nature Crossword Puzzles
Nature 2013-06-23
- Comes in many different colors and smells good
- A water source in the desert
- High and rocky
- Big hairy animal that eats fish
- Animal with a very long neck
- Moving water
- Gives us light at night
- Bright light in the night sky
- This animal has eight legs
- White and very cold
- Animal that is known as the king of the jungle
- Needed to make it rain
- A place where it almost never rains
- Animal that climbs trees and eats bananas
- Has flames and burns
- A mountain that can explode
- Water that falls from the sky
- A small mountain
- Green, soft and grows on the ground
- A big group of trees
- A big body of water
- Winged animal that lives in a cave
- Gives us light and warmth
23 Clues: Moving water • High and rocky • A small mountain • A big body of water • White and very cold • Has flames and burns • A big group of trees • Needed to make it rain • Gives us light at night • Gives us light and warmth • This animal has eight legs • A mountain that can explode • A water source in the desert • Animal with a very long neck • Water that falls from the sky • ...
Nature 2015-02-10
- Not a cloud in the sky
- Light winds
- Formations in the sky
- a cold, heavy ______ dripped from the leaves
- When all the bad weather comes at once
- Where we live
- Comes with Lightning
- heavy rain is called ...
- Not wet
- A mass of ice or snow that's slipping down a mountain
- Similar to mist
- How did Dorothy and Toto get to Oz?
- Something that falls from the clouds
- Air movement
- What surrounds us?
- The opposite to hot
- No water
- Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
- Icy rain
- Direct light coming from the clouds
- Its white and powdery
- Muggy
- Grey skys
- Its blue up above our heads
- Colour flashes in the sky
- A direction of wind
- Insanely strong winds
- Let it go Let it go
- There is a pot of gold at the end of the ...
- Slightly wet
30 Clues: Muggy • Not wet • No water • Icy rain • Grey skys • Light winds • Slightly wet • Air movement • Where we live • Similar to mist • What surrounds us? • The opposite to hot • A direction of wind • Let it go Let it go • Comes with Lightning • Formations in the sky • Its white and powdery • Insanely strong winds • Not a cloud in the sky • heavy rain is called ... • Colour flashes in the sky • ...
nature 2015-04-08
20 Clues: rūta • ežys • rūšis • liepa • audinė • žaltys • beržas • šeškas • zuikis • šernas • rupūžė • žibutė • klevas • kregždė • ąžuolas • kirmėlė • žvirblis • gyvūnija • lakštingala • neužmirštuolė
Nature 2017-10-02
23 Clues: les • jih • hora • řeka • pláž • moře • kopec • sopka • kaňon • západ • oceán • poušť • sever • lavina • východ • ostrov • jezero • povodeň • džungle • pobřeží • ledovec • jeskyně • zemětřesení
Nature 2022-05-09
- poner tu coche en una posición determinada para dejarlo
- Un agua de color azul profundo que se encuentra en las playas.
- Cuando necesitas conseguir vaselina para tus labios es porque son
- Decir algo malo a alguien para obligarlo a hacer algo.
- Cuando tu pecho sube y baja significa que eres capaz de
- vuela en el aire
- Mucha agua acumulada en un solo lugar
- Para seguir mejorando
- Cuando se pone el sol sale esto
- donde estacionas tu auto
- siempre se encuentra afuera y en bosques de todo el mundo con hojas verdes
- Muy lluvioso y ruidoso y generalmente hay muchos relámpagos.
- le encantan los plátanos y salta arriba y abajo.
- La luna se pone y esto sube para que brille afuera
- Necesitas esto para hacer actividades a largo plazo.
- Romper algo por completo
- para evitar que algo suceda
- un avión va desde el aire para aterrizar en el
- Los molinos de viento giran debido a la
- un hombre lobo y un vampiro se considera un
- Cuando algo crece y mejora
- Existir una vez y luego nunca ser capaz de existir de nuevo
- nada en el mar y es un tipo de marisco.
- Cuando ya no necesitas algo lo tiras
- cuidar con cuidado de algo o alguien.
- El agua que cae del cielo se llama
- se considera algo o alguien que te puede hacer daño.
- una parte del coche en la parte trasera donde puedes poner artículos.
- tener algo y luego simplemente se ha ido
29 Clues: vuela en el aire • Para seguir mejorando • donde estacionas tu auto • Romper algo por completo • Cuando algo crece y mejora • para evitar que algo suceda • Cuando se pone el sol sale esto • El agua que cae del cielo se llama • Cuando ya no necesitas algo lo tiras • Mucha agua acumulada en un solo lugar • cuidar con cuidado de algo o alguien. • ...
Nature 2023-09-29
NATURE 2024-04-16
22 Clues: oksa • muta • hirvi • kuusi • lakka • ahven • jänis • vuori • koivu • polku • mänty • lampi • hauki • lehti • järvi • sammal • niitty • karpalo • tunturi • jäätikkö • puunrunko • vesiputous
nature 2024-04-18
20 Clues: upał • góry • rzeka • plaża • deszcz • opłata • karmić • benzyna • wzgórze • mglisto • fabryka • jaskinia • pustynia • wodospad • wietrznie • pochmurno • błyskawica • traffic... korek • rubbish... kosz na śmieci • do not .... - nie przeszkadzać
nature 2024-06-17
- поле
- – жара
- – наводнение
- – роса
- каньон
- побережье,берег
- – засуха
- берег (реки)
- – катастрофа, бедствие
- – чрезвычайная ситуация
- пляж
- – климат
- пустыня
- – туман
- пещера; обрушение
- мыс
- земля
- остров
- – иней
- потоп , наводнение
- ручей
- – лавина
- – влажность
- – мелкий дождь
- – землетрясение
- – пыль
- лес
- – легкий ветер, бриз
- суша
- ледник
- – облако, туча
31 Clues: лес • мыс • поле • пляж • суша • ручей • земля • остров • – иней • – жара • – роса • каньон • – пыль • ледник • пустыня • – туман • – лавина • – засуха • – климат • – влажность • – наводнение • берег (реки) • – мелкий дождь • – облако, туча • побережье,берег • – землетрясение • пещера; обрушение • потоп , наводнение • – легкий ветер, бриз • – катастрофа, бедствие • – чрезвычайная ситуация
Nature 2024-09-17
- / To cause great damage or ruin.
- / Insects with large, often colorful wings.
- / Chemicals used to kill pests, especially in farming.
- about / To feel anxious or concerned about something.
- / A large, slow-moving mass of ice.
- down / To chop or fell a tree.
- / A large natural stream of water flowing towards the sea.
- / The removal of large areas of trees or forests.
- / A large body of water surrounded by land.
- / The natural environment where a plant or animal lives.
- / No longer existing or living, often used to describe species.
- / A large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth.
- / A building where goods are manufactured.
- / The contamination of the environment, usually by harmful substances.
- / Animals that live naturally in an area.
- / To no longer be visible or to vanish.
- / To keep safe from harm or damage.
- / A powerful tropical storm with strong winds and rain.
- change / A long-term shift in temperature and weather patterns on Earth.
- / A vast body of saltwater covering much of the Earth's surface.
20 Clues: down / To chop or fell a tree. • / To cause great damage or ruin. • / To keep safe from harm or damage. • / A large, slow-moving mass of ice. • / To no longer be visible or to vanish. • / Animals that live naturally in an area. • / A building where goods are manufactured. • / Insects with large, often colorful wings. • / A large body of water surrounded by land. • ...
nature 2018-01-11
- reiten
- anpflanzen
- Baumstumpf
- Kaktus
- Lebensraum
- durch (eine Wüste) ziehen
- steinig
- Salzgehalt
- klettern
- Sand
- Korallenriff
- Wald
- schneien
- Champignon
- Steinwüste
- Klimaschutz
- Tulpen
- Nadelwald
- Pilze
- Rose
- fällen
- Oase
- hoch
- spazieren
- Tannenzapfen
- Wiese
- Muschel
- Beeren
- Wellen
- Fichtenwald
- Düne
- Naturschutzgebiet
- Gletscher
- Weg
- Klimaerwärmung
- Sumpfgewächs
- Steinpilz
- Fata Morgana
- Felsen
- Tsunami
- Erdbeben
- tauchen
- Moos
- surfen
- Palme
- Steinweg
- sammeln
- Klippe
- Kamel
- wandern
- Berg
- runterspringen
- ocean Meer
- niedrig
- regnen
- Sumpf
- segeln
- pflücken
- Wüste
- tief
60 Clues: Weg • Düne • Sand • Moos • Wald • Berg • Rose • Oase • hoch • tief • Palme • Kamel • Pilze • Sumpf • Wiese • Wüste • Wellen • reiten • Kaktus • Felsen • surfen • Klippe • Tulpen • regnen • fällen • segeln • Beeren • steinig • Tsunami • tauchen • sammeln • wandern • niedrig • Muschel • Erdbeben • klettern • schneien • Steinweg • pflücken • Gletscher • Steinpilz • Nadelwald • spazieren • anpflanzen • Baumstumpf • Lebensraum • Salzgehalt • Champignon • Steinwüste • ocean Meer • Fichtenwald • ...
NATURE 2013-04-05
20 Clues: mar • río • luna • isla • lago • campo • árbol • costa • Cielo • playa • flores • pueblo • bosque • colina • montaña • cascada • amanecer • desierto. • estrellas. • puesta del sol
Nature 2013-06-23
- Water that falls from the sky
- White and very cold
- Winged animal that lives in a cave
- Has flames and burns
- Comes in many different colors and smells good
- Moving water
- A big group of trees
- Animal that is known as the king of the jungle
- A mountain that can explode
- Green, soft and grows on the ground
- This animal has eight legs
- Animal with a very long neck
- Gives us light and warmth
- Bright light in the night sky
- The biggest living mammal
- Big hairy animal that eats fish
- A place where it almost never rains
- A big body of water
- High and rocky
- Lives in the ocean and has thousands of teeth
- Needed to make it rain
- Gives us light at night
- A water source in the desert
- Animal that climbs trees and eats bananas
- A small mountain
25 Clues: Moving water • High and rocky • A small mountain • White and very cold • A big body of water • Has flames and burns • A big group of trees • Needed to make it rain • Gives us light at night • Gives us light and warmth • The biggest living mammal • This animal has eight legs • A mountain that can explode • Animal with a very long neck • A water source in the desert • ...
Nature 2013-06-20
- Gives us light at night
- Water that falls from the sky
- Moving water
- Winged animal that lives in a cave
- A person who studies the weather
- A mountain that can explode
- High and rocky
- Gives us light and warmth
- Come in many different colors and smell good
- Animal that climbs trees and eats bananas
- This animal has eight legs
- Big hairy animal that eats fish
- A big body of water
- A scientific study of outer space
- Green, soft and grows on the ground
- Has flames and burns
- Animal that is known as the king of the jungle
- Needed to make it rain
- Animal with a very long neck
- A place where it almost never rains
- White and very cold
- A big group of trees
22 Clues: Moving water • High and rocky • A big body of water • White and very cold • Has flames and burns • A big group of trees • Needed to make it rain • Gives us light at night • Gives us light and warmth • This animal has eight legs • A mountain that can explode • Animal with a very long neck • Water that falls from the sky • Big hairy animal that eats fish • A person who studies the weather • ...
Nature 2015-02-10
- Where we live
- Icy rain
- Let it go Let it go
- Muggy
- The opposite to hot
- A direction of wind
- A mass of ice or snow that's slipping down a mountain
- Comes with Lightning
- Direct light coming from the clouds
- What surrounds us?
- How did Dorothy and Toto get to Oz?
- Its white and powdery
- Formations in the sky
- Not wet
- Air movement
- Light winds
- No water
- Colour flashes in the sky
- Insanely strong winds
- heavy rain is called ...
- There is a pot of gold at the end of the ...
- Grey skys
- Something that falls from the clouds
- When all the bad weather comes at once
- Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
- Its blue up above our heads
- Similar to mist
- Not a cloud in the sky
- Slightly wet
- a cold, heavy ______ dripped from the leaves
30 Clues: Muggy • Not wet • Icy rain • No water • Grey skys • Light winds • Slightly wet • Air movement • Where we live • Similar to mist • What surrounds us? • Let it go Let it go • The opposite to hot • A direction of wind • Comes with Lightning • Insanely strong winds • Its white and powdery • Formations in the sky • Not a cloud in the sky • heavy rain is called ... • Colour flashes in the sky • ...
Nature 2021-02-10
20 Clues: upė • oazė • jūra • sala • pelkė • kalva • urvas • kalnas • dykuma • slėnis • ežeras • miškas • ledynas • skardis • kanjonas • krioklys • džiunglės • vandenynas • paplūdimys • ugnikalnis
Nature 2021-05-19
- type of martin that nests in the eaves
- white woodland flower
- public right of way across a field
- fir tree that loses its needles in winter
- harmless green native snake
- red and black friend of the garden
- bird with a curved bill
- amphibian that likes to drink
- tall poisonous yellow plant
- seed of an oak tree
- out of season game bird
- popular sport fish found in the river avon
- type of tree with silver bark
- one of these birds doesn't make a summer
- animal that digs a sett
- edible woodland bird
- small bird of prey
- common duck variety
- songbird that flies high
- fire breather rarely found in Bisterne any more
- small breed of deer
- a native member of the mustelid family
- bird that taps on trees
- small fish
- close behind you to keep the cows in
- larger and faster than a rabbit
26 Clues: small fish • small bird of prey • common duck variety • small breed of deer • seed of an oak tree • edible woodland bird • white woodland flower • animal that digs a sett • bird with a curved bill • bird that taps on trees • out of season game bird • songbird that flies high • harmless green native snake • tall poisonous yellow plant • amphibian that likes to drink • ...
Nature 2022-06-27
30 Clues: Be • My • On • Won • Are • You • Love • NICU • Tape • While • World • White • Smoke • Leash • Ghost • Tombs • Sleeps • Target • Forest • Prayers • Machine • Corvidae • Acquired • Dishonor • Sanctuary • Butterfly • Andromeda • Cauterized • VolsteadAct • Tallahassee
Nature 2022-06-27
24 Clues: I • Let • Just • Lost • Over • Heel • Styx • Cold • Rain • Gold • Stone • Dying • Trade • Drown • Dream • River • Dancer • Sunset • Broken • Lullaby • Threads • Achilles • Sunburst • VernalEquinox
Nature 2022-06-27
25 Clues: In • Art • Owl • Down • Mess • Wake • Star • Burn • Dark • Color • Piano • Grand • Frost • Violet • Fallen • Little • Flight • Scorpio • Citadel • Thoughts • Blossoms • Kintsugi • Masquerade • Introversion • DeadlyNightshade
nature 2022-01-18
24 Clues: tani • morze • plaża • drogi • bilet • nudny • włosy • w dół • łatwy • ramię • niski • lepiej • wysoki • gorszy • wulkan • jezioro • surfować • pustynia • pomiędzy • następny • wodospad • bezpieczny • wspinać się • niebezpieczny
Nature!! 2021-03-10
- -a stream of water that falls from a higher area to a lower one
- -where land and water meet
- -frozen water
- -part of the plant bearing seeds
- -comes from the old Dutch word mere, for sea, and it means land that is sea-ish
- -a hill's big brother
- -covers much of the earth broadly
- -a luxuriant, dense forest rich in biodiversity, found typically in tropical areas
- -arid land with usually sparse vegetation especially
- -vast expansion of saltwater
- -natural features of any landscape like trees and flowers
- -the area around you like plants, animals, and people
- -an area of low land between mountains or hills
- -precipitation that falls from sky in droplets
- -when an area is unnaturally submerged in water
- -rural land and scenery.
- -also called the celestial sphere
- -frozen water that comes down in flakes
- -small invertebrate animal with over six legs and wings
- - collective word for animals in the wild
- -rocky edge at the sea or ocean.
- -short plants that grow in yards and pastures
- -the Earth’s surface that does not have water on it
- -woody plants that typically have only one trunk
- -soil that is saturated with water
- -natural or unnatural chamber underground
- -the natural satellite that orbits Earth
- -body of water which curves as it breaks the shore
- -polar region
- -an area of land that is slightly raised
- -the rays of light and heat that come from the sun
- -edge of land near sea or ocean.
- -very long natural stream of water that goes into the sea
- -loose material that covers some beaches and deserts
- -visible condensed water vapor in the sky
- -an open area of land
- -the intensity of heat in the atmosphere or an object
- -balls of gas visible in the night sky
- -the shaking of the surface of the Earth
- -mountain or hill with a crater that erupts lava and hot vapor
- -the four divisions of the year
41 Clues: -frozen water • -polar region • -a hill's big brother • -an open area of land • -rural land and scenery. • -where land and water meet • -vast expansion of saltwater • -the four divisions of the year • -rocky edge at the sea or ocean. • -part of the plant bearing seeds • -edge of land near sea or ocean. • -covers much of the earth broadly • -also called the celestial sphere • ...
Nature 2021-07-21
- Short period of rain.
- Whirlwinds, twisters.
- Rough paths routes followed by animals.
- Area around the North Pole.
- Spring is one so is autumn.
- Freshwater fish that is often eaten.
- Band of sand beside the
- It sometimes falls as flakes in winter.
- or a type of tree.
- Direction from which the sun rises.
- Type of bird of prey.
- Plant grown for human use or consumption.
- Small rocks.
- 0.405 of a hectare.
- Large expanses of fresh water.
- Large European hardwood tree.
- Scottish word for 7 across.
- 03 It is disappearing from the upper atmosphere.
- A root vegetable, usually white inside.
- Very dry like a desert (adjective).
- A type of fruit; its tree has pink blossom.
- Night birds with large eyes.
- Large animal associated with Father Christmas.
25 Clues: DOWN • ACROSS • Small rocks. • or a type of tree. • 0.405 of a hectare. • Short period of rain. • Whirlwinds, twisters. • Type of bird of prey. • Band of sand beside the • Scottish word for 7 across. • Area around the North Pole. • Spring is one so is autumn. • Night birds with large eyes. • Large European hardwood tree. • Large expanses of fresh water. • Very dry like a desert (adjective). • ...
Nature 2021-02-12
- Big puddle
- What do sneakerheads avoid
- The cotton candy of the sky
- An Avenger needs his hammer for this
- Its purple and prince made it
- I have bark but i don't bite
- It goes through a cycle but never dies
- The sign of medicine
- Frozen Precipitation
- It lives in the northwest and is endangered
- Controls the tide
- Every time we get closer to it we get warmer, and when we get farther we get colder
- One of these a day keeps the doctor away
- The sea of trees
- You get these on valentines day
- Its a pool, but you can never reach the bottom
- If Interstate 5 was water
- Sharp but soft
- When you are far away, it never leaves your sight
- A castle with a B
20 Clues: Big puddle • Sharp but soft • The sea of trees • A castle with a B • Controls the tide • The sign of medicine • Frozen Precipitation • If Interstate 5 was water • What do sneakerheads avoid • The cotton candy of the sky • I have bark but i don't bite • Its purple and prince made it • You get these on valentines day • An Avenger needs his hammer for this • ...
Nature 2020-07-28
- a food group that grows on trees, and has seeds inside
- a large underground chamber that can extend far underground, and can include cool things inside such as crystals
- a landform rising high above its surrounding terrain
- the king of the jungle
- water vapor that floats high in the sky
- an electrical storm where light and sound are present
- a nice vacation spot with a sandy shore
- a natural stream of water that flows into another natural water source
- a track or unpaved road usually used for hiking
- a low area between hills or mountains
- frozen water from the clouds that falls down in a crystal-like form
- a place where lots of woody plants accumulate, and lots of animals tend to live
- a woody plant that provides oxygen and stores carbon dioxide
- a very diverse place found in tropical areas with a variety of wildlife such as sloths,toucans,frogs, and more
- a sweet, sticky substance made by insects, collected from nectar from flowers
- a barren landscape where there is little rainfall, hot climate, and rough conditions for any life there
- a slow moving mass of snow accumulated from snow on mountains
- a stripy creature that flies around and pollinate flowers
- a mountain or hill which has a vent where a hot substance erupts out of at a certain period in time
- a warm blooded, egg laying creature with wings
- something that can be revealed on a dark night, which twinkle from above
21 Clues: the king of the jungle • a low area between hills or mountains • water vapor that floats high in the sky • a nice vacation spot with a sandy shore • a warm blooded, egg laying creature with wings • a track or unpaved road usually used for hiking • a landform rising high above its surrounding terrain • an electrical storm where light and sound are present • ...
Nature 2023-03-19
- A landform with high elevation and high relief.
- a tall plant that has a wooden trunk and branches
- someone whose job is to stop fires
- an area of land that is lower than the land around it
- a large fire that spreads quickly over a natural area
- H2O
- a small body of water
- ice crystals from the sky
- woods
- A measure of how hot or cold something is.
- A sudden spark from the clouds
- 空气
- the sound caused by lightning
- overflow of water in a dry area
- a mound of land, smaller than a mountain
- moving air
- a person who works on a farm
- water falling from the sky
- A long period of dry weather
- the space over the Earth where the sun, moon, stars, and clouds appear
20 Clues: 空气 • H2O • woods • moving air • a small body of water • ice crystals from the sky • water falling from the sky • a person who works on a farm • A long period of dry weather • the sound caused by lightning • A sudden spark from the clouds • overflow of water in a dry area • someone whose job is to stop fires • a mound of land, smaller than a mountain • ...
Nature 2023-03-19
- a landform with high elevation and high relief
- a tall plant that has a wooden trunk and branches
- someone whose job is to stop fires
- an area of land that is lower than the land around it
- a large fire that spreads quickly over a natural area
- H2O
- a small body of water
- ice crystals from the sky
- woods
- a measure of how hot or cold something is
- a sudden spark from the clouds
- 空气
- the sound caused by lightning
- overflow of water in a dry area
- a mound of land, smaller than a mountain
- moving air
- a person who works on a farm
- water falling from the sky
- a long period of dry weather
- the space over the Earth
20 Clues: 空气 • H2O • woods • moving air • a small body of water • the space over the Earth • ice crystals from the sky • water falling from the sky • a person who works on a farm • a long period of dry weather • the sound caused by lightning • a sudden spark from the clouds • overflow of water in a dry area • someone whose job is to stop fires • a mound of land, smaller than a mountain • ...
Nature 2023-09-14
- The body of water that is partially enclosed by land and usually has a narrow entrance?
- Who study’s how water moves across and through the earth’s crust.
- The rocky or sandy area along the shoreline of a body of water?
- What's the process of soil and rock erosion caused by wind and water?
- This area makes up the outermost layer of the Earth?
- The layer of the Earth's atmosphere just above the troposphere?
- What's the term for the shedding of leaves by trees in autumn?
- The process by which plants make their own food using sunlight?
- What's the study of the Earth's physical features and processes?
- The term for the release of water vapor from plants into the atmosphere?
- The natural environment in which plants and animals live?
- The process of breaking down organic matter into fertile soil?
- This green pigment is found in plants that's essential for photosynthesis.
- What's the outermost layer of the Earth's atmosphere?
- The process of a liquid turning into vapor due to heat?
- The substance that makes up most of the Earth's atmosphere?
- What's the force that attracts objects with mass towards one another?
- What's the word for the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or organism?
- The study of living organisms and their interactions with the environment?
- This weather condition has low visibility due to water droplets in the air?
20 Clues: This area makes up the outermost layer of the Earth? • What's the outermost layer of the Earth's atmosphere? • The process of a liquid turning into vapor due to heat? • The natural environment in which plants and animals live? • The substance that makes up most of the Earth's atmosphere? • The process of breaking down organic matter into fertile soil? • ...
Nature 2023-09-29
Nature 2024-03-14
- a small narrow stream or river
- the top of a mountain (1)
- a hill made of sand near the sea or in the desert
- [c... < adj] trees keep their needles and produce brown cones that contain seeds
- a simple type of plant that has no leaves or flowers and that grows on plants or other surfaces. mushrooms and mould are both this
- a coral island in the shape of a ring
- an area of land that is lower than the land around it
- a very small island
- a type of plant with green leaves shaped like large feathers, but no flowers, it's been around since the prehistoric times
- a synonym for 'tornado'
- a small bush with several woody stems
- an animal that only eats plants
- a lake, especially an artificial one, where water is stored before it is supplied to people’s houses
- the top of a mountain (2)
- an animal that eats both meat and plants
- a deep narrow valley with steep sides (1)
- animals and plants growing in natural conditions
- a large flat area of grassy land, especially in Africa
- a plant such as a cactus, that has thick soft leaves or stems that can hold a lot of liquid
- [d... < adj] trees lose their leaves in winter
- a piece of land almost completely surrounded by water but joined to a large area of land
- the fruit of a pine or fir tree
- a tall tree with long hard sharp leaves that do not fall off in winter
- a living creature that does not have a backbone
- an animal or plant that lived many thousands of years ago and that has been preserved
- an area of soft wet muddy ground
- a small piece of land with trees growing on it
- a large mass of ice which moves slowly down a mountain valley
- the leaves of a plant
- a powerful current [prąd wodny] of water that spins around and can pull things down into it
- a huge amount of water that covers an area that is usually dry
- a small stream
- a deep narrow valley with steep sides (2)
- an animal that eats flesh
- an [e... < adj] tree or bush does not lose its leaves in winter
- a large area of flat land that is higher than the land around it
36 Clues: a small stream • a very small island • the leaves of a plant • a synonym for 'tornado' • the top of a mountain (1) • an animal that eats flesh • the top of a mountain (2) • a small narrow stream or river • the fruit of a pine or fir tree • an animal that only eats plants • an area of soft wet muddy ground • a coral island in the shape of a ring • a small bush with several woody stems • ...
Nature 2024-04-19
- Giewont, aconcagua, K2
- Tongas, Taiga, Białowieża
- Philipines, Bahamas, Japan
- Scoresby Sund, Milford Sound, Eyjafjörður
- Wkra, Thames, Zambezi
- Everglades, Okavango delta,Macierowo
- Madagascar, Wolin, Britain
- Mauna Loa, Stromboli,Fuji
- Vatnajökull,Lambert Fisher, Baltoro
- Atlantic, Pacific, Indian
- Baltic, North, South China
- Gobi, Błędowska, Atacama
- Kinabalu,Borneo, Amazon
- Victoria, Huron, Baikal
- Angel,Siklawa,Inga
- Antartica, Australia, Asia
- Persian, Mexico, Pucka
- Biscay, San Francisco, Fundy
- Andes, Pyrenees, Atlas
- Miętusia,Wielka Śnieżna, Smoczna Jama
20 Clues: Angel,Siklawa,Inga • Wkra, Thames, Zambezi • Giewont, aconcagua, K2 • Persian, Mexico, Pucka • Andes, Pyrenees, Atlas • Kinabalu,Borneo, Amazon • Victoria, Huron, Baikal • Gobi, Błędowska, Atacama • Atlantic, Pacific, Indian • Tongas, Taiga, Białowieża • Mauna Loa, Stromboli,Fuji • Baltic, North, South China • Philipines, Bahamas, Japan • Antartica, Australia, Asia • ...
NATURE 2024-04-09
- To look after, protect, or provide for someone or something's needs or well-being.
- A piece of land surrounded by water, smaller than a continent and larger than a rock or islet.
- To ascend or go up a steep natural elevation of the earth, usually for recreation or exploration purposes.
- A large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth, usually larger than a wood and smaller than a continent.
- A living creature that can move and respond to its surroundings, such as a dog, cat, or bird.
- Grave in nature, importance, or concern; not lighthearted or trivial.
- To forcefully rip apart something, causing it to separate into pieces.
- A rupture in the Earth's crust through which molten lava, ash, and gases erupt onto the surface, typically forming a conical hill or mountain.
- Cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates typically with scales, fins, and gills, living in water and breathing through gills.
- To stay outdoors overnight in a tent or shelter for leisure, often in a natural environment such as a forest or near a lake.
- A living organism typically lacking mobility and possessing cellulose cell walls, obtaining energy through photosynthesis and often rooted in the ground.
- A photographic or video technique that captures a series of images at set intervals to record changes that take place slowly over time, played back at a faster rate to show the changes in a shorter period.
- To cease to be visible or exist; to vanish from sight or existence.
- To rely on or need something or someone for support, survival, or success.
- To propel oneself through water by natural movements of the limbs, typically the arms and legs.
- A large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake, or another such stream.
- Small, six-legged invertebrates with segmented bodies and typically one or two pairs of wings, such as ants, bees, and butterflies.
- To pull something towards oneself or another object due to its appealing qualities or characteristics.
- A natural underground hollow space formed within the earth's surface, often large enough for a person to enter.
- The process by which two or more species evolve together in response to changes in each other over time, often resulting in mutually beneficial adaptations.
- To take a leisurely stroll or journey on foot, typically for exercise, relaxation, or enjoyment.
- To take a long, vigorous walk, usually on trails or paths in natural surroundings such as mountains, forests, or countryside.
- Feathered, winged animals that typically lay eggs, have beaks, and can fly, such as sparrows, eagles, and ducks.
23 Clues: To cease to be visible or exist; to vanish from sight or existence. • Grave in nature, importance, or concern; not lighthearted or trivial. • To forcefully rip apart something, causing it to separate into pieces. • To rely on or need something or someone for support, survival, or success. • ...
nature 2024-07-08
- Howls at the moon (4 letters)
- Large, flat grassland (7 letters)
- Natural underground chamber (4 letters)
- Dense group of trees (6 letters)
- Tree with white bark (5 letters)
- Reef Marine structure built by tiny animals (5 letters)
- Wetland with grasses and reeds (5 letters)
- Deep valley with steep sides (6 letters)
- Type of tree often found in parks (3 letters)
- Large mass of moving ice (7 letters)
- Cascade of water falling from a height (9 letters)
- High, steep face of rock (5 letters)
- Freshwater fish (5 letters)
- snowcapped (4 letters)
- Small, flowing body of water (6 letters)
- Plant with feathery fronds (4 letters)
- Masked critter (6 letters)
- coats a tree's trunk (4 letters)
- Shrub or small tree (4 letters)
- Bird of prey (4 letters)
- Nocturnal bird of prey (3 letters)
21 Clues: snowcapped (4 letters) • Bird of prey (4 letters) • Masked critter (6 letters) • Freshwater fish (5 letters) • Howls at the moon (4 letters) • Shrub or small tree (4 letters) • Dense group of trees (6 letters) • coats a tree's trunk (4 letters) • Tree with white bark (5 letters) • Large, flat grassland (7 letters) • Nocturnal bird of prey (3 letters) • ...
Nature 2012-11-21
- You walk along this.
- You can do sports like jet-skiing on this.
- This is very hot and dangerous.
- It's got lots of trees.
- In a storm you can see this.
- It's a semi-circle and there are lots of colours.
- It's the opposite of the sun.
- There are lots of them in the sky.
- This is water that goes from the mountain to the sea.
- This falls from the sky when there are grey clouds.
- It's very dark inside this. Bats live here.
- When the sea isn't calm there are these. You need them for surfing.
- These are small mountains.
- It's green and has grass. Animals live in it.
- It's very big. In the winter there's snow on top of it.
- If it's very cold you can see this on the floor. It's white.
- It's a big sea e.g. the Pacific / Atlantic
- It's like a lake, but smaller.
- It's very hot here. There's no water.
19 Clues: You walk along this. • It's got lots of trees. • These are small mountains. • In a storm you can see this. • It's the opposite of the sun. • It's like a lake, but smaller. • This is very hot and dangerous. • There are lots of them in the sky. • It's very hot here. There's no water. • You can do sports like jet-skiing on this. • It's a big sea e.g. the Pacific / Atlantic • ...
Nature 2017-04-09
- 봄이 되면 커플들이 이 걸 보러 간다. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
- 이 걸 보면 애인한테 전화해야 된다. _ _ _ . _ _ _
- 코코아가 제일 많이 팔리는 시절 _ _ . _ _ _
- 햇빛을 막는 물로 만들어진 것 _ _ . _ _ _
- 추석에 밤하늘에 보인다. _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _
- 제주도 동 쪽에 볼 수 있는 큰 동그리미 _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _
- 두번째 날에 하나님이 바다와 ____ 분리하셨다. _ _ . _ _ _
- 지나가는 공기를 타고 전기나 만들 수 있다. _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _
- 해에서 나오고 우주에 다니는 바람 _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _
- 가벼운 비 _ _ . _ _ . _ _
- 동생이 있는 유명한 별자리 _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _
- 이 활동을 하면 자유도 보고 운동도 잘 된다. _ _ _ . _ _ _
- 살고 있는 것들에 대한 공부 _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _
- 덥지만 학생들이 기대하는 기간 _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _
- 단풍하러 다니는 시절 _ _ . _ _ _
- 솔방울들을 많이 찾을 수 있는 곳 _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _
- 지진으로 인한 커대한 파도 _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _
- 동물들이 겨울에 자는 것 _ _ _ . _ _ _
- 앵커리지 가면 볼 수 있는 자연라잇쇼 _ _ . _ _ . _ _
19 Clues: 가벼운 비 _ _ . _ _ . _ _ • 단풍하러 다니는 시절 _ _ . _ _ _ • 동물들이 겨울에 자는 것 _ _ _ . _ _ _ • 햇빛을 막는 물로 만들어진 것 _ _ . _ _ _ • 코코아가 제일 많이 팔리는 시절 _ _ . _ _ _ • 지진으로 인한 커대한 파도 _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ • 추석에 밤하늘에 보인다. _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ • 이 걸 보면 애인한테 전화해야 된다. _ _ _ . _ _ _ • 앵커리지 가면 볼 수 있는 자연라잇쇼 _ _ . _ _ . _ _ • 봄이 되면 커플들이 이 걸 보러 간다. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ • 이 활동을 하면 자유도 보고 운동도 잘 된다. _ _ _ . _ _ _ • ...
Nature 2021-06-06
- An extremely strong wind, usually with rain.
- Where there are lots of trees.
- Water from a river that falls.
- A tiny, little amount of liquid.
- Moving air.
- It's salty, wet and large.
- The colourful part of a flower.
- Where you grow vegetables and plants.
- A grey or white mass in the sky.
- A light and pleasant wind.
- Where you can find the sun.
- A low, green plant that covers the earth's surface.
- The surface of the earth.
- It usually smells good and is beautiful.
- Wind that whirls and causes damage.
- Water falling from the sky.
- The material in which vegetables grow.
- It falls during autumn.
- A plant with a trunk and branches.
19 Clues: Moving air. • It falls during autumn. • The surface of the earth. • A light and pleasant wind. • It's salty, wet and large. • Where you can find the sun. • Water falling from the sky. • Where there are lots of trees. • Water from a river that falls. • The colourful part of a flower. • A tiny, little amount of liquid. • A grey or white mass in the sky. • ...
Nature 2023-06-13
- - A large landform that rises above its surroundings.
- - A low area of land between hills or mountains.
- - A natural flowing watercourse.
- - A colorful plant part that produces seeds.
- - A colorful arc in the sky caused by sunlight and rain.
- - A natural underground hollow or passage.
- - A large landform that rises above its surroundings.
- - A tall plant with a trunk and branches.
- - A vast body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface.
- - An insect with colorful wings that undergoes metamorphosis.
- - A large body of water surrounded by land.
- - A warm-blooded vertebrate that has feathers and can fly.
- - A cascade of water falling from a height.
- - The star at the center of our solar system.
- - A large area covered with trees and plants.
- - A solid mineral material forming part of the Earth's crust.
- - A visible mass of condensed water vapor in the atmosphere.
- - A small body of still water.
- - A sandy or pebbly area by the seaside.
- - Earth's natural satellite that orbits around it.
20 Clues: - A small body of still water. • - A natural flowing watercourse. • - A sandy or pebbly area by the seaside. • - A tall plant with a trunk and branches. • - A natural underground hollow or passage. • - A large body of water surrounded by land. • - A cascade of water falling from a height. • - A colorful plant part that produces seeds. • ...
Nature 2022-06-14
- Living organisms underwater
- Common clear liquid
- A plant derives from _____
- Popular flowers, mostly thorny
- Bananas, apples, oranges
- Loose soil (Starts with a 'd')
- Area for growing plants
- Baby(young) tree
- A living organism with leaves
- Arabian ___
- National flower of India
- A mass of water vapour or smoke (plural)
- Part of the plant that contains petals
- Tall plants
- Season when flowers blossom
- Drops from the sky
- Area covered with tall trees
- Another word for fauna
- Attached to the stem
19 Clues: Tall plants • Arabian ___ • Baby(young) tree • Drops from the sky • Common clear liquid • Attached to the stem • Another word for fauna • Area for growing plants • Bananas, apples, oranges • National flower of India • A plant derives from _____ • Living organisms underwater • Season when flowers blossom • Area covered with tall trees • A living organism with leaves • ...
Nature 2023-08-09
- I live in Australia and make you laugh
- I can hover in one place like a helicopter
- I live on rocks near the ocean and can hold many fish in my beak
- I'm the white whale...that kids know about
- you can find me blooming in the winter
- squeeze my seed pod and it will pop
- blood is my meal and your body is where I like to dine
- I make trouble for gardeners since arriving a few years ago
- an emerald borer is perhaps my worst enemy
- my teeth never stop growing
- instead of wings, I have flippers
- sometimes I make my nest in the walls of your home
- helpful humans help me cross the road in spring
- I am the state bird of Massachusetts
- I am the unicorn of the seas
- if you squish me, you'll be sorry!
- I may only be an insect, but I can turn my head and look at you
- I am the largest mammal in the world
- it's not paper YET, but you can write on it
19 Clues: my teeth never stop growing • I am the unicorn of the seas • instead of wings, I have flippers • if you squish me, you'll be sorry! • squeeze my seed pod and it will pop • I am the state bird of Massachusetts • I am the largest mammal in the world • I live in Australia and make you laugh • you can find me blooming in the winter • I can hover in one place like a helicopter • ...
Nature 2022-10-21
- known for weather extremes.
- Largest members of the squirrel family, have reddish-brown fur and a yellow belly.
- temperature starts to plummet.
- Live in deciduous and mixed forest
- has a lot of spines around its body
- some grows on trees, edible
- A fully feathered, often crested head and strong feet equipped with great curved talons.
- large bodies planting race paws with five ronletractile claws
- prefer cold water
- Largest and heaviest extant species in the deer family
- mammal, have thick protective fur to keep them warm will swimming.
- A wolf that can adapt to swimming between the small coastal island preferring to hunt for fish and otter.
- grown from fungal spores
- hang on trees and sleeps during the day and hunt for food at night.
- has long, little body with chocolate brown fur and a pale yellow patch around its throat.
- planet’s fastest land animal
- whales Live in tight-knit groups that hunt and travel together,It is an apex predator.
- A type. Of fish, travel a long distance home to return to the river where they were born.
- give out oxygen take in carbon dioxide during the day.
19 Clues: prefer cold water • grown from fungal spores • known for weather extremes. • some grows on trees, edible • planet’s fastest land animal • temperature starts to plummet. • Live in deciduous and mixed forest • has a lot of spines around its body • give out oxygen take in carbon dioxide during the day. • Largest and heaviest extant species in the deer family • ...
nature 2023-03-21
19 Clues: sea • bear • river • shark • whale • forest • island • turtle • valley • gorilla • elephant • mountain • seasnail • coralreef • butterfly • waterfall • chimpanzee • rainforest • snowleopard
NATURE 2023-10-29
- hard and gray
- very hot day
- green, soft, no flowers
- the seed grows
- Niagara falls
- colorful, different types, pleasant aroma
- green areas, public space, children games
- construction, above the river
- smaller than ocean
- on the ground surface
- arid, dry
- a lot of rain and lightning
- wet, biodiversity
- snowflake
- expulsion of magmatic material
- portion of land
- necessary for surfing
- shells something found in the sand on the beach
- bigger than a lagoon
- high density of trees
20 Clues: arid, dry • snowflake • very hot day • hard and gray • Niagara falls • the seed grows • portion of land • wet, biodiversity • smaller than ocean • bigger than a lagoon • on the ground surface • necessary for surfing • high density of trees • green, soft, no flowers • a lot of rain and lightning • construction, above the river • expulsion of magmatic material • ...
Nature 2022-04-03
Nature 2023-11-02
- A flat, green part of a plant.
- A tall, rocky formation on land.
- A cold-blooded amphibian that can jump.
- A green plant that covers the ground.
- Frozen water that falls from the sky.
- A colorful arc in the sky.
- A natural flowing body of water.
- A large body of saltwater.
- A mass of water droplets in the sky.
- A spiky plant that can survive in dry conditions.
- A small, flying insect with colorful wings.
- A feathered creature that can fly.
- Earth's only natural satellite.
- A colorful plant that grows from the ground.
- The star at the center of our solar system.
- A distant ball of gas that shines in the sky.
- A dense forest with a lot of rainfall.
- A tall plant with a trunk and branches.
- An insect that makes honey.
19 Clues: A colorful arc in the sky. • A large body of saltwater. • An insect that makes honey. • A flat, green part of a plant. • Earth's only natural satellite. • A tall, rocky formation on land. • A natural flowing body of water. • A feathered creature that can fly. • A mass of water droplets in the sky. • A green plant that covers the ground. • Frozen water that falls from the sky. • ...
Nature - Natur - Nature 2024-07-29
- Ein Ort, an dem Wasser aus einem Fluss oder Bach über eine Klippe oder einen Felsen.
- Partie de la plante portant des graines.
- Organismes vivants qui mangent de la matière organique. / Living organisms which eat organic matter.
- Ein Stück Land, das vollständig von Wasser umgeben ist.
- Solid minerals that form Earth’s surface.
- Organismes vivants qui utilisent la photosynthèse comme les arbres et les fleurs.
- Partie de l'arbre qui pousse à partir du tronc.
- A large area of rock or a mountain with a very steep side, often at the edge of the sea or a river.
- Vertébré avec des plumes, un bec et des ailes.
- Kurze Pflanzen, die in Gärten wachsen.
- Flattened structure of the plant and where photosynthesis happens.
- Ein Berg mit einem grossen Loch oben, durch das manchmal Lava ausgestossen wird.
- An area of land that is higher than the land around it, like a mountain but smaller.
- Ein natürlicher Wasserstrom in einer langen Linie durch ein Land bis ins Meer.
- A thick tropical forest with many large plants growing very close together.
- Petit animal invertébré avec plus de six pattes et des ailes.
- Ein grosses offenes Gebiet mit Gras und Bäumen, besonders in einer Stadt, wo Menschen spazieren gehen, spielen, etc. können.
- An area of sand or small stones at the edge of the sea or a lake.
- Une structure construite sur une rivière, une route.
- Une partie de la mer partiellement enclavée par une courbe dans la terre.
20 Clues: Kurze Pflanzen, die in Gärten wachsen. • Partie de la plante portant des graines. • Solid minerals that form Earth’s surface. • Vertébré avec des plumes, un bec et des ailes. • Partie de l'arbre qui pousse à partir du tronc. • Une structure construite sur une rivière, une route. • Ein Stück Land, das vollständig von Wasser umgeben ist. • ...
NATURE 2024-03-28
- : Astre céleste lumineux et visible la nuit.
- : Étendue d'eau douce, généralement plus petite qu'un océan.
- : Cours d'eau naturel s'écoulant vers un autre cours d'eau, un lac ou l'océan.
- : Chute d'eau naturelle abrupte sur un cours d'eau.
- : Dépression entre deux montagnes ou collines, traversée par un cours d'eau.
- : Phénomène météorologique violent caractérisé par des vents forts et des précipitations abondantes.
- : Étendue de sable ou de galets le long de la côte, bordée par l'océan ou la mer.
- : Relief élevé formé par des élévations naturelles de la croûte terrestre.
- : Ensemble des espèces végétales présentes dans une région ou un écosystème donné.
- : Organisme végétal ligneux à tige permanente et branches ramifiées.
- : Vaste étendue d'eau salée recouvrant une grande partie de la surface terrestre.
- : Étude des relations entre les organismes vivants et leur environnement.
- : Petite baie étroite et peu profonde, souvent avec des falaises.
- : Écosystème terrestre caractérisé par une densité élevée d'arbres et de végétation.
- : Partie de l'atmosphère vue depuis la surface de la Terre, où se trouvent les nuages et le soleil.
- : Région aride avec peu ou pas de précipitations et une végétation rare.
- : Ouverture dans la croûte terrestre d'où jaillissent lave, cendres et gaz.
- : Phénomène lumineux observé dans le ciel avant le lever du soleil.
- : Étoile au centre du système solaire, source principale de lumière et de chaleur.
19 Clues: : Astre céleste lumineux et visible la nuit. • : Chute d'eau naturelle abrupte sur un cours d'eau. • : Étendue d'eau douce, généralement plus petite qu'un océan. • : Petite baie étroite et peu profonde, souvent avec des falaises. • : Phénomène lumineux observé dans le ciel avant le lever du soleil. • ...
Nature 2023-11-02
- A distant ball of gas that shines in the sky.
- The star at the center of our solar system.
- A flat, green part of a plant.
- A colorful plant that grows from the ground.
- A small, flying insect with colorful wings.
- Earth's only natural satellite.
- A natural flowing body of water.
- A mass of water droplets in the sky.
- A tall, rocky formation on land.
- A green plant that covers the ground.
- A dense forest with a lot of rainfall
- An insect with colorful wings.
- A cold-blooded amphibian that can jump.
- An insect that makes honey.
- A colorful arc in the sky.
- A feathered creature that can fly.
- A tall plant with a trunk and branches.
- A spiky plant that can survive in dry conditions.
- Frozen water that falls from the sky.
- A large body of saltwater.
20 Clues: A colorful arc in the sky. • A large body of saltwater. • An insect that makes honey. • An insect with colorful wings. • A flat, green part of a plant. • Earth's only natural satellite. • A natural flowing body of water. • A tall, rocky formation on land. • A feathered creature that can fly. • A mass of water droplets in the sky. • A dense forest with a lot of rainfall • ...
Nature 2020-06-12
- endangered bear eats bamboo
- collective noun for crows
- like a butterfly but mostly nocturnal
- place where the ocean meets land
- little critters that move in lines
- baby frog
- weeping tree
- a place where you sit in the park
- moving body of ice
- unicorn of the seas
- helps replenish oxygen in the atmosphere
- fruiting body of a fungus
- indigenous
- wise as an ---
- social bird call
- crocodile hunter Steve
- bird know for its grace
- nails of predators
19 Clues: VIBGYOR • baby frog • indigenous • weeping tree • wise as an --- • social bird call • nails of predators • moving body of ice • unicorn of the seas • crocodile hunter Steve • bird know for its grace • fruiting body of a fungus • collective noun for crows • endangered bear eats bamboo • place where the ocean meets land • a place where you sit in the park • little critters that move in lines • ...
Nature 2024-08-11
- a spiky succulent commonly found in the desert
- a small flightless bird that lives by the sea
- a primate found only in madagascar
- an australian member of the dog family
- a sea animal that lays eggs on land
- a destructive a system of winds rotating inwards to an area of low barometric pressure
- a large member of the cat family
- a body of dense ice that is constantly moving downhill under its own weight
- warm blooded animal that produces milk
- a small invertebrate that lives in soil
- this plant tracks the sun
- an expanse of land surrounded completely by water
- plants produce this gas
- the tallest mountain in the world
- a small arthropod that has six legs and generally one or two pairs of wings
- an extensive group of islands
- a spore producing organism that is niether animal or plant
- large body of salt water
- a bird commonly kept as a pet
19 Clues: plants produce this gas • large body of salt water • this plant tracks the sun • an extensive group of islands • a bird commonly kept as a pet • a large member of the cat family • the tallest mountain in the world • a primate found only in madagascar • a sea animal that lays eggs on land • an australian member of the dog family • warm blooded animal that produces milk • ...
Nature 2024-09-10
- a small animal like a mouse with wings that flies at night
- a large area of water surrounded by land and not connected to the sea except by rivers or streams
- damage caused to air by harmful substances or waste
- an area of land covered with a thick growth of trees
- small flying insects that bite people and animals and suck their blood
- a sea creature with a soft, oval, almost transparent body
- catching too many fish in an area of the sea, so that there are not many fish left there
- an animal that produces eggs and uses the heat of the sun to keep its blood warm
- animals of which the female feeds her young on milk from her own body. Most mammals give birth to live young, not eggs
- the reduction in the amount of space where a particular species, or group of species can survive and reproduce
- an area of grass, trees, or other vegetation set apart for recreational or aesthetic purposes in an otherwise urban environment.
- an area of land that is protected in order to keep safe the animals and plants that live there, often because they are rare
- chasing and killing an animal or bird for food, sport, or profit
- a large area of water surrounded by land and not connected to the sea except by rivers or streams
- a small, brown animal, similar to a frog, that has big eyes and long back legs for swimming and jumping
- a large reptile with a hard skin that lives in and near rivers and lakes
- a small creature with eight thin legs that catches insects in a web
- a small animal with a long, narrow, soft body without arms, legs, or bones
- a very large animal with short legs and thick, dark grey skin that lives near water in Africa
- very small animals with six legs, a body divided into three parts and usually two pairs of wings, or, more generally, any similar very small animal
20 Clues: damage caused to air by harmful substances or waste • an area of land covered with a thick growth of trees • a sea creature with a soft, oval, almost transparent body • a small animal like a mouse with wings that flies at night • chasing and killing an animal or bird for food, sport, or profit • a small creature with eight thin legs that catches insects in a web • ...
Nature 2013-06-20
- Gives us light at night
- Water that falls from the sky
- High and rocky
- A place where it almost never rains
- This animal has eight legs
- Big hairy animal that eats fish
- Animal that is known as the king of the jungle
- A mountain that can explode
- White and very cold
- Winged animal that lives in a cave
- A big group of trees
- Animal that climbs trees and eats bananas
- Moving water
- Gives us light and warmth
- Green, soft and grows on the ground
- A person who studies the weather
- A big body of water
- Needed to make it rain
18 Clues: Moving water • High and rocky • A big body of water • White and very cold • A big group of trees • Needed to make it rain • Gives us light at night • Gives us light and warmth • This animal has eight legs • A mountain that can explode • Water that falls from the sky • Big hairy animal that eats fish • A person who studies the weather • Winged animal that lives in a cave • ...
Nature 2022-04-22
18 Clues: levät • happi • tulva • kuivuus • eroosio • saasteet • eliökehä • elinalue • lumivyöry • puutavara • ympäristö • selluloosa • viemärivesi • salametsästys • metsittäminen • hedelmällinen • aavikoituminen • kastelujärjestelmä
Nature 2023-06-12
- a consumer that eats both plants and animals
- parts of the ecosystem that have never been alive
- the process where plants turn sunlight into food
- an organism that gets its energy by breaking down dead matter
- the study of ecosystems
- an organism that gets its energy from photosynthesis
- any form of water that falls from the sky
- the place where an organism lives
- a place where living and non-living things are connected
- a group of organisms of the same species living in the same ecosystem
- the way a plant or animal changes to fit its environment
- a consumer that eats only meat
- an organism that gets its energy by eating other organisms
- a consumer that eats only plants
- a particular group of organisms that can interbreed
- a person who studies eco-systems
- height above sea level
- the unique role of an organism
18 Clues: height above sea level • the study of ecosystems • a consumer that eats only meat • the unique role of an organism • a consumer that eats only plants • a person who studies eco-systems • the place where an organism lives • any form of water that falls from the sky • a consumer that eats both plants and animals • the process where plants turn sunlight into food • ...
Nature 2023-03-14
- earth
- move earth with a tool or machine
- shadow
- the main woody stem of a tree
- move slowly away from a fixed place
- the time in the evening when the sun disappears
- turn or be turned into ice
- a natural underground
- an area or land, smaller than a forest, that is covered with grown trees
- move one's hand to and fro
- choose from a number of alternatives
- the time in the morning wehn the sun appears
- to go or cause to go
- the first appearance in the sky brfore sunrise
- the alternate rising and falling of the sea
- the pointed point of a mountain
- a part from a tree
- to go somewhere where you can completely relax
18 Clues: earth • shadow • a part from a tree • to go or cause to go • a natural underground • move one's hand to and fro • turn or be turned into ice • the main woody stem of a tree • the pointed point of a mountain • move earth with a tool or machine • move slowly away from a fixed place • choose from a number of alternatives • the alternate rising and falling of the sea • ...
Nature 2023-03-14
- First appearance of light before sunrise
- Time in the evening when the sun disappears
- Top of a mountain
- Synonym of ground
- Break up or move earth with a tool
- Synonym of shadow
- Walk or move in a leisurely way
- Go somewhere
- Movement of the water
- Natural underground chamber
- Synonym of forest
- The main stem of a tree
- Escape from all
- Take something
- Time in the morning when the sun appears
- Another movement of the water
- Part of the tree which grows out from the trunk
- Store at a very low temperature
18 Clues: Go somewhere • Take something • Escape from all • Synonym of forest • Top of a mountain • Synonym of ground • Synonym of shadow • Movement of the water • The main stem of a tree • Natural underground chamber • Another movement of the water • Walk or move in a leisurely way • Store at a very low temperature • Break up or move earth with a tool • First appearance of light before sunrise • ...
Nature 2023-03-14
- It's usually in the mountains.
- Go for a walk.
- Something you do with a shovel.
- Similar to a forest.
- What happens to the food in the freezer.
- A movement you do when something falls down.
- Base of the tree.
- You can't see this at night.
- Synonym to earth.
- Top of the mountain.
- Five words, escape.
- Two words, go to.
- It happens in the evening.
- You can see them in the sea.
- It happens in the morning.
- Something in the trees.
- It changes with the moon.
- Something that happens in the sky.
18 Clues: Go for a walk. • Two words, go to. • Base of the tree. • Synonym to earth. • Five words, escape. • Top of the mountain. • Similar to a forest. • Something in the trees. • It changes with the moon. • It happens in the evening. • It happens in the morning. • You can see them in the sea. • You can't see this at night. • It's usually in the mountains. • Something you do with a shovel. • ...
NATURE 2023-03-15
- when the sun goes down
- opposite of sunrise
- top of a mountain
- where you dig
- make a hole in the soil
- where the sun doesn't illuminate
- walk around in calm
- go somewhere
- it creates the motion of the sea
- a big cavity in a mountain
- a place with lots of trees
- the big part of a tree
- go to a quiet place to forget your problems
- take something
- when the sun raise up
- they are in the coasts and they can raise meters of height
- the extremity of a tree
- cold state and when you are in low temperatures
18 Clues: go somewhere • where you dig • take something • top of a mountain • opposite of sunrise • walk around in calm • when the sun raise up • when the sun goes down • the big part of a tree • make a hole in the soil • the extremity of a tree • a place with lots of trees • a big cavity in a mountain • where the sun doesn't illuminate • it creates the motion of the sea • ...
Nature 2023-06-14
- The tiny, sparkling dot of light in the sky at night.
- A dark and hollow place inside a mountain or under the ground.
- A long, flowing body of water that starts from a high place and goes to a lower place.
- A very tall and big natural land formation that reaches high up into the sky.
- The place where the land meets the sea or ocean, with sandy beaches or cliffs.
- The invisible air that moves around and can make trees sway and kites fly.
- A large and calm body of water that is surrounded by land.
- A small piece of land surrounded by water, like a little floating world.
- A beautiful and powerful stream of water that falls from a high place.
- The huge body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth and is home to many creatures.
- A big, living plant that has a strong trunk, branches, and leaves.
- A hard and solid piece of the Earth that can be big or small.
- The big, round ball of fire in the sky that gives us light and warmth.
- The colorful and pretty part of a plant that often smells nice.
- The round, shiny object in the sky that changes shape every night.
- The big blue space above us where birds fly and clouds float.
- The fluffy white or gray mass in the sky that can bring rain or shade from the sun.
- The sandy or rocky area where the land meets the ocean or sea.
18 Clues: The tiny, sparkling dot of light in the sky at night. • A large and calm body of water that is surrounded by land. • A hard and solid piece of the Earth that can be big or small. • The big blue space above us where birds fly and clouds float. • A dark and hollow place inside a mountain or under the ground. • ...
Nature 2024-03-22
- part of a tree that has leaves
- in the Red Book
- nature with no plants, sand only
- Dogs swing it when they are happy
- destroy
- types of animals
- animals and plants
- be alive
- green thing that all trees have
- fish has it
- typical part of a bird
- spiders make it
- use paper again
- natural object that has falling water
- dirty environment
- it helps animals not to get cold
- part of a flower
- Animals use them to walk
18 Clues: destroy • be alive • fish has it • spiders make it • use paper again • in the Red Book • types of animals • part of a flower • dirty environment • animals and plants • typical part of a bird • Animals use them to walk • part of a tree that has leaves • green thing that all trees have • nature with no plants, sand only • it helps animals not to get cold • Dogs swing it when they are happy • ...
NATURE 2023-03-14
- a large hole in the side of a hill, cliff, or mountain, or one that is underground
- to walk slowly about a place without any purpose
- to break up and move soil using a machine or your hands
- a large area of trees growing near each other
- turn or be turned into ice or another solid as a result of extreme cold
- If you pick fruit you take them off a tree
- the thick stem of a tree
- an area where there is no light from the sun and so it is darker
- the top layer of earth that plants grow in
- the top of a mountain
- to go somewhere where you can completely relax and forget your responsibilities
- to go somewhere
- the time when the sun disappears in the evening
- a line of higher water that moves across the surface of the sea
- the time when the sun appears in the morning
- a part of a tree which grows out from the trunk or from a bough
- the regular rise and fall in the level of the sea
- the first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise
18 Clues: to go somewhere • the top of a mountain • the thick stem of a tree • If you pick fruit you take them off a tree • the top layer of earth that plants grow in • the time when the sun appears in the morning • a large area of trees growing near each other • the time when the sun disappears in the evening • to walk slowly about a place without any purpose • ...
Nature 2023-03-14
- go somewhere where you can completely relax
- forest
- part of a tree, like the arm
- shadow
- light in the sky before sunrise
- ground
- low temperature
- choose
- rising and falling of the sea
- top of a mountain
- go to
- opposite of sunset
- walk or move in a aimless way.
- at the evening, when the sun disappears
- water curling into an arched form and breaking on the shore
- move earth with a shovel
- "you can tell the age of a tree by the rings inside its ....."
- natural underground chamber
18 Clues: go to • forest • shadow • ground • choose • low temperature • top of a mountain • opposite of sunset • move earth with a shovel • natural underground chamber • part of a tree, like the arm • rising and falling of the sea • walk or move in a aimless way. • light in the sky before sunrise • at the evening, when the sun disappears • go somewhere where you can completely relax • ...
Nature 2023-03-14
- the time of day when light first appears
- the time when the sun goes down and night begins
- the point when somebody/something is best, most successful, strongest, etc
- the top layer of the earth in which plants, trees, etc. grow
- to make a hole in the ground or to move soil from one place to another using your hands, a tool or a machine
- an area that is dark and cool under or behind something, for example a tree or building, because the sun’s light does not get to it
- to walk slowly around or to a place, often without any particular sense of purpose or direction
- go somewhere
- a regular rise and fall in the level of the sea, caused by the pull of the moon and sun; the flow of water that happens as the sea rises and falls
- enlarge imagea large hole in the side of a hill or cliff or under the ground
- the hard material that the trunk and branches of a tree are made of; this material when it is used to build or make things with, or as a fuel
- the thick main stem of a tree, that the branches grow from
- to escape from all
- to choose somebody/something from a group of people or things
- the time when the sun first appears in the sky in the morning
- a raised line of water that moves across the surface of the sea, ocean,etc.
- a part of a tree that grows out from the main stem and on which leaves, flowers and fruit grow
- to become hard, and often turn to ice, as a result of extreme cold; to make something do this
18 Clues: go somewhere • to escape from all • the time of day when light first appears • the time when the sun goes down and night begins • the thick main stem of a tree, that the branches grow from • the top layer of the earth in which plants, trees, etc. grow • to choose somebody/something from a group of people or things • ...
nature 2023-03-15
- the appearance of daylight
- Body of a tree, stem without considering the branches.
- Underground space under mountains
- Extension of land densely populated with trees, shrubs and bushes.
- Store food and other delicate materials at very low temperatures to prevent them from being damaged by heat.
- seize or take something or someone.
- head towards a place
- Open or raise the soil with a hoe to cultivate.
- forms on the surface of the water due to wind or currents.
- Solid part of the planet that is not covered by the sea.
- walk somewhere
- get out, run away
- Part of a space to which light does not reach, especially that of the sun.
- Thin part of the tree, sometimes long and sometimes short
- The light of the Sun appears on the horizon, beginning a new day.
- cyclical movement of sea level and the oceans
- the moment the Sun sets, hides or disappears on the horizon, in the direction of the west
- outgoing bird head art
18 Clues: walk somewhere • get out, run away • head towards a place • outgoing bird head art • the appearance of daylight • Underground space under mountains • seize or take something or someone. • cyclical movement of sea level and the oceans • Open or raise the soil with a hoe to cultivate. • Body of a tree, stem without considering the branches. • ...
Nature 2023-03-19
- the time in the morning when the sun appears
- a natural chamber
- a disturbance or variation
- to go on vacation
- the main woody stem of a tree
- to move and break up earth
- to shelter or screen
- the time when the upper limb of the sun disappears
- the act of choosing or selecting
- a division or subdivision of the stem
- to harden into ice
- the first appearance of light in the morning
- make for
- the hard fibrous material
- the highest level
- to move about without a fixed course
- very long-period waves
- loose surface material
18 Clues: make for • a natural chamber • the highest level • to go on vacation • to harden into ice • to shelter or screen • very long-period waves • loose surface material • the hard fibrous material • a disturbance or variation • to move and break up earth • the main woody stem of a tree • the act of choosing or selecting • to move about without a fixed course • ...
Nature 2022-12-28
Nature 2020-04-07
- i shine at night and many people believe i am made of cheese
- i fly and i chirp
- when you come to visit me dont forget your swimsuit and a volleyball
- i am brown and when it rains i become mud
- i am tall and green up the top
- i am everywhere and my colour is green
- admire me from a far because my waters fall continuously
- i am bright too bright for the naked eye
- i slither but beware and stay away because i bite
- my petals are red but my stem is green
- different shades of me decorate the sky
- i light up the sky when i strike
- i will flutter around you and i come in a variety of different colours
- i mark the beginning of a new day
- when the rain passes i come out to shine
- i fall when autumn comes around
- i am very hot during the day time but when night falls i am freezing
- i am big and blue
18 Clues: i fly and i chirp • i am big and blue • i am tall and green up the top • i fall when autumn comes around • i light up the sky when i strike • i mark the beginning of a new day • i am everywhere and my colour is green • my petals are red but my stem is green • different shades of me decorate the sky • when the rain passes i come out to shine • ...
NATURE 2023-07-02
- An area of lower land between two lines of hills or mountains, usually with a river flowing through it
- A piece of land completely surrounded by water
- A thick tropical forest with many large plants growing very close together
- A track that has been made deliberately or made by many people walking over the same ground
- Land used for farming
- The area where the land meets the sea
- a structure built over a river, road, …
- A part of the sea that is partly enclosed by a curve in the land
- A place where water from a river or stream falls down over a cliff or rock
- An area of land that is higher than the land around it, like a mountain but smaller
- A natural and continuous flow of water in a long line across a country into the sea
- A mountain with a large hole at the top, through which lava is sometimes forced out
- A large area of land where it is always very dry, there are few plants, and there is a lot of sand or rocks
- A large open area with grass and trees, especially in a town, where people can walk, play games, …
- A field with wild grass and flowers
- A large area of land that is covered with trees
- A large area of rock or a mountain with a very steep side, often at the edge of the sea or a river
- An area of sand or small stones at the edge of the sea or a lake
18 Clues: Land used for farming • A field with wild grass and flowers • The area where the land meets the sea • a structure built over a river, road, … • A piece of land completely surrounded by water • A large area of land that is covered with trees • An area of sand or small stones at the edge of the sea or a lake • ...
Nature! 2020-05-04
- action from plate tectonics pushes these up
- the start of school, changing colors of the trees
- this is made of decomposed trees, plants, worn down rocks
- the shine of the sun
- April showers bring May....
- sudden drop, or fall, of water down a hill
- i'm surrounded by water on every side
- hot weather, popsicles, vacations, sleeping-in
- what we call energy from oil, coal, and natural gas
- millions of years of crushed rock; we love to put our toes in it
- you do this or you move, adapt, or die
- means heat of the earth
- some folks have millions of these tiny plants in their yard
- heavy condensation, sometimes falls in buckets! without it, we die
- warming of the earth's surface, too fast for adaptation
- blocked the Reeds and the Donners from Sutter's Fort
- needed to make a turbine move, when there's no water or steam
- caused by light traveling through tiny drops of water
18 Clues: the shine of the sun • means heat of the earth • April showers bring May.... • i'm surrounded by water on every side • you do this or you move, adapt, or die • sudden drop, or fall, of water down a hill • action from plate tectonics pushes these up • hot weather, popsicles, vacations, sleeping-in • the start of school, changing colors of the trees • ...
Nature 2021-09-13
NATURE 2023-03-14
18 Clues: Cim • Alba • Bosc • Cova • Tronc • Terra • Cavar • ombra • Onada • Marea • Branca • Anar a • Gelar-se • Fugir de tot • Posta del sol • Collir, agafra • Sortida del sol • Passejar, deambular
nature 2022-04-17
- a precious or semiprecious stone.
- light from the sun.
- a grain of a cereal grass that is used for making flour.
- a widely grown cereal crop native to the Americas with orange, blue, yellow or with seeds.
- wood that has been cut and made ready for building.
- a sweet sticky substance made by bees from the nectar flowers.
- a small round green vegetable that grows in a pod.
- oil, oil that is in its natural state.
- a cereal plant from cool climates used for animal feed.
- animal skin that has been cleaned and treated in order to preserve it
- the top layer of the ground that plants grow in.
- a black mineral formed over millions of years from decaying plants buried deep underground.
- the soft curly hair of sheep or some animals.
- a very fine material made from threads of silkworm cocoons.
- a grey white metallic element used for making tools
- a type of cereal crop whose grains are used in food.
- a round light brown seed that is cooked and eaten.
- an edible gourd that grows on vines on the ground.
18 Clues: light from the sun. • a precious or semiprecious stone. • oil, oil that is in its natural state. • the soft curly hair of sheep or some animals. • the top layer of the ground that plants grow in. • a round light brown seed that is cooked and eaten. • a small round green vegetable that grows in a pod. • an edible gourd that grows on vines on the ground. • ...
nature 2024-04-17
- water is flowing from them
- in another sense soil
- place surrounded by water around her
- place located on the shore of the ocean or sea
- place where you can sunbathe
- you can climb or hike on them
- place where you can jump into the water
- these are the weeping trees
- wild forest
- is smaller than the sea,but greater than the pond
- place where there are a lot of trees/plants
- formed from natural minerals
- is smaller than the ocean,but larger than the lake
- place where there is a lot of sand
- is bigger than the sea
- lava flows out of it
- it is a spatial physical quantity
- is smaller than the sea
18 Clues: wild forest • lava flows out of it • in another sense soil • is bigger than the sea • is smaller than the sea • water is flowing from them • these are the weeping trees • formed from natural minerals • place where you can sunbathe • you can climb or hike on them • it is a spatial physical quantity • place where there is a lot of sand • place surrounded by water around her • ...
Nature 2020-10-01
- under threat of extinction
- to over-exploit resources
- absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation
- efforts to protect wildlife & resources
- acontamination
- population of zero
- the destruction of woodland
- where an animal lives
- dense forest in tropical area/ heavy rainfall
- large habitat are divided into smaller ones
- to use or take advantange of
- a breed of animal
- a type of renewable energy
- interaction of organisms and environment
- coal and gas for example
- a protected green area
- variety of plants & animal species
17 Clues: acontamination • a breed of animal • population of zero • where an animal lives • a protected green area • coal and gas for example • to over-exploit resources • under threat of extinction • a type of renewable energy • the destruction of woodland • to use or take advantange of • variety of plants & animal species • absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation • ...
NATURE 2023-03-14
- ocean, water: undulation
- in ground
- tree part
- turn to ice
- walk or move in a leisurely or aimless way
- the time in the morning when the sun appears or full daylight arrives
- earth
- ocean current
- choose
- escape from a person or place, often when it is difficult to do this
- nightfall
- mountain top
- earliest time of day
- go towards, go to
- small forest
- thickest part of a tree
- stir the soil with a shovel
17 Clues: earth • choose • in ground • nightfall • tree part • turn to ice • mountain top • small forest • ocean current • go towards, go to • earliest time of day • thickest part of a tree • ocean, water: undulation • stir the soil with a shovel • walk or move in a leisurely or aimless way • escape from a person or place, often when it is difficult to do this • ...
Nature 2020-10-01
- under threat of extinction
- to over-exploit resources
- absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation
- efforts to protect wildlife & resources
- acontamination
- population of zero
- the destruction of woodland
- where an animal lives
- dense forest in tropical area/ heavy rainfall
- large habitat are divided into smaller ones
- to use or take advantange of
- a breed of animal
- a type of renewable energy
- interaction of organisms and environment
- coal and gas for example
- a protected green area
- variety of plants & animal species
17 Clues: acontamination • a breed of animal • population of zero • where an animal lives • a protected green area • coal and gas for example • to over-exploit resources • under threat of extinction • a type of renewable energy • the destruction of woodland • to use or take advantange of • variety of plants & animal species • absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation • ...
Nature 2020-05-23
- A place which has a lot of water.
- A small animal which has whiskers, claws and soft fur.
- A person who explores the nature.
- A person who swims in the deep sea.
- A living being which grows from the floor.
- An animal who flies.
- An animal who haunts other animals.
- A person who plants flowers, plants and trees.
- A bar of ice which appears in caves when it is very cold.
- An animal which is known as "The man's best friend".
- A person who sells flowers.
- A plant which has petals.
- A person who fishes fishes.
- A person who hunts animals.
- A mountain which expels lava.
- An asian bear which fur is black and white.
- A very big place which is arid and too warm.
17 Clues: An animal who flies. • A plant which has petals. • A person who sells flowers. • A person who fishes fishes. • A person who hunts animals. • A mountain which expels lava. • A place which has a lot of water. • A person who explores the nature. • A person who swims in the deep sea. • An animal who haunts other animals. • A living being which grows from the floor. • ...
nature 2023-03-11
17 Clues: pień • krzak • dziób • chomik • gepard • topnieć • gwizdać • pustynia • mgliście • mrowisko • wybrzeże • nietoperz • chemikalia • las deszczowy • zanieczyszczenie • marnować, odpady • trzęsienie ziemi
Nature 2023-03-14
- when the sun rises in the morning
- go towards, go to
- the movement of the sea causes
- the movement of the sea
- in the evening when the light ends
- what is cut from trees
- on top of a mountain
- Vegetables grow better in fertile...
- where do the birds go in a tree
- when you remove the soil to make a hole
- when it's very cold outside, you...
- your "" always follows you
- where fairies and goblins live
- where bears sleep
- Choose, select
- I got lost and "" through the streets
- to go somewhere, usually on holiday, where you can completely relax and forget your responsibilities or problems
17 Clues: Choose, select • go towards, go to • where bears sleep • on top of a mountain • what is cut from trees • the movement of the sea • your "" always follows you • where fairies and goblins live • the movement of the sea causes • where do the birds go in a tree • when the sun rises in the morning • in the evening when the light ends • when it's very cold outside, you... • ...
Nature 2024-05-15
- Name for animals living in their natural habitats.
- National animal of NZ
- Native NZ reptile.
- Leave turn this colour in Autumn.
- Trees convert this chemical element into oxygen.
- Material we get from sheep for clothes and other items.
- A large area densely populated with trees.
- Trees create this chemical element so we can breathe.
- Ruapehu, Aoraki, Taranaki, Ngauruhoe and Tongariro are examples of this.
- A huge area that receives very little rainfall.
- The season known for the birth of many animals.
- Cheeky NZ green alpine parrot.
- A large area densely populated with trees and has high rainfall.
- Name for trees that do not lose their leaves or green colour in Autumn.
- The area where land meets the ocean. The edges of NZ
- Large pieces of floating ice. Titanic hit one.
- Extinct flightless bird. Roamed NZ and we more than 2 metres tall.
17 Clues: Native NZ reptile. • National animal of NZ • Cheeky NZ green alpine parrot. • Leave turn this colour in Autumn. • A large area densely populated with trees. • Large pieces of floating ice. Titanic hit one. • A huge area that receives very little rainfall. • The season known for the birth of many animals. • Trees convert this chemical element into oxygen. • ...
Nature 2020-10-01
- under threat of extinction
- to over-exploit resources
- absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation
- efforts to protect wildlife & resources
- acontamination
- population of zero
- the destruction of woodland
- where an animal lives
- dense forest in tropical area/ heavy rainfall
- large habitat are divided into smaller ones
- to use or take advantange of
- a breed of animal
- a type of renewable energy
- interaction of organisms and environment
- coal and gas for example
- a protected green area
- variety of plants & animal species
17 Clues: acontamination • a breed of animal • population of zero • where an animal lives • a protected green area • coal and gas for example • to over-exploit resources • under threat of extinction • a type of renewable energy • the destruction of woodland • to use or take advantange of • variety of plants & animal species • absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation • ...
nature 2023-03-20
- the pointed top of a mountain
- the first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise
- the time in the morning when the sun appears or full daylight arrives
- a long body of water curling into an arched form and breaking on the shore.
- go to
- walk or move
- earth in which plants grow
- a natural underground chamber
- the main woody stem of a tree
- escape of all
- the alternate rising and falling of the sea
- turn or be turned into ice or another solid as a result of extreme cold.
- caused by shelter from direct sunlight
- group of trees
- move earth with a tool or machine
- the time in the evening when the sun disappears
- grab something
17 Clues: go to • walk or move • escape of all • group of trees • grab something • earth in which plants grow • the main woody stem of a tree • the pointed top of a mountain • a natural underground chamber • move earth with a tool or machine • caused by shelter from direct sunlight • the alternate rising and falling of the sea • the time in the evening when the sun disappears • ...
Nature 2013-05-07
Nature 2018-07-03
17 Clues: пар • гром • капля • лавина • засуха • погода • молния • облако • ураган • цунами • испарение • извержение • наводнение • катастрофа • конденсация • землетрясение • ураганный ветер
nature 2021-04-09
- a very young plant with just a couple of leafs
- what a seeds does after 2 weeks
- the eggs of a frog
- the start of an flower
- what mammals use to breathe
- something that is not alive is ....
- when the animal comes out of the egg
- the stuff where you plant your seeds
- crocodiles, snakes,iguanas are all ......
- something that can grow and eats is this
- an anima that flies and lays eggs
- an animal who give birth to babies
- what fish use to breathe
- the place where the frogs lays their eggs
- a mammel that lives in the sea
- the part a plant with leafs and the flower on top
- plant needs this to grow
17 Clues: the eggs of a frog • the start of an flower • what fish use to breathe • plant needs this to grow • what mammals use to breathe • a mammel that lives in the sea • what a seeds does after 2 weeks • an anima that flies and lays eggs • an animal who give birth to babies • something that is not alive is .... • when the animal comes out of the egg • the stuff where you plant your seeds • ...
Nature 2020-10-01
- under threat of extinction
- to over-exploit resources
- absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation
- efforts to protect wildlife & resources
- acontamination
- population of zero
- the destruction of woodland
- where an animal lives
- dense forest in tropical area/ heavy rainfall
- large habitat are divided into smaller ones
- to use or take advantange of
- a breed of animal
- a type of renewable energy
- interaction of organisms and environment
- coal and gas for example
- a protected green area
- variety of plants & animal species
17 Clues: acontamination • a breed of animal • population of zero • where an animal lives • a protected green area • coal and gas for example • to over-exploit resources • under threat of extinction • a type of renewable energy • the destruction of woodland • to use or take advantange of • variety of plants & animal species • absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation • ...
Nature 2023-03-20
Nature 2015-12-17
Nature 2023-06-15
- A large area covered with trees and undergrowth.
- A vast body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface.
- A sandy or pebbly shore by the edge of a body of water.
- A solid mineral material forming part of the Earth's surface.
- A large landform that rises above the surrounding land, with steep sides.
- The movement of air in the atmosphere.
- A low-growing plant with narrow leaves, often covering the ground.
- Water falling in drops from the atmosphere.
- A tall plant with a woody trunk and branches.
- The reproductive part of a plant that produces colorful petals.
- The star at the center of the solar system that provides light and heat.
- The natural satellite that orbits around the Earth.
- A visible mass of water droplets or ice crystals in the atmosphere.
- A large body of water surrounded by land.
- A natural flowing watercourse, often with freshwater.
- A luminous celestial body consisting of gas and emitting light.
16 Clues: The movement of air in the atmosphere. • A large body of water surrounded by land. • Water falling in drops from the atmosphere. • A tall plant with a woody trunk and branches. • A large area covered with trees and undergrowth. • The natural satellite that orbits around the Earth. • A natural flowing watercourse, often with freshwater. • ...
Nature 2023-06-13
- natural underground hollow or passage, typically formed by the erosion of rock.
- large area of land covered with trees, plants, and wildlife.
- large body of water surrounded by land, usually freshwater and often fed by rivers or streams.
- rapidly rotating column of air that is in contact with both the surface of the earth and a cumulonimbus cloud, often characterized by a funnel-shaped cloud extending downward.
- luminous celestial body consisting of a mass of hot gas that emits light and heat.
- piece of land that is surrounded by water, smaller than a continent.
- deep, narrow valley with steep sides, often carved by a river.
- sandy or pebbly area along the shore of a body of water, such as an ocean, sea, or lake.
- moment when the sun appears above the horizon in the morning, marking the beginning of a new day.
- cascade of water that falls from a height, often flowing over rocks or cliffs.
- dry, barren region that receives very little rainfall and is characterized by sand dunes, cacti, and extreme temperatures.
- large natural elevation of the earth's surface that rises steeply above the surrounding land.
- natural phenomenon that appears in the sky as a circular arc of colors, caused by the reflection, refraction, and dispersion of light in water droplets.
- mountain or hill with a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot gases, and ash are ejected from the earth's crust.
- large mass of ice that moves slowly down a mountain or over land.
- flowing body of water that is typically large and permanent, flowing towards an ocean, sea, lake, or another river.
16 Clues: large area of land covered with trees, plants, and wildlife. • deep, narrow valley with steep sides, often carved by a river. • large mass of ice that moves slowly down a mountain or over land. • piece of land that is surrounded by water, smaller than a continent. • cascade of water that falls from a height, often flowing over rocks or cliffs. • ...
nature 2023-06-15
- The region of the atmosphere that appears above the Earth. It is often seen as a vast expanse of blue during the day and filled with stars at night.
- The natural movement of air in the atmosphere. It can be felt as a gentle breeze or a strong gust, and it can move objects and create sounds.
- The natural satellite that orbits the Earth. It can be seen as a bright, round object in the sky at night.
- A luminous celestial object that appears as a point of light in the night sky. Stars are distant suns that emit their own light.
- The sandy or pebbly shore of a body of water, such as an ocean or a lake. Beaches are popular for recreation and relaxation.
- A natural flowing watercourse that usually originates from a source, such as a mountain or a lake, and flows into another body of water.
- A large landform that rises steeply above its surroundings and has a peak or summit. Mountains are often covered with snow and offer scenic views.
- Animals and plants that live and grow in their natural habitats, away from human settlements. Wildlife encompasses a wide range of species.
- The star at the center of our solar system that provides light and heat to the Earth. It appears as a bright, round object in the sky during the day.
- The reproductive structure of a plant, often colorful and fragrant. Flowers attract pollinators and add beauty to gardens and landscapes.
- A cascade of water that flows over a steep drop in a river or a stream. Waterfalls are often admired for their beauty and can create a soothing sound.
- A vast body of saltwater that covers a significant portion of the Earth's surface. Oceans are home to diverse marine life and play a crucial role in the planet's climate.
- A visible mass of water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere. Clouds can appear white, gray, or dark depending on their thickness.
- A large area covered with trees, plants, and wildlife. Forests provide habitats for various species and help maintain the balance of nature.
- Water that falls from the clouds in the form of droplets. Rain is an important part of the water cycle and is essential for plants and animals.
- A tall plant with a trunk and branches that grows in nature. Trees provide shade, produce oxygen, and support various ecosystems.
16 Clues: The natural satellite that orbits the Earth. It can be seen as a bright, round object in the sky at night. • The sandy or pebbly shore of a body of water, such as an ocean or a lake. Beaches are popular for recreation and relaxation. • ...
Nature 2023-06-19
- This is a sandy area by the sea or ocean. Beaches have soft sand, gentle waves, and are perfect for playing, swimming, and building sandcastles.
- This is a colorful and delicate insect with wings. Butterflies go through a process called metamorphosis, starting as a caterpillar and transforming into a butterfly.
- This is water that falls from the sky. When it rains, we can see and hear water droplets coming down. Rain helps plants grow and fills up rivers and lakes.
- This is a beautiful and colorful part of a plant. Flowers come in many different shapes and sizes. They can be found in gardens, fields, and even in the wild.
- This is a living creature that is not a plant. Animals can be found in various shapes, sizes, and habitats. They include pets, wild animals, and farm animals.
- These are small and twinkling lights that we can see in the night sky. Stars come in different sizes and form different patterns called constellations.
- This is a large area with many trees. Forests are home to various animals and plants. They provide shelter and food for wildlife and are fun to explore.
- This is a long and flowing body of water. Rivers can be big or small and are often found in nature. They provide habitats for many animals and plants.
- This is a bright and warm ball of light in the sky. The sun gives us light and heat. It rises in the morning and sets in the evening.
- This is a beautiful sight where water flows down a steep drop or cliff. Waterfalls make a soothing sound and are often surrounded by lush greenery.
- This is a fluffy and white mass that we can see in the sky. Clouds can look like cotton balls or puffy shapes. They can also bring rain or shade the sun.
- This is a green and soft plant that covers the ground. Grass grows in lawns and fields and is fun to walk and play on.
- This is a very tall and rocky landform. Mountains have steep slopes and can be covered in snow at the top. They are great for hiking and exploring.
- This is a round and shiny object that we can see in the night sky. The moon changes its shape and helps light up the night.
- This is a small and feathered creature that can fly in the sky. Birds come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. They chirp and sing beautiful songs.
- This is a tall and strong plant that grows very big. Trees have a trunk, branches, and leaves. They provide shade and produce oxygen for us to breathe.
16 Clues: This is a green and soft plant that covers the ground. Grass grows in lawns and fields and is fun to walk and play on. • This is a round and shiny object that we can see in the night sky. The moon changes its shape and helps light up the night. • ...
Nature 2023-06-18
- The reproductive structure of a plant, often colorful and fragrant.
- A cascade of water falling from a height, often with a scenic or dramatic effect.
- The daily event when the Sun appears to descend below the horizon, resulting in a colorful sky.
- A piece of land surrounded by water, often smaller than a continent and larger than a rock.
- A natural flowing watercourse, typically with freshwater, that runs towards an ocean, sea, lake, or another river.
- A large body of water surrounded by land, typically freshwater.
- A barren and arid region with little or no vegetation, typically characterized by sand and extreme temperatures.
- A large landform that rises steeply above its surroundings, usually with a peak or summit.
- The sandy or pebbly shore of a body of water, typically the ocean or a lake.
- A visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the atmosphere.
- Animals and plants living in their natural habitat, often found in wild and undisturbed areas.
- A meteorological phenomenon that appears as a multicolored arc in the sky, caused by the reflection, refraction, and dispersion of light.
- A natural underground chamber or series of chambers, typically formed by erosion.
- A large area covered with trees and undergrowth, often home to diverse plant and animal species.
- A luminous celestial body consisting of hot gases, visible as a point of light in the night sky.
- A tall, perennial plant with a trunk and branches, typically producing leaves, flowers, and fruits.
16 Clues: A large body of water surrounded by land, typically freshwater. • A visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the atmosphere. • The reproductive structure of a plant, often colorful and fragrant. • The sandy or pebbly shore of a body of water, typically the ocean or a lake. • ...
Nature 2023-06-21
- A vast body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface. Oceans are home to numerous marine species.
- A large body of water surrounded by land. Lakes are often calm and provide habitats for aquatic life.
- A large flowing body of water that moves towards the sea. Rivers provide habitats for various plants and animals.
- A large area covered with many trees. Forests are home to a variety of plants, animals, and insects.
- A deep and narrow valley with steep sides. Canyons are often carved by rivers or formed through geological processes.
- The sandy or pebbly shore of a body of water. Beaches are popular for swimming, sunbathing, and relaxation.
- A dense forest characterized by high rainfall and a diverse range of plant and animal species.
- A cascade of water that flows over a steep incline or cliff. Waterfalls are formed by rivers or streams.
- The natural satellite that orbits around the Earth. The moon appears at night and goes through phases.
- The reproductive part of a plant. Flowers are colorful and attract bees and butterflies for pollination.
- Animals and plants that live and grow in their natural habitats. Wildlife includes mammals, birds, reptiles, and more.
- A large landform that rises steeply above its surroundings. Mountains are often covered in snow at the top.
- The star at the center of our solar system that provides light and heat to the Earth.
- A barren and arid region with little rainfall and sparse vegetation. Deserts are often hot during the day.
- A tall plant with a trunk, branches, and leaves. Trees provide shade and produce oxygen through photosynthesis.
- The atmosphere above the Earth where clouds, stars, and the sun can be seen. The sky can be blue or cloudy.
16 Clues: The star at the center of our solar system that provides light and heat to the Earth. • A dense forest characterized by high rainfall and a diverse range of plant and animal species. • A large area covered with many trees. Forests are home to a variety of plants, animals, and insects. • ...
Nature 2023-06-23
- Natural satellite that orbits the Earth.
- Large body of water surrounded by land.
- Tall landform that reaches high into the sky.
- Dense area with many trees and wildlife.
- Water flowing down a steep drop in a river or stream.
- Long, flowing water body that runs through land.
- Moving air that can be gentle or strong.
- Living creature that can move and react to its environment.
- White or gray mass of tiny water droplets in the sky.
- Bright, hot ball of gas that provides light and warmth.
- Tall plant with branches and leaves.
- Feathered animal that can fly and lay eggs.
- Glowing celestial object in the night sky.
- Colorful plant with petals and fragrance.
- Water falling from the sky in droplets.
- Sandy or rocky area where the land meets the sea.
16 Clues: Tall plant with branches and leaves. • Large body of water surrounded by land. • Water falling from the sky in droplets. • Natural satellite that orbits the Earth. • Dense area with many trees and wildlife. • Moving air that can be gentle or strong. • Colorful plant with petals and fragrance. • Glowing celestial object in the night sky. • ...
NATURE 2023-06-25
- A loud noise that you hear after you see a flash of light in the sky during a storm.
- A sandy or pebbly area by the ocean or lake where people can swim and play in the water.
- Drops of water falling from the sky to the ground, making everything wet.
- The time when the sun goes down and the sky becomes colorful with shades of orange and pink.
- A large place with many trees, plants, and animals.
- A beautiful and powerful thing where water falls down from a high place to a lower place.
- Moving air that you can feel but cannot see, sometimes blowing softly or strongly.
- A beautiful curve of colors that appears in the sky after the rain when the sun comes out.
- A very tall and big natural thing made of rocks and soil that reaches high into the sky.
- A long, flowing body of water that starts from the mountains and goes into the ocean.
- The time when the sun comes up and the sky becomes brighter in the morning.
- A white or gray fluffy thing in the sky that is made of tiny drops of water or ice.
- A bright point of light in the sky at night that is far away from Earth.
- A tall living thing with a trunk, branches, and leaves that grows in the ground.
- A big area filled with water that is surrounded by land and often home to fish and ducks.
- A pretty and colorful part of a plant that attracts insects and bees.
16 Clues: A large place with many trees, plants, and animals. • A pretty and colorful part of a plant that attracts insects and bees. • A bright point of light in the sky at night that is far away from Earth. • Drops of water falling from the sky to the ground, making everything wet. • The time when the sun comes up and the sky becomes brighter in the morning. • ...
Nature 2023-06-27
- A tall and elevated natural landform with a peak or summit, often covered in vegetation or snow
- A visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the atmosphere, creating various shapes and patterns
- The reproductive structure of a plant, often colorful and fragrant, attracting insects for pollination
- A piece of land surrounded by water, typically smaller than a continent and isolated
- A luminous celestial object visible in the night sky, often associated with beauty and wonder
- A hollow or underground cavity in the Earth's surface, often formed by erosion or volcanic activity
- A tall, perennial plant with a single woody stem and branches, providing shade and oxygen
- A vast body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface, home to diverse marine life
- The natural movement of air in the atmosphere, sometimes gentle and refreshing, other times strong and powerful
- A large inland body of water surrounded by land, often fed by rivers or underground springs
- A sandy or rocky shore along the edge of a body of water, where the land meets the sea
- A large area dominated by trees, plants, and wildlife, creating a lush and green environment
- A large flowing body of water that usually empties into a sea, ocean, or lake
- The star at the center of our solar system, providing heat, light, and energy to the Earth
- A natural feature where water flows rapidly and vertically down a steep incline or cliff
- The expanse of space that appears above the Earth, often displaying various colors and clouds
16 Clues: A large flowing body of water that usually empties into a sea, ocean, or lake • A piece of land surrounded by water, typically smaller than a continent and isolated • A sandy or rocky shore along the edge of a body of water, where the land meets the sea • A natural feature where water flows rapidly and vertically down a steep incline or cliff • ...
Nature 2023-07-05
- The natural satellite that orbits around the Earth.
- A large landform that rises above the surrounding landscape.
- A barren area of land with little or no vegetation.
- A tall plant with a trunk and branches, often found in forests.
- A dense forest characterized by high rainfall and biodiversity.
- A visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the atmosphere.
- A large body of water surrounded by land.
- A large area covered with trees and undergrowth.
- The star at the center of our solar system, providing light and heat.
- A vast body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface.
- Animals and plants that live in their natural habitats.
- A colorful and fragrant plant part that attracts pollinators.
- A cascade of water flowing over a steep surface or cliff.
- A natural flowing watercourse that empties into a larger body of water.
- The sandy or pebbly shore of a body of water.
- A luminous celestial body visible in the night sky.
16 Clues: A large body of water surrounded by land. • The sandy or pebbly shore of a body of water. • A large area covered with trees and undergrowth. • The natural satellite that orbits around the Earth. • A barren area of land with little or no vegetation. • A luminous celestial body visible in the night sky. • Animals and plants that live in their natural habitats. • ...
Nature 2023-07-17
- A large body of water surrounded by land. It offers a peaceful setting and is a habitat for fish and other water creatures.
- A cascade of water falling from a height. It creates a mesmerizing sight and the sound of rushing water is soothing.
- A visible mass of water droplets or ice crystals in the atmosphere. They come in various shapes and can bring rain or shade.
- A large landform that rises steeply above the surrounding area. It is often covered in snow and offers breathtaking views.
- Animals, birds, and other creatures that live in their natural habitats. They contribute to the biodiversity and balance of nature.
- The star at the center of our solar system. It provides light and warmth to Earth, and it's the source of energy for plants.
- A sandy or pebbly area by the sea or a lake. It's a popular spot for swimming, sunbathing, and building sandcastles.
- A natural flowing watercourse. It provides water for plants and animals, and it's a habitat for aquatic creatures.
- Luminous celestial objects that appear as points of light in the night sky. They create a magical and awe-inspiring view.
- Natural underground chambers or hollows. They are formed over time and can be home to unique geological formations and creatures.
- A grassy field with wildflowers and often inhabited by grazing animals. It is a peaceful and picturesque part of nature.
- A colorful arc that appears in the sky after rain when the sun shines. It is a beautiful natural phenomenon.
- A colorful and fragrant part of a plant. It adds beauty to nature and attracts bees and butterflies.
- A large area of land covered with trees and plants. It is home to a variety of animals and provides oxygen for the planet.
- A dry and arid region with little or no vegetation. It is characterized by sand dunes and extreme temperature variations.
- A tall plant with a woody trunk and branches. It provides shade, oxygen, and homes for many animals.
16 Clues: A colorful and fragrant part of a plant. It adds beauty to nature and attracts bees and butterflies. • A tall plant with a woody trunk and branches. It provides shade, oxygen, and homes for many animals. • A colorful arc that appears in the sky after rain when the sun shines. It is a beautiful natural phenomenon. • ...