farming Crossword Puzzles

Farming 2021-03-10

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. setzen
  2. Kürbis
  3. Trauben
  4. wachsen
  5. Pferd
  6. Brombeeren
  7. Schafe
  8. ernten
  9. reifen
  10. Eule
  1. Traktor
  2. Scheune
  3. pflügen
  4. Benzin
  5. grasen
  6. Hühner
  7. Samen
  8. Vogelscheuche
  9. lost sich verirren
  10. Feld

20 Clues: FeldEulePferdSamensetzenKürbisBenzingrasenHühnerSchafeerntenreifenTraktorScheunepflügenTraubenwachsenBrombeerenVogelscheuchelost sich verirren

farming 2023-04-04

farming crossword puzzle
  1. toitev söödasegu
  2. värske toit
  3. emisenibu
  4. piimaveise spetsialist
  5. poegimis abi
  6. kõrvade vigastused
  7. põrsaste puur
  8. manustamissagetus
  9. emise loodeveed
  10. emisekärss
  11. nabanöör
  12. suremuse vähenemine
  13. igemeid süstima
  14. põrsakihvad
  15. eluase jälgimine
  16. kummivoolikud ühendama
  17. kõige sööjad
  1. piimaveise kontroll
  2. piimaveise eluase
  3. liha lehmad
  4. seakärss
  5. kalkunimuna
  6. allapanu karjamaal
  7. päevad läbi karjamaal
  8. kanamuna
  9. süstimis sagetus
  10. liha seedima
  11. emise kontroll
  12. noored emised
  13. väige pardipoeg

30 Clues: seakärsskanamunanabanööremisenibuemisekärssliha lehmadvärske toitkalkunimunapõrsakihvadpoegimis abiliha seedimakõige sööjadpõrsaste puurnoored emisedemise kontrollemise loodeveedväige pardipoegigemeid süstimatoitev söödasegusüstimis sagetuseluase jälgiminepiimaveise eluasemanustamissagetuskõrvade vigastusedallapanu karjamaalpiimaveise kontroll...

Farming 2023-09-03

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. - Turning over soil for planting.
  2. - Trimming branches for plant health.
  3. - Chemical for weed control.
  4. raising livestock in natural grazing area
  5. - Chemical for pest control.
  6. - Storage for grains or silage.
  7. - Shelter for animals or equipment.
  8. - Recycling organic material.
  9. - Cultivating gardens and crops.
  1. - Cultivating flowers.
  2. - Beekeeping.
  3. - Growing plants in water.
  4. - Curved blade for cutting crops.
  5. - Removing wool from sheep.
  6. - Controlled environment for plant growth.
  7. - Machine for grain separation.
  8. - Separating grains from plants.
  9. - Providing water to crops.
  10. - Tool for leveling and breaking soil.
  11. - Extracting milk from animals.
  12. - Farm vehicle for heavy tasks.
  13. - Covering soil for moisture control.
  14. - Raising aquatic animals.
  15. small tool for digging in soil

24 Clues: - Beekeeping.- Cultivating flowers.- Growing plants in water.- Raising aquatic animals.- Removing wool from sheep.- Providing water to crops.- Chemical for weed control.- Chemical for pest control.- Recycling organic material.- Machine for grain separation.- Extracting milk from animals.- Farm vehicle for heavy tasks.- Storage for grains or silage....

Farming 2023-04-19

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. Common crop used to make bread
  2. Living space for livestock
  3. Large area of land often associated with size
  4. Collecting of wool
  5. Crops, animal products, fruit
  6. Large areas of property
  7. The method or system of farming
  8. Parents and siblings
  9. Hot season
  10. Works in agriculture
  11. Product of cattle
  1. Collecting crops
  2. Preparation of property for farming
  3. Preserving or upkeep
  4. Meadows for livestock
  5. Animals
  6. Place of education
  7. Country town
  8. Produce dairy products
  9. Assistive technologies for maintenance and harvesting
  10. Wheat, barley, corn, rice
  11. Rural land
  12. Sowing crops
  13. Name for ewes and rams
  14. Droplets of water from clouds

25 Clues: AnimalsRural landHot seasonCountry townSowing cropsCollecting cropsProduct of cattleCollecting of woolPlace of educationPreserving or upkeepParents and siblingsWorks in agricultureMeadows for livestockProduce dairy productsName for ewes and ramsLarge areas of propertyWheat, barley, corn, riceLiving space for livestockCrops, animal products, fruit...

Farming 2023-03-30

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. Kuldi kõrvalmaitse
  2. Lehmad söövad karjamaal
  3. Päevläbi sööma
  4. Vabad hingamisteed
  5. Laut lehmade jaoks
  6. Regulaarne toitumine
  7. Lehmi aitama
  8. Toitev silo lehmadele
  9. Rauasüst
  10. Kuiv allapanu sigade jaoks
  11. Lüpsmisel kasutatud
  12. Sea saba eemaldamine
  13. Lehmi söötma
  14. On manustatud ternespiima
  15. Näopiirkonna vigastused
  16. Niiskustaseme kontroll
  1. Söödasegu
  2. Rotid mõjutavad lehmade surevust
  3. Sigade hammaste lõikamine
  4. Tasakaalustatud dieet lehmadele
  5. Süstalt ühendama lehmakülge
  6. Sigade Kõrvade sälgutamine
  7. Poegimisala lehmadele
  8. Nabanööri läbi lõikama
  9. Lehma sõrgade lõikamine
  10. Vasikaid peab pidama karjana
  11. Lüpsimasin
  12. Piimaveised
  13. Lehmasid jälgima laudas
  14. Ei peeta laudas

30 Clues: RauasüstSöödaseguLüpsimasinPiimaveisedLehmi aitamaLehmi söötmaPäevläbi söömaEi peeta laudasKuldi kõrvalmaitseVabad hingamisteedLaut lehmade jaoksLüpsmisel kasutatudRegulaarne toitumineSea saba eemaldaminePoegimisala lehmadeleToitev silo lehmadeleNabanööri läbi lõikamaNiiskustaseme kontrollLehmad söövad karjamaalLehma sõrgade lõikamine...

Farming 2023-03-19

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. A small, hard seed, especially of wheat, corn, rice, or another cereal plant
  2. earth that has been mixed with water
  3. an area that a farmer cultivate
  4. one of the many soft, light things that cover a bird's body
  5. a field especially of arable land or pastureland
  6. a male cow
  7. large building for the storage of farm products or feed and usually for the housing of farm animals or farm equipment
  8. a bird that Americans eat at Thanksgiving
  9. the process or period of gathering in crops
  10. a male domestic chicken
  11. large farming tool with sharp blades that is pulled across the soil to turn it over
  12. man's best friend
  13. animal that looks like a horse and it is known to be stubborn
  1. a man or a woman that lives on a farm
  2. sheep, pigs, cows, chickens
  3. the white liquid produced by cows, goats, and sheep
  4. a small cart with a single wheel at the front and two supporting legs and two handles at the rear,
  5. a young cat
  6. grass that has been mown and dried for use as fodder
  7. money that government pays to farmers to help them
  8. a vehicle that helps farmer to work in the field

21 Clues: a male cowa young catman's best frienda male domestic chickensheep, pigs, cows, chickensan area that a farmer cultivateearth that has been mixed with watera man or a woman that lives on a farma bird that Americans eat at Thanksgivingthe process or period of gathering in cropsa field especially of arable land or pastureland...

Farming 2023-04-04

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. Mäletsejad
  2. Lihatoodang
  3. Metssiga
  4. Jooksu pardid
  5. Ala kus loomad poegivad
  6. Emis
  7. Koi kala
  8. Kõige suuremad loomad farmides
  9. Loom kes annab ka piima
  10. Täkk
  11. Tibu
  12. Mida sa saad kui tapad karu ära?
  13. Muskuspart
  14. Juustu toodang
  15. Kalkun
  16. Kus karjatakse loomi?
  17. Sammal
  1. Põlluharimine
  2. Mära
  3. Milleks peetakse lambaid?
  4. Oinas
  5. Piimaveis
  6. kala kasvatus
  7. Kiu kasvatus
  8. Küülikupuur
  9. Piimatoodang
  10. Kari
  11. Utt
  12. Kodu jänes
  13. Linnud kes on partidest suuremad

30 Clues: UttMäraEmisTäkkTibuKariOinasKalkunSammalMetssigaKoi kalaPiimaveisMäletsejadMuskuspartKodu jänesLihatoodangKüülikupuurKiu kasvatusPiimatoodangPõlluharimineJooksu pardidkala kasvatusJuustu toodangKus karjatakse loomi?Ala kus loomad poegivadLoom kes annab ka piimaMilleks peetakse lambaid?Kõige suuremad loomad farmidesMida sa saad kui tapad karu ära?...

Farming 2024-02-23

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. You drive it on a farm
  2. you do it every day on a farm
  3. milk every morning and
  4. It is what country people do
  5. To twenty four How long you have to work
  6. Ever farmer says this about farming
  7. west tech it is a college
  8. stock it is a animal on a farm and they are called
  9. you crow it ever season
  10. years You need this many of years of college
  11. You need it if you are fixing a planter
  12. You need it hear what’s happening
  1. You need to drive a tractor
  2. It plants crops
  3. Ethic you are working hard
  4. You need this to farm
  5. You need serpent this to farming
  6. work You need hard
  7. college you sometimes need this
  8. It gives you milk

20 Clues: It plants cropsIt gives you milkwork You need hardYou need this to farmYou drive it on a farmmilk every morning andyou crow it ever seasonwest tech it is a collegeEthic you are working hardYou need to drive a tractorIt is what country people doyou do it every day on a farmcollege you sometimes need thisYou need serpent this to farming...

FARMING 2023-07-15

FARMING crossword puzzle
  1. A building used for storing farm equipment or housing livestock.
  2. A structure with transparent walls used for growing plants in controlled conditions.
  3. Cereal crops such as wheat, corn, or rice.
  4. A farming implement used to turn over the soil.
  5. The act of preparing and tending land for growing crops.
  6. A powerful vehicle used for pulling farm machinery or trailers.
  7. Domesticated animals raised on a farm for various purposes.
  8. Substances applied to soil or crops to promote plant growth.
  9. A house located on a farm, typically for the farmer and their family.
  10. The process of gathering mature crops from the field.
  11. Plants grown for food or other agricultural purposes.
  1. Tools and machinery used in agricultural activities.
  2. A person who owns, manages, or works on a farm.
  3. Dried grass or other plants used as animal feed or bedding.
  4. Land covered with grass or other plants for grazing livestock.
  5. An area of land where fruit trees are grown.
  6. Domesticated birds raised for their meat or eggs.
  7. Large domesticated animals raised for meat or milk.
  8. The artificial application of water to crops or plants.
  9. Unwanted plants that compete with crops for resources.

20 Clues: Cereal crops such as wheat, corn, or rice.An area of land where fruit trees are grown.A person who owns, manages, or works on a farm.A farming implement used to turn over the soil.Domesticated birds raised for their meat or eggs.Large domesticated animals raised for meat or milk.Tools and machinery used in agricultural activities....

Farming 2023-03-30

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. libe põrand
  2. poegimisala
  3. kuiv hein
  4. lehmade laut
  5. rauasüst
  6. põllumajandusmasinad
  7. masin mida läheb vaja lüpsmiseks
  8. vihane pull
  9. lehmasid jälgima
  10. lehmasid söötma
  11. niiske toit
  12. ei peeta laudas
  13. vedel sõnnik
  14. laut lehmade jaoks
  15. kõrge kvaliteetne silo
  1. kuiv silo
  2. kuiv allapanu
  3. piimaveis
  4. vabad hingamisteed
  5. lauda masin
  6. lehmade sõnnik
  7. veiseliha
  8. niiske põhk
  9. sõrgade lõikamine
  10. lehmasid aitama
  11. kanamunad
  12. söödasegu

27 Clues: rauasüstkuiv silopiimaveiskuiv heinveiselihakanamunadsöödasegulibe põrandpoegimisalalauda masinvihane pullniiske põhkniiske toitlehmade lautvedel sõnnikkuiv allapanulehmade sõnniklehmasid aitamalehmasid söötmaei peeta laudaslehmasid jälgimasõrgade lõikaminevabad hingamisteedlaut lehmade jaokspõllumajandusmasinadkõrge kvaliteetne silo...

farming 2024-04-03

farming crossword puzzle
  1. stabulation
  2. agneau
  3. vache allaitante
  4. entretenir
  5. lisier
  6. avoine
  7. terre
  8. pit fosse à lisier
  9. mouton
  10. clôturer
  11. conduire
  12. clean
  13. bâtiment
  14. paille
  15. engrais
  16. pailler
  1. taurreau
  2. veau
  3. foin
  4. salle de traite
  5. chèvre
  6. feed
  7. orge
  8. vache laitière
  9. herbe
  10. traire
  11. maïs
  12. ensilage
  13. blé
  14. colza
  15. tournesol
  16. champ
  17. fumier
  18. silo
  19. génisse

35 Clues: bléveaufoinfeedorgemaïssiloherbeterrecolzachampcleanagneauchèvretrairelisieravoinemoutonfumierpaillegénisseengraispaillertaurreauensilageclôturerconduirebâtimenttournesolentretenirstabulationvache laitièresalle de traitevache allaitantepit fosse à lisier

Farming 2023-09-03

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. - Turning over soil for planting.
  2. - Trimming branches for plant health.
  3. - Chemical for weed control.
  4. raising livestock in natural grazing area
  5. - Chemical for pest control.
  6. - Storage for grains or silage.
  7. - Shelter for animals or equipment.
  8. - Recycling organic material.
  9. - Cultivating gardens and crops.
  1. - Cultivating flowers.
  2. - Beekeeping.
  3. - Growing plants in water.
  4. - Curved blade for cutting crops.
  5. - Removing wool from sheep.
  6. - Controlled environment for plant growth.
  7. - Machine for grain separation.
  8. - Separating grains from plants.
  9. - Providing water to crops.
  10. - Tool for leveling and breaking soil.
  11. - Extracting milk from animals.
  12. - Farm vehicle for heavy tasks.
  13. - Covering soil for moisture control.
  14. - Raising aquatic animals.
  15. small tool for digging in soil

24 Clues: - Beekeeping.- Cultivating flowers.- Growing plants in water.- Raising aquatic animals.- Removing wool from sheep.- Providing water to crops.- Chemical for weed control.- Chemical for pest control.- Recycling organic material.- Machine for grain separation.- Extracting milk from animals.- Farm vehicle for heavy tasks.- Storage for grains or silage....

farming 2025-03-01

farming crossword puzzle
  1. - Dried grass used as food for livestock.
  2. - A liquid food produced by cows and goats.
  3. - A farming tool used to remove weeds from the soil.
  4. - A grain crop used to make bread.
  5. - A tool used for digging or moving soil.
  6. - Known for producing milk and often found on small farms.
  7. - A building where horses are kept.
  8. - A common crop grown on farms in the United States.
  9. - Open area of land where crops are grown.
  10. - An animal raised on farms known for its curly tail.
  11. - A bird raised on farms that enjoys swimming.
  12. - A building used to store hay or house animals.
  1. - The person who operates a farm.
  2. - A tool used to turn over soil for planting crops.
  3. - This animal is raised for its wool.
  4. - This animal produces milk on a dairy farm.
  5. - A product laid by chickens and ducks.
  6. - A machine used on farms to plow fields and pull equipment.
  7. - Structure built to enclose an area or keep animals in.
  8. - A bird raised on farms for its eggs and meat.

20 Clues: - The person who operates a farm.- A grain crop used to make bread.- A building where horses are kept.- This animal is raised for its wool.- A product laid by chickens and ducks.- Dried grass used as food for livestock.- A tool used for digging or moving soil.- Open area of land where crops are grown.- A liquid food produced by cows and goats....

Farming 2021-07-06

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. return_on_investment
  2. apiculture
  3. where_animals_drink
  4. corn
  5. stalks_of_threshed_grain_for_baskets__etc
  6. reap
  7. natural_fertilizer
  8. farm_animals
  9. improves_yield
  10. as_in_rice
  1. as_in_sheep
  2. farmland
  3. not_fertile
  4. suitable
  5. bundle
  6. originally_Asian
  7. mature
  8. bee_group
  9. way_to_apply_pesticide

19 Clues: cornreapbundlematurefarmlandsuitablebee_groupapicultureas_in_riceas_in_sheepnot_fertilefarm_animalsimproves_yieldoriginally_Asiannatural_fertilizerwhere_animals_drinkreturn_on_investmentway_to_apply_pesticidestalks_of_threshed_grain_for_baskets__etc

Farming 2025-03-11

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. It is a male chicken.
  2. It is a female chicken.
  3. Pronounced like "you", it is a female sheep.
  4. It is a female horse.
  5. It is a baby cow.
  6. It is a baby sheep.
  7. It is a fence between an animal and a trough.
  8. It is to reproduce.
  9. Also spelt "plow", it is used to cut furrows (= to plow) in a field in preparation for the planting of seeds.
  1. It is a big tank where there is grain.
  2. It is the house of a cow or a horse.
  3. It is to make an animal grow.
  4. It is used to transport grain or manure.
  5. It is a young female cow.
  6. It is a baby horse.
  7. It is a baby goat.
  8. It is a male cow.
  9. It is to give food.
  10. Pronounced [trof], it is the object animals eat from.

19 Clues: It is a baby cow.It is a male cow.It is a baby goat.It is a baby horse.It is a baby sheep.It is to give food.It is to reproduce.It is a male chicken.It is a female horse.It is a female chicken.It is a young female cow.It is to make an animal grow.It is the house of a cow or a horse.It is a big tank where there is grain....

Farming 2024-11-15

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. Substance added to soil to help plants grow faster and healthier.
  2. Supplying water to crops through pipes, canals, or sprinklers.
  3. A powerful vehicle used on farms to pull equipment and transport goods.
  4. Foods that have been changed or prepared from their natural form, often using machines.
  5. A type of farming focused on producing milk and products like cheese and yogurt.
  6. Tiny organisms that can be helpful in soil or in fermenting food, but can also spoil food if not controlled.
  7. Basic equipment used by farmers, like hoes or rakes.
  8. Farm-raised birds like chickens, ducks, and turkeys, usually kept for their eggs or meat.
  1. A farm where grapes are grown, often for making wine.
  2. The process where yeast or bacteria help turn sugars into alcohol, often used in making wine or cheese.
  3. A long period with little to no rainfall, making farming difficult.
  4. The process of gathering ripe crops from the fields.
  5. People who help plant, harvest, and care for crops or animals.
  6. A group of farm animals, including cows and bulls, often raised for milk or meat.
  7. Farming aimed at selling crops or livestock for money.
  8. Type of farming done to provide food just for the farmer’s family.
  9. Areas in the countryside where farms are usually located, away from cities.
  10. Money earned from selling farm products, after costs are paid.
  11. Animals like cows, sheep, and chickens raised on farms.

19 Clues: The process of gathering ripe crops from the fields.Basic equipment used by farmers, like hoes or rakes.A farm where grapes are grown, often for making wine.Farming aimed at selling crops or livestock for money.Animals like cows, sheep, and chickens raised on farms.Supplying water to crops through pipes, canals, or sprinklers....

Farming 2023-05-23

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. gyomlál
  2. lapátol
  3. függőágy
  4. terelés
  5. bio
  6. mezőgazdaság
  7. szamár
  8. növény
  1. méhészet
  2. termőtalaj
  3. természet
  4. tehén
  5. kapál
  6. istálló
  7. borjú
  8. mező
  9. karám
  10. trágya
  11. ültet

19 Clues: biomezőtehénkapálborjúkarámültettrágyaszamárnövénygyomlállapátolterelésistállóméhészetfüggőágytermészettermőtalajmezőgazdaság

farming 2021-01-18

farming crossword puzzle
  1. Tube well is used for.
  2. It helps in digging field it is a hand tool.
  3. Crops sown in winter and harvested in spring are called.
  4. It kills unwanted pests.
  5. It is the branch of agriculture that deals with art ,science and technology.
  6. In which step of farming sickle is used.
  7. It helps in beating grans and crops and is a threshing tool.
  8. irrigation is important for the plants
  9. A soil leveller is used for doing
  1. It is the placing of seeds at cross marks made in the field .
  2. It is scattering of seeds by hand all over the field.
  3. kharif crops are also known as monsoon crops.
  4. the breeding and rearing of fish is called.
  5. The process of loosening and upturning the soil to make it soft is called.
  6. is urea a fertilizer
  7. Fertilizer give nutrition to the crops.
  8. poultry products like egg are not healthy.
  9. It is a hand tool it helps us to do harvesting and its shape is like C.
  10. A farming of silk is called.
  11. These are unwanted plants.
  12. pesticides and fertilizer are used in organic farming.

21 Clues: is urea a fertilizerTube well is used for.It kills unwanted pests.These are unwanted plants.A farming of silk is called.A soil leveller is used for doingirrigation is important for the plantsFertilizer give nutrition to the crops.In which step of farming sickle is used.poultry products like egg are not healthy....

Farming 2021-12-01

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. A handheld tool used to cut trees
  2. A tool used to plow fields and sow seeds
  3. A supplement used to boost the production of crops
  4. A way of storing crops as shapes
  5. An animal found on farms that is usually milked
  6. A mans best friend
  7. A tool used to cut grass
  1. A common disease found in farmers, caused by the inhalation of sawdust
  2. A vehicle used to carry big trailers
  3. A tool used to till the soil
  4. The name of the chemicals used to protect the crops
  5. An organic fertiliser
  6. A building used to store crops
  7. A common crop harvested globally (used to make bread)
  8. A heavy vehicle used on farms
  9. A chemical used to prep fields before cultivating

16 Clues: A mans best friendAn organic fertiliserA tool used to cut grassA tool used to till the soilA heavy vehicle used on farmsA building used to store cropsA way of storing crops as shapesA handheld tool used to cut treesA vehicle used to carry big trailersA tool used to plow fields and sow seedsAn animal found on farms that is usually milked...

Farming 2022-11-04

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. sticky, brown part of the soil that comes from dead plants and animals and contains many nutrients
  2. an offspring of two animals or plants that are of different breeds, varieties or species
  3. back leg of cattle
  4. a type of plant with jointed stems, slender flat leaves and spike like flowers such as corn and wheat
  5. the inside of a corn kernel exposed after the outer covering, or hull, is removed
  6. water held underground that has seeped through soil layers and bedrock
  7. a gain in money usually as a result of business or labor
  8. classification system of food quality
  1. to gather a crop when it is finished growing
  2. grown in water without the use of soil
  3. a type of pesticide that kills weeds
  4. the place where a family makes its home
  5. the amount of energy and money put into a farm in order to make a product
  6. a wooden bar with a wooden handle used for removing grain or seeds from stalks
  7. the DNA code in the cells of all living things; they determine physical characteristics such as fur color

15 Clues: back leg of cattlea type of pesticide that kills weedsclassification system of food qualitygrown in water without the use of soilthe place where a family makes its hometo gather a crop when it is finished growinga gain in money usually as a result of business or laborwater held underground that has seeped through soil layers and bedrock...

Farming 2022-11-04

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. to fertilize by transferring pollen from the anther to the stigma of a flower
  2. to work the soil by turning over the top layer; the machine used to turn the top layer of soil
  3. land or a plot of land used for the grazing of animals
  4. animal waste from stables or barnyards
  5. a list of current goods that you have or own
  6. planting the same crop in a field year after year with no crop rotation
  7. the seed of a grain plant
  8. a type of pesticide that kills insects
  1. the process by which green plants use light energy from the sun to produce sugar from water and the air
  2. a substance that kills any pest, including insects, fungi, and weeds
  3. any plant that grows seeds in a pod such as peas and beans
  4. any animals raised on the farm
  5. where products are sold and exchanged
  6. a town or city where ships are loaded with products to be shipped overseas
  7. foods without the use of laboratory made fertilizers, growth substances, or pesticides

15 Clues: the seed of a grain plantany animals raised on the farmwhere products are sold and exchangedanimal waste from stables or barnyardsa type of pesticide that kills insectsa list of current goods that you have or ownland or a plot of land used for the grazing of animalsany plant that grows seeds in a pod such as peas and beans...

farming 2024-08-30

farming crossword puzzle
  1. A small, enclosed area on a farm where pigs are kept
  2. An animal used for milk production
  3. Aaron Maloney loves a roll with what in it
  4. A plant grown for its seed or grain
  5. A field enclosed for the keeping or breeding of animals
  6. A machine used to cut crops
  7. A young female cow that has not yet had a calf
  8. bad oul smell of it
  9. A large, flat piece of land used for farming
  1. A large farm vehicle used to pull or haul heavy loads
  2. An insect that is beneficial for pollination
  3. A place where dairy products are produced and processed
  4. A tall structure that spins in the wind, often used on farms for energy or water
  5. A measure of land area equal to 4,840 square yards
  6. A tool used to dig or loosen soil

15 Clues: bad oul smell of itA machine used to cut cropsA tool used to dig or loosen soilAn animal used for milk productionA plant grown for its seed or grainAaron Maloney loves a roll with what in itAn insect that is beneficial for pollinationA large, flat piece of land used for farmingA young female cow that has not yet had a calf...

Farming 2024-12-16

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. Machine used to farm wheat
  2. Growing plants in water
  3. Plastic tunnels
  4. Farmers take on non farming activities to make profit
  5. Pollution in rivers from chemicals
  6. Chemical which increases plant yields
  1. Watering plants
  2. Introduction of machines into farming industry
  3. Using drones to map soil quality
  4. Amount of product that farmer makes
  5. Farming to sell
  6. Keeping insects away
  7. Growing plants upwards
  8. Farming to survive
  9. Over salting soil (spelt with s not z)

15 Clues: Watering plantsPlastic tunnelsFarming to sellFarming to surviveKeeping insects awayGrowing plants upwardsGrowing plants in waterMachine used to farm wheatUsing drones to map soil qualityPollution in rivers from chemicalsAmount of product that farmer makesChemical which increases plant yieldsOver salting soil (spelt with s not z)...

Farming 2022-02-05

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. The art or practice of garden cultivation and management.
  2. Cultivate giving a part of each crop as rent
  3. Used for or related to the keeping or grazing of sheep or cattle
  4. The process of growing plants in sand, gravel, or liquid, with added nutrients but without soil
  5. The science of soil management and crop production.
  6. A farm animals are regarded as an asset
  1. The rearing of aquatic animals or the cultivation of aquatic plants for food.
  2. The cultivation of a single crop in a given area
  3. A vehicle with large rear wheels, used chiefly on farms for hauling equipment
  4. A person or machine that gathers crops as a harvest
  5. Agriculture conducted on commercial principles, especially using advanced technology.
  6. What the plow means on the FFA Emblem
  7. A cultivated plant that is grown as food
  8. A person who owns or manages a farm
  9. The most commonly harvested crop

15 Clues: The most commonly harvested cropA person who owns or manages a farmWhat the plow means on the FFA EmblemA farm animals are regarded as an assetA cultivated plant that is grown as foodCultivate giving a part of each crop as rentThe cultivation of a single crop in a given areaA person or machine that gathers crops as a harvest...

Farming 2022-11-04

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. cost or charge of money
  2. left wihtout tilling or sowing after plowing
  3. to get rid of waste, such as manure
  4. in the nitrogen cycle, it is the process of nitrogen changing into a less mobile and more usable form by combining with hydrogen to make amonia
  5. to tame and breed for human use
  6. physical surroundings; all that is around you
  7. organic or inorganic nutrients that are added to the soil to help the growth of crops
  1. management of money affairs
  2. a community of living and non-living things that interact by exchanging matter and energy
  3. to wear away topsoil by water or wind and can be caused by intensive farming and overgrazing
  4. a form of natural gas that can be produced from corn
  5. the study of the environment and how living things interact with it
  6. a mixture or preparation used for feeding livestock
  7. proteins that start a chemical reaction
  8. to prepare the soil for planting by cutting the soil with rotating metal disks

15 Clues: cost or charge of moneymanagement of money affairsto tame and breed for human useto get rid of waste, such as manureproteins that start a chemical reactionleft wihtout tilling or sowing after plowingphysical surroundings; all that is around youa mixture or preparation used for feeding livestocka form of natural gas that can be produced from corn...

Farming 2022-11-04

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. a machine used for harvesting grain
  2. the compression of air spaces in the soil by heavy machinery
  3. cattle
  4. the large round mass of an ear of corn where kernels grow
  5. a historical object made by humans
  6. component of plant cell walls that is not digestible by most animals
  7. a way of farming that combines agriculture and business
  8. a waterway built to let boats navigate the waters
  1. microorganisms that live in the soil and convert nutrients into forms usable by plants
  2. an agricultural good
  3. to produce offspring by giving birth or by hatching
  4. to improve the land by plowing and fertilizing
  5. a measurement of capacity or size
  6. a tool used for gathering a crop once it is finished growing
  7. a sexually mature male bovine

15 Clues: cattlean agricultural gooda sexually mature male bovinea measurement of capacity or sizea historical object made by humansa machine used for harvesting grainto improve the land by plowing and fertilizinga waterway built to let boats navigate the watersto produce offspring by giving birth or by hatching...

Farming 2023-08-24

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. The science of farming
  2. A large structure used for hay storage and animal shelter on farms and ranches
  3. A female sheep
  4. a grove of trees tended specifically for their fruit
  5. Things that have been made or grown through farming
  6. the person who runs a farm
  1. a building in which livestock, especially horses are kept
  2. Foods made from milk products of animals
  3. A cereal grain in the grass family often used for feed
  4. a male goose
  5. A unit of measurement for farmable land equal to 4,840 square yards
  6. a time of agricultural inactivity
  7. A cultivated plant grown for food; fruits, grains, and vegetables
  8. To prepare and use land for growing crops
  9. A large farm with massive acreage where cattle and other livestock can be raised

15 Clues: a male gooseA female sheepThe science of farmingthe person who runs a farma time of agricultural inactivityFoods made from milk products of animalsTo prepare and use land for growing cropsThings that have been made or grown through farminga grove of trees tended specifically for their fruitA cereal grain in the grass family often used for feed...

Farming 2022-05-02

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. a mature bovine usually having had at least one calf.
  2. A female horse or pony up to 4 years of age that has not foaled.
  3. relating to, or resembling a horse or horse family.
  4. crop A close-growing crop, grown to protect and improve soil.
  5. calving season calves are born in late summer to early fall.
  6. A male horse or pony 4 years of age or younger.
  7. An adult female chicken or turkey.
  8. cow A dairy cow out of the milk production during the last 45-90 days of pregnancy.
  9. a mixture of organic residues and soil.
  1. When a plant produces fowers or seeds prematurely.
  2. a substance used to make soil more fertile
  3. A mature female sheep.
  4. a part of a plant is cut and dipped in a rooting hormone.
  5. grazing a grazing system where animals are left to graze.
  6. grain grains used for livestock or poultry feed

15 Clues: A mature female sheep.An adult female chicken or turkey.a mixture of organic residues and soil.a substance used to make soil more fertilegrain grains used for livestock or poultry feedA male horse or pony 4 years of age or younger.When a plant produces fowers or seeds prematurely.relating to, or resembling a horse or horse family....

Farming 2024-06-07

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. Natural fertilizers composed of decomposed organic material
  2. Organic material added to soil to help plants grow
  3. What hay and baleage is feed from
  4. Agricultural method that aims to maintain and improve the quality of the soil
  5. Practice of rotating different crops on the same land to improve soil health
  6. Agricultural practice of growing crops in a water-based nutrient-rich solution
  7. The cultivation of crops and rearing of animals for food and other products
  8. Method of planting different crops in succession on the same land
  1. Implement of sowing seeds
  2. Implement used to break up the soil
  3. What you use to move soil of the field
  4. Type of farming that uses synthetic fertilizers and pestic
  5. Large piece of machinery used for harvesting grains
  6. The practice of growing a single crop over a large area
  7. Method of soil cultivation that minimizes soil disturbance

15 Clues: Implement of sowing seedsWhat hay and baleage is feed fromImplement used to break up the soilWhat you use to move soil of the fieldOrganic material added to soil to help plants growLarge piece of machinery used for harvesting grainsThe practice of growing a single crop over a large areaType of farming that uses synthetic fertilizers and pestic...

Farming 2014-03-27

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. a male sheep
  2. the person that looks after the farm
  3. a vegetable like a turnip
  4. has lambs
  5. gets the grain out of crops
  6. the machine that works the land
  7. cuts grass
  1. cultivates the land
  2. a green tractor
  3. the part that powers the implements
  4. a male cow
  5. grass in a bale
  6. first part of a tractor name which is red
  7. produces milk

14 Clues: has lambsa male cowcuts grassa male sheepproduces milka green tractorgrass in a balecultivates the landa vegetable like a turnipgets the grain out of cropsthe machine that works the landthe part that powers the implementsthe person that looks after the farmfirst part of a tractor name which is red

Farming 2024-01-09

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. Farms specialising in the rearing of animals
  2. the decisions and actions taken during farming.
  3. Farms where produce is grown for sale
  4. elements that are needed for a farm to function; they can be physical, eg. sunlight or human, eg. labour.
  5. Farms with high input and high yield per hectare. Can include high-technology resources or lots of labour.
  6. what is left for the farmer's own use or investment once costs have been paid.
  7. Farms where produce is mainly grown for the farmer’s own use. Any surplus is sold to buy other goods.
  1. the resulting produce from the farm; they may be for sale, or for the farmer's own use.
  2. the physical shape of the Earth’s surface which is determined by its altitude / height above sea level. It is greatly affected by the underlying geology
  3. Animals kept at high density in small units
  4. the long-term weather pattern in a region, typically averaged over 30 years.
  5. Farms specialising in growing crops
  6. Farms with low input and low output per hectare. High yield is achieved by covering large areas with few workers.
  7. the quantity of product harvested on a given cultivated surface.

14 Clues: Farms specialising in growing cropsFarms where produce is grown for saleAnimals kept at high density in small unitsFarms specialising in the rearing of animalsthe decisions and actions taken during farming.the quantity of product harvested on a given cultivated surface.the long-term weather pattern in a region, typically averaged over 30 years....

Farming 2013-07-07

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. A common ruminant species
  2. a type of milking shed
  3. all mammals produces this
  4. What moves the food through the small intestines
  5. where the milk is kept until collected
  6. "the cow chews her ....."
  7. a type of unique ruminant species
  8. product made from calves hooves
  9. The biggest stomach of a cow
  1. What ruminants eat
  2. A type of dairy product
  3. The last stomach of a cow
  4. The second stomach of a ruminant species
  5. animals with four stomachs

14 Clues: What ruminants eata type of milking shedA type of dairy productA common ruminant speciesThe last stomach of a cowall mammals produces this"the cow chews her ....."animals with four stomachsThe biggest stomach of a cowproduct made from calves hoovesa type of unique ruminant specieswhere the milk is kept until collected...

Farming 2022-08-28

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. Put seed in the ground
  2. Another word for God
  3. Opposite of take
  4. Died for our sins
  5. To preach
  6. What Jesus died on
  7. Opposite of woman
  8. Not Lost
  1. Put H2O on plant
  2. Pauls friend
  3. Apostle of Jesus
  4. To see something
  5. To make bigger or more
  6. TO work

14 Clues: TO workNot LostTo preachPauls friendPut H2O on plantApostle of JesusTo see somethingOpposite of takeDied for our sinsOpposite of womanWhat Jesus died onAnother word for GodPut seed in the groundTo make bigger or more

Farming 2013-07-07

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. A common ruminant species
  2. a type of milking shed
  3. all mammals produces this
  4. What moves the food through the small intestines
  5. where the milk is kept until collected
  6. "the cow chews her ....."
  7. a type of unique ruminant species
  8. product made from calves hooves
  9. The biggest stomach of a cow
  1. What ruminants eat
  2. A type of dairy product
  3. The last stomach of a cow
  4. The second stomach of a ruminant species
  5. animals with four stomachs

14 Clues: What ruminants eata type of milking shedA type of dairy productA common ruminant speciesThe last stomach of a cowall mammals produces this"the cow chews her ....."animals with four stomachsThe biggest stomach of a cowproduct made from calves hoovesa type of unique ruminant specieswhere the milk is kept until collected...

Farming 2021-01-06

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. the grains, fruit or vegs that are produced on a farm
  2. an area of land used for growing crops and keeping animals
  3. genetically modified organism
  4. a plant whose grain is used for making flour
  5. a tall plant. Its yellow seeds are eaten as food, made into flour or fed to animals
  6. picking and collecting plants/ the plants you collect/ the season when you pick and collect plants
  7. weedkiller (n.), chemicals used for destroying plants
  1. a substance that makes plants grow well
  2. agriculture (n.)
  3. cultivated (past participle)
  4. produced without the use of chemicals (adj.)
  5. a small object a new plant grows from
  6. the amount that is produced (n.)/ to produce (v.)

13 Clues: agriculture (n.)cultivated (past participle)genetically modified organisma small object a new plant grows froma substance that makes plants grow wella plant whose grain is used for making flourproduced without the use of chemicals (adj.)the amount that is produced (n.)/ to produce (v.)the grains, fruit or vegs that are produced on a farm...

Farming 2021-01-18

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. cows are fed at a __________
  2. crops grown commercially
  3. earlier tool for threshing the harvest
  4. different crops grown on same piece of land at different seasons
  5. the adult form of a silkworm
  6. buffaloes, cows, goats, etc. are reared for _____________
  7. a natural kind of fertilizer
  8. the most useful modern farming tool
  9. the other important tool used in ancient times for ploughing (it is not a plough)
  1. the breeding and rearing of fish for food
  2. the breeding and rearing of silkworms for silk
  3. the farming of flowers (usually a major branch of horticulture
  4. a combine harvester combines the three steps- reaping, threshing and ___________ into a single process

13 Clues: crops grown commerciallycows are fed at a __________the adult form of a silkworma natural kind of fertilizerthe most useful modern farming toolearlier tool for threshing the harvestthe breeding and rearing of fish for foodthe breeding and rearing of silkworms for silkbuffaloes, cows, goats, etc. are reared for _____________...

Farming 2021-01-18

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. crops grown commercially
  2. different crops grown on same piece of land at different seasons
  3. earlier tool for threshing the harvest
  4. the most useful modern farming tool
  5. cows are fed at a __________
  6. the other important tool used in ancient times for ploughing (it is not a plough)
  7. the breeding and rearing of silkworms for silk
  8. a natural kind of fertilizer
  9. the farming of flowers (usually a major branch of horticulture
  1. the breeding and rearing of fish for food
  2. a combine harvester combines the three steps- reaping, threshing and ___________ into a single process
  3. buffaloes, cows, goats, etc. are reared for _____________
  4. the adult form of a silkworm

13 Clues: crops grown commerciallycows are fed at a __________the adult form of a silkworma natural kind of fertilizerthe most useful modern farming toolearlier tool for threshing the harvestthe breeding and rearing of fish for foodthe breeding and rearing of silkworms for silkbuffaloes, cows, goats, etc. are reared for _____________...


UNIT 5 CROSSWORD PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. agriculture: Farming methods that preserve natural resources long-term.
  2. agriculture: Farming in regions with mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers.
  3. desert Area lacking access to fresh, nutritious food.
  4. Small rural settlement, smaller than a village.
  5. Extensive livestock farming, typically in arid regions.
  6. nomadism: Seasonal movement of livestock for grazing.
  7. Expansion of urban areas into surrounding suburbs.
  8. urban area with diverse economic activities.
  9. area smaller than a city.
  10. Large-scale cash crop farming on estates.
  11. cultivation: Rotating fields for subsistence farming in tropical regions.
  12. Cultivation of grains such as wheat or corn.
  13. Small rural community with more amenities than hamlets.
  14. Cultivation of crops and raising of animals.
  15. agriculture: Farming for personal consumption rather than profit.
  1. settlement Communities outside urban areas with low population density.
  2. Raising cattle for milk production.
  3. farming Agriculture without synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
  4. farming: High-input agriculture maximizing output per unit area.
  5. fringe Transition zone between rural and urban areas.
  6. Seasonal movement of livestock between lowlands and mountains.
  7. Intensive vegetable farming for local markets.
  8. Growth of cities and migration to urban areas.
  9. farming: Combination of crop cultivation and animal husbandry.
  10. agriculture: Farming for sale and profit in markets.
  11. ranching Raising animals for meat production on large ranches.
  12. Integration of agriculture and business operations.
  13. farming: Low-input agriculture with minimal labor per acre.
  14. Cultivation of aquatic organisms for food.
  15. City with population over 10 million people.

30 Clues: area smaller than a city.Raising cattle for milk production.Large-scale cash crop farming on estates.Cultivation of aquatic organisms for food.urban area with diverse economic activities.Cultivation of grains such as wheat or corn.City with population over 10 million people.Cultivation of crops and raising of animals....

Ethiopia and India 2024-10-23

Ethiopia and India crossword puzzle
  1. Government farming rules
  2. Essential resource for growing plants
  3. Important crop in both Ethiopia and India
  4. Weather patterns
  5. Gives loans to farmers
  6. Modern farming machine
  7. The natural material crops grow in
  8. Natural farming
  9. Color associated with agricultural revolution
  10. Water management system crucial to farming
  11. What farmers use to grow crops
  1. Crop problems
  2. Person who grows crops or raises animals
  3. Official farming plan
  4. Finding better ways
  5. Process of introducing farming machinery
  6. Major success crop of India's Green Revolution
  7. Farmer organization model promoted in Ethiopia
  8. Money borrowed by farmers
  9. Country that launched the Green Revolution

20 Clues: Crop problemsNatural farmingWeather patternsFinding better waysOfficial farming planGives loans to farmersModern farming machineGovernment farming rulesMoney borrowed by farmersWhat farmers use to grow cropsThe natural material crops grow inEssential resource for growing plantsPerson who grows crops or raises animals...

Farming 2021-09-16

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. I grow in the paddocks
  2. Where the dogs live
  3. I am big and green
  4. where the wool comes off the sheep
  1. Deer hide in me
  2. Towed behind the truck
  3. what you give sheep
  4. Used to control pests
  5. Where the fish live
  6. What is grown on the farm
  7. Animals drink water from me
  8. break fences

12 Clues: break fencesDeer hide in meI am big and greenwhat you give sheepWhere the fish liveWhere the dogs liveUsed to control pestsTowed behind the truckI grow in the paddocksWhat is grown on the farmAnimals drink water from mewhere the wool comes off the sheep

Farming 2014-03-11

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. traktors
  2. kombains
  3. piekabe
  4. miglotājs
  5. pļaujmašīna
  6. minerāļu izkliedētājs
  1. fermeris
  2. kultivators
  3. dziļirdinātājs
  4. sējmašīna
  5. arkls
  6. smagā mašīna

12 Clues: arklspiekabefermeristraktorskombainssējmašīnamiglotājskultivatorspļaujmašīnasmagā mašīnadziļirdinātājsminerāļu izkliedētājs

Farming 2023-09-12

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. a plant that we now use in almost all of our clothes
  2. I am used for milk, meat, and I eat grass.
  3. corn
  4. hand tool used to cut grain
  5. domesticated from wolves
  6. small animals whose fur was used for clothing and blankets
  1. crop that requires a lot of water to grow
  2. a plant that is used as food, and for its oil
  3. a domesticated, one-toed, hoofed mammal
  4. similar to a cow
  5. large animals whose fur was used for clothing and blankets
  6. first group of animals to be domesticated

12 Clues: cornsimilar to a cowdomesticated from wolveshand tool used to cut graina domesticated, one-toed, hoofed mammalcrop that requires a lot of water to growfirst group of animals to be domesticatedI am used for milk, meat, and I eat grass.a plant that is used as food, and for its oila plant that we now use in almost all of our clothes...

FARMING 2024-11-25

FARMING crossword puzzle
  1. Develops into new plants
  2. Fleshy enlarged underground root or stem
  3. Arrangement of veins
  4. Retains moisture
  5. Plant varieties that have been through generations
  6. Lemon grass
  7. Ginger, Garlic and Green Chillies
  1. Brinjal
  2. Manages pests
  3. A slender threadlike appendage
  4. Walking barefoot
  5. Fertilizing organic mixture

12 Clues: BrinjalLemon grassManages pestsWalking barefootRetains moistureArrangement of veinsDevelops into new plantsFertilizing organic mixtureA slender threadlike appendageGinger, Garlic and Green ChilliesFleshy enlarged underground root or stemPlant varieties that have been through generations

Farming APES 2022-05-31

Farming APES crossword puzzle
  1. farming/tilling on the side of a slope
  2. breaking down of soil
  3. rotating crops to preserve soil
  4. converting slopes into flat land
  5. top layer of soil
  6. practice used to clear land for farming
  7. farming without tilling
  8. practice of farming
  9. bottom layer of the soil
  10. material between the size of clay & sand
  11. very high porosity/very low permeability
  12. soil composed of clay,silt,&sand
  13. decline of soil quality
  14. primitive style of food production
  15. improves soil quality
  1. practice used to water crops
  2. animals degrading soil quality
  3. process of fertilizing flowers
  4. different crops in between rows
  5. process of land drying out
  6. farming that uses antibiotics
  7. farming of multiple crops
  8. farming of one type of crop
  9. very high porosity and permeability
  10. excess water in the soil
  11. erosions happens from this
  12. weathering of soil through weather

27 Clues: top layer of soilpractice of farmingbreaking down of soilimproves soil qualityfarming without tillingdecline of soil qualityexcess water in the soilbottom layer of the soilfarming of multiple cropsprocess of land drying outerosions happens from thisfarming of one type of croppractice used to water cropsfarming that uses antibiotics...

AP Human Unit 5 Crossword 2024-04-19

AP Human Unit 5 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Unique or niche agricultural products
  2. Uncontrolled city expansion
  3. Nomadic herding lifestyle
  4. Early human food acquisition
  5. Taming wild species for use
  6. agricultural economy: Basic living farming practices
  7. Cattle breeding and management
  8. Natural farming practices
  9. Large-scale agricultural estates
  10. Merging farming with commerce
  11. Chemicals for controlling pests
  12. Path from farm to market
  13. Reliable access to food
  14. Applying biology for various uses
  15. Transition to machine-driven society
  1. Work-demanding farming practices
  2. Balancing environmental, economic, and social factors
  3. Seasonal movement of herds
  4. Consolidating within industry
  5. agriculture Farming in region-specific conditions
  6. High-effort farming methods
  7. Crop cultivation, livestock raising
  8. Land degradation into desert
  9. Production and processing of milk
  10. Clearing land with fire
  11. Large-scale farming practices
  12. Automating farm processes
  13. Altered genetic makeup (in foods)
  14. Erosion of fertile soil layer
  15. Rotational farming method
  16. Cultivating aquatic organisms for food
  17. Agricultural productivity surge
  18. Soil salt accumulation
  19. Confined areas for livestock feeding
  20. Land cleared by slash-and-burn

35 Clues: Soil salt accumulationClearing land with fireReliable access to foodPath from farm to marketNomadic herding lifestyleAutomating farm processesRotational farming methodNatural farming practicesSeasonal movement of herdsUncontrolled city expansionHigh-effort farming methodsTaming wild species for useEarly human food acquisition...

amazing geography homework 2021-11-21

amazing geography homework crossword puzzle
  1. farming that requires few inputs
  2. agriculture practiced in one place
  3. farming both crops and animals
  4. only growing enough for urself/family
  5. growing fruit/veg commercially
  6. rearing animals
  7. things to supply
  1. cultivating crops
  2. raising domestic birds for meat/eggs
  3. things to do to inputs
  4. the result
  5. rearing of live stock
  6. farming that controls a lot of effort
  7. involves inputs processes and outputs
  8. growing stuff to sell
  9. farming, includes crops and animals

16 Clues: the resultrearing animalsthings to supplycultivating cropsrearing of live stockgrowing stuff to sellthings to do to inputsfarming both crops and animalsgrowing fruit/veg commerciallyfarming that requires few inputsagriculture practiced in one placefarming, includes crops and animalsraising domestic birds for meat/eggs...

Farming & Populism 2014-04-28

Farming & Populism crossword puzzle
  1. are rules and procedures
  2. Plains/The Morrill Act encouraged settling in this area
  3. 1889, the U.S. allowed farmers claim lands in this territory
  4. movement called reduced drinking of hard liquor
  5. 40,000 African-Americans left the South for this state
  6. wide open spaces across the U.S. was called this
  7. commerce/This Act regulated trade between states
  8. Act granted land to the states to sell
  9. /This doubled in the U.S in the period 1860 – 1900
  10. /African-Americans southerners who left the South
  11. farming/Growing crops with very little water was called this
  1. farmers/What farmers became when they lost farms and homes
  2. /Settlers using tough root-filled soil to build homes
  3. production due to machinery advancements caused it
  4. Rush /When 50,000 hurried to claim lands it was called this
  5. Bidwell/A founder of Chico, California
  6. Party/Farmers joined together to form this political body
  7. state’s constitution to give women suffrage
  8. /This act granted 160 acres to small farmers
  9. Grange/This body educated, lobbied and advocated for farmers

20 Clues: are rules and proceduresBidwell/A founder of Chico, CaliforniaAct granted land to the states to sellstate’s constitution to give women suffrage/This act granted 160 acres to small farmersmovement called reduced drinking of hard liquorwide open spaces across the U.S. was called thiscommerce/This Act regulated trade between states...


KANSAS FARMING crossword puzzle


Organic farming 2020-02-26

Organic farming crossword puzzle
  1. an adult female pig, especially one that has farrowed
  2. yellow, oil seed plant
  3. the most populated country in the world
  4. The capital of Hungary
  5. famous Hungarian spice
  6. you cannot use it for preventive treatment in organic livestock farming
  7. milk product
  8. domestic male pig
  9. friesian the most popular dairy cattle breed
  10. genetically modified abbreviation
  11. famous alcoholic Hungarian drink
  12. young pig
  13. white, healthy drink
  1. yellow sweet-tasting tuber vegetable
  2. nutrient-rich animal end product, is used to nourish the soil
  3. the opposite of healthy
  4. essential to life
  5. the most important meal of the day
  6. male cattle
  7. produced by the hen
  8. what is it called when the ewe gives birth to the lamb?
  9. We call it when an animal's leg hurts

22 Clues: young pigmale cattlemilk productessential to lifedomestic male pigproduced by the henwhite, healthy drinkyellow, oil seed plantThe capital of Hungaryfamous Hungarian spicethe opposite of healthyfamous alcoholic Hungarian drinkgenetically modified abbreviationthe most important meal of the dayyellow sweet-tasting tuber vegetable...

Farming/Agriculture 2023-04-29

Farming/Agriculture crossword puzzle
  1. Growing crops to sell
  2. Growing fruits and vegetables
  3. Fish farming
  4. Moving from one place to another
  5. Chemical used to kill insects
  6. A farm that only produces milk and milk products
  7. Chemical used to make the soil fertile
  8. Grow food to feed your family
  9. Staying at a fixed place all the time
  10. Need a lot of workers on the farm
  1. A rich country
  2. Raising animals
  3. Farming that is good for the environment
  4. Growing crops and rearing animals
  5. Farms that grow crops
  6. Farms that are very big in size and use high tech machines.
  7. A poor country
  8. Large farms that use pesticides and herbicides
  9. Chemical used by the farmer to kill weeds
  10. Growing just one type of crop

20 Clues: Fish farmingA rich countryA poor countryRaising animalsGrowing crops to sellFarms that grow cropsGrowing fruits and vegetablesChemical used to kill insectsGrowing just one type of cropGrow food to feed your familyMoving from one place to anotherGrowing crops and rearing animalsNeed a lot of workers on the farmStaying at a fixed place all the time...

Irish farming 2024-09-04

Irish farming crossword puzzle
  1. Black and white breed of cow
  2. a baby cow
  3. Roosters are a variety of this important Irish crop
  4. the average pig litter size born on farms
  5. A black breed of beef animal which gives tasty steak
  6. the dairy industry produces a lot of this from cows
  7. This is a high protein, high fat food from milk
  8. This is a small native breed of cow from SW Ireland
  9. the material from cows used as org fertiliser
  10. This is a crop grown for feeding cows and brewing
  1. A breed of sheep found up in Irish mountains
  2. The range of living organisms on the farm
  3. a baby pig
  4. These are often used as boundaries between fields
  5. These grow in the ground and are harvested yearly
  6. spread on crops for growth
  7. the bog of Allen has this soil wet type
  8. soft curly covering found on sheep
  9. Cows have this large 4 part stomach for grass
  10. a baby sheep

20 Clues: a baby piga baby cowa baby sheepspread on crops for growthBlack and white breed of cowsoft curly covering found on sheepthe bog of Allen has this soil wet typeThe range of living organisms on the farmthe average pig litter size born on farmsA breed of sheep found up in Irish mountainsthe material from cows used as org fertiliser...

Farming Issue 2024-04-15

Farming Issue crossword puzzle
  1. Otago University student magazine
  2. Recent American music festival
  3. Synonym for farming
  4. What animal does wool come from?
  5. Area of space that is 4050 square metres
  6. R&B Singer who performed in Auckland recently
  7. A semi-rural property comprising a house and land for small-scale farming
  8. 2011 sandbox videogame
  9. A horse that is under 14.2 hands high
  10. Grass that has been cut, dried and stored
  11. Thing on a farm that can give you an electric shock
  1. Print used on hunting clothing
  2. New Zealand documentary TV series that highlights rural life
  3. “Old BLANK had a farm”
  4. New Zealand region where iwi Ngāti Maniapoto originates
  5. 1995 film about a pig
  6. Previous Massive issue theme
  7. Eddie Murphy film character
  8. Sabrina Carpenter’s new single title
  9. Group of cows
  10. Horse riding pants
  11. Actor who voices Kung Fu Panda
  12. Country that is also a movie title

23 Clues: Group of cowsHorse riding pantsSynonym for farming1995 film about a pig“Old BLANK had a farm”2011 sandbox videogameEddie Murphy film characterPrevious Massive issue themePrint used on hunting clothingRecent American music festivalActor who voices Kung Fu PandaWhat animal does wool come from?Otago University student magazine...

carbon farming 2024-06-05

carbon farming crossword puzzle
  1. the science or practice of farming
  2. gas used for indoor planting
  3. A measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide and other carbon compounds emitted by a person or group over a period of time, due to their consumption of fossil fuels.
  4. sustainable farming that works with nature
  5. 43560 square feet of land
  6. is the preparation of soil for planting and the cultivation of the after planting
  7. is the care of breeding plants
  8. Orange root that is commonly eaten
  9. The process of capturing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, often through the growth of vegetation and soil carbon storage.
  10. The cycle of carbon
  11. the act in caring and raising plants
  1. to prepare and use land for growing crops
  2. A set of land management practices aimed at increasing the amount of carbon stored in soils and vegetation, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  3. A cultivated plant grown in farms as food
  4. The process of collecting soil samples to determine the baseline level of soil organic carbon, used as a reference for future changes in carbon storage.
  5. is a broad field of biology for farming
  6. A powerful motor vehicle with large rear wheels, used chiefly on farms for hauling equipment and trailers
  7. Well being of the soil
  8. Carbon grown in soil
  9. A permit or certificate that allows a company or organisation to emit a specific amount of greenhouse gases, or the equivalent value of a reduction in emissions.

20 Clues: The cycle of carbonCarbon grown in soilWell being of the soil43560 square feet of landgas used for indoor plantingis the care of breeding plantsthe science or practice of farmingOrange root that is commonly eatenthe act in caring and raising plantsis a broad field of biology for farmingto prepare and use land for growing crops...


KANSAS FARMING crossword puzzle


Organic farming 2020-02-26

Organic farming crossword puzzle
  1. an adult female pig, especially one that has farrowed
  2. yellow, oil seed plant
  3. the most populated country in the world
  4. The capital of Hungary
  5. famous Hungarian spice
  6. you cannot use it for preventive treatment in organic livestock farming
  7. milk product
  8. domestic male pig
  9. friesian the most popular dairy cattle breed
  10. genetically modified abbreviation
  11. famous alcoholic Hungarian drink
  12. young pig
  13. white, healthy drink
  1. yellow sweet-tasting tuber vegetable
  2. nutrient-rich animal end product, is used to nourish the soil
  3. the opposite of healthy
  4. essential to life
  5. the most important meal of the day
  6. male cattle
  7. produced by the hen
  8. what is it called when the ewe gives birth to the lamb?
  9. We call it when an animal's leg hurts

22 Clues: young pigmale cattlemilk productessential to lifedomestic male pigproduced by the henwhite, healthy drinkyellow, oil seed plantThe capital of Hungaryfamous Hungarian spicethe opposite of healthyfamous alcoholic Hungarian drinkgenetically modified abbreviationthe most important meal of the dayyellow sweet-tasting tuber vegetable...

Farming Issue 2024-04-15

Farming Issue crossword puzzle
  1. Previous Massive issue theme
  2. Recent American music festival
  3. Thing on a farm that can give you an electric shock
  4. 2011 sandbox videogame
  5. R&B Singer who performed in Auckland recently
  6. Print used on hunting clothing
  7. Country that is also a movie title
  8. What animal does wool come from?
  9. Otago University student magazine
  10. New Zealand documentary TV series that highlights rural life
  11. Eddie Murphy film character
  12. Area of space that is 4050 square metres
  1. New Zealand region where iwi Ngāti Maniapoto originates
  2. A semi-rural property comprising a house and land for small-scale farming
  3. A horse that is under 14.2 hands high
  4. Actor who voices Kung Fu Panda
  5. Grass that has been cut, dried and stored
  6. Sabrina Carpenter’s new single title
  7. “Old BLANK had a farm”
  8. Horse riding pants
  9. Synonym for farming
  10. 1995 film about a pig
  11. Group of cows

23 Clues: Group of cowsHorse riding pantsSynonym for farming1995 film about a pig2011 sandbox videogame“Old BLANK had a farm”Eddie Murphy film characterPrevious Massive issue themeRecent American music festivalActor who voices Kung Fu PandaPrint used on hunting clothingWhat animal does wool come from?Otago University student magazine...

Agricultural Jobs 2023-07-18

Agricultural Jobs crossword puzzle
  1. Cultivates aquatic organisms for commercial use
  2. Teaches farming-related courses
  3. Oversees controlled plant growth
  4. Analyzes the economics of farming
  5. Provides expert advice to farmers
  6. A farmer who raises and cares for animals on a large farm
  7. Studies soil and crop sciences
  8. Assists in research and data collection
  9. Develops strategies to promote farming products
  10. Designs farm machinery and equipment
  11. Designs water supply systems for farms
  12. Expert in providing medical care to pets and livestock
  13. Oversees milk production and cattle health
  1. Conducts scientific studies to enhance farming
  2. Conducts research in genetic engineering
  3. Sells farming products and services
  4. Ensures compliance with farming standards
  5. Cultivates fields and manages plant growth
  6. Specializes in fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants
  7. Oversees daily farm operations

20 Clues: Oversees daily farm operationsStudies soil and crop sciencesTeaches farming-related coursesOversees controlled plant growthAnalyzes the economics of farmingProvides expert advice to farmersSells farming products and servicesDesigns farm machinery and equipmentDesigns water supply systems for farmsAssists in research and data collection...

carbon farming 2024-06-10

carbon farming crossword puzzle
  1. A measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide and other carbon compounds emitted by a person or group over a period of time, due to their consumption of fossil fuels.
  2. A permit or certificate that allows a company or organisation to emit a specific amount of greenhouse gases, or the equivalent value of a reduction in emissions.
  3. is a broad field of biology for farming
  4. to prepare and use land for growing crops
  5. sustainable farming that works with nature
  6. A powerful motor vehicle with large rear wheels, used chiefly on farms for hauling equipment and trailers.
  7. The cycle of carbon
  8. of the soil
  9. is the care of breeding plants
  10. A set of land management practices aimed at increasing the amount of carbon stored in soils and vegetation, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  1. the act in caring and raising plants
  2. Carbon grown in soil
  3. gas used for indoor planting
  4. The process of collecting soil samples to determine the baseline level of soil organic carbon, used as a reference for future changes in carbon storage.
  5. Orange root that is commonly eaten
  6. The process of capturing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, often through the growth of vegetation and soil carbon storage.
  7. 43560 square feet of land
  8. A cultivated plant grown in farms as food
  9. is the preparation of soil for planting and the cultivation of the after planting
  10. the science or practice of farming

20 Clues: of the soilThe cycle of carbonCarbon grown in soil43560 square feet of landgas used for indoor plantingis the care of breeding plantsOrange root that is commonly eatenthe science or practice of farmingthe act in caring and raising plantsis a broad field of biology for farmingto prepare and use land for growing crops...

Carbon Farming 2024-06-06

Carbon Farming crossword puzzle
  1. A colorless gas absorbed by plants and soil
  2. Holds moisture gasses and tiny particles
  3. Long term temperature changes often caused by heat trapping gasses (Carbon)
  4. Storage of carbon in the ocean, soil and vegetation
  5. Living and nonliving working together to create life
  6. Average rate when greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere
  7. Where soil carbon is mainly stored
  8. Soil that is able to sustain plant growth
  9. Used for destroying or repelling pest
  1. when plants use sunlight to make food from carbon dioxide and water
  2. Herbicide used to kill weeds
  3. a supplement used to supply plants with nutrients
  4. Carbon admissions
  5. The practice of keeping the soil structure instead of breaking it down
  6. A balance between emitting and absorbing carbon in the atmosphere
  7. Total amount of greenhouse gasses produced
  8. Agriculture methods that enhance carbon storage
  9. Capacity of soil structure
  10. Fuel containing coal oil and natural gas
  11. Practice of farming

20 Clues: Carbon admissionsPractice of farmingCapacity of soil structureHerbicide used to kill weedsWhere soil carbon is mainly storedUsed for destroying or repelling pestHolds moisture gasses and tiny particlesFuel containing coal oil and natural gasSoil that is able to sustain plant growthTotal amount of greenhouse gasses produced...

Farming Issue 2024-04-15

Farming Issue crossword puzzle
  1. Recent American music festival
  2. Thing on a farm that can give you an electric shock
  3. Sabrina Carpenter’s new single title
  4. 2011 sandbox videogame
  5. Print used on hunting clothing
  6. Group of cows
  7. Country that is also a movie title
  8. New Zealand documentary TV series that highlights rural life
  9. Synonym for farming
  10. Actor who voices Kung Fu Panda
  11. What animal does wool come from?
  1. Horse riding pants
  2. 1995 film about a pig
  3. A semi-rural property comprising a house and land for small-scale farming
  4. “Old BLANK had a farm”
  5. R&B Singer who performed in Auckland recently
  6. New Zealand region where iwi Ngāti Maniapoto originates
  7. Previous Massive issue theme
  8. Eddie Murphy film character
  9. Area of space that is 4050 square metres
  10. Grass that has been cut, dried and stored
  11. Otago University student magazine
  12. A horse that is under 14.2 hands high

23 Clues: Group of cowsHorse riding pantsSynonym for farming1995 film about a pig“Old BLANK had a farm”2011 sandbox videogameEddie Murphy film characterPrevious Massive issue themeRecent American music festivalPrint used on hunting clothingActor who voices Kung Fu PandaWhat animal does wool come from?Otago University student magazine...

Farming 2016 2016-11-26

Farming 2016 crossword puzzle
  1. Quick learner
  2. Will operate anywhere
  3. Happiest guy around
  4. last year north of the valley
  5. Agronomist
  6. Where Wheat goes
  7. new land
  8. what wind does to canola
  9. Get'r done attitude
  10. Kerrie,Wilma, Peggy,Gwen,Amy,
  11. Meals are on time!
  12. Mechanic on the run
  1. 1000 gal tank
  2. French Cuisine
  3. Dryland this fall
  4. great view from here
  5. On call logistics, meals,parts
  6. We always win
  7. Biggest input
  8. What the Fababeans weren't
  9. Shipped to US, Mexico, China and Japan
  10. What Fababeans have

22 Clues: new landAgronomistQuick learner1000 gal tankWe always winBiggest inputFrench CuisineWhere Wheat goesDryland this fallMeals are on time!Happiest guy aroundGet'r done attitudeWhat Fababeans haveMechanic on the rungreat view from hereWill operate anywherewhat wind does to canolaWhat the Fababeans weren'tlast year north of the valley...

Farming Crossword 2014-06-09

Farming Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. land that can be used to grow crops
  2. per person
  3. the cultivation of a single crop on a farm or in a region or country
  4. income that comes from many sources
  5. a plant or animal bread from 2 or more species for the best features
  6. eatable
  7. increase in agricultural productivity for high yields and variety
  8. a small amount of land used for harvesting perishable goods
  9. a crop sold for money instead of private consumption
  10. describes the use by people of the Earth’s environmental resources at a rate such that the capacity for renewal is ensured
  1. describes a group of people who have no fixed home and move from place to place
  2. vegetation areas characterised by small, multitrunked eucalypts found in the semi-arid areas of southern Australia
  3. when a large amount of land is used for cattle farming
  4. describes an area with gentle hills
  5. variety of plants and animal life
  6. businesses set up to distribute produce
  7. improvement of technology or variety with plants to better farming
  8. practice of growing fruit and vegetables
  9. describes farming that provides food only for the needs of the farmer’s family, leaving little or none to sell
  10. uses trees and shrubs on farms for profit
  11. rotating crops so that no crop endures the same season
  12. renewable sources to make fuel

22 Clues: eatableper personrenewable sources to make fuelvariety of plants and animal lifeland that can be used to grow cropsdescribes an area with gentle hillsincome that comes from many sourcesbusinesses set up to distribute producepractice of growing fruit and vegetablesuses trees and shrubs on farms for profit...

Tobacco Farming 2024-01-05

Tobacco Farming crossword puzzle
  1. A disease that can damage both tobacco seedlings and mature plants
  2. A term for a large quantity of tobacco
  3. A cigar that has a thick body, a spherical mouth end, and a straight-cut burning end.
  4. Immediately after harvesting, tobacco is cured to remove all of the natural sap from the leaves so
  5. A mixture of tobacco varieties.
  6. A machine used in tobacco processing facilities to cut the blade of the leaf away from the
  7. A general term for low-quality tobacco, it can denote tobacco from an inferior variety
  8. The primary stem of an entire tobacco plant
  9. burning end.
  10. it can be further processed and/or manufactured.
  11. Applying a pre-cutting solution or sauce to tobacco
  12. the process of relocating a plant, either from one spot in your garden to another or from a pot to pot.
  1. a plant that can be dried and smoked in cigarettes, pipes, or cigars
  2. Dividing tobacco leaves from a hogshead or bale for inspection.
  3. to plant seed for growth especially by scattering
  4. A tobacco leaf used as the outermost covering of a ciga
  5. On a flue-cured tobacco plant, the second grouping of leaves from the ground
  6. removing mature leaves from tobacco plants
  7. A process generally reserved for dark tobaccos that will be used in pipe mixtures or dark
  8. A small, usually round but sometimes square, cigar that has a straight-cut mouth end and a
  9. soil or a bed of soil prepared for planting seed.
  10. Tobacco that has been cut into fine strips for use in cigarettes
  11. Removing non-tobacco-related material and undesirable leaves from tobacco during processing.
  12. A mild state of fermentation

24 Clues: burning end.A mild state of fermentationA mixture of tobacco varieties.A term for a large quantity of tobaccoremoving mature leaves from tobacco plantsThe primary stem of an entire tobacco plantit can be further processed and/or plant seed for growth especially by scatteringsoil or a bed of soil prepared for planting seed....

Farming Crossword 2022-11-27

Farming Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A vehicle used on a farm
  2. A type of farm
  3. A farm building
  4. A male sheep
  5. A place to buy and sell
  6. A farmers footwear
  7. Don't leave it open
  8. A product from dairy cows
  9. Used to transport your animals
  10. An implement used to turn over soil
  11. A make of tractor
  1. A type of crop
  2. Your Club
  3. An organisation for young people to join
  4. A farmers best friend
  5. A male pig
  6. Off-road transport
  7. A room for horses
  8. Beware of the...?
  9. A machine used to transport liquid
  10. A make of forager
  11. Boundary of a field
  12. Can be used for animal bedding

23 Clues: Your ClubA male pigA male sheepA type of cropA type of farmA farm buildingA room for horsesBeware of the...?A make of foragerA make of tractorOff-road transportA farmers footwearBoundary of a fieldDon't leave it openA farmers best friendA place to buy and sellA vehicle used on a farmA product from dairy cowsCan be used for animal bedding...

Farming 2022-05-31

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. Farmers stored canned food in the...
  2. How did farmers move their crops to the market?
  3. Where did farmers relax during nice weather?
  4. What type of crop is a potato?
  5. Where would the crops be washed?
  6. How many miles an hour can you go when driving between the farm and town?
  1. Where would animals live on the farm?
  2. What would you use to break up the dirt on the farm?
  3. Where did people go to the bathroom?
  4. What is the one animal we have on our farm?
  5. Farmers got water from the...

11 Clues: Farmers got water from the...What type of crop is a potato?Where would the crops be washed?Farmers stored canned food in the...Where did people go to the bathroom?Where would animals live on the farm?What is the one animal we have on our farm?Where did farmers relax during nice weather?How did farmers move their crops to the market?...

FARMING 2 2023-07-15

FARMING 2 crossword puzzle
  1. The controlled application of water to crops to ensure proper hydration.
  2. Turning over the soil using a plow.
  3. A medical professional specialized in the health and treatment of animals, including farm animals.
  4. A place where local farmers sell fresh produce directly to consumers.
  5. The science and practice of cultivating crops and rearing animals.
  6. Chemical substances used to control or eliminate pests in crops.
  7. The practice of raising livestock, especially cattle, on a large scale.
  8. Food, typically dried hay or straw, for livestock.
  1. The industry involved in producing, processing, and distributing agricultural products.
  2. The study of soil management and crop production.
  3. The art and science of growing plants, including fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants.
  4. Farming practices that avoid the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
  5. Farming for the production of milk and dairy products.
  6. Fermented and stored green fodder used as animal feed.
  7. A facility where eggs are incubated and hatched, often for poultry or fish.
  8. The practice of alternating different crops in the same field to improve soil fertility.
  9. A mature plant's unit of reproduction, used for growing new crops.
  10. A crop grown to protect and improve the soil during periods of rest or between main crops.
  11. A machine that harvests, threshes, and cleans grain crops.

19 Clues: Turning over the soil using a plow.The study of soil management and crop production.Food, typically dried hay or straw, for livestock.Farming for the production of milk and dairy products.Fermented and stored green fodder used as animal feed.A machine that harvests, threshes, and cleans grain crops....

Farming 2022-11-04

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. a group of living things that share common biological characteristics
  2. a place where animals marketed for meat are killed humanely
  3. instruments, tools or inventions developed through research to increase efficiency
  4. the act of cutting hair or wool
  5. any unwanted plant, especially those that crowd out more desirable plants
  6. the changing of the specific fields used for one crop year to year
  1. a mixture of raw materials such as field corn, sorghum, grass, or clover that is converted into winter feed for livestock
  2. the growth of the city into rural areas
  3. a blade with a long handle used to cut grass grain, and other crops
  4. the amount of a crop produced in a given time or from a given place
  5. a bull that has been castrated for better meat production

11 Clues: the act of cutting hair or woolthe growth of the city into rural areasa bull that has been castrated for better meat productiona place where animals marketed for meat are killed humanelythe changing of the specific fields used for one crop year to yeara blade with a long handle used to cut grass grain, and other crops...

Farming 2013-06-06

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. large amounts of labour, machinery, and fertilizers used on small farms
  2. process whereby machinery takes over the work of humans or animals
  3. ability of land to be used for a certain purpose
  4. type of farming where small amounts of labour, machinery, and fertilizers are used on large farms
  5. genetically modified organisms
  6. agricultural businesses like growing, storing, processing, and distributing food, and may be owned by a large corporation, a family, or an individual
  1. chemicals designed to kill harmful insects, etc.
  2. approach to agricultural production that can be maintained indefinitely without harming the environment
  3. agriculture without the use of chemicals, antibiotics, hormones, or genetically modified organisms
  4. chemical designed to kill unwanted plants and weeds
  5. a substance, such as manure or a chemical, put on agricultural land to produce a greater crop yield

11 Clues: genetically modified organismschemicals designed to kill harmful insects, etc.ability of land to be used for a certain purposechemical designed to kill unwanted plants and weedsprocess whereby machinery takes over the work of humans or animalslarge amounts of labour, machinery, and fertilizers used on small farms...

Farming 2022-03-29

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. Susswasser
  2. wesentlich
  3. heimisch
  4. der Plan
  5. die Dürre
  6. der Brunnen
  7. das Angebot
  1. Grundwasser
  2. verschwenden
  3. die Landschaft
  4. der Aufstieg

11 Clues: heimischder Plandie DürreSusswasserwesentlichGrundwasserder Brunnendas Angebotverschwendender Aufstiegdie Landschaft

Farming 2019-11-19

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. something that needs sowing
  2. feed preserved for winter
  3. these need to be in good order
  4. supply water to pastures and crops
  5. young cow not in production yet
  1. a very handy way of getting around a farm
  2. this crop has a golden flower
  3. this gives feed for stock
  4. a prickly weed
  5. large vehicle that calls to collect milk
  6. refrigerated storage on your farm

11 Clues: a prickly weedthis gives feed for stockfeed preserved for wintersomething that needs sowingthis crop has a golden flowerthese need to be in good orderyoung cow not in production yetrefrigerated storage on your farmsupply water to pastures and cropslarge vehicle that calls to collect milka very handy way of getting around a farm


GEOGRAPHY PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. type of farming that Animals.
  2. automation, modern method of farming, uses developed drones, robotic harvesters etc.
  3. farming methods, refer to the agricultural production system characterized by the high inputs of capital labour heavy usage of farm machinery
  4. that take place to turn inputs to outputs on a farm
  5. insecurity, the state of being without reliable access to enough affordable nutritious food.
  6. sprawl, refers to the expansion of poorly planned low-density, auto-dependent development
  7. the cultivation of a single crop in each area.
  8. type of farming which has High inputs of labour or capital generally small.
  9. type of farming that grows Crop
  10. excessive richness of nutrients in a lake or other body of water frequently due to run-off from the land which causes a dense growth of plant life.
  11. type of farming Grows crops for the farmer and his family.
  12. type of farming Grows crops to sell.
  1. input,natural things that are found or added to the farm
  2. agriculture, is an approach to farm management that uses information technology to ensure that the crops and soil receive exactly what they need for optimum health and productivity
  3. vertical, the practice of growing crops in vertically stacked layers.
  4. type of farming that Crops and animals.
  5. shortage, this problem occurs when food supplies within a bounded region do not provide the energy and nutrients needed by that region's population.
  6. genomics, it is the application of genomics in agriculture to improve the productivity and sustainability in crop and livestock production
  7. culture, modern farming method it is the growth of tissues or cells in an artificial medium separate from the parent organism
  8. type of farming which has Low inputs of labour or capital.
  9. type of farming Permanently in in one place
  10. difference in height from the surrounding terrain.
  11. security, means that all people always have physical social and economic access to sufficient and nutritious food that meets their food preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life.
  12. yield, producing a large amount; giving a high return.
  13. the process of eroding or being eroded by wind water or other natural agents.

25 Clues: type of farming that Animals.type of farming that grows Croptype of farming Grows crops to sell.type of farming that Crops and animals.type of farming Permanently in in one placethe cultivation of a single crop in each area.difference in height from the surrounding terrain.that take place to turn inputs to outputs on a farm...

Unit 5 Vocabulary 2025-02-24

Unit 5 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a group of people
  2. a place where livestock are penned
  3. a town that experiences sudden growth in population and business.
  4. farming for profit.
  5. to create goods.
  6. farming for health
  7. exclusive possession or control.
  8. how to tell difference between cattle owners.
  9. act of collecting animals with horses
  10. underdeveloped land is beyond the border of territory.
  1. a type of cattle with long horns.
  2. the buying and selling of goods and services.
  3. farming on rented land.
  4. a crane used to extract oil
  5. person who takes care of saddle horses.
  6. other parts of the cow used
  7. a place in which animals are slaughtered and packed.
  8. a building equipped to refine.

18 Clues: to create goods.a group of peoplefarming for healthfarming for profit.farming on rented land.a crane used to extract oilother parts of the cow useda building equipped to refine.exclusive possession or control.a type of cattle with long horns.a place where livestock are pennedact of collecting animals with horses...

Ap Human Geo Chapter 10 2022-03-02

Ap Human Geo Chapter 10 crossword puzzle
  1. changing ag tools
  2. rice farm
  3. land cleared for planting (burning +slashing)
  4. low farming large soil conservation
  5. two crops one farm
  6. helps keep soil healthy
  7. large farms
  8. agriculture food to direct consumption
  9. large effort big profit
  10. one felid to another
  11. commercial agriculture
  1. higher-yeild and fast crops
  2. farming domesticated animals
  3. seasonal herding
  4. milk supplied w/o spoiling
  5. human caused drylands
  6. fruits and veggie farming
  7. agriculture for public consumption
  8. low food in stores
  9. farming for commercial gardening and fruit
  10. agriculture to minimize pollution

21 Clues: rice farmlarge farmsseasonal herdingchanging ag toolstwo crops one farmlow food in storesone felid to anotherhuman caused drylandscommercial agriculturehelps keep soil healthylarge effort big profitfruits and veggie farmingmilk supplied w/o spoilinghigher-yeild and fast cropsfarming domesticated animalsagriculture to minimize pollution...

Unit 5 Vocabulary Eric Batista Per.2 2024-04-19

Unit 5 Vocabulary                                          Eric Batista Per.2 crossword puzzle
  1. Modernization of agriculture with technology and science
  2. Large-scale farming focused on cash crops
  3. Traditional slash-and-burn farming method
  4. Advancements in farming techniques and tools post-Industrial Revolution
  5. Genetically modified organisms for agricultural purposes
  6. Growing crops primarily for sustenance of one's family
  7. Transforming raw materials into finished goods for sale
  8. Ethical trading practices promoting equitable partnerships
  9. Economic activities specific to the city of Quincy
  10. Geographical areas with common agricultural characteristics
  11. Directly harnessing natural resources for economic gain
  12. Raising animals primarily for meat production
  13. Knowledge-based economic activities emphasizing research and development
  14. Land division method creating long, narrow plots
  15. Region characterized by mild, rainy winters and hot, dry summers
  16. Profit-driven farming for market sale
  1. Systematic recording of land ownership and boundaries
  2. Fattening animals for market sale
  3. Geographic areas sharing similar weather patterns
  4. Cultivable land suitable for growing crops
  5. Providing services rather than producing goods directly
  6. Historical land division system from English colonization
  7. Survey system dividing land into uniform squares
  8. Natural farming methods without synthetic chemicals
  9. Transition from hunting and gathering to settled farming
  10. High-input farming maximizing yield per unit of land
  11. Process of adapting wild animals for human use
  12. Climate zone with distinct seasons and moderate temperatures
  13. Low-input farming spread over large land areas
  14. Process of land turning into desert due to misuse

30 Clues: Fattening animals for market saleProfit-driven farming for market saleLarge-scale farming focused on cash cropsTraditional slash-and-burn farming methodCultivable land suitable for growing cropsRaising animals primarily for meat productionProcess of adapting wild animals for human useLow-input farming spread over large land areas...

Natural farming regions of Zimbabawe 2023-12-05

Natural farming regions of Zimbabawe crossword puzzle
  1. a border town in natural farming region 5
  2. is grown in natural farming region 1
  3. a drought tolerant crop grown in natural farming region 4
  4. a city in natural farming region 4
  5. found in naturala farming region 2
  6. a crop grown in natural farming region 2
  7. this region receives more than 1000 mm of rainfall
  8. a natural farming region where sugar can is grown under irrigation
  1. plantations of this are found in natural region 1
  2. this region receives 450 - 650 mm of rainfall
  3. a natural farming region with less than 400mm of rainfall per annum
  4. bananas are grown in this area in natural region 1
  5. found in natural farming region 1
  6. is grown under irrigation in this farming region
  7. an area in natural farming region 1

15 Clues: found in natural farming region 1a city in natural farming region 4found in naturala farming region 2an area in natural farming region 1is grown in natural farming region 1a crop grown in natural farming region 2a border town in natural farming region 5this region receives 450 - 650 mm of rainfallis grown under irrigation in this farming region...

ESS Topic 5 Important Terminology 2025-02-12

ESS Topic 5 Important Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. farming Farming that provides food for the farmer’s family with little surplus.
  2. A substance added to soil to enhance plant growth.
  3. The excessive grazing of land, leading to soil degradation.
  4. A balanced soil type containing sand, silt, and clay, ideal for agriculture.
  5. soil A soil type with medium-sized particles, better water retention than sand but better drainage than clay.
  6. farming Large-scale farming aimed at producing food for sale.
  7. The organic component of soil formed by decomposed plant material.
  8. The buildup of salts in soil, often due to irrigation.
  9. farming High-input farming aimed at maximizing yield per unit of land.
  10. The practice of growing multiple crops in the same area.
  1. A chemical used to kill pests that damage crops.
  2. The process by which fertile land becomes desert due to climate change or human activities.
  3. rotation The practice of growing different crops in the same field to maintain soil fertility.
  4. soil A soil type with small particles that retain water but have poor drainage.
  5. farming Farming that uses large areas with minimal inputs.
  6. The loss of nutrients from soil as water moves downward.
  7. The removal of soil by wind or water.
  8. A farming method involving the cutting and burning of forests for agriculture.
  9. profile A vertical section of soil showing different layers, called horizons.
  10. degradation The decline in soil quality due to human activities such as deforestation and overgrazing.
  11. The cultivation of a single crop over a large area.
  12. soil A soil type with large particles that drain quickly but retain few nutrients.
  13. The process of recycling organic matter into nutrient-rich soil.

23 Clues: The removal of soil by wind or water.A chemical used to kill pests that damage crops.A substance added to soil to enhance plant growth.The cultivation of a single crop over a large area.The buildup of salts in soil, often due to irrigation.The loss of nutrients from soil as water moves downward....

Agricrossword 2020-02-04

Agricrossword crossword puzzle
  1. growing a fish and plants at the same time
  2. farming and stuff
  3. growing plants without soil
  4. preparing of using crops
  5. rotation the act of switch ping crops in a time period
  6. basically balance
  7. a plant
  8. what holds plants
  9. makes plant live
  10. makes plants safe
  11. what you eat
  1. farming of fish
  2. farm industry
  3. poison for bugs to help plants
  4. animals on a farm
  5. Modified Organism: GMO
  6. the practice of farming
  7. caring for crops
  8. the science of farming
  9. the owning of land
  10. the supply of water for crops
  11. trees

22 Clues: treesa plantwhat you eatfarm industryfarming of fishcaring for cropsmakes plant liveanimals on a farmfarming and stuffbasically balancewhat holds plantsmakes plants safethe owning of landModified Organism: GMOthe science of farmingthe practice of farmingpreparing of using cropsgrowing plants without soilthe supply of water for crops...

unit 6 2022-04-11

unit 6 crossword puzzle
  1. a patched that had been cleared for planting
  2. rapid spread of farming tech
  3. fishing to much that they fish can't reproduce fast enough
  4. changing from hunting to farming
  5. farming to sell
  6. access to food at all times
  7. any plant from a harvest
  8. land that was left and can not be used for farming
  9. harvesting twice a year on the same field
  1. prime farming land
  2. growing of fruits vegetables and flowers
  3. changing the land for farming
  4. having minimal food to survive
  5. practicing roatating fields and plants to save soil
  6. living organism that has genes but into it
  7. planting on ridge tops

16 Clues: farming to sellprime farming landplanting on ridge topsany plant from a harvestaccess to food at all timesrapid spread of farming techchanging the land for farminghaving minimal food to survivechanging from hunting to farminggrowing of fruits vegetables and flowersharvesting twice a year on the same fieldliving organism that has genes but into it...

Farming 2021-01-18

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. helps in digging field
  2. in this seeds are placed at cross marks made in the field
  3. herbicidesprays are used to stop weeds
  4. it is the supplying of water
  5. it is the prose of cutting and collecting grains
  1. it is also known as multiple cropping
  2. dairy products are the food produced from milk
  3. the rearing of silkworm the production of silkworm
  4. they are use worldwide to control agriculture pests
  5. helps in cutting crop field

10 Clues: helps in digging fieldhelps in cutting crop fieldit is the supplying of waterit is also known as multiple croppingherbicidesprays are used to stop weedsdairy products are the food produced from milkit is the prose of cutting and collecting grainsthe rearing of silkworm the production of silkwormthey are use worldwide to control agriculture pests...

Farming 2021-01-18

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. the adopting of domestic bird
  2. help in digging field
  3. it is the supplying of water
  4. it is process of cutting and collecting grain
  5. boric acid and ddt are medicine
  1. it is done with the help of dibble
  2. it is the Branch of agriculture
  3. it lead to aeration of the soil
  4. these crop are sown in winter
  5. helps in cutting crop field

10 Clues: help in digging fieldhelps in cutting crop fieldit is the supplying of waterthe adopting of domestic birdthese crop are sown in winterit is the Branch of agricultureit lead to aeration of the soilboric acid and ddt are medicineit is done with the help of dibbleit is process of cutting and collecting grain

Farming 2021-10-22

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. Short-term crops harvested in June or July that give melons
  2. A piece of agricultural machinery used to mix soil nutrients.
  3. A type of farming revolution initiated by Mexican wheat scientist Dr Norman Borlaug
  4. Natural material rich in N, P, K.
  5. The wheat crop is an example of this season
  6. An iron rod that plucks the weeds from the land.
  1. A method of separation of chaff from the crop
  2. An irrigation method ideal for water-scarce regions.
  3. A multi-purpose farm machine
  4. Animals that provide milk

10 Clues: Animals that provide milkA multi-purpose farm machineNatural material rich in N, P, K.The wheat crop is an example of this seasonA method of separation of chaff from the cropAn iron rod that plucks the weeds from the land.An irrigation method ideal for water-scarce regions.Short-term crops harvested in June or July that give melons...

Farming 2021-01-20

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. uproots the unwanted plants in the field.
  2. is the process of cutting and collecting crops.
  3. helps in beating grains, crops and is a threshing tool.
  4. farming is the process of growing food to feed themselves.
  5. are the plants grown for decorative purposes.
  6. is only about using natural fertilizers.
  1. mainly produce seasonal fruits and vegetables.
  2. is a soilless future farming.
  3. is the breeding and rearing of fish.
  4. is also known as multiple cropping.

10 Clues: is a soilless future also known as multiple the breeding and rearing of only about using natural fertilizers.uproots the unwanted plants in the field.are the plants grown for decorative purposes.mainly produce seasonal fruits and the process of cutting and collecting crops....

Farming 2021-01-18

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. - Name anyone pesticide
  2. - Name any one steap of soil preparation
  3. - The breeding and rearing of fish by artificial means is called
  4. - Sowing is the process of planting
  5. - Write any two methods of sowing seeds
  1. - Name any one farm animal
  2. - Name one ornamental
  3. - Name any one thing made from feathers
  4. - Name any one dairy product
  5. - The ploughing is done with the help of

10 Clues: - Name one ornamental- Name anyone pesticide- Name any one farm animal- Name any one dairy product- Sowing is the process of planting- Write any two methods of sowing seeds- Name any one thing made from feathers- Name any one steap of soil preparation- The ploughing is done with the help of...

Farming 2021-01-18

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. the rearing of silkworm the production of silkworm
  2. in this seeds are placed at cross marks made in the field
  3. they are use worldwide to control agriculture pests
  4. it is also known as multiple cropping
  5. it is the supplying of water
  1. it is the prose of cutting and collecting grains
  2. helps in cutting crop field
  3. dairy products are the food produced from milk
  4. herbicidesprays are used to stop weeds
  5. helps in digging field

10 Clues: helps in digging fieldhelps in cutting crop fieldit is the supplying of waterit is also known as multiple croppingherbicidesprays are used to stop weedsdairy products are the food produced from milkit is the prose of cutting and collecting grainsthe rearing of silkworm the production of silkwormthey are use worldwide to control agriculture pests...

Farming 2022-09-24

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. Large pieces of land was needed in t____________________ farming.
  2. V________________ farming is a way to grow plants.
  3. During d_________________, many plants cannot survive.
  4. We need m____________________ to work in the traditional farm.
  1. This farm grows many different kinds of v__________________.
  2. The students went to visit the f______________ to learn how vegetables are grown.
  3. Vertical farming is one way to overcome l_____________ land in Singapore.
  4. This high-teach farm makes use of t_____________________ to overcome manpower constraint.
  5. This morning heavy rain resulting in f________________ in many areas.
  6. Traditional farming depended on w_________________.

10 Clues: V________________ farming is a way to grow plants.Traditional farming depended on w_________________.During d_________________, many plants cannot survive.This farm grows many different kinds of v__________________.We need m____________________ to work in the traditional farm.Large pieces of land was needed in t____________________ farming....

farming 2023-04-28

farming crossword puzzle
  1. real semi name
  2. fuel for tractors
  3. to help the field drain
  4. tall in yellow
  5. plant in the field in the winter
  1. type of bird from a farm
  2. orange tractor
  3. type of semi
  4. green tractor
  5. harvest the fields

10 Clues: type of semigreen tractorreal semi nameorange tractortall in yellowfuel for tractorsharvest the fieldsto help the field draintype of bird from a farmplant in the field in the winter

Farming 2020-03-06

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. system within nature
  2. Natural substances that help plants to grow
  3. Chemicals to kill insects
  4. Farmers' vehicles
  1. Natural fertilizer
  2. To make less
  3. The skins of the vegetables
  4. To keep in the same condition
  5. Chemicals that farmers put on plants to help them grow
  6. What a farmer grows

10 Clues: To make lessFarmers' vehiclesNatural fertilizerWhat a farmer growssystem within natureChemicals to kill insectsThe skins of the vegetablesTo keep in the same conditionNatural substances that help plants to growChemicals that farmers put on plants to help them grow

FARMING 2021-01-19

FARMING crossword puzzle


Farming 2021-01-18

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. the rearing of silkworm the production of silkworm
  2. in this seeds are placed at cross marks made in the field
  3. they are use worldwide to control agriculture pests
  4. it is also known as multiple cropping
  5. it is the supplying of water
  1. it is the prose of cutting and collecting grains
  2. helps in cutting crop field
  3. dairy products are the food produced from milk
  4. herbicidesprays are used to stop weeds
  5. helps in digging field

10 Clues: helps in digging fieldhelps in cutting crop fieldit is the supplying of waterit is also known as multiple croppingherbicidesprays are used to stop weedsdairy products are the food produced from milkit is the prose of cutting and collecting grainsthe rearing of silkworm the production of silkwormthey are use worldwide to control agriculture pests...

farming 2023-11-29

farming crossword puzzle
  1. father of a sheep
  2. 1-2 year old sheep
  3. always one on the farm
  4. young cow that has not had a calf
  5. use it to move a digger
  1. used to move cows
  2. big machine that you use to do drains,....
  3. pregnant for 5 months
  4. name for male cow
  5. has 4 wheels comes in only a few brands

10 Clues: used to move cowsfather of a sheepname for male cow1-2 year old sheeppregnant for 5 monthsalways one on the farmuse it to move a diggeryoung cow that has not had a calfhas 4 wheels comes in only a few brandsbig machine that you use to do drains,....

Farming 2024-10-17

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. A place where crops are grown
  2. A large machine used to plow fields
  3. A structure used to house and protect livestock
  4. The process of planting seeds in the ground
  5. A tool used to cut and harvest crops
  6. The act of growing crops or raising animals
  1. The act of watering crops
  2. The natural environment where crops and animals live
  3. A type of farming that uses no pesticides or chemicals
  4. A fenced area used to contain livestock

10 Clues: The act of watering cropsA place where crops are grownA large machine used to plow fieldsA tool used to cut and harvest cropsA fenced area used to contain livestockThe process of planting seeds in the groundThe act of growing crops or raising animalsA structure used to house and protect livestockThe natural environment where crops and animals live...

Dairy Farming 2023-06-05

Dairy Farming crossword puzzle
  1. Mjølkerobot
  2. Timeplan
  3. Kyr
  4. Mjølke_for_haand
  5. Gard
  6. Besetning
  7. Husdyr
  8. Korn
  9. Avling
  10. Arbeidstyrke
  11. Tilpassning
  1. Fôr
  2. Bærekraftig
  3. Identifikasjonskrage
  4. Mjølkeproduksjon
  5. Utstyr
  6. Fordel

17 Clues: FôrKyrGardKornUtstyrHusdyrAvlingFordelTimeplanBesetningMjølkerobotBærekraftigTilpassningArbeidstyrkeMjølke_for_haandMjølkeproduksjonIdentifikasjonskrage

Farming 2021-01-19

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. need a lot of water to grow
  2. example of zaid crop
  3. The cultivation of flower and ornamental
  4. chemical nutrient of soil
  5. tool used to plough large field
  1. rearing of silkworm
  2. Rearing of fish by artificial mean
  3. a method of sowing seed
  4. method of supplying water to the plants
  5. winter crop

10 Clues: winter croprearing of silkwormexample of zaid cropa method of sowing seedchemical nutrient of soilneed a lot of water to growtool used to plough large fieldRearing of fish by artificial meanmethod of supplying water to the plantsThe cultivation of flower and ornamental

Farming 2021-10-10

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. an insect that produces honey
  2. supply water to the crops
  3. a fowl that can swim
  4. source food for Asians
  1. a plant that is consumed as food
  2. a young bird
  3. an oval thing laid by a chicken
  4. embryonic plant that needs to be sowed
  5. an animal that produces milk
  6. break up the soil or sand

10 Clues: a young birda fowl that can swimsource food for Asianssupply water to the cropsbreak up the soil or sandan animal that produces milkan insect that produces honeyan oval thing laid by a chickena plant that is consumed as foodembryonic plant that needs to be sowed

Farming 2023-08-11

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. Red vegetable that rabbits like
  2. What chips and fries are made of
  3. Where we go to buy food
  4. To go somewhere
  1. People who are coming to visit
  2. Green vegetable with edible leaves
  3. Multi-coloured fruit that can be spicy
  4. Dairy product, made from cheese
  5. Very common fruit, often red
  6. 30

10 Clues: 30To go somewhereWhere we go to buy foodVery common fruit, often redPeople who are coming to visitRed vegetable that rabbits likeDairy product, made from cheeseWhat chips and fries are made ofGreen vegetable with edible leavesMulti-coloured fruit that can be spicy

Farming 2021-02-02

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. is placement of seeds in a uniform rate
  2. commences once the crop is ripened
  3. uses pressure to deposit seeds
  4. controls amount of weeds
  5. Is the application of water to crops
  6. provides nutrition
  1. is the placement of seeds
  2. are bugs
  3. is scattering seeds on top of the ground
  4. dressing is applied once plants have emerged

10 Clues: are bugsprovides nutritioncontrols amount of weedsis the placement of seedsuses pressure to deposit seedscommences once the crop is ripenedIs the application of water to cropsis scattering seeds on top of the groundis placement of seeds in a uniform ratedressing is applied once plants have emerged

Farming 2021-01-18

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. _______ crops are sown in winter and harvested in spring.
  2. Mixed farming is also known as
  3. Farming tool used to cutting wheat crop.
  4. Farming done for one's own family
  1. Method of sowing groundnut manually
  2. ______________ is the rearing of silkworm for production of silk
  3. Practice of growing differnt types of crops in same area in different season
  4. ___________ agriculture is a type of commercial farming
  5. Name of one fertilizer
  6. Unwanted plants which grow with crop plants

10 Clues: Name of one fertilizerMixed farming is also known asFarming done for one's own familyMethod of sowing groundnut manuallyFarming tool used to cutting wheat crop.Unwanted plants which grow with crop plants___________ agriculture is a type of commercial farming_______ crops are sown in winter and harvested in spring....

Farming 2021-01-18

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. large fields are ploughed with the help of.
  2. it make soil loose and soft.
  3. farming done to feed one's own family.
  4. farming which is done sides of hills or mountains.
  5. three eg of zaid crops.
  6. different types of crops grown in same area in different season.
  1. mixed farming is also known as.
  2. name any three steps of soil preparation.
  3. rearing of silkworms for the production of silk.
  4. name any two ornamental plants.

10 Clues: three eg of zaid make soil loose and soft.mixed farming is also known any two ornamental plants.farming done to feed one's own any three steps of soil preparation.large fields are ploughed with the help of.rearing of silkworms for the production of silk.farming which is done sides of hills or mountains....

Farming 2016-01-12

Farming crossword puzzle
  1. What season do farmers combine?
  2. What do farmers to dry the grain
  3. You use this machine to clear the land.
  4. Where do farmers keep you grain in
  5. this is made of oil
  1. this machine is used to harvest the land.
  2. You eat the grain sometimes.
  3. Farmers use this to cut the grain into swaths
  4. This happen when the crop gets wet and you can’t combine
  5. What is cereal made of

10 Clues: this is made of oilWhat is cereal made ofYou eat the grain sometimes.What season do farmers combine?What do farmers to dry the grainWhere do farmers keep you grain inYou use this machine to clear the land.this machine is used to harvest the land.Farmers use this to cut the grain into swathsThis happen when the crop gets wet and you can’t combine

Farming vocabulary 2018-05-25

Farming vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the system of treating diseases or conditions using very small amounts of the substances
  2. harrow a farm implement that is used to till the soil where crops are to be planted
  3. the successive cultivation of different crops
  4. animals, such as cows and sheep, which bring back Food from their stomachs and chew it again
  5. a substance added to soil to make plants grow more successfully
  6. another word for farming
  7. land covered with grass that is suitable for feeding animals on
  8. feed that is made of green plants and straw and contains less protein per unit
  1. machine to mix basal Food, concentrates and Mineral mmixture for your dairy cows
  2. high quality feed that consists of starch, sugar, fat and crude Protein
  3. to use land for growing crops
  4. a large piece of farming equipment used for turning over soil
  5. the practice of growing flowers, fruit and vegetable
  6. a young pig
  7. to produce new leaves or buds
  8. a machine that cuts and gathers grain
  9. the waste matter from animals that is spread over or mixed with the soil to help plants and crops grow

17 Clues: a young piganother word for farmingto use land for growing cropsto produce new leaves or budsa machine that cuts and gathers grainthe successive cultivation of different cropsthe practice of growing flowers, fruit and vegetablea large piece of farming equipment used for turning over soil...