work Crossword Puzzles

WORD WORK 2022-12-14

WORD WORK crossword puzzle
  1. corr___
  2. coll___
  3. gat___
  4. cer___
  5. comm__
  6. gold__
  7. gen___
  8. gingerb____
  9. ceme__
  1. coll___
  2. gira___
  3. cus___
  4. gene___
  5. gym____
  6. gen___
  7. cyc____
  8. ci___
  9. cont__
  10. circ__
  11. gar___
  12. gutt__
  13. goss__
  14. cent___
  15. cent___

24 Clues: ci___cus___gat___gen___cer___comm__cont__circ__gold__gar___gen___gutt__goss__ceme__coll___gira___corr___gene___gym____coll___cyc____cent___cent___gingerb____

term work 2022-12-06

term work crossword puzzle
  1. who was listening in to Karol's confessionsl
  2. what was the highest position Karol got in the church
  3. who sued Newman
  4. where did john die
  5. other then reding where is the other Oratory school
  6. which country invaded Poland at the start of WW2
  7. what does cor ad cor loquitur mean
  8. which family member of Karol died in WW2
  9. were was the Oratory school first built
  10. were did john teach
  11. what did john struggle with even though he was very smart
  1. what does the son the father and the holy spirit make up
  2. where did Karol and his dad tried to escape to at the beginning of the movie
  3. who founded the oratory school
  4. Which group of countries took over Poland after Germany
  5. Where did Karol work at the beginning of WW2
  6. were was john Newman born
  7. where did Karol live in his early life
  8. which of Karol's friends was a priest before he died
  9. what religion did john tern to in the middle of his life
  10. what type of army did Karol's friends join

21 Clues: who sued Newmanwhere did john diewere did john teachwere was john Newman bornwho founded the oratory schoolwhat does cor ad cor loquitur meanwhere did Karol live in his early lifewere was the Oratory school first builtwhich family member of Karol died in WW2what type of army did Karol's friends joinwho was listening in to Karol's confessionsl...

vocab work 2022-09-22

vocab work crossword puzzle
  1. poem which reveals a character though his conversation
  2. an expression comparison of unlike things in which the words like, as, resembles, or similar to are used
  3. what the story means
  4. a group of 2 rhyming lines
  5. what happened
  6. clash of actions, ideas, wills, or forces between protagonist and antagonist or another outside force
  7. main character
  8. a group of repeated lines usually containing the same meter and rhyme scheme
  9. struggle between opposing forces
  10. a story that can be read in one sitting entertaining and insightful
  11. feeling of uncertainty regarding a story's action or outcome, designed to keep the reader's interest
  1. character that stays the same throughout the story
  2. a character that changes
  3. an implied comparison in which one thing is described in terms of another
  4. conversation between characters
  5. poetry tells a story
  6. the author tells the reader directly what the character is like
  7. point of highest identity, the turning point of the story, usually when the conflict is resolved.
  8. opposing character/ rival
  9. struggle within the mind will, emotion of a character
  10. who makes it happens
  11. the suggested meaning or association of a word
  12. time and place of story

23 Clues: what happenedmain characterpoetry tells a storywhat the story meanswho makes it happenstime and place of storya character that changesopposing character/ rivala group of 2 rhyming linesconversation between charactersstruggle between opposing forcesthe suggested meaning or association of a wordcharacter that stays the same throughout the story...

ss work 2022-09-12

ss work crossword puzzle
  1. the number of infant deaths for every 1,000 live births
  2. emigration of highly trained or qualified people from a particular country
  3. physical material that humans need and value such as land, air, and water
  4. the act of coming to live permanently in a foreign country
  5. to greatly reduce the number of people living in a city, region, etc
  6. the concentration of human populations into discrete areas
  7. the number of live births per thousand of population per year.
  8. the number of years a person can expect to live
  9. all the inhabitants of a particular place
  10. the condition of one who is capable of working, actively seeking work, but unable to find any work
  11. a measure of the number of dependents aged zero to 14 and over the age of 65, compared with the total population aged 15 to 64
  12. the trapping of the sun's warmth in a planet's lower atmosphere, due to the greater transparency of the atmosphere to visible radiation from the sun than to infrared radiation emitted from the planet's surface.
  13. sources that will run out or will not be replenished in our lifetimes—or even in many, many lifetimes
  14. the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance which has harmful or poisonous effects
  15. the total number of people who are currently employed plus the number of people who are unemployed and seeking employment
  16. the number of children born alive to women of that age during the year as a proportion of the average annual population of women of the same age
  17. development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
  1. the action of moving to a new place and establishing one's home or business there
  2. the difference between the number of births and the number of deaths recorded over a period
  3. The way in which people are spread across a given area
  4. prevention of wasteful use of a resource.
  5. lacking the skills, abilities, or qualities that are necessary to get or keep a job
  6. an agreement between an employer and an employee that the employee will provide certain services
  7. the act of leaving one's own country to settle permanently in another
  8. a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other pollutants
  9. the department within a business that is responsible for all things worker-related
  10. the condition in which people in a labor force are employed at less than full-time or regular jobs or at jobs inadequate with respect to their training or economic needs
  11. an energy source that cannot be depleted and are able to supply a continuous source of clean energy
  12. gradual changes in all the interconnected weather elements on our planet over approximately 30 years
  13. he system of public works of a country, state, or region
  14. the number of immigrants minus the number of emigrants, including citizens and noncitizens, for the five-year period
  15. an event constituting a new stage in a changing situation
  16. the state of having reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food.
  17. the concentration of individuals within a species in a specific geographic locale
  18. the capacity for doing work. It may exist in potential, kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, or other various forms
  19. the total process of collecting, compiling, evaluating, analysing and publishing or otherwise disseminating demographic, economic and social data pertaining, at a specified time, to all persons in a country or in a well delimited part of a country.
  20. the ratio of deaths to the population of a specific area or during a specific period of time
  21. the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.

38 Clues: prevention of wasteful use of a resource.all the inhabitants of a particular placethe number of years a person can expect to liveThe way in which people are spread across a given areathe number of infant deaths for every 1,000 live birthshe system of public works of a country, state, or region...

Word work 2022-09-20

Word work crossword puzzle
  1. a cow
  2. plural of focus
  3. second half of yourSELF
  4. a single CHILD
  5. a plural of fungi
  6. plural of radius
  7. single of cactuses
  8. the single of fungus
  9. more than one calf
  10. plural of half
  11. a baby cow
  12. plural of self
  1. plural of ox
  2. a extended version of focus
  3. you FOCUS on something
  4. a younger version of animals
  5. a type of living thing
  6. plural of fungi
  7. the single of cactuses
  8. a animal in water an something that we eat
  9. plural of radius
  10. HALF of ten is five
  11. the plural of cacti
  12. a straight line extending from the center of a circle

24 Clues: a cowa baby cowplural of oxa single CHILDplural of halfplural of selfplural of focusplural of fungiplural of radiusplural of radiusa plural of fungisingle of cactusesmore than one calfHALF of ten is fivethe plural of cactithe single of fungusyou FOCUS on somethinga type of living thingthe single of cactusessecond half of yourSELF...


WORK ENVIRONMENT crossword puzzle
  1. when people work only a fraction of the standard time
  2. a repetitive behavior that upsets people
  3. accept a particular job or responsibility
  4. to leave your job because of old age
  5. an official request (usually in writing)
  6. time away from work because of illness
  7. quit
  8. the period between the time you're told and the time it happens
  9. money that is earned
  10. the main offices of an organization or company
  11. a paper that shows how much money you've earned
  1. a person who learns a job without payment
  2. estimation or judgment
  3. the result of working too much too hard
  4. a period which allows the father to be away from work, for his newborn baby
  5. salary
  6. remove someone from their jobs
  7. a person who is learning a new job
  8. something just, equal
  9. despite, in spite of
  10. an asset or a quality for a person

21 Clues: quitsalarydespite, in spite ofmoney that is earnedsomething just, equalestimation or judgmentremove someone from their jobsa person who is learning a new joban asset or a quality for a personto leave your job because of old agetime away from work because of illnessthe result of working too much too harda repetitive behavior that upsets people...

Home Work 2023-03-23

Home Work crossword puzzle
  1. - territory controlled by another country
  2. Indian soldiers' uprising against the British
  3. country under protection of another
  4. conflict between Boers and British
  5. forcing a culture to adopt another
  6. governing a colony directly
  7. British imperialist in Africa
  8. ended the Opium War
  9. compensation for war losses
  10. racist ideology
  11. conflict between China and Britain over opium trade
  12. U.S. policy to promote trade in China
  13. African country never colonized
  14. system of racial segregation
  15. political party in India
  16. governing with a fatherly attitude
  17. created by British
  18. difference between a country's exports and imports
  19. Company British trading company in India
  1. language spoken by Boers
  2. Chinese rebellion against foreign influence
  3. area of political influence
  4. explorers of Africa
  5. when imports exceed exports
  6. Dutch settlers in South Africa
  7. latest Google data:
  8. jurisdiction outside a country's borders
  9. granting privileges to another country
  10. Chinese civil war
  11. Belgian king who colonized Congo
  12. territory controlled jointly by two countries
  13. adding territory to a country
  14. governing a colony indirectly
  15. artificial sea-level waterway
  16. expansion of power

35 Clues: racist ideologyChinese civil warexpansion of powercreated by Britishexplorers of Africalatest Google data:ended the Opium Warlanguage spoken by Boerspolitical party in Indiaarea of political influencewhen imports exceed exportsgoverning a colony directlycompensation for war lossessystem of racial segregationBritish imperialist in Africa...

kitchen work 2023-05-31

kitchen work crossword puzzle
  1. zabielać, ubijać na krem
  2. piec
  3. maczać w sosie
  4. obtaczać
  5. piec w piekarniku (np. mięso)
  6. ubijać masło
  7. piec a ruszcie
  8. karmelizować
  9. mielić
  10. gotować, zagotować
  11. przyprawiać, doprawiać
  12. solić
  13. zamrażać
  1. kroić w kostki
  2. mieszać, łączyć
  3. zapiekać
  4. glazurować
  5. opiekać na ruszcie
  6. wydłubywać łyżką
  7. grillować
  8. obierać
  9. usuwać kości, filetować
  10. tłuc (np. ziemniaki)
  11. trzeć na tarce
  12. przesiewać
  13. wydrążać, usuwać gniazda nasienne
  14. gotowac na parze

27 Clues: piecsolićmielićobieraćzapiekaćobtaczaćzamrażaćgrillowaćglazurowaćprzesiewaćubijać masłokarmelizowaćkroić w kostkimaczać w sosietrzeć na tarcemieszać, łączyćpiec a ruszciewydłubywać łyżkągotowac na parzeopiekać na ruszciegotować, zagotowaćtłuc (np. ziemniaki)przyprawiać, doprawiaćusuwać kości, filetowaćzabielać, ubijać na krem...

Giselle work 2023-08-22

Giselle work crossword puzzle
  1. setting money aside for savings
  2. A history of your payments and your situation
  3. things you own that you can sell for money
  4. a record of taking money from your banking account
  5. the most important
  6. accepts deposits, makes loans
  7. the cost you pay each year to borrow money
  8. money that goes to a person or entity receives for their labor
  9. spending plan based on income and expenses
  10. wanting to know something
  11. to fail or duty
  12. a need that is necessary to live
  13. more than one person borrows money from banks
  14. concept that money today is more than tomorrow
  15. someone who buys or stocks at the direction of clients
  1. prediction of your credit behavior
  2. a payment that you are using your own money from a check
  3. (CD) offered by a bank to save money either debt or credit
  4. borrow money that you will pay back
  5. a way to manger your risk
  6. extra cash just in case anything goes wrong
  7. default of your debt obligations
  8. a legal proceeding initiated when a person or business is unable tp replay debts
  9. process of diversifying or state being diversified
  10. shopping comparing similar products from different stores

25 Clues: to fail or dutythe most importanta way to manger your riskwanting to know somethingaccepts deposits, makes loanssetting money aside for savingsdefault of your debt obligationsa need that is necessary to liveprediction of your credit behaviorborrow money that you will pay backthings you own that you can sell for money...

Home work!! 2024-06-01

Home work!! crossword puzzle
  1. the first noun in the second sentence
  2. the second preposition in the first sentence
  3. the second helping verb in the second sentence
  4. the second pronoun in the first sentence
  5. the first verb in the second sentence
  6. the last pronoun in the first sentence
  7. the only conjunction in the first sentence
  8. the last pronoun in the second sentence
  9. the first adverb in the first sentence
  1. the second noun in the second sentence
  2. oil the second noun in the first sentence
  3. the last verb in the first sentence
  4. the third noun in the second sentence
  5. the number of conjunction in the first sentence
  6. soup the first noun in the first sentence
  7. the taste of desserts
  8. the number of pronoun in the first sentence
  9. the number of verb in the second sentence
  10. the first conjunction in the second sentence
  11. the first adjective in the second sentence

20 Clues: the taste of dessertsthe last verb in the first sentencethe third noun in the second sentencethe first noun in the second sentencethe first verb in the second sentencethe second noun in the second sentencethe last pronoun in the first sentencethe first adverb in the first sentencethe last pronoun in the second sentence...

Work Sayings 2024-06-12

Work Sayings crossword puzzle
  1. let's circle back to this
  2. this is where the rubber meets the road
  3. you need to do this first
  4. when you agree you see this to this
  5. it's important to stay ahead of this
  6. Goose was to Mavericks
  7. if you aren't part of the solution you are part of
  8. there's no I in...
  9. we use this to accelerate a deal
  10. you might do this on your feet
  1. we need to streamline our...
  2. When everything is a priority, nothing is this
  3. to innovate you might need to break this
  4. It's not rocket...
  5. Think outside the ...
  6. keep me in the ...
  7. Don’t put all your eggs in this.
  8. an approach most don't use
  9. a certain kind of storm
  10. Let's touch base about this offline
  11. when you're fully booked, you're up to your neck in...

21 Clues: It's not rocket...keep me in the ...there's no I in...Think outside the ...Goose was to Mavericksa certain kind of stormlet's circle back to thisyou need to do this firstan approach most don't usewe need to streamline might do this on your feetDon’t put all your eggs in this.we use this to accelerate a deal...

Spanish work 2023-09-15

Spanish work crossword puzzle
  1. (school)
  2. (mom)
  3. (to understand)
  4. (teacher)
  5. (daughter)
  6. (book)
  7. (sister)
  8. (notebook)
  9. (kitchen)
  10. (living room)
  11. (question)
  12. (eraser)
  1. (pen)
  2. (desk)
  3. (seat)
  4. (to learn)
  5. (son)
  6. (backpack)
  7. (relatives)
  8. (dad)
  9. (house)
  10. (brother)
  11. (computer)
  12. (Student)
  13. (pencil)

25 Clues: (pen)(mom)(son)(dad)(desk)(seat)(book)(house)(school)(sister)(pencil)(eraser)(teacher)(brother)(Student)(kitchen)(to learn)(backpack)(daughter)(notebook)(computer)(question)(relatives)(living room)(to understand)

scince work 2023-09-21

scince work crossword puzzle
  1. two variables are prpetional if one is changed the the other is also changed by a fixed amount
  2. relationship between pressure and volume
  3. how hot or cold something is
  4. a state of matter no definite shape but has definite volume
  5. the change of a state of from a liquid
  6. periodic back and forth motion of particles
  7. A state of matter that has a definite
  8. solid to a gas without being a liquid
  9. at a point liquid evaporates
  10. temperature at which a liquid freezes
  11. A liquid ressistance following
  1. gas to a liquid
  2. a mixture of particals that can be seen or easily seperated
  3. relationship temperature and volume
  4. temperature when something changes form
  5. A state of matter no definite shape or volume
  6. temperature at water boils
  7. kenetic and thermal energy
  8. a result of an inward pull amoung the molecule
  9. the force pushing on a surface

20 Clues: gas to a liquidtemperature at water boilskenetic and thermal energyhow hot or cold something isat a point liquid evaporatesthe force pushing on a surfaceA liquid ressistance followingrelationship temperature and volumeA state of matter that has a definitesolid to a gas without being a liquidtemperature at which a liquid freezes...

work job 2023-09-28

work job crossword puzzle
  1. jurist
  2. kosmeetik
  3. töö
  4. raamatupidaja
  5. loomaarst
  6. kalakaupmees
  7. müüriladuja
  8. diskor
  9. torumees
  10. talunik
  11. treener
  1. keemik
  2. kirurg
  3. kohtunik
  4. kokk
  5. õmbleja
  6. ihukaitsja
  7. tisler
  8. teller
  9. sekretär

20 Clues: töökokkkeemikjuristkirurgtislerdiskortellerõmblejataluniktreenerkohtuniksekretärtorumeeskosmeetikloomaarstihukaitsjamüüriladujakalakaupmeesraamatupidaja

Work contest 2024-05-07

Work contest crossword puzzle
  1. they pick up our customers
  2. Best Province in Canada
  3. You can eat here at the very least twice a day
  4. put a patch on sometimes
  5. middle meal
  6. you have to do this to get under
  7. color me yellow
  8. give give give
  9. you do this to anything dirty
  10. pull it
  11. What the 5 guys do
  12. What Phil does to your vehicle
  13. its not broken anymore
  14. You need this on your vehicle
  15. Push with
  1. Dark Roast
  2. we each got one
  3. We all have one
  4. Needed to put things together
  5. our customers are put up here sometimes
  6. Every one has one and in some cases two
  7. What is the most popular last name here
  8. This is in most tires
  9. Every vehicle will need this
  10. who sits in our lounge
  11. What most women love to do
  12. A place water gathers with only one out
  13. put together
  14. Where are we located
  15. take take take
  16. What is our company all about

31 Clues: pull itPush withDark Roastmiddle mealput togethergive give givetake take takewe each got oneWe all have onecolor me yellowWhat the 5 guys doWhere are we locatedThis is in most tireswho sits in our loungeits not broken anymoreBest Province in Canadaput a patch on sometimesthey pick up our customersWhat most women love to do...

Word Work 2024-01-30

Word Work crossword puzzle
  1. the present participle form of hope
  2. a Greek suffix meaning "study of"
  3. the plural form of the Greek noun "elephant"
  4. the past tense form of the verb fit
  5. the part of speech of jump
  6. the present participle form of hop
  7. the part of speech of "lucky"
  8. the opposite of fit
  9. Your teacher may ask you to make your spelling test legible, so you will have to ____ it
  10. the opposite of agree
  11. the opposite of lucky
  1. Make the noun "bench" plural
  2. the opposite of fortunate
  3. opposite of ease
  4. a Greek root meaning "fear"
  5. the past tense form of the verb dance
  6. a Greek root meaning "sound"
  7. to visit again
  8. the part of speech of "luck"
  9. appear again
  10. the past tense form of the verb fill
  11. the opposite of like

22 Clues: appear againto visit againopposite of easethe opposite of fitthe opposite of likethe opposite of agreethe opposite of luckythe opposite of fortunatethe part of speech of jumpa Greek root meaning "fear"Make the noun "bench" plurala Greek root meaning "sound"the part of speech of "luck"the part of speech of "lucky"a Greek suffix meaning "study of"...

Work Vocabulary 2024-03-12

Work Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Planned activity with specific goals to achieve
  2. plan with a specific end goal in mind
  3. detail proposal to complete task
  4. arrange in order
  5. people you work with
  6. work together with other to achieve a common goal
  7. introduce new methods, ideas, products
  8. put into action or execute
  9. time something needs to be completed
  10. make an action or process easier
  11. be in charge or control of people or tasks
  1. display information or ideas to audience
  2. guide or direct a group or activity
  3. give a task or responsibility to another person
  4. group formed for a specific purpose
  5. deal with tasks in order of importance
  6. exchange information or ideas
  7. perform multiple tasks simultaneously
  8. determine effectiveness,value, or nature of something
  9. examine in detail
  10. formal meeting for discussion or exchange information

21 Clues: arrange in orderexamine in detailpeople you work withput into action or executeexchange information or ideasdetail proposal to complete taskmake an action or process easierguide or direct a group or activitygroup formed for a specific purposetime something needs to be completedplan with a specific end goal in mind...

Masonry work 2024-04-03

Masonry work crossword puzzle
  1. katma
  2. kiirus
  3. traditsiooniline
  4. täpne
  5. eelis
  6. suurem
  7. isolatsioon
  8. vajaminev
  9. ilm
  10. plokid
  1. müüriladumine
  2. vähendama
  3. tellised
  4. rahuldav
  5. viimistlus
  6. kauakestev
  7. töö
  8. kaasa arvama
  9. vastupidav
  10. tulemus

20 Clues: tööilmkatmatäpneeeliskiirussuuremplokidtulemustellisedrahuldavvähendamavajaminevviimistluskauakestevvastupidavisolatsioonkaasa arvamamüüriladuminetraditsiooniline

EGP Work 2024-03-08

EGP Work crossword puzzle
  1. the way the writer organizes the writing to develop a point or provide information
  2. a point of view or opinion about a problem, situation, or issue
  3. the underlying emotion pronounced by a word or phrase
  4. tending to annoy or cause ill will; overly aggressive
  5. feeling, exhibiting, or characterized, by reverence
  6. exposing human folly to ridicule
  7. using or showing judgement as to action or practical expediency
  8. of, relating to, or characteristic of conversation:
  9. not reverent; manifesting or characterized by irreverence; deficient in veneration or respect
  10. showing or implying a usually patronizing descent from dignity or superiority
  1. a word or phrase used to limit the meaning of a word
  2. directly related to the issue being discussed
  3. to draw conclusions from the evidence given
  4. full of or showing disdain; scornful.
  5. haughty, disdainful, or supercilious:
  6. words or phrases that connect one idea to another
  7. frank; outspoken; open and sincere
  8. a wistful or excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition
  9. feeling or expressing extreme annoyance or irritation
  10. of or relating to a practical point of view or practical considerations.

20 Clues: exposing human folly to ridiculefrank; outspoken; open and sincerefull of or showing disdain; scornful.haughty, disdainful, or supercilious:to draw conclusions from the evidence givendirectly related to the issue being discussedwords or phrases that connect one idea to anotherfeeling, exhibiting, or characterized, by reverence...

Work Crossword 2024-02-27

Work Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Any type of case where injury has occurred.
  2. This happens when nothing is being said during a call.
  3. We call the people who call the firms potential new ______.
  4. Focus and answer each question in the intake with _________.
  5. Our firms handle a _______ of case types.
  6. The ______ chat is the group chat you can reach out to for help.
  7. The 3 C's of documentation are Clear, Concise, and _______.
  8. Product _________ is for cases where products have caused harm or injury.
  9. Any prescription or over the counter medication related injury.
  10. We are 100% legal intake for firms that value legendary empathy, consistent professionalism, and _____ ____ on every call.
  11. Pay close attention to ______.
  12. Transfer the _______ first before the caller.
  13. Empathy is made up of Connection, words, and ______.
  14. Any type of case where no injury was involved
  1. What tab do we put the information of the person who was injured but not the person who is calling?
  2. The ______ info tab is where you can find information about the firm.
  3. If the caller provides information before it is asked in your script, _______ rather than asking.
  4. You are an intake ____________
  5. ________ listen to thee caller by taking notes.
  6. The ability to understand and share feelings with others.
  7. These people will answer the call initially to determine if a call is for a new case or not.
  8. The 3 A's are Attitude, ______, and Acceptance.
  9. You can have a caller on hold for up to ____ minutes.
  10. How many rings you wait before transferring the script?
  11. We serve the _______ and the caller.

25 Clues: You are an intake ____________Pay close attention to ______.We serve the _______ and the caller.Our firms handle a _______ of case types.Any type of case where injury has occurred.Transfer the _______ first before the caller.Any type of case where no injury was involved________ listen to thee caller by taking notes....

lexical work 2020-12-08

lexical work crossword puzzle
  1. liking to talk a lot in a friendly way
  2. iterary to do something to hurt or punish someone because they have harmed or offended you
  3. worried about something
  4. to pretend to have a particular feeling or to be ill, asleep etc
  5. a feeling that you cannot trust someone
  6. to make someone feel admiration and respect
  7. when two things happen at the same time, in the same place, or to the same people in a way that seems surprising or unusual
  8. unfriendly and deliberately not talking to other people
  9. unable to see
  10. to cover or fill a space or room with too many things, so that it looks very untidy
  11. to develop and change gradually over a long period of time
  12. thinking deeply about something private, rather than about what is happening around you
  13. an agreement that is achieved after everyone involved accepts less than what they wanted at first, or the act of making this agreement
  14. to praise someone in order to please them or get something from them, even though you do not mean it
  15. the measurement of how long something is from one end to the other
  1. one of the fixed social classes, which cannot be changed, into which people are born in India
  2. unable to control your behaviour, speech etc because you have drunk too much alcohol
  3. giving someone or something a lot of love and attention
  4. having no worries or problems
  5. imagine a particular situation or to think about something in a particular way
  6. believing that you should live according to high standards and principles, even if they cannot really be achieved, or showing this belief
  7. to understand how serious or important a situation or problem is or what someone’s feelings are
  8. consisting of many different parts and often difficult to understand
  9. is unclear, confusing, or not certain, especially because it can be understood in more than one way
  10. physically unable to hear anything or unable to hear well
  11. the amount of a substance that is contained in something, especially food or drink

26 Clues: unable to seeworried about somethinghaving no worries or problemsliking to talk a lot in a friendly waya feeling that you cannot trust someoneto make someone feel admiration and respectgiving someone or something a lot of love and attentionunfriendly and deliberately not talking to other people...

Word Work 2021-06-02

Word Work crossword puzzle
  1. Type of mineral
  2. You hit a nail with a
  3. metal rope
  4. Almost the same as a university
  5. Keeps wood together
  6. Need a hole
  7. The opposite of negative
  8. Sibling sometimes _____ you
  9. The opposite of positive
  10. Mr. A writes something on your assignments
  1. perhaps
  2. Used to undo a bolt
  3. Lines that never meet
  4. Can be seen on Halloween
  5. Type of bird with light blue eggs
  6. Two decimal placed to the right
  7. More than one movie or book
  8. My phone is dead I must _____ it
  9. Where adults can go to school
  10. One decimal place to the right

20 Clues: perhapsmetal ropeNeed a holeType of mineralUsed to undo a boltKeeps wood togetherLines that never meetYou hit a nail with aCan be seen on HalloweenThe opposite of negativeThe opposite of positiveMore than one movie or bookSibling sometimes _____ youWhere adults can go to schoolOne decimal place to the rightTwo decimal placed to the right...

cross work 2021-06-02

cross work crossword puzzle
  1. polygon with six sides
  2. result of an experiment
  3. tool used to draw circles and parts of circles
  4. polygon with nine sides
  5. reversing the hypothesis and conclusion of a conditional
  6. is a shape with six faces
  7. set of points that cross each other
  8. the area around a circle
  9. group of outcomes in a situation involving probability
  1. polygon with five sides
  2. two dimensional pattern that can fold to form a three dimensional figure
  3. polygon with eight sides
  4. distance from the center to a side
  5. if-then statement
  6. has the opposite meaning of the original statement
  7. equation that is true for the values of a variable
  8. rule that shows the relationship between two or more quantities
  9. formed by two rays with the same endpoint
  10. polygon with ten sides
  11. number of square units enclosed by the figure

20 Clues: if-then statementpolygon with six sidespolygon with ten sidespolygon with five sidesresult of an experimentpolygon with nine sidespolygon with eight sidesthe area around a circleis a shape with six facesdistance from the center to a sideset of points that cross each otherformed by two rays with the same endpoint...

Work Burnout 2022-08-15

Work Burnout crossword puzzle
  1. пример, случай
  2. успокаивать
  3. поведение
  4. предлагать
  5. парень, малый
  6. обычный
  7. выгорание
  8. без
  9. безнадежный
  10. хандра, тоска
  11. страдать
  12. менять
  13. беспечный
  14. встреча, приём
  1. выздоравливать
  2. еще один, другой
  3. пока не...
  4. перегрузка
  5. усилие
  6. на самом деле
  7. терять
  8. разница
  9. оба, обе
  10. связанный с работой
  11. удачливый
  12. иметь дело, справляться
  13. тот же, такой же
  14. следовать

28 Clues: безусилиетерятьменятьобычныйразницаоба, обестрадатьповедениевыгораниеудачливыйбеспечныйследоватьпредлагатьпока не...перегрузкауспокаиватьбезнадежныйпарень, малыйна самом делехандра, тоскавыздоравливатьпример, случайвстреча, приёмеще один, другойтот же, такой жесвязанный с работойиметь дело, справляться

Barack work 2022-09-15

Barack work crossword puzzle
  1. the area of a lake or pond that extends from the littoral zone across the top of the water
  2. is a large area characterized by its climate and the plants and animals that live in the area.
  3. nonliving things that are in an environment.
  4. a thick subsurface layer of soil that remains frozen throughout the year
  5. biomes that are very dry and often very hot
  6. a wetland ecosystem in which shrubs and trees grow
  7. a treeless wetland ecosystem where plants such as grass grow
  8. is a vast patch of ocean named for a genus of free-floating seaweed
  9. the are to water closet to the edge of a lake or pond
  10. a river or stream flowing into a larger river or lake
  11. are tiny organisms that float near the surface of the water
  1. a large open area of country covered with grass
  2. of a tree or shrub broadleaved.
  3. a biome that has very cold temperatures and little rainfall
  4. a staple or clamp securing an object to a wall or other surface
  5. beneath the open-water zone is the deep-water z
  6. a grassland that has scattered clumps of trees and seasonal rain
  7. An area where fresh water from streams and rivers spills into the ocean
  8. an ornamental cloth covering hung or held up over something
  9. living things that are in an environment.
  10. an area of land that is periodically underwater or whose soil contains a great deal of moisture

21 Clues: of a tree or shrub things that are in an environment.biomes that are very dry and often very hotnonliving things that are in an environment.a large open area of country covered with grassbeneath the open-water zone is the deep-water za wetland ecosystem in which shrubs and trees grow...

WORD WORK 2022-12-14

WORD WORK crossword puzzle
  1. corr___
  2. coll___
  3. gat___
  4. cer___
  5. comm__
  6. gold__
  7. gen___
  8. gingerb____
  9. ceme__
  1. coll___
  2. gira___
  3. cus___
  4. gene___
  5. gym____
  6. gen___
  7. cyc____
  8. ci___
  9. cont__
  10. circ__
  11. gar___
  12. gutt__
  13. goss__
  14. cent___
  15. cent___

24 Clues: ci___cus___gat___gen___cer___comm__cont__circ__gold__gar___gen___gutt__goss__ceme__coll___gira___corr___gene___gym____coll___cyc____cent___cent___gingerb____

holiday/work 2022-12-20

holiday/work crossword puzzle
  1. Where is Michele from?
  2. Elvis will have what kind of Christmas?
  3. how many players are on a baseball team?
  4. Who is the villain in Tarzan?
  5. What color is Rudolph's nose?
  6. what is the 7th reindeer's name?
  7. What is Melissa baking this weekend?
  8. weeks How long will forgiveness take to process?
  9. Who is the borrower with a Parent Plus loan?
  10. What is the name of the pagan festival that began the traditions of wreaths, candles, feasting and gift giving in December?
  11. What does NA stand for in the periodic table?
  1. Who works in Santa's workshop?
  2. What planet is the closest to Earth?
  3. What is Ralphie's little brother's name in A Christmas Story?
  4. who can request a refund?
  5. What is the rarest blood type?
  6. What bird is associated with delivering babies?
  7. a Jewish festival lasting 8 days.
  8. What is hung on the fireplace with care?
  9. How many borrower's will get relief without applying?
  10. Phonetic Alphabet for the letter Z.
  11. What store does Miracle on 34th St. focus on?

22 Clues: Where is Michele from?who can request a refund?Who is the villain in Tarzan?What color is Rudolph's nose?Who works in Santa's workshop?What is the rarest blood type?what is the 7th reindeer's name?a Jewish festival lasting 8 days.Phonetic Alphabet for the letter Z.What planet is the closest to Earth?What is Melissa baking this weekend?...

science work 2022-11-16

science work crossword puzzle
  1. The difference in elevation between one
  2. The flow of mass of mud or rock and soil mixed with a large amount of water
  3. Equal elevation of a map
  4. Science Modules are comprehensive science kits that investigate key science topics through the powerful combination of hands-on activities and content.
  5. A relationship between the measurements on a model,map, or diagram and the actual measurements or distance
  6. Remote Sensing is the science of capturing information about the earth's surface using reflected or emitted energy collected by sensors mounted on satellites, aircrafts or drones.
  7. Fine-grained sediment of quartz, feldspar, hornblende, mic, and clay deposited by the wind
  8. A geographic information system is a type of database containing geographic data, combined with software tools for managing, analyzing, and visualizing those data.
  9. The boundary between land and the bodys of water
  10. Index contours are bold or thicker lines that appear at every fifth contour line.
  11. A mound of wind-deposited sand that moves as a result of the action of wind
  12. The size and shape of the land surfaces features of a region including its relief
  13. The slow downhill movement of weathered rock material
  14. The rock material carried and deposited by glacials
  15. An alluvial fan is a triangle-shaped deposit of gravel, sand, and even smaller pieces of sediment, such as silt. This sediment is called alluvium. Alluvial fans are usually created as flowing water interacts with mountains, hills, or the steep walls of canyons.
  16. Sand narrow island that lies parallel to the shores
  17. An area of the shoreline that is made up of deposited sediment
  1. Deposition is the laying down of sediment carried by wind, flowing water, the sea or ice. Sediment can be transported as pebbles, sand and mud, or as salts dissolved in water. Salts may later be deposited by organic activity (e.g. as sea shells) or by evaporation.
  2. A floodplain (or floodplain) is a generally flat area of land next to a river or stream. It stretches from the banks of the river to the outer edges of the valley. A floodplain consists of two parts. The first is the main channel of the river itself, called the floodway. Floodways can sometimes be seasonal, meaning the channel is dry for part of the year.
  3. The Global Positioning System, originally Navstar GPS, is a satellite-based radionavigation system owned by the United States government and operated by the United States Space Force.
  4. Erosion is the geological process in which earthen materials are worn away and transported by natural forces such as wind or water. A similar process, weathering, breaks down or dissolves rock, but does not involve movement.
  5. The difference between the highest and lowest elevation in a given area ;the variations in elevation of land surfaces
  6. slope, Numerical measure of a line's inclination relative to the horizontal.
  7. The water that is beneath earth's surface.
  8. The rapid mass movement of the rock down a steep slope or cliff
  9. Shows the surface features of earth
  10. The sudden movement of rock and soil down a slope
  11. A large mass of ice
  12. A low ridge of sand deposited along the shore of a lake or sea

29 Clues: A large mass of iceEqual elevation of a mapShows the surface features of earthThe difference in elevation between oneThe water that is beneath earth's surface.The boundary between land and the bodys of waterThe sudden movement of rock and soil down a slopeThe rock material carried and deposited by glacials...

Modern Work 2019-05-23

Modern Work crossword puzzle
  1. It is important to take these during your day and throughout the week to ensure that you have time to reflect and be at one with yourself.
  2. The state of being legally responsible for something
  3. The use of an office or other working environment by people who are self-employed or working for different employers, typically so as to share equipment, ideas, and knowledge
  4. The management of revenues; the conduct or transaction of money matters generally, especially those affecting the public, as in the fields of banking and investment. finances, the monetary resources, as of a government, company, organization, or individual; revenue.
  5. A person hired for wages or salary, especially at non-executive level.
  6. Doing this regularly can have a profoundly positive impact on depression, anxiety, ADHD, and more. It also relieves stress, improves memory, helps you sleep better, and boosts your overall mood.
  7. A person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being
  8. Talking therapy that can help you manage your problems by changing the way you think and behave.
  9. Therapy that involves a trained therapist listening to you and helping you find ways to deal with emotional issues.
  10. The action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts
  1. A plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim
  2. Activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness.
  3. The division of one's time and focus between working and family or leisure activities.
  4. Work jointly on an activity or project
  5. A person's regular occupation, profession, or trade
  6. A thing providing protection against a possible eventuality
  7. This is helpful to filling a skills gap in order to build your confidence in your profession.
  8. A course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organisation or individual. Good or satisfactory condition of existence; a state characterised by health, happiness, and prosperity; welfare
  9. People do this in order to relax and take themselves away from their busy work life.
  10. Can often be a word related to sports such as gymnastics.
  11. The group of people with the authority to govern a country or state; a particular ministry in office
  12. Two in five suggest that expanding their client base could help their financial wellbeing. This is a form of financial _______.
  13. A legislation that is designed to combat tax avoidance by workers supplying their services to clients via an intermediary, such as a limited company, but who would be an employee if the intermediary was not used
  14. The object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result

24 Clues: Work jointly on an activity or projectA person's regular occupation, profession, or tradeThe state of being legally responsible for somethingCan often be a word related to sports such as gymnastics.A thing providing protection against a possible eventualityA plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim...

Pls work 2019-11-08

Pls work crossword puzzle
  1. Old and tiresome
  2. Disorderly crowd
  3. Naive and unsophisticated female
  4. A face meant for television
  5. Reprimand-able
  6. Playful
  7. Renovation
  8. The act of throwing someone out of the window
  9. Act of preaching
  10. Rob
  11. Undisciplined
  12. Thief
  13. Wine Taster
  14. Unexpected
  15. Morally Right attitude
  1. Reaffirm
  2. Lessen
  3. Enter forcefully
  4. Prophetic
  5. Turn to Dust
  6. Negative Approach
  7. Strongly Influenced
  8. A person who dislikes humankind and avoids society
  9. Shining
  10. Mythical creature with the body of a lion face of a man and sting of a scorpion
  11. Throwback
  12. Smell
  13. State of disuse
  14. Excuse oneself
  15. Late evening; almost night
  16. Lead to as a result (of)
  17. Analysis

32 Clues: RobSmellThiefLessenShiningPlayfulReaffirmAnalysisPropheticThrowbackRenovationUnexpectedWine TasterTurn to DustUndisciplinedReprimand-ableExcuse oneselfState of disuseEnter forcefullyOld and tiresomeDisorderly crowdAct of preachingNegative ApproachStrongly InfluencedMorally Right attitudeLead to as a result (of)Late evening; almost night...

Spelling work 2020-09-30

Spelling work crossword puzzle
  1. something used to protect and cover something
  2. a map showing the plan of something
  3. something other than someone’s own
  4. attracts bees with its nectar
  5. a deodorant
  6. to leave a position
  7. an arrangement of plants
  8. to have wrinkles
  9. to have every corner around you occupied
  10. to have been wrote
  11. to hit with someone’s knee, past tense
  1. a person who plays the sport of grappling according to the rules
  2. something that reflects an image
  3. a method of making a knot
  4. the part at the middle of your finger that bends
  5. to shoot it you need a bow
  6. a duty
  7. a manual machine used for print letters
  8. to be rite
  9. to have knowledge

20 Clues: a dutyto be ritea deodorantto have wrinklesto have knowledgeto have been wroteto leave a positionan arrangement of plantsa method of making a knotto shoot it you need a bowattracts bees with its nectarsomething that reflects an imagesomething other than someone’s owna map showing the plan of somethingto hit with someone’s knee, past tense...

english work 2020-08-19

english work crossword puzzle
  1. Consent given by a person with the authority to do so.
  2. search or chase animals
  3. set of qualities for which a person or thing is appreciated or valuable
  4. Protect action
  5. Action to conserve or conserve
  6. Stay alive after the death of a person or an accident.
  7. Atmosphere or air that is breathed or surrounds living beings.
  8. Stop owning a certain thing because of some circumstance.
  1. Action to develop or develop.
  2. group of rocks and earth in a very high place
  3. Part of biology that studies the relationships of living beings with each other and with the environment in which they live.
  4. Stop being alive
  5. liquid, gaseous or solid toxic substance
  6. Activity that consists of trading products
  7. It's not authorized
  8. Cultivation of the land
  9. Destroy action.
  10. That he is little given to being cheerful.
  11. Recreational activity that consists of traveling
  12. Action or activity of working.

20 Clues: Protect actionDestroy action.Stop being aliveIt's not authorizedsearch or chase animalsCultivation of the landAction to develop or develop.Action to conserve or conserveAction or activity of working.liquid, gaseous or solid toxic substanceActivity that consists of trading productsThat he is little given to being cheerful....

Jonatan’s work 2020-10-14

Jonatan’s work crossword puzzle
  1. work different times of the day or night
  2. the inside surface of a room,above of you
  3. A person whose help people that dont talk the same leguages
  4. a person whose job is to design machines
  5. A person that guide people into a awesomes places
  6. Someone who is famous
  7. An object you goal to shot
  8. A person who desing the image of acompany
  9. be dimissed from a job
  10. A person that fix machines
  1. A person whose study the animals
  2. When a rocket is ready, it do this.
  3. A short phrase easy to remember
  4. The time you can travel
  5. A person who edit somthing
  6. A person whose job is remember the laws
  7. A person whose job is know history
  8. When you can decide your schedule
  9. A person whose do illustrations
  10. A rule maded by the goverment
  11. When you get something extra
  12. When you have long hours of job
  13. work additional hours

23 Clues: Someone who is famouswork additional hoursbe dimissed from a jobThe time you can travelA person who edit somthingAn object you goal to shotA person that fix machinesWhen you get something extraA rule maded by the govermentA short phrase easy to rememberA person whose do illustrationsWhen you have long hours of jobA person whose study the animals...

word work 2020-11-06

word work crossword puzzle
  1. generous in assistance to the poor
  2. a specialist in philosophy
  3. Relating to or characteristic of a father or fatherhood
  4. of relating to or used by several different families
  5. a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another
  6. not subject to death
  7. a humanist specializing in classical scholarship
  8. having or known by several different names
  9. the names of a region or language
  10. a collector and student of postage stamps
  11. a method of computing in which different parts of task are distributed between two or more similar central processing units
  12. A heat-cured Italian sausage usually made of ground pork and cubes of pork fat and flavored with wine and spices.
  13. a loan for the purchase of a reality property
  1. One of the large beads on a rosary on which the Lord's Prayer is said.
  2. a electronic sensing device used to detect weak electromagnetic radiation typically light and amplify its energy via the photoelectric effect.
  3. A paronymous word
  4. the state of being father
  5. endless life or existence
  6. to increase the number amount or degree
  7. a man who is the the head of the household or father of the family
  8. have amorous affairs
  9. Allied by derivation from the same root; having the same stem; for example, beautiful and beauteous
  10. having many colors
  11. to experience shame humiliation or wounded pride

24 Clues: A paronymous wordhaving many colorsnot subject to deathhave amorous affairsthe state of being fatherendless life or existencea specialist in philosophythe names of a region or languagegenerous in assistance to the poorto increase the number amount or degreea collector and student of postage stampshaving or known by several different names...

English work 2020-04-18

English work crossword puzzle
  1. is made after a reaction
  2. fighting for 1 day
  3. usually purses are in this shape
  4. happens after an action
  5. colon inserted in sentences
  6. products used to make a reaction happen
  7. cannot wait
  8. stopping
  9. is very important in english
  10. a natural disaster
  11. a metal thing inserted under a wooden stick
  1. a lot pictures inserted
  2. a complicated drawing technique
  3. vertical line inserted in shapes
  4. tea party an event against Britain
  5. equation words that make up a equation
  6. reaction a term in science which is almost like cooking
  7. numbers
  8. fighting for a longtime
  9. a group of shapes in math
  10. we have to use a lot of mathematical operation

21 Clues: numbersstoppingcannot waitfighting for 1 daya natural disastera lot pictures insertedhappens after an actionfighting for a longtimeis made after a reactiona group of shapes in mathis very important in englishcolon inserted in sentencesa complicated drawing techniqueusually purses are in this shapevertical line inserted in shapes...

word work 2020-09-27

word work crossword puzzle
  1. an explosive device but not TNT
  2. to make equal
  3. a vent like passage
  4. this is a pat of production
  5. two younger ancient greek poems
  6. an imaginary line on the earth
  7. an emotional state
  8. another word for generator
  9. this means to introduce
  10. having the same quantity
  1. this is when you see the future
  2. to prohibit or forbid
  3. to make equivalent
  4. the study of the effects of dynamics
  5. an important part of court
  6. a painful menstruation
  7. this means when it is difficult to foresee
  8. the study of electronics
  9. make it difficult to speak
  10. this is a pipe used for transport

20 Clues: to make equalto make equivalentan emotional statea vent like passageto prohibit or forbida painful menstruationthis means to introducethe study of electronicshaving the same quantityan important part of courtmake it difficult to speakanother word for generatorthis is a pat of productionan imaginary line on the earththis is when you see the future...

Work Ethics 2020-12-29

Work Ethics crossword puzzle
  1. هي
  2. عضو
  3. انقل- تحرك
  4. قديم
  5. فريق
  6. هم
  7. منتج
  8. هو
  9. اسحب
  10. مهمة
  11. جديد
  12. اوجد
  1. تذكر
  2. يلتقى
  3. اكمل
  4. اجتماع
  5. استمع
  6. احمل
  7. ادفع
  8. نحن

20 Clues: هيهمهوعضونحنتذكراكملقديمفريقمنتجاحملاسحبادفعمهمةجديداوجديلتقىاستمعاجتماعانقل- تحرك

Work Ethics 2020-12-29

Work Ethics crossword puzzle
  1. اسحب
  2. تذكر
  3. قديم
  4. اجتماع
  5. هي
  6. يلتقى
  7. فريق
  8. استمع
  9. هو
  10. هم
  1. احمل
  2. جديد
  3. منتج
  4. اوجد
  5. ادفع
  6. نحن
  7. عضو
  8. أنا
  9. اكمل
  10. انقل- تحرك
  11. مهمة

21 Clues: هيهوهمنحنعضوأنااحملجديداسحبمنتجتذكرقديماوجدادفعاكملفريقمهمةيلتقىاستمعاجتماعانقل- تحرك

Ela work 2021-09-29

Ela work crossword puzzle
  1. a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
  2. a group of lines forming the basic recurring metrical unit in a poem; a verse.
  3. a poem or song narrating a story in short stanzas.
  4. the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
  5. a formal type of poetry which expresses personal emotions or feelings, typically spoken in the first person.
  6. verse poetry that does not rhyme or have a regular meter.
  7. In music, an octave (Latin: octaves: eighth) or perfect octave (sometimes called the diapason) is the interval between one musical pitch and another with double its frequency.
  8. a musical or vocal sound with reference to its pitch, quality, and strength.
  9. a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.
  10. the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.
  11. correspondence of sound between words or the endings of words, especially when these are used at the ends of lines of poetry.
  12. a poem of fourteen lines using any of several formal rhyme schemes, in English typically having ten syllables per line.
  1. an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning.
  2. two lines of verse, usually in the same meter and joined by rhyme, that form a unit.
  3. poetry tells stories through verse.
  4. a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead.
  5. a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound.
  6. (In verse) a five-line stanza.
  7. a long poem, typically one derived from ancient oral tradition, narrating the deeds and adventures of heroic or legendary figures or the history of a nation.
  8. stop oneself from doing something.

20 Clues: (In verse) a five-line stanza.stop oneself from doing something.poetry tells stories through verse.a poem or song narrating a story in short stanzas.a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound.verse poetry that does not rhyme or have a regular meter.a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead....

Ela work 2021-09-29

Ela work crossword puzzle
  1. verse poetry that does not rhyme or have a regular meter.
  2. a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead.
  3. (In verse) a five-line stanza.
  4. a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
  5. an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning.
  6. the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.
  7. correspondence of sound between words or the endings of words, especially when these are used at the ends of lines of poetry.
  8. a group of lines forming the basic recurring metrical unit in a poem; a verse.
  9. two lines of verse, usually in the same meter and joined by rhyme, that form a unit.
  1. stop oneself from doing something.
  2. a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.
  3. a poem or song narrating a story in short stanzas.
  4. a musical or vocal sound with reference to its pitch, quality, and strength.
  5. poetry tells stories through verse.
  6. the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
  7. a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound.
  8. a poem of fourteen lines using any of several formal rhyme schemes, in English typically having ten syllables per line.
  9. In music, an octave (Latin: octaves: eighth) or perfect octave (sometimes called the diapason) is the interval between one musical pitch and another with double its frequency.
  10. a formal type of poetry which expresses personal emotions or feelings, typically spoken in the first person.
  11. a long poem, typically one derived from ancient oral tradition, narrating the deeds and adventures of heroic or legendary figures or the history of a nation.

20 Clues: (In verse) a five-line stanza.stop oneself from doing something.poetry tells stories through verse.a poem or song narrating a story in short stanzas.verse poetry that does not rhyme or have a regular meter.a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound.a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead....

lexical work 2021-02-17

lexical work crossword puzzle
  1. not including needless details or formalities
  2. make a general or broad statement by inferring from specific cases
  3. design or produce (something) to meet someone's individual requirements
  4. a comfortably equipped single-decker bus used for longer journeys
  5. in a state of peaceful happiness
  6. become larger in distance from side to side
  7. become accustomed to a new climate or new conditions adjust
  8. in a deliberate and positive way
  9. conforming with generally accepted standards of respectable or moral behaviour
  10. one of a series of upright frames over which athletes in a race must jump
  1. the education of children at home by their parents
  2. identify (someone or something) from having encountered them before
  3. the upper part of the human body, or the front or upper part of the body of an animal, typically separated from the rest of the body by a neck, and containing the brain, mouth, and sense organs
  4. showing wild, apparently deranged, excitement and energy
  5. not involving anyone or anything else
  6. begin
  7. poke with a finger, foot, or pointed object
  8. exchange or express diverging or opposite views, typically in a heated or angry way
  9. write or draw (something) carelessly or hurriedly
  10. an instrument that measures and gives a visual display of the amount, level, or contents of something

20 Clues: beginin a state of peaceful happinessin a deliberate and positive waynot involving anyone or anything elsepoke with a finger, foot, or pointed objectbecome larger in distance from side to sidenot including needless details or formalitieswrite or draw (something) carelessly or hurriedlythe education of children at home by their parents...

Work Assignment 2021-03-24

Work Assignment crossword puzzle
  1. Membrane-bound organelle that generates most of the chemical energy needed to power the cell
  2. Process by which organisms DON’T use oxygen to get energy/break sugars down
  3. green pigment found in plants (chloroplasts); absorbs light which helps plants complete photosynthesis
  4. a substance that dissolves a solute
  5. materials can go through it
  6. Organelle that conducts photosynthesis
  7. A pore, found in the epidermis of leaves, stems, and other organs
  8. Is ATP minus one phosphate group; used to store and release energy in an organism
  9. nothing can go through it
  10. State of steady internal, physical, and chemical conditions maintained by living systems
  11. a simple sugar
  12. Movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to low concentration
  13. An organism that cannot produce its own food, instead taking nutrition from other sources of organic carbon, mainly plant or animal matter
  14. Biological process which converts sugars such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose into cellular energy
  1. 100% water
  2. is selective in which chemicals enter and exit the cell
  3. C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O
  4. Process by which organisms use oxygen to turn fuel, such as fats and sugars, into chemical energy
  5. Special name given to the diffusion of water
  6. get bigger/gain volume
  7. When the concentration of molecules is the same throughout
  8. An organism that’s able to make its own food (usually via photosynthesis)
  9. Separates the cell from things on the outside of it
  10. Energy-carrying molecule found in the cells of all living things
  11. get smaller/lose volume
  12. 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2
  13. a substance that is dissolved in a solution

27 Clues: 100% watera simple sugarget bigger/gain volumeget smaller/lose volumenothing can go through itC6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2Omaterials can go through it6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2a substance that dissolves a soluteOrganelle that conducts photosynthesisa substance that is dissolved in a solutionSpecial name given to the diffusion of water...

Word Work 2021-10-28

Word Work crossword puzzle
  1. A strong feeling of dislike
  2. A substance that stops the effects of a poison
  3. Not able to do something
  4. A support or stand for a camera or telescope that has three legs
  5. Heard or able to be heard
  6. Pictures or words painted or drawn on a wall
  7. Not knowing how to read or write
  8. To become lower in amount or number
  9. Not thinking clearly
  10. Not able or willing to believe something
  11. To say the opposite of something
  1. A picture made by a camera
  2. Not normal or usual
  3. Not involving or using words
  4. A doctor who treats injuries and diseases of the foot
  5. To cause someone to feel ashamed
  6. An outdated system of sending messages
  7. A paper copy of a document or picture
  8. A quality, skill, or experience
  9. A substance that prevents infection in a wound by killing bacteria
  10. A person walking in a city or along a road
  11. Not thinking about things in a sensible way
  12. Not friendly to other people
  13. To take something away from someone or something
  14. Act against something

25 Clues: Not normal or usualNot thinking clearlyAct against somethingNot able to do somethingHeard or able to be heardA picture made by a cameraA strong feeling of dislikeNot involving or using wordsNot friendly to other peopleA quality, skill, or experienceTo cause someone to feel ashamedNot knowing how to read or writeTo say the opposite of something...

Word Work 2021-10-28

Word Work crossword puzzle
  1. A strong feeling of dislike
  2. A substance that stops the effects of a poison
  3. Not able to do something
  4. A support or stand for a camera or telescope that has three legs
  5. Heard or able to be heard
  6. Pictures or words painted or drawn on a wall
  7. Not knowing how to read or write
  8. To become lower in amount or number
  9. Not thinking clearly
  10. Not able or willing to believe something
  11. To say the opposite of something
  1. A picture made by a camera
  2. Not normal or usual
  3. Not involving or using words
  4. A doctor who treats injuries and diseases of the foot
  5. To cause someone to feel ashamed
  6. An outdated system of sending messages
  7. A paper copy of a document or picture
  8. A quality, skill, or experience
  9. A substance that prevents infection in a wound by killing bacteria
  10. A person walking in a city or along a road
  11. Not thinking about things in a sensible way
  12. Not friendly to other people
  13. To take something away from someone or something
  14. Act against something

25 Clues: Not normal or usualNot thinking clearlyAct against somethingNot able to do somethingHeard or able to be heardA picture made by a cameraA strong feeling of dislikeNot involving or using wordsNot friendly to other peopleA quality, skill, or experienceTo cause someone to feel ashamedNot knowing how to read or writeTo say the opposite of something...

Home Work 2021-08-31

Home Work crossword puzzle
  1. enlighten
  2. I _____ at my brother
  3. I ______ for the job
  4. I ____ the paper
  5. an enomy
  6. to walk back up to
  7. vary small
  8. The _____ of the cake
  9. I am ______
  10. a many leged insect
  11. I threw a ______
  12. a bad smell
  13. quite
  1. I was very _______
  2. to refuse
  3. to walk up to
  4. I was _______
  5. an unfortunate situation
  6. An RC car is _______ by a remote
  7. I _______ a song
  8. My ______ is 4'6 1/2
  9. to retake
  10. I ______ the ball
  11. Tell me the defonition
  12. I _____ to my friend

25 Clues: quitean enomyto refuseenlightento retakevary smallI am ______a bad smellto walk up toI was _______I ____ the paperI _______ a songI threw a ______I ______ the ballI was very _______to walk back up toa many leged insectI ______ for the jobMy ______ is 4'6 1/2I _____ to my friendI _____ at my brotherThe _____ of the cakeTell me the defonition...

Spanish work 2023-02-07

Spanish work crossword puzzle
  1. baseball
  2. he
  3. need
  4. you
  5. formalyou
  6. prefer
  7. softball
  8. boxing
  9. soccer
  10. I
  11. she
  1. they
  2. basketball
  3. gymnastics
  4. want
  5. hockey
  6. should
  7. volleyball
  8. ski
  9. can

20 Clues: Iheyouskicanshetheywantneedhockeyshouldpreferboxingsoccerbaseballsoftballformalyoubasketballgymnasticsvolleyball

At work 2023-03-08

At work crossword puzzle
  1. I build buildings
  2. "også" på engelsk
  3. I take pictures
  4. "lønn" på engelsk
  5. I teach students different subjects
  6. I cut hair
  7. "fordi" på engelsk
  8. "alltid" på engelsk
  9. "besøke" på engelsk
  10. "men" på engelsk
  11. "type" på engelsk
  12. I work at a restaurant
  13. I solve problems using maths
  14. "av og til" på engelsk
  15. I take care of patients
  1. I clean houses
  2. "sykehus" på engelsk
  3. I fix vehicles
  4. I work with electricity
  5. I drive passengers to their desired location
  6. "studere" på engelsk
  7. I extinguish fires

22 Clues: I cut hairI clean housesI fix vehiclesI take pictures"men" på engelskI build buildings"også" på engelsk"lønn" på engelsk"type" på engelsk"fordi" på engelskI extinguish fires"alltid" på engelsk"besøke" på engelsk"sykehus" på engelsk"studere" på engelskI work at a restaurant"av og til" på engelskI work with electricityI take care of patients...

Work class 2023-02-15

Work class crossword puzzle
  1. The ..... is a place where you can go to heal
  2. The ..... is a thing that you use for put your food for freeze
  3. A ....... is a thing that is used to stick objects.
  4. A ....... is a thing used to write.
  5. An ...... is fruit that has vitamin C and grows on trees.
  6. The ..... is a place where you can go swimming
  7. The ...... is a clothes that you can use for the sun and put in the eyes
  8. A ....... is a thing that is used to write and is made of wood.
  9. The ..... is a place where you can go sunbathe
  10. The ..... is a place where you can go for watch a match of every sport
  1. The ..... is a person who works painting or making art works
  2. He ..... is a person who works in a yellow car
  3. A ....... is an alcoholic drink that is made from barley.
  4. A ...... is a object that serves to rest or sleep.
  5. The ..... is a thing that name by which H2O is known.
  6. A .... is a person who has a lot of money
  7. A ....... is a thing that liquid that serves to make the person smell good.
  8. The ..... is a person who keeps the accounts of a company
  9. A .... is a object that you use for cut papers or other materials
  10. The ..... is a person who that defends people in court

20 Clues: A ....... is a thing used to write.A .... is a person who has a lot of moneyThe ..... is a place where you can go to healHe ..... is a person who works in a yellow carThe ..... is a place where you can go swimmingThe ..... is a place where you can go sunbatheA ...... is a object that serves to rest or sleep....

technology work 2023-03-23

technology work crossword puzzle
  1. used to edit photos or videos
  2. programmable digital electronic machine
  3. used for computer work
  4. people have it in their heads
  5. is an email service
  6. earth have alot of that
  7. independent learners and collaborative workers
  8. specializes in products and services related to the Internet, software
  9. computer programs that make it possible to execute specific tasks within a computer
  10. It is used to select things on the computer
  1. responsible citizens
  2. software that has the objective of altering the normal operation of any type of computing device
  3. something visible to the naked eye on the face
  4. devoted catholics
  5. looks from head to toe
  6. effective communicators
  7. a programmable machine capable of performing various functions or complex tasks
  8. used to use a website
  9. it is an animal like horses
  10. solvers problems and criticals thinkers

20 Clues: devoted catholicsis an email serviceresponsible citizensused to use a websitelooks from head to toeused for computer workearth have alot of thateffective communicatorsit is an animal like horsesused to edit photos or videospeople have it in their headsprogrammable digital electronic machinesolvers problems and criticals thinkers...

/emilio work 2023-03-23

/emilio work crossword puzzle
  1. Their purpose is to move the cursor
  2. Take care of what we do
  3. Use it to see netflix
  4. Leonel Messi plays it
  5. It writes in paper
  6. Enemy of xbox
  7. Only you can hear music with them
  8. Problem _______
  9. I run ____
  10. Knows about matematics
  11. The computer use it to project the thing we are doing
  1. we tell the things
  2. ______ catholics
  3. Is used to write words in computer
  4. Padilla teach us this
  5. Work in teams
  6. Enemy of playstation
  7. You send wastsapp masages from there
  8. My favorite artist
  9. Were you pass most of the time +9

20 Clues: I run ____Work in teamsEnemy of xboxProblem _____________ catholicswe tell the thingsIt writes in paperMy favorite artistEnemy of playstationUse it to see netflixPadilla teach us thisLeonel Messi plays itKnows about matematicsTake care of what we doOnly you can hear music with themWere you pass most of the time +9Is used to write words in computer...

Work words 2023-03-21

Work words crossword puzzle
  1. an inspection performed by an engineer or municipal inspector to evaluate an open excavation and examine the earth to determine the type of foundation that should be installed in the hole
  2. the amount of something that is permitted, especially within a set of regulations or for a specified purpose
  3. a communication tool used between the general contractor and owner to make clear what outstanding work or issues remain in the construction project
  4. a right to cross or otherwise use someone else's land for a specified purpose.
  5. a person who creates visual representations of concepts and ideas
  6. an electric motor, a base, two handle knobs, and bits
  7. acceptance of the work as completed, including any deficiencies known to exist.
  8. base level of a building
  9. cutting across (crosscut) and with (rip) the wood grain
  10. a project management tool that illustrates work completed over a period of time in relation to the time planned for the work.
  11. to confirm land boudaries
  1. ensures that heavy-duty truck engine emissions are controlled over the full range of speed and load combinations commonly experienced in use.
  2. contract an agreement between a client that wants construction done and a general contractor
  3. connects the homeowner's pipe to the city water main
  4. a contract that stipulates a $30 hourly rate plus an additional 10% on any items purchased
  5. a document used to alter the original agreement on a construction project
  6. is a test to determine the water absorption rate of soil
  7. the total time that you can delay a task without delaying the project
  8. an offer of a price, especially at an auction
  9. supplying the necessary equipment, material, labor, and services to complete your project

20 Clues: base level of a buildingto confirm land boudariesan offer of a price, especially at an auctionconnects the homeowner's pipe to the city water mainan electric motor, a base, two handle knobs, and bitscutting across (crosscut) and with (rip) the wood grainis a test to determine the water absorption rate of soil...

Word work 2023-04-17

Word work crossword puzzle
  1. lost or removed water
  2. drug that cures
  3. Distance to the center
  4. science of life
  5. capable of being destroyed
  6. series of three novels
  7. long speech by a character
  8. device you speak into
  9. judgment
  10. experienced by everyone
  11. happens as a result
  12. room with stars and planets
  13. operated by fluid pressure
  14. fear of small spaces
  15. add water or moisture
  16. prevention
  17. long piece of music
  18. a minor planet
  19. group of three
  20. fear of water
  1. change
  2. difficult choice
  3. occurring over and over again
  4. Eye doctor
  5. pipe near the road
  6. different
  7. plays the piano
  8. future
  9. method of learning to read
  10. speech that praises someone who has died
  11. musical instrument
  12. giant store
  13. partnered with one person
  14. sorry
  15. do it later

35 Clues: sorrychangefuturejudgmentdifferentEye doctorpreventiongiant storedo it laterfear of watera minor planetgroup of threedrug that curesscience of lifeplays the pianodifficult choicepipe near the roadmusical instrumenthappens as a resultlong piece of musicfear of small spaceslost or removed waterdevice you speak intoadd water or moisture...

Final Work 2023-05-16

Final Work crossword puzzle
  1. молоко
  2. хлеб
  3. шестьдесят
  4. семьдесят
  5. девяносто
  6. сыр
  7. дочь
  8. пятьдесят
  9. кухонный шкаф
  10. двоюродный брат/сестра
  11. сын
  12. картошка
  13. варенье
  14. ванная
  15. правый
  16. наверх по лестнице
  17. подоконник
  18. томат
  19. часто
  20. сорок
  21. иногда
  1. всегда
  2. кухня
  3. неприбранный
  4. тридцать
  5. восемьдесят
  6. позади
  7. прибранный
  8. спальня
  9. вниз по лестнице
  10. уютный
  11. огурец
  12. суп
  13. ковер
  14. дом
  15. диван
  16. кресло
  17. никогда
  18. левый
  19. двадцать

40 Clues: сырсупсындомхлебдочькухняковердиванлевыйтоматчастосороквсегдамолокопозадиуютныйогурецваннаяправыйкреслоиногдаспальнявареньеникогдатридцатькартошкадвадцатьсемьдесятдевяностопятьдесятшестьдесятприбранныйподоконниквосемьдесятнеприбранныйкухонный шкафвниз по лестниценаверх по лестницедвоюродный брат/сестра

hannah work 2023-05-23

hannah work crossword puzzle
  1. ni___
  2. wer__
  3. nei____
  4. mis_____
  5. de_____
  6. eight____
  7. we___
  8. be____
  9. nei_____
  10. gr___
  11. pri___
  12. yi___
  13. ce_____
  1. sh____
  2. re_____
  3. re_____
  4. se___
  5. sle___
  6. conc___
  7. frei___
  8. eit___
  9. re_____
  10. th___
  11. re___

24 Clues: ni___wer__se___th___we___re___gr___yi___sh____sle___eit___be____pri___re_____re_____nei____conc___frei___de_____re_____ce_____mis_____nei_____eight____

work crossword 2023-06-12

work crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Jake's real name
  2. June 7th is what day?
  3. Ranked 42 on this list of 500
  4. One in every ___ houses and cars are insured by State Farm
  5. Amount of screens used to work
  6. Current working situation/environment
  7. Assessing...
  8. We get them for free in the office
  9. Gaither...
  10. Our hardware authentication device
  11. Halfoff...
  12. Workstation
  13. What the company sells
  1. Learners for the summer
  2. "____ from State Farm?"
  3. A place where you can grab food in P
  4. A good person next door
  5. Our department of the business
  6. Who was the president when State Farm was founded
  7. In the field workers who sell
  8. Last name of State Farm's founder
  9. Popular pant for Jake
  10. Corporate....
  11. Daily...
  12. City of headquarters

25 Clues: Daily...Gaither...Halfoff...WorkstationAssessing...Corporate....Jake's real nameCity of headquartersJune 7th is what day?Popular pant for JakeWhat the company sellsLearners for the summer"____ from State Farm?"A good person next doorRanked 42 on this list of 500In the field workers who sellOur department of the business...

Set Work 2013-03-09

Set Work crossword puzzle
  1. tempo
  2. loudest dynamic in the movement
  3. name of movement
  4. name of second dance
  5. to pause on a note
  6. string technique
  7. style of music
  8. name of composer
  9. the mood of the movement
  10. full orchestra
  11. the texture of the movement
  12. a group of orchestral pieces
  13. to bounce off a note
  1. type of movement
  2. name of full work
  3. time signature
  4. name of first dance
  5. to suddenly accent a note
  6. tuned percussion instrument
  7. to accent a normally unaccented beat
  8. to emphasise a note
  9. percussion instrument
  10. keyboard istrument at end of Link
  11. robbed time
  12. key signature

25 Clues: temporobbed timekey signaturetime signaturestyle of musicfull orchestratype of movementname of movementstring techniquename of composername of full workto pause on a notename of first danceto emphasise a notename of second danceto bounce off a notepercussion instrumentthe mood of the movementto suddenly accent a notetuned percussion instrument...

Fund. Work 2014-11-10

Fund. Work crossword puzzle
  1. This label is not required if the product will be used by one employee in one shift
  2. How many divisions of flammable and combustible materials are there
  3. the letter A stands for what in the direction of extinguisher use
  4. What is it called when an unplanned chemical reaction occurs between two or more chemicals
  5. materials
  6. What type of fans do we use when welding
  7. Class C fires are this type of fire
  8. As an employee you must attend this training
  9. Occasionally controlled products are contained or transferred in the following types of containers
  10. Who provides the blank label for workplace forms
  11. this type of label must have a cross hatched border
  1. This burns
  2. This type of protection is required when welding
  3. This is what can happen when we get exposed to chemicals
  4. How many WHMIS category's are there
  5. One of the major routes for chemicals entering the body
  6. Wood, paper and cloth are examples of this type of combustible
  7. This can cause diseases or death in people and animals
  8. This is a partially enclosed space with restricted access
  9. This type of material should be reduced to the least amount possible
  10. WHMIS was designed with this many goals in mind

21 Clues: materialsThis burnsHow many WHMIS category's are thereClass C fires are this type of fireWhat type of fans do we use when weldingAs an employee you must attend this trainingWHMIS was designed with this many goals in mindThis type of protection is required when weldingWho provides the blank label for workplace forms...

TEAM WORK 2014-11-24

TEAM WORK crossword puzzle
  1. S in SMART goal
  2. Work done by several associates
  3. plan and organize the team task
  4. Innovator creates … ideas
  5. J in INTJ
  6. Types of team role
  7. Take … action
  8. Sculptor use their …... to assess the team tasks
  9. Second step of negotiations
  10. Recommendations for negotiations
  11. Focus on details
  12. Developed and their cooperative action assists to achieve team goal
  13. provide unique solutions
  14. One party stop negotiations
  15. … alternatives
  16. T in ISTJ
  17. Their attention is directed to beneficial change
  18. Driven by values and inner conviction
  19. maintain harmony within the team
  20. F in ISFP
  1. E in ENFP
  2. Both sides giving up a little
  3. action oriented and aim to maintain the team’s sense of urgency
  4. People cooperate
  5. Personality that is good to be a curator
  6. Prepared to adapt
  7. Teams are the structural centres of many …
  8. P in ISTP
  9. One sides win
  10. Define …
  11. Formulate hypotheses and gather evidence
  12. Members appoint themselves to protect the group
  13. Successful teams generates strongly … and high achieving cultures
  14. Personality that is good to be a scientist
  15. Steps of decision making
  16. Personality that is good to be a coach
  17. A collection of individuals who have regular contact
  18. Teams develop … dynamics between members
  19. Explorer … new ways
  20. A group of people linked in a common purpose

40 Clues: Define …E in ENFPJ in INTJP in ISTPT in ISTJF in ISFPTake … actionOne sides win… alternativesS in SMART goalPeople cooperateFocus on detailsPrepared to adaptTypes of team roleExplorer … new waysSteps of decision makingprovide unique solutionsInnovator creates … ideasSecond step of negotiationsOne party stop negotiationsBoth sides giving up a little...

DRG Work 2016-08-04

DRG Work crossword puzzle
  1. required after sick time gone to avoid occurrence
  2. Report any conflicts to CMB Code of Conduct
  3. name of Mon-Thurs casual attire
  4. break 2 times per day that does not require TAS entry
  5. If sick time is available won't report as
  6. Videos/music is violation on Chase computer
  7. loud conversations or harassment not tolerated
  8. and flop, rubber soled shoe and not approved at work
  9. % of day missed that will be counted as full day off
  10. out of sick time receive a Written Warning when here
  11. gym wear that is never ok at work
  12. acceptable denim wear on Fridays
  1. of conduct guides our decisions at Chase
  2. must be 30 minutes break after 4 hours work-not paid
  3. Never share
  4. type of phone only used in common areas of Chase
  5. no advanced notice, may be negative result
  6. now eligible family member for sick time
  7. customer information that is safeguarded
  8. strictly prohibited in work areas/restrooms
  9. person to speak directly with if late or absent
  10. can not happen when WW in effect
  11. Late Wed, Thurs, and Friday totals 3
  12. how phones must be at workstations/restrooms
  13. warning creates a 60 day restriction period

25 Clues: Never sharename of Mon-Thurs casual attirecan not happen when WW in effectacceptable denim wear on Fridaysgym wear that is never ok at workLate Wed, Thurs, and Friday totals 3of conduct guides our decisions at Chasenow eligible family member for sick timecustomer information that is safeguardedIf sick time is available won't report as...

work experience 2016-12-04

work experience crossword puzzle
  1. An amount of money that an employee is paid
  2. The words and numbers that are used to describe the location of a building
  3. A series of classes about a particular subject
  4. Time spent working at your job that is in addition to your normal working hours
  5. Someone who applies for the job
  6. To include with a letter
  7. An act of creating computer programms
  8. To call someone in order to communicate
  9. A person which has emplyees
  10. The scheduled period of time during which a person works
  11. A person who helps someone
  12. A period of time when a person gets a training
  13. The ability to do something
  1. To make someone to leave the job
  2. A part of a building in which a car is kept
  3. A person who cuts hair
  4. Someone who is trusted to do something
  5. A building in which people work
  6. A wriiten document which you submit to get a job
  7. Great physical or mental strength that allows you to continue doing something for a long time
  8. A meeting at which people ask each other questions
  9. A short document that describes your education, work experience
  10. To aks for a job
  11. The work done by people who work together as a team to do something
  12. A person who always arrives on time

25 Clues: To aks for a jobA person who cuts hairTo include with a letterA person who helps someoneA person which has emplyeesThe ability to do somethingA building in which people workSomeone who applies for the jobTo make someone to leave the jobA person who always arrives on timeAn act of creating computer programmsSomeone who is trusted to do something...

at work 2016-04-11

at work crossword puzzle
  1. чарівний
  2. перепрацьовувати
  3. додаткові пільги
  4. "цабе"
  5. декретна відпустка
  6. протирати штани
  7. повторюваний
  8. встановити стосунки
  9. нечіткий
  10. недооплачувати
  11. гоаворити по справах
  12. нерегулярні години
  13. робота по зміннах
  14. одноманітний
  15. нагородження
  16. різноманітний
  17. згуртована команда
  18. позаштатний прац.
  19. зареєструватися
  20. приватний підпр.
  21. упевнений в собі
  22. с-ма преміальних
  1. гнучкий графік
  2. основні години
  3. бути пониженим
  4. підтримувати
  5. досягти піку
  6. співробвтники
  7. застряг в рутині
  8. дистанційний працівник
  9. задоволення від роботи
  10. ієрархічна
  11. безперспективна робота
  12. соц робота
  13. ручна праця
  14. розподіл роботи
  15. шукати
  16. вкластися в термін
  17. закінчити
  18. прибутковий
  19. стабільний графік

41 Clues: "цабе"шукатичарівнийнечіткийзакінчитиієрархічнасоц роботаручна працяприбутковийпідтримуватидосягти пікуповторюванийодноманітнийнагородженняспівробвтникирізноманітнийгнучкий графікосновні годинибути пониженимнедооплачуватипротирати штанирозподіл роботизареєструватисяперепрацьовуватидодаткові пільгизастряг в рутиніприватний підпр.упевнений в собі...

WORK VALUES 2017-09-21

WORK VALUES crossword puzzle
  1. concerning pleasing appearances; artistic beauty
  2. a person who works with you
  3. the state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimed
  4. the financial gain (earned or unearned) accruing over a given period of time
  5. the way you live now or what to live in the future.
  6. something that can be seen, touched, or purchased - material things
  7. need to be around people
  8. promoting human welfare and social reform.
  9. the action of accomplishing something
  10. term that describes motivations that drive behavior in order to gain rewards from outside forces - external values
  11. Standards one believes is important about their work
  12. the combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being
  13. the capacity to use information and/or abilities in a new and original way
  1. being able to change work activities often - offers many different kinds of work tasks, travel as part of the job, or by working in many different places
  2. related to a specific interest in the activity of work itself, or to the benefits that the work contributes to society. Internal values
  3. value attributable to a property that is difficult to determine precisely - cannot be seen touched, or purchased
  4. things that people believe are most important in their lives
  5. prefer to do activities with members of your family.
  6. having new, challenging things to do that require problem-solving skills, mental acuity and good decision-making not having routine work
  7. having a supervisor who cares about you personally and values your work; being able to talk freely with a manager and know that you are heard
  8. freedom from control or influence of another or others
  9. a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny
  10. the beliefs and principles that guide the way a person lives - things that are important to you
  11. being sure that things will stay the way they are - that you will not lose a job or relationship or be affected by change
  12. high standing; respect earned by accomplishments

25 Clues: need to be around peoplea person who works with youthe action of accomplishing somethingpromoting human welfare and social reform.concerning pleasing appearances; artistic beautyhigh standing; respect earned by accomplishmentsthe way you live now or what to live in the future.prefer to do activities with members of your family....

monthly work 2017-10-19

monthly work crossword puzzle
  1. a female offspring having both parents in common with another offspring
  2. the sister of ones father or mother
  3. a person in his or her teens
  4. an infant or very young child
  5. a daughter of a persons brother or sister
  6. a parents of a parent
  7. the second day of the week
  8. the six day of the weeek
  9. the third day of the week
  10. the seventh day of the week
  11. to move ones feet or body
  12. to stay with as a guest.
  13. an ancestor, precursor, or progenitor.
  14. having attained full size and strength
  15. a male parent.
  16. a son of ones brother sister
  1. a male offspring having both parents in common with another offspring
  2. the first day of the week
  3. a brother of ones father or mother
  4. to look or waint attentively and expectantly
  5. a famale ancestor
  6. the fourth day of the week
  7. the fifth day of the week
  8. identical or consistent
  9. a publication in which it contains generally contains essays, stories, poems, etc.
  10. to be dormant quiescent, or inactive, as faculties
  11. a person who toddles, especially a young child learning to walk
  12. a female parent.
  13. to have or use on the person habitually

29 Clues: a male parent.a female parent.a famale ancestora parents of a parentidentical or consistentthe six day of the weeekto stay with as a guest.the first day of the weekthe fifth day of the weekthe third day of the weekto move ones feet or bodythe fourth day of the weekthe second day of the weekthe seventh day of the weeka person in his or her teens...

work crossword 2017-12-10

work crossword crossword puzzle
  1. another name for london underground
  2. large body of water
  3. a lot
  4. the sound of eating apples
  5. used to get up on high areas
  6. to walk behind a person
  7. sustainability
  8. found in playground
  9. opposite to today
  10. a loud
  11. large sum of money
  12. to greet someone
  13. plays music
  1. opposite to a lie
  2. to mysteriously show up
  3. pop eye had big
  4. long necked animal
  5. smoking
  6. small indoor pet
  7. tv series has
  8. casper the friendly
  9. small town
  10. like a bush
  11. type of wood/tree

24 Clues: a lota loudsmokingsmall townplays musiclike a bushtv series hassustainabilitypop eye had bigsmall indoor petto greet someoneopposite to a lieopposite to todaytype of wood/treelong necked animallarge sum of moneylarge body of waterfound in playgroundcasper the friendlyto mysteriously show upto walk behind a personthe sound of eating apples...

Hard Work 2017-11-08

Hard Work crossword puzzle
  1. official examination
  2. panel of sequence stretch
  3. existing in the mind
  4. series of comments
  5. an account of someone's life written by someone else.
  6. evidence of authority
  7. information In the study of history as an academic discipline, a primary source
  8. information In contrast, a secondary source of information is one that was created later by someone who did not experience first-hand
  9. act of instence
  10. an account of a person's life written by that person
  11. its means origin
  12. something is trusted
  1. a error or defect of something
  2. moneys owed
  3. the stat , quality of being
  4. its a trend
  5. the practice or science of collecting and analyzing numerical data in large quantities, especially for the purpose of inferring proportions in a whole from those in a representative sample.
  6. economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories
  7. biased fair just
  8. having a part cat off
  9. a complete publication less than 80 pages
  10. a belief of judgement
  11. depend on something guaranteed
  12. a long essay on a particular subject, especially one written as a requirement for the Doctor of Philosophy degree.
  13. illustration
  14. acceptance
  15. reference provide into

27 Clues: acceptancemoneys owedits a trendillustrationact of instencebiased fair justits means originseries of commentsofficial examinationexisting in the mindsomething is trustedhaving a part cat offa belief of judgementevidence of authorityreference provide intopanel of sequence stretchthe stat , quality of beinga error or defect of something...

Choice Work 2022-04-08

Choice Work crossword puzzle
  1. you can buy this at a national park
  2. you stay in one of these on vacation
  3. you would go to see a bird
  4. you can do this with a tent
  5. you would do this to get a better price
  6. like a hotel but share beds with other people
  7. the tuxedo costs a lot of money
  8. you put this on your fingers
  9. tourists do this a lot
  10. you need bait and a rod to do this
  11. a field trip you might go on
  1. you put these on your ears
  2. you put this around your neck
  3. you play games in your
  4. you walk in the wilderness
  5. school gives you ___ ____ homework
  6. a thing in a hotel
  7. a person who is not from that place
  8. llave you need this to open your door
  9. the scenery of the jungle

20 Clues: a thing in a hotelyou play games in yourtourists do this a lotthe scenery of the jungleyou put these on your earsyou would go to see a birdyou walk in the wildernessyou can do this with a tentyou put this on your fingersa field trip you might go onyou put this around your neckthe tuxedo costs a lot of moneyschool gives you ___ ____ homework...

word work 2022-02-23

word work crossword puzzle
  1. hollow
  2. lawbreaker
  3. hole
  4. exact
  5. rock
  6. enjoyable
  7. result of igniting
  8. accuracy
  9. tenderness
  1. correct
  2. human race
  3. nice
  4. sportsperson
  5. sort
  6. wrong
  7. muscular
  8. correction
  9. classic
  10. I
  11. environment
  12. fire
  13. normal

22 Clues: Iniceholesortrockfirewrongexacthollownormalcorrectclassicmuscularaccuracyenjoyablehuman racelawbreakercorrectiontendernessenvironmentsportspersonresult of igniting

ela work 2022-01-05

ela work crossword puzzle
  1. a rousing or uplifting song identified with a particular group, body, or cause.
  2. keep (someone) in subservience and hardship, especially by the unjust exercise of authority.
  3. admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering.
  4. the action of providing or supplying something for use.
  5. extreme tiredness resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness.
  6. a thing that is helpful or beneficial.
  7. the promised deliverer of the Jewish nation prophesied in the Hebrew Bible.
  8. feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph.
  9. take hold of suddenly and forcibly.
  10. a form that is derived from a verb but that functions as a noun
  1. withdraw formally from membership of a federal union, an alliance, or a political or religious organization.
  2. feel contempt or a deep repugnance for.
  3. punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong.
  4. a violent criminal or troublemaker.
  5. a large, densely packed crowd of people or animals.
  6. army the land force that fought for the Union during the American Civil War
  7. prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.
  8. fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force.
  9. a person who steals goods, typically during a war or riot.
  10. the committee of senior ministers responsible for controlling government policy.

20 Clues: a violent criminal or troublemaker.take hold of suddenly and forcibly.a thing that is helpful or beneficial.feel contempt or a deep repugnance for.admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering.feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph.a large, densely packed crowd of people or animals....

ela work 2022-01-05

ela work crossword puzzle
  1. the promised deliverer of the Jewish nation prophesied in the Hebrew Bible.
  2. feel contempt or a deep repugnance for.
  3. a violent criminal or troublemaker.
  4. a person who steals goods, typically during a war or riot.
  5. take hold of suddenly and forcibly.
  6. punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong.
  7. keep (someone) in subservience and hardship, especially by the unjust exercise of authority.
  8. feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph.
  9. the committee of senior ministers responsible for controlling government policy.
  1. a form that is derived from a verb but that functions as a noun
  2. admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering.
  3. a large, densely packed crowd of people or animals.
  4. army the land force that fought for the Union during the American Civil War
  5. withdraw formally from membership of a federal union, an alliance, or a political or religious organization.
  6. extreme tiredness resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness.
  7. the action of providing or supplying something for use.
  8. fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force.
  9. a thing that is helpful or beneficial.
  10. prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.
  11. a rousing or uplifting song identified with a particular group, body, or cause.

20 Clues: a violent criminal or troublemaker.take hold of suddenly and forcibly.a thing that is helpful or beneficial.feel contempt or a deep repugnance for.admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering.feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph.a large, densely packed crowd of people or animals....

Work vocabulary 2022-01-26

Work vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Sueldo por horas
  2. Dimitir
  3. Horario laboral
  4. Despedir
  5. Día libre
  6. Jefe, empleador
  7. No estar en el trabajo
  8. Sueldo mensual
  9. Baja por paternidad
  10. Trabajo indefinido
  11. Nómina
  12. Jubilarse
  13. Salario neto
  1. Salario bruto
  2. Ser despedido
  3. Horas extra
  4. Empleado
  5. Horario de oficina
  6. Trabajo a media jornada
  7. Trabajador/a a jornada completa
  8. Turno de trabajo
  9. Trabajo temporal
  10. Personal de una empresa

23 Clues: NóminaDimitirDespedirEmpleadoDía libreJubilarseHoras extraSalario netoSalario brutoSer despedidoSueldo mensualHorario laboralJefe, empleadorSueldo por horasTurno de trabajoTrabajo temporalHorario de oficinaTrabajo indefinidoBaja por paternidadNo estar en el trabajoTrabajo a media jornadaPersonal de una empresaTrabajador/a a jornada completa

Spanish Work 2022-01-11

Spanish Work crossword puzzle
  1. dog
  2. fashion
  3. tax
  4. to look
  5. to sell
  6. fancy
  7. money
  8. price
  9. register
  10. dollar
  11. to return
  1. to give
  2. number
  3. casual
  4. cheap
  5. to find
  6. to pay
  7. tag
  8. to give a gift
  9. to buy

20 Clues: dogtaxtagcheapfancymoneypricenumbercasualto payto buydollarto givefashionto lookto findto sellregisterto returnto give a gift

Spanish Work 2022-01-11

Spanish Work crossword puzzle
  1. dog
  2. fashion
  3. tax
  4. to look
  5. to sell
  6. fancy
  7. money
  8. price
  9. register
  10. dollar
  11. to return
  1. to give
  2. number
  3. casual
  4. cheap
  5. to find
  6. to pay
  7. tag
  8. to give a gift
  9. to buy

20 Clues: dogtaxtagcheapfancymoneypricenumbercasualto payto buydollarto givefashionto lookto findto sellregisterto returnto give a gift

ela work 2022-01-12

ela work crossword puzzle
  1. a musical or vocal sound with reference to its pitch, quality, and strength.
  2. a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead.
  3. give a practical exhibition and explanation
  4. feeling, expressing, or inducing sadness, regret, or grief.
  5. a framework, typically with rails, bars, hooks, or pegs, for holding or storing things.
  6. be a symbol of.
  7. a group of lines forming the basic recurring metrical unit in a poem; a verse.
  8. throw or hurl forcefully.
  9. (of heat, air, or a room) very hot and causing difficulties in breathing; suffocating.
  1. a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
  2. so foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be amusing; ridiculous.
  3. the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite
  4. walk in a specified way.
  5. metaphor a metaphor in a literary work
  6. the longitudinal structure along the centerline at the bottom of a vessel's hull
  7. address (someone) in such a way as to express disapproval or disappointment.
  8. in a state of peaceful happiness.
  9. attempt to find (something).
  10. feeling or showing elation or jubilation.
  11. detailed examination of the elements or structure of something.

20 Clues: be a symbol of.walk in a specified way.throw or hurl forcefully.attempt to find (something).in a state of peaceful happiness.metaphor a metaphor in a literary workfeeling or showing elation or jubilation.give a practical exhibition and explanationfeeling, expressing, or inducing sadness, regret, or grief....

Spanish work :) 2022-04-14

Spanish work :) crossword puzzle
  1. right now
  2. to swim
  3. noon
  4. to hunt
  5. to go fishing
  6. now
  7. midnight
  8. to participate
  9. to skate
  1. tomorrow
  2. to visit
  3. to buy
  4. today
  5. during
  6. to play
  7. to run
  8. to see or watch
  9. to dance
  10. to have dinner
  11. yesterday

20 Clues: nownoontodayto buyduringto runto swimto playto hunttomorrowto visitto dancemidnightto skateright nowyesterdayto go fishingto have dinnerto see or watchto participate

Spanish work :) 2022-04-14

Spanish work :) crossword puzzle
  1. right now
  2. to swim
  3. noon
  4. to hunt
  5. to go fishing
  6. now
  7. midnight
  8. to participate
  9. to skate
  1. tomorrow
  2. to visit
  3. to buy
  4. today
  5. during
  6. to play
  7. to run
  8. to see or watch
  9. to dance
  10. to have dinner
  11. yesterday

20 Clues: nownoontodayto buyduringto runto swimto playto hunttomorrowto visitto dancemidnightto skateright nowyesterdayto go fishingto have dinnerto see or watchto participate

Zack’s work 2022-04-28

Zack’s work crossword puzzle
  1. submissive or fawning in attitude or behavior
  2. marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspects
  3. determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason
  4. performs some wicked deed
  5. inclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace
  6. of depth
  7. not circulating or flowing
  8. a bowl-shaped drinking vessel; especially the Eucharistic cup
  9. a person who has suffered the death of someone they loved
  10. strong and sharp
  11. sad beyond comforting; incapable of being consoled a small table fixed to a wall or designed to stand against a wall
  1. an artifact that belongs to another time
  2. showing curiosity
  3. marked by refinement in taste and manners
  4. a negotiation between enemies
  5. so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period
  6. be on friendly terms with someone, as if with a brother, especially with an enemy
  7. a soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfoot
  8. a composition that imitates somebody's style in a humorous way
  9. the quality of being holy
  10. excessively mournful
  11. unhappy at being away and longing for familiar things or persons
  12. marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners
  13. affectedly modest or shy especially in a playful or provocative way
  14. a manuscript

25 Clues: of deptha manuscriptstrong and sharpshowing curiosityexcessively mournfulperforms some wicked deedthe quality of being holynot circulating or flowinga negotiation between enemiesan artifact that belongs to another timemarked by refinement in taste and mannerssubmissive or fawning in attitude or behaviormarked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners...

Work II 2023-11-16

Work II crossword puzzle
  1. kündma
  2. vastutav
  3. küür
  4. roos
  5. sadul
  6. vile, vilistama
  7. mantel
  8. käima, osa võtma
  9. härjad
  10. traavima
  11. ulguma
  1. arutlema
  2. lõug
  3. täis puhuma
  4. meessoost
  5. peagi, varsti
  6. kriipsuke
  7. peegeldus
  8. okas
  9. džinn

20 Clues: lõugküürroosokassaduldžinnkündmamantelhärjadulgumaarutlemavastutavtraavimameessoostkriipsukepeegeldustäis puhumapeagi, varstivile, vilistamakäima, osa võtma

Factory work 2023-12-21

Factory work crossword puzzle
  1. Hammer with a wooden or rubber head
  2. L-shaped tool for hex screws and bolts
  3. Vis High-visibility clothing or gear
  4. Connected machines for production
  5. Hand tool for gripping, bending, or cutting
  6. Build structures
  7. Thin metal strand for connections
  8. Metal pin for fastening
  9. Bringing goods or services
  10. Threaded metal fastener
  11. Fit parts together
  12. Provides goods or services
  13. Tool for turning nuts and bolts
  14. Secure with a fastener
  15. Goods for sale or distribution
  1. Thin ring between nut and bolt
  2. Make less tight
  3. Tool for driving nails or breaking
  4. Large storage building
  5. Building for manufacturing
  6. Thin metal pin for fastening
  7. Do It Yourself, independent creation or repair
  8. Personal Protective Equipment
  9. Vehicle for lifting heavy loads
  10. Turn in a circular motion
  11. Place for using tools to create or repair
  12. Flat, cutting part of a tool
  13. Fix or mend
  14. Make more secure
  15. Container for carrying tools
  16. Tool for turning screws
  17. Small hexagonal metal fasteners

32 Clues: Fix or mendMake less tightBuild structuresMake more secureFit parts togetherLarge storage buildingSecure with a fastenerMetal pin for fasteningThreaded metal fastenerTool for turning screwsTurn in a circular motionBuilding for manufacturingBringing goods or servicesProvides goods or servicesThin metal pin for fasteningFlat, cutting part of a tool...

My work 2024-01-30

My work crossword puzzle
  1. to work a dough by pressing it with the heels of the hands, folding it, turing it, and repeating each motion
  2. To let a food stand until it no longer feels warm to touch
  3. To cook uncovered under a direct source of heat
  4. To remove the center part of a fruit such as an apple or pineapple
  5. To cook in liquid at 212F
  6. To soak meat in a solution containing an acid, such as vinegar or tomato juice helps tenderize the connective tissue
  7. To cook in liquid that is barely at the boiling point
  8. To mix with a circular motion
  9. To make a food cold by placing it in a refrigerator or in a bowl over crushed ice
  10. To rub fat on the surface of a cooking utensil or on a food itself
  11. to thoroughly cover a food with a liquid or dry mixture
  12. To remove the large black or white vein along a shrimp’s back
  13. To coat a food by sprinkling it with or dipping it in a dry ingredient such as flour or bread crumbs.
  14. To decorate foods by adding other attractive and complementary foodstuffs to the food or serving dish
  15. To combine solid fat with flour using a pastry blend
  16. To remove one part from another, as the yolk from the white or an egg.
  17. to beat quickly and steadily by hand with a whisk or rotary beater.
  18. to spoon pan juices, melted fat over the surface of food during cooking
  19. To remove the stem and outer covering of a vegetable or fruit with a paring knife or peeler
  1. To stir ingredients until they are thoroughly combined
  2. To heat sugar until a brown color and characteristic flavor develop.
  3. To sprinkle or coat with flour
  4. to mix or blend two or more ingredients
  5. To make small, shallow cuts on the surface of a food
  6. To scald in water or steam
  7. to cut into small squares of equal size
  8. To mix ingredients together with a circular up and down motion using a spoon
  9. To coat with dry bread or cracker crumbs
  10. to cut food into thin, stick-sized strips
  11. To incorporate a delicate mixture into a thicker, heavier mixture with a whisk using a down up and over motion so the finished product remains light.
  12. To reduce a food into small bits by rubbing it on the sharp teeth of a utensil.
  13. to cut or chop into very fine pieces
  14. To put through a sieve to reduce to finer particles
  15. To soften fats often by adding a second ingredient such as sugar
  16. To cook with vapor produced by a boiling liquid
  17. To cut into small pieces
  18. To cut into very small cubes of even size
  19. to turn the surface of a food brown by placing it under a broiler
  20. To cook food in small amount of hot fat.
  21. to cook in the oven with dry heat

40 Clues: To cut into small piecesTo cook in liquid at 212FTo scald in water or steamTo mix with a circular motionTo sprinkle or coat with flourto cook in the oven with dry heatto cut or chop into very fine piecesto mix or blend two or more ingredientsto cut into small squares of equal sizeTo coat with dry bread or cracker crumbs...

summer work 2023-09-04

summer work crossword puzzle
  1. erudition
  2. survey
  3. infrequently
  4. on one occasion
  5. raise objections
  6. antiquated
  7. startle
  8. well organized
  9. elastic
  10. examination
  11. infrequent
  12. intentionally
  13. Prior to
  1. sickness
  2. In the area of
  3. alter
  4. inquire into
  5. differently
  6. compulsion
  7. shallow
  8. who
  9. corporeal
  10. formal
  11. article
  12. disposition
  13. form
  14. worth it
  15. View
  16. Get by
  17. detain

30 Clues: whoformViewaltersurveyformalGet bydetainshallowstartlearticleelasticsicknessworth itPrior toeruditioncorporealcompulsionantiquatedinfrequentdifferentlydispositionexaminationinquire intoinfrequentlyintentionallyIn the area ofwell organizedon one occasionraise objections

Work Matters 2024-03-25

Work Matters crossword puzzle
  1. vahvuus
  2. sopeutumiskykyinen
  3. asianmukainen
  4. joustava
  5. viestintä
  6. taipumus
  7. ennakoida
  8. taito
  9. saavutus
  10. ennustus
  11. korvaus
  12. heikkous
  13. ominaisuus
  14. säilyttää
  15. sidosryhmä
  16. yhteistyö
  17. työtön
  18. varmasti
  19. arvo
  1. laitteisto
  2. haastava
  3. ulkoinen
  4. nimettömästi
  5. pätevä
  6. tekijä
  7. päästä jostakin yli
  8. asia
  9. suosia
  10. lisätä
  11. sisäinen
  12. mahdollisuus
  13. elinikäinen
  14. yliarvioida
  15. palkata
  16. harjoitus
  17. kompetenssi
  18. järkevä
  19. luova
  20. näkyvä

39 Clues: asiaarvotaitoluovapätevätekijäsuosialisätätyötönnäkyvävahvuuskorvauspalkatajärkevähaastavajoustavaulkoinentaipumussaavutussisäinenennustusheikkousvarmastiviestintäennakoidasäilyttääharjoitusyhteistyölaitteistoominaisuussidosryhmäelinikäinenyliarvioidakompetenssinimettömästimahdollisuusasianmukainensopeutumiskykyinenpäästä jostakin yli

Word Work 2024-04-21

Word Work crossword puzzle
  1. Maps.
  2. Your interests get your ___.
  3. Community Baseball Court.
  4. You have a million tasks today.
  5. Loud noise.
  6. Personal _______.
  7. Sense of Wonder.
  8. End of a journey.
  9. Recess.
  10. Calming action.
  11. Poetry.
  1. Part of rain cycle.
  2. What do we do to the Earth?
  3. Focus.
  4. Teacher _____ Day!
  5. Peers and Sports.
  6. Used in books.
  7. Driver's Licence.
  8. Happens inside your stomach.
  9. What you need to finish a task.

20 Clues: Maps.Focus.Recess.Poetry.Loud noise.Used in books.Calming action.Sense of Wonder.Peers and Sports.Driver's Licence.Personal _______.End of a journey.Teacher _____ Day!Part of rain cycle.Community Baseball Court.What do we do to the Earth?Your interests get your ___.Happens inside your stomach.You have a million tasks today....

Review Work 2024-05-22

Review Work crossword puzzle
  1. Swimming Pool
  2. Pants
  3. You sleep
  4. To play
  5. Concert
  6. To paint
  7. We play
  8. Raincoat
  9. I sleep
  10. I play
  11. Fashion
  12. Gloves
  13. She thinks
  14. I think
  1. Socks
  2. Soccer
  3. They think
  4. To run
  5. Dress
  6. To be able
  7. We think
  8. He sleeps
  9. To speak
  10. We sleep
  11. They sleep
  12. You think
  13. To think
  14. golf
  15. You play
  16. To sleep
  17. He plays
  18. They play

32 Clues: golfSocksPantsDressSoccerTo runI playGlovesTo playConcertWe playI sleepFashionI thinkWe thinkTo speakWe sleepTo paintTo thinkYou playRaincoatTo sleepHe playsYou sleepHe sleepsYou thinkThey playThey thinkTo be ableThey sleepShe thinksSwimming Pool

Work jokes 2024-09-08

Work jokes crossword puzzle
  1. “trinity (blank) away that ring
  2. “I don’t want a fake (blank)”
  3. what is Mitch’s job?
  4. Sheyla is most excited to get this in store
  5. most annoying service
  6. “you’ve gotta come in (blank) times a year”
  7. who is our boss?
  8. “can you tell me my ring (blank)”
  9. shortest person?
  10. our motto
  1. what is she-she’s fave color?
  2. “it’s like tomatoes”
  3. who falls off the back of Kalin’s couch
  4. what does trinity always lose?
  5. don’t mess with sheylas (blank)
  6. Kenzie’s nickname?
  7. something you say to scare off customers
  8. goes around the neck
  9. what is a nice way to say something is ugly
  10. “can you clean my (blank)”
  11. September birth stone

21 Clues: our mottowho is our boss?shortest person?Kenzie’s nickname?“it’s like tomatoes”what is Mitch’s job?goes around the neckmost annoying serviceSeptember birth stone“can you clean my (blank)”what is she-she’s fave color?“I don’t want a fake (blank)”what does trinity always lose?“trinity (blank) away that ringdon’t mess with sheylas (blank)...

At Work... 2024-08-23

At Work... crossword puzzle
  1. Airport in Italy
  2. Flight Information
  3. Locker 15
  4. Kiki
  5. Global airline alliance
  6. #000
  7. Control C,F10,F5
  8. Locker 15
  9. Locker 1
  10. Laporsha
  11. American Airlines loyalty program
  12. 3779
  13. Serena
  14. #052
  1. Airport in Italy
  2. Color of a gate dispatch tag
  3. Sequel Dixon
  4. Synonym of baggage
  5. Valdez Alvarez middle name
  6. Diferent acronym for JAX airport
  7. (904)404-6679
  8. Total of gates at JAX Airport
  9. Voluntary Time Off
  10. Locker 5
  11. Acacia middle name
  12. Loker 1
  13. Locker 5
  14. Valdez Alvarez
  15. Standby

29 Clues: Kiki#0003779#052SerenaLoker 1StandbyLocker 5Locker 1LaporshaLocker 5Locker 15Locker 15Sequel Dixon(904)404-6679Valdez AlvarezAirport in ItalyAirport in ItalyControl C,F10,F5Flight InformationSynonym of baggageVoluntary Time OffAcacia middle nameGlobal airline allianceValdez Alvarez middle nameColor of a gate dispatch tag...

work work work 2023-01-12

work work work crossword puzzle
  1. to put more
  2. to join
  3. to take
  4. to stick
  5. in to the other side
  1. to put
  2. to make
  3. with others

8 Clues: to putto jointo maketo taketo stickto put morewith othersin to the other side

work work work 2023-01-12

work work work crossword puzzle
  1. to put more
  2. to join
  3. to take
  4. to stick
  5. in to the other side
  1. to put
  2. to make
  3. with others

8 Clues: to putto jointo maketo taketo stickto put morewith othersin to the other side

work work work 2022-07-28

work work work crossword puzzle
  1. someone who wears and shows clothes
  2. someone who knows plenty about science
  3. someone who cares for animals
  1. someone who plants our food
  2. someone who cares for our teeth
  3. someone who likes to dance
  4. driver someone who drives a bus
  5. player someone who likes sports and kicking balls

8 Clues: someone who likes to dancesomeone who plants our foodsomeone who cares for animalssomeone who cares for our teethdriver someone who drives a bussomeone who wears and shows clothessomeone who knows plenty about scienceplayer someone who likes sports and kicking balls

work work work 2023-01-12

work work work crossword puzzle
  1. to put more
  2. to join
  3. to take
  4. to stick
  5. in to the other side
  1. to put
  2. to make
  3. with others

8 Clues: to putto jointo maketo taketo stickto put morewith othersin to the other side

work 2021-03-24

work crossword puzzle
  1. place where in my
  2. assistant in the shop
  3. a
  4. experience what
  5. aika milloin työskentelee
  1. skills what need work
  2. wood carring
  3. work you du in the summer
  4. most wake up
  5. friend in the work
  6. kauppa josta lapset tykkää

11 Clues: awood carringmost wake upexperience whatplace where in myfriend in the workskills what need workassistant in the shopwork you du in the summeraika milloin työskenteleekauppa josta lapset tykkää

Work 2022-03-04

Work crossword puzzle
  1. a particular ability
  2. gathering to discuss ideas
  3. your superior at work
  4. a person who works with you
  5. a written agreement between employer and employee
  6. a person who is paid to do work
  1. to give someone a job
  2. to let go, to make someone leave their job
  3. the amount of money a person make in a week/month
  4. time worked in addition to one's normal working hours
  5. list of activities and times allocated for everyday

11 Clues: a particular abilityto give someone a jobyour superior at workgathering to discuss ideasa person who works with youa person who is paid to do workto let go, to make someone leave their jobthe amount of money a person make in a week/montha written agreement between employer and employeelist of activities and times allocated for everyday...

Work 2022-03-09

Work crossword puzzle
  1. employed for or occupying only part of the usual working day or week
  2. the person in an organization who has the most important position with responsibility for the organization's finances (abbreviation)
  3. time worked in addition to one's normal working hours
  4. lasting for only a limited period of time; not permanent
  5. voluntarily leave a job
  1. an official record showing that you have finished an educational institution or a training course and have the necessary skills, etc
  2. without a paid job but available to work
  3. the action of promoting someone or something to a higher position or rank
  4. a particular employment role or position, such as cook, teacher or banker
  5. the person with the most important position in a company (abbreviation)
  6. leave one's job, typically on reaching the normal age for leaving service

11 Clues: voluntarily leave a jobwithout a paid job but available to worktime worked in addition to one's normal working hourslasting for only a limited period of time; not permanentemployed for or occupying only part of the usual working day or weekthe person with the most important position in a company (abbreviation)...

WORK 2023-05-06

WORK crossword puzzle
  1. to urge, push, or force onward.
  2. a system of working in which people work a set number of hours within a fixed period of time.
  3. included on a list of final candidates for an open position, from which the organization makes the final selection.
  4. freedom to act within particular limits.
  5. any extended period of leave from one's customary work, especially for rest, to acquire new skills or training, etc.
  6. a period of time spent receiving or completing training at a job as a part of becoming qualified to do it
  1. strongly wanting to do or have something.
  2. an advantage or something extra, such as money or goods, that you are given because of your job
  3. payment for work or services.
  4. the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
  5. great ability or skill

11 Clues: great ability or skillpayment for work or urge, push, or force onward.freedom to act within particular limits.strongly wanting to do or have something.the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.a system of working in which people work a set number of hours within a fixed period of time....

Word Work 2018-03-06

Word Work crossword puzzle
  1. ear
  2. just got
  3. already happened
  4. to understand
  5. simple
  6. to receive
  7. found in cars
  8. if it happens
  9. opposite of war
  10. past tense of know
  11. this place
  1. all of it
  2. to be apart
  3. opposite of yes
  4. clouds,sunshine
  5. used for travel
  6. already went by
  7. to not include
  8. part of

19 Clues: earsimplepart ofjust gotall of itto receivethis placeto be apartto understandfound in carsif it happensto not includeopposite of yesclouds,sunshineused for travelalready went byopposite of waralready happenedpast tense of know

At work 2022-11-01

At work crossword puzzle
  1. group work in which each person has a task to complete in order to achieve shared goal
  2. to talk about work
  3. a system in a company which lets people who have been working in there get promotion first
  4. amount of work someone needs to do
  5. hours: working hour which do not let a person have a normal social life
  6. an adjective that describes doing the same thing every day
  7. sharing desks at work (noone has an assigned seat).
  8. the latest time by when something should be completed and hand in
  9. being your own boss
  10. extremely boring job
  1. relationship with your colleagues
  2. boring job as it never changes
  3. a small business that has just started
  4. a period of time worked during the day
  5. a person who works for different companies
  6. synonym for colleagues
  7. a type of job with no prospects of promotion
  8. a person who does the same job as you do
  9. an adjective to describe a job that gives you a lot of satisfaction
  10. a period of time worked during the day

20 Clues: to talk about workbeing your own bossextremely boring jobsynonym for colleaguesboring job as it never changesrelationship with your colleaguesamount of work someone needs to doa small business that has just starteda period of time worked during the daya period of time worked during the daya person who does the same job as you do...

At work 2023-11-06

At work crossword puzzle
  1. group work in which each person has a task to complete in order to achieve shared goal
  2. to talk about work
  3. a system in a company which lets people who have been working in there get promotion first
  4. amount of work someone needs to do
  5. hours: working hour which do not let a person have a normal social life
  6. an adjective that describes doing the same thing every day
  7. sharing desks at work (noone has an assigned seat).
  8. the latest time by when something should be completed and hand in
  9. being your own boss
  10. extremely boring job
  1. relationship with your colleagues
  2. boring job as it never changes
  3. a small business that has just started
  4. a period of time worked during the day
  5. a person who works for different companies
  6. synonym for colleagues
  7. a type of job with no prospects of promotion
  8. a person who does the same job as you do
  9. an adjective to describe a job that gives you a lot of satisfaction
  10. a period of time worked during the day

20 Clues: to talk about workbeing your own bossextremely boring jobsynonym for colleaguesboring job as it never changesrelationship with your colleaguesamount of work someone needs to doa small business that has just starteda period of time worked during the daya period of time worked during the daya person who does the same job as you do...

TEAM WORK 2024-09-09

TEAM WORK crossword puzzle
  1. Working together harmoniously (11 letters)
  2. Thinking of new and original ideas.
  3. Accountability for one's actions (14 letters)
  4. Finding solutions together.
  5. Working together as a group.
  6. Adapting to new situations (10 letters)
  7. Being united in purpose and action.
  8. Assigning tasks to team members
  1. Working together effectively.
  2. Guiding the team towards goals.
  3. Believing in each other's abilities.
  4. Sharing ideas clearly.
  5. Being trustworthy and dependable (10 letters)
  6. process of reaching an aim or target (5 letters
  7. Being truthful and open (7 letters)
  8. Putting in required effort (6 letters)
  9. Helping and encouraging team members.
  10. Providing support and motivation (9 letters)
  11. Valuing each other's opinions and contributions.

19 Clues: Sharing ideas clearly.Finding solutions together.Working together as a group.Working together effectively.Guiding the team towards goals.Assigning tasks to team membersThinking of new and original ideas.Being truthful and open (7 letters)Being united in purpose and action.Believing in each other's abilities.Helping and encouraging team members....

Work 2014-12-18

Work crossword puzzle
  1. Jovans comp
  2. My Boo(ralph)
  3. Gangsters Who we are
  4. Front desk
  5. The Artist
  1. Germans name for Renata
  2. Jassys boo
  3. The Leader
  4. what jovan looks for all day
  5. Mad in the rain
  6. Jassy in a past life

11 Clues: Jassys booThe LeaderFront deskThe ArtistJovans compMy Boo(ralph)Mad in the rainGangsters Who we areJassy in a past lifeGermans name for Renatawhat jovan looks for all day

Work 2020-03-26

Work crossword puzzle
  1. stocking up
  2. to move slowly on like the wind
  3. a sign
  4. Likely to happen
  5. to do something
  1. relating to finance
  2. mocking someone
  3. Comment
  4. a contagious disease
  5. conversation
  6. a feeling

11 Clues: a signCommenta feelingstocking upconversationmocking someoneto do somethingLikely to happenrelating to financea contagious diseaseto move slowly on like the wind

Work 2021-03-16

Work crossword puzzle
  1. fired
  2. Boss
  3. Work
  4. Salary
  5. job-interview
  1. Part-timejob
  2. full-timejob
  3. employer
  4. I am at work
  5. hire
  6. Workmate

11 Clues: BosshireWorkfiredSalaryemployerWorkmatePart-timejobfull-timejobI am at workjob-interview