covid Crossword Puzzles
Covid -19 Kryžiažodis, sudarė VSS Daiva Jokubauskienė 2021-01-20
- Dažniausiai Covid infekcijos pažeidžiamas organas...
- Vienas iš būdų apsisaugoti nuo Covid infekcijos
- Vienas iš būdų apsisaugoti nuo Covid infekcijos...rankas
- Simptomas būdingas Covid infekcijai
- Izoliacija trunka... dienų
- Žmoniją nuo Covid infekcijos gali apsaugoti
- Mokykloje norint apsisaugoti nuo virusinių susirgimų būtina...kabinetus
- Ar nuo Korona viruso apsaugo gripo vakcina?
- Grįžę iš užsienio asmenys privalo izoliuotis 14...
- Korona virusas plinta per...
- Vienas dažniausių Covid simptomų yra...
- Asmuo turėjęs artimą kontaktą su sergančiuoju Covid, privalo...
- Covid infekcijai nustatyti naudojamas...
- Labiausiai užsikrėsti Covid -19 rizikuoja...
- Covid infekcija platinama ir per ...
- Viena iš priemonių, apsauganti nuo Covid infekcijos
- Ar yra specifinis vaistas Covid infekcijai gydyti?
- Infekcinis susirgimas, kuriam būdingas uoslės praradimas
- Vienos iš vakcinų nuo Covid-19 pavadinimas
19 Clues: Izoliacija trunka... dienų • Korona virusas plinta per... • Simptomas būdingas Covid infekcijai • Covid infekcija platinama ir per ... • Vienas dažniausių Covid simptomų yra... • Covid infekcijai nustatyti naudojamas... • Vienos iš vakcinų nuo Covid-19 pavadinimas • Žmoniją nuo Covid infekcijos gali apsaugoti • Ar nuo Korona viruso apsaugo gripo vakcina? • ...
ABOUT COVID-19 2020-04-22
- Penyakit yang menyerang seluruh dunia
- Agen infeksi berukuran kecil yang hidup dalam sel inang
- Provinsi di Indonesia dengan jumlah kasus Covid-19 tergolong rendah
- Memproteksi diri supaya partikel tidak masuk
- Negara dengan kasus Covid-19 terbanyak
- Cara pemerintah untuk memutus rantai penyebaran Covid-19
- Masa inkubasi virus Covid-19
- Virus Covid-19
- Negara pertama yang terkena wabah Covid-19
- Aturan tidak boleh berboncengan dan berkumpul >5 orang
- Anjuran pemerintah untuk mengurangi penyebaran Covid-19
- Cara efektif mencegah persebaran Covid-19
- Cara penularan virus Covid-19
- Sistem tubuh yang diserang virus Covid-19
- penyakit dengan gejala yang sama seperti Covid-19
- Virus dapat bertahan 72 jam pada permukaan
- Orang tanpa gejala dengan riwayat perjalanan dari luar kota/negeri
- Hipoklorit, NaClO, Alkohol 70%
- Penyakit yang ditularkan antar hewan ke manusia
- Organisasi sebagai koroordinator kesehatan umum internasional
- Alternatif jika tidak ada air bersih
- tes cepat untuk seseorang yang diduga terinfeksi Covid-19
- Gejala seseorang terserang Covid-19
- Sistem kekebalan tubuh
- Zona dengan persebaran virus Covid-19 sudah tidak terkendali
- Isolasi diri dari dunia luar
- Pembelajaran online karena wabah Covid-19
- Negara dengan tingkat kematian akibat Covid-19 rendah
- SOP tenaga medis dalam menangani pasien Covid-19
- Zat pembentuk kekebalan tubuh
- Orang dengan gejala dan diduga kuat menderita Covid-19
31 Clues: Virus Covid-19 • Sistem kekebalan tubuh • Masa inkubasi virus Covid-19 • Isolasi diri dari dunia luar • Cara penularan virus Covid-19 • Zat pembentuk kekebalan tubuh • Hipoklorit, NaClO, Alkohol 70% • Gejala seseorang terserang Covid-19 • Alternatif jika tidak ada air bersih • Penyakit yang menyerang seluruh dunia • Negara dengan kasus Covid-19 terbanyak • ...
COVID-19 2020-05-21
- when something is capable of being spread through relatively simple means
- a method of working someones lungs when they cant do it themselves
- the country of origin for COVID-19
- i am doing this
- another symptom of covid-19 involving a heightened temperature
- the animal that many believe covid-19 comes from
- a disease which only affects a small area
- a method of defending ones self from covid-19
- a large shutdown of an area susceptible to COVID-19
- something covid-19 is very good at
- a type of disease which effects the respiratory system
- those who are most susceptible to COVID-19
- the best method of defending against covid-19
- the act of distancing yourself from other people in public in order to avoid infection by COVID-19
- a word to describe people who think COVID-19 was made by the Chinese government as a bio weapon
- the environment where COVID-19 originates
- the city in which COVID-19 originates
- a disease which is affecting an entire population
- feelings or side effects of a disease or virus
- one of the symptoms of covid-19
- those who are second most susceptible to COVID-19
21 Clues: i am doing this • one of the symptoms of covid-19 • the country of origin for COVID-19 • something covid-19 is very good at • the city in which COVID-19 originates • the environment where COVID-19 originates • a disease which only affects a small area • those who are most susceptible to COVID-19 • the best method of defending against covid-19 • ...
Covid -19 2023-12-23
- What is the liquid for washing hands made from 75% alcohol to prevent COVID-19?
- What variant of COVID-19 was first reported in India?
- A method of defending oneself from COVID-19 -
- Another symptom of COVID-19 involving a heightened temperature
- What is the name of the COVID-19 examination method taken from mucus samples in the respiratory tract?
- A disease that is affecting an entire population
- A large shutdown of an area susceptible to COVID-19
- The act of distancing yourself from other people in public to avoid infection by COVID-19
- The country of origin for COVID-19
- A type of disease that affects the respiratory system
- What measures are taken to separate someone who has been exposed to COVID-19? -
- Separation from other people so as not to spread the so-called COVID-19 virus? -
- What is the term for controlling the spread of the COVID-19 virus?
- What are the things to do after doing activities outside the home? -
- What is the name of the COVID-19 test method, which is taken from a blood sample?
- The liquid that a person emits from the mouth or nose when sneezing and coughing is called? -
- What areas of the body should not be touched by hands too often before washing hands?
- A method of working someone's lungs when they can't do it themselves
- What should be used to avoid exposure to COVID-19?
- The city in which COVID-19 originates
- Those who are most susceptible to COVID-19 -
- One of the symptoms of COVID-19
- Something COVID-19 is very good at
23 Clues: One of the symptoms of COVID-19 • Something COVID-19 is very good at • The country of origin for COVID-19 • The city in which COVID-19 originates • Those who are most susceptible to COVID-19 - • A method of defending oneself from COVID-19 - • A disease that is affecting an entire population • What should be used to avoid exposure to COVID-19? • ...
- Covid berpunca daripada haiwan?
- 19 di dalam Covid-19 bermaksud?
- Covid-19 adalah sebuah ______ yang diberikan oleh Allah
- Pandemik____ ialah virus yang menyerang dunia ketika ini
- Tan Sri Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah merupakan Ketua Pengarah Kementerian
- Simpton Covid-19 dimulakan dengan
- Covid-19 banyak memberikan_____ negatif kepada masyarakat
- Tan Sri Dr. Noor Hisham dipilih menjadi antara tiga doktor terbaik di _____ dalam mengawal penularan wabak ini.
- Covid boleh masuk melalui hidung,_____,mata
- Sajak Tunggulah Sehingga Esok merupakan sajak yang paling disukai oleh Swee Tin kerana pandemik ini dapat disimpulkan dalam bentuk sajak yang pendek dan ____
- Rumah baru virus Covid-19 selepas haiwan?
- 'Tunggu sehingga esok' menandakan situasi ini akan
- Covid berkembang di dalam badan melalui
- Berapa lamakah masa diambil untuk virus Covid-19 mati?
- Orang luar perlu memakai______ muka semasa berada di luar
- Suntikan yang diberi kerajaan bagi mencegah penularan Covid-19
- Sajak ini mula ditulis sejak bulan ______ pada awal tahun 2020
- Salah satu barisan hadapan yang bertungkus lumus dalam situasi ini
- Siapakah penulis sajak ini?
- Puisi Tunggulah Sehingga Esok ialah berkaitan dengan
- Perkataan 'lazuardi'membawa maksud permata bewarna____
- 'Langit kita masih kelabu' menunjukkan penularan Covid-19 membuatkan semua masyarakat
- Masyarakat perlu memastikan penjarakan ______ diamalkan ketika berada di kawasan yang penuh dengan orang ramai
- 8 Ogos 2021 virus Covid-19 telah membunuh seramai ______ orang
- Kita mestilah mengamalkan penjarakan sebanyak 1 _____
25 Clues: Siapakah penulis sajak ini? • Covid berpunca daripada haiwan? • 19 di dalam Covid-19 bermaksud? • Simpton Covid-19 dimulakan dengan • Covid berkembang di dalam badan melalui • Rumah baru virus Covid-19 selepas haiwan? • Covid boleh masuk melalui hidung,_____,mata • 'Tunggu sehingga esok' menandakan situasi ini akan • Puisi Tunggulah Sehingga Esok ialah berkaitan dengan • ...
Self Awareness Implementing Health Protocol 2023-04-18
- What variant of covid 19 was first reported in india?
- Separation from other people so as not to spread the so-called covid 19 virus?
- What is the name of the Covid-19 examination method that is considered more accurate than other tests?
- The liquid that a person emits from the mouth or nose when sneezing and coughing is called?
- Where was the Covid 19 virus first discovered?
- What is the term for controlling the spread of the covid 19 virus?
- What is the name of the Covid-19 examination method taken from mucus samples in the respiratory tract?
- What is the liquid for washing hands made from 75% alcohol to prevent Covid 19?
- Activities carried out remotely to prevent the spread of the covid 19 virus?
- What is the name of the COVID-19 test method, which is taken from a blood sample?
- What should be used to avoid exposure to covid 19?
- What should be avoided so as not to be exposed to the covid 19 virus?
- How long will the self-isolation take?
- What areas of the body should not be touched by hands too often before washing hands?
- What variant of Covid 19 was first reported in South Africa?
- What is the prevention of the covid 19 virus to form immunity against the covid 19 virus?
- What measures are taken to separate someone who has been exposed to Covid 19?
- What are the things to do after doing activities outside the home?
- What are the symptoms of covid 19 infection where the body temperature is above normal body temperature?
- How many meters social distancing
20 Clues: How many meters social distancing • How long will the self-isolation take? • Where was the Covid 19 virus first discovered? • What should be used to avoid exposure to covid 19? • What variant of covid 19 was first reported in india? • What variant of Covid 19 was first reported in South Africa? • What are the things to do after doing activities outside the home? • ...
- Widespread of COVID-19 now classified as
- Restriction movement of infective individual
- BioNtech and Pfizer vaccine
- Infectious object
- First animal species infected with COVID-19
- Action of keeping harmful under control
- Total COVID strains
- One of the preventive measure
- Time for Virus that can survive on surface (hours)
- World first COVID vaccine
- Purpose of vitamin-C
- Little germs that have greater impact on life
- Indirect immunity
- Another name for immunoglobulins
- Complete lack of contact with people
- Mineral producing antiviral immunity
- One of the corticosteroid used for COVID-19
- Effective therapy with four drugs in regimen
- Vector for COVID-19 transmission
- Antiviral drug ( Nucleotide analog) for COVID-19
- Group of people in same area
- India's first indigenous COVID-19 vaccine
- One of the protective measure
- Family of COVID
- Loss of sense of smell
- Block buster drug in veterinary field for COVID-19
- Period between exposure and symptoms
- Antiviral drug used to treat influenza in Japan and now for COVID
28 Clues: Family of COVID • Infectious object • Indirect immunity • Total COVID strains • Purpose of vitamin-C • Loss of sense of smell • World first COVID vaccine • BioNtech and Pfizer vaccine • Group of people in same area • One of the protective measure • One of the preventive measure • Vector for COVID-19 transmission • Another name for immunoglobulins • Period between exposure and symptoms • ...
COVID-19 2022-04-28
- Asal virus covid-19
- Salah satu negara yang dilanda virus covid-19 pada 2020
- Cairan untuk membersihkan tangan
- Kapan kasus covid-19 pertama ditemukan di Indonesia
- Wajib dipakai ketika keluar rumah
- Covid-19 tidak dapat masuk melalui
- Gejala covid-19 yang mengeluarkan dan menularkan virus
- Negara pertama yang melakukan vaksinasi
- Masker yang wajib digunakan selama covid
- Baju yang dipakai untuk melindungi diri dari virus
- Cairan pembasmi mikroorganisme
- Covid-19 tidak bisa hidup di air...
- Varian terbaru dari virus corona
- WHO menyatakan covid-19 sebagai pandemi pada bulan
- mencuci tangan dengan air dan...
- Pencegahan covid-19 oleh masyarakat dapat dilakukan dengan mematuhi...
- Kapan vaksin booster dimulai
- Cara bersin dan batuk yang benar
- Vaksin covid-19 pertama di Indonesia
19 Clues: Asal virus covid-19 • Kapan vaksin booster dimulai • Cairan pembasmi mikroorganisme • Varian terbaru dari virus corona • Cairan untuk membersihkan tangan • mencuci tangan dengan air dan... • Cara bersin dan batuk yang benar • Wajib dipakai ketika keluar rumah • Covid-19 tidak dapat masuk melalui • Covid-19 tidak bisa hidup di air... • Vaksin covid-19 pertama di Indonesia • ...
COVID 19 2022-04-13
- Kapan WHO pertama kali menyatakan covid 19 sebagai pandemi?
- Virus Corona (COVID-19) yang menyerang manusia muncul di negara ... pada awal tahun 2020
- seberapa persen bahaya covid ini
- kapan vaksin booster dimulai
- apa vaksin covid pertama di indonesia?
- Cara bersin yang baik dan beretika yaitu dengan?
- virus corona diduga dari sup
- Negara mana yang pertama kali melakukan vaksinasi?
- nama virus varian baru
- Kapan kasus covid 19 ditemukan pertama kali di indonesia?
- Peran serta masyarakat diperlukan untuk mencegah covid 19 semakin menyebar dengan cara?
- COVID-19 bisa masuk melalui anggota anggota tubuh kecuali?
- apa vaksin covid19 pertama di indonesia
- Suhu tubuh orang yang tertular covid
- COVID-19 tidak bisa hidup di beberapa jenis air yaitu?
- Gejala covid
- Media penyebaran virus corona dengan cara?
- Cuci tangan yang paling baik dilakukan dengan menggunakan sabun pada
- covid berasal dari?
19 Clues: Gejala covid • covid berasal dari? • nama virus varian baru • kapan vaksin booster dimulai • virus corona diduga dari sup • seberapa persen bahaya covid ini • Suhu tubuh orang yang tertular covid • apa vaksin covid pertama di indonesia? • apa vaksin covid19 pertama di indonesia • Media penyebaran virus corona dengan cara? • Cara bersin yang baik dan beretika yaitu dengan? • ...
PUZZLE ON COVID 19 2020-08-03
- this term related to COVID was coined in 1968
- the first human corona virus infection ever discovered
- corona virus is
- started in saudi arabia in 2012
- a protein to infect human cells in COVID 19
- Fabiflu is manufactured by this innovator company
- A place of isolation during COVID to maintain physical distancing
- This disease was emerged in 2003
- scaly anteaters
- Common symptom in COVID 19
- china approved this drug recently against COVID
- an mRNA based influenza vaccine developed as a combined product of germany and USA
- Emergency Use Authorization
- NL63 discovered in this country
- The first discovered vaccine by NIH against Corona virus
- official medical grade face masks
- a research centre that regulates biological products under FDA
- corona virus first started in these animals
- COVID 19 was first identified in
- a drug made by Apeiron biologics against COVID
- COVID was declared outbreak by
21 Clues: corona virus is • scaly anteaters • Common symptom in COVID 19 • Emergency Use Authorization • COVID was declared outbreak by • NL63 discovered in this country • started in saudi arabia in 2012 • COVID 19 was first identified in • This disease was emerged in 2003 • official medical grade face masks • a protein to infect human cells in COVID 19 • ...
Servier Quiz 1 2020-12-10
- Pembawa virus yang tidak merasakan sakit
- Gejala umum penyakit Covid-19
- Organisasi yang mendeklarasikan Covid sebagai pandemi
- Orang dengan penyakit penyerta
- Penyakit yang ditularkan antar hewan ke manusia
- Penyakit yang menyerang seluruh dunia
- Sistem tubuh yang diserang virus Covid-19
- menjaga jarak minimal 1 meter
- Orang yang berinteraksi dengan yang terkonfirmasi Covid lebih dari 15 menit
- Sistem kekebalan tubuh
- Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar
- Kota pertama ditemukannya virus Corona
- Salah satu cara efektif mencegah penyebaran Covid-19
- Kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk menelusuri orang yang berinteraksi dengan yang terkonfirmasi Covid-19
- Salah satu dari bagian tubuh yang dapat menularkan virus Corona
- Isolasi yang dilakukan untuk mencegah penyebaran penyakit
- Cairan yang digunakan untuk membunuh bakteri pada benda mati
- Orang dengan gejalan dan diduga kuat menderita Covid-19
- Masa inkubasi virus Covid-19 berkisar antara satu sampai .... hari
- Bahan antigenik yang diberikan untuk mencegah atau mengurangi pengaruh infeksi penyebab penyakit
- Tes awal untuk seseorang yang diduga terpapar Covid-19
21 Clues: Sistem kekebalan tubuh • Gejala umum penyakit Covid-19 • menjaga jarak minimal 1 meter • Orang dengan penyakit penyerta • Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar • Penyakit yang menyerang seluruh dunia • Kota pertama ditemukannya virus Corona • Pembawa virus yang tidak merasakan sakit • Sistem tubuh yang diserang virus Covid-19 • Penyakit yang ditularkan antar hewan ke manusia • ...
COVID 19 CROSS WORD 2022-01-27
- Organisasi PBB yang bergerak dalam bidang kesehatan
- Obat yang disuntikkan untuk mencegah penularan virus covid 19
- Salah satu varian covid 19
- Negara yang mengalami infeksi terbanyak oleh virus covid 19
- Dosis tambahan untuk meningkatkan kekebalan terhadap resiko infeksi virus covid 19
- Diterapkan untuk para pelaku perjalan luar negeri
- Nama tengah menteri kesehatan saat ini
- Tempat yang pertama kali terdapat penyebaran virus covid 19
- Harus dipakai ketika keluar rumah
- Salah satu gejala terinfeksi virus covid 19
- Aturan yang dibuat untuk mencegah penularan virus covid 19
- Berfungsi untuk menjaga kekebalan tubuh
- Organ dalam tubuh yang paling sering diserang oleh virus covid 19
- Kota di Indonesia dengan jumlah kasus covid 19 tertinggi
- Yang harus dilakukan saat terinfeksi virus covid 19
- Yang harus dijaga untuk mencegah penularan virus covid 19
- Salah satu organ tubuh yang menjadi area penularan virus covid 19
17 Clues: Salah satu varian covid 19 • Harus dipakai ketika keluar rumah • Nama tengah menteri kesehatan saat ini • Berfungsi untuk menjaga kekebalan tubuh • Salah satu gejala terinfeksi virus covid 19 • Diterapkan untuk para pelaku perjalan luar negeri • Organisasi PBB yang bergerak dalam bidang kesehatan • Yang harus dilakukan saat terinfeksi virus covid 19 • ...
Covid 19 hortatory text puzzle 2023-04-19
- What type of face covering is recommended to help prevent the spread of COVID-19?
- What is the name of the vaccine developed to prevent COVID-19?
- What is the name of the virus that causes COVID-19?
- What type of virus is SARS-CoV-2?
- The name of the condition where a person loses their sense of taste and/or smell?
- What is the name of the vaccine developed by Johnson & Johnson to prevent COVID-19?
- What is the name of the vaccine developed by Moderna to prevent COVID-19?
- A ondition where a person's lungs fill with fluid, making it difficult to breathe?
- What is the name of the illness caused by SARS-CoV-2?
- The name of the organization that is leading the global response to COVID-19?
- How far is the distance to maintain from others to prevent the spread of COVID-19?
- What is the name of the antiviral medication that was granted emergency use authorization to treat COVID-19?
- The most common symptom of COVID-19?
- What is the name of the vaccine developed by AstraZeneca to prevent COVID-19?
- What is the term used to describe the spread of disease from one person to another?
- What is the name of the test used to detect COVID-19?
- What type of animal is believed to have transmitted SARS-CoV-2 to humans?
- the name of the process where a large percentage of a population becomes immune to a disease?
- Is it necessary to follow the latest guidelines and recommendations?
- When did the World Health Organization declare COVID-19 a global pandemi
20 Clues: What type of virus is SARS-CoV-2? • The most common symptom of COVID-19? • What is the name of the virus that causes COVID-19? • What is the name of the test used to detect COVID-19? • What is the name of the illness caused by SARS-CoV-2? • What is the name of the vaccine developed to prevent COVID-19? • ...
Sajak Tunggulah Sehingga Esok dan Virus Covid 19 2021-08-11
- Sentiasa tutup mulut semasa anda ____ atau bersin.
- Apakah haiwan yang membawa punca covid-19?
- Apakah gelaran untuk orang yang berjuang ketika Covid 19? Barisan ____
- Tunggulah Sehingga Esok merupakan puisi _____ yang ditulisnya dalam naskhah tersebut
- Dari mana datangnya virus ini
- Pandemik covid 19 ini adalah satu virus yang menyerang
- Covid-19 merupakan _____ dunia yang telah diturunkan oleh Tuhan
- Siapakah yang mengarang sajak tunggulah sehingaa esok?
- Pandemik ini mengubah ____ kehidupan
- Apakah simptom pertama apabila kita dijangkiti virus Covid-19?sakit_____
- Berapakah bilangan rakyat yang Dr.Noor Hisham bertanggungjawab untuk menjaga?
- Hadkan hubungan rapat dengan orang lain, jarakkan sekitar ___ kaki daripada orang lain
- Apakah perkara yang perlu dilakukan jika dijangkiti Covid-19 ?
- Merentas ______ : Pandemik 2020 merupakan buku puisi yang dikarang ketikan covid-19 melanda dunia
- Bilakah SweeTin mula menulis puisi-puisi itu?______ 2019
- Kurangkan _____ menyentuh muka anda dengan tangan yang tidak bersih.
- ______ ialah permata berwarna biru.
- Apakah perasaan SweeTin melihat Dr.Noor Hisham berjaya mengawal penularan pandemik Covid-19 di negara ini?
- Apakah maksud (co)dalam Covid-19?
- Tanda amaran penting COVID-19 adalah kesukaran _____ atau sesak nafas.
- Berapa banyakkah puisi di dalam buku Merentas Gempita: Pandemik 2020
- Apakah simptom pertama apabila dijangkiti Covid-19 ?
- Puisi-puisi yang terkandung di dalam buku tersebut merangkumi pelbagai aspek seperti _____ yang wujud daripada penularan virus tersebut.
- Buku itu telah diiktiraf sebagai puisi_____
24 Clues: Dari mana datangnya virus ini • Apakah maksud (co)dalam Covid-19? • ______ ialah permata berwarna biru. • Pandemik ini mengubah ____ kehidupan • Apakah haiwan yang membawa punca covid-19? • Buku itu telah diiktiraf sebagai puisi_____ • Sentiasa tutup mulut semasa anda ____ atau bersin. • Apakah simptom pertama apabila dijangkiti Covid-19 ? • ...
COVID-19: Coding and General Knowledge 2020-08-14
- New code effective April 1, 2020, off-cycle update.
- CDC’s Influenza SARS-CoV-2 (Flu SC2) Multiplex Assay is a single test used to detect the COVID-19 virus and two types of the _______ virus.
- Coders should ______ the provider if the provider documented the diagnosis COVID-19
- Worn to minimize exposure to COVID-19.
- “Corona” in Coronovirus refers to the appearance of a ____ surrounding the virus.
- Study and control of disease or injury patterns in populations.
- Condition in children who had or been exposed to COVID-19 causing inflammation of different body parts.
- There are ____ phases of human clinical trials that a potential vaccine must undergo to determine if it is safe and effective in preventing infection.
- A chemical used in a lab to test patient swab samples to determine a positive or negative COVID-19 result.
- Social distance is ____ feet.
- Rapid result mucous swab test used to identify an active infection.
- COVID-19 is an ___ virus, like the measles and unlike DNA viruses, like smallpox. RNA
- Body system most affected by COVID-19 infection.
- Name for nonautologous plasma obtained from patients recovered from COVID-19 and transfused into current, acute COVID-19 patients.
- The most at-risk COVID-19 patients have the underlying health condition(s) cardiovascular disease, ______, and chronic lung disease.
- the test results were back and the test results come back
- Contact ¬¬¬______ is the process of identifying, notifying, and monitoring anyone who came in close contact with an infectious, COVID-19 positive individual.
- Codes Z09 and _____ are reported when a patient who previously had COVID-19 is seen for a follow-up exam and the COVID-19 test is negative.
- Blood test that identifies past COVID-19 infection.
- Pneumonia confirmed as due to COVID-19 is coded ______.
- Alternative to in-person medical appointments.
- Geographic origin of COVID-19.
- Veklury, GS-5734, and RDV are other names for _______.
- Epicenter City in May 2020.
- Ventilator patients may be placed in the _____ position in order to improve ventilation-perfusion, help keep alveolae open at end-expiration, and improve gas exchange.
- Approach for new PCS convalescent plasma transfusion code.
- Hospitals will send COVID-19 patient data to a federal contractor called, _______, or to their state health departments.
- Codes from PCS Tables ____ and XW1, New Technology Group 5, are reported for administration of a therapeutic substance to treat COVID-19 when a unique code does not exist.
- COVID-19 is thought to have a _____ origin, likely bats.
- The common _____ and LAMP tests look for genetic strands of a given virus in a sample collected from a patient.
- Class of surgeries cancelled to increase hospital capacity for COVID-19 patients.
- First word in “SARS.”
- Code 8E0ZXY6 may be reported for COVID-19 patients placed in _______.
- COVID-19 existing on the hands can be killed by washing for 20 seconds with common household ______, which bursts the virus’ protective bubble.
- Code ____ was reported for COVID-19 cases for discharges that occurred prior to April 1, 2020.
- A pregnant patient admitted because of COVID-19 should receive a principal diagnosis code from category _____.
- Code _____ is reported if a patient has a known or suspected exposure to COVID- 19, is exhibiting signs/symptoms associated with COVID-19, and the test results are negative, inconclusive, or unknown.
- Federal agency that licenses, evaluates and monitors vaccines.
- Recommended quarantine time, in weeks.
- Code ______ is reported as a secondary diagnosis for the sequelae, residual effect or complication of a previous COVID-19 infection.
40 Clues: First word in “SARS.” • Epicenter City in May 2020. • Social distance is ____ feet. • Geographic origin of COVID-19. • Worn to minimize exposure to COVID-19. • Recommended quarantine time, in weeks. • Alternative to in-person medical appointments. • Body system most affected by COVID-19 infection. • New code effective April 1, 2020, off-cycle update. • ...
PUZZLE ON COVID 19 2020-08-03
- this term related to COVID was coined in 1968
- the first human corona virus infection ever discovered
- corona virus is
- started in saudi arabia in 2012
- a protein to infect human cells in COVID 19
- Fabiflu is manufactured by this innovator company
- A place of isolation during COVID to maintain physical distancing
- This disease was emerged in 2003
- scaly anteaters
- Common symptom in COVID 19
- china approved this drug recently against COVID
- an mRNA based influenza vaccine developed as a combined product of germany and USA
- Emergency Use Authorization
- NL63 discovered in this country
- The first discovered vaccine by NIH against Corona virus
- official medical grade face masks
- a research centre that regulates biological products under FDA
- corona virus first started in these animals
- COVID 19 was first identified in
- a drug made by Apeiron biologics against COVID
- COVID was declared outbreak by
21 Clues: corona virus is • scaly anteaters • Common symptom in COVID 19 • Emergency Use Authorization • COVID was declared outbreak by • NL63 discovered in this country • started in saudi arabia in 2012 • COVID 19 was first identified in • This disease was emerged in 2003 • official medical grade face masks • a protein to infect human cells in COVID 19 • ...
Covid-19 2020-10-22
- Something you do when you are sick; one of the symptoms of COVID-19
- The growth trend of total cases in the beginning of a disease outbreak
- Severe economic ______ is caused by COVID-19
- To kill all viruses and bacteria in an area or on a surface
- The measure of how likely a person will die from a disease; calculated by total deaths divided by total cases
- COVID-19 was characterized as a pandemic by WHO on the 11th of _____
- Something that can prevent COVID-19 but still being developed
- if a disease is able to transmit through air, it is said to be _
- The starting country of COVID-19
- What are the colour of the safe zone
- A disease that is prevalent over the entire world
- The second most affected country; the country that is predicted to be the new epicenter of COVID-19 by the end of June
- To give someone a disease
- The country that seems to be controlling COVID-19 fine in terms of deaths
- The disease class that COVID-19 belongs to
- One of the symptoms of COVID-19; increase of temperature
- The total number of COVID-19 cases has reached over 5 ______
- Something that can help you prevent COVID-19 infection
- The country that is most affected by COVID-19
19 Clues: To give someone a disease • The starting country of COVID-19 • What are the colour of the safe zone • The disease class that COVID-19 belongs to • Severe economic ______ is caused by COVID-19 • The country that is most affected by COVID-19 • A disease that is prevalent over the entire world • Something that can help you prevent COVID-19 infection • ...
COVID-19 2020-05-27
- The measure of how likely a person will die from a disease; calculated by total deaths divided by total cases
- To kill all viruses and bacteria in an area or on a surface
- Something that can prevent COVID-19 but still being developed
- The total number of COVID-19 cases has reached over 5 ______
- One of the symptoms of COVID-19; increase of temperature
- The typical number of newly infected people from 1 case
- Something you do when you are sick; one of the symptoms of COVID-19
- A disease that is prevalent over the entire world
- if a disease is able to transmit through air, it is said to be ______
- Something that can help you prevent COVID-19 infection
- The study of how infectious diseases spread and how they will affect people
- The starting country of COVID-19
- The growth trend of total cases in the beginning of a disease outbreak
- The second most affected country; the country that is predicted to be the new epicenter of COVID-19 by the end of June
- To give someone a disease
- COVID-19 was characterized as a pandemic by WHO on the 11th of _____
- The country that seems to be controlling COVID-19 fine in terms of deaths
- Severe economic ______ is caused by COVID-19
- The country that is most affected by COVID-19
- The disease class that COVID-19 belongs to
20 Clues: To give someone a disease • The starting country of COVID-19 • The disease class that COVID-19 belongs to • Severe economic ______ is caused by COVID-19 • The country that is most affected by COVID-19 • A disease that is prevalent over the entire world • Something that can help you prevent COVID-19 infection • The typical number of newly infected people from 1 case • ...
Sajak Tunggulah Sehingga Esok dan Virus Covid 19 2021-08-11
- Sentiasa tutup mulut semasa anda ____ atau bersin.
- Apakah haiwan yang membawa punca covid-19?
- Apakah gelaran untuk orang yang berjuang ketika Covid 19? Barisan ____
- Tunggulah Sehingga Esok merupakan puisi _____ yang ditulisnya dalam naskhah tersebut
- Dari mana datangnya virus ini
- Pandemik covid 19 ini adalah satu virus yang menyerang
- Covid-19 merupakan _____ dunia yang telah diturunkan oleh Tuhan
- Siapakah yang mengarang sajak tunggulah sehingaa esok?
- Pandemik ini mengubah ____ kehidupan
- Apakah simptom pertama apabila kita dijangkiti virus Covid-19?sakit_____
- Berapakah bilangan rakyat yang Dr.Noor Hisham bertanggungjawab untuk menjaga?
- Hadkan hubungan rapat dengan orang lain, jarakkan sekitar ___ kaki daripada orang lain
- Apakah perkara yang perlu dilakukan jika dijangkiti Covid-19 ?
- Merentas ______ : Pandemik 2020 merupakan buku puisi yang dikarang ketikan covid-19 melanda dunia
- Bilakah SweeTin mula menulis puisi-puisi itu?______ 2019
- Kurangkan _____ menyentuh muka anda dengan tangan yang tidak bersih.
- ______ ialah permata berwarna biru.
- Apakah perasaan SweeTin melihat Dr.Noor Hisham berjaya mengawal penularan pandemik Covid-19 di negara ini?
- Apakah maksud (co)dalam Covid-19?
- Tanda amaran penting COVID-19 adalah kesukaran _____ atau sesak nafas.
- Berapa banyakkah puisi di dalam buku Merentas Gempita: Pandemik 2020
- Apakah simptom pertama apabila dijangkiti Covid-19 ?
- Puisi-puisi yang terkandung di dalam buku tersebut merangkumi pelbagai aspek seperti _____ yang wujud daripada penularan virus tersebut.
- Buku itu telah diiktiraf sebagai puisi_____
24 Clues: Dari mana datangnya virus ini • Apakah maksud (co)dalam Covid-19? • ______ ialah permata berwarna biru. • Pandemik ini mengubah ____ kehidupan • Apakah haiwan yang membawa punca covid-19? • Buku itu telah diiktiraf sebagai puisi_____ • Sentiasa tutup mulut semasa anda ____ atau bersin. • Apakah simptom pertama apabila dijangkiti Covid-19 ? • ...
Sajak Tunggulah Sehingga Esok dan Virus Covid 19 2021-08-11
- ______ ialah permata berwarna biru.
- Tunggulah Sehingga Esok merupakan puisi _____ yang ditulisnya dalam naskhah tersebut
- Sentiasa tutup mulut semasa anda ____ atau bersin.
- Hadkan hubungan rapat dengan orang lain, jarakkan sekitar ___ kaki daripada orang lain
- Dari mana datangnya virus ini
- Puisi-puisi yang terkandung di dalam buku tersebut merangkumi pelbagai aspek seperti _____ yang wujud daripada penularan virus tersebut.
- Merentas ______ : Pandemik 2020 merupakan buku puisi yang dikarang ketikan covid-19 melanda dunia
- Berapakah bilangan rakyat yang Dr.Noor Hisham bertanggungjawab untuk menjaga?
- Buku itu telah diiktiraf sebagai puisi_____
- Apakah gelaran untuk orang yang berjuang ketika Covid 19? Barisan ____
- Apakah perasaan SweeTin melihat Dr.Noor Hisham berjaya mengawal penularan pandemik Covid-19 di negara ini?
- Apakah simptom pertama apabila kita dijangkiti virus Covid-19?sakit_____
- Berapa banyakkah puisi di dalam buku Merentas Gempita: Pandemik 2020
- Apakah simptom pertama apabila dijangkiti Covid-19 ?
- Siapakah yang mengarang sajak tunggulah sehingaa esok?
- Apakah haiwan yang membawa punca covid-19?
- Tanda amaran penting COVID-19 adalah kesukaran _____ atau sesak nafas.
- Pandemik covid 19 ini adalah satu virus yang menyerang
- Pandemik ini mengubah ____ kehidupan
- Apakah perkara yang perlu dilakukan jika dijangkiti Covid-19 ?
- Kurangkan _____ menyentuh muka anda dengan tangan yang tidak bersih.
- Apakah maksud (co)dalam Covid-19?
- Bilakah SweeTin mula menulis puisi-puisi itu?______ 2019
- Covid-19 merupakan _____ dunia yang telah diturunkan oleh Tuhan
24 Clues: Dari mana datangnya virus ini • Apakah maksud (co)dalam Covid-19? • ______ ialah permata berwarna biru. • Pandemik ini mengubah ____ kehidupan • Apakah haiwan yang membawa punca covid-19? • Buku itu telah diiktiraf sebagai puisi_____ • Sentiasa tutup mulut semasa anda ____ atau bersin. • Apakah simptom pertama apabila dijangkiti Covid-19 ? • ...
COVID-19 Hortatory Text Puzzle 2023-05-05
- What type of animal is believed to have transmitted SARS-CoV-2 to humans?
- What is the name of the vaccine developed by Johnson & Johnson to prevent COVID-19?
- What is the name of the vaccine developed by Moderna to prevent COVID-19?
- What is the name of the organization that is leading the global response to COVID-19?
- What is the name of the process where a large percentage of a population becomes immune to a disease?
- What is the name of the illness caused by SARS-CoV-2?
- What is the most common symptom of COVID-19?
- What is the term used to describe the spread of disease from one person to another?
- What is the recommended distance to maintain from others to prevent the spread of COVID-19?
- What is the name of the condition where a person loses their sense of taste and/or smell?
- What type of virus is SARS-CoV-2?
- What is the name of the vaccine developed by AstraZeneca to prevent COVID-19?
- What is the name of the condition where a person's lungs fill with fluid, making it difficult to breathe?
- What is the name of the antiviral medication that was granted emergency use authorization to treat COVID-19?
- What is the name of the virus that causes COVID-19?
- What is the name of the test used to detect COVID-19?
- When did the World Health Organization declare COVID-19 a global pandemic
- What is the name of the vaccine developed to prevent COVID-19?
- Is it necessary to follow the latest guidelines and recommendations?
- What type of face covering is recommended to help prevent the spread of COVID-19?
20 Clues: What type of virus is SARS-CoV-2? • What is the most common symptom of COVID-19? • What is the name of the virus that causes COVID-19? • What is the name of the test used to detect COVID-19? • What is the name of the illness caused by SARS-CoV-2? • What is the name of the vaccine developed to prevent COVID-19? • ...
Covid 2021-12-09
COVID 2022-02-16
- What should we do periodically throughout the day Ex. Clean
- Although we are DPH, this operation is being run by blank?
- Color of PEDS(5-11)
- We should assume all clients are blank coming into the facility
- Everyone coming into the facility needs to wear a?
- We should all abide to blank, which we all sign.
- who must you report to (Not my name)
- We must all protect the county from any form of?
- We must dispose of blank in the sharps container. (Answer is in the question)
- Law of 1996 that we must all follow
- For our safety what do we need to have on?
- We should all blank our equipment after using it.
- For minors we need parents blank?
- It is important we keep track of blank for operations?
- Name of dose that requries a self attestation sheet after 28 days from 2nd dose( Answer requires - between words)
- A Nurse should always take their time and verify everything with the client before proceeding?
- It is very important we verify with each patient? ex for answer(vaccine&dosage) Answer requires &
- Who has priority when coming into our clinic.
- patient is eligible after 5 months or 2 months
- A made up word of Greet and Traige
- Vaccine (That is on site at our locations)
- Who always informs me its 6'o clock
- ICS 211 is basically a?
- Before taking the test kit to the nurse we should blank the clients hand.
- Testing we should not blank with appointments
- Amongst each other we should all blank for our safety. (Answer has a - in it between words)
- Lead Nurse title
- It is important to always stay on top of blank for vaccines.
- We should all take blank each day.
- What vaccine are we no longer offering due to season changes?
- where do we input clients vaccine information
- Name of the best site (Put together the words)
- We always take in blank throughout the day? Has a - in it.
- name of county website for covid ( in it)
- name of testing clinic
- If patients need assistance in their vehicle we do a
- In the morning we should always have a blank before opening. The answer is not coffee.
- Our site is not called a mobile site but a blank site. Is on our 211 each morning.
- name of virus that started this pandemic
- For the pediatric pfizer vial we must blank the vial
- Where does patients wait after getting vaccinated
- At the end of our customer service we should ask all clients to do a blank?
- We should all sign in and out for our?
- name of vaccine clinic
44 Clues: Lead Nurse title • Color of PEDS(5-11) • name of testing clinic • name of vaccine clinic • ICS 211 is basically a? • For minors we need parents blank? • We should all take blank each day. • A made up word of Greet and Traige • Who always informs me its 6'o clock • Law of 1996 that we must all follow • who must you report to (Not my name) • We should all sign in and out for our? • ...
COVID 2022-02-16
- who must you report to
- Name of the best site (Put together the words)
- In the morning we should always have a blank before opening. The answer is not coffee.
- We must dispose of blank in the sharps container. (Answer is in the question)
- patient is eligible after 5 months or 2 months
- If patients need assistance in their vehicle we do a
- Lead Nurse title
- name of county website for covid
- What should we do periodically throughout the day Ex. Clean
- where do we input clients vaccine information
- For our safety what do we need to have on?
- name of vaccine clinic
- Amongst each other we should all blank for our safety. (Answer has a - in it between words)
- Color of PEDS(5-11)
- Where does patients wait after getting vaccinated
- We should assume all clients are blank coming into the facility
- Vaccine
- name of testing clinic
- We should all sign in and out for our?
- ICS 211 is basically a?
- Testing we should not blank with appointments
- At the end of our customer service we should ask all clients to do a blank?
- Name of dose that requries a self attestation sheet after 28 days from 2nd dose( Answer requires - between words)
- For minors we need parents?
- name of virus that started this pandemic
- Everyone coming into the facility needs to wear a?
- It is very important we verify with each patient? ex for answer(vaccine&dosage) Answer requires &
27 Clues: Vaccine • Lead Nurse title • Color of PEDS(5-11) • who must you report to • name of testing clinic • name of vaccine clinic • ICS 211 is basically a? • For minors we need parents? • name of county website for covid • We should all sign in and out for our? • name of virus that started this pandemic • For our safety what do we need to have on? • ...
Sajak Tunggulah Sehingga Esok dan Virus Covid 19 2021-08-11
- ______ ialah permata berwarna biru.
- Tunggulah Sehingga Esok merupakan puisi _____ yang ditulisnya dalam naskhah tersebut
- Sentiasa tutup mulut semasa anda ____ atau bersin.
- Hadkan hubungan rapat dengan orang lain, jarakkan sekitar ___ kaki daripada orang lain
- Dari mana datangnya virus ini
- Puisi-puisi yang terkandung di dalam buku tersebut merangkumi pelbagai aspek seperti _____ yang wujud daripada penularan virus tersebut.
- Merentas ______ : Pandemik 2020 merupakan buku puisi yang dikarang ketikan covid-19 melanda dunia
- Berapakah bilangan rakyat yang Dr.Noor Hisham bertanggungjawab untuk menjaga?
- Buku itu telah diiktiraf sebagai puisi_____
- Apakah gelaran untuk orang yang berjuang ketika Covid 19? Barisan ____
- Apakah perasaan SweeTin melihat Dr.Noor Hisham berjaya mengawal penularan pandemik Covid-19 di negara ini?
- Apakah simptom pertama apabila kita dijangkiti virus Covid-19?sakit_____
- Berapa banyakkah puisi di dalam buku Merentas Gempita: Pandemik 2020
- Apakah simptom pertama apabila dijangkiti Covid-19 ?
- Siapakah yang mengarang sajak tunggulah sehingaa esok?
- Apakah haiwan yang membawa punca covid-19?
- Tanda amaran penting COVID-19 adalah kesukaran _____ atau sesak nafas.
- Pandemik covid 19 ini adalah satu virus yang menyerang
- Pandemik ini mengubah ____ kehidupan
- Apakah perkara yang perlu dilakukan jika dijangkiti Covid-19 ?
- Kurangkan _____ menyentuh muka anda dengan tangan yang tidak bersih.
- Apakah maksud (co)dalam Covid-19?
- Bilakah SweeTin mula menulis puisi-puisi itu?______ 2019
- Covid-19 merupakan _____ dunia yang telah diturunkan oleh Tuhan
24 Clues: Dari mana datangnya virus ini • Apakah maksud (co)dalam Covid-19? • ______ ialah permata berwarna biru. • Pandemik ini mengubah ____ kehidupan • Apakah haiwan yang membawa punca covid-19? • Buku itu telah diiktiraf sebagai puisi_____ • Sentiasa tutup mulut semasa anda ____ atau bersin. • Apakah simptom pertama apabila dijangkiti Covid-19 ? • ...
Covid-19 2020-10-22
- Something you do when you are sick; one of the symptoms of COVID-19
- if a disease is able to transmit through air, it is said to be _
- Something that can help you prevent COVID-19 infection
- Severe economic ______ is caused by COVID-19
- The growth trend of total cases in the beginning of a disease outbreak
- The total number of COVID-19 cases has reached over 5 ______
- The country that is most affected by COVID-19
- To give someone a disease
- To kill all viruses and bacteria in an area or on a surface
- The starting country of COVID-19
- A disease that is prevalent over the entire world
- The second most affected country; the country that is predicted to be the new epicenter of COVID-19 by the end of June
- What are the colour of the safe zone
- Something that can prevent COVID-19 but still being developed
- COVID-19 was characterized as a pandemic by WHO on the 11th of _____
- The disease class that COVID-19 belongs to
- The country that seems to be controlling COVID-19 fine in terms of deaths
- One of the symptoms of COVID-19; increase of temperature
- The measure of how likely a person will die from a disease; calculated by total deaths divided by total cases
19 Clues: To give someone a disease • The starting country of COVID-19 • What are the colour of the safe zone • The disease class that COVID-19 belongs to • Severe economic ______ is caused by COVID-19 • The country that is most affected by COVID-19 • A disease that is prevalent over the entire world • Something that can help you prevent COVID-19 infection • ...
Covid-19 2020-10-22
- Something you do when you are sick; one of the symptoms of COVID-19
- The growth trend of total cases in the beginning of a disease outbreak
- Severe economic ______ is caused by COVID-19
- To kill all viruses and bacteria in an area or on a surface
- The measure of how likely a person will die from a disease; calculated by total deaths divided by total cases
- COVID-19 was characterized as a pandemic by WHO on the 11th of _____
- Something that can prevent COVID-19 but still being developed
- if a disease is able to transmit through air, it is said to be _
- The starting country of COVID-19
- What are the colour of the safe zone
- A disease that is prevalent over the entire world
- The second most affected country; the country that is predicted to be the new epicenter of COVID-19 by the end of June
- To give someone a disease
- The country that seems to be controlling COVID-19 fine in terms of deaths
- The disease class that COVID-19 belongs to
- One of the symptoms of COVID-19; increase of temperature
- The total number of COVID-19 cases has reached over 5 ______
- Something that can help you prevent COVID-19 infection
- The country that is most affected by COVID-19
19 Clues: To give someone a disease • The starting country of COVID-19 • What are the colour of the safe zone • The disease class that COVID-19 belongs to • Severe economic ______ is caused by COVID-19 • The country that is most affected by COVID-19 • A disease that is prevalent over the entire world • Something that can help you prevent COVID-19 infection • ...
COVID-19 2020-05-27
- A disease that is prevalent over the entire world
- One of the symptoms of COVID-19; increase of temperature
- Severe economic ______ is caused by COVID-19
- The starting country of COVID-19
- The country that is most affected by COVID-19
- To give someone a disease
- Something you do when you are sick; one of the symptoms of COVID-19
- if a disease is able to transmit through air, it is said to be ______
- Something that can help you prevent COVID-19 infection
- The growth trend of total cases in the beginning of a disease outbreak
- To kill all viruses and bacteria in an area or on a surface
- Something that can prevent COVID-19 but still being developed
- The measure of how likely a person will die from a disease; calculated by total deaths divided by total cases
- The disease class that COVID-19 belongs to
- The country that seems to be controlling COVID-19 fine in terms of deaths
- The typical number of newly infected people from 1 case
- COVID-19 was characterized as a pandemic by WHO on the 11th of _____
- The total number of COVID-19 cases has reached over 5 ______
- The second most affected country; the country that is predicted to be the new epicenter of COVID-19 by the end of June
19 Clues: To give someone a disease • The starting country of COVID-19 • The disease class that COVID-19 belongs to • Severe economic ______ is caused by COVID-19 • The country that is most affected by COVID-19 • A disease that is prevalent over the entire world • Something that can help you prevent COVID-19 infection • The typical number of newly infected people from 1 case • ...
COVID-19 2020-05-27
- The country that is most affected by COVID-19
- The measure of how likely a person will die from a disease; calculated by total deaths divided by total cases
- Severe economic ______ is caused by COVID-19
- if a disease is able to transmit through air, it is said to be ______
- COVID-19 was characterized as a pandemic by WHO on the 11th of _____
- The total number of COVID-19 cases has reached over 5 ______
- Something that can prevent COVID-19 but still being developed
- Something that can help you prevent COVID-19 infection
- To kill all viruses and bacteria in an area or on a surface
- The typical number of newly infected people from 1 case
- A disease that is prevalent over the entire world
- One of the symptoms of COVID-19; increase of temperature
- The disease class that COVID-19 belongs to
- Something you do when you are sick; one of the symptoms of COVID-19
- The growth trend of total cases in the beginning of a disease outbreak
- The starting country of COVID-19
- The country that seems to be controlling COVID-19 fine in terms of deaths
- To give someone a disease
- The second most affected country; the country that is predicted to be the new epicenter of COVID-19 by the end of June
19 Clues: To give someone a disease • The starting country of COVID-19 • The disease class that COVID-19 belongs to • Severe economic ______ is caused by COVID-19 • The country that is most affected by COVID-19 • A disease that is prevalent over the entire world • Something that can help you prevent COVID-19 infection • The typical number of newly infected people from 1 case • ...
covid 19 2023-05-02
- reduce the spread of viruses
- how to maintain body immunity
- organizations that make vaccines
- where does covid come from
- instrument for measuring body temperature
- ...distancing
- ...test
- liquid for cleaning hands
- measures to prevent the entry of the virus
- health...
- body consumption
- currently known viruses
- senses attacked by covid
- animals that spread covid
- work from home
- oxpord-astra-...
- the goverments policy in indonesia
- corona viruses disease
- the city that started the covid case
- Protective Personal Equipment
20 Clues: ...test • health... • ...distancing • work from home • body consumption • oxpord-astra-... • corona viruses disease • currently known viruses • senses attacked by covid • animals that spread covid • liquid for cleaning hands • where does covid come from • reduce the spread of viruses • how to maintain body immunity • Protective Personal Equipment • organizations that make vaccines • ...
COVID! 2021-12-11
20 Clues: PPE • CDC • Delta • Pfizer • Omicron • Moderna • Zoonotic • Epidemic • Outbreak • Immunity • Quarantine • Ventilator • Coronavirus • Communicable • Asymptomatic • Confirmed Case • dr Anthony Fauci • Social Distancing • Flattening the curve • World Health Organization
Covid 2014-06-09
- Source crucial for Katniss to find in order to survive
- Neighbourhood where champions of The Hunger Games are housed
- Two are selected from each district
- The form of hunting performed by Katniss
- The activity Katniss and Gale perform to support their families
- Capitol officials in charge of maintaining peace
- Katniss’ weapon of choice
- The president of Panem
- Known as the girl on fire
- The country that contains the districts
- The central government system in Panem
- Victor of the 50th Hunger Games
- Symbol which represents defiance
- Annual ceremony before The Hunger Games
- Katniss’ best friend and hunting partner
- The aim of The Hunger Games
- Number of districts in the country
- Divided zones of Panem
- An experienced and trusted advisor
- The stylist for the tributes of The Hunger Games
- Everdeen Katniss’ younger sister
- Boy with the bread
- Biased or misleading information used to promote the reaping
- Serves as head game maker
- Genre of this novel
- The location of the games
- Process in which the tributes are sent to learn before The Hunger Games
- Black market trading facility in district twelve
- Poisonous berry deadly to anyone who consumes it
- Assigned to oversee district twelve during The Hunger Games
30 Clues: Boy with the bread • Genre of this novel • Divided zones of Panem • The president of Panem • Serves as head game maker • Katniss’ weapon of choice • Known as the girl on fire • The location of the games • The aim of The Hunger Games • Victor of the 50th Hunger Games • Everdeen Katniss’ younger sister • Symbol which represents defiance • Number of districts in the country • ...
Covid 2021-03-14
- The most used app in Highfields
- The one that the older generation love
- The new chat group for Highfields
- We love to play the card version
- Love your playlist
- Influencers job page
- Pay for a photo
- Larry T bird
- How you download these apps
- The modern day letter
- Use to watch all the classic animations on
- What day is it?
- You have 10sec to view before it goes
- The new way of of university
- 2020 social media of the year
- If you want a cheeky hook up
- Hello, welcome to my channel
- The place for group chats
- How do i get to London?
- Its time to chill
20 Clues: Larry T bird • What day is it? • Pay for a photo • Its time to chill • Love your playlist • Influencers job page • The modern day letter • How do i get to London? • The place for group chats • How you download these apps • The new way of of university • If you want a cheeky hook up • Hello, welcome to my channel • 2020 social media of the year • The most used app in Highfields • ...
Covid 2021-12-09
Zola: The Covid Years Edition 2022-01-14
- Shivanie's former headache
- lisa tijerino's passion
- Core team launch
- Priya's covid headache
- Ari & V's passion
- Shan's bundle of joy
- Rachel Jarrett's favorite color
- Covid paper type
- where the first covid vaccine was administered in the USA
- Olympics marketing campaign
- nina genatossio's passion
- Annette's covid headache
- Mando's sidekick
- Roman R's father
- Superbowl quarterback
- Android dynamic duo
- 2021's most popular spotify song
- Sarah Templeton's furry friend
- Wanda's furry friend
- Vanessa C's covid headache
- Molly Callahan's covid headache
- Stephane's covid headache
- Sam Mossallam's furry friend
- Vendor team launch
- Suzi Lopez's passion
- Ted L's team
- Covid's pointy outer layer
- Brand team launch
- Commerce team launch
- Most popular netflix show in history
- Omicron's predecessor
- devon's cookie passion
- Alexis R's insult
- 2021 best picture winner
- Ian & Tori's passion
35 Clues: Ted L's team • Core team launch • Covid paper type • Mando's sidekick • Roman R's father • Brand team launch • Ari & V's passion • Alexis R's insult • Vendor team launch • Android dynamic duo • Wanda's furry friend • Suzi Lopez's passion • Shan's bundle of joy • Commerce team launch • Ian & Tori's passion • Omicron's predecessor • Superbowl quarterback • Priya's covid headache • devon's cookie passion • ...
LAB WEEK at Kaiser San Jose 2021-04-22
- A Drug of Abuse
- Often elevated in Covid+ patients
- Transfused for Coagulation factors
- Abnormal cell distribution
- Urine Crystal
- A Covid-19 vaccine
- Hemoglobin derivative
- Yellowish color of CSF supernatant
- Complete Blood Count
- Based the number of dissolved particles in a solution
- Bacterial infection
- Hand __________
- Causative agent of Covid-19
- Order Entry is an example
- Covid-19 symptom
- How much of a given substance is measured
- Mode of transmission for Covid-19
- Used by Pfizer for Covid-19 antibody production
- ________ guidelines
- Can be seen in urine wet mount
- Sudden increase in disease cases within a region
- Covid-19 crisis
- Person under Investigation
- Part of blood count
- Measure of dispersion of a set of value
- Shots
- RBC inclusions
- Symptom of diabetes
- Mask & gloves
- An electrolyte
- To isolate
- Chelating anticoagulant for tubes
- Original name of Kaiser San Jose
- Name of control used for CRP
- Methodology of one of the Covid-19 tests
- Common bacteria found in UTI
36 Clues: Shots • To isolate • Urine Crystal • Mask & gloves • RBC inclusions • An electrolyte • A Drug of Abuse • Covid-19 crisis • Hand __________ • Covid-19 symptom • A Covid-19 vaccine • ________ guidelines • Part of blood count • Symptom of diabetes • Bacterial infection • Complete Blood Count • Hemoglobin derivative • Order Entry is an example • Person under Investigation • Abnormal cell distribution • ...
COVID 2020-12-08
19 Clues: crise • virus • isoler • courbe • vaccin • masque • maladie • propager • épidémie • pandémie • quarantaine • coronavirus • respirateur • télétravail • confinement • transmission • distanciation • symptomatique • assymptomatique
COVID 2020-12-08
19 Clues: crise • virus • isoler • courbe • vaccin • masque • maladie • propager • épidémie • pandémie • quarantaine • coronavirus • respirateur • télétravail • confinement • transmission • distanciation • symptomatique • assymptomatique
COVID 2020-12-08
20 Clues: virus • crise • courbe • masque • isoler • vaccin • maladie • maladie • pandémie • épidémie • propager • télétravail • confinement • quarantaine • coronavirus • respirateur • transmission • symptomatique • distanciation • assymptomatique
- A COVid Symptom
- Spectrum notes always start with
- Spectrum Priority Status
- Spectrum Service Queue
- non COVid Symptom
- Need to talk?
- Non COVid Symptom person
- If SU has symptoms-they are required to
- Spectrum select this for call taking
- Pasifika Greeting
- Any Welfare assistance with a...?
- Requires clinical call back
- Faster contract tracer with
- Find a community pop up testing
- A word from our CEO
- New Zealand Current Status
- Select from Healthline Caller Taker & update non COVid Symptoms
- Face masks are mandatory on public transport?
- Non COViD Symptom escalation to..
- How many COVid Alert Levels are there in NZ?
- An outlet to assist with food
- Spectrum Service Queue
- Routine is a Spectrum Priority
23 Clues: Need to talk? • A COVid Symptom • non COVid Symptom • Pasifika Greeting • A word from our CEO • Spectrum Service Queue • Spectrum Service Queue • Spectrum Priority Status • Non COVid Symptom person • New Zealand Current Status • Faster contract tracer with • Requires clinical call back • An outlet to assist with food • Routine is a Spectrum Priority • Find a community pop up testing • ...
TTS Biologi Samuel Tulle X1 24 2023-08-23
- virus yang menjangkit hewan dan manusia
- hewan yang menjadi penyebab DBD
- Covid-19 pertamakali ditemukan di kota
- Virus yang terjadi di kehidupan sehari hari
- obat yang digunakan untuk memperlambat HIV
- selain udara, covid-19 mudah menyebar lewat
- salah satu gejalan virus covid-19
- cara mencegah penyebaran virus covid-19 lewat tangan, yaitu
- penyakit yang menyerang hati
- nama lain penyakit hepatitis
- cara mencegah penyebaran cacar air yaitu
- Virus cacar air mudah menyebar lewat
- hewan yang rentan terkena rabies
- AIDS dapat menyebar melalui
- gejala demam berdarah
- Virus yang sampai saat ini belum ditemukan obatnya
- Virus Covid-19 mudah menyebar lewat
- cara rabies menyerang target lainnya, yaitu
- Hewan penyebab virus covid-19
- ciri-ciri hewan terjangkit virus rabies
20 Clues: gejala demam berdarah • AIDS dapat menyebar melalui • nama lain penyakit hepatitis • penyakit yang menyerang hati • Hewan penyebab virus covid-19 • hewan yang menjadi penyebab DBD • hewan yang rentan terkena rabies • salah satu gejalan virus covid-19 • Virus Covid-19 mudah menyebar lewat • Virus cacar air mudah menyebar lewat • Covid-19 pertamakali ditemukan di kota • ...
LAB WEEK at Kaiser San Jose 2021-04-22
- Methodology of one of the Covid-19 tests
- Covid-19 crisis
- Hand __________
- Often elevated in Covid+ patients
- Complete Blood Count
- Person under Investigation
- An electrolyte
- Measure of dispersion of a set of value
- ________ guidelines
- RBC inclusions
- Abnormal cell distribution
- Mask & gloves
- How much of a given substance is measured
- Chelating anticoagulant for tubes
- Common bacteria found in UTI
- A Covid-19 vaccine
- Name of control used for CRP
- Symptom of diabetes
- Hemoglobin derivative
- Can be seen in urine wet mount
- Transfused for Coagulation factors
- Used by Pfizer for Covid-19 antibody production
- A Drug of Abuse
- Yellowish color of CSF supernatant
- Causative agent of Covid-19
- Bacterial infection
- Shots
- Covid-19 symptom
- Sudden increase in disease cases within a region
- Order Entry is an example
- Based the number of dissolved particles in a solution
- Urine Crystal
- Mode of transmission for Covid-19
- To isolate
- Part of blood count
- Original name of Kaiser San Jose
36 Clues: Shots • To isolate • Urine Crystal • Mask & gloves • An electrolyte • RBC inclusions • A Drug of Abuse • Covid-19 crisis • Hand __________ • Covid-19 symptom • A Covid-19 vaccine • Bacterial infection • ________ guidelines • Part of blood count • Symptom of diabetes • Complete Blood Count • Hemoglobin derivative • Order Entry is an example • Person under Investigation • Abnormal cell distribution • ...
TTS Biologi Samuel Tulle X1-24 2023-08-23
- cara rabies menyerang target lainnya, yaitu
- ciri-ciri hewan terjangkit virus rabies
- salah satu gejalan virus covid-19
- AIDS dapat menyebar melalui
- obat yang digunakan untuk memperlambat HIV
- selain udara, covid-19 mudah menyebar lewat
- cara mencegah penyebaran virus covid-19 lewat tangan, yaitu
- hewan yang rentan terkena rabies
- pencegahan penularan virus cacar air
- Virus cacar air mudah menyebar lewat
- Virus yang terjadi di kehidupan sehari hari
- Virus yang sampai saat ini belum ditemukan obatnya
- salah satu gejala demam berdarah
- Virus Covid-19 mudah menyebar lewat
- Hewan penyebab virus covid-19
- hewan yang menjadi penyebab DBD
- penyakit yang menyerang hati
- Covid-19 pertamakali ditemukan di kota
- virus yang menjangkit hewan dan manusia
- nama lain penyakit hepatitis
20 Clues: AIDS dapat menyebar melalui • penyakit yang menyerang hati • nama lain penyakit hepatitis • Hewan penyebab virus covid-19 • hewan yang menjadi penyebab DBD • salah satu gejala demam berdarah • hewan yang rentan terkena rabies • salah satu gejalan virus covid-19 • Virus Covid-19 mudah menyebar lewat • pencegahan penularan virus cacar air • Virus cacar air mudah menyebar lewat • ...
2020 COVID Crossword 2020-12-09
- Hand sanitizer alternative
- COVID-19 catchphrase
- Stay at home order
- Mental health day practice
- Lead member of COVID-19 task force
- Virtual conferencing tool
- Six feet apart
- Widespread disease
- "In these __________ times."
- A tool used by health departments to prevent the spread of infections disease.
- Silence; a red microphone
- Dwarf with signs of COVID-19
- An image, behind you
- Protection against Covid-19
- Personal Protective Equipment: Abbr.
- 10-14 days long
- US Federal Government Economic Assistance Program
- Coronavirus: Abbr.
- A scarce resource during 2020
- Turn
20 Clues: Turn • Six feet apart • 10-14 days long • Stay at home order • Coronavirus: Abbr. • Widespread disease • COVID-19 catchphrase • An image, behind you • Silence; a red microphone • Virtual conferencing tool • Hand sanitizer alternative • Mental health day practice • Protection against Covid-19 • Dwarf with signs of COVID-19 • "In these __________ times." • A scarce resource during 2020 • ...
Test your knowledge 2024-12-05
- Infected but showing no symptoms.
- The primary organ affected by COVID-19.
- The city where COVID-19 was first identified.
- The ability of a vaccine to prevent disease.
- The disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.
- The technology used in Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.
- The state of being protected against infectious diseases.
- The first mRNA vaccine approved in the United States.
- Another common COVID-19 symptom.
- Loss of this is a symptom of COVID-19.
- A COVID-19 vaccine approved for single-dose administration.
- A common symptom of COVID-19.
- A sensation of coldness often accompanied by shivering, common in COVID-19 cases.
- The mRNA vaccine approved for individuals 18 and older on December 18, 2020.
- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome; another illness caused by coronaviruses.
- The part of the virus encoded by mRNA vaccines to trigger an immune response.
- The period from infection to the onset of symptoms.
- A structure used to deliver mRNA in vaccines.
- A biological preparation that provides immunity to a specific disease.
- A type of disease transmitted from animals to humans.
- A condition falsely linked to vaccines in a discredited 1998 study.
- A viral vector vaccine used for COVID-19.
- Proteins produced by the immune system in response to vaccines.
23 Clues: A common symptom of COVID-19. • Another common COVID-19 symptom. • Infected but showing no symptoms. • Loss of this is a symptom of COVID-19. • The primary organ affected by COVID-19. • A viral vector vaccine used for COVID-19. • The ability of a vaccine to prevent disease. • A structure used to deliver mRNA in vaccines. • The city where COVID-19 was first identified. • ...
Vacina contra a Covid - 19; Professora: Claudiane (Kika) 2021-04-11
- Os anticorpos precisam se conectar com as
- A missão da Anvisa é proteger e promover a saúde para a
- Um dos Países que a iniciou a aplicação da vacina Coronavac?
- Um dos grupos que tem prioridade para tomar a vacina contra a covid - 19?
- A vacina contra a covid - 19 que não foi aprovada pela Anvisa
- As vacinas coronavac e oxford são administradas em quantas doses?
- Um dos efeito colaterais possível de sentir depois da vacinação do covid - 19
- A esperança da população para frear a pandemia da covid - 19 é?
- Qual o nome da proteína que os anticorpos se conectam
- A Beta propiolactona desativou os novos coronas vírus ao se conectar com
- Qual porcentagem mínima de eficácia para quem foi vacinado com a Coronavac
- Quem ainda não pode tomar a vacina da covid -19
- A sigla usada para representar a Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária
- O nome empresa chinesa que desenvolveu a Coronavac
- Uma das vantagens de tomar vacina contra covid -19
- Uma das vacinas contra a Covid -19 mais usada no Brasil
- Na realização da vacina contra o covid – 19 os pesquisadores cultivaram grandes estoques do novo corona nas células
- A vacina produzida pela Fiocruz (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz)
- As vacinas são produtos
- Quanto tempo demora para ser imunizado por completo, após as duas doses da vacina contra covid - 19
- Quantos milhões de doses de vacina contra a covid - 19 foram aplicadas no Brasil?
- Um dos Países que iniciou a vacinação da Coronavac?
22 Clues: As vacinas são produtos • Os anticorpos precisam se conectar com as • Quem ainda não pode tomar a vacina da covid -19 • O nome empresa chinesa que desenvolveu a Coronavac • Uma das vantagens de tomar vacina contra covid -19 • Um dos Países que iniciou a vacinação da Coronavac? • Qual o nome da proteína que os anticorpos se conectam • ...
COVID-19 (By: Gavin Price) 2020-08-20
- A shortness of _ is one of the most notable symptoms of COVID-19
- pain in the _ is a very common symptom of COVID-19
- A sore _ is another common symptom of COVID-19.
- The _ are much more effected by COVID-19(has to do with age).
- _ days is the max incubation period of COVID-19
- If you have COVID you get _
- Dangerous activitie that involve inhaling chemicals such as _ make the chance of dying from it higher.
- Not being able to taste or _ food are many times the first symptoms.
- The reccomended distance between people is _ feet
- COVID-19 is an _ diesease (meaning it travels through the air).
- The CDC recommends a _ mask over a face shield.
- Running a high _ is a common symptom of COVID-19
- Washing your _ with soap and water is highly recommended to halt the spread of covid.
- The most affected organ in the majority of COVID-19 Cases.
- Wearing a _ can make the spread of COVID-19 through the mouth and nose slow down.
- Covid-19 has many of the same syptoms as the _
16 Clues: If you have COVID you get _ • Covid-19 has many of the same syptoms as the _ • The CDC recommends a _ mask over a face shield. • A sore _ is another common symptom of COVID-19. • _ days is the max incubation period of COVID-19 • Running a high _ is a common symptom of COVID-19 • The reccomended distance between people is _ feet • ...
TTS Biologi Samuel Tulle X1-24 2023-08-23
- cara rabies menyerang target lainnya, yaitu
- ciri-ciri hewan terjangkit virus rabies
- salah satu gejalan virus covid-19
- AIDS dapat m9enyebar melalui
- obat yang digunakan untuk memperlambat HIV
- selain udara, covid-19 mudah menyebar lewat
- cara mencegah penyebaran virus covid-19 lewat tangan, yaitu
- hewan yang rentan terkena rabies
- pencegahan penularan virus cacar air
- Virus cacar air mudah menyebar lewat
- Virus yang terjadi di kehidupan sehari hari
- Virus yang sampai saat ini belum ditemukan obatnya
- salah satu gejala demam berdarah
- Virus Covid-19 mudah menyebar lewat
- Hewan penyebab virus covid-19
- hewan yang menjadi penyebab DBD
- penyakit yang menyerang hati
- Covid-19 pertamakali ditemukan di kota
- virus yang menjangkit hewan dan manusia
- nama lain penyakit hepatitis
20 Clues: AIDS dapat m9enyebar melalui • penyakit yang menyerang hati • nama lain penyakit hepatitis • Hewan penyebab virus covid-19 • hewan yang menjadi penyebab DBD • salah satu gejala demam berdarah • hewan yang rentan terkena rabies • salah satu gejalan virus covid-19 • Virus Covid-19 mudah menyebar lewat • pencegahan penularan virus cacar air • Virus cacar air mudah menyebar lewat • ...
COVID 2021-02-21
- no more of this when greeting others
- injected to create antibodies
- used in the mouth or nose to test for COVID
- many people became this due to COVID
- like sanitizing but kills more germs
- to stay alone for a time
- the kind of virus COVID is
- used to inject the vaccine
- they need a host to survive
- this vaccine didn't need to be deep frozen
- contacts are monitored for potential infection
- staying away from others for 14 days
- a mix of in school and remote learning
- this vaccine had to be kept below zero
- worn to protect the face and eyes
- not an endemic but larger
- social what of at least six feet
- some are still closed
- worn to protect yourself and others from COVID
19 Clues: some are still closed • to stay alone for a time • not an endemic but larger • the kind of virus COVID is • used to inject the vaccine • they need a host to survive • injected to create antibodies • social what of at least six feet • worn to protect the face and eyes • no more of this when greeting others • staying away from others for 14 days • ...
COVID 2020-12-08
20 Clues: virus • crise • vaccin • masque • isoler • courbe • maladie • maladie • pandémie • propager • épidémie • quarantaine • respirateur • confinement • coronavirus • télétravail • transmission • symptomatique • distanciation • assymptomatique
Covid-19 2020-05-15
- Covid-19 is caused by this type of single cell organism
- A term often used as a synonym for mask
- Disease characterized by persistently high blood sugar
- The country with the highest total cases of Covid-19 at at May 1, 2020
- The organisation responsible for monitoring health in the americas
- The month in which Covid-19 was reported as an emerging problem
- Fine droplets suspended in air
- (adj.) Can be spread from person to person
- The unit of measurement used for virus and other particles blocked by N95 masks
- Covid-19 is version 2 of this condition
- The organisation responsible for monitoring global health
- (adj) [of a disease] transmissible from animals to humans; normally impacting animals but may infect humans
- This is what MERS stands for
- The city and country in which Covid-19 was first observed and reported
- A common respiratory condition in Barbados which involves wheezing
- Disease characterised by persistently high blood pressure
- The practice of maintaining safe separation between individuals to reduce spreading diseases
- An epidemic which impacts the entire globe
- (n) Movement of a disease from person to person, for example
- the type of genetic material found in Covid-19
- Another disease/condition that can cause severe complications with Covid-19
- The US state most affected by Covid-19
- Another disease caused by a Covid-19 cousin
- changes in the genetic code of an organism
- this disease has caused past pandemics
- a Nordic country that never implemented a shut-down due to Covid-19
26 Clues: This is what MERS stands for • Fine droplets suspended in air • The US state most affected by Covid-19 • this disease has caused past pandemics • A term often used as a synonym for mask • Covid-19 is version 2 of this condition • An epidemic which impacts the entire globe • (adj.) Can be spread from person to person • changes in the genetic code of an organism • ...
- Bahan pembasmi kuman yang terkandung dalam 'hand sanitizer' ialah _____.
- Pemakaian pelitup _____ ketika berada di kawasan umum digalakkan bagi mencegah dan mengawal penularan wabak COVID-19.
- Meningkatkan aliran _____ dengan membuka tingkap boleh mengurangkan risiko penularan COVID-19.
- Protein yang dihasilkan oleh tubuh badan untuk melawan jangkitan.
- Simptom serius bagi penyakit COVID-19 ialah kesukaran _____.
- Organisasi antarabangsa apakah yang mengisytihar COVID-19 sebagai pandemik pada bulan Mac 2020?
- Elakkan memakai pelitup muka di bahagian _____ dagu.
- Kita perlulah elakkan _____ mata, hidung dan mulut kita.
- Mengenal pasti _____ rapat adalah salah satu usaha untuk membendung penularan wabak COVID-19.
- Epidemik yang berlaku dalam satu skala geografikal yang besar.
- Pelitup muka perubatan (medical mask) hanya boleh diguna pakai _____ kali sahaja dan harus dibuang dengan cara yang betul.
- Kita haruslah kerap _____ tangan dengan air dan sabun atau menggunakan 'hand sanitizer'.
- Kita haruslah menjarakkan diri dengan orang lain sekurang-kurangnya _____ meter.
- COVID-19 berjangkit dari individu ke individu lain melalui _____ pernafasan atau sentuhan.
- Penjarakan _____ merupakan salah satu cara untuk memutuskan rantaian penyebaran COVID-19.
- _____ kelompok merujuk kepada populasi yang mempunyai daya ketahanan terhadap penyakit berjangkit.
- Varian baru yang diberi nama _____ boleh merebak dalam tempoh masa yang singkat dan mampu merebak melalui udara.
- Kita tidak boleh berkongsi bekas _____ bagi mengelakkan jangkitan COVID-19.
- Elakkan berjabat _____.
- Elakkan tempat yang _____ dan sempit.
- Kita mestilah _____ mulut dan hidung apabila batuk dan bersin.
- Kes pertama COVID-19 dilaporkan di _____.
- Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, Moderna dan Sinovac. Apakah ia?
- Tempoh pengasingan yang ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia(KKM) ialah _____ hari bermula pada hari membuat ujian calitan PCR yang positif.
- Terdapat _____ kategori keterukan jangkitan COVID-19.
25 Clues: Elakkan berjabat _____. • Elakkan tempat yang _____ dan sempit. • Kes pertama COVID-19 dilaporkan di _____. • Elakkan memakai pelitup muka di bahagian _____ dagu. • Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, Moderna dan Sinovac. Apakah ia? • Terdapat _____ kategori keterukan jangkitan COVID-19. • Kita perlulah elakkan _____ mata, hidung dan mulut kita. • ...
Saturday Fun Fact 2021 October 09 2021-10-08
- loss of sense of smell
- type of none mucous producing cell in nasal epithelium
- epithelium contains mucous and sustenacullar cells
- do this with hands
- brain symptom of long covid
- type of markets where animal to human transmission often occurs
- lubrication or surfact---
- many will from covid
- place covid first detected
- contains snot
- person responsible for being covid compliant
- worn during covid pandemic
- has same cells as in nose
- type of person who gets vaccinated
- pandemic started 2020
- receptors that covid binds to
16 Clues: contains snot • do this with hands • many will from covid • pandemic started 2020 • loss of sense of smell • has same cells as in nose • lubrication or surfact--- • place covid first detected • worn during covid pandemic • brain symptom of long covid • receptors that covid binds to • type of person who gets vaccinated • person responsible for being covid compliant • ...
Lab Week Crossword Puzzle (PANDEMIC EDITION) 2021-04-19
- Most common respiratory COVID symptom
- Rapid PCR SARS turnaround time is:
- The pink fluid used to collect covid samples
- Moderna and Pfizer use this type of vaccine
- Never leave the house without
- 2020 pandemic was because of:
- This COVID vaccine uses an adenovirus carrier for the SARS virus
- The Cepheid SARS test gives a _______ result (Ct Values)
- Most common baking product of 2020
- Wear this to protect you
- The laboratory at Cornell that does routine SARS testing
- The diagnostic test for covid:
- Leading Pandemic Doctor for the Nation
- City where the first cases of coronavirus related pneumonia occurred
- Everybody ordered more of this since the pandemic
- What is the SARS orderable?
- Everybody watched this from the couch
- The first case of COVID in the US occurred in this month
- Everyone had a stockpile of this in the bathroom
- 80% vaccination will result in this
20 Clues: Wear this to protect you • What is the SARS orderable? • Never leave the house without • 2020 pandemic was because of: • The diagnostic test for covid: • Rapid PCR SARS turnaround time is: • Most common baking product of 2020 • 80% vaccination will result in this • Most common respiratory COVID symptom • Everybody watched this from the couch • ...
coronavirus in spanish 2023-03-28
- ¿Cuál es el primer país en reportar una infección por COVID-19?
- ¿Cuál es el síntoma más popular de COVID-19?
- Verdadero o Falso - El Coronavirus llegó para quedarse indefinidamente.
- ¿Qué tipo de máscara proporciona la mejor protección?
- Quédate en ______ si te sientes enfermo.
- ¿Quiénes corren mayor riesgo de enfermarse gravemente de COVID-19?
- Cuando un virus se propaga por un país.
- Lávese las ________ con frecuencia para ayudar a prevenir infecciones porque las personas con frecuencia se tocan los ojos, la nariz y la boca sin siquiera darse cuenta.
- La dificultad para ________ es una señal de advertencia de emergencia o COVID-19.
- _________ las superficies si alguien en su hogar está enfermo.
- ¿Cuál es la tecnología utilizada en las vacunas contra el COVID-19?
- ¿Cuál es el nombre científico del coronavirus?
- Usar una ______ bien ajustada ayuda a protegerlo a usted y a quienes lo rodean al prevenir la propagación de COVID-19.
- La vacuna contra el COVID-19 es ________.
- ¿Cómo se llama el COVID que persiste durante meses?
- ¿Cuántos días debes quedarte en casa si das positivo por coronavirus?
- Cúbrase siempre la boca si tose o ___________.
- ¿Cuál es el mejor método para protegerse del Coronavirus?
- ¿A quién llama si siente síntomas de COVID-19?
19 Clues: Cuando un virus se propaga por un país. • Quédate en ______ si te sientes enfermo. • La vacuna contra el COVID-19 es ________. • ¿Cuál es el síntoma más popular de COVID-19? • ¿Cuál es el nombre científico del coronavirus? • Cúbrase siempre la boca si tose o ___________. • ¿A quién llama si siente síntomas de COVID-19? • ...
COVID-19 Response 2020-04-27
- Country with the most COVID-19 infections
- What should be taken at start of shift
- Do not touch your ____________
- Protective Gear
- Who do you get permission from to enter a COVID-19 room?
- Process completed when site has been exposed to possible contamination?
- Which department needs to be contacted if ill?
- How COVID-19 can be transmitted
- What should you do before and after touching mask?
- One of the main symptoms of COVID-19
- Name of strategy in place to lower number of infections
- Number of days lab coat can be worn in repair area?
- Face mask worn if entering a COVID-19 room?
- What color bag is used to cover dirty equipment?
- Minimum amount of seconds to wash hands
- Number of days a lab coat can be worn if not soiled?
- First person to contact if you fall ill?
- Type of mask used when cleaning equipment
- COVID-19
- If you are ill with COVID-19 you will be?
- What should be worn when cleaning equipment?
- _____ refer to the stop the spread of germs guidelines
- Employee that can enter a room with COVID-19
- How many feet should you distance yourself from someone
24 Clues: COVID-19 • Protective Gear • Do not touch your ____________ • How COVID-19 can be transmitted • One of the main symptoms of COVID-19 • What should be taken at start of shift • Minimum amount of seconds to wash hands • First person to contact if you fall ill? • Country with the most COVID-19 infections • Type of mask used when cleaning equipment • ...
Corona Crossword 2020-11-28
- Celebrity with COVID 19 and friend of Wilson
- People required to work to keep companies running
- COVID 19 therapeutic
- Group who isolate together
- Machine to help people breath
- Organization that leads partners in global health response
- Number of seconds you should wash your hands
- Social distance spacing recommendation
- Country where COVID 19 discovered
- A Government agency to combat COVID 19
- Another COVID vaccine maker
- Purchased in abundance for no reason
- Virus carrier who's not sick
- Nature of business during pandemic
- Virus carrier who infects many
- Acronym for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
- Vaccine maker
- A period of isolation
- Spray used to kill germs and virus
- Item worn to protect against air droplets from a sneeze
- The action of breathing
- Virtual meeting place
- Alcohol based cleanser
- A substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies
- Place to binge watch
- Healthcare workers line of defense
- An abnormally high body temperature
- Word often interchanged with Pandemic
- New growing cluster of virus
- CDC home
- Flying Mammal and suspect cause of COVID 19
- Disease declared a pandemic in 202
- Try not to touch yours
- Lead member of COVID 19 Task Force
- City in China where COVID 19 is believed to have started
35 Clues: CDC home • Vaccine maker • COVID 19 therapeutic • Place to binge watch • A period of isolation • Virtual meeting place • Alcohol based cleanser • Try not to touch yours • The action of breathing • Group who isolate together • Another COVID vaccine maker • New growing cluster of virus • Virus carrier who's not sick • Machine to help people breath • Virus carrier who infects many • ...
COVID-19 2020-03-12
- The virus is fitted with protein spikes sticking out of the envelope that ___(form)the surface
- The country with the second highest victims.
- People should avoid unnecessary contact with...
- The COVID-19 attacks___system.
- Something that can cure the COVID-19 but still currently developed
- The first city that COVID-19 found.
- Coronaviruses (CoV)___ a family of viruses that cause sicknesses
- Any virus that ___(enter) your body looks for cells with compatible receptors
- the number of COVID-19's phases of attack.
- one of COVID-19 symptomps.
- COVID-19 are transmitted via...
- Something that might help people to prevent the virus
- Corona Virus
- Immune cells ___(recognize) the virus and flood into the lungs.
- Something that COVID-19 attack
- Coronaviruses ___(cause) diseases in mammals and birds.
- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
- nCOV
18 Clues: nCOV • Corona Virus • one of COVID-19 symptomps. • The COVID-19 attacks___system. • Something that COVID-19 attack • COVID-19 are transmitted via... • Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome • The first city that COVID-19 found. • the number of COVID-19's phases of attack. • The country with the second highest victims. • People should avoid unnecessary contact with... • ...
Covid 2021-03-30
- one device to help protect from Covid
- a symptom of Covid
- what country had Covid first
- how many feet to seperate between people
- a period of isolation
- machine to help you breath
- what is this type of flu called
- means it can be spread person to person
- a test result that says you have Covid
- type of swab used to test for Covid
- what is getting a flu shot called
- Covid causes this lung problem
- what to do with your hands
- a test result that says you do not have Covid
- another symptom of Covid
15 Clues: a symptom of Covid • a period of isolation • another symptom of Covid • what to do with your hands • machine to help you breath • what country had Covid first • Covid causes this lung problem • what is this type of flu called • what is getting a flu shot called • type of swab used to test for Covid • one device to help protect from Covid • a test result that says you have Covid • ...
SB COVID-19 Crossword 2021-04-02
- Alcohol based cleanser
- People required to work to keep companies running
- Spray used to kill germs and virus
- Healthcare workers line of defense
- Country where COVID 19 discovered
- Lead member of COVID 19 Task Force
- Social distance spacing recommendation
- An abnormally high body temperature
- The action of breathing
- Number of seconds you should wash your hands
- Virus carrier who's not sick
- Group who isolate together
- COVID 19 therapeutic
- A substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies
- City in China where COVID 19 is believed to have started
- Acronym for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
- Virus carrier who infects many
- Organization that leads partners in global health response
- Disease declared a pandemic in 202
- An order for self isolation
- Word often interchanged with Pandemic
- New growing cluster of virus
- Virtual meeting place
- Try not to touch yours
- Place to binge watch
- A Government agency to combat COVID 19
- Celebrity with COVID 19 and friend of Wilson
- Machine to help people breath
- Flying Mammal and suspect cause of COVID 19
- paper Purchased in abundance for no reason
- CDC home
- Another COVID vaccine maker
- Vaccine maker
- Item worn to protect against air droplets from a sneeze
34 Clues: CDC home • Vaccine maker • Place to binge watch • COVID 19 therapeutic • Virtual meeting place • Alcohol based cleanser • Try not to touch yours • The action of breathing • Group who isolate together • An order for self isolation • Another COVID vaccine maker • New growing cluster of virus • Virus carrier who's not sick • Machine to help people breath • Virus carrier who infects many • ...
COVID-19 2020-04-13
- Se le llama al espacio que debemos guardar de las demás personas para evitar el contagio de COVID-19
- Aislamiento preventivo de personas o animales en un lugar y durante un período por razones sanitarias
- Parte del cuerpo que debe lavarse con regularidad para evitar el contagio del virus.
- Enfermedad epidémica que se extiende a muchos países o que ataca a casi todos los individuos de una localidad o región
- Promedio de días después de la exposición en los que aparecen los síntomas
- País donde se originó el COVID-19
- Lugar en México en el que se registró el primer caso de COVID-19 (hombre llegado de Italia)
- Para reducir el riesgo de infección por COVID-19, evitar el ________ directo (1 metro) con cualquier persona con síntomas de resfriado o gripe
- Síntoma del COVID-19 que es la expulsión brusca, violenta y ruidosa del aire contenido en los pulmones
- Factor que aumenta la probabilidad de muerte por COVID-19
- Parte del cuerpo que debe cubrirse al toser
- País con más casos de infectados de COVID-19
- Enfermedad del sistema respiratorio que consiste en la inflamación de los espacios alveolares de los pulmones y es una de las complicaciones del COVID-19
- Enfermedad infecciosa que produce síntomas similares al COVID-19 (fiebre, tos seca, disnea, mialgia y fatiga)
- Enfermedad infecciosa causada por un nuevo virus que no había sido detectado en humanos hasta la fecha.
- Persona que no presenta síntomas de la enfermedad
- Que puede causar la muerte del individuo
- La transmisión del COVID-19 se produce mediante pequeñas gotas que se emiten al hablar, estornudar, toser o espirar, estas gotas reciben el nombre de...
- Síntoma del COVID-19 que se manifiesta cuando el ser humano tiene una temperatura superior a la considerada normal
- Lo que debe hacer una persona al estornudar y/o toser
20 Clues: País donde se originó el COVID-19 • Que puede causar la muerte del individuo • Parte del cuerpo que debe cubrirse al toser • País con más casos de infectados de COVID-19 • Persona que no presenta síntomas de la enfermedad • Lo que debe hacer una persona al estornudar y/o toser • Factor que aumenta la probabilidad de muerte por COVID-19 • ...
End of Unit Test - Hazards Y12 Geography 2020-05-13
- Which country has over 80,000 deaths from COVID-19?
- In terms of frequency, COVID-19 is the first of its kind, but it is simlar to MERS and ...
- Most earthquakes occur on the Ring of Fire. This is an example of the ? distribution
- Places that have a high population ? have a higher rate of COVID-19
- Another word for temporal
- Not social distancing is an example of ? the impact of a hazard
- The scale on which earthquake magnitude is measured
- Death and infection numbers are examples of ? impacts.
- How often a hazard occurs
- The intensity of a hazard
- How interconnected countries are; those countries that are ... have more cases of COVID-19
- How long a hazard lasts
- COVID-19 is what type of virus?
- 187 countries have COVID-19; this is an example of the ? of spatial impact
- The Haiti 2010 earthquake lasted how many seconds?
- COVID-19 is an ? disease
- Corona is latin for ...
- The country you live in is a ? factor that can affect vulnerability to ecological hazards like COVID-19
- Building damage is an example of a risek to be ? for natural hazards like earthquakes
19 Clues: How long a hazard lasts • Corona is latin for ... • COVID-19 is an ? disease • Another word for temporal • How often a hazard occurs • The intensity of a hazard • COVID-19 is what type of virus? • The Haiti 2010 earthquake lasted how many seconds? • Which country has over 80,000 deaths from COVID-19? • The scale on which earthquake magnitude is measured • ...
Covid cross 2020-08-19
- a period of isolation where people that have been exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed
- second name for covid-19
- what did the World Health Organization declare the COVID‑19 outbreak
- how did schools teach when the lock down started
- most common form of clothing worn to protect against covid-19
- date of first official covid-19 case
- What length is declared proper social distancing
- Which city is reported to have the first covid-19 case
- the first animal to have covid-19
- a microscopic parasite that can infect living organisms and cause disease
- when was covid-19 first declared a pandemic
- First country to have covid-19
- what was the first state to require face coverings
- first state to have a covid-19 infected person
- date when covid-19 first was detected in the USA
15 Clues: second name for covid-19 • First country to have covid-19 • the first animal to have covid-19 • date of first official covid-19 case • when was covid-19 first declared a pandemic • first state to have a covid-19 infected person • how did schools teach when the lock down started • date when covid-19 first was detected in the USA • ...
COVID 2020-06-15
- infectious disease with symptoms including fever and cough, can cause pneumonia and respiratory failure - caused by coronavirus
- an infectious and frequently fatal disease marked by severe internal bleeding, spread through contact with infected body fluids by a filovirus - normal host species is unknown
- arteries which supply the blood and heart become clogged with fatty substances (atherosclerosis) can result in heart attack or angina
- heart is unable to pump blood around the body properly
- abnormal electrical impulses suddenly start firing in the atria - can cause a shortness of breath and dizziness
- a subtype of the type A influenza virus
- caused by a starvation of oxygen to the brain
- a gelatinous mass of fibrin and blood cells formed by the coagulation of blood
- occurs where fatty deposits line the arterial walls, narrowing the lumen
- heart beats with an abnormal or irregular rhythm
- help body to form clots
- inner lining of blood vessels, acts as an protective layer, which is involved in blood clotting
- formed during atherosclerosis
- coronary thrombosis
- help lower cholesterol
- severe pain in the chest, inadequate blood supply to the heart
- help widen and dilate blood vessels
17 Clues: coronary thrombosis • help lower cholesterol • help body to form clots • formed during atherosclerosis • help widen and dilate blood vessels • a subtype of the type A influenza virus • caused by a starvation of oxygen to the brain • heart beats with an abnormal or irregular rhythm • heart is unable to pump blood around the body properly • ...
Corona virus 19 2020-07-24
- What is tool used in getting sample for testing for virus?
- To prevent personal spread we employ social _______
- worn on hands to prevent spread of a pathogen
- Director of National Institute of allergies and Infectious Diseases,Dr
- Decreased cases is reported as flattening the ______
- Primary organ covid attacks first
- Worn over nose and mouth
- Antimalarial drug that has been used to treat ?
- City where covid 19 originated
- First US city that covid 19 hit?
- Alcohol liquid or gel to decrease infection
- UK prime minister who had covid 19
- Agent injected into body to produce antibiodies to prevent disease
- Country where covid 19 originated
- Worldwide epidemic
- What age group is most vulnerable to gettin covid
- To be away from others
- A regulation requiring someone to remain indoors for a given period of rime
- apparel worn over body to suppress spread of pathogens
- an infectious particle smaller than a bacteria that depends on host to reproduce
20 Clues: Worldwide epidemic • To be away from others • Worn over nose and mouth • City where covid 19 originated • First US city that covid 19 hit? • Country where covid 19 originated • Primary organ covid attacks first • UK prime minister who had covid 19 • Alcohol liquid or gel to decrease infection • worn on hands to prevent spread of a pathogen • ...
Lauren's COVID-19 Puzzle 2020-10-19
- How many days does everyone entering New Zealand must isolate for?
- Which gender in NZ has reported the most number of cases?
- How many days do returnees who need to pay for their stay in managed isolation have to pay?
- What can visitors drop off at your house that has to be contactless?
- Drinking alcohol does protect you against COVID-19?
- A group of 10 or more COVID-19 cases connected through transmission and who do not all live in the same household are classed as a what?
- What date in February was the first COVID-19 case reported in New Zealand?
- The service user has to be what before they can be released regardless of whether they have their day 12 test result?
- What system is the NZ Covid Tracer app?
- Which country has recorded the most COVID-19 cases?
- What is the name of a case with a reported history of international travel within 14 days of onset?
- Where should you cough or sneeze into?
- How many deaths in New Zealand have there been related to COVID-19?
- Who declared COVID-19 as pandemic?
- Does a negative test mean you don’t have the virus?
- At Alert Level 1, you are not legally required to wear face coverings
- How many people can you have at a funeral under Alert Level 3?
- Where was COVID-19 first reported?
- What distance should you keep in public away from others under Alert Level 2 and above?
- Who will let you know the results of the COVID-19 test?
- When was the Alert system introduced?
21 Clues: Who declared COVID-19 as pandemic? • Where was COVID-19 first reported? • When was the Alert system introduced? • Where should you cough or sneeze into? • What system is the NZ Covid Tracer app? • Drinking alcohol does protect you against COVID-19? • Does a negative test mean you don’t have the virus? • Which country has recorded the most COVID-19 cases? • ...
Coronavirus Puzzle 2023-03-19
- Wearing a well fitted [BLANK] helps to protect you and those around you by preventing the spread of COVID-19.
- The COVID-19 vaccine is _________ of charge.
- What type of mask provides the best protection?
- What is the first country to report a COVID-19 infection?
- TRUE OR FALSE - The coronavirus is here to stay indefinitely.
- Stay ____ If you feel sick.
- Who are most at risk of severe illness of COVID-19?
- What is the most popular symptom of COVID-19?
- What is the scientific name for the Coronavirus?
- What is the best method to protect yourself from the Coronavirus?
- Sometimes people feel pain and pressure in the ______ when they test positive for COVID-19.
- Difficult [BLANK] is a emergency warning sign for COVID-19
- What is the technology used in the COVID-19 vaccines?
- Always cover your mouth if you cough or ______.
- How many days should you stay home if you test positive for the Coronavirus?
- When a virus spreads throughout a country it is called a ________.
- _______ surfaces if someone in your household is sick.
- What is it called when people experience Coronavirus symptoms for months?
- Wash your ______ often to help prevent infections because people frequently touch their eyes, nose, and mouth without even realizing it.
- Who do you call if you feel COVID-19 symptoms?
- You should not go to __________ if you have symptoms of the Coronavirus.
- How many vaccines do I need to stay safe?
- Does the vaccine cure the Coronavirus?
23 Clues: Stay ____ If you feel sick. • Does the vaccine cure the Coronavirus? • How many vaccines do I need to stay safe? • The COVID-19 vaccine is _________ of charge. • What is the most popular symptom of COVID-19? • Who do you call if you feel COVID-19 symptoms? • Always cover your mouth if you cough or ______. • What type of mask provides the best protection? • ...
COVID-19 Crossword Puzzle 2020-08-19
- effective way to slow transmission of SARS-CoV-2
- state in the U.S. with lowest number of recorded COVID cases as of 8/17/20
- state in the U.S. with highest number of recorded COVID cases as of 8/17/20
- state of isolation in which someone will be placed in if exposed to infectious diseases
- month of first recorded COVID outbreak
- Those in the most danger of contracting COVID are known as risk
- country of first recorded COVID outbreak
- severe acute respiratory syndrome
- what gives a virus the ability to reproduce and live
- symptom of COVID (loss of smell)
- month in 2020 that the first COVID case was recorded in the U.S.
- system primarily affected by COVID
- country with the highest number of recorded COVID cases as of 8/17/20
- center for disease control and prevention
- the world health organization
15 Clues: the world health organization • symptom of COVID (loss of smell) • severe acute respiratory syndrome • system primarily affected by COVID • month of first recorded COVID outbreak • country of first recorded COVID outbreak • center for disease control and prevention • effective way to slow transmission of SARS-CoV-2 • what gives a virus the ability to reproduce and live • ...
C-19 Cypher 2022-02-02
- staying apart from people when exposed to corona virus
- corona in coronavirus means
- an epidemic that occurs on a larger scale
- first novel coronavirus was identified in
- method to check peripheral oxygenation
- clinical trial in which blood transfusion from recovered COVID 19 patient to a COVID 19 who is in critical condition
- B black fungus was created by
- elevated level of this test indicates formation in COVID patient
- animal that was likely the source of SARS coV
- effect of chloroquine on QT interval
- family of SARs COV virus
- antigenic protein of corona
- antibiotic used in COVID
- receptors affected in SARA CoV
- period measure the time between exposure to disease and emergence of symptom
- your hands frequently
- highly contagious person is called
- only indigenous COVID vaccine of India
- one of the deadliest complication of COVID 19 that emerged on India during second wave
19 Clues: your hands frequently • family of SARs COV virus • antibiotic used in COVID • antigenic protein of corona • corona in coronavirus means • B black fungus was created by • receptors affected in SARA CoV • highly contagious person is called • effect of chloroquine on QT interval • only indigenous COVID vaccine of India • method to check peripheral oxygenation • ...
Test 2020-12-17
- ရောဂါပိုး ရှိသူနှင့် ထိတွေ့ခဲ့ဖူးသူများကို မေးမြန်းစုံစမ်းခြင်း
- ရောဂါပိုးရှိသူနှင့် ထိတွေ့ခဲ့ဖူးသူ
- COVID-19 ကူးစက်ခံရသူများတွင် ဖြစ်နိုင်သော အဆုတ်ရောဂါ
- နှာခေါင်းမှ အနံ့မရတော့ခြင်း
- COVID-19 ကူးစက်ခံရဖူးသူများဆီမှ သွေးရည်ကြည်ကို အသုံးပြုသော ကုထုံး
- COVID-19 ရောဂါ မကူးစက်စေရန်အတွက် အပြင်သွားသည့်အခါတိုင်း ဝတ်ဆင်သင့်သည့် အရာတစ်ခု
- COVID-19 ရောဂါကို ဖြစ်စေသော ပိုး
- COVID-19 ကာကွယ်ထိန်းချုပ်ကုသရေးများတွင် ရှေ့တန်းမှ ပါဝင်နေသူများ
- ပိုးစစ်ရန်အတွက် နှာခေါင်း/အာခေါင်မှ ယူသော တို့ဖတ်
- ရောဂါပိုးရှိသူနှင့် ထိတွေ့ခဲ့ဖူးသူများကို အသွားအလာ ကန့်သတ်ထားခြင်း
- ရောဂါပိုး ကူးစက်မှုမှ ကာကွယ်ရန်အတွက် အမြဲ ဆောင်ထားပြီး မကြာခဏ အသုံးပြုသင့်သော အရာတစ်ခု
- COVID-19,Ebola, AIDS အစရှိသော ဗိုင်းရပ်စ်ရောဂါများကို ကုသရာတွင် သုံးနိုင်သော ဆေးအုပ်စု
- COVID-19 ရောဂါ မကူးစက်စေရန် မျက်နှာတွင် ဝတ်ဆင်သင့်သော အရာတစ်ခု
- ရောဂါကူးစက်ခံရသူ များပြားသည့် နေရာများကို အဝင်အထွက် ကန့်သတ်ခြင်း
14 Clues: နှာခေါင်းမှ အနံ့မရတော့ခြင်း • COVID-19 ရောဂါကို ဖြစ်စေသော ပိုး • ရောဂါပိုးရှိသူနှင့် ထိတွေ့ခဲ့ဖူးသူ • ပိုးစစ်ရန်အတွက် နှာခေါင်း/အာခေါင်မှ ယူသော တို့ဖတ် • COVID-19 ကူးစက်ခံရသူများတွင် ဖြစ်နိုင်သော အဆုတ်ရောဂါ • COVID-19 ရောဂါ မကူးစက်စေရန် မျက်နှာတွင် ဝတ်ဆင်သင့်သော အရာတစ်ခု • ရောဂါပိုး ရှိသူနှင့် ထိတွေ့ခဲ့ဖူးသူများကို မေးမြန်းစုံစမ်းခြင်း • ...
2021 News Mitchell And Ethan 2021-12-08
- daniel andrews broke his...
- 5.9 magnitude in Victoria
- density/customer
- 1.5m distancing
- grand final drought over
- latest covid variant
- fake gun shooting
- vatican city leader had half his colon removed
- australian tv presenter died ☹
- PPE tech for your face
- covid check in
- afghanistan takeover
- premier resigns
- trump's riot in the...
- stay at home orders
- flu-like virus
- missing child
- protection from covid
18 Clues: missing child • covid check in • flu-like virus • premier resigns • 1.5m distancing • density/customer • fake gun shooting • stay at home orders • afghanistan takeover • latest covid variant • protection from covid • PPE tech for your face • trump's riot in the... • grand final drought over • 5.9 magnitude in Victoria • daniel andrews broke his... • australian tv presenter died ☹ • ...
Covid 2021-04-06
- The greeting we use when introducing ourselves to a SU
- It is a ____________ requirement to record information accurately
- Information and documentation must be recorded
- SU has symptoms and is self isolating. It is OK that the household go about their normal life as long as they stay separate from SU.
- referred to regularly during the call for gold standard rapport building.
- Gold standard call effectiveness is when the SU stated that they felt reassured with the outcome.
- What type of escalation do we do when SU wont or cant self-isolate
- We must do this to answer the service users questions clearly and concisely
- this is checked after the closing statement
- ensures the service user is being heard
- The focus of this week is to display ____
- gold standard for rapport building when we explore with the SU any barriers to their isolation
- repeating the full name and date of birth is part of...
- looks at the total experience.
- If we transfer a call to another service, minimum requirement is to introduce SU to service provider such as a named introduction.
- We give this so people feel like they can come back if health deteriorates
- Family member of SU is unwell. Su has no symptoms. Who should you advised the family member to call?
- If we are unable to get hold of a SU we record a call log in NCTS as well as leave a voice message.
- displayed in our tone of voice throughout the call for gold standard rapport building.
19 Clues: looks at the total experience. • ensures the service user is being heard • The focus of this week is to display ____ • this is checked after the closing statement • Information and documentation must be recorded • The greeting we use when introducing ourselves to a SU • repeating the full name and date of birth is part of... • ...
COVID 2020-12-08
17 Clues: virus • courbe • vaccin • isoler • masque • maladie • maladie • propager • épidémie • pandémie • respirateur • coronavirus • quarantaine • transmission • symptomatique • distanciation • assymptomatique
COVID 2020-07-31
- This country is leading the world in positive rate.
- Definition: Finding out how well something works.
- Purell.
- Mr.___
- "Flattening the ___."
- Laundry.
- Staying put in your home.
- "Please, wear your ___."
- "This virus is highly ___."
- Do this when going out.
- SNL skit: "I got a ___ and the only prescription is more cowbell."
- Baseball, glove.
- Expel air from the lungs with a sudden sharp sound.
- Also known as a scaly anteater.
- Spanish for "crown."
- You do this with butter on bread.
16 Clues: Mr.___ • Purell. • Laundry. • Baseball, glove. • Spanish for "crown." • "Flattening the ___." • Do this when going out. • "Please, wear your ___." • Staying put in your home. • "This virus is highly ___." • Also known as a scaly anteater. • You do this with butter on bread. • Definition: Finding out how well something works. • This country is leading the world in positive rate. • ...
COVID 2020-12-08
17 Clues: virus • vaccin • courbe • isoler • masque • maladie • maladie • épidémie • propager • pandémie • respirateur • coronavirus • quarantaine • transmission • symptomatique • distanciation • assymptomatique
Covid 2021-04-15
- J & J vaccine by another name
- border barrier
- what we're asked to do
- Matthew gets a lot of tv time
- Head and shoulders spokeswoman
- Vaccine remover
- must watch viewing
- see 2 Across on a first name basis
- Canada's deputy CMO
- By the numbers
- adds protection
- equally important, but losing name recognition
- vaccine cost
- can be up to four months
- sounds like a choking owl
- delivery mechanisms
16 Clues: vaccine cost • By the numbers • border barrier • adds protection • Vaccine remover • must watch viewing • Canada's deputy CMO • delivery mechanisms • what we're asked to do • can be up to four months • sounds like a choking owl • J & J vaccine by another name • Matthew gets a lot of tv time • Head and shoulders spokeswoman • see 2 Across on a first name basis • ...
Influenza in children. COVID-19 in children 2023-12-08
- *Pandemic disease affecting kids globally.
- *Seasonal occurrence of influenza.
- *Annual vaccine recommended to prevent flu in kids.
- *Common route of transmission for flu and COVID-19.
- *Complication seen more in flu than COVID-19
- *Primary mode of prevention for both viruses.
- *Protective measure for both influenza and COVID-19.
- *Age group with higher risk for severe COVID-19.
- *Recommended COVID-19 vaccine for children.
- *Common respiratory virus in children.
- *Common cold symptom shared by both viruses.
- *COVID-19 preventive measure in schools.
- *Main symptom differentiating COVID-19 in children.
- *Symptom common to both influenza and COVID-19 in children.
14 Clues: *Seasonal occurrence of influenza. • *Common respiratory virus in children. • *COVID-19 preventive measure in schools. • *Pandemic disease affecting kids globally. • *Recommended COVID-19 vaccine for children. • *Common cold symptom shared by both viruses. • *Complication seen more in flu than COVID-19 • *Primary mode of prevention for both viruses. • ...
COVID-19 Crossword 2021-09-17
- COVID-19 often has a long _____ period, where individuals are infected but may not show symptoms.
- An infectious agent that enters the body and attempts to reproduce
- A group of RNA viruses that produce a variety of symptoms in animals and humans; COVID-19
- Limiting or halting in-person connections in an attempt to prevent the spread of a disease
- An article placed on the face to prevent airborne spread of COVID-19.
- What you are supposed to do after being exposed to/being a suspected/confirmed infection
- Social _____ was heavily emphasized in the beginning of the pandemic
- It is possible for someone to be ______, and show no symptoms after infection
- An easy way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is by washing your ____.
- Used to develop antibodies; Pfizer, Moderna
- An epidemic of infectious diseases
- COVID-19 often has similar symptoms to this yearly virus
- A common symptom of COVID-19; One of the most efficient methods for COVID-19 to spread
- Flattening the _____ was an important metaphor earlier in the pandemic, referencing slowing the spread of COVID-19 to prevent the filling of hospitals.
- An event that is directly responsible for a large amount of spread of an infectious disease
- A disease caused by a coronavirus that created a smaller epidemic in 2003.
- Having the ability to resist symptoms and spread of a particular disease
- People infected with COVID-19 often lose their _____.
- Proteins in our body that has the ability to recognize a disease as alien and enemy
19 Clues: An epidemic of infectious diseases • Used to develop antibodies; Pfizer, Moderna • People infected with COVID-19 often lose their _____. • COVID-19 often has similar symptoms to this yearly virus • An infectious agent that enters the body and attempts to reproduce • Social _____ was heavily emphasized in the beginning of the pandemic • ...
covid 2021-07-11
16 Clues: bother • blatant • Christmas • not clever • aggressive • like cattle • sustainable • unimportant • a boxing blow • mindless talk • uncomplicated • servant of god • river crossing • a source of energy • province of Canada • native Australian plant
Covid - 19 Crossword 2020-05-21
- Wear this when you are out in public
- When you are diagnosed with COVID-19, you do this
- the incubation period of Covid-19 is days
- Virus that causes COVID-19 is transmitted through
- We are all in this
- One of the symptoms of Covid-19 is a
- Wash your hands for at least 20
- Cough into your bent
- Flatten the
- Do not gather in
- A solution we offer our customers
- Avoid touching your
- The kind of distancing we practise
- Only visit shops for
- When you are exposed to COVID-19, you do this
- sanitizer Use this regularly to clean your hands
- Name of the mailbox we send customer call backs to
- Our current lockdown level
- Our insurance product
19 Clues: Flatten the • Do not gather in • We are all in this • Avoid touching your • Only visit shops for • Cough into your bent • Our insurance product • Our current lockdown level • Wash your hands for at least 20 • A solution we offer our customers • The kind of distancing we practise • Wear this when you are out in public • One of the symptoms of Covid-19 is a • ...
Corona is very bad 2020-08-18
- Not affected by a disease
- A device to help a patient breathe when they cannot by themselves
- country Where Covid-19 originated
- Wash these all the time
- provides immunity from a virus or disease
- When a virus has spreads all over the world
- Stay _____
- device used to provide some protection from the Covid-19
- Having the disease by not hving the symptoms
- Social ______
- Flatten the _______
- city Where the Covid-19 originated
- The organ Covid-19 affects the most
- How Covid-19 spreads
- One way Covid-19 spreads
15 Clues: Stay _____ • Social ______ • Flatten the _______ • How Covid-19 spreads • Wash these all the time • One way Covid-19 spreads • Not affected by a disease • country Where Covid-19 originated • city Where the Covid-19 originated • The organ Covid-19 affects the most • provides immunity from a virus or disease • When a virus has spreads all over the world • ...
TTS PANDEMI 2021-08-24
- tameng masa kini
- peluncur droplet
- cek yang bikin geli
- kopi susu happening
- pembatasan lama
- nama bengkel vaksin
- mencegah penyebaran
- webinar
- merekatkan tapi memisahkan
- yang ilang kalo kena
- produk varian terbaru
- virus letoy
- kampung halaman covid
- jangan dekat dekat
- bila tak covid berarti
- judul
- zat tubuh rival virus
- pembatasan baru
- wabah 2020
- indra mati suri
20 Clues: judul • webinar • wabah 2020 • virus letoy • pembatasan lama • pembatasan baru • indra mati suri • tameng masa kini • peluncur droplet • jangan dekat dekat • cek yang bikin geli • kopi susu happening • nama bengkel vaksin • mencegah penyebaran • yang ilang kalo kena • produk varian terbaru • kampung halaman covid • zat tubuh rival virus • bila tak covid berarti • merekatkan tapi memisahkan
Covid 2021-02-07
- an institution providing medical and surgical treatment and nursing care for sick or injured people
- a telephone service providing help with problems.
- a liquid, gel or foam generally used to decrease infectious agents on the hands and surfaces.
- Category of illness capable of being transmitted from one human to another human via direct or indirect contact
- a states or period of isolation in which people that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to areas with COVID-19 risks are asked to observe before interacting with others.
- a device worn over the nose and mouth to prevent you from breathing in harmful substances, such as bacteria or pollution, or from breathing bacteria or viruses onto anyone else
- a temporary increase in your body temperature, often due to an illness
- a viral infection that attacks your respiratory system
- a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases.
- a situation where COVID-19 infected persons show no symptoms
- the infective or causative agent of covid-19
- a disease prevalent over a whole country or the world
- a place designed to separate people with COVID-19 infection from those who are not infected.
- a small pledget of cotton or gauze wrapped around the end of a slender wooden stick or wire for obtaining specimens of secretions and other substances from body.
- a pain, scratchiness or irritation of the throat that often worsens when you swallow
- a sudden change in the course of a disease toward either improvement or deterioration
16 Clues: the infective or causative agent of covid-19 • a telephone service providing help with problems. • a disease prevalent over a whole country or the world • a viral infection that attacks your respiratory system • a situation where COVID-19 infected persons show no symptoms • a temporary increase in your body temperature, often due to an illness • ...
COVID-19 and Pregnancy 2023-02-15
- what illness is an acute respiratory illness
- When a woman has secondary amenorrhea and is forming a child in her uterus
- the single most important way to prevent infection
- what body system does COVID mainly effect?
- when a fetus is born and is not breathing
- being sick but not showing any symptoms
- when the mother has HTN, blurred vision, and is a high risk pregnancy
- boosting this can help fight COVID-19
- conditions that may cause you to become more ill or have complications when getting sick
- when the fetus is delivered before complete gestation
- when a pregnant woman has symptomatic covid, how will they likely give birth
- the scientific name of COVID-19
- this vitamin aids in boosting the immune system
- given to help build immunity and aid in lessening the symptom of COVID-19
- when the mother has a severe, symptomatic COVID experience, the newborn will likely be transferred to where?
- the test results when COVID is detected
16 Clues: the scientific name of COVID-19 • boosting this can help fight COVID-19 • being sick but not showing any symptoms • the test results when COVID is detected • when a fetus is born and is not breathing • what body system does COVID mainly effect? • what illness is an acute respiratory illness • this vitamin aids in boosting the immune system • ...
COVID-19 2020-03-23
- Medida de prevención de contagios para pacientes con COVID-19 que consiste en mantenerse alejados de las demás personas. Hace alusión a un número.
- También llamada "cubrebocas", se recomienda su uso para personas con síntomas, o personas sanas que atenderán a enfermos de COVID-19.
- Medicamento utilizados para combatir una infección por bacterias, y que por lo tanto NO SON EFICACES contra la COVID-19.
- Condición médica que agrava la salud de personas enfermas de COVID-19, junto con el asma y las cardiopatías.
- Información falsa sobre el Coronavirus, como remedios caseros y teorías de la conspiración (plural).
- Uno de los síntomas de la COVID-19, junto con la tos y la dificultad para respirar.
- Medida principal para evitar el contagio de la COVID-19, debe durar al menos 20 segundos (tres palabras).
- Expulsión violenta de aire por la nariz que puede diseminar la COVID-19 si no se cubre nariz y boca con un pañuelo o con la parte interior del codo.
- Ciudad de China donde se detectó el primer brote de COVID-19.
- Prueba para confirmar la COVID-19.
- Gel que se puede usar como medida de prevención, en caso de no poder lavarse las manos.
- Para lavarse las manos, es necesario mojarlas con agua y aplicar suficiente…
- Tiempo de incubación máximo que tarda el Coronavirus en provocar síntomas. Número de días, escrito en letra.
- Primer país de Latinoamérica donde se detectó un caso de COVID-19.
- Extensa familia de virus que pueden causar enfermedades tanto en animales como en humanos.
- Mes del 2019 cuando surgió el primer brote de la COVID-19.
- Organización Mundial de la Salud (Siglas)
17 Clues: Prueba para confirmar la COVID-19. • Organización Mundial de la Salud (Siglas) • Mes del 2019 cuando surgió el primer brote de la COVID-19. • Ciudad de China donde se detectó el primer brote de COVID-19. • Primer país de Latinoamérica donde se detectó un caso de COVID-19. • Para lavarse las manos, es necesario mojarlas con agua y aplicar suficiente… • ...
hygiëne 2021-03-22
20 Clues: SOA • HIV • vies • AIDS • Zeep • water • Griep • virus • COVID • polio • gezond • schoon • wassen • ziekte • poetsen • hygiene • douchen • bacteriën • gezondheid • infectieziekten
Weill Cornell Medicine COVID-19 Crossword Puzzle 2021-08-04
- What is it called when you are given protection against a virus?
- What organ is most affected by COVID-19?
- Name one organization that can give you CORRECT info on COVID?
- What is an event in which a disease spreads across several countries and affects a large number of people?
- What type of pathogen is COVID?
- What type of immunity occurs when over 80% of the population is vaccinated?
- What COVID vaccine is eligible for 18 year olds, 94.5% effective and is two doses that are 28 days apart?
- What COVID vaccine is eligible for 12 year olds, 95% effective and is two doses that are 21 days apart?
- How many phases were there to get the COVID vaccines approved?
- What is a spread of infection around a community above normal?
- What other outbreak used mRNA vaccine testing?
- What vaccine eligible for 18 year olds and is only one dose and is 72% effective against COVID?
- A state of isolation to reduce the spread of an infectious agent.
- Major pandemic starting in 2019?
- What type of protein on COVID do mRNA vaccines replicate?
- What types of vaccines are Pfizer and Moderna?
16 Clues: What type of pathogen is COVID? • Major pandemic starting in 2019? • What organ is most affected by COVID-19? • What other outbreak used mRNA vaccine testing? • What types of vaccines are Pfizer and Moderna? • What type of protein on COVID do mRNA vaccines replicate? • How many phases were there to get the COVID vaccines approved? • ...
Covid-19 2021-12-08
- Common people who die from covid?
- What do we need to if we come from overseas?
- Australia has the most?
- Where what when you go outside?
- Where did covid start in?
- Most common vaccine?
- New Covid Variant?
- Covid came from?
- Other covid variant?
- How many years back did covid start?
- Other words for Covid-19?
- Common rule if your go outside?
- What are we not allowed to do outside?
13 Clues: Covid came from? • New Covid Variant? • Other covid variant? • Most common vaccine? • Australia has the most? • Other words for Covid-19? • Where did covid start in? • Common rule if your go outside? • Where what when you go outside? • Common people who die from covid? • How many years back did covid start? • What are we not allowed to do outside? • ...
Covid-19 2021-12-08
- Other words for Covid-19?
- New Covid Variant?
- Covid came from?
- What are we not allowed to do outside?
- What do we need to if we come from overseas?
- Most common vaccine?
- Where what when you go outside?
- How many years back did covid start?
- Where did covid start in?
- Australia has the most?
- Common people who die from covid?
- Common rule if your go outside?
- Other covid variant?
13 Clues: Covid came from? • New Covid Variant? • Other covid variant? • Most common vaccine? • Australia has the most? • Other words for Covid-19? • Where did covid start in? • Common rule if your go outside? • Where what when you go outside? • Common people who die from covid? • How many years back did covid start? • What are we not allowed to do outside? • ...
2020 Covid-19 crossword puzzle! 2020-08-20
- A disease that spreads to others is ____
- Many people were required to self __ in 2020
- Origin of COVID 19
- People have started wearing __ to combat COVID 19
- Infections or diseases are caused by small living cell
- Fever, cough, and fatigue are all __ of COVID 19
- Center for Disease Control
- when a disease is prevalent over a country or the world
- COVID 19 is a __ disease
- public health conditions, washing hands, clean
- Country that has the most COVID 19 cases
- Older people and people with medical conditions are more at __
- Only ___ workers were allowed to work during lockdown
- Doctors are trying to create a __ to fight COVID 19
- You can become __ through respiratory droplets from someone who has COVID 19
15 Clues: Origin of COVID 19 • COVID 19 is a __ disease • Center for Disease Control • A disease that spreads to others is ____ • Country that has the most COVID 19 cases • Many people were required to self __ in 2020 • public health conditions, washing hands, clean • Fever, cough, and fatigue are all __ of COVID 19 • People have started wearing __ to combat COVID 19 • ...
Covid 2021-02-07
- a telephone service providing help with problems.
- a states or period of isolation in which people that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to areas with COVID-19 risks are asked to observe before interacting with others.
- a place designed to separate people with COVID-19 infection from those who are not infected.
- infective or causative agent of covid-19
- a temporary increase in your body temperature, often due to an illness
- a pain, scratchiness or irritation of the throat that often worsens when you swallow
- a disease prevalent over a whole country or the world
- a small pledget of cotton or gauze wrapped around the end of a slender wooden stick or wire for obtaining specimens of secretions and other substances from body.
- an institution providing medical and surgical treatment and nursing care for sick or injured people
- Category of illness capable of being transmitted from one human to another human via direct or indirect contact
- a viral infection that attacks your respiratory system
- a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases.
- liquid, gel or foam generally used to decrease infectious agents on the hands and surfaces.
- a device worn over the nose and mouth to prevent you from breathing in harmful substances, such as bacteria or pollution, or from breathing bacteria or viruses onto anyone else
- a situation where COVID-19 infected persons show no symptoms
- A sudden change in the course of a disease toward either improvement or deterioration
16 Clues: infective or causative agent of covid-19 • a telephone service providing help with problems. • a disease prevalent over a whole country or the world • a viral infection that attacks your respiratory system • a situation where COVID-19 infected persons show no symptoms • a temporary increase in your body temperature, often due to an illness • ...
Covid 2021-02-07
- Category of illness capable of being transmitted from one human to another human via direct or indirect contact
- a telephone service providing help with problems.
- a liquid, gel or foam generally used to decrease infectious agents on the hands and surfaces.
- a viral infection that attacks your respiratory system
- a situation where COVID-19 infected persons show no symptoms
- a disease prevalent over a whole country or the world
- a temporary increase in your body temperature, often due to an illness
- a small pledget of cotton or gauze wrapped around the end of a slender wooden stick or wire for obtaining specimens of secretions and other substances from body.
- a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases.
- a device worn over the nose and mouth to prevent you from breathing in harmful substances, such as bacteria or pollution, or from breathing bacteria or viruses onto anyone else
- a place designed to separate people with COVID-19 infection from those who are not infected.
- a sudden change in the course of a disease toward either improvement or deterioration
- the infective or causative agent of covid-19
- a states or period of isolation in which people that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to areas with COVID-19 risks are asked to observe before interacting with others.
- an institution providing medical and surgical treatment and nursing care for sick or injured people
- a pain, scratchiness or irritation of the throat that often worsens when you swallow
16 Clues: the infective or causative agent of covid-19 • a telephone service providing help with problems. • a disease prevalent over a whole country or the world • a viral infection that attacks your respiratory system • a situation where COVID-19 infected persons show no symptoms • a temporary increase in your body temperature, often due to an illness • ...
COVID-19 2020-04-08
- Aislamiento preventivo de personas o animales en un lugar y durante un período por razones sanitarias
- enfermedad infecciosa causada por un nuevo virus que no había sido detectado en humanos hasta la fecha.
- Factor que aumenta la probabilidad de muerte por COVID-19
- Que puede causar la muerte del individuo
- Enfermedad del sistema respiratorio que consiste en la inflamación de los espacios alveolares de los pulmones y es una de las complicaciones del COVID-19
- País donde se originó el COVID-19
- Síntoma del COVID-19 que se manifiesta cuando el ser humano tiene una temperatura superior a la considerada normal
- Síntoma del COVID-19 que es la expulsión brusca, violenta y ruidosa del aire contenido en los pulmones
- Lugar en México en el que se registró el primer caso de COVID-19 (hombre llegado de Italia)
- Enfermedad epidémica que se extiende a muchos países o que ataca a casi todos los individuos de una localidad o región
- La transmisión del COVID-19 se produce mediante pequeñas gotas que se emiten al hablar, estornudar, toser o espirar, estas gotas reciben el nombre de...
- Se le llama al espacio que debemos guardar de las demás personas para evitar el contagio de COVID-19
- Lo que debe hacer una persona al estornudar y/o toser
- Parte del cuerpo que debe cubrirse al toser
- País con más casos de infectados de COVID-19
- Enfermedad infecciosa que produce síntomas similares (fiebre, tos seca, disnea, mialgia y fatiga)
- Parte del cuerpo que debe lavarse con regularidad para evitar el contagio del virus.
- persona que no presenta síntomas de la enfermedad
- Promedio de días después de la exposición en los que aparecen los síntomas
19 Clues: País donde se originó el COVID-19 • Que puede causar la muerte del individuo • Parte del cuerpo que debe cubrirse al toser • País con más casos de infectados de COVID-19 • persona que no presenta síntomas de la enfermedad • Lo que debe hacer una persona al estornudar y/o toser • Factor que aumenta la probabilidad de muerte por COVID-19 • ...
TTS COVID 19 2020-05-03
- pulang kampung
- peningkatan mendadak suatu penyakit didaerah tertentu
- cairan untuk membunuh kuman
- orang dalam pemantauan
- petugas yang membantu dokter
- Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut
- pasien yang menunjukkan gejala corona
- penyebaran penyakit menular didaerah luas
- pembatasan sosial berskala besar
- walikota Bogor
- menjauhkan orang-orang agar tidak tertular covid-19
- kota asal mula covid-19
- mengunci keluar masuk ke suatu wilayah
- rumah sakit darurat covit-19
- pengujian cepat covid-19
- pasien dalam pengawasan
- work from home
- juru bicara covid-19
- alat pelindung dari debu dan virus
- alat pelindung diri
- menjaga jarak antar manusia
- zat yang memperlambat pertumbuhan bakteri
- organisas kesehatan PBB
23 Clues: pulang kampung • work from home • walikota Bogor • alat pelindung diri • juru bicara covid-19 • orang dalam pemantauan • pasien dalam pengawasan • organisas kesehatan PBB • kota asal mula covid-19 • pengujian cepat covid-19 • cairan untuk membunuh kuman • menjaga jarak antar manusia • rumah sakit darurat covit-19 • petugas yang membantu dokter • Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut • ...
TTS COVID 19 2020-05-03
- kota asal mula covid-19
- rumah sakit darurat covit-19
- pembatasan sosial berskala besar
- peningkatan mendadak suatu penyakit didaerah tertentu
- juru bicara covid-19
- zat yang memperlambat pertumbuhan bakteri
- pasien dalam pengawasan
- Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut
- menjauhkan orang-orang agar tidak tertular covid-19
- alat pelindung diri
- alat pelindung dari debu dan virus
- mengunci keluar masuk ke suatu wilayah
- penyebaran penyakit menular didaerah luas
- cairan untuk membunuh kuman
- walikota Bogor
- menjaga jarak antar manusia
- work from home
- orang dalam pemantauan
- pengujian cepat covid-19
- petugas yang membantu dokter
- organisas kesehatan PBB
- pulang kampung
- pasien yang menunjukkan gejala corona
23 Clues: walikota Bogor • work from home • pulang kampung • alat pelindung diri • juru bicara covid-19 • orang dalam pemantauan • kota asal mula covid-19 • pasien dalam pengawasan • organisas kesehatan PBB • pengujian cepat covid-19 • cairan untuk membunuh kuman • menjaga jarak antar manusia • rumah sakit darurat covit-19 • petugas yang membantu dokter • Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut • ...
Corona Crossword 2020-09-21
- equipment or garment designed to protect from corona
- your hands frequently
- It is very important to wash your hands with
- place of isolation in which people exposed to infectious disease are placed.
- the most infected state of India with corona
- method effective in controlling covid 19
- hand sanitizers should have this to tackel coronavirus
- try not to touch your
- common symptoms of covid 19 are _,cough and breathing difficulties.
- helps to find covid-19 cases
- the name of the pandemic used with 19
- prevalent over a whole country or the world.
- name of a city in china
- an important measure taken by those who have COVID-19
- a cover on the nose and mouth
- an app developed by India for tracking Corona infection
- it declared covid 19 a global pandemic
17 Clues: your hands frequently • try not to touch your • name of a city in china • helps to find covid-19 cases • a cover on the nose and mouth • the name of the pandemic used with 19 • it declared covid 19 a global pandemic • method effective in controlling covid 19 • prevalent over a whole country or the world. • It is very important to wash your hands with • ...
- Kebijakan membuka kembali aktivitas ekonomi, sosial, dan kegiatan publik secara terbatas menggunakan standar kesehatan
- Tatanan normal baru di Jawa Barat dikenal dengan istilah ini
- Mengunci akses masuk dan keluar pada suatu wilayah/negara disertai sanksi yang tegas
- Menjauhkan orang-orang yang terinfeksi penyakit menular
- Sampel dari organisme yang diambil untuk mengetes ada tidaknya virus di dalamnya
- Orang yang terinfeksi Covid-19 tidak menunjukkan gejala tertentu
- Penyebaran penyakit tertentu yang terjadi secara global di banyak negara di dunia
- Kekebalan kelompok yang tercapai bila beberapa orang dalam komunitas tahan terhadap serangan virus
- Pasien Dalam Pengawasan
- Orang yang diketahui telah memiliki kontak dengan kasus Covid-19
- Negara dengan jumlah korban meninggal terbanyak akibat Covid-19
- Pembatasan sosial untuk meminimalkan kontak dengan orang lain
- Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar
- Istilah untuk mengkategorikan dari mana asal penyebaran virus
- Nama kota di China yang dipercaya asal mula munculnya Covid-19
- Kebijakan sebuah perusahaan/instansi yang meminta pekerjanya untuk bekerja dari rumah
- Pembatasan fisik dengan jarak minimal 1 meter
- Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh virus SARS-Cov-2
- Provinsi di Indonesia saat ini yang memiliki jumlah kasus positif terbanyak
- Metode pemeriksaan cepat untuk mendeteksi Covid-19
20 Clues: Pasien Dalam Pengawasan • Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar • Pembatasan fisik dengan jarak minimal 1 meter • Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh virus SARS-Cov-2 • Metode pemeriksaan cepat untuk mendeteksi Covid-19 • Menjauhkan orang-orang yang terinfeksi penyakit menular • Tatanan normal baru di Jawa Barat dikenal dengan istilah ini • ...
COVID-19 and the Brain 2024-02-04
- Marker of muscle degradation
- Neurological damage to the inner ear
- Similar condition to COVID-19 but differs pathologically
- Having affinity for neural cells
- Immune response causing many of the neurological conditions related to COVID-19
- Disease in humans is characterized by fever and severe cough
- condition resulting in the tingling in limbs
- Miscommunication between nerves and mucsles
- Mass influx of cytokines resulting in a mass amount of inflammation causing mass swelling
- Conditions that arise due to viral infections
- The disfunction of cranial nerves
- Protien involved in creating influx of inflammation
- Exportation of foreign bodies in a cell
- Muscle aches and pain
- Mechanism COVID-19 uses to bind to ACE2 receptors
- Condition that disrupts autonomic processes
- The first cranial nerve and what was hypothesized to be the cause of COVID-19 neurological conditions
- Process of a cell importing a forigen body into it's memebrane
- system consists of the nerves
- Proposed method of infection between neurons
- Virus that causes COVID-19
- Condition marked by the resurfacing of symptoms after a COVID-19 infection
- Binding site of COVID-19
- Selective semi-permeable membrane between the blood and the interstitium of the brain
- Pathogens of the respriatory system
- Relating to the system of sense of smell
- system consists of the brain and spinal cord
- Pro-inflammatory agent
28 Clues: Muscle aches and pain • Pro-inflammatory agent • Binding site of COVID-19 • Virus that causes COVID-19 • Marker of muscle degradation • system consists of the nerves • Having affinity for neural cells • The disfunction of cranial nerves • Pathogens of the respriatory system • Neurological damage to the inner ear • Exportation of foreign bodies in a cell • ...
Covid-19 2022-03-22
- We had to keep this from each other
- AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna etc
- the covid virus was a worldwide...
- what wore at the peak of Covid
- if you or someone around you has covid you go into...
- Sadly due to covid alot of events were....
- Online classes
- First city in Europe to go in lockdown, a big cause of covid in Europe
- Chinese social media platform
- plural of the Dutch word for people who believe Covid conspirasies
- abbrevation of a movement against discrimination
- Many people went to watch shows on...
- a different name for Covid-19
- city where it all started
14 Clues: Online classes • city where it all started • Chinese social media platform • a different name for Covid-19 • what wore at the peak of Covid • AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna etc • the covid virus was a worldwide... • We had to keep this from each other • Many people went to watch shows on... • Sadly due to covid alot of events were.... • ...
COVID-19 2022-07-19
- COVID-19 is transmitted via ______
- ________ disease is a chronic health condition that is impacted by COVID-19
- The family of viruses COVID-19 is part of, from the latin word for “crown”
- COVID can be passed by particles from coughing, sneezing, talking, and ________
- A key difference between COVID-19 and the flu is that COVID is more ________
- Common symptom of COVID-19
- Tool to prevent COVID transmission
- Common symptom of COVID-19
- Way of protecting yourself from COVID-19
- You can practice this to reduce COVID transmission
- Chronic health condition that is impacted by COVID-19
- While both can make people really sick, this virus causes serious illness in a larger number of people.
- The more COVID get passed around, the more mutations occur, AKA:
13 Clues: Common symptom of COVID-19 • Common symptom of COVID-19 • COVID-19 is transmitted via ______ • Tool to prevent COVID transmission • Way of protecting yourself from COVID-19 • You can practice this to reduce COVID transmission • Chronic health condition that is impacted by COVID-19 • The more COVID get passed around, the more mutations occur, AKA: • ...
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