nature Crossword Puzzles

Nature 2020-05-16

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A bird abode.
  2. When violets take over your lawn.
  3. Drawing of yellow early spring flowers.
  4. What you experience when hiking along a stream in woodlands.
  5. Local mountain range.
  6. Tasty treat for Papas, kids, and well, everyone really!
  7. Flowering tree gifted to attendees at Lisa and Rob's wedding.
  8. A word to describe this sunrise, tree, and hawk.
  1. A green ingredient in tacos.
  2. An aquatic environment.
  3. Purple ornamental shrubs.
  4. Texas state flower (and a kind of ice cream (well, it is!)
  5. What kids of all ages dig up, pile up, and play in, especially at the beach.
  6. Yellow songbird.
  7. A beached carnivore and/or an adult beverage.
  8. Lawn grass, Texas style.
  9. If you're a kid, what trees are meant for.
  10. A place in Cohoes for people to hike.
  11. Chalk rainbow drawing symbolizing a happy outcome from Covid-19.
  12. Multiple yellow spring flowers greet the sunrise.

20 Clues: A bird abode.Yellow songbird.Local mountain range.An aquatic environment.Lawn grass, Texas style.Purple ornamental shrubs.A green ingredient in tacos.When violets take over your lawn.A place in Cohoes for people to hike.Drawing of yellow early spring flowers.If you're a kid, what trees are meant for.A beached carnivore and/or an adult beverage....

Nature 2020-05-18

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. experience smth, especially problems or opposition
  2. small animals, birds, and insects that are harmful
  3. noticed but not listened to, accepted, or believed
  4. reduce the amount of smth that is present or available
  5. make smth or smb extremely thin from lack of food or illness
  6. exist in a way that may cause a problem, danger, difficulty etc
  7. spreads in different directions over a wide area
  8. make someone ill and weak
  9. extremely worried and frightened about a situation, so that you cannot control
  10. severely and violently damage someone’s body, esp. by cutting or removing part of it
  11. a very bad situation that someone is in
  12. type of animal or plant that does not exist anymore
  1. to say publicly that someone is not guilty or responsible for smth
  2. when unwanted things or people spread over in great numbers
  3. go into a place in large numbers, especially when you are not wanted
  4. expect or ask someone to do smth for you when this is not convenient
  5. to protect smth and prevent it from changing or being damaged
  6. cover an area with a large amount of water
  7. make a situation or the condition of smth worse
  8. an animal’s baby or babies
  9. extremely serious or terrible
  10. extremely unpleasant or of very bad quality
  11. able to produce babies, young animals, or new plants
  12. damage smth very badly or completely
  13. occurring again periodically or repeatedly
  14. able to continue without causing damage to the environment
  15. relating to birth

27 Clues: relating to birthmake someone ill and weakan animal’s baby or babiesextremely serious or terribledamage smth very badly or completelya very bad situation that someone is incover an area with a large amount of wateroccurring again periodically or repeatedlyextremely unpleasant or of very bad qualitymake a situation or the condition of smth worse...

NATURE 2021-04-30

NATURE crossword puzzle
  1. is a landform that rises prominently above its surroundings, generally exhibiting steep slopes, a relatively confined summit area and considerable local relief.
  2. is a large, perennial accumulation of crystalline eyes, snow, rock, sediment, and often liquid water that originates on land and moves down slope under the influence of its on weight and gravity.
  3. a large and often winding stream which drains a land mass, carrying water down from higher areas to a lower point, often time, ending in another body of water, such as an ocean in an inland sea.
  4. is a barren area of landscape where little consequently , living conditions are hostile for plant and animal life.
  5. is continuous body of salt water that covers.
  6. is a peace of land that rises higher than everything surrounding it. it looks like a little bump in the earth.
  7. is usually made of sun tiny grains of rocks and minerals that have been worn down by constant pounding by wind and waves
  8. is an open habitat, or field, vegetated, by grass, herbs and other non-woody plants.
  9. is a body of land surrounded by water.
  1. is a flat expanse of land that generally does not change much in elevation, and are primarily treeless
  2. is a forest thick with trees, other plants and animals.
  3. is a mound of sand formed by the wind, usually along the beach or in a desert.
  4. is an open place in a city or town for nature. there are often trees and, benches, statues, and pond.
  5. is a trodden way.
  6. is the area around and belonging to house or other building
  7. is the edge of the land where it meets an ocean, sea, gulf, bay, or large lake
  8. is a mountain that opens downward to a pool of molten rock below the surface of the earth.
  9. is a great body of salt water that covers much of the earth broadly.
  10. is a vertical ( nearly vertical) rock face
  11. is the land along a sea.
  12. is a body of water partially surrounded by land. It is usually smaller and less and enclosed than a gulf.

21 Clues: is a trodden the land along a a body of land surrounded by a vertical ( nearly vertical) rock faceis continuous body of salt water that a forest thick with trees, other plants and the area around and belonging to house or other buildingis a great body of salt water that covers much of the earth broadly....

Nature 2020-11-28

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Tal on pikad jalad, millega ta suudab tõrjuda eemale terve hundikarja.
  2. koeratõug kes sai nime Mehhiko linna järgi.
  3. Toitu otsib pimedas, sest siis tunneb ta end turvaliselt.
  4. Ta on tuntud puhtuse poolest, ta võib kulutada 24% oma päevast enda kasuka eest hoolitsemisele.
  5. Paljude lemmik mardikas.
  6. Võib saavutada kuni 59 km/h kiiruse joostes.
  7. ta suudab molekulaarjõudu kasutades klammerduda ka kõige siledamatele pindadele
  8. Ta suudab oma mitme paindliku kombitsaga asju kinni haarata ja pigistada.
  9. Ta justkui "loeb" oma nina abil.
  10. Tekitab infraheli urisedes nii madala häälega, et inimesed seda ei kuule.
  11. Tema tiib on kaetud soomustega ja meenutab katust.
  1. Kaamli sugulane, kelle vill on tugevam kui lambavill.
  2. Mõned liigid ronivad mööda krobelist tüve puu otsa ja teised kaevuvad liivasse.
  3. Suurem osa päevast passib ühe ja sama koha peal, saba kinnitatud taime külge, põhitegevuseks söömine. Kilpkonnadele toiduks,
  4. Ta kaja aitab tal leida liiva sisse peitunud kalu, ning teeb vahet kalal ja kivil.
  5. Ta eritab lima, mis on piisavalt kleepuv, et kinnitada teda märja lehe külge.
  6. Lind kes ei külmu ära isegi siis kui seisab jää peal.
  7. Tema ränne on ohtlik ja väsitav, ta võib lennata isegi 10000 meetri kõrgusel.
  8. Tema hammustus on kolm korda tugevam kui lõvi või tiigri oma.
  9. Veeloom kelle karvkate ühel ruutsentimeetril on 150 000 karva.

20 Clues: Paljude lemmik mardikas.Ta justkui "loeb" oma nina abil.koeratõug kes sai nime Mehhiko linna järgi.Võib saavutada kuni 59 km/h kiiruse joostes.Tema tiib on kaetud soomustega ja meenutab katust.Kaamli sugulane, kelle vill on tugevam kui lambavill.Lind kes ei külmu ära isegi siis kui seisab jää peal....

Nature 2021-06-17

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Picking the food from the garden
  2. Like fuzzy worms but above ground
  3. Flashes in the sky
  4. The edge of a lake or bay where kids like to play
  5. The smell really bad
  6. When evening turns into night
  7. They make parks and homes look nicer
  8. They help the soil by giving it more air
  9. Snow, thunder
  10. Pathways through forests
  11. When the air is moving more than usual
  12. Keeps us warm but can make us hot
  1. We all need to protect it
  2. Putting things in gardens, flowerbeds
  3. Some of the tastiest food that grows
  4. Large streams
  5. When night becomes day
  6. They start out green, but eventually change colour
  7. A pretty flower plant,watch out for the thorns
  8. Like moths in a way
  9. They smell really good (most of them)
  10. The food chain would be lost without it

22 Clues: Large streamsSnow, thunderFlashes in the skyLike moths in a wayThe smell really badWhen night becomes dayPathways through forestsWe all need to protect itWhen evening turns into nightPicking the food from the gardenLike fuzzy worms but above groundKeeps us warm but can make us hotSome of the tastiest food that grows...

Nature 2022-04-06

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. / southern
  2. / ocean
  3. / volcano
  4. / south america
  5. / mountans
  6. / waterfall
  7. / trees
  8. / pacific
  9. / lake
  10. / island
  1. / africa
  2. / europe
  3. / river
  4. / hills
  5. / north america
  6. / land
  7. / atlantic
  8. / jungle
  9. / arctic
  10. / australia
  11. / beach
  12. / water
  13. / indian
  14. / asia

24 Clues: / land/ asia/ lake/ river/ hills/ ocean/ beach/ water/ trees/ africa/ europe/ arctic/ indian/ island/ volcano/ pacific/ southern/ atlantic/ jungle/ mountans/ australia/ waterfall/ north america/ south america

Nature 2023-10-31

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Liquid substance that has no smell or taste.
  2. Solid material formed from minerals.
  3. Piece of land surrounded by water.
  4. Mountains where there are many trees.
  5. Thick wall built to impound water.
  6. Its function is to reproduce seeds.
  7. Water stream.
  8. Saltwater set.
  9. Green organism that performs photosynthesis.
  10. Part of the atmosphere seen from earth
  1. Fun place for kids.
  2. Entrance of a sea.
  3. Thin and green leaves.
  4. Construction on rivers to be able to cross them.
  5. Terraiin green,flat and moist.
  6. It has root, stem, leaves, flowers.
  7. Mountains where there is a lot of sand.
  8. Solid body that rotates around a star
  9. Place surrounded by trees and mountains.
  10. Celestial bodies that shine in the firmament.

20 Clues: Water stream.Saltwater set.Entrance of a sea.Fun place for kids.Thin and green leaves.Terraiin green,flat and moist.Piece of land surrounded by water.Thick wall built to impound water.It has root, stem, leaves, flowers.Its function is to reproduce seeds.Solid material formed from minerals.Mountains where there are many trees....

Nature 2023-11-12

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Too much water
  2. Frozen water
  3. Characterized by cold weather
  4. Humans occupy it
  5. Can lay eggs
  6. Has a wooden trunk
  7. It can blind you if you stare at it
  8. A plant that grows in the desert
  9. A lot of moisture in the air
  10. lava
  1. Animal that loves acorns
  2. Water and dirt
  3. Has thorns and red petals
  4. Cannot survive on dry land
  5. An animal that can hibernate
  6. Land surrounded by water
  7. Destructive wind tunnel
  8. It is not always greener
  9. Where sand and water meet
  10. A meal for a panda bear
  11. What we see in the sky at night

21 Clues: lavaFrozen waterCan lay eggsWater and dirtToo much waterHumans occupy itHas a wooden trunkDestructive wind tunnelA meal for a panda bearAnimal that loves acornsLand surrounded by waterIt is not always greenerHas thorns and red petalsWhere sand and water meetCannot survive on dry landAn animal that can hibernateA lot of moisture in the air...

Nature 2024-02-05

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. 雨林(n.)
  2. 散播(v.)
  3. 罰款(n.)
  4. 填海(n.)
  5. 氣候(n)
  6. 教育(v)
  7. 威脅(n.)
  8. 好處(n)
  9. 砍伐樹木(n.)
  1. 沙漠(n)
  2. 運動(n)
  3. 棲息地(n.)
  4. 鼓勵(v.)
  5. 保護(v.)
  6. 亂扔垃圾(n.)
  7. 措施(n.)
  8. 填海(v.)
  9. 阻止(v)
  10. 環境(n.)
  11. 禁止(v)

20 Clues: 沙漠(n)運動(n)氣候(n)教育(v)阻止(v)好處(n)禁止(v)雨林(n.)散播(v.)罰款(n.)鼓勵(v.)保護(v.)填海(n.)措施(n.)填海(v.)威脅(n.)環境(n.)棲息地(n.)亂扔垃圾(n.)砍伐樹木(n.)

Nature 2024-01-19

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Deep large open filled with water
  2. The process by which plants make their own food using sunlight
  3. This natural phenomenon produces a spectacular display of colors in the sky
  4. the outside layer of tree
  5. a changing process for living creatures to adapt with their surroundings
  6. A large body of water flowing in a particular direction.
  7. Flower that often associated with death
  8. A tall wooden plant often found on forest
  9. The light that always accompany you in the night
  1. A time where the moon shines accompanied by stars.
  2. one of the protected forest in banyuwangi
  3. The moon friends whos also accompany you in night
  4. The season characterized by falling leaves and cooler temperatures
  5. The natural home for animals or plant
  6. A natural structure formed by the flow of water over a cliff.
  7. Likes flowers
  8. The process of water vapor turning into liquid water.
  9. The study of Living Organism and their intercations with each other and the environment
  10. A mamal who's name often associated with someone that spends a large amount of money on a gacha game
  11. Fallen from the clouds in a dropplet like shape, has a thousands of friends that can make you wet

20 Clues: Likes flowersthe outside layer of treeDeep large open filled with waterThe natural home for animals or plantFlower that often associated with deathone of the protected forest in banyuwangiA tall wooden plant often found on forestThe light that always accompany you in the nightThe moon friends whos also accompany you in night...

Nature 2022-06-27

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Thoughts
  2. Little
  3. Fallen
  4. Down
  5. Owl
  6. Scorpio
  7. DeadlyNightshade
  8. Flight
  9. Dark
  10. Masquerade
  11. Kintsugi
  1. Piano
  2. Blossoms
  3. Star
  4. Wake
  5. Violet
  6. Burn
  7. Frost
  8. Citadel
  9. Mess
  10. Art
  11. In
  12. Introversion
  13. Color
  14. Grand

25 Clues: InOwlArtStarDownWakeBurnMessDarkPianoFrostColorGrandLittleFallenVioletFlightCitadelScorpioBlossomsThoughtsKintsugiMasqueradeIntroversionDeadlyNightshade

Nature 2022-10-08

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Green Forest Growth
  2. Bear
  3. One-Toed, Hoofed Mammal
  4. Nocturnal Bird
  5. Camping Residence
  6. Material From A Volcano
  7. Plantain Lilies
  8. Peyote Plant
  9. King Of The Jungle
  10. Fruit Tree
  11. Ocean
  12. Waves Caused By Underwater Earthquakes
  13. World's Largest River
  14. Fuji, Kilimanjaro Or Everest
  15. Tropical Cyclone
  1. Winter Bear
  2. Wild Ox
  3. Niagara, Iguazu Or Angel
  4. Not A Bee
  5. Sound Caused By Lightning
  6. Red Bird
  7. An Iceberg Was The Kryptonite For This Ship
  8. This Many Planets
  9. Farm Animal
  10. World's Largest Desert
  11. Between Saturn & Neptune
  12. Emblem Of Canada
  13. What You Shout When A Tree Falls Down
  14. Vixen
  15. Black Garden, Carpenter Or Pharaoh
  16. It Killed The Dinosaurs

31 Clues: BearOceanVixenWild OxRed BirdNot A BeeFruit TreeWinter BearFarm AnimalPeyote PlantNocturnal BirdPlantain LiliesEmblem Of CanadaTropical CycloneCamping ResidenceThis Many PlanetsKing Of The JungleGreen Forest GrowthWorld's Largest RiverWorld's Largest DesertOne-Toed, Hoofed MammalMaterial From A VolcanoIt Killed The DinosaursNiagara, Iguazu Or Angel...

Nature 2023-02-20

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Plant with sharp needles
  2. Reptile with a hard shell
  3. Bird with a colorful, hooked beak
  4. Small, quick-moving mammal
  5. Tree with white bark
  6. Group of whales
  7. Large bird with a bald head
  8. Shrub with fragrant flowers
  9. Island with unique animals
  10. Flower with large, showy petals
  11. Scavenger bird
  12. coat Protective structure around a seed
  13. Carnivorous mammal with black and white stripes
  14. Biome with tall trees
  15. Burrowing animal with sharp claws
  16. Tree with sticky sap
  1. Carnivorous plant with sticky leaves
  2. Forest with diverse tree species
  3. Flightless bird from Australia
  4. Prehistoric animal with large horns
  5. Insect with a hard exoskeleton
  6. Venomous reptile with diamond-shaped head
  7. Rare, endangered bird of New Zealand
  8. Plant with edible fruit
  9. Branches of science related to the environment
  10. Animal that hibernates in the winter
  11. Animal that can camouflage itself
  12. Marine mammal with long tusks
  13. Natural phenomenon with lightning and thunder
  14. Mammal with a prehensile tail
  15. Bird of prey with a hooked beak

31 Clues: Scavenger birdGroup of whalesTree with white barkTree with sticky sapBiome with tall treesPlant with edible fruitPlant with sharp needlesReptile with a hard shellSmall, quick-moving mammalIsland with unique animalsLarge bird with a bald headShrub with fragrant flowersMarine mammal with long tusksMammal with a prehensile tail...

Nature 2024-02-20

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. The planet on which we live.
  2. A slender woody shoot growing from a branch or stem of a tree or shrub.
  3. Hard solid nonmetallic mineral matter of which rock is made, especially as a building material.
  4. A natural substance with distinctive chemical and physical properties, composition, and atomic structure
  5. A living thing that grows in the earth and has a stem, leaves, and roots.
  6. Usually have numerous sepals, petals, stamens and pistils
  7. One of the soft, fringed plumes that cover the bodies of birds.
  8. The land and scenery of a rural area.
  9. A living thing that can move and eat and react to the world through its senses.
  10. The hard protective outer case of a mollusk or crustacean.
  1. A large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake, or another such stream.
  2. A woody perennial plant, typically having a single stem or trunk growing to a considerable height and bearing lateral branches at some distance from the ground.
  3. A large natural elevation of the earth's surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level; a large steep hill.
  4. A type of very small animal with six legs, a body divided into three parts and usually two pairs of wings, or, more generally, any similar very small animal
  5. One of the green usually flat parts that grow from a stem or twig of a plant and that function mainly in making food by photosynthesis.
  6. All the visible features of an area of countryside or land, often considered in terms of their aesthetic appeal.
  7. The upper layer of earth in which plants grow, a black or dark brown material typically consisting of a mixture of organic remains, clay, and rock particles.
  8. The invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth, a mixture mainly of oxygen and nitrogen.
  9. An area of open land, especially one planted with crops or pasture, typically bounded by hedges or fences.
  10. Move downward, typically rapidly and freely without control, from a higher to a lower level.

20 Clues: The planet on which we live.The land and scenery of a rural area.Usually have numerous sepals, petals, stamens and pistilsThe hard protective outer case of a mollusk or crustacean.One of the soft, fringed plumes that cover the bodies of birds.A slender woody shoot growing from a branch or stem of a tree or shrub....

Nature 2024-03-06

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. niebo
  2. wyspa
  3. plaża
  4. rzeka
  5. wodospad
  6. wulkan
  7. fale
  8. ogród
  9. morze
  10. góra
  11. drzewo
  12. góra lodowa
  13. pustynia
  14. księżyc
  1. kamień
  2. śnieg
  3. nasiono
  4. chmura
  5. liść
  6. roślina
  7. deszcz
  8. las
  9. oaza
  10. trawa
  11. korzeń
  12. kwiat
  13. róża
  14. ziemia
  15. błyskawica
  16. słońce

30 Clues: lasliśćoazafalegóraróżaniebośniegwyspaplażarzekaogródtrawakwiatmorzekamieńchmuradeszczwulkankorzeńdrzewoziemiasłońcenasionoroślinaksiężycwodospadpustyniabłyskawicagóra lodowa

nature 2024-05-13

nature crossword puzzle
  1. A herb that leaves a fresh smell and taste
  2. A tall plant that has a woody trunk or stem
  3. A cultivated winter squash that is orange-colored and represents Halloween
  4. A cactus-like plant that is usually found as an ingredient in skincare products
  5. Japan's unofficial national flower
  6. A spice that is commonly used to season dishes
  7. A herbaceous plant with narrow leaves that look like blades
  8. A fruit that falls into the category of drupes, it's usually consumed as a summer drink or processed as dessert
  9. The fastest growing land plant in the world, and is usually consumed by pandas
  10. A member of the pea family of vegetables, it's usually used to produce tofu
  1. A substance that consists of hydrogen and oxygen
  2. An insect that can fly with colourful wings on its back
  3. A fruit that has skin resembling the scales of a snake
  4. A large lizard that has its own name on a certain island in Indonesia
  5. A common spot for tourists to enjoy the sea view
  6. A round-shaped citrus fruit that tastes sour
  7. One of the main ingredients to make chocolate
  8. A large marsupial that is from Australia
  9. A root vegetable that is long and orange-colored
  10. A fruit that is elongated, yellow-colored, and classifies as a berry

20 Clues: Japan's unofficial national flowerA large marsupial that is from AustraliaA herb that leaves a fresh smell and tasteA tall plant that has a woody trunk or stemA round-shaped citrus fruit that tastes sourOne of the main ingredients to make chocolateA spice that is commonly used to season dishesA substance that consists of hydrogen and oxygen...

Nature 2024-05-24

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. an area of land that is surrounded by water
  2. an open area of land
  3. a large raised area in the surface of the Earth
  4. rural land and scenery
  5. a forest that gets high levels of rain
  6. a grassy area, typically near a river
  7. rocky edge at the sea or ocean
  8. an area of low land between mountains or hills
  9. dry, arid area with little vegetation
  1. an area of land that is slightly raised
  2. very long natural stream of water that goes into the sea
  3. the area around you like plants, animals, and people
  4. mountain or hill with a crater that erupts lava and hot vapor
  5. area that is uninhabited
  6. edge of land near sea or ocean
  7. the saltwater that covers most of the surface of the Earth
  8. vast expansion of saltwater divided into five sections
  9. polar region
  10. natural or unnatural chamber underground
  11. area with lush trees and vegetation
  12. water body surrounded by land
  13. where water and land meet
  14. the Earth’s surface that does not have water on it

23 Clues: polar regionan open area of landrural land and sceneryarea that is uninhabitedwhere water and land meetwater body surrounded by landedge of land near sea or oceanrocky edge at the sea or oceanarea with lush trees and vegetationa grassy area, typically near a riverdry, arid area with little vegetationa forest that gets high levels of rain...

NATURE 2024-06-03

NATURE crossword puzzle
  1. sicak
  2. at
  3. koyun
  4. tavsan
  5. kurbaga
  6. deniz
  7. soguk
  8. sisli
  9. kopek baligi
  10. kedi
  11. yagmurlu
  1. kaplumbaga
  2. ari
  3. yilan
  4. kopek
  5. yagmur ormani
  6. gunesli
  7. maymun
  8. col
  9. ordek

20 Clues: ataricolkedisicakkoyunyilankopekdenizsoguksisliordektavsanmaymunkurbagagunesliyagmurlukaplumbagakopek baligiyagmur ormani

nature 2024-05-21

nature crossword puzzle
  1. wzgórze
  2. gałąź
  3. las
  4. jezioro
  5. chwast
  6. korzeń
  7. piasek
  8. kolec
  9. futro
  10. ślimak
  11. gąsienica
  12. węgiel
  13. wróbel
  14. stal
  15. dolina
  16. liść
  1. ziemia
  2. nadmorska
  3. grządka
  4. ruda
  5. wysokie góry
  6. mucha
  7. dziobać
  8. mrówka
  9. zioło
  10. doniczka
  11. rzeka
  12. osa
  13. pole
  14. polar
  15. nasiono

31 Clues: lasosarudapolestalliśćgałąźmuchakolecziołofutrorzekapolarziemiachwastkorzeńpiasekmrówkaślimakwęgielwróbeldolinagrządkawzgórzedziobaćjezioronasionodoniczkanadmorskagąsienicawysokie góry

Nature 2023-04-18

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. smaller than mountains
  2. what you plant to grow things
  3. large bodies of rock
  4. little body of water, smaller than a river
  5. where farmers Plant things
  6. Forrest with hot humid climate
  7. roar
  8. very large animal in the sea
  9. white and black bear
  10. living organism (trees, grass, moss, ferns)
  11. Atlantic, Pacific, Indian
  12. smaller than a tree, has branches
  1. line where the sun goes up and down
  2. little flowers on trees in spring
  3. long bodies of water that run through land
  4. animal with white spots, lives in forest
  5. tall, has branches and leavea
  6. flat spaces in between mountains or hills
  7. pink bird
  8. intelligent cute animal that jumps out of the sea
  9. smaller than an ocean
  10. what pandas eat
  11. animal in the sea, loves to eat fish, lots of sharp teeth

23 Clues: roarpink birdwhat pandas eatlarge bodies of rockwhite and black bearsmaller than an oceansmaller than mountainsAtlantic, Pacific, Indianwhere farmers Plant thingsvery large animal in the seawhat you plant to grow thingstall, has branches and leaveaForrest with hot humid climatelittle flowers on trees in springsmaller than a tree, has branches...

Nature 2023-05-15

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. are colourful
  2. water Streaming.
  3. we drink
  4. We grow plants
  5. is our home
  6. are small
  7. are colourful and have wings
  8. full of grass
  9. we grow
  10. we eat
  11. live in earth
  1. trees have cones
  2. is up and have coluds
  3. animals live
  4. lives in water
  5. are hard
  6. have grass
  7. gives us heat and light
  8. is soft
  9. is Spik thing

20 Clues: we eatis softwe groware hardwe drinkare smallhave grassis our homeanimals liveare colourfulfull of grassis Spik thinglive in earthlives in waterWe grow plantstrees have coneswater up and have coludsgives us heat and lightare colourful and have wings

Nature 2023-05-06

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. a space in something, with an opening on one side
  2. Things like water can flow in a long, round thing
  3. with a lot of water
  4. something like air, not liquid or solid
  5. the power from sources such as the sun, water, wind and coal
  6. use waste or chemicals to make rivers and seas dirty
  7. the parts of a tree with leaves, flowers, or fruit on them
  8. You use a kind of white powder from the sea in cooking
  9. You can leave this kind of mark especially when you walk in the sand
  10. The sun gives out bright light
  11. We live on this planet
  12. the surface of the earth
  1. an area to grow crops
  2. Trees produce this kind of air with the help of the sun
  3. an illness
  4. large things such as tables, chairs, or beds
  5. with little water
  6. a very high area of land with steep sides
  7. A thing is picked or produced recently
  8. a part of ground instead of sea or ocean

20 Clues: an illnesswith little waterwith a lot of wateran area to grow cropsWe live on this planetthe surface of the earthThe sun gives out bright lightA thing is picked or produced recentlysomething like air, not liquid or solida part of ground instead of sea or oceana very high area of land with steep sideslarge things such as tables, chairs, or beds...

Nature 2023-10-03

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. experience smth, especially problems or opposition
  2. small animals, birds, and insects that are harmful
  3. noticed but not listened to, accepted, or believed
  4. reduce the amount of smth that is present or available
  5. make smth or smb extremely thin from lack of food or illness
  6. exist in a way that may cause a problem, danger, difficulty etc
  7. spreads in different directions over a wide area
  8. make someone ill and weak
  9. extremely worried and frightened about a situation, so that you cannot control
  10. severely and violently damage someone’s body, esp. by cutting or removing part of it
  11. a very bad situation that someone is in
  12. type of animal or plant that does not exist anymore
  1. to say publicly that someone is not guilty or responsible for smth
  2. when unwanted things or people spread over in great numbers
  3. go into a place in large numbers, especially when you are not wanted
  4. expect or ask someone to do smth for you when this is not convenient
  5. to protect smth and prevent it from changing or being damaged
  6. cover an area with a large amount of water
  7. make a situation or the condition of smth worse
  8. an animal’s baby or babies
  9. extremely serious or terrible
  10. extremely unpleasant or of very bad quality
  11. able to produce babies, young animals, or new plants
  12. damage smth very badly or completely
  13. occurring again periodically or repeatedly
  14. able to continue without causing damage to the environment
  15. relating to birth

27 Clues: relating to birthmake someone ill and weakan animal’s baby or babiesextremely serious or terribledamage smth very badly or completelya very bad situation that someone is incover an area with a large amount of wateroccurring again periodically or repeatedlyextremely unpleasant or of very bad qualitymake a situation or the condition of smth worse...

Nature 2013-06-20

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A mountain that can explode
  2. A scientific study of outer space
  3. Big hairy animal that eats fish
  4. Water that falls from the sky
  5. A person who studies the weather
  6. Moving water
  7. A big group of trees
  8. White and very cold
  9. Winged animal that lives in a cave
  10. Animal that climbs trees and eats bananas
  11. Gives us light and warmth
  1. High and rocky
  2. Needed to make it rain
  3. A big body of water
  4. This animal has eight legs
  5. Animals that only eat meat
  6. Gives us light at night
  7. Come in many different colors and smell good
  8. A place where it almost never rains
  9. Animal with a very long neck
  10. Has flames and burns
  11. Green, soft and grows on the ground
  12. Bright lights in the night sky
  13. Animal that is known as the king of the jungle

24 Clues: Moving waterHigh and rockyA big body of waterWhite and very coldHas flames and burnsA big group of treesNeeded to make it rainGives us light at nightGives us light and warmthThis animal has eight legsAnimals that only eat meatA mountain that can explodeAnimal with a very long neckWater that falls from the skyBright lights in the night sky...

Nature 2014-05-12

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. slimības
  2. piesārņojums
  3. putekšņi
  4. ods
  5. lauksaimniecība
  6. medīšana
  7. apputeksnēt
  8. ienaidnieks
  9. kāpt
  10. inde
  1. parādīties
  2. vide
  3. nīlzirgs
  4. pakaļkāja
  5. tītars
  6. medus
  7. pazust
  8. jauks
  9. palags
  10. aligators
  11. sikspārnis
  12. sega
  13. nāvējošs
  14. sugas
  15. kost

25 Clues: odsvidesegakāptkostindemedusjaukssugastītarspazustpalagsslimībasnīlzirgsputekšņimedīšananāvējošspakaļkājaaligatorsparādītiessikspārnisapputeksnētienaidniekspiesārņojumslauksaimniecība

Nature 2020-03-20

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A plant that is smaller than a tree.
  2. An area of water surrounded by land.
  3. A tall plant that is made from wood and has branches.
  4. The invisible gas that your breathe.
  5. A long thin plant that grows across the ground or up things.
  6. The darkness produced when something blocks sunlight.
  7. The hard solid stuff that the Earth is made from.
  8. An area of land that rises much higher than its surroundings.
  9. A very hot and very dry area covered with sand.
  10. The physical world and everything in it.
  11. The salt water that covers the Earth´s surface; bigger than a sea.
  12. The tiny pieces of rock that cover the beach.
  13. A small stream.
  14. A poetic name for the sky above.
  15. The round silver thing in the night sky.
  16. An open area without trees or buildings.
  17. Where birds lay their eggs and care for their babies.
  18. Small pieces of rock.
  19. A Heavy section of a tree that has fallen down.
  1. The round yellow thing in the sky.
  2. A hollow place in the ground.
  3. The salt water that covers the Earth´s surface; smaller than an ocean.
  4. The Earth and all the people in it.
  5. A natural flow of water that crosses the land.
  6. A natural flow of water; smaller than a river but bigger than a brook.
  7. An area of land surrounded by water.
  8. The solid part of the Earth; a large area of ground.
  9. Land that is outside of cities and towns.
  10. The surface of the earth.
  11. A flat are of land covered with tall grass.
  12. Part of a tree that grows from the trunk.
  13. The little object from which a plant grows.
  14. Moving water raised above the earth.
  15. The part of a plant that grows underground.
  16. The clear, tasteless liquid that we drink.
  17. Loose earth or soil.
  18. A rounded area of land that is higher than its surroundings.

37 Clues: A small stream.Loose earth or soil.Small pieces of rock.The surface of the earth.A hollow place in the ground.A poetic name for the sky above.The round yellow thing in the sky.The Earth and all the people in it.A plant that is smaller than a tree.An area of water surrounded by land.The invisible gas that your breathe....

Nature 2020-03-31

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. leaves
  2. flowers
  3. air
  4. yellow
  5. lake
  6. orange
  7. grape
  8. tree
  9. pear
  10. beans
  11. forest
  1. seed
  2. strawberry
  3. apples
  4. grow
  5. pineapple
  6. water
  7. animals
  8. banana
  9. river

20 Clues: airseedgrowlaketreepearwatergraperiverbeansleavesapplesyelloworangebananaforestflowersanimalspineapplestrawberry

Nature 2020-07-27

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A large hairy spider
  2. A big land animal with a horn
  3. Rain forest in Brazil
  4. Fastest land animal
  5. Has eight tentacles
  6. Can be ridden and is found in Egypt
  7. The king of the jungle
  8. Cat that carries its prey up trees
  9. Hops and is found in Australia
  10. An amphibious animal that croaks
  11. Part of the canine family and can laugh
  12. Animal with black and white stripes
  1. Is large and hairy and likes to eat honey
  2. Is found in the ocean and has thousands of teeth
  3. The ocean between North America and Europe
  4. A group of islands
  5. Has scales and is found in the Nile
  6. The early bird catches it
  7. Animal found in the South pole
  8. Biggest desert in Africa
  9. Water source in the desert
  10. A patriotic American bird

22 Clues: A group of islandsFastest land animalHas eight tentaclesA large hairy spiderRain forest in BrazilThe king of the jungleBiggest desert in AfricaThe early bird catches itA patriotic American birdWater source in the desertA big land animal with a hornAnimal found in the South poleHops and is found in AustraliaAn amphibious animal that croaks...

Nature 2020-12-16

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. orange animal in the forest
  2. a berry you can eat from the forest
  3. grows on trees
  4. water from the sky
  5. hard and grey
  6. small pieces of stone, at the beach
  7. when the sun goes up
  8. blue liquid
  9. green straws
  10. frozen rain
  11. people climb or skiing downhill this
  1. beautiful plants
  2. you need it to be alive
  3. yellow ball
  4. when the sun goes down
  5. a flying animal
  6. fluffy white things in the sky
  7. in the forest
  8. dots in the sky
  9. big circle in the sky (nighttime)
  10. in the forest, has a foot and a top, can be eaten
  11. pigs like to play in this

22 Clues: yellow ballblue liquidfrozen raingreen strawsin the foresthard and greygrows on treesa flying animaldots in the skybeautiful plantswater from the skywhen the sun goes upwhen the sun goes downyou need it to be alivepigs like to play in thisorange animal in the forestfluffy white things in the skybig circle in the sky (nighttime)...

Nature 2020-11-13

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Basil Brush is one
  2. A cute spikey animal who hibernates
  3. A musical starring four legged furry animals that purr
  4. A prickly bush with black berries
  5. Season when the leaves fall off the trees
  6. This fruit grows on trees. Can be Granny Smiths or Golden Delicious for example
  7. The wise monkey in the 'Lion King'
  8. Lady and the Tramp were these types of animals
  9. A very large bird of prey
  10. Disney film 'Fox and the....'
  11. A massive rock that is home to Simba
  12. Little boy from the Jungle Book
  1. Winnie the Pooh's favourite food
  2. The highest Mountain in Scotland
  3. An area with lots of trees
  4. This Small animal has a bushy Tail and can be red or grey
  5. A type of brown frog
  6. A sandy place where the sea meets the land
  7. This elephant could Fly
  8. This bird can't fly but is a great swimmer. Lives in Antarctica
  9. Bambi is one of these
  10. A plant that can give you a sting or a rash

22 Clues: Basil Brush is oneA type of brown frogBambi is one of theseThis elephant could FlyA very large bird of preyAn area with lots of treesDisney film 'Fox and the....'Little boy from the Jungle BookWinnie the Pooh's favourite foodThe highest Mountain in ScotlandA prickly bush with black berriesThe wise monkey in the 'Lion King'...

Nature 2021-04-11

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. the thing that caused Titanic's sinking
  2. a dry landscape in cold climates
  3. a dry landscape that the rain doesn't want to give its water to
  4. a flower that has a way strong relationships with the sun than the other flowers do :)
  5. flowers or groups of flowers that are blooming
  6. the world's largest tree measured by volume
  7. a bare landscape where few plants are growing
  8. a layer of oxygen above the Earth that protects us from the sun
  9. a kind of garden that's filled with a lot of flowers
  10. a soft plant that grows on rocks and trees and looks like a green plant
  1. an expanse of land that the water surrounds from three sides
  2. a landscape that’s warm with jungle plants and palm trees
  3. a person who takes care of a garden
  4. when a landscape is dry for an extended period of time
  5. a landscape with a lot of mountains
  6. a landscape that has very few plants
  7. a bush-like group of plants that are often trimmed to be rectangle-like
  8. a single-wheeled cart for carrying gardening materials or garbage
  9. a large, circular hole or indentation in the Earth
  10. an are that has a lot of green and well-grown plants

20 Clues: a dry landscape in cold climatesa person who takes care of a gardena landscape with a lot of mountainsa landscape that has very few plantsthe thing that caused Titanic's sinkingthe world's largest tree measured by volumea bare landscape where few plants are growingflowers or groups of flowers that are blooming...

NATURE 2021-04-09

NATURE crossword puzzle
  1. is concern for the people of Africa
  2. is very important for plant growth
  3. of humanity and insects
  4. covers 71% of the earth's surface
  5. is changeable
  6. is one of the biggest problems on earth
  7. warming is very dangerous for our planet
  8. of global warming
  9. are very important for us and they are hardworking
  1. is forming over the oceans in tropical areas
  2. is a long and fast wave
  3. keeps us alive
  4. is interested and develops new things in science
  5. is not a fish but mammal
  6. we make every day
  7. can be in group or alone
  8. days are very warm
  9. is cunning
  10. must be watered every day
  11. must not be dumped in nature

20 Clues: is cunningis changeablekeeps us alivewe make every dayof global warmingdays are very warmis a long and fast waveof humanity and insectsis not a fish but mammalcan be in group or alonemust be watered every daymust not be dumped in naturecovers 71% of the earth's surfaceis very important for plant growthis concern for the people of Africa...

Nature 2021-12-01

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. raven
  2. lepatriinu
  3. pääsuke
  4. sibul
  5. luik
  6. kuusk
  7. musträstas
  8. ohakas
  9. põrnikas
  10. kärbes
  11. papagoi
  12. karu
  1. sääsk
  2. kiil
  3. hani
  4. öökull
  5. tamm
  6. rukkilill
  7. sipelgas
  8. herilane
  9. inimahv
  10. mesilane
  11. kotkas

23 Clues: kiilhanitammluikkarusääskravensibulkuusköökullohakaskotkaskärbespääsukeinimahvpapagoisipelgasherilanemesilanepõrnikasrukkililllepatriinumusträstas

nature 2022-04-12

nature crossword puzzle
  1. brother and sister
  2. special science glasses
  3. synonym for secluded
  4. snow, rain,storms
  5. synonym for fight
  6. a famous music festival
  7. an action that only benefits ones self
  8. not deep
  9. often associated with witches
  10. what older people call younger people
  11. large scale farm
  12. a cup for coffee
  13. how a person acts
  14. a shade of blue
  15. a winter necessity for the cold
  16. common European hair color
  17. instrument with keys
  18. connects the foot to the leg
  19. to access an account
  20. being none for something
  1. pinned on telephone poles
  2. mythical beast
  3. multiple pieces of paper with words on it
  4. used to remove stains
  5. what cars drive on
  6. without light
  7. a really tall building
  8. paper art
  9. kitchen item with a animated tv show
  10. a broken machine
  11. green paper with value
  12. a criminal at sea
  13. a thing to write on
  14. synonym for explore
  15. how girls change their appearance
  16. divides the world
  17. a large hole deep in the Earth
  18. red liquid in a living thing
  19. an aircraft
  20. synonym for protect

40 Clues: not deeppaper artan aircraftwithout lightmythical beasta shade of bluea broken machinelarge scale farma cup for coffeesnow, rain,stormssynonym for fighta criminal at seahow a person actsdivides the worldbrother and sisterwhat cars drive ona thing to write onsynonym for exploresynonym for protectsynonym for secludedinstrument with keys...

nature 2022-04-12

nature crossword puzzle
  1. without light
  2. special science glasses
  3. large scale farm
  4. paper art
  5. a really tall building
  6. used to remove stains
  7. synonym for fight
  8. synonym for secluded
  9. what cars drive on
  10. what older people call younger people
  11. green paper with value
  12. how girls change their appearance
  13. red liquid in a living thing
  14. a shade of blue
  15. an action that only benefits ones self
  16. mythical beast
  17. a winter necessity for the cold
  18. often associated with witches
  19. pinned on telephone poles
  1. multiple pieces of paper with words on it
  2. a cup for coffee
  3. to access an account
  4. being none for something
  5. brother and sister
  6. a famous music festival
  7. snow, rain,storms
  8. a thing to write on
  9. instrument with keys
  10. synonym for explore
  11. a large hole deep in the Earth
  12. not deep
  13. an aircraft
  14. connects the foot to the leg
  15. kitchen item with a animated tv show
  16. a broken machine
  17. a criminal at sea
  18. common European hair color
  19. how a person acts
  20. divides the world
  21. synonym for protect

40 Clues: not deeppaper artan aircraftwithout lightmythical beasta shade of bluea cup for coffeelarge scale farma broken machinesnow, rain,stormssynonym for fighta criminal at seahow a person actsdivides the worldbrother and sisterwhat cars drive ona thing to write onsynonym for exploresynonym for protectto access an accountinstrument with keys...

Nature 2022-11-10

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. many different colorful types
  2. where you might plant something
  3. includes temperature, precipitation, etc.
  4. part of biology; not animals, but...
  5. there are 5 "greats" of these
  6. often green and have leaves
  7. pretty colors in morning
  8. place for swimming and tanning
  9. pretty colors in evening
  10. most important aspect of a beach
  1. needed during a drought
  2. typically blue
  3. opposite of mountain
  4. example: Mount Rainier
  5. Earth is a type of this
  6. cools you in summer
  7. where you might find a farm
  8. season we are currently in
  9. ___ Grande
  10. place for hiking

20 Clues: ___ Grandetypically blueplace for hikingcools you in summeropposite of mountainexample: Mount Rainierneeded during a droughtEarth is a type of thispretty colors in morningpretty colors in eveningseason we are currently inwhere you might find a farmoften green and have leavesmany different colorful typesthere are 5 "greats" of these...

Nature 2022-11-25

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. rivière
  2. forêt
  3. cueillir
  4. paysage
  5. cascade
  6. sol
  7. étang
  8. pré
  9. campagne
  1. fleur
  2. herbe
  3. verger
  4. colline
  5. chemin
  6. nature
  7. pluie
  8. lac
  9. Bois
  10. planter
  11. neige
  12. Buisson
  13. Boueux
  14. Arbre

23 Clues: lacsolpréBoisfleurherbeforêtpluieétangneigeArbrevergercheminnatureBoueuxrivièrecollinepaysagecascadeplanterBuissoncueillircampagne

Nature 2022-06-27

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Manhunt
  2. Burning
  3. What
  4. Bear
  5. Icicles
  6. Earth
  7. Good
  8. Priest
  9. Wool
  10. Ecstasy
  11. Repress
  12. Prince
  13. Trapped
  14. Pulling
  15. Funeral
  16. White
  1. Own
  2. Night
  3. Puppet
  4. Back
  5. Master
  6. Crumbles
  7. Heart
  8. Heaven
  9. Tower
  10. Forth
  11. Sweet
  12. Experiment
  13. Next

29 Clues: OwnBackWhatBearGoodWoolNextNightHeartEarthTowerForthSweetWhitePuppetMasterHeavenPriestPrinceManhuntBurningIciclesEcstasyRepressTrappedPullingFuneralCrumblesExperiment

Nature 2022-06-27

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Witch
  2. Snow
  3. Hammer
  4. He
  5. Our
  6. Dustup
  7. Mirror
  8. Composed
  9. DearDiary
  10. Welcome
  11. Storm
  12. Countryside
  13. Blues
  14. Pain
  15. Wants
  16. Fireflies
  17. Listen
  18. Robotic
  1. Gingerbread
  2. House
  3. Hold
  4. Throne
  5. Boy
  6. Swamp
  7. My
  8. Elegies
  9. Go
  10. Masquerade
  11. At
  12. HauntedMansion
  13. Met
  14. Scale
  15. Roses
  16. Cabin
  17. Maze
  18. Take

36 Clues: HeMyGoAtBoyOurMetHoldSnowMazeTakePainWitchHouseSwampScaleRosesStormCabinBluesWantsThroneHammerDustupMirrorListenElegiesWelcomeRoboticComposedDearDiaryFirefliesMasqueradeGingerbreadCountrysideHauntedMansion

Nature 2022-06-27

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Moon
  2. Rainbow
  3. Black
  4. Healing
  5. Mind
  6. Control
  7. Hearts
  8. It
  9. Down
  10. Strikes
  11. Rising
  12. Fire
  13. War
  14. Fumes
  15. Our
  16. Machine
  1. Double
  2. Telegrams
  3. Family
  4. Singing
  5. Lightning
  6. MystifyingOracle
  7. Me
  8. Drink
  9. New
  10. Wood
  11. Sun
  12. Tsunami
  13. Twice

29 Clues: ItMeNewWarSunOurMoonMindDownFireWoodBlackDrinkFumesTwiceDoubleFamilyHeartsRisingRainbowSingingHealingControlStrikesTsunamiMachineTelegramsLightningMystifyingOracle

Nature 2022-06-15

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. ochrona
  2. zamiast
  3. wymarły
  4. wyzysk
  5. las deszczowy
  6. dolina
  7. zmiany klimatyczne
  8. najciemniejszy
  9. jaskinia
  10. wybrzeże
  11. dzika przyroda
  12. osiągnąć zysk
  13. strumień
  14. kłusować
  1. organizacja pozarządowa
  2. konsumpcja
  3. siedlisko
  4. paliwa kopalne
  5. zrównoważony
  6. energia odnawialna
  7. gatunki
  8. staw
  9. bioróżnorodność
  10. zagrożony
  11. zagrożony wyginięciem
  12. wymieranie
  13. możliwość
  14. wylesienie
  15. klif

29 Clues: stawklifwyzyskdolinaochronazamiastgatunkiwymarłyjaskiniawybrzeżestrumieńkłusowaćsiedliskozagrożonymożliwośćkonsumpcjawymieraniewylesieniezrównoważonylas deszczowyosiągnąć zyskpaliwa kopalnenajciemniejszydzika przyrodabioróżnorodnośćenergia odnawialnazmiany klimatycznezagrożony wyginięciemorganizacja pozarządowa

Nature :) 2023-02-13

Nature :) crossword puzzle
  1. The Dutch love this flower
  2. Rosemary, thyme, sage, etc.
  3. strong sheep
  4. You are the ____ of my eye
  5. Ouch!
  6. eight-legged, Wilbur's friend
  7. Don't be such a___
  8. Symbols of peace and delicacy
  9. Meep Meep!
  10. cave lizards
  11. Timber wolf or Diamond
  1. Dirt and Water
  2. found in the nastiest well-water
  3. going down the bayou
  4. Winne the Pooh or Smokey
  5. UW-Madison mascot
  6. Stinky sprayers
  7. Eventually becomes 14 across
  8. Every rose has one
  9. ____and Toad are friends.

20 Clues: Ouch!Meep Meep!strong sheepcave lizardsDirt and WaterStinky sprayersUW-Madison mascotDon't be such a___Every rose has onegoing down the bayouTimber wolf or DiamondWinne the Pooh or Smokey____and Toad are friends.The Dutch love this flowerYou are the ____ of my eyeRosemary, thyme, sage, etc.Eventually becomes 14 acrosseight-legged, Wilbur's friend...

NATURE 2023-04-17

NATURE crossword puzzle
  1. Free from danger
  2. Sea ​​water, sand and stones on the seashore
  3. Natural water tank
  4. Place full of garbage
  5. Strong wind storm
  6. Abundant rains
  7. Land planted with trees, shrubs
  8. Small river with little flow and depth
  9. Air stream
  10. Something absolutely beautiful
  1. Quiet place
  2. Very big
  3. Low temperature
  4. Deserted or uninhabited place
  5. Not very interesting
  6. Country house for domestic animals, corrals
  7. High altitude terrain
  8. Salt water body
  9. Sky without clouds and in which the sun shines.
  10. Very difficult

20 Clues: Very bigAir streamQuiet placeAbundant rainsVery difficultLow temperatureSalt water bodyFree from dangerStrong wind stormNatural water tankNot very interestingPlace full of garbageHigh altitude terrainDeserted or uninhabited placeSomething absolutely beautifulLand planted with trees, shrubsSmall river with little flow and depth...

Nature 2023-04-28

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A cascade of water falling from a height, often over rocks or cliffs
  2. A landform that rises high above its surroundings
  3. A large and sudden rise and fall in the sea level caused by gravitational forces of the moon and sun
  4. An overflow of water that submerges land
  5. A natural watercourse that flows towards an ocean, sea, lake, or another river
  6. A rotating column of air that forms from severe thunderstorms
  7. A tropical cyclone with strong winds and heavy rain
  8. A multicolored arc in the sky caused by the refraction of light in water droplets
  1. A sudden and powerful discharge of electricity in the atmosphere
  2. A barren area with little precipitation and sparse vegetation
  3. A diverse underwater ecosystem made up of colonies of coral polyps
  4. A sudden and violent shaking of the ground caused by the movement of tectonic plates
  5. A large mass of ice that moves slowly over land
  6. The daily disappearance of the sun below the horizon
  7. A sandy or rocky shore by the ocean, sea, or lake
  8. A deep and narrow valley with steep sides
  9. A mountain with a vent through which lava, rock fragments, ash, and gas erupt
  10. A large area dominated by trees and undergrowth
  11. A natural light display in the sky, also known as the Northern Lights or Southern Lights
  12. A vast body of saltwater that covers much of the Earth's surface

20 Clues: An overflow of water that submerges landA deep and narrow valley with steep sidesA large mass of ice that moves slowly over landA large area dominated by trees and undergrowthA landform that rises high above its surroundingsA sandy or rocky shore by the ocean, sea, or lakeA tropical cyclone with strong winds and heavy rain...

nature 2023-05-20

nature crossword puzzle
  1. Embarking on adventures to discover the hidden treasures of the natural world.
  2. A mesmerizing cascade of water, flowing with grace and power.
  3. Unveiling the mysteries and marvels of the natural world.
  4. A complex network of plants, animals, and their environment.
  5. The peacefulness and calmness found in nature's embrace.
  6. Feeling deeply connected to the rhythms and cycles of nature.
  7. The magical moment when the sun paints the sky with vibrant hues.
  8. The diverse array of animals that inhabit our natural habitats.
  9. Gazing at the twinkling stars in the night sky, a celestial spectacle.
  10. The feeling of calm and tranquility experienced in nature's presence.
  1. Protecting and conserving the delicate balance of nature for future generations.
  2. The grandeur and awe-inspiring beauty of nature's creations.
  3. The magical allure and captivating charm of nature.
  4. Untamed and unspoiled areas of nature, untouched by human intervention.
  5. A lush and thriving community of trees and undergrowth.
  6. The perfect balance and interconnection of elements in nature.
  7. Finding peace and solitude in the vastness of nature.
  8. The variety of life forms and ecosystems in nature.
  9. The feeling of astonishment and amazement inspired by the natural world.
  10. The cyclical changes in nature, from the blooming of spring to the colors of autumn.

20 Clues: The magical allure and captivating charm of nature.The variety of life forms and ecosystems in nature.Finding peace and solitude in the vastness of nature.A lush and thriving community of trees and undergrowth.The peacefulness and calmness found in nature's embrace.Unveiling the mysteries and marvels of the natural world....

nature 2023-05-12

nature crossword puzzle
  1. we get ground water from it
  2. a place where food is grown and harvested
  3. a large amount of trees
  4. hot explosive mountains
  5. they chirp and have wings
  6. very tall and have leaves
  7. a lot of different species
  8. we like it when its blue
  9. the origin of a stream or river
  10. we remove this from the gardens
  11. has water that doesnt flow
  12. covers 2 thirds of the planet
  1. balou the bear lives here
  2. the spaces between mountains
  3. an empty hot place on earth
  4. small mountains
  5. most of the people love them (nice people)
  6. small trees
  7. here you can find lots of shells
  8. the veins of the earth
  9. stores the co2 from the atmosphere and are beautiful
  10. narrow flowing rivers

22 Clues: small treessmall mountainsnarrow flowing riversthe veins of the eartha large amount of treeshot explosive mountainswe like it when its bluebalou the bear lives herethey chirp and have wingsvery tall and have leavesa lot of different specieshas water that doesnt flowwe get ground water from itan empty hot place on earththe spaces between mountains...

Nature 2024-02-16

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Production délicate, souvent odorante, des plantes à graines, qui porte les organes reproducteurs
  2. Mollusque marin comestible pourvu d'une coquille.
  3. Être vivant non végétal, ne possédant pas les caractéristiques de l'espèce humaine.
  4. Grand végétal dont la tige ligneuse se ramifie à partir d'une certaine hauteur au-dessus du sol.
  5. a pierre.
  6. Grande étendue de pays plat et découvert.
  7. Relatif aux plantes.
  8. Nature des choses.
  9. Constitué de matière inorganique.
  10. Cours d'eau naturel de moyenne importance ou qui se jette dans un autre cours d'eau.
  1. Partie des végétaux par laquelle ils respirent.
  2. Importante élévation de terrain.
  3. L'élément solide qui supporte les êtres vivants et où poussent les végétaux.
  4. Fluide gazeux formant l'atmosphère, que respirent les êtres vivants, constitué essentiellement d'oxygène et d'azote
  5. Intermédiaire entre le bleu et le jaune ; qui a la couleur dominante de la végétation.
  6. Menue branche (surtout sèche).
  7. produite par la différence de niveau entre deux parties consécutives d'un cours d'eau.
  8. Chacun des appendices qui recouvrent la peau des oiseaux, formé d'un axe (tube) et de barbes latérales, fines et serrées.
  9. Étendue de terre propre à la culture.
  10. Lorsque fécondée par du pollen, se transformera en fruit. Il est constitué d'une série d'écailles rattachées à un axe central.

20 Clues: a pierre.Nature des choses.Relatif aux plantes.Menue branche (surtout sèche).Importante élévation de terrain.Constitué de matière inorganique.Étendue de terre propre à la culture.Grande étendue de pays plat et découvert.Partie des végétaux par laquelle ils respirent.Mollusque marin comestible pourvu d'une coquille....

NATURE 2024-02-17

NATURE crossword puzzle
  1. OMBAK
  2. PULAU
  3. OASE
  5. BATU
  6. LAUT
  7. BUMI
  9. AWAN
  11. SUNGAI
  12. RUMPUT
  13. GUNUNG
  15. GUA
  16. PANTAI
  2. AKAR
  3. BULAN
  4. GURUS
  5. PETIR
  6. BENIH
  8. HUTAN
  10. POHON
  11. SALJU
  12. HUJAN
  13. KEBUN
  14. PANTAI


Nature 2023-10-29

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. the sun is shining
  2. scarce vegetation
  3. sports terrain
  4. water that stays in the same place
  5. smoke accumulation that reduces visibility
  6. covered with clouds
  7. large amount of water
  8. plot of land without buildings
  9. falling snowflakes
  10. land populated with trees
  11. vertical slope
  1. high-rise terrain
  2. space in which the stars move
  3. mass of ice in the mountains
  4. flow of water that falls from the top
  5. flat and humid terrain
  6. land surrounded by water
  7. airflow
  8. low temperature
  9. underground gravity

20 Clues: airflowsports terrainvertical slopelow temperaturehigh-rise terrainscarce vegetationthe sun is shiningfalling snowflakescovered with cloudsunderground gravitylarge amount of waterflat and humid terrainland surrounded by waterland populated with treesmass of ice in the mountainsspace in which the stars moveplot of land without buildings...

Nature 2023-10-26

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. It's in the middle of the ocean.
  2. The planes fly.
  3. It has three parts: the top, the slope and the foot.
  4. We humans differ from them by being rational beings.
  5. Blue-footed boobies live here.
  6. Community of interacting organisms and their environment.
  7. It's a place full of sand.
  8. It is a set of salt water.
  1. Tree covered area.
  2. It's not wide, it's...
  3. Accidente geográfico provocado por un río.
  4. The river...
  5. Sleep for many years.
  6. It's the largest national park in Azuay.
  7. Essential for surfing.
  8. A body of fresh water.
  9. It occurs due to lack of water.
  10. Here are the sea and the sand together.
  11. It is a star that is located in the middle of the solar system.
  12. Is the opposite of tall.

20 Clues: The river...The planes fly.Tree covered area.Sleep for many years.It's not wide, it's...Essential for surfing.A body of fresh water.Is the opposite of tall.It's a place full of sand.It is a set of salt water.Blue-footed boobies live here.It occurs due to lack of water.It's in the middle of the ocean.Here are the sea and the sand together....

Nature 2024-01-14

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Perfect Valentines gift
  2. The best ever
  3. Cutoff part of a picture
  4. Creator of IOS
  5. Watch online
  6. “___ in a bottle”
  7. To give orders angrily
  8. Scared, derogatorily
  9. Nickname for significant other
  10. Small Stone
  11. Separate location of a company
  1. Mario’s favorite food
  2. Section of land
  3. Having skill in plant care
  4. In a difficult situation
  5. Another name for dirt
  6. Popular online store
  7. Old app, similar to TikTok
  8. Abbreviation for a group of studies
  9. Alternate name for jewelry
  10. Negative Stockmarket outlook
  11. Having lots of pubic hair

22 Clues: Small StoneWatch onlineThe best everCreator of IOSSection of land“___ in a bottle”Popular online storeScared, derogatorilyMario’s favorite foodAnother name for dirtTo give orders angrilyPerfect Valentines giftCutoff part of a pictureIn a difficult situationHaving lots of pubic hairHaving skill in plant careOld app, similar to TikTok...

Nature 2024-03-23

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. f
  2. u
  3. b
  4. l
  5. j
  6. k
  7. g
  8. h
  9. d
  10. i
  11. q
  1. o
  2. a
  3. n
  4. s
  5. p
  6. c
  7. m
  8. t
  9. e

20 Clues: ofaunspbljcmkteghdiq

nature 2024-04-17

nature crossword puzzle
  1. there are sandstorms there
  2. you sunbothe on it in the summer
  3. for example: Hawaii
  4. you drink it
  5. you experience it during the holidays
  6. wild forest
  7. curtain of water in the forest
  8. rain with thunder
  9. it's full of trees
  10. bigger than the sea
  1. grain grows on it
  2. the planet we live on
  3. area on the border of land
  4. natural water reservior
  5. forest a forest in which it rains
  6. lava flows out of it
  7. it is small and located on the beach
  8. you can jump into the water fro in
  9. is above the clouds
  10. you swim in it in the summer

20 Clues: wild forestyou drink itgrain grows on itrain with thunderit's full of treesfor example: Hawaiiis above the cloudsbigger than the sealava flows out of itthe planet we live onnatural water reserviorthere are sandstorms therearea on the border of landyou swim in it in the summercurtain of water in the forestyou sunbothe on it in the summer...

Nature 2013-06-20

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Gives us light at night
  2. Animal that is known as the king of the jungle
  3. A person who studies the weather
  4. Moving water
  5. A big body of water
  6. Needed to make it rain
  7. Come in many different colors and smell good
  8. Gives us light and warmth
  9. Animal with a very long neck
  10. Has flames and burns
  11. Green, soft and grows on the ground
  12. Winged animal that lives in a cave
  13. White and very cold
  1. Animals that only eat meat
  2. High and rocky
  3. Water that falls from the sky
  4. A mountain that can explode
  5. Animal that climbs trees and eats bananas
  6. A scientific study of outer space
  7. A place where it almost never rains
  8. A big group of trees
  9. This animal has eight legs
  10. Big hairy animal that eats fish
  11. Bright lights in the night sky

24 Clues: Moving waterHigh and rockyA big body of waterWhite and very coldA big group of treesHas flames and burnsNeeded to make it rainGives us light at nightGives us light and warmthAnimals that only eat meatThis animal has eight legsA mountain that can explodeAnimal with a very long neckWater that falls from the skyBright lights in the night sky...

nature 2024-11-13

nature crossword puzzle
  1. – a narrow road or trail that people walk on.
  2. – a small plant with several branches, growing close to the ground
  3. – a deep hole in the ground from which water is drawn.
  4. – the green part of a plant or tree.
  5. – solid pieces of earth or minerals.
  6. – small, hard pieces similar to rocks.
  7. – wet, sticky earth.
  8. – a green plant that covers the ground.
  9. – a large natural body of water.
  10. – a row of dense bushes or trees planted to create a barrier.
  11. a steep slope or vertical rock face.
  1. – an entrance or opening in a fence or wall.
  2. – a small elevation on the earth’s surface.
  3. a part of a tree that grows out from the trunk and holds leaves.
  4. – an area filled with trees and bushes
  5. – a small river or flow of water.
  6. – thin pieces of wood or small branches.
  7. – a low area between hills or mountains.
  8. – a large open area of land, usually covered with grass or plants.
  9. – a structure used to enclose or separate areas.

20 Clues: – wet, sticky earth.– a large natural body of water.– a small river or flow of water.– the green part of a plant or tree.– solid pieces of earth or minerals.a steep slope or vertical rock face.– an area filled with trees and bushes– small, hard pieces similar to rocks.– a green plant that covers the ground.– thin pieces of wood or small branches....

nature 2018-01-11

nature crossword puzzle
  1. reiten
  2. anpflanzen
  3. Baumstumpf
  4. Kaktus
  5. Lebensraum
  6. durch (eine Wüste) ziehen
  7. steinig
  8. Salzgehalt
  9. klettern
  10. Sand
  11. Korallenriff
  12. Wald
  13. schneien
  14. Champignon
  15. Steinwüste
  16. Klimaschutz
  17. Tulpen
  18. Nadelwald
  19. Pilze
  20. Rose
  21. fällen
  22. Oase
  23. hoch
  24. spazieren
  25. Tannenzapfen
  26. Wiese
  27. Muschel
  28. Beeren
  1. Wellen
  2. Fichtenwald
  3. Düne
  4. Naturschutzgebiet
  5. Gletscher
  6. Weg
  7. Klimaerwärmung
  8. Sumpfgewächs
  9. Steinpilz
  10. Fata Morgana
  11. Felsen
  12. Tsunami
  13. Erdbeben
  14. tauchen
  15. Moos
  16. surfen
  17. Palme
  18. Steinweg
  19. sammeln
  20. Klippe
  21. Kamel
  22. wandern
  23. Berg
  24. runterspringen
  25. ocean Meer
  26. niedrig
  27. regnen
  28. Sumpf
  29. segeln
  30. pflücken
  31. Wüste
  32. tief

60 Clues: WegDüneSandMoosWaldBergRoseOasehochtiefPalmeKamelPilzeSumpfWieseWüsteWellenreitenKaktusFelsensurfenKlippeTulpenregnenfällensegelnBeerensteinigTsunamitauchensammelnwandernniedrigMuschelErdbebenkletternschneienSteinwegpflückenGletscherSteinpilzNadelwaldspazierenanpflanzenBaumstumpfLebensraumSalzgehaltChampignonSteinwüsteocean MeerFichtenwald...

NATURE 2013-04-05

NATURE crossword puzzle
  1. montaña
  2. cascada
  3. bosque
  4. río
  5. desierto.
  6. costa
  7. puesta del sol
  8. amanecer
  9. lago
  10. playa
  1. luna
  2. mar
  3. campo
  4. flores
  5. árbol
  6. pueblo
  7. colina
  8. Cielo
  9. estrellas.
  10. isla

20 Clues: marríolunaislalagocampoárbolcostaCieloplayaflorespueblobosquecolinamontañacascadaamanecerdesierto.estrellas.puesta del sol

Nature 2013-06-23

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Water that falls from the sky
  2. White and very cold
  3. Winged animal that lives in a cave
  4. Has flames and burns
  5. Comes in many different colors and smells good
  6. Moving water
  7. A big group of trees
  8. Animal that is known as the king of the jungle
  9. A mountain that can explode
  10. Green, soft and grows on the ground
  11. This animal has eight legs
  1. Animal with a very long neck
  2. Gives us light and warmth
  3. Bright light in the night sky
  4. The biggest living mammal
  5. Big hairy animal that eats fish
  6. A place where it almost never rains
  7. A big body of water
  8. High and rocky
  9. Lives in the ocean and has thousands of teeth
  10. Needed to make it rain
  11. Gives us light at night
  12. A water source in the desert
  13. Animal that climbs trees and eats bananas
  14. A small mountain

25 Clues: Moving waterHigh and rockyA small mountainWhite and very coldA big body of waterHas flames and burnsA big group of treesNeeded to make it rainGives us light at nightGives us light and warmthThe biggest living mammalThis animal has eight legsA mountain that can explodeAnimal with a very long neckA water source in the desert...

Nature 2013-06-20

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Gives us light at night
  2. Water that falls from the sky
  3. Moving water
  4. Winged animal that lives in a cave
  5. A person who studies the weather
  6. A mountain that can explode
  7. High and rocky
  8. Gives us light and warmth
  9. Come in many different colors and smell good
  10. Animal that climbs trees and eats bananas
  11. This animal has eight legs
  1. Big hairy animal that eats fish
  2. A big body of water
  3. A scientific study of outer space
  4. Green, soft and grows on the ground
  5. Has flames and burns
  6. Animal that is known as the king of the jungle
  7. Needed to make it rain
  8. Animal with a very long neck
  9. A place where it almost never rains
  10. White and very cold
  11. A big group of trees

22 Clues: Moving waterHigh and rockyA big body of waterWhite and very coldHas flames and burnsA big group of treesNeeded to make it rainGives us light at nightGives us light and warmthThis animal has eight legsA mountain that can explodeAnimal with a very long neckWater that falls from the skyBig hairy animal that eats fishA person who studies the weather...

Nature 2015-02-10

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Where we live
  2. Icy rain
  3. Let it go Let it go
  4. Muggy
  5. The opposite to hot
  6. A direction of wind
  7. A mass of ice or snow that's slipping down a mountain
  8. Comes with Lightning
  9. Direct light coming from the clouds
  10. What surrounds us?
  11. How did Dorothy and Toto get to Oz?
  12. Its white and powdery
  13. Formations in the sky
  14. Not wet
  15. Air movement
  1. Light winds
  2. No water
  3. Colour flashes in the sky
  4. Insanely strong winds
  5. heavy rain is called ...
  6. There is a pot of gold at the end of the ...
  7. Grey skys
  8. Something that falls from the clouds
  9. When all the bad weather comes at once
  10. Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
  11. Its blue up above our heads
  12. Similar to mist
  13. Not a cloud in the sky
  14. Slightly wet
  15. a cold, heavy ______ dripped from the leaves

30 Clues: MuggyNot wetIcy rainNo waterGrey skysLight windsSlightly wetAir movementWhere we liveSimilar to mistWhat surrounds us?Let it go Let it goThe opposite to hotA direction of windComes with LightningInsanely strong windsIts white and powderyFormations in the skyNot a cloud in the skyheavy rain is called ...Colour flashes in the sky...

Nature 2021-02-10

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. oazė
  2. jūra
  3. kanjonas
  4. sala
  5. pelkė
  6. džiunglės
  7. skardis
  8. krioklys
  9. urvas
  10. upė
  11. slėnis
  12. ežeras
  13. miškas
  1. vandenynas
  2. kalnas
  3. dykuma
  4. kalva
  5. ledynas
  6. paplūdimys
  7. ugnikalnis

20 Clues: upėoazėjūrasalapelkėkalvaurvaskalnasdykumaslėnisežerasmiškasledynasskardiskanjonaskrioklysdžiunglėsvandenynaspaplūdimysugnikalnis

Nature 2021-05-19

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. type of martin that nests in the eaves
  2. white woodland flower
  3. public right of way across a field
  4. fir tree that loses its needles in winter
  5. harmless green native snake
  6. red and black friend of the garden
  7. bird with a curved bill
  8. amphibian that likes to drink
  9. tall poisonous yellow plant
  10. seed of an oak tree
  11. out of season game bird
  12. popular sport fish found in the river avon
  13. type of tree with silver bark
  1. one of these birds doesn't make a summer
  2. animal that digs a sett
  3. edible woodland bird
  4. small bird of prey
  5. common duck variety
  6. songbird that flies high
  7. fire breather rarely found in Bisterne any more
  8. small breed of deer
  9. a native member of the mustelid family
  10. bird that taps on trees
  11. small fish
  12. close behind you to keep the cows in
  13. larger and faster than a rabbit

26 Clues: small fishsmall bird of preycommon duck varietysmall breed of deerseed of an oak treeedible woodland birdwhite woodland floweranimal that digs a settbird with a curved billbird that taps on treesout of season game birdsongbird that flies highharmless green native snaketall poisonous yellow plantamphibian that likes to drink...

Nature 2022-06-27

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Love
  2. Acquired
  3. My
  4. On
  5. Dishonor
  6. Sanctuary
  7. While
  8. World
  9. VolsteadAct
  10. Tape
  11. Tallahassee
  12. Ghost
  13. Forest
  14. Andromeda
  1. Corvidae
  2. Sleeps
  3. Prayers
  4. Be
  5. Won
  6. NICU
  7. Cauterized
  8. Are
  9. You
  10. White
  11. Smoke
  12. Butterfly
  13. Target
  14. Leash
  15. Machine
  16. Tombs

30 Clues: BeMyOnWonAreYouLoveNICUTapeWhileWorldWhiteSmokeLeashGhostTombsSleepsTargetForestPrayersMachineCorvidaeAcquiredDishonorSanctuaryButterflyAndromedaCauterizedVolsteadActTallahassee

Nature 2022-06-27

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Just
  2. Lost
  3. Dancer
  4. VernalEquinox
  5. Heel
  6. Styx
  7. Sunburst
  8. I
  9. Rain
  10. Broken
  11. Gold
  12. River
  1. Lullaby
  2. Achilles
  3. Threads
  4. Stone
  5. Let
  6. Over
  7. Sunset
  8. Dying
  9. Trade
  10. Cold
  11. Drown
  12. Dream

24 Clues: ILetJustLostOverHeelStyxColdRainGoldStoneDyingTradeDrownDreamRiverDancerSunsetBrokenLullabyThreadsAchillesSunburstVernalEquinox

Nature 2022-06-27

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Art
  2. Down
  3. Scorpio
  4. Blossoms
  5. Introversion
  6. Grand
  7. Owl
  8. Kintsugi
  9. DeadlyNightshade
  10. Frost
  11. Burn
  12. Citadel
  1. Thoughts
  2. Mess
  3. Color
  4. Piano
  5. Masquerade
  6. In
  7. Violet
  8. Fallen
  9. Wake
  10. Little
  11. Star
  12. Flight
  13. Dark

25 Clues: InArtOwlDownMessWakeStarBurnDarkColorPianoGrandFrostVioletFallenLittleFlightScorpioCitadelThoughtsBlossomsKintsugiMasqueradeIntroversionDeadlyNightshade

nature 2022-01-18

nature crossword puzzle
  1. surfować
  2. plaża
  3. jezioro
  4. lepiej
  5. nudny
  6. tani
  7. następny
  8. łatwy
  9. niebezpieczny
  10. gorszy
  11. wspinać się
  12. wulkan
  13. wodospad
  1. bezpieczny
  2. morze
  3. pustynia
  4. drogi
  5. bilet
  6. pomiędzy
  7. włosy
  8. wysoki
  9. w dół
  10. ramię
  11. niski

24 Clues: tanimorzeplażadrogibiletnudnywłosyw dółłatwyramięniskilepiejwysokigorszywulkanjeziorosurfowaćpustyniapomiędzynastępnywodospadbezpiecznywspinać sięniebezpieczny

Nature!! 2021-03-10

Nature!! crossword puzzle
  1. -a stream of water that falls from a higher area to a lower one
  2. -where land and water meet
  3. -frozen water
  4. -part of the plant bearing seeds
  5. -comes from the old Dutch word mere, for sea, and it means land that is sea-ish
  6. -a hill's big brother
  7. -covers much of the earth broadly
  8. -a luxuriant, dense forest rich in biodiversity, found typically in tropical areas
  9. -arid land with usually sparse vegetation especially
  10. -vast expansion of saltwater
  11. -natural features of any landscape like trees and flowers
  12. -the area around you like plants, animals, and people
  13. -an area of low land between mountains or hills
  14. -precipitation that falls from sky in droplets
  15. -when an area is unnaturally submerged in water
  16. -rural land and scenery.
  17. -also called the celestial sphere
  18. -frozen water that comes down in flakes
  19. -small invertebrate animal with over six legs and wings
  1. - collective word for animals in the wild
  2. -rocky edge at the sea or ocean.
  3. -short plants that grow in yards and pastures
  4. -the Earth’s surface that does not have water on it
  5. -woody plants that typically have only one trunk
  6. -soil that is saturated with water
  7. -natural or unnatural chamber underground
  8. -the natural satellite that orbits Earth
  9. -body of water which curves as it breaks the shore
  10. -polar region
  11. -an area of land that is slightly raised
  12. -the rays of light and heat that come from the sun
  13. -edge of land near sea or ocean.
  14. -very long natural stream of water that goes into the sea
  15. -loose material that covers some beaches and deserts
  16. -visible condensed water vapor in the sky
  17. -an open area of land
  18. -the intensity of heat in the atmosphere or an object
  19. -balls of gas visible in the night sky
  20. -the shaking of the surface of the Earth
  21. -mountain or hill with a crater that erupts lava and hot vapor
  22. -the four divisions of the year

41 Clues: -frozen water-polar region-a hill's big brother-an open area of land-rural land and scenery.-where land and water meet-vast expansion of saltwater-the four divisions of the year-rocky edge at the sea or ocean.-part of the plant bearing seeds-edge of land near sea or ocean.-covers much of the earth broadly-also called the celestial sphere...

Nature 2021-07-21

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Short period of rain.
  2. Whirlwinds, twisters.
  3. Rough paths routes followed by animals.
  4. Area around the North Pole.
  5. Spring is one so is autumn.
  6. Freshwater fish that is often eaten.
  7. Band of sand beside the
  8. It sometimes falls as flakes in winter.
  9. or a type of tree.
  10. ACROSS
  11. Direction from which the sun rises.
  12. Type of bird of prey.
  1. Plant grown for human use or consumption.
  2. Small rocks.
  3. 0.405 of a hectare.
  4. Large expanses of fresh water.
  5. Large European hardwood tree.
  6. Scottish word for 7 across.
  7. 03 It is disappearing from the upper atmosphere.
  8. A root vegetable, usually white inside.
  9. DOWN
  10. Very dry like a desert (adjective).
  11. A type of fruit; its tree has pink blossom.
  12. Night birds with large eyes.
  13. Large animal associated with Father Christmas.

25 Clues: DOWNACROSSSmall rocks.or a type of tree.0.405 of a hectare.Short period of rain.Whirlwinds, twisters.Type of bird of prey.Band of sand beside theScottish word for 7 across.Area around the North Pole.Spring is one so is autumn.Night birds with large eyes.Large European hardwood tree.Large expanses of fresh water.Very dry like a desert (adjective)....

Nature 2021-02-12

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Big puddle
  2. What do sneakerheads avoid
  3. The cotton candy of the sky
  4. An Avenger needs his hammer for this
  5. Its purple and prince made it
  6. I have bark but i don't bite
  7. It goes through a cycle but never dies
  8. The sign of medicine
  9. Frozen Precipitation
  10. It lives in the northwest and is endangered
  11. Controls the tide
  12. Every time we get closer to it we get warmer, and when we get farther we get colder
  1. One of these a day keeps the doctor away
  2. The sea of trees
  3. You get these on valentines day
  4. Its a pool, but you can never reach the bottom
  5. If Interstate 5 was water
  6. Sharp but soft
  7. When you are far away, it never leaves your sight
  8. A castle with a B

20 Clues: Big puddleSharp but softThe sea of treesA castle with a BControls the tideThe sign of medicineFrozen PrecipitationIf Interstate 5 was waterWhat do sneakerheads avoidThe cotton candy of the skyI have bark but i don't biteIts purple and prince made itYou get these on valentines dayAn Avenger needs his hammer for this...

Nature 2020-07-28

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. a food group that grows on trees, and has seeds inside
  2. a large underground chamber that can extend far underground, and can include cool things inside such as crystals
  3. a landform rising high above its surrounding terrain
  4. the king of the jungle
  5. water vapor that floats high in the sky
  6. an electrical storm where light and sound are present
  7. a nice vacation spot with a sandy shore
  8. a natural stream of water that flows into another natural water source
  9. a track or unpaved road usually used for hiking
  10. a low area between hills or mountains
  11. frozen water from the clouds that falls down in a crystal-like form
  12. a place where lots of woody plants accumulate, and lots of animals tend to live
  1. a woody plant that provides oxygen and stores carbon dioxide
  2. a very diverse place found in tropical areas with a variety of wildlife such as sloths,toucans,frogs, and more
  3. a sweet, sticky substance made by insects, collected from nectar from flowers
  4. a barren landscape where there is little rainfall, hot climate, and rough conditions for any life there
  5. a slow moving mass of snow accumulated from snow on mountains
  6. a stripy creature that flies around and pollinate flowers
  7. a mountain or hill which has a vent where a hot substance erupts out of at a certain period in time
  8. a warm blooded, egg laying creature with wings
  9. something that can be revealed on a dark night, which twinkle from above

21 Clues: the king of the junglea low area between hills or mountainswater vapor that floats high in the skya nice vacation spot with a sandy shorea warm blooded, egg laying creature with wingsa track or unpaved road usually used for hikinga landform rising high above its surrounding terrainan electrical storm where light and sound are present...

Nature 2023-03-19

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A landform with high elevation and high relief.
  2. a tall plant that has a wooden trunk and branches
  3. someone whose job is to stop fires
  4. an area of land that is lower than the land around it
  5. a large fire that spreads quickly over a natural area
  6. H2O
  7. a small body of water
  8. ice crystals from the sky
  9. woods
  1. A measure of how hot or cold something is.
  2. A sudden spark from the clouds
  3. 空气
  4. the sound caused by lightning
  5. overflow of water in a dry area
  6. a mound of land, smaller than a mountain
  7. moving air
  8. a person who works on a farm
  9. water falling from the sky
  10. A long period of dry weather
  11. the space over the Earth where the sun, moon, stars, and clouds appear

20 Clues: 空气H2Owoodsmoving aira small body of waterice crystals from the skywater falling from the skya person who works on a farmA long period of dry weatherthe sound caused by lightningA sudden spark from the cloudsoverflow of water in a dry areasomeone whose job is to stop firesa mound of land, smaller than a mountain...

Nature 2023-03-19

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. a landform with high elevation and high relief
  2. a tall plant that has a wooden trunk and branches
  3. someone whose job is to stop fires
  4. an area of land that is lower than the land around it
  5. a large fire that spreads quickly over a natural area
  6. H2O
  7. a small body of water
  8. ice crystals from the sky
  9. woods
  1. a measure of how hot or cold something is
  2. a sudden spark from the clouds
  3. 空气
  4. the sound caused by lightning
  5. overflow of water in a dry area
  6. a mound of land, smaller than a mountain
  7. moving air
  8. a person who works on a farm
  9. water falling from the sky
  10. a long period of dry weather
  11. the space over the Earth

20 Clues: 空气H2Owoodsmoving aira small body of waterthe space over the Earthice crystals from the skywater falling from the skya person who works on a farma long period of dry weatherthe sound caused by lightninga sudden spark from the cloudsoverflow of water in a dry areasomeone whose job is to stop firesa mound of land, smaller than a mountain...

Nature 2023-09-14

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. The body of water that is partially enclosed by land and usually has a narrow entrance?
  2. Who study’s how water moves across and through the earth’s crust.
  3. The rocky or sandy area along the shoreline of a body of water?
  4. What's the process of soil and rock erosion caused by wind and water?
  5. This area makes up the outermost layer of the Earth?
  6. The layer of the Earth's atmosphere just above the troposphere?
  7. What's the term for the shedding of leaves by trees in autumn?
  8. The process by which plants make their own food using sunlight?
  9. What's the study of the Earth's physical features and processes?
  1. The term for the release of water vapor from plants into the atmosphere?
  2. The natural environment in which plants and animals live?
  3. The process of breaking down organic matter into fertile soil?
  4. This green pigment is found in plants that's essential for photosynthesis.
  5. What's the outermost layer of the Earth's atmosphere?
  6. The process of a liquid turning into vapor due to heat?
  7. The substance that makes up most of the Earth's atmosphere?
  8. What's the force that attracts objects with mass towards one another?
  9. What's the word for the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or organism?
  10. The study of living organisms and their interactions with the environment?
  11. This weather condition has low visibility due to water droplets in the air?

20 Clues: This area makes up the outermost layer of the Earth?What's the outermost layer of the Earth's atmosphere?The process of a liquid turning into vapor due to heat?The natural environment in which plants and animals live?The substance that makes up most of the Earth's atmosphere?The process of breaking down organic matter into fertile soil?...

Nature 2023-09-29

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. kela
  2. ngnpiue
  3. atn
  4. rveri
  5. enaptlhe
  6. orck
  7. gfro
  8. fegfiar
  9. mnoyke
  10. rdeisp
  1. reet
  2. kanoaogr
  3. arbe
  4. asnke
  5. olni
  6. eitrg
  7. arbez
  8. telrtu
  9. llhi
  10. loerwf

20 Clues: atnreetkelaarbeolniorckgfrollhiasnkeeitrgrveriarbeztelrtuloerwfmnoykerdeispngnpiuefegfiarkanoaogrenaptlhe

Nature 2024-03-14

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. a small narrow stream or river
  2. the top of a mountain (1)
  3. a hill made of sand near the sea or in the desert
  4. [c... < adj] trees keep their needles and produce brown cones that contain seeds
  5. a simple type of plant that has no leaves or flowers and that grows on plants or other surfaces. mushrooms and mould are both this
  6. a coral island in the shape of a ring
  7. an area of land that is lower than the land around it
  8. a very small island
  9. a type of plant with green leaves shaped like large feathers, but no flowers, it's been around since the prehistoric times
  10. a synonym for 'tornado'
  11. a small bush with several woody stems
  12. an animal that only eats plants
  13. a lake, especially an artificial one, where water is stored before it is supplied to people’s houses
  14. the top of a mountain (2)
  15. an animal that eats both meat and plants
  16. a deep narrow valley with steep sides (1)
  17. animals and plants growing in natural conditions
  18. a large flat area of grassy land, especially in Africa
  1. a plant such as a cactus, that has thick soft leaves or stems that can hold a lot of liquid
  2. [d... < adj] trees lose their leaves in winter
  3. a piece of land almost completely surrounded by water but joined to a large area of land
  4. the fruit of a pine or fir tree
  5. a tall tree with long hard sharp leaves that do not fall off in winter
  6. a living creature that does not have a backbone
  7. an animal or plant that lived many thousands of years ago and that has been preserved
  8. an area of soft wet muddy ground
  9. a small piece of land with trees growing on it
  10. a large mass of ice which moves slowly down a mountain valley
  11. the leaves of a plant
  12. a powerful current [prąd wodny] of water that spins around and can pull things down into it
  13. a huge amount of water that covers an area that is usually dry
  14. a small stream
  15. a deep narrow valley with steep sides (2)
  16. an animal that eats flesh
  17. an [e... < adj] tree or bush does not lose its leaves in winter
  18. a large area of flat land that is higher than the land around it

36 Clues: a small streama very small islandthe leaves of a planta synonym for 'tornado'the top of a mountain (1)an animal that eats fleshthe top of a mountain (2)a small narrow stream or riverthe fruit of a pine or fir treean animal that only eats plantsan area of soft wet muddy grounda coral island in the shape of a ringa small bush with several woody stems...

Nature 2024-04-19

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Giewont, aconcagua, K2
  2. Tongas, Taiga, Białowieża
  3. Philipines, Bahamas, Japan
  4. Scoresby Sund, Milford Sound, Eyjafjörður
  5. Wkra, Thames, Zambezi
  6. Everglades, Okavango delta,Macierowo
  7. Madagascar, Wolin, Britain
  8. Mauna Loa, Stromboli,Fuji
  1. Vatnajökull,Lambert Fisher, Baltoro
  2. Atlantic, Pacific, Indian
  3. Baltic, North, South China
  4. Gobi, Błędowska, Atacama
  5. Kinabalu,Borneo, Amazon
  6. Victoria, Huron, Baikal
  7. Angel,Siklawa,Inga
  8. Antartica, Australia, Asia
  9. Persian, Mexico, Pucka
  10. Biscay, San Francisco, Fundy
  11. Andes, Pyrenees, Atlas
  12. Miętusia,Wielka Śnieżna, Smoczna Jama

20 Clues: Angel,Siklawa,IngaWkra, Thames, ZambeziGiewont, aconcagua, K2Persian, Mexico, PuckaAndes, Pyrenees, AtlasKinabalu,Borneo, AmazonVictoria, Huron, BaikalGobi, Błędowska, AtacamaAtlantic, Pacific, IndianTongas, Taiga, BiałowieżaMauna Loa, Stromboli,FujiBaltic, North, South ChinaPhilipines, Bahamas, JapanAntartica, Australia, Asia...

NATURE 2024-04-09

NATURE crossword puzzle
  1. To look after, protect, or provide for someone or something's needs or well-being.
  2. A piece of land surrounded by water, smaller than a continent and larger than a rock or islet.
  3. To ascend or go up a steep natural elevation of the earth, usually for recreation or exploration purposes.
  4. A large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth, usually larger than a wood and smaller than a continent.
  5. A living creature that can move and respond to its surroundings, such as a dog, cat, or bird.
  6. Grave in nature, importance, or concern; not lighthearted or trivial.
  7. To forcefully rip apart something, causing it to separate into pieces.
  8. A rupture in the Earth's crust through which molten lava, ash, and gases erupt onto the surface, typically forming a conical hill or mountain.
  9. Cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates typically with scales, fins, and gills, living in water and breathing through gills.
  10. To stay outdoors overnight in a tent or shelter for leisure, often in a natural environment such as a forest or near a lake.
  11. A living organism typically lacking mobility and possessing cellulose cell walls, obtaining energy through photosynthesis and often rooted in the ground.
  1. A photographic or video technique that captures a series of images at set intervals to record changes that take place slowly over time, played back at a faster rate to show the changes in a shorter period.
  2. To cease to be visible or exist; to vanish from sight or existence.
  3. To rely on or need something or someone for support, survival, or success.
  4. To propel oneself through water by natural movements of the limbs, typically the arms and legs.
  5. A large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake, or another such stream.
  6. Small, six-legged invertebrates with segmented bodies and typically one or two pairs of wings, such as ants, bees, and butterflies.
  7. To pull something towards oneself or another object due to its appealing qualities or characteristics.
  8. A natural underground hollow space formed within the earth's surface, often large enough for a person to enter.
  9. The process by which two or more species evolve together in response to changes in each other over time, often resulting in mutually beneficial adaptations.
  10. To take a leisurely stroll or journey on foot, typically for exercise, relaxation, or enjoyment.
  11. To take a long, vigorous walk, usually on trails or paths in natural surroundings such as mountains, forests, or countryside.
  12. Feathered, winged animals that typically lay eggs, have beaks, and can fly, such as sparrows, eagles, and ducks.

23 Clues: To cease to be visible or exist; to vanish from sight or existence.Grave in nature, importance, or concern; not lighthearted or trivial.To forcefully rip apart something, causing it to separate into pieces.To rely on or need something or someone for support, survival, or success....

nature 2024-07-08

nature crossword puzzle
  1. Howls at the moon (4 letters)
  2. Large, flat grassland (7 letters)
  3. Natural underground chamber (4 letters)
  4. Dense group of trees (6 letters)
  5. Tree with white bark (5 letters)
  6. Reef Marine structure built by tiny animals (5 letters)
  7. Wetland with grasses and reeds (5 letters)
  8. Deep valley with steep sides (6 letters)
  9. Type of tree often found in parks (3 letters)
  1. Large mass of moving ice (7 letters)
  2. Cascade of water falling from a height (9 letters)
  3. High, steep face of rock (5 letters)
  4. Freshwater fish (5 letters)
  5. snowcapped (4 letters)
  6. Small, flowing body of water (6 letters)
  7. Plant with feathery fronds (4 letters)
  8. Masked critter (6 letters)
  9. coats a tree's trunk (4 letters)
  10. Shrub or small tree (4 letters)
  11. Bird of prey (4 letters)
  12. Nocturnal bird of prey (3 letters)

21 Clues: snowcapped (4 letters)Bird of prey (4 letters)Masked critter (6 letters)Freshwater fish (5 letters)Howls at the moon (4 letters)Shrub or small tree (4 letters)Dense group of trees (6 letters)coats a tree's trunk (4 letters)Tree with white bark (5 letters)Large, flat grassland (7 letters)Nocturnal bird of prey (3 letters)...

Nature 2018-12-14

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. pagórek
  2. ścieżka
  3. płot
  4. drzewo
  5. łąka
  6. krzak
  7. kamień
  8. kwiat
  9. las
  10. morze
  11. trawa
  1. jezioro
  2. brama
  3. gniazdo
  4. pole
  5. grzyb
  6. rzeka
  7. korzenie
  8. liście
  9. pień

20 Clues: laspłotpolełąkapieńbramagrzybkrzakrzekakwiatmorzetrawadrzewokamieńliściepagórekjeziorościeżkagniazdokorzenie

Nature 2013-06-23

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Green, soft and grows on the ground
  2. Gives us light and warmth
  3. Needed to make it rain
  4. Winged animal that lives in a cave
  5. This animal has eight legs
  6. High and rocky
  7. A big body of water
  8. White and very cold
  9. A big group of trees
  10. Moving water
  11. Comes in many different colors and smells good
  12. Water that falls from the sky
  13. Big hairy animal that eats fish
  1. Gives us light at night
  2. A water source in the desert
  3. A mountain that can explode
  4. Bright light in the night sky
  5. A place where it almost never rains
  6. Animal with a very long neck
  7. Animal that climbs trees and eats bananas
  8. A small mountain
  9. Lives in the ocean and has thousands of teeth
  10. Animal that is known as the king of the jungle
  11. The biggest living mammal
  12. Has flames and burns

25 Clues: Moving waterHigh and rockyA small mountainA big body of waterWhite and very coldA big group of treesHas flames and burnsNeeded to make it rainGives us light at nightGives us light and warmthThe biggest living mammalThis animal has eight legsA mountain that can explodeA water source in the desertAnimal with a very long neck...

Nature 2013-06-20

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Needed to make it rain
  2. High and rocky
  3. A scientific study of outer space
  4. Come in many different colors and smell good
  5. A mountain that can explode
  6. Animal with a very long neck
  7. A big group of trees
  8. Gives us light at night
  9. Animal that is known as the king of the jungle
  10. Big hairy animal that eats fish
  11. A place where it almost never rains
  12. Water that falls from the sky
  13. Green, soft and grows on the ground
  1. White and very cold
  2. Animals that only eat meat
  3. A person who studies the weather
  4. Gives us light and warmth
  5. A big body of water
  6. Animal that climbs trees and eats bananas
  7. This animal has eight legs
  8. Winged animal that lives in a cave
  9. Moving water
  10. Bright lights in the night sky
  11. Has flames and burns

24 Clues: Moving waterHigh and rockyWhite and very coldA big body of waterA big group of treesHas flames and burnsNeeded to make it rainGives us light at nightGives us light and warmthAnimals that only eat meatThis animal has eight legsA mountain that can explodeAnimal with a very long neckWater that falls from the skyBright lights in the night sky...

Nature 2017-01-25

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Latin word for water
  2. a naturally occurring solid aggregate of minerals or mineraloids
  3. a rupture in the crust of a planetary-mass object, such as earth
  4. known by the sound created when flapping their wings and hover in the air
  5. everything that lies above the surface of the Earth, including the atmosphere and outer space, also known as the 'celestial dome'
  6. a meteorological phenomenon that is caused by reflection resulting in a spectrum of light
  7. a large area dominated by trees
  8. a persistent body of dense ice that is constantly moving under its own weight
  9. formed from tiny droplets that saturate a cloud
  10. smaller tree identified by its light gray pallor with black lines
  11. sound made by a bee
  12. when a small breeze picks up speed suddenly
  1. solid precipitation characterised by small ice pellets
  2. occasionally referred to as 'Luna'
  3. produce a variety of vocalisations,usually in the form of clicks and whistles
  4. a place where water flows over a vertical drop or a series of drops in the course of a stream or river
  5. type of insect related to grasshoppers and also make noise when rubbing their legs together
  6. this slimy a long cylindrical tube-like body with no limbs and can very in size up to 1 metre
  7. type of perennial flower that contains large thorns
  8. characterised by its bushy appearance, comes in many varieties
  9. this type of cloud comes from the Latin word meaning a ringlet or curling lock of hair

21 Clues: sound made by a beeLatin word for watera large area dominated by treesoccasionally referred to as 'Luna'when a small breeze picks up speed suddenlyformed from tiny droplets that saturate a cloudtype of perennial flower that contains large thornssolid precipitation characterised by small ice pellets...

Nature 2022-12-06

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. the sea
  2. the flower
  3. gray
  4. the sun
  5. white
  6. the cloud
  7. Red
  8. the animal
  9. the island
  10. the lawn
  11. green
  12. the waterfall
  13. the moon
  14. pink
  15. the volcano
  16. the land
  17. gold
  18. silver
  19. the world
  20. the sand
  21. brown
  22. the reptile
  1. the bird
  2. the star
  3. the forest
  4. the tree
  5. the desert
  6. the snow
  7. the ocean
  8. the beach
  9. the jungle
  10. Orange
  11. the lake
  12. the amphibian
  13. the mountain range
  14. purple
  15. the sky
  16. the river
  17. blue
  18. yellow
  19. the mountain
  20. black
  21. the rain

43 Clues: RedgraypinkbluegoldwhitegreenblackbrownOrangepurpleyellowsilverthe seathe sunthe skythe birdthe starthe treethe snowthe lawnthe lakethe moonthe landthe sandthe rainthe oceanthe beachthe cloudthe riverthe worldthe flowerthe forestthe desertthe junglethe animalthe islandthe volcanothe reptilethe mountainthe amphibianthe waterfallthe mountain range

Nature 2023-04-18

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Violent, rotating column of air
  2. Marine invertebrate with a hard, exoskeleton
  3. Spiny marine animal with five arms
  4. Natural feature where water drops from a height
  5. Atmospheric phenomena of light and colour
  6. Visible mass of condensed water vapor
  7. Colourful insect with delicate wings
  8. Flying insect that collects nectar and pollen
  9. Tall plant with large yellow flowers
  10. Ice crystal that falls from the sky
  1. Tall landform that rises above its surroundings
  2. Natural light display in the polar regions
  3. Mountain that opens at the top to a pool of molten rock
  4. Large, flowing body of water
  5. Outdoor activity of walking in natural environments
  6. Large body of water surrounded by land
  7. Uncultivated, uninhabited area of land
  8. Activity of observing birds in their natural habitat
  9. Vast body of saltwater
  10. Dense collection of trees and underbrush

20 Clues: Vast body of saltwaterLarge, flowing body of waterViolent, rotating column of airSpiny marine animal with five armsIce crystal that falls from the skyColourful insect with delicate wingsTall plant with large yellow flowersVisible mass of condensed water vaporLarge body of water surrounded by landUncultivated, uninhabited area of land...

Nature 2023-04-20

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Monkey’s favorite snack
  2. Black and Yellow
  3. Blooms in August
  4. California State Animal
  5. Appears when sunlight hits a rain droplet
  6. Made of water vapor
  7. Man eating fish
  8. Blue and white
  9. Song about nature by Kali Uchis and Tyler the creator
  10. Can be eaten raw
  11. Popular for bouquets
  12. What does the ____ say?
  13. Plants grow in ____.
  14. Ugly carpet dogs
  15. The World’s largest source of oxygen (and a Spongebob character)
  1. Trees that make syrup
  2. The month that spring starts in
  3. Meme animal
  4. Plant with the closest DNA to humans
  5. Eagle USA national animal
  6. Provides lots of iron to humans
  7. Black and White
  8. is born as a caterpillar
  9. Come out when it rains
  10. California State Flower
  11. Popular in California
  12. Moo
  13. Pink and stands on one leg

28 Clues: MooMeme animalBlue and whiteBlack and WhiteMan eating fishBlack and YellowBlooms in AugustCan be eaten rawUgly carpet dogsMade of water vaporPopular for bouquetsPlants grow in ____.Trees that make syrupPopular in CaliforniaCome out when it rainsMonkey’s favorite snackCalifornia State AnimalCalifornia State FlowerWhat does the ____ say?...

NATURE 2017-07-03

NATURE crossword puzzle
  1. pass out to become unconscious for a short time
  2. of thunder deep noise
  3. bright light and warmth that comes from the sun when the weather is fine and there no clouds
  4. an activity in which a large number of people are asked what they think about something or how they will vote in an election
  5. deliberately causing suffering to other people or animals
  6. a clear way of understanding something
  7. the ceremony that takes place when someone who has recently died is put into the ground, or when their body is burned
  8. large amounts of water pouring into an area,
  9. a small part of a plant that grows into a new plant when it is in the soil
  10. be blown down when smth collapses or is destroyed by very strong winds in a storm
  11. unable to move or stop watching because smth is amazing
  12. someone who keeps animals and produces and sells young animals
  13. sufficient to cause death
  14. (prep) happening all around at the same time; having people all around you.
  15. a sheet of glass at the front or back of a car that the driver can see through
  16. people (places) show culture and good standards of behaviour because they belong to an advanced and well developed society
  17. an amount of money that a government pays in order to help a producer sell goods at a lower price and still have a profit
  18. (of a plant) the parts under the ground that send food up to the plant above the ground/ (of a person) the place, culture, and family that they come from
  19. lightning lightning that splits into two
  20. the loud noise that you hear in the sky during a storm
  1. (relationship) a lot of arguing and disagreement btw people
  2. a problem or an issue that people cannot agree about
  3. the long thin part of a plant that a flower grows on
  4. money that you get from someone after they die
  5. rot to decay through natural processes
  6. a living thing such as a tree or bush that grows out of the ground
  7. an activity is the fact of their taking part in it
  8. a thick cloud that forms close to the ground
  9. come off (the road) to move onto the special road to leave the motorway/loose control and go onto the pavement or side of the road
  10. become extremely wet
  11. behaviour that deliberately tries to frighten someone, often in order to make them do something they do not want to do
  12. something difficult or dangerous that you do because someone has challenged you to do it
  13. idea or action is one that comes at the beginning of a situation, and which later changes
  14. being unable to get away even though you want to
  15. the quality or state of being different or diverse
  16. a very sudden and bright light which appears and then disappears very quickly
  17. the quality and behaviour involved in being brave
  18. the flowers that grow on trees before the fruit develop; also about people, career etc.
  19. the sky
  20. a situation in which people feel embarrassed because they think something is wrong but they do not know exactly what
  21. a wrong or mistaken idea about something
  22. when smth continues all the time without a pause

42 Clues: the skybecome extremely wetof thunder deep noisesufficient to cause deathrot to decay through natural processesa clear way of understanding somethinga wrong or mistaken idea about somethinglightning lightning that splits into twoa thick cloud that forms close to the groundlarge amounts of water pouring into an area,...

Nature 2020-03-21

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. A small stream.
  2. Those invisible gases that we breathe.
  3. A heavy section of a tree that has fallen down.
  4. The little objects from which plants grow.
  5. Moving water raised above the surface of the ocean.
  6. The Earth and all the people in it.
  7. A fine dry powder, often made from dirt.
  8. The physical world and everything in it.
  9. The tiny pieces of rock that cover the beach.
  10. A natural flow of water, smaller than a river but bigger than a brook.
  11. Land that is away from cities and towns.
  12. The sandy area in front of an ocean.
  13. A flat area of land covered with tall grass.
  14. The dark area produced when something moves in front of the sun.
  15. Loose earth or soil.
  16. A rounded area of land that is higher than its surroundings.
  17. A tall plant that is made from wood and has many branches.
  18. An area of land that rises much higher than its surroundings.
  19. The hard solid stuff that the Earth is made from.
  20. Where birds lay their eggs and care for their babies.
  21. A poetic name for the sky above.
  1. A short plant that covers large areas.
  2. A hollow place in the ground.
  3. An open area without trees or buildings.
  4. The surface of the Earth.
  5. A very hot and very dry area covered with sand.
  6. That clear, colourless liquid that we drink.
  7. A part of a tree that grows from the trunk.
  8. A large area of water surrounded by land.
  9. The round yellow thing in the day sky.
  10. Small pieces of rock.
  11. The part of a plant that grows underground.
  12. A plant that is smaller than a tree.
  13. A long thin plant that grows across the ground or up things.
  14. An area of land surrounded by water.
  15. The salt water that covers the Earth's surface.
  16. A natural flow of water that covers the land.
  17. That planet that we live on.
  18. The salt water that covers the Earth's surface; like a sea.
  19. The round silver thing in the night sky.

40 Clues: A small stream.Loose earth or soil.Small pieces of rock.The surface of the Earth.That planet that we live on.A hollow place in the ground.A poetic name for the sky above.The Earth and all the people in it.The sandy area in front of an ocean.A plant that is smaller than a tree.An area of land surrounded by water....

Nature 2020-03-26

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. trees and flowers contain it and it can cause allergies
  2. water that comes from the sky
  3. flower associated to romance
  4. type of plant that clings to fences and buildings
  5. area where one plants plants
  6. becomes a plant
  7. thing with petals and stem
  8. colour of grass
  9. tube that water shoots out of
  10. ‘limb’ of a tree
  1. opposite of inside
  2. small form of fruit
  3. large plant with branches and leaves
  4. flat green blade attached to stem
  5. small thing that forms before leaf or flower
  6. very long type of plant
  7. thing that flower roots and leaves attach to
  8. brown substance, can be found almost anywhere
  9. opposite of stale and preserved
  10. star in the middle of our solar system

20 Clues: becomes a plantcolour of grass‘limb’ of a treeopposite of insidesmall form of fruitvery long type of plantthing with petals and stemflower associated to romancearea where one plants plantswater that comes from the skytube that water shoots out ofopposite of stale and preservedflat green blade attached to stemlarge plant with branches and leaves...

Nature 2020-03-26

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. trees and flowers contain it and it can cause allergies
  2. water that comes from the sky
  3. flower associated to romance
  4. type of plant that clings to fences and buildings
  5. area where one plants plants
  6. becomes a plant
  7. thing with petals and stem
  8. colour of grass
  9. tube that water shoots out of
  10. ‘limb’ of a tree
  1. opposite of inside
  2. small form of fruit
  3. large plant with branches and leaves
  4. flat green blade attached to stem
  5. small thing that forms before leaf or flower
  6. very long type of plant
  7. thing that flower roots and leaves attach to
  8. brown substance, can be found almost anywhere
  9. opposite of stale and preserved
  10. star in the middle of our solar system

20 Clues: becomes a plantcolour of grass‘limb’ of a treeopposite of insidesmall form of fruitvery long type of plantthing with petals and stemflower associated to romancearea where one plants plantswater that comes from the skytube that water shoots out ofopposite of stale and preservedflat green blade attached to stemlarge plant with branches and leaves...

Nature 2020-04-28

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Una flor amarilla de la primavera. El _______
  2. El árbol, la flor, el narciso, la margarita. La ______
  3. Insecto muy bonito. Tienes muchos colores. La ________
  4. Esta cosa es muy fuerte. El ____
  5. Tiene agua y pez. El ___
  6. Un animal marrón que camina por la calle. El ______
  7. Un insecto blanco y negro. La _____
  8. Un vegetal pequeño que puede ser peligroso. El _____
  9. Una bonita planta. Ejemplo: una rosa. La ____
  10. Un animal blanco y negro del país. La ____
  1. Un insecto pequeño, rosado y feo en el barro. El ______
  2. Una fruta pequeña. Las _____
  3. Un animal que canta. El ______
  4. otra flor amarilla de la primavera. La _________
  5. Esto es marrón y es después de la lluevia en el hierba. El _____
  6. Una planta que da aire. El _____
  7. Un pequeño animal que vive en la hierba. El ______
  8. Una cosa pequeña y fea. El _______
  9. Esta planta está en todas partes. La ______
  10. Otra palabra para el aire libre. El _______

20 Clues: Tiene agua y pez. El ___Una fruta pequeña. Las _____Un animal que canta. El ______Una planta que da aire. El _____Esta cosa es muy fuerte. El ____Una cosa pequeña y fea. El _______Un insecto blanco y negro. La _____Un animal blanco y negro del país. La ____Esta planta está en todas partes. La ______Otra palabra para el aire libre. El _______...

Nature 2020-04-10

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Tree arms in a bunch.
  2. An insect that might suck your blood.
  3. Something that needs to happen.
  4. What animals might do if there is a forest fire.
  5. An animal as a pet from Australia.
  6. If you put sandbags up before water came you _______.
  7. If you live through an earthquake you ________.
  8. Birds become scared.
  9. Leave the container.
  10. Opposite of the Sahara Desert.
  11. A cat that you don't see a lot.
  12. Something you might see everyday.
  13. You can't call anymore.
  1. Lots of dirty air in a sky formation.
  2. A dog does this to big white things.
  3. A disgusting bug goes down your throat.
  4. Go toward somewhere.
  5. A dog does this to an insect.
  6. What some companies destroy when they cut down forests
  7. Look the same.
  8. The kitten can.
  9. Bob is so scared that he dies.
  10. Seven different colors twice.
  11. A rabbit might do this to the ground for a home.
  12. A bird does this to make its home.
  13. Throw out something.
  14. Black bugs in a line.
  15. Putting dry mud everywhere.

28 Clues: Look the same.The kitten can.Go toward somewhere.Birds become scared.Leave the container.Throw out something.Tree arms in a bunch.Black bugs in a line.You can't call anymore.Putting dry mud everywhere.A dog does this to an insect.Seven different colors twice.Bob is so scared that he dies.Opposite of the Sahara Desert.Something that needs to happen....

Nature 2021-01-28

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Vääriskivi
  2. goat, Sokk
  3. Ilves
  4. Blueberry
  5. Ball, Murumuna
  6. snake, Nastik
  7. Mädarõigas
  8. Talveuni
  9. Leevike
  10. Lepp
  11. Kuusk
  12. Lõpused
  13. Isahani
  14. Võilill
  1. Redis
  2. Kiil
  3. Riisikas
  4. Harakas
  5. Spinach
  6. Mänd
  7. Tikker
  8. vole, Vesirot
  9. of the Valley, Maikelluke
  10. Currant, Punane sõstar
  11. lily, Vesiroos
  12. Kuldnokk
  13. Süsinik

27 Clues: KiilMändLeppRedisIlvesKuuskTikkerHarakasSpinachLeevikeSüsinikLõpusedIsahaniVõilillRiisikasTalveuniKuldnokkBlueberryVääriskivigoat, SokkMädarõigassnake, Nastikvole, VesirotBall, Murumunalily, VesiroosCurrant, Punane sõstarof the Valley, Maikelluke

Nature 2020-10-24

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Gunung
  2. Pasir
  3. Pantai
  4. Semenanjung
  5. Gunung berapi
  6. Lembah
  7. Gurun
  8. Hutan hujan tropis
  9. sungai
  1. Samudra
  2. Lumpur
  3. Air terjun
  4. Danau
  5. Pesisir
  6. Goa
  7. Kutub
  8. Awan
  9. kolam
  10. Musim gugur
  11. Musim panas

20 Clues: GoaAwanPasirDanauKutubkolamGurunGunungLumpurPantaiLembahsungaiSamudraPesisirAir terjunSemenanjungMusim gugurMusim panasGunung berapiHutan hujan tropis

Nature 2021-07-21

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Short period of rain.
  2. Whirlwinds, twisters.
  3. Rough paths routes followed by animals.
  4. Area around the North Pole.
  5. Spring is one so is autumn.
  6. Freshwater fish that is often eaten.
  7. Band of sand beside the sea.
  8. It sometimes falls as flakes in winter.
  9. or a type of tree.
  10. ACROSS
  11. Direction from which the sun rises.
  12. Type of bird of prey.
  1. Plant grown for human use or consumption.
  2. Small rocks.
  3. 0.405 of a hectare.
  4. Large expanses of fresh water.
  5. Large European hardwood tree.
  6. Scottish word for 7 across.
  7. 03 It is disappearing from the upper atmosphere.
  8. A root vegetable, usually white inside.
  9. DOWN
  10. Very dry like a desert (adjective).
  11. A type of fruit; its tree has pink blossom.
  12. Night birds with large eyes.
  13. Large animal associated with Father Christmas.

25 Clues: DOWNACROSSSmall rocks.or a type of tree.0.405 of a hectare.Short period of rain.Whirlwinds, twisters.Type of bird of prey.Scottish word for 7 across.Area around the North Pole.Spring is one so is autumn.Band of sand beside the sea.Night birds with large eyes.Large European hardwood tree.Large expanses of fresh water....

NAture 2021-07-21

NAture crossword puzzle
  1. Short period of rain.
  2. Whirlwinds, twisters.
  3. Rough paths routes followed by animals.
  4. Area around the North Pole.
  5. Spring is one so is autumn.
  6. Freshwater fish that is often eaten.
  7. Band of sand beside the
  8. It sometimes falls as flakes in winter.
  9. or a type of tree.
  10. ACROSS
  11. Direction from which the sun rises.
  12. Type of bird of prey.
  1. Plant grown for human use or consumption.
  2. Small rocks.
  3. 0.405 of a hectare.
  4. Large expanses of fresh water.
  5. Large European hardwood tree.
  6. Scottish word for 7 across.
  7. 03 It is disappearing from the upper atmosphere.
  8. A root vegetable, usually white inside.
  9. DOWN
  10. Very dry like a desert (adjective).
  11. A type of fruit; its tree has pink blossom.
  12. Night birds with large eyes.
  13. Large animal associated with Father Christmas.

25 Clues: DOWNACROSSSmall rocks.or a type of tree.0.405 of a hectare.Short period of rain.Whirlwinds, twisters.Type of bird of prey.Band of sand beside theScottish word for 7 across.Area around the North Pole.Spring is one so is autumn.Night birds with large eyes.Large European hardwood tree.Large expanses of fresh water.Very dry like a desert (adjective)....

Nature 2021-07-21

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Short period of rain.
  2. Whirlwinds, twisters.
  3. Rough paths routes followed by animals.
  4. Area around the North Pole.
  5. Spring is one so is autumn.
  6. Freshwater fish that is often eaten.
  7. Band of sand beside the sea.
  8. It sometimes falls as flakes in winter.
  9. or a type of tree.
  10. ACROSS
  11. Direction from which the sun rises.
  12. Type of bird of prey.
  1. Plant grown for human use or consumption.
  2. Small rocks.
  3. 0.405 of a hectare.
  4. Large expanses of fresh water.
  5. Large European hardwood tree.
  6. Scottish word for 7 across.
  7. 03 It is disappearing from the upper atmosphere.
  8. A root vegetable, usually white inside.
  9. DOWN
  10. Very dry like a desert (adjective).
  11. A type of fruit; its tree has pink blossom.
  12. Night birds with large eyes.
  13. Large animal associated with Father Christmas.

25 Clues: DOWNACROSSSmall rocks.or a type of tree.0.405 of a hectare.Short period of rain.Whirlwinds, twisters.Type of bird of prey.Scottish word for 7 across.Area around the North Pole.Spring is one so is autumn.Band of sand beside the sea.Night birds with large eyes.Large European hardwood tree.Large expanses of fresh water....

Nature 2022-04-21

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. The theme of this crossword
  2. Something kids like to climb
  3. A season you either love or hate
  4. The drink of the gods
  5. A mass of 5 across
  6. Smells good and makes a nice gift
  7. What you see when you look up
  8. The instrument of death that killed Goliath
  9. A body of water smaller than an ocean
  10. The setting of the sun (2 words)
  11. Something that sometimes covers 7 down
  12. Something that rages
  13. Gaia
  1. The goddess Selene
  2. You need this to live
  3. Bella & Edward
  4. A bird that Americans love
  5. Keeps humans warm
  6. The drink of life
  7. Something that is cute and chirps
  8. A seasonal sickness + men
  9. What you do when you go star-watching (infinitive form)
  10. Another season you either love or hate
  11. Cold and elevated
  12. What astrology is based on

25 Clues: GaiaBella & EdwardKeeps humans warmThe drink of lifeCold and elevatedThe goddess SeleneA mass of 5 acrossSomething that ragesYou need this to liveThe drink of the godsA seasonal sickness + menA bird that Americans loveWhat astrology is based onThe theme of this crosswordSomething kids like to climbWhat you see when you look up...

Nature 2022-04-21

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. What you do when you go star-watching (infinitive form)
  2. The setting of the sun (2 words)
  3. Smells good and makes a nice gift
  4. Gaia
  5. You need this to live
  6. What astrology is based on
  7. A body of water smaller than an ocean
  8. A bird that Americans love
  9. Something that sometimes covers 12 down
  10. Another season you either love or hate
  11. Bella & Edward
  12. The drink of the gods
  13. The instrument of death that killed Goliath
  1. A mass of 17 down
  2. Something that is cute and chirps
  3. Cold and elevated
  4. The goddess Selene
  5. What you see when you look up
  6. A seasonal sickness + men
  7. Keeps humans warm
  8. The drink of life
  9. A season you either love or hate
  10. Something that rages
  11. Something kids like to climb
  12. The theme of this crossword

25 Clues: GaiaBella & EdwardA mass of 17 downCold and elevatedKeeps humans warmThe drink of lifeThe goddess SeleneSomething that ragesYou need this to liveThe drink of the godsA seasonal sickness + menWhat astrology is based onA bird that Americans loveThe theme of this crosswordSomething kids like to climbWhat you see when you look up...

Nature 2022-06-27

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Flight
  2. Blood
  3. Together
  4. Smoke
  5. Mast
  6. Dogs
  7. Good
  8. Immune
  9. Poison
  10. There
  11. We
  12. Alley
  1. Fight
  2. Charms
  3. Your
  4. Luck
  5. This
  6. EnGarde
  7. Diamond
  8. Somewhere
  9. Binding
  10. Were
  11. Where
  12. Half

24 Clues: WeYourLuckThisMastDogsGoodWereHalfFightBloodSmokeThereWhereAlleyCharmsFlightImmunePoisonEnGardeDiamondBindingTogetherSomewhere

Nature 2022-06-27

Nature crossword puzzle
  1. Fruit
  2. Eternal
  3. Flame
  4. Art
  5. Blood
  6. Of
  7. Vibrancy
  8. Shuffle
  9. Called
  10. Awaken
  11. World
  12. Thick
  13. Nocturne
  14. Face
  15. Me
  16. Apocalypse
  17. Glitch
  18. End
  19. In
  20. SleepyHollow
  1. Freeze
  2. Time
  3. Paradise
  4. Real
  5. Music
  6. Glide
  7. Broken
  8. Moth
  9. March
  10. New
  11. Forbidden
  12. Cannonball
  13. Lost
  14. Water
  15. Mind
  16. IDES
  17. Clocks
  18. Parasitic
  19. Hindsight
  20. World

40 Clues: OfMeInArtNewEndTimeRealMothLostMindFaceIDESFruitMusicGlideFlameMarchBloodWorldWaterThickWorldFreezeBrokenCalledAwakenClocksGlitchEternalShuffleParadiseVibrancyNocturneForbiddenParasiticHindsightCannonballApocalypseSleepyHollow