diabetes Crossword Puzzles

Well being 2020-05-10

Well being crossword puzzle
  1. a medical condition in which you become ill caused by particular substance
  2. having a natural ability to do one or more things well
  3. used as a polite way of saying that someone is old
  4. having a darker skin color because you have been in the sun
  5. the feeling of being very worried about something
  6. having stopped working, usually because of your age
  7. determined to be successful, rich, powerful etc
  8. having little fat on your body
  9. attractive in a fashionable way
  1. physically strong and good at sport
  2. extremely beautiful or attractive
  3. having a natural ability to do something well
  4. the red liquid that your heart pumps around your body
  5. bad-tempered and easily annoyed
  6. very small living things, which cause illness or disease
  7. a serious disease in caused by too much sugar in your blood
  8. beautiful, attractive, or graceful

17 Clues: having little fat on your bodybad-tempered and easily annoyedattractive in a fashionable wayextremely beautiful or attractivebeautiful, attractive, or gracefulphysically strong and good at sporthaving a natural ability to do something welldetermined to be successful, rich, powerful etcthe feeling of being very worried about something...

Health & Science Vocabulary 2020-12-04

Health & Science Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. negative adjective to describe health
  2. the verb for voluntarily giving your blood
  3. a food that is used with other foods in the preparation of a dish
  4. a pain in your tooth
  5. eating more than your body needs
  6. the health of the mind
  7. the patterns of behaviour that contribute to your health
  1. the document given by the doctor for you to get medicine from the pharmacy
  2. a substance which plants and animals need to live and grow
  3. when you have the desire to eat food
  4. phrasal verb for exercise
  5. a disease in which the body cannot control the level of sugar in the blood
  6. the food and drink consumed by a person
  7. to not have the correct levels of fitness
  8. the clinical term for being overweight
  9. a condition that makes someone ill when they eat certain foods
  10. a high body temperature

17 Clues: a pain in your tooththe health of the minda high body temperaturephrasal verb for exerciseeating more than your body needswhen you have the desire to eat foodnegative adjective to describe healththe clinical term for being overweightthe food and drink consumed by a personto not have the correct levels of fitness...

AZ - ZS VC 2016-12-13

AZ - ZS VC crossword puzzle
  1. AZ team member who prioritizes birthday parties for everyone
  2. The go to man for the Pascal report!
  3. IM! IM! IM!
  4. Mayor of San Juan
  5. Leader of the reporting team, knows the way, goes the way and shows the way
  6. Integral member of the ZS Excel team, handles excel enhancements, visited Wilmington in July
  7. Travels 5 hours to and fro for Diabetes!
  8. Someone who never shares chocolates
  9. Rules the world of Wayne and Garth
  1. ZS stalwart who handled Pull through, iPerform now overlooks MATRiX and MATRiX Oncology
  2. The iron lady of the MATRiX team
  3. A proud and happy father to a baby girl recently
  4. Mike's best friend from the MATRiX refresh emails
  5. Leads ZS Reporting from India
  6. The quiet one from the Excel team
  7. The most eligible bachelor, currently looking for a bride
  8. Successful migrations make him the happiest person in the world

17 Clues: IM! IM! IM!Mayor of San JuanLeads ZS Reporting from IndiaThe iron lady of the MATRiX teamThe quiet one from the Excel teamRules the world of Wayne and GarthSomeone who never shares chocolatesThe go to man for the Pascal report!Travels 5 hours to and fro for Diabetes!A proud and happy father to a baby girl recently...

Medicine in the 1800s 2020-08-31

Medicine in the 1800s crossword puzzle
  1. What pain reliever is still commonly used today?
  2. What important diabetes medicine was created in this time?
  3. what was used to treat body pain?
  1. which medicine was used more than any other?
  2. What was commonly sold at road medicine shows?
  3. what was commonly used to treat asthma?

6 Clues: what was used to treat body pain?what was commonly used to treat asthma?which medicine was used more than any other?What was commonly sold at road medicine shows?What pain reliever is still commonly used today?What important diabetes medicine was created in this time?

GENETICA 2021-07-10

GENETICA crossword puzzle
  1. pode ser herdada em boa parte dos casos, mas os fatores externos, como hábitos alimentares e comportamentais, também entram na lista de causas ou agravamentos dessa enfermidade.
  2. Essa doença ocorre quando o corpo não consegue aproveitar totalmente a insulina. Na maioria dos casos, afeta quem tem mais de 40 anos, leva uma vida sedentária, apresenta sobrepeso e tem maus hábitos alimentares.
  3. É o real transportador dos caracteres hereditários. E se localizam ao longo dos cromossomos.
  4. Os principais fatores de risco desta doença são o tabagismo, alimentação não saudável e ingestão de bebidas alcoólicas, radiação, infecções, exposição ocupacional a agentes cancerígenos e sedentarismo também estão relacionados.
  1. é a área da Biologia que estuda a herança biológica, ou hereditariedade
  2. é considerado uma doença crônica, não transmissível e hereditária, que representa cerca de 10% do total dos diabéticos e afeta principalmente crianças e adolescentes. Ela ocorre quando as células de defesa do corpo atacam
  3. é a transmissão de característica genéticas de pais para filhos, ao longo das gerações.

7 Clues: é a área da Biologia que estuda a herança biológica, ou hereditariedadeé a transmissão de característica genéticas de pais para filhos, ao longo das gerações.É o real transportador dos caracteres hereditários. E se localizam ao longo dos cromossomos....

GENETICA 2021-07-10

GENETICA crossword puzzle
  1. É o real transportador dos caracteres hereditários. E se localizam ao longo dos cromossomos.
  2. é a transmissão de característica genéticas de pais para filhos, ao longo das gerações.
  3. Essa doença ocorre quando o corpo não consegue aproveitar totalmente a insulina. Na maioria dos casos, afeta quem tem mais de 40 anos, leva uma vida sedentária, apresenta sobrepeso e tem maus hábitos alimentares.
  1. Os principais fatores de risco desta doença são o tabagismo, alimentação não saudável e ingestão de bebidas alcoólicas, radiação, infecções, exposição ocupacional a agentes cancerígenos e sedentarismo também estão relacionados.
  2. é a área da Biologia que estuda a herança biológica, ou hereditariedade
  3. pode ser herdada em boa parte dos casos, mas os fatores externos, como hábitos alimentares e comportamentais, também entram na lista de causas ou agravamentos dessa enfermidade.
  4. é considerado uma doença crônica, não transmissível e hereditária, que representa cerca de 10% do total dos diabéticos e afeta principalmente crianças e adolescentes. Ela ocorre quando as células de defesa do corpo atacam

7 Clues: é a área da Biologia que estuda a herança biológica, ou hereditariedadeé a transmissão de característica genéticas de pais para filhos, ao longo das gerações.É o real transportador dos caracteres hereditários. E se localizam ao longo dos cromossomos....

2nd Semester Exam Review 2012-05-15

2nd Semester Exam Review crossword puzzle
  1. Number of different species in an area
  2. Struggle between organisms to survive
  3. Proces that causes Down Syndrome
  4. Animals which feed on the dead bodies
  5. Early winter frost preventing tomato growth
  6. First organism in a food chain; makes its own food
  7. Genetic Ex.-Creating human insulin for diabetes
  8. One of two types of symbiosis
  9. Both organisms benefit in a symbiotic relationship
  10. Pairs with Adenine
  1. Nonliving parts of an ecosystem
  2. Second order of organization in an ecosystem
  3. Made of many genes joined together
  4. Living parts of an ecosystem
  5. Application of a technological process, method, etc.
  6. Pairs with Guanine
  7. No more matter can be removed from matter at this temp
  8. All electromagnetic waves have this in common
  9. Type of electromagnetic waves that follow radio waves
  10. Factors that control traits
  11. Hawk building its nest on a saguaro cactus
  12. Smallest order of organization in an ecosystem
  13. Cystic; genetic disorder (thick mucus)
  14. Third order of organization in an ecosystem

24 Clues: Pairs with GuaninePairs with AdenineFactors that control traitsLiving parts of an ecosystemOne of two types of symbiosisNonliving parts of an ecosystemProces that causes Down SyndromeMade of many genes joined togetherStruggle between organisms to surviveAnimals which feed on the dead bodiesNumber of different species in an area...

Pathologie van de huid 2012-11-11

Pathologie van de huid crossword puzzle
  1. lopen op ... voeten
  2. insecten van 2 tot 4 mm
  3. de werking hiervan vermindert
  4. reactie op van de huid op een stof
  5. symptoom dat voorkomt bij insecten op het hoofd
  6. oorzaak van huidvergroeiing
  7. plaats waar decubitus het vaakst voorkomt
  8. een vergroeiing van de huid
  9. doorligwonde in de vorm van een open blaar
  10. de huid verliest zijn
  11. oorzaak van smetten
  12. waardoor kunnen er melkkorstjes ontstaan
  13. benaming voor melkkorstjes
  14. eitjes van de insecten
  15. likdoorn tussen twee tenen
  16. decubitus
  17. zweer
  18. schimmelinfectie tussen twee huidlagen
  19. deze gezwellen zijn
  20. oorzaak van een likdoorn
  1. zweten
  2. welke actie onderneem je bij luizen
  3. decubitus ontstaat er bij teveel
  4. symptoom van berg
  5. symptoom van luieruitslag
  6. symptoom van de oudere huid
  7. verharding op de huid
  8. actie bij schimmelinfectie
  9. hiermee voeden ze zich
  10. oudere huid
  11. irritatie ter hoogte van de stuit
  12. eeltkern die naar binnen groeit
  13. aan te brengen bij de zorgvrager
  14. symptoom dat je kan waarnemen met je neus

34 Clues: zweerzwetendecubitusoudere huidsymptoom van berglopen op ... voetenoorzaak van smettendeze gezwellen zijnverharding op de huidde huid verliest zijnhiermee voeden ze zicheitjes van de insecteninsecten van 2 tot 4 mmoorzaak van een likdoornsymptoom van luieruitslagactie bij schimmelinfectiebenaming voor melkkorstjeslikdoorn tussen twee tenen...

homeostase 2013-05-22

homeostase crossword puzzle
  1. orgaan dat insuline produceert
  2. celfragmenten die helpen bij bloedstolling
  3. witte bloedcellen die aan fagocytose doen
  4. vermogen om een evenwichtstoestand te behouden met behulp van feedbacksysteem
  5. eiwit in rode bloedcellen dat zuurstof vervoert
  6. geurloos en kleurloos gas dat vrijkomt bij onvolledige verbranding
  7. eiwit in spieren dat zuurstof opslaat
  8. bloedvat tussen darm en lever
  9. polysacharide voor opslag in lever
  10. verbredingen op blind beginnend vertakt netwerk in het lichaam
  11. afvoeren van intercellulair vocht
  12. hormoon dat zorgt voor de productie van rode bloedcellen
  13. lichaamsvreemde stoffen
  1. stof geproduceerd door geïnfecteerde cellen
  2. suikerziekte
  3. eiwit in rode bloedcellen waar zuurstof aan gebonden is
  4. percentage vaste bestanddelen in het bloed
  5. stollingseiwit
  6. hormoon dat zorgt voor omzetting van glycogeen in glucose
  7. gelige bloedfractie dat water en opgeloste stoffen bevat
  8. witte bloedcellen die werken bij specifiek immuunsysteem
  9. specifiek werkende stoffen om antigenen uit te schakelen
  10. stof geproduceerd door T-lymfocyten om macrofagen te activeren
  11. hormoon dat cellen er toe aanzet glucose op te nemen

24 Clues: suikerziektestollingseiwitlichaamsvreemde stoffenbloedvat tussen darm en leverorgaan dat insuline produceertafvoeren van intercellulair vochtpolysacharide voor opslag in levereiwit in spieren dat zuurstof opslaatwitte bloedcellen die aan fagocytose doencelfragmenten die helpen bij bloedstollingpercentage vaste bestanddelen in het bloed...

The Hiding Place 2014-11-17

The Hiding Place crossword puzzle
  1. second prison
  2. a book the ten Booms read every day
  3. / when the soldiers suddenly took people
  4. Corrie's beloved sister
  5. month father died
  6. / something one my do that is right
  7. disease Tante Jans had
  8. first prison
  9. room behind Corrie's wall
  10. man who betrayed Corrie's family
  11. German who worked for father
  12. when corrie was isolated in her cell
  13. Main Character
  14. underground surname
  15. sign that warned whether it was safe or not
  16. a system to help Jews
  17. people who had to hide
  18. the country Corrie lived in
  1. A Jew with distinctive looks
  2. city where the Beje was located
  3. need to get food during the war
  4. concentration camp prison during World War II
  5. Father took the train there every week
  6. Boom Corrie's last name
  7. instrument Peter played
  8. father
  9. time device
  10. where they lived
  11. Betsie did this all the time
  12. when German soldiers came and took men &boys
  13. dutch soldier who helped
  14. German soldiers

32 Clues: fathertime devicefirst prisonsecond prisonMain CharacterGerman soldierswhere they livedmonth father diedunderground surnamea system to help Jewsdisease Tante Jans hadpeople who had to hideCorrie's beloved sisterBoom Corrie's last nameinstrument Peter playeddutch soldier who helpedroom behind Corrie's wallthe country Corrie lived in...

Verzorgende IG 2014-11-03

Verzorgende IG crossword puzzle
  1. Vragen die tegelijk open en gesloten zijn.
  2. Iemand die alleen maar in bed ligt.
  3. Hoe noem je vochtophoping?
  4. Ander woord voor kunstgebit.
  5. Wat is de afkorting van persoonlijk ontwikkel plan?
  6. Ander woord voor bacterie.
  7. Het prikken voor suiker.
  8. Hoe noem je het gedeelte in het oog waar geen licht komt?
  9. Hoe noem je vermindering van spierweefsel?
  1. Hoe noem je iets dat gebaseerd is op feiten maar geen mening?
  2. Ander woord voor iris.
  3. Hoe noem je gedrag dat je niet in de gaten hebt?
  4. Hoe noem je het omzetten van woorden in een betekenis?
  5. Hoe noem je de weg dat een bacterie het lichaam binnen komt?
  6. Hoe noem je de juiste vaardigheden, kennis en houding voor iets hebben?
  7. Hoe noem je tandpasta voor peuters?
  8. Hoe noem je het zintuig waarmee je proeft?
  9. Ander woord voor suikerziekte.
  10. Hoe noem je de zone waarin je geen lichamelijke contact hebt?
  11. Ander woord voor slagaders.
  12. Hoe noem je het tegen gaan van doorlig plekken?

21 Clues: Ander woord voor iris.Het prikken voor suiker.Hoe noem je vochtophoping?Ander woord voor bacterie.Ander woord voor slagaders.Ander woord voor kunstgebit.Ander woord voor suikerziekte.Iemand die alleen maar in bed ligt.Hoe noem je tandpasta voor peuters?Vragen die tegelijk open en gesloten zijn.Hoe noem je het zintuig waarmee je proeft?...

Final Exam Study Guide 2013-07-23

Final Exam Study Guide crossword puzzle
  1. From the time the egg is fertilized and implanted in the uterus til about week 8
  2. combining form meaning larynx
  3. used to treat cryptorchidism
  4. Abbreviation for hemodialysis
  5. vomiting blood
  6. pertaining to the eye
  7. injection into a body cavity
  8. presence of bacteria in the urine
  9. a women who has not given birth to a live infant
  10. Abbreviation for the development of an infarct due to loss in the blood supply to an area of the brain
  11. enlargement of the thyroid gland
  12. abbreviation for at bedtime
  1. nerves that control the "fight or flight" reaction
  2. suffix meaning disease
  3. a false belief held even in the face of contrary evidence
  4. suffix meaning rupture
  5. non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
  6. Presence of calculi in the kidney.
  7. bath in which there are continuous jets of hot water reaching body surfaces
  8. measurement of the intraocular pressure of the eye
  9. medication to relieve pain
  10. unable to swallow or eat

22 Clues: vomiting bloodpertaining to the eyesuffix meaning diseasesuffix meaning ruptureunable to swallow or eatmedication to relieve painabbreviation for at bedtimeused to treat cryptorchidisminjection into a body cavitycombining form meaning larynxAbbreviation for hemodialysisenlargement of the thyroid glandpresence of bacteria in the urine...

Circulatory and Immune System 2014-12-18

Circulatory and Immune System crossword puzzle
  1. The transportation component of blood
  2. The first form of defence in the immune system
  3. The internal form of defence in the immune system
  4. The largest artery in the body
  5. What you look for when calculating heart rate
  6. Erythrocytes are also called
  7. Carries oxygenated blood from the lungs back into the heart
  8. Form of measurement to calculate the speed of your heart
  9. Leukocytes are also called
  10. Clot Blood
  11. Blood vessels that contain valves
  12. The heart contains four and veins contain them
  13. The lower chambers of the heart
  1. Where blood receives oxygen
  2. The upper chambers of the heart
  3. Carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs
  4. Two types systole and diastole
  5. Blood vessels that are one cell thick
  6. Heart Attack, Epilepsy, and Diabetes are all forms of
  7. Carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the body
  8. A, B, AB, and O are the four main
  9. The main pump in the circulatory system

22 Clues: Clot BloodLeukocytes are also calledWhere blood receives oxygenErythrocytes are also calledTwo types systole and diastoleThe largest artery in the bodyThe upper chambers of the heartThe lower chambers of the heartA, B, AB, and O are the four mainBlood vessels that contain valvesThe transportation component of blood...

immunology fun 2015-04-08

immunology fun crossword puzzle
  1. radioisotope used in NK test
  2. also known as forkhead BoxP3
  3. membrane associated glycoprotein found in stem cells
  4. used to chart trends
  5. syndrome characterized by defects in lymphocyte apoptosis
  6. SLAM-associated protein
  7. used in manual cell counts
  8. heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
  9. hematology oncology
  10. intravascular hemolysis is a prominent clinical feature of this disease
  11. this intracellular protein causes WAS
  12. expressed in cytoplasmic granules of CTLs and NKs
  13. this cell could be in a mystery novel
  14. K562 cell
  15. biopsy needle
  16. CD4 positive memory cells that produce the cytokine IL17A
  1. HPL___: method used for Hb fractions
  2. blind proficiency
  3. IFN, TNF AND il4
  4. AMR
  5. MQ
  6. result correlates with activation of T &/or B cells
  7. oxidative burst assay may detect this disease
  8. to credit a test in cerner
  9. a canto weekly setup procedure
  10. RPMI without FBS
  11. LU
  12. PHA
  13. Venom from this snake used in special coagulation
  14. can be used as an index of diabetes control

30 Clues: MQLUAMRPHAK562 cellbiopsy needleIFN, TNF AND il4RPMI without FBSblind proficiencyhematology oncologyused to chart trendsSLAM-associated proteinused in manual cell countsto credit a test in cernerradioisotope used in NK testalso known as forkhead BoxP3a canto weekly setup procedureheparin-induced thrombocytopeniaHPL___: method used for Hb fractions...

Medicine and Drugs Crossword 2015-03-05

Medicine and Drugs Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A physiological and psychological dependence
  2. one of the most frequently used depressants
  3. When the effect of one drug or medicine crosses out the effect of another
  4. a preparation introduced into the body to trigger an immune response
  5. destroy disease crushing microorganisms to prevent reproduction
  6. a drug banned in the sports world to prevent people from unfair muscle building
  7. what a doctor will prescribe for anxiety, sleeplessness, muscle spasm, and nervousness
  8. the drug associated with rape and sexual assault
  9. 2 or more medicines that result in a greater effect
  10. the type of drug the requires sniffing
  11. drugs that are used to treat or present disease
  1. Overloads the CNS
  2. what do you begin to build after substance abuse?
  3. Slows down the CNS
  4. medicines that work together in a positive way
  5. Messes with the normal function of the CNS
  6. Helps relieve pain
  7. used to treat diabetes
  8. what drugs affect in your brain
  9. substances other than food that changes the structure of body or mind

20 Clues: Overloads the CNSSlows down the CNSHelps relieve painused to treat diabeteswhat drugs affect in your brainthe type of drug the requires sniffingMesses with the normal function of the CNSone of the most frequently used depressantsA physiological and psychological dependencemedicines that work together in a positive way...

Verwerkingsopdracht bundel "Voeding en stofwisseling". 2014-12-14

Verwerkingsopdracht bundel "Voeding en stofwisseling". crossword puzzle
  1. Geef een ander woord voor uitdroging.
  2. Wat wordt er in de pancreas geproduceerd?
  3. Reflux is het terugvloeien van ...?
  4. Van wat is 'beven' een symptoom bij diabetes?
  5. Glucose is de belangrijkste ... van alle lichaamscellen?
  6. Wat is het 1e symptoom bij uitdroging?
  7. Het is een driehoekige klier van ongeveer 1.5 kg.
  8. Een vorm waardoor de weerstand tegen hitte, uitdroging en ontsmettingsstoffen van een bacterie verhoogt of stijgt.
  9. Welk orgaantje ligt tussen de lever en het duodenum?
  10. Geef een ander woord voor nuchtere darm.
  11. Diabetesvoet = afwijking die kan leiden tot ...?
  1. Geef een ander woord voor beven.
  2. Welke klier is de grootste in ons lichaam?
  3. Hoe heet de groep in de voedingsdriehoek die we helemaal NIET nodig hebben?
  4. Anorexiapatiënten willen voldoen aan een ...?
  5. Ernstige shockreactie bij overgevoeligheid.
  6. BMI
  7. Geef 1 zuurremmer.
  8. Geef een ander woord voor enzyme.
  9. Immuunsysteem gaat reageren door antistoffen aan te maken.
  10. Wat is oedeem?
  11. Geef een symptoom bij boulimie.
  12. Geef een ander woord voor uitzaaiingen.

23 Clues: BMIWat is oedeem?Geef 1 zuurremmer.Geef een symptoom bij boulimie.Geef een ander woord voor beven.Geef een ander woord voor enzyme.Reflux is het terugvloeien van ...?Geef een ander woord voor uitdroging.Wat is het 1e symptoom bij uitdroging?Geef een ander woord voor uitzaaiingen.Geef een ander woord voor nuchtere darm....

Voeding en Stofwisseling 2014-12-15

Voeding en Stofwisseling crossword puzzle
  1. Reflux is het terugvloeien van ...?
  2. BMI.
  3. Geef een ander woord voor beven.
  4. Een vorm waardoor de weerstand tegen hitte, uitdroging en ontsmettingsstoffen van een bacterie verhoogt of stijgt
  5. Anorexiapatiënten willen voldoen aan een ...?
  6. Geef een symptoom bij boulimie.
  7. Ernstige shockreactie bij overgevoeligheid.
  8. Wat wordt er in de pancreas geproduceerd?
  9. Geef een ander woord voor uitdroging.
  10. Van wat is 'beven' een symptoom bij diabetes?
  11. Welk orgaantje ligt tussen de lever en het duodenum.
  12. Hoe heet de groep in de voedingsdriehoek die we helemaal niet nodig hebben?
  13. Glucose is de belangrijkste ... van alle lichaamscellen.
  1. Geef een ander woord voor uitzaaiingen
  2. Geef 1 zuurremmer
  3. Wat is het eerste symptoom bij uitdroging?
  4. Diabetesvoet = afwijking die kan leiden tot ...?
  5. Wat is oedeem?
  6. Geef een ander woord voor nuchtere darm.
  7. Immuunsysteem gaat reageren door antistoffen aan te maken.
  8. Welke klier is de grootste in ons lichaam?
  9. Geef een ander woord voor enzyme.
  10. Het is een driehoekige klier van ongeveer 1,5 kg.

23 Clues: BMI.Wat is oedeem?Geef 1 zuurremmerGeef een symptoom bij boulimie.Geef een ander woord voor beven.Geef een ander woord voor enzyme.Reflux is het terugvloeien van ...?Geef een ander woord voor uitdroging.Geef een ander woord voor uitzaaiingenGeef een ander woord voor nuchtere darm.Wat wordt er in de pancreas geproduceerd?...

1.03 crossword puzzle 2018-02-28

1.03 crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. imaging procedures (x-rays)
  2. expects monetary profit, provides patient services
  3. surgery that is less pain,scarring and less blood loss also faster recovery
  4. which medicare plan do most people pay a premium
  5. what insurance is for people with low incomes or for children
  6. research includes AIDS,cancer,diabetes and heart disease
  7. pays for workers injured on the job
  8. healthcare trend to focus on diet,exercise and health
  9. type of facility where patients stay overnight for medical treatment
  1. healthcare trend when a patient receives ambulatory care
  2. controls and prevents disease
  3. type of facility that patients have chronic conditions or disabilities
  4. insurance for active,survivors or retired people from the military
  5. safety of food and cosmetics
  6. a healthcare trend for people to live longer
  7. publishes health information, and assess health trends
  8. designed to reduce cost of healthcare
  9. supported by donations,fees and fundraisers
  10. study of disease patterns within a population
  11. life expectancy is less than 6 months

20 Clues: imaging procedures (x-rays)safety of food and cosmeticscontrols and prevents diseasepays for workers injured on the jobdesigned to reduce cost of healthcarelife expectancy is less than 6 monthssupported by donations,fees and fundraisersa healthcare trend for people to live longerstudy of disease patterns within a population...

F7 Term 2 2019-11-20

F7 Term 2 crossword puzzle
  1. The splitting of of water with light.
  2. The term used to describe anaerobic respiration.
  3. The primary pigment of a plant.
  4. The main nitrogenous excretory product.
  5. Organism that can use inorganic carbon source to produce food.
  6. The process of transferring three protons across ATP synthase to systhesis ATP.
  7. A disease where human blood glucose level is high
  8. A process that occurs at glomeruus and Bowman's capsule.
  9. Site of light independent reaction.
  10. NAD and FAD are known as __ carrier molecules.
  1. A __ feedback mechanism keeps changes in the factor within a narrow limit.
  2. The end product of glycolysis which is a three-carbon compound.
  3. A photosynthetic organelle in cell.
  4. An orange-yellow accesory pigment of higher plant.
  5. Reabsorption of most of the substances happens at __ convoluted tubule.
  6. Flattened fluid-filled sacs in chloroplast.
  7. Control of body temperature
  8. The first stage of glycolysis.
  9. Light-harvesting cluster with pigments arranged in it.
  10. An apparatus which is used to measure the energy value of a respiratory substrate.

20 Clues: Control of body temperatureThe first stage of glycolysis.The primary pigment of a plant.A photosynthetic organelle in cell.Site of light independent reaction.The splitting of of water with light.The main nitrogenous excretory product.Flattened fluid-filled sacs in chloroplast.NAD and FAD are known as __ carrier molecules....

Sistem Ekskresi 2020-04-27

Sistem Ekskresi crossword puzzle
  1. Cekungan pada sisi medial yang membentuk bukaan pada ginjal
  2. Urine yang dihasilkan setelah proses rearbsorpsi
  3. Zat yang menimbulkan bau manis pada urine penderita diabetes
  4. Proses pembuangan zat-zat sisa metabolisme yang sudah tidak diperlukan lagi oleh tubuh
  5. Transpor aktif yang memindahkan zat tertentu dari darah ke urine
  6. Keseimbangan cairan dalam tubuh
  7. Batu ginjal
  8. Radang nefron pada ginjal
  9. Proses penyaringan plasma bebas protein
  10. Peristiwa pengosongan kandung kemih
  11. Zat produk metabolisme
  12. Unit struktural fungsional terkecil dari ginjal yang membentuk urine
  13. Cairan di antara sel
  1. Gulungan kapiler berbentuk bundar
  2. Pemecahan senyawa yang bersifat racun
  3. Hasil deaminasi protein
  4. Hasil penguraian kreatin fosfat jaringan otot
  5. Protein transpor yang berperan seperti enzim
  6. Ujung dari setiap piramida ginjal
  7. Nefron yang memiliki glomerulus yang terletak di bagian dalam korteks
  8. Kelenjar keringat yang besar dan bercabang
  9. Proses penyerapan kembali zat yang dibutuhkan tubuh
  10. Organ utama yang menghasilkan urine
  11. lengkung saluran penghubung antara TKP dan TKD
  12. Kepekatan darah

25 Clues: Batu ginjalKepekatan darahCairan di antara selZat produk metabolismeHasil deaminasi proteinRadang nefron pada ginjalKeseimbangan cairan dalam tubuhGulungan kapiler berbentuk bundarUjung dari setiap piramida ginjalOrgan utama yang menghasilkan urinePeristiwa pengosongan kandung kemihPemecahan senyawa yang bersifat racun...

Medical Science Terms - Now you know 2019-06-17

Medical Science Terms - Now you know crossword puzzle
  1. Explains nucleic acid language into amino acid language
  2. Identification and study of gene sequences
  3. Isolation from others
  4. Constant internal environment is maintained
  5. Period of contraction of the heart
  6. Process of decontaminating soil through the use of plants
  7. Insertion of needles in the body
  8. Foreign particles that bind to antibodies
  9. Also called a vaccination
  10. A plant, animal or organism that is genetically identical to its parent
  11. Biological catalyst
  12. Severe acute respiratory syndrome
  13. All have the same chemical formula
  1. Excessive blood pressure against the arterial walls
  2. Biological compound not soluble in water
  3. Composed of linked amino acids
  4. To measure heart rate
  5. Naturally or synthetically produced substance that kills or inactivates bacteria
  6. Use of biological methods to restore contaminated land
  7. Widespread of a disease in a community
  8. The body's ideal source of energy
  9. A toxin produced when some bacteria disintegrate
  10. Condition where the body is unable to produce or use insulin properly
  11. A global outbreak
  12. Proteins made in response to antigens

25 Clues: A global outbreakBiological catalystTo measure heart rateIsolation from othersAlso called a vaccinationComposed of linked amino acidsInsertion of needles in the bodyThe body's ideal source of energySevere acute respiratory syndromePeriod of contraction of the heartAll have the same chemical formulaProteins made in response to antigens...

NURS 176...Medications to Know! 2019-07-11

NURS 176...Medications to Know! crossword puzzle
  1. Trade name for long acting insulin detemir
  2. antiemetic decreased incident & severity of nausea and vomiting
  3. thyroid supplementation in hypothyroidism
  4. antidiabetic causes an increased level of active incretin hormone
  5. oral diabetes medication decreases hepatic glucose production
  6. antifungal fungistatic or fungicidal action
  7. antiemetic prevention of emesis, treatment of postop gastric stasis
  8. nonopiod analgesic, NSAID, antipyretic pain reliever
  9. antithyroid medication used as an adjunct to control hyperthyroidism
  1. anticoagulant; prophylaxis and treatment of venous thrombosis, PE, afib
  2. antirheumatic to treat inflammatory disorders
  3. diuretic; indicated for edema due to heart failure, hepatic impairment
  4. used for sodium loss & hypotension associated with adrenocortical insufficiency
  5. anti-Alzheimer's agent inhibits acetylcholinesterase
  6. anti-infective bactericidal action against susceptible bacteria. Trade name Rochephin
  7. inhibits resorption of bone inhibiting osteoclast activity
  8. binds to opiate receptors in the CNS, altering perception of pain, patch form
  9. therapeutic antigout agentinhibits production of uric acid
  10. treatment and prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis
  11. Trade name for rapid acting insulin aspart
  12. laxative; prevention of constipation, increases water in stool

21 Clues: thyroid supplementation in hypothyroidismTrade name for long acting insulin detemirTrade name for rapid acting insulin aspartantifungal fungistatic or fungicidal actionantirheumatic to treat inflammatory disordersanti-Alzheimer's agent inhibits acetylcholinesterasenonopiod analgesic, NSAID, antipyretic pain reliever...

NURS 176...Medications to Know! 2019-07-11

NURS 176...Medications to Know! crossword puzzle
  1. anticoagulant; prophylaxis and treatment of venous thrombosis, PE, afib
  2. nonopiod analgesic, NSAID, antipyretic pain reliever
  3. therapeutic antigout agentinhibits production of uric acid
  4. anti-infective bactericidal action against susceptible bacteria. Trade name Rochephin
  5. antidiabetic causes an increased level of active incretin hormone
  6. antiemetic prevention of emesis, treatment of postop gastric stasis
  7. Trade name for rapid acting insulin aspart
  8. laxative; prevention of constipation, increases water in stool
  9. diuretic; indicated for edema due to heart failure, hepatic impairment
  10. anti-Alzheimer's agent inhibits acetylcholinesterase
  11. inhibits resorption of bone inhibiting osteoclast activity
  12. oral diabetes medication decreases hepatic glucose production
  13. antifungal fungistatic or fungicidal action
  1. treatment and prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis
  2. used for sodium loss & hypotension associated with adrenocortical insufficiency
  3. binds to opiate receptors in the CNS, altering perception of pain, patch form
  4. antithyroid medication used as an adjunct to control hyperthyroidism
  5. thyroid supplementation in hypothyroidism
  6. antirheumatic to treat inflammatory disorders
  7. Trade name for long acting insulin detemir
  8. antiemetic decreased incident & severity of nausea and vomiting

21 Clues: thyroid supplementation in hypothyroidismTrade name for long acting insulin detemirTrade name for rapid acting insulin aspartantifungal fungistatic or fungicidal actionantirheumatic to treat inflammatory disordersnonopiod analgesic, NSAID, antipyretic pain relieveranti-Alzheimer's agent inhibits acetylcholinesterase...


  1. Pressure injuries are more prone to occur over _______ Prominences.
  2. Document this when a pressure injury is found
  3. Pressure __________ Cushions will reduce risk
  4. A Pressure Injury ______________ chart is used to stage Pressure Injuries
  5. If your patient has ___________ or reduced peripheral sensation they will be at higher
  6. Complete the management plan for all _________ Patients
  7. _____________ management can be increased using a toileting regime
  8. Document the ___________ injury in the progress notes
  9. A score that indicates Pressure Injury risk
  10. ___________protectors
  1. Useful for keeping the sheet weight off
  2. ____________ pressure Mattress should be used if High Risk
  3. Repositioning and ___________ Routine
  4. Always involve Patient &\or carer in ______________ of PIP Management Plan if High Risk.
  5. Skin protection and ________ reduction
  6. Referral to a ____________ if MST>2 will increase Nutrition
  7. Always document the dressing and stage in ________________
  8. Specific ____________ Products can be useful in PIP.
  9. A cream used to moisturise those at Risk of PI
  10. A Waterlow score of 10-15 requires ________ reassessments

20 Clues: ___________protectorsRepositioning and ___________ RoutineSkin protection and ________ reductionUseful for keeping the sheet weight offA score that indicates Pressure Injury riskDocument this when a pressure injury is foundPressure __________ Cushions will reduce riskA cream used to moisturise those at Risk of PI...

WMS 4 May 2021 2021-05-04

WMS 4 May 2021 crossword puzzle
  1. Sign of pulsating capillary in nail beds
  2. Cause of bloody diarrhoea
  3. Early clinical abnormality seen in diabetic retinopathy
  4. Treatment of idiopathic constipation in children
  5. Clinical feature of their nerve palsy
  6. Flat foot (3,6)
  7. Investigation for IBD
  8. Lower motor neuron sign
  9. Negatively regulates prolactin
  10. Lowered in nephrotic syndrome
  11. Criteria of substance dependence
  12. Chest pain relieved by sitting forwards
  13. Provides sensation to the thena
  14. Cause of aortic dilation
  15. Side effect of insulin
  1. Drug for rate control in AF
  2. Symptoms of oesophageal cancer
  3. Treatment for Type 1 Respiratory failure
  4. Haemoglobinopathies
  5. Dermatological feature of hypothyroidism
  6. Action of Angiotensin II
  7. High plasma ferritin and plasma iron
  8. Cause of cholestatic jaundice
  9. Treatment for Myasthenia Gravis
  10. Surgery to remove part of the colon
  11. Non-modifiable risk factor
  12. Measured in a short ACTH stimulation test
  13. Cause of diabetes insipidus
  14. Sinus that drains through the ostia
  15. Shoulder bursa
  16. Multi-system granulomatous disease
  17. Symptom of Vitamin C deficiency

32 Clues: Shoulder bursaFlat foot (3,6)HaemoglobinopathiesInvestigation for IBDSide effect of insulinLower motor neuron signAction of Angiotensin IICause of aortic dilationCause of bloody diarrhoeaNon-modifiable risk factorDrug for rate control in AFCause of diabetes insipidusCause of cholestatic jaundiceLowered in nephrotic syndrome...

Day 2 2021-08-04

Day 2 crossword puzzle
  1. may be an indicator of sore nipples
  2. Can be classified in 3 different grades
  3. concerns, especially if powdered
  4. May cause lower rise in prolactin
  5. post partum adjustment disorder
  6. postpartum __ is associated with early weaning
  7. post traumatic stress syndrome
  8. Human Milk Banking Association of North America
  9. in Lactogenesis III, can reduce supply
  10. may be prevent with frequent, effective feedings
  11. mothers who choose formula need to prepare it ___
  12. secretory immunoglobulin A
  1. These knowers seek information from a variety of sources
  2. may reduce breast storage capacity
  3. can result in Sheehan's Syndrome
  4. affects 20% of postpartum women
  5. can be prevented or delayed with longer duration of breastfeeding
  6. these knowers like to helped by someone with similar experiences
  7. Best to use few words with these knowers
  8. screened before milk is accepted
  9. "FINAL RULE" on Formula Spring 2014
  10. polycystic ovarian syndrome
  11. These nipples can be easily drawn out by the baby

23 Clues: secretory immunoglobulin Apolycystic ovarian syndromepost traumatic stress syndromeaffects 20% of postpartum womenpost partum adjustment disordercan result in Sheehan's Syndromeconcerns, especially if powderedscreened before milk is acceptedMay cause lower rise in prolactinmay reduce breast storage capacitymay be an indicator of sore nipples...

Section #4 Chapter 6 Carbohydrates 2021-10-08

Section #4 Chapter 6 Carbohydrates crossword puzzle
  1. Fiber that dissolves and creates a gel
  2. Food manufacturers decrease fat and increase _ flavor
  3. Example of food with a good source of fiber
  4. Example of a Polysaccharide
  5. Disaccharides are _ sugar units
  6. Produced by the pancreas
  7. Carbs allow for muscle _ after activity
  8. Cells convert excess glucose into
  9. Cannot be digested by human enzymes
  10. Inability to use or produce insulin efficiently
  11. Type of carbohydrate
  12. Diet low in carbs, resulting in the body being unable to break down fats
  1. This sugar is found in milk
  2. – Insulin triggers body cells to __ glucose
  3. Cells use this for energy
  4. Speed at which carbs are digested into glucose
  5. Table sugar is an example of _
  6. Low blood glucose level
  7. Liver will convert excess glycogen into __.
  8. Example of food with a good source of fiber
  9. Type of carbohydrate
  10. Monosaccharides are _ sugar units
  11. The body can metabolize this many teaspoons of sugar in a day
  12. After a person eats, glucose in her blood __.
  13. Polysaccharides are _ sugar units
  14. Example of food with a good source of fiber

26 Clues: Type of carbohydrateType of carbohydrateLow blood glucose levelProduced by the pancreasCells use this for energyThis sugar is found in milkExample of a PolysaccharideTable sugar is an example of _Disaccharides are _ sugar unitsMonosaccharides are _ sugar unitsCells convert excess glucose intoPolysaccharides are _ sugar units...

Medical Abbreviations 2021-12-07

Medical Abbreviations crossword puzzle
  1. culture and sensitivity
  2. at bedtime
  3. abdomen
  4. blood pressure
  5. gastrointestinal
  6. below knee amputation
  7. activities of daily living
  8. diabetes mellitus
  9. three times a day
  10. level of consciousness
  11. cubic centimeter
  12. continuous positive airway pressure
  13. above knee amputation
  14. coronary artery bypass graft
  15. cerebral palsy
  16. passive range of motion
  17. congestive heart failure
  18. cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  19. twice a day
  20. do not resuscitate
  21. complete blood count
  22. beats per minute
  23. ethanol
  1. finger stick blood sugar
  2. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  3. as soon as possible
  4. bilateral
  5. within normal limits
  6. coronary artery disease
  7. bowel movement
  8. diagnosis
  9. intake and output
  10. cerebrovascular accident
  11. nothing by mouth
  12. cancer
  13. chest x-ray
  14. before meals
  15. chronic renal failure
  16. bedside commode
  17. after meals
  18. as needed
  19. out of bed
  20. hypertension
  21. discontinue
  22. range of motion
  23. complains of
  24. ear, nose, and throat

47 Clues: cancerabdomenethanolbilateraldiagnosisas neededat bedtimeout of bedchest x-rayafter mealstwice a daydiscontinuebefore mealshypertensioncomplains ofblood pressurebowel movementcerebral palsybedside commoderange of motiongastrointestinalnothing by mouthcubic centimeterbeats per minutediabetes mellitusthree times a dayintake and output...

Health vocab 2021-08-25

Health vocab crossword puzzle
  1. were you want something all the time
  2. a substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life.
  3. are created using man-made chemicals rather than natural ingredients.
  4. were someone or something doesn't agree with eachother
  5. the answer to the conflict
  6. drunk or under the influence of drugs.
  7. food consisting of or containing a lot of carbohydrates
  8. overweight
  9. the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.
  1. a disease were the human body can not eat to much sugar
  2. were someone is constantly being mean to another person
  3. a compound found normally in coffee.
  4. how clean you are
  5. something that will increase activity in the body
  6. something that can damage your body that you chew
  7. a colerless liqouid
  8. an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.
  9. the passing on of physical or mental characteristics
  10. something in foods or drinks that helps the human body function
  11. the chemical element of atomic number

20 Clues: overweighthow clean you area colerless liqouidthe answer to the conflictwere you want something all the timea compound found normally in coffee.the chemical element of atomic numberdrunk or under the influence of drugs.something that will increase activity in the bodysomething that can damage your body that you chew...

Homeostasis Final B 2022-01-20

Homeostasis Final B crossword puzzle
  1. disease in which insulin doesn't work/isn't made
  2. feedback loop that amplifies
  3. neurotransmitter made by sympathetic nerves
  4. gas produced during respiration, lowers pH
  5. a protein that delivers a message
  6. another name for nerve cell
  7. protein that tells liver to release stored sugar
  8. collecting of blood in extremeties
  9. a change in your environment
  10. feedback loop that stabilizes body
  11. a sensory organ/gland that senses the change
  1. gas needed for respiration
  2. a protein that tells cells to take in sugar
  3. sends message between neurons
  4. makes hormones to regulate blood sugar
  5. part of brain that controls heart rate
  6. bunches of tissues make this
  7. an organ that responds to change in environment
  8. nervous system activated when you exercise
  9. polysaccharide composed of glucose molecules
  10. sugar shaped like a hexagon that provides energy
  11. bunches of cells make this
  12. "pacemaker" of heart-control heart beat
  13. breaks down glycogen into glucose when sugar is low
  14. nervous system activated when you rest

25 Clues: gas needed for respirationbunches of cells make thisanother name for nerve cellfeedback loop that amplifiesbunches of tissues make thisa change in your environmentsends message between neuronsa protein that delivers a messagecollecting of blood in extremetiesfeedback loop that stabilizes bodymakes hormones to regulate blood sugar...

Health Literacy 2023-07-12

Health Literacy crossword puzzle
  1. The likely course of a disease or ailment
  2. Swelling caused by fluid
  3. Swelling;Heat;Redness;Pain
  4. Not harmful
  5. Therapist Rehabilitation specialist focusing on exercise and pain management
  6. Therapist Rehabilitation specialist focusing on meaningful activities
  7. Weakness and pain in the hands and feet from nerve damage
  8. Blockers Medications used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure)
  9. Services received in the hospital
  10. A person qualified to practice medicine
  11. The identification of the nature of an illness
  12. Cancerous
  1. Action of restoring someone to health through therapy
  2. Assistant Medical professional working under a physician
  3. Language Pathologist Rehabilitation specialist focusing on language
  4. Complication of diabetes that affects the eyes
  5. The removal of a piece of body tissue to undergo testing
  6. Services received out of the hospital
  7. Persisting for a long time;Constantly recurring
  8. Medication used to get rid of water and salt from your body (Water pills)
  9. Short lived or quick
  10. Practitioner A nurse with advanced clinical education and training

22 Clues: CancerousNot harmfulShort lived or quickSwelling caused by fluidSwelling;Heat;Redness;PainServices received in the hospitalServices received out of the hospitalA person qualified to practice medicineThe likely course of a disease or ailmentComplication of diabetes that affects the eyesThe identification of the nature of an illness...

Health Literacy 2023-07-12

Health Literacy crossword puzzle
  1. Rehabilitation specialist focusing on language
  2. Services received out of the hospital
  3. The removal of a piece of body tissue to undergo testing
  4. Short lived or quick
  5. A person qualified to practice medicine
  6. Cancerous
  7. Weakness and pain in the hands and feet from nerve damage
  8. Medication used to get rid of water and salt from your body (Water pills)
  9. Swelling;Heat;Redness;Pain
  10. Complication of diabetes that affects the eyes
  11. Medications used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure)
  1. A nurse with advanced clinical education and training
  2. Action of restoring someone to health through therapy
  3. Rehabilitation specialist focusing on meaningful activities
  4. Swelling caused by fluid
  5. Rehabilitation specialist focusing on exercise and pain management
  6. Medical professional working under a physician
  7. The identification of the nature of an illness
  8. Services received in the hospital
  9. Persisting for a long time;Constantly recurring
  10. The likely course of a disease or ailment
  11. Not harmful

22 Clues: CancerousNot harmfulShort lived or quickSwelling caused by fluidSwelling;Heat;Redness;PainServices received in the hospitalServices received out of the hospitalA person qualified to practice medicineThe likely course of a disease or ailmentRehabilitation specialist focusing on languageMedical professional working under a physician...

The Brain Trust 2023-04-26

The Brain Trust crossword puzzle
  1. Everyone's favorite beverage
  2. Ellie hates this color of m&m
  3. She had diabetes
  4. Azizah is a big advocate for this establishment
  5. Ellie's signature insect
  6. He will come if you miss your streak.
  7. The...trust
  8. This game reveals who your true friends and enemies are
  9. Everyone's favorite app
  10. Walmart Version of Sarah
  11. The only m&m Ellie likes
  12. Conner's favorite show
  13. He's going to steal the moon.
  14. Country for British Convicts
  15. Ellie's second rock
  1. this is NOT dog food
  2. rock with the best hair
  3. Did you know he's British?
  4. Ellie's first rock
  5. Book where everyone dies
  6. The BART station where Conner got left behind
  7. Ellie is very good at...
  8. Where the MCA field trip was
  9. cat
  10. Ellie's name for Jessica's Minion
  11. Word that Mr Prizznick does not know
  12. We are all
  13. Conner overuses this word
  14. ...is the goal
  15. Jessica's creepy Barbie Doll

30 Clues: catWe are allThe...trust...is the goalShe had diabetesEllie's first rockEllie's second rockthis is NOT dog foodConner's favorite showrock with the best hairEveryone's favorite appBook where everyone diesEllie's signature insectEllie is very good at...Walmart Version of SarahThe only m&m Ellie likesConner overuses this wordDid you know he's British?...

The Energy System BTEC Sport 2023-03-31

The Energy System BTEC Sport crossword puzzle
  1. impedes muscle contractions
  2. My reaction waste product is heat
  3. Anaerobic energy system
  4. Exercise intensity for ATP-PC system
  5. Process to recycle energy
  6. enzyme that breakdowns glycogen to glucose
  7. Third energy system
  8. Additional factor effecting the energy system
  9. All movements require it
  10. This will influence what energy system is required
  11. Number of ATP produced in third energy system
  12. Process of breaking down carbohydrates anaerobically into glucose for energy
  13. There is an increased store of these as an adaption to exercise
  1. Molecule that releases energy
  2. I break chemical bonds to release energy
  3. This reaction needs heat
  4. Site of reaction for two of the energy systems
  5. number of ATP produced by lactate system
  6. System that doesn't need to wait for oxygen
  7. Main energy source in the body
  8. Stage 2 of Aerobic system
  9. Waste product produced from anaerobic glycolysis
  10. Aerobic energy occurs here
  11. This is where ATP is stored in the body
  12. By-product of Krebs cycle

25 Clues: Third energy systemAnaerobic energy systemThis reaction needs heatAll movements require itProcess to recycle energyStage 2 of Aerobic systemBy-product of Krebs cycleAerobic energy occurs hereimpedes muscle contractionsMolecule that releases energyMain energy source in the bodyMy reaction waste product is heatExercise intensity for ATP-PC system...

IPA 2023-08-30

IPA crossword puzzle
  1. adanya gerakan otot esofagus yang disebut gerakan?
  2. nama lain dari bilik adalah?
  3. trombosit mengeluarkan cairan kimia yang memproduksi protein yang disebut?
  4. bagian jantung apa yang berfungsi untuk menerima darah ke dalam jantung?
  5. penyakit pernapasan yang merusak bagian paru-paru bagian alveolus adalah?
  6. pembuluh darah yang sangat tipis, tempat terjadinya pertukaran antara materi yang berguna untuk tubuh dengan sisa metabolisme yang akan dibuanh adalah?
  7. sumber makanan utama adalah?
  8. halus pankreas terletak di antara lambung dan struktur bagian awal...
  9. pencernaan secara kimiawi, adalah pengolahan makanan yang dibantu oleh zat kimia yang disebut dengan?
  1. zat pemanis yang berlebihan akan menyebabkan?
  2. lemak tak jenuh bisa dikatakan lemak?
  3. sistem yang merupakan tempat pengekuaran zat-zat yang tidak diperlukan tubuh adalah?
  4. sum-sum tulang menghasilkan?
  5. proses penyerapan terjadi setelah proses?
  6. akhir dari usus besar adalah?
  7. struktur bagian dalam usus berupa lipatan-lipatan kecil seperti jaru yang disebut?
  8. penyakit yabg dijuluki "silent killer" adalah?
  9. contoh lain dari karbohidrat kompleks adalah?
  10. nama lain dari mineral adalah
  11. lapisan yang melapisi trakea adalah?

20 Clues: sum-sum tulang menghasilkan?nama lain dari bilik adalah?sumber makanan utama adalah?akhir dari usus besar adalah?nama lain dari mineral adalahlapisan yang melapisi trakea adalah?lemak tak jenuh bisa dikatakan lemak?proses penyerapan terjadi setelah proses?zat pemanis yang berlebihan akan menyebabkan?contoh lain dari karbohidrat kompleks adalah?...

list 2 2024-05-23

list 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Tendency to develop blood clots.
  2. Regulates metabolism and growth, located in the neck.
  3. Study of hormones and their effects.
  4. Likes to chase mice
  5. Man's best friend
  6. Increased platelet count in blood.
  7. Large marsupial
  8. Complex carbohydrates like starch and glycogen.
  9. Chemical processes maintaining life.
  10. Four glands behind the thyroid regulating calcium levels.
  11. Filters blood and fights infections.
  12. Middle layer of the heart's wall responsible for pumping blood.
  13. Has a trunk
  1. Study of blood and its disorders.
  2. Often called the "master gland," it controls other hormone-secreting glands.
  3. Simple sugars like glucose and fructose.
  4. High blood sugar levels often associated with diabetes.
  5. White blood cells fighting against foreign invaders.
  6. Condition with decreased thyroid hormone production.
  7. Excessive thirst.
  8. Specializes in treating respiratory system conditions.
  9. Common white blood cell involved in the body's innate immune response.
  10. Flying mammal
  11. Glands above kidneys producing stress and metabolism-regulating hormones.
  12. Red blood cells transporting oxygen and removing carbon dioxide.

25 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendExcessive thirst.Likes to chase miceTendency to develop blood clots.Study of blood and its disorders.Increased platelet count in blood.Study of hormones and their effects.Chemical processes maintaining life.Filters blood and fights infections.Simple sugars like glucose and fructose....

Bio 2024-04-29

Bio crossword puzzle
  1. Hormon yang diproduksi oleh kelenjar tiroid yang mengatur metabolisme tubuh.
  2. Hormon yang mengatur rasa lapar dan kenyang.
  3. Hormon yang mengatur tekanan darah dan keseimbangan elektrolit dalam tubuh.
  4. Kelenjar yang menghasilkan hormon melatonin
  5. Kelainan hormon yang ditandai dengan kelebihan produksi hormon tiroid.
  6. Hormon yang mengatur metabolisme gula darah.
  7. Kelainan hormon yang ditandai dengan ketinggian kadar gula darah.
  8. Kelenjar yang menghasilkan hormon estrogen dan progesteron
  9. Kelainan hormon yang disebabkan oleh hipertiroidisme.
  10. Kelenjar yang menghasilkan hormon testosteron pada pria.
  11. Hormon yang mengatur tekanan darah dan volume darah.
  1. Kelainan hormon yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan insulin.
  2. Hormon yang mengatur pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pada manusia.
  3. Kelainan hormon yang ditandai dengan pertumbuhan berlebih pada kelenjar pituitari.
  4. Kelenjar yang menghasilkan hormon adrenalin.
  5. Kelainan hormon yang disebabkan oleh kelebihan hormon kortisol.
  6. Hormon yang mengatur siklus menstruasi pada wanita.
  7. Kelenjar yang menghasilkan hormon oksitosin.
  8. Hormon yang mengatur keseimbangan kalsium dalam tubuh.
  9. Kelainan hormon yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan hormon pertumbuhan pada masa anak-anak.

20 Clues: Kelenjar yang menghasilkan hormon melatoninKelenjar yang menghasilkan hormon adrenalin.Hormon yang mengatur rasa lapar dan kenyang.Kelenjar yang menghasilkan hormon oksitosin.Hormon yang mengatur metabolisme gula darah.Hormon yang mengatur siklus menstruasi pada wanita.Hormon yang mengatur tekanan darah dan volume darah....

Urology Crossword #9 2024-06-19

Urology Crossword #9 crossword puzzle
  1. assume the position
  2. kidney stones caused by UTIs
  3. pea-sized gland at the base of the brain
  4. the name we do not speak
  5. MA who shares a last name with a famous New England witch family
  6. street where we work
  7. bean-shaped organ
  8. a kidney located in an abnormal position
  9. low sperm count
  10. a diagnostic technique where an MRI image is superimposed upon an ultrasound image in order to direct a biopsy needle with great precision
  11. don't challenge her to a drinking contest
  12. the bladder wall is a ____ muscle
  13. abnormally large amounts of calcium in the urine
  1. Nautica's favorite savory snack
  2. doctors used to diagnose this disease by tasting pee for sweetness
  3. Kieran and Andreea; also known as ___ and ___
  4. Andreea's least favorite vegetable
  5. antibiotic injected in clinic
  6. PVR
  7. pizza ingredient that Mainlanders think makes it "Hawaiian"
  8. a walnut-shaped gland that surrounds the urethra at the neck of the bladder

21 Clues: PVRlow sperm countbean-shaped organassume the positionstreet where we workthe name we do not speakkidney stones caused by UTIsantibiotic injected in clinicNautica's favorite savory snackthe bladder wall is a ____ muscleAndreea's least favorite vegetablepea-sized gland at the base of the braina kidney located in an abnormal position...

Biologi 2024-04-29

Biologi crossword puzzle
  1. Kelainan hormon yang disebabkan oleh hipertiroidisme.
  2. Kelenjar yang menghasilkan hormon estrogen dan progesteron
  3. Hormon yang mengatur pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pada manusia.
  4. Hormon yang mengatur tekanan darah dan volume darah.
  5. Hormon yang mengatur metabolisme gula darah.
  6. Hormon yang mengatur keseimbangan kalsium dalam tubuh.
  7. Kelainan hormon yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan hormon pertumbuhan pada masa anak-anak.
  8. Hormon yang diproduksi oleh kelenjar tiroid yang mengatur metabolisme tubuh.
  9. Kelenjar yang menghasilkan hormon insulin.
  10. Kelainan hormon yang ditandai dengan ketinggian kadar gula darah.
  11. Kelainan hormon yang disebabkan oleh kelebihan hormon kortisol.
  1. Hormon yang mengatur rasa lapar dan kenyang.
  2. Kelenjar yang menghasilkan hormon testosteron pada pria.
  3. Hormon yang mengatur tekanan darah dan keseimbangan elektrolit dalam tubuh.
  4. Kelenjar yang menghasilkan hormon adrenalin.
  5. Kelainan hormon yang ditandai dengan kelebihan produksi hormon tiroid.
  6. Kelainan hormon yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan insulin.
  7. Kelainan hormon yang ditandai dengan pertumbuhan berlebih pada kelenjar pituitari.
  8. Kelenjar yang menghasilkan hormon oksitosin.
  9. Kelenjar yang menghasilkan hormon melatonin
  10. Hormon yang mengatur siklus menstruasi pada wanita.

21 Clues: Kelenjar yang menghasilkan hormon insulin.Kelenjar yang menghasilkan hormon melatoninHormon yang mengatur rasa lapar dan kenyang.Kelenjar yang menghasilkan hormon adrenalin.Hormon yang mengatur metabolisme gula darah.Kelenjar yang menghasilkan hormon oksitosin.Hormon yang mengatur siklus menstruasi pada wanita....

kesehatan dan olahraga 2024-01-08

kesehatan dan olahraga crossword puzzle
  1. permainan olahraga dari india
  2. Kebiasaan yang berkontribusi pada penyakit jantung dan tekanan darah tinggi
  3. latihan mental yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kesehatan pikiran
  4. organ bagian tubuh yang mengatur keseimbangan dan koordinasi pikiran manusia
  5. kelainan di mana tubuh tidak dapat menghasilkan cukup insulin
  6. contohnya seperti pencak silat dan karate
  7. seni bela diri dari korea yang melibatkan tendangan tinggi dan pukulan
  8. organ bagian tubuh yang bertanggung jawab mengatur pernapasan
  9. hadiah berupa logam yang dapat dikalungkan
  10. asal permainan olahraga bola golf
  1. pukulan melambung tinggi dan jauh pada bulutangkis
  2. Kondisi di mana tulang menjadi rapuh dan rentan patah
  3. pukulan bola yang dilakukan dari daerah belakang garis lapangan melampaui net ke daerah lawan
  4. istilah medis untuk peradangan pada paru-paru
  5. trofi
  6. lomba lari beregu secara bergantian
  7. alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur suhu tubuh manusia
  8. Aktivitas fisik yang membantu memperkuat otot dan meningkatkan kesehatan jantung
  9. gangguan mental yang memengaruhi perasaan, cara berpikir dan bertindak
  10. teknik dasar mengoper bola basket

20 Clues: trofipermainan olahraga dari indiateknik dasar mengoper bola basketasal permainan olahraga bola golflomba lari beregu secara bergantiancontohnya seperti pencak silat dan karatehadiah berupa logam yang dapat dikalungkanistilah medis untuk peradangan pada paru-parupukulan melambung tinggi dan jauh pada bulutangkis...

Medicine and Healthcare 2023-10-21

Medicine and Healthcare crossword puzzle
  1. A surgical procedure to remove the appendix.
  2. A common over-the-counter pain reliever.
  3. A medical professional who treats mental health disorders.
  4. A device used to measure blood pressure.
  5. A medical professional who diagnoses diseases.
  6. A medical professional who cares for the teeth and gums.
  7. A thin tube used to see inside blood vessels.
  8. A condition where the heart doesn't pump effectively.
  9. A doctor who specializes in the treatment of cancer.
  1. A substance used to reduce fever.
  2. A condition characterized by high blood sugar.
  3. A medical professional who delivers babies.
  4. A medication to lower blood pressure.
  5. A vaccine to prevent a viral disease.
  6. A device used to assist breathing.
  7. The body's ability to resist infections.
  8. A measurement of how acidic or alkaline a substance is.
  9. A medical professional who treats eye diseases.
  10. A medical professional who takes X-rays.
  11. A test to examine the inside of the colon.

20 Clues: A substance used to reduce fever.A device used to assist breathing.A medication to lower blood pressure.A vaccine to prevent a viral disease.A common over-the-counter pain reliever.The body's ability to resist infections.A device used to measure blood pressure.A medical professional who takes X-rays.A test to examine the inside of the colon....

PSYC 2015 Group 6 Study 2023-10-25

PSYC 2015 Group 6 Study crossword puzzle
  1. Solar cells that can be converted into electricity
  2. Location of Hamilton Kindley Field International Airport
  3. Inorganic Molecule produced by lightning
  4. Brain lobe responsible for hearing and language
  5. Gulf next to Saudi Arabia
  6. Name of element with the chemical symbol “No”
  7. Bloodiest battle of the American Civil War
  8. Ocean home of the Mariana Trench
  9. Largest nerve in the human body
  10. Mirror image molecules
  11. The only bird known to fly backwards
  12. The first vaccine developed
  1. Element with Atomic Weight of 1.008
  2. Igneous rock with a density less than water
  3. Capital city of Paraguay
  4. Arrector Pili muscles are responsible for this phenomenon
  5. Largest desert on Earth
  6. Cylindrical bacteria
  7. Name for the mathematical division symbol
  8. Diabetes develops as a result of complications with this organ
  9. Rarest blood type in humans
  10. Tallest grass on Earth
  11. Ruling family in Monaco
  12. The color of gold leaf held up to light
  13. The big toe in the human body

25 Clues: Cylindrical bacteriaTallest grass on EarthMirror image moleculesLargest desert on EarthRuling family in MonacoCapital city of ParaguayGulf next to Saudi ArabiaRarest blood type in humansThe first vaccine developedThe big toe in the human bodyLargest nerve in the human bodyOcean home of the Mariana TrenchElement with Atomic Weight of 1.008...

Unit 5 Activity 2 - Savannah Hinton W3 2023-11-09

Unit 5 Activity 2 - Savannah Hinton W3 crossword puzzle
  1. cardiovascular disease
  2. a test that records the electrical signals in the heart.
  3. a device used to control an irregular heart rhythm.
  4. when your heart does not pump enough blood to your body.
  5. creates radio waves to take clear pictures of your body.
  6. outside of, without
  7. vessel
  8. sound waves that create images of internal body structure.
  9. the process of recording
  10. chest organ that pumps blood throughout your body.
  11. when brain blood flow is blocked or sudden bleeding in brain.
  12. diabetes mellitus
  13. ventricular tachycardia
  14. acute coronary syndrome
  1. it takes dynamic xray pictures of your heart
  2. electricity
  3. excessive
  4. a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body.
  5. chest pain or discomfort that keeps coming back.
  6. networks of small vessels that perfuse tissues.
  7. blood vessels that carry blood throughout your body.
  8. a problem with the rate or rhythm of your heartbeat.
  9. cane-shaped vessel that delivers oxygen-rich blood in the body.

23 Clues: vesselexcessiveelectricitydiabetes mellitusoutside of, withoutcardiovascular diseaseventricular tachycardiaacute coronary syndromethe process of recordingit takes dynamic xray pictures of your heartnetworks of small vessels that perfuse tissues.chest pain or discomfort that keeps coming back.chest organ that pumps blood throughout your body....

Crucigrama - Salud pública 2024-02-02

Crucigrama - Salud pública crossword puzzle
  1. falta de algo que es necesario
  2. enfermedad por una concentración excesiva de azúcar en la sangre
  3. erradicar
  4. sistema de limpieza, higiene de una ciudad
  5. relacionados con el corazón
  6. suavizar o disminuir algo difícil
  7. muy grandes y profundas
  8. falta de alimentos en una región
  9. transmisión de una enfermedad a alguien
  10. extensión de algo a muchos lugares o a muchas personas distintas
  11. socialmente aisladas
  12. número de nacimientos en una población en un tiempo determinado
  13. exceso de peso
  14. preparación para evitar un riesgo
  15. conviven en una misma zona
  1. deterioro
  2. tiempo de vida de una persona o de una población
  3. extensión de algo por distintos lugares
  4. tumbar, acabar con algo
  5. número de muertes en una población
  6. el motor del cuerpo humano
  7. desigualdades; faltas de igualdad
  8. brecha
  9. aplicar; poner en funcionamiento
  10. zona con características bien definidas
  11. remesas
  12. ingrediente dulce para cocinar y hornear
  13. variedad de animales y plantas en su medio ambiente

28 Clues: brecharemesasdeterioroerradicarexceso de pesosocialmente aisladastumbar, acabar con algomuy grandes y profundasel motor del cuerpo humanoconviven en una misma zonarelacionados con el corazónfalta de algo que es necesariofalta de alimentos en una regiónaplicar; poner en funcionamientosuavizar o disminuir algo difícildesigualdades; faltas de igualdad...

Tuberculosis in children 2024-03-10

Tuberculosis in children crossword puzzle
  1. What day is national tuberculosis day?
  2. The standard length of time for TB antibiotics is 6 _____.
  3. PPD tuberculin test is injected where?
  4. This drug plus pyrazinamide and ethambutol and used with INH to treat active TB.
  5. The most common preventive therapy for TB.
  6. Part of the body that the bacteria commonly attacks.
  7. What is the best kind of test for TB disease?
  8. What is TB treated with?
  9. How many kinds of tuberculosis are there?
  10. TB that is inactive and causes no symptoms.
  11. Commonly spread person-person through what?
  1. TB is one of the top 10 causes of death where?
  2. True/false: latent TB makes you feel sick
  3. TB is more difficult to diagnose in?
  4. TB affecting the brain can cause what?
  5. Where was the first written mention of tuberculosis?
  6. ______ increases the risks of developing active TB.
  7. Bacillus Calemette-Guerin (BCG) is the name of what?
  8. In 2015 10.5 ________ people were diagnosed with TB.
  9. Can tuberculosis ever go away?

20 Clues: What is TB treated with?Can tuberculosis ever go away?TB is more difficult to diagnose in?What day is national tuberculosis day?PPD tuberculin test is injected where?TB affecting the brain can cause what?True/false: latent TB makes you feel sickHow many kinds of tuberculosis are there?The most common preventive therapy for TB....

Sistem Ekskresi - Biologi 2024-02-28

Sistem Ekskresi - Biologi crossword puzzle
  1. hati mengeluarkan zat sisa berupa
  2. paru paru sebenarnya merupakan kumpulan gelembung alveolus yang terbungkus dengan selaput yang disebut
  3. untuk menguji kandungan glukosa dalam urin menggunakan larutan/cairan...
  4. proses terhadinya urin sesungguhnya disebut
  5. proses pengeluaran keringat diatur oleh
  6. tubuh mengeluarkan banyak keringat agar suhu tubuh tetap...
  7. kelainan ekskresi yang disebabkan tingginya kadar protein dalam urin
  8. prosedur pembersihan darah dari limbah-limbah hasil metabolisme tubuh disebut
  9. Air yang dikeluarkan oleh salah satu kelenjar pada kulit mamalia disebut...
  1. suatu penyakit yang ditandai dengan produksi urin berlebihan dan encer akibat gagalnya reabsorpsi nefron
  2. kulit ari disebut juga dengan
  3. bagian ginjal paling luar
  4. bagian ginjal yang berfungsi membawa darah dari seluruh tubuh kembali ke jantung adalah
  5. paru paru kanan memiliki berapa gelambir
  6. suatu gangguan kronis pada kelenjar minyak yang umum terjadi pada remaja
  7. ginjal manusia terletak di belakang perut atau nama lainnya adalah
  8. filtrasi terjadi di ginjal bagian...
  9. proses terbentuknya urin disebut
  10. salah satu upaya untuk penyembuhan diabetes
  11. proses urin setelah kantung kemih menuju ke...

20 Clues: bagian ginjal paling luarkulit ari disebut juga denganproses terbentuknya urin disebuthati mengeluarkan zat sisa berupafiltrasi terjadi di ginjal bagian...proses pengeluaran keringat diatur olehparu paru kanan memiliki berapa gelambirproses terhadinya urin sesungguhnya disebutsalah satu upaya untuk penyembuhan diabetes...

Puzzle 60: Noncummunicable Diseases 2021-06-17

Puzzle 60: Noncummunicable Diseases crossword puzzle
  1. Diseases that continuosly or on and off over a long period of time.
  2. A substance that cause an allergy.
  3. Chemicals in the body that cause allergic reactions.
  4. Also know as hypertension, blood pressure is higher than average.
  5. A condition that affects the use of insulin.
  6. A serious condition that causes air passages to narrow or block.
  7. Characterized by abnormal cells that rapidly grow.
  8. Characteristics that increase the chance of diseases.
  9. Diseases that wears down body parts.
  1. A X-ray to detect breast cancer.
  2. A __________ is not cancerous.
  3. Hormones produced by the pancreas.
  4. Blood flow to the head is cut off.
  5. Itchy bumbs on the skin.
  6. A condition where the blood flow to the heart is blocked.
  7. A mass of abnormal cells.
  8. The spread of cancer in the body.
  9. An electric device that helps the heart beat regular patterns.
  10. Conditions marked by pain and swelling in the joints.
  11. Characterized by abnormal cells that rapidly that rapidly grow.

20 Clues: Itchy bumbs on the skin.A mass of abnormal cells.A __________ is not cancerous.A X-ray to detect breast cancer.The spread of cancer in the body.A substance that cause an allergy.Hormones produced by the pancreas.Blood flow to the head is cut off.Diseases that wears down body parts.A condition that affects the use of insulin....

Nyrer og urinveje - anatomi & fysiologi 2021-04-26

Nyrer og urinveje - anatomi & fysiologi crossword puzzle
  1. Det latinske navn for urinlederen
  2. Det hormon, der dannes i cortex glandulae suprarenales, og deltager i regulering af elektrytbalancen
  3. Det kulhydrat, der kan forekomme i urinen ved blandt andet diabetes
  4. Hvad kaldes vanddrivende farmaka?
  5. Dannes som det første i urinproduktionen
  6. Hvad kaldes syreforgiftning også?
  7. Stof, der kan bruges til at måle nyrefunktion
  8. Det latinske navn for urinrør
  9. Hvad kaldes baseforgiftning også?
  10. Hvilket hormon frigives i kroppen, når koncentrationen af calcium-ioner i blodet er lav?
  11. Hvilken effekt har angiotensin II på arteriolerne?
  1. Andet trin i urindannelsen
  2. Hvilket stof kan ved hjælp af UV-stråler på huden omdannes til D-vitamin?
  3. Første trin i urindannelsen
  4. Hvilket hormon frigives i kroppen, når koncentrationen af calcium-ioner i blodet er høj?
  5. Hvilken type hormon er aldosteron?
  6. Det affaldsstof, der findes mest af i urin
  7. Hvad hedder de affaldsstoffer, der dannes under fedtforbrænding?
  8. Hvilken effekt har atrialt natriuretisk peptid (ANP) på blodkar?
  9. Det latinske navn for blærehalskirtlen
  10. Hvilken type hormon er angiotensin II?

21 Clues: Andet trin i urindannelsenFørste trin i urindannelsenDet latinske navn for urinrørDet latinske navn for urinlederenHvad kaldes vanddrivende farmaka?Hvad kaldes syreforgiftning også?Hvad kaldes baseforgiftning også?Hvilken type hormon er aldosteron?Det latinske navn for blærehalskirtlenHvilken type hormon er angiotensin II?...

Teka-Teki Silang 2022-11-03

Teka-Teki Silang crossword puzzle
  1. Gandum Roti Tawar yang baik bagi penderita diabetes
  2. Nama Masjid di lokasi HSC yang berarti barisan
  3. Nama Pabrik Dea Bakery yang ada di kepanjen
  4. Hal yang biasa diucapkan saat menyapa pelanggan
  5. Tart Kue Tart yang selalu sedia kapan saja
  6. Gunung yang kita singgahi saat Gathering terakhir
  7. Selling Menawarkan pelanggan untuk membeli produk yang lebih mahal
  8. Owner Dea Bakery
  9. Cup Dessert yang enak banget di dea bakery
  1. 3 Rasa Roti yang jadi favorit pelanggan saat memesan dengan jumlah besar
  2. Disiplin energik Amanah
  3. Manager Leader yang ada di outlet
  4. S pertama dari 5S adalah
  5. Nama cake yang memiliki warna seperti pelangi
  6. Quran Camp Kegiatan 3 hari yang fokus membangun spiritual
  7. Produk oleh-oleh berbentuk seperti ban dan lembut
  8. Tanya Prinsip yang banyak ditempel di outlet tentang ajakan aktif bertanya
  9. Staff yang bertugas dalam melayani pelanggan
  10. Outlet satelit yang ada di luar pulau
  11. Kegiatan dalam membuat adonan dari bahan mentah

20 Clues: Owner Dea BakeryDisiplin energik AmanahS pertama dari 5S adalahManager Leader yang ada di outletOutlet satelit yang ada di luar pulauTart Kue Tart yang selalu sedia kapan sajaCup Dessert yang enak banget di dea bakeryNama Pabrik Dea Bakery yang ada di kepanjenStaff yang bertugas dalam melayani pelangganNama cake yang memiliki warna seperti pelangi...

PCG Review Crossword 2022-07-05

PCG Review Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. preadmission assessment is one
  2. part of a smart goal
  3. only marked after an assessment is completed
  4. rated on a scale
  5. a stage of behavioral change
  6. type of questions we use
  7. What is one of the social determinates of health
  8. certification group for case management
  9. information required by HIPAA
  10. daily to do list
  11. initials of benefit search page
  12. another data analytic partner
  13. starting cancer treatment is one
  14. completed on all transitions of care
  1. policy on what is required
  2. educational resource in PIVIT
  3. PHQ2 is used to assess_______
  4. general, preventative, diabetes
  5. format for goals
  6. completed on all critical and active members
  7. workflow kept at your desk at all times
  8. one resource listed on suicide prevention workflow
  9. a data analytical partner
  10. the tab were consent is documented
  11. we work to improve outcomes and reduce
  12. the tab where genetic testing would be charted
  13. our system
  14. obtained during each call to continue outreach

28 Clues: our systemformat for goalsrated on a scaledaily to do listpart of a smart goaltype of questions we usea data analytical partnerpolicy on what is requireda stage of behavioral changeeducational resource in PIVITPHQ2 is used to assess_______information required by HIPAAanother data analytic partnerpreadmission assessment is one...

ADH adult crossword 2022-11-23

ADH adult crossword crossword puzzle
  1. period of sickness
  2. a way to live
  3. condition that causes breathlessness
  4. gasping for air
  5. being healthy
  6. smoke inhaled involuntarily
  7. cylinder of tobacco
  8. assistance and guidance
  9. descendants
  10. very harmful
  11. visible carbon in air
  12. necessary for breathing
  13. sudden attack caused by loss of blood flow
  14. something suspended in air
  15. elevated levels of sugar in blood
  16. nicotine-rich leaves
  17. not sensible or well-balanced
  18. center of the circulatory system
  19. routine that is hard to give up
  1. state of being in good health
  2. something that causes diseases
  3. improve health or fitness
  4. physically and mentally dependent
  5. can cause death or illness
  6. take into the lungs
  7. end of life
  8. toxic oily liquid
  9. alert and lively
  10. let go
  11. respiratory condition caused by spasms in the lungs
  12. malignant growth
  13. organs into which air is drawn
  14. an offering of resources
  15. resinous substance
  16. colorless, odorless gas
  17. clean and pure
  18. something that causes cancer
  19. not diseased

38 Clues: let goend of lifedescendantsvery harmfulnot diseaseda way to livebeing healthyclean and puregasping for airalert and livelymalignant growthtoxic oily liquidperiod of sicknessresinous substancetake into the lungscylinder of tobacconicotine-rich leavesvisible carbon in airassistance and guidancenecessary for breathingcolorless, odorless gas...

Homeostatic Imbalances 2022-10-17

Homeostatic Imbalances crossword puzzle
  1. A group of diseases that result in too much sugar in the blood
  2. dangerous loss of body fluids caused by poor intake or illness
  3. disease in children from lack of vitamin d
  4. break that shatters into tiny fragments
  5. abnormal lateral spine curvature
  6. A significant and potentially dangerous drop in body temperature
  7. separation of two bones where they meet at a joint
  8. A group of conditions caused by brain impairment
  9. high blood pressure
  10. immune system disorder that results in the overproduction of thyroid hormones
  1. inflammation of a bursa caused by impact
  2. excessive outward curvature of the spine
  3. chronic cartilage degenerative condition
  4. A significant and potentially dangerous peak in body temperature
  5. inflammation -chronic autoimmune disease
  6. inflammation from uric acid in the blood
  7. tearing or overstretching of ligaments/tendons
  8. closed fracture with a clean break, does not penetrate the skin
  9. ragged break occurs from excessive twisting
  10. A disease in which abnormal cells divide uncontrollably and destroy the body's cells

20 Clues: high blood pressureabnormal lateral spine curvaturebreak that shatters into tiny fragmentsinflammation of a bursa caused by impactexcessive outward curvature of the spinechronic cartilage degenerative conditioninflammation -chronic autoimmune diseaseinflammation from uric acid in the blooddisease in children from lack of vitamin d...

Animal Experimentation 2023-01-09

Animal Experimentation crossword puzzle
  1. A medium-sized mammal used in testing
  2. an organization that represents food and drugs
  3. A four-legged mammal used in animal testing
  4. a treatment for a certain disease
  5. a process of testing something new
  6. Breakthroughs in medical testing
  7. A place used for testing and developing new things
  8. The system responsible for fighting off diseases and infections
  9. the study of living organisms
  1. Operations on living animals
  2. a condition that has been reduced in severity thanks to animal testing
  3. Something used to treat a life-threatening disease or conditions
  4. A person who conducts experiments and works in a lab
  5. An eradicated disease that plagued Europe and the colonies
  6. A treatment used to treat deadly diseases
  7. An eradicated disease that kids are required to get vaccinated for
  8. a deadly disease that was once untreatable but now it because of animal testing
  9. A disease president FDR suffered from
  10. The first country to practice animal experimentation
  11. A small mammal primarily used in animal testing

20 Clues: Operations on living animalsthe study of living organismsBreakthroughs in medical testinga treatment for a certain diseasea process of testing something newA medium-sized mammal used in testingA disease president FDR suffered fromA treatment used to treat deadly diseasesA four-legged mammal used in animal testing...

Teen Smoking 2020-05-27

Teen Smoking crossword puzzle
  1. Smoking leads to higher blood _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  2. Smoking is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ death.
  3. Secondhand smoke is more/less harmful than inhaled smoke from smokers.
  4. Smoking hurts your physical _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  5. Smoking leads to heart problems, which might in turn lead to heart _ _ _ _ _ _.
  6. Teen smokers produce twice as much _ h l _ _ m in their lungs compared to teens who do not.
  7. Teenagers who smoke suffer from s _ o r t _ e s _ of breath three times as often as teens who do not smoke.
  8. Smoking leads to _ _ _ _ _ _ teeth.
  9. The substance produce by smoking.
  10. Disease related to respiratory system caused by smoking.
  1. Smoking may also cause oral problems such as g _ _ disease.
  2. Smoking increases chances of mental illnesses such as d _ p _ _ _ _ ion
  3. _ _ _-smelling clothes and hair.
  4. Smoking causes _ _ _ _ types of cancer
  5. Smoking causes d_ _ _ e _ e _.
  6. Once you start, it is hard to _ _ _ _.
  7. The addictive substance in cigarettes.
  8. Smoking affects teens _ _ y s _ c _ l fitness.
  9. Smoking causes _ _ _ _ _ _ bones.
  10. Around how many percentage of the world smoke?

20 Clues: Smoking causes d_ _ _ e _ e _._ _ _-smelling clothes and hair.Smoking causes _ _ _ _ _ _ bones.The substance produce by smoking.Smoking leads to _ _ _ _ _ _ teeth.Smoking causes _ _ _ _ types of cancerOnce you start, it is hard to _ _ _ _.The addictive substance in cigarettes.Smoking is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ death....

Examen biologie juni 2019 2019-05-26

Examen biologie juni 2019 crossword puzzle
  1. Geel beenweefsel dat vetcellen bevat is geel ...
  2. Hormoon dat werkt als thermostaat en dient voor vetverbranding.
  3. Suiker dat energie levert voor spieren noemen we spier-...
  4. Mannelijk geslachtshormoon.
  5. Cellen die een rol spelen bij Multiple Sclerose zijn de ... cellen.
  6. Hormoon dat ons kwaad maakt.
  7. Naakt stukje axon tussen twee gemyeliniseerde delen: Knoop van ...
  8. Stabiele toestand van het inwendig milieu.
  9. Hormoon dat 's nachts vrijkomt.
  10. Golfbeweging van de slokdarm.
  1. Bot tussen heup en knie.
  2. Ander woord voor hersenhelft.
  3. Brandstof voor de hersenen.
  4. Drugs die de hartslag verhogen noemen we ... drugs.
  5. Hormoon dat het hoogst is in de ochtend.
  6. Cellen die dienen als opslagplaats voor zouten (goede werking zenuwcellen)
  7. Hormoon dat de bloedsuikerspiegel verlaagt.
  8. Naam van de beenderen die bij volwassenen nog rood beenweefsel bevatten zijn ... beenderen.
  9. Veerkrachtig, soepel beenweefsel op gewrichtsoppervlakken.
  10. Spieren die tegengesteld werken noemen we...
  11. Het signaal dat door zenuwcellen gestuurd wordt is een...
  12. Ander woord voor suikerziekte.

22 Clues: Bot tussen heup en knie.Brandstof voor de hersenen.Mannelijk geslachtshormoon.Hormoon dat ons kwaad maakt.Ander woord voor hersenhelft.Golfbeweging van de slokdarm.Ander woord voor suikerziekte.Hormoon dat 's nachts vrijkomt.Hormoon dat het hoogst is in de ochtend.Stabiele toestand van het inwendig milieu.Hormoon dat de bloedsuikerspiegel verlaagt....

Grade 10 Science Crossword 2019-10-02

Grade 10 Science Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. positive ions are called?
  2. building blocks of life
  3. is sometimes referred to as "happy hormone"
  4. strong base that dissolves in water
  5. disease in which the body cannot properly control the amount of sugar in the blood
  6. state in which body reaches its equilibrium
  7. element commonly found in toothpaste
  8. is sometimes referred to as "love hormone"
  9. main organ in the nervous system
  10. element that is commonly found in water, air and some rocks
  11. branch of science that regulates matter, energy and their interactions
  1. organ system that contains the kidneys and bladder
  2. element commonly found in milk
  3. distance travelled per unit of time
  4. element commonly found in bananas
  5. substance secreted by the pancreas that turns sugar into energy
  6. main organ in the circulatory system
  7. amino acids needed by infants
  8. organ system that contains the bones and the joints
  9. branch of science that studies the animal kingdom
  10. mass divided by volume
  11. smallest matter

22 Clues: smallest matterpositive ions are called?building blocks of lifemass divided by volumeamino acids needed by infantselement commonly found in milkstrong base that dissolves in waterelement commonly found in bananasdistance travelled per unit of timemain organ in the nervous systemelement commonly found in toothpaste...

Waite 2019 2019-06-29

Waite 2019 crossword puzzle
  1. Home means this, to me
  2. Paul built 3 of these
  3. Grandma's diagnosis
  4. which sibling waited for a missionary for 2 years and married someone else?
  5. "....I'm dreaming, of the old days on the prairie, and you"
  6. Even after having a hot fudge sundae every day, grandma lost weight because of this
  7. where Linda and Mark met
  8. Grandma's Waite's first name
  9. family name
  10. add milk to this for a meal that never gets old
  11. where you could often find grandpa riding
  1. this caused loss of short-term memory for grandpa in 1962
  2. an outdoor activity grandma enjoyed but wasn't able to do much, especially after grandpa got sick
  3. grandma's preferred card game
  4. Grandma Waite's favorite dessert
  5. the main road through Bunkerville
  6. Tom traveled to Japan for this
  7. the color of Tammy's first car
  8. grandpa loved to turn these inside out
  9. 1 + 1
  10. Dorlene met this celebrity several times while working at the Hilton

21 Clues: 1 + 1family nameGrandma's diagnosisPaul built 3 of theseHome means this, to mewhere Linda and Mark metGrandma's Waite's first namegrandma's preferred card gameTom traveled to Japan for thisthe color of Tammy's first carGrandma Waite's favorite dessertthe main road through Bunkervillegrandpa loved to turn these inside out...

Waite Reunion 2019 2019-06-30

Waite Reunion 2019 crossword puzzle
  1. the color of Tammy's first car
  2. Even after having a hot fudge sundae every day, grandma lost weight because of this
  3. Grandma's diagnosis
  4. Tom traveled to Japan for this
  5. 1 + 1
  6. grandma's preferred card game
  7. the main road through Bunkerville
  8. which sibling waited for a missionary for 2 years and married someone else?
  9. grandpa loved to turn these inside out
  10. Dorlene met this celebrity several times while working at the Hilton
  1. Grandma's Waite's first name
  2. this caused loss of short-term memory for grandpa in 1962
  3. add milk to this for a meal that never gets old
  4. Paul built 3 of these
  5. "....I'm dreaming, of the old days on the prairie, and you"
  6. an outdoor activity grandma enjoyed but wasn't able to do much, especially after grandpa got sick
  7. Grandma Waite's favorite dessert
  8. the only sibling who got to take piano lessons
  9. Home means this, to me
  10. family name
  11. where you could often find grandpa riding

21 Clues: 1 + 1family nameGrandma's diagnosisPaul built 3 of theseHome means this, to meGrandma's Waite's first namegrandma's preferred card gamethe color of Tammy's first carTom traveled to Japan for thisGrandma Waite's favorite dessertthe main road through Bunkervillegrandpa loved to turn these inside outwhere you could often find grandpa riding...

sistem eksresi 2020-02-10

sistem eksresi crossword puzzle
  1. radang pada glomerolus yang mengakibatkan infeksi karena bakteri
  2. tubulus tempat terjadinya augmentasi
  3. proses penyaringan darah di glomerolus dan kapsula bowman
  4. bagian dari ginjal yang terdapat banyak tubulus
  5. bagian lengkung yang terdapat pada nefron
  6. kelainan pada ginjal dimana ginjal tidak mampu mereabsorbsi asam amino di TKP sehingga urin emngandung protein
  7. satuan struktural dan fungsional terkecil dari ginjal
  8. tubulus tempat reabsorbsi gula dan asam amino
  1. otot yang menyusun kantong kemih
  2. kelenjar yang berperan mengeluarkan keringan
  3. asam ... dapat dirombak menjadi senyawa asam urat
  4. komponen penyusun sel darah merah
  5. organ penghasil urea dari perombakan amoniak
  6. diabeter ... terjadi karena kandungan gula di darah yang tinggi karena pankreas tidak emnghasilkan insulin
  7. diabetes ... terjadi karena tubuh tidak emnghasilkan anti dheuretic hormone
  8. adalah bagian dari manusia yang mengontrol keluarnya keringat
  9. ion .... merupakan cara pengeluaran karbondioksida paling banyak dari tubuh manusia
  10. saluran berupa tabung yang menyalurkan urin ke kantong kemih
  11. ... renalis adalah bagian bermuaranya urin di ginjal
  12. senyawa yang paling banyak terdapat di urin untuk keluar dari tubuh yang larut di air

20 Clues: otot yang menyusun kantong kemihkomponen penyusun sel darah merahtubulus tempat terjadinya augmentasibagian lengkung yang terdapat pada nefronkelenjar yang berperan mengeluarkan keringanorgan penghasil urea dari perombakan amoniaktubulus tempat reabsorbsi gula dan asam aminobagian dari ginjal yang terdapat banyak tubulus...

Chronic Inflammation - Group 3 2020-03-04

Chronic Inflammation - Group 3 crossword puzzle
  1. Abbreviation for a disease associated with chronic inflammation
  2. Immune cell that conducts phagocytosis
  3. Transporter that allows entry of glucose into the cells
  4. Protein found in egg white
  5. A preventative measure for chronic inflammation
  6. decreases levels of il-2, il-4, and IFN-gamma
  7. Key adaptor protein in the insulin pathway
  8. A surplus of adipocytes
  9. A symptom of chronic inflammation
  1. Who talked about lipopolysaccharides?
  2. Who talked about the mechanism of adipocytes within chronic inflammation?
  3. Community of commensal bacteria
  4. A disease related to insulin resistance
  5. Who talked about GLUT-4?
  6. What was the model organism used in the studies?
  7. Who talked about NSAIDs?
  8. what do we acquire resistance to when the wrong residue is phosphorylated
  9. Sclerosis CD8+ cells cause autoreactivity in the CNS leading to this disease
  10. Long lasting inflammation
  11. What do undergraduate students suffer most from?
  12. what was knocked out in one of the mentioned study
  13. Number of mice groups used in lupeopl's study

22 Clues: A surplus of adipocytesWho talked about GLUT-4?Who talked about NSAIDs?Long lasting inflammationProtein found in egg whiteCommunity of commensal bacteriaA symptom of chronic inflammationWho talked about lipopolysaccharides?Immune cell that conducts phagocytosisA disease related to insulin resistanceKey adaptor protein in the insulin pathway...

January WMS Crossword 2021-01-20

January WMS Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Cause of paroxysmal hypertension
  2. Type of lung cancer
  3. Seen from a Lumbar Puncture in MS
  4. Cause of pepper pot skull
  5. Tearing chest pain radiating to back
  6. Pathway effected by Parkinson’s
  7. Syndrome of prolonged elevated cortisol
  8. Pain on swallowing
  9. Secreted by the S cells
  10. Common endocrine condition
  11. Nail sign
  12. Speech area in the brain
  13. Congenital diverticulum
  14. Trisomy 18
  1. First line treatment for depression
  2. Syndrome of high proteinuria
  3. Common cause of hyper-calcaemia
  4. Cells located in the seminiferous tubules
  5. Cause of pan systolic murmur (6,13)
  6. Hormone responsible for milk production
  7. Management for Polycythaemia Vera
  8. Gene related to ankylosis spondylosis
  9. Deeply implanted placenta
  10. Cause of COPD
  11. SLE antibody
  12. Triangle used to delineate inguinal hernias
  13. Nerve responsible for sensation of the face
  14. Pressure difference indicating a fasciotomy
  15. Leg pain on exertion
  16. A plexus
  17. Cause of loin to groin pain
  18. Lowest GCS score
  19. Complication of GORD
  20. Score that assesses likelihood of PE

34 Clues: A plexusNail signTrisomy 18SLE antibodyCause of COPDLowest GCS scorePain on swallowingType of lung cancerLeg pain on exertionComplication of GORDSecreted by the S cellsCongenital diverticulumSpeech area in the brainDeeply implanted placentaCause of pepper pot skullCommon endocrine conditionCause of loin to groin painSyndrome of high proteinuria...

Pharmacology common stem names 2021-02-24

Pharmacology common stem names crossword puzzle
  1. class of drugs for hypertension stem -olol
  2. stem for drug used for high cholesterol
  3. stem used in prostaglandin drugs for glaucoma
  4. class of drug for inflammation stem -sone
  5. barbiturates used for seizures have this stem
  6. stem for drugs used for migraine headaches
  7. PDE-5 inhibitor for erectile dysfunction; stem name
  8. stem for ARBs used for hypertension
  9. stem DPP-4 inhibitors used for type II diabetes
  10. class of drugs with azepam or azolam stems
  11. stem for ACE inhibitors used for hypertension
  12. antifungals used for fungal infections; stem name
  1. used for bacterial infections with cef stem
  2. stem for fluoroquinolone antibiotics
  3. class of drugs for GERD stem -prazole
  4. stem for generic zofran, used for nausea/vomiting
  5. class of drugs for BPH and HBP -osin stem
  6. H2 receptor blockers for GERD stem name
  7. class of drugs used to treat viral infections
  8. stem used for penicillin antibiotics
  9. bisphosphonates for osteoporosis have this stem

21 Clues: stem for ARBs used for hypertensionstem for fluoroquinolone antibioticsstem used for penicillin antibioticsclass of drugs for GERD stem -prazolestem for drug used for high cholesterolH2 receptor blockers for GERD stem nameclass of drug for inflammation stem -soneclass of drugs for BPH and HBP -osin stemclass of drugs for hypertension stem -olol...

Canada Past in the 1920s 2021-03-05

Canada Past in the 1920s crossword puzzle
  1. essential for people in the 1920s
  2. They had this in movies for the first time
  3. Another word for lots of money in the 1920s
  4. This person didn't help Britain's troops
  5. They are called this when they sell illegal alcohol
  6. 50% of Canadians had this in their home
  7. The first treaty the Canadian government independent signed
  1. Medicine for diabetes
  2. This position can't disobey the wishes from an prime minster
  3. Got a medal for boxing
  4. A strong guy was called in the 1920s
  5. Another word for very good in the 1920s
  6. bootlegger smuggle things through this
  7. fluid that makes you drunk
  8. Another word for someone that is living the high life
  9. Falling in love was called in the 1920s
  10. Law for banning alcohol
  11. Another word for drunk in the 1920s
  12. Another word for not understand in the 1920s
  13. A car that can open it's roof was called in the 1920s
  14. The Group of seven were this

21 Clues: Medicine for diabetesGot a medal for boxingLaw for banning alcoholfluid that makes you drunkThe Group of seven were thisessential for people in the 1920sAnother word for drunk in the 1920sA strong guy was called in the 1920sbootlegger smuggle things through thisAnother word for very good in the 1920sFalling in love was called in the 1920s...

aves - Inteci 2B 2021-03-05

aves - Inteci 2B crossword puzzle
  1. ave usada para una celebración especial en USA.
  2. ave de corral usado para un caldo.
  3. alto contenido calórico.
  4. antiguamente lo cambiaban por botellas.
  5. son nadadoras y sus plumas son impermeables al agua.
  6. de 6 a 8 meses de edad castrada y sobrealimentada.
  7. técnica para sujetar la carne y so se contraiga.
  8. parte del pollo usado para las buffalo wild.
  1. es una subespecie domesticas de ave.
  2. nombre técnico que se le dice a los huesos del pollo.
  3. recomendable en casos de diabetes, depresión ,asma. ayuda a prevenir enfermedades cardiacas
  4. no vuelan pero son excelente corredoras
  5. ave que representa la paz .
  6. buena proporción de carne hasta el hueso forma redondeada, carne regordeta.
  7. es de la familia amátidos y es usado en una receta norteña del Perú.
  8. es una enfermedad bacterial que afecta al tracto intestinal.
  9. piel húmeda y de aspecto fresco.
  10. pechuga largas y magras, carne oscura.
  11. corte del pollo donde se obtiene escalopes, paupiette milanesa.
  12. ave macho en un gallinero.

20 Clues: alto contenido calórico.ave macho en un gallinero.ave que representa la paz .piel húmeda y de aspecto fresco.ave de corral usado para un caldo.es una subespecie domesticas de ave.pechuga largas y magras, carne oscura.no vuelan pero son excelente corredorasantiguamente lo cambiaban por botellas.parte del pollo usado para las buffalo wild....

CS: The Endocrine System 2021-02-22

CS: The Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. thirst
  2. anterior lobe of the pituitary gland
  3. advanced hypothyroidism in adults characterized by sluggishness
  4. measurement of blood sugar level after a meal
  5. pituitary gland
  6. vasopressin
  7. an abnormal amount of ketone
  8. disease characterized by enlarged features
  9. excessive urination
  10. treatment with a hormone to correct a hormonal deficiency
  11. excessive hair growth over the body
  12. hormone that affects skin pigmentation
  13. hormones secreted by the adrenal medulla that affect sns
  14. enlargement of the thyroid gland
  15. regulates metabolism
  16. male
  1. abnormally low level of glucose in the blood
  2. diabetes mellitus
  3. therapy, use of radioactive iodine to treat disease
  4. abnormally increased secretion
  5. posterior lobe of the pituitary gland
  6. hormone that regulates uterine conditions during pregnancy
  7. postprandial blood sugar
  8. excessive thirst
  9. released by the PT pituitary gland, absorption of water by kidney tubules
  10. hormone that constricts blood vessels/ neurotransmitter
  11. glands, located on the superior of each kidney
  12. glucose tolerance test

28 Clues: malethirstvasopressinpituitary glandexcessive thirstdiabetes mellitusexcessive urinationregulates metabolismglucose tolerance testpostprandial blood sugaran abnormal amount of ketoneabnormally increased secretionenlargement of the thyroid glandexcessive hair growth over the bodyanterior lobe of the pituitary gland...

Nutrition 2021-10-29

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. a disease characterized by high glucose levels in the blood
  2. an essential component of living cells and source of energy
  3. yield to; give satisfaction to
  4. an impairment of health
  5. necessary activity
  6. lack of an adequate quantity or number
  7. an organic compound essential to living cells
  8. by energetic movement
  9. a state of poor nourishment
  1. possessing or displaying forceful exertion
  2. aparticular course of action intended to achieve a result.
  3. exertion.
  4. a substance in the blood that can cause heart disease
  5. from infirmity or disease.
  6. of or relating to the hands
  7. the state of being more than full
  8. an organic substance essential to normal metabolism
  9. of heat raising 1 gram of water by 1 degree centigrade.
  10. keep in a certain state, position, or activity.
  11. a manner of living that reflects one's values and attitudes
  12. the condition of someone who knows and comprehends.
  13. the act of gathering up
  14. the condition of being excessively overweight

23 Clues: exertion.necessary activityby energetic movementan impairment of healththe act of gathering upfrom infirmity or disease.of or relating to the handsa state of poor nourishmentyield to; give satisfaction tothe state of being more than fulllack of an adequate quantity or numberpossessing or displaying forceful exertion...

Nutrition 2 2021-11-02

Nutrition 2 crossword puzzle
  1. of a quantity that can fulfill a need or requirement
  2. a disease characterized by high glucose levels in the blood
  3. a manner of living that reflects one's values and attitudes
  4. lack of an adequate quantity or number
  5. possessing or displaying forceful exertion
  6. an organic substance essential to normal metabolism
  7. characterized by energetic movement
  8. deficient in alertness or activity
  9. an essential component of living cells and source of energy
  10. a state of poor nourishment
  11. free from infirmity or disease
  1. the state of being more than full
  2. a particular course of action intended to achieve a result
  3. necessary activity.
  4. keep in a certain state, position, or activity
  5. the condition of someone who knows and comprehends
  6. an organic compound essential to living cells
  7. forceful exertion
  8. a substance in the blood that can cause heart disease
  9. what something is used for
  10. the condition of being excessively overweight
  11. unit of heat raising 1 gram of water by 1 degree.

22 Clues: forceful exertionnecessary activity.what something is used fora state of poor nourishmentfree from infirmity or diseasethe state of being more than fulldeficient in alertness or activitycharacterized by energetic movementlack of an adequate quantity or numberpossessing or displaying forceful exertionan organic compound essential to living cells...


  1. Período de tempo que um anti hipertensivo deve controlar o paciente
  2. Não comprovaram redução de mortalidade
  3. Opção terapêutica para o paciente hipertenso diabético
  4. Estudo que demonstrou redução de 31% de redução nos eventos CV maiores
  5. Conceito de integração entre coração e parâmetros metabólicos
  6. Parâmetro renal em que o Advance demonstrou reversão do quadro
  7. Vasodilatador
  8. Líder mundial em aferidores de pressão
  1. Possui informações de qualidade sobre saúde
  2. Diurético que interfere na parte metabólica
  3. Sub-análise do estudo que avaliou o efeito legado
  4. Fator de risco para aumento da hipertensão
  5. Processo inflamatótio do endotélio
  6. Efeito de recomposição do endotélio
  7. Tratar pacientes não controlado com duas drogas ou mais
  8. Sub-análise do estudo que avaliou a adição de um bloqueador de canal de cálcio
  9. Combinação ideal para pacientes não controlados com monoterapia
  10. Base forte do tratamento
  11. Síndrome que se apresenta com alterações imunológicas, bioquímicas e fisiológicas
  12. Auxilia o médico a engajar melhor o paciente no tratamento

20 Clues: VasodilatadorBase forte do tratamentoProcesso inflamatótio do endotélioEfeito de recomposição do endotélioNão comprovaram redução de mortalidadeLíder mundial em aferidores de pressãoFator de risco para aumento da hipertensãoPossui informações de qualidade sobre saúdeDiurético que interfere na parte metabólica...

Ch. 6 Vocabulary Review 2023-01-17

Ch. 6 Vocabulary Review crossword puzzle
  1. a disease where there is too much sugar in the blood
  2. the type of energy that deals with motion
  3. an enzyme that digests fats
  4. the area on an enzyme where a substrate fits
  5. a chemical that helps a chemical reaction without being consumed during the reaction
  6. a molecule formed when phosphate is removed from ATP
  7. the process of adding phosphorus to a molecule
  8. the amount of energy in food
  9. the sugar that is broken down for energy in cells
  10. the chemicals produced or left over after a chemical reaction
  11. the reactant an enzyme bonds with
  1. an enzyme that digests proteins
  2. the energy needed to start a chemical reaction
  3. the process of adding water to break apart chemical bonds
  4. all the chemical reactions that take place in a cell
  5. a catalyst produced only in living things
  6. the chemicals that start a chemical reaction
  7. an energy rich molecule
  8. liquid in the mouth that contains enzymes
  9. the type of energy when something is at rest

20 Clues: an energy rich moleculean enzyme that digests fatsthe amount of energy in foodan enzyme that digests proteinsthe reactant an enzyme bonds withthe type of energy that deals with motiona catalyst produced only in living thingsliquid in the mouth that contains enzymesthe chemicals that start a chemical reaction...

Makanan Fungsional 2023-01-19

Makanan Fungsional crossword puzzle
  1. Memiliki kadar protein yang tinggi
  2. Buah yang menjaga kesehatan tulang dan kebebalan tubuh
  3. Buah yang menjaga kesehatan prostat
  4. Membantu mengatur metabolisme dan sintesis hormon
  5. Sayuran yang bisa menetralisir radikal bebas yang dapat merusak sel
  6. Kacang yang memiliki sumber protein yang baik bagi fungsi otak
  7. Minyak yang berperan sebagai penurun resiko penyakit jantung koroner
  8. Buah yang mengurangi resiko beberapa kanker
  9. Minuman yang memiliki anti oksidan yang baik untuk kulit
  10. Sayuran dan buah yang menjaga kesehatan prostat
  1. Sayuran yang berperan dalam menjaga kesehatan sistem pencernaan
  2. Sumber kalsium yang baik bagi tulang
  3. Sayuran hijau yang berperan dalam menjaga kesehatan mata
  4. Buah yang bisa mengurangi resiko penyakit jantung koroner
  5. Sayuran yang sebagai sumber antioksidan
  6. Berperan dalam menjaga kesehatan mental dan jantung
  7. Berperan dalam menjaga kesehatan mata
  8. Beras yang tidak adanya kandungan glukosa sehingga aman untuk penderita diabetes
  9. Berperan dalam menjaga kesehatan jantung dan kebebalan tubuh
  10. Membantu mengatur kalsium dan fosfor
  11. Memiliki kandungan kalsium yang tinggi
  12. Minuman yang berperan sebagai pengganti ion di tubuh

22 Clues: Memiliki kadar protein yang tinggiBuah yang menjaga kesehatan prostatSumber kalsium yang baik bagi tulangMembantu mengatur kalsium dan fosforBerperan dalam menjaga kesehatan mataMemiliki kandungan kalsium yang tinggiSayuran yang sebagai sumber antioksidanBuah yang mengurangi resiko beberapa kankerSayuran dan buah yang menjaga kesehatan prostat...

Health and Disease 2023-06-05

Health and Disease crossword puzzle
  1. The system most responsible for protection against disease.
  2. Lack of exercise and poor diet can affect this.
  3. Needed for strong bones and teeth.
  4. The cause of AIDS
  5. Short for severe combined immunodeficiency.
  6. A chronic immune condition leading to slurred speech.
  7. Blood pressure measuring device.
  8. Used to listen to heart, blood flow, lungs and intestines.
  9. The blood cells of the immune system.
  10. Nutrient for muscle growth.
  11. Too much of this can lead to tooth decay.
  1. An overactive immune system disorder of the skin.
  2. Instrument used to diagnose some eye conditions.
  3. A chronic condition of the lungs.
  4. The body makes its own but needs sunlight.
  5. Used to measure lung capacity
  6. Nutrient required for healthy immune function.
  7. An autoimmune disease of the whole body but mainly skin and joints.
  8. Where white blood cells are made.
  9. Best source of energy in food.
  10. A drug that can cause temporary acquired immunodeficiency.
  11. Poor diet can lead to this disease.
  12. Needed for healthy red blood cell count.

23 Clues: The cause of AIDSNutrient for muscle growth.Used to measure lung capacityBest source of energy in food.Blood pressure measuring device.A chronic condition of the lungs.Where white blood cells are made.Needed for strong bones and teeth.Poor diet can lead to this disease.The blood cells of the immune system.Needed for healthy red blood cell count....

Biology Summative Test 2013-01-10

Biology Summative Test crossword puzzle
  1. Modified leaves which enclose and protect the other parts of the flower in the bud stage.
  2. Special reproductive cells produce by meiosis.
  3. Secreted from the adrenaline gland.
  4. Produce genetically identical offspring from ONE PARENT by mitosis.
  5. Regulates the secretion of some pituitary hormones.
  6. Production of new organism, it is necessary to ensure the continuity of species
  7. Secrete Testosterone.
  8. Modified leaves forming the most obvious part of the flower.
  9. Secretes estrogen and progesterone.
  1. Male part of the flower.
  2. Produced in response to decrease blood glucose concentration.
  3. Involves the fusion of two gametes to form a zygote, producing genetically dissimilar offspring from two parents.
  4. Over production of thyroid hormones(Thyroxine
  5. Is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma
  6. Master gland of the body.
  7. Disease in which the body is unable to control its blood glucose concentration.
  8. Produce in response to increase blood glucose concentration.
  9. Chemical Substance produced in minute quatites by an endocrine system.
  10. Secretes thyroxine.
  11. Female part of the flower.

20 Clues: Secretes thyroxine.Secrete Testosterone.Male part of the flower.Master gland of the body.Female part of the flower.Secreted from the adrenaline gland.Secretes estrogen and progesterone.Over production of thyroid hormones(ThyroxineSpecial reproductive cells produce by meiosis.Regulates the secretion of some pituitary hormones....

Biology Summative Test 2013-01-10

Biology Summative Test crossword puzzle
  1. Female part of the flower.
  2. Regulates the secretion of some pituitary hormones.
  3. Male part of the flower.
  4. Special reproductive cells produce by meiosis.
  5. Produce in response to increase blood glucose concentration.
  6. Disease in which the body is unable to control its blood glucose concentration.
  7. Secretes estrogen and progesterone.
  8. Production of new organism, it is necessary to ensure the continuity of species
  9. Modified leaves forming the most obvious part of the flower.
  10. Produce genetically identical offspring from ONE PARENT by mitosis.
  11. Secretes thyroxine.
  1. Involves the fusion of two gametes to form a zygote, producing genetically dissimilar offspring from two parents.
  2. Over production of thyroid hormones(Thyroxine
  3. Secreted from the adrenaline gland.
  4. Chemical Substance produced in minute quatites by an endocrine system.
  5. Is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma
  6. Secrete Testosterone.
  7. Produced in response to decrease blood glucose concentration.
  8. Modified leaves which enclose and protect the other parts of the flower in the bud stage.
  9. Master gland of the body.

20 Clues: Secretes thyroxine.Secrete Testosterone.Male part of the flower.Master gland of the body.Female part of the flower.Secreted from the adrenaline gland.Secretes estrogen and progesterone.Over production of thyroid hormones(ThyroxineSpecial reproductive cells produce by meiosis.Regulates the secretion of some pituitary hormones....

Sustainable Living 2013-06-27

Sustainable Living crossword puzzle
  1. range of movement about a joint
  2. a simple sugar
  3. associated with heart disease
  4. defficiancy associated with lack of iron
  5. energy value of food
  6. related to the heart
  7. to maintain effectively
  8. an acid associated with high intensity exercise
  9. planned physical activity
  10. use when diet is inadequate
  11. substance added to foods to maintain shelf life
  12. a gimmick or idea based on no scientific evidence
  13. primary source of energy
  14. reccommended daily serves of each nutrient
  15. nutrient responsible for growth and repair of muscles
  16. disease associated with suagr levels
  17. keeping thing in equalibrium
  1. often found in sports drinks
  2. rate at which the body burns energy
  3. a diet lacking nutrients
  4. mineral you get from milk
  5. portion of food
  6. positive outcomes of a behaviour
  7. maximal force in one effort
  8. related to the lungs
  9. ability to repeat movements without fatigue
  10. important in hot weather
  11. eating disorder associated with body image
  12. with sufficent oxygen
  13. a combination of strength and speed

30 Clues: a simple sugarportion of foodenergy value of foodrelated to the heartrelated to the lungswith sufficent oxygento maintain effectivelya diet lacking nutrientsimportant in hot weatherprimary source of energymineral you get from milkplanned physical activitymaximal force in one effortuse when diet is inadequateoften found in sports drinks...

After Birth: complexity in early parenting_1 2014-09-30

After Birth: complexity in early parenting_1 crossword puzzle
  1. the name of the rule used to visually assess hyperbilirubinaemia
  2. process by which drugs pass from maternal plasma into breastmilk
  3. multiple birth
  4. blood pressure within expected range
  5. mixing of blood that occurs in the foetal heart
  6. a hormone that assists with milk production
  7. a preventable condition that increases the risk of PPH
  8. drug absorption will occur by this route
  9. hormone that facilitates the milk ejection reflex
  10. the number of hours by which the baby is dependent on glucose obtained from milk and own fat stores
  1. hot, red tender area on the breast
  2. postpartum delay in this increases risk of venous thromboembolism
  3. inadequate breast tissue present
  4. maternal condition that may delay initial onset of milk supply
  5. stores in breast milk are adequate for the first six months
  6. a symptom of hypothermia
  7. the type of fat found in healthy, term babies
  8. an alternate method of giving breastmilk
  9. a palpable bladder is a differential diagnosis for this condition
  10. anatomical structure located under the tongue

20 Clues: multiple birtha symptom of hypothermiainadequate breast tissue presenthot, red tender area on the breastblood pressure within expected rangean alternate method of giving breastmilkdrug absorption will occur by this routea hormone that assists with milk productionthe type of fat found in healthy, term babies...

Introductory nutrition 2014-08-05

Introductory nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. it is a nutrient which helps in building and repairing of body tissues
  2. one gram of portein provides ____ Kcal
  3. ________ consumption decreases absorption of iron
  4. vitamin C acts as an ______
  5. water regulates _____ temperature
  6. iodine helps in growth and ______ development of the body
  7. vitamin K is otherwise known as _______
  8. fluid that surrounds the foetus and acts as shock absorber
  9. the diabetes that occur in pregnant women which leads to high blood glucose level
  10. it is an iron deficiency
  11. it is a feeling of sickness to vomit
  12. source for vitamin D
  1. it is a source of omega-3 fatty acids
  2. hormone that stimulates ilk synthesis
  3. vitamin B12 is also known as __________
  4. a state in which simple substances are synthesized into complex materials of living tissue
  5. this mineral aids in healing of wounds
  6. organ that nourishes the foetus though umblical cord
  7. vitamin C helps in absorption of ________
  8. it is a source for vitamin E

20 Clues: source for vitamin Dit is an iron deficiencyvitamin C acts as an ______it is a source for vitamin Ewater regulates _____ temperatureit is a feeling of sickness to vomitit is a source of omega-3 fatty acidshormone that stimulates ilk synthesisone gram of portein provides ____ Kcalthis mineral aids in healing of wounds...

Medicines and Drugs 2015-03-06

Medicines and Drugs crossword puzzle
  1. Sniffed or inhaled to achieve a mind altering effect.
  2. Used to treat Diabetes.
  3. Unnecessary or impractical use of drugs.
  4. Substances that alter mood, thought, and sensory perceptions.
  5. Drugs that are used treat and prevent problems.
  6. A substance that changes a body's structure or mind.
  7. A synthetic substance meant to imitate hallucinogenics and other drugs.
  8. After the initial high, has side effects such as depression, fatigue, and paranoia
  9. Synthetic substances similar to testosterone.
  10. Drugs that speed up the central nervous system.
  1. prescribed for treating anxiety, sleeplessness, muscle spasms, and nervousness.
  2. Destroy disease causing microorganisms.
  3. Drugs that slow down the brain.
  4. Contains antibodies.
  5. The catagory of drugs containing stimulants, depressants, narcotics and hallucinogenics.
  6. Tasteless, odorless, colorless drugs that can easily slipped into a drink.
  7. The most sever form of drug dependence.
  8. Used to relieve pain and headaches.
  9. Injected into the body to prepare against a disease.
  10. Drugs that relieve pain and are available only by prescription.

20 Clues: Contains antibodies.Used to treat Diabetes.Drugs that slow down the brain.Used to relieve pain and headaches.Destroy disease causing microorganisms.The most sever form of drug dependence.Unnecessary or impractical use of drugs.Synthetic substances similar to testosterone.Drugs that are used treat and prevent problems....

Verwerkingsopdracht bundel "Voeding en stofwisseling". 2014-12-15

Verwerkingsopdracht bundel "Voeding en stofwisseling". crossword puzzle
  1. Geef een ander woord voor uitdroging.
  2. Het is een driehoekige klier van ongeveer 1.5 kg.
  3. Welke klier is de grootste in ons lichaam?
  4. Een vorm waardoor de weerstand tegen hitte, uitdroging en ontsmettingsstoffen van een bacterie verhoogt of stijgt
  5. Geef een ander woord voor enzyme.
  6. Reflux is het terugvloeien van ...?
  7. Glucose is de belangrijkste ... van alle lichaamscellen.
  8. Anorexiapatiënten willen voldoen aan een ...?
  9. Wat is het 1e symptoom bij uitdroging?
  1. Diabetesvoet = afwijking die kan leiden tot ...?
  2. Welk orgaantje ligt tussen de lever en het duodenum?
  3. Geef een symptoom bij boulimie.
  4. Van wat is 'beven' een symptoom bij diabetes?
  5. Geef een ander woord voor beven?
  6. BMI
  7. Immuunsysteem gaat reageren door antistoffen aan te maken.
  8. Oedeem is?
  9. Ernstige shockreactie bij overgevoeligheid.
  10. Geef een ander woord voor uitzaaiingen.
  11. Geef 1 zuurremmer.
  12. Geef een andere benaming voor nuchtere darm.
  13. Wat wordt er in de pancreas geproduceerd?
  14. Hoe heet de groep in de voedingsdriehoek die we helemaal niet nodig hebben?

23 Clues: BMIOedeem is?Geef 1 zuurremmer.Geef een symptoom bij boulimie.Geef een ander woord voor beven?Geef een ander woord voor enzyme.Reflux is het terugvloeien van ...?Geef een ander woord voor uitdroging.Wat is het 1e symptoom bij uitdroging?Geef een ander woord voor uitzaaiingen.Wat wordt er in de pancreas geproduceerd?...

Verwerkingsopdracht bundel "Voeding en stofwisseling". 2014-12-15

Verwerkingsopdracht bundel "Voeding en stofwisseling". crossword puzzle
  1. Geef een symptoom bij boulimie.
  2. Geef een ander woord voor uitzaaiingen.
  3. Diabetesvoet = afwijking die kan leiden tot ...?
  4. Van wat is 'beven' een symptoom bij diabetes?
  5. Ernstige shockreactie bij overgevoeligheid.
  6. Glucose is de belangrijkste ... van alle lichaamscellen.
  7. Geef een ander woord voor enzyme.
  8. Een vorm waardoor de weerstand tegen hitte, uitdroging en ontsmettingsstoffen van een bacterie verhoogt of stijgt
  9. Geef een ander woord voor uitdroging.
  10. Geef 1 zuurremmer.
  11. Welke klier is de grootste in ons lichaam?
  12. Wat wordt er in de pancreas geproduceerd?
  1. Wat is het 1e symptoom bij uitdroging?
  2. Reflux is het terugvloeien van ...?
  3. Geef een andere benaming voor nuchtere darm.
  4. BMI
  5. Immuunsysteem gaat reageren door antistoffen aan te maken.
  6. Welk orgaantje ligt tussen de lever en het duodenum?
  7. Oedeem is?
  8. Het is een driehoekige klier van ongeveer 1.5 kg.
  9. Anorexiapatiënten willen voldoen aan een ...?
  10. Geef een ander woord voor beven?
  11. Hoe heet de groep in de voedingsdriehoek die we helemaal niet nodig hebben?

23 Clues: BMIOedeem is?Geef 1 zuurremmer.Geef een symptoom bij boulimie.Geef een ander woord voor beven?Geef een ander woord voor enzyme.Reflux is het terugvloeien van ...?Geef een ander woord voor uitdroging.Wat is het 1e symptoom bij uitdroging?Geef een ander woord voor uitzaaiingen.Wat wordt er in de pancreas geproduceerd?...

immunology fun 2015-04-15

immunology fun crossword puzzle
  1. SLAM-associated protein
  2. HPL___: method used for Hb fractions
  3. used to chart trends
  4. LU
  5. biopsy needle
  6. result correlates with activation of T &/or B cells
  7. membrane associated glycoprotein found in stem cells
  8. MQ
  9. K562 cell
  10. to credit a test in cerner
  11. used in manual cell counts
  12. syndrome characterized by defects in lymphocyte apoptosis
  13. radioisotope used in NK test
  14. also known as forkhead BoxP3
  15. RPMI without FBS
  16. IFN, TNF AND il4
  1. AMR
  2. oxidative burst assay may detect this disease
  3. blind proficiency
  4. intravascular hemolysis is a prominent clinical feature of this disease
  5. heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
  6. a canto weekly setup procedure
  7. PHA
  8. CD4 positive memory cells that produce the cytokine IL17A
  9. Venom from this snake used in special coagulation
  10. this intracellular protein causes WAS
  11. can be used as an index of diabetes control
  12. this cell could be in a mystery novel
  13. expressed in cytoplasmic granules of CTLs and NKs
  14. hematology oncology

30 Clues: LUMQAMRPHAK562 cellbiopsy needleRPMI without FBSIFN, TNF AND il4blind proficiencyhematology oncologyused to chart trendsSLAM-associated proteinto credit a test in cernerused in manual cell countsradioisotope used in NK testalso known as forkhead BoxP3a canto weekly setup procedureheparin-induced thrombocytopeniaHPL___: method used for Hb fractions...

Birthday Crossword 2018-05-22

Birthday Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. false statements
  2. enchanted item in Beauty and the Beast
  3. Brazilian dish paired with chicken
  4. 1917 explosion locale
  5. an unkindness as a group
  6. glide on ice
  7. Mexican street food
  8. bergamot tea
  9. transformed to Cinderella’s horses
  10. Rideau street locale
  11. youngest of the “Four Horsemen”
  12. snack for an Aztec
  13. can be flavoured with peanuts or coconut
  14. Rachel Remen curriculum
  15. a Francophone favourite
  16. sugar related disorder
  17. fuzzy fruit
  18. hidden
  19. cryptic question
  20. Venus de ____
  21. word after smart or sugar
  22. paired with LOL
  1. Florida Keys fruit
  2. Cogsworth's companion
  3. hot beverage or beach
  4. beauty
  5. sly animal
  6. CF-105 Arrow
  7. item in February’s mail
  8. day of resurrection
  9. frozen dessert
  10. Mozart's Eine ____
  11. found at Peggy’s point
  12. molded plaster
  13. sushi or syndrome
  14. written work
  15. debut album was "Ten"
  16. communal dipping dish
  17. formed in Liverpool in 1960
  18. old fashioned ingredient
  19. antonym to accord
  20. bread container
  21. feminine instrument
  22. silk case

44 Clues: beautyhiddensilk casesly animalfuzzy fruitCF-105 Arrowglide on icebergamot teawritten workVenus de ____frozen dessertmolded plasterbread containerpaired with LOLfalse statementscryptic questionsushi or syndromeantonym to accordFlorida Keys fruitMozart's Eine ____snack for an Aztecday of resurrectionMexican street foodfeminine instrument...

Look at this, kids 2018-10-10

Look at this, kids crossword puzzle
  1. _______ were allowed to vote in 1919 (136-145)
  2. gets poached for its ivory tusks (350-353)
  3. shot malala in the head (115-116)
  4. humanity (65-66)
  5. sugar rush (202-207)
  6. a fluid put in to you, so you don't get sick (231-269)
  7. one of Africa's deadliest disease (256-260)
  8. dying because of Global Warming (365-367,386-389)
  9. Theodore Roosevelt had it (260-268)
  10. a bad germ (270-282)
  11. the author (duh)
  12. Eagle The bird of the USA (358-360)
  1. a disease spread to people through mosquitoes (27-28)
  2. has plants in it (333-334)
  3. a doctor found this in a Petri Dish (271-272)
  4. Magic Johnson had it (232-234)
  5. Gamble (279-280)
  6. got shot in the head on a bus (116)
  7. they would kill animals for their skin and ivory (361-362)
  8. gets poached for its horns, people think its horns are used for medicine (367-369)

20 Clues: Gamble (279-280)humanity (65-66)the author (duh)sugar rush (202-207)a bad germ (270-282)has plants in it (333-334)Magic Johnson had it (232-234)shot malala in the head (115-116)got shot in the head on a bus (116)Theodore Roosevelt had it (260-268)Eagle The bird of the USA (358-360)gets poached for its ivory tusks (350-353)...

Med Term Endocrine System 2022-04-06

Med Term Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. divided into anterior and posterior lobes
  2. what the thymus gland acts as a part of
  3. these act on ovary and testis
  4. surgical removal of the pituitary gland
  5. any disease of the adrenal gland
  6. gland that secretes cortisol and aldosterone
  7. gigantism and acromegaly result from excess of this hormone
  8. Hormones produced by many tissues that, among other effects, promote inflammation
  9. where insulin is produced
  10. a sign of diabetes mellitus
  11. secreted by posterior pituitary
  1. parathyroid hormone increases this in the blood
  2. enlargement of the thyroid gland
  3. Addison disease and Cushing syndrome involve the
  4. what insulin and glucagon regulate
  5. where the adrenal glands are located near
  6. total underactivity of the pituitary gland
  7. hormone that acts on adrenal cortex
  8. endocrines secrete this
  9. small gland in the brain that regulates sleep cycles
  10. disease that affects water balance
  11. controls pituitary gland
  12. disease that is an autoimmune hyperthyroidism
  13. secreted by posterior pituitary
  14. thyroid hormones contain this element
  15. T3 and T4 are forms of this type of hormone

26 Clues: endocrines secrete thiscontrols pituitary glandwhere insulin is produceda sign of diabetes mellitusthese act on ovary and testissecreted by posterior pituitarysecreted by posterior pituitaryenlargement of the thyroid glandany disease of the adrenal glandwhat insulin and glucagon regulatedisease that affects water balance...

Tongkrongan rumah pak Didi 2021-11-29

Tongkrongan rumah pak Didi crossword puzzle
  1. , yang biasa sandi Paul renas makan sebelum kerumah pakdidi
  2. , benda yang jadi korban amukan renas
  3. , yang dimakan Paul bareng kalian semua dan ia menyesal makan itu
  4. , dia tukang bohong tapi murah senyum dan ga ad yang mau sekamar ma dia
  5. , hal yang terdengar dari seseorang ketika habis pembahasan
  6. ,diajak nongkrong susahnya kaya diajakmati
  7. , benda yang dimainkan sandi n Paul tapi ga pernah barengan maininya
  8. , pakaiannya rapih ,mantan , beda keyakinan
  9. , penyakit yang renas lontarin ke Paul
  10. , negara yang ingin di kunjungi renas bersama Dimas Paul
  11. , yang sudah dilupakan , dia suka Conan , baru dia yang kalian tau
  1. , coklat , berdiri , latip takut
  2. , Paul,putri ,lagu
  3. , renas dengan mantan bassis are (sebut saja bangsat)
  4. , yang keluar menggeliat , ditarik mama , obat
  5. , cuma ad Paul dan latip yang ngeliat dia liat papan nama yang lulus masuk SMA
  6. , yang menjadi judul lagu Jamrud
  7. , cair ,gelas ,instan
  8. ,Abang Abang , 02.00 , Paul kabur
  9. , kuning , pelajaran ,anak2
  10. , yang pertama dan terakhir hingga saat ini

21 Clues: , Paul,putri ,lagu, cair ,gelas ,instan, kuning , pelajaran ,anak2, coklat , berdiri , latip takut, yang menjadi judul lagu Jamrud,Abang Abang , 02.00 , Paul kabur, benda yang jadi korban amukan renas, penyakit yang renas lontarin ke Paul,diajak nongkrong susahnya kaya diajakmati, pakaiannya rapih ,mantan , beda keyakinan...

Nutritional Concerns during Adulthood 2022-04-28

Nutritional Concerns during Adulthood crossword puzzle
  1. age 19-59
  2. elders don’t get enough because of immobility and bladder control
  3. sharing meals with_will help healthy eating
  4. helps maintain weight loss and muscle mass
  5. caloric needs are lower for__
  6. cholesterol what health concern can develop from saturated fat?
  7. energy in = energy out
  8. 2 diabetes what health concern can develop from sugar
  9. prevent lean meat muscle mass loss
  10. illness a disease that lasts a while and may get worse over time
  11. needed to maintain bone strength and aid blood clotting
  12. what health concern can develop from sodium?
  13. half more than_of adults are living with chronic illness
  1. age 60 and over
  2. loss energy in < energy out
  3. grains what grain subgroup is mostly being over consumed
  4. lack of proper nutrition caused by not eating enough
  5. d sun light, fatty fish(salmon), spinach
  6. gain energy in > energy out
  7. aids digestion and lowers cholesterol
  8. supplemental nutrition assistance program
  9. B12 supplements recommended but also found in protein and dairy
  10. disease chronic illness caused from high cholesterol and saturated fat
  11. aid fluid balance within body
  12. limit one drink rarely

25 Clues: age 19-59age 60 and overenergy in = energy outlimit one drink rarelyloss energy in < energy outgain energy in > energy outcaloric needs are lower for__aid fluid balance within bodyprevent lean meat muscle mass lossaids digestion and lowers cholesterold sun light, fatty fish(salmon), spinachsupplemental nutrition assistance program...

Nervous System and Endocrine System 2022-03-04

Nervous System and Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. male reproductive gland
  2. ENLARGEMENT of the thyroid because it cannot produce thyroxin
  3. Automatic response to a stimulus that does not require conscious thought
  4. the specialized cells that make up the nervous system
  5. the center of respiration, heartbeat, and other involuntary activities.
  6. (PROTEIN chemicals) are released into the synapse
  7. female reporductive gland
  8. usually release their secretions (hormones) directly into the blood.
  9. Nerve cells send chemical messages between this space to communicate to each other
  10. disease in which the pancreas does not produce insulin to lower blood sugar levels
  1. “Master Gland” - Controls activities of other glands
  2. the largest region of the human brain. The center of thinking, memory, emotions.
  3. Carries messages from the cell body to the axon terminals
  4. regulates the body's metabolism.
  5. Fibers that receive messages from other neurons
  6. secretes the hormone adrenaline
  7. responsible for coordination of muscles and is the center of balance
  8. glands secrete subtances called
  9. the control center of the central nervous system
  10. Secretes the hormone melatonin

20 Clues: male reproductive glandfemale reporductive glandSecretes the hormone melatoninsecretes the hormone adrenalineglands secrete subtances calledregulates the body's metabolism.Fibers that receive messages from other neuronsthe control center of the central nervous system(PROTEIN chemicals) are released into the synapse...

Health 2023-11-28

Health crossword puzzle
  1. The doctor who examines the death and complete the certificate of death
  2. A person who helps the doctor
  3. Protect skin from sunburn and skin cancer
  4. When your tooth hurts
  5. Pills or capsules that support your immune system
  6. A person who treats patients with diseases of the heart and the blood vessels
  7. they allow your body to inhale oxygen and exhale
  8. when your head hurts
  9. Problems with breathing
  10. The doctor who provides routine prenatal care to people who are pregnant
  1. when you cut yourself it starts …
  2. When you are very cold
  3. When blue or purple mark appears on your body it’s called
  4. bean shaped organs responsible for filtrating blood
  5. A medical doctor who specializes in mental health
  6. An infection of the lungs
  7. A person who takes care of animals
  8. When body doesn’t make enough insulin or can’t use it as well as it should
  9. Medication to lose pain
  10. to suddenly become unconscious for a short time, usually falling down
  11. when your back hurts

21 Clues: when your back hurtswhen your head hurtsWhen your tooth hurtsWhen you are very coldMedication to lose painProblems with breathingAn infection of the lungsA person who helps the doctorwhen you cut yourself it starts …A person who takes care of animalsProtect skin from sunburn and skin cancerthey allow your body to inhale oxygen and exhale...

kesehatan dan olahraga 2024-01-08

kesehatan dan olahraga crossword puzzle
  1. pukulan melambung tinggi dan jauh pada bulutangkis
  2. teknik dasar mengoper bola basket
  3. lomba lari beregu secara bergantian
  4. organ bagian tubuh yang mengatur keseimbangan dan koordinasi pikiran manusia
  5. pukulan bola yang dilakukan dari daerah belakang garis lapangan melampaui net ke daerah lawan
  6. latihan mental yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kesehatan pikiran
  7. gangguan mental yang memengaruhi perasaan, cara berpikir dan bertindak
  8. Kebiasaan yang berkontribusi pada penyakit jantung dan tekanan darah tinggi
  9. contohnya seperti pencak silat dan karate
  10. istilah medis untuk peradangan pada paru-paru
  1. permainan olahraga dari india
  2. Kondisi di mana tulang menjadi rapuh dan rentan patah
  3. hadiah berupa logam yang dapat dikalungkan
  4. alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur suhu tubuh manusia
  5. seni bela diri dari korea yang melibatkan tendangan tinggi dan pukulan
  6. trofi
  7. kelainan di mana tubuh tidak dapat menghasilkan cukup insulin
  8. asal permainan olahraga bola golf
  9. Aktivitas fisik yang membantu memperkuat otot dan meningkatkan kesehatan jantung
  10. organ bagian tubuh yang bertanggung jawab mengatur pernapasan

20 Clues: trofipermainan olahraga dari indiateknik dasar mengoper bola basketasal permainan olahraga bola golflomba lari beregu secara bergantiancontohnya seperti pencak silat dan karatehadiah berupa logam yang dapat dikalungkanistilah medis untuk peradangan pada paru-parupukulan melambung tinggi dan jauh pada bulutangkis...

Medication Madness 2024-02-29

Medication Madness crossword puzzle
  1. a beta-blocker that affects the heart and circulation
  2. diuretic that is used to treat edema in people with CHF and lower blood pressure
  3. antihistamine that is also used to treat anxiety
  4. generic name for this medication is liraglutide
  5. brand names for this medication are CaroSpir and Aldactone
  6. brand name for this medication is Benadryl
  7. an SSRI antidepressant
  8. used to treat blood clots (DVTs and Pulmonary Embolisms)
  9. this medication helps lower blood glucose levels in people with diabetes
  10. helps treat nerve pain
  1. a muscle relaxer
  2. Slows production of cholesterol to reduce risk of heart attack or stroke
  3. helps to treat hypothyroidism
  4. an antidepressant that is also used to treat insomnia
  5. ProAir and Ventolin are brand names for this medication
  6. treats patients with high triglycerides
  7. you would take this medication if you have GERD
  8. a calcium channel blocker that helps lower blood pressure
  9. generic name for an ACE inhibitor that is used to treat high blood pressure
  10. brand name for this medication is Cozaar

20 Clues: a muscle relaxeran SSRI antidepressanthelps treat nerve painhelps to treat hypothyroidismtreats patients with high triglyceridesbrand name for this medication is Cozaarbrand name for this medication is Benadrylgeneric name for this medication is liraglutideyou would take this medication if you have GERD...

Spanish Vocab 2023-11-02

Spanish Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. British people like to have these on toast
  2. Eating a lot of these can give you diabetes
  3. This along with ketchup is commonly put on hotdogs
  4. Green _ and ham
  5. This egg based sauce is not well liked
  6. This green crunchy vegetable doesn’t have much flavor
  7. People call this a vegetable despite it being a fruit
  8. Spanish people eat 12 of these before new years
  9. Popeye eats this
  10. Often in cube form, this is very fattening
  1. A product that comes from killing animals
  2. A thick yellow oil found commonly in Italian food
  3. This spice along with pepper is commonly put on food
  4. This looks like an apple bu isn’t an apple
  5. This gives you bad breath
  6. The first thing you get in PVZ shoots this
  7. A green and red summer fruit
  8. A sugary breakfast meal
  9. This uses fermentation to be made, is very popular in Greece
  10. This has many layers

20 Clues: Green _ and hamPopeye eats thisThis has many layersA sugary breakfast mealThis gives you bad breathA green and red summer fruitThis egg based sauce is not well likedA product that comes from killing animalsBritish people like to have these on toastThis looks like an apple bu isn’t an appleThe first thing you get in PVZ shoots this...

Sellos de advertencia 2021-10-16

Sellos de advertencia crossword puzzle
  1. Grasas industrializadas que no se deberían consumir
  2. Provoca caries y diabetes
  3. Elemento químico con el que se produce la sal
  1. En exceso elevan los triglicéridos
  2. Se queman a través del ejercicio

5 Clues: Provoca caries y diabetesSe queman a través del ejercicioEn exceso elevan los triglicéridosElemento químico con el que se produce la salGrasas industrializadas que no se deberían consumir

HeartPlus Review Crossword 2013-04-25

HeartPlus Review Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Eating right and exercising can almost always ensure you have good ______?
  2. These Are Fods A Person Eats To Obtain or Maintain a Feeling?
  3. This is Good Cholestoral
  4. This drug stimulates the central nervous system.
  5. The feeling of hunger caused by emotions?
  6. These are diets that usually do not work and gain popularity and quickly die.
  7. A Small Calcium Deposit In The Kidney
  1. What is a healthy total cholestoral?
  2. This Increases your Risk of Kidney Disease
  3. This Type of Diabetes is where the body does not produce insulin?
  4. An Autoimmune Disorder That Affects the brain and spinal cord?
  5. This helps regulate our blood sugar
  6. What Is The Size of Our Kidneys?
  7. These snack are not bad for you health.
  8. This Is Necessary For The Body To Be Able To Use Glucose For Energy?
  9. This Organ Removes Waste From The Body
  10. This is Bad Cholestoral

17 Clues: This is Bad CholestoralThis is Good CholestoralWhat Is The Size of Our Kidneys?This helps regulate our blood sugarWhat is a healthy total cholestoral?A Small Calcium Deposit In The KidneyThis Organ Removes Waste From The BodyThese snack are not bad for you health.The feeling of hunger caused by emotions?This Increases your Risk of Kidney Disease...

els urinewegstelsel 2014-05-25

els urinewegstelsel crossword puzzle
  1. bij leverproblemen is de kleur van urine ...
  2. normale urine is doorzichtig en ...
  3. urine heeft een sterkte scherpe geur, wanneer ze te lang in contact komt met de ...
  4. er is urine aanwezig, maar je kan niet plassen, dit is ...
  5. pijnlijk en moeilijk urineren noemen we ...
  6. meer dan 2 liter/24u plassen noemen we ...
  7. urine heeft een donkergele kleur bij te ... urineproductie.
  1. minder dan 50 ml/24u plassen noemen we ...
  2. bij infectie heeft de urine een sterke ...
  3. vaak kleine beetjes plassen noemen we ...
  4. als de urine een zoete appelgeur heeft, kan de zorgvrager ... hebben.
  5. als urine te lang blootgesteld wordt aan de lucht, wordt deze troebel en noemen we dit ...
  6. minder dan 500 ml/24u plassen noemen we ...
  7. normale urine heeft een ... kleur.
  8. 's nachts vaak plassen noemen we ...
  9. als er etter in urine aanwezig is, ziet de urine er ... uit.
  10. als er bloed in urine zit, is de kleur van urine ...

17 Clues: normale urine heeft een ... kleur.normale urine is doorzichtig en ...'s nachts vaak plassen noemen we ...vaak kleine beetjes plassen noemen we ...minder dan 50 ml/24u plassen noemen we ...bij infectie heeft de urine een sterke ...meer dan 2 liter/24u plassen noemen we ...minder dan 500 ml/24u plassen noemen we ......

Biologia 2015-02-26

Biologia crossword puzzle
  1. Se ramifica en las arterias coronarias.
  2. Celulas esfericas que ayudan a la coagulacion.
  3. Arteriolas se vuelven mas anchas.
  4. Salen del corazon.
  5. Tipo de neurona.
  6. Inespecifica Proporcionan proteccion general e inmediata ante patogenos, toxinas o cancerigenos.
  7. Van hacia el corazon.
  8. Cardiaco El tejido cardiaco se contrae por si mismo sin ser estimulado por ningún medio.
  9. blancos Se especializan en defender el cuerpo.
  1. Sustancia extraña que estimula la formación de anticuerpos, puede ser una bacteria, un patógeno, un hongo o proteína de un virus.
  2. Se encargan de producir hormonas.
  3. Equilibrio interno del cuerpo.
  4. Productos quimicos producidos por microorganismos para matar o controlar el crecimiento de otros organismos.
  5. Pulmonar Proceso mediante el cual se lleva aire fresco a los pulmones y se remueve el aire.
  6. Pequeñas contracciones de los musculos esqueleticos.
  7. Parte mas pequeña de los pulmones.
  8. 1 Diabetes que aparece por lo general en la infancia.

17 Clues: Tipo de neurona.Salen del corazon.Van hacia el corazon.Equilibrio interno del cuerpo.Se encargan de producir hormonas.Arteriolas se vuelven mas anchas.Parte mas pequeña de los pulmones.Se ramifica en las arterias coronarias.Celulas esfericas que ayudan a la coagulacion.blancos Se especializan en defender el cuerpo....

First Aid 2016-05-16

First Aid crossword puzzle
  1. A shock sent to the heart to restore the quality of life
  2. dangerously low blood sugar levels
  3. Emergency response guideline
  4. A severe and sudden allergic reaction
  5. A medical condition caused by extreme cold
  6. A in DRSABCD
  7. Used to alleviate signs of depression, anxiety and insomnia
  8. A condition whereby breathing difficulties are experienced due to constriction of the airways in the lungs
  9. The acronym used once there is no threat to life
  10. Which sling is used for an arm, shoulder, or collarbone injury
  11. Caused by sudden loss of blood to the brain
  1. CPR
  2. No head tilt required for CPR treatment
  3. The abbreviation for asking a casualty questions
  4. One aim of First Aid is to _____ life
  5. Full breath given from the lungs in CPR is for
  6. A condition where the body is unable to produce or regulate insulin

17 Clues: CPRA in DRSABCDEmergency response guidelinedangerously low blood sugar levelsOne aim of First Aid is to _____ lifeA severe and sudden allergic reactionNo head tilt required for CPR treatmentA medical condition caused by extreme coldCaused by sudden loss of blood to the brainFull breath given from the lungs in CPR is for...

Homeostasis 2019-03-11

Homeostasis crossword puzzle
  1. nerves that feeds back to the co-ordinating centre
  2. regulation of glucose is an example of this feedback loop
  3. hormone released in response to high sugar
  4. organ that produces urine
  5. a chemical that crosses a junction between to nerves to communicate a signal
  6. coordination centre for thermoregulation
  7. stored in the liver as a form of glucose
  8. hormone released to increase water reuptake
  9. an action that is performed without conscious thought as a response to a stimulus
  1. a junction between nerves
  2. widening of the arterioles to allow increased blood flow to capillaries
  3. medical condition in which blood glucose is not adequately controlled
  4. the method in which chemicals cross the gap between nerves
  5. gland responsible for the regulation of sugar
  6. hormone released in response to low glucose levels
  7. organ that holds/stores urine
  8. organ that glycogenesis occurs in

17 Clues: a junction between nervesorgan that produces urineorgan that holds/stores urineorgan that glycogenesis occurs incoordination centre for thermoregulationstored in the liver as a form of glucosehormone released in response to high sugarhormone released to increase water reuptakegland responsible for the regulation of sugar...

Disorders of the Endocrine System 2019-01-23

Disorders of the Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. inadequate thyroid hormone secretion in adults.
  2. deficiency of glucose in the bloodstream.
  3. condition where the body doesn't make enough parathyroid hormone.
  4. lack of hormones produced by adrenal gland(Addisons disease).
  5. repeated hypersecretion of glucocorticoids(Cushing's syndrome).
  6. abnormally high concentration of parathyroid hormone in the blood(rickets).
  7. genetic disorder that makes XY fetuses unresponsive to male hormones.
  8. substance used to increase muscle mass.
  9. disorder where the adrenal gland releases too much of the hormone aldosterone into the blood.
  10. autoimmune problem which causes the thyroid to overproduce(Grave's disease).
  11. excess of androgens produced in the ovaries.
  12. slow or flat rate of growth in children.
  1. depression related to changes in seasons.
  2. an excess of glucose in the bloodstream(diabetes mellitus).
  3. hormones made by the hypothalamus in the brain and stored in the posterior pituitary gland.
  4. abnormal growth patterns(acromegaly).
  5. abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland.

17 Clues: abnormal growth patterns(acromegaly).substance used to increase muscle mass.slow or flat rate of growth in children.depression related to changes in seasons.deficiency of glucose in the bloodstream.abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland.excess of androgens produced in the ovaries.inadequate thyroid hormone secretion in adults....

Citologia/introdução a biologia e níveis de organização 2022-03-29

Citologia/introdução a biologia e níveis de organização crossword puzzle
  1. Duas das 7 características básicas para caracterizar algo vivo
  2. Apresenta material genético disperso no citoplasma
  3. A área que estuda a vida e suas manifestações
  4. Estrutura obrigatória para a composição de uma célula
  5. Estrutura rígida que confere forma e proteção a célula eucarionte vegetal
  6. Ciência que estuda a forma, função e composição celular
  7. Produzida pela bactéria Clostridium butolinum, usada para tratamento de Hiperidrose
  1. Formado a partir da junção de várias células da mesma forma e com a mesma função.
  2. Ser vivo formado por apenas uma célula
  3. Menor unidade biológica
  4. Primeiro homem a visualizar uma célula vegetal no microscópio
  5. Organismo que representa o grupo das células procariontes
  6. Estrutura presente apenas nas células eucariontes
  7. Reprodução com troca de material genético
  8. Produzida para tratamento da diabetes graças a biotecnologia
  9. Substância produzida que serve para prevenir doenças produzidas a partir de microrganismos atenuados
  10. Área da ciência que estuda os animais

17 Clues: Menor unidade biológicaÁrea da ciência que estuda os animaisSer vivo formado por apenas uma célulaReprodução com troca de material genéticoA área que estuda a vida e suas manifestaçõesEstrutura presente apenas nas células eucariontesApresenta material genético disperso no citoplasmaEstrutura obrigatória para a composição de uma célula...

B5 Hormones 2024-06-17

B5 Hormones crossword puzzle
  1. The type of diabetes when the body stops producing enough insulin.
  2. What hormones causes the uterus lining to remain thick?
  3. What gland secretes the hormone testosterone?
  4. A barrier method of contraception stops the egg from meeting the ........?
  5. The liver turns glucose into ........ to lower your blood glucose levels?
  6. What gland is also know as the 'master gland?'
  7. Hormones travel around the body in the.....
  1. What is the process of the egg being released?
  2. The pancreas detects changes in blood ........ levels.
  3. What gland produces oestrogen and progesterone?
  4. What gland releases the hormone insulin?
  5. What hormone causes the uterus lining to be thickened?
  6. What system is made up of glands?
  7. What hormone does the thyroid gland secrete?
  8. What glands secrete the hormone adrenaline?
  9. An example of a barrier method of contraception.
  10. The hormone the causes the egg to mature.

17 Clues: What system is made up of glands?What gland releases the hormone insulin?The hormone the causes the egg to mature.What glands secrete the hormone adrenaline?Hormones travel around the body in the.....What hormone does the thyroid gland secrete?What gland secretes the hormone testosterone?What is the process of the egg being released?...

Trastornos 2023-09-24

Trastornos crossword puzzle
  1. Hormona producida por el páncreas; regula la cantidad de glucosa en la sangre
  2. Se regresa el contenido del estómago por el esófago
  3. Conjunto de alimentos y platillos que se consumen cada día
  4. Conjunto de procesos involucrados en la obtención, asimilación y metabolismo de los nutrimentos
  5. Descomponer de alimentos en el cuerpo; mecánica y química
  6. Grasa tapa las arterias, causado por LDL
  7. Conjunto de reacciones químicas celulares para convertir alimentos en energía
  8. Exceso de tejido adiposo que causa comorbilidades
  1. Desequilibrio de lípidos
  2. Inflamación de la mucosa del estómago
  3. Acto de retener nutrientes de alimentos; pasa en el intestino delgado
  4. Presión arterial alta
  5. Conjunto de procesos biológicos, psicológicos y sociales relacionados con la ingestión de alimentos
  6. Dieta con enfoque en granos enteros, verduras y grasas saludables
  7. Enfermedad metabólica crónica caracterizada por niveles elevados de glucosa en sangre
  8. Azúcar simple
  9. Dieta baja en sodio

17 Clues: Azúcar simpleDieta baja en sodioPresión arterial altaDesequilibrio de lípidosInflamación de la mucosa del estómagoGrasa tapa las arterias, causado por LDLExceso de tejido adiposo que causa comorbilidadesSe regresa el contenido del estómago por el esófagoDescomponer de alimentos en el cuerpo; mecánica y química...