respiratory system Crossword Puzzles

The Respiratory System 2021-12-06

The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. The air we breathe
  2. Alternates the structure of the lungs.
  3. The organ used to inhale
  4. The muscle that inflates and deflates the lungs
  5. waste gas
  1. Small air tubes
  2. Sacs of air
  3. The organs that work together to help you breathe
  4. The pipe that send air into the bronchioles
  5. Splits air into each lung
  6. Protects the organs.
  7. The process that moves gases from high to low

12 Clues: waste gasSacs of airSmall air tubesThe air we breatheProtects the organs.The organ used to inhaleSplits air into each lungAlternates the structure of the lungs.The pipe that send air into the bronchiolesThe process that moves gases from high to lowThe muscle that inflates and deflates the lungsThe organs that work together to help you breathe

The Respiratory System 2022-11-23

The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Low-pitched, coarse snoring lung sound. Indicates thick secretions, tumors, or obstruction.
  2. SOB that occurs when lying down and is relieved by sitting up.
  3. Structural unit of a respiratory bronchiole alveolar duct, and alveolar sacs.
  4. Infection of the lung where alveoli fill with fluid or pus.
  5. Lung disease where alveoli weaken and rupture creating larger air spaces.
  6. Total or partial removal of larynx.
  7. Communicable disease that primarily attacks the lungs. Requires airborne precautions.
  1. Lung percussion sound indicating trapped air.
  2. Protein responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood. Each molecule can carry up to 4 oxygen molecules.
  3. A fatty protein that lines alveolar cells and prevents atelectasis.
  4. Partial or complete collapse of a lung.
  5. Bloody sputum.

12 Clues: Bloody sputum.Total or partial removal of larynx.Partial or complete collapse of a lung.Lung percussion sound indicating trapped air.Infection of the lung where alveoli fill with fluid or pus.SOB that occurs when lying down and is relieved by sitting up.A fatty protein that lines alveolar cells and prevents atelectasis....

Respiratory System Crossword 2023-01-24

Respiratory System Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. protects trachea from getting food in it when breathing
  2. name of system that helps us breathe
  3. carry air to alveoli
  4. carries air into and out of the lungs
  5. absorb oxygen from air and get rid of CO2
  6. breathing in oxygen and lungs expand
  7. aka the throat
  1. site of gas exchange
  2. allows air to enter and leave the body
  3. allows air to enter and leave the body
  4. what the trachea branches into
  5. breathing out carbon dioxide and lungs relax
  6. muscle under the lungs

13 Clues: aka the throatsite of gas exchangecarry air to alveolimuscle under the lungswhat the trachea branches intoname of system that helps us breathebreathing in oxygen and lungs expandcarries air into and out of the lungsallows air to enter and leave the bodyallows air to enter and leave the bodyabsorb oxygen from air and get rid of CO2...

The Respiratory System 2022-10-02

The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. These intercostal muscles bring the rib cage downwards and inwards when exhaling.
  2. Brown inhalers that can take up to 14 days to be fully effective.
  3. The amount of air left in the lungs after fully exhaling.
  4. This type of training increases the number of red blood cells after a while.
  5. Helps to expand and contract the lungs.
  6. The amount of air inspired or expired in a normal breath.
  1. During inspiration the thoracic cavity ____________________ in size.
  2. There is a high ____________________ of oxygen in the alveoli.
  3. Equal to around 6-9L of air.
  4. A part of the airway that houses the vocal chords.
  5. Tiny air sacs that aid the change of fresh oxygen for used carbon dioxide.
  6. A term used for the amount of gas in an area.

12 Clues: Equal to around 6-9L of air.Helps to expand and contract the lungs.A term used for the amount of gas in an area.A part of the airway that houses the vocal chords.The amount of air left in the lungs after fully exhaling.The amount of air inspired or expired in a normal breath.There is a high ____________________ of oxygen in the alveoli....

The Respiratory System 2023-04-12

The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. The part of the throat that holds the vocal chords.
  2. The airbags where respiration takes place.
  3. Where the trachea splits in two leading oxygen to the lungs.
  4. A tube that follow the buccal nasal cavity to the larynx.
  5. A division of an organ marked by a fissure on the surface.
  6. The release of carbon dioxide from inside the body.
  7. A group of organs that take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide.
  8. Transporting oxygen from the outside of the body to the inside.
  1. Smaller tubes found inside the lungs.
  2. A dome shaped muscle below the lungs.
  3. The site where gas exchange takes place.
  4. Windpipe, follows the larynx.

12 Clues: Windpipe, follows the larynx.Smaller tubes found inside the lungs.A dome shaped muscle below the lungs.The site where gas exchange takes place.The airbags where respiration takes place.The part of the throat that holds the vocal chords.The release of carbon dioxide from inside the body.A tube that follow the buccal nasal cavity to the larynx....

Respiratory System Vocab 2023-04-04

Respiratory System Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. space at the back of the mouth and nose
  2. small air sacs where gas exchange occurs in lungs
  3. occurs between blood and body tissue
  4. fibrosis mucus builds up in the lungs
  5. inflammation of the respiratory tract
  6. part of the brain that controls respiration
  1. general term for lack of oxygen in the tissues
  2. flap that closes during swallowing
  3. occurs between air and lungs
  4. childhood disease known as whooping cough
  5. keeps the trachea stiff so it doesn't collapse
  6. triangular opening within the larynx, vocal cords

12 Clues: occurs between air and lungsflap that closes during swallowingoccurs between blood and body tissuefibrosis mucus builds up in the lungsinflammation of the respiratory tractspace at the back of the mouth and nosechildhood disease known as whooping coughpart of the brain that controls respirationgeneral term for lack of oxygen in the tissues...

The Respiratory System 2024-04-24

The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Major muscle of respiratory system
  2. What we breath out
  3. The smallest airway
  4. Often called the windwipe
  5. Where you breath in and out
  6. Blood vessels that exist through out your body
  1. Something that allowes us to go from high to low...
  2. Something that always you too breath
  3. Allowes our cells to breath.
  4. Something at the end of bronchioles
  5. A large airway leading from windwipe
  6. Has 12 paired bones

12 Clues: What we breath outThe smallest airwayHas 12 paired bonesOften called the windwipeWhere you breath in and outAllowes our cells to breath.Major muscle of respiratory systemSomething at the end of bronchiolesSomething that always you too breathA large airway leading from windwipeBlood vessels that exist through out your body...

Respiratory System Crossword 2024-06-03

Respiratory System Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. An Organ that gives the body oxygen
  2. Tiny branch of air tubes
  3. Very contagious infection in the respiratory system
  4. Trouble breathing due to allergic reactions
  5. A dome shaped muscle at the bottom of the lungs that separates the lungs from the rest of the organs
  6. Air passes through it and makes a sound
  7. Air passes through it and it makes sound
  1. Tiny air sacs of the lungs
  2. A disease in the lungs when pus fills the lungs
  3. A long tube used to connect the voice box to the lungs
  4. A type of cancer that forms in the lungs that happens in the lung tissues
  5. A layer of tissue that covers the lungs

12 Clues: Tiny branch of air tubesTiny air sacs of the lungsAn Organ that gives the body oxygenA layer of tissue that covers the lungsAir passes through it and makes a soundAir passes through it and it makes soundTrouble breathing due to allergic reactionsA disease in the lungs when pus fills the lungsVery contagious infection in the respiratory system...

The Respiratory System 2024-09-08

The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. blood vessels that surround the alveoli
  2. the part of the respiratory system that Has tiny hairs that filter the air by trapping dirt and bacteria.
  3. the scientific name for the windpipe
  4. the release of energy from food in the cell
  5. the gas that is the most abundant in air
  6. muscle that helps control our breathing
  1. turns from clear to milky in the presence of carbon dioxide
  2. where gas exchange takes place
  3. the process of releasing air out of the lungs
  4. taking in oxygen for respiration and releasing carbon dioxide and water vapour
  5. the trachea has two of these splitting off the end
  6. the process of bringing air into the lungs

12 Clues: where gas exchange takes placethe scientific name for the windpipeblood vessels that surround the alveolimuscle that helps control our breathingthe gas that is the most abundant in airthe process of bringing air into the lungsthe release of energy from food in the cellthe process of releasing air out of the lungs...

The Science of the Body 2017-04-06

The Science of the Body crossword puzzle
  1. Colorless, odorless gas.
  2. Responsible for the flow of blood, nutrients and oxygen.
  3. The organ you blow slime from when you go through a phase.
  4. A system of a series of organs responsible for oxygen.
  5. The main part of the respiratory system needs this.
  6. Pumps blood through the body.
  7. A dome shaped muscle located under your lungs.
  8. The two chambers of the heart involved in pumping blood.
  1. An organ of soft nervous tissue contained in the skull.
  2. A bodily fluid in humans and animals that transports oxygen and nutrients to cells.
  3. Blue blood vessels; carries blood in need of oxygen.
  4. A tube structure carrying blood through tissues and organs.
  5. Slippery slime produced in the nose.
  6. Spiral shaped; Found in the breathing passage of the nose.
  7. Carries blood with oxygen away from the heart.
  8. A tube usually called the wind pipe.
  9. An opening in your facial area that you breathe through when you are congested.
  10. A substance that provides nourishment essential for growth.
  11. Any of the fine branching blood vessels that form a network between the arterioles and venues.

19 Clues: Colorless, odorless gas.Pumps blood through the body.Slippery slime produced in the nose.A tube usually called the wind pipe.Carries blood with oxygen away from the heart.A dome shaped muscle located under your lungs.The main part of the respiratory system needs this.Blue blood vessels; carries blood in need of oxygen....

The Science of the Body 2017-04-06

The Science of the Body crossword puzzle
  1. A substance that provides nourishment essential for growth.
  2. An organ of soft nervous tissue contained in the skull.
  3. Any of the fine branching blood vessels that form a network between the arterioles and venues.
  4. Responsible for the flow of blood, nutrients and oxygen.
  5. Slippery slime produced in the nose.
  6. Colorless, odorless gas.
  7. Blue blood vessels; carries blood in need of oxygen.
  8. The two chambers of the heart involved in pumping blood.
  9. The main part of the respiratory system needs this.
  10. Pumps blood through the body.
  11. A tube usually called the wind pipe.
  1. Spiral shaped; Found in the breathing passage of the nose.
  2. A dome shaped muscle located under your lungs.
  3. An opening in your facial area that you breathe through when you are congested.
  4. A tube structure carrying blood through tissues and organs.
  5. Carries blood with oxygen away from the heart.
  6. A system of a series of organs responsible for oxygen.
  7. The organ you blow slime from when you go through a phase.
  8. A bodily fluid in humans and animals that transports oxygen and nutrients to cells.

19 Clues: Colorless, odorless gas.Pumps blood through the body.Slippery slime produced in the nose.A tube usually called the wind pipe.A dome shaped muscle located under your lungs.Carries blood with oxygen away from the heart.The main part of the respiratory system needs this.Blue blood vessels; carries blood in need of oxygen....

Circulation and Respiration 2022-01-19

Circulation and Respiration crossword puzzle
  1. The many little branches of respiratory system
  2. Movement of the particles from an area of high concentration to low concentration
  3. Keeps blood from flowing backwards
  4. The grape like clusters of air sacs in the lungs
  5. ventricle, Pumps blood to the lungs
  6. The tube that connects the throat and bronchi (hint: Fork in the road)
  7. Small blood vessels with thin walls that are wrapped around alveolares
  1. What we breathe in
  2. The two large lightweight organs of the respiratory system
  3. atrium, Receives blood from all the parts of the body
  4. dioxide, What we breathe out
  5. 90% water 55% fluid 45% cells and 10% sugar, waste, and nutrients
  6. Blood cells, Contains hemoglobin which gives its red color
  7. ventricle, Pumps blood to all the parts of the body
  8. A type of blood cell that has no nucleus
  9. Always carries deoxygenated blood towards the heart
  10. atrium, Receives blood from the lungs
  11. The large band of muscle that controls the size of the chest cavity (hint: at the bottom of the rib cage)
  12. Always carries blood away from the heart

19 Clues: What we breathe indioxide, What we breathe outKeeps blood from flowing backwardsventricle, Pumps blood to the lungsatrium, Receives blood from the lungsA type of blood cell that has no nucleusAlways carries blood away from the heartThe many little branches of respiratory systemThe grape like clusters of air sacs in the lungs...

Human Body System 2019-12-09

Human Body System crossword puzzle
  1. filters waste
  2. system- breaks down food
  3. intestine- where the absorption happens
  4. the pipe that air goes into the lungs
  5. carries blood back to the heart
  6. the windpipe
  7. connects the vein and artery
  8. A= away from the heart
  1. system- removes cell waste
  2. blood cell- blood cell that fights disease
  3. system- brings oxygen into the body and takes away carbon dioxide
  4. helps create scabs.
  5. that exchanges oxygen with carbon dioxide
  6. a muscle at the bottom of the chest
  7. the liquid part of blood.

15 Clues: the windpipefilters wastehelps create scabs.A= away from the heartsystem- breaks down foodthe liquid part of blood.system- removes cell wasteconnects the vein and arterycarries blood back to the hearta muscle at the bottom of the chestthe pipe that air goes into the lungsintestine- where the absorption happens...

Endocrine system 2021-04-26

Endocrine system crossword puzzle
  1. Examples of these are eyes, heart, or lungs.
  2. This system is made up of bones, ligaments, and tendons.
  3. This system allows our population to grow.
  4. This system allows the brain to control the body.
  5. This system converts food into nutrients and energy for our bodies.
  6. This system allows us to move.
  7. This system removes waste from our blood.
  1. This system brings oxygen into the body.
  2. Humans have these five things that allow us to interact with the world.
  3. This system fights diseases in our body.
  4. This system protects the body from the outside.
  5. This system makes hormones that regulate other body systems.
  6. This system delivers nutrients all around the body.

13 Clues: This system allows us to move.This system brings oxygen into the body.This system fights diseases in our body.This system removes waste from our blood.This system allows our population to grow.Examples of these are eyes, heart, or lungs.This system protects the body from the outside.This system allows the brain to control the body....

Jasperlucky 2021-08-07

Jasperlucky crossword puzzle
  1. what System allows exchange of gases in the lungs?
  2. alllivingthingaremadeupof
  3. your...has22bonesthatfromastrongprotetivehelmetforyourbrain
  4. tissue makeup... Suchasyoureyes,yourstomachandyourheart
  5. severalorgansworktogethertofroma
  1. what System works With the bones to help the body to move?
  2. your...ismadeupof33bones
  3. acollectionofthesamekindofcellsfromsa
  4. your... Has 12 pairs of curved bones called ribs
  5. System controls all body functions what System is this?

10 Clues: your...ismadeupof33bonesalllivingthingaremadeupofseveralorgansworktogethertofromaacollectionofthesamekindofcellsfromsayour... Has 12 pairs of curved bones called ribswhat System allows exchange of gases in the lungs?System controls all body functions what System is this?tissue makeup... Suchasyoureyes,yourstomachandyourheart...

RESPIRATORY 2022-09-08

RESPIRATORY crossword puzzle
  1. covers opening to the larynx during swallowing
  2. Removal of entire lung
  3. process of gas exchage
  4. A complex inflammatory process that increases airway resistance
  5. primary cause of COPD
  6. needle puncture through the chest wall
  7. shortness of breath
  8. effects of anesthesia and restricted breathing with pain
  9. Undissolved masses that travels in the blood stream and occludes a blood vessel
  10. anti inflammatory agent
  11. To assess the acid-base status
  12. movementof air inand out of the lungs
  13. incision in the chest wall
  14. central compartment of the thoracic
  15. measures the amount of oxygen being carried by RBC
  16. Primary site of gas exchange
  17. Process involve in gas exchange
  18. Enlarged RBC's
  19. an aminoglycoside antibiotic
  20. Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome
  21. breath sounds that originate in the smaller bronchi
  22. median portion which contains the heart and great vessels
  23. Removal or stripping of thick, fibrous, membrane from visceral pleura
  24. Classification of Pneumonia
  25. Amount of air that can be inspired or expired after a normal respiratory cycle
  1. Reaction of the nasal mucosa to a specific allergen
  2. responsible for olfaction
  3. type of alveolar cells
  4. maximum amount of air that can be inhaled after a relax expiration
  5. the higher the pH, the more base is in the blood sample
  6. causes an imbalance in the body's pH
  7. divides into lobar bronchi
  8. used to help clear mucus
  9. Refers to the inflammation of both layers of pleurae
  10. Actual blood flow through the pulmonary circulation
  11. Accumulation of thick, purulent, fluid within the pleural
  12. also known as windpipe
  13. amount of air exhaled after maximal inspiration
  14. Removal of a lobe of a lung
  15. gram stain and culture
  16. may be used when a specific,
  17. Tube-like structure which connects nasal and oral cavities to the larynx
  18. includes emphysema
  19. allergen is identified and drugs are not tolerated or are ineffective in controlling symptoms
  20. the spitting of blood derived from the lungs
  21. cannot be measured by spirometer
  22. Procedure done prior to ABG
  23. Excessive inflation of the air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles, alveolar ducts and alveoli
  24. communicable disease that commonly attacks the lungs, although mayoccur in other body parts

49 Clues: Enlarged RBC'sincludes emphysemashortness of breathprimary cause of COPDtype of alveolar cellsRemoval of entire lungprocess of gas exchagealso known as windpipegram stain and cultureanti inflammatory agentused to help clear mucusresponsible for olfactiondivides into lobar bronchiincision in the chest wallRemoval of a lobe of a lung...

RESPIRATORY 2022-09-08

RESPIRATORY crossword puzzle
  1. Process involve in gas exchange
  2. Refers to the inflammation of both layers of pleurae
  3. also known as windpipe
  4. the higher the pH, the more base is in the blood sample
  5. is identified and drugs are not tolerated or are ineffective in controlling symptoms
  6. Classification of Pneumonia
  7. Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome
  8. amount of air exhaled after maximal inspiration
  9. Excessive inflation of the air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles, alveolar ducts and alveoli
  10. Enlarged RBC's
  11. Removal or stripping of thick, fibrous, membrane from visceral pleura
  12. gram stain and culture
  13. A complex inflammatory process that increases airway resistance
  14. anti inflammatory agent
  15. central compartment of the thoracic
  16. Amount of air that can be inspired or expired after a normal respiratory cycle
  17. effects of anesthesia and restricted breathing with pain
  18. needle puncture through the chest wall
  19. Actual blood flow through the pulmonary circulation
  20. Reaction of the nasal mucosa to a specific allergen
  21. Accumulation of thick, purulent, fluid within the pleural
  22. Primary site of gas exchange
  23. Removal of a lobe of a lung
  24. primary cause of COPD
  25. the spitting of blood derived from the lungs
  1. maximum amount of air that can be inhaled after a relax expiration
  2. type of alveolar cells
  3. shortness of breath
  4. covers opening to the larynx during swallowing
  5. responsible for olfaction
  6. may be used when a specific
  7. Procedure done prior to ABG
  8. incision in the chest wall
  9. an aminoglycoside antibiotic
  10. divides into lobar bronchi
  11. movement of air in and out
  12. median portion which contains the heart and great vessels
  13. includes emphysema
  14. used to help clear mucus
  15. Undissolved masses that travels in the blood stream and occludes a blood vessel
  16. measures the amount of oxygen being carried by RBC
  17. causes an imbalance in the body's pH
  18. Tube-like structure which connects nasal and oral cavities to the larynx
  19. cannot be measured by spirometer
  20. Removal of entire lung
  21. process of gas exchange
  22. breath sounds that originate in the smaller bronchi
  23. communicable disease that commonly attacks the lungs, although mayoccur in other body parts
  24. To assess the acid-base status

49 Clues: Enlarged RBC'sincludes emphysemashortness of breathprimary cause of COPDtype of alveolar cellsalso known as windpipegram stain and cultureRemoval of entire lunganti inflammatory agentprocess of gas exchangeused to help clear mucusresponsible for olfactionincision in the chest walldivides into lobar bronchimovement of air in and out...

RESPIRATORY 2022-09-08

RESPIRATORY crossword puzzle
  1. gram stain and culture
  2. causes an imbalance in the body's pH
  3. Undissolved masses that travels in the blood stream and occludes a blood vessel
  4. measures the amount of oxygen being carried by RBC
  5. Removal of entire lung
  6. type of alveolar cells
  7. Classification of Pneumonia
  8. To assess the acid-base status
  9. shortness of breath
  10. amount of air exhaled after maximal inspiration
  11. also known as windpipe
  12. Excessive inflation of the air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles, alveolar ducts and alveoli
  13. breath sounds that originate in the smaller bronchi
  14. needle puncture through the chest wall
  15. Removal or stripping of thick, fibrous, membrane from visceral pleura
  16. Actual blood flow through the pulmonary circulation
  17. Removal of a lobe of a lung
  18. effects of anesthesia and restricted breathing with pain
  19. the higher the pH, the more base is in the blood sample
  20. an aminoglycoside antibiotic
  21. used to help clear mucus
  22. Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome
  23. movement of air in and out
  24. covers opening to the larynx during swallowing
  25. primary cause of COPD
  1. A complex inflammatory process that increases airway resistance
  2. is identified and drugs are not tolerated or are ineffective in controlling symptoms
  3. may be used when a specific
  4. Accumulation of thick, purulent, fluid within the pleural
  5. Process involve in gas exchange
  6. divides into lobar bronchi
  7. Tube-like structure which connects nasal and oral cavities to the larynx
  8. Enlarged RBC's
  9. the spitting of blood derived from the lungs
  10. space enclosed by pleura
  11. Procedure done prior to ABG
  12. anti inflammatory agent
  13. Amount of air that can be inspired or expired after a normal respiratory cycle
  14. Reaction of the nasal mucosa to a specific allergen
  15. median portion which contains the heart and great vessels
  16. incision in the chest wall
  17. maximum amount of air that can be inhaled after a relax expiration
  18. process of gas exchange
  19. responsible for olfaction
  20. Refers to the inflammation of both layers of pleurae
  21. includes emphysema
  22. cannot be measured by spirometer
  23. communicable disease that commonly attacks the lungs, although mayoccur in other body parts
  24. Primary site of gas exchange
  25. central compartment of the thoracic

50 Clues: Enlarged RBC'sincludes emphysemashortness of breathprimary cause of COPDgram stain and cultureRemoval of entire lungtype of alveolar cellsalso known as windpipeanti inflammatory agentprocess of gas exchangespace enclosed by pleuraused to help clear mucusresponsible for olfactiondivides into lobar bronchiincision in the chest wall...

RESPIRATORY 2022-09-08

RESPIRATORY crossword puzzle
  1. amount of air exhaled after maximal inspiration
  2. Accumulation of thick, purulent, fluid within the pleural space
  3. Removal of entire lung
  4. shortness of breath
  5. space enclosed by pleura
  6. Classification of Pneumonia
  7. needle puncture through the chest
  8. Removal of a lobe of a lung
  9. Excessive inflation of the air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles, alveolar ducts and alveoli
  10. responsible for olfaction
  11. Primary site of gas exchange
  12. Removal or stripping of thick, fibrous, membrane from visceral pleura
  13. gram stain and culture
  14. Reaction of the nasal mucosa to a specific allergen
  15. A complex inflammatory process that increases airway resistance
  16. anti inflammatory agent
  17. median portion which contains the heart and great vessels
  18. Amount of air that can be inspired or expired after a normal respiratory cycle
  19. effects of anesthesia and restricted breathing with pain
  20. includes emphysema
  21. To assess the acid-base status
  22. Enlarged RBC's
  23. the higher the pH, the more base is in the blood sample
  24. communicable disease that commonly attacks the lungs, although mayoccur in other body parts
  25. breath sounds that originate in the smaller bronchi
  26. divides into lobar bronchi
  1. maximum amount of air that can be inhaled after a relax expiration
  2. the spitting of blood derived from the lungs
  3. central compartment of the thoracic
  4. covers opening to the larynx during swallowing
  5. causes an imbalance in the body's pH
  6. used to help clear mucus
  7. also known as windpipe
  8. Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome
  9. A type of therapy that uses substances to stimulate immune system
  10. Procedure done prior to ABG
  11. incision in the chest wall
  12. Actual blood flow through the pulmonary circulation
  13. an aminoglycoside antibiotic
  14. movement of air in and out
  15. process of gas exchange
  16. Undissolved masses that travels in the blood stream and occludes a blood vessel
  17. measures the amount of oxygen being carried by RBC
  18. type of alveolar cells
  19. primary cause of COPD
  20. cannot be measured by spirometer
  21. Refers to the inflammation of both layers of pleurae
  22. Tube-like structure which connects nasal and oral cavities to the larynx
  23. Process involve in gas exchange

49 Clues: Enlarged RBC'sincludes emphysemashortness of breathprimary cause of COPDRemoval of entire lungalso known as windpipegram stain and culturetype of alveolar cellsprocess of gas exchangeanti inflammatory agentspace enclosed by pleuraused to help clear mucusresponsible for olfactionincision in the chest wallmovement of air in and out...

RESPIRATORY 2022-09-08

RESPIRATORY crossword puzzle
  1. amount of air exhaled after maximal inspiration
  2. Accumulation of thick, purulent, fluid within the pleural space
  3. Removal of entire lung
  4. shortness of breath
  5. space enclosed by pleura
  6. Classification of Pneumonia
  7. needle puncture through the chest
  8. Removal of a lobe of a lung
  9. Excessive inflation of the air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles, alveolar ducts and alveoli
  10. responsible for olfaction
  11. Primary site of gas exchange
  12. Removal or stripping of thick, fibrous, membrane from visceral pleura
  13. gram stain and culture
  14. Reaction of the nasal mucosa to a specific allergen
  15. A complex inflammatory process that increases airway resistance
  16. anti inflammatory agent
  17. median portion which contains the heart and great vessels
  18. Amount of air that can be inspired or expired after a normal respiratory cycle
  19. effects of anesthesia and restricted breathing with pain
  20. includes emphysema
  21. To assess the acid-base status
  22. Enlarged RBC's
  23. the higher the pH, the more base is in the blood sample
  24. communicable disease that commonly attacks the lungs, although mayoccur in other body parts
  25. breath sounds that originate in the smaller bronchi
  26. divides into lobar bronchi
  1. maximum amount of air that can be inhaled after a relax expiration
  2. the spitting of blood derived from the lungs
  3. central compartment of the thoracic
  4. covers opening to the larynx during swallowing
  5. causes an imbalance in the body's pH
  6. used to help clear mucus
  7. also known as windpipe
  8. Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome
  9. A type of therapy that uses substances to stimulate immune system
  10. Procedure done prior to ABG
  11. incision in the chest wall
  12. Actual blood flow through the pulmonary circulation
  13. an aminoglycoside antibiotic
  14. movement of air in and out
  15. process of gas exchange
  16. Undissolved masses that travels in the blood stream and occludes a blood vessel
  17. measures the amount of oxygen being carried by RBC
  18. type of alveolar cells
  19. primary cause of COPD
  20. cannot be measured by spirometer
  21. Refers to the inflammation of both layers of pleurae
  22. Tube-like structure which connects nasal and oral cavities to the larynx
  23. Process involve in gas exchange

49 Clues: Enlarged RBC'sincludes emphysemashortness of breathprimary cause of COPDRemoval of entire lungalso known as windpipegram stain and culturetype of alveolar cellsprocess of gas exchangeanti inflammatory agentspace enclosed by pleuraused to help clear mucusresponsible for olfactionincision in the chest wallmovement of air in and out...

RESPIRATORY 2022-09-08

RESPIRATORY crossword puzzle
  1. amount of air exhaled after maximal inspiration
  2. Accumulation of thick, purulent, fluid within the pleural space
  3. Removal of entire lung
  4. shortness of breath
  5. space enclosed by pleura
  6. Classification of Pneumonia
  7. needle puncture through the chest
  8. Removal of a lobe of a lung
  9. Excessive inflation of the air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles, alveolar ducts and alveoli
  10. responsible for olfaction
  11. Primary site of gas exchange
  12. Removal or stripping of thick, fibrous, membrane from visceral pleura
  13. gram stain and culture
  14. Reaction of the nasal mucosa to a specific allergen
  15. A complex inflammatory process that increases airway resistance
  16. anti inflammatory agent
  17. median portion which contains the heart and great vessels
  18. Amount of air that can be inspired or expired after a normal respiratory cycle
  19. effects of anesthesia and restricted breathing with pain
  20. includes emphysema
  21. To assess the acid-base status
  22. Enlarged RBC's
  23. the higher the pH, the more base is in the blood sample
  24. communicable disease that commonly attacks the lungs, although mayoccur in other body parts
  25. breath sounds that originate in the smaller bronchi
  26. divides into lobar bronchi
  1. maximum amount of air that can be inhaled after a relax expiration
  2. the spitting of blood derived
  3. central compartment of the thoracic
  4. covers opening to the larynx during swallowing
  5. causes an imbalance in the body's pH
  6. used to help clear mucus
  7. also known as windpipe
  8. Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome
  9. A type of therapy that uses substances to stimulate immune system
  10. Procedure done prior to ABG
  11. incision in the chest wall
  12. Actual blood flow through the pulmonary circulation
  13. an aminoglycoside antibiotic
  14. movement of air in and out
  15. process of gas exchange
  16. Undissolved masses that travels in the blood stream and occludes a blood vessel
  17. measures the amount of oxygen being carried by RBC
  18. type of alveolar cells
  19. primary cause of COPD
  20. cannot be measured by spirometer
  21. Refers to the inflammation of both layers of pleurae
  22. Tube-like structure which connects nasal and oral cavities to the larynx
  23. Process involve in gas exchange

49 Clues: Enlarged RBC'sincludes emphysemashortness of breathprimary cause of COPDRemoval of entire lungalso known as windpipegram stain and culturetype of alveolar cellsprocess of gas exchangeanti inflammatory agentspace enclosed by pleuraused to help clear mucusresponsible for olfactionincision in the chest wallmovement of air in and out...

Respiratory 2022-03-22

Respiratory crossword puzzle
  1. the act of breathing in
  2. the action of listening to sounds from the heart, lungs, or other organs, typically with a stethoscope
  3. small airway sacks
  4. continuous positive airway pressure
  5. a chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes obstructed airflow from the lungs.
  6. oxygen flow 1 - 6 L/M
  7. high volume oxygen delivery device
  8. bilevel positive airway pressure
  9. type of inhaler that delivers short bursts of aerosolized medicine via inhalation
  10. ipratropium bromide
  11. combining both inhalation and exhalation
  1. allows for various flows of oxygen
  2. the act of breathing out
  3. collapsing of alveoli
  4. large muscle that expands and contracts to allow breathing to occur
  5. Beta-2 agonist bronchodilator
  6. used postop to help prevent atelectasis
  7. condition in which your airways narrow and swell and may produce extra mucus
  8. creates fine mist
  9. a condition in which the air sacs of the lungs are damaged and enlarged, causing breathlessness
  10. a calibrated instrument used to measure lung capacity in monitoring breathing disorders such as asthma.
  11. lack of oxygen being delivered

22 Clues: creates fine mistsmall airway sacksipratropium bromidecollapsing of alveolioxygen flow 1 - 6 L/Mthe act of breathing inthe act of breathing outBeta-2 agonist bronchodilatorlack of oxygen being deliveredbilevel positive airway pressureallows for various flows of oxygenhigh volume oxygen delivery devicecontinuous positive airway pressure...

Respiratory 2022-05-13

Respiratory crossword puzzle
  1. term for lung
  2. organ that occupys the thoracic cavity
  3. entrance for air
  4. cords,folds of tissue that produce vibrations
  5. volume, amount of air in one breath
  6. infection of the lungs
  7. cage, bone structure that protects lungs
  8. for air and food
  9. at the bottom of the lungs
  10. term for voice box
  11. of cells that sweep mucous out of airway
  12. cavity, where the lungs are located
  13. conduits that branch out from bronchioles
  14. entrance for air
  15. tube that splits air to different lungs
  16. to the alveoli due to smoking
  1. that sits on windpipe stops food entry
  2. tissue that protects windpipe
  3. pathogens
  4. of the larynx
  5. of bronchioles
  6. dust and debris from nose
  7. of air intake in one minute
  8. air, air left after most forceful breath
  9. enters here after the larynx

25 Clues: pathogensterm for lungof the larynxof bronchiolesentrance for airfor air and foodentrance for airterm for voice boxinfection of the lungsdust and debris from noseat the bottom of the lungsof air intake in one minuteenters here after the larynxtissue that protects windpipeto the alveoli due to smokingvolume, amount of air in one breath...

Respiratory 2023-10-08

Respiratory crossword puzzle
  1. bacterial infection often causing inflammation of the membranes surrounding the lungs. (11 lette
  2. The involuntary contraction of the diaphragm causing a sudden intake of breath, often accompanied by a "hiccup" sound. (7 letters)
  3. The process of listening to sounds made by the respiratory system using a medical instrument. (12 letters)
  4. The sound produced when airflow is partially blocked during breathing. (8 letters)
  5. A condition where the lung collapses partially or completely. (7 letters)
  6. A condition where the bronchial tubes constrict due to exposure to allergens or irritants. (9 letters)
  7. The process of measuring lung function using a specialized instrument. (10 letters)
  8. The medical term for a runny or stuffy nose. (7 letters)
  9. The inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes. (11 letters)
  1. The medical term for difficulty in breathing. (8 letters)
  2. A medical device used to assist with breathing by delivering oxygen to the lungs. (9 letters)
  3. A term for the exchange of gases between the blood and body tissues. (9 letters)
  4. Themain muscle responsible for inhalation, situated between the ribs. (8 letters)
  5. The medical term for nosebleed. (8 letters)
  6. procedure that involves inserting a tube into the trachea to assist with breathing. (10 letters)
  7. A viral infection that primarily affects the throat and can cause a barking cough. (8 letters)
  8. A chronic lung disease characterized by damaged and enlarged air sacs. (8 letters)
  9. A surgical procedure to remove a portion of the lung. (8 letters)
  10. The act of coughing up mucus and other substances from the airways. (9 letters)
  11. A substance that reduces the surface tension in the alveoli and aids in lung expansion. (10 letters)

20 Clues: The medical term for nosebleed. (8 letters)The medical term for a runny or stuffy nose. (7 letters)The medical term for difficulty in breathing. (8 letters)A surgical procedure to remove a portion of the lung. (8 letters)The inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes. (11 letters)...

Respiratory 2024-05-25

Respiratory crossword puzzle
  1. What respiratory center that has 2 respiratory groups (DRG and VRG)
  2. Which lung is smaller?
  3. Fill in the blank: peripheral ___ maintain cardiorespiratory homeostasis
  4. What physical feature is noticed in hemoglobin in those with sickle cell anemia?
  5. What air composition contains 75% N2, 14% O2, 5% CO2, and 6% H2O?
  6. Inflatable sacs that function in gas exchange
  7. What is the volume of air that remain in the lungs even after forceful expiration called?
  8. What nerve controls your diaphragm and intercostal muscles?
  9. Muscle that contracts then relaxes during inhalation/exhalation
  10. Fill in the blank: pulmonary ___ is a mixture of protein and lipids and is produced by Type II alveolar cells
  11. The primary functions is to allow inspired and expired air in/out of the lung
  12. Low/shallow breathing. Result: decreased PCO2 and respiratory alkalosis
  13. Tiny branch of air tubes in lungs that contain smooth muscle
  14. Fill in the blank: the ribs __ when the diaphragm contracts
  1. Rapid/deep breathing. Result: increased PCO2 and respiratory acidosis
  2. What kind of recoil do lungs have?
  3. Closed double-wall sac separating lung from thoracic wall
  4. High surface area to volume ratio; facilitate exchange of O2 and CO2 between blood and air in lung's alveoli
  5. What type of ventilation follows this calculation? tidal volume x respiratory rate
  6. Transporting O2 in the blood
  7. What law follows P1V1 = P2V2?
  8. What other feature does carbon monoxide have besides being colorless making it hard to detect without CO detectors?
  9. Force expended by gases in pleural cavity
  10. General function is the exchange of O2 and CO2
  11. Force expended by gases within the alveoli (pressure)
  12. The inward shift of what ion happens in exchange of HCO3- efflux from RBC

26 Clues: Which lung is smaller?Transporting O2 in the bloodWhat law follows P1V1 = P2V2?What kind of recoil do lungs have?Force expended by gases in pleural cavityInflatable sacs that function in gas exchangeGeneral function is the exchange of O2 and CO2Force expended by gases within the alveoli (pressure)...

Human Body Systems Review 2023-05-17

Human Body Systems Review crossword puzzle
  1. cells in the nervous system that transmit signals in the body
  2. digestive organ where nutrients are transferred into the bloodstream
  3. system that provides framework, support, and protection
  4. the type of muscle found around internal organs that is involuntary
  5. muscle that controls the respiratory system
  6. main organ of the integumentary system
  7. blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart
  8. system responsible for removing waste from the body
  1. clusters of sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs
  2. maintaining a controlled, stable internal environment in the body
  3. long muscular tube that carries food to the stomach
  4. connect muscles to bones to enable movement
  5. system that provides movement, posture, and warmth
  6. system that prevents and limits infection from foreign agents
  7. chemical messengers made and distributed by the endocrine system
  8. connect bones to other bones

16 Clues: connect bones to other bonesmain organ of the integumentary systemconnect muscles to bones to enable movementmuscle that controls the respiratory systemsystem that provides movement, posture, and warmthblood vessels that carry blood away from the heartlong muscular tube that carries food to the stomach...

Defenses 2023-05-03

Defenses crossword puzzle
  1. another word for skin
  2. a state of balance among all the body
  3. process that cause the area to become red and swollen
  4. includes the lungs in the system
  5. type of white blood cell to find and destroy pathogens
  6. resistance to specific pathogens
  7. a complex network of organs
  8. eliminating specific pathogens
  9. the inmate immune system
  10. a group of cells that work together to protect the body
  11. body produces antibodies in response
  1. disease causing agents
  2. includes the heart
  3. substance that causes an immune response
  4. introduction of antibodies that were produced outside the body
  5. weakened or dead pathogens
  6. system that includes the small and large intestine
  7. respond to an antigen by producing antibodies
  8. has the brain
  9. attach to the antigen and make it useless

20 Clues: has the brainincludes the heartanother word for skindisease causing agentsthe inmate immune systemweakened or dead pathogensa complex network of organseliminating specific pathogensincludes the lungs in the systemresistance to specific pathogensbody produces antibodies in responsea state of balance among all the body...

Cosmetology anatomy 2022-03-24

Cosmetology anatomy crossword puzzle
  1. allow movement of the bones
  2. control vision
  3. part of the cell
  4. protective covering to body
  5. central nerve that originates from the brain
  6. circulates blood in body
  7. also called gastrointestinal system
  8. is the study of microscopic anatomy
  9. all cells are made of this
  10. largest and most complex nerve tissue in the body
  1. system that controls sweat glands
  2. basic unit of all living things
  3. broad muscle that covers the top of the skull
  4. muscle that draws the scalp backwards
  5. involved in respiratory system

15 Clues: control visionpart of the cellcirculates blood in bodyall cells are made of thisallow movement of the bonesprotective covering to bodyinvolved in respiratory systembasic unit of all living thingssystem that controls sweat glandsalso called gastrointestinal systemis the study of microscopic anatomymuscle that draws the scalp backwards...

Circulation and Respiration 2022-01-19

Circulation and Respiration crossword puzzle
  1. Receives blood from all the parts of the body
  2. The grape like clusters of air sacs in the lungs
  3. The tube that connects the throat and bronchi (hint: Fork in the road)
  4. What we breathe out
  5. Keeps blood from flowing backwards
  6. A type of blood cell that has no nucleus
  7. Movement of the particles from an area of high concentration to low concentration
  8. Always carries deoxygenated blood towards the heart
  9. Receives blood from the lungs
  10. The many little branches of respiratory system
  1. Pumps blood to the lungs
  2. Contains hemoglobin which gives its red color
  3. Small blood vessels with thin walls that are wrapped around alveolares
  4. Always carries blood away from the heart
  5. Pumps blood to all the parts of the body
  6. 90% water 55% fluid 45% cells and 10% sugar, waste, and nutrients
  7. The two large lightweight organs of the respiratory system
  8. The large band of muscle that controls the size of the chest cavity (hint: at the bottom of the rib cage)
  9. What we breathe in

19 Clues: What we breathe inWhat we breathe outPumps blood to the lungsReceives blood from the lungsKeeps blood from flowing backwardsAlways carries blood away from the heartPumps blood to all the parts of the bodyA type of blood cell that has no nucleusReceives blood from all the parts of the bodyContains hemoglobin which gives its red color...

Body Systems 2020-10-28

Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. This system assists your sense of smell
  2. The hardest working muscle
  3. In the Nervous System, this is a major organ
  4. There are ___ types of muscles
  5. There are more than ___ bones in your body
  6. A heart beats ___ times daily
  7. The only organ that can float
  8. This can be caused by many different viruses
  9. Has 26 bones
  10. Blood vessels extend over 60,000 ___
  1. Of energy reserves are used by the brain
  2. This can be lost just by breathing
  3. Muscles make up ___ of body weight
  4. We have ___ of nerve cells
  5. Your body contains over ___ muscles
  6. Has 54 bones
  7. The heart pumps 2 ___ every time it beats
  8. There are ___ types of circulatory systems
  9. Fills bones
  10. This system controls brain growth

20 Clues: Fills bonesHas 54 bonesHas 26 bonesThe hardest working muscleWe have ___ of nerve cellsA heart beats ___ times dailyThe only organ that can floatThere are ___ types of musclesThis system controls brain growthThis can be lost just by breathingMuscles make up ___ of body weightYour body contains over ___ musclesBlood vessels extend over 60,000 ___...

Human Body 2022-09-29

Human Body crossword puzzle
  1. Largest organ in the nervous system
  2. part of the nervous system used for smelling
  3. group of tissues working together
  4. a change in the position of an object
  5. regulates body with hormones
  6. bones that protect the lungs
  7. the main organ for the respiratory system
  8. a thing or event that causes a response or reaction
  9. the digestive system starts here
  10. balanced or unchanging
  11. interacting, interrelated, or independant elements forming a more complex whole
  12. this is the knee cap
  13. this systems helps you move
  14. system the system that breaks down food
  15. this system has joints and ligaments
  16. gets rid of wastes
  1. group of cells working together
  2. system helps you create children
  3. group of organ working together
  4. largest organ of the body
  5. this is also called the funny bone
  6. group of organs working together
  7. this helps protect the brain
  8. the bodys ability to keep the internal balance of the body stable
  9. helps you pump blood
  10. the system that includes hair and nails
  11. controls and coordinates the body
  12. Largest organ in the circulatory system
  13. basic unit of life

29 Clues: gets rid of wastesbasic unit of lifehelps you pump bloodthis is the knee capbalanced or unchanginglargest organ of the bodythis systems helps you moveregulates body with hormonesthis helps protect the brainbones that protect the lungsgroup of cells working togethergroup of organ working togethersystem helps you create children...

Human Body 2022-09-29

Human Body crossword puzzle
  1. Largest organ in the nervous system
  2. part of the nervous system used for smelling
  3. group of tissues working together
  4. a change in the position of an object
  5. regulates body with hormones
  6. bones that protect the lungs
  7. the main organ for the respiratory system
  8. a thing or event that causes a response or reaction
  9. the digestive system starts here
  10. balanced or unchanging
  11. interacting, interrelated, or independant elements forming a more complex whole
  12. this is the knee cap
  13. this systems helps you move
  14. system the system that breaks down food
  15. this system has joints and ligaments
  16. gets rid of wastes
  1. group of cells working together
  2. system helps you create children
  3. group of organ working together
  4. largest organ of the body
  5. this is also called the funny bone
  6. group of organs working together
  7. this helps protect the brain
  8. the bodys ability to keep the internal balance of the body stable
  9. helps you pump blood
  10. the system that includes hair and nails
  11. controls and coordinates the body
  12. Largest organ in the circulatory system
  13. basic unit of life

29 Clues: gets rid of wastesbasic unit of lifehelps you pump bloodthis is the knee capbalanced or unchanginglargest organ of the bodythis systems helps you moveregulates body with hormonesthis helps protect the brainbones that protect the lungsgroup of cells working togethergroup of organ working togethersystem helps you create children...

Biology Crossword Puzzle 2024-05-15

Biology Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. This plant system moves water from the roots up to the leaves
  2. This nitrogen base binds with Thymine in DNA
  3. This body system sends electrical messages to the body
  4. This cell type has a nucleus
  5. This is the shape of DNA
  6. The building blocks of life
  7. This nitrogen base binds with Adenine in DNA
  8. This body system eliminates waste from the body
  9. This cell type does not have a nucleus
  10. This body system covers the body and includes skin
  1. This body system includes the heart and blood vessels
  2. This body system is responsible for fighting off foreign invaders
  3. This body system is responsible for breathing
  4. This nitrogen base binds with Cytosine in DNA
  5. This Nitrogen base binds with Guanine in DNA
  6. The smallest unit of life
  7. This plant system moves sugar from the leaves down to the roots
  8. This body system is responsible for releasing hormones to the body
  9. This body system is responsible for providing support and structure to the body
  10. This body system breaks down food into smaller molecules
  11. This nitrogen base is only found on RNA

21 Clues: This is the shape of DNAThe smallest unit of lifeThe building blocks of lifeThis cell type has a nucleusThis cell type does not have a nucleusThis nitrogen base is only found on RNAThis nitrogen base binds with Thymine in DNAThis Nitrogen base binds with Guanine in DNAThis nitrogen base binds with Adenine in DNA...

Body Systems 2020-10-28

Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. This can be lost just by breathing
  2. There are ___ types of muscles
  3. Has 54 bones
  4. Fills bones
  5. This system assists your sense of smell
  6. The only organ that can float
  7. A heart beats ___ times daily
  8. This system controls brain growth
  1. Of energy reserves are used by the brain
  2. There are more than ___ bones in your body
  3. Blood vessels extend over 60,000 ___
  4. Has 26 bones
  5. Your body contains over ___ muscles
  6. We have ___ of nerve cells
  7. Muscles make up ___ of body weight
  8. In the Nervous System, this is a major organ
  9. This can be caused by many different viruses
  10. The hardest working muscle
  11. The heart pumps 2 ___ every time it beats
  12. There are ___ types of circulatory systems

20 Clues: Fills bonesHas 54 bonesHas 26 bonesWe have ___ of nerve cellsThe hardest working muscleThe only organ that can floatA heart beats ___ times dailyThere are ___ types of musclesThis system controls brain growthThis can be lost just by breathingMuscles make up ___ of body weightYour body contains over ___ musclesBlood vessels extend over 60,000 ___...

Body Systems 2020-10-28

Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. This can be lost just by breathing
  2. There are ___ types of muscles
  3. Has 54 bones
  4. Fills bones
  5. This system assists your sense of smell
  6. The only organ that can float
  7. A heart beats ___ times daily
  8. This system controls brain growth
  1. Of energy reserves are used by the brain
  2. There are more than ___ bones in your body
  3. Blood vessels extend over 60,000 ___
  4. Has 26 bones
  5. Your body contains over ___ muscles
  6. We have ___ of nerve cells
  7. Muscles make up ___ of body weight
  8. In the Nervous System, this is a major organ
  9. This can be caused by many different viruses
  10. The hardest working muscle
  11. The heart pumps 2 ___ every time it beats
  12. There are ___ types of circulatory systems

20 Clues: Fills bonesHas 54 bonesHas 26 bonesWe have ___ of nerve cellsThe hardest working muscleThe only organ that can floatA heart beats ___ times dailyThere are ___ types of musclesThis system controls brain growthThis can be lost just by breathingMuscles make up ___ of body weightYour body contains over ___ musclesBlood vessels extend over 60,000 ___...

Joelle's Body System Crossword Puzzle 2021-05-17

Joelle's Body System Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. system, organ system responsible for the circulation of blood throughout the body
  2. system, a group of organs that work together to carry out a specific function or functions
  3. the watery fluid in which blood cells are suspended
  4. Similar cells that work together to perform a specific function
  5. system, organ system that breaks down food and extracts nutrients from the food for use by the entire body
  6. a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body
  7. system, organ system that contains the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems
  8. a blood vessel that carries blood toward the heart
  9. system, organ system that allows humans to produce offspring
  10. minerals that help maintain the body's fluid balance
  11. system, organ system comprised mainly of bones and cartilage which gives support and structure to the human body
  1. the passage between the pharynx and the stomach
  2. What something is used for
  3. system, organ system that carries out the process of breathing
  4. Is made of tissues and cells, that performs a function or group of functions
  5. system, organ system that allows the human body to move and perform body functions
  6. system, organ system that maintains a balance of fluids and electrolytes
  7. system, organ system made up of glands that produce hormones
  8. The building block of all organisms
  9. system, organ system that processes and transmits many types of information throughout the body

20 Clues: What something is used forThe building block of all organismsthe passage between the pharynx and the stomacha blood vessel that carries blood toward the heartthe watery fluid in which blood cells are suspendedminerals that help maintain the body's fluid balancesystem, organ system made up of glands that produce hormones...

Human Body 2014-09-10

Human Body crossword puzzle
  1. shoulder blades
  2. largest artery in the body
  3. carries deoxygenated blood from lungs to heart
  4. carries oxygenated blood from lungs to heart
  5. finger and toe bones
  6. flap of tissue in the heart that prevents blood from flowing in the wrong direction
  7. protects your brain
  8. A thick sticky substance that lines and protects the inner wall of the digestive organs
  1. a waste product produced during respiration
  2. one of the paired respiratory system organs
  3. two large air tubes from the trachea
  4. the respiratory tube that extends from the larynx to the main bronchi
  5. collarbone
  6. thin-walled, air-filled sacs in which gas exchange occurs
  7. breastbone

15 Clues: collarbonebreastboneshoulder bladesprotects your brainfinger and toe boneslargest artery in the bodytwo large air tubes from the tracheaa waste product produced during respirationone of the paired respiratory system organscarries oxygenated blood from lungs to heartcarries deoxygenated blood from lungs to heart...

human body 2023-02-01

human body crossword puzzle
  1. the starting of nthe digestive system
  2. helps the body move
  3. an organ of the urinary
  4. sends messeges to the body
  5. sends blood around the body
  1. the sceleton is made of
  2. the lung system
  3. for breathing
  4. an organ of the digestive system
  5. there are two

10 Clues: for breathingthere are twothe lung systemhelps the body movethe sceleton is made ofan organ of the urinarysends messeges to the bodysends blood around the bodyan organ of the digestive systemthe starting of nthe digestive system

The Respiratory Systems: The Medical Conditions & Procedures 2023-12-09

The Respiratory Systems: The Medical Conditions & Procedures crossword puzzle
  1. Condition that the tissue or the body receives inadequate oxygen supply.
  2. Runny nose; excessive discharge of the nose.
  3. Study of prevention/ diseases/ treatments of the respiratory system.
  4. Inflammation of the trachea (windpipe).
  5. Surgery to create an opening into the trachea penetrating the neck skin for air passage since the regular breathing route is blocked.
  6. Rapid breathing (> 20 breath/ min).
  7. Diseases due to the lungs' reaction to inhaled dust.
  1. Lung collapse due to air leaking into the pleural cavity.
  2. Inflammation of the lungs.
  3. Spitting or coughing out blood from the airways.
  4. Inflammation of the pleural membranes (thin layers that separate the lungs and the chest wall).
  5. High level of carbon dioxide in the blood (usually occurs in a malfunctioning respiratory system).
  6. Procedure that uses a thin tube with a camera to look directly at the airways.
  7. Nosebleeds.
  8. Surgery to remove part of/ all of the larynx (voice box).

15 Clues: Nosebleeds.Inflammation of the lungs.Rapid breathing (> 20 breath/ min).Inflammation of the trachea (windpipe).Runny nose; excessive discharge of the nose.Spitting or coughing out blood from the airways.Diseases due to the lungs' reaction to inhaled dust.Lung collapse due to air leaking into the pleural cavity....

Human Body Systems 2024-08-22

Human Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. pertaining to the act of breathing
  2. animal tissue consisting predominantly of contractile cells
  3. a group of independent elements comprising a unified whole
  4. of or relating to a system of sensory apparatus
  5. a substance that aids the process of breaking down food
  6. of or pertaining to glands that secretes hormones
  7. a structure in an animal specialized for some function
  8. either of two saclike respiratory organs in the chest of vertebrates; serves to remove carbon dioxide and provide oxygen to the blood
  9. of or relating to circulation
  1. of or relating to the process of excretion
  2. rigid tissue that makes up the skeleton of vertebrates
  3. a natural protective body covering and site of the sense of touch
  4. relating to a structure made of bones and cartilage
  5. the hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum
  6. of or relating to the outer protective coating of organisms

15 Clues: of or relating to circulationpertaining to the act of breathingof or relating to the process of excretionof or relating to a system of sensory apparatusof or pertaining to glands that secretes hormonesrelating to a structure made of bones and cartilagethe hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum...

Human body sytems 2024-01-29

Human body sytems crossword puzzle
  1. the system that produces cells
  2. makes you pee
  3. the system that helps blood flow
  4. makes you strong
  1. makes you nervous
  2. outer layer
  3. help you breath
  4. gets rid of food
  5. protects your insides
  6. It is hard to get sickness again
  7. get rid of waste

11 Clues: outer layermakes you peehelp you breathgets rid of foodget rid of wastemakes you strongmakes you nervousprotects your insidesthe system that produces cellsIt is hard to get sickness againthe system that helps blood flow

Answer key 2015-09-14

Answer key crossword puzzle
  1. hollow muscular organ that pumps the blood through the circulatory system.
  2. This is the part that carries oxygenated blood away from the heart and to other parts of the body.
  3. the two air tubes that branch off of from the trachea and carry atmospheric air directly into the lungs.
  4. blood vessels that form a network between the arterioles and venules.
  5. a gelatinous or semisolid mass of coagulated blood.
  6. The main organ of the respiratory system
  7. the muscular-walled tubes forming part of the circulation system by which blood
  1. the nasal passage and other regions of the respiratory tract.
  2. This part of the cycle carries oxygen-depleted blood away from the heart
  3. circulation This type of circulation provides the heart with oxygenated blood so it can function properly.
  4. tubes forming part of the blood circulation system of the body
  5. the tiny sac like structure present in the lungs
  6. breathing begins with a dome-shaped muscle located at the bottom
  7. filters the air we inhale and branches into the bronchi.
  8. transport media of nearly everything within the body. It transports hormones, nutrients, oxygen, antibodies, and other important things needed to keep the body healthy.

15 Clues: The main organ of the respiratory systemthe tiny sac like structure present in the lungsa gelatinous or semisolid mass of coagulated blood.filters the air we inhale and branches into the bronchi.the nasal passage and other regions of the respiratory tract.tubes forming part of the blood circulation system of the body...

Body Systems 2023-12-21

Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. The system that includes our bones
  2. The system that includes our kidneys
  3. The system that allows movement
  4. The most needed organ for donation
  5. The system that breaks down food
  6. The system that pumps blood
  1. Take in oxygen and get rid of CO2
  2. The reflex test for your muscles and nerves
  3. The system that allows us to breathe
  4. The system that is run by the brain

10 Clues: The system that pumps bloodThe system that allows movementThe system that breaks down foodTake in oxygen and get rid of CO2The system that includes our bonesThe most needed organ for donationThe system that is run by the brainThe system that includes our kidneysThe system that allows us to breatheThe reflex test for your muscles and nerves

Gracie6 2023-03-03

Gracie6 crossword puzzle
  1. small parts of kidneys that filter blood
  2. the change of food into new substance
  3. tubes that connect the bladder and kidneys
  4. space in chest
  5. system regulates liquid in the blood
  6. muscles push food through the digestive system
  1. exit tube
  2. organs that break down food down into nutrients
  3. uses oxygen to break apart glucose
  4. liquid waste
  5. what the body needs, but does not want
  6. organs filter blood
  7. cleans toxins from the blood, makes bile
  8. stores the bile
  9. system brings in oxygen removes carbon dioxide
  10. tiny air sacs in lunds

16 Clues: exit tubeliquid wastespace in cheststores the bileorgans filter bloodtiny air sacs in lundsuses oxygen to break apart glucosesystem regulates liquid in the bloodthe change of food into new substancewhat the body needs, but does not wantsmall parts of kidneys that filter bloodcleans toxins from the blood, makes bile...

Human Systems Crossword Puzzle By Yu Jun 2024-05-17

Human Systems Crossword Puzzle By Yu Jun crossword puzzle
  1. Helps the body move
  2. This system carries digested food to different parts of the body
  3. This system gives the body its shape and protects important part of the
  4. Food stays there for a few hours
  5. This system helps to break down food into simpler substances
  1. It protects the brain
  2. This system contains only muscles
  3. The third part of the respiratory system
  4. Protects our lungs and heart
  5. Breathe in air
  6. It pushes food down from the mouth to the stomach
  7. Chews food with saliva

12 Clues: Breathe in airHelps the body moveIt protects the brainChews food with salivaProtects our lungs and heartFood stays there for a few hoursThis system contains only musclesThe third part of the respiratory systemIt pushes food down from the mouth to the stomachThis system helps to break down food into simpler substances...

nervous system 2022-11-02

nervous system crossword puzzle
  1. what organ is call the circulatory system
  2. the nervous system helps you dodge with what?
  3. cord the brain sends nerves down to what?
  4. the part of the brain that controls balance, posture, movement and coordination
  5. any change inside or outside your body that brings about a response in a living organism.
  6. cell What is the unit of Nervous system
  7. the largest part of the brain
  8. what is the respiratory system do
  1. The regulation of steady, life-maintaining conditions inside an organisms
  2. what does the skeletal system do
  3. the nervous system controls what?
  4. events or conditions that cause a living thing to react
  5. the system of the body that controls the actions, emotions, thoughts, memories, sensations and senses
  6. Nervous System consists of: .
  7. the main control system of the nervous system that is protected by the skull

15 Clues: Nervous System consists of: .the largest part of the brainwhat does the skeletal system dothe nervous system controls what?what is the respiratory system docell What is the unit of Nervous systemwhat organ is call the circulatory systemcord the brain sends nerves down to what?the nervous system helps you dodge with what?...

Human Body 2022-09-29

Human Body crossword puzzle
  1. Largest organ in the nervous system
  2. part of the nervous system used for smelling
  3. group of tissues working together
  4. a change in the position of an object
  5. regulates body with hormones
  6. bones that protect the lungs
  7. the main organ for the respiratory system
  8. a thing or event that causes a response or reaction
  9. the digestive system starts here
  10. balanced or unchanging
  11. interacting, interrelated, or independant elements forming a more complex whole
  12. this is the knee cap
  13. this systems helps you move
  14. system the system that breaks down food
  15. this system has joints and ligaments
  16. gets rid of wastes
  1. group of cells working together
  2. system helps you create children
  3. group of organ working together
  4. largest organ of the body
  5. this is also called the funny bone
  6. group of organs working together
  7. this helps protect the brain
  8. the bodys ability to keep the internal balance of the body stable
  9. helps you pump blood
  10. the system that includes hair and nails
  11. controls and coordinates the body
  12. Largest organ in the circulatory system
  13. basic unit of life

29 Clues: gets rid of wastesbasic unit of lifehelps you pump bloodthis is the knee capbalanced or unchanginglargest organ of the bodythis systems helps you moveregulates body with hormonesthis helps protect the brainbones that protect the lungsgroup of cells working togethergroup of organ working togethersystem helps you create children...

Planes, Directions, and Systems 2020-08-27

Planes, Directions, and Systems crossword puzzle
  1. study of tissue
  2. system that provides defense against disease
  3. plane that divides body into top & bottom halves
  4. study of the function of body parts
  5. study of names of body parts
  6. closer to the point of attachment
  7. system that continues the species
  8. ventral surface to the body
  9. plane that divides body into front & back
  10. system that contains hormones
  11. lying face up
  12. lying face down
  13. plane that divides the unequally into L & R halves
  14. system that transports nutrients & waste
  1. system that provides the change of gases
  2. plane that divides body into L & R halves
  3. system that filters wastes from blood
  4. system that moves body & produces heat
  5. system that supplies body with substances for energy
  6. closer to top of head
  7. study of cells
  8. farthest from the point of attachment
  9. system that prevents fluid loss & regulates temp.
  10. farther from the top; top of the head
  11. system that controls & integrates body activities
  12. system that provides attachment for muscles
  13. closest to the midline
  14. dorsal surface of body
  15. opposite of superficial
  16. farther from the midline of the body

30 Clues: lying face upstudy of cellsstudy of tissuelying face downcloser to top of headclosest to the midlinedorsal surface of bodyopposite of superficialventral surface to the bodystudy of names of body partssystem that contains hormonescloser to the point of attachmentsystem that continues the speciesstudy of the function of body parts...

Emma Sayles unit 1 2020-10-02

Emma Sayles unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. system that removes waste from blood
  2. system that provides movement
  3. what the abdominal region is split up into
  4. system that protects body and prevents water loss
  5. study of the structure of an organism
  6. system that provides support and protection; bones ligaments and joints
  7. towards body surface
  8. away from the middle facing front
  9. system that transports nutrients and gasses
  10. away from body surface
  11. cavity that encloses the brain and spinal cord
  12. towards middle of body facing front
  13. system that produces cells in sexual reproduction
  14. divison that makes 4 diffrent daughter cells
  15. system that secretes hormones
  16. study of how organisms body functions
  1. system that fights infection
  2. bottom or caudal
  3. system that exchanges CO2
  4. system that breaks down and absorbs food
  5. division that makes 2 identical daughter cells
  6. cavity that protects the visceral organs
  7. powerhouse of the cell
  8. know as dorsal
  9. standard position for anatomy
  10. contains genetic info
  11. basic unit of all living matter
  12. known as ventral
  13. top or cranial
  14. study of anatomy during first 8 weeks after conception
  15. system that detects impulses

31 Clues: know as dorsaltop or cranialbottom or caudalknown as ventraltowards body surfacecontains genetic infopowerhouse of the cellaway from body surfacesystem that exchanges CO2system that fights infectionsystem that detects impulsessystem that provides movementstandard position for anatomysystem that secretes hormonesbasic unit of all living matter...

Unit 1 crosswords puzzle 2020-10-04

Unit 1 crosswords puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the system which takes in oxygen
  2. study of anatomy during the 1st 8 weeks of pregnancy
  3. located on the front side of the body
  4. towards the bottom of the body
  5. located towards the middle of the body
  6. the system which fights infections and provides fluid for cells
  7. the system that removes waste from the blood
  8. the system which breaks down and absorbs food
  9. the system which includes skin
  10. located towards the outer parts of the body
  11. located on the back side of the body
  12. study of the structure of an organism
  1. the system that produces cells used in sexual reproduction
  2. another word for above
  3. the system that detects impulses from the brain
  4. the uppermost part of the body
  5. the elbow is _____ to the wrist
  6. the system that secretes hormones
  7. the system which transports blood through the body
  8. another word for below
  9. the system which provides movement for all parts of the body
  10. study of how an organism's body functions
  11. the system that gives the body shape and support
  12. the ankle is _____ to the hip
  13. the position where the body is upright with arms at the side and palms facing forward

25 Clues: another word for aboveanother word for belowthe ankle is _____ to the hipthe uppermost part of the bodytowards the bottom of the bodythe system which includes skinthe elbow is _____ to the wristthe system which takes in oxygenthe system that secretes hormoneslocated on the back side of the bodylocated on the front side of the body...

Human Body 2022-09-29

Human Body crossword puzzle
  1. Largest organ in the nervous system
  2. part of the nervous system used for smelling
  3. group of tissues working together
  4. a change in the position of an object
  5. regulates body with hormones
  6. bones that protect the lungs
  7. the main organ for the respiratory system
  8. a thing or event that causes a response or reaction
  9. the digestive system starts here
  10. balanced or unchanging
  11. interacting, interrelated, or independant elements forming a more complex whole
  12. this is the knee cap
  13. this systems helps you move
  14. system the system that breaks down food
  15. this system has joints and ligaments
  16. gets rid of wastes
  1. group of cells working together
  2. system helps you create children
  3. group of organ working together
  4. largest organ of the body
  5. this is also called the funny bone
  6. group of organs working together
  7. this helps protect the brain
  8. the bodys ability to keep the internal balance of the body stable
  9. helps you pump blood
  10. the system that includes hair and nails
  11. controls and coordinates the body
  12. Largest organ in the circulatory system
  13. basic unit of life

29 Clues: gets rid of wastesbasic unit of lifehelps you pump bloodthis is the knee capbalanced or unchanginglargest organ of the bodythis systems helps you moveregulates body with hormonesthis helps protect the brainbones that protect the lungsgroup of cells working togethergroup of organ working togethersystem helps you create children...

Emma Sayles unit 1 2020-10-02

Emma Sayles unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. what the abdominal region is split up into
  2. system that provides support and protection; bones ligaments and joints
  3. bottom or caudal
  4. cavity that encloses the brain and spinal cord
  5. system that secretes hormones
  6. away from body surface
  7. divison that makes 4 diffrent daughter cells
  8. system that fights infection
  9. study of anatomy during first 8 weeks after conception
  10. standard position for anatomy
  11. towards middle of body facing front
  12. top or cranial
  13. towards body surface
  14. away from the middle facing front
  15. system that protects body and prevents water loss
  16. system that produces cells in sexual reproduction
  1. powerhouse of the cell
  2. system that provides movement
  3. known as ventral
  4. division that makes 2 identical daughter cells
  5. system that removes waste from blood
  6. system that exchanges CO2
  7. know as dorsal
  8. cavity that protects the visceral organs
  9. system that detects impulses
  10. study of how organisms body functions
  11. contains genetic info
  12. basic unit of all living matter
  13. system that breaks down and absorbs food
  14. system that transports nutrients and gasses
  15. study of the structure of an organism

31 Clues: know as dorsaltop or cranialknown as ventralbottom or caudaltowards body surfacecontains genetic infopowerhouse of the cellaway from body surfacesystem that exchanges CO2system that detects impulsessystem that fights infectionsystem that provides movementsystem that secretes hormonesstandard position for anatomybasic unit of all living matter...

Organ System Crossword 2022-05-27

Organ System Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Organ that is responsible for removing waste from the body. Balance body fluids
  2. Organ that Pumps blood around your body.
  3. (System) oxygen, blood,(Cardiovascular) Carries and delivers nutrients.
  4. (System) Responsible for MOVEMENT. SMOOTH
  5. System that breaks the food we eat is absorbed into the bloodstream.
  6. (System) CONTROL, and sensitivity over the body. Body receptors
  7. Organ that Plays a major role in the metabolism, growth, and development of the human body.
  8. Organ that digest and break down food.
  9. (System) Maintains body fluids. Fat Transport. IMMUNE responses
  10. Organ that provides support and structure.
  11. (System) Helping you BREATHE
  12. System that is responsible for supporting and protecting your body and organs.
  1. (System) Removing metabolic WASTE. Retaining and regulating nutrients such as water and salt.
  2. (System) Protecting your body from bacteria, infection, and injury. Barrier from the EXTERNAL environment.
  3. Organ that has 2 of themselves, responsible for delivering oxygen.
  4. (System) Producing eggs and creating offspring.
  5. Organ that regulates body temperature, and keeps the HEAD warm.
  6. Organ that CONTROLS everything.
  7. (System) Makes hormones for growth, development, and mood.
  8. Organ is the storehouse for good bacteria.
  9. Organ that produces eggs and hormones.

21 Clues: (System) Helping you BREATHEOrgan that CONTROLS everything.Organ that digest and break down food.Organ that produces eggs and hormones.Organ that Pumps blood around your body.(System) Responsible for MOVEMENT. SMOOTHOrgan is the storehouse for good bacteria.Organ that provides support and structure.(System) Producing eggs and creating offspring....

Organ System Crossword 2022-05-27

Organ System Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. System that is responsible for supporting and protecting your body and organs.
  2. (System) CONTROL, and sensitivity over the body. Body receptors
  3. (System) oxygen, blood,(Cardiovascular) Carries and delivers nutrients.
  4. (System) Producing eggs and creating offspring.
  5. Organ that produces eggs and hormones.
  6. (System) Protecting your body from bacteria infection, and injury. Barrier from the EXTERNAL environment.
  7. (System) Removing metabolic WASTE. Retaining and regulating nutrients such as water and salt.
  8. Organ that provides support and structure.
  1. Organ that is responsible for removing waste from the body. Balance body fluids
  2. (System) Makes hormones for growth, development and mood.
  3. Organ is the storehouse for good bacteria.
  4. Organ that digest and break down food.
  5. Organ that Plays a major role in the metabolism, growth, and development of the human body.
  6. System that breaks the food we eat is absorbed into the bloodstream.
  7. Organ that has 2 of themselves, responsible for delivering oxygen.
  8. Organ that regulates body temperature, and keeps the HEAD warm.
  9. (System) Maintains body fluids. Fat Transport. IMMUNE responses
  10. Organ that CONTROLS everything.
  11. (System) Responsible for MOVEMENT. SMOOTH
  12. Organ that Pumps blood around your body.
  13. (System) Helping you BREATHE

21 Clues: (System) Helping you BREATHEOrgan that CONTROLS everything.Organ that digest and break down food.Organ that produces eggs and hormones.Organ that Pumps blood around your body.(System) Responsible for MOVEMENT. SMOOTHOrgan is the storehouse for good bacteria.Organ that provides support and structure.(System) Producing eggs and creating offspring....

Body Systems 2024-09-13

Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. Eating a good meal is the main action of this system.
  2. Created you.
  3. System whose organ is shaped like a bean.
  4. Contains glands that secrete hormones.
  5. Helps the circulatory system receive oxygen.
  6. This system keeps our flesh from being a pile of "jelly."
  1. System that helps us lift a box.
  2. System that keeps us covered and protected."
  3. This system is considered the "garbage collector."
  4. One of the main organs is the spinal cord.
  5. Main organ in this system is the heart.

11 Clues: Created you.System that helps us lift a box.Contains glands that secrete hormones.Main organ in this system is the heart.System whose organ is shaped like a bean.One of the main organs is the spinal cord.System that keeps us covered and protected."Helps the circulatory system receive oxygen.This system is considered the "garbage collector."...

Anatomy and Physiology, Body Systems by John O. 2023-12-11

Anatomy and Physiology, Body Systems by John O. crossword puzzle
  1. Organ in the urinary system responsible for storing urine (7 letters)
  2. The system that facilitates muscle movement (8 letters)
  3. Structure that allows for gas exchange in the lungs (8 letters)
  4. Organs responsible for filtering blood in the urinary system (7 letters)
  5. The system responsible for producing offspring (12 letters)
  6. The system responsible for transporting oxygen, nutrients, and waste products around the body (10 letters)
  7. System responsible for breaking down food and absorbing nutrients (9 letters)
  8. The largest organ in the integumentary system (4 letters)
  9. Responsible for filtering toxins and producing bile (5 letters)
  1. This system helps to maintain fluid balance and fights infection (9 letters)
  2. The system that includes bones and joints (11 letters)
  3. This system is responsible for the body's defense against infectious organisms (6 letters)
  4. This system includes the brain and spinal cord (7 letters)
  5. Primary organ of the respiratory system (5 letters)
  6. The body's chemical messaging system (9 letters)

15 Clues: The body's chemical messaging system (9 letters)Primary organ of the respiratory system (5 letters)The system that includes bones and joints (11 letters)The system that facilitates muscle movement (8 letters)The largest organ in the integumentary system (4 letters)This system includes the brain and spinal cord (7 letters)...

Smoking Crossword!! 2015-01-07

Smoking Crossword!! crossword puzzle
  1. A deadly chemical in tobacco often used in insecticides
  2. When you can't stop feeling the urge to keep inhaling smoke
  3. Supposed to be a "healthier" alternative to cigarettes;electronic devices
  4. a dark,flammable substance that comes from burning tobacco
  5. A respiratory condition common in children and can cause wheezing
  6. The organ that pumps blood throughout your body
  7. A popular brand of menthol cigarettes
  8. Occurs when bacteria breaks down your teeth
  9. "_ _ _ _ smoking today!"
  10. A chemical compund found in cigarettes also known as the cyano group
  1. an unhealthy plant from the nightshade family
  2. A respiratory condition in which your lungs enlarge
  3. A chemical in the brain that enhances pleasurable feelings
  4. When you inhale smoke from the side or tip of the cigarette but you are not the smoker
  5. Cancer in your pulmonarial area
  6. relating to your blood system
  7. Having to do with the lungs
  8. Inhaling smoke that lingers far after someone lights up a cigar
  9. The largest selling cigarette brand internationally
  10. Tubes through which blood travel in your body
  11. A ________ reaction
  12. A medicine brand to treat nicotine addiction that was popular but now has been proven to cause depression and suicidal thoughts.

22 Clues: A ________ reaction"_ _ _ _ smoking today!"Having to do with the lungsrelating to your blood systemCancer in your pulmonarial areaA popular brand of menthol cigarettesOccurs when bacteria breaks down your teethan unhealthy plant from the nightshade familyTubes through which blood travel in your bodyThe organ that pumps blood throughout your body...

Anatomy and Physiology - Respiratory System 2023-12-12

Anatomy and Physiology - Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. A combining form for lungs;air
  2. Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing
  3. When the pH in the body is higher than neutral
  4. A pulse oximeter tells us about the saturation (amount in the blood) of this
  5. Another name for trachea
  6. The act of listening to the lungs with a stethoscope
  7. RR refers to this rate
  8. If we want to "open up" the airways we use this kind of medication
  9. One name for the cavity that houses the lower respiratory tract organs
  1. The term used for breathing/pulling something into the lower respiratory tract
  2. A cough that produces material (e.g. phlegm)
  3. Along with oxygen therapy, these can help pets with asthma breathe easier.
  4. The smallest branch of the bronchial tree
  5. The oral cavity contains two of these, one is soft and one is hard
  6. This refers to a pet who has an elevated RR
  7. The area where the trachea divides into bronchi
  8. These can be a result of nervous system damage, nerve irritation or indigestion
  9. A whistling or squeaking sound that suggests the airways are narrowed
  10. Another word for thick, pusy discharge
  11. Owners who have dogs with a collapsing trachea should use this

20 Clues: RR refers to this rateAnother name for tracheaA combining form for lungs;airAnother word for thick, pusy dischargeShortness of breath/difficulty breathingThe smallest branch of the bronchial treeThis refers to a pet who has an elevated RRA cough that produces material (e.g. phlegm)When the pH in the body is higher than neutral...

Cooper7 2024-03-01

Cooper7 crossword puzzle
  1. Respiration uses 02 to break apart glucose
  2. organ that filters blood
  3. cavity space in chest
  4. System that regulates liquid in the blood
  5. muscles push food down esophogus
  6. liquid waste
  7. tiny air spaces in lungs
  8. System that brings in 02, removes C02
  1. makes bile
  2. makes bile
  3. type of digestion that breaks food into smaller pieces
  4. tubes that connect the bladder and kidneys
  5. something your body needs but doesn't make
  6. digestion that changes food into new substance
  7. System that breaks food into nutrients
  8. exit tube
  9. small part of kidney that filters blood

17 Clues: exit tubemakes bilemakes bileliquid wastecavity space in chestorgan that filters bloodtiny air spaces in lungsmuscles push food down esophogusSystem that brings in 02, removes C02System that breaks food into nutrientssmall part of kidney that filters bloodSystem that regulates liquid in the bloodRespiration uses 02 to break apart glucose...

Extra Credit Assignment. 2023-12-11

Extra Credit Assignment. crossword puzzle
  1. Has a swirly passageway inside of it
  2. Just a dot in an organelle
  3. Blood. Something related to blood. A system!
  4. A cell with no chloroplast
  5. A transport system
  6. Basically kind of a system of organic USB wires that connect to your brain
  7. A wall of a plant cell
  8. Breathe in and Breathe out, what system if responsible to it?
  1. what fills a cell?
  2. A organ in a cell
  3. Where does your food go through?
  4. Does photosynthesis
  5. A wall but very squishy (A cell organelle)
  6. Starts with an 'O' and you are made up of it
  7. A cell with chloroplasts
  8. Has organelles in each one
  9. a clump of cells?
  10. Makes you move.
  11. It has dots in it, it's an organelle
  12. The big boss of a cell
  13. System Has many specific organs

21 Clues: Makes you move.A organ in a cella clump of cells?what fills a cell?A transport systemDoes photosynthesisThe big boss of a cellA wall of a plant cellA cell with chloroplastsJust a dot in an organelleHas organelles in each oneA cell with no chloroplastWhere does your food go through?Has a swirly passageway inside of it...

Organ System Crossword 2022-05-27

Organ System Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. System that is responsible for supporting and protecting your body and organs.
  2. Organ is the storehouse for good bacteria.
  3. (System) oxygen, blood,(Cardiovascular) Carries and delivers nutrients.
  4. (System) Producing eggs and creating offspring.
  5. (System) Protecting your body from bacteria infection, and injury. Barrier from the EXTERNAL environment.
  6. Organ that digest and break down food.
  7. (System) Maintains body fluids. Fat Transport. IMMUNE responses
  8. (System) CONTROL, and sensitivity over the body. Body receptors
  9. Organ that produces eggs and hormones.
  10. Organ that provides support and structure.
  11. Organ that Plays a major role in the metabolism, growth, and development of the human body.
  12. Organ that is responsible for removing waste from the body. Balance body fluids
  1. Organ that CONTROLS everything.
  2. (System) Makes hormones for growth, development and mood.
  3. System that breaks the food we eat is absorbed into the bloodstream.
  4. Organ that has 2 of themselves, responsible for delivering oxygen.
  5. Organ that Pumps blood around your body.
  6. (System) Helping you BREATHE
  7. (System) Removing metabolic WASTE. Retaining and regulating nutrients such as water and salt.
  8. Organ that regulates body temperature, and keeps the HEAD warm.
  9. (System) Responsible for MOVEMENT. SMOOTH

21 Clues: (System) Helping you BREATHEOrgan that CONTROLS everything.Organ that digest and break down food.Organ that produces eggs and hormones.Organ that Pumps blood around your body.(System) Responsible for MOVEMENT. SMOOTHOrgan is the storehouse for good bacteria.Organ that provides support and structure.(System) Producing eggs and creating offspring....

Human Body 2022-09-29

Human Body crossword puzzle
  1. Largest organ in the nervous system
  2. part of the nervous system used for smelling
  3. group of tissues working together
  4. a change in the position of an object
  5. regulates body with hormones
  6. bones that protect the lungs
  7. the main organ for the respiratory system
  8. a thing or event that causes a response or reaction
  9. the digestive system starts here
  10. balanced or unchanging
  11. interacting, interrelated, or independant elements forming a more complex whole
  12. this is the knee cap
  13. this systems helps you move
  14. system the system that breaks down food
  15. this system has joints and ligaments
  16. gets rid of wastes
  1. group of cells working together
  2. system helps you create children
  3. group of organ working together
  4. largest organ of the body
  5. this is also called the funny bone
  6. group of organs working together
  7. this helps protect the brain
  8. the bodys ability to keep the internal balance of the body stable
  9. helps you pump blood
  10. the system that includes hair and nails
  11. controls and coordinates the body
  12. Largest organ in the circulatory system
  13. basic unit of life

29 Clues: gets rid of wastesbasic unit of lifehelps you pump bloodthis is the knee capbalanced or unchanginglargest organ of the bodythis systems helps you moveregulates body with hormonesthis helps protect the brainbones that protect the lungsgroup of cells working togethergroup of organ working togethersystem helps you create children...

Planes, Directions, and Systems 2020-08-25

Planes, Directions, and Systems crossword puzzle
  1. system that provides defense against disease
  2. closer to top of head
  3. system that controls & integrates body activities
  4. study of the function of body parts
  5. farther from the top; top of the head
  6. opposite of superficial
  7. plane that divides the unequally into L & R halves
  8. lying face up
  9. system that prevents fluid loss & regulates temp.
  10. ventral surface to the body
  11. study of cells
  12. plane that divides body into top & bottom halves
  1. study of names of body parts
  2. system that provides the change of gases
  3. system that contains hormones
  4. study of tissue
  5. plane that divides body into front & back
  6. plane that divides body into L & R halves
  7. lying face down
  8. system that supplies body with substances for energy
  9. system that moves body & produces heat
  10. system that provides attachment for muscles
  11. system that continues the species
  12. farther from the midline of the body
  13. farthest from the point of attachment
  14. system that transports nutrients & waste
  15. closer to the point of attachment
  16. dorsal surface of body
  17. system that filters wastes from blood
  18. closest to the midline

30 Clues: lying face upstudy of cellsstudy of tissuelying face downcloser to top of headdorsal surface of bodyclosest to the midlineopposite of superficialventral surface to the bodystudy of names of body partssystem that contains hormonessystem that continues the speciescloser to the point of attachmentstudy of the function of body parts...

Body Systems Review pt I 2023-04-30

Body Systems Review pt I crossword puzzle
  1. Primary organ of the integumentary system
  2. Consists of the scull, ribs, and vertebral column
  3. Middle layer of the skin
  4. Largest part of the brain
  5. Works closely with the respiratory system to provide oxygen to all body cells
  6. Red or yellow, makes blood or stores fat
  7. Controlled,stable internal environment
  1. System responsible for hormones
  2. System responsible for movement of the body and substances through the body
  3. Branched, striated muscle tissue
  4. Function of the skeletal system storing minerals
  5. System that works with all others to control the body
  6. Third level of organization of the body

13 Clues: Middle layer of the skinLargest part of the brainSystem responsible for hormonesBranched, striated muscle tissueControlled,stable internal environmentThird level of organization of the bodyRed or yellow, makes blood or stores fatPrimary organ of the integumentary systemFunction of the skeletal system storing minerals...

Human Body 2022-09-29

Human Body crossword puzzle
  1. Largest organ in the nervous system
  2. part of the nervous system used for smelling
  3. group of tissues working together
  4. a change in the position of an object
  5. regulates body with hormones
  6. bones that protect the lungs
  7. the main organ for the respiratory system
  8. a thing or event that causes a response or reaction
  9. the digestive system starts here
  10. balanced or unchanging
  11. interacting, interrelated, or independant elements forming a more complex whole
  12. this is the knee cap
  13. this systems helps you move
  14. system the system that breaks down food
  15. this system has joints and ligaments
  16. gets rid of wastes
  1. group of cells working together
  2. system helps you create children
  3. group of organ working together
  4. largest organ of the body
  5. this is also called the funny bone
  6. group of organs working together
  7. this helps protect the brain
  8. the bodys ability to keep the internal balance of the body stable
  9. helps you pump blood
  10. the system that includes hair and nails
  11. controls and coordinates the body
  12. Largest organ in the circulatory system
  13. basic unit of life

29 Clues: gets rid of wastesbasic unit of lifehelps you pump bloodthis is the knee capbalanced or unchanginglargest organ of the bodythis systems helps you moveregulates body with hormonesthis helps protect the brainbones that protect the lungsgroup of cells working togethergroup of organ working togethersystem helps you create children...

Biology Homework 2023-08-14

Biology Homework crossword puzzle
  1. the part of the endocrine system that is in charge of balancing body temperature
  2. the system that protects against pathogens, illnesses, and other diseases
  3. the system that filters blood and removes waste products
  4. the system that takes in oxygen and expels carbon dioxide
  5. the largest organ by surface area
  6. the system that takes in and digests food, absorbs nutrients, and removes undigested waste
  1. the system that stores and carries lymph to fight infection and disease
  2. the system that serves as a protective barrier and regulates body temperature
  3. the system that regulates biological process through hormones
  4. the system that supports the body, protects vital organs, aids in movement, and produces blood cells
  5. the system produces gametes and produces offspring
  6. where two bones connect
  7. the system that aids the body in movements through muscular contractions
  8. the system that maintains homeostasis
  9. the part of circulatory system that pumps blood

15 Clues: where two bones connectthe largest organ by surface areathe system that maintains homeostasisthe part of circulatory system that pumps bloodthe system produces gametes and produces offspringthe system that filters blood and removes waste productsthe system that takes in oxygen and expels carbon dioxide...

Soren6 2023-03-03

Soren6 crossword puzzle
  1. exit tube
  2. the change of food into new substances
  3. brings in O2 removes CO2
  4. organ that filters blood
  5. cleans toxins from the blood, makes bile
  6. muscles push food through the digestive sys
  7. uses O2 to break apart glucose
  8. food broken into smaller pieces
  9. tubes that connect the bladder and the kidneys
  1. space in chest
  2. what the body needs but doesn't make
  3. organs break down food into nutrients
  4. liquid waste
  5. tiny air sacs in lungs
  6. regulates liquid in the blood
  7. small part of kidney that filters blood
  8. stores bile

17 Clues: exit tubestores bileliquid wastespace in chesttiny air sacs in lungsbrings in O2 removes CO2organ that filters bloodregulates liquid in the blooduses O2 to break apart glucosefood broken into smaller pieceswhat the body needs but doesn't makeorgans break down food into nutrientsthe change of food into new substances...

Emma29 2024-03-01

Emma29 crossword puzzle
  1. space in chest
  2. tiny air sacs in lungs
  3. digestion were food is broken into smaller pieces
  4. cleans toxins from the blood,makes bile
  5. uses o2 to break apart glucose
  6. what the body needs but dosen't make
  7. exit tube
  8. tubes that connect the bladder to the kidneys
  9. organ that filters blood
  1. small part of kidney that filters blood
  2. a system of organs that break down food into nutrients
  3. stores the bile
  4. liquid waste
  5. digestion changes food into new substances
  6. system brings in o2,removes co2
  7. muscles push the food through the digestive system
  8. regulates liquid in the blood

17 Clues: exit tubeliquid wastespace in cheststores the biletiny air sacs in lungsorgan that filters bloodregulates liquid in the blooduses o2 to break apart glucosesystem brings in o2,removes co2what the body needs but dosen't makesmall part of kidney that filters bloodcleans toxins from the blood,makes biledigestion changes food into new substances...

human body 2023-02-02

human body crossword puzzle
  1. Help you breathe
  2. The skeleton is made of...
  3. Brings the signals through the body
  4. Helps the body move
  5. sends signals through nerves
  6. The beginning of the digestive system
  7. The organ that sends blood through the body
  1. Brings oxygen through the body
  2. There are 2 of them in the digestive system
  3. It is the lung system
  4. Is part of the digestive system

11 Clues: Help you breatheHelps the body moveIt is the lung systemThe skeleton is made of...sends signals through nervesBrings oxygen through the bodyIs part of the digestive systemBrings the signals through the bodyThe beginning of the digestive systemThere are 2 of them in the digestive systemThe organ that sends blood through the body

human body 2023-02-02

human body crossword puzzle
  1. Help you breathe
  2. The skeleton is made of...
  3. Brings the signals through the body
  4. Helps the body move
  5. sends signals through nerves
  6. The beginning of the digestive system
  7. The organ that sends blood through the body
  1. Brings oxygen through the body
  2. There are 2 of them in the digestive system
  3. It is the lung system
  4. Is part of the digestive system

11 Clues: Help you breatheHelps the body moveIt is the lung systemThe skeleton is made of...sends signals through nervesBrings oxygen through the bodyIs part of the digestive systemBrings the signals through the bodyThe beginning of the digestive systemThere are 2 of them in the digestive systemThe organ that sends blood through the body

Alveolar Macrophages 2020-08-05

Alveolar Macrophages crossword puzzle
  1. two's a crowd
  2. Dinner for Mr. Macrophage
  3. the engulfing of invasive pathogens
  4. secreted proteins with a purpose
  1. where white blood cells are made
  2. a respiratory passage in the body
  3. protective slime in respiratory system
  4. tiny air sacs in the lungs
  5. molecule needed for metabolic work

9 Clues: two's a crowdDinner for Mr. Macrophagetiny air sacs in the lungswhere white blood cells are madesecreted proteins with a purposea respiratory passage in the bodymolecule needed for metabolic workthe engulfing of invasive pathogensprotective slime in respiratory system

Unit 7 Respiratory System 2020-10-23

Unit 7 Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. air sacs in the lungs
  2. to inhale and exhale
  3. gas in the environment necessary to our survival
  4. caused by damaged alveoli
  1. respiratory illness causing coughing and wheezing
  2. main organs in the respiratory system
  3. air passes through these into the lungs
  4. to breathe in
  5. to breathe out

9 Clues: to breathe into breathe outto inhale and exhaleair sacs in the lungscaused by damaged alveolimain organs in the respiratory systemair passes through these into the lungsgas in the environment necessary to our survivalrespiratory illness causing coughing and wheezing

Body systems 2024-05-13

Body systems crossword puzzle
  1. the bodily system that protects from illness
  2. made up of the blood vessels sending blood into the brain
  3. the organ that assists in breathing
  4. the system that makes you breathe
  5. the bodily system that is made up of all the muscles
  6. the organ that pumps blood to the rest of the body
  7. the system that produces offspring
  8. the organ that tells everything what to do
  1. the system consisting of all the nerves
  2. the body system that gets rid of waste
  3. the body's outer layer (skin)
  4. the organs and glands in he body
  5. the system that is made up of all the bones
  6. complex combination of tissues that do the same process

14 Clues: the body's outer layer (skin)the organs and glands in he bodythe system that makes you breathethe system that produces offspringthe organ that assists in breathingthe body system that gets rid of wastethe system consisting of all the nervesthe organ that tells everything what to dothe system that is made up of all the bones...

Respiratory/Circulatory Crossword 2023-02-15

Respiratory/Circulatory Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The part of your respiratory that is the voice box which allows you to talk.
  2. The tube that carries air to and from the mouth to the lungs
  3. Where the gas exchange happens in the lungs between oxygen and carbon dioxide
  4. The name of the upper chambers in the heart
  5. Most important organ in the circulatory system
  6. Vessel that carries blood back to the heart
  7. The waste from the lungs that is exhaled out of the body
  8. The part of the heart that sends blood to the body
  1. The name of the lower chambers in the heart
  2. The type of gas in air that cells need to function
  3. The blood component that clots and builds scabs
  4. Blood component that fights infection
  5. Vessel that carries blood away from the heart
  6. The main and most important organ in the respiratory system
  7. where air enters the body

15 Clues: where air enters the bodyBlood component that fights infectionThe name of the lower chambers in the heartThe name of the upper chambers in the heartVessel that carries blood back to the heartVessel that carries blood away from the heartMost important organ in the circulatory systemThe blood component that clots and builds scabs...

The Respiratory System 2024-02-06

The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Respiratory system clears out this gas
  2. The respiratory system is a network of ______ and tissues
  1. Main organ of the respiratory system
  2. A common illness that affects the respiratory system
  3. What we breathe in and is moved throughout the system

5 Clues: Main organ of the respiratory systemRespiratory system clears out this gasA common illness that affects the respiratory systemWhat we breathe in and is moved throughout the systemThe respiratory system is a network of ______ and tissues

Breathing 2024-03-01

Breathing crossword puzzle
  1. Main organs of the respiratory system where oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange takes place.
  2. Entry point for air into the respiratory system; contains hairs and mucous membranes for filtering.
  3. Membrane: Tissue lining the respiratory tract that helps trap and remove particles from the air.
  4. Tiny air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs between air and blood.
  5. Pressure: Pressure exerted by a specific gas in a mixture of gases.
  6. Muscular tube at the back of the throat that serves as a passageway for air and food.
  7. Process of breathing in air, involving contraction of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles.
  8. Protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues.
  9. Gas essential for cellular respiration and energy production in the body.
  10. Dioxide: Waste product of cellular metabolism that is exhaled from the body.
  11. Tiny blood vessels where gas exchange occurs between blood and tissues.
  1. Small branches of the bronchi that further divide within the lungs.
  2. Muscles located between the ribs that assist in breathing.
  3. Process of breathing out air, involving relaxation of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles.
  4. Act of inhaling and exhaling air; essential for sustaining life.
  5. Biological process by which cells obtain oxygen and release carbon dioxide.
  6. Dome-shaped muscle beneath the lungs that aids in breathing by expanding and contracting.
  7. Two main branches of the trachea that lead into the lungs.
  8. Also known as the voice box, it contains the vocal cords and aids in sound production.
  9. Also known as the windpipe, it carries air from the larynx to the lungs.

20 Clues: Muscles located between the ribs that assist in breathing.Two main branches of the trachea that lead into the lungs.Act of inhaling and exhaling air; essential for sustaining life.Small branches of the bronchi that further divide within the lungs.Pressure: Pressure exerted by a specific gas in a mixture of gases....

Anatomy Review 2022-10-31

Anatomy Review crossword puzzle
  1. part of the nervous system
  2. part of the circulatory system
  3. type of bone
  4. part of the excretory system
  1. part of the circulatory system
  2. part of the skeletal system
  3. part of the respiratory system
  4. type of muscle
  5. voice box
  6. part of the respiratory system

10 Clues: voice boxtype of bonetype of musclepart of the nervous systempart of the skeletal systempart of the excretory systempart of the circulatory systempart of the respiratory systempart of the respiratory systempart of the circulatory system

Alveolar Macrophages 2020-08-05

Alveolar Macrophages crossword puzzle
  1. two's a crowd
  2. Dinner for Mr. Macrophage
  3. the engulfing of invasive pathogens
  4. secreted proteins with a purpose
  1. where white blood cells are made
  2. a respiratory passage in the body
  3. protective slime in respiratory system
  4. tiny air sacs in the lungs
  5. molecule needed for metabolic work

9 Clues: two's a crowdDinner for Mr. Macrophagetiny air sacs in the lungswhere white blood cells are madesecreted proteins with a purposea respiratory passage in the bodymolecule needed for metabolic workthe engulfing of invasive pathogensprotective slime in respiratory system

Elizabeth's long crossword 2020-10-06

Elizabeth's long crossword crossword puzzle
  1. dioxide what waste product do your lungs out hale called _________ ______
  2. each alveoli has a mech like vessels that are called________________
  3. the system that helps you breathe
  4. this is where the oxygen you breathe gets observed and into the blood it goes
  5. your chest muscles and your________ help you breathe
  1. the tube where the oxygen goes after you inhale
  2. what does your body need to survive
  3. your lungs are behind your _________
  4. where does the respiratory system start when you inhale
  5. what you call it when you inhale and outhale.

10 Clues: the system that helps you breathewhat does your body need to surviveyour lungs are behind your _________what you call it when you inhale and outhale.the tube where the oxygen goes after you inhaleyour chest muscles and your________ help you breathewhere does the respiratory system start when you inhale...


POWER OF YOUR HANDS crossword puzzle
  1. chemical reaction in the body's cells that change food into energy
  2. chronic metabolic disease
  3. the force of bodily fluid pushing against the walls of your arteries
  4. soft spongy organ, pinkish grey color
  5. cleanse by OR action of water
  6. liquid that descends from clouds
  7. absence of wakefulness
  1. body part at the end of the arm
  2. a system of physical postures combined with breathing techniques
  3. contagious respiratory illness
  4. to chew and swallow
  5. activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness
  6. respiratory organ on the left and right, sometimes called the thorax
  7. inoperative, put out of action
  8. to advance by steps

15 Clues: to chew and swallowto advance by stepsabsence of wakefulnesschronic metabolic diseasecleanse by OR action of watercontagious respiratory illnessinoperative, put out of actionbody part at the end of the armliquid that descends from cloudssoft spongy organ, pinkish grey colora system of physical postures combined with breathing techniques...

Going For Gold (8B) 2015-05-14

Going For Gold (8B) crossword puzzle
  1. 78% of inhaled air
  2. Another name for windpipe
  3. Heart___ fill with blood
  4. System that gets the oxygen
  5. System that gets the glucose
  6. Respiration's chemical reaction
  7. 21% of inhaled air
  1. Oxygen and Glucose are the _____
  2. The liquid part of blood
  3. Small air sacs
  4. Tiny blood vessels
  5. Surname of the man who found the capillaries
  6. Carbon dioxide and water are the _____
  7. Molecule needed to release energy

14 Clues: Small air sacs78% of inhaled airTiny blood vessels21% of inhaled airThe liquid part of bloodHeart___ fill with bloodAnother name for windpipeSystem that gets the oxygenSystem that gets the glucoseRespiration's chemical reactionOxygen and Glucose are the _____Molecule needed to release energyCarbon dioxide and water are the _____...

Answer key 2015-09-14

Answer key crossword puzzle
  1. hollow muscular organ that pumps the blood through the circulatory system.
  2. This is the part that carries oxygenated blood away from the heart and to other parts of the body.
  3. the two air tubes that branch off of from the trachea and carry atmospheric air directly into the lungs.
  4. blood vessels that form a network between the arterioles and venules.
  5. a gelatinous or semisolid mass of coagulated blood.
  6. The main organ of the respiratory system
  7. the muscular-walled tubes forming part of the circulation system by which blood
  1. the nasal passage and other regions of the respiratory tract.
  2. This part of the cycle carries oxygen-depleted blood away from the heart
  3. circulation This type of circulation provides the heart with oxygenated blood so it can function properly.
  4. tubes forming part of the blood circulation system of the body
  5. the tiny sac like structure present in the lungs
  6. breathing begins with a dome-shaped muscle located at the bottom
  7. filters the air we inhale and branches into the bronchi.
  8. transport media of nearly everything within the body. It transports hormones, nutrients, oxygen, antibodies, and other important things needed to keep the body healthy.

15 Clues: The main organ of the respiratory systemthe tiny sac like structure present in the lungsa gelatinous or semisolid mass of coagulated blood.filters the air we inhale and branches into the bronchi.the nasal passage and other regions of the respiratory tract.tubes forming part of the blood circulation system of the body...

Illnesses 2024-04-24

Illnesses crossword puzzle
  1. Contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses
  2. Chronic respiratory condition characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways
  3. Group of conditions affecting the heart and blood vessels
  4. Inflammation of the joints, causing pain and stiffness
  5. Disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells
  1. Medical term for high blood pressure
  2. Metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels
  3. Viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, causing symptoms like coughing and congestion
  4. Immune system reactions to substances that are normally harmless
  5. Medical emergency caused by disrupted blood flow to the brain

10 Clues: Medical term for high blood pressureInflammation of the joints, causing pain and stiffnessGroup of conditions affecting the heart and blood vesselsContagious respiratory illness caused by influenza virusesMetabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levelsMedical emergency caused by disrupted blood flow to the brain...

Human Body 2023-11-04

Human Body crossword puzzle
  1. This system helps maintain your weight, your posture and the ability to move.
  2. Organs located in your chest.
  3. These filter half a cup of blood every minute.
  4. Males and females have different versions of this system.
  5. This system works as the body's filtration system.
  6. This system includes skin, hair, nails and glands.
  7. Converts our food into simplest form.
  1. This system sends messages back and forth from brain to body.
  2. Controls most body functions.
  3. Centre of your circulatory system.
  4. This system is a network of vessels and tissue that protect your body from infection.
  5. This system is made up of glands that make hormones.
  6. This system is made up of vessels that take blood to and from the heart.
  7. Network of organs and tissues that help you breathe.
  8. Largest solid organ.

15 Clues: Largest solid organ.Controls most body functions.Organs located in your chest.Centre of your circulatory system.Converts our food into simplest form.These filter half a cup of blood every minute.This system works as the body's filtration system.This system includes skin, hair, nails and glands.This system is made up of glands that make hormones....

Exam 3 Crossword 2015-04-13

Exam 3 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Increases H+ concentration of solution
  2. Cavity with conchae
  3. ECF that is pumped
  4. Lung with fewer lobes
  5. Binds H+ in solution
  6. Increases plasma Ca2+ concentration
  7. Plasma has more of this than interstitial fluid
  8. The partial pressure of this is highest in inspired air
  9. Respiratory system air tubes
  10. Urinary bladder muscle
  11. Volume that you can inhale but normally do not
  12. A gas flows along its pressure _____
  13. If the diaphragm is relaxing, air is moving _____ the lungs
  14. Fluid that has been forced out of glomerular capillary walls
  15. JGA secretion
  16. Major and minor, in the kidney
  17. Excessive interstitial fluid
  18. Tip of a pyramid
  19. Often "follows" sodium
  20. Where renal corpuscles are found
  21. During inspiration, hydrostatic pressure in the alveoli is this compared to atmospheric
  1. Respiratory system space with no gas exchange
  2. Tubule beyond the loop
  3. Surrounds the glomerulus
  4. Surrounds the lungs
  5. Volume of air that is always in the lungs
  6. Compartment with most of the body's fluid
  7. Where most solute reabsorption occurs
  8. Main cation of ECF
  9. Triangle in urinary bladder
  10. Arteriole after the glomerulus
  11. Wind pipe
  12. Speech cords
  13. Resists changes in pH
  14. Opening in larynx
  15. Respiratory acid
  16. Helps maintain osmotic pressure in renal interstital fluid
  17. Capacity that is all the air you can inhale/exhale
  18. Is glucose freely filtered?
  19. Compared to atmospheric air, the partial pressure of CO2 in alveolar air is _____
  20. Promotes water reabsorption
  21. Alveolar cell type that secretes surfactant

42 Clues: Wind pipeSpeech cordsJGA secretionRespiratory acidTip of a pyramidOpening in larynxECF that is pumpedMain cation of ECFCavity with conchaeSurrounds the lungsBinds H+ in solutionLung with fewer lobesResists changes in pHTubule beyond the loopUrinary bladder muscleOften "follows" sodiumSurrounds the glomerulusTriangle in urinary bladder...

Acquisition Activity 2013-01-31

Acquisition Activity crossword puzzle
  1. a group of tissues that works together to perform a single cell
  2. system recognize and coordinates the body
  3. tissue that lines the interior and exterior body surface
  4. are the major source of energy in the body
  5. system that guards against infection and injury
  6. systems that transports oxygen and nutrients
  7. internal conditions of the human body
  8. system that growths and develop
  9. helps the body to absorb fat soluble vitamins
  10. the most important nutrient
  11. the basic unit of life
  1. tissue that provides supports to the body and connects in parts
  2. system that support the body
  3. tissue that makes voluntary and involuntary movement
  4. the process in which stimulus produces a response
  5. groups of organs that perform closely related function
  6. a group of cells with an specific function
  7. system that eliminates waste products
  8. system that reproduce gametes
  9. system that breaks down food
  10. is equal to 1000 calories
  11. brings in oxygen needed for cellular respiration
  12. system that produce voluntary movements
  13. protects the body from diseases

24 Clues: the basic unit of lifeis equal to 1000 caloriesthe most important nutrientsystem that support the bodysystem that breaks down foodsystem that reproduce gametessystem that growths and developprotects the body from diseasessystem that eliminates waste productsinternal conditions of the human bodysystem that produce voluntary movements...

Major Body Systems 2020-10-27

Major Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. the tubes that carry broken down food through your body
  2. the the air that you breathe back out
  3. the sacs that fill with air when you breathe
  4. the system that delivers oxygen around the body
  5. the nervous system sends these to your brain
  6. blood vessels that deliver deoxygenated blood to the heart
  7. used to produce energy
  8. The system considered the control switch of the body
  9. the system that allows you to breathe
  10. the organ system containing your body’s muscles
  1. delivers oxygen to the blood
  2. This is one of the main organs in the nervous system
  3. this muscle pumps blood through your body
  4. what food is broken down into
  5. blood vessels that deliver oxygen filled blood to the tissue in the body
  6. the system that breaks down the food you eat
  7. The other main organ of the nervous system
  8. break down food into even smaller pieces
  9. The muscle that is in your arms, legs, and stomach
  10. where food is broken down by gastric juices
  11. the muscles in your heart

21 Clues: used to produce energythe muscles in your heartdelivers oxygen to the bloodwhat food is broken down intothe the air that you breathe back outthe system that allows you to breathebreak down food into even smaller piecesthis muscle pumps blood through your bodyThe other main organ of the nervous systemwhere food is broken down by gastric juices...

Human Body System Crossword 2021-12-09

Human Body System Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. stores urine
  2. system a system that gets rid of the waste in your body.
  3. system a system where oxygen and other nutrients are taken around the body
  4. filters waste out of blood
  5. airways that lead from the bronchi to the alveoli
  6. a sac that starts digestion
  7. the organs that transfer oxygen and carbon dioxide to the blood
  1. system a system that brings oxygen into the body, and carbon dioxide out of the body.
  2. passages that direct air to the lungs
  3. the lower part of the heart
  4. system a system that breaks down nutrients for your body.
  5. the upper part of the heart
  6. the large flat muscle at the bottom of the chest that helps with breathing
  7. the little filter that blood goes through
  8. an organ that continues digestion

15 Clues: stores urinethe lower part of the heartfilters waste out of bloodthe upper part of the hearta sac that starts digestionan organ that continues digestionpassages that direct air to the lungsthe little filter that blood goes throughairways that lead from the bronchi to the alveolisystem a system that gets rid of the waste in your body....

Respiratory System Grades 4 and 5 2022-01-24

Respiratory System Grades 4 and 5 crossword puzzle
  1. is the preferred entrance for outside air, but your mouth also allows for breathing to happen
  2. your health teachers name
  3. is the windpipe leading from the throat to your lungs
  4. organs that perform their job without you telling your body to do anything
  5. is the strong wall of muscles that separates your chest cavity from the abdominal cavity
  6. a large organ associated with the respiratory system
  7. the waste gas you exhale
  8. are the bones that protect your chest cavity
  1. is carried to every organ in our body
  2. helps keep your lungs healthy and strong
  3. carries oxygen to all your organs
  4. the system in your body that helps you breathe
  5. divide into each one of your lungs to get air to each lung
  6. are the small air sacs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide take place

14 Clues: the waste gas you exhaleyour health teachers namecarries oxygen to all your organsis carried to every organ in our bodyhelps keep your lungs healthy and strongare the bones that protect your chest cavitythe system in your body that helps you breathea large organ associated with the respiratory system...

Organ Systems 2021-08-27

Organ Systems crossword puzzle
  1. breaks down food
  2. part of immune system
  3. external body covering
  4. eliminates waste from the body
  5. creates offspring
  1. circulates blood through the body
  2. provides body with oxygen
  3. creates hormones
  4. provides framework for muscles
  5. fast acting control system of the body
  6. allows movement for the body

11 Clues: creates hormonesbreaks down foodcreates offspringpart of immune systemexternal body coveringprovides body with oxygenallows movement for the bodyprovides framework for muscleseliminates waste from the bodycirculates blood through the bodyfast acting control system of the body

Human body sytems 2024-01-29

Human body sytems crossword puzzle
  1. the system that produces cells
  2. makes you pee
  3. the system that helps blood flow
  4. makes you strong
  1. makes you nervous
  2. outer layer
  3. help you breath
  4. gets rid of food
  5. protects your insides
  6. It is hard to get sickness again
  7. get rid of waste

11 Clues: outer layermakes you peehelp you breathgets rid of foodget rid of wastemakes you strongmakes you nervousprotects your insidesthe system that produces cellsIt is hard to get sickness againthe system that helps blood flow

PUZZLE - 4 on RESPIRATION 2023-11-04

PUZZLE - 4 on RESPIRATION crossword puzzle
  1. it is a part of the respiratory system, contains hairs and mucous membrane.
  2. these are the functional units of lungs, surrounded by Capillaries.
  3. these are present in matured stems & branches & perform transpiration.
  4. the special roots seen in the trees growing in wet lands & help to take the atmospheric oxygen.
  5. it is the common part of both Digestive & Respiratory systems.
  1. the trees growing in the wet lands develop special roots for transpiration.
  2. it is also called as vocal box, contains vocal cords.
  3. it is present at the floor of the chest cavity & plays key role in male's breathing process.
  4. a scientist, found the air we breat-out can convert the lime water in to milky white solution.
  5. it is the main wind pipe in respiratory system to allow the air movements.

10 Clues: it is also called as vocal box, contains vocal is the common part of both Digestive & Respiratory systems.these are the functional units of lungs, surrounded by Capillaries.these are present in matured stems & branches & perform is the main wind pipe in respiratory system to allow the air movements....

Anatomy and Physiology Crossword 2023-08-25

Anatomy and Physiology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Consists of cells with similar functions
  2. Relating to the back part of the body
  3. The anterior landmark in front of the neck, near the chin (not the mind)
  4. The study of structures of the body and their relationships to one another
  5. The study of how the body and its parts function.
  6. Relating to the head, or head end of the body
  7. Relating to the vertebrae and/or bones of the spine
  8. Relating to the skull and head bones
  9. The system that transports nutrients to cells
  10. The system that's the brains behind the operation
  1. The system that excretes salts to regulate temperature
  2. An organ system with one purpose: to contract
  3. The body system responsible for forming blood cells and forming a solid framework
  4. The abdominal cavity, and the pelvic cavity
  5. Consists of two or more types of tissue
  6. Body system formed directly from molecules
  7. Closer to the head
  8. The system that contains the stomach, esophagus, and intestines
  9. Relating to the bones in the wrist
  10. The system with the lungs

20 Clues: Closer to the headThe system with the lungsRelating to the bones in the wristRelating to the skull and head bonesRelating to the back part of the bodyConsists of two or more types of tissueConsists of cells with similar functionsBody system formed directly from moleculesThe abdominal cavity, and the pelvic cavity...

Alveolar Macrophages - Ryan Worthington 2020-08-05

Alveolar Macrophages - Ryan Worthington crossword puzzle
  1. Dinner for Mr. Macrophage
  2. where white blood cells are made
  3. molecule needed for metabolic work
  4. secreted proteins with a purpose
  5. tiny air sacs in the lungs
  1. the engulfing of invasive pathogens
  2. two's a crowd
  3. a respiratory passage in the body
  4. protective slime in respiratory system

9 Clues: two's a crowdDinner for Mr. Macrophagetiny air sacs in the lungswhere white blood cells are madesecreted proteins with a purposea respiratory passage in the bodymolecule needed for metabolic workthe engulfing of invasive pathogensprotective slime in respiratory system

Human Body System Parts 2022-11-10

Human Body System Parts crossword puzzle
  1. The system that includes hormones and glands
  2. The system that includes the brain and spinal cord
  3. The system that includes white blood cells and T and B cells
  4. The system that includes cartilage and ligaments
  5. The system that includes the blood vessels and heart
  6. The system that includes the lymph nodes and spleen
  1. The system that includes the skin and hair
  2. The system that includes the kidneys
  3. The system that includes the trachea and lungs
  4. The system that includes the esophagus and intestines
  5. The system that includes the muscles and tendons

11 Clues: The system that includes the kidneysThe system that includes the skin and hairThe system that includes hormones and glandsThe system that includes the trachea and lungsThe system that includes the muscles and tendonsThe system that includes cartilage and ligamentsThe system that includes the brain and spinal cord...

Organs and Organ Systems 2020-09-08

Organs and Organ Systems crossword puzzle
  1. This system filters blood and eliminates waste products.
  2. This system brings in oxygen for cells.
  3. This system produces voluntary and involuntary movements.
  4. This system produces and transports reproductive cells.
  5. This system produces hormones that act on target tissues in other organs to influence growth.
  6. This system supports and protects vital organs.
  1. This system transports oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and wastes.
  2. This system protects agaisnt infection and UV radiation.
  3. This system breaks down and absorbs nutrients.
  4. This system regulates body's responses to changes in internal and external enviroment.
  5. This system protects against disease.

11 Clues: This system protects against disease.This system brings in oxygen for cells.This system breaks down and absorbs nutrients.This system supports and protects vital organs.This system produces and transports reproductive cells.This system filters blood and eliminates waste products.This system protects agaisnt infection and UV radiation....

Acquisition Activity 2013-01-31

Acquisition Activity crossword puzzle
  1. the process in which stimulus produces a response
  2. groups of organs that perform closely related function
  3. the basic unit of life
  4. tissue that makes voluntary and involuntary movement
  5. tissue that provides supports to the body and connects in parts
  6. the most important nutrient
  7. tissue that lines the interior and exterior body surface
  8. system that reproduce gametes
  9. helps the body to absorb fat soluble vitamins
  10. is equal to 1000 calories
  11. brings in oxygen needed for cellular respiration
  12. system that support the body
  13. a group of tissues that works together to perform a single cell
  1. system recognize and coordinates the body
  2. system that eliminates waste products
  3. system that breaks down food
  4. are the major source of energy in the body
  5. system that guards against infection and injury
  6. internal conditions of the human body
  7. supply raw materials for growth
  8. a group of cells with an specific function
  9. protects the body from diseases
  10. systems that transports oxygen and nutrients
  11. system that growths and develop
  12. system that produce voluntary movements

25 Clues: the basic unit of lifeis equal to 1000 caloriesthe most important nutrientsystem that breaks down foodsystem that support the bodysystem that reproduce gametessupply raw materials for growthprotects the body from diseasessystem that growths and developsystem that eliminates waste productsinternal conditions of the human body...

Acquisition Activity 2013-01-31

Acquisition Activity crossword puzzle
  1. tissue that lines the interior and exterior body surface
  2. internal conditions of the human body
  3. the process in which stimulus produces a response
  4. is equal to 1000 calories
  5. system that breaks down food
  6. groups of organs that perform closely related function
  7. system that eliminates waste products
  8. the most important nutrient
  9. tissue that provides supports to the body and connects in parts
  10. supply raw materials for growth
  11. a group of cells with an specific function
  12. system that produce voluntary movements
  13. protects the body from diseases
  14. helps the body to absorb fat soluble vitamins
  15. the basic unit of life
  1. system that reproduce gametes
  2. tissue that makes voluntary and involuntary movement
  3. systems that transports oxygen and nutrients
  4. system that guards against infection and injury
  5. are the major source of energy in the body
  6. system that growths and develop
  7. brings in oxygen needed for cellular respiration
  8. system recognize and coordinates the body
  9. a group of tissues that works together to perform a single cell
  10. system that support the body

25 Clues: the basic unit of lifeis equal to 1000 caloriesthe most important nutrientsystem that breaks down foodsystem that support the bodysystem that reproduce gametessystem that growths and developsupply raw materials for growthprotects the body from diseasesinternal conditions of the human bodysystem that eliminates waste products...

Cells 2023-06-01

Cells crossword puzzle
  1. contains the cells organelles
  2. responsible for communicating messages between the brain and body
  3. produces necessary energy for the cells
  4. the digestive enzymes for the cell
  5. barrier around the cell
  6. The control center of the cell
  7. sorts important proteins and fats in the cell
  8. a network of bubbles and tubes that go rough or smooth
  9. controls the movement of blood
  1. support of the human body
  2. bringing oxygen into the body and expelling carbon dioxide
  3. Protein factories
  4. rigid layer with primary purpose of protecting and providing support for the cell
  5. provides support for the internal structures for the cells
  6. controls the absorption and digestion of food
  7. responsible for making ribosomes
  8. a large membrane in the cell filled with fluid

17 Clues: Protein factoriesbarrier around the cellsupport of the human bodycontains the cells organellesThe control center of the cellcontrols the movement of bloodresponsible for making ribosomesthe digestive enzymes for the cellproduces necessary energy for the cellssorts important proteins and fats in the cellcontrols the absorption and digestion of food...

Acquisition Activity 2013-01-31

Acquisition Activity crossword puzzle
  1. groups of organs that perform closely related function
  2. system recognize and coordinates the body
  3. system that breaks down food
  4. the basic unit of life
  5. are the major source of energy in the body
  6. protects the body from diseases
  7. systems that transports oxygen and nutrients
  8. system that eliminates waste products
  9. system that guards against infection and injury
  10. internal conditions of the human body
  11. system that produce voluntary movements
  12. tissue that provides supports to the body and connects in parts
  1. a group of tissues that works together to perform a single cell
  2. supply raw materials for growth
  3. system that growths and develop
  4. the process in which stimulus produces a response
  5. system that support the body
  6. brings in oxygen needed for cellular respiration
  7. tissue that lines the interior and exterior body surface
  8. a group of cells with an specific function
  9. helps the body to absorb fat soluble vitamins
  10. the most important nutrient
  11. system that reproduce gametes
  12. tissue that makes voluntary and involuntary movement
  13. is equal to 1000 calories

25 Clues: the basic unit of lifeis equal to 1000 caloriesthe most important nutrientsystem that support the bodysystem that breaks down foodsystem that reproduce gametessupply raw materials for growthsystem that growths and developprotects the body from diseasessystem that eliminates waste productsinternal conditions of the human body...