criminal minds Crossword Puzzles

Theft 2016-06-15

Theft crossword puzzle
  1. person against whom charges are brought in court
  2. actions or instincts of negligence
  3. the act of stealing
  4. penalty inflicted for a criminal offense
  5. wrongful taking of the personal goods of another
  1. criminal defense less serious than a felony
  2. something done with purpose or intention
  3. principles and regulations established in a community/society
  4. that which a person owns; possessions
  5. criminal offense such as murder or burglary

10 Clues: the act of stealingactions or instincts of negligencethat which a person owns; possessionssomething done with purpose or intentionpenalty inflicted for a criminal offensecriminal defense less serious than a felonycriminal offense such as murder or burglaryperson against whom charges are brought in court...

9/11 2014-10-09

9/11 crossword puzzle
  1. another word for birthday
  2. the inhabitants of a country are the...
  3. another word for obviate
  4. another word for improsonment
  5. here do you go if you're a criminal
  6. He is now the president of the United States
  7. represents clients in criminal lawsuits
  8. no pictures but a...
  1. another word for operation
  2. The Netherlands arent't a republic but a ...
  3. the first month of the year
  4. another word for remark
  5. another word for admit
  6. sumatra is an...
  7. do not leave but ...

15 Clues: sumatra is not leave but pictures but a...another word for admitanother word for remarkanother word for obviateanother word for birthdayanother word for operationthe first month of the yearanother word for improsonmenthere do you go if you're a criminalthe inhabitants of a country are the...represents clients in criminal lawsuits...


  1. free someone from criminal from criminal charges
  2. unbroken view of a whole region
  3. truthful way
  4. practice of training people to obey rules
  5. accept or admit existence or truth of
  6. formation of a sound associated with what is named
  7. regular repeated pattern
  8. know
  9. armed forces of a country
  1. person who comments on events
  2. evoking a keen sense of sadness
  3. unfair bias or in favor of
  4. express a doubt or choice
  5. mental image or concept
  6. laugh in a gleeful way

15 Clues: knowtruthful waylaugh in a gleeful waymental image or conceptregular repeated patternexpress a doubt or choicearmed forces of a countryunfair bias or in favor ofperson who comments on eventsevoking a keen sense of sadnessunbroken view of a whole regionaccept or admit existence or truth ofpractice of training people to obey rules...

live in infamy 2020-05-04

live in infamy crossword puzzle
  1. superhumans
  2. washed and ironed.
  3. the most wanted criminal
  4. crown prince
  5. section controlled by captions
  6. the caption of a cell
  7. is an unmarried woman in german
  1. a person who seeks to impose their views inflexible way
  2. the mane character
  3. is the second most wanted, criminal
  4. a person considered to be important because of high rank
  5. is the princess of western territories of America
  6. superhuman formal
  7. they usually had powers
  8. where they testing on people

15 Clues: superhumanscrown princesuperhuman formalthe mane characterwashed and ironed.the caption of a cellthey usually had powersthe most wanted criminalwhere they testing on peoplesection controlled by captionsis an unmarried woman in germanis the second most wanted, criminalis the princess of western territories of America...

module 5 2022-02-16

module 5 crossword puzzle
  1. włamać się
  2. pomnik
  3. rabuś uliczny
  4. konkurs
  5. aresztować
  6. dżungla
  7. wandal
  8. bandyta
  9. zabawny
  1. włamywacz
  2. nagroda
  3. zostać złapanym
  4. klient
  5. pustynia
  6. sprzedawca
  7. porwanie
  8. przestępca
  9. przekraczanie prędkości
  10. zwycięzca
  11. kraść

20 Clues: kraśćklientpomnikwandalnagrodakonkursdżunglabandytazabawnypustyniaporwaniewłamywaczzwycięzcawłamać sięsprzedawcaprzestępcaaresztowaćrabuś ulicznyzostać złapanymprzekraczanie prędkości

Ida Maria Cavegn - Unit 9 Wordlist 2023-04-10

Ida Maria Cavegn - Unit 9 Wordlist crossword puzzle
  1. pealtnägija
  2. vangi panema
  3. süütaja
  4. taskuvaras
  5. varastama
  6. kurjategija
  7. põgenema
  8. üles tunnistama
  9. mõrv
  10. lõbusõit
  1. pealt nägema
  2. süütamine
  3. sissemurdja
  4. lõuend
  5. karjuma
  6. sooritrama
  7. vandalism
  8. varas
  9. vangla
  10. ratastool
  11. mõrvar
  12. taskuvargus

22 Clues: mõrvvaraslõuendvanglamõrvarkarjumasüütajapõgenemalõbusõitsüütaminevandalismvarastamaratastoolsooritramataskuvarassissemurdjapealtnägijakurjategijataskuvarguspealt nägemavangi panemaüles tunnistama

Destination B1 - Unit 24 Vocabulary 2017-02-22

Destination B1 - Unit 24 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. vězení
  2. spáchat
  3. společnost
  4. nelegální
  5. vláda
  6. mladí
  7. politika
  8. zločinec
  9. zatknout
  10. obyvatelstvo
  11. hlasovat
  12. obyvatel
  1. komunita
  2. rutina
  3. kultura
  4. soud
  5. zodpovědný
  6. zvyk
  7. charita
  8. okrást
  9. přiznat

21 Clues: soudzvykvládamladírutinavězeníokrástkulturaspáchatcharitapřiznatkomunitapolitikazločineczatknouthlasovatobyvatelnelegálníspolečnostzodpovědnýobyvatelstvo

CRIME 2020-11-19

CRIME crossword puzzle
  1. Verbrecher
  2. Verbrechen
  3. Fall
  4. Polizist
  5. ungesetzlich
  6. Mord
  7. Zeuge
  8. Geheimnis
  9. Fingerabdrücke
  10. Internetverbrechen
  11. befragen
  1. Erpressung
  2. Blutflecken
  3. Motiv
  4. Opfer
  5. Tatort
  6. Bericht
  7. Alibi
  8. Waffe
  9. Beweise
  10. Untersuchung

21 Clues: FallMordMotivOpferAlibiZeugeWaffeTatortBerichtBeweisePolizistbefragenGeheimnisErpressungVerbrecherVerbrechenBlutfleckenungesetzlichUntersuchungFingerabdrückeInternetverbrechen

CRIME 2014-11-11

CRIME crossword puzzle
  1. - aplaupīt
  2. - slepkava
  3. - noķert
  4. - atpazīt
  5. - acīmredzams
  6. - aplaupīt
  7. - nohakot
  8. - ķīlnieks
  9. - noziegums
  1. - atrisināt
  2. - draudēt
  3. - laupīt
  4. - izvandīt
  5. - noziedznieks
  6. - laupītājs
  7. - izglābties
  8. -nozagt
  9. - pierādījums

18 Clues: -nozagt- laupīt- noķert- draudēt- atpazīt- nohakot- aplaupīt- slepkava- izvandīt- aplaupīt- ķīlnieks- atrisināt- laupītājs- noziegums- izglābties- acīmredzams- pierādījums- noziedznieks

Crime 2014-11-12

Crime crossword puzzle
  1. pierādījumi
  2. cietums
  3. aplaupīt
  4. izvandīt
  5. slepkava
  6. huligāns
  7. slepkavība
  8. zaglis
  1. kabatzaglis
  2. noziedznieks
  3. ķīlnieki
  4. acīmredzams
  5. laupītājs
  6. zagt
  7. paklausīt
  8. somiņzaglis
  9. uzlaust

17 Clues: zagtzagliscietumsuzlaustķīlniekiaplaupītizvandītslepkavahuligānslaupītājspaklausītslepkavībakabatzaglispierādījumiacīmredzamssomiņzaglisnoziedznieks

Mid - English to IPA 2019-01-11

Mid - English to IPA crossword puzzle
  1. about
  2. triangle
  3. middle
  4. dialect
  5. mistake
  6. phonology
  7. dinosaur
  8. neon
  9. butter
  1. plates
  2. beautiful
  3. introduction
  4. bottom
  5. criminal
  6. city
  7. candid
  8. rounded

17 Clues: cityneonaboutplatesbottommiddlecandidbutterdialectmistakeroundedtrianglecriminaldinosaurbeautifulphonologyintroduction

ГОРОД - TOWN 2019-11-10

ГОРОД - TOWN crossword puzzle
  1. young
  2. green
  3. modern
  4. touristic
  5. big
  6. new
  7. neat
  8. dirty
  1. safe
  2. industrial
  3. massive
  4. criminal
  5. clean
  6. small
  7. dangerous
  8. old
  9. ancient

17 Clues: bignewoldsafeneatyounggreencleansmalldirtymodernmassiveancientcriminaltouristicdangerousindustrial

the man with missing ears 2024-06-06

the man with missing ears crossword puzzle
  1. custom
  2. crimi
  3. sungla
  4. otice
  5. recogn
  6. warn
  7. priso
  1. suspici
  2. disgui
  3. rrest
  4. advi
  5. indent
  6. patro
  7. tick
  8. chi
  9. normal
  10. sting

17 Clues: chiadvitickwarnrrestcrimipatrooticeprisostingdisguicustomindentsunglarecognnormalsuspici

Speak 2013-01-19

Speak crossword puzzle
  1. School classmates.
  2. What Melinda wanted from her peers. Acknowledgment.
  3. This is the first person to become friends with the main character.
  4. Melinda's ex best friend.
  5. Melinda's escape.
  6. This person called the cops at the party.
  1. Criminal act against Melinda.
  2. Strength of character/boldness.
  3. To despise or strongly dislike.
  4. State of low mood.
  5. Ultimate winning.
  6. Truthfulness.
  7. What did Melinda draw in art class?
  8. Last name of an angry teacher in Melinda's school.
  9. A negative emotion. Upset
  10. The person who enacted the criminal offence against Melinda.

16 Clues: Truthfulness.Ultimate winning.Melinda's escape.School classmates.State of low mood.A negative emotion. UpsetMelinda's ex best friend.Criminal act against Melinda.Strength of character/boldness.To despise or strongly dislike.What did Melinda draw in art class?This person called the cops at the party.Last name of an angry teacher in Melinda's school....

My spelling words 2013-03-02

My spelling words crossword puzzle
  1. wwertwertew
  2. ewrwr
  3. relriu
  4. twertew
  5. werwer
  6. wtrew
  7. erwterw
  8. wetew
  9. rqwrwetrqe
  10. trtew
  1. ewrtewrt
  2. eterqert
  3. dfds
  4. qwtrewtw
  5. dsfjk
  6. qw
  7. etwet
  8. werwer
  9. wetweterw
  10. qwrewr
  11. qrwr
  12. werewtq
  13. erwrwer

23 Clues: qwdfdsqrwrewrwrdsfjketwetwtrewwetewtrtewrelriuwerwerwerwerqwrewrtwertewerwterwwerewtqerwrwerewrtewrteterqertqwtrewtwwetweterwrqwrwetrqewwertwertew

english words 2020-11-18

english words crossword puzzle
  1. tevredenheid
  2. golf
  3. moord
  4. hysterisch
  5. grijnzen
  6. onwetendheid
  7. handel(criminele dingen)
  8. met een hazelip
  9. gewelddadig
  1. sportschoenen
  2. spanning
  3. besluiteloos
  4. waardering
  5. crimineel
  6. zakkenroller
  7. zuchten
  8. knipogen
  9. haat
  10. blijheid
  11. jaloers

20 Clues: golfhaatmoordzuchtenjaloersspanninggrijnzenknipogenblijheidcrimineelwaarderinghysterischgewelddadigbesluiteloostevredenheidzakkenrolleronwetendheidsportschoenenmet een hazeliphandel(criminele dingen)

Medicine-part 2023-01-19

Medicine-part crossword puzzle
  1. A kind person
  2. A person who has done sth bad and must go to prison
  3. A person that the police think is a criminal
  4. An evil spirit
  5. θύμα
  6. θεραπεία
  1. When you discourage sb from doing sth
  2. The synonym of "sickness"
  3. A really bad person
  4. Εμπλέκομαι, ασχολούμαι
  5. αποδίδω
  6. A person who has seen or heard sth or sb in a crime
  7. A person who hates waiting
  8. The synonym of "influence"

14 Clues: θύμααποδίδωθεραπείαA kind personAn evil spiritA really bad personΕμπλέκομαι, ασχολούμαιThe synonym of "sickness"A person who hates waitingThe synonym of "influence"When you discourage sb from doing sthA person that the police think is a criminalA person who has seen or heard sth or sb in a crimeA person who has done sth bad and must go to prison

Attitude and Tone 2016-02-12

Attitude and Tone crossword puzzle
  1. cutting remarks; stinging rebuke; scorn
  2. self important; excessive self esteem
  3. fanciful; capricious; unpredictable
  4. respect; admiration
  5. sympathetic; showing pity
  6. conveying a warning
  7. pretending to have virtues or feelings one lacks
  8. self-justifying; constantly protecting oneself from criticism
  9. scorn; contempt; arrogance
  10. tongue in cheek; sarcastic; contrary to what was expected
  1. hopefulness; cheerful confidence
  2. abrupt; curt to the point of rudeness
  3. unbiased; objective; unemotional; calm
  4. of two minds; unable to decide
  5. disbelieving; doubtful; unconvinced
  6. sensible; showing good judgement; prudent; wise
  7. reluctant; unwilling
  8. frivolously disrespectful; lacking proper seriousness
  9. stale; overused
  10. standoffish; remote in attitude

20 Clues: stale; overusedrespect; admirationconveying a warningreluctant; unwillingsympathetic; showing pityscorn; contempt; arroganceof two minds; unable to decidestandoffish; remote in attitudehopefulness; cheerful confidencedisbelieving; doubtful; unconvincedfanciful; capricious; unpredictableabrupt; curt to the point of rudeness...

Academic Writing 2021-12-03

Academic Writing crossword puzzle
  1. to show how it’s done
  2. judge two things
  3. inquire to
  4. to explain characteristics
  5. gather all ideas and simplify
  6. to add up
  7. try and change someones minds
  8. to look into something
  9. to indicate main ideas
  10. say something again
  11. present ideas
  1. To prepare an idea
  2. to state meaning
  3. grateful for
  4. show something right
  5. for state reasons for report on
  6. revise over it
  7. make a judgement of value
  8. to tell between
  9. utilise or use
  10. show your right
  11. draw out and relate implications
  12. guess
  13. to talk about

24 Clues: guessto add upinquire tograteful forto talk aboutpresent ideasrevise over itutilise or useto tell betweenshow your rightto state meaningjudge two thingsTo prepare an ideasay something againshow something rightto show how it’s doneto look into somethingto indicate main ideasmake a judgement of valueto explain characteristics...

Vocabulary 2024-03-14

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. side by side
  2. you give love a bad name
  3. you take my heart away
  4. the gift
  5. how bizarre?
  6. sometimes i get a good feeling
  7. Sunrise, sunset
  8. You Talk Too Much
  10. Don't Talk (put your head on my shoulders)
  1. suspicious minds
  2. I'm too sexy for my shirt
  3. Beyond the Pale
  4. Can't put it into words
  5. old man time
  6. I'll fly away
  7. I would do anything for love (BUT I WON'T DO THAT)
  8. there's something happening here
  9. I see a bad moon rising
  10. walking on sunshine

20 Clues: the giftside by sideold man timehow bizarre?I'll fly awayBeyond the PaleSunrise, sunsetsuspicious mindsYou Talk Too Muchwalking on sunshineyou take my heart awayEVERYBODY DANCE NOW!!!Can't put it into wordsI see a bad moon risingyou give love a bad nameI'm too sexy for my shirtsometimes i get a good feelingthere's something happening here...

APEX - Criminal Law 2023-03-28

APEX - Criminal Law crossword puzzle
  1. How Larceny can Become Robbery
  2. Person who Charges are Brought Against
  3. Verdict in Favor of the Prosecution
  4. Fraudulent Conversion
  5. False Pretenses
  6. Document of Legal Significance
  7. Type of Property Stolen to Establish Larceny
  8. Larceny By Trick
  9. Evidence of Burning to Establish Arson
  1. Stealing Personal Property
  2. Person Charging the Defendant
  3. Larceny, Assault and this Crime Merge into Robbery
  4. Larceny by Force/Intimidation
  5. Studying Different Materials Together

14 Clues: False PretensesLarceny By TrickFraudulent ConversionStealing Personal PropertyPerson Charging the DefendantLarceny by Force/IntimidationHow Larceny can Become RobberyDocument of Legal SignificanceVerdict in Favor of the ProsecutionStudying Different Materials TogetherPerson who Charges are Brought AgainstEvidence of Burning to Establish Arson...

Criminal Law Crossword 2023-12-12

Criminal Law Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the breaking of a law, rule, or agreement
  2. he state of being responsible for something
  3. a type of offense punishable under criminal law
  4. process in which defendant and prosecutor negotiate mutually acceptable settlement of a case
  5. each party's opportunity to set the basic scene for the jurors
  6. a crime punishable by a term of imprisonment of not less than one year or by the death penalty
  1. the finding or decision of a jury on the matter submitted to it in trial
  2. a type of tort that can only result from an intentional act of the defendant
  3. failing to exercise the care expected of a reasonably prudent person in like circumstances
  4. a state of confinement or captivity
  5. loss or harm resulting from injury to person, property, or reputation
  6. a building for the confinement of people who are awaiting trial
  7. the lawyer's final opportunity in a trial to tell the judge and/or jury why they should win the case
  8. behavior that is punishable as a public offense

14 Clues: a state of confinement or captivitythe breaking of a law, rule, or agreementhe state of being responsible for somethinga type of offense punishable under criminal lawbehavior that is punishable as a public offenseeach party's opportunity to set the basic scene for the jurorsa building for the confinement of people who are awaiting trial...


CRIMINAL WORD SEARCH crossword puzzle
  8. MAIL


Civil Criminal Law 2023-11-29

Civil Criminal Law crossword puzzle
  1. Harming on purpose
  2. Carelessness
  3. Violation of law
  4. summarizing evidence
  5. hurting something
  6. Highest class of crime
  1. serious , up to life
  2. plead guilty
  3. summarizing main points of a case
  4. a decision at the end of the trial
  5. Responsible for something
  6. less serious, up to a year
  7. A wrong doing by law
  8. Second highest class of crime

14 Clues: plead guiltyCarelessnessViolation of lawhurting somethingHarming on purposeserious , up to lifesummarizing evidenceA wrong doing by lawHighest class of crimeResponsible for somethingless serious, up to a yearSecond highest class of crimesummarizing main points of a casea decision at the end of the trial

Civil/Criminal law 2023-11-29

Civil/Criminal law crossword puzzle
  1. breaking the law
  2. someone being responsible for an act
  3. second highest class of crime
  4. an agreement of punishment
  5. party's chance too explain
  6. highest class of crime
  1. decision made at end of trial
  2. harming someone on purpose
  3. carelessness
  4. incarcerated for 1 year or more
  5. harm done to someone's property or themselves
  6. incarcerated for 1 year or less
  7. chance to remind the jurors
  8. somethings that's illegal

14 Clues: carelessnessbreaking the lawhighest class of crimesomethings that's illegalharming someone on purposean agreement of punishmentparty's chance too explainchance to remind the jurorsdecision made at end of trialsecond highest class of crimeincarcerated for 1 year or moreincarcerated for 1 year or lesssomeone being responsible for an act...

Sherlock ch 4 2024-08-20

Sherlock ch 4 crossword puzzle
  1. преступник
  2. половина
  3. уважать
  4. слуга
  5. думать
  6. внимательно
  7. отвечать
  8. менять(ся)
  9. ждать
  10. микроб
  1. различный
  2. злой
  3. стул
  4. глаз
  5. стоять
  6. помнить
  7. смеяться
  8. спрашивать
  9. рядом

19 Clues: злойстулглазслугарядомждатьстоятьдуматьмикробуважатьпомнитьполовинасмеятьсяотвечатьразличныйпреступникспрашиватьменять(ся)внимательно

Forensics 2023-11-28

Forensics crossword puzzle
  1. Fingerprint with high ridges
  2. Unlawful act
  3. The use of science to solve a crime
  4. Everyones genetic process
  5. Studying the crime scene
  6. Fingerprints that show up after the crime
  7. Someone who helps a case go the right way
  8. Rules put in place by the government
  9. Studying the cause of death
  10. No one has the same of this
  1. Where a criminal goes
  2. Fingerprint with cirlces
  3. Science of projectile flight
  4. Someone who has committed a crime
  5. A minor wrongdoing
  6. More serious than a misdemeanor
  7. Tool used to intentionally hurt someone
  8. Red substance that everyone has
  9. The killing of someone
  10. Lighting a building on fire

20 Clues: Unlawful actA minor wrongdoingWhere a criminal goesThe killing of someoneFingerprint with cirlcesStudying the crime sceneEveryones genetic processStudying the cause of deathLighting a building on fireNo one has the same of thisFingerprint with high ridgesScience of projectile flightMore serious than a misdemeanorRed substance that everyone has...

Criminal vs Civil Law 2021-08-26

Criminal vs Civil Law crossword puzzle
  1. Type of law which protects society as a whole
  2. If the police have proof you committed a crime, you will be _______
  3. To be found responsible for a civil wrongdoing
  4. The party who brings the case in a civil court
  5. If you are wronged by another party, you may _____ them for damages
  6. Civil law involves the resolution of these
  1. A civil law in which someone’s reputation is damaged
  2. A crime including murder and manslaughter
  3. Negligence is an example of this type of law
  4. ________ service involves completing unpaid work to benefit society, as a consequence of committing a crime
  5. To be found responsible for a crime
  6. Financial compensation sought in a civil case
  7. A person can be found guilty of a civil crime - true or false?
  8. The party who brings the case in a criminal court
  9. The person accused of a crime
  10. Criminal law consequences are designed to _______ offenders
  11. Money paid as a punishment for committing a crime

17 Clues: The person accused of a crimeTo be found responsible for a crimeA crime including murder and manslaughterCivil law involves the resolution of theseNegligence is an example of this type of lawFinancial compensation sought in a civil caseType of law which protects society as a wholeTo be found responsible for a civil wrongdoing...

Classmates 2020-05-28

Classmates crossword puzzle
  1. doesn't like snow
  2. likes shopping
  3. likes scuba diving
  4. wishes he could read people's minds
  1. likes cooking
  2. likes travel
  3. thinks fishing is boring
  4. plays guitar

8 Clues: likes travelplays guitarlikes cookinglikes shoppingdoesn't like snowlikes scuba divingthinks fishing is boringwishes he could read people's minds

ADJ 1 Chapter 1 Vasque 2016-02-09

ADJ 1 Chapter 1 Vasque crossword puzzle
  1. A perspective of criminal justice that maintains the goal of repairing harm that criminal offenses inflict upon victims, offenders, and communities.
  2. An intentional act or omission to act, neither justified.
  3. Behavioral expectations of a group
  4. A person against whom a charge is brought in a court.
  5. An institution to hold pretrial detainees and people convicted of less serious crimes.
  1. An individual charged with carrying out a legal prosecution.
  2. A type of conditional release that is based on good behavior or evidence of some level of rehabilitation.
  3. An institution of the confinement of people who have been convicted of serious crimes.
  4. A verdict of not guilty.
  5. To accuse of wrongdoing through formal accusation.
  6. A perspective of criminal justice that identifies the repression of crime as the most important function of criminal justice system.
  7. A sum of money that the arrested person pays to guarantee that he or she will appear at future hearings.

12 Clues: A verdict of not guilty.Behavioral expectations of a groupTo accuse of wrongdoing through formal accusation.A person against whom a charge is brought in a court.An intentional act or omission to act, neither justified.An individual charged with carrying out a legal prosecution....

Vocab Assignment 2021-09-27

Vocab Assignment crossword puzzle
  1. Tired, blurry, dull, or dimmed
  2. Severe or hard
  3. Back of neck
  4. Rarely
  5. Abundantly productive
  6. Praise highly
  7. Formal speech
  8. Having or expressing little to no emotion
  1. Double over
  2. Generous or more than needed in size, scope, or capacity
  3. One that lives on the labor of others
  4. Small outer room that leads to another
  5. Intense and almost uncontrollable anger
  6. To take in surroundings
  7. commanding position in peoples minds

15 Clues: RarelyDouble overBack of neckPraise highlyFormal speechSevere or hardAbundantly productiveTo take in surroundingsTired, blurry, dull, or dimmedcommanding position in peoples mindsOne that lives on the labor of othersSmall outer room that leads to anotherIntense and almost uncontrollable angerHaving or expressing little to no emotion...

Justing Galicia 2023-11-07

Justing Galicia crossword puzzle
  1. scientific study of human minds
  2. to send
  3. to bring
  4. a long distance race
  5. a school subject that has to do with numbers
  6. study of physical earth features
  7. Place to watch movies and plays
  1. study of living organisms
  2. plan a direct route
  3. space science
  4. make something visible or bright
  5. to make something
  6. teach about a subject
  7. take from one place to another
  8. system of transmitting voices

15 Clues: to sendto bringspace scienceto make somethingplan a direct routea long distance raceteach about a subjectstudy of living organismssystem of transmitting voicestake from one place to anotherscientific study of human mindsPlace to watch movies and playsmake something visible or brightstudy of physical earth features...

Free Thought Crossword 2017-03-05

Free Thought Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a homophobe
  2. the world is ____
  3. this president did 9/11
  4. mainstream, brainwashed masses
  5. our least favorite ethnic group
  6. official term for theft by government
  1. local advocate for Asian superior race
  2. doesn't melt steel beams
  3. dying at an alarming rate
  4. Henry Ford wanted fields of it
  5. NSA whistleblower, freer of minds
  6. rightful president, not Jill

12 Clues: a homophobethe world is ____this president did 9/11doesn't melt steel beamsdying at an alarming raterightful president, not JillHenry Ford wanted fields of itmainstream, brainwashed massesour least favorite ethnic groupNSA whistleblower, freer of mindsofficial term for theft by governmentlocal advocate for Asian superior race

criminology part 1 2023-09-07

criminology part 1 crossword puzzle
  1. study of crime and the causes of criminal
  2. criminal behavior is result of bio/phsyc/social
  3. the theory your born criminal because your genes
  4. causes men to commit crime vs women
  1. Criminal have not developed like the rest
  2. respond with but does not explain crime
  3. people have a choice to be criminals
  4. responsible for the action or crime

8 Clues: responsible for the action or crimecauses men to commit crime vs womenpeople have a choice to be criminalsrespond with but does not explain crimeCriminal have not developed like the reststudy of crime and the causes of criminalcriminal behavior is result of bio/phsyc/socialthe theory your born criminal because your genes

BritLit List 5 Puzzle 2021-11-16

BritLit List 5 Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. after-Spanish class minds
  2. random brain cap
  3. one can spark violent rebellion
  4. like divas and Karens to difficulty
  5. Hamilton's King
  6. things that shout "Pick Me!"
  7. mispronouncing vocab extra credit
  8. puppy-haters
  9. magnetic attraction
  10. cover
  1. cooking knife need
  2. job of a sketch artist
  3. that creepy kid in all your classes...and sports teams...and neighborhood
  4. church and Chick Fil-a, to Christians
  5. mastery of Morse code
  6. same schedule, day after day
  7. population explosion
  8. jaw-dropping performance to applause
  9. its lev-i-o-sah
  10. living like a Queen

20 Clues: coverpuppy-hatersHamilton's Kingits lev-i-o-sahrandom brain capcooking knife needliving like a Queenmagnetic attractionpopulation explosionmastery of Morse codejob of a sketch artistafter-Spanish class mindssame schedule, day after daythings that shout "Pick Me!"one can spark violent rebellionmispronouncing vocab extra credit...

frankenstein 2023-01-13

frankenstein crossword puzzle
  1. mental/physical effort
  2. accuracy to detail
  3. occasional
  4. debateable
  5. to scatter and disappear
  6. disgust
  7. they ___ their visit by a few days
  8. voluntarily cease to claim
  9. unchangeable
  10. succeed
  1. dull
  2. he was a man of decisive action and and adventurous _____
  3. courage in pain
  4. he is ____ devoted to practice his guitar lessons
  5. There are also several external causes of cold. the first of which is ____ of minds and manners.
  6. unlawful
  7. difficult
  8. we must begin to ____ all our ideas
  9. persuasive writing
  10. humble
  11. to relieve of responsibility
  12. anonymity
  13. goodness

23 Clues: dullhumbledisgustsucceedunlawfulgoodnessdifficultanonymityoccasionaldebateableunchangeablecourage in painaccuracy to detailpersuasive writingmental/physical effortto scatter and disappearvoluntarily cease to claimto relieve of responsibilitythey ___ their visit by a few dayswe must begin to ____ all our ideas...

MULTI-VERSE 2023-05-28

MULTI-VERSE crossword puzzle
  4. BLIND
  9. Fe MALE
  10. MY LOVE
  12. ROBIN 2.O


Six of Crows 2023-09-16

Six of Crows crossword puzzle
  1. Fond of chemistry
  2. Evil
  3. Nina's magical ability
  4. Icy northern country
  5. What was Inej raised to perform as with her family
  6. Kaz's signature accessory
  7. Prison
  8. Acrobat
  9. Sequel
  10. Sharpshooter
  11. Secret hideout
  1. Pretended to be Jakob Hertzoon
  2. Master Thief
  3. Inej's nickname
  4. Master of the Small Science
  5. Currency of Ketterdam
  6. Hunt Grisha
  7. City where most of the story takes place
  8. Gives Grisha the power to control others' minds
  9. Rival gang led by Pekka Rollins
  10. Bardugom Author of Six of Crows
  11. Inej's primary wepon
  12. Scientist who invented parem
  13. Gambling establishment

24 Clues: EvilPrisonSequelAcrobatHunt GrishaMaster ThiefSharpshooterSecret hideoutInej's nicknameFond of chemistryIcy northern countryInej's primary weponCurrency of KetterdamNina's magical abilityGambling establishmentKaz's signature accessoryMaster of the Small ScienceScientist who invented paremPretended to be Jakob HertzoonRival gang led by Pekka Rollins...

KRUSIGRAMA 2024-02-17

KRUSIGRAMA crossword puzzle
  1. ginagamit pang sulat
  2. masustansiyang pagkain
  3. pinakamaingay sa Poseidon
  4. laging kinakain pag nasa bertdayhan
  5. planeta na ating tinitirhan
  6. gusto ng mga bata ngayon
  7. pambansang bayani ng Pilipinas
  8. dapat suotin kapag nasa eskwelahan
  9. lugar kung saan nagaaral ang mga estudyante
  10. pambansang hayop ng pilipnas
  11. pinakamagandang teacher sa minds
  1. pinaka ayaw na asignatura
  2. paboritong pakinggan ng mga tao
  3. buwan ng pag ibig
  4. paboritong kolor ni Teacher Mhae
  5. pinaka mahirap na asignatura
  6. kung saan tumitingin ng oras
  7. kung saan nilalagay mga gamit para sa eskwelahan
  8. pambansang bulaklak ng pilipnas
  9. mga walking CCTV

20 Clues: mga walking CCTVbuwan ng pag ibigginagamit pang sulatmasustansiyang pagkaingusto ng mga bata ngayonpinaka ayaw na asignaturapinakamaingay sa Poseidonplaneta na ating tinitirhanpinaka mahirap na asignaturakung saan tumitingin ng oraspambansang hayop ng pilipnaspambansang bayani ng Pilipinaspaboritong pakinggan ng mga tao...

LNM 3 Verba Versa 2023-10-16

LNM 3 Verba Versa crossword puzzle
  1. of the water
  2. you love
  3. the friends (subj)
  4. a river (subject)
  5. they live
  6. I fear
  7. with/by the field
  8. with/by the story
  9. the man (DO)
  10. Rome (DO)
  11. with/by the roads
  12. the poets (subject)
  13. of the son
  14. to/for the boy
  1. to/for the boys
  2. the houses (DO)
  3. beauty (subject)
  4. of the minds
  5. of the sailors
  6. to/for the men
  7. he/she/it tells
  8. to/for the countries
  9. to/for the wolf
  10. the uncles (DO)
  11. we prepare
  12. you all see
  13. to owe

27 Clues: I fearto oweyou lovethey liveRome (DO)we prepareof the sonyou all seeof the waterof the mindsthe man (DO)of the sailorsto/for the mento/for the boyto/for the boysthe houses (DO)he/she/it tellsto/for the wolfthe uncles (DO)beauty (subject)a river (subject)with/by the fieldwith/by the storywith/by the roadsthe friends (subj)the poets (subject)...

Juries 2012-05-18

Juries crossword puzzle
  1. a group of people who sit in a criminal or civil court, hear evidence in a court case
  2. everyone has to agree
  3. court hears both criminal and civil cases of a serious nature
  4. occur in the jury room and only when all jurors are present
  5. you are on a list of people from which jurors will be selected
  6. court hears criminal / civil cases limited to the value of $750,000
  1. not allowed to participate
  2. remain alert and open minded
  3. the process where a jury is selected for a specific trial
  4. any further questions
  5. required to attend court on a particular day
  6. guilty or not guilty
  7. a place where people can resolve disputes relating to law

13 Clues: guilty or not guiltyeveryone has to agreeany further questionsnot allowed to participateremain alert and open mindedrequired to attend court on a particular daythe process where a jury is selected for a specific triala place where people can resolve disputes relating to lawoccur in the jury room and only when all jurors are present...

Juries 2012-05-18

Juries crossword puzzle
  1. a place where people can resolve disputes relating to law
  2. everyone has to agree
  3. a group of people who sit in a criminal or civil court, hear evidence in a court case
  4. you are on a list of people from which jurors will be selected
  5. guilty or not guilty
  1. required to attend court on a particular day
  2. the process where a jury is selected for a specific trial
  3. court hears both criminal and civil cases of a serious nature
  4. occur in the jury room and only when all jurors are present
  5. court hears criminal / civil cases limited to the value of $750,000
  6. remain alert and open minded
  7. not allowed to participate
  8. any further questions

13 Clues: guilty or not guiltyeveryone has to agreeany further questionsnot allowed to participateremain alert and open mindedrequired to attend court on a particular daythe process where a jury is selected for a specific triala place where people can resolve disputes relating to lawoccur in the jury room and only when all jurors are present...

Introduction To Treatment 2021-05-03

Introduction To Treatment crossword puzzle
  1. The most important power we have
  2. We are not even thinking about changing
  3. direction, Works on changing the thinking and behaviors behind criminal behavior and our addiction
  4. thinking patterns, Feature denial as an excuse to use alcohol or other drugs despite the harm it causes
  5. We are ready to change and we need a plan
  6. beliefs, Are the basic assumptions we have made about ourselves, other people, and the world
  7. We are returning to criminal or addictive thinking and/or behaviors and possibly criminal activity or using substances
  8. distortions, Are inaccurate, slanted, or one-sided ways of looking at ourselves, other people and the world
  1. strategy, When we try to confuse people or direct their attention away from us, off the real issues
  2. An opportunity to own up to your own thoughts when you challenge the thoughts of others
  3. We are thinking about changing
  4. Refusing to admit or acknowledge something that may seem obvious to others
  5. We are keeping the change going and avoiding relapse
  6. treatment, Helps people struggling with out-of-control substance use of alcohol and other drugs
  7. We are taking steps to change
  8. The act of telling others about yourself when you are honest about where you’ve been, what you’ve done, and what you like and dislike
  9. community, A group of people who live together in a supportive environment sharing a common interest of recovery
  10. A statement that is accepted to be true without proof or evidence
  11. patterns, The same thoughts we have over and over
  12. thinking patterns, Allow us to indulge in thoughts of crime and then suddenly act on these thoughts

20 Clues: We are taking steps to changeWe are thinking about changingThe most important power we haveWe are not even thinking about changingWe are ready to change and we need a planpatterns, The same thoughts we have over and overWe are keeping the change going and avoiding relapseA statement that is accepted to be true without proof or evidence...

Twelve Angry Men - Legal Terms 2021-11-15

Twelve Angry Men - Legal Terms crossword puzzle
  1. a lawyer or group of lawyers responsible for defending someone on trial
  2. to formally interrogate a witness called by the other party in a court of law to challenge or extend testimony already given.
  3. a lawyer who conducts the case against a defendant in a criminal court
  4. a decision on an issue in a civil or criminal case
  5. when one human being causes the death of another
  6. declare (someone) to be guilty of a criminal offense by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law
  7. free from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty
  1. a person who presides over a jury and speaks on its behalf
  2. If the judge or jury has a ____ about the defendant's guilt, the defendant cannot be convicted
  3. Under U.S. law, a defendant is ____.
  4. thought out or planned beforehand.
  5. guarantees the right to a grand jury, forbids “double jeopardy,” and protects against self-incrimination
  6. to analyze or carefully consider the evidence, facts, the law, or other matters.
  7. a jury that cannot agree upon a verdict after extended deliberation and is unable to reach the required unanimity.
  8. under the 5th ammendment, a person is forbidden from being held in ____, or being tried twice for the same crime.

15 Clues: thought out or planned beforehand.Under U.S. law, a defendant is ____.when one human being causes the death of anothera decision on an issue in a civil or criminal casefree from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guiltya person who presides over a jury and speaks on its behalfa lawyer who conducts the case against a defendant in a criminal court...

Twelve Angry Men - Nikita Jacobs 2020-07-10

Twelve Angry Men - Nikita Jacobs crossword puzzle
  1. Two or more people fully in agreement
  2. A person who presides over a jury and speaks on its behalf
  3. Argue about petty and trivial matters
  4. The act of one human killing another
  5. Think out or plan beforehand
  6. In an embarrassed manner due to shame or a lack of self-confidence
  1. A statement or assertion that expresses a judgement or opinion
  2. A stupid or careless mistake
  3. A person found guilty of a criminal offence and serving a sentence of imprisonment
  4. Hostile and aggressive
  5. Free from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty
  6. A decision on an issue of fact in a civil or criminal case
  7. A person who institutes legal proceedings against someone
  8. An act of attacking and robbing someone in a public place
  9. An illogical or surprising lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts

15 Clues: Hostile and aggressiveA stupid or careless mistakeThink out or plan beforehandThe act of one human killing anotherTwo or more people fully in agreementArgue about petty and trivial mattersFree from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guiltyA person who institutes legal proceedings against someone...

Onscreen 3 Unit 4 Crossword 2021-11-22

Onscreen 3 Unit 4 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. to claim that someone did a crime
  2. the crime of damaging buildings, houses, and other things in public
  3. the crime of making fake money
  4. the crime of putting rubbish in the wrong place
  5. the crime of entering someone's home without them knowing and stealing their things
  6. the crime of lighting a building on fire
  7. a person who has seen a crime (but did not participate in it)
  8. a person who has had a crime done to them
  1. the crime of driving a car too fast
  2. the crime of stealing from a store
  3. the crime of breaking into a place you are not allowed to be in
  4. the group of people who decides if a criminal is guilty or not in a trial
  5. the crime of stealing from someone or something
  6. a person who has done a crime
  7. what police do when they catch a criminal and take them to jail

15 Clues: a person who has done a crimethe crime of making fake moneyto claim that someone did a crimethe crime of stealing from a storethe crime of driving a car too fastthe crime of lighting a building on firea person who has had a crime done to themthe crime of stealing from someone or somethingthe crime of putting rubbish in the wrong place...

Court Crossword 2022-03-22

Court Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. type of civil procedure
  2. criminal evidential hearing
  3. challenges a case
  4. a preliminary plea
  5. someone else said it
  6. civil evidential hearing
  1. minute of ___ brings a case forward
  2. starts a civil case
  3. type of criminal appeal
  4. freezes a civil case
  5. helps a vulnerable witness

11 Clues: challenges a casea preliminary pleastarts a civil casefreezes a civil casesomeone else said ittype of civil proceduretype of criminal appealcivil evidential hearinghelps a vulnerable witnesscriminal evidential hearingminute of ___ brings a case forward

Civil/Criminal law 2023-11-29

Civil/Criminal law crossword puzzle
  1. something that is against the law
  2. Violation or breach of rules or laws.
  3. Loss or harm resulting from an incident.
  4. Confinement punishment for committing crimes or offenses.
  5. carelessness
  6. Confinement for criminals in correctional facilities.
  7. highest class of crime
  1. Decision or judgment made by a court.
  2. second highest class of crime
  3. someone is responsible for an act
  4. tort Harmful action resulting in injury or damage, done purposefully.
  5. statements First impression setting tone for the discussion.
  6. argument Final plea for conviction or acquittal, summarized.
  7. bargain Agreement to reduce charges in exchange.

14 Clues: carelessnesshighest class of crimesecond highest class of crimesomething that is against the lawsomeone is responsible for an actDecision or judgment made by a court.Violation or breach of rules or laws.Loss or harm resulting from an incident.bargain Agreement to reduce charges in exchange.Confinement for criminals in correctional facilities....

Confused Criminal Crossword 2024-08-19

Confused Criminal Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A small container used to hold medicine or liquids.
  2. A very large and impressive house, often with many rooms and a big yard.
  3. A fancy and elegant event or party.
  4. A mythical creature that is often depicted as ugly and lives under bridges or in forests.
  5. Her dress was so _____ that it looked like she was wearing a cloud.
  6. A small, magical creature often found in gardens, usually with a red hat and a beard.
  7. A small, magical being with pointy ears, often found in fairy tales or Christmas stories.
  1. A long, hollow tube used to carry water away from a building, often found on the side of a house.
  2. We keep all our canned goods and snacks in the _____ next to the kitchen.
  3. The sweater was so _____ that it made my hair stand up when I took it off.
  4. Not guilty of a crime or wrongdoing.
  5. The party was _____, with plenty of elegant decorations and food.
  6. His eyes looked _____ when he saw the surprise.
  7. A long, formal dress that people wear to special events like weddings or parties.

14 Clues: A fancy and elegant event or party.Not guilty of a crime or wrongdoing.His eyes looked _____ when he saw the surprise.A small container used to hold medicine or liquids.The party was _____, with plenty of elegant decorations and food.Her dress was so _____ that it looked like she was wearing a cloud....

Crossword on Law 2020-07-04

Crossword on Law crossword puzzle
  1. he/she maintains the law and order in the court
  2. An evidence that is permissible
  3. Committing the act of Killing a person
  4. final part of the trial
  5. state law
  6. person who initiates the case
  7. area of law involving foreign countries
  8. the attorney/lawyer for the people
  1. negotiating for a lesser trial
  2. Someone against whom the case is initiated
  3. local law
  4. formal accusation
  5. not possible in a criminal trial
  6. the person pronouncing the order
  7. a person accused of a crime
  8. a permission to do or not to do something
  9. to apply to the higher court
  10. Judge from among the public

18 Clues: local lawstate lawformal accusationfinal part of the triala person accused of a crimeJudge from among the publicto apply to the higher courtperson who initiates the casenegotiating for a lesser trialAn evidence that is permissiblenot possible in a criminal trialthe person pronouncing the orderthe attorney/lawyer for the people...

Society 2023-11-08

Society crossword puzzle
  1. Rangaistus
  2. Tasavalta
  3. Sosiaalinen
  4. Monikulttuurinen
  5. Rikas
  6. Työtön
  7. Vähemmistö
  8. Arvo; arvostaa
  1. Viranomaiset
  2. Rikollinen
  3. Vaalit
  4. Koulutus
  5. Huumeet
  6. Vapaus
  7. Enemmistö
  8. Parlamentti
  9. Asia; kysymys
  10. Talous

18 Clues: RikasVaalitVapausTyötönTalousHuumeetKoulutusTasavaltaEnemmistöRikollinenRangaistusVähemmistöSosiaalinenParlamenttiViranomaisetAsia; kysymysArvo; arvostaaMonikulttuurinen

A wrinkle in time 2022-06-09

A wrinkle in time crossword puzzle
  1. megs brother
  2. charles wallaces brother
  3. Someone there looking for
  4. it is megs and charles dog
  5. one of the main characters
  6. the drink mrs whatsit had with the murry
  1. a young boy who can read peoples minds
  2. shes strange
  3. she is a star
  4. shes a theive she stole sheets
  5. shes a scientist
  6. Someone who likes basketball

12 Clues: megs brothershes strangeshe is a starshes a scientistcharles wallaces brotherSomeone there looking forit is megs and charles dogone of the main charactersSomeone who likes basketballshes a theive she stole sheetsa young boy who can read peoples mindsthe drink mrs whatsit had with the murry

Martin escobar judicial terms docs class 2022-04-20

Martin escobar judicial terms docs class crossword puzzle
  1. when you pay for some one to be released from jail with the promise that they will be at court
  2. this is typical in front of a judge and a jury for criminal or civil cases
  3. you could be sued for this if you crash into some ones home
  4. you need to campaign to be this to win the
  5. you do not show up to court
  6. person who brings a lawsuit against another person
  7. a very bad crime
  8. they see over wills,estates,guardianship,and marriage license
  9. this is the person that is being sued or suspected of committing the crime
  1. this as the job of the judicial branch
  2. criminal cases like traffic violations and minor civil cases
  3. the people that see your court trial to see if you are guilty or innocent
  4. the place you go to when you break the law
  5. this is the opposite of criminal law
  6. to appeal

15 Clues: to appeala very bad crimeyou do not show up to courtthis is the opposite of criminal lawthis as the job of the judicial branchyou need to campaign to be this to win thethe place you go to when you break the lawperson who brings a lawsuit against another personyou could be sued for this if you crash into some ones home...

TRC Fam C#10 2021-03-25

TRC Fam C#10 crossword puzzle
  1. God crowns us with this
  2. Where Israelites found 70 palm trees
  3. we find this in Gods community
  4. Brenda hates these
  5. what we have together
  6. We do this to our will
  7. Of the king
  1. A stone related to mum
  2. Bible does this to our minds
  3. Gods love for us
  4. Desert cuisine for John TB
  5. What Kate lacked today
  6. God does this to our emotions
  7. Youth in Bible God reassured
  8. Roy and Light together
  9. plant God planted for Rehema

16 Clues: Of the kingGods love for usBrenda hates thesewhat we have togetherA stone related to mumWhat Kate lacked todayWe do this to our willRoy and Light togetherGod crowns us with thisDesert cuisine for John TBBible does this to our mindsYouth in Bible God reassuredplant God planted for RehemaGod does this to our emotionswe find this in Gods community...

Crime & Punishment 2022-03-25

Crime & Punishment crossword puzzle
  1. The person that the police think probably did a crime
  2. When a person enters somebody's house to steal things it called this
  3. When you deliberately kill someone it is this
  4. When the government kills someone as a punishment for killing another person
  5. A big group of people who work together to organize criminal things
  6. Stealing things from stores
  7. a young person who becomes involved in criminal behavior
  8. The crime of hitting or attacking someone
  1. A polite word for a cop
  2. The crime of taking things that are not yours
  3. The person whose job it is to publicly say is someone is guilty or not guilty
  4. A person who does crimes
  5. Another word for a place you go as a punishment for crime
  6. A place you go as a punishment for crime
  7. The crime of damaging somebody's property

15 Clues: A polite word for a copA person who does crimesStealing things from storesA place you go as a punishment for crimeThe crime of damaging somebody's propertyThe crime of hitting or attacking someoneThe crime of taking things that are not yoursWhen you deliberately kill someone it is thisThe person that the police think probably did a crime...

Cross word puzzle of the voc. of Unit 4 2020-05-08

Cross word puzzle of the voc. of Unit 4 crossword puzzle
  1. record / a known record of having been arrested in the past for committing a crime
  2. / to affect offensively or damagingly
  3. / one who testifies in a cause or before a judicial tribunal
  4. circumstance / a circumstance in the commission of an act that lessens the degree of criminal culpability
  5. / a person confined
  6. / obligatory
  7. penalty / death as punishment for a crime
  8. arrest / confinement often under guard to one's house or quarters instead of in prison
  1. / judge orders someone to suffer for committing a crime.
  2. / the infliction of intense pain
  3. / the formal examination before a competent tribunal of the matter in issue in a civil or criminal cause in order to determine such issue
  4. / breaking the law
  5. / mental
  6. / a manufactured covering of natural or synthetic hair for the head
  7. / to take a lower court's decision to a higher court for review

15 Clues: / mental/ obligatory/ breaking the law/ a person confined/ the infliction of intense pain/ to affect offensively or damaginglypenalty / death as punishment for a crime/ judge orders someone to suffer for committing a crime./ one who testifies in a cause or before a judicial tribunal...

Consequences of not meeting responsibilities 2022-10-17

Consequences of not meeting responsibilities crossword puzzle
  1. improper behaviour
  2. the payed worker
  3. a three step process leads to this
  4. warns you that action may need to be taken
  5. failure to take proper care of
  6. resulting from poor reputation
  7. tells you that action will be taken
  1. action is actually taken
  2. having the necessary ability
  3. the list you can be removed from
  4. conduct of criminal procedures
  5. someone who has committed a crime
  6. includes compensasion claims and
  7. temporary action stopping you from work responsibilities
  8. could be caused by themselves or another person
  9. establishes relevant information and
  10. another word for death or serious
  11. the person who pays workers
  12. an example of this would be the general medical council

19 Clues: the payed workerimproper behaviouraction is actually takenthe person who pays workershaving the necessary abilityconduct of criminal proceduresfailure to take proper care ofresulting from poor reputationthe list you can be removed fromincludes compensasion claims andsomeone who has committed a crimeanother word for death or serious...

Who Dunnit!? 2022-11-08

Who Dunnit!? crossword puzzle
  1. Deoxyribonucleic acid
  2. a person who helps another commit a crime.
  3. the civil force of a state, responsible for the prevention and detection of crime and the maintenance of public order.
  4. the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
  5. an impression or mark made on a surface by a person's fingertip, able to be used for identifying individuals from the unique pattern of whorls and lines on the fingertips.
  6. the action of investigating something or someone; formal or systematic examination or research.
  7. A location related to the crime but not where the actual crime took place
  8. a person who has committed a crime.
  9. a claim or piece of evidence that one was elsewhere when an act, typically a criminal one, is alleged to have taken place.
  1. relating to or denoting the application of scientific methods and techniques to the investigation of crime.
  2. have an idea or impression of the existence, presence, or truth of (something) without certain proof.
  3. a thing designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage.
  4. contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law.
  5. a person, especially a police officer, whose occupation is to investigate and solve crimes.
  6. a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action.
  7. the scene where the actual criminal activity took place
  8. an action or omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law.

17 Clues: Deoxyribonucleic acida person who has committed a crime.a person who helps another commit a crime.the scene where the actual criminal activity took placecontrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law.a thing designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage....

Legal studies 2024-05-15

Legal studies crossword puzzle
  1. What's the role of a jury?
  2. What's the difference between civil and criminal liability?
  3. Difference between civil and criminal law?
  4. What's a statute?
  5. What's the difference between criminal and civil liability?
  1. What's the purpose of strict liability?
  2. What's the significance of joint liability?
  3. what is asset liability.
  4. What's the purpose of a deposition?
  5. asset liability.

10 Clues: asset liability.What's a statute?what is asset liability.What's the role of a jury?What's the purpose of a deposition?What's the purpose of strict liability?Difference between civil and criminal law?What's the significance of joint liability?What's the difference between civil and criminal liability?...

Criminal Court 2024-04-17

Criminal Court crossword puzzle
  1. Examination
  2. Appearance
  3. Statements
  4. Argument
  5. Instructions
  6. Statements
  1. Hearing
  2. Examination
  3. Decision
  4. Jury
  5. Negotiations

11 Clues: JuryHearingDecisionArgumentAppearanceStatementsStatementsExaminationExaminationInstructionsNegotiations

Criminal Justice 2024-05-05

Criminal Justice crossword puzzle
  1. The study of crime and criminals
  2. The phase in which an offender receives his/her penalty
  3. Device used to restrain and secure a person
  4. Using force to take an something from another person
  5. Formal hearing where you are told your charges.
  1. Ancient civilization that influenced American Law
  2. amendment that gives you a jury trial, speedy trial and right to confront witnesses
  3. Breaking into an occupied structure to commit a crime.
  4. Affirmative defense that says you were defending yourself or someone else

9 Clues: The study of crime and criminalsDevice used to restrain and secure a personFormal hearing where you are told your charges.Ancient civilization that influenced American LawUsing force to take an something from another personBreaking into an occupied structure to commit a crime.The phase in which an offender receives his/her penalty...

-Criminal Crossword- 2024-05-09

-Criminal Crossword- crossword puzzle
  1. The mental condition that Albert struggled with
  2. Where Albert was born
  3. The fake name Albert gave to the Budd family
  4. Alberts most notorious case
  1. The amount of kids Albert had
  2. Alberts real name
  3. He was also known as
  4. The name of alberts wife
  5. The amount of confirmed victims in this case

9 Clues: Alberts real nameHe was also known asWhere Albert was bornThe name of alberts wifeAlberts most notorious caseThe amount of kids Albert hadThe amount of confirmed victims in this caseThe fake name Albert gave to the Budd familyThe mental condition that Albert struggled with

The 7 Habits (References:; 2016-11-08

The 7 Habits (References:; crossword puzzle
  1. the power to make your own choices or decisions
  2. the reality that exists independent of our minds and experience
  3. the idea that there are basic principles that govern human effectiveness
  4. a theory about how something should be done, made, or thought about
  5. state of needing something or someone else for support, help, etc.
  6. increased effectiveness that results when two or more people or businesses work together
  7. the ability or asset to produce desired results
  8. prevailing disposition or character of a person's thoughts and feelings; the intersection of knowledge, skill, and desire
  9. mutual reliance between people, groups, or things
  10. relating to, based on, or expressive of personal opinions or feelings
  1. responding to problems when they occur instead of doing something to prevent them
  2. the energy and desire that is needed to do something
  3. the reality that exists inside our minds; the meaning we assign to things and events based on our experience
  4. anticipatory, change-oriented and self-initiated behavior in situations
  5. the idea that success is a function of behavior, image, attitude, and skills
  6. the belief that all events are caused by things that happened before them and that people have no real ability to make choices or control what happens
  7. knowledge of your own personality or character
  8. a moral rule that helps you know what is right and wrong and that influences your actions
  9. a coherent whole characterized as a progression of values varying by minute degrees
  10. freedom from outside control or support

20 Clues: freedom from outside control or supportknowledge of your own personality or characterthe power to make your own choices or decisionsthe ability or asset to produce desired resultsmutual reliance between people, groups, or thingsthe energy and desire that is needed to do somethingthe reality that exists independent of our minds and experience...

Chapter 1 2024-01-15

Chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. A set of rules or values that spell out appropriate human conduct
  2. the legal finding by a jury, judge, or guilty plea, that a criminal defendant is guilty
  3. theory of justice based on the assumption that there will always be competing interest and view points among members of society
  4. Sentence A specific, fixed period, sentence ordered by a court
  5. Sentence A scheme where by one is sentenced for a flexible time period (e.g. 5-10 years) so as to be released when rehabilitated or when the opportunity for rehabilitation is presented
  6. The bringing of charges against a individual, based on probable cause, so as to bring the matter before a court
  7. A penalty or punishment
  8. Circumstances Circumstances that would tend to lessen the severity of the sentences, such as one's youthfulness, mental instability, not having a prior criminal record and so on
  1. process model A model by packer that advocates defendants presumption of innocence, protection of suspects rights, and limitations placed on police powers to avoid convicting innocent person
  2. Prosecution and defense are permitted to show physical evidence and questions while judges decides
  3. Authority to make decisions in enforcing the law based on one's observations and judgment (spirt of the law) rather than the letter of the law
  4. control model A model by packer that emphasize law and order and argues that every effort must be made to suppress crime, and to try, convict, and incarcerate offenders
  5. early release from prison, with conditions attached and under supervision of a patrol agency
  6. cake model of criminal justice A model of criminal justice process whereby a four tiered hierarchy exist, with a few celebrated cases at the top, and lower tiers increasing in size as seriousness of cases decline and informal process (use of discretion) become more likely to occur
  7. taking suspect into custody for purposes of charging that person with a crime
  8. strikes law A crime control strategy where by an offender who commits three or more violent offenses will be sentenced to a lengthy term, in prison, usually 25 years to life
  9. justice flow/process the movement of defendants and cases through the criminal's justice process, beginning a crime, and including stages that involve actions of criminal justice working within police courts, and correctional agencies
  10. Allows the defendant to respond to the charges brought against him/her, requires the Gov. to prove it's case

18 Clues: A penalty or punishmentSentence A specific, fixed period, sentence ordered by a courtA set of rules or values that spell out appropriate human conducttaking suspect into custody for purposes of charging that person with a crimethe legal finding by a jury, judge, or guilty plea, that a criminal defendant is guilty...

Unit 8 Lessons1/2 2020-03-11

Unit 8 Lessons1/2 crossword puzzle
  1. opereerima,töötama,toimima
  2. klient
  3. ulakas
  4. varustus
  5. valetama
  6. elektrik
  7. parandama
  8. nukk
  1. lülitama
  2. erinevus
  3. pliit
  4. mehaanik
  5. puusepp
  6. kurjategija
  7. arhitekt
  8. raamatupidaja
  9. kujundama,disainima
  10. kirurg

18 Clues: nukkpliitklientulakaskirurgpuusepplülitamaerinevusmehaanikarhitektvarustusvaletamaelektrikparandamakurjategijaraamatupidajakujundama,disainimaopereerima,töötama,toimima

Week 5 - Criminal Law 2022-09-24

Week 5 - Criminal Law crossword puzzle
  1. To be put on ___ is to release the offender from detention but they are still supervised
  2. the defendant in a criminal case
  3. "Beyond a reasonable doubt" is the strictest standard of ___
  4. In a criminal case, the ___ has the obligation to prove the defendant's guilt
  5. A court may ___ an offender to various punishments.
  6. not guilty
  1. prohibit
  2. to be ___ with a crime = to be accused of committing a crime
  3. Battery is an offence against the ___
  4. ~ indictable crime
  5. To prove statutory ___, proving the defendant's criminal intent is not necessary

11 Clues: prohibitnot guilty~ indictable crimethe defendant in a criminal caseBattery is an offence against the ___A court may ___ an offender to various be ___ with a crime = to be accused of committing a crime"Beyond a reasonable doubt" is the strictest standard of ___...

Legal Terms 2022-11-08

Legal Terms crossword puzzle
  1. a formal protest raised during a trial, deposition or other procedure
  2. the questioning of a witness by the party that has called that witness to give evidence, in order to support the case being made
  3. the judge presiding over the case
  4. a formal declaration that someone is guilty of a criminal offense, made by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law
  5. a formal criminal charge which begins a criminal proceeding in the court
  6. the punishment for a crime ordered by a trial court after a conviction in a criminal procedure
  7. a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime
  8. a judgment that a person is not guilty of the crime with which the person has been charged
  1. the act of the opposing party questioning the witness during a trial
  2. a request to the court for a desired ruling or order
  3. apply to a higher court for a reversal of the decision of a lower court
  4. the first time the defendant appears in court
  5. without interruption, be allowed to keep speaking
  6. to reject or disallow by exercising one's superior authority
  7. an error or the like occurred that causes the trial to become void and needs to be redone

15 Clues: the judge presiding over the casethe first time the defendant appears in courta formal charge or accusation of a serious crimewithout interruption, be allowed to keep speakinga request to the court for a desired ruling or orderto reject or disallow by exercising one's superior authority...

Judicial Branch Vocab 2021-10-25

Judicial Branch Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Formal charge of criminal action by a grand jury.
  2. Attorney who works for the state and defends people who cannot afford a private attorney.
  3. To be completely neutral.
  4. A trial system that is a contest between opposing sides.
  5. Power of the Supreme Court to declare laws and actions of local, state or national governments unconstitutional.
  6. In a civil trial, the person who brings the suit to court (person doing the suing)
  7. Group of citizens who hear evidence during a trial and give a verdict.
  1. Not consistent with the nation's constitution, a.k.a. illegal.
  2. Trial Court that hears about crimes like burglary, murder or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  3. Group that hears charges against a suspect and decides if there is enough evidence to bring the person to trial.
  4. Agreement where a defendant pleads guilty to a lesser crime than what they were first charged with, in return government won't prosecute the more serious crime.
  5. The person against whom a civil or criminal suit is brought in court or is accused of wrongdoing.
  6. Trial Court that hears cases where one person or group thinks another person or group should pay for causing harm.
  7. Set of rules and standards by which a society governs itself.
  8. Attorney who represents the government in a criminal case.

15 Clues: To be completely neutral.Formal charge of criminal action by a grand jury.A trial system that is a contest between opposing sides.Attorney who represents the government in a criminal case.Set of rules and standards by which a society governs itself.Not consistent with the nation's constitution, a.k.a. illegal....

Online reputation 2023-01-29

Online reputation crossword puzzle
  1. com________ act
  2. criminal justice and c____ act
  3. mal_____ous communications act
  4. C______ designs and patents act
  5. Eq_____y act
  1. j_____ act
  2. Computer m___se act
  3. Protection from h_____ent act
  4. Protection of ch______act
  5. cr____ and disorder act

10 Clues: j_____ actEq_____y actcom________ actComputer m___se actcr____ and disorder actProtection of ch______actProtection from h_____ent actcriminal justice and c____ actmal_____ous communications actC______ designs and patents act

Judiciary 2020-05-14

Judiciary crossword puzzle
  1. Our "most visible" federal court has how many members?
  2. Judges in the federal court system are appoint for a term of?
  3. Noel Francisco is the current?
  4. Federal District Courts have this type of jurisdiction?
  5. To strike down laws inconsistent with norms and values of the Constitution?
  6. What is at stake in a criminal trial?
  7. The current Prime Minister of England is?
  8. Who was the Father of the Supreme Court?*
  9. Person or party accused of the crime?
  1. The person bringing a suit in a civil case is called?
  2. The 6th amendment insures your right to what in a criminal trial?
  3. President relying on Senator’s recommendation for district court appointments?
  4. Type of crimes against public order + punishments is this type of law?
  5. The current U.S. Attorney General is?
  6. Age, citizenship, and experience requirement to be a federal judge?
  7. The "court of last resort?
  8. Who approves nominees to the federal court?
  9. A judicial dispute is called?
  10. Montana is part of the circuit for the U.S. 9th district
  11. Law governing relationships between people and their legal rights?
  12. The Judiciary Act of 1789 was the first act of?

21 Clues: The "court of last resort?A judicial dispute is called?Noel Francisco is the current?The current U.S. Attorney General is?What is at stake in a criminal trial?Person or party accused of the crime?The current Prime Minister of England is?Who was the Father of the Supreme Court?*Who approves nominees to the federal court?...


SMART MINDS - CROSS WORD crossword puzzle
  1. The failure to accomplish what is required by law or duty(10)
  2. An unconditional order from the drawer that directs a bank to pay a definite sum of money to a payee (6)
  3. Borrower's pledge of specific property to a lender, to secure repayment of a loan (10)
  4. Financial institution that connects surplus and deficit agents(12)
  5. Financial contract obligating the buyer to purchase an asset at a predetermined future date and price(7)
  6. Short-term government security(8,4)
  7. Represents assets in the form of publicly collected funds that are invested in various ways(10)
  8. A real-time gross settlement system in US(7)
  9. Typical mass-market banking for individual customers (6)
  1. A non-cash expense associated with reducing a fixed asset’s book value due to general wear and tear over time(12)
  2. Intended to protect investors who do not have the necessary knowledge and information to judge whom they can entrust with their savings(7,9)
  3. Document which can be used to carry out a financial transaction(10)
  4. To reduce the amount in an account(6)
  5. Items owed by an organization or claims against its assets(9)
  6. Person who undertakes to repay a debt, if the person who raised a loan defaults.(9)

15 Clues: Short-term government security(8,4)To reduce the amount in an account(6)A real-time gross settlement system in US(7)Typical mass-market banking for individual customers (6)The failure to accomplish what is required by law or duty(10)Items owed by an organization or claims against its assets(9)...

The Darkest Minds Vocab 2024-06-03

The Darkest Minds Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Obsessively Anxious
  2. A place for the care of those who are ill
  3. Not able to appreciate or express humor
  4. Refusal to obey orders
  5. A facial expression of pain or disgust
  6. The period in between childhood and becoming and adult
  7. Emitting light not caused by heat
  1. Something someone feels or experiences
  2. An area of something
  3. A feeling of intense annoyance or irritation
  4. Deliberate cruelty or violence
  5. A person who stares at someone or something
  6. Without being aware
  7. The inability to make a decision
  8. Abnormal

15 Clues: AbnormalObsessively AnxiousWithout being awareAn area of somethingRefusal to obey ordersDeliberate cruelty or violenceThe inability to make a decisionEmitting light not caused by heatSomething someone feels or experiencesA facial expression of pain or disgustNot able to appreciate or express humorA place for the care of those who are ill...

Phrasal Verb 2023-07-10

Phrasal Verb crossword puzzle
  1. company
  2. habis
  3. similar
  4. criminal
  5. look down
  6. reject
  7. good relation
  8. tease
  9. fool
  1. putus
  2. fire you
  3. muntah
  4. granpa's name
  5. ngacau
  6. forgive
  7. ask out
  8. uninvited
  9. count on
  10. fainted
  11. pamer

20 Clues: foolputushabisteasepamermuntahngacaurejectcompanyforgivesimilarask outfaintedfire youcriminalcount onlook downuninvitedgranpa's namegood relation

Greek Gods Crossword Puzzle 2022-03-25

Greek Gods Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. came out of Zeus's thigh
  2. creator of horses
  3. evaporated into thin air
  4. Olympus tallest mountain in Greece
  5. likes peacocks
  6. Minds his own business
  7. born in the ocean
  8. founder of Thebes
  9. likes fire
  1. turned into a gecko
  2. kissed a statue
  3. womanizing king of the universe
  4. puts a baby in a fireplace
  5. popped out of a brain
  6. released all problems for humans
  7. Head god of the city is Athena
  8. the reason we have the word arachnophobia
  9. turns his daughter into a snake
  10. loves pomegrante
  11. had a child with a cloud

20 Clues: likes firelikes peacockskissed a statueloves pomegrantecreator of horsesborn in the oceanfounder of Thebesturned into a geckopopped out of a brainMinds his own businesscame out of Zeus's thighevaporated into thin airhad a child with a cloudputs a baby in a fireplaceHead god of the city is Athenawomanizing king of the universe...

Sixty-One Lessons 2024-04-01

Sixty-One Lessons crossword puzzle
  1. a great influence
  2. The reason he has that competitive mindset
  3. Changed the aspect of the beautiful game
  4. the reason he succeeded
  5. A nickname he was given
  6. A man's best freind
  7. One of the best players of his time
  8. Chris Paul's son
  9. a great friend
  10. a prized possesion
  1. his spouse
  2. The starting step to becoming the best of his time
  3. where minds become full with knowledge
  4. Home
  5. The iconic basketball figure
  6. His current team
  7. His secondary sport
  8. A family figure
  9. a mentor
  10. one of the greatest coaches of all time

20 Clues: Homea mentorhis spousea great friendA family figureHis current teamChris Paul's sona great influencea prized possesionHis secondary sportA man's best freindthe reason he succeededA nickname he was givenThe iconic basketball figureOne of the best players of his timewhere minds become full with knowledgeone of the greatest coaches of all time...


FICTIONAL HEROES crossword puzzle
  1. vězení
  2. zatknout
  3. policista
  4. otisky prstů
  5. podezřelý
  6. důkazy
  7. vyšetřování
  1. právník
  2. detektive
  3. obět
  4. želízka
  5. vražda
  6. krev
  7. krádež
  8. zbraň
  9. zločinec
  10. právo

17 Clues: obětkrevzbraňprávovězenívraždakrádeždůkazyprávníkželízkazatknoutzločinecdetektivepolicistapodezřelývyšetřováníotisky prstů

Sherlock Holmes Wortschatz 2013-02-14

Sherlock Holmes Wortschatz crossword puzzle
  1. talked
  2. detail
  3. jeweler
  4. moved
  5. bent
  6. lonely
  7. criminal
  8. abandoned
  9. abominable
  10. lover
  11. scent
  1. brought down
  2. barred
  3. famous
  4. hunting cap
  5. crooked
  6. sloppy
  7. rich
  8. confused

19 Clues: bentrichmovedloverscentbarredtalkeddetailfamoussloppylonelyjewelercrookedcriminalconfusedabandonedabominablehunting capbrought down

The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet 2023-02-21

The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet crossword puzzle
  1. jailers
  2. criminal
  3. worms
  4. value
  5. convenient; opportune
  6. rude fellow
  7. sheath
  8. eternal
  9. unnatural
  10. lord
  11. strictness
  1. cut off
  2. on
  3. unlucky
  4. arrest
  5. cause
  6. help
  7. value
  8. terrible
  9. banner

20 Clues: onhelplordwormsvaluecausevaluearrestsheathbannerjailerscut offunluckyeternalcriminalterribleunnaturalstrictnessrude fellowconvenient; opportune

Let It Go: Post-Sentencing and Release 2014-01-02

Let It Go: Post-Sentencing and Release crossword puzzle
  1. Reconsideration of parole eligibility for an offender sentenced to at least 15 years in prison
  2. A criminal who repeatedly behaves in a way that could cause serious harm to others and who would likely reoffend
  3. The right to revoke a fine or prison sentence or issue a pardon
  4. An offender deemed to be a serious risk to public safety due to repetitive behaviours, and is therefore given an indeterminate sentence
  5. The temporary release from custody of an offender under specific conditions
  1. An inmate’s release from an institution as required by law
  2. Insurance that guarantees the honesty of a person who handles money or other valuables
  3. That which discourages the specific criminal from reoffending
  4. A release with terms, which, if successfully completed, results in no criminal record
  5. An offender’s complete release from custody into the community under specific conditions and supervision
  6. Being excused of a crime
  7. A release without conditions, with no criminal record
  8. The release of an inmate into the community before the full sentence is served
  9. A parole board review of an offender’s eligibility after one-third of the sentence is served
  10. A discharge from custody into the community under terms and conditions

15 Clues: Being excused of a crimeA release without conditions, with no criminal recordAn inmate’s release from an institution as required by lawThat which discourages the specific criminal from reoffendingThe right to revoke a fine or prison sentence or issue a pardonA discharge from custody into the community under terms and conditions...

Terrorism 2018-03-09

Terrorism crossword puzzle
  1. bomb
  2. warning
  3. chemical
  4. threat
  5. criminal
  6. demand
  7. explosion
  8. hostage
  1. release
  2. capture
  3. victim
  4. destabilization
  5. terrorist
  6. militant
  7. explosive
  8. nuclear

16 Clues: bombvictimthreatdemandreleasecapturewarningnuclearhostagechemicalmilitantcriminalterroristexplosiveexplosiondestabilization

Young Minds: Gusto (Dec 2020) 2020-12-07

Young Minds: Gusto (Dec 2020) crossword puzzle
  1. Wife or a 2020 YJA Co-Chair
  2. A bone that connects to your shoulder
  3. An economic downturn
  4. Enthusiasm or being eager for something
  5. National animal of Scotland
  6. Longest river in the world
  7. To go really fast or where we say “aunty, you’re on mute”
  8. The process of two companies becoming one
  9. Good luck out there!
  10. “Appa, _____” -Avatar
  11. Name for someone who is the very best at what they do
  12. Despicable Me villain
  13. How every Jain ends their Taco Bell order
  14. Harry Potter’s best friend
  1. Unscramble the scrabble tiles in this issue!
  2. Capital of United Arab Emirates
  3. _____ College
  4. Possibly the first vaccine hero
  5. “Jaa, ____, jaa, jee le apni zindagi” -DDLJ
  6. The Lion, the Witch, and the ___
  7. Divided East and West Germany
  8. Diana Prince alter ego
  9. Aubrey Graham alias
  10. The football team that can fly
  11. Only element that is liquid at room temperature
  12. Mahavir Swami attained Nirvana here
  13. Ke$ha song or the cooler, newer version of Vine
  14. Ages and ages

28 Clues: _____ CollegeAges and agesAubrey Graham aliasAn economic downturnGood luck out there!“Appa, _____” -AvatarDespicable Me villainDiana Prince alter egoLongest river in the worldHarry Potter’s best friendWife or a 2020 YJA Co-ChairNational animal of ScotlandDivided East and West GermanyThe football team that can flyCapital of United Arab Emirates...

The Great Collaboration of Minds! 2020-11-01

The Great Collaboration of Minds! crossword puzzle
  1. Best place for custom ice cream
  2. Emerson's favourite chip flavour
  3. Gemma's favourite team sport
  4. Ella's violet ensemble
  5. Favourite vacation snack
  6. Our next winter vacation spot
  7. Ginet dog of past years
  8. number of kids in the group
  9. Emerson's middle name
  10. The best part of going to the movies
  11. Chloe's middle name
  12. What Brad does when he is annoyed
  13. A fun place to visit animals
  14. Where the kids first met
  1. Gaggles of girls in pyjamas
  2. Charlie's favourite pizza place
  3. Popular violent video game
  4. Brad's favourite sport to play
  5. Ella's and Natalie's middle name
  6. The Happiest Place on Earth
  7. Natalie's favourite number
  8. Brad's car manufacturer
  9. Chloe's favourite animal
  10. Brad's middle name
  11. Gemma's cats name
  12. Book series about an adventurous mouse
  13. The name of Natalie's neighbourhood
  14. Gemma's halloween costume
  15. Type of dance class
  16. a snuggly soft monkey

30 Clues: Gemma's cats nameBrad's middle nameChloe's middle nameType of dance classEmerson's middle namea snuggly soft monkeyElla's violet ensembleBrad's car manufacturerGinet dog of past yearsFavourite vacation snackChloe's favourite animalWhere the kids first metGemma's halloween costumePopular violent video gameNatalie's favourite number...

Minds In Motion Crossword Puzzle 2020-03-31

Minds In Motion Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The very first changemaker in our story
  2. High, middle, low...these are?
  3. All of the important people we learned about were makers of what?
  4. “everybody ..... step, everybody ..... step!"
  5. Van Lew and Richards were great spies … who did they spy on?
  6. In MIM, you learn to sit and stand like a ...
  7. Standing up for what you believe in takes some of this! (we say this word six times in the finale)
  8. You count to this number before saying, “this is me!”
  9. MIM would be very quiet without them!
  10. The speed of music
  11. Opposite of soggy hands
  12. A lawyer who fought to end “separate but equal”
  13. This team is NOT “extra large”
  14. The first woman to sign her name on a NASA report
  15. Our changemakers are all from this place
  16. These bend and help create levels in dance
  17. A dance step that brings us together as one big ...
  18. She put her community before herself and was the first African-American AND female bank president
  19. If you look in this direction, the audience will only see the top of your head!
  20. This is in motion when you are thinking hard!
  21. In order to get on stage, you must make an _____
  22. You do this in a space or on one foot
  23. Cockacoeske was different… instead of violence and war, she wanted ...
  1. You are frozen in place, with two feet on the ground, and at least one arm up
  2. Dance steps that are linked together create this ...
  3. The last and most exciting dance of a big show!
  4. Saying these will help you remember your dance steps
  5. The number of front homes you do before the end of the finale
  6. If you forget to do this, dancing will be very difficult to do!
  7. Being a strong ___ will help your team do their best
  8. A dance move with “instrumental” influence
  9. An action, movement, or gesture has what?
  10. These rights guarantee equal opportunities and protection under the law, regardless of race, religion, or other personal characteristics
  11. The dancer version of a “try out”, where you perform your best in front of judges
  12. When your back is facing the audience, you are looking ___ stage
  13. The magic number in dance
  14. You should do this when your MIM teacher gives the sign (legs crossed, back tall, hands in your lap)
  15. This happens after a practice round of a game
  16. Dance is what kind of art form?
  17. If you are not on stage, you are …?
  18. It's like your house in can be moved out at anytime
  19. This person stepped down from power, when they could’ve ruled as long as they wanted
  20. You do this when your MIM teacher makes a peace sign, and then flips it upside down over the palm of their hand
  21. This! Is! ___!
  22. Two changemakers “cried for ___ , for their country”
  23. Doing this before a pose makes it so much more exciting!
  24. Which side do you always start on?
  25. Something you should do at home or with your teammates at recess! (they say with enough of this, you can make something perfect)
  26. Bibbity bibbity ___
  27. Everyone does this in MIM. Your teaching artists love it!

50 Clues: This! Is! ___!The speed of musicBibbity bibbity ___Opposite of soggy handsThe magic number in danceHigh, middle, low...these are?This team is NOT “extra large”Dance is what kind of art form?Which side do you always start on?If you are not on stage, you are …?MIM would be very quiet without them!You do this in a space or on one foot...

Legal Vocab - Part 2 2022-08-25

Legal Vocab - Part 2 crossword puzzle
  1. The act or process of admitting (into evidence) a party's acknowledgement that a fact or statement is true
  2. A person who commits criminal assault
  3. Accomplice to a crime, a person is not constructively present but with criminal intent contributes as an assistant or instigator to the commission of a felony
  4. A formal charge of wrong-doing
  5. To diminish or reduce in scope
  6. To address, call into account:to bring a defendant before a judge to hear the charges and to plead wither guilty or not guilty
  7. One who intentionally and voluntarily participates with another in a crime by encouraging or assisting in the commission of a crime or by failing to prevent
  8. Previously in mind:premeditated
  9. An act of clemency by an authority (as a government) by which a pardon is granted.
  10. Careful consideration, the act of process of advising
  1. To put off further proceedings of either indefinitely or until a later stated time
  2. "Attack": The crime or tort of threatening or attempting to inflict immediate offensive physical contact or bodily harm that one has the present ability to inflict
  3. A criminal assault committed with the intent to commit another specific crime
  4. To set free or release from some obligation or responsibility
  5. of Consent The age at which a person is deemed competent by law to give consent
  6. A person who has been arrested for or formally charged with a crime such as the defendant in a criminal case
  7. Opposed to one's interest; operating to ones detriment

17 Clues: A formal charge of wrong-doingTo diminish or reduce in scopePreviously in mind:premeditatedA person who commits criminal assaultCareful consideration, the act of process of advisingOpposed to one's interest; operating to ones detrimentTo set free or release from some obligation or responsibility...

Criminal Profiling 2023-06-21

Criminal Profiling crossword puzzle
  1. What type of offender was Bundy described as?
  2. What is the British approach?
  3. What type of profiling did Ollie cover?
  4. What type of profiling did Saskia cover?
  5. The ______ Zone is a key concept on geographical profiling
  1. What type of profiling did Freya cover?
  2. What type of data is preferred when using typological profiling?
  3. Who was known as the ‘Mad Bomber’ of New York? George ______
  4. ______ Decay is another key concept of geographical profiling

9 Clues: What is the British approach?What type of profiling did Freya cover?What type of profiling did Ollie cover?What type of profiling did Saskia cover?What type of offender was Bundy described as?The ______ Zone is a key concept on geographical profilingWho was known as the ‘Mad Bomber’ of New York? George ______...

Milton 2021-10-14

Milton crossword puzzle
  1. beroende
  2. utvigda
  3. gård
  4. chips
  5. småprata
  6. årstid
  7. frostig
  8. avundsjuk
  9. vara ledsen
  1. klaga
  2. läsk
  3. konsumtion
  4. up klä ut sig
  5. brottsling
  6. klasskamrat
  7. dimma
  8. vinna
  9. ursinnigt
  10. skynda

19 Clues: läskgårdklagachipsdimmavinnaårstidskyndautvigdafrostigberoendesmåprataursinnigtavundsjukkonsumtionbrottslingklasskamratvara ledsenup klä ut sig

Rainmaker Crossword 2023-10-18

Rainmaker Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Pev's throatier sound (5-5)
  2. Jon might put it what way?
  3. Lunch spot for sunny days
  4. Alright then ____?
  5. Lewis' daily fizz fix?
  1. Don't forget to log these too!
  2. Cat-like tax-free reward
  3. Thursday's liquid lunch spot
  4. He'll arrive at about 11:00
  5. Pev's soundboard special
  6. The legendary ___ Darth Vader
  7. Every clients' favourite acronym
  8. Classic United Minds response, Hi ____

13 Clues: Alright then ____?Lewis' daily fizz fix?Cat-like tax-free rewardPev's soundboard specialLunch spot for sunny daysJon might put it what way?Pev's throatier sound (5-5)He'll arrive at about 11:00Thursday's liquid lunch spotThe legendary ___ Darth VaderDon't forget to log these too!Every clients' favourite acronymClassic United Minds response, Hi ____

Investigation and Intelligence 2023-08-06

Investigation and Intelligence crossword puzzle
  1. Involves the misuse of public power or position for personal gain, typically involving bribery, embezzlement, or abuse of authority for illegal benefits.
  2. The act of taking a person into custody by law enforcement authorities due to suspicion of committing a crime.
  3. A person who has seen, heard, or has relevant information about a crime or an event and is called upon to testify in court or during an investigation.
  4. Any information, object, or material that is presented in court or during an investigation to support or disprove a claim or allegation related to a crime.
  5. crime Criminal activities carried out by a structured group or criminal organization for financial gain, often involving complex networks and hierarchies.
  1. Refers to any unlawful act or behavior that is punishable by law.
  2. The process of gathering and examining evidence and facts related to a crime or an alleged criminal act.
  3. The legal process by which a government authority brings criminal charges against an individual or entity accused of committing a crime.
  4. A person who is believed to have committed or been involved in a crime based on available evidence and information.
  5. laundering The process of disguising the illegal origins of funds, typically obtained through criminal activities, to make them appear legitimate and clean.
  6. The punishment or penalty imposed by a court on a person found guilty of a crime. It can range from fines to imprisonment or other forms of punishment, depending on the severity of the crime.
  7. In the legal context, a formal accusation made against a suspect, outlining the specific criminal offense they are alleged to have committed.
  8. trafficking The illegal production, transportation, distribution, and sale of controlled substances such as narcotics, drugs, or illicit substances.

13 Clues: Refers to any unlawful act or behavior that is punishable by law.The process of gathering and examining evidence and facts related to a crime or an alleged criminal act.The act of taking a person into custody by law enforcement authorities due to suspicion of committing a crime....

Psych and Crime 2013-04-14

Psych and Crime crossword puzzle
  1. The type of profiling where the background and motive of people who commit similar crimes are investigated
  2. The sixth step involves ___ of the suspect
  3. 'Profiling inputs' is the name for the ___ that is collected
  4. A ___ is a single incident where a large group of people are killed
  5. Which type of criminal is considered to have a personality disorder with antisocial tendencies
  6. Personality is one of the most important parts of a criminal ___
  7. The fifth step of crime scene analysis involves trying to ___ the suspect
  8. A ___ criminal lacks control when committing an offence
  9. The type of stalker who claims their behaviour is based on reconciliation or revenge
  10. One diagnostic tool in measuring psychopathy is the Psychopathic Personality ___
  1. A ___ killer is one who kills on three or more separate occasions
  2. A ___-control oriented serial killer gains sexual satisfaction from controlling others
  3. An ___ criminal carefully selects the location and victim of their crime
  4. The type of profiling where crime scene evidence is used to understand the criminal's mind
  5. The type of stalker who often moves from victim to victim looking for a relationship
  6. The second step of crime scene analysis involves establishing facts and looking for ___
  7. The third step of crime scene analysis involves ___ the crime scene
  8. A ___-oriented serial killer believes they have to remove a certain group from society
  9. The type of stalker who stalks as part of a plan with the intent of assaulting the victim
  10. This type of serial killer derives pleasure from killing
  11. This type of serial killer believes that visions or voices guide their actions
  12. One of the main roles of a forensic psychologist is ___ offenders
  13. A __ murderer is an individual who kills several people in a single event

23 Clues: The sixth step involves ___ of the suspectA ___ criminal lacks control when committing an offenceThis type of serial killer derives pleasure from killing'Profiling inputs' is the name for the ___ that is collectedPersonality is one of the most important parts of a criminal ___A ___ killer is one who kills on three or more separate occasions...

Chapter 7 Vocab Crossword 2016-03-08

Chapter 7 Vocab Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Behavior that under-conforms to accepted norms
  2. The theory that compliance with social norms requires strong bonds between individuals and society
  3. The theory that individuals learn deviance in a proportion to the number of deviant acts and norms to which they are exposed
  4. An act committed in violation of the law
  5. Behavior that over-conforms to social expectations
  6. Only occasional breaking or norms
  7. Ways to encourage conformity to society's norms
  8. The process of changing or reforming a criminal through socialization
  9. A social condition in which norms are weak, conflicting, or absent
  10. A method of protecting society from criminals by keeping them in prison
  1. Rewards or punishments that encourage conformity to social norms
  2. The theory that deviance is more likely to occur when a gap exists between cultural goals and the ability to achieve them
  3. A system compromising institutions and processes responsible for enforcing criminal statuses
  4. The process of reducing the seriousness of the crimes that injure people of lower status
  5. A person who breaks significant societal or group norms
  6. Deviance that becomes lifestyle and part of an individual's identity
  7. A repetition of, or return to, a criminal behavior
  8. A job related crime committed by high status people
  9. Discouraging criminal acts by threatening punishment
  10. Behavior that departs from societal or group norms
  11. Punishment intended to make criminals pay monetary compensation to make up for the financial damaged caused by their acts
  12. The theory that society creates deviance by identifying particular members as deviant
  13. Punishment intended to make criminals pay compensation for their acts
  14. An undesirable label used to deny a deviant acceptance

24 Clues: Only occasional breaking or normsAn act committed in violation of the lawBehavior that under-conforms to accepted normsWays to encourage conformity to society's normsA repetition of, or return to, a criminal behaviorBehavior that over-conforms to social expectationsBehavior that departs from societal or group norms...

Criminal Justice System and the Courts 2022-03-28

Criminal Justice System and the Courts crossword puzzle
  1. There are 15 of these in Arizona.
  2. Has jurisdiction over all felony cases committed in Maricopa County.
  3. A willful unlawful act.
  4. The highest court in the federal system.
  5. Type of case that deals with an individual's private rights.
  6. A civil violation.
  7. Dictates the methods and the means by which the state proceeds, through the police, public administrators, and the courts, to enforce rights or duties of the substantive law.
  8. Number of Supreme Court justices.
  9. Court system that deals with United States laws.
  10. A guilty mind, or intent.
  11. Document that created the judicial branch.
  12. What an appellate court hears from a lower court.
  13. Means by which judges in Arizona are placed in office.
  1. Court that hears and decides cases in three judge panels; has jurisdiction in all matters properly appealed from superior court; and reviews all decisions properly appealed to it.
  2. Law created through state and federal legislature.
  3. The Supreme Court's authority to decide what is constitutional, as decided in Marbury v. Madison
  4. Justice of the Peace doesn't not have to be a licensed one of these.
  5. Defines what constitutes criminal conduct subject to prosecution by the state and set forth the punishment for such criminal acts
  6. Means by which federal judges are placed in office.
  7. Two court systems in the United States.
  8. Court that hears cases of city ordinance violations.
  9. Court system that deals with state laws.
  10. Type of case when someone is accused of committing a crime.
  11. The principle that no one can be punished for an act that was not defined as criminal before the person did the act.

24 Clues: A civil violation.A willful unlawful act.A guilty mind, or intent.There are 15 of these in Arizona.Number of Supreme Court justices.Two court systems in the United States.The highest court in the federal system.Court system that deals with state laws.Document that created the judicial branch.Court system that deals with United States laws....

Chapter 7 Vocab, Kassidy Bower 2022-01-03

Chapter 7 Vocab, Kassidy Bower crossword puzzle
  1. Punishment intended to make criminals pay compensation for their act.
  2. Ways to encourage conformity to society's norms.
  3. Process of reducing the seriousness of the crimes that injure people of a lower status.
  4. System compromising institutions and processes responsible for enforcing criminal statues.
  5. Rewards or punishments that encourage conformity to social norms.
  6. Theory that individuals learn deviance in proportion to the number of deviant acts and norms in which they are exposed.
  7. Theory that society creates deviance by identifying particular members as deviant.
  8. Theory that deviance is more likely to occur when a gap exists between cultural goals and the ability to achieve them.
  9. Behavior that over conforms to accepted norms.
  10. Deviance in which an individual's life and identity are organized around breaking society's norms.
  11. A person who breaks significant societal/group norms.
  12. An undesirable label that is used to deny a deviant social acceptance.
  13. Theory that compliance with social norms requires strong bonds between individuals and society.
  14. A repetition of, or return to, criminal behavior.
  1. A method of protecting society from criminals by keeping them in prison.
  2. Discouraging criminal acts by threatening punishment.
  3. Behavior that departs from group norms.
  4. Behavior that under conforms to accepted norms.
  5. Job related crimes committed by high-status people.
  6. A social condition in which norms are weak, conflicting, or absent.
  7. Deviance involving occasional breaking of norms, this is not a part of a person's lifestyle.
  8. Punishment intended to make criminals pay monetary compensation to make up for financial damage caused by their act.
  9. Process of changing or reforming a criminal through socialization.
  10. An act committed in violation of the law.

24 Clues: Behavior that departs from group norms.An act committed in violation of the law.Behavior that over conforms to accepted norms.Behavior that under conforms to accepted norms.Ways to encourage conformity to society's norms.A repetition of, or return to, criminal behavior.Job related crimes committed by high-status people....

Crime Defined 2022-10-13

Crime Defined crossword puzzle
  1. classification for a crime of medium gravity
  2. force that is intended or known by the actor to cause, or in the manner of its intended use is capable of causing, death or serious bodily injury
  3. a wrong; a private or civil wrong or injury resulting from a breach of a legal duty
  4. when a person voluntarily submits to the authority of the officer
  5. harmful result; element of a crime
  6. classification for the least serious type of crime
  7. Latin phrase meaning “bad in itself”
  8. simultaneous occurrence of criminal act and criminal intent
  9. criminal act
  10. actual, corporeal, and forcible detention
  11. Latin phrase meaning “bad because prohibited”
  1. any firearm or other weapon, device, or instrument which in the manner of its use or intended use is capable of producing death or serious bodily injury
  2. officers must be within their jurisdiction and their legal right to arrest
  3. factor which favors the accused and makes a lesser charge and/or sentence
  4. a sixth sense, gut feeling, or thought that is not based on any actual information
  5. facts or evidence that would make a reasonable person believe that a crime or wrongdoing has been, is being, or will be committed
  6. illegal action or activity which is punishable by law
  7. unauthorized departure from custody or failure to return to custody
  8. can be given verbally or physically
  9. criminal intent
  10. classification for the most serious type of crimes
  11. has been altered from its original intended use
  12. factor which supports a more serious charge and/or stiffer penalty
  13. actual seizure of a person or under arrest by a peace officer

24 Clues: criminal actcriminal intentharmful result; element of a crimecan be given verbally or physicallyLatin phrase meaning “bad in itself”actual, corporeal, and forcible detentionclassification for a crime of medium gravityLatin phrase meaning “bad because prohibited”has been altered from its original intended use...

Lauren Arens-Ennis: Sociology Chapter 7 2022-01-06

Lauren Arens-Ennis: Sociology Chapter 7 crossword puzzle
  1. (the theory that compliance with social norms requires strong bonds between individuals and society)
  2. (deviance in which an individual's life and identity are organized around breaking society's norms)
  3. (a social condition in which norms are weak, conflicting, or absent)
  4. (job-related crimes committed by high-status people)
  5. (the theory that individuals learn deviance in proportion to the number of deviant acts and norms in which they are exposed)
  6. (a method of protecting society from criminals by keeping them in prison)
  7. (the process of reducing the seriousness of the crimes that injure people of lower status)
  8. (an act committed in violation of the law)
  9. (the theory that deviance is more likely to occur when a gap exists between cultural goals and the ability to achieve them)
  10. (a person who breaks significant societal or group norms)
  11. (a system comprising institutions and processes responsible for enforcing criminal statutes)
  1. (an undesirable label that is used to deny a deviant social acceptance)
  2. (ways to encourage conformity to society's norms)
  3. (the process of changing or reforming a criminal through socialization)
  4. (rewards or punishments that encourage conformity to social norms)
  5. (discouraging criminal acts by threatening punishment)
  6. (punishment intended to make criminals pay compensation for their acts)
  7. (a repetition of, or return to, criminal behavior)
  8. (behavior that departs from societal or group norms)
  9. (the theory that society creates deviance by identifying particular members as deviant)
  10. (punishment intended to make criminals pay monetary compensation to make up for the financial damage caused by their acts)
  11. (behavior that under-conforms to accepted norms)
  12. (behavior that overconforms to social expectations)
  13. (deviance involving occasional breaking of norms that is not a part of a person's lifestyle or self-concept)

24 Clues: (an act committed in violation of the law)(behavior that under-conforms to accepted norms)(ways to encourage conformity to society's norms)(a repetition of, or return to, criminal behavior)(behavior that overconforms to social expectations)(job-related crimes committed by high-status people)(behavior that departs from societal or group norms)...

Chapter 7 2023-01-12

Chapter 7 crossword puzzle
  1. behavior that overconforms to social expectations
  2. only occasional breaking of norms
  3. the theory that individuals learn deviance in proportion to the number of deviant acts and norms to which they are exposed
  4. ways to encourage conformity to society's norms
  5. the theory that deviance is more likely to occur when a gap exists between cultural goals and the ability to achieve them
  6. deviance that becomes a lifestyle and part of an individuals identity
  7. an act committed in violation of the law
  8. the process of changing or reforming a criminal through socialization
  9. punishment intended to make criminals pay monetary compensation to make up for the financial damage caused by their acts
  1. a repetition of or return to criminal behavior
  2. an undesirable label used to deny a deviant acceptance
  3. a method of protecting society from criminals by keeping them in prison
  4. punishment intended to make criminals pay compensation for their acts
  5. behavior that departs from societal or group norms
  6. job related crimes commited by high status people
  7. the theory that compliance with social norms requires strong bonds between individuals and society
  8. the theory that society creates deviance by identifying particular members as deviant
  9. a social condition in which norms are weak conflicting or absent
  10. rewards or punishments that encourage conformity to social norms
  11. behavior that underconforms to accepted norms
  12. a person who breaks significant societal or group norms
  13. a system comprising institutions and processes responsible for enforcing criminal statutes
  14. discouraging criminal acts by threatening punishment
  15. the process of reducing the seriousness of the crime that injure people of lower status

24 Clues: only occasional breaking of normsan act committed in violation of the lawbehavior that underconforms to accepted normsa repetition of or return to criminal behaviorways to encourage conformity to society's normsbehavior that overconforms to social expectationsjob related crimes commited by high status people...

Soc. Chapter 7- Olivia Tobias 2024-01-08

Soc. Chapter 7- Olivia Tobias crossword puzzle
  1. Rewards or punisments that encourgae conformity to social norms
  2. An act committed within violation of the law
  3. The theory that compliance with social norms requires strong bonds between individuals and society
  4. Punishment intended to make criminals pay compensation for their acts
  5. The process of chnaging or reforming a criminal through socialization
  6. Punisment intended to make criminals pay monetary compensation to make up for financial damage caused by their acts
  7. A method of protecting society from criminals by keeping them in prison
  8. The theory that deviance is more likely to occur when a gap exists between cultural goals and the ability to achieve them
  9. Deviance that becomes a lifestyle and part of an individuals identity
  10. Ways to encourage conformity to socitey’s norms
  11. Behavoir that underconforms to accepted norms
  1. Behavior that overconforms to social expectations
  2. A repitition of, or return to criminal behavior
  3. The theory that individuals learn deviance on proportion to the number of deviant acts and norms to which they are exposed
  4. Job-related crimes committed by high status people
  5. A system compromising institutions and processes responsible for enforcing criminal status
  6. The theory that society creates deviance by identifying particular memebers as deviant
  7. A person who breaks significant societal or group norms
  8. Discouraging criminal acts by threatening punishment
  9. A social condition in which norms are weak, conflicting, or absent
  10. Behavior that departs from societal or group norms
  11. Only occasional breaking of norms
  12. The process of reducing the seriousness of the crimes that mature people of lower status
  13. An undesirable label used to deny a deviant acceptance

24 Clues: Only occasional breaking of normsAn act committed within violation of the lawBehavoir that underconforms to accepted normsA repitition of, or return to criminal behaviorWays to encourage conformity to socitey’s normsBehavior that overconforms to social expectationsJob-related crimes committed by high status people...

Federal and State Court Systems 2024-03-21

Federal and State Court Systems crossword puzzle
  1. A group that hears the evidence in a criminal case and decides if there is enough evidence to bring the accused person to trial
  2. The basis that police must have to make an arrest, perform a search of a person or property, or obtain a warrant
  3. The authority of a court to be the first court to hear a case
  4. decides whether a person committed a crime and what the punishment should be
  5. A formal charging of someone with a crime, or being brought before the court to answer questions about a crime.
  6. The government’s side in a criminal case.
  7. The right of a convicted person to ask a higher court to review his/her case
  8. A court case involving disputes between two parties (individuals, businesses) related to money or property
  9. A serious crime, such as kidnapping or murder.
  1. The power of the U.S. Supreme Court to determine if law or presidential action follows the Constitution.
  2. A less serious crime
  3. The authority of some courts to review decisions made by lower courts.
  4. An authorization by a court for police to make an arrest
  5. The authority to interpret and administer the law. Jurisdiction determines which type of court you attend and where it is located.
  6. The decision of a judge or jury
  7. The branch of government that reviews or interprets the laws.
  8. A court case in which a person is accused of breaking a criminal law.
  9. A person accused of a crime in a criminal court case or the person being served in a civil suit.
  10. The Constitutional protection against unfair governmental actions and laws
  11. The person or company filing the complaint in a civil lawsuit.

20 Clues: A less serious crimeThe decision of a judge or juryThe government’s side in a criminal case.A serious crime, such as kidnapping or murder.An authorization by a court for police to make an arrestThe authority of a court to be the first court to hear a caseThe branch of government that reviews or interprets the laws....

word work 2022-02-23

word work crossword puzzle
  1. hollow
  2. lawbreaker
  3. hole
  4. exact
  5. rock
  6. enjoyable
  7. result of igniting
  8. accuracy
  9. tenderness
  1. correct
  2. human race
  3. nice
  4. sportsperson
  5. sort
  6. wrong
  7. muscular
  8. correction
  9. classic
  10. I
  11. environment
  12. fire
  13. normal

22 Clues: Iniceholesortrockfirewrongexacthollownormalcorrectclassicmuscularaccuracyenjoyablehuman racelawbreakercorrectiontendernessenvironmentsportspersonresult of igniting

Bub 11 & 12 Vocab 2023-04-13

Bub 11 & 12 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. The atmosphere of a place
  2. To avoid
  3. A plan of travel
  4. Not forever
  1. To communicate to another minds without language
  2. Changing path
  3. To come together
  4. Some light able to pass through
  5. Go beyond morals

9 Clues: To avoidNot foreverChanging pathTo come togetherA plan of travelGo beyond moralsThe atmosphere of a placeSome light able to pass throughTo communicate to another minds without language

Criminal Law Key Terms 2019-10-30

Criminal Law Key Terms crossword puzzle
  1. A person who provides a monetary security t the court to ensure the person charged appears at court
  2. Allows a person to be released into the community while he or she awaits trial
  3. All people charged with a criminal offence are not guilty straight away due to the... (11-2-9)
  4. An accused has a right to a ____ hearing
  5. To hold an accused in custody until their next trial or hearing
  6. A conditional release of a prisoner before the end of their original sentence
  7. A victim has the right to give evidence as a __________ _________ under the "Criminal Procedure Act (2009)" (10-7)
  1. The standard of proof in a criminal case (6-10-5)
  2. This recent reform aims to increase the amount of people able to access legal aid by lifting thresholds (3-5-7)
  3. The person who has directly had a crime committed against them
  4. A person who has been charged with a criminal offence and bought to court
  5. The formal reading of charges against an accused persons in court
  6. A person charged with an indictable offence and committed for trial
  7. This factor affects justice as some can not afford court fees or legal representation

14 Clues: An accused has a right to a ____ hearingThe standard of proof in a criminal case (6-10-5)The person who has directly had a crime committed against themTo hold an accused in custody until their next trial or hearingThe formal reading of charges against an accused persons in courtA person charged with an indictable offence and committed for trial...