criminal minds Crossword Puzzles

SYNONYMS 2021-02-26

SYNONYMS crossword puzzle
  1. amount
  2. combine
  3. criminal
  4. progression
  5. head
  6. government
  7. allow
  8. pressure
  9. sad
  1. increase
  2. balance
  3. sensitive
  4. comply
  5. ingredient
  6. obstruct
  7. consult
  8. enter
  9. stop

18 Clues: sadheadstopallowenteramountcomplybalancecombineconsultincreasecriminalobstructpressuresensitiveingredientgovernmentprogression

Fill in the translations 2013-05-29

Fill in the translations crossword puzzle
  1. virtuele wereld
  2. jeans
  3. leer
  4. overleven
  5. loon
  6. misdadiger
  7. eerlijk
  8. haai
  9. schuldig
  10. zijde
  1. herkennen
  2. rugzak
  3. vrijwilliger
  4. geheim
  5. oester
  6. goed doel
  7. aanval
  8. moedig
  9. opheffen
  10. wereldwijd

20 Clues: leerloonhaaijeanszijderugzakgeheimoesteraanvalmoedigeerlijkopheffenschuldigherkennenoverlevengoed doelmisdadigerwereldwijdvrijwilligervirtuele wereld

Chapter 7 Exam 2017-02-28

Chapter 7 Exam crossword puzzle
  1. punishment intended to make criminals pay compensation for their acts
  2. process of changing or reforming a criminal through socialization
  3. a person who breaks significant societal or group norms
  4. method of protecting society from criminals by keeping them in prisons
  5. involves behavior that overconforms to social expectations
  6. behavior that departs fro societal or group norms
  7. process of reducing the seriousness of the crimes that injure people of lower status
  8. an undesirable trait or label that is used to characterize an individual
  1. social condition in which norms are weak, conflicting, or absent,
  2. ways to encourage conformity to society's norms
  3. involves behavior that underconforms to accepted norms
  4. rewards or punishments that encourage conformity to social norms
  5. discouraging criminal acts by threatening punishment
  6. a repetition of or return to criminal behavior
  7. acts committed in violation of the law

15 Clues: acts committed in violation of the lawa repetition of or return to criminal behaviorways to encourage conformity to society's normsbehavior that departs fro societal or group normsdiscouraging criminal acts by threatening punishmentinvolves behavior that underconforms to accepted normsa person who breaks significant societal or group norms...

law 2021-11-05

law crossword puzzle
  1. classification for the most serious type of crimes
  2. classification for the least serious type of crime; may also be called petty offense
  3. criminal intent; one of the essential elements of a crime
  4. Latin phrase meaning “bad because prohibited”; crime classification
  5. Factor factor which supports a more serious charge and/or stiffer penalty
  6. harmful result; element of a crime
  1. simultaneous occurrence of criminal act and criminal intent; one of the essential elements of a crime
  2. illegal action or activity which is punishable by law
  3. Factor factor which favors the accused and makes a lesser charge and/or sentence likely
  4. classification for a crime of medium gravity; more serious than infractions, but less serious than felonies
  5. criminal act; one of the essential elements of a crime
  6. Latin phrase meaning “bad in itself”; crime classification

12 Clues: harmful result; element of a crimeclassification for the most serious type of crimesillegal action or activity which is punishable by lawcriminal act; one of the essential elements of a crimecriminal intent; one of the essential elements of a crimeLatin phrase meaning “bad in itself”; crime classification...

Unit 3: Crime Scenes- Legal Terms 2022-02-07

Unit 3: Crime Scenes- Legal Terms crossword puzzle
  1. a meeting and presentation of evidence to an official, especially a judge, without a jury
  2. the lawyer who leads the case against a criminal in court
  3. a public official who is a prosecutor for the state or federal government
  4. a synonym for lawyer
  5. to be found guilty in a criminal trial or case
  6. an amount of money paid that allows a suspect or convicted criminal to be released until imprisonment
  7. the formal charge or accusation of committing a crime
  1. police, officials, or other agents that enforce the law
  2. to be free from a criminal charge after a trial
  3. to confirm or line up with information received from another source
  4. a statement or oath someone makes used as evidence in a trial
  5. to provide evidence in a trial, whether by a witness or expert

12 Clues: a synonym for lawyerto be found guilty in a criminal trial or caseto be free from a criminal charge after a trialthe formal charge or accusation of committing a crimepolice, officials, or other agents that enforce the lawthe lawyer who leads the case against a criminal in courta statement or oath someone makes used as evidence in a trial...

Government Procedures 2023-09-24

Government Procedures crossword puzzle
  1. Divides the power of the state government between the federal and state government.
  2. Establishes the principle that the federal constitution and federal law is supreme to the states.
  3. Criminal offense carrying a sentence of a year or more.
  4. Number of Supreme Court Justices.
  5. % of votes needed in the House and Senate to override a presidential veto.
  6. Cases where an individual is charged with a specific crime.
  1. Criminal offense carrying a sentence of a year or less.
  2. 98 % of criminal cases are heard in this court.
  3. Works with juries as essential parts of our legal system.
  4. Check used by the Executive to limit the power of the Legislative Branch.
  5. Case concerning disputes between two parties and usually defined by the relationship between them.
  6. Court of limited jurisdiction involving federal law and the constitution.

12 Clues: Number of Supreme Court Justices.98 % of criminal cases are heard in this court.Criminal offense carrying a sentence of a year or less.Criminal offense carrying a sentence of a year or more.Works with juries as essential parts of our legal system.Cases where an individual is charged with a specific crime....

Criminal Law Crossword Puzzle 2020-03-27

Criminal Law Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The act of restoring something to its owner; the act of making good for loss or damage; repaying or refunding illegally obtained money or property
  2. What you are thinking
  3. Someone, who knowing a crime was committed, helps conceal the crime or the criminal
  4. The person who commits a crime
  5. An effort to commit a crime that goes beyond mere preparation but does not result in the commission of the crime
  6. The harmful overuse of chemicals, such as drugs or alcohol
  7. Imprisonment by the government
  8. Crimes that are committed before or in preparation of committing another crime
  9. Driving under the influence refers to a person's blood alcohol concentration
  1. A person who voluntarily helps another person commit a crime; usually is present or directly aids in the crime
  2. one who encourages, orders, or helps plan a crime
  3. Driving while intoxicated refers to a person's blood alcohol concentration
  4. The Latin term used by lawyers when they discuss the requirements for a guilty state of mind
  5. The act of requesting or strongly urging someone to do something
  6. In criminal law, an act that is more than mere preparation to do something; the first step of actually attempting the crime
  7. failing to perform an act required by criminal law
  8. An unwritten agreement to submit to forms of interrogation or searches in exchange for certain privileges, such as driving or flying
  9. A repeat criminal offender, convicted of a crime after having been previously convicted
  10. An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime along with a substantial act toward committing the crime

19 Clues: What you are thinkingThe person who commits a crimeImprisonment by the governmentone who encourages, orders, or helps plan a crimefailing to perform an act required by criminal lawThe harmful overuse of chemicals, such as drugs or alcoholThe act of requesting or strongly urging someone to do something...

The Armour of God 2014-07-04

The Armour of God crossword puzzle
  1. We win the _______ when we wear the Armour of God.
  2. This holds all the armour together and makes it work.
  3. With the Armour of God we can ______ strong and know we are protected from evil.
  4. The helmet of _________ protects our minds so we can make good decisions.
  5. Sandals of _______ help us ask for forgiveness and get along with others.
  1. The belt of ______.
  2. It is important to fill our minds with the words of this book.
  3. There is a constant battle between good and evil and we should be ready.
  4. With the sword of the ______ we have a special part of God at work in us.
  5. This piece of armour we hold and it protects us against temptations and doubt.
  6. This is invisible to others but each piece will protect us in a special way.

11 Clues: The belt of ______.We win the _______ when we wear the Armour of God.This holds all the armour together and makes it work.It is important to fill our minds with the words of this book.There is a constant battle between good and evil and we should be ready.With the sword of the ______ we have a special part of God at work in us....

Unit 3 vocabulary 2016-11-20

Unit 3 vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. schuldig
  2. overval
  3. vermijden
  4. onschuldig
  5. liever
  6. getuige
  7. straffen
  8. wet
  9. onbeleefd
  10. zaak
  1. kwaadaardig
  2. grijpen
  3. gevangenis
  4. crimineel
  5. beveiliging
  6. verward
  7. verspillen
  8. oplossen
  9. achterkant
  10. ontkennen

20 Clues: wetzaaklievergrijpenovervalverwardgetuigeschuldigoplossenstraffencrimineelvermijdenonbeleefdontkennengevangenisonschuldigverspillenachterkantkwaadaardigbeveiliging

Crossword Unit 8 2024-04-29

Crossword Unit 8 crossword puzzle
  1. Häftling
  2. Ziel
  3. Leiter
  4. gebundenes Buch
  5. Fortsetzung
  6. Kurzform
  7. kurz
  8. Anbruch
  9. Verleger
  10. Einbrecher
  11. kriminell
  1. Bücherwurm
  2. Taschenbuch
  3. Händler
  4. glaubwürdig
  5. Bericht
  6. Wunder
  7. Umschlag
  8. Diagramm
  9. Schriftart

20 Clues: ZielkurzLeiterWunderHändlerBerichtAnbruchHäftlingKurzformUmschlagDiagrammVerlegerkriminellBücherwurmSchriftartEinbrecherTaschenbuchglaubwürdigFortsetzunggebundenes Buch

english 2024-04-18

english crossword puzzle
  1. tense
  2. ably
  3. dire
  4. helpless
  5. demolition
  6. dear
  7. bothered
  8. newborn
  9. unsettled
  10. crush
  1. endure
  2. error
  3. base
  4. criminal
  5. brazen
  6. incensed
  7. apologize
  8. bitter
  9. tiring
  10. contrite

20 Clues: ablybasediredearerrortensecrushendurebrazenbittertiringnewborncriminalincensedhelplessbotheredcontriteapologizeunsettleddemolition

Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle 2013-04-10

Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. referendum: depending on jurisdiction, as citizens' veto
  2. case: Civil law, as opposed to criminal law
  3. concourse, conference
  4. characterized by an inequitable
  5. referendum: legislature refers a measure to the voters
  6. offense, transgression, violation
  7. veto: budget-line veto, item veto
  1. monoecious,consisting of a single legislative chamber
  2. back and forth
  3. litigant, prosecutor
  4. bound, chain, check
  5. assault, burglary, criminal offense
  6. session: meet in addition to those held regularly
  7. court: appeals court,court of appeal
  8. release, set free
  9. court: court of record, superior court
  10. litigant, offender, prisoner

17 Clues: back and forthrelease, set freebound, chain, checklitigant, prosecutorconcourse, conferencelitigant, offender, prisonercharacterized by an inequitableoffense, transgression, violationassault, burglary, criminal offenseveto: budget-line veto, item vetocourt: appeals court,court of appealcourt: court of record, superior court...

SciFi Shorts 2021-07-05

SciFi Shorts crossword puzzle
  1. Ti-Jean told his tale to ____
  2. Trixie's sacred vahanas
  3. Empty Gun
  4. HiGro PurCal SoyPro
  5. kink spring winders
  1. "Your daughter's coming home."
  2. Minor Superhero
  3. Girl-Thing lawyer's sushi
  4. golden-haired girl's family
  5. Buildings didn't have minds when she was built.

10 Clues: Empty GunMinor SuperheroHiGro PurCal SoyProkink spring windersTrixie's sacred vahanasGirl-Thing lawyer's sushigolden-haired girl's familyTi-Jean told his tale to ____"Your daughter's coming home."Buildings didn't have minds when she was built.

Law crossword 2021-10-21

Law crossword crossword puzzle
  1. organisation that makes/enforces laws
  2. deliberative assembly
  3. What you can and cannot do
  4. tribunal in civil and criminal cases
  5. non criminal lawsuit
  6. formal written request signed by many people
  7. written law passed a legislative body
  8. government by a dictator
  9. monarch shares power
  10. representing monarchy in sovereign state
  1. higher court to review lower court
  2. fundamental principles of a nation
  3. protesters getting together
  4. the high court first to hear
  5. people receive that which they deserve
  6. where minor cases go
  7. ruled by the people
  8. Rule
  9. single or collection of laws
  10. a person that exercises authority
  11. form of government with a king or queen
  12. apply to a higher court

22 Clues: Ruleruled by the peoplewhere minor cases gonon criminal lawsuitmonarch shares powerdeliberative assemblyapply to a higher courtgovernment by a dictatorWhat you can and cannot doprotesters getting togetherthe high court first to hearsingle or collection of lawsa person that exercises authorityhigher court to review lower court...

U.S. Government 2016-05-13

U.S. Government crossword puzzle
  1. period of time
  2. satisfaction of a claim
  3. case involves non criminal matter
  4. an adjustment of opposing principles
  5. distribute
  6. assign to a particular use
  7. coworker
  8. the authority of a court
  9. the person whom the complaint is against
  1. lawmaker who votes based on his or her conscience and judgement
  2. principle of fundamental policy
  3. formal charges against a public
  4. to balance the basic elements of the trustee
  5. suspend
  6. redistribute
  7. list of cases
  8. case a defendant is tried for committing a law
  9. the drawing of electoral district
  10. person who files suit
  11. lawmaker who owes his or her first allegience to his/her political party
  12. the two-year period of time

21 Clues: suspendcoworkerdistributeredistributelist of casesperiod of timeperson who files suitsatisfaction of a claimthe authority of a courtassign to a particular usethe two-year period of timeprinciple of fundamental policyformal charges against a publiccase involves non criminal matterthe drawing of electoral districtan adjustment of opposing principles...

Criminal vs Civil Law 2021-08-26

Criminal vs Civil Law crossword puzzle
  1. A crime including murder and manslaughter
  2. You can be found guilty of a civil crime - true or false?
  3. If the police have proof you committed a crime, you will be _______
  4. Civil law involves the resolution of these
  5. Completing unpaid work to benefit society, as a consequence of committing a crime
  6. Criminal law aims to _______ offenders
  7. A civil law in which someone’s reputation is damaged
  8. To be found responsible for a civil wrongdoing
  9. To be found responsible for a crime
  10. If you are wronged by another party, you may _____ them for damages
  1. Negligence is an example of this type of law
  2. The party who brings the case in a criminal court
  3. The person accused of a crime
  4. Type of law which protects society as a whole
  5. Financial compensation sought in a civil case
  6. The party who brings the case in a civil court
  7. Money paid as a punishment for committing a crime

17 Clues: The person accused of a crimeTo be found responsible for a crimeCriminal law aims to _______ offendersA crime including murder and manslaughterCivil law involves the resolution of theseNegligence is an example of this type of lawType of law which protects society as a wholeFinancial compensation sought in a civil case...

Criminal vs Civil Law 2021-08-26

Criminal vs Civil Law crossword puzzle
  1. A crime including murder and manslaughter
  2. A person can be found guilty of a civil crime - true or false?
  3. If the police have proof you committed a crime, you will be _______
  4. Civil law involves the resolution of these
  5. Completing unpaid work to benefit society, as a consequence of committing a crime
  6. Criminal law aims to _______ offenders
  7. A civil law in which someone’s reputation is damaged
  8. To be found responsible for a civil wrongdoing
  9. To be found responsible for a crime
  10. If you are wronged by another party, you may _____ them for damages
  1. Negligence is an example of this type of law
  2. The party who brings the case in a criminal court
  3. The person accused of a crime
  4. Type of law which protects society as a whole
  5. Financial compensation sought in a civil case
  6. The party who brings the case in a civil court
  7. Money paid as a punishment for committing a crime

17 Clues: The person accused of a crimeTo be found responsible for a crimeCriminal law aims to _______ offendersA crime including murder and manslaughterCivil law involves the resolution of theseNegligence is an example of this type of lawType of law which protects society as a wholeFinancial compensation sought in a civil case...

Criminal vs Civil Law 2021-08-26

Criminal vs Civil Law crossword puzzle
  1. Type of law which protects society as a whole
  2. If the police have proof you committed a crime, you will be _______
  3. To be found responsible for a civil wrongdoing
  4. The party who brings the case in a civil court
  5. If you are wronged by another party, you may _____ them for damages
  6. Civil law involves the resolution of these
  1. A civil law in which someone’s reputation is damaged
  2. A crime including murder and manslaughter
  3. Negligence is an example of this type of law
  4. ________ service involves completing unpaid work to benefit society, as a consequence of committing a crime
  5. To be found responsible for a crime
  6. Financial compensation sought in a civil case
  7. A person can be found guilty of a civil crime - true or false?
  8. The party who brings the case in a criminal court
  9. The person accused of a crime
  10. Criminal law consequences are designed to _______ offenders
  11. Money paid as a punishment for committing a crime

17 Clues: The person accused of a crimeTo be found responsible for a crimeA crime including murder and manslaughterCivil law involves the resolution of theseNegligence is an example of this type of lawFinancial compensation sought in a civil caseType of law which protects society as a wholeTo be found responsible for a civil wrongdoing...

English words 2020-11-19

English words crossword puzzle
  1. binda
  2. spritsa
  3. recept
  4. skämta
  5. dimma
  6. hagel
  7. skorsten
  8. stukning
  9. vuxen
  10. inlagd-sill
  11. uppmuntra
  1. livrädd
  2. hacka
  3. värkmedicin
  4. bit
  5. brottsling
  6. lugnt
  7. gårdsplan
  8. huvudvärk
  9. ursinnigt
  10. dimma

21 Clues: bitbindahackalugntdimmahageldimmavuxenreceptskämtalivräddspritsaskorstenstukninggårdsplanhuvudvärkursinnigtuppmuntrabrottslingvärkmedicininlagd-sill

Forensics and the law chapter 1 2023-08-18

Forensics and the law chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. type of noncriminal law
  2. case or ______ law
  3. secondhand testimony not admissible in criminal court
  4. originator of the rule that evidence is always exchanges in an encounter
  5. Pseudoscience
  6. Revision of the Frye standard
  7. "general acceptance" standard
  8. the study of projectiles, especially with regard to firearms
  9. a serious crime
  10. type of jury with more than twelve jurors
  1. type of law that excludes hearsay
  2. legislative acts prohibiting something
  3. law based on opinions and precedents
  4. evidence that proves something
  5. money to guarantee court appearance
  6. agency that investigates mail fraud
  7. the study of cause of death
  8. Federal agency dealing with drugs
  9. major U.S. law enforcement agency
  10. _____ contendere

20 Clues: Pseudosciencea serious crime_____ contenderecase or ______ lawtype of noncriminal lawthe study of cause of deathRevision of the Frye standard"general acceptance" standardevidence that proves somethingtype of law that excludes hearsayFederal agency dealing with drugsmajor U.S. law enforcement agencymoney to guarantee court appearance...

6B Vocab 2023-03-05

6B Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. to arrest
  2. alien
  3. role
  4. how is it?
  5. to rent
  6. victim
  7. scene
  8. action film
  9. to kill
  10. acting
  11. he/she/it will be
  12. detective
  13. main character
  14. special effects
  15. crime
  16. you have seen
  17. director
  18. not yet
  19. to be successful
  20. thief
  21. love
  1. movie star
  2. to be in love with
  3. to fall in love with
  4. to play the role of
  5. i have seen
  6. to recommend
  7. plot
  8. violence
  9. direction
  10. to be about
  11. to fascinate
  12. to be based on
  13. criminal
  14. leading man
  15. to capture
  16. critic
  17. failure
  18. to rob

39 Clues: roleplotlovealienscenecrimethiefvictimactingcriticto robto rentto killfailurenot yetviolencecriminaldirectorto arrestdirectiondetectivemovie starhow is it?to capturei have seenaction filmto be aboutleading manto recommendto fascinateyou have seento be based onmain characterspecial effectsto be successfulhe/she/it will beto be in love with...

Misrule of Law 2024-01-22

Misrule of Law crossword puzzle
  1. Person guilty of committing a crime.
  2. Exaggerated and humorous entertainment.
  3. Unique or exceptional.
  4. Legal document authorizing search or arrest.
  5. Concentration of power in a single ruler.
  6. Expression of opposition to authority.
  7. Place of confinement for convicted individuals.
  8. System of ruling and governing.
  9. Township in Myanmar known for its prison.
  1. Significant progress or advancements.
  2. Ineffective or unjust governance.
  3. Judicial officer in a lower court.
  4. Taking someone into custody.
  5. Means of mass communication.
  6. Legal process of trying a criminal.
  7. Legal representative in a court proceeding.
  8. Australian marsupial or a metaphor for an unfair court.
  9. Punishments given by a court.
  10. Informal and entertaining stories.
  11. Limits or restrictions.

20 Clues: Unique or exceptional.Limits or restrictions.Taking someone into custody.Means of mass communication.Punishments given by a court.System of ruling and governing.Ineffective or unjust governance.Judicial officer in a lower court.Informal and entertaining stories.Legal process of trying a criminal.Person guilty of committing a crime....

Chapter 1 defintions 2024-01-08

Chapter 1 defintions crossword puzzle
  1. a logical reasoning
  2. gathering specific facts
  3. changes focus from criminal to location
  4. evidence forwardable to the accused
  5. a sudden knowing without conscious
  6. An act of the legislative body
  7. refers to a persons degree of being sued
  8. to track
  9. specialists trained in recording
  10. myrid scientific process
  11. a serious crime
  12. less than a felony
  13. peferred method a criminal uses
  14. unrehearsed statements
  1. a basic forensic theory
  2. skilled in interacting across gender
  3. presenting evidence
  4. a act that is forebidden
  5. specific kind of crime
  6. deciding to keep open an investigation
  7. a legislative act
  8. bearing clues
  9. sift through mountains of available information
  10. where most crimes occur

24 Clues: to trackbearing cluesa serious crimea legislative actless than a felonypresenting evidencea logical reasoningspecific kind of crimeunrehearsed statementsa basic forensic theorywhere most crimes occurgathering specific factsa act that is forebiddenmyrid scientific processAn act of the legislative bodypeferred method a criminal uses...

Judicial Branch/Court Crossword 2024-03-21

Judicial Branch/Court Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. making the accusation
  2. nationwide case
  3. person being accused
  4. amt. of money to pay to not go to jail
  5. not guilty
  6. type of court
  7. amt. of time set to be spent in jail
  8. district court
  9. group of people that make a decision
  10. what the judge/jury decides
  11. finding out what happened
  1. listening to what a defendant has to say
  2. not innocent
  3. the three parts of government
  4. assumed innocent until proven guilty
  5. first step in a criminal case
  6. life, liberty pursuit of happiness
  7. a choice made
  8. A place where a case is held
  9. the event that happens that decides if you go to court

20 Clues: not guiltynot innocenta choice madetype of courtdistrict courtnationwide caseperson being accusedmaking the accusationfinding out what happenedwhat the judge/jury decidesA place where a case is heldthe three parts of governmentfirst step in a criminal caselife, liberty pursuit of happinessassumed innocent until proven guilty...

Criminal vs Civil Law 2021-08-26

Criminal vs Civil Law crossword puzzle
  1. ________ service involves completing unpaid work to benefit society, as a consequence of committing a crime
  2. Type of law which protects society as a whole
  3. The party who brings the case in a civil court
  4. If the police have proof you committed a crime, you will be _______
  5. Financial compensation sought in a civil case
  6. The party who brings the case in a criminal court
  7. Money paid as a punishment for committing a crime
  8. To be found responsible for a crime
  1. A crime including murder and manslaughter
  2. Criminal law consequences are designed to _______ offenders
  3. A person can be found guilty of a civil crime - true or false?
  4. A civil law in which someone’s reputation is damaged
  5. Negligence is an example of this type of law
  6. To be found responsible for a civil wrongdoing
  7. Civil law involves the resolution of these
  8. The person accused of a crime
  9. If you are wronged by another party, you may _____ them for damages

17 Clues: The person accused of a crimeTo be found responsible for a crimeA crime including murder and manslaughterCivil law involves the resolution of theseNegligence is an example of this type of lawType of law which protects society as a wholeFinancial compensation sought in a civil caseThe party who brings the case in a civil court...

Law 12 2022-02-22

Law 12 crossword puzzle
  1. criminal sentence set on paying back
  2. Must say yes to each
  3. rules between society and individual
  4. Charter that guaranteed basic rights
  5. Sets the standards
  6. the french civil code
  7. rules between individuals
  8. earliest sets of recorded law
  9. Compilation of Roman Law
  10. a system of values set by society
  1. Everyone is equal under the law
  2. two-level system of government
  3. Judicial Practice of guilty or innocent
  4. Criminal sentence focused on punishment
  5. created by Legislators
  6. system of enforced rules
  7. Judges rely on past experiences
  8. Judges rely onset of writing
  9. found in the old testament part of the bible
  10. legal system where nobles acted as judges
  11. proposed law to legislation

21 Clues: Sets the standardsMust say yes to eachthe french civil codecreated by Legislatorssystem of enforced rulesCompilation of Roman Lawrules between individualsproposed law to legislationJudges rely onset of writingearliest sets of recorded lawtwo-level system of governmentEveryone is equal under the lawJudges rely on past experiences...

Spanish 2023-03-01

Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. El asunto, el contenido
  2. El ________ está en la prisión
  3. Es un ______ sin víctimas
  4. La película _____ mucho _____. Muchas personas le gusta la película.
  5. Necesito algo para _____ las hormigas de mi casa.
  6. La _________ de Angelina Jolie fue muy bueno
  7. El detective _______ los criminales a la banco
  8. La _______ está herido porque ella está en el escenario del crimen
  9. Cuando sea grande quiero ser ________ del cine
  10. Asombrar, cautivar
  11. El policia, el investigador
  1. El guapo, estrella de cine
  2. La cruelidad, la rudeza
  3. Espero que el pelicula no está un _______
  4. El ______________ es verde y muy lindo
  5. Aprenhender, capturar
  6. El locutor, el comentarista
  7. Asaltar, afanar
  8. ¿Por qué no __________ una película?
  9. El bandito, el criminal

20 Clues: Asaltar, afanarAsombrar, cautivarAprenhender, capturarEl asunto, el contenidoLa cruelidad, la rudezaEl bandito, el criminalEs un ______ sin víctimasEl guapo, estrella de cineEl locutor, el comentaristaEl policia, el investigadorEl ________ está en la prisión¿Por qué no __________ una película?El ______________ es verde y muy lindo...

Spanish 2023-03-01

Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. El asunto, el contenido
  2. El ________ está en la prisión
  3. Es un ______ sin víctimas
  4. La película _____ mucho _____. Muchas personas le gusta la película.
  5. Necesito algo para _____ las hormigas de mi casa.
  6. La _________ de Angelina Jolie fue muy bueno
  7. El detective _______ los criminales a la banco
  8. La _______ está herido porque ella está en el escenario del crimen
  9. Cuando sea grande quiero ser ________ del cine
  10. Asombrar, cautivar
  11. El policia, el investigador
  1. El guapo, estrella de cine
  2. La cruelidad, la rudeza
  3. Espero que el pelicula no está un _______
  4. El ______________ es verde y muy lindo
  5. Aprenhender, capturar
  6. El locutor, el comentarista
  7. Asaltar, afanar
  8. ¿Por qué no __________ una película?
  9. El bandito, el criminal

20 Clues: Asaltar, afanarAsombrar, cautivarAprenhender, capturarEl asunto, el contenidoLa cruelidad, la rudezaEl bandito, el criminalEs un ______ sin víctimasEl guapo, estrella de cineEl locutor, el comentaristaEl policia, el investigadorEl ________ está en la prisión¿Por qué no __________ una película?El ______________ es verde y muy lindo...

Spanish 2023-03-01

Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. El asunto, el contenido
  2. El ________ está en la prisión
  3. Es un ______ sin víctimas
  4. La película _____ mucho _____. Muchas personas le gusta la película.
  5. Necesito algo para _____ las hormigas de mi casa.
  6. La _________ de Angelina Jolie fue muy bueno
  7. El detective _______ los criminales a la banco
  8. La _______ está herido porque ella está en el escenario del crimen
  9. Cuando sea grande quiero ser ________ del cine
  10. Asombrar, cautivar
  11. El policia, el investigador
  1. El guapo, estrella de cine
  2. La cruelidad, la rudeza
  3. Espero que el pelicula no está un _______
  4. El ______________ es verde y muy lindo
  5. Aprenhender, capturar
  6. El locutor, el comentarista
  7. Asaltar, afanar
  8. ¿Por qué no __________ una película?
  9. El bandito, el criminal

20 Clues: Asaltar, afanarAsombrar, cautivarAprenhender, capturarEl asunto, el contenidoLa cruelidad, la rudezaEl bandito, el criminalEs un ______ sin víctimasEl guapo, estrella de cineEl locutor, el comentaristaEl policia, el investigadorEl ________ está en la prisión¿Por qué no __________ una película?El ______________ es verde y muy lindo...

Spanish 2023-03-01

Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. El asunto, el contenido
  2. El ________ está en la prisión
  3. Es un ______ sin víctimas
  4. La película _____ mucho _____. Muchas personas le gusta la película.
  5. Necesito algo para _____ las hormigas de mi casa.
  6. La _________ de Angelina Jolie fue muy bueno
  7. El detective _______ los criminales a la banco
  8. La _______ está herido porque ella está en el escenario del crimen
  9. Cuando sea grande quiero ser ________ del cine
  10. Asombrar, cautivar
  11. El policia, el investigador
  1. El guapo, estrella de cine
  2. La cruelidad, la rudeza
  3. Espero que el pelicula no está un _______
  4. El ______________ es verde y muy lindo
  5. Aprenhender, capturar
  6. El locutor, el comentarista
  7. Asaltar, afanar
  8. ¿Por qué no __________ una película?
  9. El bandito, el criminal

20 Clues: Asaltar, afanarAsombrar, cautivarAprenhender, capturarEl asunto, el contenidoLa cruelidad, la rudezaEl bandito, el criminalEs un ______ sin víctimasEl guapo, estrella de cineEl locutor, el comentaristaEl policia, el investigadorEl ________ está en la prisión¿Por qué no __________ una película?El ______________ es verde y muy lindo...


GOV LSN CROSSWARD crossword puzzle
  1. When a defendant pleads guilty to a lesser crime
  2. The law of the land
  3. The number of amendments in the Constitution
  4. A person on the supreme court
  5. Amendment gives the right to not testify against yourself
  6. attorney who represents the government in a criminal case
  1. Person against whom a civil or criminal suit is brought in court
  2. Under Due process everyone is innocent until proven....
  3. The person who brings suit in court
  4. The current chief Justice
  5. All have the right to one and will be provided one if they can not afford it.
  6. The right to Due process gives all citizens of the US
  7. A formal charge of criminal action by a grand jury

13 Clues: The law of the landThe current chief JusticeA person on the supreme courtThe person who brings suit in courtThe number of amendments in the ConstitutionWhen a defendant pleads guilty to a lesser crimeA formal charge of criminal action by a grand juryThe right to Due process gives all citizens of the US...

ADJ-20 Chapter 1 2024-01-17

ADJ-20 Chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. prison inmates, probationers, parolees, offenders assigned to alternative sentencing programs, and those held in jails
  2. a charm for when the prosecutor does not file formal charges against a defendant or drops the charges against them.
  3. With the increase of the prison population so does the need for an increased workforce.
  4. Latin term meaning no contest. Meaning to not dispute criminal accusations.
  5. About 3.9 million people in the United states or on this form of punishment.
  6. a state or federal confinement facility that has custodial authority over adults sentenced to confinement
  1. A defendant who has been convicted has the ability to contest the conviction as a matter of right
  2. A law that was one solution to the “get-tough-on-crime laws” in the mid 1990s
  3. a minor violation of state statute or local ordinance usually punishable by a fine.
  4. an important source of information on crime for correctional professionals furnished by the FBI
  5. a serious criminal offense specifically one punishable by death or incarceration in a prison facility for more than a year.
  6. the process of achieving justice through the application of the criminal law and through the workings of the criminal justice system.
  7. the use of correctional facilities, particularly prisons, in the United states as determined by historical and cross cultural standards.
  8. a minor violation of criminal law such as petty theft or simple assault punishable by confinement for one year or less typically in a county jail.

14 Clues: Latin term meaning no contest. Meaning to not dispute criminal accusations.About 3.9 million people in the United states or on this form of punishment.A law that was one solution to the “get-tough-on-crime laws” in the mid 1990sa minor violation of state statute or local ordinance usually punishable by a fine....

Criminal Law Vocabulary 2024-01-25

Criminal Law Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A crime considered wrong because it is prohibited by law, but not necessarily a bad thing to do
  2. Actus Reus and Mens Rea are at the same time
  3. Body of the Crime
  4. The mental state of the person who committed the crime
  5. The Actus Reus caused the harm
  6. Not as serious as a felony
  7. refers to a way of thinking about a particular question or concept
  8. Least serious crime
  9. violates criminal law, can be prosecuted by public officials, and is punishable by criminal sanctions
  10. purposefully ignoring safety
  1. A crime considered morally wrong according to most/all of society
  2. The significant action taken
  3. The most severe classification of crime
  4. mitigating or aggravating factors
  5. done with no intent to ignore safety

15 Clues: Body of the CrimeLeast serious crimeNot as serious as a felonyThe significant action takenpurposefully ignoring safetyThe Actus Reus caused the harmmitigating or aggravating factorsdone with no intent to ignore safetyThe most severe classification of crimeActus Reus and Mens Rea are at the same time...

Jury Crossword, by Courtney Goeser 2012-02-16

Jury Crossword, by Courtney Goeser crossword puzzle
  1. in criminal cases, is the person accused of the crime. In civil matters,
  2. slang term for a hopelessly deadlocked jury in a criminal case, in
  3. its claim, defense (see below), or objection.
  4. planning, plotting or deliberating before doing something.
  5. consent means adoption of something with every voter's approval.
  6. entitled to.
  7. cause standard used in justifying certain police actions
  8. jury. S/he is the head juror.
  9. the judge.
  10. in serious bodily harm
  11. document ordering an individual to testify in court
  12. refers to the responsibility each party to a controversy bears in
  13. means to find a defendant in a criminal case not guilty
  14. the crime of making a knowingly false statement which bears on the
  15. by an impartial grand jury before being tried for a federal criminal offense
  1. of an official proceeding that is required to be testified to under oath.
  2. a paper issued by a court informing a person that a complaint has
  3. refers to a person being tried again for the same offense after
  4. questioning of a witness at a trial or hearing by the
  5. a decision on guilt or innocence cannot be made.
  6. the statement or declaration of a witness under oath or affirmation, usually in court.
  7. grants citizens the right to be
  8. laws prohibiting someone from discussing or advocating something.
  9. is the government's attorney in a criminal case who represents the
  10. is a formal accusation of a felony, issued by a grand jury based
  11. the crime of physically attacking another person which
  12. specific rights that any person who is taken into police custody
  13. a proposed charge, witnesses' testimony and other evidence
  14. is a jury member who acts as the chairman and spokesperson for
  15. acquitted.
  16. the decision of the jury on the factual issues submitted to them
  17. an offense for which a sentence to a term of imprisonment
  18. party who called the witness to testify
  19. filed against her
  20. excess of one year is authorized

35 Clues: acquitted.the judge.entitled to.filed against herin serious bodily harmjury. S/he is the head juror.grants citizens the right to beexcess of one year is authorizedparty who called the witness to testifyits claim, defense (see below), or objection.a decision on guilt or innocence cannot be made.document ordering an individual to testify in court...

CRIMES 2014-04-21

CRIMES crossword puzzle
  1. the act or an instance of trying or proving; test or experiment
  2. stealing-usuallysecretly ans without violence
  3. a person deprived of liberty and kept in prison
  4. adj (of a cough) harsh, dry, and spasmodic
  5. killing someone by accident through a areless
  6. unauthorized or prohibited by a code of official or accepted rules
  7. to cause inconvenience or discomfort to
  8. the judgment formally pronounced upon a person convicted in criminal proceedings
  9. the defendant or defendants appearing on a criminal charge
  1. an error or blunder in action, opinion, or judgment
  2. a place in which metal is worked by heating and hammering; smithy
  3. a penalty or sanction given for any crime or offence
  4. to set fire to a building illegally
  5. a person or thing that suffers harm, death, etc
  6. member of the legal profession, esp. a solicitor
  7. the fact or condition of being an accomplice, esp. in a criminal act
  8. a person who deliberately causes damage or destruction to personal or public property
  9. to bring illegal goods, like drugs into a contry
  10. ground for belief or disbelief; data
  11. to violently attack a person sexually

20 Clues: to set fire to a building illegallyground for belief or disbelief; datato violently attack a person sexuallyto cause inconvenience or discomfort toadj (of a cough) harsh, dry, and spasmodicstealing-usuallysecretly ans without violencekilling someone by accident through a arelessa person deprived of liberty and kept in prison...

Vocab Assignment 2021-09-27

Vocab Assignment crossword puzzle
  1. Tired, blurry, dull, or dimmed
  2. Severe or hard
  3. Back of neck
  4. Rarely
  5. Abundantly productive
  6. Praise highly
  7. Formal speech
  8. Having or expressing little to no emotion
  1. Double over
  2. Generous or more than needed in size, scope, or capacity
  3. One that lives on the labor of others
  4. Small outer room that leads to another
  5. Intense and almost uncontrollable anger
  6. To take in surroundings
  7. commanding position in peoples minds

15 Clues: RarelyDouble overBack of neckPraise highlyFormal speechSevere or hardAbundantly productiveTo take in surroundingsTired, blurry, dull, or dimmedcommanding position in peoples mindsOne that lives on the labor of othersSmall outer room that leads to anotherIntense and almost uncontrollable angerHaving or expressing little to no emotion...

Justing Galicia 2023-11-07

Justing Galicia crossword puzzle
  1. scientific study of human minds
  2. to send
  3. to bring
  4. a long distance race
  5. a school subject that has to do with numbers
  6. study of physical earth features
  7. Place to watch movies and plays
  1. study of living organisms
  2. plan a direct route
  3. space science
  4. make something visible or bright
  5. to make something
  6. teach about a subject
  7. take from one place to another
  8. system of transmitting voices

15 Clues: to sendto bringspace scienceto make somethingplan a direct routea long distance raceteach about a subjectstudy of living organismssystem of transmitting voicestake from one place to anotherscientific study of human mindsPlace to watch movies and playsmake something visible or brightstudy of physical earth features...

Wings of Fire Characters 2022-11-29

Wings of Fire Characters crossword puzzle
  1. The Skywing that no one can touch
  2. a moody leafwing
  3. A exitable sandwing/nightwing
  4. The bigwings of the dragonets of destony
  5. The Nightwing that can read minds
  6. the evil dragon that icewings hate
  7. the blind nightwing :(
  8. a clever sandwing
  1. a rainwing with energy to spare
  2. a moody icewing
  3. the hivewing dragonet
  4. The former Rainwing queen
  5. a hivewing bookworm
  6. a sweet leafwing
  7. a calm silkwing
  8. The Seawing that doesn't like Morrowseer

16 Clues: a moody icewinga calm silkwinga moody leafwinga sweet leafwinga clever sandwinga hivewing bookwormthe hivewing dragonetthe blind nightwing :(The former Rainwing queenA exitable sandwing/nightwinga rainwing with energy to spareThe Skywing that no one can touchThe Nightwing that can read mindsthe evil dragon that icewings hate...

Sources of Law 2017-03-07

Sources of Law crossword puzzle
  1. The party who defends action in a criminal case
  2. A person is presumed to be ........... until proven ...............
  3. Takes action on behalf of the state
  4. Governs relationship between individuals and the State
  5. Purpose of civil law is to ........ the plaintiff for loss caused by defendant’s breach
  6. Purpose of criminal law is to ............ an accused for a wrongdoing/ criminal act
  7. A person is presumed to be ............. until proven ...............
  1. If the plaintiff is successful, the defendant will be found ...........
  2. "Law is a ......... by a superior being to an inferior being" - John Austin
  3. Also known as monetary compensation
  4. An equitable remedy
  5. Also known as civil law
  6. The party who takes action
  7. Known as the Rule of ............ to address the shortcomings of the common law system

14 Clues: An equitable remedyAlso known as civil lawThe party who takes actionAlso known as monetary compensationTakes action on behalf of the stateThe party who defends action in a criminal caseGoverns relationship between individuals and the StateA person is presumed to be ........... until proven ..................

Gaming (a) Basic 25 2020-06-12

Gaming (a) Basic 25 crossword puzzle
  1. dvärg
  2. sort
  3. imperium
  4. välja
  5. utomjording, rymdvarelse
  6. träna
  7. huvudsaklig, störst
  8. inkludera
  9. grav
  10. skydda
  1. framtid
  2. tävla
  3. motståndare
  4. motor
  5. trollkarl
  6. förbrytare, brottsling
  7. antagligen
  8. häxa
  9. nöjesfält

19 Clues: sorthäxagravdvärgtävlaväljamotortränaskyddaframtidimperiumtrollkarlnöjesfältinkluderaantagligenmotståndarehuvudsaklig, störstförbrytare, brottslingutomjording, rymdvarelse

Liljapersiljas crossword 2022-11-15

Liljapersiljas crossword crossword puzzle
  1. hacka
  2. flu influensa
  3. skynda
  4. spritsa
  5. livrädd
  6. gurka
  7. värkmedicin
  8. gangster
  9. ignorera
  10. ananas
  1. klaga
  2. vandra
  3. hålla med
  4. choklad
  5. salladsblad
  6. konstig
  7. brottsling
  8. koka
  9. vinna

19 Clues: kokahackaklagagurkavinnavandraskyndaananaschokladspritsakonstiglivräddgangsterignorerahålla medbrottslingsalladsbladvärkmedicinflu influensa

Speltoets 2 2023-07-24

Speltoets 2 crossword puzzle
  1. corner
  2. clue
  3. criminal
  4. right
  5. question
  6. lie
  7. admit
  8. deny
  9. left
  10. crime
  1. investigate
  2. exit
  3. secret
  4. entrance
  5. evidence
  6. straight ahead
  7. recognise
  8. thief
  9. getaway

19 Clues: lieexitcluedenyleftrightthiefadmitcrimesecretcornergetawaycriminalentranceevidencequestionrecogniseinvestigatestraight ahead

New Insights 5 text 3 talking crossword 2023-12-07

New Insights 5 text 3 talking crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 1
  2. 4
  3. 10
  4. 12
  5. 14
  6. 16
  7. 17
  8. 18
  9. 19
  10. 20
  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 5
  4. 6
  5. 7
  6. 8
  7. 15
  8. 11
  9. 13
  10. 17

20 Clues: 12345678151011121314171617181920

6B Vocab Crossword 2024-04-05

6B Vocab Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. adorar
  2. terminar
  3. representar
  4. ubicación
  5. atacar
  6. culpable
  7. brutalidad
  8. historia
  9. herido
  10. corazón
  11. comentador
  12. deslumbrado
  1. golpear
  2. asesinato
  3. buscador
  4. sugerir
  5. perdedor
  6. gestión
  7. robar
  8. explosión

20 Clues: robaradoraratacarheridogolpearsugerirgestióncorazónbuscadorterminarperdedorculpablehistoriaasesinatoubicaciónexplosiónbrutalidadcomentadorrepresentardeslumbrado

Vocabulary pg72 2024-04-17

Vocabulary pg72 crossword puzzle
  1. somebody that investigate a crime.
  2. Someone that commits a crime.
  3. trace that you leave
  4. The act when yoy steal something
  5. to look into
  6. someone that protect a place
  7. When you take asomething that isn 't yours.
  1. someone who arrests
  2. when the crime is finished.
  3. where the criminals live
  4. anything that murderers use to kill
  5. take the criminal.
  6. the act when someone kill a person.
  7. also found in these entries
  8. the proof of a case
  9. revise the proof
  10. go after someone.
  11. the taking of a person into legal custody

18 Clues: to look intorevise the proofgo after someone.take the criminal.someone who arreststhe proof of a casetrace that you leavewhere the criminals livewhen the crime is finished.also found in these entriessomeone that protect a placeSomeone that commits a crime.The act when yoy steal somethingsomebody that investigate a crime....

Criminal and Civil Law 2014-03-09

Criminal and Civil Law crossword puzzle
  1. The type of law that deals with disputes that affect the community
  2. The type of law that deals with private citizens
  3. Injuring another person's reputation
  4. The type of compensation that one would seek to receive for damages in court
  5. The age of reason
  6. The type of criminal offence that is considered serious crimes
  1. The type of law that deals with non criminal matters
  2. The type of criminal offence that is considered less serious
  3. Whereby a person fails to take reasonable care of another person
  4. The type of law that deals with behaviour that is considered unacceptable to the state

10 Clues: The age of reasonInjuring another person's reputationThe type of law that deals with private citizensThe type of law that deals with non criminal mattersThe type of criminal offence that is considered less seriousThe type of criminal offence that is considered serious crimesWhereby a person fails to take reasonable care of another person...

Criminal Justice System and the Courts 2022-03-29

Criminal Justice System and the Courts crossword puzzle
  1. The Supreme Court's authority to decide what is constitutional, as decided in Marbury v. Madison
  2. A willful, unlawful act
  3. Means by which judges in Arizona are placed in office
  4. Type of case that deals with an individual's private rights
  5. Number of Supreme Court Justices
  6. Dictates the methods and the means by which the state proceeds, through police, public administrators, and the courts, to enforce rights or duties of the substantive law
  7. There are 15 of these in Arizona
  8. Court that hears cases of city ordinance violations
  9. Justice of the Peace does not have to be a licensed one of these
  10. Two court systems in the United States
  11. Law created through state and federal legislature
  12. This court has jurisdiction over all felony cases committed in Maricopa County
  1. Means by which federal judges are placed in office
  2. This court is the highest court in the federal system
  3. Court that hears and decides cases in three judge panels; has jurisdiction in all matters properly appealed from superior court; and reviews all decisions properly appealed to it
  4. A civil violation
  5. Document that created the judicial branch
  6. Court system that deals with state laws
  7. Type of case when someone is accused of committing a crime
  8. Court system that deals with United States laws
  9. A guilty mind, or intent
  10. The principle that no one can be punished for an act that was not defined as criminal before the person did the act
  11. What an appellate court hears from a lower court
  12. Defines what constitutes criminal conduct subject to prosecution by the state and set forth the punishment for such criminal acts

24 Clues: A civil violationA willful, unlawful actA guilty mind, or intentNumber of Supreme Court JusticesThere are 15 of these in ArizonaTwo court systems in the United StatesCourt system that deals with state lawsDocument that created the judicial branchCourt system that deals with United States lawsWhat an appellate court hears from a lower court...

Chapter 7 2024-01-05

Chapter 7 crossword puzzle
  1. punishment intended to make criminals pay compensation for their acts
  2. ways to encourage conformity to society's norms
  3. the process of reducing the seriousness of the crimes that injure people of lower status
  4. a system comprising institutions and processes responsible for enforcing criminal statutes
  5. rewards or punishments that encourage conformity to social norms
  6. the theory that individuals learn deviance in proportion to the number of deviant acts and norms to which they are exposed
  7. the theory that society creates deviance by identifying particular members as deviant
  8. the theory that deviance is more likely to occur when a gap exists between cultural goals and the ability to achieve them
  9. behavior that overconforms to social expectations
  10. deviance that becomes a lifestyle and part of an individual's identity
  11. a person who breaks significant societal or group norms
  12. an undesirable label used to deny a deviant acceptance
  13. the theory that compliance with social norms requires strong bonds between individuals and society
  14. a repetition of, or return to, criminal behavior
  1. a method of protecting society from criminals by keeping them in prison
  2. discouraging criminal acts by threatening punishment
  3. behavior that departs from societal or group norms
  4. behavior that underconforms to accepted norms
  5. job-related crimes committed by high-status people
  6. a social condition in which norms are weak, conflicting, or absent
  7. only occasional breaking of norms
  8. punishment intended to make criminals pay monetary compensation to make up for the financial damage caused by their acts
  9. the process of changing or reforming a criminal through socialization
  10. an act committed in violation of the law

24 Clues: only occasional breaking of normsan act committed in violation of the lawbehavior that underconforms to accepted normsways to encourage conformity to society's normsa repetition of, or return to, criminal behaviorbehavior that overconforms to social expectationsbehavior that departs from societal or group norms...

Unit 3 Business Law 2017-03-31

Unit 3 Business Law crossword puzzle
  1. treatment for disease or injury
  2. Case substantive criminal law defines crime
  3. buy the person out of custody
  4. make a deal with someone
  5. formal charge or accusation of serious crime
  6. Case legal dispute between two or more parties
  7. hearing hearing where a judicial ruling is made
  8. use of arbitrator to settle a dispute
  9. someone accused or sued in court
  10. Hearing judge in a criminal case determines punishment for quilty party if convicted in hearing or court
  11. Statements first occasion that trier of fact (judge) has to hear from a lawyer in a trial
  1. Hearing hearing at which court determines wether to detain defendant without bail
  2. written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation, for evidence
  3. formal finding of fact made by a jury
  4. written or spoken discourse expressing considered thoughts on a subject
  5. person who brings a case against another in court of law
  6. take someone into custody
  7. dispute resolution methods such as meditation to resolve a dispute instead of litigation
  8. stopping someone from being angry
  9. Hearing meeting before trial action begins
  10. action of arraigning someone in court
  11. Evidence real or proved true evidence

22 Clues: make a deal with someonetake someone into custodybuy the person out of custodytreatment for disease or injurysomeone accused or sued in courtstopping someone from being angryformal finding of fact made by a juryaction of arraigning someone in courtuse of arbitrator to settle a disputeEvidence real or proved true evidence...

Detective stories 2024-01-13

Detective stories crossword puzzle
  1. the place where policemen work
  2. a doctor in charge of inspecting dead bodies
  3. a person who has committed a crime
  4. marks left by the fingers
  5. a violent stroke with a hand, a fist or a weapon
  6. the bone inside the head
  7. a person who is likely to have committed a crime
  8. an excuse for not being present when a crime is committed
  9. elements in a case proving what happened
  10. a detail in a case which helps discover the truth
  11. the place where a murder or a crime is committed
  12. to take something from someone illegally
  1. the body of a dead person
  2. of a crime which has been planned in advance
  3. the process of discovering the truth in a case
  4. an arm such as a gun or a knife used to commit a murder
  5. to solve or to enquire in a criminal case
  6. a person who has killed someone
  7. a person who has seen or heard something during a crime
  8. a person who helps a criminal
  9. a purpose or a reason for committing a crime
  10. a policeman in charge of solving crimes or murders

22 Clues: the bone inside the headthe body of a dead personmarks left by the fingersa person who helps a criminalthe place where policemen worka person who has killed someonea person who has committed a crimeelements in a case proving what happenedto take something from someone illegallyto solve or to enquire in a criminal case...

DEMOCRACY 2014-07-28

DEMOCRACY crossword puzzle
  1. right
  2. elections
  3. justice
  4. puppet
  5. to offer
  6. Senate
  7. bribe
  8. source
  9. parliament
  10. citizenship
  11. to represent
  1. Congress
  2. benevolent
  3. Constitution
  4. responsibility
  5. representative
  6. voting
  7. criminal
  8. balance

19 Clues: rightbribepuppetSenatesourcevotingjusticebalanceCongressto offercriminalelectionsbenevolentparliamentcitizenshipConstitutionto representresponsibilityrepresentative

Caleb's Crazy Crime Crossword 2016-11-17

Caleb's Crazy Crime Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance
  2. the offense of willfully telling an untruth in a court after having taken an oath or affirmation
  3. theft of personal property
  4. the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another
  5. the re-integration into society of a convicted person
  6. the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property
  7. theft or misappropriation of funds placed in one's trust or belonging
  8. a physical attack
  9. the action of robbing a person or place
  1. a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice, typically one involving violence
  2. the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another
  3. crime conducted via the Internet or some other computer network
  4. action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property
  5. recompense for injury or loss
  6. the effect of a sentence in positively preventing future offending
  7. the use of punishment as a threat to deter people from offending
  8. the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats
  9. a criminal offense involving the unlawful physical acting upon a threat
  10. entry into a building illegally with intent to commit a crime
  11. wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain

20 Clues: a physical attacktheft of personal propertyrecompense for injury or lossthe action of robbing a person or placepunishment inflicted on someone as vengeancethe re-integration into society of a convicted personthe criminal act of deliberately setting fire to propertythe deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another...

Crimes 2014-04-20

Crimes crossword puzzle
  1. to bring illegal goods, like drugs into a contry
  2. the judgment formally pronounced upon a person convicted in criminal proceedings
  3. killing someone by accident through a areless
  4. a place in which metal is worked by heating and hammering; smithy
  5. member of the legal profession, esp. a solicitor
  6. a person or thing that suffers harm, death, etc
  7. ground for belief or disbelief; data
  8. stealing-usuallysecretly ans without violence
  9. the defendant or defendants appearing on a criminal charge
  10. to violently attack a person sexually
  1. unauthorized or prohibited by a code of official or accepted rules
  2. adj (of a cough) harsh, dry, and spasmodic
  3. to set fire to a building illegally
  4. a penalty or sanction given for any crime or offence
  5. the fact or condition of being an accomplice, esp. in a criminal act
  6. a person who deliberately causes damage or destruction to personal or public property
  7. a person deprived of liberty and kept in prison
  8. to cause inconvenience or discomfort to
  9. an error or blunder in action, opinion, or judgment
  10. the act or an instance of trying or proving; test or experiment

20 Clues: to set fire to a building illegallyground for belief or disbelief; datato violently attack a person sexuallyto cause inconvenience or discomfort toadj (of a cough) harsh, dry, and spasmodickilling someone by accident through a arelessstealing-usuallysecretly ans without violencea person deprived of liberty and kept in prison...

#3 CJ 1300 2015-01-13

#3 CJ 1300 crossword puzzle
  1. Severity of punishment should take into account the offender's prior criminal behavior
  2. Those that are required by law under certain circumstances
  3. Implements principles of proportionality, equity, social debt, and truth in sentencing
  4. The penalty a court imposes on a person convicted of a crime
  5. The imposition of sentences required by statute for particular crimes
  6. Making the offender a productive member of society
  7. Payment of a debt; payback
  8. The discouragement of crime through fear of punishment
  9. The imposition of a criminal sanction by a judge
  10. Specific amount of time without variation
  1. The changing of one's lifestyle through therapy
  2. Deduction of days from a sentence for good behavior
  3. Severity of punishment should match the seriousness of the crime
  4. Served one after the other
  5. The use of imprisonment to reduce future offenses
  6. Prepared by the probation department which provides personal and criminal history
  7. A sentence of a fixed term of incarceration
  8. Judge specifies a max and min time length and an administrative boards determines the actual time of release
  9. Served together
  10. Punishment as vengeance

20 Clues: Served togetherPunishment as vengeanceServed one after the otherPayment of a debt; paybackSpecific amount of time without variationA sentence of a fixed term of incarcerationThe changing of one's lifestyle through therapyThe imposition of a criminal sanction by a judgeThe use of imprisonment to reduce future offenses...

Civics Crossword 2023-02-15

Civics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. ms.salerno's fav food
  2. jury's decision
  3. branch that interprets the law
  4. jurisdiction when they hear cases for the first time
  5. when judges rely on opinions from previous cases
  6. number of appeals courts nationwide
  7. law that deals w/ ppl who breaks the law
  8. when supreme court can say a law or action is unconstitutional
  9. to request a review of a case
  10. right to remain silent, right to lawyer
  11. number of supreme court justices
  12. law that deals with disagreements between people
  13. when someone serves for life
  1. courts authority to hear and decide cases
  2. court that reviews cases for fairness
  3. who is ms.salerno's favorite person? her...
  4. law that deals with the constitution
  5. this is what they call a judge in supreme court
  6. highest court
  7. minor crime
  8. step in criminal cases where criminal pleads guilty or not guilty
  9. serious crime
  10. laws for people in the armed forces
  11. appeals court has a panel of ______ judges
  12. ms.salerno's future last name
  13. laws/rules the executive branch makes
  14. ms.salerno's fav movie
  15. law that deals with accidents or crime at sea
  16. destroying property

29 Clues: minor crimehighest courtserious crimejury's decisiondestroying propertyms.salerno's fav foodms.salerno's fav moviewhen someone serves for lifems.salerno's future last nameto request a review of a casebranch that interprets the lawnumber of supreme court justiceslaws for people in the armed forcesnumber of appeals courts nationwide...

John Calvin, Response to Sadoleto, 1539 2020-11-03

John Calvin, Response to Sadoleto, 1539 crossword puzzle
  1. Calvin accuses Sadoleto of “bear[ing] down full _____”
  2. The reformation brought along a “different form of doctrine”, restoring Christianity to its original ________.
  3. What does Calvin consider the “first and keenest” subject of controversy between Sadoleto and himself?
  4. What is “gratuitous righteousness” connected with?
  5. What does Calvin call the "doctrines sprung from the human brain"?
  6. Christian teachers preached of God’s mercy, but only to those who were what?
  1. How does Calvin describe the Catholic model? "the ancient form of the Church... by illiterate men"
  2. Where the knowledge of justification is taken away, what becomes of the hope of salvation?
  3. How does Calvin describe Sadoleto’s attack on reformers? “I… profess to be one of those whom with so much enmity you… ”
  4. Calvin points out a discrepancy, explaining the “highest knowledge benefitting plebeian minds was to subdue [them] into…”
  5. According to Calvin, how does Sadoleto "stir up prejudice" against reformers?
  6. Sadoleto assumes the most certain rule of worship is prescribed by the _____
  7. Whatever human minds conceive concerning worship is considered _________.
  8. The true meaning of baptism and the Supper were “corrupted” by what?

14 Clues: What is “gratuitous righteousness” connected with?Calvin accuses Sadoleto of “bear[ing] down full _____”What does Calvin call the "doctrines sprung from the human brain"?The true meaning of baptism and the Supper were “corrupted” by what?Whatever human minds conceive concerning worship is considered _________....

Ch 1-3 Puzzle 2021-01-10

Ch 1-3 Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. _________ Law are laws that developed through court decisions rather than statutes; judge-made law.
  2. A written body of rules of conduct applicable to all members of a defined community, society, or culture that emanate from a governing authority
  3. The union of intent and act in criminal law.
  4. Unlawful entry accompanied by the present intent to commit another crime once inside
  5. A substitute for an indictment, filed directly with the court by the prosecutor, thus bypassing the grand jury.
  6. One of the two key roles of the criminal courts; to process defendants who have been arrested by the police and formally charged with criminal offenses.
  7. The cause, or reason why an act is committed
  8. Is a killing that occurs (1) purposefully, (2) knowingly, or (3) recklessly under circumstances exhibiting extreme indifference to human life.
  1. A broad, all-inclusive term for any killing of another human being.
  2. The first known written legal code. Dating back to 2076 BC. Code of ______________
  3. Occurs when a jury votes unanimously that the defendant has not been proven guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt,” which is the burden of proof in a criminal case.
  4. The legal principle that the criminal act is the act that is the cause of the harm.
  5. A document that creates a government.
  6. A document formally charging the defendant with a crime handed down by a grand jury after hearing the evidence presented by the prosecutor
  7. When the defendant asserts he or she is not the person who committed the act charged
  8. Decisions of another court or judge that the judge trying a case will rely on as justification in forming his or her decision.

16 Clues: A document that creates a government.The union of intent and act in criminal law.The cause, or reason why an act is committedA broad, all-inclusive term for any killing of another human being.The first known written legal code. Dating back to 2076 BC. Code of ______________...

text 4 2020-11-20

text 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Police _ _ _ _ _ed my home and found drugs
  2. Dealing drugs is
  3. synonym for careful
  4. Same thing as taking away
  5. Get out of prison
  6. Usually expensive clothing
  1. A person who uses crack
  2. Criminal in prison
  3. Place where criminals are judged
  4. Synonym for ticket
  5. Synonym of almost
  6. shot Taking a photo of a criminal

12 Clues: Dealing drugs isSynonym of almostGet out of prisonCriminal in prisonSynonym for ticketsynonym for carefulA person who uses crackSame thing as taking awayUsually expensive clothingPlace where criminals are judgedshot Taking a photo of a criminalPolice _ _ _ _ _ed my home and found drugs

Chapter 7 Vocab sociology- Cale Rice (Have answer key to check answer) 2023-01-13

Chapter 7 Vocab sociology- Cale Rice (Have answer key to check answer) crossword puzzle
  1. The theory that deviance is more likely to occur when a gap exists between cultural goals and the ability to achieve them.
  2. The theory that individuals learn deviance in proportion to the number of deviant acts and norms to which they are exposed
  3. Ways to encourage conformity to society’s norms
  4. Discouraging Criminal acts by threatening punishment
  5. Punishment intended to make criminals pay monetary compensation to make up for the financial damage caused by their acts
  6. Deviance that becomes a lifestyle and part of an individual’s identity
  7. A person who breaks significan societal of group norms
  8. A method of protecting society from criminals by keeping them in prison
  9. Behavior that overconfomrs to social expectations
  10. A social condition in which norms are weak, conflicting, or absent
  11. Only occasional breaking of norms
  12. A repetition of, or return to, criminal behavior
  1. Punishment intended to make criminals pay compensation for their acts
  2. Rewards or punishments that encourage conformity to social norms
  3. An undesirable label used to deny a deviant acceptance
  4. The process of changing or reforming a criminal through socialization
  5. A system comprising institutions and processes responsible for enforcing criminal statuses
  6. Job related crimes committed by high status people
  7. The theory that society creates deviance by indetifyinh particular members as deviant
  8. The process of reducing the seriousness of the crimes that injure people of lower statuses
  9. The theory that compliance with social norms required strong bonds between Individuals and society
  10. an act committed in violation of the law
  11. Behavior that underconforms to accepted norms
  12. behavior that departs from societal group norms

24 Clues: Only occasional breaking of normsan act committed in violation of the lawBehavior that underconforms to accepted normsWays to encourage conformity to society’s normsbehavior that departs from societal group normsA repetition of, or return to, criminal behaviorBehavior that overconfomrs to social expectations...

12 Angry Men 2012-10-09

12 Angry Men crossword puzzle
  1. The obligation to prove allegations in the court of law.
  2. An authoritative command by which someone is summoned.
  3. Murder Weapon
  4. Reasonable ground of a belief, in a criminal case, by which the accused is actually guilty.
  5. No person be required to testify against himself or herself in a criminal case and that no person be tried twice for something they have been duly tried for before.
  6. Court order banning anyone that is trying to report on the case or that would publicly disclose anything on the condition of the case.
  7. It is the verdict in the court of law of not guilty.
  8. A person who is instigating prosecution in a criminal proceeding.
  9. The rights read to someone when they are being taken into custody of law.
  10. The complete agreement of a group
  1. An offense, of graver character than those of instances such as misdemeanors.
  2. In law, it’s the interrogation of the opponent’s witness.
  3. Usual write for summoning the witnesses or the submission of evidence.
  4. The official decisions brought upon from the jury to the questions the judge asked in the court of law
  5. The act of knowingly stating falsehood under oath.
  6. A jury that cannot reach a verdict even after an extended period of time caused by a group of different opinions.
  7. A formal accusation initiating a criminal case.
  8. If someone tries to knowingly cause physical harm to another person.
  9. The prosecution of the defense for which he or she has already been prosecuted for.
  10. The member of the jury that is picked to represent and speak for the jury.
  11. Any party who is required to answer to the complaint of the plaintiff in the court of law.

21 Clues: Murder WeaponThe complete agreement of a groupA formal accusation initiating a criminal case.The act of knowingly stating falsehood under oath.It is the verdict in the court of law of not guilty.An authoritative command by which someone is summoned.The obligation to prove allegations in the court of law....

Chapter 7 Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle 2016-03-09

Chapter 7 Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The theory that compliance with social norms requires strong bonds between individuals and society.
  2. Ways to encourage conformity to society's norms.
  3. Punishment intended to make criminals pay compensation for their acts.
  4. Job related crimes committed by high status people.
  5. An act committed in violation of the law.
  6. Behavior that overconforms to social expectations.
  7. The theory that individuals learn deviance in proportion to the number of deviant acts and norms to which they are exposed.
  8. A social condition which norms are weak, conflicting, or absent.
  9. Punishment intended to make criminals pay monetary compensation to make up for the financial damage caused by their acts.
  10. The theory that society creates deviance by identifying particular members as deviant.
  11. Rewards or punishments that encourage conformity to social norms.
  12. The theory that deviance is more likely to occur when a gap exists between cultural goals and the ability to achieve them.
  13. Deviance that becomes a lifestyle and part of an individual's identity.
  14. Only occasional breaking of norms.
  1. The process of changing or reforming a criminal through socialization.
  2. A method of protecting society from criminals by keeping them in prison.
  3. The process of reducing the seriousness of the crimes that. Injure people of lower status.
  4. Behavior that underconforms to accepted norms.
  5. A system comprising institutions and processes responsible for enforcing criminal statuses.
  6. A person who breaks significant societal or group norms.
  7. Behavior that departs from societal or group norms.
  8. A undesirable label used to deny a deviant acceptance.
  9. A repetition of, or return to, criminal behavior.
  10. Discouraging criminal acts by threatening punishment.

24 Clues: Only occasional breaking of norms.An act committed in violation of the law.Behavior that underconforms to accepted norms.Ways to encourage conformity to society's norms.A repetition of, or return to, criminal behavior.Behavior that overconforms to social expectations.Job related crimes committed by high status people....

Chapter 7 2022-01-03

Chapter 7 crossword puzzle
  1. ways to encourage conformity to society's norms
  2. theory that individuals learn deviance in proportion to the number of deviant act and norms in which they are exposed
  3. behavior that over conforms to social expectations
  4. person who breaks significant societal or group norms
  5. job-related crimes committed by high-status people
  6. system comprising institutions and processes responsible for enforcing criminal statutes
  7. behavior that departs from societal or group norms
  8. punishment intended to make criminals pay monetary compensation to make up for the financial damage caused by their acts
  9. theory that compliance with social norms requires strong bonds between individuals and society
  10. theory that deviance is more likely to occur when a gap exists between cultural goals and the ability to achieve them
  11. deviance involving occasional breaking of norms that is not a part of a person lifestyle or self-concept
  1. repetition,or return to, criminal behavior
  2. punishment intended to make criminals pay compensation for their acts
  3. behavior that under conforms to accepted norms
  4. theory that society creates deviance by identifying particular numbers as deviant
  5. discouraging criminal acts by threatening punishment
  6. deviance in which an individuals life and identify are organized around breaking societys norms
  7. social condition in which norms are weak, conflicting, or absent
  8. process of reducing the seriousness of the crimes that injure people of lower status
  9. process of changing and reforming a criminal through socialization
  10. rewards or punishment that encourage conformity to social norms
  11. an undesiravle label that is used to deny a deviant social acceptance
  12. method of protecting society from criminals by keeping them in prison
  13. act committed in violation of the law

24 Clues: act committed in violation of the lawrepetition,or return to, criminal behaviorbehavior that under conforms to accepted normsways to encourage conformity to society's normsbehavior that over conforms to social expectationsjob-related crimes committed by high-status peoplebehavior that departs from societal or group norms...

Hospital team 1 2024-08-06

Hospital team 1 crossword puzzle
  1. A________helps old people.
  2. A________helps people with back pain.
  3. A________helps people with brain problems.
  4. A________helps women with their bodies.
  5. An________helps people with teeth.
  6. A________helps move things in the hospital.
  7. A _______helps people with security
  1. An________helps people with eyes.
  2. A________helps people with feet.
  3. A________helps people sleep during surgery.
  4. A________helps doctors.
  5. A________helps sick people in an ambulance.
  6. A________helps children.
  7. A________helps people with heart problems.
  8. An________helps people with cancer.
  9. A________helps people move better.
  10. A________helps people with skin problems.
  11. An________helps women have babies.
  12. A________helps sick people.
  13. A________helps people with their minds.

20 Clues: A________helps doctors.A________helps children.A________helps old people.A________helps sick people.A________helps people with feet.An________helps people with eyes.A________helps people move better.An________helps women have babies.An________helps people with teeth.An________helps people with cancer.A _______helps people with security...

The Eye Of Minds 2024-05-09

The Eye Of Minds crossword puzzle
  1. Main Antagonist
  2. in real life where they are in game while in the Coffin
  3. Flying mammal
  4. Man's best friend
  5. of Destruction The game that has a leak to the Path
  6. Owner of the Club-Black and Blue
  7. Path What is going to lead them into defeating Kaine
  8. Likes to chase mice
  1. This is how they get to and from the Wake and Sleep
  2. Large marsupial
  3. One of the players that help Micheal and his friends throughout the book
  4. Has a trunk
  5. Throughout this you can see how they are so disoriented and have really no idea what they are doing
  6. Main Character

14 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalMain CharacterLarge marsupialMain AntagonistMan's best friendLikes to chase miceOwner of the Club-Black and BlueThis is how they get to and from the Wake and Sleepof Destruction The game that has a leak to the PathPath What is going to lead them into defeating Kainein real life where they are in game while in the Coffin...

The Book Thief 2021-09-21

The Book Thief crossword puzzle
  1. wicked or criminal
  2. making one unable to think or feel properly
  3. the german word for heaven/sky
  4. deprived of strength or vitality
  5. a state of great distress
  6. deeply upset or agitated
  7. someones inherent qualities
  8. making a disturbingly loud noises
  1. a substance burned for the smell it produces
  2. showing an impudent lack of respect
  3. lustfulness
  4. a feeling of fear
  5. something wicked or criminal starting with an F
  6. a feeling of repulsion
  7. conductive to success

15 Clues: lustfulnessa feeling of fearwicked or criminalconductive to successa feeling of repulsiondeeply upset or agitateda state of great distresssomeones inherent qualitiesthe german word for heaven/skydeprived of strength or vitalitymaking a disturbingly loud noisesshowing an impudent lack of respectmaking one unable to think or feel properly...

mars patel 2022-12-13

mars patel crossword puzzle
  1. going away to find friends
  2. man:couht mars and his friends
  3. quit smart
  4. washed:mars weird and not ok
  1. brain washed
  2. thinks other minds
  3. protecting others by building the shelter
  4. in london:found friends
  5. being very secret
  6. might be pruitt asistent

10 Clues: quit smartbrain washedthinks other mindsbeing very secretin london:found friendsmight be pruitt asistentwashed:mars weird and not okgoing away to find friendsman:couht mars and his friendsprotecting others by building the shelter

Chapter 7 Vocab 2022-01-03

Chapter 7 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. job-related crimes committed by high-status people
  2. behavior that departs from societal or group norms
  3. punishment intended to make criminals pay monetary compensation to make up for the financial damage caused by their acts
  4. theory that deviance is more likely to occur when a gap exists between cultural goals and the ability to achieve them
  5. deviance involving occasional breaking of norms that is not a part of a person's lifestyle or self concept
  6. behavior that under conforms to accepted norms
  7. method of protecting society from criminals by keeping them in prison
  8. rewards or punishments that encourage conformity to social norms
  9. person who breaks significant societal or group norms
  1. act committed in violation of the law
  2. theory that society creates deviance by identifying particular members as a deviant
  3. discouraging criminal acts by threatening punishment
  4. theory that individuals learn deviance in proportion to the number of deviant acts and norms in which they are exposed
  5. theory that compliance with social norms requires strong bonds between individuals and society
  6. a repetition of, or return to, criminal behavior
  7. deviance in which an individual's life and identity are organized around breaking society's norms
  8. behavior that over conforms to accepted norms
  9. system comprising institutions and processes responsible for enforcing criminal statuses
  10. ways to encourage conformity to society's norms
  11. punishment intended to make criminals pay compensation for their acts
  12. a social condition in which norms are weak, conflicting, or absent
  13. undesirable label used to deny a deviant social acceptance
  14. process of reducing the seriousness of the crimes that injure people of lower status
  15. process of changing or reforming a criminal through socialization

24 Clues: act committed in violation of the lawbehavior that over conforms to accepted normsbehavior that under conforms to accepted normsways to encourage conformity to society's normsa repetition of, or return to, criminal behaviorjob-related crimes committed by high-status peoplebehavior that departs from societal or group norms...

4th Quarter Word Wall 2022-05-11

4th Quarter Word Wall crossword puzzle
  1. The classification of the risk that probationers pose to the community.
  2. The legal agreement that an offender may be on a supervised release from jail as long as they adhere to certain conditions.
  3. An alternative punishment that requires an offender to work in the community.
  4. A money payment that's issued to an offender to compensate fir their misdeeds.
  5. A sentencing aimed to spare non-violent offenders from the stigma and labeling of a criminal conviction.
  6. When the offender of the victim of the crime for the trouble the defendant caused.
  7. The process of keeping violent offenders in confinement to eliminate the possibility of recidivism.
  8. When an offender is removed from parole
  9. The old fashioned practice of allowing offenders to go unpunished if they agree to refrain from any further criminal activities.
  10. Prison sentences for two or more crimes that are served one at a time.
  1. Sentence is aimed to reduce future criminality by treating and eliminating underlying criminal causes.
  2. When a parole officer settles the case at the initial appearance before criminal proceedings.
  3. Prison sentences for two or more crimes that are served together.
  4. A state or federal institution for felony offenders with terms of 1 year or more.
  5. When a offender confronts their crimes and repays the debt the owe to society.
  6. When a sentence is delayed while the defendant undergoes community treatment.
  7. The act of awarded each person with his/her just do.
  8. A facility designed to hold pretrial detainees and misdemeanants serving their sentences.
  9. A policy that allows offenders to leave institution due to special situations, like a funeral or educational training.
  10. A state correctional facility designed to hold felons.

20 Clues: When an offender is removed from paroleThe act of awarded each person with his/her just do.A state correctional facility designed to hold felons.Prison sentences for two or more crimes that are served together.Prison sentences for two or more crimes that are served one at a time....

Victorian Court System 2022-06-16

Victorian Court System crossword puzzle
  1. the decision made by the jury in criminal trials
  2. 12 people randomly selected from society to decide whether someone is guilty or not
  3. a person who runs a trial and decides the punishment
  4. the presumption of... this means that people must be treated as innocent until proven guilty
  5. a type of civil action where one party says untrue things about another and damages their reputation such as the Johnny Deep and Amber Heard case
  6. a legal principle that means the lower courts must follow the rulings of the higher courts
  7. a hearing to resolve and determine the outcome of a criminal or civil dispute
  8. a type of legal case where an individual has committed an illegal act
  9. the lowest court in the Victorian court hierarchy
  10. a legal solution when someone's rights have been breached so they are paid money
  1. a type of law that is made by judges or the courts
  2. person who has been charged with a crime
  3. the power of a court to hear particular types of cases such as the County Court hearing all serious crimes excluding murder related cases
  4. another name for the courts
  5. the highest court in the Victorian court hierarchy that hears cases such as murder
  6. a type of legal case where an individual accuses another of breaching their rights
  7. a type of crime that is serious such as murder
  8. a law made by parliament
  9. a verdict in a criminal case where the accused is found to have committed a crime
  10. a type of offence that is only minor such as speeding
  11. a punishment for breaking the law

21 Clues: a law made by parliamentanother name for the courtsa punishment for breaking the lawperson who has been charged with a crimea type of crime that is serious such as murderthe decision made by the jury in criminal trialsthe lowest court in the Victorian court hierarchya type of law that is made by judges or the courts...

Justing Galicia 2023-11-07

Justing Galicia crossword puzzle
  1. scientific study of human minds
  2. to send
  3. to bring
  4. a long distance race
  5. a school subject that has to do with numbers
  6. study of physical earth features
  7. Place to watch movies and plays
  1. study of living organisms
  2. plan a direct route
  3. space science
  4. make something visible or bright
  5. to make something
  6. teach about a subject
  7. take from one place to another
  8. system of transmitting voices

15 Clues: to sendto bringspace scienceto make somethingplan a direct routea long distance raceteach about a subjectstudy of living organismssystem of transmitting voicestake from one place to anotherscientific study of human mindsPlace to watch movies and playsmake something visible or brightstudy of physical earth features...

GE Crossword Labs 2015-12-08

GE Crossword Labs crossword puzzle
  1. a place where a criminal is tried
  2. be interesting in some things
  3. plan classification organization order systerm preparation
  4. this is a crime
  5. people who like eat chocolate
  6. looking attractive in photographs
  7. a thief who enters a building with intent to steal
  1. a interesting thing
  2. they are respected,but criminal hate them
  3. two people are identical
  4. lose water
  5. they are known to people
  6. our partner
  7. considerate of the feelings
  8. a place where people go to sport
  9. main meaning of a story

16 Clues: lose waterour partnerthis is a crimea interesting thingmain meaning of a storytwo people are identicalthey are known to peopleconsiderate of the feelingsbe interesting in some thingspeople who like eat chocolatea place where people go to sporta place where a criminal is triedlooking attractive in photographsthey are respected,but criminal hate them...

lizette 2020-11-18

lizette crossword puzzle
  1. umgås
  2. gissa
  3. skinka
  4. näsvis
  5. brottsling
  6. vandra
  7. besluta
  8. småprata
  9. rusa
  10. uppmuntra
  11. dimma
  12. gummistövel
  1. värkmedicin
  2. hård
  3. underlig
  4. hållamed
  5. skämta
  6. möta
  7. binda
  8. gangster
  9. ropaut
  10. polisinspektör

22 Clues: hårdmötarusaumgåsgissabindadimmaskinkanäsvisskämtavandraropautbeslutaunderlighållamedgangstersmåpratauppmuntrabrottslingvärkmedicingummistövelpolisinspektör

enghlish test 2022-11-15

enghlish test crossword puzzle
  1. värkmedicin
  2. skryta
  3. saft
  4. dimma
  5. rusa
  6. korv
  7. kriminell
  8. te
  9. spritsa
  10. fast
  11. frostig
  1. avundsjuk
  2. skämt
  3. koka
  4. klaga
  5. läsk
  6. vuxen
  7. inspektör
  8. skära
  9. vinna
  10. kompis
  11. blanda

22 Clues: tekokasaftrusaläskkorvfastskämtklagadimmavuxenskäravinnaskrytakompisblandaspritsafrostigavundsjukinspektörkriminellvärkmedicin

moiksuuuu 2019-11-07

moiksuuuu crossword puzzle
  1. = suurennettu
  2. = tarkastus
  3. = siirtolaisuus
  4. = olosuhteet
  5. = rikollinen
  6. = tuhota
  7. = hulluus
  8. across = hajaantua
  9. = liitu
  10. over = selvitä
  1. = jäädä jäljelle
  2. = eekkeri
  3. = lääketieteellinen
  4. = virkistys, huvi
  5. board = laivassa
  6. = tarttuva
  7. = tulli
  8. = saapuva
  9. = sairaus
  10. = painolasti

20 Clues: = tulli= liitu= tuhota= eekkeri= saapuva= sairaus= hulluus= tarttuva= tarkastus= olosuhteet= rikollinen= painolasti= suurennettuover = selvitä= siirtolaisuus= jäädä jäljelleboard = laivassa= virkistys, huviacross = hajaantua= lääketieteellinen


MY FIRST CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. JELLY
  5. MONA
  6. BED
  7. PAPER
  8. HANGS
  9. SHOES
  2. WELSH
  4. GIRL
  6. TV
  12. BLUES


Law Studies Crossword 2022-08-30

Law Studies Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the division of powers between states and the federal government
  2. written laws enacted by legislatures
  3. a noncriminal lawsuit, brought to enforce a right or redress a wrong
  4. the basic principle of our constitutional system, it limits government to powers provided by the people
  5. a serious criminal offense punishable by a prison sentence of one year or less
  6. the power of each of the three branches to limit the other branches' power, so as to prevent an abuse
  7. the first ten amendments to the constitution, which guarantee basic individual rights to all persons in the united states
  8. a criminal offense, less serious than a felony, punishable by a prison sentence of one year or less
  9. usually the standard of proof used in a civil suit; the burden of proof that a party must meet in order to win the lawsuit, to win a party must provide evidence that is more convincing than the other side's evidence
  1. a law that does not involve criminal matters, such as tort and contract law, usually deals with private rights of individuals groups or businesses
  2. the process by which courts decide whether the laws passed by congress or state legislatures are constitutional
  3. the division of power among the branches of government
  4. the state or fedeeral government's attorney in a criminal case
  5. prohibit; in government, the veto is the power of a chief executive to prevent the enactment of a bill
  6. the level of proof required to convict a person of a crime, it does not mean convinced 100 percent", but does mean there are no reasonable doubts as to guilt
  7. the person against whom a claim is made, in a civil suit it is the person that is being sued, in a criminal case it is the person charged with committing the crime
  8. in a civil case, the injured party who brings legal action against the alleged wrongdoer
  9. conflicting with some provision of the constitution
  10. the branch of law dealing with crimes and their punishment

19 Clues: written laws enacted by legislaturesconflicting with some provision of the constitutionthe division of power among the branches of governmentthe branch of law dealing with crimes and their punishmentthe state or fedeeral government's attorney in a criminal casethe division of powers between states and the federal government...

Chapter 7 2023-01-12

Chapter 7 crossword puzzle
  1. ways to encourage conformity to society's norms
  2. deviance that becomes a lifestyle and part of an individual's identity
  3. the theory that individuals learn deviance in proportion to the number of deviant acts and norms in which they are exposed to
  4. a social condition in which norms are weak, conflicting, or absent
  5. an undesirable label used to deny a deviant acceptance
  6. punishment intended to make criminals pay monetary compensation to make up for the financial damage caused by their acts.
  7. an act committed in violation of the law
  8. the process of reducing the seriousness of the crimes that injure people of lower status
  9. rewards or punishments that encourage conformity to social norms
  10. the theory that deviance is more likely to occur when a gap exists between cultural goals and the ability to achieve them
  11. a person who breaks significant societal or group norms
  12. a repetition of, or return to, criminal behavior
  13. the process of changing or reforming a criminal through socialization
  14. job-related crimes committed by high-status people
  1. only occasional breaking of norms
  2. the theory that society creates deviance by identifying particular members as deviant
  3. behavior that departs from the societal or group norm
  4. the theory that compliance with social norms requires strong bonds between individuals and society
  5. behavior that underconforms to accepted norms
  6. a method of protecting society from criminals by keeping them in prison
  7. a system comprising institutions and processes responsible for enforcing criminal statutes
  8. discouraging criminal acts by threatening punishment
  9. punishment intended to make criminals pay compensation for their acts
  10. behavior that overconforms to social expectations

24 Clues: only occasional breaking of normsan act committed in violation of the lawbehavior that underconforms to accepted normsways to encourage conformity to society's normsa repetition of, or return to, criminal behaviorbehavior that overconforms to social expectationsjob-related crimes committed by high-status people...

Chapter 7 2023-01-12

Chapter 7 crossword puzzle
  1. ways to encourage conformity to society's norms
  2. deviance that becomes a lifestyle and part of an individual's identity
  3. the theory that individuals learn deviance in proportion to the number of deviant acts and norms in which they are exposed to
  4. a social condition in which norms are weak, conflicting, or absent
  5. an undesirable label used to deny a deviant acceptance
  6. punishment intended to make criminals pay monetary compensation to make up for the financial damage caused by their acts.
  7. an act committed in violation of the law
  8. the process of reducing the seriousness of the crimes that injure people of lower status
  9. rewards or punishments that encourage conformity to social norms
  10. the theory that deviance is more likely to occur when a gap exists between cultural goals and the ability to achieve them
  11. a person who breaks significant societal or group norms
  12. a repetition of, or return to, criminal behavior
  13. the process of changing or reforming a criminal through socialization
  14. job-related crimes committed by high-status people
  1. only occasional breaking of norms
  2. the theory that society creates deviance by identifying particular members as deviant
  3. behavior that departs from the societal or group norm
  4. the theory that compliance with social norms requires strong bonds between individuals and society
  5. behavior that underconforms to accepted norms
  6. a method of protecting society from criminals by keeping them in prison
  7. a system comprising institutions and processes responsible for enforcing criminal statutes
  8. discouraging criminal acts by threatening punishment
  9. punishment intended to make criminals pay compensation for their acts
  10. behavior that overconforms to social expectations

24 Clues: only occasional breaking of normsan act committed in violation of the lawbehavior that underconforms to accepted normsways to encourage conformity to society's normsa repetition of, or return to, criminal behaviorbehavior that overconforms to social expectationsjob-related crimes committed by high-status people...

chase Dominelli government review 2024-04-29

chase Dominelli government review crossword puzzle
  1. The two types of legal cases
  2. Introduction of the GA constitution
  3. Person claims that a crime has been commited agaisnt them
  4. special purpose districts are created to accomplish __________ _____
  5. government for the country
  6. The GGA presiding officer determines _____ _____ ________
  7. total number of legislators in georgias legislative branch
  8. Section of the GA constitution that contains a list of rights and government
  9. Civil claims use _______ _______
  10. The LT governor takes over if the _________ cannot serve
  11. Government that rules individual states
  12. to be a goergia state legislator you must have lived in the district you represent for atleast ___ years
  13. There are _____ types of taxes
  14. Where each branch has different powers
  15. # of articles currently in the U.S. Constitution
  16. Georgia parishes became _________ after the American Revolution
  1. very serious felonies can lead to _________ ____________
  2. Legislative branch for municipalities
  3. Georgia's legislative branch has two houses meaning it is ________
  4. Changes or additions to the constitution
  5. The governor can ____ laws
  6. Protects the people in the county
  7. There are aproximently ____-_________ municiplaitys in the state of Georgia
  8. Local govt provides ___________ and ___________
  9. criminal cases use _________ ___
  10. Government for the county and/or city
  11. The governor and LT governor must be atleast ______ years old
  12. special purpose districts are created by _______ or _______
  13. Person claims another person has wronged them
  14. # of the original articles in the U.S. Constitution
  15. municipal government elects __________
  16. Members of the house of representatives elect a representative to lead them
  17. authority example of special purpose districts that manages housing options
  18. president of the GGA

34 Clues: president of the GGAThe governor can ____ lawsgovernment for the countryThe two types of legal casesThere are _____ types of taxescriminal cases use _________ ___Civil claims use _______ _______Protects the people in the countyIntroduction of the GA constitutionLegislative branch for municipalitiesGovernment for the county and/or city...

Intro to Criminal Justice & Arrest Procedures 2023-01-18

Intro to Criminal Justice & Arrest Procedures crossword puzzle
  1. serious criminal offenses punishable by a prison sentence of more than one year.
  2. telling on one's self.
  3. attorney
  4. permission granted by a judge ( a legal basis for a search)
  5. illegal acts that can only be committed by juveniles
  6. dangerous items that are discovered during a frisk.
  7. less serious criminal offenses
  8. a reasonable belief, known personally or through a reliable source, that a person has committed a specific crime.
  1. evidence that justifies an officer stopping and questioning an individual believed to be involved in criminal activity.
  2. informing a person of their rights while under arrest
  3. placing a person in police custody.
  4. something a person does or fails to do in violation of a law.
  5. checking for weapons by patting down a person's outergarments.
  6. made based on reasonable suspicion.

14 Clues: attorneytelling on one's self.less serious criminal offensesplacing a person in police custody.made based on reasonable suspicion.dangerous items that are discovered during a frisk.illegal acts that can only be committed by juvenilesinforming a person of their rights while under arrestpermission granted by a judge ( a legal basis for a search)...

Money Minds 2024-01-11

Money Minds crossword puzzle
  1. Buying and selling investments based on short-term performance
  2. Buying and holding investments at lower expense ratios
  3. Measures the price performance of a basket of securities using a standardized metric and methodology.
  4. A type of security under which the issuer owes the holder a debt
  1. All the shares by which ownership of a corporation or company is divided
  2. A useful or valuable thing, person, or quality
  3. A distribution of profits by a corporation to its shareholders

7 Clues: A useful or valuable thing, person, or qualityBuying and holding investments at lower expense ratiosBuying and selling investments based on short-term performanceA distribution of profits by a corporation to its shareholdersA type of security under which the issuer owes the holder a debt...

Criminal law vocabulary 2020-09-28

Criminal law vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. punishment in criminal proceedings
  2. a person helping somebody to commit a crime
  3. The prosecution must meet the burden of ...
  4. decision of the court about the guilt or innocence
  5. person charged with a criminal offence
  1. The criminal concept of collective guilt is referred to as common purpose or joint ....
  2. Intentional killing of another person
  3. decision of the court to release the defendant in criminal proceedings
  4. The range of punishment from the most lenient to the strictest as stipulated by the Penal Code is referred to as sentencing ...

9 Clues: punishment in criminal proceedingsIntentional killing of another personperson charged with a criminal offencea person helping somebody to commit a crimeThe prosecution must meet the burden of ...decision of the court about the guilt or innocencedecision of the court to release the defendant in criminal proceedings...

Crime & Justice 2020-09-23

Crime & Justice crossword puzzle
  1. ratsia
  2. sakko
  3. ryöstö
  4. kunnianloukkaus
  5. rikollinen
  6. oikeusistunto
  7. viaton
  8. murha
  9. killer salamurhaaja
  1. vartia
  2. todistaja
  3. tuomari
  4. takuumaksu
  5. koeaika
  6. selli
  7. vangita
  8. petos
  9. huijari

18 Clues: sakkosellipetosmurhavartiaratsiaryöstöviatontuomarikoeaikavangitahuijaritodistajatakuumaksurikollinenoikeusistuntokunnianloukkauskiller salamurhaaja

Chapter 2 Vocab 2024-01-08

Chapter 2 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. A serious offense with a possible sentence of more than a year in prison
  2. A purposeful act or state of mind to commit a crime
  3. Crimes committed by members of illegal organizations
  4. The requirement that the state must meet to introduce evidence or establish facts
  5. Response to a criminal charge in which the defendant admits to committing the act charged but argues for some mitigating reason they should not be help criminally responsible under law
  6. The body of law that spells out elements of criminal acts
  7. The test of legal insanity, asking whether the defendant understood the nature and quality of their act and, if so, if they understood it was wrong
  8. The body of law that defines criminal offense and prescribes punishment for their infractions
  9. Crimes during which no violence is perpetuated against a person, such as burglary, theft, and arson
  10. The reason for committing a crime
  11. "Stand by Decision" Doctrine referring to court precedent, whereby lower courts must follow decisions of higher courts when the same legal issues and questions comes before them, not disturbing settled points of law
  12. A type of government that divides powers between a national government and governments of smaller geographic territories, including states, counties, and cities
  13. Offenses that violate a society's shared norms
  14. Committed by wealthy or powerful individuals in the course of their professional occupations
  15. The standard used by jurors to arrive at a verdict whether or not the government has established guilt beyond a reasonable doubt
  1. Party bringing a lawsuit or initiating a legal action against someone else
  2. The legal doctrine that says that, if a death occurs during the commission of a felony, the perpetrator of the crime may be changed with murder in the 1st degree, regardless of the abuse of intent, premeditation and deliberation, or malice afterthought
  3. Police tactics that unduly encourage or induce an individual to commit a crime they typically would not commit
  4. A lesser offense, typically punishable of a fine or up to 1 year in jail
  5. Violent crimes, to include homicide, sexual assault, robbery, and aggravated assault
  6. The response by a defendant to a criminal charge, to include denial of criminal allegations in an attempt to negate or overcome the charges
  7. "Guilty Mind" Purposeful intent to commit a crime
  8. The authority to make legal decisions and judgements, often based on geographic area
  9. The prosecution of an accused person twice for the same charge
  10. Person against whom a criminal charge is pending one charge with a crime
  11. Noncriminal law, usually related to settling
  12. "Guilty Deed"-Act that accompanies one's intent to commit a crime
  13. "an eye for an eye" retaliation or revenge
  14. Rules that set forth how substantive laws are to be enforced, such as those covering arrest, search and seizure

29 Clues: The reason for committing a crime"an eye for an eye" retaliation or revengeNoncriminal law, usually related to settlingOffenses that violate a society's shared norms"Guilty Mind" Purposeful intent to commit a crimeA purposeful act or state of mind to commit a crimeCrimes committed by members of illegal organizations...

Criminal Justice Quiz 2015-09-16

Criminal Justice Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. A sentence entailing the conditional release of a convicted offender into the community under the supervision of the court (in the form of a probation officer), subject to certain conditions for a specified time.
  2. The various sequential stages through which offenders pass, from initial contact with the law to final disposition, and the agencies charged with enforcing the law at each of these stages.
  3. If a person is taken into custody for a misdemeanor, a hearing is held to determine if probable cause exists that he committed the crime.
  4. The branch of government in a state invested with power to make and repeal laws.
  1. The decision by a prosecutor to drop a case after a complaint has been made because of, for example, insufficient evidence, witness reluctance to testify, police error, or office policy.
  2. A police officer cannot arrest someone for a misdemeanor unless the officer sees the crime occur. To make an arrest for a crime he did not witness, the officer must obtain a warrant.
  3. The ability of society and its institutions to control, manage, restrain, or direct human behavior.
  4. Vigilante groups that enforced discipline on slaves and apprehended runaway slaves seeking freedom.
  5. A state or federal correctional institution for the incarceration of felony offenders for terms of one year or more: penitentiary.
  6. A county correctional institution used to hold people awaiting trial or sentencing, as well as misdemeanor offenders sentenced to a term of less than one year.
  7. The early release of a prisoner from incarceration subject to conditions set by a parole board
  8. Agency funded by the federal Safe Streets and Crime Control Act of 1968 that provided technical assistance and hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to local and state justice agencies between 1969 and 1982.
  9. Written court order authorizing and directing that an individual be taken into custody to answer criminal charges.
  10. Taking a person into legal custody for the purpose of restraining the accused until he or she can be held accountable for the offense at court proceedings

14 Clues: The branch of government in a state invested with power to make and repeal laws.The early release of a prisoner from incarceration subject to conditions set by a parole boardThe ability of society and its institutions to control, manage, restrain, or direct human behavior....

Criminal Law Puzzle 2023-03-29

Criminal Law Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. People who lie under oath
  2. A crime punishable by confinement for more than a year or by a fine more than $1,000 or both – or even death
  3. The action of producing a copy of a document, signature, banknote, or work of art
  4. Lesser misdemeanors, not entitled to a jury trial
  5. A less serious crime
  6. States that competing companies may not cooperate in fixing prices or in dividing sales regions
  1. The criminal conduct of taking another’s property or money by a person to whom it has been entrusted
  2. Offenses committed in the business world. Do not involve force or violence and do not cause injury to people, and do not cause physical damage to property
  3. State statutes prohibiting certain conduct
  4. The action of taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force
  5. An agreement between two or more people to commit an illegal act, along with an intent to achieve the agreement's goal
  6. A general term describing any form of punishable offense against society
  7. Imposing an action or obtaining something by force or coercion
  8. The criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property

14 Clues: A less serious crimePeople who lie under oathState statutes prohibiting certain conductLesser misdemeanors, not entitled to a jury trialThe criminal act of deliberately setting fire to propertyImposing an action or obtaining something by force or coercionA general term describing any form of punishable offense against society...

Civil/Criminal Law 2023-11-29

Civil/Criminal Law crossword puzzle
  1. second highest class of crime
  2. Carelesness
  3. a building in which people are legally held as a punishment for a crime they have committed
  4. harming someone on purpose
  5. a place for the confinement of people accused or convicted of a crime
  6. a defendant agrees to plead guilty to some or all charges
  7. to remind jurors about key evidence so they can pick a side
  1. physical harm caused to something in such a way as to impair its value
  2. someone is responsible for an act
  3. a lawyer's first opportunity to address the jury in a trial
  4. Highest class of crime
  5. decision made after judging the facts that are given in a trial
  6. violation of law or agreement
  7. something that is illegal

14 Clues: CarelesnessHighest class of crimesomething that is illegalharming someone on purposesecond highest class of crimeviolation of law or agreementsomeone is responsible for an acta defendant agrees to plead guilty to some or all chargesa lawyer's first opportunity to address the jury in a trialto remind jurors about key evidence so they can pick a side...

a wrinkle in time 2022-06-09

a wrinkle in time crossword puzzle
  1. she is a star
  2. shes strange
  3. he can read minds
  4. shes a science
  1. thay have not seen him yet
  2. he likes basket ball
  3. carls little brother
  4. drink misswatsit drank with them
  5. megs little brother
  6. one of the mane characters who is a girl
  7. she stole some sheets

11 Clues: shes strangeshe is a starshes a sciencehe can read mindsmegs little brotherhe likes basket ballcarls little brothershe stole some sheetsthay have not seen him yetdrink misswatsit drank with themone of the mane characters who is a girl

The Foundation of Criminal Justice 2016-09-02

The Foundation of Criminal Justice crossword puzzle
  1. contemporary source of criminal law
  2. most serious, 1+ years incarceration, death, loss of rights
  3. contemporary source of criminal law
  4. "right from wrong"
  1. Violation of a law
  2. defendant admits responsibility, under specific circumstances defendant was correct
  3. government inducement of crime, defendants lack of predisposition to engage in criminal conduct
  4. defendant must have criminal intent to be criminally liable for conduct
  5. less than a year incarceration in jails, fines
  6. Criminal responsibility limited to actual act, planning/attempting violation of law, specific omission to act when law requires action

10 Clues: Violation of a law"right from wrong"contemporary source of criminal lawcontemporary source of criminal lawless than a year incarceration in jails, finesmost serious, 1+ years incarceration, death, loss of rightsdefendant must have criminal intent to be criminally liable for conduct...

Justing Galicia 2023-11-07

Justing Galicia crossword puzzle
  1. scientific study of human minds
  2. to send
  3. to bring
  4. a long distance race
  5. a school subject that has to do with numbers
  6. study of physical earth features
  7. Place to watch movies and plays
  1. study of living organisms
  2. plan a direct route
  3. space science
  4. make something visible or bright
  5. to make something
  6. teach about a subject
  7. take from one place to another
  8. system of transmitting voices

15 Clues: to sendto bringspace scienceto make somethingplan a direct routea long distance raceteach about a subjectstudy of living organismssystem of transmitting voicestake from one place to anotherscientific study of human mindsPlace to watch movies and playsmake something visible or brightstudy of physical earth features...

Judicial Branch 2016-08-14

Judicial Branch crossword puzzle
  1. the official power to make legal decisions and judgments.
  2. a system of law concerned with the punishment of those who commit crimes.
  3. a court of law responsible for the trial or legal supervision of children under a specified age (18 in most countries).
  4. make a serious or urgent request, typically to the public.
  5. a court having limited jurisdiction over minor civil and criminal matters, as matters of contract not exceeding a particular amount of money. police court.
  6. a body of people (typically twelve in number) sworn to give a verdict in a legal case on the basis of evidence submitted to them in court.
  7. the system of law concerned with private relations between members of a community rather than criminal, military, or religious affairs.
  8. an action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law.
  9. the highest judicial court in a country or state.
  10. review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act.
  11. an individual, company, or institution sued or accused in a court of law.
  12. A court in the state judicial system, rather than the federal judicial system, that decides cases involving state law or the state constitution.
  13. a decision on a disputed issue in a civil or criminal case or an inquest.
  14. a person who brings a case against another in a court of law.
  1. a court that sits in some cities and larger towns and that usually has civil and criminal jurisdiction over cases arising within the municipality.
  2. is a segment of the judicial system that's primarily charged with handling such matters as wills, estates, conservatorships and guardianships, as well as the commitment of mentally ill persons to institutions designed to help them.
  3. call or bring (someone) before a court to answer a criminal charge.
  4. Conviction of a ----------- means the sentence imposed can be life imprisonment or death.
  5. a wrongful act or an infringement of a right (other than under contract) leading to civil legal liability.
  6. a request made in an urgent and emotional manner.
  7. a minor wrongdoing.
  8. a court to which appeals are taken in a federal circuit or a state.
  9. a jury, normally of twenty-three jurors, selected to examine the validity of an accusation before trial.
  10. have an idea or impression of the existence, presence, or truth of (something) without certain proof.
  11. (in many states of the US) a court of appeals or a court of general jurisdiction.
  12. fair treatment through the normal judicial system, especially as a citizen's entitlement.
  13. a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime.

27 Clues: a minor wrongdoing.a request made in an urgent and emotional manner.the highest judicial court in a country or state.a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime.the official power to make legal decisions and judgments.make a serious or urgent request, typically to the public.a person who brings a case against another in a court of law....

Chapter 1 Vocab 2024-01-09

Chapter 1 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. explains how a society creates law as a result of common interest & values, which develop largely because people experience similar socialization
  2. a model of the criminal justice process whereby a four-tiered hierarchy exists with a few celebrated cases at the top, 3 lower tiers increasing in size as seriousness of cases decline & informed process become more likely to occur
  3. a court or jury's judgement or verdict of not guilty of the offenses charged
  4. a model by packer that emphasizes law & order & argues that every effort must be made to suppress crime & to try, convicts & incarcerate offenders &
  5. a penalty or punishment
  6. the taking into custody or detaining of one who is suspected of committing a crime
  7. a model by packer that advocates defendants presumption of innocence protection of suspects rights & limitations placed on police powers to avoid convicting innocent persons
  8. explains how powerful groups create laws to protect their values & interests in diverse societies
  9. a specific, fixed period sentence ordered by a court
  1. the movement of defendants & cases through the criminal justice process/beginning with the commission of a crime,& including stages the involve actions of criminal justice actors working within police, courts ,& correctional agencies
  2. the legal resolution of a dispute for example, when one is declared guilty or not guilty by a judge or jury
  3. elements of a crime that enhance its seriousness such as the infliction of torture, killing of a police or corrections officer, and so on
  4. authority to make decisions in enforcing the law based on observations or judgment rather than the letter of the law
  5. the legal finding by a jury or judge, or through a guilty plea that is a criminal defendant is guilty
  6. early release from prison, with conditions attached and under supervision of a parole agency
  7. circumstances that would tend to lesson the security of the sentence, such as one's youthfulness, mental instability, not having a prior criminal record, and so on
  8. a scheme whereby one is sentenced for a flexible time period so as to be released released when rehabilitated or when the opportunity for rehabilitation is presented
  9. a set of rules of values that spell out appropriate human conduct
  10. a crime control strategy whereby an offender who commits three or more violent offenses will be sentenced to a lengthy term in prison, usually 25 years to life
  11. the bringing of charges against an individual, based on probable cause, so as to bring the matter before a court

20 Clues: a penalty or punishmenta specific, fixed period sentence ordered by a courta set of rules of values that spell out appropriate human conducta court or jury's judgement or verdict of not guilty of the offenses chargedthe taking into custody or detaining of one who is suspected of committing a crime...

Moon Rising 2023-09-30

Moon Rising crossword puzzle
  1. Moon's full name
  2. Turtle is a _______
  3. Moon, Winter, and Qibli are in the ____ Winglet
  4. Winter is a _______
  5. Moon is a _________
  6. Qibli is a ________
  1. Winter's scavenger's name
  2. Kinkajou is a ________
  3. Winter's Aunt
  4. The only thing that makes mindreaders unable to read minds
  5. Qibli and Winter both like this dragonet
  6. The Queen that Qibli Supports

12 Clues: Winter's AuntMoon's full nameTurtle is a _______Winter is a _______Moon is a _________Qibli is a ________Kinkajou is a ________Winter's scavenger's nameThe Queen that Qibli SupportsQibli and Winter both like this dragonetMoon, Winter, and Qibli are in the ____ WingletThe only thing that makes mindreaders unable to read minds

moiksuuuu 2019-11-07

moiksuuuu crossword puzzle
  1. = suurennettu
  2. = tarkastus
  3. = siirtolaisuus
  4. = olosuhteet
  5. = rikollinen
  6. = tuhota
  7. = hulluus
  8. across = hajaantua
  9. = liitu
  10. over = selvitä
  1. = jäädä jäljelle
  2. = eekkeri
  3. = lääketieteellinen
  4. = virkistys, huvi
  5. board = laivassa
  6. = tarttuva
  7. = tulli
  8. = saapuva
  9. = sairaus
  10. = painolasti

20 Clues: = tulli= liitu= tuhota= eekkeri= saapuva= sairaus= hulluus= tarttuva= tarkastus= olosuhteet= rikollinen= painolasti= suurennettuover = selvitä= siirtolaisuus= jäädä jäljelleboard = laivassa= virkistys, huviacross = hajaantua= lääketieteellinen

Hansu inka 2023-04-10

Hansu inka crossword puzzle
  1. heroiin
  2. valitsema
  3. reisima
  4. ühendust võtma
  5. võlts
  6. kahtlustama
  7. sisaldama
  8. mõrvar
  9. kangelaslik
  10. purustama
  1. hädavajalik
  2. debeet kaart
  3. rattastool
  4. kohane
  5. julm
  6. vangla
  7. süütamine
  8. põgenema
  9. kurjategia
  10. otsene
  11. varas

21 Clues: julmvõltsvaraskohanevanglamõrvarotseneheroiinreisimapõgenemavalitsemasüütaminesisaldamapurustamarattastoolkurjategiahädavajalikkahtlustamakangelaslikdebeet kaartühendust võtma

Sigma Pi 2019-11-13

Sigma Pi crossword puzzle
  1. Jewel of the Fraternity
  2. Former Cowboys QB, last name
  3. Fraternity Mascot
  4. Founder William Raper
  5. Founder James Thompson
  6. How long does your membership in Sigma Pi last
  7. A ________ of kindred minds
  8. Quest for _______
  9. President’s title
  10. Founder George Martin
  1. Founder Rolin Rosco
  2. Fraternity Historian
  3. Sigma Pi motto, first word
  4. Country music superstar, last name
  5. Executive Office location
  6. Original name of the Fraternity (3 words)
  7. First two words of Sigma Pi Creed
  8. Founding University
  9. month of Fraternity’s founding
  10. Primary color of Sigma Pi
  11. Fraternity Flower, Lavender _______

21 Clues: Fraternity MascotQuest for _______President’s titleFounder Rolin RoscoFounding UniversityFraternity HistorianFounder William RaperFounder George MartinFounder James ThompsonJewel of the FraternityExecutive Office locationPrimary color of Sigma PiSigma Pi motto, first wordA ________ of kindred mindsFormer Cowboys QB, last name...

The Logical Song 2024-07-10

The Logical Song crossword puzzle
  1. 11
  2. 9
  3. 6
  4. 7
  5. 8
  6. 5
  7. 10
  8. 17
  1. 16
  2. 15
  3. 1
  4. 13
  5. 12
  6. 4
  7. 14
  8. 3
  9. 2

17 Clues: 1946785321611151312141017

5 minds for the future 2017-12-12

5 minds for the future crossword puzzle
  1. story
  2. divide into groups
  3. unimaginative
  4. the capacity to reflect explicitly on the ways in which one does, or does not, fulfill a certain role
  5. Emilia a community in northern Italy
  6. dismal society
  7. National domination
  8. alike
  9. thinking
  10. teaching
  11. Generous and devoted to helping other people
  12. stubbornness
  13. occurrence
  14. test considering whether one is doing good work
  15. work excellent, responsible and engaging work
  16. appearing or found everywhere
  17. beginning to develop
  18. our heartfelt response to a divine calling to work
  19. symbolic clue
  20. having goals
  1. momentous
  2. field of study
  3. theoretical
  4. to impress on somebody’s mind
  5. knowledge
  6. combining academic fields
  7. causing disagreement
  8. fake regard
  9. Thinking about thinking
  10. clarify
  11. related
  12. a highly trained group of workers who perform an important service for society
  13. national domination
  14. evaluation
  15. theory of theories
  16. impulsive
  17. fear of foreigners
  18. classify
  19. false
  20. provable
  21. creative
  22. inoculations / support for good work from exposure to individuals and experiences

42 Clues: storyalikefalseclarifyrelatedthinkingteachingclassifyprovablecreativemomentousknowledgeimpulsiveevaluationoccurrencetheoreticalfake regardstubbornnesshaving goalsunimaginativesymbolic cluefield of studydismal societydivide into groupstheory of theoriesfear of foreignersnational dominationNational dominationcausing disagreementbeginning to develop...

Super Minds 1 Let's play 2024-05-07

Super Minds 1 Let's play crossword puzzle
  1. воздушный змей
  2. монстр
  3. круг
  4. мяч
  5. короткий
  6. машина для картинга (написано через тире)
  7. красивый
  8. компьютерная игра (в тетради пишем раздельно)
  9. пятиугольник
  10. маленький
  11. длинный
  1. велосипед
  2. новый
  3. кукла
  4. поезд
  5. машина
  6. большой
  7. квадрат
  8. прямоугольник
  9. треугольник
  10. старый
  11. самолет
  12. уродливый

23 Clues: мячкругновыйкуклапоездмонстрмашинастарыйбольшойквадратсамолетдлинныйкороткийкрасивыйвелосипедмаленькийуродливыйтреугольникпятиугольникпрямоугольниквоздушный змеймашина для картинга (написано через тире)компьютерная игра (в тетради пишем раздельно)

live in infamy 2020-05-04

live in infamy crossword puzzle
  1. is the second most wanted, criminal
  2. they usually had powers
  3. crown prince
  4. the most wanted criminal
  5. where they testing on people
  6. the mane character
  7. a person considered to be important because of high rank
  1. a person who seeks to impose their views inflexible way
  2. the caption of a cell
  3. superhumans
  4. is an unmarried woman in german
  5. washed and ironed.
  6. superhuman formal
  7. section controlled by captions
  8. is the princess of western territories of America

15 Clues: superhumanscrown princesuperhuman formalwashed and ironed.the mane characterthe caption of a cellthey usually had powersthe most wanted criminalwhere they testing on peoplesection controlled by captionsis an unmarried woman in germanis the second most wanted, criminalis the princess of western territories of America...