beach Crossword Puzzles
Beach 2023-03-02
- location without transportation
- watercraft
- Bag-Large handbag
- plants
- plastic disk
- animal
- Dissolved organic materials
- car
- Shells-Bivalves
- container
- container
- framed covered paper
- on waves
- harmful rays
- Flops-Light sandals
- rackets called shuttle
- creature
- cloth
- covering for the head
- boat
- limbs skin
- sides tool
- Ball- Inflated sphere
- Case- Vaneity bag
- Small castle like
- Lying in the sun
- skin
27 Clues: car • boat • skin • cloth • plants • animal • creature • on waves • container • container • limbs skin • watercraft • sides tool • plastic disk • harmful rays • Shells-Bivalves • Lying in the sun • Bag-Large handbag • Case- Vaneity bag • Small castle like • Flops-Light sandals • framed covered paper • covering for the head • Ball- Inflated sphere • rackets called shuttle • Dissolved organic materials • ...
Beach 2023-06-01
- Ability to float or rise in a liquid
- Air pockets rising to the surface of water
- Watercraft used for travel or recreational purposes on the water
- Gas mixture used in scuba diving to reduce nitrogen absorption
- Measurement from the surface to the bottom of a body of water
- Relating to the ocean
- Swimming or diving equipment worn on feet for propulsion
- Submerge into water, often for recreational or exploratory purposes
- Tube used for breathing while floating face-down in water
- Fins worn on feet for swimming or diving
- Device that controls the flow of air from a scuba tank
- Diving equipment that allows for breathing underwater
- Act of investigating or discovering new underwater areas
- Aquatic animals found in water bodies
- Process of gradually returning to normal atmospheric pressure after diving
- Underwater ridge formed by coral or rocks
- Beneath the surface of the water
- Container holding compressed air for scuba diving
- Person diving or swimming alongside you
- Garment worn for insulation and protection during water activities
20 Clues: Relating to the ocean • Beneath the surface of the water • Ability to float or rise in a liquid • Aquatic animals found in water bodies • Person diving or swimming alongside you • Fins worn on feet for swimming or diving • Underwater ridge formed by coral or rocks • Air pockets rising to the surface of water • Container holding compressed air for scuba diving • ...
Beach 2023-06-01
- Bag carried on the back for carrying supplies
- Portable cooking device for camping
- Suspended bed or swinging seat for relaxation
- Animals and plants living in their natural environment
- Navigational tool used to determine direction
- Repellent used to deter insects
- Insulated bag for sleeping outdoors
- Portable shelter for camping
- Soft, sweet treats often roasted over a campfire
- Portable chairs for sitting around a campsite
- Small folding knife that fits in a pocket
- Campfire treat made with graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows
- Outdoor fire used for cooking and warmth
- Annoying insects that often bite outdoors
- Area designed for camping with designated campsites
- Area where a tent is set up for camping
- Insects commonly found in outdoor environments
- Portable light source for outdoor use
- Mixture of nuts, dried fruits, and candies for snacking during hikes
- Walking in nature for recreational purposes
20 Clues: Portable shelter for camping • Repellent used to deter insects • Portable cooking device for camping • Insulated bag for sleeping outdoors • Portable light source for outdoor use • Area where a tent is set up for camping • Outdoor fire used for cooking and warmth • Small folding knife that fits in a pocket • Annoying insects that often bite outdoors • ...
Beach 2023-06-01
- Large outdoor fire used for warmth, cooking, or celebration
- Time of day when the sun appears above the horizon in the morning
- Activity of moving through water using one's body
- Activity of staying overnight outdoors, typically in a tent
- Time of day when the sun disappears below the horizon in the evening
- Sport or activity of catching fish
- Outdoor meal or gathering, often in a park or scenic area
- Paddling a narrow open boat
- Activity of traveling in a boat
- The natural world and its phenomena
- Cooking food over an open flame or grill
- Activity done for enjoyment or relaxation
- State of being free from tension or stress
- Relaxing or lying in the sun, often to get a tan
- Small simple house or shelter in a rural or wilderness area
- Paddling a small narrow boat
- Propelling a boat using wind power
- Structure for mooring boats or ships
- Animals and plants living in their natural environment
- Shoreline area by the sea or a lake
20 Clues: Paddling a narrow open boat • Paddling a small narrow boat • Activity of traveling in a boat • Propelling a boat using wind power • Sport or activity of catching fish • Shoreline area by the sea or a lake • The natural world and its phenomena • Structure for mooring boats or ships • Cooking food over an open flame or grill • Activity done for enjoyment or relaxation • ...
Beach 2022-05-01
- a promenade along a beach or waterfront, Bocce typically made of wood.
- a very large expanse of sea, in particular each of the main areas into which the sea is divided geographically.
- a long body of water curling into an arched form and breaking on the shore.
- long, narrow board that surfers take out into the water and stand on. If you do it right, you can ride a wave—meaning you stay on top of a wave until it comes crashing down. (2 wds)
- Pieces of wood that are washed onto the shore by the water are called _________.
- is a flat disc that’s thrown by spinning it.
- use a frame and fabric or paper to float up in the air. You hold a string attached to the ____ and let it fly high.
- the state of the tide when at its lowest level. (2 wds)
- are dark glasses worn to protect your eyes from the sun.
- a loose granular substance, typically pale yellowish brown, resulting from the erosion of siliceous and other rocks and forming a major constituent of beaches, riverbeds, the seabed, and deserts.
- large, inflatable ball, usually using slices of bright colors. (2 wds)
- is what you use to dry yourself when you come out of the bath or shower. A _____ _____ is the same, but for the beach. (2 wds)
- a ridge of sand built up by currents especially in a river or in coastal waters.
- Italian game similar to lawn bowling but played on a shorter, narrower green or sand.
- are usually portable (easy to move around) and are made of metal poles with fabric stretched between them to form a back and a seat. (2 wds)
- the outfit you wear to swim. (2 wds)
- the state of the tide when at its highest level. (2 wds)
- These are structures made of packed wet sand. You’ll need a bucket and a shovel which is a flat spoon-like tool used for moving dirt and sand around. (2 wds)
- when you bathe in the sun instead of the water; in other words, you let the sun’s rays wash over you.
- is a structure that goes from the shore into the water. It’s used for tying ships down so they don’t drift away
- the fringe of land at the edge of a large body of water, such as an ocean, sea, or lake.
- a device consisting of a circular canopy of cloth on a folding metal frame supported by a central rod, used as protection against rain or sometimes sun.
- also called sunblock is a cream or spray applied to the body to keep it from getting burned by the sun.
23 Clues: the outfit you wear to swim. (2 wds) • is a flat disc that’s thrown by spinning it. • the state of the tide when at its lowest level. (2 wds) • the state of the tide when at its highest level. (2 wds) • are dark glasses worn to protect your eyes from the sun. • large, inflatable ball, usually using slices of bright colors. (2 wds) • ...
Beach 2024-05-01
20 Clues: pro • Fisk • sport • mange • kendt • Fiske • Søndag • Venner • Strand • mennesker • Vollyball • tempratur • uniformer • offenligt • Kystlinje • surfboards • frivillige • livreddere • Afslappende • Middelhavsområde
beach 2024-05-12
- have fun
- make clean or pure
- hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be ___"
- tranquil
- come back
- Psalm 139:17-18 count what?
- bring together
- blast of air
- to make new
- a tree that is planted by streams of
- inspect in detail
- wash me clean of
- Matthew 5:6: “Blessed are those
- the world was _____ into existence
- green, growing, food
- struggle with something
- brightest star
- to make new
- take serious attention or concern
- lyrics to oceans " I will call upon Your name and keep
- eyes above the _____"
- belief that is not based on proof
22 Clues: have fun • tranquil • come back • to make new • to make new • blast of air • brightest star • bring together • wash me clean of • inspect in detail • make clean or pure • green, growing, food • eyes above the _____" • struggle with something • Psalm 139:17-18 count what? • Matthew 5:6: “Blessed are those • take serious attention or concern • belief that is not based on proof • ...
beach 2023-03-02
- has a shell
- popular drink
- has claws
- eaten at the beach
- two pieces of cloth
- type of tree
- is in the reef
- 8 tentacles
- type of bird
- star shaped animal
- food found in ocean
- result of to much sun
- hide your eyes from sun
- result of not burning in the sun but..
- fruit with most water
- burns you
- saves lives
- keep the sun off you
- shoes used to go to the beach
- on palm trees
- used to catch fish
- produced by the ocean
- used with a volleyball net
- used to cover bikinis
- water found near beach
- used to dry off
- close to the ocean
- used in the ocean
- found in ocean
- prevent sun burns
- has a fin
- used on ocean
32 Clues: has claws • has a fin • burns you • saves lives • has a shell • 8 tentacles • type of tree • type of bird • popular drink • on palm trees • used on ocean • is in the reef • found in ocean • used to dry off • used in the ocean • prevent sun burns • used to catch fish • eaten at the beach • star shaped animal • close to the ocean • two pieces of cloth • food found in ocean • keep the sun off you • ...
Beach 2023-06-01
- Practice of focusing the mind and finding inner peace
- Act of writing down personal thoughts and experiences
- Resting or being in a state of slumber
- Activities involving rules and competition for entertainment
- Swimming or recreational area filled with water
- Tabletop games played with counters or pieces on a board
- Outdoor meal or gathering in a scenic spot
- Form of entertainment involving motion pictures
- Vacation spent at home or nearby
- Physical, mental, and spiritual practice originating in ancient India
- State of being physically healthy and strong
- People with whom one has a bond of mutual affection
- Outdoor space used for growing plants and flowers
- State of being free from tension or stress
- Process of getting a tan from exposure to the sun
- Art or practice of capturing and creating images with a camera
- Tasks or activities undertaken for a specific purpose
- Activity of looking at and understanding written words
- Activity of preparing food
- Activities done for pleasure or relaxation outside of work
20 Clues: Activity of preparing food • Vacation spent at home or nearby • Resting or being in a state of slumber • State of being free from tension or stress • Outdoor meal or gathering in a scenic spot • State of being physically healthy and strong • Swimming or recreational area filled with water • Form of entertainment involving motion pictures • ...
Beach 2023-07-07
- (Hint: Riding the waves on a board)
- (Hint: Open-toed footwear for the beach)
- (Hint: Protects the skin from the sun's rays)
- (Hint: A sheltered area that blocks sunlight)
- (Hint: A small bucket for carrying sand or water)
- (Hint: A large, inflatable ball for playing in the sand)
- (Hint: A person responsible for water safety)
- (Hint: Used to dry off after swimming)
- (Hint: Move through water using your body)
- (Hint: Algae found in the ocean)
- (Hint: The hard protective covering found on the beach)
- (Hint: A sculpture made from wet sand)
- (Hint: Tiny grains found on the beach)
- (Hint: The bright ball of light in the sky)
- (Hint: Eyewear to protect eyes from the sun)
- (Hint: A common bird found near the shore)
- (Hint: A crustacean often found on the beach)
- (Hint: Vast body of saltwater)
- (Hint: The empty shell of a marine creature)
- (Hint: The rhythmic movement of water)
20 Clues: (Hint: Vast body of saltwater) • (Hint: Algae found in the ocean) • (Hint: Riding the waves on a board) • (Hint: A sculpture made from wet sand) • (Hint: Tiny grains found on the beach) • (Hint: Used to dry off after swimming) • (Hint: The rhythmic movement of water) • (Hint: Open-toed footwear for the beach) • (Hint: A common bird found near the shore) • ...
Beach 2024-10-24
- air that blows
- stores where you can buy things
- a building to sleep in away from home
- an area for play or recreation
- something that keeps the rain off you
- masses of water vapor that hang in the air
- a cloth used for drying
- an area of a town or city
- a tropical tree
- a large cloth used for warmth
- what we breathe
- the air and atmosphere at a particular time and place
- the movement of the ocean
- a children's recreation area
- raised land that is lower than a mountain
- light wind
- a route to walk on
- land along the ocean or sea
- skies few or no clouds
- a material made of tiny rocks
- a beach area
- too many cars or people in one place
- a very tall landmass
- a very large body of salt water
24 Clues: light wind • a beach area • air that blows • a tropical tree • what we breathe • a route to walk on • a very tall landmass • skies few or no clouds • a cloth used for drying • the movement of the ocean • an area of a town or city • land along the ocean or sea • a children's recreation area • a material made of tiny rocks • a large cloth used for warmth • an area for play or recreation • ...
beach 2025-03-03
- Used for shade at the beach
- Clothing worn for swimming
- The rise and fall of sea levels
- Someone who watches over swimmers for safety
- A colorful marine organism forming reefs
- A crustacean with a hard shell and pincers
- Beach footwear that is easy to slip on
- A marine creature with a star-shaped body
- A beautiful view of the sun dipping below the horizon
- Gear used for swimming underwater and breathing
- A lightweight ball tossed around for fun
- A playful marine mammal often seen near coasts
- A bird commonly seen near the ocean
- A small item often collected by beachgoers
- A structure built with wet sand at the beach
- A platform extending over the water from the shore
- Equipment used to ride ocean waves
- A tropical tree often associated with beaches
- A hard, protective outer layer found on the shore
- The moving swell of water on the ocean surface
20 Clues: Clothing worn for swimming • Used for shade at the beach • The rise and fall of sea levels • Equipment used to ride ocean waves • A bird commonly seen near the ocean • Beach footwear that is easy to slip on • A colorful marine organism forming reefs • A lightweight ball tossed around for fun • A marine creature with a star-shaped body • ...
Beach 2021-01-18
- covers the beach
- what you wear on your feet
- to listen to music
- what you drink
- ocean treasures
- help you to kick on waves
- these help you to float
- to store food + drinks in
- trees found near the beach
- what you surf
- to catch waves laying down
- something you wear to protect your eyes
- has the nicest shoes in the class
- to use as shade
- what you use to dry off
- you use this to see underwater
- what you sit on
- to catch waves standing up
- prevents sunburn
- what you eat
- to wear on your head
21 Clues: what you eat • what you surf • what you drink • to use as shade • what you sit on • ocean treasures • covers the beach • prevents sunburn • to listen to music • to wear on your head • what you use to dry off • these help you to float • help you to kick on waves • to store food + drinks in • to catch waves laying down • what you wear on your feet • to catch waves standing up • ...
Beach 2018-10-03
- and animal that could eat you and has sharp teeth
- a drink to keep you refreshed
- living things that roam the brach
- what you use to dry off when you are done
- something kids build out of sand
- what you wear on your head to keep the sun out of your face
- water people swim in
- what you wear into the ocean
- food you bring if you get hungry
- round object you hit back and forth
- goggles with a tube you breathe out of
- a bird that is around the ocean
- keeps water out of your eyes when you are swimming
- what kids play in that leads to the ocean
- you would use to dig in the sand
- something you put up and sit under for shade
- what you wear on your feet
- a tree you would find at the beach
- an electronic to keep you occupied at the beach
- what you wear on your face to keep the sun out of your eyes
- you put this on your skin so you don't burn
- you would stand on this to ride a wave
- what you sit in
- an animal under the sand that could pinch you
- animal that swims in the sea
- something that keeps your drink cold
26 Clues: what you sit in • water people swim in • what you wear on your feet • animal that swims in the sea • what you wear into the ocean • a drink to keep you refreshed • a bird that is around the ocean • you would use to dig in the sand • something kids build out of sand • food you bring if you get hungry • living things that roam the brach • a tree you would find at the beach • ...
beach 2024-01-19
- - Enjoyable activity in the sea.
- - Ocean movements near the shore.
- - Edible sea creatures like clams or mussels.
- - Ride the waves on a board.
- - Activity often enjoyed off the pier or shore.
- - Breathing tube for underwater exploration.
- - Safety monitor at the beach.
- - Sculpture built with beach sand.
- - Inflatable plaything for sandy fun.
- - Land along the edge of the sea.
- - Underwater structure supporting marine life.
- - Rise and fall of sea levels.
- - Common coastal bird.
- - Collectible from the shore.
- - View of the sun disappearing below the horizon.
- - Shade provider on a sunny beach day.
- - Sand hill formed by wind.
- - Lotion for skin protection from the sun.
- - Sideways-walking crustacean.
- - Outdoor meal by the shoreline.
20 Clues: - Common coastal bird. • - Sand hill formed by wind. • - Ride the waves on a board. • - Collectible from the shore. • - Rise and fall of sea levels. • - Safety monitor at the beach. • - Sideways-walking crustacean. • - Enjoyable activity in the sea. • - Outdoor meal by the shoreline. • - Ocean movements near the shore. • - Land along the edge of the sea. • ...
Beach 2023-03-06
- ride waves with this
- beach sandle
- beach cuisine
- vehicle in the sand
- vessel powered by wind
- keeps ships from wrecking
- wooden structure over ocean
- ocean plant
- protects skin
- wooden structure along beach
- washes up on beach
- protects swimmers
- children make these on beach
- lives in ocean and stings
- dangerous current
- storm over water
- where sky meets ocean
- keeps drinks cold
- creature with five arms
- beautiful sky at end of day
- lay on this at beach
- protects eyes
- blocks sun
- dangerous fish
- popular beach bird
25 Clues: blocks sun • ocean plant • beach sandle • beach cuisine • protects eyes • protects skin • dangerous fish • storm over water • dangerous current • keeps drinks cold • protects swimmers • washes up on beach • popular beach bird • vehicle in the sand • ride waves with this • lay on this at beach • where sky meets ocean • vessel powered by wind • creature with five arms • lives in ocean and stings • ...
Beach 2023-03-02
- riding waves
- when you eat food
- build it out of sand
- jump out of the water
- in the water
- sport on the beach
- hanging over the beach
- when it gets dark
- see under water with them
- swim with fins
- flies over the sea
- put sand in it
- fast in water
- dig in the sand
- looking at fish under water
- flies in the sky
- crashing on the beach
- grains
- animal in the water
- crabs live in them
20 Clues: grains • riding waves • in the water • fast in water • put sand in it • swim with fins • dig in the sand • flies in the sky • when you eat food • when it gets dark • flies over the sea • sport on the beach • crabs live in them • animal in the water • build it out of sand • jump out of the water • crashing on the beach • hanging over the beach • see under water with them • looking at fish under water
beach 2024-05-01
20 Clues: haj • mere • side • alle • også • bygge • slotte • vigtigt • opfinde • populær • fiskning • våddragt • kystlinje • brasilien • slappe af • beliggende • frivillige • livreddere • aktiviteter • dødbringende
Beach 2022-07-14
- Swim parallel to shore if you get caught in one of these. (two words)
- This Spielberg film might make some folks wary about getting in the ocean.
- These feral creatures are all over the island, but you shouldn't feed them.
- Hunting for calcium carbonate collectibles.
- Mostly made of pulverized feldspar and quartz.
- This branch of the military has a station in Hatteras. (two words)
- These translucent treasures can be found in the ocean most commonly in green, blue, brown, and clear. (two words)
- "It's coarse and rough and irritating — and it gets everywhere."
- This long-nosed fish is quite the badge of honor for fishermen who catch one.
- Samuel Taylor's poem, "The ___ of the Ancient Mariner" contains the line, "Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink."
- You can do this in the ocean, but please don't do it in the pool.
- The natural cycle of the ebbing and flowing of a body of water.
- Fish might stop by this sediment deposit for a drink.
- Though referred to by this name for quite some time, the Post Office adopted the name Avon for the village in 1883.
- These creatures make 80% of Earth's oxygen.
- You wouldn't want to see these rolling in while you are down on the beach. (two words)
- Men in grey suits.
- The study of fish.
- These flat bits of ocean currency are very rare to find, especially intact. (two words)
- Formed in 2011, the newest inlet on Hatteras Island - located between the Basnight Bridge and Rodanthe - is referred to by this name by locals.
- SPF for short.
- Andy Griffith owned a house in this OBX town.
- This 183-foot vessel is the newest in NCDOT’s Hatteras-Ocracoke fleet and is also named after the beach town 35 miles north of Hatteras.
- The chicken of the sea.
- The stingray's harmless cousin.
- These named storms can be very devastating to coastal towns.
26 Clues: SPF for short. • Men in grey suits. • The study of fish. • The chicken of the sea. • The stingray's harmless cousin. • Hunting for calcium carbonate collectibles. • These creatures make 80% of Earth's oxygen. • Andy Griffith owned a house in this OBX town. • Mostly made of pulverized feldspar and quartz. • Fish might stop by this sediment deposit for a drink. • ...
Beach 2023-06-01
- Wooden walkway along the beach
- Move through water using one's body
- Sandy area by the water's edge
- Shells found on the beach
- Lotion applied to protect from the sun
- Absorbent cloth used for drying off
- Tall tropical trees with long, slender trunks
- Boundary between land and water
- Tiny grains found on the beach
- Moving swells of water
- Birds often found near the coast
- Marine creature with multiple arms
- Device used for shade on sunny days
- Process of darkening skin in the sun
- Gentle wind
- Breathing tube used while swimming underwater
- Two-piece swimsuit
- Sculpture made of wet sand
- Vast body of saltwater
- Ride the breaking waves on a board
20 Clues: Gentle wind • Two-piece swimsuit • Vast body of saltwater • Moving swells of water • Shells found on the beach • Sculpture made of wet sand • Wooden walkway along the beach • Sandy area by the water's edge • Tiny grains found on the beach • Boundary between land and water • Birds often found near the coast • Marine creature with multiple arms • Ride the breaking waves on a board • ...
Beach 2023-06-01
- Moving swells of water
- Process of darkening skin in the sun
- Boundary between land and water
- Two-piece swimsuit
- Ride the breaking waves on a board
- Vast body of saltwater
- Birds often found near the coast
- Shells found on the beach
- Device used for shade on sunny days
- Tiny grains found on the beach
- Gentle wind
- Sandy area by the water's edge
- Breathing tube used while swimming underwater
- Move through water using one's body
- Wooden walkway along the beach
- Sculpture made of wet sand
- Absorbent cloth used for drying off
- Lotion applied to protect from the sun
- Marine creature with multiple arms
- Tall tropical trees with long, slender trunks
20 Clues: Gentle wind • Two-piece swimsuit • Moving swells of water • Vast body of saltwater • Shells found on the beach • Sculpture made of wet sand • Sandy area by the water's edge • Wooden walkway along the beach • Tiny grains found on the beach • Boundary between land and water • Birds often found near the coast • Ride the breaking waves on a board • Marine creature with multiple arms • ...
Beach 2023-06-01
- Red grape variety known for its soft and fruity character
- White grape variety known for its aromatic and fruity wines
- Small, juicy fruits used in winemaking
- Flat, outdoor seating area often overlooking a vineyard
- Underground storage area for aging wine
- Facility where wine is produced
- Characteristic of a love or affectionate relationship
- Agricultural land where grapes are grown for wine production
- Red or white grape variety used in the production of various wines
- White grape variety known for producing rich, buttery wines
- Container for storing and serving wine
- Climbing or trailing plants that bear grapes
- Red grape variety known for producing full-bodied wines
- Large area of land with vineyards and winemaking facilities
- Alcoholic beverage made from fermented grapes
- State of being free from tension or stress
- Guided visit to a vineyard or winery
- Activity of sampling and evaluating different wines
- Process of gathering ripe grapes from the vineyard
- Cylindrical container used for aging and storing wine
20 Clues: Facility where wine is produced • Guided visit to a vineyard or winery • Container for storing and serving wine • Small, juicy fruits used in winemaking • Underground storage area for aging wine • State of being free from tension or stress • Climbing or trailing plants that bear grapes • Alcoholic beverage made from fermented grapes • ...
Beach 2023-03-02
- riding waves
- when you eat food
- build it out of sand
- jump out of the water
- in the water
- sport on the beach
- hanging over the beach
- when it gets dark
- see under water with them
- swim with fins
- flies over the sea
- put sand in it
- fast in water
- dig in the sand
- looking at fish under water
- flies in the sky
- crashing on the beach
- grains
- animal in the water
- crabs live in them
20 Clues: grains • riding waves • in the water • fast in water • put sand in it • swim with fins • dig in the sand • flies in the sky • when you eat food • when it gets dark • flies over the sea • sport on the beach • crabs live in them • animal in the water • build it out of sand • jump out of the water • crashing on the beach • hanging over the beach • see under water with them • looking at fish under water
Beach 2023-06-16
- Cascading stream of water
- Cold, treeless plain with frozen subsoil
- Steep, high cliff or bank
- Large mass of ice
- Mountain with a vent for lava and ash
- Fertile area in a desert with water and vegetation
- Large flowing body of water
- Flat, elevated landform
- Long, narrow elevated landform
- Tall landform with a peak
- Large underground chamber or cave
- Deep, narrow gorge with steep sides
- Land surrounded by water on three sides
- Shallow body of water separated from the sea by a barrier
- Dense collection of trees
- Arid, barren land with little rainfall
- Wetland with grasses and shallow water
- Long, narrow inlet with steep sides
- Lowland between hills or mountains
- Deep, narrow passage between cliffs
20 Clues: Large mass of ice • Flat, elevated landform • Tall landform with a peak • Cascading stream of water • Dense collection of trees • Steep, high cliff or bank • Large flowing body of water • Long, narrow elevated landform • Large underground chamber or cave • Lowland between hills or mountains • Deep, narrow gorge with steep sides • Long, narrow inlet with steep sides • ...
Beach 2023-06-01
- Guided visit to various points of interest
- Panoramic view of a city's buildings and skyline
- Structures built to commemorate a person or event
- Open public square or pedestrian area
- Place of worship for Christian religious ceremonies
- Spaces for displaying and showcasing art
- Structure built to span a physical obstacle, such as a river
- Public space where goods are bought and sold
- Decorative structure that releases water into the air
- Building dedicated to religious or spiritual practices
- Remains of ancient or destroyed structures
- Landscaped areas cultivated with plants and flowers
- Outline of buildings seen against the sky
- Three-dimensional artwork created by shaping or carving materials
- Structure or monument created to honor a person or event
- Prominent or well-known feature of a landscape
- Design and construction of buildings and structures
- Place or feature that draws interest or attention
- Institutions that preserve and exhibit artifacts and artworks
- Grand residence of a monarch or high-ranking official
20 Clues: Open public square or pedestrian area • Spaces for displaying and showcasing art • Outline of buildings seen against the sky • Guided visit to various points of interest • Remains of ancient or destroyed structures • Public space where goods are bought and sold • Prominent or well-known feature of a landscape • Panoramic view of a city's buildings and skyline • ...
Beach 2023-06-01
- People with whom one has a bond of mutual affection
- Tabletop games played with counters or pieces on a board
- Physical, mental, and spiritual practice originating in ancient India
- Resting or being in a state of slumber
- Swimming or recreational area filled with water
- Tasks or activities undertaken for a specific purpose
- Practice of focusing the mind and finding inner peace
- Outdoor meal or gathering in a scenic spot
- Activities done for pleasure or relaxation outside of work
- Act of writing down personal thoughts and experiences
- State of being physically healthy and strong
- Outdoor space used for growing plants and flowers
- Activity of preparing food
- Activities involving rules and competition for entertainment
- State of being free from tension or stress
- Art or practice of capturing and creating images with a camera
- Vacation spent at home or nearby
- Form of entertainment involving motion pictures
- Activity of looking at and understanding written words
- Process of getting a tan from exposure to the sun
20 Clues: Activity of preparing food • Vacation spent at home or nearby • Resting or being in a state of slumber • State of being free from tension or stress • Outdoor meal or gathering in a scenic spot • State of being physically healthy and strong • Form of entertainment involving motion pictures • Swimming or recreational area filled with water • ...
Beach 2023-06-01
- Relating to high mountains, especially the Alps
- Highest point or peak of a mountain
- Dense growth of trees and vegetation
- Paths or tracks through outdoor areas
- Deep valleys with steep sides
- Outdoor activity of staying overnight in a tent or camper
- Cascading streams of water
- Outdoor activity of walking in nature
- Relating to or done outside, in nature
- The natural world and its phenomena
- Beautiful or picturesque
- Animals and plants living in their natural habitat
- Panoramic or scenic outlooks
- Undeveloped and uncultivated land
- Large natural flowing watercourse
- Large natural elevation of the earth's surface
- Exciting or daring experience
- Inland bodies of water surrounded by land
- Hiking and camping while carrying one's belongings in a backpack
- Animals and plants living in their natural habitat
20 Clues: Beautiful or picturesque • Cascading streams of water • Panoramic or scenic outlooks • Deep valleys with steep sides • Exciting or daring experience • Undeveloped and uncultivated land • Large natural flowing watercourse • Highest point or peak of a mountain • The natural world and its phenomena • Dense growth of trees and vegetation • Paths or tracks through outdoor areas • ...
beach 2023-06-16
Beach 2023-06-01
- Maneuver of changing the direction of a sailboat by turning the bow through the wind
- Surface of a boat where people stand or walk
- Lever used to steer a boat
- Person in charge of a ship or boat
- Process of determining and controlling a ship's course
- Steering device at the stern of a boat
- Heavy object used to keep a boat in place
- System of ropes, cables, and chains used to support and control the sails
- Units of speed for nautical vessels
- Device used for securing ropes on a boat
- Single-masted sailboat with a fore-and-aft mainsail and jib
- Series of boat races held as a competition
- Large, balloon-shaped sail used for sailing downwind
- Vertical spar that supports the sails
- Watercraft propelled by sails
- Floating object used as a navigation marker
- Group of people who operate a boat
- Natural movement of air that powers a sailboat
- Main body of a boat, excluding the mast and superstructure
19 Clues: Lever used to steer a boat • Watercraft propelled by sails • Person in charge of a ship or boat • Group of people who operate a boat • Units of speed for nautical vessels • Vertical spar that supports the sails • Steering device at the stern of a boat • Device used for securing ropes on a boat • Heavy object used to keep a boat in place • ...
Beach 2021-07-19
- animal with six arms
- a boat we ride
- protect us from the sun
- see islands very far away
- fun to do on waves
- we can make this in the sand
- surrounded by water and has trees
- we collect these on the beach
- used to dig
- swim with these clothes
- we swim with these on our feet
- beautiful animal that swims in the ocean
- fun toy to play with on the beach
- we use this when we swim to stay safe
- use this to move the raft
- grows in the ocean and we also eat it
- cute animal but be careful they pinch!
- small rocks
18 Clues: used to dig • small rocks • a boat we ride • fun to do on waves • animal with six arms • swim with these clothes • protect us from the sun • see islands very far away • use this to move the raft • we can make this in the sand • we collect these on the beach • we swim with these on our feet • fun toy to play with on the beach • surrounded by water and has trees • ...
Beach 2022-09-23
- It gets in everything
- Sand structure
- Water vessel
- Will steal your food
- It can burn you
- Used to protect your skin
- You will need this to dry off
- Why its not always safe in the water
- Early birds can catch a glimpse to the East
- The hero of the beach
- It ebbs and flows
- Bev's favorite sea creature
- You can collect these on the beach
- Eye wear protection
- It can sting you
- They can pinch but are tasty
- Can be done on the beach or the pier
- It can be high or low
18 Clues: Water vessel • Sand structure • It can burn you • It can sting you • It ebbs and flows • Eye wear protection • Will steal your food • It gets in everything • It can be high or low • The hero of the beach • Used to protect your skin • Bev's favorite sea creature • They can pinch but are tasty • You will need this to dry off • You can collect these on the beach • ...
Beach 2023-06-01
- Open land used for agricultural purposes
- Simple and characteristic of the countryside
- Cascading streams of water
- Large, four-legged mammals often used for riding or pulling carts
- Animals and plants living in their natural environment
- State of being free from tension or stress
- Walking in nature for recreational purposes
- State of being free from tension or stress
- Areas of land used for agricultural purposes
- Outdoor meal or gathering in a scenic spot
- Tall, yellow-flowered plants with large, round heads
- Grazing areas for livestock
- Rural or agricultural areas outside of urban centers
- Gathering of ripe crops from the fields
- Area of land where fruit trees are grown
- Activity of moving through water using one's body
- Areas of land where grapes are cultivated for winemaking
- Animals and plants living in their natural environment
- Farm vehicle used for pulling or pushing heavy loads
- Riding a bicycle for exercise or leisure
20 Clues: Cascading streams of water • Grazing areas for livestock • Gathering of ripe crops from the fields • Open land used for agricultural purposes • Area of land where fruit trees are grown • Riding a bicycle for exercise or leisure • State of being free from tension or stress • State of being free from tension or stress • Outdoor meal or gathering in a scenic spot • ...
Beach 2024-05-01
18 Clues: pro • Fisk • kendt • sport • Fiske • mange • Strand • Søndag • offenligt • tempratur • mennesker • uniformer • Kystlinje • livreddere • surfboards • frivillige • Afslappende • Middelhavsområde
Beach 2020-12-30
17 Clues: gopher • They jump • beach sign • shovel and • not a house • pushes sand • low or high • Collect them • moon or beach • over the dune • might be heated • little kids bury • protect the dune • dune daisy color • Between your toes • Happens in the west • where people collect money
Beach 2020-06-19
- what is the weather like in the summer?
- what ocean is California next to?
- people wear these to protect their eyes from the sun
- when you ride a wave with a board
- what state is famous for their beaches?
- someone whose job is to make sure swimmers are safe
- you use this to dry off after swimming
- this tool is used to dig in the sand
- a frozen treat on a stick
- people like to build this with sand
- you turn this on to cool off
- you put this on to protect your skin from the sun
- you wear this to go swimming
- people like to go to the beach with family and _____
- there are a lot of these birds at the beach
- you can collect these at the beach
- the hottest season of the year
17 Clues: a frozen treat on a stick • you turn this on to cool off • you wear this to go swimming • the hottest season of the year • what ocean is California next to? • when you ride a wave with a board • you can collect these at the beach • people like to build this with sand • this tool is used to dig in the sand • you use this to dry off after swimming • ...
Beach 2020-12-30
17 Clues: gopher • They jump • beach sign • shovel and • not a house • pushes sand • low or high • Collect them • moon or beach • over the dune • might be heated • little kids bury • protect the dune • dune daisy color • Between your toes • Happens in the west • where people collect money
Beach 2023-06-13
beach 2023-04-11
- a refreshing fruit based drink
- a common treat amongst people on the beach
- a common tree in Hawaii
- yellow grains
- a hard surface found on the sand
- what you'd stay the ight in
- use for shade on the sand
- an activity involving fish
- the sun beaming
- an activity that takes place on a jetty
- a refreshing snack for the beach
- the beach on a hot day
- what you'd find on a palm tree
- the most common thing to do on a beach
- animals swimming around the water
- sound of water crashing
16 Clues: yellow grains • the sun beaming • the beach on a hot day • a common tree in Hawaii • sound of water crashing • use for shade on the sand • an activity involving fish • what you'd stay the ight in • a refreshing fruit based drink • what you'd find on a palm tree • a refreshing snack for the beach • a hard surface found on the sand • animals swimming around the water • ...
beach 2023-04-11
- a refreshing fruit based drink
- a common treat amongst people on the beach
- a common tree in Hawaii
- yellow grains
- a hard surface found on the sand
- what you'd stay the ight in
- use for shade on the sand
- an activity involving fish
- the sun beaming
- an activity that takes place on a jetty
- a refreshing snack for the beach
- the beach on a hot day
- what you'd find on a palm tree
- the most common thing to do on a beach
- animals swimming around the water
- sound of water crashing
16 Clues: yellow grains • the sun beaming • the beach on a hot day • a common tree in Hawaii • sound of water crashing • use for shade on the sand • an activity involving fish • what you'd stay the ight in • a refreshing fruit based drink • what you'd find on a palm tree • a refreshing snack for the beach • a hard surface found on the sand • animals swimming around the water • ...
Beach 2021-07-28
17 Clues: last • middle • oldest • 3rd and 10 • 2nd and 1st • 1st and 4th • 1st and 5th • 1st and 2nd • 1st and 2nd • 2nd and 5th • 4th and 2nd • 2nd and 2nd • baby of five • 2nd and middle • 2nd, 3rd, and 9th • 1st, 1st, and 1st • 2nd, 1st, and 3rd
BEACH 2023-06-06
- - Soft granular material found on the shore.
- - Bright celestial body that provides warmth and light.
- - Common bird found near the coast.
- ball - Inflatable toy for playing in the sand.
- - Tube used for breathing while swimming underwater.
- towel - Absorbent cloth for drying off after swimming.
- - Tool used for digging in the sand.
- - Lotion to protect skin from the sun.
- - Open-toed sandals worn at the beach.
- - Moving ridge of water in the ocean.
- - Sculpture made from wet sand.
- - Hard outer covering of a marine creature.
- - Canopy used for shade on the beach.
- - Large fruit with a hard shell found on palm trees.
- - Activity of moving through water.
- - Equipment used for riding waves.
- - Empty shell found on the beach.
17 Clues: - Sculpture made from wet sand. • - Empty shell found on the beach. • - Equipment used for riding waves. • - Common bird found near the coast. • - Activity of moving through water. • - Tool used for digging in the sand. • - Canopy used for shade on the beach. • - Moving ridge of water in the ocean. • - Lotion to protect skin from the sun. • ...
Beach 2021-03-12
- is something round
- you go to the beach with them
- object to dry your body
- its very cold
- a long thing that you lay down and normally is green or blue
- is something to cover the sun
- is something that you put on
- some birds that are on the sea
- a thing that's on the beach an in the water that fish eat. We throw that thing
- on the beach you bring that object and the things stay cold
- helps you to float
- this animal is normaly in rocks
- they make a foam
- are little stones
- something that swims in the sea
- were you swim when you are at the beach
16 Clues: its very cold • they make a foam • are little stones • is something round • helps you to float • object to dry your body • is something that you put on • you go to the beach with them • is something to cover the sun • some birds that are on the sea • this animal is normaly in rocks • something that swims in the sea • were you swim when you are at the beach • ...
BEACH 2023-06-06
- - Bright celestial body that provides warmth and light.
- - Empty shell found on the beach.
- ball - Inflatable toy for playing in the sand.
- - Large fruit with a hard shell found on palm trees.
- - Sculpture made from wet sand.
- - Activity of moving through water.
- - Tube used for breathing while swimming underwater.
- - Open-toed sandals worn at the beach.
- - Canopy used for shade on the beach.
- - Equipment used for riding waves.
- towel - Absorbent cloth for drying off after swimming.
- - Moving ridge of water in the ocean.
- - Common bird found near the coast.
- - Soft granular material found on the shore.
- - Tool used for digging in the sand.
- - Lotion to protect skin from the sun.
- - Hard outer covering of a marine creature.
17 Clues: - Sculpture made from wet sand. • - Empty shell found on the beach. • - Equipment used for riding waves. • - Common bird found near the coast. • - Activity of moving through water. • - Tool used for digging in the sand. • - Canopy used for shade on the beach. • - Moving ridge of water in the ocean. • - Lotion to protect skin from the sun. • ...
beach 2024-05-12
- make clean or pure
- lyrics “I will call upon Your name and keep my eyes above the _____"
- belief that is not based on proof
- Matthew 5:6: “for they shall be ___"
- brightest star
- bring together
- to make new
- green, growing, food
- blast of air
- have fun
- inspect in detail
- come back
- the world was _____ into existence
- take serious attention or concern
- tranquil
- to make new
16 Clues: have fun • tranquil • come back • to make new • to make new • blast of air • brightest star • bring together • inspect in detail • make clean or pure • green, growing, food • belief that is not based on proof • take serious attention or concern • the world was _____ into existence • Matthew 5:6: “for they shall be ___" • lyrics “I will call upon Your name and keep my eyes above the _____"
Beach 2024-05-18
- Clothing worn for swimming
- Open-toed sandals worn at the beach
- A container for carrying sand and water
- A canopy providing shade from the sun
- Tiny grains of rock found on beaches
- Hard outer covering of a sea animal
- Cloth used to dry off after swimming
- Wood that has washed ashore
- Board used to ride waves in the ocean
- A large inflatable ball used for games
- Lotion used to protect skin from the sun
- Water moving up and down in the ocean
- The rise and fall of sea levels
- A bird often found near the sea
- A person who watches over swimmers for safety
15 Clues: Clothing worn for swimming • Wood that has washed ashore • The rise and fall of sea levels • A bird often found near the sea • Open-toed sandals worn at the beach • Hard outer covering of a sea animal • Tiny grains of rock found on beaches • Cloth used to dry off after swimming • Board used to ride waves in the ocean • A canopy providing shade from the sun • ...
Beach 2024-12-09
Beach 2024-05-20
- some like to fly ______-on the beach
- a big body of water
- some people go ______ diving
- most go to the beach in the ____
- this floats on the water
- you use this to dig up the sand
- these sting you in the water
- some people like to go ____ on the waves
- some people have _______ on the beach
- these could pinch you
- people put up ______ and take them home
- it looks like a star and lives in the ocean
- you use this to dry off
- people make _______ castles
- some like to ____ in the water
15 Clues: a big body of water • these could pinch you • you use this to dry off • this floats on the water • people make _______ castles • some people go ______ diving • these sting you in the water • some like to ____ in the water • you use this to dig up the sand • most go to the beach in the ____ • some like to fly ______-on the beach • some people have _______ on the beach • ...
Beach 2018-09-24
- A strong surface current, pushing you out to sea.
- A hard substance that people like to collect.
- A big fish that may eat you.
- A bird with a GIANT mouth.
- Clothing you wear in the sea.
- Riding on a board on waves.
- A loose, yellow, grainy material.
- Rising and falling of the sea.
- Land along the edge of the sea.
- They rescue you from the ocean.
- Annoying birds who want your food.
- A body of water moving in a curl.
- Pools of water on rocks.
- A large algae growing in the sea or on rocks.
- Red skin due to sun.
15 Clues: Red skin due to sun. • Pools of water on rocks. • A bird with a GIANT mouth. • Riding on a board on waves. • A big fish that may eat you. • Clothing you wear in the sea. • Rising and falling of the sea. • They rescue you from the ocean. • Land along the edge of the sea. • A body of water moving in a curl. • A loose, yellow, grainy material. • Annoying birds who want your food. • ...
Beach 2023-11-03
- Tiny, granular particles that cover the beach and make up its shore. It is often soft and fun for building sandcastles.
- A tall, tower-like structure with a bright light used to guide ships and boats at sea. It helps prevent accidents and provides navigation.
- A common, white and gray bird often found near the beach. It has long wings and a distinct call.
- The area where the land meets the sea or ocean. It often has sandy beaches, cliffs, and rocky formations.
- A vast body of saltwater that covers a large part of the Earth's surface. It is home to diverse marine life and ecosystems.
- A type of marine algae often found in the ocean and washed up on the beach. It comes in various textures and colors.
- A hard, protective outer layer of a sea creature, often found on the beach. It can come in various shapes, sizes, and colors.
- A hard, protective outer layer of a sea creature often found on the beach. It comes in various shapes, sizes, and colors.
- A small, rounded stone often found on the beach. It is smooth and can be used for skipping on the water.
- A sandy or pebbly shore by the ocean or a lake. It is often a popular destination for relaxation and recreation.
- The area of land along the edge of the sea or ocean. It often includes the beach and coastal features.
- The star at the center of the solar system that provides light and heat to the Earth. It is often seen in the sky during the day.
- Relating to or affected by the regular rise and fall of the sea's surface due to the gravitational forces of the moon and sun.
- A long body of water that rises and falls on the surface of the ocean. It often breaks as it approaches the shore.
- A structure built by compacting damp sand into various shapes and forms. It is often made for fun and creative expression.
15 Clues: A common, white and gray bird often found near the beach. It has long wings and a distinct call. • The area of land along the edge of the sea or ocean. It often includes the beach and coastal features. • A small, rounded stone often found on the beach. It is smooth and can be used for skipping on the water. • ...
beach 2018-09-24
- a big curve of water breaking on the shore
- green and slimy patches in the water
- rising and felling of the sea
- a little sand creature with 8 legs and 2 claws
- they rescue you if you get in trouble on a big yellow board
- a shallow pool surrounded by rocks
- an annoying birds that steals your food
- where the sand meets the sea
- yellow and used to build a castle
- a round shaped inflatable toy
- you have one I have one and it starts with s
- a sea bird with a big mouth
- beautiful colours and patterns. I hope there's not a crab inside
- a strong current that carries you to the back of the breaking waves
- riding on the waves
15 Clues: riding on the waves • a sea bird with a big mouth • where the sand meets the sea • a round shaped inflatable toy • rising and felling of the sea • yellow and used to build a castle • a shallow pool surrounded by rocks • green and slimy patches in the water • an annoying birds that steals your food • a big curve of water breaking on the shore • ...
Beach 2023-09-01
- Source d'Argent A beautiful beach in Seychelles known for its granite boulders.
- Beach A popular beach in Sydney known for surfing and events.
- Beach A pink sand beach in Crete, Greece, offering a unique sight.
- da Marinha A picturesque beach in Portugal with rocky cliffs.
- Sands Beach A pink sand beach in the Bahamas, known for its unique color.
- Rat Beach A popular beach in Croatia known for its unique shape.
- Beach A scenic beach in California, USA, popular for its beauty.
- Beach A remote beach in Greece with a shipwreck as a landmark.
- Mile Beach A long beach in the Cayman Islands, perfect for relaxation.
- Beach A lively beach in Florida known for its entertainment options.
- Beach A famous beach in Hawaii with golden sand and clear water.
- Bora Beach A stunning beach in French Polynesia with turquoise waters.
- Beach A pristine beach in Australia with white sand and clear water.
- Beach A famous beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with a vibrant atmosphere.
- Beach A tranquil beach in Hawaii with turquoise waters.
15 Clues: Beach A tranquil beach in Hawaii with turquoise waters. • Beach A popular beach in Sydney known for surfing and events. • da Marinha A picturesque beach in Portugal with rocky cliffs. • Beach A remote beach in Greece with a shipwreck as a landmark. • Beach A famous beach in Hawaii with golden sand and clear water. • ...
Beach 2024-02-08
- this sea creature can sting you if you get to close to its tentacles
- you need to drink lots of fluids at the beach to be _______
- to avoid squinting you wear these
- you can walk out on this to get a better view of the ocean
- to avoid sunburns you put this on
- something you dry off with or lay on in the sun
- an item you bring to the beach to provide shade from the sun
- to keep your food and drinks cold you pack this item with ice
- the best way to get vitamin D at the beach is from ______
- what you wear to the beach
- an item that you bring to the beach to throw back and forth
- something you find on the shore that is usually fragile
- you wear sunscreen to avoid a _____
- salty water you swim in
- this covers the coast of the ocean and gets everywhere
15 Clues: salty water you swim in • what you wear to the beach • to avoid squinting you wear these • to avoid sunburns you put this on • you wear sunscreen to avoid a _____ • something you dry off with or lay on in the sun • this covers the coast of the ocean and gets everywhere • something you find on the shore that is usually fragile • ...
beach 2022-06-06
14 Clues: ujeti • plaža • ideja • glasba • kitara • školjke • pokimati • poslušati • peščen grad • cream sladoled • fish loviti ribo • žoga za na plažo • rod ribiška palica • a photo narediti sliko
Beach 2017-03-24
Beach 2023-06-19
- Tiny grains of rock and minerals found on beaches.
- The boundary where the land meets the water at the beach.
- A structure built with sand, typically in the shape of a castle.
- The hard protective outer covering of marine mollusks.
- The star that provides light and heat to the beach.
- A portable device used for shade on sunny beach days.
- The rhythmic movement of water in the ocean that reaches the shore.
- Relating to or located near the coast or the beach.
- The rising and falling of the sea levels caused by gravitational forces.
- Marine plants that grow in the shallow waters along the beach.
- Clothing worn for swimming and sunbathing at the beach.
- A large body of saltwater that borders the beach.
- Birds commonly found near the coast, often seen at the beach.
- A long, narrow board used for riding waves in the ocean.
14 Clues: A large body of saltwater that borders the beach. • Tiny grains of rock and minerals found on beaches. • Relating to or located near the coast or the beach. • The star that provides light and heat to the beach. • A portable device used for shade on sunny beach days. • The hard protective outer covering of marine mollusks. • ...
Texas Beaches 2023-05-31
- Beach Beach in Galveston, Texas
- Beach Beach in Matagorda, Texas
- Padre Island Beach Beach on South Padre Island, Texas
- Jose Island Island near Port Aransas, Texas
- Aransas Beach Beach in Port Aransas, Texas
- Beach Beach in High Island, Texas
- Rim State Park State park on Sabine Pass, Texas
- Beach Beach in Sargent, Texas
- Beach Beach in Rockport, Texas
- Beach Beach on Bolivar Peninsula, Texas
- Beach Beach in Freeport, Texas
- Chica Beach Beach near Brownsville, Texas
- Beach Beach in Surfside, Texas
- Beach Beach in Port Lavaca, Texas
- Island State Park State park on Mustang Island, Texas
- Island Beach Beach on Galveston Island, Texas
- Beach Beach in Galveston, Texas
- Island National Seashore Seashore area near Corpus Christi, Texas
- Beach Beach on Galveston Island, Texas
- Beach Beach in Corpus Christi, Texas
20 Clues: Beach Beach in Sargent, Texas • Beach Beach in Surfside, Texas • Beach Beach in Rockport, Texas • Beach Beach in Freeport, Texas • Beach Beach in Galveston, Texas • Beach Beach in Matagorda, Texas • Beach Beach in Galveston, Texas • Beach Beach in Port Lavaca, Texas • Beach Beach in High Island, Texas • Beach Beach in Corpus Christi, Texas • ...
Beach 2020-02-22
- small shells and rocks
- the world is covered in this
- a coat for sushi
- a bird that can fish
- bouncy fat round has air
- pointy creature with five arms
- whirlybird
- sun bed
- rider Of waves
- transportation for water and sand
- you see these on the water, no engine
- where sand kings and queens live
- a home in the sky
13 Clues: sun bed • whirlybird • rider Of waves • a coat for sushi • a home in the sky • a bird that can fish • small shells and rocks • bouncy fat round has air • the world is covered in this • pointy creature with five arms • where sand kings and queens live • transportation for water and sand • you see these on the water, no engine
beach 2015-12-24
- We can use tire ___ to float on the water.
- Adults sometimes play ___ at the beach.
- Careful! Too much sun and you'll get ___.
- Children like to play with ___.
- Avoid them, they can sting!
- When the big waves begin to roll in, I can ride my ___ .
- Watch out! The hot sand can ___ your feet.
- I am staying in Waikiki, so I can ride a ___ to the beach.
- A short surfboard
- Sunrise and ____ are the best times to go.
- This person keeps you safe.
- We hope the weather won't be ___.
- To see the fish ___ the waves, use a mask and a snorkel
13 Clues: A short surfboard • This person keeps you safe. • Avoid them, they can sting! • Children like to play with ___. • We hope the weather won't be ___. • Adults sometimes play ___ at the beach. • Careful! Too much sun and you'll get ___. • Watch out! The hot sand can ___ your feet. • We can use tire ___ to float on the water. • Sunrise and ____ are the best times to go. • ...
Beach 2021-02-09
- these types of trees are found at all beaches.
- at the beach, there is no asphalt or grass. This is all over the place and gets into your shoes.
- if you want to go sailing, it is important to wear this for safety
- a popular sport played at the beach, includes a net
- people take vacations on these large... to visit different islands and beaches.
- you will need this to dry yourself off
- ocean water is
- a red crustacean with two large pinchers
- these will protect your eyes
- people love to collect these while walking along the seaside
- some people brings these to the beach to find metal objects or perhaps hidden treasure.
- you will need a lot of this in order to protect your skin from the sun
- some beaches have sand that is this color. They are called... sand beaches.
13 Clues: ocean water is • these will protect your eyes • you will need this to dry yourself off • a red crustacean with two large pinchers • these types of trees are found at all beaches. • a popular sport played at the beach, includes a net • people love to collect these while walking along the seaside • if you want to go sailing, it is important to wear this for safety • ...
BEACH 2019-11-29
Beach 2023-05-17
- people collect these
- a walkway along the beach usually lined with shops
- bird commonly found at beaches
- used to dry you off
- trees commonly found at the beach
- beach sport that requires the use of a net
- swimwear attire
- has claws
- people build these with sand
- the ground of the beach
- person responsible for saving people in the water
- surfers ride these
13 Clues: SPF • has claws • swimwear attire • surfers ride these • used to dry you off • people collect these • the ground of the beach • people build these with sand • bird commonly found at beaches • trees commonly found at the beach • beach sport that requires the use of a net • person responsible for saving people in the water • a walkway along the beach usually lined with shops
Beach 2015-06-04
- Plenty in the sea, many different kinds
- Grains, Stuck between you toes
- diving Activity to explore the botom of the sea
- Give you shade, many colors
- Dry after a swim
- Created by the wind
- Relaxing and patient activity to do
- shell Collect them on the beach, Hear the waves inside a few
- screen Protect you from the sun
- suit Wear to go swimming
- Wear on your legs
- Cold, Wet
- tree Type of tree in Florida
13 Clues: Cold, Wet • Dry after a swim • Wear on your legs • Created by the wind • suit Wear to go swimming • Give you shade, many colors • tree Type of tree in Florida • Grains, Stuck between you toes • screen Protect you from the sun • Relaxing and patient activity to do • Plenty in the sea, many different kinds • diving Activity to explore the botom of the sea • ...
Beach 2023-06-23
- To move through water using arms and legs
- A sandy or pebbly area by the ocean or lake
- The rising and falling of water on the shore
- A long, narrow board used for surfing
- A structure built with wet sand
- Shells found on the beach
- A meal eaten outdoors, often at the beach
- A portable shade structure
- A lotion applied to protect the skin from the sun
- Lightweight sandals worn at the beach
- A bright, warm celestial body in the sky
- A bird commonly found near the coast
- A large fruit with a hard shell and sweet liquid inside
13 Clues: Shells found on the beach • A portable shade structure • A structure built with wet sand • A bird commonly found near the coast • Lightweight sandals worn at the beach • A long, narrow board used for surfing • A bright, warm celestial body in the sky • A meal eaten outdoors, often at the beach • To move through water using arms and legs • ...
BEACH 2019-11-29
Beach 2023-10-19
Beach 2023-10-14
12 Clues: A sharp rock • A big animal • a slimy plant • A type of shoe • A marine plant • A animal group • A floating craft • A bone in a rock • A beautiful item • A castle on the beach • A suit you wear in the waves • a body of water that hit the shore
Beach 2023-11-02
Beach 2023-07-22
- A long, floating board used to ride waves.
- Dark glasses that protect eyes from the sun.
- A container used to collect sand or water.
- A structure made of sand, built for fun.
- The beautiful, hard shells from sea creatures.
- The vast, blue body of water that meets the shore.
- Birds with white feathers often seen near beaches.
- The bright, warm ball of light in the sky.
- The moving water that crashes onto the beach.
- Tiny, soft grains found on the beach.
- A meal enjoyed outdoors, often at the beach.
- To move through water using arms and legs.
12 Clues: Tiny, soft grains found on the beach. • A structure made of sand, built for fun. • A long, floating board used to ride waves. • The bright, warm ball of light in the sky. • A container used to collect sand or water. • To move through water using arms and legs. • Dark glasses that protect eyes from the sun. • A meal enjoyed outdoors, often at the beach. • ...
IL Beaches 2023-05-31
- Avenue Beach Popular beach on Lake Michigan in Chicago
- Beach State Park State park beach in Zion, Illinois
- Street Beach Beach off Clark Street, Evanston
- Beach Beach in Greenwood Street, Evanston
- Park Beach Beach in Gillson Park, Wilmette
- Beach Beach on the North Side of Chicago
- Beach Beach in the Calumet Heights neighborhood of Chicago
- Beach Beach near Loyola University in Chicago
- Street Beach Urban beach in downtown Chicago
- Park Beach Beach in Centennial Park, Orland Park
- Street Beach Beach located on the Gold Coast of Chicago
- Street Beach Beach on the South Side of Chicago
- Beach Lakefront beach with a vibrant history in Chicago
- Beach Beach in the Edgewater neighborhood of Chicago
- Municipal Beach Beach in Waukegan, Illinois
- Road Beach Beach at Tower Road, Winnetka
16 Clues: Beach Beach on the North Side of Chicago • Road Beach Beach at Tower Road, Winnetka • Beach Beach in Greenwood Street, Evanston • Park Beach Beach in Gillson Park, Wilmette • Municipal Beach Beach in Waukegan, Illinois • Street Beach Urban beach in downtown Chicago • Street Beach Beach off Clark Street, Evanston • Beach Beach near Loyola University in Chicago • ...
Beach 2023-01-30
- a piece of clothing that you wear for swimming
- an area of sand or small stones near the sea or another area of water such as a lake
- the salty water that covers a large part of the surface of the earth
- dark glasses that you wear to protect your eyes from bright light from the sun
- a person on a beach or at a swimming pool whose job is to make certain that the swimmers are safe and save them if they are in danger
- an animal that lives in water, is covered with scales, and breathes by taking water in through its mouth
- a tree growing in warm regions and having a tall, straight trunk, no branches, and a mass of long, pointed leaves at the top
- a tool consisting of a wide, square metal or plastic blade, usually with slightly raised sides, attached to a handle, for moving loose material such as sand, coal, or snow
- a piece of cloth or paper used for drying someone or something that is wet
- the empty shell of a small sea creature, often one found lying on the beach
- a substance that consists of very small grains of rock, found on beaches and in deserts
- a raised line of water that moves across the surface of an area of water, especially the sea
12 Clues: a piece of clothing that you wear for swimming • the salty water that covers a large part of the surface of the earth • a piece of cloth or paper used for drying someone or something that is wet • the empty shell of a small sea creature, often one found lying on the beach • dark glasses that you wear to protect your eyes from bright light from the sun • ...
Beach 2023-06-16
- Eyewear with dark lenses worn to protect the eyes from the sun's glare at the beach.
- Marine animals with a star-shaped body and numerous arms, commonly found in tide pools or washed up on the beach.
- A tall structure with a bright light used to guide ships at sea, often found near the beach.
- Birds with white feathers that are often found near the beach.
- Small, scuttling creatures with a hard shell and pincers that can be found along the shoreline of the beach.
- Clothing worn for swimming or sunbathing at the beach.
- Hard protective coverings of various shapes and sizes found on the beach.
- A portable, collapsible canopy used to provide shade from the sun.
- Moving ridges or undulations on the surface of the water in the ocean.
- Soft, grainy particles that cover the ground at the beach.
- A long, narrow board used for riding on waves in the ocean.
- The bright, warm ball of fire in the sky that provides light and heat at the beach.
12 Clues: Clothing worn for swimming or sunbathing at the beach. • Soft, grainy particles that cover the ground at the beach. • A long, narrow board used for riding on waves in the ocean. • Birds with white feathers that are often found near the beach. • A portable, collapsible canopy used to provide shade from the sun. • ...
Beach 2023-07-20
12 Clues: Sit on this • Dries you off • These can be big! • Throw this around • This gets you wet • Don't get pinched • Put your toes here • Don't forget a moat! • These live in the ocean • Helps you make a sandcastle • Don't forget to put this on • A fun activity to do on the water
Grand Beach 2022-10-17
- Grand Beach news source
- Cranky golf pro
- Had his fried chicken stolen
- Vicki McHugh's one eyed dog
- The dancing queen
- Underground breeze author
- Nickname for Moriarty girls _____ heads
- Old convenience store across 12
- Male, cheats at races
- Miller lite enthusiast/topless internet Mom
- New fishing spot
- Molester on Lakeview
- Wife of 2 down
- Rhonda & Phil
- GB Band that played Bob's 25th and 50th
- Dollars eaten at clubhouse
- Beach on Ridge Rd
- Clubhouse worker Ok...
- Favorite schizophrenic
- Family fest grub
- John Kyle's nickname
- She's pistol packing
- Flowers that don't lie
- GB's Flo-Jo Kilroe
- Healy member of FJB
- Beloved officer Gary
26 Clues: Rhonda & Phil • Wife of 2 down • Cranky golf pro • New fishing spot • Family fest grub • Beach on Ridge Rd • The dancing queen • GB's Flo-Jo Kilroe • Healy member of FJB • Molester on Lakeview • John Kyle's nickname • She's pistol packing • Beloved officer Gary • Male, cheats at races • Clubhouse worker Ok... • Favorite schizophrenic • Flowers that don't lie • Grand Beach news source • ...
Grand Beach 2022-10-17
- Beloved officer Gary
- Family fest grub
- Cranky golf pro
- Grand Beach news source
- Healy member of FJB
- Dollars eaten at clubhouse
- Wife of 2 down
- Shirk's bar
- Vicki McHugh's one eyed dog
- Rhonda & Phil
- The dancing queen
- Underground breeze author
- New fishing spot
- Male, cheats at races
- Had his fried chicken stolen
- GB Band that played Bob's 25th and 50th
- Dooley: "Hot___for everyone!"
- Barb Rooney's terriers
- Nickname for Moriarty girls _____ heads
- Miller lite enthusiast/topless internet Mom
- John Kyle's nickname
- Clubhouse worker Ok...
- Old convenience store across 12
- Beach on Ridge Rd
- GB's Flo-Jo Kilroe
- Molester on Lakeview
- Flowers that don't lie
- She's pistol packing
- Favorite schizophrenic
29 Clues: Shirk's bar • Rhonda & Phil • Wife of 2 down • Cranky golf pro • Family fest grub • New fishing spot • Beach on Ridge Rd • The dancing queen • GB's Flo-Jo Kilroe • Healy member of FJB • Beloved officer Gary • John Kyle's nickname • Molester on Lakeview • She's pistol packing • Male, cheats at races • Barb Rooney's terriers • Clubhouse worker Ok... • Flowers that don't lie • Favorite schizophrenic • ...
Beach Puzzle 2021-04-19
- You use this to ride the waves in the ocean
- You use this if you want to be in the shade
- You use this so you don't have to get your actual clothes wet
- These wash up on the sea shore
- You should bring this type of ball to the beach
- You use this so you don't have to worry about your phone breaking
- You fly this with the wind
- It's a better idea to wear these on the beach rather than shoes
- It's a good idea to carry these for if you get hungry
- When you get warm, you may want to eat this frozen sweet
- You use this to stay above the water
- You use this to hold all of your belongings
- You should wear these to keep water out of your eyes
- This type of bird is pretty common on many beaches
- You catch fish with this
- You use this so you can take videos underwater
- You use this if the sun is in your eyes
- You can use this to build sand castles
- These creatures are named for their shape
- Some beaches will have these types of trees
- You use this to prevent a sunburn
- You use this to dig sand
- You should bring a foldable version of this if you want to sunbathe without laying on the sand or a towel
- This object will keep drinks cool in the heat
- You can use this to get across the water
- These creatures that you may find on beaches have tentacles
- This electrical item is to help cool you down
- This item is like a smaller surfboard
- You should always have this with you incase you get thirsty
- These reside in almost any body of water
- Wear this if the sun is in your face
- You can lay this on the sand or use it to dry off
32 Clues: You use this to dig sand • You catch fish with this • You fly this with the wind • These wash up on the sea shore • You use this to prevent a sunburn • Wear this if the sun is in your face • You use this to stay above the water • This item is like a smaller surfboard • You can use this to build sand castles • You use this if the sun is in your eyes • ...
Beach 2 2021-07-28
20 Clues: wet • loud • shade • dive ___ • catch it • jump ___ • roy g biv • ____ castle • fun to catch • nice and hot • deal them up • fun to watch • Sunday stroll • favorite snack • just sit on it • knock them down • hope we don't see #2 • hope we don't see #1 • perfect for drying off • lotion, spray, or stick
Beach fun 2023-07-02
- second name Pop's
- birthday 105 years apart
- game winner
- Pop speciality
- Gram's request
- bagels and donuts
- one night special
- Second name Pop's
- suit itch
- Wee Winks
- shopping village
- six hours
- place left by son #2
- 2 degrees + 2 kids
- great grandmother's name
- Arizonia girl
- Ohio boy
- Gluten Free
- powered yummy
- ribs and fries
- daughter with Masters
- bicycle enthusiast
- ornaments shop
- Tractor boy
24 Clues: Ohio boy • six hours • suit itch • Wee Winks • game winner • Gluten Free • Tractor boy • Arizonia girl • powered yummy • Pop speciality • Gram's request • ribs and fries • ornaments shop • shopping village • second name Pop's • bagels and donuts • one night special • Second name Pop's • 2 degrees + 2 kids • bicycle enthusiast • place left by son #2 • daughter with Masters • birthday 105 years apart • ...
The beach 2024-01-10
- shellfish and fish served as food
- photo session
- a solid mineral
- glasses tinted to protect eyes from the sun
- naturally occurring salty water, seawater
- a boat powered by steam moving with paddles
- sail about with no set destination, for fun
- a marriage ceremony
- cylindrical open container with a handle
- a device that detects metal
- an item of clothing designed to be worn by people participating in water based activities
- propelling oneself through water using limbs
- a hard protective outer layer usually created by an animal or organism that lives in the sea
- a small vessel propelled on water by oars, sails or engine
- a cocktail made with rum, sugar, mint, lime juice, and soda
- naturally occurring water that is not salty
- the time in the evening when the sun disappears out of sight from the sky
- a tropical tree
- a marine animal that lives in water but breathes through a blowhole on the top of its head
- huge body of water that covers around 71% of earths surface
- a large brown seed from a tropical palm
- a model of a castle built out of sand
- a long narrow streamlined board used in surfing
- American professional surfer, author, and motivational speaker who lost her arm to a shark while surfing
- a fire that is made outdoors
- a cocktail made with tequila and citrus fruit juice
- like a book people like to read at the beach
- the activity of swimming with the face submerged while using a snorkel
- an extended period of leisure
- an isolated pocket of seawater found in the oceans intertidal zone
- a long chair with no armrests, more leant back
- a thick absorbant cloth used for drying
- big brimmed hat to protect head and neck from the sun
- Any various round flat sea urchin that usually live in shallow water and on sandy bottoms
- a portable shelther made of cloth
- a large algae growing in the sea or on rocks
- a cocktail made with rum, pineapple juice, and coconut
- invertabrates related to sea urchins, sea cucumbers, and sand dollars
- a game used by two teams in which players use their hands to bat a ball over a net
- a type of shoe
- The action of flying a kite
- limbless coldblooded invertabrate with gills
- a granular material composed of finely divided mineral particles
- applied to the skin to prevent sunburns
- a fictional half human half sea creature
- a very large mammal with a blowhole
- a vessel larger than a boat for transporting
- a person who prevents drowning and other injuries from occurring
- swimming or exploring underwater
- a large inflatable ball used for playing games on the beach
- energy passing through water
- a cover that protects you from the sun and rain
- a stubby sea creature with a flat body eight legs and claws
- riding waves in the sea or ocean by standing or lying on a surfboard
- pass under a low bar without falling
- browning of the skin from exposure to sun rays
- a large fish that has shark teeth and a pointed fin on its back
- a marine crustacean, mostly found on boats and turtles
- a long high sea wave caused by an earthquake
59 Clues: photo session • a type of shoe • a solid mineral • a tropical tree • a marriage ceremony • The action of flying a kite • a device that detects metal • energy passing through water • a fire that is made outdoors • an extended period of leisure • swimming or exploring underwater • shellfish and fish served as food • a portable shelther made of cloth • a very large mammal with a blowhole • ...
Myrtle Beach 2024-04-13
- What is the first name of our tour company
- What is the name of the market in Charleston
- What type of tour will be be taking in Charleston
- What is the last name of our tour leaders
- In which inlet will we take an Eco Tour
- What is the name of the landing where we will have lunch
- What is the first name of our driver
- The Glass Cannery has a middle name. What is it
- What trees should be in full bloom at the gardens
- This word means lightly battered, deep fried and freshly caught seafood harvested from the Atlantic Ocean and inlets along the Carolina coast.
- What brand of animal at our first lunch stop
- Who mentioned the wine region in 70 BC
- What inn serves lunch on mis matched china
- What city is close to the plantation we visit
- What flower should we see growing at the gardens
- what is grown at Raffaldini's
- What else is available at Broadway on the Beach
- Use your swim suit here
- In what city did we depart
- In WV where do artisans take their wares for sale
- What farm animal lives at our first lunch stop
- Where grapes are grown to make wine
- What is the name of the sculpture gardens
- Where is lunch on Tuesday
- What other common flower should we see at the gardens
- What is the first name of the plantation we will visit
- What is the name of the seafood where we will eat in Charleston
- name the winery in Myrtle Bach for tasting
- In what city is our en route hotel
- What type of meal is from the Polynesian Islands
- What type of show is from the Polynesian Islands
- Who has the largest buffet in Myrtle Beach
32 Clues: Use your swim suit here • Where is lunch on Tuesday • In what city did we depart • what is grown at Raffaldini's • In what city is our en route hotel • Where grapes are grown to make wine • What is the first name of our driver • Who mentioned the wine region in 70 BC • In which inlet will we take an Eco Tour • What is the name of the sculpture gardens • ...
The Beach 2024-08-28
- raised land that is lower than a mountain
- a route to walk on
- a very tall landmass
- the movement of the ocean
- what we breathe
- a building to sleep in away from home
- a large cloth usually used on a bed or on a beach
- a very large body of salt water
- an area for play or recreation
- something that keeps the rain off you
- air that blows
- stores where you can buy things
- masses of water vapor that hang in the air
- a recreation area, especially by children
- a cloth used for drying
- a material made of tiny rocks
- a beach area
- a coconut tree, for example
- light wind
- too many cars or people in one place
- land along the ocean or sea
- the air above us
22 Clues: light wind • a beach area • air that blows • what we breathe • the air above us • a route to walk on • a very tall landmass • a cloth used for drying • the movement of the ocean • a coconut tree, for example • land along the ocean or sea • a material made of tiny rocks • an area for play or recreation • a very large body of salt water • stores where you can buy things • ...
Maya Beach 2018-11-18
- / bays usually have _____ wave activity
- Phi Island / the island the movie was shot at
- / tourism is an ______ of economic and social change
- / the increase in the proportion of people living in towns and cities
- traffic / type of vehicle congestion on water
- / type of aerial mechanisation used in the Quick Growth project to monitor the coral reef
- Beach / a famous movie starring young Leo was shot here
- drift / movement of sand parallel to coastline
- / ecosystem ______ is also known as ecosystem stability
- / Native bushes helped prevent ______
- / avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance
- / discussed in terms of tourism impacts on the conservation of the ecosystem
- / specific type of erosion that bays, in particular, suffer from
- / The 3S of Thai tourism: Sun, sea and ____
- / type of trees to be planted around Baam Laem village to monitor coral reefs
- / machines used to widen the area covered by sand for movie production
- Growth / The cause of new powerful middle classes in society
- / a point of land usually high and often with a sheer drop, that extends into a body of water: also a coastal land form
- / the policy or action of using vigorous campaigning to bring about political or social change
- Growth Project / the project aimed to rehabilitate the coral reefs on Maya Beach
20 Clues: / Native bushes helped prevent ______ • / bays usually have _____ wave activity • / The 3S of Thai tourism: Sun, sea and ____ • traffic / type of vehicle congestion on water • Phi Island / the island the movie was shot at • drift / movement of sand parallel to coastline • / tourism is an ______ of economic and social change • ...
Fastback Beach 2013-05-16
- Barnier Stroke sufferer; life-long hot rodder; Miles' boss?
- Kirkpatrick Mercedes-driving probation officer
- party The location of the fight between Miles and Spider
- The name of the community association assigned to Miles for his community work
- Miles' plea in front of the judge
- Am Spider drives this brand of car
- Chrysler engine unique for the design of the engine heads
- Spider used this tool to remove the Club from the steering wheel of the stolen car
- Spider ripped this to gain entry into the stolen car
- Former racecar driver; left Miles and his Mom
- Wins over Miles with her engine reassembling ability
- Yorker The model name for Larry's car
- to take away
- space cadet; Larry's girlfriend; party host
- The type of car stolen by Miles, Spider, and Larry
- The driver of the car at the time of the wreck
- A weapon Spider attempted to use during his fight with Miles
- The narrator
- Santonio This teacher frwoned upon tardy students
- to rock back and forth
- Morash Transmission business owner; daughter dates Miles
- a punishment over a period of time
- accountant; boyfriend to Miles' Mom
23 Clues: to take away • The narrator • to rock back and forth • Miles' plea in front of the judge • Am Spider drives this brand of car • a punishment over a period of time • accountant; boyfriend to Miles' Mom • Yorker The model name for Larry's car • space cadet; Larry's girlfriend; party host • Former racecar driver; left Miles and his Mom • ...
Grand Beach 2022-10-18
- Most Men's golf Championchips
- She's pistol packing
- Rhonda & Phil
- Gramma's license plate
- Barb Rooney's terriers
- Beach on Ridge Rd
- GB Band that played Bob's 25th and 50th
- Nickname of old water filtration structure.The__
- Lattner garage nickname The____
- Dollars eaten at clubhouse
- Shirk's bar
- Male, cheated at races
- Had his fried chicken stolen
- Longest GB relationship
- The dancing queen
- Dooley: "Hot___for everyone!"
- New fishing spot
- Flowers that don't lie
- Old convenience store across 12
- Wife of 21 across
- Family fest grub
- Mary Carol's nickname
- Smoking hot wife
- Underground breeze author
- Miller lite enthusiast/topless internet Mom
- Home of "Irish Life In America" sign
- Danny B & James' bday, June ___
- Cranky golf pro
- GB's Flo-Jo Kilroe
- Favorite schizophrenic
- Childhood Nickname for Moriarty girls ____ heads
- Grand Beach news source
- Michigan city bar now closed
- Healy member of FJB
- Old name of Grand Beach Inn
- Clubhouse worker Ok...
- Bar on Knob Hill
- Molester on Lakeview
- John Kyle's nickname
- Vicki McHugh's one eyed dog
- Beloved officer Gary
41 Clues: Shirk's bar • Rhonda & Phil • Cranky golf pro • Family fest grub • Smoking hot wife • Bar on Knob Hill • New fishing spot • Wife of 21 across • Beach on Ridge Rd • The dancing queen • GB's Flo-Jo Kilroe • Healy member of FJB • She's pistol packing • Molester on Lakeview • John Kyle's nickname • Beloved officer Gary • Mary Carol's nickname • Gramma's license plate • Barb Rooney's terriers • ...
Grand Beach 2022-10-17
- Beloved officer Gary
- Dollars eaten at clubhouse
- Beach on Ridge Rd
- Old convenience store across 12
- old name of Grand Beach Inn
- Favorite schizophrenic
- smoking hot wife
- Miller lite enthusiast/topless internet Mom
- Molester on Lakeview
- GB Band that played Bob's 25th and 50th
- John Kyle's nickname
- Nickname for Moriarty girls _____ heads
- Cranky golf pro
- Dooley: "Hot___for everyone!"
- Male, cheated at races
- Underground breeze author
- nickname of old water filtration structure.The__
- Grand Beach news source
- Family fest grub
- Shirk's bar
- Vicki McHugh's one eyed dog
- Rhonda & Phil
- The dancing queen
- Barb Rooney's terriers
- bar on Knob Hill
- Lattner garage nickname The____
- home of "Irish Life In America" sign
- GB's Flo-Jo Kilroe
- She's pistol packing
- Wife of 22 across
- Flowers that don't lie
- Healy member of FJB
- Had his fried chicken stolen
- Clubhouse worker Ok...
- Danny B & James' bday, June ___
- New fishing spot
36 Clues: Shirk's bar • Rhonda & Phil • Cranky golf pro • bar on Knob Hill • smoking hot wife • New fishing spot • Family fest grub • Beach on Ridge Rd • The dancing queen • Wife of 22 across • GB's Flo-Jo Kilroe • Healy member of FJB • Beloved officer Gary • She's pistol packing • Molester on Lakeview • John Kyle's nickname • Barb Rooney's terriers • Favorite schizophrenic • Flowers that don't lie • ...
Beach Week 2020-07-19
- Board
- beach trip
- time 6 hours
- night time hatching
- gf food and more
- favorite card game
- Extra in photo
- in your suit
- show Leah's levitation
- Atlantic
- Floats and kites
- Dave's treat
- Currituck
- Zack's favorite
- Gram's request
- knockdown
- castles
- Christmas shop
- deli Ribs and Fries
- Porch food
- towels
- shops
- after dinner treat
- ball beach game
24 Clues: Board • shops • towels • castles • Atlantic • knockdown • Currituck • beach trip • Porch food • time 6 hours • in your suit • Dave's treat • Gram's request • Extra in photo • Christmas shop • Zack's favorite • gf food and more • Floats and kites • ball beach game • favorite card game • after dinner treat • night time hatching • deli Ribs and Fries • show Leah's levitation
The Beach 2019-05-08
- A boat powered by wind.
- A scary fish. Da-dum... Da-dum...Da-dum
- Rolling water. Fun to play in.
- You sit under it to keep out of the sun.
- A game played in the sand with a ball and a net.
- Protects you from getting a sunburn.
- You build this from sand
- If you have this your skin will become red.
- You find this on the sand. A small animal used to live inside. It's hard.
- Animal that walks sideways. Can pinch you.
- You put sand in this with your shovel.
- The water next the beach.
- You dig in the sand with this.
- Save people from drowning. The boss of the beach.
- You put food and drinks in this to keep them cool.
- You ride the waves with this
- A cold snack
- A fish shaped like a star.
- You use this to get dry.
- You wear this to go swimming.
- Wear on you face when it is very bright outside.
- You wear these on your feet to go to the beach.
- You wear this on your feet to help you swim faster.
- You drive this on the water.
- Underwater rocks.
25 Clues: A cold snack • Underwater rocks. • A boat powered by wind. • You use this to get dry. • You build this from sand • The water next the beach. • A fish shaped like a star. • You ride the waves with this • You drive this on the water. • You wear this to go swimming. • Rolling water. Fun to play in. • You dig in the sand with this. • Protects you from getting a sunburn. • ...
Sundown Beach 2019-01-17
21 Clues: RJ • John • Ivan • Bali • Kiara • Javier • Morgan • Vamiya • Allison • Isabella • Kenderly • The E SHIELD • Laurel hedge • The L in SHIELD • The I in SHIELD • The S in SHIELD • The H in SHIELD • Cord-like paste • The D in SHIELD • Sandy area near water • Another word for sunset
Waihi Beach 2020-04-13
- A sand spit that eventually links an island to the mainland
- Island The barrier island located to the south of Bowentown
- The remaining piece of left after the stack has been eroded
- Island The large island located off the coast adjacent to Waihi Beach
- A sequence of related actions that causes a change in the environment
- Factors that can affect the operation of the processes for example wind strength can have an effect on wave erosion
- An important type of grass found on young dunes which helps to stabilise the dune
- The erosion of the coast due to materials in the waves being flung at cliff faces
- The bending of waves due to changes in the depth of the sea floor
- The breakdown of rock as a result of physical, chemical and biological processes
- creep The creeping of sand particles along the beach due to the wind
- bar The deposition of beach materials to form a shallow offshore area usually at the mouth of rivers or harbours
- The volcanic material that the Bowentown domes are made from
- The removal of rock and soil due to weathering erosion and transportation
- Change within an area
- The black sand that is found at the southern end of the beach
- The closest dune to the water
- The bouncing movement of sand particles along a beach due to the wind
- The dumping of rock along the coast to create a protective barrier to erosion
- An area between sand dunes
- The process over time where pioneer types of vegetation are replaced by more permanent types
- Change over time
- The division of a large block of land into smaller parcels for sale.
- The movement of beach material along the coast due to a long shore current
- The area behind the beach
- Prevailing wind direction at Waihi beach
- Landforms that result from processes
- A coastal barrier often constructed from concrete or wood designed to protect the coast from erosion
28 Clues: Change over time • Change within an area • The area behind the beach • An area between sand dunes • The closest dune to the water • Landforms that result from processes • Prevailing wind direction at Waihi beach • A sand spit that eventually links an island to the mainland • The remaining piece of left after the stack has been eroded • ...
Beach vocabulary 2020-09-02
- ola
- orilla
- voleibol
- broncear
- Bikini
- toalla
- bloqueador
- Barco
- Pez
- traje de baño
- pelota de playa
- Medusa
- board tabla de surf
- quemadura de sol
- Concha
- Alga marina
- Sudar
- sombra
- castillo de arena
- Gaviota
- Tortuga
- Cangrejo
- Esnórquel
- lentes de sol
- umbrella sombrilla de playa
- Estrella de mar
- sandalias
- Faro
- Isla
- oceano
- Salvavidas
- playa
- Cubeta
- reef Arrecife
- sol
- arena
- Pala
- gorro
38 Clues: ola • Pez • sol • Faro • Isla • Pala • Barco • playa • arena • Sudar • gorro • orilla • Bikini • toalla • oceano • Cubeta • Medusa • Concha • sombra • Gaviota • Tortuga • Cangrejo • voleibol • broncear • Esnórquel • sandalias • bloqueador • Salvavidas • Alga marina • lentes de sol • traje de baño • reef Arrecife • Estrella de mar • pelota de playa • quemadura de sol • castillo de arena • board tabla de surf • umbrella sombrilla de playa
Beach 2023 2023-07-05
- Norah calls him GoGo
- Mimi’s grand daughter and David’s daughter
- Gracie’s sister
- Dan and Sarah’s baby
- Pippie’s husband
- Grampy and Mimi’s daughter
- Toms baby boy sometimes called VoVo
- Nash calls her momma
- the name Nolan calls Grampy’s wife
- Grampy and Mimi’s first grand child
- Kris and Hannah’s daughter
- Joy Whit Rhett and Kylie call he Mom
- the youngest Girola
- what Mozzie, Vivy and VoVo call their grandma
- Gotee and Izzy’s first grand child
- Mozzie Vivy and Voddie call her Momma
- he has one brother and sisters named, Joy and Kylie
- the oldest Toms kid
- he has two brothers and a sister named Felicity
- Norah and Gracie’s dad
- two dads here have this name, one is married to Becky
- Dan’s wife
- he is married to Mimi
- Madi’s dad
- Grampy and Mimi’s son whose name does not start with a D
- Nash’s daddy
- Gotee’s wife
- the Toms dad
- his brothers are Nolan and Sam
- Big Daddy and Pippie’s grand daughter
- he has two sisters and a brother named Rhett
- has 3 sons, one baby and married to Hannah
- son of Henry and Annie
33 Clues: Dan’s wife • Madi’s dad • Nash’s daddy • Gotee’s wife • the Toms dad • Gracie’s sister • Pippie’s husband • the oldest Toms kid • the youngest Girola • Norah calls him GoGo • Dan and Sarah’s baby • Nash calls her momma • he is married to Mimi • Norah and Gracie’s dad • son of Henry and Annie • Grampy and Mimi’s daughter • Kris and Hannah’s daughter • his brothers are Nolan and Sam • ...
The Beach 2024-01-17
- need a board and waves to do this activity
- a ball used for fun at the beach, vibrant
- used to dry off
- the suns UV affects the way it goes
- put this on if you don't want to burn
- always try to take your food, a bird
- all little kids know its jingle
- makes digging holes a lot faster
- if the sun is too bright these will dim it
- beach shoes
- goes in and out
- worn to the beach
- they keep you safe
- used for making shade on the sand
- comes in many colors, shapes, and sizes
- look under the rocks and you might find these red friends
- built out of sand
- created by the moon
- bright ball in the solar system
- is made up of millions of little rocks
20 Clues: beach shoes • goes in and out • used to dry off • worn to the beach • built out of sand • they keep you safe • created by the moon • all little kids know its jingle • bright ball in the solar system • makes digging holes a lot faster • used for making shade on the sand • the suns UV affects the way it goes • always try to take your food, a bird • put this on if you don't want to burn • ...
the beach 2023-10-23
- Fuseau Horaire
- Lunettes (de natation)
- Balle
- Fruits de mer
- Gilet de sauvetage (4,6)
- Glace (crème glacée) (3,5)
- Seau
- Fruit de la Passion
- Serviette de plage
- Mer
- Masque de plongée (5,4)
- Vagues
- Rivage, Littoral
- Ananas
- Repas
- Île
- Lunettes (de vue)
- Volcan
- Eau
- Poisson
- Maillot de bain
- Noix de Coco
- Océan
- Bateau
- Étoile de Mer
- Soleil
- Palmes
- Maitre nageur (4,5)
- Crabe
- Marais
- Cerf-volant
31 Clues: Île • Eau • Mer • Seau • Repas • Balle • Océan • Crabe • Ananas • Volcan • Bateau • Soleil • Palmes • Marais • Vagues • Poisson • Cerf-volant • Noix de Coco • Fruits de mer • Étoile de Mer • Fuseau Horaire • Maillot de bain • Rivage, Littoral • Lunettes (de vue) • Serviette de plage • Fruit de la Passion • Maitre nageur (4,5) • Lunettes (de natation) • Masque de plongée (5,4) • Gilet de sauvetage (4,6) • Glace (crème glacée) (3,5)
Hollywood Beach 2024-07-22
- Sand and water
- What most old people are here for
- The closest body of water
- The empty home of a mollusk
- Nickname for our state
- Both here and in California
- Local citrus fruit
- Small water vehicle for 1-2 people
- Our state fruit but also a color
- Jimmy Buffets Legacy
- Kind of like a boardwalk
- Not native to Florida but they're everywhere
- Large water vehicle for groups of people
- You will need this to protect your skin
- Use it to stay hydrated
- Why it's wet outside
- Aquatic reptile that lays eggs on the beach
- The most popular sport in Florida
- Ride the wave
- Your current location
- Best for your feet at the beach
21 Clues: Ride the wave • Sand and water • Local citrus fruit • Why it's wet outside • Jimmy Buffets Legacy • Your current location • Nickname for our state • Use it to stay hydrated • Kind of like a boardwalk • The closest body of water • The empty home of a mollusk • Both here and in California • Best for your feet at the beach • Our state fruit but also a color • What most old people are here for • ...
Hernando Beach 2022-02-07
- Sun & ?
- Local Restaurant
- Florida Governor
- Florida State Tree
- Florida State Bird
- Long Necked Bird
- Thatched Roof
- Weeki Wachee Swimmer
- Foot Thong
- Large Mammal
- Weeki Wachee Waterway
- Property Owners Organization
- Vacation Drink
- Sunshine State
- Large Fish
- Our County
- Raised Home
- Breach Shade
- Purse Material
- Water Craft
- Shell Fish
- Getting Around Town
- 11,000 Acre Forest
- Something We Don't Have
24 Clues: Sun & ? • Large Fish • Our County • Shell Fish • Foot Thong • Raised Home • Water Craft • Breach Shade • Large Mammal • Thatched Roof • Vacation Drink • Sunshine State • Purse Material • Local Restaurant • Florida Governor • Long Necked Bird • Florida State Tree • Florida State Bird • 11,000 Acre Forest • Getting Around Town • Weeki Wachee Swimmer • Weeki Wachee Waterway • Something We Don't Have • ...
The Beach 2019-05-08
- If you have this your skin will become red.
- The water next the beach.
- A game played in the sand with a ball and a net.
- You wear this on your feet to help you swim faster.
- Rolling water. Fun to play in.
- You wear this to go swimming.
- Save people from drowning. The boss of the beach.
- You drive this on the water.
- You dig in the sand with this.
- You find this on the sand. A small animal used to live inside. It's hard.
- Underwater rocks.
- You use this to get dry.
- Animal that walks sideways. Can pinch you.
- Wear on you face when it is very bright outside.
- A fish shaped like a star.
- You put food and drinks in this to keep them cool.
- You build this from sand
- You put sand in this with your shovel.
- A scary fish. Da-dum... Da-dum...Da-dum
- You ride the waves with this
- Protects you from getting a sunburn.
- A cold snack
- You sit under it to keep out of the sun.
- You wear these on your feet to go to the beach.
- A boat powered by wind.
25 Clues: A cold snack • Underwater rocks. • A boat powered by wind. • You build this from sand • You use this to get dry. • The water next the beach. • A fish shaped like a star. • You ride the waves with this • You drive this on the water. • You wear this to go swimming. • Rolling water. Fun to play in. • You dig in the sand with this. • Protects you from getting a sunburn. • ...
The beach 2013-01-19
- Land inthe middle of the ocean
- To keep your hair dry
- Tie the boat up to this
- Keeps the sun out of your eyes
- Sit under this
- Drive in the sand in this
- High or low
- It makes the waves
- Play with this
- Some have white caps
- Had a movie made about this called Jaws
- Surf on this
- Sail in this
- Collect these on the beach
- Sport played at the Olympics
- They hide in holes in the sand
- Head first off the jetty
- Lots of trees in this
- Type of bird
- Swim in these
20 Clues: High or low • Surf on this • Sail in this • Type of bird • Swim in these • Sit under this • Play with this • It makes the waves • Some have white caps • To keep your hair dry • Lots of trees in this • Tie the boat up to this • Head first off the jetty • Drive in the sand in this • Collect these on the beach • Sport played at the Olympics • Land inthe middle of the ocean • ...
Fastback Beach 2013-05-17
- Former racecar drive; left Miles and his Mom
- The type of car stolen by Miles, Spider, and Larry
- The driver of the car at the time of the wreck
- A weapon Spider attempted to use during his fight with Miles
- Model name for Larry's car
- Spider used this tool to remove the Club from the steering wheel of the stolen car
- The location of the fight between Miles and Spider
- accountant; boyfriend to Miles' Mom
- This teacher frowned upon tardy students
- The name of the community association assigned to Miles for his community work
- to take away
- Chrysler engine unique for the design of the engine heads
- space cadet; Larry's girlfriend; party host
- Miles' plea in front of the judge
- transmission business owner; his daughter dates Miles
- Spider ripped this to gain entry into the stolen car
- Spider drives this model of car
- Wins over Miles with her engine reassembling ability
- Mercedes-driving probation officer
- what Miles must now serve
- the narrator
- Stroke sufferer; life-long hot rodder; Miles' boss?
- to rock back and forth
23 Clues: the narrator • to take away • to rock back and forth • what Miles must now serve • Model name for Larry's car • Spider drives this model of car • Miles' plea in front of the judge • Mercedes-driving probation officer • accountant; boyfriend to Miles' Mom • This teacher frowned upon tardy students • space cadet; Larry's girlfriend; party host • ...
The Beach 2023-10-30
- Popular tree
- Water as far as the eyes can see
- Needed to go on a boat (2 words)
- Tiny crystals of mineral quartz
- Birds that steal
- Two piece swimsuit
- Patrick Star
- Fancy boat
- Most Southeastern State
- Boats use this to see the land
- Some are big and can bring to in or out
- Deadly water animal
- Friendly water animal
- City in Florida
- Someone to help you from drowning
- Kids tend to stay on it
- Southwestern corner of Walton County (Beach)
- Alex doesn't like this type of food
- Big, colorful and you hit it to friends
- A boating _____
- Needed to go in the water (2 words)
- Go out on the water
- Popular area with water
- Don't step on these!
- Shiny objects from an oyster
- The sun is bright
- Many of these are on the beach
- Can catch them in the water
- Gina collects them on the beach
- You need a net to play
- You can build it out of sand
- Surfers need these
- Many people eat their legs
- H2O
- Needed to dry off
- Crystal clear emerald waters (Beach)
- If you don't want to sit in the sand
- Essential for kids
38 Clues: H2O • Fancy boat • Popular tree • Patrick Star • A boating _____ • City in Florida • Birds that steal • The sun is bright • Needed to dry off • Two piece swimsuit • Surfers need these • Essential for kids • Go out on the water • Deadly water animal • Don't step on these! • Friendly water animal • You need a net to play • Popular area with water • Most Southeastern State • Kids tend to stay on it • ...
Beach life 2024-05-01
21 Clues: haj • vende • øvede • bølge • farlig • strand • søndag • opfinde • skulptur • vandsport • afslappet • tempratur • sand slot • offentlig • livredder • kystlinje • udstilling • mesterskaber • gennemsnitlig • strandfodbold • carried blive båret
Glencoe Beach!!!! 2024-06-23
- dreaded thing to roll up
- manager with a LGI
- guard of the week
- someone with a funny tan line
- the eagle has landed
- biggest rivalry with lifeguards
- lovely creatures that wash up on the shore
- our favorite monthly visit
- have a _____ _____day
- your favorite thing to clean
- beach pirate
- your biggest fear
- dreaded closing activity
- iconic beach cashier
- our honorary beach grandpa
- code for "ok"
- snack shack "king"
- how passed neutral for an infant
- dreaded task after storms
- dynamic duo: ross + _____
- lots of guards sing to themselves while sitting here
- manager that drives TOO fast
- Automated external defibrillator
- newest manager
- the __ shack
25 Clues: beach pirate • the __ shack • code for "ok" • newest manager • guard of the week • your biggest fear • manager with a LGI • snack shack "king" • iconic beach cashier • the eagle has landed • have a _____ _____day • dreaded closing activity • dreaded thing to roll up • dreaded task after storms • dynamic duo: ross + _____ • our honorary beach grandpa • our favorite monthly visit • ...
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