math Crossword Puzzles

math 2024-03-25

math crossword puzzle
  1. 2x0
  2. 4x11
  3. 7x9
  4. 8x2
  5. 7x5
  6. 7x8
  7. 6x2
  8. 9x9
  9. 2x11
  10. 4x5
  11. 9x11
  1. 9x12
  2. 12x12
  3. 10x9
  4. 4x4
  5. 3x11
  6. 9x5
  7. 9x3
  8. 9x2
  9. 6x7
  10. 7x3

21 Clues: 2x07x98x24x47x59x57x86x29x39x26x79x94x57x39x124x1110x93x112x119x1112x12

MATH!!!!! 2023-10-27

MATH!!!!! crossword puzzle
  1. you will say and before saying these numbers
  2. makes your number more simple
  3. if you have a whole number it will be a negative
  4. putting money into an account
  5. a number that is only divided by itself and one
  6. the result of a number plus a number
  7. distense above sea level
  8. the result of a number divided by a number
  9. a number that can multiply by another number to get a product
  10. the largest number that can be divided by two numbers
  11. the number that is getting divided
  12. two numbers when added together they equal zero
  13. highest of the number
  14. taking money out of an account
  15. a whole number that is positive or negative
  1. anything from one to infinity
  2. a nuber that can be divided by many numbers
  3. the smallest number that can be divided by two numbers
  4. the result of a number multiplied by a number
  5. a way to find all of the prime numbers from a composite number
  6. a sigma-additive set function which can't take both values +∞ and −∞.
  7. 7 is a _____ of 42
  8. a basic number
  9. the amount of money that you borrow an then pay back
  10. the result of a number subtracted by a number
  11. a little bit of a number

26 Clues: a basic number7 is a _____ of 42highest of the numberdistense above sea levela little bit of a numberanything from one to infinitymakes your number more simpleputting money into an accounttaking money out of an accountthe number that is getting dividedthe result of a number plus a numberthe result of a number divided by a number...

MATH!!!!! 2023-10-27

MATH!!!!! crossword puzzle
  1. you will say and before saying these numbers
  2. makes your number more simple
  3. if you have a whole number it will be a negative
  4. putting money into an account
  5. a number that is only divided by itself and one
  6. the result of a number plus a number
  7. distense above sea level
  8. the result of a number divided by a number
  9. a number that can multiply by another number to get a product
  10. the largest number that can be divided by two numbers
  11. the number that is getting divided
  12. two numbers when added together they equal zero
  13. highest of the number
  14. taking money out of an account
  15. a whole number that is positive or negative
  1. anything from one to infinity
  2. a nuber that can be divided by many numbers
  3. the smallest number that can be divided by two numbers
  4. the result of a number multiplied by a number
  5. a way to find all of the prime numbers from a composite number
  6. a sigma-additive set function which can't take both values +∞ and −∞.
  7. 7 is a _____ of 42
  8. a basic number
  9. the amount of money that you borrow an then pay back
  10. the result of a number subtracted by a number
  11. a little bit of a number

26 Clues: a basic number7 is a _____ of 42highest of the numberdistense above sea levela little bit of a numberanything from one to infinitymakes your number more simpleputting money into an accounttaking money out of an accountthe number that is getting dividedthe result of a number plus a numberthe result of a number divided by a number...

Math 2023-11-01

Math crossword puzzle
  1. When both sides aren't equal
  2. Any number that can be a fraction
  3. More than one answer
  4. Distributive the negatives out of the parentheses
  5. The union of both negative and irrational numbers
  6. Undoing what was done in operation
  7. THere is no answer to the problem
  8. A number or variable or pruduct of two or more numbers or more variables
  9. like terms: Adds all the numbers that are with a varble or without
  10. A pair of numbers when added it equals zero
  11. Part of a number that isn´t a decimal.
  1. Only one Soluation
  2. A number that doesn't have parts like fractions or decimals
  3. Do not equel anything
  4. The inverse of a vaulae or number
  5. Reducing a fraction or problem in a simpler form
  6. A factor that multiplies each of the two numbers by the factor
  7. Statement with a number, variable and a arithmetic operation
  8. Is part of a number that isn't written in a fraction
  9. A real number that cant be expressed as a rational number
  10. Solving unknown variable to make the equality true
  11. A balance making it profit nor a loss
  12. Set of numbers that have a variable and operation
  13. Doing a long equation step by step
  14. A number that could be written in a fraction

25 Clues: Only one SoluationMore than one answerDo not equel anythingWhen both sides aren't equalAny number that can be a fractionThe inverse of a vaulae or numberTHere is no answer to the problemDoing a long equation step by stepUndoing what was done in operationA balance making it profit nor a lossPart of a number that isn´t a decimal....

Math 2023-11-01

Math crossword puzzle
  1. impose a treatment in collecting data
  2. normal distribution; mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1
  3. value is determined by outcome of a probability experiment
  4. (3 words)ldentify,choose,collect,organize and describe, conclusion
  5. claim about characteristics of a population
  6. bell-shaped curve; symmetric about the mean
  7. subset of population
  8. collection of all data
  9. rule (ex:every other person)
  10. function that gives the probability of each possible value
  11. volunteer
  12. bell-shaped curve
  13. number of standard deviation
  1. bias
  2. observes only in collecting data
  3. multiple groups then pick one of the groups
  4. sample people that are easy to reach
  5. uses a model to reproduce conditions of a process in collecting data
  6. numerical description of sample
  7. error that results in misrepresentation of a population
  8. representative of the population
  9. multiple groups;then picked people from each group
  10. numerical description of population
  11. preferred method;likely to be representative of the population; equal chance
  12. every member is asked question

25 Clues: biasvolunteerbell-shaped curvesubset of populationcollection of all datarule (ex:every other person)number of standard deviationevery member is asked questionnumerical description of sampleobserves only in collecting datarepresentative of the populationnumerical description of populationimpose a treatment in collecting data...

math 2024-04-30

math crossword puzzle
  1. sum
  2. addition
  3. subtract
  4. the answer
  5. the opposite of root
  6. the length of a
  7. 1.-
  8. how many times can it go into
  9. multiply
  10. power of 2
  11. the opposite of power
  12. a class
  2. take something multiple times
  3. not whole
  4. I don't know what this is
  5. difference
  6. order of operations
  7. to get rid of
  8. power

20 Clues: sum1.-powerPEMDASa classadditionsubtractmultiplynot wholethe answerdifferencepower of 2to get rid ofthe length of aorder of operationsthe opposite of rootthe opposite of powerI don't know what this istake something multiple timeshow many times can it go into

MATH 2024-05-13

MATH crossword puzzle
  1. A function in which the graph of the solutions forms a line
  2. Terms that contain the same variables to the same power
  3. In a power the number of times the base is used as a factor in 10^3 the exponent ins 3
  4. The result of repeated division used to represent very small numbers
  5. The set of X-coordinates in a relation
  6. The set of y-coordinates in a relation
  7. The degree measure of the angle through which a figure is rotated
  8. Lines in the same plane that never intersect or cross. The symbol || means parallel
  9. A function whose rate of change is not constant. The graph of a nonlinear function is not a straight line
  10. The number that is the common factor in 10^3 in a power
  11. The side opposite the right angle in a right triangle
  12. A transformation that enlarges or reduces a figure by a scale factor
  13. A number whose square root is a whole number. 25 is a perfect square because its square root is 5
  14. an algebraic method that can be used to find the exact solution of a system of equations by elimination one of the variables
  15. The line over which a figure is reflected in a transformation
  16. (Pythagorean Theorem) A theorem that can be used to test whether a triangle is a right triangle
  17. An equation with a graph that is a straight line
  18. Pairs of operations that undo each other.
  19. having the same measure; if one image can be obtained from another by a sequence of rotations, reflections, or translations
  20. collection of points that are close together in a scatter plot
  1. An angle inside a polygon
  2. Part of a line containing two endpoints and all of the points between them
  3. A number that cannot be expressed as the ration A/B where a and b are integers and b cancels out 0
  4. Angles that are in the same position on two parallel lines in relation to a transversal
  5. One three equal factors of a number if a^3=b then a is the cube root of b
  6. The resulting figure after a transformation
  7. Two lines that intersect to form right angles
  8. To fall in a straight line
  9. A relation in which each member of the input is paired with exactly one member of the input is paired with exactly one member of the output
  10. A 3D figure with one circular base connected by a curved surface to a single point
  11. The point of intersection of the x-axis and y-axis in a coordinate plane
  12. The two sides of a triangle that form the right angle
  13. A line that is very close to most of the data points in a scatter plot
  14. An angle between on side of a polygon and the extension of an adjacent side
  15. A pair of numbers used to locate a point in the coordinate plane. The ordered pair is written in this form :(X-coordinate, Y-coordinate)
  16. In repeating decimals the line or bar placed over the digits that repeat
  17. A number whose cube root is an integer. 27 is a perfect cube because its cube root is 3
  18. the numerical factor of a term that contains a variable
  19. A 3D figure with two parallel congruent circular bases connected by a curved surface

39 Clues: An angle inside a polygonTo fall in a straight lineThe set of X-coordinates in a relationThe set of y-coordinates in a relationPairs of operations that undo each other.The resulting figure after a transformationTwo lines that intersect to form right anglesAn equation with a graph that is a straight line...

MATH 2024-05-13

MATH crossword puzzle
  1. A function in which the graph of the solutions forms a line
  2. Terms that contain the same variables to the same power
  3. In a power the number of times the base is used as a factor in 10^3 the exponent ins 3
  4. The result of repeated division used to represent very small numbers
  5. The set of X-coordinates in a relation
  6. The set of y-coordinates in a relation
  7. The degree measure of the angle through which a figure is rotated
  8. Lines in the same plane that never intersect or cross. The symbol || means parallel
  9. A function whose rate of change is not constant. The graph of a nonlinear function is not a straight line
  10. The number that is the common factor in 10^3 in a power
  11. The side opposite the right angle in a right triangle
  12. A transformation that enlarges or reduces a figure by a scale factor
  13. A number whose square root is a whole number. 25 is a perfect square because its square root is 5
  14. an algebraic method that can be used to find the exact solution of a system of equations by elimination one of the variables
  15. The line over which a figure is reflected in a transformation
  16. (Pythagorean Theorem) A theorem that can be used to test whether a triangle is a right triangle
  17. An equation with a graph that is a straight line
  18. Pairs of operations that undo each other.
  19. having the same measure; if one image can be obtained from another by a sequence of rotations, reflections, or translations
  20. collection of points that are close together in a scatter plot
  1. An angle inside a polygon
  2. Part of a line containing two endpoints and all of the points between them
  3. A number that cannot be expressed as the ration A/B where a and b are integers and b cancels out 0
  4. Angles that are in the same position on two parallel lines in relation to a transversal
  5. One three equal factors of a number if a^3=b then a is the cube root of b
  6. The resulting figure after a transformation
  7. Two lines that intersect to form right angles
  8. To fall in a straight line
  9. A relation in which each member of the input is paired with exactly one member of the input is paired with exactly one member of the output
  10. A 3D figure with one circular base connected by a curved surface to a single point
  11. The point of intersection of the x-axis and y-axis in a coordinate plane
  12. The two sides of a triangle that form the right angle
  13. A line that is very close to most of the data points in a scatter plot
  14. An angle between on side of a polygon and the extension of an adjacent side
  15. A pair of numbers used to locate a point in the coordinate plane. The ordered pair is written in this form :(X-coordinate, Y-coordinate)
  16. In repeating decimals the line or bar placed over the digits that repeat
  17. A number whose cube root is an integer. 27 is a perfect cube because its cube root is 3
  18. the numerical factor of a term that contains a variable
  19. A 3D figure with two parallel congruent circular bases connected by a curved surface

39 Clues: An angle inside a polygonTo fall in a straight lineThe set of X-coordinates in a relationThe set of y-coordinates in a relationPairs of operations that undo each other.The resulting figure after a transformationTwo lines that intersect to form right anglesAn equation with a graph that is a straight line...

MATH 2024-05-13

MATH crossword puzzle
  1. A function in which the graph of the solutions forms a line
  2. Terms that contain the same variables to the same power
  3. In a power the number of times the base is used as a factor in 10^3 the exponent ins 3
  4. The result of repeated division used to represent very small numbers
  5. The set of X-coordinates in a relation
  6. The set of y-coordinates in a relation
  7. The degree measure of the angle through which a figure is rotated
  8. Lines in the same plane that never intersect or cross. The symbol || means parallel
  9. A function whose rate of change is not constant. The graph of a nonlinear function is not a straight line
  10. The number that is the common factor in 10^3 in a power
  11. The side opposite the right angle in a right triangle
  12. A transformation that enlarges or reduces a figure by a scale factor
  13. A number whose square root is a whole number. 25 is a perfect square because its square root is 5
  14. an algebraic method that can be used to find the exact solution of a system of equations by elimination one of the variables
  15. The line over which a figure is reflected in a transformation
  16. (Pythagorean Theorem) A theorem that can be used to test whether a triangle is a right triangle
  17. An equation with a graph that is a straight line
  18. Pairs of operations that undo each other.
  19. having the same measure; if one image can be obtained from another by a sequence of rotations, reflections, or translations
  20. collection of points that are close together in a scatter plot
  1. An angle inside a polygon
  2. Part of a line containing two endpoints and all of the points between them
  3. A number that cannot be expressed as the ration A/B where a and b are integers and b cancels out 0
  4. Angles that are in the same position on two parallel lines in relation to a transversal
  5. One three equal factors of a number if a^3=b then a is the cube root of b
  6. The resulting figure after a transformation
  7. Two lines that intersect to form right angles
  8. To fall in a straight line
  9. A relation in which each member of the input is paired with exactly one member of the input is paired with exactly one member of the output
  10. A 3D figure with one circular base connected by a curved surface to a single point
  11. The point of intersection of the x-axis and y-axis in a coordinate plane
  12. The two sides of a triangle that form the right angle
  13. A line that is very close to most of the data points in a scatter plot
  14. An angle between on side of a polygon and the extension of an adjacent side
  15. A pair of numbers used to locate a point in the coordinate plane. The ordered pair is written in this form :(X-coordinate, Y-coordinate)
  16. In repeating decimals the line or bar placed over the digits that repeat
  17. A number whose cube root is an integer. 27 is a perfect cube because its cube root is 3
  18. the numerical factor of a term that contains a variable
  19. A 3D figure with two parallel congruent circular bases connected by a curved surface

39 Clues: An angle inside a polygonTo fall in a straight lineThe set of X-coordinates in a relationThe set of y-coordinates in a relationPairs of operations that undo each other.The resulting figure after a transformationTwo lines that intersect to form right anglesAn equation with a graph that is a straight line...

Math 2024-05-22

Math crossword puzzle
  1. an equation that has a variable in a radicand
  2. function of the form y=ax^2+bx+c
  3. rationalize the denominator of an expresstion
  4. an x-intercept of the graph of a function
  5. y-coordinate of the vertex of a parabola that opens downward
  6. radical expressions that do not have the same radicands
  7. the sum and the difference of the same two terms
  8. expression of the form a^2-b^2
  9. the line that divides a parabola into two matching halves
  10. a polynomial of two terms
  11. number and one or more variables with a whole number exponents
  12. any trinomial of the form a^2+2ab+b^2 or a^2-2ab+b^2
  13. f(x)=x^2 or y=x^2
  14. y-coordinate of the vertex of a parabola that opens upward
  15. radical expressions with the same radicands
  16. is ax^2+bx+c=0
  1. method of factoring that uses distributive property to remove common binomials
  2. the sum of the exponents of its variables
  3. is f(x)=ax^2+bx+c
  4. a monomial or sum of monomials
  5. the graph of a quadratic function
  6. solution of an equation derived from an original equation;not a solution of the original equation
  7. the degrees of its monomial terms decrease from left to right
  8. can be written in the standard form ax^2+bx+c=0
  9. expression that contains a radical
  10. one variable is the same as the degree of the monomial with the greatest exponent
  11. of the equation a solution of an equation
  12. a polynomial of three terms
  13. highest or lowest point on a parabola
  14. gives the degree of the root

30 Clues: is ax^2+bx+c=0is f(x)=ax^2+bx+cf(x)=x^2 or y=x^2a polynomial of two termsa polynomial of three termsgives the degree of the roota monomial or sum of monomialsexpression of the form a^2-b^2function of the form y=ax^2+bx+cthe graph of a quadratic functionexpression that contains a radicalhighest or lowest point on a parabola...

math 2024-06-06

math crossword puzzle
  1. a diagram with bars
  2. an imitation of a place
  3. a quanitity
  4. a selling price
  5. a measure for data
  6. where data is numerically
  7. a measureable factor
  8. a piece of data
  9. a number of people
  10. a conclusion based on evidence
  11. a guess
  12. a chance/percentage
  13. ending of a paragraph
  1. a statement with no evidence
  2. summery of a set of data
  3. where data is divided into groups
  4. scientific procedure
  5. a transformation of data
  6. an average
  7. where most values lies
  8. a type of document
  9. symmetric with the mean
  10. to notice or perceive
  11. a diagram with dots
  12. a visual representation
  13. a grouping of evidence

26 Clues: a guessan averagea quanititya selling pricea piece of dataa measure for dataa type of documenta number of peoplea diagram with barsa diagram with dotsa chance/percentagescientific procedurea measureable factorto notice or perceiveending of a paragraphwhere most values liesa grouping of evidencean imitation of a placesymmetric with the mean...

math 2024-05-21

math crossword puzzle
  1. : an algebraic equation that takes you two steps to solve
  2. : given, felt, or done in return
  3. : the line above a repeating decimal
  4. : P.E.M.D.A.S.
  5. : not consistent or having a fixed pattern; liable to change
  6. : if you divide each side of an equation by the same number it will stay the same
  7. : if the top and bottom have no common factors other than 1
  8. : something that you put icecream in
  9. : a polynomial that contains only a single non-zero term
  10. : the middle of something
  11. : a way say to place
  12. : inequalities that have no exponents on the variable that require two steps to solve
  13. : the opposite of nice
  14. : plural of opposite
  15. : a piston chamber in a steam or internal combustion engine.
  16. : two thing that share similar attributes
  17. : a tax imposed on the sale of goods and services
  18. : the middle number in a sorted list of numbers
  19. : a closed figure made up of line segments in a two-dimensional plane.
  20. : form an idea of the amount, number, or value of; assess
  21. : something that has an = showing that two things are equal
  22. : a word or phrase used to describe a thing or to express a concept, especially in a particular kind of language or branch of study Terminating decimal : decimals that have a finite number of decimal places
  23. : equal in value, amount, function, meaning
  24. : the quantitative relation between two amounts showing the number of times one value contains or is contained within the other.
  25. : the product of a number and its multiplicative inverse is 1
  26. : something that is identical to something else
  27. : if you add the same number to each side of of an equation it will be equal
  28. : the state of wanting to know or learn about something or someone
  29. : a unit of linear measurement of magnifying power.
  30. : a combination of numbers with an operation
  31. : to bring something new into working condition.
  32. : A ratio that compares the change in a quantity to the original number
  33. : a book forming part of a work or series
  34. : an algebraic statement where each term is either a constant or a variable raised to the first power
  35. : The bottom of a tower
  36. : an angle of 180°
  37. : a decimal fraction in which a figure or group of figures is repeated indefinitely
  1. : if both the sides of an equation are multiplied by the same number, the expressions on the both sides of the equation remain equal
  2. : those angles that sum up to 180 degrees
  3. : first in importance
  4. : multiplying numbers in a parenthesis separately
  5. : a means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation
  6. : factor that measures some property
  7. : subtracting the same number from both sides of an equation does not affect the equality
  8. : a constant ratio of 2 variables
  9. : An Isosceles triangle is a triangle that has two equal sides.
  10. : an angle of 90°
  11. : two angles that add to 90 degrees
  12. : corresponding in size or amount to something else.
  13. : The multiplicative inverse of a number is defined as a number which when multiplied by the original number gives the product as 1.
  14. : angel bigger than 90 degrees
  15. : angels that that don’t overlap
  16. : the smallest number divisible by all denominators of the given set of fractions
  17. : the distance a number is from 0
  18. : describes the ratio of two different units for the quantity of one
  19. : a thing complete in itself
  20. : plural of factors
  21. : a part, share, or number considered in comparative relation to a whole.
  22. : lack of equality
  23. : distance around a circle
  24. : an interest charge that borrowers pay lenders for a loan
  25. : 2 ratios with an inconsistent rate or ratio
  26. : paying of debt
  27. : any number that can be written as a fraction
  28. : a fixed price paid or charged for something, especially goods or services
  29. : a tool in the fields of general mathematics, probability, and statistics that helps calculate the number of possible outcomes
  30. : a sum of money customarily given by a customer to certain service sector workers
  31. : The area occupied by a three-dimensional object by its outer surface
  32. : the thicker and shorter of the two bones in the human forearm
  33. : something that repeatedly happens
  34. : the chance that a given event will occur
  35. : 3.1415926
  36. : a polyhedron with two polygonal faces lying in parallel planes and with the other faces parallelograms

73 Clues: : 3.1415926: P.E.M.D.A.S.: paying of debt: an angle of 90°: lack of equality: an angle of 180°: a way say to place: plural of opposite: first in importance: the opposite of nice: The bottom of a tower: the middle of something: distance around a circle: a thing complete in itself: angel bigger than 90 degrees: given, felt, or done in return...

math 2024-05-10

math crossword puzzle
  1. a rule that states that any nonzero number to the zero power is equivalent to 1.
  2. figures that have the same shape but not necessarily the same size
  3. a property that states to find the power of each factor and multiple
  4. the x-coordinate of the point where the line crosses the x-axis
  5. angles that are in the same position on two parallel lines in relation to a transversal
  6. having the same measure if one image can be obtained by a curved surface to a single point
  7. the two sides of a right triangle that form the right angle
  8. a statement or conjecture that can be proven
  9. terms that contain the same variables
  10. in repeating decimals the line or bar placed over the digits the repeat
  11. an algebraic model that can be used to find the exact solution of a systems of equations
  12. the angle between a side of a rectilinear figure and an adjacent side extended outward.
  13. the result of a repeated division used to represent vary small numbers
  14. an operation that maps a geometric figure preimage onto a new figure image
  15. one of the three equal factors of a number.
  16. in power the number that is the common factor. in 10 to the 3 power the base is 10 that is 10x10x10=10 to the 3rd power
  17. Numbers that can be written as the ratio of two integers in which the denominator is not zero all integers fractions mixed numbers and percents are rational numbers
  18. a pair of numbers used to locate a point in the cordnate plane the ordered pair is written in this form (x,y)
  19. if one image can be obtained from another by a sequence of transformations and dilation
  20. the rate of change between any two points on a line the ratio of the rise or vertical change to the run or horizontal change
  21. an equation with a graph that is a straight line
  22. collection of points that are close together
  23. the set of y coordinates in a relation
  24. a term without a variable
  25. a transformation that slides a figure from on position to another without turning
  26. a transformation when a figure is flipped over a line also called a flip
  27. one of the two equal factors of a number
  28. a three dimensional figure with two parallel congruent circular bases connected by a curved surface
  29. the longest side of a right triangle.
  30. the point of intersection of the x axis and y axis
  31. a therom that can be used to test wether a triangle is a right triangle
  32. two lines that intersect from right angles
  33. numbers written without exponents
  34. the original figure before a transformation
  35. the line over which a figure is reflected in a transformation
  36. the measure of the space occupied by a solid standard units of measure are cubic units such as inches or feet
  1. a compact way way of writing numbers with absolute values that are very large or very small
  2. the numerical factor of a term that contains a variable
  3. pairs of operations that undo each other
  4. the y-coordinate of the point where the line crosses the y axis
  5. the first number of an ordered pair.
  6. a property that states to find the power of a product find the power of each factor and multiply
  7. a transformation in which a figure is turned about a fixed point
  8. a symbol usually a letter used to represent a number number in mathematical expressions or sentences
  9. a rate which the first quantity is compared to 1 unit of the second quantity
  10. the result of a function whose rate of change is not constant the graph of a nonliner function is not a straight line
  11. a set of two or more equations with the same variables
  12. transformation that enlarges or thinks the shape
  13. a figure formed by three line segments that intersect only at their end points
  14. a decimal where the repeating decimals digits is zero
  15. the resulting figure after a transformation
  16. the vertical change between any two points of a line
  17. the symbole used to indicate a positive square root
  18. a graph that shows the relationship between bivariate data graphed as ordered pares on a coordinate plane
  19. three-dimensional figure with one circular base connected by a curved surface to a single point.
  20. an equation written in the form of y=mx+b where m is the slope
  21. a product of repeated factors using an exponent and a base
  22. a number that cannot be expressed
  23. the ratio of the lengths of the lengths of two corresponding sides of two similar polygons
  24. a property that states to multiply powers with the same base add there exsponates
  25. a relationship or expression involving one or more variables
  26. an algebraic method that can be used to find the exact sallution of a system of equations by eliminating one of the variables
  27. the set c coordinate in a relation
  28. each part of an aldabraic expression separated by an addition or subtraction sign
  29. the second number of an ordered pair
  30. the degree measures of the angle through Which a figure is rotated
  31. in a right triangle the square of the length of the hypotenuse c is equal to sum of the squares of the lengths of the hypotenuse c is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the legs
  32. cube a number whose cube root is an integer.
  33. a number whose square root is a whole number
  34. an angle inside a polygon
  35. lines in the same plane that never intersect or cross.
  36. a line that intersects two or more other lines
  37. the horizontal change between any two points on a line
  38. power to which a given number or expression is to be raised, usually expressed as a raised symbol beside the number or expression

74 Clues: a term without a variablean angle inside a polygona number that cannot be expressednumbers written without exponentsthe set c coordinate in a relationthe first number of an ordered pair.the second number of an ordered pairterms that contain the same variablesthe longest side of a right triangle.the set of y coordinates in a relation...

Math 2024-06-09

Math crossword puzzle
  1. - A type of integral that generalizes the notion of summing function values over an interval (Lebesgue integral).
  2. - A mathematical function that relates a complex variable to its analytic continuation.
  3. - A space in which the distances and angles are defined in terms of inner products (Hilbert space).
  4. - An algebraic structure consisting of a set equipped with two operations satisfying specific axioms.
  5. - The branch of mathematics concerning the study of rates of change and accumulation.
  6. - A method to numerically approximate solutions to equations (Newton's method).
  7. - A polynomial equation that remains invariant under a group of symmetries (Invariant theory).
  8. - A sequence where each term after the first is the sum of the two preceding terms.
  9. - A theorem that generalizes the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra to polynomials over a ring.
  10. - A function that assigns a real number to each pair of points in a set, defining a notion of distance.
  11. - A branch of mathematics dealing with the properties and relationships of numbers, especially the positive integers.
  1. - The process of mapping a higher-dimensional space onto a lower-dimensional space using a continuous function.
  2. - A sequence defined by a recurrence relation.
  3. - A field of mathematics that studies spaces and the continuous mappings between them.
  4. - A structure in abstract algebra involving a set equipped with an associative binary operation and an identity element.
  5. - The number of linearly independent vectors in a vector space.
  6. - The set of points where a function is not differentiable.
  7. - A theorem that describes the asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues of a large matrix (Weyl's law).
  8. - A type of series with a constant ratio between successive terms.
  9. - The measure of disorder or randomness in a system, often associated with thermodynamics and information theory.

20 Clues: - A sequence defined by a recurrence relation.- The set of points where a function is not differentiable.- The number of linearly independent vectors in a vector space.- A type of series with a constant ratio between successive terms.- A method to numerically approximate solutions to equations (Newton's method)....

Math 2024-06-14

Math crossword puzzle
  1. adjacent/hypotenuse
  2. abcdefg...
  3. (x1+x2/2,y1+y2/2)
  4. ()
  5. 6^2
  6. 90 degrees
  7. (n-2)x180
  8. y2-y1/x2-x1
  9. 3.14
  1. -
  2. 1/3x pi x radius^2 x h
  3. bxh
  4. X
  5. A=pi x radius^2
  6. cold
  7. bxh/2
  8. a^2+b^2=c^2
  9. V = 4/3 x pi x radius^3
  10. +

20 Clues: -X+()bxh6^2cold3.14bxh/2(n-2)x180abcdefg...90 degreesa^2+b^2=c^2y2-y1/x2-x1A=pi x radius^2(x1+x2/2,y1+y2/2)adjacent/hypotenuse1/3x pi x radius^2 x hV = 4/3 x pi x radius^3

Welcome to 6th Grade! 2021-08-06

Welcome to 6th Grade! crossword puzzle
  1. One of Miss Andersen's hobbies
  2. The color of the folder we take out during a fire drill
  3. Our school's acronym for behavior / cougar cash
  4. A word we use for our units in math
  5. The town our school is in
  6. The day of the week homework is due
  7. The website you use in every class
  8. A quiet activity you can do when you finish
  1. Math teacher's name
  2. The voice level we use for independent work
  3. A supply you need for class every day
  4. Our school mascot
  5. The class you are in
  6. A math website you'll use in advisory
  7. The grade you are in

15 Clues: Our school mascotMath teacher's nameThe class you are inThe grade you are inThe town our school is inOne of Miss Andersen's hobbiesThe website you use in every classA word we use for our units in mathThe day of the week homework is dueA supply you need for class every dayA math website you'll use in advisory...

svms teachers last names 2021-05-07

svms teachers last names crossword puzzle
  1. 5th math teacher
  2. 7th/8th math teacher
  3. 7/8th new pe teacher
  4. 5/6th science and social studies teacher
  5. 7/8th science teacher
  6. 6th math teacher
  7. counselor
  1. 7/8th band teacher
  2. principle
  3. 7/8th history teacher
  4. redhead 7th grade ela teacher, high school coach
  5. 8th grade ela teacher, boys basketball coach
  6. choir teacher
  7. art teacher

14 Clues: principlecounselorart teacherchoir teacher5th math teacher6th math teacher7/8th band teacher7th/8th math teacher7/8th new pe teacher7/8th history teacher7/8th science teacher5/6th science and social studies teacher8th grade ela teacher, boys basketball coachredhead 7th grade ela teacher, high school coach

Cool Classes 2022-01-20

Cool Classes crossword puzzle
  1. Careers
  2. Science
  3. Health
  4. History
  5. Math
  6. Studyhall
  1. Lunch
  2. TechEd
  3. Spanish
  4. English
  5. German
  6. Recess
  7. Gym

13 Clues: GymMathLunchTechEdHealthGermanRecessCareersSpanishEnglishScienceHistoryStudyhall


  1. _e__ (language)
  2. v_d__ (eca)
  3. rea_i__ (language)
  4. _l_n_t_ (natural ciences)
  5. p_a_t_ (natural sciences)
  6. s_n__ng ( physical education)
  7. m_l__p_i__t_o_ (matematics)
  8. s_n__ (english)
  9. t_e_t_r (language)
  10. _a_ (social studies)
  11. b__di__r__ty (social studies)
  1. _t_r_e_ (integral human development)
  2. d__c_e (physical education)
  3. language n__ l_ngu_g_ (english)
  4. pro__c__t_on (language)
  5. p_e_i__nt (social studies)
  6. c_l_r_ (art-ACE)
  7. system s_l__ sy_tem (natural sciences)
  8. m_th (math)
  9. b_b_e_ (religion)

20 Clues: m_th (math)s_n__ (english)b_b_e_ (religion)v_d__ (eca)rea_i__ (language)c_l_r_ (art-ACE)t_e_t_r (language)_e__ (language)_a_ (social studies)pro__c__t_on (language)_l_n_t_ (natural ciences)p_e_i__nt (social studies)m_l__p_i__t_o_ (matematics)d__c_e (physical education)p_a_t_ (natural sciences)...


  1. _e__ (language)
  2. v_d__ (eca)
  3. rea_i__ (language)
  4. _l_n_t_ (natural ciences)
  5. p_a_t_ (natural sciences)
  6. s_n__ng ( physical education)
  7. m_l__p_i__t_o_ (matematics)
  8. s_n__ (english)
  9. t_e_t_r (language)
  10. _a_ (social studies)
  11. b__di__r__ty (social studies)
  1. _t_r_e_ (integral human development)
  2. d__c_e (physical education)
  3. language n__ l_ngu_g_ (english)
  4. pro__c__t_on (language)
  5. p_e_i__nt (social studies)
  6. c_l_r_ (art-ACE)
  7. system s_l__ sy_tem (natural sciences)
  8. m_th (math)
  9. b_b_e_ (religion)

20 Clues: m_th (math)s_n__ (english)b_b_e_ (religion)v_d__ (eca)rea_i__ (language)c_l_r_ (art-ACE)t_e_t_r (language)_e__ (language)_a_ (social studies)pro__c__t_on (language)_l_n_t_ (natural ciences)p_e_i__nt (social studies)m_l__p_i__t_o_ (matematics)d__c_e (physical education)p_a_t_ (natural sciences)...

Math with Mrs. Steele: Expectations & Class Policies 2023-08-17

Math with Mrs. Steele:  Expectations & Class Policies crossword puzzle
  1. grading one depends on class
  2. bathroom hall pass
  3. organization things to save
  4. snack not acceptable
  5. attendance
  6. retakes two
  7. school supplies
  8. retakes one
  9. math support one
  10. textbook resources
  11. homework
  1. calculator one
  2. grading two depends on class
  3. dress code
  4. snack acceptable
  5. math support two
  6. calculator two
  7. website
  8. gum
  9. missing assignments
  10. keep in touch

21 Clues: gumwebsitehomeworkdress codeattendanceretakes tworetakes onekeep in touchcalculator onecalculator twoschool suppliessnack acceptablemath support twomath support onebathroom hall passtextbook resourcesmissing assignmentssnack not acceptableorganization things to savegrading two depends on classgrading one depends on class

Marist 2013-03-26

Marist crossword puzzle
  1. name of school
  2. music
  3. our belief
  4. knowledge
  5. the lord
  6. location
  7. education
  8. our mother
  9. science
  10. history
  1. math
  2. a place after highschool
  3. technology
  4. a fun activity
  5. english

15 Clues: mathmusicenglishsciencehistorythe lordlocationknowledgeeducationour belieftechnologyour mothername of schoola fun activitya place after highschool

Math 2022-01-06

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Advanced math
  2. +
  3. /
  4. Another way to say 'x'
  5. all+all/#of values
  6. What you are doing
  7. x
  1. Finding the area of an odd triangle
  2. ?x?=_
  3. Albert Einstein's famous equation.
  4. Expert math.
  5. %

12 Clues: +/%x?x?=_Expert math.Advanced mathall+all/#of valuesWhat you are doingAnother way to say 'x'Albert Einstein's famous equation.Finding the area of an odd triangle

Let's study 2018-02-20

Let's study crossword puzzle
  1. homeroom
  2. Japanese
  3. music
  4. PE
  5. artsandcrafts
  6. English
  1. recess
  2. homeeconomics
  3. math
  4. science
  5. socialstudies
  6. cleaning
  7. calligraphy

13 Clues: PEmathmusicrecessscienceEnglishhomeroomJapanesecleaningcalligraphyhomeeconomicssocialstudiesartsandcrafts

BMS CROSS WORD by mohammed 2021-09-28

BMS CROSS WORD by mohammed crossword puzzle
  1. Homework
  2. science
  3. cluster
  4. class
  5. fast
  6. reeding
  7. BMS
  1. soicalstudies
  2. lockers
  3. lunch
  4. snack
  5. Ela
  6. math

13 Clues: ElaBMSfastmathlunchsnackclasslockersscienceclusterreedingHomeworksoicalstudies

SFFS 2024-01-24

SFFS crossword puzzle
  1. Math
  2. Monty
  3. 5th
  4. Humanities
  5. Friends
  6. Awesome
  7. Volleyball
  1. Basketball
  2. Newspaper
  3. Futsal
  4. Rich
  5. Design
  6. Jon

13 Clues: 5thJonMathRichMontyFutsalDesignFriendsAwesomeNewspaperBasketballHumanitiesVolleyball


  1. _e__ (language)
  2. v_d__ (eca)
  3. rea_i__ (language)
  4. _l_n_t_ (natural ciences)
  5. p_a_t_ (natural sciences)
  6. s_n__ng ( physical education)
  7. m_l__p_i__t_o_ (matematics)
  8. s_n__ (english)
  9. t_e_t_r (language)
  10. _a_ (social studies)
  11. b__di__r__ty (social studies)
  1. _t_r_e_ (integral human development)
  2. d__c_e (physical education)
  3. language n__ l_ngu_g_ (english)
  4. pro__c__t_on (language)
  5. p_e_i__nt (social studies)
  6. c_l_r_ (art-ACE)
  7. system s_l__ sy_tem (natural sciences)
  8. m_th (math)
  9. b_b_e_ (religion)

20 Clues: m_th (math)s_n__ (english)b_b_e_ (religion)v_d__ (eca)rea_i__ (language)c_l_r_ (art-ACE)t_e_t_r (language)_e__ (language)_a_ (social studies)pro__c__t_on (language)_l_n_t_ (natural ciences)p_e_i__nt (social studies)m_l__p_i__t_o_ (matematics)d__c_e (physical education)p_a_t_ (natural sciences)...

Chloe's Autobiography 2016-02-22

Chloe's Autobiography crossword puzzle
  1. Chloe's favorite color?
  2. Chloe is very__.
  3. How many parents total Does Chloe have?
  4. Enjoys playing?
  5. Likes things that __.
  6. Hendrix is her ____ brother.
  7. Chloe's last name?
  8. Her favorite animal is?
  9. Chloe wants to get an __ in math.
  10. Chloe received two trophies for Kumon and one for __.
  1. Doesn't like this color?
  2. Chloe's worst subject.
  3. Chloe was born on ______ 29,2002.
  4. Chloe is not very __ at school.
  5. She hates doing math __.

15 Clues: Enjoys playing?Chloe is very__.Chloe's last name?Likes things that __.Chloe's worst subject.Chloe's favorite color?Her favorite animal is?Doesn't like this color?She hates doing math __.Hendrix is her ____ brother.Chloe is not very __ at school.Chloe was born on ______ 29,2002.Chloe wants to get an __ in math.How many parents total Does Chloe have?...


  1. b_b_e_ (religion)
  2. v_d__ (eca)
  3. m_l__p_i__t_o_ (matematics)
  4. c_l_r_ (art-ACE)
  5. t_e_t_r (language)
  6. p_e_i__nt (social studies)
  7. rea_i__ (language)
  8. p_a_t_ (natural sciences)
  9. pro__c__t_on (language)
  1. n__ l_ngu_g_ (english)
  2. b__di__r__ty (social studies)
  3. _a_ (social studies)
  4. d__c_e (physical education)
  5. _t_r_e_ (integral human development)
  6. m_th (math)
  7. s_n__ (english)
  8. s_n__ng ( physical education)
  9. _e__ (language)
  10. _l_n_t_ (natural ciences)
  11. system s_l__ sy_tem (natural sciences)

20 Clues: m_th (math)b_b_e_ (religion)s_n__ (english)v_d__ (eca)c_l_r_ (art-ACE)rea_i__ (language)t_e_t_r (language)_a_ (social studies)_e__ (language)n__ l_ngu_g_ (english)pro__c__t_on (language)_l_n_t_ (natural ciences)m_l__p_i__t_o_ (matematics)p_e_i__nt (social studies)d__c_e (physical education)p_a_t_ (natural sciences)...

Math Makes Sense 2013-06-13

Math Makes Sense crossword puzzle
  1. Has 3 Equal Sides And Equal Angles
  2. Circumference of A ?
  3. The lines in a graph
  4. 3.1415926 is ?
  5. Has 3 Sides and 3 Angles
  6. A triangle with an angle over 90*
  7. Angles on the outside
  8. Our class is sometimes ?
  9. What do we use in Math
  10. Has 4 Equal Sides and Angles
  1. Down or up at a slant
  2. The Shape of the Earth
  3. How to find an Angle exactly opposite
  4. 6 sides, all equal
  5. Back and forth
  6. Angles on the inside
  7. Our teacher is ? most of the time
  8. An angle smaller than 90*
  9. Parallel Lines and A transversal
  10. Our Teacher is often ?
  11. The subject of this crossword
  12. A test in Math every 3 Years

22 Clues: Back and forth3.1415926 is ?6 sides, all equalCircumference of A ?Angles on the insideThe lines in a graphDown or up at a slantAngles on the outsideThe Shape of the EarthOur Teacher is often ?What do we use in MathHas 3 Sides and 3 AnglesOur class is sometimes ?An angle smaller than 90*A test in Math every 3 YearsHas 4 Equal Sides and Angles...

STAAR Message From Your Teacher 2023-05-07

STAAR Message From Your Teacher crossword puzzle
  1. You will _____ tomorrow's test.
  2. What STAAR test is left?
  3. Who is your Math teacher?
  4. The name of your AMAZING school.
  5. Who else teaches Math in 3rd grade?
  6. The "K" means pulling out what you _____.
  7. A strategy we use for skip counting.
  8. Your Reading Teacher.
  1. The 3rd grade math this year has been _____.
  2. Are flat, have 3 or more straight lines & closed.
  3. A parallelogram has 2 sets of _____ lines.
  4. Ms. Lee has a lot of _____ in you.
  5. You must show _____ in every box.

13 Clues: Your Reading Teacher.What STAAR test is left?Who is your Math teacher?You will _____ tomorrow's test.The name of your AMAZING school.You must show _____ in every box.Ms. Lee has a lot of _____ in you.Who else teaches Math in 3rd grade?A strategy we use for skip counting.The "K" means pulling out what you _____....

Lightning Girl Chapter 1-10 2022-04-01

Lightning Girl Chapter 1-10 crossword puzzle
  1. accept or allow wrong behavior
  2. solve using math
  3. lack or shortage
  4. a test or initiation
  5. a child genius
  6. Nana is making Lucy go to _______ for the first time in many years.
  7. clean
  8. to give a large amount of time and effort to something
  9. to decide or figure something out
  1. Name of main character
  2. avoiding the company of other people
  3. an animal with rabies
  4. Who gave Lucy the lightning bolt charm?
  5. a strong, bad smell
  6. fear of something
  7. Lucy's math teacher
  8. What subject is Lucy really good at?
  9. How many times does Lucy tap her toes? (spell the number)
  10. to look very carefully at something
  11. a reason for doing something

20 Clues: cleana child geniussolve using mathlack or shortagefear of somethinga strong, bad smellLucy's math teachera test or initiationan animal with rabiesName of main charactera reason for doing somethingaccept or allow wrong behaviorto decide or figure something outto look very carefully at somethingavoiding the company of other people...

Unit 18 2020-05-11

Unit 18 crossword puzzle
  1. sourcing food in the old times and today is a hobby
  2. very angry
  3. your parents go to work and..... money
  4. if we add up we get the....
  5. opposite of the word unequal
  6. work with children
  7. dessert made from cocoa beans
  8. it was the only animal in Unit 18
  9. you can hang your clothes there
  10. very tasty little cake
  1. a kind of present
  2. if somebody wants everything for themselves they are....
  3. work salary
  4. in math there are add and ......
  5. in math there are ... and subtract
  6. regulary every week
  7. you keep your money inside this
  8. in math there are...... and rules
  9. you have one thing but you want two then you.... that
  10. aggressive action

20 Clues: very angrywork salarya kind of presentaggressive actionwork with childrenregulary every weekvery tasty little cakeif we add up we get the....opposite of the word unequaldessert made from cocoa beansyou keep your money inside thisyou can hang your clothes therein math there are add and was the only animal in Unit 18...

A2 Happy Hour Menus 2020-05-20

A2 Happy Hour Menus crossword puzzle
  1. Math is about _________ and sense-making
  2. questions and discussions deepen your ________ understanding
  3. Math is about _____________ NOT performing
  4. formulating questions that help deepen understanding
  5. perspective that uses words
  6. creation of knowledge through collective work
  7. Mathematical Thinking Practices
  8. correct manipulations of equations and expressions
  1. identify alternatives and look for the most efficient method
  2. is much more important than speed
  3. making connections between concepts learned
  4. perspective that uses variables, formulas, equations
  5. perspective uses diagrams, pictures, images
  6. perspective uses specific values
  7. when we look beyond what we've been given
  8. mastery over time
  9. can learn math to the highest levels
  10. applying the meaning of definitions to guide our solutions
  11. Habits of Mind

19 Clues: Habits of Mindmastery over timeperspective that uses wordsMathematical Thinking Practicesperspective uses specific valuesis much more important than speedcan learn math to the highest levelsMath is about _________ and sense-makingwhen we look beyond what we've been givenMath is about _____________ NOT performing...

math 2016-01-15

math crossword puzzle
  1. + 5) - 7= 3(x - 2)
  2. postprandial exercises were sit-ups and push-ups. The ratio of sit-ups to push-ups was 7 to 2. If Hominoid did 9180 exercises, how many were push-ups?
  3. The crowd in Berlgrade town square was made up of Croats and Serbs in the ratio of 5 to 9. If there were 18,000 Serbs, how many Croats were there?
  4. average of 5 numbers is 790.6. If the first four numbers are 80.2, 91.6, 123, and 204.7, what is the sum of the 5 numbers.
  5. a number plus 6 is twelve, what's the number?
  6. What number is 190% of 30
  1. -42
  2. defense budget was spent on halberds and other armor in the ratio of 2 to 19. If the total budget was 84,000 farthings, how much went for halberds?
  3. is the quotient of 56 and -2?
  4. is the product of -4 and +6?
  5. is the value of 8x - 6 when x is equal to -1?
  6. + x = 1064
  7. the least common multiple of 18, 35, and 40.
  8. the least common multiple of 21, 24, and 60.
  9. -2 - 2(-2) + (-2)(-2)
  10. If x+1=4 and y-2=3, find the value of x^2 - y^2.
  11. -2 - 3(6)
  12. solve for x: 2x - 5=11
  13. - |x^3| if a= -3 and x= -2

19 Clues: -42-2 - 3(6)+ x = 1064+ 5) - 7= 3(x - 2)-2 - 2(-2) + (-2)(-2)solve for x: 2x - 5=11What number is 190% of 30- |x^3| if a= -3 and x= -2is the product of -4 and +6?is the quotient of 56 and -2?the least common multiple of 18, 35, and 40.the least common multiple of 21, 24, and the value of 8x - 6 when x is equal to -1?...

MAth 2017-02-28

MAth crossword puzzle
  1. a segment with endpoints on a circle
  2. C=2piR
  3. Arcs that have one point in common
  4. the line segment inside the circle that is twice the radius
  5. an angle that has a vertex on a circle and sides that contain chords of the circle
  6. l=x/360(2piR)
  7. half a circle
  1. arcs that have the same measurement
  2. A round shape
  3. the segments that form when two chords intersect inside a circle
  4. circles with the same center
  5. an arc that measures less than 180 degrees
  6. half of a diameter
  7. a line in the plane of a circle that intersects the circle in exactly one point
  8. A part of a circle that is defined by two endpoints
  9. anyline that intersects a circle in exactly two points
  10. An arc that mesures more than 180 degrees
  11. 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286
  12. The point where radii from a locus of points form a circle

19 Clues: C=2piRA round shapel=x/360(2piR)half a circlehalf of a diametercircles with the same centerArcs that have one point in commonarcs that have the same measurementa segment with endpoints on a circleAn arc that mesures more than 180 degreesan arc that measures less than 180 degreesA part of a circle that is defined by two endpoints...

math 2017-08-28

math crossword puzzle
  1. Square Any number that is the square of a reasonable number.
  2. Value The amount of space between a number and zero.
  3. Root A positive number that must be multiplied by itself to equal a certain number.
  4. Number Numbers that are not rational.
  5. Decimal A decimal that is infinite.
  6. 9 in the expression x9.
  7. Notation A number system in which real number are expressed as a product of a number between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10.
  8. To prove a statement or theory to be wrong.
  9. Form A function of the form y+a*bx where a>0 and either a<b<1 or b>1.
  10. The outcome of lifting a base to an exponent.
  11. a Number Multiply a number by itself three times.
  1. Tells us how many times to use a number in a multiplication.
  2. A set of numbers separated by commas. Ex.1,3,5,7
  3. A well read assumption.
  4. x in the expression x9.
  5. Root The number that produce a given number when cubed
  6. Decimal A decimal that does not repeat.
  7. Form A way of writing very large or small numbers easily.
  8. An inverted fraction. Ex. 3/5 is 5/3

19 Clues: A well read assumption.x in the expression x9.9 in the expression x9.Decimal A decimal that is infinite.An inverted fraction. Ex. 3/5 is 5/3Number Numbers that are not rational.Decimal A decimal that does not repeat.To prove a statement or theory to be wrong.The outcome of lifting a base to an exponent....

Math 2017-06-02

Math crossword puzzle
  1. opposite angles that are formed by intersecting lines and the angle measures are equal
  2. area the sum of the areas of the lateral surfaces of a solid
  3. in a polynomial, a term that does not contain a variable is a constant
  4. lines intersect at right angles
  5. formula D=RT
  6. the numerical factor in any term of polynomial
  7. in a right triangle, it is the longest side which is opposite the right angle
  8. angles measure between 90 and 180
  9. angles angles that share a vertex and a side but have no interior points in common
  1. equation an equation where all of its solutions lie on a line
  2. measure less than 90
  3. angle measures 90
  4. angles are in the same position on the two in relation to the transversal
  5. Exterior angles are opposite of the transversal and outside the other lines
  6. have a sum of measures that equal 180
  7. lines never intersect
  8. another word equal
  9. an equation that shows the relationship between two or more quantities
  10. the set of the first coordinates

19 Clues: formula D=RTangle measures 90another word equalmeasure less than 90lines never intersectlines intersect at right anglesthe set of the first coordinatesangles measure between 90 and 180have a sum of measures that equal 180the numerical factor in any term of polynomialarea the sum of the areas of the lateral surfaces of a solid...

math 2013-02-28

math crossword puzzle
  1. of symmetry a line taht divides the parabola into two parts that are mirror inmages of each other
  2. form ax^2+bx+c
  3. number square root of -1
  4. (a,b) this is a
  5. formula -b times the square root of b squared-4ac all over 2a
  6. form y=a(x-h)^2+k
  7. first inside outside last
  8. shape of a letter
  9. under a tree
  1. non stop
  2. root /|__ look at it upsidedown
  3. least possible
  4. example x^2+2x-5
  5. the aquare |_|
  6. the process that allows the sum to be written as a product
  7. the U shaped on the graph
  8. most possible
  9. 0
  10. something you eat on

19 Clues: 0non stopunder a treemost possibleleast possibleform ax^2+bx+cthe aquare |_|(a,b) this is aexample x^2+2x-5form y=a(x-h)^2+kshape of a lettersomething you eat onnumber square root of -1the U shaped on the graphfirst inside outside lastroot /|__ look at it upsidedownthe process that allows the sum to be written as a product...

Math 2022-05-19

Math crossword puzzle
  1. lines that meet or cross at a
  2. a common factor of two or
  3. a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides
  4. numbers
  5. part of a line that connects two endpoints
  6. the number below the bar in a
  7. a parallelogram with four equal sides
  8. the greatest whole number that
  9. two or more lines that meet or
  10. a 3-dimensional figure with 5 faces, 8 edges, and 5 vertices
  1. an angle with a measure of more than 90
  2. lines that never meet
  3. the product of a number and any whole number
  4. the least common multiple of the denominator of two or more fractions
  5. an angle with a measure of less than
  6. an angle that measures 90 and forms a square corner
  7. lines with 180 angle
  8. angle.
  9. the chance that an event will occur

19 Clues: angle.numberslines with 180 anglelines that never meeta common factor of two orlines that meet or cross at athe number below the bar in athe greatest whole number thattwo or more lines that meet orthe chance that an event will occuran angle with a measure of less thana parallelogram with four equal sidesan angle with a measure of more than 90...

Math 2022-09-19

Math crossword puzzle
  1. 18+(-17)
  2. (-7)+16
  3. 103+(-30)
  4. (-15)+30
  5. 17+(-15)
  6. (-32)+40
  7. (-9)+12
  8. 10+(-5)
  9. (-100)+95
  10. (-60)+50
  11. (-62)+72
  1. (-1)+8
  2. (11+7)2
  3. (-20)+39
  4. (-13)+7
  5. 6+(-2)
  6. 7-9
  7. 18-(-6)
  8. 3-(-3)
  9. (-15)+12

20 Clues: 7-9(-1)+86+(-2)3-(-3)(11+7)2(-7)+16(-13)+7(-9)+1218-(-6)10+(-5)(-20)+3918+(-17)(-15)+3017+(-15)(-32)+40(-15)+12(-60)+50(-62)+72103+(-30)(-100)+95

math 2020-04-17

math crossword puzzle
  1. a measure of percent change, which is the extent to which something loses value
  2. the number of square units inside that circle
  3. are two ratios that express the same relationship between numbers
  4. an angle of 180°
  5. a copy of an figure where every length in the original figure is multiplied by the same number
  6. the set of all possible outcomes of that experiment
  7. the constant value of the ratio of two proportional quantities x and y
  1. The percent increase between two values is the difference between a final value and an initial value, expressed as a percentage of the initial value
  2. a result of an event that depends on probability
  3. an angle of 90°
  4. an act of taking money out of an account
  5. the "middle" value in the list of numbers
  6. the enclosing boundary of a curved geometric figure, especially a circle
  7. the average of the numbers
  8. a straight line passing from side to side through the center of a body or figure, especially a circle or sphere.
  9. a drawing where the dimensions are proportional
  10. the numerical value of the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter (approximately 3.14159)
  11. each of the pairs of opposite angles made by two intersecting lines
  12. a straight line from the center to the circumference of a circle or sphere

19 Clues: an angle of 90°an angle of 180°the average of the numbersan act of taking money out of an accountthe "middle" value in the list of numbersthe number of square units inside that circlea drawing where the dimensions are proportionala result of an event that depends on probabilitythe set of all possible outcomes of that experiment...

math 2023-01-01

math crossword puzzle
  1. a mathematical sentence
  2. used to group numbers or variables
  3. two expressions that are not equal
  4. formed when two lines intersect
  5. an angle of 180
  6. angles opposite each other when two lines cross.
  7. two lines are crossed by another line
  8. expressions that work the same even though they look different
  9. two angles whose sum is 90
  10. a mathematical statement
  11. summands in a sum that differ only by a numerical factor
  1. two angles whose sum is 180
  2. have a common side and a common vertex
  3. A linear system a unique solution
  4. Numbers we can multiply together to get another number
  5. single mathematical expression.
  6. the sum of angles
  7. a place holder used to determine a number
  8. a combination of numbers, variables, functions

19 Clues: an angle of 180the sum of anglesa mathematical sentencea mathematical statementtwo angles whose sum is 90two angles whose sum is 180formed when two lines intersectsingle mathematical expression.A linear system a unique solutionused to group numbers or variablestwo expressions that are not equaltwo lines are crossed by another line...

math 2023-01-01

math crossword puzzle
  1. a mathematical sentence
  2. used to group numbers or variables
  3. two expressions that are not equal
  4. formed when two lines intersect
  5. an angle of 180
  6. angles opposite each other when two lines cross.
  7. two lines are crossed by another line
  8. expressions that work the same even though they look different
  9. two angles whose sum is 90
  10. a mathematical statement
  11. summands in a sum that differ only by a numerical factor
  1. two angles whose sum is 180
  2. have a common side and a common vertex
  3. A linear system a unique solution
  4. Numbers we can multiply together to get another number
  5. single mathematical expression.
  6. the sum of angles
  7. a place holder used to determine a number
  8. a combination of numbers, variables, functions

19 Clues: an angle of 180the sum of anglesa mathematical sentencea mathematical statementtwo angles whose sum is 90two angles whose sum is 180formed when two lines intersectsingle mathematical expression.A linear system a unique solutionused to group numbers or variablestwo expressions that are not equaltwo lines are crossed by another line...

Math 2022-12-22

Math crossword puzzle
  1. describes the sum of angles that can be arranged together so that they form a full turn
  2. a statement that the values of two mathematical expressions are equal
  3. the set of values that satisfy a given set of equations or inequalities
  4. formed when two lines intersect each other at a single point
  5. compares two values, showing if one is less than, greater than, or simply not equal to another value
  6. is either a single number or variable, or numbers and variables multiplied together
  7. are the angles opposite each other when two lines cross
  8. when they have a common side and a common vertex (corner point), and don't overlap.
  9. he sum of angles that can be arranged together so that they form a straight line
  1. parentheses ( ), brackets [ ], and braces { }
  2. a sentence with a minimum of two numbers or variables and at least one math operation
  3. terms whose variables (and their exponents such as the 2 in x2) are the same
  4. a symbol and placeholder for any mathematical object
  5. Two angles that add up to 90 degrees
  6. expressions that work the same even though they look different
  7. Two angles that add up to 180 degrees
  8. a combination of numbers and mathematical operations that children are often required to solve
  9. an angle that is 180 degrees
  10. a number that divides another number, leaving no remainder

19 Clues: an angle that is 180 degreesTwo angles that add up to 90 degreesTwo angles that add up to 180 degreesparentheses ( ), brackets [ ], and braces { }a symbol and placeholder for any mathematical objectare the angles opposite each other when two lines crossa number that divides another number, leaving no remainder...

math 2024-04-15

math crossword puzzle
  1. The point of intersection between two or more rays, often called a corner
  2. Piece of an algebraic equation,a number in a sequence or series
  3. A polynomial equation with two terms usually joined by a plus or minus sign.
  4. An angle equal to 90 degrees
  5. The solution to a division problem.
  6. A straight line with only one endpoint that extends infinitely.
  7. A standard quantity used in measurement
  8. Refers to addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.
  9. The horizontal axis in a coordinate plane.
  1. Shows the steepness or incline of a line and is determined by comparing the positions of two points on the line
  2. An algebraic expression made up of one term.
  3. The area between an arc and two radii of a circle, sometimes referred to as a wedge.
  4. A quantity that is not whole that contains a numerator and denominator.
  5. Is used to represent the ratio of a circumference of a circle to its diameter,
  6. A segment joining two points on a circle.
  7. The line that divides something into two equal parts
  8. A number that cannot be represented as a decimal or fraction.
  9. not infinite,has an end
  10. A standard quantity used in measurement
  11. The difference between the maximum and minimum in a set of data.

20 Clues: not infinite,has an endAn angle equal to 90 degreesThe solution to a division problem.A standard quantity used in measurementA standard quantity used in measurementA segment joining two points on a circle.The horizontal axis in a coordinate plane.An algebraic expression made up of one term.The line that divides something into two equal parts...

Math 2024-05-14

Math crossword puzzle
  1. – the point where a line crosses the y-axis; represented by “b”; written as a point (0, b)
  2. – the sum of the areas of the faces, or surfaces, of a three dimensional figure
  3. –a transformation of a figure that flips the figure across a line
  4. – the sum of the areas of the faces, or surfaces, of a three dimensional figure not including the bases
  5. – is a symbol used to identify image points as a result of a transformation
  6. –a line on a scatter plot that helps show the correlation between data sets more clearly
  7. slope - intercept form for the equation of a line where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept
  1. – a change in the size or position of a figure
  2. notation – a method of writing very large or very small numbers by using powers of 10
  3. – a movement (slide) of a figure along a straight line
  4. root – a number that is multiplied by itself to form a product is called a square root of that product
  5. m: measure of the steepness of a line on a graph; the rise divided by the run.
  6. number – a rational or irrational number
  7. an input-output relationship that has exactly one output for each input.
  8. form: the way of writing the equation of a line so that the slope (steepness) and y-intercept (where the line crosses the vertical y-axis). y=mx+b
  9. – a transformation in which a figure is turned around a point
  10. two data sets have no relationship between their data values
  11. – in a right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the legs.
  12. – a transformation that enlarges or reduces a figure
  13. number – a number that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers or as a repeating or terminating decimal

20 Clues: number – a rational or irrational number– a change in the size or position of a figure– a transformation that enlarges or reduces a figure– a movement (slide) of a figure along a straight linetwo data sets have no relationship between their data values– a transformation in which a figure is turned around a point...

Math/Add Math 2022-09-24

Math/Add Math crossword puzzle
  1. negative to positive
  2. infinite numbers
  3. tn=a+(n-1)d
  4. dy/dx of a curve
  5. volume of ____ (integration)
  6. 90 degree of a line
  7. rationalise the ______(surds)
  8. shape with 10 sides
  9. dark area/coloured area
  10. tn=ar^n-1
  11. trig e.g.
  12. part of a circle
  13. one of the ways to find roots
  14. U
  15. a^2 + b^2 =c^2
  16. maximum point of a tangent graph
  17. cos(pi/2 rad)
  18. graph involving e
  19. n divide by 0
  20. antonym of expand in math
  21. dy/dt
  1. dy/dx=0
  2. nCr
  3. shape with no vertex
  4. lines with same gradient
  5. cartesian _____
  6. price _____
  7. sigma squared
  8. example of network graph
  9. number of solutions
  10. m from(y=mx+c)
  11. gradient of _____
  12. has magnitude and direction
  13. valid and _____
  14. square roots
  15. shape with 4 vertices
  16. f-1
  17. f(x)
  18. dot in indices

39 Clues: UnCrf-1f(x)dy/dtdy/dx=0tn=ar^n-1trig _____square rootssigma squaredcos(pi/2 rad)n divide by 0m from(y=mx+c)a^2 + b^2 =c^2dot in indicescartesian _____valid and _____infinite numbersdy/dx of a curvepart of a circlegradient of _____graph involving e90 degree of a linenumber of solutionsshape with 10 sidesshape with no vertex...

Math 2014-10-12

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Change Rise
  2. Function If F and G
  3. special type of relation and no repeatation of abscissa.
  4. Change Run
  5. of Quadratic Equation Primary concern is to find values of X.
  6. Slope Negative (-)
  7. Letter D.
  8. Function Second degree function and using Parabola (Graph)
  9. Method The 3rd methods of graphing linear function.
  10. symbol D
  11. noted Letter M.
  12. a measure of the steepness.
  1. set of the one or more ordered pair
  2. symbol R
  3. Method The 2nd methods of graphing linear function.
  4. Greater than
  5. Slope Positive (+)
  6. Less than
  7. Function Switching or interchanging of coordinates on the given ordered pair.
  8. of Value Using two point method.

20 Clues: symbol Rsymbol DLetter D.Less thanChange RunChange RiseGreater thannoted Letter M.Slope Positive (+)Slope Negative (-)Function If F and Ga measure of the steepness.of Value Using two point method.set of the one or more ordered pairMethod The 2nd methods of graphing linear function.Method The 3rd methods of graphing linear function....

Math 2015-11-17

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Whats 6x6?
  2. Whats 5x6?
  3. Whats 12x12?
  4. Whats 6x8?
  5. Whats 25x4?
  6. Whats 5x4?
  7. Whats 9x10?
  8. Whats 4x4?
  9. Whats 9x9?
  1. Whats 12x5
  2. Whats 9x8?
  3. Whats 3x3?
  4. Whats 11x27?
  5. Whats 11x11?
  6. Whats 11x12?
  7. Whats 7x8?
  8. Whats 6x4?
  9. Whats 2x2
  10. Whats 4x4

19 Clues: Whats 2x2Whats 4x4Whats 12x5Whats 6x6?Whats 9x8?Whats 3x3?Whats 5x6?Whats 6x8?Whats 7x8?Whats 6x4?Whats 5x4?Whats 4x4?Whats 9x9?Whats 25x4?Whats 9x10?Whats 11x27?Whats 12x12?Whats 11x11?Whats 11x12?

Math 2020-04-20

Math crossword puzzle
  1. having the same shape size and angle
  2. angle, and angle which measures more than 90°, or less than 180°
  3. Angle, and angle which measures exactly 90°
  4. transformation where a mirror image is created also called a flip
  5. the set of points at a fixed distance, or radius, from any given point
  6. A straight path connecting two points but extending beyond the points
  7. A location on a graph
  8. a transformation that turns a figure around a fixed Centerpoint also called a turn
  9. a part of a line that starts at one point but extends past the other
  10. lines, 2 lines that intersect at a 90° angle
  1. angle, in angle which measures more than 0°, but less than 90°
  2. transformation in which a pre-image and image are congruent
  3. the new resulting figure after a transformation
  4. lines, Two lines in a plane that do not share any point of intersection
  5. angle, an angle that measures exactly 180°
  6. a transformation that moves each point of a figure the same distance in the same direction also called a slide
  7. a change in a geometric figures position, shape, or size
  8. the original figure before undergoing a transformation
  9. segment, A part of a line that is between two and points

19 Clues: A location on a graphhaving the same shape size and angleangle, an angle that measures exactly 180°Angle, and angle which measures exactly 90°lines, 2 lines that intersect at a 90° anglethe new resulting figure after a transformationthe original figure before undergoing a transformationa change in a geometric figures position, shape, or size...

math 2017-08-28

math crossword puzzle
  1. 9 in the expression x9.
  2. Decimal A decimal that is infinite.
  3. Decimal A decimal that does not repeat.
  4. x in the expression x9.
  5. An inverted fraction. Ex. 3/5 is 5/3
  6. A set of numbers separated by commas. Ex.1,3,5,7
  7. Form A way of writing very large or small numbers easily.
  8. Root The number that produce a given number when cubed
  9. To prove a statement or theory to be wrong.
  1. Root A positive number that must be multiplied by itself to equal a certain number.
  2. The outcome of lifting a base to an exponent.
  3. Form A function of the form y+a*bx where a>0 and either a<b<1 or b>1.
  4. A well read assumption.
  5. Notation A number system in which real number are expressed as a product of a number between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10.
  6. Square Any number that is the square of a reasonable number.
  7. Number Numbers that are not rational.
  8. Value The amount of space between a number and zero.
  9. Tells us how many times to use a number in a multiplication.
  10. a Number Multiply a number by itself three times.

19 Clues: A well read assumption.9 in the expression x9.x in the expression x9.Decimal A decimal that is infinite.An inverted fraction. Ex. 3/5 is 5/3Number Numbers that are not rational.Decimal A decimal that does not repeat.To prove a statement or theory to be wrong.The outcome of lifting a base to an exponent....

Math! 2021-12-10

Math! crossword puzzle
  1. divide
  2. number expressed by a quotient
  3. ​-
  4. graph it
  5. greater than or equal to
  6. multiply
  7. values that are the same
  8. +
  9. even
  10. addition
  11. comparison of two qualities
  12. break it down
  13. <
  1. share
  2. >
  3. "to" used for a ratio
  4. problem
  5. values that are the same
  6. a letter
  7. subtract

20 Clues: >+<​-evensharedivideproblemgraph itmultiplyadditiona lettersubtractbreak it down"to" used for a ratiogreater than or equal tovalues that are the samevalues that are the samecomparison of two qualitiesnumber expressed by a quotient

Math 2022-05-31

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Corresponding Parts of those Congruent Triangles are Congruent
  2. where the altitudes intersect in a triangle
  3. the measure of an exterior angle of a triangle is ____ to the sum of the measures of the remote interior angles
  4. parallel to the base and equal in length to the average of the length and the base
  5. a circle that encloses the base of the hemisphere
  6. Three medians intersect in a triangle
  7. the sum of the four interior angles is 360 degrees
  1. Equidistant from the sides of a triangle
  2. the non vertex angles of a kite are ___
  3. the diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular and ___ each other
  4. the bases angles of a isosceles trapezoid are ___
  5. the measure of the sum of the ____ angles equal 360
  6. the consecutive angles between the bases of a trapezoid _____
  7. in an isosceles triangle the bisector of the vertex angle is also the ___ and the median to the base
  8. is calculated by dividing the length of the arc by its radius
  9. the set of all points n sac at a given distance from a given point
  10. The vertex angles of a kite are bisected by a ______
  11. every equilateral triangle is ___
  12. the measure of an angle formed by 2 intersecting chords is __ the sum of the measures of the 2 intercepted arcs
  13. the sum of the measures of the 5 interior angles of any ___ is 540 degrees

20 Clues: every equilateral triangle is ___Three medians intersect in a trianglethe non vertex angles of a kite are ___Equidistant from the sides of a trianglewhere the altitudes intersect in a trianglethe bases angles of a isosceles trapezoid are ___a circle that encloses the base of the hemispherethe sum of the four interior angles is 360 degrees...

math 2021-06-03

math crossword puzzle
  1. math
  2. hey
  3. english
  4. math
  5. science
  6. ashlin
  7. hi
  8. yay
  9. yes
  1. ashley
  2. rebeccca
  3. crossword
  4. nah
  5. social
  6. no
  7. manal
  8. rubi
  9. leona
  10. ann
  11. angelina

20 Clues: nohinahheyyayannyesmathmathrubimanalleonaashleysocialashlinenglishsciencerebecccaangelinacrossword

math 2022-08-23

math crossword puzzle
  1. The ______ of the three angles of a triangle is 180*
  2. the angles formed between the side of the polygon and the extended adjacent side of the polygon
  3. A line that intersects two or more straight lines at distinct points
  4. The angles that lie inside a shape,
  5. the points that lie on the same straight line or in a single line
  6. two rays are joined together at a common point
  7. how many Euclid's axioms are there
  8. the lines that do not intersect or meet each other at any point in a plane.
  1. A part of a line having two endpoints.
  2. The set of points that do not lie on the same line
  3. a straight line that goes from left to right or right to left
  4. the phenomenon when a ray of light enters from one medium to another, then it deviates from its actual path
  5. The two sides of the angle, joined at a common endpoint
  6. a simplified drawing showing the appearance, structure, or workings of something; a schematic representation.
  7. Two angles have a common side with a common vertex without overlapping of angles
  8. a three-sided polygon, which has three vertices
  9. one dimensional figure and has no thickness
  10. a part of a line which has a fixed starting point but no end point
  11. The point about which an angle is measured

19 Clues: how many Euclid's axioms are thereThe angles that lie inside a shape,A part of a line having two endpoints.The point about which an angle is measuredone dimensional figure and has no thicknesstwo rays are joined together at a common pointa three-sided polygon, which has three verticesThe set of points that do not lie on the same line...

math 2022-05-11

math crossword puzzle
  1. y = a ( x − h ) 2 + k
  2. the following of one thing after another
  3. Ax+By=C.
  4. a mathematical expression consisting of 2 terms
  5. a mathematical expression consisting of 3 terms
  6. a math expression consisting of many terms
  7. method to find almost all algebra solutions
  8. Math subject we are in right now
  9. a mathematical expression consisting of 1 term
  10. something that pertains to squares
  1. a quantity or amount.
  2. mathematical expression
  3. of or relating to an exponent.
  4. an increasing value
  5. a decreasing value
  6. respect to the Proposition 1A Receivable
  7. increasing in a geometric progression
  8. made up of, relating to, or like a line
  9. number multipliedwith another given another

19 Clues: Ax+By=C.a decreasing valuean increasing valuea quantity or amount.y = a ( x − h ) 2 + kmathematical expressionof or relating to an exponent.Math subject we are in right nowsomething that pertains to squaresincreasing in a geometric progressionmade up of, relating to, or like a linethe following of one thing after another...

math 2022-05-11

math crossword puzzle
  1. y = a ( x − h ) 2 + k
  2. the following of one thing after another
  3. Ax+By=C.
  4. a mathematical expression consisting of 2 terms
  5. a mathematical expression consisting of 3 terms
  6. a math expression consisting of many terms
  7. method to find almost all algebra solutions
  8. Math subject we are in right now
  9. a mathematical expression consisting of 1 term
  10. something that pertains to squares
  1. a quantity or amount.
  2. mathematical expression
  3. of or relating to an exponent.
  4. an increasing value
  5. a decreasing value
  6. respect to the Proposition 1A Receivable
  7. increasing in a geometric progression
  8. made up of, relating to, or like a line
  9. number multipliedwith another given another

19 Clues: Ax+By=C.a decreasing valuean increasing valuea quantity or amount.y = a ( x − h ) 2 + kmathematical expressionof or relating to an exponent.Math subject we are in right nowsomething that pertains to squaresincreasing in a geometric progressionmade up of, relating to, or like a linethe following of one thing after another...

Math 2022-05-11

Math crossword puzzle
  1. of variables
  2. integrals
  3. comparison theorem
  4. solution
  5. length
  6. sequence
  7. form
  8. field
  9. solution
  10. series
  1. curve
  2. equation
  3. curves
  4. test
  5. by parts
  6. method
  7. fraction decomposition
  8. area
  9. comparison test
  10. term test

20 Clues: testformareacurvefieldcurvesmethodlengthseriesequationsolutionsequencesolutionintegralsby partsterm testof variablescomparison testcomparison theoremfraction decomposition

math 2023-01-01

math crossword puzzle
  1. a mathematical sentence
  2. used to group numbers or variables
  3. two expressions that are not equal
  4. formed when two lines intersect
  5. an angle of 180
  6. angles opposite each other when two lines cross.
  7. two lines are crossed by another line
  8. expressions that work the same even though they look different
  9. two angles whose sum is 90
  10. a mathematical statement
  11. summands in a sum that differ only by a numerical factor
  1. two angles whose sum is 180
  2. have a common side and a common vertex
  3. A linear system a unique solution
  4. Numbers we can multiply together to get another number
  5. single mathematical expression.
  6. the sum of angles
  7. a place holder used to determine a number
  8. a combination of numbers, variables, functions

19 Clues: an angle of 180the sum of anglesa mathematical sentencea mathematical statementtwo angles whose sum is 90two angles whose sum is 180formed when two lines intersectsingle mathematical expression.A linear system a unique solutionused to group numbers or variablestwo expressions that are not equaltwo lines are crossed by another line...

Math 2024-05-14

Math crossword puzzle
  1. – the point where a line crosses the y-axis; represented by “b”; written as a point (0, b)
  2. – the sum of the areas of the faces, or surfaces, of a three dimensional figure
  3. –a transformation of a figure that flips the figure across a line
  4. – the sum of the areas of the faces, or surfaces, of a three dimensional figure not including the bases
  5. – is a symbol used to identify image points as a result of a transformation
  6. –a line on a scatter plot that helps show the correlation between data sets more clearly
  7. slope - intercept form for the equation of a line where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept
  1. – a change in the size or position of a figure
  2. notation – a method of writing very large or very small numbers by using powers of 10
  3. – a movement (slide) of a figure along a straight line
  4. root – a number that is multiplied by itself to form a product is called a square root of that product
  5. m: measure of the steepness of a line on a graph; the rise divided by the run.
  6. number – a rational or irrational number
  7. an input-output relationship that has exactly one output for each input.
  8. form: the way of writing the equation of a line so that the slope (steepness) and y-intercept (where the line crosses the vertical y-axis). y=mx+b
  9. – a transformation in which a figure is turned around a point
  10. two data sets have no relationship between their data values
  11. – in a right triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the legs.
  12. – a transformation that enlarges or reduces a figure
  13. number – a number that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers or as a repeating or terminating decimal

20 Clues: number – a rational or irrational number– a change in the size or position of a figure– a transformation that enlarges or reduces a figure– a movement (slide) of a figure along a straight linetwo data sets have no relationship between their data values– a transformation in which a figure is turned around a point...

High School Crossword 2021-10-01

High School Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. zach
  2. amy
  3. lori
  4. jimmy
  5. laura
  6. job boxes
  7. audrey
  1. math
  2. shop rite
  3. carly
  4. lisa
  5. reading
  6. anna
  7. lori

14 Clues: amymathzachlisaloriannaloricarlyjimmylauraaudreyreadingshop ritejob boxes

Teachers in the School 2022-09-06

Teachers in the School crossword puzzle
  1. custodian
  2. teaches HS English
  3. teaches HS English
  4. Teaches MS English
  5. security
  6. teaches MS Social Studies
  7. teaches HS Science
  8. Teaches MS Science
  9. nurse assistant
  10. Teaches MS English
  1. facilitator
  2. teaches HS Social Studies
  3. teaches HS Math
  4. education support
  5. secretary
  6. director
  7. nurse
  8. Teaches MS Math
  9. school counselor

19 Clues: nursedirectorsecuritycustodiansecretaryfacilitatorteaches HS MathTeaches MS Mathnurse assistantschool counseloreducation supportteaches HS Englishteaches HS EnglishTeaches MS Englishteaches HS ScienceTeaches MS ScienceTeaches MS Englishteaches HS Social Studiesteaches MS Social Studies

Summit 6th Grade Crossword 2023-03-29

Summit 6th Grade Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Where we learn about maps and countries
  2. 601 Math teacher
  3. Where Mrs. Williams is the Queen
  4. Where we learn about rocks and the earth!
  5. Free time during 4th hour
  6. 602 English teacher
  7. Where we learn about grammar and essays
  8. 602 Math teacher
  9. 601 Literacy teacher
  10. Where you find your grades
  11. 601 Science teacher
  12. Our SRO
  1. Should never be out in school!
  2. The Summit Mascot
  3. 602 Social Studies teacher
  4. Where do you eat lunch?
  5. 6th grade principal
  6. What town are we in?
  7. Where we learn about numbers
  8. Where we learn about Books and Poems
  9. Where you look for information about your class each day
  10. What should be around your neck?

22 Clues: Our SRO601 Math teacher602 Math teacherThe Summit Mascot6th grade principal602 English teacher601 Science teacherWhat town are we in?601 Literacy teacherWhere do you eat lunch?Free time during 4th hour602 Social Studies teacherWhere you find your gradesWhere we learn about numbersShould never be out in school!Where Mrs. Williams is the Queen...

Gupta Empire 2016-05-27

Gupta Empire crossword puzzle
  1. used to make metal tools and objects
  2. this word means that astro and math were combined
  3. had great advancements and is related to legal drugs
  4. orange and yellowish shining material
  5. a system in math
  6. other word for it ajanta
  7. where they're numbers and systems
  8. they were very enocouraged by this
  9. used to make iron tools and objects
  10. rock like material
  1. building where students learned
  2. was an empire and dynasty
  3. studied by students next to hinduism
  4. material that comes from trees
  5. seven areas
  6. studied by students next to buddhism
  7. it encouraged trade
  8. time where there was advancements and money
  9. page study of space
  10. famous material used to make sculptures

20 Clues: seven areasa system in mathrock like materialit encouraged tradepage study of spaceother word for it ajantawas an empire and dynastymaterial that comes from treesbuilding where students learnedwhere they're numbers and systemsthey were very enocouraged by thisused to make iron tools and objectsused to make metal tools and objects...

Math 2018-01-16

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Name for distribution that has two high peaks.
  2. Sum of three monomials
  3. Sine
  4. Where the graph crosses the y-axis.
  5. Sum of two monomials
  6. (x+4) and (x−1) factored
  7. An abbreviation method used for multiplying two binomials.
  8. The number in front of x2
  9. Standard Form of parabola
  10. The side opposite to the right angle in a right triangle.
  1. Cosine
  2. Middle number in a ordered set of data
  3. Tangent
  4. A piece of data that displays more than the rest
  5. Name for the middle part of a parabola, which is either the maximum or minimum point.
  6. Vertex form of parabola
  7. Sum of data divided by the number of values.
  8. The lowest point of a parabola
  9. Pythagorean Theorem

19 Clues: SineCosineTangentPythagorean TheoremSum of two monomialsSum of three monomialsVertex form of parabola(x+4) and (x−1) factoredThe number in front of x2Standard Form of parabolaThe lowest point of a parabolaWhere the graph crosses the y-axis.Middle number in a ordered set of dataSum of data divided by the number of values....

Math! 2021-12-10

Math! crossword puzzle
  1. divide
  2. number expressed by a quotient
  3. ​-
  4. graph it
  5. greater than or equal to
  6. multiply
  7. values that are the same
  8. +
  9. even
  10. addition
  11. comparison of two qualities
  12. break it down
  13. <
  1. share
  2. >
  3. "to" used for a ratio
  4. problem
  5. values that are the same
  6. a letter
  7. subtract

20 Clues: >+<​-evensharedivideproblemgraph itmultiplyadditiona lettersubtractbreak it down"to" used for a ratiogreater than or equal tovalues that are the samevalues that are the samecomparison of two qualitiesnumber expressed by a quotient

math 2014-06-13

math crossword puzzle
  1. prisum: A prism where the lateral edges are not perpendicular.
  2. line that intercests at exactly one point.
  3. A intersection of the point and the altitudes of a triangle.
  4. the sum of the lenghts of the sides of a polygon.
  5. angle: angle with a measure of 90.
  6. A conditional statement.
  7. A distance around a cicle.
  8. A quadrilateral with four right angles.
  9. angles: An angle thats formed by one side of a triangle.
  10. the folded forms of the surfaces are a three-demintional object.
  11. An argument in which a statement you make is supported by that stament to be accepted as true.
  12. A segment repersenting quantity that has length.
  1. lines: Three or more points that intersect at a specific point.
  2. undifined term of geometry.
  3. A amount of space that enclosed.
  4. that can be proven true by the definitions and the postulates.
  5. pair: A pair of adjacent angles.
  6. A quadrilateral with four right angles.
  7. A point thats halfway between the endpoints of the segement.
  8. A group of points that work a given condition.

20 Clues: A conditional statement.A distance around a cicle.undifined term of geometry.A amount of space that enclosed.pair: A pair of adjacent angles.angle: angle with a measure of 90.A quadrilateral with four right angles.A quadrilateral with four right angles.line that intercests at exactly one point.A group of points that work a given condition....

Math 2015-11-04

Math crossword puzzle
  1. things that are not even
  2. a whole number that divides another whole number with a remainder
  3. diagram that shows a composite number breaks down into its prime factor
  4. a set of date values is the sum of date values the sum of the date divided by the number of date items
  5. a segment formed by the intersection of two faces of a three-dimensional figure
  6. ratio that compares a length in a scale drawing to the corresponding length in the actual object
  7. a paralleogram with four sides and angles
  8. a rectangular prism whose faces are all squares
  9. the result of a transformation of a point line, or figure
  10. a box in a spreadsheet where a row and a column meet
  1. figure is the number of square units is
  2. any of the results that can occur in an experiment
  3. a ratio that comparares two quantities measured in different units
  4. angles measured in units
  5. the set of points in a plane that is all the same distance from a given a point called the center
  6. a measure of the amount of matter in an object
  7. a two-dimensional pattern that can the folded to form a three-dimensional figure
  8. a number that is going to be raised to a power
  9. formed by two rays with a common endpoint called vertex

19 Clues: things that are not evenangles measured in unitsfigure is the number of square units isa paralleogram with four sides and anglesa measure of the amount of matter in an objecta number that is going to be raised to a powera rectangular prism whose faces are all squaresany of the results that can occur in an experiment...

Math 2022-09-16

Math crossword puzzle
  1. both plus and minus operations
  2. subtraction
  3. division / fraction
  4. 1‰ = 1/1000 = 0.1%
  5. 1ppb = 1/1000000000
  6. approximation
  7. 4√a ⋅ 4√a ⋅ 4√a ⋅ 4√a = a
  8. 1ppm = 1/1000000
  9. calculate expression inside first
  10. 3√a ⋅ 3√a ⋅ 3√a = a
  1. addition
  2. multiplication
  3. √a ⋅ √a = a
  4. equality
  5. decimal point, decimal separator
  6. inequality
  7. remainder calculation
  8. 1% = 1/100
  9. both minus and plus operations
  10. calculate expression inside first

20 Clues: additionequalityinequality1% = 1/100subtraction√a ⋅ √a = aapproximationmultiplication1ppm = 1/10000001‰ = 1/1000 = 0.1%division / fraction1ppb = 1/1000000000remainder calculation3√a ⋅ 3√a ⋅ 3√a = a4√a ⋅ 4√a ⋅ 4√a ⋅ 4√a = aboth plus and minus operationsboth minus and plus operationsdecimal point, decimal separator...

Math 2020-04-08

Math crossword puzzle
  1. root A number that when multiplied by itself equals another number.
  2. of best fit Defines the data and tells us what is happening and what could happen.
  3. ~
  4. Intercept Form y=mx+b
  5. Lines 2 or more lines that will never meet.
  6. A transformation that makes a figure or shape big or small based on the scale factor
  7. A set of ordered pairs.
  8. angle 2 angles that are next to each other.
  9. To replace a variable with an expression that is equal to that variable.
  10. Equal to or exactly alike.(≅)
  11. A relation, graph, map, or equation where the x value does not repeat.
  12. A closed figure that has 3 or more sides that are straight lines.
  1. A line that intersects 2 or more lines.
  2. A polygon that has a dent or cave in the figure.
  3. "Steepness."
  4. "Mirror image."
  5. form Ax+By=C
  6. Theorem a^2 + b^2 = c^2
  7. Variation When the data shows a proportional relationship between the x and y values.
  8. Lines 2 lines that intersect forming a right angle (90 degrees).

20 Clues: ~"Steepness.""Mirror image."form Ax+By=CA set of ordered pairs.Intercept Form y=mx+bTheorem a^2 + b^2 = c^2Equal to or exactly alike.(≅)A line that intersects 2 or more lines.Lines 2 or more lines that will never meet.angle 2 angles that are next to each other.A polygon that has a dent or cave in the figure....

Math 2020-04-21

Math crossword puzzle
  1. a number you multiply to get the desired number
  2. another word for add
  3. in math means you are taking something away from the
  4. the end result of a answer you get a total
  5. another way to say addition
  6. is taking two numbers or more and adding them
  7. the opposite of multiply
  8. is a result of subtracting
  9. of a number is that a number multiplied
  10. fraction when the numerater is bigger then
  11. to get the sum you have to add two or more numbers together
  1. a another way to know if you are dividing
  2. is the result of multiplying
  3. reprsents a part of a hole
  4. is a shorthand way to say if something is divisible
  5. is the small angle smaller then 90 degrees
  6. is a whole number and a fraction combined
  7. another way to say if something is divisible
  8. formed by multiplying two smaller natural numbers.

19 Clues: another word for addthe opposite of multiplyreprsents a part of a holeis a result of subtractinganother way to say additionis the result of multiplyingof a number is that a number multiplieda another way to know if you are dividingis a whole number and a fraction combinedthe end result of a answer you get a total...

math 2022-07-22

math crossword puzzle
  1. angular point of a polygon, polyhedron, or other figure.
  2. a number, especially one which forms part of official statistics or relates to the financial performance of a company.
  3. a statement that the values of two mathematical expressions are equal (indicated by the sign
  4. the science and study of quality, structure, space, and change
  5. opposite of adding
  6. to add something
  7. a result obtained by dividing one quantity by another.
  8. The study of the measurement, relationships, and properties of quantities and sets, using numbers and symbols.
  9. become or make greater in size, amount, intensity, or degree.
  1. make or become smaller or fewer in size, amount, intensity, or degree.
  2. A product can be a service or an item. It can be physical or in virtual or cyber form.
  3. a result obtained by dividing one quantity by another.
  4. opposite of divison
  5. an arithmetic operation that is the inverse of division; the product of two numbers is computed;
  6. to take something away
  7. away to subtract something
  8. the total amount resulting from the addition of two or more numbers, amounts, or items.
  9. opposite of multiply
  10. the region bounded by the shape of an object.
  11. opposite of minus

20 Clues: to add somethingopposite of minusopposite of addingopposite of divisonopposite of multiplyto take something awayaway to subtract somethingthe region bounded by the shape of an object.a result obtained by dividing one quantity by another.a result obtained by dividing one quantity by another.angular point of a polygon, polyhedron, or other figure....

Math 2023-11-30

Math crossword puzzle
  1. To mean 2
  2. Lower
  3. Percent of something
  4. length times width
  5. Subject involving numbers
  6. To mean 4
  7. Take something away
  8. Math equation
  9. To mean 3
  10. Length times width
  1. Raise
  2. Area of a circle
  3. To mean 1
  4. 3 dimensional round object
  5. Length plus length plus width plus width
  6. To times something
  7. Things you count with
  8. Put something together
  9. Split
  10. Total of something being added

20 Clues: RaiseLowerSplitTo mean 2To mean 1To mean 4To mean 3Math equationArea of a circlelength times widthTo times somethingLength times widthTake something awayPercent of somethingThings you count withPut something togetherSubject involving numbers3 dimensional round objectTotal of something being addedLength plus length plus width plus width

math 2024-05-14

math crossword puzzle
  1. x1 + x2/2 , y1 + y2/2
  2. 90 degree ____
  3. __ degrees
  4. intersection
  5. <ABC~<CBA
  6. dfhofh
  7. common vertex
  8. if-then
  1. line segment joining a vertex
  2. a^2 + b^2= c^2
  3. A=1/2(d1 x d2)
  4. A=ba
  5. 1/2Pa
  6. all three angles bisect
  7. a line with a single endpoint
  8. distance from the center of a regular polygon to the midpoint of the side
  9. conclusion is negated
  10. A=S^2
  11. if-only

19 Clues: A=ba1/2PaA=S^2dfhofhif-onlyif-then<ABC~<CBA__ degreesintersectioncommon vertexa^2 + b^2= c^2A=1/2(d1 x d2)90 degree ____x1 + x2/2 , y1 + y2/2conclusion is negatedall three angles bisectline segment joining a vertexa line with a single endpointdistance from the center of a regular polygon to the midpoint of the side

Math 2024-05-10

Math crossword puzzle
  1. graph of a polynomial intersects x axis at one point then it has __ Zeroes
  2. lines are coincident then it has ____ sol.
  3. If we join two hemispheres of same radius along their bases, then we get a _____
  4. degree of the polynomial x^5 +x^2+8 is
  5. alpha and beta are ____ of a polynomial
  6. If the prime factorisation of a no. is in form 2n ×5m then it has ____ decimal
  7. smallest even prime no.
  8. 3 plus 2 root 5 is rational
  9. a system has no solution when lines are _____
  1. if lines of a pair of linear quations intersect at a point it has a ___ soln.
  2. the ___ of 6,72 and 120 is 6
  3. if pair of linear equations has one or more solutions it is__
  4. 2 is a zero of p(x)= x²-x-2
  5. A polynomial of degree 3 is called _==_ Polynomial
  6. if (x+3) is a factor of a² +12x -13 then what is value of a ?
  7. product of two numbers is ____×lcm
  8. ___ of 96 and 404 is 9696.
  9. if lines are parallel a system has __ solution.
  10. root 5 is a ____ number.
  11. graph of a quadratic polynomial is a ____

20 Clues: smallest even prime no.root 5 is a ____ number.___ of 96 and 404 is 9696.2 is a zero of p(x)= x²-x-23 plus 2 root 5 is rationalthe ___ of 6,72 and 120 is 6product of two numbers is ____×lcmdegree of the polynomial x^5 +x^2+8 isalpha and beta are ____ of a polynomialgraph of a quadratic polynomial is a ____lines are coincident then it has ____ sol....

math 2024-05-06

math crossword puzzle
  1. alike, orange and apple are round
  2. right angles are this
  3. exterior angle sum
  4. different types of shapes with a certain amount of sides
  5. around the shape an amount or sum is needed to be found
  6. interior angles
  7. the surface area
  8. like a kite
  9. lines
  10. addition and subtration are the inverse of each other
  1. If a boy starts running from point 'A' and reaches the same point after taking one complete round of the park, a distance is covered by him.
  2. exterior angles
  3. certain amount of sides,vertices, and angles
  4. angles
  5. coordinates
  6. inequality theorem
  7. corner
  8. "If it rains, then they cancel school" is "If they cancel school, then it rains."
  9. middle
  10. db=dc

20 Clues: linesdb=dcanglescornermiddlecoordinateslike a kiteexterior anglesinterior anglesthe surface areainequality theoremexterior angle sumright angles are thisalike, orange and apple are roundcertain amount of sides,vertices, and anglesaddition and subtration are the inverse of each otheraround the shape an amount or sum is needed to be found...

Crossword Puzzel 2021-03-30

Crossword Puzzel crossword puzzle
  1. orchestra teacher
  2. 7th and 8th grade gym teacher
  3. 5th grade math teacher
  4. 7th grade ELA teacher
  5. band teacher
  6. 7th and 8th grade history teacher
  7. 7th and 8th grade math teacher
  1. 5th and 6th grade science teacher
  2. 6th grade ELA teacher
  3. 8th grade ELA teacher
  4. 7th and 8th grade art teacher
  5. 7th and 8th grade science teacher
  6. 5th and 6th grade social studies teacher
  7. 5th grade ELA teacher
  8. 6th grade math teacher

15 Clues: band teacherorchestra teacher6th grade ELA teacher8th grade ELA teacher7th grade ELA teacher5th grade ELA teacher5th grade math teacher6th grade math teacher7th and 8th grade gym teacher7th and 8th grade art teacher7th and 8th grade math teacher5th and 6th grade science teacher7th and 8th grade science teacher7th and 8th grade history teacher...

Math 2013-03-22

Math crossword puzzle
  1. theoretical The likelihood of an event happening that is based on theory rather than on experience and observation.
  2. A closed plane figure whose sides are straight lines and do not cross.
  3. Forming a right angle.
  4. Any of the four regions formed by the axes in a rectangular coordinate system.
  5. (relationship) A predictable or prescribed sequence of numbers, objects, etc. Patterns and relationships may be described or presented using munipulatives, tables, graphics (pictures or drwings), or algebraic rules (functions).
  6. The likelihood of an event happening. An impossible event has a probability of zero. An event that will occur with absolute certainty is assigned a probability of one. Every event that is neither certain nor impossible has a probability that is between zero and one, and is obtained by dividing the number of favorable outcomes of an event by the total number of possible outcomes.
  7. Any whole number with only two factors, 1 and itself (e.g., 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, etc.).
  8. A special-case ratio in which the second term is always 100. The ratio is written as a whole number followed by a percent sign (e.g., 25% means the ratio of 25 to 100).
  9. An undefined, two-dimensional (no depth) geometric surface that has no boundaries specified. A plane is determined by defining points or lines exisiting on the plane.
  1. The square of the hypotenuse (c) of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the square of the legs (a and b), as shown in the equation c^2=a^2+b^2.
  2. The symbol designating the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, represented as either 3.17 or 22/7.
  3. The length of the boundary around a figure.
  4. section The intersection of a plane and a three-dimensional figure.
  5. A two-dimensional figure that lies entirely within a single plane.
  6. A set of steps that demonstrates the truth of a given statement. Each step can be justified with a reason, such as a given, a definition, an axiom, or a previously proven property.
  7. The position of a single digit in a whole number or decimal number containing one or more digits.
  8. sign The symbol used before a number to show that the number is radicand.
  9. A location in space that has no length or width.
  10. A three-dimensional figure (polyhedron) with congruent polygonal bases and lateral faces that are all parallelograms.

19 Clues: Forming a right angle.The length of the boundary around a figure.A location in space that has no length or width.A two-dimensional figure that lies entirely within a single plane.section The intersection of a plane and a three-dimensional figure.A closed plane figure whose sides are straight lines and do not cross....

Math 2016-05-11

Math crossword puzzle
  1. plot: 5 number summary graph
  2. where is the graph above the x axis
  3. displays data using ordered columns
  4. used to determine the variability of the data
  5. where the graph crosses the x axis
  6. behavior: describes the left and right end of the graph
  7. add or subtract a number called common difference
  8. affects the center of the data
  1. how far left and right does the graph go
  2. which part of the graph goes down from left to right
  3. how far up and down does the graph go
  4. where is the graph below the x axis
  5. concentrated towards the middle of the range of data
  6. where does the graph cross the y axis
  7. plot: graph consisting of points plotted on a simple scale
  8. multiply a number called the common ratio
  9. data is equally spread
  10. which part of the graph goes up from left to right
  11. highest y value minimum: lowest y value

19 Clues: data is equally spreadplot: 5 number summary graphaffects the center of the datawhere the graph crosses the x axiswhere is the graph above the x axiswhere is the graph below the x axisdisplays data using ordered columnshow far up and down does the graph gowhere does the graph cross the y axishow far left and right does the graph go...

Math 2021-02-17

Math crossword puzzle
  1. the state of not being equal
  2. An operation that "undoes" or reverses another operation. Example: subtraction is the inverse of addition; division is the inverse of multiplication
  3. expressions that have the same value
  4. A numerical term in an expression that does not change.
  5. the quantitative relation between two amounts showing the number of times one value contains or is contained within the other.
  6. A numeric or algebraic sentence with an equal sign.
  7. relating to or involving algebra.
  8. Replace or substitute a numeric value for the variables in the expression
  9. A number, a variable, or a number multiplied by variable. Separated by signs
  10. numbers that follow one after the other in order, from least to greatest
  1. Two or more terms using only constants
  2. a number written as the sum of the values of its digits
  3. A number that is multiplied by a variable
  4. When you multiply a number by its reciprocal, the product is 1.
  5. A mathematical statement using numbers, variables and operations.
  6. a meeting point of two lines that form an angle
  7. Angles that are next to each other, share the same vertex, and share a side.
  8. A letter that represents a value that can vary
  9. A numeric or algebraic sentence with an equal sign.
  10. Ax + By = C

20 Clues: Ax + By = Cthe state of not being equalrelating to or involving algebra.expressions that have the same valueTwo or more terms using only constantsA number that is multiplied by a variableA letter that represents a value that can varya meeting point of two lines that form an angleA numeric or algebraic sentence with an equal sign....

Math 2022-05-11

Math crossword puzzle
  1. Margo missed 24.6 of her free throw shots in a season. During the season, she shot a total of 90 free throws. Which of the following is the best estimate of the number of free throws margo missed? 18, 12, 22, 25
  2. What is the value of x in this equation? -4x +8 = 42
  3. A courier service charges a $5 pickup fee, plus %0.15 per mile. The total charge to deliver a package was 7.85. How many miles did the courier service travel to deliver the package?
  4. Edgar pays $67.86 for 7.8 pounds of fertilizer. What is the price per pound of fertilizer?
  5. A home improvement store advertises 60 square feet of flooring for $253.00, plus an additional $80.00 installation fee. What is the cost per square foot for the flooring?
  6. ft(squared) A circular rug has a radius of 4 feet. Which of the following is closest to the number of square inches the rug covers? (Put squared at the end in parentheses)
  7. In PE, a parachute is laid out on the gym floor. The parachute has a radius of 16 feet. Which measurement is closest to the circumference of the parachute in feet? (Put squared at the end in parentheses)
  8. A hospital bill is estimated to be $462.00. It ends up actually costing the patient $525.00. What is the percent error in the bill?
  9. Two triangles are supplementary to each other. If the first angle measures 58, then which of the following could be the measure of the second triangle? 122, 32, 58, 180
  10. Will side lengths like 5,5 and 9 form a triangle?
  1. Jameson is seeking a loan with a simple interest rate of 3% per year. If he wants to borrow $8,000, then how much will he be charged in interest after 4 years?
  2. the record low temperature in Fargo, ND is -37 F. The record high is 109 F. What is the difference in the record high and the record low areas?
  3. A coffee shop sign is in the shape of a circle. The sign measures 18 inches across in diameter. Which measurement is closest to the area of the sign in square inches? 56.23, 101.36,188.78,254.34 (Put squared at the end in parentheses)
  4. Jameson pays $39.90 for 3.8 pounds of almonds. What is the price per pound of almonds?
  5. The price of a tablet was increased from $180 to $207,By what percentage was the price of the tablet increased?
  6. Margie has a $50.00 budget to purchase a $45.00 pair of boots. If there is an 8% sales tax rate, then how much under budget will Margie be?
  7. A student takes notes in class, completes the assignments, attends tutoring, and prepares for the test. Is it likely, unlikely, impossible, or certain they will pass the test?
  8. Todd plans to swim 18 laps in the pool. Each lap is 50 yards. So far Todd has swam 738 yards. What percentage of the total has Todd completed?
  9. Mr.Mathewson increased the amount of weight he lifted each morning from 80 pounds to 90 pounds. By what percentage did Mr.Mathewson increase the amount of weight he lifted? 12.5%, 10%, 15%, 18.5%

19 Clues: Will side lengths like 5,5 and 9 form a triangle?What is the value of x in this equation? -4x +8 = 42Jameson pays $39.90 for 3.8 pounds of almonds. What is the price per pound of almonds?Edgar pays $67.86 for 7.8 pounds of fertilizer. What is the price per pound of fertilizer?...

math 2023-05-26

math crossword puzzle
  1. Equation we use daily
  2. you solve these
  3. number less then zero
  4. something bigger then the other number
  5. letter
  6. total amount
  7. a number that is multiplied by itself
  8. straight
  9. Subtraction or addition
  1. ax^2+bx+c
  2. answer of your equation
  3. Shaped like a u
  4. a number were trying to figure out
  5. where two expressions are not equal
  6. something smaller then the other number
  7. big 2 at the top
  8. in your equation
  9. in your equation
  10. The best teacher
  11. cut in half

20 Clues: letterstraightax^2+bx+ccut in halftotal amountShaped like a uyou solve thesebig 2 at the topin your equationin your equationThe best teacherEquation we use dailynumber less then zeroanswer of your equationSubtraction or additiona number were trying to figure outwhere two expressions are not equala number that is multiplied by itself...

math 2022-10-24

math crossword puzzle
  1. a mathematical statement that is made up of two expressions connected by an equal sign.
  2. A vertical number line
  3. bring (a term) from one side of an equation to the other, with corresponding change of sign
  4. RATIO the number you multiply or divide by at each stage of the sequence.
  5. defined as a part of a cartesian plane which is obtained when the two axes intersect each other.
  6. diference The difference between every pair of consecutive terms in a sequence is the same
  7. This sequence is a special type of sequence where the ratio of every two successive terms is a constant.
  8. from the word "quad" which means square
  9. a single mathematical expression
  1. a horizontal number line
  2. number that divides another number completely with no remainder
  3. A sequence where the difference d between successive terms is constant
  4. PLANE a two-dimension surface formed by two number lines, a tool used for graphing points, lines, and other objects
  5. refers to the number of times a number is multiplied by itself
  6. defined as a pictorial representation or a diagram that represents data or values in an organized manner
  7. The value left after the division
  8. the result of arithmetically adding numbers or quantities
  9. a statement which has been proved true by a special kind of logical argument called a rigorous proof.TRANSPOSE
  10. This symbol is used to signify different math processes involving sums and deviations.
  11. an exact location on a plane.

20 Clues: A vertical number linea horizontal number linean exact location on a plane.a single mathematical expressionThe value left after the divisionfrom the word "quad" which means squarethe result of arithmetically adding numbers or quantitiesrefers to the number of times a number is multiplied by itself...

math 2024-04-15

math crossword puzzle
  1. The point of intersection between two or more rays, often called a corner
  2. Piece of an algebraic equation,a number in a sequence or series
  3. A polynomial equation with two terms usually joined by a plus or minus sign.
  4. An angle equal to 90 degrees
  5. The solution to a division problem.
  6. A straight line with only one endpoint that extends infinitely.
  7. A standard quantity used in measurement
  8. Refers to addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.
  9. The horizontal axis in a coordinate plane.
  1. Shows the steepness or incline of a line and is determined by comparing the positions of two points on the line
  2. An algebraic expression made up of one term.
  3. The area between an arc and two radii of a circle, sometimes referred to as a wedge.
  4. A quantity that is not whole that contains a numerator and denominator.
  5. Is used to represent the ratio of a circumference of a circle to its diameter,
  6. A segment joining two points on a circle.
  7. The line that divides something into two equal parts
  8. A number that cannot be represented as a decimal or fraction.
  9. not infinite,has an end
  10. A standard quantity used in measurement
  11. The difference between the maximum and minimum in a set of data.

20 Clues: not infinite,has an endAn angle equal to 90 degreesThe solution to a division problem.A standard quantity used in measurementA standard quantity used in measurementA segment joining two points on a circle.The horizontal axis in a coordinate plane.An algebraic expression made up of one term.The line that divides something into two equal parts...


MATH MATH MATH ALL AROUND crossword puzzle
  1. space possible problems for probability
  2. I go to a lot of roller-coaster festival and this one roller-coaster occurs the most
  3. there's a possibility for me reading all the Harry potter books in 2 years
  4. the procession the process of making known ones thoughts or feelings
  5. events lots of country's fight for _________ its a big event
  6. a bar gram that shows range
  7. me and my sister got our toes done and a we both got the same thing
  8. you are much greater or less than other people in a data set
  9. event the ratio event of the number of possible outcomes
  10. when my sisters get ice-cream and I don't, that's _________
  11. measure of how spread out the data is
  12. number multiplied with a variable or unknown quantity in algebraic term
  1. multiple types of _____ like apple, cherry, or pumpkin
  2. make something simpler or easier to do or understand
  3. &whisker plot when you have the minimum ,maximum ,upper, lower quartile and the median together its
  4. event to make a __________ event you have to have more simple events
  5. probability when an actual situation or problem is performed as an experiment
  6. event a bake sale is usually call a ____________
  7. plot lots of dots on this graph
  8. there's a difference between the greatest and least of the numbers
  9. you cut the cheese cake add them together then you dived the peace's evenly
  10. there's one 6 on a cube ~________ = 1/6
  11. mimic's the action given in a situation
  12. data diagram lots of animals live in this diagram
  13. there's an upper and lower quartile and then there's the middle number called

25 Clues: a bar gram that shows rangeplot lots of dots on this graphmeasure of how spread out the data isspace possible problems for probabilitythere's one 6 on a cube ~________ = 1/6mimic's the action given in a situationevent a bake sale is usually call a ____________data diagram lots of animals live in this diagram...

Math Math and More Math 2023-01-10

Math Math and More Math crossword puzzle
  1. A point about which a plane figure rotates
  2. Another name for Range of a Function
  3. The coordinate plane is divided into four equal parts by the intersection of the x-axis and the y-axis
  4. A figure is rotated around a centre point and it still appears exactly as it did before the rotation
  5. A triangle that has a right angle
  6. A system in which the location of a point is given by coordinates that represent its distances from perpendicular lines that intersect at a point called the origin
  7. A triangle which has 2 lengths that are the same
  8. All the length of the triangle are the same
  9. A triangle with at least 2 equal sides
  10. A general term for four specific ways to manipulate the shape and/or position of a point a line or geometric figure
  11. Sided polygon in which the sides are all the same length and are symmetrically placed about a common center
  1. A type of transformation that takes each point in a figure and slides it the same distance in the same direction.
  2. A type of symmetry which is with respect to reflections
  3. Exactly the same shape and size.
  4. a triangle that has one corner thats obtuse
  5. All 3 internal angles of the triangle are acute
  6. A type of transformation that takes each point in a figure and slides it the same distance in the same direction
  7. A tilling of regular polygons
  8. A shape moving around a set point
  9. Two images that are similar
  10. A mirror image of a shape
  11. The angle of an object compared to compass points or the axes of a Cartesian plane

22 Clues: A mirror image of a shapeTwo images that are similarA tilling of regular polygonsExactly the same shape and size.A triangle that has a right angleA shape moving around a set pointAnother name for Range of a FunctionA triangle with at least 2 equal sidesA point about which a plane figure rotatesa triangle that has one corner thats obtuse...

TVOL 2 (Anthony's) 2022-12-07

TVOL 2 (Anthony's) crossword puzzle
  1. ????????? Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?!
  2. :(, I'm sad
  3. THAT'S WHAT A BED IS FOR! You can be ____
  4. Graveyard
  6. One bumblebee, two bumblebees, … 619843894 bumblebees!
  7. I am sad and longer
  8. Thanks for donating!
  9. Whatever, 3+10 is 13; That might be the answer...
  1. Bunny has appeared in a Magican's Hat
  2. Sorry, floor 0 does not exist. Please retry! :)))
  3. There is a lot of math in Mr. Cohen's class; this class is ____ with math
  4. I am friendly
  6. NOOO!!! WHY IS ONE+ONE TWO?!?!??! :(
  7. :)I'm content
  8. The lush meadow had waving grass and fluttering bumblebees circling it.
  10. Unique

20 Clues: UniqueGraveyard:(, I'm sadI am friendly:)I'm contentCREST AND TROUGHI am sad and longerThanks for donating!????????? Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?!PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOPROAR! LET'S ACE THE MATH TEST!I DON'T NEED TO PROCURE HEARING AIDSNOOO!!! WHY IS ONE+ONE TWO?!?!??! :(Bunny has appeared in a Magican's HatTHAT'S WHAT A BED IS FOR! You can be ____...

Algebra 1 Vocabulary 2023-04-10

Algebra 1 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A letter representing an unknown value
  2. A math sentence with no equal sign
  3. A number with no variable that does not change
  4. Quotient
  5. A word that shows subtraction
  6. The answer you get when dividing numbers
  7. A word that shows multiplication
  1. To multiply by two
  2. Mrs. Morgan's favorite color
  3. The sign that tells you which operation to use; add, subtract, multiply, and divide
  4. Increased by
  5. A math sentence with an equal sign
  6. Add two numbers
  7. Product
  8. A number in front of, or being multiplied to, a variable
  9. Decreased by
  10. A single math expression

17 Clues: ProductQuotientIncreased byDecreased byAdd two numbersTo multiply by twoA single math expressionMrs. Morgan's favorite colorA word that shows subtractionA word that shows multiplicationA math sentence with an equal signA math sentence with no equal signA letter representing an unknown valueThe answer you get when dividing numbers...

Math 2022-09-19

Math crossword puzzle
  1. 18+(-17)
  2. (-7)+16
  3. 103+(-30)
  4. (-15)+30
  5. 17+(-15)
  6. (-32)+40
  7. (-9)+12
  8. 10+(-5)
  9. (-100)+95
  10. (-60)+50
  11. (-62)+72
  1. (-1)+8
  2. (11+7)2
  3. (-20)+39
  4. (-13)+7
  5. 6+(-2)
  6. 7-9
  7. 18-(-6)
  8. 3-(-3)
  9. (-15)+12

20 Clues: 7-9(-1)+86+(-2)3-(-3)(11+7)2(-7)+16(-13)+7(-9)+1218-(-6)10+(-5)(-20)+3918+(-17)(-15)+3017+(-15)(-32)+40(-15)+12(-60)+50(-62)+72103+(-30)(-100)+95

Math 2019-01-12

Math crossword puzzle
  1. endpoint of a scale
  2. rays two rays with the same endpoint that point in the opposite directions
  3. has no dimension, represented by a dot
  4. points points that are on the same plane
  5. the set of all points two figures have in common
  6. is a part of a line consisting of one endpoint and all the points on the line on side of the endpoint
  7. angles angles that have the same measure
  8. a closed plane figure formed by 3 or more line segments called sides
  9. lines do not intersect and are not coplanar
  1. two dimensions; represented by a shape that looks like a floor or wall
  2. a part of a line consisting of two endpoints and all the points in between
  3. the point of concurrency of 3 perpendicular bisectors of a triangle
  4. a point that divides a segment into two congruent segments
  5. lines do not intersect and are coplanar
  6. angles 2 angles that have a sum of 180 degrees
  7. points points that are on the same line
  8. 3 or more lines, rays, or segments that intersect at the same point
  9. angles sides form 2 pairs of opposite rays
  10. consists of two different rays with the same endpoint

19 Clues: endpoint of a scalehas no dimension, represented by a dotlines do not intersect and are coplanarpoints points that are on the same linepoints points that are on the same planeangles angles that have the same measureangles sides form 2 pairs of opposite rayslines do not intersect and are not coplanarangles 2 angles that have a sum of 180 degrees...

math 2022-02-24

math crossword puzzle
  1. angle picture obtuse
  2. picture ray
  3. picture octo
  4. angle picture right
  5. definition perimeter
  6. picture pent
  7. angle picture acute
  8. picture square
  9. notp-notq
  10. q-p
  11. definition area
  1. definition circumfrence
  2. picture midseg
  3. picture angle
  4. notq-notp
  5. picture hex
  6. triangle picture iso
  7. bisector picture angle bisect
  8. picture congruet
  9. lines picture parallel

20 Clues: q-pnotq-notpnotp-notqpicture raypicture hexpicture octopicture pentpicture anglepicture midsegpicture squaredefinition areapicture congruetdefinition perimeterangle picture rightangle picture acuteangle picture obtusetriangle picture isodefinition circumfrencelines picture parallelbisector picture angle bisect

math 2024-03-17

math crossword puzzle
  1. seven sided
  2. six sided
  3. Large marsupial
  4. lines that never intersect
  5. three
  6. lines that form 90 angles
  7. more than 90
  8. less than 90
  9. Flying mammal
  10. Man's best friend
  11. lines that cross
  1. four sides
  2. ten sided
  3. nine sided
  4. eight sided
  5. 90 degrees
  6. Has a trunk
  7. five sided
  8. Likes to chase mice

19 Clues: threeten sidedsix sidedfour sidesnine sided90 degreesfive sidedseven sidedHas a trunkeight sidedmore than 90less than 90Flying mammalLarge marsupiallines that crossMan's best friendLikes to chase micelines that form 90 angleslines that never intersect

Math 2024-02-02

Math crossword puzzle
  1. kolmnurk, mille kaks külge on võrdsed.
  2. Murru lugeja ja nimetaja korrutamine ühe ja sama nullist erineva arvuga.
  3. Ristkülik, mille kõik küljed on võrdsed.
  4. Nelinurk, mille kõik küljed on võrdsed.
  5. Rööpkülik, mille kõik küljed on võrdsed.
  6. Kolmnurk, mille kõik küljed on võrdsed.
  7. Arv mis jagub kahega.
  8. Sirged, mis lõikumisel moodustavad täisnurga.
  9. Lühike ja täpne mõiste selgitus.
  10. Üksliikmete summa.
  11. Lõik, mis läbib ringjoone keskpunkti ja ühendab kahte ringjoone punkti.
  1. Ringjoone keskpunktiga ja mistahes punktiga ühendatud lõik.
  2. Lause, mille tõesust saab põhjendada.
  3. Hulknurk, millel on on neli külge.
  4. Nurk millel on rohkem kui 90 kraadi.
  5. Hulknurk mille nurkade summa on 180 kraadi.
  6. Arv mille number on 1, 3, 5...
  7. Murru lugeja ja nimetaja korrutamine ühe ja sama nullist erineva arvuga.
  8. Kui ühe kolmnurga kolm külge on vastavalt võrdsed teise kolmnurga kolme küljega, siis nee kolmnurgad on ...
  9. Nurk, mille suurus on 90 kraadi.

20 Clues: Üksliikmete summa.Arv mis jagub kahega.Arv mille number on 1, 3, 5...Nurk, mille suurus on 90 kraadi.Lühike ja täpne mõiste selgitus.Hulknurk, millel on on neli külge.Nurk millel on rohkem kui 90 kraadi.Lause, mille tõesust saab põhjendada.kolmnurk, mille kaks külge on võrdsed.Nelinurk, mille kõik küljed on võrdsed....

MATH 2024-06-10

MATH crossword puzzle
  6. B^2-4AC
  12. E={2,4,6,8}
  4. 1,1,2,3,5,8,13.... DISEBUT BARISAN BILANGAN?


Teacher Crossword Puzzle 2013-03-27

Teacher Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Barer__
  2. Principal
  3. A language arts and newspaper person
  4. Newest Language Arts Teacher
  5. Ros__
  6. Science teacher (6 & 8)
  7. Vice principal
  8. Vas____
  9. History Teacher (7th and 8th)
  10. Mel____
  11. Hal____
  12. History Teacher (6th and 8th)
  1. Ec____
  2. Computer teacher
  3. Jenki____
  4. King____
  5. Spanish
  6. Study hall / Language Arts teacher
  7. Rodr_____
  8. Math teacher
  9. Language Arts / Math teacher
  10. Specialty
  11. Science Teacher (7)

23 Clues: Ros__Ec____Barer__SpanishVas____Mel____Hal____King____Jenki____PrincipalRodr_____SpecialtyMath teacherVice principalComputer teacherScience Teacher (7)Science teacher (6 & 8)Newest Language Arts TeacherLanguage Arts / Math teacherHistory Teacher (7th and 8th)History Teacher (6th and 8th)Study hall / Language Arts teacher...

Math Vocabulary 2024-04-10

Math Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the distance from zero on a number line
  2. least common multiple
  3. a comparison of two amounts
  4. answer to addition problem
  5. answer to division problem
  6. the same number but in the opposite direction of zero on a number line
  7. best 6th grade Math teacher
  8. math sentence WITHOUT an equal sign
  9. the horizontal number line on a coordinate grid
  10. a term that is a number all alone
  11. the order in which we solve expressions
  12. greatest common factor
  13. a letter or symbol that represents an unknown number
  14. up and down
  15. math sentence that are not equal using greater than or less than
  1. the number being multiplied to a variable
  2. in algebra they are the parts separated by plus or minus signs
  3. numbers that are multiplied
  4. skip count, the products
  5. math sentence WITH an equal sign
  6. side to side
  7. answer to multiplication problem
  8. answer to subtraction problem
  9. the coordinate grid is separated into these spaces by the x and y axis
  10. the vertical number line on a coordinate grid

25 Clues: up and downside to sideleast common multiplegreatest common factorskip count, the productsanswer to addition problemanswer to division problemnumbers that are multiplieda comparison of two amountsbest 6th grade Math teacheranswer to subtraction problemmath sentence WITH an equal signanswer to multiplication problema term that is a number all alone...

da impossible 2024-03-27

da impossible crossword puzzle
  1. white shark, longest shark alive (Mr farrels favourite animal)
  2. a Australian animal dah
  3. very hard way of taking away
  4. can nur be times by selbst
  5. the most simple way of math
  6. a harder but simpler way of the easiest math
  7. how long something takes
  8. splitting
  9. winged animal in Australia
  1. a way of calculating the Area
  2. the way of taking away
  3. lower then 1?
  4. can be times by other numbers
  5. it bites hard
  6. a pointed way of math
  7. a number that is a even shape

16 Clues: splittinglower then 1?it bites harda pointed way of maththe way of taking awaya Australian animal dahhow long something takescan nur be times by selbstwinged animal in Australiathe most simple way of mathvery hard way of taking awaya way of calculating the Areacan be times by other numbersa number that is a even shape...

Division 3 Friends 2021-06-25

Division 3 Friends crossword puzzle
  1. This person is good at writing and reading and math
  2. is always kind to everyone and is good at math
  3. This person goes to Challenge class
  4. This person does grade 6 math sometimes
  5. He now does whole pages of math & likes bears
  6. This person is great at gymnastics and Art
  7. This person is learning to speak Chinese
  8. This person finally came back to join us at school
  1. This person is very sociable, and inclusive of others
  2. person is a Minecraft fan and good reader
  3. This person has really strong hands & likes crafts
  4. always has a very crowded and sometimes messy desk
  5. This person is good at being a volleyball coach
  6. This person likes to dance and wants to be an actor
  7. was a very nice boy from Korea and Jinwoo's friend
  8. This person is good at sports and especially hockey
  9. This person loves kitties as much as Ms. Lupien

17 Clues: This person goes to Challenge classThis person does grade 6 math sometimesThis person is learning to speak Chineseperson is a Minecraft fan and good readerThis person is great at gymnastics and ArtHe now does whole pages of math & likes bearsis always kind to everyone and is good at mathThis person is good at being a volleyball coach...

school names 2024-06-04

school names crossword puzzle
  1. a Christmas song
  2. banana
  3. love/hate relationship with math
  4. iced tea lover
  5. tallest girl
  6. the lone grader
  7. only 8th grade girl
  8. tomboy
  9. "that's boring"
  10. expressive
  11. tallest
  1. Rubik's cube the 1st
  2. princess
  3. spider
  4. Rubik's cube the 2nd
  5. math whiz
  6. good singer
  7. the uninhibited grinch
  8. eldest
  9. the wee one
  10. a grey hamster
  11. hahahaha
  12. artistic
  13. youngest

24 Clues: spiderbananaeldesttomboytallestprincesshahahahaartisticyoungestmath whizexpressivegood singerthe wee onetallest girliced tea lovera grey hamsterthe lone grader"that's boring"a Christmas songonly 8th grade girlRubik's cube the 1stRubik's cube the 2ndthe uninhibited grinchlove/hate relationship with math