farming Crossword Puzzles
Farming 2021-03-10
20 Clues: Feld • Eule • Pferd • Samen • setzen • Kürbis • Benzin • grasen • Hühner • Schafe • ernten • reifen • Traktor • Scheune • pflügen • Trauben • wachsen • Brombeeren • Vogelscheuche • lost sich verirren
farming 2023-04-04
- toitev söödasegu
- värske toit
- emisenibu
- piimaveise spetsialist
- poegimis abi
- kõrvade vigastused
- põrsaste puur
- manustamissagetus
- emise loodeveed
- emisekärss
- nabanöör
- suremuse vähenemine
- igemeid süstima
- põrsakihvad
- eluase jälgimine
- kummivoolikud ühendama
- kõige sööjad
- piimaveise kontroll
- piimaveise eluase
- liha lehmad
- seakärss
- kalkunimuna
- allapanu karjamaal
- päevad läbi karjamaal
- kanamuna
- süstimis sagetus
- liha seedima
- emise kontroll
- noored emised
- väige pardipoeg
30 Clues: seakärss • kanamuna • nabanöör • emisenibu • emisekärss • liha lehmad • värske toit • kalkunimuna • põrsakihvad • poegimis abi • liha seedima • kõige sööjad • põrsaste puur • noored emised • emise kontroll • emise loodeveed • väige pardipoeg • igemeid süstima • toitev söödasegu • süstimis sagetus • eluase jälgimine • piimaveise eluase • manustamissagetus • kõrvade vigastused • allapanu karjamaal • piimaveise kontroll • ...
Farming 2023-09-03
- - Turning over soil for planting.
- - Trimming branches for plant health.
- - Chemical for weed control.
- raising livestock in natural grazing area
- - Chemical for pest control.
- - Storage for grains or silage.
- - Shelter for animals or equipment.
- - Recycling organic material.
- - Cultivating gardens and crops.
- - Cultivating flowers.
- - Beekeeping.
- - Growing plants in water.
- - Curved blade for cutting crops.
- - Removing wool from sheep.
- - Controlled environment for plant growth.
- - Machine for grain separation.
- - Separating grains from plants.
- - Providing water to crops.
- - Tool for leveling and breaking soil.
- - Extracting milk from animals.
- - Farm vehicle for heavy tasks.
- - Covering soil for moisture control.
- - Raising aquatic animals.
- small tool for digging in soil
24 Clues: - Beekeeping. • - Cultivating flowers. • - Growing plants in water. • - Raising aquatic animals. • - Removing wool from sheep. • - Providing water to crops. • - Chemical for weed control. • - Chemical for pest control. • - Recycling organic material. • - Machine for grain separation. • - Extracting milk from animals. • - Farm vehicle for heavy tasks. • - Storage for grains or silage. • ...
Farming 2023-04-19
- Common crop used to make bread
- Living space for livestock
- Large area of land often associated with size
- Collecting of wool
- Crops, animal products, fruit
- Large areas of property
- The method or system of farming
- Parents and siblings
- Hot season
- Works in agriculture
- Product of cattle
- Collecting crops
- Preparation of property for farming
- Preserving or upkeep
- Meadows for livestock
- Animals
- Place of education
- Country town
- Produce dairy products
- Assistive technologies for maintenance and harvesting
- Wheat, barley, corn, rice
- Rural land
- Sowing crops
- Name for ewes and rams
- Droplets of water from clouds
25 Clues: Animals • Rural land • Hot season • Country town • Sowing crops • Collecting crops • Product of cattle • Collecting of wool • Place of education • Preserving or upkeep • Parents and siblings • Works in agriculture • Meadows for livestock • Produce dairy products • Name for ewes and rams • Large areas of property • Wheat, barley, corn, rice • Living space for livestock • Crops, animal products, fruit • ...
Farming 2023-03-30
- Kuldi kõrvalmaitse
- Lehmad söövad karjamaal
- Päevläbi sööma
- Vabad hingamisteed
- Laut lehmade jaoks
- Regulaarne toitumine
- Lehmi aitama
- Toitev silo lehmadele
- Rauasüst
- Kuiv allapanu sigade jaoks
- Lüpsmisel kasutatud
- Sea saba eemaldamine
- Lehmi söötma
- On manustatud ternespiima
- Näopiirkonna vigastused
- Niiskustaseme kontroll
- Söödasegu
- Rotid mõjutavad lehmade surevust
- Sigade hammaste lõikamine
- Tasakaalustatud dieet lehmadele
- Süstalt ühendama lehmakülge
- Sigade Kõrvade sälgutamine
- Poegimisala lehmadele
- Nabanööri läbi lõikama
- Lehma sõrgade lõikamine
- Vasikaid peab pidama karjana
- Lüpsimasin
- Piimaveised
- Lehmasid jälgima laudas
- Ei peeta laudas
30 Clues: Rauasüst • Söödasegu • Lüpsimasin • Piimaveised • Lehmi aitama • Lehmi söötma • Päevläbi sööma • Ei peeta laudas • Kuldi kõrvalmaitse • Vabad hingamisteed • Laut lehmade jaoks • Lüpsmisel kasutatud • Regulaarne toitumine • Sea saba eemaldamine • Poegimisala lehmadele • Toitev silo lehmadele • Nabanööri läbi lõikama • Niiskustaseme kontroll • Lehmad söövad karjamaal • Lehma sõrgade lõikamine • ...
Farming 2023-03-19
- A small, hard seed, especially of wheat, corn, rice, or another cereal plant
- earth that has been mixed with water
- an area that a farmer cultivate
- one of the many soft, light things that cover a bird's body
- a field especially of arable land or pastureland
- a male cow
- large building for the storage of farm products or feed and usually for the housing of farm animals or farm equipment
- a bird that Americans eat at Thanksgiving
- the process or period of gathering in crops
- a male domestic chicken
- large farming tool with sharp blades that is pulled across the soil to turn it over
- man's best friend
- animal that looks like a horse and it is known to be stubborn
- a man or a woman that lives on a farm
- sheep, pigs, cows, chickens
- the white liquid produced by cows, goats, and sheep
- a small cart with a single wheel at the front and two supporting legs and two handles at the rear,
- a young cat
- grass that has been mown and dried for use as fodder
- money that government pays to farmers to help them
- a vehicle that helps farmer to work in the field
21 Clues: a male cow • a young cat • man's best friend • a male domestic chicken • sheep, pigs, cows, chickens • an area that a farmer cultivate • earth that has been mixed with water • a man or a woman that lives on a farm • a bird that Americans eat at Thanksgiving • the process or period of gathering in crops • a field especially of arable land or pastureland • ...
Farming 2023-04-04
- Mäletsejad
- Lihatoodang
- Metssiga
- Jooksu pardid
- Ala kus loomad poegivad
- Emis
- Koi kala
- Kõige suuremad loomad farmides
- Loom kes annab ka piima
- Täkk
- Tibu
- Mida sa saad kui tapad karu ära?
- Muskuspart
- Juustu toodang
- Kalkun
- Kus karjatakse loomi?
- Sammal
- Põlluharimine
- Mära
- Milleks peetakse lambaid?
- Oinas
- Piimaveis
- kala kasvatus
- Kiu kasvatus
- Küülikupuur
- Piimatoodang
- Kari
- Utt
- Kodu jänes
- Linnud kes on partidest suuremad
30 Clues: Utt • Mära • Emis • Täkk • Tibu • Kari • Oinas • Kalkun • Sammal • Metssiga • Koi kala • Piimaveis • Mäletsejad • Muskuspart • Kodu jänes • Lihatoodang • Küülikupuur • Kiu kasvatus • Piimatoodang • Põlluharimine • Jooksu pardid • kala kasvatus • Juustu toodang • Kus karjatakse loomi? • Ala kus loomad poegivad • Loom kes annab ka piima • Milleks peetakse lambaid? • Kõige suuremad loomad farmides • Mida sa saad kui tapad karu ära? • ...
Farming 2024-02-23
- You drive it on a farm
- you do it every day on a farm
- milk every morning and
- It is what country people do
- To twenty four How long you have to work
- Ever farmer says this about farming
- west tech it is a college
- stock it is a animal on a farm and they are called
- you crow it ever season
- years You need this many of years of college
- You need it if you are fixing a planter
- You need it hear what’s happening
- You need to drive a tractor
- It plants crops
- Ethic you are working hard
- You need this to farm
- You need serpent this to farming
- work You need hard
- college you sometimes need this
- It gives you milk
20 Clues: It plants crops • It gives you milk • work You need hard • You need this to farm • You drive it on a farm • milk every morning and • you crow it ever season • west tech it is a college • Ethic you are working hard • You need to drive a tractor • It is what country people do • you do it every day on a farm • college you sometimes need this • You need serpent this to farming • ...
FARMING 2023-07-15
- A building used for storing farm equipment or housing livestock.
- A structure with transparent walls used for growing plants in controlled conditions.
- Cereal crops such as wheat, corn, or rice.
- A farming implement used to turn over the soil.
- The act of preparing and tending land for growing crops.
- A powerful vehicle used for pulling farm machinery or trailers.
- Domesticated animals raised on a farm for various purposes.
- Substances applied to soil or crops to promote plant growth.
- A house located on a farm, typically for the farmer and their family.
- The process of gathering mature crops from the field.
- Plants grown for food or other agricultural purposes.
- Tools and machinery used in agricultural activities.
- A person who owns, manages, or works on a farm.
- Dried grass or other plants used as animal feed or bedding.
- Land covered with grass or other plants for grazing livestock.
- An area of land where fruit trees are grown.
- Domesticated birds raised for their meat or eggs.
- Large domesticated animals raised for meat or milk.
- The artificial application of water to crops or plants.
- Unwanted plants that compete with crops for resources.
20 Clues: Cereal crops such as wheat, corn, or rice. • An area of land where fruit trees are grown. • A person who owns, manages, or works on a farm. • A farming implement used to turn over the soil. • Domesticated birds raised for their meat or eggs. • Large domesticated animals raised for meat or milk. • Tools and machinery used in agricultural activities. • ...
Farming 2023-03-30
- libe põrand
- poegimisala
- kuiv hein
- lehmade laut
- rauasüst
- põllumajandusmasinad
- masin mida läheb vaja lüpsmiseks
- vihane pull
- lehmasid jälgima
- lehmasid söötma
- niiske toit
- ei peeta laudas
- vedel sõnnik
- laut lehmade jaoks
- kõrge kvaliteetne silo
- kuiv silo
- kuiv allapanu
- piimaveis
- vabad hingamisteed
- lauda masin
- lehmade sõnnik
- veiseliha
- niiske põhk
- sõrgade lõikamine
- lehmasid aitama
- kanamunad
- söödasegu
27 Clues: rauasüst • kuiv silo • piimaveis • kuiv hein • veiseliha • kanamunad • söödasegu • libe põrand • poegimisala • lauda masin • vihane pull • niiske põhk • niiske toit • lehmade laut • vedel sõnnik • kuiv allapanu • lehmade sõnnik • lehmasid aitama • lehmasid söötma • ei peeta laudas • lehmasid jälgima • sõrgade lõikamine • vabad hingamisteed • laut lehmade jaoks • põllumajandusmasinad • kõrge kvaliteetne silo • ...
farming 2024-04-03
35 Clues: blé • veau • foin • feed • orge • maïs • silo • herbe • terre • colza • champ • clean • agneau • chèvre • traire • lisier • avoine • mouton • fumier • paille • génisse • engrais • pailler • taurreau • ensilage • clôturer • conduire • bâtiment • tournesol • entretenir • stabulation • vache laitière • salle de traite • vache allaitante • pit fosse à lisier
Farming 2023-09-03
- - Turning over soil for planting.
- - Trimming branches for plant health.
- - Chemical for weed control.
- raising livestock in natural grazing area
- - Chemical for pest control.
- - Storage for grains or silage.
- - Shelter for animals or equipment.
- - Recycling organic material.
- - Cultivating gardens and crops.
- - Cultivating flowers.
- - Beekeeping.
- - Growing plants in water.
- - Curved blade for cutting crops.
- - Removing wool from sheep.
- - Controlled environment for plant growth.
- - Machine for grain separation.
- - Separating grains from plants.
- - Providing water to crops.
- - Tool for leveling and breaking soil.
- - Extracting milk from animals.
- - Farm vehicle for heavy tasks.
- - Covering soil for moisture control.
- - Raising aquatic animals.
- small tool for digging in soil
24 Clues: - Beekeeping. • - Cultivating flowers. • - Growing plants in water. • - Raising aquatic animals. • - Removing wool from sheep. • - Providing water to crops. • - Chemical for weed control. • - Chemical for pest control. • - Recycling organic material. • - Machine for grain separation. • - Extracting milk from animals. • - Farm vehicle for heavy tasks. • - Storage for grains or silage. • ...
farming 2025-03-01
- - Dried grass used as food for livestock.
- - A liquid food produced by cows and goats.
- - A farming tool used to remove weeds from the soil.
- - A grain crop used to make bread.
- - A tool used for digging or moving soil.
- - Known for producing milk and often found on small farms.
- - A building where horses are kept.
- - A common crop grown on farms in the United States.
- - Open area of land where crops are grown.
- - An animal raised on farms known for its curly tail.
- - A bird raised on farms that enjoys swimming.
- - A building used to store hay or house animals.
- - The person who operates a farm.
- - A tool used to turn over soil for planting crops.
- - This animal is raised for its wool.
- - This animal produces milk on a dairy farm.
- - A product laid by chickens and ducks.
- - A machine used on farms to plow fields and pull equipment.
- - Structure built to enclose an area or keep animals in.
- - A bird raised on farms for its eggs and meat.
20 Clues: - The person who operates a farm. • - A grain crop used to make bread. • - A building where horses are kept. • - This animal is raised for its wool. • - A product laid by chickens and ducks. • - Dried grass used as food for livestock. • - A tool used for digging or moving soil. • - Open area of land where crops are grown. • - A liquid food produced by cows and goats. • ...
Farming 2021-07-06
19 Clues: corn • reap • bundle • mature • farmland • suitable • bee_group • apiculture • as_in_rice • as_in_sheep • not_fertile • farm_animals • improves_yield • originally_Asian • natural_fertilizer • where_animals_drink • return_on_investment • way_to_apply_pesticide • stalks_of_threshed_grain_for_baskets__etc
Farming 2025-03-11
- It is a male chicken.
- It is a female chicken.
- Pronounced like "you", it is a female sheep.
- It is a female horse.
- It is a baby cow.
- It is a baby sheep.
- It is a fence between an animal and a trough.
- It is to reproduce.
- Also spelt "plow", it is used to cut furrows (= to plow) in a field in preparation for the planting of seeds.
- It is a big tank where there is grain.
- It is the house of a cow or a horse.
- It is to make an animal grow.
- It is used to transport grain or manure.
- It is a young female cow.
- It is a baby horse.
- It is a baby goat.
- It is a male cow.
- It is to give food.
- Pronounced [trof], it is the object animals eat from.
19 Clues: It is a baby cow. • It is a male cow. • It is a baby goat. • It is a baby horse. • It is a baby sheep. • It is to give food. • It is to reproduce. • It is a male chicken. • It is a female horse. • It is a female chicken. • It is a young female cow. • It is to make an animal grow. • It is the house of a cow or a horse. • It is a big tank where there is grain. • ...
Farming 2024-11-15
- Substance added to soil to help plants grow faster and healthier.
- Supplying water to crops through pipes, canals, or sprinklers.
- A powerful vehicle used on farms to pull equipment and transport goods.
- Foods that have been changed or prepared from their natural form, often using machines.
- A type of farming focused on producing milk and products like cheese and yogurt.
- Tiny organisms that can be helpful in soil or in fermenting food, but can also spoil food if not controlled.
- Basic equipment used by farmers, like hoes or rakes.
- Farm-raised birds like chickens, ducks, and turkeys, usually kept for their eggs or meat.
- A farm where grapes are grown, often for making wine.
- The process where yeast or bacteria help turn sugars into alcohol, often used in making wine or cheese.
- A long period with little to no rainfall, making farming difficult.
- The process of gathering ripe crops from the fields.
- People who help plant, harvest, and care for crops or animals.
- A group of farm animals, including cows and bulls, often raised for milk or meat.
- Farming aimed at selling crops or livestock for money.
- Type of farming done to provide food just for the farmer’s family.
- Areas in the countryside where farms are usually located, away from cities.
- Money earned from selling farm products, after costs are paid.
- Animals like cows, sheep, and chickens raised on farms.
19 Clues: The process of gathering ripe crops from the fields. • Basic equipment used by farmers, like hoes or rakes. • A farm where grapes are grown, often for making wine. • Farming aimed at selling crops or livestock for money. • Animals like cows, sheep, and chickens raised on farms. • Supplying water to crops through pipes, canals, or sprinklers. • ...
Farming 2023-05-23
19 Clues: bio • mező • tehén • kapál • borjú • karám • ültet • trágya • szamár • növény • gyomlál • lapátol • terelés • istálló • méhészet • függőágy • természet • termőtalaj • mezőgazdaság
farming 2021-01-18
- Tube well is used for.
- It helps in digging field it is a hand tool.
- Crops sown in winter and harvested in spring are called.
- It kills unwanted pests.
- It is the branch of agriculture that deals with art ,science and technology.
- In which step of farming sickle is used.
- It helps in beating grans and crops and is a threshing tool.
- irrigation is important for the plants
- A soil leveller is used for doing
- It is the placing of seeds at cross marks made in the field .
- It is scattering of seeds by hand all over the field.
- kharif crops are also known as monsoon crops.
- the breeding and rearing of fish is called.
- The process of loosening and upturning the soil to make it soft is called.
- is urea a fertilizer
- Fertilizer give nutrition to the crops.
- poultry products like egg are not healthy.
- It is a hand tool it helps us to do harvesting and its shape is like C.
- A farming of silk is called.
- These are unwanted plants.
- pesticides and fertilizer are used in organic farming.
21 Clues: is urea a fertilizer • Tube well is used for. • It kills unwanted pests. • These are unwanted plants. • A farming of silk is called. • A soil leveller is used for doing • irrigation is important for the plants • Fertilizer give nutrition to the crops. • In which step of farming sickle is used. • poultry products like egg are not healthy. • ...
Farming 2021-12-01
- A handheld tool used to cut trees
- A tool used to plow fields and sow seeds
- A supplement used to boost the production of crops
- A way of storing crops as shapes
- An animal found on farms that is usually milked
- A mans best friend
- A tool used to cut grass
- A common disease found in farmers, caused by the inhalation of sawdust
- A vehicle used to carry big trailers
- A tool used to till the soil
- The name of the chemicals used to protect the crops
- An organic fertiliser
- A building used to store crops
- A common crop harvested globally (used to make bread)
- A heavy vehicle used on farms
- A chemical used to prep fields before cultivating
16 Clues: A mans best friend • An organic fertiliser • A tool used to cut grass • A tool used to till the soil • A heavy vehicle used on farms • A building used to store crops • A way of storing crops as shapes • A handheld tool used to cut trees • A vehicle used to carry big trailers • A tool used to plow fields and sow seeds • An animal found on farms that is usually milked • ...
Farming 2022-11-04
- sticky, brown part of the soil that comes from dead plants and animals and contains many nutrients
- an offspring of two animals or plants that are of different breeds, varieties or species
- back leg of cattle
- a type of plant with jointed stems, slender flat leaves and spike like flowers such as corn and wheat
- the inside of a corn kernel exposed after the outer covering, or hull, is removed
- water held underground that has seeped through soil layers and bedrock
- a gain in money usually as a result of business or labor
- classification system of food quality
- to gather a crop when it is finished growing
- grown in water without the use of soil
- a type of pesticide that kills weeds
- the place where a family makes its home
- the amount of energy and money put into a farm in order to make a product
- a wooden bar with a wooden handle used for removing grain or seeds from stalks
- the DNA code in the cells of all living things; they determine physical characteristics such as fur color
15 Clues: back leg of cattle • a type of pesticide that kills weeds • classification system of food quality • grown in water without the use of soil • the place where a family makes its home • to gather a crop when it is finished growing • a gain in money usually as a result of business or labor • water held underground that has seeped through soil layers and bedrock • ...
Farming 2022-11-04
- to fertilize by transferring pollen from the anther to the stigma of a flower
- to work the soil by turning over the top layer; the machine used to turn the top layer of soil
- land or a plot of land used for the grazing of animals
- animal waste from stables or barnyards
- a list of current goods that you have or own
- planting the same crop in a field year after year with no crop rotation
- the seed of a grain plant
- a type of pesticide that kills insects
- the process by which green plants use light energy from the sun to produce sugar from water and the air
- a substance that kills any pest, including insects, fungi, and weeds
- any plant that grows seeds in a pod such as peas and beans
- any animals raised on the farm
- where products are sold and exchanged
- a town or city where ships are loaded with products to be shipped overseas
- foods without the use of laboratory made fertilizers, growth substances, or pesticides
15 Clues: the seed of a grain plant • any animals raised on the farm • where products are sold and exchanged • animal waste from stables or barnyards • a type of pesticide that kills insects • a list of current goods that you have or own • land or a plot of land used for the grazing of animals • any plant that grows seeds in a pod such as peas and beans • ...
farming 2024-08-30
- A small, enclosed area on a farm where pigs are kept
- An animal used for milk production
- Aaron Maloney loves a roll with what in it
- A plant grown for its seed or grain
- A field enclosed for the keeping or breeding of animals
- A machine used to cut crops
- A young female cow that has not yet had a calf
- bad oul smell of it
- A large, flat piece of land used for farming
- A large farm vehicle used to pull or haul heavy loads
- An insect that is beneficial for pollination
- A place where dairy products are produced and processed
- A tall structure that spins in the wind, often used on farms for energy or water
- A measure of land area equal to 4,840 square yards
- A tool used to dig or loosen soil
15 Clues: bad oul smell of it • A machine used to cut crops • A tool used to dig or loosen soil • An animal used for milk production • A plant grown for its seed or grain • Aaron Maloney loves a roll with what in it • An insect that is beneficial for pollination • A large, flat piece of land used for farming • A young female cow that has not yet had a calf • ...
Farming 2024-12-16
- Machine used to farm wheat
- Growing plants in water
- Plastic tunnels
- Farmers take on non farming activities to make profit
- Pollution in rivers from chemicals
- Chemical which increases plant yields
- Watering plants
- Introduction of machines into farming industry
- Using drones to map soil quality
- Amount of product that farmer makes
- Farming to sell
- Keeping insects away
- Growing plants upwards
- Farming to survive
- Over salting soil (spelt with s not z)
15 Clues: Watering plants • Plastic tunnels • Farming to sell • Farming to survive • Keeping insects away • Growing plants upwards • Growing plants in water • Machine used to farm wheat • Using drones to map soil quality • Pollution in rivers from chemicals • Amount of product that farmer makes • Chemical which increases plant yields • Over salting soil (spelt with s not z) • ...
Farming 2022-02-05
- The art or practice of garden cultivation and management.
- Cultivate giving a part of each crop as rent
- Used for or related to the keeping or grazing of sheep or cattle
- The process of growing plants in sand, gravel, or liquid, with added nutrients but without soil
- The science of soil management and crop production.
- A farm animals are regarded as an asset
- The rearing of aquatic animals or the cultivation of aquatic plants for food.
- The cultivation of a single crop in a given area
- A vehicle with large rear wheels, used chiefly on farms for hauling equipment
- A person or machine that gathers crops as a harvest
- Agriculture conducted on commercial principles, especially using advanced technology.
- What the plow means on the FFA Emblem
- A cultivated plant that is grown as food
- A person who owns or manages a farm
- The most commonly harvested crop
15 Clues: The most commonly harvested crop • A person who owns or manages a farm • What the plow means on the FFA Emblem • A farm animals are regarded as an asset • A cultivated plant that is grown as food • Cultivate giving a part of each crop as rent • The cultivation of a single crop in a given area • A person or machine that gathers crops as a harvest • ...
Farming 2022-11-04
- cost or charge of money
- left wihtout tilling or sowing after plowing
- to get rid of waste, such as manure
- in the nitrogen cycle, it is the process of nitrogen changing into a less mobile and more usable form by combining with hydrogen to make amonia
- to tame and breed for human use
- physical surroundings; all that is around you
- organic or inorganic nutrients that are added to the soil to help the growth of crops
- management of money affairs
- a community of living and non-living things that interact by exchanging matter and energy
- to wear away topsoil by water or wind and can be caused by intensive farming and overgrazing
- a form of natural gas that can be produced from corn
- the study of the environment and how living things interact with it
- a mixture or preparation used for feeding livestock
- proteins that start a chemical reaction
- to prepare the soil for planting by cutting the soil with rotating metal disks
15 Clues: cost or charge of money • management of money affairs • to tame and breed for human use • to get rid of waste, such as manure • proteins that start a chemical reaction • left wihtout tilling or sowing after plowing • physical surroundings; all that is around you • a mixture or preparation used for feeding livestock • a form of natural gas that can be produced from corn • ...
Farming 2022-11-04
- a machine used for harvesting grain
- the compression of air spaces in the soil by heavy machinery
- cattle
- the large round mass of an ear of corn where kernels grow
- a historical object made by humans
- component of plant cell walls that is not digestible by most animals
- a way of farming that combines agriculture and business
- a waterway built to let boats navigate the waters
- microorganisms that live in the soil and convert nutrients into forms usable by plants
- an agricultural good
- to produce offspring by giving birth or by hatching
- to improve the land by plowing and fertilizing
- a measurement of capacity or size
- a tool used for gathering a crop once it is finished growing
- a sexually mature male bovine
15 Clues: cattle • an agricultural good • a sexually mature male bovine • a measurement of capacity or size • a historical object made by humans • a machine used for harvesting grain • to improve the land by plowing and fertilizing • a waterway built to let boats navigate the waters • to produce offspring by giving birth or by hatching • ...
Farming 2023-08-24
- The science of farming
- A large structure used for hay storage and animal shelter on farms and ranches
- A female sheep
- a grove of trees tended specifically for their fruit
- Things that have been made or grown through farming
- the person who runs a farm
- a building in which livestock, especially horses are kept
- Foods made from milk products of animals
- A cereal grain in the grass family often used for feed
- a male goose
- A unit of measurement for farmable land equal to 4,840 square yards
- a time of agricultural inactivity
- A cultivated plant grown for food; fruits, grains, and vegetables
- To prepare and use land for growing crops
- A large farm with massive acreage where cattle and other livestock can be raised
15 Clues: a male goose • A female sheep • The science of farming • the person who runs a farm • a time of agricultural inactivity • Foods made from milk products of animals • To prepare and use land for growing crops • Things that have been made or grown through farming • a grove of trees tended specifically for their fruit • A cereal grain in the grass family often used for feed • ...
Farming 2022-05-02
- a mature bovine usually having had at least one calf.
- A female horse or pony up to 4 years of age that has not foaled.
- relating to, or resembling a horse or horse family.
- crop A close-growing crop, grown to protect and improve soil.
- calving season calves are born in late summer to early fall.
- A male horse or pony 4 years of age or younger.
- An adult female chicken or turkey.
- cow A dairy cow out of the milk production during the last 45-90 days of pregnancy.
- a mixture of organic residues and soil.
- When a plant produces fowers or seeds prematurely.
- a substance used to make soil more fertile
- A mature female sheep.
- a part of a plant is cut and dipped in a rooting hormone.
- grazing a grazing system where animals are left to graze.
- grain grains used for livestock or poultry feed
15 Clues: A mature female sheep. • An adult female chicken or turkey. • a mixture of organic residues and soil. • a substance used to make soil more fertile • grain grains used for livestock or poultry feed • A male horse or pony 4 years of age or younger. • When a plant produces fowers or seeds prematurely. • relating to, or resembling a horse or horse family. • ...
Farming 2024-06-07
- Natural fertilizers composed of decomposed organic material
- Organic material added to soil to help plants grow
- What hay and baleage is feed from
- Agricultural method that aims to maintain and improve the quality of the soil
- Practice of rotating different crops on the same land to improve soil health
- Agricultural practice of growing crops in a water-based nutrient-rich solution
- The cultivation of crops and rearing of animals for food and other products
- Method of planting different crops in succession on the same land
- Implement of sowing seeds
- Implement used to break up the soil
- What you use to move soil of the field
- Type of farming that uses synthetic fertilizers and pestic
- Large piece of machinery used for harvesting grains
- The practice of growing a single crop over a large area
- Method of soil cultivation that minimizes soil disturbance
15 Clues: Implement of sowing seeds • What hay and baleage is feed from • Implement used to break up the soil • What you use to move soil of the field • Organic material added to soil to help plants grow • Large piece of machinery used for harvesting grains • The practice of growing a single crop over a large area • Type of farming that uses synthetic fertilizers and pestic • ...
Farming 2014-03-27
- a male sheep
- the person that looks after the farm
- a vegetable like a turnip
- has lambs
- gets the grain out of crops
- the machine that works the land
- cuts grass
- cultivates the land
- a green tractor
- the part that powers the implements
- a male cow
- grass in a bale
- first part of a tractor name which is red
- produces milk
14 Clues: has lambs • a male cow • cuts grass • a male sheep • produces milk • a green tractor • grass in a bale • cultivates the land • a vegetable like a turnip • gets the grain out of crops • the machine that works the land • the part that powers the implements • the person that looks after the farm • first part of a tractor name which is red
Farming 2024-01-09
- Farms specialising in the rearing of animals
- the decisions and actions taken during farming.
- Farms where produce is grown for sale
- elements that are needed for a farm to function; they can be physical, eg. sunlight or human, eg. labour.
- Farms with high input and high yield per hectare. Can include high-technology resources or lots of labour.
- what is left for the farmer's own use or investment once costs have been paid.
- Farms where produce is mainly grown for the farmer’s own use. Any surplus is sold to buy other goods.
- the resulting produce from the farm; they may be for sale, or for the farmer's own use.
- the physical shape of the Earth’s surface which is determined by its altitude / height above sea level. It is greatly affected by the underlying geology
- Animals kept at high density in small units
- the long-term weather pattern in a region, typically averaged over 30 years.
- Farms specialising in growing crops
- Farms with low input and low output per hectare. High yield is achieved by covering large areas with few workers.
- the quantity of product harvested on a given cultivated surface.
14 Clues: Farms specialising in growing crops • Farms where produce is grown for sale • Animals kept at high density in small units • Farms specialising in the rearing of animals • the decisions and actions taken during farming. • the quantity of product harvested on a given cultivated surface. • the long-term weather pattern in a region, typically averaged over 30 years. • ...
Farming 2013-07-07
- A common ruminant species
- a type of milking shed
- all mammals produces this
- What moves the food through the small intestines
- where the milk is kept until collected
- "the cow chews her ....."
- a type of unique ruminant species
- product made from calves hooves
- The biggest stomach of a cow
- What ruminants eat
- A type of dairy product
- The last stomach of a cow
- The second stomach of a ruminant species
- animals with four stomachs
14 Clues: What ruminants eat • a type of milking shed • A type of dairy product • A common ruminant species • The last stomach of a cow • all mammals produces this • "the cow chews her ....." • animals with four stomachs • The biggest stomach of a cow • product made from calves hooves • a type of unique ruminant species • where the milk is kept until collected • ...
Farming 2022-08-28
14 Clues: TO work • Not Lost • To preach • Pauls friend • Put H2O on plant • Apostle of Jesus • To see something • Opposite of take • Died for our sins • Opposite of woman • What Jesus died on • Another word for God • Put seed in the ground • To make bigger or more
Farming 2013-07-07
- A common ruminant species
- a type of milking shed
- all mammals produces this
- What moves the food through the small intestines
- where the milk is kept until collected
- "the cow chews her ....."
- a type of unique ruminant species
- product made from calves hooves
- The biggest stomach of a cow
- What ruminants eat
- A type of dairy product
- The last stomach of a cow
- The second stomach of a ruminant species
- animals with four stomachs
14 Clues: What ruminants eat • a type of milking shed • A type of dairy product • A common ruminant species • The last stomach of a cow • all mammals produces this • "the cow chews her ....." • animals with four stomachs • The biggest stomach of a cow • product made from calves hooves • a type of unique ruminant species • where the milk is kept until collected • ...
Farming 2021-01-06
- the grains, fruit or vegs that are produced on a farm
- an area of land used for growing crops and keeping animals
- genetically modified organism
- a plant whose grain is used for making flour
- a tall plant. Its yellow seeds are eaten as food, made into flour or fed to animals
- picking and collecting plants/ the plants you collect/ the season when you pick and collect plants
- weedkiller (n.), chemicals used for destroying plants
- a substance that makes plants grow well
- agriculture (n.)
- cultivated (past participle)
- produced without the use of chemicals (adj.)
- a small object a new plant grows from
- the amount that is produced (n.)/ to produce (v.)
13 Clues: agriculture (n.) • cultivated (past participle) • genetically modified organism • a small object a new plant grows from • a substance that makes plants grow well • a plant whose grain is used for making flour • produced without the use of chemicals (adj.) • the amount that is produced (n.)/ to produce (v.) • the grains, fruit or vegs that are produced on a farm • ...
Farming 2021-01-18
- cows are fed at a __________
- crops grown commercially
- earlier tool for threshing the harvest
- different crops grown on same piece of land at different seasons
- the adult form of a silkworm
- buffaloes, cows, goats, etc. are reared for _____________
- a natural kind of fertilizer
- the most useful modern farming tool
- the other important tool used in ancient times for ploughing (it is not a plough)
- the breeding and rearing of fish for food
- the breeding and rearing of silkworms for silk
- the farming of flowers (usually a major branch of horticulture
- a combine harvester combines the three steps- reaping, threshing and ___________ into a single process
13 Clues: crops grown commercially • cows are fed at a __________ • the adult form of a silkworm • a natural kind of fertilizer • the most useful modern farming tool • earlier tool for threshing the harvest • the breeding and rearing of fish for food • the breeding and rearing of silkworms for silk • buffaloes, cows, goats, etc. are reared for _____________ • ...
Farming 2021-01-18
- crops grown commercially
- different crops grown on same piece of land at different seasons
- earlier tool for threshing the harvest
- the most useful modern farming tool
- cows are fed at a __________
- the other important tool used in ancient times for ploughing (it is not a plough)
- the breeding and rearing of silkworms for silk
- a natural kind of fertilizer
- the farming of flowers (usually a major branch of horticulture
- the breeding and rearing of fish for food
- a combine harvester combines the three steps- reaping, threshing and ___________ into a single process
- buffaloes, cows, goats, etc. are reared for _____________
- the adult form of a silkworm
13 Clues: crops grown commercially • cows are fed at a __________ • the adult form of a silkworm • a natural kind of fertilizer • the most useful modern farming tool • earlier tool for threshing the harvest • the breeding and rearing of fish for food • the breeding and rearing of silkworms for silk • buffaloes, cows, goats, etc. are reared for _____________ • ...
- agriculture: Farming methods that preserve natural resources long-term.
- agriculture: Farming in regions with mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers.
- desert Area lacking access to fresh, nutritious food.
- Small rural settlement, smaller than a village.
- Extensive livestock farming, typically in arid regions.
- nomadism: Seasonal movement of livestock for grazing.
- Expansion of urban areas into surrounding suburbs.
- urban area with diverse economic activities.
- area smaller than a city.
- Large-scale cash crop farming on estates.
- cultivation: Rotating fields for subsistence farming in tropical regions.
- Cultivation of grains such as wheat or corn.
- Small rural community with more amenities than hamlets.
- Cultivation of crops and raising of animals.
- agriculture: Farming for personal consumption rather than profit.
- settlement Communities outside urban areas with low population density.
- Raising cattle for milk production.
- farming Agriculture without synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
- farming: High-input agriculture maximizing output per unit area.
- fringe Transition zone between rural and urban areas.
- Seasonal movement of livestock between lowlands and mountains.
- Intensive vegetable farming for local markets.
- Growth of cities and migration to urban areas.
- farming: Combination of crop cultivation and animal husbandry.
- agriculture: Farming for sale and profit in markets.
- ranching Raising animals for meat production on large ranches.
- Integration of agriculture and business operations.
- farming: Low-input agriculture with minimal labor per acre.
- Cultivation of aquatic organisms for food.
- City with population over 10 million people.
30 Clues: area smaller than a city. • Raising cattle for milk production. • Large-scale cash crop farming on estates. • Cultivation of aquatic organisms for food. • urban area with diverse economic activities. • Cultivation of grains such as wheat or corn. • City with population over 10 million people. • Cultivation of crops and raising of animals. • ...
Ethiopia and India 2024-10-23
- Government farming rules
- Essential resource for growing plants
- Important crop in both Ethiopia and India
- Weather patterns
- Gives loans to farmers
- Modern farming machine
- The natural material crops grow in
- Natural farming
- Color associated with agricultural revolution
- Water management system crucial to farming
- What farmers use to grow crops
- Crop problems
- Person who grows crops or raises animals
- Official farming plan
- Finding better ways
- Process of introducing farming machinery
- Major success crop of India's Green Revolution
- Farmer organization model promoted in Ethiopia
- Money borrowed by farmers
- Country that launched the Green Revolution
20 Clues: Crop problems • Natural farming • Weather patterns • Finding better ways • Official farming plan • Gives loans to farmers • Modern farming machine • Government farming rules • Money borrowed by farmers • What farmers use to grow crops • The natural material crops grow in • Essential resource for growing plants • Person who grows crops or raises animals • ...
Farming 2021-09-16
12 Clues: break fences • Deer hide in me • I am big and green • what you give sheep • Where the fish live • Where the dogs live • Used to control pests • Towed behind the truck • I grow in the paddocks • What is grown on the farm • Animals drink water from me • where the wool comes off the sheep
Farming 2014-03-11
Farming 2023-09-12
- a plant that we now use in almost all of our clothes
- I am used for milk, meat, and I eat grass.
- corn
- hand tool used to cut grain
- domesticated from wolves
- small animals whose fur was used for clothing and blankets
- crop that requires a lot of water to grow
- a plant that is used as food, and for its oil
- a domesticated, one-toed, hoofed mammal
- similar to a cow
- large animals whose fur was used for clothing and blankets
- first group of animals to be domesticated
12 Clues: corn • similar to a cow • domesticated from wolves • hand tool used to cut grain • a domesticated, one-toed, hoofed mammal • crop that requires a lot of water to grow • first group of animals to be domesticated • I am used for milk, meat, and I eat grass. • a plant that is used as food, and for its oil • a plant that we now use in almost all of our clothes • ...
FARMING 2024-11-25
12 Clues: Brinjal • Lemon grass • Manages pests • Walking barefoot • Retains moisture • Arrangement of veins • Develops into new plants • Fertilizing organic mixture • A slender threadlike appendage • Ginger, Garlic and Green Chillies • Fleshy enlarged underground root or stem • Plant varieties that have been through generations
Farming APES 2022-05-31
- farming/tilling on the side of a slope
- breaking down of soil
- rotating crops to preserve soil
- converting slopes into flat land
- top layer of soil
- practice used to clear land for farming
- farming without tilling
- practice of farming
- bottom layer of the soil
- material between the size of clay & sand
- very high porosity/very low permeability
- soil composed of clay,silt,&sand
- decline of soil quality
- primitive style of food production
- improves soil quality
- practice used to water crops
- animals degrading soil quality
- process of fertilizing flowers
- different crops in between rows
- process of land drying out
- farming that uses antibiotics
- farming of multiple crops
- farming of one type of crop
- very high porosity and permeability
- excess water in the soil
- erosions happens from this
- weathering of soil through weather
27 Clues: top layer of soil • practice of farming • breaking down of soil • improves soil quality • farming without tilling • decline of soil quality • excess water in the soil • bottom layer of the soil • farming of multiple crops • process of land drying out • erosions happens from this • farming of one type of crop • practice used to water crops • farming that uses antibiotics • ...
AP Human Unit 5 Crossword 2024-04-19
- Unique or niche agricultural products
- Uncontrolled city expansion
- Nomadic herding lifestyle
- Early human food acquisition
- Taming wild species for use
- agricultural economy: Basic living farming practices
- Cattle breeding and management
- Natural farming practices
- Large-scale agricultural estates
- Merging farming with commerce
- Chemicals for controlling pests
- Path from farm to market
- Reliable access to food
- Applying biology for various uses
- Transition to machine-driven society
- Work-demanding farming practices
- Balancing environmental, economic, and social factors
- Seasonal movement of herds
- Consolidating within industry
- agriculture Farming in region-specific conditions
- High-effort farming methods
- Crop cultivation, livestock raising
- Land degradation into desert
- Production and processing of milk
- Clearing land with fire
- Large-scale farming practices
- Automating farm processes
- Altered genetic makeup (in foods)
- Erosion of fertile soil layer
- Rotational farming method
- Cultivating aquatic organisms for food
- Agricultural productivity surge
- Soil salt accumulation
- Confined areas for livestock feeding
- Land cleared by slash-and-burn
35 Clues: Soil salt accumulation • Clearing land with fire • Reliable access to food • Path from farm to market • Nomadic herding lifestyle • Automating farm processes • Rotational farming method • Natural farming practices • Seasonal movement of herds • Uncontrolled city expansion • High-effort farming methods • Taming wild species for use • Early human food acquisition • ...
amazing geography homework 2021-11-21
- farming that requires few inputs
- agriculture practiced in one place
- farming both crops and animals
- only growing enough for urself/family
- growing fruit/veg commercially
- rearing animals
- things to supply
- cultivating crops
- raising domestic birds for meat/eggs
- things to do to inputs
- the result
- rearing of live stock
- farming that controls a lot of effort
- involves inputs processes and outputs
- growing stuff to sell
- farming, includes crops and animals
16 Clues: the result • rearing animals • things to supply • cultivating crops • rearing of live stock • growing stuff to sell • things to do to inputs • farming both crops and animals • growing fruit/veg commercially • farming that requires few inputs • agriculture practiced in one place • farming, includes crops and animals • raising domestic birds for meat/eggs • ...
Farming & Populism 2014-04-28
- are rules and procedures
- Plains/The Morrill Act encouraged settling in this area
- 1889, the U.S. allowed farmers claim lands in this territory
- movement called reduced drinking of hard liquor
- 40,000 African-Americans left the South for this state
- wide open spaces across the U.S. was called this
- commerce/This Act regulated trade between states
- Act granted land to the states to sell
- /This doubled in the U.S in the period 1860 – 1900
- /African-Americans southerners who left the South
- farming/Growing crops with very little water was called this
- farmers/What farmers became when they lost farms and homes
- /Settlers using tough root-filled soil to build homes
- production due to machinery advancements caused it
- Rush /When 50,000 hurried to claim lands it was called this
- Bidwell/A founder of Chico, California
- Party/Farmers joined together to form this political body
- state’s constitution to give women suffrage
- /This act granted 160 acres to small farmers
- Grange/This body educated, lobbied and advocated for farmers
20 Clues: are rules and procedures • Bidwell/A founder of Chico, California • Act granted land to the states to sell • state’s constitution to give women suffrage • /This act granted 160 acres to small farmers • movement called reduced drinking of hard liquor • wide open spaces across the U.S. was called this • commerce/This Act regulated trade between states • ...
Organic farming 2020-02-26
- an adult female pig, especially one that has farrowed
- yellow, oil seed plant
- the most populated country in the world
- The capital of Hungary
- famous Hungarian spice
- you cannot use it for preventive treatment in organic livestock farming
- milk product
- domestic male pig
- friesian the most popular dairy cattle breed
- genetically modified abbreviation
- famous alcoholic Hungarian drink
- young pig
- white, healthy drink
- yellow sweet-tasting tuber vegetable
- nutrient-rich animal end product, is used to nourish the soil
- the opposite of healthy
- essential to life
- the most important meal of the day
- male cattle
- produced by the hen
- what is it called when the ewe gives birth to the lamb?
- We call it when an animal's leg hurts
22 Clues: young pig • male cattle • milk product • essential to life • domestic male pig • produced by the hen • white, healthy drink • yellow, oil seed plant • The capital of Hungary • famous Hungarian spice • the opposite of healthy • famous alcoholic Hungarian drink • genetically modified abbreviation • the most important meal of the day • yellow sweet-tasting tuber vegetable • ...
Farming/Agriculture 2023-04-29
- Growing crops to sell
- Growing fruits and vegetables
- Fish farming
- Moving from one place to another
- Chemical used to kill insects
- A farm that only produces milk and milk products
- Chemical used to make the soil fertile
- Grow food to feed your family
- Staying at a fixed place all the time
- Need a lot of workers on the farm
- A rich country
- Raising animals
- Farming that is good for the environment
- Growing crops and rearing animals
- Farms that grow crops
- Farms that are very big in size and use high tech machines.
- A poor country
- Large farms that use pesticides and herbicides
- Chemical used by the farmer to kill weeds
- Growing just one type of crop
20 Clues: Fish farming • A rich country • A poor country • Raising animals • Growing crops to sell • Farms that grow crops • Growing fruits and vegetables • Chemical used to kill insects • Growing just one type of crop • Grow food to feed your family • Moving from one place to another • Growing crops and rearing animals • Need a lot of workers on the farm • Staying at a fixed place all the time • ...
Irish farming 2024-09-04
- Black and white breed of cow
- a baby cow
- Roosters are a variety of this important Irish crop
- the average pig litter size born on farms
- A black breed of beef animal which gives tasty steak
- the dairy industry produces a lot of this from cows
- This is a high protein, high fat food from milk
- This is a small native breed of cow from SW Ireland
- the material from cows used as org fertiliser
- This is a crop grown for feeding cows and brewing
- A breed of sheep found up in Irish mountains
- The range of living organisms on the farm
- a baby pig
- These are often used as boundaries between fields
- These grow in the ground and are harvested yearly
- spread on crops for growth
- the bog of Allen has this soil wet type
- soft curly covering found on sheep
- Cows have this large 4 part stomach for grass
- a baby sheep
20 Clues: a baby pig • a baby cow • a baby sheep • spread on crops for growth • Black and white breed of cow • soft curly covering found on sheep • the bog of Allen has this soil wet type • The range of living organisms on the farm • the average pig litter size born on farms • A breed of sheep found up in Irish mountains • the material from cows used as org fertiliser • ...
Farming Issue 2024-04-15
- Otago University student magazine
- Recent American music festival
- Synonym for farming
- What animal does wool come from?
- Area of space that is 4050 square metres
- R&B Singer who performed in Auckland recently
- A semi-rural property comprising a house and land for small-scale farming
- 2011 sandbox videogame
- A horse that is under 14.2 hands high
- Grass that has been cut, dried and stored
- Thing on a farm that can give you an electric shock
- Print used on hunting clothing
- New Zealand documentary TV series that highlights rural life
- “Old BLANK had a farm”
- New Zealand region where iwi Ngāti Maniapoto originates
- 1995 film about a pig
- Previous Massive issue theme
- Eddie Murphy film character
- Sabrina Carpenter’s new single title
- Group of cows
- Horse riding pants
- Actor who voices Kung Fu Panda
- Country that is also a movie title
23 Clues: Group of cows • Horse riding pants • Synonym for farming • 1995 film about a pig • “Old BLANK had a farm” • 2011 sandbox videogame • Eddie Murphy film character • Previous Massive issue theme • Print used on hunting clothing • Recent American music festival • Actor who voices Kung Fu Panda • What animal does wool come from? • Otago University student magazine • ...
carbon farming 2024-06-05
- the science or practice of farming
- gas used for indoor planting
- A measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide and other carbon compounds emitted by a person or group over a period of time, due to their consumption of fossil fuels.
- sustainable farming that works with nature
- 43560 square feet of land
- is the preparation of soil for planting and the cultivation of the after planting
- is the care of breeding plants
- Orange root that is commonly eaten
- The process of capturing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, often through the growth of vegetation and soil carbon storage.
- The cycle of carbon
- the act in caring and raising plants
- to prepare and use land for growing crops
- A set of land management practices aimed at increasing the amount of carbon stored in soils and vegetation, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
- A cultivated plant grown in farms as food
- The process of collecting soil samples to determine the baseline level of soil organic carbon, used as a reference for future changes in carbon storage.
- is a broad field of biology for farming
- A powerful motor vehicle with large rear wheels, used chiefly on farms for hauling equipment and trailers
- Well being of the soil
- Carbon grown in soil
- A permit or certificate that allows a company or organisation to emit a specific amount of greenhouse gases, or the equivalent value of a reduction in emissions.
20 Clues: The cycle of carbon • Carbon grown in soil • Well being of the soil • 43560 square feet of land • gas used for indoor planting • is the care of breeding plants • the science or practice of farming • Orange root that is commonly eaten • the act in caring and raising plants • is a broad field of biology for farming • to prepare and use land for growing crops • ...
Organic farming 2020-02-26
- an adult female pig, especially one that has farrowed
- yellow, oil seed plant
- the most populated country in the world
- The capital of Hungary
- famous Hungarian spice
- you cannot use it for preventive treatment in organic livestock farming
- milk product
- domestic male pig
- friesian the most popular dairy cattle breed
- genetically modified abbreviation
- famous alcoholic Hungarian drink
- young pig
- white, healthy drink
- yellow sweet-tasting tuber vegetable
- nutrient-rich animal end product, is used to nourish the soil
- the opposite of healthy
- essential to life
- the most important meal of the day
- male cattle
- produced by the hen
- what is it called when the ewe gives birth to the lamb?
- We call it when an animal's leg hurts
22 Clues: young pig • male cattle • milk product • essential to life • domestic male pig • produced by the hen • white, healthy drink • yellow, oil seed plant • The capital of Hungary • famous Hungarian spice • the opposite of healthy • famous alcoholic Hungarian drink • genetically modified abbreviation • the most important meal of the day • yellow sweet-tasting tuber vegetable • ...
Farming Issue 2024-04-15
- Previous Massive issue theme
- Recent American music festival
- Thing on a farm that can give you an electric shock
- 2011 sandbox videogame
- R&B Singer who performed in Auckland recently
- Print used on hunting clothing
- Country that is also a movie title
- What animal does wool come from?
- Otago University student magazine
- New Zealand documentary TV series that highlights rural life
- Eddie Murphy film character
- Area of space that is 4050 square metres
- New Zealand region where iwi Ngāti Maniapoto originates
- A semi-rural property comprising a house and land for small-scale farming
- A horse that is under 14.2 hands high
- Actor who voices Kung Fu Panda
- Grass that has been cut, dried and stored
- Sabrina Carpenter’s new single title
- “Old BLANK had a farm”
- Horse riding pants
- Synonym for farming
- 1995 film about a pig
- Group of cows
23 Clues: Group of cows • Horse riding pants • Synonym for farming • 1995 film about a pig • 2011 sandbox videogame • “Old BLANK had a farm” • Eddie Murphy film character • Previous Massive issue theme • Recent American music festival • Actor who voices Kung Fu Panda • Print used on hunting clothing • What animal does wool come from? • Otago University student magazine • ...
Agricultural Jobs 2023-07-18
- Cultivates aquatic organisms for commercial use
- Teaches farming-related courses
- Oversees controlled plant growth
- Analyzes the economics of farming
- Provides expert advice to farmers
- A farmer who raises and cares for animals on a large farm
- Studies soil and crop sciences
- Assists in research and data collection
- Develops strategies to promote farming products
- Designs farm machinery and equipment
- Designs water supply systems for farms
- Expert in providing medical care to pets and livestock
- Oversees milk production and cattle health
- Conducts scientific studies to enhance farming
- Conducts research in genetic engineering
- Sells farming products and services
- Ensures compliance with farming standards
- Cultivates fields and manages plant growth
- Specializes in fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants
- Oversees daily farm operations
20 Clues: Oversees daily farm operations • Studies soil and crop sciences • Teaches farming-related courses • Oversees controlled plant growth • Analyzes the economics of farming • Provides expert advice to farmers • Sells farming products and services • Designs farm machinery and equipment • Designs water supply systems for farms • Assists in research and data collection • ...
carbon farming 2024-06-10
- A measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide and other carbon compounds emitted by a person or group over a period of time, due to their consumption of fossil fuels.
- A permit or certificate that allows a company or organisation to emit a specific amount of greenhouse gases, or the equivalent value of a reduction in emissions.
- is a broad field of biology for farming
- to prepare and use land for growing crops
- sustainable farming that works with nature
- A powerful motor vehicle with large rear wheels, used chiefly on farms for hauling equipment and trailers.
- The cycle of carbon
- of the soil
- is the care of breeding plants
- A set of land management practices aimed at increasing the amount of carbon stored in soils and vegetation, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
- the act in caring and raising plants
- Carbon grown in soil
- gas used for indoor planting
- The process of collecting soil samples to determine the baseline level of soil organic carbon, used as a reference for future changes in carbon storage.
- Orange root that is commonly eaten
- The process of capturing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, often through the growth of vegetation and soil carbon storage.
- 43560 square feet of land
- A cultivated plant grown in farms as food
- is the preparation of soil for planting and the cultivation of the after planting
- the science or practice of farming
20 Clues: of the soil • The cycle of carbon • Carbon grown in soil • 43560 square feet of land • gas used for indoor planting • is the care of breeding plants • Orange root that is commonly eaten • the science or practice of farming • the act in caring and raising plants • is a broad field of biology for farming • to prepare and use land for growing crops • ...
Carbon Farming 2024-06-06
- A colorless gas absorbed by plants and soil
- Holds moisture gasses and tiny particles
- Long term temperature changes often caused by heat trapping gasses (Carbon)
- Storage of carbon in the ocean, soil and vegetation
- Living and nonliving working together to create life
- Average rate when greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere
- Where soil carbon is mainly stored
- Soil that is able to sustain plant growth
- Used for destroying or repelling pest
- when plants use sunlight to make food from carbon dioxide and water
- Herbicide used to kill weeds
- a supplement used to supply plants with nutrients
- Carbon admissions
- The practice of keeping the soil structure instead of breaking it down
- A balance between emitting and absorbing carbon in the atmosphere
- Total amount of greenhouse gasses produced
- Agriculture methods that enhance carbon storage
- Capacity of soil structure
- Fuel containing coal oil and natural gas
- Practice of farming
20 Clues: Carbon admissions • Practice of farming • Capacity of soil structure • Herbicide used to kill weeds • Where soil carbon is mainly stored • Used for destroying or repelling pest • Holds moisture gasses and tiny particles • Fuel containing coal oil and natural gas • Soil that is able to sustain plant growth • Total amount of greenhouse gasses produced • ...
Farming Issue 2024-04-15
- Recent American music festival
- Thing on a farm that can give you an electric shock
- Sabrina Carpenter’s new single title
- 2011 sandbox videogame
- Print used on hunting clothing
- Group of cows
- Country that is also a movie title
- New Zealand documentary TV series that highlights rural life
- Synonym for farming
- Actor who voices Kung Fu Panda
- What animal does wool come from?
- Horse riding pants
- 1995 film about a pig
- A semi-rural property comprising a house and land for small-scale farming
- “Old BLANK had a farm”
- R&B Singer who performed in Auckland recently
- New Zealand region where iwi Ngāti Maniapoto originates
- Previous Massive issue theme
- Eddie Murphy film character
- Area of space that is 4050 square metres
- Grass that has been cut, dried and stored
- Otago University student magazine
- A horse that is under 14.2 hands high
23 Clues: Group of cows • Horse riding pants • Synonym for farming • 1995 film about a pig • “Old BLANK had a farm” • 2011 sandbox videogame • Eddie Murphy film character • Previous Massive issue theme • Recent American music festival • Print used on hunting clothing • Actor who voices Kung Fu Panda • What animal does wool come from? • Otago University student magazine • ...
Farming 2016 2016-11-26
- Quick learner
- Will operate anywhere
- Happiest guy around
- last year north of the valley
- Agronomist
- Where Wheat goes
- new land
- what wind does to canola
- Get'r done attitude
- Kerrie,Wilma, Peggy,Gwen,Amy,
- Meals are on time!
- Mechanic on the run
- 1000 gal tank
- French Cuisine
- Dryland this fall
- great view from here
- On call logistics, meals,parts
- We always win
- Biggest input
- What the Fababeans weren't
- Shipped to US, Mexico, China and Japan
- What Fababeans have
22 Clues: new land • Agronomist • Quick learner • 1000 gal tank • We always win • Biggest input • French Cuisine • Where Wheat goes • Dryland this fall • Meals are on time! • Happiest guy around • Get'r done attitude • What Fababeans have • Mechanic on the run • great view from here • Will operate anywhere • what wind does to canola • What the Fababeans weren't • last year north of the valley • ...
Farming Crossword 2014-06-09
- land that can be used to grow crops
- per person
- the cultivation of a single crop on a farm or in a region or country
- income that comes from many sources
- a plant or animal bread from 2 or more species for the best features
- eatable
- increase in agricultural productivity for high yields and variety
- a small amount of land used for harvesting perishable goods
- a crop sold for money instead of private consumption
- describes the use by people of the Earth’s environmental resources at a rate such that the capacity for renewal is ensured
- describes a group of people who have no fixed home and move from place to place
- vegetation areas characterised by small, multitrunked eucalypts found in the semi-arid areas of southern Australia
- when a large amount of land is used for cattle farming
- describes an area with gentle hills
- variety of plants and animal life
- businesses set up to distribute produce
- improvement of technology or variety with plants to better farming
- practice of growing fruit and vegetables
- describes farming that provides food only for the needs of the farmer’s family, leaving little or none to sell
- uses trees and shrubs on farms for profit
- rotating crops so that no crop endures the same season
- renewable sources to make fuel
22 Clues: eatable • per person • renewable sources to make fuel • variety of plants and animal life • land that can be used to grow crops • describes an area with gentle hills • income that comes from many sources • businesses set up to distribute produce • practice of growing fruit and vegetables • uses trees and shrubs on farms for profit • ...
Tobacco Farming 2024-01-05
- A disease that can damage both tobacco seedlings and mature plants
- A term for a large quantity of tobacco
- A cigar that has a thick body, a spherical mouth end, and a straight-cut burning end.
- Immediately after harvesting, tobacco is cured to remove all of the natural sap from the leaves so
- A mixture of tobacco varieties.
- A machine used in tobacco processing facilities to cut the blade of the leaf away from the
- A general term for low-quality tobacco, it can denote tobacco from an inferior variety
- The primary stem of an entire tobacco plant
- burning end.
- it can be further processed and/or manufactured.
- Applying a pre-cutting solution or sauce to tobacco
- the process of relocating a plant, either from one spot in your garden to another or from a pot to pot.
- a plant that can be dried and smoked in cigarettes, pipes, or cigars
- Dividing tobacco leaves from a hogshead or bale for inspection.
- to plant seed for growth especially by scattering
- A tobacco leaf used as the outermost covering of a ciga
- On a flue-cured tobacco plant, the second grouping of leaves from the ground
- removing mature leaves from tobacco plants
- A process generally reserved for dark tobaccos that will be used in pipe mixtures or dark
- A small, usually round but sometimes square, cigar that has a straight-cut mouth end and a
- soil or a bed of soil prepared for planting seed.
- Tobacco that has been cut into fine strips for use in cigarettes
- Removing non-tobacco-related material and undesirable leaves from tobacco during processing.
- A mild state of fermentation
24 Clues: burning end. • A mild state of fermentation • A mixture of tobacco varieties. • A term for a large quantity of tobacco • removing mature leaves from tobacco plants • The primary stem of an entire tobacco plant • it can be further processed and/or manufactured. • to plant seed for growth especially by scattering • soil or a bed of soil prepared for planting seed. • ...
Farming Crossword 2022-11-27
- A vehicle used on a farm
- A type of farm
- A farm building
- A male sheep
- A place to buy and sell
- A farmers footwear
- Don't leave it open
- A product from dairy cows
- Used to transport your animals
- An implement used to turn over soil
- A make of tractor
- A type of crop
- Your Club
- An organisation for young people to join
- A farmers best friend
- A male pig
- Off-road transport
- A room for horses
- Beware of the...?
- A machine used to transport liquid
- A make of forager
- Boundary of a field
- Can be used for animal bedding
23 Clues: Your Club • A male pig • A male sheep • A type of crop • A type of farm • A farm building • A room for horses • Beware of the...? • A make of forager • A make of tractor • Off-road transport • A farmers footwear • Boundary of a field • Don't leave it open • A farmers best friend • A place to buy and sell • A vehicle used on a farm • A product from dairy cows • Can be used for animal bedding • ...
Farming 2022-05-31
- Farmers stored canned food in the...
- How did farmers move their crops to the market?
- Where did farmers relax during nice weather?
- What type of crop is a potato?
- Where would the crops be washed?
- How many miles an hour can you go when driving between the farm and town?
- Where would animals live on the farm?
- What would you use to break up the dirt on the farm?
- Where did people go to the bathroom?
- What is the one animal we have on our farm?
- Farmers got water from the...
11 Clues: Farmers got water from the... • What type of crop is a potato? • Where would the crops be washed? • Farmers stored canned food in the... • Where did people go to the bathroom? • Where would animals live on the farm? • What is the one animal we have on our farm? • Where did farmers relax during nice weather? • How did farmers move their crops to the market? • ...
FARMING 2 2023-07-15
- The controlled application of water to crops to ensure proper hydration.
- Turning over the soil using a plow.
- A medical professional specialized in the health and treatment of animals, including farm animals.
- A place where local farmers sell fresh produce directly to consumers.
- The science and practice of cultivating crops and rearing animals.
- Chemical substances used to control or eliminate pests in crops.
- The practice of raising livestock, especially cattle, on a large scale.
- Food, typically dried hay or straw, for livestock.
- The industry involved in producing, processing, and distributing agricultural products.
- The study of soil management and crop production.
- The art and science of growing plants, including fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants.
- Farming practices that avoid the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
- Farming for the production of milk and dairy products.
- Fermented and stored green fodder used as animal feed.
- A facility where eggs are incubated and hatched, often for poultry or fish.
- The practice of alternating different crops in the same field to improve soil fertility.
- A mature plant's unit of reproduction, used for growing new crops.
- A crop grown to protect and improve the soil during periods of rest or between main crops.
- A machine that harvests, threshes, and cleans grain crops.
19 Clues: Turning over the soil using a plow. • The study of soil management and crop production. • Food, typically dried hay or straw, for livestock. • Farming for the production of milk and dairy products. • Fermented and stored green fodder used as animal feed. • A machine that harvests, threshes, and cleans grain crops. • ...
Farming 2022-11-04
- a group of living things that share common biological characteristics
- a place where animals marketed for meat are killed humanely
- instruments, tools or inventions developed through research to increase efficiency
- the act of cutting hair or wool
- any unwanted plant, especially those that crowd out more desirable plants
- the changing of the specific fields used for one crop year to year
- a mixture of raw materials such as field corn, sorghum, grass, or clover that is converted into winter feed for livestock
- the growth of the city into rural areas
- a blade with a long handle used to cut grass grain, and other crops
- the amount of a crop produced in a given time or from a given place
- a bull that has been castrated for better meat production
11 Clues: the act of cutting hair or wool • the growth of the city into rural areas • a bull that has been castrated for better meat production • a place where animals marketed for meat are killed humanely • the changing of the specific fields used for one crop year to year • a blade with a long handle used to cut grass grain, and other crops • ...
Farming 2013-06-06
- large amounts of labour, machinery, and fertilizers used on small farms
- process whereby machinery takes over the work of humans or animals
- ability of land to be used for a certain purpose
- type of farming where small amounts of labour, machinery, and fertilizers are used on large farms
- genetically modified organisms
- agricultural businesses like growing, storing, processing, and distributing food, and may be owned by a large corporation, a family, or an individual
- chemicals designed to kill harmful insects, etc.
- approach to agricultural production that can be maintained indefinitely without harming the environment
- agriculture without the use of chemicals, antibiotics, hormones, or genetically modified organisms
- chemical designed to kill unwanted plants and weeds
- a substance, such as manure or a chemical, put on agricultural land to produce a greater crop yield
11 Clues: genetically modified organisms • chemicals designed to kill harmful insects, etc. • ability of land to be used for a certain purpose • chemical designed to kill unwanted plants and weeds • process whereby machinery takes over the work of humans or animals • large amounts of labour, machinery, and fertilizers used on small farms • ...
Farming 2022-03-29
Farming 2019-11-19
- something that needs sowing
- feed preserved for winter
- these need to be in good order
- supply water to pastures and crops
- young cow not in production yet
- a very handy way of getting around a farm
- this crop has a golden flower
- this gives feed for stock
- a prickly weed
- large vehicle that calls to collect milk
- refrigerated storage on your farm
11 Clues: a prickly weed • this gives feed for stock • feed preserved for winter • something that needs sowing • this crop has a golden flower • these need to be in good order • young cow not in production yet • refrigerated storage on your farm • supply water to pastures and crops • large vehicle that calls to collect milk • a very handy way of getting around a farm
- type of farming that Animals.
- automation, modern method of farming, uses developed drones, robotic harvesters etc.
- farming methods, refer to the agricultural production system characterized by the high inputs of capital labour heavy usage of farm machinery
- that take place to turn inputs to outputs on a farm
- insecurity, the state of being without reliable access to enough affordable nutritious food.
- sprawl, refers to the expansion of poorly planned low-density, auto-dependent development
- the cultivation of a single crop in each area.
- type of farming which has High inputs of labour or capital generally small.
- type of farming that grows Crop
- excessive richness of nutrients in a lake or other body of water frequently due to run-off from the land which causes a dense growth of plant life.
- type of farming Grows crops for the farmer and his family.
- type of farming Grows crops to sell.
- input,natural things that are found or added to the farm
- agriculture, is an approach to farm management that uses information technology to ensure that the crops and soil receive exactly what they need for optimum health and productivity
- vertical, the practice of growing crops in vertically stacked layers.
- type of farming that Crops and animals.
- shortage, this problem occurs when food supplies within a bounded region do not provide the energy and nutrients needed by that region's population.
- genomics, it is the application of genomics in agriculture to improve the productivity and sustainability in crop and livestock production
- culture, modern farming method it is the growth of tissues or cells in an artificial medium separate from the parent organism
- type of farming which has Low inputs of labour or capital.
- type of farming Permanently in in one place
- difference in height from the surrounding terrain.
- security, means that all people always have physical social and economic access to sufficient and nutritious food that meets their food preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life.
- yield, producing a large amount; giving a high return.
- the process of eroding or being eroded by wind water or other natural agents.
25 Clues: type of farming that Animals. • type of farming that grows Crop • type of farming Grows crops to sell. • type of farming that Crops and animals. • type of farming Permanently in in one place • the cultivation of a single crop in each area. • difference in height from the surrounding terrain. • that take place to turn inputs to outputs on a farm • ...
Unit 5 Vocabulary 2025-02-24
- a group of people
- a place where livestock are penned
- a town that experiences sudden growth in population and business.
- farming for profit.
- to create goods.
- farming for health
- exclusive possession or control.
- how to tell difference between cattle owners.
- act of collecting animals with horses
- underdeveloped land is beyond the border of territory.
- a type of cattle with long horns.
- the buying and selling of goods and services.
- farming on rented land.
- a crane used to extract oil
- person who takes care of saddle horses.
- other parts of the cow used
- a place in which animals are slaughtered and packed.
- a building equipped to refine.
18 Clues: to create goods. • a group of people • farming for health • farming for profit. • farming on rented land. • a crane used to extract oil • other parts of the cow used • a building equipped to refine. • exclusive possession or control. • a type of cattle with long horns. • a place where livestock are penned • act of collecting animals with horses • ...
Ap Human Geo Chapter 10 2022-03-02
- changing ag tools
- rice farm
- land cleared for planting (burning +slashing)
- low farming large soil conservation
- two crops one farm
- helps keep soil healthy
- large farms
- agriculture food to direct consumption
- large effort big profit
- one felid to another
- commercial agriculture
- higher-yeild and fast crops
- farming domesticated animals
- seasonal herding
- milk supplied w/o spoiling
- human caused drylands
- fruits and veggie farming
- agriculture for public consumption
- low food in stores
- farming for commercial gardening and fruit
- agriculture to minimize pollution
21 Clues: rice farm • large farms • seasonal herding • changing ag tools • two crops one farm • low food in stores • one felid to another • human caused drylands • commercial agriculture • helps keep soil healthy • large effort big profit • fruits and veggie farming • milk supplied w/o spoiling • higher-yeild and fast crops • farming domesticated animals • agriculture to minimize pollution • ...
Unit 5 Vocabulary Eric Batista Per.2 2024-04-19
- Modernization of agriculture with technology and science
- Large-scale farming focused on cash crops
- Traditional slash-and-burn farming method
- Advancements in farming techniques and tools post-Industrial Revolution
- Genetically modified organisms for agricultural purposes
- Growing crops primarily for sustenance of one's family
- Transforming raw materials into finished goods for sale
- Ethical trading practices promoting equitable partnerships
- Economic activities specific to the city of Quincy
- Geographical areas with common agricultural characteristics
- Directly harnessing natural resources for economic gain
- Raising animals primarily for meat production
- Knowledge-based economic activities emphasizing research and development
- Land division method creating long, narrow plots
- Region characterized by mild, rainy winters and hot, dry summers
- Profit-driven farming for market sale
- Systematic recording of land ownership and boundaries
- Fattening animals for market sale
- Geographic areas sharing similar weather patterns
- Cultivable land suitable for growing crops
- Providing services rather than producing goods directly
- Historical land division system from English colonization
- Survey system dividing land into uniform squares
- Natural farming methods without synthetic chemicals
- Transition from hunting and gathering to settled farming
- High-input farming maximizing yield per unit of land
- Process of adapting wild animals for human use
- Climate zone with distinct seasons and moderate temperatures
- Low-input farming spread over large land areas
- Process of land turning into desert due to misuse
30 Clues: Fattening animals for market sale • Profit-driven farming for market sale • Large-scale farming focused on cash crops • Traditional slash-and-burn farming method • Cultivable land suitable for growing crops • Raising animals primarily for meat production • Process of adapting wild animals for human use • Low-input farming spread over large land areas • ...
Natural farming regions of Zimbabawe 2023-12-05
- a border town in natural farming region 5
- is grown in natural farming region 1
- a drought tolerant crop grown in natural farming region 4
- a city in natural farming region 4
- found in naturala farming region 2
- a crop grown in natural farming region 2
- this region receives more than 1000 mm of rainfall
- a natural farming region where sugar can is grown under irrigation
- plantations of this are found in natural region 1
- this region receives 450 - 650 mm of rainfall
- a natural farming region with less than 400mm of rainfall per annum
- bananas are grown in this area in natural region 1
- found in natural farming region 1
- is grown under irrigation in this farming region
- an area in natural farming region 1
15 Clues: found in natural farming region 1 • a city in natural farming region 4 • found in naturala farming region 2 • an area in natural farming region 1 • is grown in natural farming region 1 • a crop grown in natural farming region 2 • a border town in natural farming region 5 • this region receives 450 - 650 mm of rainfall • is grown under irrigation in this farming region • ...
ESS Topic 5 Important Terminology 2025-02-12
- farming Farming that provides food for the farmer’s family with little surplus.
- A substance added to soil to enhance plant growth.
- The excessive grazing of land, leading to soil degradation.
- A balanced soil type containing sand, silt, and clay, ideal for agriculture.
- soil A soil type with medium-sized particles, better water retention than sand but better drainage than clay.
- farming Large-scale farming aimed at producing food for sale.
- The organic component of soil formed by decomposed plant material.
- The buildup of salts in soil, often due to irrigation.
- farming High-input farming aimed at maximizing yield per unit of land.
- The practice of growing multiple crops in the same area.
- A chemical used to kill pests that damage crops.
- The process by which fertile land becomes desert due to climate change or human activities.
- rotation The practice of growing different crops in the same field to maintain soil fertility.
- soil A soil type with small particles that retain water but have poor drainage.
- farming Farming that uses large areas with minimal inputs.
- The loss of nutrients from soil as water moves downward.
- The removal of soil by wind or water.
- A farming method involving the cutting and burning of forests for agriculture.
- profile A vertical section of soil showing different layers, called horizons.
- degradation The decline in soil quality due to human activities such as deforestation and overgrazing.
- The cultivation of a single crop over a large area.
- soil A soil type with large particles that drain quickly but retain few nutrients.
- The process of recycling organic matter into nutrient-rich soil.
23 Clues: The removal of soil by wind or water. • A chemical used to kill pests that damage crops. • A substance added to soil to enhance plant growth. • The cultivation of a single crop over a large area. • The buildup of salts in soil, often due to irrigation. • The loss of nutrients from soil as water moves downward. • ...
Agricrossword 2020-02-04
- growing a fish and plants at the same time
- farming and stuff
- growing plants without soil
- preparing of using crops
- rotation the act of switch ping crops in a time period
- basically balance
- a plant
- what holds plants
- makes plant live
- makes plants safe
- what you eat
- farming of fish
- farm industry
- poison for bugs to help plants
- animals on a farm
- Modified Organism: GMO
- the practice of farming
- caring for crops
- the science of farming
- the owning of land
- the supply of water for crops
- trees
22 Clues: trees • a plant • what you eat • farm industry • farming of fish • caring for crops • makes plant live • animals on a farm • farming and stuff • basically balance • what holds plants • makes plants safe • the owning of land • Modified Organism: GMO • the science of farming • the practice of farming • preparing of using crops • growing plants without soil • the supply of water for crops • ...
unit 6 2022-04-11
- a patched that had been cleared for planting
- rapid spread of farming tech
- fishing to much that they fish can't reproduce fast enough
- changing from hunting to farming
- farming to sell
- access to food at all times
- any plant from a harvest
- land that was left and can not be used for farming
- harvesting twice a year on the same field
- prime farming land
- growing of fruits vegetables and flowers
- changing the land for farming
- having minimal food to survive
- practicing roatating fields and plants to save soil
- living organism that has genes but into it
- planting on ridge tops
16 Clues: farming to sell • prime farming land • planting on ridge tops • any plant from a harvest • access to food at all times • rapid spread of farming tech • changing the land for farming • having minimal food to survive • changing from hunting to farming • growing of fruits vegetables and flowers • harvesting twice a year on the same field • living organism that has genes but into it • ...
Farming 2021-01-18
- helps in digging field
- in this seeds are placed at cross marks made in the field
- herbicidesprays are used to stop weeds
- it is the supplying of water
- it is the prose of cutting and collecting grains
- it is also known as multiple cropping
- dairy products are the food produced from milk
- the rearing of silkworm the production of silkworm
- they are use worldwide to control agriculture pests
- helps in cutting crop field
10 Clues: helps in digging field • helps in cutting crop field • it is the supplying of water • it is also known as multiple cropping • herbicidesprays are used to stop weeds • dairy products are the food produced from milk • it is the prose of cutting and collecting grains • the rearing of silkworm the production of silkworm • they are use worldwide to control agriculture pests • ...
Farming 2021-01-18
- the adopting of domestic bird
- help in digging field
- it is the supplying of water
- it is process of cutting and collecting grain
- boric acid and ddt are medicine
- it is done with the help of dibble
- it is the Branch of agriculture
- it lead to aeration of the soil
- these crop are sown in winter
- helps in cutting crop field
10 Clues: help in digging field • helps in cutting crop field • it is the supplying of water • the adopting of domestic bird • these crop are sown in winter • it is the Branch of agriculture • it lead to aeration of the soil • boric acid and ddt are medicine • it is done with the help of dibble • it is process of cutting and collecting grain
Farming 2021-10-22
- Short-term crops harvested in June or July that give melons
- A piece of agricultural machinery used to mix soil nutrients.
- A type of farming revolution initiated by Mexican wheat scientist Dr Norman Borlaug
- Natural material rich in N, P, K.
- The wheat crop is an example of this season
- An iron rod that plucks the weeds from the land.
- A method of separation of chaff from the crop
- An irrigation method ideal for water-scarce regions.
- A multi-purpose farm machine
- Animals that provide milk
10 Clues: Animals that provide milk • A multi-purpose farm machine • Natural material rich in N, P, K. • The wheat crop is an example of this season • A method of separation of chaff from the crop • An iron rod that plucks the weeds from the land. • An irrigation method ideal for water-scarce regions. • Short-term crops harvested in June or July that give melons • ...
Farming 2021-01-20
- uproots the unwanted plants in the field.
- is the process of cutting and collecting crops.
- helps in beating grains, crops and is a threshing tool.
- farming is the process of growing food to feed themselves.
- are the plants grown for decorative purposes.
- is only about using natural fertilizers.
- mainly produce seasonal fruits and vegetables.
- is a soilless future farming.
- is the breeding and rearing of fish.
- is also known as multiple cropping.
10 Clues: is a soilless future farming. • is also known as multiple cropping. • is the breeding and rearing of fish. • is only about using natural fertilizers. • uproots the unwanted plants in the field. • are the plants grown for decorative purposes. • mainly produce seasonal fruits and vegetables. • is the process of cutting and collecting crops. • ...
Farming 2021-01-18
- - Name anyone pesticide
- - Name any one steap of soil preparation
- - The breeding and rearing of fish by artificial means is called
- - Sowing is the process of planting
- - Write any two methods of sowing seeds
- - Name any one farm animal
- - Name one ornamental
- - Name any one thing made from feathers
- - Name any one dairy product
- - The ploughing is done with the help of
10 Clues: - Name one ornamental • - Name anyone pesticide • - Name any one farm animal • - Name any one dairy product • - Sowing is the process of planting • - Write any two methods of sowing seeds • - Name any one thing made from feathers • - Name any one steap of soil preparation • - The ploughing is done with the help of • ...
Farming 2021-01-18
- the rearing of silkworm the production of silkworm
- in this seeds are placed at cross marks made in the field
- they are use worldwide to control agriculture pests
- it is also known as multiple cropping
- it is the supplying of water
- it is the prose of cutting and collecting grains
- helps in cutting crop field
- dairy products are the food produced from milk
- herbicidesprays are used to stop weeds
- helps in digging field
10 Clues: helps in digging field • helps in cutting crop field • it is the supplying of water • it is also known as multiple cropping • herbicidesprays are used to stop weeds • dairy products are the food produced from milk • it is the prose of cutting and collecting grains • the rearing of silkworm the production of silkworm • they are use worldwide to control agriculture pests • ...
Farming 2022-09-24
- Large pieces of land was needed in t____________________ farming.
- V________________ farming is a way to grow plants.
- During d_________________, many plants cannot survive.
- We need m____________________ to work in the traditional farm.
- This farm grows many different kinds of v__________________.
- The students went to visit the f______________ to learn how vegetables are grown.
- Vertical farming is one way to overcome l_____________ land in Singapore.
- This high-teach farm makes use of t_____________________ to overcome manpower constraint.
- This morning heavy rain resulting in f________________ in many areas.
- Traditional farming depended on w_________________.
10 Clues: V________________ farming is a way to grow plants. • Traditional farming depended on w_________________. • During d_________________, many plants cannot survive. • This farm grows many different kinds of v__________________. • We need m____________________ to work in the traditional farm. • Large pieces of land was needed in t____________________ farming. • ...
farming 2023-04-28
10 Clues: type of semi • green tractor • real semi name • orange tractor • tall in yellow • fuel for tractors • harvest the fields • to help the field drain • type of bird from a farm • plant in the field in the winter
Farming 2020-03-06
10 Clues: To make less • Farmers' vehicles • Natural fertilizer • What a farmer grows • system within nature • Chemicals to kill insects • The skins of the vegetables • To keep in the same condition • Natural substances that help plants to grow • Chemicals that farmers put on plants to help them grow
FARMING 2021-01-19
Farming 2021-01-18
- the rearing of silkworm the production of silkworm
- in this seeds are placed at cross marks made in the field
- they are use worldwide to control agriculture pests
- it is also known as multiple cropping
- it is the supplying of water
- it is the prose of cutting and collecting grains
- helps in cutting crop field
- dairy products are the food produced from milk
- herbicidesprays are used to stop weeds
- helps in digging field
10 Clues: helps in digging field • helps in cutting crop field • it is the supplying of water • it is also known as multiple cropping • herbicidesprays are used to stop weeds • dairy products are the food produced from milk • it is the prose of cutting and collecting grains • the rearing of silkworm the production of silkworm • they are use worldwide to control agriculture pests • ...
farming 2023-11-29
10 Clues: used to move cows • father of a sheep • name for male cow • 1-2 year old sheep • pregnant for 5 months • always one on the farm • use it to move a digger • young cow that has not had a calf • has 4 wheels comes in only a few brands • big machine that you use to do drains,....
Farming 2024-10-17
- A place where crops are grown
- A large machine used to plow fields
- A structure used to house and protect livestock
- The process of planting seeds in the ground
- A tool used to cut and harvest crops
- The act of growing crops or raising animals
- The act of watering crops
- The natural environment where crops and animals live
- A type of farming that uses no pesticides or chemicals
- A fenced area used to contain livestock
10 Clues: The act of watering crops • A place where crops are grown • A large machine used to plow fields • A tool used to cut and harvest crops • A fenced area used to contain livestock • The process of planting seeds in the ground • The act of growing crops or raising animals • A structure used to house and protect livestock • The natural environment where crops and animals live • ...
Dairy Farming 2023-06-05
17 Clues: Fôr • Kyr • Gard • Korn • Utstyr • Husdyr • Avling • Fordel • Timeplan • Besetning • Mjølkerobot • Bærekraftig • Tilpassning • Arbeidstyrke • Mjølke_for_haand • Mjølkeproduksjon • Identifikasjonskrage
Farming 2021-01-19
10 Clues: winter crop • rearing of silkworm • example of zaid crop • a method of sowing seed • chemical nutrient of soil • need a lot of water to grow • tool used to plough large field • Rearing of fish by artificial mean • method of supplying water to the plants • The cultivation of flower and ornamental
Farming 2021-10-10
10 Clues: a young bird • a fowl that can swim • source food for Asians • supply water to the crops • break up the soil or sand • an animal that produces milk • an insect that produces honey • an oval thing laid by a chicken • a plant that is consumed as food • embryonic plant that needs to be sowed
Farming 2023-08-11
10 Clues: 30 • To go somewhere • Where we go to buy food • Very common fruit, often red • People who are coming to visit • Red vegetable that rabbits like • Dairy product, made from cheese • What chips and fries are made of • Green vegetable with edible leaves • Multi-coloured fruit that can be spicy
Farming 2021-02-02
- is placement of seeds in a uniform rate
- commences once the crop is ripened
- uses pressure to deposit seeds
- controls amount of weeds
- Is the application of water to crops
- provides nutrition
- is the placement of seeds
- are bugs
- is scattering seeds on top of the ground
- dressing is applied once plants have emerged
10 Clues: are bugs • provides nutrition • controls amount of weeds • is the placement of seeds • uses pressure to deposit seeds • commences once the crop is ripened • Is the application of water to crops • is scattering seeds on top of the ground • is placement of seeds in a uniform rate • dressing is applied once plants have emerged
Farming 2021-01-18
- _______ crops are sown in winter and harvested in spring.
- Mixed farming is also known as
- Farming tool used to cutting wheat crop.
- Farming done for one's own family
- Method of sowing groundnut manually
- ______________ is the rearing of silkworm for production of silk
- Practice of growing differnt types of crops in same area in different season
- ___________ agriculture is a type of commercial farming
- Name of one fertilizer
- Unwanted plants which grow with crop plants
10 Clues: Name of one fertilizer • Mixed farming is also known as • Farming done for one's own family • Method of sowing groundnut manually • Farming tool used to cutting wheat crop. • Unwanted plants which grow with crop plants • ___________ agriculture is a type of commercial farming • _______ crops are sown in winter and harvested in spring. • ...
Farming 2021-01-18
- large fields are ploughed with the help of.
- it make soil loose and soft.
- farming done to feed one's own family.
- farming which is done sides of hills or mountains.
- three eg of zaid crops.
- different types of crops grown in same area in different season.
- mixed farming is also known as.
- name any three steps of soil preparation.
- rearing of silkworms for the production of silk.
- name any two ornamental plants.
10 Clues: three eg of zaid crops. • it make soil loose and soft. • mixed farming is also known as. • name any two ornamental plants. • farming done to feed one's own family. • name any three steps of soil preparation. • large fields are ploughed with the help of. • rearing of silkworms for the production of silk. • farming which is done sides of hills or mountains. • ...
Farming 2016-01-12
- What season do farmers combine?
- What do farmers to dry the grain
- You use this machine to clear the land.
- Where do farmers keep you grain in
- this is made of oil
- this machine is used to harvest the land.
- You eat the grain sometimes.
- Farmers use this to cut the grain into swaths
- This happen when the crop gets wet and you can’t combine
- What is cereal made of
10 Clues: this is made of oil • What is cereal made of • You eat the grain sometimes. • What season do farmers combine? • What do farmers to dry the grain • Where do farmers keep you grain in • You use this machine to clear the land. • this machine is used to harvest the land. • Farmers use this to cut the grain into swaths • This happen when the crop gets wet and you can’t combine
Farming vocabulary 2018-05-25
- the system of treating diseases or conditions using very small amounts of the substances
- harrow a farm implement that is used to till the soil where crops are to be planted
- the successive cultivation of different crops
- animals, such as cows and sheep, which bring back Food from their stomachs and chew it again
- a substance added to soil to make plants grow more successfully
- another word for farming
- land covered with grass that is suitable for feeding animals on
- feed that is made of green plants and straw and contains less protein per unit
- machine to mix basal Food, concentrates and Mineral mmixture for your dairy cows
- high quality feed that consists of starch, sugar, fat and crude Protein
- to use land for growing crops
- a large piece of farming equipment used for turning over soil
- the practice of growing flowers, fruit and vegetable
- a young pig
- to produce new leaves or buds
- a machine that cuts and gathers grain
- the waste matter from animals that is spread over or mixed with the soil to help plants and crops grow
17 Clues: a young pig • another word for farming • to use land for growing crops • to produce new leaves or buds • a machine that cuts and gathers grain • the successive cultivation of different crops • the practice of growing flowers, fruit and vegetable • a large piece of farming equipment used for turning over soil • ...
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