
  10. tells how many times a number is used as a factor
  11. 3.14

22 Clues: 3.14a 7 sided polygonorder of operationsused to measure anglestriangle with 2 congruentbottom part to a fractiona measurement of steepnessthe top part of a fractionlines that never intersecta triangle with equal sidesa number with the exponent of 3a number with the exponent of 2an angle greater than 90 degreesthe number being used as a factor...

math 2022-03-08

math crossword puzzle
  1. A diagram that exhibits a relationship between two sets of numbers as points called coordinates
  2. Set of y-values that make the function defined
  3. Set of x-values that make the function defined
  4. 2/x-5=1-1/x-5
  5. A ratio of two polynomials
  6. 1/m^2+4m-1/m=4/m^2+4m
  7. 1/5=6m+30/5m-1/m
  8. When the rise is greater than the run
  9. Occur when the factors can be canceled from rational numbers
  10. A graph transformation that makes the graph narrower
  1. Line that runs left to right
  2. A number that is being multiplied by the variable
  3. Line that runs up and down
  4. Line or curve that acts like the other line/curve
  5. Moving the graph around by changing the formula
  6. 1/n^2=1/n+3/n^2
  7. Point where parabola changes directions
  8. Shifting graph up, down, left or right
  9. Flips graph over x or y-axis
  10. A graph transformation that makes the graph wider

20 Clues: 2/x-5=1-1/x-51/n^2=1/n+3/n^21/5=6m+30/5m-1/m1/m^2+4m-1/m=4/m^2+4mLine that runs up and downA ratio of two polynomialsLine that runs left to rightFlips graph over x or y-axisWhen the rise is greater than the runShifting graph up, down, left or rightPoint where parabola changes directionsSet of y-values that make the function defined...

Math 2022-03-08

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Name for when you divide numbers
  2. Number beside X in equations
  3. A half, third, fifth, etc.
  4. the number found using division
  5. Equations involving more then or less then
  6. Make an equation simpler
  7. A type of equation involving y=mx+b
  8. polygon with four equal sides
  9. (No space) a squared + b squared = c squared
  10. Name for when you multiply numbers
  11. the number found using multiplication
  1. Involved in Algebraic equations without being beside X
  2. A type of equation that looks like a curve when graphed
  3. Line covering opposite sides in a circle
  4. Equation Ex: 2x3y
  5. Perfectly round shape with no sides
  6. -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3
  7. Name for when you subtract numbers
  8. numbers Below 0
  9. Line from middle to the side of a circle
  10. Number used in every equation for circles can be simplified to 3.14
  11. All real numbers
  12. Equation involving X
  13. Name for when you add numbers
  14. Name for X in equations

25 Clues: numbers Below 0All real numbersEquation Ex: 2x3yEquation involving X-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3Name for X in equationsMake an equation simplerA half, third, fifth, etc.Number beside X in equationsName for when you add numberspolygon with four equal sidesthe number found using divisionName for when you divide numbersName for when you subtract numbers...

Math 2021-12-03

Math crossword puzzle
  1. two end points
  2. the same posistion
  3. one or more numbers
  4. geomatric transformation
  5. highest point
  6. a slide
  7. a flip
  8. connect a number
  9. opposite of negative
  1. oppsoite of clockwise
  2. Plane figure rotates
  3. a turn
  4. Outline
  5. 4 of them
  6. 0,0
  7. oppsoite of Postive
  8. a line
  9. sides are the same
  10. number greater than 1
  11. rightmost posistion of a number

20 Clues: 0,0a turna linea flipOutlinea slide4 of themhighest pointtwo end pointsconnect a numberthe same posistionsides are the sameone or more numbersoppsoite of PostivePlane figure rotatesopposite of negativeoppsoite of clockwisenumber greater than 1geomatric transformationrightmost posistion of a number

Math 2022-02-23

Math crossword puzzle
  1. the study of mathematical symbols and the rules for manipulating these symbols.
  2. a branch of mathematics dealing with the collection, analysis, and interpretation.
  3. A function in trigonometry when you take the opposite leg over the adjacent leg.
  4. The action of subtracting something from something else
  5. The middle number in a group of numbers, in order from least to greatest.
  6. It is concerned with properties of space that are related to distance, shape, size, and relative position of figures.
  7. A function in trigonometry when you take the opposite leg over the hypotenuse.
  8. The process of dividing one thing by another
  9. When a number is multiplied by itself 3 times.
  10. A branch of math created by Issac Newton.
  11. The average of a group of numbers.
  12. The number most often represented in a group of numbers.
  1. The longest side of a triangle.
  2. a branch of mathematics that studies relationships between side lengths and angles of triangles
  3. A function in trigonometry when you take the adjacent leg over the hypotenuse.
  4. The action of adding something to something else.
  5. The process of multiplying two things.
  6. The difference between the largest and smallest number in a group of numbers.
  7. root A value of a number that when multiplied by itself gives the number.
  8. When a number is multiplied by itself twice.

20 Clues: The longest side of a triangle.The average of a group of numbers.The process of multiplying two things.A branch of math created by Issac Newton.The process of dividing one thing by anotherWhen a number is multiplied by itself twice.When a number is multiplied by itself 3 times.The action of adding something to something else....

Math 2022-01-28

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Perpendicular segment of a triangle.
  2. Always 4
  3. 9 sides
  4. 8 sides
  5. Perimeter of a circle
  6. Formed by switching the thoughts and the conclusion.
  7. All the sides together.
  8. 90'
  9. From point to point
  10. Inside the perimeter.
  11. Space between two intersecting lines.
  12. Line joining of two sides of a triangle.
  1. 2 sides the same and one different.
  2. Flat surface.
  3. It crosses in perpendicular direction.
  4. opposite of curve.
  5. A result that has been proved to be true.
  6. It's a dot
  7. Two angles are not congruent.
  8. Less than 90'
  9. 2 sides less than the heptagon

21 Clues: 90'9 sides8 sidesAlways 4It's a dotFlat surface.Less than 90'opposite of curve.From point to pointPerimeter of a circleInside the perimeter.All the sides together.Two angles are not congruent.2 sides less than the heptagon2 sides the same and one different.Perpendicular segment of a triangle.Space between two intersecting lines....

math 2022-02-24

math crossword puzzle
  1. picture square
  2. picture angle bisect
  3. picture iso
  4. picture acute
  5. picture obtuse
  6. picture angle
  7. definition perimeter
  1. picture midseg
  2. definition circumfrence
  3. picture octo
  4. notq-notp
  5. q-p
  6. picture right
  7. notp-notq
  8. picture congruet
  9. picture pent
  10. picture hex
  11. picture parallel
  12. picture ray
  13. definition area

20 Clues: q-pnotq-notpnotp-notqpicture hexpicture isopicture raypicture octopicture pentpicture rightpicture acutepicture anglepicture midsegpicture squarepicture obtusedefinition areapicture congruetpicture parallelpicture angle bisectdefinition perimeterdefinition circumfrence

math 2022-04-12

math crossword puzzle
  1. if f'(x) is increasing, this is up
  2. 1/n^p
  3. rate of change of a function
  4. 1/cotangent
  5. greek symbol for angle
  6. change in y/change in x
  7. name of series for 1/n
  8. series for ar^n
  9. a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + ... + an
  10. M(x-c)^n+1/(n+1)!
  1. 1/sin
  2. if f'(x) exists
  3. 1/cos
  4. opposite/hypotenuse
  5. a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 , ... , an
  6. a function that has no jumps or holes
  7. a series centered at x = 0
  8. another word for integral
  9. adjacent/hypotenuse
  10. 1/tangent

20 Clues: 1/sin1/cos1/n^p1/tangent1/cotangentif f'(x) existsseries for ar^nM(x-c)^n+1/(n+1)!opposite/hypotenuseadjacent/hypotenusegreek symbol for anglename of series for 1/nchange in y/change in xanother word for integrala series centered at x = 0rate of change of a functiona1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + ... + ana1 , a2 , a3 , a4 , ... , an...

Math 2022-04-25

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Root A number squared is multiplied by itself.
  2. Number A number that can be divided or is divisible by 2.
  3. The repeated addition of the same number denoted with the symbol x.
  4. A value that does not change.
  5. Equation An equation that can be written with one side equal to 0.
  6. A letter or number representing a numerical quantity attached to a term (usually at the beginning).
  7. Objects and figures that have the same size and shape.
  8. Numbers Refer to whole numbers combined with fractions or decimals.
  9. Properties that must be described using qualities rather than numbers.
  10. Refers to addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
  11. A polynomial equation with two terms usually joined by a plus or minus sign.
  1. Symbols that represent numbers or operations between numbers.
  2. A rule that numerically describes the relationship between two or more variables.
  3. A quantity that is not whole that contains a numerator and denominator.
  4. Number A number less than zero denoted with the symbol -.
  5. A letter used to represent a numerical value in equations and expressions.
  6. The top number in a fraction.
  7. Two-dimensional shapes.
  8. A statement that shows the equality of two expressions by joining them with an equals sign.
  9. The numerals 0-9 found in all numbers. 176 is a 3-digit number featuring the digits 1, 7, and 6.

20 Clues: Two-dimensional shapes.A value that does not change.The top number in a fraction.Root A number squared is multiplied by itself.Objects and figures that have the same size and shape.Number A number that can be divided or is divisible by 2.Number A number less than zero denoted with the symbol -....

Math 2022-04-27

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Is an activity that can be infinitely repeated and has a
  2. Pick out or select something as being the best or most appropriate
  3. Is a set of elements made from all the elements in two sets
  4. Turning over and over on an axis
  5. Where the order of the selection matters
  6. The possibility of something happening
  7. To happen or to take place
  8. Any collection of objects
  9. Not able to occur, exist, or be done
  10. A set of elements that is in both two sets
  11. A part or aspect of something
  12. Turn over
  13. event.
  14. Is affected by the outcome of the other event
  15. Zero, or having zero things
  16. Become greater
  17. How likely an event is to occur
  18. Chosen without method
  1. The number of ways to arrange n distinct objects along a fixed circle
  2. Prevalent
  3. Different in nature from something else
  4. Held in common by two or more parties
  5. Permutations that can be distinguished from one another
  6. Where the order of the selection does not matter
  7. A set of possible outcomes
  8. Become smaller or fewer
  9. Is not affected by the outcome of the
  10. Collecting and analyzing numerical data in large quantities
  11. Restricted or limited to the person, group, or area concerned
  12. Certainly
  13. set of possible outcomes.
  14. An act of selecting randomly

32 Clues: event.PrevalentTurn overCertainlyBecome greaterChosen without methodBecome smaller or fewerAny collection of objectsset of possible outcomes.A set of possible outcomesTo happen or to take placeZero, or having zero thingsAn act of selecting randomlyA part or aspect of somethingHow likely an event is to occurTurning over and over on an axis...

Math 2022-04-27

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Any collection of objects
  2. Different in nature from something else
  3. Not affected by the outcome of the other event.
  4. Restricted or limited to the person, group, or area concerned
  5. Permutations that can be distinguished from one another
  6. Where the order of the selection does not matter
  7. A set of possible outcomes
  8. Become smaller or fewer
  9. Zero, or having zero things
  10. Turning over and over on an axis
  11. Is a set of elements made from all the elements in two sets
  12. Certainly
  13. The possibility of something happening
  14. Chosen without method
  15. Held in common by two or more parties
  1. Is an activity that can be infinitely repeated and has a well-defined set of possible outcomes.
  2. Not able to occur, exist, or be done
  3. Collecting and analyzing numerical data in large quantities
  4. A part or aspect of something
  5. Is affected by the outcome of the other event
  6. Pick out or select something as being the best or most appropriate
  7. Where the order of the selection matters
  8. How likely an event is to occur
  9. Turn over
  10. A set of elements that is in both two sets
  11. Become greater
  12. Prevalent
  13. The number of ways to arrange n distinct objects along a fixed circle
  14. To happen or to take place
  15. An act of selecting randomly

30 Clues: Turn overPrevalentCertainlyBecome greaterChosen without methodBecome smaller or fewerAny collection of objectsA set of possible outcomesTo happen or to take placeZero, or having zero thingsAn act of selecting randomlyA part or aspect of somethingHow likely an event is to occurTurning over and over on an axisNot able to occur, exist, or be done...

Math 2022-04-28

Math crossword puzzle
  1. the distance around a circle
  2. rise over run
  3. a side of a 3d object
  4. a letter in an equaton
  5. the area inside of a shape
  6. the little number at the top of a number
  7. the bottom
  8. closed circle to the right
  9. quotient
  10. has an equal sign
  11. product
  12. open circle to the right
  1. closed circle to he left
  2. the length across a circle
  3. the length from the center of a center to the outside
  4. open circl to the left
  5. shapes
  6. where a line crosses over the y axis
  7. one to another
  8. to add to
  9. to take away

21 Clues: shapesproductquotientto add tothe bottomto take awayrise over runone to anotherhas an equal signa side of a 3d objectopen circl to the lefta letter in an equatonclosed circle to he leftopen circle to the rightthe length across a circlethe area inside of a shapeclosed circle to the rightthe distance around a circle...

Math 2022-05-11

Math crossword puzzle
  1. A courier service charges a $5 pickup fee, plus %0.15 per mile. The total charge to deliver a package was 7.85. How many miles did the courier service travel to deliver the package?
  2. Margo missed 24.6 of her free throw shots in a season. During the season, she shot a total of 90 free throws. Which of the following is the best estimate of the number of free throws margo missed? 18, 12, 22, 25
  3. Edgar pays $67.86 for 7.8 pounds of fertilizer. What is the price per pound of fertilizer?
  4. Mr.Mathewson increased the amount of weight he lifted each morning from 80 pounds to 90 pounds. By what percentage did Mr.Mathewson increase the amount of weight he lifted? 12.5%, 10%, 15%, 18.5%
  5. Margie has a $50.00 budget to purchase a $45.00 pair of boots. If there is an 8% sales tax rate, then how much under budget will Margie be?
  6. In PE, a parachute is laid out on the gym floor. The parachute has a radius of 16 feet. Which measurement is closest to the circumference of the parachute in feet? (Put squared at the end in parentheses)
  7. The price of a tablet was increased from $180 to $207,By what percentage was the price of the tablet increased?
  8. A hospital bill is estimated to be $462.00. It ends up actually costing the patient $525.00. What is the percent error in the bill?
  9. A hot air balloon travels 18 miles in 3 hoours At this rate, how many miles will the hot air balloon travel in 3/4 hour?
  1. Jameson is seeking a loan with a simple interest rate of 3% per year. If he wants to borrow $8,000, then how much will he be charged in interest after 4 years?
  2. the record low temperature in Fargo, ND is -37 F. The record high is 109 F. What is the difference in the record high and the record low areas?
  3. A coffee shop sign is in the shape of a circle. The sign measures 18 inches across in diameter. Which measurement is closest to the area of the sign in square inches? 56.23, 101.36,188.78,254.34 (Put squared at the end in parentheses)
  4. Todd plans to swim 18 laps in the pool. Each lap is 50 yards. So far Todd has swam 738 yards. What percentage of the total has Todd completed?
  5. ft(squared) A circular rug has a radius of 4 feet. Which of the following is closest to the number of square inches the rug covers? (Put squared at the end in parentheses)
  6. Will side lengths like 5,5 and 9 form a triangle?
  7. A home improvement store advertises 60 square feet of flooring for $253.00, plus an additional $80.00 installation fee. What is the cost per square foot for the flooring?
  8. What is the value of x in this equation? -4x +8 = 42
  9. Two triangles are supplementary to each other. If the first angle measures 58, then which of the following could be the measure of the second triangle? 122, 32, 58, 180
  10. Jameson pays $39.90 for 3.8 pounds of almonds. What is the price per pound of almonds?
  11. A student takes notes in class, completes the assignments, attends tutoring, and prepares for the test. Is it likely, unlikely, impossible, or certain they will pass the test?

20 Clues: Will side lengths like 5,5 and 9 form a triangle?What is the value of x in this equation? -4x +8 = 42Jameson pays $39.90 for 3.8 pounds of almonds. What is the price per pound of almonds?Edgar pays $67.86 for 7.8 pounds of fertilizer. What is the price per pound of fertilizer?...

Math 2022-05-18

Math crossword puzzle
  1. is a thing that is composed of two or more
  2. is taking two or more numbers
  3. of 3
  4. is a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance.
  5. is reflected shape
  6. Is the state of being expanded or widened
  7. is in the box
  1. when it tilted
  2. is having the same size and shape
  3. is rotating shape
  4. is two flat ends in the shape of circles.
  5. is multiply the length and the width rectangle
  6. is same distance and direction
  7. interest is easy
  8. is the best class
  9. is (0,0)
  10. is the weigh
  11. is a diagram
  12. help others
  13. An equation that makes a straight line it

20 Clues: of 3is (0,0)help othersis the weighis a diagramis in the boxwhen it tiltedinterest is easyis rotating shapeis the best classis reflected shapeis taking two or more numbersis same distance and directionis having the same size and shapeis two flat ends in the shape of circles.Is the state of being expanded or widened...

math 2022-05-18

math crossword puzzle
  1. is rise over run
  2. around the shape
  3. a whole number
  4. outside the box
  5. moving a shape
  6. when multiplied given original number
  7. less than 0
  8. graph straight line
  9. is the worth
  10. it transform
  1. same size and shape
  2. take away from number
  3. greater than 0
  4. a image of shape
  5. space enclosed
  6. a symbol for a value
  7. y and x intercept
  8. rotating a shape
  9. changing the size of shape
  10. calculating numbers

20 Clues: less than 0is the worthit transformgreater than 0a whole numberspace enclosedmoving a shapeoutside the boxis rise over runaround the shapea image of shaperotating a shapey and x interceptsame size and shapegraph straight linecalculating numbersa symbol for a valuetake away from numberchanging the size of shapewhen multiplied given original number

Math 2023-10-20

Math crossword puzzle
  1. The science concerned with developing and studying methods for collecting, analyzing, interpreting and presenting empirical data.
  2. Also known as a box and whisker plot
  3. Subtracting the biggest number and the smallest number
  4. Data in the form of numbers
  5. The median, mode, and mean
  6. It is a type of qualitative data that can be grouped into categories instead of being measured numerically
  7. The value under which 25% of data points are found when they are arranged in increasing order.
  8. The value under which 75% of data points are found when arranged in increasing order.
  9. Having the same thing on each side
  10. A group of data that is in the same spot
  11. A value in a data set that is very different from the other values.
  12. May be called IQR
  1. A question that is not a yes or no question, and it has multiple answers to collect data
  2. Something to show data
  3. A summary consists of five values: the most extreme values in the data set (the maximum and minimum values), the lower and upper quartiles, and the median.
  4. A data set that has a cluster to the right, and it fanned out to the left
  5. A line plot in which you can put dots above to represent data
  6. The most data
  7. How spread scores are in a distribution out
  8. The middle of a data set
  9. A group of data that is in the same spot to the left, and fans out to the right
  10. A method to organize the data given so that it makes it more meaningful and easier to understand.
  11. To spread out terms equally across an expression.
  12. Adding all the numbers together and then dividing them by how many you have.

24 Clues: The most dataMay be called IQRSomething to show dataThe middle of a data setThe median, mode, and meanData in the form of numbersHaving the same thing on each sideAlso known as a box and whisker plotA group of data that is in the same spotHow spread scores are in a distribution outTo spread out terms equally across an expression....

Math 2023-11-28

Math crossword puzzle
  1. a measure of the likelihood of an event to occur.
  2. a mathematical object that quantifies the size of sets.
  3. a straight line that goes from left to right or right to left.
  4. decimals to write fractions as a single number.
  5. A line over a number
  6. A real quantity having a value less than zero
  7. the vertical distance from the top to the object's base
  8. A collection of facts, such as numbers, words, measurements, observations.
  9. the sum of all values divided by the total number of values.
  1. more than 0
  2. a graphical representation of discrete or continuous data.
  3. a graphical representation for data visualization
  4. a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides.
  5. he value that appears most frequently in a data set
  6. more than 90° and less than 180°.
  7. the number in the middle of a data set
  8. the quantity of matter in an object.
  9. A fixed reference line for the measurement of coordinates
  10. is a relationship between two quantities or, more generally two mathematical
  11. Formed when two straight lines or rays meet at a common endpoint

20 Clues: more than 0A line over a numbermore than 90° and less than 180°.the quantity of matter in an object.the number in the middle of a data setA real quantity having a value less than zerodecimals to write fractions as a single number.a graphical representation for data visualizationa quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides....

Math 2023-11-17

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Sample taken at random
  2. A sample made with a logical unbiased pattern
  3. Model for Probability
  4. Sample taken by a small group for a large Group
  5. The more, the merrier
  6. a group of elements put together
  7. believe
  8. All possible outcomes
  9. a plot with dots
  10. a portion of a population
  11. how far from the center
  12. Often chance
  13. CHANCE
  14. The Thing no one knew before this unit
  15. Data lines
  1. A sample of things divident from the total population
  2. people
  3. the group of probability
  4. (n+n+n+...)/t
  5. not the table in your kitchen
  6. Only ONE outcome
  7. more the 1 event
  9. it looks like a ducking tree
  10. see
  11. a thing people have been doing for the last 2 weeks
  12. Set of Data
  13. Impossible,Unlikely,Equally Likely,Likely,Certain
  14. a group of number spread around a data selt

29 Clues: seepeopleCHANCEbelieveData linesSet of DataOften chance(n+n+n+...)/tOnly ONE outcomemore the 1 eventa plot with dotsModel for ProbabilityThe more, the merrierAll possible outcomesSample taken at randomhow far from the centerthe group of probabilitya portion of a populationMEASUREMENTS IN A DATA SETit looks like a ducking tree...

math 2023-12-13

math crossword puzzle
  1. the equation of a straight line in the form y = mx + b where m is the slope of the line and b
  2. a variable is a quantity that can be changed and is not fixed
  3. A fixed value
  4. x-coordinate of a point where a line, curve, or surface intersects
  5. a relationship between two expressions or values that are not equal to each other
  6. Reciprocal of a non-zero real number “n” is given by 1/n
  7. an equation where variables represent known values
  8. an expression, rule, or law that defines a relationship between one variable
  9. The difference between the lowest and highest values
  10. variable that does not depend on any other variable for its value
  1. is the ratio of the rise to the run, or rise divided by the run
  2. property that defines how multiplication operation is distributed over addition and subtraction
  3. two or more inequalities joined together with or or and
  4. variable is a quantity that can be changed and is not fixed
  5. an expression which is made up of variables and constants
  6. a variable (often denoted by y ) whose value depends on that of another
  7. the equation of a straight line in the form y — y1 = m(x — x1
  8. is the point where the graph intersects the y-axis
  9. a form of writing equations, numbers, or expressions using a certain set of rules
  10. domain of a function is the set of its possible inputs

20 Clues: A fixed valueis the point where the graph intersects the y-axisan equation where variables represent known valuesThe difference between the lowest and highest valuesdomain of a function is the set of its possible inputstwo or more inequalities joined together with or or andReciprocal of a non-zero real number “n” is given by 1/n...

Math 2023-12-11

Math crossword puzzle
  1. RightTri
  2. Inclined
  3. 90
  4. Middle
  5. SandwichA
  6. More
  7. Different-Outside
  8. SandwichS
  9. Straight
  10. comparable
  11. TheUnlongTriangleLine
  12. Consecutive-Inside
  13. S3
  1. Different-Inside
  2. Less
  3. Consecutive-Outside
  4. Same
  5. Line
  6. Intersecting
  7. A2S

20 Clues: 90S3A2SLessMoreSameLineMiddleRightTriInclinedStraightSandwichASandwichScomparableIntersectingDifferent-InsideDifferent-OutsideConsecutive-InsideConsecutive-OutsideTheUnlongTriangleLine

Math 2023-12-11

Math crossword puzzle
  1. RightTri
  2. Inclined
  3. 90
  4. Middle
  5. SandwichA
  6. More
  7. Different-Outside
  8. SandwichS
  9. Straight
  10. comparable
  11. TheUnlongTriangleLine
  12. Consecutive-Inside
  13. S3
  1. Different-Inside
  2. Less
  3. Consecutive-Outside
  4. Same
  5. Line
  6. Intersecting
  7. A2S

20 Clues: 90S3A2SLessMoreSameLineMiddleRightTriInclinedStraightSandwichASandwichScomparableIntersectingDifferent-InsideDifferent-OutsideConsecutive-InsideConsecutive-OutsideTheUnlongTriangleLine

Math 2023-12-07

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Two geometric figures are similar if they have the same shape but not necessarily the same size.
  2. A polygon with three sides and three angles. The sum of the interior angles of a triangle is always 180 degrees.
  3. A closed geometric figure with straight sides.
  4. A straight line from the center of a circle
  5. measure of the amount of space enclosed by a two-dimensional shape
  6. A polygon with 8 sides
  7. A polygon with six sides
  8. each angular point of a polygon, polyhedron, or other figure.
  9. measure of the amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional object
  10. total length of the boundary or outer edge of a two-dimensional shape.
  11. A lines are two lines that exist in the same plane and do not intersect
  12. A angle that equals 90 degrees
  13. alanced distribution of shapes or patterns on either side of a dividing line or point. A
  1. A lines are two lines that intersect at a right angle
  2. A angle from 1-89 degrees
  3. A angle that is from 91-180 degrees
  4. A straight line joining two opposite corners of a square, ect
  5. Two angles that are congruent
  6. A three-dimensional object in which all points on its surface are equidistant from its center. It is a collection of all points in space that are a given distance (the radius) from a central point.
  7. A point is a fundamental geometric element that represents a specific location in space.
  8. An geometric figure formed by two rays that share a common endpoint.

21 Clues: A polygon with 8 sidesA polygon with six sidesA angle from 1-89 degreesTwo angles that are congruentA angle that equals 90 degreesA angle that is from 91-180 degreesA straight line from the center of a circleA closed geometric figure with straight sides.A lines are two lines that intersect at a right angle...

math 2023-12-11

math crossword puzzle
  1. A measure of steepness of a line, represented by m
  2. Lines or planes that intersect to form right angles
  3. y=mx+b
  4. y minus y1 equals m(x-x1)
  5. occurs when y equals zero
  6. ax plus by=c
  7. The opposite of a number
  8. occurs when x equals zero
  9. expressions where any two values are compared by the inequality symbols such as, '<', '>', '≤' or '≥'
  1. an = an-1 + d
  2. output, y values
  3. A value that makes the equation true
  4. Lines or planes that never intersect
  5. an ordered pair of numbers a and b, written a / b where b does not equal 0
  6. the process of solving a system of simultaneous equations by using various techniques to remove variables successively.
  7. a(n)=a+(n-1)+d
  8. inputs, x values
  9. A sentence that uses one of the following symbols: < , > , ≤, ≥
  10. The point where a graph intersects the y-axis
  11. a relationship between inputs where each input is related to exactly one output

20 Clues: y=mx+bax plus by=can = an-1 + da(n)=a+(n-1)+doutput, y valuesinputs, x valuesThe opposite of a numbery minus y1 equals m(x-x1)occurs when y equals zerooccurs when x equals zeroA value that makes the equation trueLines or planes that never intersectThe point where a graph intersects the y-axisA measure of steepness of a line, represented by m...

Math 2024-01-17

Math crossword puzzle
  1. equation an equation that has a second-degree term and no higher terms.
  2. - The __ property of addition states that for every number a, a + (-a) = 0 (zero).
  3. shows a mathematical relationship between expressions.
  4. When you __ an equation or a problem, you find solutions for it.
  5. - A variable is an unknown or placeholder in an algebraic expression
  6. a power that a number is raised to. For example, in 23, the exponent is 3.
  7. a number are the numbers s such that s2=n. For example, the square roots of 4 are 2 and -2; the square roots of 9 are 3 and -3.
  8. - The __ property of multiplication states that for every non-zero number a, a times (1/a) = 1.
  9. - the numbers ..., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ....
  1. number a positive number that has exactly two factors, 1 and itself.
  2. - In an expression or equation, terms are numbers, variables, or numbers with variables. For example, the expression 3x has one term, the expression 4x2 + 7 has two terms.
  3. a number is a number that, when multiplied by itself n times, results in that number.
  4. a number is a number that divides that number exactly.
  5. value a number is the distance from the origin on a number line.
  6. a part of a whole, like a half, a third, a quarter, etc.
  7. - A symbol is a mark or sign that stands for something else. For example, the symbol ÷ means divide.
  8. - A consists of one or more variables, constants, and operations, like 3x-4.
  9. a mathematical expression that contains an inequality symbol.
  10. formulal a formula that gives you a solution to the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0.
  11. of equations - A system of equations is two or more independent equations that are solved together. For example, the system of equations: x + y = 3 and x - y = 1 has a solution of x=2 and y=1.
  12. a symbol that is used to indicate the square root or nth root of a number.
  13. a mathematical statement that contains an equal sign, like ax + b = c.

22 Clues: - the numbers ..., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ....a number is a number that divides that number exactly.shows a mathematical relationship between expressions.a part of a whole, like a half, a third, a quarter, etc.a mathematical expression that contains an inequality symbol.When you __ an equation or a problem, you find solutions for it....

MATH 2023-08-30

MATH crossword puzzle
  1. 3000+3000+3000=?
  2. 160+1+0+1+0+1+0+1+0+1+0+1+0+1+1+=?
  3. 14+15+16+17+18=
  4. 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,?
  5. 25,23,21,19,17,15,?
  6. 587-345=
  7. 999999999*0=
  8. 144/12=
  9. 10+5-7+3=
  10. 1+1=?
  11. 70-20=
  12. 3x5=
  13. 1,8,27,64,125,216,343,512,?
  1. 10x10=
  2. 90x20=
  3. 888+88+8+8+8=
  4. 5+55+555+5555
  5. 1,2,4,8,16,32,?
  6. 7,12,19,28,39,?
  7. 500-498+1=?
  8. 12+84-50+3+7-10=
  9. 1=3, 2=3, 3=5, 4=4, 5=4, 6=?
  10. 5+10-14+5=

23 Clues: 3x5=1+1=?10x10=90x20=70-20=144/12=587-345=10+5-7+3=5+10-14+5=500-498+1=?999999999*0=888+88+8+8+8=5+55+555+55551,2,4,8,16,32,?14+15+16+17+18=7,12,19,28,39,?3000+3000+3000=?12+84-50+3+7-10=25,23,21,19,17,15,?0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,?1,8,27,64,125,216,343,512,?1=3, 2=3, 3=5, 4=4, 5=4, 6=?160+1+0+1+0+1+0+1+0+1+0+1+0+1+1+=?

math 2023-09-06

math crossword puzzle
  1. fraction Fraction in its numerator or dominator
  2. number 9
  3. up to down
  4. 8 + 1 = 9 <-
  5. numbers 5 -> -5
  6. numbers the same number repeats
  7. the number your diving
  8. the amount you owe someone
  9. %
  10. the number your multiplying
  11. number -9
  12. the number that comes when you times
  13. the amount
  14. -
  15. number can be written as a fraction or a decimal
  16. its side to side
  1. 9.09
  2. seeing and determine
  3. number The real value of a number
  4. the answer of a /
  5. how up it his is
  6. decimal 0.98989898....
  7. inverse the same number opposite makes the number that is neutral
  8. down
  9. 7
  10. the answer of a times problem
  11. decimal 0.3333.....
  12. up
  13. pairs Its in the name
  14. 8/9

30 Clues: 7%-up8/99.09downup to downnumber -9the amountnumber 98 + 1 = 9 <-how up it his isits side to sidethe answer of a /seeing and determinedecimal 0.3333.....the number your divingdecimal 0.98989898....the amount you owe someonenumbers 5 -> -5the number your multiplyingpairs Its in the namethe answer of a times problem...

Math 2023-09-01

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Consists of a numerator that is not a multiple of the denominator.
  2. A union of rational and irrational numbers.
  3. A fraction in which the numerator is greater than the denominator, such as 5/4.
  4. To show what items are shared between categories (overlapping).
  5. The relation between two expressions that are not equal
  6. Consists of natural numbers, zero, and the opposite of natural numbers.
  7. The relation between two quantities where the ratio of the two is equal to a constant value.
  8. A collection of distinct, well-defined objects forming a group
  9. Result of multiplication.
  10. Result of division.
  11. A number that has more than two factors
  1. Numbers that can be expressed in a fraction/ratio.
  2. Result of addition.
  3. Converting a function or expression into a rational form
  4. The irrational root of an integer
  5. Numbers that only has two factors mainly 1 and itself
  6. The horizontal line in a graph.
  7. The name of the theorem of this formula: a^2+b^2=c^2
  8. The vertical line in a graph.
  9. A number that cannot be written as a ratio of two integers
  10. A set of which all the elements are contained in another set

21 Clues: Result of addition.Result of division.Result of multiplication.The vertical line in a graph.The horizontal line in a graph.The irrational root of an integerA number that has more than two factorsA union of rational and irrational numbers.Numbers that can be expressed in a fraction/ratio.The name of the theorem of this formula: a^2+b^2=c^2...

Math 2024-03-11

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Anything raised to any number except 2
  2. Anything raised to 2
  3. Another term for Direct Variation
  4. Variation in which the quotient of two variables is constant
  5. A method to check Quadratic Functions
  6. Common for one quantity to several factors
  7. The formula for finding “h” in Vertex Form
  8. Can be read as “function of x”
  9. The general formula for Inverse Variation
  10. The general formula for Joint Variation
  11. The general formula for Direct Variation
  1. The equation for Line of Symmetry
  2. Relation between a set of inputs having one output
  3. Where x and y meet
  4. If one quantity increases, the other decreases
  5. The graph of a quadratic equation
  6. X varies directly as y and inversely as z
  7. X varies inversely as y
  8. Z varies directly as the product of x and y
  9. X varies directly as y

20 Clues: Where x and y meetAnything raised to 2X varies directly as yX varies inversely as yCan be read as “function of x”The equation for Line of SymmetryAnother term for Direct VariationThe graph of a quadratic equationA method to check Quadratic FunctionsAnything raised to any number except 2The general formula for Joint Variation...

Math 2024-03-11

Math crossword puzzle
  1. An angle with a degree measure of 90. The Symbol is a ∟.
  2. A line that extends indefinitely in one direction. It has a single endpoint
  3. A ___ is made up of points with no thickness or width. Extends infinitely.
  4. Points that lie on the same plane, Non-_______ Points don't lie on the same plane.
  5. Points that lie on the same plane. Non-_____ points don't lie on the same plane.
  6. The formula used to find the distance between two points. Found on a coordinate plane.
  7. An angle that is 180 degrees. Forms a straight line.
  8. An angle with more than 90 degrees. <95, <130, and <170 degrees.
  9. If two segments have the same length then they are _______. _______ means equal.
  10. The formula used to find the midpoint between two endpoints. x1 + x2 / 2.
  11. An angle with a measure of less than 90 degrees. For example, ∠30 and ∠45 degrees.
  12. The common endpoint of an angle. Where two sides intersect.
  1. Two lines that intersect at a 90-degree angle. The symbol is a ⟂.
  2. Two lines that never intersect. The symbol is ||
  3. A ___ is a location with no size or shape. Represented by a dot
  4. A ______ is a measurable part of a line that consists of 2 endpoints. It is a straight line.
  5. Found on a segment, line, or plane. Intersects a segment at its midpoint.
  6. The intersection of two rays at an endpoint. The symbol is a <.
  7. A line segment or ray perpendicular to a segment at its midpoint. Two equal points.
  8. A flat surface made up of points. Extends indefinitely in all directions.

20 Clues: Two lines that never intersect. The symbol is ||An angle that is 180 degrees. Forms a straight line.An angle with a degree measure of 90. The Symbol is a ∟.The common endpoint of an angle. Where two sides intersect.A ___ is a location with no size or shape. Represented by a dotThe intersection of two rays at an endpoint. The symbol is a <....