diabetes Crossword Puzzles

ZAT ADITIF 2024-09-14

ZAT ADITIF crossword puzzle
  1. zat aditif ini jika dikonsumsi secara berlebihan bisa menyebabkan penyakit sindrom restoran china (chinese restaurant syndrome)
  2. pemanis buatan dengan manis mencapai 200 kali gula
  3. contoh pemberi aroma alami
  4. zat aditif yang berfungsi untuk menghambat perkembangan mikroorganisme pada makanan
  5. zat aditif yang berfungsi mempertahankan penyebaran lemak dalam air
  6. di dalam minuman berkarbonasi atau minuman soda sering ditambahkan zat pengawet
  7. agar-agar, tapioka, dan gelatin merupakan zat aditif yang berfungsi untuk
  8. Pemanis buatan dengan rasa manis mencapai 20.000 kali gula
  1. pengental alami yang berasal dari tubuh hewan
  2. zat yang ditambahkan ke dalam makanan
  3. pemanis buatan dengan rasa manis mencapai 300 kali gula
  4. pewarna kuning alami
  5. asam benzoat,natrium benzoat merupakan zat aditif
  6. zat pengemulsi yang terdapat pada kuning telur
  7. penyakit penyebab mengonsumsi gula secara berlebihan
  8. 120mg/kg berat badan merupakan batas maksimal kita mengonsumsi
  9. MSG merupakan zat aditif makanan yang berfungsi sebagai
  10. pemanis buatan yang memiliki kalori rendah tetapi tingkat kemanisan tinggi
  11. di dalam mayonaise dan mentega terdapat zat pengemulsi yang bernama
  12. pemanis buatan dengan manis mencapai 50 kali gula

20 Clues: pewarna kuning alamicontoh pemberi aroma alamizat yang ditambahkan ke dalam makananpengental alami yang berasal dari tubuh hewanzat pengemulsi yang terdapat pada kuning telurasam benzoat,natrium benzoat merupakan zat aditifpemanis buatan dengan manis mencapai 50 kali gulapemanis buatan dengan manis mencapai 200 kali gula...

Curing Hiccups 2024-05-02

Curing Hiccups crossword puzzle
  1. Drink water, eat sweets, hold breath may ____ hiccups
  2. Eating large meal, drinks, stress, temp change cause
  3. Think of the last spotted ______ you saw (old saying).
  1. Vague nerve irritation, alcohol, drugs, diabetes cause
  2. Massages, meds, implanted devices are other _______.
  3. Body focuses on getting rid of this/hiccups stop

6 Clues: Body focuses on getting rid of this/hiccups stopMassages, meds, implanted devices are other _______.Eating large meal, drinks, stress, temp change causeDrink water, eat sweets, hold breath may ____ hiccupsVague nerve irritation, alcohol, drugs, diabetes causeThink of the last spotted ______ you saw (old saying).

Gangrene 2024-03-11

Gangrene crossword puzzle
  1. ___discoloration is a prominent sign of gangrene
  2. smell of gangrene is typically ___
  3. Patients are recommended to _____ regularly and diet to prevent gangrene
  1. patients with this condition are at a higher risk
  2. One treatment for gangrene involves removal of dead ____
  3. dead tissue due to lack of blood supply

6 Clues: smell of gangrene is typically ___dead tissue due to lack of blood supply___discoloration is a prominent sign of gangrenepatients with this condition are at a higher riskOne treatment for gangrene involves removal of dead ____Patients are recommended to _____ regularly and diet to prevent gangrene

habits 2017-05-04

habits crossword puzzle
  1. The practice of reading ………………. on food packaging gives information on the food.
  2. Unhealthy dietary habits cause ……………….
  1. Excess intake of sugar cause ………………
  2. A healthy diet is eating according to food .........................
  3. We need to take ....................... in our diet to prevent constipation.
  4. Excess intake of …………………….. cause high blood pressure.

6 Clues: Excess intake of sugar cause ………………Unhealthy dietary habits cause ……………….Excess intake of …………………….. cause high blood pressure.A healthy diet is eating according to food .........................We need to take ....................... in our diet to prevent constipation....

Jason Quiz🙃 2022-02-25

Jason Quiz🙃 crossword puzzle
  1. what happens when you eat to much sugar or stuff yourself with it?
  2. what Important stuff does your body need?
  3. What does everybody have to take?
  4. What is bad for your body?
  1. where do the most people eat
  2. It is sweet and it is a vegetable

6 Clues: What is bad for your body?where do the most people eatWhat does everybody have to take?It is sweet and it is a vegetablewhat Important stuff does your body need?what happens when you eat to much sugar or stuff yourself with it?

SweetBlood 2023-10-09

SweetBlood crossword puzzle
  1. what does luci want to know so much about?
  2. luci was diagnosed with this?
  3. who is Luci’s Doctor?
  1. what did luci get taken away by her parents, that she was always on?
  2. who does luci really like from school?
  3. fiction what genre is the book SweetBlood?

6 Clues: who is Luci’s Doctor?luci was diagnosed with this?who does luci really like from school?what does luci want to know so much about?fiction what genre is the book SweetBlood?what did luci get taken away by her parents, that she was always on?

Homeostasis 2019-03-11

Homeostasis crossword puzzle
  1. organ that glycogenesis occurs in
  2. regulation of glucose is an example of this feedback loop
  3. widening of the arterioles to allow increased blood flow to capillaries
  4. organ that holds/stores urine
  5. the method in which chemicals cross the gap between nerves
  6. a junction between nerves
  7. coordination centre for thermoregulation
  8. hormone released in response to high sugar
  9. organ that produces urine
  1. an action that is performed without conscious thought as a response to a stimulus
  2. hormone released in response to low glucose levels
  3. gland responsible for the regulation of sugar
  4. a chemical that crosses a junction between to nerves to communicate a signal
  5. medical condition in which blood glucose is not adequately controlled
  6. hormone released to increase water reuptake
  7. stored in the liver as a form of glucose
  8. nerves that feeds back to the co-ordinating centre

17 Clues: a junction between nervesorgan that produces urineorgan that holds/stores urineorgan that glycogenesis occurs instored in the liver as a form of glucosecoordination centre for thermoregulationhormone released in response to high sugarhormone released to increase water reuptakegland responsible for the regulation of sugar...

Medical Terminology (Common Diagnoses) 2020-12-22

Medical Terminology (Common Diagnoses) crossword puzzle
  1. inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes often caused by a respiratory infection
  2. the flexible tissue at the ends of bones wears down
  3. widespread muscle pain and tenderness
  4. a group of diseases that results in high glucose levels
  5. infection in any part of the urinary system (kidneys, bladder, urethra)
  6. high blood pressure
  7. narrowing of arteries caused by a build-up of plaque
  8. itchy inflammation of the skin
  1. autoimmune disease when the immune system attacks itself
  2. thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid
  3. inflammation, pain, and stiffness of the joints
  4. inflammation of the larynx and pharynx at the same time
  5. the immune system reacts abnormally to a foreign substance
  6. narrowed and inflamed airways
  7. stomach acid or bile irritates the food pipelining
  8. high levels of lipids in the blood
  9. cancer within blood cells in which starts in the soft tissue in bones

17 Clues: high blood pressurenarrowed and inflamed airwaysitchy inflammation of the skinhigh levels of lipids in the bloodwidespread muscle pain and tendernessthyroid gland does not produce enough thyroidinflammation, pain, and stiffness of the jointsstomach acid or bile irritates the food pipeliningthe flexible tissue at the ends of bones wears down...

Q4 Midterm Vocabulary 2023-03-01

Q4 Midterm Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. having to do with a store that people can go to, meaning that it is not only on the internet
  2. the giving off of light by means other than heat
  3. to change
  4. a branch of science that deals with the physical processes of the earth
  5. characterized by severe, serious, or desperate circumstances
  6. strong
  7. responsible
  8. a disease that is characterized by increased sugar levels in the blood
  1. a feeling of trouble or worry
  2. to make up for a disadvantage or disability
  3. to determine the number, degree, or amount of something
  4. someone who works to protect a person's right and freedoms guaranteed by law, such as freedom of speech
  5. to produce something new
  6. a person who approves new laws, often for a state or nation
  7. somebody or something that has similar characteristics to another person or thing
  8. an order or law
  9. slow-moving

17 Clues: strongto changeslow-movingresponsiblean order or lawto produce something newa feeling of trouble or worryto make up for a disadvantage or disabilitythe giving off of light by means other than heatto determine the number, degree, or amount of somethinga person who approves new laws, often for a state or nation...

Skool 2023-07-06

Skool crossword puzzle
  1. Skool gee so erkenning aan leerders met briljante prestasies op verskeie gebiede.
  2. ‘n Sinoniem vir “Tot siens”.
  3. ‘n ________’n dag laat die dokter wag.
  4. Katerien se ma se beroepskeuse.
  5. Pa Freek se beroep. Lugballonoperateur
  6. ‘n Ander woord vir suikersiekte.
  7. Intensiewe vorm van “klein”.
  1. Ouma se oplossing vir die gebrande omelet.
  2. Katerien en haar ouma is soos Vinkel en ___________, want die een is nes die ander.
  3. Mense in Malmesbury rol hulle r-klanke so.
  4. ‘n Sinoniem vir frons.
  5. Ouma droom dat Ma Kate se navorsing sal help om die___________te red.
  6. Pa Freek se een stokperdjie is om dit te snoei. bonsaiboompies
  7. Iemand wat nie bang is om kanse te waag nie nie.
  8. Die woord beteken iets stink verskriklik baie.
  9. Vroulike haarstyl waar die hare gedraai word in ‘n bolletjie en vasgesteek word.
  10. Keelknalle is ‘n nuutskepping vir die woord_____________.

17 Clues: ‘n Sinoniem vir frons.‘n Sinoniem vir “Tot siens”.Intensiewe vorm van “klein”.Katerien se ma se beroepskeuse.‘n Ander woord vir suikersiekte.‘n ________’n dag laat die dokter wag.Pa Freek se beroep. LugballonoperateurOuma se oplossing vir die gebrande omelet.Mense in Malmesbury rol hulle r-klanke so.Die woord beteken iets stink verskriklik baie....

AZ - ZS VC 2016-12-13

AZ - ZS VC crossword puzzle
  1. Mayor of San Juan
  2. The most eligible bachelor, currently looking for a bride
  3. Leads ZS Reporting from India
  4. IM! IM! IM!
  5. Puppet master from the AZ team
  6. Leader of the reporting team, knows the way, goes the way and shows the way
  7. Integral member of the ZS Excel team, handles excel enhancements, visited Wilmington in July
  8. The quiet one from the Excel team
  1. A proud and happy father to a baby girl recently
  2. The iron lady from the ZS MATRiX team
  3. Travels 5 hours to and fro for Diabetes!
  4. Mike’s best friend from the MATRiX refresh emails
  5. AZ team member who prioritizes birthday parties for everyone
  6. ZS stalwart who handled Pull through, iPerform now overlooks MATRiX and MATRiX Oncology
  7. Someone who never shares chocolates
  8. The go to man for the Pascal report!
  9. Rules the world of Wayne and Garth

17 Clues: IM! IM! IM!Mayor of San JuanLeads ZS Reporting from IndiaPuppet master from the AZ teamThe quiet one from the Excel teamRules the world of Wayne and GarthSomeone who never shares chocolatesThe go to man for the Pascal report!The iron lady from the ZS MATRiX teamTravels 5 hours to and fro for Diabetes!A proud and happy father to a baby girl recently...

Beaver Dam Lab Week 2017 2017-04-21

Beaver Dam Lab Week 2017 crossword puzzle
  1. Elevated cells in inflammatory or infectious process
  2. 0925 and 1335
  3. Process of collecting a blood sample
  4. Number of years Bonnie has been with UW
  5. Cheryl R's favorite animal
  6. A risk to human health or the environment arising from biological work, especially with microorganisms
  7. Bacterial overgrowth of the urinary system
  8. a small colorless disk-shaped cell fragment without a nucleus, found in large numbers in blood and involved in clotting
  9. Test that requires prior authorization
  1. Order code for miscellaneous tests or tests that cannot be ordered through Epic (Hint: used for tests to be performed at BDCH)
  2. Complete Blood Count
  3. Color of Chelsea's coffee mug
  4. Non-fasting test used to monitor prediabetes and diabetes
  5. Technique used to inoculate plates (not to be confused with other activities)
  6. Name of Stephanie's dog
  7. Name of Lab's pet
  8. Additional testing for specimens already drawn

17 Clues: 0925 and 1335Name of Lab's petComplete Blood CountName of Stephanie's dogCheryl R's favorite animalColor of Chelsea's coffee mugProcess of collecting a blood sampleTest that requires prior authorizationNumber of years Bonnie has been with UWBacterial overgrowth of the urinary systemAdditional testing for specimens already drawn...

FACS Crossword Puzzle 2016-11-04

FACS Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a substance needed in small quantities to help regulate body functions
  2. a substance in food that is important for the body's growth
  3. starches and sugars that give the body most of its energy
  4. a waxy substance in Saturated animal fats
  5. a unit that measures the energy that food gives the body
  6. a mineral that regulates the am amount of fluid in our bodies
  7. The Desire to Eat
  8. Reaching For Your Best level of health
  1. A type of nutrient that's needed to maintain cells and tissues
  2. elements needed in small amounts for strong bones, teeth etc
  3. Another Word For Enough
  4. A condition in which bones gradually lose their mineral content
  5. Grains foods that contain the entire edible grain
  6. something that helps with strong bones
  7. a condition where the body cant control blood sugar properly
  8. Acids building blocks that make up protein
  9. plant material that your body cant digest

17 Clues: The Desire to EatAnother Word For Enoughsomething that helps with strong bonesReaching For Your Best level of healtha waxy substance in Saturated animal fatsplant material that your body cant digestAcids building blocks that make up proteinGrains foods that contain the entire edible graina unit that measures the energy that food gives the body...

Reverse Case Study of Peggy Parreggy 2022-03-29

Reverse Case Study of Peggy Parreggy crossword puzzle
  1. Administer regular insulin ______ minutes before meals
  2. Non-narcotic antipyretic
  3. Intense, excessive, and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations
  4. Fasting blood glucose greater than 126 mg/dL
  5. Sustained heart rate greater than 100 bpm
  6. Effects of buspar may take 3 to 4 _____
  7. Insulin is measured in
  8. Diabetics experiencing elevated heart rate, confusion, excessive sweating and drowsiness are displaying symptoms of ____________
  1. Beta-Adenergic Blocker used to lower BP and cardiac output
  2. Hold metoprolol if heart rate is below _____
  3. The initial dose of metoprolol is _____than the maintenance dose
  4. Orthostatic hypotension is defined as a ______ point or more drop in systolic BP
  5. Insulin dependent form of diabetes
  6. CNS depressant to treat anxiety safe to administer during pregnancy
  7. Alternative route of administering Phenergan if emesis is ongoing
  8. Twice a day
  9. Consistent elevation of systemic arterial BP greater than 120/80

17 Clues: Twice a dayInsulin is measured inNon-narcotic antipyreticInsulin dependent form of diabetesEffects of buspar may take 3 to 4 _____Sustained heart rate greater than 100 bpmHold metoprolol if heart rate is below _____Fasting blood glucose greater than 126 mg/dLAdminister regular insulin ______ minutes before meals...

Hypertension 2020-04-13

Hypertension crossword puzzle
  1. hypertension causes damage to body with no symptoms
  2. essential test in diabetes lab diagnostics
  3. signs suggesting secondary hypertension skin stigma of neurofibroblastosis
  1. indicator of possible renal diseases
  2. predisposing factor of hypertension

5 Clues: predisposing factor of hypertensionindicator of possible renal diseasesessential test in diabetes lab diagnosticshypertension causes damage to body with no symptomssigns suggesting secondary hypertension skin stigma of neurofibroblastosis

GENÉTICA: Doenças Comuns e Conceitos Básicos 2021-07-10

GENÉTICA: Doenças Comuns e Conceitos Básicos crossword puzzle
  1. É o real transportador dos caracteres hereditários. E se localizam ao longo dos cromossomos.
  2. é a transmissão de característica genéticas de pais para filhos, ao longo das gerações.
  3. Essa doença ocorre quando o corpo não consegue aproveitar totalmente a insulina. Na maioria dos casos, afeta quem tem mais de 40 anos, leva uma vida sedentária, apresenta sobrepeso e tem maus hábitos alimentares.
  1. Os principais fatores de risco desta doença são o tabagismo, alimentação não saudável e ingestão de bebidas alcoólicas, radiação, infecções, exposição ocupacional a agentes cancerígenos e sedentarismo também estão relacionados.
  2. é a área da Biologia que estuda a herança biológica, ou hereditariedade
  3. pode ser herdada em boa parte dos casos, mas os fatores externos, como hábitos alimentares e comportamentais, também entram na lista de causas ou agravamentos dessa enfermidade.
  4. é considerado uma doença crônica, não transmissível e hereditária, que representa cerca de 10% do total dos diabéticos e afeta principalmente crianças e adolescentes. Ela ocorre quando as células de defesa do corpo atacam

7 Clues: é a área da Biologia que estuda a herança biológica, ou hereditariedadeé a transmissão de característica genéticas de pais para filhos, ao longo das gerações.É o real transportador dos caracteres hereditários. E se localizam ao longo dos cromossomos....

GENÉTICA: Doenças Comuns e Conceitos Básicos 2021-07-11

GENÉTICA: Doenças Comuns e Conceitos Básicos crossword puzzle
  1. É o real transportador dos caracteres hereditários. E se localizam ao longo dos cromossomos.
  2. é a transmissão de característica genéticas de pais para filhos, ao longo das gerações.
  3. Essa doença ocorre quando o corpo não consegue aproveitar totalmente a insulina. Na maioria dos casos, afeta quem tem mais de 40 anos, leva uma vida sedentária, apresenta sobrepeso e tem maus hábitos alimentares.
  1. Os principais fatores de risco desta doença são o tabagismo, alimentação não saudável e ingestão de bebidas alcoólicas, radiação, infecções, exposição ocupacional a agentes cancerígenos e sedentarismo também estão relacionados.
  2. é a área da Biologia que estuda a herança biológica, ou hereditariedade
  3. pode ser herdada em boa parte dos casos, mas os fatores externos, como hábitos alimentares e comportamentais, também entram na lista de causas ou agravamentos dessa enfermidade.
  4. é considerado uma doença crônica, não transmissível e hereditária, que representa cerca de 10% do total dos diabéticos e afeta principalmente crianças e adolescentes.Ela ocorre quando as células de defesa do corpo atacam o pâncreas e interferem na produção de insulina.

7 Clues: é a área da Biologia que estuda a herança biológica, ou hereditariedadeé a transmissão de característica genéticas de pais para filhos, ao longo das gerações.É o real transportador dos caracteres hereditários. E se localizam ao longo dos cromossomos....

Hypertension 2020-04-13

Hypertension crossword puzzle
  1. predisposing factor of hypertension
  2. hypertension causes damage to body with no symptoms
  1. indicator of possible renal diseases
  2. signs suggesting secondary hypertension skin stigma of neurofibroblastosis
  3. essential test in diabetes lab diagnostics

5 Clues: predisposing factor of hypertensionindicator of possible renal diseasesessential test in diabetes lab diagnosticshypertension causes damage to body with no symptomssigns suggesting secondary hypertension skin stigma of neurofibroblastosis

Cardiovascular disease 2014-03-07

Cardiovascular disease crossword puzzle
  1. ...... medicines are given either to restore normal heart rhythm or prevent serious abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias).
  2. people with this disease may have other symptoms including general weakness.
  3. ...... relaxes and expands blood vessels, which helps protect the heart.
  4. in 2011, 21,500 Australians ...... because of cardiovascular disease.
  5. 3 letter name for the disease of the heart and blood vessels
  6. Angina, shortness of breath, pain in the chest and neck are all ...... ...... impacts on an individual's life
  7. consuming this should be avoided, or reduced.
  8. ...... ...... system agents reduce blood pressure by blocking the effects of the ...... ......
  9. Narrowing of blood vessels, heart attack, heart failure and ultimately death are all ...... ...... impacts on an individual's life
  10. ...... ...... medicines control blood cholesterol level.
  11. emotional, financial, day to day living and personal relationships are all ...... If you have cardiovascular disease
  12. approximately 30% of the people who die from heart disease each year are ......
  13. Family history, increasing age, alcohol, smoking, poor diet, high blood pressure and cholesterol, overweight and obesity, not enough fruit and vegetable consumption, and not enough physical activity are all ...... ...... for cardiovascular disease.
  14. the medicine commonly used to help reduce chest pain.
  15. ...... and shortness of breath are some other symptoms
  16. ...... may be very noticeable, but sometimes you can have the disease and not have any ......
  17. a low-fat, high-fibre ...... is recommended.
  18. too much of this should be avoided in your diet because it increases your chance of developing diabetes
  1. ...... dilate heart blood vessels and reduce the work done by the heart.
  2. this disease is one of Australia's largest health problems.
  3. treatment for CVD includes cardiovascular ......
  4. ...... medicines increase water loss through urination.
  5. heart disease was considered to be a ......'s disease until they discovered woman also got cardiovascular disease.
  6. The number of Australians that die each day because of cardiovascular disease.
  7. heart disease affects 1.4 millions of ......
  8. you should avoid food containing saturated ......
  9. used to lower blood pressure.
  10. the best way of maintaining a healthy which reduces the risk of getting cardiovascular disease.
  11. 4 out of 5 people who die from cardiovascular disease are above the age of ...... ......
  12. also known as chest pain. The most common symptom which is experienced when the heart is not getting enough blood or oxygen
  13. ...... may also affect your risk of getting cardiovascular disease.

31 Clues: used to lower blood pressure.treatment for CVD includes cardiovascular ......heart disease affects 1.4 millions of ......consuming this should be avoided, or reduced....... ...... medicines control blood cholesterol level.the medicine commonly used to help reduce chest pain....

Tharon Holt - Renal Disease Crossword 2017-03-28

Tharon Holt - Renal Disease Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. An increase in __________ behavior is closely linked with a 20% enhanced likelihood of CKD
  2. The main goal of exercise management is to prevent functional ___________
  3. This type of training enhances the anabolic effects of patients with CKD
  4. ___________ is the only life-saving treatment since there is no artificial replacement therapy
  5. A condition for individuals with kidney damage that causes proteins to "leak" out of the kidneys into urine
  6. Build-up of ________ can cause a shortness of breath and swelling in the hands, ankles, feet, or face in individuals with kidney disease
  7. __________ is when damaged liver cells are replaced by scar tissues
  8. Regular ________ are highly important, especially for at-risk individuals, because most patients with CKD don't even know they have a health problem
  1. _________ is impaired in early stages of CKD; Extent of impairment is unclear
  2. African Americans have a higher risk of developing CKD due to elevated rates of diabetes and ___________ within this population
  3. People with CKD have a higher risk of developing atherosclerotic CVD due to LV Hypertrophy, increased risk for cardiomyopathy, and the __________ of soft tissues and walls of vessels
  4. Liver and kidney transplantation and rehabilitation can help CKD patients lower max HR and overcome muscle weakness and fatigue by improving one's __________
  5. Impaired energy metabolism can lead to physical fatigue and weakness. Thus, a lack of _____________ to exercise becomes problematic for exercise professionals when working with CKD patients
  6. __________ lets your body absorb calcium from food consumption. Kidney failure causes the body to produce less of this product
  7. Too much of this hormone can be problematic for patients with CKD because it produces calcium; Too much calcium levels can weaken bones
  8. Patients with a combination of CKD and CHF can have a difficult time balancing _______ without worsening patient's kidney function
  9. _______ is the leading cause of CKD because this condition damages the blood vessels of the kidneys
  10. Patients with CKD stages 3-5 clearly show that peak oxygen consumption is _________ on average 50-80% compared with population norms
  11. Build-up of ________ can cause itching, ammonia breath, and/or fatigue and weakness in individuals with kidney disease
  12. __________ physical activity can be tolerated in individuals following kidney and liver transplantation

20 Clues: __________ is when damaged liver cells are replaced by scar tissuesThis type of training enhances the anabolic effects of patients with CKDThe main goal of exercise management is to prevent functional ____________________ is impaired in early stages of CKD; Extent of impairment is unclear...


  1. failure Result of negative feedback mechanisms that become overwhelmed,allowing destructive positive feedback mechanisms to compensate for the failed feedback mechanisms.
  2. What toxic substance is excreted in the urine?
  3. Nerve cells relay on what about information of body temperature?
  4. What is another word that can be used to describe "homeostasis"?
  5. Type of sensor that monitors and responds to changes in the environment.
  6. Diabetes is normally treated with what?
  7. What are the factors that not affecting the internal environment?
  8. Homeostasis in the human body is often maintaned by
  9. The____system plays an important role in homeostasis because hormones regulate the activity of body cells.
  10. Any failure of normal physiological function that leads to negative symptoms.
  11. The formation of glucose in the liver from non carbohydrate sources such as amino acids, pyruvate, lactate and glycerol____
  12. What is the example of a negative feedback mechanism?
  13. What transports the glucose to the body’s cells for use in cellular metabolic function?
  1. The maintenance of an organism's internal environment is called
  2. The "cause" for something to happen is the
  3. Information is sent along efferent pathway to effector.
  4. What intervention is necessary to restore homeostasis and prevent permanent organ damage?
  5. An example of a positive feedback loop is____
  6. Determines the set point at which a variable is to be maintaned.
  7. How much are the necessary component of a homeostatic feedback loop?
  8. When interruptions to the homeostatic state become long-term or can't be easily corrected,it is called____
  9. The "effect" of a given stimulus is the
  10. In______, the control center uses information from the sensors to increase the rate of change away from a set point.
  11. General example of disease as a result of homeostatic imbalance.
  12. What occur when the control mechanism for insulin becomes imbalanced, either because there is a deficiency of insulin or because cells have become resistant to insulin?
  13. What term describes input information going to the brain?
  14. 85% of filtrate is reabsorbed in the_____
  15. In negative feedback,a control system_______any change in the body that moves conditions above or below a set point.
  16. The "control center" in your body is your_____
  17. Which organ will balance the glucose level in the body?
  18. Information is sent along afferent pathway to control center.

31 Clues: The "effect" of a given stimulus is theDiabetes is normally treated with what?85% of filtrate is reabsorbed in the_____The "cause" for something to happen is theAn example of a positive feedback loop is____What toxic substance is excreted in the urine?The "control center" in your body is your_____Homeostasis in the human body is often maintaned by...

Krustvārdu mīkla Module 3 2020-03-18

Krustvārdu mīkla Module 3 crossword puzzle
  1. Soft, sweet, purple fruit, this fruit helps to lower blood pressure, controls diabetes, prevents cancer
  2. Popcorn is being made from this yellow vegetable
  3. Līdaka
  4. Newton proved, that there is, gravity with this fruit
  5. About as sweet as a banana
  6. Rabbits love these vegetables, mainly used as a nose for a snowman
  7. Some of these fish can generate electricity
  8. Large fish that lives in lakes and rivers and can be eaten
  9. This vegetable can make you cry
  10. Red, sweet berry
  11. Puravs
  12. Menca
  13. Resembles white cabbage
  14. Most commonly used for salads
  15. Dairy product, little bit thicker then milk
  16. Dairy product, mainly being used with sandwiches
  17. Christmas roast is made from...
  18. Cream+cheese
  19. Is mainly used for making: flour, bread, it helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, colon cancer, breast cancer and diabetes
  20. Baby from sheep
  21. Butter, cheese, ice cream, yogurt are being made from this
  22. Long yellow fruit, mainly eaten by monkeys
  23. It is a highly nutritious whole grain
  24. Red vegetable, usually is being grown in home gardens
  25. People love to feed this bird with bread
  26. Ink is collected from this animal
  1. Is very similar to prawn
  2. Mainly eaten by chinese
  3. This fish is closely related to salmon
  4. In Sweden soup from this fish is a traditional dish
  5. These fish hatch in fresh water, migrate to the ocean, then return to fresh water to reproduce
  6. This tropical fruit is a powerful source of vitamin C, house of Spongebob, putting salt on this fruit will actually make it sweater
  7. French fries, chips are being made from this yellow vegetable
  8. Big red berries grow in swamps
  9. Mice love this dairy product
  10. cheese Is being made from milk, improves memory
  11. Closely related to rye and wheat
  12. Similar to kephir
  13. Most eaten fruit on Christmas
  14. Meat from male calves
  15. Meat from a cow
  16. This vegetable is a leafy green, red, or white (pale green) plant
  17. Very similar to rye and barley
  18. You can also get milk from this animal, but it is much more expensive then milk from cow
  19. This green, long vegetable consists 95% of water
  20. beef Almost the same as minced meat
  21. Meat from pig

47 Clues: MencaLīdakaPuravsCream+cheeseMeat from pigMeat from a cowBaby from sheepRed, sweet berrySimilar to kephirMeat from male calvesMainly eaten by chineseResembles white cabbageIs very similar to prawnAbout as sweet as a bananaMice love this dairy productMost eaten fruit on ChristmasMost commonly used for saladsBig red berries grow in swamps...


  1. Nama lain bayi tabung
  2. Dalam teknik kultur jaringan, bagian tumbuhan yang ditumbuhkan dalam media kultur dinamakan
  3. mikroorganisme yang dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan asam sitrat
  4. salah satu produk bioteknologi yang mempunyai fungsi meningkatkan ketahanan tubuh
  5. Penggunaan makhluk hidup dan hasil-hasilnya untuk menyediakan barang dan jasa merupakan pengertian
  6. Spergilus wenti merupakan mikroorganisme yang digunakan dalam pembuatan...
  7. Aspergillus oryzae digunakan dalam fermentasi pembuatan...
  8. Proses rekayasa genetika pada suatu organisme dimodifikasi gen-nya dengan cara mengganti urutan basa nitrogen pada DNA-nya
  9. Pemanfaatan rekayasa genetika untuk meningkatkan kualitas kesehatan manusia
  10. ilmuwan yang dikenal sebagai Bapak Bioteknologi adalah
  11. Produk yang mengandung organisme hasil rekayasa bioteknologi harus diberi label dengan jelas guna memberi informasi kepada konsumen mengenai produk yang dikonsumsi. Merupakan pencegahan tehadap dampak yang menyebabkan...
  12. kumpulan materi atau zat-zat amorf terbentuk pada eksplan yang sel-selnya membelah terus-menerus
  1. suatu cara untuk mengusahakan agar dapat menciptakan duplikat suatu makhluk dengan tanpa melalui proses perkawinan
  2. Penerapan teknologi rekayasa genetika pada manusia pertama kali adalah pada penderita …
  3. metode yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan antibodi monoklonal yang identik terhadap antigen spesifik dengan jumlah yang besar
  4. mikroorganisme yang dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan tempe
  5. produk fermentasi dari bakteri Acetobacter xylinum
  6. obat golongan antibiotik aminoglikosida yang berfungsi untuk mengatasi sejumlah infeksi bakteri, salah satunya tuberkulosis
  7. proses yang menggunakan mikroorganisme untuk membersihkan atau menetralkan bahan-bahan kimia dan limbah secara aman
  8. jenis perkembangbiakan vegetatif buatan, yaitu perkembangbiakan yang digunakan untuk melakukan perbanyakan tanaman tanpa harus melalui penyerbukan
  9. dimanfaatkan untuk mengurangi dampak difungsi kelenjar endokrin
  10. proses pemindahan bakteri dari media lama ke media yang baru
  11. Hormon ... dihasilkan oleh bakteri rekombinan yang dikumpulkan dan disuntikkan pada penderita diabetes melitus yang memerlukan
  12. Bakteri asam laktat yang biasanya digunakan untuk proses fermentasi ... yaitu Lactobacillus bulgaricus dan Streptococcus thermophillus
  13. Alexander Fleming menemukan penisilin yang merupakan ... pertama di dunia
  14. Mikroba Lactobacillus bulgaricus menghasilkan Produk Bioteknologi
  15. upaya untuk melakukan modifikasi molekul genetik dari suatu organisme sehingga diperoleh sifat baru yang dimiliki
  16. salah satu unsur hara yang begitu penting dan dibutuhkan semua jenis tanaman, yang berfungsi memacu perkembangan akar tanaman, sehingga akar jadi lebih lebat, sehat dan kuat serta mampu menyusun asam nukleat
  17. perubahan yang terjadi pada urutan nukleotida
  18. tanaman hasil kultur jaringan yang kemudian melalui proses aklimatisasi, tanaman ini akan tumbuh dan berkembang sampai dapat dipanen hasilnya

30 Clues: Nama lain bayi tabungperubahan yang terjadi pada urutan nukleotidaproduk fermentasi dari bakteri Acetobacter xylinumilmuwan yang dikenal sebagai Bapak Bioteknologi adalahmikroorganisme yang dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan tempeAspergillus oryzae digunakan dalam fermentasi pembuatan...mikroorganisme yang dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan asam sitrat...

Routine Urinalysis and Renal Diseases 2024-04-10

Routine Urinalysis and Renal Diseases crossword puzzle
  1. It is the thickening of the glomerular membrane due to the deposition of IgA.
  2. The only protein produced by the kidney.
  3. Primary calculi constituent in acidic urine that may be due to metabolic disorders or diet.
  4. Color of the urine in nephritic syndrome
  5. Presence of white blood cells in the urine.
  6. Type of diabetes insipidus where the renal tubules fail to respond to ADH.
  7. This crystal appears colorless to yellow needles in clumps or rosettes.
  8. Most common cause of end-stage disease and shows a positive result in Micral test.
  9. Normal crystal in alkaline urine that is colorless and prism-shaped or has a coffin lid appearance.
  10. Autosomal genetic disorder that shows lamellated and thinning of the glomerular basement membrane.
  11. Motility of the most common parasite in urine.
  12. What disease shows a weakened immunity and is associated with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis.
  13. An inflammatory process of the kidney and adjacent renal pelvis which is a frequent complication of untreated cystitis.
  14. (+) Antiglomerular Basement Membrane
  15. Renal tubular epithelial cell with nonlipid-filled vacuoles and is seen in acute tubular necrosis.
  1. A procedure that can be used to break stones located in the upper urinary tract using high energy shock waves.
  2. Shape of normal crystals seen in old alkaline urine specimen.
  3. Type of cast that suggests infection or inflammation within the nephron.
  4. These mycota are seen in patients with diabetes mellitus and in immunocompromised patients.
  5. This refers to a sterile, inflammatory process that affects the glomerulus and is associated with the finding of blood, protein, and casts in urine.
  6. It occurs in children following viral upper respiratory infections with the findings of red skin patches and blood in sputum.
  7. Used to identify eosinophils in urine.
  8. Failure of tubular reabsorption in the PCT and would give results of glycosuria and possible mild proteinuria.
  9. Description of hexagonal plate shaped crystals in acidic urine when seen under a microscope, synonymous with no wavelength.
  10. The beginning of all casts.
  11. Most common parasite in urine.
  12. The most predominant white blood cells in the urine.
  13. Crystal that looks like two pyramids joined at their bases.
  14. Cysteine is yellow-brown in color, greasy and resembles an _______ appearance?
  15. An increase of this causes gout.

30 Clues: The beginning of all casts.Most common parasite in urine.An increase of this causes gout.(+) Antiglomerular Basement MembraneUsed to identify eosinophils in urine.The only protein produced by the kidney.Color of the urine in nephritic syndromePresence of white blood cells in the urine.Motility of the most common parasite in urine....

The Endocrine System 2024-05-22

The Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. A hormonal disorder that results from the excess production of growth hormone by the pituitary gland
  2. The biological process by which steroid hormones are generated from cholesterol in the body
  3. A metabolic process that converts glycogen to glucose and results in a high blood glucose level
  4. Major absorptive state hormone, enhances glucose uptake via the transport protein GLUT4 in many tissues
  5. Buildup or synthesis of larger organic molecules from small organic molecular subunits
  6. Endocrine gland that secretes Testosterone, AMH, and inhibin
  7. Endocrine gland that secretes insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin
  8. Part of the brain that secretes vasopressin, oxytocin, CRH, TRH, GnRH, and GHRH
  9. Type of hormone that diffuses out of cells as soon as they are synthesized and acts via intracellular receptors that act in the cell nucleus
  10. Endocrine gland that secretes 17 β estradiol, progesterone, and inhibin
  11. Hormone secreted during the body’s “fight or flight” reaction
  12. Extracellular signaling molecule released into the blood and acts at its receptors in distal tissues to elicit a physiological response
  13. Endocrine gland that secretes T4, T3, and Calcitonin
  14. Organ that secretes cholecystokinin, secretin, GLP-1, and GIP
  15. A condition characterized by excessive urination, usually associated with diabetes mellitus
  1. Major post-absorptive state hormone, facilitates the maintenance of fasting blood glucose
  2. Breakdown or degradation of large energy-rich molecules within cells
  3. A metabolic process that converts glucose to glycogen and results in a lower blood glucose level
  4. Hormone produced by the adrenal glands that helps regulate metabolism and stress response
  5. A condition characterized by an abnormally high level of glucose in the blood, commonly associated with defects in insulin secretion and/or insulin action due to diabetes
  6. Hormone that stimulates milk production
  7. Type of hormone that can be stored in secretion vesicles after synthesis, soluble in plasma, and act via receptors in the target cell membrane
  8. Organ that secretes gastrin and somatostatin
  9. Hormone that accelerates bone-building osteoblasts that eventually catch up and seal the epiphyseal growth plate, also plays a crucial role in the regulation of menstrual cycle
  10. Endocrine gland that secretes ACTH, TSH, GH, Prolactin, FSH, and LH
  11. Most common type of hormone, made from short to medium-length chains of amino acids
  12. Endocrine gland that secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine, cortisol, aldosterone, and DHEAS

27 Clues: Hormone that stimulates milk productionOrgan that secretes gastrin and somatostatinEndocrine gland that secretes T4, T3, and CalcitoninEndocrine gland that secretes Testosterone, AMH, and inhibinHormone secreted during the body’s “fight or flight” reactionOrgan that secretes cholecystokinin, secretin, GLP-1, and GIP...

Sonia Sotomayor - Lia 2022-04-08

Sonia Sotomayor - Lia crossword puzzle
  1. The name of her book that she published in 2013.
  2. She was the first person of this nationality to serve on the Supreme Court.
  3. Her age when her father died.
  1. Where her parents were from.
  2. She attended Yale and this university.
  3. The president who nominated her to the Supreme Court.
  4. She was diagnosed with this when she was eight years old.
  5. She was born in this part of New York in 1954.

8 Clues: Where her parents were from.Her age when her father died.She attended Yale and this university.She was born in this part of New York in 1954.The name of her book that she published in 2013.The president who nominated her to the Supreme Court.She was diagnosed with this when she was eight years old....

MHL 22 FALL 2022-09-12

MHL 22 FALL crossword puzzle
  1. People's ability to clearly think, learn, and remember
  2. The most common dementia diagnosis among older adults
  3. Mineral that promotes strong bones and teeth
  4. Activity to be done once a day for good oral hygiene
  1. Average hours of sleep needed by older adults
  2. Oral medication that may be prescribed to control blood sugar levels
  3. Metabolic condition caused by the body's inability to produce or use insulin
  4. Measurements of the body's most basic functions, like blood pressure

8 Clues: Mineral that promotes strong bones and teethAverage hours of sleep needed by older adultsActivity to be done once a day for good oral hygieneThe most common dementia diagnosis among older adultsPeople's ability to clearly think, learn, and rememberOral medication that may be prescribed to control blood sugar levels...

WAMSS Weekly Mini #3 2024-03-25

WAMSS Weekly Mini #3 crossword puzzle
  1. Bacterial genus most commonly responsible for infection of burns in hospital
  2. Syndrome associated with high arched palate
  3. Abnormal gait resulting from weakness in hip abductors
  4. Part of ECG trace that must precede the QRS complex for sinus rhythm
  1. Clinical symptom which is often the first manifestation of peripheral arterial disease
  2. Pharmacotherapy for type 1 diabetes
  3. Most common cause of cirrhosis in Australia (abbr.)
  4. Acronym which scores the likelihood of intensive treatment of pneumonia

8 Clues: Pharmacotherapy for type 1 diabetesSyndrome associated with high arched palateMost common cause of cirrhosis in Australia (abbr.)Abnormal gait resulting from weakness in hip abductorsPart of ECG trace that must precede the QRS complex for sinus rhythmAcronym which scores the likelihood of intensive treatment of pneumonia...

Health and Nutrition 2024-06-24

Health and Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. meat, chicken, fish - good for muscles are in this group
  2. means eating the right kinds of food to be healthy and to grow
  3. oils, butter are in this group
  4. means a food that we cook or food that is made a particular way
  1. the size or amount of food for one person
  2. a disease of the blood and insulin
  3. nutrient in food good for digestion and bathroom
  4. milk, cheese, yogurt are all_____

8 Clues: oils, butter are in this groupmilk, cheese, yogurt are all_____a disease of the blood and insulinthe size or amount of food for one personnutrient in food good for digestion and bathroommeat, chicken, fish - good for muscles are in this groupmeans eating the right kinds of food to be healthy and to grow...

Patología 2022-04-10

Patología crossword puzzle
  1. es parte del cuadro clínico de personas con diabetes mellitus, esta consiste en la combinación de sobrecarga de volumen e ingesta de líquidos.
  2. el pánico, la desconfianza, los ataques de risa, pérdida de memoria, la visión de colores brillantes, son características del consumo de
  3. para evitar alguna de estas patologías se recomienda modificar los
  4. esta droga provoca hipertemia, violencia, ansiedad, vértigo, arritmia cardíaca, infartos cerebrales e infarto agudo al miocardio...
  5. Es un factor de riesgo no modificable para desarrollar arterioesclerosis
  6. inicial: Las lipoproteínas de baja densidad comienzan a acumularse en la capa intima. En la arterioesclerosis, lo anterior se le conoce como...
  7. Es un factor de riesgo mayor para desarrollar una arterioesclerosis y es probablemente modificable
  8. angina que se caracteriza por ataques paroxísticos de dolor subesternal o precordial, además de repetición, perfusión reducida.
  9. isquémica La causa predominante de… es la perfusión coronaria insuficiente en relación con la demanda miocárdica.
  10. es la clasificación V en la arterioesclerosis en el que la inflamación forma también una cápsula de tejido fibroso entre la placa de ateroma y la arteria.
  11. exámenes periódicos de salud...
  12. se le denomina… a la medida por hiperosmolaridad plasmática
  1. el efecto de Mallamby se produce por el exceso de consumo de...
  2. esta angina se caracteriza por presentarse cuando se está en reposo o con mínima actividad física, así como no responder a vasodilatadores.
  3. Es una reacción inflamatoria crónica de la pared de las arterias ocasionadas por una lesión endotelial
  4. consumir alimentos bajos en...
  5. complicación que inicia con deterioro cognitivo progresivo hasta llegar a la demencia bien establecida esta droga produce aumento de la atención, disminución del sueño y apetito, además de una agresividad extrema, etc.
  6. estable esta angina se puede dar por la inadecuada perfusión coronaria por ateroesclerosis estenosante crónica.
  7. consecuencias graves del abuso de drogas.
  8. realizar actividad...
  9. evitar el consumo de...
  10. variable esta angina no se asocia a la actividad física, frecuencia cardiaca ni a la presión arterial.
  11. este tipo de diabetes se caracteriza con la nula producción de insulina por parte de las células B
  12. estado de hiperglucemia crónica secundario a un déficit de insulina, o baja sensibilidad a la insulina por parte de los tejidos
  13. la principal manifestación clínica para el estado de hiperosmolaridad ni cetósico es el estado de..

25 Clues: realizar actividad...evitar el consumo de...consumir alimentos bajos en...exámenes periódicos de salud...consecuencias graves del abuso de drogas.se le denomina… a la medida por hiperosmolaridad plasmáticael efecto de Mallamby se produce por el exceso de consumo de...para evitar alguna de estas patologías se recomienda modificar los...


  1. Secreted by the kidney's in response to raise blood pressure
  2. The pressure in the aorta that MUST be overcome in order for blood to eject from the left ventricle.
  3. The degree to which the fibers in the myocardial stretch prior to contraction.
  4. Aldosterone antagonist potassium-sparing diuretic that blood aldosterone effects on the heart.
  5. What class of medications relieve symptoms of HF by reducing preload and decreasing the workload of the heart?
  6. Cardiac ________ occurs when the heart can no longer handle work load.
  7. Heart's response to pump enough blood to the body.
  8. Side of the heart that is affected when blood backs into extremities
  9. ______ Inotropic agents are drugs that increase the heart's contractility.
  10. Which condition can cause damage to nerves and blood vessels overtime, weakening the heart?
  11. Which side of the heart is affected when blood backs into the lungs?
  12. Failure of what organ is closely associated with chronic HTN, CAD, and Diabetes?
  13. Substance secreted from the heart that detects whether an MI was present.
  14. HF medication used to decrease fluid volume, causing an increase in urination.
  15. In heart failure, what part of the heart weakens causing blood to not properly eject to the rest of the body?
  16. Difficulty breathing when laying down
  1. ______ Inotropic agents are drugs that decrease the heart's contractility
  2. Which chronic condition overworks the heart resulting in a greater risk of heart failure?
  3. Most common loop diuretic used to remove fluid from the body.
  4. difficulty breathing
  5. Which edema makes the patient feel as if he is suffocating and increased anxiety?
  6. Ultrasound that shows the heart's movement, structure and function
  7. Cardiac _______ occurs when the myocardium becomes weakened and the heart can not pump blood effectively.
  8. What electrolyte should HF patient's restrict?
  9. Pituitary gland releases this hormone in response to low blood volume.
  10. The strength of the contraction of the heart.
  11. Renin causes this to be produced in order for blood pressure to rise
  12. The _____ effect occurs when there is a change in the heart's contractility
  13. Primary drug (inhibitors) used for high risk HF patients that decrease blood pressure and blood volume.
  14. ACE Inhibitors do what to the veins in order to decrease pulmonary congestion and peripheral edema?

30 Clues: difficulty breathingDifficulty breathing when laying downThe strength of the contraction of the heart.What electrolyte should HF patient's restrict?Heart's response to pump enough blood to the body.Secreted by the kidney's in response to raise blood pressureMost common loop diuretic used to remove fluid from the body....

A Wrap on Personalized Medicine 2023-05-02

A Wrap on Personalized Medicine crossword puzzle
  1. cancer of blood-forming tissues, including bone marrow
  2. A state of altered reactivity in which the body reacts with an exaggerated immune response to a foreign substance such as Abacavir
  3. Provides information about how genetic conditions may affect you or family members
  4. a field of research that studies how a person's genes affect how he or she responds to medications
  5. Multiple crossover trials, usually randomized and blinded, conducted in one patient.
  6. mutated genes that lead to uncontrollable cell growth and cause gain of function effects
  7. (ADR)Harmful reaction resulting from the use of a medical product
  8. the entire complement of proteins and associated modifications produced by an organism
  9. Effect of a drug or treatment in addition to its desired effect- typically unwanted
  10. Naturally occurring medication belonging to drug class known as opioids
  11. A progressive disease that destroys memory and other important mental functions.
  1. enhancing an organism’s capabilities beyond normal
  2. the complete set of genetic material in an organism
  3. The full range of mRNA molecules expressed by an organism.
  4. Reduction in the effectiveness of a medication
  5. One of the three V’s of big data in early detection
  6. an acronym for a tool that holds potential for early detection of diabetes.
  7. clumps of protein that affect the chemical messengers in our brain
  8. a disease that results in too much sugar in the blood (high blood glucose)
  9. Biological characteristics that indicate biological process or disease states
  10. a chronic immune system disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
  11. a special human cell that is able to develop into many different cell types
  12. Capacity of bacteria to withstand the effects of a drug designed to target them
  13. Growth of cells that starts in the brain or spinal cord
  14. Oral drug used to treat seizures- side effects include SJS-TEN
  15. the polymer that encodes genetic material and therefore the structures of proteins and many animal traits
  16. Oral drug used to treat and prevent blood clots, often has many adverse side effects
  17. an antiviral drug that can treat HIV infection
  18. Study of changes in gene expression that occur independent of changes in the primary DNA sequence

29 Clues: Reduction in the effectiveness of a medicationan antiviral drug that can treat HIV infectionenhancing an organism’s capabilities beyond normalthe complete set of genetic material in an organismOne of the three V’s of big data in early detectioncancer of blood-forming tissues, including bone marrow...

Biomedical Careers 2017-10-19

Biomedical Careers crossword puzzle
  1. Scientist- how to create the medicinal product from its various components so that the product has the desired pharmaceutical properties
  2. the properties, such as chemical and physical, of inland bodies
  3. Engineer- works with different peoples medical problems, and help the return to normal life
  4. helps children and adults with there eyes and gives them glasses
  5. Manager- balances the needs of humans with the needs of animals or other organism in the wild
  6. highly educated, health care professionals who are experts in body movement
  7. is an expert with blood and could decide weather to diagnose someone based on their blood
  8. Crystallographer- works with atomic and molecular structures of crystals made from organic matter
  9. Hygienist- gives X-rays and helps assist during surgeries, and also teach kids about cavities and why they need to brush their teeth
  10. works and prescribes drugs and medicines to people that are sick or under medication
  11. Operator- responsible for safe, efficient and effective operation of Jetty plan equipment within scope of authority
  12. Social Worker- gives therapy to people who are in or just got out of a hospital
  1. assurance- makes sure everything is good in a biomedical job, and works on different projects
  2. Engineer- a recent graduate that comes up with technology, to help with the optimism of plants
  3. manages animals housed in a zoo for conservation purposes or to be viewed by the
  4. Therapist- help you control your breathing, and supplies life-saving supplies to help you breath during an accident
  5. Diabetes Educator- helps children and adults learn how to use their diabetes tools and keep them on the right diet
  6. research factors involved in the spread of disease
  7. helps care for animals and performs surgeries on them
  8. Biologist- uses medical imaging equipment and techniques to study effects of experimental drugs on tissues and organs of the body
  9. helps diagnose and, educate people with or about hearing loss
  10. teaches students about biology
  11. is an expert of the brain that works to see if it is responsive and sharp
  12. Photographer- captures images of aquatic life
  13. Engineer- takes care of a railroad yard and keeps it running
  14. Writer- writes books about scientific adventures, and on different animals, places, and things

26 Clues: teaches students about biologyPhotographer- captures images of aquatic liferesearch factors involved in the spread of diseasehelps care for animals and performs surgeries on themEngineer- takes care of a railroad yard and keeps it runninghelps diagnose and, educate people with or about hearing loss...

Clase 19 2019-11-08

Clase 19 crossword puzzle
  1. CHIZE
  3. SUDOR
  5. SED
  9. AGUA
  11. BOCA
  12. QIHAI
  13. ID3
  15. OJO
  16. DU
  18. E25
  19. CILIAO
  21. B8
  22. ASMA
  26. ZHONG
  28. BAZO
  30. P9
  31. E8
  32. TAIYIN
  33. DIJI
  34. YANG
  38. TAIXI
  39. JIAO
  41. E34
  42. FENG
  43. WEI
  52. SHAO
  53. DISNEA
  55. P4
  57. P7
  59. R3
  60. DALING
  63. PIEL
  64. APATIA
  66. WEISHU
  68. WAIQIU
  72. E44
  74. HEGU
  75. BA
  76. EXCESO
  78. DULCE
  80. TAI
  84. ZHIGOU
  1. PC6
  4. QUCHI
  5. ASHI
  11. MAI
  12. XUE
  13. SJ5
  14. B4
  15. H3
  17. YIN
  18. DICANG
  23. SHU
  25. QIAO
  27. QI
  29. H2
  31. B10
  33. YING
  36. YUYAO
  38. QIMEN
  39. XIMEN
  42. CALOR
  43. MING
  44. FRIO
  49. P6
  50. YUJI
  51. FATIGA
  52. WEIQI
  54. SHI
  55. SHEN
  56. TAIBAI
  57. ID6
  58. E40
  59. SJ7
  61. ZONGJI
  62. CUN
  64. SIGNOS
  68. YUAN
  74. FUEGO
  76. E4
  79. FEISHU
  80. WEN
  82. FEI-XIA
  85. C6
  86. R6
  87. GAN
  88. C7


Type 2 Diabetes 2020-11-26

Type 2 Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. This hormone helps to lower blood sugar
  2. bread, pasta, potatoes etc
  1. This organ makes insulin
  2. The type of sugar in the blood
  3. In type 2 Diabetes the blood sugar is too .......(4)

5 Clues: This organ makes insulinbread, pasta, potatoes etcThe type of sugar in the bloodThis hormone helps to lower blood sugarIn type 2 Diabetes the blood sugar is too .......(4)

Crossword 2019-01-07

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. someone that helps with skin
  2. Something when you cant eat that much sugar
  1. Effect Suns Warmth Trapped
  2. Something used to destroy insects
  3. Rain it rain that is acid can break up rock

5 Clues: Effect Suns Warmth Trappedsomeone that helps with skinSomething used to destroy insectsSomething when you cant eat that much sugarRain it rain that is acid can break up rock

Amy's CIP Historical CWP 2023-06-23

Amy's CIP Historical CWP crossword puzzle
  1. The origin of SARS-CoV-2
  2. massive experiment of manipulated news feed
  3. university with mock prison research
  1. book about "lack"ing ethics for research purposes
  2. Havasupai tribe members consented for this only

5 Clues: The origin of SARS-CoV-2university with mock prison researchmassive experiment of manipulated news feedHavasupai tribe members consented for this onlybook about "lack"ing ethics for research purposes

Natural Medicines in the Clinical Management of Diabetes Mellitus 2017-04-27

Natural Medicines in the Clinical Management of Diabetes Mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Natural medicine that is considered to be likely safe BUT likely not effective.
  2. May be beneficial in patients with deficiency but has the potential to damage kidneys and potentially worsen renal disease.
  3. Likely safe and possibly effective natural medicine for patients with deficiency. Higher dietary intake of this natural supplement may also lower fasting insulin concentrations
  4. Likely safe and possibly effective natural medicine that when consumed in the diet, may reduce blood glucose levels.
  5. Natural medicine that inhibits the alpha-amylase enzyme that has not been evaluated in patients with diabetes mellitus.
  6. Possibly safe and effective natural medicine that is known as opuntia.
  7. Acts directly on pancreatic cells, is likely effective but has insufficient evidence for efficacy.
  8. Natural medicine that is referred to as another name which means “sugar destroyer”, has insufficient evidence for its use and it may increase risk of hypoglycemia.
  9. Natural medicine that contains corosolic acid and ellagitannins that may activate insulin receptors. It is found to be possibly safe but there is insufficient evidence for its use.
  10. Fenugreek should be avoided if you are allergic to plants in the _______ family.
  11. White mulberry is ______ safe and effective.
  12. Likely safe natural medicine with insufficient evidence for effectiveness that contains coumarin.
  13. Agaricus mushroom is a possibly safe and effective natural medicine that increases levels of _____.
  1. Natural product that is possibly safe and effective that may delay glucose absorption.
  2. An extract of this product acts as an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor.
  3. Likely safe and possibly effective natural medicine that may reduce postprandial blood glucose and also reduce total and LDL cholesterol.
  4. Likely safe natural medicine that may increase glucose, utilization and conversion to glycogen within skeletal muscle, however, there is insufficient evidence for its efficacy.
  5. Natural medicine that is possibly safe and has a light green, pointed cucumber appearance.
  6. Guar gum is possibly effective and _____ safe.
  7. Cassia cinnamon should be avoided in patients with ______ disease.
  8. May be a possibly safe and effective option to decrease symptoms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
  9. Possibly safe and effective natural medicine that may decrease insulin resistance and improve insulin sensitivity.
  10. Acts as an antioxidant and cofactor in oxidative respiration but has insufficient evidence for efficacy.
  11. High levels of selenium are linked to ______ risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus.

24 Clues: White mulberry is ______ safe and effective.Guar gum is possibly effective and _____ safe.An extract of this product acts as an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor.Cassia cinnamon should be avoided in patients with ______ disease.Possibly safe and effective natural medicine that is known as opuntia....

chapter 21 2019-09-24

chapter 21 crossword puzzle
  1. chemical vapor that causes systemic and local effects
  2. Pectoris- severe constricting pain in the chest often in the shoulders to the arm caused by ischemia
  3. Dependence- state of adaptation exhibited by a withdrawal syndrome
  4. effects- consequences of a drug
  5. reflux - inflammation of the lower esophagus from regurgitation
  6. drugs to promote excretion of urine
  7. diffusion of fluid into a tissue
  8. response to drug exposure resulting in decrease of one or more drug effects
  9. condition of shock resulting from adverse reaction
  10. agents depress neuronal function producing loss of ability to perceive
  11. drugs blocking the passage of impulses through parasympathetic nerves
  12. drugs taking into the living organism that may have one or more functions
  13. abnormal fluid in the tissues of the body
  14. reaction - response to drug that is not normative per action or side effects
  15. cause expansion of Lumina of the air passages of the lungs
  16. thickening of the wall of a blood vessel
  17. substance tending to nullify action of another drug
  18. the art of healing
  19. drugs, natural that have pain relief activity
  20. drugs that relive pain without causing loss of consciousness
  21. bone disease leading to risk of fracture bone mineral density
  1. Name- descriptive of chemical structure not by brand or trade name
  2. chemical promoting evacuation of the bowel
  3. not by the GI tract but through injection
  4. disease- degenerative neurologic disease of the brain that impairs motor skills and speech
  5. MELLITUS- disorder of carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism
  6. study of the action of drugs with natural emphasis for absorption action etc.
  7. constriction of the blood vessels from drugs
  8. drug or some particular line of treatment improper
  9. person licensed to prepare and dispense drugs
  10. Disorders- conditions involving partial or complete obstruction of blood vessel
  11. elevations of plasma liquid concentration
  12. process of clot information
  13. drugs causing dilatation of the blood vessels
  14. waves propelling the contents of the GI tract
  15. chronic mental disorders (hallucinations and paranoia)
  16. study of drugs , the origin, nature and properties etc
  17. collection of blood in the tissue results from breakage in the wall of blood vessel
  18. subnormal concentration of erythrocytes or hemoglobin in the blood
  19. peripheral neuropathy- disorder of the peripheral nervous system, a complication of diabetes

40 Clues: the art of healingprocess of clot informationeffects- consequences of a drugdiffusion of fluid into a tissuedrugs to promote excretion of urinenot by the GI tract but through injectionabnormal fluid in the tissues of the bodyelevations of plasma liquid concentrationchemical promoting evacuation of the bowelthickening of the wall of a blood vessel...


  1. ______ Inotropic agents are drugs that increase the heart's contractility.
  2. Pituitary gland releases this hormone in response to low blood volume.
  3. In heart failure, what part of the heart weakens causing blood to not properly eject to the rest of the body?
  4. Which chronic condition overworks the heart resulting in a greater risk of heart failure?
  5. ACE Inhibitors do what to the veins in order to decrease pulmonary congestion and peripheral edema?
  6. The strength of the contraction of the heart.
  7. Which condition can cause damage to nerves and blood vessels overtime, weakening the heart?
  8. Aldosterone antagonist potassium-sparing diuretic that blood aldosterone effects on the heart.
  9. What electrolyte should HF patient's restrict?
  10. Renin causes this to be produced in order for blood pressure to rise
  11. Primary drug (inhibitors) used for high risk HF patients that decrease blood pressure and blood volume.
  12. Most common loop diuretic used to remove fluid from the body.
  13. The pressure in the aorta that MUST be overcome in order for blood to eject from the left ventricle.
  14. Secreted by the kidney's in response to raise blood pressure
  15. Substance secreted from the heart that detects whether an MI was present.
  16. Failure of what organ is closely associated with chronic HTN, CAD, and Diabetes?
  1. HF medication used to decrease fluid volume, causing an increase in urination.
  2. Side of the heart that is affected when blood backs into extremities
  3. Which edema makes the patient feel as if he is suffocating and increased anxiety?
  4. Cardiac _______ occurs when the myocardium becomes weakened and the heart can not pump blood effectively.
  5. What class of medications relieve symptoms of HF by reducing preload and decreasing the workload of the heart?
  6. Ultrasound that shows the heart's movement, structure and function
  7. Which side of the heart is affected when blood backs into the lungs?
  8. Difficulty breathing when laying down
  9. Cardiac ________ occurs when the heart can no longer handle work load.
  10. Heart's response to pump enough blood to the body.
  11. The degree to which the fibers in the myocardial stretch prior to contraction.
  12. ______ Inotropic agents are drugs that decrease the heart's contractility
  13. The _____ effect occurs when there is a change in the heart's contractility
  14. difficulty breathing

30 Clues: difficulty breathingDifficulty breathing when laying downThe strength of the contraction of the heart.What electrolyte should HF patient's restrict?Heart's response to pump enough blood to the body.Secreted by the kidney's in response to raise blood pressureMost common loop diuretic used to remove fluid from the body....

Homeostasis Crossword 2023-06-15

Homeostasis Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The boss of the body that keeps everything in check, including your brain and spinal cord. It's like the ultimate homeostasis superhero.
  2. Body messengers buzz around like chatty network nerds, delivering important memos for homeostasis with lightning-fast electrical signals.
  3. Liquid that can make you feel tipsy, but be careful not to overdrink before driving or at parties.
  4. Device detecting lies with wires and sensors!
  5. Some bodybuilders may go to extremes, misusing this hormone to gain a Hulk-like body.
  6. Organ Airbnb.
  7. A sweet tooth's nemesis, this disease demands caution with every bite! So be careful about what you eat…
  8. The monthly process when an egg is released from the ovary in women.
  9. When you're feeling lazy and just want to take a long nap, this state of reduced activity and lowered body temperature kicks in.
  10. A disease characterized by memory loss, cognitive decline, and behavioural changes.
  11. Like a busy factory, it's the body's production line for energy and growth.
  12. Water passes through membranes to balance things out.
  13. These chemical messengers run wild in your body, controlling everything from your emotions to your growth spurts.
  14. Don't mistake it for lemonade on a snowy day!
  15. These pair of organs act as the body's filtration system.
  16. Like a singer hitting high or low notes, this property of sound is like a ladder with different steps, determining how high or low a sound is.
  1. Tiny sacs that help in molecule transport and storage.
  2. Natural painkillers that help maintain balance in the body.
  3. The vital fluid that transports oxygen, nutrients, and hormones while regulating body temperature and pH.
  4. The liquid superhero of the bloodstream that carries nutrients, hormones, and antibodies throughout the body.
  5. Insulin's rival.
  6. It's like a messenger, delivering important signals and keeping things running smoothly.
  7. For some individuals, this hormone serves as a crucial element in their gender transition while also helping in building muscle mass and increasing bone density.
  8. Sleep hormone that helps you drift away to dreamland and wake up feeling refreshed.
  9. Your body's internal temperature control system, keeping you cool or warm as needed.
  10. The command center of the body.
  11. Sour or sweet? Let me decide for you.
  12. Life-saving hormone with a historical breakthrough in treating diabetes.
  13. The bone's best friend for strength.

29 Clues: Organ Airbnb.Insulin's rival.The command center of the body.The bone's best friend for strength.Sour or sweet? Let me decide for you.Device detecting lies with wires and sensors!Don't mistake it for lemonade on a snowy day!Water passes through membranes to balance things out.Tiny sacs that help in molecule transport and storage....

Health 2024-02-06

Health crossword puzzle
  1. a respiratory condition marked by spasms in the bronchi of the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing. It usually results from an allergic reaction or other forms of hypersensitivity.
  2. Arthritis a chronic progressive disease causing inflammation in the joints and resulting in painful deformity and immobility, especially in the fingers, wrists, feet, and ankles.
  3. passing on of physical or mental characteristics genetically from one generation to another.
  4. 2 diabetes a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high
  5. attackhappens when the flow of blood that brings oxygen to a part of your heart muscle suddenly becomes blocked.
  6. communicable-diseases that are not spread through infection or through other people, but are typically caused by unhealthy behaviours
  7. a drug or other compound that inhibits the physiological effects of histamine, used especially in the treatment of allergies
  8. serious condition where your blood glucose level is too high.
  9. repair or unblocking of a blood vessel, especially a coronary artery.
  10. loss of blood flow to part of the brain, which damages brain tissue.
  11. inflammation or swelling of one or more joints.
  12. A chronic condition is a health condition or disease that is persisten
  13. degeneration of joint cartilage and the underlying bone, most common from middle age onward. It causes pain and stiffness
  1. is a type of vascular disease where the blood vessels carrying oxygen away from the heart
  2. blood pressure that is higher than normal.
  3. diseasesA disease or condition that usually lasts for 3 months or longer and may get worse over time
  4. disorders structural or functional anomalies that occur during intrauterine life.
  5. damaging immune response by the body to a substance, especially pollen, fur, a particular food, or dust, to which it has become hypersensitive.
  6. a hormone produced in the pancreas by the islets of Langerhans, which regulates the amount of glucose in the blood. The lack of insulin causes a form of diabetes.
  7. a rash of round, red welts on the skin that itch intensely, sometimes with dangerous swelling, caused by an allergic reaction, typically to specific foods.
  8. diseasesA disorder characterized by the progressive loss of function and/or structure of the affected tissues.
  9. is a chemical your immune system releases.
  10. a substance that causes an allergic reaction.
  11. 1 diabetes In this condition, the pancreas makes little or no insulin.

24 Clues: blood pressure that is higher than normal.is a chemical your immune system releases.a substance that causes an allergic reaction.inflammation or swelling of one or more joints.serious condition where your blood glucose level is too high.loss of blood flow to part of the brain, which damages brain tissue....

Laboratory Investigation of Diabetes Mellitus 2017-05-10

Laboratory Investigation of Diabetes Mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Finding of urine full examination in Type 1 DM
  2. A test to measure blood sugar regardless of when you last ate
  3. Another name of HbA1c test
  4. What antibody can be found in Type 1 DM?
  5. A test can be used to exclude infection
  6. A defect in water homeostasis in patient with Type 1 DM might lead to _________
  1. In renal profile, high in urea level indicate __________
  2. A __________ is medical device used with glucostix for determining concentration of blood glucose in the blood
  3. What is the significance of low bicarbonate in venous blood gas test?
  4. Test that can look for overall picture of average blood sugar level over a period of weeks/ months

10 Clues: Another name of HbA1c testA test can be used to exclude infectionWhat antibody can be found in Type 1 DM?Finding of urine full examination in Type 1 DMIn renal profile, high in urea level indicate __________A test to measure blood sugar regardless of when you last ateWhat is the significance of low bicarbonate in venous blood gas test?...

Appointments 2023-02-26

Appointments crossword puzzle
  1. Who should you see to get your eyes checked?
  2. Where you go to get your teeth cleaned?
  3. Who do you see to help with your weight, nutrition levels, and overall health?
  1. An endocrinologist can check for what? (starts with d)
  2. The cardiologist will check what organ?
  3. What you should do once a year with your primary care physician?
  4. A psychiatrist can help you with your what?
  5. The dermatologist will check this part of you?

8 Clues: The cardiologist will check what organ?Where you go to get your teeth cleaned?A psychiatrist can help you with your what?Who should you see to get your eyes checked?The dermatologist will check this part of you?An endocrinologist can check for what? (starts with d)What you should do once a year with your primary care physician?...

Sugar Vocab Crossword 2024-02-13

Sugar Vocab Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The amount of calories per gram of sugar
  2. A solution created with heat to increase the sugar concentration
  3. A form of sugar used to create decorative sculptures
  4. To heat sugar for a prolonged period of time
  1. Sugar's ability to dissolve in water
  2. A substance used to extend freshness and prevent spoilage
  3. The body's inability to move glucose to the cells
  4. A form of sugar used by companies to optimize sweetness and cost

8 Clues: Sugar's ability to dissolve in waterThe amount of calories per gram of sugarTo heat sugar for a prolonged period of timeThe body's inability to move glucose to the cellsA form of sugar used to create decorative sculpturesA substance used to extend freshness and prevent spoilageA form of sugar used by companies to optimize sweetness and cost...

WAMSS Weekly Mini #3 2024-03-12

WAMSS Weekly Mini #3 crossword puzzle
  1. Bacterial genus most commonly responsible for infection of burns in hospital
  2. Syndrome associated with high arched palate
  3. Abnormal gait resulting from weakness in hip abductors
  4. Part of ECG trace that must precede the QRS complex for sinus rhythm
  1. Clinical symptom which is often the first manifestation of peripheral arterial disease
  2. Pharmacotherapy for type 1 diabetes
  3. Most common cause of cirrhosis in Australia (abbr.)
  4. Acronym which scores the likelihood of intensive treatment of pneumonia

8 Clues: Pharmacotherapy for type 1 diabetesSyndrome associated with high arched palateMost common cause of cirrhosis in Australia (abbr.)Abnormal gait resulting from weakness in hip abductorsPart of ECG trace that must precede the QRS complex for sinus rhythmAcronym which scores the likelihood of intensive treatment of pneumonia...


  1. Kencing manis dikenali juga sebagai _____________
  2. Penyakit kardiovaskular ialah penyakit yang berkaitan dengan organ dalaman iaitu ______________
  3. ______________ adalah kondisi di mana HIV sudah pada tahap infeksi akhir.
  4. kiraan nisbah berat badan dengan ketinggian.
  5. Cacar monyet disebabkan oleh virus ____________
  1. Jangkitan RSV adalah virus yang menyebabkan jangkitan paru-paru dan saluran _______________.
  2. ______________ dapat mengelakkan janin daripada mengalami kecacatan kongenital utama otak atau tulang belakang, termasuk kecacatan tiub neural.
  3. Penyakit darah tinggi, jantung dan kencing manis dikenali sebagai ______________

8 Clues: kiraan nisbah berat badan dengan ketinggian.Cacar monyet disebabkan oleh virus ____________Kencing manis dikenali juga sebagai ___________________________ adalah kondisi di mana HIV sudah pada tahap infeksi akhir.Penyakit darah tinggi, jantung dan kencing manis dikenali sebagai ______________...


  1. Jangkitan RSV adalah virus yang menyebabkan jangkitan paru-paru dan saluran _______________.
  2. ______________merupakan kiraan nisbah berat badan dengan ketinggian.
  3. Penyakit kardiovaskular ialah penyakit yang berkaitan dengan organ dalaman iaitu ______________
  4. Cacar monyet disebabkan oleh virus ____________
  5. Kencing manis dikenali juga sebagai _____________
  1. Penyakit darah tinggi, jantung dan kencing manis dikenali sebagai ______________
  2. ______________ dapat mengelakkan janin daripada mengalami kecacatan kongenital utama otak atau tulang belakang, termasuk kecacatan tiub neural.
  3. ______________ adalah kondisi di mana HIV sudah pada tahap infeksi akhir.

8 Clues: Cacar monyet disebabkan oleh virus ____________Kencing manis dikenali juga sebagai ___________________________merupakan kiraan nisbah berat badan dengan ketinggian.______________ adalah kondisi di mana HIV sudah pada tahap infeksi akhir.Penyakit darah tinggi, jantung dan kencing manis dikenali sebagai ______________...

Risk for Periodontitis 2019-01-30

Risk for Periodontitis crossword puzzle
  1. A habit that increases a patient's risk factor for periodontitis
  2. Professional care can reduce ___________ to restore balance between health and disease
  3. A periodontal pathogen
  4. Example of demographic data used to assess individual risk for perio disease
  1. Also known as biologic equilibrium
  2. _______________ may never progress to periodontitis for many patients.
  3. A systemic disease that may increase the susceptibility of perio disease
  4. Part of the social atmosphere that affects the risk factor for perio disease

8 Clues: A periodontal pathogenAlso known as biologic equilibriumA habit that increases a patient's risk factor for periodontitis_______________ may never progress to periodontitis for many patients.A systemic disease that may increase the susceptibility of perio diseasePart of the social atmosphere that affects the risk factor for perio disease...

PRE - INTRA - POST CARE 2023-01-23

PRE - INTRA - POST CARE crossword puzzle
  1. Need to obtain___information for
  2. Used to assess chances of heart-related problems during surgery
  3. Heart Disease, Respiratory Disease, Renal Dysfunction & __ are major medical issues that can create complications
  1. Ensures that equal input & output is occurring
  2. __Factors like obesity, smoking, or alcohol use can affect surgery
  3. __Expectations must be made to the patient about the whole process
  4. Extreme pain can indicate _
  5. UP to 90 days post-op recovery for these types of procedures

8 Clues: Extreme pain can indicate _Need to obtain___information forEnsures that equal input & output is occurringUP to 90 days post-op recovery for these types of proceduresUsed to assess chances of heart-related problems during surgery__Factors like obesity, smoking, or alcohol use can affect surgery...

Natural Medicines in the Clinical Management of DM 2017-04-27

Natural Medicines in the Clinical Management of DM crossword puzzle
  1. Acts directly on pancreatic cells, is likely effective but has insufficient evidence for efficacy.
  2. Guar gum is possibly effective and _____ safe.
  3. Natural product that is possibly safe and effective that may delay glucose absorption.
  4. Likely safe and possibly effective natural medicine that when consumed in the diet, may reduce blood glucose levels.
  5. Agaricus mushroom is a possibly safe and effective natural medicine that increases levels of _____.
  6. Natural medicine that contains corosolic acid and ellagitannins that may activate insulin receptors. It is found to be possibly safe but there is insufficient evidence for its use.
  7. Likely safe natural medicine with insufficient evidence for effectiveness that contains coumarin.
  8. Possibly safe and effective natural medicine that is known as opuntia.
  9. Possibly safe and effective natural medicine that may decrease insulin resistance and improve insulin sensitivity.
  10. Natural medicine that is possibly safe and has a light green, pointed cucumber appearance.
  1. Natural medicine that is considered to be likely safe BUT likely not effective.
  2. Natural medicine that is referred to as another name which means “sugar destroyer”, has insufficient evidence for its use and it may increase risk of hypoglycemia.
  3. May be beneficial in patients with deficiency but has the potential to damage kidneys and potentially worsen renal disease.
  4. Likely safe natural medicine that may increase glucose, utilization and conversion to glycogen within skeletal muscle, however, there is insufficient evidence for its efficacy.
  5. May be a possibly safe and effective option to decrease symptoms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
  6. High levels of selenium are linked to ______ risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus.
  7. An extract of this product acts as an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor.
  8. Likely safe and possibly effective natural medicine that may reduce postprandial blood glucose and also reduce total and LDL cholesterol.
  9. Natural medicine that inhibits the alpha-amylase enzyme that has not been evaluated in patients with diabetes mellitus.
  10. Fenugreek should be avoided if you are allergic to plants in the _______ family.
  11. Acts as an antioxidant and cofactor in oxidative respiration but has insufficient evidence for efficacy.
  12. White mulberry is ______ safe and effective.
  13. Likely safe and possibly effective natural medicine for patients with deficiency. Higher dietary intake of this natural supplement may also lower fasting insulin concentrations
  14. Cassia cinnamon should be avoided in patients with ______ disease.

24 Clues: White mulberry is ______ safe and effective.Guar gum is possibly effective and _____ safe.An extract of this product acts as an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor.Cassia cinnamon should be avoided in patients with ______ disease.Possibly safe and effective natural medicine that is known as opuntia....

NPB 101 Endocrine System Crossword 2024-05-24

NPB 101 Endocrine System Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The defining characteristic of diabetes mellitus is __________, which means that an individual has excessively high blood glucose levels.
  2. Managing Type I diabetes involves regular injections of this peptide hormone.
  3. An excess of growth hormone after puberty can lead to this condition.
  4. This hormone does not respond to secretions of the anterior pituitary; instead, it is released in response to angiotensin II.
  5. Also known as T4, this is the less active form of thyroid hormone.
  6. Vasopressin is an example of a hormone released by the _______ pituitary.
  7. _________’s disease involves the destruction of the thyroid gland, which results in hypothyroidism.
  8. Cortisol, aldosterone, and some androgens are released by the adrenal _______.
  9. A secondary endocrine disorder involves some dysfunction of the _________ gland.
  10. Alpha cells in the pancreas release this hormone when blood glucose levels fall too low between meals.
  11. A goiter is an overgrowth of the ________ gland.
  12. ________ hormones control the hormonal secretions and growth of other endocrine glands.
  13. Prolactin secretion is inhibited by _______.
  14. When hormones work together to have a combined effect that is greater than what they could have accomplished individually.
  15. Steroid hormones are derived from this molecule.
  16. Growth hormone mainly stimulates the _______ to produce insulin-like growth factor 1.
  1. When one hormone requires the presence of another hormone in order to be fully effective.
  2. A _________ endocrine disorder involves some defect of the hypothalamus.
  3. Growth hormone-releasing hormone is inhibited by _________.
  4. These hormones require a carrier protein to circulate in the bloodstream because they are not soluble in plasma on their own.
  5. In addition to amplifying uterine contractions during childbirth, this hormone promotes the release of breast milk in response to a suckling infant.
  6. These hormones can be stored intracellularly in vesicles, enabling the rate of synthesis to be different from the rate of secretion.
  7. Hydrophilic hormones act on ________ receptors, which are often linked to second messenger pathways that allow for quick physiological responses.
  8. Dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine are all hormones derived from this amino acid.
  9. A deficiency of this essential mineral impacts thyroid hormone synthesis and can lead to the development of a goiter.
  10. __________-releasing hormone acts on the anterior pituitary to promote the production and release of both luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone.
  11. The main catecholamine released by the adrenal medulla.

27 Clues: Prolactin secretion is inhibited by _______.A goiter is an overgrowth of the ________ gland.Steroid hormones are derived from this molecule.The main catecholamine released by the adrenal medulla.Growth hormone-releasing hormone is inhibited by _________.Also known as T4, this is the less active form of thyroid hormone....

Is eating less meat good for you? 2022-09-09

Is eating less meat good for you? crossword puzzle
  1. A healthy alternative to meat
  2. A common saying is a "diet high in ______"
  3. If you eat less meat, you lessen the chance of getting this pancreas disease
  1. Not diseased, in good health
  2. Consuming less meat product can impact our _______ enormously
  3. An estimate of income for a set period of time
  4. Your state of mind, or ____ can improve when you eat less meat

7 Clues: Not diseased, in good healthA healthy alternative to meatA common saying is a "diet high in ______"An estimate of income for a set period of timeConsuming less meat product can impact our _______ enormouslyYour state of mind, or ____ can improve when you eat less meatIf you eat less meat, you lessen the chance of getting this pancreas disease

Wellness - Mental, Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual 2021-12-01

Wellness - Mental, Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual crossword puzzle
  1. Engaging in religious practice is not required to achieve _.
  2. Aim for at least _ minutes of exercise every day.
  3. According to the World Health Organization, _ is ranked to be the fittest country in the world.
  4. _ is emotional wellness month.
  1. _ is ventral to Buddhism.
  2. China leads the world in having the most people diagnosed with _.
  3. Hanging out with friends is a positive way to deal with _.

7 Clues: _ is ventral to Buddhism._ is emotional wellness month.Aim for at least _ minutes of exercise every day.Hanging out with friends is a positive way to deal with _.Engaging in religious practice is not required to achieve _.China leads the world in having the most people diagnosed with _....

The Accu-Chek Crossword 2022-06-29

The Accu-Chek Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What people living with diabetes can eat.
  1. Word describing the diabetes community.
  2. Number of times a needle should be used.

3 Clues: Word describing the diabetes community.Number of times a needle should be used.What people living with diabetes can eat.

Health and Knowledge! Feed y'er body, feed y'er mind. 2015-01-23

Health and Knowledge! Feed y'er body, feed y'er mind. crossword puzzle
  1. What is the most common form of cell mutation?
  2. Vascular Disease What is a common disorder of the heart?
  3. What disease causes a lack of insulin?
  1. What is the need for food?
  2. Insecurity What is it called when a human lacks sufficient vitamins and minerals?
  3. What type of carbs take longer to process?
  4. What mineral keeps your teeth and bones happy?

7 Clues: What is the need for food?What disease causes a lack of insulin?What type of carbs take longer to process?What is the most common form of cell mutation?What mineral keeps your teeth and bones happy?Vascular Disease What is a common disorder of the heart?Insecurity What is it called when a human lacks sufficient vitamins and minerals?

B6C8 2015-05-17

B6C8 crossword puzzle
  1. Glands present in the skin that keep it moist and soft
  2. This system helps to change food into a simple, soluble form
  3. This disease is caused if the pancreas does not produce enough insulin
  4. Our legs have __________ muscles in them
  1. The movement of a snake
  2. The muscles present at the front of your arm
  3. This system has organs called glands that produce hormones

7 Clues: The movement of a snakeOur legs have __________ muscles in themThe muscles present at the front of your armGlands present in the skin that keep it moist and softThis system has organs called glands that produce hormonesThis system helps to change food into a simple, soluble formThis disease is caused if the pancreas does not produce enough insulin

Wegovy Crossword Puzzle 2023-11-15

Wegovy Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. what is the name of the drug being tested?
  2. wegovy is a type of drug that helps with ___.
  3. Semaglutide is an injection that increases ____.
  1. wegovy is a type of drug that use ______.
  2. the research in wegovy lacked variety because most of the patients were ____.
  3. those who continuted to take wegovy for ____ was less likely of developing diabetes.
  4. The test was done in ______, Pennsylvania.

7 Clues: wegovy is a type of drug that use ______.what is the name of the drug being tested?The test was done in ______, Pennsylvania.wegovy is a type of drug that helps with ___.Semaglutide is an injection that increases ____.the research in wegovy lacked variety because most of the patients were ____....

Ketones 2013-06-02

Ketones crossword puzzle
  1. An illnes that ketones are clinically related to.
  2. unlike aldehydes, ketone structures do not have this atom
  3. the prime suffix used to name a ketone:
  1. A double bonded chain between an oxygen and carbon atom:
  2. A organic compound that has a similar compound structure to ketones:
  3. Ketones can be found in bodily fluids such as:
  4. a commonly known and used example of a ketone:

7 Clues: the prime suffix used to name a ketone:Ketones can be found in bodily fluids such as:a commonly known and used example of a ketone:An illnes that ketones are clinically related to.A double bonded chain between an oxygen and carbon atom:unlike aldehydes, ketone structures do not have this atom...

Med-Surg Academy (Renal Crossword) 2018-03-21

Med-Surg Academy (Renal Crossword) crossword puzzle
  1. Name of long-term catheter access for hemodialysis patient
  2. This can be result of kidneys' inability to maintain acid/base balance
  3. Food source rich in high quality protein
  4. Leading cause of renal failure
  5. Peritoneal Dialysis dialysate solutions contain various amounts of this metabolite
  6. CKD has how many stages?
  1. Elevated levels of potassium
  2. Nurse must assess for this in patient's Arteriovenous Fistula every shift
  3. Fill, dwell, drain are 3 phases of this Peritoneal Dialysis process
  4. Peanut butter is high in this electrolyte that is restricted in renal failure patient's diet
  5. Elevated BUN levels can lead to loss of this
  6. This is restricted in renal failure patient to prevent edema, shortness of breath, and hypertension

12 Clues: CKD has how many stages?Elevated levels of potassiumLeading cause of renal failureFood source rich in high quality proteinElevated BUN levels can lead to loss of thisName of long-term catheter access for hemodialysis patientFill, dwell, drain are 3 phases of this Peritoneal Dialysis process...

Lifestyle factors 2021-12-06

Lifestyle factors crossword puzzle
  1. sleep [7] are the activities you do before bed each night to help you sleep
  2. another term for high blood pressure
  3. a diet that provides the correct amounts of nutrients without excess or deficiency.
  4. is a serious condition where your blood glucose level is too high.
  5. BMI between 25.0 - 29.9
  6. the consumption of an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period of time.
  1. BMI under 18.5
  2. is when your breathing stops and starts while you sleep.
  3. BMI over 30+
  4. [7] causes around 7 out of every 10 cases of lung cancer (70%).
  5. blood supply to heart muscle suddenly becomes blocked
  6. caused by blockage of blood flow or rupture of an artery to the brain

12 Clues: BMI over 30+BMI under 18.5BMI between 25.0 - 29.9another term for high blood pressureblood supply to heart muscle suddenly becomes blockedis when your breathing stops and starts while you sleep.[7] causes around 7 out of every 10 cases of lung cancer (70%).is a serious condition where your blood glucose level is too high....

Genetic Engineering Crossword 2021-05-10

Genetic Engineering Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. an assisted fertilization process
  2. the type of disease that is persisting and long-lasting. Ex: heart disease, diabetes
  3. our first step in our proposed solution
  4. a cloned sheep
  5. the practice of improving the human race through selective breeding or genetic modification
  1. technology used to edit genes through finding and altering small changes in DNA
  2. a fictional process that clones embryos
  3. last name of a Chinese scientist who oversaw the creation of the first genetically engineered humans
  4. our presentation is ____
  5. the author of Brave New World, and a skeptic of genetic modification
  6. what Lulu and Nana were modified to be immune to
  7. an organism whose genetics have been altered

12 Clues: a cloned sheepour presentation is ____an assisted fertilization processa fictional process that clones embryosour first step in our proposed solutionan organism whose genetics have been alteredwhat Lulu and Nana were modified to be immune tothe author of Brave New World, and a skeptic of genetic modification...

Research Week 2016 2016-05-13

Research Week 2016 crossword puzzle
  1. 69% cure rate using only _____ (Poster 3)
  2. Statistical Analysis _____ (SAS)(Poster 8)
  3. Phase 3, 56-week, Double-Blind _____-controlled study (Poster 7)
  4. Mucus was prepared by dissolving LBG _____ (Poster 5)
  5. 200 random _____ subjects over age 60 (Poster 6)
  6. Type 2 diabetes is a _____ of glucose metabolism (Poster 11)
  1. 84 subjects were selected from a _____ database (Poster 1)
  2. There is consistently around 2% less IL-7 _____ in subjects (Poster 12)
  3. 29.5% of total weight loss is _____ mass (Poster 2)
  4. Antibodies were used to stain the corresponding _____ surface molecules (Poster 10)
  5. Table 1: significant interactive influence among _____ (Poster 4)
  6. The struggle St. John, "The _____ night of the soul" (Poster 9)

12 Clues: 69% cure rate using only _____ (Poster 3)Statistical Analysis _____ (SAS)(Poster 8)200 random _____ subjects over age 60 (Poster 6)29.5% of total weight loss is _____ mass (Poster 2)Mucus was prepared by dissolving LBG _____ (Poster 5)84 subjects were selected from a _____ database (Poster 1)...

meoe 2023-03-09

meoe crossword puzzle
  1. when the ability to produce insulin is impaired within the body
  2. is associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease
  3. are very small living things that can be disease
  4. is a type of sugar within the body
  5. is an antibiotic with 4 rings in its structure
  6. deficient in red blood cells
  7. hereditary disease that disrupts the way the body metabolizes iron.
  8. freezing people on the verge of death to one day be treated in the future when the technology is able
  9. are those who study bacteria
  1. finding out information by using the rings of a tree
  2. plants are associated with this process to gain carbohydrates
  3. an excessive amount of urine produced

12 Clues: deficient in red blood cellsare those who study bacteriais a type of sugar within the bodyan excessive amount of urine producedis an antibiotic with 4 rings in its structureare very small living things that can be diseasefinding out information by using the rings of a treeplants are associated with this process to gain carbohydrates...

Crossword 2019-01-07

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Effect Suns Warmth Trapped
  2. Rain it rain that is acid can break up rock
  3. Something used to destroy insects
  1. someone that helps with skin
  2. Something when you cant eat that much sugar

5 Clues: Effect Suns Warmth Trappedsomeone that helps with skinSomething used to destroy insectsSomething when you cant eat that much sugarRain it rain that is acid can break up rock

Endocrine Relay 2023-01-29

Endocrine Relay crossword puzzle
  1. symptoms include increased blood pressure and fluid retention
  2. anterior pituitary tumor in children may result in
  3. "cuddle hormone"
  1. hydrochlorothiazide is a treatment for this type of diabetes insipidus
  2. treatment for neurogenic DI

5 Clues: "cuddle hormone"treatment for neurogenic DIanterior pituitary tumor in children may result insymptoms include increased blood pressure and fluid retentionhydrochlorothiazide is a treatment for this type of diabetes insipidus

Supplements List D 2024-01-23

Supplements List D crossword puzzle
  1. Essential metal in blood, which pregnant women may regularly become deficient in necessitating screening
  2. Aromatic spice from the inner bark of certain trees used to protect against heart disease, Alzheimer's, tooth decay, diabetes, cancer, inflammation, and oxidative stress
  3. Amino acid-derived compounds thought to play a role in energy production as an essential cofactor for mitochondrial long chain fatty-acid transport, used to improve heart, brain, and muscle function.
  4. Anti-cavity mineral added to drinking water
  5. This vitamin is associated with sunlight and plays a key role in calcium absorption
  6. This plant has been used for its medicinal use due to its flower contains coumarinic acids, which is an active ingredient of anticoagulants
  7. Found in joint cartilage, used to enhance cartilage shock absorption and block enzymatic breakdown of joint cartilage tissue
  8. Herbal root found in many asian plants, can be made into tea to provide energy, but can also cause insomnia
  9. This fat soluble vitamin has many forms but alpha tocopherol is the only one used by the human body.
  1. This vitamin is crucial for immune health and is commonly found in citrus fruits
  2. Pungent bulb utilized regularly in the kitchen to add flavor, and may also improve lipid panels by lowering total cholesterol and LDL.
  3. Indigestible carbohydrate that can help control blood sugar and maintain digestive health
  4. Powerful antioxidant found in alcoholic beverages such as red wine, which seems to have some positive effects for hay fever and obesity
  5. Derived from the plant used to make linen, limited research shows potential benefits for cholesterol, diabetes, and menopause
  6. An evergreen shrub of the nightshade family used to reduce anxiety through normalizing cortisol levels while reducing the risk of inflammation and cancer
  7. Deficiency in this trace element is rare due to its abundance in North American soil but is associated with Keshan disease (a type of cardiomyopathy) and Kashin-Beck disease (a form of osteoarthritis).
  8. A fruit commonly promoted for UTIs, although the evidence for this is limited

17 Clues: Anti-cavity mineral added to drinking waterA fruit commonly promoted for UTIs, although the evidence for this is limitedThis vitamin is crucial for immune health and is commonly found in citrus fruitsThis vitamin is associated with sunlight and plays a key role in calcium absorption...

B3.3 Maintaing Internal Environment 2018-01-22

B3.3 Maintaing Internal Environment crossword puzzle
  1. Organ that secretes blood glucose controlling hormones
  2. Site of hormone production
  3. Maintenance of a constant internal environment
  4. Widening of blood vessels, increasing blood flow through capillaries near the surface of the skin
  5. A storage of carbohydrate found in the liver and muscles
  6. The control of body temperature
  7. Chemical messenger used by the organs in the body
  8. A hormone which controls the storage of glycogen in the liver and muscle cells
  1. Narrowing of blood vessels, decreasing blood flow through capillaries near the surface of the skin
  2. Hormone which breaks down stored glycogen into glucose to be used by the body
  3. Disease where the pancreas does not produce enough insulin
  4. A sugar found in the body
  5. Process that uses glucose to create energy (ATP)

13 Clues: A sugar found in the bodySite of hormone productionThe control of body temperatureMaintenance of a constant internal environmentProcess that uses glucose to create energy (ATP)Chemical messenger used by the organs in the bodyOrgan that secretes blood glucose controlling hormonesA storage of carbohydrate found in the liver and muscles...

Health Vocab 2018-01-03

Health Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Pollution causes this, and can reduce the water's pH level.
  2. Should be used when doing chemical reactions or sterilization under high pressure.
  3. Flashing images or lights can trigger a person with this nervous system disorder.
  4. Best thing to do if someone's heart isn't beating.
  5. A great detergent.
  6. CPR without mouth-to-mouth breathing.
  7. These areas are very dirty.
  8. They can vary from nutritionist to radiologist.
  1. Will treat and prescribe for patients with skin disorders.
  2. Used to help someone that is choking.
  3. Carbon Dioxide and Methane are 2 of the gases that cause this.
  4. Can be type 1 or 2, can be acquired or genetic.
  5. At the top of the Stratosphere and are hurt by hydroflourocarbons.

13 Clues: A great detergent.These areas are very dirty.Used to help someone that is choking.CPR without mouth-to-mouth breathing.Can be type 1 or 2, can be acquired or genetic.They can vary from nutritionist to radiologist.Best thing to do if someone's heart isn't beating.Will treat and prescribe for patients with skin disorders....

The 6PM Gift Crossword 2021-03-08

The 6PM Gift Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The capital of Hungary (8)
  2. Lorelai Gilmore named her dog after this famous singer (4,4)
  3. The matriarch of the Ingalls family (8)
  4. The eleventh James Bond Film (9)
  5. A 1997 Foo Fighters Song (6,6)
  6. Played the President in The West Wing (6,5)
  1. Lourdes, Rocco, Mercy, Stelle, David, and Estere are all children of this famous pop star (7)
  2. The spell book in Charmed is known as the book of... (7)
  3. This Men Without Hats song peaked at number 6 in the UK in the 1980s (3,6,5)
  4. The soul mate of Odd Thomas (6)
  5. The first name of The Bionic Woman (5)
  6. 2001 film starring Kate Beckinsale and John Cusack (11)
  7. The organ responsible for the development of diabetes (8)

13 Clues: The capital of Hungary (8)A 1997 Foo Fighters Song (6,6)The soul mate of Odd Thomas (6)The eleventh James Bond Film (9)The first name of The Bionic Woman (5)The matriarch of the Ingalls family (8)Played the President in The West Wing (6,5)2001 film starring Kate Beckinsale and John Cusack (11)The spell book in Charmed is known as the book of... (7)...

Medical Causes of Behavior 2021-06-30

Medical Causes of Behavior crossword puzzle
  1. When blood accumulates between the skin and the cartilage of dog's ear flap
  2. Also known as stool eating
  3. Severe bacterial infection of the uterus
  4. A condition where the thyroid does not produce enough hormone
  5. A condition caused by excessive licking
  6. An endocrine disease causing excessive thirst
  7. A condition that can be caused by allergies or fleas
  8. a painful inflammation of the outer surface or shaft of one or more long bones of the legs. It is sometimes called growing pains
  1. Diseases of the endocrine system
  2. Common skin allergy that causes itching and inflammation
  3. Thyroid gland produces too much hormone
  4. A condition where a dog will eat non-food items
  5. Stones/crystals in the kidneys or bladder

13 Clues: Also known as stool eatingDiseases of the endocrine systemThyroid gland produces too much hormoneA condition caused by excessive lickingSevere bacterial infection of the uterusStones/crystals in the kidneys or bladderAn endocrine disease causing excessive thirstA condition where a dog will eat non-food items...

Personal Health Vocab 2019-01-09

Personal Health Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Doctor that treats and diagnoses skin diseases
  2. Upwards pull on the diaphragm to get out blocks of the airway
  3. Pits where garbage is dumped
  4. A medical condition that affects the nervous system, causes seizures
  5. Destroys insects that are dangerous to crops
  6. Heated container for chemicals reactions using high temperatures and pressures
  1. Trapping the suns warmth in the lower atmosphere of a planet
  2. CPR that doesn't use mouth-to-mouth
  3. A doctor that specializes in one specific medical topic
  4. A shield that protects Earth's organisms from UV radiation
  5. Disease where the body can't properly respond to insulin, affects blood sugar levels
  6. When atmospheric pollution causes rain to become acidic
  7. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

13 Clues: Pits where garbage is dumpedCardiopulmonary ResuscitationCPR that doesn't use mouth-to-mouthDestroys insects that are dangerous to cropsDoctor that treats and diagnoses skin diseasesA doctor that specializes in one specific medical topicWhen atmospheric pollution causes rain to become acidicA shield that protects Earth's organisms from UV radiation...

Factors Contributing to Health Status and B of D 2019-03-07

Factors Contributing to Health Status and B of D crossword puzzle
  1. Type of bad fat that causes atherosclerosis
  2. Underconsumption of this can cause neural tube defects
  3. The narrowing and hardening of artery walls
  4. The organ that is damaged from excessive alcohol consumption
  5. Caused by a fault in a cell due to smoking
  6. Type of cancer caused by underconsumption of vegetables
  1. Underconsumption of this food contributes to oesophageal cancer
  2. High BMI increases puts you at greater risk of this disease
  3. Nutrient that attacks cancer causing free radicals
  4. One of the factors that contributes to health status
  5. This type of drinking increases the risk of drowning and violence
  6. The 3rd highest factor contributing to total B of D
  7. Type of health issue BMI contributes to, especially in children

13 Clues: Caused by a fault in a cell due to smokingType of bad fat that causes atherosclerosisThe narrowing and hardening of artery wallsNutrient that attacks cancer causing free radicalsThe 3rd highest factor contributing to total B of DOne of the factors that contributes to health statusUnderconsumption of this can cause neural tube defects...

Immunology Practical Comprehensive May 2023 2023-05-11

Immunology Practical Comprehensive May 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. The broad class of drugs that help in organ transplantation
  2. The group of enzymes involved in apoptosis
  3. The chemical widely used for fixing the sample in IHC
  4. Interaction between the antibody and soluble antigen
  5. The immunotechnique used to quantify protein expression following electrophoresis
  6. Increased hunger condition incase of uncontrolled diabetes
  7. The most widely used counterstain in chromogenic IHC
  1. The microscopy based technique used to check expression of proteins on cell surface
  2. The complement pathway activated due to antigen-antibody complex
  3. An autoimmune disease that results in deposition of Ag-Ab complex at different sites of the body
  4. Interaction between antibody and particulate antigen
  5. The antigenic helper in a vaccine
  6. Spectrophotometry based technique to quantify antigen

13 Clues: The antigenic helper in a vaccineThe group of enzymes involved in apoptosisInteraction between antibody and particulate antigenInteraction between the antibody and soluble antigenThe most widely used counterstain in chromogenic IHCThe chemical widely used for fixing the sample in IHCSpectrophotometry based technique to quantify antigen...

Endangered Animals Crossword 2023-12-15

Endangered Animals Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Many species have become __ due to the pollution and habitat destruction.
  2. An increase in value or worth over a period of time.
  3. When two groups (political groups in most cases) come together to agree on something.
  4. Besides Alaska and Hawaii, the United States are connected, they are__.
  5. Something that prohibits growth from taking place.
  6. Due to their low population, tigers are on the verge of__.
  1. The act of preserving and protecting something.
  2. A disease that occurs when the body fails to produce insulin.
  3. The different organisms that interact in an ecosystem.
  4. Something is considered __ if everyone agrees on it.
  5. German Shepherds and Chihuahuas belong to the same__.
  6. Someone who supports something.
  7. A basic reason or explanation for something.

13 Clues: Someone who supports something.A basic reason or explanation for something.The act of preserving and protecting something.Something that prohibits growth from taking place.Something is considered __ if everyone agrees on it.An increase in value or worth over a period of time.German Shepherds and Chihuahuas belong to the same__....

vocab crossword 2023-12-15

vocab crossword crossword puzzle
  1. messing around in class _______ your grades
  2. it's important to do this in your community to save plants
  3. dinosaurs suffered from this, now they're gone
  4. there are a lot of people who are ________ of the flat earth theory
  5. dogs, cats, and fish are all _______ of animals
  6. there is a _______ for deciding if food is safe to eat
  1. theres a variety of wildlife in forests so they have a lot of ______
  2. republicans and democrats made a _______ agreement about a community issue
  3. type 2 ________
  4. UFC fighters can win by ________ decision
  5. global warming causes ________ changes to the world, like melting icebergs
  6. pandas are suffering from this, we need to help them survive
  7. canada and mexico ________ are with the U.S

13 Clues: type 2 ________UFC fighters can win by ________ decisionmessing around in class _______ your gradescanada and mexico ________ are with the U.Sdinosaurs suffered from this, now they're gonedogs, cats, and fish are all _______ of animalsthere is a _______ for deciding if food is safe to eatit's important to do this in your community to save plants...

Sugar 2024-01-06

Sugar crossword puzzle
  1. Small granules of sugar often used in baking.
  2. When the pancreas does not produce any or enough insulin.
  3. Sugar found within the cell structure of foods.
  4. The sugar found naturally in fruit, vegetables and honey.
  5. Consequence of too much sugar in the diet.
  6. Consequence of a diet high in sugar.
  1. Sugar we cannot see in our diet is known as h----- sugar.
  2. A simple sugar that is used a source of energy in the body.
  3. Hormone released to regulate blood sugar levels. Diabetics often have to inject this hormone to help them.
  4. Sugar should be consumed in m_________.
  5. Fine powder often used for decorating.
  6. Sugar added during manufacturing.
  7. Common type of sugar found in caster / granulated sugar.

13 Clues: Sugar added during manufacturing.Consequence of a diet high in sugar.Fine powder often used for decorating.Sugar should be consumed in m_________.Consequence of too much sugar in the diet.Small granules of sugar often used in baking.Sugar found within the cell structure of foods.Common type of sugar found in caster / granulated sugar....

Teratogens 2019-03-07

Teratogens crossword puzzle
  1. The period of susceptibility between the weeks 3 - 8
  2. an physical teratogen
  3. A pharmaceutical teratogen
  4. The all or nothing period of susceptibility
  5. The name of the susceptibility period between 9 - 38 weeks
  6. The embryo’s _______ to teratogens is also important. The nature of the agent, its ability to cross the placenta, maternal exposure, systemic absorption, composition of teratogen, the route of administration are all important when determining how a teratogen will effect the embryo
  1. A chemical teratogen
  2. a infective teratogen
  3. An environmental agent which can alter the morphology or function of an embryo
  4. a metabolic teratogen
  5. As this increases so do the developmental abnormalities
  6. A physical teratogen which can be found at a sporting complex

12 Clues: A chemical teratogenan physical teratogena infective teratogena metabolic teratogenA pharmaceutical teratogenThe all or nothing period of susceptibilityThe period of susceptibility between the weeks 3 - 8As this increases so do the developmental abnormalitiesThe name of the susceptibility period between 9 - 38 weeks...

Living Environment Vocabulary 2022-01-07

Living Environment Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The hormone responsible for raising the amount of sugar in the blood
  2. This body system is responsible for removing dangerous waste from your body.
  3. Another name for White Blood Cells
  4. The hormone responsible for lowering the amoung of sugar in the blood
  5. A bacteria or virus that makes you sick
  6. This tube leads from the kidney to the bladder
  1. This organ is responsible for releasing hormones that control the amount of suagr in your blood
  2. This word means balance in science
  3. A condition caused by a large amount of sugar in the blood
  4. chemical messengers in the body
  5. The organ responsible for filtering your blood
  6. Waste from your bladder exits your body through this tube.

12 Clues: chemical messengers in the bodyThis word means balance in scienceAnother name for White Blood CellsA bacteria or virus that makes you sickThe organ responsible for filtering your bloodThis tube leads from the kidney to the bladderA condition caused by a large amount of sugar in the bloodWaste from your bladder exits your body through this tube....

Unexpected Birth Complications and Teachings 2013-08-06

Unexpected Birth Complications and Teachings crossword puzzle
  1. Surgical delivery of the fetus through incisions in the mother’s abdomen
  2. Attend the ___________ check after delivery
  3. An important decision particularly in women who have had gestational diabetes to avoid accidental pregnancy
  4. Labor that occurs after 20 weeks but before 37 weeks of pregnancy
  5. Essential for the premature baby and the parents to experience this after delivery
  1. The term includes twins, triplets, and high order multiples
  2. Pregnancy induced ____________ hypertension(PIH)
  3. These twins are generally identical because they develop from a single fertilized ovum
  4. Each _______ is monitored separately during labor
  5. Regular _______ is important to avoidmaternal obesity
  6. Client _________ upon discharge is necessary for both mother and child
  7. Follow the Canadian food guide for _______ well

12 Clues: Attend the ___________ check after deliveryFollow the Canadian food guide for _______ wellPregnancy induced ____________ hypertension(PIH)Each _______ is monitored separately during laborRegular _______ is important to avoidmaternal obesityThe term includes twins, triplets, and high order multiples...

Research Week 2016 2016-05-12

Research Week 2016 crossword puzzle
  1. Mucus was prepared by dissolving LBG _____ (Poster 5)
  2. Antibodies were used to stain the corresponding ____ surface molecules (Poster 10)
  3. 200 random _____ subjects over age 60 (Poster 6)
  4. Table 1: significant interactive influence among _____ (Poster 4)
  5. 29.5% of total weight loss is _____ mass (Poster 2)
  6. Thee is consistently around 2% less IL-7 ____ in subjects (Poster 12)
  1. The struggle St. John "The _____ night of the soul" (Poster 9)
  2. Phase 3, 56-week, Double-Blind, ____-controlled study (Poster 7)
  3. Type 2 diabetes is a _____ of glucose metabolism (Poster 11)
  4. 69% cure rate using only ______ (Poster 3)
  5. 84 subjects were selected from a _____ database (Poster 1)
  6. Statistical Analysis _____ (SAS)(Poster 8)

12 Clues: 69% cure rate using only ______ (Poster 3)Statistical Analysis _____ (SAS)(Poster 8)200 random _____ subjects over age 60 (Poster 6)29.5% of total weight loss is _____ mass (Poster 2)Mucus was prepared by dissolving LBG _____ (Poster 5)84 subjects were selected from a _____ database (Poster 1)...

Chronic and Communicable Diseases Crossword 2021-04-01

Chronic and Communicable Diseases Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. You can get this communicable disease if an animal bites you.
  2. This chronic disease can spread to multiple parts of the body.
  3. These diseases are passed from person to person.
  4. This disease can be prevented by exercising.
  5. Chronic diseases are leading cause of death and disability in the ______.
  6. Communicable diseases can be caused by bacteria, fungi, parasites and ______.
  1. This chronic disease can be caused by eating too much sugar.
  2. Lung Cancer; a chronic disease can be prevented by not using this drug.
  3. This chronic disease can cause memory loss
  4. You can get a shot for these communicable diseases
  5. These kind of diseases can't be passed from person to person.
  6. These communicable diseases are sexually transmitted.

12 Clues: This chronic disease can cause memory lossThis disease can be prevented by exercising.These diseases are passed from person to person.You can get a shot for these communicable diseasesThese communicable diseases are sexually transmitted.This chronic disease can be caused by eating too much sugar....

Dietetics 2021-09-12

Dietetics crossword puzzle
  1. An essential structural component of the animal cell membrane
  2. The amount of energy needed to raise the temperature
  3. ____ is vital for human metabolism and needed for over 300 biochemical reactions
  4. A feed that contains 20% of fat as medium-chain triglyceride
  5. Potatoes and bananas are a significant source of ______ in many parts of the world
  1. A feed used in patients with renal disease
  2. Has the highest calories per gram of all macronutrients
  3. The brain's preferred fuel source
  4. 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius
  5. Feed used in patients with diabetes
  6. The most abundant component of our mass after water
  7. It is best to limit your intake of _____ to less than 2000mg a day

12 Clues: The brain's preferred fuel sourceFeed used in patients with diabetes1 kilogram of water 1 degree CelsiusA feed used in patients with renal diseaseThe most abundant component of our mass after waterThe amount of energy needed to raise the temperatureHas the highest calories per gram of all macronutrients...

A perfect balance 2014-02-02

A perfect balance crossword puzzle
  1. the organ responsible for filtering your blood
  2. the disease that causes a lack of insulin production
  3. what its called as your body tries to maintain a perfect balance
  4. the gland that produces the hormone that regulates water
  5. putting on a jumper when cold is a _________ response to temperature
  6. if you drink a lot of water your urine will be...
  7. where urine is stored in the body
  8. the hormone that regulates glucose levels in the blood
  9. the hormone that regulates water balance
  1. "if you carry out a lot of _______________ and sweat alot, your urine will be...
  2. the part of the brain that controls temperature
  3. "37degrees could be described as your ________ body temperature

12 Clues: where urine is stored in the bodythe hormone that regulates water balancethe organ responsible for filtering your bloodthe part of the brain that controls temperatureif you drink a lot of water your urine will be...the disease that causes a lack of insulin productionthe hormone that regulates glucose levels in the blood...

Food Technology Quiz 2017-04-27

Food Technology Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. It originated around 4000 B.C. in South East Asia
  2. It is a type of berry
  3. A fruit that is yellow and curved
  4. The government's daily portion of food
  5. Usually made out of wheat and has loads of carbohydrates
  1. Usually with potatoes inside and can be fried, grilled, or oven cooked
  2. Too much of this can give you type 2 diabetes or heart diease
  3. A sugary snack that is usually filled with jam, custard or topped with sprinkles
  4. A fruit that comes in red or green
  5. Has all the vitamins except for vitamin C
  6. Name of meat that is full of starch
  7. It is made from nectar and bee vomit

12 Clues: It is a type of berryA fruit that is yellow and curvedA fruit that comes in red or greenName of meat that is full of starchIt is made from nectar and bee vomitThe government's daily portion of foodHas all the vitamins except for vitamin CIt originated around 4000 B.C. in South East AsiaUsually made out of wheat and has loads of carbohydrates...

organ system 2020-11-12

organ system crossword puzzle
  1. I prepare food for the plant
  2. Bottom of the windpipe divides into two tubes called ______
  3. The sensory system is made up of _________
  4. I have the Heart and blood vessels
  1. I grow upwards to the surface and take in oxygen from air for the roots to use
  2. The endocrine system produces chemicals called _________
  3. I contain the reproductive organs of the plant
  4. A long tube which is the main part of digestive system
  5. I look like spring. I support the plant
  6. Diabetes can be controlled by extra intake of ____
  7. In the stomach the food is turned into a creamy liquid called _______
  8. I transport water and food and support the leaves and flowers.

12 Clues: I prepare food for the plantI have the Heart and blood vesselsI look like spring. I support the plantThe sensory system is made up of _________I contain the reproductive organs of the plantDiabetes can be controlled by extra intake of ____A long tube which is the main part of digestive systemThe endocrine system produces chemicals called _________...

Cardiopulmonary Diagnostics 2024-02-26

Cardiopulmonary Diagnostics crossword puzzle
  1. Visual examination of the tracheobronchial tree
  2. Screens for presence of tuberculosis, obtained by early morning sputum specimens on 3 consecutive days
  3. Portable ECG worn by a client at home, work, or school
  4. Released from cells when myocardial tissue is damaged
  5. Good cholesterol
  6. Used to detect inflammation if there is suspicion of tissue injury or infection
  1. Component of a serum lipid panel, elevated with obesity, excessive alcohol intake, and diabetes mellitus
  2. Surgical perforation of chest wall and pleural space with needle to aspirate fluid
  3. Electrolyte that has an effect on cardiac rhythm
  4. Bad cholesterol
  5. Invasive procedure used to visualize cardiac chambers, valves, and coronary arteries
  6. Increased levels used to determine severity of congestive heart failure

12 Clues: Bad cholesterolGood cholesterolVisual examination of the tracheobronchial treeElectrolyte that has an effect on cardiac rhythmReleased from cells when myocardial tissue is damagedPortable ECG worn by a client at home, work, or schoolIncreased levels used to determine severity of congestive heart failure...

Cerebrovascular Disease and Head Injury 2012-06-07

Cerebrovascular Disease and Head Injury crossword puzzle
  1. nausea and ______: a common sign of a head injury
  2. if you wear one biking, you will protect your brain
  3. cholesterol build up in the vessels
  4. inability to awaken, or a long period of unconsciousness
  5. happens when the blood supply to the brain is restricted
  6. a sign of stroke is __________ on one side of the body
  1. swelling in the brain (or anywhere, for that matter)
  2. insulin dependant disorder and risk factor for CVD
  3. a clot, broken off and travelled to your brain
  4. transient ischaemic attack is also known as:
  5. a weakened, bursting blood vessel
  6. an injury that you can get if you hit your head
  7. a scan that may be used to diagnose a head injury

13 Clues: a weakened, bursting blood vesselcholesterol build up in the vesselstransient ischaemic attack is also known as:a clot, broken off and travelled to your brainan injury that you can get if you hit your headnausea and ______: a common sign of a head injurya scan that may be used to diagnose a head injury...

Prenatal Development 2016-07-17

Prenatal Development crossword puzzle
  1. Brings oxygen and nutrient rich blood to the foetus
  2. Muscles develop and grow in this stage
  3. Disorder characterised by hypertension and fluid retention
  4. Occurs when a spern unites and fuses with a mature ovum high in the Fallopian tubes
  5. Illness of an unborn baby
  6. Lasts eight weeks
  7. A condition caused by chromosomal abnormality in the 24th chromosome
  1. Occurs when the part of the neural tube that forms the spin fails to fuse
  2. Instead of implanting in the uterus, the embryo implants elswhere
  3. The death of a woman while pregnant
  4. A form of diabetes that only occurs during pregnancy
  5. The final stage of development of the fertilised egg before implantation
  6. A fertilised egg before cell division

13 Clues: Lasts eight weeksIllness of an unborn babyThe death of a woman while pregnantA fertilised egg before cell divisionMuscles develop and grow in this stageBrings oxygen and nutrient rich blood to the foetusA form of diabetes that only occurs during pregnancyDisorder characterised by hypertension and fluid retention...

Health Vocab 2019-01-10

Health Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Someone with this may be prone to seizures.
  2. A Dumping ground.
  3. This type of precipitation is poisonous.
  4. This has led to global warming.
  5. A doctor trained in a particular field.
  6. A layer in the sky that protects organisms from ultraviolet rays.
  1. This disease has two types, one can be caused by unhealthy eating habits.
  2. Used to save someone who is choking.
  3. A doctor specializing in skin care.
  4. Used to protect plants from harmful organisms.
  5. Used to save a person who has stopped breathing without mouth to mouth
  6. A procedure to save someone who has stopped breathing or who's heart has stopped beating.
  7. Tattoo artists need these to keep their machines clean.

13 Clues: A Dumping ground.This has led to global warming.A doctor specializing in skin care.Used to save someone who is choking.A doctor trained in a particular field.This type of precipitation is poisonous.Someone with this may be prone to seizures.Used to protect plants from harmful organisms.Tattoo artists need these to keep their machines clean....

Personal Health 2019-01-10

Personal Health crossword puzzle
  1. Precipitation that is acidic with high levels of hydrogen.
  2. Quick upward pulls into the diaphragm to force out obstructions blocking the airway.
  3. A device that sterilizes items with heat.
  4. A doctor who specializes in skin.
  5. Used to control the insects and other pests and crops.
  6. CPR without mouth to mouth.
  7. Nervous system disorder that can lead to seizures.
  1. Huge pits where waste is dumped and buried.
  2. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation- used when someone's heart has stopped beating or someone has stopped breathing.
  3. A shield to protect living things from UV radiation.
  4. The Earth holds radiation inside the atmosphere.
  5. A doctor trained to handle particular kinds of patients or medical conditions.
  6. Chronic disease that affects blood sugar levels.

13 Clues: CPR without mouth to mouth.A doctor who specializes in skin.A device that sterilizes items with heat.Huge pits where waste is dumped and buried.The Earth holds radiation inside the atmosphere.Chronic disease that affects blood sugar levels.Nervous system disorder that can lead to seizures.A shield to protect living things from UV radiation....

Health Vocab 2019-01-08

Health Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. thrusts quick upward pulls into diaphragm to force out obstructions blocking the airway
  2. use to control insects and other pests and crops
  3. huge pits where waste is dumped and buried
  4. trapping of suns warmth on a planets lower atmosphere
  5. rainfall made sufficiently acidic by atmospheric pollution
  6. a strong heated container used for chemical reactions
  7. a chronic disease that affects blood sugar levels
  1. without mouth to mouth breaths
  2. a medical practitioner qualified to diagnose and treat skin disorders
  3. a doctor trained to handle particular kinds of patients or medical conditions
  4. a shield to protect living things from UV radiation
  5. nervous system disorders that can lead to seizures
  6. cardiopulmonary resuscitation used when someones heart has stopped beating or someone has stoppped breathing

13 Clues: without mouth to mouth breathshuge pits where waste is dumped and burieduse to control insects and other pests and cropsa chronic disease that affects blood sugar levelsnervous system disorders that can lead to seizuresa shield to protect living things from UV radiationtrapping of suns warmth on a planets lower atmosphere...

I.6.8 Endocrine Crossword 2020-10-29

I.6.8 Endocrine Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This produces insulin that helps us use energy from food that we eat.
  2. What does the mail reproductive gland produce?
  3. What is the female reproductive gland called?
  4. This is a disease you can get if your body does not produce enough insulin.
  5. Endocrine system chemicals are called this.
  1. These things deliver chemicals for the endocrine system.
  2. This gland regulates how fast your body uses calories from the food you eat.
  3. What is the biggest gland of the endocrine system?
  4. The pituitary gland is the size of a ___________.
  5. Which gland is in charge of the whole endocrine system?
  6. This gland produces adrenalin which is used to help us when there is danger or fear.
  7. What is the male reproductive gland called?
  8. What does the female reproductive gland produce?
  9. What substance does the pancreas produce?

14 Clues: What substance does the pancreas produce?What is the male reproductive gland called?Endocrine system chemicals are called this.What is the female reproductive gland called?What does the mail reproductive gland produce?What does the female reproductive gland produce?The pituitary gland is the size of a ___________....

Crossword 2022-03-19

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The energy that you get from your diet is called
  2. Brown dot symbolizes
  3. It is the food that you eat and the liquid you drink
  4. Carbohydrates break down into this type of sugar
  5. A medical condition in which your body either does not produce enough insulin or is not able to use it efficiently
  6. How many calories does water have?
  7. Has a cancer causing chemical called nicotine
  1. A slow poison present in soft drinks, energy drinks, fruit drinks etc
  2. A protein found in blood that carries oxygen throughout your body
  3. Too much storage of body fat
  4. Iron deficiency
  5. Removing the right nutrients from the food by mixing various things or making it impure is called food_________
  6. Green dot symbolizes

13 Clues: Iron deficiencyBrown dot symbolizesGreen dot symbolizesToo much storage of body fatHow many calories does water have?Has a cancer causing chemical called nicotineThe energy that you get from your diet is calledCarbohydrates break down into this type of sugarIt is the food that you eat and the liquid you drink...

Water, Sleep, and Exercise! 2023-04-20

Water, Sleep, and Exercise! crossword puzzle
  1. a group of hormones within the brain and nervous system that help reduce pain or stress
  2. another name for H2O
  3. a lack of sleep can leave you with an increased risk of this
  4. you do this every night
  5. a mental health condition that can cause persistent feelings of sadness
  6. a hormone that wakes you up
  7. a mental health condition that causes excess worry
  8. a form of stretching that includes one knee forward and one backwards
  1. caused by the lack of water intake
  2. a health condition that results in too much sugar in the blood
  3. a form of exercise focused on breathing and oxygen flow
  4. recommended that you do this daily
  5. you do this for your body and phone every night

13 Clues: another name for H2Oyou do this every nighta hormone that wakes you upcaused by the lack of water intakerecommended that you do this dailyyou do this for your body and phone every nighta mental health condition that causes excess worrya form of exercise focused on breathing and oxygen flowa lack of sleep can leave you with an increased risk of this...

Personal Health Vocab 2019-01-09

Personal Health Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Doctor that treats and diagnoses skin diseases
  2. Upwards pull on the diaphragm to get out blocks of the airway
  3. Pits where garbage is dumped
  4. A medical condition that affects the nervous system, causes seizures
  5. Destroys insects that are dangerous to crops
  6. Heated container for chemicals reactions using high temperatures and pressures
  1. Trapping the suns warmth in the lower atmosphere of a planet
  2. CPR that doesn't use mouth-to-mouth
  3. A doctor that specializes in one specific medical topic
  4. A shield that protects Earth's organisms from UV radiation
  5. Disease where the body can't properly respond to insulin, affects blood sugar levels
  6. When atmospheric pollution causes rain to become acidic
  7. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

13 Clues: Pits where garbage is dumpedCardiopulmonary ResuscitationCPR that doesn't use mouth-to-mouthDestroys insects that are dangerous to cropsDoctor that treats and diagnoses skin diseasesA doctor that specializes in one specific medical topicWhen atmospheric pollution causes rain to become acidicA shield that protects Earth's organisms from UV radiation...

Health Vocab 2019-01-08

Health Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. a chronic disease that affects blood sugar levels
  2. a shield to protect living things from UV radiation
  3. a medical practitioner qualified to diagnose and treat skin disorders
  4. used to control insects and other pests and crops
  5. huge pits where waste is dumped and buried
  6. trapping of suns warmth in a planets lower atmosphere
  7. cardiopulmonary resuscitation used when someone's heart stops beating or someone has stopped breathing
  1. nervous system disorders that can lead to seizures
  2. a doctor trained to handle particular kinds of patients or medical conditions
  3. quick upward pulls into the diaphragm to force out obstructions blocking the airway
  4. a strong heated container used for chemical reactions
  5. without mouth to mouth breaths
  6. rainfall made sufficiently acidic by atmospheric pollution

13 Clues: without mouth to mouth breathshuge pits where waste is dumped and burieda chronic disease that affects blood sugar levelsused to control insects and other pests and cropsnervous system disorders that can lead to seizuresa shield to protect living things from UV radiationa strong heated container used for chemical reactions...

Ch. 3 & 4 Sports Med. 2021-10-14

Ch. 3 & 4 Sports Med. crossword puzzle
  1. a condition marked by a deficiency of red blood cells
  2. when brain activity becomes abnormal.
  3. blood cells becomes a crescent shape instead of a circle
  4. history, observation, palpation, and special tests. A procedure that is used to evaluate injuries.
  5. a respiratory condition that causes difficulty in breathing which can lead to wheezing and tightness in the chest.
  6. pain in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen.
  1. a deep state of unconsciousness
  2. a disease that fails to produce or respond to insulin.
  3. a written plan for emergency situations.
  4. a visual and physical inspection of the athlete.
  5. asthma attack caused by exercise in cold, dry air.
  6. wet or sweaty skin.
  7. people who provide pre-hospital treatment

13 Clues: wet or sweaty skin.a deep state of unconsciousnesswhen brain activity becomes abnormal.a written plan for emergency situations.people who provide pre-hospital treatmenta visual and physical inspection of the athlete.pain in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen.asthma attack caused by exercise in cold, dry air....


ALL ABOUT KIDNEYS crossword puzzle
  1. Filter blood to form urine
  2. Kidney disease that causes fluid filled cysts to grow in the kidneys
  3. Tubes made of smooth muscle that carries urine from kidneys to bladder
  4. Hormone that stimulates bone marrow to make red blood cells
  5. Build up of waste in the blood
  6. Balance of chemicals and fluid in the body
  7. Where urine is stored
  1. Each kidney weighs about 1/4 to 1/2 lb and is about the size of this
  2. Functional unit of the kidney
  3. Ball of capillaries in each nephron where water and small solutes are forced through filtration slits by the pressure of the beating heart
  4. Number 2 cause of kidney failure
  5. Final pathway for elimination of urine
  6. Number 1 cause of kidney failure

13 Clues: Where urine is storedFilter blood to form urineFunctional unit of the kidneyBuild up of waste in the bloodNumber 2 cause of kidney failureNumber 1 cause of kidney failureFinal pathway for elimination of urineBalance of chemicals and fluid in the bodyHormone that stimulates bone marrow to make red blood cells...

Madagascar 2024-02-02

Madagascar crossword puzzle
  1. someone who studies plants
  2. a type of animal whose body temperature changes according to the temperature around it, and that usually lays eggs to have babies
  3. a serious medical condition in which your body cannot control the level of sugar in your blood
  4. almost
  5. an illness caused by an infection or by a failure of health and not by an accident
  6. a lot of money / the good or bad things that happen to you
  1. something that shines in the dark
  2. happening(/active(birds/animals)) at night
  3. far away
  4. to join(collect)several things/people somewhere to make a group.
  5. including many different types
  6. extremely large
  7. to hold someone or something tightly, especially because you are frightened

13 Clues: almostfar awayextremely largesomeone who studies plantsincluding many different typessomething that shines in the darkhappening(/active(birds/animals)) at nighta lot of money / the good or bad things that happen to youto join(collect)several things/people somewhere to make a group....