criminal minds Crossword Puzzles


  1. a type of jury, which is comprised of 23 citizens sworn to hear evidence against an accused individual and determine whether there is enough evidence to bring that individual to trial
  2. a major reason for a request for a change of venue prior to the start of a trial
  3. a situation where the offender is released early from prison
  4. a type of sentence that may all be served at the same time, with the longest period controlling the time served by the individual
  5. a type of jury that cannot agree on a specific verdict at the conclusion of a criminal trial
  6. the crime must be reported and a complaint must be filed
  7. the AMENDMENT that grants the individual the right to a trial by jury
  8. during a criminal trial, which involves a plea of INSANITY, the BURDEN OF PROOF is placed on this individual
  9. a type of jury that determines the facts, which provides a verdict at the conclusion of a criminal trial
  10. a correctional facility where punishment for minor crimes are served
  11. formal accusation made by the grand jury, at least twelve jurors agree to send the case to trial
  12. the AMENDMENT that grants you the right to REMAIN SILENT and the right to attorney
  13. the individual is fingerprinted and photographed
  1. a situation where the offender returns to the community but under supervision
  2. a correctional facility where punishment for serious crimes are served
  3. the individual is brought before the judge, advised of charges, bail may be set
  4. during a criminal trial, the BURDEN OF PROOF is placed on this individual
  5. the traditional purpose in the exchange of money is ensure that the accused individual would appear in court or at trial
  6. the AMENDMENT that protects you against unreasonable searches and seizure by law enforcement
  7. the accused is brought before the judge to hear the indictment, plea entered (guilty/not guilty)
  8. the individual is physically taken into custody, MIRANDA RIGHTS are read
  9. a type of sentence where one sentence is served by the individual before the other sentence can start
  10. jury selection, opening and closing statements by the PROSECUTION and the DEFENSE, verdict of jury
  11. suppression of evidence, change of venue, plea bargain

24 Clues: the individual is fingerprinted and photographedsuppression of evidence, change of venue, plea bargainthe crime must be reported and a complaint must be fileda situation where the offender is released early from prisona correctional facility where punishment for minor crimes are served...

Criminal Justice Terms 3 2021-08-02

Criminal Justice Terms 3 crossword puzzle
  1. A trial which is invalid because of some fundamental errors in procedure, wrongdoing or a hung jury. A judge can set the case for a new trial or retrial at a future date.
  2. An application made to a court or judge which requests a ruling or order in favor of the applicant.
  3. Nullification, The acquitting of a defendant by a jury in disregard of the judge’s instruction and contrary to the jury’s findings of fact. Often occurs because the jury is sympathetic towards the defendant or law which the defendant is charged.
  4. Studies, This term refers to methods used to examine firearms, documents, polygraph results, DNA, medical information, accounting and other information, and the use of handwriting experts and other known expert witnesses available to testify to their findings in court.
  5. This is a legal proceeding (not a trial) held before a judge or administrative body. Evidence and arguments are presented in an effort to resolve a disputed factual or legal issue.
  6. Recommendation for a sentence less than the maximum allowed.
  7. / Sentence, The official document of a judge’s disposition (decision) of a case and sentence of a defendant.
  8. Jury, A jury whose members cannot unanimously agree whether the accused is guilty or innocent.
  9. Appearance, An appearance is held in the jail within 24 hours of your arrest.
  10. Grant by the court, which assures someone will not face prosecution in return for providing criminal evidence.
  11. When a person is confined to a jail or prison.
  12. A felony is a serious criminal offense, usually punishable by a prison term or, in some cases, by death. Felonies are considered more severe than misdemeanors. Murder, extortion and kidnapping are some examples of felonies. Felonies are classified as 1st degree, 2nd degree, 3rd degree or capital felonies.
  13. That which, under the rules of evidence, cannot be admitted or received as evidence.
  1. Evidence, Evidence which is relevant to the issues in a case.
  2. Jury, A body of persons with the authority to investigate and accuse, but not to try cases. The grand jury will listen to and review evidence to see if it there are sufficient grounds to bring an individual to trial.
  3. Questioning, usually by the police of a suspect in custody. The suspect is not obligated to answer the questions, and the fact that he/she has remained silent generally cannot be used by the prosecution to help prove guilt. If the suspect has asked for a lawyer, the police must cease questioning. If they do not, they cannot use the answers against the suspect at trial.
  4. , A crime, less serious than a felony, and punishable by jail time. Misdemeanors are classified as 1st degree and 2nd degree misdemeanors and are handled in County Court. Petty theft, first-time drunk driving and leaving the scene of an accident are some examples of misdemeanor crimes.
  5. The killing of one human being by another human being.
  6. A formal written accusation made by a grand jury and filed in court, alleging that a specific person has committed a specific crime.
  7. Often run by sheriff and/or local governments are designed to hold individuals awaiting trial or serving short sentences (364 days or less).
  8. Having a witness is to introduce evidence intended to contradict testimony or to question his creditability.
  9. Warning, By law (Miranda v. Arizona ruling by the United States Supreme Court), anyone being questioned by authorities must first receive a ‘Miranda Warning’. This requirement exists to prevent the police / authorities from taking advantage of a person who does not know or fully understand their rights and thus speaks to the police and answers their questions without an attorney present. The Miranda Warning consists of the authorities explaining certain rights to a person before questioning them. These include: 1) You have the right to remain silent. 2) If you choose to speak, anything you say can be used against you in court. 3) If you decide to answer any questions, you may stop at any time and all questioning must cease. 4) You have a right to consult with your attorney before answering any questions. You have the right to have your attorney present if you decide to answer any questions, and if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you or appointed for you by the court without cost to you before any further questions may be asked.
  10. Arrest, (home confinement, home detention, electronic monitoring) is when a person is confined by authorities to his or her residence. House arrest is a lenient alternative to prison time or juvenile-detention time.

23 Clues: When a person is confined to a jail or prison.The killing of one human being by another human being.Recommendation for a sentence less than the maximum allowed.Evidence, Evidence which is relevant to the issues in a case.Appearance, An appearance is held in the jail within 24 hours of your arrest....

Criminal Justice - Vehicle Vocab 2023-02-13

Criminal Justice - Vehicle Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. farm equipment that meets all of the following criteria: 1) equipped with pneumatic tires (unless prohibited for religious beliefs) 2) is infrequently operated or moved upon highways 3)is used for agriculture
  2. signs, signals, markings, devices for the purpose of regulating, warning, or guiding traffic
  3. an individual acting in an official capacity as any of the following: police officer, sheriff, firefighter, coroner, fire police, ambulance personnel, towing and recovery personnel, etc.
  4. a license or permit to drive a motor vehicle issued under this title
  5. the entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained when any part thereof is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel
  6. any vehicle which is specifically designed, constructed, or modified and equipped and is used for providing emergency medical care to and transportation of human patients
  7. the part of a roadway at an intersection included within the connections of the lateral lines of the sidewalks on opposite sides of the highway, measured from the curbs or, in absence of curbs, from the edges of a traversable roadway
  8. a motor vehicle, but not a reproduction thereof, manufactured at least 15 years prior to the current year which has been maintained in or restored to a condition which to conform with manufacturer specifications and appearance
  9. the actual distance that a vehicle has traveled
  10. a person who drives or is in an actual physical control of a vehicle
  11. a motor vehicle having a seat or saddle for the use of the rider and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground
  12. a vehicle propelled solely by human-powered pedals
  1. any explosive, blasting agent, flammable liquid, combustible liquid, flammable solid, flammable or nonflammable compressed gas, etc.
  2. a self-balancing, two-nontandem-wheeled device designed to transport only one person with an electric propulsion system
  3. the authority for a vehicle to operate on a highway as evidence by the ID card and plates
  4. a person having the property right or title to a vehicle
  5. a motor vehicle, but not a reproduction thereof, manufactured more than 25 years prior to the current year which as been maintained in or restored to a condition which is in conformance with manufacturer specifications
  6. any vehicle which is used or intended to be used and is maintained or operated for the purpose of transporting human organs or human tissue on an emergency basis
  7. a vehicle which is self-propelled except an electric personal assistive mobility device or a vehicle which is propelled solely by human behavior
  8. a motor vehicle designed to transport 16 or more passengers, including the driver

20 Clues: the actual distance that a vehicle has traveleda vehicle propelled solely by human-powered pedalsa person having the property right or title to a vehiclea license or permit to drive a motor vehicle issued under this titlea person who drives or is in an actual physical control of a vehicle...

criminal justice JP-2 2023-05-03

criminal justice JP-2 crossword puzzle
  1. Serious crimes, such as murder and kidnapping.
  2. for a crime.
  3. Less serious crimes like traffic violation.
  4. When the jury has to find the defendant guilty or
  5. A person who commits any type of crime.
  6. that the suspect did it.
  7. a punishment.
  8. A confirmation from a judge that the officer
  1. Crimes that do not violate a persons
  2. When the defendant can plead guilty to a leaser
  3. corrections.
  4. A system that has police,courts
  5. Officer must have seen the crime and has
  6. A time where the defendant can get theirself together
  7. crimes Non-violent crimes
  8. A young person who commits a crime.
  9. permission to arrest or check their personal
  10. prove that they can change.
  11. When the juvenile is found guilty of a crime.
  12. Any act that breaks the law and for which there
  13. When the accused can plead guilty or not.

21 Clues: corrections.for a crime.a punishment.that the suspect did it.crimes Non-violent crimesprove that they can change.A system that has police,courtsA young person who commits a crime.Crimes that do not violate a personsA person who commits any type of crime.Officer must have seen the crime and hasWhen the accused can plead guilty or not....

Criminal Law Terms Reviwq 2016-05-11

Criminal Law Terms Reviwq crossword puzzle
  1. In Criminal Law, actual imprisonment of physical detention
  2. The starting document for a less serious offense, the basis of all charges
  3. Detainment by a civilian of a person believed to have committed a crime
  4. Intentionally causing damage to property by fire
  5. The illegal, forced removal of a child from the custodial parent
  6. A legal document stating the criminal charge and the court date
  7. Entering someones premises without permission with intent to commit an indictable offence
  8. To detain a person legally and to charge him or her with a criminal offense
  9. The application or threat of force without the other person's consent
  10. Facts that would cause an average person to believe beyond a mere suspicion
  11. Blamable or criminal homicide
  12. An order by a judge to arrest the accused
  13. Type of murder without intent
  1. A court order authorizing police to search a specific place at a specified time
  2. The pursuit or repeated communication with an unwilling victim
  3. Type of murder with intent
  4. Culpable homicide that is not murder or infanticide
  5. A deal between the Crown and the defense for a guilty plea to a lesser charge and penalty
  6. When the burden of proof is placed on the defense rather than the Crown
  7. The act of councelling, aiding, or abetting someone to commit suicide
  8. Intentional deceit in order to cause a loss of property
  9. Homicide for which a person will not be held criminally responsible, an accident
  10. Taking someone's property without his or her consent
  11. Theft involving violence or threats of violence
  12. Communicating for the purposes of prostitution
  13. To sell, administer, give, transfer, transport, send, or deliver a controlled substance
  14. The killing of another person, directly or indirectly
  15. Anything that is used to determine the truth in a court of law

28 Clues: Type of murder with intentBlamable or criminal homicideType of murder without intentAn order by a judge to arrest the accusedCommunicating for the purposes of prostitutionTheft involving violence or threats of violenceIntentionally causing damage to property by fireCulpable homicide that is not murder or infanticide...

Criminal Justice Vocabulary Review 2022-03-14

Criminal Justice Vocabulary Review crossword puzzle
  1. Federal crimes punishable by sentences of less than a year; less serious than a felony
  2. Something, such as a need or desire, that causes a person to act
  3. A person who brings legal actions
  4. To observe or study by close examination
  5. Reversed a court ruling
  6. A declaration made by a witness under oath in a court of law
  7. An official place to review judicial evidence
  8. Free from legal guilt or fault
  9. Punishment formally announces by a court or judge in a criminal proceeding
  10. a legal proceeding by which a case is brought before a higher court for review of the decision of a lower court
  11. Proven responsible for a crime
  12. One who is legally appointed to transact business on another’s behalf
  13. People who get information, not easily gained by the public, to prevent further crimes
  14. One who is legally appointed to transact business on another’s behalf
  1. A person who is being sued or accused of a crime in court
  2. A public official who impartially decides a dispute or controversy
  3. The finding or decision of a jury/judge
  4. Evidence that proves a fact by inference
  5. An attorney who conducts criminal proceedings on behalf of the government
  6. Federal crimes punishable by sentences of more than a year; more serious than misdemeanors
  7. To take or keep in custody by authority of law
  8. The examination of a body after death to determine the cause of death
  9. Something legally submitted to a court to determine the truth of a matter
  10. A person thought to be guilty of a crime
  11. A group of 6-12 people selected to decide the outcome of a trial based on evidence
  12. The formal examination of evidence before a court of law

26 Clues: Reversed a court rulingFree from legal guilt or faultProven responsible for a crimeA person who brings legal actionsThe finding or decision of a jury/judgeEvidence that proves a fact by inferenceTo observe or study by close examinationA person thought to be guilty of a crimeAn official place to review judicial evidence...

Law & Criminal Justice Vocabulary 2023-09-06

Law & Criminal Justice Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Deliberate, or having thought about doing something before actually doing it
  2. The deliberate and malicious burning of another person's property
  3. Stalking or harassment using electronic communications
  4. An act or failure to act that violates a law and for which a government has a set penalty
  5. The deliberate destruction or defacement of another person's property
  6. The act of requesting or strongly urging someone to do something
  7. A person who helps a person commit the crime and is at the crime scene
  8. An effort to commit a crime that goes beyond mere preparation but does not result in the commission of the crime
  9. The act of following or harassing another person, causing the fear of death or injury
  10. A person who either orders the crime, helps the crime be committed, or helps cover up the crime but IS NOT at the crime scene
  11. The failure to exercise a reasonable amount of care in either doing, or not doing something, resulting in harm or injury to another person
  12. Unlawful physical contact inflicted by one person upon another without consent
  1. The killing of another person (can be criminal, noncriminal, or negligent)
  2. The unlawful taking of another's property with the intent to steal it
  3. Ill will; deliberate intent to harm someone
  4. A person who commits a crime
  5. The act of restoring something to its owner; the act of making good for loss or damage; repaying or refunding illegally obtained money or property
  6. Latin term referring to state of mind
  7. Threat (or attempt) to carry out a physical attack upon another person
  8. An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime along with a substantial act toward committing the crime
  9. Imprisonment by the government
  10. Taking away a person against that person's will; aka Abduction

22 Clues: A person who commits a crimeImprisonment by the governmentLatin term referring to state of mindIll will; deliberate intent to harm someoneStalking or harassment using electronic communicationsTaking away a person against that person's will; aka AbductionThe act of requesting or strongly urging someone to do something...

Criminal Procedure Vocab Crossword 2024-03-29

Criminal Procedure Vocab Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. When a person is charged with a crime, they must answer to that charge in court during an arraignment.
  2. A subpoena is a court order that requires a person to appear before a court, and testify, or produce specified evidence.
  3. An application to the court made by the prosecutor or defense attorney, requesting that the court make a decision on a certain issue before the trial begins.
  4. The trial is a structured process where the facts of a case are presented to a jury, and they decide if the defendant is guilty or not guilty of the charge offered.
  5. An individual (or business) against whom a lawsuit is filed.
  6. A group of people empowered to make findings of fact and render a verdict for trial.
  7. Evidence or arguments introduced to counter, disprove, or contradict the opposing party's evidence or argument, either at trial or in a reply brief.
  8. The amount of money defendants must post to be released from custody until their trial.
  9. An appeal is not another trial but an opportunity for the defendant to try to raise specific errors that might have occurred at trial.
  10. A diversion is an alternative procedure in a criminal case where the prosecution is interrupted through a deal between the defendant and the prosecutor where the prosecutor either dismisses the charges completely or does not bring any charges to begin with.
  11. Bond hearings happen at the beginning of a criminal case and determine whether a person can be released pre-trial.
  12. The process where information about a criminal suspect is entered into the system of a police station or jail after that person's arrest.
  13. A hearing prior to the trial, which all parties involved in the trial attempt to determine the issues, laws, or facts matter, before the court trial.
  14. An adjudication of a criminal defendants guilt.
  15. A charge is a formal accusation of criminal activity.
  1. The pleading that starts a case.
  2. In law, the venue is the location where a case is heard.
  3. A gathering together of facts in a situation which will be tried in a court of law.
  4. Punishment for a crime that is court ordered.
  5. The use of legal authority to deprive a person of their freedom of movement.
  6. The first step in a criminal proceeding where the defendant is brought in front of the court to hear the charges against them and enter a plea.
  7. To consider the facts, the laws and/or other matters, particularly by members of a jury, a panel of judges or by any group including a legislature
  8. A group of people selected to sit on a jury that decide whether the prosecutor's evidence provides probable cause to issue an indictment.
  9. How you gather the evidence you will need to prove your case as a plaintiff, or defeat the plaintiff's case as a defendant.
  10. The formal decision or judgement rendered by a court at the conclusion of a trial or legal proceeding.

25 Clues: The pleading that starts a case.Punishment for a crime that is court ordered.An adjudication of a criminal defendants guilt.A charge is a formal accusation of criminal activity.In law, the venue is the location where a case is heard.An individual (or business) against whom a lawsuit is filed....

Criminal Justice Crossword 1 2024-02-12

Criminal Justice Crossword 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Term for law giving belief in one’s secrecy.
  2. Document listing civil rights and liberties.
  3. The Amendment which deals with Search and Seizure and Privacy laws.
  4. Term for when evidence is found ille therefore being disregarded on trial.
  5. Level of court systems who only deals with appeals from lower courts.
  6. Transaction of money to Court that allows you to leave jail until the trial.
  7. The Amendment which deals with SelfIncrimination.
  8. The Amendment which deals with due process and trial delay.
  9. The overuse and abuse of criminal law to address every societal problem and punish every mistake.
  10. The approval to search and seize given by a judge.
  11. Term for evidence allowance due to evidence having been found soon regardless of charges on individual.
  1. Suspicion that prompts an unwarranted or warranted search.
  2. A person or group who are on the receiving end of an appeal.
  3. The term for a fair process or judgement.
  4. Term that promises speedy trial, prevents government from taking liberties, property, and life.
  5. The term for an unfair process or judgement.
  6. The Amendment which deals with context of death penalty and cruel or unusual punishment.
  7. Term for light crimes being assigned with harsh punishments.
  8. Term for protection from being tried more than once for the same crime.
  9. A person or group who appeals the previous judgement of a trial.

20 Clues: The term for a fair process or judgement.Term for law giving belief in one’s secrecy.Document listing civil rights and liberties.The term for an unfair process or judgement.The Amendment which deals with SelfIncrimination.The approval to search and seize given by a judge.Suspicion that prompts an unwarranted or warranted search....

Criminal Justice Quiz #1 2024-02-12

Criminal Justice Quiz #1 crossword puzzle
  1. -trials final decision maker
  2. -suspicions supported by fact
  3. -search without a warrant is a ____ of people’s rights
  4. -bond
  5. -place and person
  6. -common character used in political cartoon representing the US
  7. - eighth amendment
  8. - Mapp vs ___
  9. -empty jails
  1. - no crime can be tried twice
  2. -athletic drug tests
  3. -drawing used as political commentary
  4. -case ___ was the monitoring and recording of a conversation without permission
  5. - percent of African American inmates
  6. 2nd step in 5-step process
  7. -entitled to a ___
  8. -bill of rights is inspired by who?
  9. -no legal warrant
  10. -respondent
  11. - first 10 amendments
  12. -told to you when detained

21 Clues: -bond-respondent-empty jails- Mapp vs ___-no legal warrant- eighth amendment-athletic drug tests- first 10 amendments-entitled to a ___-place and person2nd step in 5-step process-told to you when detained-trials final decision maker-suspicions supported by fact- no crime can be tried twice-bill of rights is inspired by who?...

Criminal Poetry Brain Teaser 2024-07-18

Criminal Poetry Brain Teaser crossword puzzle
  1. kingdom in the poem
  2. the speaker's attitude to life
  3. boy's company
  4. Matthew's walk
  5. author of the poem 'Stealing'
  6. month Charlotte was killed
  7. used to twist the doorknob
  8. stolen bust
  9. type of poem
  10. boy's feeling toward the cat
  11. characteristic of the snowman
  12. Charlotte's jewellery
  13. centred around the theme of death
  14. Charlotte's killer
  15. most unusual thing the speaker stole
  16. where Charlotte's beads were found
  1. size of cat
  2. type of question in the last line
  3. age of the boy
  4. the speaker's stealing pattern
  5. trait of the speaker
  6. adjective the speaker uses to describe himself
  7. colour of Charlotte's shawl
  8. poet of 'A Case of Murder'
  9. cold cunning constable
  10. type of ghost the speaker is
  11. animal killed by the boy
  12. black fur squealed
  13. murder tool
  14. boy's reaction to death of the cat
  15. soft as sable

31 Clues: size of catstolen bustmurder tooltype of poemboy's companysoft as sableage of the boyMatthew's walkblack fur squealedCharlotte's killerkingdom in the poemtrait of the speakerCharlotte's jewellerycold cunning constableanimal killed by the boymonth Charlotte was killedused to twist the doorknobpoet of 'A Case of Murder'colour of Charlotte's shawl...

Government Crossword 2015-12-15

Government Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Minister/Represents a party that was elected
  2. that govern the relationship between individuals
  3. bill and listens to concerns of people
  4. party of Canada/Current party that governs our country
  5. of Government that is responsible for immigration, criminal law, national parks etc.
  6. wing/Side on the political spectrum who believes in less taxes, less services
  7. Government/A party that wins the greatest number of seats, but not more than others combined
  8. into the Monarch position
  1. platted war club in the house of commons presented by the Sergeant-at-arms
  2. of government takes care of education and health care etc.
  3. for protection of society
  4. Assent/When the Government General signs the bill
  5. every 5 years to vote for a party to lead Canada
  6. of the executive branch of Government that Introduces the bill
  7. Warrant/Legal document that permits police to search a private home on a certain date
  8. person's behaviour is good they may be released without going to jail
  9. Branch/House of Commons and Senate belong this branch
  10. code of Canada/Book that contains all crimes

18 Clues: for protection of societyinto the Monarch positionbill and listens to concerns of peopleMinister/Represents a party that was electedcode of Canada/Book that contains all crimesthat govern the relationship between individualsevery 5 years to vote for a party to lead CanadaAssent/When the Government General signs the bill...

comm test 2015-10-08

comm test crossword puzzle
  1. ______ probation typically consists of placing offenders in prison for a short period and later releasing them onto probation at an unknown date
  2. A city set aside as a form of neutral ground from criminal prosecution
  3. _____ conditions are rules that are tailored specifically to the individual
  4. ____ ____ requires clients to complete a number of hours working for free in the community to pay back for their offense
  5. A criminal sentence to a period of correctional supervision in the community in lieu of incarceration
  6. _____ violations occur when the rules of supervision are broken
  7. ______ violations occur because of a new arrest during supervision
  8. _____ probation is the basic form of supervision that is administered by most agencies
  9. ____ was first used in 2002 to track client’s movements in real-time and can include areas of exclusion, geographic areas where the client is not allowed to go
  1. _____ = probation sentence that starts after an incarceration sentence
  2. Judicial action that suspended incarceration as an act of leniency and mercy
  3. _____ is the future state of an individual, or how well someone does after supervision
  4. ____ _____ are treatment facilities that offenders are required to report to on a daily or near daily basis and are kept busy with classes and treatment
  5. _____ = probation sentence that runs during incarceration sentence
  6. _____ theory argues that calling someone a criminal may encourage criminal behavior

15 Clues: _____ violations occur when the rules of supervision are broken_____ = probation sentence that runs during incarceration sentence______ violations occur because of a new arrest during supervision_____ = probation sentence that starts after an incarceration sentenceA city set aside as a form of neutral ground from criminal prosecution...

Judicial Terms 2021-11-04

Judicial Terms crossword puzzle
  1. A verdict that a criminal is not guilty,
  2. Latin term for legal precedence
  3. Supreme Court
  4. System of government where the same territory is controlled by two levels.
  5. Person who brings action in court of law
  6. Law with rights and duties between individuals
  7. People who bring cases to court
  8. Ideology focused on citizenship in a republic.
  9. The Calendar of a court
  10. Branch that contains the SCOTUS
  11. 15 members of that advise the president.
  12. Branch that contains two houses
  1. An area of authority or control
  2. Person or party accused of an offence
  3. Court case involving judicial review
  4. Executive Branch
  5. Involving the constitution
  6. Branch that is headed by the president.
  7. Legislative Branch
  8. Type of law that involves a punishment

20 Clues: Supreme CourtExecutive BranchLegislative BranchThe Calendar of a courtInvolving the constitutionAn area of authority or controlLatin term for legal precedencePeople who bring cases to courtBranch that contains the SCOTUSBranch that contains two housesCourt case involving judicial reviewPerson or party accused of an offence...

Theodore Boone 2016-06-07

Theodore Boone crossword puzzle
  1. take a person into custody
  2. professionally qualified legal expert
  3. a person who tries to prove the criminal is guilty
  4. quality of being just
  5. powered flying vehicle with fixed wings
  6. untidy search through a collection of things
  7. one of a linked pair of metal rings for securing a prisoner
  8. to steal money that has been in trusted to one
  9. against the law
  10. a person guilty of a crime
  1. unlawful intentional killing of a human being
  2. gain control over
  3. trial which is invalid because of some error
  4. person who flees
  5. the place where legal cases are decided
  6. believe something to be the case
  7. going after
  8. interested strongly
  9. evidence given under oath
  10. line of railway coaches or wagons drawn by an engine

20 Clues: going afterinterested stronglyagainst the lawperson who fleesgain control overquality of being justevidence given under oathtake a person into custodybelieve something to be the caseprofessionally qualified legal experta person guilty of a crime...

Spelling List #4 2020-05-05

Spelling List #4 crossword puzzle
  1. a person found guilty of a criminal offence
  2. to take back
  3. an injury
  4. to remember or think of past happenings
  5. to give the latest information on something
  6. one fourth of something
  7. the reason for someones exsistance
  8. to abandon
  9. to providing funding for a person or business
  10. something very tiny is size
  1. to cast a spell on or hold someones wonder and attention
  2. to prevent something from continuing on
  3. a person thought to be guilty of a criminal offence
  4. advancement toward completion
  5. to move something from one place to another
  6. characteristic of someone or something
  7. without flaws
  8. to express disapproval of something
  9. to make a complete change in somethings appearance
  10. a substance formed from combing two or more ingredients

20 Clues: an injuryto abandonto take backwithout flawsone fourth of somethingsomething very tiny is sizeadvancement toward completionthe reason for someones exsistanceto express disapproval of somethingcharacteristic of someone or somethingto prevent something from continuing onto remember or think of past happenings...

The Silent Patient Crossword Puzzle 2023-10-18

The Silent Patient Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Manager of Hospital
  2. Month that Gabriel was killed
  3. Name of the criminal psychotherapist for Alicia?
  4. Gabriel's job
  5. The crime Alicia commited
  6. Name of the self-portait painted by Alicia
  7. Wife of criminal psychotherapist
  8. Name of the hospital that Alicia is staying at
  9. What Alicia did after she killed her husband
  10. The murder weapon
  1. Word in Alicia's Files that describes her
  2. The person in Alicia's life that gave her PTSD because they committed suicide
  3. Amount of times the husband was shot
  4. Director of the psychiatric unit
  5. Describes the situation of why Alicia killed gabreil
  6. The only happy memories Theo had from his childhood was playing in the ______
  7. Adjective of Alicia
  8. Alicia's job
  9. Location of psychiatric unit
  10. Nurse a the psychiatric unit

20 Clues: Alicia's jobGabriel's jobThe murder weaponManager of HospitalAdjective of AliciaThe crime Alicia commitedLocation of psychiatric unitNurse a the psychiatric unitMonth that Gabriel was killedDirector of the psychiatric unitWife of criminal psychotherapistAmount of times the husband was shotWord in Alicia's Files that describes her...

Unit 6 Vocabulary 2017-10-01

Unit 6 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. to make you stop thinking or worrying about something
  2. something that is not important enough to worry about, especially because you have more serious problems
  3. to care for their problems and not bother other people
  4. take care or be careful of or about something
  5. the use of willpower to overcome physical problems.
  1. to not be certain about something, or to have difficulty in making a decision
  2. having lost control of one's mental faculties.
  3. said to someone just after you have discovered that they have had the same idea as you
  4. don't know what to choose or buy

9 Clues: don't know what to choose or buytake care or be careful of or about somethinghaving lost control of one's mental faculties.the use of willpower to overcome physical make you stop thinking or worrying about somethingto care for their problems and not bother other people...

SRCM Young Minds 2015-01-30

SRCM Young Minds crossword puzzle
  1. Who is the Adi Guru of SRCM?
  2. What was Chariji's first name?
  3. What was Chariji's mother's name?
  1. Title of book of Chariji's travels abroad with Babuji?
  2. Where is the headquarters of the Mission?
  3. Title of Chariji's first book
  4. Who inaugurated the building at BSK ashram in 1976?
  5. Who established the Shri Ram Chandra Mission?
  6. Where were the birth centenary celebrations of Babuji Maharaj held?

9 Clues: Who is the Adi Guru of SRCM?Title of Chariji's first bookWhat was Chariji's first name?What was Chariji's mother's name?Where is the headquarters of the Mission?Who established the Shri Ram Chandra Mission?Who inaugurated the building at BSK ashram in 1976?Title of book of Chariji's travels abroad with Babuji?...

Molly Wollstonecraft 2013-11-10

Molly Wollstonecraft crossword puzzle
  1. Women are not naturally __________
  2. Best friend was __________
  3. Supported the French ________
  4. Based thoughts on educational theories of ________
  5. Wanted women to have power over ______
  6. Wanted females to _______ their intelligence and minds
  7. A ________ of the Rights of Women
  1. Mary played what role in her family
  2. Only shows when around people who are equals
  3. Father was a ________
  4. Did not ________ of how things were in Paris
  5. Founder of modern ______________
  6. Daughter was author of __________
  7. Thought women should be _________ in the government
  8. Thoughts on the Education of ______

15 Clues: Father was a ________Best friend was __________Supported the French ________Founder of modern ______________Daughter was author of __________A ________ of the Rights of WomenWomen are not naturally __________Mary played what role in her familyThoughts on the Education of ______Wanted women to have power over ______...

Mary Wollstonecraft 2013-11-10

Mary Wollstonecraft crossword puzzle
  1. Mary played what role in her family
  2. Based thoughts on educational theories of ________
  3. Did not ________ of how things were in Paris
  4. Daughter was author of __________
  5. A ________ of the Rights of Women
  6. Wanted females to _______ their intelligence and minds
  7. Founder of modern ______________
  8. Women are not naturally __________
  9. Supported the French ________
  1. Thoughts on the Education of ______
  2. Thought women should be _________ in the government
  3. Wanted women to have power over ______
  4. Father was a ________
  5. Only shows when around people who are equals
  6. Best friend was __________

15 Clues: Father was a ________Best friend was __________Supported the French ________Founder of modern ______________Daughter was author of __________A ________ of the Rights of WomenWomen are not naturally __________Thoughts on the Education of ______Mary played what role in her familyWanted women to have power over ______...

Criminal Code Offences 2014-12-01

Criminal Code Offences crossword puzzle
  1. involve crimes against property and personal information
  2. communicate for the purpose of prostitution
  3. Commonly known as “pimping”
  4. The legal definition that refers to having the legal right to an item
  5. using another person's personal information without their consent to commit a crime
  6. When property is intentionally damaged by explosion or fire
  1. This type of firearm need to be registered e.g. handguns, rifles, & shotguns
  2. Taking someone's property without their consent
  3. selling, giving, transporting, delivering, or transferring a controlled substance
  4. This type of firearm is banned and cannot be possessed. e.g. sawed-off shotgun
  5. The pursuit of or repeated communication with an unwilling victim
  6. intentionally deceiving another party for a criminal purpose
  7. Use of violence to advance political or social objectives

13 Clues: Commonly known as “pimping”communicate for the purpose of prostitutionTaking someone's property without their consentinvolve crimes against property and personal informationUse of violence to advance political or social objectivesWhen property is intentionally damaged by explosion or fireintentionally deceiving another party for a criminal purpose...

out of mind 2016-11-03

out of mind crossword puzzle
  1. sound musical notes to produce chord
  2. rainbow
  3. satisfied and happy
  4. power use of minds
  5. sound or word
  6. up to support by placeing against
  1. not caring,to show feeling or notice
  2. flap or move your arm to fly
  3. to put the ideas and feeling
  4. wild fit of rage

10 Clues: rainbowsound or wordwild fit of ragepower use of mindssatisfied and happyflap or move your arm to flyto put the ideas and feelingup to support by placeing againstnot caring,to show feeling or noticesound musical notes to produce chord

Creative , inventive minds 2020-04-11

Creative , inventive minds crossword puzzle
  1. areas of study
  2. fund A sum of money collected for a particular purpose
  3. being grateful to somebody
  4. Enterpriser / thriving person
  1. Fortune / a lot of money or property
  2. / found create / set up
  3. Creator / originato
  4. medal
  5. reward to award / to recompense

9 Clues: medalareas of studyCreator / originato/ found create / set upbeing grateful to somebodyEnterpriser / thriving personreward to award / to recompenseFortune / a lot of money or propertyfund A sum of money collected for a particular purpose

Vocabulary Unit 3 2020-03-08

Vocabulary Unit 3 crossword puzzle
  1. Verbrecher
  2. kriminell
  3. Hoffnung
  4. nahe
  5. unemployment
  6. das Schnorcheln
  7. prefer
  8. help out
  9. only
  10. skills
  11. ermüdend
  12. Tod
  1. vote
  2. das Tauchen
  3. put out
  4. Politiker
  5. take over
  6. nachdem
  7. besitzen
  8. share
  9. schnorcheln
  10. ernst
  11. einladen
  12. tauchen

24 Clues: Todvotenaheonlyshareernstpreferskillsput outnachdemtauchenHoffnungbesitzenhelp outermüdendeinladenkriminellPolitikertake overVerbrecherdas Tauchenschnorchelnunemploymentdas Schnorcheln

Ralf 2023-04-12

Ralf crossword puzzle
  1. card debiidi kaart
  2. süütaja
  3. süütamine
  4. in täida ära
  5. asjakohane
  6. mälu
  7. imetlema
  8. segaduses
  9. officer politseinik
  10. kriminaal
  1. võitleja
  2. paha inimene
  3. nõu andma
  4. pühendama
  5. pink
  6. macine raha masin
  7. tõendid
  8. vangla
  9. into sisse murdma
  10. röövja

20 Clues: pinkmäluvanglaröövjasüütajatõendidvõitlejaimetlemasüütaminenõu andmapühendamasegaduseskriminaalasjakohanepaha inimenein täida äramacine raha masininto sisse murdmacard debiidi kaartofficer politseinik

Pirate Code Crossword 2023-08-22

Pirate Code Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Love thy _____
  2. Keep your minds and your _____ sharp
  3. Obey the ______
  4. Be____ in battle
  1. Throw nothing ______
  2. Live ___ in the moment
  3. Equal _____

7 Clues: Equal _____Love thy _____Obey the ______Be____ in battleThrow nothing ______Live ___ in the momentKeep your minds and your _____ sharp

Vocabulary 2021-10-27

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. feeling extremely worried and nervous something
  2. shocked
  3. being in two minds about something
  4. unable to control your feelings because extreme fear or excitement
  1. unhappy because it wasn’t as good as expected
  2. super happy
  3. embarassed
  4. “that was really fun. I couldn’t stop laughing”
  5. jealous
  6. really excited

10 Clues: jealousshockedembarassedsuper happyreally excitedbeing in two minds about somethingunhappy because it wasn’t as good as expectedfeeling extremely worried and nervous something“that was really fun. I couldn’t stop laughing”unable to control your feelings because extreme fear or excitement

crime 2014-10-22

crime crossword puzzle
  1. przestępca
  2. kradzieżsklepowa
  3. wandalizm
  4. kraść
  5. porywacz
  6. morderca
  7. złodziej
  1. ścigać
  2. uzbrojonynapastnik
  3. złodziejsklepowy
  4. przesłuchiwać
  5. morderstwo
  6. więzienie
  7. kradzież

14 Clues: kraśćścigaćkradzieżporywaczmordercazłodziejwandalizmwięzienieprzestępcamorderstwoprzesłuchiwaćkradzieżsklepowazłodziejsklepowyuzbrojonynapastnik

Reading changes our minds 2023-09-04

Reading changes our minds crossword puzzle
  1. kejsardöme
  2. when you can get the thing
  3. when everybody have somthing to say
  4. somthing you need to do
  5. before books you wrote longer texts on this
  6. sprida
  7. intensivt
  1. ökade
  2. reklamblad
  3. this helps you print books
  4. klaga
  5. samhälle
  6. when you dont have to pay for it

13 Clues: ökadeklagaspridasamhälleintensivtkejsardömereklambladsomthing you need to dowhen you can get the thingthis helps you print bookswhen you dont have to pay for itwhen everybody have somthing to saybefore books you wrote longer texts on this

Super Minds 6 Review 2024-02-13

Super Minds 6 Review crossword puzzle
  1. A sport where you shoot arrows.
  2. The person who prepares and sells medicine.
  3. This is a team sport you do in a boat.
  4. These are made of metal and found in a treasure chest.
  5. You will need this if you jump out of a plane.
  6. The person who prepares and sells meat.
  1. A sport you do with a long, skinny sword.
  2. A sport you play with gloves on.
  3. The person who makes clothes in Old England.
  4. Similar to a bike, but this only has one wheel.
  5. Stairs are made of many of these.
  6. Where the pharoah is buried.
  7. A pirate might have this instead of a hand.

13 Clues: Where the pharoah is buried.A sport where you shoot arrows.A sport you play with gloves on.Stairs are made of many of these.This is a team sport you do in a boat.The person who prepares and sells meat.A sport you do with a long, skinny sword.The person who prepares and sells medicine.A pirate might have this instead of a hand....

Test 3 Vocabulary 2015-05-08

Test 3 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. With great care or caution.
  2. Communicate between minds.
  3. To search through.
  4. Jump.
  1. Repimand or stern disapproval.
  2. Cannot be entered.
  3. To stare at with dislike.
  4. Irritating to the eye or nose.

8 Clues: Jump.Cannot be entered.To search through.To stare at with dislike.Communicate between minds.With great care or caution.Repimand or stern disapproval.Irritating to the eye or nose.

Insurgent crossword 2016-12-17

Insurgent crossword crossword puzzle
  1. leader of candor
  2. where is tris staying at the beginning of the book
  3. setting of the book
  4. who is the new leader of all the factions
  5. what faction took over leadership of chicago
  6. Fours real name
  7. Tris's original faction
  8. leader of amity
  9. Tris's real name
  10. what cant tris hold anymore
  11. who saves tris from the erudite
  1. the only leader of abnegation left
  2. how the erudite control minds
  3. Tris's best friend
  4. Tris's current faction
  5. fours last name
  6. what does Jeanine call tris
  7. drive what was tris hiding behind her dresser
  8. leader of erudite
  9. who kills Jeanine

20 Clues: Fours real namefours last nameleader of amityleader of candorTris's real nameleader of eruditewho kills JeanineTris's best friendsetting of the bookTris's current factionTris's original factionwhat does Jeanine call triswhat cant tris hold anymorehow the erudite control mindswho saves tris from the eruditethe only leader of abnegation left...

Suffix crossword 2024-09-08

Suffix crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the meanest
  2. the most special, not commonly found
  3. the most engaged in action
  4. never minds your own business
  5. the most absurd often in a amusing way
  6. a person of humble birth
  7. being nearest to someone or something
  8. The most firm in position
  9. The most shy
  10. the most crazy
  11. without company
  1. The most late
  2. the operator of a motor vehicle
  3. the biggest
  4. disinclined to activity or exertion
  5. the most strange
  6. the best quality
  7. more pleasing and delicate than someone
  8. the most wise
  9. more messy than someone else
  10. the most wavy
  11. A great scale or degree

22 Clues: the biggestthe meanestThe most shyThe most latethe most wisethe most wavythe most crazywithout companythe most strangethe best qualityA great scale or degreea person of humble birthThe most firm in positionthe most engaged in actionmore messy than someone elsenever minds your own businessthe operator of a motor vehicle...

Balázs 26 October 2021 2021-10-26

Balázs 26 October 2021 crossword puzzle
  1. tető
  2. = büntetőjog
  3. elindulni
  4. hozzáállás
  5. plafon
  6. előadás
  7. forgalmi
  8. kilazít
  1. alkotmány
  2. érvényes
  3. ... order = távoltartási határozat
  4. kísérlet
  5. keresztelő
  6. jegyzőkönyv
  7. szeminárium
  8. vminek kitettség

16 Clues: tetőplafonelőadáskilazítérvényeskísérletforgalmialkotmányelindulnihozzáálláskeresztelőjegyzőkönyvszemináriumvminek kitettsé = büntetőjog... order = távoltartási határozat

Ancient Greece 2014-04-07

Ancient Greece crossword puzzle
  1. restore
  2. room
  3. Guilty
  4. talent
  5. sign
  6. repairing
  7. substitute
  8. impure
  9. self-motivation
  1. heredity
  2. authority
  3. usual
  4. unlawful
  5. deny
  6. damaging
  7. impure
  8. choice
  9. genes
  10. assimilation
  11. superior
  12. change
  13. economic
  14. finance
  15. adaptive
  16. show
  17. cause

26 Clues: denyroomsignshowusualgenescauseGuiltytalentimpurechoicechangeimpurerestorefinanceheredityunlawfuldamagingsuperioreconomicadaptiveauthorityrepairingsubstituteassimilationself-motivation

FAB8 Favourite things to do at Christmas time 2024-01-24

FAB8 Favourite things to do at Christmas time crossword puzzle
  1. klaga
  2. klä ut sig
  3. miljontals
  4. avundsjuk
  5. vinterlov
  6. breda ut sig
  7. vara ledsen, deppig
  8. etnisk bakgrund
  9. brottsling
  10. ursinnigt
  1. tusentals
  2. årstid
  3. klasskamrat
  4. vinna
  5. dimma
  6. dötrist
  7. rusa
  8. ta ledigt
  9. småprata
  10. gårdsplan
  11. frostig

21 Clues: rusaklagavinnadimmaårstiddötristfrostigsmåpratatusentalsavundsjukvinterlovta ledigtgårdsplanursinnigtklä ut sigmiljontalsbrottslingklasskamratbreda ut sigetnisk bakgrundvara ledsen, deppig

Youth Criminal Justice Act 2020-03-11

Youth Criminal Justice Act crossword puzzle
  1. the federal legislation from 1984-2003 that originally made 12 the youngest age to be held accountable for offences
  2. A judge issued order that placed a youth criminal under a probation officer’s supervision that limits their freedom.
  3. An objective for more serious youth crimes that involve some punishment but still do not create a criminal record or involve having to go to court
  4. any person aged 12-17 years old inclusive who is charged under the Young Offenders Act
  5. An objective that focuses on instilling fear of severe punishment in the public to prevent future crimes from taking place.
  6. any person aged 12-17 years old inclusive who is charged under the Youth Criminal Justice Act
  7. The program that aimed to keep non-violent, first-time offenders out of court under the Young Offenders Act
  8. Serious offences that result in adult sentencing for youth criminals convicted
  9. A home for many youth criminals that focus on rehabilitation for a set time period
  10. A centre that focus on providing rehabilitative programming and reintegration services to Youth Criminals who are in their custody or are serving a sentence
  11. A set of key points that defines the purpose and goals of the Youth Criminal Justice Act
  1. The lowest-level sentence that first-time, non-serious youth criminals can get that finds them guilty but without any punishment or conviction
  2. Special measures that aim to keep non-violent, first-time offenders from having to appear in court
  3. Otherwise known as closed custody, it is a sentencing that restrict a youth criminal’s freedoms and gives them little outside contact in secure facilities.
  4. any person aged 7-18 years old charged under the Juvenile Delinquents Act
  5. The most common form of extrajudicial measures and sanctions that involve the youth working a set number of hours in their local area
  6. the current federal legislation since 2003 that deals with youth commenting offences under the Criminal Code
  7. the federal legislation from 1908-1984 that set certain rules regarding juvenile delinquents in place, such as the age range of 7-18 to be held accountable, and that the youth had no right to a lawyer
  8. A family home where a young person may be placed for care and rehabilitation

19 Clues: any person aged 7-18 years old charged under the Juvenile Delinquents ActA family home where a young person may be placed for care and rehabilitationSerious offences that result in adult sentencing for youth criminals convictedA home for many youth criminals that focus on rehabilitation for a set time period...


  1. attorney,  Represent defendants who can't afford an attorney in criminal matters.
  2. The person who files the complaint in a civil lawsuit.
  3. something that someone says happened.
  4. In a criminal case, the defendant's statement pleading "guilty" or "not guilty" in answer to the charges, a declaration made in open court.
  5. Persons selected according to law and sworn to inquire into and declare a verdict on matters of fact.
  6. In a civil suit, the person complained against; in a criminal case, the person accused of the crime.
  7. Government official with authority to decide lawsuits brought before courts. Other judicial officers in the U.S. courts system are Supreme Court justices.
  8. Written questions asked by one party of an opposing party, who must answer them in writing under oath; a discovery device in a lawsuit.
  9. person called upon by either side in a lawsuit to give testimony before the court or jury.
  1. A reason that an attorney interrupts a witness to talk to the judge.
  2. The punishment ordered by a court for a defendant convicted of a crime.
  3. presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other.
  4. To charge someone with a crime. A prosecutor tries a criminal case on behalf of the government.
  5. A promise to tell the truth.
  6. Lawyers' examination, before trial, of facts and documents in possession of the opponents to help the lawyers prepare for trial.
  7. decision of a petit jury or a judge.
  8. Evidence presented orally by witnesses during trials or before grand juries.
  9. A hearing that takes place when the defendant pleads "not guilty" and witnesses are required to come to court to give evidence.

18 Clues: A promise to tell the truth.decision of a petit jury or a judge.something that someone says happened.The person who files the complaint in a civil lawsuit.A reason that an attorney interrupts a witness to talk to the judge.The punishment ordered by a court for a defendant convicted of a crime....

Crime Alav 2021-08-26

Crime Alav crossword puzzle
  1. överlagt mord
  2. mordbrand
  3. straff
  4. kniv
  5. kidnappa
  6. Mördare
  7. starta brand
  8. brottsling
  9. domare
  1. gärningsman
  2. snatteri
  3. bombardera
  4. knivhögg
  5. rättegång
  6. rånare
  7. serie mördare

16 Clues: knivstraffrånaredomareMördaresnatteriknivhöggkidnappamordbrandrättegångbombarderabrottslinggärningsmanstarta brandöverlagt mordserie mördare

The shawshank redemption 2021-12-13

The shawshank redemption crossword puzzle
  1. cleaning
  2. food
  3. declined
  4. WantsToSeeMore
  5. scared
  6. dangerous
  7. money
  8. protection
  1. yes
  2. material
  3. corruption
  4. criminal
  5. escaping
  6. game
  7. Non-reported

15 Clues: yesfoodgamemoneyscaredcleaningmaterialdeclinedcriminalescapingdangerouscorruptionprotectionNon-reportedWantsToSeeMore

Civics 2024-05-09

Civics crossword puzzle
  1. Wrongful act
  2. President that invented his own sport
  3. property that has been defined by the courts to be land and whatever is attached to or growing on it
  4. Smallest court
  5. Most extreme crime
  6. Tallest US President
  7. First step in a civil case
  8. President that wanted a bowling alley as a birthday present
  9. President that was a mdoel
  10. When an agreement is made
  11. When the criminal gets taken to the judge to talk about what their crime is
  1. What the criminal is charged to
  2. How many senators per state
  3. How many representatives
  4. Where the sentencing and the crime is talked about
  5. Least extreme crime
  6. First President
  7. Final decision of court
  8. Highest court
  9. Type of contract that isn't on paper

20 Clues: Wrongful actHighest courtSmallest courtFirst PresidentMost extreme crimeLeast extreme crimeTallest US PresidentFinal decision of courtHow many representativesWhen an agreement is madeFirst step in a civil casePresident that was a mdoelHow many senators per stateWhat the criminal is charged toType of contract that isn't on paper...

Who is the Holy Spirit 2021-10-05

Who is the Holy Spirit crossword puzzle
  1. The Holy Spirit is a ______
  2. Eternally and ______ God
  3. The Holy Spirit is God's _____ on our hearts
  4. He opens our hearts to _____ the Bible
  5. The Holy Spirit _____ us
  6. shows us our _____
  7. He _____ leaves us
  8. ______God's promises for us forever
  1. Third person of the _____
  2. The Holy Spirit _____ within God's children
  3. We _____ Him when we disobey God
  4. God _____ us with the Holy Spirit
  5. _____us to be more like Jesus
  6. He opens our minds to _____ the Bible
  7. He helps us to live to _____ Jesus

15 Clues: shows us our _____He _____ leaves usThe Holy Spirit _____ usThird person of the _____Eternally and ______ GodThe Holy Spirit is a ___________us to be more like JesusWe _____ Him when we disobey GodGod _____ us with the Holy SpiritHe helps us to live to _____ Jesus______God's promises for us foreverHe opens our minds to _____ the Bible...

Society 2023-09-14

Society crossword puzzle
  1. this says what you can and can't do
  2. leave work
  3. being married to more than one person
  4. not being married anymore
  5. believing to something
  6. people showing their minds
  7. a state that has a king or queen
  1. for example bullying someone
  2. not having a house
  3. a person you can vote for
  4. someone you live with
  5. a person living somewhere
  6. this can be done at a church
  7. settling down with someone
  8. you do this at elections

15 Clues: leave worknot having a housesomeone you live withbelieving to somethingyou do this at electionsa person you can vote fornot being married anymorea person living somewheresettling down with someonepeople showing their mindsfor example bullying someonethis can be done at a churcha state that has a king or queenthis says what you can and can't do...

Unit 24 People and daily life 2017-02-13

Unit 24 People and daily life crossword puzzle
  1. politika
  2. kriminální
  3. zodpovědný
  4. charita
  5. kultura
  6. zatknout
  7. přiznat
  8. komunita, společenství
  9. spáchat
  10. nelegální
  11. okrást
  12. obyvatel
  1. vězení
  2. vláda
  3. obyvatelstvo
  4. hlasovat
  5. rozvrh
  6. mladí
  7. společnost
  8. zvyk
  9. známý
  10. soud, nádvoří
  11. ukrást

23 Clues: zvykvládamladíznámývězenírozvrhokrástukrástcharitakulturapřiznatspáchatpolitikahlasovatzatknoutobyvatelnelegálníkriminálnízodpovědnýspolečnostobyvatelstvosoud, nádvoříkomunita, společenství

Oscar 2021-10-14

Oscar crossword puzzle
  1. flicka
  2. munk
  3. vinna
  4. skämta
  5. besluta
  6. hålla med
  7. gissa
  8. nötter
  9. dimma
  10. hjälpa
  11. oroa sig
  12. soppa
  1. flöjt
  2. indisk
  3. vandra
  4. brottsling
  5. skyta
  6. slå vad
  7. vuxen
  8. rusa
  9. salong
  10. önska
  11. chips

23 Clues: munkrusaflöjtvinnaskytavuxengissaönskachipsdimmasoppaflickaindiskvandraskämtanöttersalonghjälpaslå vadbeslutaoroa sighålla medbrottsling

Unit 5 Spelling 2023-05-05

Unit 5 Spelling crossword puzzle
  1. normal
  2. pass/permission
  3. break/in
  4. many
  5. to/ruin
  6. fun
  7. dangerous
  8. discomfort
  1. impressive/ worthy
  2. apply
  3. nice/caring
  4. miracle
  5. hate
  6. criminal/crime
  7. investigation
  8. protest
  9. sample
  10. talking/back
  11. winning
  12. dark/walkway

20 Clues: funhatemanyapplynormalsamplemiracleprotestto/ruinwinningbreak/indangerousdiscomfortnice/caringtalking/backdark/walkwayinvestigationcriminal/crimepass/permissionimpressive/ worthy

Pluralização - Madison Gosselin :) 2022-01-06

Pluralização - Madison Gosselin :) crossword puzzle
  1. o criminal
  2. metal
  3. traditional
  4. telemovel
  5. o hotel
  6. o réptil
  7. final
  8. resposável
  9. o papel
  1. o barril
  2. o material
  3. o móvel
  4. amigável
  5. amavel
  6. cruel
  7. frágil
  8. o hospital
  9. o animal
  10. o azul
  11. o fóssil

20 Clues: cruelmetalfinalamavelfrágilo azulo móvelo hotelo papelo barrilamigávelo animalo fóssilo réptiltelemovelo materialo criminalo hospitalresposáveltraditional

Words 2020-11-11

Words crossword puzzle
  1. erpressen, Erpressung
  2. Zeuge/in
  3. beweisen
  4. Mehrheit
  5. verbessern
  6. Verbrechen
  7. Beweis/e
  8. Koch
  9. Gehalt
  10. up ausdenken
  1. Angestellte/r
  2. Waffe
  3. in Pension gehen
  4. Verdächtige/r
  5. sich einprägen
  6. Kriminelle/r
  7. beschützen
  8. Finanzwesen
  9. verdienen
  10. Fähigkeiten

20 Clues: KochWaffeGehaltZeuge/inbeweisenMehrheitBeweis/everdienenbeschützenverbessernVerbrechenFinanzwesenFähigkeitenKriminelle/rup ausdenkenAngestellte/rVerdächtige/rsich einprägenin Pension gehenerpressen, Erpressung

Kuunteluharjoitus sanasto 2020-11-02

Kuunteluharjoitus sanasto crossword puzzle
  1. Arvostaa, arvo
  2. Asiakas
  3. Roska, jätteet
  4. Vastuu
  5. Käteinen, raha
  6. Jumalallinen
  7. Heikosti, huonosti
  8. Rikollinen
  9. Varainkeruu
  1. Vastuullisuus
  2. Työ, Työnskennellä
  3. Haiseva
  4. Lupa
  5. school Yläaste
  6. Palkinto
  7. Navigoi, ohjata
  8. Rehtori, päämies
  9. school Peruskoulu, Alakoulu
  10. Myydä
  11. Sääli

20 Clues: LupaMyydäSääliVastuuAsiakasHaisevaPalkintoRikollinenVarainkeruuJumalallinenVastuullisuusArvostaa, arvoRoska, jätteetschool YläasteKäteinen, rahaNavigoi, ohjataRehtori, päämiesTyö, TyönskennelläHeikosti, huonostischool Peruskoulu, Alakoulu

Vocabulary revision 2018-12-18

Vocabulary revision crossword puzzle
  1. провал
  2. хотящий пить
  3. каскадёр
  4. верный
  5. ответственный
  6. новостная лента
  7. сцена
  8. голос
  9. загружать в интернет
  10. stay … at friend's place
  11. наушники
  1. наказывать
  2. преступник
  3. покупатель
  4. вносить вклад
  5. тюрьма
  6. восхищающийся
  7. кассир
  8. выступление
  9. выдающийся
  10. открытие

21 Clues: сценаголоспровалверныйтюрьмакассиркаскадёроткрытиенаушникинаказыватьпреступникпокупательвыдающийсявыступлениехотящий питьвносить вкладвосхищающийсяответственныйновостная лентазагружать в интернетstay … at friend's place

unit 5 2023-05-21

unit 5 crossword puzzle
  1. _____ jurisdiction; the first to hear a case
  2. _____ review; supreme court can declare actions unconstitutional
  3. power to rule certain case
  4. _____ law; does involve criminal matters; person vs group
  1. preponderance of ____; 51% must be convene
  2. ____ doubt; jury must be 100% convinced of guilty
  3. ___ law; does not involve criminal matters; people vs. people
  4. a choice made to help with future choices
  5. ____ jurisdiction; lower court and reviews the cases

9 Clues: power to rule certain casea choice made to help with future choicespreponderance of ____; 51% must be convene_____ jurisdiction; the first to hear a case____ doubt; jury must be 100% convinced of guilty____ jurisdiction; lower court and reviews the cases_____ law; does involve criminal matters; person vs group...

Detective stories 2024-01-22

Detective stories crossword puzzle
  1. someone who committed a crime
  2. potential criminal
  3. objects found on the crime scene
  4. what the suspects were doing when the crime happened
  5. where the crime happens
  6. the person who was killed
  7. object used to kill
  1. someone who sees the crime
  2. someone who murders
  3. someone who investigates
  4. to look for the criminal
  5. when someone gets killed

12 Clues: potential criminalsomeone who murdersobject used to killwhere the crime happenssomeone who investigatesto look for the criminalwhen someone gets killedthe person who was killedsomeone who sees the crimesomeone who committed a crimeobjects found on the crime scenewhat the suspects were doing when the crime happened

Bow Valley College 2023-06-02

Bow Valley College crossword puzzle
  1. What does Iniikokaan mean?
  2. 40th celebration
  3. Scholarship that includes a luncheon
  4. Newest centre at BVC
  1. First name of BVC President
  2. College Designation ______ Community College
  3. Strategic Plan, Open _____,
  4. ATB Hall is located on this campus
  5. Strategic Plan, Open _____.

9 Clues: 40th celebrationNewest centre at BVCWhat does Iniikokaan mean?First name of BVC PresidentStrategic Plan, Open _____,Strategic Plan, Open _____.ATB Hall is located on this campusScholarship that includes a luncheonCollege Designation ______ Community College

Connor's Stellar Crossword 2017-12-08

Connor's Stellar Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Killing someone without premeditation.
  2. Being untruthful for personal gain.
  3. Making sure a criminal doesn't commit crime again.
  4. Getting revenge for a crime.
  5. Any crime committed online.
  6. Touching someone without consent.
  7. Lying to a courtroom.
  8. Destroying someone else's property.
  9. Entering someone's house without permission.
  10. Keeping a criminal away from the world temporarily.
  11. Being trusted a lump sum of money, and keeping it for yourself.
  1. Crime committed because of discrimination.
  2. Burning someone's house down.
  3. Throwing a punch.
  4. Return or payback the money someone steals.
  5. Forcing someone to give you something, often with some form of a weapon.
  6. Correcting a criminal's behavior, and getting them back on their feet.
  7. Obtaining something from someone by force or threats.
  8. Taking something from someone without permission.
  9. Killing another individual.

20 Clues: Throwing a punch.Lying to a courtroom.Any crime committed online.Killing another individual.Getting revenge for a crime.Burning someone's house down.Touching someone without consent.Being untruthful for personal gain.Destroying someone else's property.Killing someone without premeditation.Crime committed because of discrimination....

American Justice 2017-11-16

American Justice crossword puzzle
  1. crime Prejudice motivated crime.
  2. A charge that can follow after homicide.
  3. A sort of revenge.
  4. Intentionally setting fire to an object.
  5. Entering a building without permission to be there.
  6. Discouraging an action by instilling fear of the consequences.
  7. Preventing a criminal from committing future crimes by locked up or restrained.
  8. To steal money from a business.
  9. Taking a person's personal property without permission.
  10. Taking someone's belongings by force.
  1. Deliberate deception for personal gain.
  2. Sometimes used for drug addicts.
  3. Direct payment from a criminal to a victim to compensate for their crimes.
  4. Lying under the oath.
  5. Obtaining money through coercion
  6. Attempt to initiate harmful contact.
  7. Damaging someone's property.
  8. Crime outside of real life.
  9. Actual harmful contact.
  10. The act of killing somebody

20 Clues: A sort of revenge.Lying under the oath.Actual harmful contact.Crime outside of real life.The act of killing somebodyDamaging someone's property.To steal money from a business.crime Prejudice motivated crime.Sometimes used for drug addicts.Obtaining money through coercionAttempt to initiate harmful contact.Taking someone's belongings by force....

Enlightened Minds 2024-04-22

Enlightened Minds crossword puzzle
  1. Astronomer who supported the heliocentric model of the solar system.
  2. An intellectual and cultural movement in the 18th century that emphasized reason over superstition and science over blind faith.
  3. An English philosopher who developed the scientific method.
  1. Scientist who formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation.
  2. Historical period marked by renewed interest in art, culture, and science, preceding the Scientific Revolution.
  3. Physician who developed the smallpox vaccine.

6 Clues: Physician who developed the smallpox vaccine.An English philosopher who developed the scientific method.Astronomer who supported the heliocentric model of the solar system.Scientist who formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation....

1920's Crime Crosswords 2023-02-10

1920's Crime Crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. criminal activities that are planned and controlled by powerful groups and carried out on a large scale.
  2. 1920s massacre between Al Capone and Bugs Moran
  3. Mobster dubbed the most infamous crime boss in New York history
  4. Criminal act of taking property unlawfully
  5. Law that restricted the production, transportation, and use of alcohol
  6. Somebody who controls part of an organized crime group
  1. A member of a gang
  2. Italian immigrant anarchists who were controversially accused of murder
  3. Movement that led to the restriction of alcohol
  4. The most celebrated crime boss in american history
  5. any organized group using extortion and other criminal methods.
  6. an acrimonious dispute between rival groups over territory or a particular sphere of influence.

12 Clues: A member of a gangCriminal act of taking property unlawfullyMovement that led to the restriction of alcohol1920s massacre between Al Capone and Bugs MoranThe most celebrated crime boss in american historySomebody who controls part of an organized crime groupany organized group using extortion and other criminal methods....

Freak's Crossword Puzzle (Dictionaries Allowed) 2021-01-21

Freak's Crossword Puzzle (Dictionaries Allowed) crossword puzzle
  1. a word used by people with small minds
  2. OOZE boring conversation about
  3. smoked
  4. something that should be obscene,
  5. a four-letter word for Max in a bad
  6. demeanor
  7. a Z in England
  8. good old days
  9. a silly-looking creature that
  10. a nervous cockroach
  11. to defeat in battle, preferably with
  1. a horse who makes a point
  2. a place that always lies over the next
  3. what Webster invented,
  4. a way to improve on the human
  5. perfected
  6. jokes
  7. the meaner your face, the worse
  8. a source of knowledge, fun, and
  9. a muscle that improves with exercise

20 Clues: jokessmokeddemeanorperfectedgood old daysa Z in Englanda nervous cockroachwhat Webster invented,a horse who makes a pointa way to improve on the humana silly-looking creature thatOOZE boring conversation aboutthe meaner your face, the worsea source of knowledge, fun, andsomething that should be obscene,a four-letter word for Max in a bad...

Alex's 21st Birthday Crossword Puzzle 2021-03-24

Alex's 21st Birthday Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Bedtime lullaby
  2. Team sport you played in middle school
  3. Where everyone knows your name
  4. Coffee haunt, freshman year
  5. Unrecoverable
  6. Named after
  7. Never been to a Wisco game in winter
  8. Favorite chocolate
  9. Feel good, look good, do better
  10. Rival, sibling
  11. Treasured childhood doll
  1. Cool food blog
  2. Open minds. Open Hearts.
  3. Favored cocktail mixer
  4. Tik tok joke with sis
  5. Scholarship worthy talent
  6. Canine nickname
  7. JCC celebrity citing, Chris_____
  8. Ians, but not pizza
  9. Favorite osteria, before the show
  10. Leading role with cousin Emma
  11. If not UW Madison
  12. Drama queen, The Bachelor
  13. Self professed nickname
  14. Idol, Broadway

25 Clues: Named afterUnrecoverableCool food blogRival, siblingIdol, BroadwayBedtime lullabyCanine nicknameIf not UW MadisonFavorite chocolateIans, but not pizzaTik tok joke with sisFavored cocktail mixerSelf professed nicknameOpen minds. Open Hearts.Treasured childhood dollScholarship worthy talentDrama queen, The BachelorCoffee haunt, freshman year...

Twilight 2013-11-26

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Bella's father.
  2. James' lover.
  3. Shape of the bites James leaves on Bella
  4. Could see the future.
  5. Wants to be a vampire.
  6. A blood thirsty being.
  7. Could read minds.
  8. Bella's mother.
  1. Washington where Bella moved to.
  2. Arizona where Bella is from.
  3. Edward's "mother"
  4. Bella goes dress shopping for this dance.
  5. Sport played in the beginning of the book.
  6. Part of the Quileute tribe.
  7. Slid on ice in a van and almost hit Bella.
  8. Likes Mike.
  9. Type of dance studio James led Bella to.
  10. Edward's "father"
  11. Bella's mom's new husband.
  12. Killed by Alice, Jasper and Emmett

20 Clues: Likes Mike.James' lover.Bella's father.Bella's mother.Edward's "mother"Edward's "father"Could read minds.Could see the future.Wants to be a vampire.A blood thirsty being.Bella's mom's new husband.Part of the Quileute tribe.Arizona where Bella is from.Washington where Bella moved to.Killed by Alice, Jasper and Emmett...

Insurgent crossword 2016-12-17

Insurgent crossword crossword puzzle
  1. leader of amity
  2. Tris's original faction
  3. what does Jeanine call tris
  4. how the erudite control minds
  5. leader of candor
  6. the only leader of abnegation left
  7. Tris's best friend
  8. Fours real name
  9. Tris's real name
  10. who is the new leader of all the factions
  11. fours last name
  1. what faction took over leadership of chicago
  2. Tris's current faction
  3. who kills Jeanine
  4. what was tris hiding behind her dresser
  5. where is tris staying at the beginning of the book
  6. leader of erudite
  7. setting of the book
  8. what cant tris hold anymore
  9. who saves tris from the erudite

20 Clues: leader of amityFours real namefours last nameleader of candorTris's real namewho kills Jeanineleader of eruditeTris's best friendsetting of the bookTris's current factionTris's original factionwhat does Jeanine call triswhat cant tris hold anymorehow the erudite control mindswho saves tris from the eruditethe only leader of abnegation left...


  1. Mother Gothel says "Mother ... best"
  2. The glass slipper ... to Cinderella
  3. She ... to marry a handsome prince
  4. After he ... her voice, he fell for Ariel
  5. The bodybuilder is ...
  6. Cinderella's sisters tried to ... the prince
  7. She ... bad
  8. The apple ... poison
  9. He ... personality over looks
  10. Cupid's magical power
  1. The evil queen ... Snow White
  2. Goldilocks never ... her own business
  3. He will ... rich
  4. The living ... is expensive
  5. Rapunzel ... Flynn with her long hair
  6. She never ... taking the job
  7. The wolf in the forest ... like a good person
  8. Snow White takes ... of the seven dwarfs
  9. She ... to be beautiful
  10. Princesses ... in happy endings

20 Clues: She ... badHe will ... richThe apple ... poisonCupid's magical powerThe bodybuilder is ...She ... to be beautifulThe living ... is expensiveShe never ... taking the jobThe evil queen ... Snow WhiteHe ... personality over looksPrincesses ... in happy endingsShe ... to marry a handsome princeThe glass slipper ... to Cinderella...

34 2024-07-27

34 crossword puzzle
  1. Simple Minds' 1989 tour
  2. Ozzy Osbourne's 1980 tour
  3. Rush's 1981 tour
  4. The Jam's 1982 tour
  5. Genesis' 1983 tour
  6. The Police's 1983 tour
  7. Deep Purple's 1984 tour
  8. Icehouse's 1982 tour
  9. Loverboy's 1981 tour
  10. Tears For Fears' 1985 tour
  11. Asia's 1982 tour
  1. Foreigner's 1980 tour
  2. The Black Crowes' 1989 tour
  3. Saxon's 1984 tour
  4. Grateful Dead's 1987 tour
  5. Jethro Tull's 1984 tour
  6. 1985 Brazilian festival
  7. Scorpions' 1984 tour
  8. Marillion's 1984 tour
  9. Black Sabbath's 1983 tour
  10. Toto's 1981 tour
  11. Roxy Music's 1982 tour
  12. Yes' 1980 tour
  13. Roxy Music's 1980 tour
  14. Def Leppard's 1983 tour

25 Clues: Yes' 1980 tourRush's 1981 tourToto's 1981 tourAsia's 1982 tourSaxon's 1984 tourGenesis' 1983 tourThe Jam's 1982 tourScorpions' 1984 tourIcehouse's 1982 tourLoverboy's 1981 tourForeigner's 1980 tourMarillion's 1984 tourRoxy Music's 1982 tourRoxy Music's 1980 tourThe Police's 1983 tourSimple Minds' 1989 tourJethro Tull's 1984 tour...

Civics Crossword 2015-03-10

Civics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Ceremonial item representing authority
  2. The people in a Jury
  3. Law that govern the relationship between individuals
  4. Final decision
  5. Passes bill to be law
  6. Supervision of prisoners on parole
  7. Members of parliament go to discuss issues and bills
  8. Release of prisoner who agrees to conditions
  9. Head of Royal Family
  10. Enforced to follow
  11. A proposed law
  12. Aid Free legal advice for a person who cannot afford it.
  13. Highest ranking officer in a city/town
  14. An opinion or choice
  1. A tribunal settled by a Judge
  2. Codifies criminal offenders and procedures in Canada
  3. Access to look through house of accused victims
  4. Event where votes take place
  5. Acts that are harmful to public
  6. A "get out of jail card" of some sort of property pledged at court

20 Clues: Final decisionA proposed lawEnforced to followThe people in a JuryHead of Royal FamilyAn opinion or choicePasses bill to be lawEvent where votes take placeA tribunal settled by a JudgeActs that are harmful to publicSupervision of prisoners on paroleCeremonial item representing authorityHighest ranking officer in a city/town...

Civics 2024-05-09

Civics crossword puzzle
  1. what does the 1st amendment state
  2. how many amendments are in the bill of rights
  3. how many years does a representative serve
  4. what branch is the president in
  5. president who becomes president if the president dies
  6. how many representatives does kentucky have
  7. whats worse a civil or criminal case
  8. how many members are in the senate
  9. who determains the president
  1. who is the vice president
  2. name a type of petty crime
  3. how old is joe biden
  4. whats the presidents name
  5. how many judges are in the supreme court
  6. how many amendments are there
  7. president who runs the US military
  8. where was the constitution signed
  9. how many branches of governtment are there
  10. many years does a senator serve
  11. many years does the president serve

20 Clues: how old is joe bidenwho is the vice presidentwhats the presidents namename a type of petty crimewho determains the presidenthow many amendments are therewhat branch is the president inmany years does a senator servewhat does the 1st amendment statewhere was the constitution signedpresident who runs the US militaryhow many members are in the senate...

Derechos Humanos-Ben 2014-11-18

Derechos Humanos-Ben crossword puzzle
  1. cuando no hay guerra o violencia en el mundo
  2. un caso en la tribunal
  3. matar una persona
  4. una persona que apoya una causa
  5. pedir a alguien con autoridad
  6. poner a alguien en la carcel
  7. una persona que es en la carcel
  8. lo que el juez da a la criminal
  1. atacar una persona
  2. cuando una person no tiene exito
  3. una persona que le gusta discriminar
  4. el trabajo forzado
  5. lo que alguien tiene cuando alguien tiene miedo
  6. defienden una nación
  7. lo que es una dictadura hace a su gente
  8. lo que un criminal comete

16 Clues: matar una personaatacar una personael trabajo forzadodefienden una naciónun caso en la tribunallo que un criminal cometeponer a alguien en la carcelpedir a alguien con autoridaduna persona que apoya una causauna persona que es en la carcello que el juez da a la criminalcuando una person no tiene exitouna persona que le gusta discriminar...

Robert,Archer 2015-12-08

Robert,Archer crossword puzzle
  1. A man ran to the other one
  2. many games can not be totally equal
  3. is a crime
  4. someone accept is slow
  5. is the criminal's most don't want to meet
  6. record the beautiful moments of life
  7. the activities of the large
  1. The reporter often write it
  2. some people pretend to hide thenselves
  3. some useful information
  4. to remind others in some way
  5. The place is the criminal accept the trial
  6. when in trouble
  7. When you see a red light. You have to do
  8. When you finished the test paper you will do it
  9. is the criminal

16 Clues: is a crimewhen in troubleis the criminalsomeone accept is slowsome useful informationA man ran to the other oneThe reporter often write itthe activities of the largeto remind others in some waymany games can not be totally equalrecord the beautiful moments of lifesome people pretend to hide thenselvesWhen you see a red light. You have to do...

Bahasa words law related 2021-03-13

Bahasa words law related crossword puzzle
  1. to emerge
  2. criminal
  3. judge
  4. various
  5. court
  6. jail
  7. flight
  8. disturb
  9. framework
  10. to monitor
  1. for how long
  2. passenger
  3. suspect
  4. share
  5. lawyer
  6. discovery (of vaccine)
  7. sentence

17 Clues: jailjudgesharecourtlawyerflightsuspectvariousdisturbcriminalsentencepassengerto emergeframeworkto monitorfor how longdiscovery (of vaccine)

Unit 4 Crossword Puzzle 2021-10-20

Unit 4 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. How the President is offically elected
  2. Oversees and appoints the heads of executive departments and agencies
  3. Delay the sentence of a convicted criminal
  4. Reduce the sentence of a convicted criminal
  5. Leader of their political party
  1. Carries / enforces the law
  2. Meets with other leaders and appoints U.S. ambassadors
  3. Acts as a celebrity figure
  4. Forgive a convicted criminal of their crimes

9 Clues: Carries / enforces the lawActs as a celebrity figureLeader of their political partyHow the President is offically electedDelay the sentence of a convicted criminalReduce the sentence of a convicted criminalForgive a convicted criminal of their crimesMeets with other leaders and appoints U.S. ambassadors...

Deviance and Social Control 2020-05-02

Deviance and Social Control crossword puzzle
  1. Gaps exist between cultural goals and ability to achieve these goals in legitimate way.
  2. Attempts to explain why certain people argued as deviants while others engaged in the same behavior or not.
  3. Illegal acts committed in the course of business activities often by affluent, respectable people.
  4. Attributes increases in crime and deviance to the absence or breakdown of communal relationships and social institutions.
  5. Technigues and strategies for preventing deviant human behavior in any society.
  6. Used casually to enforce norms.
  7. Punishment to make criminals pay compensation for their acts.
  8. A disorganized society where norms are weak, conflicting or absent.
  9. Governmental social control.
  1. Discouraging criminal acts by threatening punishment.
  2. Protecting society from criminals by keeping them in prisons.
  3. An undesirable label that is used to characterize an individual.
  4. Interaction with other groups with other norms.
  5. The act of going along with individuals of our own status.
  6. Carried out by authorized agents.
  7. Infraction of criminal law without any identifiable evidence of an individual that has suffered damage.
  8. Process of changing for reforming a criminal through socialization.
  9. Behavior that departs from societal or group norms.
  10. Penalties and rewards for conduct concerning a social norm.
  11. Compliance with higher authorities in hierarchical structure.

20 Clues: Governmental social control.Used casually to enforce norms.Carried out by authorized agents.Interaction with other groups with other norms.Behavior that departs from societal or group norms.Discouraging criminal acts by threatening punishment.The act of going along with individuals of our own status....

The Federal Court System 2018-04-09

The Federal Court System crossword puzzle
  1. another word for the decision of a jury (guilty/innocent)
  2. the ability to decide whether a law is constitutional is known as:
  3. a type of jurisdiction when a court hears a case for the first time
  4. a type of jurisdiction that reviews the decisions of lower courts
  5. all federal judges are nominated by the president and confirmed by the:
  6. a case that involves a dispute between groups of people, usually for money or property
  7. the nearest federal DISTRICT court to us is in which city?
  8. the circuit that people would make appeals in Pennsylvania (p.451)
  9. the side who brings arguments/charges in a criminal case
  10. the side who brings arguments in a civil case
  11. US _____Court is where cases are argued for the first time
  12. the group of people who decide the guilt/innocence in a trial
  1. the side who is being accused in a criminal or civil case
  2. a case that determines whether someone broke the law
  3. the nearest US Court of Appeals courthouse is in:
  4. the authority to hear and argue a case
  5. any federal court that is not the Supreme Court
  6. the US Court of _____ has appellate jurisdiction
  7. the main job of the Judicial Branch is to _____ laws.
  8. a geographical area where an appeal is made

20 Clues: the authority to hear and argue a casea geographical area where an appeal is madethe side who brings arguments in a civil caseany federal court that is not the Supreme Courtthe US Court of _____ has appellate jurisdictionthe nearest US Court of Appeals courthouse is in:a case that determines whether someone broke the law...

2.3 crossword 2021-10-20

2.3 crossword crossword puzzle
  1. what can be transferred to your jacket and shoes off of your body?
  2. most of the I-70s killings were what gender?
  3. what is one thing we need to help find a criminal?
  4. what were mr. mcoy and mr. hatfeild ding
  5. what happened to the I-70 crime?
  6. what did locard find on clothing and how did it help locate the killer?
  7. what gun did the i-70 killer use?
  8. what was one instrument locard was able to use?
  9. what else did they state the gun as in the I-70 killer case?
  10. how could mo and ks know about the same case
  11. what can be tested at a crime scene that helps with the investigation?
  1. what did Edmond locard want to start?
  2. what did mrs.hatfeild agree too
  3. what was found on the coins in the locards crime
  4. who was the first one killer by the i-70 killer?
  5. wheel where can we find DNA when the car crashed in the logistics case
  6. what did the killer rub on the bullet casings?
  7. what can you use to not transfer fingerpints?
  8. when a criminal comes into contact with
  9. who believed a criminal can be charged with true evidence?

20 Clues: what did mrs.hatfeild agree toowhat happened to the I-70 crime?what gun did the i-70 killer use?what did Edmond locard want to start?when a criminal comes into contact withwhat were mr. mcoy and mr. hatfeild dingmost of the I-70s killings were what gender?how could mo and ks know about the same casewhat can you use to not transfer fingerpints?...

Judicial Branch Vocab!!! 2024-03-18

Judicial Branch Vocab!!! crossword puzzle
  1. "ugh, I have to go to_____ duty."
  2. the second step of a criminal case, includes setting bail, getting photographed, and getting fingerprinted
  3. to ask a higher up court to review your court case
  4. court case that does not end with jail time or fines
  5. if you are the person accused of a crime in a criminal case, you are called the_____
  6. search warrants, _____ warrant, bench warrant
  7. consists of 7 people and needed to decide if there is enough evidence for trial
  8. if police want a search warrant, they need a _____ cause
  9. the word for the judicial branch interpreting laws
  10. defendant and ______ are the two sides of a criminal case
  11. court case that involves breaking of a law
  12. if you are forcing someone to testify in court it called a_____
  1. there are three branches of gov., executive, legislative and __________
  2. a crime not as serious as a felony
  3. rights right to remain silent, right to a lawyer
  4. if you break a state law, you could go to not federal court, but______
  5. no one shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without___________of law
  6. the final decision of the judge
  7. in a civil case, there are two sides: defendant and _____
  8. proving defendant guilty by more than reasonable doubt

20 Clues: the final decision of the judge"ugh, I have to go to_____ duty."a crime not as serious as a felonycourt case that involves breaking of a lawsearch warrants, _____ warrant, bench warrantrights right to remain silent, right to a lawyerto ask a higher up court to review your court casethe word for the judicial branch interpreting laws...

commerce 2022-06-23

commerce crossword puzzle
  1. one who makes judgements
  2. a person under the age of 18
  3. not criminal law
  4. failing to do something
  5. where the applications of laws are determined
  6. a statement that injures a persons reputation
  7. a system of rules
  1. something that someone says happened
  2. the overall topic studied
  3. not civil law
  4. a group of people empowered to make findings of fact
  5. a binding agreement between parties
  6. of or relating to law
  7. a promise to tell the truth
  8. a set of moral and legal guidelines

15 Clues: not civil lawnot criminal lawa system of rulesof or relating to lawfailing to do somethingone who makes judgementsthe overall topic studieda promise to tell the trutha person under the age of 18a binding agreement between partiesa set of moral and legal guidelinessomething that someone says happenedwhere the applications of laws are determined...

Chup Daily Crossword 2020-12-05

Chup Daily Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The ugliest princess alive
  2. It shows us the way
  3. It infects our minds
  4. Kill the traitor at all costs
  5. The filth in our ocean
  6. It is a sin that opposes our way of life
  7. The foundation of our city
  8. It's our way of life
  1. Our idol
  2. Our lord and saviour, He who united us
  3. Our lifelong enemies
  4. A fool who dares threaten us
  5. Our annual celebration
  6. It blinds us
  7. We live alongside them

15 Clues: Our idolIt blinds usIt shows us the wayIt infects our mindsOur lifelong enemiesIt's our way of lifeOur annual celebrationThe filth in our oceanWe live alongside themThe ugliest princess aliveThe foundation of our cityA fool who dares threaten usKill the traitor at all costsOur lord and saviour, He who united us...

Greek Figures Game 2021-11-08

Greek Figures Game crossword puzzle
  1. Socrates was thrown in ____ for corrupting young minds
  2. Apasia was ___________ (ed)
  3. Themistocles helped defeat the _______
  4. Themistocles was able to convince everyone to _____ a massive navy
  5. Cleisthenes was ______ from Athens
  6. Socrates was found ____ of corruption of the youth
  7. Pericles built the _________
  8. Cleisthenes enemies were _______
  9. Aspasia's ___ was not Athenian
  1. Socrates was a ___________ (er)
  2. Pericles ________ his wife for Aspasia (ed)
  3. Pericles introduced payment for ____ service
  4. Cleisthenes is the father of _________
  5. Aspasia’s partner Pericles died of the ______
  6. Themistocle was elected to the post of ______

15 Clues: Apasia was ___________ (ed)Pericles built the _________Aspasia's ___ was not AthenianSocrates was a ___________ (er)Cleisthenes enemies were _______Cleisthenes was ______ from AthensThemistocles helped defeat the _______Cleisthenes is the father of _________Pericles ________ his wife for Aspasia (ed)Pericles introduced payment for ____ service...

Wings of Fire Characters 2022-03-28

Wings of Fire Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Cricket's sister
  2. Glory's bodygaurd
  3. Tsunami's animus sister
  4. Sundew's girlfriend
  5. the IceWings' last animus
  6. SilkWing flamesilk (Luna's brother)
  7. Dragon who can read minds and have prophecies (at Jade Mountatin Academy)
  1. SandWing who raised the dragonets of destiny
  2. Cricket's little HiveWing orphan
  3. Dragon with dangerous firescales
  4. Queen of the IceWings after Glacier
  5. new queen of the SandWings
  6. the IceWing who was Queen Scarlett's prisoner and was disguised as the SkyWing Pyrite
  7. Glory's half-brother
  8. Scarlett's daughter

15 Clues: Cricket's sisterGlory's bodygaurdSundew's girlfriendScarlett's daughterGlory's half-brotherTsunami's animus sisterthe IceWings' last animusnew queen of the SandWingsCricket's little HiveWing orphanDragon with dangerous firescalesQueen of the IceWings after GlacierSilkWing flamesilk (Luna's brother)SandWing who raised the dragonets of destiny...

Words for PLTW 2022-01-21

Words for PLTW crossword puzzle
  1. A wild outbreak
  2. Something always changing or getting better
  3. plays a part in something else
  4. your attitude toward something
  5. Interconnected things in a group
  6. Mental resource on object or event
  7. Mental health professional who studies human minds
  1. Hand help computers
  2. Takes your attention from something else
  3. How many living organisms are in that place
  4. A learning disability that makes it hard to Read and spell
  5. On the internet
  6. Connection between things
  7. To concentrate
  8. Data organized a certain way

15 Clues: To concentrateA wild outbreakOn the internetHand help computersConnection between thingsData organized a certain wayplays a part in something elseyour attitude toward somethingInterconnected things in a groupMental resource on object or eventTakes your attention from something elseHow many living organisms are in that place...

J Town Quest 2023-08-16

J Town Quest crossword puzzle
  1. when you join two ropes together
  2. Many gallons falling
  3. There are a hundred and eighty of them
  4. New in 2023 a place to bury
  5. ________ hole
  6. Core __________
  7. you tie this to something
  1. Figure Eight ________
  2. It's steel jaws make rocks tremble
  3. Named Storm
  4. One degree of _____ equals 60 Nautical Miles
  5. Big and orange it fly's in the sky
  6. Populating the sky and our minds
  7. Where you are constantly lifting ore
  8. You awake to this smell

15 Clues: Named Storm________ holeCore __________Many gallons fallingFigure Eight ________You awake to this smellyou tie this to somethingNew in 2023 a place to burywhen you join two ropes togetherPopulating the sky and our mindsIt's steel jaws make rocks trembleBig and orange it fly's in the skyWhere you are constantly lifting ore...

super minds cross part 2 2016-05-19

super minds cross part 2 crossword puzzle
  1. творить, создавать
  2. холм, возвышение
  3. голод
  4. против
  5. инфекционное заболевание
  6. стрела
  7. грудная клетка, грудь
  8. изобретение
  9. дикий
  10. защита, протекция
  11. деревня
  12. пространство; космос
  13. восхитительно вкусный
  14. важный
  15. качество
  1. хранить, запасать
  2. растение; сажать
  3. общий, обычный
  4. появляться, возникать
  5. прятаться
  6. джунгли
  7. хижина
  8. ученый
  9. кислород
  10. древесина; лес
  11. шептать, шепот
  12. электричество
  13. середина
  14. прелестный
  15. ворота, калитка
  16. тоже, также
  17. указывать, показывать; точка
  18. болезнь
  19. легкие (органы)
  20. племя

35 Clues: голоддикийплемяхижинапротивученыйстрелаважныйджунглидеревняболезнькислородсерединакачествопрятатьсяпрелестныйизобретениетоже, такжеэлектричествообщий, обычныйдревесина; лесшептать, шепотворота, калиткалегкие (органы)растение; сажатьхолм, возвышениехранить, запасатьзащита, протекциятворить, создаватьпространство; космоспоявляться, возникать...

The Eye of Minds Crossword 2022-06-01

The Eye of Minds Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The ___ of Minds
  2. the _________ Doctrine
  3. last of the author
  4. device used to make a digital screen appear in front of you
  5. the main skill of most of the characters use
  6. the name of the virtual world
  7. Kaine isn't human, he is a _______
  8. The War of ________
  9. Michael's nanny
  1. Michael's other best friend
  2. VNS stands for Virtnet ________
  3. The place that everyone is trying to reach, lifeblood _____
  4. name of the box used to enter the digital world
  5. the point of "Devils of Destruction"
  6. The main villain of the story
  7. One of Michael's best friends
  8. Who Michael misses the most, despite not remembering them
  9. Kaine is considered a "_____ terrorist"
  10. what keeps you alive if you die in the Virtnet
  11. what the three main characters use to locate Kaine

20 Clues: Michael's nannyThe ___ of Mindslast of the authorThe War of ________the _________ DoctrineMichael's other best friendThe main villain of the storyOne of Michael's best friendsthe name of the virtual worldVNS stands for Virtnet ________Kaine isn't human, he is a _______the point of "Devils of Destruction"Kaine is considered a "_____ terrorist"...

Super minds 5 (Units 5,6,7) 2022-11-29

Super minds 5 (Units 5,6,7) crossword puzzle
  1. He’s been in ........ for three months already.
  2. I was so ...... and warm in bed I didn’t want to get up.
  3. The .......... began clapping and cheering.
  4. She found herself a ............ husband.
  5. My sister won’t ......... to our mother going into a nursing home.
  6. The sun had .........ed behind a cloud.
  7. a cloth bag filled with soft material that you put on a chair or the floor to make it more comfortable
  8. to move up, down, or across something
  9. someone who hates you and wants to harm you
  10. A......... broke into the offices and stole some computer equipment.
  1. We sat outside in the .......... sunshine.
  2. a weapon with a long pointed blade and a handle
  3. Never ......... children playing near water unattended.
  4. She ...........ed that she was pregnant.
  5. They ..........d him to a tree and beat him up.
  6. Thank you for your advice; it’s been very ......
  7. What time does the plane ...... in New York?
  8. someone, especially in the past, who was paid to clean house, cook.
  9. Wilson went up and ...........ed on the door.
  10. My shoes were so ....... that I could hardly walk.

20 Clues: to move up, down, or across somethingThe sun had .........ed behind a cloud.She ...........ed that she was pregnant.She found herself a ............ husband.We sat outside in the .......... sunshine.The .......... began clapping and cheering.someone who hates you and wants to harm youWhat time does the plane ...... in New York?...

The Eye Of Minds Crossword 2023-06-12

The Eye Of Minds Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Where do they end up when they enter the path?
  2. Where does the book take place?
  3. Which game within the ViritNet do they play?
  4. The bots that can give brain damage
  5. The main character
  6. Kaine's program that is being used
  7. The club owned by Veronica
  8. Kaine's hiding spot/lair
  9. Michael and his friends' favorite thing to hack for
  10. Who do they work for?
  11. What department is Agent Weber apart of?
  12. Best team in the VirtiNet
  1. What is given to them at the Stone Disk?
  2. The villain of the book/antagonist
  3. Kaine's mini bots that kill Veronica
  4. Where the players spawn?
  5. Agent that gives them the task
  6. Where they have to go to find the hallowed ravine?
  7. Girl seen killing herself because of Kaine
  8. His other best friends who he met after Bryson
  9. The place the group steals from
  10. What did Michael become of the ViritNet?
  11. What happened to Michael that caused his headaches?
  12. Who tells them where to go to find Kaine?
  13. Michael's first best friend he made from the VirtiNet
  14. What do players remove in the VirtiNet Due to Kaine?
  15. Michael's babysitter

27 Clues: The main characterMichael's babysitterWho do they work for?Where the players spawn?Kaine's hiding spot/lairBest team in the VirtiNetThe club owned by VeronicaAgent that gives them the taskWhere does the book take place?The place the group steals fromThe villain of the book/antagonistKaine's program that is being used...

In our minds, party time 2023-06-24

In our minds, party time crossword puzzle
  1. uno has left the building, they are idiots
  2. Preston, not Maggie
  3. Vape?
  4. they are both just gone
  5. Prestons favorite part of Nathan
  6. what did Nathan do to Blaine
  7. Nathans favorite drunk word
  8. both of them play with this
  9. are they? uhg yeah they are
  1. n. tall, elusive, ICONIC, nickname
  2. where did Preston go
  3. Nathans obsession
  4. drink that rolls us hard
  5. where did that mark come from?
  6. everyone else but Nathan, Preston, Jack and Emma
  7. Preston not Nathan
  8. what did Preston forget
  9. Nathans meaner hand
  10. where did Nathan go?
  11. best toe topping

20 Clues: Vape?best toe toppingNathans obsessionPreston not NathanPreston, not MaggieNathans meaner handwhere did Preston gowhere did Nathan go?they are both just gonewhat did Preston forgetdrink that rolls us hardNathans favorite drunk wordboth of them play with thisare they? uhg yeah they arewhat did Nathan do to Blainewhere did that mark come from?...

Born Bad Crossword 2013-10-07

Born Bad Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the state of being poor (1 word)
  2. Criminal instincts, such as feelings of aggression, tend to originate here (2 words)
  3. Someone who has done something illegal (1 word)
  4. the application of neuroscience to understanding criminality (1 word)
  5. A former prison psychologist, and has been investigating the subtle relationships between criminal behaviour, brains and environments. (2 words)
  6. An Italian physician and intellectual (2 words)
  7. the bone in your head, the skull (1 word)
  1. human behaviour is the result of biological factors (1 word)
  2. is responsible for problem solving, emotion and complex thought(2 words)
  3. the way a child is treated and taught how to behave by their parents (1 word)
  4. causing public discussion and disagreement (1 word)
  5. Also known as autopsy (2 words)
  6. Raine's ______ is that 'bad brains lead to bad behaviour' (1 word)
  7. the behaviour where one does not like to be with people(1 word)
  8. human behaviour is the result of environmental factors (1 word)

15 Clues: Also known as autopsy (2 words)the state of being poor (1 word)the bone in your head, the skull (1 word)Someone who has done something illegal (1 word)An Italian physician and intellectual (2 words)causing public discussion and disagreement (1 word)human behaviour is the result of biological factors (1 word)...

Judicial Terms 2022-04-20

Judicial Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Law that deals with actions that harm people and society
  2. criminal cases such as traffic violations and minor civil cases
  3. on appeal
  4. to pay for someone to get out of jail
  5. a violation of law that only pertains to children
  6. person who brings a case against another person
  7. person named as "wrong-doer in a civil or criminal case-second one listed
  1. considered a crime if committed by an adult or a juvenile
  2. The power of ruling laws unconstitutional is known
  3. how long are judges elected to the supreme court elected
  4. courts that exercise limited jurisdiction over wills, estates, guardianship, and marriage licences
  5. Juvenile courts have jurisdiction over cases involving children under the age of
  6. jurisdiction is the ability given to higher courts to review lower court rulings and
  7. Court are the only courts with appellate jurisdiction is the ability given to higher courts to review lower court rulings and
  8. How long are judges elected to the superior court

15 Clues: on appealto pay for someone to get out of jailperson who brings a case against another persona violation of law that only pertains to childrenHow long are judges elected to the superior courtThe power of ruling laws unconstitutional is knownhow long are judges elected to the supreme court elected...

Mind 2023-03-23

Mind crossword puzzle
  1. to gavę something on my mind
  2. to croos my mind
  3. to sent out of my mind
  4. in two minds
  5. to change my mind
  1. to slip my mind
  2. take my mind off (two words)
  3. to give him a piece of my mind
  4. keep in my mind
  5. make up my mind

10 Clues: in two mindsto slip my mindkeep in my mindmake up my mindto croos my mindto change my mindto sent out of my mindto gavę something on my mindtake my mind off (two words)to give him a piece of my mind

personal relationships 2024-02-18

personal relationships crossword puzzle
  1. increase in knowledge
  2. it is something very strikng
  3. selection of people to advertise
  4. captures people´s attention more than other things
  1. persvade people to change their minds
  2. subpoena issved by a judge
  3. ability that a person has
  4. praise yourself in front of others
  5. weaken something morally
  6. trademark

10 Clues: trademarkincrease in knowledgeweaken something morallyability that a person hassubpoena issved by a judgeit is something very strikngselection of people to advertisepraise yourself in front of otherspersvade people to change their mindscaptures people´s attention more than other things

Axel 2021-10-14

Axel crossword puzzle
  1. vinna
  2. förlovad
  3. reagera
  4. gifta
  5. småprata
  6. arvinge
  7. tjäna
  8. dimma
  1. by
  2. tron
  3. årstid
  4. brottsling
  5. rusa
  6. imponerande

14 Clues: bytronrusavinnagiftatjänadimmaårstidreageraarvingeförlovadsmåpratabrottslingimponerande

Hebrews 8:1-13 2024-01-27

Hebrews 8:1-13 crossword puzzle
  1. disappear
  2. sins
  3. our High Priest
  4. agreement, promise
  5. God wrote these in our minds and hearts
  1. old and not of use
  2. what priests offer
  3. earthly priests are a copy and ______ of Christ

8 Clues: sinsdisappearour High Priestold and not of usewhat priests offeragreement, promiseGod wrote these in our minds and heartsearthly priests are a copy and ______ of Christ

Lili's Crossword! 2013-02-15

Lili's Crossword! crossword puzzle
  1. Typically a persons initials
  2. Runs by itself
  3. Communicate through minds
  4. Communicate through electrical signals
  5. Eyeglasses having two focal lengths
  6. An object with 2 lenses to see closely
  7. An event where you swim, bike and run
  8. A number which has 12 0's
  1. Something that runs on one line
  2. To unite
  3. A mythical creature with 1 horn
  4. Having self government
  5. 3 babies
  6. A car
  7. more that one person on a phone call
  8. The music class sang in
  9. A group of three films, books etc.
  10. Divide into two parts

18 Clues: A carTo unite3 babiesRuns by itselfDivide into two partsHaving self governmentThe music class sang inCommunicate through mindsA number which has 12 0'sTypically a persons initialsSomething that runs on one lineA mythical creature with 1 hornA group of three films, books etc.Eyeglasses having two focal lengthsmore that one person on a phone call...

Brock Faint Week 1 Term 4 2021-10-07

Brock Faint Week 1 Term 4 crossword puzzle
  1. to be very proud of yourself
  2. to deal with things practically
  3. a wrong of the minds perception
  4. outdated
  5. a small illustration in book pages
  6. to be pleasant or friendly in manner
  7. well known for past achievements
  8. poor and cannot provide for yourself
  9. extreme affection
  1. to have low estimate of self importance
  2. text used in a literary context
  3. lacking courage
  4. kept secret for legal reasons
  5. strong love for ones country
  6. punishment given for a wrong doing
  7. produces great profit
  8. strong desire to accomplish something
  9. taken basic needs away

18 Clues: outdatedlacking courageextreme affectionproduces great profittaken basic needs awayto be very proud of yourselfstrong love for ones countrykept secret for legal reasonstext used in a literary contextto deal with things practicallya wrong of the minds perceptionwell known for past achievementsa small illustration in book pages...

Brock Faint Week 1 Term 4 2021-10-07

Brock Faint Week 1 Term 4 crossword puzzle
  1. to deal with things practically
  2. to have low estimate of self importance
  3. taken basic needs away
  4. a wrong of the minds perception
  5. poor and cannot provide for yourself
  6. text used in a literary context
  7. punishment given for a wrong doing
  8. well known for past achievements
  9. strong love for ones country
  10. to be very proud of yourself
  1. a small illustration in book pages
  2. to be pleasant or friendly in manner
  3. kept secret for legal reasons
  4. lacking courage
  5. extreme affection
  6. outdated
  7. produces great profit
  8. strong desire to accomplish something

18 Clues: outdatedlacking courageextreme affectionproduces great profittaken basic needs awaystrong love for ones countryto be very proud of yourselfkept secret for legal reasonsto deal with things practicallya wrong of the minds perceptiontext used in a literary contextwell known for past achievementsa small illustration in book pages...

Freak's Dictionary Crossword 2022-05-12

Freak's Dictionary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The white sparkles in sky rockets
  2. The opiate of the massives
  3. A seed you plant in your head
  4. Max's shoe size
  5. The good ole days
  6. The truth serum
  7. A land far away in Maxwell's basement
  1. A toxic waste of time
  2. A know-it-all
  3. Out of this world
  4. A robot like suit worn by knights in battle
  5. One billionth of a second
  6. A nervous cockroach
  7. What matters to energy
  8. Where the truth serum is kept
  9. A sword with magic powers
  10. An imperfect creature
  11. A word used by people with small minds

18 Clues: A know-it-allMax's shoe sizeThe truth serumOut of this worldThe good ole daysA nervous cockroachA toxic waste of timeAn imperfect creatureWhat matters to energyOne billionth of a secondA sword with magic powersThe opiate of the massivesWhere the truth serum is keptA seed you plant in your headThe white sparkles in sky rockets...

Substantive & Procedural Law 2022-02-09

Substantive & Procedural Law crossword puzzle
  1. Least serious type of crime, often punished by fines
  2. Declares what actions are criminal
  3. Less serious crimes than felonies
  4. Defense arguments that claim anyone would've acted the way the defendant did so they shouldn't get in trouble
  5. Defense that the illegal action was necessary at the time
  6. Defense that the defendant was forced into committing the crime
  7. Kinds of defense arguments claiming the defendant did not have free will to commit the crime
  8. Sets basic rules for government practices, including in the criminal justice system
  9. The most serious level of crimes
  1. Defense that the defendant shouldn't be criminally liable for their actions because of their mental state
  2. Type of law that is banned in the Constitution
  3. Latin term indicating the defendant committed the crime
  4. Latin term indicating the defendant committed the crime intentionally
  5. Defense that the defendant's actions were justified because they were protecting their own life
  6. law that isn't criminal but can justify lawsuits

15 Clues: The most serious level of crimesLess serious crimes than feloniesDeclares what actions are criminalType of law that is banned in the Constitutionlaw that isn't criminal but can justify lawsuitsLeast serious type of crime, often punished by finesLatin term indicating the defendant committed the crime...

Corporate Shared Services - What we do 2020-08-17

Corporate Shared Services - What we do crossword puzzle
  1. 9 months in the making rules
  2. equity under lock and key
  3. the act of agreeing
  4. governs SOW
  5. buying goods or services
  6. Zuckerberg's nightmare
  7. gatherings with ennui/(sp?)
  8. parting "gift"
  9. health law regulation, not animal
  10. agreement vault
  1. could be iron or fingernail shavings
  2. diligence search and share
  3. Whackamole / Robert's Rules of Order
  4. who's who at QBE
  5. forever learning
  6. unsolicited is not the best
  7. meeting of the minds
  8. products of the mind
  9. a cloud execution
  10. one route of the "L" in Chicago
  11. lessen the gravity
  12. type of beer; to write
  13. aka work order

23 Clues: governs SOWparting "gift"aka work orderagreement vaultwho's who at QBEforever learninga cloud executionlessen the gravitythe act of agreeingmeeting of the mindsproducts of the mindZuckerberg's nightmaretype of beer; to writebuying goods or servicesequity under lock and keydiligence search and shareunsolicited is not the best...

Unit #5 Judicial Branch 2022-03-14

Unit #5 Judicial Branch crossword puzzle
  1. Jurisdiction power of the court to hear a case for the first time
  2. Process Guarantees everyone is treated fairly in a trial process
  3. Jurisdiction the power of a higher court to review a lower court's decision
  4. the state's side in a criminal procedure
  5. Issues warrents supoenas and set bail
  6. Case a case where there is a disagreement between two or more people seeking reparations
  1. a document giving police permission to search or arrest
  2. v Madison court case that established judicial review
  3. a person accused of the crime
  4. money to be released from jail while waiting for trial
  5. Cause Required for an arrest warrent in a criminal procedure
  6. Case when a person is accused of a crime

12 Clues: a person accused of the crimeIssues warrents supoenas and set bailthe state's side in a criminal procedureCase when a person is accused of a crimev Madison court case that established judicial reviewmoney to be released from jail while waiting for triala document giving police permission to search or arrest...

Crossword 2017-10-08

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Aikuisuus
  2. Potilas
  3. Persoonallisuus
  4. Sairaala
  5. Lähihoitaja
  6. Eläkeläinen
  1. Lääkäri
  2. Monikulttuurisuus
  3. Äitiysneuvola
  4. Hyvinvointi
  5. Rikosrekisteri
  6. Murrosikä
  7. Kehitys
  8. Vauva
  9. Syntymä

15 Clues: VauvaLääkäriPotilasKehitysSyntymäSairaalaAikuisuusMurrosikäHyvinvointiLähihoitajaEläkeläinenÄitiysneuvolaRikosrekisteriPersoonallisuusMonikulttuurisuus

White Collar 2022-10-16

White Collar crossword puzzle
  1. the item that Alex is after in season 2
  2. the dentist of
  3. first name of a con artist
  4. wife of top FBI agent
  5. title of favourite white collar episode
  6. name of the criminal being pursued in pilot
  7. the name of the diamond in series 5
  1. name of Neal's nemesis
  2. where neal and mozzie run away to
  3. month of the year and name
  4. location of Sarah's lost Raphael
  5. Finish the episode name, Burke's _____
  6. neal's alias
  7. criminal mastermind of season 1

14 Clues: neal's aliasthe dentist ofwife of top FBI agentname of Neal's nemesismonth of the year and namefirst name of a con artistcriminal mastermind of season 1location of Sarah's lost Raphaelwhere neal and mozzie run away tothe name of the diamond in series 5Finish the episode name, Burke's _____the item that Alex is after in season 2...