beach Crossword Puzzles

Beach 2023-03-02

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. location without transportation
  2. watercraft
  3. Bag-Large handbag
  4. plants
  5. plastic disk
  6. animal
  7. Dissolved organic materials
  8. car
  9. Shells-Bivalves
  10. container
  11. container
  12. framed covered paper
  13. on waves
  14. harmful rays
  15. Flops-Light sandals
  16. rackets called shuttle
  1. creature
  2. cloth
  3. covering for the head
  4. boat
  5. limbs skin
  6. sides tool
  7. Ball- Inflated sphere
  8. Case- Vaneity bag
  9. Small castle like
  10. Lying in the sun
  11. skin

27 Clues: carboatskinclothplantsanimalcreatureon wavescontainercontainerlimbs skinwatercraftsides toolplastic diskharmful raysShells-BivalvesLying in the sunBag-Large handbagCase- Vaneity bagSmall castle likeFlops-Light sandalsframed covered papercovering for the headBall- Inflated sphererackets called shuttleDissolved organic materials...

Beach 2023-06-01

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Ability to float or rise in a liquid
  2. Air pockets rising to the surface of water
  3. Watercraft used for travel or recreational purposes on the water
  4. Gas mixture used in scuba diving to reduce nitrogen absorption
  5. Measurement from the surface to the bottom of a body of water
  6. Relating to the ocean
  7. Swimming or diving equipment worn on feet for propulsion
  8. Submerge into water, often for recreational or exploratory purposes
  9. Tube used for breathing while floating face-down in water
  10. Fins worn on feet for swimming or diving
  1. Device that controls the flow of air from a scuba tank
  2. Diving equipment that allows for breathing underwater
  3. Act of investigating or discovering new underwater areas
  4. Aquatic animals found in water bodies
  5. Process of gradually returning to normal atmospheric pressure after diving
  6. Underwater ridge formed by coral or rocks
  7. Beneath the surface of the water
  8. Container holding compressed air for scuba diving
  9. Person diving or swimming alongside you
  10. Garment worn for insulation and protection during water activities

20 Clues: Relating to the oceanBeneath the surface of the waterAbility to float or rise in a liquidAquatic animals found in water bodiesPerson diving or swimming alongside youFins worn on feet for swimming or divingUnderwater ridge formed by coral or rocksAir pockets rising to the surface of waterContainer holding compressed air for scuba diving...

Beach 2023-06-01

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Bag carried on the back for carrying supplies
  2. Portable cooking device for camping
  3. Suspended bed or swinging seat for relaxation
  4. Animals and plants living in their natural environment
  5. Navigational tool used to determine direction
  6. Repellent used to deter insects
  7. Insulated bag for sleeping outdoors
  8. Portable shelter for camping
  9. Soft, sweet treats often roasted over a campfire
  1. Portable chairs for sitting around a campsite
  2. Small folding knife that fits in a pocket
  3. Campfire treat made with graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows
  4. Outdoor fire used for cooking and warmth
  5. Annoying insects that often bite outdoors
  6. Area designed for camping with designated campsites
  7. Area where a tent is set up for camping
  8. Insects commonly found in outdoor environments
  9. Portable light source for outdoor use
  10. Mixture of nuts, dried fruits, and candies for snacking during hikes
  11. Walking in nature for recreational purposes

20 Clues: Portable shelter for campingRepellent used to deter insectsPortable cooking device for campingInsulated bag for sleeping outdoorsPortable light source for outdoor useArea where a tent is set up for campingOutdoor fire used for cooking and warmthSmall folding knife that fits in a pocketAnnoying insects that often bite outdoors...

Beach 2023-06-01

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Large outdoor fire used for warmth, cooking, or celebration
  2. Time of day when the sun appears above the horizon in the morning
  3. Activity of moving through water using one's body
  4. Activity of staying overnight outdoors, typically in a tent
  5. Time of day when the sun disappears below the horizon in the evening
  6. Sport or activity of catching fish
  7. Outdoor meal or gathering, often in a park or scenic area
  8. Paddling a narrow open boat
  9. Activity of traveling in a boat
  10. The natural world and its phenomena
  1. Cooking food over an open flame or grill
  2. Activity done for enjoyment or relaxation
  3. State of being free from tension or stress
  4. Relaxing or lying in the sun, often to get a tan
  5. Small simple house or shelter in a rural or wilderness area
  6. Paddling a small narrow boat
  7. Propelling a boat using wind power
  8. Structure for mooring boats or ships
  9. Animals and plants living in their natural environment
  10. Shoreline area by the sea or a lake

20 Clues: Paddling a narrow open boatPaddling a small narrow boatActivity of traveling in a boatPropelling a boat using wind powerSport or activity of catching fishShoreline area by the sea or a lakeThe natural world and its phenomenaStructure for mooring boats or shipsCooking food over an open flame or grillActivity done for enjoyment or relaxation...

Beach 2022-05-01

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. a promenade along a beach or waterfront, Bocce typically made of wood.
  2. a very large expanse of sea, in particular each of the main areas into which the sea is divided geographically.
  3. a long body of water curling into an arched form and breaking on the shore.
  4. long, narrow board that surfers take out into the water and stand on. If you do it right, you can ride a wave—meaning you stay on top of a wave until it comes crashing down. (2 wds)
  5. Pieces of wood that are washed onto the shore by the water are called _________.
  6. is a flat disc that’s thrown by spinning it.
  7. use a frame and fabric or paper to float up in the air. You hold a string attached to the ____ and let it fly high.
  8. the state of the tide when at its lowest level. (2 wds)
  9. are dark glasses worn to protect your eyes from the sun.
  10. a loose granular substance, typically pale yellowish brown, resulting from the erosion of siliceous and other rocks and forming a major constituent of beaches, riverbeds, the seabed, and deserts.
  1. large, inflatable ball, usually using slices of bright colors. (2 wds)
  2. is what you use to dry yourself when you come out of the bath or shower. A _____ _____ is the same, but for the beach. (2 wds)
  3. a ridge of sand built up by currents especially in a river or in coastal waters.
  4. Italian game similar to lawn bowling but played on a shorter, narrower green or sand.
  5. are usually portable (easy to move around) and are made of metal poles with fabric stretched between them to form a back and a seat. (2 wds)
  6. the outfit you wear to swim. (2 wds)
  7. the state of the tide when at its highest level. (2 wds)
  8. These are structures made of packed wet sand. You’ll need a bucket and a shovel which is a flat spoon-like tool used for moving dirt and sand around. (2 wds)
  9. when you bathe in the sun instead of the water; in other words, you let the sun’s rays wash over you.
  10. is a structure that goes from the shore into the water. It’s used for tying ships down so they don’t drift away
  11. the fringe of land at the edge of a large body of water, such as an ocean, sea, or lake.
  12. a device consisting of a circular canopy of cloth on a folding metal frame supported by a central rod, used as protection against rain or sometimes sun.
  13. also called sunblock is a cream or spray applied to the body to keep it from getting burned by the sun.

23 Clues: the outfit you wear to swim. (2 wds)is a flat disc that’s thrown by spinning it.the state of the tide when at its lowest level. (2 wds)the state of the tide when at its highest level. (2 wds)are dark glasses worn to protect your eyes from the sun.large, inflatable ball, usually using slices of bright colors. (2 wds)...

Beach 2024-05-01

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. sport
  2. surfboards
  3. frivillige
  4. Søndag
  5. offenligt
  6. Middelhavsområde
  7. livreddere
  8. mange
  9. kendt
  10. Fiske
  1. mennesker
  2. pro
  3. Fisk
  4. Vollyball
  5. tempratur
  6. uniformer
  7. Afslappende
  8. Venner
  9. Strand
  10. Kystlinje

20 Clues: proFisksportmangekendtFiskeSøndagVennerStrandmenneskerVollyballtempraturuniformeroffenligtKystlinjesurfboardsfrivilligelivreddereAfslappendeMiddelhavsområde

beach 2024-05-12

beach crossword puzzle
  1. have fun
  2. make clean or pure
  3. hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be ___"
  4. tranquil
  5. come back
  6. Psalm 139:17-18 count what?
  7. bring together
  8. blast of air
  9. to make new
  10. a tree that is planted by streams of
  11. inspect in detail
  12. wash me clean of
  1. Matthew 5:6: “Blessed are those
  2. the world was _____ into existence
  3. green, growing, food
  4. struggle with something
  5. brightest star
  6. to make new
  7. take serious attention or concern
  8. lyrics to oceans " I will call upon Your name and keep
  9. eyes above the _____"
  10. belief that is not based on proof

22 Clues: have funtranquilcome backto make newto make newblast of airbrightest starbring togetherwash me clean ofinspect in detailmake clean or puregreen, growing, foodeyes above the _____"struggle with somethingPsalm 139:17-18 count what?Matthew 5:6: “Blessed are thosetake serious attention or concernbelief that is not based on proof...

beach 2023-03-02

beach crossword puzzle
  1. has a shell
  2. popular drink
  3. has claws
  4. eaten at the beach
  5. two pieces of cloth
  6. type of tree
  7. is in the reef
  8. 8 tentacles
  9. type of bird
  10. star shaped animal
  11. food found in ocean
  12. result of to much sun
  13. hide your eyes from sun
  14. result of not burning in the sun but..
  15. fruit with most water
  16. burns you
  1. saves lives
  2. keep the sun off you
  3. shoes used to go to the beach
  4. on palm trees
  5. used to catch fish
  6. produced by the ocean
  7. used with a volleyball net
  8. used to cover bikinis
  9. water found near beach
  10. used to dry off
  11. close to the ocean
  12. used in the ocean
  13. found in ocean
  14. prevent sun burns
  15. has a fin
  16. used on ocean

32 Clues: has clawshas a finburns yousaves liveshas a shell8 tentaclestype of treetype of birdpopular drinkon palm treesused on oceanis in the reeffound in oceanused to dry offused in the oceanprevent sun burnsused to catch fisheaten at the beachstar shaped animalclose to the oceantwo pieces of clothfood found in oceankeep the sun off you...

Beach 2023-06-01

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Practice of focusing the mind and finding inner peace
  2. Act of writing down personal thoughts and experiences
  3. Resting or being in a state of slumber
  4. Activities involving rules and competition for entertainment
  5. Swimming or recreational area filled with water
  6. Tabletop games played with counters or pieces on a board
  7. Outdoor meal or gathering in a scenic spot
  8. Form of entertainment involving motion pictures
  1. Vacation spent at home or nearby
  2. Physical, mental, and spiritual practice originating in ancient India
  3. State of being physically healthy and strong
  4. People with whom one has a bond of mutual affection
  5. Outdoor space used for growing plants and flowers
  6. State of being free from tension or stress
  7. Process of getting a tan from exposure to the sun
  8. Art or practice of capturing and creating images with a camera
  9. Tasks or activities undertaken for a specific purpose
  10. Activity of looking at and understanding written words
  11. Activity of preparing food
  12. Activities done for pleasure or relaxation outside of work

20 Clues: Activity of preparing foodVacation spent at home or nearbyResting or being in a state of slumberState of being free from tension or stressOutdoor meal or gathering in a scenic spotState of being physically healthy and strongSwimming or recreational area filled with waterForm of entertainment involving motion pictures...

Beach 2023-07-07

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. (Hint: Riding the waves on a board)
  2. (Hint: Open-toed footwear for the beach)
  3. (Hint: Protects the skin from the sun's rays)
  4. (Hint: A sheltered area that blocks sunlight)
  5. (Hint: A small bucket for carrying sand or water)
  6. (Hint: A large, inflatable ball for playing in the sand)
  7. (Hint: A person responsible for water safety)
  8. (Hint: Used to dry off after swimming)
  9. (Hint: Move through water using your body)
  10. (Hint: Algae found in the ocean)
  1. (Hint: The hard protective covering found on the beach)
  2. (Hint: A sculpture made from wet sand)
  3. (Hint: Tiny grains found on the beach)
  4. (Hint: The bright ball of light in the sky)
  5. (Hint: Eyewear to protect eyes from the sun)
  6. (Hint: A common bird found near the shore)
  7. (Hint: A crustacean often found on the beach)
  8. (Hint: Vast body of saltwater)
  9. (Hint: The empty shell of a marine creature)
  10. (Hint: The rhythmic movement of water)

20 Clues: (Hint: Vast body of saltwater)(Hint: Algae found in the ocean)(Hint: Riding the waves on a board)(Hint: A sculpture made from wet sand)(Hint: Tiny grains found on the beach)(Hint: Used to dry off after swimming)(Hint: The rhythmic movement of water)(Hint: Open-toed footwear for the beach)(Hint: A common bird found near the shore)...

Beach 2024-10-24

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. air that blows
  2. stores where you can buy things
  3. a building to sleep in away from home
  4. an area for play or recreation
  5. something that keeps the rain off you
  6. masses of water vapor that hang in the air
  7. a cloth used for drying
  8. an area of a town or city
  9. a tropical tree
  10. a large cloth used for warmth
  11. what we breathe
  1. the air and atmosphere at a particular time and place
  2. the movement of the ocean
  3. a children's recreation area
  4. raised land that is lower than a mountain
  5. light wind
  6. a route to walk on
  7. land along the ocean or sea
  8. skies few or no clouds
  9. a material made of tiny rocks
  10. a beach area
  11. too many cars or people in one place
  12. a very tall landmass
  13. a very large body of salt water

24 Clues: light winda beach areaair that blowsa tropical treewhat we breathea route to walk ona very tall landmassskies few or no cloudsa cloth used for dryingthe movement of the oceanan area of a town or cityland along the ocean or seaa children's recreation areaa material made of tiny rocksa large cloth used for warmthan area for play or recreation...

beach 2025-03-03

beach crossword puzzle
  1. Used for shade at the beach
  2. Clothing worn for swimming
  3. The rise and fall of sea levels
  4. Someone who watches over swimmers for safety
  5. A colorful marine organism forming reefs
  6. A crustacean with a hard shell and pincers
  7. Beach footwear that is easy to slip on
  8. A marine creature with a star-shaped body
  9. A beautiful view of the sun dipping below the horizon
  10. Gear used for swimming underwater and breathing
  11. A lightweight ball tossed around for fun
  1. A playful marine mammal often seen near coasts
  2. A bird commonly seen near the ocean
  3. A small item often collected by beachgoers
  4. A structure built with wet sand at the beach
  5. A platform extending over the water from the shore
  6. Equipment used to ride ocean waves
  7. A tropical tree often associated with beaches
  8. A hard, protective outer layer found on the shore
  9. The moving swell of water on the ocean surface

20 Clues: Clothing worn for swimmingUsed for shade at the beachThe rise and fall of sea levelsEquipment used to ride ocean wavesA bird commonly seen near the oceanBeach footwear that is easy to slip onA colorful marine organism forming reefsA lightweight ball tossed around for funA marine creature with a star-shaped body...

Beach 2021-01-18

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. covers the beach
  2. what you wear on your feet
  3. to listen to music
  4. what you drink
  5. ocean treasures
  6. help you to kick on waves
  7. these help you to float
  8. to store food + drinks in
  9. trees found near the beach
  10. what you surf
  1. to catch waves laying down
  2. something you wear to protect your eyes
  3. has the nicest shoes in the class
  4. to use as shade
  5. what you use to dry off
  6. you use this to see underwater
  7. what you sit on
  8. to catch waves standing up
  9. prevents sunburn
  10. what you eat
  11. to wear on your head

21 Clues: what you eatwhat you surfwhat you drinkto use as shadewhat you sit onocean treasurescovers the beachprevents sunburnto listen to musicto wear on your headwhat you use to dry offthese help you to floathelp you to kick on wavesto store food + drinks into catch waves laying downwhat you wear on your feetto catch waves standing up...

Beach 2018-10-03

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. and animal that could eat you and has sharp teeth
  2. a drink to keep you refreshed
  3. living things that roam the brach
  4. what you use to dry off when you are done
  5. something kids build out of sand
  6. what you wear on your head to keep the sun out of your face
  7. water people swim in
  8. what you wear into the ocean
  9. food you bring if you get hungry
  10. round object you hit back and forth
  11. goggles with a tube you breathe out of
  12. a bird that is around the ocean
  13. keeps water out of your eyes when you are swimming
  14. what kids play in that leads to the ocean
  1. you would use to dig in the sand
  2. something you put up and sit under for shade
  3. what you wear on your feet
  4. a tree you would find at the beach
  5. an electronic to keep you occupied at the beach
  6. what you wear on your face to keep the sun out of your eyes
  7. you put this on your skin so you don't burn
  8. you would stand on this to ride a wave
  9. what you sit in
  10. an animal under the sand that could pinch you
  11. animal that swims in the sea
  12. something that keeps your drink cold

26 Clues: what you sit inwater people swim inwhat you wear on your feetanimal that swims in the seawhat you wear into the oceana drink to keep you refresheda bird that is around the oceanyou would use to dig in the sandsomething kids build out of sandfood you bring if you get hungryliving things that roam the bracha tree you would find at the beach...

beach 2024-01-19

beach crossword puzzle
  1. - Enjoyable activity in the sea.
  2. - Ocean movements near the shore.
  3. - Edible sea creatures like clams or mussels.
  4. - Ride the waves on a board.
  5. - Activity often enjoyed off the pier or shore.
  6. - Breathing tube for underwater exploration.
  7. - Safety monitor at the beach.
  8. - Sculpture built with beach sand.
  9. - Inflatable plaything for sandy fun.
  10. - Land along the edge of the sea.
  11. - Underwater structure supporting marine life.
  1. - Rise and fall of sea levels.
  2. - Common coastal bird.
  3. - Collectible from the shore.
  4. - View of the sun disappearing below the horizon.
  5. - Shade provider on a sunny beach day.
  6. - Sand hill formed by wind.
  7. - Lotion for skin protection from the sun.
  8. - Sideways-walking crustacean.
  9. - Outdoor meal by the shoreline.

20 Clues: - Common coastal bird.- Sand hill formed by wind.- Ride the waves on a board.- Collectible from the shore.- Rise and fall of sea levels.- Safety monitor at the beach.- Sideways-walking crustacean.- Enjoyable activity in the sea.- Outdoor meal by the shoreline.- Ocean movements near the shore.- Land along the edge of the sea....

Beach 2023-03-06

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. ride waves with this
  2. beach sandle
  3. beach cuisine
  4. vehicle in the sand
  5. vessel powered by wind
  6. keeps ships from wrecking
  7. wooden structure over ocean
  8. ocean plant
  9. protects skin
  10. wooden structure along beach
  11. washes up on beach
  12. protects swimmers
  13. children make these on beach
  1. lives in ocean and stings
  2. dangerous current
  3. storm over water
  4. where sky meets ocean
  5. keeps drinks cold
  6. creature with five arms
  7. beautiful sky at end of day
  8. lay on this at beach
  9. protects eyes
  10. blocks sun
  11. dangerous fish
  12. popular beach bird

25 Clues: blocks sunocean plantbeach sandlebeach cuisineprotects eyesprotects skindangerous fishstorm over waterdangerous currentkeeps drinks coldprotects swimmerswashes up on beachpopular beach birdvehicle in the sandride waves with thislay on this at beachwhere sky meets oceanvessel powered by windcreature with five armslives in ocean and stings...

Beach 2023-03-02

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. riding waves
  2. when you eat food
  3. build it out of sand
  4. jump out of the water
  5. in the water
  6. sport on the beach
  7. hanging over the beach
  8. when it gets dark
  9. see under water with them
  10. swim with fins
  1. flies over the sea
  2. put sand in it
  3. fast in water
  4. dig in the sand
  5. looking at fish under water
  6. flies in the sky
  7. crashing on the beach
  8. grains
  9. animal in the water
  10. crabs live in them

20 Clues: grainsriding wavesin the waterfast in waterput sand in itswim with finsdig in the sandflies in the skywhen you eat foodwhen it gets darkflies over the seasport on the beachcrabs live in themanimal in the waterbuild it out of sandjump out of the watercrashing on the beachhanging over the beachsee under water with themlooking at fish under water

beach 2024-05-01

beach crossword puzzle
  1. kystlinje
  2. side
  3. slotte
  4. brasilien
  5. livreddere
  6. dødbringende
  7. fiskning
  8. våddragt
  9. slappe af
  1. vigtigt
  2. mere
  3. beliggende
  4. aktiviteter
  5. haj
  6. frivillige
  7. alle
  8. også
  9. bygge
  10. opfinde
  11. populær

20 Clues: hajmeresidealleogsåbyggeslottevigtigtopfindepopulærfiskningvåddragtkystlinjebrasilienslappe afbeliggendefrivilligelivreddereaktiviteterdødbringende

Beach 2022-07-14

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Swim parallel to shore if you get caught in one of these. (two words)
  2. This Spielberg film might make some folks wary about getting in the ocean.
  3. These feral creatures are all over the island, but you shouldn't feed them.
  4. Hunting for calcium carbonate collectibles.
  5. Mostly made of pulverized feldspar and quartz.
  6. This branch of the military has a station in Hatteras. (two words)
  7. These translucent treasures can be found in the ocean most commonly in green, blue, brown, and clear. (two words)
  8. "It's coarse and rough and irritating — and it gets everywhere."
  9. This long-nosed fish is quite the badge of honor for fishermen who catch one.
  10. Samuel Taylor's poem, "The ___ of the Ancient Mariner" contains the line, "Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink."
  11. You can do this in the ocean, but please don't do it in the pool.
  12. The natural cycle of the ebbing and flowing of a body of water.
  13. Fish might stop by this sediment deposit for a drink.
  14. Though referred to by this name for quite some time, the Post Office adopted the name Avon for the village in 1883.
  15. These creatures make 80% of Earth's oxygen.
  1. You wouldn't want to see these rolling in while you are down on the beach. (two words)
  2. Men in grey suits.
  3. The study of fish.
  4. These flat bits of ocean currency are very rare to find, especially intact. (two words)
  5. Formed in 2011, the newest inlet on Hatteras Island - located between the Basnight Bridge and Rodanthe - is referred to by this name by locals.
  6. SPF for short.
  7. Andy Griffith owned a house in this OBX town.
  8. This 183-foot vessel is the newest in NCDOT’s Hatteras-Ocracoke fleet and is also named after the beach town 35 miles north of Hatteras.
  9. The chicken of the sea.
  10. The stingray's harmless cousin.
  11. These named storms can be very devastating to coastal towns.

26 Clues: SPF for short.Men in grey suits.The study of fish.The chicken of the sea.The stingray's harmless cousin.Hunting for calcium carbonate collectibles.These creatures make 80% of Earth's oxygen.Andy Griffith owned a house in this OBX town.Mostly made of pulverized feldspar and quartz.Fish might stop by this sediment deposit for a drink....

Beach 2023-06-01

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Wooden walkway along the beach
  2. Move through water using one's body
  3. Sandy area by the water's edge
  4. Shells found on the beach
  5. Lotion applied to protect from the sun
  6. Absorbent cloth used for drying off
  7. Tall tropical trees with long, slender trunks
  8. Boundary between land and water
  9. Tiny grains found on the beach
  10. Moving swells of water
  1. Birds often found near the coast
  2. Marine creature with multiple arms
  3. Device used for shade on sunny days
  4. Process of darkening skin in the sun
  5. Gentle wind
  6. Breathing tube used while swimming underwater
  7. Two-piece swimsuit
  8. Sculpture made of wet sand
  9. Vast body of saltwater
  10. Ride the breaking waves on a board

20 Clues: Gentle windTwo-piece swimsuitVast body of saltwaterMoving swells of waterShells found on the beachSculpture made of wet sandWooden walkway along the beachSandy area by the water's edgeTiny grains found on the beachBoundary between land and waterBirds often found near the coastMarine creature with multiple armsRide the breaking waves on a board...

Beach 2023-06-01

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Moving swells of water
  2. Process of darkening skin in the sun
  3. Boundary between land and water
  4. Two-piece swimsuit
  5. Ride the breaking waves on a board
  6. Vast body of saltwater
  7. Birds often found near the coast
  8. Shells found on the beach
  9. Device used for shade on sunny days
  10. Tiny grains found on the beach
  11. Gentle wind
  1. Sandy area by the water's edge
  2. Breathing tube used while swimming underwater
  3. Move through water using one's body
  4. Wooden walkway along the beach
  5. Sculpture made of wet sand
  6. Absorbent cloth used for drying off
  7. Lotion applied to protect from the sun
  8. Marine creature with multiple arms
  9. Tall tropical trees with long, slender trunks

20 Clues: Gentle windTwo-piece swimsuitMoving swells of waterVast body of saltwaterShells found on the beachSculpture made of wet sandSandy area by the water's edgeWooden walkway along the beachTiny grains found on the beachBoundary between land and waterBirds often found near the coastRide the breaking waves on a boardMarine creature with multiple arms...

Beach 2023-06-01

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Red grape variety known for its soft and fruity character
  2. White grape variety known for its aromatic and fruity wines
  3. Small, juicy fruits used in winemaking
  4. Flat, outdoor seating area often overlooking a vineyard
  5. Underground storage area for aging wine
  6. Facility where wine is produced
  7. Characteristic of a love or affectionate relationship
  8. Agricultural land where grapes are grown for wine production
  9. Red or white grape variety used in the production of various wines
  1. White grape variety known for producing rich, buttery wines
  2. Container for storing and serving wine
  3. Climbing or trailing plants that bear grapes
  4. Red grape variety known for producing full-bodied wines
  5. Large area of land with vineyards and winemaking facilities
  6. Alcoholic beverage made from fermented grapes
  7. State of being free from tension or stress
  8. Guided visit to a vineyard or winery
  9. Activity of sampling and evaluating different wines
  10. Process of gathering ripe grapes from the vineyard
  11. Cylindrical container used for aging and storing wine

20 Clues: Facility where wine is producedGuided visit to a vineyard or wineryContainer for storing and serving wineSmall, juicy fruits used in winemakingUnderground storage area for aging wineState of being free from tension or stressClimbing or trailing plants that bear grapesAlcoholic beverage made from fermented grapes...

Beach 2023-03-02

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. riding waves
  2. when you eat food
  3. build it out of sand
  4. jump out of the water
  5. in the water
  6. sport on the beach
  7. hanging over the beach
  8. when it gets dark
  9. see under water with them
  10. swim with fins
  1. flies over the sea
  2. put sand in it
  3. fast in water
  4. dig in the sand
  5. looking at fish under water
  6. flies in the sky
  7. crashing on the beach
  8. grains
  9. animal in the water
  10. crabs live in them

20 Clues: grainsriding wavesin the waterfast in waterput sand in itswim with finsdig in the sandflies in the skywhen you eat foodwhen it gets darkflies over the seasport on the beachcrabs live in themanimal in the waterbuild it out of sandjump out of the watercrashing on the beachhanging over the beachsee under water with themlooking at fish under water

Beach 2023-06-16

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Cascading stream of water
  2. Cold, treeless plain with frozen subsoil
  3. Steep, high cliff or bank
  4. Large mass of ice
  5. Mountain with a vent for lava and ash
  6. Fertile area in a desert with water and vegetation
  7. Large flowing body of water
  8. Flat, elevated landform
  9. Long, narrow elevated landform
  1. Tall landform with a peak
  2. Large underground chamber or cave
  3. Deep, narrow gorge with steep sides
  4. Land surrounded by water on three sides
  5. Shallow body of water separated from the sea by a barrier
  6. Dense collection of trees
  7. Arid, barren land with little rainfall
  8. Wetland with grasses and shallow water
  9. Long, narrow inlet with steep sides
  10. Lowland between hills or mountains
  11. Deep, narrow passage between cliffs

20 Clues: Large mass of iceFlat, elevated landformTall landform with a peakCascading stream of waterDense collection of treesSteep, high cliff or bankLarge flowing body of waterLong, narrow elevated landformLarge underground chamber or caveLowland between hills or mountainsDeep, narrow gorge with steep sidesLong, narrow inlet with steep sides...

Beach 2023-06-01

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Guided visit to various points of interest
  2. Panoramic view of a city's buildings and skyline
  3. Structures built to commemorate a person or event
  4. Open public square or pedestrian area
  5. Place of worship for Christian religious ceremonies
  6. Spaces for displaying and showcasing art
  7. Structure built to span a physical obstacle, such as a river
  8. Public space where goods are bought and sold
  9. Decorative structure that releases water into the air
  10. Building dedicated to religious or spiritual practices
  1. Remains of ancient or destroyed structures
  2. Landscaped areas cultivated with plants and flowers
  3. Outline of buildings seen against the sky
  4. Three-dimensional artwork created by shaping or carving materials
  5. Structure or monument created to honor a person or event
  6. Prominent or well-known feature of a landscape
  7. Design and construction of buildings and structures
  8. Place or feature that draws interest or attention
  9. Institutions that preserve and exhibit artifacts and artworks
  10. Grand residence of a monarch or high-ranking official

20 Clues: Open public square or pedestrian areaSpaces for displaying and showcasing artOutline of buildings seen against the skyGuided visit to various points of interestRemains of ancient or destroyed structuresPublic space where goods are bought and soldProminent or well-known feature of a landscapePanoramic view of a city's buildings and skyline...

Beach 2023-06-01

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. People with whom one has a bond of mutual affection
  2. Tabletop games played with counters or pieces on a board
  3. Physical, mental, and spiritual practice originating in ancient India
  4. Resting or being in a state of slumber
  5. Swimming or recreational area filled with water
  6. Tasks or activities undertaken for a specific purpose
  7. Practice of focusing the mind and finding inner peace
  8. Outdoor meal or gathering in a scenic spot
  1. Activities done for pleasure or relaxation outside of work
  2. Act of writing down personal thoughts and experiences
  3. State of being physically healthy and strong
  4. Outdoor space used for growing plants and flowers
  5. Activity of preparing food
  6. Activities involving rules and competition for entertainment
  7. State of being free from tension or stress
  8. Art or practice of capturing and creating images with a camera
  9. Vacation spent at home or nearby
  10. Form of entertainment involving motion pictures
  11. Activity of looking at and understanding written words
  12. Process of getting a tan from exposure to the sun

20 Clues: Activity of preparing foodVacation spent at home or nearbyResting or being in a state of slumberState of being free from tension or stressOutdoor meal or gathering in a scenic spotState of being physically healthy and strongForm of entertainment involving motion picturesSwimming or recreational area filled with water...

Beach 2023-06-01

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Relating to high mountains, especially the Alps
  2. Highest point or peak of a mountain
  3. Dense growth of trees and vegetation
  4. Paths or tracks through outdoor areas
  5. Deep valleys with steep sides
  6. Outdoor activity of staying overnight in a tent or camper
  7. Cascading streams of water
  8. Outdoor activity of walking in nature
  9. Relating to or done outside, in nature
  10. The natural world and its phenomena
  11. Beautiful or picturesque
  1. Animals and plants living in their natural habitat
  2. Panoramic or scenic outlooks
  3. Undeveloped and uncultivated land
  4. Large natural flowing watercourse
  5. Large natural elevation of the earth's surface
  6. Exciting or daring experience
  7. Inland bodies of water surrounded by land
  8. Hiking and camping while carrying one's belongings in a backpack
  9. Animals and plants living in their natural habitat

20 Clues: Beautiful or picturesqueCascading streams of waterPanoramic or scenic outlooksDeep valleys with steep sidesExciting or daring experienceUndeveloped and uncultivated landLarge natural flowing watercourseHighest point or peak of a mountainThe natural world and its phenomenaDense growth of trees and vegetationPaths or tracks through outdoor areas...

beach 2023-06-16

beach crossword puzzle
  1. mouette
  2. peche
  3. coup
  4. meduz
  5. uv
  6. crabes
  7. glisse
  8. gilet
  9. sable
  10. coquilage
  1. mayo
  2. atlantik
  3. dunes
  4. lunett
  5. glace
  6. plongee
  7. vague
  8. serviett
  9. yot

19 Clues: uvyotmayocoupdunespechemeduzglacevaguegiletsablelunettcrabesglissemouetteplongeeatlantikserviettcoquilage

Beach 2023-06-01

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Maneuver of changing the direction of a sailboat by turning the bow through the wind
  2. Surface of a boat where people stand or walk
  3. Lever used to steer a boat
  4. Person in charge of a ship or boat
  5. Process of determining and controlling a ship's course
  6. Steering device at the stern of a boat
  7. Heavy object used to keep a boat in place
  1. System of ropes, cables, and chains used to support and control the sails
  2. Units of speed for nautical vessels
  3. Device used for securing ropes on a boat
  4. Single-masted sailboat with a fore-and-aft mainsail and jib
  5. Series of boat races held as a competition
  6. Large, balloon-shaped sail used for sailing downwind
  7. Vertical spar that supports the sails
  8. Watercraft propelled by sails
  9. Floating object used as a navigation marker
  10. Group of people who operate a boat
  11. Natural movement of air that powers a sailboat
  12. Main body of a boat, excluding the mast and superstructure

19 Clues: Lever used to steer a boatWatercraft propelled by sailsPerson in charge of a ship or boatGroup of people who operate a boatUnits of speed for nautical vesselsVertical spar that supports the sailsSteering device at the stern of a boatDevice used for securing ropes on a boatHeavy object used to keep a boat in place...

Beach 2021-07-19

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. animal with six arms
  2. a boat we ride
  3. protect us from the sun
  4. see islands very far away
  5. fun to do on waves
  6. we can make this in the sand
  7. surrounded by water and has trees
  8. we collect these on the beach
  9. used to dig
  1. swim with these clothes
  2. we swim with these on our feet
  3. beautiful animal that swims in the ocean
  4. fun toy to play with on the beach
  5. we use this when we swim to stay safe
  6. use this to move the raft
  7. grows in the ocean and we also eat it
  8. cute animal but be careful they pinch!
  9. small rocks

18 Clues: used to digsmall rocksa boat we ridefun to do on wavesanimal with six armsswim with these clothesprotect us from the sunsee islands very far awayuse this to move the raftwe can make this in the sandwe collect these on the beachwe swim with these on our feetfun toy to play with on the beachsurrounded by water and has trees...

Beach 2022-09-23

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. It gets in everything
  2. Sand structure
  3. Water vessel
  4. Will steal your food
  5. It can burn you
  6. Used to protect your skin
  7. You will need this to dry off
  8. Why its not always safe in the water
  9. Early birds can catch a glimpse to the East
  10. The hero of the beach
  1. It ebbs and flows
  2. Bev's favorite sea creature
  3. You can collect these on the beach
  4. Eye wear protection
  5. It can sting you
  6. They can pinch but are tasty
  7. Can be done on the beach or the pier
  8. It can be high or low

18 Clues: Water vesselSand structureIt can burn youIt can sting youIt ebbs and flowsEye wear protectionWill steal your foodIt gets in everythingIt can be high or lowThe hero of the beachUsed to protect your skinBev's favorite sea creatureThey can pinch but are tastyYou will need this to dry offYou can collect these on the beach...

Beach 2023-06-01

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Open land used for agricultural purposes
  2. Simple and characteristic of the countryside
  3. Cascading streams of water
  4. Large, four-legged mammals often used for riding or pulling carts
  5. Animals and plants living in their natural environment
  6. State of being free from tension or stress
  7. Walking in nature for recreational purposes
  8. State of being free from tension or stress
  9. Areas of land used for agricultural purposes
  10. Outdoor meal or gathering in a scenic spot
  1. Tall, yellow-flowered plants with large, round heads
  2. Grazing areas for livestock
  3. Rural or agricultural areas outside of urban centers
  4. Gathering of ripe crops from the fields
  5. Area of land where fruit trees are grown
  6. Activity of moving through water using one's body
  7. Areas of land where grapes are cultivated for winemaking
  8. Animals and plants living in their natural environment
  9. Farm vehicle used for pulling or pushing heavy loads
  10. Riding a bicycle for exercise or leisure

20 Clues: Cascading streams of waterGrazing areas for livestockGathering of ripe crops from the fieldsOpen land used for agricultural purposesArea of land where fruit trees are grownRiding a bicycle for exercise or leisureState of being free from tension or stressState of being free from tension or stressOutdoor meal or gathering in a scenic spot...

Beach 2024-05-01

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Strand
  2. kendt
  3. Fisk
  4. mennesker
  5. Fiske
  6. surfboards
  7. frivillige
  8. mange
  9. pro
  10. Afslappende
  11. Søndag
  1. Middelhavsområde
  2. offenligt
  3. tempratur
  4. livreddere
  5. sport
  6. uniformer
  7. Kystlinje

18 Clues: proFiskkendtsportFiskemangeStrandSøndagoffenligttempraturmenneskeruniformerKystlinjelivredderesurfboardsfrivilligeAfslappendeMiddelhavsområde

Beach 2020-12-30

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. not a house
  2. beach sign
  3. shovel and
  4. where people collect money
  5. Between your toes
  6. low or high
  7. over the dune
  8. Collect them
  9. dune daisy color
  1. might be heated
  2. moon or beach
  3. They jump
  4. little kids bury
  5. pushes sand
  6. protect the dune
  7. gopher
  8. Happens in the west

17 Clues: gopherThey jumpbeach signshovel andnot a housepushes sandlow or highCollect themmoon or beachover the dunemight be heatedlittle kids buryprotect the dunedune daisy colorBetween your toesHappens in the westwhere people collect money

Beach 2020-06-19

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. what is the weather like in the summer?
  2. what ocean is California next to?
  3. people wear these to protect their eyes from the sun
  4. when you ride a wave with a board
  5. what state is famous for their beaches?
  6. someone whose job is to make sure swimmers are safe
  7. you use this to dry off after swimming
  8. this tool is used to dig in the sand
  1. a frozen treat on a stick
  2. people like to build this with sand
  3. you turn this on to cool off
  4. you put this on to protect your skin from the sun
  5. you wear this to go swimming
  6. people like to go to the beach with family and _____
  7. there are a lot of these birds at the beach
  8. you can collect these at the beach
  9. the hottest season of the year

17 Clues: a frozen treat on a stickyou turn this on to cool offyou wear this to go swimmingthe hottest season of the yearwhat ocean is California next to?when you ride a wave with a boardyou can collect these at the beachpeople like to build this with sandthis tool is used to dig in the sandyou use this to dry off after swimming...

Beach 2020-12-30

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. not a house
  2. beach sign
  3. shovel and
  4. where people collect money
  5. Between your toes
  6. low or high
  7. over the dune
  8. Collect them
  9. dune daisy color
  1. might be heated
  2. moon or beach
  3. They jump
  4. little kids bury
  5. pushes sand
  6. protect the dune
  7. gopher
  8. Happens in the west

17 Clues: gopherThey jumpbeach signshovel andnot a housepushes sandlow or highCollect themmoon or beachover the dunemight be heatedlittle kids buryprotect the dunedune daisy colorBetween your toesHappens in the westwhere people collect money

Beach 2023-06-13

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. hot
  2. save
  3. stings
  4. swimsuit
  5. co
  6. hot
  7. boat
  1. eyes
  2. paper
  3. brd
  4. sand
  5. fish
  6. water
  7. tong
  8. floor
  9. clams
  10. nasty

17 Clues: cohotbrdhoteyessandfishsavetongboatpaperwaterfloorclamsnastystingsswimsuit

beach 2023-04-11

beach crossword puzzle
  1. a refreshing fruit based drink
  2. a common treat amongst people on the beach
  3. a common tree in Hawaii
  4. yellow grains
  5. a hard surface found on the sand
  6. what you'd stay the ight in
  7. use for shade on the sand
  8. an activity involving fish
  1. the sun beaming
  2. an activity that takes place on a jetty
  3. a refreshing snack for the beach
  4. the beach on a hot day
  5. what you'd find on a palm tree
  6. the most common thing to do on a beach
  7. animals swimming around the water
  8. sound of water crashing

16 Clues: yellow grainsthe sun beamingthe beach on a hot daya common tree in Hawaiisound of water crashinguse for shade on the sandan activity involving fishwhat you'd stay the ight ina refreshing fruit based drinkwhat you'd find on a palm treea refreshing snack for the beacha hard surface found on the sandanimals swimming around the water...

beach 2023-04-11

beach crossword puzzle
  1. a refreshing fruit based drink
  2. a common treat amongst people on the beach
  3. a common tree in Hawaii
  4. yellow grains
  5. a hard surface found on the sand
  6. what you'd stay the ight in
  7. use for shade on the sand
  8. an activity involving fish
  1. the sun beaming
  2. an activity that takes place on a jetty
  3. a refreshing snack for the beach
  4. the beach on a hot day
  5. what you'd find on a palm tree
  6. the most common thing to do on a beach
  7. animals swimming around the water
  8. sound of water crashing

16 Clues: yellow grainsthe sun beamingthe beach on a hot daya common tree in Hawaiisound of water crashinguse for shade on the sandan activity involving fishwhat you'd stay the ight ina refreshing fruit based drinkwhat you'd find on a palm treea refreshing snack for the beacha hard surface found on the sandanimals swimming around the water...

Beach 2021-07-28

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. 2nd, 3rd, and 9th
  2. 1st, 1st, and 1st
  3. 2nd, 1st, and 3rd
  4. 2nd and middle
  5. 4th and 2nd
  6. baby of five
  7. last
  8. middle
  9. oldest
  1. 2nd and 1st
  2. 1st and 4th
  3. 1st and 5th
  4. 1st and 2nd
  5. 1st and 2nd
  6. 2nd and 5th
  7. 3rd and 10
  8. 2nd and 2nd

17 Clues: lastmiddleoldest3rd and 102nd and 1st1st and 4th1st and 5th1st and 2nd1st and 2nd2nd and 5th4th and 2nd2nd and 2ndbaby of five2nd and middle2nd, 3rd, and 9th1st, 1st, and 1st2nd, 1st, and 3rd

BEACH 2023-06-06

BEACH crossword puzzle
  1. - Soft granular material found on the shore.
  2. - Bright celestial body that provides warmth and light.
  3. - Common bird found near the coast.
  4. ball - Inflatable toy for playing in the sand.
  5. - Tube used for breathing while swimming underwater.
  6. towel - Absorbent cloth for drying off after swimming.
  7. - Tool used for digging in the sand.
  8. - Lotion to protect skin from the sun.
  9. - Open-toed sandals worn at the beach.
  10. - Moving ridge of water in the ocean.
  1. - Sculpture made from wet sand.
  2. - Hard outer covering of a marine creature.
  3. - Canopy used for shade on the beach.
  4. - Large fruit with a hard shell found on palm trees.
  5. - Activity of moving through water.
  6. - Equipment used for riding waves.
  7. - Empty shell found on the beach.

17 Clues: - Sculpture made from wet sand.- Empty shell found on the beach.- Equipment used for riding waves.- Common bird found near the coast.- Activity of moving through water.- Tool used for digging in the sand.- Canopy used for shade on the beach.- Moving ridge of water in the ocean.- Lotion to protect skin from the sun....

Beach 2021-03-12

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. is something round
  2. you go to the beach with them
  3. object to dry your body
  4. its very cold
  5. a long thing that you lay down and normally is green or blue
  6. is something to cover the sun
  7. is something that you put on
  8. some birds that are on the sea
  1. a thing that's on the beach an in the water that fish eat. We throw that thing
  2. on the beach you bring that object and the things stay cold
  3. helps you to float
  4. this animal is normaly in rocks
  5. they make a foam
  6. are little stones
  7. something that swims in the sea
  8. were you swim when you are at the beach

16 Clues: its very coldthey make a foamare little stonesis something roundhelps you to floatobject to dry your bodyis something that you put onyou go to the beach with themis something to cover the sunsome birds that are on the seathis animal is normaly in rockssomething that swims in the seawere you swim when you are at the beach...

BEACH 2023-06-06

BEACH crossword puzzle
  1. - Bright celestial body that provides warmth and light.
  2. - Empty shell found on the beach.
  3. ball - Inflatable toy for playing in the sand.
  4. - Large fruit with a hard shell found on palm trees.
  5. - Sculpture made from wet sand.
  6. - Activity of moving through water.
  7. - Tube used for breathing while swimming underwater.
  8. - Open-toed sandals worn at the beach.
  1. - Canopy used for shade on the beach.
  2. - Equipment used for riding waves.
  3. towel - Absorbent cloth for drying off after swimming.
  4. - Moving ridge of water in the ocean.
  5. - Common bird found near the coast.
  6. - Soft granular material found on the shore.
  7. - Tool used for digging in the sand.
  8. - Lotion to protect skin from the sun.
  9. - Hard outer covering of a marine creature.

17 Clues: - Sculpture made from wet sand.- Empty shell found on the beach.- Equipment used for riding waves.- Common bird found near the coast.- Activity of moving through water.- Tool used for digging in the sand.- Canopy used for shade on the beach.- Moving ridge of water in the ocean.- Lotion to protect skin from the sun....

beach 2024-05-12

beach crossword puzzle
  1. make clean or pure
  2. lyrics “I will call upon Your name and keep my eyes above the _____"
  3. belief that is not based on proof
  4. Matthew 5:6: “for they shall be ___"
  5. brightest star
  6. bring together
  7. to make new
  8. green, growing, food
  9. blast of air
  1. have fun
  2. inspect in detail
  3. come back
  4. the world was _____ into existence
  5. take serious attention or concern
  6. tranquil
  7. to make new

16 Clues: have funtranquilcome backto make newto make newblast of airbrightest starbring togetherinspect in detailmake clean or puregreen, growing, foodbelief that is not based on prooftake serious attention or concernthe world was _____ into existenceMatthew 5:6: “for they shall be ___"lyrics “I will call upon Your name and keep my eyes above the _____"

Beach 2024-05-18

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Clothing worn for swimming
  2. Open-toed sandals worn at the beach
  3. A container for carrying sand and water
  4. A canopy providing shade from the sun
  5. Tiny grains of rock found on beaches
  6. Hard outer covering of a sea animal
  7. Cloth used to dry off after swimming
  1. Wood that has washed ashore
  2. Board used to ride waves in the ocean
  3. A large inflatable ball used for games
  4. Lotion used to protect skin from the sun
  5. Water moving up and down in the ocean
  6. The rise and fall of sea levels
  7. A bird often found near the sea
  8. A person who watches over swimmers for safety

15 Clues: Clothing worn for swimmingWood that has washed ashoreThe rise and fall of sea levelsA bird often found near the seaOpen-toed sandals worn at the beachHard outer covering of a sea animalTiny grains of rock found on beachesCloth used to dry off after swimmingBoard used to ride waves in the oceanA canopy providing shade from the sun...

Beach 2024-12-09

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Balance
  2. Engine
  3. Stroke
  4. Soft
  5. Blue
  6. Big
  7. Good
  8. Stay up
  1. floater
  2. Stone
  3. Border
  4. Words
  5. Die
  6. pools
  7. save

15 Clues: DieBigSoftsaveBlueGoodStoneWordspoolsBorderEngineStrokefloaterBalanceStay up

Beach 2024-05-20

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. some like to fly ______-on the beach
  2. a big body of water
  3. some people go ______ diving
  4. most go to the beach in the ____
  5. this floats on the water
  6. you use this to dig up the sand
  7. these sting you in the water
  8. some people like to go ____ on the waves
  1. some people have _______ on the beach
  2. these could pinch you
  3. people put up ______ and take them home
  4. it looks like a star and lives in the ocean
  5. you use this to dry off
  6. people make _______ castles
  7. some like to ____ in the water

15 Clues: a big body of waterthese could pinch youyou use this to dry offthis floats on the waterpeople make _______ castlessome people go ______ divingthese sting you in the watersome like to ____ in the wateryou use this to dig up the sandmost go to the beach in the ____some like to fly ______-on the beachsome people have _______ on the beach...

Beach 2018-09-24

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. A strong surface current, pushing you out to sea.
  2. A hard substance that people like to collect.
  3. A big fish that may eat you.
  4. A bird with a GIANT mouth.
  5. Clothing you wear in the sea.
  6. Riding on a board on waves.
  7. A loose, yellow, grainy material.
  8. Rising and falling of the sea.
  9. Land along the edge of the sea.
  1. They rescue you from the ocean.
  2. Annoying birds who want your food.
  3. A body of water moving in a curl.
  4. Pools of water on rocks.
  5. A large algae growing in the sea or on rocks.
  6. Red skin due to sun.

15 Clues: Red skin due to sun.Pools of water on rocks.A bird with a GIANT mouth.Riding on a board on waves.A big fish that may eat you.Clothing you wear in the sea.Rising and falling of the sea.They rescue you from the ocean.Land along the edge of the sea.A body of water moving in a curl.A loose, yellow, grainy material.Annoying birds who want your food....

Beach 2023-11-03

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Tiny, granular particles that cover the beach and make up its shore. It is often soft and fun for building sandcastles.
  2. A tall, tower-like structure with a bright light used to guide ships and boats at sea. It helps prevent accidents and provides navigation.
  3. A common, white and gray bird often found near the beach. It has long wings and a distinct call.
  4. The area where the land meets the sea or ocean. It often has sandy beaches, cliffs, and rocky formations.
  5. A vast body of saltwater that covers a large part of the Earth's surface. It is home to diverse marine life and ecosystems.
  6. A type of marine algae often found in the ocean and washed up on the beach. It comes in various textures and colors.
  7. A hard, protective outer layer of a sea creature, often found on the beach. It can come in various shapes, sizes, and colors.
  1. A hard, protective outer layer of a sea creature often found on the beach. It comes in various shapes, sizes, and colors.
  2. A small, rounded stone often found on the beach. It is smooth and can be used for skipping on the water.
  3. A sandy or pebbly shore by the ocean or a lake. It is often a popular destination for relaxation and recreation.
  4. The area of land along the edge of the sea or ocean. It often includes the beach and coastal features.
  5. The star at the center of the solar system that provides light and heat to the Earth. It is often seen in the sky during the day.
  6. Relating to or affected by the regular rise and fall of the sea's surface due to the gravitational forces of the moon and sun.
  7. A long body of water that rises and falls on the surface of the ocean. It often breaks as it approaches the shore.
  8. A structure built by compacting damp sand into various shapes and forms. It is often made for fun and creative expression.

15 Clues: A common, white and gray bird often found near the beach. It has long wings and a distinct call.The area of land along the edge of the sea or ocean. It often includes the beach and coastal features.A small, rounded stone often found on the beach. It is smooth and can be used for skipping on the water....

beach 2018-09-24

beach crossword puzzle
  1. a big curve of water breaking on the shore
  2. green and slimy patches in the water
  3. rising and felling of the sea
  4. a little sand creature with 8 legs and 2 claws
  5. they rescue you if you get in trouble on a big yellow board
  6. a shallow pool surrounded by rocks
  7. an annoying birds that steals your food
  1. where the sand meets the sea
  2. yellow and used to build a castle
  3. a round shaped inflatable toy
  4. you have one I have one and it starts with s
  5. a sea bird with a big mouth
  6. beautiful colours and patterns. I hope there's not a crab inside
  7. a strong current that carries you to the back of the breaking waves
  8. riding on the waves

15 Clues: riding on the wavesa sea bird with a big mouthwhere the sand meets the seaa round shaped inflatable toyrising and felling of the seayellow and used to build a castlea shallow pool surrounded by rocksgreen and slimy patches in the wateran annoying birds that steals your fooda big curve of water breaking on the shore...

Beach 2023-09-01

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Source d'Argent A beautiful beach in Seychelles known for its granite boulders.
  2. Beach A popular beach in Sydney known for surfing and events.
  3. Beach A pink sand beach in Crete, Greece, offering a unique sight.
  4. da Marinha A picturesque beach in Portugal with rocky cliffs.
  5. Sands Beach A pink sand beach in the Bahamas, known for its unique color.
  6. Rat Beach A popular beach in Croatia known for its unique shape.
  7. Beach A scenic beach in California, USA, popular for its beauty.
  8. Beach A remote beach in Greece with a shipwreck as a landmark.
  9. Mile Beach A long beach in the Cayman Islands, perfect for relaxation.
  10. Beach A lively beach in Florida known for its entertainment options.
  1. Beach A famous beach in Hawaii with golden sand and clear water.
  2. Bora Beach A stunning beach in French Polynesia with turquoise waters.
  3. Beach A pristine beach in Australia with white sand and clear water.
  4. Beach A famous beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with a vibrant atmosphere.
  5. Beach A tranquil beach in Hawaii with turquoise waters.

15 Clues: Beach A tranquil beach in Hawaii with turquoise waters.Beach A popular beach in Sydney known for surfing and events.da Marinha A picturesque beach in Portugal with rocky cliffs.Beach A remote beach in Greece with a shipwreck as a landmark.Beach A famous beach in Hawaii with golden sand and clear water....

Beach 2024-02-08

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. this sea creature can sting you if you get to close to its tentacles
  2. you need to drink lots of fluids at the beach to be _______
  3. to avoid squinting you wear these
  4. you can walk out on this to get a better view of the ocean
  5. to avoid sunburns you put this on
  6. something you dry off with or lay on in the sun
  7. an item you bring to the beach to provide shade from the sun
  8. to keep your food and drinks cold you pack this item with ice
  1. the best way to get vitamin D at the beach is from ______
  2. what you wear to the beach
  3. an item that you bring to the beach to throw back and forth
  4. something you find on the shore that is usually fragile
  5. you wear sunscreen to avoid a _____
  6. salty water you swim in
  7. this covers the coast of the ocean and gets everywhere

15 Clues: salty water you swim inwhat you wear to the beachto avoid squinting you wear theseto avoid sunburns you put this onyou wear sunscreen to avoid a _____something you dry off with or lay on in the sunthis covers the coast of the ocean and gets everywheresomething you find on the shore that is usually fragile...

beach 2022-06-06

beach crossword puzzle
  1. a photo narediti sliko
  2. školjke
  3. peščen grad
  4. pokimati
  5. kitara
  1. cream sladoled
  2. ujeti
  3. glasba
  4. rod ribiška palica
  5. fish loviti ribo
  6. poslušati
  7. plaža
  8. žoga za na plažo
  9. ideja

14 Clues: ujetiplažaidejaglasbakitaraškoljkepokimatiposlušatipeščen gradcream sladoledfish loviti ribožoga za na plažorod ribiška palicaa photo narediti sliko

Beach 2017-03-24

Beach crossword puzzle


Beach 2023-06-19

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Tiny grains of rock and minerals found on beaches.
  2. The boundary where the land meets the water at the beach.
  3. A structure built with sand, typically in the shape of a castle.
  4. The hard protective outer covering of marine mollusks.
  5. The star that provides light and heat to the beach.
  6. A portable device used for shade on sunny beach days.
  7. The rhythmic movement of water in the ocean that reaches the shore.
  1. Relating to or located near the coast or the beach.
  2. The rising and falling of the sea levels caused by gravitational forces.
  3. Marine plants that grow in the shallow waters along the beach.
  4. Clothing worn for swimming and sunbathing at the beach.
  5. A large body of saltwater that borders the beach.
  6. Birds commonly found near the coast, often seen at the beach.
  7. A long, narrow board used for riding waves in the ocean.

14 Clues: A large body of saltwater that borders the beach.Tiny grains of rock and minerals found on beaches.Relating to or located near the coast or the beach.The star that provides light and heat to the beach.A portable device used for shade on sunny beach days.The hard protective outer covering of marine mollusks....

Texas Beaches 2023-05-31

Texas Beaches crossword puzzle
  1. Beach Beach in Galveston, Texas
  2. Beach Beach in Matagorda, Texas
  3. Padre Island Beach Beach on South Padre Island, Texas
  4. Jose Island Island near Port Aransas, Texas
  5. Aransas Beach Beach in Port Aransas, Texas
  6. Beach Beach in High Island, Texas
  7. Rim State Park State park on Sabine Pass, Texas
  8. Beach Beach in Sargent, Texas
  9. Beach Beach in Rockport, Texas
  10. Beach Beach on Bolivar Peninsula, Texas
  11. Beach Beach in Freeport, Texas
  1. Chica Beach Beach near Brownsville, Texas
  2. Beach Beach in Surfside, Texas
  3. Beach Beach in Port Lavaca, Texas
  4. Island State Park State park on Mustang Island, Texas
  5. Island Beach Beach on Galveston Island, Texas
  6. Beach Beach in Galveston, Texas
  7. Island National Seashore Seashore area near Corpus Christi, Texas
  8. Beach Beach on Galveston Island, Texas
  9. Beach Beach in Corpus Christi, Texas

20 Clues: Beach Beach in Sargent, TexasBeach Beach in Surfside, TexasBeach Beach in Rockport, TexasBeach Beach in Freeport, TexasBeach Beach in Galveston, TexasBeach Beach in Matagorda, TexasBeach Beach in Galveston, TexasBeach Beach in Port Lavaca, TexasBeach Beach in High Island, TexasBeach Beach in Corpus Christi, Texas...

Beach 2020-02-22

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. small shells and rocks
  2. the world is covered in this
  3. a coat for sushi
  4. a bird that can fish
  5. bouncy fat round has air
  6. pointy creature with five arms
  7. whirlybird
  1. sun bed
  2. rider Of waves
  3. transportation for water and sand
  4. you see these on the water, no engine
  5. where sand kings and queens live
  6. a home in the sky

13 Clues: sun bedwhirlybirdrider Of wavesa coat for sushia home in the skya bird that can fishsmall shells and rocksbouncy fat round has airthe world is covered in thispointy creature with five armswhere sand kings and queens livetransportation for water and sandyou see these on the water, no engine

beach 2015-12-24

beach crossword puzzle
  1. We can use tire ___ to float on the water.
  2. Adults sometimes play ___ at the beach.
  3. Careful! Too much sun and you'll get ___.
  4. Children like to play with ___.
  5. Avoid them, they can sting!
  6. When the big waves begin to roll in, I can ride my ___ .
  1. Watch out! The hot sand can ___ your feet.
  2. I am staying in Waikiki, so I can ride a ___ to the beach.
  3. A short surfboard
  4. Sunrise and ____ are the best times to go.
  5. This person keeps you safe.
  6. We hope the weather won't be ___.
  7. To see the fish ___ the waves, use a mask and a snorkel

13 Clues: A short surfboardThis person keeps you safe.Avoid them, they can sting!Children like to play with ___.We hope the weather won't be ___.Adults sometimes play ___ at the beach.Careful! Too much sun and you'll get ___.Watch out! The hot sand can ___ your feet.We can use tire ___ to float on the water.Sunrise and ____ are the best times to go....

Beach 2021-02-09

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. these types of trees are found at all beaches.
  2. at the beach, there is no asphalt or grass. This is all over the place and gets into your shoes.
  3. if you want to go sailing, it is important to wear this for safety
  4. a popular sport played at the beach, includes a net
  5. people take vacations on these large... to visit different islands and beaches.
  6. you will need this to dry yourself off
  7. ocean water is
  8. a red crustacean with two large pinchers
  1. these will protect your eyes
  2. people love to collect these while walking along the seaside
  3. some people brings these to the beach to find metal objects or perhaps hidden treasure.
  4. you will need a lot of this in order to protect your skin from the sun
  5. some beaches have sand that is this color. They are called... sand beaches.

13 Clues: ocean water isthese will protect your eyesyou will need this to dry yourself offa red crustacean with two large pinchersthese types of trees are found at all beaches.a popular sport played at the beach, includes a netpeople love to collect these while walking along the seasideif you want to go sailing, it is important to wear this for safety...

BEACH 2019-11-29

BEACH crossword puzzle
  1. лодка
  2. находить
  3. ракетка, бита
  4. плавать
  5. песочный замок
  6. играть
  1. песок
  2. забывать
  3. ловить
  4. ждать
  5. пляж
  6. море
  7. ракушка

13 Clues: пляжморепесоклодкаждатьловитьигратьплаватьракушканаходитьзабыватьракетка, битапесочный замок

Beach 2023-05-17

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. people collect these
  2. a walkway along the beach usually lined with shops
  3. bird commonly found at beaches
  4. SPF
  5. used to dry you off
  6. trees commonly found at the beach
  1. beach sport that requires the use of a net
  2. swimwear attire
  3. has claws
  4. people build these with sand
  5. the ground of the beach
  6. person responsible for saving people in the water
  7. surfers ride these

13 Clues: SPFhas clawsswimwear attiresurfers ride theseused to dry you offpeople collect thesethe ground of the beachpeople build these with sandbird commonly found at beachestrees commonly found at the beachbeach sport that requires the use of a netperson responsible for saving people in the watera walkway along the beach usually lined with shops

Beach 2015-06-04

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Plenty in the sea, many different kinds
  2. Grains, Stuck between you toes
  3. diving Activity to explore the botom of the sea
  4. Give you shade, many colors
  5. Dry after a swim
  6. Created by the wind
  1. Relaxing and patient activity to do
  2. shell Collect them on the beach, Hear the waves inside a few
  3. screen Protect you from the sun
  4. suit Wear to go swimming
  5. Wear on your legs
  6. Cold, Wet
  7. tree Type of tree in Florida

13 Clues: Cold, WetDry after a swimWear on your legsCreated by the windsuit Wear to go swimmingGive you shade, many colorstree Type of tree in FloridaGrains, Stuck between you toesscreen Protect you from the sunRelaxing and patient activity to doPlenty in the sea, many different kindsdiving Activity to explore the botom of the sea...

Beach 2023-06-23

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. To move through water using arms and legs
  2. A sandy or pebbly area by the ocean or lake
  3. The rising and falling of water on the shore
  4. A long, narrow board used for surfing
  5. A structure built with wet sand
  6. Shells found on the beach
  1. A meal eaten outdoors, often at the beach
  2. A portable shade structure
  3. A lotion applied to protect the skin from the sun
  4. Lightweight sandals worn at the beach
  5. A bright, warm celestial body in the sky
  6. A bird commonly found near the coast
  7. A large fruit with a hard shell and sweet liquid inside

13 Clues: Shells found on the beachA portable shade structureA structure built with wet sandA bird commonly found near the coastLightweight sandals worn at the beachA long, narrow board used for surfingA bright, warm celestial body in the skyA meal eaten outdoors, often at the beachTo move through water using arms and legs...

BEACH 2019-11-29

BEACH crossword puzzle
  1. лодка
  2. плавать
  3. песок
  4. песочный замок
  5. играть
  6. пляж
  1. ракетка, бита
  2. забывать
  3. находить
  4. море
  5. ракушка
  6. ловить
  7. ждать

13 Clues: морепляжлодкапесокждатьловитьигратьплаватьракушказабыватьнаходитьракетка, битапесочный замок

Beach 2023-10-19

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. BOAT
  2. WATER
  6. TOWEL
  1. WAVE
  2. BEACH


Beach 2023-10-14

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. A type of shoe
  2. A suit you wear in the waves
  3. A castle on the beach
  4. A beautiful item
  5. A marine plant
  6. A animal group
  1. A sharp rock
  2. A floating craft
  3. A big animal
  4. a body of water that hit the shore
  5. A bone in a rock
  6. a slimy plant

12 Clues: A sharp rockA big animala slimy plantA type of shoeA marine plantA animal groupA floating craftA bone in a rockA beautiful itemA castle on the beachA suit you wear in the wavesa body of water that hit the shore

Beach 2023-11-02

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. 3
  2. 1
  3. 5
  4. 2
  5. 11
  6. 10
  1. 7
  2. 8
  3. 9
  4. 6
  5. 12
  6. 4

12 Clues: 783159624121110

Beach 2023-07-22

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. A long, floating board used to ride waves.
  2. Dark glasses that protect eyes from the sun.
  3. A container used to collect sand or water.
  4. A structure made of sand, built for fun.
  1. The beautiful, hard shells from sea creatures.
  2. The vast, blue body of water that meets the shore.
  3. Birds with white feathers often seen near beaches.
  4. The bright, warm ball of light in the sky.
  5. The moving water that crashes onto the beach.
  6. Tiny, soft grains found on the beach.
  7. A meal enjoyed outdoors, often at the beach.
  8. To move through water using arms and legs.

12 Clues: Tiny, soft grains found on the beach.A structure made of sand, built for fun.A long, floating board used to ride waves.The bright, warm ball of light in the sky.A container used to collect sand or water.To move through water using arms and legs.Dark glasses that protect eyes from the sun.A meal enjoyed outdoors, often at the beach....

IL Beaches 2023-05-31

IL Beaches crossword puzzle
  1. Avenue Beach Popular beach on Lake Michigan in Chicago
  2. Beach State Park State park beach in Zion, Illinois
  3. Street Beach Beach off Clark Street, Evanston
  4. Beach Beach in Greenwood Street, Evanston
  5. Park Beach Beach in Gillson Park, Wilmette
  6. Beach Beach on the North Side of Chicago
  7. Beach Beach in the Calumet Heights neighborhood of Chicago
  8. Beach Beach near Loyola University in Chicago
  1. Street Beach Urban beach in downtown Chicago
  2. Park Beach Beach in Centennial Park, Orland Park
  3. Street Beach Beach located on the Gold Coast of Chicago
  4. Street Beach Beach on the South Side of Chicago
  5. Beach Lakefront beach with a vibrant history in Chicago
  6. Beach Beach in the Edgewater neighborhood of Chicago
  7. Municipal Beach Beach in Waukegan, Illinois
  8. Road Beach Beach at Tower Road, Winnetka

16 Clues: Beach Beach on the North Side of ChicagoRoad Beach Beach at Tower Road, WinnetkaBeach Beach in Greenwood Street, EvanstonPark Beach Beach in Gillson Park, WilmetteMunicipal Beach Beach in Waukegan, IllinoisStreet Beach Urban beach in downtown ChicagoStreet Beach Beach off Clark Street, EvanstonBeach Beach near Loyola University in Chicago...

Beach 2023-01-30

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. a piece of clothing that you wear for swimming
  2. an area of sand or small stones near the sea or another area of water such as a lake
  3. the salty water that covers a large part of the surface of the earth
  4. dark glasses that you wear to protect your eyes from bright light from the sun
  5. a person on a beach or at a swimming pool whose job is to make certain that the swimmers are safe and save them if they are in danger
  1. an animal that lives in water, is covered with scales, and breathes by taking water in through its mouth
  2. a tree growing in warm regions and having a tall, straight trunk, no branches, and a mass of long, pointed leaves at the top
  3. a tool consisting of a wide, square metal or plastic blade, usually with slightly raised sides, attached to a handle, for moving loose material such as sand, coal, or snow
  4. a piece of cloth or paper used for drying someone or something that is wet
  5. the empty shell of a small sea creature, often one found lying on the beach
  6. a substance that consists of very small grains of rock, found on beaches and in deserts
  7. a raised line of water that moves across the surface of an area of water, especially the sea

12 Clues: a piece of clothing that you wear for swimmingthe salty water that covers a large part of the surface of the eartha piece of cloth or paper used for drying someone or something that is wetthe empty shell of a small sea creature, often one found lying on the beachdark glasses that you wear to protect your eyes from bright light from the sun...

Beach 2023-06-16

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Eyewear with dark lenses worn to protect the eyes from the sun's glare at the beach.
  2. Marine animals with a star-shaped body and numerous arms, commonly found in tide pools or washed up on the beach.
  3. A tall structure with a bright light used to guide ships at sea, often found near the beach.
  4. Birds with white feathers that are often found near the beach.
  5. Small, scuttling creatures with a hard shell and pincers that can be found along the shoreline of the beach.
  1. Clothing worn for swimming or sunbathing at the beach.
  2. Hard protective coverings of various shapes and sizes found on the beach.
  3. A portable, collapsible canopy used to provide shade from the sun.
  4. Moving ridges or undulations on the surface of the water in the ocean.
  5. Soft, grainy particles that cover the ground at the beach.
  6. A long, narrow board used for riding on waves in the ocean.
  7. The bright, warm ball of fire in the sky that provides light and heat at the beach.

12 Clues: Clothing worn for swimming or sunbathing at the beach.Soft, grainy particles that cover the ground at the beach.A long, narrow board used for riding on waves in the ocean.Birds with white feathers that are often found near the beach.A portable, collapsible canopy used to provide shade from the sun....

Beach 2023-07-20

Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Throw this around
  2. This gets you wet
  3. Don't forget a moat!
  4. Sit on this
  5. Don't forget to put this on
  6. These live in the ocean
  1. These can be big!
  2. Dries you off
  3. Helps you make a sandcastle
  4. Don't get pinched
  5. Put your toes here
  6. A fun activity to do on the water

12 Clues: Sit on thisDries you offThese can be big!Throw this aroundThis gets you wetDon't get pinchedPut your toes hereDon't forget a moat!These live in the oceanHelps you make a sandcastleDon't forget to put this onA fun activity to do on the water

Grand Beach 2022-10-17

Grand Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Grand Beach news source
  2. Cranky golf pro
  3. Had his fried chicken stolen
  4. Vicki McHugh's one eyed dog
  5. The dancing queen
  6. Underground breeze author
  7. Nickname for Moriarty girls _____ heads
  8. Old convenience store across 12
  9. Male, cheats at races
  10. Miller lite enthusiast/topless internet Mom
  1. New fishing spot
  2. Molester on Lakeview
  3. Wife of 2 down
  4. Rhonda & Phil
  5. GB Band that played Bob's 25th and 50th
  6. Dollars eaten at clubhouse
  7. Beach on Ridge Rd
  8. Clubhouse worker Ok...
  9. Favorite schizophrenic
  10. Family fest grub
  11. John Kyle's nickname
  12. She's pistol packing
  13. Flowers that don't lie
  14. GB's Flo-Jo Kilroe
  15. Healy member of FJB
  16. Beloved officer Gary

26 Clues: Rhonda & PhilWife of 2 downCranky golf proNew fishing spotFamily fest grubBeach on Ridge RdThe dancing queenGB's Flo-Jo KilroeHealy member of FJBMolester on LakeviewJohn Kyle's nicknameShe's pistol packingBeloved officer GaryMale, cheats at racesClubhouse worker Ok...Favorite schizophrenicFlowers that don't lieGrand Beach news source...

Grand Beach 2022-10-17

Grand Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Beloved officer Gary
  2. Family fest grub
  3. Cranky golf pro
  4. Grand Beach news source
  5. Healy member of FJB
  6. Dollars eaten at clubhouse
  7. Wife of 2 down
  8. Shirk's bar
  9. Vicki McHugh's one eyed dog
  10. Rhonda & Phil
  11. The dancing queen
  12. Underground breeze author
  13. New fishing spot
  14. Male, cheats at races
  1. Had his fried chicken stolen
  2. GB Band that played Bob's 25th and 50th
  3. Dooley: "Hot___for everyone!"
  4. Barb Rooney's terriers
  5. Nickname for Moriarty girls _____ heads
  6. Miller lite enthusiast/topless internet Mom
  7. John Kyle's nickname
  8. Clubhouse worker Ok...
  9. Old convenience store across 12
  10. Beach on Ridge Rd
  11. GB's Flo-Jo Kilroe
  12. Molester on Lakeview
  13. Flowers that don't lie
  14. She's pistol packing
  15. Favorite schizophrenic

29 Clues: Shirk's barRhonda & PhilWife of 2 downCranky golf proFamily fest grubNew fishing spotBeach on Ridge RdThe dancing queenGB's Flo-Jo KilroeHealy member of FJBBeloved officer GaryJohn Kyle's nicknameMolester on LakeviewShe's pistol packingMale, cheats at racesBarb Rooney's terriersClubhouse worker Ok...Flowers that don't lieFavorite schizophrenic...

Beach Puzzle 2021-04-19

Beach Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. You use this to ride the waves in the ocean
  2. You use this if you want to be in the shade
  3. You use this so you don't have to get your actual clothes wet
  4. These wash up on the sea shore
  5. You should bring this type of ball to the beach
  6. You use this so you don't have to worry about your phone breaking
  7. You fly this with the wind
  8. It's a better idea to wear these on the beach rather than shoes
  9. It's a good idea to carry these for if you get hungry
  10. When you get warm, you may want to eat this frozen sweet
  11. You use this to stay above the water
  12. You use this to hold all of your belongings
  13. You should wear these to keep water out of your eyes
  14. This type of bird is pretty common on many beaches
  15. You catch fish with this
  1. You use this so you can take videos underwater
  2. You use this if the sun is in your eyes
  3. You can use this to build sand castles
  4. These creatures are named for their shape
  5. Some beaches will have these types of trees
  6. You use this to prevent a sunburn
  7. You use this to dig sand
  8. You should bring a foldable version of this if you want to sunbathe without laying on the sand or a towel
  9. This object will keep drinks cool in the heat
  10. You can use this to get across the water
  11. These creatures that you may find on beaches have tentacles
  12. This electrical item is to help cool you down
  13. This item is like a smaller surfboard
  14. You should always have this with you incase you get thirsty
  15. These reside in almost any body of water
  16. Wear this if the sun is in your face
  17. You can lay this on the sand or use it to dry off

32 Clues: You use this to dig sandYou catch fish with thisYou fly this with the windThese wash up on the sea shoreYou use this to prevent a sunburnWear this if the sun is in your faceYou use this to stay above the waterThis item is like a smaller surfboardYou can use this to build sand castlesYou use this if the sun is in your eyes...

Beach 2 2021-07-28

Beach 2 crossword puzzle
  1. fun to catch
  2. favorite snack
  3. Sunday stroll
  4. shade
  5. knock them down
  6. fun to watch
  7. hope we don't see #1
  8. loud
  9. roy g biv
  1. lotion, spray, or stick
  2. perfect for drying off
  3. hope we don't see #2
  4. dive ___
  5. nice and hot
  6. deal them up
  7. just sit on it
  8. catch it
  9. jump ___
  10. ____ castle
  11. wet

20 Clues: wetloudshadedive ___catch itjump ___roy g biv____ castlefun to catchnice and hotdeal them upfun to watchSunday strollfavorite snackjust sit on itknock them downhope we don't see #2hope we don't see #1perfect for drying offlotion, spray, or stick

Beach fun 2023-07-02

Beach fun crossword puzzle
  1. second name Pop's
  2. birthday 105 years apart
  3. game winner
  4. Pop speciality
  5. Gram's request
  6. bagels and donuts
  7. one night special
  8. Second name Pop's
  9. suit itch
  10. Wee Winks
  11. shopping village
  1. six hours
  2. place left by son #2
  3. 2 degrees + 2 kids
  4. great grandmother's name
  5. Arizonia girl
  6. Ohio boy
  7. Gluten Free
  8. powered yummy
  9. ribs and fries
  10. daughter with Masters
  11. bicycle enthusiast
  12. ornaments shop
  13. Tractor boy

24 Clues: Ohio boysix hourssuit itchWee Winksgame winnerGluten FreeTractor boyArizonia girlpowered yummyPop specialityGram's requestribs and friesornaments shopshopping villagesecond name Pop'sbagels and donutsone night specialSecond name Pop's2 degrees + 2 kidsbicycle enthusiastplace left by son #2daughter with Mastersbirthday 105 years apart...

The beach 2024-01-10

The beach crossword puzzle
  1. shellfish and fish served as food
  2. photo session
  3. a solid mineral
  4. glasses tinted to protect eyes from the sun
  5. naturally occurring salty water, seawater
  6. a boat powered by steam moving with paddles
  7. sail about with no set destination, for fun
  8. a marriage ceremony
  9. cylindrical open container with a handle
  10. a device that detects metal
  11. an item of clothing designed to be worn by people participating in water based activities
  12. propelling oneself through water using limbs
  13. a hard protective outer layer usually created by an animal or organism that lives in the sea
  14. a small vessel propelled on water by oars, sails or engine
  15. a cocktail made with rum, sugar, mint, lime juice, and soda
  16. naturally occurring water that is not salty
  17. the time in the evening when the sun disappears out of sight from the sky
  18. a tropical tree
  19. a marine animal that lives in water but breathes through a blowhole on the top of its head
  20. huge body of water that covers around 71% of earths surface
  21. a large brown seed from a tropical palm
  22. a model of a castle built out of sand
  23. a long narrow streamlined board used in surfing
  24. American professional surfer, author, and motivational speaker who lost her arm to a shark while surfing
  25. a fire that is made outdoors
  26. a cocktail made with tequila and citrus fruit juice
  27. like a book people like to read at the beach
  28. the activity of swimming with the face submerged while using a snorkel
  1. an extended period of leisure
  2. an isolated pocket of seawater found in the oceans intertidal zone
  3. a long chair with no armrests, more leant back
  4. a thick absorbant cloth used for drying
  5. big brimmed hat to protect head and neck from the sun
  6. Any various round flat sea urchin that usually live in shallow water and on sandy bottoms
  7. a portable shelther made of cloth
  8. a large algae growing in the sea or on rocks
  9. a cocktail made with rum, pineapple juice, and coconut
  10. invertabrates related to sea urchins, sea cucumbers, and sand dollars
  11. a game used by two teams in which players use their hands to bat a ball over a net
  12. a type of shoe
  13. The action of flying a kite
  14. limbless coldblooded invertabrate with gills
  15. a granular material composed of finely divided mineral particles
  16. applied to the skin to prevent sunburns
  17. a fictional half human half sea creature
  18. a very large mammal with a blowhole
  19. a vessel larger than a boat for transporting
  20. a person who prevents drowning and other injuries from occurring
  21. swimming or exploring underwater
  22. a large inflatable ball used for playing games on the beach
  23. energy passing through water
  24. a cover that protects you from the sun and rain
  25. a stubby sea creature with a flat body eight legs and claws
  26. riding waves in the sea or ocean by standing or lying on a surfboard
  27. pass under a low bar without falling
  28. browning of the skin from exposure to sun rays
  29. a large fish that has shark teeth and a pointed fin on its back
  30. a marine crustacean, mostly found on boats and turtles
  31. a long high sea wave caused by an earthquake

59 Clues: photo sessiona type of shoea solid minerala tropical treea marriage ceremonyThe action of flying a kitea device that detects metalenergy passing through watera fire that is made outdoorsan extended period of leisureswimming or exploring underwatershellfish and fish served as fooda portable shelther made of clotha very large mammal with a blowhole...

Myrtle Beach 2024-04-13

Myrtle Beach crossword puzzle
  1. What is the first name of our tour company
  2. What is the name of the market in Charleston
  3. What type of tour will be be taking in Charleston
  4. What is the last name of our tour leaders
  5. In which inlet will we take an Eco Tour
  6. What is the name of the landing where we will have lunch
  7. What is the first name of our driver
  8. The Glass Cannery has a middle name. What is it
  9. What trees should be in full bloom at the gardens
  10. This word means lightly battered, deep fried and freshly caught seafood harvested from the Atlantic Ocean and inlets along the Carolina coast.
  11. What brand of animal at our first lunch stop
  12. Who mentioned the wine region in 70 BC
  13. What inn serves lunch on mis matched china
  14. What city is close to the plantation we visit
  15. What flower should we see growing at the gardens
  16. what is grown at Raffaldini's
  17. What else is available at Broadway on the Beach
  1. Use your swim suit here
  2. In what city did we depart
  3. In WV where do artisans take their wares for sale
  4. What farm animal lives at our first lunch stop
  5. Where grapes are grown to make wine
  6. What is the name of the sculpture gardens
  7. Where is lunch on Tuesday
  8. What other common flower should we see at the gardens
  9. What is the first name of the plantation we will visit
  10. What is the name of the seafood where we will eat in Charleston
  11. name the winery in Myrtle Bach for tasting
  12. In what city is our en route hotel
  13. What type of meal is from the Polynesian Islands
  14. What type of show is from the Polynesian Islands
  15. Who has the largest buffet in Myrtle Beach

32 Clues: Use your swim suit hereWhere is lunch on TuesdayIn what city did we departwhat is grown at Raffaldini'sIn what city is our en route hotelWhere grapes are grown to make wineWhat is the first name of our driverWho mentioned the wine region in 70 BCIn which inlet will we take an Eco TourWhat is the name of the sculpture gardens...

The Beach 2024-08-28

The Beach crossword puzzle
  1. raised land that is lower than a mountain
  2. a route to walk on
  3. a very tall landmass
  4. the movement of the ocean
  5. what we breathe
  6. a building to sleep in away from home
  7. a large cloth usually used on a bed or on a beach
  8. a very large body of salt water
  9. an area for play or recreation
  10. something that keeps the rain off you
  11. air that blows
  12. stores where you can buy things
  1. masses of water vapor that hang in the air
  2. a recreation area, especially by children
  3. a cloth used for drying
  4. a material made of tiny rocks
  5. a beach area
  6. a coconut tree, for example
  7. light wind
  8. too many cars or people in one place
  9. land along the ocean or sea
  10. the air above us

22 Clues: light winda beach areaair that blowswhat we breathethe air above usa route to walk ona very tall landmassa cloth used for dryingthe movement of the oceana coconut tree, for exampleland along the ocean or seaa material made of tiny rocksan area for play or recreationa very large body of salt waterstores where you can buy things...

Maya Beach 2018-11-18

Maya Beach crossword puzzle
  1. / bays usually have _____ wave activity
  2. Phi Island / the island the movie was shot at
  3. / tourism is an ______ of economic and social change
  4. / the increase in the proportion of people living in towns and cities
  5. traffic / type of vehicle congestion on water
  6. / type of aerial mechanisation used in the Quick Growth project to monitor the coral reef
  7. Beach / a famous movie starring young Leo was shot here
  8. drift / movement of sand parallel to coastline
  9. / ecosystem ______ is also known as ecosystem stability
  10. / Native bushes helped prevent ______
  1. / avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance
  2. / discussed in terms of tourism impacts on the conservation of the ecosystem
  3. / specific type of erosion that bays, in particular, suffer from
  4. / The 3S of Thai tourism: Sun, sea and ____
  5. / type of trees to be planted around Baam Laem village to monitor coral reefs
  6. / machines used to widen the area covered by sand for movie production
  7. Growth / The cause of new powerful middle classes in society
  8. / a point of land usually high and often with a sheer drop, that extends into a body of water: also a coastal land form
  9. / the policy or action of using vigorous campaigning to bring about political or social change
  10. Growth Project / the project aimed to rehabilitate the coral reefs on Maya Beach

20 Clues: / Native bushes helped prevent ______/ bays usually have _____ wave activity/ The 3S of Thai tourism: Sun, sea and ____traffic / type of vehicle congestion on waterPhi Island / the island the movie was shot atdrift / movement of sand parallel to coastline/ tourism is an ______ of economic and social change...

Fastback Beach 2013-05-16

Fastback Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Barnier Stroke sufferer; life-long hot rodder; Miles' boss?
  2. Kirkpatrick Mercedes-driving probation officer
  3. party The location of the fight between Miles and Spider
  4. The name of the community association assigned to Miles for his community work
  5. Miles' plea in front of the judge
  6. Am Spider drives this brand of car
  7. Chrysler engine unique for the design of the engine heads
  8. Spider used this tool to remove the Club from the steering wheel of the stolen car
  9. Spider ripped this to gain entry into the stolen car
  10. Former racecar driver; left Miles and his Mom
  11. Wins over Miles with her engine reassembling ability
  12. Yorker The model name for Larry's car
  1. to take away
  2. space cadet; Larry's girlfriend; party host
  3. The type of car stolen by Miles, Spider, and Larry
  4. The driver of the car at the time of the wreck
  5. A weapon Spider attempted to use during his fight with Miles
  6. The narrator
  7. Santonio This teacher frwoned upon tardy students
  8. to rock back and forth
  9. Morash Transmission business owner; daughter dates Miles
  10. a punishment over a period of time
  11. accountant; boyfriend to Miles' Mom

23 Clues: to take awayThe narratorto rock back and forthMiles' plea in front of the judgeAm Spider drives this brand of cara punishment over a period of timeaccountant; boyfriend to Miles' MomYorker The model name for Larry's carspace cadet; Larry's girlfriend; party hostFormer racecar driver; left Miles and his Mom...

Grand Beach 2022-10-18

Grand Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Most Men's golf Championchips
  2. She's pistol packing
  3. Rhonda & Phil
  4. Gramma's license plate
  5. Barb Rooney's terriers
  6. Beach on Ridge Rd
  7. GB Band that played Bob's 25th and 50th
  8. Nickname of old water filtration structure.The__
  9. Lattner garage nickname The____
  10. Dollars eaten at clubhouse
  11. Shirk's bar
  12. Male, cheated at races
  13. Had his fried chicken stolen
  14. Longest GB relationship
  15. The dancing queen
  16. Dooley: "Hot___for everyone!"
  17. New fishing spot
  18. Flowers that don't lie
  1. Old convenience store across 12
  2. Wife of 21 across
  3. Family fest grub
  4. Mary Carol's nickname
  5. Smoking hot wife
  6. Underground breeze author
  7. Miller lite enthusiast/topless internet Mom
  8. Home of "Irish Life In America" sign
  9. Danny B & James' bday, June ___
  10. Cranky golf pro
  11. GB's Flo-Jo Kilroe
  12. Favorite schizophrenic
  13. Childhood Nickname for Moriarty girls ____ heads
  14. Grand Beach news source
  15. Michigan city bar now closed
  16. Healy member of FJB
  17. Old name of Grand Beach Inn
  18. Clubhouse worker Ok...
  19. Bar on Knob Hill
  20. Molester on Lakeview
  21. John Kyle's nickname
  22. Vicki McHugh's one eyed dog
  23. Beloved officer Gary

41 Clues: Shirk's barRhonda & PhilCranky golf proFamily fest grubSmoking hot wifeBar on Knob HillNew fishing spotWife of 21 acrossBeach on Ridge RdThe dancing queenGB's Flo-Jo KilroeHealy member of FJBShe's pistol packingMolester on LakeviewJohn Kyle's nicknameBeloved officer GaryMary Carol's nicknameGramma's license plateBarb Rooney's terriers...

Grand Beach 2022-10-17

Grand Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Beloved officer Gary
  2. Dollars eaten at clubhouse
  3. Beach on Ridge Rd
  4. Old convenience store across 12
  5. old name of Grand Beach Inn
  6. Favorite schizophrenic
  7. smoking hot wife
  8. Miller lite enthusiast/topless internet Mom
  9. Molester on Lakeview
  10. GB Band that played Bob's 25th and 50th
  11. John Kyle's nickname
  12. Nickname for Moriarty girls _____ heads
  13. Cranky golf pro
  14. Dooley: "Hot___for everyone!"
  15. Male, cheated at races
  16. Underground breeze author
  17. nickname of old water filtration structure.The__
  18. Grand Beach news source
  19. Family fest grub
  1. Shirk's bar
  2. Vicki McHugh's one eyed dog
  3. Rhonda & Phil
  4. The dancing queen
  5. Barb Rooney's terriers
  6. bar on Knob Hill
  7. Lattner garage nickname The____
  8. home of "Irish Life In America" sign
  9. GB's Flo-Jo Kilroe
  10. She's pistol packing
  11. Wife of 22 across
  12. Flowers that don't lie
  13. Healy member of FJB
  14. Had his fried chicken stolen
  15. Clubhouse worker Ok...
  16. Danny B & James' bday, June ___
  17. New fishing spot

36 Clues: Shirk's barRhonda & PhilCranky golf probar on Knob Hillsmoking hot wifeNew fishing spotFamily fest grubBeach on Ridge RdThe dancing queenWife of 22 acrossGB's Flo-Jo KilroeHealy member of FJBBeloved officer GaryShe's pistol packingMolester on LakeviewJohn Kyle's nicknameBarb Rooney's terriersFavorite schizophrenicFlowers that don't lie...

Beach Week 2020-07-19

Beach Week crossword puzzle
  1. Board
  2. beach trip
  3. time 6 hours
  4. night time hatching
  5. gf food and more
  6. favorite card game
  7. Extra in photo
  8. in your suit
  9. show Leah's levitation
  10. Atlantic
  11. Floats and kites
  12. Dave's treat
  13. Currituck
  1. Zack's favorite
  2. Gram's request
  3. knockdown
  4. castles
  5. Christmas shop
  6. deli Ribs and Fries
  7. Porch food
  8. towels
  9. shops
  10. after dinner treat
  11. ball beach game

24 Clues: BoardshopstowelscastlesAtlanticknockdownCurrituckbeach tripPorch foodtime 6 hoursin your suitDave's treatGram's requestExtra in photoChristmas shopZack's favoritegf food and moreFloats and kitesball beach gamefavorite card gameafter dinner treatnight time hatchingdeli Ribs and Friesshow Leah's levitation

The Beach 2019-05-08

The Beach crossword puzzle
  1. A boat powered by wind.
  2. A scary fish. Da-dum... Da-dum...Da-dum
  3. Rolling water. Fun to play in.
  4. You sit under it to keep out of the sun.
  5. A game played in the sand with a ball and a net.
  6. Protects you from getting a sunburn.
  7. You build this from sand
  8. If you have this your skin will become red.
  9. You find this on the sand. A small animal used to live inside. It's hard.
  10. Animal that walks sideways. Can pinch you.
  11. You put sand in this with your shovel.
  12. The water next the beach.
  13. You dig in the sand with this.
  1. Save people from drowning. The boss of the beach.
  2. You put food and drinks in this to keep them cool.
  3. You ride the waves with this
  4. A cold snack
  5. A fish shaped like a star.
  6. You use this to get dry.
  7. You wear this to go swimming.
  8. Wear on you face when it is very bright outside.
  9. You wear these on your feet to go to the beach.
  10. You wear this on your feet to help you swim faster.
  11. You drive this on the water.
  12. Underwater rocks.

25 Clues: A cold snackUnderwater rocks.A boat powered by wind.You use this to get dry.You build this from sandThe water next the beach.A fish shaped like a star.You ride the waves with thisYou drive this on the water.You wear this to go swimming.Rolling water. Fun to play in.You dig in the sand with this.Protects you from getting a sunburn....

Sundown Beach 2019-01-17

Sundown Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Allison
  2. Another word for sunset
  3. Javier
  4. The S in SHIELD
  5. The E SHIELD
  6. Cord-like paste
  7. Vamiya
  8. The D in SHIELD
  9. Kenderly
  10. RJ
  1. The L in SHIELD
  2. John
  3. Kiara
  4. The I in SHIELD
  5. Ivan
  6. The H in SHIELD
  7. Laurel hedge
  8. Morgan
  9. Isabella
  10. Bali
  11. Sandy area near water

21 Clues: RJJohnIvanBaliKiaraJavierMorganVamiyaAllisonIsabellaKenderlyThe E SHIELDLaurel hedgeThe L in SHIELDThe I in SHIELDThe S in SHIELDThe H in SHIELDCord-like pasteThe D in SHIELDSandy area near waterAnother word for sunset

Waihi Beach 2020-04-13

Waihi Beach crossword puzzle
  1. A sand spit that eventually links an island to the mainland
  2. Island The barrier island located to the south of Bowentown
  3. The remaining piece of left after the stack has been eroded
  4. Island The large island located off the coast adjacent to Waihi Beach
  5. A sequence of related actions that causes a change in the environment
  6. Factors that can affect the operation of the processes for example wind strength can have an effect on wave erosion
  7. An important type of grass found on young dunes which helps to stabilise the dune
  8. The erosion of the coast due to materials in the waves being flung at cliff faces
  9. The bending of waves due to changes in the depth of the sea floor
  10. The breakdown of rock as a result of physical, chemical and biological processes
  11. creep The creeping of sand particles along the beach due to the wind
  12. bar The deposition of beach materials to form a shallow offshore area usually at the mouth of rivers or harbours
  13. The volcanic material that the Bowentown domes are made from
  14. The removal of rock and soil due to weathering erosion and transportation
  1. Change within an area
  2. The black sand that is found at the southern end of the beach
  3. The closest dune to the water
  4. The bouncing movement of sand particles along a beach due to the wind
  5. The dumping of rock along the coast to create a protective barrier to erosion
  6. An area between sand dunes
  7. The process over time where pioneer types of vegetation are replaced by more permanent types
  8. Change over time
  9. The division of a large block of land into smaller parcels for sale.
  10. The movement of beach material along the coast due to a long shore current
  11. The area behind the beach
  12. Prevailing wind direction at Waihi beach
  13. Landforms that result from processes
  14. A coastal barrier often constructed from concrete or wood designed to protect the coast from erosion

28 Clues: Change over timeChange within an areaThe area behind the beachAn area between sand dunesThe closest dune to the waterLandforms that result from processesPrevailing wind direction at Waihi beachA sand spit that eventually links an island to the mainlandThe remaining piece of left after the stack has been eroded...

Beach vocabulary 2020-09-02

Beach vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. ola
  2. orilla
  3. voleibol
  4. broncear
  5. Bikini
  6. toalla
  7. bloqueador
  8. Barco
  9. Pez
  10. traje de baño
  11. pelota de playa
  12. Medusa
  13. board tabla de surf
  14. quemadura de sol
  15. Concha
  16. Alga marina
  17. Sudar
  18. sombra
  1. castillo de arena
  2. Gaviota
  3. Tortuga
  4. Cangrejo
  5. Esnórquel
  6. lentes de sol
  7. umbrella sombrilla de playa
  8. Estrella de mar
  9. sandalias
  10. Faro
  11. Isla
  12. oceano
  13. Salvavidas
  14. playa
  15. Cubeta
  16. reef Arrecife
  17. sol
  18. arena
  19. Pala
  20. gorro

38 Clues: olaPezsolFaroIslaPalaBarcoplayaarenaSudargorroorillaBikinitoallaoceanoCubetaMedusaConchasombraGaviotaTortugaCangrejovoleibolbroncearEsnórquelsandaliasbloqueadorSalvavidasAlga marinalentes de soltraje de bañoreef ArrecifeEstrella de marpelota de playaquemadura de solcastillo de arenaboard tabla de surfumbrella sombrilla de playa

Beach 2023 2023-07-05

Beach 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. Norah calls him GoGo
  2. Mimi’s grand daughter and David’s daughter
  3. Gracie’s sister
  4. Dan and Sarah’s baby
  5. Pippie’s husband
  6. Grampy and Mimi’s daughter
  7. Toms baby boy sometimes called VoVo
  8. Nash calls her momma
  9. the name Nolan calls Grampy’s wife
  10. Grampy and Mimi’s first grand child
  11. Kris and Hannah’s daughter
  12. Joy Whit Rhett and Kylie call he Mom
  13. the youngest Girola
  14. what Mozzie, Vivy and VoVo call their grandma
  15. Gotee and Izzy’s first grand child
  16. Mozzie Vivy and Voddie call her Momma
  17. he has one brother and sisters named, Joy and Kylie
  1. the oldest Toms kid
  2. he has two brothers and a sister named Felicity
  3. Norah and Gracie’s dad
  4. two dads here have this name, one is married to Becky
  5. Dan’s wife
  6. he is married to Mimi
  7. Madi’s dad
  8. Grampy and Mimi’s son whose name does not start with a D
  9. Nash’s daddy
  10. Gotee’s wife
  11. the Toms dad
  12. his brothers are Nolan and Sam
  13. Big Daddy and Pippie’s grand daughter
  14. he has two sisters and a brother named Rhett
  15. has 3 sons, one baby and married to Hannah
  16. son of Henry and Annie

33 Clues: Dan’s wifeMadi’s dadNash’s daddyGotee’s wifethe Toms dadGracie’s sisterPippie’s husbandthe oldest Toms kidthe youngest GirolaNorah calls him GoGoDan and Sarah’s babyNash calls her mommahe is married to MimiNorah and Gracie’s dadson of Henry and AnnieGrampy and Mimi’s daughterKris and Hannah’s daughterhis brothers are Nolan and Sam...

The Beach 2024-01-17

The Beach crossword puzzle
  1. need a board and waves to do this activity
  2. a ball used for fun at the beach, vibrant
  3. used to dry off
  4. the suns UV affects the way it goes
  5. put this on if you don't want to burn
  6. always try to take your food, a bird
  7. all little kids know its jingle
  8. makes digging holes a lot faster
  9. if the sun is too bright these will dim it
  1. beach shoes
  2. goes in and out
  3. worn to the beach
  4. they keep you safe
  5. used for making shade on the sand
  6. comes in many colors, shapes, and sizes
  7. look under the rocks and you might find these red friends
  8. built out of sand
  9. created by the moon
  10. bright ball in the solar system
  11. is made up of millions of little rocks

20 Clues: beach shoesgoes in and outused to dry offworn to the beachbuilt out of sandthey keep you safecreated by the moonall little kids know its jinglebright ball in the solar systemmakes digging holes a lot fasterused for making shade on the sandthe suns UV affects the way it goesalways try to take your food, a birdput this on if you don't want to burn...

the beach 2023-10-23

the beach crossword puzzle
  1. Fuseau Horaire
  2. Lunettes (de natation)
  3. Balle
  4. Fruits de mer
  5. Gilet de sauvetage (4,6)
  6. Glace (crème glacée) (3,5)
  7. Seau
  8. Fruit de la Passion
  9. Serviette de plage
  10. Mer
  11. Masque de plongée (5,4)
  12. Vagues
  1. Rivage, Littoral
  2. Ananas
  3. Repas
  4. Île
  5. Lunettes (de vue)
  6. Volcan
  7. Eau
  8. Poisson
  9. Maillot de bain
  10. Noix de Coco
  11. Océan
  12. Bateau
  13. Étoile de Mer
  14. Soleil
  15. Palmes
  16. Maitre nageur (4,5)
  17. Crabe
  18. Marais
  19. Cerf-volant

31 Clues: ÎleEauMerSeauRepasBalleOcéanCrabeAnanasVolcanBateauSoleilPalmesMaraisVaguesPoissonCerf-volantNoix de CocoFruits de merÉtoile de MerFuseau HoraireMaillot de bainRivage, LittoralLunettes (de vue)Serviette de plageFruit de la PassionMaitre nageur (4,5)Lunettes (de natation)Masque de plongée (5,4)Gilet de sauvetage (4,6)Glace (crème glacée) (3,5)

Hollywood Beach 2024-07-22

Hollywood Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Sand and water
  2. What most old people are here for
  3. The closest body of water
  4. The empty home of a mollusk
  5. Nickname for our state
  6. Both here and in California
  7. Local citrus fruit
  8. Small water vehicle for 1-2 people
  9. Our state fruit but also a color
  10. Jimmy Buffets Legacy
  11. Kind of like a boardwalk
  1. Not native to Florida but they're everywhere
  2. Large water vehicle for groups of people
  3. You will need this to protect your skin
  4. Use it to stay hydrated
  5. Why it's wet outside
  6. Aquatic reptile that lays eggs on the beach
  7. The most popular sport in Florida
  8. Ride the wave
  9. Your current location
  10. Best for your feet at the beach

21 Clues: Ride the waveSand and waterLocal citrus fruitWhy it's wet outsideJimmy Buffets LegacyYour current locationNickname for our stateUse it to stay hydratedKind of like a boardwalkThe closest body of waterThe empty home of a molluskBoth here and in CaliforniaBest for your feet at the beachOur state fruit but also a colorWhat most old people are here for...

Hernando Beach 2022-02-07

Hernando Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Sun & ?
  2. Local Restaurant
  3. Florida Governor
  4. Florida State Tree
  5. Florida State Bird
  6. Long Necked Bird
  7. Thatched Roof
  8. Weeki Wachee Swimmer
  9. Foot Thong
  10. Large Mammal
  11. Weeki Wachee Waterway
  12. Property Owners Organization
  1. Vacation Drink
  2. Sunshine State
  3. Large Fish
  4. Our County
  5. Raised Home
  6. Breach Shade
  7. Purse Material
  8. Water Craft
  9. Shell Fish
  10. Getting Around Town
  11. 11,000 Acre Forest
  12. Something We Don't Have

24 Clues: Sun & ?Large FishOur CountyShell FishFoot ThongRaised HomeWater CraftBreach ShadeLarge MammalThatched RoofVacation DrinkSunshine StatePurse MaterialLocal RestaurantFlorida GovernorLong Necked BirdFlorida State TreeFlorida State Bird11,000 Acre ForestGetting Around TownWeeki Wachee SwimmerWeeki Wachee WaterwaySomething We Don't Have...

The Beach 2019-05-08

The Beach crossword puzzle
  1. If you have this your skin will become red.
  2. The water next the beach.
  3. A game played in the sand with a ball and a net.
  4. You wear this on your feet to help you swim faster.
  5. Rolling water. Fun to play in.
  6. You wear this to go swimming.
  7. Save people from drowning. The boss of the beach.
  8. You drive this on the water.
  9. You dig in the sand with this.
  10. You find this on the sand. A small animal used to live inside. It's hard.
  11. Underwater rocks.
  12. You use this to get dry.
  1. Animal that walks sideways. Can pinch you.
  2. Wear on you face when it is very bright outside.
  3. A fish shaped like a star.
  4. You put food and drinks in this to keep them cool.
  5. You build this from sand
  6. You put sand in this with your shovel.
  7. A scary fish. Da-dum... Da-dum...Da-dum
  8. You ride the waves with this
  9. Protects you from getting a sunburn.
  10. A cold snack
  11. You sit under it to keep out of the sun.
  12. You wear these on your feet to go to the beach.
  13. A boat powered by wind.

25 Clues: A cold snackUnderwater rocks.A boat powered by wind.You build this from sandYou use this to get dry.The water next the beach.A fish shaped like a star.You ride the waves with thisYou drive this on the water.You wear this to go swimming.Rolling water. Fun to play in.You dig in the sand with this.Protects you from getting a sunburn....

The beach 2013-01-19

The beach crossword puzzle
  1. Land inthe middle of the ocean
  2. To keep your hair dry
  3. Tie the boat up to this
  4. Keeps the sun out of your eyes
  5. Sit under this
  6. Drive in the sand in this
  7. High or low
  8. It makes the waves
  9. Play with this
  10. Some have white caps
  11. Had a movie made about this called Jaws
  1. Surf on this
  2. Sail in this
  3. Collect these on the beach
  4. Sport played at the Olympics
  5. They hide in holes in the sand
  6. Head first off the jetty
  7. Lots of trees in this
  8. Type of bird
  9. Swim in these

20 Clues: High or lowSurf on thisSail in thisType of birdSwim in theseSit under thisPlay with thisIt makes the wavesSome have white capsTo keep your hair dryLots of trees in thisTie the boat up to thisHead first off the jettyDrive in the sand in thisCollect these on the beachSport played at the OlympicsLand inthe middle of the ocean...

Fastback Beach 2013-05-17

Fastback Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Former racecar drive; left Miles and his Mom
  2. The type of car stolen by Miles, Spider, and Larry
  3. The driver of the car at the time of the wreck
  4. A weapon Spider attempted to use during his fight with Miles
  5. Model name for Larry's car
  6. Spider used this tool to remove the Club from the steering wheel of the stolen car
  7. The location of the fight between Miles and Spider
  8. accountant; boyfriend to Miles' Mom
  9. This teacher frowned upon tardy students
  10. The name of the community association assigned to Miles for his community work
  11. to take away
  12. Chrysler engine unique for the design of the engine heads
  13. space cadet; Larry's girlfriend; party host
  1. Miles' plea in front of the judge
  2. transmission business owner; his daughter dates Miles
  3. Spider ripped this to gain entry into the stolen car
  4. Spider drives this model of car
  5. Wins over Miles with her engine reassembling ability
  6. Mercedes-driving probation officer
  7. what Miles must now serve
  8. the narrator
  9. Stroke sufferer; life-long hot rodder; Miles' boss?
  10. to rock back and forth

23 Clues: the narratorto take awayto rock back and forthwhat Miles must now serveModel name for Larry's carSpider drives this model of carMiles' plea in front of the judgeMercedes-driving probation officeraccountant; boyfriend to Miles' MomThis teacher frowned upon tardy studentsspace cadet; Larry's girlfriend; party host...

The Beach 2023-10-30

The Beach crossword puzzle
  1. Popular tree
  2. Water as far as the eyes can see
  3. Needed to go on a boat (2 words)
  4. Tiny crystals of mineral quartz
  5. Birds that steal
  6. Two piece swimsuit
  7. Patrick Star
  8. Fancy boat
  9. Most Southeastern State
  10. Boats use this to see the land
  11. Some are big and can bring to in or out
  12. Deadly water animal
  13. Friendly water animal
  14. City in Florida
  15. Someone to help you from drowning
  16. Kids tend to stay on it
  17. Southwestern corner of Walton County (Beach)
  18. Alex doesn't like this type of food
  1. Big, colorful and you hit it to friends
  2. A boating _____
  3. Needed to go in the water (2 words)
  4. Go out on the water
  5. Popular area with water
  6. Don't step on these!
  7. Shiny objects from an oyster
  8. The sun is bright
  9. Many of these are on the beach
  10. Can catch them in the water
  11. Gina collects them on the beach
  12. You need a net to play
  13. You can build it out of sand
  14. Surfers need these
  15. Many people eat their legs
  16. H2O
  17. Needed to dry off
  18. Crystal clear emerald waters (Beach)
  19. If you don't want to sit in the sand
  20. Essential for kids

38 Clues: H2OFancy boatPopular treePatrick StarA boating _____City in FloridaBirds that stealThe sun is brightNeeded to dry offTwo piece swimsuitSurfers need theseEssential for kidsGo out on the waterDeadly water animalDon't step on these!Friendly water animalYou need a net to playPopular area with waterMost Southeastern StateKids tend to stay on it...

Beach life 2024-05-01

Beach life crossword puzzle
  1. mesterskaber
  2. farlig
  3. strand
  4. tempratur
  5. skulptur
  6. livredder
  7. strandfodbold
  8. vende
  9. kystlinje
  10. søndag
  11. øvede
  12. bølge
  1. vandsport
  2. carried blive båret
  3. gennemsnitlig
  4. afslappet
  5. sand slot
  6. offentlig
  7. udstilling
  8. opfinde
  9. haj

21 Clues: hajvendeøvedebølgefarligstrandsøndagopfindeskulpturvandsportafslappettempratursand slotoffentliglivredderkystlinjeudstillingmesterskabergennemsnitligstrandfodboldcarried blive båret

Glencoe Beach!!!! 2024-06-23

Glencoe Beach!!!! crossword puzzle
  1. dreaded thing to roll up
  2. manager with a LGI
  3. guard of the week
  4. someone with a funny tan line
  5. the eagle has landed
  6. biggest rivalry with lifeguards
  7. lovely creatures that wash up on the shore
  8. our favorite monthly visit
  9. have a _____ _____day
  10. your favorite thing to clean
  11. beach pirate
  12. your biggest fear
  1. dreaded closing activity
  2. iconic beach cashier
  3. our honorary beach grandpa
  4. code for "ok"
  5. snack shack "king"
  6. how passed neutral for an infant
  7. dreaded task after storms
  8. dynamic duo: ross + _____
  9. lots of guards sing to themselves while sitting here
  10. manager that drives TOO fast
  11. Automated external defibrillator
  12. newest manager
  13. the __ shack

25 Clues: beach piratethe __ shackcode for "ok"newest managerguard of the weekyour biggest fearmanager with a LGIsnack shack "king"iconic beach cashierthe eagle has landedhave a _____ _____daydreaded closing activitydreaded thing to roll updreaded task after stormsdynamic duo: ross + _____our honorary beach grandpaour favorite monthly visit...