nature Crossword Puzzles
Nature 2020-05-16
- A bird abode.
- When violets take over your lawn.
- Drawing of yellow early spring flowers.
- What you experience when hiking along a stream in woodlands.
- Local mountain range.
- Tasty treat for Papas, kids, and well, everyone really!
- Flowering tree gifted to attendees at Lisa and Rob's wedding.
- A word to describe this sunrise, tree, and hawk.
- A green ingredient in tacos.
- An aquatic environment.
- Purple ornamental shrubs.
- Texas state flower (and a kind of ice cream (well, it is!)
- What kids of all ages dig up, pile up, and play in, especially at the beach.
- Yellow songbird.
- A beached carnivore and/or an adult beverage.
- Lawn grass, Texas style.
- If you're a kid, what trees are meant for.
- A place in Cohoes for people to hike.
- Chalk rainbow drawing symbolizing a happy outcome from Covid-19.
- Multiple yellow spring flowers greet the sunrise.
20 Clues: A bird abode. • Yellow songbird. • Local mountain range. • An aquatic environment. • Lawn grass, Texas style. • Purple ornamental shrubs. • A green ingredient in tacos. • When violets take over your lawn. • A place in Cohoes for people to hike. • Drawing of yellow early spring flowers. • If you're a kid, what trees are meant for. • A beached carnivore and/or an adult beverage. • ...
Nature 2020-05-18
- experience smth, especially problems or opposition
- small animals, birds, and insects that are harmful
- noticed but not listened to, accepted, or believed
- reduce the amount of smth that is present or available
- make smth or smb extremely thin from lack of food or illness
- exist in a way that may cause a problem, danger, difficulty etc
- spreads in different directions over a wide area
- make someone ill and weak
- extremely worried and frightened about a situation, so that you cannot control
- severely and violently damage someone’s body, esp. by cutting or removing part of it
- a very bad situation that someone is in
- type of animal or plant that does not exist anymore
- to say publicly that someone is not guilty or responsible for smth
- when unwanted things or people spread over in great numbers
- go into a place in large numbers, especially when you are not wanted
- expect or ask someone to do smth for you when this is not convenient
- to protect smth and prevent it from changing or being damaged
- cover an area with a large amount of water
- make a situation or the condition of smth worse
- an animal’s baby or babies
- extremely serious or terrible
- extremely unpleasant or of very bad quality
- able to produce babies, young animals, or new plants
- damage smth very badly or completely
- occurring again periodically or repeatedly
- able to continue without causing damage to the environment
- relating to birth
27 Clues: relating to birth • make someone ill and weak • an animal’s baby or babies • extremely serious or terrible • damage smth very badly or completely • a very bad situation that someone is in • cover an area with a large amount of water • occurring again periodically or repeatedly • extremely unpleasant or of very bad quality • make a situation or the condition of smth worse • ...
NATURE 2021-04-30
- is a landform that rises prominently above its surroundings, generally exhibiting steep slopes, a relatively confined summit area and considerable local relief.
- is a large, perennial accumulation of crystalline eyes, snow, rock, sediment, and often liquid water that originates on land and moves down slope under the influence of its on weight and gravity.
- a large and often winding stream which drains a land mass, carrying water down from higher areas to a lower point, often time, ending in another body of water, such as an ocean in an inland sea.
- is a barren area of landscape where little consequently , living conditions are hostile for plant and animal life.
- is continuous body of salt water that covers.
- is a peace of land that rises higher than everything surrounding it. it looks like a little bump in the earth.
- is usually made of sun tiny grains of rocks and minerals that have been worn down by constant pounding by wind and waves
- is an open habitat, or field, vegetated, by grass, herbs and other non-woody plants.
- is a body of land surrounded by water.
- is a flat expanse of land that generally does not change much in elevation, and are primarily treeless
- is a forest thick with trees, other plants and animals.
- is a mound of sand formed by the wind, usually along the beach or in a desert.
- is an open place in a city or town for nature. there are often trees and, benches, statues, and pond.
- is a trodden way.
- is the area around and belonging to house or other building
- is the edge of the land where it meets an ocean, sea, gulf, bay, or large lake
- is a mountain that opens downward to a pool of molten rock below the surface of the earth.
- is a great body of salt water that covers much of the earth broadly.
- is a vertical ( nearly vertical) rock face
- is the land along a sea.
- is a body of water partially surrounded by land. It is usually smaller and less and enclosed than a gulf.
21 Clues: is a trodden way. • is the land along a sea. • is a body of land surrounded by water. • is a vertical ( nearly vertical) rock face • is continuous body of salt water that covers. • is a forest thick with trees, other plants and animals. • is the area around and belonging to house or other building • is a great body of salt water that covers much of the earth broadly. • ...
Nature 2020-11-28
- Tal on pikad jalad, millega ta suudab tõrjuda eemale terve hundikarja.
- koeratõug kes sai nime Mehhiko linna järgi.
- Toitu otsib pimedas, sest siis tunneb ta end turvaliselt.
- Ta on tuntud puhtuse poolest, ta võib kulutada 24% oma päevast enda kasuka eest hoolitsemisele.
- Paljude lemmik mardikas.
- Võib saavutada kuni 59 km/h kiiruse joostes.
- ta suudab molekulaarjõudu kasutades klammerduda ka kõige siledamatele pindadele
- Ta suudab oma mitme paindliku kombitsaga asju kinni haarata ja pigistada.
- Ta justkui "loeb" oma nina abil.
- Tekitab infraheli urisedes nii madala häälega, et inimesed seda ei kuule.
- Tema tiib on kaetud soomustega ja meenutab katust.
- Kaamli sugulane, kelle vill on tugevam kui lambavill.
- Mõned liigid ronivad mööda krobelist tüve puu otsa ja teised kaevuvad liivasse.
- Suurem osa päevast passib ühe ja sama koha peal, saba kinnitatud taime külge, põhitegevuseks söömine. Kilpkonnadele toiduks,
- Ta kaja aitab tal leida liiva sisse peitunud kalu, ning teeb vahet kalal ja kivil.
- Ta eritab lima, mis on piisavalt kleepuv, et kinnitada teda märja lehe külge.
- Lind kes ei külmu ära isegi siis kui seisab jää peal.
- Tema ränne on ohtlik ja väsitav, ta võib lennata isegi 10000 meetri kõrgusel.
- Tema hammustus on kolm korda tugevam kui lõvi või tiigri oma.
- Veeloom kelle karvkate ühel ruutsentimeetril on 150 000 karva.
20 Clues: Paljude lemmik mardikas. • Ta justkui "loeb" oma nina abil. • koeratõug kes sai nime Mehhiko linna järgi. • Võib saavutada kuni 59 km/h kiiruse joostes. • Tema tiib on kaetud soomustega ja meenutab katust. • Kaamli sugulane, kelle vill on tugevam kui lambavill. • Lind kes ei külmu ära isegi siis kui seisab jää peal. • ...
Nature 2021-06-17
- Picking the food from the garden
- Like fuzzy worms but above ground
- Flashes in the sky
- The edge of a lake or bay where kids like to play
- The smell really bad
- When evening turns into night
- They make parks and homes look nicer
- They help the soil by giving it more air
- Snow, thunder
- Pathways through forests
- When the air is moving more than usual
- Keeps us warm but can make us hot
- We all need to protect it
- Putting things in gardens, flowerbeds
- Some of the tastiest food that grows
- Large streams
- When night becomes day
- They start out green, but eventually change colour
- A pretty flower plant,watch out for the thorns
- Like moths in a way
- They smell really good (most of them)
- The food chain would be lost without it
22 Clues: Large streams • Snow, thunder • Flashes in the sky • Like moths in a way • The smell really bad • When night becomes day • Pathways through forests • We all need to protect it • When evening turns into night • Picking the food from the garden • Like fuzzy worms but above ground • Keeps us warm but can make us hot • Some of the tastiest food that grows • ...
Nature 2022-04-06
24 Clues: / land • / asia • / lake • / river • / hills • / ocean • / beach • / water • / trees • / africa • / europe • / arctic • / indian • / island • / volcano • / pacific • / southern • / atlantic • / jungle • / mountans • / australia • / waterfall • / north america • / south america
Nature 2023-10-31
- Liquid substance that has no smell or taste.
- Solid material formed from minerals.
- Piece of land surrounded by water.
- Mountains where there are many trees.
- Thick wall built to impound water.
- Its function is to reproduce seeds.
- Water stream.
- Saltwater set.
- Green organism that performs photosynthesis.
- Part of the atmosphere seen from earth
- Fun place for kids.
- Entrance of a sea.
- Thin and green leaves.
- Construction on rivers to be able to cross them.
- Terraiin green,flat and moist.
- It has root, stem, leaves, flowers.
- Mountains where there is a lot of sand.
- Solid body that rotates around a star
- Place surrounded by trees and mountains.
- Celestial bodies that shine in the firmament.
20 Clues: Water stream. • Saltwater set. • Entrance of a sea. • Fun place for kids. • Thin and green leaves. • Terraiin green,flat and moist. • Piece of land surrounded by water. • Thick wall built to impound water. • It has root, stem, leaves, flowers. • Its function is to reproduce seeds. • Solid material formed from minerals. • Mountains where there are many trees. • ...
Nature 2023-11-12
- Too much water
- Frozen water
- Characterized by cold weather
- Humans occupy it
- Can lay eggs
- Has a wooden trunk
- It can blind you if you stare at it
- A plant that grows in the desert
- A lot of moisture in the air
- lava
- Animal that loves acorns
- Water and dirt
- Has thorns and red petals
- Cannot survive on dry land
- An animal that can hibernate
- Land surrounded by water
- Destructive wind tunnel
- It is not always greener
- Where sand and water meet
- A meal for a panda bear
- What we see in the sky at night
21 Clues: lava • Frozen water • Can lay eggs • Water and dirt • Too much water • Humans occupy it • Has a wooden trunk • Destructive wind tunnel • A meal for a panda bear • Animal that loves acorns • Land surrounded by water • It is not always greener • Has thorns and red petals • Where sand and water meet • Cannot survive on dry land • An animal that can hibernate • A lot of moisture in the air • ...
Nature 2024-02-05
20 Clues: 沙漠(n) • 運動(n) • 氣候(n) • 教育(v) • 阻止(v) • 好處(n) • 禁止(v) • 雨林(n.) • 散播(v.) • 罰款(n.) • 鼓勵(v.) • 保護(v.) • 填海(n.) • 措施(n.) • 填海(v.) • 威脅(n.) • 環境(n.) • 棲息地(n.) • 亂扔垃圾(n.) • 砍伐樹木(n.)
Nature 2024-01-19
- Deep large open filled with water
- The process by which plants make their own food using sunlight
- This natural phenomenon produces a spectacular display of colors in the sky
- the outside layer of tree
- a changing process for living creatures to adapt with their surroundings
- A large body of water flowing in a particular direction.
- Flower that often associated with death
- A tall wooden plant often found on forest
- The light that always accompany you in the night
- A time where the moon shines accompanied by stars.
- one of the protected forest in banyuwangi
- The moon friends whos also accompany you in night
- The season characterized by falling leaves and cooler temperatures
- The natural home for animals or plant
- A natural structure formed by the flow of water over a cliff.
- Likes flowers
- The process of water vapor turning into liquid water.
- The study of Living Organism and their intercations with each other and the environment
- A mamal who's name often associated with someone that spends a large amount of money on a gacha game
- Fallen from the clouds in a dropplet like shape, has a thousands of friends that can make you wet
20 Clues: Likes flowers • the outside layer of tree • Deep large open filled with water • The natural home for animals or plant • Flower that often associated with death • one of the protected forest in banyuwangi • A tall wooden plant often found on forest • The light that always accompany you in the night • The moon friends whos also accompany you in night • ...
Nature 2022-06-27
25 Clues: In • Owl • Art • Star • Down • Wake • Burn • Mess • Dark • Piano • Frost • Color • Grand • Little • Fallen • Violet • Flight • Citadel • Scorpio • Blossoms • Thoughts • Kintsugi • Masquerade • Introversion • DeadlyNightshade
Nature 2022-10-08
- Green Forest Growth
- Bear
- One-Toed, Hoofed Mammal
- Nocturnal Bird
- Camping Residence
- Material From A Volcano
- Plantain Lilies
- Peyote Plant
- King Of The Jungle
- Fruit Tree
- Ocean
- Waves Caused By Underwater Earthquakes
- World's Largest River
- Fuji, Kilimanjaro Or Everest
- Tropical Cyclone
- Winter Bear
- Wild Ox
- Niagara, Iguazu Or Angel
- Not A Bee
- Sound Caused By Lightning
- Red Bird
- An Iceberg Was The Kryptonite For This Ship
- This Many Planets
- Farm Animal
- World's Largest Desert
- Between Saturn & Neptune
- Emblem Of Canada
- What You Shout When A Tree Falls Down
- Vixen
- Black Garden, Carpenter Or Pharaoh
- It Killed The Dinosaurs
31 Clues: Bear • Ocean • Vixen • Wild Ox • Red Bird • Not A Bee • Fruit Tree • Winter Bear • Farm Animal • Peyote Plant • Nocturnal Bird • Plantain Lilies • Emblem Of Canada • Tropical Cyclone • Camping Residence • This Many Planets • King Of The Jungle • Green Forest Growth • World's Largest River • World's Largest Desert • One-Toed, Hoofed Mammal • Material From A Volcano • It Killed The Dinosaurs • Niagara, Iguazu Or Angel • ...
Nature 2023-02-20
- Plant with sharp needles
- Reptile with a hard shell
- Bird with a colorful, hooked beak
- Small, quick-moving mammal
- Tree with white bark
- Group of whales
- Large bird with a bald head
- Shrub with fragrant flowers
- Island with unique animals
- Flower with large, showy petals
- Scavenger bird
- coat Protective structure around a seed
- Carnivorous mammal with black and white stripes
- Biome with tall trees
- Burrowing animal with sharp claws
- Tree with sticky sap
- Carnivorous plant with sticky leaves
- Forest with diverse tree species
- Flightless bird from Australia
- Prehistoric animal with large horns
- Insect with a hard exoskeleton
- Venomous reptile with diamond-shaped head
- Rare, endangered bird of New Zealand
- Plant with edible fruit
- Branches of science related to the environment
- Animal that hibernates in the winter
- Animal that can camouflage itself
- Marine mammal with long tusks
- Natural phenomenon with lightning and thunder
- Mammal with a prehensile tail
- Bird of prey with a hooked beak
31 Clues: Scavenger bird • Group of whales • Tree with white bark • Tree with sticky sap • Biome with tall trees • Plant with edible fruit • Plant with sharp needles • Reptile with a hard shell • Small, quick-moving mammal • Island with unique animals • Large bird with a bald head • Shrub with fragrant flowers • Marine mammal with long tusks • Mammal with a prehensile tail • ...
Nature 2024-02-20
- The planet on which we live.
- A slender woody shoot growing from a branch or stem of a tree or shrub.
- Hard solid nonmetallic mineral matter of which rock is made, especially as a building material.
- A natural substance with distinctive chemical and physical properties, composition, and atomic structure
- A living thing that grows in the earth and has a stem, leaves, and roots.
- Usually have numerous sepals, petals, stamens and pistils
- One of the soft, fringed plumes that cover the bodies of birds.
- The land and scenery of a rural area.
- A living thing that can move and eat and react to the world through its senses.
- The hard protective outer case of a mollusk or crustacean.
- A large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake, or another such stream.
- A woody perennial plant, typically having a single stem or trunk growing to a considerable height and bearing lateral branches at some distance from the ground.
- A large natural elevation of the earth's surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level; a large steep hill.
- A type of very small animal with six legs, a body divided into three parts and usually two pairs of wings, or, more generally, any similar very small animal
- One of the green usually flat parts that grow from a stem or twig of a plant and that function mainly in making food by photosynthesis.
- All the visible features of an area of countryside or land, often considered in terms of their aesthetic appeal.
- The upper layer of earth in which plants grow, a black or dark brown material typically consisting of a mixture of organic remains, clay, and rock particles.
- The invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth, a mixture mainly of oxygen and nitrogen.
- An area of open land, especially one planted with crops or pasture, typically bounded by hedges or fences.
- Move downward, typically rapidly and freely without control, from a higher to a lower level.
20 Clues: The planet on which we live. • The land and scenery of a rural area. • Usually have numerous sepals, petals, stamens and pistils • The hard protective outer case of a mollusk or crustacean. • One of the soft, fringed plumes that cover the bodies of birds. • A slender woody shoot growing from a branch or stem of a tree or shrub. • ...
Nature 2024-03-06
30 Clues: las • liść • oaza • fale • góra • róża • niebo • śnieg • wyspa • plaża • rzeka • ogród • trawa • kwiat • morze • kamień • chmura • deszcz • wulkan • korzeń • drzewo • ziemia • słońce • nasiono • roślina • księżyc • wodospad • pustynia • błyskawica • góra lodowa
nature 2024-05-13
- A herb that leaves a fresh smell and taste
- A tall plant that has a woody trunk or stem
- A cultivated winter squash that is orange-colored and represents Halloween
- A cactus-like plant that is usually found as an ingredient in skincare products
- Japan's unofficial national flower
- A spice that is commonly used to season dishes
- A herbaceous plant with narrow leaves that look like blades
- A fruit that falls into the category of drupes, it's usually consumed as a summer drink or processed as dessert
- The fastest growing land plant in the world, and is usually consumed by pandas
- A member of the pea family of vegetables, it's usually used to produce tofu
- A substance that consists of hydrogen and oxygen
- An insect that can fly with colourful wings on its back
- A fruit that has skin resembling the scales of a snake
- A large lizard that has its own name on a certain island in Indonesia
- A common spot for tourists to enjoy the sea view
- A round-shaped citrus fruit that tastes sour
- One of the main ingredients to make chocolate
- A large marsupial that is from Australia
- A root vegetable that is long and orange-colored
- A fruit that is elongated, yellow-colored, and classifies as a berry
20 Clues: Japan's unofficial national flower • A large marsupial that is from Australia • A herb that leaves a fresh smell and taste • A tall plant that has a woody trunk or stem • A round-shaped citrus fruit that tastes sour • One of the main ingredients to make chocolate • A spice that is commonly used to season dishes • A substance that consists of hydrogen and oxygen • ...
Nature 2024-05-24
- an area of land that is surrounded by water
- an open area of land
- a large raised area in the surface of the Earth
- rural land and scenery
- a forest that gets high levels of rain
- a grassy area, typically near a river
- rocky edge at the sea or ocean
- an area of low land between mountains or hills
- dry, arid area with little vegetation
- an area of land that is slightly raised
- very long natural stream of water that goes into the sea
- the area around you like plants, animals, and people
- mountain or hill with a crater that erupts lava and hot vapor
- area that is uninhabited
- edge of land near sea or ocean
- the saltwater that covers most of the surface of the Earth
- vast expansion of saltwater divided into five sections
- polar region
- natural or unnatural chamber underground
- area with lush trees and vegetation
- water body surrounded by land
- where water and land meet
- the Earth’s surface that does not have water on it
23 Clues: polar region • an open area of land • rural land and scenery • area that is uninhabited • where water and land meet • water body surrounded by land • edge of land near sea or ocean • rocky edge at the sea or ocean • area with lush trees and vegetation • a grassy area, typically near a river • dry, arid area with little vegetation • a forest that gets high levels of rain • ...
NATURE 2024-06-03
20 Clues: at • ari • col • kedi • sicak • koyun • yilan • kopek • deniz • soguk • sisli • ordek • tavsan • maymun • kurbaga • gunesli • yagmurlu • kaplumbaga • kopek baligi • yagmur ormani
nature 2024-05-21
31 Clues: las • osa • ruda • pole • stal • liść • gałąź • mucha • kolec • zioło • futro • rzeka • polar • ziemia • chwast • korzeń • piasek • mrówka • ślimak • węgiel • wróbel • dolina • grządka • wzgórze • dziobać • jezioro • nasiono • doniczka • nadmorska • gąsienica • wysokie góry
Nature 2023-04-18
- smaller than mountains
- what you plant to grow things
- large bodies of rock
- little body of water, smaller than a river
- where farmers Plant things
- Forrest with hot humid climate
- roar
- very large animal in the sea
- white and black bear
- living organism (trees, grass, moss, ferns)
- Atlantic, Pacific, Indian
- smaller than a tree, has branches
- line where the sun goes up and down
- little flowers on trees in spring
- long bodies of water that run through land
- animal with white spots, lives in forest
- tall, has branches and leavea
- flat spaces in between mountains or hills
- pink bird
- intelligent cute animal that jumps out of the sea
- smaller than an ocean
- what pandas eat
- animal in the sea, loves to eat fish, lots of sharp teeth
23 Clues: roar • pink bird • what pandas eat • large bodies of rock • white and black bear • smaller than an ocean • smaller than mountains • Atlantic, Pacific, Indian • where farmers Plant things • very large animal in the sea • what you plant to grow things • tall, has branches and leavea • Forrest with hot humid climate • little flowers on trees in spring • smaller than a tree, has branches • ...
Nature 2023-05-15
20 Clues: we eat • is soft • we grow • are hard • we drink • are small • have grass • is our home • animals live • are colourful • full of grass • is Spik thing • live in earth • lives in water • We grow plants • trees have cones • water Streaming. • is up and have coluds • gives us heat and light • are colourful and have wings
Nature 2023-05-06
- a space in something, with an opening on one side
- Things like water can flow in a long, round thing
- with a lot of water
- something like air, not liquid or solid
- the power from sources such as the sun, water, wind and coal
- use waste or chemicals to make rivers and seas dirty
- the parts of a tree with leaves, flowers, or fruit on them
- You use a kind of white powder from the sea in cooking
- You can leave this kind of mark especially when you walk in the sand
- The sun gives out bright light
- We live on this planet
- the surface of the earth
- an area to grow crops
- Trees produce this kind of air with the help of the sun
- an illness
- large things such as tables, chairs, or beds
- with little water
- a very high area of land with steep sides
- A thing is picked or produced recently
- a part of ground instead of sea or ocean
20 Clues: an illness • with little water • with a lot of water • an area to grow crops • We live on this planet • the surface of the earth • The sun gives out bright light • A thing is picked or produced recently • something like air, not liquid or solid • a part of ground instead of sea or ocean • a very high area of land with steep sides • large things such as tables, chairs, or beds • ...
Nature 2023-10-03
- experience smth, especially problems or opposition
- small animals, birds, and insects that are harmful
- noticed but not listened to, accepted, or believed
- reduce the amount of smth that is present or available
- make smth or smb extremely thin from lack of food or illness
- exist in a way that may cause a problem, danger, difficulty etc
- spreads in different directions over a wide area
- make someone ill and weak
- extremely worried and frightened about a situation, so that you cannot control
- severely and violently damage someone’s body, esp. by cutting or removing part of it
- a very bad situation that someone is in
- type of animal or plant that does not exist anymore
- to say publicly that someone is not guilty or responsible for smth
- when unwanted things or people spread over in great numbers
- go into a place in large numbers, especially when you are not wanted
- expect or ask someone to do smth for you when this is not convenient
- to protect smth and prevent it from changing or being damaged
- cover an area with a large amount of water
- make a situation or the condition of smth worse
- an animal’s baby or babies
- extremely serious or terrible
- extremely unpleasant or of very bad quality
- able to produce babies, young animals, or new plants
- damage smth very badly or completely
- occurring again periodically or repeatedly
- able to continue without causing damage to the environment
- relating to birth
27 Clues: relating to birth • make someone ill and weak • an animal’s baby or babies • extremely serious or terrible • damage smth very badly or completely • a very bad situation that someone is in • cover an area with a large amount of water • occurring again periodically or repeatedly • extremely unpleasant or of very bad quality • make a situation or the condition of smth worse • ...
Nature 2013-06-20
- A mountain that can explode
- A scientific study of outer space
- Big hairy animal that eats fish
- Water that falls from the sky
- A person who studies the weather
- Moving water
- A big group of trees
- White and very cold
- Winged animal that lives in a cave
- Animal that climbs trees and eats bananas
- Gives us light and warmth
- High and rocky
- Needed to make it rain
- A big body of water
- This animal has eight legs
- Animals that only eat meat
- Gives us light at night
- Come in many different colors and smell good
- A place where it almost never rains
- Animal with a very long neck
- Has flames and burns
- Green, soft and grows on the ground
- Bright lights in the night sky
- Animal that is known as the king of the jungle
24 Clues: Moving water • High and rocky • A big body of water • White and very cold • Has flames and burns • A big group of trees • Needed to make it rain • Gives us light at night • Gives us light and warmth • This animal has eight legs • Animals that only eat meat • A mountain that can explode • Animal with a very long neck • Water that falls from the sky • Bright lights in the night sky • ...
Nature 2014-05-12
25 Clues: ods • vide • sega • kāpt • kost • inde • medus • jauks • sugas • tītars • pazust • palags • slimības • nīlzirgs • putekšņi • medīšana • nāvējošs • pakaļkāja • aligators • parādīties • sikspārnis • apputeksnēt • ienaidnieks • piesārņojums • lauksaimniecība
Nature 2020-03-20
- A plant that is smaller than a tree.
- An area of water surrounded by land.
- A tall plant that is made from wood and has branches.
- The invisible gas that your breathe.
- A long thin plant that grows across the ground or up things.
- The darkness produced when something blocks sunlight.
- The hard solid stuff that the Earth is made from.
- An area of land that rises much higher than its surroundings.
- A very hot and very dry area covered with sand.
- The physical world and everything in it.
- The salt water that covers the Earth´s surface; bigger than a sea.
- The tiny pieces of rock that cover the beach.
- A small stream.
- A poetic name for the sky above.
- The round silver thing in the night sky.
- An open area without trees or buildings.
- Where birds lay their eggs and care for their babies.
- Small pieces of rock.
- A Heavy section of a tree that has fallen down.
- The round yellow thing in the sky.
- A hollow place in the ground.
- The salt water that covers the Earth´s surface; smaller than an ocean.
- The Earth and all the people in it.
- A natural flow of water that crosses the land.
- A natural flow of water; smaller than a river but bigger than a brook.
- An area of land surrounded by water.
- The solid part of the Earth; a large area of ground.
- Land that is outside of cities and towns.
- The surface of the earth.
- A flat are of land covered with tall grass.
- Part of a tree that grows from the trunk.
- The little object from which a plant grows.
- Moving water raised above the earth.
- The part of a plant that grows underground.
- The clear, tasteless liquid that we drink.
- Loose earth or soil.
- A rounded area of land that is higher than its surroundings.
37 Clues: A small stream. • Loose earth or soil. • Small pieces of rock. • The surface of the earth. • A hollow place in the ground. • A poetic name for the sky above. • The round yellow thing in the sky. • The Earth and all the people in it. • A plant that is smaller than a tree. • An area of water surrounded by land. • The invisible gas that your breathe. • ...
Nature 2020-03-31
20 Clues: air • seed • grow • lake • tree • pear • water • grape • river • beans • leaves • apples • yellow • orange • banana • forest • flowers • animals • pineapple • strawberry
Nature 2020-07-27
- A large hairy spider
- A big land animal with a horn
- Rain forest in Brazil
- Fastest land animal
- Has eight tentacles
- Can be ridden and is found in Egypt
- The king of the jungle
- Cat that carries its prey up trees
- Hops and is found in Australia
- An amphibious animal that croaks
- Part of the canine family and can laugh
- Animal with black and white stripes
- Is large and hairy and likes to eat honey
- Is found in the ocean and has thousands of teeth
- The ocean between North America and Europe
- A group of islands
- Has scales and is found in the Nile
- The early bird catches it
- Animal found in the South pole
- Biggest desert in Africa
- Water source in the desert
- A patriotic American bird
22 Clues: A group of islands • Fastest land animal • Has eight tentacles • A large hairy spider • Rain forest in Brazil • The king of the jungle • Biggest desert in Africa • The early bird catches it • A patriotic American bird • Water source in the desert • A big land animal with a horn • Animal found in the South pole • Hops and is found in Australia • An amphibious animal that croaks • ...
Nature 2020-12-16
- orange animal in the forest
- a berry you can eat from the forest
- grows on trees
- water from the sky
- hard and grey
- small pieces of stone, at the beach
- when the sun goes up
- blue liquid
- green straws
- frozen rain
- people climb or skiing downhill this
- beautiful plants
- you need it to be alive
- yellow ball
- when the sun goes down
- a flying animal
- fluffy white things in the sky
- in the forest
- dots in the sky
- big circle in the sky (nighttime)
- in the forest, has a foot and a top, can be eaten
- pigs like to play in this
22 Clues: yellow ball • blue liquid • frozen rain • green straws • in the forest • hard and grey • grows on trees • a flying animal • dots in the sky • beautiful plants • water from the sky • when the sun goes up • when the sun goes down • you need it to be alive • pigs like to play in this • orange animal in the forest • fluffy white things in the sky • big circle in the sky (nighttime) • ...
Nature 2020-11-13
- Basil Brush is one
- A cute spikey animal who hibernates
- A musical starring four legged furry animals that purr
- A prickly bush with black berries
- Season when the leaves fall off the trees
- This fruit grows on trees. Can be Granny Smiths or Golden Delicious for example
- The wise monkey in the 'Lion King'
- Lady and the Tramp were these types of animals
- A very large bird of prey
- Disney film 'Fox and the....'
- A massive rock that is home to Simba
- Little boy from the Jungle Book
- Winnie the Pooh's favourite food
- The highest Mountain in Scotland
- An area with lots of trees
- This Small animal has a bushy Tail and can be red or grey
- A type of brown frog
- A sandy place where the sea meets the land
- This elephant could Fly
- This bird can't fly but is a great swimmer. Lives in Antarctica
- Bambi is one of these
- A plant that can give you a sting or a rash
22 Clues: Basil Brush is one • A type of brown frog • Bambi is one of these • This elephant could Fly • A very large bird of prey • An area with lots of trees • Disney film 'Fox and the....' • Little boy from the Jungle Book • Winnie the Pooh's favourite food • The highest Mountain in Scotland • A prickly bush with black berries • The wise monkey in the 'Lion King' • ...
Nature 2021-04-11
- the thing that caused Titanic's sinking
- a dry landscape in cold climates
- a dry landscape that the rain doesn't want to give its water to
- a flower that has a way strong relationships with the sun than the other flowers do :)
- flowers or groups of flowers that are blooming
- the world's largest tree measured by volume
- a bare landscape where few plants are growing
- a layer of oxygen above the Earth that protects us from the sun
- a kind of garden that's filled with a lot of flowers
- a soft plant that grows on rocks and trees and looks like a green plant
- an expanse of land that the water surrounds from three sides
- a landscape that’s warm with jungle plants and palm trees
- a person who takes care of a garden
- when a landscape is dry for an extended period of time
- a landscape with a lot of mountains
- a landscape that has very few plants
- a bush-like group of plants that are often trimmed to be rectangle-like
- a single-wheeled cart for carrying gardening materials or garbage
- a large, circular hole or indentation in the Earth
- an are that has a lot of green and well-grown plants
20 Clues: a dry landscape in cold climates • a person who takes care of a garden • a landscape with a lot of mountains • a landscape that has very few plants • the thing that caused Titanic's sinking • the world's largest tree measured by volume • a bare landscape where few plants are growing • flowers or groups of flowers that are blooming • ...
NATURE 2021-04-09
- is concern for the people of Africa
- is very important for plant growth
- of humanity and insects
- covers 71% of the earth's surface
- is changeable
- is one of the biggest problems on earth
- warming is very dangerous for our planet
- of global warming
- are very important for us and they are hardworking
- is forming over the oceans in tropical areas
- is a long and fast wave
- keeps us alive
- is interested and develops new things in science
- is not a fish but mammal
- we make every day
- can be in group or alone
- days are very warm
- is cunning
- must be watered every day
- must not be dumped in nature
20 Clues: is cunning • is changeable • keeps us alive • we make every day • of global warming • days are very warm • is a long and fast wave • of humanity and insects • is not a fish but mammal • can be in group or alone • must be watered every day • must not be dumped in nature • covers 71% of the earth's surface • is very important for plant growth • is concern for the people of Africa • ...
Nature 2021-12-01
23 Clues: kiil • hani • tamm • luik • karu • sääsk • raven • sibul • kuusk • öökull • ohakas • kotkas • kärbes • pääsuke • inimahv • papagoi • sipelgas • herilane • mesilane • põrnikas • rukkilill • lepatriinu • musträstas
nature 2022-04-12
- brother and sister
- special science glasses
- synonym for secluded
- snow, rain,storms
- synonym for fight
- a famous music festival
- an action that only benefits ones self
- not deep
- often associated with witches
- what older people call younger people
- large scale farm
- a cup for coffee
- how a person acts
- a shade of blue
- a winter necessity for the cold
- common European hair color
- instrument with keys
- connects the foot to the leg
- to access an account
- being none for something
- pinned on telephone poles
- mythical beast
- multiple pieces of paper with words on it
- used to remove stains
- what cars drive on
- without light
- a really tall building
- paper art
- kitchen item with a animated tv show
- a broken machine
- green paper with value
- a criminal at sea
- a thing to write on
- synonym for explore
- how girls change their appearance
- divides the world
- a large hole deep in the Earth
- red liquid in a living thing
- an aircraft
- synonym for protect
40 Clues: not deep • paper art • an aircraft • without light • mythical beast • a shade of blue • a broken machine • large scale farm • a cup for coffee • snow, rain,storms • synonym for fight • a criminal at sea • how a person acts • divides the world • brother and sister • what cars drive on • a thing to write on • synonym for explore • synonym for protect • synonym for secluded • instrument with keys • ...
nature 2022-04-12
- without light
- special science glasses
- large scale farm
- paper art
- a really tall building
- used to remove stains
- synonym for fight
- synonym for secluded
- what cars drive on
- what older people call younger people
- green paper with value
- how girls change their appearance
- red liquid in a living thing
- a shade of blue
- an action that only benefits ones self
- mythical beast
- a winter necessity for the cold
- often associated with witches
- pinned on telephone poles
- multiple pieces of paper with words on it
- a cup for coffee
- to access an account
- being none for something
- brother and sister
- a famous music festival
- snow, rain,storms
- a thing to write on
- instrument with keys
- synonym for explore
- a large hole deep in the Earth
- not deep
- an aircraft
- connects the foot to the leg
- kitchen item with a animated tv show
- a broken machine
- a criminal at sea
- common European hair color
- how a person acts
- divides the world
- synonym for protect
40 Clues: not deep • paper art • an aircraft • without light • mythical beast • a shade of blue • a cup for coffee • large scale farm • a broken machine • snow, rain,storms • synonym for fight • a criminal at sea • how a person acts • divides the world • brother and sister • what cars drive on • a thing to write on • synonym for explore • synonym for protect • to access an account • instrument with keys • ...
Nature 2022-11-10
- many different colorful types
- where you might plant something
- includes temperature, precipitation, etc.
- part of biology; not animals, but...
- there are 5 "greats" of these
- often green and have leaves
- pretty colors in morning
- place for swimming and tanning
- pretty colors in evening
- most important aspect of a beach
- needed during a drought
- typically blue
- opposite of mountain
- example: Mount Rainier
- Earth is a type of this
- cools you in summer
- where you might find a farm
- season we are currently in
- ___ Grande
- place for hiking
20 Clues: ___ Grande • typically blue • place for hiking • cools you in summer • opposite of mountain • example: Mount Rainier • needed during a drought • Earth is a type of this • pretty colors in morning • pretty colors in evening • season we are currently in • where you might find a farm • often green and have leaves • many different colorful types • there are 5 "greats" of these • ...
Nature 2022-11-25
23 Clues: lac • sol • pré • Bois • fleur • herbe • forêt • pluie • étang • neige • Arbre • verger • chemin • nature • Boueux • rivière • colline • paysage • cascade • planter • Buisson • cueillir • campagne
Nature 2022-06-27
29 Clues: Own • Back • What • Bear • Good • Wool • Next • Night • Heart • Earth • Tower • Forth • Sweet • White • Puppet • Master • Heaven • Priest • Prince • Manhunt • Burning • Icicles • Ecstasy • Repress • Trapped • Pulling • Funeral • Crumbles • Experiment
Nature 2022-06-27
36 Clues: He • My • Go • At • Boy • Our • Met • Hold • Snow • Maze • Take • Pain • Witch • House • Swamp • Scale • Roses • Storm • Cabin • Blues • Wants • Throne • Hammer • Dustup • Mirror • Listen • Elegies • Welcome • Robotic • Composed • DearDiary • Fireflies • Masquerade • Gingerbread • Countryside • HauntedMansion
Nature 2022-06-27
29 Clues: It • Me • New • War • Sun • Our • Moon • Mind • Down • Fire • Wood • Black • Drink • Fumes • Twice • Double • Family • Hearts • Rising • Rainbow • Singing • Healing • Control • Strikes • Tsunami • Machine • Telegrams • Lightning • MystifyingOracle
Nature 2022-06-15
- ochrona
- zamiast
- wymarły
- wyzysk
- las deszczowy
- dolina
- zmiany klimatyczne
- najciemniejszy
- jaskinia
- wybrzeże
- dzika przyroda
- osiągnąć zysk
- strumień
- kłusować
- organizacja pozarządowa
- konsumpcja
- siedlisko
- paliwa kopalne
- zrównoważony
- energia odnawialna
- gatunki
- staw
- bioróżnorodność
- zagrożony
- zagrożony wyginięciem
- wymieranie
- możliwość
- wylesienie
- klif
29 Clues: staw • klif • wyzysk • dolina • ochrona • zamiast • gatunki • wymarły • jaskinia • wybrzeże • strumień • kłusować • siedlisko • zagrożony • możliwość • konsumpcja • wymieranie • wylesienie • zrównoważony • las deszczowy • osiągnąć zysk • paliwa kopalne • najciemniejszy • dzika przyroda • bioróżnorodność • energia odnawialna • zmiany klimatyczne • zagrożony wyginięciem • organizacja pozarządowa
Nature :) 2023-02-13
- The Dutch love this flower
- Rosemary, thyme, sage, etc.
- strong sheep
- You are the ____ of my eye
- Ouch!
- eight-legged, Wilbur's friend
- Don't be such a___
- Symbols of peace and delicacy
- Meep Meep!
- cave lizards
- Timber wolf or Diamond
- Dirt and Water
- found in the nastiest well-water
- going down the bayou
- Winne the Pooh or Smokey
- UW-Madison mascot
- Stinky sprayers
- Eventually becomes 14 across
- Every rose has one
- ____and Toad are friends.
20 Clues: Ouch! • Meep Meep! • strong sheep • cave lizards • Dirt and Water • Stinky sprayers • UW-Madison mascot • Don't be such a___ • Every rose has one • going down the bayou • Timber wolf or Diamond • Winne the Pooh or Smokey • ____and Toad are friends. • The Dutch love this flower • You are the ____ of my eye • Rosemary, thyme, sage, etc. • Eventually becomes 14 across • eight-legged, Wilbur's friend • ...
NATURE 2023-04-17
- Free from danger
- Sea water, sand and stones on the seashore
- Natural water tank
- Place full of garbage
- Strong wind storm
- Abundant rains
- Land planted with trees, shrubs
- Small river with little flow and depth
- Air stream
- Something absolutely beautiful
- Quiet place
- Very big
- Low temperature
- Deserted or uninhabited place
- Not very interesting
- Country house for domestic animals, corrals
- High altitude terrain
- Salt water body
- Sky without clouds and in which the sun shines.
- Very difficult
20 Clues: Very big • Air stream • Quiet place • Abundant rains • Very difficult • Low temperature • Salt water body • Free from danger • Strong wind storm • Natural water tank • Not very interesting • Place full of garbage • High altitude terrain • Deserted or uninhabited place • Something absolutely beautiful • Land planted with trees, shrubs • Small river with little flow and depth • ...
Nature 2023-04-28
- A cascade of water falling from a height, often over rocks or cliffs
- A landform that rises high above its surroundings
- A large and sudden rise and fall in the sea level caused by gravitational forces of the moon and sun
- An overflow of water that submerges land
- A natural watercourse that flows towards an ocean, sea, lake, or another river
- A rotating column of air that forms from severe thunderstorms
- A tropical cyclone with strong winds and heavy rain
- A multicolored arc in the sky caused by the refraction of light in water droplets
- A sudden and powerful discharge of electricity in the atmosphere
- A barren area with little precipitation and sparse vegetation
- A diverse underwater ecosystem made up of colonies of coral polyps
- A sudden and violent shaking of the ground caused by the movement of tectonic plates
- A large mass of ice that moves slowly over land
- The daily disappearance of the sun below the horizon
- A sandy or rocky shore by the ocean, sea, or lake
- A deep and narrow valley with steep sides
- A mountain with a vent through which lava, rock fragments, ash, and gas erupt
- A large area dominated by trees and undergrowth
- A natural light display in the sky, also known as the Northern Lights or Southern Lights
- A vast body of saltwater that covers much of the Earth's surface
20 Clues: An overflow of water that submerges land • A deep and narrow valley with steep sides • A large mass of ice that moves slowly over land • A large area dominated by trees and undergrowth • A landform that rises high above its surroundings • A sandy or rocky shore by the ocean, sea, or lake • A tropical cyclone with strong winds and heavy rain • ...
nature 2023-05-20
- Embarking on adventures to discover the hidden treasures of the natural world.
- A mesmerizing cascade of water, flowing with grace and power.
- Unveiling the mysteries and marvels of the natural world.
- A complex network of plants, animals, and their environment.
- The peacefulness and calmness found in nature's embrace.
- Feeling deeply connected to the rhythms and cycles of nature.
- The magical moment when the sun paints the sky with vibrant hues.
- The diverse array of animals that inhabit our natural habitats.
- Gazing at the twinkling stars in the night sky, a celestial spectacle.
- The feeling of calm and tranquility experienced in nature's presence.
- Protecting and conserving the delicate balance of nature for future generations.
- The grandeur and awe-inspiring beauty of nature's creations.
- The magical allure and captivating charm of nature.
- Untamed and unspoiled areas of nature, untouched by human intervention.
- A lush and thriving community of trees and undergrowth.
- The perfect balance and interconnection of elements in nature.
- Finding peace and solitude in the vastness of nature.
- The variety of life forms and ecosystems in nature.
- The feeling of astonishment and amazement inspired by the natural world.
- The cyclical changes in nature, from the blooming of spring to the colors of autumn.
20 Clues: The magical allure and captivating charm of nature. • The variety of life forms and ecosystems in nature. • Finding peace and solitude in the vastness of nature. • A lush and thriving community of trees and undergrowth. • The peacefulness and calmness found in nature's embrace. • Unveiling the mysteries and marvels of the natural world. • ...
nature 2023-05-12
- we get ground water from it
- a place where food is grown and harvested
- a large amount of trees
- hot explosive mountains
- they chirp and have wings
- very tall and have leaves
- a lot of different species
- we like it when its blue
- the origin of a stream or river
- we remove this from the gardens
- has water that doesnt flow
- covers 2 thirds of the planet
- balou the bear lives here
- the spaces between mountains
- an empty hot place on earth
- small mountains
- most of the people love them (nice people)
- small trees
- here you can find lots of shells
- the veins of the earth
- stores the co2 from the atmosphere and are beautiful
- narrow flowing rivers
22 Clues: small trees • small mountains • narrow flowing rivers • the veins of the earth • a large amount of trees • hot explosive mountains • we like it when its blue • balou the bear lives here • they chirp and have wings • very tall and have leaves • a lot of different species • has water that doesnt flow • we get ground water from it • an empty hot place on earth • the spaces between mountains • ...
Nature 2024-02-16
- Production délicate, souvent odorante, des plantes à graines, qui porte les organes reproducteurs
- Mollusque marin comestible pourvu d'une coquille.
- Être vivant non végétal, ne possédant pas les caractéristiques de l'espèce humaine.
- Grand végétal dont la tige ligneuse se ramifie à partir d'une certaine hauteur au-dessus du sol.
- a pierre.
- Grande étendue de pays plat et découvert.
- Relatif aux plantes.
- Nature des choses.
- Constitué de matière inorganique.
- Cours d'eau naturel de moyenne importance ou qui se jette dans un autre cours d'eau.
- Partie des végétaux par laquelle ils respirent.
- Importante élévation de terrain.
- L'élément solide qui supporte les êtres vivants et où poussent les végétaux.
- Fluide gazeux formant l'atmosphère, que respirent les êtres vivants, constitué essentiellement d'oxygène et d'azote
- Intermédiaire entre le bleu et le jaune ; qui a la couleur dominante de la végétation.
- Menue branche (surtout sèche).
- produite par la différence de niveau entre deux parties consécutives d'un cours d'eau.
- Chacun des appendices qui recouvrent la peau des oiseaux, formé d'un axe (tube) et de barbes latérales, fines et serrées.
- Étendue de terre propre à la culture.
- Lorsque fécondée par du pollen, se transformera en fruit. Il est constitué d'une série d'écailles rattachées à un axe central.
20 Clues: a pierre. • Nature des choses. • Relatif aux plantes. • Menue branche (surtout sèche). • Importante élévation de terrain. • Constitué de matière inorganique. • Étendue de terre propre à la culture. • Grande étendue de pays plat et découvert. • Partie des végétaux par laquelle ils respirent. • Mollusque marin comestible pourvu d'une coquille. • ...
NATURE 2024-02-17
Nature 2023-10-29
- the sun is shining
- scarce vegetation
- sports terrain
- water that stays in the same place
- smoke accumulation that reduces visibility
- covered with clouds
- large amount of water
- plot of land without buildings
- falling snowflakes
- land populated with trees
- vertical slope
- high-rise terrain
- space in which the stars move
- mass of ice in the mountains
- flow of water that falls from the top
- flat and humid terrain
- land surrounded by water
- airflow
- low temperature
- underground gravity
20 Clues: airflow • sports terrain • vertical slope • low temperature • high-rise terrain • scarce vegetation • the sun is shining • falling snowflakes • covered with clouds • underground gravity • large amount of water • flat and humid terrain • land surrounded by water • land populated with trees • mass of ice in the mountains • space in which the stars move • plot of land without buildings • ...
Nature 2023-10-26
- It's in the middle of the ocean.
- The planes fly.
- It has three parts: the top, the slope and the foot.
- We humans differ from them by being rational beings.
- Blue-footed boobies live here.
- Community of interacting organisms and their environment.
- It's a place full of sand.
- It is a set of salt water.
- Tree covered area.
- It's not wide, it's...
- Accidente geográfico provocado por un río.
- The river...
- Sleep for many years.
- It's the largest national park in Azuay.
- Essential for surfing.
- A body of fresh water.
- It occurs due to lack of water.
- Here are the sea and the sand together.
- It is a star that is located in the middle of the solar system.
- Is the opposite of tall.
20 Clues: The river... • The planes fly. • Tree covered area. • Sleep for many years. • It's not wide, it's... • Essential for surfing. • A body of fresh water. • Is the opposite of tall. • It's a place full of sand. • It is a set of salt water. • Blue-footed boobies live here. • It occurs due to lack of water. • It's in the middle of the ocean. • Here are the sea and the sand together. • ...
Nature 2024-01-14
- Perfect Valentines gift
- The best ever
- Cutoff part of a picture
- Creator of IOS
- Watch online
- “___ in a bottle”
- To give orders angrily
- Scared, derogatorily
- Nickname for significant other
- Small Stone
- Separate location of a company
- Mario’s favorite food
- Section of land
- Having skill in plant care
- In a difficult situation
- Another name for dirt
- Popular online store
- Old app, similar to TikTok
- Abbreviation for a group of studies
- Alternate name for jewelry
- Negative Stockmarket outlook
- Having lots of pubic hair
22 Clues: Small Stone • Watch online • The best ever • Creator of IOS • Section of land • “___ in a bottle” • Popular online store • Scared, derogatorily • Mario’s favorite food • Another name for dirt • To give orders angrily • Perfect Valentines gift • Cutoff part of a picture • In a difficult situation • Having lots of pubic hair • Having skill in plant care • Old app, similar to TikTok • ...
Nature 2024-03-23
nature 2024-04-17
- there are sandstorms there
- you sunbothe on it in the summer
- for example: Hawaii
- you drink it
- you experience it during the holidays
- wild forest
- curtain of water in the forest
- rain with thunder
- it's full of trees
- bigger than the sea
- grain grows on it
- the planet we live on
- area on the border of land
- natural water reservior
- forest a forest in which it rains
- lava flows out of it
- it is small and located on the beach
- you can jump into the water fro in
- is above the clouds
- you swim in it in the summer
20 Clues: wild forest • you drink it • grain grows on it • rain with thunder • it's full of trees • for example: Hawaii • is above the clouds • bigger than the sea • lava flows out of it • the planet we live on • natural water reservior • there are sandstorms there • area on the border of land • you swim in it in the summer • curtain of water in the forest • you sunbothe on it in the summer • ...
Nature 2013-06-20
- Gives us light at night
- Animal that is known as the king of the jungle
- A person who studies the weather
- Moving water
- A big body of water
- Needed to make it rain
- Come in many different colors and smell good
- Gives us light and warmth
- Animal with a very long neck
- Has flames and burns
- Green, soft and grows on the ground
- Winged animal that lives in a cave
- White and very cold
- Animals that only eat meat
- High and rocky
- Water that falls from the sky
- A mountain that can explode
- Animal that climbs trees and eats bananas
- A scientific study of outer space
- A place where it almost never rains
- A big group of trees
- This animal has eight legs
- Big hairy animal that eats fish
- Bright lights in the night sky
24 Clues: Moving water • High and rocky • A big body of water • White and very cold • A big group of trees • Has flames and burns • Needed to make it rain • Gives us light at night • Gives us light and warmth • Animals that only eat meat • This animal has eight legs • A mountain that can explode • Animal with a very long neck • Water that falls from the sky • Bright lights in the night sky • ...
nature 2024-11-13
- – a narrow road or trail that people walk on.
- – a small plant with several branches, growing close to the ground
- – a deep hole in the ground from which water is drawn.
- – the green part of a plant or tree.
- – solid pieces of earth or minerals.
- – small, hard pieces similar to rocks.
- – wet, sticky earth.
- – a green plant that covers the ground.
- – a large natural body of water.
- – a row of dense bushes or trees planted to create a barrier.
- a steep slope or vertical rock face.
- – an entrance or opening in a fence or wall.
- – a small elevation on the earth’s surface.
- a part of a tree that grows out from the trunk and holds leaves.
- – an area filled with trees and bushes
- – a small river or flow of water.
- – thin pieces of wood or small branches.
- – a low area between hills or mountains.
- – a large open area of land, usually covered with grass or plants.
- – a structure used to enclose or separate areas.
20 Clues: – wet, sticky earth. • – a large natural body of water. • – a small river or flow of water. • – the green part of a plant or tree. • – solid pieces of earth or minerals. • a steep slope or vertical rock face. • – an area filled with trees and bushes • – small, hard pieces similar to rocks. • – a green plant that covers the ground. • – thin pieces of wood or small branches. • ...
nature 2018-01-11
- reiten
- anpflanzen
- Baumstumpf
- Kaktus
- Lebensraum
- durch (eine Wüste) ziehen
- steinig
- Salzgehalt
- klettern
- Sand
- Korallenriff
- Wald
- schneien
- Champignon
- Steinwüste
- Klimaschutz
- Tulpen
- Nadelwald
- Pilze
- Rose
- fällen
- Oase
- hoch
- spazieren
- Tannenzapfen
- Wiese
- Muschel
- Beeren
- Wellen
- Fichtenwald
- Düne
- Naturschutzgebiet
- Gletscher
- Weg
- Klimaerwärmung
- Sumpfgewächs
- Steinpilz
- Fata Morgana
- Felsen
- Tsunami
- Erdbeben
- tauchen
- Moos
- surfen
- Palme
- Steinweg
- sammeln
- Klippe
- Kamel
- wandern
- Berg
- runterspringen
- ocean Meer
- niedrig
- regnen
- Sumpf
- segeln
- pflücken
- Wüste
- tief
60 Clues: Weg • Düne • Sand • Moos • Wald • Berg • Rose • Oase • hoch • tief • Palme • Kamel • Pilze • Sumpf • Wiese • Wüste • Wellen • reiten • Kaktus • Felsen • surfen • Klippe • Tulpen • regnen • fällen • segeln • Beeren • steinig • Tsunami • tauchen • sammeln • wandern • niedrig • Muschel • Erdbeben • klettern • schneien • Steinweg • pflücken • Gletscher • Steinpilz • Nadelwald • spazieren • anpflanzen • Baumstumpf • Lebensraum • Salzgehalt • Champignon • Steinwüste • ocean Meer • Fichtenwald • ...
NATURE 2013-04-05
20 Clues: mar • río • luna • isla • lago • campo • árbol • costa • Cielo • playa • flores • pueblo • bosque • colina • montaña • cascada • amanecer • desierto. • estrellas. • puesta del sol
Nature 2013-06-23
- Water that falls from the sky
- White and very cold
- Winged animal that lives in a cave
- Has flames and burns
- Comes in many different colors and smells good
- Moving water
- A big group of trees
- Animal that is known as the king of the jungle
- A mountain that can explode
- Green, soft and grows on the ground
- This animal has eight legs
- Animal with a very long neck
- Gives us light and warmth
- Bright light in the night sky
- The biggest living mammal
- Big hairy animal that eats fish
- A place where it almost never rains
- A big body of water
- High and rocky
- Lives in the ocean and has thousands of teeth
- Needed to make it rain
- Gives us light at night
- A water source in the desert
- Animal that climbs trees and eats bananas
- A small mountain
25 Clues: Moving water • High and rocky • A small mountain • White and very cold • A big body of water • Has flames and burns • A big group of trees • Needed to make it rain • Gives us light at night • Gives us light and warmth • The biggest living mammal • This animal has eight legs • A mountain that can explode • Animal with a very long neck • A water source in the desert • ...
Nature 2013-06-20
- Gives us light at night
- Water that falls from the sky
- Moving water
- Winged animal that lives in a cave
- A person who studies the weather
- A mountain that can explode
- High and rocky
- Gives us light and warmth
- Come in many different colors and smell good
- Animal that climbs trees and eats bananas
- This animal has eight legs
- Big hairy animal that eats fish
- A big body of water
- A scientific study of outer space
- Green, soft and grows on the ground
- Has flames and burns
- Animal that is known as the king of the jungle
- Needed to make it rain
- Animal with a very long neck
- A place where it almost never rains
- White and very cold
- A big group of trees
22 Clues: Moving water • High and rocky • A big body of water • White and very cold • Has flames and burns • A big group of trees • Needed to make it rain • Gives us light at night • Gives us light and warmth • This animal has eight legs • A mountain that can explode • Animal with a very long neck • Water that falls from the sky • Big hairy animal that eats fish • A person who studies the weather • ...
Nature 2015-02-10
- Where we live
- Icy rain
- Let it go Let it go
- Muggy
- The opposite to hot
- A direction of wind
- A mass of ice or snow that's slipping down a mountain
- Comes with Lightning
- Direct light coming from the clouds
- What surrounds us?
- How did Dorothy and Toto get to Oz?
- Its white and powdery
- Formations in the sky
- Not wet
- Air movement
- Light winds
- No water
- Colour flashes in the sky
- Insanely strong winds
- heavy rain is called ...
- There is a pot of gold at the end of the ...
- Grey skys
- Something that falls from the clouds
- When all the bad weather comes at once
- Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
- Its blue up above our heads
- Similar to mist
- Not a cloud in the sky
- Slightly wet
- a cold, heavy ______ dripped from the leaves
30 Clues: Muggy • Not wet • Icy rain • No water • Grey skys • Light winds • Slightly wet • Air movement • Where we live • Similar to mist • What surrounds us? • Let it go Let it go • The opposite to hot • A direction of wind • Comes with Lightning • Insanely strong winds • Its white and powdery • Formations in the sky • Not a cloud in the sky • heavy rain is called ... • Colour flashes in the sky • ...
Nature 2021-02-10
20 Clues: upė • oazė • jūra • sala • pelkė • kalva • urvas • kalnas • dykuma • slėnis • ežeras • miškas • ledynas • skardis • kanjonas • krioklys • džiunglės • vandenynas • paplūdimys • ugnikalnis
Nature 2021-05-19
- type of martin that nests in the eaves
- white woodland flower
- public right of way across a field
- fir tree that loses its needles in winter
- harmless green native snake
- red and black friend of the garden
- bird with a curved bill
- amphibian that likes to drink
- tall poisonous yellow plant
- seed of an oak tree
- out of season game bird
- popular sport fish found in the river avon
- type of tree with silver bark
- one of these birds doesn't make a summer
- animal that digs a sett
- edible woodland bird
- small bird of prey
- common duck variety
- songbird that flies high
- fire breather rarely found in Bisterne any more
- small breed of deer
- a native member of the mustelid family
- bird that taps on trees
- small fish
- close behind you to keep the cows in
- larger and faster than a rabbit
26 Clues: small fish • small bird of prey • common duck variety • small breed of deer • seed of an oak tree • edible woodland bird • white woodland flower • animal that digs a sett • bird with a curved bill • bird that taps on trees • out of season game bird • songbird that flies high • harmless green native snake • tall poisonous yellow plant • amphibian that likes to drink • ...
Nature 2022-06-27
30 Clues: Be • My • On • Won • Are • You • Love • NICU • Tape • While • World • White • Smoke • Leash • Ghost • Tombs • Sleeps • Target • Forest • Prayers • Machine • Corvidae • Acquired • Dishonor • Sanctuary • Butterfly • Andromeda • Cauterized • VolsteadAct • Tallahassee
Nature 2022-06-27
24 Clues: I • Let • Just • Lost • Over • Heel • Styx • Cold • Rain • Gold • Stone • Dying • Trade • Drown • Dream • River • Dancer • Sunset • Broken • Lullaby • Threads • Achilles • Sunburst • VernalEquinox
Nature 2022-06-27
25 Clues: In • Art • Owl • Down • Mess • Wake • Star • Burn • Dark • Color • Piano • Grand • Frost • Violet • Fallen • Little • Flight • Scorpio • Citadel • Thoughts • Blossoms • Kintsugi • Masquerade • Introversion • DeadlyNightshade
nature 2022-01-18
24 Clues: tani • morze • plaża • drogi • bilet • nudny • włosy • w dół • łatwy • ramię • niski • lepiej • wysoki • gorszy • wulkan • jezioro • surfować • pustynia • pomiędzy • następny • wodospad • bezpieczny • wspinać się • niebezpieczny
Nature!! 2021-03-10
- -a stream of water that falls from a higher area to a lower one
- -where land and water meet
- -frozen water
- -part of the plant bearing seeds
- -comes from the old Dutch word mere, for sea, and it means land that is sea-ish
- -a hill's big brother
- -covers much of the earth broadly
- -a luxuriant, dense forest rich in biodiversity, found typically in tropical areas
- -arid land with usually sparse vegetation especially
- -vast expansion of saltwater
- -natural features of any landscape like trees and flowers
- -the area around you like plants, animals, and people
- -an area of low land between mountains or hills
- -precipitation that falls from sky in droplets
- -when an area is unnaturally submerged in water
- -rural land and scenery.
- -also called the celestial sphere
- -frozen water that comes down in flakes
- -small invertebrate animal with over six legs and wings
- - collective word for animals in the wild
- -rocky edge at the sea or ocean.
- -short plants that grow in yards and pastures
- -the Earth’s surface that does not have water on it
- -woody plants that typically have only one trunk
- -soil that is saturated with water
- -natural or unnatural chamber underground
- -the natural satellite that orbits Earth
- -body of water which curves as it breaks the shore
- -polar region
- -an area of land that is slightly raised
- -the rays of light and heat that come from the sun
- -edge of land near sea or ocean.
- -very long natural stream of water that goes into the sea
- -loose material that covers some beaches and deserts
- -visible condensed water vapor in the sky
- -an open area of land
- -the intensity of heat in the atmosphere or an object
- -balls of gas visible in the night sky
- -the shaking of the surface of the Earth
- -mountain or hill with a crater that erupts lava and hot vapor
- -the four divisions of the year
41 Clues: -frozen water • -polar region • -a hill's big brother • -an open area of land • -rural land and scenery. • -where land and water meet • -vast expansion of saltwater • -the four divisions of the year • -rocky edge at the sea or ocean. • -part of the plant bearing seeds • -edge of land near sea or ocean. • -covers much of the earth broadly • -also called the celestial sphere • ...
Nature 2021-07-21
- Short period of rain.
- Whirlwinds, twisters.
- Rough paths routes followed by animals.
- Area around the North Pole.
- Spring is one so is autumn.
- Freshwater fish that is often eaten.
- Band of sand beside the
- It sometimes falls as flakes in winter.
- or a type of tree.
- Direction from which the sun rises.
- Type of bird of prey.
- Plant grown for human use or consumption.
- Small rocks.
- 0.405 of a hectare.
- Large expanses of fresh water.
- Large European hardwood tree.
- Scottish word for 7 across.
- 03 It is disappearing from the upper atmosphere.
- A root vegetable, usually white inside.
- Very dry like a desert (adjective).
- A type of fruit; its tree has pink blossom.
- Night birds with large eyes.
- Large animal associated with Father Christmas.
25 Clues: DOWN • ACROSS • Small rocks. • or a type of tree. • 0.405 of a hectare. • Short period of rain. • Whirlwinds, twisters. • Type of bird of prey. • Band of sand beside the • Scottish word for 7 across. • Area around the North Pole. • Spring is one so is autumn. • Night birds with large eyes. • Large European hardwood tree. • Large expanses of fresh water. • Very dry like a desert (adjective). • ...
Nature 2021-02-12
- Big puddle
- What do sneakerheads avoid
- The cotton candy of the sky
- An Avenger needs his hammer for this
- Its purple and prince made it
- I have bark but i don't bite
- It goes through a cycle but never dies
- The sign of medicine
- Frozen Precipitation
- It lives in the northwest and is endangered
- Controls the tide
- Every time we get closer to it we get warmer, and when we get farther we get colder
- One of these a day keeps the doctor away
- The sea of trees
- You get these on valentines day
- Its a pool, but you can never reach the bottom
- If Interstate 5 was water
- Sharp but soft
- When you are far away, it never leaves your sight
- A castle with a B
20 Clues: Big puddle • Sharp but soft • The sea of trees • A castle with a B • Controls the tide • The sign of medicine • Frozen Precipitation • If Interstate 5 was water • What do sneakerheads avoid • The cotton candy of the sky • I have bark but i don't bite • Its purple and prince made it • You get these on valentines day • An Avenger needs his hammer for this • ...
Nature 2020-07-28
- a food group that grows on trees, and has seeds inside
- a large underground chamber that can extend far underground, and can include cool things inside such as crystals
- a landform rising high above its surrounding terrain
- the king of the jungle
- water vapor that floats high in the sky
- an electrical storm where light and sound are present
- a nice vacation spot with a sandy shore
- a natural stream of water that flows into another natural water source
- a track or unpaved road usually used for hiking
- a low area between hills or mountains
- frozen water from the clouds that falls down in a crystal-like form
- a place where lots of woody plants accumulate, and lots of animals tend to live
- a woody plant that provides oxygen and stores carbon dioxide
- a very diverse place found in tropical areas with a variety of wildlife such as sloths,toucans,frogs, and more
- a sweet, sticky substance made by insects, collected from nectar from flowers
- a barren landscape where there is little rainfall, hot climate, and rough conditions for any life there
- a slow moving mass of snow accumulated from snow on mountains
- a stripy creature that flies around and pollinate flowers
- a mountain or hill which has a vent where a hot substance erupts out of at a certain period in time
- a warm blooded, egg laying creature with wings
- something that can be revealed on a dark night, which twinkle from above
21 Clues: the king of the jungle • a low area between hills or mountains • water vapor that floats high in the sky • a nice vacation spot with a sandy shore • a warm blooded, egg laying creature with wings • a track or unpaved road usually used for hiking • a landform rising high above its surrounding terrain • an electrical storm where light and sound are present • ...
Nature 2023-03-19
- A landform with high elevation and high relief.
- a tall plant that has a wooden trunk and branches
- someone whose job is to stop fires
- an area of land that is lower than the land around it
- a large fire that spreads quickly over a natural area
- H2O
- a small body of water
- ice crystals from the sky
- woods
- A measure of how hot or cold something is.
- A sudden spark from the clouds
- 空气
- the sound caused by lightning
- overflow of water in a dry area
- a mound of land, smaller than a mountain
- moving air
- a person who works on a farm
- water falling from the sky
- A long period of dry weather
- the space over the Earth where the sun, moon, stars, and clouds appear
20 Clues: 空气 • H2O • woods • moving air • a small body of water • ice crystals from the sky • water falling from the sky • a person who works on a farm • A long period of dry weather • the sound caused by lightning • A sudden spark from the clouds • overflow of water in a dry area • someone whose job is to stop fires • a mound of land, smaller than a mountain • ...
Nature 2023-03-19
- a landform with high elevation and high relief
- a tall plant that has a wooden trunk and branches
- someone whose job is to stop fires
- an area of land that is lower than the land around it
- a large fire that spreads quickly over a natural area
- H2O
- a small body of water
- ice crystals from the sky
- woods
- a measure of how hot or cold something is
- a sudden spark from the clouds
- 空气
- the sound caused by lightning
- overflow of water in a dry area
- a mound of land, smaller than a mountain
- moving air
- a person who works on a farm
- water falling from the sky
- a long period of dry weather
- the space over the Earth
20 Clues: 空气 • H2O • woods • moving air • a small body of water • the space over the Earth • ice crystals from the sky • water falling from the sky • a person who works on a farm • a long period of dry weather • the sound caused by lightning • a sudden spark from the clouds • overflow of water in a dry area • someone whose job is to stop fires • a mound of land, smaller than a mountain • ...
Nature 2023-09-14
- The body of water that is partially enclosed by land and usually has a narrow entrance?
- Who study’s how water moves across and through the earth’s crust.
- The rocky or sandy area along the shoreline of a body of water?
- What's the process of soil and rock erosion caused by wind and water?
- This area makes up the outermost layer of the Earth?
- The layer of the Earth's atmosphere just above the troposphere?
- What's the term for the shedding of leaves by trees in autumn?
- The process by which plants make their own food using sunlight?
- What's the study of the Earth's physical features and processes?
- The term for the release of water vapor from plants into the atmosphere?
- The natural environment in which plants and animals live?
- The process of breaking down organic matter into fertile soil?
- This green pigment is found in plants that's essential for photosynthesis.
- What's the outermost layer of the Earth's atmosphere?
- The process of a liquid turning into vapor due to heat?
- The substance that makes up most of the Earth's atmosphere?
- What's the force that attracts objects with mass towards one another?
- What's the word for the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or organism?
- The study of living organisms and their interactions with the environment?
- This weather condition has low visibility due to water droplets in the air?
20 Clues: This area makes up the outermost layer of the Earth? • What's the outermost layer of the Earth's atmosphere? • The process of a liquid turning into vapor due to heat? • The natural environment in which plants and animals live? • The substance that makes up most of the Earth's atmosphere? • The process of breaking down organic matter into fertile soil? • ...
Nature 2023-09-29
Nature 2024-03-14
- a small narrow stream or river
- the top of a mountain (1)
- a hill made of sand near the sea or in the desert
- [c... < adj] trees keep their needles and produce brown cones that contain seeds
- a simple type of plant that has no leaves or flowers and that grows on plants or other surfaces. mushrooms and mould are both this
- a coral island in the shape of a ring
- an area of land that is lower than the land around it
- a very small island
- a type of plant with green leaves shaped like large feathers, but no flowers, it's been around since the prehistoric times
- a synonym for 'tornado'
- a small bush with several woody stems
- an animal that only eats plants
- a lake, especially an artificial one, where water is stored before it is supplied to people’s houses
- the top of a mountain (2)
- an animal that eats both meat and plants
- a deep narrow valley with steep sides (1)
- animals and plants growing in natural conditions
- a large flat area of grassy land, especially in Africa
- a plant such as a cactus, that has thick soft leaves or stems that can hold a lot of liquid
- [d... < adj] trees lose their leaves in winter
- a piece of land almost completely surrounded by water but joined to a large area of land
- the fruit of a pine or fir tree
- a tall tree with long hard sharp leaves that do not fall off in winter
- a living creature that does not have a backbone
- an animal or plant that lived many thousands of years ago and that has been preserved
- an area of soft wet muddy ground
- a small piece of land with trees growing on it
- a large mass of ice which moves slowly down a mountain valley
- the leaves of a plant
- a powerful current [prąd wodny] of water that spins around and can pull things down into it
- a huge amount of water that covers an area that is usually dry
- a small stream
- a deep narrow valley with steep sides (2)
- an animal that eats flesh
- an [e... < adj] tree or bush does not lose its leaves in winter
- a large area of flat land that is higher than the land around it
36 Clues: a small stream • a very small island • the leaves of a plant • a synonym for 'tornado' • the top of a mountain (1) • an animal that eats flesh • the top of a mountain (2) • a small narrow stream or river • the fruit of a pine or fir tree • an animal that only eats plants • an area of soft wet muddy ground • a coral island in the shape of a ring • a small bush with several woody stems • ...
Nature 2024-04-19
- Giewont, aconcagua, K2
- Tongas, Taiga, Białowieża
- Philipines, Bahamas, Japan
- Scoresby Sund, Milford Sound, Eyjafjörður
- Wkra, Thames, Zambezi
- Everglades, Okavango delta,Macierowo
- Madagascar, Wolin, Britain
- Mauna Loa, Stromboli,Fuji
- Vatnajökull,Lambert Fisher, Baltoro
- Atlantic, Pacific, Indian
- Baltic, North, South China
- Gobi, Błędowska, Atacama
- Kinabalu,Borneo, Amazon
- Victoria, Huron, Baikal
- Angel,Siklawa,Inga
- Antartica, Australia, Asia
- Persian, Mexico, Pucka
- Biscay, San Francisco, Fundy
- Andes, Pyrenees, Atlas
- Miętusia,Wielka Śnieżna, Smoczna Jama
20 Clues: Angel,Siklawa,Inga • Wkra, Thames, Zambezi • Giewont, aconcagua, K2 • Persian, Mexico, Pucka • Andes, Pyrenees, Atlas • Kinabalu,Borneo, Amazon • Victoria, Huron, Baikal • Gobi, Błędowska, Atacama • Atlantic, Pacific, Indian • Tongas, Taiga, Białowieża • Mauna Loa, Stromboli,Fuji • Baltic, North, South China • Philipines, Bahamas, Japan • Antartica, Australia, Asia • ...
NATURE 2024-04-09
- To look after, protect, or provide for someone or something's needs or well-being.
- A piece of land surrounded by water, smaller than a continent and larger than a rock or islet.
- To ascend or go up a steep natural elevation of the earth, usually for recreation or exploration purposes.
- A large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth, usually larger than a wood and smaller than a continent.
- A living creature that can move and respond to its surroundings, such as a dog, cat, or bird.
- Grave in nature, importance, or concern; not lighthearted or trivial.
- To forcefully rip apart something, causing it to separate into pieces.
- A rupture in the Earth's crust through which molten lava, ash, and gases erupt onto the surface, typically forming a conical hill or mountain.
- Cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates typically with scales, fins, and gills, living in water and breathing through gills.
- To stay outdoors overnight in a tent or shelter for leisure, often in a natural environment such as a forest or near a lake.
- A living organism typically lacking mobility and possessing cellulose cell walls, obtaining energy through photosynthesis and often rooted in the ground.
- A photographic or video technique that captures a series of images at set intervals to record changes that take place slowly over time, played back at a faster rate to show the changes in a shorter period.
- To cease to be visible or exist; to vanish from sight or existence.
- To rely on or need something or someone for support, survival, or success.
- To propel oneself through water by natural movements of the limbs, typically the arms and legs.
- A large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake, or another such stream.
- Small, six-legged invertebrates with segmented bodies and typically one or two pairs of wings, such as ants, bees, and butterflies.
- To pull something towards oneself or another object due to its appealing qualities or characteristics.
- A natural underground hollow space formed within the earth's surface, often large enough for a person to enter.
- The process by which two or more species evolve together in response to changes in each other over time, often resulting in mutually beneficial adaptations.
- To take a leisurely stroll or journey on foot, typically for exercise, relaxation, or enjoyment.
- To take a long, vigorous walk, usually on trails or paths in natural surroundings such as mountains, forests, or countryside.
- Feathered, winged animals that typically lay eggs, have beaks, and can fly, such as sparrows, eagles, and ducks.
23 Clues: To cease to be visible or exist; to vanish from sight or existence. • Grave in nature, importance, or concern; not lighthearted or trivial. • To forcefully rip apart something, causing it to separate into pieces. • To rely on or need something or someone for support, survival, or success. • ...
nature 2024-07-08
- Howls at the moon (4 letters)
- Large, flat grassland (7 letters)
- Natural underground chamber (4 letters)
- Dense group of trees (6 letters)
- Tree with white bark (5 letters)
- Reef Marine structure built by tiny animals (5 letters)
- Wetland with grasses and reeds (5 letters)
- Deep valley with steep sides (6 letters)
- Type of tree often found in parks (3 letters)
- Large mass of moving ice (7 letters)
- Cascade of water falling from a height (9 letters)
- High, steep face of rock (5 letters)
- Freshwater fish (5 letters)
- snowcapped (4 letters)
- Small, flowing body of water (6 letters)
- Plant with feathery fronds (4 letters)
- Masked critter (6 letters)
- coats a tree's trunk (4 letters)
- Shrub or small tree (4 letters)
- Bird of prey (4 letters)
- Nocturnal bird of prey (3 letters)
21 Clues: snowcapped (4 letters) • Bird of prey (4 letters) • Masked critter (6 letters) • Freshwater fish (5 letters) • Howls at the moon (4 letters) • Shrub or small tree (4 letters) • Dense group of trees (6 letters) • coats a tree's trunk (4 letters) • Tree with white bark (5 letters) • Large, flat grassland (7 letters) • Nocturnal bird of prey (3 letters) • ...
Nature 2018-12-14
Nature 2013-06-23
- Green, soft and grows on the ground
- Gives us light and warmth
- Needed to make it rain
- Winged animal that lives in a cave
- This animal has eight legs
- High and rocky
- A big body of water
- White and very cold
- A big group of trees
- Moving water
- Comes in many different colors and smells good
- Water that falls from the sky
- Big hairy animal that eats fish
- Gives us light at night
- A water source in the desert
- A mountain that can explode
- Bright light in the night sky
- A place where it almost never rains
- Animal with a very long neck
- Animal that climbs trees and eats bananas
- A small mountain
- Lives in the ocean and has thousands of teeth
- Animal that is known as the king of the jungle
- The biggest living mammal
- Has flames and burns
25 Clues: Moving water • High and rocky • A small mountain • A big body of water • White and very cold • A big group of trees • Has flames and burns • Needed to make it rain • Gives us light at night • Gives us light and warmth • The biggest living mammal • This animal has eight legs • A mountain that can explode • A water source in the desert • Animal with a very long neck • ...
Nature 2013-06-20
- Needed to make it rain
- High and rocky
- A scientific study of outer space
- Come in many different colors and smell good
- A mountain that can explode
- Animal with a very long neck
- A big group of trees
- Gives us light at night
- Animal that is known as the king of the jungle
- Big hairy animal that eats fish
- A place where it almost never rains
- Water that falls from the sky
- Green, soft and grows on the ground
- White and very cold
- Animals that only eat meat
- A person who studies the weather
- Gives us light and warmth
- A big body of water
- Animal that climbs trees and eats bananas
- This animal has eight legs
- Winged animal that lives in a cave
- Moving water
- Bright lights in the night sky
- Has flames and burns
24 Clues: Moving water • High and rocky • White and very cold • A big body of water • A big group of trees • Has flames and burns • Needed to make it rain • Gives us light at night • Gives us light and warmth • Animals that only eat meat • This animal has eight legs • A mountain that can explode • Animal with a very long neck • Water that falls from the sky • Bright lights in the night sky • ...
Nature 2017-01-25
- Latin word for water
- a naturally occurring solid aggregate of minerals or mineraloids
- a rupture in the crust of a planetary-mass object, such as earth
- known by the sound created when flapping their wings and hover in the air
- everything that lies above the surface of the Earth, including the atmosphere and outer space, also known as the 'celestial dome'
- a meteorological phenomenon that is caused by reflection resulting in a spectrum of light
- a large area dominated by trees
- a persistent body of dense ice that is constantly moving under its own weight
- formed from tiny droplets that saturate a cloud
- smaller tree identified by its light gray pallor with black lines
- sound made by a bee
- when a small breeze picks up speed suddenly
- solid precipitation characterised by small ice pellets
- occasionally referred to as 'Luna'
- produce a variety of vocalisations,usually in the form of clicks and whistles
- a place where water flows over a vertical drop or a series of drops in the course of a stream or river
- type of insect related to grasshoppers and also make noise when rubbing their legs together
- this slimy a long cylindrical tube-like body with no limbs and can very in size up to 1 metre
- type of perennial flower that contains large thorns
- characterised by its bushy appearance, comes in many varieties
- this type of cloud comes from the Latin word meaning a ringlet or curling lock of hair
21 Clues: sound made by a bee • Latin word for water • a large area dominated by trees • occasionally referred to as 'Luna' • when a small breeze picks up speed suddenly • formed from tiny droplets that saturate a cloud • type of perennial flower that contains large thorns • solid precipitation characterised by small ice pellets • ...
Nature 2022-12-06
- the sea
- the flower
- gray
- the sun
- white
- the cloud
- Red
- the animal
- the island
- the lawn
- green
- the waterfall
- the moon
- pink
- the volcano
- the land
- gold
- silver
- the world
- the sand
- brown
- the reptile
- the bird
- the star
- the forest
- the tree
- the desert
- the snow
- the ocean
- the beach
- the jungle
- Orange
- the lake
- the amphibian
- the mountain range
- purple
- the sky
- the river
- blue
- yellow
- the mountain
- black
- the rain
43 Clues: Red • gray • pink • blue • gold • white • green • black • brown • Orange • purple • yellow • silver • the sea • the sun • the sky • the bird • the star • the tree • the snow • the lawn • the lake • the moon • the land • the sand • the rain • the ocean • the beach • the cloud • the river • the world • the flower • the forest • the desert • the jungle • the animal • the island • the volcano • the reptile • the mountain • the amphibian • the waterfall • the mountain range
Nature 2023-04-18
- Violent, rotating column of air
- Marine invertebrate with a hard, exoskeleton
- Spiny marine animal with five arms
- Natural feature where water drops from a height
- Atmospheric phenomena of light and colour
- Visible mass of condensed water vapor
- Colourful insect with delicate wings
- Flying insect that collects nectar and pollen
- Tall plant with large yellow flowers
- Ice crystal that falls from the sky
- Tall landform that rises above its surroundings
- Natural light display in the polar regions
- Mountain that opens at the top to a pool of molten rock
- Large, flowing body of water
- Outdoor activity of walking in natural environments
- Large body of water surrounded by land
- Uncultivated, uninhabited area of land
- Activity of observing birds in their natural habitat
- Vast body of saltwater
- Dense collection of trees and underbrush
20 Clues: Vast body of saltwater • Large, flowing body of water • Violent, rotating column of air • Spiny marine animal with five arms • Ice crystal that falls from the sky • Colourful insect with delicate wings • Tall plant with large yellow flowers • Visible mass of condensed water vapor • Large body of water surrounded by land • Uncultivated, uninhabited area of land • ...
Nature 2023-04-20
- Monkey’s favorite snack
- Black and Yellow
- Blooms in August
- California State Animal
- Appears when sunlight hits a rain droplet
- Made of water vapor
- Man eating fish
- Blue and white
- Song about nature by Kali Uchis and Tyler the creator
- Can be eaten raw
- Popular for bouquets
- What does the ____ say?
- Plants grow in ____.
- Ugly carpet dogs
- The World’s largest source of oxygen (and a Spongebob character)
- Trees that make syrup
- The month that spring starts in
- Meme animal
- Plant with the closest DNA to humans
- Eagle USA national animal
- Provides lots of iron to humans
- Black and White
- is born as a caterpillar
- Come out when it rains
- California State Flower
- Popular in California
- Moo
- Pink and stands on one leg
28 Clues: Moo • Meme animal • Blue and white • Black and White • Man eating fish • Black and Yellow • Blooms in August • Can be eaten raw • Ugly carpet dogs • Made of water vapor • Popular for bouquets • Plants grow in ____. • Trees that make syrup • Popular in California • Come out when it rains • Monkey’s favorite snack • California State Animal • California State Flower • What does the ____ say? • ...
NATURE 2017-07-03
- pass out to become unconscious for a short time
- of thunder deep noise
- bright light and warmth that comes from the sun when the weather is fine and there no clouds
- an activity in which a large number of people are asked what they think about something or how they will vote in an election
- deliberately causing suffering to other people or animals
- a clear way of understanding something
- the ceremony that takes place when someone who has recently died is put into the ground, or when their body is burned
- large amounts of water pouring into an area,
- a small part of a plant that grows into a new plant when it is in the soil
- be blown down when smth collapses or is destroyed by very strong winds in a storm
- unable to move or stop watching because smth is amazing
- someone who keeps animals and produces and sells young animals
- sufficient to cause death
- (prep) happening all around at the same time; having people all around you.
- a sheet of glass at the front or back of a car that the driver can see through
- people (places) show culture and good standards of behaviour because they belong to an advanced and well developed society
- an amount of money that a government pays in order to help a producer sell goods at a lower price and still have a profit
- (of a plant) the parts under the ground that send food up to the plant above the ground/ (of a person) the place, culture, and family that they come from
- lightning lightning that splits into two
- the loud noise that you hear in the sky during a storm
- (relationship) a lot of arguing and disagreement btw people
- a problem or an issue that people cannot agree about
- the long thin part of a plant that a flower grows on
- money that you get from someone after they die
- rot to decay through natural processes
- a living thing such as a tree or bush that grows out of the ground
- an activity is the fact of their taking part in it
- a thick cloud that forms close to the ground
- come off (the road) to move onto the special road to leave the motorway/loose control and go onto the pavement or side of the road
- become extremely wet
- behaviour that deliberately tries to frighten someone, often in order to make them do something they do not want to do
- something difficult or dangerous that you do because someone has challenged you to do it
- idea or action is one that comes at the beginning of a situation, and which later changes
- being unable to get away even though you want to
- the quality or state of being different or diverse
- a very sudden and bright light which appears and then disappears very quickly
- the quality and behaviour involved in being brave
- the flowers that grow on trees before the fruit develop; also about people, career etc.
- the sky
- a situation in which people feel embarrassed because they think something is wrong but they do not know exactly what
- a wrong or mistaken idea about something
- when smth continues all the time without a pause
42 Clues: the sky • become extremely wet • of thunder deep noise • sufficient to cause death • rot to decay through natural processes • a clear way of understanding something • a wrong or mistaken idea about something • lightning lightning that splits into two • a thick cloud that forms close to the ground • large amounts of water pouring into an area, • ...
Nature 2020-03-21
- A small stream.
- Those invisible gases that we breathe.
- A heavy section of a tree that has fallen down.
- The little objects from which plants grow.
- Moving water raised above the surface of the ocean.
- The Earth and all the people in it.
- A fine dry powder, often made from dirt.
- The physical world and everything in it.
- The tiny pieces of rock that cover the beach.
- A natural flow of water, smaller than a river but bigger than a brook.
- Land that is away from cities and towns.
- The sandy area in front of an ocean.
- A flat area of land covered with tall grass.
- The dark area produced when something moves in front of the sun.
- Loose earth or soil.
- A rounded area of land that is higher than its surroundings.
- A tall plant that is made from wood and has many branches.
- An area of land that rises much higher than its surroundings.
- The hard solid stuff that the Earth is made from.
- Where birds lay their eggs and care for their babies.
- A poetic name for the sky above.
- A short plant that covers large areas.
- A hollow place in the ground.
- An open area without trees or buildings.
- The surface of the Earth.
- A very hot and very dry area covered with sand.
- That clear, colourless liquid that we drink.
- A part of a tree that grows from the trunk.
- A large area of water surrounded by land.
- The round yellow thing in the day sky.
- Small pieces of rock.
- The part of a plant that grows underground.
- A plant that is smaller than a tree.
- A long thin plant that grows across the ground or up things.
- An area of land surrounded by water.
- The salt water that covers the Earth's surface.
- A natural flow of water that covers the land.
- That planet that we live on.
- The salt water that covers the Earth's surface; like a sea.
- The round silver thing in the night sky.
40 Clues: A small stream. • Loose earth or soil. • Small pieces of rock. • The surface of the Earth. • That planet that we live on. • A hollow place in the ground. • A poetic name for the sky above. • The Earth and all the people in it. • The sandy area in front of an ocean. • A plant that is smaller than a tree. • An area of land surrounded by water. • ...
Nature 2020-03-26
- trees and flowers contain it and it can cause allergies
- water that comes from the sky
- flower associated to romance
- type of plant that clings to fences and buildings
- area where one plants plants
- becomes a plant
- thing with petals and stem
- colour of grass
- tube that water shoots out of
- ‘limb’ of a tree
- opposite of inside
- small form of fruit
- large plant with branches and leaves
- flat green blade attached to stem
- small thing that forms before leaf or flower
- very long type of plant
- thing that flower roots and leaves attach to
- brown substance, can be found almost anywhere
- opposite of stale and preserved
- star in the middle of our solar system
20 Clues: becomes a plant • colour of grass • ‘limb’ of a tree • opposite of inside • small form of fruit • very long type of plant • thing with petals and stem • flower associated to romance • area where one plants plants • water that comes from the sky • tube that water shoots out of • opposite of stale and preserved • flat green blade attached to stem • large plant with branches and leaves • ...
Nature 2020-03-26
- trees and flowers contain it and it can cause allergies
- water that comes from the sky
- flower associated to romance
- type of plant that clings to fences and buildings
- area where one plants plants
- becomes a plant
- thing with petals and stem
- colour of grass
- tube that water shoots out of
- ‘limb’ of a tree
- opposite of inside
- small form of fruit
- large plant with branches and leaves
- flat green blade attached to stem
- small thing that forms before leaf or flower
- very long type of plant
- thing that flower roots and leaves attach to
- brown substance, can be found almost anywhere
- opposite of stale and preserved
- star in the middle of our solar system
20 Clues: becomes a plant • colour of grass • ‘limb’ of a tree • opposite of inside • small form of fruit • very long type of plant • thing with petals and stem • flower associated to romance • area where one plants plants • water that comes from the sky • tube that water shoots out of • opposite of stale and preserved • flat green blade attached to stem • large plant with branches and leaves • ...
Nature 2020-04-28
- Una flor amarilla de la primavera. El _______
- El árbol, la flor, el narciso, la margarita. La ______
- Insecto muy bonito. Tienes muchos colores. La ________
- Esta cosa es muy fuerte. El ____
- Tiene agua y pez. El ___
- Un animal marrón que camina por la calle. El ______
- Un insecto blanco y negro. La _____
- Un vegetal pequeño que puede ser peligroso. El _____
- Una bonita planta. Ejemplo: una rosa. La ____
- Un animal blanco y negro del país. La ____
- Un insecto pequeño, rosado y feo en el barro. El ______
- Una fruta pequeña. Las _____
- Un animal que canta. El ______
- otra flor amarilla de la primavera. La _________
- Esto es marrón y es después de la lluevia en el hierba. El _____
- Una planta que da aire. El _____
- Un pequeño animal que vive en la hierba. El ______
- Una cosa pequeña y fea. El _______
- Esta planta está en todas partes. La ______
- Otra palabra para el aire libre. El _______
20 Clues: Tiene agua y pez. El ___ • Una fruta pequeña. Las _____ • Un animal que canta. El ______ • Una planta que da aire. El _____ • Esta cosa es muy fuerte. El ____ • Una cosa pequeña y fea. El _______ • Un insecto blanco y negro. La _____ • Un animal blanco y negro del país. La ____ • Esta planta está en todas partes. La ______ • Otra palabra para el aire libre. El _______ • ...
Nature 2020-04-10
- Tree arms in a bunch.
- An insect that might suck your blood.
- Something that needs to happen.
- What animals might do if there is a forest fire.
- An animal as a pet from Australia.
- If you put sandbags up before water came you _______.
- If you live through an earthquake you ________.
- Birds become scared.
- Leave the container.
- Opposite of the Sahara Desert.
- A cat that you don't see a lot.
- Something you might see everyday.
- You can't call anymore.
- Lots of dirty air in a sky formation.
- A dog does this to big white things.
- A disgusting bug goes down your throat.
- Go toward somewhere.
- A dog does this to an insect.
- What some companies destroy when they cut down forests
- Look the same.
- The kitten can.
- Bob is so scared that he dies.
- Seven different colors twice.
- A rabbit might do this to the ground for a home.
- A bird does this to make its home.
- Throw out something.
- Black bugs in a line.
- Putting dry mud everywhere.
28 Clues: Look the same. • The kitten can. • Go toward somewhere. • Birds become scared. • Leave the container. • Throw out something. • Tree arms in a bunch. • Black bugs in a line. • You can't call anymore. • Putting dry mud everywhere. • A dog does this to an insect. • Seven different colors twice. • Bob is so scared that he dies. • Opposite of the Sahara Desert. • Something that needs to happen. • ...
Nature 2021-01-28
27 Clues: Kiil • Mänd • Lepp • Redis • Ilves • Kuusk • Tikker • Harakas • Spinach • Leevike • Süsinik • Lõpused • Isahani • Võilill • Riisikas • Talveuni • Kuldnokk • Blueberry • Vääriskivi • goat, Sokk • Mädarõigas • snake, Nastik • vole, Vesirot • Ball, Murumuna • lily, Vesiroos • Currant, Punane sõstar • of the Valley, Maikelluke
Nature 2020-10-24
20 Clues: Goa • Awan • Pasir • Danau • Kutub • kolam • Gurun • Gunung • Lumpur • Pantai • Lembah • sungai • Samudra • Pesisir • Air terjun • Semenanjung • Musim gugur • Musim panas • Gunung berapi • Hutan hujan tropis
Nature 2021-07-21
- Short period of rain.
- Whirlwinds, twisters.
- Rough paths routes followed by animals.
- Area around the North Pole.
- Spring is one so is autumn.
- Freshwater fish that is often eaten.
- Band of sand beside the sea.
- It sometimes falls as flakes in winter.
- or a type of tree.
- Direction from which the sun rises.
- Type of bird of prey.
- Plant grown for human use or consumption.
- Small rocks.
- 0.405 of a hectare.
- Large expanses of fresh water.
- Large European hardwood tree.
- Scottish word for 7 across.
- 03 It is disappearing from the upper atmosphere.
- A root vegetable, usually white inside.
- Very dry like a desert (adjective).
- A type of fruit; its tree has pink blossom.
- Night birds with large eyes.
- Large animal associated with Father Christmas.
25 Clues: DOWN • ACROSS • Small rocks. • or a type of tree. • 0.405 of a hectare. • Short period of rain. • Whirlwinds, twisters. • Type of bird of prey. • Scottish word for 7 across. • Area around the North Pole. • Spring is one so is autumn. • Band of sand beside the sea. • Night birds with large eyes. • Large European hardwood tree. • Large expanses of fresh water. • ...
NAture 2021-07-21
- Short period of rain.
- Whirlwinds, twisters.
- Rough paths routes followed by animals.
- Area around the North Pole.
- Spring is one so is autumn.
- Freshwater fish that is often eaten.
- Band of sand beside the
- It sometimes falls as flakes in winter.
- or a type of tree.
- Direction from which the sun rises.
- Type of bird of prey.
- Plant grown for human use or consumption.
- Small rocks.
- 0.405 of a hectare.
- Large expanses of fresh water.
- Large European hardwood tree.
- Scottish word for 7 across.
- 03 It is disappearing from the upper atmosphere.
- A root vegetable, usually white inside.
- Very dry like a desert (adjective).
- A type of fruit; its tree has pink blossom.
- Night birds with large eyes.
- Large animal associated with Father Christmas.
25 Clues: DOWN • ACROSS • Small rocks. • or a type of tree. • 0.405 of a hectare. • Short period of rain. • Whirlwinds, twisters. • Type of bird of prey. • Band of sand beside the • Scottish word for 7 across. • Area around the North Pole. • Spring is one so is autumn. • Night birds with large eyes. • Large European hardwood tree. • Large expanses of fresh water. • Very dry like a desert (adjective). • ...
Nature 2021-07-21
- Short period of rain.
- Whirlwinds, twisters.
- Rough paths routes followed by animals.
- Area around the North Pole.
- Spring is one so is autumn.
- Freshwater fish that is often eaten.
- Band of sand beside the sea.
- It sometimes falls as flakes in winter.
- or a type of tree.
- Direction from which the sun rises.
- Type of bird of prey.
- Plant grown for human use or consumption.
- Small rocks.
- 0.405 of a hectare.
- Large expanses of fresh water.
- Large European hardwood tree.
- Scottish word for 7 across.
- 03 It is disappearing from the upper atmosphere.
- A root vegetable, usually white inside.
- Very dry like a desert (adjective).
- A type of fruit; its tree has pink blossom.
- Night birds with large eyes.
- Large animal associated with Father Christmas.
25 Clues: DOWN • ACROSS • Small rocks. • or a type of tree. • 0.405 of a hectare. • Short period of rain. • Whirlwinds, twisters. • Type of bird of prey. • Scottish word for 7 across. • Area around the North Pole. • Spring is one so is autumn. • Band of sand beside the sea. • Night birds with large eyes. • Large European hardwood tree. • Large expanses of fresh water. • ...
Nature 2022-04-21
- The theme of this crossword
- Something kids like to climb
- A season you either love or hate
- The drink of the gods
- A mass of 5 across
- Smells good and makes a nice gift
- What you see when you look up
- The instrument of death that killed Goliath
- A body of water smaller than an ocean
- The setting of the sun (2 words)
- Something that sometimes covers 7 down
- Something that rages
- Gaia
- The goddess Selene
- You need this to live
- Bella & Edward
- A bird that Americans love
- Keeps humans warm
- The drink of life
- Something that is cute and chirps
- A seasonal sickness + men
- What you do when you go star-watching (infinitive form)
- Another season you either love or hate
- Cold and elevated
- What astrology is based on
25 Clues: Gaia • Bella & Edward • Keeps humans warm • The drink of life • Cold and elevated • The goddess Selene • A mass of 5 across • Something that rages • You need this to live • The drink of the gods • A seasonal sickness + men • A bird that Americans love • What astrology is based on • The theme of this crossword • Something kids like to climb • What you see when you look up • ...
Nature 2022-04-21
- What you do when you go star-watching (infinitive form)
- The setting of the sun (2 words)
- Smells good and makes a nice gift
- Gaia
- You need this to live
- What astrology is based on
- A body of water smaller than an ocean
- A bird that Americans love
- Something that sometimes covers 12 down
- Another season you either love or hate
- Bella & Edward
- The drink of the gods
- The instrument of death that killed Goliath
- A mass of 17 down
- Something that is cute and chirps
- Cold and elevated
- The goddess Selene
- What you see when you look up
- A seasonal sickness + men
- Keeps humans warm
- The drink of life
- A season you either love or hate
- Something that rages
- Something kids like to climb
- The theme of this crossword
25 Clues: Gaia • Bella & Edward • A mass of 17 down • Cold and elevated • Keeps humans warm • The drink of life • The goddess Selene • Something that rages • You need this to live • The drink of the gods • A seasonal sickness + men • What astrology is based on • A bird that Americans love • The theme of this crossword • Something kids like to climb • What you see when you look up • ...
Nature 2022-06-27
24 Clues: We • Your • Luck • This • Mast • Dogs • Good • Were • Half • Fight • Blood • Smoke • There • Where • Alley • Charms • Flight • Immune • Poison • EnGarde • Diamond • Binding • Together • Somewhere
Nature 2022-06-27
40 Clues: Of • Me • In • Art • New • End • Time • Real • Moth • Lost • Mind • Face • IDES • Fruit • Music • Glide • Flame • March • Blood • World • Water • Thick • World • Freeze • Broken • Called • Awaken • Clocks • Glitch • Eternal • Shuffle • Paradise • Vibrancy • Nocturne • Forbidden • Parasitic • Hindsight • Cannonball • Apocalypse • SleepyHollow
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