money Crossword Puzzles

Money & Me 2022-01-09

Money & Me crossword puzzle
  1. app to find a video of anything
  2. a social app that allows users to make short videos
  3. a mobile app that allows users to send and receive "self-destructing" photos and videos
  4. the money one has saved
  5. anything done for you that's of a personal nature
  6. a person or thing that influences another
  7. a thing given willingly to someone without payment
  8. a gem with clear color, goes on wedding rings
  9. activity done for enjoyment when one is not working
  10. a thing providing protection against a possible eventuality
  11. any of various types of container for drinking water
  12. social media app that has a blue bird
  13. houses and apartments considered collectively
  1. websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking
  2. clothes collectively
  3. the imparting or exchanging of information or news
  4. online photo-sharing application and social network platform
  5. an edible seed, typically shaped like a kidney
  6. a current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes
  7. any nutritious substance that people or animals eat
  8. furniture, fittings and other decorative accessories
  9. the action of transporting someone
  10. social media app with blue background and white f

23 Clues: clothes collectivelythe money one has savedapp to find a video of anythingthe action of transporting someonesocial media app that has a blue birda person or thing that influences anothera gem with clear color, goes on wedding ringshouses and apartments considered collectivelyan edible seed, typically shaped like a kidney...

Money crosswords 2023-01-19

Money crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. "I'd like to ____ some money for a trip next month".
  2. "They have a ________ of 20% for every 2nd thing you buy".
  3. "Excuse me, is this on ____?"
  4. "I ___ you a hundred, and I will give it back tomorrow."
  5. "I want to close my ____ to the bank and stop using the credit card"/
  6. "Hey, we are still under ______, so we have enough money to continue next year!"
  7. "The ATM isn't working, I need to got to the bank to ________ some cash".
  8. "I bought a computer mouse and it broke already. What a _____ of money!"
  9. "How much does a lunch ____ here?"
  10. "The Ukrainian ________ is Hryvna".
  11. "People now buy phones and other small things in several monthly ___________."
  1. "I want to ____ a little more, so I can travel"
  2. "______ in your self! Get dance lessons, go to a gym, get a massage!"
  3. "Oh, no! There's an _________ on my card again".
  4. "I put most of my money into my bank _______".
  5. "Can you ____ me a hundred until tomorrow?"
  6. "I don't want to ______ money, but I need to pay today".
  7. "Usually, the ________ rate in banks is very low".
  8. "How much do you _____ on food?"
  9. "The ticket costs 400! Can you ______ it?"

20 Clues: "Excuse me, is this on ____?""How much do you _____ on food?""How much does a lunch ____ here?""The Ukrainian ________ is Hryvna"."The ticket costs 400! Can you ______ it?""Can you ____ me a hundred until tomorrow?""I put most of my money into my bank _______"."I want to ____ a little more, so I can travel"...

4.3 Money 2022-11-21

4.3 Money crossword puzzle
  1. The system that connects borrowers to savers
  2. Term used by economists to refer to a checking account as a financial asset
  3. The inflation rate that the bank and consumers predict it will happen
  4. Currency (cash and coins) in circulation + Demand Deposits + Savings Accounts
  5. The type of money that has value entirely from its status
  6. Interest rate adjusted for inflation
  7. The length of time a bondholder needs to wait until it collects the full fixed amount
  8. Any asset that is accepted as a means of payment
  9. An IOU issued by the government or by a corporation
  10. How easily an asset converts to cash without loss of purchasing power
  11. Any uncertainty about the future value of an asset
  12. The sum of currency in circulation and bank reserves held in vaults
  13. The fixed amount of money you get by the end of a bond's maturity
  14. The opposite of an asset
  15. The rate that is advertised by banks
  1. Nominal Interest Rate = Real Interest Rate + Inflation Rate
  2. Sometimes bonds give the owner an occasional payment called ...
  3. When the expected inflation increases, the nominal interest rate also increases to keep the real interest rate constant
  4. An interest rate that fluctuates with inflation
  5. The source of both risk and return for stocks
  6. The cash minimums that financial institutions must have on hand in order to meet central bank requirements
  7. A determinant of a bond's price and the opportunity cost for holding cash
  8. Risk of bankruptcy by both government and corporations
  9. The most liquid financial asset
  10. The type of economy that directly trades goods and services for other goods and services
  11. The source of both risk and return for stocks
  12. The type of money that has intrinsic value
  13. The total amount of money in an economy that can carry out the transactions motive
  14. M1 + small denomination time deposits (CDs) + retail money market funds
  15. A risk that affects all financial assets
  16. Synonym for stock
  17. A financial asset that represents a slice of ownership in a company

32 Clues: Synonym for stockThe opposite of an assetThe most liquid financial assetInterest rate adjusted for inflationThe rate that is advertised by banksA risk that affects all financial assetsThe type of money that has intrinsic valueThe system that connects borrowers to saversThe source of both risk and return for stocks...

Money vocabulary 2022-05-23

Money vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. налог
  2. акции
  3. давать взаймы
  4. монета
  5. быть стоящим
  6. не могу позволить себе
  7. отдать деньги обратно
  8. наследовать
  9. быть должным
  10. снимать, вынимать
  11. ____ credit card
  1. копить
  2. брать плату за что-то
  3. банкнота
  4. ATM
  5. ____cash
  6. зарабатывать
  7. кредит
  8. тратить впустую
  9. стоить
  10. pay____smth
  11. брать взаймы
  12. ипотека
  13. зарплата

24 Clues: ATMналогакциикопитьмонетакредитстоитьипотекабанкнота____cashзарплатаpay____smthнаследоватьзарабатыватьбыть стоящимбрать взаймыбыть должнымдавать взаймытратить впустую____ credit cardснимать, выниматьбрать плату за что-тоотдать деньги обратноне могу позволить себе

Money Review 2023-05-11

Money Review crossword puzzle
  1. when people panic and all try to get their money out at the same time it is called a __ on the banks.
  2. the interest rate that banks charge reach other is called the ___ funds rate
  3. this type of money has value because it can be exchanged for something else
  4. ___ thousand banks were printing money in 1860
  5. the interest rate that the Federal Reserve charges banks is called the ___ rate
  6. This group determines monetary policy for the Federal Reserve
  7. at the top of the Federal Reserve structure is the Board of ____.
  8. the % of deposits that a bank is not allowed to loan out is called the Required ___ Ratio
  9. this type of money has value because the government says so.
  10. money can't be too easy to get; it must have a ___ supply
  11. the money does not wear out easily
  12. it can be easily broken down into smaller units
  13. when there is too much spending in an economy this occurs
  1. when there is not enough spending in the economy, this occurs
  2. during a recession, the Federal Reserve likes a(n) money policy
  3. without a ___ of exchange, people would need to barter
  4. a dollar bill is worth the same as 100 pennies
  5. everyone is willing to exchange the currency for goods and services
  6. it is easily carried around
  7. this type of money has value because of what it is made out of (gold, salt)
  8. The Federal Reserve transfers money from one bank's account to another as part of the check ____ process
  9. what former president was the first to oppose a National Bank
  10. the Federal Reserve System is most commonly referred to as the ___.
  11. the most common form of representative money is the ___.
  12. a unit of ___ allows you to compare values of goods and services on the basis of one common thing.

25 Clues: it is easily carried aroundthe money does not wear out easily___ thousand banks were printing money in 1860a dollar bill is worth the same as 100 penniesit can be easily broken down into smaller unitswithout a ___ of exchange, people would need to barterthe most common form of representative money is the ___....

understanding money 2023-03-01

understanding money crossword puzzle
  1. earning money from a job
  2. money that a financial institution pays you to borrow your money
  3. the topics or types of things that you enjoy learning about or spending your time doing
  4. payment for a year's worth of work that is divided into equal portions that are paid to you with each paycheck
  5. a plan for using your money over a period of time
  6. a savings certificate that gains interest and has a set time before you can withdraw your money
  7. the full amount you earned
  8. work you do for money
  9. when you put things in order of how much they matter
  10. things you must have in order to survive like food,shelter,and safety
  11. giving resources or volunteering time to help those in need
  12. money that you have to pay back
  13. an activity or action that might be dangerous
  14. helps pay for emergencies
  15. an account at a financial institution that gains interest and allows withdrawals
  1. a quality that means that something or someone can be trusted to do what has been agreed upon
  2. what you give up in order to get something else
  3. working extra hours to make extra money
  4. is a type of job you do for a long time and may require some education training or experience related to it
  5. the amount you take home after paying taxes and anything else that gets taken out of your pay
  6. not having enough money to buy everything that you want
  7. a record of how you pay back the money you borrow
  8. when you borrow money and promise to pay it back later
  9. savings options
  10. to use something from someone else with the promise of returning it
  11. finding out whether or not what you are about to buy can be found for a better price or in better shape at a different store
  12. something you want to achieve
  13. money that a financial institution pays you to borrow your money
  14. money that is available and ready to use like bills and coins
  15. are agreements to lend money to companies or the government

30 Clues: savings optionswork you do for moneyearning money from a jobhelps pay for emergenciesthe full amount you earnedsomething you want to achievemoney that you have to pay backworking extra hours to make extra moneyan activity or action that might be dangerouswhat you give up in order to get something else...

Spending Money 2019-04-09

Spending Money crossword puzzle
  1. The money a company or store earns after paying its expenses.
  2. Ph.V - To separate some money for a certain purpose.
  3. The piece of paper you are given after buying a product and that is proof you have bought it.
  4. A narrow space in a shop along which customers can walk and grab products from shelves.
  5. The person who buys goods in a store.
  6. To express how dissatisfied you are with sth. , especially a product or service.
  7. "To be ...of cash" means not to have enough money.
  8. The amount of money you usually borrow from a bank and which you must return within a certain time.
  9. Adj. meaning damaged or in bad conditions.
  10. "To make ends ..." is to have enough money by the end of the month.
  1. A product offered at a very low or reduced price.
  2. An amount of money you must pay after commiting a minor offense, such as a traffic offense.
  3. The the piece of paper showing the price a product costs.
  4. The noun for "satisfy".
  5. "To be ... for choice".
  6. The place where you pay the goods you buy in a supermarket or grocery store.
  7. To extract money from an ATM or a bank.
  8. A ...price is one you consider ok, neither too low, nor too high.
  9. An amount of money you get in exchange for returning a product.
  10. A synonym for "expensive".
  11. The noun for "see".
  12. A person who saves money.

22 Clues: The noun for "see".The noun for "satisfy"."To be ... for choice".A person who saves money.A synonym for "expensive".The person who buys goods in a store.To extract money from an ATM or a bank.Adj. meaning damaged or in bad conditions.A product offered at a very low or reduced price."To be ...of cash" means not to have enough money....

Money Market 2020-11-02

Money Market crossword puzzle
  1. The smallest fraction of deposits that the Federal Reserve allows banks to hold.
  2. An arrangement in which the Federal Reserve stands ready to lend money to banks.
  3. The currency banks hold in their vaults plus their deposits at the Federal Reserve.
  4. Any asset that can easily be used to purchase goods and services.
  5. The profit earned on the project expressed as a percentage of its cost.
  6. The ratio of the money supply to the monetary base. It indicates the total number of dollars created in the banking system by each $1 addition to the monetary base.
  7. Shows the relationship between the quantity of money demanded and the interest rate.
  8. The interest rate the Fed charges on loans to banks.
  9. are rules set by the Federal Reserve that determine the required reserve ratio for banks.
  10. The sum of currency in circulation and bank reserves.
  1. This allows banks that fall short of the reserve requirement to borrow funds from banks with excess reserves.
  2. $1 realized one year from now is equal to $1/(1 + r)
  3. Guarantees that a bank’s depositors will be paid even if the bank can’t come up with the funds, up to a maximum amount per account.
  4. a purchase or sale of government debt by the Fed.
  5. Shows how the quantity of money supplied varies with the interest rate.
  6. An asset that individuals acquire for the purpose of trading goods and services rather than for their own consumption.
  7. A means of holding purchasing power over time.
  8. An institution thatoversees and regulates the banking systemand controls the monetary base.
  9. A measure used to set prices and make economic calculations.
  10. is a hypothetical market that illustrates the market outcome of the demand for funds generated by borrowers and the supply of funds provided by lenders.
  11. A tool for analyzing a business’s financial position by showing, in a single table, the business’s assets (on the left) and liabilities (on the right).
  12. The fraction of bank deposits that a bank holds as reserves.
  13. The total value of financial assets in the economy that are considered money.

23 Clues: A means of holding purchasing power over time.a purchase or sale of government debt by the Fed.$1 realized one year from now is equal to $1/(1 + r)The interest rate the Fed charges on loans to banks.The sum of currency in circulation and bank reserves.A measure used to set prices and make economic calculations....

money matters 2021-09-07

money matters crossword puzzle
  1. allow customers to borrow money from a financial institution up to a certain limit
  2. helps with math problems when needing to get an answer
  3. can be earned on the balance held in any bank account
  4. secure means of saving money
  5. shareholder
  6. for two or more account holders
  7. form of online payment where money is electronically withdrawn from the customer’s account
  8. provide loans for prospective home buyers
  9. allow bank customers to draw money directly from their checking account
  10. a legal agreement by which a bank or other creditor lends money at interest in exchange for taking title of the property
  1. assist individuals in buying and selling securities among investors
  2. allow banks to manage and protect an account on behalf of a beneficiary
  3. financial institutions to provide capital for a mortgage and then selling or assigning them to investors
  4. allow individuals to borrow money from a bank
  5. are member owned, non-profit financial institutions
  6. agency that is not operated by a profit or a public body
  7. money collected from premiums to pay claims, money is pooled so the losses and expenses are shared
  8. automated teller machine
  9. securities and exchange commission
  10. a financial gain

20 Clues: shareholdera financial gainautomated teller machinesecure means of saving moneyfor two or more account holderssecurities and exchange commissionprovide loans for prospective home buyersallow individuals to borrow money from a bankare member owned, non-profit financial institutionscan be earned on the balance held in any bank account...

Money matters 2021-09-07

Money matters crossword puzzle
  1. ______ accounts are a secure means of storing money.
  2. business loans require completing a _____ application.
  3. description Business loans require information such as: _______ data.
  4. Provide individuals and businesses with _____ access at any time through online banking, by phone and through the use of ATMs – ATMs are located .
  5. Come in a variety of options to appeal to different customers – some accounts may have a monthly fee, some may have spending and withdrawal limits and some may earn interest • Include: ______ (for customers who want a reliable basic account)
  6. description Business loans require information such as: product or _____ offered
  7. Financial Institutions are regulated by ______and state laws and monitored through the Federal Reserve System -central bank of the United States
  8. Are companies engaged in the business of dealing with the _____ transactions of individual and commercial clients.
  9. Offer many services and products, such as:debit cards, ______ cards.
  10. description Business loans require information such as: _________ summery
  11. Checking account types: for qualifying high school and college students
  12. many financial service providers offer helpful information, interactive ____,practical strategies and more to their customers.
  1. for customers with no need for in-person banking services
  2. Earned on bank accounts tends to utilize ____ interest
  3. Offer many services and products, such as: checking accounts, _____ accounts.
  4. include a wide range of organizations such as banks, savings and ____ associations,trust companies, credit unions and investment firms
  5. Checking account types: for ______ owners
  6. financial Institutions Exist to help individuals and businesses meet current and ____ financial goals.
  7. description Business loans require information such as:sales, marketing and promotion _________.
  8. Interest can be earned on the balance held in any bank account
  9. Business loans require information such as: Business _______.
  10. Facilitate the flow of ______ through the economy among consumers, businesses and government

22 Clues: Checking account types: for ______ owners______ accounts are a secure means of storing money.Earned on bank accounts tends to utilize ____ interestbusiness loans require completing a _____ application.for customers with no need for in-person banking servicesBusiness loans require information such as: Business _______....

W6 Money 2021-03-06

W6 Money crossword puzzle
  1. to do and complete something
  2. exact
  3. to get something after the person's death
  4. up short of money
  5. to make money
  6. to include
  7. to have or to own
  8. finish paying for something
  9. the energy that is needed to do something
  10. to be connected
  1. based on personal feelings or opinions
  2. a developed society with a government
  3. to develop gradually
  4. to vary
  5. huge
  6. to be able to pay for
  7. wealthy
  8. to make easier
  9. when some qualities are passed to a child
  10. to endure; to experience
  11. to cause (something) to become bigger

21 Clues: hugeexactto varywealthyto includeto make moneyto make easierto be connectedup short of moneyto have or to ownto develop graduallyto be able to pay forto endure; to experiencefinish paying for somethingto do and complete somethinga developed society with a governmentto cause (something) to become biggerbased on personal feelings or opinions...

Canadian Money 2021-04-29

Canadian Money crossword puzzle
  1. Not a moose but rather a caribou
  2. Rhymes with 'waving' (a money term)
  3. Money that is left after expenses have been paid
  4. Money earns this when put into a savings account
  5. Opposite of wealthy
  6. A person who has a lot of money
  7. The opposite of save
  8. When both sides are equal, the amount in your account
  9. Money going into a bank account or piggy bank
  10. What you get back when you buy something with real money
  1. Small or large, they sell goods or provide a service
  2. Used to be made of paper, equal to 20 nickels
  3. Bigger than than the sailboat coin but worth less
  4. What you are paid
  5. Borrowing money is called a _______.
  6. Is equal to 4 quarters X 2
  7. This coin has disappeared from Canadian wallets, pockets
  8. When you owe someone money
  9. Non-paper money
  10. If I have ten of these, I have $1
  11. Another word for money, paper or coins

21 Clues: Non-paper moneyWhat you are paidOpposite of wealthyThe opposite of saveIs equal to 4 quarters X 2When you owe someone moneyA person who has a lot of moneyNot a moose but rather a caribouIf I have ten of these, I have $1Rhymes with 'waving' (a money term)Borrowing money is called a _______.Another word for money, paper or coins...

Money 1 2012-11-07

Money 1 crossword puzzle
  1. n. Extreme comfort, beyond what anyone needs
  2. adj. Able to enjoy special advantages because of one’s position (usually because of being born into a wealthy or powerful family)
  3. v. To do very well in one’s business or personal life
  4. v. To rent something for a long time (several months or years)
  5. n. A thing that can be bought and sold,such as grain,oil, or wood
  6. adv. For each person
  7. v. Control according to a set of rules
  8. adj. After all costs have been subtracted from an amount
  9. n. Wealth and the style of life that goes with it
  10. n. A situation in which prices for many items rise quite fast
  11. v. To estimate the value of something
  12. adj. Dangerous
  13. n. A possession that has positive value
  14. adj. Only, single
  15. n. The value of one’s share in an investment
  1. v. To build up a large amount of something
  2. v. To protect
  3. n. People with low-paying (often unskilled) jobs who are not poor but who are not securely in the middle class
  4. n. Legal responsibility for harming a person or property;a disadvantage
  5. n. Honor and respect for being better than the average
  6. adj. Belonging to a special, honored group
  7. adj. Obviously real because it can be seen, touched, or otherwise observed
  8. v. To decrease in power or amount
  9. n. Owner, usually of a business or a building
  10. v. To make a person or group poor
  11. v. To give out different amounts for different purposes
  12. v. To get something, usually something with special value or meaning
  13. n. A group of socially prominent people with special titles given by a king or queen, such as “duke”or “countess”
  14. adv. Together with one or more other parties
  15. n. Money given by a government or other organization to support an activity

30 Clues: v. To protectadj. Dangerousadj. Only, singleadv. For each personv. To decrease in power or amountv. To make a person or group poorv. To estimate the value of somethingv. Control according to a set of rulesn. A possession that has positive valuev. To build up a large amount of somethingadj. Belonging to a special, honored group...

MONEY MATTERS 2013-05-06

MONEY MATTERS crossword puzzle
  1. willing to give money, help, kindness, etc., especially more than is usual
  2. unwilling to spend money
  3. someone who spends a lot of money in a way that wastes it
  4. expected
  5. to continue to have; to keep in existence, or not allow to become less
  6. to do something that makes a person, group, or organization feel proud or receive praise
  7. to give money to someone for something you want to buy or for services provided
  8. to (cause to) work, be in action or have an effect
  9. careful when using money or food, or (of a meal) cheap or small in amount
  10. a method or way of doing something
  1. to reach a decision or an agreement about something, or to end a disagreement
  2. a person who has a first degree from a university or college
  3. the money that is used for a particular purpose, especially by a government or organization
  4. a person who is unwilling to spend money
  5. money that is earned in trade or business, after paying the costs of
  6. relating to money or how money is managed
  7. coins or notes that are used to buy things, or the amount of these that one person has.
  8. the part of the body at the end of the arm that is used for holding, moving, touching, and feeling things
  9. happening or produced once a month
  10. something, especially money, that is owed to someone else, or the state of owing something
  11. to arrive at a place, especially after spending a long time or a lot of effort travelling

21 Clues: expectedunwilling to spend moneyhappening or produced once a montha method or way of doing somethinga person who is unwilling to spend moneyrelating to money or how money is managedto (cause to) work, be in action or have an effectsomeone who spends a lot of money in a way that wastes ita person who has a first degree from a university or college...

Money Talks 2015-09-14

Money Talks crossword puzzle
  1. An unreasonably high price.
  2. Record in a bank which entitles you to a certain sum of money.
  3. The money you use to make profit.
  4. The act of conducting or carrying out business, negotiations, plans etc.
  5. A good deal.
  6. To receive money after your relative dies.
  7. Security of a bank loan in the form of pledged property.
  8. The act of buying something.
  9. To put money in a bank.
  10. A machine used to withdrawal money.
  1. The money given back to you after you return faulty goods
  2. Exceeding the limit of your account.
  3. The amount of money you should pay over equal intervals of time.
  4. Bank notes and coins.
  5. Payment for using somebody’s money.
  6. Percentage taken off the price of a good or service.
  7. To be able to buy or do something.
  8. A pocket-size case for holding papers and paper money.
  9. A bank official who works with clients.
  10. The money you earn or receive regularly.

20 Clues: A good deal.Bank notes and coins.To put money in a bank.An unreasonably high price.The act of buying something.The money you use to make profit.To be able to buy or do something.Payment for using somebody’s money.A machine used to withdrawal money.Exceeding the limit of your account.A bank official who works with clients....

Money A 2016-11-15

Money A crossword puzzle
  1. the money you get paid for working
  2. the senior position of work in a bank
  3. when you borrow money
  4. a plan to give you money after you retire
  5. money like dollars and pounds
  6. money taken from your salary by the government
  7. a card that you use to pay for something
  8. benefits that you get as well as a salary
  9. a charge for borrowing money
  10. a type of account for everyday banking
  11. a division or office of a large business operating locally
  12. certificates of ownership of companies
  1. shares in various different companies
  2. a person that steals from the bank
  3. a customer facing person who works at the bank
  4. investing money for profit or material result
  5. to swap one currency for another (forex)
  6. a place where you keep money
  7. a type of account for savings
  8. to take money out of the bank
  9. a written order to a bank to pay a stated sum from the drawer's account
  10. notes and coins

22 Clues: notes and coinswhen you borrow moneya place where you keep moneya charge for borrowing moneymoney like dollars and poundsa type of account for savingsto take money out of the bankthe money you get paid for workinga person that steals from the bankshares in various different companiesthe senior position of work in a bank...

Money Crossword 2016-03-09

Money Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Is money worth more or less than its material?
  2. When you put money into the bank, you get paid what?
  3. Who is found on the New Zealand 50 dollars
  4. What denomination of money is Kate Sheppard on?
  5. Who is our money backed by?
  6. What does the reserve bank try to keep stable?
  7. What currency is used in China?
  8. What is money?
  9. Money is a ______ of what you can buy.
  10. Who protects and produces money?
  11. What bird is on the 50 dollar note?
  1. _____ is bartering tokens
  2. What is the currency in New Zealand
  3. Something we use to conver one currency to another
  4. What helps avoid people creating counterfeit money?
  5. People who start up businesses are called what?
  6. What do entrepreneurs set up their business to gain?
  7. Is money a reliable or non reliable means of exchange?
  8. Around the world people use different types of ________
  9. What currency is used in most of Europe?

20 Clues: What is money?_____ is bartering tokensWho is our money backed by?What currency is used in China?Who protects and produces money?What is the currency in New ZealandWhat bird is on the 50 dollar note?Money is a ______ of what you can buy.What currency is used in most of Europe?Who is found on the New Zealand 50 dollars...

Money Crossword 2022-02-24

Money Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the ability to borrow money and pay it back
  2. A written order of payment
  3. Work that is pursued for most of their life
  4. to give money, toys and clothes to help people, animals or communities
  5. A financial institution
  6. Something you want to achieve within years
  7. money earned in deposited in checking
  8. something that is given up to do something else
  9. Giving someone money that would be paid back to you
  10. Money for the future
  11. An Object used to purchase goods and services
  12. Money that is owed
  13. Something you must have to survive
  14. money paid to the government
  15. A form of money
  16. the possibility of something unplanned happing (money lost)
  17. Something you would like to have
  18. To receive money
  1. A plan that outlines uses of money
  2. A nonprofit making money cooperative
  3. to give and help people, animals or communities with money
  4. Something you want to achieve
  5. Work you complete to receive money
  6. Something you want to achieve within weeks or months
  7. Money received from job
  8. Money gained or left over after money spent
  9. Loan that you have to payback
  10. money that is paid to keep in the bank or cooperative
  11. money such as coins and bills
  12. money set aside for later use
  13. cost of goods and services; money spend
  14. profit made from investment
  15. Using money

33 Clues: Using moneyA form of moneyTo receive moneyMoney that is owedMoney for the futureMoney received from jobA financial institutionA written order of paymentprofit made from investmentmoney paid to the governmentSomething you want to achieveLoan that you have to paybackmoney such as coins and billsmoney set aside for later use...

money crossword 2023-08-24

money crossword crossword puzzle
  1. given to you from the bank
  2. Credit is defined as an arrangement that allows you to borrow money now and repay it later
  3. shopping Comparison shopping is a practice among consumers .
  4. to fail a full a contract etc
  5. a need is something you need and a want is whatever doesn't help
  6. you originally planed to pay back
  7. someone who buys and sells stock to clients and business people
  8. a card issued by a bank allowing the holder to transfer money electronically to another bank account when making a purchase
  9. a strategy used for investing used to manage risk
  10. the extent to which a person or company is considered suitable to receive financial credit, often based on their reliability in paying money back in the past.
  11. the status of a debtor who has been declared by judicial process to be unable to pay his debts.
  1. a way to risk your manage
  2. a savings account that holds fixed amount of money for a fixed period of time
  3. money for the future
  4. something owed. Anyone having borrowed money or goods
  5. paid so you can borrow money
  6. A credit score is a three-digit number designed to represent the likelihood you will pay your bills on time
  7. set aside money for saving and then pay rent
  8. a non profit financial institution that takes deposits
  9. A credit report is a statement that has information about your credit activity
  10. An asset is anything you own that adds financial value
  11. an amount of of money received during the a set period
  12. fund cash reserved only for like emergencies and stuff
  13. the cost you pay each year to borrow money, including fees, expressed as a percentage

24 Clues: money for the futurea way to risk your managegiven to you from the bankpaid so you can borrow moneyto fail a full a contract etcyou originally planed to pay backset aside money for saving and then pay renta strategy used for investing used to manage risksomething owed. Anyone having borrowed money or goods...

Managing money 2024-02-20

Managing money crossword puzzle
  1. acheter
  2. portefeuille
  3. bonne affaire
  4. dépenser
  5. troc, échange
  6. ristourne
  7. épargner
  8. échange, échanger
  9. compte en banque (en 2 mots)
  10. salaire
  11. devise (euro, dollar,...)
  12. économie (science ou système)
  13. économiser
  1. billet de banque
  2. dépense
  3. distributeur automatique de billets
  4. économies
  5. pièce de monnaie
  6. revenu
  7. vendre
  8. (fauché, sans le sou)
  9. budget
  10. coûter

23 Clues: revenuvendrebudgetcoûteracheterdépensesalairedépenserépargneréconomiesristourneéconomiserportefeuillebonne affairetroc, échangebillet de banquepièce de monnaieéchange, échanger(fauché, sans le sou)devise (euro, dollar,...)compte en banque (en 2 mots)économie (science ou système)distributeur automatique de billets

SAVING MONEY 2023-11-07

SAVING MONEY crossword puzzle
  1. This percentage of Americans have less than $1,000 saved for an emergency.
  2. The persistent rise in the cost of goods and services over time.
  3. The initial amount of money invested or borrowed.
  4. An emergency fund makes an emergency an __________________.
  5. Interest starts accumulating the day a loan is __________________.
  6. When you make a large purchase, but later regret the purchase.
  7. The First Foundation of saving.
  8. The amount of interest charged for a loan but not yet collected.
  9. Food, utilities, shelter and transportation are known as this.
  10. ______________ of all millionaires earned less than $100,000 per year.
  1. Out of ten people, this many live paycheck to paycheck.
  2. This Bureau helps determine cost of living from year to year.
  3. In budgeting, your second priority after giving.
  4. Once you are out of school and have zero debt, you will want to build your emergency fund to 3-6 _____________ of living expenses.
  5. In order to build wealth through compound growth, you need money invested and ________________.
  6. The fifth foundation is to build wealth and _______________.
  7. The second question you must ask before using your emergency fund, is it ______________________.
  8. An emergency fund solves two problems one being you can stay out of _________.
  9. Interest added to other interest you've earned.
  10. The third foundation is to pay cash for this item.
  11. The fourth foundation is to pay cash for this item.

21 Clues: The First Foundation of saving.Interest added to other interest you've earned.In budgeting, your second priority after giving.The initial amount of money invested or borrowed.The third foundation is to pay cash for this item.The fourth foundation is to pay cash for this item.Out of ten people, this many live paycheck to paycheck....


MONEY VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. an amount of money or other payment given for a particular purpose.
  2. a gift of money to allow a student to help pay for education.
  3. a specific type of loan that is used to buy a house.
  4. the arrangement with a bank in which you can put in, keep and remove your money.
  5. a small plastic card used to make purchases now and pay for them later.
  6. money in the form of bills or coins.
  7. available to buy in a shop.
  8. money that parents or other relatives regularly give to children to spend as they choose.
  9. money spent to do or buy something.
  10. a small, round piece of metal that is used as money.
  11. a plan to show how much money you will spend on something.
  12. costing little money.
  1. management of money.
  2. a payment, specially money put into an account.
  3. a request for payment of money owed.
  4. the smallest amount of money that an employer is legally allowed to pay someone who works for them.
  5. the state of being rich and affluent.
  6. money received.
  7. a piece of paper money (money in the form of paper).
  8. something on sale at a lower price tan its true value.
  9. not expensive, able to be bought by people who do not earn a loto f money.
  10. an occasion when products are sold at a discount.
  11. borrowed money, normally from the bank, that has to be paid back.
  12. costing a lot of money.
  13. automated cash machine, from which you can take money out of your bank account.

25 Clues: money of money.costing little money.costing a lot of money.available to buy in a spent to do or buy something.a request for payment of money in the form of bills or coins.the state of being rich and affluent.a payment, specially money put into an occasion when products are sold at a discount....

E-money 2024-07-17

E-money crossword puzzle
  1. used to describe investments, financial products, etc. that
  2. a machine-readable code consisting of an array of black
  3. for reading by the camera on a smartphone.
  4. to dishonestly take money from an organization or other
  5. the buying and selling of goods and services, or the
  6. and use it for a purpose for which it was not intended
  7. moving or making progress so slowly that you are behind
  8. of funds or data, over an electronic network
  9. not money in the form of coins or notes
  10. subtract or take away (an amount or part) from a total
  11. make a quick, nervous movement as an instinctive reaction
  1. online through a computer or a smartphone
  2. using or operating with credit and debit cards and electronic
  3. white squares, typically used for storing URLs or other
  4. people or things
  5. doing something awkwardly, especially when using your hands
  6. electronic payments for transactions made on the Internet.
  7. fear, pain, or surprise
  8. money rather than shares, bonds, etc
  9. a type of electronic card which is used for transactions
  10. to avoid something

21 Clues: people or thingsto avoid somethingfear, pain, or surprisemoney rather than shares, bonds, etcnot money in the form of coins or notesonline through a computer or a smartphonefor reading by the camera on a smartphone.of funds or data, over an electronic networkthe buying and selling of goods and services, or the...

Money Making or Money Failing 2023-02-06

Money Making or Money Failing crossword puzzle
  1. buying assets that will likely increase in value over time
  2. increase in value of an investment or savings account over time
  3. assets minus value of debt
  4. IRA for people in highest tax bracket
  5. initial investment
  6. a mutual fund that buys every stock from a curated list
  7. putting money away now for a big purchase later
  8. single piece of stock
  9. offered by banks so you can earn a return after term of ____ is up
  10. money you owe to lenders
  11. IRA for young people and those in low tax brackets
  12. the price at which a buyer is willing to buy stock
  1. when the market is going down
  2. ownership of publicly traded company
  3. cost of living increases
  4. company that will manage your investments for you
  5. money and other owned items that have value
  6. the ability to turn investments into cash
  7. the price at which a seller is willing to sell a stock
  8. loan to government or companies
  9. when the market is going up

21 Clues: initial investmentsingle piece of stockcost of living increasesmoney you owe to lendersassets minus value of debtwhen the market is going upwhen the market is going downloan to government or companiesownership of publicly traded companyIRA for people in highest tax bracketthe ability to turn investments into cash...

Money 1 2012-11-07

Money 1 crossword puzzle
  1. n. A possession that has positive value
  2. adv. Together with one or more other parties
  3. n. Honor and respect for being better than the average
  4. n. A group of socially prominent people with special titles given by a king or queen, such as “duke”or “countess”
  5. v. To do very well in one’s business or personal life
  6. n. A situation in which prices for many items rise quite fast
  7. adv. For each person
  8. n. Wealth and the style of life that goes with it
  9. v. To build up a large amount of something
  10. n. The value of one’s share in an investment
  11. adj. Dangerous
  12. adj. Belonging to a special, honored group
  1. n. Extreme comfort, beyond what anyone needs
  2. adj. Obviously real because it can be seen, touched, or otherwise observed
  3. v. To get something, usually something with special value or meaning
  4. n. People with low-paying (often unskilled) jobs who are not poor but who are not securely in the middle class
  5. adj. Able to enjoy special advantages because of one’s position (usually because of being born into a wealthy or powerful family)
  6. v. To make a person or group poor
  7. adj. After all costs have been subtracted from an amount
  8. n. A thing that can be bought and sold,such as grain,oil, or wood
  9. v. Control according to a set of rules
  10. v. To decrease in power or amount
  11. v. To give out different amounts for different purposes
  12. v. To estimate the value of something
  13. n. Money given by a government or other organization to support an activity

25 Clues: adj. Dangerousadv. For each personv. To make a person or group poorv. To decrease in power or amountv. To estimate the value of somethingv. Control according to a set of rulesn. A possession that has positive valuev. To build up a large amount of somethingadj. Belonging to a special, honored groupn. Extreme comfort, beyond what anyone needs...

MONEY MATTERS 2013-05-06

MONEY MATTERS crossword puzzle
  1. money that you gain by selling things or doing business.
  2. unwilling to spend or give money.
  3. using money carefully and wisely
  4. having no home or permanent place of residence.
  5. something spent to attain a goal or accomplish a purpose.
  6. a rich person who gives money to help who are poor.
  7. a sense of deep regret and guilt for some misdeed.
  8. to receive with the implied or expressed intention of returning the same or an equivalent.
  9. an organization that gives money, goods, or help to people who are poor.
  10. willing to give more money.
  1. feel sorry, disappointed, or distressed about.
  2. a careful plan of how you will spend money.
  3. money that is earned from doing work or received from investments.
  4. someone who does not like spending money and can be unpleasant about it.
  5. something generally accepted as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment.
  6. someone who spends money carelessly, especially when he or she doesn´t have a lot of it.
  7. it´s the opposite of deposit.
  8. a card authorizing purchases on credit.
  9. something that you give in order to help something be successful.
  10. the money that people or organizations have put into a company, business, or bank, in order to get a profit or to make a business activity successful.
  11. pay someone all the money that you owe them.

21 Clues: willing to give more´s the opposite of deposit.using money carefully and wiselyunwilling to spend or give money.a card authorizing purchases on credit.a careful plan of how you will spend someone all the money that you owe them.feel sorry, disappointed, or distressed about.having no home or permanent place of residence....

Money Matters 2013-05-06

Money Matters crossword puzzle
  1. money that is earned in trade or business, after paying the costs of
  2. the part of the body at the end of the arm that is used for holding, moving, touching, and feeling things
  3. a method or way of doing something
  4. the money that is used for a particular purpose, especially by a government or organization
  5. a person who is unwilling to spend money
  6. happening or produced once a month
  7. expected
  8. something, especially money, that is owed to someone else, or the state of owing something
  9. to give money to someone for something you want to buy or for services provided
  10. relating to money or how money is managed
  11. to do something that makes a person, group, or organization feel proud or receive praise
  1. to reach a decision or an agreement about something, or to end a disagreement
  2. a person who has a first degree from a university or college
  3. unwilling to spend money
  4. careful when using money or food, or (of a meal) cheap or small in amount
  5. to arrive at a place, especially after spending a long time or a lot of effort travelling
  6. willing to give money, help, kindness, etc., especially more than is usual
  7. someone who spends a lot of money in a way that wastes it
  8. to continue to have; to keep in existence, or not allow to become less
  9. to (cause to) work, be in action or have an effect
  10. coins or notes that are used to buy things, or the amount of these that one person has.

21 Clues: expectedunwilling to spend moneya method or way of doing somethinghappening or produced once a montha person who is unwilling to spend moneyrelating to money or how money is managedto (cause to) work, be in action or have an effectsomeone who spends a lot of money in a way that wastes ita person who has a first degree from a university or college...

Money Vocabulary 2014-04-15

Money Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. When prices suddenly go up.
  2. The past participle of the verb 'rise'.
  3. When a company has no more money, the declare _____.
  4. A period of time when the economy is bad.
  5. People who buy and sell shares and bonds.
  6. When you _____ money, you use it in ways that aren't profitable.
  7. Sales rose ___ 20% over the summer.
  8. Money you own to other people.
  9. Another word for responsibilities.
  10. This is a market where prices are falling
  11. A special loan you get to buy a house or apartment.
  12. The company _____ a lot of money on supplies.
  13. Money a business makes before paying the government.
  14. A place where company shares are bought and sold (Wall Street).
  15. An _____ is money you put into a company to make a profit.
  1. When prices go up and down and up and down.
  2. The _____ in Australia is the Australian Dollar.
  3. Equal parts into which the capital or ownership of a company is divided.
  4. When you take money from someone with the intention to pay it back.
  5. The money a business makes in a year through sales and services.
  6. When prices ____, they go down very quickly.
  7. Sales ____ from $1m to $800k.
  8. The noun of the verb 'improve'.
  9. Profits this year stand ____ £2.4m.
  10. British money.
  11. Money risked when a company owns part of another company.
  12. The difference between the price of a product and the cost of producing it.
  13. A description of what is likely to happen in the future.

28 Clues: British money.When prices suddenly go up.Sales ____ from $1m to $800k.Money you own to other people.The noun of the verb 'improve'.Another word for responsibilities.Sales rose ___ 20% over the summer.Profits this year stand ____ £2.4m.The past participle of the verb 'rise'.A period of time when the economy is bad....

Managing Money 2013-11-13

Managing Money crossword puzzle
  1. institutions A business that handles money for people. It could hold money in a savings account or it may lend money out for a range of purposes. Types may include: banks, credit unions, finance companies, friendly societies.
  2. The level of uncertainty of a particular investment. Often, the higher the risk, the higher the return.
  3. variable interest When a financial institution changes the interest rate it charges (or pays) its customers, in response to a change in economic conditions.
  4. deposit Financial institutions offer the customers the opportunity to “lock their money away” in a term deposit. This means that you can’t get it back for a certain period without losing some or all the interest, but you will receive an agreed amount of interest if it remains in deposit for the agreed period.
  5. chip shares Shares in reliable and well-established companies. They are considered a safe investment.
  6. If you own shares, the business may pay some of its profits to you as a percentage of the originally issued value of the share.
  7. This can mean two things. When you receive interest it is a type of income – such as the “interest” that the bank will give you when you let them hold onto your money. However, when you pay interest, it is the cost of borrowing – the extra amount you must pay back when you take out a loan.
  8. Payment made for the use of property.
  9. When the work of an individual or group (e.g. musician, novelist, scientist) is used by others, the creator of the work or owner of the royalties should receive a payment. For example, when someone writes a book, they can negotiate to receive a royalty for each copy that is sold. A musician or band gets money each time a radio station plays their music. Royalties are not necessarily owned by the creator of the work in question. For example, the royalties for a scientist’s work are often owned by the organisation he or she works for, or royalties may be bought by someone else.
  10. The amount of money you are paid on an hourly rate. It is usually paid as a weekly or fortnightly amount for working. It can also include amounts for overtime, penalty rates and shift allowances.
  11. Money received during a certain period; mainly as wages or salary, interest, rent, dividends, social security.
  1. An asset acquired for the purpose of producing or generating an income.
  2. The amount of money received from savings or an investment. It is usually expressed as a percentage.
  3. The original amount that is borrowed or invested
  4. scheme A scheme attached to some credit cards where rewards are offered for spending money using the card. This may take the form of points redeemable for goods and services. Examples include Fly Buys or frequent flyer schemes.
  5. An amount of money that is owed.
  6. interest When you receive (or pay) interest on both the principal and any existing accumulated interest.
  7. Money paid to governments used to provide mainly services, such as defence, schools, roads and hospitals.
  8. sacrifice This is paying for some things before income tax is deducted from wages or salary.
  9. interest The interest rate is unchanged for the period agreed.

20 Clues: An amount of money that is owed.Payment made for the use of property.The original amount that is borrowed or investedinterest The interest rate is unchanged for the period agreed.An asset acquired for the purpose of producing or generating an income.sacrifice This is paying for some things before income tax is deducted from wages or salary....

Money crossword 2014-09-07

Money crossword crossword puzzle
  1. ---------for the furture
  2. how to ------your money
  3. first time a------finacial report
  4. the financial in 2009 is ------
  5. Who is head of company---------
  6. what sort of -------- did this survey give us
  7. makeing your ------stretch along way
  8. use for----- retiment people
  9. were can you find the word----
  10. owing money to company or someone
  11. a-----was conducted on financial literacy
  1. how----conutry in the oced
  2. who-------this survey
  3. your can make a -----gain by 2015
  4. Kiwis know how to spend-----
  5. when did New Zealand set the--------for 2013
  6. when was-------------printed in june
  7. how much ----------have you gain from this survey
  8. Australia New Zealand spell short for
  9. New Zealand is one of the ---- conutry

20 Clues: who-------this surveyhow to ------your money---------for the furturehow----conutry in the ocedKiwis know how to spend-----use for----- retiment peoplewere can you find the word----the financial in 2009 is ------Who is head of company---------your can make a -----gain by 2015first time a------finacial reportowing money to company or someone...

Money Crossword 2014-09-09

Money Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Level 2 got good _____ on the market day
  2. participate
  3. name one country that not include in the top 14
  4. Bring out to display
  5. earing salary
  6. work out a plan
  7. pension
  8. Similarities
  9. The activity that level 2 sell their products
  10. people that you serve
  11. bring it out
  1. The _____ of good is high
  2. financial gain
  3. the survey still in_______
  4. reserve money
  5. collecting facts
  6. Inspection for financial
  7. The name of the Commissioner
  8. used to buy things from the shop
  9. what is the appreciation of Australia and New Zealand
  10. numeracy
  11. The commissioner released the summary of the ___ for the year

22 Clues: pensionnumeracyparticipateSimilaritiesbring it outreserve moneyearing salaryfinancial gainwork out a plancollecting factsBring out to displaypeople that you serveInspection for financialThe _____ of good is highthe survey still in_______The name of the Commissionerused to buy things from the shopLevel 2 got good _____ on the market day...

Money Matters 2015-04-05

Money Matters crossword puzzle
  1. cant see the trees for the _____
  2. popular mexican spice
  3. nothing can stop him
  4. caribbean blue
  5. without thinking
  6. "Big Cat" of the ocean
  7. Popeye food
  8. twenty-five cent equine
  9. odds are
  10. retirement pasttime
  11. buttery, chewy goodness
  12. not the express lane
  13. play tough
  14. drink
  15. Tom Hanks role
  1. aurel discomfort
  2. luxurious taste
  3. store of yore
  4. he's on one
  5. always a buck
  6. blue ribbon beer
  7. sparkle
  8. disposable linen
  9. winter breakfast
  10. bad sand
  11. colorful mos.
  12. trout
  13. camelid
  14. country violin

29 Clues: troutdrinksparklecamelidbad sandodds areplay toughhe's on onePopeye foodstore of yorealways a buckcolorful mos.caribbean bluecountry violinTom Hanks roleluxurious tasteaurel discomfortwithout thinkingblue ribbon beerdisposable linenwinter breakfastretirement pasttimenothing can stop himnot the express lanepopular mexican spice"Big Cat" of the ocean...

Money Crossword 2016-03-09

Money Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What is money?
  2. Who is our money backed by?
  3. Something we use to conver one currency to another
  4. Is money worth more or less than its material?
  5. What helps avoid people creating counterfeit money?
  6. What currency is used in most of Europe?
  7. _____ is bartering tokens
  8. Money is a ______ of what you can buy.
  9. What is the currency in New Zealand
  1. Who is found on the New Zealand 50 dollars
  2. What do entrepreneurs set up their business to gain?
  3. People who start up businesses are called what?
  4. Who protects and produces money?
  5. What denomination of money is Kate Sheppard on?
  6. What does the reserve bank try to keep stable?
  7. Is money a reliable or non reliable means of exchange?
  8. When you put money into the bank, you get paid what?
  9. Around the world people use different types of ________
  10. What bird is on the 50 dollar note?
  11. What currency is used in China?

20 Clues: What is money?_____ is bartering tokensWho is our money backed by?What currency is used in China?Who protects and produces money?What bird is on the 50 dollar note?What is the currency in New ZealandMoney is a ______ of what you can buy.What currency is used in most of Europe?Who is found on the New Zealand 50 dollars...

W6 Money 2021-03-06

W6 Money crossword puzzle
  1. to be able to pay for
  2. finish paying for something
  3. based on personal feelings or opinions
  4. to have or to own
  5. the energy that is needed to do something
  6. to endure; to experience
  7. to make easier
  8. wealthy
  9. to cause (something) to become bigger
  10. to develop gradually
  1. to be connected
  2. exact
  3. to make money
  4. a developed society with a government
  5. to get something after the person's death
  6. short of money
  7. to include
  8. to do and complete something
  9. huge
  10. to vary
  11. when some qualities are passed to a child

21 Clues: hugeexactto varywealthyto includeto make moneyshort of moneyto make easierto be connectedto have or to ownto develop graduallyto be able to pay forto endure; to experiencefinish paying for somethingto do and complete somethinga developed society with a governmentto cause (something) to become biggerbased on personal feelings or opinions...

Money Laundering 2017-09-20

Money Laundering crossword puzzle
  1. A thing that belongs to a person
  2. Ruble, dollar, yuan
  3. A step you take to solve smth
  4. Representatives of the ruling class
  5. The second stage of ML
  6. Not breaking a law
  7. To take smth away legally from a person
  8. The ... Action Task Force on ML
  9. Valuable documents
  10. Another word for 'difficult'
  1. Easy to be harmed or damaged
  2. A financial operation with money
  3. The process of exploring a crime
  4. An official person from the government
  5. A thing or a fact that proves smth
  6. Something you find strange or unbelievable
  7. To invest money in smth
  8. The first stage of ML
  9. To buy smth
  10. The process of not paying taxes

20 Clues: To buy smthNot breaking a lawValuable documentsRuble, dollar, yuanThe first stage of MLThe second stage of MLTo invest money in smthEasy to be harmed or damagedAnother word for 'difficult'A step you take to solve smthThe process of not paying taxesThe ... Action Task Force on MLA financial operation with moneyThe process of exploring a crime...

money matters 2020-11-10

money matters crossword puzzle
  1. obtain a financial advantage or benefit, especially from an investment.
  2. income, especially when of a company or organization and of a substantial nature.
  3. the state of being a partner or partners.
  4. a company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as such in law.
  5. a system of money in general use in a particular country.
  6. a person or thing that directs or regulates something.
  7. a practice or arrangement by which a company or government agency provides a guarantee of compensation for specified loss, damage, illness, or death in return for payment of a premium.
  8. the state of wanting to know or learn about something or someone.
  9. the cost required for something; the money spent on something.
  10. a fixed regular payment, typically paid on a monthly or biweekly basis but often expressed as an annual sum, made by an employer to an employee, especially a professional or white-collar worker.
  1. an event or contest in which people compete.
  2. a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality.
  3. the action of inflating something or the condition of being inflated.
  4. the possession of assets in excess of liabilities; ability to pay one's debts.
  5. a person appointed to administer or manage the financial assets and liabilities of a society, company, local authority, or other body.
  6. make (something needed or wanted) available to someone; provide.
  7. relating to government revenue, especially taxes.
  8. merchandise or possessions.
  9. a sum of money paid regularly (typically quarterly) by a company to its shareholders out of its profits (or reserves).
  10. a financial gain, especially the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent in buying, operating, or producing something.
  11. the state of being responsible for something, especially by law.
  12. an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time.
  13. a fixed regular payment, typically paid on a daily or weekly basis, made by an employer to an employee, especially to a manual or unskilled worker.
  14. an insistent and peremptory request, made as if by right.
  15. a compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on workers' income and business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions.

25 Clues: merchandise or possessions.the state of being a partner or event or contest in which people compete.a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality.relating to government revenue, especially taxes.a person or thing that directs or regulates something.a system of money in general use in a particular country....

Money Market 2020-11-02

Money Market crossword puzzle
  1. The smallest fraction of deposits that the Federal Reserve allows banks to hold.
  2. An arrangement in which the Federal Reserve stands ready to lend money to banks.
  3. The currency banks hold in their vaults plus their deposits at the Federal Reserve.
  4. Any asset that can easily be used to purchase goods and services.
  5. The profit earned on the project expressed as a percentage of its cost.
  6. The ratio of the money supply to the monetary base. It indicates the total number of dollars created in the banking system by each $1 addition to the monetary base.
  7. Shows the relationship between the quantity of money demanded and the interest rate.
  8. The interest rate the Fed charges on loans to banks.
  9. are rules set by the Federal Reserve that determine the required reserve ratio for banks.
  10. The sum of currency in circulation and bank reserves.
  1. This allows banks that fall short of the reserve requirement to borrow funds from banks with excess reserves.
  2. $1 realized one year from now is equal to $1/(1 + r)
  3. Guarantees that a bank’s depositors will be paid even if the bank can’t come up with the funds, up to a maximum amount per account.
  4. a purchase or sale of government debt by the Fed.
  5. Shows how the quantity of money supplied varies with the interest rate.
  6. An asset that individuals acquire for the purpose of trading goods and services rather than for their own consumption.
  7. A means of holding purchasing power over time.
  8. An institution thatoversees and regulates the banking systemand controls the monetary base.
  9. A measure used to set prices and make economic calculations.
  10. is a hypothetical market that illustrates the market outcome of the demand for funds generated by borrowers and the supply of funds provided by lenders.
  11. A tool for analyzing a business’s financial position by showing, in a single table, the business’s assets (on the left) and liabilities (on the right).
  12. The fraction of bank deposits that a bank holds as reserves.
  13. The total value of financial assets in the economy that are considered money.

23 Clues: A means of holding purchasing power over time.a purchase or sale of government debt by the Fed.$1 realized one year from now is equal to $1/(1 + r)The interest rate the Fed charges on loans to banks.The sum of currency in circulation and bank reserves.A measure used to set prices and make economic calculations....

Money Management 2019-02-01

Money Management crossword puzzle
  1. someone who makes food
  2. Carrier someone who delivers mail
  3. Each school has a to put classes together.
  4. correcting something
  5. Clerk someone responsible for greeting and registering patients
  6. someone who concentrates primarily on a particular subject
  7. a person who installs and manages elctricity
  8. someone who treats skin
  9. someone whos install flooring
  10. someone whose job is to enroll people as employees
  11. is necessary to not spread germs.
  12. someone who runs a train
  13. the emotions or conduct of friendship the state of being of friends
  1. the study of the use of systems(computers, phones)
  2. someone in charge
  3. a person who plays the piano
  4. pays off
  5. a list of a company's employees and the amount of money they are to be paid
  6. someone employed in an office or other establishment to answer the telephone, deal with clients, and greet vistors
  7. someone who supervises a person or an activity
  8. someone who works in a church
  9. a person whose job is to do hair styling, manicures, and other beauty treatments
  10. someone who gives you homework
  11. one who welds
  12. Control a system of maintaining standards in manufactored products

25 Clues: pays offone who weldssomeone in chargecorrecting somethingsomeone who makes foodsomeone who treats skinsomeone who runs a traina person who plays the pianosomeone who works in a churchsomeone whos install flooringsomeone who gives you homeworkCarrier someone who delivers mailis necessary to not spread germs....

money management 2019-01-30

money management crossword puzzle
  1. a person who teaches, especially in a school.
  2. a person or machine that organizes or maintains schedules.
  3. work a great deal of effort or endurance.
  4. a medical practitioner qualified to diagnose and treat skin disorders.
  5. a person who sells and arranges plants and cut flowers.
  6. a person who plays the piano, especially professionally.
  7. a person who directs the performance of an orchestra or choir.
  8. a person employed in an office or other establishment to answer the telephone, deal with clients, and greet visitors.
  9. a person who concentrates primarily on a particular subject or activity.
  10. control a system of maintaining standards in manufactured products by testing a sample of the output against the specification.
  11. technology the study or use of systems for storing, retrieving, and sending information.
  12. a list of a company's employees and the amount of money they are to be paid.
  13. a person whose job is to do hair styling, manicures, and other beauty treatments.
  1. the action or process of correcting something.
  2. clerk verifying all patient information and insurance details.
  3. a minister in charge of a Christian church or congregation.
  4. a person whose job is to enlist or enroll people as employees, in the armed forces, or as members of an organization.
  5. a person who welds metal.
  6. prepare making foods by combining and heating the ingredients in various ways.
  7. conditions relating to public health, especially the provision of clean drinking water and adequate sewage disposal.
  8. the emotions or conduct of friendship the state of being friends.
  9. a person who supervises a person or an activity.
  10. a person in charge of a worker or organization.
  11. a person who installs and maintains electrical equipment.
  12. carrier a person who is employed to deliver and collect letters and parcels.

25 Clues: a person who welds a great deal of effort or endurance.a person who teaches, especially in a school.the action or process of correcting something.a person in charge of a worker or organization.a person who supervises a person or an activity.a person who sells and arranges plants and cut flowers....

MONEY & HAPPINESS 2018-11-14

MONEY & HAPPINESS crossword puzzle
  1. abzahlen
  2. selten, rar
  3. wertvoll
  4. ansteigen, sich erhöhen
  5. Wohltätigkeit, Wohlfahrtseinrichtung
  6. Freude
  7. Last, Belastung
  8. Verhältnis
  9. Wirtschaftswissenschafter
  10. einmalig
  11. unvergesslich, denkwürdig
  12. Erfahrungen, Erlebnisse
  1. Spende
  2. Gehalt
  3. gehetzt
  4. abnehmen, sinken, zurückgehen
  5. Zufriedenheit
  6. Mieter
  7. Hausbesitzer
  8. pendeln, Arbeitsweg, Pendelstrecke
  9. ansteigen, größer werden, wachsen

21 Clues: SpendeGehaltFreudeMietergehetztabzahlenwertvolleinmaligVerhältnisselten, rarHausbesitzerZufriedenheitLast, Belastungansteigen, sich erhöhenErfahrungen, ErlebnisseWirtschaftswissenschafterunvergesslich, denkwürdigabnehmen, sinken, zurückgehenansteigen, größer werden, wachsenpendeln, Arbeitsweg, PendelstreckeWohltätigkeit, Wohlfahrtseinrichtung

Money Words 2021-03-29

Money Words crossword puzzle
  1. the cost required for something; the money spent on something.
  2. Account, a bank account that earns interest.
  3. remove an amount of money from a customer's account, typically as payment for services or goods.
  4. Card, a card issued by a bank allowing the holder to transfer money electronically to another bank account when making a purchase.
  5. an amount that is or may be deducted from something, especially from taxable income or tax to be paid.
  6. Card, a small plastic card issued by a bank, business, etc., allowing the holder to purchase goods or services on credit.
  7. is the amount of money owed or due on an account.
  8. a specialized computer that makes it convenient to manage a bank account holder's funds.
  9. an identifying number allocated to an individual by a bank or other organization and used for validating electronic transactions.
  1. a sum of money placed or kept in a bank account, usually to gain interest.
  2. Pay, an individual's total earnings throughout a given period before any deductions are made.
  3. a document which ensures the payment of a particular amount of money on demand to a certain individual or to the bearer of the instrument.
  4. Banking, a method of banking in which transactions are conducted electronically via the internet.
  5. something, typically money, that is owed or due.
  6. a sum of money withdrawn from an account.
  7. Pay, the amount of money that will finally be available to you.
  8. money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments
  9. Theft, the fraudulent acquisition and use of a person's private identifying information, usually for financial gain.
  10. Account, an account at a bank against which checks can be drawn by the account depositor.
  11. a thing that is borrowed, especially a sum of money that is expected to be paid back with interest.

20 Clues: a sum of money withdrawn from an account.Account, a bank account that earns interest.something, typically money, that is owed or the amount of money owed or due on an account.the cost required for something; the money spent on something.Pay, the amount of money that will finally be available to you....

Money Matters 2021-09-09

Money Matters crossword puzzle
  1. Requires an individual to present government issued identification
  2. includes, protecting account information, recording all checks, debit card transactions and deposits to calculate account balance
  3. starts with comparing and considering monthly payments, loan rates, loan terms ect..
  4. implementing a multi factor authentication,requiring more than one method of credential authentication to verify the user's identity for a login or transaction
  5. Range from .01 percent to 2 percent
  6. Gives customers the ability to manage money online with a mobile device or computer
  7. requiring the business to repay the loan according to the financial institutions terms and conditions
  8. includes, understanding the loan agreement, making payments on time
  9. Allow consumers to borrow money from a financial institution up to a certain limit
  10. can be earned on the balance held in any bank account, earning on bank accounts utilize compound interest
  11. Available at multiple financial institutions in order to advise individuals on money and debt
  12. Use money collected from premiums to pay claims
  1. Provide a wide variety of financial services for individuals, families and small businesses
  2. Allow bank costumers to draw money directly from their checking account
  3. offer many of the same services as banks, including checking and savings accounts plus debit and credit cards along with mortgage, auto loans and lines or credit
  4. provide loans for prospective home buyers
  5. requires an individual to provide basic personal information, an initial deposit
  6. assist individuals in buying and selling securities among investors
  7. Overdraft protection or line of credit issued to customers to cover checks or debits
  8. Allow banks to manage and protect an account on behalf of a beneficiary or beneficiaries

20 Clues: Range from .01 percent to 2 percentprovide loans for prospective home buyersUse money collected from premiums to pay claimsRequires an individual to present government issued identificationassist individuals in buying and selling securities among investorsincludes, understanding the loan agreement, making payments on time...

Money Makers! 2021-09-09

Money Makers! crossword puzzle
  1. allows bank customers to draw money directly from their checking account
  2. allows an individual to borrow against their home’s value to finance major expenses, such as home repairs, medical bills or college education
  3. for qualifying elderly individuals
  4. secure means of storing money while earning interest
  5. allow individuals to borrow money from a banks
  6. individuals or businesses can deposit or withdraw money as needed
  7. companies engaged in the business of a dealing with the monetary
  8. private organizations which hold and manage securities for investment purposes
  1. provides loans for prospective home buyers
  2. customers with large sums of money
  3. on savings or checking accounts is typically difficult to do in real life
  4. have the main function of receiving, transferring and lending
  5. allows customers to borrow money from a financial institution up to a certain limit
  6. Are primarily in the business of handling personal loans and mortgage lending
  7. Provide a wide variety of financial services for individuals, families and small businesses
  8. given by a financial institution for the purchase of real estate
  9. Assist individuals in buying and selling securities among investors
  10. members owned, non-profit financial institutions
  11. allows banks to manage and protect an account on behalf of a beneficiary or beneficiaries
  12. can be earned on the balance held in the account

20 Clues: customers with large sums of moneyfor qualifying elderly individualsprovides loans for prospective home buyersallow individuals to borrow money from a banksmembers owned, non-profit financial institutionscan be earned on the balance held in the accountsecure means of storing money while earning interest...

Money crossword 2021-05-06

Money crossword crossword puzzle
  1. przelew
  2. pożyczka
  3. marnować
  4. moneta
  5. dług
  6. wypłata
  7. kieszonkowe
  8. skarbonka
  9. kantor
  10. portfel
  11. oszczędzać
  1. portmonetka
  2. oszczędności
  3. wydawać
  4. waluta
  5. przychód
  6. spłukany (no money)
  7. bankomat
  8. wypłacać
  9. paragon
  10. banknot
  11. wydawać
  12. Karta płatnicza
  13. rachunek

24 Clues: długmonetawalutakantorprzelewwydawaćwypłataparagonbanknotwydawaćportfelpożyczkamarnowaćprzychódbankomatwypłacaćrachunekskarbonkaoszczędzaćportmonetkakieszonkoweoszczędnościKarta płatniczaspłukany (no money)

Money idioms 2021-04-29

Money idioms crossword puzzle
  1. waste money: pour your money down the X
  2. smth is very valuable: worth its weight in X
  3. cutting down on expenses in order to save money: tighten your X
  4. to have just enough money to live, no extra: to live from hand to X
  5. worth the money: good X for money
  6. born into a wealthy family: born with a X spoon
  7. feel wonderful: feel like a million X
  8. money is limited: money doesn't grow on X
  9. smth is given to the customer for free: on the X
  10. earn money for the family: to bring home the X
  11. smn who is unwilling to spend money: penny X
  12. pay very little money (salary): pay X
  13. time is valuable: time is X
  1. to have more money than you need: have money to X
  2. pay a great amount of money (salary): pay a X
  3. common and not special: a X a dozen
  4. one's income: bread and X
  5. in conditions of wealth and comfort: live in a X of luxury
  6. to be suddenly rich: X it rich
  7. to cost too much: break the X
  8. to be very poor: to be on the X
  9. pay the bill (in a restaurant): pick up the X
  10. spending money on smth unnecessary: have more money than X
  11. earn just enough money to live on: make X meet
  12. to be extremely poor: not have a X to your name
  13. pay for smth: X the bill

26 Clues: pay for smth: X the billone's income: bread and Xtime is valuable: time is Xto cost too much: break the Xto be suddenly rich: X it richto be very poor: to be on the Xworth the money: good X for moneycommon and not special: a X a dozenfeel wonderful: feel like a million Xpay very little money (salary): pay Xwaste money: pour your money down the X...

Money Vocabulary 2022-03-28

Money Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the money you borrow from bank to buy a car
  2. obtain
  3. handle
  4. display luxurious items to seek attention
  5. keep it separated
  6. things that are usually expensive
  7. a person who do not want to spend the money @ ungenerous
  8. something that is not very important
  9. markdown in prices
  10. a very stingy person
  1. reduce in number
  2. the money to pay for tuition
  3. something that is essential
  4. aims @ target
  5. use too much money than expected
  6. the money to pay for public transport
  7. the money that you do not use
  8. careful in spending money
  9. someone who spends money without thinking
  10. something you get when you sell things at lower prices
  11. something you get when you sell things at higher prices

21 Clues: obtainhandleaims @ targetreduce in numberkeep it separatedmarkdown in pricesa very stingy personcareful in spending moneysomething that is essentialthe money to pay for tuitionthe money that you do not useuse too much money than expectedthings that are usually expensivesomething that is not very importantthe money to pay for public transport...

Money Matters 2022-04-07

Money Matters crossword puzzle
  1. to show evidence
  2. protection; freedom from danger; safety
  3. the act of choosing between two or more options
  4. to pay back
  5. fair
  6. relating to money
  7. to keep safe (from danger, injury, damage)
  8. put money in the bank
  9. where something is from
  10. relating to a country
  11. a part of a country or world that is different from other parts in some way
  12. however
  1. one part of an organization
  2. to take money out of a bank account
  3. in particular
  4. putting in danger
  5. to not agree to do or accept something
  6. against something; negative
  7. to bring into existence
  8. happening every year, once a year
  9. very important; large in number, amount, degree
  10. for something; positive
  11. related to crime; a person who commits a crime
  12. to take something you will give back
  13. to make available

25 Clues: fairhoweverto pay backin particularto show evidenceputting in dangerrelating to moneyto make availableput money in the bankrelating to a countryto bring into existencefor something; positivewhere something is fromone part of an organizationagainst something; negativehappening every year, once a yearto take money out of a bank account...

Money Crossword 2022-02-24

Money Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Work that is pursued for most of their life
  2. A financial institution
  3. to give and help people, animals or communities with money
  4. the ability to borrow money and pay it back
  5. money earned in deposited in checking
  6. to give money, toys and clothes to help people, animals or communities
  7. A plan that outlines uses of money
  8. Using money
  9. money set aside for later use
  10. Money received from job
  11. something that is given up to do something else
  12. Something you must have to survive
  13. the possibility of something unplanned happing (money lost)
  14. money paid to the government
  15. Money for the future
  16. To receive money
  1. A written order of payment
  2. A form of money
  3. Something you would like to have
  4. Money gained or left over after money spent
  5. Something you want to achieve within weeks or months
  6. profit made from investment
  7. Giving someone money that would be paid back to you
  8. Something you want to achieve within years
  9. Work you complete to receive money
  10. A nonprofit making money cooperative
  11. Something you want to achieve
  12. Money that is owed
  13. cost of goods and services; money spend
  14. An Object used to purchase goods and services
  15. Loan that you have to payback
  16. money that is paid to keep in the bank or cooperative
  17. money such as coins and bills

33 Clues: Using moneyA form of moneyTo receive moneyMoney that is owedMoney for the futureA financial institutionMoney received from jobA written order of paymentprofit made from investmentmoney paid to the governmentSomething you want to achievemoney set aside for later useLoan that you have to paybackmoney such as coins and bills...

Money Matters 2021-09-07

Money Matters crossword puzzle
  1. allows customer to draw money firectly from their checking accounts
  2. are owned by shareholders and operate for a profit
  3. allows customers to pay bills or transfer money between accounts over the phone
  4. to manage their money
  5. given by a financial institution for the purcase or a vehicle
  6. line of credit issued to customers to cover checks or debits exceeding the amount in their account
  7. allows consumers to borrow money from a financial institution up to a certian limit
  8. offer many of the same services as banks
  9. choosing a loan which will cost less in the long run
  10. Gives customers the ability to manage money online with a moble device or computer
  11. allow banks to manage and protect an account on behalf or a beneficiary
  1. Derive their profit from commisions on orders given – collecting a percentage of the value of each transaction
  2. s important for individuals, businesses and institutions in order to protect cash, credit and assets
  3. evaluating what an individual can afford based on personal budget
  4. can be earned on the balance held in any bank account
  5. for 2 or more account holders
  6. choosing a shorter loan term typically provides lower overall interest
  7. form of online payment where money is electronically
  8. electronic banking terminal which allows customers to complete basic transactions, such as deposits and
  9. for business owners
  10. choosing a loan with the least amount of money owed over the entire term, if affordable, is smart

21 Clues: for business ownersto manage their moneyfor 2 or more account holdersoffer many of the same services as banksare owned by shareholders and operate for a profitform of online payment where money is electronicallychoosing a loan which will cost less in the long runcan be earned on the balance held in any bank account...

Shopping Money 2022-02-14

Shopping Money crossword puzzle
  1. 10
  2. 6
  3. 4
  4. 20
  5. 11
  6. 19
  7. 21
  8. 5
  9. 8
  10. 16
  11. 1
  12. 15
  1. 14
  2. 13
  3. 7
  4. 18
  5. 12
  6. 22
  7. 3
  8. 9
  9. 17
  10. 2

22 Clues: 76439528114131810122220111921171615

Money Matters 2022-12-06

Money Matters crossword puzzle
  1. a calculation plan, usually but not always financial, for a defined period, often one year or a month.
  2. an agreement between you and a lender that allows you to borrow money to purchase or refinance a home and gives the lender the right to take your property if you fail to repay the money you've borrowed.
  3. a basic type of financial product that allows you to deposit your money and typically earn a modest amount of interest.
  4. emotional intellectual stages from child to adult
  5. not conforming to a high moral standard
  6. credit, revolving credit, and open credit.
  7. a number assigned to a person that indicates to lenders their capacity to repay a loan.
  8. the proportion of a loan that is charged as interest to the borrower, typically expressed as an annual percentage of the loan outstanding.
  9. a person or institution that has invested money in a corporation in exchange for a “share” of the ownership.
  10. Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price and it's the figure that the manufacturer recommends
  11. a savings tool that often pays higher interest rates when compared to a typical savings deposit account.
  12. honestly, fairness and equity
  13. is a type of loan in which the borrowers use the equity of their home as collateral
  14. Step 1: Identify the decision. Step 2: Gather relevant information. Step 3: Identify the alternatives. Step 4: Weigh the evidence. Step 5: Choose among alternatives. Step 6: Take action. Step 7: Review your decision & its consequences.
  15. allows a borrower to replace their current debt obligation with one that has more favorable terms.
  1. contract to protect against financial lost in the event of accident or theft
  2. final step in home buying transaction
  3. business entities that provide services as intermediaries for different types of financial monetary transactions.
  4. Step 1: Check Your Credit Score. Step 2: Determine How Much You Can Afford. Step 3: Choose A Lender and Get Preapproved For A Mortgage. Step 4: Find A Real Estate Agent. Step 5: Make An Offer. Step 6: Get A Home Inspection And Home Appraisal. Step 7: Close On Your New Home.
  5. Individual Retirement Account to which you contribute after-tax dollars
  6. lender's will to trust you to pay debt
  7. the central bank of the United States and provides the nation with a safe, flexible, and stable financial system.
  8. a retirement savings account

23 Clues: a retirement savings accounthonestly, fairness and equityfinal step in home buying transactionlender's will to trust you to pay debtnot conforming to a high moral standardcredit, revolving credit, and open credit.emotional intellectual stages from child to adultIndividual Retirement Account to which you contribute after-tax dollars...

Money Idioms 2023-03-07

Money Idioms crossword puzzle
  1. I've always paid the bills and been the ________ in my family.
  2. Canadians love __________ at malls in the winter because it's too cold to go out.
  3. Abhi is a real _________; he can't stop spending money!
  4. The man got ______ from his job for stealing his coworkers' lunches.
  5. Abdulrahman _______ a lot on his new car.
  6. Satwinder __________ her savings when she moved to Hawaii for her retirement.
  7. Growing up, my parents always told me not to waste money because it doesn't grow on _____.
  8. "Stop being lazy and get off the couch Tom! Time is ______ !"
  9. Mohamed is a real __________; he only buys something when he needs it.
  10. Maria brings home the ______ in her family ever since her husband lost his job.
  1. Suha is flat ______ after buying herself three fancy dresses.
  2. When I moved to Canada, I had to work extra hours just to ________.
  3. Opening the new restaurant cost Kiran's family _________.
  4. Asif ______ the waiter a generous amount because he's such a nice guy.
  5. I hear her father is rolling in ______, so he can support her educational endeavors.
  6. Arezo paid a __________ for a new perfume the other day.
  7. My boss will pick up the ____ for lunch.
  8. I don't know what Sabira's job is but she certainly seems to have ________.
  9. "Hmm, I don't know which phone to buy. I don't want to break the _____."
  10. Beneesh controls the ________ in her family because she is the smartest when it comes to money.

20 Clues: My boss will pick up the ____ for lunch.Abdulrahman _______ a lot on his new car.Abhi is a real _________; he can't stop spending money!Arezo paid a __________ for a new perfume the other day.Opening the new restaurant cost Kiran's family _________.Suha is flat ______ after buying herself three fancy dresses....

Money Words 2023-04-11

Money Words crossword puzzle
  1. relating to finance
  2. the cost required for something; the money spent on something
  3. a system of money in general use in a particular country.
  4. the action or process of investing money for profit or material result.
  5. deposit the electronic transfer of a payment directly from the account of the payer to the recipient's account.
  6. money obtained in return for labor or services.
  7. an abundance of valuable possessions or money.
  8. the management of large amounts of money
  1. a pocket-sized flat folding case for holding money and plastic cards.
  2. a payment or concession to stimulate greater output or investment
  3. a person whose job is to keep, inspect, and analyze financial accounts.
  4. the practice of making one's living by engaging in commerce.
  5. obtain in exchange for payment.
  6. each of four equal or corresponding parts
  7. card allowing the holder to purchase goods or services on credit.
  8. card plastic money, where funds come directly from chequing account
  9. a silvery-white metal
  10. a banking service that allows users to transfer funds between accounts, using email and their online banking service.
  11. paying for something
  12. an arrangement by which an organization, typically a financial institution such as a bank or credit union, accepts a customer's financial assets

20 Clues: relating to financepaying for somethinga silvery-white metalobtain in exchange for payment.the management of large amounts of moneyeach of four equal or corresponding partsan abundance of valuable possessions or obtained in return for labor or services.a system of money in general use in a particular country....

Money Vocabulary 2024-03-10

Money Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. When you avoid spending money
  2. Verb. To exchange your money for goods or services.
  3. Spending too much money, generally on useless things.
  4. The quantity that something is believed to cost. Can be also used to talk about the importance or worth of something/someone.
  5. Deduction from the usual cost of something.
  6. Small, metallic and round piece of money. Usually of low value.
  7. Money in coins or notes, as distinct from cheques or credit cards.
  8. Verb. What you do with your card in a device so as to pay.
  9. Money you plan to spend on something
  10. The Money you receive in exchange after paying with a big bill.
  11. Paper money.
  12. Goods which you buy for a meagre (very low) price.
  1. Have enough money to pay for.
  2. Ticket. Document you get detailing what you have bought, when, for how many, etc.
  3. Payback back (money), typically to a customer who is not satisfied with goods or services bought.
  4. Sum of money paid regularly to a person to meet their needs or expenses. Usually given to teenagers by their parents weekly.
  5. 1. Exchange of a commodity for money; the action of selling something. 2. A period during which a shop or dealer sells goods at reduced prices.
  6. (Two words) An arrangement made with a bank whereby one may deposit and withdraw money and in some case be paid interest.
  7. Compulsory contribution that government takes from workers' income and business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, services and transactions.
  8. 1. Noun. Acquisition. 2. Verb. To buy.
  9. Money that you owe to a bank, person or entity.

21 Clues: Paper money.Have enough money to pay for.When you avoid spending moneyMoney you plan to spend on something1. Noun. Acquisition. 2. Verb. To buy.Deduction from the usual cost of something.Money that you owe to a bank, person or entity.Goods which you buy for a meagre (very low) price.Verb. To exchange your money for goods or services....

Money Family 2024-02-27

Money Family crossword puzzle
  1. Best Chicken in the USA
  2. Ashley alternative
  3. Life is
  4. Chiropractic Alternative
  5. Looks like
  6. Fall in love with the
  7. Rival Spelling
  8. Wedding #15
  9. First company logo
  10. Who's got it better than us?
  11. First wedding
  12. Homemade song: Everybody Loves _______!
  13. Need for and first name
  14. Not For Long
  15. First car number
  16. Where is all the wine?
  17. Ashley alter ego
  1. Beautiful
  2. Go to teen strand meal
  3. Pupil mispronounced
  4. Original Journey
  5. Early Purple Transportation
  6. Early marriage unknown business
  7. Rule #1 in football last word
  8. Wedding #18
  9. Dutch relatives dominate
  10. Early gifts from Richard V.
  11. Favorite National
  12. Wholefoods Favorite
  13. First Houses
  14. 30 day adventure
  15. Best number for Susan

32 Clues: Life isBeautifulLooks likeWedding #15Wedding #18Not For LongFirst HousesFirst weddingRival SpellingOriginal JourneyFirst car number30 day adventureAshley alter egoFavorite NationalAshley alternativeFirst company logoPupil mispronouncedWholefoods FavoriteFall in love with theBest number for SusanGo to teen strand mealWhere is all the wine?...

Money Money Money 2014-10-10

Money Money Money crossword puzzle
  1. how you earn money
  2. what you pay with
  3. money saved up
  4. what you get when you retire
  1. type of money from England
  2. what you pay the house that you have bought
  3. things you would like to have
  4. things you need to have

8 Clues: money saved upwhat you pay withhow you earn moneythings you need to havetype of money from Englandwhat you get when you retirethings you would like to havewhat you pay the house that you have bought

Money 2020-05-22

Money crossword puzzle
  1. what you use to pay
  2. were you deposit money
  3. a sum of money that is owed or due.
  4. the ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future.
  5. a sum of money paid into a bank or building society account
  6. (of a person or organization) declared in law as unable to pay their debts
  7. having a great deal of money, resources, or assets; rich.
  1. an order to a bank to pay a stated sum from the drawer's account, written on a specially printed form.
  2. put (money) into financial schemes, shares, property, or a commercial venture with the expectation of achieving a profit
  3. a legal agreement by which a bank, building society, etc. lends money at interest in exchange for taking title of the debtor's property, with the condition that the conveyance of title becomes void upon the payment of the debt.
  4. money in coins or notes, as distinct from cheques, money orders, or credit.

11 Clues: what you use to paywere you deposit moneya sum of money that is owed or due.having a great deal of money, resources, or assets; rich.a sum of money paid into a bank or building society account(of a person or organization) declared in law as unable to pay their debtsmoney in coins or notes, as distinct from cheques, money orders, or credit....

Money 2013-11-15

Money crossword puzzle
  1. A way of saving so we can pay for items in the future
  2. Being able to carry something around
  3. Availible in different amounts
  4. Hardwearing, lasts a long time
  5. Comprises of coins, notes etc.
  6. A way of paying in order to buy and sell goods and services
  1. Opposite to refused
  2. A standard measure of what things are worth
  3. Something thats rare
  4. Something that is familiar
  5. Measures what we owe if we do not pay immediatly

11 Clues: Opposite to refusedSomething thats rareSomething that is familiarAvailible in different amountsHardwearing, lasts a long timeComprises of coins, notes etc.Being able to carry something aroundA standard measure of what things are worthMeasures what we owe if we do not pay immediatlyA way of saving so we can pay for items in the future...

Money 2013-09-08

Money crossword puzzle
  1. to buy shares in a business so you can make a profit
  2. to get money from somebody that you will give back
  3. to take money out of bank
  4. to give somebody money that they will have to give back
  5. to have borrowed money. I ____ them money
  1. to return money to somebody
  2. to put money in bank
  3. get money by working
  4. to receive money from somebody who has died
  5. to use money on something you do not need
  6. the opposite of win or find

11 Clues: to put money in bankget money by workingto take money out of bankto return money to somebodythe opposite of win or findto use money on something you do not needto have borrowed money. I ____ them moneyto receive money from somebody who has diedto get money from somebody that you will give backto buy shares in a business so you can make a profit...

Money 2016-04-25

Money crossword puzzle
  1. pain
  2. cautionary advice
  3. a job
  4. electric circuits collectively
  1. in order
  2. the face of a building that looks onto a street or open space.
  3. the password is...
  4. not cooked
  5. the ___ is blue
  6. a strong silver material
  7. rebel

11 Clues: paina jobrebelin ordernot cookedthe ___ is bluecautionary advicethe password is...a strong silver materialelectric circuits collectivelythe face of a building that looks onto a street or open space.

Money 2021-04-04

Money crossword puzzle
  1. You put money in some potential companies
  2. b- 2 spirit stealth bomber cause us dollar 737...
  3. a system of money in general use in a particular country
  4. money that is taken from the dead person
  5. helping someone or some company from money problem
  1. the event that we sold things to the highest bidder
  2. You need to pay them .... at the end of the month
  3. small amount of money
  4. you ...... the possessions from someone
  5. that we used in our everyday life
  6. borrowing money from the bank

11 Clues: small amount of moneyborrowing money from the bankthat we used in our everyday lifeyou ...... the possessions from someonemoney that is taken from the dead personYou put money in some potential companiesYou need to pay them .... at the end of the monthb- 2 spirit stealth bomber cause us dollar 737......

Money 2023-07-25

Money crossword puzzle
  1. A small, portable container for holding money and cards.
  2. To buy something using money.
  3. To use money to buy goods or services.
  4. A financial institution where people store and manage money.
  5. Money borrowed from someone or a bank that must be repaid.
  1. The additional money paid for borrowing or lending money.
  2. To keep money for future use or to reach a goal.
  3. To receive money for work or services provided.
  4. A small, round piece of metal used as currency for purchases.
  5. A rectangular piece of paper currency used for transactions.
  6. A machine where you can withdraw cash from your bank account.

11 Clues: To buy something using money.To use money to buy goods or services.To receive money for work or services provided.To keep money for future use or to reach a goal.A small, portable container for holding money and cards.The additional money paid for borrowing or lending money.Money borrowed from someone or a bank that must be repaid....

Money 2023-11-16

Money crossword puzzle
  1. The annual shortfall when the government takes in less money than it spends
  2. The allocation of money to specific projects in states or congressional districts
  3. spending for programs and policies at the discretion of Congress and the president
  4. A program that provides benefits for those who qualify under the law, regardless of income\
  5. The executive branch office that assists the president in setting national spending priorities
  1. Standing committee in the House of Representatives who deal with taxation
  2. An organization that raises money for candidates and campaigns (PAC)
  3. Legislation that directs specific funds to projects within districts or states
  4. The amount of money remaining when the government takes in more than it spends
  5. The total amount of money owed by the federal government
  6. Spending required by existing laws that is "locked in" the budget

11 Clues: The total amount of money owed by the federal governmentSpending required by existing laws that is "locked in" the budgetAn organization that raises money for candidates and campaigns (PAC)Standing committee in the House of Representatives who deal with taxationThe annual shortfall when the government takes in less money than it spends...

Money 2023-09-20

Money crossword puzzle
  1. _____ machine
  2. one ________
  3. pennies, quarters, nickels, dimes
  4. money on a plastic ______
  5. item that stores cards, cash, and/or coins
  6. one cent
  1. 25 cents
  2. one dollar, five dollars, ten dollars, twenty dollars
  3. five cents
  4. ten cents
  5. bills and coins

11 Clues: 25 centsone centten centsfive centsone _____________ machinebills and coinsmoney on a plastic ______pennies, quarters, nickels, dimesitem that stores cards, cash, and/or coinsone dollar, five dollars, ten dollars, twenty dollars

Money Heist 2023-03-21

Money Heist crossword puzzle
  1. Long-term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal
  2. Willingness to rely on someone or something without fear of betrayal or dceit
  3. Information about a situation or event that is not generally known
  4. Monitoring of behaviour or activities for the purpose of information gathering
  5. Establishment for gambling and entertainment
  6. Financial institution for depositing and borrowing money
  7. People who steal things
  8. Medium of exchange or currency
  9. Educator who teaches in a college or university
  1. Mental or emotional strain caused by demanding circumstances
  2. Illegal activity that involves stealing from a person or place
  3. Institution where people are held as punishment for crimes
  4. Tools or devices used for defence or offence
  5. Act of getting away from danger or confinement
  6. Disguises worn to conceal identity
  7. Person taken captive to be used as leverage in negotiations
  8. Secure lockable box used for storing valuable items
  9. A proposal or strategy outlining a series of actions that are intended to achieve a goal or objective
  10. Potential for harm or loss arising from an uncertain event

19 Clues: People who steal thingsMedium of exchange or currencyDisguises worn to conceal identityTools or devices used for defence or offenceEstablishment for gambling and entertainmentAct of getting away from danger or confinementEducator who teaches in a college or universitySecure lockable box used for storing valuable items...

Money Crossword 2023-03-14

Money Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Money used in Uganda
  2. Money used in Brazil
  3. A system of money in general use
  4. Money used in Mexico
  5. Money used in Equatorial Guinea
  6. Money used in South Korea
  7. Money used in Indonesia
  8. Where money comes from
  9. Money used in Zambia
  1. Money used in Turkey
  2. Money used in Jordan
  3. Money used in Denmark
  4. Money used in Europe
  5. Money used in China
  6. Money used in Albania
  7. Who controls money in the world
  8. Money used in India
  9. Money used in Dubai
  10. Money used in Japan

19 Clues: Money used in ChinaMoney used in IndiaMoney used in DubaiMoney used in JapanMoney used in UgandaMoney used in TurkeyMoney used in JordanMoney used in BrazilMoney used in EuropeMoney used in MexicoMoney used in ZambiaMoney used in DenmarkMoney used in AlbaniaWhere money comes fromMoney used in IndonesiaMoney used in South Korea...

MONEY CROSSWORD!! 2022-12-08

MONEY CROSSWORD!! crossword puzzle
  1. Used to save money.
  2. a wealthy person
  3. your parents give you money every week (not all parents)
  4. It's hard and small.
  5. another word for notes
  6. bigger than coins
  7. used to make coins
  8. color of 1 dollar and 2 dollar coins
  9. kind of like notes
  10. color of cents
  1. another word for dollar notes
  2. the amount of something
  3. when u have to pay for rent
  4. something you can use to pay online
  5. its made out of polymer
  6. a machine you collect money out of
  7. something special like money
  8. used to make notes
  9. something you keep your money in s its safe

19 Clues: color of centsa wealthy personbigger than coinsused to make notesused to make coinskind of like notesUsed to save money.It's hard and small.another word for notesthe amount of somethingits made out of polymerwhen u have to pay for rentsomething special like moneyanother word for dollar notesa machine you collect money out of...

Money 2 2016-12-18

Money 2 crossword puzzle
  1. przychód
  2. opłata za przejazd
  3. klient
  4. prowizja
  5. kieszonkowe
  6. wyciąg z banku
  7. gotówka
  8. oszczędności
  9. mandat, grzywna
  10. udział, akcja, część
  1. zniżka
  2. tygodniówka
  3. opłata
  4. kurs wymiany walut
  5. rachunek
  6. wózek na zakupy
  7. wydatki
  8. okup
  9. drobne

19 Clues: okupzniżkaopłataklientdrobnewydatkigotówkaprzychódrachunekprowizjatygodniówkakieszonkoweoszczędnościwyciąg z bankuwózek na zakupymandat, grzywnaopłata za przejazdkurs wymiany walutudział, akcja, część

Money, Money, Money 2019-09-26

Money, Money, Money crossword puzzle
  1. Fee you pay a bank for lending you money
  2. You need money in your account to use a ___ card
  3. A record of bank transactions
  4. A house loan
  1. 'I' in PIN
  2. You don't need money to use a ___ card
  3. A service provided by the bank if you don't have enough money
  4. Date on which your loan will end

8 Clues: 'I' in PINA house loanA record of bank transactionsDate on which your loan will endYou don't need money to use a ___ cardFee you pay a bank for lending you moneyYou need money in your account to use a ___ cardA service provided by the bank if you don't have enough money


MONEY MONEY MONEY crossword puzzle
  1. a place where you can buy second hand items
  2. to use something again in a different way
  3. advice how to do something
  1. costing a lot of money $$$
  2. a discount or sale
  3. work we do at home
  4. to try or request for something
  5. a poster to promote something

8 Clues: a discount or salework we do at homecosting a lot of money $$$advice how to do somethinga poster to promote somethingto try or request for somethingto use something again in a different waya place where you can buy second hand items

Money Money Money 2023-01-19

Money Money Money crossword puzzle
  1. The amount of money you make before deductions
  2. Paid to protect against various risks
  3. Internal revenue service
  4. Money taken out of your paycheck for various reasons
  5. The amount of money you make after deductions
  1. money collected by the government for when you retire
  2. money set aside for you to use after you stop working
  3. services an employer provides in addition to your salary or wage

8 Clues: Internal revenue servicePaid to protect against various risksThe amount of money you make after deductionsThe amount of money you make before deductionsMoney taken out of your paycheck for various reasonsmoney collected by the government for when you retiremoney set aside for you to use after you stop working...

Money 2013-11-14

Money crossword puzzle
  1. a building in which commercial banking is transacted
  2. place for keeping money to take it with you
  3. Value of money of one country through the money of other country.
  4. metal money
  5. Payment with money
  6. (plastic) thing from a bank to purchase goods on credit
  1. paper money
  2. money that is used by any country
  3. A fixed regular payment, typically paid on a monthly or biweekly basis made by an employer to an employee.
  4. an employee of a bank or building society who receives and pays out money.
  5. children’s bank at home

11 Clues: paper moneymetal moneyPayment with moneychildren’s bank at homemoney that is used by any countryplace for keeping money to take it with youa building in which commercial banking is transacted(plastic) thing from a bank to purchase goods on creditValue of money of one country through the money of other country....

Money 2015-04-21

Money crossword puzzle
  1. when you buy something you get a ________
  2. you carry this around every day and keep your money in it.
  3. asking your friend for money.
  4. to spend money carelessly, for nothing.
  5. you do not spend money, you _____it by keeping it safe in a bank.
  1. a plastic card with which you can pay.
  2. to give somebody money temporarily on the condition that it will be returned.
  3. something doesn't cost a lot.
  4. to give something away and get money for it.
  5. money that are made on paper.
  6. when you work, you ______ money.

11 Clues: something doesn't cost a that are made on paper.asking your friend for money.when you work, you ______ money.a plastic card with which you can spend money carelessly, for nothing.when you buy something you get a ________to give something away and get money for carry this around every day and keep your money in it....

MONEY 2022-01-07

MONEY crossword puzzle
  1. What you did on a trampoline.
  2. The currency of Japan.
  3. The signature of a celebrity.
  4. What you can do with pocket money.
  5. What you use to make toast.
  1. You can use it to buy things.
  2. The color of grass.
  3. 100 American cents equals one of these.
  4. One of Lisa's favourite clothing brands.
  5. Groups of musicians (also slang for a thousand dollars).
  6. How you get tea into a cup (starts with a p_____ing).

11 Clues: The color of grass.The currency of Japan.What you use to make toast.You can use it to buy things.What you did on a trampoline.The signature of a celebrity.What you can do with pocket money.100 American cents equals one of these.One of Lisa's favourite clothing brands.How you get tea into a cup (starts with a p_____ing)....

money 2022-02-26

money crossword puzzle
  1. debt if the amount of payg is less than your requred tax
  2. Your net pay, also known as your take-home pay, is the part of your gross wage that's left after taxes and other deductions have been taken out. It's what you get in your bank account or paycheck on pay day.
  3. a fixed amount of money that can be paid to the person working on commision, it is independent of their sales figure
  4. a bonus payment to an employee when annual leave is taken.
  5. Gross pay is what employees earn before taxes, benefits and other payroll deductions are withheld from their wages. The amount remaining after all withholdings are accounted for is net pay or take-home pay.
  6. employer deduct an estimate of your income tax from your pay each payday
  1. extra time worked by employees in excess of their normal working hours
  2. a compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on workers' income and business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions.
  3. a fixed regular payment earned for work or services, typically paid on a daily or weekly basis.
  4. a fixed regular payment, typically paid on a monthly basis but often expressed as an annual sum, made by an employer to an employee, especially a professional or white-collar worker.
  5. a current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes; coins and banknotes collectively.
  6. refund: if the amount of payg is more than your requred tax
  7. a paid position of regular employment.

13 Clues: a paid position of regular employment.debt if the amount of payg is less than your requred taxa bonus payment to an employee when annual leave is taken.refund: if the amount of payg is more than your requred taxextra time worked by employees in excess of their normal working hours...

money 2022-05-24

money crossword puzzle
  1. make money
  2. when you know how to spend money correctly
  3. action when you can buy something because you have enough money
  4. state of owing something (money usually)
  5. money you get from the bank for different needs
  1. action when you get money from your dead relatives
  2. money you get from the bank to buy or build a new house
  3. a synonym for 'follow'(follow your budget)
  4. money a kid gets from his/her parents
  5. a lot of money
  6. action when you have a debt and you need to pay it off

11 Clues: make moneya lot of moneymoney a kid gets from his/her parentsstate of owing something (money usually)a synonym for 'follow'(follow your budget)when you know how to spend money correctlymoney you get from the bank for different needsaction when you get money from your dead relativesaction when you have a debt and you need to pay it off...

MONEY 2022-10-16

MONEY crossword puzzle
  1. not using a lot of fuel, money
  2. relating to money or how money is managed
  3. a printed form, used instead of money, to make payments from your bank account
  4. an amount of money that you pay as the first part of the total payment for something
  5. a fixed amount of money agreed every year as pay for an employee, usually paid directly into his or her bank account every month
  1. a payment to someone who sells goods that is directly related to the amount sold
  2. a dollar
  3. money and possessions, especially a large amount of money used for producing more wealth or for starting a new business
  4. a particular amount of money that is paid, usually every week, to an employee
  5. something, especially money, that is owed to someone else, or the state of owing something
  6. money in the form of notes and coins, rather than cheques or credit cards

11 Clues: a dollarnot using a lot of fuel, moneyrelating to money or how money is managedmoney in the form of notes and coins, rather than cheques or credit cardsa particular amount of money that is paid, usually every week, to an employeea printed form, used instead of money, to make payments from your bank account...

Money 2023-06-26

Money crossword puzzle
  1. - A small, flat case used to hold money, credit cards, and other personal items.
  2. - Money earned from work or investments.
  3. - Money set aside for future use or emergencies.
  4. - Physical currency in the form of bills and coins.
  5. - A plan for managing and allocating money.
  6. - Money borrowed from a bank or financial institution that must be repaid with interest.
  7. - Automated Teller Machine, a device used to withdraw cash from a bank account.
  1. - Money spent on goods and services.
  2. - Small metal discs used as a form of currency.
  3. - An arrangement to borrow money with the understanding of paying it back later.
  4. - A financial institution where people can deposit and withdraw money, as well as get loans.

11 Clues: - Money spent on goods and services.- Money earned from work or investments.- A plan for managing and allocating money.- Small metal discs used as a form of currency.- Money set aside for future use or emergencies.- Physical currency in the form of bills and coins.- Automated Teller Machine, a device used to withdraw cash from a bank account....

Money 2023-09-21

Money crossword puzzle
  1. money for risk
  2. trading things without money
  3. helps buy things
  4. a credit which you took from bank
  1. medium to exchange things
  2. making froude of people's money
  3. the list of home need
  4. where you deposite money S
  5. rate of a particular thing
  6. similar to notes but are made of metal
  7. money made of paper

11 Clues: money for riskhelps buy thingsmoney made of paperthe list of home needmedium to exchange thingswhere you deposite money Srate of a particular thingtrading things without moneymaking froude of people's moneya credit which you took from banksimilar to notes but are made of metal

money 2024-07-06

money crossword puzzle
  1. a request for payment of money owed, or the piece of paper on which it is written
  2. To be of lower quality or a more negative condition compared to something else.
  3. To receive money as payment for work that you do.
  4. Money that someone borrows, often from a bank, which has to be paid back usually with interest.
  5. A specific type of loan that is used to buy property.
  1. To receive money, property, or possessions from someone after they have died.
  2. An arrangement where you pay money to a company, and they pay money to you if something bad happens, like an accident or theft.
  3. To need to pay or give back something to someone because they have lent money to you, or in exchange for something they have done for you.
  4. To have enough money to buy something or enough time to do something.
  5. Money paid to the government based on your income or the cost of goods or services you have bought.
  6. To give something to someone for a short period of time, expecting it to be given back.

11 Clues: To receive money as payment for work that you do.A specific type of loan that is used to buy property.To have enough money to buy something or enough time to do something.To receive money, property, or possessions from someone after they have died.To be of lower quality or a more negative condition compared to something else....

Money Crossword 2013-01-14

Money Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Secure area of a bank for large sums of money
  2. Currency used in Norway
  3. A spending plan
  4. 4 digit code for accessing your money
  5. Money you can earn from doing chores
  6. ATM means Automatic ______ Machine
  7. Take money out of an account
  8. Currency used in France
  9. Something owed
  10. Different countries use different ________
  1. Putting money away for the future
  2. Payments taken off wages for the Council or Government
  3. City where the FTSE 100 is based
  4. Money you spend
  5. Your bank provides one of these to show how much money you have
  6. Money earned in the bank
  7. A card to use when buying a car
  8. A loan to pay for a house
  9. Set one of these up with the bank to start managing your money

19 Clues: Something owedA spending planMoney you spendCurrency used in NorwayCurrency used in FranceMoney earned in the bankA loan to pay for a houseTake money out of an accountA card to use when buying a carCity where the FTSE 100 is basedPutting money away for the futureATM means Automatic ______ MachineMoney you can earn from doing chores...

Money Management 2021-10-12

Money Management crossword puzzle
  1. something that is essential to survive
  2. a card issued by a bank allowing the holder to transfer money electronically to another bank account when making a purchase
  3. the money a person has saved, especially through a bank or investment
  4. a means of protection from financial loss
  5. money paid regularly at a particular tate for the use of money lent
  6. an estimate of income and expenses for a set period of time.
  7. something you are trying to do or achieve.
  8. money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments
  9. to provide goods or services for payment that comes at a later date
  10. being responsible for something, especially by law
  1. a type of bank account that allows you to easily deposit and withdraw money for transactions
  2. the cost required for something, the money spent on something
  3. a small plastic card issued by a bank allowing the holder to purchase goods or services on credit
  4. an employee's earnings after all deductions are taken out
  5. the amount earned by an employee before deductions
  6. a desire or wish for something
  7. money owed from one person to another
  8. a business where people deposit and withdraw their money and borrow money
  9. the process of making choices by identifying a decision

19 Clues: a desire or wish for somethingmoney owed from one person to anothersomething that is essential to survivea means of protection from financial losssomething you are trying to do or achieve.the amount earned by an employee before deductionsbeing responsible for something, especially by lawthe process of making choices by identifying a decision...

Money 2014-01-08

Money crossword puzzle
  1. "You ...... me £ 50, when are you going to pay me back?" (To be under an obligation to pay (someone) or to be indebted to the amount of.)
  2. A printed list of the money going into and out of your account every month. (Bank account ..........)
  3. Something which tells you what you have to pay for services or goods.
  4. The act of paying or the state of being paid. The noun from 'to pay'
  5. Pieces of paper that are printed by a bank. You write on it to pay for something. These are a written order to a bank to pay the amount of money specified. (plural)
  1. A piece of paper which shows what you bought, and proves how much you paid for something.
  2. The official money of a country or region, e.g. US dollar, the euro.
  3. VISA, Mastercard, etc. (two words, no space)
  4. Metal money.
  5. An institution where they keep your money safe.
  6. "I didn't have enough money to buy the car so I asked my father for a ...... ." (A sum of money lent, usually at interest.)

11 Clues: Metal money.VISA, Mastercard, etc. (two words, no space)An institution where they keep your money safe.The official money of a country or region, e.g. US dollar, the euro.The act of paying or the state of being paid. The noun from 'to pay'Something which tells you what you have to pay for services or goods....

Money 2020-04-02

Money crossword puzzle
  1. A plastic thing you can pay with
  2. machine You can take money out from it
  3. people buy unnecessary things
  4. Get something with luck
  5. you get when you are working
  1. Somebody has got a lot of money
  2. when you dont have you need to
  3. you need to when you buy something
  4. nothing is free everything has got a
  5. when you working to get money
  6. you need to do this when you havent got money for something

11 Clues: Get something with luckyou get when you are workingpeople buy unnecessary thingswhen you working to get moneywhen you dont have you need toSomebody has got a lot of moneyA plastic thing you can pay withyou need to when you buy somethingnothing is free everything has got amachine You can take money out from it...

Money 2021-11-10

Money crossword puzzle
  1. Anything that is generally accepted for goods and services
  2. One problem of barter was a double_________ of wants
  3. Money must be D___________________
  4. Money is a _____________ of exchange
  5. Money must be P__________________
  6. To exchange goods and services without money
  1. Money is a _______________ of deferred payment
  2. Money must be A_____________
  3. Money is a __________ of value
  4. Money must be D______________
  5. Money is a ___________ of value

11 Clues: Money must be A_____________Money must be D______________Money is a __________ of valueMoney is a ___________ of valueMoney must be P__________________Money must be D___________________Money is a _____________ of exchangeTo exchange goods and services without moneyMoney is a _______________ of deferred payment...

MONEY 2022-02-15

MONEY crossword puzzle
  1. Money made of paper (n...)
  2. When you give an object and people give you money(s...)
  3. When you put money in the bank to have it in the future (s...)
  4. A person with NO money (p....)
  5. A person with a lot of money (r...)
  6. very organised and clean (t....)
  7. When you receive money but you haven't worked (w...)
  8. Action. When you pay money for an object (b...)
  1. name of the USA money
  2. Disorganised (m....)
  3. small quantity of money that parents give (p..)

11 Clues: Disorganised (m....)name of the USA moneyMoney made of paper (n...)A person with NO money (p....)very organised and clean (t....)A person with a lot of money (r...)small quantity of money that parents give (p..)Action. When you pay money for an object (b...)When you receive money but you haven't worked (w...)...

Money 2023-07-25

Money crossword puzzle
  1. To use money to buy goods or services.
  2. A financial institution where people store and manage money.
  3. Money borrowed from someone or a bank that must be repaid.
  4. The additional money paid for borrowing or lending money.
  5. To receive money for work or services provided.
  1. To buy something using money.
  2. A small, portable container for holding money and cards.
  3. A rectangular piece of paper currency used for transactions.
  4. To keep money for future use or to reach a goal.
  5. A small, round piece of metal used as currency for purchases.
  6. A machine where you can withdraw cash from your bank account.

11 Clues: To buy something using money.To use money to buy goods or services.To receive money for work or services provided.To keep money for future use or to reach a goal.A small, portable container for holding money and cards.The additional money paid for borrowing or lending money.Money borrowed from someone or a bank that must be repaid....

Money 2023-09-21

Money crossword puzzle
  1. money for risk
  2. trading things without money
  3. helps buy things
  4. a credit which you took from bank
  1. medium to exchange things
  2. making froude of people's money
  3. the list of home need
  4. where you deposite money S
  5. rate of a particular thing
  6. similar to notes but are made of metal
  7. money made of paper

11 Clues: money for riskhelps buy thingsmoney made of paperthe list of home needmedium to exchange thingswhere you deposite money Srate of a particular thingtrading things without moneymaking froude of people's moneya credit which you took from banksimilar to notes but are made of metal

Money 2023-09-21

Money crossword puzzle
  1. money for risk
  2. trading things without money
  3. helps buy things
  4. a credit which you took from bank
  1. medium to exchange things
  2. making froude of people's money
  3. the list of home need
  4. where you deposite money S
  5. rate of a particular thing
  6. similar to notes but are made of metal
  7. money made of paper

11 Clues: money for riskhelps buy thingsmoney made of paperthe list of home needmedium to exchange thingswhere you deposite money Srate of a particular thingtrading things without moneymaking froude of people's moneya credit which you took from banksimilar to notes but are made of metal

MONEY 2022-05-30

MONEY crossword puzzle
  1. Money which people or organisations put into a business in order to make profit. (10)
  2. A company's sales _______ is the money it receives from selling goods or services. (7)
  3. A _______ is a description of what is likely to happen in the future. (8)
  4. A difficult time for the economy of a country, when there is less business activity. (9)
  5. The _______ margin is the difference between the price of a product or service and the cost of producing it. (6)
  1. A company's _______ is the amount of business it does over a certain period of time (8)
  2. A sum of money paid (7)
  3. Money that one person, organisation or country owes to another. (4)
  4. One of the parts into which ownership of a company is divided. (5)
  5. The _______ is the part of the profits of a company that is paid to shareholders for each share that they own. (8)
  6. A _______ market is where a company's shares are bought and sold. (5)

11 Clues: A sum of money paid (7)One of the parts into which ownership of a company is divided. (5)Money that one person, organisation or country owes to another. (4)A _______ market is where a company's shares are bought and sold. (5)A _______ is a description of what is likely to happen in the future. (8)...

Money 2023-03-09

Money crossword puzzle
  1. a valuable commodity traded by select nations
  2. the physical systems that make up a country
  3. people from other countries who live and work in a differentcountry
  4. a system designed to control and regulate your finances
  5. to send a product abroad for the purpose of sale
  1. the process of employing people from different backgrounds
  2. the exchange of goods and services
  3. a person who moves from one place to another
  4. the industry in which travellers generate an income for a country
  5. short term for devices and the industry involving them
  6. exchanging one thing for another

11 Clues: exchanging one thing for anotherthe exchange of goods and servicesthe physical systems that make up a countrya person who moves from one place to anothera valuable commodity traded by select nationsto send a product abroad for the purpose of saleshort term for devices and the industry involving them...

Money 2023-03-12

Money crossword puzzle
  1. δολάριο
  2. χαρτονόμισμα
  3. ρέστα
  4. φιλοδώρημα
  5. κουμπαράς
  1. πιστωτική κάρτα
  2. λογαριασμός
  3. πορτοφόλι
  4. χαρτζιλίκι
  5. μετρητά
  6. κέρμα

11 Clues: ρέστακέρμαδολάριομετρητάπορτοφόλικουμπαράςχαρτζιλίκιφιλοδώρημαλογαριασμόςχαρτονόμισμαπιστωτική κάρτα

money 2023-11-20

money crossword puzzle
  1. zarabiać
  2. żyć na czyjś koszt
  3. nie móc sobie pozwolić na
  4. być winnym
  5. hipoteka
  6. ubezpieczenie
  1. być wart
  2. wynagrodzenie
  3. pożyczka
  4. odziedziczyć
  5. pożyczać (od kogoś)

11 Clues: być wartzarabiaćpożyczkahipotekabyć winnymodziedziczyćwynagrodzenieubezpieczenieżyć na czyjś kosztpożyczać (od kogoś)nie móc sobie pozwolić na

Money 2024-02-21

Money crossword puzzle
  1. (v) to keep money instead of spending it
  2. (n) the currency of the U.S
  3. (v) to waste money in a careless or stupid way
  4. (n) the currency of Japan
  5. (v) to give something to somebody or allow them to use something that belongs to you, which they have to return it later
  6. (v) to have to receive money that you have borrowed
  1. (n) the currency of the U.K
  2. (n) the money that employees receive for doing their job, usually every month
  3. (a) not spending money more than necessary
  4. (a) not generous, especially with money
  5. (n) an amount of money that is taken off the usual cost of something

11 Clues: (n) the currency of Japan(n) the currency of the U.K(n) the currency of the U.S(a) not generous, especially with money(v) to keep money instead of spending it(a) not spending money more than necessary(v) to waste money in a careless or stupid way(v) to have to receive money that you have borrowed...

Money 2021-05-19

Money crossword puzzle
  1. A financial institution that accepts deposits from the public and creates a demand deposit while simultaneously making loans.
  2. A shop where second-hand goods are sold to raise money for a charity.
  3. A voucher entitling the holder to a discount off a particular product.
  4. An instance of buying or selling something.
  5. The exchange of a commodity for money; the action of selling something.
  6. A repayment of a sum of money.
  1. Negotiate the terms and conditions of a transaction.
  2. The action of receiving something or the fact of its being received.
  3. A deduction from the usual cost of something
  4. A label showing the price of an item for sale.
  5. An establishment with coin-operated washing machines and dryers for public use.

11 Clues: A repayment of a sum of money.An instance of buying or selling something.A deduction from the usual cost of somethingA label showing the price of an item for sale.Negotiate the terms and conditions of a transaction.The action of receiving something or the fact of its being received....

money 2022-10-28

money crossword puzzle
  1. don't spend your money
  2. a noun, when you need to pay back
  3. don't have enough money to buy something
  4. a verb, when you need to pay back
  5. little money
  1. a place where you can borrow money
  2. give somebody money
  3. take money from smb
  4. a thing where you have your money
  5. money you can touch
  6. you use it to pay for things

11 Clues: little moneygive somebody moneytake money from smbmoney you can touchdon't spend your moneyyou use it to pay for thingsa noun, when you need to pay backa thing where you have your moneya verb, when you need to pay backa place where you can borrow moneydon't have enough money to buy something

Money 2020-03-23

Money crossword puzzle
  1. to receive money as a payment for work that you do
  2. a piece of paper money
  3. to offer something of value in order to borrow money from a bank or similar organization
  4. a period when the economy of a country is not successful and conditions for business are bad
  5. to need to pay or give something to someone because they have lent money to you
  6. the total amount of money that an employee is paid every month to do their job
  7. an amount of) money paid to the government
  1. the act of leaving your job and stopping working, usually because you are old
  2. to do something that involves risks that might result in loss of money or failure, hoping to get money or achieve success
  3. he activity of buying and selling shares in particular companies
  4. money that someone borrows from a bank or other financial organization for a period of time during which they pay interest

11 Clues: a piece of paper moneyan amount of) money paid to the governmentto receive money as a payment for work that you dohe activity of buying and selling shares in particular companiesthe act of leaving your job and stopping working, usually because you are oldthe total amount of money that an employee is paid every month to do their job...

Money 2020-03-25

Money crossword puzzle
  1. a person who has a lot of money
  2. sale
  3. give money for someone or a charity
  4. shopping
  5. a person who has no money
  6. you pay it for the government
  1. Euro, Forint , Font
  2. you get this money after working every month
  3. bargain
  4. you have to pay it after you get money from the bank
  5. a sort of a person who doesn't pay a lot of money

11 Clues: salebargainshoppingEuro, Forint , Fonta person who has no moneyyou pay it for the governmenta person who has a lot of moneygive money for someone or a charityyou get this money after working every montha sort of a person who doesn't pay a lot of moneyyou have to pay it after you get money from the bank

money 2023-05-12

money crossword puzzle
  1. Πιστωτική ή χρεωστική ...
  2. Κάτι που σε κάνει τυχερό
  3. Εκεί βάζουμε χρήματα και μετά τον σπάμε για να πάρουμε τα χρήματα
  4. Εκεί θα βρεις πολλούς φανατικούς οπαδούς
  5. Όχι κέρμα αλλά ...
  6. Συνήθως κοστίζει ένα δεκάλεπτο στο περίπτερο
  1. Σε αυτόν βασίζεται η οικονομία της Ελλάδας
  2. Μέρος μακριά από την πρωτεύουσα
  3. Σε αυτό κουβαλάμε τα λεφτά μας
  4. Τέτοια δωμάτια έχει πολλά στα νησιά
  5. Η χαμηλότερη αμοιβή που οι εργοδότες υποχρεούνται, βάσει του νόμου, να δίνουν στους εργαζομένους τους

11 Clues: Όχι κέρμα αλλά ...Κάτι που σε κάνει τυχερόΠιστωτική ή χρεωστική ...Σε αυτό κουβαλάμε τα λεφτά μαςΜέρος μακριά από την πρωτεύουσαΤέτοια δωμάτια έχει πολλά στα νησιάΕκεί θα βρεις πολλούς φανατικούς οπαδούςΣε αυτόν βασίζεται η οικονομία της ΕλλάδαςΣυνήθως κοστίζει ένα δεκάλεπτο στο περίπτερο...

Money 2014-07-15

Money crossword puzzle
  1. round metal money
  2. let someone borrow from you
  3. money in Britain
  4. a low price
  5. paper money
  6. where you keep your money
  1. another word for a banknote
  2. a high price
  3. where you keep your wallet
  4. money in America
  5. when someone lends you something

11 Clues: a low pricepaper moneya high pricemoney in Britainmoney in Americaround metal moneywhere you keep your moneywhere you keep your walletanother word for a banknotelet someone borrow from youwhen someone lends you something