english Crossword Puzzles

English 2021-09-27

English crossword puzzle
  1. the act of thinking carefully and seriously about something
  2. : an error in logic
  3. point: a point that no one can argue or disagree with
  4. the feeling connected to the meaning of words
  5. : a survey or review of a past course of event or period of time
  6. a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two unlike subject using either like or as
  7. the dictionary definition of words
  8. when a non human subject is given human characteristics
  9. an act of breaking a rule or law
  10. the rationale and practice of persuasive public speaking.
  11. to discuss something in order to reach an agreement in business or politics
  1. the state of being able to read and write
  2. something that is very long and boring.
  3. : an statement that something is true or valid
  4. anything in literature that stands for or represents something else.
  5. ; something that you thick is true but you have proot, assume
  6. something such as a point previously claimed in argument that is later yielded
  7. : an argument made to oppose/go agisent another argument.
  8. exaggeration used for emphasis or dramatic effect.
  9. hominem: fallacy an attack on a person not an issue in hopes to discredit an idea issue argument
  10. pause: an intentional pause in delivery in order to build suspense or magnify the importance of a point.
  11. ro action : to invite your audience to act out and do something
  12. someone is stupid and has imagiation
  13. sequitur: fallacy a conclusion that does not logically follow from the proof provided in an argument.
  14. a regularly repeated line or group of lines in a poem.

25 Clues: : an error in logican act of breaking a rule or lawthe dictionary definition of wordssomeone is stupid and has imagiationsomething that is very long and boring.the state of being able to read and writethe feeling connected to the meaning of words: an statement that something is true or validexaggeration used for emphasis or dramatic effect....

English 2021-05-14

English crossword puzzle
  1. Large phylum
  2. Decorative metal
  3. Large number of fish
  4. Organic compound
  5. Organic compound CH2O
  6. An armed ship
  7. A piece of writing
  8. Metal joining process
  9. Environment
  10. Loud and powerful
  11. Zest
  12. Area of something
  13. Gallows
  1. Irregular pathways
  2. Tone Of Voice
  3. Aircraft
  4. Plates, Dishes, Cups
  5. Resonance
  6. Desire to cause pain
  7. Captive animals

20 Clues: ZestGallowsAircraftResonanceEnvironmentLarge phylumTone Of VoiceAn armed shipCaptive animalsDecorative metalOrganic compoundLoud and powerfulArea of somethingIrregular pathwaysA piece of writingLarge number of fishPlates, Dishes, CupsDesire to cause painOrganic compound CH2OMetal joining process

English 2021-10-09

English crossword puzzle
  1. a person who finds it difficult to stop working
  2. push roughly
  3. without a fault or mistake
  4. a way of speaking
  5. echoes of sounds
  6. without which a piece of work cannot be done
  7. record-breaker
  8. gave a short performance so that the director could decide whether she was good enough
  9. given usually an award or a degree
  10. projects that often involve risk
  1. much desired
  2. causes a slight pricking or stinging sensation
  3. a musical instrument with a row of wooden bars of different lengths
  4. promising to bring good fortune
  5. great importance
  6. wind instruments which have reeds like the flute, the clarinet, etc.
  7. frightening
  8. fascinating
  9. things given in a memory of place, person or event
  10. old-fashioned way of referring to films
  11. weakened
  12. belonging strongly in a religion and obeying its laws and following its practices

22 Clues: weakenedfrighteningfascinatingmuch desiredpush roughlyrecord-breakergreat importanceechoes of soundsa way of speakingwithout a fault or mistakepromising to bring good fortuneprojects that often involve riskgiven usually an award or a degreeold-fashioned way of referring to filmswithout which a piece of work cannot be done...

ENGLISH 2021-10-16

ENGLISH crossword puzzle
  1. normally live and thrive in a particular ecosystem.
  2. a variety in the genetic makeup of individuals in a population.
  3. They can live in many different places, eat a variety of foods, and often tolerate a wide range of environmental condi- tions.
  4. the process by which the earth’s life forms change genetically over time.
  5. occurs when an entire species ceases to exist.
  6. the remains or traces of past organisms
  7. which are changes in the coded genetic in- structions in the DNA in a gene.
  8. Each species plays a role within the ecosystem it inhabits
  9. Species found in only one area
  10. transfer of segments of DNA with the desired trait from one species to another
  11. life on earth sharply reduces by several periods during which there is a significant rise in extinction rates.
  1. play several critical roles in helping to sustain ecosystems.
  2. Species that provide early warnings of changes in environmental conditions in an ecosystem
  3. change the genetic characteristics of populations with similar genes
  4. able to live in only one type of habitat, eat only one or a few types of food, or tolerate a narrow range of environmental conditions.
  5. which is the variety of genes found in a population or in a species
  6. occurs when different groups of the same population of a species become physically isolated from one another for a long time.
  7. individuals possess heritable traits that give them advantage over other individuals in the population.
  8. species that migrate into or that are deliberately or accidentally introduced into an ecosystem
  9. diagrams that depict the hypothetical evolution of various species from common ancestors.

20 Clues: Species found in only one areathe remains or traces of past organismsoccurs when an entire species ceases to exist.normally live and thrive in a particular ecosystem.Each species plays a role within the ecosystem it inhabitsplay several critical roles in helping to sustain ecosystems.a variety in the genetic makeup of individuals in a population....

English 2022-05-23

English crossword puzzle
  1. Sportbačiai
  2. kojinės
  3. paltas
  4. kepurė
  5. sijonas
  6. treningai
  7. pižama
  8. suknelė
  9. kepurė su snapu
  10. džinsai
  1. aulinukai
  2. striukė
  3. trumpos
  4. megztinis
  5. šortai
  6. kaklaraištis
  7. marškinėliai
  8. kelnės
  9. šalikas
  10. jemperis
  11. kardiganas
  12. batai

22 Clues: bataišortaipaltaskepurėkelnėspižamastriukėtrumposkojinėssijonasšalikassuknelėdžinsaijemperisaulinukaimegztinistreningaikardiganasSportbačiaikaklaraištismarškinėliaikepurė su snapu

English 2022-05-18

English crossword puzzle
  1. the first president of the US
  2. someone you go to when you are ill
  3. a property of water
  4. an activity you do with your ears
  5. a place where you can rent books
  6. an activity that monkeys do
  7. a sweet treat
  8. an activity that birds do
  9. an objekt that tells time
  10. something that the easter bunny hides
  1. an animal that likes to chase mice
  2. a property of stones
  3. something you can see your reflection in
  4. a proberty of the ocean that you can taste
  5. a water that connects continents
  6. a cold season
  7. an activity you use your voice to
  8. the antonym to "poor"
  9. a vehicle with two wheels
  10. the colour of the sun

20 Clues: a cold seasona sweet treata property of watera property of stonesthe antonym to "poor"the colour of the suna vehicle with two wheelsan activity that birds doan objekt that tells timean activity that monkeys dothe first president of the USa water that connects continentsa place where you can rent booksan activity you use your voice to...

English 2022-05-17

English crossword puzzle
  1. vieta
  2. kāpt
  3. lieta
  4. dimants
  5. tiesa
  6. kaklarota
  7. detektīvs
  8. grūst
  9. cimdi
  10. asistents
  1. ķert
  2. smadzenes
  3. spiegs
  4. miskaste
  5. neiespējams
  6. noziegums
  7. krist
  8. zādzība
  9. izbēgt
  10. nelegāls

20 Clues: ķertkāptvietalietakristtiesagrūstcimdispiegsizbēgtdimantszādzībamiskastenelegālssmadzenesnoziegumskaklarotadetektīvsasistentsneiespējams

english 2022-05-23

english crossword puzzle
  1. showing a critical or disrespectful attitude.
  2. likely understood by a small numberofpeople
  3. a person who opposes official policy,
  4. subject to chance
  5. having or showing a strongdesire for revenge.
  6. extract from various sources
  7. make (something) greater by adding to it
  8. warn or reprimand someone firmly
  9. without the agreement of another
  1. a survey or review of a past course of events
  2. not sufficiently strict, severe, or careful
  3. alking fluently, readily, or incessantly.
  4. a public speaker,
  5. an idea or feeling
  6. confusion or disorder.
  7. open to more than one interpretation
  8. relating to viscera
  9. a person's death.
  10. greatenergyorenthusiasminpursuitofacause
  11. feel or express strong disapproval of

20 Clues: a public speaker,a person's death.subject to chancean idea or feelingrelating to visceraconfusion or disorder.extract from various sourceswarn or reprimand someone firmlywithout the agreement of anotheropen to more than one interpretationa person who opposes official policy,feel or express strong disapproval of...

english 2022-06-20

english crossword puzzle
  1. ,an executive body
  2. ,comparable
  3. ,almighty
  4. conscious intellectual activity
  5. ,back down
  6. , to emerge
  7. wild excitement
  8. secretive
  9. ,cowshed
  10. alchoholic drink from Japan
  11. or lethargic
  12. of a right
  13. ,angry look on the face
  1. ,generous
  2. ,japanese swords
  3. ,infringe upon
  4. ,a short,high pitched cry
  5. intense
  6. tired
  7. ,obsecure
  8. ,freedom
  9. ,untidy/messy
  10. or embarassed
  11. ,emotionally hardened
  12. ,small and naughty boy
  13. ,false or fake

26 Clues: tiredintense,freedom,cowshed,generous,obsecure,almightysecretive,back downof a right,comparable, to emergeor lethargic,untidy/messyor embarassed,infringe upon,false or fakewild excitement,japanese swords,an executive body,emotionally hardened,small and naughty boy,angry look on the face,a short,high pitched cryalchoholic drink from Japan...

English 2022-07-07

English crossword puzzle
  1. big Ben is in…
  2. can you …the door
  3. the ….Bridge
  4. What are yuo Wirsing on
  5. bike or
  6. My Teacher speak…
  7. Mr. Maroschek is my englisch …
  8. Opposition of stanz up is…
  1. pass….
  2. Short or …
  3. old or
  4. After school we are do our
  5. Yes or …
  6. we Drink everyday
  7. 5D is my …
  8. the Rhein is a…
  9. I live in…
  10. the animal has long tucks
  11. I like to …
  12. we live …creme in summer

20 Clues: pass….old orbike orYes or …Short or …5D is my …I live in…I like to …the ….Bridgebig Ben is in…the Rhein is a…can you …the doorwe Drink everydayMy Teacher speak…What are yuo Wirsing onwe live …creme in summerthe animal has long tucksAfter school we are do ourOpposition of stanz up is…Mr. Maroschek is my englisch …

English 2022-06-29

English crossword puzzle
  1. smart
  2. quiet
  3. patient
  4. impatient
  5. stupid
  6. careless
  7. stingy
  8. panicky
  9. bad
  1. honest
  2. arrogant
  3. impolite
  4. dishonest
  5. talkative
  6. good
  7. polite
  8. humble
  9. calm
  10. careful
  11. generous

20 Clues: badgoodcalmsmartquiethonestpolitehumblestupidstingypatientcarefulpanickyarrogantimpolitecarelessgenerousdishonesttalkativeimpatient

English 2022-07-25

English crossword puzzle
  1. cachecol
  2. pijamas
  3. cinto
  4. meias
  5. chapéu
  6. vestido de noite
  7. sapatos
  8. terno
  9. botas
  10. gravata
  11. pantufa
  12. luvas
  13. blusa
  1. sapatos de esporte
  2. jaqueta
  3. boné
  4. óculos de sol
  5. camiseta
  6. shorts
  7. vestido
  8. saia
  9. calças
  10. camisa
  11. biquini

24 Clues: bonésaiacintomeiasternobotasluvasblusashortschapéucalçascamisajaquetapijamasvestidosapatosgravatapantufabiquinicachecolcamisetaóculos de solvestido de noitesapatos de esporte

English 2022-07-07

English crossword puzzle
  1. pergi
  2. sembilan belas
  3. jendela
  4. mencuci
  5. bermain
  6. pintu
  7. ruang kelas
  8. lima puluh satu
  9. hewan
  10. berjalan
  11. menghapus
  12. melompat
  1. membuka
  2. berlari
  3. tujuh puluh dua
  4. makanan
  5. bekerja
  6. berenang
  7. menangis
  8. berbicara
  9. datang
  10. api
  11. cepat
  12. lampu
  13. tidur

25 Clues: apipergipintucepatlamputidurhewandatangmembukaberlarimakananjendelamencucibekerjabermainberenangmenangisberjalanmelompatberbicaramenghapusruang kelassembilan belastujuh puluh dualima puluh satu

English 2022-11-20

English crossword puzzle
  1. having to do with war
  2. to move lightly just above a surface here, the sea
  3. things for sale
  4. a busy publicroad
  5. going down a cliff by sliding down a rop
  6. uncomfortable feeling of sand pinning around and losing one's balance
  7. out went cautiosly, courageously
  8. spread out
  9. making an effort to maintaining feathers
  10. set alight (a fire),here,feelings
  11. spend money carefully
  12. showing displeasure
  13. copying
  1. leaping like a horse
  2. flying with one wing higher than other
  3. silly nonsense
  4. to sharpen
  5. a soft-finned sea fish
  6. a time when there is not much work
  7. here and best
  8. in a manner showing someone that he is stupid
  9. retunrd repeatedly to her mind;was inposible to frget
  10. stifled suppressed/controlled with determination
  11. A narrow horizontal shelf projecting from a wall a cliff
  12. questions careful questions
  13. causing strong dislike
  14. announcing
  15. proudly
  16. scolding
  17. longingly
  18. an expression of disapproval

31 Clues: proudlycopyingscoldinglonginglyto sharpenannouncingspread outhere and bestsilly nonsensethings for salea busy publicroadshowing displeasureleaping like a horsehaving to do with warspend money carefullya soft-finned sea fishcausing strong dislikequestions careful questionsan expression of disapprovalout went cautiosly, courageously...

ENGLISH 2019-06-02

ENGLISH crossword puzzle
  1. a funeral song
  2. characterized by a marked lack of movement, activity, or expression;
  3. no pain no gain!
  4. (n.) a potion once thought capable of curing all ills and maintaining life indefinitely; a panacea; a sweet liquid used to deliver medicine
  5. causing irritation or annoyance; bothersome
  6. a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant
  7. humorous play on words that have several meanings or words that sound the same but have different meanings
  8. showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect
  9. mom will kill me if I fail this test!
  10. having or showing a great desire to possess something, typically something belonging to someone else
  11. the opposite of what's expected to happen
  12. silence," "permanent temp"
  13. A figure of speech that combines opposite or contradictory terms in a brief phrase.
  14. water leaps off the ledge
  15. an extreme exaggeration
  16. A rapidly spreading and usually fatal disease; plague
  17. boxing, fighting with the fists
  18. A comparison of two unlike things using "like" or "as" (or "seems" or "appears")
  19. not discovered or known about; uncertain;
  20. The mention of a very famous person, place, book, event, or object
  21. couple or a pair
  22. "Pugilism has been called "the sweet science" by some, but others feel that hitting other people in the head until they can't get up isn't much of a sport."
  23. laugh loudly and in an unrestrained way
  24. to entertain or delight (with food or a story or play)
  25. giving a human trait to an inanimate object
  26. hating mankind in general
  27. to get smaller, dimmer, or weaker; to near an end
  28. (adj.) thin and bony, starved looking; bare, barren
  29. Description that appeals to the senses (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste)
  30. in a trance-like state; unable to move or talk due to shock or illness
  31. hamper;
  1. An object or character in literature that represents or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract.
  2. from being seen; conceal;
  3. bewildered or perplexed or confused
  4. (adj.) persistent, stubbornly determined, refusing to give up; unrelenting; persistent
  5. Bold disrespect or rudeness
  6. or difficult to understand
  7. conduct (actions) or speech inciting (inspiring) people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch;
  8. A comparison not using like or as
  9. to restrain;
  10. ruler with unlimited power
  11. expressed or understood or implied without being stated or said directly; unspoken
  12. (adj.) light, airy, delicate; highly refined; suggesting what is heavenly (rather than earthbound)
  13. to stun, baffle, or amaze;
  14. an insult
  15. a wild uproar, din, or commotion (as because of anger or excitement in a crowd of people)
  16. the unintentional misuse of a word by confusion with one that sounds similar
  17. astonish to the point that one can't think clearly
  18. shackle
  19. two items of the same kind;
  20. Honor or respect shown publicly
  21. a supreme ruler, especially a monarch;
  22. hints or clues of what will happen later on; meant to build suspense or tension
  23. an overused expression that should be avoided because it is so boring.
  24. cupcakes (delicious-positive)
  25. two;
  26. sullen and ill-tempered; gloomy
  27. The dictionary definition of a word
  28. the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words
  29. unable to be comforted; brokenhearted; extremely sad, anguished
  30. crime of encouraging people to overthrow the government through writing, actions or speech
  31. a violent uprising against an authority or government
  32. or meow
  33. a word that sounds like what it describes
  34. secondary emotional meaning of a word pos.,neg.,or neutral.
  35. anger as a result of something unjust
  36. to scold or rebuke severely and at length
  37. a large fire that is dangerously out of control
  38. an unpleasant, cramped, and dilapidated place to live

69 Clues: two;shackleor meowhamper;an insultto restrain;a funeral songno pain no gain!couple or a pairan extreme exaggerationfrom being seen; conceal;water leaps off the ledgehating mankind in generalor difficult to understandruler with unlimited powerto stun, baffle, or amaze;silence," "permanent temp"Bold disrespect or rudenesstwo items of the same kind;...

English 2019-10-29

English crossword puzzle
  1. 6
  2. 54
  3. 13
  4. 17
  5. 4
  6. 65
  7. 15
  8. 43
  9. 70
  10. 18
  11. 109
  12. 9
  13. 10
  14. 32
  15. 21
  16. 98
  17. 19
  18. 210
  19. 3411
  20. 200
  21. 20
  22. 90
  23. 2
  24. 80
  1. 8
  2. 60
  3. 1200
  4. 3
  5. 1000
  6. 40
  7. 50
  8. 16
  9. 76
  10. 1
  11. 5
  12. 87
  13. 100
  14. 7
  15. 14
  16. 12
  17. 11
  18. 30

42 Clues: 8634157926054131740501676651543708718103221149819121120309080100109210200120010003411

English 2023-05-16

English crossword puzzle
  1. keskkond
  2. pärandus
  3. unustamatu
  4. rakendusi
  5. jõudlus
  6. süsteem
  7. innovatsioonist
  8. peaaegu
  9. kasutaja kogemus
  1. küps
  2. tööruum
  3. peenutsev
  4. evolutsioon
  5. raamistike
  6. ekraani heledus
  7. puhtad jooned
  8. disain
  9. kogum
  10. elav
  11. Ülevaade

20 Clues: küpselavkogumdisaintööruumjõudlussüsteempeaaegukeskkondpärandusÜlevaadepeenutsevrakendusiunustamaturaamistikeevolutsioonpuhtad joonedekraani heledusinnovatsioonistkasutaja kogemus

English 2023-05-23

English crossword puzzle
  1. name of dog that was killed right away when Buck got off the boat
  2. The person who sold buck at the beginning of the book
  3. Indians that killed johnthorton
  4. How many pounds could Buck pull
  5. Man who beat the dogs senseless and ended up drowning
  6. What do the dogs bury themselves in to stay warm
  7. What animal did Buck spend days at the end of the book killing
  8. In what does Buck see a primitive man
  9. Rock everyone was looking for
  10. Type of wolf Buck joined at the end of the book
  11. The main character
  12. The owner of the first sled Buck was apart of
  1. What noise was making Buck adventure into the forest
  2. Used for travel with team of dogs
  3. Weapon that was commonly used to hit dogs
  4. Town everyone was going to
  5. Famous goldrush
  6. Dog that buck killed
  7. Saved Buck from a watery death
  8. Common kind of dog throughout the book
  9. What animal did Buck chase before the death of Spitz

21 Clues: Famous goldrushThe main characterDog that buck killedTown everyone was going toRock everyone was looking forSaved Buck from a watery deathIndians that killed johnthortonHow many pounds could Buck pullUsed for travel with team of dogsIn what does Buck see a primitive manCommon kind of dog throughout the bookWeapon that was commonly used to hit dogs...

english 2023-06-14

english crossword puzzle
  1. process of identifying the similarities and differences between two things
  2. tells when, where and how an action is performed
  3. hints found in a sentence, paragraph, or passage
  4. A handbook;containing information of general interest
  5. tells what is done to someone or something
  6. verbal that ends in -ing
  7. reading comprehension strategy that helps readers make meaning of what they are reading
  8. part of speech that express strong feeling or sudden emotion
  9. a emotional response arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm
  10. tells what a person or thing does
  11. explores the five human Senses
  1. most common form of writing
  2. identifying only the difference between two things
  3. A word such as 'can' or 'would'
  4. consisting the word "to"
  5. An art whose medium is language
  6. Brief summary or general overview
  7. sequence of incidents or events in story
  8. express conditional relations between two states of affairs
  9. form for theatre which narrates story with elements

20 Clues: consisting the word "to"verbal that ends in -ingmost common form of writingexplores the five human SensesA word such as 'can' or 'would'An art whose medium is languageBrief summary or general overviewtells what a person or thing doessequence of incidents or events in storytells what is done to someone or something...

English 2023-06-25

English crossword puzzle
  1. Mother always take ____ of her children.
  2. dream for life
  3. a desease that can harm people's life
  4. Linking verb that indicates ownership or possession
  5. sometimes called pie or circle chart
  6. showing possitive messages
  7. Linking verb that indicates a time or duration of something
  8. means sketch some idea
  9. is graphic device that gives information by means of maps
  10. when expressing gratitude
  11. Linking verb that expresses identity or attribution
  12. group of words that introduce opinions
  13. showing dis agreement
  14. calling for boy
  15. the result of the virus
  16. Linking verb that indicates the state or condition of something
  17. showing agreement
  18. when conveying negative expression or negation
  19. The most common linking verb in English
  20. usually nonfiction or informatiomal
  21. when giving greetings
  22. give an organize picture of information or data
  23. Linking verb that expresses an occurrence or existence
  24. is the similar to facts
  1. Linking verb that indicates a change or transition
  2. sample of negative messages
  3. when giving congratulatory remarks
  4. used for categoric, ordered, and discrete variablese
  5. I ____ camping is boring since im not an adventurous person
  6. 100% chance of happening
  7. encouragement
  8. sample of positive messages
  9. finding similarities
  10. trying to understand and see something
  11. 0% chance that is happening
  12. Linking verb that indicates a position or location
  13. finding difference
  14. personal beliefs
  15. messages that expresses gratitude, motivation, or encouragement
  16. should be used for continuous variables
  17. Linking verb that expresses a usual or repeated action
  18. an information about a certain topic
  19. same meaning with similarly
  20. when expressing disappointment
  21. messages that convey unpleasant information
  22. Linking verb that expresses an emotional or mental state
  23. Linking verb that indicates a physical sensation or quality
  24. I ____ camping because it is full of fun
  25. Linking verb that indicates the amount of something
  26. or sometimes called table
  27. when expressing agreement

51 Clues: encouragementdream for lifecalling for boypersonal beliefsshowing agreementfinding differencefinding similaritiesshowing dis agreementwhen giving greetingsmeans sketch some ideathe result of the virusis the similar to facts100% chance of happeningwhen expressing gratitudeor sometimes called tablewhen expressing agreementshowing possitive messages...

english 2023-07-30

english crossword puzzle
  1. held in regret
  2. bright coloured
  3. insincere praise
  4. extremely worried
  5. follows
  6. sharp tooth of an animal
  7. without boasting
  8. attractive
  9. flexible
  10. here it means the spot
  11. skin of animal
  12. approval
  1. showing no sign of worry
  2. a woman in a position of authority
  3. backyard or the lawn of a house
  4. jumps towards someone
  5. anger
  6. recognize
  7. sufficient
  8. paws of tigers
  9. excessive in size
  10. shake
  11. die
  12. making low guttural sounds
  13. forward
  14. a poisonous tree

26 Clues: dieangershakefollowsforwardflexibleapprovalrecognizesufficientattractiveheld in regretpaws of tigersskin of animalbright colouredinsincere praisewithout boastinga poisonous treeextremely worriedexcessive in sizejumps towards someonehere it means the spotshowing no sign of worrysharp tooth of an animalmaking low guttural sounds...

English 2023-07-03

English crossword puzzle
  1. showing no sign of worry
  2. rough or confused struggle
  3. freedom from restriction
  4. insincere praise
  5. makeout ; identify
  6. spying
  7. natural tendency of behaviour
  8. recovering from illness
  9. prscribed course of exercise and diet
  10. making an effort to maintain feathers
  11. surrounded closely
  1. something that cannot be corrected
  2. scolding
  3. study of nature of knowledge itself
  4. leaping like a horse
  5. inner sense of right and wrong
  6. a gentle , loving touch
  7. attractive
  8. flexible
  9. deep and strong
  10. ordinary
  11. covered
  12. originality and inventiveness
  13. top of a low hill
  14. regret

25 Clues: spyingregretcoveredscoldingflexibleordinaryattractivedeep and stronginsincere praisetop of a low hillmakeout ; identifysurrounded closelyleaping like a horsea gentle , loving touchrecovering from illnessshowing no sign of worryfreedom from restrictionrough or confused struggleoriginality and inventivenessnatural tendency of behaviour...

ENGLISH 2023-11-09

ENGLISH crossword puzzle
  7. GAWAI
  9. CATUR


ENGLISH 2023-11-05

ENGLISH crossword puzzle
  1. There are...seasons in Germany.
  2. Rabbit likes to eat..., but dislike rice.
  3. My father wears...to his office.
  4. It is a kind of bird. It has a beautiful fur.
  5. The animal that eats meat is...
  6. The animal that can climb the tree is...
  7. The animal who slither is...
  8. You wear this around your neck to keep warm.
  9. It is a dangerous animal.
  10. You wear this around your waist to hold up your pants.
  11. Cow, sheep and chicken are live in the...
  12. I wear...because it is so hot.
  1. The students wear...to school everyday.
  2. Animal who lives in the sea is...
  3. We wear jackets and bring umbrellas on...season.
  4. You wear this on your hands when it is cold.
  5. She wears...to party.
  6. Animal that has long neck is...
  7. Animal that has trunk and ivories.
  8. There are...seasons in Indonesia.

20 Clues: She wears...to party.It is a dangerous animal.The animal who slither is...I wear...because it is so hot.There are...seasons in Germany.Animal that has long neck is...The animal that eats meat is...My father wears...to his office.Animal who lives in the sea is...There are...seasons in Indonesia.Animal that has trunk and ivories....

English 2023-12-11

English crossword puzzle
  1. Pull
  2. Write
  3. Sound
  4. Out
  5. Half
  6. Wrong
  7. Luck
  8. 100
  9. Between
  1. Father
  2. Two
  3. Distance
  4. Across
  5. Flow
  6. Together
  7. Leader
  8. Away
  9. ComeTogether
  10. One
  11. Sound
  12. Believe
  13. into

22 Clues: TwoOutOne100PullFlowAwayHalfLuckintoWriteSoundWrongSoundFatherAcrossLeaderBelieveBetweenDistanceTogetherComeTogether

English 2023-11-15

English crossword puzzle
  1. Adjusted to a particular standard or level
  2. Small pieces of cloth or paper that are not needed
  3. with a lot of effort or difficulty
  4. Given, ususally an award or a degree
  5. A given space, time or position
  6. Moved into a warm comfortable position, close to another person
  7. A space just below the roof, used as a storeroom
  8. with many folds and lines
  9. starting to fall
  1. contemptuous, showing you think something is worthless
  2. Unhappy
  3. Changed direction because it hit something
  4. Became weak
  5. A children’s game of catching one another
  6. echoes of sounds
  7. Willing to understand and respect others opinion
  8. Unable to breathe, suffocated
  9. A document which gives the rights of an invention to an inventor
  10. without a fault or mistake
  11. In a superior way

20 Clues: UnhappyBecame weakechoes of soundsstarting to fallIn a superior waywith many folds and lineswithout a fault or mistakeUnable to breathe, suffocatedA given space, time or positionwith a lot of effort or difficultyGiven, ususally an award or a degreeA children’s game of catching one anotherAdjusted to a particular standard or level...

English 2023-12-04

English crossword puzzle
  1. Entertaining, funny.
  2. Charming, pleasant.
  3. Charismatic, having an attractive personality.
  4. Captivating, alluring.
  5. Cliché, predictable.
  6. Brilliant, intelligent.
  7. Full of intense and dynamic action.
  8. Credible, plausible.
  9. Adventurous and full of exciting discoveries.
  10. Evoking strong feelings or emotions.
  1. Convincing, persuasive.
  2. Confusing, difficult to comprehend.
  3. Awe-inspiring, extraordinary.
  4. Tedious, lacking interest.
  5. Complicated, difficult to understand.
  6. Simple and clear in a way that is easy for readers to understand.
  7. Dazzling, impressive.
  8. Complex, having many interconnected parts.
  9. Surprising, amazing.
  10. Varied, showing a great deal of diversity.

20 Clues: Charming, pleasant.Entertaining, funny.Cliché, predictable.Credible, plausible.Surprising, amazing.Dazzling, impressive.Captivating, alluring.Convincing, persuasive.Brilliant, intelligent.Tedious, lacking interest.Awe-inspiring, extraordinary.Confusing, difficult to comprehend.Full of intense and dynamic action.Evoking strong feelings or emotions....

English 2023-08-21

English crossword puzzle
  1. making an effort to maintain feathers
  2. scolding
  3. had a very low opinion of
  4. a narrow horizontal shelf projecting from a wall or a cliff
  5. covered (with cloth)
  6. contentment
  7. being treated differently or unfavorably
  8. a soft-finned sea fish
  9. confer
  10. a pattern in the shape of a V
  11. (old fashioned, formal word) done, achieved
  12. leaping like a horse
  13. an inner sense of right and wrong
  1. the ability to deal with any kind of hardship and recover from its effects
  2. friendly and pleasant
  3. leaping like a horse
  4. an impressive display (colorful and attractive)
  5. ying with one wing higher than the other
  6. state of not having one's rightful benefits
  7. pushed to the last point in our ability to bear pain
  8. freedom from restriction
  9. insects that fly in big swarms (groups) and destroy crops
  10. deep and strong
  11. to move lightly just above a surface (here, the sea)

24 Clues: conferscoldingcontentmentdeep and strongleaping like a horsecovered (with cloth)leaping like a horsefriendly and pleasanta soft-finned sea fishfreedom from restrictionhad a very low opinion ofa pattern in the shape of a Van inner sense of right and wrongmaking an effort to maintain feathersying with one wing higher than the other...

English 2023-08-21

English crossword puzzle
  1. being treated differently or unfavorably
  2. the ability to deal with any kind of hardship and recover from its effects
  3. freedom from restriction
  4. (a formal word) here, give
  5. scolding
  6. making an effort to maintain feathers
  7. (old fashioned, formal word) done, achieved
  8. deep and strong
  9. an inner sense of right and wrong
  10. had a very low opinion of
  11. a pattern in the shape of a V
  12. to move lightly just above a surface (here, the sea)
  1. covered (with cloth)
  2. an impressive display (colorful and attractive)
  3. insects that fly in big swarms (groups) and destroy crops
  4. pushed to the last point in our ability to bear pain
  5. leaping like a horse
  6. leaping like a horse
  7. friendly and pleasant
  8. contentment
  9. ying with one wing higher than the other
  10. a narrow horizontal shelf projecting from a wall or a cliff
  11. a soft-finned sea fish
  12. state of not having one's rightful benefits

24 Clues: scoldingcontentmentdeep and strongcovered (with cloth)leaping like a horseleaping like a horsefriendly and pleasanta soft-finned sea fishfreedom from restrictionhad a very low opinion of(a formal word) here, givea pattern in the shape of a Van inner sense of right and wrongmaking an effort to maintain feathers...

English 2024-01-15

English crossword puzzle
  1. a low house
  2. a vacation or other period abroad spent staying in the home of a local family
  3. an amount of money owed for goods supplied or services rendered, set out in a printed or written statement of charges
  4. a house that is only attached to another house by one side
  5. a person who rents land, a building, or an apartment to a tenant
  6. a place where college or university students live
  7. a building for university or college students to live in
  8. the activity of looking for a flat in which to live
  9. a large building that has several or many apartments
  10. the building does not share walls with other houses
  11. a sum of money placed or kept in a bank account, usually to gain interest
  12. to begin living in a new home
  1. Something that's furnished is supplied with whatever it needs
  2. someone who lives with you in your home and shares living space with you, such as the bathroom or kitchen
  3. a person who receives or entertains other people as guests
  4. a house where people stay on holiday
  5. a wooden house or cottage
  6. a house built as part of a continuous row in a uniform style; a row house
  7. a high-end living space that offers amenities and features that go beyond what is typically found in a standard apartment
  8. a person who shares a flat (apartment) with others
  9. an arrangement in which two or more people live in the same flat or apartment and share the cost
  10. a small simple house, typically one near a lake or beach

22 Clues: a low housea wooden house or cottageto begin living in a new homea house where people stay on holidaya place where college or university students livea person who shares a flat (apartment) with othersthe activity of looking for a flat in which to livethe building does not share walls with other houses...

english 2023-12-12

english crossword puzzle
  1. The author of "Sorry, Right Number."
  2. an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.
  3. a sentence with only one independent clause
  4. a describing word
  5. a brave and noble character in an epic poem.
  6. a word part added to the beginning of a word or base word
  7. customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of religious or social groups.
  8. the thing that recieves the action in a sentence.
  9. a sentence made up of a main clause and a subordinate clause connecting to each other with a subordinating conjunction
  10. a poem, word puzzle, or other composition in which certain letters in each line form a word or words.
  11. a long poem, typically derived from ancient tradition.
  12. a copy of a group of words from text or speech with an indication that one is not the original author or speaker.
  13. a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase.
  14. influence from one's peer group.
  15. POV in a story containing she/her, him/he etc.
  16. a person who writes a screenplay
  17. a recurrent symbol in literature, art or mythology (example: hero or warrior).
  18. The person or thing discussed in a sentence.
  19. the main verb in a sentence.
  20. POV where the reader is part of the story. Contains: You, yours
  21. the tendency to consider material possessions more important than spiritual values.
  22. the sentence in a paragraph in which the main idea is stated.
  23. referring to a passage, book, or author as evidence for an argument or statement.
  24. a person, thing, or place in which information is obtained
  25. a group of words that contains a subject, verb and expresses a complete thought.
  26. the tendency for someone to align their way of life with the people around them.
  27. a brief reference in an essay that helps identify an idea's source.
  28. When two independent clauses run together without proper punctuation or conjunctions.
  29. the protection or promotion of the interest of consumers.
  30. a group of words that contains a subject and a verb, but doesn't express a complete thought.
  1. a sentence that connects two independent clauses, typically with a coordinating conjunction.
  2. A movie, television, or radio program that provides a factual report.
  3. a written work meant to be acted out on a stage.
  4. POV in a story containing I,My,Me, etc.
  5. a psychological conflict.
  6. evidence from the text of a story or article supporting a statement or argument.
  7. when the audience knows something the characters don't.
  8. a story that is passed on traditionally, and told by word of mouth.
  9. a literary device characterized by a struggle between two opposing forces;tension in a story.
  10. a story that is not based on true events.
  11. An opening statement in an essay used to grab the reader's attention.
  12. the author of "The Lottery"
  13. a sentence missing either its subject or main verb.
  14. relating to sensation or physical senses.
  15. the author of "Fish Cheeks"
  16. when a character says something different than what they mean.
  17. The author of "The Landlady"
  18. a statement in an essay that identifies the main points that will discussed.
  19. A play written or adapted for television
  20. a story based on true events.
  21. issues with forces outside one's control,such as nature,antagonist, and society.
  22. The author of "A Story Full of the Stuff of Sorrow"
  23. a formatted list of all sources you cited within your paper.
  24. where events take place in a story
  25. when something happens that is different than what was expected to happen.
  26. A word part added to the end of a word.

56 Clues: a describing worda psychological conflict.the author of "The Lottery"the author of "Fish Cheeks"The author of "The Landlady"the main verb in a sentence.a story based on true events.influence from one's peer group.a person who writes a screenplaywhere events take place in a storyThe author of "Sorry, Right Number."...

english 2024-02-02

english crossword puzzle
  1. Having very good judgment
  2. Forgetful, not aware of what is happening
  3. Threatening way
  4. To attack violently
  5. Strong, arousing fear or dread
  6. Having a right to or claim to something
  7. To seek revenge against someone.
  8. Serene, quiet, calm
  9. Carefully
  10. Of little worth or importance.
  1. In the way
  2. Full and appealing in form
  3. Not right, out of sorts
  4. To make appear
  5. To be firmly fixed or placed within something
  6. To destroy completely
  7. To keep within a boundary, caged.
  8. Misleading, warped, out of shape
  9. To squirm in pain
  10. Curiosity, mystery, secret

20 Clues: CarefullyIn the wayTo make appearThreatening wayTo squirm in painTo attack violentlySerene, quiet, calmTo destroy completelyNot right, out of sortsHaving very good judgmentFull and appealing in formCuriosity, mystery, secretStrong, arousing fear or dreadOf little worth or importance.Misleading, warped, out of shapeTo seek revenge against someone....

ENGLISH 2024-05-25

ENGLISH crossword puzzle
  1. get rid of
  2. be angry or upset at
  3. to make you wanna do somthing
  4. a lock of hair
  5. attractive
  6. potting a baby's back to get rid of trapped wind
  7. somthing only few people can afford
  8. trap
  9. an open crack
  10. actiing together staying together
  11. used metaphorically here to mean cutting through watter
  12. a political system in south africa which flavoured white people
  13. to think somthing is terrible
  14. strangeness
  15. struggling to get up
  16. complete, undivided
  17. weak
  18. putting something away to get rid of
  19. really enjoying
  20. a build of something
  1. rough bumpy
  2. calm
  3. sound of horses neighing
  4. a pannel
  5. soft and smooth
  6. type of fabric
  7. not able to be guessed or imagine
  8. luck
  9. with syrup containing sugar
  10. limit
  11. frightened
  12. on intense show storm
  13. worrying
  14. to turn on
  15. massive gaps beetween rich and ppor
  16. a record of achievment and skills
  17. careless and messy
  18. things which cause suffering

38 Clues: calmlucktrapweaklimita pannelworryingget rid ofattractivefrightenedto turn onrough bumpystrangenessan open cracktype of fabrica lock of hairsoft and smoothreally enjoyingcareless and messycomplete, undividedbe angry or upset atstruggling to get upa build of somethingon intense show stormsound of horses neighingwith syrup containing sugar...

ENGLISH 2024-02-29

ENGLISH crossword puzzle
  1. located between the mouth and nose
  2. used to save money
  3. Used when you have a fever, headache, etc
  4. masa kini
  5. 4 wheeled motorized vehicle
  6. awarded to the winner of the championship
  7. Man's best friend
  8. two-wheeled motorized vehicle
  9. masa lalu
  10. Flying mammal
  11. Very useful thing for typing, designing and working nowadays
  1. used for football and similar sports championships
  2. used on the head
  3. The road is used for long distance access and is paid
  4. Large marsupial
  5. Likes to chase mice
  6. children are taught to be smart and become better by teachers
  7. using by human for their body
  8. Has a trunk
  9. used for writing, usually in the form of a book
  10. used on the hand to see the time
  11. located above the eyes
  12. kampung halaman
  13. used for thinking and giving orders to the human body to do many things

24 Clues: masa kinimasa laluHas a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialkampung halamanused on the headMan's best friendused to save moneyLikes to chase micelocated above the eyes4 wheeled motorized vehicleusing by human for their bodytwo-wheeled motorized vehicleused on the hand to see the timelocated between the mouth and nose...

English 2024-03-22

English crossword puzzle
  1. Poetry without using any meter of rhyme
  2. Poem with musical quality
  3. A comparison using like or as
  4. rewording words to make them your own
  5. Sweet and salty
  6. stressed to unstressed syllables
  7. Repetition of the same letter in words next to each other
  8. comparing 2 things stating one is another
  9. Reference to a person, event, or literary work outside the poem
  10. Repeating words or phrases pattern for emphasis
  11. Sarcasm
  12. Organization of poem elements
  1. Repetition of vowels sounds in words that are close together
  2. To persuade the reader, or inform them
  3. roses=beauty
  4. A poem with 2 or more lines arranged together
  5. using similar words to emphasize similar ideas
  6. Short poem, song like
  7. message of poem
  8. Repetition of vowels in a non-rhyme way
  9. 1rst, 2nd, or 3rd person
  10. Boom, crash, bang
  11. How fast or slow the poem is
  12. One line of a poem
  13. Sentence that continues beyond the end of line
  14. Stop or pause in a line

26 Clues: Sarcasmroses=beautymessage of poemSweet and saltyBoom, crash, bangOne line of a poemShort poem, song likeStop or pause in a line1rst, 2nd, or 3rd personPoem with musical qualityHow fast or slow the poem isA comparison using like or asOrganization of poem elementsstressed to unstressed syllablesrewording words to make them your own...

English 2024-03-03

English crossword puzzle
  1. - Having a variety of different forms, types, or characteristics. 拥有多种不同形式、类型或特征的
  2. - Surrounding conditions or circumstances that influence or affect something. 影响或影响某事物的周围条件或情况
  3. - Find one's way through or manage successfully, especially through complex situations. 成功地找到或管理,尤其是在复杂情况下
  4. - Gives power or authority to someone; enables or strengthens. 赋予某人权力或权威;使能或加强
  5. - Chances or occasions for advancement or progress. 机会或时机,可用于推动或取得进展
  6. - Obtaining or gaining possession of something. 获得或获取某物的拥有
  7. - An abundance of valuable possessions, resources, or money. 丰富的财产、资源或金钱
  8. - Relating to real situations or circumstances; useful or pragmatic. 与实际情况或情形相关;有用或实际的
  9. - The accomplishment of an aim or purpose; achieving desired outcomes. 达成目标或目的的成就;实现预期结果
  10. - The process of growth, improvement, or advancement. 成长、改善或进步的过程
  11. - Customs, beliefs, or practices passed down within a culture or society. 在文化或社会内传承下来的习俗、信仰或实践
  12. - The range or extent of one's knowledge, experience, or outlook. 一个人的知识、经验或展望的范围或程度
  13. - Extremely useful, indispensable, or of great worth. 极为有用、不可或缺的或极具价值的
  14. - Involve deeply in a particular activity, interest, or experience. 深度参与某项活动、兴趣或体验中
  15. - Skilfulness or expertise in a particular area or activity. 在特定领域或活动中的技巧或专业知识
  16. - Available means or assets that can be used to achieve a goal or purpose. 可用于实现目标或目的的手段或资产
  1. - Committing money or resources to achieve a future benefit or return. 投入金钱或资源以获得未来利益或回报
  2. - Improves or enhances the quality or value of something. 改善或提高某事物的质量或价值
  3. - Working together with others to achieve a common goal or purpose. 与他人合作以达到共同目标或目的
  4. - Deeply insightful, significant, or meaningful. 深刻的见解、重要的或有意义的
  5. - Different ways of viewing or understanding something; viewpoints. 理解或观点的不同方式;观点
  6. - Expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgments; essential or crucial. 表达不利或反对性评论或判断;至关重要的
  7. - Holding someone closely in one's arms; accepting or welcoming something eagerly. 紧抱某人;热情接受或欢迎某事
  8. - To grow, develop, or flourish vigorously; to prosper. 快速成长、发展或繁荣;兴盛
  9. - Linked or related in some way; mutually dependent or interconnected. - 在某种程度上相互联系或相关的;相互依赖或相互连接的
  10. - Absolutely necessary; fundamental. 绝对必要的;基本的
  11. - The foundation or fundamental basis of something; a crucial element. 某事物的基础或基本依据;关键因素
  12. - The action of actively seeking or striving for something. - 积极追寻或努力争取某事物的行动
  13. - Making an action or process easier or smoother; assisting. 使某项行动或过程变得更容易或更顺利;协助
  14. - Awareness and responsiveness to the feelings or needs of others. 对他人的感受或需求的意识和反应能力
  15. - Improves or intensifies the quality, value, or effectiveness of something. 改善或加强某事物的质量、价值或效果
  16. - With a feeling or sense of self-assurance or certainty. 拥有自信或确定感地
  17. - Encourages or promotes the development or growth of something. 促进或推动某事物的发展或增长

33 Clues: - Absolutely necessary; fundamental. 绝对必要的;基本的- Obtaining or gaining possession of something. 获得或获取某物的拥有- Deeply insightful, significant, or meaningful. 深刻的见解、重要的或有意义的- The process of growth, improvement, or advancement. 成长、改善或进步的过程- With a feeling or sense of self-assurance or certainty. 拥有自信或确定感地...

ENGLISH 2024-02-20

ENGLISH crossword puzzle
  1. BIRU
  2. 6
  3. 100
  4. 7
  5. MEI
  6. HIJAU
  8. 12
  9. 9
  10. 1
  11. MERAH
  12. JUMAT
  13. MINGGU
  14. 3
  15. JUNI
  16. KUNING
  2. 8
  3. SENIN
  4. 5
  5. 11
  6. RABU
  7. 4
  8. KAMIS
  9. SABTU
  11. 10
  12. HITAM
  13. 2
  14. JULI


english 2023-10-23

english crossword puzzle
  1. not limited by conditions
  2. readiness or liberality in giving
  3. the act of confusing
  4. to become or make bright or brighter
  5. inclined to trust
  6. the state or feeling of being pleased
  7. totally preoccupied with one's own concerns
  8. having or manifesting tact
  9. overpowering wonder or surprise amazement
  10. having or showing keenness of insight
  11. appealing to or engaging the intellect
  12. a unit or standard of measurement
  13. a person who writes novels
  1. having, compelled by, or ruled by intense emotion or strong feeling
  2. the state of being compulsively committed to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.
  3. to look through a small opening or from a concealed location.
  4. executed without negligence or omissions
  5. accompanied by, filled with, or resulting in agony or distress
  6. to continue in the same state, continue to be as specified
  7. crushed with sorrow or grief
  8. possessing wit in speech or writing
  9. arousing terror, horrifying
  10. is truthful, ethical, fair, not lying or cheating
  11. reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or to any object regarded as sacred
  12. ornamental; decorative; not plain:
  13. not proud or arrogant
  14. capable of criticizing oneself objectively
  15. beyond optimism or hope
  16. inclined to associate with or be in the company of others
  17. a prominent or conspicuous part or characteristic
  18. proceeding from or showing such a mood

31 Clues: inclined to trustthe act of confusingnot proud or arrogantbeyond optimism or hopenot limited by conditionshaving or manifesting tacta person who writes novelsarousing terror, horrifyingcrushed with sorrow or griefreadiness or liberality in givinga unit or standard of measurementornamental; decorative; not plain:possessing wit in speech or writing...

English 2024-06-07

English crossword puzzle
  1. what is the last statement of an introduction paragraph called?
  2. what is the root word that means one?
  3. where does punctuation go after citation?
  4. what is it called when using like or as?
  5. What is the sequence of events in a story?
  6. what do you need when writing a source down word for word?
  7. what is the highest point in a story called?
  8. what is it called when a character changes?
  9. When something is expected vs what happens...
  1. what is the root word that means specialist?
  2. where does the setting start in night?
  3. what is it called when there is a hint of something that will happen in the future?
  4. what is the root word that means four?
  5. what does mlk use besides ethos and logos?
  6. what is the root word that means three?
  7. what is the background information in a story called?
  8. where did they go after auschwitz?
  9. what is the root word that means not?
  10. what is the underlying message in a story?
  11. what do you check when done with your essay?

20 Clues: where did they go after auschwitz?what is the root word that means one?what is the root word that means not?where does the setting start in night?what is the root word that means four?what is the root word that means three?what is it called when using like or as?where does punctuation go after citation?what does mlk use besides ethos and logos?...

english 2024-09-30

english crossword puzzle
  1. I tried to ______ The conversation by distracting them with a hootenanny
  2. Everyone had to make ____ that Jonkler was the new Joker
  3. Ever since Seth MacFarlane stopped writing for family guy, its been very _____
  4. Doc tried to ______ the Dentist on Febuary 6th!
  5. Brian was always _____ on Politics,
  6. Homer's Appetite was _____, he would never stop eating
  7. He burst in the room which was ____, he usually was more quiet
  8. Peter Griffin was _____ in a court of law, he's just a family Guy!
  9. Blood often _____(s) and hardened to stop bleeding by itself
  10. I am _______ to swans, I hate them with all my being
  1. Moe Smith had a hard time making _______ Sentences
  2. Peter was _______ on reconciling differences with the chicken
  3. Dr. ______ from despicable me was kinda goated
  4. Peter Griffin was _____ when asking his father in law for money
  5. I tried to ______ his two-step step dance, but you can't beat the original
  6. Family guy is no longer ______ they're so behind on the cultural landscape
  7. Guy Dude used a lot of ______ in his speeches
  8. The Key club was ______, baking us cookies after the Hall of fame ceremony on Saturday
  9. Kim ____(ed) Tim to a debate, he rejected because in the last one she ate him up
  10. Meg was often _______, never talking until the more recent episodes
  11. Peter gave ______ to Brian occasionally thanking him for being a friend

21 Clues: Brian was always _____ on Politics,Guy Dude used a lot of ______ in his speechesDr. ______ from despicable me was kinda goatedDoc tried to ______ the Dentist on Febuary 6th!Moe Smith had a hard time making _______ SentencesI am _______ to swans, I hate them with all my beingHomer's Appetite was _____, he would never stop eating...

English 2024-09-10

English crossword puzzle
  1. ścieżka dźwiękowa
  2. tworzyć
  3. pędzel malarski
  4. fabuła
  5. malowidło ścienne
  6. juror/jurorka
  7. zajerestrowany użytkownik, subksryber
  8. arcydzieło
  9. należący do głównego nurtu
  10. balet
  1. uzależniony
  2. fotografika
  3. żądny przygód
  4. malarz/malarka
  5. okropny
  6. prowadzący/prowadząca
  7. artysta/artystka wykonawca
  8. przyjemność
  9. spektakl, występ
  10. aktualnie/obecnie

20 Clues: baletfabułatworzyćokropnyarcydziełouzależnionyfotografikaprzyjemnośćżądny przygódjuror/jurorkamalarz/malarkapędzel malarskispektakl, występścieżka dźwiękowamalowidło ścienneaktualnie/obecnieprowadzący/prowadzącaartysta/artystka wykonawcanależący do głównego nurtuzajerestrowany użytkownik, subksryber

english 2024-10-29

english crossword puzzle
  1. A structured period of learning, often focusing on a specific topic or skill, typically in an educational setting.
  2. A person engaged in a specific profession, often requiring specialized knowledge and skills.
  3. A language originating from England, widely spoken around the world and used as a global lingua franca.
  4. A series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular end or outcome.
  5. A mental health condition marked by extreme mood swings, including episodes of mania and depression.
  6. Difficulty in identifying and expressing emotions, often leading to challenges in emotional awareness.
  7. The management and care of a patient for the purpose of combating a disease or condition.
  8. The manner in which a person behaves, especially in a professional or social context.
  9. A long-term professional journey or occupation, often involving specific training and skills.
  10. Relating to society or its organization, often involving interactions and relationships between individuals.
  11. A physical and emotional response to demands or challenges, which can be positive or negative.
  12. Relating to or characteristic of people, often highlighting the complexities of human behavior and relationships.
  13. A developmental disorder characterized by challenges in social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors.
  14. A treatment intended to relieve or heal psychological or emotional issues, often involving talking and interaction.
  15. The ability to understand and share the feelings of another, fostering emotional connections and compassion.
  1. The scientific study of the nervous system, including the brain, and how it influences behavior and cognition.
  2. The scientific study of the mind and behavior, exploring thoughts, emotions, and interactions.
  3. A system of communication using sounds, symbols, or gestures to convey meaning and express thoughts.
  4. The way in which an individual acts or responds to stimuli, often influenced by environment and emotions.
  5. The identification of a disease or condition based on symptoms, tests, and evaluations.
  6. The aspect of an individual that enables thought, perception, emotion, and consciousness.
  7. An emotional response to distressing events, which can have long-lasting effects on an individual’s mental health.
  8. The ability to adapt and recover from adversity, stress, or trauma, demonstrating strength and flexibility.
  9. Individuals receiving medical or psychological treatment, often in need of care for physical or mental health issues.
  10. The health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group, often supported by social services or government assistance.
  11. Complex psychological states that involve physiological responses, feelings, and behavioral reactions.
  12. The process by which individuals interpret sensory information to form an understanding of their environment.
  13. A particular condition or situation of someone or something, often referring to mental or physical health.
  14. The mental capacity to store, retain, and recall information, experiences, and skills.
  15. A feeling of worry or fear that can be mild or intense, often related to future events or uncertainties.

30 Clues: A series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular end or outcome.The manner in which a person behaves, especially in a professional or social context.The mental capacity to store, retain, and recall information, experiences, and skills.The identification of a disease or condition based on symptoms, tests, and evaluations....

english 2024-10-22

english crossword puzzle
  1. (p.14) n. - a man who is the father or founder; male leader
  2. (p.53) v. - to reach a height of development or influence
  3. (p. 9) n. - a slight indication or suggestion; hint; clue
  4. (pg.39) n. -something that causes pain or suffering
  5. (p.11): n. - to conduct oneself in a arrogant or superciliously excessively lifted manner
  6. (p.8) adj. - not altered or changed from an original or pristine state
  7. (p.39) n. - a summary of the principles of the Christian religion in the form of questions and answers, used for the instructions of Christians
  8. (p. 37) adj. - having or showing vigor, strength, or firmness
  9. (p.7 ) v. - looking through thoroughly in a rough way
  10. (p. 137) v. - making one's way arduously on a journey
  11. (p.12) v. - moving about or wandering stealthily, as if in search of prey or illegal activity
  12. (p.27) v. - placed or left in isolation or without hope of ready rescue
  13. (pg.107) n. - an act of transferring donated blood, blood products, or other fluid into the circulatory system of a person or animal
  14. (p.12) n. - a long robe with wide sleeves traditionally worn with a broad sash as an outer garment by the Japanese
  15. (p.36) n. - a public walk on a certain path where you can meet or be seen by other people
  1. (p.18) n. - a mixture of various ingredients or elements
  2. (Page lost) - wave or flourish (something, especially a weapon) as a threat or in anger or excitement.
  3. (p.22) adj. - resulting from or characterized by whim or caprice
  4. (p.7) adj. - serving no useful purpose; completely ineffective
  5. (p. 5) n. - a period of time when a person or group stays in a place and quietly waits
  6. (p.96) v. - laughing in a nervous, affected, or partly suppressed manner
  7. (p. 153) n. - an act of asking for information
  8. (p.8) adj.- emotionally out of control
  9. (p.4) n. - a level quayside area to which a ship may be moored to load and unload
  10. (p. 114) v. - to revoke, cancel, or repeal, specifically a law, order, or agreement
  11. (p. 7) n. - a person that practices destructive action carried out by a civilian or enemy or a nation
  12. (p. 65) n. - the process of demoralization or deprivation of spirit
  13. (p. 35) n. - a silverside fish of the California coast notable for the regularity with which it comes inshore to spawn at nearly full moon
  14. (p.114) n. - the state of being confined as a prisoner, especially for political or military reasons
  15. (p.) n. - guiding belief or principle

30 Clues: (p.) n. - guiding belief or principle(p.8) adj.- emotionally out of control(p. 153) n. - an act of asking for information(pg.39) n. -something that causes pain or suffering(p.7 ) v. - looking through thoroughly in a rough way(p. 137) v. - making one's way arduously on a journey(p.18) n. - a mixture of various ingredients or elements...

english 2024-11-20

english crossword puzzle
  1. noting the similarity or dissimilarity between
  2. acknowledgment that a payment was made
  3. making something smaller or less in amount, degree or size
  4. drawing attention to a product in a public medium in order to promote sales
  5. an individual that purchases companies goods
  6. a short and striking phrase used in advertising
  7. a sum of money that is owed
  8. regular payment earned for work
  1. the amount of money expected in payment for something
  2. a type of product manufactured by a particular company
  3. a small handbill advertising a product
  4. a voucher entitling the holder to a discount off a particular product
  5. supporting a cause
  6. piece of paper that entitles to a discount
  7. a current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes
  8. old style from the past
  9. deduction from the usual cost
  10. total amount of money held in a financial account
  11. payback to a customer who's not satisified with goods or services bought
  12. type of payment that doesn't involve contact

20 Clues: supporting a causeold style from the pasta sum of money that is oweddeduction from the usual costregular payment earned for worka small handbill advertising a productacknowledgment that a payment was madepiece of paper that entitles to a discounttype of payment that doesn't involve contactan individual that purchases companies goods...

English 2024-11-15

English crossword puzzle
  1. The layer of a visual text that has the most focus
  2. The way your eyes move throughout the visual text
  3. A short story author
  4. A digital invention
  5. Visible or Invisible Lines
  6. The direction the character in the image is facing
  7. An important play from the 15th Century
  8. A crazy, slimy creature
  9. When things next to each other differ
  1. A famous English playwright
  2. An important character from Twelfth Night
  3. A text with no intent of persuading the audience
  4. A large beast
  5. A piece of writing on a particular subject
  6. A wise wizard
  7. A small creature
  8. An adventurous hero
  9. A theatre popular in the 1600s
  10. A computer used in Social Media
  11. A fictional nation
  12. A duke
  13. An important dwarf in the Hobbit
  14. Attention-grabbing part of a visual text

23 Clues: A dukeA large beastA wise wizardA small creatureA fictional nationAn adventurous heroA digital inventionA short story authorA crazy, slimy creatureVisible or Invisible LinesA famous English playwrightA theatre popular in the 1600sA computer used in Social MediaAn important dwarf in the HobbitWhen things next to each other differ...

English 2024-11-17

English crossword puzzle
  1. A site or tool used to navigate the internet.
  2. A part taken from a longer text.
  3. Careful study of one’s own work to improve it.
  4. To judge or evaluate work, often done by peers.
  5. If something is ...... probably happen. to happen, it will
  6. To search for information in a detailed manner.
  7. The way something is organized or arranged
  8. Farmers who grow organic vegetables have to ....... using pesticides.
  9. Something that is not a strength, opposite of strength.
  10. ....... goods are high-quality, expensive goods.
  1. A specific part or characteristic of something.
  2. Farming ........ are the ways farming is done
  3. A food ....... is a small structure where you can buy food, for example in a market or in a street.
  4. The state of being aware of the latest information.
  5. The results or conclusions of research.
  6. if something is ....... it is not natural.
  7. Crop ....... are the amount of crops produced in a particular place.
  8. To copy files from the internet to your computer.
  9. If food is grown or produced....... comes from the area nearby. it
  10. A large piece of college work or homework.

20 Clues: A part taken from a longer text.The results or conclusions of research.if something is ....... it is not natural.The way something is organized or arrangedA large piece of college work or homework.A site or tool used to navigate the internet.Farming ........ are the ways farming is doneCareful study of one’s own work to improve it....

English 2024-11-08

English crossword puzzle
  1. Get rid of.
  2. Not wanting to give something or enough of something.
  3. Unusual feature or habit.
  4. Religious song or poem.
  5. To provoke an argument.
  6. Dim, hardly able to see.
  7. Immediately.
  8. Dull, bleak.
  9. State of being calm.
  10. Kick a ball.
  11. Smiled.
  12. Numerous.
  13. Criminal act.
  14. a dozen six.
  15. To invade or make one’s way into unknown territory.
  16. Act in a worried or frightful way.
  17. Tending not to speak much.
  18. For fear that.
  19. Able to read and write.
  20. Devotion or loyalty.
  21. Deep red color.
  22. Discuss, exchange opinions.
  23. Not permitted, allowed.
  24. Apparent.
  25. Arrogance.
  26. Head Lice.
  27. Annoyed.
  28. Giving a general view or idea of something.
  29. Food.
  30. Feeling sad because you are apart from someone.
  31. A person determined to do what they want and refuses to do anything else.
  1. The act of remembering something.
  2. Hostility, harassment.
  3. Happening after something else.
  4. Statement.
  5. Great embarrassment and shame.
  6. Shaped.
  7. To confuse someone by doing something very strange or impossible to explain.
  8. Part of the leg between the hip and the knee.
  9. Unfortunate, bad luck.
  10. Something destined to happen.
  11. Shelter for people who are mentally unstable.
  12. Members of a group or community.
  13. Take someone or something by force.
  14. Wanting to do evil to others.
  15. Reddish-brown color.
  16. Annoyed.
  17. To make unpleasant feelings less strong.
  18. Walk or move slowly.
  19. Give praise, compliment.
  20. Anger.
  21. Expressing deep hate or disapproval.
  22. A person who in the past made and sold medicines.
  23. Wanting to
  24. State of being greatly interested in something.
  25. A restriction on a person or activity.
  26. Loss of reputation or respect.
  27. To participate in.
  28. Rarely.
  29. Behavior.

60 Clues: Food.Anger.Shaped.Smiled.Rarely.Annoyed.Annoyed.Numerous.Apparent.Behavior.Statement.Wanting toArrogance.Head Lice.Get rid of.Immediately.Dull, bleak.Kick a ball.Criminal act.a dozen six.For fear that.Deep red color.To participate in.Reddish-brown color.State of being calm.Walk or move slowly.Devotion or loyalty.Hostility, harassment....

English 2024-11-12

English crossword puzzle
  1. - Contamination of the natural environment causing adverse effects.
  2. - A large natural or artificial lake used to store water.
  3. - Type of energy source that can be replenished naturally.
  4. - Pollutants released into the air, often from vehicles and industry.
  5. - Process plants use to convert sunlight into energy.
  6. - A community of organisms interacting with their physical environment.
  7. - The variety of life in a particular habitat or ecosystem.
  8. - Device that converts fluid flow into mechanical energy, often in power plants.
  9. - Type of power plant that uses flowing water to generate electricity.
  10. - Organic material used as a renewable energy source.
  1. - Element involved in major environmental cycles, essential for life.
  2. - The practice of maintaining resources for future generations.
  3. - Type of gases that trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, leading to warming.
  4. - The removal of trees on a large scale, impacting ecosystems.
  5. - Protecting and preserving natural resources and the environment.
  6. - Fuels such as coal, oil, and gas derived from ancient organic matter.
  7. - Type of power plant that uses atomic reactions to produce energy.
  8. - Process of converting waste materials into new, reusable products.
  9. - Energy source that uses heat from within the Earth.
  10. - A process that repeats over time, like the water or carbon ________.

20 Clues: - Energy source that uses heat from within the Earth.- Process plants use to convert sunlight into energy.- Organic material used as a renewable energy source.- A large natural or artificial lake used to store water.- Type of energy source that can be replenished naturally.- The variety of life in a particular habitat or ecosystem....

English 2024-11-21

English crossword puzzle
  1. Traditional; resistant to change.
  2. Lacking in quantity or quality.
  3. Existing alone or in isolation.
  4. Strong belief or fixed opinion.
  5. Lacking distinction,special qualities or prominence
  6. Troubled, unsettled, or disturbed emotionally.
  7. spread or marked carelessly, often leaving a stain or mess.
  8. twist or turn
  9. Called or ordered to appear.
  10. About to happen; impending event.
  11. Thin, high-pitched sound.
  1. Supply of necessities or preparation.
  2. snake's body part
  3. bright red
  4. Relaxed or undone; untangled.
  5. Inborn
  6. Never before seen or experienced.
  7. a sudden powerful forward movement or increase.
  8. Sad or depressed
  9. Former or previous; bygone.
  10. adhering to traditional or established beliefs, practices, or doctrines.
  11. Simple,strict and severe
  12. weak or faint manner
  13. Triangular structures on a roof.
  14. Stayed hidden, waiting to act.

25 Clues: Inbornbright redtwist or turnSad or depressedsnake's body partweak or faint mannerSimple,strict and severeThin, high-pitched sound.Former or previous; bygone.Called or ordered to appear.Relaxed or undone; untangled.Stayed hidden, waiting to act.Lacking in quantity or quality.Existing alone or in isolation.Strong belief or fixed opinion....

English 2024-11-25

English crossword puzzle
  1. ilmuma
  2. imetaja
  3. Taani
  4. pardipoeg
  5. suplema
  6. laudkiik
  7. pehmekaaneline raamat
  8. püssirohi
  9. rukis
  10. peamiselt
  1. elukas
  2. rõdu
  3. muu
  4. kaitsma
  5. ristama
  6. vabatahtlik
  7. ellujääma
  8. lõplik
  9. luuletus
  10. vahetama

20 Clues: muurõduTaanirukisilmumaelukaslõplikimetajakaitsmaristamasuplemalaudkiikluuletusvahetamapardipoegellujäämapüssirohipeamiseltvabatahtlikpehmekaaneline raamat

ENGLISH 2024-12-15

ENGLISH crossword puzzle
  1. (v): To hide or keep secret.
  2. (adj): Suggesting evil or harm.
  3. (v): To persuade someone forcefully.
  4. (n): Lord Henry’s power over Dorian’s thoughts and actions.
  5. (n): The appreciation of beauty for its own sake.
  6. (adj): Unchangeable.
  7. (n): Excessive admiration.
  8. (n): The desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise.
  9. (adj): Delicate and seemingly otherworldly.
  10. (n): A central theme representing beauty, innocence, and fleeting time.
  11. (n): An inner feeling that acts as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one’s behavior.
  12. (adj): Having an eager approach to something.
  13. (adj): Extremely hungry or greedy, often used to describe intense desire.
  14. (adj): Indulgent in the pursuit of pleasure; devoted to self-gratification.
  15. (n): A statement that seems contradictory or absurd but might actually be true.
  16. (adj): Concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty.
  17. (n): Excessive interest in or admiration of oneself.
  18. (n): Allowing oneself to enjoy pleasure, often excessively.
  19. (n): The painting that reflects Dorian’s moral corruption.
  20. (n): An intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something.
  21. (adj): Childishly sulky or bad-tempered.
  22. (n): Loss of idealism or innocence.
  23. (n): The state of being wicked or unethical.
  24. (n., archaic): A small part or share, particularly as a contribution.
  1. (n): A powerful attraction or allure.
  2. (n): Careful judgment.
  3. (adj.): Exceeding what is reasonable or appropriate; excessive.
  4. (n): The enjoyment of physical pleasure, often related to the senses.
  5. (n): Moral or cultural decline due to indulgence in luxury.
  6. (n): Represents morality and the cost of Dorian’s eternal beauty.
  7. (n): An idea or feeling that dominates one’s thoughts continually.
  8. (adj): Showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect.
  9. (n): The process of becoming morally degraded or morally compromised.
  10. (n): The process of decline or decay in quality or morality.
  11. (v.): To beat with a strong, regular rhythm, often with emotion or intensity.
  12. (n): The feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one’s respect or consideration; scorn.
  13. (n): A concise, witty saying or observation.
  14. (n): The act of maintaining or protecting something.
  15. (n): A quality that evokes pity or sadness.
  16. (n): Compulsion by threat or force.
  17. (n): A sudden, unpredictable change of mind or behavior.
  18. (n): A countless or extremely great number.
  19. (n): A feeling of deep sadness, often without an obvious cause.
  20. (n): Excessive pride in or admiration of one’s own appearance or achievements.
  21. (n): A theme of secrecy and coercion.
  22. (n): A weight or responsibility.
  23. (adj.): Resembling frost in appearance, delicate and fleeting.
  24. (n): A focus on self-interest and selfishness, often linked to Dorian’s behavior.
  25. (n): Lack of interest or concern.

49 Clues: (adj): Unchangeable.(n): Careful judgment.(n): Excessive admiration.(v): To hide or keep secret.(adj): Suggesting evil or harm.(n): A weight or responsibility.(n): Lack of interest or concern.(n): Compulsion by threat or force.(n): Loss of idealism or innocence.(v): To persuade someone forcefully.(n): A powerful attraction or allure....

English 2025-01-07

English crossword puzzle
  1. - "Intense physical or mental suffering"
  2. - "The starting points or sources of something"
  3. - "A complete loss of hope"
  4. - "Causing annoyance or mild anger"
  5. - "A public procession or display"
  6. - "Unwilling to change one's mind; obstinate"
  7. - "Fully developed or grown; showing adult qualities"
  8. - "A formal event or ritual, often marking an occasion"
  9. - "The ability to recover quickly from difficulties"
  10. - "In the recent past"
  11. - "Nervous or unable to relax"
  1. - "Overly proud and self-important"
  2. - "Immature or behaving in a juvenile manner"
  3. - "Trustworthy or dependable"
  4. - "Extremely angry or enraged"
  5. - "Causing fear or alarm"
  6. - "Very intense or harsh"
  7. - "Easily affected emotionally or physically"
  8. - "Faithful and devoted to someone or something"
  9. - "Causing damage, injury, or negative effects"
  10. - "Emotionally disturbed or troubled"

21 Clues: - "In the recent past"- "Causing fear or alarm"- "Very intense or harsh"- "A complete loss of hope"- "Trustworthy or dependable"- "Extremely angry or enraged"- "Nervous or unable to relax"- "A public procession or display"- "Overly proud and self-important"- "Causing annoyance or mild anger"- "Emotionally disturbed or troubled"...

ENGLISH 2021-01-25

ENGLISH crossword puzzle
  8. ARE DIFFERENT ______________ OF ICECREAM


ENGLISH 2021-01-25

ENGLISH crossword puzzle


English 2021-01-28

English crossword puzzle
  1. a bat and ball game in which the aim is to hit the ball and score runs by running around four bases.
  2. a board and kite are used on the water utilizing different styles consisting of freeride, speed, down winders and racing.
  3. ... is a racquet sport played using racquets to hit a shuttlecock across a net.
  4. ... and field
  5. a throwing game in which small missiles are thrown at a target, which is called a dartboard.
  6. Another word for soccer
  7. a large range of indoor and outdoor team sports which involves hitting a ball into a net.
  8. a general term of a large range of sports in which the player rolls a ball to knock down objects.
  9. a sport usually played indoors between teams of seven players, who pass a ball to throw it into the goal of the other team.
  10. paddle sport in which the rider kneels or sits facing forward in a canoe.
  11. traveling over a surface (snow, water, grass) on skis.
  12. Riding a bicycle
  1. players attempt to shoot the ball through the hoop on the opponent’s court
  2. Opposite of loser
  3. a rider balances and performs tricks using a type of board
  4. The person who trains a team
  5. This sport uses the elements of ballet, gymnastics and dance
  6. Long walks on trails in the countryside
  7. players use a club to hit balls into a series of holes on a course
  8. competitive sport involving shooting arrows at a target for accuracy from a set distance or distances.
  9. a type of Wrestling where each participant place one elbow on a surface while gripping the other participant's hand. The aim is to pin the other's arm onto the surface.
  10. A team's leader

22 Clues: ... and fieldA team's leaderRiding a bicycleOpposite of loserAnother word for soccerThe person who trains a teamLong walks on trails in the countrysidetraveling over a surface (snow, water, grass) on skis.a rider balances and performs tricks using a type of boardThis sport uses the elements of ballet, gymnastics and dance...

english 2021-03-16

english crossword puzzle
  1. regret
  2. fully explored
  3. state of being distant,
  4. crazy or insane
  5. slight grimace
  6. long strides
  7. confusion
  8. escape
  9. anger
  10. casual
  11. knowlage
  12. sad
  1. unwilling
  2. somthing is about to happen
  3. In shock
  4. useful
  5. slowly burning
  6. the fake version
  7. in a mean way
  8. with regret
  9. unwilling
  10. in a slow manne
  11. plad
  12. bad tempered and combative.
  13. join a ship

25 Clues: sadpladangerregretusefulescapecasualIn shockknowlageunwillingunwillingconfusionwith regretjoin a shiplong stridesin a mean wayfully exploredslowly burningslight grimacecrazy or insanein a slow mannethe fake versionstate of being distant,somthing is about to happenbad tempered and combative.

English 2019-12-02

English crossword puzzle
  1. My dad will kill me when I get home
  2. author that wrote Dulce et Decorum est
  3. brother died at war in remembrance
  4. four line paragraph in poetry
  5. process of persuading someone to do something/thinking something
  6. enormous elegant elephant
  7. author of Remembrance book
  8. three musketeers
  9. author who wrote suicide in the trenches
  1. John Malcolm’s lover in remembrance
  2. appealing to logic
  3. two lines in a poem that rhyme
  4. seven slithering sassy snakes
  5. maggie’s lover in remembrance book
  6. wealthy family in remembrance book
  7. the flowers danced in the breeze
  8. middle class family in remembrance book
  9. bing, bong
  10. he is a shining star
  11. appealing to emotions
  12. devilish angels
  13. the sunset was so gorgeous, with yellow and orange colours in the sky
  14. the waves roared like lions

23 Clues: bing, bongdevilish angelsthree musketeersappealing to logiche is a shining starappealing to emotionsenormous elegant elephantauthor of Remembrance bookthe waves roared like lionsseven slithering sassy snakesfour line paragraph in poetrytwo lines in a poem that rhymethe flowers danced in the breezebrother died at war in remembrance...

English 2019-12-10

English crossword puzzle
  1. Pingviini
  2. Laiton
  3. Tapa
  4. Tietokone
  5. Uutistenlukija
  6. Viestintä
  7. Jakaa
  8. Painettu
  9. Kokea
  10. Taru
  11. Laite
  1. Ohjelma
  2. Journalismi
  3. Asiapitoinen
  4. Älypuhelin
  5. Tietty
  6. Virta/Suora lähetys
  7. Juontaja
  8. Harhaanjohtava
  9. Mainos
  10. Telkkari
  11. Lähettää teksiviestejä

22 Clues: TapaTaruJakaaKokeaLaiteLaitonTiettyMainosOhjelmaJuontajaPainettuTelkkariPingviiniTietokoneViestintäÄlypuhelinJournalismiAsiapitoinenUutistenlukijaHarhaanjohtavaVirta/Suora lähetysLähettää teksiviestejä

English 2021-01-16

English crossword puzzle
  1. kaczka
  2. siostra
  3. złoty kolor po angielsku
  4. kurczak
  5. siostrzeniec
  6. astronauta
  7. oni są
  8. nosorożec
  9. szczęśliwy
  10. gumka do mazania
  11. ciocia
  12. dom
  13. kura
  14. brat
  15. lalka
  16. siostrzenica
  17. babcia
  18. ja jestem
  19. on jest
  1. osioł
  2. ty jesteś
  3. ona jest
  4. zielony kolor po angielsku
  5. srebrny kolor po angielsku
  6. chomik
  7. biały kolor po angielsku
  8. słoń
  9. smutny
  10. my jesteśmy
  11. wy jesteście
  12. kuchnia
  13. książka
  14. dziadek
  15. rodzina
  16. ołówek
  17. koń
  18. wujek
  19. żyrafa
  20. to jest

39 Clues: domkońsłońkurabratosiołwujeklalkakaczkachomiksmutnyoni sąołówekciociażyrafababciasiostrakurczakkuchniaksiążkadziadekrodzinato jeston jestona jestty jesteśnosorożecja jestemastronautaszczęśliwymy jesteśmysiostrzeniecwy jesteściesiostrzenicagumka do mazaniazłoty kolor po angielskubiały kolor po angielskuzielony kolor po angielsku...

English 2020-02-10

English crossword puzzle
  1. verkrijgen
  2. valschermspringen
  3. hightech
  4. besef
  5. verloofde
  6. duisternis
  7. idiomatisch
  8. houtbewerking
  9. transplantatie
  10. in ontvangst nemen
  11. klus, karwij
  12. toegang
  13. vurtueel
  14. voorraad
  15. binnengaan
  1. oneindig
  2. injectie
  3. status
  4. toegelaten
  5. opleiding
  6. bewijs
  7. versleten, gehavend
  8. dienstmeid, knecht
  9. wonder

24 Clues: besefstatusbewijswondertoegangoneindiginjectiehightechvurtueelvoorraadopleidingverloofdeverkrijgentoegelatenduisternisbinnengaanidiomatischklus, karwijhoutbewerkingtransplantatievalschermspringendienstmeid, knechtin ontvangst nemenversleten, gehavend

English 2020-04-14

English crossword puzzle
  1. the act of salthy liqiud coming through sb's skin when they are hot, ill or afraid.
  2. to find a direction across for scientists to watch the planets.
  3. exact.
  4. worldwide.
  5. to discover or notice sb/sth.
  6. an object with flat circular ends and long, straight sides.
  7. damage.
  8. exactly.
  9. an expedition to keep watch over an area, especially by guards or police walking or driving around at regular intervals.
  10. a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body.
  11. drive or leave (a boat, sailor, or sea creature) aground on a shore.
  12. to move or be around sth.
  13. the quality, condition, or fact of being exact and accurate.
  14. causing useful things to be thrown away.
  15. easily moved.
  16. a building with lights on the ceiling that represent planets and stars.
  17. not real.
  1. a tiny particle.
  2. to give.
  3. clean/disinfect.
  4. to give a formal talk on a specific subject to a group of people.
  5. solve something.
  6. one half of the Earth
  7. give an unofficial name or nickname to.
  8. innovative; pioneering.
  9. esablished; not to be changed.
  10. cuts into parts
  11. difficult(for example problem).
  12. to cause an illness to end.
  13. a substance that has amino acids, compounds and carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sometimes sulfur and is found in many foods.
  14. cleanliness.
  15. having a strong effect.
  16. a group of buildings, or large building with many parts, used for a parcticular purpose.
  17. a hand tool with a heavy rigid head and a handle, used to deliver a blow by striking.

34 Clues: exact.damage.to give.exactly.not real.worldwide.cleanliness.easily moved.cuts into partsa tiny particle.clean/disinfect.solve something.one half of the Earthinnovative; pioneering.having a strong effect.to move or be around sth.to cause an illness to end.to discover or notice sb/sth.esablished; not to be changed.difficult(for example problem)....

EnGlIsH 2020-04-03

EnGlIsH crossword puzzle
  1. armband
  2. samla
  3. glasyr
  4. konst
  5. fort
  6. huvudstad
  7. salutorg
  8. sevärdhet
  9. ledare
  10. promenad
  11. fänrik
  12. läge
  13. färja
  14. kupol, dom
  15. fyrverkeri
  16. sylt
  1. talang
  2. blänka, glittra
  3. smärta
  4. mästerlig, skicklig, mästare
  5. ligga
  6. dikt
  7. olycka
  8. författare
  9. ankomst
  10. kort, kortfattat
  11. munk
  12. enorm, stor
  13. underhålla
  14. lägg till

30 Clues: fortdiktmunklägesyltsamlakonstliggafärjatalangsmärtaglasyrolyckaledarefänrikarmbandankomstsalutorgpromenadhuvudstadsevärdhetlägg tillförfattareunderhållakupol, domfyrverkerienorm, storblänka, glittrakort, kortfattatmästerlig, skicklig, mästare

english 2020-05-10

english crossword puzzle
  1. extravagantly bright
  2. continues to grow
  3. a feeling or atmosphere
  4. extremely high in number
  5. to understand what someone is going through on a personal level
  6. postpone punishment
  7. well known for a bad reason
  8. existing everywhere
  9. to show or express respect
  10. lacking harmony
  1. to be forced to do something
  2. requiring secret or mysterious knowledge
  3. a language used in a normal or informal way
  4. something that makes you sick
  5. to treat an important issue in a humorous manner
  6. to feel pity
  7. is easily irritated or annoyed manner
  8. a difficult problem with two unfavorable possibilities
  9. believing one has the right to something
  10. make known
  11. showing a lack of respect
  12. to remove someone to elected office
  13. subject to debate
  14. random

24 Clues: randommake knownto feel pitylacking harmonycontinues to growsubject to debatepostpone punishmentexisting everywhereextravagantly brighta feeling or atmosphereextremely high in numbershowing a lack of respectto show or express respectwell known for a bad reasonto be forced to do somethingsomething that makes you sick...

English 2020-04-20

English crossword puzzle
  1. mouse
  2. woof
  3. internet
  4. English
  5. computer
  6. Desking
  7. Computer Mouse
  8. peace
  9. passcode
  10. video
  11. muzzle
  12. doge
  1. example
  2. fiends
  3. winter
  4. google
  5. google
  6. meme
  7. password
  8. cat
  9. puzzle
  10. Gaming Youtuber
  11. woof
  12. meow

24 Clues: catwoofmemewoofmeowdogemousepeacevideofiendswintergooglegooglepuzzlemuzzleexampleEnglishDeskinginternetpasswordcomputerpasscodeComputer MouseGaming Youtuber

English 2020-05-20

English crossword puzzle
  1. the definition of something
  2. to work together with someone
  3. to chose something
  4. to be relax
  5. the need of knowing something
  6. you can see yourself
  7. to be ok with what you have
  8. to find a solution for a problem
  9. someone really smart
  10. it’s were soccer games are played
  11. is what you spect of something or someone
  12. the number of stuff someone or something can do
  1. different faces of a shape
  2. no patience or tolerance
  3. to be flexible or to comprehend something
  4. to be positive about a situation
  5. something that might or might not work
  6. the mood of someone
  7. to be really specific with a situation
  8. to put all the attention in that
  9. the ability to do something
  10. to trust in yourself
  11. to help someone understand
  12. an ability for doing something

24 Clues: to be relaxto chose somethingthe mood of someoneyou can see yourselfto trust in yourselfsomeone really smartno patience or tolerancedifferent faces of a shapeto help someone understandthe definition of somethingthe ability to do somethingto be ok with what you haveto work together with someonethe need of knowing something...

English 2021-05-06

English crossword puzzle
  1. a reference, typically brief, to a person, place, thing, event, or other literary work
  2. poetry that does not rhyme or have a regular meter
  3. a line of verse with five metrical feet
  4. a literary device in which the repetition of similar vowel sounds takes place in two or more words
  5. visual symbolism
  6. the pervading tone or mood of a place, situation, or work of art.
  7. the most intense, exciting, or important point of something
  8. a temporary state of mind or feeling
  9. an extended speech by one person.
  10. a long poem
  11. Greek word meaning excess
  12. a very typical example of a certain person or thing.
  13. the creation or construction of a fictional character
  14. a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter
  1. the state of being strikingly different from something else in juxtaposition or close association.
  2. the climax of a chain of events, usually when something is decided or made clear.
  3. identified by singular pronouns such as; me, my, I, mine, and myself
  4. often appears at the beginning of a story, or a chapter, and it helps the reader develop expectations about the upcoming events
  5. usually briefly and in stanzas or recognized forms
  6. a rhyme involving a word in the middle of a line and another at the end of the line or in the middle of the next
  7. a short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral
  8. verse without rhyme, especially that which uses iambic pentameter.
  9. two lines of verse, usually in the same meter and joined by rhyme, that form a unit.
  10. a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one.
  11. also known as tail rhyme
  12. the basic rhythmic structure of a verse or lines in verse
  13. a figure of speech in which uses
  14. A story, poem, or picture that can have a hidden meaning
  15. a poem of serious reflection

29 Clues: a long poemvisual symbolismalso known as tail rhymeGreek word meaning excessa poem of serious reflectiona figure of speech in which usesan extended speech by one person.a temporary state of mind or feelinga line of verse with five metrical feetpoetry that does not rhyme or have a regular meterusually briefly and in stanzas or recognized forms...

English 2020-06-15

English crossword puzzle
  1. text used to show how something is done through a sequence of steps that allows the reader to reach the goal.
  2. words consisting of subject and predicate.
  3. in this section nature will be explained in more detail related to the subject under discussion such as physical form, parts, quality, behavior, and other detailed matters. Each paragraph in this section will describe information about a phenomenon or subject.
  4. Verb used on passive voice
  5. the purpose in making or optimizing something.
  6. Contains the opinion of the author or speaker on the topic in question. is one of the generic structures of the Hortatory Exposition.
  7. contains suggestions addressed to the reader regarding related topics discussed in the text.
  8. Describing the supposition situation in the past and it is not possible because it has already passed.
  1. text types that belong to the kind of Argumentation Text, containing the detailed thinking about a phenomenon the authors that are around.
  2. text that serves to provide information about an event or situation, after the holding of the investigation and deliberation.
  3. contains a list of materials or materials needed to carry out a procedure or steps.
  4. This is the beginning of the report text which is usually written at the beginning of the narration.
  5. English sentence forms to express presuppositions.
  6. The investigators knew that she had returned to Indonesia. They .... her yesterday(arrested)
  7. this structure is the closing part of an Analytical Exposition text which is always located at the end of a paragraph.
  8. a form of sentence in which the subject of the sentence receives action, not taking action.
  9. a sequence that must be done so that goals can be achieved.
  10. decisions obtained are based on inductive or deductive thinking methods.
  11. type of English text that contains an argument about something with readers' expectations influenced to do things in a certain way.
  12. conditional sentence Describing predictions about what will happen in the future.

20 Clues: Verb used on passive voicewords consisting of subject and predicate.the purpose in making or optimizing something.English sentence forms to express presuppositions.a sequence that must be done so that goals can be achieved.decisions obtained are based on inductive or deductive thinking methods....

English 2020-06-15

English crossword puzzle
  1. contains a list of materials or materials needed to carry out a procedure or steps.
  2. The investigators knew that she had returned to Indonesia. They .... her yesterday(arrested)
  3. in this section nature will be explained in more detail related to the subject under discussion such as physical form, parts, quality, behavior, and other detailed matters. Each paragraph in this section will describe information about a phenomenon or subject.
  4. text that serves to provide information about an event or situation, after the holding of the investigation and deliberation.
  5. words consisting of subject and predicate.
  6. conditional sentence Describing predictions about what will happen in the future.
  7. a form of sentence in which the subject of the sentence receives action, not taking action.
  8. type of English text that contains an argument about something with readers' expectations influenced to do things in a certain way.
  9. this structure is the closing part of an Analytical Exposition text which is always located at the end of a paragraph.
  10. Verb used on passive voice
  11. English sentence forms to express presuppositions.
  12. decisions obtained are based on inductive or deductive thinking methods.
  1. This is the beginning of the report text which is usually written at the beginning of the narration.
  2. contains suggestions addressed to the reader regarding related topics discussed in the text.
  3. text used to show how something is done through a sequence of steps that allows the reader to reach the goal.
  4. a sequence that must be done so that goals can be achieved.
  5. text types that belong to the kind of Argumentation Text, containing the detailed thinking about a phenomenon the authors that are around.
  6. Describing the supposition situation in the past and it is not possible because it has already passed.
  7. Contains the opinion of the author or speaker on the topic in question. is one of the generic structures of the Hortatory Exposition.
  8. the purpose in making or optimizing something.

20 Clues: Verb used on passive voicewords consisting of subject and predicate.the purpose in making or optimizing something.English sentence forms to express presuppositions.a sequence that must be done so that goals can be achieved.decisions obtained are based on inductive or deductive thinking methods....

english 2020-06-19

english crossword puzzle
  1. A long _____ relationship.
  2. Don’t do citron in your hair it’ll ____ away.
  3. I like your ____ for our art class.
  4. “Can you give me the __ opener
  5. Do you live ____?
  6. my bike is in the ____
  7. “Can you look at the ___, I need to know the price”
  8. I like noodles they taste so _____
  9. I’ll leave a complaint at the ____
  10. similar to ingenious
  11. something to fill out
  12. I want to see the _____ even when we’re now at the beach.
  13. He ______ fall for me.
  14. You look ____ today
  15. I bought him a ___ for his birthday.
  16. another word for awkward
  17. I want a _____ at my wedding
  18. Your jokes are ____, I always laugh.
  19. You’re going the wrong direction.
  20. Our family is really ____
  21. I like your T-shirt’s _____.
  1. I don’t like his coldness
  2. Our teacher was _____ today.
  3. We have to go to the doctor really ____
  4. We need oil. Let’s go to the _____
  5. “Look a this wonderful _____”
  6. The meal today is ____
  7. Don’t be so rude, she’s ______
  8. noun of to imagine
  9. We need to wear something _____.
  10. We had _____ in maths, I hate it.
  11. You need a ____ happiness.
  12. My dad works in the _____
  13. They _____ come together.
  14. similar to church
  15. You look so _____ to me.
  16. If you want to be a princess, learn the _______.
  17. You have to eat a lots of proteins to gain _____
  18. In my _____ it’s raining chocolate.
  19. party Did you join a _____?
  20. Don’t wear so much makeup, be ____
  21. And yesterday we had ____ in maths.
  22. “Don’t drink it, it’s ___”
  23. you can eat cow ____
  24. If you drink poison it can be ____

45 Clues: Do you live ____?similar to churchnoun of to imagineYou look ____ todaysimilar to ingeniousyou can eat cow ____something to fill outThe meal today is ____my bike is in the ____He ______ fall for me.You look so _____ to me.another word for awkwardI don’t like his coldnessMy dad works in the _____They _____ come together.Our family is really ____...

English 2021-03-23

English crossword puzzle
  1. a group of travelling performers including acrobats and animals
  2. a strong, hard hat that covers and protects the head
  3. organize something
  4. a person who entertains people by walking along a high wire
  5. relating to the North or South Pole or the areas around them
  6. being certain of your abilities or having trust in people, plans, or the future
  7. way of acting that people in a particular society for a long time
  8. a person who imagines how something could be made and draws for it
  9. the measured amount of heat in a place or in the body
  10. to give someone something that they need
  1. the people living in one particular area
  2. known and recognized by many people
  3. extremely good
  4. the weather conditions
  5. not for everyone
  6. the sport of riding a bicycle
  7. the period of time during which someone lives or something exists
  8. the work of building
  9. finding a way from one place to another
  10. not the same things

20 Clues: extremely goodnot for everyoneorganize somethingnot the same thingsthe work of buildingthe weather conditionsthe sport of riding a bicycleknown and recognized by many peoplefinding a way from one place to anotherthe people living in one particular areato give someone something that they needa strong, hard hat that covers and protects the head...

English 2021-05-30

English crossword puzzle
  1. concerned.
  2. replying in a insincere way
  3. rise and fall of voice in speaking
  4. threat in anger or excitement
  5. unusually small
  6. to be hostile
  7. related to the people of tunisia
  8. A witty remark
  9. agree
  1. crushed
  2. strange view or behavior
  3. a line of police.
  4. doing something important.
  5. Branch of physics dealing with temperatures.
  6. showing no regret
  7. angry or impatient
  8. medal
  9. adjective form of gnome
  10. unbalanced
  11. staying at a place for a long time.

20 Clues: medalagreecrushedconcerned.unbalancedto be hostileA witty remarkunusually smalla line of police.showing no regretangry or impatientadjective form of gnomestrange view or behaviordoing something important.replying in a insincere waythreat in anger or excitementrelated to the people of tunisiarise and fall of voice in speaking...

English 2021-05-17

English crossword puzzle
  1. capital of japan
  2. synonym of stared
  3. 7+5
  4. festival on 25th December
  5. likes to chase mice
  6. capital of china
  7. synonym of afraid
  8. festival of lights
  9. the first month of the year
  10. plural of fairy
  1. starts life as a tadpole
  2. double of 10
  3. many mouse
  4. has a long neck
  5. the sun rises in the ___
  6. female horse
  7. synonym of very big
  8. largest continent
  9. festival of colours
  10. likes to roll around in the mud
  11. male of duck

21 Clues: 7+5many mousedouble of 10female horsemale of duckhas a long neckplural of fairycapital of japancapital of chinasynonym of staredlargest continentsynonym of afraidfestival of lightssynonym of very biglikes to chase micefestival of coloursstarts life as a tadpolethe sun rises in the ___festival on 25th Decemberthe first month of the year...

ENGLISH 2021-09-22

ENGLISH crossword puzzle
  1. (v.) to scold, criticize
  2. (adj.)stern, joyless
  3. (adj.) painstaking, careful
  4. (v.) to demolish, level
  5. (adj.) advocating principles of liberty and free will
  6. (adj.) lack of content or ideas, stupid
  7. (adj.) shrewdness, perceptiveness
  8. (adj.) rotten, foul
  9. (v.) to confuse
  10. (adj.) easily taught or trained
  11. (adj.) mystifying, cryptic
  12. (adj.) widely and unfavorably known
  13. (v.) to fill with love, fascinate, usually used in passive form followed by "of" or "with"
  14. (v.) to include as a necessary step
  15. (v.) to weaken, exhaust
  16. (adj.) displaying a lack of moral or legal restraints
  17. (v.) to swell out
  18. (adj.) causing dissent, discord
  19. (n.) a tendency, propensity
  20. (v.) to reveal something secret
  21. (v.) to persuade someone not to do something
  22. (adj.) indisputable
  23. (adj.) noisy, unruly
  24. (adj.) no longer used, out of date
  1. (v.) to grant the vote to
  2. (n.) mutual understanding and harmony
  3. (adj.) loud and full of energy
  4. (adj.) incapable of correction, delinquent
  5. (adj.) having a terrible taste or smell
  6. (adj.) diversified, distinctly marked
  7. (v.) to bring about, create, generate
  8. (n.) one who holds an office
  9. (adj.) sleeping, temporarily inactive
  10. (v.) to charm, hold spellbound
  11. (adj.) swollen, excessively embellished in style or language
  12. (n.) an enlargement; the process of increasing
  13. (adj.) sparkling
  14. (adj.) varied, diverse in character
  15. (adj.) vulgar, coarse
  16. (n.) the audience's demand for a repeat performance; also the artist's performance in response to that demand
  17. (adj.) robust, capable of surviving through adverse conditions
  18. (n.) one who believes pleasure should be the primary pursuit of humans

42 Clues: (v.) to confuse(adj.) sparkling(v.) to swell out(adj.) rotten, foul(adj.) indisputable(adj.)stern, joyless(adj.) noisy, unruly(adj.) vulgar, coarse(v.) to demolish, level(v.) to weaken, exhaust(v.) to scold, criticize(v.) to grant the vote to(adj.) mystifying, cryptic(adj.) painstaking, careful(n.) a tendency, propensity(n.) one who holds an office...

English 2021-10-17

English crossword puzzle
  1. The opposite of easy(p.83,line 4)
  2. When something stops working it's_____
  3. The same as period(p.83,line 9)
  4. Reaching a high or the highest degree;exceptional;very severe
  5. A period of one hundred years(p.95,line 4)
  6. Existing in or derived from nature; not made or caused by humankind.(p.91,line 28)
  7. People who are studying or have expert knowledge of one or more of the natural or physical sciences.(p.102,line 3)
  8. when you buy something the money is____
  9. The same as maintain (p.95,line 17)
  1. One of the milestones in the struggle of feminism was the __ of bras
  2. As kids we used to do it in art classes
  3. The same as modification(p.102,line 15)
  4. You do this with cars,trucks
  5. A very large expanse of sea, in particular each of the main areas into which the sea is divided geographically.(p.102,line 23)
  6. A colorless, odorless flammable gas which is the main constituent of natural gas. It is the simplest member of the alkane series of hydrocarbons(p. 91, line 20)
  7. Start something
  8. The opposite of lie(p.87,line 1)
  9. People who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or public works (p. 83, line 19)
  10. The same as rock,flint(p.83,line 20)
  11. A celestial body distinguished from the fixed stars by having an apparent motion of its own,especially with reference to its supposed influence on people and events (p. 83, line 32)

20 Clues: Start somethingYou do this with cars,trucksThe same as period(p.83,line 9)The opposite of lie(p.87,line 1)The opposite of easy(p.83,line 4)The same as maintain (p.95,line 17)The same as rock,flint(p.83,line 20)When something stops working it's_____As kids we used to do it in art classesThe same as modification(p.102,line 15)...

English 2021-10-17

English crossword puzzle
  1. The opposite of easy(p.83,line 4)
  2. When something stops working it's_____
  3. The same as period(p.83,line 9)
  4. Reaching a high or the highest degree; exceptional;very severe(p.95,line 10)
  5. A period of one hundred years(p.95,line 4)
  6. Existing in or derived from nature; not made or caused by humankind.(p.91,line 28)
  7. People who are studying or have expert knowledge of one or more of the natural or physical sciences.(p.102,line 3)
  8. When you buy something the money is____
  9. The same as maintain (p.95,line 17)
  1. One of the milestones in the struggle of feminism was the __ of bras
  2. When we were kids we used to do it in art class
  3. The same as modification(p.102,line 15)
  4. You do this with cars,trucks
  5. A very large expanse of sea, in particular each of the main areas into which the sea is divided geographically.(p.102,line 23)
  6. A colorless, odorless flammable gas which is the main constituent of natural gas. It is the simplest member of the alkane series of hydrocarbons(p. 91, line 20)
  7. Start something
  8. The opposite of lie(p.87,line 1)
  9. People who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or public works (p. 83, line 19)
  10. The same as rock,flint(p.83,line 20)
  11. A celestial body distinguished from the fixed stars by having an apparent motion of its own,especially with reference to its supposed influence on people and events (p. 83, line 32)

20 Clues: Start somethingYou do this with cars,trucksThe same as period(p.83,line 9)The opposite of lie(p.87,line 1)The opposite of easy(p.83,line 4)The same as maintain (p.95,line 17)The same as rock,flint(p.83,line 20)When something stops working it's_____The same as modification(p.102,line 15)When you buy something the money is____...

English 2022-03-17

English crossword puzzle
  1. szekrény
  2. fogkefe
  3. mosdó
  4. hajszárító
  5. lámpa
  6. mosógép
  7. szék
  8. kandalló
  9. légkondi
  10. szőnyeg
  1. számítógép
  2. wc papír
  3. kád
  4. hangszóró
  5. fürdőszoba
  6. kanapé
  7. festmény
  8. pad
  9. növény
  10. szőnyeg
  11. tükör

21 Clues: kádpadszékmosdólámpatükörkanapénövényfogkefemosógépszőnyegszőnyegszekrénywc papírfestménykandallólégkondihangszórószámítógépfürdőszobahajszárító

English 2022-03-17

English crossword puzzle
  1. szekrény
  2. fogkefe
  3. mosdó
  4. hajszárító
  5. lámpa
  6. mosógép
  7. szék
  8. kandalló
  9. légkondi
  10. szőnyeg
  1. számítógép
  2. wc papír
  3. kád
  4. hangszóró
  5. fürdőszoba
  6. kanapé
  7. festmény
  8. pad
  9. növény
  10. szőnyeg
  11. tükör

21 Clues: kádpadszékmosdólámpatükörkanapénövényfogkefemosógépszőnyegszőnyegszekrénywc papírfestménykandallólégkondihangszórószámítógépfürdőszobahajszárító

English 2021-12-03

English crossword puzzle
  1. A unified group of lines in a poem.
  2. An expression used to avoid directly saying something distasteful, unpleasant or confronting.
  3. A line of poetry.
  4. Something that stands for something else.
  5. “Doing”,“having” or “being” words
  6. repetition of a consonance sound in words with close connection
  7. The relationship among texts.
  8. The use of symbols in art, music and literature.
  1. A comparison between two things using like, as or than.
  2. the feelings, emotions and subtleties
  3. A pattern of words that contain similar sounds.
  4. An exaggeration to make a point.
  5. a form of extended metaphor with 2 meanings
  6. Words that describe nouns
  7. a comparison demonstrating the similarities between two things
  8. The beat or emphasis of accent.
  9. Language that is particular or associated with a group in society
  10. prejudice. a one sided view of an issued
  11. use of a reference to another story or text
  12. The ‘feeling’ or atmosphere of a setting or the text itself.

20 Clues: A line of poetry.Words that describe nounsThe relationship among texts.The beat or emphasis of accent.An exaggeration to make a point.“Doing”,“having” or “being” wordsA unified group of lines in a poem.the feelings, emotions and subtletiesprejudice. a one sided view of an issuedSomething that stands for something else....

English 2021-11-09

English crossword puzzle
  1. make a loud noise, as of an animal
  2. marked by meekness or modesty; not arrogant or prideful
  3. state of violent mental agitation
  4. having been formed again
  5. Offensive to morality or decency
  6. Act or practice of refraining from indulging an appetite
  7. encourage or stir up
  8. talk long-windedly without making much sense
  9. Take away to an undisclosed location against their will
  10. marked by a state of extreme poverty
  11. having the nature of or resembling jelly
  1. the process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically
  2. not genuine
  3. Main character
  4. Melinda's only friend
  5. pale and giving the impression of illness or exhaustion
  6. be a mystery or bewildering
  7. necessary to make a whole complete
  8. not clearly visible or attracting attention
  9. a deity or nymph of the woods
  10. ering or straying from the proper course or standards

21 Clues: not genuineMain characterencourage or stir upMelinda's only friendhaving been formed againbe a mystery or bewilderinga deity or nymph of the woodsOffensive to morality or decencystate of violent mental agitationmake a loud noise, as of an animalnecessary to make a whole completemarked by a state of extreme poverty...

english 2021-11-23

english crossword puzzle
  1. a place to watch movies with a big screen
  2. it is long and made of wood. it used for writing. what is it?
  3. the last color of the rainbow
  4. the place people do the payment in a supermarket
  5. the red color of traffic light means
  6. what is the mont of mother's day
  7. what is always in front of you but can't be seen
  8. this place is a shopping center
  9. hair that is not curly or wavy
  10. what we smell with
  1. she lives with her stepmother and two stepsisters who have a very bad nature
  2. an animals that gives honey
  3. the prices off at the end of the year
  4. thing you should always have when you sleep
  5. the color off grass
  6. something you use when it rains, to keep you from getting wet
  7. can't be told to anyone
  8. this animal has two horns and cun be run fast
  9. the opposite of tall
  10. a place where we live

20 Clues: what we smell withthe color off grassthe opposite of talla place where we livecan't be told to anyonean animals that gives honeythe last color of the rainbowhair that is not curly or wavythis place is a shopping centerwhat is the mont of mother's daythe red color of traffic light meansthe prices off at the end of the year...

english 2022-01-19

english crossword puzzle
  1. (v.) carve, cut, or etch into a material or surface
  2. (v.) to request support
  3. (n.) a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause
  4. (v.) to agree or receive to do
  5. (v.) get by special effort
  6. (v.) to instill with courage
  7. (adj.) he time or a period of time before the moment of speaking or writing
  8. (adj.) uninvolved; standing off; keeping one’s distance
  9. (n.) scheming actions
  10. (adj.) not inclined to talking
  11. (U.S.: maneuver): (n.) strategy to gain a particular aim
  12. (n.) ardent followers
  1. (n.) those who are habitually drunk
  2. (n.) the act of directing
  3. (n.) an example of evil behavior
  4. (adj.) plump; stocky; substantial
  5. (n.) the state of being perpendicular, or at right angles, to a specified plane
  6. (prep.) not including
  7. (n.) a dissenting clique
  8. (n.) outward manner
  9. (n.) a group appointed to represent others
  10. (n.) used as a term of address for those male persons engaged in the same movement
  11. (n.) the act of burial
  12. (v.) he time or a period of time before the moment of speaking or writing
  13. (adv.) in a manner suggesting bliss

25 Clues: (n.) outward manner(prep.) not including(n.) scheming actions(n.) ardent followers(n.) the act of burial(v.) to request support(n.) a dissenting clique(n.) the act of directing(v.) get by special effort(v.) to instill with courage(v.) to agree or receive to do(adj.) not inclined to talking(n.) an example of evil behavior...

English 2022-02-09

English crossword puzzle
  1. to express formal support or approval for someone or something
  2. to use all or most of your time, effort etc in order to do something or help someone
  3. animals travel regularly from one part of the world to another
  4. unwilling to believe that people have good, honest, or sincere reasons for doing something
  5. something continue to exist or happen for a period of time
  6. the meat of a deer
  7. to develop well and be successful
  8. waste matter from animals that is mixed with soil to improve the soil and help plants grow
  9. to judge how good, useful, or successful something is
  10. falls down suddenly, usually because it is weak or damaged
  11. a deep narrow valley with steep sides
  12. certain to happen and impossible to avoid
  13. a substance used to kill unwanted plants
  1. the cutting or burning down of all the trees in an area
  2. the meat from a sheep
  3. to be considered to be something
  4. to use time, energy, goods etc
  5. happening in or relating to the countryside, not the city
  6. to try to deal with a difficult problem
  7. a radical change or difference is very big and important
  8. an official decision made in a court of law, especially about whether someone is guilty of a crime or how a death happened

21 Clues: the meat of a deerthe meat from a sheepto use time, energy, goods etcto be considered to be somethingto develop well and be successfula deep narrow valley with steep sidesto try to deal with a difficult problema substance used to kill unwanted plantscertain to happen and impossible to avoidto judge how good, useful, or successful something is...

english 2022-02-14

english crossword puzzle
  1. smelten
  2. kauwen
  3. afgrijsekijk
  4. toonhoogte
  5. erwten
  6. dol op zijn
  7. snaar
  8. opmerken
  9. vloeibaar
  10. moed
  11. tevreden
  12. begraven
  1. hardverscheurlijk
  2. stemmen
  3. menigte
  4. refrein
  5. olie
  6. charmant
  7. oorzaak
  8. dooier
  9. sneeuwstorm
  10. gillen
  11. fooi
  12. voorraad

24 Clues: oliefooimoedsnaarkauwenerwtendooiergillenstemmensmeltenmenigterefreinoorzaakcharmantopmerkentevredenvoorraadbegravenvloeibaartoonhoogtedol op zijnsneeuwstormafgrijsekijkhardverscheurlijk

english 2022-02-14

english crossword puzzle
  1. akoestisch
  2. refrein
  3. akkoord
  4. voorraad
  5. enorm
  6. boos
  7. eenzaam
  8. opgelucht
  9. fooi
  10. charmant
  11. snaar
  12. grens
  1. gevuld
  2. schillen
  3. nieuwsgierig
  4. oorzaak
  5. betrouwbaar
  6. vloeibaar
  7. vulling
  8. blij
  9. sneeuwstorm
  10. spoon
  11. aardig
  12. doorweekt

24 Clues: blijboosfooienormspoonsnaargrensgevuldaardigrefreinakkoordoorzaakvullingeenzaamschillenvoorraadcharmantvloeibaaropgeluchtdoorweektakoestischbetrouwbaarsneeuwstormnieuwsgierig

English 2022-03-09

English crossword puzzle
  1. surprised or confused to give reaction
  2. a person who never laughs
  3. A machine
  4. sign of division
  5. stain
  6. Trending sign on Instagram
  7. Aarit's favourite word
  8. most sensible student
  9. confusing
  1. Friendly
  2. a kitchen equipment to take liquid from a vessel
  3. sounds like greater
  4. used to mix batter
  5. mass assault
  6. mucus
  7. gadget
  8. never pays attention in class
  9. teacher's name
  10. knife,fork,spoon,teaspoon
  11. absent for many classes

20 Clues: mucusstaingadgetFriendlyA machineconfusingmass assaultteacher's namesign of divisionused to mix battersounds like greatermost sensible studentAarit's favourite wordabsent for many classesa person who never laughsknife,fork,spoon,teaspoonTrending sign on Instagramnever pays attention in classsurprised or confused to give reaction...

ENGLISH! 2021-08-16

ENGLISH! crossword puzzle
  1. At steps we can go _____ or downstairs
  2. The reason we can't do something
  3. Who we call to fix pipes
  4. The season when the leaves change
  5. A building with more than one home
  6. A doctor who takes care of animals
  7. A building with only one home
  8. How we keep people from using a door
  9. The season when we plant seeds
  10. A place where we can borrow books
  11. Who we call to fix lights and wires
  1. The season when it is cold
  2. The season when gardens grow
  3. something that costs a lot
  4. Who we call to kill bugs and rats
  5. Protect your hands
  6. When the air is warm and wet
  7. Telling someone your name
  8. Money earned when you work
  9. We go ____ the bridge
  10. The part of pay that the government keeps
  11. due What you owe on a bill
  12. Talking with someone who may give you a job
  13. What is happening now
  14. How you feel when there is nothing to do
  15. How we say we are sorry

26 Clues: Protect your handsWe go ____ the bridgeWhat is happening nowHow we say we are sorryWho we call to fix pipesTelling someone your nameThe season when it is coldsomething that costs a lotMoney earned when you workdue What you owe on a billThe season when gardens growWhen the air is warm and wetA building with only one home...

English 2021-12-19

English crossword puzzle
  1. the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information.
  2. relating to the atmosphere of the earth or (occasionally) another planet.
  3. a person who travels some distance to work on a regular basis.
  4. a person employed in an office or bank to keep records, accounts, and undertake other routine administrative duties.
  5. satisfying one's conception of what is perfect; most suitable.
  6. a place on the coast where vessels may find shelter, especially one protected from rough water by piers, jetties, and other artificial structures.
  7. a path for people to walk along, especially one in the countryside.
  8. a position to the left or right of an object, place, or central point.
  9. a small, narrow river.
  10. the natural features of a landscape considered in terms of their appearance, especially when picturesque.
  11. a large solid piece of hard material, especially rock, stone, or wood, typically with flat surfaces on each side.
  12. including or containing people from many different countries.
  13. a hinged barrier used to close an opening in a wall, fence, or hedge
  14. having been deserted or cast off.
  15. very small.
  16. vehicles moving on a public highway.
  17. a fence or boundary formed by closely growing bushes or shrubs.
  18. providing useful or interesting information.
  19. any paved area or surface.
  20. an area or division, especially part of a country or the world having definable characteristics but not always fixed boundaries.
  21. in, relating to, or characteristic of the countryside rather than the town.
  22. fond of or given to talking.
  23. a narrow road, especially in a rural area.
  24. free from disturbance; tranquil.
  25. a person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons.
  26. a low area of land between hills or mountains, typically with a river or stream flowing through it.
  27. a naturally raised area of land, not as high or craggy as a mountain.
  28. a person who leaves their own country in order to settle permanently in another.
  29. a district, especially one forming a community within a town or city.
  30. fine, dry powder consisting of tiny particles of earth or waste matter lying on the ground or on surfaces or carried in the air.
  31. old or discarded articles that are considered useless or of little value.
  32. a person appointed to administer or manage the financial assets and liabilities of a society, company, local authority, or other body.
  1. an area of open land, especially one planted with crops or pasture, typically bounded by hedges or fences.
  2. a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.
  3. a place that is a popular destination for vacations or recreation, or which is frequented for a particular purpose.
  4. regarded with deep affection; cherished by someone.
  5. in, relating to, or characteristic of a town or city.
  6. an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment.
  7. belonging or relating to a particular area or neighborhood, typically exclusively so.
  8. famous or important in history, or potentially so.
  9. very large in size, quantity, or extent.
  10. a small simple house, typically one near a lake or beach.
  11. be affected with rust.
  12. having widely developed industries.
  13. a large public box with a slot into which post is placed for collection by the post office; a mailbox.
  14. a part of a building comprising all the rooms that are on the same level.
  15. a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.
  16. work done in building or repairing roads.
  17. a person who travels widely.
  18. a member of a people having no permanent abode, and who travel from place to place to find fresh pasture for their livestock.
  19. extremely interesting.
  20. prosperous and growing; flourishing.
  21. a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event or publicizing a job vacancy.
  22. a person or animal that lives in or occupies a place.
  23. a printed sheet of paper, sometimes folded, containing information or advertising and usually distributed free.
  24. an area of land, smaller than a forest, that is covered with growing trees.

56 Clues: very small.a small, narrow river.be affected with rust.extremely interesting.any paved area or surface.a person who travels widely.fond of or given to talking.free from disturbance; tranquil.having been deserted or cast off.having widely developed industries.vehicles moving on a public highway.prosperous and growing; flourishing....

english 2022-04-04

english crossword puzzle
  1. long piece of academic writing based on original research
  2. to skip school without permission
  3. a student who fails to complete a school or college course
  4. Leave school, college, or university without completing the course
  5. a group of university departments concerned with a major division of knowledge
  6. complete success
  7. a conference or other meeting for discussion or training
  8. a sum of money charged for teaching by a college or university
  9. teaching or instruction, especially of individual pupils or small groups.
  10. to succeed at doing something but just barely
  1. unable to read or write
  2. relating to a tutor or a tutor's tuition.
  3. to have (a specified subject) as one's main subject of study plans to major in history.
  4. A year when you don't study before entering college/university
  5. to finish something at the time it is meant to be finished
  6. officially register as a member of an institution or a student on a course
  7. study with concentrated focus
  8. to improve your knowledge of something already learned but partly forgotten
  9. commit oneself to a period of employment, education, or in the armed forces
  10. able to read and write
  11. an educational talk to an audience, especially one of students in a university

21 Clues: complete successable to read and writeunable to read or writestudy with concentrated focusto skip school without permissionrelating to a tutor or a tutor's tuition.to succeed at doing something but just barelya conference or other meeting for discussion or traininglong piece of academic writing based on original research...

English 2021-09-27

English crossword puzzle
  1. the act of thinking carefully and seriously about something
  2. : an error in logic
  3. point: a point that no one can argue or disagree with
  4. the feeling connected to the meaning of words
  5. : a survey or review of a past course of event or period of time
  6. a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two unlike subject using either like or as
  7. the dictionary definition of words
  8. when a non human subject is given human characteristics
  9. an act of breaking a rule or law
  10. the rationale and practice of persuasive public speaking.
  11. to discuss something in order to reach an agreement in business or politics
  1. the state of being able to read and write
  2. something that is very long and boring.
  3. : an statement that something is true or valid
  4. anything in literature that stands for or represents something else.
  5. ; something that you thick is true but you have proot, assume
  6. something such as a point previously claimed in argument that is later yielded
  7. : an argument made to oppose/go agisent another argument.
  8. exaggeration used for emphasis or dramatic effect.
  9. hominem: fallacy an attack on a person not an issue in hopes to discredit an idea issue argument
  10. pause: an intentional pause in delivery in order to build suspense or magnify the importance of a point.
  11. ro action : to invite your audience to act out and do something
  12. someone is stupid and has imagiation
  13. sequitur: fallacy a conclusion that does not logically follow from the proof provided in an argument.
  14. a regularly repeated line or group of lines in a poem.

25 Clues: : an error in logican act of breaking a rule or lawthe dictionary definition of wordssomeone is stupid and has imagiationsomething that is very long and boring.the state of being able to read and writethe feeling connected to the meaning of words: an statement that something is true or validexaggeration used for emphasis or dramatic effect....

English 2021-09-03

English crossword puzzle
  1. extreme, infinite.
  2. polite, sociable
  3. wish,dream,ambition
  4. antagonist, attacker, rival
  5. all of a sudden, unexpectedly.
  6. wrong, slight, indignity
  7. suffering, sorrow, hurting
  8. flattery, applause ,commendation
  9. avid, fierce,intense
  10. cultivable, plowable
  11. lessen, ease
  12. happily, finely, perfectly
  13. dullness, disregard
  14. stubborn, insistent, resolute
  15. skilled, proficient
  1. doubt, alarm,concern
  2. calm, ease, compose
  3. divine, await
  4. aid, assistant
  5. accumulation, amount , bulk
  6. ease, lighten, mitigate
  7. mystery, hardship
  8. readjust , revise
  9. disturbed, persecuted, oppressed
  10. agreeable, responsive, susceptible

25 Clues: lessen, easedivine, awaitaid, assistantpolite, sociablemystery, hardshipreadjust , reviseextreme, infinite.calm, ease, composewish,dream,ambitiondullness, disregardskilled, proficientdoubt, alarm,concernavid, fierce,intensecultivable, plowableease, lighten, mitigatewrong, slight, indignitysuffering, sorrow, hurtinghappily, finely, perfectly...

english 2022-04-14

english crossword puzzle
  1. exact
  2. to give someone a jop
  3. almost
  4. place
  5. something you need to pay
  6. to get bigger
  7. young people
  8. business
  9. building
  10. right away
  11. change
  1. someone who lives in a place
  2. to make
  3. money earned by a business
  4. cant
  5. something popular
  6. more
  7. choice
  8. to say whats wrong
  9. to continue

20 Clues: cantmoreexactplacealmostchoicechangeto makebusinessbuildingright awayto continueyoung peopleto get biggersomething popularto say whats wrongto give someone a jopsomething you need to paymoney earned by a businesssomeone who lives in a place

english 2022-04-14

english crossword puzzle
  1. exact
  2. to give someone a jop
  3. almost
  4. place
  5. something you need to pay
  6. to get bigger
  7. young people
  8. business
  9. building
  10. right away
  11. change
  1. someone who lives in a place
  2. to make
  3. money earned by a business
  4. cant
  5. something popular
  6. more
  7. choice
  8. to say whats wrong
  9. to continue

20 Clues: cantmoreexactplacealmostchoicechangeto makebusinessbuildingright awayto continueyoung peopleto get biggersomething popularto say whats wrongto give someone a jopsomething you need to paymoney earned by a businesssomeone who lives in a place

English 2017-01-12

English crossword puzzle
  1. sterven
  2. schade
  3. portefeuille
  4. crimineel
  5. bezorgd
  6. identiteit
  7. middelen
  8. kledingkast
  9. gedragen
  10. gevangens
  1. boete
  2. veroorzaken
  3. ambitie
  4. ontwikkelen
  5. doden
  6. ontdekken
  7. kans
  8. school scholengemeenschap
  9. rotzooi
  10. overval

20 Clues: kansboetedodenschadestervenambitiebezorgdrotzooiovervalmiddelengedragenontdekkencrimineelgevangensidentiteitveroorzakenontwikkelenkledingkastportefeuilleschool scholengemeenschap

English 2017-02-03

English crossword puzzle
  1. scatter or spread untidily over a surface
  2. suddenly fall down or give way.
  3. prod (someone) gently with one's elbow in order to attract attention.
  4. the state of being aware of and responsive to one's surroundings.
  5. To be ripped
  6. faint, especially from extreme emotion.
  7. feeling weak and dizzy and close to losing consciousness.
  8. wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable.
  9. come or bring to an end.
  1. take hold of suddenly and forcibly.
  2. is a wound caused by superficial damage to the skin
  3. the remains of something that has been badly damaged or destroyed.
  4. strike or hit heavily and repeatedly.
  5. disappear suddenly and completely.
  6. Sight of something
  7. cause(a fire or light) to cease to burn or shine.
  8. to be far away
  9. A long, narrow box, typically of wood, in which a dead body is buried or cremated.
  10. trip or momentarily lose one's balance; almost fall.
  11. A sudden forward movement

20 Clues: To be rippedto be far awaySight of somethingcome or bring to an end.A sudden forward movementsuddenly fall down or give way.disappear suddenly and completely.take hold of suddenly and forcibly.wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable.strike or hit heavily and repeatedly.faint, especially from extreme emotion.scatter or spread untidily over a surface...

ENGLISH 2018-03-08

ENGLISH crossword puzzle
  1. A request or gives a command and ends with a period or an exclamation point
  2. It list in alphabetical order the reference used by the author in writing the book
  3. This is the simpliest way of grouping ideas such that they show proper order and relationship with one another
  4. This figure of speech lies in words or expressions whose sound echoes or suggest the meaning
  5. It is a little dictionary. It helps the readers in understanding technical terms used in book
  6. This contains the death notices
  7. This includes your address and the date you have written the letter
  8. This contains the schedule of arrival and departure inter-island/international vessels with their respective parts of call
  9. This is the main part of the book
  10. It is a little dictionary. It helps the readers in understanding technical terms used in book
  11. This contains the death notices
  12. A statement or expresses an opinion and ends with a period
  13. This figure of speech expresses something in words that mean their opposite
  14. This contains the news reports of important events from abroad
  15. This figure of speech makes use of a word name of a part for a whole or whole for a part
  16. This contains an expression consisting two or more words that corresponds some conventional way of saying things
  17. It said to be the “soul” of the newspaper and contains the editorial the editorial column, the readers views, the masthead, and the editorial cartoon
  18. These are written for special occasions
  19. It contains other data or information which the author did not include in the text
  20. A verb proceed by the preposition “to” and function as a noun
  21. It tells whom the author dedication his book
  22. It gives the complete title of the book, the author/authors and the name of publisher
  23. Gives the words of the speaker as reported by another person
  24. This expresses a strong feeling and ends with a exclamation point
  25. It contains commercial, industrial, and agricultural news and development here and abroad
  26. This gives a list of all books are there by an authors
  1. Gives the exact words of speaker
  2. A verb used as an adjective
  3. This names the person you are writing
  4. __________ sentence asks a question and ends with a question mark
  5. When a poet uses several similar first letter in lines of poetry
  6. This is a word that is formed from a verb but acts as another part of speech
  7. It contain news on all sports events that happened or will soon to happen
  8. It contains the most important news of the day either here or abroad
  9. This is a group of words containing a verbs and its subject kinds
  10. This are briefs interactive expression that suggest a specific action, behavior or Judgment
  11. This consists of one main clause and one or more subordinate clause
  12. This consists of two or more simple sentences or independent clauses put together
  13. This contains only one subject and one predicate
  14. Is a figure of speech in which one word is put for another that it suggests
  15. This binds the paper or the book together
  16. This is also called determinative
  17. It express the authors gratitude to the reason who helped him in writing the book
  18. A verb form that ends in -ing and used as noun

44 Clues: A verb used as an adjectiveThis contains the death noticesThis contains the death noticesGives the exact words of speakerThis is the main part of the bookThis is also called determinativeThis names the person you are writingThese are written for special occasionsThis binds the paper or the book togetherIt tells whom the author dedication his book...

ENGLISH 2018-03-08

ENGLISH crossword puzzle
  1. It contain news on all sports events that happened or will soon to happen
  2. It said to be the “soul” of the newspaper and contains the editorial the editorial column, the readers views, the masthead, and the editorial cartoon
  3. It contains the most important news of the day either here or abroad
  4. It list in alphabetical order the reference used by the author in writing the book
  5. Gives the words of the speaker as reported by another person
  6. This figure of speech expresses something in words that mean their opposite
  7. This binds the paper or the book together
  8. This contains an expression consisting two or more words that corresponds some conventional way of saying things
  9. This contains the news reports of important events from abroad
  10. This are briefs interactive expression that suggest a specific action, behavior or Judgment
  11. This is also called determinative
  12. Gives the exact words of speaker
  13. This is a group of words containing a verbs and its subject kinds
  14. This is the main part of the book
  15. This contains the schedule of arrival and departure inter-island/international vessels with their respective parts of call
  16. When a poet uses several similar first letter in lines of poetry
  17. A request or gives a command and ends with a period or an exclamation point
  18. A verb form that ends in -ing and used as noun
  19. A verb used as an adjective
  20. This names the person you are writing
  21. This gives a list of all books are there by an authors
  22. This contains the death notices
  23. This expresses a strong feeling and ends with a exclamation point
  24. A statement or expresses an opinion and ends with a period
  25. This includes your address and the date you have written the letter
  1. This is the simpliest way of grouping ideas such that they show proper order and relationship with one another
  2. This contains only one subject and one predicate
  3. It is a little dictionary. It helps the readers in understanding technical terms used in book
  4. This consists of one main clause and one or more subordinate clause
  5. These are written for special occasions
  6. It contains commercial, industrial, and agricultural news and development here and abroad
  7. This consists of two or more simple sentences or independent clauses put together
  8. This figure of speech makes use of a word name of a part for a whole or whole for a part
  9. It tells whom the author dedication his book
  10. It express the authors gratitude to the reason who helped him in writing the book
  11. This figure of speech lies in words or expressions whose sound echoes or suggest the meaning
  12. It is a little dictionary. It helps the readers in understanding technical terms used in book
  13. Is a figure of speech in which one word is put for another that it suggests
  14. This is a word that is formed from a verb but acts as another part of speech
  15. It gives the complete title of the book, the author/authors and the name of publisher
  16. A verb proceed by the preposition “to” and function as a noun
  17. __________ sentence asks a question and ends with a question mark
  18. This contains the death notices
  19. It contains other data or information which the author did not include in the text

44 Clues: A verb used as an adjectiveThis contains the death noticesThis contains the death noticesGives the exact words of speakerThis is also called determinativeThis is the main part of the bookThis names the person you are writingThese are written for special occasionsThis binds the paper or the book togetherIt tells whom the author dedication his book...

English 2017-11-29

English crossword puzzle
  1. similar repeated sounds at the end of words
  2. a word that is a noise
  3. a repetition of the same letters or sounds close together
  4. has serpent hair
  5. the shape of the poem and stanzas
  6. the flow and pace of words
  7. a beast in the labyrinth
  8. Athens is the capital of this country
  9. a true story based on a true fact
  10. an indirect comparison using as or like
  11. the city where the Trojans come from
  1. a noun that is not a human given human features
  2. it is often read aloud with rhythm and rhyme
  3. also known as narrative
  4. a message
  5. a made up story not based on a true fact
  6. where you describe something as it is something else
  7. carry out an action or being something
  8. part of a song or poem that is repeated
  9. a person place or thing that is having something done to it

20 Clues: a messagehas serpent haira word that is a noisealso known as narrativea beast in the labyrinththe flow and pace of wordsthe shape of the poem and stanzasa true story based on a true factthe city where the Trojans come fromAthens is the capital of this countrycarry out an action or being somethingpart of a song or poem that is repeated...

English 2017-09-05

English crossword puzzle
  1. What was the color of the sky when the sun was out?
  2. Rain makes the tree.
  3. I become a tree when you hide me under the earth.
  4. Where does an astronaut go to?
  5. I teach children how to read and write.
  6. Who heard the bird sing?
  7. Who brings letter?
  8. Mona’s mother is a _ _ _ _ _ _
  9. Where did the little bird fly to?
  10. How many people are there in Mona’s family?
  1. What does a carpenter make?
  2. The children saw the little spider spin her first _ _ _
  3. What did grandfather give Cheenu?
  4. What do I brush everyday?
  5. Who were running to and fro?
  6. The tree is big, the flowers are _ _ _ _ _
  7. Who tells stories to Mona?
  8. I fly airplanes.
  9. In Mona’s family, who asks a lot of questions?
  10. What does a plumber mend? Water comes out of it.

20 Clues: I fly airplanes.Who brings letter?Rain makes the tree.Who heard the bird sing?What do I brush everyday?Who tells stories to Mona?What does a carpenter make?Who were running to and fro?Where does an astronaut go to?Mona’s mother is a _ _ _ _ _ _What did grandfather give Cheenu?Where did the little bird fly to?I teach children how to read and write....

English 2018-05-13

English crossword puzzle
  1. Cindy____reading a book last week at 10:00.
  2. Now,I(want)_____chocolate.
  3. Many workers(lose)______their jobs at the cafeteria yesterday.
  4. I(owe)____buy a hamburger.
  5. My mom(never attend)_____an Elvis Presley concert.
  6. I played video game____midnight.
  7. Yesterday,(start)_____the oven at 17:00.
  8. My sister born___Monday.
  9. I____have written a longer text.
  10. Patrick(dance)_____in the club all night long.
  11. They(find)____them dog yet.
  1. _____is your favorite animal?
  2. Nicki and Steven(talk)___on Messenger everyday last weekend.
  3. I(hit)_____a deer yesterday.
  4. Anne(live)_____in Big Rocks for 15 years.
  5. I(be)____have stayed in the class afternoon.
  6. Alexis(eat)_____pizza tomorrow.
  7. _____was were eating at Harvey's,my cellphone rang.
  8. Raven(never explain)______the nuclear.
  9. Alex and Billy(visit)____the cosmodom many times.
  10. I was at the_____of the stairs.
  11. Jordan is in the______of crowd.
  12. You(buy)______a new playstation few weeks ago.
  13. The Bee Guy,Mr Bélanger(make)_____his last honey jar.
  14. Amy live___Montréal.

25 Clues: Amy live___Montréal.My sister born___Monday.Now,I(want)_____chocolate.I(owe)____buy a hamburger.They(find)____them dog yet.I(hit)_____a deer yesterday._____is your favorite animal?Alexis(eat)_____pizza tomorrow.I was at the_____of the stairs.Jordan is in the______of crowd.I played video game____midnight.I____have written a longer text....

English 2019-02-07

English crossword puzzle
  1. strategisk
  2. genkende
  3. arrig
  4. altre
  5. stædig
  6. hverdag
  7. trav
  8. flodhest
  9. ældste
  1. behandlede
  2. kludetæppe
  3. til trods for
  4. genstande
  5. tjenere
  6. stammer
  7. vigtighed
  8. samfund
  9. angribe
  10. forøgelse
  11. bosættere
  12. enhed
  13. skabning
  14. flygtninge
  15. vandrede

24 Clues: travarrigaltreenhedstædigældstetjenerestammersamfundangribehverdaggenkendeskabningvandredeflodhestgenstandevigtighedforøgelsebosætterebehandledekludetæppestrategiskflygtningetil trods for